Year: 2014

Do Scientists Understand The Human Brain? NO THEY DON’T!


 The gravitational forces that move all galaxies is a scientific fact, But the greatness of the spiritual cosmic manifesto is yet a mystery to science and humanity at large. The brain has more interconnections than there are stars and planets in the Milky Way because you are a child of the Universe!

— Dr. Turi

Do Scientists Understand The Human Brain?
Is The Human Brain Just a Computer? One Neuroscientist Thinks So

Mastering The Mind Powers
Obama waste $100M to unlock mysteries of the brain

Amazon Prime new documentary: Nostradamus’ Divine Astrology
TUBI – Nostradamus’ Divine Astrology 

Dear Reader;

Indeed the human brain is a fleshy, bony computer karmically formulated by, and interacting with the Universal brain. This concept is much too advanced for today science to acknowledge, research or accept because anything involving metaphysics or astrology is immediately rejected and sought as pseudo-science.

The works of all wise men such as Plato and Hippocrates explaining the human cosmic conception “or the UCI” offer much of the answers science has been cursed by God to uncover.

…perhaps there is a pattern set up in the heavens for one who desires to see it, and having seen it, to find one in himself – Plato

“A physician without a knowledge of Astrology has no right to call himself a physician”  – Hippocrates (ca. 400 BC).

What Does The World Say About Dr. Turi?

While my reality show proposal explain much more about the human mind inner relationship there is much more far fetched unheard conductive cosmic phenomenon and physical issues to be dealt with.

While I may sound redundant to older readers, my new VIP’s do not know that; much of today young scientists are the product of the “OCD Generation.”  Their most potent tool is their microscopic perception of the world and the extreme attention to details all the while missing the forest for the tree!

Many may be well read young souls but  are the victims of the US Department Education elites who share the same cosmic constrictions refuting spirituality in our schools and universities based upon the “separation of church and state.” Sad enough investigating the Cosmic Code jurisdictions has nothing to do with religion, because my work is scientifically oriented and not based on faith or imagination.

Human are robots of their stars and act them out neurotically and subconsciously, something all erudite men of antiquity were fully aware of!

 “We are born at a given moment, in a given place and, like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and of the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more.”  (Carl Gustav Jung) 

The reasons for today’s scientists reasoning is based upon their early educational conditionnement and the incredible amount of wealth created by the pharmaceutical corporations feeding on a gullible, lazy poisoned society angry for the next miracle pill.

Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Dr. Deepak Chopra , Neil deGrasse – ARE YOU TRUE GENIUSES?

This is why I am so concerned for the children of the  “OCD Generation” which will be all trained to ridicule  the spirit and  “Soul of the Cosmos.” Nevertheless, the parents need to be concerned too.

This godless rational, logical cold hearted “educated” generation will, in the future, translate into a world largely made of Gestapo like atheists, white supremacists on to built their own Reich! Heed my warnings because “The Monsters of the Future” is not the product of my imagination but a sure vision already on the move! German police see rise in far-right extremism.

Prediction #3  – A new black/white supremacy” negative energy will birth from Germany and grow drastically all over Europe, South Africa and the world. A strong sense of white/self identity will worry many minority races during serious internal trouble with some youth battling the police with fire.

At this point it is impossible for any smart and perceptive human beings not to realize the chain of predicted events found in Heil Hitler Arian Draconis predictions

But I can dance on my head, or as the saying goes; “take the horse to the water,” this does not mean he will be willing or able to drink at the source of all wisdoms….

Hi Terania and Dr. Turi;

This is ….. here. I purchased the astropsychology course from Dr Turi. I have made attempts to get a refund because I did not want the course anymore. However I just want to also mention that I have chosen to throw it away nor do I wish to go down the track of becoming a certified astropsychologist.

I found it was not inline with my current beliefs of being a follower of Jesus Christ. So I would appreciate if you could please remove me from your database and my online account with your online website which is ////////. Also I wish to remain anonymous so please do not mention me or to anyone in the future that I have ever had any dealings with Dr Turi or purchased his readings or courses.

 I taught Astropsychology to thousands of people since I started my career in 1991 nevertheless 8 students rejected my work and rushed back to the religious matrix deceptive teachings….  While immorality is a problem with some greedy souls trying to get my work for free, much of the problems I encounter are the results of deep encrusted religious fears, fear of the unknown *UFO and the future.

Memo from the article I wrote 12/15/14  – “I usually anticipate troubles looking at a non evolved UCI, but I can not help myself to give my best shot!”

But it still hurts when my lifetime work is trashed, wasted and sought as pseudoscience by unperceptive young souls beyond help! I will not argue with anyone requesting a full refund if the package is returned unopened.

But many unscrupulous people did copy the printed material, the 16 CD /DVD then return it opened. And those who are unsuccessful getting a refund become part of  my Internet enemies and join the dance of evil on Ripoff Report Website.

Often Terania and I are questioning our cosmic mission wondering about freeing a mass of God fearing lost souls from ignorance,  and if it was not for the words of encouragements we get from some of our supporters, I truly think we would have given up already!  And this is where such a wonderful gift becomes a curse…

How am I supposed to make people aware of the location of Saturn (the great malefic) constricting explorations and steering a multitude of  underground fears by the house and sign he resides in? Cold Saturn rules all sciences, structures, politics, refrigeration, the human skeleton etc.


Saturn in Aries or in the first house (self) – Fear of uncovering oneself outside of conventional wisdom * or the student who ditched me above! This sign rules the brain, indeed we need explorers and brain researchers…

Saturn in Taurus  or in the 2nd house (money) –  Insecurity complex, fear of never having enough money, food etc. Indeed we need bankers and there are plenty sick hoarders…

Saturn in Gemini  or in the 3nd house (critical thinking)  – The fear of not knowing enough, not being educated enough, saying the wrong thing. The mind is frozen to spiritual explorations and designed by God to dwell with logistics. Indeed we need structural engineers and science writers…

Saturn in Cancer  or in the 4th house ( Home)  – The fears to lose your home, not having enough food for the entire family etc. Indeed we need real estate agents and sick preppers

Saturn in Leo  or in the 5th house ( love/children)  The fear of death, the fear of never finding love or losing a child. Indeed we need doctors and love story writers…

Saturn in Cancer  or in the 9th house ( religion/education)  The fear of expanding the mind, the fear of going to hell, the fear of foreigners, traveling, animals etc. *or the student who ditched me above!

Furthermore if the  natal, universal or hidden nasty Tail of the Dragon reside in one of the mentioned houses above, the cosmic negative wind will intensify dramatically producing fears that become impossible to control*or the student who ditched me above!

There is no way for me to offer my 65 years of cosmic investigations in one consultation, and this is why I suggesting this kid to take the course. But he probably was “reminded” by his friends or peers of  hell and their suggestion to TRASH my work, so no one else would go to hell because of me!

The chance was offered to this young soul to find God’s cosmic divinity and his own cosmic nature, but the fears induced by his karmic UCI and maintained by his peers were much too strong for him to battle.

This is why, “Only when the student is ready will the right teacher appear”  and at this point, he simply missed the boat! But like all human beings, my “student” has eternity to upgrade his psychical perceptions of the divine…

 “Where Cosmic Consciousness is lacking; science, conspiracy and religious imagination have the answers. There are no accidents just consequences the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive.”

When I profess my work is not for the feeble minded but for the more advanced, refined  human being, I think, once again I made my case!

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi

 Sharing Emails; 

From a VIP

Two items:

1: IMO if scientists could figure out how a complex leaf works, how it communicates with it’s environment and how it converts “sun power” into food, they might get a “hint” of how the brain works.  They can see the leaf hardware part, yet overlook/ignore? the non-physical software component that works in conjunction with the hardware to function as it was designed.

2:  The above in red causes me to ponder why the individual bought the course in the first place.  Obviously not purchased without some awareness of what it contained and how it might conflict with their “sacred JC beliefs” .

This reminds me of the old saying:  “You can lead a horse to water, but cannot make it drink”.

A variation on that theme is:

“You can lead a horse to water, and if it pisses in it, nothing you can do about that”. 




 From  VIP  Helga Rossner ; “Waning Moon in Libra today and one of DT December SOS To The Worldwindows of caution: Also he mentioned that many children will die in this horrible religious war that is ongoing. Read what Drudge Report said this morning: This wants me to throw up, it is so sickening. I have to agree with DT on what Planet did I land on?”

Taliban militants kill 130 children

Bomb kills 20 children in Yemen

Memo from Heil Hitler Arian Draconis predictions“This dragon is ruthless and invasive and will directly affect souls born in October (Libra)  and April (Aries)  or those born with a moon, rising, natal or hidden dragons in those signs. “The Lord of War” will rule the world, imposing huge fires, *Calif. fire ‘just out of control’ danger, conflicts, large accidents  and will induce dramatic news of death and aggression.This dragon is also aiming for the children,  Pakistan —Enterovirus D68 now in 11 states –* Enterovirus D68 spreads to Canada  the soldiers, the Army and the Navy” – 

I am asking all my supporters and VIP’s to help me warn the world and submit  this article!

L.A. tornado: ‘It was crazy’ SOS TO THE WORLD predictions for December 2014

Listen to Dr. Turi last radio show with Christina George 11/12/2014 – Wait for the show to start Pls

December 21st 2014, Dr. Turi will join host Janet Kira Lessin on Aquarian radio to discuss ISIS latest developments in relation to the current Arian Draconian energy and predictions for the world imposed by the upcoming  2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Draconis Universal Predictions

Dr. Turi  Teach me all about my cosmic relationship with God marvelous Univer…

The Magical Power of Talismans! 

“Show me a curious person or an avid reader and I will point out a winner!” Dr. Turi

Now FREE – Click image above to download the 2014 Moon Power Starguide

$15:00  – Click image above to purchase the 2015 Dragon Forecast

Show your support join my Cyber Cosmic University

About Louis Turi

Dr. Turi is a proficient author and a captivating speaker, his profound Universal Wisdom astonishes everyone. He was recognized in the 2003 Marquis “Who’s Who in America.” Dr. Turi is the personal counselor of many celebrities, Ivana Trump, Peter Fonda, Gary Busey, Denis Haysbert, John Gray and many others. Dr. Turi is a favorite guest of George Noory on Coast-To-Coast AM radio and the BBC in London and appeared in numerous television programs worldwide.He speaks of the cosmic face and celestial tools of the creator and warn the world with undeniable well documented undeniable predictions.

Clinical Hypnotherapist – Astropsychologist focused on providing individual and couples counseling services. Specializing in public speaking, teaching, metaphysics, natural healing, stress management, women’ issues and family mediation services. Interested in speaking engagements, radio, television, academic work, advising corporations, the police force, schools and general public on mental health issues and spirituality outside of conventional beliefs and accepted disciplines.




Germany “Heil Hitler” – German police see rise in far-right extremism


…perhaps there is a pattern set up in the heavens for one who desires to see it, and having seen it, to find one in himself – Plato

Dear Readers:

Carl Sagan and the science of Astrology!

“If we teach only the finding and products of Astrology, no matter how useful and inspiring they maybe – without communicating its critical methods, how can the average person possibly distinguish Astrology from pseudoscience? ” Dr. Turi 

I am not sure how more precise I can  be when it comes  to offer tangible dated, well documented proof of my predictive work when the title itself, used on June 12, 2013 to warn the world “Germany “Heil Hitler” 2014 Arian Draconis World Predictions“offer the undeniability!

 Will the atheists, the skeptics, and the scientists “or the educated donkeys” also recognise  the picture of Hitler chosen in my obvious quatrain and keywords?‎ posted to the world June 12, 2013  



German/Vikings Skin Alike
Black and White Red Blood 
Fire War Violence  Passions Rule
God No where To Stop Fires

  Hitler’s Evil spirit reborn


“the worst disaster in recent years in the Mediterranean

Taliban militants kill 130 children

Bomb kills 20 children in Yemen

Memo from Heil Hitler Arian Draconis predictions: “This dragon is ruthless and invasive and will directly affect souls born in October (Libra)  and April (Aries)  or those born with a moon, rising, natal or hidden dragons in those signs. “The Lord of War” will rule the world, imposing huge fires, *Calif. fire ‘just out of control’ danger, conflicts, large accidents  and will induce dramatic news of death and aggression.This dragon is also aiming for the children,  Pakistan —Enterovirus D68 now in 11 states –* Enterovirus D68 spreads to Canada  the soldiers, the Army and the Navy” –

German police see rise in far-right extremism

Berlin (AFP) – German police have noted a significant rise in far-right extremism and attacks targeting foreigners, a news report said Sunday, amid national debate about a new Islamophobic movement.

Prediction #3 – A new  BLACK AND WHITE negative energy will birth from Germany and grow dramatically All over Europe, South Africa and the world. A strong sense of white/self identity will worry many minority races during serious internal trouble with some youth battling the police

L.A. tornado: ‘It was crazy’ SOS TO THE WORLD predictions for December 2014

End of Faith – 11/2015-02/2017 the beginning of the End of All Religions

I kept steady, offering the same exact warning in all my videos and radio shows, I wrote countless articles constantly refreshing people’s memories and offered more warnings for next year in  “2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Draconis Universal Predictions.”  Sad enough the reward for being so precise got my Internet enemies to double their efforts and managed to get me out of Linkedin and Google…

My convictions and dedication fueled by the validity and trustworthiness of my premonitions makes me very concerned, but instead of being rewarded for such an obvious gift and all I am offering the public, makes me the victim of the  “hunters witch!” In 2014 I feel the endless repercussion of today’s Inquisition.

While I have had to constantly beg my supporters to help clear my name and my reputation, my Internet enemies, effortlessly  congregate in mass to stop me reaching you…

All I have to defend myself and fight the evil of ignorance is the endless, undeniable proofs of my work, pictures and the video of a donkey on a sling!

While those people pretend to be clients of mine and lies through their theethes on Ripoff Report, one even wrote “Turi Denies Accepting Credit Card Payment.”  Any intelligent reader would immediately check my website and realize right away that I have been accepting credit cards since  I launched 14 years ago in 2000.  In fact ALL my services, including basic reports can only be processed with a credit card!

 UPDATED LLC  CERTIFICATE  (Very safe website)

Others young souls nurture inserted religious fears and wrote “Psychics are nothing but CON ARTISTS period.  Stop wasting your money on these LIARS!”  

Fears of the future or the unknown are very real and while I mentioned countless times my UFO’s experiences and the “downloading” of the Cosmic Code secrets during one of my UFO abductions on 08/11/1991 was a formidable “gift” and an obvious legacy, people read and feel only what their natal UCI dictate!

UFO”s Are Very Real  –  And So Is The Legacy! – What Did They Do To Me?

“Even more interesting is that Turi recently made a video in which he states that he received his Cosmic Code from the very same creatures that abduct people against their will, mutilate animals and took him as a boy without his consent.  Later in life Turi walked out on his wife and young family because of these same beings.  Now let us for a moment assume that all this is correct, are THESE the sort of beings you want to be associated with?  Cold, Machine-Like Sociopaths who have no regard for people or the damage they cause?  Indeed the responses here display the same cold condemnation of anyone who does not agree with Turi much more in line with the reaction of cult members than people who can think for themselves.  Worth thinking about.”

While many of my well intentioned supporters went to Ripoff Report website to defend me, they also get “crucified!”

Much of the comments left there have nothing to do about my services period!

‘The James Randi Challenge, yes or no?  If Turi passes the challenge we will write a full retraction and apology on this page.  What’s it to be then guys yes or no? “

Indeed I approached and wrote personally to “The James Randi Challenge” but they removed my predictions from all their websites, never took my invitation to talk on radio  and never answered my emails for years!

March 11, 2012 – Dr. Turi challenges James Randi and Reason Rally tonight on radio! 

Dr. Turi Versus James Randi 

James Randi and Co In Denial!

 James Randi Versus Dr. Turi – Have we lost God?

James Randi One Million Dollar Paranormal Challenge

 Communications Director, James Randi Educational Foundation |

Furthermore; “As has been stated Turi responds to complaints not by answering the issue but by bullying the individual in his public newsletters.  One consistent aspect of his responses is the repeated statements that the individuals concerned are “Mentally Ill / Insecure / Prone to addiction”.  Remember this.” 

The reality is Turi responds to attacks and vitriolics on the Internet by stating….

“Over sensitive envious souls who takes my direct approach to life and brutal honesty personally while missing the essence of my teachings and true predictions suffers both inferiority and insecurity complexes.”

 Dr. Turi

And the obvious reactions the sub-humans born with a latent UCI is predictable!

The “Anonymous” cowards will never fully divulge their names because they are no clients, no students, nor patients of mine but lead by fears, insecurity, inferiority complexes and jealousy! – Turi – Crimes against Humanity – I concur. This man must now be stopped. 

Indeed   “I sense a personal attack against Dr. Turi” is a factuality anyone can detect reading all this junk!

AUTHOR: khumalo –

SUBMITTED: Thursday, March 21, 2013

I would like to voice my concern and objection at the manner in which the same report from the same individual about Dr. Turi is being repeatedly re-cycled on your website. I was under the impression that all reports are treated with the same degree of merit.

And that merit being once a complaint has been lodged against a person and represponsesoth for and against the report have been received and published, that matter or issue should be finalised and closed. Unless of course another issue against the same individual is raised again by another source.

But in the case of Dr. Turi, I am beginning to sense that his character is being targeted here and that there’s deliberate attempt to discredit him as a person and what he does.  


The fact is Ripoff Report Website is designed to offer both real and fabricated victims the option to tarnish anyone credibility and suck money to clear your name and services. I received a few emails offering me that option for an exorbitant price but why don’t it do it because they take your money and nothing gets removed? The person running the site is also known to be a con  artist. Because those who only read titles and never investigate my work properly are part of the gullible “human animals”  who could never grasp the veracity and legitimacy of my work and will never ever become clients of mine!

Smart people know better and will take the time to read my real and supportive endless endorsements, and this is why I use Jesus’ words, or Matthew 7.9 quote  instead “Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, or they will trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.

Indeed my work is not for the feeble minded but the more refined, curious evolved spiritual human beings…

My work speaks its reality by itself but as a Leader of the Mind, and a legitimate “Soul Doctor”  but the “Evil Souls” UCI “Unique Celestial Identity” is not psychically or intuitively developed enough to acknowledge my work!

The inborn rational mental process makes it impossible, regardless of all my efforts, to grasp the reading, and they go on rampage! Others greedy sub-human, will simply lie and use the credit card bank system to get their money back and get something for free! Since 1991 I have seen it all, dealt with so many people but the less evolved human being can not be reached, nor pleased regardless.

I usually anticipate trouble looking at a non evolved UCI, but I can not help myself to give my best shot! But as a rule, those born egocentric souls are ill fitted to accept the undiluted truth about themselves and would rather me, elaborate on their virtues than their obvious sins.

I’ve tried in the past to clear my name “Ripoff Report “Dr.” Louis Turi False Complaints” on my own and trying again today but, we all know, its another waste of my time; at least for the sub-human!

All I can do is to prove them wrong with a predictive work that becomes impossible to deny while building more trust and wisdom for those supporting my mission to bring back God cosmic Divinity and free humanity from fears and ignorance!

Only stubborn donkeys can deny my  “SOS TO THE WORLD prediction for December 2014
Ugly face of death drama horror surface

Six dead in Pennsylvania shooting spree; police say gunman, who is believed to be related to victims, is on the loose.

Blessings to all
Dr. Turi

December 21st 2014, Dr. Turi will join host Janet Kira Lessin on Aquarian radio to discuss ISIS latest developments in relation to the current Arian Draconian energy and predictions for the world imposed by the upcoming  2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Draconis Universal Predictions

Dr. Turi  Teach me all about my cosmic relationship with God marvelous Univer…

The Magical Power of Talismans! 

