Year: 2014

Teacher grabs student by neck, IS THIS A JOKE? A Must Read If You Are A Teacher!


If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

Teacher grabs student by neck

Surveillance footage shows a teacher grabbing a student by the neck and pushing him against a wall in Ohio.

Dear Readers:

That is a big NO-NO! mistreating a child is totally unacceptable, but I can not imagine how the world would react if those cameras were on and available in 1961 catching the many bastards who really abused me. I wish I was treated by my teachers the same way this woman treated this child while growing up, because her actions are gentle caresses to what happened to me…

This is an unedited chapter of my book “Beyond the Secret” where I refer to my childhood at school in France. Be sure readers, there are no exaggeration, this is real, this is how I was treated as a child then,  making the above mentioned story a pure joke!


My Upbringing

Much of my time was spent with my schoolmate Claude. We both were barely 12-years-old. For some unknown reason, and for weeks at a time, we would pretend to speak English. On our way to school and everywhere we happened to be, we were making all sorts of crazy sounds and speaking loud to impress who ever would happen to catch the “English” noise.

I am sure many of you pretended to speak a foreign language, but there is no doubt in my mind now that; my subconscious knew all about my unusual fate and my unique mission in life. Little did I know that ten years later I would be embarking on the most incredible adventures, first in the UK and then the US, that would change my life forever.  Those memories are so old but so fresh and painful at the same time.

Why such an impact and such a clarity of reminiscences in this particular time in my childhood? I am not speculating anymore, accepting the incredible chain of events that lead me to where and who I am today. It is obvious the “ Law of Attraction” and the subconscious plays a very important part of a child ‘s fate. Indeed “the future is the reincarnation of the thought!”

I strongly recommend you to watch your children at play and catch the hidden message of their unique fate. Incidentally, my friend Claude is still in France, in the same village and never ever thought of changing his uneventful life. There are of course other significant laws that molded my destiny that Claude did not have to deal with. Blame it all on his U.C.I. or  (Unique Celestial Identity). Indeed the three years age difference between us changed the stars’ pattern  and one’s fate with it.

Life was tough for me then, food was scarce and I had to do anything to survive. I was wild and undisciplined. Finally the school Principal expelled me from the institution at the age of thirteen. It is amazing how uneducated adults and teachers alike are able to negatively carve the delicate psyche of vulnerable children.

Born with a tremendous energy (moon in Gemini) my attention span was very limited and my nervous system extremely high. By today’s standards, I would be classified as suffering a serious affliction of “Attention Deficit Disorder” or worse ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder).

Luckily for me, the school system in those days did not harbor traditionally educated psychologists prescribing deadly drugs to the children turning them into zombies. Thus once again, my psyche was spared and my celestial gifts left undamaged.

Contrary to what mundane psychology professes; Astro-Psychology sees these ADD / ADHD / bullies and gays “disorders” more as a potent gift that seems to affect particular souls positively such as Einstein, President Clinton, and myself.

The new medical term ADHD was created by the scientific community and designed to enrich the mighty drug industry. New drugs are constantly being created and following a trained doctor’s diagnosis many gifted children are deprived of their natural physical and spiritual “speedy” aptitudes and turned into zombies. In the long run, the drug will negatively affect their natal attitude and life accomplishments.


Update: The pharmaceutical corporations are CRIMINALS! They are forced during any of their endless advertisements on FOX and CNN to mention ALL the side effects of their products. Usually followed by attorneys asking you to call them if you suffered nasty side effects or if someone in your family died after ingesting the prescription drug.  

Incidentally EVERY YEARS the pharmaceutical corporations are paying MILLIONS in damage but who cares when they make BILLIONS! This is a fact and this mean you and your children are just collateral damage they can afford to live with! But after listening to all the warnings, the gullible trusting patients STILL place orders and this tells you the type of moronic God fearing world we are living in and why the smart ones” are a minority in this world.  


Not only was I born with a nervous Moon in Gemini, but also a powerful Dragon’s Head in Aries. The moon denounces my emotional response to life and Gemini is an air sign ruled by Mercury (The Lord of communication). Thus I love (need) to talk and express myself and own a gift in writing, even if I never took an English class in my life!

My inborn turbo charged, physical and spiritual personality was imposed at birth by my U.C.I. (Unique Celestial Identity), and I had to talk at all the time. Combined with my fiery natal Dragon’s Head in Aries (ruled by Mars The Lord of War) and the air element of Gemini, which fueled the fire of Mars, I was simply incapable of controlling my overflowing nervous physical and spiritual energy. That is the full and ONLY real explanation of what it means to be born ADD or ADHD  (or gay/transgender/swinger etc.!) but our infantile “accredited” science still wrongly assumes Astropsychology is non practical and should be ridicule.

Updated – Cosmic consciousness is a must for any teacher to really relate to a child’s spiritual cosmic conception. But even my own “good friend” also a school principal in my own city in Phoenix, AZ ridicule my work! And those people are in charge of your children mental welfare? When I proposed her to read my book for free she refused and said it was against her religion. This could have help her understand some unruly kids and avoid teachers losing control (and their jobs!)

OMG! have Mercy on your lost children, I can only hope more people join my Cyber Cosmic University  and learn the facts of what it means to be human outside of today’ science limited  accepted psychological disciplines..

I had to find any possible way to vent out the intense energy out of my mind and my body. Doing so, I was disturbing the class at all time. Trying to control my hyper active nature, my ignorant teacher relocated me as far as possible from him, right up against the wall at the bottom of the class.

Suffering then a serious ear infection (chronic otitis) I could not hear a thing of what he was teaching. He could never understand my bursts of energy and to punish me; he violently smacked my face numerous times, busting my nose, and also made me kneel on a steel ruler for long periods of time.

I really think this bastard was sadistically enjoying inflicting pain to children and he tried very hard to break my young spirit into submission. Nothing he did to hurt me daily worked as planned as I still had to get rid of my turbocharged nervous physical and mental energy.

He also tried to confine me under his desk and sat there with his bony knees right in front my bloody nose for hours. That was terrible because after a while in this uncomfortable position, I had to move to let the blood circulate through my painful kneecaps and tortured back and legs.

Many times, this vicious teacher would violently and suddenly kick me back to stillness. This may sound unbelievable by today’s standards, but this is how things were in the 1960’s in all French schools. This was probably his own effective deplorable method to get rid of some of the frustration he was probably suffering at home and in his dull life.

This is the way things were during those days and I became numb to this daily dose of pain and never complained to my parents or siblings. When the level of Mercurial energy reached the roof, usually during a Full Moon period, my entire nervous system was going literally out of control and I felt like I was about to explode inside.

No matter how, I had to find a way to expel of some of this boiling cosmic steam. I wish my teachers knew more about my U.C.I. and Astro-Psychology methodology then. And instead of beating me to submission he could have simply helped me to release some of it by making me running around the school a couple of times. Armed with true knowledge, they certainly could have adopted a less deplorable attitude towards me and other kids.

Instead, this ignorant teacher ordered me to go outside of the warm class and stand motionless between two huge trees in the playground. There, in the middle of the winter and the snow with no jacket against the piercing cold “mistral” wind, I had to withstand arctic temperatures, trying to stay motionless for hours under his watchful eyes…

This rough treatment did not help me much to fight the poring infectious organism tormenting my contaminated ears; especially when most of the time I was left outside freezing to death with an empty stomach and no antibiotics.

The pain I experienced from my otitis (in both my ears) was intolerable and Q-tips were not available then. I could only use toilet paper collected from the school bathroom and half burnt dirty matches found in the street.

I used these “tools” to dry up the constant flow of infectious discharge, hoping to be able to hear the teacher calling me back to the warm classroom. Then, to make things worse, the abusive School Master saw me standing there and used a truly devastating method of punishment against me.

In the privacy of his office with all windows and thick brown curtains tightly closed, he struck me on the face over and over again until I simply passed out. To me it was more relief than pain, because finally I was left senseless to all the mental and physical abuse I was experiencing daily. I used to wake up wondering where I was and why I was there.

I am still resentful for such a treatment of many children in the 60’s; I was far from being alone. Every one of those cowards enjoyed inflicting pain to many kids. Another teacher’s favorite abuse was to lift a child from the ground by his own cheeks.

Once I saw him treating my now departed younger brother Vincent this way, and the depth of the anger I experienced was just incredible. Like a vicious predator he took such a pleasure inflicting pain to a defenseless 9 year-old child.

I promised myself to make him pay for this awful act by taking my revenge on his car. I used a huge nail to mess up the paint and none of his tires were left intact. When my teacher had enough of me, he sent me to another brutal beast teaching the class next-door.

This individual took inhumane pleasure in hitting me on the top of my head with his five feet long thick wooden ruler. I saw many stars well before I could learn anything about them! This evil person also enjoyed smashing the tips of my fingers with a steel ruler until the blood gashed out of my nails.

Those two fiends joyfully exchanged their methods of punishments to one another. As always I never complained, as pain, suffering, and hardship was a normal part of my juvenile life.

Sadly enough for many other young victims and myself; no one really knew our rights or what was going on inside the private walls of the school, or could even afford an illicit legal investigation. Thus nobody could help me to press charges against these appalling perpetrators.

Over the years, I sadly learned that most of these disgraceful treatments got even worse, with many raped orphans stuck in various “helpful and dedicated” French educational religious institutions. It all came to light when my wondering stepfather saw my hands and asked me about my bleeding fingers.

He was furious and drove me to the teacher’s home to confront him. As expected with any abusers, the coward hid away to avoid a nasty altercation with my big and angry stepfather. Nowadays such a treatment is totally inconceivable but it all happened as such.

More dramatic disgusting experiences took place but cannot be divulged in this book  and you would not believe it anyway… These facts would make you ill and I’d rather let those terrible memories fade away and pretend it never happened to me.

Sometimes I wonder if today legally protected U.S. children and their parents could remotely conceive the pain and suffering I endured as a child in an institution designed to teach love, guidance, and respect to the children.

Finally I exhausted the will and patience of one of my abusive teachers and fed up with my uncontrollable nervous energy (Moon in Gemini/Dragon in Aries); he fired me indefinitely from his class and sent me to the only English teacher in the small school.

I was ordered to copy the entire French dictionary and strongly advised to keep quiet or suffer the consequences. I will never forget when I first entered his grouping and when he asked me to stand in front of the class.

Facing all the kids. He said, “You see class, Louis is a good example of someone who will never speak English or land a good career in life. He was born to lose and will be a total waste to society.” He viciously degraded me in front of all the teens.

Luckily for me, even at this tender age my self-esteem was always high and will always remain unquestionable. Fearless of the consequences, I was already making unwise gestures behind his head and the stupefied class couldn’t do anything else other than to laugh.

Luckily for me the teacher did not see anything and my audacity paid off. I was quite lucky to get away with it, considering the penalties. Unlike physical abuse, words for me are easier to deal with — thus there were no lasting negative legacy left on my young powerful psyche.

Incidentally, nearly thirty years later in one of my trips back home to France from the United States; I was doing some shopping with my mother. I instantly recognized the old English teacher; he was walking around looking for some produce. I could not help myself and approached him and began a conversation. I spoke to him in fluent English.

“Hi Mr. Clap how are you doing? Long time no see. Do you remember me? I am Louis, the kid that would never speak English, that’s what you said, remember?” He was perplexed and surprised. To my amazement he never understood a single word that I said.

Then amazed, he asked in my native French tongue. “I’m sorry young man, but I don’t know you, who are you?” “Don’t worry Mr. Clap, it’s a long story.” I said. The years carved deep lines on his face and I realized how impossible it would be for the old man to recall such a long gone period.

As a child I promised myself to punish those teachers and beat them up when I grew up. The revenge and resentment I carried with me for so long dissipated almost immediately while looking at the old man’s face. I asked him to wait for me. My mom, who knew the old teacher well, kept taking to him.

I went right back to my mom’s car where I kept some of my books to give away to my friends. I came-back and offered him a copy of my yearly Moon Power book and said, “Here, Mr. Clap, this might refresh your memory, and it will help you to not forget your English.” I added sarcastically. He looked at me wondering and politely said to me.

“Young man, I do not know who you are, but I hope my memory will come back when I read your book. Good evening Madame Turi and thank you for the book.” he added.

