Year: 2014

Bergdahl a deserter, not a hero/ ARMY/NAVY Targeted.


There is only a very thin hair between Divine information and pure imagination, where Cosmic Consciousness is lacking; science, conspiracy and religious imagination have the wrong answers. There are no accidents, nor circumstances, only subtle cosmic consequences at work the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive.”

Dr. Turi

Bergdahl a deserter, not a hero

Eric Shinseki VA chief resigns prediction / ARMY/NAVY Targeted!

Dear Readers;

I did not have to wait too long for CNN latest news confirming; yet again my visions/predictions on how the devastating 2014 Arian Draconis has and will negatively continue to impact all ranks of the ARMY/NAVY personnel integrity. But do you think it is yet another “accident” for  Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl to be born under the sign of Aries? 

Memo: “This dragon is ruthless and invasive and will directly affect souls born in October (Libra)  and April (Aries).   Mars “The Lord of War” will rule the world, imposing huge fires, danger, conflicts, large accidents  and will induce dramatic news of death and aggression. This dragon is also aiming for the soldiers, the Army and the Navy”


 Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl yes I am An Aries, joining the list of Aries and Libra souls who made international news…

Hitler’s inconsiderate invading spirit did not only affect Vladimir Putin (a Libra) but will also directly affect President Obama’s Administration, especially politicians born under the signs of Libra or Aries! And this will add fuel to the fire and steer another of my predictions.  Lawmaker: Obama violated law  Lawmaker: Obama violated law

At this rate, not only the hard core atheists, skeptics and agnostics can only agree with me  but the Pope himself may endorse my predictive work too, because it is becoming impossible to deny! But be sure, my Internet enemies will never quit trying to hurt my work and integrity!

Thus I must also remind my readers of yet another “vision” and prediction published to the world on 4/24/2014 in “President Obama, Asia, NSA the US Fate and Nukes Predictions”  

Memo: “I am particularly asking the skeptics, the atheists, the agnostics and the scientific community, including ALL security services in charge of our President’ safety to make a note of this SOS to the World window and the dates because, unless you become a VIP or work for NSA, I will not be able to reach you to refresh your memory.” 

“Time has and will always be my utmost trustworthy reliable witness” 

Dr. Turi

August 2014 SOS to the world windows

August 9/10/11 2014

Entrails Upset Spit Above
Red Fire Wind  Water To Dance
Stars Command Shock Science
Calm Deception To Strike

Cosmos News / Nukes / Weird news / Freak / Space / Surprises / Explosions / Shocking / Stunning / Incredible / lightning / Unusual Humanitarianism / Discovery / Science / Earthquakes (always above 6.0) / Volcanoes / Tornadoes / NASA / Aeronautics / Technology / Cyber / Japan / Television / UFO.

Author says earthquakes are predictable, Dr. Turi did so since 1991!

Sad enough and understandably, many cosmic unconscious people will make me responsible for humanity inability to heed the signs unaware of God’s cosmic divinity and accuse me of promoting negativity and fears.

In fact some of those groups contacted me directly asking me to stop posting my “SPAM” on Facebook because they are working together to counteract the mishandling of the Supra-conscious destructive forces.

But what they do not know is; I AM THE FIRST ONE TO CONDEMN NEGATIVITY! They can pray their false God until pigs fall from the sky, humanity’s destiny is already written in the stars, solemnizing a fact that none of them can decipher.

There are much more involved in the cosmos than hopes and prayers readers and unless you know all about the cosmic rules or become a master in metaphysics, the negative flux generated by a cosmic unconscious mass of human can never be stopped!  

The scale and weight of fear, negativity, abuse, ignorance and greed largely override its positive counterpart and I can assure you, unless I get a much wider voice soon, fifty years is all humanity has left!

The gap of separatism produced by science (logic/atheists) and religion (Christians/the spirit) is widening each passing day because both are totally oblivious of God’s true cosmic identity and both are unwilling to exit their comfortable deceptive educated/religious zones…

And only a ridiculous amount of smart, spiritually competent curious  human beings can heed my warnings and offer me their revitalizing support!

Changing gears:  proud owner of  the Blue Healing Amethyst,  and the bid for this item is now over!  On to one of our biggest, most precious powerful possession, the 150 Pound Healing Crystal. Again I  realize it was a lot of money to spend for a crystal but its mystical values are well worth the price.  This is the new deal!



I bought this piece for $1800 in Sedona Arizona – 3 FT tall, 7 inches wide Roughly 150 LBS

First option – Along with the huge crystal this set of 3 long healing crystals is a present for whom ever end up buying it. Make me an offer – I will keep all my VIP’s informed of all the betting for this item, first names and proposed amount. Yes privacy is a must! Remember you must pay half of the insurance/shipping or close to $80. The exact amount will be confirmed before shipping.

Second option – If no one make me an offer soon, the betting will be open, either way you’ll be notified. Bet $50 for the large Crystal and $25 for the set of 3. I started  with $100 bet but because I want it in a good VIP home soon I made it affordable for many more people to own it.

The rules:

  • First, because Mercury is retrograde still and I do not want to repeat the same error, DO NOT SEND PAYMENT!
  • Second simply email me and tell us which item (s) you want to bet on! We will build and maintain a list so you end up in the appropriate betting box.
  • There will be two boxes one for the large crystal, the other for the 3 sets. The good news is;  if Terania pick your first name, your city and state (all on video) you will be the winner and if you DON’T you still win a 6 months VIP extension for betting.  Thus you can’t lose either way!
  • Only when this large crystal has gone to a lucky VIP will I propose other items via email, you may also make an offer for what ever you see and like and this little video.
  • The betting for both items will be over on the full moon or June 13th 7.PM and the video posted on the cosmic code website the same day!
  • Lastly ONLY my VIP’s can participate, so keep an eye on your emails and upcoming newsletters, all we own HAS to go and some items are truly special and I will make them VERY affordable or propose betting… 

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi

Could robots build a base on Mars and who benefit until then?


 The gravitational forces that move all galaxies is a scientific fact;   But the greatness of the spiritual cosmic manifesto is yet a mystery to humanity. God’s enslaved all his children to uncover his cosmic  Divinity and with it,  a life filled with health, love, respect, peace and harmony for all.

— Dr. Turi


Could robots build a base on Mars?

Could these robots build a base on Mars? Researchers at the Wyss Institute are developing a new breed of robot that learns from its surroundings.

Dear Readers:

Yes the scientific abusive matrix at work again, keeping the gullible mass at bay advertising their next ridiculous project on CNN. Meantime, NASA is fully aware that NO HUMAN BEINGS WILL EVER physically fly to Mars because it is humanly impossible. Amazing how the well oiled grabbing gears making up the cold, calculated mind of scientists works!

“If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.”  ― Adolf Hitler

But let’ say, they manage to convince enough morons to invest in Mars One mission and get the financial support / waste necessary to build a new breed of robot that learns from its surroundings! What the heck would their achievements do for your life, your children welfare, your mortgage, your bills etc.? All for them, nothing for you! Don’t you have a better way to spend your money?

As mentioned so many times in my articles,  “The True $$$$$$$$$$pirit of NASA” this crowd of intellectuals nerds would rather waste billions making robots using only their brains than to work physically  like we do.

But like any matrix in the making, THEY are the product of the fifties, the sixties, the children of the “educated” parents working for Uncle Sam who developed the nukes to find out  the deadly results of their products (Hiroshima/Nagasaki.)

These privileged selected people truly believe they are mentally superiors from the rest of us because they followed the footpath of their parents’ education fed for years by the government stealing/wasting our taxes.  Amazing how the well oiled grabbing gears making up the cold, calculated mind of scientists works! “Do not compare yourself to others. If you do so, you are insulting yourself.” ― Adolf Hitler

They can not find a job building nukes anymore  so they re-oriented themselves towards NASA programs and Mars deceptiveness.  Many of those scientists are also lobbyists millionaires/billionaires investors who own the media-matrix, all whoring around maintaining lies through your donations and our taxes living the safe fat life you can only dream about.

These are the cold monsters of the future, living, breezing, endorsing, promoting science only! These are the cold, logical, rational educated atheists, agnostics, skeptics and scientists born denying the spirit and God himself. They can not help to think they are better than God period! These are the monsters that will, in fifty years from now RULE the world with an iron wrist, reflecting the same obnoxious spirit of Hitler.

Note for my Astropsychology  students:  Hitler was born with Pluto / Scorpio  (power / mesmerizing / passionate / total control / fanaticism / death) in Gemini ( communication / speeches) in his 3rd house (general communication/critical thinking) and you wonder why the German population fell for his hypnotic, passionate speeches? Now in a few words you understand better Hitler’s deadly, fixed cosmic psyche. Science has so much to learn from Dr. Turi and rest assured, they all “secretively” do!

“Kill, Destroy, Sack, Tell lie; how much you want after victory nobody asks why?” ― Adolf Hitler

The mind of a racist or an agnostic is cold, calculated, petrified to the point of feeling no pain nor compassion for anyone but the clan he belongs. And if you think I am exaggerating look around you, look at all the rich and famous people who suffered Hitler’s spirit last few months?

Do you think they got wealthy by being sensitive to others’ needs or ruthless and inconsiderate? Why would you let those cold calculated minds rule your future and will you help me stop cosmic ignorance? At 64 I am at the autumn of a very rich, unique and rewarding life, should I just concentrate on my retirement or keep fighting for your children psychical freedom introducing them all to a real cosmic God?

I am selling everything I own, I know what the 2014 Arian Draconis is imposing on our lives, your lives and the fate of the world, I am responding in a constructive, smart way to the imposed changes…

Natural Healing Crystal Tools

But the world is not aware, nor listening just yet and those changes are imposed upon each human beings. But how smart and curious are you to avoid the penalty of your own cosmic ignorance? Again this does not mean you are an idiot, just misinformed OK?

If there was a better way, smarter, smoother, diplomatic way to tell you to read how this cosmic energy will affect you personally, and work harmoniously with the cosmic code, I would! But there is not, just Dr. Turi’s undiluted truth!

Did humanity learned anything at all by letting the worse of Hitler’s Capricorn  UCI get the power and total authority induced by the coldest, utmost manipulative sign of the zodiac? The problem is 99.999% of the world is non cosmic conscious, veneering and fearing a false God when they should upgrade to a more lucid , advanced cosmic frame of mind.

Builder of the greatest towers
Holding all the social powers
Striving to climb to the highest peak
For honor has no place for the weak
I am CAPRICORN, child of Saturn.

“Heil Hitler” 2014 Arian Draconis World Predictions

Looking at the endless unfolding predicted news, I know many of my smart readers are able to decipher and appreciate my cosmic messages.  But still, Hitler’s dangerous army of envious young souls are making  for a large portion of our manipulated society.

They do not ask nor questions anything and simply follow today’s rulers… Who are those matrixes leaders? They are all speaking and influencing you from your TELL-evision. 

They are the religious, scientific, news-media abusive educational matrixes, the non-cosmic conscious idiotic celebrities from all walks of life! All forcing you into their OWN deceptive archaic education, just because your natal UCI “vibrate” at their low intellectual speed .i.e. “Phil Robertson DUAL Unconscious Codified Petrified Mind At Work!

Reading is a must, it allows for critical thinking performances but talking like a book does not show intelligence nor ingeniousness… But the real option is to challenge the books you have accepted as the ultimate answers and much of its false or incomplete knowledge…

“Reading is not an end to itself, but a means to an end.” ― Adolf Hitler

As humanity progresses on both its physical and spiritual planes, only its spirit is limitless and timeless… But very rare is the spiritual cosmic teacher engulfed into a dense hard physical world allowed to warn others…

Fact! If you make people think, they will love you, but in my case, if you REALLY make them think harder and challenge them, you force them out of their comfortable accepted religious or scientific zones and they WILL HATE YOU! 

This “Generation of Born OCD” is totally depraved of spiritual cosmic wisdom and so oblivious of God celestial divinity. This make those “robots” behave like “human” feeling and wanting to be  sought as SUPER-human! Indeed they have a long way to go!

All the while educating, creating and punishing innocent children for becoming uncontrollable monsters! Yes the product of a Godless “educated or religious” society gone mad, and this is just the beginning…  Don’t you think its time for the Christians and the atheists to ask real questions and think differently about the possibility of a cosmic God?

“What luck for rulers that men do not think.” ― Adolf Hitler

Inside the brain of a young killer Astroforensics of the future
‘Retribution’: Roger Elliot Isla Vista Attacks Started at Puberty
Elliot Roger Versus Adam Lanza – Future Astroforensics At Work Today!

“For evil to flourish, all that is needed is for good people to do nothing.” – Edmund Burke


Any days now I will stop feeding the public with my cosmic pearls of wisdom, join us while you can to show your support for my work! Thank you – DT


L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

listen to my latest radio show with Jerry – US/world
listen to my latest radio show with Ted – US/world
listen to my latest radio show with Rob – Canada/world

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 



Author says earthquakes are predictable, Dr. Turi did so since 1991!


 The gravitational forces that move all galaxies is a scientific fact;   But the greatness of the spiritual cosmic manifesto is yet a mystery to humanity. God’s enslaved all his children to uncover his cosmic  Divinity and with it,  a life filled with health, love, respect, peace and harmony for all.

— Dr. Turi

Teaching science  and USGS but no Nobel Prize for Dr. Turi

5/31/2014 Author says earthquakes are predictable, Dr. Turi did so since 1991!

“I realized this sort of conscience doesn’t happen in science. These dawn and dusk quakes during new and full moons are the paradigm on the west coast,” he said. “All six great quakes that have struck in Los Angeles that have killed people since the 30s, all of them, dawn or dusk [quakes]. How can earthquakes be predicted? Nabhan says that it is the, “conjoined lunar and solar gravitational tides,” are what cause them.

MEMO – Interesting email from my Webmaster Alan sent in 2010: You know Dr. Turi I realized something super interesting looking at your Alexa stats. A third of all your traffic comes from India. What’s that about? Maybe you need to make a trip to India? I tell you why I think that’s super interesting as well — India (as OF COURSE you know) invented Vedic Astrology so the fact that they are heavily interested in your European style is a huge testament to your work. It’s like they’re saying that YOUR astrology is better than their own. It’s like if I had a new Cuisine/US Chef site that was visited mostly by France and Italy. That’s a huge compliment my friend. Unless of course they’re stealing your work and retrofitting it into their Vedic style! You never know! 


Alan Webmaster”

Dear readers;

Well we are in 2014 and this tells you how far advanced I truly am knowing this is all I tried to tell the scientific community since 1991.  Meantime there are a few things Andres Limbers and KDKA Radio Morning News Larry Richert should know and also ask David Nabhan a few things!

First;  WHY USGS NEVER answered Dr. Turi since 1995 when he  gave them unarguable large earthquakes predictions?  And second knowing I have been blasting the Internet with earthquakes predictions since 1991 and explaining how the tides created large quakes on George Noory national radio shows and all my  other TV radio shows  IF, David Nabhan never heard nor learnt anything from Dr. Turi?

WHAT ABOUT A PUBLIC CHALLENGE MR. NABHAN? ANY RADIO or TV HEAD WILLING TO SET IT UP? Your methodology against mine and let the public decide… But will I get the same response as with James Randi? 

Dr. Turi on William Shatner’s TV Show
Discovery Channel – Dr. Turi’s Predictions

With such a HUGE presence on the Internet, constantly generating predictions on my Cyber Cosmic University, and confirming all large earthquakes hits on BIN, could David Nabhan have never heard of my work and my methodology?   Yes much like the Indians Astrologers endlessly learning form the master!

