Year: 2014

2007/2011 Cosmic Code Newsletters Collection


PhotArt by Pasqual Bettio

PhotArt by Pasqual Bettio

Dear readers;

While 6 months of my work disappeared from the public  ALL my articles are available to my Cosmic Coders!  From my latest to my earliest work, this 2007/2011 Cosmic Code Newsletters Sample Collection is also available to you when you become a VIP!

Copy/paste any title and use the “Search box” located in the right up corner! 

Message Subject
Kim Kardashian Versus Kris Humphries
Jared Lee Laughner “The Mind Of A Killer”
Personal Horoscope and Predictions For All Signs
2011 August Universal Transits
Amy Winehouse Lost Soul
Are You Conscious of Being Unconscious?
Why Are You Gay?
The Stars and Fate of Casey Anthony
Through The Rat Hole…
The Evil Of Chronic Depression
Are You Ready For Karma?
Happy Birthday America
Wake Up Humanity Time is Now!
2011 July Universal Transits
JULY 2011 Personal Horoscope and Predictions For All
I Love My Pet
God Please Speak to Me
The Festival Of Enlightenment Healing Power
Salt River Healing Soul
The Way You Are…
David Darling and Megacatastrophes!
Do You Feel Lucky?
Are You Conscious Of Your Unconsciousness?
June 2011 Personal Horoscope For All Signs
June 2011 Universal Transits
Do Schools Kill Creativity?
Changing Education Paradigms
NOAA, NASA, USGS Are All Criminals
Dr. Turi Versus James Randi
Arnold Schwarzenegger and Mildred Baena
May God Forgive NASA
Harold Camping Demented Spirit
Dead Children Spirits
UCI or “Unique Celestial Identity”
Osama Bin Laden Hidden Fate
President of Ignorance
James Randi One Million Dollar Paranormal Challenge
Osama Bin Laden and America
May 2011 Personal Horoscope and Predictions For All
May 2011 Universal Transits
Donald Trump And Lady Gaga’s Fate
True Paradise on Earth
Air Force One and The Presidential Family
The Real Story Of Jesus and God
There Are NO Accidents
The Revolution of Cosmic Consciousness
The World Going Crazy
Caution, False Prophets
April 2011 Extended Forecast
Gadafi, the Middle East and The Stars!
Are You Afraid Of Death?
Are the Japanese different? You Bet!
Secrets Coming To Light
Major Ed Dames Versus Dr. Turi
David Icke Lion Sleeps No More
Full Moon – Are You Ready?
Radiations/Nukes and CA
Japan Next The USA…
March 2011 Teleclass Feedback
Lady Gaga, Charlie Sheen, Taylor Momsen Lost Souls
Jesus and John Dominic CROSSan
Stop Feeding Evil!
The Stars And Fate Of Dr. Ron Paul
The True $$$$$$$$$$$$$pirit of NASA
Ophiuchus Mystery Divulged
The Resurrection of the Truth
The American Dream
A Message To The Police
With Love and Light
Giffords’ hubby: ‘Maybe it was fate’
Who is Sheriff Joe Arpaio?
February Universal Transist
February 2011 Personal Horoscope and Predictions For All Signs
Gary Busey, Las Vegas and UFO
Shaping Up The Human Spirit!
Mr. Conman and Mrs. Greedy
Should You Fear Witchcraft, Black Magic and Voodoo?
Children Of The Future
The Prince Of Darkness
Jared Lee Loughner Tucson Evil
WikiLeaks The CIA And CNN
12/21/2012 – Happy Birthday Humanity
Bay Area UFO Event
Bush was WRONG: We ARE at war with Islam!
Nostradamus’ Curse
Have We Lost The United States Of America?
Humanity Day Of Love And Light
Police, Hackers, Killers, Dr. Laura and Psychology!
The Stars And Fate Of Lost Dr.Laura Schlessinger
Pluto, the Kardashians and the rest of the world
The Stars And Fate Of David Wilcock
The Phoenix Voyage
There Is NO End Of The World!
The Stars And Fate Of Richard Charles Hoagland
Jesus Is Coming Back Soon!
Nukes Evil Deadly Breath
Glenn Beck and Macular Dystrophy
Police Drama Deadly Plutonic Soup
Army/Navy Suicide Rampage
New World Order
Don’t Casts swine Before Pearl
The New 2012 Universal Calendar
Jesus True Mission Children And UFO
Rumormillsnews – David Icke and Moderators
Madness On The Rise?
Blessed Be!
Don’t Give Pearls to Swine! Jesus…
UN- Happy Fourth Of July
Nostradamus And Dr. Turi
Mel Gibson’s Fate
Oil – Greed – Ignorance = Death
UFO Over Arizona
The Police/Larry King/George Noory & Richard Hoagland
Michelangelo – Leonardo da Vinci & The Cosmic Code
“July 2010 Universal Transits” & “Your Personal Horoscope For July 2010”
Your Personal Horoscope For July 2010
July 2010 Universal Transits
Listen Dr. Turi On Rumor Mill Radio
Obama, Petraeus Lady Gaga and Witches
Police Plutonic Evil Face
Police Deadly Infraction
Oil Spill – Is It Too Late?
Dark Moon Blood
Children taught to be suicide bombers
Lightning strikes Jesus statue / OIL AND NUKES
Dr. Turi on History Channel
The Cosmic Code, the Torah Code and the Bible Code
Van Der Sloot “Natural Born Killer”
Rush Limbaugh and Elton John
TV Matrix UFO Contact Experiment
Oil Spill and ET’s
June 2010 Universal And Personal Guidance
Suicide Plague On The Horizon
Politics And Religions
George Noory And Sylvia Browne
Are You A Chosen One?
Glenn Beck And Rush Limbaugh White Supremacists?
The Fate And Stars of Gary Coleman
Channeling Mother Earth
Dr. Turi VS. Sylvia Brown
A note From Terania
Teaching Kids How To Kill The President?
Are You Ready To Die?
Are You Gay? Do You Want to Understand Why?
2011 Nostradamus Universal Predictions
2011 Sample Predictions
Gulf Of Mexico Tragedy Fully Predicted
The Secrets Of The Moon Matrix
What A Trip!
God’s True Identity
Change Your Life – You Can Do It!
Nuclear Terrorism
The Poison Of Fears
The US Economy
Is This Your True Love? Taurus
The Pope And The Truth
Obama And The People
The Evil Of Suicide
The Vatican, Politics, God and Humankind
2010 Nostradamus’ Dragon Forecast For All Signs
How To Live A Healthy Blissful Life
The CIA Cursed Bread
Is This Your True Love? Aries
Where Are You God?
Sean David Morton – American Greed
Channeling Michael Blosil Osmond
“Titanic, What Really Happened that Fateful Night?”
The Cosmic Code and Actor Andrew Koenig
Forgiveness Is A Blessing!
The Universal Law Of The Moon
Are You A True Genius?
California Deadly Earthquake
UFO Close Encounter
Born Terrorist Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab
Dr. Turi 2010 Universal Predictions
Ignorance Kills!
Divine Astrology Goodies!
There Are NO Accidents!
Evil Dark Forces And Rush Limbaugh
Born A Terrorist
The most incredible Christmas Gift
Brittany Murphy, Michael Jackson, Farrah Fawcett, Natasha Richardson etc.
Damn, Someone Must Be Right!
Violent Martian Beauty
The Stars and Fate of Laila Ali
Sylvia Browne and Montel William
Oral Robert’s Evil Legacy
What Will It Take?
James Ray and the Secret
The Garden Of Eden
UNruly Cops?
Are You A Real Psychic?
DrUNk tIgeR?)*&(*&^??DrIVeR??
Tiger Wood Was Drunk!
Horoscope For December 2009
Police Requiem
Tiger Woods’ Worse Hit
The Wrath Of God
Turi’s Unfortunate/Fortunate Events!
End Of The World Lunacy
David Icke
Breeding A Killer
Dance Of Evil?
What’s Going On With Jordan Maxwell?
Yes The Stars Do The Job!
Family In Town!
My Apology To All
In The Name Of God?
The People God Hates
H1N1 Inoculation
The Year 2012
Channeling Michael Jackson
SOS Police Movement Awareness
NASA Criminals
NASA’s Mission to Bomb The Moon
Wake up call for the President?
UFO Over The Turi’s House
Dr. Laura Schlessinger
Quakes And Tsunami
What’s Wrong With God?
Quakes And Tsunami
What’s Wrong With God?
UFO Are Very real
David Icke A man With A Mission
One Small Step For Mankind…
UFO or Poison from Above
A True Story
Are We Cursed?
Deadly Dust
Where Is The Light?
Psychic Accident
Harmonic Convergence
The Face Of God
Small Free Sample Of A Cosmic Code newsletter
September 2009 Personal Guidance And Predictions
Transits for the month of September 2009
September 2009 Personal Guidance And Predictions
Life Is Indeed Fast Changes
Born To The World!
Light Or Darkness?
Did Jesus Really Exist?
Fears = Food For Evil!
Magic Spells, Witchcraft, Black Magic and Voodoo
Political Difference
Dragon rules
Genetic Manipulation = DEATH!
Dragon rules
US Children Science and Guineas Pigs
POLICE Universal Imbecility?
Obama & the police stupidity?
Killing Mother Earth
Freedom In France, The US, Iran, Anywhere?
Empty Educated Heads
The End Of The World?
Tears Of A Soldier
A True Prophet At Work!
NFL quarterback Steve McNair and La Femme Fatale
Universal Cleansing
Michael Jackson Prediction
Joe Jackson Shameless Father?
July 2009 Universal Transits
Michael Jackson Message From N.Y. CLouds
Dragon Deadly Feast
Michael Jackson Last Concerto
Good Bye Michael Jackson
Neda’s Fate
Iran Deadly Prediction
The Evil Of Suicide
Pluto King Of The Underwolrd
Dragon’s Will
From Hell To Heaven
June Plutonic Window
Are You Ready For Me?
Back On The Air
Life Is Changes
Are You A Genius?
The Cosmic Code In Action
God And Jesus
Children And The Stars
What Is Love?
Insanity At Its Best!
Dead And Born Again!
God’s True Face and Identity
Religious War?
NASA Costly Ignorance Part 3
NASA Costly Ignorance Part 2
NASA Costly Ignorance
Where Is God? Part 2
PO-PO-PO Turi in the Box…
Where Is God?
Witch Burning
Plutonic Dirty Soup
Swine Flu Scare
Turi Goal of Instruction For Local Affair
Swine Fu Prediction
Great Spirit’s Message
Ugly Face Of Death
The Stars and Fate of George Noory
Shocking Uranic Window
“SOS POlice Lives” Movement
Turi/Pasqual Golden Oomph of Nebula…
Don’t Give Pearls To Swine!
Oprah Winfrey Secret Wish
The Genius Of James “Pasqual” Bettio
The Beginning Of The End?
Oprah And Your Resolution
More Proof For The Police?
A message to the police Academy
Police PLutonic Drama
What Is Astropsychology?
Listening To Dead Cops!
Coast To Coast Police Message #4
Italy Quake Prediction
Make the most of it while you can!
Coast To Coast Police Special #3
Obama & Nuclear Prediction?
Coast To Coast Police Special #2
Coast To Coast Police Special #1
Are You Ready To Die
Nicholas Huges Suicide
Nostradamus / Dr. Turi Quatrains
Rael UFO Religion or Cult?
Wrong Place Wrong Time?
Rich Famous and Ignorant
Geronimo’s Spirit Part 1
Police PLutonic Window Drama
Michael Jackson Last CONcert?
SOS To The World Memo
Monkey Brain?
Ignorance Rule!
Education Is The Key!
UFO, Divine Information Or Deception?
Nasa Criminals
Your Day – to – Day Guidance For March 2009
Monkey Business?
My True Gift
Solar Eclipse Predictions
President Obama’s Dragon’s Tail
Obama’s Fate
What Makes An Hero?
The Birthing Of A New God
Master The Cosmic Code
Enjoy The Show
A TV Show You Dont Want To Miss!
CTC – Conspiracy on the air
Scientology John And Jett Travolta
Stop The Insanity!
Its Now Or Never!
The End Of The Middle East and Religions?
Conspiracy Against Dr. Turi #2
Be Part Of The Action
Dragon News 01/01/09
Good-bye 2008 Hello 2009 From Louis and Terania
Conspiracy Against Dr. Turi Exposed
Last 2008 FREE Newsletter
A Message To The Police
Merry Christmas To All
A Message From Terania
The Church And State?
SOS To The World! Christmass!
Unfolding Karma?
SOS To The World! Christmass!
A Pledge From God To You!
Dragon News 12/13/08
In The Name Of Religions?
The Power Of Dreams
Religious Or Atheist?
For The Sake Of Our Children
December 2008 Red Alert!
Pluto In Capricorn
Deadly Dirty Soup
SOS To The World
Nuke And The US?
The Secret Goddess Revealed
Master The Cosmic Code!
Don’t Lose Faith!
Obama And The Nuclear Embargo
Obama Bush and Mc.Cain
God Cosmic Code Ultimate Order
The FBI and The Cosmic Code
Obama Assassination Attempt
Personal Forecast For Each Sign of The Zodiac
Ahmadinejad, Palin and the USA
Personal Forecast For Each Sign of The Zodiac
Personal Forecast For Each Sign of The Zodiac
November 2008 Transits
God and The Economy
US Presidency – Obama Or Mc Cain?
Karma and Oil
Insanity Rules!
US Presidency – Obama Or Mc Cain?
The True Face Of God!
What Is Your True Age?
John Lennon And Christianity
The Power Of Evil
Hopes and Dreams For The World
Special Annoucement
Forecasts Additions For My VIP
Building Cosmic Consciousness
Talking To Science
A Message From Terania
New Hope For The World
The Life And Fate Of A Genius
What Happened To The US Economy?
Einstein And The E=MC 2 Theory
Death Of A Lady
Forecasts Additions For My VIP
Full Moon In Pisces Legacy
Full Moon In Pisces
Astrology And Angels
SOS To The World
One Man Broken Heart
Education and UCI
2009 Moon Power
The US Economy
Pele – The Goddess Of Fire
Famous People and the Dragon
Beware Of Karma
Another Katrina?
Introducing Terania *Star*
Battle Of Raging Lions
SOS To The World!
Can You Handle The Truth?
From Mike to all readers;
Be Aware Of The Moon Power
Fly At Your Own Risk!
Politic And Religion
Talking Truth
The Life And Fate of Michael Phelps III
Big Foot Is Very Real!
Dragon And Acting
Happy Birthday Nasty Dragon!
SOS To The World!
To All The Lost Souls
Dragon Power
Dragon Power
Dragon and Cosmic Code Newsletters
What Is Astropsychology
August Dragon Signature
Are You A VIP? Read Carefully
“Antikythera Mechanism”
The Cosmos Gal!
Moon Power
Moon Madness
Personal & Universal Transits For August
Nasty Dragon Ride
The Stars Don’t Lie!
Larry King Dr. Turi and UFO
Political Insanity Means Trouble
Cabalistic Cleansing And Spirits
The US Economy and Oil
Dragon News 07/13/08
Pluto True Power
July 2008 Sedona Magical Course
Are You A VIP? Read Carefully
The Ostrich Attitude
Control The Moon Your Emotions
Dragon News 06/28/08
Pauline Graduation
Dragon News 06/23/08
CNN Before CNN – Just Watch!
Introducing Adrienne Golday
Nasty Dragon And Little Girls
A note from Mike
Cabalistic Secrets And Magic
Oil Conspiracy?
Time For Serious Changes
Mastering The Universal Code!
Yes There Is Hope!
Is There Any Hope?
Recession and The Dragon
Mars Madness #2
Mars Madness
Dragon News 06/01/08
Talking Empty Heads
Dragon News 05/29/08
The Truth Hurt!
How To Use Moon Power
Its Only Your Children!
Super Nova Window In Action
Medical Prescriptions Kill
Dragon News 05/21/08
Your Prayers Are Badly Needed
Deadly Medicine or Natural Health Tips?
UFO are Real
Dragon News 05/14/08
The Power Of Vision
To All The Mothers In The World
Understanding The “Cosmic Code”
Seeing RED!
Mars – The Lord Of War
Deadly Dragon Rampage Predictions
The Life And Fate of Michael Travesser
Josef Fritzl’s Negative Dragon
Making The Right Choice
Wild Life And The Stars
Damage Control Or Collateral Damage?
Are You An Atheist?
Wake Up Call To THe World
important announcement about my friend Jordan Maxwell
My Trip To Thailand
SOS Read Alert Predictions
Thailand Land Of Sex
Life of a Monk #2
Life Of A monk
Real Predictions
Autism Pandemic
(no subject)
PLutonic Window
Red Alert Pluto
The Life And Fate Of Ola Brunkert
Dragon News 3/16/08
Atlanta Tornado
Germanic Dragon Damage
IN-famous Dragon
Star And Fate Of Eliot Laurence Spitzer
The Church Inc.
Cosmic Code And UFO
Dragon Damage
Dragon News 3/5/08
Dragon News 3/4/08
My Good Friend Gary Busey
President Bush and Gary Busey’s Fate
ENGLAND Unusual Earthquake Location
Lunar Eclipse and Your Fate
Total lunar eclipse
Sensitivity Ego and Your UCI
Can You Handle The Truth?
Dr. Turi On Youtube
Walk My Moccasins
The Hilton Legacy
Is This Your True Love
The Life And Fate Of Randy Pausch
Deadliest Tornado in the US PREDICTED
Shell Kepler’s Fate
Dragon News 2/5/08
Light To The World
Death Wish Generation
News From France
Dragon Secrets Divulged
Dragon News
Sedona Magic
Bill Gate Big Heart
Constructive Criticism
Tom Cruise And Scientology
UFO Predictions
Dragon Killing Our Kids?
The Stars and Fate Of Ron Paul and the US
Nukes And The Dragon
James Randi
Reality TV Show
Dr. Phil, Britney Spears and Paris Hilton
My Good Friend Jordan Maxwell
Pets Stars
Universal Law of the Moon
“Eagle Star Man”
My Little Story
Desperate Plea From a Child
Humility, Errors, Misconception etc.
Fatal Dragon Of Mrs. Bhutto
So Gullible
Sharks and hyenas
A Note To The Pope
PLuto In Capricorn
Young And Innocent
Politics and Religions?
What Makes You Tic?
Cosmic Connections
Cosmic or Dragon Newsletter?
Discovering Your Natal Dragon
Ron Paul
A Real Prophet Finally
Leo/Aquarius Dragon
Dragon And Killers
Dragon Rampage
Children Of Tomorrow
Lord Of Hades
Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee
Watch The Dragon!
Uncovering The Psychic
New Age Movie
Screaming Dragon
Wounded warriors
“The Prophet”
The “Dog” and The Dragon!
The Dog and Pluto
Nostradamus TV show
Nostradamus’ Curse!
Control – Control – Control!
CA Wild Fires
Beware Of The Dragon!
Mercury Retrograde
Knowing the Universal Mind
God’s Universal Laws
Violent “Christian” Video Games”.
Asteroid Impact Possible
No Cheating!
Lost Secrets
What is a Cult Leader
President Mahmoud Ahmadineja
Pluto And The Police
Kandy Cruise
Red Alert Pluto
Bin Laden’s psychology
Is the study of the stars evil or wrong?
Mental Insanity At Its Best
Felix Hits Honduras
The New Dragon for 2008
Its All About True Wisdom
Predictions for 2008
PlayBoy Frenzy
Its Your Turn…
Pluto Power
The Power of the Thoughts
Disaster in Minneapolis
Visiting Nostradamus’ Home
Six Feet Under In Rowell NM
Sexual Tendencies
“Cosmic Code” In Action
The Cancun Trip
Discovery TV Show
NASA Curse
The Law of Attraction – for my male readers
The Epidemic of Stupidity
The Power Of Pluto
The Universal Law of the Moon
The Life And Fate of Paris Hilton
The Mind Of A Killer
Drama, Pain, Tears, Depressions
Imus – Famous But Ignorant
Beyond The Secret

Donald Sterling ‘When ignorant folks want to advertise their cosmic ignorance’



“If you make people think they will love you but if you really make them think the way I do then they will hate you”  Take a chance on your spirit, claim the undiluted truth, Claim God’s cosmic Divinity,  think outside of the controlling religious, scientific and news-media matrixes in charge of the media!