Like a bad dream in one of the many dramatic chapters of my life, the old man slowly walked away and disappeared into the mist of my peculiar life. Walking back to the car, my curious mother asked “What was all this about Louis?” “Nothing Mom, I just met one of my old teachers and he just brought back sad memories.” I said.

She felt the depth of my feelings and said with her usual high spirit “I know you went through a lot Louis, perhaps growing up this way has prepared you for special work you are doing in America, son. Don’t you worry my boy, that’s all in your past now, life must go on!” She gave me a hug and we drove back to the warmth of the house to enjoy her great cooking.


Indeed if you think today’s children are abused, they are not compared at what true physical and spiritual abuses are… But who’s to blame knowing in the eternal battle between logic and emotions, emotions always win and you always lose?

The moral and purpose of this story it to make YOU, the parents, the teachers, the school masters reading my work that; in the case mentioned above, BOTH the teacher and the child are VICTIMS of the religious and scientific monopolization of education breeding monsters like Adam Lanza. Under the right/wrong cosmic auspices an cursed by a deadly Plutonic UCI, an innocent child can and will become a monster!

How can I talk about cancer and understand its victims, if I never suffered the disease personally or only read about it? HOW CAN I TALK ABOUT EDUCATION if; as a child,  I did not suffer the consequences of the adults cosmic ignorance?  Indeed the day I see my first Astropsychology school operational it will rekindle my faith for humanity and your children future on earth…

If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

Dali Lama Dr. Turi

Look at the artwork, and let your intuition talk to you about the incredible content of this book! You will not be able to put it down… Once the world catches up to me , it may be, only after my demise for this book to become a best seller…

Deeply moving account of a difficult life in France as a post war baby; more successful in England & the USA.

March 29, 2013
This review is from: Beyond the Secret (Paperback) Amazon

A moving account of the hardships endured during post W.W. II, which helped the author develop a steel spine combined with compassion, while growing up in France. England, too, was a challenge, yet rewarding via humble employment and his graduation from the Royal School of Music. His success in America speaks for itself as he continues his goal of enlightening his readers with astrological information and the reasons behind the data.

Two planes nearly collide over Pacific

Investigators say air traffic control error responsible for near mid-air collision between two passenger jets.

Remember readers, there are NO accidents, if you have to fly, you must respect the cosmic rules and the Universal Laws of the Moon and, when possible, avoid flying after the full moon (danger.) We are now on the waning side of the moon or just after the full moon, thus expect more tragedies soon… Meantime I flew all over the world in the worse astrological auspices possible and yet, nothing has or will ever happen to  us…

My 2014 Moon Power is a good start to plan in accordance to the cosmic code for your safety, but most of all, your 2014 Personal Cosmic Biorhythms will become a major contribution for you being at the wrong place at the wrong time or just the opposite!

“Knowledge is power, ignorance is evil”

You must  acknowledge and respect all of man made physical laws, stop at a red light or at the stop sign in the streets! Because no one taught you about the cosmic code or God’s cosmic divinity does not mean you will escape the penalty! Let the atheists, the skeptics and agnostics alike ridicule and suffer the cosmic code eternal rites and cosmic ceremonies…

Avoid traveling during May 2014 SOS to the world windows,  check 2014 MERCURY RETROGRADE – SUPERNOVA WINDOWS and read Mercury Retrograde Explanation – Dr.

And while you are at it, invest in Jupiter’s protection, find all the explanations at the end of this article!



L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

listen to my latest radio show with Jerry – US/world
listen to my latest radio show with Ted – US/world
listen to my latest radio show with Rob – Canada/world

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 


NASA Jupiter’s Trademark ‘Great Red Spot’ Is Shrinking and WHO CARES?


  “For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice…”

Dr. Turi

NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope recently measured the famous crimson storm on the face of Jupiter at less than half the size it was a couple centuries ago (25,500 miles across) and researchers aren’t certain of the cause.

Dear Readers;

Now the billions dollars question… WHO CARES? Is the latest findings posted on CNN by the scientific matrix will, in any ways, shapes or forms help you and your family to live a safer more productive life? Furthermore do you wonder why the Lobbyists and  the Republicans block tax credits? Once more the scientific community can only exist and survive with billions of your tax dollar.

Meantime its not a good idea to throw the water with the baby still inside, and I am fully aware of the incredible values, potential and advancements science offered humanity last few years. Let me explain why I am so frustrated with this “educated” skeptical crowd.

The True $$$$$$$$$$pirit of NASA

Who truly cares about NASA’s latest observation on Jupiter if their findings can never serve the tax payers practically! NASA and the scientific community has yet to realize the cosmos is a vibrant entity (God) and has a soul of its own because those planets interact directly with humanity.

But how can I converse with anyone in French if they never mastered the language? At 64 years of age, I am still in marvel when I translate the cosmic hieroglyphs and observe the undeniable… Can any of those kids looking through the microscopes or telescopes  we paid for know better than me about the human nature and the cosmos? You bet I do, furthermore,  indeed I own the answers all those “educated” scientists will never discover during their own lifetime…

Not only do the planets affect the weather pattern, stimulate large earthquakes, natural disasters, the seasons but each and every human being is affected at a personal level  through their natal UCI.

Human are peons of their own inherited karmic stars and the vast majority is totally oblivious of this fact. Mostly because the religious, scientific and news-media controlling matrixes still monopolize all form of information and mold our children education.

 Indeed the stars are so much more than mere rocks, and only those lucky enough to land on my Cyber Cosmic University are slowly acknowledging their relationship with a cosmic God.

We just passed another of my May 2014 SOS to the world windows and I always mention during such windows to expect earthquakes at or  above 6.0… and the results are simply undeniable and repetitive and this episode produced a  6.0 – 6.1 –  6.2 and a magnitude  6.6 earthquake.

And why to this date USGS and NASA never responded to my emails offering them UNDENIABLE very large earthquakes predictions? – But 78000 morons will not challenge NASA or Mars One deceptive masquerades!  One-Way Trip to Mars and the 78000 Signed Up Morons. Those pin heads believe they will one day go to Mars but will never accept the reality of UFO?

UFO”s Are Very Real  –  And So Is The Legacy! – What Did They Do To Me?

It is a shame for all governmental and private institutions to endlessly suck billions and never ever be able to warn you, of the possibility for disasters. To those who knows my work and I well, the word “possibility” is not applicable anymore, but premonitions (using a software I modified)  becomes more an upcoming fact!

There are reasons for the scientific community to reject Astrogeology and Astropsychology!  The main reason is;  their latent/underdeveloped UCI turning their “accredited” spiritual pride (PHD’s, doctorates) into spiritual pride or “I KNOW BETTER THAN EINSTEIN OR DR.TURI ASTRO  PSEUDO-SCIENCE RIDICULOUSNESS,”

 Meantime, all they have to do is to honor the word science and investigate the solidity and repetitiveness of my work!   Its all there for ever on the internet, in my radio and TV shows and it is my legacy left for the children of tomorrow.

Dr. Turi on William Shatner’s TV Show
Discovery Channel – Dr. Turi’s Predictions

My accredited education replaced my intuition, my curiosity and killed my soul! 

I am an atheist!

NO you do not need a BA, MA, MBA, JD and PhD!

Higher Education: Matrix Brainwashing 101

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. We will not solve the problems of the world from the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. More than anything else, this new century demands new thinking: We must change our materially based analyses of the world around us to include broader, more multidimensional perspectives.”


Note for my students;

In Greek Mythology, Jupiter is called the “Great Beneficial” it is also the largest planet in our solar system. Where ever Jupiter it is located in your chart,God is offering you a tremendous luck  for growth and the real opportunity to prosper and reach all foreign lands. Jupiter rules the sign of Sagittarius (my rising.)  It is very important to know its location by house and signs as to benefit from its endless lucky, expanding cosmic fluid (dark-matter for the scientists and atheists.)

Jupiter will never, ever reward you unless your aim is projected in a GRANDIOSE way. Let me give you a tip, my Jupiter (luck)  is in the sign of Aquarius (the Internet) and my “cosmic God” sent me great tech – genius friends like my webmasters and Ian that work FOR FREE, helping me to build my “Cyber Cosmic University.” Their benevolent efforts is allowing me to reach millions more foreigners all around the world! I am not the # 1 Google or CNN website but more and more people are awakening to God’s cosmic Divinity  through my work each passing day! Global Rank

Global rank icon 573,701 up 674,309

Rank in United States 

United States Flag 199,088  


Indeed Jupiter’s location represent the good karma you earned in your many previous past-lives and all your efforts, pain and suffering can never be wasted. Thus a Cosmic God” is watching and making sure you get it all back for free.

Because of religious convictions or skepticism including the lack of curiosity  cursing the majority of people , so many are experiencing miserable lives!  It does not have to be so!

Knowing about Jupiter is like winning the lottery, yet people would rather miss the boat in life than to exit their religious or “educated” comfort zones… If you are lost, depressed, insecure, suffering depressions or a lack of self-esteem, I am the right and the cheapest way to bring back hopes and  health in your life!

Sharing Email:

renee – I had a live Skype natal reading with Dr. Turi and his information about the effects of the dragon head and tail for the last past 2 years was accurate in my life. His insights are very relevant to my experience and I did not tell him anything. He insisted I do not talk but listen and he knew. This is not parlor astrology or generic magazine/newspaper horoscope readings. Read more…

But what is all the fuss about Jupiter scientists are confused about?  

“A storm the size of Earth on the face of Jupiter, known as the Great Red Spot, has been shrinking rapidly over the past two years and is now at its smallest size ever recorded, NASA said Thursday.”

As you know there are no accidents readers, only subtle cosmic circumstances our infantile science is unaware of!  Meantime my “visions” and translations may not please everyone…

 This complete educational section and predictions is for my VIP’s only!

Life is a constant process of changes, even on Jupiter and you can not blame the billions tons of earth carbon dioxide to also mess the giant planet’s weather system.   Indeed a science who lost the spirit can not relate nor explain the spiritual reasons behind the shrinking of the Great Red Spot.

But I do,  Jupiter rules all forms of HIGHER education, the codification of thoughts, books (bible) Colleges and Universities. Anything that remotely changes “physically” on any planet WILL have a DIRECT impact upon humanity!

So what are my visions? This phenomenon means humanity is////////////////// Sorry VIP’s only! 


11/2015-02/2017 End of All Religions.

Yes science has yet to realize through Jupiter’s cosmic changes, humanity will also change!  I think it is now appropriate to offer one of my VIP the option to win or bid on the  protection of Jupiter!

This item is quite heavy and made with rock formation that resemble the planet Jupiter. It has a nice black steel pedestal and ready to go! Email me at if you want it, bid start at $100!   Remember we are moving out of the US and you can only bid on tons of stuff  we own if you are or become a VIP!

Astrological clock Apache and Mayan Tomahawk bid bid ends tonight at 7PM

Christian Pastor Calls For Atheists And Gays To Be Put To Death? Amazingly Human!


If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!


The 8 worst places in the world to be religious

Dear Readers;

There is not a single safe, right, real or productive religion because all denomination breed separatism and animosity. But what can those children do when their first teachers and their country authorities were themselves, geographically / mentally religiously poisoned? But if you think this dangerous ridiculousness happens only  on foreign grounds, you are certainly deceiving yourself…

First Amendment only applies to Christians?  Tell the Alabama Chief Justice to resign 

It is absolutely stunning that a man with this profoundly warped view  of the Constitution is the chief justice of a state: Speaking at the Pastor for Life Luncheon, which was sponsored by Pro-Life Mississippi, Chief Justice Roy Moore of the Alabama Supreme Court declared that the First Amendment only applies to Christians because “Buddha didn’t create us, Mohammed didn’t create us, it was the God of the Holy Scriptures” who created us.

The First Amendment is the foundation of American freedom and democracy, and someone with such a fundamental misunderstanding of it should not be a judge of any kind, let alone highest one in the state.


“In a world where political leaders assign themselves to religious archaic convictions and trust its infantile scientific community only extreme stupidity can plague the rest of humanity.”

 Dr. Turi

Humanity has yet to realize that;  peace, love and respect never did and never will bless this world as long as people decimate themselves because of their chosen/imposed religions. Furthermore it will take many more years for humanity to build enough cosmic consciousness to eradicate induced religious fears and this universal self destructiveness.  

