Year: 2014

Gupta ‘I am doubling down DECEPTION’ on medical marijuana!



 ”For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice… 

Dr. Turi

Gupta Another Successful Monkey Graduation

Gupta: ‘I am doubling down’ on medical marijuana

Dear readers;

How can another concerned school principal make a difference battling dangerous gangs when, born pot heads doctors like Gupta, use the news-media with their medical “expertise” to further serve the scientific abusive matrix?   Gupta must keep it up but rest assured, the dramatic results will be plain to see in the next few years readers…

They are already scientists working in their  laboratories “mixing” up drugs and weed making new and very toxic potions to battle the illusive gene creating criminals,  bullies and gays! And these new drugs will bring more suicides, more madness and more billions in revenues to more pharmaceutical corporations.  Is there any end of stupidity in sight for humanity?

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

Albert Einstein

Born in October, why would Gupta give up a Libra bad habit he nurtured since he was a young medical student? But when you own full cosmic consciousness there is no secrets even Gupta can keep hidden, and this is why you have Dr. Turi exposing the undiluted truth to millions of readers on a daily base.

The real reasons why Dr.Sanjay Gupta changed his mind on weed
 Weed, the builder of future monsters 


Fenger High School Principal Liz Dozier confronts gang violence and shootings to save her school and her students.  ‘The parent of hundreds of kids’  'The parent of hundreds of kids'

What’s happening to your children America when The monsters of the future are build by those schools… The chances for Liz to be killed by gang members selling weed to your kids are very high but this dedicated woman is not aware of the psychical problem cursing all US schools and universities.

I explained the phenomena and what to do in  “Nancy Lanza, science and education killed Adam first!” but the educated and/or God fearing morons making up my black email list, keep asking me to remove them instead of using their influential positions to help me save their children…

To me those unconcerned, less than human beings should be ashamed for being mentally and physically motionless. Yes I blame them all for being toxic to humanity, cosmic unconscious and the peons of their own cursed undeveloped UCI!

After reading “Vladimir Putin Crime Scene in Crimea & Dr. Turi 2014 Arian Draconis Predictions a reader sent me this email and our exchange may explain more on their mental aptitude…

“Putin is not Hitler DT………I’m tired of all these people who use Hitler. Hitler was a mass murderer and maniac. As far as politics, Hitler was a socialist and the last I looked Hillary calling Putin Hitler is like the pot calling the kettle black.


DT Rebuttal: lolo! nothing to do with Hitler D…, you are right… its a metaphor I used a long time ago and it became an obvious one, but you have no knowledge of the cosmic code or how it works. Again you are using LOGIC (and politics) when I am dealing with the archetypal realm of consciousness (and the cosmic code…)

Be cool my friend

Indeed that is the problem of all High School Principals, parents, teachers and  99.999% of a non cosmic world, not only Liz Dozier… The rational mind has been trained and feed endlessly with solid information needed to lead a successful professional life on this big rock! But you can not do so at the expense of the spirit and ignore or avoid cosmic education!  And religion won’t work!


 Be part of God’s Divinity and further Cosmic Education for the children of the future.

This is the perfect illustration representing the human “educated” head/mind set, trapped in all its complex earthy, geopolitical  and religious affairs… But is is also the missing piece of a puzzle millions of people may not be able nor allowed to uncover just yet! Even with my help, dedication and perseverance, only a fraction of spiritually born human beings can and will assimilate a cosmic phenomenology!

But as the days passes, revisiting my work, my videos and my articles is helping some of you to slowly breach the gap, for the spirit you were yesterday is no more…  Time is the ultimate and  only friend,  you and I truly own… I will take this opportunity to thank the endless chain of new VIP’s joining the Cosmic Code website everyday, it seems my efforts and my messages are finally going through! Indeed my legitimacy, humility and integrity is perceived as such by those my readers…  And together we will become a force the world will have to reckon and deal with…

Those new generations are not  “cosmically” set  to become the religious children of the past, they are not Neptunian prone, and many of those kids simply despise religions. But their destitute spirit is drying fast opening the door to rationalism and atheism and with it separatism.

Without legitimate spiritual regeneration the option to uncover and control their cosmic identity is non existent… And all they have is escapism through gang affiliations, a life of crimes and the use and abuse of drugs. And an “educated” medical doctor Gupta is endorsing weed?  Where is is head gone, in his A..?  Remember readers, those who pretend to be the experts in their particular field are often the least knowledgeable because cosmic consciousness is missing…

In a world where political leaders assign themselves to religious archaic convictions and trust its infantile scientific community only extreme stupidity can plague the rest of humanity.

Dr. Turi

When the scientific community finally realize the direct connection between the human mind and the Universal mind they will also understand what the children need to survive and prosper psychically…  Until then there is no safe place on earth…

Indeed a traditional education is what allow society to perform and grow steadily, but the facts are UNDENIABLE, this world is becoming a much more dangerous unstable dementic place for all children and the adults alike! And 50 years goes by really fast!

Only when the elites of education allow all the children to drink at the source of  God’s eternal cosmic wisdom will this world stop producing the monsters of the future. All I can do is keep the motion alive, as more and more responsible mothers realize the urgency of bringing their children back  to the cosmic spirit of a God that was stolen from them two thousands years ago… China Monsters Today? Failing Education!

The problem is at the source of education and this is why Adam Lanza picked Sandy Hook Elementary School and all those children died in the name of an incomplete education, and those sacrifices can not be wasted! 

 I am not a monster, I am an innocent victim of today’s rational and incomplete education and I lost my spirit along the way! Help Dr. Turi to put and end to all those over educated adults stupidity please… A Generation of Born OCD?” 

Do not expect the experts, your government, pope Francis  and all abusive controlling educational religious/scientific matrixes  to care about your children welfare when they know nothing of a illusive cosmic God. I do and you know its not about money nor fame… I got it all already, true love, emotional financial and spiritual stability and at 64, at the autumn of my life all I want is to share this priceless wisdom with you and your children…


“If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

~ Dalai Lama and Dr. Turi

Justin Elledge interview Dr. Turi March 12, 2014 from 7pm to 8pm – Don’t miss this show! 



L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

 listen to my latest radio show with Ted

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 


Cara Santa Maria, Science, Religions and Hitler’s Spirit!



“If you make people think they will love you but if you really make them think the way I do then they will hate you”  Take a chance on your spirit, claim the undiluted truth,  think outside of the controlling matrix in charge of the media!

WATCH: Shocking Video Reveals Hitler’s Spirit at work Worldwide

Dear Readers:

After watching the video can you still deny my vision of an explosion of racism all over the world? Did you acknowledge my 2014 Arian Draconis predictions yet and most of all reader, did you do your part to bring real answers to the millions of God fearing hijacked spirits?

There are 875 different denominations cursing the world and 21 major world religions today. About 1 billion of  atheists do not profess belief in any religion and ridicule anything spiritual. How in God’s name is it possible to enjoy peace on earth without cosmic consciousness and so much separatism?

Indeed the Age of Pisces is coming to its ugly end and through my “Cosmic Cyber University” all I can do is to bring more light to an ever changing world!

All this archaic perception of the divine can only add potent fuel for humanity to, soon or later, self destruct! Indeed we have only fifty years to wake up to the reality a rigid cosmic God speaking his divinity from the heavens because my 1995 predictions of a world wide religious war is now irrefutable!


Here is a list of the religious matrixes hijacking the human spirit, all dedicated to advertise on CNN, FOX Google etc. All they want is to gain your financial support to maintain power, control and their own accepted religious supremacy.  This is the human psychical dirty, smelly sewer with too many poisonous pipes reaching and tainting your children spirits…

1. Christianity 2.1 billion 2. Islam 1.3 billion 3. Secular/Irreligious/Agnostic/Atheist 1.1 billion 4. Hinduism 900 million 5. Chinese traditional religion 394 million 6. Buddhism 376 million (see also buddhism by country) 7. Primal indigenous 300 million 8. African traditional and diasporic 100 million 9. Sikhism 23 million 10. Juche 19 million 11. Spiritism 15 million 12. Judaism 14 million 13. Bahá’í Faith 7 million 14. Jainism 4.2 million 15. Shinto 4 million 16. Cao Dai 4 million 17. Zoroastrianism 2.6 million 18. Tenrikyo 2 million 19. Neopaganism 1 million 20. Unitarian Universalism 800,000 21. Rastafari movement 600,000

Its either you sell your soul to any of the above denominations and become another deceived Neptunian or challenge yourself outside of your inserted fears and comfort limited spiritual zone!  Astrology and religions are ONE but the controlling educational religious matrixes are not about to let go of their lazy, deceptive lifestyle! They will battle to the death to keep the control and financial security and will never teach your children the undiluted truth.

The same apply for the scientific *atheist matrixes, NASA, USGS Mars One  who regardless of my endless repetitive undeniable hits predicting very large earthquakes, will never honor science and investigate my cosmic work.  Indeed the battle between religion and science is on!

In fact they even ignored my emails offering them the opportunity to check my obvious claims. Remember readers, those established, wealthy corporations and their very survival depend on your tax dollar and your donations and they are the very core of the problems you, your children and the world is enduring today!

I am still amazed to see the “mental” deplorable dance all those “born young souls” the atheists, the skeptics, the agnostics and scientists alike are all engaged in! Will they ever acknowledge they are part of the OCD, nerds generation?

Can Cara know more than a man twice her age with hands on experiences?

Can a an old Chef about to retire know better about food than a kid fresh out of the culinary school with a piece of paper showing his credited “education?”  Can all the erudite souls  born before all those “educated” kids know better about life, the earth, the cosmos and what it means to be human? Guess what this generation of OCD of well read idiots truly think they know better!

I wonder how old Cara Santa Maria is, “TALK NERDY TO ME” but one thing is sure, I knew she was born in October well before doing some research on the Internet! And I was right, she was born  October 19, 1983 under the eternal student sign of Libra! 

Yes she is the direct target of the new 2014 Arian Draconis forcing Cara to uncover her cosmic-self and aim for the reality of a Cosmic God above… But if she read about her Sun sign using modern Astrology instead of Astropsychology, chances are she won’t be too impressed, or may be assume I am another psychic?

She earned a B.S. in psychology from University of North Texas in 2004. Yes Libra rules traditional psychology but Cara would gain so much more mastering the science of Astropsychology and then auto-analyze herself and the world she lives in correctly!

Incidentally my niece (also born in October) is a doctor oceanographer and I told my sister when she arrived in the world, “you will never have to tell her to open and read a book!

Cara’s moon (emotions) in Pisces (religions/oceans) stimulated the perfect attraction to the religious and educational matrixes whoring around with the news-media. Indeed she was ” molded” to serve the Iluminati to influence and impose a form of educational “psychical/mental” control.  But I doubt Cara is aware of being the peon of both her natal UCI s *stars and the Iluminati!

Furthermore her negative Tail of the Dragons is located in the sign of Sagittarius (Universities / colleges / codification of thoughts / books / bible etc.) making her inborn cursed scholarly UCI unable to enter the archetypal realm of cosmic supra-consciousness and the intuitional domain of my work!

She is a DUAL, this mean she is cursed to enjoy/suffer endless repetitions and repercussions of all she did and will do in life. Another word she is involved in a myriad of projects that open endless doors to more projects! If she land on my work and read all about Libra her religious and scientific “educated” convictions will override her curiosity to learn more  about a Cosmic God from me! Be smart check on your cosmic identity, your gifts, sins and virtuesand your relationship with a Cosmic God!

“Its a miracle for curiosity to survive education!” Albert Einstein 

The fact is Cara is the end successful  product of the many controlling matrixes she belongs to and the perfect reflection of what a genius like Einstein foresaw and warn all scientists about…

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. We will not solve the problems of the world from the same level of thinking we were at when we created them.More than anything else, this new century demands new thinking: We must change our materially based analyses of the world around us to include broader, more multidimensional perspectives.”

 ~Albert Einstein*

Indeed those kids have so much to learn from the elders who share a very old and different UCI! But little do they know that age is not measured in human years but with the accumulation of previous lifetimes and various experiences! I doubt very much Cara Santa Maria is not a conservative religiously poisoned young soul denying and ridiculing UFO too!

UFO”s Are Very Real  –  And So Is The Legacy! – What Did They Do To Me?

Imagine for a second if all the pilots of the world were ordered by the FAA tomorrow to fly their planes using only their own language or their personal religion? Imagine the world as a HUGE airplane and all the pilots speaking and believing only on the codification of thoughts provided by their particular belief system, all trying to fly the skies safely!

Let me use this simple analogy to offer the real answers to the utmost complex problems humanity has created for itself!  Each human being alive today could be compared as an airplane but unless ALL human beings “pilots” decides to learn and speak a universal language  (English/Cosmic Code) they could not understand each others and the various safety rules. This is exactly what is currently happening in the world through the Age of Aquarius, its technology, its cyber space connecting us faster and closer than ever before!

With all those wars and discord,  with all the drama and deaths religions brought us,  the world is slowly realizing its errors while (through my Cosmic Cyber University)  the curious souls are learning a Universal Code,  a Universal cosmic language, a Cosmic God endlessly expressing his will through the signs…

Thus if you do not learn the complexity of the electronics making up the plane navigational systems, if you do not learn how to read the navigational maps, and if you do not learn the Universal language or English / the cosmic code, the most advanced, safer, powerful airplane ever built will never take off and fly!

Atheists, agnostics, skeptics and scientists alike are all young souls trapped on earth 

See your life, your human body as such, a beautiful wonderful perfect piece of technology made up of blood, bones and flesh but without a spirit (God’s divinity/intelligence/cosmic consciousness/education/intuition/perception) this airplane will never take off and instead stay grounded in its fears and misery. Meantime other planes will attack you because you are Jewish or christian…

The limitless wide open space, its beauty, marvel, the marvelous spectacles of the earth moving below, the sun set, the brightness of the moon in the frigid night sky above will never be yours! Your are like a bird with no wings or worse a bird drenched in oil because of a religious matrix Iluminati corporation ( a Neptunian.)

Yes the scientists are still looking down to the earth entrails to find out the very secret of what induce earthquakes at no avail. Vast fortunes are wasted building bigger and more sophisticated geological equipment designed to do more costly ridiculous scientific experiments! Today geologists are still trapped on earth looking through their microscopes and telescopes for a God that escape their over “educated” logical minds!

But I am from the future and I am still confident for my life work and the legacy left by my Cosmic Cyber University will serve all Astrogeologists of the future well…

I am so aware of the so many abusive religious and scientific educational  matrixes monopolizing the media,  but regardless how confined and rational their inherited critical thinking is, God’s cosmic divinity belongs to all his children, and all they need is time!