‘When ignorant folks want to advertise their COSMIC  ignorance’

Dear Readers;

Yes I changed to title to the true meaning to what it mean to be a human being unaware of God’s cosmic will! No matter how much money, power, fame and the position you own, the penalty to ignore the Cosmic Code is always very serious, and in some cases, will take your life! Its that serious readers, and all I can do is to keep warning you of  an impartial cosmic God watching every move and every words you are saying!

If you recall, soon after I posted “Nostradamus Prophecies and Dr. Turi” one of my rational born VIP became frustrated because his lack or spiritual perception. He had a problem assimilating my quatrains  and demanded more explanations on sentences such as Deep Reveals And Take” and “Non – Cosmic Be Taken.” 


Deep Reveals And Take
Above, Below Nature Tremble
Non – Cosmic Be Taken
God Speaks Before Science

While it was impossible for him then, to understand the meaning of my quatrains, in retrospective, once it is all said and done and the predictions came to pass! ““Four blood moons” April 15/16/17 and 23/24/25 2014 Cardinal Grand Cross Predictions” and with more explanations not only my VIP, but other readers should also be able to relate to my work and connect with me.

First when I wrote Non – Cosmic Be Taken” all I meant was, Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling (and 99.999% of humanity) face the heavy penalty for not knowing, nor heading my warnings about the 2014 Arian Draconis impact upon the world! And worse their “2014 Personal Cosmic Biorhythms!

But again is it another accident for Donald Sterling to be born in April?

Donald Tokowitz Sterling April 26, 1934

L.A. Clippers players stage silent protest over racist talk attributed to Sterling 

This is just the beginning and this is why the more you promote my work, the more aware and safer the world will become!

Memo from 2014 Arian Draconis:  “This dragon is all about IDENTITY and RACE  and will induce many reform with emigrations, build walls between the US and other countries and revamp ALL that involve emigrations and foreigners  moving to the US.   This dragon is ruthless and invasive and will directly affect souls born in October and April.  Mars “The Lord of War” will rule the world, imposing huge fires, danger, conflicts, large accidents  and will induce dramatic news of death and aggression. This dragon is also aiming for the soldiers, the Army and the Navy – “Fort Hood shooting

Incidentally, not only Donald Sterling,  Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy even Rush Limbaugh (Slut) more people made similar shameful news and were blamed for their choice of words…

4/24/14 – Hear her joke that got no laughs  – Shocking? Non – Cosmic Be Taken?
4/24/14 – Politicians hit rancher’s racist remarks – Shocking? Non – Cosmic Be Taken?

During the same SOS to the world window another sentence used in my quatrain came to speak the true predictive gift I own and I can assure you readers, not only celebrities but YOU were also touched by this window and God’s cosmic will!

04/23/14 – It was found on coast of Western Australia – Deep Reveals And Take?

04/23/14 – Divers find no air pockets on key decks – Deep Reveals And Take?

Now this does not mean you will be able, willing to recognize and accept the facts I am presenting to you because your natal UCI may not be developed enough. Again this does not mean you are an idiot and I alone know better, it simply mean you have no chance to swim and win a race against Michael Fred Phelps because he has a lot of training and you don’t.

At 64 I have had much more training dealing with life and the spirit than your psychologist or psychiatrist and the  7 years spent in their accredited medical college or university, reading books on how to prescribe dangerous medications to serve both the scientific matrix and the pharmaceutical corporations.

Only yesterday in “Pope John Paul II Crucifix Falls a Concrete and Bad Religious Omen” I spoke about the power of omens and while cutting some tree branches this morning, I hurt my right eye badly.

Dedication and repetition –  I have a corneal abrasion due to my stupidity not to wear eye protector glasses, but there is more the human eye can not see… I had to stop writing and go pick up special eye drops and a convex eye protector, because my eye is in too much pain still. I can barely see through it and keeping it open is a nightmare and it hurts like hell.

Again my work is not suitable to the young souls logical minds, but their negative thoughts are to blame because they assume I know better than the Pope and the Dali Lama. I don’t know their turf, but I know mine is what I mean! Meantime their nasty prayers were answered for me to stop writing anything they perceive as egocentric or vitriolic. Indeed supreme cosmic wisdom is not appreciated by the mass of religiously poisoned souls and the “accident” is their vile prayers at work!

Little do they know of the Supra-conscious evil forces at work they stimulated against me and I became their target… Its been a while since I performed a “Protective Cabalistic Candles Ritual”  and more “secret” powerful sublime dark forces blocking rituals! While we do this regularly to stop nefarious thoughts to reach us, it was in the back of my mind for a while and never got the time to build the protective thought form wall…

Knowing the moon is waning (negative) it is a perfect, faster, stronger conductor for the massive negative psychical flux generated against me to reach our house and letting my own psychical guard down made me vulnerable to the “accident.” This is why it is important to realize the power we all own and direct it productively and positively to better this world!

In no way will the atheists, the agnostics and the skeptics be able to comprehend the subtle forces at work but now and then, enough negative people’s thoughts will do the job and trust me a lot of them wants me dead…

I understand the idiocy of a religiously poisoned world and the physical/spiritual dangers associated by exposing the truth many erudite men of the past died for on the stake.  Asking the Pope or the Dali Lama for proof of their ” Godly Divinity” is something only those born with a serious critical thinking can ask for!  Yes God made leaders and followers, smart and idiots people too!

The God fearing souls do not ask those questions nor challenge man created religious folly, mostly because of the induced  fears imposed by the controlling religious matrix teachings. The undiluted truth is painful but needed for some in need of it!

 it is very easy for the scientific and religious matrixes to maintain control and power and they keep adding, hijacking so many spirits because the moronic mass is gullible, fearful and not exactly related to Einstein… Who’s to disagree with that?

Knowing 99.999% of the world is religiously poisoned, consumed with sports and entertainments the numbers are seriously against me and those people thoughts is something to reckon with!   And this is why the “accident” will serve me good as yet; another powerful omen  of who I am, what I represent, what I teach and what I know!

Incidentally when the world catches up with me, in about 50 years from today (if we make it), the God cosmic consciousness I am introducing the world to, will become another reality humanity is not yet ready to assimilate! Challenging anyone, especially the young souls to upgrade their psychical vibrations and think outside of their comfortable religious/scientific accepted zones is not an easy task!

All Truths evolve through 3 Stages of Consciousness…

First, they are Ridiculed,
Next, they are Violently Opposed, and
Then, they are Accepted as Self-Evident!

‘Great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly.’

– Albert Einstein

Would it be Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling or any of the celebrities misfortunes I wrote and predicted about, any of my “normal” readers should be able to appreciate the reality and values  involving my cosmic work! While all those famous people are extremely wealthy, YOU are much more lucky than any of them! Why? because you have the option to check my claims and most of all to get a piece of God’s Cosmic Divinity by ordering any of my services or any of my eBooks!

How much do you think any of those wealthy, powerful dead or alive celebrities enduring what currently Donald Sterling and Miley Cyrus –Will Miley Cyrus Survive A Mixture of Weed and Medications?  are suffering would have pay me for me to warn them and avoid the trauma, the financial loss, the pain and the shame they must now pay for their cosmic ignorance?

How much would the families of flight 370 – Why flight 370 pilot took so many innocent lives with him?, the families of Adan Lanza or any other mass killer victims to foresee and avoid those tragedies?

I foresaw it all but they were not allowed to be warned because the forces of evil are still muting me! How many more fortunes must be wasted before science and religion realize they are still learning about the mysterious “spiritual” universe they are living in?

Well YOU have this option to find out for yourself because living outside of the Cosmic Code jurisdictions or God’s cosmic will will soon or later catch up with you! Its like hoping to go through life without experiencing a car accident or a cold!

Its not a matter of if but WHEN you will have to pay the penalty for your own cosmic ignorance, and using celebrities misfortunes, is educational these articles are not doing you any real good!  You are still at the mercy of your karmic UCI or worse, unaware of your next ” 2014 Personal Cosmic Biorhythms.”

Rest assured readers, I am on your side but one must ask in order to receive, knowledge is power and cosmic ignorance is true evil!  So what is my own omen to follow you may ask now?

Well, while I can not see well from my right eye and everything is still blurry, the pain alone will not stop me or my “Cyber Cosmic University.”  I take this “accident” as the excruciating physical and spiritual  pain many people in this big world have to endure in order to be able to develop and finally open their own 3rd eye.

While all the articles I write are educational they are also “objective” and this mean tailored for my world wide reading audience and non personal. On April 30th I will generate the real personal goodies for all my VIP’s and if you can not afford me just yet, joining the cosmic code website is your cheaper and best way to be warned for what May 2014  has in store for you and the world at large!

2014 Arian Draconis World Predictions

May 2014 SOS to the world windows

May 2014 SOS to the world windows

May 2014 Daily Guidance and Predictions

May 2014 Elaborated Horoscope For All Signs


L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

listen to my latest radio show with Jerry – US/world
listen to my latest radio show with Ted – US/world
 listen to my latest radio show with Rob – Canada/world

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 


Pope John Paul II Crucifix Falls a Concrete and Bad Religious Omen


“If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

~ Dalai Lama and Dr. Turi

Pope John Paul II Crucifix Falls, Crushes Man to Death

A man was crushed to death when a giant crucifix dedicated to Pope John Paul II collapsed and fell on him, ITV News reports. The accident came just days before a historic canonization that will see the late pope declared a saint. The 98-foot-high wooden and concrete cross fell during a ceremony in the Italian Alpine village of Cevo on Thursday, killing 21-year-old student Marco Gusmini. Another man was taken to hospital. The structure was dedicated to John Paul II on his visit to the region in 1998.

Dear Readers;

Take the time to listen to Bill Maher comments about religions.

You know my philosophy readers. There are NO accidents but only cosmic circumstances at work unknown to science and humanity at large. I teach our students to pay attention to anything that seems  to be only  “an accident” because it is more a subtle “act of God” or a sign only those blessed with cosmic consciousness can decipher!

“The accident came just days before a historic canonization that will see the late pope declared a saint.”  What perfect timing!

dr. turi

“Because they are seeing, they see not; and hearing, they hear not; neither do they understand the voice of heaven.” – Matthew 13.13

Seems the real cosmic God is trying to tell the corporate religious abusive educational matrix (and the world) this archaic man made Neptunian, deceptive, carnival on its way out.

central italy earthquake weather hit van dam_00004208.jpg

With all the earthquakes taking place in Italy lately, there is definitely a message only a true Prophet can decipher! Note this quake was predicted in “Full and Last Universal & Personal Horoscope for October 2016” Check Sunday October 30, 2016!

Is man made god on its way out where the Vatican corporation created it? While the world may not be ready to acknowledge a new God, an universal, eternal cosmic entity which is to reassemble all its lost children under ONE single cosmic code; they may be forced.

Why are Kenya’s churches and mosques turning yellow?

Churches and mosques across Kenya are being painted yellow in an effort to bring the country's religious communities together.

“Religious leaders say the yellow makeover serves as a symbol. “For me, yellow is the color of the sun and the sun shines above everybody, said Bishop Rose Mungafu. Her church in Mombasa recently partnered with the local Muslim community to paint the church yellow. “We painted together to show our people that we as leaders are together and so Muslims will know Christians are brothers,” Mungafu said. “Now everyone who passes by will know we are in peace.”

But this can never happen until all god fearing gullible souls re-discover God’s initial cosmic ministry imparted by the 3 wise men/Kings/ET’s!  God, Jesus, UFO’s and Humanity | Dr. Turi M.D.U.S.

Terania’s feedback: 

Though the vision of the end of religion as practiced the last 2000 years is slowly taking place and while God cosmic divinity or the universal consciousness of an eternal cosmic entity is to become accepted by future generations, keep in mind that Pisces is the sole basis of the world run by Neptune (imagination / deception) and it will always reside in ones chart.

Remember that “there is only one thin hair between divine information and pure imagination.”

There are also two types of Aquarius…The genuine and the falsified version which the elites want to continue… Though rather only in the “on a hippie trail – head full of zombie” kind of way, with their continuous support of the drug / pharmaceutical corporations, claiming to tell the world about aliens but in the sense that they are all bad and unaware of their purpose, while trying to bring together the Jew / Christian / Islam and yet leaving all other principles (old discipline) open to query while still unable to accept the real divine methodology or the truth behind those terms…Which are only used to conceal something much bigger and set outside of traditional belief systems anyways.

But they can get by with misusing and abusing the power by teasing the masses with their masonic hush signs?

So humanity must deal with both the religious and scientific matrix (the atheists) working overtime to destroy (and convince) each other and society, they alone own the truth… Read more!

There is not enough mutual agreement worldwide to make any difference and it takes more than just love of each of those involved in different faith.

Religion is only part of what has ruined the world as many people have to battle their inner demons.

Some are just born plain bullies and others not; while regardless, one can only willingly save them self. Indeed you are the one who has to free yourself from the matrix because no one will do it for you.

Then again, no one is above the infinite spirit.  Much of the world is unworthy as is and cursed to uncover the truth as slaves of the abusive matrix but we can’t be held responsible for the worlds actions…Neither can the benevolent race of E.T.’s.

Each has to be independent enough to do their  homework without having to always rely on we, as the sole teacher.

Only God knows who is genuine…They are watching and conducting their experiments for the chosen ones  who are apt enough to offer the “original” into the new world (another world), before the sun (self)  itself; fades back into the volcanic ash.

And from the capitol of everything in creation, past/present of which is moving towards the future – there have been many “gods” (whatever your beliefs may be and/or by any name); over time and as of the moment.

Yet we are all earth gods “dogs” / goddesses “doges –s” in training so to speak and the cause of all affairs; when it comes to the structure, of all of our provisions for survival.

(tar – Egyptian meaning “royal” and ro – meaning “road,” such as the waterway in the arctic of “Italy” or the “French Tarot de Marseilles,” wherewith our significance switches continuously.) With regard to the vernal equinox into the autumnal equinox as the date of the equinox, was reversed to fit the most widely accepted civil calendar; causing the masses to forget the Julian calendar “Natural” era.

Associated with the color “purple” and belonging to all the palaces surrounded and bounded by the highest Purple Forbidden Enclosures, of his/her purplish blue compass.

As its Cat’s Eye Nebula; pointing to the Eastern, Southern, Western, Northern habits; refer to that of our intuitive “Black Guardians, from its center sanctuary view.

Expressing their earth/air/water/fire essential features; composed upon the particular, of every seasonal – metaphysical and visible feature of the secret language system.

Yet conjoined throughout the categorization of existing and former living quarters; also extending away from the level of the galaxy and  into the bareness of speed, while leading on to the way of added; coupled and diversified stellar systems.


1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12, 13 and so on making for the 12 physical worlds over the 12 spiritual worlds.

It is from this great distance towards the top pole of the earth; that our sun goddess “Draco” (Latin for “Dragon”) and its bronze mark Alpha Draconic, aka Thuban (“Arabic for Snake” & as a name like any other, for land’s inhabitants; serving aim).

This Bayer Designation; given by uranographer, Johann Bayer (1572 – March 7, 1625); who is legendary for combining all of the trimmings of astronomy and the division of mapping the stars, galaxies, and other large – scale phenomenon on the enduring globe…As well as; kept his reason firm on this selection as the beginning, even though it may have effect on the senses; that there are larger star creatures within aka Gamma Draconian energy beings… Or we – the immortal beasts (as “Ophiucus”), aside from the planet host label.

