Year: 2014

Elliot Roger Versus Adam Lanza – Future Astroforensics At Work Today!


If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

Dalai Lama Dr. Turi

I own the same cosmic identity as Adam Lanza         I own the same cosmic identity as Elliot Roger

Is this why we shared  a similar fate, killing innocent people and ourselves in the process?

Elliot Roger was born July 24th, 1991, Adam Lanza April 22, 1992. To the norm this can only point out their birthdays, but this is just the tip of a gigantic iceberg because there is so much more involving Astroforensics or the science of Astropsychology.

Judging by the endless flow of public endorsements, those who experienced my methodology first hand can only swear of its crucial therapeutic values.

The only problem with any novelty is that; NO ONE in the US Department of Education ever heard nor studied this new form of cosmic “oddity” and this crowd will immediately raise its ugly head and dismiss my lifetime non conformist, ingenious, original work as yet, another worthless pseudo-science.

The challenge never stop when new ideas must find their appropriate place and replace absolute accepted disciplines… The question remain, knowing that I am psychically 50 years ahead of time, can today infantile scientific community remotely perceive  the phenomenal potential of the Astroforensics of the future? But how can I approach them without dealing with their educated egos and make them realize they do not have all the answers?

Forensic science is the scientific method of gathering and examining information about the past. This is especially important in law enforcement where forensics is done in relation to criminal or civil law, but forensics are also carried out in other fields, such as astronomy, archaeology, biology and geology to investigate ancient times.” 

Knowing astrology is the mother of all science and astronomy is a by-product of a much ancient science, Astroforensics is the use of astrology giving birth to a modified software used in Astropsychology.  But being innovative with science has its risks!

This is where I must use caution because this formally educated crowd is cursed with the over-sized spiritual pride of a mastodon.  To them, only those who are well read and spent a minimum of seven years gathering higher education in an accredited college or university are worth listening or investigating.

Well guess what scientists and skeptics alike, I spent my entire life decoding the Universal Cosmic Hieroglyphs, thus I was in a much higher “education” all along… Still many of them have yet to realize the huge difference between education and intelligence…

All Truths evolve through 3 Stages of Consciousness!

First, they are Ridiculed,
Next, they are Violently Opposed, and
Then, they are Accepted as Self-Evident!

Obama waste $100M to unlock mysteries of the brain

Now on to Roger brain and its psychical cosmic load explanation; While he was born under the sensitive sign of Cancer (moody, crabby / feminine / sensitive and emotional) his Sun sign was Leo (the king/ego/love/power/fame.) Roger egotistical pride is unmistakable in his video.

But sad enough, the karmic Tail of the Dragon is also found in Cancer, right on himself, bringing forth the WORSE of the insecurity, feminine, sensitive qualities of this sign. Incidentally Adam Lanza was also born with the same celestial affliction and started the killing spree right from his home.

Cancer is a water sign that does not “vibrate” at the same speed fiery element of Leo and this brought serious confusion to Roger born with a female psyche. This type of UCI  produce gays and lesbians people. Yes water and fire do not match and water extinguish fire. It is always important to check on all the elements before engaging into any UCI description.

Were You Born Gay?

All Roger wanted to do is to find and present himself as a male but his stellium in Capricorn (many planets in one sign)  was also feminine in nature. But what is incredible is both Roger and Adam OWNED the same exact Capricorn stellium.

They both had;

  • The Moon (emotions) in Capricorn on the 7th house (public)
  • Uranus (Shocking/sudden release of energy) in Capricorn, right on the 7th house (open enemies)
  • Neptune (deception) in Capricorn on the 7th house (public)
  • The Head of the Dragon (snobby/classic/public standing/critical) in the 7th house in Capricorn (marriage)

But the situation gets much worse for Roger because, he does not know that Capricorn is the longest living sign of the Zodiac and Saturn (the great malefic) and located on his partnership house, he would have rewarded him with a CLASSY woman later in life.

Builder of the greatest towers
Holding all the social powers
Striving to climb to the highest peak
For honor has no place for the weak
I am CAPRICORN, child of Saturn.

Capricorn is a winter sign (January) forcing the soul to undergo tremendous hardship in the house he rules, in his case the house of partnerships and facing the public.  Capricorn is a cardinal extremely proud sign totally consumed to BECOME someone special and well respected. This sign rules the UK, the higher hierarchy, Kings, Queens, power structure, the snobs, the ultra wealthy, the politicians, doctors and attorneys who reached a respectful successful position in life!

This was the main driving force, the ultimate cosmic energy regulating Roger” young psyche.  He simply felt superior in every sense of the words but much too feminine (and unaware) to make a good use of his natal stars…

“I do everything that I can to appear attractive to you. I dress nice. I’m sophisticated and magnificent. I have a nice car, a BMW. Well, nicer than 90-percent of people in my college,” Rodger continued. “I’m polite. I’m the ultimate gentleman. Yet, you girls, never give me a chance. I don’t know why. I put a lot of effort into dressing nice. These sunglasses here. They are three-hundred-dollars. Giorgio Armani. You know.”

13 Facebook Pictures Reveal the Luxurious Life of Suspected UCSB Campus Killer

The life of a King with no admirers, he had it all but no love nor  the deep understanding needed to control himself –  And he became a monster!

This dragon was desperate to give him notoriety, respect and find a place in history… And he did so, exactly like Adam Lanza by killing innocent people. This is why it is so important for society to cosmically/psychically” accommodate those children before, during or just after puberty before the UCI take over and override the will of the subject.

Had Roger be lucky enough to land on my Cyber Cosmic University or invested in my services, I would have CERTAINLY turn all its condensed frustrations into a turbo charged very successful kid, but the forces of evil and cosmic ignorance killed him. You would be amazed people to know how many kids and adults find the grounding and the reason to be alive reading my work…  Alexa numbers do not lie telling you how many people regenerate with my cosmic work and all this being banned from Google and Wikipedia

Indeed my Internet enemies can not stop the light, my cosmic God and the truth!

Global Rank Global rank icon 516,777 up 807-993807,993

Rank in United States  United States Flag 210,195  

How much do you think all the people directly involved with this drama would have pay me to avoid the killing spree? How much resources, media attention and fortunes are used to publicize this horrific act? All these resources are wasted because there is NO answers nor use to society doing so.

You need real answers and real solutions and the media-matrix should STOP portraying all the kids/victims as the villains. Instead they should give me the voice that would help upgrading humanity psychical perception to acknowledge and  accept God cosmic divinity through my educational reality show!  And if you think Cosmos is helping you think again because to them the stars are only rocks depraved of God spiritual essence and his purposes.

Another choice is offered to you readers!  This little video SHOULD get ALL the attention it needs and deserve so YOUR children do not become the victims or the monsters of a society gone mad in rejecting God and trusting its science only. Will you help me saving the children and upgrade a cosmic spiritual education? I need your support YESTERDAY and start saving kids lives today!

 The gravitational forces that move all galaxies is a scientific fact;   But the greatness of the spiritual cosmic manifesto is yet a mystery to humanity. God’s enslaved all his children to uncover his cosmic  Divinity and with it,  a life filled with health, love, respect, peace and harmony for all.

— Dr. Turi

 Furthermore;  Roger’ Mars (masculinity/drive) and his Venus (love/attention) are both located in the VIRGINAL, PURITANICAL, critical sign of Virgo making him very feminine and insecure dealing with women. He also mentioned that sex should be outlawed and without sexuality the world would be more pure and civilized.  Now see the real power of Astroforensics and what the scientific community and the police are missing…

Cleansing impurities large and small
Don”t think yourself immune, for I see all
Attending to every chore and task
Perfection being all that I ask
I am VIRGO, child of Mercury.

He was infatuated with love and women because those two planets in virginal perfectionist Virgo are cursing his 3rd house (critical thinking) and Mars (The Lord of war) rules also weaponry and aggressiveness.  Note also the 3rd house rules transportation and he used knifes, guns and his CAR to kill people. Again those deep psychical Astroforensics informations can only make full sense to those who are experts in the science of Astropsychology.

Because of the judgmental, Virgo cynical, perfectionist attitude plaguing his 3rd house (the mind), Roger saw all the women around him as prostitutes and below his dignity. His natal Mercury (critical thinking) is located in Leo (love/romance) and added to his need for appreciation and respect. Sad enough Mercury (the thoughts) in Leo breed also a huge spiritual pride and supreme egocentricity. Now see the mixture of Viro (perfectionism/criticism) and Leo (egocentricity/enviousness.)

“I’m 22 years old and I’ve never had a girlfriend. I’m still a virgin. I’ve never had the pleasure of having sex with a girl, kissing a girl — I’ve never even held a girl’s hand. Hell, I don’t even have a young girl’s phone number in my cell phone,” he added. “And that’s just such an injustice because I am so magnificent. I deserve girls much more than all those slobs I see at my college.”

But I also teach my students that where ever Pluto or Scorpio is located in your chart, death, drama and the police will enter your life! Pluto is the top regeneration principle in anyone chart/UCI, thus if you do not allow the cosmic fluid to flow freely in the houses hosting Scorpio or Pluto YOU WILL DIE OR KILL TRYING regenerating! How can anyone deny the power of the stars and the real values of Astroforensics?

“All those girls that I’ve desired so much, they would’ve all rejected me and looked down upon me as an inferior man if I ever made a sexual advance towards them while they throw themselves at these obnoxious brutes,” Rodger added, then promising violence. “I’ll take great pleasure in slaughtering all of you,” he said. “You will finally see that I am in truth the superior one the true alpha male.”

From the sign of Cancer (remember Roger was born on the cusp, this mean half Leo, half cancer) Pluto (life and death/drama/obsessiveness) is cursing his 5th house of love and romance. EXACTLY LIKE O.J. SIMPSON, also a Cancer!

And you wonder why some people kill their children or lovers? I am so disgusted by the Police Administration Elites’ stubbornness and unwillingness to investigate my life time work on Astroforensics and Astropsychology…

Sad enough,  Roger is also part of the “Death Wish Generation” but to really understand the meaning one must read the 550 pages of my book titled “The Power of the Dragon.” Now how many traditionally psychologists, psychiatrists, forensics science students or any of my readers, would rather chose between a fictional  N.Y. Best Seller or one of my non fictional book? here is your answer readers…

“The Eagle (save life) or the Lizard (take life)”
Holder of all the secrets deep
Never speaking for they are mine to keep
For those who plunder without care
Tread carefully for I see you there

I am SCORPIO, child of Pluto.

But why the most sensitive, caring, sign of Cancer cupping Leo,  the sign of love, fame and children end up killing people through a very infamous act? What is the main hidden ingredient, the last drop needed for a human being to become a killer? Well here is it…

Roger hidden Dragons are a mixture of deceptive Pisces (addictive/deceptive) and Arian aggressiveness. This mean first he is,  like 99.99% of the world’s population, “subconsciously”  afflicted by the violent 2014 Arian Hitler Draconis but unaware of it.  By looking at the numbers of moronic celebrities “Phil Robertson DUAL Unconscious Codified Petrified Mind At Work!” caught in the Hitler dance can you really ignore my warnings and its impact upon your life? May I strongly and politely recommend you to be smart and avoid the penalty? 

This cosmic impact steered an infatuated revengeful imagination combined with a Capricornus planning, aggressive, deadly super emotional, uncontrolled Leo/Cancerian personality.

The combination of a waning moon (depressions) in the sign of Aries (violence) boiling in his subconscious produced  the perfect negative cosmic conditions  for him to act out his destructive stars,  ET VOILA!  

Note;  I only read a fraction of the 141-page manifesto because my cosmic wisdom surpasses all media information I need to truly understand Roger’s psychical nature and his deadly motivations.  Note also if you watch a Leo/Lion in the wild, you will understand the mixture of an inferiority/superiority complexes in his “animalistic” behavior…

 “the ultimate evil behind sexuality is the human female.” He added that they “think like beasts” and “should not have the right to choose who to mate and breed with.” 

 But I am asking ALL my readers to pay attention to this phrase because, in it, I sincerely hope you will find out what I have written ALL ALONG ... In fact this is the core of my work and so important for ALL my readers to acknowledge… Please read carefully and help me in any possible way you can!

“Those were the happy years. Life is so much fairer when you’re a kid,” he said. “When you’re a kid you don’t have to worry about being attractive or how many girls like you. No one has unfair advantages. And when when you hit puberty your life either becomes heaven on earth or a living hell.”

How many times, in my newsletters, my radio and TV shows I have emphasized the IMPORTANCE of reaching our children cosmically/psychically before, during or just after PUBERTY? 

Roger had the life of a King with no admirers and NO one was there to offer him the spiritual guidance he needed to make sense to his cosmic identity.  The same exact cosmic conditions that was plaguing Adam Lanza and I explained it all in this radio show.

Also in this video created In Memory of The Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting Victims I gave so many crucial information on how to STOP this nightmare, but in 2 years it received so little attention, while ridiculousness is glorified and goes viral on You Tube?  In fact my Dogs video received so far 101,702 views and reflects humanity’s deplorable intellectual potential and interests… God please give me the strengths I need to carry on introducing the world to your cosmic divine sovereignty… At least to those able and willing to learn and grow because with the mass of envious educated pin heads out there, I must soon stop wasting my rare cosmic wisdom.

“Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, or they will trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.

Matthew 7:6

Again reader, it is so important to teach your children all possible topics that will enrich their lives and offer them the education they need to land on a good and rewarding career. Thus English, history, science, religions, mathematics, arts etc.etc. is a must, but WHO IS THERE TO TEACH THEM WHO THEY ARE, where they come from, where they are going?

This cosmic education must SHOULD BECOME A PRIORITY, because a child HAS to assimilate two thousands years of human evolution without any form of real spiritual identity grounding. And religions WILL not work, but induce more separatism, confusion, deception and endless wars… Please acknowledge!  and help me save your children.

The younger Rodger apparently telegraphed his intentions. The day before the rampage, he released a YouTube video entitled “Retribution,” in which he rants about women who ignored or rejected him over the past eight years, “since I hit puberty.”

It is SO CRUCIAL to reach them before, during or soon after puberty and offer them the option to auto analyze their cosmic selves accurately and expose all their sins and virtues.

The idea is to build enough self awareness so they can apply the WILL against the worse inner, karmic inherited UCI manifesto. Indeed the human will (the part of God in each one of us) is so much stronger than the stars but without cosmic consciousness this nightmare will never stop!

To remedy these endless rampages, traditional science turns your kids into dysfunctional over medicated zombie making their mental situation so much worse in the long run!   Schools and Universities keep hiring more cosmic unconscious teachers,more retired cops adding more guns and more security!  This infringe privacy and NOT THE WAY TO GO! 

‘When will this insanity stop?’

I say it again and again readers, it is just a matter of time before another lost soul victimized by his UCI and negative cosmic biorhythms  kill more innocent human beings… 

Update – 05/26/14 Three killed, five wounded in Myrtle Beach shootings

 The God fearing souls will blame evil, while the atheists will laugh at them… Where and when stupidity end?

