Year: 2014

Spiritual Phenomena Exist in Other Dimensions Dr. Turi Says!



Astronomer and mathematician Bernard Carr theorizes that many of the phenomena we experience but cannot explain within the physical laws of this dimension actually occur in other dimensions.

All the signs are undeniable and I saw them all coming to curse America and the world at large back in 1991. I made two very specific predictions on the Art Bell show and this predicted religious war will be ugly!

DT Rebuttal: Given a chance I would have fun tutoring science about the Cosmic Code jurisdictions and Astropsychology  and offer them the missing link.  All can easily be assimilated providing science accept the fact that there are countless of spiritual/universal  laws effecting all solar systems.

But the Golden key to what it means to be human  will never belong to them until they upgrade their psychical vibrations and start to think differently! They must also stop lumping me with Mrs. Cleo and realize that I am not a Psychic!” Indeed I use a modified software that allows me to translate the “spiritual” values found in all the planets, the Sun and the moon and its impact upon the human UCI.

*The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. We will not solve the problems of the world from the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. More than anything else, this new century demands new thinking: We must change our materially based analyses of the world around us to include broader, more multidimensional perspectives.”

 ~Albert Einstein* 

Bernard Carr

Bernard Carr (Wikimedia Commons) What the Bleep Do I know?

Albert Einstein stated that there are at least four dimensions. The fourth dimension is time, or spacetime, since Einstein said space and time cannot be separated. In modern physics, theories about the existence of up to 11 dimensions and the possibility of more have gained traction.

DT Rebuttal: While I have a very high level of respect for Einstein, I am convinced the Cosmic Code own infinite dimensions and the communication change from one solar system to another because of spiritual planetary values that can not be nor be used on our particular solar system…

Carr, a professor of mathematics and astronomy at Queen Mary University of London, says our consciousness interacts with another dimension. Furthermore, the multi-dimensional universe he envisions has a hierarchical structure. We are at the lowest-level dimension.

DT Rebuttal: The cosmic hierarchical structure varies from human to human because of the inherited advanced or lower UCI psychical legacy. Indeed there are billions of human and billions of stars reflecting their limitless various cosmic identities. Thus because Carr inherited an inferior or non spiritual, rational   UCI does not mean he should take his personal case as a generality! This does not mean he is stupid but forbidden by the cosmic code itself (or God’s will) to enter the archetypal realm of supra-consciousness.

“The model resolves well-known philosophical problems concerning the relationship between matter and mind, elucidates the nature of time, and provides an ontological framework for the interpretation of phenomena such as apparitions, OBEs [out-of-body experiences], NDEs [near-death-experiences], and dreams,” he wrote in a conference abstract. 

DT Rebuttal: It is cosmically impossible for anyone to write or try to clarify  phenomena such as apparitions, OBEs [out-of-body experiences], NDEs [near-death-experiences], and dreams when you do not have the birth tools to personally experience them!  Remote Viewing Flight 370 cockpit, the real story!

ALL the conference abstract organisers and guests speakers are non – cosmic conscious and should invite real psychical experts to explain the subtle  process outside of conventional accepted disciplines. Indeed those who are sought as the experts in their particular field are the least knowledgeable of the topics they try so hard to investigate! I publicly proved my claim on national TV  and on endless radio shows but yet, who’s to accept the impossible? But I will do it again and prove my claims all over again…

Dr. Turi on Jerry Pippins  radio show  Monday April 14 from 7 to 8 PM Eastern

Do not miss this show, I will elaborate on Why flight 370 pilot took so many innocent lives with him? I will also give the date for the next SOS To The World window and make more predictions about  natural disasters. I will elaborate on the 2014/2016 Arian Draconis, Vladimir Putin,  Ukraine, the USA etc. I will also offer a SUPER deal that will last only a few hours after the show.  Be there, it will be very HOT!

Carr reasons that our physical sensors only show us a 3-dimensional universe, though there are actually at least four dimensions. What exists in the higher dimensions are entities we cannot touch with our physical sensors. He said that such entities must still have a type of space to exist in.

“The only non-physical entities in the universe of which we have any experience are mental ones, and … the existence of paranormal phenomena suggests that mental entities have to exist in some sort of space,” Carr wrote.

DT Rebuttal: Low entities can only operates on low astral plane and are the results of thought forms generated by born Neptunians under the influence of hallucinogens or suffering serious religious poisoning. Those entities can only be created and be seen as real by those who maintained the thought long enough to help its materialization in one of the many levels found in the low astral planes.

The other-dimensional space we enter in dreams overlaps with the space where memory exists. Carr says telepathy signals a communal mental space and clairvoyance also contains a physical space. “Non-physical percepts have attributes of externality,” he wrote in his book “Matter, Mind, and Higher Dimensions.” 

DT Rebuttal:  “Matter, Mind, and Higher Dimensions” do not mingle nor mix, and the memory of any dream can only survive for a very short period of time even  if the subject is trained to do so! If you dogs bark just before awakening, chances are your subconscious will find a way to induce him into the dream and unless the “memory” is painful or scary will you remember it.  We all become geniuses in our dreams state, there is aboslutely NO physical solid manifestation in an y psychical phenomenon. It seems Carl is desperately looking for his cosmic identity but it is not using his logic that the answers he was enslaved to uncover will come to him.  “Matter, Mind, and Higher Dimensions.”

He builds on previous theories, including the Kaluza–Klein theory, which unifies the fundamental forces of gravitation and electromagnetism. The Kaluza–Klein theory also envisions a 5-dimensional space.In “M-theory,” there are 11 dimensions. In superstring theory, there are 10. Carr understands this as a 4-dimensional “external” space—meaning these are the four dimensions in Einstein’s relativity theory—and a 6- or 7-dimensional “internal” space—meaning these dimensions relate to psychic and other “intangible” phenomena.

Republished with permission from Epoch Times.

DT Rebuttal: Indeed Astronomers, mathematicians and Bernard Carr seem to be very confused and none of them will never own any physical / plausible  answers dealing with a spiritual topic… Its like trying to swim without arms and legs or converse in a foreign “cosmic” language you never took the time to master!

All can tell you from experience flying through the Cosmic Code daily making endless accurate predictions and guiding/reading people psyches professionally since 1991  is that; Unless you master the cosmic code Jurisdictions and acknowledge the spiritual cosmic dynamics in place, Bernard Carr and all scientists will keep discovering more and more dimensions, much like NASA discovery more and more new planets  that were always there.

There are billions of applicable dimensions that do not apply to our particular solar vibrational system. In fact there are as many dimensions as there are Sun’s and billions of solar systems supports billions of very different life-form responding singularly to its own solar system psychical manifesto. But how can you speak of the cosmos or UFO when those over educated nerds are not set by the planetary system to assimilate such phenomenon?

Incredible experiences breed incredible people that have incredible wisdom to share! And trust me readers, there is a BIG difference between education and intelligence

UFO”s Are Very Real  –  And So Is The Legacy! – What Did They Do To Me?

Knowing since 1991 all I did was to “forcefully”  educate science on the cosmic code jurisdictions with my endless SPAM’s, indeed thousands of people from all over the world did and will  learn more from my  “Cyber Cosmic University.”



Dr. Turi’ SPAM  means  – Servicing Pathetic Atheists Minds (for free!) 

I predict, with time science will acknowledge the cosmic code but will never mention my work and I… Justice will be done many years after a leave this world…

Obama waste $100M to unlock mysteries of the brain (public)

The Universe IS a big Brain (public)

Neuroscience Long For Answer On the Mind (VIP’s only)

Deepak Chopra Versus Dr. Turi Secrets to a Cosmic Conscious brain (VIP’s only)

Dr. Drew Versus Dr. Turi (VIP’s only)

“Jared Lee Laughner “The Mind Of A Killer” (public)

The Power of The Mind  (VIP’s only)

A New Beginning For humanity  (VIP’s only)

Iranian Scientist Versus Dr.Turi Time Machine (public)

NO you do not need a BA, MA, MBA, JD and PhD (VIP’s only)

Note some of  those those cosmic code newsletters are only available when you become a VIP and read them from the Cosmic Code website.



“Four blood moons” April 15/16/17 and 23/24/25 2014 Cardinal Grand Cross Predictions



“If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

Dalai Lama & Dr. Turi

 Alex Hribal, was  born in October 1st, 1997 with a Pisces (drugs/religion) Dragon’s Tail

” We Don’t know what I got going down!” Authorities have not detailed a possible motive in the attack, but the district attorney said in court the teen made “statements when subdued by officials that he wanted to die.”


 I failed Dr. Turi, I joined Adam Lanza‘ disgrace because all my moronic teachers did not  teach me about my Neptunian  natal UCI  and my karmic Pisces Dragon’s Tail!

We Don’t know what I got going down?”  I tell you what’s going down readers, another innocent  lost soul born with a  Pisces dragon’s Tail is what is going down, all the way to the labyrinth of despair!  If a picture could talk this one has a lot to say! You can see a non cosmic conscious cop or the authorities, the power, the institutions, the religious and scientific controlling traditional educational matrixes punishing an innocent kid who had no chances to fight his cursed UCI!


Do you know someone else born in April or October .i.e. David Letterman, Ivan Lopez, Alex Hribal, Vladimir Putin, Hilary Clinton who made international news lately? But I can’t help wondering is my psychical work a bit too much for the majority of God fearing non cosmic conscious souls who can only assimilate fearful religious junk?

April 15/16/17

Hidden secrets sex, money come to light
Raw power challenges police deadly villains
Ugly face of death drama horror surface
Nature man’s religion bloody folly reign

Russia / Famous Death / Dramatic News / Police / FBI / CIA / Secrets / Scandals / Terrorism / Abduction / Finances / Super wealth / Sex / Serial Killers / wake up Call.



Police officer’s son charged in city’s worst mass murder 

Dramatic News / Police?

“Calgary Police Chief says there is no apparent motive behind 5 stabbing deaths – YES THERE IS but you do not know about it! All you have to do is to listen to my CLEAR warnings about the police making bad news TODAY on the Jerry Pippin show! try also I will expose this lost soul UCI to my VIP’s soon.”

04/17/14 – Deadliest accident ever on Everest Death News?
04/17/14 – Diplomats agree on a way forward –  Wake Up Call?
04/17/14 – What victim’s mother did next is shocking  What victim's mother did next is shocking Dramatic death news?
04/17/14  Salsa legend dies in car wreck  Famous death?
04/17/14 – Nobel laureate writer Garcia Marquez dies   Famous death?
04/17/14 – Passenger text: ‘We are not dead’ death news?
04/17/14 – Yahoo exec gets $58M kick out the door Super wealth?
04/17/14 –  ‘X-Men’ director accused of sex abuse Sex news?


04/16/14 – Miley Cyrus tweets from hospital (Wake up call?
04/16/14 – Rapper severs penis, jumps off building  (Sex/drama?)
04/16/14 – 100 Nigerian school girls abducted – Abduction /Sex
04/16/14 – 13 minutes into 911 call, woman killed (Death news?)
04/16/14 – Bloomberg’s $50M challenge to NRA (Finances/money?


A new video shows what looks like the largest and most dangerous gathering of al Qaeda in years. U.S. officials aren’t saying if the CIA knew anything about it. terrorism? TERRORISM?

Largest and most dangerous gathering of al Qaeda in years. U.S. predicted by Dr. Turi in “Four blood moons” and Jerry Pippin show  for April 15/16/17 Cardinal Grand Cross Predictions l (copy/paste and email to the skeptics Pls.)