Global Rank Global rank icon 543,381 up 645,205

Rank in United States United States Flag 210,266

Rob McConnell – President & CEO of REL-MAR McConnell Media Company

I have had the pleasure and privilege of knowing Dr Turi since the early years of The ‘X’ Zone Radio Show going back to the 90s. He has always been a true, dedicated and professional wanting only to make positive changes in the world that we live in and to his fellow humans. On Wednesday, September 7 from 2 pm – 3 pm Eastern, Dr. Turi was a guest on The ‘X’ Zone Radio Show which I am the creator, host and executive producer when he accurately predicted the earthquake that hit Vancouver and The Islands in British Columbia, Canada on Friday, September 9, 2011. You can listen to our interview at The link to the show is up and working – it is

When Dr Louis Turi speaks, people should pay attention! It is without hesitation and great pleasure that I fully endorse and recommend Dr. Louis Turi.

But nothing is surprising with science knowing only those who own PhD’s are worth investigating yes? If you only knew readers how many very well read and educated geologists readers avidly consume my work daily! Indeed Astrogeology is born but like many erudite men of the past, its only after their passing that justice and intellectual property is assigned to the real dead genius…


Full moon may disrupt may Dr. Turi says it does

Memo from www.drturi earthquakes predictions;

“CME’s or  “Coronal Mass Ejections / Solar Flares have NOTHING to do with natural disasters, tornadoes, earthquakes, tsunami etc. Furthermore the Sun is much too far to affect humanity or the earth entrails physically apart from warming up its surface with its powerful rays. The sun is a “luminary” a star and not a planet. Our closest satellite, the moon (moody/lunatic/tides) which is much closer to earth  and the sole responsible for all natural disasters, including large earthquakes and all human affairs. But depraved of Cosmic Consciousness, science, religion and conspiracy theories can only offer you erroneous answers…”


So the scientific community likes solid proofs? Here it is again and anything that has ever been posted on the Internet is there to stay forever and with a little search on “Deja New” anyone can trace these dated posts.

Sample of Proof:

WWW -INTERNET – USGS – Message -ID: ///4Hv@goodnet/// -sender news////com (News Administrator) -Dr. Turi drturi////com>

Newsgroups – sci.geo,sci.geo.geology,ca.earthquakes,hkbu,geog.maps – WEEKLY USGS Quake Report 9/28 – 10/4/95 CA. Seismology Institute – in rticleDG1t4H.v @////com>

DATE- Oct 6h, 1995 says…  “ POSTED (Oct, 6th. 1995)”

From Dr. Turi – “Dear Sirs: – On Oct. 8th and Oct. 9th a very unusual seismic activity will be noticeable and will produce many quakes above 6.1. More information is available pertaining to my method if requested. Respectfully- Dr. Turi”

Results – Full proofs of predictions:

1 – RE: Weekly USGS Quake Report Oct. 8th


2 – RE: Weekly USGS Quake Report Oct. 9th


More Proof from NASA STUDENT

Kudos to you Dr. Turi!

I surf the Internet periodically for predictions on forthcoming events, specifically all relating to earthquake activities. You hit the 11/22/95 Egypt/Israel/Saudi Arabia 7.2 quake smack dab on the head, per your earlier prediction. Congratulations again!

E-mail < ////private @ccmail.jpl.nasa///> Keep up the good work.

Appreciatively, G//

Yes and I did all this without stealing hard working American citizens taxes but readers did it occur to you how many BILLIONS were wasted since 1991 when I offered my services to USGS? Its now 2013 and 22 years later and with all the scientific researches and sophisticated electronics equipments they developed they need more of your money to convince you they are about to offer you a 10 days warning?    ARE YOU JOKING? The fact remain ALL major disasters since 1991 transpired in one of the numerous  ”SOS To The World” or my “windows of high probabilities!” 

All the scientific community has to do is to INVESTIGATE my claims and there are TONS available to them posted for ever on the Internet… But remember doing so mean accepting defeat and the fact that an “uneducated” French man who uses the divine has and will ever always be able to do and offer better “predictions” than them all combined!

Now this does not mean science is bull but their earthquakes predictions methodology is NULL, unreliable, non existing and shows a serious inefficiency against my unarguable “mystical” methodology!  Your tax dollars is going to those well-established governmental institutions but, never in a million years will they give you either the  location of right timing to when the next large quake will take place! While my valuable research and my obvious findings (and predictions) are not taken seriously?

Recovered Article October 21, 2012

Forbes Financial Astrology from “India”



Forbes Article on Financial astrology

Interesting email from my Webmaster Alan sent in 2010: You know Dr. Turi I realized something super interesting looking at your Alexa stats. A third of all your traffic comes from India. What’s that about? Maybe you need to make a trip to India? I tell you why I think that’s super interesting as well — India (as OF COURSE you know) invented Vedic Astrology so the fact that they are heavily interested in your European style is a huge testament to your work. It’s like they’re saying that YOUR astrology is better than their own. It’s like if I had a new Cuisine/US Chef site that was visited mostly by France and Italy. That’s a huge compliment my friend. Unless of course they’re stealing your work and retrofitting it into their Vedic style! You never know!

Alan Webmaster

With this in mind can you go now to  and let me know when “Sharma Predictions” or “The Mahendra Prophecies” started their website please? was started in 1991 and all my articles about money, investments, the moon, timing ,  and how to use the cosmic code  for business etc.  has been on national radio, televisions and posted on all websites and my own since 1991 – CHECK FOR YOURSELF!


Now you can help me and make the author of the article Kenneth Rapoza and Forbes magazine aware of the facts than someone in the US and not in India called Dr. Turi did the ground work since 1991! Thank you for your help and the help of the Scorpius Dragon demanding the truth to be exposed at any and all costs…




L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

listen to my latest radio show with Jerry – US/world
listen to my latest radio show with Ted – US/world
listen to my latest radio show with Rob – Canada/world

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 



Confronting racism face-to-face and the spirit of Hitler prediction


“If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!‎ posted to the world June 12, 2013  



German/Vikings Skin Alike
Black and White Red Blood 
Fire War Violence  Passions Rule
God No where To Stop Fires

  Hitler’s Evil spirit reborn

Hitler NAZI Spirit Re-Born Upon The World 

Cosmic unconscious human beings suffering and acting out their karmic UCI

Mo Asumang, daughter of a black Ghanaian father and a white German mother, talks to BBC News about her experiences making her new documentary, The Aryans, in which she confronts racists, both in Germany and among the Ku Klux Klan in America.


Update 05/31/14 –  Mark CubMark Cuban: ‘I think we’re all bigots’

“Heil Hitler” 2014 Arian Draconis World Predictions

Please help me reach the media and the world, pass on my predictions to all the people you care! Thank you – Dr. Turi

Dear Readers;

I am sure many of you will recall the most precious and powerful possessions we own and the option for all of you to participate in the  May 27th Ballot Drawing.

With Mercury retrograde a lot can and will go wrong! In fact my wife Terania’s intuition is simply remarkable and I have yet to learn to listen to her a bit more. Right from the first day, when someone decided to buy both the very large very heavy blue Healing Amethyst, the huge 200 pounds crystal and full glass display she told me.

“Hun I do not feel right about this person, the more you are giving her the more she is demanding, I do not think her vibrations fit ours and I do not want my crystals to go to her house. We do not need our energy to mingle with hers! You already gave her a $700 consultation deal for $350, you told her you would do another reading at no charge for her daughter, you are offering her other daughter with a free crystal present, a full year FREE cosmic code subscription and now you want to give her the full course  and the software for $500 instead of $1850?”

I told my wife that I was not selling all these to make money and I wanted to make her happy but later Terania told me she challenged her and refused to pay for half of the shipping… something I mentioned in my newsletters and we both agreed upon.   Then when she asked to be removed from the Cosmic Code, I realized why she attracted her very negative cult leader Neptunian husband and all the dark forces  following him that poisoned her spirit and nearly killed her and her children. Indeed there are people that can never be helped regardless of my cosmic wisdom and good heart!

I guess there are are no accidents, and the cosmic cleansing took place…Thus Mercury retrograde did his part and those two items and our healing spiritual energy are back ready to go to a more deserving advanced spirit.

Indeed those two huge and very heavy crystals are the top of our rocks possessions, such a piece cost well over a thousand dollar and the HUGE  one displayed below even more!

I bought this piece for $1800 in Sedona Arizona – 3 FT tall, 7 inches wide Roughly 150 LBS

This set of 3 long healing crystals and candle holders glass display and colored spheres is a present for whom ever buy both items. Make an offer

And who knows what I will add to make you happy! Those items are already packed and ready to go!

Sharing Email;

Dear Dr Turi & Terania,

I just wanted to let you know that the large Amethyst Crystal was worth way, way more than you were asking and if I had been living in USA I would have been happy to pay even even more than what you were originally asking as it was a beautiful piece. However, being in Australia and the cost of s/h would have been too much for my pocket. You are very generous parting with beautiful crystals at such a giveaway price. Hope that people can see this!

All the best! Blessings,


Much more items will be displayed here later on, comeback pls


Eric Shinseki VA chief resigns prediction / ARMY/NAVY Targeted!


There is only a very thin hair between Divine information and pure imagination, where Cosmic Consciousness is lacking; science, conspiracy and religious imagination have the wrong answers. There are no accidents, nor circumstances, only subtle cosmic consequences at work the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive.”

Dr. Turi

VA chief resigns

Obama  praised Shinseki’s service as a soldier “who left part of himself on the battlefield,” and a VA leader who helped increase the budget and services, whittle down a backlog of benefits claims and help homeless veterans.

Dear Readers;

Again, I must mention that the only way for me to help you raise your “cosmic” awareness is to bring to your attention the past, present and future predictions. This is not gloating nor a display of egocentricity but the ONLY way for me to prove my gift in predictive astrology.

From 2014 Arian Draconis PredictionsPrediction # 2 – Expect a full restructure of the Army and the NAVY due to some foreign powers in need/offering manpower to bring stability in some unstable parts of the world. Many high ranking Army/Navy officers will make international news.

The fact is  Eric Ken Shinseki is a retired United States Army four-star general who serves as the seventh United States Secretary of Veterans Affairs. His final U.S. Army post was as the 34th Chief of Staff of the Army. While McCain said, “its time for Shinseki to move on” he and so many unconscious Army/Navy heads are also a BIG target for this Arian Draconis…

And I will be there to remind you when I add their names in the long list of my 2014 Arian Draconis Predictions. No ONE, from top to bottom working in the US Army/Navy is SAFE and many will be forced into a FULL life restructure.

If you make a simple mistake or ignore the  “signs” you’ll pay the price for ignoring God cosmic divinity! .i.e.  Marine tied to Mexico jail bed while others will bring shame serving the enemies of the US.  U.S.: Jihadi was raised in Florida.

I know for a fact, the God fearing souls , the atheists, the skeptics, agnostics and educated alike will not only ridicule or fear my work but will never attempt to investigate it. Thus I have to offer the undeniable facts and try to make this dry crowd think progressively for a change… I trust not all of them were born stubborn “donkeys” following the scientific or religious carrots and with my help, upgrade their perception of a cosmic God.

Keep in mind that my predictions were publicized back in June 2013 readers. This mean well before all the major news directly affecting the Army/Navy, the series of awful fires and all cosmic unconscious celebrities racial comments became public. Yes some people call me CNN before CNN and I am glad to offer you the option to judge for yourself and apply your own critical thinking.

All you have to do is to read the set of predictions involving the return of the “Spirit of Hitler” at the bottom of my 2014 Arian Draconis Predictions article.

There are too many false prophets operating all over the Internet and I am the only one offering you solid, well documented, dated, printed, published predictions.  This very fact make the envious, insecure young souls miss my supreme confidence and assume I am an egocentric. Indeed showing real supernatural powers breed animosity in the atheists born who have nothing but false criticism to offer humanity. Indeed my mission is to upgrade humanity psychical / spiritual welfare and reinstate the values of Astrology, the mother of all science!

The 2014 Arian Draconis  and Hitler’s racial  deadly spirit has been and will be cursing the world for many more months to come. Its war like invading nature has shown through Vladimir Putin ambitions annexing Ukraine and Kim Jong -Un‘s egotistic Army power.

It is so dangerous for such world leaders, including President Obama advisers no to consult the stars or worse ignore those signs… Humanity will be tested like never before in the years to come particularly America!

I warned the NSA and our President of his impending fate when the Cosmic Code will test his presidency next August 2014. All you have to do is wait for yet another of my vision to unfold then judge my accuracy.  I will soon stop offering my work to the public made largely of God fearing young souls and those who can not differentiate my true cosmic pearl of wisdom from SPAM!


 Servicing Pathetic Atheists Mind for free!

God is an eternal, universal cosmic energy referred appropriately as “Dark Matter” by science and faith by Christians!

“Nostradamus tells us that in the Last Days all his prophecies will finally be proven true.  Unfortunately it will be too late for them to benefit anyone in a highly skeptical and doubting modern world.  The Seventh Millenium of mankind’s civilized existence on this planet witnesses an age of high technology and amazing scientific achievements.  God and His prophets are soon relegated to a rather insignificant position in a world more concerned with following its own path to perfection.“

Atheists & Christians, God is Really Pissed Off At You!

Lastly; the crystals, Jupiter moons, rose quartz lamp, petrified forest bloc, pyramid etc. are now all SOLD! 

Reduced Bet start at $50 –  This black and white fossilized sea shells 22 X 6 inches (and the 2 cubes) are very decorative and grounding if you have a strong water sign in your chart.  If you can’t sleep to well or need more creative imagination and intuition this type of fossilized shells  can only add to your life. Best placed in the office, the bedroom or the sitting room if used for decoration only. This is a steal if you get it even for $100.

Remember only VIP’s can bet on the many items we still have to sell before living the country.  Get a piece of history and Dr. Turi cosmic energy in your home. Note, from now on, I will SIGN every articles I sell because I know fame/immortality will follow me after my work is done on earth!

 Reduced Bet start at $50 – This porcelain statue is 29 X 9 inches, is not very heavy and VERY fragile. This one has to be packed very cautiously and should arrive safe to your door. Add $20 and get the Angel antique mirror and the absolutely gorgeous Roman Glace Panel on the right. I will sign all items…



L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

listen to my latest radio show with Jerry – US/world
listen to my latest radio show with Ted – US/world
listen to my latest radio show with Rob – Canada/world

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 


Inside the brain of a young killer Astroforensics of the future


If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

Dalai Lama Dr. Turi


Inside the brain of a young killer  Inside the brain of a young killer
‘Retribution’: Roger Elliot Isla Vista Attacks Started at Puberty
Elliot Roger Versus Adam Lanza – Future Astroforensics At Work Today!

Obama waste $100M to unlock mysteries of the brain
Atheists & Christians, God is Really Pissed Off At You!
Teacher grabs student by neck, IS THIS A JOKE? A Must Read If You Are A Teacher!



Let’s work together to stop cosmic ignorance and save the children of tomorrow…

World renowned author and lecturer Dr. Turi present a discussion on the Universal Rules and Parapsychology teachings offering extraordinary levels of Supra-consciousness and human karmic residue awareness.

Author of many popular books and “Who is Who in America” Dr. Turi will discuss the depth of the subconscious’ creative forces taught to the Law Enforcement Agency, NASA, FBI agents, psychologists and psychiatrists students. Understanding the Astropsychology software and artwork used in the tuition is a major contribution to assimilate the working of the human psyche outside of accepted disciplines.