Christian sentenced to die
Christian Pastor Calls For Atheists And Gays To Be Put To Death

It will take time for future generations to finally realize the “immaculate” deities, customs, beliefs and way of life was created by man’s imaginative religious folly, all induced by the deceptive planet Neptune. Indeed the Age of Pisces has created a mass of unconscious Neptunians  acting out their religious dementia! You are witnessing the results of two thousands years of controlled deceptive information soon to reach its culmination and its boiling point!

As much as I accurately warned the world of the re-birth of “Hitler’ Invading Spirit” back in June 2013, the beginning of the end of Neptune grip on humanity’ spirit is nearing each passing day! “11/2015-02/2017 End of All Religions.”

But killing the universal deceptive religious perception of a false God and replacing it with science and atheism will become the greatest tragedy for humanity…


Cosmic Unconscious Karl Marx is the perfect representation of a young soul and the legacy of an epidemic of atheism. He was born under the most logical, rational down to hearth sign of of Taurus and his Dragon’s Tail also in this practical sign makes him impossible to reach spiritually.  The quote above reflect his un-evolved UCI and latent psychical nature, his lack of spiritualism, curiosity and intuition…

Dr. Turi

A Crucial Message to All Atheists and Christians

While I do understand the humongous frustration of  souls born with a rational earthy UCI, decimating the Neptunians or ridicule and challenge their faiths can only lead to separatism, confusion and more deaths.

Cosmic Code Article –  Atheist ‘Megachurches’ EVIL Crop Up Around The World


LOS ANGELES  — It looked like a typical Sunday morning at any mega-church. Hundreds packed in for more than an hour of rousing music, an inspirational sermon, a reading and some quiet reflection. The only thing missing was God. Dozens of gatherings dubbed “atheist mega-churches” by supporters and detractors are springing up around the U.S. after finding success in Great Britain earlier this year.
The movement fueled by social media and spearheaded by two prominent British comedians is no joke. On Sunday, the inaugural Sunday Assembly in Los Angeles attracted more than 400 attendees, all bound by their belief in non-belief. Similar gatherings in San Diego, Nashville, New York and other U.S. cities have drawn hundreds of atheists seeking the camaraderie of a congregation without religion or ritual. The founders, British duo Sanderson Jones and Pippa Evans, are currently on a tongue-in-cheek “40 Dates, 40 Nights” tour around the U.S. and Australia to drum up donations and help launch dozens of Sunday Assemblies. They hope to raise more than $800,000 that will help atheists launch their pop-up congregations around the world. More

Indeed it is incredibly dangerous for humanity to entirely dissociate God from society. This evil of cosmic ignorance is shaping up fast with a new movement lead by two British lost souls. I hope through my “Cyber Cosmic University” you will be able to comprehend the veracity and urgency of my message. Please help me reach more cosmic unconscious religious and atheists people and help me fight the devil of fears and ignorance while we still can. 


My personal message to those two prominent British comedians is; THERE IS NOTHING TO  JOKE ABOUT A  GOD’S COSMIC DIVINITY YOU AND THE WORLD MUST SOON UNCOVER OR PERISH”  

The UK is ruled by Capricorn, the most logical, rational, practical of all the “signs.” The Goat (the Head of Evil) is the symbol chosen by the wise men to represent practical structures, politics, power, science and the Royal English Hierarchy. Your public shows and aim could cost greatly to the UK and the world at large!

Its not about money or stage fame any-more my friends,but your conscience, your integrity and true wisdom!  Something both of you are missing and replaced with entertainment ego.

Both of you are simply responding neurotically and subconsciously to your funny/logical karmic stars induced by your natal karmic UCI

Building a new society of skeptics, atheists and spiritless agnostics is very dangerous. While I do agree with the damage and uselessness of all man deceptive religions, re-instating God true cosmic identity must replace all dogmatic, archaic teachings. Your shows and atheist aims  are not helping rebuilding a more psychically advanced society.  

Today’s’ religions are dying, because they are the fuel for separatism and endless wars. Cosmic Consciousness is the new Universal unifying “religion” encompassing the beauty, the essence and peaceful purposes of all religions of the past. This was the purpose of the 3 wise men (ET’s Astrologers) following the stars on a map (not a camel) leading them to a man that became Jesus.

Sad enough the “savior’s initial “cosmic” ministry to introduce humanity to “Our Cosmic Father in The Heavens” was altered giving birth the deceptive side of the planet Neptune ruler of the sign of Pisces.  Little do the Christians and the Atheists know about Astrology being at the core of ALL religions and the oldest mosaic ever found in Israel was the symbol of Pisces.

I do not have much faith for any religious poisoned Christian souls to ever emerge from Neptune deceptive depth and start swimming upstream towards God’s cosmic divinity! Instead I have more faith in the atheists, the agnostics and skeptical born alike because their scientific oriented mental conception is allowing for research if they pass the ridicule…

Once they read ” HISTORY OF ASTROLOGY IN JUDAISM & CHRISTIANITY” and “Christianity Judaism Islam Astrology & The Dead Sea Scrolls” they may become more aware of my own mission to introduce humanity to the real cosmic God! 

Nostradamus mentioned many times in his writings…Make no mistake it is through this planetary dialogue, through these cosmic hieroglyphics in the sky, that God speaks to us and daily reveals His Will. Since before the dawn of time, He has shown His Truth to the humble, to the shepherds — a truth that is hidden from the vain, who are blinded by worldly pleasures, but which is written in the skies, which nightly speaks of the Glory of God.”

He also warn humanity to pay attention to real prophets and to recognize God as a cosmic entity…

God is an eternal, universal cosmic energy referred appropriately as “Dark Matter” by science and faith by Christians!

“Nostradamus tells us that in the Last Days all his prophecies will finally be proven true.  Unfortunately it will be too late for them to benefit anyone in a highly skeptical and doubting modern world.  The Seventh Millenium of mankind’s civilized existence on this planet witnesses an age of high technology and amazing scientific achievements.  God and His prophets are soon relegated to a rather insignificant position in a world more concerned with following its own path to perfection. “

This is for the Christian community;

“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life.  Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom.”

~ Paracelsus

Religion is produced by a heavy overwhelming  watery, Neptunian, Pisces illusive UCI or the born pious Christian souls…

This is for the Scientific community!

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. We will not solve the problems of the world from the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. More than anything else, this new century demands new thinking: We must change our materially based analyses of the world around us to include broader, more multidimensional perspectives.”

 ~Albert Einstein

Atheism is produced by a overwhelming hearty Saturnian, Capricornus rational UCI or the born skeptical scientists souls… 

 In the eyes of God we are all equally foolish, non cosmic conscious human beings!

Atheists, indeed there is no God, at least in your own non cosmic conscious conception of life and its miraculous physical manifestations. Christians indeed there is a God; but not the one you were taught to fear, honor and respect! God new cosmic consciousness. 

SOS for stressed out teens

The current OCD generation  was victimized/cursed at birth by an over rational set of “atheists” UCI planets that predisposes all those logical born souls to trust science and traditional education only. Unless taught early, outside of the codification of thoughts (their books and accredited studies) their lack of curiosity is forbidden them all to investigate the intuitional domain of life naturally. The same principle apply for all the religiously poisoned souls ready to kill you for their beliefs…

In the process many have lost the true cosmic spiritual essence of life and tuned into hard core, rigid atheists or religious lunatics. Religions, and for good reasons, makes no sense to then and they are naturally, psychically ill fitted to adhere or  follow their pious parents Neptunian footsteps.  But with the right coaching and rational cosmic / spiritual education this crowd would become very salvageable and make a good use of the Cosmic Code jurisdictions.

The picture above shows an over stressed child wondering how he will fit into the world he perceives through his computer. The mass of information is simply overbearing and his burgeoning fragile psyche at loss.

Looking to fit his life, feelings, fears, drive, emotions into this mass of options is a wonderful tool that can also become deadly in so many ways. The cyber world is loaded with physical and spiritual predators who will stop at nothing to grab your money and abuse your children.

If the UCI of your child is set mostly feminine or dual, his natural instincts will lead to investigate his own guilty feelings about gay behaviours.  While science is still looking for the  illusive (non existent) gay, bully or criminal gene wasting billions of our tax dollars in ridiculous researches,  the lucky kids will land on my work. They will realize how their spirits incorporates with the Cosmic Code and get both the educational grounding and regeneration principle needed to avoid serious suicidal tendencies.

Obama waste $100M to unlock mysteries of the brain

If your child owns a very sensitive UCI, the Plutonic bullies will use their own computer to target them and find a way to regenerate with their evil of control and power at their spiritual expenses…  If you do not provide a solid cosmic fluid to your children, the worse manifestations of their inherited stars will take over their lives and behaviors.

For God’ sake why do you think lost very young children are so vulnerable psychically and join gangs? They will not hesitate to kill you for the gang because NO ONE was there to coach them away from the evil of all the stars….

Mandela quote “No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.” 

While; like all great spiritual leaders, this man was cosmic unconscious he was also very intuitive and I wonder with the millions of people reading my work everyday, why no one has yet provided me with the help I need to prove Mandela was right with the right cosmic teachings…(love alone will never cut it.)

 If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology, love and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.” 

~ Dalai Lama and Dr. Turi

For the sake of all the children, instead of  obnoxiously thinking my work is a total waste of time, help me offer today’ science a chance to investigate my claims and finally provide the right “cosmic spiritual” teachings and with it, the answers to what it means to be human.

ONE single of my school will start the curative process and slowly induce the global cosmic consciousness and humanity’ survival.  Again it amazes me that cults like  “Scientology” religions “Christianity, Mormonism, Witness of Jehovah etc.  and a myriad of spiritual groups of all sorts are flourishing all over the world with your donations and my quests to offer something REAL to your children is left unheard of.

875 different religions, thousands of cults and spiritual groups have offered NOTHING to humanity but wars, separatism, confusion, fears, insecurity and terrorist acts!  You can not and never will save the world with words of love only! The Dali Lama and many others, dead and still alive spiritual leaders tried and nothing worked! This world is totally possessed by the evil of fears and cosmic ignorance…

Rare is the real prophet, especially in modern times because those of the past .i.e. Nostradamus were  too vague in their predictions avoiding the “inquisition” in fear for their lives. The new wanna be Prophets offers nothing spiritually tangible but scientific garbage no one can use in their daily lives… My book Moon Power “Universal and Personal Guidance and Predictions has much more practical use and values and all you have to do is to download it for FREE and check the last few days of 2013.

Indeed this physical world is regimented by a multitude of changing laws, all written by the hand of men… The Cosmic Code and its laws are unmovable, unchangeable, unarguable, consistent and eternally repetitive, offered by the stars, written in light by God himself!

Caution, False Prophets
Nostradamus’ Curse

“There is only a very thin line between divine information and pure imagination”

Dr. Turi

Humanity has not yet acknowledge the spiritual values involving the deep mysteries of the stars, science wonders at the Universe but can only expose their  physical consistencies. The true “magical” wonders resides in their spiritual purposes and impact upon the human life and humanity at large.  God’s cosmic will can not be alienated, nor ignored or we all have to suffer the heavy penalty for trusting our infantile science only!


The Christians are all victims of the religious educational controlling matrixes and the atheists are victims of the scientific controlling educational matrixes.  But ultimately both are responding to a much higher phenomenon that influence their choices. Both are controlled by cosmic forces one call God, the other refute and refer as science… and all those differences, beliefs, fears, convictions are produced by the trillions of inherited karmic UCI  both atheists (science) and religious souls (Christian) act out, neurotically, subconsciously in their daily life!


Randall James Hamilton Zwinge August 7, 1928 (age 85)

Dr. Turi Versus James Randi
James Randi One Million Dollar Paranormal Challenge
 James Randi Versus Dr. Turi – Have we lost God?
Is psychic Theresa Caputo for real?
James Randi and Co In Denial!
Is psychic Theresa Caputo for real?
Do Schools Kill Creativity?
The Reason Rally Bull!
Dr. Turi challenge James Randi
Check my predictions last few years

All a born skeptic (earthy/logic) or a born Christian (watery/emotions)  has to do is; to realize life is a constant process of physical and spiritual changes and challenge himself to upgrade its spiritual vibrations to the realization of a divine cosmic order. But be sure, regardless of taking the horse (or the donkey) to the cosmic source of pure interstellar wisdom, some atheists and Christians alike are forbidden access to the archetypal realm of consciousness… And as usual they will hide their ignorance with vile comments…

These are the norm, the sports enthusiasts, the celebrities groupies, living their lives through various matrixes who own their hijacked (educated or religious) psyches. These are the followers, the conformists, the moronic gullible mass following the very slow trends of an ever changing (religious and scientific) society…

Where do you belong? to the illusive, deceptive religious convictions of the past or the new burgeoning reasoning of your infantile science looking for the killer gene through their microscopes? Are you a Christian or a sceptic, and most of all did you comprehend my words and now anticipate my next move?