The Universal language and/or the Cosmic Code jurisdiction is very real but it will take some time for the human religious and scientific folly transcending all spirits on earth to finally wake up to God cosmic will…

Every single day another religious, media and religious matrix is being born and with it more ridiculousness and more challenges  to beat the evil of an never ending cosmic ignorance.

Indeed, like the human body and its growing physical shell, it will take some time for many of you to upgrade to a higher psychical vibrations. Perceiving God’s cosmic reality and freeing the spirit from so many Illuminati matrixes oppression is a demanding endless task … But I am sure I am making progress with some of my readers!

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi

“If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

~ Dalai Lama and Dr. Turi



L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

 listen to my latest radio show with Ted

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 



‘The devil has got to her’ Miley Ray Cyrus Born A Porn Star?


The gravitational forces that move all galaxies is a scientific fact;   But the greatness of the spiritual cosmic manifesto is yet a mystery to humanity. God’s enslaved all his children to uncover his cosmic  Divinity and with it,  a life filled with health, love, respect, peace and harmony for all.

— Dr. Turi

Hello readers;

‘The devil has got to her’: Residents of Miley Cyrus’ conservative hometown recall sweet-as-can-be cheerleader who they believe has been corrupted by fame!

This is a recovered article I wrote back in August 30, 2013 describing the young star’s Plutonic/Neptunian UCI.  I decided to share it publicly. I took it from our “Cosmic cyber university” as to bring more awareness to a the non cosmic conscious Christians, skeptics and atheist and/or scientific groups fearing or ridiculing a God they know nothing about!

She is reptilius infected, thanks to the drugs she must ingest daily to survive her famous life-style. Her Scorpionic UCI makes her  more vulnerable and the reptilius have no problem at all hijacking the mind of any  immature celebrities.

Religious fanatics from all walks of life (ISIS all the way to the righteous bible head teaching you) including atheists and your average Joes are infected and unable to realize or accept the evil mental obsession/possession!   A false God disguised as Satan run this world! 

We all wonder why  some people do what they do and this article written before” Will Miley Cyrus Survive A Mixture of Weed and Medications?” should clarify Miley Cyrus cosmic identity! Thus, if you wonder why, from an innocent, little girl she matured into a sensual “devil” I will bring you the all the correct answers, science and religions will never ever be able to decipher…

I am only the results of my karmic UCI

Miley Ray Cyrus born November 23, 1992 in the constellation of Scorpio 

Again Miley is just another unconscious soul neurotically and subconsciously acting out her natal stars in front of a shocked cosmic unconscious world!

The scientific community has a lot to learn from the cosmic code jurisdictions and all the concerned parents should help to educate/warn their children before reaching puberty. See the young monsters of ignorance, produced by the controlling educational entertainment matrix exposing the obvious evil /sensual/sexual UCI they are made of to a blind nation…

You need this rare cosmic wisdom or see your sons and daughters growing up worse than them.  Times have changed, and you should try and relate to the reality of a cosmic God...

“No problem can ever be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” If we are to put an end to the insanity that has a death grip on our collective sensibilities, then we all need to move to a higher level of consciousness before it is too late.

Albert Einstein

Miley was born  in November under the sign of sensual, passionate Scorpio. The powerful, sexual, magnetic planet Pluto resides on herself. Furthermore, her Moon (emotions)  and Mercury (the mind) are all in very close contact to the “Lord of Hades” making her prone to attract and deal with many other Plutonic souls.

 Astropsychology teaches that; this sign rules sex, death, drama and usually the police  WILL enter the subject’s life if the subject find no way positive ways to regenerate or lack awareness of such Plutonic karmic UCI.  

She is unable to either control or understand her personal cosmic matrix that will in time send her to the hospital and probably take her life in one of her future “unlucky biorhythms.”

Her natal Dragon’s Tail is located in the DUAL sign of Gemini where she, like Pope Francis, will always attract bad press when she least expect it.

 Her dual personality Gemini Draconis makes her live and experience two very different lives and this dragon indeed attracts serious bad criminal elements involving weird, unhealthy secret sexual endeavors her own cosmic unconscious parents are unaware of. As a rule this dragon brings animosity and discord with siblings!

For Miley, Neptune (poisoning of the body, mind and soul/religions/drugs/movies) reign over her 3rd house ( regulator of the mind) making her prone to use/abuse chemicals/weed/medications  She will soon display the worse of her cosmic nature and what we saw in her concert was just a warning of the more dramatic affairs ahead of her in her life.

With the negative Tail of the Dragon in the sign of Gemini she could also perish travelling but in all, unless she becomes cosmic aware and apply her will to control her destructive UCI,  she will never enjoy a long life.  The stars do not lie readers and she shares the same dragons as many serial killers such as O.J. Simpson,  Casey AnthonyVan Der Sloot and many other infamous souls.

While there are many more crucial information about her fate and character I pointed out only the worse manifestations of her natal UCI because famous or not, she will in time become the victim of her powerful destructive stars.

Indeed the controlling educational religious and scientific matrixes never produced nor will ever employ highly spiritually cosmic conscious advanced spiritual teachers. This mean  you are watching Miley slowly turning into yet, another victimized MONSTER!  

This type of information is important for any parents because your children are like Miley Cyrus under the power of the stars! Turning your “ADHD” children into zombies or trusting famous doctors is simply wrong, unless you want them to be born autistic. 

 SHAME SHAME Dr. Sanjay Gupta First Legal US Drug Lord? SHAME SHAME 

Please check this small video

Photo of Shelley Lubben

I am only the results of my karmic UCI

Porn star Shelley Lubben  was born May 18, 1968 under the money oriented sign of Taurus fueling all her actions and need for financial security.  She is not able to be successful or in demand as she used to be and with Mars (drive) and Mercury (communication/writing) she became a new sexual “Talking Head.”

Pluto the sexual “debauchee” planet and Uranus (television) rules her 5th house of speculations and accentuate her drive to publicize her powerful sexual instincts. The 5th house rules also the seat of attraction or the many other Plutonic souls she attracted during her career as a porn star.

The most obvious element leading her to her career is her Dragon’s Tail in Libra in her 6th house of work and service to the world, attracting a multitude of wrong relationships. Libra rules also contracts and she signed a few of those where she lost her ass because she was not “Moon conscious” and signed when ever it was presented to her.

The Tail of the Dragon in the 6th house of health also enunciate the high probability of contracting STD’s.  Neptune rules her 7th house (the public/movies) and the drug planet of deception rules also any and all form of religions and why she cleverly used it as a lure to the many cosmic unconscious people she attracts lecturing around. A mixture of guilt and religion lead her to turn around against the porn industry.

You Will Fall Under My Scorpius Hypnotic Gaze

The fact is Shelley Lubben  faces the world as a revengeful Scorpio (sex/power) and she is in a row to make more money by trashing those who “abused” her financially and emotionally.  Many Taurus born benefit from the powerful hypnotic gaze or magnetic Scorpius eyes, or the signature of the devil in disguise…

 The lucky head of the Dragon in Aries (leader of the mind) is located in the 12th house of secrets, dark sexual affairs where all the filming is made away from the public eye. She became a famous porn star in the process and no one watch porn during the day, in public or in the middle of the living room with the kids around.

While she is still a revengeful, power angry sensual Scorpio facing the world, her fate is set for her to experience the worse of all WRONG relationships. Then with time turn around to teach younger females of all the danger and abuses porn brings.  Libra rules the laws and her nasty dragon’s tail brought her many injustices and valuable learning experiences. She now is able to make a better use of the  psychology, the drive for justice and harmony Libra is set to accomplish.

Luckily for me my Aries Dragon’s Head (luck/growth) speak of me as a leader of the mind in the world of light. But many priests and TV evangelists were born with a Libra dragon’s tail (the laws) in the subconscious and those lost souls speak of God’s laws they will never perceive nor understand.

Indeed her natal karmic UCI lead her to a “sexual” fate – Sad enough today’s cosmic unconscious teachers will never ever be able to educate your children on their natal UCI and apply their will against the powerful pull of their natal stars.

No my work is  not for the feeble minded, my pearls of wisdom belongs to those intuitive and wise enough to ask for my rare cosmic wisdom.  Join thousands of people on the cosmic code, become a VIP today, do not miss your September 2013 Moon Transits – September 2013 Daily Guidance and Predictions – September 2013 Elaborated Horoscope For All Signs and all my future educational Cosmic Code newsletters. Stand by for more soon VIP’s! go to Cosmic Coders Only group to read more!


Father of dead baby smoked pot next to car

Indeed this father was born a Neptunian and his child paid the price of his cosmic ignorance and psychical weakness. But like the Porn Industry matrix the pot matrix brings a lot of money to the criminals or the system and this child was just a victim of a cosmic unconscious society totally unaware of the power of Neptune or what it means for his father to be born a Neptunian.

The controlling  traditional and religious Neptunian matrixes will never ever in a million years warn you or your children of your cosmic divinity and impending fate. In fact keeping you in fear and cosmic ignorant is the Iluminati only way to keep power and control over you.   ITS ALL ABOUT MONEY, POWER AND GREED where the very system creates POT HEADS set naturally/cosmically to become POT HEADS!

Setting the bail to $100 K is not always the answer, punishing a cosmic unconscious dad is all the  abusive system matrix WILL do though no one was there to teach him about Neptune deceptive power slowly turning him into a monster. And that doesn’t mean he would be any different either. Seems the evil of ignorance will never stop collecting his victims.

There is only ONE Universal Cosmic Matrix interacting with billions of personal matrix interacting with your  UCI and its time for humanity to pay attention to God’s new cosmic identity! Listen for more!



September 2013 Daily Guidance and Predictions

September 2013 Elaborated Horoscope For All Signs


Thank you again for your support and trust in my work…



Will Miley Cyrus Survive A Mixture of Weed and Medications?


Watch this video

Miley Cyrus tweets pic from hospital bed

(CNN) — Miley Cyrus suffered “a severe allergic reaction to antibiotics” and has been hospitalized, her rep told CNN Tuesday. Her Tuesday night “Bangerz” tour concert at the Sprint Center in Kansas City, Missouri, has been canceled, according to a statement from the arena.

Photos: Evolution of Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus, beautiful, young, sexy, famous but cosmic unconscious!

“Cyrus has been hospitalized for a severe allergic reaction to antibiotics and has been placed on medical rest by her doctors,” the statement said. “She will not be able to perform as scheduled.” The 21-year-old singer was not too ill to tweet from her Kansas City hospital bed, though.

“Kansas I promise Im as (heartbroken) as you are. I wanted so badly 2 b there 2night. Not being with yall makes me feel s–ttier than I already do,” she wrote in a Twitter message to fans Tuesday afternoon. “Mr. Octopussy & some amazing Drs are taking good care of me,” Cyrus wrote in tweet that included a photo of her in a hospital bed wearing a gown. She was holding a green octopus toy in front of her face. Cyrus fell ill with the flu earlier this month, causing the cancellation of a concert in Charlotte, North Carolina.”

Dear Readers; Read also “‘The devil has got to her’ Miley Ray Cyrus Born A Porn Star?

Yes and I am the first cousin of pope Francis and Obama is my younger brother from another mother… The beauty of being cosmic conscious is to be able to bypass all BULL coming from the media controlling matrix and see the undiluted truth as it is.

Dr. Turi on the Jerry Pippin radio show! 

To those who read the few articles I wrote in October 2013 about Miley Cyrus soul there won’t be no doubting of the values of my work deciphering the human character (or the UCI)  and my predictive work endlessly unfolding “Four blood moons” April 15/16/17 and 23/24/25 2014 Cardinal Grand Cross Predictions.

Memo” This is recovered newsletter produced 10/01/2013 ( and 7 months later my prediction came to pass!)

Miley Cyrus: ‘Weed is the best drug’  Miley Cyrus: 'Weed is the best drug'

Self destruction – “Its my Nature”, said the Scorpion Read more!



Miley Cyrus Sexual Wrecking Balls VS Rion Paige Pure Innocence

Miley Ray Cyrus & Shelley Lubben Born Porn Stars?

It is a well known fact, Miley Cyrus not only endorse weed but used pot much of her life! Will she  now survive her doctors error by mixing weed and medications? Micheal Jackson, Whitney Huston and so many others did not! Incidentally many of my Internet enemies challenge me for not being an “accredited” doctor, and while I taught and army of doctors and  “Who is Who” in America in the medical profession, I never killed anyone since I started my career back in 1991!

Indeed there is a big difference between education and intelligence and by taking Miley Cyrus case as an example NOT to always trust our infantile science, I can only hope for her speedy recovery!  We all remember Bruce Lee (also a Scorpio) and how he left us with his premature death, the stars do not lie and like a beacon of love, by adding  and guiding our prayers we can help Miley to pull through!

Memo: “Indeed Miley reflects the worse of the  Scorpius Neptunian negative energy she inherited!  –  I already gave quite a lot of information in my previous newsletter about her UCI but her latest public announcement using and endorsing pot is a sure sign to where Neptune will lead her either to jail, mental institution, hospital or the morgue…” And she is not the only one abusing legal and illegal drugs who will suffer this dragon in Hollywood!  Rapper severs penis, jumps off building – ‘Growing Pains’ star talks addiction…and everywhere else!

Mom, 44, shot dead ‘in front of kids by husband who was hallucinating after eating a marijuana cookie’

 SHAME SHAME Dr. Sanjay Gupta First Legal US Drug Lord? SHAME SHAME 

Thus the chances for this young famous soul to make it alive the next two weeks or the next two years are very remote and if you are one of her fan, you may want to get my “2014 Personal Dragon Forecast” and mail it to her. If she manage her way out of her cocktail of legal and illegal drugs and read my warnings for Scorpio, and assimilate my work, you may even save her life! If you were yourself born in November, have a rising, a natal or hidden dragon  in this sign, you may read and be prepared yourself!

Update: 04/17/2014 – I will now elaborate more of the future of Miley Cyrus on my “Cosmic Cyber University” –  Because of the importance of her situation and my drive to warn all kids to stay away from weed I decided to share the following publicly!

Simply stated, with the Dragon’s Tail  right on her 6th house of health healing will be lengthy  process Miley Cyrus faces long recovery! The chances for her to expire due to respiratory complications or brain complications are real and severe and I can only hope she will get better before her next negative cosmic biorhythms dates  due to affect Miley just before and after the new New Moon of April 29th! Let’s pray for this famous kid, she needs it bad, its that serious!

The Stars and Fate of Miley Cyrus

“Miley was suffering from a sinus infection during her tour in N.C. a week ago. She was prescribed the antibiotic Cephalexin which she has now suffered an extreme allergic reaction to,” the statement said. “This type of extreme reaction can last from five to 27 days in these types of cases.”