No skeptics, atheists and agnostics alike,  it is not everyday that the largest and most dangerous gathering of al Qaeda in years make the news on CNN! Accept the fact that I have a gift and start heeding my warnings!

04/15/14 – Russia: Ukraine on brink of civil war  – Wake up call?
04/15/14 – Oops! Airline sends pornographic tweet – Sex news?
04/15/14 Police: Mom admits killing 6 babies – Police?
04/15/14 They write tax laws, but don’t pay up – Tax?
04/15/14 – Gunmen abduct Afghan deputy minister  – Terrorism?

South Korean ship carrying students sinks

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important news from religions, the pope, oil, gas, the ocean, chemicals jails, drugs, water,  *L.A. tornado: ‘It was crazy’  – *Biggest storm in years wallops Calif. – medications (Miley Cyrus) and the spirit *Andrew Keegan starts new religion .  In some ways, following this Grand  Cross  God’s cosmic identity will be emphasized to Christianity while religions and the dying Age of Pisces must give room to the new Age of Aquariusand the sad fate of the Titanic disaster came to my mind…”

Update: 11/15/2014 Chemical plant leak kills 4

Watch this video

Flight 370 Satellite Image May Show Possible Oil Slick  (oil?)

Updated 04/13/14 –  Warning Not to Use E15 Gas in Your Car: FOX Business (Gas?)

April 23/24/25 

Deep Reveals And Take
Above, Below Nature Tremble
Non – Cosmic Be Taken
God Speaks Before Science – How did he survive the flight?

Cosmos News / Nukes / Weird news / Freak / Space / Surprises / Explosions / Shocking / Stunning / Incredible / lightning / Unusual Humanitarianism / Discovery / Science / Earthquakes (always above 6.0) / Volcanoes / Tornadoes / NASA / Aeronautics / Technology / Cyber / Japan / Television / UFO.

16 die in three states, more storms on way – Tornadoes?

Copter crash kills 5 NATO forces – Aeronautics?

4/25/14 – Possible North Korean nuclear test looms over Obama’s visit to South Korea – NUKES?

4/25/14 – Boston Hospital in Cyberattacks – Cyber?
4/25/14 – Why didn’t Flight 370’s beacon work? -Technology?
4/25/14 – Cell phones may be key to mystery  Cell phones may be key to mystery -Technology?
4/25/14 – Ex-QB: Concussions cost me TV job – Technology?

 TONGA  REGION Magnitude: 6.5 – Earthquakes?
CANADA REGION – Magnitude: 6.7 – Earthquakes?

Longtime NBA team owner Donald Sterling is being roundly criticized for remarks he allegedly made regarding African-Americans that some are calling “repugnant” and “reprehensible.” Shocking?  Non – Cosmic Be Taken?

4/24/14 – Hear her joke that got no laughs  – Shocking? Non – Cosmic Be Taken?
4/24/14 – Politicians hit rancher’s racist remarks – Shocking? Non – Cosmic Be Taken?

4/24/14 – Obama: Japan robots a ‘little scary’  – Technology?
4/24/14 – Rocket launches then LANDS!  Rocket launches then LANDS! – Technology?
4/24/14 – Pastor’s son says he visited heaven  Pastor's son says he visited heaven – Weird?
4/24/14 – I can’t declare plane lost, says Malaysian PM – Aeronautics?
4/24/14 – Mom bites pit bull as it attacks girl  Mom bites pit bull as it attacks girl Shocking?
4/24/14 – This video will make your heart stop  This video will make your heart stop  Shocking?

Shocking? Unusual?

Watch this video

04/23/14 – It was found on coast of Western Australia – Deep Reveals And Take?
04/23/14 – Divers find no air pockets on key decks – Deep Reveals And Take?

04/22/14 – South Korea: North steps up activity at its nuclear site – Nukes?
04/22/14 – Teen stowaway raises questions about airport security  – Aeronautics?
04/22/14 – Iceberg twice the size of Atlanta is on the move – Shocking / Stunning?
04/22/14 – What if drone doesn’t find plane?  What if drone doesn't find plane? Plane?
04/22/14 – Netflix to raise subscription prices – Technology?
04/22/14 – Bystander gets shocker at marathon: – Shocking?
04/22/14 – S.Korea: North’s nuke site active – Nukes?
04/22/14 – Teen flies to Hawaii in landing gear – Aeronautics /Shocking?
04/22/14 – Suit in American courts against U.S. aircraft manufacturer – Aeronautics?

04/23/14 – S.Korea: North’s nuke site active – Nukes?
04/23/14 – Teen flies to Hawaii in landing gear – Aeronautics/Shocking?
04/23/14 – Suit in American courts against U.S. aircraft manufacturer – Aeronautics?


 Cardinal Grand Cross Predictions  – Ready for your eyes – It will be a bumpy one and the predictions I divulged about religion, the pope etc. are shocking.

Alex Hribal. another victim of today’s education is now completed, I explained in great details why he did what he did! If you are into psychology or simply smart and curious about what it means to be human, this educational cosmic code article will teach you much more than forensic science and all psychologists combined. Until you read those articles, you can only assume and confuse my confidence and true cosmic wisdom as just another of Dr. Turi’s ego trip!

Be sure those dates will make the utmost skeptical soul on BIN a believer once the future acknowledge my visions…




A world going mad! Is the Internet killing religion?



“If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

Dalai Lama & Dr. Turi

What is a Nephilim–Epitome of Hell? it is a Neptunian or anyone unaware of a divine cosmic  power  that can not make a good use of it”. Anything else is deceptive enlightenment! Bible heads, psychics, modern Prophets, religious leaders, monks, gurus, televangelists, priests, conspiracy talking  heads, religious talking heads and those who are asking you to “repent” all day long are all cosmic  unconscious  born Neptunians who can never  read God’ cosmic signs…

Remember readers, there is only a very thin hair between the divine cosmic information I provide and pure detrimental religious imagination…Neptunians FEED on your fears and MUST keep them alive by writing more religious nonsense. You do not have to drink at the source of madness and work hard to free your hijacked spirit from them…

Now that I clarified what a Neptunian God fearing soul is all about, I must warn you readers! Poisoning your soul with endless fears to hook your jailed spirit under their psychical control is their ultimate goal! But to really understand my warnings and save your soul from dementia, you must read “Sinister Plan for Humanity Future, Demons, Fallen Angels, UFO, Portals and Witch Doctors Nonsense.”

Let’s now investigate IVAN LOPEZ. He  was born 4/12/1984  and the Fort Hood shooting took place on 4/2/2014.

“Lt. Gen. Mark Milley, the post’s commanding general, told reporters Friday that investigators “do not believe” that Lopez’s “underlying medical conditions … are the direct precipitating factor” in the attack.”

Dear Readers;

I am so saddened when I see my predictions about the auto industry Toyota recalls 6.4M cars worldwide  and the Army/Navy unfolding knowing the 2014 Arian Draconis is aiming directly at a few industries and all the young unaware soldiers…

Many lost souls will feel this dragon killer instinct and will use all sorts of weaponry to act out their cursed UCI. “Police chief: ‘Panic and chaos’ in mass stabbing at Pennsylvania school.”

16-year-old Alex Hribal, was  born October 1st, 1997 with a Pisces (drugs/religion) Dragon’s Tail (negative.) He is the latest victim of the religious/scientific controlling educational matrixes…  The parents, the teachers, the elites of the system should be going to jail no him nor Adam Lanza and all other lost souls who made this terrible type of news… I will generate this cosmic newsletter for my VIP’s only. 

Continued: First Lopez was an Aries and a direct target of the Dragon and like other unconscious celebrities, he made the news… Memo:  “ALL SOULS BORN IN OCTOBER AND APRIL ARE THE TARGET OF THE 2014/2016 ARIAN DRACONIS.”

But why, up a sudden Lopez decided to kill others? What is the “energy” that lead this man to act so erratically? Let me try to explain how the cosmic code  works; on 4/2/2014 the moon (emotional response to life) was in direct opposition to Yvan Lopez ‘s deadly planet Pluto (passions) his  Mars (danger/weaponry) and Saturn (popularity / the great malefic) planets. This cosmic supreme intensity was focussed on his Scorpio 8th house of death and much too powerful to be controlled!

Incidentally the same exact cosmic “mystery” that produced Flight 370 Mystery Solved It Was Pilot Suicide! was also in place,  but without cosmic consciousness our infantile science has no references and no answers to offer anyone…

Combined with the aggressive Arian Draconis right on himself, and without any warning or cosmic education, both men simply lost it!

But again how can forensic science, the media or anyone understand French, Chinese or my “cosmic” language when none of them were trained in  the science of Astropsychology? But be sure, immediately and erroneously  many cosmic uneducated souls will assume my work is only a wasteful pseudo-science!

What you are witnessing is the steady depletion of the human spirit and without any form of spiritual education allowing for steady regeneration (and self-control),  my warnings involving the scientific and religious matrixes steadily building future monsters should be taken very seriously! Indeed we have only fifty years before humanity reach a  total psychical depletion and with it self destruction…

In fact yesterday Mars / Hitler violent spirit spoke again when  a marine guard was shot to death by his colleague at a NC base and today news are not different “Two dead in Fort Washington murder-suicide!” Update – Four stabbed in Toronto office

In Dr. Turi 2014 – 2016 Arian Draconis Universal Predictions (VIP’s Only) I gave a long set of predictions and many already transpired, and in God’s name how is it possible for any human being NOT to feel depressed  or secure with so many dramatic news? Watch the  predicted suicide rate explode and I will be there to refresh your memory readers…

All I can do is to keep reminding my readers of the Cosmic Code above because I can guarantee you all the victims using medical prescriptions or not, were ALL suffering their own personal cosmic biorhythms.

Prediction # 2 of 19 Expect a full restructure of the Army and the NAVY due to some foreign powers in need/offering manpower to bring stability in some unstable parts of the world. Many high ranking Army/Navy officers will make international news.”

Prediction #7 of 19 – Expect a full restructure of the automotive industry and serious growth *Ford/Dodge may be forced into partnerships or suffer serious legal disputes. Toyota recalls 6.4M cars worldwide  (Gee this is a lot of cars!)

Lt. Gen. Mark Milley, the post’s commanding general, told reporters Friday that investigators “do not believe” that Lopez’s “underlying medical conditions … are the direct precipitating factor” in the attack.

Fort Hood shooting: Psychiatric issues ‘fundamental underlying causal factor’

The fact is; Indeed Lt. Gen. Mark Milley made international news and secondly he is totally right when he mentioned  “Lopez’s underlying medical conditions … are not the direct precipitating factor in the attack.”

I feel like screaming in despair readers because the controlling scientific and religious educational matrixes, like the police administration,  are stubbornly unwilling to give me the voice I need to introduce the Cosmic Code and explain what Cosmic Biorhythms and the human UCI is all about and what really curse the brain of all those lost souls.

But the scientific community will keep tapping on your tax dollars and donations to find the imaginary “gene” responsible for their deadly behaviours,  then prescribe more anti depressants (or weed)  for you to seek relief, when those drug cocktails will kill you in the long run.

The same apply for USGS and CALTECH but when did you get their  latest accurate warning for large earthquakes?

Science has not yet find out the real reasons Why flight 370 pilot took so many innocent lives with him? and yet more tragedies are plaguing the news daily? Furthermore, in this dance of evil 200,000 More Morons did apply to live on Mars while Continued Rise in Autism Diagnoses Puzzles Researchers but not Dr. Turi! all the while allowing “Dr. Sanjay Gupta to become First Legal US Drug Lord?” STOP THE NIGHTMARE!  Doctors make millions off of Medicare


 “The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits.”  (Albert Einstein) 

Read another example of the controlling religious matrix at work (excerpt from an article) showing again the humongous stupidity of all the non cosmic conscious participants who defenestrate wild life in the name of God!