 “Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former.”  (Albert Einstein) 

I am so desperate to offer my cosmic wisdom to any institution and reverse this nightmare but the scientific, religious and media matrixes fearing the ridicule, anticipate also religious wars in their jurisdictions. Thus they can only mute or ignore me and stop the crucial answers to get to you and your children.

I NEED YOUR HELP to offer the understanding to this cosmic phenomenon and bring a closure to the families of the victims. Share my work please, the more smart people I can reach through your efforts, the faster this deadly nightmare will stop. Because it is yet, another matter of time before another lost “monster” fall for his negative cosmic biorhythms and act out his cursed UCI.

Do not make the same mistake to think those lost kids are the monsters, the killers, the mentally insane because THEY are the product of today’ society and the result of an incomplete US Department of Education.

How can the teachers be safe or guide and teach the children when they are themselves cosmic unconscious and uneducated on what make some kids mentally sick? How can I remove all the religiously and scientifically poisoned souls from their “educated/pious”  comfort zones and upgrade their psychical perceptive vibrations?

God is an eternal, universal cosmic energy referred appropriately as “Dark Matter” by science and faith by Christians!

Atheists & Christians, God is Really Pissed Off At You!

*“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. We will not solve the problems of the world from the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. More than anything else, this new century demands new thinking: We must change our materially based analyses of the world around us to include broader, more multidimensional perspectives.” 

~Albert Einstein*

Once upon a time we were innocent and loving children but we became  monsters and the innocent victims of today’s rational non spiritual and incomplete education. Religion and science did not work for us, just the opposite and we lost our spirit along the way! Help Dr. Turi to put and end to this universal ignorance and acknowledge God cosmic Divinity.

“For evil to flourish, all that is needed is for good people to do nothing.” – Edmund Burke

JOIN US SHOW YOUR SUPPORT!  for my mission!

Recovered article 12/23/2012

Who Was Nancy Lanza and Why Adam Killed His Mother First!


Dear Readers;

Note’ my English and grammar then were not as efficient as it became today, please read with an open mind I am French…Thank you DT

May god bless all the children and adults victims of this tragedy…

In this newsletter I will expose the UCI or Unique Celestial Identity of yet another cosmic unconscious human being who paid the ultimate price for her lack of wisdom. She is like her son and 99.09% of the rest of the world’s population a direct victim of education / religion and the mind “experts” ineptitude to connect with the Divine, read, translate and finally heed God’ signs…

Using the science of Astropsychology software there is no doubt in my mind of what transpired behind the walls of the Lanza’s family prior to the killing. But before let me point out a few facts about her Neptunian psyche a stubborn science could never assimilate or offer anyone… Unless I tutor them all!

First if you took the time to read the VIRGO puritanical psychical characteristics, Nancy was a very hard worker over concerned with her child in love and gifted with plants, gardening and nature. Why would any CNN writer or detectives have to uncover the facts about a human being logically and bothering neighbors and friends when the answers are writing in the Zodiacal “signs” in light via the stars?

What a phenomenal tool for the Law Enforcement and neuroscience readers and it is with people like me that they will one day wake up to their own psychical lethargy! Meantime, it seems the reward or a Nobel Price well deserved for my 45 years of independent researchers will come when I will be 6 feet under once this generation made largely of “educated” morons expires and give room to a smarter, spiritually inclined refined generation.

Pluto the planet of extreme, death and drama is also located in the sign of Virgo quadrupling the already puritanical Mercurial Virgo energy. Born between from 1957 to 1971, Nancy was part of the “Baby Buster Generation” and if the reader is not willing to digest the 525 pages of my Book ” The Power of the Dragon” you will find all the explanations in Neuroscience Long For Answer On the Mind – Out of the 21 top psychologists added to my “Black List” I wonder how many of them fit the bill and hopefully some will be curious enough to read, acknowledge and finally auto analyze themselves correctly reading my pearls of wisdom. In fact all those cosmic unconscious souls became psychologists because they have questions about the working of the human psyche can only find with Dr. Turi. But even if only one of them upgrade from a moron to a smarter intuitive and curious scientists and wake up to the Divine then I did not waste my time!

Mercury the critical thinking planet is also located in the sign of Virgo and to top it all the natal Dragon is also part of this extraordinary stellium. Sad enough I teach my students that where ever Pluto is located in your UCI death, drama, the police will enter your life and in the first house (the self) there is no doubt of the horrific outcome.

“Authorities believe he killed his mother as she slept in her bed. She was shot four times in the head, Connecticut Chief Medical Examiner H. Wayne Carver said “

I also teach my student that Virgo are prone to a violent death to the head, and while there are “A Thousand Ways to Die!” I predicted the violent suicidal death of Larry, one of my departed friend who committed suicide TWICE! If you think this is impossible simple read all the details in No One Should Have To Suffer Suicide and realize that physically and spiritually men are not born equal and my gift is very real!

Deceptive Neptune (drugs/alcohol/religions) is found influencing the 3rd house (the mind) of Nancy Lanza suggesting a serious need to escape reality using any and all possible means including religion. Those souls are a very easy target for the conspiracy and religious “Talking Heads” while instead they all should watch this video!

Furthermore, Jupiter (codification of thoughts/teachings) is located in the sigh of Sagittarius making her a born “righteous” Minister using bible quotes endlessly, surely in private with Adam.

Worse, cold Saturn (fears) is located right into the 5th house of love, romance and children making her much available to others but NOT Adam. The freezing Capricornus energy doubled its power in its own sign and totally froze her emotional connection with her child. Those aspects and planets position by house and signs speaks of the real psychical nature of Mrs. Lanza who were never taught how to deal with them. She was slowly turning Adam into a the same cold monster totally dedicated to God or Jesus but NOT available emotionally for him! …

The media also mentioned Nancy’s attraction to fire arms and with Mars (weapons/Lord of War) in Gemini (the hands) there is no doubt of such an attraction. Meantime I am convinced knowing that Adam was born in April regimented by the sign of Aries he was the one who had the idea of handling guns first!

December 15, 2012 I divulged his UCI in a newsletter titled “Why, Why Adam Killed children – Let Me Tell You Why!” I mentioned his interest in the Army and yesterday 12/23/2012 the news validated my work. Reporter: Military fascinated Lanza

Now to the core of the explanations and the reasons why she felt the need of having weapons around her…And this is where may be my readers will finally realize why listening to any apocalyptic or conspiracy “Talking Heads”poisonous material and feeding evil is not appropriate for certain souls cursed with a Pisces Dragon’s Tail. This is the most delicate position for the dragon to be because the soul is endowed with an extreme dose of uncontrolled imagination no much critical thinking making them all supremely vulnerable to any and all forms of suggestions (and religions.)

The soul lacks total grounding but when well applied constructively the imagination becomes a gift and produces refined artists in the field of painting, music, photography, dancing, acting etc. Thus if you are this way you have developed the positive manifestation of a strong Neptune but if you are in jail, a pot head, a drunk, a drug addict, a priest or a televangelist like Pisces born Joel Osteeen, you are a Neptunian. Souls born with a strong Pisces afflicting the moon, dragons, natal or hidden dragon can be manifested both positively (Einstein/Dr. Turi/Michael Angelo/Elizabeth Taylor/ George Washington etc.) or negatively i.e. Osama Bin Laden Pisces born who swam all the way down to hell in his fanatical religious convictions.

Wrongly initiated/educated this Dragon position is so delicate and can easily induces dementia, schizophrenia, madness, religious poisoning and extreme addictions. In fact many serial killers, in fact Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer was also born in 1960. I am not sure if society is ready or able to assimilate my work but I can only give it my best shot for the REAL reason why Adam Lanza became crazy and committed such a carnage.

To make the situation much worse Nancy was also born with the Moon (emotions) in illusive Pisces enunciating a very strong altruistic devoted but delusive religious personality totally committed to others…

“Louise Tambascio said Nancy Lanza worked in charities for people with AIDS, and said she was extremely generous.” Louise saw Nancy Lanza take out her checkbook and write checks to anyone who told her they were going through a rough time and needed money.


Moon in Pisces: Intuitive, psychic, and artistic. This Moon position is a karmic one and could indicate a constant spiritual search for their identity. Indeed, it is a beneficial position for those providing for the sick and needy. Thus, many Moon in Pisces resides in hospitals, churches or similar establishments. Loving and caring, the Moon in Pisces native will be attracted to the arts or the medical field. The advanced ones will promote their natural psychic abilities and become a tower of strength for others. However, it is important for them to recharge their own batteries and learn to detach themselves from other people’s troubles. The upbringing is usually deceiving and difficult. One of the parents may have dependency problems, or fanatical religious views, imposing the beliefs system at a tender age.

Paul Jennings Hills (killer/abortion activist) was born with the Moon in Pisces, this indicates the strong moral religious code leading them to their alleged horrible acts of killing. Pisces rules hospitals, mental institutions, asylums, churches and prisons, and clearly indicates how, where and why the soul has to endure such a horrible penitence in jail. On a more positive note, the fish swimming upstream like a salmon can lead many of us toward the real light of spiritual freedom. Children born with this Moon position must be emancipated from any and all forms of fear and religious dogmas. On a negative note, Pisces Moon souls may end their lives in jail or in a mental institution. The positive Pisces will end their lives close to the ocean where they can provide their well-needed spiritual support and appreciate the colors of the sunset.

“Since the dawn of time, the Creator has shown his truth to the humble — a truth that is hidden from the vain blinded by worldly pleasures, but which is written in the skies, which nightly speaks of the glory of God.”

— Nostradamus

Adam Cancer Dragon’s Tail and UCI while extraordinary sensitive and emotional but very different where the extremely logical Capricornus dragon was repressed endlessly with his mother’s endless imaginative fears and religious beliefs. The most illusive deceptive Neptunian Pisces Dragon’s Tail suffocated Adam psyche who had no way to understand his mother inborn dementia oppressing him endlessly at home. The Adam EXPLODED! But there is much more!

Adam was far from being stupid reader, and like all Capricorn Dragon’s Head he was very quiet trying to make sense to the world around him, especially his mother he saw as totally insane.

This is why “I would call him a genius,” Diaz said.

Adam had no way of getting the highly spiritual food he needed to auto-analyze himself and his mother and the cosmic unconscious teachers including the entire world around him did not have the answers…His spirit could not regenerate appropriately because he was much too smart for his own good and from a more intellectual generation he did not buy into archaic religious teachings his mother certainly suffocated him with.

Let me take this example to help you assimilate the power of Saturn engineering, rational, practical, political, mathematical down to earth mind. If you own the traits mentioned above your UCI is loaded with Saturn and chances are you will appreciate classical music too and aim/trust for scientific explanation instead of digging into metaphysics. You are the perfect candidate to become a scientist, an atheist, an agnostic a skeptic and a mathematician. Thus you are prone to get traditionally educated not realizing yet the big difference between educations and intelligence because you were programmed by the cosmic code to use an over does of critical thinking in all matters!

This does not make you stupid but programmed “in the education box” so to speak where curiosity is not a natural talent… Do you know anyone born in November? As a rule all male Scorpio’ souls are born with a logistic mind, the female is much more spiritual but can also become trapped in the” box.”

Their mental process is intensely codified naturally would it be in finances, religions of science and with their natural fixity of purpose unreachable outside of logic…

The combination of all those stars above created two very different beings, Adam was born a earthy rational, planning Saturnian “Dark Matter” but his mother Nancy was the total opposite afflicted with a Neptunian deceptive “Dark Matter.” I use this synonym to classify a cosmic energy the scientists/Saturnian can not yet assimilate. While the chances of my findings being accepted as facts by science is non existent, remember my work is not for the feeble minded but for the spiritually advanced curious souls reading my me and I hope, as always if I make any sense to you for your help by sharing my rare pearls of wisdom with others.

“She was not a teacher, as some media had previously reported, the friend added.’ Yes she was Adam’s teacher at home something that cost her to be killed first! And yes let’s not forget the cosmic unconscious “talking heads” conspiracy junk who “saw” 3 gun men. Be logical people, how can a single person kill so many people in such a short time knowing that previous massacres were conducted by more than one killer? Emotions were running high then and its easy to mess up especially during the early media reports!


Dr. Louis Turi, M.D.U.S.








~ Nostradamus


you control

someone source of

information you control that person’s

life and this form of mind control must cease.

This work is dedicated to man’s cosmic consciousness


Key words for a negative Pisces Dragon’s Tail

You are addicted to chemicals including Dr. prescriptions
You read too much negative material and fear the “end times” are near
You can’t stop complaining and you are afraid of everything
You are a religious fanatic or deceived by a “guru”
You spend life in your own dream world
You use sickness to avoid responsibility
You waste your precious talents and gifts

I was a puritanical Virgo

Adam’ spirit was jailed at home for years by an over protective but delusive mother enforcing the puritanical Virgo and Pisces energies Adam could not figure out. He was also constricted by his own natal Cancer Dragon’s Tail (negative) cursing the 4th house or the home area. There he was endlessly suffocated with religious material and fearful imagination produced by the worse Pisces position any soul can inherit. The chances of Nancy ingesting legal or illegal drugs/alcohol/antidepressants are 500% because Astropsychology do not lie!

“Despite whatever problems Nancy Lanza might have been facing behind closed doors, on the outside she kept a cheerful face. Several people who knew her said she was incredibly social and warm. Several nights a week, she got take-out from the My Place bar in Newtown.”

Born with a very rational genius like Capricorn dragon Adam was not allowed to reach the right, highly spiritual regenerative cosmic information he needed to survive dementia. His spirit drowned into his Mother Neptunian Pisces Dragon which endlessly cursed his own subconscious 12 house. Pisces Tail souls are famous for their endless tears and complaints! The constant spiritual degeneration took place at a subconscious level and Adam himself consumed the same very nefarious drugs blurring his already depleted psyche. Of course in this very controlled media pointing out the pharmaceutical corporations is a big NO NO because science needs them to survive! Next Wednesday on the Cosmic Code radio show I will cover more!

So I can only repeat myself readers… the 20 children, the butchered adults, Adam, Nancy and all the killers and their victims of the past and future are the victims of all the elites, the experts regimenting and controlling a less than inadequate stubborn educational system. What sadden me most is regardless of my endless efforts to reach them via my “Secret List” they are still unwilling to give me a chance and recognize God’s Cosmic tools. Mostly the signs he designed for humanity as, at the very beginning he created the stars and the heavens…to be used as signs so you and your children may live a safer and more productive life!

Please, do not wait for the next massacre because its on its way, instead help me to reach the children of the world and start spiritually educating this new generation properly. I am urging all my readers to listen to my last night latest radio show on BITE radio to learn more. Do not count on anyone but our common efforts to make the badly needed changes…Please forward my work to the world and thank you for doing so.