Remember my cosmic work is not for the feeble minded, religious educated or not,  but for the inquisitive, the curious or the one honoring both science and religions potentials with faith and logic, the one looking for real and solid answers for his very existence on this dense physical world. Indeed I own the keys to God’s cosmic mystery, I am willing to share it with you because, you know it or not, you asked for it! And I am here for you… 

Experience it all with us, read the adventures, watch the videos, see the exotic pictures as I am looking for the best place to enjoy a well deserved retirement.

Blessings to all my readers

Dr. Turi


Dear VIP’s;

I have to be fair, many of you are at work and can only see this bid upon returning home. So far I had two offer one was $40, the second $50 but I forgot to tell all my readers the bid for this item will be over tomorrow evening at 7 PM AZ time…

Again this clock is made of red wood and Inox, its very durable, original works perfectly and the Roman signs hours are rare. Most of all, you’ll own a piece of Dr. Turi and with my luck, wisdom, health and energy!  Remember when you buy or sell car or a clock you are “subconsciously”  buying time and a new direction is eminent in your life! Remember think your money  as a donation that will be used for Terania and I to go back on radio, educate the mass on the cosmic code, do universal and personal mini  readings…




This volcanic rock is extremely hard and the Eagle / pheasant feathers ornaments simply beautiful. SOLD!


I bought this piece many years ago when I was lecturing at the Mayans Pyramid in Mexico, yes it is made with two pieces of pure crystal and has a blue stone and amethysts at its extremity.


Remember you can only bid if you are a VIP

email me at turitrue@gmail if interested, i have TONS of stuff to get rid of before moving…


Lastly, this is where I need you readers, all the wise, refined, spiritual souls, those who supports my work and I. Please take a few seconds of your life and leave a comment on George Noory’s You Tube page – Tell your friends to do the same, please help me fulfill my mission so I can give you even more of my cosmic wisdom. GIVE AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE! – A few seconds of your life to endorse my work will drastically and profoundly affect the perception, the behavior and the entire lives of all the children of the future…

Thanks you all

Dr. Turi



L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

listen to my latest radio show with Jerry – US/world
listen to my latest radio show with Ted – US/world
listen to my latest radio show with Rob – Canada/world

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 


May 27th Ballot Drawing

Sorry the raffle drawing with those items is now over

ALL crystals and articles – SOLD! 

Dear VIP’s;

I am so sorry but even after changing  the raffle price from $100 to $30 and $15 on the very heavy crystal costing me $1800 the responses from my VIP’s (and the public) were a bit too slow to make it worth my time and my good heart. Meantime one of my VIP made me an offer for ALL the crystals and I accepted it.

Sharing Email;

Dear Dr Turi & Terania,

I just wanted to let you know that the large Amethyst Crystal was worth way, way more than you were asking and if I had been living in USA I would have been happy to pay even even more than what you were originally asking as it was a beautiful piece. However, being in Australia and the cost of s/h would have been too much for my pocket. You are very generous parting with beautiful crystals at such a giveaway price. Hope that people can see this!

All the best! Blessings,


The next items will be Indian artifacts and Indian artwork SOLD SORRY!

Those items are well above $100 because they were made by native Apache Indians and famous Indian artists.

The rules;

  • There will be as many boxes as they are items left to win. I am sure many of you will make me good offers..
  • Pick the item (s) you like and for each item you must invest $100 
  • Email me at right away with your choice(s) Expect my response right away. 
  • DO NOT SEND ANY MONEY – If someone makes an acceptable offer the item (s) and the box will be removed from the May 27 new moon drawing and the item (s) will be shipped to the person.
  • If this drawing and proposed artifacts does not attract enough action and attention those items will be removed and replaced with new ones.  

FULL DISPLAY is on the cosmic code website

If you need more pictures or have question simply email me


Facts on this item; While it looks like a simple framed poster, this is the only one left in the world, there is no more print available but this one! I gave the other years ago to my best friend Owen  – It was published and produced in the UK years ago and its priceless… Only if you are an art collector will you know about this item!  I have many more that are rarest than this one and ALL will go soon once the art PRO’s join… I have pieces that are PRICELESS, do not wait make an offer before its gone!



May 2014 Daily Guidance and Predictions


“Universal Laws are written in light through the signs – Cosmic Consciousness is… the awareness of God’s celestial divinity and use it wisely to read the future and help others build emotional, financial and spiritual stability!” Read the future –  Watch the future!

Dear Readers;

Here is a collection of the dramatic news currently posted on CNN and a section of my book “2014 Moon Power universal personal guidance and predictions” published last year, covering this period. The purpose of doing so is to offer my readers the option to realize why those who knows about my work call me CNN before CNN and why you should either become a VIP or own your copy of Moon Power, especially if you plan to travel this summer… Respect the Universal Laws or pay the ultimate price, indeed ignorance is evil, knowledge is power!

Pluto rules life and death, sex, wake up calls, the police and serial killers  See humanity “subconsciously”  responding and suffering the pull of the stars... Many claim to be child of Zodiac killer – Memorial Set for Fallen Mesa Police Officer  – PD: Phoenix Gentleman’s Club Busted for Prostitution – Trial to Begin in 2007 Death of Glendale Officer  –  Phoenix Police shoot and kill man who attacked them –  Phoenix Police shoot and kill man who attacked them – Top editor out at New York Times –  Can you be pro-life, pro-death penalty? –  Searchers recover more bodies from sunken South Korean ferry – UK teenage cancer sufferer dies after raising millions for charity.

Before reading the following ask yourself, how did last few days felt for you? What did you experience? were you touched by those nasty stars? Did you get into an argument? Did you learn about a secret? Did  you “die” and rebirth again somewhere, somehow? Now your challenge is to recognize in my 2014 Moon Power the cosmic energy at work during last few days and acknowledge how those stars affected you for good or for worse… Learn to develop your psychical power, your intuition and your awareness of a cosmic God regimenting the world from the heavens…

SUN., MON., TUE., WED. — MAY: 11, 12, 13, 14: RULERS — Venus (Passion/love) and Pluto (Death/Drama/Sex)

Work, Career and Business: With the waning Moon and Pluto in charge, be ready for dramatic repercussions in your life towards the weekend.  Let’s hope this trend will not touch you directly, but if it does you will need to be strong and realize the harshness of life.  You may also find out your real limits about your life’s situation.  Now is the time to review all your accomplishments and the reasons for your failures. Accept the upcoming changes with grace.  You will be forced out of a situation where you do not belong and you should be thankful for your intuition.  Meditate on improving your future.

Partnerships:  Finances will play an important part in your life now.  Be practical in all your expenses; you are advised not to overspend.  The lucky souls will receive very expensive presents; some good-hearted people will offer them.  As always with Pluto in charge promises made now could be dramatic.  Just wait patiently for the next New Moon to invest in your future.  Churches all over will be busy planning to accommodate many pious souls for fast approaching Xmas.  Answering to Pluto in Sagittarius, the Christmas spirit is now getting stronger and the world will feel compassionate and loving for all his victims.

 Family and Friends: Many will make plans to travel to visit friends and family members.  Expect news from all over, as new plans must be set to accommodate visitors.  Your family from afar will let you know how much they love and miss you.  The circle of friends will be extremely busy as we are making early plans to enjoy the past.  With Santa Claus in the mind, children get more excited and will be somehow be difficult to handle.  Pluto will make everyone passionate and restless.  Don’t expect much diplomacy around, as people will become susceptible to your comments.  Control emotions and watch the goings on in the house, especially if children are around.  A great time is ahead of you if you listen to your intuition.  As always, if a stranger is brought to your house, be aware of his motives.  Drama is bound to strike a family somewhere, don’t be one of Pluto’s victims.

Bounce house soars, boys tumble 

Surveillance video shows a family cat fend off a dog attack in a California driveway.

Note; Animals like human are under the jurisdictions of the stars and react in consequence.  Millions of viewers and science can never understand why this pet attacked the child and why the cat emotionally responded to fight  the dog away.  Indeed there is much more than the human eyes and mind can conceive! Thus be aware of all 2014 Plutonic windows and read my warnings carefully, read the Do’s and Dont’s.

May 2014 Moon Transits May 2014 SOS to the world windows May 2014 Daily Guidance and Predictions May 2014 Elaborated Horoscope For All Signs

Love Affairs: A mixture of Pluto and Venus will transform you into a walking magnet. The potential for secret affairs or sexual intercourse is high on the list of things during the weekend.  The planet of love could make you too friendly or trusting while mysterious Pluto and his sensual charisma will bring passion and danger to you.  Stay clear of alcohol and use your intuition at all times.  The Moon is still waning (negative); avoid trouble.  If you are a water or an earth sign, you may be experiencing some stress with love, be patient it will pass soon.

Travel and Communication: As you know, Pluto rules passion, the crooks and the police force.  News pertaining to the police will always appear during his ruling days.  It is my aspiration with my students and my books, to communicate this knowledge in the future to the police academies.  Pluto’s impact upon our courageous police officers is lethal; and in the name of ignorance from their superiors, many suffer early and wasteful deaths.  In the future, when “ridicule” is cast aside, Police Executives will be forewarning their officers to the influence of the Plutonic impact upon their dangerous careers. Locating the destructive power of Pluto transpiring in the natal profile of a potential murderer can be identified with Astropsychology.  Knowledge is power and there is no room for ignorance especially with the police force.

Environment: Pluto will induce drama and could disturb the earth’s belly, producing a bad earthquake.  As usual with Pluto in charge, be ready for many interesting secrets to surface and remember to keep quiet. CNN 03/29/05 -FORT LAUDERDALE, Florida The police always makes the news under Pluto’s power such as (AP) — A police officer who stopped a doctor for speeding on his way to deliver a baby, and then took him to the maternity ward in handcuffs, has agreed to an unpaid suspension for lack of judgment. CNN 03/29/05 – Indonesian officials report 330 people are dead on the islands of Nias and Simeulue off Sumatra from Monday’s quake.

Famous Personalities: A famous personality will be called to God and many will miss the soul. Oscar-winning director dies at 36  A powerful reminder of our own mortality is ahead, this is the signature of Pluto’s regular jurisdiction upon our lives.  More than 200 die in mine fire  Note when a soul is born with a Dragon’s Tail in Aries as was Mr. Kennedy, 39, son of the late U.S. Sen. Robert Kennedy. That soul is prone to experience a violent death.  He died New Year’s Eve (1997) in a skiing accident in Aspen, Colorado.  You may order my book, “Power of the Dragon,” from to find the location of your own natal dragon.

Events: Under Pluto’s explosive power, in 1988, at American Pacific’s plant near Henderson — Pacific Engineering & Production Co. of Nevada, or PEPCON — a series of colossal explosions left two dead, injured 300 and caused $75 million in damage. Clark County fire investigators blamed the blasts on welders, cramped storage, messy conditions and wind.  Company officials disputed those contentions.  Shortly after that, the company moved the operation to Iron County, Utah, and renamed it Western Electrochemical.  Pluto stirs man’s animal tendencies and causes the infinite forces of good and evil to constantly tease each other.  Protestors torch factories in Vietnam – Don’t trust anyone and be aware of the police.  Fact: Controlled by Pluto, the planet of death and drama, the highest suicide rate is to be found within the police force.  Expect this type of news soon:  BALTIMORE (AP) — Five women were found dead of multiple gunshot wounds in a home Sunday night, and police were searching for four suspects, officers said.  The shootings capped an unusually violent weekend in the city, where 10 people were killed since Friday.  FORT GIBSON, Oklahoma (CNN) — A 13-year-old boy firing a 9 mm semiautomatic handgun wounded four classmates at their rural Oklahoma middle school before being subdued and taken into custody, police said.  The victims were taken to hospitals; their injuries did not appear life threatening

Shopping: Only second-hand shopping or well advertised sales will give you the best deals in town.  Better wait for the New Moon for super deals.  Do not invest in dangerous toys for your children; with Pluto signature, they could get hurt.  Give old toys to unfortunate children.