Again it does not take a genius to realize her regular weed use and abuses combined with “normal” medications do not agree and  her doctors poisoned herself. There is no other way to put it but to deliver the truth as it is!

The negative reaction to weed  and the antibiotic Cephalexin  is something her army of doctors including Dr. Sanjay Gupta, the First Legal US Drug Lord are not aware of just yet! This tells you how this famous medical pot head idiot truly is when endorsing cannabis. Miley is one of the millions of kids who trust the medical matrix created by an OCD generation of idiotic nerds.

 Currently Miley Cyrus is VERY vulnerable  and her traditionally educated doctors will NOT take even the smaller chance  to prescribe her with more potent medications in fear of more bad reaction. Thus she is left to rest hoping for her weak immune system to kick in!

Continued! If you are a VIP and paid your dues join this group to read more. If you are public you can only see the free groups. Thus become a VIP now and please make sure to email with your receipt and she will comp you into the top group where all the goodies are located.

Remember this is an old newsletter written last October clarifying the Scorpius Draconis impact upon one’s life. Currently the 2014 Arian Draconis is in charge of the world for the next few months! This negative dragon is right on the 6th house of work and health of Miley Cyrus and may take her before his reign is over!  It is only by getting cosmic consciousness that this young soul (like billions of other human beings) will be able to beat the Tail of the Dragon and avoid a premature death!

Miley Cyrus Goes NUDE on Wrecking Ball for New Music Video


Official video premiere for Miley’s

F….You! You’re stung!

A true Scorpionic soul such as Miley will regenerate with your negative thoughts, something the 20 year old kid does not know of course.  The dart of the Scorpion symbolizes the psychical penetration where, like a bat,  she sucks and feeds off the spirit of the other unaware fans. But because we are living on a dense physical world, powerful sexual manifestations becomes her best weapon stimulating more of her magnetic, hypnotic Scorpio personality.   In all her sexual, sensual televised exhibitions Miley is only psychically  robotic-ally and legally responding to the Universal 2013 Scorpius Draconis matrix pull and her own stars.

On the world stage, the same cosmic Scorpius energy  has claimed millions of lives and stirred up drama, depending on where Scorpio lies in your own UCI. Suicides and Syria’s children mass murder as well but the world is not yet aware of such a cosmic phenomenon… What worries me the most is millions of unconscious teens shares the same “Scorpius” cosmic signature as Miley and sees her more as a rebel or another role model rather than just a pretty young slut gone wild…  Many kids will follow her footstep and giggle their butts off while more importantly, the more vulnerable Neptunian born kids will get trapped into religions, cults, and alcohol or worse develop a life supported by sexual debauch, drug addiction and crimes. At least Miley isn’t a bum.

Yes those teens do not know who they are, where they come from and where they are going, all trusting and trapped into the controlling educational/religious/scientific matrixes creating more and more lost monsters as time passes. While my revitalizing  cosmic teachings are becoming an emergency each day, no teachers are yet in formation to develop cosmic consciousness nor available to appease and ground all of those spiritually destitute teens… There is so much more than what science and religion can offer those kids and I own the cosmic answer, be sure of that!

Not all kids were born with famous parents opening all the doors to stardom and many will lose the battle well before any worthwhile opportunity present itself. In my case at 63 years old I realize now how lucky I was all along not to be owned by a contract (Illuminati) and forced to perform until death like Michael Jackson and many other celebrities did. But when you are a teen you do not think this way. All you want is the glamor, the fame, the stage to satisfy a starving undeveloped ego and with it, false reality of what life is all about.

As a teen living in London, I did not know anything about my personal cosmic identity and worked 3 jobs for years trying to reach the stage. In fact Victoria Station “PICCADILLY CIRCUS” London Underground was my home for many months and playing guitar and singing was my only way to make money. I made my way up then became part of a few bands and I was not always  enjoying my personal positive cosmic rhythms but I had to perform regardless how depressive I felt. I drank a lot to get the kick I needed and while offered all possible drugs on the planet on a gold plate all along, I knew better and never touched them…

Then many years later as I moved to the US, when I had it all at the tip of my fingers in a huge LA office back in 1984, I dropped it all and refused to sign up my second recording deal.

Crazy you may say after 15 years of arduous musical work  but I decided to listen to my intuition instead and this is why I am still alive and enjoy life fully today!   Read more about my crazy life, my incredible experiences in my biography and if you aim for the stage of light, God sent you to me so you can learn all about your personal cosmic matrix and how it relate to the artistic world.

There are NO accidents for you to be born under a specific sign and own the blessings of a cosmic God that will bring you the rewards or kill you if you do not follow the specific cosmic rules that apply to you personally. Remember knowledge is power, ignorance is evil, while you could be looking for the gold mine in all the wrong directions, like I did for so many years, I can pin point your fate and save you time, money and efforts.  But the question remain, will you be able to free your religious or scientifically hijacked spirit from the grasp of fear or skepticism?

Little did I know in my twenties that I was destined to become famous in what people perceive only as “darkness.”  Today I own the biggest stage in the universe of light ever by becoming the brighter star of all, and a beacon for a blind humanity.

Yes my stage is NON physical, it is spiritual, it is Universal, virtual but real,  it is within a technological limitless and accommodate the millions of people looking for the light. I am reaching millions of souls from all over the world in  my “Universal Cosmic Internet Church” God lead me to create. All along God made sure to put the vital people I need to join me in the battle against the evil of ignorance and, if you endorse , promote and support my mission you are another God sent angel to us.

In the privacy of your home, or where ever you are reading me, there is no Paparazzi, no screams, no extravagant limousines, no long red carpets, no vices, no drugs, no Festival De Cannes, no noises, no alcohol, no palaces,  no televisions, no Hollywood acclaimed celebrities, no larger than life events or awards but just YOU and ME heart to heart…

Yes you asked for me and God heard you because you are ready for the true star light looking for the reasons for you to be alive, your mission, your purpose and in your own cosmic stage…

I truly think the scientific community,  all world leaders and the humongous mass of God fearing lost souls they rule should pay attention to the Cosmic Code jurisdictions and how God made his children so different by mastering the science of Astropsychology.

The good news is I know today’s kids are much smarter and more curious than their teachers and parents, thus they read, learn, share and enjoy articles such as “Miley Ray Cyrus & Shelley Lubben Born Porn Stars?”  and this one too! God thanks my Universal Internet University is able to bypass the educational controlling matrix  and my cosmic fluid is reaching many of those born intuitive teens…

However the building of monsters  is still in progress and sad  enough many kids will succumb to them before I can reach  and “cosmically” educate them to control their overwhelming destructive matrix. “Police say a middle school student killed herself after relentless bullying. CNN’s Sara Ganim reports.

God And The Cyber Matrix Bullying Dilemma

Remember all your political, religious, educational leaders, parent and teachers alike  are ALL Cosmic Unconscious and will never be able to solve the problem with some children overbearing destructive  personal matrix. I need your help to put an end to this nightmare before humanity become a  mass of cold skeptics, agnostics, atheists and  scientists depraved of any spiritual values. Again I truly believe all those skeptics, agnostics, atheists and  scientists alike already passed the test of logic and shows a need for answers outside of Neptunian deceptiveness. 

Sharing Email:

From Rachel; Having grown up around kids on weed and booze, I would definitely be more weary of children drinking then smoking pot. I know you seem to hate pot for some personal reason, but I have never known anyone to end up in hospital due to MJ. Never, ever, ever. And in London plenty of people smoke and eat it. I’m not an advocate for any sort of drug use as humans should give up all their ego based addictions, but I definitely have witnessed the demon booze is the worst by far out of the 2. I would like to see you focus a bit more energy of sharing the dangers of alcohol. Booze makes you black out so you cannot remember what you did, that is far more scary and dangerous.

Hi Rachel;

The fact is plain to see and remain that Miley is in the hospital right now battling for her life Rachel. All because of a mixture of weed and medications. Abusing alcohol is as bad and be sure, she drank  a lot too but you did not socialize with her to witness another fact that adding to the medications mixed with regular use of weed lead her to poison herself! Thus alcohol, weed and medications brought her exactly where I predicted she would end up and who’s to deny this dated, printed, published vision?

I do not hate pot, nor alcohol  Rachel, I spent 11 years around it in the UK and before this a few years as band singer, and there was times I was so exhausted and depressed that in order to perform every night I had to get real drunk.  I experienced the damage of alcohol first hand and lost close friends to it. My work is dedicated to warn EVERYONE of the danger of Neptune deceptive power and all his goodies…  Weed, alcohol, anti depressants, legal and illegal drugs and religious poisoning is a reflection of the illusive power of this planet.  And indeed after many years of use or abuse, it will affect both your perception and your judgement! Casual pot users may show brain changes that could foreshadow trouble

“Lady Gaga was smoking as many as 15 joints a day to help relieve the pain of a hip injury before a friend made her abruptly quit marijuana, the flamboyant pop singer says in an interview in British gay magazine Attitude. The singer had what she had said was a “huge breakage” in her right hip earlier this year that forced her to cancel about two dozen concerts and undergo surgery.”

Anything that can alter your good thinking is simply bad and at 64 I had ample time to see the end and obvious results…

Blessings DT

Study Shows Troubling Effects On Pot Users’ Brains

Dr. Sanjay Gupta First Legal US Drug Lord?

A small study of marijuana users yielded some potentially troubling results, with researchers finding that marijuana consumption may have a profound impact on certain parts of the brain. “Just casual use appears to create changes in the brain in areas you don’t want to change,” a psychiatrist mathematician at Northwestern University said. Find out the areas of the brain effected by marijuana use HERE.

Blessings to all




L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain



 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!
A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 




White supremacist gunnman cosmic IDentification ready for all Jewish centers



 ”For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice… If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

~ Dalai Lama and Dr. Turi

The man who allegedly killed three people when he opened fire outside a Jewish community center and nearby retirement community in a Kansas City suburb Sunday is reportedly a 73-year-old Missouri man with a history of racist and anti-Semitic activity, and authorities are investigating the shootings as a hate crime.

Frazier Glenn Miller, Jr. (b. Nov 23, 1940), commonly known as Glenn MillerFraiser Glenn Cross Jr., or Rounder, is a former leader of the defunct North Carolina-based White Patriot Party (formerly known as the Carolina Knights of the Ku Klux Klan). Convicted of criminal charges related to weapons and violation of an injunction against paramilitary activity, he is a perennial candidate for public office. He is an advocate of white nationalismwhite separatism, and anti-Semitic theories; and a critic of homosexuality and Third World immigration into historically White nations. He is suspected of perpetrating the Overland Park Jewish Community Center shooting on April 13, 2014.

Dear Readers;

listen to my latest radio show with Jerry – US/world

I will never EVER say it enough, imagine if the scientific community could stop being so reluctant to admit their limitation, the incredible potential found in the science of Astropsychology could bring them so much answers to the working of the human psyche! In this case, all the signs are significantly OBVIOUS! But to no avail to any of  them because none were ever trained to transcribe the cosmic code hieroglyphs… Meantime since June 2013 blasting the Internet with  “Heil Hitler” 2014 Arian Draconis World Predictions, some of them must have read my warnings on the “awakening” of Hitler white supremacist spirit!

I wonder how possible it is for any of those traditionally educated atheists, agnostics, skeptics and scientist alike not to realize the reality of a “cosmic God” speaking through the signs… So let’s make a good use to my “Cyber Cosmic University” and teach a few of those young souls how a cosmic God made his children…

 “We are born at a given moment, in a given place and, like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and of the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more.” 

(Carl Gustav Jung) 

 Let’ start by Frazier Glenn Miller, Jr.’ Scorpio power and I know his Sun sign is Sagittarius. Scorpio becomes his soul’s purpose and this sign is all about death and drama and notorious for its incredible, detrimental emotions. Read more about Pluto’s children.  Note I do not practice modern astrology but Nostradamus 16th century divine methodology!   Five hundreds years ago watches and computers did not exist and complex calculation were not a priority!

I leave this attitude to the “cosmic unconscious”  astronomers born to miss the forest for the tree and thinks planets are dead rocks depraved of any spiritual values. Astrology is an art, you do not deal with the stars with numbers but with symbols, signs, metaphors, intuition because Divine Astrology or Astropsychology is an ART! This is why I created Astropsychology and the ONLY software you will ever need to use.

Just in case people do not know they must click on the offered links to learn more of the cosmic code jurisdictions  let me expose  Scorpio traits.


Pluto Governs the Mighty Constellation of Scorpio

“The Eagle (save life) or the Lizard (take life)

Holder of all the secrets deep
Never speaking for they are mine to keep
For those who plunder without care
Tread carefully for I see you there
I am SCORPIO, child of Pluto.

Next let’s look at his moon’s position in the “cleansing” puritanical sign of Virgo and one must be totally dumb not to realize Frazier’s emotions are ruled by a very critical sign.  Just in case people do not know they must click on the offered links to learn more let me expose Virgo traits.


Mercury Governs the Precise and Critical Constellation Of Virgo

Cleansing impurities large and small
Don”t think yourself immune, for I see all
Attending to every chore and task
Perfection being all that I ask
I am VIRGO, child of Mercury.

Note: Mars “The Lord of War” (danger/weaponry/aggression) and Mercury (the mind/thinking process) are both in the deadly sign of Scorpio and right in Frazier’s first house (the self.) Kansas suspect: ‘I hate all Jews’  –  It does not take a genius to realize the power those two planets add and exerts on his deadly Plutonic personality.

Uranus (shocking) Jupiter (foreigners) and Saturn (the Great malefic/fears) are all ion his 7th house (facing the public, all in the sign of Taurus (money/banks.)

Thus combined with all those planets peculiar positions Frazier’s main motivation was his FEARS of the power controlling his sense of security (money,)  all stimulated by Saturn’s dark fear principle cosmic fluid.

But most of all, his natal Dragon’s Tail (past lives) is located in the sign of Aries (Hitler/Germany) and clearly enunciate his past life as a NAZY SS soldier decimating the Jews in Auschwitz concentration camp.

But again how can a cosmic unconscious scientific community endlessly ridiculing the spirit comprehend what a cosmic God himself has forbidden them to assimilate?  Hiding their spiritual”educated” pride behind ridiculousness speaks of an under-developed, non spiritual often non curious mind.

“It is a miracle for curiosity to survive education” – Albert Einstein.  