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi


Unite in my Aquarius movement to rekindle humanity perception of its creator watching and judging you all from the heavens. Please if you can help do so by promoting my work to all in need of the truth.


Update;  Soon I will stop posting on all popular public websites including face book, Twitter and the Dragon Newsletter website. I don’t have much to prove about my predictive gift anymore and I must concentrate on my VIP’s only while bringing those worth my wisdom to my existing highly spiritual cosmic coders family. By joining you can participate and communicate with thousands of people, my students or others VIP’s or simply read and learn about life in general etc.

Its time for you to show the same drive for uncovering and sharing God’s cosmic will and his divine celestial nature unfolding daily through the signs.


For evil to succeed all the good people have to do is NOTHING!



L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

listen to my latest radio show with Jerry – US/world
listen to my latest radio show with Ted – US/world
listen to my latest radio show with Rob – Canada/world

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 



Worst U.S. Mass Shootings When the Sky Spit Fire and Predictions…


If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

Dalai Lama Dr. Turi

Dear Readers;

While the world is awaiting another cosmic show, a comet — passes by Earth, beginning Saturday evening… Astronomy can only display its rational spiritless wisdom and entertain an unconscious humanity with yet another physical cosmic display.

But I have a much deeper message for all my readers… Indeed last night fire in the sky own specific mystical omens I will now share with you…

“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life.  Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom.”

~ Paracelsus

Remember anything abnormal that happen to you or your loved one (including you pets) is an omen that should be taken very seriously… But those who have the spiritually advanced UCI needed to so so are very rare! Now for the over sensitive born, this comment does not mean nor make you an idiot, simply uninformed!


And if you think the stars affects only human, think again, in time of a full or waning Aries moon, not only emergency departments get really busy, but also animals become very agitated and aggressive.  Draco, my 7 years old 110 LBS Doberman is the alpha male and his much younger brother, 3 years old 150 LBS Rottweiler simply responded to the nasty stars  their ways.  Here is the story…

Macho always let Draco eat first when I put the food on the patio. Something I did since Macho joined Draco nearly 3 years ago. We had chicken and pasta last night and as usual Terania put the left over on the table for me to take to the dogs.  But I was watching an interesting program on TV and decided to bring the food outside before going to bed…

I did so, then as I walked back in the house, I heard them fighting. Macho was there first and started eating when Draco wanted to assume his right at the older dog…

But this time Macho, now an adult powerful dog did not want to move and bit Draco under his eye and cut his bottom lip real bad. Macho never ever behaved this way before and I was wondering why, but I knew there was a “cosmic” answer for his behavior…

Once Macho finally let go, an infuriated Draco got hold of him and bit him behind his left ear and neck, it took all my strength to separate them once and for all… The pool area was full of blood and attracted by the commotion Terania was panicking…

I attended Draco first because he was bleeding profusely but regardless of my efforts, I could not stop the bleeding. I was not sure how bad Macho was hurt because he retrieved in his home in the back of the house, all I could see was the trail of blood he left behind him.

I used ice and tons of paper towel putting pressure against Draco wounds while Terania called the vet. But it was after 2 am and she got the answering machine only.  Draco is a very smart dog and he knew I was helping him and I managed to get him still with a towel around his wounded muzzle.

Regardless of my efforts, 30 minutes later, nothing worked and Draco was still bleeding really bad!  While it is not recommended I had no other option but to use super glue on his wounds and it finally worked.

Draco was crying and burning but I kept holding his head and it was finally over, the blood stopped poring out of his deep wounds. I then reached for Macho with a flash light and luckily for him, unlike Draco, he has a big thick neck and tons of hair. I could see the wounded areas but the blood dried and mixed with his heavy coat, stopping the bleeding naturally.

It took me 20 minutes of so to wash away the blood on the patio and the pool deck and we all finally went to sleep. Then the next day I checked my dogs UCI and I found out my Doberman, Draco suffered his own negative “Cosmic Biorhythms” last night. Macho is an Aquarius and the waning moon was in the aggressive Aries (fight) sign was right in his 3rd house (the mind.)

So now I understand why Macho became unusual aggressive and why those two brothers fought and hurt themselves badly.  Indeed when animal trainers get hurt or killed or when a dog decides to attack a child, something “cosmic” trick them to act as such… and  the same exact cosmic process is in place with human too… Its amazing how much science miss in the name of the ridicule…


Is this an accident? No it is not!  Those events speaks of an obvious cosmic fluid!

HITLER ON HISTORY CHANNEL  (another accident?) or a reflection of the power of the 2014 Arian Draconis?

 3 killed at Belgian Jewish museum 

Mother Earth always warns us if we watch for her cosmic warnings. A 6.9 magnitude earthquake hit undersea near Kamariotissa, Greece at 03:25:03 UTC. 

7 dead in California shooting rampage called ‘premeditated mass murder’

Memo from “Mayor’s advice to the bullied” “It is just a matter of time before another monster, another victim of the religious or scientific matrixes and the US Department of Education kill innocent people! When mothers kill their own children and children kill their own mothers its time to do something different and get some good results for a change! Update 5/24/14 3 days later! – Worst U.S. mass shootings

Looking at the stars above and knowing about the deadly power generated by the 2014 Arian Draconis and the moon whereabouts,  I do not need police forensic to see the facts! I  can guarantee you this lost soul was very high on drugs and medications while committing his deadly act!

But the police and the news-media are very cautious BEFORE offering you the FABRICATED” reasons for this massacre because the pharmaceutical corporations legal hyenas are on the prow… Advertising nation wide that this poor guy was following a regiment of medications is not good publicity for the pharmaceutical matrix and the authorities are allowed to mention only so much…

“Santa Barbara Sheriff Bill Brown called the suspect “severely mentally disturbed,” according to KEYT.”

The fact is, ONLY after consulting various attorneys will the police make the very carefully “edited/altered” statement  where NO specific medications can become public.

Update – 22-year-old Elliot Rodger was the “killer” now is this another accident or a cosmic puzzle science as yet to uncover?   Adam Lanza and Elliot Rodger were born with the same exact dragon, making them extraordinary emotional and ultra sensitive to the cosmic code jurisdictions!  Much like my dogs last night! But who’s to connect animals aggressiveness and human deadly actions? Only those who fully understand the spiritual dynamics of  a cosmos who HAS a soul…

But what good to humanity does my lifetime work on the cosmic code and its subtle interaction with the human psyche when 99.99% of the world is against me, ridicule me and dedicated to never check any of my claims?

When will the scientific community put their huge educated/accredited ego aside and help me save lives? When will the police elites do the same and save more cops?  It really infuriate me when I OWN the golden keys to what it means to be human and no one is asking for them!

“When a true genius appears in this world you may know him by this sign that the dunces are all in confederacy against him”


Are all the people in position of power all born inconsiderate morons, how can they stay silent, feel and do nothing when ALL my predictions are unarguably unfolding?  OMG! please give me the strength to carry on I had enough of such universal ignorance killing our children… And you wonder why I want to stop writing to an inconsiderate, irresponsible “educated/religious” world?

Dad: ‘When will this insanity stop?’

“Because they are seeing, they see not; and hearing, they hear not; neither do they under*stand” the voice of heaven. –

Matthew 13:13

“Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, or they will trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces. 

Matthew 7:6

Again and again readers, it is just a matter of time before another  Jared Lee Loughner , Adam Lanza, Karl H Pierson,  Elliot Rodger and so many more victims of ignorance KILL again! So many families are touched, so many lives drastically changed and so many people left in the dark punishing the WRONG people! If my words mean nothing to you, will those of Einstein also be ridicule? 

*“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. We will not solve the problems of the world from the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. More than anything else, this new century demands new thinking: We must change our materially based analyses of the world around us to include broader, more multidimensional perspectives.” 

~Albert Einstein*

Once upon a time we were innocent and loving children but we became  monsters and the innocent victims of today’s rational non spiritual and incomplete education. Religion and science did not work for us, just the opposite and we lost our spirit along the way! Help Dr. Turi to put and end to this universal ignorance and acknowledge God cosmic Divinity.

“For evil to flourish, all that is needed is for good people to do nothing.” – Edmund Burke

Do not rely on your government, your scientific, religious communities to offer you the undiluted truth, you and your children are “collateral” damage and who cares if the pharmaceutical corporations are punished every year with millions of dollars in legal fines against them if they make BILLIONS lying to you!  This is why YOU MUST give me a voice, and share and pass on all my articles because the day I retire, you will feel my pain and the same type of spiritual despair Adam Lanza, Karl H Pierson and Elliot Rodger experienced…

 “The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits.”  (Albert Einstein) 

This world HAS only 50 years to make the changes needed to make a good use of the realization of a new cosmic God  and use / heed all the signs accordingly. Yes life is a constant process of physical and spiritual changes, UNLESS we upgrade humanity psychical welfare, science (the atheists) and religions (religious fanaticism) will end up destroying this world!  Atheists & Christians, God is Really Pissed Off At You!

“The Seventh Millenium of mankind’s civilized existence on this planet witnesses an age of high technology and amazing scientific achievements.  God and His prophets are soon relegated to a rather insignificant position in a world more concerned with following its own path to perfection.“

But there is more, as in the case of Miley Cyrus also the victim of her doctors…

Memo – “Notice also readers, in all the  new articles written about Miley Cyrus’ health misfortune, the antibiotic  Cephalexin is missing and not “advertised” negatively any-longer! Amazing how the pharmaceutical matrix hates such attention to their nefarious products! Indeed, through secret legal procedures,  a request was made to stop printing Cephalexin!”

I truly hope to gain soon the latest victim of science DOB and investigate his UCI further for my VIP’s,  but I can assure you, with the current waning moon (negative) he was certainly in one of his ” 2014 Personal negative cosmic biorhythms dates.”

Note for my Astropsychology students, Mars rules aggressiveness,  machinery , cars and weaponry… 

From  2014 Arian Draconis World PredictionsPredictions #16 – Upsurge in car and racing accidents and cars could be used as weaponry!

04/24/14 – Worst U.S. mass shootings

Update 04/10/14 – 9 killed in California bus-truck crash – Motorsports star killed in race crash

Indeed with the current waning moon (STAY HOME!)  and the lurking deadly 2014 Arian Draconis above, the next 3 days will KILL and will be memorial for many non cosmic conscious people and their families…  This cosmic fluid steers the worse in so many human unaware and unable to control its powerful deadly pull. Be it will be acted out and felt all over the world .

Terrorism – Jihadi video from the al Qaeda splinter group, ISIS

Brutal terrorist video surfaces  Brutal terrorist video surfaces

Jihadi video from the al Qaeda splinter group, ISIS is stimulated by the deadly Spirit of Hitler plaguing the world since June 12, 2013.

“From 2014 Arian Draconis World Predictions – Prediction #12 – Expect an explosion of guns, rifles, ammunition sales and the NRA membership to expand drastically. This will stimulate secret international illegal sales of large amount of weaponry/ammunition used by many new deadlier bolder terrorists groups activity.”  

Indeed the option for humanity to use real cosmic wisdom and be warned is MUTED by so many controlling matrixes and only a ridiculous lucky minority of spiritual human beings have access to my work. Imagine if my work became a N.Y. best seller how many lives would be spared, with my warnings but being spiritually ahead of time is a gift and a curse only me can comprehend and feel…

While the gullible media can not wait to judge, punish, jail or kill the endless chain of murderers, the fact is ALL those people are the victims of the scientific, religious matrixes and a greedy corporate America.

When the Sky speaks his Fire, Dr. Turi is not only watching but listening to God’s cosmic divinity! I am glad I can bring such a rare cosmic wisdom to my readers through my Cyber Cosmic University. So please if you have children, tell them not to text and drive, not to drink and drive and to remember the moon is waning (negative) and the Arian Draconis is waiting for any of them to make a mistake to eat them…

Stay with the people you know and love because the stars do not lie and humanity has not yet to learn to heed the cosmos spiritual purposes and all its secrets.  We are getting close to the end of the month so, if you are a VIP expect the goodies soon.  Warnings, I will soon stop those newsletters and serve only my VIP’s.

Join now share our life, travel with us, be warned be guided, become a VIP today!

2014 Arian Draconis World Predictions


June 2014 Elaborated Horoscope For All Signs

June 2014 SOS to the world windows

June 2014 Daily Guidance and Predictions

June 2014 Moon Transits

A true leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.

John C. Maxwell



L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

listen to my latest radio show with Jerry – US/world
listen to my latest radio show with Ted – US/world
listen to my latest radio show with Rob – Canada/world

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 



Phil Robertson DUAL Unconscious Codified Petrified Mind At Work!


If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

Dalai Lama Dr. Turi

Phil Robertson Under Fire AGAIN After Another ‘Gay’ Sermon


Presidential Dinner and The Hollywood Matrix Deceptive Famous Faces


Dear Readers;

Yes the epidemic is getting worse and the 2014 Arian Draconis is having fun with all the unconscious people suffering its jurisdictions.  Phil Robertson screwed up for the second time!  Born a DUAL mean everything in life has to happen in pair, or twice and in this case, it happened again, Its just amazing how powerful and accurate the science of Astropsychology truly is but; only my students can acknowledge this unarguable fact!

A dual UCI depict also a very strong Mercurial/Gemini sign cursing or blessings the soul and this is why Phil Robertson will never understand why a cosmic God lead him to be part of a TV series / episodes… Nothing in his life will ever happen only once and more than anyone, my cosmic work will lead him towards his natal Dragon Head located in the critical thinking sign of Gemini.

Exiting the swamps and the churches of Louisiana and joining my Cyber Cosmic University teachings is the only salvation he has left and if you are one of his fans, you may be able to save his drowned soul by suggesting him to put his ego and false God aside and join the cosmic code website!

My good friend Gary  Busey giving me top of the world endorsement…

And if you think my good friend Gary Busey (a Gemini) is screwed up, you may be right, but remember his phenomenal acting accomplishments and the Hollywood drug environment that nearly killed him before judging him… Many losers are fast diminishing Gary’s ingeniousness but will never/ever compare to his legacy and the man I know he is…

God thanks the world is not only loaded with morons… 

Dr. Turi on William Shatner’s TV Show
Discovery Channel – Dr. Turi’s Predictions

Famous dual people like Floyd Mayweather Jr.,  Mohamed Ali, keep winning titles and fights and so did Mike Tyson  “The Stars and Fate of Mike Tyson” another born dual like O.J. Simpson, (2 dead, 2 judgments, 2/4 attorneys?) Van Der Sloot, Edward Joseph Snowden and  Michael Jackson (from black to white?) to name a few were also born DUAL! Indeed Astropsychology and Astrology HAS to be ridicule and removed because this is too much power to give away to the Iluminati servants!

Because to them, you are only a bunch of gullible, innocent followers and you need only your abusive infantile science, your deceptive religions whoring around with a controlling news-media. The truth has yet to be served…

Phil Alexander Robertson is not only a DUAL but also a God fearing Neptunian and it is practically impossible to reach those souls out of the depth of their own cursed psychical deception.