THU., FRI., SAT., SUN. — MAY 15, 16, 17, 18: RULERS — Jupiter (Foreign Grounds) and Saturn (Government)

Sharing email: From public endorsements. 


I had a reading with Dr. Turi today May 14, 2014. It was a very interesting reading now “I know all about me” LOL I would recommend to people to meet with Dr.Turi we forgot to look at our life differently, we forgot to use our intuition, we forgot to lesson and learn.

Media, TV, news made us unaware what’s going out inside us, how can we develop our intuition and use it every day.  Dr. Turi help me to understand who I was in my past life and who I am now and how to use my ability to make a better life for me and my family. Every day life brings us new surprises and the question is “do we know how to use them” if you are cosmic aware I think you can (?) by having a reading with Dr.Turi he awaken me, he told me that something impossible can become possible it’s only in our minds, as he said before “the future is the reincarnation of your thoughts”  how simple it sounds and how difficult we make it to be.  I

have never experience Tarot Cards and again very interesting, very powerful. Dr. Turi is a good men with a big heart to help others to teach them the best he can to show world that we can make the best life but it depends only on us show many people say negative words, how many people think negatively but Dr. Turi helps people to think positive to put the negativity aside.  I am grateful that I could meet a men like Dr. Turi and had a reading with him.  I’ll follow him, I’ll read him and I want to be aware of changes that life can bring you as long as you are aware who you are and simply follow the stars. I wish all the best to him and his family.

Thank you so much Dr. Turi.


Let all young souls who ignore and ridicule the signs pay the price for their ignorance through the endless universal rites and cosmic ceremonies…

Dr. Turi

“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life.  Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom.

~ Paracelsus

Be safe and blessings to all my readers

Dr. Turi


How to start a very successful business on the Internet



“There are specific Universal Laws designed by God – Consciousness – is the awareness of a divine cosmic  power and use it wisely to build emotional, financial and spiritual stability!” Read the future –  Watch the future!

Dear readers;

Before giving you the best possible tips I developed over the years to make a rewarding, comfortable living from home using the Internet, let me first remind you why thousands of people all over the world are trusting my cosmic wisdom and keep coming back to my website… Indeed integrity and true wisdom  become your best selling tools! Become a master in your field is a must because people WILL check on your performances.

Karl Rove: Hillary and Miley Cyrus may have brain damage…

Hilary Clinton; Rich, Powerful, Influential but Cosmic Unconscious – I was born Born: October 26, 1947 and can only see to the end of my educated political nose!

Whispers persist that Hillary won’t run: Health may be worse than d…

Look like my predictions keep unfolding…

Karl Rove: Hillary may have brain damage
From Dr. Turi 2014 – 2016 Arian Draconis Universal Predictions  published June 12, 2013.
Check the FREE limited public version.

Famous People

Prediction #19 – Hilary Clinton/Bill Clinton; Hilary will suffer another health ailment (April/October/November/May) and this may cost her life. Remember she shares much of the same karmic UCI as actor Bruce Lee and we all know of his sudden death. This Dragon may also take her husband because of heart complicationsI hope for this dragon to be more forgiving with their health but the stars do not lie! 

While political tricks and lies are common to beat the competition the signs coming from the cosmic code (God’s celestial will) are unmistakable if you own cosmic consciousness… The medical aspect of Astropsychology strongly suggest Scorpios are a target of the dragon (the constellation of Draco) especially in their 6th house of health and work.

A fall ( Hillary Clinton) and/or wrong medical prescriptions (Miley Cyrus dilemma) while perceived by the  “norm” as banal accidents are NOT,  and mean a full restructure of those areas is imposed by  the subtle cosmic forces humanity and science have yet to uncover.

“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.”

– Buddha

Once again readers, where ever this negative cosmic fluid is flowing, by house and signs, you WILL feel its impact either physically or spiritually.  In your 7th house of marriage, be ready for a restructure of your partnerships, contracts and the way you face the world.

  • In your 4th house or your home area, expect a move, buying or selling your home.
  • In your 2nd house of finances, the way you make money HAS to change, thus do not miss or look for new opportunities.
  • In your 9th house, be ready to study, to travel and deal for foreigners but if you are unlucky enough to suffer the cosmic fluid in your subconscious 12th house, those deep psychological changes may lead you to endless depressions even suicide.  How I learned to live after trying to end my life!

If you are not fulfilled, it may be because you are not pursuing your destiny.

-Anthony Chisom’

What is amazing is these draconian forces are set by God himself to challenge and better you while forcing all those needed changes into your life. Who you are, who you know, what you do or do not do can NOT bring about your real deep wishes. Thus you must “die” and rebirth into a wiser, smarter human being…

For example your subconscious will induce an “accident” and FORCES you to rethink your lifestyle, your position and your aims in life, especially if you are not happy! My own sister after 30 years working as a nurse in various hospital contracted cancer and was forced  into an early retirement. The cancer is gone and so is my sis happily traveling the world away from a job she learned to hate each passing day!

Any and all accidents can be explained logically but they are also inner forces at work  unknown to the  unaware, uneducated “norm” untrained to decipher! Knowing your future is nothing else than the reincarnation of your thoughts, your unawareness or mishandling of the supra-conscious psychical forces may become very costly to you.

Ignoring the blessings of your cosmic nature and the mystical forces molding your destiny is simply rejecting the fact that you are a child of the universe and you have nothing to do with the stars,  God and creation itself!  Something the atheists, the agnostics, the skeptics and scientists’ underdeveloped UCI may have difficulty to assimilate and comprehend.

If you are experiencing abnormal challenges, unusual feelings, depressions, lack energy or nurture suicidal tendencies, like a bad weather, it will pass. But sometime the intensity become unbearable because you just got caught into a cosmic hurricane and the “wind” is much too strong for you to handle.

As much as we experience regular destructive weather pattern  on earth, you are subject to those regular brutal “cosmic winds” but there are no basement for you to seek refuge in your spirit! Only if you are warned ahead of time will you be able to psychically prepare yourself  to face those destructive “cosmic winds.”

But the weather is different on various places of the planet and not all human beings on earth will suffer the same weather pattern at the same time. My “Cosmic Biorhythms” speak of the exact timing for you to experience your personal cosmic winds throughout the current year.

In all honesty, the older I get the more I wonder how people can live their lives totally oblivious of the cosmic code rules and fear/honor a cosmic God they know nothing about! It is not surprising for humanity to experience such a calamity with children killing children and adults endless wave of suicides.

 “A life without knowledge of the stars is contrary to all laws and order”.


While one must remain consistent, “Rome wasn’t built in a day”.  The same apply for your businesses , brands,  reputations, customers and relationships. They are built over time with a lot of hard work, good work and consistent work to serve others on his dense physical world!

But there are also numerous “Cosmic” things, laws and rules  that I teach to promote and grow our businesses.  Not all human beings were born  with the right stuff to succeed easily in life.

I was born with the millionaire UCI!

$$$$$$$ Do You Have The Yen To Be a Billionaire? $$$$$$$

In fact my endless chain of articles is my own cheap way for marketing, advertising, selling, emailing, blogging, networking and using social media properly and efficiently. Unless you are doing these activities on a regular, ongoing basis, you’ are not going to see the profitable results. If you are spiritual, own a computer and have a website, becoming an Astropsychologist  is one of the faster ways to financial security and endless freedom.

But some people have legitimate fears while others simply and endlessly procrastinate because they never investigated the true potential of their cosmic nature.  Doing so would seriously build the self-confidence you are missing…

  Sharing Email:

 Dear Dr. Turi;

I would very much like to learn your cosmic code but am afraid that my lack of prowess for reading leaves me at a bit of a handicap with your course material. Might you have any advice for me? I told Terania l that I would respond to her quickly regarding my decision to take your home course.




Hi Tiffany;

Thanks for your trust in us Hun…There is no reading needed to become an Astropsychologist Tiffany… The books are designed to teach the course to those who do not have the CD’s or DVD’s. In fact you do not need any book at all… All you have to do is listen to the 16 CD’s and watch the 4 DVD’s! This is like spending 8 hours a day for a full week with me.  I have deaf and blind students who took my course and graduate ahead of normal students… One thing sure, you will never waste money or your time learning about the Cosmic Code and God’s cosmic identity…



I get bombarded with over 5,000 advertising messages a day and this does not include telephone calls.  Why would you spend tons of money to run one or few ads, using radio, print, television or billboards and expect immediate results when you have the entire world at your finger tips with the Internet?

Incidentally we are so busy that the average person will never realize the incredible FREE advice and the values involving my work, let alone respond to it. Worse they may ask to be removed from my mailing lists because their deplorable “cosmic” energy” lack natural curiosity.  Meantime thousands of spiritual people need to hear or see my messages at least three times before they become even aware of it.

Incidentally being controversial works miracles for me because when any intelligent person read Dr. Turi’s SPAM  Serving Pathetic Atheists Minds”  for free,  there is NO way not to notice or be neutral! You have to be original, dedicated and smarter than your competition and if you do stand apart, no one will notice or read you!

Expect to receive  over 120 emails per day in the office, not including personal emails and unless you’re emailing regularly, your emails are going to end up in the junk or deleted file. This is what I do instead of bitching at all the junk mail I receive every day!

My personal emails are short and to the point, sometime bothering my business associates or friends because I expect them to assimilate ALL I have to say in a few words… Sad enough the location of your natal Mercury (critical thinking/assimilation) can work for or against you when reading someone’s else Mercury location.

Another word, my good friend and professional editor Ian, needs as much information as possible in order to assimilate even the simplistic message I have for him. God thanks I know all about the 12 different ways people communicate or assimilate information and this allows me to adapt to his and other people natal UCI and their  inborn communicative expectations.

Some rational born people will judge you through your grammar, punctuation, phrase making  and the sentences you use. God forbid you made a mistake… I wonder how many of those people know I am French, I never took a single English lesson and English is my second language? Those “puritanical” neatly born soul do not deal too well with vitriolic and will tend to miss the entire message or judge you by the title of your article only and many will never even open it!

Blogging is the best ways to increase your SEO but not everyone is born a writer! Every blog that you post adds an indexed page to your website, increasing your organic search in Google.  Knowing for years  I write and post everyday, indeed Dr. Turi websites are hot and endlessly productive. This mean millions of people are enjoying my Cyber Cosmic University.

Any website logging below a million is considered extraordinary productive and Google is number 1!

Global Rank  for

Global rank icon 582,933 up 602,260

Rank in United States

United States Flag182,142  

 Do not use simple titles, and powerful  keywords in your blog also increase your SEO. The percentage of businesses blogging nowadays is 65%, up from 48% and this trend can only increase in the years to come. You need to blog and blog regularly and reach the people that vibrates at your cosmic speed.  Optimally for best results, I blog daily and imagine for a second if my blogs were allowed on FOX or CNN or any of the major news-media websites?

But I already have more hits and recognition than all those conventional  young special CNN writers discussing animosity, success or demimondaine stories… My cosmic articles are not only educational but in serious need and still a minority on the net. Indeed at 64 I know much more about the spirit and God’s cosmic divinity than those educated kids and the world is desperate for more of my cosmic fluid…

Meantime anything you may be interested about, chances are I already wrote about it or I will soon… just Google anything and ADD dr.turi,  try (gay drturi) for example and look at the numbers  – About 8,020,000 results (0.58 seconds).

My competition, in terms of real cosmic wisdom and unarguable predictions  is non existing,  but many “prophets” wanna be are using my “cosmic energy” .i.e. David Wilcock “Divine Energy”  and “DIVINE COSMOS?” to get the hits needed.

But on the internet all is permissible with the only difference that I do have powerful enemies that will do all they can in their power, especially Gaiam TV producers to unsuccessfully mute me and stop my wisdom reaching you. But many of my “Internet Enemies are also part of my HUGE mailing lists and there is no reason for me to remove them, because in my eyes they are still young souls in need of my cosmic wisdom…

My work is cosmic in nature, in all its deep and mysterious sense of the word, it is representing the core and the essence of the “SOUL OF THE COSMOS” making me a “Soul  Doctor.” While much of the work of my competition is a mixture of science and  conspiratorial material there is nothing truly cosmic about it… But unless one dig into my work personally, there can only be misconception and deception…

I stopped a long time ago showing up at a networking group, New Age conferences and various meeting because I do not expect to attract spiritually advanced souls and generate real business. This was good back in 1991 when I started my career then I joined the Internet… But if you are new in the game I recommend you to do so and realize the values of different speakers and judge their wisdom.