“Show me a curious person or an avid reader and I will point out a winner!” Dr. Turi

Now FREE – Click image above to download the 2014 Moon Power Starguide

$15:00  – Click image above to purchase the 2015 Dragon Forecast

Show your support join my Cyber Cosmic University

About Louis Turi

Dr. Turi is a proficient author and a captivating speaker, his profound Universal Wisdom astonishes everyone. He was recognized in the 2003 Marquis “Who’s Who in America.” Dr. Turi is the personal counselor of many celebrities, Ivana Trump, Peter Fonda, Gary Busey, Denis Haysbert, John Gray and many others. Dr. Turi is a favorite guest of George Noory on Coast-To-Coast AM radio and the BBC in London and appeared in numerous television programs worldwide.He speaks of the cosmic face and celestial tools of the creator and warn the world with undeniable well documented undeniable predictions.

 Clinical Hypnotherapist – Astropsychologist focused on providing individual and couples counseling services. Specializing in public speaking, teaching, metaphysics, natural healing, stress management, women’ issues and family mediation services. Interested in speaking engagements, radio, television, academic work, advising corporations, the police force, schools and general public on mental health issues and spirituality outside of conventional beliefs and accepted disciplines.


What happens after you die? Is there life after death?


Dear readers;

What happens after you die? Is there life after death? 

At 65, I  “died” a few times in my crazy life through many “accidents” and, as a child, I enjoyed countless out of the body experiences flying around. I will explain this phenomenon in great details and what happened to me. If you have a child that tells you “Mom  I fly in my dreams”   do not  tell him, it was only a dream…

Read the full article and learn the fact that there is much more the human eye can  see, and much more than what a rational science assume and indeed there is no death!   Join the cosmic code to read more on this topic!


L.A. tornado: ‘It was crazy’ SOS TO THE WORLD predictions for December 2014


…perhaps there is a pattern set up in the heavens for one who desires to see it, and having seen it, to find one in himself – Plato

This is a sample of my book 2014 Moon power published last year! This book is FREE!

SUN., MON., TUE., WED., — December 14, 15, 16, 17 – 30, 31
RULERS — Mercury (Traveling Plans) and Venus (Presents)

Work, Career and Business: Just before Christmas, you may find it difficult to concentrate on your duties. Your mind will wander about the anticipated good times ahead. Deserving hard-working souls will benefit with well-earned bonuses or new opportunities to promote their careers. Mercury will make you think fast, and action will be everywhere. Be aware of the Full Moon’s tension and be ready to change your schedule. Wait for the next new Moon to face important deals.

Partnerships: Some of the people you know will have to move away, or you yourself may decide to relocate to a better place within the next few days. Expect the beginning or ending of important phases of your life and others’ too. Venus will endorse many gatherings with colleagues you have not seen for a long time. Be ready to control your emotions during the Full Moon.

Family and Friends: Expect a brother or a sister to pleasantly surprise you. A friend might show up uninvited and thus affect some of your plans. You may receive an invitation to socialize with some faraway friends or family members; use this opportunity to grow closer to them if you can. Luckily for all of us, this Christmas season will take place in a positive sign (Aquarius) and we are due for some surprises and extraordinary events to celebrate. Against all odds, endure patiently this Supernova window, and enjoy these good old days. Don’t forget that when the Moon becomes full and is waning, things may not go your way. A family member needs your advice. Be willing to consider the issue from his point of view; but avoid emotional involvement or forcing your opinion. Much time will be spent around the children enjoying their Christmas trees. Prepare to enjoy the warmth and the good food of your friends and your family.

Love Affairs: Expect much progress if you are looking for that special person. Some of the people from your past may also become weighty; stand for yourself without guilt. Friends will bring good memories; have fun but don’t get caught up in the nostalgia. If you are a fire or water sign many will try to steal your heart. Have fun, but don’t make any commitment if the person in question was met for the first time after the Full Moon.

Travel and Communication: You will have to run like mad to keep up with all the things you must accomplish. You will stay busy with all this activity and come in contact with interesting people. Combined with the Full Moon trend and a Supernova window expect all sorts of delays, forcing you to think twice as fast. Slow down; be cautious and prudent in your driving, too. Watch for crazy drivers around the city; they might not have read “Moon Power Starguide,” so don’t let them hurt you (or your car). Many will fly to faraway places early and will get caught in bad weather or find themselves stuck in congested airports. Keep in mind that Mercury may decide to confuse some electronics and bring chaos. *Airliner missing – Chain-reaction accidents are very high on the list; be careful out there.

Environment: Expect surprises and explosions soon. Be aware of fire and keep an eye on the children. Chances are that nature will go berserk soon, so you don’t want to be a victim. She may demonstrate her power with shocking weather. Thousands of people may be forced to relocate, fleeing disasters, flooding or bad earthquakes.

L.A. tornado: ‘It was crazy’

Famous Personalities: A famous person (or his child) will make dramatic news. Expect news about famous or infamous people who have made history. The past will turn alive for a while.

Events: After the Full Moon, electronics may suffer or fail to function properly. This could produce another dramatic air crash. Not a time to take any risks in the air, unless you made reservations during a waxing trend. Expect the beginning or ending of an important portion of your (and other) lives.

Shopping: Use what’s left of the New Moon to spend money on expensive gifts. You can still find good deals on big-ticket items by comparison shopping. If you decide to visit Las Vegas’ casinos after the Full Moon, you may encounter stress but you could get lucky. Yes, someone will hit the jackpot in a waning Moon in Vegas, but the money will be spent on paying bills or tax and little will be left. Better make all your important plans after the next New Moon for your own sake.

Note: Pluto is back with us; be VERY careful of what you say, where you go and what you do! Unaware police officers and/or criminals will meet with their death. Many other unprepared souls will pay the ultimate price by losing their precious lives and this could be you too. Please DO take my heed VERY seriously! Plutonic windows dates depict EXTREME criminal activity and police VULNERABILITY. No one is safe when EVIL reigns on earth! The full year of SOS deadly Plutonic window dates is available to my VIP’s Cosmic Code subscribers only. Please read Plutonic Deadly Window –

THE DO’s AND DON’Ts. Is your life worth this VIP subscription? Call us anytime for information at 602-265-7667. Join us ASAP. Sign up NOW!

Attention: Pluto will become very destructive in this waning Moon period; he is back with us — Expect dramatic happenings with nature all over; control is a must. He has produced much sensational news including the California Rancho Santa Fe mass-suicide. Mass murderers are again on the lookout for innocent victims as Pluto always stimulates the criminal element, the insane and the police force fighting all ill purposes. Don’t be victims; be aware of Pluto’s destructive power. Secrets from the past will return to your life. The police will be touched directly and terrorists will be active planning destruction.

December 2014 SOS To The World Windows

December 18/19/20 – 30/31

Hidden secrets sex, money come to light
Raw power challenges police deadly villains
Ugly face of death drama horror surface
Nature man’s religion bloody folly reign

Russia / Famous Death / Dramatic News / Police / FBI / CIA / Secrets / Scandals / Terrorism / Abduction / Finances / Super wealth / Sex / Serial Killers / wake up Call.

Please read Plutonic Deadly Window – THE DO’s AND DON’Ts.


 Dec 27 Airliner missing – Contact lost with AirAsia Flight 8501 – Terrorism?

Dec 18 – Defector: North Korea has 1,800 cyberwarriors – Terrorism?

12/17/2014 – Cop tackles, stun guns elderly man Charles Eimers – Eric Garner, SO MANY OTHERS AND ANIMALS DID NOT HAVE TO DIE! WILL THE POLICE EVER CONTACT DR.TURI? – Police?

Update 12/18/2014 –  Bodies of 8 children found at home

Taliban militants kill 130 children – Death News?

Bomb kills 20 children in Yemen – Death News?

Memo from Heil Hitler Arian Draconis predictions: “This dragon is ruthless and invasive and will directly affect souls born in October (Libra)  and April (Aries)  or those born with a moon, rising, natal or hidden dragons in those signs. “The Lord of War” will rule the world, imposing huge fires, *Calif. fire ‘just out of control’ danger, conflicts, large accidents  and will induce dramatic news of death and aggression.This dragon is also aiming for the children,  Pakistan —Enterovirus D68 now in 11 states –* Enterovirus D68 spreads to Canada  the soldiers, the Army and the Navy” –

German police see rise in far-right extremism

Berlin (AFP) – German police have noted a significant rise in far-right extremism and attacks targeting foreigners, a news report said Sunday, amid national debate about a new Islamophobic movement.

Prediction #3 – A new  BLACK AND WHITE negative energy will birth from Germany and grow dramatically All over Europe, South Africa and the world. A strong sense of white/self identity will worry many minority races during serious internal trouble with some youth battling the police

L.A. tornado: ‘It was crazy’ SOS TO THE WORLD predictions for December 2014

End of Faith – 11/2015-02/2017 the beginning of the End of All Religions

2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Draconis Universal Predictions (public Version)

DID NOT HAVE TO WAIT TOO LONG!  Raw power challenges police deadly villains?

Ugly face of death drama horror surface

Six dead in Pennsylvania shooting spree; police say gunman, who is believed to be related to victims, is on the loose.

Note – Australia is WELL ahead of us and already into this nasty cosmic wind!

Go to be smart a cop’s life is priceless. Others, Uranic and Moonic window dates are available to my VIP’s Cosmic Code subscrib­ers only. Is your life worth this VIP subscription? Call us anytime for information at (602) 265-7667 join us ASAP!


Famous Death / Dramatic News / Police / FBI / CIA / Mob / Secrets / Scandals / Wake Up Call / Terrorism / Finances / Sex / Serial Killers The Hidden Snake To Die Deep Shadow Skeletons To Light Passion, Death, Drama In Vain The Cosmic Code Reign No One is Safe

THU., FRI., SAT., SUN. — December 18, 19, 20, 31:  BE WARNED BE PREPARED on those days!  Share my cosmic wisdom please, help me save lives! 

L.A. tornado: ‘It was crazy’

California Deadliest Earthquake Exodus Prediction

Scroll down to Environment to read the fact printed last year for December 14, 2014! 

GET THE BOOK IT IS FREE Moon Power 2014 –

From December 2014 Daily Guidance and Predictions Join today!

WHAT DR.TURI INTERNET ENEMIES GAVE YOU OR THE WORLD TODAY? GET THE BOOK IT IS FREE Moon Power 2014 – I am not only real but also unselfish! 

When Friends Turn Enemies

gregg prescott Confronting Humility?


“I speak the undiluted truth through a clear head, they speak ignorance through their dirty asses!”  Dr. Turi


My Internet enemies are EVERYWHERE and will not hesitate to make all sorts of lies because of their religious beliefs, inner fears, enviousness or skepticism. Many will pretend to be dissatisfied clients and will lie through their teeth.

Please read the facts instead! What Does The World Say About Dr. Turi?  What do those young souls give the world everyday? Nothing but evil.  Enjoy my latest FREE newsletter!

Important Note: When asked do to any show, the producers and host “Dr. Turi on William Shatner’s TV Show”  always ask me for proofs of predictions which I always provide! Discovery Channel – Dr. Turi’s Predictions –  This world is loaded with envious “Young Souls” dedicated to trash those who are gifted or do better than they do in life! But real good karma constantly work to those who deserve it…

Dr. Turi

Sharing email:

Kurt Hoffman “Dr. T if your voice and message was not deemed valuable, your adversaries would not organize an effort to discredit you. Stay the course and keep doing what you do best. We will benefit and the dime store pundits will continue to rage against what they have no capacity for understanding.”

Thanks Kurt this is a great comment –  “When a true genius appears in this world you may know him by this sign that the dunces are all in confederacy against him”

Blessings to all
Dr. Turi

December 21st 2014, Dr. Turi will join host Janet Kira Lessin on Aquarian radio to discuss ISIS latest developments in relation to the current Arian Draconian energy and predictions for the world imposed by the upcoming  2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Draconis Universal Predictions

Dr. Turi  Teach me all about my cosmic relationship with God marvelous Univer…

The Magical Power of Talismans! 

“Show me a curious person or an avid reader and I will point out a winner!” Dr. Turi

Now FREE – Click image above to download the 2014 Moon Power Starguide

$15:00  – Click image above to purchase the 2015 Dragon Forecast

Show your support join my Cyber Cosmic University

Navy New Laser Weapon The Evil New Eye of Death


 “Because they are seeing, they see not; and hearing, they hear not; neither do they understand the voice of heaven.” – Matthew 13.13

Dear Readers:

Here is your Sunday FREE cosmic code sample, enjoy this and join my Cyber Cosmic Code University to read many more!


“I speak the truth through a clear head, they speak ignorance through their dirty asses!” Dr. Turi

From Ripoff Report – My Internet enemies are EVERYWHERE and will not hesitate to make all sorts of lies because of their religious beliefs, inner fears, enviousness or skepticism. Many will pretend to be dissatisfied clients and will lie through their teeths.

Please read the facts instead! What Does The World Say About Dr. Turi?  What do those young souls give the world everyday? Nothing but evil.  Enjoy my latest FREE newsletter!

Important Note: When asked do to any TV show, the producers and host “Dr. Turi on William Shatner’s TV Show”  always ask me for proofs of predictions which I always provide! Discovery Channel – Dr. Turi’s Predictions –  This world is loaded with envious “Young Souls” dedicated to trash those who are gifted or do better than they do in life! But real good karma constantly work to the deservings…

Dr. Turi

“Dr. T if your voice and message was not deemed valuable, your adversaries would not organize an effort to discredit you. Stay the course and keep doing what you do best. We will benefit and the dime store pundits will continue to rage against what they have no capacity for understanding.”

“When a true genius appears in this world you may know him by this sign that the dunces are all in confederacy against him”

With 13 352 hits from BIN, and counting, and over 50 thousands hits on my Wikipedia Facebook page writing about the Soul of the Cosmos, I decided to do “An Encore” and educate the world wide reading audience with your Sunday, free cosmic code article. Show your support, please join my VIP’s in my “Cosmic Code Cyber University” to read many more educational newsletters.

ATTENTION: If you like my announcements and periodical free cosmic code articles you must join and like my Public Facebook Page.

 The Center for Planetary Science needs your support! – GoFundMe…lol

Does this picture tells you how poor those people are and how much they need your donations? Did you read the main reason for the Planetary Science Decadal Steering Committee meeting at the National Academies’ Beckman Center in Irvine? “PSD current technology BUDGET!”

I must be a psychic, indeed someone must be right!  Only a few hours after writing this newsletter,  I landed on this article representing the true $$$$$Spirit of America independent corporate scientific matrixes!

Memo from my last article “But this will not stop NASA masquerades to make you dream and maintain their secure, professional scientific, (well paid)  lifestyle.  I can get on for ever writing about the soul of the cosmos because, at age 65 I had time to learn it is so damn obvious to me…” The fact is NASA is fully aware of my claims and the impossibility for any human to ever reach or live on Mars!

But what is even more obvious to me is the financial masquerades in place designed to suck billions of dollars for the millions of NASA’ scientists to maintain their privileged lives.  And what’s wrong with that? Nothing really as its only  how business is conducted in corporate America.

Realize I have nothing against NASA or science but I am the first and only one to trumpet the importance of educating our children in ALL scientific topics. But your children education is controlled by wealthy corporations who monopolize all sorts of information.  All I am trying to do is to make you aware that; many heedless parents and their vulnerable children spirit is manipulated and suffocated by the religious and scientific controlling educational matrixes.

You’ll know the essence of a real genius when an extreme minority can relate to his work and decides to follow him… Dr. Turi

Kids can only be mesmerized looking at the stars and so are we all! But is it so detrimental to purposely avoid anything that reflects the rare intellectual cosmic work assembled by all highly spiritual erudite men of the past. Those men were geniuses and their important mental legacy should not be discarded or ridicule by today’s fabricated medical “geniuses.

But nowadays, there are no modest “young souls” all pretend to be better educated and truly believe they know better…

“A physician without a knowledge of Astrology has no right to call himself a physician”  – Hippocrates (ca. 400 BC).

…perhaps there is a pattern set up in the heavens for one who desires to see it, and having seen it, to find one in himself – Plato

Your children are taught by the current rational OCD generation and for the majority,  all logical teachings must fit only the physical plane.  In no way will any teacher approach the spiritual essence proposed in our work for a few reasons.

  • First because they know absolutely nothing about it!
  • Second because all they can do is to lump me with psychics!
  • Thirdly,  they trust their strict culture / belief system and  bible teachings  as the only legitimate right to teach about God!

In no way, can today’s teachers make a difference, because they are all part of the inefficient, incomplete mass of cosmic unconscious educators. But look at who is to blame for their formal “controlled” religious or scientific based education…

 Neurologists are explaining the components and the working of the human mind rationally but this does not offer the complete picture and the understanding of the inherited cosmic make up of a person! When will our infantile science stop omitting the Universal mind’s interaction with the human mind and realize its subtle cosmic “dark matter” omnipresence?

Past, current and future criminals (including Adam Lanza) are the victims of the US Department of Education’s reluctance to acknowledge God’s subtle cosmic design influencing all human beings on earth.

Looking at the stars and planets through a telescope offer nothing to your children karmic connection to those stars other than that it is entertaining at best!

The essence of education is stimulated by controversial, original, even far fetched topics like ours, purposely challenging the establishment and all its accepted conventional disciplines…But while nothing will ever be determined as fact but all remain open to some clarification and rational investigation.

There are people from all walks of life, some are innocent and some are lacking good ethics as well and none  understand each other and none are able to looking past their form. While regenerative material is something they say they  need many are too lazy to make any sense of it in order to survive and make sense to the world they live in. And again looking at Mars of Pluto through a telescope may be entertaining, but won’t cut it!

How can a child swallow 2000 years of human evolution, then master all rational topics without knowing anything of his spiritual cosmic identity? And you wonder why people are going crazy, kill each others or commit suicide?

The educational system should  not decide, nor impose any form of restrictions involving metaphysical education, but they do because there are so many UCI, and this power is all the same easily manipulated too… It’s no wonder and because the purpose of science is to disprove claims that can not be justified or repetitive. All the better for science at the end, if they think that can prove me wrong, but let the students make that discovery.

Children need to be intelligently coached in topics they are interested in and not completely controlled! While young, many of them are very old souls in need to our spiritual food in order to revamp past lives memories to not make the same mistake in this life.  Not all children UCI were created equal and not all children vibrate at the same “cosmic” speed!  Consequently, not all students have an affinity with mathematics and science and may reject it.

But when the unconscious teacher enforce his own UCI, beliefs and reasoning upon a child, you can only produce an uninterested drop out!

But it is difficult to claim my point when the science channel, the discovery channel and the Smithsonian channels offer shows disproving the spirit of prediction with born skeptical atheists such as Science writer Lynne Kelly  and company? This is most likely why the Australian producers will not allow me prove the validity of Divine Astrology?

While the makers of those show may never allow me to prove my claims or offer their audience real answers about the Cosmic Code rules and God’s cosmic Divinity, I still am doing so my way. The only “scientific” study ever conducted on the ancient science and was still a failure was with Carl Sagan over fifty years ago!

Let’s be fair, are you serious? The ad was placed in “Ici Paris” on April 16,  1968, and conducted by the scientific matrix itself.  I know for a fact, the folks making up the  California Psychological Inventory and the National Council for Geo cosmic Research were dedicated to assassinate the ancient art of Astrology.

Its like allowing a schizophrenic to become a test pilot, fly the plane and expect the right results!  Call it suicide and this is exactly what they did then! Not all my readers are gullible I am sure and besides only the idiots will agree with the 50 year old experiment! My tests have proven real and offer the best shot.

Nowadays kids are not very reasonable when overly concerned with Charles Darwin and his theory of human evolution and natural selection.  Why would science education resources on the  evolution of the “cosmic spirit” be contained or sought as ridicule? Its unethical and even against the law to deprave them of our work just because the “elites” of education act like they know nothing about it or were born Neptunian religious maniacs!