While there is TONS of very sensitive cosmic information available, I can not teach Astropsychology methodology and expose  the cosmic code secrets seriously through  my articles. My Cyber Cosmic University will do the  full job while my newsletters  are designed to only stimulate the minds of those curious souls willing to acknowledge how God made his children outside of conventional accepted psychological disciplines.

But rest assured the scientific and religious controlling educational matrixes are endlessly producing future monsters. They have not realized THEY are the problem and people like Adam Lanza and thousands of dead or alive criminals, including Frazier Glenn Miller, Jr. are the DIRECT victims of this incomplete educational system. All those fabricated “monsters” had NO chances nor the education needed at puberty to learn about their cosmic identity and apply their will to control their cursed UCI. 

The US  Department’s offices, programs, information and assistance services and funding opportunities are NOT going to the right places, the right organizations or the right people. When will they hear my desperate claims and fix this PSYCHICAL problem! When the authorities are themselves cosmic unconscious it becomes impossible for me to prove my claim. Its like speaking Chinese or French to someone who never learn my “cosmic” language.

May be all Jews should read “The Truth Behind The Dead Sea Scrolls” and realize you do not have to become a Rabbi to learn and read God cosmic code secrets.

 Remember my “Black email list” is made of very influential, powerful media people from all walks of life and none of those cowards have approached me yet. And they NEVER will, just the opposite with many of them turning against me .i.e.  In5d Administrator! 

While none of my books are fictional and never made it to the N.Y. best sellers list, my intellectual cosmic ingenuity, when humanity finally wake up, will become accepted as fact and a mandatory read for all children in all colleges and Universities…  I may not be there to enjoy the fruits of my lifetime commitment to further man’s cosmic consciousness and re-instate God as what it truly is, but I know all about the future… That is if humanity makes it to the next fifty years!

The real deadly power of Frazier’s UCI comes from his hidden Dragon cursing his subconscious but this information can only be divulged to my VIP’s and many of them are in India.

Recovered Article: “Forbes Financial Astrology from India”

October 21st, 2012


Forbes Article on Financial astrology

Interesting email from my Webmaster Alan sent to me back in 2010:

“You know Dr. Turi I realized something super interesting looking at your Alexa stats. A third of all your traffic comes from India. What’s that about? Maybe you need to make a trip to India? I tell you why I think that’s super interesting as well — India (as OF COURSE you know) invented Vedic Astrology so the fact that they are heavily interested in your European style is a huge testament to your work. It’s like they’re saying that YOUR astrology is better than their own. It’s like if I had a new Cuisine/US Chef site that was visited mostly by France and Italy. That’s a huge compliment my friend. Unless of course they’re stealing your work and retrofitting it into their Vedic style! You never know!”

Alan Webmaster

With this in mind can you go now to  and check when “Sharma Predictions” or “The Mahendra Prophecies” started their website? was started in 1991 and all my articles about money, investments, the moon, timing  and how to use the cosmic code  for business etc.  has been on national radio, televisions and posted regularly on all social media websites since then! – CHECK FOR YOURSELF!

Now you can help me and make the author of the article Kenneth Rapoza and Forbes magazine aware of the facts than someone in the US and not in India called Dr. Turi did the ground work from his “Cosmic Cyber University.” Thank you for your help and the help of the Scorpius Draconis demanding the all truths to be exposed at any and all costs…


Nostradamus Prophecies and Dr. Turi


The gravitational forces that move all galaxies is a scientific fact;   But the greatness of the spiritual cosmic manifesto is yet a mystery to humanity. God’s enslaved all his children to uncover his cosmic  Divinity and with it,  a life filled with health, love, respect, peace and harmony for all.

— Dr. Turi

Dear readers

BE AWARE OF FALSE PROPHETS pay attention to my predictions!

2016 Neptunius Draconis Predictions (public)
2014/2015 Arian Draconis Predictions  (public)
2012/2014 Scorpius Draconis Predictions (public)

Imagine for a second if you and all the atheists, the non spirituals were left to deal with Nostradamus original work to decipher?  It takes different minds, countless UCI to make the world what it is and there is so much more than what the five limited “educated” human senses can perceive!


   Twenty years of the reign of the Moon having passed,

   Vingt ans du regne de la Lune passez,

   Seven thousand years and another will take up his throne;

   Sept mil ans autre tiendra sa monarchie;

   When the sun shall complete its weary days,

   Quand le soleil prendra ses jours lasses,

   Then accomplished & proven will be my prophecies.

   Lors accomplit & mine ma prophetie.


  In this poem, Nostradamus tells us that in the Last Days all his prophecies will finally be proven true.  Unfortunately it will be too late for them to benefit anyone in a highly skeptical and doubting modern world.  The Seventh Millennium of mankind’s civilized existence on this planet witnesses an age of high technology and amazing scientific achievements. God and His prophets are soon relegated to a rather insignificant position in a world more concerned with following its own path to perfection. But do you see any similarity when I wrote this?

“The future has and will always be my utmost faithful witness.” Dr. Turi

Nostradamus Prophecies and Dr. Turi


Neptunius Dios Spiritus Fatua Benigno Numine
*Fear Water, Drowning Fire, Black Tainted Blood
Dreams Reality Rivalry Poison Mad Spiritus
All False Gods Lost Children Join To Kill

God nowhere to stop rain!

Neptune Lord of Oceans, Religious Deception Rules

Again I have nothing to do with Nostradamus and I read his curse on charlatans carefully, and if people believe I am his reincarnation so be it, But I am not a false prophet and will never pretend to be the great prophet! All you have to do is to pay attention to my “visions” using a modified software!

Meantime as incredible as it may sound, I was born in Provence, in the South of France under the same local stars as Nostradamus and following four solid UFO experiences, I was led to the US to rebirth his Divine methodology. And if you think Nostradamus never deal with ET’s its because you are not French and you can not read nor translate, nor decipher one of his quatrain enunciating the obvious experience…

“God and His prophets are soon relegated to a rather insignificant position in a world more concerned with following its own path to perfection.”

Eeryday billions of dollars are exchanged through the scientific (the cosmos TV show)  and religious matrixes (the Vatican) all the while offering nothing to promote humanity’s  psychical welfare and its perception of a cosmic God. Billions more are spent in sports, knowing  top salaries are going up all the time in the NFL, in 2011, the highest paid players made over $20 million. These players included Peyton Manning at $23 million (according to Richest People for 2011; Spot Trac has him at $18 million for 2012), Eli Manning at $20.5 million, and Donovan McNabb at $25 million.  And where do you think those lucky people make fat donation too? Dr. Turi?

I wonder why such incredible fortunes are “wasted” trapping humanity on earth with sports, entertainments and religions endorsing and supporting a false God about to exterminate everyone on earth!  And when I profess we have only fifty years before Nostradamus’ above quatrain becomes a reality, you better take me very seriously and help me make the changes…

“For evil to flourish, all that is needed is for good people to do nothing.”

– Edmund Burke

I still believe in my cosmic God power to override and beat the false god you have been trained last two thousands years to fear (or the Evil of cosmic ignorance.)  There is no doubt, Satan is currently running all rational affairs of this world! But as a whole, we do have an incredible supra-conscious power working with us!  Pray with me for the creator did not put us on earth to experience a suffocating end.

Do I pretend I know better than Nostradamus himself and all other prophets in history, no I don’t but what if I was right? I can not help to feel from the bottom of my heart that once the world acknowledge my cosmic God all will be more than just fine… 

It seems the corrupt system will never incorporate divine astrology in the educational curriculum. Knowledge is power, ignorance is evil! They own you. But there is only one thin hair between divine information and pure imagination.

Dear J. G. S and all my readers;

The main reason why I decided to answer my VIP publicly is because I want to make a point that will clarify the human UCI or his Unique Celestial Identity. There is no emotional resentment, nor ego involved in my response but I am endlessly facing this dilemma since for ever and all I can do is bring more light to my curious readers.

First read the entire email sent to me and, if you own an advanced UCI you will get the answers on your own, if not keep reading please.

Dear Dr Turi and Terania

My name is ///////////////// (Cosmic Code VIP).  I have lived on this planet just a little longer than you have. Is it OK if I offer you some feedback as a friend or brother?

DT Rebuttal; I gather my VIP is older than 64 but I can take constructive criticism from all ages. However Age is not counted in human years but by the number of reincarnations spent on this dense physical world. Thus I can assure you  J. G. S, after reading your email, you are indeed a refined by also still, a very  “young soul.”

Continued: For a while now I have been following and reading your work. What you are doing is admirable in anybody’s eyes. My feedback to you has the genuine intent of assisting. You two may judge that for yourselves. You have always claimed of your brilliant ability to predict or foretell the future. If I could understand your quatrains I would be able to also judge for myself if you were as good as you say you are.

DT Rebuttal;  I want to make sure  J. G. S that my intend is also to genuinely help you assimilate my work but I want to clarify that I also mentioned many times that “I DO NOT PREDICT THE FUTURE”  because life is a constant process of the same changes that under certain cosmic auspices will reoccur, like the news, the seasons and the weather. Note I also offer undeniable proof of my well documented, dated, published predictions and, those who can relate to my work always confirm the facts!

 Here is the latest example: SOS To The World Large Earthquakes Ahead. (posted 03/25/14)

Reply by Helga Rossner on April 1, 2014: “DT says the month of April is going to be a tough one, see:”  5 dead as magnitude-8.2 quake hits northern Chile –

More Region: NICARAGUA Magnitude: 6.6 – 7.5 – 7.6 .6.1 etc!

Update: 4/18/14 – 7.2 magnitude quake hits Mexico

 Dr. Schavi Ali

To Dr. Turi

Blessings, to you and Terania, Dr. Turi! Your predictions are astounding.  Did you hear about the 7.5 earthquake yesterday in the Solomon Islands?  Keep up the work of trying to warn people of the cosmic occurrences. Your friend in Farmington Hills, Michigan,

 Dr. Schavi, Ph.D.


Update: 04/13/2014 –  Three dead in ‘Hitler’ shootings at Kansas City Jewish centers

Pass on my 2014 Arian Draconis World Predictions please.

“15-year-old boy critically wounded; witnesses say shooter singled out Jews, yelled ‘Heil Hitler’ upon arrest.”



Continued: The only problem is that neither myself nor the average person who reads your predictions has any idea of what you are saying:

For instance 23/24/25 April 2014 :

I’m still with you. I’ll go on. May I suggest you tell us in plain words what this means –

“Deep Reveals And Take….etc”  and Non – Cosmic Be Taken?

If you are going to give me info that I pay for – please give it to me in plain and simple language ie Deep in the oceans off the coast of SA it is revealed that some one is taking illegal fish, instead of “ Deep Reveals And Take”. If you were paying me to show you an easy way to make money, and I said to you “Chemical. Brain, Energy” I think it would not be fair. Some people may even be angry. Others still may drop you altogether.

DT Rebuttal; First it is not a good idea to take your case as a generality  J. G. S, other VIP’s do not share the same UCI and some are extremely advanced and can assimilate my work very easily! Especially when  I always offer obvious keywords with my quatrains and this time around I simply forgot to add them.

Sometimes my VIP’s remind me of my errors or like you ask me for more clarification. I am so very busy everyday and I wish I had only the cosmic code to maintain  J. G. S, but its not the case. But the article “four blood moons” April 15/16/17 and 23/24/25 2014 Cardinal Grand Cross Predictions  (public) is now updated with the keywords.

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important news from religions, the pope, oil, gas, the ocean, chemicals jails, drugs, medications (Miley Cyrus) and the spirit.  In some ways, following this Grand  Cross  God’s cosmic identity will be emphasized to Christianity while religions and the dying Age of Pisces must give room to the new Age of Aquarius.

Update: 11/15/2014 –  Chemical plant leak kills 4

“Four Blood Moons” April 23/24/25 2014 Cardinal Grand Cross Predictions (VIP’s only) Memo – 04/10/2014 – This month a Cardinal Grand Cross — involving Pluto, Uranus, Jupiter and Mars will take place on April 24 and 25 2014. As you all know I do not practice modern astrology but Nostradamus 16th century Divine methodology by offering you my quatrains and keywords.  Those SOS To The World windows for April are available at April 2014 SOS to the world windows.

Update 04/13/14 –  Warning Not to Use E15 Gas in Your Car: FOX Business

Update 04/14/14 – CNN Flight 370 – “New clues emerged above the surface, as investigators reported finding an oil slick in the search zone and a U.S.”

The ocean mean also the US NAVY! 

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important news from religions, the pope, oil, gas, the ocean, chemicals jails, drugs, medications (Miley Cyrus) and the spirit.  In some ways, following this Grand  Cross  God’s cosmic identity will be emphasized to Christianity while religions and the dying Age of Pisces must give room to the new Age of Aquarius.

Update: 11/15/2014 –  Chemical plant leak kills 4


Continued: Stay with me, Dr Turi, I can see you need advice here! If I kept giving you those scrambled, nonsensical words and you were paying me, I’m sure you too, soon enough, would say to me James, please in simple language, tell me how I can make money!

You are too good to supply info in such a confusing and cryptic manner. Indeed, if you are as good as you say you are, ask whoever is supplying you with the info into your head to change their method of delivery. If you get your quatrains from Nostradamus, I can fix it for you. I know him well and I know his present address. If you receive your info from higher up, I can fix that too.

Do you understand what I am saying Dr T?

DT Rebuttal; With all the respect I owe you J. G. S, even the words making up my quatrains are quite obvious but your over rational, logical, down to earth UCI speaks its true and very limited spiritual values.

April 15/16/17

Hidden secrets sex, money come to light (So obvious!)
Raw power challenges police deadly villains (police abuses news?)
Ugly face of death drama horror surface (So obvious!)
Nature man’s religion bloody folly reign (So obvious!)

Russia / Famous Death / Dramatic News / Police / FBI / CIA / Secrets / Scandals / Terrorism / Abduction / Finances / Super wealth / Sex / Serial Killers / wake up Call.

CHECK THE OBVIOUS RESULTS BY RETURNING TO THE PAST AND READ… “Four blood moons” April 15/16/17 and 23/24/25 2014 Cardinal Grand Cross Predictions

April 23/24/25

Entrails Upset Spit Above (volcano?)
Red Fire Wind  Water To Dance (tornadoes?)
Stars Command Shock Science (New about NASA, science, the cosmos?)
Calm Deception To Strike (Quakes above 6.0?)


April 23/24/25 

Deep Reveals And Take
Above, Below Nature Tremble
Non – Cosmic Be Taken
God Speaks Before Science

KEYWORDS speaks for themselves 

Cosmos News / Nukes / Weird news / Freak / Space / Surprises / Explosions / Shocking / Stunning / Incredible / lightning / Unusual Humanitarianism / Discovery / Science / Earthquakes (always above 6.0) / Volcanoes / Tornadoes / NASA / Aeronautics / Technology / Television / UFO.