Asking a moron to think or to apply common sense is just impossible now asking them to differentiate between omens is unthinkable!  Does killing innocent animal life represent the type of false God all those lost souls are following and fearing?

Trust me readers my Cosmic God will never kill nor punish anything or anyone, (especially innocent animals) as a mean to share the message and love of Christ  to  join their congregations. This is why you must join my Cosmic God  because he does not punish nor kill animals but through me, saved “THE LADY OF THE NIGHT a little defenceless, loving little dog rejected by this type of good Christians.

Is this what you want to teach your children? Don’t you think those billions should be invested in my Astropsychology schools or a Cosmic TV/radio show instead and help your children to re-connect with the reality of a cosmic God?

GEE DO I NEED THOSE DONATIONS and you can do so by becoming a VIP and support my mission to free humanity from fear and cosmic ignorance!

“The Southside Baptist Brotherhood Ministry held its 2nd Annual Outdoors with Friends Hunting Weekend on December 13th and 14th 2013 with 33 hunters. Participants from Tennessee, Florida and our local area came to Hunt. There was a Friday afternoon hunt as well as Saturdaymorning and Saturday afternoon. Our mission is to share the message and love of Christ to the Disabled, also to the Disadvantaged Child who has no Christian influence in their Lives. We do this by annually sponsoring hunting and fishing weekends. This year’s hunt was a great success with 19 Doe, 1 Buck, 4 Hogs, and 2 Coyotes harvested. (name hidden) of Troy took the free shoulder mount for the biggest buck taken.”

I say SHAME, what better way to share a ministry, than to go out into the wild and kill animals in 2014. The harvesting of wildlife is essential because of mans’ encroachment with nature, but should not be used for religious reasons.

The battle I undertaken can never be won on my own, regardless of my total dedication to fight the Iluminati or all the abusive scientific and religious educational systems who hijacked your reason and spirit. The majority of you are becoming psychically numb each passing day,  over medicated, lied to, your children are abused with all sorts of medications and sermons endlessly created and produced by the scientific and religious matrixes.

It is not normal for any mentally and psychosocially healthy person to kill another human being because of disagreements, revenge, for survival or for nothing! America is over medicated, lost in confusing segregating religions, living in separatism because of their particular beliefs, skin color or race.  Exactly what this NAZY Arian draconian spirit needs to survive and invite more lost souls into his endless murdering dance.


The part of God in each of us is much stronger than the stars and fate, imagine how luck you truly are by being only normal – Watch this video!

And like Adam Lanza ,  Capt. Zaharie Ahmad Shah and so many others,  take as many innocent people with me!

Major Depressive Disorder‎ (that the latest medical term produced by an OCD generation)

Get More Info About MDD & Talk to Your Doctor Today, get poisoned with medications, use weed or alcohol  then commit suicide or regenerate your spirit safely with Dr. Turi.

There is ONLY one way to avoid any and all form of depressions, and using medication or religion has never and will never free your spirit from falling deeper into Neptune dementic waters until you finally sink to your death!  There are  sane and safe ways to regenerate a depleted spirit, you simply need to be guided to God Cosmic light to own your salvation.

  • The human spirit can and will ONLY regenerate through the  planet Pluto and the sign of Scorpio, incidentally this is also the  area where death can be experienced. Practising the ostrich attitude by burying your head in the ground because of your fears can only stimulate more fears, thus facing your fears (or ignorance) is your first step!
  • If you are religiously poisoned and taught to stay away from the light of the stars and God’s cosmic identity try for a change to think for yourself instead of looking down in an archaic (over edited) book written and maintained by the Vatican Iluminati or the  religious controlling educational matrix!  
  • If you own a rigid, over rational earthy UCI, remember what you can not see nor touch does not mean it does not exist and challenge yourself outside of your concrete brain built to endorse only the atheist scientific educational matrix.   
  • Scepticism is healthy because it allows the critical mind to investigate the facts, but to do so one must honor science and check the provided claims.  I am offering you all, the option to do just that and enjoy a little “test drive” with Dr. Turi. All you have to do is to call 602-265-7667, the call is free but you can only divulge your DOB to me! You can not talk to me, only if I ask you a question to check deeper into your soul. 

After all, if I am real I should know all about you, your emotional, your financial situation, your state of mind, your health, your fears and even who, what and where you were in your past life yes?  I can also tell you where my cosmic God will always help and protect you too, so you can truly enjoy life on earth instead of suffering the “educational” control of the Iluminati.

Those bastards are supremely wealthy, they own all corporations from all walks of life and they won’t give a dam to who you are, where you or your children are in life as long as you stay under their control and make them richer. Its time for many of you to wake up to reality because for every move you make, you are taxed to the maximum and this will get much worse before the physical and spiritual revolutions liberate us all…

In order to beat power (or the Iluminati) you must USE the same weapons they have been used since they altered Jesus initial cosmic ministry over two thousands years ago. We are no pigs we are smart, we were born free…

When you control the source of information, you end up controlling the masses and the Age of Aquarius (cosmic wisdom/humanitarianism/technology/UFO) scares the hell out of those privileged selected  wealthy, powerful ” bank corporate” groups. Give me the voice, see the changes! Pass on my articles, help me  in my mission.  Is the Internet killing religion?

“Do not give dogs (the mass) what is sacred; (cosmic code) do not  throw your pearls (wisdom) to pigs (the peasants). If you do, (educate them)  they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you (the Iluminati) to piece.”

Yes if; this cosmic wisdom was and is still being used by all the popes of the past, dragons and if astrological relics covers the entire Vatican walls, ceilings, catacombs, secret library, what not using cosmic wisdom too? But those in power sees us as pigs and are afraid of losing the power they need to survive… Read carefully and think of the meaning behind Jesus’ words and the cosmic message left by the 3 wise men (astrologers/ET’s.)

UFO”s Are Very Real  –  And So Is The Legacy! – What Did They Do To Me?

Dr. Turi on Jerry Pippins  radio show  Monday April 14 from 7 to 8 PM Eastern

Do not miss this show, I will elaborate on Why flight 370 pilot took so many innocent lives with him? I will also give the date for the next SOS To The World window and make more predictions about  natural disasters. I will elaborate on the 2014/2016 Arian Draconis, Vladimir Putin,  Ukraine, the USA etc. I will also offer a SUPER deal that will last only a few hours after the show.  Be there, it will be very HOT!

Displaying Fotor040913019.jpg

“If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

Dalai Lama & Dr. Turi


Dr. Turi



L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain


 listen to my latest radio show with Ted

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 



North and South Korea, USA and Nukes Predictions


“Universal Laws are written in light through the signs – Cosmic Consciousness is… the awareness of God’s celestial divinity and use it wisely to read the future and help others build emotional, financial and spiritual stability!” Read the future –  Watch the future!

 Sceptre of Remote Viewing Flight 370 cockpit, the real story!

Flight 370 Mystery Solved It Was Pilot Suicide!

“As ‘Optimism is fading away’ as questions mount, the Malaysia authorities in charge knows it is a suicide but how many governments you know tells it all or  exposes the reality of UFO for example? There is too much corporate money involved and trust  at stake and all they are doing is; unlike the family survivors and the media, waiting and hoping for the batteries to die very soon and for this “accident” to dissipate into history! Even if they find the wreckage, the truth I exposed to you today in my remote viewings  sessions will never, nor can it ever be understood nor accepted as fact by science and 99.999% of the world!    And this is why you became a VIP… Join us today!

Dear readers;

All I can do is to keep reminding you of the 2014 / 2016 Arian Draconis posted to the world well before those news  made it to CNN… Now do not throw the messenger in the fire, do not blame me for a non cosmic conscious world suffering a God cosmic higher order they know nothing about!  The fact is plain to see, read my warning posted back in June 2013 (and even earlier) and watch March 31st, 2014 news – North and South Korea exchange shots!

This unconscious Asian leader was born with the moon (country infra structures/family members) in Scorpio (DEATH/power) exactly like Saddam Hussein. Now do you see any similarities on how both treated their “loved ones” to maintain power and control?  Knowing both non cosmic conscious leaders (including Vladimir Putin and President Obama)  are still acting out their stars what do you think is next to come to the world?

But humanity (and science) could never learn from history because they can not read the cosmic signs suitably and misuse the human UCI  as well as what humans are incapable of. If there is a way to control the outcome of humanity, you can start by acknowledging a cosmic God above and purifying your own thoughts while making a good use of the subtle but very real forces emanating from the supra-conscious in time and space.

 “Ciber/Nuke attack only a matter of time!”


North and South Korea exchange shots

North and South Korea exchanged fire after North Korea’s shells landed in South Korean waters during a military drill.  Korean War Prediction On The Horizon? 

Memo from “Korean War Prediction On The Horizon?” – “Kim Jong-Un, like Hitler, was born with the Dragon’s Tail in Capricorn and this dragon cursing his 4th house (home/family/country infrastructures) and stimulated the killing of one of his close family member.  He (and billions of cosmic unconscious human  beings) is on his way to experience a mutual reception of his natal and hidden dragons affecting his career and public standing.”

Memo From Dr. Turi 2014 – 2016 Arian Draconis Universal Predictions (VIP’s Only)

Memo: “This dragon is all about IDENTITY and RACE  and will induce many new reforms with emigration, build walls between the US and foreign grounds and forced to revamp ALL that involve emigrations/foreigners in or moving to the US.”

Is Army’s new policy racist?

The U.S. Army’s new ban on many types of ethnic hairstyles has some African-American women who wear their coifs in dreadlocks, braids and cornrows claiming racial bias.


Georgia school hosts first racially integrated prom


(CNN) — Last week, for the first time in decades, students from Wilcox County, Georgia, attended a school-sponsored prom that was open to all students rather than a private, racially segregated prom.

Now, or 10 months later can you connect with my 2014 Arian Draconis predictions?

Memo: This dragon is all about IDENTITY and RACE  and will induce many new reforms with emigration, build walls between the US and foreign grounds and forced to revamp ALL that involve emigrations/foreigners in or moving to the US.

Never in a million years would I have imagined how right I was about emigration when I wrote my predictions for 2014.  Gee let me tell what’s going on with me readers, because since 1984 when I first arrived in the US a hell of a lot has changed with the NSA, emigration and the system… As far as I can recall, a legal alien has to apply for a new green card every 10 years but this may also have changed.

The first time I had to renew my Green Card it cost me only a few bucks and two  weeks later I had it mailed to me and in my pocket.  Indeed the post office as predicted has been also fully re-structured and this is not the way it goes any-longer!  I had to pay $450 plus another $120 to accelerate the process, indeed time have changed for foreigners living in the US. If  you do not have the money saved to pay for the wasteful bureaucracy involved, the NSA staff and cyber regulations etc. you will be in trouble.

I can’t imagine how much and how long it would take for anyone else from in any country  today to apply and wait for a Green Card. Unless you are a millionaire willing to spend a few thousands on an attorney, trying the American Dream my become just a dream.

I made it to 64 years old and I want all of today kids to live a good, productive safe life and, like I do,  enjoy nature and  their existence all along!  Watch the short video!


 When the leadership is unwilling to upgrade to the spirit and what God truly is all about how it doesn’t seem humanity can survive.  Fifty years is all we have to UPGRADE because repenting for your sins has never and will never save the world!

