Year: 2014

Deepak Chopra Versus Dr. Turi Secrets to a Cosmic Conscious brain

Recovered/ updated article published, January 4, 2013  


For those who know me, my UFO’s predictive legacy and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice…  Cosmic consciousness is the awareness of a cosmic God speaking his divinity through the signs and use it wisely to serve humanity!  

Introducing the world to cosmic consciousness

The world  will be soon ready for  the UFO’S reality and contemplate  working with them…  This will take place in time but sad enough the most legitimate UFO’s contactee is ignored by the UFO’s community and trashed by those who never saw, dealt or connected physically with any extraterrestrial


There’s no solid proof that any notable UFO’s speakers can offer you of a real connection with UFO’s and the divine or their  predictive legacy …  I do and here is the proof to whom who you should really hear,  read, listen and follow…  


Sun High Burning Sky Month
White Moon Speak Glory

Man Lost Challenge God In Vain
Wasted Souls Drown Fear Real 

August 7th 2017!  (48 hours centering the dates)

Entrails Upset Spit Above
Red Fire Wind Water To Dance
Stars Command Shock Science
Calm Deception To Strike


Japan / Asia / Cosmic News / NASA / Space News / Nukes / Weird news / Freak / Space / Rocket / Surprises / Explosions / Shocking / Stunning / Baffling / Incredible / Lightning / Unusual / Humanitarianism / Children / Unrest / Discovery / Science / Earthquakes (always above 6.0)  Volcanoes / Tornadoes / Airports / Aeronautics / Technology / Electricity /Television / UFO’s /Cosmic phenomenons.


Deepak Chopra: Secrets to a better brain

“I believe in reincarnation because it just makes sense!” exclaimed 10-year-old Jesse in the middle of a lesson that was on anything but reincarnation.”

 Dear Readers:

Because of the importance of those information benefiting science and humanity at large, I have decided to share yet, another educational Cosmic Code newsletter with the public. And while my cosmic wisdom is shared freely, the majority of truth seekers are deceived by various  infected organizations and their notable, cosmic unconscious speakers!  

Those who were born gifted and brushed with the Divine and ET’s are ridicule and must be muted by those who could never own the golden keys to what it means to be human and could ever dream of dealing with benevolent groups of ET’s. 

This article is dedicated to the curious souls who vibrate at our own cosmic speed and were attracted to the truth we represent! Because there are no accidents for you to land on my work, Indeed the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought and you are ready for the undiluted truth! 

Only a minority of advanced souls like  Valerie Townsend can  differentiate and appreciate  a legitimate prophet’s cosmic wisdom! 

“Dr. Louis Turi, I just watched your public talk, this one (you included the link above) the talk where you play the piano at the end. For the past year, I have been selective in those I listen to because I’ve been led away from speakers that are popular.  

But I have noticed  that the universe is showing me those to be heard. You are one. When I watched you speak and heard your message, every sentence you spoke resonated with me. You speak truth. I confess I have read some of your articles but for the first time, I watched you speak.

You mentioned how people hate you. It’s because you speak profound truth and the dark energies don’t want people to hear you. Thank you for never giving up on the unconscious humans, but I know you don’t give up. 

I chose number /// by the way when I watched you. You know what I mean by that. When you said that our leaders, our rulers are so unconscious, I know that but the way you said it hit home.

That is why I’m constantly going within my self for knowledge, truth and understanding….Those that have influence on the masses are UNCONSCIOUS. Your message teaches to go within us for truth.

That has been what source has been showing me. This talk you gave has many confirmations for me. By the way, when you played the piano, I cried. Music is the language of the source.

My answer;  “I can only appreciate another wise soul in the journey Valerie… The world is not ready for us… But hopefully will in time! My messages are much too deep for the too many young souls residing on planet earth. You are one of the rare soldiers of the light, a messenger of the Gods who also vibrate at our cosmic speed… Enjoy more of the Divine… A powerful message to the world! – 

Blessings DT

Remember my work is not for the feeble minded but a dedication to those born with an advanced UCI, curious and smart enough to bypass criticism and even their own rigid traditional education! And thousands of readers are learning from our cosmic work from all over the world (see live feed on

You’ll know the essence of a real cosmic genius only when an extreme minority can relate to his work and decides to learn from him… Dr. Turi

But remember, how can anyone speak about UFO’s when this speaker never come close or saw a UFO’s? How can anyone speak of cosmic consciousness when this “teacher” never studied the cosmic plan ( or Divine Astrology?)

In my case it was a mixture of years of study and most of all, a  direct cosmic downloading that took place in a space ship during my 4th abduction in Los Angeles on August 11th, 1991.  Yes it seems much to unreal to be be real for some, but it is! 

July 1987 – I am Alien The Final Revelation

And you can be certain, NONE of the notorious UFO’s speakers you read, follow or listen had such direct contacts with UFO’s or channel an entity named Draco!  And this is why it is important for them all to ally against me and mute me  by bashing my character and keep you from the real thing…

“Over sensitive souls who takes my supreme cosmic confidence as an ego trip, all the while missing the essence of my teachings  and my  undeniable predictions suffers both inferiority and insecurity complexes.” Dr. Turi

Being notorious does not mean owning the truth, but certainly offer wealth and allow to afford expansive advertisements  and pay your way trough competition! While the lucky ones were born with a famous parent opening the door of fame and success… I am none of those, I arrived in the US in 1984 with $50 in my pocket , no where to go and no one to help!  Read more!

Tony Robbins, is fame wisdom?
The uncomfortable truth about Gaia 

Once again If you are a Neil DeGrasse, Deepak Chopra, Tony Robbin,  James Arthur Ray or Dr. Sanjay Gupta many followers “The real reasons why Dr.Sanjay Gupta changed his mind on weed” please read  my work with an open mind because it will challenge some of you to regain crucial lost spiritual values…

This may stimulate you to realize how important it is  for you to become a Cosmic Coder, especially if you are looking for  the human mind secrets or start communicating with the real God and not the ones created by man’s religious folly! 

Do not assume anything just yet, please, be curious and  keep reading… Again because my work is well ahead of traditional science and quite challenging for some but certainly not something to laugh at!   Its the result of 67 years of a crazy life and assuming is the last thing anyone should do!

I bombarded those famous people on LinkedIn Tweeter  and Facebook accounts for months offering them my “cosmic” material (including this video) – I shared my work with a myriad of mental experts I collected from all walks of life, yet none had the decency to even reply once to my offerings. And all I got was to get fired from all major networking medias…  Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, Satan’s Minions and Dr. Turi.

Even with the incredible amount of attention my work brought to all the curious readers on LinkedIn they did not hesitate to “burn me on the stake” for trying to “educate” them… 

Hi Dr. Turi congratulations!

You have one of the top 5% most viewed LinkedIn profiles for 2012. LinkedIn now has 300 million members. Thanks for playing a unique part in our community! Recently, LinkedIn reached a new milestone: 300 million members. But this isn’t just our achievement to celebrate — it’s also yours. I want to personally thank you for being part of our community.

With sincere thanks,

Deep Nishar – LinkedIn Senior Vice President.

Facebook  has also stopped me  offering my articles on what used to be a very successful page   “I am Alien ”  and seriously  hindering my options  to post  on my new FB page!

Its time for me to let my worldwide reading audience how those monopolizing infected corporations treated me and “advertise” LinkedIn, Google and Facebook for what they are! God fearing idiots do not want me there (or anywhere,) because of the influence and respect we build and attract without paying for their advertisements…

 I am quite sure my independent lifetime work on “Astroforensics/Astropsychology” can only be perceived as an oddity to many of those highly educated people. But I am also certain many of you were born curious and with an advanced UCI allowing you to investigate and eventually conceive my work!

But as incredible as it may sound, the FBI visited twice and those four young FBI agents  missed the entire values of my “terrorists attacks” undeniable, dated, published predictions! 

Deepak Chopra’s UCI or Unique Celestial Identity , while educated traditionally, is also quite spiritual in nature. I also trust millions of people landed on an article titled “DNA versus UCI – Dr. Louis Turi“  posted 15 years ago on the Internet.  This very old article (and my bad English) somehow survived the test of time and will serve its purpose when science finally realize how far into the future I was then…

The chances of my work being read by various notable scientists, powerful political figures and those who own a position and a name in the scientific community  is quite high since I started generating articles so many years ago. In fear of the ridicule, I am also convinced I will never hear from any of them nor being endorsed for a Nobel Prize. But I know they all secretively learned something from us. 

Yes, today infantile scientific community is not ready to reward anyone for something they can not understand, see or touch! Do you know what a Nobel prize entails readers?

“A parody of the Nobel Prizes, where Nobel Prizes are given each year in early October—around the time the recipients of the genuine Nobel Prizes are announced—for ten achievements that “first make people laugh, and then make them think.” Commenting on the 2006 awards, Marc Abrahams, editor of Annals of Improbable Research, co-sponsor of the awards, said: “The prizes are intended to celebrate the unusual, honor the imaginative – and spur people’s interest in science, medicine and technology.All prizes are awarded for real achievements…

If real achievements can only measured, checked, investigated WHY DON’T THEY DO THIS WITH MY WORK?  Because it is from the future!

I underlined what I consider would fit my independent research on the cosmic code manifesto and its subtle interaction with the human psyche, but how can any of those people reading my work judge and realize the gift and values of my work when they are ALL cosmic unconscious or when I am immediately dismissed as a “psychic” and ridicule?

That is the only ridicule PRIZE I have to pay today for being the first Cosmic Cop and 50 years ahead of time…

The Chopra Foundation was created in 2009  now knowing the majority of my hits are from the US and India is second to visit my website daily,  do you think hitting him regularly and personally did not work? I don’t think there would be much doubt after reading Forbes Financial Astrology from India!

Memo from my webmaster!

Interesting email from my Webmaster sent in 2010: “You know Dr. Turi I realized something super interesting looking at your Alexa stats. A third of all your traffic comes from India. What’s that about? Maybe you need to make a trip to India? I tell you why I think that’s super interesting as well — India (as OF COURSE you know) invented Vedic Astrology so the fact that they are heavily interested in your European style is a huge testament to your work. It’s like they’re saying that YOUR astrology is better than their own. It’s like if I had a new Cuisine/US Chef site that was visited mostly by France and Italy. That’s a huge compliment my friend. Unless of course they’re stealing your work and retrofitting it into their Vedic style! You never know!”


 Thus if you use common sense my direct endless harassment on their  tweeter and Facebook accounts enunciate, I am very persistent!  So let now let me  use my famous “Dr. Turi Rebuttals” to clarify a few things in the article below and all you have to do is; use your own critical thinking…

Deepak Chopra
Deepak Chopra I was born in October

Since childhood all I wanted is to “subconsciously” find myself, learn and master the laws of both the physical and spiritual world, I am a Libra.  My lucky Dragon’s Head is in Gemini, the “Messenger of the God” the curious talking soul, the writer forced into duality by his own natal stars – (Deepak Chopra Indian-born American physician) like Dr. Turi, born in France now living in America.

Deepak Chopra Dragon’s Tail  is in Sagittarius (the codification of thoughts/books) right in his 3rd house (the mind/critical thinking) knocking out much of the curious flux needed to reach full Cosmic Consciousness. This does not mean Deepak Chopra or Dr. Sanjay Gupta (also a Libra) are idiots, but more of a walking human book loaded with information.  (Update: Note President Trump shares the same UCI!  Donald Trump President? – Dr. Turi M.D.U.S.

Their formal education is  traditional and codified, all induced by many years spent in various “accredited” colleges and Universities offering  accepted disciplines leading both men to study medicine.  In the case of  Deepak Chopra, he is much more spiritual, and with age the curious Gemini Dragons’ Head (the talker) took over balancing/mixing the accumulated information into a more spiritual /religious / metaphysical / natural healing intonation.

Chopra has written more than 65 books, including 19 New York Times bestsellers. His books have been translated into 35 languages and sold more than 20 million copies worldwide.

Knowing that I own the same  Gemini “The Messenger of the Gods” hidden Dragon, I am also an author of many books but the world is not ready for my cosmic work and I  just yet!

I was also born a writing machine and generate articles  endlessly. I am sure I wrote many more books than Deepak Chopra or Dr. Sanjay Gupta combined if you Google anything and add Dr. Turi! You will always find  an article and like them, while “cosmically” original  my work is read worldwide. 

The only difference is, I did not have the accumulated needed PhD’s from various accredited schools to be taken seriously by those who own the media, work and endorse the scientific and medical matrixes and get pay for the “educated” or religious universal indoctrination.  Gee thank you for the Internet and my “Cyber Cosmic University” allowing my own unique wisdom to reach you still readers.

While much is perceived as new age SPAM by many vicious brainless pigs, not all human beings were born idiots and the vast majority enjoy my cosmic pearls…

“Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, or they will trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.” Matthew 7:7

Editor’s note: Deepak Chopra is a mind-body expert, founder of the Chopra Foundation and a best-selling author. Hear more from him on “Sanjay Gupta MD” at 4:30 p.m. ET Saturday and 7:30 a.m. ET Sunday.

Dr. Turi Rebuttal; First let’s mention some facts! Yes Deepak Chopra is indeed, up to his neck into Astrology and like my webmaster brought to my attention in Forbes Financial Astrology from India! what are the chances for him to dig into my cosmic wisdom?

Knowing India is a highly spiritual country, immersed with Astrology, do you really think the people of India never heard of Nostradamus? And with my name directly associated with him and my well documented, dated, published predictions blasted to millions on Coast To Coast for years do you still think some celebrities like Deepak Chopra or Dr. Sanjay Gupta never opened my endless emails?

Another fact Men are from Mars, Women from Venus famous author John Gray purchased all my books, got a reading and is a Astropsychology student. Indeed he purchased my course 15 years ago after a lecture presentation I gave in San Francisco many years ago.

But will he ever endorse my cosmic work and mention my name like thousands of others did over the years? You dream reader, better yet, even David Icke,  we  used to be friends and  I served for years with endless readings and offered him every new published Moon Power books!

But as soon as you expose the truth about people you create animosity by those who knows nothing of my work, integrity and reality!  False Prophets – Will the FBI visit Dr. Turi again soon?

Did  David Icke, John Hogue,  John Gray ever endorsed my work and I? Again you dream people, instead all used all my intellectual property to RE-invent themselves with it!  But hey this is the age of technology where the information can not be controlled nor stopped and I am glad to be doing my HUGE part for this big world since 1991…

Again I do not expect any form of acknowledgements from any of those souls and Karma is a sure thing for all of us…

Continued: (CNN) – There are many books on the market that focus on treating the brain like any other organ of the body. To improve the brain, they advise eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep and avoiding toxins like alcohol and nicotine.These are sound bits of advice, but in my own book, “Super Brain,” written with professor Rudolph Tanzi of Harvard Medical School, the emphasis is on the brain’s uniqueness. The secret to improving your brain is to understand that uniqueness.

Dr. Turi Rebuttal;  And this is wonderful because we are, (or become) at the end what we eat but how is a cosmic conscious Deepak Chopra approach the subject of a SPIRITUAL DNA or deal with the human UCI or Unique Celestial Identity.

This cosmic identity is unique to each and every human human being born on earth, and with billions of different UCI are you still wondering why we agree to disagree or kill each others?

How more precise can I be when Deepak Chopra used the word Uniqueness or a wisdom that will serve the world properly in the future? Remember he is  MD, traditionally educated born with an advanced/curious  UCI and because he was born in India, he was “allowed” to reach for the stars…But like me, in so many ways, he has to be cautious not to “upset” the norm or the sensitive educated egos of the scientific community. 

Continued: The brain is the only organ that changes instantly according to how the mind relates to it. You can relate to your brain in positive or negative ways, and depending on which one you choose, your brain cells, neural pathways and areas of high and low activity will be altered.

In short, thinking your brain into better functioning is the most efficient way to improve it. (Other organs of the body also respond to positive and negative thinking, but their response must come through the brain first; it functions as command central for the rest of the body.) The best way to relate to your brain is to inspire it; the worst way is to ignore it. Since the brain embraces every thought, word and deed, the list of things under each heading is long but very much worth attending to. See which of the following applies to you.

Dr. Turi Rebuttal; The fact is Sanjay Gupta MD is logically explaining what I have exposed on a  video I posted on You Tube. This video is finally getting the attention it deserves but I do not have the celebrity status he owns to make it viral…

Imagine a second, if Sanjay Gupta produced such an advanced work on the human mind explaining the supra-conscious forces at work to the world? This is another Nobel Prize I’ll get when and if justice is done with my ingeniousness and cosmic mental gifts  but science would rather me not exist and reward only its traditionally educated  kind!

But how is it possible for me, not being “educated”  to be able to offer such a realistic challenging perception of the human mind and its “cosmic”  connection to the Supra-conscious? I guess my advantage is; I  can talk openly about the cosmic code jurisdictions  and  not suffer the “educated” reprimands in my original career!

Continued:  How to inspire your brain

Take care of stress. Avoid dulling routine. Do something creative every day. Read poetry, spiritual material or anything else that makes you feel uplifted. Take time to be in nature. Bond with another person who is heartwarming. Pay attention to being happy. Make sure you take time every day by yourself to relax, meditate and self-reflect. Deal with negative emotions like anger and anxiety. Focus on activity that makes you feel fulfilled. Give of yourself. Follow a personal vision. Attach yourself to a cause that is bigger than you are. Take the risk to love and be loved.

Dr. Turi Rebuttal;  Sanjay Gupta is finally offering the answers to the depleting minds of our children and the reasons why they are turning into monsters, or the Sally Hook results for depraving the children of  this crucial “spiritual food.”

But Sanjay Gupta did not / can not elaborate enough on what type of spiritual food they need and probably meant RELIGIONS! He can not mention the stars he consult everyday or “or anything else that makes you feel uplifted!  In his adult life,  he is able to regenerate his spirit with astrology he loves and use regularly in his daily life. But is this an inappropriate suggestion that does not fit the US traditional education and some of his “educated” peers…

  • Take time to be in nature. Nature is a must but he forget to mention human are “disconnected” from Mother Earth since industrialism became a way of life!  Human spend their lives walking in leather shoes, on concrete and wood floors, tiles, carpets,  parking lots made of  tar where they drive endless highways on tires everyday. It is from their bare feet and connecting with Mother Nature regularly than human regenerate physically –  Dogs and cats don’t wear shoes and petting them or handling plants is also a way to regenerate Dr. Sanjay Gupta you may use this tip next time you lecture and you could mention where you heard it first!
  • Bond with another person who is heartwarming: Yes this is why French is  a hugging nation ruled by Leo (love) but a child needs his mom or dad and not a stranger to fill up the heart with true regenerating love. Ask a Capricorn cold career consumed dad to hug his over emotional sensitive cancer born child! This will never happen unless they both become Cosmic Conscious and “adapt” to each others cosmic idiosyncrasies by applying the will..  Who Was Nancy Lanza and Why Adam Killed Her First!  should help the reader and so is the video posted on You tube In Memory of The Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting Victims
  • Make sure you take time every day by yourself to relax, meditate and self-reflect.  That is wonderful suggestion and we do this often… but some people will take it to the extreme and join a guru in Peru  and spend years on top of a mountain alone  ”meditating” smoking pot all day long! This is not how you gain cosmic consciousness because its is only through some serious mental gymnastics,  pain and suffering that I learned the crucial values of Astropsychology and the Astroforensics of the future.
  • If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”
  • Deal with negative emotions like anger and anxiety. In the eternal battle between logic and emotions , emotions will always win especially if stimulated by fear, anger or anxiety Dr. Sanjay Gupta. This is why the US,  own an over populated jail system with million of criminals who were never taught as children about their UCI, their destructive emotional nature and how to control them.  this is deplorable “there had been 74 school shootings in the 18 months since Sandy Hook” and I may tell you “The real reasons why Dr.Sanjay Gupta changed his mind on weed
    Your educated suggestion is as good as Neil de grasse Tyson asking ADULTS to gain an education  on the cosmos… You do not offer any plausible explanations nor teaches the cosmic code and how to handle one’s spiritual shortcoming. Instead all those lost souls are over medicated zombies ready to kill innocent people or commit suicide because this is all the results of a spiritually depraved society!

Focus on activity that makes you feel fulfilled. Dr. Sanjay Gupta a “Death Wish Generation” born child will regenerate with sex, drama and need for power, this is why you will never stop gang activity or the breeding of future monsters until you and your kind realize how crucial it is for them to gain cosmic consciousness and learn to apply their will while they are still children…

The brain can adapt and control but the parents, the teachers, the educational and political system is not yet set to heed my warnings to teach those children before, during or just after puberty…This is not only crucial but the option for science to reach all the answers to what it means to be human, especially when the scientific community  experts such as yourself are so unwilling to build cosmic consciousness.  In fact “The secret to improving your brain is to understand that uniqueness” is allowing for  the understanding of this inner cosmic phenomenon and by becoming a productive element of society and not a robot of your UCI! Your current elementary approach to the human brain shows a total disconnection with the spirit and God cosmic divinity.

  • Follow a personal vision. Attach yourself to a cause that is bigger than you are. But how can they know God’s given celestial gifts or follow the blessings of their natal karmic stars and own the Dragons rewards if no one teach them the way?  Those who need it most are either religiously poisoned or gave up on a cosmic God they know nothing of!  Its wonderful to follow a “vision” this is all I did since for ever, but I KNOW what my mission is because I can auto analyze myself accurately using the science of Astropsychology… something the scientific community and yourself Dr. Sanjay Gupta can do, if you dig deeper into my work! Now what are the chances of this to happen?
  • Take the risk to love and be loved. To me this is amazing, I have been a walking magnet for love since I can remember – There is no risk to take if like me you were born with the Dragon’s Head (from my Sagittarius rising) in the firth house of love and romance… The 5th house is the seat of attraction between human beings and I often recall why, all I had to do was to strike a gaze or engage in a conversation to be loved… It is through the science of Astropsychology, years later that I was able to acknowledge the facts of me being a lucky born “Casanova.”  There are so many people out there who inherited the tail of the dragon in some relationships houses and they became “repellent” to others. Not that I directly challenge your traditional education Dr. Sanjay Gupta but gee it is indeed VERY limited when it comes to love and attraction!  Why not taking the risk to jump out of an airplane without a parachute because this is what you are doing to the million of cosmic unconscious readers who trust your “wisdom.” OMG in what a young world did I land on Dr. Sanjay Gupta.

Where ever your Venus (love) is located in your chart as a man dictates the type of love God has in store for you and how “your soul mate” will express her true love for you…Where ever Mars ( masculinity) is located in your chart Dr. Sanjay Gupta, you will exert and show your particular masculinity while the woman you love Mars’ location depict the type of love she expect from a man… So do you really think “Take the risk to love and be loved” is  enough for your followers to find their soul mates and feel better about themselves when they are ALL, including yourself NON cosmic conscious?  But who’s to blame when the real teacher has never been there for you and them? Knowing how God designed you Universally and  cosmically is the key to establish emotional, financial and spiritual stability Dr. Gupta…But what do I know?

Continued: How to ignore your brain

Get set in your ways. Don’t look beyond your opinions, likes and dislikes. Isolate yourself from others. Take relationships for granted. Reconcile yourself to going downhill as you age. Look upon the past as the best time of your life. Forget about having ideals. Act on selfish impulses. Don’t examine what makes you tick. Give in to anger and anxiety. Let life take care of itself. Go along to get along. Assume that you are automatically right. Avoid anything new or challenging. Put up with stress. Take no emotional risks. Distract yourself with mindless diversions like watching sports for hours on end.