Again remember this does not make you and all rational born souls morons and idiots unable to develop more cosmic consciousness! If you feel this way it is of your own making not mine! But it is this type of thinking and reasoning that creates atheists, agnostics, skeptics and born scientists. The problem is, they do not have the UCI to auto-analyse themselves against others correctly and think everyone reason the same way they do!

Souls born in November  or those who inherited a serious dose of rational Saturn in their natal UCI reason exactly like you do my friend.

But I can not blame you nor the scientific community for being cosmic unconscious or missing the intuitional domain of my work, this is the way God designed your cosmic nature! But the challenge is for you to be able to auto-analyse yourself and come to grip with the reality of a earthy, non intuitive UCI. And that is perfect if you want to become an engineer, a scientist, a politician, a mathematician, an astronomer and deal with life at your own psychical speed!   Furthermore for you to use the example of money (Taurus/Bull/Merrill Lynch banks) speak of the very low vibrational system of our critical thinking process.

Continued: If you do not wish to alter your format of delivery, my intent is for you to be and do what ever you wish. If you wish to change the style of your delivery and you don’t know how to, just ask. I have contacts in high places – way above Nostradamus. If you are not going to do anything at all, I am a man who places no condition on friendships or any thing.

With unconditional respect

J. G. S

DT Rebuttal; How can I really speak the truth and still keep you as a VIP  J. G. S.? This very sentence “I have contacts in high places – way above Nostradamus” speaks of an insecurity or  even an inferiority complex and enunciate your hidden “educated” spiritual pride. If I had your DOB and if you were willing to dig deeper into my services, I would be able to help you finding the answers you seek my friend. But my work is currently designed to serve thousands of people and I can only be objective.

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi

Listen to Dr. Turi on Jerry Pippins  radio show  Monday April 14 

Do not miss this show, I will elaborate on Why flight 370 pilot took so many innocent lives with him? I will also give the date for the next SOS To The World window and make more predictions about  natural disasters. I will elaborate on the 2014/2016 Arian Draconis, Vladimir Putin,  Ukraine, the USA etc. I will also offer a SUPER deal that will last only a few hours after the show.  Be there, it will be very HOT!

“If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

Dalai Lama & Dr. Turi



L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain


 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!
A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 



Can Pope Francis Save the Vatican Corporation?


“Consciousness – is the awareness of God cosmic identity  and make a good use of it” anything else is deceptiveness! Pope Francis, Bible heads, Religious leaders, Monks, Gurus, televangelists, priests are cosmic  unconscious  born Neptunians unable to read the signs…” Dr. Turi

Pope Francis – Can You Handle The Truth?

2014 Arian Draconis World Predictions 

(copy/paste/share with the world Pls.)

Dear Readers;

As you know politics and religions have been hanging around since for ever and both truly stinks because their combined association represents the very essence of control, wealth and POWER over you! 

On February 11, 2013 I wrote “11/2015-02/2017 End of All Religions” and when, following his US visit Vladimir Putin warned Obama saying, “You’ve Turned USA & West Into Godless Sewer” I took his words as another very serious omen.

Indeed the Age of Pisces, religions and deception will not go without a humongous blood bath!  Putin is very smart, by associating with Pope Francis he may even get an option to visit the Vatican and become the new good guy in the eyes of the moronic, gullible masses!

(CNN) — Pope Francis made his strongest condemnation yet of sexual abuse by Catholic clergy on Friday, asking for forgiveness and pledging to impose penalties on “men of the church” who harm children.

“I feel compelled to personally take on all the evil which some priests — quite a few in number, obviously not compared to the number of all the priests — to personally ask for forgiveness for the damage they have done for having sexually abused children,” the Pope said in remarks quoted by Vatican Radio.

“The church is aware of this damage, it is personal, moral damage carried out by men of the church, and we will not take one step backward with regards to how we will deal with this problem, and the sanctions that must be imposed,” Francis continued. “On the contrary, we have to be even stronger. Because you cannot interfere with children.”

DT Rebuttal: The sad reality is, abusive Plutonic born souls are attracted to professions that lead to power and control. There is no difference between a rotten cop or a bad priest, the question is what if the police administration decided, like pope Francis to apologize for all their bad cops’ abuses. Now  this ridiculousness won’t stop the next bad cop to pass the psychology test landing him on a job on the police force.

In fact a true Neptunian is solitary in nature and live in a cave, away from the lime light and all the Vatican activities. Thus the rapist Plutonic born priest will aim for any type of social jobs  offering them the option to get close to your children and use their positions as a mean to fulfil their evil sexual drive.

Continued: The U.S.-based Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests said it may be the first time a pope has spoken of sanctioning “complicit bishops.” “But that is all it is: talk,” said Barbara Dorris, SNAP’s outreach director. “We beg the world’s Catholics: Be impressed by deeds, not words. Until the Pope takes decisive action that protects kids, be skeptical and vigilant.” The Pope’s new comments, made Friday to members of a Catholic non governmental organization, the International Catholic Child Bureau, represent a shift from his previous statements on sexual abuse.

DT Rebuttal: Are you joking Mr. Pope, like  Barbara Dorris, I am FAR FROM BEING impressed  but WHAT will the pope (or the police administration and the US Dept. of education) will do to take the decisive actions that protects kids from bad priests, and the public from bad cops? “Be skeptical and vigilant” will NEVER work!

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

(Albert Einstein)

Pope Francis is taking the same ridiculous steps than the ones taken previously by the United States Department of Education trying to stop lost souls like Adam Lanza or Alex Hriba to reach and kill other children! And that is,  NOTHING than would make a difference at all!

Like many schools all over the US did, Pope Francis could ask for more armed guards, and more cyber security to attend all services in all churches to protect the parishioners and their children. How ridiculous that is because, at the core THEY are collecting what they cultivated last two thousand years in their refusal to accept and teach God’s cosmic identity.

But the police administration won’t stop hiring bad cops like the US Dept. of education refuse to provide more safety to the kids and the Church Inc. do the same with bad priests raping their children. While I own the solution it’s difficult to re-introduce God’ initial cosmic ministry brought by the 3 wise men  following the stars when the world is against .

It seems the world isn’t ready to accept these “Kings” were ET’s missionaries teaching a young Jesus all about the cosmic code secrets as to; later on introduce humanity to “Our Cosmic Father in the Heavens?”

It’s difficult to reach you if you let your fears take over where the religious, controlling educational matrix are the first one to warn you to stay away from my cosmic teachings. And it’s not easy to go against two thousands years of wrong and controlled information.

“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life.  Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom.

~ Paracelsus

Continued: In an interview with Italian newspaper Corriere della Serra in March, Francis struck a defensive tone, saying, “The Catholic Church is perhaps the only public institution that has moved with transparency and responsibility. No one has done more. And yet the church is the only one that has been attacked.” Advocates for victims of sexual abuse had slammed those remarks, calling them another example of the church prioritizing its reputation over the protection of children.

‘Highest priority’

Early this year, a United Nations panel slammed the Vatican’s handling of child sexual abuse within the Catholic Church and accused the church of protecting itself rather than the victims. The Vatican said in February that it would study the report, which claimed clerics were involved in the sexual abuse of “tens of thousands” of children. And in late March, Francis appointed an eight-member committee — a mix of clergy and laypeople, including a sexual abuse survivor — to advise the church on how to protect children, punish abusers and train church staff.

DT Rebuttal: Exactly Mr. pope! I am trying to advise the church on how to protect children, punish abusers and train church staff. This apply for the police administration to recognise the bad cops with a badge and the US Department of Education to recognize the Adam Lanza before they kill again! But cosmic ignorance rules at the elected top of the pie, our infantile scientific community ridicule my Astropsychology work, so there isn’t much left for my supporters and I to do.

Do you really think I am joking when I tell you we only have fifty years to turn things around  before the evil of ignorance consume and drown humanity into its own self destruction?

Continued: “Pope Francis has made it clear that the church must uphold the protection of minors amongst her highest priorities,” Vatican spokesman the Rev. Federico Lombardi said in a statement announcing the committee members. However, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests dismissed the new panel, saying it was “based on a deceptive premise” and perpetuated the “self-serving myth that Catholic officials need more information about abuse and coverups.”

Rocked by scandal

Pope Francis took over the helm of the Catholic Church just over a year ago from Benedict XVI, whose papacy was marked by the emergence of repeated allegations of sexual abuse by priests. Benedict said many times that abusers should be prosecuted, but victims’ groups again said he did too little.

Benedict spoke with some victims of sexual abuse by priests on papal visits to countries including the United States and the United Kingdom, where he expressed his “deep sorrow” about the scandal. The Vatican selected those he met. In April 2013, a month after taking office, Francis recommended that the church’s doctrinal office “act decisively with regard to cases of sexual abuse,” the Vatican said at the time.

This would be “by promoting measures for the protection of minors, as well as in offering assistance to those who have suffered abuse, carrying out due proceedings against the guilty,” it said.

Kick out those who sexually abuse children, U.N. panel tells Vatican

DT Rebuttal: Pope Francis, “deep sorrow and acting decisively with regard to cases of sexual abuse” will never clean up the Church Inc. nor the police nor our schools of the Plutonic born killers and/or sexual predators!  They are all over, its like trying to stop the next criminal act!

Something extraordinary drastic must and will happen in the world as my vision confirm the end of the deceptive Age of Pisces and the Church as we know it today. The endless omens are much too obvious for me to ignore and warning you all is a all I can do! “11/2015-02/2017 End of All Religions.”

Read also – A world going mad! Is the Internet killing religion?

Ultimately, trying to bypass the monopolization of education, scientific and religious matrixes to educate them all on the cosmic code jurisdictions, is not easy. I won’t be able to start rebuilding my faith for humanity psychical welfare and its spiritual progress until everyone agree… Until then be ready for all my memorable predictions to unfold!

Just read, acknowledge and remember…“Four Blood Moons” April 15/16/17 and 23/24/25 2014 Cardinal Grand Cross Predictions.”  It is easier to win your state lottery than to land on a real prophet! Indeed the future has and will always be my utmost faithful witness! See you then

Life is a constant process of changes only the spiritually advanced souls can decipher but we are all trapped into a dense, hard, logical physical world lead by a stubborn non cosmic conscious very large scientific and religious community.  The challenges we face are extraordinary because of the misconception and misunderstanding of a cosmic God so many are unconscious of.

Each time one of you resonate with me and share my work, the real option to gain the golden key to what it mean to be human and learn from our  Cyber Cosmic University becomes a reality for more curious human beings looking for the real God!

 In a world where political leaders assign themselves to religious archaic convictions and trust its infantile scientific community only wars and extreme stupidity can plague the rest of humanity.

Dr. Turi

Dr. Turi on Jerry Pippins  radio show  Monday April 14 from 7 to 8 PM Eastern

Do not miss this show, I will elaborate on Why flight 370 pilot took so many innocent lives with him? I will also give the date for the next SOS To The World window and make more predictions about  natural disasters. I will elaborate on the 2014/2016 Arian Draconis, Vladimir Putin,  Ukraine, the USA etc. I will also offer a SUPER deal that will last only a few hours after the show.  Be there, it will be very HOT!

“If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

Dalai Lama & Dr. Turi


Dr. Turi



L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain


 listen to my latest radio show with Ted

 Endorse my work! Help all the children of the future please!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 



Germany “Heil Hitler” 2015 Arian Draconis World Predictions

Posted to the world June 12, 2013

Carl Sagan Birthday and NASA Masquerade – Can you handle the truth?
Astrology and Sir Isaac Newton Unique Celestial Identity
Neil deGrasse, Sir Isaac Newton, Carl Sagan and Astrology
Carl Sagan, Neil deGrasse unilluminated perception of the stars!

“If we teach only the finding and products of Astrology, no matter how useful and inspiring they maybe – without communicating its critical methods, how can the average person possibly distinguish Astrology from pseudoscience? ” Dr. Turi 

Important note; Once you are done reading this article please go to my home page or and scroll down to read the collected results produced by this Dragon. Then  realize why you MUST heed the current 2015 Arian Draconis  and the upcoming 2016 Neptunius Draconis  – Remember the public version has all you need to know  to protect yourself and your loved ones  for the future “Universal Poisoning” 

Germany “Heil Hitler” 2014 Arian Draconis World Predictions

Important Note for the newcomers –  Heil Hitler –  2014 Arian Draconis World Predictions” WAS posted to the world June 12, 2013, published in my books  and announced in all my radio and TV shows… Check on Google type “Hitler dr.turi”


“If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!‎ posted to the world June 12, 2013  



German/Vikings Skin Alike
Black and White Red Blood 
Fire War Violence  Passions Rule
God No where To Stop Fires

  Hitler’s Evil spirit reborn

Germany to reprint Hitler’s manifesto for first time since end of WWII

When hate rule the world, Hitler spirit of death rejoice – Breivik had “achieved exactly what he wanted” through pursuing the lawsuit, gaining further attention which helped him to spread hate from his cell.

Ex-Mexican leader: Trump like Hitler 


  Draco’s visions of the future of America  (VIP’s only!)

Donald Trump, the legacy of Hitler’s spirit, my vision unfolding!

Donald Trump for President


“But you know what? I love Kallstadt also. They grow ’em well in Kallstadt … Very well. Believe me, it’s good RACIST stock.”  Trump  Read more!


Prediction # 2 of 19 – Expect a full restructure of the Army and the NAVY due to some foreign powers in need/offering manpower to bring stability in some unstable parts of the world. Many high ranking Army/Navy officers will make embarrassing international news. “The Lord of War” will rule the world, danger, inducing conflicts, large accidents , be ready for dramatic news of death and aggression. This dragon is also aiming for the children,  the soldiers, the Army and the Navy.” 


Navy censures 3 admirals

Prediction # 2 of 19 – Expect a full restructure of the Army and the NAVY due to some foreign powers in need/offering manpower to bring stability in some unstable parts of the world. Many high ranking Army/Navy officers will make embarrassing international news.

Prediction #3 – A new  BLACK AND WHITE negative energy will birth from Germany and grow dramatically All over Europe, South Africa and the world. A strong sense of white/self identity will worry many minority races during serious internal trouble with some youth battling the police

 Read Richard Dawkins and ISIS  killers  (I am an Aries!) 