Once the scientific and religious controlling educational matrixes upgrade their psychical vibrations and stop ridicule the spirit and the cosmic code I will have hope for humanity… Until then I can only regularly confirm my visions with the endless chain of horrific news cursing us all… Calling me names is not an option and for my evil enemies as that wont help humanity and bring them serious bad karma!

Do not misuse the Supra-conscious or see your fears becoming alive in the future…

Blessings to all


2017 Nostradamus Personal and Universal Forecast
The Most Accurate Psychic Since Nostradamus
The psychology and neuroscience of terrorism by Dr. Turi


Why flight 370 pilot took so many innocent lives with him?

There is only a very thin hair between Divine information and pure imagination, where Cosmic Consciousness is lacking; science, conspiracy and religious imagination have the wrong answers. There are no accidents, nor circumstances, only subtle cosmic consequences at work the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive.”

Dr. Turi

Remote Viewing Flight 370 cockpit, the real story! (public)

Remote Viewing Flight 370 cockpit, the real story! (VIP’s)

This is the Middle section of the channelling when I see the pilot turning the auto pilot in the OFF position.

  • Memo; “He is waiting for his co-pilot to become totally impaired and requested not to be disturbed by the crew. it is now 01:20:16,  I see him tampering with the electronics and he seems to be satisfied with the results. I see him disabling the auto pilot “off position” and manually turned the plane left, towards the Indian ocean.”

*Update 04/06/2014 – This CNN report  (video) confirm my vision that the auto pilot was off and the pilot flew the plane manually to avoid detection.


Watch this video

Co-pilot’s phone signal picked up after jet vanished

A tower in Penang, Malaysia — about 250 miles from where the flight disappeared — detected the co-pilot’s cell phone the day the plane vanished.

If you recall my remote viewing,  ‘Remote Viewing Flight 370 cockpit, the real story!’ acknowledge this section please.

Its now 4:39 am on Wednesday April 2, 2014 I was deep asleep and woke up with some vivid memories of my dream…

  • I heard the last message sent by Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah , the clock says: 01:19:29 MAS370 Good Night Malaysian Three Seven Zero.
  • All is quiet and seem normal in the cockpit and co pilot Fariq Abdul Hamid finalized all his checking and was in a very relaxed state of mind.
  • The cockpit light is deemed to the maximum and in near total darkness.  I can see  Captain Zaharie using a small flash -light, looking at the picture below, his face is very sad, he is trying very hard not to cry and hide his feelings from his co-pilot.
  • The co-pilot was poisoned with some heavy sleeping tablets dropped secretively in his beverage by a very disturbed Captain.  

Zaharie was in no state of mind to be flying

  • He is waiting for his co-pilot to become totally impaired and requested not to be disturbed by the crew. it is now 01:20:16,  I see him tampering with the electronics and he seems to be satisfied with the results. I see him disabling the auto pilot “off position” and manually turned the plane left, towards the Indian ocean.

Update: It is during this time that the co pilot Fariq Abdul Hamid noticed something was very wrong and tried to alert the authorities by placing a call. But Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah took the phone away from him without much resistance from the co-pilot. Cell phone question puzzles expert  Cell phone question puzzles expert

Dr. Turi Jerry Pippin explaining what happened to flight 370 

Read more !  Remote Viewing Flight 370 cockpit, the real story!

Flight 370 Mystery Solved It Was Pilot Suicide!

But WHY, WHAT IS THE MAIN REASON FOR THE PILOT TO TAKE SO MANY PEOPLE WITH HIM? What is the reason for him NOT to spare innocent lives, what made him be so cruel, so inconsiderate and so cold? I will have to remote well pass  the life he terminated so abruptly and check on his early past-life to find the answer forensic science and the FAA  could NEVER/EVER give you.  I am sure I will surprise if not even shock myself with my findings, but I want to bring closure to this horrific act and help my VIP’s understand the spirit!

 The soul brings back the trauma of other lives and act upon it when conditions are extreme. This type of psychical trip is not for the fainted mind or the young untrained soul! I will do so when time is appropriate and inform all my VIP’s. This is a bit too much for the skeptics, agnostics and the atheists to assimilate, thus this second, much deeper channelling will reveal the essence of  the pilot’s desperate act!  Join now do not miss the answers only Dr. Turi can provide!

Updated – 04/07/2014 – As expected my latest astral projection/ remote viewing findings were absolutely mind boggling and now ready for my VIP’s! Remote Viewing Flight 370 cockpit, the real story!

Plane said to have flown around Indonesia

“Authorities say Flight 370 ended up flying south over the Indian Ocean after it dropped off military radar off the west coast of peninsular Malaysia on March 8. The conclusion is based on an expert analysis of satellite, radar and other available data. More detail has been added to the flight path calculated by investigators, a senior Malaysian government source told CNN on Sunday.”

After reviewing radar track data from neighboring countries, officials have concluded that the passenger jet curved north of Indonesia before turning south toward the southern Indian Ocean. Its path took it around Indonesian airspace. Malaysian government officials have said previously that the plane appeared to have been deliberately diverted from its original course, which would have taken it north to Beijing.

“What’s also interesting about this route … is it appears it goes to the designated waypoints that we (pilots) use (and air traffic control uses to give directions),” said CNN aviation analyst Miles O’Brien. “This particular route that is laid out happens to coincide with some of these named intersections. So what it shows is an experienced pilot somewhere in the mix on this.”

O’Brien said that an experienced pilot who had flown in the region would know where radar coverage begins and ends and where radio communication handoffs occur. He said he was not pointing to any particular individual, as there are several possible scenarios on what may have happened in the cockpit, including a hijacking by someone who knew how to fly a commercial jet.

Investigators haven’t yet said who they think might have flown the plane off course or why. They also haven’t ruled out mechanical problems as a possible cause of the plane’s diversion. 

Kate of Gaia Critical Mass Radio Public Challenge



“If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

Dalai Lama & Dr. Turi

From Jonathan;

Hey Dr. Turi, have you heard of a person by the name of Kate of Gaia? He claims to be a great astrologer. He had a talk show today on Critical Mass Radio talking some mess about you and your predictions.…

Go to 22:15minute – 23:00minute. I found it to be very disrespectful. 

Kate of Gaia Birthdate:

June 15th, 1964
Belfast, N. Ireland
8:40 AM

Maybe you can come up with something about this person’s ego trip, or why Kate of Gaia lives inside a box.

That’s a good sign, it shows how insecure he is and how popular I am lolo. Thanks again Jonathan, I will expose him in public tomorrow.  Go there give me some support VIP’s or let my Internet enemies go wild! Thanks all! DT…

I am Kate of Gaia! I am a Gemini,  I crave attention and to many I appear as the Epidemic of  Weirdness! Thanks Dr. Turi for clarifying my cosmic identity to the world. 

Critical Mass Radio Host Graduation!

I hope Kate can take a joke, I am sure he does! He starts his show by saying he is broadcasting from an undisclosed location, somewhere on earth and many of my readers are still wondering if he is a male of a female or both? I will explain it all in time, be patient keep reading!  First this type of secretive, confused transparency speaks of what a true  secretive (another word for coward) is all about, do you agree?

I am all about transparency, this is the US not the UK or Canada and Dr. Turi is all about the truth and light and, as a public person, the entire world knows where I live! This is why I have two big vicious dogs to warn me before hand of any intrusion and lots of firearms all over my house. Now that you have made the distinction between Dr. Turi fearless openness and Kate of Gaia “shyness”,  let’s bring more light on the psyche of this interesting individual!

The good news  of landing on Dr. Turi will clarify his confused UCI and why her/she is on the air spitting vitriolic every five seconds and bashing my good name. Again like I did in “Edgar Cayce Versus David Wilcock”  and so many others, I will use my Astropsychology expertise to answer one of my curious VIP’s request. I have noting against Kate of Gaia but the more I dig into his stars the more I get to know him/her.

 It seem “Kate” is well read, and traditional at best or may be another religious poisoned lost soul who read one of my latest newsletter “Fallen Angels, UFO, Portals and Witch Doctors.” But he seems to be asking the world to repent or suffer the consequences. There is no spiritual depth in his “politically/conspiracy/religious” format oriented talks but I detect a serious fear of power.

But at 64, should I be forgiving with this unconscious soul victimised by his stars or should I even consider wasting my time exposing his rational UCI?  But if there is anything to learn, then I am sure my world wide reading audience will enjoy this new essay! I know you pay attention to money  Kate and people pay me $700 bucks for a 90 mn consultation, so consider yourself lucky for me to spend time educating you for free.

First let me mention, like my good friend George Noory, Art Bell and Mike Broomhead, were also born in June, like you under the sign of Gemini. Thus  Kate of Gaia  is another “Messenger of the Gods” who may wonder why he ended up working on the radio.

No there are no accidents readers, “Kate of Gaia” was lead by my Cosmic God to serve on radio land but will his over rational stars allow him to conceive his Pre-destiny?  Amazing how people are neurotically, subconsciously and robotically acting out their stars to the fullest and yet, totally oblivious of this fact!

But Kate never heard any of my shows with George  where I made countless predictions that came to pass and tons of references to what it means to be born under the sign of Gemini! I also explained on the air what it means to be born a DUAL!

Remember readers  I often wrote that; those who think are the experts on their field of endeavour are often the least knowledgeable on the very stuff they are talking about? Well, in the case of “Kate of Gaia” you have a perfect example of a non cosmic conscious judgemental critical young soul in action. However what I like the most in all the dirt spitting out of his mouth is his honesty and directness… Incidentally all my best friends were born in June…

Much of Kate’ stars are feminine, much of his past lives were lived as a females thus he owns a very confused Dual male/female UCI. This type of cosmic identity produces gays and lesbians, homosexuals, travesties, swingers etc.  Now I am not against homosexuals, in fact I have tons of friends, clients and students  gays and by understanding their karmic cosmic make up I can not be judgemental. “Were you born Gay?”

Furthermore, Kate of Gaia shares the same Capricorn  (politics/cold/calculated/scientist)  Dragon’s Tail (negative) as Hitler and the UK! There is no wondering why he is  so consumed with politics, power structure and gets infuriated just talking about people like the Pope, the Queen of England “F…G RICH puppets” who owns true power and tons of money.

Hey bro I am from France and I left my country at 19 for the UK where I spent the most incredible tough but also rewarding time in my life! Yes English birds love French, so many great memories left behind…

Read Beyond The Secret, get to know me before spiting on me! 

Deeply moving account of a difficult life in France as a post war baby; more successful in England & the USA., March 29, 2013
By Catherine Edwards – Amazon Verified Purchase 
This review is from: Beyond the Secret (Paperback)

A moving account of the hardships endured during post W.W. II, which helped the author develop a steel spine combined with compassion, while growing up in France. England, too, was a challenge, yet rewarding via humble employment and his graduation from the Royal School of Music. His success in America speaks for itself as he continues his goal of enlightening his readers with astrological information and the reasons behind the data.

By the way some envious UK morons said I never studied there and I can’t play piano, check the facts at the end of this video! Remember I am 64 and I was in my twenties then and I have lost a lot of touch since then…

I also knew that I would never become rich in Europe or even Canada and I truly understand your frustration against such systems… But bitching all night long about it is not the way to go! At least you did not have to eat dog food and make Victoria station your home for a few months while learning English! Nut up bro I know where you are at!

Kate also uses religious sentences like ” left cross, ignorant, unrepentant, one third of heaven shall fall? He sound like puritanical Glenn beck or another ministers preaching the bible to me!