But ultimately you will and can ONLY attract the speakers that “vibrate” at your speed. Knowing the majority of human are gullible and Neptunian in nature, if I was to speak about God near the Vatican when pope Francis is offering his benediction from his balcony, chances are no one would ever show up!

Indeed the utmost advanced souls on the planet are as rare as their teacher and only a tiny minority is ready and willing to learn about the reality of a Cosmic God! 

 It took me years for people to recognize and assimilate my work,  get to know the real Dr. Turi and do business with me.  You may decide to focus on one or more networking groups or meetings and attend on a regular base but what do you have to offer become the crucial point, because you can not learn for ever about various business methodology alone…

This is why you must be open to ALL possibilities, including those you may consider ridicule, impractical, or against your religion, because there is so much you could gain by knowing where God and the Cosmic Code will endorse and promote you! Yes it is all written in the stars but your skepticism may be your worse enemy and stall what your intuition is saying!

“Millionaires don’t use Astrology, billionaires do!”

J.P. Morgan

Indeed not only do I teach you the secrets of the cosmic code through the science of  Astropsychology but my home course is designed  to educate you on the business side too!

Consequently, an active presence on social media is a necessity today and with it the great option to reach millions!  You can only succeed in selling what people need and millions of those people are still looking for their very purpose!  Little do they know their purpose in life is already written in light…

Mathematics works in your favor with  over 1.23 billion people on Facebook,  645+ million on Twitter, 540+million on Google+ and 259+ million on LinkedIn.

Hi Dr. Turi congratulations! 

You have one of the top 5% most viewed LinkedIn profiles for 2012. LinkedIn now has 200 million members. Thanks for playing a unique part in our community! Recently, LinkedIn reached a new milestone: 200 million members. But this isn’t just our achievement to celebrate — it’s also yours. I want to personally thank you for being part of our community.
With sincere thanks,

Deep Nishar

Senior Vice President, Products & User Experience

Contrary to what is firmly believed, engaging, talking and baby sitting people on your page is a total waste of time. By the time you wrote and agree to disagree with the different UCI reading your comments, I wrote this newsletter… One thing I know is that;  you will never ever please everyone because their emotions, beliefs, education, intelligence and cosmic identity is totally different than yours. So why waste your / my time?

Yes I post regularly on your page and you hate my gut because I am on your turf “spamming!” Thus like the majority of insecure people, you will “UN-FRIEND” and mute me! But you’ve already lost the battle because you will soon see my pretty face somewhere else again and again, maybe in one of your good smarter friends’ page? And while the title of a newsletter means nothing to you personally, it will resonate with many other curious people. This is why, you can not take your own case as a generality by asking me to stop spamming on many websites… Not only you have shown your insecurity complex but you also tried to stop an unstoppable Dr. Turi!

I make sure ALL my Internet enemies are in my mailing list, even though I am NOT in their websites. Meantime as my popularity grows so is your Unpopularity for stopping me offering my cosmic work for FREE!  The fact is, and you will hate me even more for saying… “YOU are the first one awaiting to see if I ever mentioned you in my newsletters…”

Sad enough I had thousands of fans on Facebook  when one of my Internet enemies managed to hijack my account and send porn to all of them…  I am still fighting those envious hyaenas thus changing your password often is highly recommended.

I was also a well read author from many popular websites but at the end, being forcefully removed worked in my favor, because the rigid  rules and ridiculous control or the moderators refute the truth I am offering my readers… Project Avalon Discussion about Psychic Power

Anyone using Facebook will receives up to 1,500 posts in their daily news feed and there are 500+ million tweets are sent daily and unless you are dedicated, original and offer something rare, you are a nobody there…

But the most important fact is , all Google+ posts are indexed by Google and increase your organic search. Thus not only you must find your cosmic gift to serve the masses in need of your talent, unless you post to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+ daily like I do, the Internet will never work for you!

The rules are simple, first find yourself, your creative gifts and be consistent with all of your efforts on a regular, ongoing basis and reap the rewards!  I will be retiring next year, but as long as I can think, talk and write I will still be there to guide you personally and the world at large. Indeed my Cyber Cosmic University has grown drastically since 1991 and my presence and influence on the Internet is just beginning…


Sorry the raffle drawing with those items is over

Everything has SOLD!

To reward you for your patience and read my article all the way down, I am now offering you the option to join my May 27 Ballot Drawing and get this huge crystal valued at $1800 for only $30. (The tarot table is sold!)

I bought this piece for $1800 in Sedona Arizona – 3 FT tall, 7 inches wide Roughly 150 LBS

I previously asked $100 to join this particular drawing but I realized its too much for too many of you to spend, even with a ($99.99) 12 months FREE subscription to the cosmic code website.

Thus this is how we will now proceed if you want to participate and if I do not get enough action I will have to sell all my stuff locally or on E bay! I am really trying to ingest my good energy into your life and make you the proud owner of some very expensive items I own.

You can chose to bet on the big Crystal for a $30 bet or the small ones for $15 only. Indeed there is no way to beat such an incredible deal, but you MUST be or  become a VIP to qualify for all the future drawings.  

Once I receive your $30 or $15 payment (DO NOT SEND MONEY YET!) Terania will write your first name, mention your city and state (or country if you are outside of the US)  and assign you with a ticket number that will be placed in the 3 separate boxes.  One will be for your $30 bet (Big Crystal) the other box for your $15 bet (Any of the 3 smaller crystals.) The 3rd box will be for the attractive set of various colored glass balls and crystal candles holder.

  • All participants will have a chance to win the BIG or small crystals for a ridiculous low price and the set of various colored glass balls and crystal candles holder.
  • You MUST email me right away at  ( with your choice of items and the amount you are willing to spend ($30 or $15) – Remember I have a LOT of precious stuff coming your way in future drawings, all priced very low that you will never find nowhere else.

All participants, winners or not will get a 3 months FREE VIP cosmic code extension, so if you are a loser you will still be a winner.  Then for proof of legitimacy, as mentioned in my newsletter, I will video tape Terania performing the entire drawing.  The results will be posted on the Cosmic Code website on May 27th during the day for you to hear and see if you won this article because we cannot contact you personally…

Good luck to all of you…

Dr. Turi



L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

listen to my latest radio show with Jerry – US/world
listen to my latest radio show with Ted – US/world
listen to my latest radio show with Rob – Canada/world

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 


“Heil Hitler” Greek Supreme Court clears neo-Nazi party for EU vote …Dr. Turi’s predictions UNARGUABLE!

Memo from “Heil Hitler” 2014 Arian Draconis”

An Astrologer’s Open Letter To Michael Sam

This article will show the difference between modern and Divine astrology methodology and I have yet to find the time to write about Mr. Sam sexual preferences… “Were you born gay?”

 MEMO – The 2014 Arian Draconis will impose many reform with emigrations, build walls between the US and other nations (Russia/Libya etc.) and revamp ALL that involve emigrations/foreigners moving in or out of the US.

05/12/2014 – The Netherlands Tells Immigrants to Learn Dutch or Get Out

Hi Dr. Turi
Just read the news this from the Drudge Report, Your accurate prediction continues…

Greek Supreme Court clears neo-Nazi party for EU vote …


 Prediction # 10 –  A year of endless HUGE fires and record high temperatures where many fire fighters will pay the ultimate price during my “SOS To The World Windows.”  Expect a full restructure of the International Association of Fire Fighters as the ministry of environment will impose many new rules affecting US National Parks.  The Same “dragon” produced  the highest air temperature on Earth” — 134 degrees on July 10, 1913, in Death Valley’s Greenland Ranch. 


Update 05/14/2014 – 200 die in mine fire;  many still trapped

Wildfire threatens hundreds in Texas panhandle

Update 05/12/2014 – Hundreds flee from Texas wildfire

Update 04/14/14 – 12 dead in Chile wildfire; 2,000 homes consumed

Update 1/17/14 – Raging wildfires – Five homes destroyed, thousands of people evacuated in California.

RESULTS 06/30/13 18 firefighters die in blaze

Is this a serious omen that you should pay attention to my “visions?’

Watch this video

May God Bless Your Courageous Souls

August 26, 2013

Watch this video

A massive California wildfire threatening Yosemite National Park and San Francisco’s water and power sources is now the 13th largest in state historyofficials say.

Are you possessed by all your possessions?


Letting go of the past and all your possessions is accepting and trusting a more promising future, treasure your wisdom, not your possessions…

Dr. Turi

Dear readers;

Do you have any idea of how much we can accumulate in our house over the years readers? Even with dozens of garage sales under my belt, when I look in both my garages and my 5 bedrooms house I am going berserk!

What ever I have left is not traditional garage sale material because I needed all those items for my work and I am quite emotionally attached to them. But having nothing to carry, feels liberating and does free oneself…

Some personal items such as my “Silver Bike” guarantee to never rust ($1400),  my old $15000 radio equipment, my Art work, statues, jewelry, telescope etc.etc.  are much too expensive to sell in the street.  I have noticed also that the more you own the more those things will end up owning you… This is why in the middle of all my previous garage sales I GAVE everything away…

On June 27th  I will start flying around the world with Terania looking for the best exotic places to retire. I will be fully retired by February 26, 2015 and by then we must let go of ALL we own, including my 2008 black Hummer and dog trailer.  Thus if you have an item you need or want to purchase you may ask me if I have it for you, chances are I have it!

I am experiencing a mutual reception of the 2014 Arian Draconis, this mean a total physical and spiritual changes are imposed upon souls born in April (Terania) and all human beings who own a moon, rising, natal or hidden Aries/Libra dragon like me.

This cycle takes place every 7 and 12 years and the last time this happened to me, I suffered a devastating divorce, and rejection was a terrible experience for me! But 7 years later, I happily married my soul mate, Terania in Las Vegas.   Thus if you are experiencing drastic changes blame it all on constellation of Draco and Astropsychology  is a much safer, cheaper and accurate way to understand this cosmic dilemma instead of ingesting dangerous anti-depressants which will never fix you permanently.

In fact being warned and prepared of its impact  by house and sign, allows you to tap on the productive cosmic fluid instead of drastically suffering your cosmic ignorance or even die in the process.  Is $700 or $340 for my cosmic services worth your or a loved one life? The worse of this cosmic fluid is in the subconscious house inducing serious depressions and suicidal tendencies. But the nightmare will explode during specific days and confirm my latest incredible Astrological discovery on  “Personal Cosmic Biorhythms.

Science has a long way to go before acknowledging the “soul of the cosmos” meantime billions of dollars are still wasted  letting some “educated” kids messing up with rats’ brains!

The article “Biblical Cancer Code and Sean Hyman Money Code Deception” speaks of depressions, cancer and suicide and it is now updated with the following…

How I learned to live after trying to end my life 

Christine O’Hagan says November 30, 2012, was worst day of her life!

There is no doubt in my mind, Christine was under one of her 2012 negative Personal Cosmic Biorhythms  and/or suffering the Tail of her natal/hidden Dragon in her 12th subconscious house. This produces horrific psychological changes leading to suicidal thoughts. Sad enough today science can only classify those negative cosmic energies as  generalized anxiety disorder, major depression and obsessive compulsive disorder.

And the proof is right there when Christine saidThere are days  when I wake up wondering if I will be OK today, and days I wish I hadn’t woken up at all. But still no days that are like that terrible, numb, bloody day back in November 2012.

When will all those young souls finally acknowledge the Cosmos has a soul which speaks of the glory of a cosmic God?

  May 27th Ballot Drawing

Sorry the raffle drawing with those items is over

Everything has SOLD!

Stand by for the next one!

Image may contain: 1 person, standing and indoor


I bought this piece for $1800 in Sedona Arizona – 3 FT tall, 7 inches wide Roughly 150 LBS

This piece is very heavy and requires 2 strong person to move around. For $100 you may be the proud owner of this huge magic crystal  if Terania picks your name! The crystal is most excellent placed in your living room and acts as screen of protection from the outside world.

I had the healing Amethyst  directly facing this huge crystal in my house by the door and everyone noticed them right away. Next to it there are 3 smaller crystals valued at $60 a piece…

The taller crystal is 29 inches long X 4 Inches wide roughly 30 LBS

Now if you can not afford $100 to win the big expensive pieces you can join the drawing for $25 only and win ONE of the three smaller displayed crystals. Terania will use 2 separate boxes with all the cards mentioning the names of all the players, cities and states. Thus you can win the tallest one or the medium size crystal, and the smallest one will come FREE with it.  Yes TWO for one!