 I bet, if any school had me  talk about the cosmic code, all my classes would probably be full.  But it is difficult to reach those children from strict cultures and upbringings along with the strict, even racist School Boards Executives, when the majority are unwilling to exit their convictions zones and take a chance to better our children education?

If you are a teacher, maybe try bringing up to your students how they would feel exploring the solar system with their spirit for a change learn all about themselves, their potential, strengths, gifts, virtues and the fate written in light by God himself!

Chances are when the pious moronic parents of those unlucky children find out about you educational “liberalism” you will end up fired or  “burning on the stake!”

If you could suggest self analysis, through Astropsychology or Astroforensics in your class, you might be amazed by the instinctive responses for self discovery those children desperately need… If you were to suggest uncovering their cosmic gifts, strengths, sins, virtues and fate you would be blown away by the general interest and the kids responses.  Just because all children need this grounding cosmic regenerating fluid…

Realize readers, I am for a rational astronomical education and will always endorse learning everything about the cosmos. Educating the children on the rationality of the cosmos is a must but purposely stalling their cosmic spiritual education is very detrimental for their psychical welfare in the long run.

Human must regenerate spiritually or die, this is why 875 religious denominations were successfully created and still booming today. The deceptive religious matrix rules the spiritual education while the abusive scientific matrix rules rational education. But at the end its all about money and power!

Jailed spirit of the pious and rational children of the world

All over the world and for centuries, myths and folklore became accepted as reality, creating man’s diverse religious folly and endless wars. With education, modern man can only wake up to the reality of such a destructive, fabricated God, all the while,  missing the reality of the creator cosmic divinity.

God is all and all is that! This immaculate, divine intelligence does have a tangible identity that can be proved, measured regularly and this is what allows me to make undeniable predictions. God speaks his will through the spiritual core of all those planets making the human physical and spiritual conception a part of it all.

Amazingly, scientists are running before they can even walk! Like little kids they discover a new planet everyday, something that was there since for ever!

Yes they are uncovering a  never ending cosmos knowing NOTHING of the spiritual components of their local, somehow insignificant solar system!  There is an incredible amount of wisdom to gain by mastering the cosmic rule in place for all human living on earth.

But in the name of a rigid, greedy, pretending to be incurious science,  the rare wisdom I revived and own today escaped them for centuries and may be for ever if our work is not investigated and acknowledged by everyone in the world on behalf of the mission.

But modern man is “trained” to reject anything non substantial, something he can not see nor touch does not exist!  Religious people and atheists alike, are the children of the Universe, they all came from the very essence of those stars. But little do they know, they are Gods in training in this dense physical hellish world where their spirit is jailed to earth logical confinement.

Now on to the article…

Thank you for taking the time to read about this exciting endeavor! The Center for Planetary Science needs YOUR help in shaping the next generation of space explorers! This will be the first-ever observatory and research center designed specifically for low-income and underprivileged students. These kids need your help!

About the Observatory: The Center for Planetary Science will be a privately-funded space science research facility and observatory.

DT rebuttal: Memo from the true $$$$$$$spirit of NASA!  NASA is not different that the many non taxable charities “non profit organizations” you see everyday on the tube endlessly asking for your donations. Those corporations are using your emotions by showing destitute or sick children, abused animals, and scientific programs to get to your wallet.

The Center for Planetary Science needs YOUR help in shaping THEIR next generation of space explorers! Thanks to Google and the Internet, those “low-income and underprivileged students children” from Kissimmee River Area (South Central Florida) are far from being underprivileged, because they all can afford a cell phone, use Google and access anything about the cosmos for FREE. Unless they want to reach the real destitute children of Africa where the internet is not affordable of course!

All the kids depicted in those pictures and well fed and have traditionally educated gullible parents who act like they are committed to do the best for their children but they are donating for people much smarter than they are and dedicated to offer THEIR children the same scientist lifestyle they (the parents) have been enjoying for years on the back of hard working taxpayers.

Continued: The primary purpose of the center is to:

  • – Develop, facilitate, and provide free space science outreach programs to underprivileged students of all ages who aspire careers or higher education in astronomy, planetary science, and astrophysics.
  • – Collaborate with the astronomical community, including universities, colleges, and amateur astronomy clubs on scientific projects of mutual interest.
  • – Provide free astronomy-related programs for public presentation.
  • – Plan and organize scientific field trips for astronomy related clubs and organizations.

DT rebuttal: Do you know a single child who does not want to become an astronaut, an astronomer or an astrophysicist?  With such expansive, elaborate and well produced program such as “Cosmos” the scientific matrix fabricated elites plan is quite efficient.

The strategy engineered can only lead thousands of gullible “Mars dreamers” into the trap of the smart scientists earthy financial reality.  If they can build robots and fly them to Mars, chances are they can easily get to your pocket because they truly believe they are smarter than you and the 200.000 morons supporting and endorsing their  Mars agenda.

Feed the earthy matrix or free your spirit with Dr. Turi

You are witnessing the building of the “monsters of the future” where the spirit, religious freedom and God must be replaced by scientific facts only.

Today atheists and scientists alike are planning and organizing the ultimate ruler ship of science through astronomy related clubs world wide organizations.

Proposed Location:  Kissimmee River Area (South Central Florida)

“This will be the first-ever observatory and research center designed specifically for low-income and underprivileged students. These kids need your help!”

But did you ever consider how much you will have to pay to visit the observatory once its operational? But even if its free, be sure more donations will be needed and poring to  pay the scientific matrix new breed of children (THEIRS) working at the research center! Priority for those opportunities will always be given to the children of the matrix not YOURS!

Proposed Observatory: Pier-Tech 9-meter (30 foot) dome observatory with weather station.

Proposed Telescope: Alluna Optics RC-24 24″ f/8 Ritchey Chretien Telescope

For your information “CHRETIEN telescope” mean CHRISTIAN telescope in French

Memo from “”The Smithsonian Channel original programming, NASA, SPACE and Dr. Turi’s Predictions” “The idea is  to keep you interested and own your support and if you watch those programs (and I do too) the extraordinary expensive endless advertisements are designed for those fortunes to exchange the same very abusive hands and pockets. All goes right back into the same branches of the media putrefying deceptive sewer where the truth is kept under tons of dirty water. 

Do you still doubt when I profess the scientific and religious matrixes are whoring around to get to your donations?

Required Cost: Approximately $1 million.

SELECT A REWARD LEVEL Or Donate a Different Amount


A Big Thanks! VENUS – $25

Certificate of Appreciation – EARTH  – $50

Your Name on a Brick and a Certificate of Appreciation MARS – $100

Your Name on a Brick, Certificate of Appreciation, CPS Hat JUPITER – $250

Certificate of Appreciation, Name on a Brick, CPS Hat and Shirt SATURN – $500

Certificate of Appreciation, Name on a Brick, CPS Hat, Shirt, Name on Plaque URANUS – $1,000

Appreciation certificate, Name on Brick, CPS Hat Shirt, Paid Trip to Grand Opening NEPTUNE $5,000

Everything from Uranus plus VIP Invitation 

DT rebuttal: The reality is when they say”Approximately $1 million is needed for their projects, the plan is to suck many more millions pouring in their overseas bank accounts in the future. All you will get is a brick with your name on it while the millions will go to maintain their children privileged selected scientist fat and rewarding forthcoming life.

I can see the future so clearly and in 50 years from today (if we make it) people will realize how uninformed and gullible they were back in 2014 to endorse those abusive financial projects.  Billions of  tax dollars were invested/wasted by the government who knew many of the projects for the NAVY and the ARMY were impossible to realize.  But the Lobbyists made sure those projects were to last long enough to keep the scientists and their families alive! Until the next one!   “How To Waste $100 Billion: Weapons That Didn’t Work Out”

The misinformation, waste and abuses taking place in the US and the world is ravaging, but it is not a waste for everyone! What when finally God cosmic Divinity and the soul of the cosmos became accepted facts! What will happen when humanity finally grow up and realize Mars and “The Center for Planetary Science” projects are only designed  to maintain the “ticks on the dog?”

What will happen if the undiluted truth can not be contained any longer and when both, the scientific and religious matrixes can not monopolize the information/education any more? How do you think the millions of  “educated”  people sucking on your life hood will feel when it all comes to an end? They won’t dare let it happen, they have too much invested already!

This is why in this battle for mental supremacy there is no prisoners because the price to pay is; the very survival of many of today’s abusive matrixes.

The intuitive mind is a sacred gif,  the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. We will not solve the problems of the world from the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. More than anything else, this new century demands new thinking: We must change our materially based analyses of the world around us to include broader, more multidimensional perspectives.”

~Albert Einstein*

At times I wonder even if we had the financial means, would it be worth building our Astropsychology/Astroforensics schools today with so many world wide restrictions, belief systems and governmental regulations?

Besides we have our cosmic cyber school online already and the material is there for those willing to build a real connection with God and the Divine.

Terania and I are still planning to be on the air and make my case someday… Something  we intend to do from our home when we move to Florida, unless I win the lottery and retire for good!  We are convinced that; speaking the language of the Gods and translating the cosmic hieroglyphs can only produce a wiser, peaceful and smart cosmic educated society.

Looking at the wonderful Universe and the stars, learning all about their position and composition is phenomenal, its wonderful, even magnificent! No one can stop dreaming and appreciate the realization of God grandiose Universality. But there is no words able to describe the feelings of realizing the blessings of  its divinity and the realization of one’s eternal essence making up a cosmic identity and unfolding fate.

Our work while sought as a total waste of time by the young souls is; a crucial contribution for humanity survival only the future can attest!

   The reality of being a real gifted prophet and a “Soul Doctor”  is that; time has and will always be my utmost faithful witness!  


Prediction # 4 of 19 –  Incredibly new technological oriented weaponry will be announced to the public and some will be tested in space, secretively on the Moon and in time used in the Middle East.

Meet the U.S.Navy’s spy ‘fish’ – Would can deny my predictive work when it is all dated and published months ahead of time?

 Don’t miss anything!

 Navy: New laser weapon works, ready for action – Prediction # 4 of 19 – Gitmo inmate: My treatment shames American flag – Prediction # 2 of 19 published June 12, 2013! 

  From 2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Draconis Universal Predictions

  Update 12/12/2014 – ‘Titanic of the Golden Gate’ found

Prediction 22 of 24 – The ocean will offer more of his secrets and a new “Titanic” will make the news.

One day, God’s cosmic Divinity and Divine Astrology will become the official accepted reality. Only then with the help of our interstellar brothers will humanity be allowed to visit the wonders of a timeless universe…

Blessings to all
Dr. Turi

December 21st 2014, Dr. Turi will join host Janet Kira Lessin on Aquarian radio to discuss ISIS latest developments in relation to the current Arian Draconian energy and predictions for the world imposed by the upcoming  2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Draconis Universal Predictions

Dr. Turi  Teach me all about my cosmic relationship with God marvelous Univer…

The Magical Power of Talismans! 

“Show me a curious person or an avid reader and I will point out a winner!” Dr. Turi

Now FREE – Click image above to download the 2014 Moon Power Starguide

$15:00  – Click image above to purchase the 2015 Dragon Forecast

Show your support join my Cyber Cosmic University

The Smithsonian Channel original programming, NASA, SPACE and Dr. Turi’s Predictions


No one can deny you or grant you anything. It all comes to you by virtue of your vibration.

“Universal Laws are written in light through the signs – Cosmic Consciousness is… the awareness of God’s celestial divinity and use it wisely to read the future and help others build emotional, financial and spiritual stability!” 


Dear Readers;

I know, its not Sunday so why will you enjoy another FREE sample of my work on Monday? Well because I am about to offer you the undiluted truth about NASA and we need your help!  I am a fervent believer of karma, and it is only by giving that you will receive from those who truly love, understand and respect you.

While I am 100% with NASA and the scientific community formidable projects to land unmanned robots on Mars, I am also totally convinced no man will ever set foot on Mars. If you are a newcomer to my Cosmic Code articles you may want to read “The True $$$$$$$$$$pirit of NASA” and Google other public articles on the subject.

Sleepy space probe New Horizons awakens for close-up with Pluto 

“Because they are seeing, they see not; and hearing, they hear not; neither do they understand the voice of heaven.” – Matthew 13.13

With so much time, fortunes and efforts put into Mars and Pluto space programs, I can not help to think how far science would go and gain investigating the soul of the cosmos .

Imagine millions of well read people from all walks of life digging into the science of Divine Astrology, Astroforensics and  Astropsychology instead of assuming its a total waste of time?

I truly believe the human family would finally be able to exist in dignity, love and respect with each others as religions and wars would become stories from the past. But I know there is a lot that needs to be fixed first apart from this. A world enjoying true peace endlessly expanding in both the physical and spiritual realms… Instead all their mental energy is geared towards the physical cosmos and ridiculous unmanned missions to Mars and Pluto.

Well I have a dream that can only become a reality with time if humanity does not self destruct because we have only 50 years to turn things around. But looking at the fact, real cosmic gifted teachers are still in the dark receiving no financial help or support whatsoever but only stubborn resistance and ridicule.

I truly feel, Pluto “The Lord of Hades” is seriously pissed off at humanity for its degradation to a dwarf planet and about to give human a bloody lesson through its own karmic cosmic power.  By now my VIP’s realized the tremendous destructive power owned by Pluto, the tiniest but utmost powerful planet in our local solar system. To appease the Gods, disappeared civilizations like the Incas for example, practiced human sacrifices.

While those bloody inhuman  practices were barbaric, who’s to tell how Pluto  really feel?  I know without a doubt the Cosmos has a Soul, reflecting God’s eternal life and creation I am able to translate using the planets.

But for me to go that far and tell you the cosmos feels something may be much too far fetched even for my VIP’s. But because a fish (God’s creation) does not cry when you cut his head off to cook it, does not mean he does not feel anything! The same apply for a lettuce or a potato you hardly tug from the ground!

Knowing the moon regulates human emotions, does the moon feel something in her sad, depressive, moody, lunatic waning period? It seems so because for years I observed her power upon the human psyche birthing so many sins translating into an endless chain of negative news and terrible experiences.

I can’t help to think what a true limited rational atheist, sub-human young soul would think reading words when emotions, feelings and imagination is limited, or missing in their celestial make up. Indeed cold psychopaths human UCI can kill anyone and feel nothing!

Thus believing the planets are just dead rocks created by God to be measured, tested and examined under a microscope by the scientists is totally wrong!   The New Horizons science is looking for by studying Mars and Pluto’s phenomenal distances rationally is a total waste of time because the purposes and spiritual essence of those far away planets are known only to people like us…

Unless NASA re-evaluate Carl Sagan’s archaic position on Astrology  all they can tell you is; one day man will land and live on Mars or Pluto of course…  See the irony? God put those planets above in our local solar system for one single reason, to be investigated spiritually and used to better the human life.

Indeed the spirit does not need anything to travel anywhere in those far away galaxies. The spirit is omnipresent and as fluid as the “dark matter dr.turi” *Google  filling the entire universe.

Those extraordinary distances are unbreachable and all those planets are forbidden to humanity because their purpose is spiritual in nature, period!

But this will not stop NASA masquerades to make you dream and maintain their secure, professional scientific, (well paid)  lifestyle.  I can get on for ever writing about the soul of the cosmos because, at age 65 I had time to learn it is so damn obvious to me…

What do you think?  Engage me in my “Cyber Cosmic Code University”  and let’s keep this discussion going, because what science affirms to be real about the planets and the cosmos and what the truth is, is very different!

The fact is NASA is fully aware of my claims and the impossibility for any human to ever reach or live on Mars! But what is even more obvious to me is the financial masquerades in place designed to suck billions of dollars for the millions of NASA’ scientists to maintain their privileged lives.  And what’s wrong with that? Nothing really as its only  how business is conducted in corporate America.

But when facts are displaced, I have to write about it…

A great portion of those wasted fortunes should be used to prolong Mother Earth fast depleting life.   In case you do not know, humanity has only 50 years or less to teach his children of the spiritual values involving the cosmos or America will become the birthplace of all future intellectual atheists scientists monsters aiming for a godless society!  Yes I am far ahead of many of you and while you may think I am insane, time will prove me right and this is why you must heed my warnings today…

Science must concentrate and work urgently on the suffocating ozone layer producing unparalleled weather conditions and the steady warming of the planet.  Mars can wait, its going nowhere…

The type of information we generate are the ones that demand immediate attention and the public urgent awareness. Instead the scientific community keep pushing forward to EXIT the earth and hope to move to Mars because they all know about earth’s impending fate.

Do you really think NASA scientists have your or your children welfare at heart, or do you think they are in for themselves alone? Do you think they will have room for you in their imaginary Mars landing or will they chose one of their own engineers? Time to wake up to reality, using your sweat to escape earth’s upcoming assured demise is wrong!  But are those facts going to make me more liked by that of my world wide reading audience? No really, but the undiluted truth never intended to do so…

Time is the essence but the millions of  NASA’ scientists have families to take care of  and must keep the dream and disinformation alive and entertain the gullible public with this type of CNN articles.

They scientific matrix own,  pay, promote all fabricated elites generating TV shows” i.e. Cosmos Neil deGrasse and company”  and their controlling “educational” DVD series!  Buy COSMOS: FIRST SEASON DVD (DVD) (4 Disc) online and read movie reviews at Best Buy!

They are indiscriminately using famous scientists’ names such as Carl Sagan “Carl Sagan Birthday and NASA Masquerade – Can you handle the truth?” to maintain the dream and their financial agenda. They are also making sure to bury Astrology and incite a credulous  public to believe the ancient art is only a pseudo-science.

NASA is not different that the many non taxable charities “non profit organizations” you see everyday on TV endlessly asking for your donations. Those corporations are using your emotions by showing destitute or sick children, abused animals, and scientific programs  etc.

Using the same tactic to get to your donations, many religious matrixes produced movies such as *Jesus Will Look Different in Highly Anticipated TV Series. while the rich and famous will use their own money to make sense to a world gone mad *Andrew Keegan starts new religion.

NASA is doing the same thing through various science channels. The idea is  to keep you interested and own your support and if you watch those programs (and I do too) the extraordinary expensive endless advertisements are designed for those fortunes to exchange the same very abusive hands and pockets. All goes right back into the same branches of the media putrefying deceptive sewer where the truth is kept under tons of dirty water.

But who is able or willing to exit the personal religious or “educated” zones when those articles, movies and advertisements are so cleverly written and produced? Objectivity and critical thinking is a fading gift not many human beings were born with…

I am also in awe when I see  great pictures, watch those launches and space movies and I can not help myself to dream about Mars or any other far away planets too, but reality is predominant with me!

“Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former.”  (Albert Einstein) 

For science to keep denying and ridicule the work of all erudite men of Antiquity, the “Soul of the Cosmos” or God’s cosmic Divinity is not showing cosmic legitimacy, curious intelligence but immense intellectual ego and grisly competition.

It is not only illegal but abusive for the scientific matrix domination to impose educational restrictions and own the general public subordination.

How to Fake a Palm Reading

Science writer Lynne Kelly has made a name for herself revealing the dubious practices of palmistry. Here, she demonstrates how to con eight people into thinking its real.

While there are millions of practicing deceptive Neptunians I have wondered why Science writer Lynne Kelly  or any rational skeptic never allowed me a chance to prove my claims and show them I am real?  They just don’t like the truth. Not that I did not try! Yes since 1991 to be precise!

Sad enough, the norm can only assume I am a delusional abusive con artist tapping on my clients, students and patients stupidity!  When, in reality, those lost God fearing and/or critical young souls are the ones who need my teachings the most…

NAVY New laser weapon READ THE FACTS!  


The fierce battle between the religious and scientific matrixes is real and many more programs denouncing fake practitioners are on the way.  While this type of programming is a great service to society, throwing the baby with the tap water  is wrong!