Memo from Heil Hitler Arian Draconis predictions: “This dragon is ruthless and invasive and will directly affect souls born in October (Libra)  and April (Aries)  or those born with a moon, rising, natal or hidden dragons in those signs. “The Lord of War” will rule the world, imposing huge fires, *Calif. fire ‘just out of control’ danger, conflicts, large accidents * ‘Icezilla’ storm  and will induce dramatic news of death and aggression. This dragon is also aiming for the children,  Pakistan —Enterovirus D68 now in 11 states –* Enterovirus D68 spreads to Canada  the soldiers, the Army and the Navy” –


Prediction #3 – A new  BLACK AND WHITE Hitlerian negative energy will birth from Germany and grow dramatically All over Europe, South Africa and the world. A strong sense of black and white self identity will worry many minority races during serious internal trouble with some youth battling the police

German police see rise in far-right extremism

Berlin (AFP) – German police have noted a significant rise in far-right extremism and attacks targeting foreigners, a news report said Sunday, amid national debate about a new Islamophobic movement.

Prediction #3 – A new  BLACK AND WHITE negative energy will birth from Germany and grow dramatically All over Europe, South Africa and the world. A strong sense of white/self identity will worry many minority races during serious internal trouble with some youth battling the police

God No where To Stop Fires

2015 is on track to be the hottest year on record –

The meteorological summer of June-July-August in the Northern Hemisphere saw its highest globally averaged temperature since records began in 1880. 

 Prediction # 10 –  A year of endless HUGE fires and record high temperatures where many fire fighters will pay the ultimate price during my “SOS To The World Windows.”  ‘Ice Bucket’ firefighter dies – Expect a full restructure of the International Association of Fire Fighters as the ministry of environment will impose many new rules affecting US National Parks.  The Same “dragon” produced  the highest air temperature on Earth” — 134 degrees on July 10, 1913, in Death Valley’s Greenland Ranch.


 9/30/2015 Washington (CNN) Ben Carson suggested on Wednesday that a Nazi-like force could come to power in the United States. (and the world)  The spirit of Hitler (Vladimir Putin) is still cursing the world until next November and some intuitive politicians are able to subconsciously pick my warnings…  God Have mercy for your unconscious children…

9/11/2015  A California wildfire is threatening to sweep through an ancient grove of Giant Sequoia trees.

 Prediction # 10 –  A year of endless HUGE fires and record high temperatures where many fire fighters will pay the ultimate price during my “SOS To The World Windows.”  ‘Ice Bucket’ firefighter dies – Expect a full restructure of the International Association of Fire Fighters as the ministry of environment will impose many new rules affecting US National Parks.  The Same “dragon” produced  the highest air temperature on Earth” — 134 degrees on July 10, 1913, in Death Valley’s Greenland Ranch.

Yarnell, Prescott firefighters, will their sacrifices serve a divine purpose?

8/5/2015 Gunfire near military post again 

“The Lord of War” will rule the world, danger, inducing conflicts, large accidents , be ready for dramatic news of death and aggression. This dragon is also aiming for the children,  the soldiers, the Army and the Navy.” 

  Hitler’s Evil spirit reborn?

Police: Gunman arrested after killing 2 in Germany

Exact date was offered by Dr. Turi in Christina George radio show

3.1 million acres burned in Alaska in 2015 – God No where To Stop Fires

 Prediction # 10 –  A year of endless HUGE fires and record high temperatures where many fire fighters will pay the ultimate price during my “SOS To The World Windows.”  ‘Ice Bucket’ firefighter dies – Expect a full restructure of the International Association of Fire Fighters as the ministry of environment will impose many new rules affecting US National Parks.  The Same “dragon” produced  the highest air temperature on Earth” — 134 degrees on July 10, 1913, in Death Valley’s Greenland Ranch.

Update: 10/7/2014 – Pilot dies in air tanker crash while fighting fire in Yosemite National Park

A wildfire approaches the shore of California's Bass Lake on Sunday, September 14.

Update 9/21/2014 –  Arson suspect pleads not guilty in 76,376-acre California fire

Watch this video

Update -9/18/2014 –  Calif. fire ‘just out of control’

Update 8/2/2014 – ALTURAS, Calif. — Thousands of federal, state and local firefighters on Saturday were feverishly attacking at least six major wildfires in central and far northern California  that prompted evacuations, while blazes in the Pacific Northwest destroyed a handful of homes.

Update 8/2/2014 –  New, quickly moving fire near Twisp forces evacuations

Update 07/20/2014 –  Northwest fires char million acres

Update 7/18/2014 – Wildfires burn 80 homes

Update 5/27/2014 – 21 die in fire at hospital for elderly

Update 05/25/2014 – Residents urged to evacuate as fire spreads in Alaska wildlife refuge

 Update 05/22/2014 – Fire forces evacuations near Sedona


 Update 05/05/2014 – Raging wildfires – thousands of people evacuated in California.

Update 05/14/2014 – 200 die in mine fire;  many still trapped

Update -5/5/2014 – Russian Wildfires Blaze on an Area Larger than Los Angeles

With geopolitical fires continuing to smolder between Russia and Ukraine, actual wildfires have erupted across a vast swath of territory to the east

Update 05/12/2014 – Hundreds flee from Texas wildfire

Update 04/14/2014 – 12 dead in Chile wildfire; 2,000 homes consumed

RESULTS 06/30/2013 18 firefighters die in blaze

Is this a serious omen that you should pay attention to my “visions?’

Watch this video

May God Bless Your Courageous Souls

August 26, 2013

Watch this video

A massive California wildfire threatening Yosemite National Park and San Francisco’s water and power sources is now the 13th largest in state history, officials say.


Prediction # 4 of 19 –  Incredibly new technological oriented weaponry will be announced to the public and some will be tested in space, secretively on the Moon and in time used in the Middle East.


Meet the Littoral Combat Ship!

Update 12/13/2014 –  Meet the U.S.Navy’s spy ‘fish’

Update 12/11/2014 –   Navy: New laser weapon works, ready for action

Huge Fires Burn Downtown Baltimore

U.S. Army sending armored convoy 1,100 miles through Europe

May God Bless Your Victimised Soul

Iraqi immigrant watching his first snowfall shot and killed, Dallas police say

Prediction #3 – A new  BLACK AND WHITE Hitlerian negative energy will birth from Germany and grow dramatically All over Europe, South Africa and the world. A strong sense of black and white self identity will worry many minority races during serious internal trouble with some youth battling the police

ISIS throws gay men off buildings – CNN Video –


Islamic State militants ‘burn to death 45 in Iraq’

“The Lord of War” will rule the world, danger, conflicts, large accidents  and will induce dramatic news of death and aggression. This dragon is also aiming for the children,  the soldiers, the Army and the Navy.” 

ISIS ‘BARBARITY’: Terrorist video shows Jordanian pilot burned alive

 Aries rules the human brain/head and many innocent souls were decapitated by ISIS.


Raw power challenges police deadly villains

12 Dead in ‘Terrorist’ Attack on Paris Satirical Newspaper

France to Boost Holiday Security After String of Attacks

Taliban militants kill 130 children

Bomb kills 20 children in Yemen

Memo from Heil Hitler Arian Draconis predictions: “This dragon is ruthless and invasive and will directly affect souls born in October (Libra)  and April (Aries)  or those born with a moon, rising, natal or hidden dragons in those signs. “The Lord of War” will rule the world, imposing huge fires, *Calif. fire ‘just out of control’ danger, conflicts, large accidents * ‘Icezilla’ storm  and will induce dramatic news of death and aggression.This dragon is also aiming for the children,  Pakistan —Enterovirus D68 now in 11 states –* Enterovirus D68 spreads to Canada  the soldiers, the Army and the Navy” –

L.A. tornado: ‘It was crazy’ SOS TO THE WORLD predictions for December 2014

End of Faith – 11/2015-02/2017 the beginning of the End of All Religions


From 2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Draconis Universal Predictions 

Update 12/11/2014 – Gitmo inmate: My treatment shames American flag


 “2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Religious Draconis Universal Predictions” (Public)

2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Draconis Universal Predictions – (VIP’s)


Prediction # 1 –  REBIRTH – Mars “The Lord of War” rules the sign of Aries where the dragon’s Tail (challenges) will induce lots of conflicts. Venus (The Peace Maker) rules the sign of Libra where the Dragon’s Head (imposed progress) will force justice and harmony upon many. I see a lot of litigations, legal disputes as the entire legal system will be forced into a full re-structure with the IRS and other governmental institutions  America will see a full restructure of all its domestic / political affairs where the real estate will boom again.

August 04/2013 – The Next Real Estate Boom: Get Ready for Housing, Gen-Y Style

Souls born in April and October  .i.e. Vladirm Putin and those who own an Aries dragon, moon, rising will be forced to re-evaluate all about their lives and will need spiritual services to be prepared for all the challenges ahead of them.  This dragon is all about LAWS – CONFLICTS – AGGRESSIVITY – FINDING ONE SELF – NEW STARS and open and hidden IDENTITY. This dragon will impose many reform with emigrations, build walls between the US and other nations (Russia/Libya etc.) and revamp ALL that involve emigrations/foreigners moving in or out of the US.

Update 06/02/2014 –  Bergdahl a deserter, not a hero

Update – 05/30/2014 – VA chief resigns

Watch this video

Prediction #3 – A new “black/white supremacy” negative energy will birth from Germany and grow drastically all over Europe, South Africa and the world. A strong sense of black and white self identity will worry many minority races during serious internal trouble with some youth battling the police with fire.

Prediction #4 – Incredibly new technological oriented weaponry will be announced to the public and some will be tested in space, secretively on the Moon and in time used in the Middle East. Expect serious responses from environmentalists all over the world. Science will take the excuse of prevention and  the possibility of large meteorites hitting earth.

Prediction #5 – The real estate will be booming again and, with time America internal political affairs will be brought back to justice. Indeed a lot of high profile people will have to face the law then…

Prediction 6# – The construction steel/coal/oil industry will see a serious improvement but will be battling environmentalists  groups in preparation for oil  Arctic exploration.

Prediction #7 – Expect a full restructure of the automotive industry and serious growth *Ford/Dodge may be forced into partnerships or suffer serious legal disputes.

Prediction #8 –  Incredible findings scientific discoveries on the human mind and its correlation/connection to the Universal mind spirit… The scientific community is secretively learning more on the Cosmic Code jurisdictions from my “Cyber Cosmic University.” Expect a full re-structure of the basics applications of traditional psychology and parapsychology. “Thanks for the many years of hard work  behind the scene Dr. Turi the scientists used since 1991 to make real progress on humanity psychical welfare and general progress! No Nobel price for Dr. Turi, at least in this lifetime…

Prediction # 9 – The Dragon’s Head in Libra will force a full restructure of the the legal system.  Read July 14th 2013 “George Noory Dr. Turi & Gaiamtv Experience” where I made this prediction in front of a live audience. Many well known judges and famous attorneys will be forced to face the laws they must oblige by. The entire judicial system will then forced to a full restructure.

“I really got George attention when I told him  to be ready for a full restructure of the Judicial / legal system and THREE DAYS LATER CNN ANNOUNCED –  Juror: New laws needed my prediction made it to CNN! In fact George answer was  “This is really big Louis. “

 Prediction # 10 –  A year of endless HUGE fires and record high temperatures where many fire fighters will pay the ultimate price during my “SOS To The World Windows.”  Expect a full restructure of the International Association of Fire Fighters as the ministry of environment will impose many new rules affecting US National Parks.  The Same “dragon” produced  the highest air temperature on Earth” — 134 degrees on July 10, 1913, in Death Valley’s Greenland Ranch.

RESULTS 06/30/13 18 firefighters die in blaze

Is this a serious omen that you should pay attention to my “visions?’

Watch this video

May God Bless Your Courageous Souls

Predictions #11 – Expect a full restructure of the International Association of Fire Fighters as the ministry of environment will impose many new rules affecting National Parks.  The Same “dragon” produced  the highest air temperature on Earth” — 134 degrees on July 10, 1913, in Death Valley’s Greenland Ranch. Years of fire will take many lives… Expect a full restructure of the NRA following  tragedies such as the Adam Lanza dilemma.

Prediction #12 – Expect an explosion of guns, rifles, ammunition sales and the NRA membership to expand drastically.

Predictions #14 – New mental disorder will puzzle our infantile science.  Princeton weighing whether to offer meningitis vaccines

Updated 9/5/13 – (CNN) — New Hampshire health officials say they’re monitoring eight patients for signs of a fatal brain disease after medical equipment was found to have been contaminated by proteins that cause the ailment.


09/20/14 –  Head of NFL players’ union talks  Head of NFL players' union talks

Predictions #15 –  Expect A full restructure of the NFL / UFC  / NHL and a lot of legal battles  because of an upsurge of violent deaths and misbehaviours –

Predictions #16 – Upsurge in car and racing accidents and cars could be used as weaponry!

Jules Bianchi is regarded as one of Formula One's most promising young drivers.

Update 10/7/14 –  Bianchi family reveal F1 driver has suffered ‘diffuse axonal injury’

Update 9/21/14 –  Sprint car driver killed in wreck practicing for race

May God bless your soul

Kurt Caselli Passes Away After Accident at Baja 1000 Racing Event

Motorsports star killed in race crash

Update 04/10/14 – 9 killed in California bus-truck crash

Famous People

Prediction #17 – Famous radio host Rush Limbaugh will show signs of mental deterioration but willbe kept secret for a while.

Prediction #18 – Queen Helizabet II – David Letterman (sickness) – Pope Benedict  XVI –  Jack Nicholson – George Lopez – Jay Leno – Willie Nelson – Mohamed Ali (or his daughter), Steven Seagal  – Hugh Hefner – Colin Powell – Courtney Kardashian will make sad news. More famous people born in April and October will join this list.

Prediction #19 – Hilary Clinton/Bill Clinton; Hilary will suffer another health ailment (April/October/November/May) and this may cost her life. Remember she shares much of the same UCI as Bruce Lee and we all know of his sudden death. This Dragon may also take her husband because of heart complications. I hope for this dragon to be more forgiving with their health but the stars do not lie!

 Join the cosmic code today, be informed, be prepared.


Watch this video

Police angry at ‘hands up’ display by Rams players
New threat: ‘Racism without racists’

Memo: “This deadly dragon is ruthless and invasive and will directly aim and affect souls born in October (Libra)  and April (Aries)  or those born with a moon, rising, natal or hidden dragons in those signs


David Bruce “Dave” Goldberg  (Yes I was born in October!)

Greg Plitt was born November 3, 1977, with an Aries dragon’s Tail!

Darren Deon Vann born March 21, 1971 – Yes I am An Aries!


Amanda Laura Bynes born April 3, 1986 – Yes I am An Aries!

Treatment for Amanda Bynes?

Like many famous unconscious celebrities, she is also a victim of the 2014 Arian Draconis! 