Dr. Turi Rebuttal:  Let me clarify the above mentioned list for you readers because I do agree with Dr. Sanjay Gupta. This is EXACTLY how my Internet “Dark List” largely made of educated experts behave…Because they all ASSUME they are right and my work is only  a “pseudo-science” Their ego is so HUGE and blind them to who and what they really are inside and stop them seeing the formidable pearls of cosmic wisdom I have to offer…The topics they can easily assimilate do not reflect a rare ingeniousness or originality, instead religions, sports and politics are the only banal topics they can delegate on radio.

Continued: The difference between these two lists is pretty stark. In one case, you are approaching the brain as if it had great untapped potential. In the other, you assume that the brain runs on automatic pilot.

Dr. Turi Rebuttal:  Unless you become cosmic conscious you are running on automatic pilot period! In fact 99.09% of human are robots, doing just that, acting out neurotically, unconsciously their UCI programmed emotions. The fact is plain to see with the endless pieces of dramatic news plaguing CNN and the endless troubles you experience everyday dealing with  another human being born with a different UCI!

Continued: It is undeniable that the brain is endlessly adaptable. It turns into whatever you expect it to be. So how you relate to your brain is never passive; you are always instructing it to function in a certain way. Thus the whole package of beliefs, expectations, likes and dislikes that you hold inside are creating change — or blocking it — at the level of brain circuitry.

Dr. Turi Rebuttal:  The brain is endlessly and differently ”computerized” from the outside “Universal Brain” and not only to a particular physical  circuitry verified by science, The brain is formidably unique to each and every human beings living on the planet. Indeed there are no many Einstein…

Continued: Needless to say, it’s better to inspire your brain than to ignore it. Potential is a terrible thing to waste. The first step in forming a better relationship with your brain is to realize that you have a relationship. Once you realize this, you can choose to pay attention to the relationship and nurture it. You are in on a secret that escapes countless people. Take advantage of it.

Dr. Turi Rebuttal: Best for last readers…  How can you aspire / inspire a computer if you do not have a human being dictating /typing on the keyboard?   The human brain is a muscle made of flesh, a sophisticated bloody computer reacting / connecting to the outside stimuli produced by God’s Universal Mind if I make can make sense.  How can you take advantage of your computer if you do not know how to handle the program or it became absolute?  You can try to repair it with surgery and this is what a great science is doing but with such limited cosmic information, but its operations can only be perceive at a physical level only.

But when a computer finally becomes absolute we replace it with a more sophisticated hardware/software, and by being curious what a human being is doing is “UPGRADING” his five limited human senses by acquiring more spiritual cosmic wisdom.  Knowing science has lost the spirit, this huge ignorance mess infringes on God’s Universal rules, and there will always be a heavy penalty to pay.. Twenty innocent kids and two adults were being assassinated because the scientific rational matrix refuses to accept  God’s cosmic divinity?  Indeed not only  Dr. Deepak Chopra and  Dr. Sanjay Gupta but this current incomplete, dry educational system has failed us all and the children are the endless victims of the educated adults lack of perception.! But it seems the majority of scientists are inclined to engage in reminiscence only on what has been accepted on the mind studies as being only scientific facts! Do they have something new to learn with Dr. Turi, you bet they do but I have a feeling that my work will only benefit the children of the future…

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi

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About Dr. Turi

Dr. Turi is a proficient author and a captivating speaker, his profound Universal Wisdom astonishes everyone. He was recognized in the 2003 Marquis “Who’s Who in America.” Dr. Turi is the personal counselor of many celebrities, Ivana Trump, Peter Fonda, Gary Busey, Denis Haysbert, John Gray and many others. Dr. Turi is a favorite guest of George Noory on Coast-To-Coast AM radio and the BBC in London and appeared in numerous television programs worldwide.He speaks of the cosmic face and celestial tools of the creator and warn the world with undeniable well documented undeniable predictions. Clinical Hypnotherapist – Astropsychologist focused on providing individual and couples counseling services. Specializing in public speaking, teaching, metaphysics, natural healing, stress management, women’ issues and family mediation services. Interested in speaking engagements, radio, television, events and media outlets, academic work, advising corporations, the police force, colleges, universities and general public on mental health issues and spirituality outside of conventional beliefs and accepted disciplines.



Shameful Waste Of US Children This is becoming the norm’ — but will anything change? NEVER Unless…


dr. turi

If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

Dalai Lama Dr. Turi

Dear Readers:

In the wake of yet another anticipated massacre, I feel like a scientist who has discovered the miraculous vaccine to save all the children from the adults’ ignorance, but I am unreachable because I am still, thousands of miles away  in the middle of the jungle…

Memo from UFO Conspiracy Against Dr. Turi –  “There is such a wealth of information which is totally discarded and even ridicule by science… This mean, its just a matter of time before another lost kid or some adults in Las Vegas,  act out, neurotically, subconsciously their incontrovertible deadly  UCI!” 

The psychology and neuroscience of terrorism by Dr. Turi 

Obama waste $100M to unlock mysteries of the brain

School shooting: Will anything change?

“Everytown for Gun Safety says there had been 74 school shootings in the 18 months since Sandy Hook.”

Oregon shooting victim a ‘sweet boy’

NO nothing will ever change because scientists keep doing the same ridiculous mind “rats experiments” and refuses to look at the human mind cosmic legacy because it is against logic or their religions and something to ridicule. Realize readers, because the scientific community can not relate to my work just yet does not make it unreal or a pseudo-science!

“The victim was a 14-year-old freshman Emilio Hoffman. Police haven’t yet disclosed the shooter’s identity – or, more importantly, what compelled him to carry out such a horrifying act”

But the police Elites are part of this immeasurable shame too, because since 1991 my “Police Requiem” warnings and options to save countless cops lives received NO attention what so ever!

This mean, the “disturbed” mind of a 14 year old kid (and so many others) challenges ALL supremely educated PhD’s and mind doctors from all walks of life and yet NO one has a plausible answers or a remedy to fix this deadly phenomenon? This is what it is…

I gave an hint to the world on how to fix this problem on the George Noory Gaiam TV show and before then, I offered all the cosmic reasons for our children to suffer a steady psychical depletion in a You Tube Video posted December 17, 2012.

But this video, like my Facebook and Twitter accounts are kept technologically “frozen” by the  Iluminati! They are making sure my lifetime work on the human mind and the cosmic code does not infringe on the scientific and religious matrixes turf. If you go to my Facebook page, you will notice one of my post received 20.208 hits and only 100 people liked my page?  Do I have to say more about all my others public profiles?

Only a few years ago all my public pages had reach its maximum of 5000 limit friends and only one, dating to my single wild days (20 years ago) remain with the correct amount of over 99000 friends. I do not use nor post any-longer there, but I can not access it anymore and serve my enemies as a mean to hurt my integrity and make me look like a jerk in the public.

Cosmic consciousness offer much of what my enemies can only dream of and envy me for!

If you think only the UFO event promoters and  a few “Talking Heads” are against me, you are wrong readers, there is an army against me, all working overtime to mute my voice and  my cosmic wisdom to reach you readers.

Remember, if you happen to know better and offer legitimate material to the public you will be despised by those who knows less, its just the low human nature at work, forcing you to stay at their pitiful level… God thanks there are countless of smart people reading and learning from all my articles…

I am soon to retire and exit the rat race mostly lead by a bunch of  “depressed rats” but I will still do what I do best in words and actions from a far away exotic location. The only good news is… while I fight the dark forces of evil, the Internet is not only getting wider and better each passing day, but will further my presence! The door to my “Cyber Cosmic University” will always be open to the curious.

Watch this video Obama: No monopoly on ‘crazy’ in the US

President says mass shootings commonplace in America He said public opinion must change or “we’re not going to change” Obama spoke as nation reacted to another school shooting — this one in Oregon (CNN) —

Our President was born under the Leo Sun  sign (children/love) with a positive Leo Dragon’s Head.  America shares also a Leo (king/fame) Dragon and Obama’s work to save children is like mine, from a total dedication and from the heart.

But like I battle my enemies daily, Obama has to battle the NRA matrix unwilling to let go of the billions of dollars at stake. What is the lives of those children to them, only insignificant collateral damage.

Much like the pharmaceutical matrix forced to pay millions in legal disputes every year by advertising deadly products. Again its only collateral damage they could not care less when they make billions on the gullible moronic, uneducated, religiously and chemically poisoned mass.

Corporate America, scientific, news-media and religious matrixes can only exist and maintained with deep fears.  Millions of people were born with Saturn (the fear principal) in different signs making fears a reality to every human beings.

For example if you were born with Saturn (fears) in Capricorn (government/political structure) you will naturally fear any form of power, particularly the government. I.e. David Icke  and all conspiracy “talking heads.”

Those people can only maintain their own matrix by stimulating more fears… And many human beings own the same Saturn (fear) position making “magnetizing” them to their material. This does not mean there is no conspiracy going on or nothing to gain following your chosen “fears promoter” because I am only exposing the stars at work and the billions of UCI’s  making the mass of followers unconscious walking robots…

  •  If you were born with Saturn (fears) in Taurus (banks/security) you will naturally fear any form of financial crash, the question is how much do you know about your Saturn location by house and sign?
  • If you were born with Saturn (fear) in Cancer, (food) you will spend all your resources and turn yourself into a prep maniac!
  • If you received Saturn (fear) in Pisces (religions) you will nurture an endless need to repent and fear spending eternity in hell and the list goes on and on…

When is the last time you went UNDER your stars and realize how you STAND in your cosmic nature? Do you UNDER-STAND me reader?

As a soul doctor, my job is to free you from your fears induced by Saturn power and turn it into productiveness instead. In fact a live Skype taped session will open your mind to your cosmic nature and change your entire perception of life and totally regenerate your body, mind and soul. Do you think I wrote all those endorsements myself or do they come from my client’s hearts?

But asking anyone to exit his/her scientific or religious safe zones and face Saturn fears is not an easy task and it can only be done when the soul is ready to move upward towards the light and ask for the truth.

I can lead many horses to the water by writing articles everyday, but at the end only a few will chose to drink at the cosmic source of pure wisdom…

Fears is what motivate and stimulate people to act or freeze them right in their tracks… “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms” has to be respected! I would hate losing this right and all my guns but what do you think the old wise men who wrote the constitution so many years ago meant?


Image result for a k 47


Yes time have changed but the human psychical status is still stuck 2000 years ago! The physical world, through science built all those marvelous, deadly, accurate weapons, while the spirit is still stuck into archaic religious teachings…  Evolution is rapid but not with the spirit is seems…

Taking the guns away is not the answer, knife, cars, hammers, machetes even a screw driver can be used to kill too! Thus the problem resides in handling weapons and/or allowing lost souls to access them and go on rampage with them.

So how do you fix this situation and make everybody happy?  Again the eternal battle between conservatives and liberals or religious and Atheists born! All are robots regurgitating their fears and totally oblivious of the subtle cosmic scheme of things above!

OMG! In what a young unconscious world did I land on?  Indeed the realization of a universal cosmic God would bring the balance, love, peace and respect for all, but humanity has more work to do to benefit from such future blessings.

When I was living in Europe, the very word or sight of a gun used to terrify me but since I moved to the US,  I understood and used them carefully. This changed my fear into respect handling those dangerous tools.  Billions of people are everyday driving moving weapons of all sizes on the road but all were trained to use them carefully. Still, ” Acts of God” and accidents that could be avoided will always happen…

There are still people terrified to drive a car or even board a plane, it is the location of your Saturn (fears) that will dictate your inner fears. If the restrictive power of the Great Malefic Saturn (fear) afflict the progressive sign of Aquarius, you will fear open space, lightnings, flying, elevator, new Age matters, UFO and Dr. Turi!

But how can you rationalize and control/turn your fears around if no one teaches you? Indeed you have so much to gain from me if those fears consume your life, because at the end, the Supra-conscious  will take them all as WISHES!

Thoughts are things, the more you unconsciously “feed evil” the more power to the devil to mess up your life and alter the good working of your body. But do not expect to be taught metaphysics reality in your Sunday schools because the religious or scientific matrixes (atheists) won’t let you go that easily!

In the case of many “born killers” fear of rejection, fear of the future, fear of life itself lead to a lack of self esteem and become a disproportionately nightmare that usually get out of control. There is no positive cosmic food or spiritual grounding available but medications or the bible which can only make matter worse with time. Some lost kids and adults will kill because the devil told them so, and you need to considerate this fact because it is!

The problem America’s children face today is purely psychical and traditionally educated mind doctors (or priests) are non-cosmic conscious and can only make the situation worse prescribing anti-depressants or the bible to read to those kids. There is so much more readers you know nothing about and learning here with me!

Much of the reasons for young killers to act out their fears are very similar in nature, primarily a lack of self esteem! Some will be bullied to the point of committing suicide to punish their heartless perpetrators or turn their anger outwardly and become the Adam Lanza monsters.

Obama waste $100M to unlock mysteries of the brain

What has been done by our President and science to fix this deplorable mess, NOTHING! Regardless of the immense fortunes being wasted on science investigating “rats depression! Like Humans, Rats Experience Regret, Study Suggests?

Human are not rats and I can only ask the scientific community, again and again to stop looking thought the microscope at rat brain tissues and instead look above, in the Universal mind for the answers they are enslaved to uncover! But how do I reach them knowing they have absolutely no clues of what I am talking about? Now do you understand how I feel reader ?

“In the wake of yet another anticipated massacre I feel like a scientist who has discovered the miraculous vaccine to save all the children from the adults’ ignorance, but I am unreachable because I am still, thousands of miles away  in the middle of the jungle…”

Student kills another at school

 Shooting at Oregon high school Student’s parent: We just panicked! Obama said the United States was the only developed country on Earth where mass shootings occur with regularity, adding that “if public opinion does not change, we’re not going to change.”

Obama added that politicians from both parties were “terrified” of the National Rifle Association, saying the organization was well-funded and able to influence elections to prevent any significant new gun regulations from becoming law.

DT Rebuttal: That’s all students and teachers can do, PANIC and run for their lives! Changing the public opinion will never work because the media and the NRA matrix own too much support, money and power.  What need to change is the US Department of Education’ perception and instead of firing bad teachers ADD the good ones. This mean good teachers will be allowed to learn and teach Astroforensics or Astropsychology to all their students!

U.S. schools chief calls California ruling ‘a mandate’ to fix tenure, firing laws

Los Angeles (CNN) — A California judge ruled as unconstitutional Tuesday the state’s teacher tenure, dismissal and layoff laws, saying they keep bad teachers in the classroom and force out promising good ones.

Obama also rejected the contention that mentally ill people were the reason for mass shootings, saying “the United States does not have a monopoly on crazy people … and yet we kill each other in these mass shootings” at much higher rates than other countries. His comments came while taking questions online about education, and as the nation reacted to another deadly school shooting — this one near Portland, Oregon, on Tuesday. Fast Facts: U.S. school violence.

Ultimately readers, the experts and our President have no clues because they ALL HAVE FORGOTTEN WHAT IT MEAN TO BE A CHILD, to feel like one, to reason like one and to behave like one.  How can I remain modest and be allowed to save US children when my disgraceful  Internet enemies were all born with an undeveloped UCI? Because you or the experts can’t relate to my work does not mean it is worthless…

Who wants to hear the undiluted truth about himself and who’s willing to face its own psychical imitations when my cosmic ingeniousness, my direct approach to life and confidence is interpreted as an ego trip by over-sensitive insecure people?    I can not blame them for being human can I?

I know so many concerned parents and countless powerful people in position of power are reading my work everyday and FEEL with me the “educated/egocentric” evil of ignorance stopping my cosmic wisdom reaching your children and the US Department of Education.

Asking you to help is all I can do but this is all I did since 1991 and since then, I saw only more kids killing each others, killing their  own parents and end up committing suicide!  WHEN WILL IT END?

NEVER readers NEVER! unless you acknowledge my mission and, like me dedicate yourself to change the educational system. I was not and probably never will be part of any future presidential discussions on education because this is how God cursed me.

While I own the golden key to salvage the spirit of the children, I would probably become the laughing stock to this mass of unconscious educated human beings cursed to watch their children psyche deteriorate further each passing day!

I am today, close to 50 years into the future! I can only hope your children will realize the mistakes of all the “educated/accredited” adults, teachers and experts of the mind alike, unable to think and reason like a child!

So much for the 7 years of college spent reading so many books that do not fit the present nor the future anymore! Its pass the time to think and act differently readers…

Getting rid of the guns, adding more security, investing in more religious buildings, more psychiatric hospitals, more prisons and medicating the children and the adults or spending vast fortunes on dead rat brains is NOT the answer! The answer is less costly and quite simple but obvious only to my students and I, but not to the rest of the world just yet!

Oregon shooting: ‘This is becoming the norm’ — but will anything change?

It is only when I see my first Astroforensic/Astropsychology school operational or when my lifetime independent work on the human psyche is introduced to the US Department of Education and accepted as a serious discipline by all that I will have faith for the children of  humanity!

Meantime, as I wrote so many times now;  “There is such a wealth of information which is totally discarded and even ridicule by science… “its just a matter of time before another lost kid or lost desperate souls act out, neurotically, neurotically their incontrovertible deadly  UCI!” 

I am proposing those changes and they are the ONLY ONES that will bear its fruits in the long run and I need your help yesterday because the next psychically degenerated kid is lurking around, and it could be yours!

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. We will not solve the problems of the world from the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. More than anything else, this new century demands new thinking: We must change our materially based analyses of the world around us to include broader, more multidimensional perspectives.” 

~Albert Einstein*

Give us a chance to make sense to their lives,  to ground their spirit, to offer them a reason to be because it is NOT normal for any kid to kill others or commit suicide, something is VERY wrong readers! Do not expect religion, science or your President to come up with the right answer and realize what I am up against!


Oregon shooting victim a ‘sweet boy’

Please contact George Noory and ask him to have me on the air again before we move to a foreign land…Though, I can do the radio from anywhere. I really need to talk about children and education today,  this is how you can really help me to reach more people and help the children. Once more watch George Gaiam short TV show

 – Author Dr. Louis Turi explains the importance of spiritual education in our evolving world. How can children comprehend a world that has evolved years before them? Will spirituality play a role in the decline of the human race? Find out more by watching the full episode at and sign up for your free 10-day trial – 

Thank you all



Sharing emails:

From: Judith
Sent: Saturday, June 07, 2014 9:22 PM
To: Noory, George
Subject: Dr. Turi
Hello Mr. Noory,

I wanted to ask you if you can have Dr. Turi back on your show please? He always has so much to tell us and it’s important information.



UFOs Conspiracy Against Dr. Turi


”For those who know my UFO’s predictive legacy, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice… If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!  Dr. Turi 

July 1987 – I am Alien The Final Revelation

Dear Readers;  Note this old article has been updated following my ET psychical transmutation.

It is abominable to have so many UFO organizations in a position reaching and warning humanity, yet all are avoiding me like the pest! But the karmic celestial forces involved are well above all unconscious players, including myself!

“When a true Mj12 UFO contactee appears in this world you may know him by this sign that all other UFO’ speakers and organizations are all in confederacy against him”  Dr. Turi

I tried a few times to engage with the  UFO’s conference promoters  yet, not a single reply came my way!  I was anticipating meeting some old friends like George and Tom!

I would not dare biting the hands of those  responsible for my notoriety in the UFO community, because I am sure, it is against CTC  regulations to avoid me on the air on George’s radio show.  My work is much too controversial and my predictions too real even for clear channel it seem.

Not that I really need anyone though. My brand new FB page, born May 23rd 2015 is getting tons of attention because of the educational and veracity of the content my ET friend “Draco” is generating all over the world. Update Facebook and Google are seriously muting me and I can not post anymore on this page!

UFO experts from all walks of life are offering great information to their audience but my UFO cosmic legacy  and my ET Draconis host offer real predictions and subliminal, spiritual messages.  Indeed the conspiracy against me is alive and strong, and not only with the government keeping the UFO phenomenon under the blanket! 

Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, Satan’s Minions and Dr. Turi

Remember I am all about the truth, something many people can not handle or perceive as an ego trip. This explain why so many people hate me. I have no fear and as a legitimate truth seeker, I honor and speak only the undiluted truth. Something many would rather ignore. And this is why I am ignored and “muted.”

Even in my own city in Phoenix, “The International UFO congress Administration,” do not show an “An Open Mind” with Dr. Turi!   Read more in  UFO – An Open Mind Production, Conspiracy and Dr. Turi

Not all UFO speakers you listen to, have had close encounters and those who own something tangible like I do are very rare. While many roads lead to Rome, not all types of UFO’s information is appreciated but should be investigated by all.

My intent is not to diminish anyone’s intelligence but point out some facts that; the majority of those well known speakers NEVER ever saw a flying saucer nor dealt with UFO’s or ET’s closely and physically like I did! Nor do they channel an ET entity from the constellation of Draco offering undeniable predictions. All you have to do is to investigate my claims and read my  blog!

Image result for reptilius

Dr. Louis Turi’s UFO and Alien Abduction Experiences


I own the predictive legacy left by those ET’s and not just words and I also offer the solid proofs!

I am rejected by so many UFO organizers because they see me as an Astrologer after visiting my website  or because my expertise as a light worker is to expose the undiluted truth about “Friends and Foes.”  Anyone can talk about UFO’s. There are many books and UFO YouTube videos  and again, many of those experts never saw or dealt physically nor felt the anguish of being “blessed/cursed” with a cosmic legacy.

As soon as you are unique and show real “magic” powers, be sure to be envied or ignored!  Unlike David Icke, I arrived in the US as an illegal Alien in 1984 with nothing, I was homeless and totally destitute. But against all odds and all my enemies, I speak and own the magic left by 4 UFO experiences (and now an ET ally working through my psyche) they could only dream about!


The REAL “International UFO Congress” creator Bob Brown  loved me but unlike the new Phoenix based management, dealing with UFO cases like mine and warning the attendance of future disasters is meaningless! To them I am nothing else than astrologer making predictions! My perception of the future and what should be done to avoid humanity self- destruction via the reptilius group is in my, and  the Draconius ET’s agenda, but not in theirs…

Prophecy & the Cosmic Code with Dr. Louis Turi
Introducing the world to God New Cosmic Consciousness

My connection with Bob and his family was close and their motivation to have me speak at their events, was not only financially oriented. I served Bob’s family for years with my cosmic wisdom and they related to me.

Indeed the majority of lecturers who pretend to know about UFO are the least knowledgeable of the subject!  This does not mean there is no legitimacy with certain other well read older speakers I know  i.e. Jordan Maxwell, but  they are also discarded and eliminated.

I thought, offering the undiluted truth will never work for me and can only create more animosity against Dr. Turi for sure!

I am soon to retire and my cosmic wisdom lead me to own a world wide presence on the Internet,  assuring me a long lasting, rewarding career.  People from all walks of life have experienced and benefited from my UFO predictive legacy and many more are learning from my ET friend on his FB page. Unlike some UFO conferences promoters, many of our readers do not feel threatened by my uniqueness and appreciate the warnings and the teachings…

While I have real warnings, a cosmic God and the Galactic Federation Grand Cosmic Order decides me not.

In all the affairs of this world, the underdeveloped sub – humans will always show an insecurity complex by removing the real competition. I am too “out there” and real, to exposing and too egocentric for their liking, that is the excuse to mute me. There is nothing else because asking those people to perceive my UFO predictive legacy or accept my ET’s friend psychical ordnance and heed my warnings is simply impossible for them to assimilate!