What all Science writer like Lynne Kelly are assuming and doing is a serious disfavor to your children psychical welfare. Especially if I am not able or allowed to prove them wrong publicly. It is very easy to win any intellectual battle when your opponent is absent, muted and ridicule…

Lumping me with psychics and charlatans without offering me a fair challenge is optional, but it will be an ever more mixed up spiritual – physical world  if you do not take the time to fight with us.

While highly spiritual people become religious or Neptunian practitioners, atheists, agnostics and scientists alike own a very rational UCI that makes them who they are. But all are cosmic unconscious, ill informed and some forbidden by God himself to enter the archetypal realm of supra cosmic consciousness.

This rational world is lead by an elite crowd of logical “educated” influential people in position of power. Those were born in the rigid and critical “OCD generation” and all are acting out their underdeveloped UCI theoretically. Again this does not make this crowd of human idiots, but seriously limited in their psychical perceptive aptitudes.

“Because they are seeing, they see not; and hearing, they hear not; neither do they understand the voice of heaven.”

– Matthew 13.13

Yet, religious and atheists have to realize I believe in God and I am also somewhat a rational scientist, just different…  Even when mentioning Astroforensics, the use of a modified software to translate the stars and “read” the future, or when reading my endorsements those young souls will not budge! The fact is have much more endorsements than what they will ever be able to collect for themselves and this is where the scientific legendary “educated” ego comes in to play!

It seem Canada producers are well ahead of American creative minds, but rest assured, before working with me, I had to offer tons of very tangible proofs of my predictive work. The idea behind this type of programming is to make the guest look like a jerk on national TV, but facing the predictions factuality, William Shatner wit turned this  show in my favor!

Dr. Turi on William Shatner’s TV Show
Discovery Channel – Dr. Turi’s Predictions

Reaching any Smithsonian producers myself will not work, so I won’t bother but you must remember my prediction and realize I am real and worth your help!

Memo from 2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Draconis Universal Predictions (public Version)

 Prediction #21 of 24:   The church will suffer a lack of interest due to the atheist growing movement.  New controlling laws will be issued against the New Agers and psychics and more religious movies will “advertise” religions and Christianity. *Jesus Will Look Different in Highly Anticipated TV Series.

Remember readers, the atheist movement is growing drastically, and all ammunitions (wealth / media /groups / donations / conferencing etc.) will be used  to kill God, religions and  the spirit!

Those suckers will never invite me to speak, and all for good reasons…

Challenging all Atheist organizations and media agnostics to deny my predictions!

Nostradamus 911  and Dr. Turi

Katrina Prediction

Atheists while psychically inferior are not stupid and they already know, I gave very specific dates and a very specific predictions on radio such as Katrina, the 911 terrorist attack in N.Y. and very precise date for quakes above 6.0!

The end of God’s false identity is slowly taking place and both religious and atheists lost souls must  UNITE in the realization of ONE Universal Cosmic God.

This new God’s cosmic awareness will hopefully allow the rational souls, to scientifically and repetitively realize the cosmic code secrets  and make good use of the planets jurisdictions. This is where science will grow up and make the same unarguable, well documented, dated, and published predictions I still make.

While, with our help, science is slowly waking up to the facts “Full moon may disrupt may Dr. Turi says it does” and “Dr. Turi earthquakes predictions” Christians will also realize they are already in a hell of ignorance and fears.

Sad enough, the norm can only assume I am a delusional abusive person tapping on my clients, students and patients stupidity!  When those lost critical young souls are the ones who need my teachings the most…

But with your help, I can easily and firmly prove my case, but how much are you willing to do to help me? Will you take a few moments of your precious time and submit Dr. Turi’s genius to the  Smithsonian system of connections?

All you have to do is to write a few words about Dr. Turi attesting why he would be a good topic to investigate and engage people. Then add those links showing other people endorsements with yours “”  ET VOILA!

You may also add Cosmic Journey introduction video! and this TV show proposal –

But remember, it is YOUR WORDS that count, not mine, because without you ratings goes down and they lose money! Please do so for me and the children of the future! God is not dead, like the sun rising again…

Program Treatments/Submissions

To submit an unsolicited treatment/project for consideration as original programming to Smithsonian Networks/Smithsonian Channel, complete the Submission Release Form and return the signed Release together with your submission to the following e-mail address:

You can also try Feedback – We would love to hear your thoughts. Send us your suggestions, comments, questions and concerns to

Thus one more time readers, for the sake of humanity’ spiritual welfare and if you believe in my work and I, please take the time to complete the form because together we might can change the world!

Show us the proof of your email to the Smithsonian Networks/Smithsonian Channel with your endorsement and get a 3 months free access to my Cyber Cosmic Code University!


In my case, I am much too honest and looking after your children’s future and mother earth or exposing NASA and religions will not bring me justice nor popularity… Mostly because in corporate America, there is no justice only very large profit…

Many of my dedicated VIP helped me in the past, all in vain… But at least they tried and I know many will try again… The difference this time around is; the upcoming Pisces Dragon endorse spirituality and New Age matters. But letting the rational mind of Mrs. Kelly and company kill the spirit and doing nothing about it, is not right! True gifted people from all walks of life are as real as me and my legitimate cosmic wisdom.

‘Great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly.’- Albert Einstein

Sharing Email;

Cosmic Code Sample of  Mrs. Terania Turi’s upcoming book…

When someone reveals the fallacy of any idea, myth or belief system; the method of approving the truth as correct by others – through the reader’s brand, assertions, under writings may be easy because one is able to find each word independently meaningful and significant.

Though emotional confirmation gives reason as to why many people can be easily persuaded by the possible correction of most scientifically oriented personality characterization. Etc. – Etc.

This process fools everyone from homemakers who thinks their satisfaction in life relies upon only her astrological forecast or getting some blood work, or a federal deputy who believes that any felonious profile is precise, or a counselor who feels the show and tell of what a certain picture means is the only piercing portrayal of mental confusion…

This is half way true for some situations but while any of these people in search for answers, are for the most part, anxious for the a spiritual counselor or reader to achieve in answering to the t… Some are ready to put in the effort towards personal message in whatever the mentor puts on the table and then there are those who will not.

Still yet for this case to be favorable, the lost soul will be convinced that the certainty of what has been divulged was not necessarily due to the mentor’s power to act and readiness to comply with a supporter / follower but preferably to interest in other skills within astrology, fortune – telling, tarot, or modes of medium ship…Rather than one technique over the other.

Of course it is all connected to the same technique but it’s the HIDDEN that they keep have assimilated in order to take over – Think for a minute that  if just any body was able to practice black or white magic at will without really educating themselves the chances taken  within the work what could be the end result. And then we have those who are educated within the mastery but still misuse the powers.

It’s all a game within or corporate world but they do have that right too since so many take advantage of the generosity of others and probably why the supreme design by the almighty was created to be too complicated for some….But don’t get your hopes up if you are one of those types because there is still a world to come.

It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honor of kings is to search out a matter. Proverbs 25:2

But nevertheless, while the matter of interest or importance with real proof is important in confirming the favorable outcome of the person advising, one should still not lose their view or ability to investigate when it comes to involving the significance of analysis that is being done on how their tendency to believe works – when it comes to understanding about what is being bestowed to them and then giving meaning to that different information.

As anyone can make an allegation to someone, but no one still knows they better than themselves…Any psychic or astrologer can to get their wires crossed and mistake one thing for another too you know.

Do your own homework.

At the same time, while trained handlers in charge of getting a subject to act in a certain way or to have them watching think that they really have some kind of natural acquired power that acknowledges him / her to know things about the subject…Anyone who just goes along (with anything that is – even our work) to get along, is just being nonsensical.

There is too much drama in the world for just entertainment purposes but the bureaucratic systems and their affiliates like to keep people scratching their heads and if the truth was told about everything on the tube, then many would be put out of business. As there are over 875 different religions to break through, there have been many who have tried to save the whole world and while there have been those who have been silenced, there were those who carried on but look at the state of the world today.

What makes money will sell as they could care less about any of the real life conditions created within this deadly world of affairs. You have to deal with your built up residue from the past, no one can do it for you. What goes around comes around.

Educating people can be very dangerous and this is why we at least hope to keep freedom of speech in cyberspace with our cosmic material.

The common apparatus of manipulation is advice and flattery. Salespeople, astrologers/hypnotists, those in media, medicine men and women, con men, and some counselors feed off of their subject’s tendency to find more significance in their circumstances than there really is and that all of the answers are found only through them.

I understand that we show those interested in our work our methodology is the real deal but I am not forcing it on anyone. I know what I know but I also know a lot of other things that fit in the puzzle but I do believe in letting go sometimes and just letting the Universe handle things as well.

The request to make sense out of knowledge can guide people to many great findings, but it can also lead one to many ridiculous ideas.

The handlers know that their character will have a preference to make sense out of whatever they are told…And it doesn’t matter how unbelievable or unlikely it may seem or sound.

They know  that many people are mainly egotistical and, that they likely to have impractical aspect of themselves, and that we for the most part obtain demands about ourselves that give back not how we really are or even how we may feel that we are  but rather how we desire everyone should be or feel that we should be.

The handlers are also aware that for each statement they make about someone or a situation – theory etc. that the watcher says no to, to then make an account that meets with your good opinion and they also know that the watcher is likely to keep in mind – only the accuracies but leave behind any blunders.

People do this because of free will and / or what they rely on or what they want to suppose.

This is all done to try to understand what we are going through. A person is not manipulated only because they may be naive or open minded, or just because the indication and symbols an adviser shows are not definite or clear to what they believe – nor just because the signs have more than one meaning. But because still yet when the evidence is in plain sight and someone is still doubtful, one can  still be changed to suite the others desire.

Actually, it may even be the case that specifically some very smart souls are more likely to be manipulated when the system of words for communication is clear and they too are thinking rationally.

To make the contact that the one in charge wants you to make, you have to be thinking reasonably… Of course.

This extraordinary mind of ours is the result of decades of thousands of pages of developments but it’s all the same metaphor. Not understanding this also makes it attainable for one to pull the wool over themselves as well as others.

Even more great is the reality that one’s mind can be used to try to make sense out of the many ways of what is fair and incorrect, in the efforts to understand about ones experiences as well as the afterlife.

It’s all in your head but don’t let your spirit be deceived causing the bliss to end.

In ones original state of consciousness, there is no light or energy. For it is when the light gets disconnected that all sorts of debate over what is real and what is not gets attached to all the infinite colors, forms and sounds.




Looking Back At Earth  and knowing she is dying fast should worry you –  NASA Television

A picture of Earth captured by a camera located in a window of the Orion spacecraft

 WE HAVE LIFTOFF!! What an incredible sight and a momentous day for spaceflight. But the fact is Mars is much too far away for any human to ever go there… And NASA knows it!

Orion Test Flight NASA/Bill Ingalls

Lights shine on the Delta IV Heavy Rocket/Orion capsule pair as NASA prepares for the Orion’s first unmanned test launch early Friday morning. Isn’t time for NASA to acknowledge the Soul of the Cosmos and for the scientific community to stop denial and deception?  Mother Earth and human FIRST!

Can We Stop Science Destroying The World?


Blessings to all

Dr. Turi


2016 Nostradamus Neptunius Draconis Universal Predictions

Are you ready for Ebola and the upcoming pandemic of 2016? Make note, I’ll talk to you then! 


drturiBanner“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life.” Dr. Turi

Carl Sagan, Neil deGrasse unilluminated perception of the stars!


Dear Readers;

All the signs of my vision are now undeniable and I saw them all coming to curse America and the world at large back in 1995. “This religious war will be ugly!”   This was well BEFORE  the US Iraq invasion, Osama Bin Laden, my 911 prediction and ISIS development!  Read the fact! ART BELL AND RELIGIONS

Dragon Forecast 2015How will the 2016 Neptunius dragon affect you and those you care?
How will the 2017 Uranic dragon affect you and those you care?
Predictions for 2017 Nostradamus Personal and Universal Forecast

“Let who ignore my warnings be cursed by the eternal rites of the cosmic code universal ceremonies for a cosmic God does not speak nor engage the fools…” Dr. Turi.

Carl Sagan and the science of Astrology!

“If we teach only the finding and products of Astrology, no matter how useful and inspiring they maybe – without communicating its critical methods, how can the average person possibly distinguish Astrology from pseudoscience? ” Dr. Turi 

Channeling The Greatest Prophet Of All Times “Notre Dame”

Nostradamus – “Sole Dios”


Nostradamus Prophecies and Dr. Turi


Neptunius Dios of venenum poisonous Riligious Deception Rules
*Fear Water, Drowning Fire, Black Tainted Blood
Dreams Reality Rivalry Poisonis Mad Spiritus
All False Gods Lost Children Join To Kill

God nowhere to stop rain!

From ” Spiritual Phenomena Exist in Other Dimensions Dr. Turi Says!

“Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions,  dams, water, inundations, fishes, sea, drownings, the ocean, ships, the Navy, submarines, Islands, chemicals, poisoning, oil, gas, movies, hospitals, mass suicide, epidemic, pandemic, jails, convicts, Prisons, drugs, Pharmaceutical corporations, weed, alcohol, the spirit…”   

In some ways, following this Grand  Cross  God’s cosmic identity will be emphasized to Christianity while religions and the dying Age of Pisces must give room to the new Age of Aquarius “ and the sad fate of the Titanic disaster  and its revival comes to my mind… ”Check the original article titled “Faith – 11/2015-02/2017 the beginning of the End of All Religions” published February 11, 2013 anJerry Pippin radio show (God Bless His Departed Soul) of  April 4, 2014 where I mentioned those predictions.

How will the 2017 Uranic dragon affect the world, you and those you care?
Predictions for 2017 Nostradamus Personal and Universal Forecast


Dreams Reality Rivalry Poisonis Mad Spiritus

Smoke billows from a sulfur fire.

Update 10/24/2016  Lighting toxic fires

Dreams Reality Rivalry Poisonis Mad Spiritus

The Clinton campaign received an envelope with white powdery substance that tested to be non-hazardous.

Update: 10/22/16 White powder at Clinton campaign – The reptilius at work.

 Matthew: Devastating flooding proved me right again!

Floods cause disaster in N. Korea
Deadly Floods Hit North Korea, Eastern China and the Russia
Worst US disaster since Hurricane Sandy
Historic Louisiana flooding
Heaviest rain in 100 years swamps city
Record rain floods Miss. homes
Disastrous flooding continues to swamp Texas, Louisiana

“Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions,  dams, water, inundations, flooding, etc.”

27 heroin overdoses in 4 hours


“Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving drugs, etc.”

How will the 2017 Uranic dragon affect you and those you care?
Predictions for 2017 Nostradamus Personal and Universal Forecast


Multiple police officers have been killed during a protest in Dallas over shootings by police of black men in Louisiana and Minnesota. Read more!  5 Dallas Officers Killed – Art Bell Reptilius infestation – Are you next?

Tony Robbins hot coal walk idiocy!

“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life.  Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom. ~ Paracelsus

How many of my readers can appreciate and realize the values of my predictions? When  does stupidity, cosmic ignorance, denial, greed  and enviousness end and listening to a real Modern Prophet start? Are you ready for 2017 predictions?

“Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions,  dams, water, etc.

CDC issues historic travel warning over Miami Zika outbreak

“Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving, epidemic, pandemic”  

NASA maps potential U.S. Zika spread, HEED MY WARNINGS while you can!

The sinkhole is being described as the world's largest at 987 feet (300.89 meters)

Inside the world’s deepest blue Dragon hole


“Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions,  dams, water, inundations, fishes, sea, drownings, the ocean, ships, the Navy, submarines, Islands, chemicals, poisoning etc.

 2017 Nostradamus Personal Forecast



76 billion gallons of oil waste dumped into the Gulf in 2014 alone

“Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions,  dams, water, inundations, fishes, sea, drownings, the ocean, ships, the Navy, submarines, Islands, oil – chemicals, poisoning etc.

Lead taints 5,300 water systems – Is CA sitting on drought solution?

“Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions,  dams, water, inundations, fishes, sea, drownings, the ocean, ships, the Navy, submarines, Islands, chemicals, poisoning etc.

Tony Robbins hot coal walk idiocy!

Titanic II to set sail in 2018

Memo – the sad fate of the Titanic disaster  and its revival comes to my mind…

Britain's Royal Navy Type 45 destroyer HMS Dauntless enters Portsmouth, England.

Britain’s Royal Navy warships are breaking down because sea is too hot

Navy admiral to plead guilty to felony

(CNN) A rear admiral in the U.S. Navy will plead guilty in San Diego federal court Thursday to a felony charge of making a false statement in connection with an ongoing bribery scandal that has rocked the Navy, the admiral’s attorney confirmed in an interview.

“Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions,  dams, water, inundations, fishes, sea, drownings, the ocean, ships, the Navy, submarines, Islands, chemicals, poisoning, oil, gas, movies, hospitals, mass suicide, epidemic, pandemic, jails, convicts, Prisons, drugs, Pharmaceutical corporations, weed, alcohol, the spirit…”   

U.S. Navy bans booze in Japan

“Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions,  dams, water, inundations, fishes, sea, drownings, the ocean, ships, the Navy, submarines, Islands, chemicals, poisoning, oil, gas, movies, hospitals, mass suicide, epidemic, pandemic, jails, convicts, Prisons, drugs, Pharmaceutical corporations, weed, alcohol, the spirit…”   

Paris floods: Seine set to peak as more rain forecast – BBC News
5 Fort Hood soldiers dead, 4 missing amid Texas flooding
State of Disaster Declared in 31 Flooded Texas Counties as Storms …
Crews in Houston rescue more than 400 from high waters
Severe Storm Leaves Behind Flooding in South Florida
Disastrous flooding continues to swamp Texas, Louisiana
Heaviest rain in 100 years swamps city
Record rain floods Miss. homes

“Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving  dams, water, inundations,…

Teen dies during female circumcision –  22 Veterans Commit Suicide Daily

“Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, hospitals, mass suicide…

Carbapenem-resistant enterobacteriaceae: CRE For the first time, the CDC is categorizing antibiotic-resistant organisms by threat level. That's because, in their conservative estimates, more than 2 million people get antibiotic-resistant infections each year, and at least 23,000 die because current drugs no longer stop their infections. Credit: Centers for Disease Control

‘Nightmare’ superbug strikes U.S.

“Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving  mass suicide, epidemic, pandemic,

French submersible joins Egyptian submarine in searching for data recorders

“Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions,  dams, water, inundations, fishes, sea, drownings, the ocean, ships, the Navy, submarines, Islands, chemicals, poisoning, oil, gas, movies, hospitals, mass suicide, epidemic, pandemic, jails, convicts, Prisons, drugs, Pharmaceutical corporations, weed, alcohol, the spirit…”  

A death rattle every 19 minutes

Man sprayed poison on open food at grocery stores
 Venenum Poisonis Mad Spiritus

2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Draconis Universal Predictions (FULL VIP version)
Germany “Heil Hitler” 2014 Arian Draconis World Predictions
2013 Scorpius Draconis World Predictions

 Can the vision of a true modern Prophet be ignored?
Dreams Reality Rivalry Poison Mad Spiritus

Prediction 22 of 24The ocean will offer more of his secrets and a new “Titanic” will make the news.

 12/12/2014 – ‘Titanic of the Golden Gate’ found

Wreckage of Captain Cook’s HMS Endeavour discovered

news involving the ocean, ships… *‘Holy Grail’ of shipwrecks found? *Mystery shipwreck found off U.S. *Several shipwrecks found in Lake Michigan *Vessel sinks off Hawaii coast *Trapped on ferry: Our feet are burning *Tour boat sinks off British Columbia in Canada *Philippines: 42 dead, 11 missing in ferry disaster *Ship sinks in China’s Yangtze River *Genocide’ charged as boat capsizes in Mediterranean *Cruise ship hits wall: 17 injured *More than 200 sickened on cruise ships *Iran Claims to Have Seized US Ship *World largest ship depart from France *Cruise ship hits wall: 17 injured *Ship sinks in China’s Yangtze River *‘Ghost fleet’ graveyard reborn as nature sanctuary * Plans for underwater ‘oceanscraper’ revealed *Chinese navy’s next big thingChinese naval ships to visit Florida port *Drunk Russian sailor crashes 7,000-ton ship *Rescuers try to save migrants in Mediterranean shipwreckThe casket is lowered at a funeral for a 49-year-old sugar cane worker in Chichigalpa, Nicaragua. Mortality rates from chronic kidney disease in La Isla community are so high that it is now called La Isla de Viudas, or "The Island of Widows."