What is Astropsychology or the Cosmic Code? Described as an art as well as a science it reflects the subtle connection between the human mind and the Universal Mind. The human ability to accurately perceive and accurately describe any person neurological inborn positive or negative traits and reactions to other human beings, beliefs, situations or events.

In this introductory workshop, Dr. Turi will introduce some of the techniques developed while training the student to build the mental “reflex” needed to accurately assert anyone hidden motives, true personality, mental potential, inner fears, strengths, gifts and weaknesses. Indeed this workshop will lead to a new perception of what it means to be human and the transformation experience will stay with you for the rest of your life.

With the assistance of a lap top and specially modified Halloran Software participants will be guided through the Cosmic Code secrets giving everyone a fun opportunity to test their own Unique Celestial Identity and use their own psychic abilities in a controlled experiment. History, applications and success — learn the amazing truth about your relationship with the Universal mind.

A Master Piece “Beyond The Secret”

Cosmic Secrets Divulged“The Power of the Dragon”



L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

listen to my latest radio show with Jerry – US/world
listen to my latest radio show with Ted – US/world
listen to my latest radio show with Rob – Canada/world

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 


‘Retribution’: Roger Elliot Isla Vista Attacks Started at Puberty


For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice…


Timeline to ‘Retribution’: Isla Vista attacks planned over years

(CNN) — The Isla Vista killer wrote in his “twisted world” journal that when his “life took a very dark turn” at 17, he began fantasizing about punishing “all of the popular kids and young couples for the crime of having a better life than me.”



Dear Readers;

I am sure many of you already read the full explanation of Elliot Roger UCI through my Astroforensic work. All I can do is to again emphasize the importance of reaching all the children before, during  or soon after puberty and offer them the option to ground themselves PSYCHICALLY and control what our non spiritual science would classify as “hormones changes” only.

There is so much more involving our spiritual evolution and its inner connection to the stars because the cosmos itself has a soul and reflect God’s cosmic divinity. Indeed something today’ science as yet to uncover.

Please do not portray those innocent victims of the adults/teachers cosmic ignorance as mere criminals only, indeed all the past, present and future monsters are the end product of a detrimental lack of Universal wisdom.

The moronic, uneducated news writers and TV “Talking Heads” describe Roger as living in a “twisted world”  and then his “life took a very dark turn” at the age of  17.

This confirms my theory to reach those children before, during or soon after puberty and my legitimate wisdom. Do not accuse nor let the moronic news-media matrix make you believe only those children were born killers. Without spiritual cosmic grounding ALL kids have the potential to mature into killers including YOURS!

Any of those lost kids could have been YOURS and all are victimized and produced by the scientific and religious matrixes controlling educational system. It is time for you to take notice and help me reaching the media!

My work is read all over the world by millions and a good chunk are teachers, school masters and curious medical scientists. I am willing to lecture for FREE anytime, anywhere so you can appreciate not only the impact but the demand and need for such a “controversial” topic.  Again it is only a matter of time before another innocent kid or young adult suffer his over emotional UCI and initiate another killing spree.

‘Retribution’: Roger Elliot Isla Vista Attacks Started at Puberty

There are thousands of kids just like Adam Lanza and Roger Elliot ON THE VERGE to commit horrible crimes and its just a matter of time before acting out their nasty stars when, the dance of evil or their cosmic biorhythms falls in the perfect place.

How long will it take for the “educated” scientists, parent, and teachers alike including the US Department of Education to ACCEPT their failures and try something new?

Dr. Turi Recovered Article – Proposition for discussing Spirituality in Schools  

By Vicki Zakrzewski and Dr.Turi

Research suggests that spirituality may be a natural developmental process—so what does this mean for secular schools?

“I believe in reincarnation because it just makes sense!” exclaimed 10-year-old Jesse in the middle of a lesson that was on anything but reincarnation.

Dear Readers:

Knowing that I exhausted every possible avenues to reach Vicki and her friends privately on her Facebook page,  the chances for them to read my 45 years of independent researches on the subtle interaction between the human mind and the “Cosmic Code” are grim; but a response from her or any of the medical experts I reach regularly with my work would be a miracle.

Thus, while she is definitely on the right track, I hope to bring Vicky and the scientific community a better understanding of the mechanics involving the Universal Mind and its impact upon human with my famous rebuttals… In ‘NFL Star Junior Seau Huge Medical Cover Up” I gave  a few valuable links on the subject, but knowing it is a miracle for curiosity to survive education I wonder how many people really took the time read my work. As a rule women are much more perceptive/intuitive than men but this is not a rule because it all depend on the inherited UCI or Unique Celestial Identity.

Continued: This wasn’t the first time one of my students had brought up a topic related to spirituality or religion. In fact, I found during my years of teaching that most of my students were both curious about and eager to discuss these subjects—a bit of a conundrum when schools generally consider these to be taboo subjects.

Dr. Turi Rebuttal:  Does Vicki’s comment speaks for itself and dictate a very strong conscious and subconscious drive to dig into metaphysics, astrology, Astropsychology, meditation or anything else classified as “pseudo-science”  by our infantile scientific community?  The very taboo they are talking about is the cosmic fluid they all need to balance out the endless rigid rational educational material enforced upon a burgeoning  fragile psyche.

Continued: Interestingly, however, scientists are beginning to find that just like cognitive, physical, and emotional development, spirituality may also be a universal developmental process—which, given that teaching is informed by child development, raises the question: Can spirituality play a role in secular education?

Dr. Turi Rebuttal: Thanks Dr. Turi for blasting the Internet since 1991 educating parents and teachers alike but rest assured like Vicki and the 20 TOP mind experts and other elites from all walks of life making up my “Internet “Black List” sucking my rare wisdom is OK but acknowledging the source of their learning is out of question!

Continued: What is spirituality?
Before I go any further, though, I want to fully acknowledge how divisive and tricky the topic of spirituality in education can be for very legitimate reasons. That is why I am approaching the subject through a scientific lens.


In the absence of Cosmic Consciousness; science, conspiracy and religious imagination have the wrong answers. There are no accidents just cosmic circumstances the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive.

– Dr.Turi

To start, there is no definitive agreement among researchers on the separation between spirituality and religiosity. In general, however, spirituality is viewed as beliefs, practices, and experiences that shape and create a way of knowing and living that may or may not be informed by religious ritual, tradition, and doctrine. A person often inherits religion, but makes the conscious choice to practice spirituality by seeking answers about the self, universe, and meaning of life.

Dr. Turi Rebuttal: Yes Vicki is on dangerous ground here dealing with spirituality and religiosity for two reasons! First she does not want to upset the status Quo (or the Christian) secondly like all of her cosmic unconscious scholar peers, she does know nothing of the critical difference between the two… One is based upon accepted religious doctrines created by man’s folly and based upon faith only, the others speaks of the Glory of the creator through his zodiacal celestial design, something I use with the help of a software to make my “predictions” or investigate / expose anyone’s UCI or Unique Celestial Identity.

Vicki wrote “A person often inherits religion, but makes the conscious choice to practice spirituality by seeking answers about the self, universe, and meaning of life.” Wrong Hun, if you are were born in the constellation of Capricorn or a Libra , if you were born a Neptunian or  Pisces I.E. Joel Osteen, or own a rising, moon, natal or hidden dragons in any of those signs, you are set “cosmically” to “addict” yourself towards the codification of thought (the books) naturally.  There is NO conscious choice because the “pull” is already there and often impossible to ignore!  However the current generation is ill fitted to “absorb” any type of religion and will turn around soon after puberty!   Watch  In Memory of The Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting Victims

Continued:  While numerous scientists propose that spirituality is a developmental process, they disagree on how the process occurs. Some suggest we are born with spiritual capacity that is cultivated (or not) through interaction with parents, teachers, and/or our culture. Others think spiritual development occurs in stages as we integrate our beliefs with our feelings and actions.

Dr. Turi Rebuttal: This is truly laughable because ALL scientists are cosmic unconscious to star with and as I mentioned so many times before, those who are perceived as the “experts” in their field of expertise are often the least knowledgeable on the topic they are enslaved to uncover.  Yes there is a big difference between education and intelligence and PhD’s don’t really mean nothing! This is particularly true with UFO something a bit too “taboo” for any scientists to conceive – yet!

I would strongly recommend all teachers to watch these videos then let their students watch it too!

Dr Turi Beyond 2012

2012 Mayan Cosmic Activation

Cosmic Code Reality – Part 1

Cosmic Code Reality – Part 2

Cosmic Code Reality – Part 3

Dr Turi on William Shatner’s “Weird of What” TV show

Continued: To determine if there is a universal developmental process of spirituality, the Search Institute—led at the time by Peter Benson, an expert in positive youth development—collaborated with scientists from around the world to study the spiritual and religious beliefs and practices of young people. The Search Institute took their definition of spirituality from a paper published in 2003 by the journal Applied Developmental Science:

Dr. Turi Rebuttal: How old is Peter Benson and how many religious or traditional books he read from his accredited colleges?  Can a 63 years old gifted man and his  45 years of independent research on the human mind know better? You bet I do and I would love to meet with anyone of them and prove my claim. This simply mean the utmost shock “wake up call” ever  but what are the chances of this to happen? I wish he or any other mind  expert would meet on national TV to debate, so the world could benefit drastically from the experience too! Those who are perceived as the “experts” in their field of expertise are often the least knowledgeable on the topic they are enslaved to uncover.  Yes there is a big difference between education and intelligence and PhD’s don’t really mean nothing! To me they are all unconscious kids fresh out of colleges with no real understanding or real wisdom of what it means to be human and not a challenge at all… And this why this will never happen…

Continued: Spiritual development is the process of growing the intrinsic human capacity for self-transcendence, in which the self is embedded in something greater than itself, including the sacred. It is the developmental “engine” that propels the search for connectedness, meaning, purpose, and contribution. It is shaped both within and outside of religious traditions, beliefs, and practices.

Dr. Turi Rebuttal: Again this assumption is wrong because there is a big difference between applying religious faith to make sense to this physical world instead of using cosmic consciousness which is based upon a solid structure only my students can comprehend and use appropriately after a full week 7 hours  a day crash course.

“Where Cosmic Consciousness is lacking; science, conspiracy and religious imagination have the wrong answers. There are no accidents just consequences the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive.”

Dr. Turi

Continued: Almost 7,000 persons aged 12-25 from Australia, Cameroon, Canada, India, Thailand, Ukraine, the U.K., and the U.S. took part in the study that included surveys, focus groups, and in-depth interviews. The sample represented a broad range of educational and socioeconomic backgrounds, and every major religion as well as Paganism, Sikhism, Native or Traditional Spirituality, atheism, agnosticism, other religions, and those who did not identify as religious.

What they found strongly suggests that a spiritual development process exists that transcends the boundaries of culture and religion and that does not necessarily require engagement in religious practices.

For example, approximately 64 percent of the sample indicated that they were actively pursuing spiritual development without strong adherence to a religious path—with more than half stating that they had grown in their spiritual identity in the last two years. Their main means for spiritual growth included creating positive relationships through prosocial (kind, helpful) beliefs and actions, discovering meaning in life, practicing mindfulness, and aligning values with actions.

Findings also suggested that the majority of young people would welcome the opportunity to explore the topic of spirituality in a safe, caring, and non-judgmental setting.

Dr. Turi Rebuttal: I do not want to sound redundant but this has already been answered and sometimes repetition is a must to assimilate new information…  All human beings inherited a UCI and are cosmically programmed very differently, thus if you are were born in the constellation of Capricorn or a Libra , if you were born a Neptunian or  Pisces I.E. Joel Osteen, or if you own a rising, moon, natal or hidden dragons in any of those signs, you are set “cosmically” to “addict” yourself towards the codification of thought (the books) naturally.  There is NO conscious choice to make because the “pull” is already there and often impossible to ignore!  While the environment, early teachings and experiences will stimulate the soul in a specific direction, regardless of the geographical region the  younger generation is ill fitted to “absorb” any type of religion and will turn around for more spiritual/cosmic food soon after puberty! Depraving the children of this option creates serial killers unable to apply the will against the pull of their karmic UCI!

Continued:  What does this mean for teaching?
Many consider the sole purpose of schools to be cognitive development. Yet, any effective teacher will tell you that every student is a “whole package” of thoughts, emotions, beliefs, family, culture, economics, etc., (and now, potentially, spirituality)—all of which directly influence a student’s learning. For example, science has clearly determined that a child’s social and emotional skills impact academic success.

Dr. Turi Rebuttal: Simply explained she is confirming the fact that your children are much more than BBBF or made of  bone, blood, body and flesh – They have a spirit science has lost a long time ago! The problem is science has not yet realize in the eternal battle between emotions and reason, emotions will always win and they know nothing of the emotional/spiritual cosmic structure involving a child’s UCI overriding his/her psyche turning into explosive, destructive monsters.

Continued: So here comes the tricky question: If spirituality is indeed a universal developmental process, how do teachers account for this process in their classroom where separation of church and state is paramount? Interestingly, many teachers are probably already doing it—without even realizing it.

Dr. Turi Rebuttal:  Gee I should have read her article in full before engaging the topic! Same type of question deserve the same answer…Yes Vicki is on dangerous ground here dealing with spirituality and religiosity for two reasons! First she does not want to upset the status Quo (or the Christian) secondly like all of her cosmic unconscious scholar peers, she does know nothing of the critical difference between the two… One is based upon accepted religious doctrines created by man’s folly and based upon faith only, the others speaks of the Glory of the creator through his zodiacal celestial design, something I use with the help of a software to make my “predictions” or investigate / expose anyone’s UCI or Unique Celestial Identity.

Continued: If we use the definition of spiritual development given above, then teachers who…

  • provide experiences of awe for their students through art, music, nature, or studying great people are helping their students connect to something larger than themselves.
  • teach prosocial skills such as gratitudecompassionempathymindfulness, and altruism are helping their students develop positive relationships.
  • relate the content of their classes to students’ lives and who take the time to get to know and cultivate their students’ interests and passions are helping their students develop meaning and purpose.
  • incorporate service learning into their curriculum are providing opportunities for students to make a worthwhile contribution to society and grow their empathy and compassion for others.

Dr. Turi Rebuttal: INSANITY AT BEST! Hun you and all the teachers are doing this already! You are given the WRONG food, it does not bring the right spiritual regeneration they desperately need! You are talking basic psychology alone here, NOT metaphysics or Astropsychology and its desperately needed therapeutic values!  Did you HEAR the child comment? REINCARNATION! They could not care less about music, gratitudecompassionempathymindfulness, and altruism or studying great people!


“I believe in reincarnation because it just makes sense!” exclaimed 10-year-old Jesse in the middle of a lesson that was on anything but reincarnation.

But what do Vicki or all teachers and experts alike  know about this topic? You need to learn to listen and decipher the OBVIOUS subconscious wish / needs of this child because she speaks for ALL the children but you and your educated peers have not been trained to LISTEN to the subconscious and omens Niki! Doing so will stop those kid becoming lost monsters, because you will allow for the proper developmental of their fragile psyche and control of a myriad  of powerful destructive/constructive emotions!

Continued: How to talk about spirituality with students
But what about the finding that says young people are deeply interested in discussing spirituality? When students do bring these topics up, understanding that spirituality may be developmental can help teachers respond in ways that are both respectful and affirming to students’ growth process.


”If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the video once you read this newsletter please. 

~ Dalai Lama and Dr. Turi

For example, a simple response to Jesse’s newfound belief could include first asking him how he came to that conclusion and then validating his thinking about the larger questions of life as a positive and natural thing many people do.