Overall, our physique is a compound of everything…Supernatural, Classical Elements (Carnal / Sublunary).

Ophiuchus, a name for all the same and has forever been there. There is nothing new… It’s the spiritual hidden dragon’s polarity representing man and the snakes lost wisdom each one holds within and fights.” – Byproduct of astrology + astronomy + psychology = astropsychology (13 and so on or eternity – the Master combining all older disciplines) Simple another name created for something much bigger, that the masses can’t nor may ever understand

X = the sole basis of the world aka Neptune ‘Pisces (imagination/deception),’ which equals ” + the cross;” which equals the same thing, only by another name.

The Purple Forbidden…

Purple – royalty and richness but can also relate to the shame and solemnity of the Church Inc. / red – earth blood, war, generosity and devotion / blue – canopy of heaven -“the craft”/ green – resurrection and immortality / yellow- Yellow is not often seen in lodge, except maybe on the Continent but not exclusively. (hint-hint)

It is a conflicting tone, signifying both the good and the bad, the color of brass and honey, but also the color of sulphur and cowardice.

Yellow is the perfection of the Golden Age, the cherished value of the Golden Fleece aka golden fleeced ram and the golden apples of the Hesperides (nymphs of evening and golden light of sunset, who were the “Daughters of the Evening” or “Nymphs of the West”.)  

It is also the color of the patch enforced on the Jews as the emblem of shame whereas during the sixteenth cen-tury, the residence door; of one considered to be disloyal, was painted yellow.

A ‘tainted glimpse’ signifies antagonism and meanness but the most memorable typology of yellow is that it awakens ones memory of the sun and of gold.

Dr. Turi:

Little do they know of the end of the Age of Pisces and the birthing of the new age of Aquarius… Yes God speaks his will through the cosmos and he did so for millenaries to so many disappeared civilizations.

But rare are the ones today able to decipher the cosmic hieroglyphs and perceive Jesus’ initial “cosmic” ministry speaking of the divinity of  “Our Father in the Heavens…”  Yes the 3 wise men were ET’s Astrologers commissioned by the Galactic Confederation to bring Cosmic Consciousness to the Savior!

Indeed those who pretend to be the representatives of God on earth are the least able to heed those signs or offer you any proof of their “Divinity.” When is the last time Pope Francis or the Dali Lama made a prediction that came to pass?

Again I can’t remain modest when challenging my readers and the religiously poisoned souls to use critical thinking to depict and appreciated the undiluted truth. “Four blood moons” April 15/16/17 and 23/24/25 2014 Cardinal Grand Cross Predictions

Do you remember these articles? “11/2015-02/2017 End of All Religions” and “Can Pope Francis Save the Vatican Corporation?” It seem this “accident” with the fallen cross is a serious message an omen for  the Pontiff to pass away soon and with him the beginning of the religious war and  the end of all religions, a prediction I made back in 1995 on national radio!

But is it an accident for me to suffer the same exact “accident” another day with one of my statues? 


  Of course the atheists, the agnostics, the skeptics will use their rational logical UCI and laugh at me, knowing that today, Phoenix is experiencing quite a lot of wind. Yes they will blame the wind as the only cause of this 150 LBS statue to break down.

I had no time to react as I was watering my palm trees and even if I did this heavy piece of concrete would have broken my bones had I tried to stop it falling down.

Incidentally I have 4 more statues much lighter than this one and they did not budge!  Thus I challenge any of the atheists, the agnostics, the skeptics to imagine standing next to the statue with a very powerful fan duplicating today’s wind’ speed in Phoenix. The “accident” happened  around 3 PM and the wind speed was less than 10kph = 6.2137mph!  At this speed  I can guarantee you that; only light articles would be moved by the wind or fall…

This statue has been in this house from the first day I bought it nearly 10 years ago, my two dogs (macho 148 LBS and Draco 115 LBS) seem to like her a lot and pee on her everyday but she never fell nor complained once!

I understand the atheists, the agnostics and the skeptics would have a problem believing I found gold in my back yard but this is true!  God Spoke to Dr. Turi Yes, Miracles Do Happen!

So what’s next with this statue? When my wife Terania asked me if I could “save the statue” I said I could and I did! I took my power tool, did some cutting, hammering and embedded her torso in concrete ET VOILA! 

All I need now is time for the concrete to dry, then give her some new white paint dressing and she will go on the fountain. A perfect place away from the dogs. While doing all the work I meditated on the meaning and it came  clear to me.

The bottom or the feet of the statue represents solidity, the CONCRETE BASE where she stand on.

Again reader, anything that happen to you is not an accident, as a child of the universe there is a reason for you to be. All designed by a cosmic God for you to experience anything and everything. By building more curiosity, sensitivity, you should learn to develop a much more psychical intuitiveness that should always serve you well in time of uncertainty.

My boyfriend and I are  the latest victims of the incomplete U.S. Department of Education

16 year old Maren Sanchez murdered in the school hallway because she turned a boy down for the upcoming prom… 

“If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

~ Dalai Lama and Dr. Turi

Her date of birth is August 26, 1997, she was a Leo/Virgo and her boyfriend like Adam Lanza will now join infamy when ALL the adults are responsible, from top to bottom, parents, teachers and politicians alike for their cosmic ignorance…

My next cosmic code newsletter will be about a Teen girl killed at high school where I will explain in great details why she experienced such dramatic fate by exploring and explaining her UCI. I will also explore her young killer’s cosmic identity and explain why he acted out his negative stars! I am now starting to slow down the flow of my public articles…

Important note: Many reasons could be an excuse to ever leave the country, such as geopolitical, a nuke attack on the US, a terrible natural disaster or our own security being compromised! This mean only the cosmic code or our “cosmic cyber university” will be operational and become the only way to read my warnings in my cosmic code newsletters all along and from where ever we secretively operate!

When you notice the flux of my newsletters with numerous private VIP links or slowing down, it may be too late for you to join but we will keep steadily informing our VIP’s of all our current and future moves. You paid us for a service and we will honor it to the end. Indeed we will share our life, our trips’ pictures, videos and serve you “cosmically” every month until it ends when I become too old to write. Yes, as predicted for the Turi family,  this 2014 Arian Draconis is about to change our lives …  Join us while you can!

(Available to our VIP’s only!)  

Get to the Cosmic Code website or Dr. Turi’s Cyber Cosmic University, and use the search box on the top right side of the website if you want to read any of those articles on religion.

Forum Discussions (1,759)

The Evil of Religions

The Evil of Religions Part Two

Published May 30, 2012 – The End of All Religions

Published December 29, 2011 – Nostradamus’ Vatican Predictions


Gods’ Cosmic Message

Jesus and the Cross

The Business of Making Saints!

Religious Insanity Rules

‘Hate religion, love Jesus”

The Truth Behind Christmas Spirit

Baby boomers heading back to seminary

Religious Conflicts Muslims and Christians

Christian Predators

Through The Rat Hole…

God Please Speak to Me

The Real Story Of Jesus and God

“Religious War” and Race To “Nowhere”

Race To Nowhere #1

Jesus and John Dominic CROSSan

God Is Coming Back Soon!

Don’t Casts swine Before Pearl

Don’t Give Pearls to Swine! Jesus…

Jesus True Mission Children And UFO

Children taught to be suicide bombers

The Cosmic Code, the Torah Code and the Bible Code

Politics And Religions

God’s True Identity


The Pope And The Truth

The Vatican, Politics, God and Humankind


Where Are You God?

Oral Robert’s Evil Legacy

The Garden Of Eden

The Wrath Of God

In The Name Of God?

The People God Hates

What’s Wrong With God?

The Face Of God

Did Jesus Really Exist?

Fears = Food For Evil!

God And Jesus

God’s True Face and Identity

Religious War?

Where Is God? Part 2

Where Is God?

Witch Burning

Who’s more dangerous to the world? Vladimir Putin or Kim Jong-Un?

April 26, 2014

Ukraine says Russia aims to occupy country ‘militarily and politically’

“Heil Hitler” 2014 Arian Draconis World Predictions – I warned the world since June 2012

Who’s more dangerous to the world? Vladimir Putin or Kim Jong-Un?

Cosmic Unconsciousness Means Larger Consequences to  N.K. and The World!

PM says Moscow wants World War III – Who will start WW3? 


President Obama, Asia, NSA the US Fate and Nukes Predictions



“If you make people think they will love you but if you really make them think the way I do then they will hate you”  Take a chance on your spirit, claim the undiluted truth, Claim God’s cosmic Divinity,  think outside of the controlling religious, scientific and news-media matrixes in charge of the media!

Dear Readers;

 “physician without a knowledge of Astrology has no right to call himself a physician” Hippocrates (ca. 400 BC).

On the medical aspect of Astroforensics, President Obama is prone to heart attack and join problems. I see serious troubles with his health or assassination between I see serious troubles with his health or assassination between  (August 2015 through March  2017″) Without cosmic consciousness the secret service and the NSA (and his doctors) can not protect nor diagnose him properly!  Ingesting medications can only make his health much worse as he is also seriously prone to poisoning. Let’s pray for our President safety and good health!

Now do not blame the Messenger, do not make me responsible for humanity cosmic ignorance because the penalty is real! If you know me well, you will heed my warnings and noticed my undeniable predictions. And if you don’t then just pray your false God for protection! You are now dealing with Dr. Turi and the undiluted truth as I perceive it through God’ cosmic divinity!

This is where I seriously wish  the NSA and all FBI agents would wake up and start to pay attention to my work because; due to their cosmic ignorance, our President “advisers” are putting Obama and the US at the utmost serious risks for nuclear exchange. North Korea: Obama trip is ‘dangerous’ for future purposes.

There is no doubting my predictions and the impeccable timing offered my world wide reading audience if you take the time to review and analyze my well documented, dated predictions. “Four blood moons” April 15/16/17 and 23/24/25 2014 Cardinal Grand Cross Predictions.

Possible North Korean nuclear test looms over Obama’s visit to South Korea – NUKES?

In articles such as “Kim Jong-Un the New Hitler? Mathematician: Is Our Universe a Simulation?” or   “New Korean War Is On The Horizon”  –  “North and South Korea, USA and Nukes Predictions”  and ‘Warnings to the FBI/CIA and the Dept. of Homeland Security!” I gave ample warnings to my readers and while many secret services agencies from all corners of the world read my work, nothing has been done “cosmically” speaking with our President “timed” trips on foreign grounds to avoid such disastrous future.

To those who just landed on my work,  I purposely “invited” a visit from two FBI agents by using controversial  titles such as “President Obama’s Assassination” ” President Obama’s Ricin Assassination Attempt” and ” Upgraded – Internal Revolution Prediction –” to name a few. But why would I be so concerned and jeopardize my wife and I life if I was not convinced and seriously concerned for our President security trying so hard to explain his fated UCI in connection with nukes?

But a particular article I wrote back in March 14, 2011 titled “Japan, Nukes, America , Obama and the Future…” has not been “ASSIMILATED” by the public, the NSA and its army of FBI agents and this scares the  hell out of me!  Nearly four years ago I foresaw this trip and while it is crucial for any President to keep his allies informed and work diligently diplomatically with them all, the COSMIC TIMING is totally wrong and very dangerous FOR US ALL.  In fact, currently president Obama (and entourage) are right on one of his utmost dangerous Personal Cosmic Biorhythms for 2014!

Why do you think my wife and I are already planning to move out of the US readers?  Because NONE of those traditionally educated heads, President Obama himself and all his army of young political advisers are constantly taking chances  with the Cosmic Code (God’s cosmic will) and REFUSES to heed the signs.

In the name of God, I’ve exhausted all possible ways to offer unarguable endless undeniable predictions of large earthquakes, natural disasters and all can easily be verified by NASA, USGS, the entire scientific community and the general public!

“A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

I am only perceived as a “psychic” oddity using a worthless pseudo-science by 99.999% of a religiously poisoned mass battling a scientific atheist “educated” crowd! All so trapped in this physical world, oblivious of a cosmic God above regimenting their lives and their future!

But how much do I have to do and offer humanity before being finally perceived as the real thing and with it; the importance of heeding my warnings? The young souls will deny my work because there are all offended  by my “egocentric” attitude reflecting their own insecurity/inferiority complexes…

With this in mind, all I want to do is to move away from America because the religious, scientific and news-media evil matrixes are not only dismissing the facts I “speak to Cosmic God” but also working hard muting me.

I could still reverse it all with your financial help, no matter which part of the world we are in but since 1991 all my requests to start my Astropsychology school, be on the radio or invest in my reality show went no-where! Meantime billions of dollars in taxes and donations are exchanging hands everyday for Neptunian, religious archaic endeavors.

Indeed the evil of darkness has a much stronger grip on the US and the rest of world is engaged in a fatalistic dance with Satan I finally realize can not be stopped! Moving away seems the only things left for us after spending  thirty years in the US, trying to convince you to help me saving your children…

“For evil to flourish, all that is needed is for good people to do nothing.” – Edmund Burke

But evil has it that; only your false punishing God shall reign upon earth until the last days, all starting with “2014 Arian Draconis World Predictions“- But while I know my cosmic God will never abandon his cosmic conscious children but after two years, this video and my crucial message never became viral!

Indeed  the forces of evil  are real and seem unbeatable and do make any of Cyrus’s video or a toddler facial expressions will easily get viral instead.  ‘The devil has got to her’ Miley Ray Cyrus Born A Porn Star? –  Tot’s amazing hockey reaction goes viral – As long as no much use of the human brain is requested, you’ll have a huge interest and a hit! Indeed the media matrix at work making sure you do not work too hard mentally and get consumed into religions, entertainments or sports!  Anything to make both the parents and their children smarter or more spiritual is out of question!

  “Let him (and the world) who ignores this warning be cursed, according to the cosmic rites and Universal ceremonies.”

Once more readers, including the FBI and NSA, to resume; you have elected a President born with a Dragon’s Tail (negative/karmic) in Aquarius (NUKES/humanitarian) and Obama is currently traveling through Asia a geographical area ruled by Aquarius (sudden release of energy/explosions/tsunamis.) Japan is an Aquarius country (technology/genius) right on the Aquarius (Air Force One) Dragon’s Tail ( negative) of President Obama.  Do you recall the December 7 1941 “sudden attack on Pearl Harbor?

Anything SHOCKING, dramatic, unexpected, explosive HAS and will ALWAYS come from Asia (Aquarius) or the Middle East  (Pisces) because this is how the Cosmic Code (God’s will)  has cursed America and its population. Unless all the political leaders build cosmic consciousness (ASAP) humanity has only 50 years before total nuclear destruction…

It may be too late for the older “Baby Boom” Leo and the current Virgo (OCD generation) but there is hope with all the children that will be arriving on this world before then. Acknowledging and heeding a cosmic God in charge of humanity through the study of Astropsychology is the only way for them all to survive the damage inflicted by the monopolizing religious and scientific matrixes in charge of their initial spiritual education…

For our President to visit Asia on one of his 2014 Negative Personal; Cosmic Biorhythms is extraordinary dangerous him and for us all. All we can hope for is for his safety and pray meantime let me offer another warning well ahead of time where it will be IMPOSSIBLE for anyone to deny my gift/curse!

While I already gave those predictions to my VIP’s, the very same negative window will force our President to undergo a tremendous difficult time and be forced to make crucial decisions… Indeed the same 911 cosmic energy prediction will be back hunting America then…


In July, 2000, astrologer Louis Turi posted some predictions on his website about disastrous events that would take place in September, 2001. Turi, who claims to make “predictions in the art of Nostradamus,” made this forecast, in part:

Original Prediction; Bad news ahead for any and all denominations where religious figures will “pass over.” In 1998 the same type of celestial energy produced a murder in the Vatican followed by a suicide, which forced the Pope to address to the world in sadness. The Middle East “US surprising bombing attack” on Saddam Hussein forces in Iraq also took place under these circumstances. This energy can affect sophisticated electronic equipment and produce a bad aeronautic accident. Deception, illusion and secret affairs are on the agenda. The same Neptunian energy produced the Valdez disaster and the sinking of theTitanic in 1912. Expect a general feeling of hopelessness plaguing the media and the church authorities. Deceiving news will take place and affect many of us; some desperate souls will fall for Neptune’s suicidal tendency and some will end up in jail or a mental institution. This trend will be very difficult for some, but do not lose faith in yourself and trust the Universe; get all the help you can to fight Neptune’s depressive tendencies; amuse yourself, keep busy and let go of the past. Life must go on. Expect anything surprising, even incredible to take place soon and see the real power of both Uranus, the planet of sudden release of energy in action and Saturn forcing THE GOVERNMENT TO TAKE DRASTIC ACTIONS.

I am particularly asking the skeptics, the atheists, the agnostics and the scientific community, including ALL security services in charge of our President’ safety to make a note of this SOS to the World window and the dates offered because, these days will be the utmost challenging in his Presidency! Nature will also speak of her destructive powers. Unless you become a VIP or work for NSA, I will not be able to reach you to refresh your memory.

“Time has and will always be my utmost trustworthy reliable witness” 

Dr. Turi

August 2014 SOS to the world windows

August 9/10/11 2014

Entrails Upset Spit Above
Red Fire Wind  Water To Dance
Stars Command Shock Science
Calm Deception To Strike

Cosmos News / Nukes / Weird news / Freak / Space / Surprises / Explosions / Shocking / Stunning / Incredible / lightning / Unusual Humanitarianism / Discovery / Science / Earthquakes (always above 6.0) / Volcanoes / Tornadoes / NASA / Aeronautics / Technology / Cyber / Japan / Television / UFO.

The omens / news coming out of Asia  lately with “Flight 370”  and the sinking of the South Korean Ship (both predicted to the day) are quite obvious to me!