“When a true UFO contactee appears in this world you may know him by this sign that the  cosmic unconscious dunces are all in confederacy against him” — Dr. Turi

Thus we rely on our International cosmic cyber university to warn readers and ask them to share my work. Then my words and premonitions will not only make more sense then but will speak of my TRUE connection with ET’s.

Do not assume, do not feel the way they do, do not make the same mistake they did with me, here is your solid chance for me to give you the proof of my UFO legacy enhanced with Draco now!  Share my articles written by a legitimate UFO contactee and why the forces of evil are working hard and together to mute me.

Before elaborating on Las Vegas detrimental police shooting and offer the readers the real reasons behind yet, another massacre, I have a question for you!

Would you rather spend your taxes dollar uncovering the reasons why sick human kill cops in Las Vegas or spent those precious resources wondering why rats apparently suffer depressions! Yes the scientific matrix “educated” kids at work, wasting time and our money!

If those nerds are not building robots to go to Mars, they spend their time wondering about rats getting depressed when we are all working hard to make a living. God thanks we aren’t all idiots!


Just as humans lament not pursuing a lover or bemoan having eaten that extra slice of chocolate cake, rats may experience feelings of regret, too, new research…

“Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former.”  (Albert Einstein) 

In so many ways this symbolizes not only the ridiculousness of our infantile  neuroscience but also NASA waste of money spent on ridiculous Mars missions. Indeed its time for you to learn more about the masquerades of the scientific matrix!

I am wondering of the age group of those non-cosmic conscious traditionally “educated” kids and those God fearing “bible heads” endlessly feeding evil to their readers through archaic religious material.

 Indeed the world has gone mad!

Depressions can only hold you if you do not regenerate your spirit constructively and give in to your fears, guilt, insecurity and take antidepressants or smoke pot regularly.

There are  a UNIQUE way for ALL human beings to avoid  the reptilius domination and regenerate. NOT a single human being spiritual DNA (or UCI/cosmic nature) is the same! Regeneration means elimination of the evil that consumes you by falling into a psychical trap you, somehow attracted.

Much like stuffing yourself endlessly with mayo and fat hamburgers, it is just a matter of time before suffering a heart attack or in this case,  suffer ET’s invasive “panic attacks!”

 All evil reptilius needs to eliminate you is; your cosmic ignorance and suffer one of your  and you either kill or be killed by someone else… But what do I know? Tracy Morgan critically injured in car accident, it could have been avoided!

But the worse part of my day is; the mass of morons unwillingness or inability to benefit from my dedicated daily cosmic wisdom flowing freely to them… All a pin head can see is SPAM…

If the beast as a soul, those invaded “depressed moronic rats” represents the mass of envious villains in all its splendor trying so hard to mute or destroy me.


“Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.” Matthew 7.6

The religious fanatics and the dry atheists!

So many articles are generated everyday to the public by religious contaminated souls who have NO experience with benevolent ET’s, the divine, hypnotherapy, psychotherapy, astropsychology and Astroforensics of the future at work right here!

The cosmic wisdom needed to understand what it means to be human or ET’s is nowhere to be found in their “accredited” traditional education and, trust me, it will never be found looking through the tissue brain of a “depressed” rat!  But if the captain of a vessel does not know nor follow the stars to guide him, where will his voyage end and can it even start?

“A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order” Nostradamus 

But kids today are not trained to think this way, instead looking down through a microscope will make them miss the marvelous divinity of a Cosmic God in charge of the human brain and its complex psychical cosmic designs…

They have yet to realize the Universal Mind is interconnected with the human mind, regulated by the 12 commissioned Majestic on earth, yet unaware they are the children of the Universe.

Indeed its all written in the stars above, but  I can not help to wonder how Neil deGrasse Tyson “Cosmos” feels about ET’s if or he ever read the cosmic composition of the human psyche found in the  human karmic UCI.

So much for a soulless cosmos deprived of a God cosmic spirit Neil Degrasse’s, you are doing so much for humanity psychical welfare! And like all scientists, you are now a target of ET’s.

“Some people say once we understand how the brain processes information and thereby causes behaviour, there’s nothing left over for the person to do.”

There is still a bit of truth in the nonsense above… We all know, in the battle between logic and emotions, emotions will always win and you will always lose. This is why the nefarious reptilius ET group use your deep emotional fears! This also explain why our prisons are overloaded with millions of overmedicated criminals and we pay for much for it!

I keep telling science;  it is important to insert a form of control before, during or just after puberty when educating the children on their inherited cosmic identities.  Trusting a false man made God, induced by the religious matrix or adding more retired cops, more guns and more technological security will never fix a “psychical” problem created by science and religions! 

Let me rephrase this for the people of the future once the scientific community realize their rat ridiculous experiments will never offer the real answers…

Those people will say… “Thanks Dr. Turi,  now that we understand the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, ET’s interaction with the human brain processing information, causing all  behaviors, there’s so much control available and so much more for the person to do.”

Watch 2012 Mayan Cosmic Code Activation

Dr. Louis Turi’s Predictions for 2011/2012 (Correctly Predicted 9/11, Hurricane Katrina and more)

2016 Neptunius Draconis Predictions (public)
2014/2015 Arian Draconis Predictions  (public)
2012/2014 Scorpius Draconis Predictions (public)

Tons of psychology clinical degrees advertisements on radio and television are designed to lure new students concerned with the secrets of life. But I can assure you, all those unconscious  educated kids will do, is to prescribe medications and still wonder how the mind of their patient works once it has been impregnated by the reptilius or the insectius deadly ET groups.

Finding your cosmic identity is a must to regenerate your spirit, My Astroforensic /Astropsychology course will offer you so much more because you will not be trapped into today’s controlling, incomplete educational matrix refusing the reality of extraterrestrials!

 Billions of people were born with earthy planets or the planet Mercury (the mind) in signs such as Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus. Those souls were born to deal, preserve and build or destroy this dense physical world through science or politics i.e. Hitler.

There is no room for the weak religiously minded or the creative dreamers and this is what produce atheism.  On the other hand, billions of people were born with many watery planets or Mercury (the mind) in signs such as Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer.

Thus feelings built by intense emotions regiment their world and used by ET’s.  Every human being is born with a Unique Celestial Identity that stimulate all human sins and virtues and make  human a perfect target for the vile forces of the universe.

Some souls were born to deal, preserve and build the spirit, promote the arts through their great imaginative emotions, i.e. Mozart. In the case of Adam Lanza, his over emotional Cancer Dragon’s Tail lead him to an infectious abduction and reach his cold, calculated Capricorn Dragon Tail (Hitler) and act upon it.  Did you watch the video yet? 

There is such a wealth of information about ET’s which is totally discarded and even ridicule by science… This mean, its just a matter of time before another lost kid or some adults in Las Vegas,  act out, neurotically, neurotically their envenomed deadly  UCI!

Update: 06/10/2014 – I only had to wait until the very next day –  2 dead in Oregon school shooting


“Heil Hitler” 2014 Arian Draconis World Predictions  

Update 06/09/2014 – Flag and swastika left on slain officer’s body

The pair who fatally shot two Las Vegas police officers and one civilian before taking their own lives Sunday are believed to be a married couple who possessed white supremacist paraphernalia and spoke of targeting police officers.

 Will the police ever learn?

“Heil Hitler” 2014 Arian Draconis World Predictions

posted to the world June 12, 2013  



German/Vikings Skin Alike
Black and White Red Blood 
Fire War Violence  Passions Rule
God No where To Stop Fires

  Hitler’s Evil spirit reborn

“This dragon is all about IDENTITY and RACE  and will induce many reform with emigrations, build walls between the US and other countries and revamp ALL that involve emigrations and foreigners  moving to the US.”

Until we bring the world together under ONE GOD, more lost souls .i.e. Adam Lanza and so many others will keep degenerating, fall into depression, dementia, and commit suicide by killing others (and the police!)


August 9/10/11 2014

Entrails Upset Spit Above
Red Fire Wind  Water To Dance
Stars Command Shock Science
Calm Deception To Strike

Cosmos News / Nukes / Weird news / Freak / Space / Surprises / Explosions / Shocking / Stunning / Incredible / Rare / lightning / Unusual  /  Rare / Humanitarianism / Discovery / Science / Earthquakes (always above 6.0) / Volcanoes / Tornadoes / NASA / Aeronautics / Technology / Cyber / Japan / Television / UFO.



A true leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way. John C. Maxwell

Any days now I will stop feeding the public with my cosmic pearls of wisdom, join us while you can to show your support for my work!  

Thank you – DT


L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

listen to my latest radio show with Jerry – US/world
listen to my latest radio show with Ted – US/world
listen to my latest radio show with Rob – Canada/world

 Endorse my work! Help all the children of the future!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit

Questions? Help?  E-mail: 



The Wrath of God, the Beast, Pope Francis, Obama and August 2014 SOS To The World Prediction


“Universal Laws are written in light through the signs – Cosmic Consciousness is… the awareness of God’s celestial divinity and use it wisely to read the future and help others build emotional, financial and spiritual stability!” Read the future –  Watch the future!

Dear Readers;


Any cosmic event such asteroid, “Monster asteroid slated to zoom past Earth on Sunday” solar flares, blood moons etc. are signs sent by God’s cosmic divinity, ONLY those who are cosmic conscious or born with a spiritually gifted UCI can translate.


Human are not idiots, anyone can build cosmic consciousness, but it is not by spreading religious fears and feeding evil endlessly that you will raise your spirit to the reality of a cosmic God working his magic in the cosmos

The proof of my talents as a real Prophet is available to the curious and in this article, once again, I will offer the skeptical readers the option to judge my claims. Patience and observations is the key but you will have to click on the many offered links to learn more.

It is only by looking at a well documented, dated, published record of predictions, any smart human being can make the difference between a real prophet “Four blood moons” April 15/16/17 and 23/24/25 2014 Cardinal Grand Cross Predictions or a religious fanatic lost soul subconsciously feeding EVIL!

Any time such a cosmic even transpire, the “Christian imagination” inflames by propagating the signs of the cross appearing in the heavens!”  Using Photoshop or technology” has and will always pop up with various bible verses spilling more fears “subconsciously” feeding EVIL! .

This is simply offering more power to Satan himself, something many of my readers are learning through my cosmic teachings.  Yes I battle daily for a cosmic God full of light, love, wisdom against a false God induced by the religious matrix jailing the human spirit for over 2000 years now…

“It’s HERE NOW! God/Luciferian Cabal’s Global Enslavement of Humanity: Have You Been Caught In Its Grip? “

The sad reality is; ALL God fearing souls are totally oblivious and constantly supports, promote and feed this psychical forces of  Evil. Something I am trying so hard to explain through a little video titled  “Dragon Supra-Consciousness” to a growing mentally unaware atheist and/or religious growing society!

 I feel like the picture above, Jesus (wisdom/love/positivism)  fighting Satan ( negativism / ignorance / fears) trying to make you aware that; you have been made at the image of God, and you own the same creative/ destructive powers within your thoughts and soul.

A choice has been giving to you to fight cosmic ignorance and your religious fears and yet, you are not aware of a false punishing God disguised as Satan!

Meantime apart from the usual wave of fearful imagination, Christians’ false God never did nor will give Satan children (those who endlessly promote negativity) the option to read the signs accurately to warn others accurately!

I will talk to you, you won’t hear me, I will present myself to you, you won’t see me” –  “Because they are seeing, they see not; and hearing, they hear not; neither do they understand the voice of heaven.”

– Matthew 13.13

Im not sure how I ended up there, but I  am part of a Christian website lead by  Lyn & Lisa’s War On Hell. I can’t help to wonder how old those two young/unconscious scared souls truly are,  30, 40 years old or much younger? I see their UCI being born in January, September or October but none will give me their DOB.

Remember its against their religion to deal with God’s creation and read the stars and the future… But aren’t they doing just that? But it seems sacred Christian rule does not apply to them, only for Dr. Turi… See the irony?

I am a very old “Soul Doctor” reincarnated to help humanity spiritual welfare, this is my mission. Those two religiously poisoned scared little  girls, and ALL the people attracted into their “subconscious” evil dance are the victims of the religious matrix jailing their spirits!

They unwillingly, unconsciously became some of Satan most active soldiers and the evil negative grip consume / curses their mind, body and soul every second of their lives. Then the same very mental poisoning is perpetuated to all their false God fearing readers…

Meantime, the chances for any of them to acknowledge, remedy and stop following and feeding evil is very remote. But as mentioned above, not all human beings are idiots and some will own their own salvation with me today!

This is why, I can not be blamed for humanity cosmic ignorance and its upcoming total self destruction within fifty years from today. This will be the result of millions of unaware scared young souls misusing forces they know nothing about, because the Bible does not teach cosmic wisdom and the reality of a Cosmic God above!


Gunmen kill 2 police officers, another person and themselves in Las Vegas


Militants attack Karachi airport; 10 dead

Scepter of my 2014 Moon Power  for SAT., SUN., MON., TUE., WED, THU., FRI. — JUNE 7, 8, 9, 1 0, 11, 12, 13 :

RULERS — Pluto (Death/Drama) and Jupiter (Religion/Foreigners)

Work, Career and Business: You are now walking on fire!  You’d better use all the “savoir faire” you know if you are to go through this lunation without trouble.  A serious wake-up call will come to many abusers, as the heavy hand of karma will fall on them.    Businesses or corporations will be forced into restructures, and those who don’t fit the bill will have to go.  The possibility to lose (and rebuild) it all will be a serious consideration for some karmic souls.  Not a time to deal with money matters; keep a low profile until the next New Moon.

Partnerships: The offensive secret life of a person may surface; you may learn something valuable about a partner.  Whatever you find out, do not divulge the secret. Stinky moneymaking schemes will play an important part of this trend; listen to your intuition in all you do.  Stay clear of dark alleys; for some unlucky soul, your life hangs upon your awareness and your personal cosmic biorhythms.   Many people will learn the hard way these days.

Family and Friends: Do not expect friends or relatives to be diplomatic during this trend, especially if the family is experiencing financial stress.  Do not fall for Pluto’s destructive or sarcastic remarks; words of love and support will pay off in the end.  Be ready for dramatic news from someone close to you.  Whatever happens, be strong; life must go on as Pluto has important work to do and he is part of a celestial design imposed by God.  Time to further my work and offer knowledge to those you care for by letting them read Moon power.

Love Affairs: Secret affairs of sex and passion may be divulged to the public, forcing people to take a stand in destroying and rebuilding relationships.  This might happen to you too.  In any case use tons of diplomacy to save unwanted trouble in your love life.  If you are a water sign or have any planet in Scorpio, be ready for a wake-up call of some form.  Stay clear of any new relationship and stick with the old one or refrain from social interaction until the New Moon and you will be safe.

Travel and Communication: Expect news pertaining to secrets, sex, the police force, and medical discoveries.  Be careful of what you do or say during this trend.  Drive carefully; stay clear of strangers and strange places.  Be ready for dramatic news to disturb the media.  Militants attack Karachi airport; 10 dead

Environment: Pluto will have fun destroying it all, remember he belongs to the divine celestial family and has a specific work to do.  His dramatic impact on earth (and people) is needed.  What Pluto demolishes he also gives the opportunity to rebuild even stronger and better.  Be ready for dramatic news with the police and nature’s forces soon.

From: /// Thu, 1 May1997 23:43:29-0500(CDT)- To: – Subject: Earthquakes — Dear Dr. Turi, I posted a note on alt.astrology that cited the 6.7 quake off the coast of Mexico in the Pacific Ocean.  I included it under the rather “nasty” piece of mail that someone sent indicating that they believed your window of probability for April 30 to be invalid.  Not that I think you need defending, as I have found your work very compelling.  I just thought I’d let you know — in case you didn’t — that you were “right again.”  On the late night of April 30, the 6.7 quakes took place.  Mary.

Famous Personalities: Some famous people will be called back to God.  Many famous spoiled children get involved with the wrong crowd and some are found shot to death along a road.   Pluto cares not and deals with the famous the same way he would for you. CNN) — Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton fainted during a luncheon speech Monday in upstate New York, citing a 24-hour virus, but she recovered and resumed her public schedule. NEW YORK (AP) — Ossie Davis, the actor distinguished for roles dealing with racial injustice on stage, screen and in real life, has died, an aide said Friday. NEW YORK (AP) — Ossie Davis, the actor distinguished for roles dealing with racial injustice on stage, screen and in real life, has died, an aide said Friday. He was 87.

Events: Hopefully knowledgeable Jupiter will slow Pluto’s rampage and thirst for blood. Under his power many jealous souls lose control and kill or injure people and the police always make the news. Gunmen kill 2 police officers, another person and themselves in Las Vegas 

Nature also goes out of order. CNN 03/29/05 – Indonesian officials report 330 people are dead on the islands of Nias and Simeulue off Sumatra from Monday’s quake.  SALEM, Oregon (AP) — A man ran into the nearly empty Oregon Senate chamber Monday and sat at the podium for nearly an hour, holding a 12-inch butcher knife to his chest, before police arrested him. FORT WAYNE, Indiana (AP) — — An elephant being loaded onto a truck trampled a circus animal trainer to death at Memorial Coliseum, police said. CNN) –

Shopping: All water and earth signs will see important parts of their businesses or financial lives taking a specific direction within this lunation.  In addition, Jupiter is with us too, so the worst might be avoided under his protection.  A visit to your local church to pray for Pluto’s victims will do you well.  Do not invest in weapons; if you do, you might have to use them later.  Anything bought now that can be used for metaphysics will bring unusual power to you.

I made specific predictions for August 2014, not because it has 5 Sun/Mon and Sat’s and this happens once every 823 years, but because  August cosmic essence is quite strong! It took 64 years of my life to learn how to hear, see and read the signs through God’s cosmic divinity and through this calendar I can decipher the cosmic hieroglyphs at work.

Calendar August 2014

Sun Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat
1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30

August 9/10/11 2014

Entrails Upset Spit Above
Red Fire Wind  Water To Dance
Stars Command Shock Science
Calm Deception To Strike

Cosmos News / Nukes / Weird news / Freak / Space / Surprises / Explosions / Shocking / Stunning / Incredible / lightning / Unusual Humanitarianism / Discovery / Science / Earthquakes (always above 6.0) / Volcanoes / Tornadoes / NASA / Aeronautics / Technology / Cyber / Japan / Television / UFO.


“In a world where political leaders assign themselves to religious archaic convictions and trust its infantile scientific community only extreme stupidity can plague the rest of humanity.” Dr. Turi

Things are heating up quickly as Pope Francis, Israeli President Shimon Peres, and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas join at the Vatican to celebrate Pentecost in a united prayer of the world’s three religions.

Cosmic unconscious souls (Satan unconscious evil soldiers) believe the intention of this prayer is to UNITE Jews, Christians, and Muslims into accepting a unified One World Religion and the Vatican is in it!And of course the asteroid and a cross in the heavens is the obvious sign of  the impending wrath of God.

“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life.  Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom. ~ Paracelsus

In reality its the wrath of Satan! because my cosmic God do not promises eternal hell nor kill his children, instead he allows them to use their will and cosmic wisdom to alter the  current negative thoughts flux and the predisposed course of destiny! WATCH AGAIN!

Indeed Pope Francis, Israeli President Shimon Peres, and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas are meeting for political/wealth/control reasons and are no different, nor better equipped psychically than Lyn, Lisa, and 99.999% of the rest of the world endlessly feeding evil with fears!

“We are at a critical turning point! Could this meeting be the unification of the world’s three religions into a One World Religion?”

  • Indeed it is the birthing of a ONE WORLD RELIGION , but not as the followers of so many false Gods all over the world can conceive just yet…
  • It is the beginning of the end for religions as humanity perceive them, this is the end of  a myriad of false Gods cursing humanity into endless religious battles widening separatism and stimulating atheism. Atheists & Christians, God is Really Pissed Off At You!
  • This is the end as promised by all the signs I collected last few years, all speaking of the glory of a true cosmic God slowly imposing his divinity  through the cosmos our infantile science knows nothing about! Neil deGrasse Tyson “Cosmos” Versus Dr. Turi Cosmic Code Reality Show
  • This is just the beginning of humanity perception and realization of “Our Cosmic Father in the Heavens.”  The end of the deceptive Age of Pisces and the beginning of the burgeoning Age of Aquarius offering the true identity of the 3 wise men as cosmic conscious space travelers or ET’s Astrologers!

UFO”s Are Very Real  –  And So Is The Legacy! – What Did They Do To Me?

11/2015-02/2017 End of All Religions

Now would you trust two of the billions of scared little girls unconsciously endorsing negativity, fears, insecurity, lack of hopes, a fiery end for humanity and the essence of evil endlessly spewed on their websites, or a 64 year old real Prophet with real cosmic power talking to God daily through the signs? 

All you have to do is to make notes of August 9/10/11 2014 then, do your part to help me stop feeding evil and fears by sharing my work to those looking for real answers.  And if you did not yet,  join my Cyber Cosmic University  because  you will then realize the divine connection I own with my cosmic God when I translate the signs for YOU personally every months of the year.

ANY DAYS NOW, I will STOP posting for the public and only those who ask will receive the true essence of a real cosmic God!



L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

listen to my latest radio show with Jerry – US/world
listen to my latest radio show with Ted – US/world
listen to my latest radio show with Rob – Canada/world

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 


Tracy Morgan critically injured in car accident, it could have been avoided!


Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom.

~ Paracelsus

Tracy Jamal Morgan is an American actor and comedian known for his eight seasons as a cast member on Saturday Night Live and for his role as Tracy Jordan on the TV series 30 Rock. 

 Born November 10, 1968, Tracy Jamal is a Scorpio,  as expected from similar CNN dramatic news involving celebrities, Tracy Morgan suffered one of his 2014 personal negative cosmic biorhythms. I am so sad for such an incredible astrological discovery to be ignored by 99.999% of human beings walking this earth! 

“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life. “

Driver Charged in Crash That Killed 1 and Critically Injured the Comedian Tracy Morgan

The actor and comedian Tracy Morgan was critically injured early  Saturdayand another man was killed after the limousine bus in which they were riding was hit by a tractor-trailer in a six-vehicle accident on the New Jersey Turnpike, the state police said.

“Because they are seeing, they see not; and hearing, they hear not; neither do they under*stand the voice of heaven.”– Matthew 13:13

There are NO accidents, only cosmic circumstances at work science has not yet discovered!


There will be three major negative SUPERNOVA windows in 2014. Each destructive “window” is operational for three to four weeks, thus caution is strongly advised when driving during this period.   Heavy loss of lives due to nature’s devastating forces, aeronautical disasters, chain reaction accident and structural damage is to be expected.

2014 First SUPERNOVA window – From 01/30/2014 through 03/05/20142014

Second SUPERNOVA window – ///////////////////////////// you are IN!

Like Miley Cyrus the current 2014 Arian Draconis  is cursing all souls born in November inducing health problems or accidents… But who’s to take Dr. Turi’s lifetime work seriously?

Miley Cyrus: I didn’t overdose on drugs “and I am a Lesbian!”

Will Miley Cyrus Survive A Mixture of Weed and Medications?

Evil Sexual Predators Everywhere, Miley Cyrus, Cops, Rabbis, Priests, Scoutmasters etc.

 Recovered article – “Are you a Scorpio?”

Roseanne Barr recently showed off a slimmer figure at the 2014 NBCUniversal Summer Press Day in Pasadena, California. The 61-year old has been delighted by all the attention fans have paid to her new figure and thanked them <a data-cke-saved-href='' href='' target='_blank'>via Twitter. </a>

Roseanne Barr recently showed off a slimmer figure at the 2014 NBCUniversal Summer Press Day in Pasadena, California. The 61-year old has been delighted by all the attention fans have paid to her new figure and thanked them via Twitter.