Thousands ill from mysterious kidney disease, but what’s the cause?

“Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions,  dams, water, inundations, fishes, sea, drownings, the ocean, ships, the Navy, submarines, Islands, chemicals, poisoning, oil, gas, movies, hospitals, mass suicide, epidemic, pandemic, jails, convicts, Prisons, drugs, Pharmaceutical corporations, weed, alcohol, the spirit…”

“Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions,  dams, water, inundations, fishes, sea, drownings, the ocean, ships, the Navy, submarines, Islands, chemicals, poisoning, oil, gas, movies, hospitals, mass suicide, epidemic, pandemic, jails, convicts, Prisons, drugs, Pharmaceutical corporations, weed, alcohol, the spirit…”   

George Noory Coast to Coast am national radio  August 3, 2015 – Some of you may recall my words to George Noory on Coast To Coast am, ” I see a lot of problems with water and poisoning…“ 

August 11, 2015  a few days later EPA spill turns Animas River in Colorado a toxic orange

NASA has created a map showing the potential spread of the Zika virus.

4/27/2016 NASA maps potential U.S. Zika spread

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions,  dams, water, inundations, fishes, sea, drownings, the ocean, ships, the Navy, submarines, Islands, chemicals, poisoning, oil, gas, movies, hospitals, mass suicide, epidemic, pandemic, jails, convicts, Prisons, drugs, weed, alcohol, the spirit…

Australia has ordered 12 new submarines at a cost of $39 billion, becoming the latest nation to upgrade its fleet in a region where the seas are getting crowded.

Published February 11, 2013: Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions,  dams, water, inundations, fishes, sea, drownings, the ocean, ships, the Navy, submarines, Islands, chemicals, poisoning, oil, gas, movies, hospitals, mass suicide, epidemic, pandemic, jails, convicts, Prisons, drugs, weed, alcohol, the spirit…

 4/25/16- 24 killed after eating poison sweets in Pakistan

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions,  dams, water, inundations, fishes, sea, drownings, the ocean, ships, the Navy, submarines, Islands, chemicals, poisoning, oil, gas, movies, hospitals, mass suicide, epidemic, pandemic, jails, convicts, Prisons, drugs, weed, alcohol, the spirit…

4/22/16 – U.S. suicide rates on the rise

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions,  dams, water, inundations, fishes, sea, drownings, the ocean, ships, the Navy, submarines, Islands, chemicals, poisoning, oil, gas, movies, hospitals, mass suicide, epidemic, pandemic, jails, convicts, Prisons, drugs, weed, alcohol, the spirit…

Memo – Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving suicides…

Alberto Lopez, right, helps his wife Glenda wade through floodwaters as they evacuate their flooded apartment complex Monday, April 18, 2016, in Houston. Storms have dumped more than a foot of rain in the Houston area, flooding dozens of neighborhoods and forcing the closure of city offices and the suspension of public transit. (AP Photo/David J. Phillip)

4/5/16 Why ‘religious freedom bills’ are springing up nationwide? The cosmic unconscious herd respond to the pull of the stars this is why! It seem my predictions about religion published 2/11/2013 are unfolding steadily!

Memo – Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Pope, churches, *****religions******

 4/5/16 – ‘Alarming’ rate of overdoses in Sacramento area

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving drugs, weed, alcohol, the spirit…

Fish kill in Florida: ‘Heartbreaking images’ seen for miles

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving  water, inundations, fishes…

CNN: In January, parts of central Florida received triple the amount of rain they normally do for the month. All that rainwater eventually made its way into estuaries via urbanized neighborhoods, picking up fertilizer and other pollutants along the way. 

Severe Storm Leaves Behind Flooding in South Florida
God nowhere to stop water!635937332497231694-10098981-G.jpgDisastrous flooding continues to swamp Texas, Louisiana
God nowhere to stop water!
Flood waters inundate southern Louisiana and Mississippi

God nowhere to stop water!
Heaviest rain in 100 years swamps city
Record rain floods Miss. homes

On an Indian reserve in Canada, young people are killing themselves at an alarming rate

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving  mass suicide, epidemic, pandemic, jails, convicts, Prisons, drugs, weed, alcohol, the spirit…

Inmates capture prison riot on camera 

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving  jails, convicts, Prisons…

U.S. says North Korean submarine missing
Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving submarines….

Huge dam risks catastrophic failure

Iraq’s Mosul Dam, the country’s largest, is facing “unprecedented risk of catastrophic failure with little warning,” the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad says.

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East,  dams, water, inundations,  drownings….

Washington man kills four, self –  An unidentified gunman killed four family members then fatally shot himself after an hourslong standoff with police in rural Washington state on Friday, authorities said.
Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving mass suicide…

This lost reptilius infected man was the victim of the religious or scientific matrixes and without doubt, legal or illegal drugs were involved! The world is not paying attention to my visions of a serious upsurge in mass suicides… All I can do is to keep the record for spiritually inclined future generations who will make a good use to my cosmic wisdom!

Glendale, Arizona, school shooting: 2 girls shot dead
Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving mass suicide…

Benoit Violier was just 44 years old.

World’s ‘top chef’ Benoit Violier found dead in apparent suicide!

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions,  dams, water, inundations, fishes, sea, drownings, the ocean, ships, the Navy, submarines, Islands, chemicals, poisoning, oil, gas, movies, hospitals, mass suicide, 

3 die in murder-suicide at SUNY Geneseo, police say –
Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions,  dams, water, inundations, fishes, sea, drownings, the ocean, ships, the Navy, submarines, Islands, chemicals, poisoning, oil, gas, movies, hospitals, mass suicide,epidemic, pandemic, jails, convicts, Prison, drugs, weed, alcohol, the spirit…

Family of 6 dies from poisoning
“Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions,  dams, water, inundations, fishes, sea, drownings, the ocean, ships, the Navy, submarines, Islands, chemicals, poisoning…”
 La Modelo in Bogota is one of Colombia's largest and most overpopulated prisons.

At least 100 bodies found in sewer system under Colombian prison

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving  jails, convicts, Prisons…

<Titanic II to set sail in 2018 – CNN Video 

Australian billionaire Clive Palmer has announced that Titanic II, a nearly-exact replica of the doomed ocean liner Titanic, will be ready to set sail in 2018.

Memo posted to the world February 11, 2013!  VIP version Prediction 22:  “The ocean will offer more of his secrets and a new Titanic will make the news.” 

“In some ways, following this Grand  Cross  God’s cosmic identity will be emphasized to Christianity while religions and the dying Age of Pisces must give room to the new Age of Aquarius “ and the sad fate of the Titanic disaster  and revival comes to my mind…”

There is NO denying a true modern Prophet SHOCKING the world with his endless unarguable predictions!  Sad enough the news-media god fearing/atheists and “educated” idiot cowards keep IGNORING AND refusing to announce his God given gift to the world! Human do not deserve my gift, this is why I am stopping offering my pearls to the public on my birthday, 02/26/2016!

Do not give dogs what is holy; do not throw your pearls before swine. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and then turn and tear you to pieces.”

Fifty-two inmates dead in cartel prison battle

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving oil, gas, jails, convicts, Prison…..
Aliso Canyon gas leak map
Worst gas leak in U.S. history is uncontrolled in So. California; a public health crisis

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions,  dams, water, inundations, fishes, sea, drownings, the ocean, ships, the Navy, submarines, Islands, chemicals, poisoning, oil, gas, movies, hospitals, mass suicide, epidemic, pandemic, jails, convicts, Prison, drugs, weed, alcohol, the spirit…

 Fentanyl: drug 50 times more potent than heroin ravages New Hampshire

Autism, Zika Virus, Gastroschisis or ET’s Fetus Infestation?

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions,  dams, water, inundations, fishes, sea, drownings, the ocean, ships, the Navy, submarines, Islands, chemicals, poisoning, oil, gas, movies, hospitals, mass suicide,epidemic, pandemic, jails, convicts, Prison, drugs, weed, alcohol, the spirit…

WWI German sub found off coast
Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions,  dams, water, inundations, fishes, sea, drownings, the ocean, ships, the Navy, Submarines, Islands, chemicals, poisoning, oil, gas, movies, hospitals, mass suicide, epidemic, pandemic, jails, convicts, Prison, drugs, weed, alcohol, the spirit…

Putin likely OK’d Alexander Litvinenko death, inquiry says
Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions,  dams, water, inundations, fishes, sea, drownings, the ocean, ships, the Navy, submarines, Islands, chemicals, poisoning, oil, gas, movies, hospitals, mass suicide, epidemic, pandemic, jails, convicts, Prison, drugs, weed, alcohol, the spirit…

Michigan governor on Flint water crisis: ‘It’s a disaster’ –

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions,  dams, ******water*********, inundations, fishes, sea, drownings, the ocean, ships, the Navy, submarines, Islands, chemicals, poisoning, oil, gas, movies, hospitals, mass suicide, epidemic, pandemic, jails, convicts, Prison, drugs, weed, alcohol, the spirit…  

Big banks brace for oil loans to implode

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions,  dams, water, inundations, fishes, sea, drownings, the ocean, ships, the Navy, submarines, Islands, chemicals, poisoning, oil, gas, etc.

Markets are heading for a ‘cataclysmic year’ in 2016, warns RBS 
Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions,  dams, water, inundations, fishes, sea, drownings, the ocean, ships, the Navy, submarines, Islands, chemicals, poisoning, oil, gas, etc.


Daniel Dion, Celine Dion’s brother, and her husband died of cancer

Bobbi Kristina Brown, born March 4, 1993 (Pisces) in Livingston (NJ)

‘Ghost fleet’ graveyard reborn as nature sanctuary 

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions,  dams, water, inundations, fishes, sea, drownings, the ocean, ships,the Navy, submarines, Islands, chemicals, poisoning, oil, gas, movies, hospitals, mass suicide, epidemic, pandemic, jails, convicts, Prison, drugs, weed, alcohol, the spirit…  

Lethal strain of heroin strikes western Massachusetts
Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving  mass suicide, epidemic, pandemic, jails, convicts, Prison, drugs, weed, alcohol, the spirit…

1/3/2015 Saudi Arabia severs ties with Iran as protests rage 
Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions,  dams, water, inundations, fishes, sea, drownings, the ocean, ships, the Navy, submarines, Islands, chemicals, poisoning, oil, gas, movies, hospitals, mass suicide, epidemic, pandemic, jails, convicts, Prison, drugs, alcohol, the spirit…

Saudi Arabia executes 47 in 1 day on terror convictions 

Prediction # 20: ” I see “political” problem with the Canal of Suez and many Middle East dictators and ***terrorists leaders being assassinated****, eliminated. Israel must prepare for madness as the Middle East if forced into an internal power structure/religious restructure. Join my VIP’s read the news well before CNN post them!  Join us today!

1/12015 – Plans for underwater ‘oceanscraper’ revealed (back 02/11/2013!)

1/1/2016 Chinese navy’s next big thing

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions,  dams, water, inundations, fishes, sea, drownings, the ocean, ships, the Navy, submarines, Islands, chemicals, poisoning, oil, gas, movies, hospitals, mass suicide, epidemic, pandemic, jails, convicts, Prison, drugs, alcohol, the spirit…

Severe weather in U.S.: More flooding, ice and snow –
Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions,  dams, water, inundations, fishes, sea, drownings, the ocean, ships, the Navy, submarines, Islands, chemicals, poisoning, oil, gas, movies, hospitals, mass suicide, epidemic, pandemic, jails, convicts, Prison, drugs, alcohol, the spirit…

Wait… What? Pope Says ‘This May Be The Last Christmas For Humanity’
Memo: Prediction #5: Neptune rules oil and religions and this Dragon is aiming for the Church, President Obama and Pope Francis. Like his predecessor John Paul, he may pay the ultimate price with a mysterious death or assassination.

12/25/2015 Dengue fever cases in Hawaii spike over holidays 

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions,  dams, water, inundations, fishes, sea, drownings, the ocean, ships, the Navy, submarines, Islands, chemicals, poisoning, oil, gas, movies, hospitals, mass suicide,epidemic, pandemic, jails, convicts, Prison, drugs, alcohol, the spirit…  

Are jihadists using powerful drug?
Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions,  dams, water, inundations, fishes, sea, drownings, the ocean, ships, the Navy, submarines, Islands, chemicals, poisoning, oil, gas, movies, hospitals, mass suicide,epidemic, pandemic, jails, convicts, Prison, drugs, alcohol, the spirit…
Assyrian Christians from Syria and Iraq, attend a Christmas mass at Saint Georges church in an eastern suburb of the Lebanese capital Beirut, on December 25, 2015. AFP PHOTO / ANWAR AMRO / AFP / ANWAR AMRO (Photo credit should read ANWAR AMRO/AFP/Getty Images)

10 die as storms pound the South 
Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions,  dams, water, inundations,

Overdose deaths hit all-time high
Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving drugs, alcohol, the spirit…

12/16/2016 Extreme flooding hits in Oregon 
Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions,  dams, water, inundations,

12/4/2015 –  Heaviest rain in 100 years swamps city

12/14/2015 LA County deputies fire 33 rounds at gunman
Gunman shot at Walmart
Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving mass suicide, drugs, alcohol, the spirit…

12/13/2015  23 dead in psychiatric hospital fire
Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving hospitals etc… 

12/5/2015 – OPEC is at war – and it’s sending shockwaves around the world
Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, oil, gas….

China angers Miss World
Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions, dams, water, fishes, sea, drownings, the ocean, ships, the Navy, submarines, Islands, chemicals, poisoning, oil, gas, movies, hospitals, mass suicide, epidemic, pandemic, jails, convicts, Prison, drugs, alcohol, the spirit…

SA working moms seek comfort in food, drugs and alcohol

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions,  dams, water, fishes, sea, drownings, the ocean, ships, the Navy, submarines, Islands, chemicals, poisoning, oil, gas, movies, hospitals, mass suicide, epidemic, pandemic, jails, convicts, Prison, drugs, alcohol, the spirit…  

122015 41 Pope Francis: Christmas is a ‘Charade’ This Year

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions.


Drunk Russian sailor crashes 7,000-ton ship (end of his career for sure!)

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions,  dams, water, fishes, sea, drownings, the ocean, ships, the Navy, submarines, Islands, chemicals, poisoning, oil, gas, movies, hospitals, mass suicide, epidemic, pandemic, jails, convicts, Prison, drugs, alcohol, the spirit…

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving, chemicals, drugs poisoning…. 

The E. coli outbreak linked to Chipotle restaurants has now caused 45 cases of illness across six states, according to the CDC. Sixteen of those ill individuals have been hospitalized.

Should the world and the media start to pay attention (and share) my cosmic wisdom?

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving poisoning, water….

11/19/2015-  STD rates rise dramatically, especially among men 

From the Cosmic Code – Prediction #4: New STD and new diseases will plague humanity in some parts of the world. Africa and the Middle East are Neptunian countries where total restructures are to be expected. The deception and reality involving Ebola will come to light.  New drugs and medical discoveries will bless some and  a pandemic will curse humanity and kill many.

ISIS has claimed responsibility for the worst violence witnessed in France since World War II, a volley of nearly simultaneous terror attacks that the French President called “an act of war  –Read more.

Beirut, Also the Site of Deadly Attacks (call it a double hit?) 

11/14/2015 Mormons leave church to protest same-sex policy

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving churches, religions..

LDS Who can deny my predictions?
Spiritual Pride, wealth, power, notoriety and total Neptunian deception

Prediction #21 of 24:   Religions of all nominations will explode with billions of new God fearing lost souls joining this universal Neptunius deception. I see a proliferation of cults and
more dirty secrets to come to light with mormonism *(CNN) — Church: Mormon, 40 wifes, one as young as 14 years old   

Snoop Dogg launches line of cannabis products –

Reptilius infected Snoop Dogg launches pot line. What a role model for our young generation? Snoop Dogg was “subconsciously” commissioned by the reptilius to fulfil their agenda against humanity psychical welfare.

I was commissioned by the Draconis to make you aware of their presence in our local solar system and fight them! I am Alien The Final Revelation

The new Neptunius Dragon will start its “nirvanic” curse upon the world on November 12th, 2015. Its karmic impact upon humanity will be used by the reptilius to infect more unconscious subhumans who will commit suicide and crimes at an alarming rate!

The approximate number of undergraduates who commit suicide each year is currently 1100 or 200% increase since the fifties.  Lost young adults are targeted by the reptilius and suicide on Campus will explode!

Sad enough the religious, scientific and entertainment matrixes have no room for Dr. Turi to save you and your children… God Have Mercy, this is just the beginning!

11/9/2015 Mom kills son, herself in hospital
Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving hospitals, mass suicide,

11/8/2015 Warning: Oil company defaults are coming

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving  oil, gas…

California officials – Put down the California crab legs — they could be poisonous.

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving poisoning, water, submarines,Chinese sub tracked U.S. carrier oceans, 

San Jose restaurant food poisoning: Number of illnesses rises to 141 in Shigella outbreak
Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions,  dams, water, fishes, sea, drownings, the ocean, the Navy, submarines, Islands, poisoning…

11/3/2015 Chinese naval ships to visit Florida port
Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions,  dams, water, fishes, sea, drownings, the ocean, theNavy, submarines, Islands,

Students hospitalized in Chicago school carbon monoxide scare 
Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving  poisoning etc.

Blood-soaked Islamic ritual sees 100s hack their own heads with machetes
God nowhere to stop rain of blood!
The reptilius infected subhumans were conditioned to fear and follow their geographical, manmade God… How can you remove 2000 years of psychical abuses, lies and mental manipulation and re-introduce a Universal Cosmic God?
This is the curse of a humanity who must realize the reptilius controlling evil working through all the false Gods created by man’s folly… Imagine when the 2016 Neptunius Dragon takes over the world? How will those upcoming “nirvanic” deceptive winds will affect you, your loved ones and the world? Make a good use of my gift or pay the price of cosmic ignorance!

Tour boat sinks off British Columbia in Canada –
Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions,  dams, water, fishes, sea, drownings, the ocean, the Navy, submarines, Islands,

Movie director’s son joins al Qaeda

From  2016 Nostradamus Neptunius Draconis Universal Predictions – Prediction # 3  – Hollywood and the movie industry will experience the “titanic” in real life.  Expect a full restructure of the movie industry and new 3D technology. More people will get more depressed, many will spend time and money watching new and old  movies. “Celebrities of all ages and genders are the target of this dragon where human will realize the glamorous life of the rich and famous is as fake as Neptune taking many away in a wave of  suicides and drug abuse in record numbers. “  How will this dragon affect you or your kids? 

Hurricane Patricia — the strongest storm ever recorded by the U.S. National Hurricane Center— is threatening Mexico’s Pacific coast.

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions,  dams, water, fishes, sea, drownings, the ocean, the Navy, submarines, Islands,    Read more

10/20/2015 Five Arizona Car-in-Lake Deaths Were ‘Possible Murder-Suicide’
Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions,  dams, water, fishes, sea, drownings, the ocean, the Navy, submarines, Islands, suicide…

10/20/2915 What lies beneath the surface: Sunken church emerges from the depths –
Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope,churches, religions,  water, drownings, the ocean, Islands, chemicals, poisoning, oil, gas, hospitals,  submarines, movie , mass suicide, epidemic, pandemic, jails, convicts, Prison, drugs, dams, water, fishes, sea, the spirit…
This is a serious omen sent by the reptilius upcoming revival of the Neptunius Universal deception cursing the conditioned human spirit and the enormous Spaniards deadly abuses inflicted upon the natives Indians. Sad enough 99.99% of human can not relate to my predictive spiritual work just yet!