Born a preacher he is oblivious of the cursing power of his Sagittarius Dragon’s Tail destroying his life and soon his career. The rules are clear, dwell on your Dragon’s Tail and pay the price because this cosmic fluid will bring down the house and you in it. So watch my prediction unfolding soon and acknowledge a cosmic God speaking his cosmic divinity through the Cosmic Code or pay the same heavy price!

Again let the atheists, the skeptics, the young souls pay the ultimate price for ignoring God’s cosmic divinity, the Universal rites and eternal cosmic ceremonies, you are a much better, more sensitive, smarter and curious human being…

A life without cosmic awareness if a life loaded with endless drama and serious troubles!

Dr. Turi

Dual Neptunians are the prime and easiest targets for the religious matrix to convert into walking righteous bible heads! This makes them impossible to think for themselves or use any form of critical thinking and end up totally self- deceived. Indeed the false God Robertson is fearing and selling to the world infuriate souls born with an earthy more logical UCI.

The religious matrix at work, feeding  a young Phil Robertson and the world with a false God!

The natal UCI of a born Neptunian is extremely vulnerable to any and all forms of education because the book will never be challenged and everything is sucked in, unchallenged and taken TEXTUALLY as is!

The same apply for well read scientists, all  produced by the “accredited” institutions birthing another crowd of “educated over rational fanatics/” These are the atheists, the skeptics and agnostics who blindly trust only science and ridicule a cosmic God they know nothing about.

 200,000 More Morons apply to live on Mars?

This pious dangerous righteous attitude give birth to extremism/religious fanaticism and  the atheist growing movement when the natal UCI is largely earthy.  And you wonder why the religious and scientific matrixes are dedicated to exterminate each others?  OMG! Have Mercy on your lost children!

God is an eternal, universal cosmic energy referred appropriately as “Dark Matter” by science and faith by Christians!

Atheists & Christians, God is Really Pissed Off At You!

“They were mad at me. … because instead of acknowledging their sin like you had better do, they railed against me for giving them the truth about their sin,” he said of those angry about his past comments. “‘Don’t deceive yourself’ — you want the verse? The news media didn’t even know it was a verse. They thought I was just mouthing off.”

Robertson went on to further explain his interview with the GQ reporter, paraphrasing the Bible verse that first landed him in hot water. He said that the reporter asked him if he believes homosexual behavior is a sin.

Then, he told the congregation how he responded.

“I said, ‘Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Don’t be deceived. Neither the sexual immoral, nor the idolaters, nor adulterers, nor male prostitutes, nor homosexual offenders, nor thieves, nor greedy, nor druggards, nor slanderers, nor swindlers will inherent the kingdom of God,’” Robertson recounted, reciting Paul’s remarks in 1 Corinthians 6:9.

Phil Alexander Robertson  was born April 24, 1946 with the Dragon’s Tail (negative) in Sagittarius (religions / books / codification of thoughts) and this wild dragon make him brutally honest and act like  the “Bull in the China shop!” 


Key words for a negative Sagittarius Dragon’s Tail

Your philosophy, religion or your guru is the only right one
You won’t change your mind, your views or your beliefs
You believe that animals are better than humans
You won’t challenge what has been written
You are afraid of pursuing real education
You have been religiously poisoned
You think you are above the law

But born a DUAL and  in April Phil Robertson also suffered TWICE the direct impact of the 2014 Aries Draconis  cursing his Aries Sun sign! Thus if you are an Aries or a Libra (or any other of the signs for that matter) a $15 dollars eBook will prepare you to its direct impact in your life! Its either you pay the heavy price and lose it all, like Phil is about to experience or you invest $15 in my supreme priceless cosmic wisdom.

But in all, Phil, Ian, Adam Lanza are all innocent souls  and the victims of the religious/ scientific abusive educational matrixes. They did not get the opportunity to be educated on God’s cosmic divinity and never landed on my Cyber Cosmic University or any of my articles!

The  opportunity to refine themselves psychically and control their stars was not an option because the monopolizing religious (for the Christians) and the scientific (for the atheists) matrixes had them first. Indeed Knowledge is power, ignorance is evil!

Dec 28, 2013 Recovered article; Phil Robertson America New Found Jesus

Phil Robertson, Was Jesus Gay?

 Indeed ‘Duck’ star Christians get Bible wrong!

 If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology, love and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.” 

~ Dalai Lama and Dr. Turi

Dear readers;

I once wrote, its amazing what cosmic unconscious people invent to bring justice to what they perceive in their own mind! I also wrote many times that; being cosmic unconscious does not mean you are an idiot and below Dr. Turi’s  intellect, all his VIP’s and students.

 Again if you feel insecure, invaded, offended, inferior and below us, it is YOUR problem and the result of your own cosmic identity. What’s crazy is; most of those people do not know about their UCI and can not auto-analyses themselves correctly.

Meantime it is important for the new comers to understand what I mean when I mention “Cosmic Consciousness.”  A non cosmic conscious person is someone who judge the world, people and everything else in life through their OWN UCI mental power only and do not realize God’s cosmic divinity.

They are the one fast to criticize, eliminate, band and mute those who think, act and behave differently! You must adhere to their high expectations in their “perfect” world or else!  Gee all the morons I know that kicked my butt out of their jurisdictions and mind lolol – But be sure they will all be back reading me again and again…

Indeed there are natural born killers, natural born Geniuses, natural born mathematicians, natural born artists etc. The fact is; no man is born equal, physically and psychically and all is is hidden in the karmic Unique Celestial Identity  or your (MPSI)  Matrix Personal Spiritual Identity.

 The fact is; 99.999% of the world is cosmic unconscious and will see life through their own five limited human senses. Most of the time, those senses have been refined with both experiences and specifically through traditional education.

Knowing the traditional religious and scientific controlling educational matrixes run the show, the chance for the norm to get “Cosmic Consciousness” through the established systems is ZERO! Not only there is no platform for practical “cosmic spiritual studies” those matrixes teach their students to either fear (religions/hell) or ridicule (pseudo-science) Astropsychology!

Once you become cosmic conscious the option is now given to you not only to auto-analyse your own idiosyncrasies correctly but to perceive others through their natal UCI. Another word, you are now seeing the world through different eyes or you now use your “3rd eye.”

For example; a born conservative (Rush Limbaugh / Glenn Beck, friends and followers) will vibrate at their “cosmic speed” and own a serious dose of “religious puritanical” critical thinking and will “subconsciously” HATE gays and lesbians.   But this phenomenon does not stop with those media “talking heads” and because of the fast approaching 2014 Arian Draconis WILL become, as predicted,  an epidemic with society at large.

Another Cosmic Unconscious celebrity who paid the price of  God cosmic ignorance!

Was he just expressing his beliefs or spewing bigotry? Either way, “Duck Dynasty” star Phil Robertson was sidelined after controversial remarks to GQ magazine.  they won’t inherit the kingdom of God. Don’t deceive yourself. It’s not right.”

Amazing how those God’s fearing souls who knows nothing of God cosmic will become obnoxious conscious or unconscious robots!  Meantime,  unless victimized by one of their “cosmic biorhythms,”  none of those born religious perfectionists celebrities will ever admit openly the depth of their puritanical thoughts and feelings to the world! Rush did once with “slut” but he is so wealthy he and other conservatives,  now practically own a good chunk of “Clear Channel.”

Indeed, I can now add Phil Robertson and Ian Watkins to my prediction of a new beginning/endings of important phases of life offered to the public in “December 17/18/19 and December 27, 28, 29 Predictions!”

But while those unconscious souls are paying the price of their cosmic ignorance, millions of people in power and in charge of your life are also under the power of the stars, and this is quite a scary proposition…


Did you notice nearly every week another reality show is popping up? And again it seems all the producers are aiming for the brainless easily entertained Joe Six Packs and Sallie Sues out there! What an offense to the many of us born smart and curious but again, the creation of a show and its success depends on its ratings/money revenue and not exactly in providing a spiritual service to humanity! Imagine for a minute if I was the star of my Cosmic Code reality show readers what could be offered to the English speaking audience. But maybe one of those spiritually refined TV producer will be smarter than others, realize my talent, my gift and the true potential of making it a REAL top reality show!

I guess its not too difficult for the easily amused mass of human watching those TV shows to assimilate the banal DUCK daily matters than the “Dark Matter/God particles” I am proposing through the Cosmic code educational show!

While the controlling scientific educational whoring around with the news media and Hollywood *matrix” The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences offers a platform for recognition to all deserving rational souls, and my accomplishments in the conception and applications of a spiritual Universe is ridicule or sought as pseudo-science only?

Now for the record, remember I do not endorse politics nor religions I know too much about the unconscious mass of human under the jurisdiction of the stars. Now I could not care less about anyone taste for food, wines. music, politics, religions or sex as long as they do not infringe the law. By the way did you check what happened to a British rock star child rapist today?

I guess my prediction for December 2013 involving serious endings of important affairs of life did touch those guys directly! Watkins, the lead singer of rock group Lostprophets is on for  a new life in jail and religiously poisoned Phil Robertson is on for a new less glamorous life!  Can we all agree that I was once again right or will the skeptics still deny the obvious?

Now this crazy singer and TV series actor were only responding to their natal UCI, but when you combine drugs, alcohol, vice or religious, righteous convictions, only the worse of the stars will manifest in their life!

But why Ian Watkins would be having sex with babies? Born July 30, 1977 and his Mercury (the mind) is in the sign of Virgo (purity) and his Sun sign is Leo (children) there no mystery there! And as ALWAYS, when all unfolded when he was under one of his “unlucky Cosmic Biorhythms.”  He was born in the Chinese year of the Snake (Scorpio) and with  an Aries (self centered/baby of the Zodiac) negative Dragon’s Tail RIGHT in his 10th house of career… ET VOILA! how, in a few words, how the science of  Astropsychology explain someone’s dramatic  fate…

Again had Watkins be taught of his Plutonic UCI at puberty, he would have been given an option to control his destiny, but like you and your children the controlling educational system is not offering this option and is currently building more of those “Monsters!”

But how can the educational system can be improved when all its elites are themselves cosmic unconscious?  

Wilmington, Del., has a big problem: Large groups of black people are going crazy. And this collective “mental illness” is causing record levels of crime and gun violence in this mostly black town of 70,000.

The above mentioned nonsense is not only offending to the rest of the black American community but total bogus and comes from the logical mind of yet, another “expert.”  It seems obvious the deadly 2012/2013 Scorpius Draconis has spoken its impact and my endless warnings about the  2014 Arian Draconis  is becoming a reality each passing days… But the Chief diagnostician is black herself and this will allows her to get away with her nonsensical “educated” findings.

Black mob violence blamed on collective ‘mental illness’ is a Joke!


Chief diagnostician of this crisis in public health is city council member Hanifa G.N. Shabazz: has absolutely no clue of what she is talking about because she is herself a victim and the result of the controlling educational matrixes who mouldered her formal traditional hard core “education.”

Hanifa G.N. Shabazz, a native Wilmingtonian raised on the Eastside, was educated by the Wilmington public school system and is a graduate of Wilmington High School. 

While I will make sure this article of mine will reach her department, you may also tell her personally what you think of my work to introduce Astropsychology in her jurisdiction.

Meantime I am convinced, like all the educational “experts” she is very concerned for the welfare of her community but how can she fix the problem when SHE IS PART of the problem?  And by this I mean to say, she is part of the educational controlling matrixes building the future  ”monsters.”  May be she and all her “educated” kind should take some of their precious times and heed my warnings in this video and realize how they are endlessly producing more Adam Lanza?

Many of those institutions, schools, Universities and God knows what else are ingrained with religions where Dr. Turi is the evil! But the fact is there is no much the Vatican does not control financially secretively in all its financial masquerades.   Indeed I become the evil for exposing too much! Vatican Bank Scandal — JP Morgan, HSBC Cease Doing Business with Vatican

The Vatican bank faces a crucial test this week with European regulators set to decide whether it should be allowed to continue operations in its current form. The Council of Europe’s money laundering watchdog meets tomorrow to discuss the Roman Catholic church’s secretive financial arm after last year’s scathing report on its controls.

My good friend George Noory is offering me a regular national platform on Coast to Coast am while I can not recall the number or radio and TV appearances  I did and keep doing over the years.  And be sure readers, without any doubt, there is a secret Facebook and You Tube Gestapo MUTING me!  This particular video should have millions of hits already but the “Cyber Matrix” is set to stop me reaching you with my crucial cosmic messages.

Knowing the Iluminati in charge of all forms of media communication will do all in their power to mute Dr. Turi, you, my dear trusting readers must become more active and help me reach more curious people looking for the truth they can only get from the Cosmic Code website. And all my pearls of wisdom will stop reaching the general public on 01/01/2014!

The main reason why I will stop posting for the public, is because I am muted all over anyway and not really appreciated where ever I go with my free  ”spam.”  Thus there is no point for me to waste my time any-more with my precious pearls! YOU will have to come to me, become a cosmic coder to drink at the pure source of cosmic wisdom…

Memo: “I received a direct email from Facebook they are refusing to run my adds and You Tube never answered my emails to promote this video! 

 From –  indeed the controlling matrixes at work stopping my cosmic wisdom reaching you readers… Amazing our the Iluminati in charge of the news media will try to keep you in the dark! Indeed the pharmaceutical adds there bring them billions, all at the expense of the truth and your children…”

The fact is; for my own safety I must now become less transparent and build my own powerful voice force  with and for all my VIP’s only… A lot to think about and soon join Dr. Turi in the Cosmic Code website!

A true leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.

John C. Maxwell



L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

listen to my latest radio show with Jerry – US/world
listen to my latest radio show with Ted – US/world
listen to my latest radio show with Rob – Canada/world

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 


The Magical Power of Talismans!

May 23, 2014

To assure order reception by customers, we will also provide insurance and also include receipts and custom numbers for tracking purposes.

Dear readers; 

As of today, 9/27/22; we have decided to offer our VIPs, clients, and patrons a new, and More powerful talismans design.

The front silver talismans will come with your personal Zodiacal sign (see samples below) and the full belt of the Zodiac is on the backside. 

You are advised to purchase a silver chain (only after the new moon) if you decide to use it as a necklace. 

Size, on Terania’s hand


Make good use of the new deal!


Universal talismans cost $1000 with a Zoom live consultation but you can get it for $400.00 if you become a VIP for 12 months minimum first…

(Update: 10/31/22 – The universal talismans are half price or $525, for all cosmic code subscribers; as this deal has now expired.)

Please contact Terania, for more information; at:

The reasons for the changes are:

Time: You will not have to wait weeks or months to receive your order, only a few days and no more than two weeks.

Too many people have been waiting for too long for something they invested in months ago.

Listening to the benevolent solar – Draco’s channeling; I came up with the answer, I needed.