(CNN) – There is less of Roseanne Barr to love these days. Barr showed off her new svelte figure Tuesday at the NBCUniversal Summer Press Day. The comedic actress was there as part of her new gig as a judge on the network’s show “Last Comic Standing.” Fans praised Barr for her new look and she responded by tweeting “hey, THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR ALL OF THE NICE WORDS ABOUT MY WEIGHT LOSS! I’m inspired 2 keep going!”

Dear Readers;

Roseanne was born  November 3rd, 1952, she is a Scorpio and the Dragon’s Tail is currently right in her 6th house of work and health! Amazingly I can also predict when people will lose weight lol and this is what makes the difference between Dr. Turi and those famous scientists who pretend to know and write about metaphysics…

Had Roseanne invested in my 2014 Dragon Forecast she would have read the following and knew the Cosmic Code was on her side in 2014! If you are a fan make her day, share this on her Twitter page! Rich or poor famous or not I do serve all my clients with the best of my cosmic God given gift!



Philosophical Astro – Poetry

Pluto Governs the Mighty Constellation
of Scorpio “The Eagle or Lizard.”

Holder of all the secrets deep
Never speaking for they are mine to keep
For those who plunder without care
Tread carefully for I see you there

I am Scorpio, child of Pluto.

Characteristics for Those Born In November

The planet Pluto and the intense sign of Scorpio govern the month of November. You inherited a powerful will and you are attracted to the unknown; the medical professions, the police force, metaphysics, politics, finances and general investigations. You are classified as the “Eagle” (positive) or the “Lizard” (negative) in Divine Astrology. You are quite private, secretive, even mystic and like all other water signs you excel in the study and use of metaphysics. Unless you are aware of your innate witchcraft powerful residue, you are well advised not to sting yourself with your own dart. You carry in your soul, the element of life and death, reincarnation and pure sensuality.

On a negative note, your magnetic thoughts can reach anyone anywhere for good or for worse, bringing its accompanying karma into our own life. The young Scorpio soul will experience drama, despair and imprisonment during the course of his life. However, the destructive energies of Pluto can be channeled positively to accomplish tremendous results and incomparable career achievement. Your sign rules the Mafia, the police force, the FBI, CIA, supreme finance, and with it absolute power of creation or destruction, including sex. The message is quite clear when representing anyone born in November, deal with one and your life will change drastically. No one should take chances under Pluto’s command. Realize the Eagle in you is your challenge and your own birthright for creation or destruction.

These souls have no known fears in the face of death. Many advanced Pluto children will “fly” like an eagle above the destructive “Lizard” emotions and legendary jealousy. You can use your inborn mystical gifts to succeed where others would fail. Strong, private and dominant, you were born with a practical mind and an acute intuition. Your lesson is to control and direct constructively your deep emotions and use Pluto’s ultimate power for the well being of society. You regenerate with investigations and spiritual matters and must uncover your unique mission in life. You are interested and aspire only for the undiluted truth and supreme power. The women of this sign are seen in Divine Astrology as “la femme fatale.”

They are sensual, classic, intellectual, reserved, and supremely magnetic. They also tend to use inner sexual power and physical beauty to reach their high goals. However, even as a powerful Scorpio, you are very weak with affairs of the heart and tend to be in love with love. A word of caution for you: Do not use your poisonous stinger against yourself or society. Remember to respect the Universal Law (see Moon Power), as your awareness and Moon planning, will become a major contribution to your happiness and success.

The location of your natal Dragon’s Head or Tail will seriously alter the strength or weakness of Pluto in your chart. (See the “Nostradamus Dragon Forecast” e-book for more information). You can learn much more about yourself or anyone else by ordering my books entitled “Beyond the Secret,” “I Know All About you,” “The Power of the Dragon” or “And God Created The Stars.”

2014 — Dragon Forecast For Those Born In November

Personal: On August 30th, 2012, the dragon moved into Scorpio/Taurus axis and will stay in these signs until February 19th, 2014. The new “Change of Guards” will take place on this day as the new Dragon’s Head will move into the sign Libra in your 12th house regulating your subconscious affairs. The challenging Tail of the Dragon will be in the sign of Aries right into your 6th house regulating your work and health. This cosmic order will stimulate all affairs regulating your inner and physical life where you may be forced to undergo a full physical and/or spiritual rebirth. You are advised to stay away from drugs, alcohol or antidepressants and keep a strong positive attitude.

2014 Predictions: The new Dragon’s Head (luck/growth) will induce deep psychological changes where you are strongly advised to stay clear from negative situations. These means also taking some time off work and enjoy nature, so as to reshape your subconscious appropriately. You are strongly advised to put your hand on my book “Beyond the Secret” and learn more about the constructive/destructive forces emanating from your subconscious. The dragon wants you to learn all about this house and its mystical potential.

Many Scorpio souls will work hard rebuilding both their physical and spiritual selves and while expanding their consciousness they will also share their valuable experiences with others. Many well deserving souls born in November will feel the urge to rebuild the way, to service the world and themselves in the process. These changes will help you find the best way to serve others and gain more in the long run. This impact may bring new partners and strike lucky with them.

The need to learn more about the inner forces of life may also lead Scorpio to travel mentally deep, far and fast. A feeling for a new deeper wisdom will be induced where some people or their partner(s) will initiate the changes. This karmic experience will force Scorpio to accept their mental or physical limits and lead many of them to invest deeper into the mysteries of life. Scorpio must also guard against deep self-inflicted destructive mental thoughts and realize the Dragon in your subconscious induces those tough changes. In all, when it is said and done, your spirit will gain valuable wisdom, but you must stay clear of any form of drugs.

The new Dragon energy will stir a sense of perception where your dreams may become prophetic in nature. Souls born in November will be tested mentally and forced to accept the reality of astral entities trying to suck life out of them. 2013 could mark the beginning of a new perceptive power and a clear vision of your own future forcing you to control your thoughts for a better peaceful life. The lucky November soul will find the right way to deal with this new psychic force and enjoy the new path. Because of its natural need for investigations Scorpio will be tested in their life.

The challenge is to control the destructive power of Pluto plaguing your subconscious. This year Scorpio will be forced to die and rebirth in both the physical and spiritual worlds. Adapting to the Universal Law of the Moon (see 2014 Moon Power) can only help you fight depressive thoughts in time of karmic stress and synchronizing perfectly and accordingly with the Cosmic Code jurisdictions will protect you.

Important note: This material is generated for the mass only and does not imply the complexity of a lengthy private session with Dr. Turi. The Dragon Forecast for those born in November, while proven accurate, is dedicated to serve the reader minimally and objectively. A simplified personal reading: “Full Adult Personal Report,” is an inexpensive and good start for you if unable to afford a “Full Life Reading.” Go to for a full in-depth description of services provided.

JUPITER LUCKY TOUCH – All the way to July 16th 2014, the great beneficial planet Jupiter (luck/expansion/protection/traveling/foreigners/studying) will be cruising through the sign of Cancer in your 9th house regulating your higher studies and traveling. The option to deal with foreigners, join a spiritual group will open a new door to your perception of religions will then be offered to you. Jupiter’s protective luck will benefit you drastically by the house and signs for which the transit is taking place in. However, it is only through a professional, personal taped VIP consultation that the full impact of this great planet can be fully and accurately explained. On July 16th 2014 Jupiter will then move into Leo your 11th house of wishes and friends where you will enjoy a good life, travelling, a new light, a child, higher wisdom and love will bless you and your partner’s life.

Being at the right place, at the right time, has a lot to do with your progress in terms of lucky breaks and opportunities … Jupiter will help provide those breaks. If you decide to move, the knowledge found in Astro-Carto-Graphy would become a serious help to your success (or your failure) in the new chosen location. Most of all, my latest discovery on “Your 12 months “Personal Lucky/Unlucky Dragon Window Dates” will become a major contribution for being at the right place at the right time. Keep this service in mind and give it a try — it works! – Good luck to all of those born in November.


Now what about you? what does the dragon has in store for 2014?

Get the real deal, become a VIP!

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi

Neil deGrasse Tyson “Cosmos” Versus Dr. Turi Cosmic Code Reality Show



“He is wise who understands that the stars are luminaries created as signs. He who conquers the stars will hold the golden keys to God’s mysterious universe.”


Neil deGrasse Tyson Tells It Like It Is  

“The universe is a DARK PLACE I’m trying to make it brighter before I die.” Neil DeGrasse

“The universe is a BRIGHT LIVING spiritual entity, I’m offering its secrets before I die.” Dr.Turi

Divine Astrology is a solid and valuable science when practiced by real gifted people

Carl Sagan Birthday and NASA Masquerade – Can you handle the truth?
Astrology and Sir Isaac Newton Unique Celestial Identity

Neil deGrasse, Sir Isaac Newton, Carl Sagan and Astrology
Carl Sagan, Neil deGrasse unilluminated perception of the stars!
Carl Sagan and the science of Astrology!


“If we abuse Astrology for entertainment purposes only, no matter how useful and inspiring this ancient art and science may be – without communicating its critical methods, how can the average person possibly distinguish Astrology from pseudoscience? ” Dr. Turi


Carl Sagan facts!  COSMOS! If you think Neil degrasse and other well known celebrities are geniuses, you are far from reality!  Check all about “the soul of the Cosmos!”

Dear reader;

After watching Neil deGrasse’s latest video, I concluded what a great well-read man he is.

He is speaking about not infringing on your religious philosophy and the importance of science education for a better society. All the while, trying very hard (as a Libra) to maintain balance and harmony between two mortal enemies (science and religion). The physical and spiritual manifestos of both groups are cursed by God himself to uncover…

As mentioned, so many times before, the battle for intellectual supremacy between the scientific and religious communities is still raging, and Neil deGrasse video is yet another undeniable reality.

But I totally disagree with him when he mentions, reaching and educating adults!  You can really appreciate the logical reasoning behind such comments but…  This does not show real ingeniousness, because his comment feels like trying to surf a dead wave.

It’s like asking any adult or Neil deGrasse himself to give up his passion for Astronomy and instead RE-learn everything about religion. Or asking a hard-core Christian to abandon God, it cannot, nor will it ever work because…

There is NOTHING that can be done to change the mature psyche or any adults PERIOD!

Contrary to his proposition, reaching ALL children before, during or just after puberty IS THE ONLY WAY to stop separatism.

The children are the only way to go because their inner world is growing every day through education and technological advancements. Thanks to my Cyber Cosmic University open 24/7 all year round they can bypass the limitation of their cosmic unconscious religious peers and get different answers about God and the cosmos…

You can never ask an atheist to think like a Christian or an adult to re-evaluate his deep-encrusted education! This reasoning enunciates Neil deGrasse own inherited UCI. Again, there is a big difference between education and intelligent readers and this does not make Neil de Grasse an idiot! He is just like 99.99% of the population, Cosmic Unconscious that’s all…

The question now is, regardless of where you are at in your spiritual growth, will you, could you or would you consider returning to college and learning what you know nothing about so you could in turn teach your kids? This is not too practical!

Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school. Einstein

If you are a God-fearing soul, would you drop everything to learn all about Astropsychology, Astrogeology or Astro forensics?  I may ask the same question to Neil deGrasse and I already know his answer. “This is nonsense Dr. Turi” 

The fact is, life is a constant process of changes, the old always gives way to the new and it is only when the older generation dies that the new one furthers society.  This is why educating the children makes more sense because the parents are already set in their ways… Neil deGrasse like the majority of teachers, erroneously thinks all humans were psychically made equal, or assimilates information the way he does!  Big error, the placement, by sign and house of a child’s Mercury enunciate if like me; he was born ADHD (a gift not a disease by the way) or gay and God knows I have a lot to say, and teach on this topic! And I am not gay but cosmic conscious!

All human beings, including Neil deGrass’ natural interests, intellectual gifts, instincts, sins, and virtues including his mental faculties are “cosmically” preset!  There are no schools nor were there ever any schools producing geniuses’ readers, these men were born different, mentally and psychically superior!  Were you born a genius?

And this could stir a lot of inferiority and superiority complexes into the “educated” mind of those unable to heed geniuses’ remarks!

But nowadays, modesty is rare all pretend to be better educated and truly believe they know better…


The intuitive mind is a sacred gif, and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. We will not solve the problems of the world from the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. More than anything else, this new century demands new thinking: We must change our materially based analyses of the world around us to include broader, more multidimensional perspectives.”


“A physician without a knowledge of Astrology has no right to call himself a physician”  – Hippocrates (ca. 400 BC).

…perhaps there is a pattern set up in the heavens for one who desires to see it, and having seen it, to find one in himself – Plato

 A UCI loaded with air signs will produce a curious nontraditional child, thus millions of those kids endlessly cruise the Internet looking for answers.  Kids born with a earthy, logical, rational Mercury will aim for science and are naturally, cosmically designed to become scientists and atheists.

Kids Born with a watery Mercury will be less subjective to science and will aim for the arts or religion instead!

Kids born with DIGNIFIED Mercury in advanced, ingenious sign or own a natal/hidden Aquarius genius Dragon.i.e. Einstein, were born to accomplish intellectual miracles and further humanity scientific or psychical welfare.  The fact is; kids do not need their parents to be stimulated to what God cosmically designed them to be good at naturally.

But Neil deGrasse and those like him know nothing of the soul of the cosmos. Was it an accident for him to experience life through his Libra sign?   Many professional students are stuck in the codification of thoughts and digest astronomy books at the speed of light!

Much like a religious-born soul with the bible! But like all “educated” conditioned souls, they are totally oblivious of my work and can only hide their cosmic ignorance through ridicule…

Neil deGrasse is looking for the Libra, balance, the scale of reasoning he was blessed with.  But true cosmic ingeniousness is lacking because of his own natal rational UCI limitation and lack of spiritual curiosity. Indeed, I could easily help anyone to assimilate the Cosmic Code and establish a balance between the physical and spiritual manifesto.

In fact, he never read my work nor will he ever invite me on his show when he is finally done talking about the limit imposed upon all physics!

While I could produce my Cosmic Code reality show forever and never lack of material because ALL that is physical is under the jurisdiction of the stars, doesn’t mean the rest will get it. This mean unlimited choices of ALL topics under the Sun to discuss and discover. Of course, non cosmic conscious TV producers  have absolutely NO clue of what a show of this nature can do and will stir in the future!

“Because they are seeing, they see not; and hearing, they hear not; neither do they under*stand the voice of heaven.”– Matthew 13:13

There are NO accidents, only cosmic circumstances at work science has not yet discovered!

I know many producers read  my TV show proposal but, like Neil deGrasse,  they are all  ill fitted to see the potential I represent and the incredible spiritual cosmic values I could offer society! But it will take only one to prove me right…

This does not make these people idiots, simply misinformed!  Again readers, there is NOTHING ingenious nor valuable for society spiritual growth teaching hard core science or religions only…

Doing so is fueling more separatism and more religious/intellectual wars! Times have changed and I my cosmic spiritual work is a crucial part of the many changes taking place today! 

While the scientific community has accomplished so much to better serve humanity, science has its own physical boundaries especially when it comes to the cosmos spiritual exploration.

But those boundaries do not apply nor exist with the spirit because God created the stars and the heaven for a much deeper spiritual purpose,  both the scientific and religious communities are totally oblivious of!

And this is the GAP, the thick wall that separates the physical and spiritual inner manifesto and the limited perception of the cosmos escaping both the scientific and religious communities!

There is NOTHING the world can truly benefit from by knowing the density, distances, compositions of far faraway galaxies but entertain  a misinformed society period!

But like Dr. Sanjay Gupta and Deepak Chopra,  NeildeGrasse is also a  Libra, those souls were born to regurgitate traditional education found in all “codified” books. They are all very “educated” but totally depraved of cosmic consciousness! Thus  Neil deGrasse can only acknowledge, rationalize and educate others on the PHYSICAL values of the cosmos alone. Once more this does not make him stupid, simply ill informed on the spiritual values of our local solar system.

Neil deGrasse is a scholar and his education is scientifically oriented and entirely codified. He is following the path of many great rational men such as Carl Sagan’ Scorpio and his rational, mathematical mind. But this type of thinking does nothing UNIQUE, ingenious or different for humanity spiritual welfare and the perception of God’s cosmic divinity!

Quotes About Horoscopes Carl Sagan

“A scientist places an ad in a Paris newspaper offering a free horoscope. He receives about 150 replies, each, as requested, detailing a place and time of birth. Every respondent is then sent the identical horoscope, along with a questionnaire asking how accurate the horoscope had been. Ninety-four per cent of the respondents (and 90 per cent of their families and friends) reply that they were at least recognizable in the horoscope. However, the horoscope was drawn up for a French serial killer. If an astrologer can get this far without even meeting his subjects, think how well someone sensitive to human nuances and not overly scrupulous might do.”  ― Carl SaganThe Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark

Did Sagan recognize his Scorpius UCI  in the horoscope and got scared of the power of the stars landing in the wrong hands? Little do people know that, you ARE a reflection of ALL the signs of the zodiac. The fact is in one of the 12th houses you will find a direct relationship with everyone , even a murderer!  But no one explained this fact to Sagan and company 50 years ago…

Without cosmic consciousness it  was impossible for Carl Sagan or  any skeptic to practice precise Astroforensics and auto-analysis oneself correctly mostly because they are totally oblivious of the dynamics of basic Astrology! To them it all start and finish in the deceptive, financially oriented daily newspaper horoscopes!

Not everybody can sing and dance like Micheal Jackson, fight like Mohamed Ali or act like Jack Nicholson,  and not everybody own the right karmic UCI to be a natural Astrophile like Nostradamus or Dr. Turi!

Are you serious? The ad  about astrology was placed in Ici Paris on April 16,  1968, run by California Psychological Inventory and the National Council for Geo cosmic Research to test the old science?

Let me laugh please, all those so -called “experts” are the least knowledgeable on the subject of Astroforensics or  a subtle cosmos manifesto  interacting with the human psyche. The scientific community  is not only ill fitted but forbidden by God himself to dwell with supra-cosmic consciousness or perceive the Cosmic Code jurisdictions.

Carl Sagan dealt with modern astrologers and based his “findings” on a single article written in 1968? This is very poor science and he could never be proven wrong back then because I was not around to offer the grounding needed to accept the mother of all science as it really is!

Fifty years later, I am offering solid proofs of all my predictive claims but you must investigate my repetitive work, avoid lumping me with Mrs. Cleo and investigate my scientific methodology instead of assuming I am a psychic!

 Indeed I am a different type of scientist, an Astrogeologist an Astropsychologist operating 50 years ahead of science  trying very hard to lead humanity to the awareness of a Cosmic God speaking through the Zodiac!

“Four blood moons” April 15/16/17 and 23/24/25 2014 Cardinal Grand Cross Predictions

Would Carl Sagan be alive today, I would directly challenge him, like I would challenge Neil deGrasse and the scientific community. I have endlessly asked them to DEAL with me personally and TEST me instead of finding every excuses under the Sun to avoid the task!,  Society for Psychical Research (USA Version):
Institute of Noetic Science:
Peer review Neurology magazine:
American Academy of Neurology: 

The scientific community will NOT take a chance with Dr. Turi because they ALL know he is the real thing and well able to prove them wrong!

Meantime Neil deGrasse’ traditional education do not surpasses nor differ from the group of religious people he is forced to deal with. Both were victimized by the codification of thoughts and unable and/or unwilling to  take  my challenge (Because of their natal cursed UCI.)

While extraordinary entertaining and supremely educational, there is nothing new, progressive, different, unique, special, benefitting humanity spiritual advancement in any astrophysicists involved in the televised broadcasting industry. A reality show about the “Soul of The Cosmos” would have no competition and bring attention and ratings only dreamed of!  Because there is no denying the truth of my cosmic gift!

Just because science can not enter the archetypal realm of cosmic consciousness or dwell with the intuitional domain of my work does not mean it is not real and should be ridicule. Or worse, sought as “pseudoscience” only!

Both religious and scientific “teachings” spectrums are confrontational and in total opposition because science can NOT incorporate the spirit (which they rather ignore or ridicule) and religious people can not be incorporated in a dense physical world that easily!

And this is SEPARATISM in all its splendors and both parties (scientific and religious) will NEVER/ever agree, nor see eye to eye because both are lacking or cursed by their own over rational or Neptunian UCI to perceive, relate or understand the other…

This is where, in my Cyber Cosmic University or “The Soul of the Cosmos” show would provide the real answers to what it means to be human! This show could only offer cosmic truths to the millions of curious people looking for the meaning of their lives and this is a big thing for all human…

Again and again, the scientific matrix has and will “discover” many new worlds that have always been there since for ever – NASA discovers ‘Mega-Earth’  NASA discovers 'Mega-Earth'  But what these new discoveries will do for you? For your soul, your family, your bills, your lifestyle, and your perception of the Divine?

Cosmos series while sensational, are also rational and do not speak of a Cosmic spiritual God in charge of humanity – To them all the stars are just far away rocks depraved of any spiritual values that could never benefit humanity what so ever! Science challenge God and religions promote a false God. Both have lost the cosmic spirit of the Universal Creator.

Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey is a 2014 American science documentary television series. The show is a follow-up to the 1980 television series Cosmos: A Personal Voyage, which was presented by Carl Sagan on the Public Broadcasting Service and is considered a milestone for scientific documentaries.

This series was developed to bring back the foundation of science to network television at the height of other scientific-based television series and films. The show is presented by astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, who was inspired by Sagan as a young college student.

Among the executive producers are Seth MacFarlane, whose clout and financial investment was instrumental in bringing the show to broadcast television, and Ann Druyan, Sagan’s widow and a co-creator of the original series.

The series loosely follows the same thirteen-episode format and storytelling approach that the original Cosmos used, including elements such as the “Ship of the Imagination”, but features information updated since the 1980 series along with extensive computer-generated graphics and animation footage augmenting the narration. The show is produced by Brannon Braga, and Alan Silvestri provides the backing score.

The series premiered on March 9, 2014, simultaneously in the US across ten 21st Century Fox networks. The remainder of the series will air on Fox, with the National Geographic Channel rebroadcasting the episodes the next night with extra content. The series has been rebroadcast internationally in dozens of other countries by local National Geographic and Fox stations.

DT Rebuttal: Imagine for a second if instead of storytelling and being deceived by the  “Ship of the Imagination”, I was allowed to lead humanity into the “Ship of Spiritual Cosmic Reality” with extensive computer-generated graphics and animation footage augmenting my cosmic teachings and solid narration?


Discovery Channel – Dr. Turi’s Predictions

More than any other groups, scientists’ 3rd eye is totally shut and can see and accept what can only be touched!  Thus intuition is neutralized and, unless taught by a real Cosmic Conscious Master they will all be left in total darkness!

“It is a miracle for curiosity to survive education” Einstein

Carl Sagan thoughts on the “scientific experiment” conducted nearly 50 years ago is ridiculous at best!  I was much too young then (only 18) to bring real wisdom to the subject of Astrology!  I am 65 today and still learning…

Meantime, since 1991 I have offered unarguable dated, printed, published proofs that Astropsychology does WORKS and thinking progressively is a must!

My clientele are from all walks of life, some are accredited doctors, NASA TOP scientists, FBI agents, psychiatrists, city Mayors etc. and they are not all crazy to trust or judge my work accurately!

Their endless feedback speaks a truth that can only be challenged by the born skeptical morons who thinks they know better than my curious refined educated clientele.  And all without any form of testing or real investigations from themselves!