10/15/2015 –  Powerful storm system brings ‘life threatening’ flooding, mudslides to Southern California
Published February 11, 2013 – ” Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions, fishes, water, rivers…

New Hartford World of Life church members arrested after teen dies
Police: Church members were trying to get him to admit sins

“Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving suicide, the Middle East,  gas,  water, the ocean, Islands,  churches, religions, the pope, oil, gas, drugs, dams, ships, subs, prisons, jail, poisoning, epidemic…”

10/14/2015  The Counted: are US police hiding behind ‘suicide by cop’ shootings? 

“Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions,  water, chemicals, poisoning ,oil, gas, the ocean, Islands, hospitals,  submarines, movie , mass suicide, epidemic, pandemic, jails, convicts, Prison, drugs, dams, water, sea, the spirit…” 

Police have shot dead more than 100 people who were described by associates or authoritiesas suicidal so far in 2015. Many of those who died did display suicidal intentions as they entered lethal encounters with officers. The total was described as alarming by mental health advocates, who said law enforcement agencies should urgently provide better training for police in dealing with people in mental health crises.


10/10/2015  New Fish Kill Baffles Experts: Thousands of Fish Wash Ashore In Freeport, Texas
Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions,  water, chemicals, poisoning ,oil, gas, the ocean, Islands, hospitals,  submarines, movie , mass suicide, epidemic, pandemic, jails, convicts, Prison, drugs, dams, water, sea, the spirit…

Dozens killed in blast near train station in Ankara –
“Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East,

10/9/2015 – Oil is back above $50 a barrel
Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, oil, gas, the Pope, churches, religions,  water, chemicals, hospitals, poisoning , the ocean, Islands, submarines, movie , mass suicide, epidemic, pandemic, jails, convicts, Prison, drugs, dams, water, sea, the spirit…

Roughly 6,000 federal inmates to be released

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, church, religions,  water, chemicals, hospitals, poisoning, oil, gas, the ocean, Islands, submarines, movie , mass suicide, epidemic, pandemic, jails, convicts, Prison, drugs, dams, sea, the spirit...  

10/6/2015 – Rio 2016: Dead fish wash up in Olympic lagoon –

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions,  water, chemicals, hospitals, poisoning, oil, gas, the ocean, Islands, submarines, movie , mass suicide, epidemic, pandemic, jails, convicts, Prison, drugs, dams, sea, the spirit...  

Five dead in apparent murder-suicide in Minnesota  
Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving  mass suicide, the Middle East,  gas,  water, the ocean, Islands,  religions, churches, the pope, oil, gas, drugs, dams, ships, subs, prisons, jail,  poisoning, epidemic…

10/6/2015 –  South Carolina flooding: dams breached, more devastation possible –
Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, church, religions,  water, churches, chemicals, hospitals, poisoning , oil, gas, the ocean, Islands, submarines, movie  Suicide, epidemic, pandemic, jails, convicts, Prison, drugs, * dams, water,sea, the spirit…

‘Hundreds’ of Yazidis killing selves in ISIS slavery –

Posted by Dr. Turi on November 6, 2014 at 10:55 am in Cosmic Coders Only –
Prediction #2 – Neptune rules legal and illegal drugs where the law makers will start to realize the damage of legalizing pots leading to more mental problems and suicides. Cigarette manufacturers will go bankrupt. New DUI , weed laws will enrich your city. I see a lot of deaths, turmoil, riots and *****suicides in all prisons.*****

South Carolina flooding: State not out of the woods yet –

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions, chemicals, hospitals, poisoning ,oil, gas, the ocean,  ships, Islands, submarines, movie  Suicide, epidemic, pandemic, jails, convicts, Prison, drugs, * dams, water, sea, the spirit…

10/5/2015 –  Bloodshed in Jerusalem caught on camera – CNN Video
“Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the church, religions…”

Oregon college shooting: Gunman ‘targeted Christians’
Back in 1995 I said to Art Bell on Coast to Coast. “Worry more about a religious war inside of the US” when he was wondering about my Prediction of Bill Clinton being re-elected! Listen to his shocking response, click on the link and acknowledge my undeniable predictions! I also predicted the police abuses upon the public!  Only the envious immature young souls will deny my work. Don’t you think it’s time to accept my cosmic gift as true and help me warn the world instead of ridiculing my work?
Watch the video

10/4/2015 – 16 dead in French Riviera  after heavy rains flood French Riviera
*Fear Water, Drowning Fire, Black Tainted Blood?
2016 Neptunius watery graves
Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, church, religions, chemicals, hospitals, poisoning ,oil, gas, the ocean,ships,Islands, submarines, movie  Suicide, epidemic, pandemic, jails, convicts, Prison, drugs, * dams, water, sea, the spirit…

Flooding sweeps East amid ‘mind-boggling’ rains

10/3/2015 – Hurricane Joaquin, 2d storm threaten East Coast records –

Lost at sea: Ship with 33 people missing in Hurricane Joaquin
Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, church, religions, chemicals, hospitals, poisoning ,oil, gas, the ocean,  ships, Islands, submarines, movie  Suicide, epidemic, pandemic, jails, convicts, Prison, drugs, * dams,water, sea, the spirit…  

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving “POISONING”

In a world where political leaders and society assign themselves to religious archaic convictions and trust its infantile scientific community and celebrities, only extreme stupidity can plague the rest of humanity. Dr. Turi

9/21/2015 – Salmonella case: Peanut exec Stewart Parnell sentenced – Poison Mad Spiritus

9/17/2015 – Nearly half marine population lost in last 40 years –
Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the church, religions,  Water, chemicals, hospitals, poisoning , oil, gas, the ocean, Islands, submarines, movie  Suicide, epidemic, pandemic, jails, convicts, Prison, drugs, dams, water, sea, the spirit…

9/15/2916 –  Utah flash flood: 12 dead, 1 missing –
Twelve women and children died and one person is missing after a flash flood washed away vehicles at the Utah-Arizona border, officials said.
Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the church, religions,  Water, chemicals, hospitals, poisoning , oil, gas, the ocean, Islands, submarines, movie  Suicide, epidemic, pandemic, jails, convicts, Prison, drugs, * dams, water, sea, the spirit…

9/14/2015 – More children getting drunk on hand sanitizer

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the church, religions,  Water, chemicals, hospitals, poisoning ,oil, gas, the ocean, Islands, submarines, movie  Suicide, epidemic, pandemic, jails, convicts, Prison, drugs, * dams, water, sea, the spirit…

9/13/2015 – Japan flooding: 2.8 million advised to evacuate 
Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, religions, islands, ocean, water…

9/10/2015 Poisoned teens struggle to eat, walk –

Prediction #16 of 24 – I see many islands of many sizes being destroyed or abandoned. Expect an upsurge of news involving food / chemical poisoning, suicide, death at sea and accidentswith Cruise liners forcing restructures and bankruptcies.


9/8/2015  Pope Francis makes annulment of marriages easier –

Memo – Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving suicide, the Middle East,  gas,  water, the ocean, Islands,  the Church, religions, the pope, oil, gas, drugs, dams, ships, subs, prisons, jail, poisoning, epidemic…

From the cosmic code website

Update 9/5/2015  Thousands of jubilant migrants arrive in Austria from Hungary

Note: Those Predictions were created in the month of October and posted on the Cosmic Code website for my VIP’s November 7th, 2014

Jul 14, 2015 The Middle East is about to change in 3 major ways

  • Prediction #4 New STD and new diseases will plague humanity in some parts of the world. Africa and the Middle East are Neptunian countries where total restructures are to be expected. The deception and reality involving Ebola will come to light.  New drugs and medical discoveries will bless some and  a pandemic will curse humanity and kill many.

‘San Quentin 6’ inmate dies in riot
Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving suicide, the Middle East,  gas,  water, the ocean, Islands,  religions, the pope, oil, gas, drugs, dams, ships, subs, prisons, jail, poisoning, epidemic…

Gas prices poised for a steep drop

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, Oil,religions, ocean, water,  poisoning…

EPA spill turns Animas River in Colorado a toxic orange –
Sad enough I also made this prediction on Gaiam in Colorado in George Noory TV show but the producer is stopping me teaching the public about the cosmic code jurisdictions.
Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, religions, ocean,water,  poisoning…

Adult dies of plague in Colorado 

Prediction #4  of 24 – New STD and new diseases will plague humanity in some parts of the world. /////////// and ////// where total restructures are to be expected. The deception and reality involving Ebola will come to light.  New drugs and medical discoveries will bless some and  a pandemic will curse humanity and kill many.

8/5/2015  Rescuers try to save migrants in Mediterranean shipwreck –
Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this
mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, religions, ocean, water, ships –   Giant ocean ‘blob’ discovered

Escaped inmate kills woman before he is captured, Pennsylvania police say –

7/25/2015 Trinidad prison escape involves shootout with police –
Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving  mass suicide, the Middle East,  gas,  water, the ocean, Islands,  religions, the pope, oil, gas, drugs, dams, ships, subs, prisons, jail,  poisoning, epidemic…

Drug lord 'El Chapo' escapes from Mexican prison

7/12/2015 Mexican drug lord Joaquin ‘El Chapo’ Guzman escapes

“Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving suicide religion,  jails, prisons…”

6/6/2015 2 killers escape from prison in upstate New York 
From Elga VIP to the cosmic code website – right on your SOS to the world window

Sex, drugs and prison corruption 
Prediction #2 of 24 – “I see a lot of deaths, turmoil, riots and suicides in all prisons.”

Kung fu (in)fighting rocks ancient Shaolin Monastery –
Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, religions, ocean, water, movies, cults…

Bobbi Kristina Brown has died – It is a true celebrity tragedy: Bobbi Kristina Brown has died at age 22.

MEMO from  2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Draconis Universal Predictions –  “ Hollywood and the movie industry will experience the “titanic” in real life. Expect a full restructure of the movie industry with new 3D technology. More people will get more depressed, many will spend time and money watching new and old  movies. “Celebrities of all ages and genders are the target of this dragon where human will realize the glamorous life of the rich and famous is as fake as Neptune taking many away in a wave of  suicides and drug abuse in record numbers.”


May God Bless your lost soul
‘Everybody Loves Raymond’ actor kills self? Shocking?
The stars and fate of  Whitney Houston
Order your Full Life Reading now, be prepared, be warned!

Volunteers rally to save stranded killer whale – CNN Video

GUNSHOTS’ 3 dead, including gunman, in Louisiana theater shooting
Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, religions, ocean, water, movies

  • Prediction # 3: Hollywood and the movie industry will experience the “titanic” in real life.Expect a full restructure of the movie industry and new 3D technology. More people will get more depressed, many will spend time and money watching new and old  movies. “Celebrities of all ages and genders are the target of this dragon where human will realize the glamorous life of the rich and famous is as fake as Neptune taking many away in a wave of  suicides and drug abuse in record numbers. “ 

7/22/2015  Tests show UK Quran manuscript is among world’s oldest –
Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving suicide, the Middle East,  gas,  water, the ocean, Islands,  religions, the pope, oil, gas, drugs, dams,, ships, subs, prisons, jail,  poisoning, epidemic…

Video of Sandra Bland arrest ignites firestorm –
Prediction #2 of 24 – “I see a lot of deaths, turmoil, riots and suicides in all prisons.”

Armadillos cause spike in leprosy cases in Florida –  An unusually high number of leprosy cases are being detected in Florida, and experts believe it’s because people are getting into contact with armadillos.

7/20/2015 – Mystery shipwreck found off North Carolina coast –
“Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, religions, water, Chemicals, oil, *ships….”

July  20, 2015 ISIS steps up use of chemicals?
Famous radio host Art Bell will soon be back on radio and compete with Coast To Coast am, may be my readers can refresh his memory of a prediction I made in 1995 on his show? “America will be experiencing a religious war” This was well before Osama Bin Laden, 911 terrorist attack in N.Y. and ISIS!  Listen to the show! 
This prediction was also offered to all my VIP’s 10/15/2014 in the cosmic code website.
Prediction #23 Isis will use poison gas and will ////////////////// Read more! 

Nexen pipeline leak in Alberta spills 5 million litres

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving oil,

Indian devotees after a stampede at a religious festival in Godavari in the Rajahmundry district on July 14.
July 14, 2015 (CNN) 27 killed in stampede
(Read/listen proof of prediction)

“Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving religion…

7/13/2015 54 stingrays die at Chicago zoo –

7/12/2015 President Barack Obama commutes sentences of 46 drug offenders

Dad jumps off bridge, baby

Prediction #7  of 24 – I am expecting a full restructure of the Navy, the oil industry and pharmaceutical abusives corporations making billions selling new nefarious drugs againstdepressions stimulating more suicides.

Philippines: 42 dead, 11 missing in ferry disaster

Prediction #16 of 24I see many islands of many sizes being destroyed or abandoned. Expect an upsurge of news involving food / chemical poisoning, suicide, death at sea and accidents with Cruise liners forcing restructures and bankruptcies.

Life in a disappearing country
Prediction #16 of 24I see many islands of many sizes being destroyed or abandoned.Expect an upsurge of news involving food / chemical poisoning,  death at sea and accidents with Cruise liners forcing restructures and bankruptcies.

Secret TPP trade deal will force deadly pharma drugs on the whole world
Read more about Jon Rappoport

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, Water,drugs, poisoning…

200 hurt in water park blas
Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving suicide, the Middle East, gas,  water, the ocean, Islands,  religions, the pope, oil, gas, drugs, dams,, ships, subs, prisons, jail,  poisoning, epidemic…

Suicide Girls, Ouija Board, Supernatural, Exorcism and Faith Leaders Karma


“Because they are seeing, they see not; and hearing, they hear not; neither do they understand the voice of heaven.” – Matthew 13.13

Dear Readers;

With an endless pieces of intriguing news such as “4 people stabbed on Amtrak train” many people are wondering what’s going on in this crazy world. Indeed choosing one of the many articles generated last week for my VIP’s in the cosmic code website  and “cosmically” explaining the main reasons for such madness in your Sunday FREE sample newsletter is also a challenge.

Thus I decide to pick a subject that explain many topics at once. While I will concentrate mainly on the Ouija board, I will also delegate  with Pluto’s, mystical, supernatural nature and its relationship to the sexual behaviors and endeavors of all the  “Suicide girls.”

Suicide Girls 16 Suicide Girl Hd Wallpaper Background

All I will divulge today is;  those girls, were once upon a time practicing astrology, and knew all about the stars and God’s cosmic divinity.  Those wise spiritual ladies were feeding the world with the milky way wisdom. The location of any tattooed  artwork on the human body speaks tons to me, something the young souls can not decipher!

While I am using my brain to fed your supreme wisdom, any girls who uses dragons, stars, moon and the sun are legitimate white witches. Others tattooed curious ladies need to approach me to explain  more on their chosen symbolic tattoos!

“Neck Tattoos on Women Explained.”

 All Suicide Girls” used their cosmic and herbal wisdom (thus the term of white witches) or more precisely medicine women, to heal the sick, guide the lost souls using God’s Divinity appropriately but; ultimately they paid the heavy price at the hands of religious fanatics and the inquisition.

Something that happened to us and all my VIP’s… And, given a chance, even today in 2014, the hard core born Neptunians, would  not hesitate to burn us as witches because Witchcraft counts as heresy!

Sad enough many of those incarnated evil souls keep inflicting death to the women who escaped them in previous past lives.     CAUTION CAUTION not for children!   Live witch burning in South Africa.

As a rule many souls chose to reincarnate very close to their previous tormentors, some become the cursed parents forced to suffer guilt all their lives separated and not understanding their child behaviors. In fact the very parents and close friends were, once upon a time part of the inquisition and responsible for  their traumatic demise.

All suicide girls ended up beaten, burned alive, drowned, raped and sexually abused by the religious authorities, all in the name of a false God still honored and feared today by Christianity.

All they are doing today, is taking revenge the best way they know how, sensually and sexually by doing exactly what they were not doing then…  The physical and spiritual attraction they have for each other’s is well pass sexuality and commemorate the trauma they were forced to experience being burned alive, and what better way than to passionately love each others?

Every single parts of their bodies experienced extreme brutality, slashing, burning, shame and a pain only a white witch can feel. They are all committed to love each other as a “universal” remedy to heal their  body, their spiritual mind and loving soul.

They become the essence of love and respect for each others, by each others… Again in no way will the scientific community remotely comprehend the depth of the human soul, the reincarnation principle, the “subconscious” recollection of trauma brought back in this current life and karma itself!

In no way could traditional neuroscience explain the rebellious, sexual attitudes of those young girls, while puritanical Christians perceive them all as possessed by the devil. And while many still manipulate the power of witchcraft too…  Miley Cyrus is one of the true reborn witches Christians will never understand leading the revengeful dance.

Incidentally, Pluto rules the underworld and all affairs related to life and death, the essence of metaphysics, witchcraft  and sex.

Those souls are largely part of the anti social “Death Wish Generation” and all inherited a strong Pluto in Scorpio or a moon,  natal or hidden Dragon in Scorpio.  Astroforensics and Astropsychology are futuristic sciences the traditionally educated young souls can not yet decipher nor comprehend, but all Suicide Girls in the world can and will easily relate to my work and will share it with each others.

Since my “cosmic” work is not public anymore, all the nuts and bolts depicting the inherited witchy character of all suicide girls, and the power they were born with is available for anyone to uncover in Halloween Suicide Girls Born Witches.

Meantime my articles do not fit the pious or atheist young souls but only those who ask will receive my deep cosmic work. Thus if you are the confused friend or parent of a born white witch  or a “suicide girl” the answers to fully understand your child are offered to you when you join my Cyber Cosmic Code University.

Now on to explaining more about the ouija board. 

As always read the article then my rebuttals… I could not expect better answers than the ones produced by my wife and a few VIP’s!  I will add their thoughts at the bottom of this article which is offered as another sample of a cosmic code newsletter sample to the public. I will also make sure to keep my VIP’s identity private.

Note  Moon Power 2014 is now a FREE download!

And it’s a development that has some faith leaders warning of potentially disastrous repercussions.

Attributing the recent resurgent rise in popularity of the Ouija Board to the October release of a movie called “Ouija,” Google reported on its commerce blog that online searches for the board game are up 300 percent since the film reached the big screen.

DT Rebuttals;  As you know there are no accidents, only cosmic circumstances cursing and blessing humanity! Currently Saturn (structures) is in the sign of Scorpio, ruled by Pluto (Lord of the underworld/ death / metaphysics) stimulating Hollywood movies producers creativity stipulating the general public interests.

Note also, the current OCD generation or the “The Baby Buster Generation” is largely made of  scientists and atheists (the young souls) preceding by the much more spiritual oriented “Death Wish Generation” or much older souls incarnated between 1983 and 1995 with Pluto in Scorpio.

The “Death Wish Generation”  own a dignified (powerful) Pluto and regenerate with metaphysics, astrology, the Ouija Board and as Pablo wrote “Pendulum, Runes, a Medium, chicken bones, stones, livers, trees,  tea leaves, Tarot, etc.”

My name is Pluto “Hades the Lord of Hell”


Moon Power 2014 is now a FREE download!
2014 Dragon Forecast is now a FREE download!

Pluto in Gemini: “The hypnotized Generation” (More in The Power Of The Dragon)

Continued; An Irish priest who serves as an exorcist spoke on condition of anonymity recently, telling Ireland’s Independent that this development is anything but positive.