Power: Instead of waiting for months, for the right cosmic auspices which could, in some cases even take years… I now use the location of your natal Dragon’s Head and charge your sign talisman during sunny days, on the waxing moon, and most importantly during one of your personal positive cosmic biorhythms days.

I will also locate the weakest area of your UCI (or Saturn the great malefic) to compensate with the revitalizing power of the talisman made for you.

Doing so not only saves lots of time but accentuates the power needed to make your talisman work its magic, almost immediately for you. 

Options: The new talisman is designed to affect all areas of your life; It can be worn around your neck, left in your bag, or in your pocket. It will protect you when you drive or fly! Unlike the old design, anyone can appreciate and even touch it. There is no cleaning, cleansing, or recharging involved ever.

Purposes: The new version depicts the full Zodiac wheel; making it Universal and perpetual since it carries in itself all the blessings and strengths of all the signs of the Zodiac. 

You do not need to send precious metals such as gold or silver or any precious stones anymore…

This new design. owns the power of:

Venus – Taurus/Libra: (love/money/Arts) and will raise your magnetism and stimulate the attraction between human beings… Especially if the person you are attracted to likes it or touches it. It makes you more magnetic.

Mars – Aries: (Pioneer spirit) If you need courage, drive, energy, and the will to succeed, Mars will be leading you all the way to the top… Makes you very competitive.

Mercury – Gemini/Virgo: (writing/communication) The Messenger of the Gods will give you all the mental power you need to study, teach, communicate and adapt to anything life throws at you… This talisman will accentuate and protect or improve your health. Makes you also faster and more curious.

Sun – Leo: (life/ fame/gold/love/children) The creative life forces of the Sun will attract the benevolent – solar Draconis in your life; where nothing or no one, can stop you from reaching all your wishes. This talisman will help produce healthy, successful children and stimulate better connections with kids and siblings… Makes you shine, invest in Gold. 

Neptune – Pisces: (Psychic power/creativity/arts/imagination) Neptune Lord of the Seas will speak its power through the forces of your subconscious where magic can and will change your life for the better. Neptune will lead you to more efficient medications and protect you against chemical poisoning/drugs. protect by the water… Makes you more psychic and accentuates good sleep and dreams.

Saturn – Capricorn:(politics/structure/career achievements) This rational Capricorn symbol will help you climb the mountain of success and give you the discipline you need to better your career and life in general… Particularly beneficial for political or investment endeavors… Make you driven to succeed and plan for it.

Uranus – Aquarius: (UFOs/originality/freedom/technology) Uranus’ futuristic energy can make the impossible a reality and will attract experiences you could never dream possible. Full protection when you fly anywhere… Makes you unique, and attracts friends and UFOs.

Pluto – Scorpio: (Death/rebirth/investigation/metaphysics) The extraordinary powers of Pluto can bring you back to life into a much more rewarding life. Sensuality and sexual affairs become a new reality… Makes you mysterious and powerful.

The scientific community is oblivious of the cosmic code jurisdictions and the power generated by a tailored talisman, something our clients and readers are uncovering with our cosmic teachings on the cosmic code private website. 


While our clients can order any talisman of their choice, after investigating their chart we always create the personal talisman that would work best for them.

Thus, if your natal UCI is loaded with Sagittarius (Half-man half-horse) your “Indian spirit,”  will be stimulated to work in your favor.

What does your sign say?

Go to and click on your astrological sign at the top of the page to read about your characteristics. 

Example: A Sagittarius talisman will bring luck in gaming, protection for your pets, or while traveling to foreign countries or in wild nature. This talisman could also lead you to foreign people’s wisdom and stimulate deep metaphysical views while stimulating also more practical scientific studies. 

Now, remember, we are not jewelry designers.

You are not after something attractive that only looks good, you are after the DIVINE or all the critical cosmic energy making up your UCI! 

You NEED a talisman if bad luck is something you can’t get rid of…  

This video will tell you more! WATCH!

Our talismans provide love, health, wealth, magnetism, Indian spirit guide, attract UFOs, and our Universal talismans are very powerful. 

You may also read “Beyond the secret” and drastically attract a much better future!  


Indian Spirit talisman – UFO’S  talisman

Indian Spirit talisman 

A magnetized rock, under positive cosmic auspices; will also be included, with each order.

Note that many rocks contain iron-bearing minerals that act like tiny magnets.

As magma or lava cools; these minerals begin to form.

At this point, the molten rock has not completely solidified…So the magnetic minerals floating into the molten mass, become aligned; to the magnetic field.

Thus, when magnetized by the sun – Its magnetic poles, line up and point in the same direction…Acting in accordance, with one’s chart complexity and most importantly; the human will, which is that much stronger; than the stars.

The question remains, will you be curious enough to check on your own cosmic load or learn about your Personal Cosmic Biorhythms? Unconscious humans can never escape the ever-changing cosmic winds working for or against them imposed by the eternal universal rites and universal cosmic ceremonies.

There are very productive years…

Opportunities, money, and luck seem to be blessing every one of your moves.

While there are extremely difficult times, we must endure when those cosmic winds never seem to stop blowing against us.

We received quite a lot of requests to create various “Talismans” in attracting love, wealth, health, protection against evil forces, and bringing luck.  But forging, and melting metals like copper, silver, and gold is not an easy task; only more of a child’s game; compared to the cosmic work we must perform, to make sure the tailored talisman you ordered acts beyond your dreams.

In fact, casting talismans is time-consuming and quite expensive depending on the size and spiritual work performed. 

This video will tell you more! WATCH!

WARNING! A talisman is an object created for the purpose of adding and using specific cosmic energies missing in your Unique Celestial Identity. The cosmic code eternal rules and universal ceremonies are “trapped” in the melting process and contain magical cosmic sacramental properties providing good luck for the possessor, and offering protection from an evil possession.

Some of those talismans can also be created to attract the benevolent Draconis group of ETs’ looking for “Chosen Ones…” And be sure UFOs and ETs are very real!  

UFOs Health Wealth Love Talismans 
Talismans, do they really work?

 Full awareness of the judicial divine and medical astrology must be acknowledged and respected by anyone making any health talismans.

 “A physician without a knowledge of Astrology has no right to call himself a physician” Hippocrates (ca. 400 BC).

 This video will tell you more! WATCH!









There are MILLIONS of lovely talismans you can purchase on the Internet.

And while some products are made of pure gold, extremely expensive, and attractive, they are all totally EMPTY of your natal cosmic essence and personal vibrations.

Once again, I am not a jewelry maker. I am primarily a Soul Doctor, a healer Prophet, and an Astrophile. While I always do my best to make a nice product, it’s not about the beauty of the aesthetics, but all about the power of your cosmic UCI made by my hands.

Talismans are produced in a round shape for men and women with a hole at the top and can be used as pendants or necklaces. Round designs conduct more power, particularly the shape of a silver dollar, and can be stored in your car, your pocket, under your pillow, or in your wallet.

The planetary hours in relation to your natal or hidden dragons have also been used in electing favorable times to initiate activities, and also to time prayers, spells, and magical rituals. The following table shows the sorts of activities traditionally favored by each planet:

Sun Hours: General success and recognition; spiritual illumination; decisiveness, vitality; activities requiring courage or a mood of self-certainty – making big decisions, scheduling meetings for reaching decisions, giving speeches, launching new projects; seeking favors from father, husband, boss, authorities.

Uranus Hours: UFO talisman – Perfect to attract a benevolent group of ETs’. This talisman can improve your psychical perceptions and attract incredible experiences, televisions, and technological opportunities while offering total protection when traveling by air.  This one can birth the genius in you and attract many friends and wishes.

Venus Hours: Love; friendship; artistic and social success; enjoyable, sociable, and aesthetic activities such as parties, social gatherings, recitals/exhibitions, weddings, visits, dating and seeking romance; planting ornamentals; buying gifts, clothing, luxuries; beauty treatments.

Mercury Hours: Success in studies/communications; children; making a good impression; routine activities and activities needing clear communications; teaching/learning; important business letters/phone calls; meetings to develop or communicate ideas; buying/selling; routine shopping, errands, travel; job applications/interviews; seeking favors from neighbors, co-workers.

Moon Hours: Health; home (buying a home, moving); journeys / vacationing (time of leaving home or take off); activities remote in time or space – meditation, making reservations, finding lost objects or people; planting food crops; hiring employees; seeking favors from mother, wife, employees.

Saturn Hours: Discipline and patience; giving up bad habits; overcoming obstacles; success with difficult tasks or difficult people; projects of long duration – breaking ground, laying foundations; planting perennials; treating chronic illness; making repairs; seeking favors from older people (not relatives) or difficult people.

Jupiter Hours: Wisdom, optimism; money (borrowing/lending/investing/earning / winning); activities necessitating enthusiasm; buying lottery tickets; seeking advice/consultation; settling disputes; seeking favors from grandparents, aunts, and uncles, advisers (doctors, lawyers, accountants, astrologers).

Mars Hours: Courage, adventure; enforcing your will; success with drastic action (lawsuits, conflicts, going to war, surgery); sports, exercises; risk-taking; making complaints; firing employees; seeking favors of husband or boyfriend.

For example, A man should ask a woman out on a date during a Venus hour; a woman should ask a man out on a date during a Mars hour; one should ask one’s boss for a favor during a sun hour; money should be invested during a Jupiter hour; medical treatments should commence under a moon hour (except surgery should commence under a Mars hour); and so on.

The current world cosmic wind is Neptunian while its color is blue is element is water. Its poisonous power stimulates religious wars, diseases, depression, and suicide… And a talisman can help.


Brittany Maynard is terminally ill and, according to her own schedule, may take a handful of pills that will end her life. Her age makes the case “extremely rare,” a health official says.

“Maynard was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor in January, barely a year after she and her husband were married. After several surgeries, doctors said in April that her brain tumor had returned and gave her about six months to live. She moved from California to Oregon to take advantage of that state’s law and says she plans to end her life soon after her husband’s October 26 birthday.”

Hi Terania & Dr T,
I wanted to chime in and give you some updates, about my beautiful Pendant, that was created from my stars –
That I received at the end of January 2020…Positive, positive, and positive!!!
  1. I have made some great strides in balancing and maintaining that balance with my emotions/thoughts/goals.
  2. I can focus my mind better and stay on task.
  3. My Worker’s Comp case was settled for higher than normal + Paid – Going back to school and getting certified in Quick books Pro.
  4. My visions are becoming clearer (even during my waking time) and I can recall them and journal this information.
  5. I can understand/accept the various beings that are out there in Cosmo’s without the fear most people get.
  6. I have been luckier in finding money and being sent money, that I forgot about.
  7. I can “see” myself getting financially prosperous and owning my own home.
  8. I have been healthier in my body and of course being proactive in maintaining that.
  9. Forgiving people from my past and truly meaning it from the heart.
  10. Overall being positive no matter what happens. I’m not living in fear. (Especially with the current global situation)

So I wanted to thank you for the extraordinary pendant, your support in delivering your crucial messages and website, your encouragement with your videos, and your genuine care for me and all the others that want this positive change global change.

Gigi (VIP)


Hello Terania,

Rob has trouble with his e-mail and he wanted me to let you know that he has received
the beautiful talisman and stone.

He says that it has lessened his toothache.

It arrived
on the New Moon.

Thanks so much. 

~ Gail Kolach for Rob.

P.S. Happy Independence Weekend


Dear Terania.

Thanks for your continuous swift replies.
I have had the talisman for about a week and to be honest it has surprised me and elated my spiritual knowledge. 
It is to my knowledge that you may not be making more talismans in the near future, for a while and so I would like to request a lava talisman; to protect my energy…My birthday is coming up so that would be a good time for one.
 I will come up with a more detailed, written review; in regards to the talisman, as I also wait to experience; it during the waxing moon. 
Hello Terania…
 Just a note to inform you that I did receive my talisman and have it on, since day one. 
It arrived a few days before my birthday (7th cycle), and I was relieved that no major incidents had occurred with me, since things can culminate during this cycle. 
Low and behold, I got sick the day before my birthday and can you believe, that the talisman helped me out tremendously. 
I had a major infection requiring four antibiotics and they wanted to admit me to the hospital, but I refused. 
I am thankful that I am feeling better and will continue the doctor’s instructions. 
It’s so strange, but sometimes I feel like Dr. T is speaking directly to ME even though I know he has many, many clients. 
Please let him know, and you as well, that I am so grateful for the time and energy you both have provided to me and commit to being a lifelong student. 
Don’t stop what you’re doing!
Best to you both,
Priscilla Bey

The Neptunius Dragon took many lives, over the last few years

Bobbi Kristina Brown and the Pisces dragon

Order your personal Nostradamus  2022 Dragon Forecast


As of April 2016, to assure orders reception by customers includes insurance and we will also include receipts custom number for tracking purposes.


L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

listen to my latest radio show with Jerry – US/world
listen to my latest radio show with Ted – US/world
listen to my latest radio show with Rob – Canada/world

Endorse my work! Help the children of the future 


If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit



 602 265 7667

Mayor’s advice to the bullied: ‘Grow a pair?’ Mine is; Mayor Please Grow a BRAIN!


 The gravitational forces that move all galaxies is a scientific fact;   But the greatness of the spiritual cosmic manifesto is yet a mystery to humanity. God’s enslaved all his children to uncover his cosmic  Divinity and with it,  a life filled with health, love, respect, peace and harmony for all.

— Dr. Turi

Mayor’s advice to the bullied: ‘Grow a pair’

Dear readers;

In “Evil Sexual Predators Everywhere, Miley Cyrus, Cops, Rabbis, Priests, Scoutmasters etc.” I wrote… “It is only when the US Department of Education recognize Astropsychology for what it is, “the savior of humanity” that this endless dance of evil and universal cosmic ignorance will cease.” I also mentioned “I am so tired of this Universal nonsense because, while our leaders own a position of power none has evolved into true cosmic wisdom…” 

Well Mayor Cameron Hamilton is the perfect example of this humongous ignorance that plagues every school masters, teachers and finally all the children…  In “Teacher grabs student by neck, IS THIS A JOKE? A Must Read If You Are A Teacher!”, I wrote about my dramatic experiences during my childhood in France and the damage this cosmic ignorance is costing ALL the bullied children.

The problem with Hamilton’s comment is that, he thinks ALL children are born and designed the same and should “Grow a Pair” to defend themselves against bullies. But this educated moron in power thinks exactly the same than the millions of  other unconscious, ill informed  non cosmic conscious people. They have absolutely NO other reference what’s so ever than their 5 limited rational  human senses and never heard anything about cosmic identity or UCI!  Worse some of them truly believe they know and are better than me then the opposition respond with the usual sub-human offensive attitude.

  ” I did read it, boss. I agree with him 100%. Get over what you like to stick your dick in & don’t be a weak suck puke.”