 Remember ALL will be video taped as Terania announces the lucky winners on May 27th Ballot Drawing. You can also see, behind the 3 tall crystals there are fashioned crystal candle holders and colored glass balls.

This is a very attractive set of various colored glass balls and crystal candles holder I used for years doing the Astro-Tarot.   This set stimulate intuition, clarification and protection low entities from the astral plane. Thus there will be 1 more box with the names randomly picked of all those interested in the 3 displayed items above  You can participate for only $25 and end up with a rare piece of Dr. Turi and expect this heavy box by your door. Yes the 1/4 Inch thick glass and brackets are also part of the deal! 

All you have to do is to email me at turitrue and let me know which item (s) you like to own and want to enter for.  Then you will get a response from me on the specific rules and your receipt. Remember you can participate ONLY if you are a VIP.

Important  note for NON VIP’s or the general public. 

If you are not a VIP, this is your chance not only to join the cosmic code for a 3 months FREE trial, be part of the drawing and get the best cosmic guidance on the Internet. Thus if you want to join us, be part of the drawing you must NOTIFY us via email and wait for the instructions


The Power of Crystals Healing Rods and Natural Gemstones

I bought this piece for $1200 – Roughly 75 LBS

For $100 you may be the proud owner of this huge healing Amethyst   if Terania pick your name!


Biblical Cancer Code and Sean Hyman Money Code Deception


“Universal Laws are written in light through the signs – Cosmic Consciousness is… the awareness of God’s celestial divinity and use it wisely to read the future and help others build emotional, financial and spiritual stability!” Read the future –  Watch the future!

 Dear Readers;



Cancer Cure, Health Revelation on the 859th page of an ancient Bible?

Oncologists stunned! “Untreatable” late-stage cancers disappear in weeks… ZERO painful side effects… [Verified by independent research from leading medical centers and university scientists…]

Dear Readers;

Do you recall how many times I mentioned religions and science are battling for supremacy and are deadly enemies?  In this case they cleverly formed an association with some doctors to reach and convince you to subscribe for their delusive mixture of religion and science materials.

In “cancer cure” you can now experience a groups of religiously poisoned Christian scientists selling the bible in a very long  Internet “sermon.” This is where the deceptive religious matrix is openly fighting the scientific matrix to advertise their latest product.

Did you also heard of Sean Hyman and his deceptive  MONEY CODE? – Again the goal is to sell Christianity and the bible in any possible ways, but not all readers are gullible, thus using FEARS, Cancer and offering you rational medical explanations is the new trickery used to sell their Neptunian deceptive material “bible plan.”

The Christian matrix MUST spend your “donations” by making products they can not sell because religions do NOT pay taxes but independent authors DO! This is why you will receive !) free gifts if you are patient enough to listen to the full narration.

Those “Internet religious missionaries” are the bible sellers offering you FREE “bible tips” free natural healing therapies manuals asking you to join their “friends” newsletter where they can lead to subscribe and give more donations.  Like the money code, the bible cancer “code” is another very long and deceptive Neptunian sermon!

Incidentally would it be the narrator or the doctors used in this advertisement, none own cosmic consciousness or experienced cancer (and healed themselves) first hand like I did!

Thus the choice is now yours to use the supra-conscious psychical healing forces at your advantage and use my real experience, wisdom and solid health tips instead!

Read also  “The Cosmos Has a Soul”

September 21, 2012 Recuperated Article

Cosmic Code

 For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice…

Being myself a cancer survivor all I can tell you is;  my own experience with the disease was quite dramatic. While I am so very thankful for all the doctors who saved my life in Thailand, I could not wait to escape the hospital and the tons of medications I had to ingest daily.

Following the surgery, the doctors also strongly recommended chemotherapy but I knew better and refused the treatment.  In fact I had to lie to them all in order to be discharged legally from Bangkok hospital.  After removing a good chunk of my gut a day after the surgery I was forced, with the help of three  nurses to walk short distances and the morphine in my blood stream did not eliminate the pain.

The idea was to use gravity to bring back life to my digestive track and after more than three weeks I still did not pass any gas or anything of the little food I ingested.  I was to tell the doctors immediately when this would take place in order to be released.  Amazing how we take for granted little things we do everyday naturally? I never thought I would one day pray God to make me fart, but I did!


I was thousands miles away from my my loved ones and my friends, the only support I had was through MSN, with my wife to be, Terania. She was there every morning offering her precious mental support because I did not want anyone of my family to know about my situation and for any of  them to come to Thailand to baby me.

But I also knew the more pain medications and the regiment of antibiotics I was ingesting under the watchful eyes of the nurses, the longer it would be for me to get my health back. Thanks to my training in hypnotherapy I was able to auto hypnotize myself out of my pain and fears instead of requesting more of Neptune’s dreamy goodies or all the readily available drugs at my disposition.  I hated the numbness, the lethargy, the dream state  and the restrain I was in and to this day I do not understand why people would smoke weed?

But one think I now know is; when you are forced to face your own mortality and, alone deeply into your own self for weeks,  away from everyone who cares for you,  you really get to “meditate” deeply.  Why and how the hell did I catch this disease was much in my mind!

I realized then, the main reason for me to develop cancer,  was because of many years of bad eating habits in the UK working as a breakfast Chef and a persistent state of depressions. Like all overworked young adults, drinking, smoking and partying all night long took a toll on my body, mind and soul, opening the door to more depressions. Now after such a crazy life I have it all and even found my soul mate and Terania, I may have to die?

I was so mad inside because I wanted to do more with my life and enjoy a well deserved retirement… For years I had it all, success, money, a great career, the fine jewelry, the very expansive cars, a bran new red Corvette, an AMG Mercedes, new Hummer, speed boat tons of friends and money to spare…but I had no true love!

The endless chain of girls I conquered were after my name, the security I could offer them, my money but not my heart. As a truth seeker, a man with such a deep cosmic wisdom and integrity I could not understand why  love was out of reach for me.

I drowned my secret pain drinking every night and escaped both death and DUI so many times, yes thanks to my lucky Sagittarius rising for saving me from costly legal expenses and  jail…  In many cases, at the end depressions lead to suicide!

How I learned to live after trying to end my life  

Christine O’Hagan says November 30, 2012, was worst day of her life!

There is no doubt in my mind, Christine was under one of her 2012 negative Personal Cosmic Biorhythms  and/or suffering the Tail of her natal/hidden Dragon in her 12th subconscious house. This produces horrific psychological changes leading to suicidal thoughts. Sad enough today science can only classify those negative cosmic energies as  generalized anxiety disorder, major depression and obsessive compulsive disorder.

And the proof is right there when Christine said ““There are days when I wake up wondering if I will be OK today, and days I wish I hadn’t woken up at all. But still no days that are like that terrible, numb, bloody day back in November 2012.”

But in all, what I have learned about getting cancer is; if you lead a healthy life, if you are emotionally, financially and spiritually  stable, and truly loved, happy to be alive, regenerate your spirit in a great career and if you simply  avoid feeding evil, cancer has NO power over you.

Cancer needs your depression, your fears, your insecurity, your loneliness  and an  unhealthy lifestyle to grab and kill you!

In fact I know no cancer cell can survive in an very oxygenated body, mind and soul and my “Universal Blood Transfusion” is the first step to take if you suffer ANY disease.  In this radio show with Jerry I gave more information on cancer,take the time to listen to it  so you can immunize your body, mind and soul from it!

ALL disease comes from a physical and/or spiritual blockage that open the door to infectious organisms, including cancer. Shutting down the flux of happiness is simply shutting down life because there is so much more involving the thoughts power, the scientific community who lost the spirit is not aware of just yet!


Stress, depression may affect cancer survival

We all know what it mean to struggle, to be part of the minority and how challenging life can be working underpay in horrific situations away from loved ones, endlessly worrying if food will be always be on the table… thus does the latest findings of our  infantile science really surprise you now? 

Cancer now No. 1 killer of U.S. Hispanics

In fact four weeks  after my surgery, back home in the US, I was running with my dogs in the park and was cutting tree branches from the roof of my house. I had finally the  love, the attention and hopes I was craving for but most of all I had my daily “Universal Blood Transfusion”  and today I am cancer free.

There is so much more to learn in the Cosmic Code that will benefit your health and your life in general!

I have also noticed that where ever Saturn (the great malefic) is located in your chart becomes a wide invitation for career stress and with it cancer. Thus the location of this planet by house and sign become a sure SIGN where you are prone to develop cancer.

Battling your fears of the future and knowing about it will allow you to apply your will to correct the situation and avoid the health penalty or the cancer cell growth in this particular area of your body. Let’s say if you were born like me with malicious Saturn in Virgo (the digestive track) you better get regular colonoscopy after the age of 50 in this particular area.

Meantime in the medical aspect of my work, Saturn can be in any house and any sign and for you not to know about it makes you very vulnerable. Thus there was  no “accident” for me to suffer colon cancer but if you let both, your fears or ignorance take over curiosity, you may very well end up developing tumors in those areas.  In all my Skype live/taped consultations I always check the malefic planets locations and tell you exactly what you should do to avoid future health problems.


Added to Saturn health karmic location, where ever Pluto is located in your natal UCI/chart, real regeneration can only take place, I was born with Pluto in Leo (love) and the real thing or love was  missing for too long in my life and got to me!

The scientific community erroneously assumes my “pseudo-scientific” medical work is ridiculous instead of investigating the real possibilities of what lead me to contract cancer… Incidentally the moon location by sign and house is responsible for human emotions is also a  major contribution to attract diseases and lead to a variety of psychological problems, including depressions and even suicide.

Sad enough science knows nothing of the spiritual values emanating from the Moon and can only relate to our satellite logically through astronomy. All the while missing the subtle impact she exert upon the human psyche and with it, the crucial answers they are cursed to uncover…

“The Moon Shots Program signals our confidence that the path to curing cancer is in clearer sight than at any other time in history,” – DePinho. 

But the irony is  science is still refusing to give the right  “Shots at the Moon” with NASA Programs and “Those funds will come from institutional earnings, philanthropy, competitive research grants and commercialization of new discoveries.”  The cancer center is backing this project with a $3 billion investment over the next decade!

Imagine how many Astropsychology schools and regenerative, divulging God’s cosmic divinity, the moon power, the planets impacts upon humanity would reveal to the millions of children and their parents attending my students and I cosmic teachings  would be?

Yes but the scientific matrix will not get there readers, there is nothing for them to gain from homeopathic medicine, because its all natural! Both the scientists and the pharmaceutical corporations are not interested in my real and successful story.

Instead fortunes are wasted because those who lead us do not know better, and this MUST change!

Imagine if I had 3 billions dollars to spare how many people I would save with the safe medical Astropsychology teachings? Imagine the impact all the wise spiritually advanced  teachers would have upon those future generations leading all the children of tomorrow into the reality of a Cosmic God unifying the world. Indeed the Cosmic Code and its natural healing procedures would in time allows for an endless flow of spiritual regeneration, a better understanding of the variety making up the human race, bring more  health, happiness, love, respect for all and finally abolish all cancers.

This new cosmic conscious crowd will in turn teach their own kids all about their natal UCI,  know all about their own sins and virtues. A new vibrant, cosmic conscious  US Department of Education and all their teachers would fully understand the psyche of lost souls like Adam Lanza and offer all the mental help and guidance needed to allow only the positive aspect of the stars to manifest themselves.

Instead those fortunes are wasted and nothing else than another investment for more neuroscience and their scientific researches killing rats to create and sell more less lethal drugs and build more psychiatric hospitals, more prisons to accommodate all the over medicated victims…

From Prediction page 2 – Another prediction on the way…

23. Cancer will be conquered as we approach and pass August 2012.

Yes cancer will be conquered readers but not the way the Illuminati Lobbyists running those scientific and pharmaceutical corporations wants you to believe…One day there will be no need to cut, burn or cook cancer out of people and no need to poison their system with chemotherapy and dangerous chemicals. But we still have a long way to go before my Astropsychology schools takes off the ground and humanity finally wakes up to God cosmic reality.