Only a donkey will refuse to change his mind, and to those who are familiar with my work and my predictions, there is NO doubting my predictive gifts. Yes all of those people speaks from their heart! Incidentally those who ridicule my cosmic work are those unable to grab it! To them the world is still flat… 

“I urge Dr Turi to apply for the James Randi million-dollar prize; so he can take his rightful place among the true visionaries of human history.”

The generation of OCD born  and organizations  like are all cosmically “tuned” to the rational thought only! Those young souls .i.e. Michael Shermer,  David Epstein and James Randi are endorsing both atheism and creationism  but they were all born “psychically” inferior and this is very dangerous for humanity spiritual welfare.

Indeed there is so much more behind the cosmos than its physical manifestation and God willing one day, the world will appreciate a more divine spiritual exploration…



“Nostradamus tells us that in the Last Days all his prophecies will finally be proven true.  Unfortunately it will be too late for them to benefit anyone in a highly skeptical and doubting modern world.  The Seventh Millenium of mankind’s civilized existence on this planet witnesses an age of high technology and amazing scientific achievements.  God and His prophets are soon relegated to a rather insignificant position in a world more concerned with following its own path to perfection. “

I still have faith to turn things around.  My Cosmic Ministry is no different than what the 3 wise men/ET’s taught Jesus two thousand years ago, but some human beings will always feel resentful and envious of those who have experienced the incredible and missioner by God himself to better their lives…

UFO”s Are Very Real  –  And So Is The Legacy! – What Did They Do To Me?

Again readers, while incredible and educational, programs like “Cosmos A Spacetime Odyssey” or “Evolution of the Universe Revealed in Computer Simulation” there is NOTHING humanity can spiritually benefit from!

Astronomy, is very valuable science designed to educate the masses rationally offering a myriad of incredible information on the incalculable distances of those far away celestial bodies.

However, the entire cosmic psychical values of the cosmos and its impact upon humanity has not yet been discovered, acknowledged nor discussed by science on national TV.

The atheists, skeptics and agnostics alike will refute a God that can not be seen nor touched and the God fearing  souls are still trapped into a multitude of denominations.   Both are totally unaware of a Cosmic God that speaks his daily cosmic will  to me.

Separatism is produced by both the scientific and religious matrixes opposite educational systems fighting to the death for supremacy! Both are totally right by assuming there is and there is no God. Just because their perception of a cosmic spiritual plan birthing both religion and science through the old science of Astrology has not yet been accepted as fact!

This is for the Christian community

“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life.  Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom.”

~ Paracelsus

This is for the Scientific community

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. We will not solve the problems of the world from the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. More than anything else, this new century demands new thinking: We must change our materially based analyses of the world around us to include broader, more multidimensional perspectives.”

 ~Albert Einstein

How can any intelligent human being not realize a coin has two faces and what can not be seen or accepted by the majority does not mean it is not factual? There is such a thing as positive, negative, man, women, God, evil, night and day and without its opposite this physical, dense world could not exist without its spiritual counterpart.

We are all children of the stars, we are at the physical core and the spiritual essence of all those distant galaxies and this is a fact acknowledged by  the narrator Neil deGrasse Tyson himself. It seem William Shatter narration on the Discovery Channel about my expertise is definitely much more spiritual!

While this show was designed to entertain you my Cosmic Code reality show! proposal is much more educational. My forte is to read the future and any producer who take a chance on my expertise will be blown away by the results in time!  In fact I can guarantee you this far reaching spiritual TV show will dwarf Cosmos production because of the therapeutic values found in its endless  productions.

A truly gifted teacher is very rare indeed and I am committed to help you personally, your children and, given a chance, the world at large through my Cosmic Code reality show!

Currently, the true spiritual values encompassing the cosmos  and  the reality of God’s cosmic divinity “Our Father in the Heavens” is totally barren, non existing, not discussed, nor challenged because the young producers themselves are non-cosmic conscious and their imparted  “wisdom” is  compromised by their rigid scientific or religious education!

“Its quite a miracle for curiosity to survive education.” Einstein

I sometimes wish  the program creators, Ann Dryan , Steven Soter and the directors Brannon Braga and Bill Pope would give me the opportunity to talk to them and expose them to a very different psychical view of the cosmos…

Talking to any of them and exposing their own cosmic nature might do the job but where would  I really start reaching those people? It might not take me too long to convince those souls that indeed, the physical manifestations own also its spiritual counterpart. And the “Soul of the Cosmos” reality show, will be the utmost acclaimed show on the planet, because it is REAL at its core!


Dr. Turi

Public Endorsements:

Dear Dr. Turi,

I have spent my entire life in the company of influential people, great intellectual minds and charismatic spiritual masters, yet the private session I just had with you was one of the most meaningful moments of my life.  You are gifted in ways that transcend the confines of ego that bind and limit most people.  It’s as if you have journeyed from distant realms only to rest here for a time and share your uncanny wisdom with those courageous enough to yearn.  I am humbled by the impact of your knowledge and honored by the gifts you have bestowed.  Your kindness, insight and compassion filled me.

Most importantly, the tools you have so carefully placed in my hands will be put to use with intention and the seeds you have gifted my children will be eternally sown.  I cherish the clarity and truth of your Cosmic Code. Rather than leaving me with more questions, I have been infused with hope.  To me, a true teacher empowers the individual to find the light of their own understanding.  You are such a teacher, Dr. Turi.  I will be able to find my own way with the building principles you have shared.  The pressing desire to learn more is now with me.  I now have the map with my first step drawn for my return home in hand.  I will continue to express my gratitude and thanks to you through simply living my life as purposed.



Author says earthquakes are predictable, Dr. Turi did so since 1991

A true leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way. John C. Maxwell


L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

listen to my latest radio show with Jerry – US/world
listen to my latest radio show with Ted – US/world
listen to my latest radio show with Rob – Canada/world

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 



“It’s HERE NOW! God/Luciferian Cabal’s Global Enslavement of Humanity: Have You Been Caught In Its Grip? “


“The future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought, where Cosmic Consciousness is lacking, science, religion, conspiracy and imagination have the wrong answers. There are no accidents just cosmic circumstances induced by a Cosmic God, the five logical human senses cannot just yet perceive.” Dr.Turi

Dear Readers; This article was updated 9/7/2015

With such a provocative title I am sure to attract the attention needed to offer real salvation to those curious and strong enough to bypass the title and learn all about a false God!  Indeed today’s false God is the evil in disguise! Indeed there is a God, but not the one you have been manipulated to acknowledge, fear and honor…

Introducing the world to God New Cosmic Consciousness

All “God’s servants” are Neptunian born and an easy target for the nefarious reptilius ET’s in need of human slaves… The natural lack of critical thinking make those lost righteous souls the perfect candidates to unconsciously, endorse and promote the reptilius’ agenda. They are then “programmed” to insert fears by promising the end of the world through various “acts of God” or upcoming natural disasters.

Lyn Leahz and  Lisa Haven are two of  those unconscious soul “commissioned” by the reptilius to poison the psyche of millions of gullible, misinformed God fearing human beings who read and believe  their daily apocalyptic junk on various websites!

Without human fears the reptilius negative “dark matter” flux can not exist nor support their existence in the cosmos, thus religious fears must be maintained and promoted by those reptilius infected human servants. Read more about the reptilius agenda in Draco the benevolent Draconis Facebook page. 

Use your cosmic energy positively work with us
I am Alien The Final Revelation
Draco explain why police can’t fix urban America’s violent crime problem

Remember when you make people think a little, they can only love you, but Dr. Turi’s Cyber Cosmic University is designed to deal and offer the undiluted truth only! And when you make people really THINK, you force them out of their comfortable religious or scientific atheist zones, then, they HATE you!

While the majority of my reading audience own a smart and curious UCI, the vast majority are not exactly related to Einstein! One has to be quite smart and curious to relate to my advanced spiritual material and God thanks, there are plenty curious people around, I call them the Superhumans…

 The subhumans majority are unable to assimilate my teachings and can not bypass the limitation of their religious fears or scientific/ atheist convictions. Those “young souls” will never benefit from my work during this lifetime,  I call it karmic cosmic elimination selection principle!

Those people need many more reincarnations to upgrade their psychical vibrations to where many of you enjoying my teachings are today, that’s all! And with eternity at hand, God’s ultimate purpose will be established in time.

Indeed those fearful souls just missed the boat to spiritual freedom and destined to continue furthering the dark forces of the reptilius EVIL currently cursing planet earth!

“It’s HERE NOW! Luciferian God/Cabal’s Global Enslavement of Humanity: Have You Been Caught In The Reptilius Grip? “

Lyn Leahz and her religiously poisoned company are certainly part of this unstoppable reptilius grip big time!  Lyn Leahz:  “BREAKING NEWS UPDATE:  AMERICA IN DEEP TROUBLE! You Are ‘About To Get’ Just What You’ve Asked For–and It Will Be More Than You Bargained For! GET READY! (Shocking Videos and Pics)” A world going mad! Is the Internet killing religion?

Lisa Haven – Something really bizarre going on: End of the world, in Georgia, hurricanes and quakes swarms – judgement?

This is exactly what the reptilius who hijacked their fearful minds  want.. Then “CONTAMINATE you with more fears!  See what a TRUE God is all about!  and then please FREE yourself from those religious infected souls – Learn all about SATAN! 

Many people pretend owning special powers or even speak to God! While this is great news, what about offering the  REAL PROOF of the existence of EVIL, and the solid fact of God’s cosmic divinity speaking through me? After all what is wrong putting the green where the mouth is and with it, the opportunity to check my claims?

I reckon this is not going to be an easy task for many of you because critical thinking has been replaced by the codification of thoughts using fears…  Indeed the monopolizing religious and scientific “educational” matrixes aim is to own your mind, and with it power and your financial support.  The ramification of evil start in the cosmos and ends up on earth…

This mean; some of you have lost curiosity, common sense, hope for the future and you are incapable of thinking for yourself. You became a bible head giving up on life, the future of humanity and awaiting Jesus (or Elvis) to save your soul. Your rationale, logic, critical thinking is gone and replaced by insecurity, or exactly what the reptilius want and need the most! YOUR FEARS!

Bible heads can only use biblical terms to make a point and refuse any other proposition, sinking deeper and deeper into Neptune’s deceptive religious quick sands (Christians)  or rigid science (atheism.)

Blame it all on your karmic UCI, all the lessons you have not yet learned and how a cosmic God designed your cosmic identity right here ON HELL!  And would not see or disagree with this fact if you read the latest news on CNN! Mom: My sons are trying to kill me

Here is an obvious example of someone who never read anything about my work and I but took the time to answer me… OMG! Have Mercy on your lost children!

Bible head example – Keith Lancaster – 20 “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! 21″Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes And clever in their own sight! Isaiah 5:50-21

I can also become a “Bible head” but only my students can relate to the quote!  “Because they are seeing, they see not; and hearing, they hear not; neither do they understand the voice of heaven.” – Matthew 13.13

If you are a salvageable skeptic or a curious Christian, it’s time for you to use your pen and paper, make some notes and wait for the future to speak the words of a real cosmic God  speaking through me! Listen to my next radio show  in a few hours and wait for me to post the results right here!

En encore presentation Dr. Turi on Bob Charles radio show  Monday 7th, 2015 at 6:00 PM ET. Be there for more predictions and our latest quite weird experience in France.

Regardless of your scientific background, your beliefs and or religious faith, this challenging article is designed to make you think deeper and stronger than you ever did before. It will challenge you to the extreme, again providing you are able to beat both fears and skepticism…

Remember life is a constant process of physical and psychical changes, and you are NOT reading this article by accident. Somehow the real cosmic God I promote heard you and through me, offer you a better understanding to what EVIL is all about. Furthemore you must not be part of the mass of  non-evolved human nature feeding the reptilius deadly agenda.

First let me bring to your attention a few things then more explanations to what God and Evil are all about!

On April 14, 2014 I in “President Obama, Asia, NSA the US Fate and Nukes Predictions” I first warned our President and the world of its impending fate awaiting Putin next smart move to revive the old Russia dream! A few days later, on April 26th, 2014 I posted “Who’s more dangerous to the world? Vladimir Putin or Kim Jong-Un?” and months later my worse fear came to pass!  “Are Putin and Kim Jong Un teaming up?

Obama, Putin come face-to-face in France at D-Day event

I am particularly asking the skeptics, the atheists, the agnostics,  the religious and scientific communities, including ALL security services in charge of our President’ safety to make a note of this SOS to the World window and the dates because, unless you become a VIP or work for NSA, I will not be able to reach you to refresh your memory.

“Time has and will always be my utmost trustworthy reliable witness”  Dr. Turi

August 2014 SOS to the world windows

August 9/10/11 2014

Entrails Upset Spit Above
Red Fire Wind  Water To Dance
Stars Command Shock Science
Calm Deception To Strike

Cosmos News / Nukes / Weird news / Freak / Space / Surprises / Explosions / Shocking / Stunning / Incredible / lightning / Unusual Humanitarianism / Discovery / Science / Earthquakes (always above 6.0) / Volcanoes / Tornadoes / NASA / Aeronautics / Technology / Cyber / Japan / Television / UFO.


While I hate to make such predictions, I can not be made responsible for the humongous stupidity cursing humanity and the billions of God fearing cosmic unconscious souls blasting the Internet with their fear of the future, all awaiting the wrath of God, all endorsing the reptilius agenda.

The sad reality is, the uneducated, God fearing mass are UNABLE to assimilate the very simplistic but CRUCIAL message projected in this short video! 

Like a matador facing a stubborn bull, (the ignorant religious mass) can only concentrate on the red cape (the bible verses) totally unaware of the deadly sword (the thoughts) of the bull fighter (God/supra-conscious)… The reptilius DO NOT want you to know you have full control over your destiny and will do all in their power to alienate you from gathering the wisdom imparted through God Cosmic Divinity.

 I will spare my advanced readers of the 9 other biblical verses depicting the totally codified mind of all those non cosmic religious poisoned souls endorsing the ET’s agenda endlessly misusing the SUPRA-CONSCIOUS creative forces in charge of humanity’s future.

1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/- 10 “Therefore you, O son of man, say to the house of Israel: ‘Thus you say, “If our transgressions and our sins lie upon us, and we pine away in them, how can we then live?”’

11 Say to them: ‘As I live,’ says the Lord God, ‘I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live. Turn, turn from your evil ways! For why should you die, O house of Israel?’

But who’s to blame when all those good lost souls are the victims of the monopolizing religious matrix educational system cursing humanity for the last two thousands years? Did they even know that all the Popes of the past were taught astrology? 

There is no way to make any of these religiously poisoned “bible heads” aware of the damage they perpetuate through their deep encrusted fears and the convictions of their false God to end all life on earth.

They will all tell you to repent immediately to own a safe place in paradise (for ever!) Indeed the psychical reptilius evil is impossible for them to detect and like robots respond to their evil ET’s masters.

Indeed there is no hell, HELL is right here on earth and they are all suffocating in their fears and ignorance of a much more benevolent, loving, peaceful cosmic God offering them all the opportunity to alter their negative thoughts and with it, the fate of humanity!

Those religious people are so unconscious, so unaware and so unreachable, regardless of my endless efforts to make them aware of their own reptilius psychical possession.

They all have yet to realize THEY were made at the image of God, owning the same creative power to endorse life, the future or feed the ET’s reptilius evil through their fears and kill the future.

Those souls are unable to use critical thinking, like a bull focused on the red carp, the mind is so biblically structured to the point of jailing the spirit into total numbness. One thing I know and assure all my readers is;  If all those lost souls do not stop feeding evil (or the reptilius,) in time, their false God will finally hear them and bring about the deadly answer to their prayers and terrible expectations in the same holy/bloody plate.

Humanity MUST realize what humanity is doing to itself in the name of cosmic ignorance and an ET’s agenda they know nothing about or ridicule!  The misconception, misunderstanding or plain ignorance of the cosmic forces at work will be dramatic for humanity is nothing is done to counteract this phenomenon.

I am so scared of the mass of people making up the uneducated mass unwilling/unable to raise to a higher, smarter product of God’s cosmic identity.

Religious or atheists, attaining those psychical cosmic vibrations before the next fifty years is a must, or we will all perish because thoughts are things that does alter the course of this dense physical world affairs.

There are NO accidents readers, wars and deadly natural disasters are the product and the end results of a mixture of cosmic ignorance, greed, power, ignorance and fears, all induced by the human unconscious thoughts mishandling the supra-conscious or God’s universal will! Or the agenda of the reptilius very much interested for this priceless piece of real estate we call earth.

 I was invited to share my constructive thoughts in some discussions in a Christian website and the following sentences are part the thousands of discussions samples reflecting the true evil of cosmic ignorance…

More than ever, those people must realize what they are “unconsciously” promoting the reptilius agenda and must STOP feeding evil right away! The chances of this happening is ZERO and the chances of my predictions to become a reality 150%… Who’s to blame now?

  • “I greatly appreciate the invite to interact with other brothers & sisters in Christ.As we all know “WE are in the crosshairs of an evil entity who,s time IS limited.”
  • Thank you Lisa! The real battle is truly beginning. I believe Psalm 83 is being fulfilled as we speak, and the U.N. will soon begin to implement their MDG’s. They wan them in place by the end of 2015. Jesus is about to come for His Bride. Maranatha, my sister.
  • America is in BIG trouble, for sure, Lyn. Awesome radio show =)
  • PREPARE NOW–Get Your Houses In Order! A MASS EXODUS Is On Its Way To USA! Jewish Prophet Warns ‘Flee America Now!’ Mass Destruction, God’s Wrath of Epic Proportions! (Earth Shaking Videos) 
  • Hell Is Coming To America–and We Asked For It–Sooner Than We Think! Are American’s Prepared For What’s Coming?
  • It’s HERE NOW! Luciferian Cabal’s Global Enslavement of Humanity: Have You Been Caught In Its Grip? |
  • The hardest Web site on the Net, but the most incredibly useful. TO FEED EVIL!

 A world going mad! Is the Internet killing religion?

How can I explain to any religious human being, HE/SHE is the very core of the EVIL of the perpetuated negative thought manipulated psychically by “Satanic” himself?  Those souls are so lost, so afraid, so jailed into the VERY negativity stimulating the forces of evil NEEDED by the reptilius to destroy humanity!

And worse, they are all in denial and unaware of the God/Evil in disguise manipulating, endlessly poisoning their thoughts!   When the moderators of those websites saw my articles (or their true salvation) they got deleted! Indeed those kids knows better than a 65 years old man who truly speak of the cosmic glory of  a cosmic God they know nothing about!

When readend some of those dementic replies, I am wondering how those lost souls did not commit suicide or gave up in life already! And you wonder why, in order to stay alive and functional, the same very gullible people must ingest antidepressants daily?

Imagine all the bible head parents raising a family nowadays? And you wonder why kids kill children and their parents? This dance of evil can only stop by teaching all the children about God’s cosmic divinity,  before, during or just after puberty.

Police: Wisconsin girl, 12, stabbed 19 times; WHY Two 12-year-old girls arrested?

Those “Neptunian Bible Heads” are living in a world of fears endlessly, subconsciously feeding the very EVIL they are so afraid of, slowly fulfilling their false, dangerous reptilius Gods destroying humanity!

 You have only 50 years to reverse the endless negative flux or mentally deteriorate to the point where your fears will be used to give birth to the reptilius in this dense physical world… Then it will be too late for humanity! 

Help me please, if you resonate with my work, you must act and pass on my message TO ALL THE PEOPLE SEARCHING FOR THE TRUTH!  It is ONLY, once the atheists (science) and all the religious people of the world come together, in the acknowledgement of God’s cosmic true identity that peace, love, respect will finally reign upon this world!

Realize what you are doing, do not endorse, participate, stimulate, propagate the reptilius ET EVIL of ignorance through a disguised false God! You are feeding EVIL if you fear anything…

Remember those 3 wise men following the stars? Those are the very first words in the bible!

Those 3 wise men were Astrologers/ET’s and taught Jesus all about the cosmic code jurisdictions so in his cosmic ministry Jesus could lead humanity through the 12 Apostles, the 12 signs of the Zodiac, the 12 hours of the day, the 12 months of the years, the 12 sins, the 12 jury, the 12 tribes of Israel all about  OUR FATHER IN THE HEAVEN!

Religions and the stars have been connected since the very beginning and if you are a bible follower, you CAN NOT deny the above!  Jesus’ cosmic ministry was altered, stolen, cast aside and replaced by greedy, power thirsty Plutocratic and deceptive Neptunians.

Challenge yourself, educated yourself, READ THE FACTS about astrology and religions embedded since the very beginning of humanity! Then simply turn around and start feeding hopes, love, peace, security and respect for all.

A cosmic God will never send anyone to hell to burn for eternity, my cosmic God is free of fears, punishments and shine like the billions of Suns he created in its universal, endless cosmic splendor! My cosmic God is all that is love, positivism, intelligence, education and what humanity should aim for. STOP FEEDING EVIL and see, feel the power offered to you by God himself shine in your eyes, because ultimately a magnet (cosmic God) will never attract a false God (evil.)

Ponder on my words my friends, because they were written in the real spirit of a loving, caring, protective cosmic God offering you the chance to progress with humanity and refine yourself into a wonderful, positive, creative human being…

Blessings to all my readers.

Dr. Turi

Sharing email:

Wouldn’t it be more accurate in saying: People WHO BELIEVE THEY are gods are the True Evil of Humanity! Begin with the Christians who prayed for God’s intervention and YET, Cesar who did the thumbs up or down who denied who lives and who dies, this is the same saying Pres. Reagan used “it is not the left or the right, but UP or DOWN” that controls etc….

It is the same attitude throughout the Catholic Church/ Vatican throughout the inquisitions WHO decided life or death, and little has changed when looking at the African Slave trade run by the Vatican through the monarchies, or the human sexual abuse and slave trade today.



DT- The fact is God made people at his  “image!”



Atheists & Christians, God is Really Pissed Off At You!

11/2015-02/2017 End of All Religions

God Is the True Evil of Humanity! Challenge Your Spirit! Share to the world pls… 

Note to all my VIP’s, I need to move stuff, while lots of my possessions have already gone, more is on the way and I need to move things before doing the final garage sale. I would rather my VIP’s get those tools thus, I reduced the biggest heaviest most powerful healing crystal I own from $1000 to $500.  I also reduced the 3 long crystals to $200, all packaged and ready to go! Who will be lucky new owner of such powerful crystals?  Email me with your bet


A true leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way. John C. Maxwell

Any days now I will stop feeding the public with my cosmic pearls of wisdom, join us while you can to show your support for my work! Thank you – DT


L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

listen to my latest radio show with Jerry – US/world
listen to my latest radio show with Ted – US/world
listen to my latest radio show with Rob – Canada/world

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 


Miracle Man John of God Deceptive Cosmic Identity Exposed by Dr. Turi


“Consciousness – is the awareness of God cosmic identity  and make a good use of it” anything else is deceptiveness! Pope Francis, Bible heads, Religious leaders, Monks, Gurus, Jon of God, televangelists, priests are cosmic  unconscious  born Neptunians unable to read the signs…

Dr. Turi

Dear readers;


Before exposing the true deceptive Neptunian cosmic identity of  Jon of God, I must answer my VIP’s questions about the making of Talismans.  In “What kills people who live to 100 and how to live a long life – THE BRITISH NEVER DIE!” I mentioned the importance of understanding, making and using various talismans. Following this article, I received email requests and decided to reply to all the people interested at once;

Hi Dr. Turi, 

Please send me the information I need in order to purchase a Talisman. I an a VIP born 11-22-1936. Thanks and Blessings, 


 Much of the answers my client is looking for were offered in The Magical Power of Talismans! but new VIP’s joined since then and may have missed the article.