In so many ways he resemble his UK compatriot conspiracy champion David Icke who suffers the same fear of losing power because they have no real power but the power of the GAB! This is why David and Kate can talk to you till you pass out of boredom regurgitating their own conspiratorial fears of being controlled.

This is why in his mind “there is not a single “F….g” good cop in the forest!” Talk about “Dr. Gloom” offering bad news? Sad enough more cosmic unconscious morons can not differentiate ego from honesty and spill their own vitriolic on the Internet too!  

Am I such a bad guy for standing strong against women abuse or David’s ex-wife Pamela? Amazing how some condescending people will use people names to bring traffic to their  own critical puritanical world! Obviously, this kind of “puritanical” people do suffer both very strong inferiority and insecurity complexes!

And if you give power to this type of people, like Hitler had, be sure they would abuse it by making a good use of the the police, (the Gestapo)  the army or anything available at their “political” disposition to clean up the world from its impurities and control you.   Indeed a very dangerous Capricornus Dragon endlessly aiming for more power regardless of the means used to climb the mountain of success…

Look at Hitler and see the same stars cursing Kate of Gaia, he is cold, calculating, cynical, envious, crude, jealous, detached, bashing and righteous. The good news is Kate has no real political power and he lives in the UK system, a country where he is extremely unlucky and even in danger… This is why he is forced to broadcast the negativity of his evil UCI  in the darkness of the night from a secret location.

Note; Gemini become more productive at night, this is where the Plutonic, sarcastic destructive forces or the “Lord of Hell/Underworld” take charge of his unconscious intellectual vitriolic nature.  But without cosmic consciousness, this young supremely rational soul has absolutely no clue of what I am talking about and can only ridicule the very essence of my supreme cosmic wisdom.

Furthermore his hidden Dragon is Scorpio, a sign total consume with sex, conspiracy, power and secrecy depicting many of his past lives working as a female QJB prostitute agent. Again what do I know!

Now he mention that the “Doctor of F…G doom” has nothing but bad news to offer the world, first I am, not to blame for the world stupidity and all the bad news I correctly predict endlessly! Talk about “throwing the water with the baby!” If Kate was to check on the veracity of my record of predictions he would know that all I am doing is to warn you so you can save your life…

He says ” it is a system shit and he does not buy into it?” But the good news is that I can write endlessly in his OWN English language to expose his humongous cosmic ignorance. I do radio work too and while my work is well received, precious, real and valuable, I do it all in English.

How can he buy into a cosmic methodology if he never studied it? Where is is common sense, its like writing all this article in French and hope HE and all the UK/Canadian  readers would be “magically” able to assimilate the content. The very fact that I can converse in his own language demands respect and demonstrate mental superiority, period! Hoops will he accept the fact?


With his moon (emotional response to life) in the critical, puritanical, perfectionist sign of Virgo, the world is a very dirty, messy place to live for Kate and all he is doing “subconsciously” is; to try to clean it up.

But again without cosmic consciousness there is absolutely no way for him to auto analyse his inborn idiosyncrasies correctly!  Well this is where Dr. Turi comes in to bring more light on yet another lost soul.

The good news is Gemini are very curious and far from stupid and chances are, Kate will read my free “mini reading” and no one but himself will judge my work for what it is. May I also suggest him to read the endless endorsements poring from those who knows about my work and I!

If you listen to the entire show (I could not) you can see the type of confusion and emotions spilling out of control from the host and his guests. But nothing surprising when cosmic consciousness is missing and emotions are allowed to flow freely.

Well the good news is as soon as I am established in Florida, I will invest a few thousands and get my genius web-master Tom and friends to build me a top of the line studio in my new house. From there I will serve my international audience and invite people like Kate to openly discuss what it means to be human and spirituality in all its forms.

I teach my students to never ever assume anything about anyone until you “walk the Indian moccasins.”  Frustrations and envy can easily show through the use of words and actions you display to the world.

But when you deal with the public, refinement is a must and acting like the Bull in the China shop” verbally has consequences. And did I learn the hard way myself when over sensitive friends became enemies, stalling my efforts to reach more of you in need of supreme cosmic wisdom.

While I put my “Friends and Foes”  in place verbally using my Astropsychology expertise they are all still human beings in the process of learning, just like I am still doing at the tender age of 64! Thus, with time,  there is hope for everyone of us to learn and grow into more a dignified, sensitive educated human being.

All the while, when all has been said and done, I am sure Kate is a good concerned man doing his part and I wish I was his guest to clarify a few more things about the real psychosocial / spiritual world we all live in.

 Will he take the challenge? Would you be interested readers to have a ONE TO ONE face to face meeting with Dr. Turi and Kate of Gaia on radio?  This would be quite a show but will he listen to your requests and nut up or show his real insecure persona? After all he threw the first punch yes?

Go there and let him know about your request, you may get a response…

Here is Kate of Gaia’s E-mail Address:

Incidentally I also publicly challenged  The Skeptics Society & Skeptic magazine including James Randi. Incidentally, no one responded because they watched me for years and know they are dealing with the real thing!

This crowd of people can only judge the world around them through their rigid education, personal experiences and their karmic UCI but without cosmic consciousness the word UCI means NOTHING at all, and this is where the problem starts and end…

This generation of OCD born  and the owners of are all naturally/cosmically “tuned” to the rational thought only making them spiritually inferior. And does not mean they are all idiots, they simply never learned “French or the Cosmic Language” thus they can not understand me! Is this so difficult for Kate of Gaia or any of them to accept?

Human beings like Michael Shermer,  David Epstein and James Randi, are all endorsing both atheism and creationism and, in the long run, this is very dangerous for humanity psychical / spiritual progress and welfare. There is much more behind what our infantile science can perceive pertaining to the spiritual cosmos they know nothing about!

One can only judge the world around him through his education, personal experiences and his karmic UCI and without cosmic consciousness the letters UCI means NOTHING at all, and this is where the problem starts and end…

Kate is a Gemini after all, and a true Gemini can take a good joke and laugh at themselves… May be we could also publicly apologize to each others and dance happily ever after?

It is very easy to let Mrs. Pride and Mr. Ego take over when insecurity and enviousness takes over and through this article I hope many of you will realize how powerful the stars above are… so when  you read this sentence you may realize your own cosmic nature and offer respect to all the people around you… Did you learn anything new today reader? I always do when I write…

“If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

Dalai Lama & Dr. Turi


Dr. Turi



L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain


 listen to my latest radio show with Ted

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 


04/20/14 Hitler NAZI Spirit Re-Born Upon The World Arian Predictions



“If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

Dalai Lama & Dr. Turi

Dear Readers:

Did you notice yet how many stories about Hitler are and have been popping up in the news lately? Do you remember Hilary Clinton mentioning Hitler in one of her speech?

Hillary Clinton says Putin’s actions are like ‘what Hitler did back in the ’30s’”

What’s in This 91-Year-Old’s Basement Prompts FBI ‘Visit’ (the Blaze)

“When Andi Essex got an eyeful of Don Miller’s gigantic basement collection of artifacts he’s acquired from his travels around the world, she was enthralled. ”It’s unreal,” Essex told an Indianapolis TV station, adding that the ”full skeleton is what blew my mind” and that her favorite amongst Miller’s artifacts was a piece of Hitler’s bunker.”

Do you recall my 2014 Arian Draconis prediction article and my warning involving those born in October  (and April like Hitler) to be targeted by this dragon forcing them to change their lives and partnerships?

By invading Ukraine, did Vladimir Putin *born in October drastically changed his partnership with the US and the world at large? Is it safe for humanity to have non cosmic conscious rulers in charge of millions of lives?  A religiously poisoned leader is a very dangerous thing for the world and  the USA!  Russia the World’s Pro-Family Leader?  – Will the world ever grow outside of the scientific and religious matrixes grip and build more awareness of a Cosmic God speaking to me?

German/Vikings Skin Alike
Black and White Red Blood
Fire War Violence  Passions Rule
  Hitler’s Evil spirit reborn

Well today’s article about a 95-Year-Old Woman Keeping Her Link to Hitler a Secret for More Than 50 Years came to light and can only confirm the final omen I was waiting for signifying the Spirit of Hitler is now re-born and upon earth.

While the atheists, the agnostics, skeptics and  young souls  alike will read the following as yet another piece of news, there is much more in store for the world soon. Now do you think it is normal for  the world to experience this type of seismic news?

Tremors started on 04/02/14 – Region: TARAPACA, CHILE Magnitude: 7.8 – 6.4 – 6.2 – 6.2 – 6.0 – 6.1 or a 6.9 Northern California earthquake followed by aftershocks? Should I be trusted with the future when I gave you the EXACT dates for those tremors? Don’t you wonder why USGS and CALTECH ignore my emails offering undeniable proof of very large earthquakes predictions?

Should you be concerned with nature  “Yellowstone Super Volcano Prediction SOS To The World” or Vladimir Puttin A Plea for WAR From Russia  when I get this type of email from my secret sources?

“Louis are you aware that Obama has relieved MANY of our top generals and other military officials of their positions? Are you aware that Clinton signed a bill that military could not carry weapons in their bases? Can you say “coup-proof” the military? Ha, the NSA would like this email…..ha ha ha.”

But is there any truth behind his printed words or is it only wasteful conspiratorial material? With such negative stars above America, the greatest country of the world could be in serious trouble, one more reason for taking my warning very seriously!


10 Hits 0.10% Russian Federation Russian Federation Flag

Location: Moscow City, Russian Federation 

Location:  Novosibirsk, Russian Federation 

Novosibirsk, is the administrative center of Novosibirsk Oblast as well as of the Siberian Federal District.



Dr. Turi 2014 – 2016 Arian Draconis Universal Predictions (VIP’S ONLY)


David Letterman  born April 12, 1947 


Here is  so far the list of the people that did make the news and will FEEL this dragon full speed. 

Valdimir Putin born in October – Predictions – Vladimir Puttin A Plea for WAR From Russia

Hilary Clinton born in October –  Dr. Turi’s Predictions and Why Hillary Clinton Won’t Run!


Hitlers Food Taster Tells of Poisoning Fears

One of the food testers of Adolf Hitler, Margot Woelk speaks during an interview with The Associated Press in Berlin, Thursday, April 25, 2013. Margot Woelk was one of 15 young women who sampled Hitler’s food to make sure it wasn t poisoned before it was served to the Nazi leader in his “Wolf’s Lair,” the heavily guarded command center in what is now Poland, where he spent much of his time in the final years of World War II. Margot Woelk kept her secret hidden from the world, even from her husband then, a few months after her 95th birthday, she revealed the truth about her wartime role. Credit: AP

BERLIN (AP) — They were feasts of sublime asparagus – laced with fear. And for more than half a century, Margot Woelk kept her secret hidden from the world, even from her husband. Then, a few months after her 95th birthday, she revealed the truth about her wartime role: Adolf Hitler’s food taster.

Woelk, then in her mid-twenties, spent two and a half years as one of 15 young women who sampled Hitler’s food to make sure it wasn’t poisoned before it was served to the Nazi leader in his “Wolf’s Lair,” the heavily guarded command center in what is now Poland, where he spent much of his time in the final years of World War II.

“He was a vegetarian. He never ate any meat during the entire time I was there,” Woelk said of the Nazi leader. “And Hitler was so paranoid that the British would poison him – that’s why he had 15 girls taste the food before he ate it himself.”

With many Germans contending with food shortages and a bland diet as the war dragged on, sampling Hitler’s food had its advantages.

“The food was delicious, only the best vegetables, asparagus, bell peppers, everything you can imagine. And always with a side of rice or pasta,” she recalled. “But this constant fear – we knew of all those poisoning rumors and could never enjoy the food. Every day we feared it was going to be our last meal.”