A more formal example is thePassageworks program developed by the late Rachael Kessler. After years of listening to students’ stories and questions, Kessler wrote in her book The Soul of Education that “certain experiences—quite apart from religious belief or affiliation—had a powerful effect in nourishing the spiritual development of young people.”

Dr. Turi Rebuttal: NO cosmic unconscious teachers can help in the spiritual development of any child! I tried for years to reach  Race To Nowhere #1 executives all in vain…Since 1991 I am still batting to reach all the mind experts I collected in my Internet “Black List” all in vain…the Law Enforcement, educational, governmental  elites and YOU the readers begging for your help so I can help your children… ALL IN VAIN!

My Astropsychology schools and my reality show are still dreams, all the while endlessly building innocent children into future deadly monsters, all  in the name of science, religions and education ignorance and religious fears…

But I wont quit for my mission to free humanity from fear and ignorance cursed me to work endlessly for the mental welfare and benefit of all the children of the future!

Continued: These experiences came through students’ needs for connection, silence, meaning, joy, transcendence (sometimes mystical, but also through extraordinary arts, athletics, academics, or relationships), and initiation into the next stage of life. Passageworks helps teachers establish a classroom environment in which students feel safe to explore these needs.

Spirituality in education is a potentially contentious area, and yet recent scientific findings on spiritual development encourage us, at the very minimum, to ask the question: Do we need to pay attention to this? Perhaps it is apropos of the topic that there are no definitive answers—only big questions.

Dr. Turi Rebuttal: The students needs are desperate calls to the adults Niki, to sceince, to education and the reason why “subconsciously” they pick colleges and Universities to display their frustrations through deadly acts…  Adam Lanza made it clear by killing first his first teacher, or his mother then he killed the Scool master then the school psychologist! Nancy Lanza, science and education killed Adam first!

To me this is as clear as can be but to 99.09% of the world’s population still a mystery but again who’s to blame you all when the teacher was never there? Is this why God forced me out of school at the tender age of 12 years old forcing me into a series of crazy hands on experiences? But its easy to assume and dismiss my rare wisdom if you do not make the effort to get to know me! Read Beyond The Secret – teachers from all walks of life, help me fix this nightmare, pass on my work to a wider audience and start to learn for yourself what you need to teach the children first! Then once your build enough cosmic consciousness we will start to make some real progress at last!


”If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the video once you read this newsletter please. 

~ Dalai Lama and Dr. Turi

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi



L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

listen to my latest radio show with Jerry – US/world
listen to my latest radio show with Ted – US/world
listen to my latest radio show with Rob – Canada/world

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 


World War II – History Channel, Hitler, Patton, Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin and the Arian Draconis Predictions

Check the future of humanity from the legacy of ww1 and ww2 … Be curious you just found Dr. Turi! Pass it on to the world, be warned, be prepared!

“Heil Hitler” 2014 Arian Draconis World Predictions

Posted to the world June 12, 2013

Important Note for the newcomers –  Heil Hitler –  2014 Arian Draconis World Predictions” WAS posted to the world June 12, 2013, published in my books  and announced in all my radio and TV shows… Check on Google type “Hitler dr.turi”


“If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!‎ posted to the world June 12, 2013  



German/Vikings Skin Alike
Black and White Red Blood 
Fire War Violence  Passions Rule
God No where To Stop Fires

  Hitler’s Evil spirit reborn

Hitler NAZI Spirit Re-Born Upon The World 

 Prediction # 10 –  A year of endless HUGE fires and record high temperatures where many fire fighters will pay the ultimate price during my “SOS To The World Windows.”  Expect a full restructure of the International Association of Fire Fighters as the ministry of environment will impose many new rules affecting US National Parks.  The Same “dragon” produced  the highest air temperature on Earth” — 134 degrees on July 10, 1913, in Death Valley’s Greenland Ranch. 

Update 05/25/2014 – Residents urged to evacuate as fire spreads in Alaska wildlife refuge

Update 05/22/2014 – Fire forces evacuations near Sedona


Update 05/05/2014 – Raging wildfires – thousands of people evacuated in California.

Update 05/14/2014 – 200 die in mine fire;  many still trapped

Update -5/5/2014 – Russian Wildfires Blaze on an Area Larger than Los Angeles

With geopolitical fires continuing to smolder between Russia and Ukraine, actual wildfires have erupted across a vast swath of territory to the east

Update 05/12/2014 – Hundreds flee from Texas wildfire

Update 04/14/2014 – 12 dead in Chile wildfire; 2,000 homes consumed

RESULTS 06/30/2013 18 firefighters die in blaze

Is this a serious omen that you should pay attention to my “visions?’

Watch this video

May God Bless Your Courageous Souls

August 26, 2013

Watch this video

A massive California wildfire threatening Yosemite National Park and San Francisco’s water and power sources is now the 13th largest in state history, officials say.

2014/2015 Arian Draconis Predictions 

Dear Readers;

I decided to share those predictions publicly so the world can be prepared for what the cosmic code has in store for the future!   The Scorpius Draconis‘, legacy was messy, bloody and forced the power itself (IRS/FBI) to realize its own limit and “imploded” while the restructure, as predicted took place in 2013.

This dramatic dragon has changed the world’s perception on all secrets affairs involving our government finances and led millions of people to do some serious soul searching. I kept a strong record of predictions at the bottom of my website for the curious reader to check on its impact upon the world.

Astrology & Paranormal newsletter

View slideshow: Dr. Turi on the reign of the Dragon in Scorpius Draconis

1 – What is the Arian Draconis? 

The dragon is a cosmic fluid or what our infantile science can only describe as “Dark Matter” coming from the constellation of Draco which is also reflected by the Lunar South and North nodes of the Moon by signs and houses. The stars and the moon are much more than dead rocks hanging above just for the sake of beauty, there is a spiritual essence emanating from them all and God gave them to us for interpretations so we may live a safer more productive life!

2 – How does the Arian Draconis affect human?

The Scorpius Draconis reign is over since February 20th 2014. On this date the Universal “Change of Guards” took place with the new “Martian Dragon” which will rule over humanity and the world at large until November 12, 2015.  This Draconis energy is aggressive, impatient, ruthless, war like and reflect the rebirth of Hitler invading spirit!  It is very different in so many ways and I will offer the reader a set of predictions that will change this world…

“He is wise who understands that the stars are luminaries created as signs. He who conquers the stars will hold the golden keys to God’s mysterious universe.”


Channelling The Greatest Prophet Of All Times “ Michel De Notre Dame”

They Call Him Nostradamus Reincarnated,  The Only Living Astrophile

“A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order” Nostradamus 

2014/2016 Arian Draconis Predictions | DrTuri M.D.U.S.‎ posted to the world June 12, 2013  

“This dragon is all about IDENTITY and RACE  and will induce many reform with emigrations, build walls between the US and other countries and revamp ALL that involve emigrations and foreigners  moving to the US.”

Again how can anyone refute the unarguable value and reality of the  dated, printed, published predictions I posted  June 12, 2013 on the Internet? In fact racial, gay slurs and news about HITLER have literally exploded since then and it is practically impossible for anyone to deny! The spirit of Hitler is definitely showing with much unrest in many parts of the world!

Update – 05/23/14 Phil Robertson Under Fire AGAIN After Another ‘Gay’ Sermon

Phil Robertson born in April

Presidential Dinner and The Hollywood Matrix Deceptive Famous Faces

update – 05/22/14 –Russia hits back at Prince Charles
Update – 05/20/14 –  The surprising racial bias against Asians
Update – 05/20/14 –  Army declares martial law in Thailand
Update – 05/20/14 –   Libya evacuation decision ‘minute by minute,’ U.S. official says

“This dragon will impose many reform with emigrations, build walls between the US and other nations (Russia/Libya etc.) and revamp ALL that involve emigrations/foreigners moving in or out of the US.”

Update – 5/14/2014 – President Barack Obama pauses while speaking during a meeting of law enforcement leaders from across the country to discuss immigration reform, Tuesday, May 13, 2014, in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building on the White House complex in Washington.

05/12/2014 – The Netherlands Tells Immigrants to Learn Dutch or Get Out

“This dragon is ruthless and invasive and will directly affect souls born in October and April.  Mars “The Lord of War” will rule the world, imposing huge fires, danger, conflicts, large accidents  and will induce dramatic news of death and aggression. This dragon is also aiming for the soldiers, the Army and the Navy” “Fort Hood shooting


Gregg Jarrett born in April

Donald Sterling  born in April

Valdimir Putin born in October  

Hilary Clinton born in October

Alex Hribal, was  born in October 

David Letterman  born April 

Yvan Lopez born in April


Hi Dr. Turi;
Just read the news this from the Drudge Report, Your accurate predictions continues…

Greek Supreme Court clears neo-Nazi party for EU vote 

Putin Warns of Growing Militant Nationalism, Nazi Ideology in Europe

Update: 04/19/2014 –  MORE NEW ABOUT HITLER ON CNN

Update: 04/17/2014 – Russian Media, Cowed by Putin, Promotes His Menacing Message 

“Russian President Vladimir Putin and his cabal have constructed a massive propaganda machine worthy of the infamous Nazi German propagandist Joseph Goebbels. 


Update: 04/13/2014 –  Three dead in ‘Hitler’ shootings at Kansas City Jewish centers

“15-year-old boy critically wounded; witnesses say shooter singled out Jews, yelled ‘Heil Hitler’ upon arrest.”

 “On the medical aspect of Astropsychology this Dragon will induce new brain diseases science will wonder about!”

Update – 11/16/13 – Princeton weighing whether to offer meningitis vaccines because they do not know if its meningitis… 

Cosmic Unconscious Human beings responding neurotically to the Arian Draconis!

Human are born/programmed by a natal and hidden karmic dragon, one affecting the physical plane of the human experience the other its subconscious motivations/perception of reality. I wrote a 525 page on the natal Dragon explaining the “ Power of the Dragon” elaborating on the fate of many famous and infamous people that made history and international news. I have yet to write another one of the Hidden Dragon power when I have time.

Arian Draconis

 Nostradamus 16th century Divine Astrology Methodology

3 – How does the Arian Draconis affect the news? Remember I posted my predictions back in June 2013 and this Dragon has already spoken through Vladimir Putin annexing Ukraine.  In fact the Russian President “declared war” when he first visited the US September 12, 2013 ” Putin to America: You’re not special.”

Update – 5/22/2014 Russia hits back at Prince Charles

Update – 5/21/2014 – Did Prince Charles liken Putin to Hitler? 

Update 03/05/2013 – Hillary Clinton compares Vladimir Putin’s actions in Ukraine to Adolf Hitler’s in Nazi Germany

Note: Born in October, Putin is subconsciously responding to the negative Arian Draconis impact upon his 7th house (partnership/open enemies/facing the world) ruining his relationship with Europe, the US and the entire free world.  Since then many famous people born in October and April made dramatic news.  

Update 04/11/2014 – “Hillary Clinton dodges a shoe on stage!” This is a serious omen that the dragon is physically against her but I do not expect the norm to realize nor accept my vision until time as usual,  proves me right!

It is only by keeping a well documented record of predictions and making them unchallengeable that humanity will finally acknowledge a Cosmic God and free itself from the scientific and religious controlling educational matrixes. While many of my articles are posted on my public blog, I will keep this important file updated for my VIP’s in “Dr. Turi 2014 – 2016 Arian Draconis Universal Predictions” because this is just the beginning!

While the old Scorpius Draconis stimulated the mass to become more curious about metaphysics, the occult, secrets, sex the Arian Draconis will stimulate a deeper drive to understand and find oneself. It will also induce more than usual accidents, aggressions and suicides, especially in the Army, Navy and all public servants organizations. This impact will take the psychological world by surprise with an incredible upsurge of depressed, suicidal mass of people. Sad enough anti-depressants will make the situation much worse because the scientific community has not yet investigated, nor realize the safer therapeutic values found in the science of Astropsychology.

4 – How can someone control his own Arian Draconis?  The part of God in each human being is much stronger than the stars and the dragons but without cosmic consciousness the soul, subconsciously, neurotically can only succumb to its extraordinary pull and can not apply the will. Many will succumb to suicide and take many innocent people with them. “Why flight 370 pilot took so many innocent lives with him?

In Flight 370 case, this powerful negative Draconis cosmic fluid was cursing the pilot’s 8th house of death, close to his Moon (emotions) in Pisces (oceans.)  I offered all the details to my VIP’s but in no way, and by respect to the dead and their families, can I make this article public!

If, for example the Dragon is affecting the subconscious 12th house, the person is forced into serious and deep psychological changes than can lead to heavy depressions and the regular use of anti depressants stimulates the evil of murder and suicidal thoughts. I tried to explain this phenomenon in a You Tube video in the Adam Lanza’s case, explaining the Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting but the scientific community and its forensic experts are unable, juts yet, to comprehend such a mystical cosmic phenomenon.

5 – What can we expect from this Arian Draconis impact? Looking at the latest news they are quite obvious with so much going on in the news. Children executing other children, mothers becoming either the victims of the perpetrators with their own children not to forget the Dragon rules the self identity, race and color.  “Facebook video leads to child abuse charges

This nasty cosmic fluid will produce many fires and “accidents” but there are no accidents, only cosmic circumstances unknown to science…

6 – Can the Arian Draconis be positive?  Indeed if you use it to uncover your cosmic nature and learn to control its power constructively! But first one must find in which of the 12th houses regulating the human experience the Arian Draconis resides in the natal UCI. A 90mn taped Full Life Reading of a live Skype session will clarify it all and I strongly recommend everyone to check on my services.  While very concerned, traditionally educated, non – cosmic conscious medical doctors can make your situation extraordinary expansive and very dangerous. And I always strongly recommend anyone to check and read the comments of my previous patients because there is only a very thin line between divine cosmic information and pure imagination.

7 – What is the purpose of the Arian Draconis?  There are some years where everything you do turns into pure gold, while some years are only made of pain, loss and suffering. The dragon is karmic in nature and offer a badly needed rebirth by bringing balance in your life. You must be aware of the nasty tail but mostly focus on the progressive protective Libra head. This sign rules contracts, marriage, balance, harmony and if you refuse to use diplomacy or its blessings, falling on his burning tail will be the only way for you to learn the hard way!

8 – Can the Arian Draconis affect the world at large? Yes indeed because any and all Presidents are also under the jurisdictions of the dragon. His political decisions, emotional feelings and understanding of situations are regulated by the inner pull of his natal and hidden karmic dragons. For example our President Obama is victimized  by his humanitarian Aquarius Dragon’s Tail which makes him believe and work for the common good of all the people and everyone and every countries is/should be a friend.

On the other hand, Vladimir Putin was born with the exact same dragons as Obama but in opposite signs.  Putin is a Leo (pride/children) dragon’s Tail (negative) and he wants to rule the world and will not hesitate to sacrifice the lives of the many children his dragon has cursed to die. But the sad reality; to this day there is not a single cosmic conscious President in the entire world aware of the dragon subtle power and this lack of awareness leads to more misunderstanding and will create more political/religious wars.

Putin Warns Obama – You’ve Turned USA & West Into Godless Sewer, Declares His Christian Faith 

“Nothing is more dangerous for the world than  a religiously poisoned Leader. “Predictions – Vladimir Puttin A Plea for WAR From Russia.” Vladimir Putin is a Libra and, much like like Capricorn are “codified” signs. This mean they are Neptunian born and seriously prone to religious poisoning and will do all in their power to steer the 1995 predicted world religious war. While Ukraine is a good  and solid acquisition for Russia strategy,  subconsciously Vladimir Putin is engaging his own personal religious war again Obama, America and all the RED warning signs are obvious to me!”