Note: I received quite a lot of requests for me to create various  “Talismans” to attract love, money, protection, luck, health etc. But captivating your specific cosmic dust, forging, melting metals, stones, gold, working with crystal and precious stones to produce your personal talisman is not an easy task. In fact it is time consuming and quite expensive depending on the size and work performed.

We need to establish first what your needs are because there is not such a thing as ONE universal talisman that will take care of all the afflicted areas of your chart!

Do you need more magnetism to attract love? Then I must check on your 5th house of love and check the position of Venus and all the aspects she makes to beneficial or disruptive planets.

Do you need more magnetism to attract money? Then I must check on your 2nd personal income house and if you are neutral (or have no planet (s) there) then I have to check on a few areas of your chart including your 10th house of career and investigate the content of all the appropriate houses to counteract the “bad luck” or luck of opportunity.

Do you need more magnetism to attract a better health? Then I must check on your 6th house of health and work and any planet (s) if any, there and all the aspects they make to Saturn, Pluto, Mars Neptune etc.  Saying a few words and using prayers to heal a mass of people do not work for everyone, specifically souls unwilling to undergo the hypnotic trance induced by a staging Jon of God!

Do you need more magnetism to attract protective angels? The I must investigate your 12th subconscious house and check if your natal or hidden dragon does not curse this house and attract low entities depressive or dementic power…

Do you need more magnetism to attract peace? Then I must check at the speed of your natal Mercury (the mind) and check the house/sign and all the positive or negative aspect this planet makes to less glamorous ones.

The list of your needs is endless, its like taking your car (your mind) to the garage to check it all up before it breaks down and repair it with new fabricated parts. For example if you need new brake pads and you do not change them, chances are you will not be able to stop in time and suffer an accident.  Yes important rules apply in both the physical and spiritual worlds…

But your car (your brain/your spirit) may be in perfect working condition (it often is) and all you need is a better engineered GPS or a cosmic TUNE UP to take you to your destination the shorter, safest way possible way. This is basically what the purpose of a VIP session is all about.

You may also need a better, cleaner fuel to operate at full speed and I would suggest you to change your diet, recharge your “spiritual” batteries to get more energy and get an  “alignment” to your cosmic identity and stay on the right and safe path to reach happiness.

But some people have already given up or fear a false God for dealing with his cosmic creation and let Dr. Turi tell all about the rules involving their natal signs… Others think they can fix their cars themselves and do not trust anyone but themselves because they think they are and know better than God himself .i.e. the atheists…

Atheists & Christians, God is Really Pissed Off At You!

Christian Pastor Calls For Atheists And Gays To Be Put To Death? Amazingly Human!

There is only so much I can do for you, but the sad reality is, its only when the car is totally out of order, broken or in the junk yard that some of you will finally  seek my help.  I own a 2008 Hummer and last month I HAD to spend over $1500 to do the 50.000 miles check up.

While I would rather take my wife away in an exotic cruise, I did not like the idea to spend the money on my truck!  But a lot of parts need regular replacement and if I did not take it to the shop and change all the fluids, I may have to spend much more money later on, to replace the transmission or the engine.

Think this way, when dealing with a “Soul doctor” like me or other practicing New Age people, their gifts will improve your life.  All the “accredited” doctors you know, while dedicated to fix your body are oblivious of our spiritual methodology.

No one taught them if the mind is sick, its just a matter of time before the body brake apart too! Traditional psychologists and psychiatrists  alike have lost touch with the spirit and can only use dangerous medications that will, with time unbalance further your mind and spirit…

Again there are no teachers and NO schools producing Soul Doctors, Astrogeologists, Astroforensics and Astropsychologists today! All you have is my Cyber Cosmic University and it is a good start for you to explore life’s miraculous manifestation through the cosmic code jurisdictions and the spirit.

Remember last few years science has accomplished many miracles and this is a great thing for humanity. But a science depraved of spiritual cosmic wisdom, imagination curiosity and  intuition is a very dangerous science because it is oblivious of God’s higher orders.

“miracle man john of god”

A true gifted Soul Doctor is very rare and very safe and must not be confused with a deceptive acting Neptunian like “miracle man john of god.”  Using the supra-conscious forces through faith (or hypnotic trance) alone is a very dangerous proposition especially when the practitioners are cosmic unconscious.

Dragon Supra-Consciousness

Your cosmic identity may not be suitable for any form of hypnotic trance and “psychic accidents” are very real! Its like playing with snakes hoping not to be bitten. There is much more going on with the supra-conscious for anyone to stumble and play with it and much of the pious, God fearing souls are not educated on the subtle process taking place.

A real Soul Doctor uses the “cosmic” spirit of God consciously  because he/she is aware of the values, the strengths and weaknesses of all the planets making up the celestial family and your personal UCI!

Indeed… they are real soul Doctors my friends and I am one of them! 

A true Soul Doctor do not act, nor dress like a traditional doctor and use the divine mind, not human tools and the human hands. But there is so little information available pertaining to true metaphysics credibility and the religious matrix will always take over while battling the atheists for supremacy…

All I can do is to once again use my cosmic wisdom to expose such a deceptive Neptunian… Jon of God was born June 24, 1942  in the constellation of Gemini!

Mercury Governs the Nervous and Witty Dual Constellation Of Gemini

Freethinking and intelligent
You will not find me under rigorous management
You may think you know me well
Then my other half over you casts a spell
I am GEMINI, child of Mercury.

Furthermore his Mercury (the mind/acting) his Saturn (structure/manipulation) and Uranus (original/New Age) all resides in the dual sign of Gemini. In Greek philosophy Gemini is known as ‘The Lord of the Thieves”  for good reasons! Through the ancient times and  all the Greek philosophers lost cosmic wisdom,  you now own the answer to Jon of God’s true cosmic character… a thieve of the spirit playing with forces he does not know, nor handle safely!

You would be amazed of the “madness” legacy he left upon his followers that may takes weeks, months or even years to surface after the “healing” session! But this will never be exposed and all you have is my legitimate. dedicated cosmic wisdom!

Will you take it or not, this is now your choice but I truly feel, you should know the psychical “poisoning” consequences  associating and dealing with any Neptunian.

Note also, like Hitler, Jon was born with Pluto (power/fanaticism) in his 3rd house (communication house) in the fixed, persuasive, dictatorial, hypnotic sign of Scorpio and he is naturally / subconsciously able to put his God fearing gullible patients under his hypnotic, mesmerizing mental power. Furthermore Mars (competitiveness) is also there adding more fire to his egocentric authoritative, controlling  subjunctive mental power.

But what is dangerous is; He is also totally oblivious of his natal UCI or his cosmic identity and not everyone will benefit from his “power.” In many cases, following mass hypnotic sessions some unlucky people became possessed, dementic and have committed suicide.

Again you will never know about those facts because the Jon of God deceptive religious matrix need your money to survive and take no prisoners… This is the world you live in readers and you must pay attention or pay a price for all your errors and your cosmic ignorance…

Furthermore, like the great magician Houdini, Jon was born with the negative Dragon’s Tail (past lives) in the religious sign of  Pisces (illusion/deception) right in his 10th house of career.

Real Prophets and natural healer such as Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce  and Madame Vladasky were ALL born with the DRAGON’S HEAD in Pisces, not the negative Tail! Thus be aware of thousands of gurus and false prophets they are everywhere ready to poison your body, mind and soul!

Thus knowing 99.999% of the world is non cosmic conscious, non educated, gullible and religiously poisoned, there is no wondering about Jon of God incredible deceptive success.

All Pisces Tail born soul nurture a subconscious drive to act, to deceive and to use “magic” and many end up working directly or indirectly for the “religious matrixes.”

But knowing pope Francis is from South of America, for Jon of God to rise to such a popular position certainly enunciate  some serious undercover “help” coming from powerful places such as the Vatican. Indeed like attracts like, its a simple as that!

I do not think I would get the same treatment nor be allowed  to introduce a real God’s cosmic divinity at such a large scale. Chances are, I would be killed before  messing up on religious matrix turf!  Yes remember you will not find Dr. Turi on Wikipedia while Facebook and You Tube including Google are all “technologically” stopping me to reaching you. And it is only when I disappear that you will realize how much I meant to your spiritual life and the cosmic truths I own…

All of Jon’s past lives are evolving around deceptive religious endeavors created by man’s imaginative folly! His work is suffocating humanity psychical welfare into deeper global deception.

But the stars do not care, they work as such, making anyone successful, including Jon of God and drug Lords criminals alike, all imposed by God cosmic divinity. Isn’t amazing that much of the drugs poisoning America is from the same neighboring countries?

Do you really think it is another accident for so many popes and religious leaders from all walks of life to be born in June like Jon of God? The soul’s purpose of any Gemini is for God to give them a position of power through communication (TV/radio/writing/journalism etc.)

And apply their critical thinking to stimulate debates leading to the desperate answers humanity needs to grow spiritually towards a cosmic God. I was born a Pisces (swimming upstream against the current of all established religions towards God true cosmic divinity!)  I was also born with a hidden positive Gemini Dragon’s Head or “The True Messenger of the Gods”  making my own “cosmic Ministry” so different and so real! 

Where do you think I get the strengths, the will to talk and write to millions of people everyday through my Cyber Cosmic University if I did not OWN a real God given the gift in communication? Do I have to remind you I am French, I never took a single English lesson  and type with only two finger?

Does this speak of a legitimate cosmic gift and the mission I am gifted/cursed with to introduce humanity to a real cosmic God exposing all deceptive abusive Plutonic Neptunians I come across?

But the negative Pisces Dragon’s Tail teachings  of Jon of God and Osama Bin Laden, naturally swims downstream taking with him many innocent lives. A true Neptunian will always look for non evolved 3rd world countries to operate and doing so, benefit from the invading Spaniards religious legacy.  Other Neptunians will pick remote locations, or Islands .i.e. Jim Jones, David Koresh and finally sink everyone into their own religious fabricated hell! “Over 300 children were murdered at Jonestown Guyana, almost all of them by cyanide poisoning.” 

Yes the stars have spoken their divinity to me and for Jon of God to be born with a Pisces Dragon’s Tail can only make total sense to the ridiculous minority of Astropsychology cosmic conscious students of mine.  We have a long way to go before reuniting the atheists and the God fearing Christian mass  of pious souls to the reality of a common cosmic God!

One thing is sure readers, Neptune deceptive religious grip  has been solidified for the last two thousand years and this uneducated, gullible mass of people become the endless supply for born Plutonic Neptunian souls such as Jon of God to tap on. The truth shall set them all free maybe in a few lifetimes…

Making and using talismans is a million times safer and more efficient than to take the risk of dealing with a Plutonic Neptunian deceptive soul.  A talisman power ultimately depend on YOUR planets positions during the melting/casting and this does not happen randomly. I have FIRST to see you live on Skype, check on your cosmic nature, check on ALL your planets, find out what is you need the talisman to accomplish and then WAIT for the right cosmic auspices to proceed making your lucky charm.

For example if you are  a woman looking for love, I have to check at your Venus  (love) and Mars (the man) positions.  Venus is the type of love a woman is able to offer to a man, while your Mars in your chart depict the type of man (and masculinity) you should attract to appreciate his strengths, security, sexual performances and drive to get things done.

If you are a man, then your Venus position by house and sign shows the type of woman you need to make you truly happy while your Mars depict how you will display your masculinity. Making talisman is not an easy procedure but demand a deep and solid understanding of your UCI as to improve your magnetism drastically. Some people are so negative that they became “repellent” and some can only attract deceptive Neptunians (pot heads/cheaters/liars etc.)

It is only after an initial intense consultation on Skype that I can explain all your strengths and weaknesses and remedies with some powerful talisman. But there are also rules and very specific timing you must be aware of and if you decide to proceed, you must FIRST assimilate and test your “2014 Personal Cosmic Biorhythms.”

This “precise timing” can only add much more when you socialize to reach your goal following your 11th house of wishes and friends hidden rules.  There is so much to discuss (better record it all) and so much for you to learn to revitalize your own batteries. A talisman will always work its magic if its owner cleanse himself first, who would drive a dirty Ferrari or enjoy a wonderful sun set with a lover with a serious constipation problem?

The particular physical talisman I will create for you HAS to have all that you are missing psychically, thus your first step is to train yourself trough my guidance to upgrade your own vibrations while I am waiting for the right cosmic energy to present themselves for the casting.  Talisman works best not only on your entire astrological chart information but also on the natal and hidden dragons position.

I always ask my clients in need of a talisman to mail me a small piece of jewelry made of Gold and or silver or precious stones… You will get it back in your talisman which is entirely made of copper, various pieces of stones, crystals and what ever I will channel that I know will work for you.

You must be ready not only to spend a lengthy time of Skype with me, but to wait as long as needed for the stars to smile on you when I produce the talisman and signs…  The first talisman I ever made was for a desperate friend of mine when I was in England. Regardless how hard he tried he could never get a date even if is life depended on it and he was quite attractive himself.

He was always asking me how I was always with the top girl(s) around… I guess being 22, French, confident and smart worked for me, but a frustrated Phillip was also young and French. I could feel a bit of jealousy in him and I decided to help him. He was a Taurus, ruled by Venus and I made him a copper talisman while Venus was rising… I stamped the planet symbol of both Venus (love) and Jupiter (plenty)  ET VOILA!

I was amazed about his new found confidence and the power of my talisman was established as real and worthwhile… Then I got swamped with requests but for some reasons, refused to make more fearing bad karma.  I am glad I stopped then because many years later I realized how powerful talismans truly are and inserting cosmic energy I did not fully understand could bring troubles to his owner.

Today at 64 I have a real good handling and the wisdom needed to create / cast real safe talismans by gathering/timing the right cosmic energies for all desired results. I will be retiring next year and probably concentrate on doing a few readings and a few talismans for my world wide clientele. This mean I will build a room with all the tools and equipment I need to cast the best and most powerful talismans possible! And I guarantee you, in time, with my guidance,  those magical articles WILL change your life for the best.

The size, design and price will vary in the future but the power will be the same!

2X2 – Small heart shaped $1500, this include the taped VIP consultation 

Note: While I am taking orders for your talisman right away, you must set up a consultation on Skype first, and pay HALF of $1500. You must be willing to wait up to 3 months maximum before I can produce the talisman and for its delivery. Again I have to wait for the right cosmic auspices to be in compliance to your natal chart and the casting of your talisman.

You are also requested to mail me a small piece of gold or silver jewelry or, if you own some,  a small precious stone. But I must make sure the stone is acceptable to your birth sign and colors.  You will get it all back partially or totally melted in your personal talisman.

They are MILLIONS of talismans you can purchase on the Internet, and while some products are made of pure gold, extremely expensive and very attractive, they are all totally EMPTY of your cosmic essence and personal vibrations.

Remember while I always do my best to produce an attractive product, its not about the beauty or the aesthetics, but all about the real power of your personal talisman made by the hands and cosmic mind of Dr. Turi!

Talismans are produced in a heart shape for women with a hole at the top and can be used as pendant. For guys they can be any shape I feel will work the best for you or as the shape of a silver dollar and can be stored in your car, your pocket or your wallet.

A true leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.

John C. Maxwell

Any days now I will stop feeding the public with my cosmic pearls of wisdom, join us while you can to show your support for my work! Thank you – DT


L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

listen to my latest radio show with Jerry – US/world
listen to my latest radio show with Ted – US/world
listen to my latest radio show with Rob – Canada/world

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 


What kills people who live to 100 and how to live a long life – THE BRITISH NEVER DIE!


 The gravitational forces that move all galaxies is a scientific fact;   But the greatness of the spiritual cosmic manifesto is yet a mystery to humanity. God’s enslaved all his children to uncover his cosmic  Divinity and with it,  a life filled with health, love, respect, peace and harmony for all.

— Dr. Turi

May God Bless The Queen

(CNN) — It is Her Majesty’s custom to send a personal greeting to her subjects on their 100th birthdays. These days the Queen of England has a lot more letters to write.

Dear readers;

Indeed, if you are a regular reader, I mentioned countless times that England is a Capricorn country, ruled by Saturn and this sign is well known to be the longest living sign of the zodiac. This sign rules also classical music, politics, structures, engineering,  the higher hierarchy, the  ruling party, the rich, the snobs and the Illuminati. This include all souls who reached a position of power and respect through their traditional scientific or religious education.

They are the traditionally “educated” monsters of the future fighting each others to death, all unwilling and unable to conceive God’s cosmic divinity and the soul of the cosmos.

Saturn rules the dry and cold essence of all atheists, agnostics, skeptics and science itself. Saturn also build everything upon all religious codification of thoughts i.e. the Vatican corporation.  It is because of the British ingenious structuring power that politics and order (and abuses) exist today!


Capricorn is also the sign of the devil subconsciously chosen by Christianity, and this tells you how little all those God fearing souls truly know about astrology! Note Hitler was born with a negative Capricorn Dragon’s Tail and his cosmic identity lead him “subconsciously” to invade and try to rule the world!

Builder of the greatest towers
Holding all the social powers
Striving to climb to the highest peak
For honor has no place for the weak
I am CAPRICORN, child of Saturn.

Indeed Astrology is the mother of all sciences and at the core of all religions

Outside of a wondering infantile science ridiculousness and Dr, Gupta tips to live a longer life,  the fact is; if you are British, Saturn may grant you with the option to enjoy a long and healthy life if you know the rest of the story, something Dr. Gupta can never teach you!

I spent over ten years in the UK and outside of the stars influences, be sure  their disgusting, non enriched food and regular traditional  hot cup of tea play an important part of their longevity. I am not an “accredited” scientist but I own cosmic consciousness, a hell of common sense and tons of hands on experiences in this particular country!

Back then, after experiencing the pitiful English food walking the cold and wet streets of London, Sorry VIP’s only////////////////////////. Join now to read the very long educational article!

Born in the south of France in Provence, not only the people, but //////////////////////////

You may be born under any other signs and still enjoy a very long life, and that is because////////////////////

 Jeanne Calment was born on February 21, 1875, and lived to the age of 122 in Arles, France (home of the painter Vincent Van Gogh, whom she met as a little girl).

Well born February 26, 1950 I have a strong feeling that I will also live a very long life, especially since I was able to beat cancer!

Remember where ever Saturn (The Great Malefic) is located in your chart, its //////////////////.

Knowing Saturn/Capricorn rules old age,  the long process of ///////////////////////////

The fact is “birth defect!” will take place /////////////////////////////

In my case when I ////////////////////////////////

Thus all my life, I encountered //////////////////////////////////

It feel like teaching someone to drive a car when your teacher rode only  bicycles all his life! Where is common sense on some people looking for healers, I wonder…

 “physician without a knowledge of Astrology has no right to call himself a physician” Hippocrates (ca. 400 BC).

Depending ///////////////// and induce chronic depressions and suicide become a real possibility. In some case/////////////////////

Another way to remedy various physical or psychical problems is through the making and  use of powerful Talismans. But one must be fully cosmic conscious to tap and seal the “missing” cosmic forces to battle certain malefic planets///////////////////

This very old Iranian talisman speaks of the power of Gemini (the twins/teaching/talking) and Pisces (intuition/magic) created by a “wise man” or a  soul doctor astrologer in need of more cosmic power.I have a few talismans to produce for my VIP’s and it may take months for me to wait and cast (captivate) the best “cosmic auspices.”

The Magical Power of Talismans!

The scientific community has yet to acknowledge, anything and everything on earth, including human beings are under the jurisdiction of the stars. Stars are made of all sorts of minerals found in food, water and on/in earth.

This is why I recommend my clients in need of talismans to mail me their personal small gold/silver articles and the precious stones associated with their zodiacal sign. All will be back to them with the cosmic fluid needed to beat their pain and suffering and attract emotional, financial and spiritual stability!

And that is much better that to let the scientific medical matrix poison your body, mind and soul with dangerous medical prescriptions!

I also tell them about the values coming from the purchase of all my personal possessions, crystals,  healing tools and all that I own and currently selling.  Anything you invest in HAS an energy, that can alter or benefit your life!

Much like a new car  or a new telephone, those items are like “talismans”  loaded with cosmic energy that can kill you or bring you bad news…

Indeed the number of children dying while texting is absolutely terrifying because those kids and their parents do not know about the cosmic code rules and invest on anything, anytime and doing so they break very important, subtle rules.

Indeed cosmic consciousness is a life saver, but  99.999% of the world is totally oblivious of my teachings and one more reason for you to repost my work and help me save lives… No there are no “accidents” readers, only cosmic circumstances at work humanity and science have yet to uncover!

Indeed what ever “star power” is missing in your cosmic make up, or badly afflicting you through a negative planet can be mediated, replaced or even eliminated with powerful talismans. In fact, Astrogeologists and Soul Doctors of the future will use my cosmic wisdom as a base to learn all about the cosmic code and beat all diseases using the stars and talismans.

For now science is offering incredible medical tools that prolong life and stop diseases but the spiritual cosmic disassociation and cosmic timing is killing so many people undergoing surgery on one of their personal negative cosmic biorhythms.

 Indeed too many children died undergoing what science has considered a routine, non dangerous  medical procedure.  I inserted a recovered article titled “Girl brain dead after tonsil surgery – science KILLED Jahi McMath” at the bottom of this one…

Luckily for us all, not only my faithful readers, but also thousands of curious medical scientists from all walks of life are reading and learning from my Cyber Cosmic University.

Full moon may disrupt may Dr. Turi says it does

Author says earthquakes are predictable, Dr. Turi did so since 1991! 

Instead of hiding their ignorance behind the world “ridicule” my “pseudo-science” has a world of miracles awaiting humanity if all those abusive matrixes lead us to self destruct within the next fifty years!

Unlike American and their famous fat McDonald burgers, //////////////////////////////////

“The study, published in the most recent edition of PLOS Medicine, finds that most centenarians die from pneumonia or general frailty rather than cancer or heart disease. Chronic diseases are more likely to kill people who only make it to their 80s and 90s.” I nearly died when I contracted both pneumonia and Valley fever but I was able to beat both using the tips I am sharing with you....

Knowing science ridicule the spirit (UFO or astrology) there are tons of valuable information deriving from the various medical aspects of Astropsychology, all appreciated by the many doctors I taught over the years!

Note, ////////,  England is//////////////////////

Secondly, ////////////////////

Without //////////////////////////

In fact many people who read my book “Beyond The Secret” may have serious difficulties believing what happened to me then… The secret to enjoy a long life is quite simple//////////////////////

While the human body can take a hell of beating and is extraordinary resistant,//////////////////////

But what people do not know is ////////////////////////

Thus if you are dying from the inside out, chances are you //////////////////////////

But what do science and religion knows about God’s cosmic purpose, the soul of the cosmos and its true spiritual purpose upon humanity?   Indeed all the scientific and religious talking heads who pretend to be the experts in their chosen field of expertise are the least knowledgeable on the very topic… 

Planet Impossible? Evolution Thwarted Again – by Creation!


“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life.  Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom.

~ Paracelsus 

Lastly; Do you want to live a long life?  Remember to INVEST in anything and everything that can bring you wisdom and happiness because knowledge is power and ignorance is evil! And today’s doctors you trust are educated kids with no true spiritual wisdom, all unaware or  rejecting the work of all erudite men of the past!

 “physician without a knowledge of Astrology has no right to call himself a physician” Hippocrates (ca. 400 BC).