And while the situation of today’s world is quite grim I can not help to believe my real, non punishing and rewarding “Cosmic God” did not put us all on earth to experience an irreversible suffocating end! All I need is your help before moving away from the America I cherish and love, and all the people I am trying so hard for years to reach! Give me the voice, give me the support while we  still have time!

Important note: I always said to my readers, the day I leave America you may want to follow my lead and once our house  sells, Terania and I have decided to move to another country!

 Florida may not be the place I will retire to after all and while things could change, the planned trips ahead of us will tell us where we will end up! The reasons could be geopolitical, a nuke attack on the US, a terrible natural disaster or our own security being compromised! This mean only the Cosmic Code or my “Cosmic Cyber University” will be operational and become the only way to read my warnings in my cosmic code newsletters all along and from where ever we will be secretively operating afterwards!

When you notice the flux of my newsletters with numerous private VIP links or slowing down, it may be too late for you to join but we will keep steadily informing our VIP’s of all our current and future moves… You paid us for a service and we will honor it to the end. Indeed my promise to share our life, our experiences, our trips’ pictures, videos and serve you “cosmically” every months will end only when I become too old to write… Yes, as predicted for the Turi family,  this 2014 Arian Draconis is about to change our lives drastically…  Join us while you can!

“If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

~ Dalai Lama and Dr. Turi



L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

listen to my latest radio show with Jerry – US/world
listen to my latest radio show with Ted – US/world
listen to my latest radio show with Rob – Canada/world

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 


The Island Where People Forget to Die


 “For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice… We must change our materially based analyses of the world around us to include broader, more multidimensional perspectives.”

 Dr. Turi ~ Albert Einstein*

The Island Where People Forget to Die

Stamatis Moraitis tending his vineyard and olive grove on Ikaria. More Photos »

Dear Readers;

First  it seem another big predicted quake (s) took place on the given date of 04/24/14!

 TONGA REGION –  Magnitude 6.5

“Four blood moons” April 15/16/17 and 23/24/25 2014 Cardinal Grand Cross Predictions


 This is quite an impressive story…I am myself from a very small French village in the South of France, and to see older folks like the one above walking around is a normal sight! The article depict a very slow lifestyle and this is what keep them alive much longer than any now gone American celebrities and those on their way to join them!

Lindsay Lohan says she had a miscarriage/abortion?
Will Miley Cyrus Survive A Mixture of Weed and Medications?
‘The devil has got to her’ Miley Ray Cyrus Born A Porn Star?

 In fact both of my grand parents lived to a very old age and my own mother is currently 86.  It seems our genes are robust and long lasting too!  Following my colon cancer surgery, I refused to deal with any oncologists and their chemotherapy treatments.  I could not wait to comeback home and start my Universal natural blood transfusion, in fact I had to lie to both my doctors to get discharged from Bangkok hospital and flew back to the US.

I was not supposed to be released until I had gain full bowel movements and pass normal gas… Something that happened well over a month later for the first time when I was changing plane in Japan.  When I told them I did pass gas and I was OK, I was left to recuperate for a couple of weeks in an hotel near  the hospital. While there my weak immune system did not help and I  contracted a nasty bug from the salad bar that nearly killed me. I was much too weak to do anything but try to cool down.

I never experienced such a high and dangerous fever in my life and taking “warm” showers did not work because Thailand benefits from a very hot and humid type of weather. I spend the night controlling my high fever by cooling down my entire body with an endless chain of wet towels left momentarily in the freezer compartment.  This terrible episode forced me  to move back to the hospital for two more days where I was under close supervision. I was finally able to beat the infection with the use of powerful and dangerous antibiotics.

Remember, while I do not totally endorse the use of prescription drugs, when applied and used properly science become a life safer and I am the lucky result of what doctors can do. Just because I logically and intuitively know what needs to be done and when to say no for dangerous procedures.  I wonder where or if I would be here with you today,  had I started the chemotherapy and took the regiment of prescription drugs!

From: Elly to Dr. Turi

Dear one,, I’m forever grateful for all you have done for me! You may not remember me but in 1991 the cancer bug was trying to kill me…At that time I lived in San Diego… in frustration and uncertainty, I bucked you all the way. But in the end i did the right thing in following your advice.

Thank you and God Bless you.

Have a Miracle day.


Dr. Turi

Incidentally, this new chance at life is the main reason for me to plan to soon retire to a similar, secret very quiet, very slow pace region, away from the crazy life. Doing so will allow me to reap a very old age and keep my Cyber Cosmic University operational for many more years and help your children…

Terania and I just arrived from the heart of L.A. and we both were talking how it is possible for anyone to exist in such a tense, busy, crazy place and deal with so much traffic everyday! Before reading the story “The Island Where People Forget to Die,” as always, let me share first this experience with some pictures we took along the way…

I arrived in La Jolla back in April 1984, everything has changed since then but this is where all started for me and a bit of my heart is still in the La Jolla Cove Park. Terania and I walked Lady there waiting for the Sun Set.

This is the Children Pool Beach and area protected for the baby seals, let’s get closer to them…

Lady got a bit too close to this baby seal and her screaming mom rushed up the beach scaring the hell out of our puppy and Terania taking the pic! I had to run after them both to calm them down lol

Beautiful, clear and windy but too cold for Arizonians and their thin snake blood!

“Because they are seeing, they see not; and hearing, they hear not; neither do they understand the voice of heaven.”

– Matthew 13.13

A Powerful Message To The World

Remember readers, there are no accidents, only cosmic circumstances and omens you must learn to decipher in all you do or say! God has his own way to reach and talk to you but you must learn to develop this gift.

I will talk to youyou won’t hear meI will present myself to youyou won’t see me!”


After the Sun set, we left Lady in the back of the truck with water and food and I took Terania to Alphonso’s restaurant to enjoy my favorite dish “Quesadilla De Mercedes” while she enjoyed her Mexican salad and a large chicken soup… We checked on the pictures and we saw “The  white Dove.”

Doves, usually white in color, are used in a variety of settings as symbols of love, peace or as messengers. 

Indeed while I am a “Doctor of the soul” Terania and I were reminded by God through this sun set that; we are true committed “Messengers of Light.” We enjoyed a couple of “romantic” drinks and returned to the truck with some of Terania’ saved chicken meat left over for her baby…

We went back to the beach and took another long walk under the moon light… We rested for a while then took on highway 8 East back home to Phoenix… While the moon was waning (negative) I still  expected a bad surprise all along this trip! And the stars proved me to be right once again…

First,  I forgot the address on my desk when we left Phoenix, thus Terania called for it and asked about parking and someone there gave us the address!  When I finally made it to the French Embassy and asked the clerk for the correct  floor, he told me “Sir they moved to another address 7 years ago!”  Oops…

The good news is, the new building was next door and I made some business connection with a French Lady  working there… In all we had a phenomenal time and great videos for us to remember this day!

Important note: I always said to my readers, the day I leave America you may want to follow my lead and once our house  sells, Terania and I have decided to move to another country!

Florida may not be the place I will retire to after all and while things could change, the planned trips ahead of us will tell us where we will end up! The reasons could be geopolitical, a nuke attack on the US, a terrible natural disaster or our own security being compromised! It could also be because I want to live to 170?

I am a Capricorn, the longest living sign of the Zodiac I was born January 6th 1835, yes Dr. Turi’ stars do not lie!

This mean only the Cosmic Code or my “Cosmic Cyber University” will be operational and become the only way to read my warnings in my cosmic code newsletters all along and from where ever we will be secretively operating afterwards!

When you notice the flux of my newsletters slowing down and disappear it may be too late for you to join but we will keep steadily informing our VIP’s of all our current and future moves… You paid us for a service and we will honor it to the end. Indeed my promise to share our life, our experiences, our trips’ pictures, videos and serve you “cosmically” every months will end only when I become too old to write… Yes, as predicted for the Turi family,  this 2014 Arian Draconis is about to change our lives drastically…  Join us while you can!

Now back to the story:

In 1943, a Greek war veteran named Stamatis Moraitis came to the United States for treatment of a combat-mangled arm. He’d survived a gunshot wound, escaped to Turkey and eventually talked his way onto the Queen Elizabeth, then serving as a troopship, to cross the Atlantic. Moraitis settled in Port Jefferson, N.Y., an enclave of countrymen from his native island, Ikaria. He quickly landed a job doing manual labor. Later, he moved to Boynton Beach, Fla. Along the way, Moraitis married a Greek-American woman, had three children and bought a three-bedroom house and a 1951 Chevrolet.

Andrea Frazzetta/LUZ

Residents of the island Ikaria in Greece live profoundly long and healthful lives.

The Ikarian diet: Vegetables from the garden, legumes and greens, and plenty of olive oil. 

Figures from the Ikaria Study, which surveyed the island’s over-80 population

The key to Ikarian longevity is not simply a healthful diet; daily socializing may be just as crucial. From left: Christos Ploutis, 75; Konstantinos Sakoutis, 82; and Thanasis Kamperis, 62. 

Figures from the Ikaria Study, which surveyed the island’s over-80 population

One day in 1976, Moraitis felt short of breath. Climbing stairs was a chore; he had to quit working midday. After X-rays, his doctor concluded that Moraitis had lung cancer. As he recalls, nine other doctors confirmed the diagnosis. They gave him nine months to live. He was in his mid-60s.

Moraitis considered staying in America and seeking aggressive cancer treatment at a local hospital. That way, he could also be close to his adult children. But he decided instead to return to Ikaria, where he could be buried with his ancestors in a cemetery shaded by oak trees that overlooked the Aegean Sea. He figured a funeral in the United States would cost thousands, a traditional Ikarian one only $200, leaving more of his retirement savings for his wife, Elpiniki. Moraitis and Elpiniki moved in with his elderly parents, into a tiny, whitewashed house on two acres of stepped vineyards near Evdilos, on the north side of Ikaria. At first, he spent his days in bed, as his mother and wife tended to him. He reconnected with his faith. On Sunday mornings, he hobbled up the hill to a tiny Greek Orthodox chapel where his grandfather once served as a priest. When his childhood friends discovered that he had moved back, they started showing up every afternoon. They’d talk for hours, an activity that invariably involved a bottle or two of locally produced wine. I might as well die happy, he thought.

In the ensuing months, something strange happened. He says he started to feel stronger. One day, feeling ambitious, he planted some vegetables in the garden. He didn’t expect to live to harvest them, but he enjoyed being in the sunshine, breathing the ocean air. Elpiniki could enjoy the fresh vegetables after he was gone.

Six months came and went. Moraitis didn’t die. Instead, he reaped his garden and, feeling emboldened, cleaned up the family vineyard as well. Easing himself into the island routine, he woke up when he felt like it, worked in the vineyards until midafternoon, made himself lunch and then took a long nap. In the evenings, he often walked to the local tavern, where he played dominoes past midnight. The years passed. His health continued to improve. He added a couple of rooms to his parents’ home so his children could visit. He built up the vineyard until it produced 400 gallons of wine a year. Today, three and a half decades later, he’s 97 years old — according to an official document he disputes; he says he’s 102 — and cancer-free. He never went through chemotherapy, took drugs or sought therapy of any sort. All he did was move home to Ikaria.

I met Moraitis on Ikaria this past July during one of my visits to explore the extraordinary longevity of the island’s residents. For a decade, with support from the National Geographic Society, I’ve been organizing a study of the places where people live longest. The project grew out of studies by my partners, Dr. Gianni Pes of the University of Sassari in Italy and Dr. Michel Poulain, a Belgian demographer. In 2000, they identified a region of Sardinia’s Nuoro province as the place with the highest concentration of male centenarians in the world. As they zeroed in on a cluster of villages high in Nuoro’s mountains, they drew a boundary in blue ink on a map and began referring to the area inside as the “blue zone.” Starting in 2002, we identified three other populations around the world where people live measurably longer lives than everyone else. The world’s longest-lived women are found on the island of Okinawa. On Costa Rica’s Nicoya Peninsula, we discovered a population of 100,000 mestizos with a lower-than-normal rate of middle-age mortality. And in Loma Linda, Calif., we identified a population of Seventh-day Adventists in which most of the adherents’ life expectancy exceeded the American average by about a decade.

In 2003, I started a consulting firm to see if it was possible to take what we were learning in the field and apply it to American communities. We also continued to do research and look for other pockets of longevity, and in 2008, following a lead from a Greek researcher, we began investigating Ikaria. Poulain’s plan there was to track down survivors born between 1900 and 1920 and determine when and where individuals died. The approach was complicated by the fact that people often moved around. That meant that not only were birth and death records required, but also information on immigration and emigration.

The data collection had to be rigorous. Earlier claims about long-lived people in places like Ecuador’s Vilcabamba Valley, Pakistan’s Hunza Valley or the Caucasus Mountains of Georgia had all been debunked after researchers discovered that many residents didn’t actually know their ages. For villagers born without birth certificates, it was easy to lose track. One year they were 80; a few months later they were 82. Pretty soon they claimed to be 100. And when a town discovers that a reputation for centenarians draws tourists, who’s going to question it? Even in Ikaria, the truth has been sometimes difficult to nail down. Stories like the one about Moraitis’s miraculous recovery become instant folklore, told and retold and changed and misattributed. (Stories about Moraitis have appeared on Greek TV.) In fact, when I was doing research there in 2009, I met a different man who told me virtually the exact same story about himself.

The study would try to cut through the stories and establish the facts about Ikaria’s longevity. Before including subjects, Poulain cross-referenced birth records against baptism or military documentation. After gathering all the data, he and his colleagues at the University of Athens concluded that people on Ikaria were, in fact, reaching the age of 90 at two and a half times the rate Americans do. (Ikarian men in particular are nearly four times as likely as their American counterparts to reach 90, often in better health.) But more than that, they were also living about 8 to 10 years longer before succumbing to cancers and cardiovascular disease, and they suffered less depression and about a quarter the rate of dementia. Almost half of Americans 85 and older show signs of Alzheimer’s. (The Alzheimer’s Association estimates that dementia cost Americans some $200 billion in 2012.) On Ikaria, however, people have been managing to stay sharp to the end.

Ikaria, an island of 99 square miles and home to almost 10,000 Greek nationals, lies about 30 miles off the western coast of Turkey. Its jagged ridge of scrub-covered mountains rises steeply out of the Aegean Sea. Before the Christian era, the island was home to thick oak forests and productive vineyards. Its reputation as a health destination dates back 25 centuries, when Greeks traveled to the island to soak in the hot springs near Therma. In the 17th century, Joseph Georgirenes, the bishop of Ikaria, described its residents as proud people who slept on the ground. “The most commendable thing on this island,” he wrote, “is their air and water, both so healthful that people are very long-lived, it being an ordinary thing to see persons in it of 100 years of age.”

Seeking to learn more about the island’s reputation for long-lived residents, I called on Dr. Ilias Leriadis, one of Ikaria’s few physicians, in 2009. On an outdoor patio at his weekend house, he set a table with Kalamata olives, hummus, heavy Ikarian bread and wine. “People stay up late here,” Leriadis said. “We wake up late and always take naps. I don’t even open my office until 11 a.m. because no one comes before then.” He took a sip of his wine. “Have you noticed that no one wears a watch here? No clock is working correctly. When you invite someone to lunch, they might come at 10 a.m. or 6 p.m. We simply don’t care about the clock here.”

Pointing across the Aegean toward the neighboring island of Samos, he said: “Just 15 kilometers over there is a completely different world. There they are much more developed. There are high-rises and resorts and homes worth a million euros. In Samos, they care about money. Here, we don’t. For the many religious and cultural holidays, people pool their money and buy food and wine. If there is money left over, they give it to the poor. It’s not a ‘me’ place. It’s an ‘us’ place.”

Ikaria’s unusual past may explain its communal inclinations. The strong winds that buffet the island — mentioned in the “Iliad” — and the lack of natural harbors kept it outside the main shipping lanes for most of its history. This forced Ikaria to be self-sufficient. Then in the late 1940s, after the Greek Civil War, the government exiled thousands of Communists and radicals to the island. Nearly 40 percent of adults, many of them disillusioned with the high unemployment rate and the dwindling trickle of resources from Athens, still vote for the local Communist Party. About 75 percent of the population on Ikaria is under 65. The youngest adults, many of whom come home after college, often live in their parents’ home. They typically have to cobble together a living through small jobs and family support.

Leriadis also talked about local “mountain tea,” made from dried herbs endemic to the island, which is enjoyed as an end-of-the-day cocktail. He mentioned wild marjoram, sage (flaskomilia), a type of mint tea (fliskouni), rosemary and a drink made from boiling dandelion leaves and adding a little lemon. “People here think they’re drinking a comforting beverage, but they all double as medicine,” Leriadis said. Honey, too, is treated as a panacea. “They have types of honey here you won’t see anyplace else in the world,” he said. “They use it for everything from treating wounds to curing hangovers, or for treating influenza. Old people here will start their day with a spoonful of honey. They take it like medicine.”

Over the span of the next three days, I met some of Leriadis’s patients. In the area known as Raches, I met 20 people over 90 and one who claimed to be 104. I spoke to a 95-year-old man who still played the violin and a 98-year-old woman who ran a small hotel and played poker for money on the weekend.

On a trip the year before, I visited a slate-roofed house built into the slope at the top of a hill. I had come here after hearing of a couple who had been married for more than 75 years. Thanasis and Eirini Karimalis both came to the door, clapped their hands at the thrill of having a visitor and waved me in. They each stood maybe five feet tall. He wore a shapeless cotton shirt and a battered baseball cap, and she wore a housedress with her hair in a bun. Inside, there was a table, a medieval-looking fireplace heating a blackened pot, a nook of a closet that held one woolen suit coat, and fading black-and-white photographs of forebears on a soot-stained wall. The place was warm and cozy. “Sit down,” Eirini commanded. She hadn’t even asked my name or business but was already setting out teacups and a plate of cookies. Meanwhile, Thanasis scooted back and forth across the house with nervous energy, tidying up.