9 – Can the Arian Draconis affect criminals? This dragon will make criminal more daring with the public and the police because of the aggressive upsurge of destructive emotions. Human are nothing more than unconscious robots reacting the this Arian Draconis stimuli.  Remember this dragon aim for the soldiers and the unstoppable increase in suicides baffling science, the AFA and the Army/Navy authorities. Looking for a responsible “gene” performing wasteful medical researches is certainly not the way to go because ingesting more drugs take away whatever little will is left for the victim to battle his dragons. This is a psychical problem in nature, unknown to a non intuitive science where guns are not responsible. I have the real answers that could put an end to this phenomenon but my 64 years of independent psychical researches is still sough as “pseudo-science only!

10 – Does Arian Draconis affect finances? Yes it does and will stimulate new alliances in construction and auto-mobile corporate contracts. This dragon is forcing the Army, the Navy and many auto makers establishments to restructure, sometime by force. Automobile recalls are on pace to break recent highs!

“Millionaire do not use astrology, billionaires do” J.P. Morgan wrote! The fact is knowledge is power, ignorance and fears equal evil and knowing where all the dragons of all the participants of a new corporation resides will endorse and promote its future or kill it in the long run. Cosmic consciousness offers the President and his associates the wisdom/power needed to control and promote its growth. And this is why many corporations cosmic unconscious President are “excused” or forced into resignation…it’s all about their natal and universal dragons movements, but they do not know…

Explanation of the Dragon

Nostradamus Personal Dragon Forecast  for 2014

I made this book available to the public for only $15.00 read what your natal dragon has in store for you in 2014. The hidden Dragon has even more psychical power but can only be explained in one of my taped consultations.

May you always find yourself at their heads, for the tail is not a place to ride. If you are finding life a very hard toil with no hope of moving into the space of your dreams, then you are riding backward, it seems. A Dragon is no easy thing to tame, which is why we have a lifetime to learn how. Use your time wisely lest you have to do it again! Sir Isaac Newton wrote “for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction” if you are not happy it’s because you do not live your destiny!

Prediction # 1 –  REBIRTH – Mars “The Lord of War” rules the sign of Aries where the dragon’s Tail (challenges) will induce lots of conflicts. Venus (The Peace Maker) rules the sign of Libra where the Dragon’s Head (imposed progress) will force justice and harmony upon many. I see a lot of litigations, legal disputes as the entire legal system will be forced into a full re-structure with the IRS and other governmental institutions  America will see a full restructure of all its domestic / political affairs where the real estate will boom again.

August 04/2013 – The Next Real Estate Boom: Get Ready for Housing, Gen-Y Style

Souls born in April and October  .i.e. Vladirm Putin and those who own an Aries dragon, moon, rising will be forced to re-evaluate all about their lives and will need spiritual services to be prepared for all the challenges ahead of them.  This dragon is all about LAWS – CONFLICTS – AGGRESSIVITY – FINDING ONE SELF – NEW STARS and open and hidden IDENTITY. This dragon will impose many reform with emigrations, build walls between the US and other nations (Russia/Libya etc.) and revamp ALL that involve emigrations/foreigners moving in or out of the US.

Prediction # 2 – Expect a full restructure of the Army and the NAVY due to some foreign powers in need/offering manpower to bring stability in some unstable parts of the world. Many high ranking Army/Navy officers will make international news.

Watch this video

Prediction #3 – A new “black/white supremacy” negative energy will birth from Germany and grow drastically all over Europe, South Africa and the world. A strong sense of white/self identity will worry many minority races during serious internal trouble with some youth battling the police with fire.

Prediction #4 – Incredibly new technological oriented weaponry will be announced to the public and some will be tested in space, secretively on the Moon and in time used in the Middle East. Expect serious responses from environmentalists all over the world. Science will take the excuse of prevention and  the possibility of large meteorites hitting earth.

Prediction #5 – The real estate will be booming again and, with time America internal political affairs will be brought back to justice. Indeed a lot of high profile people will have to face the law then…

Prediction 6# – The construction steel/coal/oil industry will see a serious improvement but will be battling environmentalists  groups in preparation for oil  Arctic exploration.

Prediction #7 – Expect a full restructure of the automotive industry and serious growth *Ford/Dodge may be forced into partnerships or suffer serious legal disputes.

Updated 03/01/14 – Driving your car is about to get a lot better

Updated 12/13/13 – Ford plans massive expansion

Updated 9/4/13 – Individual car buyers flocked to dealerships in August as all of the nation’s top automakers reported their strongest sales in years.

Prediction #8 –  Incredible findings scientific discoveries on the human mind and its correlation/connection to the Universal mind spirit… The scientific community is secretively learning more on the Cosmic Code jurisdictions from my “Cyber Cosmic University.” Expect a full re-structure of the basics applications of traditional psychology and parapsychology. “Thanks for the many years of hard work  behind the scene Dr. Turi the scientists used since 1991 to make real progress on humanity psychical welfare and general progress! No Nobel price for Dr. Turi, at least in this lifetime…

Prediction # 9 – The Dragon’s Head in Libra will force a full restructure of the the legal system.  Read July 14th 2013 “George Noory Dr. Turi & Gaiamtv Experience” where I made this prediction in front of a live audience. Many well known judges and famous attorneys will be forced to face the laws they must oblige by. The entire judicial system will then forced to a full restructure.

“I really got George attention when I told him  to be ready for a full restructure of the Judicial / legal system and THREE DAYS LATER CNN ANNOUNCED –  Juror: New laws needed my prediction made it to CNN! In fact George answer was  “This is really big Louis. “

 Prediction # 10 –  A year of endless HUGE fires and record high temperatures where many fire fighters will pay the ultimate price during my “SOS To The World Windows.”  Expect a full restructure of the International Association of Fire Fighters as the ministry of environment will impose many new rules affecting US National Parks.  The Same “dragon” produced  the highest air temperature on Earth” — 134 degrees on July 10, 1913, in Death Valley’s Greenland Ranch.

RESULTS 06/30/13 18 firefighters die in blaze

Is this a serious omen that you should pay attention to my “visions?’

Watch this video

May God Bless Your Courageous Souls

Predictions #11 – Expect a full restructure of the International Association of Fire Fighters as the ministry of environment will impose many new rules affecting National Parks.  The Same “dragon” produced  the highest air temperature on Earth” — 134 degrees on July 10, 1913, in Death Valley’s Greenland Ranch. Years of fire will take many lives… Expect a full restructure of the NRA following  tragedies such as the Adam Lanza dilemma.

Prediction #12 – Expect an explosion of guns, rifles, ammunition sales and the NRA membership to expand drastically.

Update 10/23/13 –  Gun sales booming on Instagram

Prediction #13 – A full re-structure of North/South Korea!

Update 03/31/2014 – Expect more dangerous news…

 Update 06/17/2013 Korea/Arian/Hitler Dragon effect? 

Updated 12/13/13 – Kim executes his uncle

Predictions #14 – New mental disorder will puzzle our infantile science.  Princeton weighing whether to offer meningitis vaccines

Updated 9/5/13 – (CNN) – New Hampshire health officials say they’re monitoring eight patients for signs of a fatal brain disease after medical equipment was found to have been contaminated by proteins that cause the ailment.

Predictions #15 –  Expect A full restructure of the NFL / UFC  / NHL and a lot of legal battles  because of an upsurge of violent deaths and misbehaviours – 

04/12/14 – NHLer arrested on DUI, drug charges
04/12/14 – 
NFL player’s friends indicted in killing
11/08/13 – 
Bullying is just the latest of NFL’s constant problems

Predictions #16 – Upsurge in car and racing accidents –

Update 04/10/14 – 9 killed in California bus-truck crash – Motorsports star killed in race crash

Famous People

Prediction #17 – Famous radio host Rush Limbaugh will show signs of mental deterioration but willbe kept secret for a while.

Prediction #18 – Queen Helizabet II – David Letterman (sickness) – Pope Benedict  XVI –  Jack Nicholson – George Lopez – Jay Leno – Willie Nelson – Mohamed Ali (or his daughter), Steven Seagal  – Hugh Hefner – Colin Powell – Courtney Kardashian will make sad news. More famous people born in April and October will join this list.

Prediction #19 – Hilary Clinton/Bill Clinton; Hilary will suffer another health ailment (April/October/November/May) and this may cost her life. Remember she shares much of the same UCI as Bruce Lee and we all know of his sudden death. This Dragon may also take her husband because of heart complications. I hope for this dragon to be more forgiving with their health but the stars do not lie!

This file is incomplete, I will add many more predictions for famous people and will also be updated as the predictions come to pass for my VIP’s. Join the cosmic code today, be informed, be prepared.

Blessings to all my readers

Dr. Turi

About Louis Turi

Dr. Turi is a proficient author and a captivating speaker, his profound Universal Wisdom astonishes everyone. He was recognized in the 2003 Marquis “Who’s Who in America.” Dr. Turi is the personal counselor of many celebrities, Ivana Trump, Peter Fonda, Gary Busey, Denis Haysbert, John Gray and many others. Dr. Turi is a favorite guest of George Noory on Coast-To-Coast AM radio and the BBC in London and appeared in numerous television programs worldwide.He speaks of the cosmic face and celestial tools of the creator and warn the world with undeniable well documented undeniable predictions. Clinical Hypnotherapist – Astropsychologist focused on providing individual and couples counseling services. Specializing in public speaking, teaching, metaphysics, natural healing, stress management, women’ issues and family mediation services. Interested in speaking engagements, radio, television, events and media outlets, academic work, advising corporations, the police force, colleges, universities and general public on mental health issues and spirituality outside of conventional beliefs and accepted disciplines.


“Heil Hitler” Pope Francis Predictions & Alan Robertson Son of “Duck Commander”


If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

Dalai Lama Dr. Turi

Dear Readers;

Hitler’s racial spirit is flying far and wide all over Europe and even my own country France is not spared! The town of Marseille is well known to be overly populated by Muslims from North America and many of them are the descendants of the parents who fought the war with the French . La Guerre d’Algérie, “Algerian War” was a war between France  and the Algerian independence movements from 1954 to 1962, which led to Algeria gaining its independence.

Those kids are so lost, their natal root is Muslim but they were raised as and with French which speaks of a totally different culture. I have very close Arab friends and growing up together was not a problem for any of us, it is by becoming adults that things got much more complicated.  And the future does not look too good when the new Pisces Dragon will call for ALL Muslims to allies imposing a full restructure of the Middle East, religions, oil corporations through a river of blood!

Far-right parties sweep EU polls

Anti-immigration parties in France, the UK and Denmark make sweeping gains in the European Parliament elections.

From “Heil Hitler” 2014 Arian Draconis World Predictions ; “This dragon is all about IDENTITY and RACE  and will induce many reform with emigrations, build walls between the US and other countries and revamp ALL that involve emigrations and foreigners  moving to the US.”

Australia is advertising its changed migration policy, warning people that they will be sent to Papua New Guinea or elsewhere.

Update: 07/20/13 – Australia cracks down on immigrants



Cosmic Unconscious Human beings responding neurotically to the Arian Dragon!


 Pope: Come to the Vatican for peace talks

Bethlehem, West Bank (CNN) – Pope Francis extended an invitation Sunday to the leaders of Israel and the Palestinian Authority to travel to the Vatican for a “peace initiative,” after earlier calling for a two-state solution to the intractable conflict.

Responding to God’s cosmic order, and through his natal DUAL stars, a cosmic unconscious Pope Francis is also playing a vital part to the Middle East imposed changes. But while he is the representation of God on earth, the pope himself does not hear, see nor heed the signs.

“Because they are seeing, they see not; and hearing, they hear not; neither do they understand the voice of heaven.” – Matthew 13.13

The signs involving the upcoming crucial changes in the Middle East, religions and God new cosmic perception are endless and if you did not read the warnings just yet, be my guest… Indeed Jesus initial cosmic ministry brought by the 3 wise men (ET’s / Astrologers) will close the last two thousand years of total Neptunian deception.

UFO”s Are Very Real  –  And So Is The Legacy! – What Did They Do To Me?

11/2015-02/2017 End of All Religions  

All popes are only human beings elected by a gullible mass to enjoy a position of power endorsing, fearing, supporting a false God. Indeed the abusive religious matrix run by its president through  the Iluminati home base, the corporate manipulative Vatican.  And to the atheists, skeptics and agnostics alike, this does not eliminate the reality of a real cosmic God speaking through the signs…

While I may sound redundant to my regular readers, do not forget my Cyber Cosmic University is loading more people everyday and like you, once upon a time, they did not know anything about Dr. Turi’s mission to free humanity from self destruction…


 Servicing Pathetic Atheists Mind for free!

Atheists & Christians, God is Really Pissed Off At You!

Alan Robertson “Duck Commander” Ducks don’t make Cats!

But the false God has also its own Army of deceptive Neptunians endlessly supporting each others…

The son of “Duck Commander” Phil Robertson compared his father to John … in a culture that isn’t prepared to hear truth,” Alan Robertson said.

The son of “Duck Commander” Phil Robertson compared his father to John the Baptist at the Family Research Council’s “Watchmen on the Wall 2014″ event earlier this week. “My dad has the heart and mindset of a prophet and is most compared to John the Baptist … for speaking the truth in a culture that isn’t prepared to hear truth,” Alan Robertson said.

Dr. Turi Rebuttal:  “for speaking the truth in a culture that isn’t prepared to hear truth?” In reality, what does Alan Robertson, the kid of a religiously poisoned parent, knows about God, the cosmic code and the truth? Nothing at all!

Let me correct him, what he means is; the Christian culture and the Atheist movement are NOT prepared to hear the truth! Christians have been manipulated into a false, deceptive abusive punishing God induced by the Age of Pisces!

 And so are the atheists suffering the same fate induced by the scientific matrix who truly believe they know better than God himself because they collect PhD’s.    All are victimized by an under-developed, rational, non spiritual or Neptunian UCI! The irony is; THEY, the Christians and the atheists are totally oblivious of this fact!

Continued: That doesn’t change my dad’s view at all. Prophets tend not to care about their public image. They tend to talk about their judgment as if it’s real and they speak what God gives them to speak…so he is, in that sense, a 21st century prophet. 

Dr. Turi Rebuttal:  “so he is, in that sense, a 21st century prophet?”  Alan, a real prophet always shows an undeniable predictive gift, why not ask your dad to invite me on his show and give him the next dates for large earthquakes or natural disasters? Or can he, or did he show such prophetic powers  in his TV shows, outside of regurgitating the bible verses and blaspheming gays people?

 In fact I gave a window in December warning for the “Beginning and endings of important phases of life” and the EXACT date for your dad’s national racist mishap.  I also knew, as a dual “Phil Robertson DUAL Unconscious Codified Petrified Mind At Work!” he would do it again… and does all this correct well documented forecasting speaks of a real prophet Alan?

And when people start noticing my work and post the results on the Internet there is no doubting anymore! The question is where is your dad prophetic work for us to judge how good and often God speaks to him?

Your dad Alan is not working to better or change humanity psychical perception of God’s cosmic manifestation! All Phil Robertson does is nothing new, nothing original, nothing fantastic, but use his celebrity status to enforce archaic material written by the religious imaginative folly of Neptunian born men.

In fact your dad’s bible poundings is bringing back humanity to the stone age with the only difference that; today religious fanatics from the Middle East are aiming for nukes to eliminate the opposition and rule the world with their own religion.

Guess what I also predicted this well before America invaded Iraq on a TV show… Be my guest, check the facts! Indeed there are too many religious and new age false prophets to fall for nowadays!