The question now is will you trust a 30 or 40 year old traditionally educated  kid, fresh out of college practicing medicine, a 19 or 25 years old juvenile scientist experimenting new drugs on rats in a laboratory or a 64 year old man who’s been there and done that with cancer?

Simply assimilate this You Tube video and avoid cancer entirely before it can get to you…and if you need me to guide or heal you simply order any of my services because I am as real as can be and a proud cancer survivor…

STOP The Epidemic of autism in the United States
Dr. Drew, Dr. Gupta, PTSD, Bullying and Suicide Answers
NO you do not need a BA, MA, MBA, JD and PhD!
 Neuroscience long for answers on the human mind!
Dr. Drew Versus Dr. Turi
Dr. Drew A Born Nerd! 



This is the last minute Mother Day I am adding a 12 months  Personal Cosmic Biorhythm with the current serious discount super deal for any of my cosmic services.  Why pay $700  and $125 =$825 when you can give your mother TWO very long lasting spiritual present and pay only $210 instead? Is your mother really happy, is she at a crossing point in her life? Does she experience health issues? Imagine how much money you are saving by trusting me to help your mother?


But you can only get her this deal if you call Terania at 602-265-7667 to schedule her FREE 5 minutes “psychic” reading BEFORE MAKING HER MIND!  Only then will she realize my gift on her special Day!

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi

Experience it all with us, read the adventures, watch the videos, see the exotic pictures as I am looking for the best place to enjoy a well deserved retirement.

Blessings to all my readers

Dr. Turi

The Power of Crystals Healing Rods and Natural Gemstones


Dear readers;

In reference and response to the Purple Blue Amethyst  Ballot Drawing.

I bought this piece for $1200 – Roughly 75 LBS

For $100 you may be the proud owner of this huge healing Amethyst   if Terania pick your name! The crystal-Amethyst is most excellent placed near computers, I will give you more information on how to proceed, some rules and some health tips as you read this article.

If you are like me and spend hours near computers this is what this particular rock will do for you!

While I strongly recommend everyone to stay connected with Mother Earth by walking bare foot on the grass or by the water, taking regular trips to nature is a must to regenerate your body, mind and soul. You are nothing else than a gigantic battery and each time you are stressing, *negative   you lose healing power, degenerate and empty your batteries.

Meantime reading some of the good stuff I generate act as a plug in your “spiritual” wall socket! And while I wish I had only good news to pass on to you, if you are still reading me or comeback for more, its because you are regenerating your spirit with us.

Being endlessly negative lead to all sorts of physical and spiritual ailments you do not need and anti-depressants can only and seriously alter your own body chemicals balance and even put on weigh in the process..

Let talk about weight first…

Due to exposure to an array of electronic rays,  common foods, beverages and  over-the-counter medicines, 9 out of 10 people’s guts have been infested with toxic, parasitic bacteria that is DESTROYING their health and making it virtually impossible to drop fat from their biggest problem areas… and that very likely means you too.

If you were born with Saturn (restriction) in Virgo (elimination principles/intestines) like me, you are seriously prone to also develop colon cancer. Luckily for me I managed to beat the disease because of my “Natural Blood Transfusion” and with it, the option to over oxygenate my body where cancer cells have no chances to duplicate.  My house is also loaded with healing crystals of all shapes and forms that MUST be cleaned regularly (after the full moon) with sea salt and water to maintain their cleansing/healing power.

If you are too busy or unwilling to regularly visit Mother Earth, walk bare foot or go fishing like I do, the millions of years it took for nature (wind/rain/rocks and earth) to create those concentrated natural healing “crystal rods” becomes your best option to keep closer to her!

Having running water and fountains in and out of the house like we do,  is also great healing Feng Shui to accumulate ions.   Add the Cabalistic Healing Candles Ritual to all this and you are safe from all your enemies negative thoughts reaching you…

Fortunately, there’s a way for you to “cleanse” that you can perform today, almost without thinking, to correct this dangerous imbalance if you follow my advises. Human are machine of habits, and while stopping smoking cigarettes was the hardest thing I ever had to do, I also trained my body to eat only once a day. This seriously slowdown the “regular” work your body has to perform for hours to process and cleanse itself for all the ingested food and their toxicity.

While everyone of you,  can do so,  many seek mental refuge with food because they need the nutrients to feel secure. But I have noticed my many crystals have seriously altered my appetite and diminished the regular craving for food I used to have.

Remember the Indians had to walk for days before finding and killing wild life, then carry the load back to their village where more work was needed before ingesting the food.

Nowadays all you have to do is walk a few feet to your kitchen and press a button to use your microwave. The amount of fat accumulation is extreme and fat burning nearly non existent when you sit all day long at your computer! And you wonder why there is an epidemic of obesity and an explosion of heart diseases in the world nowadays?

But the worse possible inflicted damage is psychical and the result is an explosion of “Adam Lanza monsters” bullies and endless suicides.  Yes who thought of blaming fast food chains for such an epidemic! Indeed human have removed themselves physically from Mother Earth and spiritually from God’s cosmic food…

Instead of spiritual safer natural/spiritual healing, TONS of nefarious medications are used to burn fat. And this benefit the religious and scientific matrixes only while humanity’s physical and  psychical welfare is slowing deteriorating…

Yes you can STUFF yourself with crystals and gems regenerative spiritual food, lose weight and become more healthy instead. Yes those rocks do replace much of the solid food you trained yourself for years to ingest and “save” in parts of your body! Be sure reader, the bigger the better with crystals, and if you think the Purple Blue Amethyst mentioned above is big and heavy, wait until you see the other one I bought from Sedona for $1600.  Well over 150 LBS…

After reading my Purple Blue Amethyst drawing my friend Ian sent me more information I now share with you.

  Amethyst is a member of the ‘Transformer’ group of minerals and therefore its evolutionary function is to ‘transform’ other energies around it; but more than that — it especially absorbs and transforms subtle energies that are in chaos or ‘fighting with each other.’

Some people might find it easier to understand that it’s as though its Monad ‘feeds’ on these chaotic or negative energies. To describe what this looks like; as you look at your PC screen, imagine there is a black cloud around it when it is switched on, and generally speaking, your head is just inside this cloud when you work at the PC.

 Now when you place a large Amethyst cluster inside this cloud, next to the screen, the Amethyst will slowly begin to react to the situation. It takes about 25 minutes for the change to fully occur.  After this — picture the cloud turning into a vortex-like funnel shape above the Amethyst and the black energy spiraling down inside the crystal bed. Inside the Amethyst, the Monad puts this ‘black energy’ through a complex management system and then emits it out again through a long channel that extends as much as a meter away.

When the energy is ‘ejected’ it is white in color and is perfectly transformed to a harmonious condition. This is a perfect example of how we can use the evolutionary function of a mineral, and also where we are not actually using its ‘mineral energy’.  Rose Quartz is also a member of the Transformer group but it doesn’t do quite such an efficient job as Amethyst with the ‘negative energy’ around a PC.”

Sharing Emails; 


 Hi guys, yes I would love to be the recipient of this beautiful crystal. I am concerned tho, as to why you guys are selling everything? The future must look really bleak!
Love to you both



The future has always been there if we cared to look, so I wouldn’t presume any bleak reasoning. I’m actually surprised Dr Turi hasn’t de-possessed much sooner, as eventually all those accumulated material possessions tend to clutter our life and tie us down. There’s a fine line between being a collector or a hoarder. It’s a beautiful rock and a great bargain… As a Taurus Dragons Tail, I’ve learned to embrace the “freeing” process and really enjoy knowing my precious items are appreciated by their new owners…so will Dr Turi.  



 DT- Indeed Laurie is right and Terania and I regularly do garage sales to keep the old stuff flowing as we replace it with new ones, new energy and this is good Feng Shui. But we treat crystals and other “magical” pieces impregnated with our healing energy differently. You can benefit or suffer from anyone stuff and you have to be careful the “energy” your bring into your home is compatible with yours. Your are bringing something new, something alive closer to you and your children and I am sure you would not dare invite a killer or a rapist into your home.

Most of all the new items MUST reach you during a waxing moon or being purchased during a positive energy.

Anything you buy is like a talisman loaded with power that will bless or hurt you in the long run if you are not aware of the subtle forces at work. In our case anything you’ll get from us can only ADD to your life in terms of love, light, wealth, healing and wisdom.  Let me try this, would you buy any of Charles Manson artwork he made in prison? I won’t even put the picture link here for you to see what this monster is creating and selling!

And some screwed up evil Plutonic souls will invest in his evil energy but I doubt those sick morons know what they are doing and the type of energy they are attracting into their lives…

The reason why we are selling all we own and moving is because my natal Dragon’s Head in Aries and Terania (also an Aries) is a higher order imposed  by the Cosmic Code (God’s will) to rebirth through the 2014 Arian Draconis.

When I first wrote my predictions about this dragon back in June 2013 I knew how and why this cosmic fluid would affect us and if we resist it, the price to pay could be much worse than all the possessions we accumulated over the years. What is insane is; so many cosmic unconscious people out there are NOT responding to God’s cosmic order and many will pay the penalty in the process.

Remember once I move out the country I will not work as hard as I do here in  Phoenix “Arid Zone” and I am strongly recommending you to deal with me now because there will not be many deals available, especially when I retire in 2015.   But life and projects are not made in stones, unless a miracle takes place between now and then and force me us to stay in America, we are gone!  But knowing the power of the thoughts, the supra-conscious subtle forces at work, and knowing we have so many supporters God plans can always change! 

We have TONS of items for sale and some of my artworks will start at $2000 others will be quite affordable at the many future Ballot Drawing.  There is something for many of you, small or large we own and our magical energy will blend and bless your life as soon as you become the new owner…

I will use my camera, post a few pictures and explanation of all future items we have for you. Some are very very rare even priceless and directly from Nostradamus house. Are you ready to inherit Nostradamus’ spiritual energy?

Think long and hard before owning some of those items because the spirit of the great prophet is immortal and very real… I do not have to tell you how it affected my spirit, my wisdom, my visions and changed my own life for the better!

I will elaborate long and hard enough on ALL that I want my VIP’s to own that once belonged to us and again if you are not a VIP (and we will check your status) you are not entitled to participate in any future ballot drawings.

Let me now give you more information on the rules;  Indeed the current Purple Blue Amethyst is a magical piece and part of the deal agreement is; those who live in or outside of the US will have to pay HALF of the shipping cost! Many items are small, rare and  precious, others can fit in a box but all will be shipped with insurance and many will be quite small and inexpensive.  It all depend on what you like to own and what you want to do with it… And God know do we have good stuff for you…

We have VIP’s from all over the world thus heavy items will be shipped by boat and may take a few weeks to reach you, doing so and this will make the shipping fees much cheaper.  In any case, if you are a winner, you will know the price before shipping!

Remember, if you are not yet a VIP, the Purple Blue Amethyst goes with a 12 months cosmic code subscription because I want EVERYONE to win something VIP or not!  $100 is a lot of money for many of you and becoming a VIP will qualify you for all future  Ballot Drawing.

The drawing will take place on May 28th, on the first day of the New Moon. Terania will put  all the participants’ names in a box and I will video tape her when she pick and announce the winner. Then the video will be posted PRIVATELY on the cosmic code website and a very happy VIP will hear his/her name and become the new owner of the Purple Blue Amethyst magical powers!

The winner must call us right away to discuss the shipment.  We are still taking names and we are asking all participants to NOT send money yet and  wait a bit longer to discuss the $100 payment through a private email.  The next two items for sale will be then announced!

Thanks for your support VIP’s, while we will be thousands miles away, your investment will serve the world well by helping Terania and I to be back on the air with the “Cosmic Code new radio show” and make our Cyber Cosmic University alive and growing. I have to pay my webmaster Tom for all his efforts and the latest radio technology I need to purchase in the US and use in our new home…

This is the last minute Mother Day I am adding a 12 months  Personal Cosmic Biorhythm with the current serious discount super deal for any of my cosmic services.  Why pay $700  and $125 =$825 when you can give your mother TWO very long lasting spiritual present and pay only $210 instead? Is your mother really happy, is she at a crossing point in her life? Does she experience health issues? Imagine how much money you are saving by trusting me to help your mother?


But you can only get her this deal if you call Terania at 602-265-7667 to schedule her FREE 5 minutes “psychic” reading BEFORE MAKING HER MIND!  Only then will she realize my gift on her special Day!

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi


Blessings to all my readers