Be ///////////////////////

Find out all about your cosmic identity, /////////////////////////////////

  • If you need to////////////////////
  • Be /////////////////////////
  • Get //////////////////////
  • Know YOUR //////////////////////////////
  • You do not need//////////////////////

But /////////////////////

God is an eternal, universal cosmic energy referred appropriately as “Dark Matter” by science and faith by Christians!

“Nostradamus tells us that in the Last Days all his prophecies will finally be proven true.  Unfortunately it will be too late for them to benefit anyone in a highly skeptical and doubting modern world.  The Seventh Millenium of mankind’s civilized existence on this planet witnesses an age of high technology and amazing scientific achievements.  God and His prophets are soon relegated to a rather insignificant position in a world more concerned with following its own path to perfection.“


Recovered Article –Girl brain dead after tonsil surgery – science KILLED Jahi McMath

May God bless your soul

Girl brain dead after tonsil surgery

Dear Readers;

There are episodes in life that stick to your mind and this is one of them…When I was a child, back home in France, it was mandatory to have tonsils removed.  I was the last one to go to the hospital and for the first time in my life I was put in a car. I was barely 12 years old  but I recall clearly all my siblings crying and suffering, forced to eat only soup for a few days. When my turn came, I astonished everyone, including the doctor checking on us, because right after the surgery I was able to speak and eat almost immediately!

This is one of the fastest and safest procedures and while the results are debatable, millions have and will undergo through the surgeon’ sharp scalpel.  This bring me to right away to again mention, in 45 years servicing humanity, Dr. Turi never killed anyone and much of the opposite I may ad!

Only a few days, in CO Shooting – Karl H Pierson & Adam Lanza victims of today incomplete education” I wrote that I am often attacked by the envious “Young Souls” for deserving the lifestyle, wealth and goodies of what they call a real accredited “Doctor?” The fact is I can not count my students who own a BA, MA, MBA, JD and PhD! while some of them are “Who’s is Who’s” in the world of traditional medicine.

 When will those people finally realize doctors from highly respected “accredited” schools and universities, by the most conservative estimate researched and published by mainstream medical sources affirms the US medical system kills 225,000 people each year.

I have been in business since 1986 and killed no one, in the contrary saved thousands of people with my counselling, and their endless endorsements speaks the values of my true cosmic/psychical gift the highest, most expansive University could never produce.  A college degree takes 7 years or more to gain, guess what readers, I started studying the stars and the moon impact upon the human psyche with my Grand Ma in France as a child, and today at at 64, I am still learning and teaching people  how to reach the safety of cosmic consciousness…

Then today, as to give me a sign from the heavens, God spoke his will through the cosmic code and took 13-year-old Jahi McMath! I can only hope my “cosmic” work will reach one of their friends and/or the family so they can finally understand what really took place on that dramatic day…

By Mayra Cuevas, CNN – On the morning of Monday, December 9, Nailah and her mother, Sandy Chatman, took Jahi to Oakland Children’s Hospital. By Thursday, December 12, Jahi was declared medically dead. Additional testing confirmed the tragic news on Friday, December 13.

While working endlessly in her garden to feed us all, my Grandma always told me to be very aware of the daily whereabouts of the moon in the sky. She //////////////////////

Some //////////////////////

Sad enough, //////////////////////

I disagree with them and Jahi,  already suffered serious respiratory problems and one single mistake was  more than enough to lose her, and THREE very serious mistakes were made on that day!

But how could I make sense at all, when the entire scientific community is totally unaware of the very basic medical aspects and teachings of Astropsychology?  The fact is her God fearing “trained” pious parents would have never lost her child had they called me and let me PICK the dates for her surgery! 

 “Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces. Matthew 7:6

Indeed my world wide reading audience is made of thousands of curious doctors and owners of BA, MA, MBA, JD and PhD! and since I first used the Internet  I offered my pearls of wisdom for free to them all.  And all the pigs, since then began to attack my work and I… But some smarter souls made a good use of my cosmic / moon medical wisdom! “Full moon may disrupt may Dr. Turi says it does”

While I do not have Jahi full DOB, I can easily trace her natal and hidden dragons and I can assure my readers, on that day she was under one of her “2013 negative Cosmic Biorhythms.”

But again, this will make absolutely no sense to science because they did not investigate any of  my claims. Something that would be easily done knowing the date of the “accidental” death. But instead of endorsing and financing my 45 years of independent moon researches, “Obama waste $100M to unlock mysteries of the brain!

 In the medical aspect of Astropsychology,///////////////////////

  • 1st error: They did not ///////////////////////
  • 2nd error: You NEVER ////////////////
  • 3rd error:  December 9,////////////////////

 While science and the majority of the world laugh at the rare wisdom of the ancients, your children are dying, committing suicide and exterminate each others in public. All science has to battle this psychical nightmare is prescribing toxic drugs and prisons which are nothing else then profitable mental institutions using billions of your tax dollars to medicate all the lost deranged depleted souls!

This is why your endorsements and financial support is needed to help me battle the controlling scientific/religious educational matrixes and introduce Astropsychology in all our colleges and Universities. Please do so here!

  Now let me explain much more on the above.

1st error: ///////////////////////

2nd error: /////////////////////

The cancer that plagued me and never returned was surgically removed ////////////////////

I get tons of calls from concerned people wondering of the best “cosmic auspices” to undergo surgery and I strongly recommend you all to check anything/everything before being anaesthetized and operated on.  Trusting your doctors is fine and I did just that in Thailand and they saved my life, but I also knew /////////////////////////

More than any other, souls born in October and all water signs are prone to experience an early demise if they do not realize the direct connection their body has with ////////////// or pay the price of your and your physician cosmic ignorance.

“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them for interpretations so you may live a safer more productive life!” 

Meantime each months of the year I also produce a very precise daily “December 2013 Moon Transits“ for my trusting VIP’s (JOIN US TODAY!) but I must warn my readers that; I do not use  nor practice modern astrology! Instead Nostradamus 16th century methodology with the use of a modified astrological software where symbolisms, metaphors, intuition, signs and real cosmic wisdom apply!

Thus Astropsychology and all its variations has nothing to do with the  modern Astrology approach you read, follow, trust , learn or teach!  And you wonder why I am never invited in any Astrological conferences or if  someone suggest my name, they turn me down lolol – Much of today astrologers are much too concern with the mathematics and miss the entire forest for the tree… They were born astronomers, not Astrophiles but you can be sure, all the way from India, those astrologers, like you and science,  are learning from me and will never ever admit it… “Forbes Financial Astrology from India

Indeed my Cosmic Cyber University is growing and this is how God decided for me to fulfil my mission but as of today I am STOPPING offering my work to the public! 

Trust me readers, if I was practising regular astrology I would never be able to make accurate predictions, read people spirit and do “cosmic medical diagnostics and  prognostics” accurately. Check my latest December SOS to the World predictions lately?

3rd error:  December/////////////////

/////////////// the elimination of any type of infectious microscopic organisms.

//////////////// I can only use the utmost simplistic terms so the over educated non cosmic conscious doctors can comprehend and explain why they are unwillingly responsible and lost Jahi…

Its feels like an invisible elephant sitting on her lungs after the doctors removed her tonsils out trying to stop the pressure ////////////////the medical scientists MUST accept the few “cosmic” reasons why they, in their cosmic ignorance, involuntary KILLED HER!

In the future, when humanity finally raises back to God cosmic divinity and heed the cosmic code jurisdictions, the medical elites Astroattorneys of the future will own plenty cosmic wisdom to legally make their cases and “punish” the perpetrators.

But for now I am the first “cosmic cop” and the only living Astrophiles since Nostradamus trying to help you with what the envious morons perceive as an endless Spamming! And my SPAM is my own way for Servicing  Poor Atheist Minds for FREE!

“Because they are seeing, they see not; and hearing, they hear not; neither do they under*stand” the voice of heaven.

– Matthew 13:13  

Indeed the/////////

This phenomena ////////////////////

“While the controlling scientific educational *matrix” community and the The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences offers a platform for recognition to all deserving rational souls, my accomplishments in the conception and applications of a spiritual Universe is ridicule or sought as pseudo-science only? ‘God particle’ scientists win Nobel.

“first make people laugh, and then make them think.” “The prizes are intended to celebrate the unusual, honour the imaginative – and spur people’s interest in science, medicine and technology.”

Why is this so complicated for science to accept and acknowledge my work is real and NOT a de-service/deceptive to society and why I could not care less about their rational oriented “Nobel Prize!” rewarding only scientific rational/physical studies only!  I reach millions of scientific groups and medical institutions all over the world that could help me, not only doctors, but ALL fear the RIDICULE! 

“She lost four pints of blood. She had to have four blood transfusions. She had two liters of blood pumped out of her lungs, not including what was in her stomach,” Sealey said. ”There was an enormous amount of blood, and we kept asking, ‘Is this normal?’ Some nurses said I don’t know and some said yes. There was a lot of uncertainty and a lack of urgency.”

Indeed ////////////////// non cosmic conscious, traditionally schooled KIDS  who can learn a thing or two from Dr. Turi!

“A statement provided by Krigel and signed by the chief of pediatrics, Dr. David Durand, read: Jahi’s family has requested that we not share any details of her case with the media. We can say that, as whenever we see a medical or surgical complication, we are reviewing her case very closely. Our hearts go out to her family, and we want to support them during this extremely difficult time.”

Indeed the angry medical legal hyenas are on the prowl and with time, millions of dollars, will be exchanging hands… The same idiocy, lack of curiosity, fear of the ridicule is cursing the Law Enforcement Administration and many cops lives are wasted in the process!

 This nightmare of egocentric educated/accredited” spiritual pride combined with endless legal battles is costing greatly to humanity. And those wasted fortunes should be invested in my schools project so all the children of the future, do not fall victims of the controlling scientific and religious abusive matrixes and enjoy a much safer, productive life.

The question remain the same since 1986 when I wrote my first FREE newsletter and asked for your help!

“For evil to flourish, all that is needed is for good people to do nothing.” – Edmund Burke

Since then thousands of new schools, Universities, religious, prisons and sports buildings were erected. And with it the real God cosmic essence I represent for your salvation is still ignored, and you wonder why I know humanity and Mother Earth are living on borrowing time? 

A true leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.

John C. Maxwell

Any days now I will stop feeding the public with my cosmic pearls of wisdom, join us while you can to show your support for my work! Thank you – DT


L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

listen to my latest radio show with Jerry – US/world
listen to my latest radio show with Ted – US/world
listen to my latest radio show with Rob – Canada/world

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 


Police: Wisconsin girl, 12, stabbed 19 times; WHY Two 12-year-old girls arrested?


If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

Dalai Lama Dr. Turi


Police: Wisconsin girl, 12, stabbed 19 times; friends arrested

(CNN) — Two 12-year-old girls inspired by Internet horror stories are accused of luring a girl of the same age into a wooded area near Milwaukee before stabbing the victim 19 times and leaving her to crawl to her own rescue over the weekend.  

Dear Readers;

Only a few days ago I mentioned “its just a matter of time before another lost soul (s)  decides to act out his/her UCI and become the next monster (s) on CNN!”  The regularity of such dramatic sensational events is simply inadmissible to the point of total public desensitization!   We now come to EXPECT those tragedies regularly as part of our lives  and once again, those endless deadly acts confirms my theory to reach those children before, during or soon after puberty with cosmic wisdom.


Do not accuse those children, nor let the moronic news-media matrix make you believe those kids were born killers. You like or not, you are aware of it or not, they were FABRICATED by all the adults… And without the reflective spiritual cosmic grounding induction, provided at the crucial puberty time,  ALL those kids have the potential to mature into killers including YOURS!

The complaint identified the girls as Morgan Geyser and Anissa Weier.  But in the name of God how can any conscientious adult think of charging CHILDREN as adults and force them to appeared in a court made of educated morons who can not understand THEY ARE THE VICTIMS?

Without early cosmic coaching,  any beautiful, innocent child may become the victim of too many morbid adults, who never had a chance to acknowledge and control their own deadly Plutonic cosmic identity. Kids, ages 6 and 7, stabbed in elevator!

Bail was set for each in the amount of $500,000, according to Waukesha County District Attorney Brad Schimel.” Just give me the damn money I need to build my Astropsychology schools and let me bring an end to this nightmare already!

But a moronic mass would rather invest on Mars One masquerade or their false God and build more religious buildings, more jails and more Psychiatric hospitals where more traditionally educated morons will turn your children into dysfunctional killer zombies…

When will the world finally hear God’s cosmic divinity speaking the signs making up your children psyches? When will humanity stop being gullible and recognize all those abusive matrixes astronomical entertaining controlling purposes and learn all about the spiritual depth of the soul of the cosmos?


Once upon a time we were innocent and loving children but we became  monsters and the innocent victims of today’s rational non spiritual and incomplete education. Religion and science did not work for us,  just the opposite while Hollywood is mesmerizing and building our undeveloped brains, and we lost our spirit along the way! Help Dr. Turi to put and end to this universal ignorance and acknowledge God cosmic Divinity.

Time for the scariest children in movies…All murderers before the age of 16.

All the past, present and future “monsters” are all, somehow victimized by various matrixes, but one of the most damaging is; the Hollywood movie entertainment matrix. The psyche of a child is very fragile and not necessarily able nor trained to differentiate fiction form reality. Depending on the natal UCI  and Neptune’s imaginative strengths, psychical personality infatuation can become TOTAL!

This is why some celebrities are programmed to become religious fanatics! “Phil Robertson DUAL Unconscious Codified Petrified Mind At Work!”  Now, can you recall how many kids have bullied or killed others after watching a movie? I don’t there are too many!

‘Mean Girls’ dies after apparent bullying attack. When will it stop?

It is amazing for me to realize that financial reward and fame override responsibility and the waste of our children.  Indeed when I assure you and your kids are replaceable “collateral damage” to those matrixes, I do not exaggerate anything…  Instead of punishing innocent children why not aim for the real disgraceful responsible corporations instead?  But this is why, LLC was created, so you can not do anything against their legal system and stop them killing the children mentally…

But when ignorance, abuse and a total lack of integrity rules above what do you expect below? With billions of dollars and pompous lifestyle at stake, my endless “legal” battle to save your children fragile psyche is already lost. That is it, unless I finally get the help I need to make the changes, but will your help ever arrive when I am already 64 years old?

Will my Cyber Cosmic University enough to accomplish such an incredible task when so many people are selfishly learning (and stealing) through my cosmic ingeniousness? Author says earthquakes are predictable, Dr. Turi did so since 1991!

Much like the pharmaceutical corporations, many less glamorous matrixes are forced into legally battles to pay millions of dollars for advertising  and selling their deadly products to a gullible mass through your TELL-evision.

But who cares for a few millions dollars in fines and  thousands of poisoned dead victims when they make BILLIONS each passing year? Do you think anything has ever been done by BP to stop using armful chemicals to disperse oil in the gulf of Mexico? Your dream, the wealthy Washington Lobbyists investors are with them… How much more can Mother Earth endure without punishing all those evil spirits (and all of us with them…)


This is perpetuity crime against humanity children designed to serve the numerous wealthy Illuminati corporations who currently monopolizes all sources of information.  Any of those lost kids could have been YOURS and all are victimized and produced by the Hollywood, scientific and religious traditional matrixes controlling the current educational system. It is time for you to take notice and help me reaching the media!


Inside the brain of a young killer

‘Retribution’: Roger Elliot Isla Vista Attacks Started at Puberty
Elliot Roger Versus Adam Lanza – Future Astroforensics At Work Today!
Obama waste $100M to unlock mysteries of the brain
Atheists & Christians, God is Really Pissed Off At You!

Recovered Article December 14, 2013 –  CO Shooting – Karl H Pierson & Adam Lanza victims of today incomplete education

 Karl H. Pierson, 18 I am the latest victim of today’s rational education

Centennial, Colorado (CNN) – A student who opened fire Friday inside a suburban Denver high school appears to have been seeking revenge against a faculty member because of a “confrontation or disagreement,” the Arapahoe County sheriff said.

Dear Readers:

How can such an innocent face be capable of killing others and could not care less about his own precious life?  As expected, this nightmare will NEVER stop because the controlling  religious, scientific, Hollywood educational and media matrixes are all embedded and whoring around with the powerful supremely wealthy pharmaceutical matrixes…

Fixing this psychical phenomena does not require making and selling dangerous drugs readers, in fact, its much more easier and cheaper than you think! Meantime, it is just a matter of time before another innocent child will turn into a monster, kill others kids and commit suicide.

As you know my mind does not work like other rational human beings, thus do you think its only an “accident” for this “Act of God” to unfold a day before the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting?  Today local churches held memorial services and the country marked the anniversary with events including a White House moment of silence.

This is more of another omen or a subconscious message from Karl’s depleted spirit to pay serious attention to this article and pass it on to those looking for the real reasons for all past and future massacres committed by their peers! Mean time rest assured the You Tube matrix will make sure this video does not  receive the attention it truly deserves.

Karl was born with a Dragon’s Head and Tail axis Taurus (stubborn) and Scorpio (REVENGE!) and as ALWAYS met with his early demise during one of his  ”Personal Cosmic biorhythms.” This sign is  ”subconsciously” aware of the reality of parallel worlds and fear no death. Sad enough, the stubborn refusal for the scientific community to investigate and upgrade to my work is becoming excruciating ridiculous. Indeed all the cosmic “ingredients” needed for this drama to unfold were  in place that day and spoke again of God’s celestial divinity cursing their children and cosmic unconscious adults alike!

Karl was born (cursed) with the most powerful, deadliest, fixed and revengeful Scorpius Dragon in the Zodiac. The “2012/2013 Scorpius Draconis“ is still active, all the way to February 2014  and directly contributed to Karl’s dramatic actions. This celestial manifesto will change and curse the world with the new “2014/2016 Arian Draconis” and I have been warning the world of its aggressive Martian Hitlerian impact since June 12, 2013.

Karl owned  the same dragon that breed terrorists, violent criminals, rapists and serial killers. This is a supremely emotional Dragon that is practically IMPOSSIBLE to control if its owner is not cosmic conscious. I always teach my students that; the best time to induce the therapeutic ‘Cosmic fluid” is just before and after puberty and, without doubt, at 18, Karl  fits the bill perfectly!

The lack of scientific “cosmic” curiosity allows for “evil” people to flourish and grow with good decent people, but who’s to deny Karl like Adam Lanza and all the created monsters were once upon a time, innocent, gentle and loving children!

Instead of helping me to reach the media, the US Department of education and science in the right direction  to salvage our children fragile psyches, 200,000 More Morons are investing on living on Mars in 2025 or take a trip to the moon in 2043?

For the sake of our children why would anyone be so easily deceived and waste those resources in those  abusive scientific deceptive matrixes  when their children are killing others then commit suicide? Imagine what I could do and the impact my work would have on anyone, specifically children listening to “Dr. Turi Cosmic Code national radio show” or attending any of my future “Astropsychology” schools?

Indeed, many wealthy human beings are selfish and not only totally detached to reality but insensitive to my endless battles to help me help the children of the future… I personally think, their choices is a total disgrace and disregard for our lost children – What does $250,000 ticket to space buy you?

 And then I have to deal with the true born jealous morons accusing me for deserving the lifestyle, wealth and goodies of what they call a real accredited “Doctor?” The fact is I can not count my students who own a BA, MA, MBA, JD and PhD! while some of them are “Who’s is Who’s” in the world of traditional medicine.

 When will those morons finally realize doctors from highly respected “accredited” schools and universities, by the most conservative estimate, researched and published by mainstream medical sources affirms the US medical system kills 225,000 people each year.

I have been in business since 1986 and killed no one and in the contrary saved thousands of people! And their endless endorsements speaks the values of my true cosmic/psychical gift the highest, most expansive University could never produce.  A college degree takes 7 years or more to gain, guess what readers, I started studying the stars and the moon impact upon the human psyche with my Grand Ma in France as a child, and today at at 64, I am still learning and teaching cosmic consciousness…

Judging someone’s intelligence  because he or she owns a Phd or else is totally ridiculous because “L’habit ne fait pas le moine” as we say in French… The Pope and company in certain occasions,  wear their comical formal religious attires, but none of them hear and speak the true cosmic language of God!

One must never forget, the controlling educational matrix supervised by  the US Department of Education Iluminati gave you those BA, MA, MBA, JD and PhD! and moulded your education to WHAT they want you to serve and work for, but being educated does not mean you will be able to appreciate or recognise the truth!

Ultimately, there is a big difference between education and intelligence, and the brainless envious morons or  Dr. Turi’s Internet enemies can only convince their kind… The majority of my sensible, curious and smart readers will not fall for their Internet droppings, instead they will click on any and ALL provided links!

Do you know that the most successful souls on the planet are drop out? So, as a drop out myself I am proud to be in the company of Albert Einstein, Elton John Thomas Edison, Benjamin Franklin, Bill Gates, Harry Houdini, Ray Kroc, Ringo Starr, Princess Diana  and so many others…

A piece of paper or the clothing does not bring REAL justice to no one, an crooked cop impersonator is probably more dangerous than a “real” cop while “real” cops born with a negative (MPSI)  Matrix Personal Spiritual Identity will lie, abuse and even  kill you!

What the human mind can decipher is limited to only its five limited rational senses and trust me readers, there is much more than the eye can see!  And much more than the controlling religious and scientific educational matrixes want you to know… Thus is you are a supporter of my work and part of my “Cyber Cosmic University” awaiting my next article, consider yourself lucky to own a “spiritually elevated UCI” or be part of a curious, intelligent superior breed of human beings…

Karl, like Adam and other created monsters, own the “villain” statue, the “non compris” the non understood by society and  the very educational system that produced them… Inst it hilarious? But while millions of people from all walks of life are reading me, where is the financial support I have begged for years?

Yes I know, the donations for the illusive trip to the Moon or  Mars is more important than the psychical welfare of your gone mad kids! But yours is normal, so who care, he/she is safe?  But this is what you think because you are a good , pious, dedicated parent but are as far as Mars from cosmic reality…

Let’s build more accredited schools and Universities that feels and looks like dangerous prisons, and with it its armed guards and latest technology! Let’s build more jails, more religious and more sports buildings because this is exactly what the controlling Illuminati running those religious/scientific/educational/prisons  matrixes are all about and all your kids are expendable…

When the true light of hope and cosmic wisdom is rejected, ridicule and ignored by the majority, it seems, my visions for humanity to self destruct internally within the next fifty years, has to unfold as many of my Prophets predecessors visions warned.

“For evil to flourish, all that is needed is for good people to do nothing. – Edmund Burke

Now the question is… Did all the Prophets of the past owned Cosmic Consciousness? And if they did not, then their “psychic” logic could only dictate there would/could be no reasonable, achievable  hopes for humanity!

But I, deeply inside my soul know that God did not put us on earth to suffer a suffocating end by the very hands of their “monsters’ children, ignoring both physical and spiritual laws ravaging and burning their cities. How can I remain humble and sincerely assure you, WE as whole can alter the fate of humanity by re-connecting with God’s cosmic spirit and start right away to make a good use of the Cosmic Code and the Supra-conscious constructive forces reaching earth in time and space.  

What good does rewarding scientists with Nobel prizes if their applications can not be used nor benefit for humanity?  What a Nobel Prize entail? “A parody of the Nobel Prizes, the Ig Nobel Prizes are given each year in early October—around the time the recipients of the genuine Nobel Prizes are announced—for ten achievements that “first make people laugh, and then make them think.” Commenting on the 2006 awards, Marc Abrahams, editor of Annals of Improbable Research, co-sponsor of the awards, said: “The prizes are intended to celebrate the unusual, honor the imaginative – and spur people’s interest in science, medicine and technology. 