Phil Robertson personal religious war?

Using your dad’s celebrity status is all you have because God knows what if he, and his kind would do to the rest of us (and gays) if he had more political power!  Scary thought but very real too  son! Fanaticism  and stupidity has no limit and two thousands years of religious wars did nothing to upgrade your pea mind?

All you have to discern a false prophet from a real one is your common sense and the Internet legacy proving their works.. All you have to do is your own home work, make your own mind and avoid taking the envious, jealous sub-human young souls comments for a generality.

Imagine IF my own Cosmic Code reality show was allowed and available to the US population how much faster the world and America would change spiritually? All the while getting a REAL prophet making real predictions… Imagine if my 911, Katrina, both Asian Tsunamis and my precise timing for large earthquakes were acknowledged widely to the media? Imagine if I was allowed to do so regularly on national TV?

I do not believe all my readers were born stupid or incurious and my work would then become an accepted, undeniable reality heeded by all…   Now for the sensitive readers, do not assume I am an egocentric because I am so real, so honest, so direct and so legit please! This is confidence no ego!

Continued: Robertson characterized his father as having a “peel-the-paint message of the good news and a reminder of what our country was founded on and why.” He recalled that before the controversy over Phil Robertson’s comments comparing homosexuality to bestiality and terrorism erupted, “our local newspaper guy came up to me and said, ‘Al, we got a problem. If this gets out, you guys are in trouble. This is going to cause you guys a lot of grief because this message is not politically correct. Well,” he continued, “in December it did hit the fan and it hasn’t changed us one bit about who we are and what we believe.”

He then said that his father is a “culture-changer,” like the biblical prophets Elijah and Jonah, and the message he took from the controversy surrounding his father’s comments was “to learn from these prophets. I want to encourage you guys to tell the truth. As a family, we’re going to do that.” Other speakers at the event include Fox News personality Todd Starnes and Sen. Ted Cruz’s father, Pastor Rafael Cruz.

Dr. Turi Rebuttal: The sad reality is your kind is promoting the evil of separatism, fear, ignorance and the “puritanical” past! America July 4th 1776 is a Leo country, this sign rules love, light, power, success, wisdom, freedom and France.

Sad enough America dragon’s Tail is Aquarius, nukes, technology, NASA, New Age matters, Astrology, UFO, the impossible, the incredible potential of humanity’s future, originality, ingeniousness and ALL that you, your dad and your kind are unwilling to explore because your false God will send you to hell?

As a real prophet, with an undeniable proof of well dated, printed, published, radio and televised shows let me warn you all… You have ONLY fifty years to acknowledge, accept and HEED God’s cosmic divinity or self destruct in the name of all your religions and scientific erroneous convictions…

Dr. Turi on William Shatner’s TV Show
Discovery Channel – Dr. Turi’s Predictions

Furthermore, your dad and his false God never did not will ever hear a human language  because you never learned nor attempted to decipher his cosmic divine hieroglyphs. Your dad is another false Prophet that can never warn the world of its impending fate like I do!

I am writing all this in all modesty because, like an Einstein or a Beethoven, a true Prophet is very rare to find. It seem all the prophets I know about spoke of the future, promote the future, challenge the establishment, religions and ignorance. A prophet trying to revive the past has no room into the future because there is NO future in the past!  Can any religious or atheist mindset at least accept this indisputable reality?

Your dad like many TV and radio evangelists;  i.e. Glenn Beck, Joel Osteen are cosmic unconscious idiots, they are cosmic unconscious lost souls born with a puritanical and/or codified Neptunian UCI.  And again they are oblivious of any hidden cosmic phenomenon making them behave as such because their FEARS to expand the mind trap their blurred spirits.

Indeed I do believe all Christians and atheists alike are good people, dedicated to be productive, respectful, honorable and find themselves and their mission in life! But it is NOT trough any established religions and our infantile science that my cosmic God will offer your salvation and free your spirit!

At least, if you are reading this article, or already joined my Cyber Cosmic University, be sure the real God finally heard you! Find more about your cosmic identity and the fate!

Lastly, I will soon stop feeding the public with my FREE newsletters.  It’s just a matter of time, thus if my work make sense to you, join us while you can… and show your support for my mission!

Engineers blamed as France orders 1,860 trains the wrong size



Mercury Retrograde Explanations



L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

listen to my latest radio show with Jerry – US/world
listen to my latest radio show with Ted – US/world
listen to my latest radio show with Rob – Canada/world

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 


May 2014 Full Forecast and Predictions By Dr. Turi

Dear readers;

This is a sample of my 2014 Moon Power produced and published over a year ago when I translated the cosmic energies preparing my VIP’s for this infamous day. I serve my VIP’s every months of the year, translating the cosmic code in my Cyber Cosmic University.

Simply scroll down to the infamous date of May 25th 2014 and imagine if the entire world had the real option to acknowledge God cosmic divinity and heed the signs… This is not modern Astrology but Nostradamus 16th century divine astrology and it works! Join us now . Indeed a day America will never forget! Be prepared for next month and the rest of the year, knowledge is power, ignorance is evil!

Elliot Roger Versus Adam Lanza – Future Astroforensics At Work Today!

Join now share our life, travel with us, be warned be guided, become a VIP today!

2014 Arian Draconis World Predictions


June 2014 Elaborated Horoscope For All Signs

June 2014 SOS to the world windows

June 2014 Daily Guidance and Predictions

June 2014 Moon Transits

A true leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.

John C. Maxwell



Dear VIP Readers;

When I wrote April was going to be a tough one and to expect large earthquakes I did not exaggerate anything looking at all the dramatic news unfolding on CNN! Spring storm kills dozens  Spring storm kills dozens  ‘A hurricane and tornado all in one’. To those of you who have been with us for a while there is no doubting my predictive gift and May will also bring some tough and dramatic news… Only if humanity was totally cosmic conscious peace, happiness and general security would reign on earth and this is why I am dedicated to educate the masses and battle the controlling news-media, religious and scientific educational matrixes through my Cyber Cosmic University.


 Hello VIP’s this is Terania, Mrs. Turi;

The special deal this month is for Mother’s Day Sunday May 11th, 2014! All mothers can get a taped VIP Skype session for only $250 (regularly $700) – This deal will be over May 11th, thus you must call me before then at 602-265-7667 to schedule your mini reading “test drive.” The idea is for you to realize in a few minutes the extra sensory gift of my husband. I can not wait for him to be done translating your stars, and elaborate on your natal and hidden dragons then get some feedback from you. I married him in April 21st 2010 in Las Vegas and I am still amazed when listening to him at work channeling your spirit. I will ask you to be patient because he can only do one consultation per day and note also while there are always a few deals going on throughout the year, as a VIP, or if it your birthday, you qualify for a live taped Skype session for half price.

If you already had a 90 mn taped reading or a VIP consultation you should consider a Progressive Reading (no time limit) for $150 for all our VIP’s.  A progressive reading should be done every few months as the planets (and the dragons) are moving endlessly and affect your chart differently! Transits are promises for great opportunities if you know and act upon them.    You may also enjoy your 30 mn monthly live Skype Astro Tarot for $100 if you need to regenerate your spirit with my husband or myself if you are in need of support and spiritual regeneration!  Sad enough there are times where life is very hard for many of us and we both will always find the time to help you if needed.

On  (February 20 th)  the 2014 Arian Draconis took over the deadly legacy of the 2013 Scorpius Draconis. and I can only recommend all my VIP’s to get your 2014 Nostradamus Personal Forecast because this will allow you to read how this dragon will change your life only but also all the people you care about. Remember there is a $10 super deal going on right now.

Knowing the 2014 Arian Draconis impact in your life will allow you to be prepared and guide and counsel those who need mental support from you.  This dragon can be very nasty and very productive in so many ways and the more knowledge you have the better prepared you will be!

158 new people joined you last month, we now host  7407 wise souls enjoying true cosmic wisdom.

Note the new 2014 Moon Power is still available  from my website as a E-book for $15.00, you can also get the  hard cover from and all the rest of my books later on.

The fact is my work is read from all over the world and my mission to introduce a new God cosmic consciousness is slowly but surely moving forward.  YOU MUST BECOME AN ACTIVE PARTICIPANT and suggest all the people you know to join you in the cosmic code. All you have to do is to email them these two links – Simply formulate your true feelings about my work, explain why in a few words they should join you there and ALWAYS include this link “” so  many great endorsements will work in our favour.

God created the stars  and the heavens  for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them for interpretations, to be used as signs  so you may lead a safer more productive life!

Read more about the Moon Universal Laws.  Doing so will assure you safety and promoting my work will always brings you good karma and good surprises. Indeed for any action (good or bad) you will collect a reaction, this is an unarguable karmic law and, in this case only if you try will you be able to test my claim.

I turned down the major TV show in Europe set for January 2014 in the Ukraine and gave you my reasons for doing so! But please if you did not yet, take the time to sign up to the Gaiam TV show with George Noory and endorse my work there.

The goal is to get back with George and reach more people looking for the truth. Please do so and thanks again for your support. I can not change the world by myself but WE, the cosmic coders, the spiritually advanced souls are a very powerful voice the world MUST reckon with.  Again if you truly trust my work, please become an active VIP so we can all avoid the worse of  my premonitions…

May God bless all the lost souls unwilling or unable to heed God’s cosmic will and I really hope for your support to sign my petitions to educate the children of the world on the working of the Cosmic Code.

Make sure to check the Arian Scorpius Draconis omens because the stars do not care, nor judge they simply do…

The good news is, with your active participation you can help me reaching more  people  in 2014 . The bad news is millions of people from many networks won’t be  getting my messages and this is why I rely on you for sharing your true feelings about my work to the world… If you did not yet, please do so, your words are priceless and will stimulate a prospective Cosmic Coder to join us in the fight.

The world of religion is changing fast and I hope my prediction of  President Obama and Pope Francis’ assassination to never come to pass, but all we can do is pray and hope for their safety. Reading educational work is not suitable for  the God fearing lost souls and they would rather watch and listen to Joel Osteen deceptive sermons, sports, the Kardashian’s famous lives and become sofa junkies.

The real option to have a true rewarding, exciting life is to be educated on the cosmic code jurisdictions and gain full cosmic consciousness.  If you are a new comer please get to know about my work and I by watching some of my You tube videos posted on this page.

The price for the new 2014 Nostradamus Personal Dragon Forecast is now $15.00 order now!

Plan the year 2014 and activities in harmony with the Cosmic Code or God’s celestial will. And this means the difference between being at the right time at the right place or being killed by yet another “Act of God!” Yes knowledge is power, ignorance is evil and I am glad I can blow this vital cosmic fluid into your soul. Be smart, be wise,  you are a child of the Universe and you need to learn how to hear, read and heed God’ signs… 

 “If you are not happy or something is missing in your life it is simply because you do not live your destiny as intended by God through the Cosmic Code”

ask and you shall receive!

This forecast will touch everyone, please pay also attention to the  Moon Transits as they unfold.


Read  and make notes of 2014 Supernova Windows

Plan your trips away from those dates and if you must travel be very careful. I traveled the world during those windows and while I suffered frustrations, nothing really bad happened to me.  

May 2014  at a glance – Note this colourful calendar is not part of my “Divine Astrology” methodology work and used for rapid traditional dates/moon checking only.



 There is a celestial concentration of negative celestial energy bombarding the earth for a few weeks. Be extremely prudent in driving, and expect chain-reaction accidents. Be prepared for delays, strikes, and nature producing awful weather, including hurricanes and tornadoes. The same energy that produced the Titanic disaster, the Northridge, Los Angeles, and Kobe, Japan, earthquakes is approaching again. Double-check all your appointments, and if you can, postpone travelling and flying during this Supernova “window”.


Welcome to Your Day-To-Day Guidance For May 2014

May 3, 2014 — Venus enters Aries: Time to use your head not your heart in dealing with love. Aries is much too impulsive and impatient to look thought­fully into others people values or motives and some young people will get hurt in the process. On the other hand, one area that Aries won’t miss is your financial potential for sure. On a more positive note, souls born with this celestial signature will be quite artistic and extremely magnetic. His diplomatic sister Venus will tone down the aggressive and rough attitude of Mars.

 THU., FRI., SAT., SUN., MON.  — MAY 1, 2, 3, 4, 5:

RULERS — Mercury (Good News/Travel) and the Moon (New Beginning/Moving)

Work, Career and Business: Great news is to be expected soon in the work and career scenes, and progressive changes are on the way. Make the most of Mercury’s intellectual powers to review your business life and do some financial planning. Concentrate on everything important, and then go for it with faith. Lots of progress is ahead, make the most of this positive trend. As always drive with caution, don’t let speedy Mercury ruin your day with the police.

Partnerships: The Moon is up and happy for the next few days; do all you can to further your partnerships and if you have to, let go of your past and look for someone else. There are plenty of great souls walking this earth; just ask for your happiness and let go of the past. Use Mercury’s strength to take a trip with your partner.

Family and Friends: Your maternal instinct will show itself to your children. Share your knowledge with friends; help them to understand some of the secrets of life and make them understand their emotions, which are regulated by the Moon’s passage through each and every sign of the zodiac. The subconscious response to the moon’s fluctuations upon humans is referred as “lunatic behavior or moodiness” and right now she will make you and others feeling happy. Expect the beginning or ending of important parts of your or others’ life. Expect some surprising news from the children. A close friend needs your attention to deal with an emotional situation. Give help.

Love Affairs: Realize your limits with the wrong people, be honest with your feelings and make the needed changes. Your own future, positive or negative, is mostly based upon your decisions, and is the reincarnation of your thoughts. An old friend who lives far away may need to communicate with you, use Mercury and write those letters. The mail could bring you great news and everyone will want to talk to you. If you are a Virgo a Capricorn or a Pisces will want you. Someone born in July needs to spend some time with you very soon.

Travel and Communication: If you have to travel for business purposes, do it now and always use the two weeks following a New Moon to do so. Don’t let insecurity stop your progress, and promote important business now. Expect the mail and your telephone to bring you interesting news. Many will be going back home while others will have to go away.

Environment: The Moon’s waxing energy could induce stress on the faults, so that many people will be forced to relocate soon following natural disasters. It’s time for her to stretch herself and restructure her inside. Mars is still in Scorpio; be aware of fires and destructive emotional behaviors.

Famous Personalities: The rich and famous will be investing or planning reunions to feed the children of the world. Their artistic gifts will benefit many generous organizations. Some other crazy famous people may make surprising news trying to use Mercury’s (the press) power to gain free publicity.

Events: Expect the military to make the news or perform deeds that will aid the general public and provide relief from disasters or war areas. Nature will begin to feel agitated under this celestial manifestation.

Shopping: Buy anything that your home or garden needs. You are under the protection of the New Moon, thus signing anything related to real estate, hotels or restaurants is okay. Share my valuable forecast on or offer my Moon Power Starguide and its accurate guidance for someone’s birthday, or offer a comparison chart for a newlywed couple.

May 8, 2014 — Mercury enters Gemini: Speedy Mercury enters his own sign of Gemini. You will feel like talking about traveling or furthering your business and emotional relationships. Be prudent on the road as Mercury rules cars and speed. Many people driving with you are not aware of this celestial activity and could pay the price of their cosmic ignorance. Make good use of “Moon Power Starguide” and keep reminding yourself of this fact and your real knowledge. Your telephone will be red hot and action will be everywhere. Mercury rules all the motion parts, your arms, fingers, shoulders, etc. Don’t let him crack some of your bones because of impatience. Be prudent and be patient in all you do and you will be protected. Investing in a car after the New Moon may protect you from violent death. 