Amazing how some people do only read the title of my articles and assume I am gay! This guy does not know me at all, in fact many years ago, (when I was single) I was wild and EXTREMELY popular with Ladies! 

God thanks the world is not only made of those educated morons…

Because you are a male and supposed to have balls does not mean your spirit is made as such! But this mayor could never understand that male GAYS were born with a feminine, sensitive psyche and Lesbian just the opposite!

Do you really think Mayor Cameron Hamilton that a man would spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to cut those BALLS OFF just for the sake of it? Or maybe that guy, which is a girl inside a man’s body, truly thinks she own the wrong male equipment? Can you ever push your brain to think like an involved brute?

What Mayor Cameron Hamilton is truly saying is. “Wife “grow a pair” and go and beat the hell out of this 250 pounds crazy rapist!”  or if he has a true female daughter “grow a pair” and go and pick a fight with Tyson or Laila Ali and expect his daughter to win! This is the HUGE amount of stupidity that reign right at the top of Porterville City Council.

The main reason why I do not have to “Grow a Pair” is because my wild natal Aries dragon’s Head UCI allows me to become a bully if needed and fiercely fight to protect myself or those I care. Indeed Mayor, (and company)  not all kids own the same aggressive masculine UCI as mine.

Jodi Arias A born Killer Mind Exposed

In fact I can directly relate to Trayvon Martin being bullied by George Zimmerman because it happened to me so many times as a kid, but we had no guns then in France only writs and this is why they all lost against me. I was faster, precise and brutally dedicated to beat the bullies, because I WAS BORN THIS WAY! A fighter! 

And the unlucky brainless idiots encountered on the Internet who picked up an intellectual fight with me can testify I am a tough cookie to deal with…

I do not want to sound redundant, but if you are a teacher, a parent or a member of any US City Council, you may want to pay attention to how God designed his children outside of the  conventional accepted “accredited” psychological disciplines… Reading my articles will help everyone to understand what it means to be human, to be born Gay, ADHD or a bully like me…

But while ALL the teachers were not there to help me learn all about my cosmic nature and control my turbo charged ADHD UCI, I was able to do it on my own, but not all kids own an advanced UCI and need a steady tutoring just before puberty.

Unless of course, you want the scientific and religious controlling educational matrixes  to create more monsters like as Adam Lanza. Watch, listen and judge please, because Adam Lanza and all the past, present and future monsters are ALL victims of people like Mayor Cameron Hamilton.

All can change so fast without armed retired police officers guarding our schools, all can change without sophisticated technology infringing privacy in the name of security, all can change without your children turning into over medicated zombies, yes all can change if we stop the kids using weed and replace it all with the science of Astropsychology!


Naked California Mom Stabs 3 Baby Daughters To Death In Their Beds
Police: Utah mom admits to killing at least six of her babies
Mom kills two of her children during attempted exorcism

It is just a matter of time before another monster, another victim of the religious or scientific matrixes and the US Department of Education kill innocent people! When mothers kill their own children and children kill their own mothers its time to do something different and get some good results for a change! Update 5/24/14 3 days later! – 7 dead in California shooting rampage called ‘premeditated mass murder’ – Worst U.S. mass shootings

Carol Coronado is 30 years old, she was born with a Sagittarius (religions) Tail she did not want her children to live on a very dirty, dangerous world and, as expected,  she was under one of her negative “2014 cosmic biorhythms” when she finally lost it.  If someone has her full DOB let me have it for more information on her depleted psyche.

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. We will not solve the problems of the world from the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. More than anything else, this new century demands new thinking: We must change our materially based analyses of the world around us to include broader, more multidimensional perspectives.” 

~Albert Einstein*

 Who Was Nancy Lanza and why Adam Killed Her First
God And The Cyber Matrix Bullying Dilemma
Dr. Drew, Dr. Gupta, PTSD, Bullying and Suicide Answers
‘Mean Girls’ dies after apparent bullying attack. When will it stop?
Christian Pastor Calls For Atheists And Gays To Be Put To Death? Amazingly Human!

“For evil to flourish, all that is needed is for good people to do nothing.” – Edmund Burke



L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

listen to my latest radio show with Jerry – US/world
listen to my latest radio show with Ted – US/world
listen to my latest radio show with Rob – Canada/world

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 


Evil Sexual Predators Everywhere, Miley Cyrus, Cops, Rabbis, Priests, Scoutmasters etc.


If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

Dalai Lama Dr. Turi

Cop, rabbi, scoutmaster among arrests in child porn bust

Dear readers;

Before elaborating on sexual predators, how can any sensible human being deny my work or consider it as junk spam? One has to be totally in denial not to acknowledge the serious upsurge in racial slurs and  my predictions about the spirit of Hitler cursing humanity!  

Did Prince Charles liken Putin to Hitler?

Hillary Clinton compares Vladimir Putin’s actions in Ukraine to Adolf Hitler’s in Nazi Germany

PLEASE READ “Heil Hitler” 2014 Arian Draconis World Predictions”  AND PASS IT ON!

3 – How does the Arian Draconis affect the news? Remember I posted my predictions back in June 2013 and this Dragon has already spoken through Vladimir Putin annexing Ukraine.  In fact the Russian President “declared war” when he first visited the US September 12, 2013 ” Putin to America: You’re not special.”

Indeed the atheists, the skeptics, and agnostics alike can not deny any-longer my dated, printed, published and televised/radio predictions. I should be taken very seriously instead of being attacked by envious morons who can not differentiate my true pearls of cosmic wisdom for SPAM!


 Servicing Pathetic Atheists Mind for free!

‘Great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly.’

– Albert Einstein

Continued – I can not recall how many times I mentioned that;  Plutonic born souls will aim for any career that allows them to use power and their position to satisfy their obsessive inborn sexual predator instinct… The reality is you and your children are surrounded by those sick people waiting for the opportunity to strike. Now if you think your child is safe at church, in school on in the streets you are so wrong because the Plutonics born souls are EVERYWHERE!

But in this case it took time, money and efforts to catch 3 of them when they are millions living among us, so what can be done to not only to detect the sexual predators but to avoid breeding more of them.

  • Ask yourself, how many Neptunians, (Christians) the cosmic code has produced are living and operating on the planet?
  • Ask yourself, how many Plutonic (cops) the cosmic code has produced are living and operating on the planet?

These are questions that can never be correctly answered but they are billions of them. The ONLY accurate way to discern the true potential and character of any human being is by investigating his/her cosmic nature or their natal UCI through the science of Astropsychology.

This mean, before joining the police academy training grounds,  if a cop wanna be is tested through traditional psychology methodology, this person may be a Plutonic and will become a bad cop, abuse his position of badge power and even kill innocent people. This will end up costing the tax payers billions in legal battles…

While being an exact, precise science Astropsychology supreme values has not been explored and not “yet” accepted as a solid discipline and this is why the Plutonics are allowed to mature into criminals in certain professions.

Indeed, since 1991 I have tried in vain to reach and teach the police  about Pluto but to the cops and science, Pluto is not even a planet and my lifetime work is only ridiculous  pseudo-science.. All the while missing all the answers they were all enslaved by a cosmic God to uncover… All I have for comfort against the Law Enforcement executives  universal ignorance and the young souls is this accurate biblical quote…

“Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, or they will trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces. Matthew: 7.6 

But what is a Plutonic soul you may ask… Pluto “Lord of Hades” rules the deep, mysterious, passionate and dangerous sign of Scorpio. Scorpio rules power, sex, investigations, the police force, the FBI, the NSA, Russia and anything that represent death, drama, secrets and the criminal element.

Pluto Governs the Mighty Constellation of Scorpio

The Eagle (save life) or the Lizard (take life)”

Holder of all the secrets deep
Never speaking for they are mine to keep
For those who plunder without care
Tread carefully for I see you there
I am SCORPIO, child of Pluto.

A true Plutonic soul, like a lizard / snake will often “subconsciously” use his tongue…

‘The devil has got to her’ Miley Ray Cyrus Born A Porn Star?
Miley Cyrus Born Scorpius/Neptunian
Miley Cyrus OD by mixing weed and drugs!
Miley Cyrus: I didn’t overdose on drugs and I am a Lesbian

I am using all in my power to reach all my readers with obvious pictures and metaphors depicting the cosmic power regimenting humanity,  but only a few spiritually advanced souls will be able to grab the subtle meaning of the signs.

The problem is; using Astropsychology to decipher one’s potential character, fate and actions could be sough as discrimination and falls in the category of racial/color judgement… With the only difference of course that we are not talking skin color or race but cosmic identity, something the scientific and religious communities has never explored before and tenaciously still fear or ridicule.

“Because they are seeing, they see not; and hearing, they hear not; neither do they under*stand” the voice of heaven.” 

– Matthew 13.13

But 50 years from today, (if humanity makes it) science may be able to re-connect with God’s cosmic divinity and acknowledge the supra-conscious creative forces in time and space. But if the atheists movement gain more popularity and power,  humanity will slowly alienate itself from the spirit and the cold “educated” monsters will run this world the way Hitler had in mind…

This is why it is important for you to share my work with everyone you know “Atheists & Christians, God is Really Pissed Off At You! “and avoid the horrible visions I nurture for humanity – You may want to read all the articles I wrote and Google  ” atheists dr.turi” – “religion dr.turi”  – “Gay dr.turi” or anything you think about and add dr.turi behind your sentences.

I am thinking of stopping writing again for the public soon, you may also have noticed that many links are dead or takes you straight to my “Cyber Cosmic University” and when I totally disappear, if my work mean anything at all to you, then you will have to join us on the Cosmic Code website to read and learn more about humanity’s fate…

It is only when the US Department of Education recognize Astropsychology for what it is, “the savior of humanity” that this endless dance of evil and universal cosmic ignorance will cease.  Until then more and more dramatic news will keep cursing humanity… 3 kids dead, mom suspected of murder – Cops: Boys poisoned teacher’s water.

Once more readers, life is a constant process of physical and spiritual changes, but do not expect the scientific, religious and news-media deceptive, controlling matrixes to care about you, your children or promote your personal spiritual evolution. You may be stuck in your religious/scientific comfort zone, but you are doing no good to yourself and humanity at large!

A criminal false God killing children is an erroneous perception of the real cosmic God I am endlessly helping you to uncover through my cosmic code articles, and I know from the bottom of my heart I am “converting” many of you to stop fearing hell…

Hell is here, right on earth and God himself designed it this way so you can own your own salvation and free your spirit from manipulative born Plutonic HUMAN beings abusing and killing your children through their matrixes… I am so tired of this Universal nonsense because, while our leaders own a position of power none has evolved into true cosmic wisdom…

In a world where political leaders assign themselves to religious archaic convictions and trust its infantile scientific community only extreme stupidity can plague the rest of humanity.

Dr. Turi

I know I have the total dedication needed to fulfill my mission but wonder how long God will allow me the strengths I need to carry on… After so many years in construction my pelvis is so twisted and my hip join is killing me because I have to sit for hours and end to produce my articles. Hip replacement is out of question because my pelvis is too messed up and will not alleviate the pain. Furthermore my eyesight is also quitting on me leading me to suffer periodical headaches…

I hate pain killers and use them only as a last resort when I can’t handle it no more.. Yes it is only when you reach my age (64) that you will be able to fully understand my suffering but there is no sacrifice big enough if my work is appreciated and benefit both the parents and the children of the future…  Yet some lazy minds are telling me my newsletters are much too long to read? OMG! imagine the intellectual potential of such donkeys and if they had to do all that I do in a foreign language everyday?

It is easy to criticize others and forget the amount of work generated to keep all of you informed and educate you on the cosmic code jurisdictions.  I am only asking you to share my cosmic wisdom because the world desperately need to change and can only do so by becoming cosmic conscious and acknowledge God cosmic divinity as such!

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi

Note the 2 Mayan Moon Tablets are now sold to Joe, a lucky VIP! Here are more pieces for sale… Make an offer to what ever you see and like then email me

ONLY VIP’s please! 

16X18 inches, quite heavy horse mineral artwork display (make an offer!)

 I changed my micro-wave when I updated my kitchen, this like new item was used only for a couple of weeks and replaced by the new one. (make an offer!)

The silver bike cost me $1200 and guarantee to never rust for as long as you own it. I bought it because I thought moving to FL and ride it along the beach to keep in shape when I retire… But my hip situation is not helping… (make an offer!) I have a special safe packaging company for all heavy/large items.

 Need a better picture? let me know!

 I bought this one from the AZ petrified wood forest… Check the price on Google then make an offer! This is very havy and the rules is, for any heavy or large items,  we share the shipping!  The rose quartz lamp and the crystal pyramid are also for grab –

Lady Turi owns the longest dog tongue in town lol… Indeed she is a HOT dog!



L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

listen to my latest radio show with Jerry – US/world
listen to my latest radio show with Ted – US/world
listen to my latest radio show with Rob – Canada/world

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 


Atheists & Christians, A Cosmic God is Really Pissed Off At You!


If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

Dalai Lama Dr. Turi

Image result for Church bus, pickup collide; 12 dead

               Update 3/29/2017 Church bus, pickup collide; 12 dead

Only a  cruel false God would kill children!

(CNN) — A bus packed with children burst into flames in Colombia on Sunday, killing at least 32 people, officials said. The bus was picking up children from an event at a church in Fundacion, Colombia, when the blaze began, Col. Adan Leon told CNN affiliate Caracol TV.

Dear Readers:

Note, this article was written and published 5/20/2014.

The reason why God kills, is because humans do not understand nor use his universal cosmic conception. Humans are robots of the stars, manipulated by the reptilius who exterminate humans at any given chance. The reptilius created over 875 different religions and still counting, a multitude of false prophets and countless of cults like Mormonism, Scientology etc… 

Those people’s mind were infiltrated, possessed then dictated and the mass of gullible unconscious human follow…

Image result for reptilius

  Help to fight the reptilius

Yet, humans keep investing on religions who own all medias and control the information via countless television programs and radio religious stations…While those who own the truth are ridiculed, cast aside, muted by Satan’s children and all major media corporations!  Seems the majority aren’t interested in real cosmic sense or cosmic wisdom in order to get real answers.

One must be quite “innocent” not to use the word moron or to believe the creator would purposely kill its children but this will not deter the faith of  those who inherited a very religious/Neptunian UCI. Or those denying the reptilius universal infestation, who are responsible for killing other humans.

Soul of the cosmos…

“We are ministering to family members to help them deal with this tragedy. Counselors will be on hand at the church tomorrow,” the church wrote. “If you’re a Christian, you can pray for those who lost their loved ones and for the church family.”

Cosmic unconscious ministers can’t truly provide the help, teach or warn people about the cosmic code jurisdictions, when the only thing they know and can do is pray. Praying will not stop the next carnage, when those unconscious souls can not understand nor explain why all those people were at the wrong time at the wrong place? 

“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life.  Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom.