The couple were born in a nearby village, they told me. They married in their early 20s and raised five children on Thanasis’s pay as a lumberjack. Like that of almost all of Ikaria’s traditional folk, their daily routine unfolded much the way Leriadis had described it: Wake naturally, work in the garden, have a late lunch, take a nap. At sunset, they either visited neighbors or neighbors visited them. Their diet was also typical: a breakfast of goat’s milk, wine, sage tea or coffee, honey and bread. Lunch was almost always beans (lentils, garbanzos), potatoes, greens (fennel, dandelion or a spinachlike green called horta) and whatever seasonal vegetables their garden produced; dinner was bread and goat’s milk. At Christmas and Easter, they would slaughter the family pig and enjoy small portions of larded pork for the next several months.

During a tour of their property, Thanasis and Eirini introduced their pigs to me by name. Just after sunset, after we returned to their home to have some tea, another old couple walked in, carrying a glass amphora of homemade wine. The four nonagenarians cheek-kissed one another heartily and settled in around the table. They gossiped, drank wine and occasionally erupted into laughter.

Dr. Ioanna Chinou, a professor at the University of Athens School of Pharmacy, is one of Europe’s top experts on the bioactive properties of herbs and natural products. When I consulted her about Ikarians’ longevity, she told me that many of the teas they consume are traditional Greek remedies. Wild mint fights gingivitis and gastrointestinal disorders; rosemary is used as a remedy for gout; artemisia is thought to improve blood circulation. She invited me to give her samples and later tested seven of the most commonly used herbs on Ikaria. As rich sources of polyphenols, they showed strong antioxidant properties, she reported. Most of these herbs also contained mild diuretics. Doctors often use diuretics to treat hypertension — perhaps by drinking tea nightly, Ikarians have gently lowered their blood pressure throughout their lives.

Meanwhile, my colleagues Gianni Pes and Michel Poulain set out to track down the island’s 164 residents who were over 90 as of 1999, starting in the municipality of Raches. They found that 75 nonagenarians were still alive. Then, along with additional researchers, they fanned out across the island and asked 35 elderly subjects a battery of lifestyle questions to assess physical and cognitive functioning: How much do you sleep? Did you ever smoke? They asked them to get up and down from a chair five times and recorded how long it took them to walk 13 feet. To test mental agility, the researchers had subjects recall a series of items and reproduce geometric shapes.

Pes and Poulain were joined in the field by Dr. Antonia Trichopoulou of the University of Athens, an expert on the Mediterranean diet. She helped administer surveys, often sitting in village kitchens to ask subjects to reconstruct their childhood eating habits. She noted that the Ikarians’ diet, like that of others around the Mediterranean, was rich in olive oil and vegetables, low in dairy (except goat’s milk) and meat products, and also included moderate amounts of alcohol. It emphasized homegrown potatoes, beans (garbanzo, black-eyed peas and lentils), wild greens and locally produced goat milk and honey.

As I knew from my studies in other places with high numbers of very old people, every one of the Ikarians’ dietary tendencies had been linked to increased life spans: low intake of saturated fats from meat and dairy was associated with lower risk of heart disease; olive oil — especially unheated — reduced bad cholesterol and raised good cholesterol. Goat’s milk contained serotonin-boosting tryptophan and was easily digestible for older people. Some wild greens had 10 times as many antioxidants as red wine. Wine — in moderation — had been shown to be good for you if consumed as part of a Mediterranean diet, because it prompts the body to absorb more flavonoids, a type of antioxidant. And coffee, once said to stunt growth, was now associated with lower rates of diabetes, heart disease and, for some, Parkinson’s. Local sourdough bread might actually reduce a meal’s glycemic load. You could even argue that potatoes contributed heart-healthy potassium, vitamin B6 and fiber to the Ikarian diet. Another health factor at work might be the unprocessed nature of the food they consume: as Trichopoulou observed, because islanders eat greens from their gardens and fields, they consume fewer pesticides and more nutrients. She estimated that the Ikarian diet, compared with the standard American diet, might yield up to four additional years of life expectancy.

Of course, it may not be only what they’re eating; it may also be what they’re not eating. “Are they doing something positive, or is it the absence of something negative?” Gary Taubes asked when I described to him the Ikarians’ longevity and their diet. Taubes is a founder of the nonprofit Nutrition Science Initiative and the author of “Why We Get Fat” (and has written several articles for this magazine). “One explanation why they live so long is they eat a plant-based diet. Or it could be the absence of sugar and white flour. From what I know of the Greek diet, they eat very little refined sugar, and their breads have been traditionally made with stone-ground wheat.”

Following the report by Pes and Poulain, Dr. Christina Chrysohoou, a cardiologist at the University of Athens School of Medicine, teamed up with half a dozen scientists to organize the Ikaria Study, which includes a survey of the diet of 673 Ikarians. She found that her subjects consumed about six times as many beans a day as Americans, ate fish twice a week and meat five times a month, drank on average two to three cups of coffee a day and took in about a quarter as much refined sugar — the elderly did not like soda. She also discovered they were consuming high levels of olive oil along with two to four glasses of wine a day.

Chrysohoou also suspected that Ikarians’ sleep and sex habits might have something to do with their long life. She cited a 2008 paper by the University of Athens Medical School and the Harvard School of Public Health that studied more than 23,000 Greek adults. The researchers followed subjects for an average of six years, measuring their diets, physical activity and how much they napped. They found that occasional napping was associated with a 12 percent reduction in the risk of coronary heart disease, but that regular napping — at least three days weekly — was associated with a 37 percent reduction. She also pointed out a preliminary study of Ikarian men between 65 and 100 that included the fact that 80 percent of them claimed to have sex regularly, and a quarter of that self-reported group said they were doing so with “good duration” and “achievement.”

During our time on Ikaria, my colleagues and I stayed at Thea Parikos’s guesthouse, the social hub of western Ikaria. Local women gathered in the dining room at midmorning to gossip over tea. Late at night, after the dinner rush, tables were pushed aside and the dining room became a dance floor, with people locking arms and kick-dancing to Greek music.

Parikos cooked the way her ancestors had for centuries, giving us a chance to consume the diet we were studying. For breakfast, she served local yogurt and honey from the 90-year-old beekeeper next door. For dinner, she walked out into the fields and returned with handfuls of weedlike greens, combined them with pumpkin and baked them into savory pies. My favorite was a dish made with black-eyed peas, tomatoes, fennel tops and garlic and finished with olive oil that we dubbed Ikarian stew.

Despite her consummately Ikarian air, Parikos was actually born in Detroit to an American father and an Ikarian mother. She had attended high school, worked as a real estate agent and married in the United States. After she and her husband had their first child, she felt a “genetic craving” for Ikaria. “I was not unhappy in America,” she said. “We had good friends, we went out to dinner on the weekends, I drove a Chevrolet. But I was always in a hurry.”

When she and her family moved to Ikaria and opened the guesthouse, everything changed. She stopped shopping for most groceries, instead planting a huge garden that provided most of their fruits and vegetables. She lost weight without trying to. I asked her if she thought her simple diet was going to make her family live longer. “Yes,” she said. “But we don’t think about it that way. It’s bigger than that.”

Although unemployment is high — perhaps as high as 40 percent — most everyone has access to a family garden and livestock, Parikos told me. People who work might have several jobs. Someone involved in tourism, for example, might also be a painter or an electrician or have a store. “People are fine here because we are very self-sufficient,” she said. “We may not have money for luxuries, but we will have food on the table and still have fun with family and friends. We may not be in a hurry to get work done during the day, so we work into the night. At the end of the day, we don’t go home to sit on the couch.”

Parikos was nursing a mug of coffee. Sunlight sifted in through the window shades; the waves of the nearby Aegean could be barely heard over the din of breakfast. “Do you know there’s no word in Greek for privacy?” she declared. “When everyone knows everyone else’s business, you get a feeling of connection and security. The lack of privacy is actually good, because it puts a check on people who don’t want to be caught or who do something to embarrass their family. If your kids misbehave, your neighbor has no problem disciplining them. There is less crime, not because of good policing, but because of the risk of shaming the family. You asked me about food, and yes, we do eat better here than in America. But it’s more about how we eat. Even if it’s your lunch break from work, you relax and enjoy your meal. You enjoy the company of whoever you are with. Food here is always enjoyed in combination with conversation.”

In the United States, when it comes to improving health, people tend to focus on exercise and what we put into our mouths — organic foods, omega-3’s, micronutrients. We spend nearly $30 billion a year on vitamins and supplements alone. Yet in Ikaria and the other places like it, diet only partly explained higher life expectancy. Exercise — at least the way we think of it, as willful, dutiful, physical activity — played a small role at best.

Social structure might turn out to be more important. In Sardinia, a cultural attitude that celebrated the elderly kept them engaged in the community and in extended-family homes until they were in their 100s. Studies have linked early retirement among some workers in industrialized economies to reduced life expectancy. In Okinawa, there’s none of this artificial punctuation of life. Instead, the notion of ikigai — “the reason for which you wake up in the morning” — suffuses people’s entire adult lives. It gets centenarians out of bed and out of the easy chair to teach karate, or to guide the village spiritually, or to pass down traditions to children. The Nicoyans in Costa Rica use the term plan de vida to describe a lifelong sense of purpose. As Dr. Robert Butler, the first director of the National Institute on Aging, once told me, being able to define your life meaning adds to your life expectancy.

The healthful plant-based diet that Seventh-day Adventists eat has been associated with an extra decade of life expectancy. It has also been linked to reduced rates of diabetes and heart disease. Adventists’ diet is inspired by the Bible — Genesis 1:29. (“And God said: ‘Behold, I have given you every herb yielding seed . . . and every tree, in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for food.’ ”) But again, the key insight might be more about social structure than about the diet itself. While for most people, diets eventually fail, the Adventists eat the way they do for decades. How? Adventists hang out with other Adventists. When you go to an Adventist picnic, there’s no steak grilling on the barbecue; it’s a vegetarian potluck. No one is drinking alcohol or smoking. As Nicholas Christakis, a physician and social scientist at Harvard, found when examining data from a long-term study of the residents of Framingham, Mass., health habits can be as contagious as a cold virus. By his calculation, a Framingham individual’s chances of becoming obese shot up by 57 percent if a friend became obese. Among the Adventists we looked at, it was mostly positive social contagions that were in circulation.

Ask the very old on Ikaria how they managed to live past 90, and they’ll usually talk about the clean air and the wine. Or, as one 101-year-old woman put it to me with a shrug, “We just forget to die.” The reality is they have no idea how they got to be so old. And neither do we. To answer that question would require carefully tracking the lifestyles of a study group and a control group for an entire human lifetime (and then some). We do know from reliable data that people on Ikaria are outliving those on surrounding islands (a control group, of sorts). Samos, for instance, is just eight miles away. People there with the same genetic background eat yogurt, drink wine, breathe the same air, fish from the same sea as their neighbors on Ikaria. But people on Samos tend to live no longer than average Greeks. This is what makes the Ikarian formula so tantalizing.

If you pay careful attention to the way Ikarians have lived their lives, it appears that a dozen subtly powerful, mutually enhancing and pervasive factors are at work. It’s easy to get enough rest if no one else wakes up early and the village goes dead during afternoon naptime. It helps that the cheapest, most accessible foods are also the most healthful — and that your ancestors have spent centuries developing ways to make them taste good. It’s hard to get through the day in Ikaria without walking up 20 hills. You’re not likely to ever feel the existential pain of not belonging or even the simple stress of arriving late. Your community makes sure you’ll always have something to eat, but peer pressure will get you to contribute something too. You’re going to grow a garden, because that’s what your parents did, and that’s what your neighbors are doing. You’re less likely to be a victim of crime because everyone at once is a busybody and feels as if he’s being watched. At day’s end, you’ll share a cup of the seasonal herbal tea with your neighbor because that’s what he’s serving. Several glasses of wine may follow the tea, but you’ll drink them in the company of good friends. On Sunday, you’ll attend church, and you’ll fast before Orthodox feast days. Even if you’re antisocial, you’ll never be entirely alone. Your neighbors will cajole you out of your house for the village festival to eat your portion of goat meat.

Every one of these factors can be tied to longevity. That’s what the $70 billion diet industry and $20 billion health-club industry do in their efforts to persuade us that if we eat the right food or do the right workout, we’ll be healthier, lose weight and live longer. But these strategies rarely work. Not because they’re wrong-minded: it’s a good idea for people to do any of these healthful activities. The problem is, it’s difficult to change individual behaviors when community behaviors stay the same. In the United States, you can’t go to a movie, walk through the airport or buy cough medicine without being routed through a gantlet of candy bars, salty snacks and sugar-sweetened beverages. The processed-food industry spends more than $4 billion a year tempting us to eat. How do you combat that? Discipline is a good thing, but discipline is a muscle that fatigues. Sooner or later, most people cave in to relentless temptation.

As our access to calories has increased, we’ve decreased the amount of physical activity in our lives. In 1970, about 40 percent of all children in the U.S. walked to school; now fewer than 12 percent do. Our grandparents, without exercising, burned up about five times as many calories a day in physical activity as we do. At the same time, access to food has exploded.

Despite the island’s relative isolation, its tortuous roads and the fierce independence of its inhabitants, the American food culture, among other forces, is beginning to take root in Ikaria. Village markets are now selling potato chips and soda, which in my experience is replacing tea as the drink of choice among younger Ikarians. As the island’s ancient traditions give way before globalization, the gap between Ikarian life spans and those of the rest of the world seems to be gradually disappearing, as the next generations of old people become less likely to live quite so long.

The big aha for me, having studied populations of the long-lived for nearly a decade, is how the factors that encourage longevity reinforce one another over the long term. For people to adopt a healthful lifestyle, I have become convinced, they need to live in an ecosystem, so to speak, that makes it possible. As soon as you take culture, belonging, purpose or religion out of the picture, the foundation for long healthy lives collapses. The power of such an environment lies in the mutually reinforcing relationships among lots of small nudges and default choices. There’s no silver bullet to keep death and the diseases of old age at bay. If there’s anything close to a secret, it’s silver buckshot.

I called Moraitis a few weeks ago from my home in Minneapolis. Elpiniki died in the spring at age 85, and now he lives alone. He picked up the phone in the same whitewashed house that he’d moved into 35 years ago. It was late afternoon in Ikaria. He had worked in his vineyard that morning and just awakened from a nap. We chatted for a few minutes, but then he warned me that some of his neighbors were coming over for a drink in a few minutes and he’d have to go. I had one last question for him. How does he think he recovered from lung cancer?

“It just went away,” he said. “I actually went back to America about 25 years after moving here to see if the doctors could explain it to me.”

I had heard this part of the story before. It had become a piece of the folklore of Ikaria, proof of its exceptional way of life. Still, I asked him, “What happened?” “My doctors were all dead.”

This article is adapted from new material being published in the second edition of “Blue Zones,” by Dan Buettner, out next month from National Geographic.

“If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

~ Dalai Lama and Dr. Turi



L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

listen to my latest radio show with Jerry – US/world
listen to my latest radio show with Ted – US/world
listen to my latest radio show with Rob – Canada/world

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 


Is Justin Bieber getting special emigration treatment? You Bet he is!



“If you make people think they will love you but if you really make them think the way I do then they will hate you”  Take a chance on your spirit, claim the undiluted truth,  think outside of the controlling matrix in charge of the media!

Dear Readers;

Before elaborating on Bieber’s deportation situation, let me remind you of one of my predictions making top news on CNN on the exact date I said it would, shall we? It is important for me to offer the atheists, the agnostics, the skeptics and the scientific community the fact that; they know nothing of a cosmic God that speaks to me everyday!

Science is always asking for concrete proofs and repetitiveness before accepting anything as fact, and I did just that, not only today but since 1991 when I launched my Cyber Cosmic University! The problem is those traditionally educated heads either ridicule, refuse or simply are forbidden by the same cosmic God to see pass their five limited well read human senses!

All they have to do is to refer to the article posted April 10, 2014 (that is 12 days ago) and accept the fact!

“Four blood moons” April 15/16/17 and 23/24/25 2014 Cardinal Grand Cross Predictions

April 23/24/25 

Deep Reveals And Take
Above, Below Nature Tremble
Non – Cosmic Be Taken
 God Speaks Before Science – “How did he survive the flight?

“How he survived I don’t know,” said the FBI’s Honolulu spokesman Tom Simon. “It’s a miracle.”  God Speaks Before Science?

It seem not only did I give you the exact window but the last sentence of my quatrain “God Speaks Before Science!” seems to be quite appropriate for this miracle! The keywords used “aeronautics” are much too obvious for the FAA or this skeptical crowd to ignore. Well this window just started and I am expecting large quakes, explosions, volcano eruption and a few abnormal shocking news and I already collected some of them for you to acknowledge.

The previous April 2014 SOS to the world windows for April 15/16/17 has spoken the Divinity of a real God truthfully speaking his cosmic will through me. What amuses me the most in offering the world my gift is that; the masses will NOT question NASA or USGS for their inability to ever predict natural disasters or work with an Astrogeologist regardless of my undeniable, dated warnings sent via emails!

Furthermore I can not help to also ask myself why the moronic religiously poisoned masses do not question the “divinity” of the people THEY elected that are supposed to represent God on earth, such as Pope Francis, the Dali Lama and so many other respected “prophets!

Should they offer their “Godly” expertise to the mass listening, fearing their false God before being revered and treated as God on earth themselves? Where is critical thinking gone I wonder?

But the world is not yet awaken to the reality of an irrefutable Cosmic God and while I am dedicated to serve humanity with my visions and predictions, the envious “young souls” will be the first ones to try to mute, hurt my integrity and ridicule me! They will perceive my confidence and immaculate cosmic wisdom as a challenge to their intelligence through what they perceive as Dr. Turi’s immense egocentric attitude!