TUE., WED., THU., FRI., SAT. — MAY 6, 7, 8, 9, 10:
RULERS — The Sun (Love and Light/Children) and Mercury (Trip/Siblings)

Work, Career and Business: Don’t let the egotistic power of the Sun take over your management skills. Keep in mind that we are still human and have egos that sometimes get out of hand. Make the most of the Sun and Mercury’s revitalizing energy to further your business life. Interesting progress and surprises are on the way. You’ve been waiting for this New Moon long enough; push now.

Partnerships: We are under the white power of the Moon and you can also feel the valiant Sun’s strength light up your life and your relationships. This is the time to offer presents or flowers to those for whom you care. You should nurture happiness and feel rejuvenated; your spirit is free and happy. Use this long-awaited New Moon to your advantage; get active with life. You may hear about a birth soon.

Family and Friends: Remembrance of the he past will activate for many, and great time is ahead. Let the golden protective Sun’s rays further everything related to children, love and creativity these days. A trip to the wild or the zoo would be rejuvenating for the entire family; get your camera as those laughs and sincere smiles are priceless. With Mercury’s speed affecting the kids, and dangerous Mars in Scorpio watch over them carefully around the water. If you feel confused about a situation, Mercury will help you find the perfect words to fix the situation. Expect interesting surprises coming your way via telephone, mail or social activities. Use this powerful lunation to your advantage; get yourself in shape and do something different this weekend.

Love Affairs: Time to get active as love can be found practically anywhere, especially if you set your mind to it and participate in all events. Throwing a party will pay off for some people and love may just enter your own home. Again don’t stay home if you are invited to a gathering; the Sun may reward your heart’s desire. One of your important wishes is in the hands of a friend; don’t miss the party. If you were born in May, a Scorpio or a Virgo will be strongly attracted to you. A friend born in March or January may need your help.

Travel and Communication: Use all the beautiful words you can come up with. Everyone will sparkle with the Sun’s power. Make plans now for a trip close to the water. Let your loved ones know that you miss them and that you’ll be there soon. Travel is under the protection of the Sun but please remember the Supernova window and dangerous Mars in the deadly sign of Scorpio.

Environment: The Moon will make hard aspect to other planets these days and this will remind us of our vulnerability to the shocking destructive forces of nature. With the new Moon upon us, let’s hope no earthquakes will come to remind us that the earth is still very much alive. Trouble may be coming from an accident involving children. Again, keep your eyes open, especially close to the water.

Famous Personalities: Many new figures will show up on the entertainment field and much work will be done to produce the finest in the arts. Great movies are being made and expected to appear in the fall. Some famous actors will get in or out of business and love relationships. A famous personality will make weird news.

Events: Are you into the extraordinary? If so, go to the desert now; bring your camera, as this energy activates UFOs sightings. The Sun’s light brings the undiluted truth to whoever wants to see or experience the incredible power of the divine. Nature may do things of her own and disturb power and electronics in some areas. Be aware of Mars and children producing accidents including explosions, earthquakes, tornadoes and volcanic eruptions are high on the list.

Shopping: Buy anything expensive: gold, cars, and electronics for the children. Presents bought now will bring luck to both of you. Invest in all that shows true love and you will win the heart of that person later. Now is the perfect time to invest in the light and my Astro-Psychology course and learn all about the stars.

FULL MOON — May 14, 2014 in Scorpio: Use extreme caution. The next two weeks are going to be trying and dramatic for some. Be ready for a rough journey. Disturbing news from foreign lands is to be expected. Pluto (suicide/drama/death) will bring a dance of destruction to this world where fanatic religious young souls will impose their deadly, righteous, dogmatic views on others. Powerful transformations in the world of faith and the church are ahead. The previous wake-up call provided by Pluto’s impact on the WTC on 9/11 will induce a form of awareness, but also a death and rebirth for some people. Pluto will bring to light the shameful manipulation, sexual and financial secrets of organized religions and some of their religious leaders. As always with the Lord of hell in charge of this trend, better think twice before saying or acting on impulse. Expect nature’s devastating forces to be active, and secrets, affairs of sex, and finances to be divulged. The police and blackguards will make the news. More than ever use diplomacy, as whatever you do now will have serious repercussions in your future. Time to keep a cool head and be aware in all you do or say. Pray for the souls of the poor victims and let’s hope my message gets out to the world at large this time.

Aries – News of life and death and trouble with corporate money is ahead. Be patient.

Taurus – Partnerships in business or marriage will become serious problems clean up.

Gemini – Stress and change with your health or your work, use your will and win.

Cancer – Problems with love, romance and children; don’t respond to the negative moon.

Leo – Important change at home or with the family is ahead use diplomacy you will win.

Virgo – Be aware of your words and your speech a sexual encounter could bring trouble.

Libra – Finances will cause worry, don’t hurt your self-esteem, be positive.

Scorpio – Time to use all your will to avoid drama in all areas of your life, be the Eagle.

Sagittarius – Let go of your past, a secret will come to light and good change is ahead.

Capricorn – Sad news and secrets from friends will bother you, be strong.

Aquarius – A setback to your career but so much more for you. See through it.

Pisces – A study or a trip will become stressful and wake up calls from a foreigner.

* * * * *

Note: Pluto is back with us; be VERY careful of what you say, where you go and what you do! Unaware police officers and/or criminals will meet with their death. Many other unprepared souls will pay the ultimate price by losing their precious lives and this could be you too. Please DO take my heed VERY seriously! Plutonic windows dates depict EXTREME criminal activity and police VULNERABILITY. No one is safe when EVIL reigns on earth! The full year of SOS deadly Plutonic window dates are available to my VIP’s Cosmic Code subscribers only. Please read Plutonic Deadly Window – THE DO’s AND DON’Ts. Is your life worth this VIP subscription? Call us anytime for information at 602-265-7667. Join us ASAP. Sign up NOW!


Read the Do’s and Dont’s

* * * * *

Shame to Light
Life Death Reality Strike
Battle Of God Power Ugly
Evil Lead men’s Tainted Spirit
Quatrain Written by Dr. Turi
Famous Death/Dramatic News/Police/FBI/CIA /
Mob/Secrets/Scandals/Wake Up Call/Terrorism/Finances/Sex/Serial Killers.


SUN., MON., TUE., WED. — MAY: 11, 12, 13, 14:
RULERS — Venus (Passion/love) and Pluto (Death/Drama/Sex)

Work, Career and Business: With the waning Moon and Pluto in charge, be ready for dramatic repercussions in your life towards the weekend.  Let’s hope this trend will not touch you directly, but if it does you will need to be strong and realize the harshness of life.  You may also find out your real limits about your life’s situation.  Now is the time to review all your accomplishments and the reasons for your failures. Accept the upcoming changes with grace.  You will be forced out of a situation where you do not belong and you should be thankful for your intuition.  Meditate on improving your future.

Partnerships:  Finances will play an important part in your life now.  Be practical in all your expenses; you are advised not to overspend.  The lucky souls will receive very expensive presents; some good-hearted people will offer them.  As always with Pluto in charge promises made now could be dramatic.  Just wait patiently for the next New Moon to invest in your future.  Churches all over will be busy planning to accommodate many pious souls for fast approaching Xmas.  Answering to Pluto in Sagittarius, the Christmas spirit is now getting stronger and the world will feel compassionate and loving for all his victims.

 Family and Friends: Many will make plans to travel to visit friends and family members.  Expect news from all over, as new plans must be set to accommodate visitors.  Your family from afar will let you know how much they love and miss you.  The circle of friends will be extremely busy as we are making early plans to enjoy the past.  With Santa Claus in the mind, children get more excited and will be somehow be difficult to handle.  Pluto will make everyone passionate and restless.  Don’t expect much diplomacy around, as people will become susceptible to your comments.  Control emotions and watch the goings on in the house, especially if children are around.  A great time is ahead of you if you listen to your intuition.  As always, if a stranger is brought to your house, be aware of his motives.  Drama is bound to strike a family somewhere, don’t be one of Pluto’s victims.

Love Affairs: A mixture of Pluto and Venus will transform you into a walking magnet. The potential for secret affairs or sexual intercourse is high on the list of things during the weekend.  The planet of love could make you too friendly or trusting while mysterious Pluto and his sensual charisma will bring passion and danger to you.  Stay clear of alcohol and use your intuition at all times.  The Moon is still waning (negative); avoid trouble.  If you are a water or an earth sign, you may be experiencing some stress with love, be patient it will pass soon.

Travel and Communication: As you know, Pluto rules passion, the crooks and the police force.  News pertaining to the police will always appear during his ruling days.  It is my aspiration with my students and my books, to communicate this knowledge in the future to the police academies.  Pluto’s impact upon our courageous police officers is lethal; and in the name of ignorance from their superiors, many suffer early and wasteful deaths.  In the future, when “ridicule” is cast aside, Police Executives will be forewarning their officers to the influence of the Plutonic impact upon their dangerous careers. Locating the destructive power of Pluto transpiring in the natal profile of a potential murderer can be identified with Astropsychology.  Knowledge is power and there is no room for ignorance especially with the police force.

Environment: Pluto will induce drama and could disturb the earth’s belly, producing a bad earthquake.  As usual with Pluto in charge, be ready for many interesting secrets to surface and remember to keep quiet. CNN 03/29/05 -FORT LAUDERDALE, Florida The police always makes the news under Pluto’s power such as (AP) — A police officer who stopped a doctor for speeding on his way to deliver a baby, and then took him to the maternity ward in handcuffs, has agreed to an unpaid suspension for lack of judgment. CNN 03/29/05 – Indonesian officials report 330 people are dead on the islands of Nias and Simeulue off Sumatra from Monday’s quake.

Famous Personalities: A famous personality will be called to God and many will miss the soul.  A powerful reminder of our own mortality is ahead, this is the signature of Pluto’s regular jurisdiction upon our lives.  Note when a soul is born with a Dragon’s Tail in Aries as was Mr. Kennedy, 39, son of the late U.S. Sen. Robert Kennedy. That soul is prone to experience a violent death.  He died New Year’s Eve (1997) in a skiing accident in Aspen, Colorado.  You may order my book, “Power of the Dragon,” from to find the location of your own natal dragon.

Events: Under Pluto’s explosive power, in 1988, at American Pacific’s plant near Henderson — Pacific Engineering & Production Co. of Nevada, or PEPCON — a series of colossal explosions left two dead, injured 300 and caused $75 million in damage. Clark County fire investigators blamed the blasts on welders, cramped storage, messy conditions and wind.  Company officials disputed those contentions.  Shortly after that, the company moved the operation to Iron County, Utah, and renamed it Western Electrochemical.  Pluto stirs man’s animal tendencies and causes the infinite forces of good and evil to constantly tease each other.   Don’t trust anyone and be aware of the police.  Fact: Controlled by Pluto, the planet of death and drama, the highest suicide rate is to be found within the police force.  Expect this type of news soon:  BALTIMORE (AP) — Five women were found dead of multiple gunshot wounds in a home Sunday night, and police were searching for four suspects, officers said.  The shootings capped an unusually violent weekend in the city, where 10 people were killed since Friday.  FORT GIBSON, Oklahoma (CNN) — A 13-year-old boy firing a 9 mm semiautomatic handgun wounded four classmates at their rural Oklahoma middle school before being subdued and taken into custody, police said.  The victims were taken to hospitals; their injuries did not appear life threatening

Shopping: Only second-hand shopping or well advertised sales will give you the best deals in town.  Better wait for the New Moon for super deals.  Do not invest in dangerous toys for your children; with Pluto signature, they could get hurt.  Give old toys to unfortunate children.

THU., FRI., SAT., SUN. — MAY 15, 16, 17, 18:
RULERS — Jupiter (Foreign Grounds) and Saturn (Government)

Work, Career and Business: Jupiter’s positive energy will help restore faith and new opportunities in your life. You could use this trend to gather your thoughts and get close to God in your local church or in nature and enjoy the wildness. Keep your notion of life clean; avoid poisoning your future with negative attitudes. Pray for the world, for the children of the future. Many of those restorative thoughts are needed, then slowly but surely a healing process will take place. With the New Moon upon us you may begin to see the light. Signing important documents is okay while the moon is still waxing, and valuable opportunities are on the way. Be ready for the beginning or ending of important parts of your life.

Partnerships: A new business partner wants to share a great plan with you; it probably is! Don’t rush. Listen to your intuition before and add your own creative force in the process. A foreigner could also enter the scenery and the meeting could positively affect your future. Avoid tensions this weekend about a specific project or trip. Nothing can really stop you if you mean business. Keep a positive attitude.

Family and Friends: Friends will be active and many will be requesting your presence. Do not refuse invitations. The waxing Moon through your great friends can still grant many of your wishes. You may plan to throw your own party with some good friends this weekend. Keep your eyes open for an older person with good deals or kind words to offer. Kids sense that they are the center of attention, be patient with their demands. If Mom is far away, she may call you; don’t dwell on the past and avoid gossip. Be happy. Don’t let other people’s trouble upset you, and all will be fine.

Love Affairs: Socialize with friends and have faith in the stars. You will feel positive away from home with the people around you. They will enjoy your company and one of your wishes may come true. Avoid impulsive actions where romance is concerned and drive carefully on your way back home during the late hours. Do not fall victim to Saturn’s gloomy power; forget about your responsibility, go out, meet new people and expect a lot. If you’re born in January or September, your magnetism will be high and you could find love. The future has better to offer, so put a big smile on your face and be confident. Progressive changes are ahead; be patient and participate in life. If you were born in August, someone born in April, or an Aquarius or Gemini could be strongly attracted to you.

Travel and Communication: Saturn rules old people and parts of your past. Take care of the old people you love. Make these days’ good ones, as those folks might not be around for the next cycle. Some will plan to travel far this weekend, and some just around town to meet their pasts. Be aware of early celebrations as people could drink too much and drive dangerously. Stay safe and watch the roads. Many will find themselves with car problems or stuck in airports. City workers may also decide to cut off traffic making you late for work.

Events: Jupiter may decide to entertain us with some new from foreign powers. Under Saturn’s power, people challenge governmental structure. For instance a few years ago the news reported that many Taliban fighters asserted authority in northern Afghanistan. Warlord Dostum flees to Turkey. Taliban fighters moved swiftly Sunday to assert their authority over this northern stronghold, whose capture nearly completed a three-year campaign to unite Afghanistan under the white flag of the radical Islamic army.

Famous Personalities: The rich and famous will busy themselves to alleviate pain in the world.

Events: A political person may make surprising news. Be ready for startling news from a foreign land soon. The Middle East, Mexico or a Spanish-speaking country needs help.

Shopping: Invest in traveling or learning a foreign language, and you will have a rewarding time ahead of you. Use Jupiter’s philosophical values to improve your consciousness, or plan to start an important study. Invest in anything for your pet. 

* * * * *

May 29, 2014 — Mercury enters Cancer: The Lord of communication in the sign of home and family will instigate worries about home, food and general security. Be aware of children sensitivity and hopeful at all times. On a more productive note, use this powerful planet to find a way to communicate and provide security to your loved one or use your mental power for any real estate task. Souls born with this celestial gift will be geared into general security and will own a powerful intuition. This Mercury position breed real estate icons and the moon fluctuations seriously afflict their judgments and feelings. They are all strongly suggested to watch the moon whereabouts in the Zodiac Moon Power Starguide as the perfect tool to do so. They also need to check on their personal Dragon dates for any and all endeavors.