“It’s easy to open up evil spirits but it’s very hard to get rid of them,” he said. ”People, especially young people and teenagers who are likely to experiment with Ouija boards on a whim, can be very naive in thinking that they are only contacting the departed souls of loved-ones when they attempt to communicate with the dead using the boards.”

DT Rebuttals;  My VIP’s can can easily detect the religious matrix “teachings” and warnings to stay clear from supreme cosmic wisdom or this sin will lead the gullible pious souls straight to hell. But the irony is the obvious lies to maintain their position and power over the masses.  Of course one has to still suitably use the supreme cosmic wisdom or else expect karma three-fold.

But one of Pluto’s remittances is to EXPOSE the undiluted hidden truth so many God fearing souls can get a wake up and realize God’s cosmic Divinity speaking his will through the signs.

Continued: He warned that using the board could open the door to demonic and evil spirits that pretend they are deceased loved ones, infecting the lives of individuals who use the game.

Others are in agreement, including Church of England vicar, the Rev. Irwin-Clark, who told the Daily Mail that avoiding the Ouija Board and other similar paranormal items is paramount.

“It’s like opening a shutter in one’s soul and letting in the supernatural. There are spiritual realities out there and they can be very negative,” he said. “I would hugely recommend people not to have anything to do with the occult. People find they are having strange dreams, strange things happening to them, even poltergeist activity.

DT Rebuttals: The deceptive Neptunian matrix tenacious tentacles have a grip on ALL areas of  your life and the religious poisoning (condiment) start during the innocence and vulnerability of childhood. Its propaganda is as strong today as it was in the past, mostly because today’s technology and the Christian/Mormons etc. writers own and whore around with  the news media matrix-es *FOX/CNN/Google etc. There not a single corporation today not benefiting financially from the religious matrix.

When the Swiss Guards (world banks locale) are in charge of the Pope and the Vatican security, there is doubting the power, the control and the wealth stolen from all gullible God fearing souls on the planet!

I can assure you readers, religious fanatics (ISIS) and the 785 different religions, and growing “Andrew Keegan starts new religion”  have killed many more people than all Ouija Boards ever sold! In fact I never heard of a single Ouija Board killing anyone, did you? But there are still laws which apply to its use safely.

Continued: Another faith leader, the late Rev. Tom Willis, is quoted by the Daily Mail as saying in 2012 that he personally saw the board game cause a great deal of harm to those who used it.

“A lot more people are dabbling in the occult and having seances, and that is causing a lot of problems,” he said. “In the Sixties, the Ouija board caused so many problems — people ending up in mental hospitals because of what they have experienced.”

DT Rebuttals: How many people you know  ended up in hospitals or committed suicide because of the pharmaceutical corporations poisonous medications?  How many people you know ended up in hospitals or committed suicide because they used the Ouija board? I know a few close friends who suffered such ailments and none of them ever used the Ouija board but ALL were as religious as Mother Teresa.

Furthermore, a collection of the late-Mother Teresa’s letters has been published and that her writings reveal that in her life, she suffered through crises of faith, which are referred to as “dark nights of the soul.” Thus did Mother Teresa used her Ouija board? Of course not, see my point yet?

So, it is not a surprise when we hear that Mother Teresa struggled in her faith, at times wondering even at the existence of God in the face of what seemed like prolonged absence of God, because she was in the throes of spiritual warfare. She was  “fabricated” by the religious matrix and made a “Saint” because she represent the wise grandmother we all love!

It’s a fact that made the headlines. “Exorcism performed on Mother Teresa.” It sounds like something out of the movies — and has to have created shock to the religious community. How could a woman seen already to be a saint and a sure thing for canonization have been possessed by the devil?

Mother Teresa, was not cosmic conscious and her Neptunian UCI made her prone to “psychic attacks” and the antidepressants she ingested regularly to function for the Vatican did the rest!

She had no clue of the Super-conscious forces at work and what the exorcists did with Mother Teresa was to chase away a “demon” that was assaulting her  and this happens often with religious fanatics i.e. Phil Robertson) in their final days.

She was “attacked”  like I was self victimized so many times following long and painful depressive period of time in my life enduring a divorce, loss of a family member a job, a pets etc.

And this is a time when we are all prone to be attacked because we are inviting evil through self-destructiveness. We’re constantly hearing from people complaining about how the evil one has infiltrated their homes, caused division, or led to psychological problems and sickness.

Consciously or unconsciously do not permit fear, ignorance, imagination in your life and do feed evil! But religious books are not designed to do so, just the opposite! Check this video instead and use your educated will!

We’re hearing devastating deadly news, experiencing nastiness at places that are supposed to be holy, harshness among those who are supposed to be on the same side, tremendous jealousies, competitions, and an absolute explosion of spiritual pride. Suddenly, everyone, scientists and atheists alike become important and believe they do not need a false God.  And who’s to blame them when their perception of a religiously fabricated God is wrong?

Suddenly, everyone is a big deal and enter the rat race, and that’s an invitation to degenerate the self centered spirit  and attract “demons” because where there is cosmic ignorance and pride, Satan rush to own your spirit as a legal territorial right.

The sub-human or the young souls are psychically ill equipped, gullible, misinformed and unwilling to perform mentally to recognize then accept God cosmic divinity. Some are even reluctant to learn about the superconscious creative forces responsible for all evil psychical manifestations.  Asking religious people or atheists to exit their safe comfort zones is somehow  impossible!

Many are jailed into their own deep Neptunian UCI where the soul has lost all critical thinking and sank deep into madness. Dementia, schizophrenia and all mental diseases can only prosper with fears, ignorance and an uncontrolled imagination.

This is what happened to Mother Teresa and the millions of sick religious people living in a rose colored glass world or for some, in a world they can only perceive as hell… Just because it is HELL!

When I read the endless chain of articles generated by Satan’s unconscious children on BIN such as “Dead Prophet Returns To Warn USA-and His Message Is Not Only Cryptic, But Spot On! Mystery Babylon, Earthquakes, and Destruction of Epic Proportions! When the Living Can’t Wake Us, the Dead In Christ Must Rise! (Chilling Videos)”  I can not help to witness the unstoppable mental deterioration sucking the life away of all those lost souls!

The super-conscious creative forces are perpetually misused because those people do not know that; The future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought!” 

For some karmic purposes, I am not allowed to bring forth the critical spiritual remedy to your children because the religious and scientific matrixes or “Satan, the honored, feared fabricated false God” and its associated fears,  rule and own this world…

NYPD Cop Believes Demon-Possession Is On The Rise – End of the World Silly Predictions

Religious and atheists souls are engaged in a war of ignorance that will destroy them both!

Continued; Of course, many believe that the board is simply a harmless game with no supernatural connection at all, dismissing the previous sentiments as silly or unfounded. That said, warnings abound.

Renewed interest in the game follows the release of “Ouija,” a film with an official description that reads: “A group of friends must confront their most terrifying fears when they awaken the dark powers of an ancient spirit board.”

Read more about the Ouija Board’s complicated history here.

DT Rebuttals: I am not sure who has more imagination, the Irish priest,  Rev. Irwin-Clark all current  faith leaders, the God fearing mass or Hollywood movie writers? All I can tell you is; my entire life and career has been about practicing and teaching metaphysics, white witchcraft, astrology, tarology, chiromancy and use all natural forces to help, guide and heal myself and countless clients and students worldwide

Those who benefited from my work are endorsing my purposes and will continue doing so until God call me back home.  My natural instinct is based upon my highly advanced spiritual UCI, a formidable perceptive, predictive gift given at birth by God himself and stimulated by four incredible UFO experiences!

UFO”s Are Very Real  –  And So Is The Legacy! – What Did They Do To Me?

All along my journey to uncover and find God true cosmic identity lead me to deal with so many people, some very influential in position who have helped me to build a national stage and reach your children.  Others maybe less glamorous but as important in my heart… All dedicated to support my mission to battle the evil of fear and ignorance!

Prophecy & the Cosmic Code with Dr. Louis Turi
Introducing the world to God New Cosmic Consciousness

My good friend Gary  Busey giving me top of the world endorsement…

Dr. Turi on William Shatner’s TV Show
Discovery Channel – Dr. Turi’s Predictions

I have been handling the Ouija Board since childhood and contrary to what the cosmic unconscious God fearing fools are saying or promising trough their deceptive Neptunian faith, it is safe!

I am not insane, I suffer no depressions, I am extraordinary perceptive, at peace and clear in thoughts when using Astrology, the tarot cards or the Ouija Board for divine clairvoyant purposes.

This tool is as safe as can be, but not to those who know nothing of its miraculous property. In reality, the very ignorance of all metaphysical rules and the cosmic code jurisdictions make Ouija boards practitioners at risk of  “psychic invasions.”

Knowledge is power, ignorance is evil, this apply for it all and all is that, including handling Ouija boards. Would you dare to fly an airplane when you know nothing of the rules? An airplane fly above into Uranus “The Lord of the Skies, astrology, technology, aeronautics, the future, geniuses etc.

Pluto rules the underworld, death, deep metaphysics, secrets, life and death and unless you know the rules, this world is forbidden. In their ignorance and fears, all religious people are forbidden to reach all the blessings of all Gods of antiquity.

It still amazes me that all “God’s experts” who are pretend to be the connection to the divine, know nothing of  God celestial creation and Pluto, Uranus, Saturn, Neptune etc. mystical powers.

I am glad this rare wisdom is still unreachable and available only to the adepts.  Imagine for a second if everyone was able to practice black or white magic at will without learning the risks of the trade?

Victimus Dritus Satanus Dr. Turi’ spell on his unconscious enemies

 But the LIGHT of supreme wisdom  does not shine for those who are running away or afraid to ask for it…  But somehow and to a certain degree, God is allowing all his children to “subconsciously” use white or black magic through KARMA!

Pluto’s depths and its deadly underworld is not for everyone to tread on, but anyone can learn to “see” in the dark and avoid the demons. Under very deep religious circumstances, or the effects of  hallucinogens, unwise or religiously poisoned souls  .i.e. Mother Teresa, will get a glance of parallels worlds  and where poltergeist activity can be stimulated.

Lost souls did and will suffer the horrific results of the creative or destructive afflicted  mind.  This is also where healing miracles, powerful omens are offered and good angelic apparitions will transpire because there is no light without darkness or a God without a devil. This is the opposite physical and spiritual worlds, atheists and scientists alike are forbidden to experience…

A Powerful Message To The World

Asking any young souls to heed omens is like asking a Fish to breeze air, they simply can not enter the archetypal realms of supreme cosmic consciousness… 

In all areas of the human experiences, elites from all walks of life, i.e. Einstein, Mozart, including, you and I were born with incredible gifts that will, depending on the circumstances, bloom or not!  God’s will speak through the inherited natal UCI/stars leading the soul to investigate, study and dedicate themselves to a profession, while others will fear and reject certain occupations.

Thinks as your natal karmic stars as a tree in need of sunlight, water and a rich ground to mature into a majestic size.  Some seeds landed close to the water, in a warm rich geographical location, some never got the wind, the water is frozen most of the year  the sunlight is too weak to bloom and they never will…

These are the religious people starving or decaying spirit who can not wait to die because a pitiful life on earth is the hell they created for themselves… Indeed there is not hell to go to, its right there in your own paralyzing fears and your own spiritual darkness…

Elijah Jefferson Bond (January 23, 1847 – April 14, 1921) was an American lawyer and the inventor of Ouija boards. Using Astroforensics, I will guide  my VIP’s to understand who and why Elijah Jefferson Bond was ordered by God cosmic divinity to create the Ouija board! But this cosmic wisdom can only be appreciated by those who vibrate at Dr. Turi high cosmic velocity.

I am sure,  maybe if I had a national stage, millions of curious souls would follow my wise VIP’ steps and Join my Cyber Cosmic Code University, but there would still be millions who wouldn’t.

We certainly don’t want  to be owned by any matrixes feeding evil. But it is in full confidence that I assure all my readers that; God has a plan for everyone of us…And it is only when the student is ready that the real teacher will appear!

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi

Sharing Emails:

Reply by Tina; All these religious people are afraid of losing more “church members” and $$$$.

My Grandma used the board with only those believe there is a God.
Those who are afraid of the “dark side” (stars, planets, etc), atheists & evil people’s will only bring evil.

 Reply by Pablo; 

To me, a Ouija board (relatively modern concept) is no different than any other divination tool (such as: Pendulum, Runes, a Medium, chicken bones, stones, livers, trees,  tea leaves, Tarot, etc), used in facilitating communication from “other dimensions”, thou I use that phrase in broad, loose terms.  Some folks have “spiritual gifts” if you will in those areas, others don’t or haven’t yet recognized them in themselves.

The above mentioned items are physical items and have no power other that what we give them or believe someone else gives them yet they can grow to have it’s own “consciousness” in manner of speaking.

Other than it’s natural energy, it has the energy others put into it or one expects it to have, or has “faith” in it to accomplish a purpose. An exception would be if it was a “tool or technology” given to man from ET, then it would depend upon which ET group and what their agenda was pertaining to earth man’s best  or not best interest.  That’s a tough one for man to interpret in our current state, IMO.

Our intuition is also a tool of divination and creation, thou some choose NOT to allow themselves permission to use it as such while trusting or not trusting other methods.

It seems as humans, each one of us is living in our particular/unique national inculcated; political, social, religious, culturalized bias’s and that affects the effect of how each person interprets their experiences.   Thus, each one proclaims their way it the “right way”.   Well it may be for them, as long as that is recognized.  Ya know, many roads lead to Rome, just gotta find one that works for you.

Agendas abound in all systems, though a person may or may not agree or conform to the expected agenda, by choice.  However, controlling agendas are powerful in swaying the minds of the masses in general, even to the point of establishing what you might call “consensus of” or “agreement of” opinion which become the “root assumptions” of their existence, their paradigm.  The validity of the point is irrelevant because of the prejudice involved in the original agenda.

The Powers that Be  (religious/political) want control over how we think and what we know, thus disinformation (mind poison) is belched out for maintaining overall control and ignorance of knowing our greater selves, as many of you here already know.

When I see the ying-yang I think of duality, all encompassed in one whole circle.   It’ all good (though I don’t feel the word good is the proper word to express the concept as it implies a counter part of bad but that’s all I can come up with at this moment – it needs something more neutral yet expansive, IMO)

So why the big push for Ouija boards?  Good question – an obvious agenda.   Perhaps folks are tired of the standard BS and want a different experience.  On the other hand it’s big business seeing a way to make a fortune, though it may become their Achilles heel.

Well, that’s my 2-bits 4 tonight (while reserving the right to change my mind when receiving further light and knowledge.)

Respectfully; Pablo

Reply by John; Dr T., would love to hear your perspective on this reemerging cult phenomenon. History repeating itself? What omen does this spell for society?  thank you!!

Reply by Britt; My opinion – Ouija boards is good for ghost hunters / paranormal investigators who report paranormal phenomena especially if the moon is waning or if you are under any of your personal native Dragon dates. Stay clear from “Ouija boards” haunted houses; bad entities could succeed stealing your mind, body and spirit that lead to risk of psychological harm.  Elijah Jefferson Bond (January 23, 1847 – April 14, 1921) was an American lawyer and inventor of Ouija boards.

Reply by Mrs. Turi: It’s shouldn’t be difficult to understand that Hollywood is regulated by the satanic Luciferian cult known as The Illuminati…Yes, we all illuminate because we are all born into this hell – matrix (E- stands for the sum of the infinite series) But it’s the misuse of the divine order (I – commonly used to designate electric current in these regimens) A”FALSEHOOD” title given ending in letter *I used for the wrong application of the Draconian energy which comes from the farthest constellation of Draco – Latin for dragon”- when combining the math and symbols for the total set – preparation.

So it is not really a shock that around Samhein (Halloween) the real witches New Year, there was a movie coming out about calling all demons into place. The brainwashed masses will only watch it as innocent fun but  they are really just being deceived into taking part in further evil activity when they are unaware of the supra conscious forces in time and space as well as how to use all with good intentions.

Nothing is wrong with some innocent fun and/or watching movies and I would rather see a Ouija board in a movie than blood guts and gore. But the majority of people are careless to the signs and spiritual laws before participating in something and then can ultimately pay the price just because of their weak psyche.

Then again, there is common sense and good ethics which should come first…Staying away from trouble and keeping your faith in something is a vital element towards achieving a goal because the angels do exist if you believe, and the force will help guide you out of the dark and into the light if you feel like you need help, regardless of any semi-obscure deity / mathematics or anything like so.

But what it all boils down to is that the system doesn’t care, and most the time nor does the individual. What makes money will sell…That would be sex/drugs/rock and roll mostly.

It’s like an overweight person continuing to shove Twinkies down their throat…The allowing and making of bad snack junk food. The ones eating it all are only living in delusion. Kind of like the round fat  Buddha and those who worship him – yet many live in poverty and of course he’s happy because he’s the only one getting it all. Gee, how smart?

It really is about whoring around within the matrix and many dignitaries are already pompous and very rude as it is. I am not mentioning any names…lol But this is all kind of like the matriarch goddess of whore-dom because of  the idea for promoting sexual freedom. For instance why do you think the ‘Statue of Liberty’ is said to be the biggest queen of heaven? And it’s real representation within the colossal trade we have going on  about one’s so called job…Doesn’t mean you have to sleep around with every Tom, Dick and Harry. One day you will just have to run into your own match…Remember that of Jezebel’s shocking downfall.

One good girl’s value is equal to that of a ton of ole broads anyway, if you know what I mean.

Besides, many can’t handle the truth so they follow what the rest follow anyways. Which most the time is just an idiosyncrasy in itself anyways because maybe the subject is not easily understood. Like that of which is foreign aka ‘ALIEN’.

Why do you think they only show themselves to certain people?

On that note, I too am glad this exceptional insight is still inaccessible and ready for the use only to those very wise. Think for a minute that  if just any body was able to practice black or white magic; at will, without educating  the chances taken  within the work/ Think of  what could be the end result?

Many deserve what they get in the end because,  I am really not sorry – but when you act without thinking, what do you expect? Guess there are too many easy – simple minded people around who let their imagination become the leader and let it’s adverse effects mentally guide the naive soul towards looking for answers through a more a more pious lifestyle or simply taking the hand of the first spiritual adviser that comes along or goes through the many gurus out there, like a box of cookies. Just because you may know your past doesn’t make you genuine.

How easy can you be?

This is why a lot of the time, emotions over rule logic but it really isn’t worth it for a minute…Then again, in some cases, an eye for an eye. It all depends, like in a case of  self defense.

At the same time, there are those already skilled and still manipulating it. This is perhaps why, they say the real witches keep quiet because people will always have something to talk about and if you get it, they say that the devil was once an angel in heaven too you know?

While everyone has their free will and karma to pay as that is the way the infinite spirit pre-planned it to be. This school is hell…Change is unavoidable while progress is optional.

I say while too many are arguing about photons, miracles and Ouija boards, I’d much rather be on the beach under a couple coconut trees, not even waiting for an answer because sometimes when one forgets and let’s God, the most incredible experiences take place.


*Mrs. T*


Listen to Dr. Turi show on Aliens – UFO’s and Beyond with Host Christina George Show aired  November 12, 2014 

November 12th, 2014 from 6-8 PM PST…DT will be discussing the Neptunius Draconis Energy Predictions for 2015 along with that of discussing further on that is cosmic and magic including Aliens / UFO’s and Beyond

December 21st 2014, Dr. Turi will join host Janet Kira Lessin on Aquarian radio to discuss ISIS latest developments in relation to the current Arian Draconian energy and predictions for the world imposed by the upcoming  2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Draconis Universal Predictions

Teach me all about my cosmic relationship with God marvelous Univer…

The Magical Power of Talismans! 



“Show me a curious person or an avid reader and I will point out a winner!” Dr. Turi

 Now only $5 – Click image above to purchase the 2014 Moon Power Starguide – Now Available for Download!!  