Accepting the fact that someone is more knowledgeable, smarter, different or brilliant in his expertise is immediately refuted because the force of evil consumes those non-gratified, rational envious souls! Incidentally, those non “spiritually” evolved human beings are the ones that need my gift the most, but they do not know just yet!

This is the perfect transition I need to now talk about another gifted young man so many envious souls despise…

Is Justin Bieber getting special treatment?

By Leigh Ann Caldwell, CNN

Washington (CNN) — Justin Bieber is allowed to stay in the United States— for now.

More than 270,000 puritanical envious souls have asked the pop star to be deported for his repeated starring role in famous-people-behaving-badly. I wonder how many of those perfect souls smoke weed or abuse alcohol everyday or if any of them never had a speeding ticket or a brush with the law? If I could have those answers and eliminate them, chance are the number will be well below 100 people!

Is Bieber getting some serious special treatment? Why would you ask? When is the last time you kissed your President? 

Obama and Bieber share kiss on ‘SNL’

Furthermore did you read “Lindsay Lohan says she had a miscarriage/abortion?” If you did you should know that Bieber DOES NOT OWN HIMSELF but he is the property of some of the wealthier, powerful legal sharks in Hollywood and they are all laughing at your requests! Because they have the money, the know how and the people in high places (Obama?) to keep the billions flowing to their Swiss bank accounts! When will you wake up America, the scientific, religious, news=media and entertainment matrixes OWN you all! Indeed the Lobbyists know exactly what to do to make the $$$$$$$machine$$$$$$$ working for them!

A new deportation policy?

But how many of you read my 2014 Arian Draconis? (public) Let me share a prediction I made for my VIP’s about emigration!

From 2014 Arian Draconis World Predictions – posted to the world June 12, 2013  



German/Vikings Skin Alike
Black and White Red Blood 
Fire War Violence  Passions Rule
Hitler’s Evil spirit reborn

Memo:This dragon is all about IDENTITY and RACE  and will induce many reform with emigrations, build walls between the US and other countries and revamp ALL that involve emigrations and foreigners  moving to the US.” 

Thus is Justin Bieber the catalyst for yet another of my predictions to come to pass? You bet he is but he; like 99. 999% of the world he is unaware of the cosmic code jurisdictions and “chosen” by a Cosmic God to start bringing the scale of justice in motion. Its WE the people against the abusive corporate matrixes and their Lobbyists but the new Libra Dragon is also endorsing our demands… How will this cosmic energy affect your personal life?

Is race holding up immigration reform?

President Barack Obama has deported more people than any other president, causing him to be known as the “deporter-in-chief” in some sectors of the immigration community. But isn’t Bieber here legally? He sure is. But it’s not only illegal immigrants who are receiving deportation orders.

The Immigration Policy Center estimated that 10% of the people deported between 1997 and 2007 were legally living in the United States. Knowing this fact I could also become a target for deportation, especially if  my work and articles becomes too political or too negative for our President. After the visit of two FBI agents should I keep using my right to express myself and keep warning the NSA and the FBI on our President’s fate?

Yes, legal residents are getting kicked out because of a previous crime. According to a 1996 immigration law, it doesn’t matter how long ago people committed their crime and the types of crimes eligible for deportation are vast and expanding.

For instance, shoplifting and marijuana possession often qualify. But I am a legal law obedient Alien with no negative police record under my belt. All I am doing is predicting and warning the world of its impending fate and trust me readers the NSA and the FBI are reading ALL my articles!

In fact I already received my appointment notice form the USCI and today at 3:00 PM I have a meeting at the Phoenix ASC,  where I have to perform the  biometrics , take the picures and collect my new green card.  Then tomorrow I have to drive to the French Embassy in L.A. for my new passport. And when this happens to you, it marks a very important time/omen in your life that BIG changes are ahead…

While I am far from Bieber situation, Justin has a lot of potential charges under his belt but he is the least person I worried about because he is owned by the Americans Entertainment powerful  Hyaenas.  They know well Obama would  never upset millions of teen fans — is because of that his DUI is not a deportable offense. His vandalism charge probably isn’t either. His assault charge might be, experts say.

Bieber also has another advantage. He never got a green card. Bieber is in the country on a visa for people with “extraordinary” abilities. I belong to this class but since 1991 and to this day, only a fraction of my American supporters, clients, friends, students and patients realize I own “extraordinary cosmic” abilities.

If I was to get in trouble with the law, even with thousands of endorsements over the years, I would be deported because I don’t have the resources to hire top immigration and criminal attorneys to help me navigate the system.

But if I leave the US it is because my decision and not because I am forced to do so and I feel those changes are needed in my life!

Important note: I always said to my readers, the day I leave America you may want to follow my lead and once our house  sells, Terania and I have decided to move to another country!

 Florida may not be the place I will retire to after all and while things could change, the planned trips ahead of us will tell us where we will end up! The reasons could be geopolitical, a nuke attack on the US, a terrible natural disaster or our own security being compromised! This mean only the Cosmic Code or my “Cosmic Cyber University” will be operational and become the only way to read my warnings in my cosmic code newsletters all along and from where ever we will be secretively operating afterwards!

When you notice the flux of my newsletters slowing down and disappear it may be too late for you to join but we will keep steadily informing our VIP’s of all our current and future moves… You paid us for a service and we will honor it to the end. Indeed my promise to share our life, our experiences, our trips’ pictures, videos and serve you “cosmically” every months will end only when I become too old to write… Yes, as predicted for the Turi family,  this 2014 Arian Draconis is about to change our lives drastically…  Join us while you can!

But the beauty of being an independent contractor is that; I am already all over the world, all I need is a laptop and a bank account and I am on business practicing Astropsychology!  Chances are I will never be out of work because so many people are in need of directions and feed up with lies and manipulation. MY “Cyber Cosmic University” will never disappear  and I hope to teach Divine Astrology to many more students willing to become independent of the system because I can not save this world on my own!

The problem is the exorbitant amount of taxes I have to pay every year, but all will pay off when I retire next year!  Social security checks are based upon the last 3 years revenues and I will get my well deserved dues then… I just hope to live a long time so I can enjoy my retirement!

Indeed you get what you pay for in life and this is the reason why I charge a lot of money for my consultations, because my “extraordinary cosmic abilities” are real!

I could have saved  Justin Bieber and  any other celebrities millions in legal battles by warning them of their natal/hidden fated Dragons and their “Personal Cosmic Biorhythms” because ALL happened then, all ordered by the Cosmic Code jurisdictions.

“Let him who ignores this warning be cursed, according to the rites and ceremonies.”


“If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

~ Dalai Lama and Dr. Turi



L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

listen to my latest radio show with Jerry – US/world
listen to my latest radio show with Ted – US/world
listen to my latest radio show with Rob – Canada/world

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 




Interview With Dr. Louis Turi on Predictions UFO and Astropsychology



 ”For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice… If every 8-year-old in the world is taught Astro psychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

~ Dalai Lama and Dr. Turi

As you know we used to own 3 dogs, Draco, Macho, and Lady, but we now are left with only the smallest one. It is extremely difficult to let go of any pet and we will never really heal from a decision I had to make in 2014. Letting go of loving pets without tears!

 But for years, watching them always gave me the best advice on how to get INNER PEACE!

If you can start the day without caffeine, if you can always be cheerful, ignoring aches and pains, if you can resist complaining and boring people with your troubles, if you can eat the same food every day and be grateful for it, if you can understand when your loved ones are too busy to give you any time, if you can take criticism and blame without resentment, if you can conquer tension without medical help, if you can relax without alcohol, or weed,  if you can sleep without the aid of drugs, then You Are Probably the Family Dog! And you thought I was going to get all spiritual today?

Handle every stressful situation like any of my dogs, thus if you can’t eat it or play with it, pee on it, destroy it and walk away…


   Interview With Dr. Louis Turi on Astro psychology

First of all, I want to thank you Dr. Turi for taking the time with your busy schedule to permit me to interview you!

So tell us Dr. Turi, what exactly is Astropsychology?
Astropsychology is a mixture of the ancient art of astrology, traditional psychology and clinical hypnotherapy – one of my students is a Doctor in Psychiatry and told me he learned in my week long crash course than the seven years he spent in an accredited university.

How did you develop this technique? How does this tie in with the work of Nostradamus?
When asked this question I always respond “do you want the real truth or bull?” Everyone says “the Truth.” Following my 5th kind of UFO encounter in 1991 above the city of Los Angeles, my wife and I were abducted. The aliens took away the womb and downloaded me with the Cosmic Code secrets. After the ‘meeting’, I could not help myself and painted my entire house with astrological symbols, UFOs and I could not stop studying the work of Nostradamus and anything else metaphysical. While many people have baptized me “The New Nostradamus”, “The Reincarnation of Nostradamus” or “Nostradamus Reincarnated”, born in Provence like him, I only share the same local stars. Meantime, in his prophetic work, 500 years ago, the great Prophet never used a watch or a computer and this is what stimulated me to practice the ancient art the same way, using symbolism, signs and intuition. I have studied mumerous forms of astrology, none of them gave me the degree of accuracy I am famous for.

Can you explain to our readers the meaning of the UCI (Unique Celestial Identity) and how does this tie in with our free will?
UCI stands for Unique Celestial Identity or your inherited karmic celestial program at birth. UCI is the spiritual “DNA” of humans as all people are so very different. Each one of us is directly “genealogically” speaking directly related to our ancestry and all our current family members. However within the realm of spirituality, your closest family member’s UCI happens to be your utmost stranger, yet to be uncovered by our infantile scientific community. In the tightest family circle, none of them will think, express, create, behave or agree with each others as man is not born equal, both physically and spiritually. As the soul reincarnate on this dense physical world God “imprint” it with both gifts and shortcomings the person will have to master i.e. gays, bullies, geniuses, criminals etc. I do cover quite a lot on this subject and offer the keys of what it means to human in my newsletters. As far as the human free will is concerned, the part of God in each one of us is much stronger than the stars per say, but without Cosmic Consciousness (understanding the celestial mechanics) one is prone to “act out” the worst of his UCI and simply “act out” or becomes a robot of his stars. 99.09% of the unaware world’s population act robotically judging others through their own overpowering UCI. The will can only be developped when the subject is cosmic conscious and aware of the Supra-conscious forces at work! 

“Where Cosmic Consciousness is lacking, religion, conspiracy and imagination does the rest.” There are no accidents just consequences the five logical human senses cannot perceive.”  Dr. Turi

You’ve authored several books in the past. Can you share which of the books offer the most guidance to those seeking to explore this subject further?
Each one of my book is designed to bring forth “Cosmic Consciousness” at least to a certain degree. My best seller is my yearly Moon Power published since 1995. 

“Moon Power” is designed to make people aware that our closest satellite is solely responsible for the dreadful news plaguing humans on earth. In this book I explain in great detail how the moon trigs the human psyche making up all our daily affairs on hearth and how to work in harmony with her. This book is the spiritual human “Farmer’s Almanac” plotting her whereabouts in the belt of the zodiac, all year round where the outmost guidance and predictions where published well before CNN announcements. 

“I know All About You” is the fastest simplest way to get introduced to all the signs and get to know everyone around you using Astropsychology through my methodology. It is designed for the kids or those willing to get the most of my expertise but unwilling to do the real mental gymnastics to master the trade. This book will offer the reader a deeper understanding of all the people around him and how they behave, perceive and act out the human experience.

“And God Created The Stars” I wrote this book for all my students where I explain in great details the concept of Nostradamus’ rare methodology by signs and houses. I use very small print thus this 380 page book is more a 500 page loaded of crucial information that will allow the student to navigate through our solar system spiritually. This book is a must read to master the dynamics of our solar system on a high spiritual level and prepare the reader for the study of Astropsychology.

The Power of The Dragon” Again in this 525 page book, I use very small print trying very hard to pass on a life time of accumulated divine information on the Power of the Dragon. This book is the “Ferrari” of the Spirit where I explain the fate of many famous and infamous people and forever souls that made the human history. From Einstein to serial killers I enunciate how their natal Dragons played a significant part in their endeavors offering them immortality. Knowing and heeding the location of your natal or hidden Dragon’s Head or Tail becomes a major contribution for your success or failure during this particular reincarnation. Much of the human psychology, past lives residue, blessings and karma resides right on the Dragon and does indeed offer the true keys of what it means to be human.

“Asia Dragon Prediction” was created for the advanced Oriental part of the world more suited than its Occident religious oriented counterpart. It’s a version of Moon Power depicting the stars and fate of all Asia political Leaders.

“Beyond The Secret” is my biography reflecting my incredible, dramatic life where I explained right from my birth (and my past lives) the how and why I became Dr. Turi. I exposed it all, including my UFO, ghosts and so many barely believable experiences I went through cheating death so many times. In this book I clearly demonstrate how the Supra-conscious acts with the human UCI and create our reality because “The future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought.” I explained outside of conventional science, the why, how and what of everything under the sky through some of the most dramatic experiences the people of my life, students, patients, clients, friends and family members including myself had to go through to own true spiritual wisdom. I teach tips and offer explanations that no accredited colleges or universities and traditionally educated professors will ever be capable of.

Based on your work, what was the most profound prediction you made that came to pass?
911 was the top but also both Asia tsunami, Katrina, IAN etc… The sad reality is that people reading my work will always remember a bad prediction and with a 98% ratio of accuracy I can assure you that all major news were fully predicted. Again, the printing process, dated television and my national radio appearances on Coast to Coast am with George Noory makes my claims unarguable. Here is the sad endless list of my major predictions taken from my website.

N.Y Terrorist Attack – Iraq War – SARS – Asia Tsunami – Mexico Oil Spill – Icelandic Volcano Eruption – Haiti Deadliest Quake Ever, Deadly Hurricane Katrina, California Fires, Deadliest Tornadoes In The US History, ALL major calamities worldwide including the full restructure of the FBI/CIA, the US economy, Mumbai India UK terrorist Attacks etc. ALL Major Earthquakes above 6.0 were FULLY and UNARGUABLY predicted in my book Moon Power and on my radio and television shows. Note also that I am the only Astrophile on the planet posting regularly my “SOS To The World” windows in all major popular websites preparing humankind for its impending fate. Of course people can accurately judge or swear by my predictive gift only if they paid attention to my work and get to know the real me. Until then a newcomer can only be skeptical! Take the time to investigate my mission to translate the Creator’s will upon mankind and understand the “Cosmic Code” because this is the only way God will speak to you. Remember God’s words “I will speak to you but you won’t hear me, I will present myself to you but you won’t see me.” Let me help you raise your Cosmic Consciousness and teach you how to heed God’ signs. You may also appreciate these facts and investigate these claims by visiting his website predictions page.

I understand that you’re also a healer. From my point of view, healing can take on many different forms. Having said that, there are a growing number of people and medical doctors who are shying away from traditional allopathic medicine and the use of prescription drugs in favor of alternative healing. Do you see this as a growing trend in the foreseeable future? Why?
Indeed with the Internet access people nowadays are able to investigate pretty much everything and get second opinions on anything, especially with prescription drugs. Again I wrote intensively in my free public Dragon newsletters on this deplorable topic and expose some of my own facts about my own patients becoming paralyzed after ingesting those dangerous medical prescriptions. As a matter of fact, one of my student is a Doctor in Psychiatry told me” Dr. Turi I have learned more in your week long crash course than seven years in college, and he was feed up poisoning people with chemicals.” I have developed my own natural Cabalistic Healing methodology and my Phoenix based “Healing Room” offers quite a lot of relief and information on this subject. My methodology involves a mixture of Nostradamus rare teachings, the American Indian natural healing, a variety of rocks, sounds, Clinical Hypnotherapy, natural food, Astropsychology, traditional astrology, power points chakras pressure, massage etc.

Lastly, I’m asking this question for everyone I interview. What do you see for December 21st, 2012?  Update here is the result!
“The future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thoughts” humankind, as of yet does not understand its serious implications and its accumulated applications. Thus I choose the “DAY AFTER” or December 22nd, 2012 as Dr. Turi’s Universal day of prayer marking the awakening of the power of enlightenment, common sense and the liberation of the human spirit from fear. God  real Cosmic Identity is on its way for humanity where finally science, the atheists, the Christians and all other denominations will finally start to see, heed and speak the same Cosmic Code language through my Cyber Cosmic University.   On this day NOTHING dramatic will take place, instead a very constructive celestial energy will bless humanity. The Universal gates will open offering humanity a push a rare chance to finally connect with the Divine marking the END of the Age of Pisces (religions/deception/misinformation) and the beginning of the Age of Aquarius (UFO/humanitarian/the truth/the Cosmic Code.) Then, slowly but surely, Jesus’ true spiritual celestial Ministry will be reinstated. Humankind’s cosmic awareness of “Our Father In The Heavens” and God’ signs will be taught and used by all his children of the world promising the long awaited Universal spiritual rebirth of Humanity. 

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dr. turi

Dr. Turi was recognized in the 2003 Marquis “Who’s Who in America” as an accomplished leading Hypnotherapist, Astropsychologist and incredible motivational lecturer speaker. He has taught, entertained audiences on the power of the subconscious all over the world. He grew up in Provence France, Nostradamus’ birthplace, and spent last 30 years re-kindling the great Seer’s rare disciplines and its incredible spiritual therapeutic values. He has been featured on many national television programs such as NBC’s “Ancient Mysteries” series, and TLC and the Discovery Channel “Journal of the Unknown-More Than Human” to name a few.

More information can be obtained on Dr.Turi by visiting: 



Lindsay Lohan says she had a miscarriage/abortion?



“If you make people think they will love you but if you really make them think the way I do then they will hate you”  Take a chance on your spirit, claim the undiluted truth,  think outside of the controlling matrix in charge of the media!