I underlined what I consider would fit my independent research on the cosmic code manifesto and its subtle interaction with the human psyche but how can any of the judges realize the gift and values of my work when they are ALL cosmic unconscious or when I am immediately dismissed as a “psychic” and ridicule? That is the PRIZE I have to pay for being the first Cosmic Cop and 50 years or so into the future…

*The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. We will not solve the problems of the world from the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. More than anything else, this new century demands new thinking: We must change our materially based analyses of the world around us to include broader, more multidimensional perspectives.” 

~Albert Einstein*

“While the controlling scientific educational *matrix” community and the The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences offers a platform for recognition to all deserving rational souls, my accomplishments in the conception and applications of a spiritual Universe is ridicule or sought as pseudo-science only? ‘God particle’ scientists win Nobel.

How can I be judged and my 45 years of independent researches  appreciated  when those who decide are PART of the controlling matrix or worse, cosmic unconscious? It feels like racing a powerful Ferrari with my heavy Hummer, which is totally not designed to do so!

So many times I warned of science reluctance to deal with God’s cosmic divinity or “Dark matter and God particles” objectively (macrocosm) instead of dealing with microscopic particle (microcosm.) But I also mentioned many times it seems to be a natural default for all scientists to miss the entire forest for the tree…”

All I can do is to keep forging forward and try to breach today’ science psychical limitation while re-introducing  a factual God’s divinity and his celestial omni presence. Time have changed and changing even faster each passing day readers and there is no accidents for you to read me today! And while I will never get a Nobel Prize, I already own it in the hearts of those who truly know and understand my work and I. Lastly I can indeed associate with a great genius and this is the curse I have to endure to free humanity from fears and cosmic ignorance…

 How many more Adam Lanza or  Karl Pierson sacrifices do you need to help me reverse the phenomenon today’s science is totally oblivious of and incapable to deal with without medications, that will in time make the situation much worse?

When will science finally, publicly announce its failures? This will never happen because they need your tax dollar to perform ridiculous researches and survive looking for the illusive, non exiting gene that produces those anomalies…

The secret answer will never be found looking down through the physical “dysfunctional” brain tissues using microscopes, but by looking above,  into the spiritual cosmic manifesto. Doing so, science will finally realize the human mind is DIRECTLY connected with the Universal Mind stimulated  by the Cosmic Code jurisdictions through it karmic inherited programmed UCI.

“Its a miracle for curiosity to survive traditional education”


Its that simple, so all my readers, educated or nor, can save money and time instead of wasting the next 10 years in an accredited medical University and join the millions of other educated skeptical, non curious morons unwilling to accept their own, over rational unperceptive psychical limitations!

  “A true leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” 

 John C. Maxwell 

Knowledge is power ignorance is evil… Help me warn the world please – Pass it on! 

Again, do not rely on your infantile science to point out the illusive, non existent genes responsible for creating NAZIS, bullies,  not to forget gays and lesbians or even geniuses for that matter! Its all above written in the stars but  the scientific community and atheists alike need Dr. Turi endless SPAM to assimilate and finally acknowledge this fact!

And my SPAM is my own way for Servicing  Poor Atheists Mind for FREE!

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!
Teacher grabs student by neck, IS THIS A JOKE? A Must Read If You Are A Teacher!

Born Killers and the Internet Matrix
“An Act Of God” Children Born Killer?
Jodi Arias A born Killer Mind Exposed
Weed, the builder of future monsters
Help Us Save the Children
Why Matthew Warren Committed Suicide?
Teen girl killed at high school

Recovered Article December 13, 2012

Jacob Tyler Roberts Another Born Killer

‎”If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate violence and ignorance from the world within one generation.”

~ Dalai Lama and Dr. Turi 

Dear Readers;

Did you miss my 12/12/12 radio show? Here it is, enjoy!

I was born a killer but no one told me why!

The Clackamas County sheriff has identified the Clackamas Town Center Mall shooter as Jacob Tyler Roberts, born March 16, 1990.  Steve Forsyth was one of the victims, and 15 year old Kristina Shevchenko was wounded. No motive for the shooting has been released. Police say he appeared to  have died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. The second shooting victim has been identified as Cindy Ann Yuille.

The sheriff said Jacob Tyler Roberts stole the semi-automatic rifle , an AR-15, from someone he knew and he was wearing a load-bearing vest and a hockey-style face mask. There was no connection between Roberts and the victims.

Yet again the  Scorpius dragon took more victims and as read in so many previous cases, unconscious experts depraved of cosmic consciousness are baffled!

(CNN) – “The reasons why people take their own lives aren’t always clear, mental health experts say; a multitude of biological and psychological factors may be involved in how individuals respond to difficult circumstances in life.” The mental experts do not possess cosmic consciousness thus they can not know the real reasons behind her suicide. Read The Real Reasons Why Jacintha Saldanha Committed Suicide

Jacob Tyler is part of the “Death Wish Generation” but my 63 years of independent researches will never be recognized by the scientific community who have not yet accepted that there is a big difference between education and intelligence. In fact the accumulated PhD’s they so proudly own does not good to a perplexed growing media looking and finding real answers in my Astropsychology expertise.   My “pseudo-science” work has all the answers all scientists have yet to uncover and in my endless drive to educate others I am presenting you with the real reasons behind suicides and murders because there are no accidents…Only cosmic circumstances at work unknown to the world at large.

Scepter from my book “The Power of the Dragon” , this 525 book speaks of the human psyche and its interaction with “Dark Matter” or the inner effects coming from Cosmic Code jurisdictions, a book that should be mandatory in all colleges and universities to all the students interested in the working of the human psyche outside of what science has erroneously accepted as the only real disciplines.

While the word “Dragon” steers curiosity, fears or the ridicule in the moronic mind, its subtle impact is very real but who’s to blame the skeptics, atheists, agnostics alike when no one was there to teach them that what can not be seen or touched does not mean it does not exist? Yes my work is not for the feeble minded or what I call the incurious or religiously poisoned ”Young Souls”especially when the mother of all the science has been blasphemed  by the controlling religious Illuminati for centuries!

L’oeil Du Droit a La Force D’Airain


you control

someone source of

information you control that person’s

life and this form of mind control must cease.

This work is dedicated to man’s cosmic consciousness

 Astropsychology profile of a born killer

Jacob Tyler Roberts was born with the Moon (emotions) in Scorpio (death/drama.)

Key words for a negative Scorpius Moon – (Power of the Dragon Scepter)

  •  You are often jealous, resentful and dangerous
  • You are a masochist with a lust for death and drama
  • You use your metaphysical power the wrong way
  • You can’t let go of people and you are secretive
  • You enjoy night and attract the wrong crowd
  • You hate the cops and you have gone to jail
  • You reject life!

Note the moon (Emotions) and Pluto (Death) are conjuncting in the 9th house (foreign lands/education)  and with all other explained aspects stimulated Jacob to make international deadly news. This moon position is in fall and bring often brings karmic difficult relationship with the mother.  I know India will make a good use of my wisdom – Forbes Financial Astrology from “India”


Jacob Tyler Roberts was born with Pluto (power) in the sign of Scorpio (death/drama.)

Pluto in Scorpio: “The Death Wish Generation”– Pluto then inhabited, from 1983 until 1995, his own daredevil sign of Scorpio. Those very young and wild children have already made dramatic news by executing each other and murdering adults for any reason. Such as in Rachula, Missouri on December 28, 1994, an off-duty police officer had been shot to death by his girlfriend’s 9-year-old grandson.  The child was born with Pluto in Scorpio on his Dragon’s Tail (negative). Many of those “kids” have been reported killing adults for money to buy drugs and guns at the tender age of 10 years. Again in May 1997, a brutal slaying follows a beer drinking in Central Park, New York. Two teen-agers stabbed a real estate agent at least 30 times and tried to chop off his hands so police couldn’t use fingerprints to identify him, before dumping him in a lake in Central Park. Both 15-year-old perpetrators, Daphne Abdela and her boyfriend Christopher Vasquez, “gutted the body so it would sink.” These young souls are from the dramatic Pluto “Death Wish Generation.” More than previous degrading generations, these children need constant spiritual regeneration and a good reason to be alive. The upcoming facts will help you to understand more about my work.

Now I can add Now I can add Jacob Tyler Roberts the Oregon mall gunman and unless Astropsychology is accepted as a solid therapeutic science your life and the one of your loved ones are at risk because there are MILLIONS of those kids out there ready to kill! Its a fact, accept it, science has failed miserably in offering you answers on suicides and murders how long will I have to fight with ignorance before my work is recognize as crucial for society? But the question is who’s to help Dr. Turi when since 1991 no one has budged? My prediction of an upsurge of suicide and murder is undeniable and much more is on the way unless you become cosmic conscious and help me breach this humongous scientific egocentric ignorance.

The “perpetrators” and the Victims offer and receive large amount of money and yet, large unanimous donors offer sums to feed science?  You are going in the wrong direction with your donations, give it to me so I can start my schools and make the real changes. Our current educational system needs a serious wake up call and a rebirth while your religious institutions will never help you from what unconscious souls refer as an ”act of God or an accident!”

Read again “The reasons why people take their own lives aren’t always clear, we may never know why or find out the reasons mental health experts say;”

To make the situation MUCH worse Jacob Tyler Roberts was also born with Pluto (death/drama/police) in its OWN sign in Scorpio ( death/drama/police.) Incidentally The Law Enforcement Agency and all its elites are also ruled by Pluto but none of them has yet behaved as a real detective with me or ever took notice of the many public servants concerns I collected seriously! Those who are supposed to serve and protect are the victims while the bosses are coming back home safe every night to their families… Even one single cop life saved is worth the effort to think out of the box for a change and help me to also help the cops!

 “No problem can ever be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” If we are to put an end to the insanity that has a death grip on our collective sensibilities, then we all need to move to a higher level of consciousness.”

Albert Einstein

The dates to find your own natal dragon are offered in my book, its also a good idea to know everyone’s dragon around you and help them to move on the head instead once you recognize ”the signs” Remember God created the stars and the heavens to be used as signs so you may lead a safer more productive life…

(Power of the Dragon Scepter)

Sample of Dragons’ Tail table

  • November 9, 1987 to May 28, 1989                      Pisces Head
  • May 29, 1989 to December 15, 1990                    Aquarius Head
  • December 16, 1990 to July 4, 1992                       Capricorn Head

Incidentally President Obama and Jacob Tyler Roberts shares the same Dragons Aquarius/Leo axis.  Obama was blessed with the Head in Leo was set to raise to international fame and Jacob Tyler Roberts to international UNfame because of his Dragon’s Tail (negative) also located in Leo. But without the proper cosmic education the true pearls of wisdom becomes nothing else than an impractical laughable mambo-jumbo and this sadden me so much because since 1991 I have decoded and seen the obvious reality only my Astropsychology students can appreciate.  America and Obama’s Fated Stars

Most importantly, Jacob Tyler Roberts’ nasty Tail of the Dragon ( ” negative Dark Matter” afflicting the psyche of the subject) is found right into the 6th house of work and service to the world in the sign of Leo. * exactly like O.J.Simpson. What truly happened and explains Jacob’s tragic actions is that,; he was desperately looking for fame regardless of the circumstances and the nefarious UNfamous Leo tail was acted out.

The murder was stimulated by all the Scorpius energies currently plaguing the world in accordance to the ones he inherited. This group of young people have no fear for death and strive for drama at a neurotically explained  level. All the elements were in place and as ALWAYS, and expected Jacob Tyler Roberts was primarily under one of his “Lucky / Unlucky Personal Dragon Dates” and he “flipped!”   It seems my lucky readers have not yet realized the importance of this information, all based upon my latest Astrology discovery and the urgency of investigating my findings at a personal level ASAP. This would avoid the penalty of being at the wrong place at the wrong time and become part of future sad statistics.

Born with his Sun in the very addictive sign of Pisces the use/abuse of legal or illegal drugs is undoubted but the true motivation added to the crazy drive for fame and killing Jacob perceived the world as dirty and messy and performed his own form of cleansing in public. As always I do not expect the young souls or the scientific community to comprehend the intuition domain of my work as I operate from the Archetypal realm of consciousness. Something their own rational “educated” UCI may not allowed  them to conceive in this current level of incarnation.

I guess it is only when the mass of unconscious ”young souls” stop assuming and decide to build more cosmic consciousness and when the people in power finally decide to help me that this world will become a much safer place for you and your children…Until then it is just a matter of time for yet another “death Wish Generation” lost soul act out his cursed  UCI or Unique Celestial Identity.

 Should You Raise Your Children Without God?

Why Children Kill? – Dr.

Jared Lee Loughner Tucson Evil – Dr. – Dr. Louis Turi

Wade Michael Page “Born Killer?” – Dr.

Thomas Alton Caffall III Another Born Killer? – Dr.

Van Der Sloot “Natural Born Killer” – Dr.

James Holmes “Born Killer?” – Dr.

The Stars and Fate of Casey Anthony – Dr.

So who’s to blame? the killer, the parents, the friends, drugs, the cops, but at the end it will be as usual the killer himself. But the real responsible is the rigid educational system unwilling to accept their miserable failures. Let me go into details now… At fault are federal officials, governors and legislators, school administrators and unions, religiously poisoned parents and teachers unwilling to reform. In their ignorance they become the killers of all the children.

 ”All I have asked for is a fair scientific investigation of my work for the sole purpose of promoting mans cosmic consciousness, saving time, money and the lives of many people.”

Dr. Turi

Will you help me?


Common Disorders and Astropsychology


 This mental disorder usually depicts a reclusive, socially awkward, indisposed character with poor or inappropriate feelings and an inability to perform or function well in our society. The inward world of hallucinations is too much for the subject, who falls victim to these make-believe, destructive and grandiose thought processes. This type of hallucinatory person, over a period of time, will need assistance, will become dependent on other family members, and will require supervision. Neptune (confusion), the planet of deception, plays an important part in all mental disorders, and when badly aspected by Pluto (destruction) or Mercury (mental processes), the worst is to be expected. Hard aspects by disturbing planets like Uranus, Pluto, Neptune, or Mars to the Dragon’s Tail (past lives) are also a strong possibility to induce mental disorders. In many cases, the amount of past-life residue is much too strong to be controlled by the soul due to his speedy reincarnation to the earth. An obvious example is seen with the life and fate of Paul Jennings Hill (anti-abortion activist/murderer), falling victim to the residue of his past life as a woman (Dragon’s Tail in Cancer — protective mother), bringing children into this world.


 This mental disorder is characterized by a strong desire for excitement, drama, attention, and constant reassurance. The hysterical personality will do all that he can to attract attention and exaggerate the situation. This type of endeavor is seen within the melodramatic performance of an actor in a televised soap opera or on the big screen. A hard aspect to a Dragon’s Tail, the moon (emotions) or/and Mercury (communication) in Leo (love) combined with other nefarious planets such as Neptune (acting) Pluto (drama) can very well produce hysteria. The desire for attention, drama and respect from others is quite strong and produce exhibitionists, ready to shock others to gain the desperate attention their crave for.

 Dissociative States:

 Dissociative states occur when a person is under great stress from external influences, other people’s cruelty or deeply felt previous internal conflicts with a disturbing immediate situation. The moon (emotion) in Pisces (sensitivity) on the Dragon’s Tail (karma) is a major contribution to the dilemma. This affliction brings dissociation with others, especially to the family. The upbringing is usually very dramatic and the subject learns early in childhood to cope with traumatic sexual or emotional abuse. If the Dragon’s Tail (negative) affects the 4th house (home/family) in the sign of Scorpio (sex) or if there is any hard aspects to the Moon (home) and Pluto (death) drama will occur. Often they are forced to learn to disconnect from their feelings to avoid emotional or physical pain. By adulthood, their emotions are locked behind protective walls and can be accessed as needed. A strong Pluto (power) aspect to Mercury (the mind), and the Moon (emotions) gives the subject a powerful will to dissociate himself from whatever is going on around him so that emotional or physical pain can be avoided. The strength of Pluto, aspects to Mercury and the Moon give this person a form of subconscious (protection) self-hypnotic trance. In extreme cases, therefore, these individuals do experience periods of “missing time,” confusion and disorientation. Sad enough, “The Little Queen” Jon Benett, was murdered at home. The police suspect the parents for good reasons. She was a Leo (fame/stage) and at an early age displayed her gift as an entertainer. The 4th house (home/family members) happens to be in the dramatic sign of Scorpio (death/sex) and clearly indicates where death and drama did enter the life of the subject.

 Sociopathic Personality:

 This disorder commonly called Multiple Personality Disorder or MPD is usually found with people born with a strong negative affliction to Mercury (the mind) and hard aspects to the Dragon’s Tail in Gemini. They do learn at an early age to lie to avoid trouble, and they are also somehow superficial and have problems with established rules and authority. The past-life residue in Gemini (double personality) is not yet eliminated or understood by the subject and is used in the form of manipulation and deceit. Reluctant to obtain education due to a poor memory, or a lack of attention, many of them end up as a “Jack of all trades,” unable to focus and crystallize the thought processes. Afflicted by negative Mercury (Lord of the Thieves), they appear to be charming and smooth in their dealings, but they can be manipulative and insensitive. In order to stay alive, in previous past lives, the soul mastered the art of stealing and lying to survive. Many of them were involved in metaphysical work and had to perform their second occupation at night. Their endeavors involved witchcraft, healing with herbs, plants, using the Cabala and astrology. To avoid serious repercussion from the church authority of their time, they developed a gift of disguise, were lying and adapting fast to any situation meant saving their precious life.

 Attention Deficit Disorder (A.D.D.):

 This has nothing to do with MPD and should be considered a gift from God. Curious by nature and intellectually challenging, an ADD person is, by nature (and purposely) ill equipped to accept all forms of codification of thoughts. Thus, avoiding traditional education, an A.D.D. (Einstein/Clinton/myself) will sidestep the barrier of educational dogma and breach the barrier of what was previously thought of as impossible. Nevertheless, discipline and basic education should be encouraged to promote the inborn genius quality of the A.D.D. subject so that he can be prosperous later in life.

Paranoid Personality:

A strong negative aspect to the moon (feelings) Mercury (the mind) and the Dragon’s Tail (past lives) in Pisces (deception) is predisposing the soul for a network for distorted ideas, fears, and uncontrolled imagination. Self-analysis is very difficult, if not impossible, with this individual who has serious trouble accepting his own intensely emotional and destructive imagination. An attraction to chemicals, drugs, and alcohol is also very common and act as a shield against the harsh reality of the physical world. Lacking objectivity, this individual rejects the reality of his own feelings and directs them toward other people, believing that they are the ones with the offensive intent. Although very attracted to the intangible, this soul is a terminal one and should not participate in hypnotic regression sessions or psychic seances. Due to his deceiving interstellar conception, this soul is a prime target for possession or invasion by low astral entities. The tremendous amount of dramatic subconscious memories from the past-life residue makes it very difficult to distinguish fiction from reality.

 To protect society from all of the dangerous neurotics, all psychiatry, psychology and neuroscientists can do is, with the use of powerful drugs, control the expression of fear rather than erase it completely from the memory bank. However the use of chemicals can only further the degradation of the fragile psyche of the individual and should be avoided at all cost.  STOP The Epidemic of autism in the United States

Those souls have a natural negative reaction to all chemicals and could induce more stress, confusion and paralysis to the subject.  Scientists must do a very different type of research in order to evaluate the real subtle astrological forces producing the mental sickness of an individual. Accurately diagnosing a mentally sick patient is winning more than half of the battle. Only then, with the help of these drugs, a preventive therapeutic mental regeneration will take place, allowing the patient to avoid further mental deterioration. Nothing is to be found in the complexity of the brain’s (computer) physical, supratomic structure. The answer is not within, but outside of the human brain, well above our scientific heads, and in the stars. Understanding and using the work of the ancients can only stop a waste of time in absurd speculation and our vital financial resources. This capital should be used to revive and further the much older, deeper and more reliable forfeited knowledge that resides within the stars. Doing so will re-establish the direct relationship with man’s psyche direct relationship with the universal mind.


EMF or Electro-Magnetic Field Frequency

 Our bodies are vulnerable to EMFs (from AC wiring) because the AC frequencies (Harmonics of 60Hz) are so close to the frequency nerve cells use to communicate with each other. This frequency is also similar to the frequency (10Hz) that emanates from the earth herself. This frequency “celestial energy” changes in intensity from distant stars’ (sun) planets and our very close satellite, the moon (gravity/magnetism). The earth is a spinning magnetic field with a core of iron, and our bodies and earth herself have evolved in relationship to that “subtle but real” outside stimulus or harmonic.

We are synchronized in uncountable ways not only to the mother earth and all her movements and life forms but also to the undeniable EMFs coming from our solar system (and other body/stars). This “energy” is constantly bombarding our body and mind in ways appropriate for each cell to receive information, thus stimulating a specific timetable reaction from all minerals (earth/faults), plants and animals. The radiation emanating from our bodies (and the earth) picks up on this “universal EMF” on its wavelength information mostly from the moon (magnetic field/metaphysics) of gravity (science) and also from all those stars. We are (the earth, too) in effect enclosed in a prison of electromagnetic forces that work in harmony with God’s Divine Scheme. Our minds (computers) are simply cyclonic resonance.

One vector is the DC frequency coming from the earth and the other “AC vector” from our solar system (including the Moon). Thus, our bodies, brains, earth are literally electromagnetic fields that vibrate within these two vectors. The same principles apply for migrating birds, whales and fish. Their inner sense of direction is programmed at birth and their automated computerized brains react to the Moon for reproduction and Mercury for direction.

 ”All I have asked for is a fair scientific investigation of my work for the sole purpose of promoting mans cosmic consciousness, saving time, money and the lives of many people.”

Dr. Turi

Will you help me?

Sharing Email:

Dr. Turi;

I use because they don’t record your website visits and then i went searched various sites. If you ever need a search feel free to contact me, always here to be of service to anyone, speaking know Dr T there is no higher calling then to be of service to others, so just keep it up, and don’t let the negative emails get to you one iota. I have been unemployed for a year, can only find sporadic part time work, doing wine sampling on various weekends,am owed 77K in alimony I know I will never see, have a 13900 mortgage payment each month not to mention sending my daughter to community college because her dad cashed in her prepaid college fund, and didn’t pay her child support, I am 58 and no one is ever going to hire me after running my ex husband’s business for 25 years.

I have no resume history, (because I made a life not a career) before I had to divorce him and yet, each day and night I thank God and the Universes for my home, my car, my children ( not necessarily in this order) my health and I make it miraculously every month and am a happy lady! I also think religions have done more harm then good, but I’d rather live in a country where people are free to practice such non sense than not, and I was raised Catholic but I knew at a very early age none of us were born with “original sin”.

I read every word you post in emails, newsletters and know not think, know you are spot on especially when it comes to the abuses of our gov’t working hand in hand w pharmaceutical firms, and I know the banks control the worlds economy and love to see countries bankrupt so they can earn interest on their loans. People don’t want to see it, like you said, they will hate you for the knowledge but slowly and perhaps too slowly my friends are beginning to open their minds. I also know Jesus was born in early spring in reality but I cherish the season because it is filled with love and happiness. I was born March 19 1954 like the shooter March 16 I think it was, but I choose to live actively not re-actively.

I hope you and Terania have a wonderful Christmas, yes Christmas, not winter fest, or whatever the politically correct crowd calls it. You are both lovely people , heart and soul.


Blessings to all



dr. turi


  If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

 A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

  Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 