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Shock Surprise Nature Upset
Down Under Up Above Water Fire Kill
Heavens Deep Earth Wakes At Night
Ring In Fire Spit Science Wonder

* * * * *

MON., TUE., WED., THU., FRI. — MAY 19, 20, 21, 22, 23:
RULERS — Uranus (Explosions) Neptune (Deception)

Work, Career and Business: Do not expect to make much progress for a while; many of your plans will fall apart. Listen to other people’s stories; the stars affect everybody and they may come up with interesting, even surprising news. Be ready to invest in some appliances or equipment. Saturn will help you make some great adjustments after careful planning. Wait for the next New Moon for more progress.

Partnerships: With Uranus in charge, anything and everything unusual can happen and with a waning Moon (negative) upon us, do not expect great news. Restaurants will be busy; better make reservations if you don’t want to be turned down. However, any changes should be accepted with faith in yourself and the new future. Be patient with everyone, as Uranus may make them eccentric and Saturn depressed. Avoid drinking at night.

Family and Friends: An opportunity to meet with some family members you have not seen for a while will be given to you by this lunation. The past will come alive again and an old friend will reappear soon. A person who owes you money sincerely wants to repay, but may be in such a difficult set of circumstances that he can’t. Be patient as he may repay you in a different way. A friend who has invited himself and who has been a house guest for a while may need a little push to get him out of your domicile. Providing help is great, but let people know your limits.

Love Affairs: Be ready for the incredible to happen; if you are in a karmic relation-ship, changes are needed. Friends may fall in love with other friends or mistake love for friendship. An old love or an old friend long gone will reappear in your life soon. If you were born under any of the water signs expect needed changes. If you are a Libra, a Leo friend needs to talk to you and someone born in April or February needs to understand you. A friend born in June might fall for you.

Travel and Communication: A business trip or an invitation may lead you to many good contacts from the past. However, you might have problems getting to the given address and may get lost a few times. Be patient, as you will still have plenty of time to play and enjoy yourself with various unusual people. For paranormal investigators, now is the time to look for UFOs in secluded places. Don’t forget your video camera; you may be sorry if you are not ready when Uranus is willing to display the secret of extraterrestrial intelligence. Stay clear from tall trees and posts to avoid lightning; many people met with their deaths in stormy Uranus trends.

Environment: General electronic failures or viruses could produce aeronautic disasters soon.

Famous Personalities: Very surprising behavior or news will come from the rich and famous. Disturbing and sad news about a famous child could reach the media. Fire and electrocution are also high on the list; be aware.

Events: Uranus loves accidents and explosions; under his power expect surprising and original pieces of news such as: Four people died when a Marine Corps electronic warfare plane went down in the desert. It was the third military plane crash in two days. Two teenagers were killed when a butane pipeline broke and exploded in northeast Texas Saturday. Lastly I gave the date of August 18th on my newsgroup and asked the readers to be prepared for “electronic failures.” On the exact date (posted months earlier) NASA shuttle lost his main computer in space and made international news. The costly loss of the Mars probe took place under this disturbing Uranian energy. Watch the children at all time.

Shopping: This is not a time to purchase new electronic equipment or plan a long voyage by air to a foreign land. As always, Uranus rules the future, and his psychic powers can be used through your trusted local psychic or astrologer. Second-hand shopping of Hi-tech will pay off for some.

* * * * *

SAT., SUN., MON., TUE. — MAY 24, 25, 26, 27:
RULERS — Mars (Danger/Men) and Venus (Docile/Women) Read the Do’s and Dont’s

Work, Career and Business: The Moon is still waning (negative) so think twice before committing to an investment program. A powerful hunch might save you trouble if you are unsure about a person or a business scheme. Don’t let Mars affect your judgment; be patient with everyone around. Expect upsetting financial news; don’t let it get to you, you can only do so much. The future will offer better opportunities. Wait patiently for the next New Moon; right now just clean up and reorganize.

Partnerships: As usual with Mars’ aggressive personality, expect all sorts of trouble with partnerships. As always with the Lord of war around these days, you are seriously advised to use discretion in all you do or mention to avoid serious complications. Keep in mind that the Moon is waning (negative) so don’t expect progress in any of your endeavors for now. Finish up a project or re-evaluate a situation, but most of all be patient.

Family and Friends: A difficult trend is taking place; do not let it get to you. Use your will and look for happy people. Moon Power Starguide is preparing you for this type of celestial affliction; take a passive attitude and all will go your way. Use Venus’ loving touches with practical advice to provide spiritual help to those you care for, but realize your limits. You need your own spiritual strength to face those tough stars and you can do it.

Love Affairs: Expect some secrets to be divulged, especially the ones related to sex or financial scandals. Venus’ gentle nature will reward you if you use her diplomatic, loving powers to smooth things out. Better stay home and enjoy good food during the late hours. A great movie with the one you care about this weekend is your best shot. Many will fall prey to con artists and weird sexual endeavors. If you are a Virgo someone born in March, a Taurus or a Capricorn could be looking for you. A Cancer friend will give you good advice, but do not complain too much if you want to save your friendship. Stay clear of alcohol consumption.

Travel and Communication: The people of your past will soon show up. After the Full Moon always stay clear of suspicious deals. Deal with the people you know and avoid dangerous dark alleys. Keep your eyes open and your personal alarm (intuition) on all the time. Mars rules man’s animal instincts and he could stimulate one of his aggressive children (Mars in bad aspect) to hurt you, given the occasion. With any trouble on the highway, stay inside your car with the doors secured. Many violent crimes have been reported during this type of energy, especially when drugs or alcohol are involved; take no chances.

Environment: Soft Venus will try to stop her violent brother Mars and his friend Pluto from stirring the earth’s entrails and producing earthquakes, explosions, volcanoes and disasters. In time of a waning Moon and with a Supernova window in action she might not have much influence. Be ready for destruction from both Pluto and the red planet, Mars, “The Lord of War.”

Famous Personalities: This same type of energy has taken the lives of many famous people, sometimes dramatically. Drama, sex, and scandals of all sorts will go public and may induce suicidal tendencies in some prominent people. Stay clear of any chemicals and be aware around the water.

Events: Mars is like Pluto in some ways and will stimulate the villains; expect them to be nasty and active during this trend. Again, do not trust strangers and do not put yourself in any situation that could make you a potential victim. The police will make disturbing news and many officers will be dispatched to cool off situations, especially those of domestic violence. If you are in law enforcement, beware; Mars or Pluto could hurt you; don’t take any chances.

Shopping: Do not deal with finances these days. Avoid investing in tools or sharp instruments. Some will get bad news from their creditors and bank accounts or credit cards will be a source of trouble. Do not open a bank account now; the negative energy will induce unneeded financial stress in your life.

May 28, 2014 — Mercury enters Gemini: Speedy Mercury enters his own sign of Gemini.  You will feel like talking about traveling or furthering your business and emotional relationships.  Be prudent on the road as Mercury rules cars and speed.  Many people driving with you are not aware of this celestial activity and could pay the price of their cosmic ignorance.  Make good use of “Moon Power” and keep reminding yourself of this fact and your real knowledge.  Your telephone will be red hot and action will be everywhere.  Mercury rules all the motion parts, your arms, fingers, shoulders, etc.  Don’t let him crack some of your bones because of impatience.  Be prudent and be patient in all you do and you will be protected.  Investing in a car after the New Moon may protect you from violent death or serious accident.

May 28, 2014 — Venus enters Taurus: Souls born with this celestial gift will need emotional security at all times. Unless the partner is solid and strong insecurity will bring about a swift break. Great ability is often found in money-making schemes, the arts, poetry, writing, photography and drawing. A natural zest for diplomacy and diplomacy is often found with this position. The soul could also marry wealthy and operate in an artistic environment during the course of this reincarnation. Expect presents, love and general uplifting news where your Venus transits your housing system. This is a perfect time to concentrate on improving your wardrobe and shape the body, invest in your desire for beauty and perfection.  Souls born now will be possessive in matters related to love, and lucky with money.

As the Bull is stubborn, many of them will have to detect wrong relationships and learn to let go and trust again.  This is the ideal celestial position to invest in an artistic study. Empower yourself with spirituality and display your creativity to the world. Souls born now will inherit natural gifts in music and the arts.  This is a top position to become a leader in the artistic fields for some. When well assisted by other celestial bodies, this is a perfect position for total commitment and endless love. This position makes for one of the most beautiful woman of the Zodiac.  A sincere gift in loving, creating and a distinguished magnetism will lead her to a successful career. These souls were born to reach emotional, financial and spiritual security, teach genuine love and be loved back.  A top position involving financial security, communication, writing, and success in any artistic fields is offered to these lucky souls.

New Moon — May 28, 2014 in Gemini: Now is the perfect time to start any intellectual pursuit, begin or finish a book, learn photography, a foreign language, find a publisher and communicate your feelings to all.  With the new Moon upon us soon, you may plan to invest in a new car or anything related to communication. Traveling and foreigners will play important parts of this lunation.  Plans made to travel under this New Moon will bring excitement and many wishes.  On a larger scale, combined with the New Moon, witty Mercury will help in promoting better relations with other countries around the world.

 Lunation impact on all signs:

Aries – A letter or a telephone call will make you happy soon. Your sibling needs you.

Taurus – Great news involving money or a business endeavor is on the way.

Gemini – The Moon shines on you, make the most of it, you’re lucky for a while.

Cancer – A secret will come your way but don’t talk too much about it later.

Leo – One of your wishes will come true because of a friend, good news ahead.

Virgo – Your career gets you very busy, lots of opportunity in communication. Write.

Libra – Good news from far away and a gambling trip will bring luck.

Scorpio – Corporate money, a contract, legacy, and a deep spiritual study is coming.

Sagittarius – A new business or emotional relationship is about to start.

Capricorn – Your health and your work will improve and good opportunities are ahead.

Aquarius – Love and creativity are on the way, good news from the children.

Pisces – A change of residency or a new set of wheels will make you happy.

WED., THU., FRI., SAT. — MAY 28, 29, 30, 31:

RULERS — Mercury (News/transportation) and the Moon (Important Changes):

Work, Career and Business: The blessings of a waxing moon are with us for a few more days; you should fight lethargy and depressions. Be confident, as much needed change is ahead for you and those you care. You may also consider using Mercury’s mental agility to pass on new ideas to improve your business or communicate with the family. You could use these waning days to re-write or plan new advertisements or publicity. The telephone will be particularly busy but the news could be depressive. Don’t leave the office upset you do not need to bring stress at home.  Stay active and be mentally alert.

Partnerships: Dealing with others has and will always be a challenge for us all. Some of you have learnt hard lessons and the scars take time to heal; don’t re-open them again. Move on to better ground, the future has always better to offer.  Keep a positive attitude in your conversations and promote only the great times of your past. Some karmic souls will have to experience a rebirth of their relationships. Whatever unfolds, accept the changes with confidence; the truth is that, life is a constant process of change and it always seems to be for the better.

Family and Friends: Mercury is fast and rules communication, so expect family members to get in touch with you via mail or telephone.  Some will be invited to enjoy great cooking at their friend’s homes. “The messenger of the Gods” loves to talk and throw jokes all over.  Control Mercury’s desire to exaggerate and do not fall for the negative things you may hear now. Keep in mind that your friends have the potential to fulfill all your wishes; get active in the social arena after the new Moon. As always, you might have a karmic debt with a long-standing friend; if so, you may have to experience annoyance. Try to clear it all up and you’ll win the person back.

Love Affairs: Be ready for the beginning or ending of important love phases of your love life. Keep your eyes and ears open on the people you know as the Moon affects everybody.  If you were born in July, someone much older or younger than you born in March, November or January will be attracted to you.  A friend may bring you sad news soon.

Travel and Communication: Use Mercury’s mental powers accordingly. Time to write those letters, as Mercury improves your mental faculties.  He will reward you favorably if you decide to invest in your education or start a book after the upcoming new moon. Control his strong desire to be a “chatterbox,” and save money on your telephone bill.  Mercury rules transportation and general motion; he also makes people restless on the road. Under his command you should be a defensive driver. It’s time to plan for your future travels, or visit parts of the world via great books.  Wait for the next New Moon to launch the trip.  You’ll be glad to know and respect God’s Universal Laws.

Environment: We are coming into a Full Moon period soon and some states will experience severe weather systems. If you are into videotaping lightning, storms, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, etc., be ready for those soon. Some will see the beginning or ending of dramatic times. This may force thousands of people to relocate.   Be ready for disturbing news soon that will force thousands of people to flee nature’s destructive forces. Check my website regularly for additional predictions and to read my quatrains. This book works in conjunction with my home page as to teach you how to read Moon Power accurately.

Famous Personalities: Much too close to the next Full Moon for comfort next week end, thus some famous artist or important political figure will experience shame with love, and their children will be directly affected.

Events: Prominent political personalities either from the Russia, US, France or Japan will make an important announcement. The government may come up with drastic news or decisions that could affect many families in the future. Let’s hope for the best.

Shopping: Invest faithfully in anything to clean the house or the office. Equipment purchased now will bring trouble to its owner. This is a perfect time to take care of your car. Mercury also rules literature and great deals on old books will be available under its influence.

“And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years.”
— Genesis 1:14 in King James Version of The Bible

Let me lead you back home in the stars above where, as a child of the universe you came from…

The greatness of the Universe is unknown, but the magnetic forces that direct and move all the planets in our galaxy are known; this Divine source of power can be used to guide and bring man a life filled with happiness, peace and harmony.
— Dr. Turi

Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth by means of his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom

–   Paracelsus

Be safe and watch the signs!

Dr. Turi is available for any and all teaching and astrological material.


Read “The Mayan Prophecies And The Cosmic Code” from

12/22/2012  Humanity Stars its Spiritual Journey

“The future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thoughts” humankind, as of yet does not understand its serious implications and its accumulated applications.  Thus I choose the “DAY AFTER” or December 22nd, 2012 as Dr. Turi’s Universal day of prayer marking the awakening of the power of enlightenment, common sense and the liberation of the human spirit from fear.

On this day NOTHING dramatic will take place, instead a very constructive celestial energy will bless humanity.

The Universal gates will open  offering humanity  a  push a rare chance to finally connect with the Divine marking the END of the Age of Pisces (religions/deception/misinformation) and the beginning of the Age of Aquarius (UFO/humanitarian/the truth/the Cosmic Code.) Then, slowly but surely, Jesus’ true spiritual celestial Ministry will be reinstated. Humankind’s cosmic awareness of “Our Father In The Heavens” and God’ signs will be taught and used by all his children of the world promising the long awaited Universal spiritual rebirth of Humanity.

When men realize the church is the universe and the twelve Apostles are the twelve signs of the zodiac, God’s commandments written in Starlight will bring true love, respect peace and harmony to this world. Only when science finally honor the word science itself and investigate the “Divine” a real chance will be offered to the rest of mankind to uplift its perception and working of the Universe. Love, respect peace and harmony depend in understanding and respecting God’s highest celestial orders cloaked in the “Universal Code”. The truth of life and the Universe cannot originate from ONE solitary foundation; it’s all about a complex range of integration of all things at once”.

Dr. Turi

The greatness of the Universe is unknown, but the magnetic forces that direct and move all the planets in our galaxy are known; this Divine source of power can be used to guide and bring humankind a life filled with happiness, peace and harmony.

Dr. Turi 

HELP DR. TURI’S MISSION! BE A DIRECT PARTICIPANT TO CHANGE THE WORLD! Click on this link to offer donations for OUR cause and for the children of the future.

Blessings and thank you from the heart.

Question? Help? Talk to Terania 602-265-7667