The petite widow’s story is a tale of the horror, pain and dislocation endured by people of all sides who survived World War II.

Only now in the sunset of her life has she been willing to relate her experiences, which she had buried because of shame and the fear of prosecution for having worked with the Nazis, although she insists she was never a party member. She told her story as she flipped through a photo album with pictures of her as a young woman, in the same Berlin apartment where she was born in 1917.

Hitlers Food Taster Tells of Poisoning Fears


One of the food testers of Adolf Hitler, Margot Woelk poses in her apartment after an interview with The Associated Press in Berlin, Thursday, April 25, 2013. Margot Woelk was one of 15 young women who sampled Hitler’s food to make sure it wasn t poisoned before it was served to the Nazi leader in his “Wolf’s Lair,” the heavily guarded command center in what is now Poland, where he spent much of his time in the final years of World War II. Margot Woelk kept her secret hidden from the world, even from her husband then, a few months after her 95th birthday, she revealed the truth about her wartime role. Credit: AP

Hitlers Food Taster Tells of Poisoning Fears

Margot Woelk, one of the food testers of Adolf Hitler, shows an old photo album and points to a picture taken prior to the WWII and showing the way to the later built Fuehrer Headquarters “Wolf’s Lair”, during an interview with The Associated Press in Berlin, Thursday, April 25, 2013. Credit: AP

Hitlers Food Taster Tells of Poisoning Fears

FILE – This undated file picture shows the German Fuehrer Adolf Hitler and his mistress Eva Braun while dining. Credit: AP

Hitlers Food Taster Tells of Poisoning Fears

Margot Woelk, one of the food testers of Adolf Hitler, shows an old photo album with a picture of herself taken around 1939 or 1940, during an interview with The Associated Press in Berlin, Thursday, April 25, 2013. Credit: AP

Woelk first revealed her secret to a local Berlin reporter a few months ago. Since then interest in her life story has been overwhelming. School teachers wrote and asked her for photos and autographs to bring history alive for their students. Several researchers from a museum visited to ask for details about her life as Hitler’s taster.

Woelk says her association with Hitler began after she fled Berlin to escape Allied air attacks. With her husband gone and serving in the German army, she moved in with relatives about 435 miles (700 kilometers) to the east in Rastenburg, then part of Germany; now it is Ketrzyn, in what became Poland after the war.

There she was drafted into civilian service and assigned for the next two and a half years as a food taster and kitchen bookkeeper at the Wolf’s Lair complex, located a few miles (kilometers) outside the town. Hitler was secretive, even in the relative safety of his headquarters, that she never saw him in person – only his German shepherd Blondie and his SS guards, who chatted with the women.

Hitler’s security fears were not unfounded. On July 20, 1944, a trusted colonel detonated a bomb in the Wolf’s Lair in an attempt to kill Hitler. He survived, but nearly 5,000 people were executed following the assassination attempt, including the bomber.

“We were sitting on wooden benches when we heard and felt an incredible big bang,” she said of the 1944 bombing. “We fell off the benches, and I heard someone shouting ‘Hitler is dead!’ But he wasn’t. ”

Following the blast, tension rose around the headquarters. Woelk said the Nazis ordered her to leave her relatives’ home and move into an abandoned school closer to the compound.

With the Soviet army on the offensive and the war going badly for Germany, one of her SS friends advised her to leave the Wolf’s Lair.

She said she returned by train to Berlin and went into hiding.

Woelk said the other women on the food tasting team decided to remain in Rastenburg since their families were all there and it was their home.

“Later, I found out that the Russians shot all of the 14 other girls,” she said. It was after Soviet troops overran the headquarters in January 1945.

When she returned to Berlin, she found a city facing complete destruction. Round-the-clock bombing by U.S. and British planes was grinding the city center to rubble.

On April 20, 1945, Soviet artillery began shelling the outskirts of Berlin and ground forces pushed through toward the heart of the capital against strong resistance by die-hard SS and Hitler Youth fighters.

After about two weeks of heavy fighting, the city surrendered on May 2 – after Hitler, who had abandoned the Wolf’s Lair about five months before, had committed suicide. His successor surrendered a week later, ending the war in Europe.

For many Berlin civilians – their homes destroyed, family members missing or dead and food almost gone – the horror did not end with capitulation.

“The Russians then came to Berlin and got me, too,” Woelk said. “They took me to a doctor’s apartment and raped me for 14 consecutive days. That’s why I could never have children. They destroyed everything.”

Like millions of Germans and other Europeans, Woelk began rebuilding her life and trying to forget as best she could her bitter memories and the shame of her association with a criminal regime that had destroyed much of Europe.

She worked in a variety of jobs, mostly as a secretary or administrative assistant. Her husband returned from the war but died 23 years ago, she said.

With the frailty of advanced age and the lack of an elevator in her building, she has not left her apartment for the past eight years. Nurses visit several times a day, and a niece stops by frequently, she said.

Now at the end of her life, she feels the need to purge the memories by talking about her story.

“For decades, I tried to shake off those memories,” she said. “But they always came back to haunt me at night.”



L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain


 listen to my latest radio show with Ted

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 


Sinister Plan for Humanity Future, Demons, Fallen Angels, UFO, Portals and Witch Doctors Nonsense


“Your future is the reincarnation of your thoughts”  – Dr. Turi
“Your imagination is your preview of life’s coming attractions.” – Albert Einstein

Dear readers;

Read also The Wrath of God, the Beast, Pope Francis, Obama and August 2014 SOS To The World Prediction  and ” A world going mad! Is the Internet killing religion?

There are so many Internet evangelists out there nowadays, and those “fallen angels” are doing quite a lot of damage to the fragile psyche of so many gullible God fearing souls.   A religious poisoned soul, a fallen angel or a born Neptunian is unmistakable if you pay attention to the massive dose of fears this person endlessly generate. But where does this river of nonsense ends up?

The depth of such person’ subconscious fears is as deep as its murky darkness and the main goal is to build more phobias and more negativity. Those people are totally destitute of common sense and use the bible heavily as a tool for references to warn humanity about the apocalypse and repent immediately to avoid hell. The problem is those Neptunian born souls will never be able to realize they are already trapped on their own hell right here on earth. The horrors they try so hard to avoid signify the depth their lost soul felt into.

There is only a very thin hair between Divine information and pure imagination, where Cosmic Consciousness is lacking; science, conspiracy and religious imagination have the wrong answers. There are no accidents, nor circumstances, only subtle cosmic consequences at work the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive.”

Dr. Turi 

What is amazing is the total unawareness of those religious idiosyncrasies, all induced by their deceptive UCI. They know nothing of travelling through dimensional doorways, portals, orbs, UFO, metaphysics, Astrology, the supra-conscious and God himself! In fact they have no idea that they are themselves the true reflection of the words “fallen angels.”

All they are doing is swimming downstream deeper and deeper into Neptune’s murky, deceptive religious waters. All human were born to raise to God cosmic consciousness, or a God free of hell, evil, demons and ghouls. But what is scary is; many unaware readers are following this type of detrimental teachings. Little do they know of  a “cosmic God”  made of pure light, love, intelligence and forgiveness.

A true Neptunian will dedicate his life to the deity he/she inherited  “geographically” speaking. Thus if you are American or  European for example, Jesus will become the icon your parents’ teachings passed on to you.  Yes the religious controlling educational matrix is in action all over the world and monopolize the “wisdom” they forced you to accept as holly only!

But if you were born in  Asia or the Middle East, then Buddha or Allah would become your “imposed” religion. Know that there are 85000 different religions for you to fight and die for and the Neptunians born can only focus on their own induced “saviour.” Imagine what man’s creative folly is capable of!

Asking any religiously despondent soul to upgrade to the real Cosmic God, who’s speaking through the signs or to read anything realistic about the direct connection between ALL religion and the stars (or astrology) becomes to them an immediate a mortal sin.

In America you fight evil with words by writing endlessly about your deep faith, all sustained by your deep encrusted subconscious fears. In other parts of the world, some people do not have the luxury of getting an education and learn how to write, instead they use their swords and kill people who they disagree with.

But rest assured, those fanatics are not different than the pious, American God fearing idiot predicting the end of the world and hell, if you do not fear God or repent… Indeed, all those lost souls are the prime victims of the religious monopolizing educational matrix (Sunday schools.) And the situation can get much worse if the person inherit  an overwhelming Neptune, then critical thinking disappear and you have to deal with a “righteous” unable to deal with life without carrying and regurgitating the bible verses… These are the fallen angels missionaries and have a serious problem dealing with reality.

 Little do they know of a  God’s supra-conscious white protective light and as a rule, the fallen angels fear anything and everything they can not understand… Most of the “wisdom” imparted by a Neptunian (or an Internet evangelist) is codified or gathered though other people books, mostly because natural creativity is very poor.

Anything and everything they cannot relate to will be either dismissed as evil food or used as a runway to spread more fears if you engage with “demons” , UFO, astrology, Dr. Turi or do not repent immediately for your sins.

Serious Insanity Neutralizing Spirit or  Stupid Investigation Non Spiritual? Much like Dr. Turi  SPAM  – Serving Pathetic Atheists Minds? Amazing what you can come up with a few letters if you like mental gymnastics…

Like any addiction, the depth of fears freeze the mind and does not stimulate any form of  critical thinking, or cosmic exploration. Instead it serves as a platform, a runway for more nonsensical religious fuel to induce more fears to those gullible enough to fall for it. In all honesty, is there anything to fear about those orbs? 

 Once you read “A Powerful Message To The World” did you depict any demons or evil in this God sent omen? The more you follow a “fallen Angels” or anyone looking down for God’ salvation  is not looking in the right direction and falling down with the “teacher.”

In Remote Viewing Flight 370 cockpit, the real story! and Edgar Cayce Versus David Wilcock I explained much about  the sign of Pisces (Christianity Symbol) and the deceptive power of Neptune but you must click on those links to build more cosmic consciousness and start acknowledging a God free of nonsense and fears.

You must remember readers, it is only by maintaining your fears and adding more fuel to phobias that a fallen angel, a conspiracy talking/writing head will HOOK you. The same very fears that poison their body, mind and soul ruin their heart and unable them to perceive how a cosmic God manifest himself through the heavens…

“Because they are seeing, they see not; and hearing, they hear not; neither do they understand the voice of heaven.”

– Matthew 13.13

God is the ultimate creator and he created you as his image, thus all human beings are born angel like. Innocent, fragile, beautiful, happy as the Godly spark they inherited!  At that very moment the soul must ascend towards God’s divinity above where, as a child of the Universe we all come from!

Some will rise to the highest level physical or spiritual achievements, some will start their long journey down and end up in jail or the hell they were induced with or fabricated for themselves.  Now why would you follow a “fallen angel” or a Neptunian swimming downstream straight to the hell he/she created and ask to you repent before its too late?

A “young soul” a fallen angel or a Neptunian is swimming downstream, in words and actions they are taking you away down, away from your hopes to live a happy life and start to build a successful future  within a progressive intelligent, cosmic educated humanity.


“So God created man in His own image; He created him in the image of God; He created them male and female.”

You have been made at the image of God, this mean you like it or not, you know it or not, you OWN the same creative cosmic forces as God himself! Why would you fear or follow a false God through  a non cosmic conscious “fallen Angel” who is entirely consumed with EVIL and negativity, endlessly asking you to repent for your sins?

Don’t you have better things to read, something more educational, more liberating that will free your hijacked spirit from that person?