I am another victim of the entertainment matrix  – rich, famous and cosmic unconscious

Dear readers:

Its amazing how the gullible mass accepts anything from celebrities nowadays! Again the beauty of being cosmic conscious and an Astropsychologist is that; the undiluted truth will never escape your eyes because it is written in light via the stars. And real stars do not lie!  Like anyone else reading her misfortunes and knowing all about her past addictions I first fell for it. Then I decided to check on her UCI and read the article using my cosmic “3rd eye.”

First and foremost any mother to be, should be left seriously distraught after finding out her baby died in her womb and speak out quite a lot of emotional pain! This psychical pain, this sorrow is totally missing or supremely repressed,  controlled in the article I read below!

Thus, now I am questioning  her. Where is Lindsay distraught when all she does is to talk about her and her career in the article?  The fact is; she had an abortion because of the baby’s father and she does not need more hindrance to finally move forward in her recoup messed up career.

But why would I come up with such conclusion?  I wrote about Lindsay Lohan’s UCI back in July 21, 2011, find It under the “Lindsay Lohan reveals miscarriage” article. I can only repeat myself, born with a negative Dragon’s Tail (karma) in Libra (partnerships/contracts) she can only always attract the wrong people in all affairs involving business or love  including all her “contracts.” We are all somehow “cursed” in some parts of our lives, and this is where she is “karmically” hurting!

Born with Neptune (deception/alcohol/drugs/religions) right in her 7th house of marriage/contracts/partnerships/facing the public) she can ONLY ATTRACT deceptive Neptunian business partners who OWNS her life and her career via signed contracts.

This is what it takes if you are aiming for fame and fortune. You must give away your physical and spiritual freedom in exchange for a strenuous glamorous life that took so many cosmic unconscious souls so prematurely. In fact I am surprised Lindsay Lohan managed to keep alive for that long!

If you chose fame over a normal life, you become the PEON of the entertainment matrix who DICTATE what to do next because YOU BELONG to them. Further more, Lindsay’s 5th house ( creativity / love / children / speculations and the house where a woman creates a child)  is under the jurisdiction of deadly Pluto.  This mean she is FATED to lose a child and “die’  a few times in the affairs of love.

This mean HAD Lindsay carry the child to the end and somehow manage to survive, this child would be seriously sick and HAD to be aborted. With Lindsay long and steady abuse of legal and illegal drugs and alcohol, her doctors knew the child had no chance and would be born autistic or abnormal!

Are you surprised?  I am not! “Continued Rise in Autism Diagnoses Puzzles Researchers but not Dr. Turi!”

Born under the sign of  Cancer (home/family/shy) she is much too weak to lead a glamorous life. She also own a dignified Taurus (money/security) moon (emotions) and privacy is a must!

But what scares me the most, is the millions of cosmic unconscious parents trying to live their famous dreams thought their children not knowing this child may not be designed by God to lead such a life. In the name of religious convictions (Christians) or the ridicule (atheists)  those young souls are totally oblivious of God cosmic divinity forging the UCI and fate of all human beings through the signs, they natal and hidden dragons…  In the name of science and religions humanity has lost so much of God cosmic divinity! But the purpose of our Cyber Cosmic University and my mission to bring you back to a legitimate God is working its magic!

Alexa Traffic Ranks

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Global rank icon 626,907  up 1,029,661
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Aries – Taurus – Gemini – Cancer – Leo – Virgo – Libra – Scorpio – Sagittarius – Capricorn –Aquarius – Pisces

 She can only blame her Mars ( drive/the males she attracts) in Capricorn (older guys with money and power) right on her cursed 7th house of partnerships who saw how to make a good use of her beauty vulnerability and talent.

 Note also my “2014 Personal Dragon Forecast For All Signs” clearly mention Cancer will have to restructure their career and move! So far it seems to be just that for another rich and famous but cosmic unconscious young soul!  May be you should check for yourself or your child what God and the cosmic code has in store for you?

“Ask and you shall Receive!”

Continued: In a scene from the season finale of OWN’s docuseries “Lindsay,” the 27-year-old explained that the reason she’d missed some filming days for the project was because she’d had a miscarriage. “No one knows this: I had a miscarriage for those two weeks I took off,” she said. “It’s a very long story.”

During the docuseries, one of the plot points that emerged was Lohan’s inconsistency with showing up for work. But as she explained on Sunday’s finale episode, it was because she was unable to. “That’s why, on the show when it says, ‘She doesn’t want to come down,’ I couldn’t move; I was sick,” Lohan said. “Mentally, that messes with you.”

OWN’s “Lindsay” covered a lot of ground with Lohan, following the actress after she left rehab in July 2013 and moved to New York while trying to repair her career. By the time the last episode aired, Lohan — along with the rest of the world — had seen the difficult footage of her post-rehab life.

“I cried so many times watching it,” she said. “Watching this series, I just know how I felt at that moment, and I can relate to that girl. Like, ‘Oh my God, this is really sad. Who’s helping her?’ … There was a lot going on in my life then.” Filming the eight-part series did impart some lessons, and one in particular was how her struggle with addiction could leave her without a career.

“Even if it’s not my intention to lose everything I’m now working for, that’s what this addiction will do to me. It’s a really f***ked-up disease, and it’s really scary,” she reflected. “(Now) I’m in a good place, and I don’t want to mess with that. It feels good, and I’m happy. The biggest thing I’ve learned from this experience and doing this show is that my work ethic is different. I have that fire back in me.”

Recovered Article

July 21, 2011

Lindsay Lohan’s too poor to pay a psychologist, lawyer says


Send her to me… if I can help my good friend Gary Busey (and he is a serious case) and counsel Dennis Heysbert (and many others celebrities) for FREE I can help her too… The question is; will she be lucky enough to land on my expertise?

Note For my students:  Born with a Dragon’s Tail (negative) in Libra (Law/traditional psychology) and under the over emotional sign of Cancer she is not exactly lucky with the system and her educated doctors do not / cannot understand  what she is going through. Dangerous medical prescriptions can only make her situation much worse as she is seriously prone to depressions and addictions.

Note also as a cancer the current Dragon’s Tail resides in her 12th subconscious house forcing her to undergo serious and deep psychological changes. She is seriously prone to suicide and may end up this way if I do not reach her before it’s too late…

Memo from 2010/2011 Universal Predictions Page

Important note: I always said to my readers, the day I leave America you may want to follow my lead and once our house  sells, Terania and I have decided to move to another country!

 Florida may not be the place I will retire to after all and while things could change, the planned trips ahead of us will tell us where we will end up! The reasons could be geopolitical, a nuke attack on the US, a terrible natural disaster or our own security being compromised! This mean only the Cosmic Code or my “Cosmic Cyber University” will be operational and become the only way to read my warnings in my cosmic code newsletters all along and from where ever we will be secretively operating afterwards!

When you notice the flux of my newsletters slowing down and disappear it may be too late for you to join but we will keep steadily informing our VIP’s of all our current and future moves… You paid us for a service and we will honor it to the end. Indeed my promise to share our life, our experiences, our trips’ pictures, videos and serve you “cosmically” every months will end only when I become too old to write… Yes, as predicted for the Turi family,  this 2014 Arian Draconis is about to change our lives drastically…  Join us while you can!

“If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

~ Dalai Lama and Dr. Turi


L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

listen to my latest radio show with Jerry – US/world
listen to my latest radio show with Ted – US/world
listen to my latest radio show with Rob – Canada/world

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 



Dr. Drew, Dr. Gupta, PTSD, Bullying and Suicide Answers



“If you make people think they will love you but if you really make them think the way I do then they will hate you”  Take a chance on your spirit, claim the undiluted truth,  think outside of the controlling matrix in charge of the media!

Police file raises questions about death

 Teen Daniel Perry Hannah Smith, 14 commits suicide over Skype blackmail scam


Dear Readers:

Before anything, I have an important announcement to make… I always said to my readers, the day I leave America you may want to follow my lead and once our house  sells, Terania and I have decided to move to another country!

 Florida may not be the place I will retire to after all and while things could change, the planned trips ahead of us will tell us where we will end up! The reasons could be geopolitical, a nuke attack on the US, a terrible natural disaster or our own security being compromised! This mean only the Cosmic Code or my “Cosmic Cyber University” will be operational and become the only way to read my warnings in my cosmic code newsletters all along and from where ever we will be secretively operating afterwards!

When you notice the flux of my newsletters slowing down and disappear it may be too late for you to join but we will keep steadily informing our VIP’s of all our current and future moves… You paid us for a service and we will honor it to the end. Indeed my promise to share our life, our experiences, our trips’ pictures, videos and serve you “cosmically” every months will end only when I become too old to write… Yes, as predicted for the Turi family,  this 2014 Arian Draconis is about to change our lives drastically…  Join us while you can!

Back to today’s newsletter!

Again and again it is not another accident for Rebecca Sedwick to commit suicide because of bullying… Yet there are billions of kids being bullied regularly and not all of them end up jumping to their death… What makes those desperate children and the adults doing so is and will always remain a mystery to our infantile science community. Using the science of Astropsychology I will bring to the curious soul some of the answers their traditional education could never ever do!

I grew up in the worse conditions possible, I was bullied by my classmates and seriously abused by my teachers yet I never considerate ending up my life. In fact, just before publishing my book “From Hell to Heaven” I changed the title to “Beyond The Secret.” Indeed I shaded a few heavy tears recalling the traumatic experiences I went through as a child, but I can assure you all those painful episodes built my character and my self confidence. But why bullying help some people and kill others? This is why my Cosmic Cyber University becomes priceless because unlike many famous medical heads I do not work for the Iluminati religious and scientific controlling educational matrixes!

I can barely imagine what would today’s parents do or say looking at the blue and black bloody fingertips and nails of their brutalized children returning home from school!  The methods used by my teachers were humiliating and disturbing, I used to spend hours confined under his desk and if I dared to move just a bit to relieve the blood circulation in my legs he would just kick me as hard as he could.

The words and actions those abusers were using to break my young ADHD spirit were quite severe. This was the mental and physical daily abuses inflicted by the bastards I had as teachers growing up! Complaining was out of question, because I would get much of the same treatment by my stepfather at home! But again I never considered suicide and luckily for me, nefarious drugs were not yet invented and my mother never thought of turning me into a zombie by electrocuting my brain… Yes this was the only thing available then because I was lucky enough to be born in 1950 well before the damaging OCD generation!

I wrote a bit more about bullying and what happened to me in a newsletter I wrote in August 2013 titled “God And The Cyber Matrix Bullying Dilemma,” and there is always something to learn in my work!

Now if you think any of today’s educated kids fresh out of their accredited medical universities or media medical talking Neptunian heads like Dr. Drew, Dr. Gupta and company you are on for serious deception. In fact 4 weeks after being diagnosed with lung cancer my good friend David died of suffocation because of medications complications.  The hospital excuses was simple and accepted as such by his family!  “it was a very rare kind of aggressive cancer and there is nothing we could have done!” 

Continued Rise in Autism Diagnoses Puzzles Researchers but not Dr. Turi!

Readers you must realize the power, the dominance, the monopolizing those religious, scientific and news-media matrixes exert endlessly in your life all around you. You can listen to all the little values and relief their new advertised nefarious drugs will offer you, while more airtime is spent to warn you of all the terrible side effects, even the possibility of death if you “talk to your doctors!” before ingesting the poison!  The tools they use are their investments or the million of televisions and radio stations, medical magazines, their accredited colleges and universities and the churches they OWN!

The scientific matrix is run, maintained and belongs to the same very large pharmaceutical corporations who endlessly invest in their own selves… This evil machine is an unstoppable cancer, like an endless pit in need of your taxes, your donations and they now monopolize everything with the help of corrupted politicians and the drug lords mafioso working together!

Yes this is America today endlessly building people like  Cara Santa Maria,  Dr. Drew, Dr. Gupta, Joel Osteen,  Billy Graham,  Jim Bakker etc.  offering them wealth and fame in exchange for their services to the scientific and religious matrixes.

All science has to fix your psychological problems  is an endless line of harmful medications that will, in time lead  you or your child to certain suicide.

All religion has to fix your psychological problems is an endless line of deceptiveness, repentance and the fear of their false God ready to send you to hell when you already are in it, in your fears and cosmic ignorance!

'I felt like I was suffocating'
“When they say the whole family’s going to war, they don’t mean in the way that we’re all in it together … it means they’re going to war with each other.” 

The excuses for “wars” are endless and starts at home… I do not know anyone who never had an argument with a loved ones but this article is all about emphasizing  the damage of PTSD and, eventually what to do to avoid or fix the war at home! Indeed PTSD or ADHD are “new diseases” created by science in the first place but today’s doctors have been “manufactured” and educated rationally, traditionally!

All are coming from the same “accredited” colleges and universities where the spirit, intuition and Astropsychology is ridicule and sough as the  “Dark Ages” education. The terrible results are there in plain view and when mothers kill their children and when children kill each others and commit endless suicide you know something is very wrong!  Science and religions will NEVER/EVER be able to understand the cosmic phenomenon in place nor provide you with any help, just the opposite!   Watch this little video please!

The very greed of those corporations and their drive to own total supremacy through monopolization and control of information has bitten them in their own asses. The damage is now irreversible and will soon become much too obvious for the public to ignore. I have been battling those matrixes since 1991 but, in their endless drive to mute me, they still managed to remove me from Wikipedia and removed countless of my cosmic articles from many popular media networks.

While I am still on You TubeFacebook and Twitter, my accounts are seriously controlled and kept at a minimum visibility from the general public. Note also I am much too busy to talk to anyone and use those websites to post my latest cosmic articles!

Meantime it is not normal for me to have been a steady guest on top national radio and television programs for years and for my Google search numbers to fall from above 10 millions to barely 4,670,000 results!

Jerry’s guest Monday night (April, 14 ,2014) was Dr. Louis Turi, hypnotherapist, astropsychologist, psychotherapist – talking about Flight 370 and many other topics. (

MP3 Running time: 1 hour, 58 minutes, 43 seconds

Windows Media Version, Part 1
Windows Media Version, Part 2
Windows Media Version, Part 3
Windows Media Version, Part 4


My webmasters are using top technology and endlessly on guard as my websites gets attacked everyday by my Internet enemies dedicated to hurt my integrity and silence me.  They see me as a serious hindrance and a serious danger to their “business” and keeping me  and my cosmic teachings under the blanket is a must!

Doing so mean more morons will invest in science,  on Mars One missions  and more God fearing souls will keep offering large fortunes to keep building  those deadly religious matrixes! And who benefit at the end, your children, you?  While the religious matrix has been exposed for what they are, a wasteful corporation run by the Vatican, the scientific matrix is next, at least through my work!

Archdiocese Criticized For Buying Million Dollar Mansions Instead Of Spending Money On Poor!

A Crucial Message to All Atheists and Christians 

 Police file raises questions about death but the police academy never heard of Astropsychology  and the Police Administration who read about the cops emails don’t seem to care much about their lives either! Because they also victimized by both the religious and scientific matrixes! This mean they will never truly understand the fragile UCI of their cops or those young victims and will look for the plausible logical answer and punish the bully!

But what will this do to the parents of the victims or the perpetrators? NOTHING but to feed the over loaded prison system run by the same matrix where drugs are prescribed endlessly to control the convicts! But who’s paying for all this? Yes readers, your TAX dollar will be used to build more jails, more hospitals, more accredited colleges, universities to produce more scientists, more researches, more drug, more churches and more church goers!

Yes the vicious circle never end readers and now you wonder why it is important for the Iluminati to keep over medicating America? Indeed, in order to survive, the scientific and religious matrixes must produce people like  Cara Santa Maria,  Dr. Drew, Dr. Gupta, Joel Osteen,  Billy Graham,  Jim Bakker etc.

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi

Recovered Article 

Dr. Drew Versus Dr. Turi


Dear Reader;

I have been very busy generating work for my VIP’s and I decided to offer you another FREE sample of my Cosmic Code newsletter. Realize that my work can not only save you time but money even your health and this is priceless.

In any case if you feel a connection with my work do not hesitate to contact Terania at 602-265-7667 or email her for help because I can guarantee you that I will take good care of your or your loved ones body, mind and spirit safely.


Born September 4, 1958 Dr. Drew is a Virgo a sign extremely inquisitive, details oriented and well know in Astropsychology to “miss the forest for the tree.” While my best students were all born in September it shows the undeniable power of my expertise totally unknown to the traditionally educated famous doctor.

I sincerely hope he or one of his fan will lead him to my work and investigate it thoughtfully. The only way for me to convince him is by exposing one of his biggest health secrets unknown to the world. Indeed, Dr. Drew suffers serious migraine headaches and /or sinuses problem. He is also accident prone to  the head and did suffer “accident” he kept in total secrecy. He respond to his own natal UCI especially through his Scorpius (direct/sarcastic) speech and his Gemini (communication/radio.)

 May be its time for Dr. Drew to realize without Cosmic Consciousness he can not uncover the real secrets of the human mind and its inner complex relationship to the Universal Mind. An interview with Dr. Turi would be so challenging and so educational for him. But will ever take a chance with Dr. Turi? Yes when the pigs fly… In no way would he, or could any other “educated” doctors take me on and the challenge is still open!


While he and the medical field assures the legacy of physical abuses will negatively alter children‘s future lives I can assure you, at least in my case it is not the case, in fact just the opposite. From 1961 to 1964 I suffered the worse physical and spiritual abuses any child could be subjected to. Being an extreme case ADD it was impossible for me to stay still for long and the same “disease” still plagues me at 64.

I had to find any possible way to get rid of the surplus of mental and physical energy and the abuses were both at home and in school. Often I thought how all my school mates could stay still for so long and why I had no memory for anything my teacher was telling me? He was exasperated with me and the battle to break my will with verbal and bodily and abuses started. He used to bring me in front of the entire class and say…”Class Louis is never listening to me and he will never ever become anything but a slave to others in his life.”