Phil Robertson born in April – Yes I am an Aries

‘Duck Dynasty’ Star Phil Robertson and ISIS Alarming Ideology! God Have Mercy!
Phil Robertson Under Fire AGAIN After Another ‘Gay’ Sermon“Heil Hitler” Pope Francis Predictions & Alan Robertson Son of “Duck
Presidential Dinner and The Hollywood Matrix Deceptive Famous Faces

 Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl Yes I am An Aries!

Gregg Jarrett born in April – Yes I am an Aries

Donald Sterling  born in April

Valdimir Putin born in October  

Hilary Clinton born in October

Alex Hribal, was  born in October 

David Letterman  born April 

Yvan Lopez born in April


Memo: “This deadly dragon is ruthless and invasive and will directly aim and affect souls born in October (Libra)  VLADIMIR PUTIN and April (Aries)  or those born with a moon, rising, natal or hidden dragons in those signs. “The Lord of War” will rule the world, imposing huge fires, Calif. fire ‘just out of control’ danger, conflicts, large accidents  and will induce dramatic news of death, war and aggression. This dragon is also aiming for the children, Enterovirus D68 now in 11 states – Enterovirus D68 spreads to Canada  the soldiers, the Army and the Navy” – 

KKK steps up its recruiting efforts  – From NY to Texas, KKK recruits with candies and fliers  – “Only fools will deny the reality of my predictions today!” Dr. Turi

“Show me a curious person or an avid reader and I will point out a winner!” Dr. Turi  Copy/paste and Share this link Please help me warn the world!


“This dragon is all about IDENTITY AND RACE (police to Daniele Watts; “show me your ID!” and will induce many reform with emigrations, build walls between the US and other countries, revamp and stimulate ALL that involve emigration and foreigners  moving to the US or away from their unstable countries.” – Survivors: 500 migrants died when people smugglers rammed boat.

Update 9/22/2014 – Tweet draws torrent of racial abuse

I am the latest victims of the  2014 Arian Draconis  and I have no clue about it! 

Update 09/15/2014 – ‘Django Unchained’ actress defends not giving ID to cop – IDENTITY and RACE?

Update 09/02/2014 – Asylum seekers, including children, are transported by immigration officials to a court in southern Thailand on March 15.

Asylum seekers, including children, are transported by immigration officials to a court in southern Thailand on March 15.

(CNN) — Thousands of migrant children, including newborn babies, are being locked up in squalid and cramped detention facilities each year in Thailand, enduring serious physical and emotional harm, according to a new report.

Video Contains Alleged Witness Account of Michael Brown Attacking Cop


This undated photo provided by the Brown family shows Michael Brown. Michael Brown, 18, was shot and killed in a confrontation with police in the St. Louis suburb of Ferguson, Mo, on Saturday, Aug. 9, 2014. (AP Photo/Brown Family) 

Don’t you think the cops should listen to my cosmic wisdom?

Hitler was born with a very negative Capricorn Dragon’s Tail

Hitler NAZI Spirit Re-Born Upon The World 

2014/2015 Arian Draconis Predictions 

Dear Readers;

I decided to share those predictions publicly so the world can be prepared for what the cosmic code has in store for the future!   The Scorpius Draconis‘, legacy was messy, bloody and forced the power itself (IRS/FBI) to realize its own limit and “imploded” while the restructure, as predicted took place in 2013.

 This dramatic dragon has changed the world’s perception on all secrets affairs involving our government finances and led millions of people to do some serious soul searching. I kept a strong record of predictions at the bottom of my website for the curious reader to check on its impact upon the world.

Astrology & Paranormal newsletter

View slideshow: Dr. Turi on the reign of the Dragon in Scorpius Draconis

1 – What is the Arian Draconis? 

The dragon is a cosmic fluid or what our infantile science can only describe as “Dark Matter” coming from the constellation of Draco which is also reflected by the Lunar South and North nodes of the Moon by signs and houses. The stars and the moon are much more than dead rocks hanging above just for the sake of beauty, there is a spiritual essence emanating from them all and God gave them to us for interpretations so we may live a safer more productive life!

2 – How does the Arian Draconis affect human?

The Scorpius Draconis reign is over since February 20th 2014. On this date the Universal “Change of Guards” took place with the new “Martian Dragon” which will rule over humanity and the world at large until November 12, 2015.  This Draconis energy is aggressive, impatient, ruthless, war like and reflect the rebirth of Hitler invading spirit!  It is very different in so many ways and I will offer the reader a set of predictions that will change this world…

“He is wise who understands that the stars are luminaries created as signs. He who conquers the stars will hold the golden keys to God’s mysterious universe.”


Channelling The Greatest Prophet Of All Times “ Michel De Notre Dame”

They Call Him Nostradamus Reincarnated,  The Only Living Astrophile

“A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order” Nostradamus 

2014/2016 Arian Draconis Predictions | DrTuri M.D.U.S.‎ posted to the world June 12, 2013  

  Hitler’s Evil spirit reborn

“This dragon is all about IDENTITY AND RACE (police to Daniele Watts; “show me your ID!” and will induce many reform with emigrations, build walls between the US and other countries, revamp and stimulate ALL that involve emigration and foreigners  moving to the US or away from their unstable countries.” – Survivors: 500 migrants died when people smugglers rammed boat.


Teens set bodies ablaze on video  

New social media dare shows teens setting selves ablaze

Update 8/1/2014 – Joburg school kids wreak havoc in CBD

Update 7/20/2014 – Racism directed at the President 

MISSILE DOWNED JET, U.S. SAYS read the real reasons for this massacre!


 Update –  7/15//2014 Journalist Jose Vargas, symbol of immigration debate, detained at airport

 Update –  7/14//2014  Attorney general’s remarks on race rile Obama critics

Anthony Cumia, the

US Vice President Joe Biden (AFP Photo / Andrew Caballero-Reynolds)

Update 06/12/2014 – Biden to Germans: You are xenophobic

Flag and swastika left on slain officer’s body

Update 06/09/2014 – Police reportedly probe white supremacist link to Las Vegas shootings –The pair who fatally shot two Las Vegas police officers and one civilian before taking their own lives Sunday are believed to be a married couple who possessed white supremacist paraphernalia and spoke of targeting police officers. Will the police ever learn?

Update 05/31/14 – Biracial Woman Confronts Neo-Nazis In Germany, KKK In U.S.

Update 05/31/14 –  Mark CubMark Cuban: ‘I think we’re all bigots’

Again how can anyone refute the unarguable value and reality of the  dated, printed, published predictions I posted  June 12, 2013 on the Internet? In fact racial, gay slurs and news about HITLER have literally exploded since then and it is practically impossible for anyone to deny! The spirit of Hitler is definitely showing with much unrest in many parts of the world!

Update – 06/08/14 –  More undocumented children arrive in Arizona in DHS bid to relieve crowding

Update 05/24/14 – Far-right parties sweep EU polls

Anti-immigration parties in France, the UK and Denmark make sweeping gains in the European Parliament elections.

05/12/2014 – The Netherlands Tells Immigrants to Learn Dutch or Get Out

Australia is advertising its changed migration policy, warning people that they will be sent to Papua New Guinea or elsewhere.

Update: 07/20/13 – Australia cracks down on immigrants



Cosmic Unconscious Human beings responding neurotically to the Arian Dragon!


Update – 05/27/14 – Major Jewish Group Slams MSNBC’s Toure Over His Comments

Update – 05/22/14 –Russia hits back at Prince Charles
Update – 05/20/14 –  The surprising racial bias against Asians
Update – 05/20/14 –   Libya evacuation decision ‘minute by minute,’ U.S. official says

“This dragon will impose many reform with emigrations, build walls between the US and other nations (Russia/Libya etc.) and revamp ALL that involve emigrations/foreigners moving in or out of the US.”

Update – 5/14/2014 – President Barack Obama pauses while speaking during a meeting of law enforcement leaders from across the country to discuss immigration reform, Tuesday, May 13, 2014, in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building on the White House complex in Washington.

Memo: “This dragon is ruthless and invasive and will directly affect souls born in October (Libra)  and April (Aries)  or those born with a moon, rising, natal or hidden dragons in those signs. “The Lord of War” will rule the world, imposing huge fires, danger, conflicts, large accidents  and will induce dramatic news of death and aggression. This dragon is also aiming for the children, 700 infants exposed to TB the soldiers, the Army and the Navy”

Veterans Commits Suicide Outside of VA Clinic

Update – 8/1/2014 – Navy Vet Who Killed Himself in Front of a VA Clinic

Update – 05/20/14 –  Army declares martial law in Thailand
Fort Hood shooting

Hi Dr. Turi;
Just read the news this from the Drudge Report, Your accurate predictions continues…

Greek Supreme Court clears neo-Nazi party for EU vote 

Putin Warns of Growing Militant Nationalism, Nazi Ideology in Europe

Update: 04/19/2014 –  MORE NEW ABOUT HITLER ON CNN

Update: 04/17/2014 – Russian Media, Cowed by Putin, Promotes His Menacing Message 

“Russian President Vladimir Putin and his cabal have constructed a massive propaganda machine worthy of the infamous Nazi German propagandist Joseph Goebbels.


Update: 04/13/2014 –  Three dead in ‘Hitler’ shootings at Kansas City Jewish centers

“15-year-old boy critically wounded; witnesses say shooter singled out Jews, yelled ‘Heil Hitler’ upon arrest.”

 “On the medical aspect of Astropsychology this Dragon will induce new brain diseases science will wonder about!”

Update – 11/16/13 – Princeton weighing whether to offer meningitis vaccines because they do not know if its meningitis… 

Cosmic Unconscious Human beings responding neurotically to the Arian Draconis!

Human are born/programmed by a natal and hidden karmic dragon, one affecting the physical plane of the human experience the other its subconscious motivations/perception of reality. I wrote a 525 page on the natal Dragon explaining the “ Power of the Dragon” elaborating on the fate of many famous and infamous people that made history and international news. I have yet to write another one of the Hidden Dragon power when I have time.

Arian Draconis

 Nostradamus 16th century Divine Astrology Methodology

3 – How does the Arian Draconis affect the news? Remember I posted my predictions back in June 2013 and this Dragon has already spoken through Vladimir Putin annexing Ukraine.  In fact the Russian President “declared war” when he first visited the US September 12, 2013 ” Putin to America: You’re not special.”

Update – 5/22/2014 Russia hits back at Prince Charles

Update – 5/21/2014 – Did Prince Charles liken Putin to Hitler? 

Update 03/05/2013 – Hillary Clinton compares Vladimir Putin’s actions in Ukraine to Adolf Hitler’s in Nazi Germany

Note: Born in October, Putin is subconsciously responding to the negative Arian Draconis impact upon his 7th house (partnership/open enemies/facing the world) ruining his relationship with Europe, the US and the entire free world.  Since then many famous people born in October and April made dramatic news.  

It is only by keeping a well documented record of predictions and making them unarguable that humanity will finally acknowledge a Cosmic God and free itself from the scientific and religious controlling educational matrixes. While many of my articles are posted on my public blog, I will keep this important file updated for my VIP’s in “Dr. Turi 2014 – 2016 Arian Draconis Universal Predictions” because this is just the beginning…

Update 04/11/2014 – “Hillary Clinton dodges a shoe on stage!” This is a serious omen that the dragon is physically against her but I do not expect the norm to realize nor accept my vision  of her depleting health until time as usual,  proves me right!

NEW YORK, NY - SEPTEMBER 11: Democratic presidental nominee former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton arrives with an unidentified woman at the September 11 Commemoration Ceremony at the National September 11 Memorial & Museum on September 11, 2016 in New York City. Hillary Clinton left a September 11 Commemoration Ceremony early after feeling overheated and went to her daughter's house to rest. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

Update 9/12/2016 – Clinton buckles, reveals illness and cancels campaign trip

While the old Scorpius Draconis stimulated the mass to become more curious about metaphysics, the occult, secrets, sex the Arian Draconis will stimulate a deeper drive to understand and find oneself. It will also induce more than usual accidents, aggression and suicides, especially in the Army, Navy and all public servants organizations. This impact will take the psychological world by surprise with an incredible upsurge of depressed, suicidal mass of people. Sad enough anti-depressants will make the situation much worse because the scientific community has not yet investigated, nor realize the safer therapeutic values found in the science of Astropsychology.

4 – How can someone control his own Arian Draconis?  The part of God in each human being is much stronger than the stars and the dragons but without cosmic consciousness the soul, subconsciously, neurotically can only succumb to its extraordinary pull and can not apply the will. Many will succumb to suicide and take many innocent people with them. “Why flight 370 pilot took so many innocent lives with him?

In Flight 370 case, this powerful negative Draconis cosmic fluid was cursing the pilot’s 8th house of death, close to his Moon (emotions) in Pisces (oceans.)  I offered all the details to my VIP’s but in no way, and by respect to the dead and their families, can I make this article public!

If, for example the Dragon is affecting the subconscious 12th house, the person is forced into serious and deep psychological changes than can lead to heavy depressions and the regular use of anti depressants stimulates the evil of murder and suicidal thoughts. I tried to explain this phenomenon in a You Tube video in the Adam Lanza’s case, explaining the Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting but the scientific community and its forensic experts are unable, juts yet, to comprehend such a mystical cosmic phenomenon.

5 – What can we expect from this Arian Draconis impact? Looking at the latest news they are quite obvious with so much going on in the news. Children executing other children, mothers becoming either the victims of the perpetrators with their own children not to forget the Dragon rules the self identity, race and color.  “Facebook video leads to child abuse charges

This nasty cosmic fluid will produce many fires and “accidents” but there are no accidents, only cosmic circumstances unknown to science…

6 – Can the Arian Draconis be positive?  Indeed if you use it to uncover your cosmic nature and learn to control its power constructively! But first one must find in which of the 12th houses regulating the human experience the Arian Draconis resides in the natal UCI. A 90mn taped Full Life Reading of a live Skype session will clarify it all and I strongly recommend everyone to check on my services.  While very concerned, traditionally educated, non – cosmic conscious medical doctors can make your situation extraordinary expansive and very dangerous. And I always strongly recommend anyone to check and read the comments of my previous patients because there is only a very thin line between divine cosmic information and pure imagination.

7 – What is the purpose of the Arian Draconis?  There are some years where everything you do turns into pure gold, while some years are only made of pain, loss and suffering. The dragon is karmic in nature and offer a badly needed rebirth by bringing balance in your life. You must be aware of the nasty tail but mostly focus on the progressive protective Libra head. This sign rules contracts, marriage, balance, harmony and if you refuse to use diplomacy or its blessings, falling on his burning tail will be the only way for you to learn the hard way!