UFO”s Are Very Real  –  And So Is The Legacy! – What Did They Do To Me?

Would you listen to a unhealthy moron telling you to stuff yourself with tons of Mc Donald everyday and hope not to get fat? You are making the choice for the food you chose to ingest! You have the power of God in you to say yes or no, to eat it or not!

Now there is NO difference with SPIRITUAL FOOD, you are endlessly ingesting poisoned words, loaded with fears, apocalyptic nonsense, evil, demons, hell, repentance, insecurity and you want more?  WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU AND YOU FALLEN ANGEL?

How do you feel when you are done reading such fearful junk? Do you feel like you have no hopes nor  future and no place in this terrible world? This mean you gave in to this person , to this fallen angel and his/her “academicals/archaic/dirty” EVIL and now you feel depressed, sad and unproductive. You may as-well spend the rest of your life in bed and end up over medicated ingesting a steady dose of anti depressants daily.

Yes readers, some morons say I am not a doctor but “real” educated physicians are responsible  for more than 100.000 people committing suicide every 13.7 minutes with their medications. Those God fearing fallen angels have surrendered their heart, their mind, their body and spirit to negativity and Satan himself and they do not know it. I am here to help you realize what you are doing each time you read such person’s intellectual poison…

Yes I make predictions and some are very scary but should I be punished because I can read my cosmic God signs? Given a chance, those religiously poisoned  “fallen Angels” would burn me to the stake when all I am doing is translate the signs to warn you trying to save your life…

“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life.  Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom.

~ Paracelsus

Readers, you have so much to learn about the real God that speak through me, he is far from being a resentful, unforgiving, cold  killer ready to send you burning in hell for eternity. There is NO hell, you already are in hell, in your fears, your lack of hopes, your lack of visions, your lack of curiosity and heavy depressions, right here, right now on earth!

I am dedicated to bring you the cosmic healing, regenerative light he created but it is far from the poisonous teachings of the  lost young souls you read so fervently. I am here to introduce you and humanity to Jesus’ initial cosmic ministry and the legacy left by the 3 wise men “following and coming from the stars.”

“I will talk to you, you won’t hear me, I will present myself to you; you won’t hear me”


Do not be afraid of what you do not know, instead be curious and refute your fears, listen to the little voice inside of you, this is God telling you if you should trust someone or not. ET’s are the “Gardeners of this world” not the portrayed evil “fallen angels.” No fallen angel can cruise God universe safely at the speed of light safely and no fallen angel speaks or represents the glory of a magnificent omni present cosmic God.

 Be more concerned with the light and scared of the darkness produced by the non cosmic conscious religious fanatics, those Internet “fallen angels” and avoid the depth of their own hell and despair because they have no hopes left! Only a false God to fear…  Remember those magic words and live by them and in time you will see the light and the grace of a wonderful cosmic God I serve everyday by serving you with true cosmic wisdom.

“Your future is the reincarnation of your thoughts”
Dr. Turi
“Your imagination is your preview of life’s coming attractions.”
                                                                                                                                              – Albert Einstein

L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain


You shall receive

Knowledge is true power

Ignorance is dangerous and pure evil

Listen to your intuition and if you feel me right through your soul then you are right

It is time for many of you who have no idea of who I am and what I do to stop assuming I am a psychic, a ghoul or a witch. Now this is NOT what I do and this is what people who experienced my God given gift say about my work and I!

Man allowed HYENA to eat his genitals because a witch doctor told him it would make him rich

April 1, 2014

By Emily Kent Smith

A man has been left without genitals and with three missing toes after a witch doctor told him that losing his body parts would make him rich. Chamangeni Zulu, from Malawi, has been hospitalised at Chipata General Hospital in Zambia, near the Malawi border, after he allowed the hyena to eat his manhood.

Mr Zulu told the Times of Zambia yesterday that he was promised by a witch doctor that by sacrificing his body parts he would become rich.

Mr Zulu, from Malawi, said he was told by a witch doctor that if he sacrificed some of his body parts he would become rich

Mr Zulu, from Malawi, said he was told by a witch doctor that if he sacrificed some of his body parts he would become rich.

‘I met some business persons who told me the best way to become rich was to sacrifice parts of my body,’ he told the paper. At around 4am on Monday last week, the man went into the Zambian bush. Mr Zulu said: ‘I was instructed to be naked and a hyena came to me and started eating my toes and eventually my manhood was eaten.’ Mr Zulu said that the witch doctor did not make it clear that his body parts would be ‘lost’.

Yet despite the horrific ordeal, Mr Zulu admitted he was still hopeful of becoming rich. ‘Even if I have lost some important parts of my body, I still want to get rich,’ he said. The Malawi man has been living and working in Zambia for the past four months. Chipata Hospital described the man’s condition as stable and said that he had been brought to the hospital by police officers.

The man went into the Zambian bush while he allowed a hyena (not the animal pictured) to attack him. The animal first ate his toes before eating his genitals

The man went into the Zambian bush while he allowed a hyena (not the animal pictured) to attack him. The animal first ate his toes before eating his genitals. In 2012, 50 miles from the same spot in the area of Chadiza, a man was attacked in the country after going out to the toilet in his garden. Isaac Mwale, 42 said that he saw a black animal which looked like a dog leap at him before it mauled his leg. After the attack, villagers appealed to the Zambia Wildlife Authority to cull the number of hyenas in the area.

The brutal attack happened in Chapita, a city near the Malawi border in Zambia

The brutal attack happened in Chapita, a city near the Malawi border in Zambia.

Ready for the truth now readers? The good new is this moron will never be able to reproduce but this is what a fallen angel preach… dangerous nonsensical material!  Stay with Dr. Turi, you can’t lose and soon you will discover and follow the pure light of a cosmic God and his gift to reach and endless emotional, financial and spiritual wealth!

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi

Edgar Cayce Versus David Wilcock By Dr. Turi


 ”For those who know me, my UFO’S PREDICTIVE LEGACY and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice… We must change our materially based analyses of the world around us to include broader, more multidimensional perspectives.”

 Dr. Turi ~ Albert Einstein* 

Dear readers;

First and foremost one must realize that I am NOT bashing any of my colleagues, I am just answering another request! Like I did with George Noory, Oral Robert, Haggard, James, Ray, Sean Morton, David Icke, Richard Hoagland, Tiger Wood, John Hogue, David Icke “David Icke Defeat Predicted by Dr. Turi December 1, 2011” and so many others famous and infamous souls,  I am educating my readers about the legitimacy and the claims of Mr. David Wilcock being the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce.

While David is much concerned like any other person to do well in his own field of expertise, mine is to EXPOSE David’s  UCI or his “cosmic” nature as I perceive it through the art and science of Astropsychology.

Doing so will help the reader to understand David’s claim and THE DIRECTION of his career and while is successful, David is traditionally educated, well read, and a wise soul on his turf.

I welcome anything positive or negative he or anyone else may have to say about my work and I publicly. But I have learned over the years that; non cosmic conscious people will never engage me  when dealing with the undiluted truth… And all other UFO’s speakers…

Now  if you have another “victim” you want me to investigate, a politician, a famous artist simply ask because this is what I do using the art and science of Astropsychology and educate our readers through our Cyber Cosmic University.  Meantime do not ask me about you, your wife, husband, lover or kids unless you ordered one of my services..

Remember what cosmic consciousness mean reader, there are too many false variations out there and clarification is a good step forward. “God’s Universal Laws are written in light and expressed through the signs – Cosmic Consciousness is… the awareness of God’s celestial divinity , to use it wisely to foresee the future and help others build emotional, financial and spiritual stability!” Read the future –  Watch the future!

Mastering the cosmic code means also becoming a very precise human detector of characters and explain any and all  “accident” producing an endless chain of news. Cosmic conscious means also the ability to “cosmically” understand  why people do behave the way they do or say ridiculous things. In all my goal is to introduce you to the Cosmic Code jurisdictions or God Cosmic Identity.  Science has not only lost the spirit but also forgot that human are not only made of bones, blood and flesh! All human own a karmic UCI or Unique Celestial Identity and that’s what makes us so different to each others…

As mentioned many times before the well read people involved in the UFO phenomenon and the cosmos are usually non cosmic conscious. Let me explain…

A non cosmic conscious teacher can only deal with his traditionally “educated” rationale and offer valuable plausible intelligible answers addressing to the rational side of the coin per say! But a coin has two faces. By this, I mean there is an equivalent spiritual explanation to any and all question. Because there is an incorporated  physical and a spiritual manifesto working in tandem and I am only explaining the latest… The side science, the atheists, the agnostics, the skeptics or the “young souls” are unwilling and unable to deal with because their own over rational UCI did not come with a great dose of “spiritual” luxury.

In many the cases, the lack of spiritual values become the leading intellectual faculty to explore the Universe unilaterally and rationally only!  But such ridiculous acceptance of only one sided solid view of a cosmic entity deprived of any spiritual values  is readily challenged buy those born with an above intuitive intelligence (or advanced UCI.)

But what has been taught and accepted as singular solid disciplines by the majority does not mean it is true. Thus I am endlessly challenging the old thinking by offering science the option to acknowledge  my repetitive and undeniable well documented, dated predictions. Indeed there is much more than what the scientific community educated brain can conceive and all must accept the fact that life itself, is a constant process of changes.

And changing is not always easy or a priority, especially when invested fortunes are involved to further the scientific or religious educational matrixes monopolizing the market! Today’s curious  public needs someone like me to uncover the truth about the cosmos being also a Universal spiritual entity inhabited by various ET’s populations living on far away solar systems…

Warning; Those who pretend to be the experts in their particular line of work are often the least knowledgeable of the subject they teach about. Most of them will try to convince themselves by convincing you they own the truth, and if you are cosmic unconscious, chances are you won’t have the needed psychical information to judge my claim.  This simply means you better upgrade your perception of your immediate world and the people in it, that’s all!

UFO”s Are Very Real  –  And So Is The Legacy! – What Did They Do To Me?

 Keep in mind that’ there is a BIG difference between education and intelligence or better yet, a true gift or legacy. And as the news unfold so are my predictions….

President Obama says he is heartbroken over the Fort Hood shooting, and “we will get to the bottom of what happened.” Watch CNN TV. 

Memo From Dr. Turi 2014 – 2016 Arian Draconis Universal Predictions

Prediction # 2 – Expect a full restructure of the Army and the NAVY due to some foreign powers in need/offering manpower to bring stability in some unstable parts of the world. Many high ranking Army/Navy officers will make international news.

Be ready it will be a bumpy one!

Memo from my 2014 Moon Power: New Moon — March 30, 2014 in Aries: The New Moon will mature in the sign of Aries. Explosive and destructive news about fires, wars, Update – North, South Korea exchange fire and explosions is to be expected soon.  Mother earth is alive and will stretch herself vigorously, producing powerful volcanic and/or abnormal  earthquake activity.  Update 04/01/14 – (CNN) — An 8.2-magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of northern Chile on Tuesday, generating a tsunami, authorities said.  04/02/14 – Region: TARAPACA, CHILE Magnitude: 7.8 – 6.4 – 6.2  & 6.2 Update 4/02/14 – (CNN) –  Multiple fatalities in shooting at Fort Hood

Now a real prophet should always give you the option to check on his / her gift while anyone else is not to be trusted. So called astrologers, mediums and psychics alike that have nothing to show for but an elaborate English language and a fruitful imagination which are usually one too many and all you have to do is to use logic.