 Right in the middle of winter he ordered the class to wear their thick coats, and then opened the windows where I was standing by,  letting me freeze for hours.   But first he used a steal ruler and hit the tips of my fingers till they bleed making it impossible for me to hold a pencil for days at time. When he and the entire class finally could not take the cold anymore he “ tucked” me under his desk in front of his legs. I had no room at all to move and this horrid position cut the blood circulation to my legs, I had to move then he backed up a bit, and simply kicked me as hard as he could.

In the sixties there were no laws against child abuses and no Prozac or Retaline available to “numb” me and the “teachers” were brutes with no brains. In the small school and to share the load, I was sent from one abuser to another and the punishments was performed differently. This teacher used to lift me from the ground by my chicks as soon as I entered his class saying “Louis you again?” then he would place me right in front of him and let his four feet long heavy wood ruler simply drop on my head, yes I saw the stars well before I could understand how they were afflicting the psyches of human.

Then I was ordered to seat on the last raw to copy by hand the French dictionary on a stuck of paper.Being an ADD or worse ADHD made it impossible for me to stay still, regardless of any form of punishment period. I could not help (still) fidgeting all day long, talk and amuse everyone around me. But the worst part was when I was ordered out of the class and forced to stand up between two trees for hours with snow all the way up to my waist without proper winter clothing. Jumping endlessly was the only way for me not to die of exposure. The abusers knew the school Master would see me then as usual call me in his office.

Once there he would shut the door and close the curtains then smack me as hard as he could. Very often the blows were inflicted on my ears plagued with dolorous otitis chronic infections.Regardless of a regiment of powerful I developed and maintained the painful otitis disease because of malnutrition and most of all a constant “subconscious”  wish not to hear my parents endless fights and my teachers verbal abuses. Note the infection “magically” stopped once I left home at the age of 14 years old and moved to live with my peaceful, loving Gran ma’s house. I never told anything to my mother or my rough stepfather for fear of reprisals until the physical abuses were too much to hide, then my violent step dad would try to confront the abuser who never dare to come to the front door to explain himself. The abuses stopped when I was finally  thrown out of school in 1964.

Following my “teachers” advises, the school master refused to present me for my CEP or the equivalent of the US GED, to their astonishment, my Mother insisted and I passed well above many other kids.  Those days were very hard for all families and this early treatment “trained” me to deal with bullies who learned real fast to stay away from my punishing writs. The same terrible treatments prepared me to a life overloaded with endless pain and challenges that brought me International recognition in the New Age field.

My book “Beyond The Secret” is a recollection of all those extraordinary dramatic experiences where I raised from pure hell to heaven later on in my life.  In no way will the reader accept many of the factual stories I went through but I truly believe all those early adventures drastically helped me building character made of steal and a powerful drive to prove them all wrong, especially when an English teacher once told me I would never ever speak or write English!

I guess he was seriously wrong on that one…Without those dramatic episodes I would not understand the true meaning of what it means to be an ADD or ADHD or the reasons why God did not allowed me to be able to listen to my first “teachers” or remember their teachings. I was set by the Cosmic Code to be born a turbo charged spirit because I had to own the key of what it means to be human outside of the conventional, traditional educational system.  Hands on experiences made me aware of the huge difference between education and intelligence and the fact that incredible experiences breed incredible people that have incredible wisdom to share.

The main reasons why some children will develop negatively following any abuses is set by their natal UCI * Unique Celestial Identity , not a single human will react the same way facing or dealing with a multitude of situations but without Cosmic Consciousness there is no option for the traditionally educated doctor to differentiate. Call it a glitch in the current failing educational system.As soon as the soul incarnate on this dense physical world, he/she karmically inherited a *UCI, this karmic celestial print encompass all sins and virtues, strengths and weaknesses of any and all human beings.

But science is yet unaware of this fact and keep erroneously assume all starts and finish in the human brain, omitting its subtle relationship to the Universal Mind and the Cosmic Code.Thus a child overloaded with feminine earthy planets i.e. Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn will be docile, sensitive and born a professional student. The strengths are showed intellectually and not physically.

Another child born with a masculine fiery planets i.e. Aries, Leo, Sagittarius will be more combative, aggressive and left uncontrolled translate into bullying. Another child such as in my case, overloaded with air sign and fire signs will add air in the fire and produce what traditionally educated psychologists refer as as ADD or ADHD. The perfect medical terms with an imperfect understanding of the phenomenon is what I am exposing to a perplexed scientific community.

Mommy please don’t turn me into a zombie with those pills

In the absence of highly spiritually advanced teachers serious problems as ADD, ADHD, bullying and a myriad of other mental problems can only elites, the professionals and benefit the pharmaceutical, insurances corporations and their accomplices doctors.

Science has  yet to acknowledge that people can only relate to each others and develop productively or destructively within our society because of their education, intelligence, experiences and most of all their natal karmic imposed  UCISpecific mental cases demand the use of powerful medications but I am also convinced some of these problems could be dealt without the use of dangerous drugs.

It is a known fact that a constant flow of poisonous thoughts (guilt/fear/anger etc.) can only lead to deep depressions and if left unchecked with time opens the door to a multitude of serious mental problems. As much as we are all vulnerable at any given time to experience an accident an “educated” person may be reluctant to accept that, we are all also subject to suffer “spiritual attacks” “psychic Accidents” and/or induced vicious curses. These occurrences are usually sent subconsciously by resentful enemies feeding an army of unseen but very real low entities from the astral planes.

But depraved of Cosmic Consciousness the scientific community can only excuse themselves and ridicule such variations just because their inherited logical UCI do not allow them to perceive the  archetypal realm of supra consciousness and its inner “occult” manifestations. This should explain why some people are more spiritual, creative, artistic and religious or logical, rational and develop an affinity to mathematics, engineering and science.But often with science the obvious become unperceptive because the UCI  lacks the intuitiveness needed to research or comprehend this type of  “manifesto.”

 Meantime studies on the “libido” has proven more on the intangible.  The concept of libido was first introduced by Sigmund Freud as the instinct energy or force, contained in what Freud called the id. Carl Jung defined libido as the free creative or psychic  energy an individual has to put toward personal development or individuation.

All these spiritual men were simply reflecting on what I perceive as a manifestation of the Cosmic Code interaction with the UCI or the human psyche. Yes I am just a little ahead of time of science on this one and if it was not for me to be an ADD or a serious case of ADHD I could not offer the scientific community with a new more accurate perspective. The only problem is : since 1991 no a single scientific group ever answered my requests to conduct experimentation on my expertise…


Anyone could be suffering such “evil”  influences and karmically attract the  “psychic / occultism”phenomenon in their existences. Especially if you created the messy situation making impossible for you to enjoy life, be productive, sleep or relax mentally. While we are all vulnerable to such dark experiences the evil destructive “psychic” energy process is very real and very active. Induced willingly, by accident or karmically one can only feed evil with a steady flow of fearful thoughts seeking poisonous medical attention that will make the situation worse with time.

This vicious energy immediately poison your auric personality and weaken the body mind and spirit at speed record. Depressions, panic attacks, leads to schizophrenia or worse suicidal thoughts, you are slowly losing the battle for sanity.

We are all susceptible to such “psychic” accidents making you especially vulnerable if you suffered a very dramatic or shocking experience or if you have been religiously poisoned since childhood.Regardless how the “psychic” energy was induced, being abused over the years or suddenly through a chock; the poisonous thoughts process is in place and the flux must be eliminated as soon as possible to avoid further physical or spiritual degradation.

This can only weaken the immune system and open door to infectious organism or worse stimulate cancer cells growth.Once more reader, each human being is unique and depending on your natal UCI, early abuses, chocking experiences and trauma or endless drama will make you become a victim making it very hard to integrate as a productive element of society.  

The fact is all humans are very different both physically and spiritually to each others. Our physical conception while identical genetically speaking (DNA) it is totally different on the spiritual plane.Science has not yet disassociated the physical DNA and its psychical *UCI counterpart, to them the mind is only perceive at a logical level and its many complex functions solely physical coming from certain area of the brain.

While this is an obvious proven scientific fact, their lack of objectivity and spiritual information stop them exploring the brain outside of their own five limited human senses. Thus missing the forest for the tree…All affairs of the human mind starts in the Universal Mind and ramifies its power in this dense physical world through the UCI.

Dr. TuriThe proof is seen with the tremendous religious choices offered to humans and their choices of faith while others are born to become scientists or atheists. Some cultures honor rats and cows while others will do all they can to destroy animals for consumption. Again the human UCI is predisposing the soul to the like, dislike, religious (or not) intonations, health, fate, strengths and an incalculable amount of spiritual variations that make us so different to each others.

And that is the beauty of being human being so different to each others as a race. Again do not expect science to buy into my very advanced spiritual material just yet but with time when both the physical and spiritual information/education balance is established discussions and researches on the subject will prove Dr. Turi was right all along. The science of Astropsychology will one day be taught and accepted as a solid discipline in all colleges and Universities.

All Truths evolve through 3 Stages of Consciousness…

First, they are Ridiculed,
Next, they are Violently Opposed, and 
Then, they are Accepted as Self-Evident!

I treat these disorders my own safe way in my healing room and got fabulous results using both Hypnotherapy and Astropsychology or Cabalistic Natural Healing. If you know someone or if yourself suffer heavy depressions let me help you regenerate your spirit before its becomes too late.

Call Terania at 602-265-7667 or email her at to set up a live Skype consultation VIP or a 90 mn taped Full Life reading, because my services are real and much cheaper and will eliminate the chances for you to become a statistics of the mentioned diseases.

Psychosis/Schizophrenia:This mental disorder usually depicts a reclusive, socially awkward, indisposed character with poor or inappropriate feelings and an inability to perform or function well in our society. The inward world of hallucinations is too much for the subject who is victimized by these make-believe, destructive and grandiose thought processes. This type of hallucinatory person, over a period of time, will need assistance and become dependent on other family members that will demand constant supervision. Neptune (confusion), the planet of deception, plays an important part in all mental disorders, and when badly aspected by Pluto (destruction) or Mercury (mental processes), the worst is to be expected. My 525 page book “The Power of the Dragon”offers tremendous information on the UCI of famous and infamous people, serial killers, Presidents etc.

Hard aspects by disturbing planets like Uranus, Pluto, Neptune, or Mars to the Dragon’s Tail (past lives) are also a strong possibility to induce mental disorders. In some cases, the amount of past-lives residue is still much too strong to be controlled by the soul due to a speedy karmic reincarnation on earth. An obvious example is seen with the life and fate of Paul Jennings Hill (anti-abortion activist/murderer), falling victim to the residue of his past life as a woman (Dragon’s Tail in Cancer — protective of the womb/mother), bringing children into this world. There are countless of other aspects to take in consideration using Astropsychology disciplines.


This mental disorder is characterized by a strong desire for excitement, drama, attention, and constant reassurance. The hysterical personality will do all that he can to attract attention and exaggerate the situation. This type of endeavor is seen within the melodramatic performance of an actor in a televised soap opera or on the big screen. A hard aspect to a Dragon’s Tail, the moon (emotions) or/and Mercury (communication) in Leo (love) combined with other nefarious planets such as Neptune (acting) Pluto (drama) when exaggerated can very well produce hysteria.

The desire for attention, drama and respect from others is quite strong and produce also exhibitionists, ready to shock others to gain the desperate attention there are craving for. There are countless of other aspects to take in consideration using Astropsychology disciplines. My new book “Beyond The Secret” offers a unique understanding on how the creative/destructive forces of the subconscious could be harvested to reach emotional, financial and spiritual stability.

Dissociative States:Dissociate states occur when a person is under great stress from external influences, other people’s cruelty or deeply felt previous internal conflicts with a disturbing immediate situation. The moon (emotion) in Pisces (sensitivity) on the Dragon’s Tail (karma) in this sign becomes a major contribution to the dilemma. This affliction brings dissociation with others, especially to the family. The upbringing is usually very dramatic and the subject learns early in childhood to cope with traumatic sexual or emotional abuse. If the Dragon’s Tail (negative) affects the 4th house (home/family) in the sign of Scorpio (sex) or if there is any hard aspects to the Moon (home) and Pluto (death) drama suicide will occur.Often they are forced to learn to disconnect from their feelings to avoid emotional or physical pain. By adulthood, their emotions are locked behind protective walls and can be accessed as needed.

A strong Pluto (power) aspect to Mercury (the mind), and the Moon (emotions) gives the subject a powerful will to dissociate himself from whatever is going on around him so that emotional or physical pain can be avoided. The strength of Pluto, aspects to Mercury and theIn extreme cases these individuals do experience periods of “missing time,” confusion and disorientation. Sad enough, “The Little Queen” Jon Benett, was murdered at home. The police suspect the parents for good reasons. She was a Leo (fame/stage) and at an early age displayed her gift as an entertainer. The 4th house (home/family members) happens to be in the dramatic sign of Scorpio (death/sex) and clearly indicates where death and drama did enter the life of the subject.

Sociopathic Personality:

This disorder commonly called Multiple Personality Disorder or MPD is usually found with people born with a strong negative affliction to Mercury (the mind) and hard aspects to the Dragon’s Tail in Gemini. They do learn at an early age to lie to avoid trouble, and they are also somehow superficial and have problems with established rules and authority. The past-life residue in Gemini (double personality) is not yet eliminated or understood by the subject and is used in the form of manipulation and deceit.

Reluctant to obtain education due to a poor memory, or a lack of attention, many of them end up as a “Jack of all trades,” unable to focus and crystallize the thought processes.Afflicted by negative Mercury (Lord of the Thieves), they appear to be charming and smooth in their dealings, but they can be manipulative and insensitive. In order to stay alive, in previous past lives, the soul mastered the art of stealing and lying to survive. Many of them were involved in metaphysical work and had to perform their second occupation at night. Their endeavors involved witchcraft, healing with herbs, plants, using the Cabala and astrology. To avoid serious repercussion from the church authority of their time, they developed a gift of disguise, were lying and adapting fast to any situation meant saving their precious life.

Attention Deficit Disorder (A.D.D.): This has nothing to do with MPD and should be considered a serious gift from God. Curious by nature and intellectually challenging, an ADD ADHD person is, by nature (and purposely) ill equipped to accept all forms of codification of thoughts. Thus, avoiding traditional education, an A.D.D. (Einstein/Clinton/myself) will sidestep the barrier of traditional education and breach the barrier of what was previously thought of as impossible. Nevertheless, discipline and basic education should be encouraged to promote the inborn genius quality of the A.D.D. ADHD subject so that he can be prosperous later in life. Knowing how your child’ UCI was “programmed” at birth becomes a serious contribution for his/her greatness and a life of incredible achievements .

Paranoid Personality:

A strong negative aspect to the moon (feelings) Mercury (the mind) and the Dragon’s Tail (past lives) in Pisces (deception) is predisposing the soul for a network for distorted ideas, fears, and uncontrolled imagination. Self-analysis is very difficult, if not impossible, with this individual who has serious trouble accepting his own intensely emotional and destructive imagination. An attraction to chemicals, drugs, and alcohol is also very common and act as a shield against the harsh reality of the physical world. Lacking objectivity, this individual rejects the reality of his own feelings and directs them toward other people, believing that they are the ones with the offensive intent.

Although very attracted to the intangible, this soul is a terminal one and should not participate in hypnotic regression sessions or psychic séances. Due to his deceiving Neptunial interstellar conception, this soul is a prime target for possession or invasion by low astral entities. The tremendous amount of dramatic subconscious memories from the past-life residue makes it very difficult to distinguish fiction from reality. Mother Teresa is a perfect example suffering daily paranoiac attacks where she had to receive regular “cleansing” from a Vatican “exorcist” following her every steps until she died.To protect society from all of the dangerous neurotics, all psychiatry, psychology and neuroscience can do is, with the use of powerful drugs, control the expression of the fear rather than erase it completely from the memory bank.

However the use of chemicals can only further the degradation of the fragile psyche of the individual and should be avoided at all cost. Those souls inherited a very fragile UCI and are prone to very negative reaction to all chemicals that could induce more stress, confusion and paralysis to the subject.Scientists must do a very different type of research in order to evaluate the real subtle Cosmic Code interactive forces producing the mental sickness of an individual.

Accurately diagnosing a mentally sick patient is winning more than half of the battle. Only then, with the help of these drugs, a preventive therapeutic mental regeneration will take place, allowing the patient to avoid further mental deterioration. Nothing physical of any value, (unless diseased) is to be found in the complexity of the brain’s (computer) physical, subatomic structure. The answer is not within, but outside of the human brain, well above our scientists’ heads, in the Universal Mind or in the stars.Understanding and using the work of the ancients can only stop a waste of time in absurd dangerous, costly speculations depleting our financial resources.

This capital should be used to revive and further the much older, deeper and more reliable forfeited knowledge that resides within the Cosmic Code jurisdictions. Doing so will re-establish the direct relationship with man’s psyche direct relationship with the universal mind and God celestial creation. But who is to invest in my work at this stage when our political, religious and scientific leaders are not willing to upgrade their own spiritual limitation?

In any case be sure that following abuse, a shock such as loss of a dear one, a pet, a lover even a job could lead to chronic depressions and if left unchecked this continuous negative thoughts process feed the evil of sickness making you very vulnerable in the long run. I am here to help you before it becomes too late. You can count on me to take good care of you.Dr. Turi services

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi

“If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!~ Dalai Lama and Dr. Turi

 HELP ME FIGHT THE ILLUMINATI WITH MY REALITY SHOW PROPOSALall_seeing_eyeL’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain listen to my latest radio show with Ted Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!JOIN US SHOW YOUR SUPPORT! BECOME A VIP If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order” Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 


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