This book will become a collective item for the children of the future…

$15:00  – Click image above to purchase the 2015 Dragon Forecast 

Show your support join my Cyber Cosmic University



“Look up at the stars above, try to make sense of what God’s Cosmic Divinity is all about, and wonder about what makes the soul of the universe exist. Be curious because you were born at a given moment, in a given place and, like vintage years of wine, you have the qualities of the year and of the season of which you were born.  Divine Astrology does not lay claim to anything more.”  

Dear Readers;

Once a year  come the top super deal many have been waiting for… This is where the Turi’s  special “Thanksgiving” comes in to play as  the SKYPE VIP consultation becomes available for only $150 until January 1st 2015.  The Astropsychology home course and the software are also part of these super deals but you will need to read further to understand.

Note also the proposed deal prices for 2015 found in “There is always light at the end of the tunnel” have been changed because I am too close to my retirement and can not over work myself. Thus THIS IS IT! The only chance you have to get a $700 VIP consultation for only $150 is good until January 1st 2015.

Once I retire for good,  my price for a live VIP consultation will jump to $1000 and $500 for a Full Life reading so make the most while you can. 

This type of offering happens only in December  and usually keeps us very busy for the entire month! Thus you are strongly advised to call Terania at 602-265-7667 to schedule our meeting on Skype or on the phone as soon as you know what deal fit your choice.

All throughout the year,  hundreds of people can not afford my expensive services and more than ever, these are the ones who need my guidance the most. As I do every year,  I am offering a FREE download of  Moon Power 2014  and  2014 Dragon Forecast to the public at large.

Give and you shall receive is something very real allowing karma to dissipate and giving with the heart always attracts good fortunes. Indeed many of you will benefit from all I have to divulge by exploring  the future and enjoy the teachings involving  your personal cosmic identity.

There is no time limit involving those unique end of the year super deals, but I can only perform two consultations a day. My work is intense and very deep, thus are strongly advised to secure your appointment right away and prepare to record the conversation, for two important reasons.

First, because I will expose your future all the way to 2018 and explain in great details all the specifics applying to your personal chart… A Skype session is highly recommended because  by seeing you I can profoundly channel your spirit and use the visuals needed for you to best understand your reading.

This is particularly important when practicing the Astro-Tarot  as you MUST see the card as I show and explain the specific houses responding to the 12 areas of the human experience.

My Astropsychology course (regularly $1050)  is also part of this end of the year super deals,  and the price for the 16 CD’s,  paperwork and ebooks are slashed to only $500. The Astropsychology software price (usually $800) is also slashed to half price to $400

In all you are getting the full home tuition and the software (regularly $1850) for half price only and saving $900. This for ever end of the year personal present from us is a very valuable life investment that will make the year 2015 an enlightenment in itself.

Remember my tuition does not involve complex mathematics nor  difficult teachings demanding super concentration. In fact, all you have to do is to listen and by the time you cover the 16 CD’s you will automatically build cosmic consciousness and a strong natural reflex to read anyone rapidly. All you have to do is to relax and listen to me at your leisure then take your 150 questionnaire exam when ready.

While the majority of my students acknowledge the cosmic code rules in a week long live course and graduate, you have all the time you need to listen to the course as many times as needed. The fact that we are all saving time, traveling and lodging expenses, makes it possible for me to offer you with such a great deal.

Furthermore, only ONCE YOU HAVE HEARD THE FULL COURSE, at least once,  if you need further guidance from home, I can tutor you personally LIVE on Skype for an small additional fee of course. If you are already a student in need of further tuition, this deal is also for you…

Prior to the meeting, your understanding of the basics and familiarizing yourself with the signs, the housing system, the natal and hidden dragons, the universal laws of the moon, and your own astro self etc. will make it VERY easy for me to lead you to full cosmic consciousness.

I reckon a  5 days SKYPE session of 90 minutes each; is all you need to refine your new acquired cosmic wisdom and get your Astropsychology / Astroforensics certification.

 Note I can only have a student at a time and can not start another session before yours is completed!

While the 16 CD’s involve also the teachings of Astro-Tarot, astrocartography, natural healings, supra-consciousness etc. you may decide to – if you aren’t already,  become a at home working psychic, and would rather master only the Astro-Tarot cards reading, I can also offer you this option via SKYPE.

I will teach you every steps of the way using all the tools needed to become a great, very precise Tarot reader that would make the CA psychics shame.  Like me you will get tons of great endorsements and start your own independent spiritual journey serving others accurately and professionally.

What Does The World Say About Dr. Turi?

There is NO need to take the Astropsychology course just to learn the Astro -Tarot the way Nostradamus practiced it 500 years ago. All tools are right here, in my office and as always, when we proceed, make sure to record our session.

 The Skype Astro-Tarot live tuition will take a maximum of 4 hours spread in two days meetings for you to master. You will need to purchase your own tarot cards (Ask for the Swiss Tarot) or any that uses the same pictures/symbols as the one we will discuss before the tuition. The very last challenge will be for you to do an Astro-Tarot allowing me to judge your progress, intuition, speed and accuracy.

Once you decide what work best for you, the home course, or the Astro-Tarot, call us at 602-265-7667 to discuss your choices, the prices and set up the SKYPE session. All materials you will need will be emailed to you before the session start for you to revise.

Many people are in need of constant coaching when studying metaphysics, this is due to their rational UCI bringing attention to details! This end of the year super deals should suit those rational souls appropriately.  Meantime if you already own a very spiritual intuitive UCI,  you will have no problem taking the home course alone and graduate very easily.

An angel heard you and lead you to the light…

Note, those deals will be over by 01/10/2015 so make the most and save your spot while you can. I am expecting to become extraordinary busy with so much to gain for so little money invested, and only my VIP’s can benefit from those deals. If you are part of the public and interested, you must JOIN my Cyber Cosmic Code University FIRST! 

After your graduation, all the future forecasts and educational articles I will generate in 2015 will taste and feel very different as you keep uncovering, translating and mastering more of the cosmic code mysterious hieroglyphs.

Start the new year with the drive to build cosmic consciousness and a new independent life too! If its your calling to help others, this is your chance to learn it all from the best!

There is always light at the end of the tunnel


Dr. Turi




911 calls, video detail boy’s shooting was predicted for 11/27/2014 on radio and preventable


God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty He gave them to us for interpretations so you may lead a safer more productive life! “Three things cannot be long hidden; the Sun, the Moon and the truth!” – Buddha 

Boy shot seconds after cops arrive


Dear Readers;

This is your promised Sunday Cosmic Code newsletter sample, there is much for you to gain when you become a VIP and join us!

‘Racism without racists’  WHO CAN STILL DENY MY OBVIOUS  2014 ARIAN DRACONIS PREDICTIONS?  Share please 

On November 27, 2014 CNN’s George Howell detailed the events that led to the fatal shooting of a 12-year-old boy by Cleveland Police. I am sorry I was not allowed by  the system to reach the latest victim of the police, his parents and the world at large with my crucial warnings. Those warnings were offered on radio show with Christina George, and posted on all social media  but who’s really paying attention? 

Thanks to the police and their lack of investigative power and thanks to the US Department of Education for stopping our work reaching all the children of the world. Humanity is on a collision course with the cosmos himself, something no one wants to hear but fast approaching,  if the hard core scientific and religious monopolizing educational matrixes refuse to acknowledge and heed God’s cosmic divinity.  

All I can do is to keep warning my VIP’s  on the Cosmic Code website and control my frustration each time one my “visions” turn into another avoidable tragic fatality… This 12 year old did not have to die but he did maybe because the police and society  large believe my work is only a wasteful pseudo science or the work of evil black magic.

Do not think for a second this could not happen to YOUR child because this is exactly what the parents of this kid thought before being killed like an animal because the cops’ incomplete training. And do not tell me their instruction is efficacy and outright, for if it was, countless young people would be still alive today!

While manifestations and burning it all never worked, its just a matter of time before another unlucky soul fall victim of the police!  I can only propose something I know will work but will never be accepted as a solid remedy to, once and for all, fix a seriously messed up world!

But why wasting my time even mentioning the police embarrassment if it is a dead end? Because I refuse to believe all my readers are sub-human animals born stubborn, incurious morons! Is this a good excuse for me to carry on  feeding you for free every Sunday? It is and my cosmic work is just for you, hopefully a different, smart above average human being!

Realize that; cops are risking their lives everyday and they will take no chances with anyone pointing a real or fake gun at anyone! They have families they must support, see, enjoy and love after their shift.

Cops are human too and like anyone else, in the battle between emotions (fears)  and logic (control), emotions or fears will always win and you will always lose!  There is NO amount of traditional police training that will change this human factor!

But if the cops were trained “cosmically” and anticipate such behaviors with the public, it might make a world of difference. There is no doubt in my mind this accident or “act of God” is the direct result of one of the participants 2014 Cosmic Biorhythms. Indeed there is such a thing as at the right time at the right place, or being at the wrong time at the wrong place, but rare is the one reader wanting to learn more about this undeniable phenomenon.

The blame can only be directed at the 911 operator who supposedly did not mention it was a toy gun. I can guarantee my readers that;  had the cops knew about the possibility of dealing with a toy gun, nothing would have changed because of their reckless training.  As much as the kid was responding neurotically and subconsciously  to the “weird” stars above, so were the cops! But they will not be taught this fact at the police Academy!

Its all in a “code” both the public and the police are oblivious of, and such a subtle effect on the brain is more than obvious to any of my Astroforensic students. Since 1991 and with the billions of dollars wasted in endless legal pursuits against the police, maybe I could have build enough Astroforensics / Astropsychology schools to reach everyone and build enough psychical consciousness to make a very significant difference. Then of course there are over 875 different religions to break through in the world and our work is online and for those who want to pursue it.

Not that I did try to reach the police matrix since 1991 asking them to consider reading “Police Requiem” and join my cosmic code website for FREE! But my very best to educate them and save lives has never been enough for the police and an apathetic society…

Quotation from Matthew 7:6 in Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount: “Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, or they will trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.”

This is why, on November 17, 2014, I posted my very last Public SOS To The World Window and my last public article. Here is a sample for you to investigate because the police are largely made of inefficient, uncurious “detectives” and the public servants we pay to supposedly serve and protect  us WILL kill more innocent people in the long run. They must really like it that way, because after all this is hell.

From  last cosmic code newsletter sample.

This last article is designed to reach and teach the sensible reader how to read and interpret my quatrains using obvious keywords producing the news on CNN.

Not only did I warn the public of what type of news CNN is posting today in my latest radio show with Christina George, but this cosmic energy for November 2014 was published last year in my 2014 Moon Power book and posted for my VIP’s in the cosmic code website in November 2014 SOS To The World Windows!

I also mentioned to expect quakes above 6.0 on those dates and if you take the time read  the results of the dates of  November 20/21/22  and  26/27/28 I gave on the air on November 12 and published  on my very last Public SOS To The World Window and my last public cosmic code newsletter sample, who can deny such obvious facts? Police: Man shoots woman, then himself at Nordstrom store in Chicago

Another victim’s fiancée speaks on Michael Brown case

CNN’s Brooke Baldwin talks to Nicole Paultre whose fiancé, Sean Bell, was shot and killed by The New York Police in 2006. Paultre says it’s time for the federal government to step in and help resolve the issues.

‘All I know is the police were involved’

But how can  a greedy, supposed cosmic unconscious Federal government step in to resolve  the issue when all political leaders and the God fearing police elites and racists alike are unwilling or unable to enter the archetypal realm of supra cosmic consciousness? Regardless of my endless “harassment’s” to reach the police, FBI, CIA, DIA, DSS, USMS, CID, USSS and the NSA on their personal websites, it never brought any new results! I will do so again today for the last time then retire for good because they are unreachable…

Indeed you very hard earned past, present and future tax dollar will be going straight to waste trying to punish or change the police.

Since 1991, or 21 years of wasteful efforts, its time for me to give up and sit back to watch more of your children turning killers or being assassinated by the police and the mass of moronic “educated” experts making up today’ scientific society!

The 2014 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine GPS? NONSENSE!

How can the police, the  FBI, CIA, DIA, DSS, USMS, CID, USSS and the NSA protect and serve us properly when they are the first ones to BREAK a set of cosmic laws they know nothing about and worse, ridicule?

Feed the earthy matrix or free your spirit with Dr. Turi

But, will my last sample warning enough to stimulate your own curiosity to join my Cyber Cosmic Code University so you can heed God cosmic divinity?


While I am totally dedicated to help the world, genius itself has it limit….


From November  2014 SOS To The World Windows

November 5th, 2014

Dear VIP’s;

This section is dedicated to point out the utmost destructive cosmic energy for each month of the year 2014. The quatrains and keywords I use will color the news ahead and depending on your own Personal Cosmic Biorhythms those days could be extremely significant even deadly for some, if the moon is waning (negative) or waxing (positive.)

Unless you ordered this service, those “SOS To The World” windows should be interpreted as Universal only.  I usually offer my VIP’s with the seriousness and proof of those windows by inserting my quatrains and keywords depicting the news as they unfold.

Please be always very alert during those Universal Cosmic Biorhythms.  You may refer to April 2014 SOS to the World  results!

“The future has and will always be my utmost faithful witness…God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretations so you may lead a safer more productive life.’


November 10/11/12

Nature Men To Strike Hard
New Horizons Following Tragedy
Much to Fall Nothing Made To Last
Tears Pain Death A new Life For Many

Beginning / Ending of War / Beginning / Ending of Important Portion of Life / Forced Relocation / Forced Actions/ Destructive Actions/ Weather / A new Planned and / or Unplanned Life For Many.

November 5/6/7/ 20/21/22

Hidden secrets sex, money come to light
Raw power challenges police deadly villains
Ugly face of death drama horror surface
Nature man’s religion bloody folly reign

Russia / Famous Death / Dramatic News / Police / FBI / CIA / Secrets / Scandals / Terrorism / Abduction / Finances / Super wealth / Sex / Serial Killers / wake up Call.

Please read Plutonic Deadly Window – THE DO’s AND DON’Ts.


November 16/26/27/28

Entrails Upset Spit Above
Red Fire Wind  Water To Dance
Stars Command Shock Science
Calm Deception To Strike


Cosmos News / Nukes / Weird news / Freak / Space / Surprises / Explosions / Shocking / Stunning / Incredible / lightning / Unusual / Humanitarianism /  Unrest / Discovery / Science / Earthquakes (always above 6.0) / Volcanoes / Tornadoes / NASA / Aeronautics / Technology / Television / UFO.

November 26/2014 

  Legend of science will sell his Nobel Prize – Science

 Protests in more than 170 U.S. cities – Crowd tries to block highway  Humanitarianism /  Unrest

3- to 6-hour backups at some airports – Aeronautics

Make $100K as a drone pilot – See laser shoot drone from sky  – Technology

Man shows off double-arm transplant  –  Black Friday deals aren’t really deals  – Shocking

‘CSI’ surprise: George Eads to exit – Surprise

Putin’s tiger attacks goat herd – Unusual

November 27/28/2014

Region: MOLUCCA SEA Magnitude:  6.8 – Earthquakes  – Quake above 6.0

Boy shot seconds after cops arrive – Shocking

Man shoots woman, self at Nordstrom – Shocking

NASA stages ‘Black Hole Friday’ – NASA

Egypt’s ex-leader cleared in deaths of hundreds – Stunning reversal – Stunning

Man in werewolf mask barges in, shoots – Weird news

Watch laser shoot drone from the sky – Technology

Your green commute is finally here – Technology

Gravity-defying surfing is here – Technology

Shoppers brawl over Black Friday deals – Shocking

First video of elusive Black Seadevil – Weird

Family finds rare fossil while fishing  – Unusual

4 killed in knife, bomb attack in China – Shocking

Burger King worker’s shocking find – Shocking

‘Crazy’ bikers swarm police, post video – Shocking

Video of boys trapped in snow pile – Shocking

Anti-rape video blames victims? – Shocking

Homeless boy’s flute taken by police – Shocking

 Taiwan’s premier resigns – Shocking – Shocking

Chris Christie vetoes pig crate ban – Shocking

Patients who wake up during surgery – Shocking

The future of driving looks like this – Technology

Blood Moon Results  

2014 Universal Arian Draconis memo

Note those current deals will end 01/01/2015 

The 2015 elusive Neptunius Draconis is extremely deceptive and will curse many people born with a strong or weak Neptune in their chart. Thus if you are a Virgo, a Pisces, have the moon, a rising a natal or hidden dragon in those signs and begin to feel low in energy, depressed, suicidal and nothing seems to work in your life, you are strongly advised to let me help you regenerate your spirit with one of the presented affordable consultation. 

 2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Draconis Universal Predictions

The world is ill prepared to deal with this poisonous dragon and I want to make sure, once you become a VIP, you can reach and afford my services throughout the entire year. Thus the saving deals and payment affordability options will last until Neptune release the world or all the way to 2016. I am 65 years old and this option may change if I get too busy or decide to retire completely and stop working. 


You may get more details on each one of my consultations below the current price deals.

1 – $700 (no limit on Skype with Dr. Turi)

2 – $350 (90 mn on Skype or on the phone with Dr. Turi)

3 – $250 (60 mn on Skype or on the phone with Dr. Turi )

4 – $150 (45 mn on Skype or on the phone with Dr. Turi)

5 – $100 (30 mn on Skype or on the phone with Dr. Turi)

6 – $50 (15 mn Emergency Astro-Tarot only with basic astrological information with Dr. Turi)

7 – $100 (no limit telephone / reading conversation with Terania)  – She is fully cosmic conscious and as knowledgeable as her husband, but she is very much more patient and intuitive with the tarot. You will be pleasantly surprise of her inner wisdom, her soothing voice and deep caring nature. )

Note our cart is not set to offer discount or deals on all the above readings, so please call Terania at 602-265-7667 with your credit card and to set up a day and time for our live Skype meeting (Drturi70) or on the telephone. You may decide to use pay pal but you still will have to call Terania with your DOB and for  your appointment.

Do not hesitate to call Dr. Turi at 602-265-7667 for a free 5 mn mini reading to check  his amazing perceptive gift!

Please learn more and select from the different consultations that Dr. Turi offers:

 UPDATED LLC  CERTIFICATE  (Very safe website)

While precise cosmically customized health talismans work miracles to protect and build the 6th house of health, they also negate the 8th house of death and reinforce the subconscious.

The Magical Power of Talismans!
Talismans, do they really work?

 Nostradamus, along with talisman used also all sorts of potions made with plants, herbs and flowers he collected in “La Provence” naturally produced by the wild South of France mountains. Read more health tips from  2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Draconis Universal Predictions

To reward you for joining my “Star Family” on the Cosmic Code website and if you happen to be lucky enough to be in the BIRTHDAY TODAY section you may request your 90 mn Taped Full Life Reading or live Skype session for a discount –  Call Terania at 602-265-7667 or email her at – This deal is going throughout the entire year for your special day!

Religion is excellent stuff for keeping common people quiet. Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich.”  ― Napoleon

Listen to Dr. Turi last radio show with Christina George 11/12/2014 – Wait 30 seconds for the show to start hear the dated predictions.

December 21st 2014, Dr. Turi will join host Janet Kira Lessin on Aquarian radio to discuss ISIS latest developments in relation to the current Arian Draconian energy and predictions for the world imposed by the upcoming  2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Draconis Universal Predictions

Teach me all about my cosmic relationship with God marvelous Univer…

The Magical Power of Talismans! 



“Show me a curious person or an avid reader and I will point out a winner!” Dr. Turi

 Now only $5 – Click image above to purchase the 2014 Moon Power Starguide – Now Available for Download!!  

This book will become a collective item for the children of the future…

 $15:00  – Click image above to purchase the 2015 Dragon Forecast 

 Now Available for Download!!

 Show your support join my Cyber Cosmic University


L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

 listen to my latest radio show, check the next one

 Dr. Turi Cosmic Code reality show 

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

 A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law …

  Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 602-265-7667



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