~ Paracelsus

The words “An Act Of God” clearly depicts how little to nothing the masses and all religious leaders from all parts of the world, truly know about God real cosmic identity. Meantime, those deplorable “Acts of God” endlessly find themselves on major news-media forcing many people to question God and their faith.

This is another “Act of God” for the misinformed and another obvious omen in preparation for my visions…

 “11/2015-02/2017 End of All Religions.” – “Pope Francis – Can You Handle The Truth?”

With time, more people are removing themselves from deceptive religions, the spirit and God.

Millennials leaving the fold! 

This phenomenon also created the growing atheist movement fiercely battling religions reflecting the same unconscious ignorance and sub-human offensive attitude.


 ” I did read it, boss… I agree with him 100%. Get over what you like to stick your dick in & don’t be a weak, suck “puke.”

Good thing the world is not only made of those traditionally educated morons…

Christian pastor calls for atheists and gays to be put to death? Amazingly human!

This universal misconception of what God is, can only breed more ignorance, fueling passionate frustration and destruction to both non-cosmic conscious parties. The situation gets worse when those brainless readers accuse me of spamming…


 Servicing Pathetic Atheists Mind for free!

The answer is my forty five years of independent research on the human mind’s interaction with the universal mind or, explaining  this subtle phenomenon through the art and science of Astropsychology. This is the spiritual study of the stars outside of conventional astronomy, which offers nothing to better humanity psychical welfare but feed the masquerades of the scientific abusive matrixes endlessly sucking resources.

The fact is. humanity resides on earth and the earth element rules this world. Earth signs are cardinal. They are meant to build only on established, accepted foundations. Some souls were born fixed and build everything through their educated stubbornness while others are mutable, making them curious and versatile in pursuing various knowledge.

The atheist UCI (mental process) is a mixture of both cardinal and fixed signs making this crowd, the unchangeable donkeys of the Zodiac, unable to look away from the carrot, that leads them to the accredited barn of ” traditionally educated” ignorance.   When challenged, those souls will display a envious / destructive attitude, mixed with a mixture of insecurity/inferiority/superiority complexes.

 They are the one who collect PhD’s, doctorates and are unable to assimilate the difference between formal education and intelligence. They show their mental “superiority” with vitriolic and dismiss anyone blessed with a gift. To them only those who own an “accredited” education should be recognized as legit.

NO you do not need a BA, MA, MBA, JD and PhD!

Their banal repertoires of wisdom and teachings is far from showing originality and superior wisdom because their latent unperceptive mental faculties, and this infuriate them all.

Those young souls are well read only, and vibrates at a very low cosmic speed and their academic accomplishments/recognition is solely based upon traditional education. They are the parrots born with a great memory endlessly regurgitating the books/wisdom created by more fruitful ingenious minds…

Educated atheists are dry minded. They do not bring anything new, original, or genius like to the world but serve as the “conservative” break slowing down humanity psychical welfare.  But this does not mean, those who are at the top of their game, in all walks of life, are not discerning the value of our work and while I amuse myself with some Internet “gigolos,” to relax my turbo charged mind, those curious people enjoy and read my work regularly!

Dr Turi is now connected to ////// Chief of Army Reserve, Commanding General USARC at US Military Academy.
Dr Turi is now connected to ////// Specialist at Institute of Nuclear Power Operations.
Dr Turi is now connected to /////// President, US-ISAS at International Space Agency.
Dr Turi is now connected to ////// at Private Practice – Psychiatry and Psychoanalysis.
Dr Turi is now connected to  ///// PsyD, and Experienced Psychologist.
Dr Turi is now connected to  ///// Justice/FBI agent and reporter Los Angeles Times.
Dr Turi is now connected to  ///// Management Consultant, Informatics Defense & Space
Dr Turi is now connected to  ///// ASEA Redox Signaling Molecules; Upledger CranioSacral & Lymph
Dr Turi is now connected to  ///// Retired Civil Engineer and construction manager
Dr Turi  is now connected to Pasqual Bettio Retired US Senator and hundreds smart souls identities I can not divulge publicly appreciate my articles!

When you check of the small amount of special people following me on Twitter, such as US governors, US city mayors, N.Y. Best Sellers, Police Captains etc. it makes me feel good to know my readers are not gullible morons but respectable, smart people who find originality and reality in my work!

Ancient cultures used the Bull to represent solidity.

But earth signs are slow and solid, and they build banks (Taurus/ Merrill Lynch.) But do not ask any young earthy soul to use metaphors or any OBVIOUS sign to connect with their under-developed spiritual nature. This is a PHYSICAL world, making earth signs the builders and the rulers of this world…

This is why sports events such as the UFC or  the NFL, the animal instinct reign supreme and will attract (and reward) more people than any church congregation because, over the years, with more scientific discoveries, the real cosmic spirit God has been first altered, then challenged and finally lost.


Its seems this world and all its famous elites are unconscious false “stars” endlessly rewarding, pimping, pumping, endorsing, duplicating and supporting themselves. It is a hard physical world designed and ruled by a rational science and its counterpart and mortal enemy, the deceptive religious matrixes.

Supremacy means total polarization and general control of all types of information where the true Divinity of a Cosmic Universal God is denied and ridicule by the ” traditionally educated” and the religious norm…

The goal is quite simple, that is to keep hijacking your spirits, numb it with weed, medications or religious fears  and use a multitude of entertainments options to captivate and freeze your mind! For if you start thinking outside of the controlling mental boxes you fell in,  you could become a danger to the establishment and the status quo!

In a world where political leaders assign themselves to religious archaic convictions and trust its infantile scientific community only extreme stupidity can plague the rest of humanity.

Dr. Turi

You must ridicule supreme cosmic wisdom. You must ignore a true Cosmic God and ridicule UFO and the reality of extraterrestrials. You must NOT exit the controlling path imposed by all those deceptive media ruling matrixes and all accepted religious and/or scientific disciplines.  You must ridicule divine astrology and ignore my cosmic warnings and in 50 years this dance of evil will bring an end to humanity!

Thanks ALL the matrixes in charge of your controlled “education” because the ” Presidential dinner and Hollywood” are the core of the evil destroying your children fragile psyches. I do not have much faith in the world though, mostly because the vast  majority are already religiously poisoned, too skeptical or much too busy making a living and dealing with their responsibilities!

All academical recognized organizations are already financially involved or trapped into the deceptiveness of the religious or governmental accepted scientific matrixes.

If those teens manage not to fall for weed and own a brilliant curious spiritual UCI they will be able to one day find spiritual regeneration they strive for and real hope to build a better future for themselves through the teaching emanating from our cyber cosmic university.

And I guess this is why I keep writing about the reality of a cosmic God their peers, parents, teachers, science, religion and the world at large has lost! Nostradamus and I, warn humanity to pay attention to real prophets and to recognize God as a cosmic entity…

“You fools! God is an eternal, universal cosmic energy referred appropriately as “Dark matter” by science and faith by Christians!” Dr. Turi

“Nostradamus tells us that in the Last Days all his prophecies will finally be proven true.  Unfortunately it will be too late for them to benefit anyone in a highly skeptical and doubting modern world.  The Seventh Millenium of mankind’s civilized existence on this planet witnesses an age of high technology and amazing scientific achievements.  God and His prophets are soon relegated to a rather insignificant position in a world more concerned with following its own path to perfection.“

Trying to convince and atheist about the reality of God is as impossible as convincing a religiously poisoned Christian that God does not exist! While both are correct in their assumption and perception of a false God, the only way to stop animosity and separatism is to offer them the option to re-evaluate their perception of a real cosmic God operating from the heavens. But you can take the “donkey” to the water this does not mean he will nor can drink at the true source of cosmic wisdom…

Hard core atheists are scientifically poisoned, while pious souls are religiously poisoned, but this is the result of two thousand years of human conditioning witch quadrupled in the last 50 years through the new Age of Aquarius and the explosions of technology adding more “logic and criticism” to the equation!

Currently, apart from my “Cyber Cosmic Internet University”  all you have to explore the universe is the Astronomy Carl Sagan series “Cosmos.”  Tell any scientist or atheist the cosmos has a soul and watch their mind implode on itself then be prepared for their vitriolic because this is how they hide their universal stupidity through the ridicule…

While this crowd perceive me as an weird oddity and assume I am a psychic, little do they know that I own the golden keys to what it means to be human and the immaculate spiritual secrets of the cosmos. Something their latent minds are still looking for using telescopes and microscopes. It will take a little more mental gymnastics for the scientific community to realize they are the very essence of the stars that make the soul of cosmos. I will have to let all those unsolved children erroneously assume, they have nothing to do with the cosmic code jurisdictions and God cosmic divinity!

Lastly, life itself  is a constant process of physical and spiritual changes and those atheists have eternity to rise to a more spiritually refined human being… But reincarnation is another assimilation problem they yet have to acknowledge… Let me help them a bit, a lava in the water will transmute from a watery dense cold world into a more refined less dense warmer air element… They call it the  “evolutionary process” yes and there is still monkeys in the wild muting into human…. Or better yet, its your choice, you may also believe women are coming from the rib of a man…

But this is all science and religions has because their low non spiritual,  non curious, non accepting atheist and/or religious vibrational nature will make it impossible for them all to attract and experience the incredible reality of UFO…

“Why Dr. Turi and not me? Who the hell does he think he is? they think!  I just gave you the reason but this breed also enviousness because the atheists are not only dry and psychically dead, but no much of an interest for certain groups of formidably advanced ET’s’ particular cosmic agenda! But while I can affirm you, ET;s are very real and solid, this is to much for hard core atheists to digest!

UFO”s Are Very Real  –  And So Is The Legacy! – What Did They Do To Me?


L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

listen to my latest radio show with Jerry – US/world
listen to my latest radio show with Rob – Canada/world

 Endorse my work! Help the children of the future!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 


Police Commissioner Robert Copeland Racial Slur, Sheriff Arpio and Obama


If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

Dear readers:

Again how can anyone refute the unarguable value and reality of the  dated, printed, published “Heil Hitler” 2014 Arian Draconis World Predictions”  I posted  June 12, 2013 on the Internet? In fact the explosion of racial  and gay slurs has literally exploded since then and it is practically impossible for anyone to deny! The spirit of Hitler is definitely showing with much unrest in many parts of the world!

Army declares martial law in Thailand

Libya evacuation decision ‘minute by minute,’ U.S. official says

Yet another non cosmic conscious human being is currently making international news I foresaw many months before CNN.

 White supremacist gunnman cosmic IDentification ready for all Jewish centers


Phil Robertson, Was Jesus Gay?
Phil Robertson America New Jesus
Indeed ‘Duck’ star Christians get Bible wrong!
Black America Phil Robertson and Bigotery

Donald Sterling ‘When ignorant folks want to advertise their cosmic ignorance’

Update 05/08/14 – ‘Anti-gay’ remarks cost twins a TV show

But in no way, will traditional science be able to explain this sudden negative racial and gay upsurge slurring  plaguing the entire world and the US.  All you have to do is to click on “Heil Hitler” 2014 Arian Draconis World Predictions” and be the judge of what REAL predictive astrology is all about because this negative cosmic Martian fluid will be cursing humanity all the way to 2016.  I will ask all my supporters to make sure to share my articles and all the links, because once warned you can apply your will, or the part of God in your soul, to control those nasty “Hitler” like stars… 

Thus if you are an atheist, a scientist or a skeptical agnostic you have many more months to witness my predictions, then upgrade your psychical vibrations to the reality of a “Cosmic God” speaking his will through the signs only highly spiritually advanced souls can decipher, translate and share to the world!

But WHY in the name of God would Copeland, a 82 police commissioner use  racial slur to describe Obama?

Again if you think traditional psychology or forensic police science can explain what a UCI  is all about or what it means to be human, you are in the wrong type of study!  Mostly because science rely on this dense physical plane to find answers that will always escape them all. Indeed through progress, the scientific community has lost the spirit and its connection to God.

Police commissioner in N.H. town resigns over Obama slur


Obama waste $100M to unlock mysteries of the brain

While the police purpose is to serve and protect us, the fact is;  the police administration, from top to bottom, from the executives in position of power to the regular street cops, they are the first ones to infringe ALL cosmic laws! Worse NONE of them is aware of the Cosmic Code jurisdictions and what a UCI is all about… 

The beauty of Dr. Turi’s Cyber Cosmic University is that; I will give you the real reason for Mr. Copeland’s “cosmic”  idiosyncrasy. I hope my work will make you realize why the Illuminati MUST “advertise” Astrology is a wasteful pseudo-science through the religious and scientific controlling educational matrixes… 

I do not have COPeland’s DOB but through his publicized age,  I was able to check on his natal and hidden “dragons”  As expected like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Donald Sterning, Phil Robertson and Bill Maher to name a few, Mr. Copeland’s earthy, critical, puritanical, perfectionist  UCI spoke the truth of his racist, cleansing Virgo nature.

Who is Sheriff Joe Arpaio

This is why COPeland  like Sherriff Arpio (who also owns a Virgo Dragon’s Tail)  “subconsciously became COPS! Their subconscious drive  for cleansing society started at a very early age  and they NEED to CLEAN the world they are in to what  they perceive as dirty… Indeed Sheriff Arpio could make such a great impact to the police force if I could convince him to teach ALL the cops about the Universal Laws and use my Astropsychology software…Indeed many cops would be alive today…


Mercury Governs the Precise and Critical Constellation Of Virgo

Cleansing impurities large and small
Don”t think yourself immune, for I see all
Attending to every chore and task
Perfection being all that I ask
I am VIRGO, child of Mercury.

But what is terrible is like 99.999% of the world, including the scientific community, those cops are totally oblivious of a cosmic God.  If the UCI of your child is set mostly feminine or dual, his natural instincts will lead to act out his stars and wonder about gay behaviours.

If your child’s UCI is mostly Neptunian, he will own a shy, dreamy, addictive religious inborn personality!

If your child’s UCI is mostly Plutonic .i.e. Miley Cyrus,  he/she will be sensual, bullish and could become a criminal and kill people or commit suicide.

If your child’s UCI is Saturnic, he will love science, be sarcastic and become a scientist/ atheist.

If your child UCI is Venusian, he will be gifted in the arts and will become very attractive and peaceful, etc.etc.


But the situation can get much worse if your child is part of  The current OCD generation and refute the spirit and becomes obsessed with his health… 

There is so much the world would gain if God’s cosmic Divinity was taught to our children, doing so would allow them to control the worse manifestation of their karmic stars… Until then you can only expect more separatism, more dramatic news, more deaths and more chaos. As mentioned so many times before, it is only when I see the children and their parents attending my first Astropsychology school that I will have full faith for humanity survival.