8 – Can the Arian Draconis affect the world at large? Yes indeed because any and all Presidents are also under the jurisdictions of the dragon. His political decisions, emotional feelings and understanding of situations are regulated by the inner pull of his natal and hidden karmic dragons. For example our President Obama is victimized  by his humanitarian Aquarius Dragon’s Tail which makes him believe and work for the common good of all the people and everyone and every countries is/should be a friend.

On the other hand, Vladimir Putin was born with the exact same dragons as Obama but in opposite signs.  Putin is a Leo (pride/children) dragon’s Tail (negative) and he wants to rule the world and will not hesitate to sacrifice the lives of the many children his dragon has cursed to die. But the sad reality; to this day there is not a single cosmic conscious President in the entire world aware of the dragon subtle power and this lack of awareness leads to more misunderstanding and will create more political/religious wars.

Putin Warns Obama – You’ve Turned USA & West Into Godless Sewer, Declares His Christian Faith 

“Nothing is more dangerous for the world than  a religiously poisoned Leader. “Predictions – Vladimir Puttin A Plea for WAR From Russia.” Vladimir Putin is a Libra and, much like like Capricorn are “codified” signs. This mean they are Neptunian born and seriously prone to religious poisoning and will do all in their power to steer the 1995 predicted world religious war. While Ukraine is a good  and solid acquisition for Russia strategy,  subconsciously Vladimir Putin is engaging his own personal religious war again Obama, America and all the RED warning signs are obvious to me!”

9 – Can the Arian Draconis affect criminals? This dragon will make criminal more daring with the public and the police because of the aggressive upsurge of destructive emotions. Human are nothing more than unconscious robots reacting the this Arian Draconis stimuli.  Remember this dragon aim for the soldiers and the unstoppable increase in suicides baffling science, the AFA and the Army/Navy authorities. Looking for a responsible “gene” performing wasteful medical researches is certainly not the way to go because ingesting more drugs take away whatever little will is left for the victim to battle his dragons. This is a psychical problem in nature, unknown to a non intuitive science where guns are not responsible. I have the real answers that could put an end to this phenomenon but my 64 years of independent psychical researches is still sough as “pseudo-science only!

10 – Does Arian Draconis affect finances? Yes it does and will stimulate new alliances in construction and auto-mobile corporate contracts. This dragon is forcing the Army, the Navy and many auto makers establishments to restructure, sometime by force. Automobile recalls are on pace to break recent highs!

“Millionaire do not use astrology, billionaires do” J.P. Morgan wrote! The fact is knowledge is power, ignorance and fears equal evil and knowing where all the dragons of all the participants of a new corporation resides will endorse and promote its future or kill it in the long run. Cosmic consciousness offers the President and his associates the wisdom/power needed to control and promote its growth. And this is why many corporations cosmic unconscious President are “excused” or forced into resignation…it’s all about their natal and universal dragons movements, but they do not know…

Explanation of the Dragon

Nostradamus Personal Dragon Forecast  for 2014

I made this book available to the public for only $15.00 read what your natal dragon has in store for you in 2014. The hidden Dragon has even more psychical power but can only be explained in one of my taped consultations.

May you always find yourself at the head of the dragon, for the tail is not a place to ride. If you are finding life a very hard toil with no hope of moving into the space of your dreams, then you are riding backward, it seems. A Dragon is no easy thing to tame, which is why we have a lifetime to learn how. Use your time wisely lest you have to do it again! Sir Isaac Newton wrote “for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction” if you are not happy it’s because you do not live your destiny!

This file is incomplete, I will add many more predictions for famous people and will also be updated as the predictions come to pass for my VIP’s. Join the cosmic code today, be informed, be prepared.

Blessings to all my readers

Dr. Turi

California Highway Patrol and 9 dead in Glenn County, CA!


(CNN) — At least nine people were killed Thursday when a tour bus collided with a truck in Glenn County, California, said California Highway Patrol Officer Timothy Howath.

From Dr. Turi 2014 – 2016 Arian Draconis Universal Predictions (VIP’s Only)

From Dr. Turi 2014 – 2016 Arian Draconis Universal Predictions (Public Only)

“Predictions #17 – Upsurge in car and racing accidents” 

Update 04/10/14 – 9 killed in California bus-truck crash – Motorsports star killed in race crash!

If you read my well documented, dated, published prediction above would you still think my work is pseudo-science only? Can the cops, astronomers and mathematicians alike grasp the physical (and spiritual) laws of this dimension and acknowledge the Cosmic Code rules all affairs on earth?

Do you really think there are accidents that can not be predicted or avoided? Gee if you think that way, you need to wake up to the future because as a the fist Cosmic Cop I will point out the next terrible “accident.” When is the last time you heard of a pilot going in a joy ride and kill 227 people with him?

When is the last time you head of a high school student who stabbed 21 classmates and a security guard at a Pennsylvania high school? And why did he do it?

Can our infantile science and the police executives realize those “accidents” comes from other cosmic dimensions and can be detected and prevented? Oh my God, in what a young world did I land on? How do you think, back in June 2013 I was able to warn my VIP’s on the 2014 Arian Draconis impact? Because I am a psychic?

“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life.  Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom.

~ Paracelsus

Give me a break I am more of a scientist than all scientists combined together, I just know a little more about life and the cosmos psychical values because I did not attend their “accredited” universities, and instead learned it all the hard way! Yes HANDS ON experiences and at 64 I can teach a few things to those kids fresh out of college!   May be you should pay attention to my next warning and wake up to the reality of a Cosmic God punishing all non -cosmic conscious atheists, agnostics and skeptics alike?

Just read  this article over and over again and ponder because only YOU can decide to become curious and investigate my claims reader. When I wrote back in June 2013,  ‘Predictions #17 – Upsurge in car and racing accidents!” and you read the results months later, do not let others, nor your fears dictate your reality! And if you just landed on my work, do not think for a second it is another “accident” instead think of it as an “Act of God” because you were lead to me to get the answers your creator has enslaved you to find…

Just read, acknowledge and remember… “Four Blood Moons” April 23/24/25 2014 Cardinal Grand Cross Predictions. It is easier to win your state lottery than to land on a real prophet! Indeed the future has and will always be my utmost faithful witness! See you then



Roseanne Barr weight loss predicted by Dr. Turi


Roseanne Barr recently showed off a slimmer figure at the 2014 NBCUniversal Summer Press Day in Pasadena, California. The 61-year old has been delighted by all the attention fans have paid to her new figure and thanked them <a href='' target='_blank'>via Twitter. </a>Roseanne Barr recently showed off a slimmer figure at the 2014 NBCUniversal Summer Press Day in Pasadena, California. The 61-year old has been delighted by all the attention fans have paid to her new figure and thanked them via Twitter.


(CNN) — There is less of Roseanne Barr to love these days. Barr showed off her new svelte figure Tuesday at the NBCUniversal Summer Press Day. The comedic actress was there as part of her new gig as a judge on the network’s show “Last Comic Standing.” Fans praised Barr for her new look and she responded by tweeting “hey, THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR ALL OF THE NICE WORDS ABOUT MY WEIGHT LOSS! I’m inspired 2 keep going!”

Dear Readers;

Roseanne was born  November 3rd, 1952, she is a Scorpio and the Dragon’s Tail is currently right in her 6th house of work and health! Amazingly I can also predict when people will lose weight lol and this is what makes the big difference between Dr. Turi legitimacy and those famous scientists who pretend to know and write about metaphysics and Universal Laws…

Had Roseanne invested in my 2014 Dragon Forecast she would have read the following and knew the Cosmic Code was on her side in 2014! If you are a fan make her day, share this on her Twitter page! Rich or poor famous or not I do serve all my clients with the best of my cosmic God given gift!


Pluto Governs the Mighty Constellation 
of Scorpio “The Eagle or Lizard.”

Holder of all the secrets deep 
Never speaking for they are mine to keep 
For those who plunder without care 
Tread carefully for I see you there 

I am Scorpio, child of Pluto.

Characteristics for Those Born In November

The planet Pluto and the intense sign of Scorpio govern the month of November. You inherited a powerful will and you are attracted to the unknown; the medical professions, the police force, metaphysics, politics, finances and general investigations. You are classified as the “Eagle” (positive) or the “Lizard” (negative) in Divine Astrology. You are quite private, secretive, even mystic and like all other water signs you excel in the study and use of metaphysics. Unless you are aware of your innate witchcraft powerful residue, you are well advised not to sting yourself with your own dart. You carry in your soul, the element of life and death, reincarnation and pure sensuality.

On a negative note, your magnetic thoughts can reach anyone anywhere for good or for worse, bringing its accompanying karma into our own life. The young Scorpio soul will experience drama, despair and imprisonment during the course of his life. However, the destructive energies of Pluto can be channeled positively to accomplish tremendous results and incomparable career achievement. Your sign rules the Mafia, the police force, the FBI, CIA, supreme finance, and with it absolute power of creation or destruction, including sex. The message is quite clear when representing anyone born in November, deal with one and your life will change drastically. No one should take chances under Pluto’s command. Realize the Eagle in you is your challenge and your own birthright for creation or destruction.

These souls have no known fears in the face of death. Many advanced Pluto children will “fly” like an eagle above the destructive “Lizard” emotions and legendary jealousy. You can use your inborn mystical gifts to succeed where others would fail. Strong, private and dominant, you were born with a practical mind and an acute intuition. Your lesson is to control and direct constructively your deep emotions and use Pluto’s ultimate power for the well being of society. You regenerate with investigations and spiritual matters and must uncover your unique mission in life. You are interested and aspire only for the undiluted truth and supreme power. The women of this sign are seen in Divine Astrology as “la femme fatale.”

They are sensual, classic, intellectual, reserved, and supremely magnetic. They also tend to use inner sexual power and physical beauty to reach their high goals. However, even as a powerful Scorpio, you are very weak with affairs of the heart and tend to be in love with love. A word of caution for you: Do not use your poisonous stinger against yourself or society. Remember to respect the Universal Law (see Moon Power), as your awareness and Moon planning, will become a major contribution to your happiness and success.

The location of your natal Dragon’s Head or Tail will seriously alter the strength or weakness of Pluto in your chart. (See the “Nostradamus Dragon Forecast” e-book for more information). You can learn much more about yourself or anyone else by ordering my books entitled “Beyond the Secret,” “I Know All About you,” “The Power of the Dragon” or “And God Created The Stars.”

2014 — Dragon Forecast For Those Born In November

Personal: On August 30th, 2012, the dragon moved into Scorpio/Taurus axis and will stay in these signs until February 19th, 2014. The new “Change of Guards” will take place on this day as the new Dragon’s Head will move into the sign Libra in your 12th house regulating your subconscious affairs. The challenging Tail of the Dragon will be in the sign of Aries right into your 6th house regulating your work and health. This cosmic order will stimulate all affairs regulating your inner and physical life where you may be forced to undergo a full physical and/or spiritual rebirth. You are advised to stay away from drugs, alcohol or antidepressants and keep a strong positive attitude.

2014 Predictions: The new Dragon’s Head (luck/growth) will induce deep psychological changes where you are strongly advised to stay clear from negative situations. These means also taking some time off work and enjoy nature, so as to reshape your subconscious appropriately. You are strongly advised to put your hand on my book “Beyond the Secret” and learn more about the constructive/destructive forces emanating from your subconscious. The dragon wants you to learn all about this house and its mystical potential.

Many Scorpio souls will work hard rebuilding both their physical and spiritual selves and while expanding their consciousness they will also share their valuable experiences with others. Many well deserving souls born in November will feel the urge to rebuild the way, to service the world and themselves in the process. These changes will help you find the best way to serve others and gain more in the long run. This impact may bring new partners and strike lucky with them. The need to learn more about the inner forces of life may also lead Scorpio to travel mentally deep, far and fast. A feeling for a new deeper wisdom will be induced where some people or their partner(s) will initiate the changes. This karmic experience will force Scorpio to accept their mental or physical limits and lead many of them to invest deeper into the mysteries of life. Scorpio must also guard against deep self-inflicted destructive mental thoughts and realize the Dragon in your subconscious induces those tough changes. In all, when it is said and done, your spirit will gain valuable wisdom, but you must stay clear of any form of drugs.

The new Dragon energy will stir a sense of perception where your dreams may become prophetic in nature. Souls born in November will be tested mentally and forced to accept the reality of astral entities trying to suck life out of them. 2013 could mark the beginning of a new perceptive power and a clear vision of your own future forcing you to control your thoughts for a better peaceful life. The lucky November soul will find the right way to deal with this new psychic force and enjoy the new path. Because of its natural need for investigations Scorpio will be tested in their life. The challenge is to control the destructive power of Pluto plaguing your subconscious. This year Scorpio will be forced to die and rebirth in both the physical and spiritual worlds. Adapting to the Universal Law of the Moon (see 2014 Moon Power) can only help you fight depressive thoughts in time of karmic stress and synchronizing perfectly and accordingly with the Cosmic Code jurisdictions will protect you.

Important note: This material is generated for the mass only and does not imply the complexity of a lengthy private session with Dr. Turi. The Dragon Forecast for those born in November, while proven accurate, is dedicated to serve the reader minimally and objectively. A simplified personal reading: “Full Adult Personal Report,” is an inexpensive and good start for you if unable to afford a “Full Life Reading.” Go to for a full in-depth description of services provided.

JUPITER LUCKY TOUCH – All the way to July 16th 2014, the great beneficial planet Jupiter (luck/expansion/protection/traveling/foreigners/studying) will be cruising through the sign of Cancer in your 9th house regulating your higher studies and traveling. The option to deal with foreigners, join a spiritual group will open a new door to your perception of religions will then be offered to you. Jupiter’s protective luck will benefit you drastically by the house and signs for which the transit is taking place in. However, it is only through a professional, personal taped VIP consultation that the full impact of this great planet can be fully and accurately explained. On July 16th 2014 Jupiter will then move into Leo your 11th house of wishes and friends where you will enjoy a good life, travelling, a new light, a child, higher wisdom and love will bless you and your partner’s life.

Being at the right place, at the right time, has a lot to do with your progress in terms of lucky breaks and opportunities … Jupiter will help provide those breaks. If you decide to move, the knowledge found in Astro-Carto-Graphy would become a serious help to your success (or your failure) in the new chosen location. Most of all, my latest discovery on “Your 12 months “Personal Lucky/Unlucky Dragon Window Dates” will become a major contribution for being at the right place at the right time. Keep this service in mind and give it a try — it works! – Good luck to all of those born in November.


Now what about you? what does the dragon has in store for 2014?

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