Our stars reflects all our sins and virtues and educating the kids on the positive and negative values of their cosmic load will become a major contribution for peace, love, respect and harmony on earth…  

22 x 31 Inches  VIZIO TV 

 Much of the articles presented in previous newsletters are now gone but there is still tons of stuff  you may own for a cheap price. This TV has been turned on only a few times when my mother visited me. She stayed in the guest room. The TV goes with the  wall attachment. Bid start at $150 –  The Indian bow and arrow and statue decoration in the corner goes for a bid of $25 each.  If interested email me first at  Remember two things, you must agrees to pay HALF for the shipping and  only if you are a VIP can you join in the sales. Keep an eye on all my newsletters, you may need some items I have in my garages and get it for a great deal!



L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

listen to my latest radio show with Jerry – US/world
listen to my latest radio show with Ted – US/world
listen to my latest radio show with Rob – Canada/world

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 


Are ‘Lucky Streaks’ Real? Science Says Yes and Dr. Turi Explains


Are ‘Lucky Streaks’ Real? Science Says Yes

Dear reader;

I say, I make my own luck and built my own American Dream because I invested physically and spiritually in the right profitable directions! But there is so much more at play the struggling soul is unaware of…

First read this interesting “scientific” article and if you are a professional gambler, by following my advice, your chances to win regularly will improve drastically… If you never gambled anything in your life, you have now the opportunity to gamble on Dr. Turi’s cosmic wisdom and be the sole  judge of my claims.

 I am only requesting you to make a decent donation for my cause each time you win. First to build good karma and keep the lucky cosmic juice going, second to build my first Astropsychology school for the children of the future.

First, read  Are ‘Lucky Streaks’ Real? Science Says Yes entirely and let me offer you more of my cosmic wisdom… The researchers, Juemin Xu and Nigel Harvey at University College, London, conducted the study by examining the online betting activities of people on sports such as horse racing and soccer.

As always the dilemma I face is; all the people involved in this researches are non-cosmic conscious and, as a rule, assume immediately I should be discarded because I practice  a “pseudo-science.” Right there, the very crucial answers I own and the 45 years of my own independent cosmic research is ridicule and my claims rejected.

How in the name of God can any scientist assimilate my cosmic wisdom if it is immediately rejected? The attitude of all the scientists/atheists I came across is not only very predictable but deplorable at best! The mathematical oriented mind of all the scientists’ UCI does not “vibrate” at the spiritual perceptive curiosity needed for them to assimilate my cosmic wisdom and immediate rejection does not help!

Astrology in Asia

But by-passing the enormous spiritual pride or their “educated/accredited academical ego” is in itself a huge challenge, especially when the soul is totally oblivious of its own mental short comings and unable to auto-analyze or unwilling to recognize oneself as such!

Even with the use as the most simplistic explanations, no progress has been done to remotely make a scientist or an atheist born acknowledge the following…

How can I speak French (or the cosmic language) to you, if you still refuse learning about the language itself?  It feels like trying to show something to a blind person or warn a deaf person crossing the street of an incoming car!  How can I teach anyone anything if the underdeveloped soul is unable, forbidden or unwilling to hear and grow?  And that’s what’s going on with Dr. Turi and the logical hard headed egocentric scientific/atheist community.

Its much like asking a religiously poisoned Christian, Muslim or Mormon to discard the deceptive books or the codification of thoughts their soul sank in.   It took many years of conditioned information for a pious or a scientist to build a real or imaginative perception of the world they live in. Knowing the scientific and religious matrixes hate each others and battle for supremacy, monopolizing the information through the news-media matrix  (and politics) built so many groups of human where separatism reign supreme…

The good news is, I was not “grabbed” by any of those institutions, and I was a bit too much for the army of Mormons, Christians or Witness of Jehovah knocking my doors over the years. My formal education is “hands on” experience enriched by an exceptional life. Indeed being “neutral” or curious makes you prone to experience the incredible and attract the reality of UFO into your existence.

And from those “out of this world” episodes, came all the cosmic gifts I own today, and all are very real. Remember a magnet will not attract a piece of wood reader, if you are an atheist, agnostic, skeptic or a Christian the chances of attracting the unusual, the impossible and UFO is ZERO! Incidentally this “educated” crowd can not even assimilate this fact… Talk about being smart?

UFO”s Are Very Real  –  And So Is The Legacy! – What Did They Do To Me?

But only those who are ready, or curious enough to investigate my claims, HAVE in their own, through pain, suffering and deception LIBERATED themselves from those institutions and mind set… Indeed salvation or psychical liberation does not come free… At least, through my Cyber Cosmic University the option for you to learn more about those matrixes is a solid  reality!

 To attract luck  you must fully “magnetize” yourself in body, mind and soul, and there are a few ways to do so!

  • Second, realize that luck is all about vibrations and attraction generated from both the physical and spiritual planes. A young, hard core skeptical souls, especially atheists can never either give nor receive from the astral / metaphysical plane because the soul is dry and depraved of spiritual life itself.   Remember an atheist intuitive life resemble a colorless, lifeless empty cold world, much like the planet Mars they one day hope to visit and live on.  Atheism is like selling your soul to science only and refuse to accept what can not be seen, nor touched does not mean it is not a possibility.  Only lazy donkeys do not change their mind and with it, the size of their “psychical” brainless/intuitive nature…
  • Third remember anything you buy or own act as a magnet and this is why I make various “Talismans” designed to boost your vibrations. For example if you are lonely, I check your UCI, locate your Venus (love planet) location and either suggest you to invest in some articles I own (I have TONS for sale as we are moving out of the US) or if you can afford it, I can create a  love/health/money talisman under YOUR specific cosmic auspices.

The Talisman of Charlemagne

But this is VERY expensive and time consuming for me to produce because I use and melt various metals and colored crystal and stones that vibrates at your cosmic speed.  If you are interested email me for further information but I would strongly recommend you to WAIT because I may have it already and will post a lot of pictures and information that may resonate with you in all my future newsletters.

Remember ONLY VIP’S can own my luck and all my possessions, I can not mingle my energy with atheists or religious fanatics and expect my powers to grow. Indeed your energy will mingle with mine once you own something that belongs to me and somehow, your own energy will also reach me. This is where the Cabalistic Candle Ritual come in to play so you can protect your own soul from negative entities or your enemies thought forms…

Again, in their cosmic/spiritual ignorance, let the atheists suffer the consequences of the cosmic code eternal rites and universal cosmic ceremonies… 

If you need more luck, then I would suggest you to read this article about Jupiter (luck.growth), look at the pictures at the bottom of the article, and invest in the only Jupiter sphere  I own before someone else takes your luck away!

  • Third,  INVEST in your 2014 Personal Cosmic Biorhythms and realize there will be days in your life you wished you had stay in bed! Regardless of what other people think or say, you are in charge of your fate and all that encompass cosmic discoveries outside of science rigidness. 
Candidate. Hydrated minerals in the 4-billion-year-old bedrock of Northeast Syrtis Major make it an attractive site for a Mars sample return mission.

NASA/JPL/University of Arizona

Candidate. Hydrated minerals in the 4-billion-year-old bedrock of Northeast Syrtis Major make it an attractive site for a Mars sample return mission.

ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA—This time, U.S. Mars scientists not only want rocks made with water but also rocks born in fire. At a 3-day workshop that ended here today, planetary scientists advocated for igneous rock–bearing landing sites as high-priority targets for NASA’s next Mars rover mission, scheduled to launch in 2020. The $1.5 billion rover, a near-copy of the Curiosity rover, will collect about 30 samples of rock and soil for eventual return to Earth.

DT rebuttal; Here they go again… And, as with the collected moon rocks, what will Mars rocks do for your family, your bills, your lifestyle and your life in general? Will those rocks help you pay your bills, put the kids through college, help your mortgage payment or put food on the table?

$$$$$$$ – Indeed YES it will if you are a part of the BIG pie and this well oiled abusive corporate machines – $$$$$$$ 

 Like the pharmaceutical abusive matrix endlessly financing science to invent more nefarious drugs, this crowd of “educated” morons NEED your money to survive and pro-create.

Would you rather have fun building extraordinary expensive little robots for Mars missions during your entire life (and the future lives of your kids) sucking the money of all the morons or share their meaningless painful life working in under paid boring jobs?  

The scientific community  believe they are much too educated and much too smart to own a normal job like you do!  When will the world wake up and see the facts as they are with this crowd sucking our resources? Mars (The Lord of War)  was designed by a cosmic God to serve humanity spiritually ONLY!  Imagine the incredible psychical progress humanity would benefit if I had  $1.5 billion to spend on my Astropsychology schools?

Knowing we may have only 50 years to fix humanity’s psychical welfare, this waste of fortunes is not helping and time is running out. 

As much as I am warning you about the pharmaceutical corporations KILLING you and your children, NASA and Mars One missions are parts of the same scientific matrix abuses. 

NASA Jupiter’s Trademark ‘Great Red Spot’ Is Shrinking and WHO CARES?

Memo: The pharmaceutical corporations are CRIMINALS! They are forced during any of their endless advertisements on FOX and CNN to mention ALL the side effects of their products. Usually followed by attorneys asking you to call them if you suffered nasty side effects or if someone in your family died after ingesting the prescription drug.  

Incidentally EVERY YEARS the pharmaceutical corporations are paying MILLIONS in damage but who cares when they make BILLIONS every years? This is a fact and this mean you and your children are just collateral damage they can afford to live with! But after listening to all the warnings, the gullible trusting patients STILL place orders and this tells you the type of moronic God fearing world we are living in and why the smart ones” are a minority in this world.  

Thus, regardless of the OBVIOUS warnings, like the lazy morons who decide to ingest dangerous chemicals to lose weight instead of getting active physically and apply the will not to stuff themselves with fatty food, the vast majority of HUMANITY is still refusing to heed my warnings and help me…

Billions are wasted daily, invested and exchanged  in the same wrong hands and endeavors. Humanity is building more religious buildings, more sports buildings, more TV and radio stations ruled and censored by the news-media matrixes not to forget more schools and universities where there is NO room for Dr. Turi and his cosmic wisdom!

Nostradamus and I, warn humanity to pay attention to real prophets and to recognize God as a cosmic entity…

God is an eternal, universal cosmic energy referred appropriately as “Dark Matter” by science and faith by Christians!

“Nostradamus tells us that in the Last Days all his prophecies will finally be proven true.  Unfortunately it will be too late for them to benefit anyone in a highly skeptical and doubting modern world.  The Seventh Millenium of mankind’s civilized existence on this planet witnesses an age of high technology and amazing scientific achievements.  God and His prophets are soon relegated to a rather insignificant position in a world more concerned with following its own path to perfection. “



L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

listen to my latest radio show with Jerry – US/world
listen to my latest radio show with Ted – US/world
listen to my latest radio show with Rob – Canada/world

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 


Mrs.Terania Turi’s Notes


Replying and adding to my husband newsletter titled “Teacher grabs student by neck, IS THIS A JOKE? A Must Read If You Are A Teacher!(or a concerned parent.) 

No matter what… There needs to be a complete trust in something before there can be any type of understanding from the person who is trying to understand, just the same as that persons individuality still stands in line prior to a certain type of individuality which can be presented.

Trying to teach someone about a certain type of information outside the limits of that person’s style, is usually going to create none other than just another ‘trained’ sucker that the masses will still be ready to tear apart.

At the same time, a tutor tutoring someone who has an entire absence of any trust in the infinite spirit, is also just bringing about yet another enlightened skeptic.

While it be that the community systems for education continually brings about many traditionally educated graduates daily, many are also still the usual ‘nerd’ who get eaten up by the ‘dogs’ anyway within this dense physical plane aka karmic school.

Although it is important to teach kids before a certain age about the universal life force divine laws, they  are rather forced to believe or do things – where  the progress of the more mundane principles are concerned more so. And where many are evolving, many are also deteriorating in their morality too.

Just look at all the bad reasoning from the past that is still going on, and many may say it is based on exceptional sense just because maybe Hitler or some other comrade or one of dignitary status has agreed upon just because it may be based upon what  some other naturalist or geologist agreed to, for instance.

Look, whether it be the socialist government, or that of any absolute rule – the belief that no holy spirit exists along with that of anyone’s development for the real knowledge amid the myriad of doctrines, they still all become equivalent among every belief no matter which way you are looking at it.

Yes, many desire and are gladly receiving a load of nonsense everyday from the common general departments of instruction…Better yet, call it conventional captivity?

Okay, wait a minute…Then we have people who may disagree and say “Well, aren’t the mother and father or whomever may be in charge of the minor… That they are the ones who are to  explain to their kids all about their trust in things and style instead of the school masters?’

No, that turns out to be  making it clear that one need to consider maybe being very aggressive and to draw with all of their force at once. Do you see the verbal fighting which is bestowed upon us by people who support a certain idea or cause publicly within the civic schooling system are as meaningless and weak as is outside of the  academic organization.

There doesn’t seem to be anyone on the planet hardly, no matter how well of an upbringing they may come from,  that will be able to cultivate or prosper accordingly when they have to concentrate everyday among an infidel or agnostic educational atmosphere or home life.

No one can teach their young-lings in the domestic scene that their religion set up this human race or only their type of flesh on the grounds of being assured that their kids will also acquire from another agnostic or infidel educator somewhere – where it may be that they, the educator  doesn’t believe in the same system of beliefs as well…For instance, that the society has risen from that of the primates of apes, chimpanzees alone…Without having some kind of metaphysical or social warfare.

It is easy to see that is  just as challenging for that of a Christian, Muslim, Jew, Buddhist, Catholic, atheist, etc. etc. etc. person or kid to have to be present within such  a freethinking confinement like that of the community system of educating, since all of those who attend and even those outside are made up of a strict denomination; which none can fully come to the mutual agreement, on that it all goes back to the same great story that was ever told; because it was the only story ever to be told…And let me tell you that evil is lurking everywhere  offering services to you and your kids if you aren’t smart enough to see the facts already.

Democracy is dead, like communism which too has enslaved millions and killed millions and those in between still ride sides with the common enemy in one way or another and it all goes back to some kind of gain and most is done for vanity rather than humanity…. All of it is not some kind of creed; nevertheless more significantly only another underground form of armament belonging to those assumed highbrows in the world; who have engaged and made it their #1 aim to make people like servants.

Remember back to some of the biggest predecessors before us of all of these immoral dogma because unfortunately, there will always be someone trying to weaken the physical foundation of any belief in divinity no matter what one believes. While it is a new age (Age of Aquarius) it is also the death of another but many are like the old knights from the past still in charge of the old and currently the new…At the intervening time, there is still much mass individual demolition and though our planet is much to large for just one solo ‘god’ – there is more than that, of whom are going against mother nature and what nature personified has granted us with. This nature is very disappointed and eventually holds the closing evolution reached for the future but no end of the world.

I mean, I know many would like to think that their $#!+ doesn’t stink but what appears to be pleasant still smells like poo – poo too you know.

Love and Light,


“Education is a weapon, whose effect depends on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed.” —Communist dictator, Joseph Stalin (1934)

“He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future.” — Adolf Hitler

“For evil to flourish, all that is needed is for good people to do nothing.” – Burke