Again as mentioned before, the truth hurt and never intended to please anyone and as mentioned before, I welcome anyone to “investigate” my work and I and expose as it really is to the public critical inspection and so far I seem to have more endorsements than made up negative in5d stories on my account.

i.e. I love you Dr. Turi. You’re the best! Thanks for all the advice I got 5 years ago when you were on with George Noory. Re: developing writing skills according to the phases of the moon – when you’re at your best. Putting that theory into practice, still not perfect yet but I’m learning things within myself that I still didn’t know even existed. Thanks man…That was the best advice I ever got.


 Richard Hoagland is one of my many “victims” and happens to be one of David’s close friend! But I admire Richard for his wit and memory following a show and the predictions I made on Coast to Coast with George Noory.

I was sitting next to him in one of George live show in Roswell New Mexico and he publicly endorsed my predictive work. Roswell UFO Festival Special

A Brief History of David’s Experiences: from

Ever since age 2, David remembers having dreams of massive, metallic cylinders floating in the sky, along with bizarre psychic synchronizations during the day. At age 5, David had a spontaneous out-of-body experience that greatly crystallized his quest for the truth of ESP, metaphysics and consciousness. Welcome to divine cosmos, the official internet home for the work of David Wilcock. Within this site are thousands of free pages of scientific and spiritual information about soul growth, ascension and the evolution of consciousness.

David Wilcock is a professional lecturer, filmmaker and researcher of ancient civilizations, consciousness science, and new paradigms of matter and energy. His upcoming Hollywood film CONVERGENCE unveils the proof that all life on Earth is united in a field of consciousness, which affects our minds in fascinating ways. David is also the subject and co-author of the international bestseller, The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?, which explores the remarkable similarities between David and Edgar, features many of David’s most inspiring psychic readings, and reveals documented NASA scientific proof of interplanetary climate change… and how it directly impacts our DNA.

DT Rebuttal: As mentioned many times “a magnet will not attract a piece of wood” and the scientific platform / information is what “connected” Richard Hoagland (a former NASA consultant)  and David Wilcock’s intellectual talent involving anything  and everything scientific he speak of and related to NASA.

I cannot say the same with my own “connection” with Hoagland because I vibrate at a much higher spiritual level than he does but we both share the same respect for each other in our intellectual differences.

Let me put it this way, to a logical soul like Ooagland,  I sell cosmic dreams and horoscopes and he sells real carrots and potatoes… Our shops, clients, friends and acquaintances (and UCI) are very different and this is what makes us so human.

Incidentally, while so many people assume I am a psychic, I am more logical and practical than they could ever be and many do not know I am using the same type of software as NASA  uses to do my  “predictions” charting the world,  people idiosyncrasy and fate.

Meantime I do not mean to be vitriolic by offering my logical analogy of some people  God sent my way. But in David’s case, his utmost ERROR is when he mentions – and how it directly impacts our DNA. That is wonderful Mr. Wilcock but there is also a “spiritual DNA” or an inborn karmic UCI that interact with your physical brain. More on your complex logical/spiritual  psyche later on David when I expose your natal and hidden dragons…

Note; David was a VIP for a very long time and still read all that I generate, especially when it is about himself. He like any of my students picked up a lot, learning all about cosmic consciousness from my Cosmic Cyber University. But I removed him after he fired me from his Facebook pages (another conflict of interest I guess!)

Indeed his information and “cosmic” teachings are much too similar as mine and in no way will he ever (like David Icke) mention my name or my work and for good reasons…

There is absolutely nothing connecting any living human beings “psychically” based solely upon the study of DNA alone! In fact science is connecting you singularly to your genealogy tree and family members through the PHYSICAL plane ONLY! No one to blame though, they are all the victims of the scientific educational matrix in need of your financial support for Mars One deceptive mission!

The fact is your closest family members will be, “mentally speaking” your biggest strangers… While you “genetically” look physically like your loved ones, in no way will you ever, think, behave, believe, feel, experience learn, trust, react or communicate  like any of your siblings or even your parents.

Far from it and I am sure you can only agree with me on that one! In fact only last night, by accident I landed on a religiously poisoned Glen Beck talking about the passing of his dad and how far apart he was mentally from all his family members.

Gee and this guy owns a good chunk of the media? The chances for me to educate him on God cosmic consciousness and his personal UCI, on his own syndicated radio show is ZERO! 

The SPIRITUAL differences resides within our natal UCI  or our respective spiritual cosmic ID nature because the portion of the Universal Mind affecting our subconscious mind is VERY different. Thus if you experience verbal differences with anyone,  it is because you were not born the very same day, at the very same time, at the very same location under the very same stars. And,  in the case of twins, if you did, you will never share the same exact psychical experiences after birth…

It is all set within the Universal Mind spiritual inherited karmic structure (the UCI) but when people erroneously think planets are only dry cold rocks depraved of any spiritual values, you end up with today science! And all the over educated idiots who truly believe they know better than Einstein…

*The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. We will not solve the problems of the world from the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. More than anything else, this new century demands new thinking: We must change our materially based analyses of the world around us to include broader, more multidimensional perspectives.”

 ~Albert Einstein*

Incidentally,  Richard, David like 99.09 % of the people walking this earth have yet to upgrade their perception to a spiritual cosmos (and  a cosmic God I would love to teach the world on TV ) they know nothing about, but for now the TV series Cosmos will do!

 Thus, it is very important to read about Richard’s *scientific UCI  “The Stars And Fate Of Richard Charles Hoagland”  published August 1st 2010 to appreciate the facts of his psychical make up.

David and I are Pisces and this sign is renowned to have a natural aptitude for“astral projection”and remote viewing. God knows how many times I caught myself flying outside of my own body as a child. So do not think Nostradamus, Cayce, David, or I are exceptions because they are billions of people who have inherited a serious  dose of Neptune in their chart!

Realize also you could be born under any sign of the Zodiac and still experience astral projection! Blame this psychical gift on your moon sign, your rising, your natal of hidden dragon in Pisces for this incredible phenomenon. But this is my expertise, my turf and you will appreciate my Pisces/Aquarius perceptive nature as you learn more about David’s similarities to Edgar Cayce.

The End Of The World Nonsense!

I never heard David commentaries on Coast To Coast with George Noory before; I am much too busy writing for the world but if you ever depict a “doom and gloom” scenario or anything religious then you are dealing with a Neptunian.  Regurgitating the bible quotes and apocalyptic fears shows another non cosmic conscious loss soul totally unaware of the power of the supra-conscious in time and space and the working the Cosmic Code. In fact this type of soothsayer / ghoul is very dangerous for the survival of humanity at large and an serious hindrance to humanity progressive psychical welfare.

Years ago, I heard Richard Hoagland’s affirming (from his reliable scientific sources) a HUGE building and gas explosion coming from the sea bed of the Gulf of Mexico. All this transpired during the oil spill madness discussed on Coast To Coast!

 DID THIS HAPPEN? No, luckily it did not, now on the same national show heard by millions, did you pay attention to my words when I said to George, “I trust the human genius to fix this problem?”  If bets were open between trusting science or Dr. Turi predictions who won on this one and so many other predictions I made in the past?

Like any other famous “talking Heads” we are all subject to bashing and that is the price one has to pay to face the often ill informed public. The question is are you ready to deal and digest the truth? Now if you were Hogland or Wilcock, how would you feel reading such vitriolic on the net?

“HOGLAND IS NOW TRYING TO MAKE EVERYONE THINK that the Alaska plane crash was a murder and told everyone to listen to art bell when he couldn’t get on … David wilcock told everyone it was a murder also with no facts to back it up … He also said all you need is 3 nine volt batteries to do teleportation …. Wilcox is also behind the fake torsion field theory that was proven to be a hoax in Russia …. we need to put all these fakes out of business …”

Without gloating, using the cosmic code I fully predicted to the day this accident and the cosmic reasons were fully explained in my cosmic code newsletter but not many of the people making up the mass were aware of the active Supernova window  then or decided to join the cosmic code to read all about my warnings. I clearly advised all our VIP’s of  the tremendous “cosmic chances” to be involved in an air accident but not many people from the general public regularly read my VIP newsletters

Memo: A private plane carrying a former head of NASA and, former Sen. Ted Stevens crashed Monday night in a rugged stretch of Alaska. The crash left at least five people dead, and crews have arrived to help survivors. EADS North America said its chief executive officer, Sean O’Keefe, a former head of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, was a passenger on the aircraft.

Memo from Moon Power excerpt – Full Moon — July 26, 2010 in the explosive sign of Aquarius: Indeed a very bad timing for President Obama let’s hope his security and advisers read or listener to my heed and the power of the cosmiccCode. Expect some serious surprising or shocking developments to take place in the near future. NASA could make shocking news again soon, especially if they avoid using the value of the stars. This is the same energy that produced many mishaps with expense electronic equipment and the death of many courageous astronauts. Also under Uranus power the Middle East suffered the “US surprise bomb attacks” on Saddam Hussein’s forces in Iraq and under the same energy Israel invaded Lebanon. This energy can affect sophisticated electronic equipment and could produce bad aeronautic accidents.

Had the former head of NASA Sean O’Keefe and former Sen. Ted Stevens read my books and knew about the spiritual cosmos and its dangerous Supernova windows ” April 2014 SOS to the world windows” then, would they have flown?  I guarantee you they would have because they were cosmic unconscious…

In all modesty, All I can say again to you readers including Hoagland, David Icke and David Wilcock is that…

“Where true Cosmic Consciousness is lacking conspiracy and imagination does the rest.” There are no accidents just cosmic consequences the five logical human senses can not yet perceive. “There is only a thin hair between divine information and pure imagination and I am here to guide you.”

Dr. Turi

If you have to trust someone doing predictions on radio and offer you SOLID PROOF AFTER THE PREDICTIONS make sure it sound like this… or like this one with Art Bell back in 1995? 

No I am not a doom Sayers and refuse to be part of these many apocalyptic Nostradamus / 2012 doom and glooms television shows, where all those talking heads have absolutely no Cosmic Consciousness or the understanding of Nostradamus’ curse and astrological work. Some profess their prophetic scientific views yet where is the results and the collection of their publicized predictions?

They are too many Nostradamus or Edgar Cayce wanna be nowadays and too many of these destructive apocalyptic programs feeding on your subconscious induced religious fears where pure imagination eradicate legitimate cosmic information.

“And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:”
– Genesis 1:14 in King James Version of The Bible

“Because they are seeing, they see not; and hearing, they hear not; neither do they under*stand” the voice of heaven.”

– Matthew 13.13

Reaching for God in the stars above!

What is Harmonic Convergence?


The year 2012 will come and pass like the year 2000 and the Harmonic Convergence will open a golden door where many of the planet’s “false structures of separation” *religions / Pisces Age, will begin collapsing and a new face of God and his celestial tools *Aquarius / Stars, will be readily introduced to the world.

Gee was I right in2009! Watch 2012 Mayan Cosmic Code Activation

This harmonic Ccnvergence is an upgrade offered to the human spirit, an unseen cosmic magnetic field *forcing humankind to realize once and for all that; the God they have been religiously trained to love and respect for centuries, and his *commandments are NOT what they are. As the years goes by only a few advanced souls with proven spirituals values and predictions will become the new powerful spiritual Leaders where education, Cosmic Consciousness and the plain truth will replace fears, ignorance, deception and chaos.

When men realize the church is the universe and the twelve Apostles are the twelve signs of the zodiac, God’s commandments written in Starlight will bring true love, respect peace and harmony to this world. The Harmonic Convergence will give humankind the ability to investigate and perceive God’s Celestial Divinity. Love, respect peace and harmony depend in understanding and respecting the creator’s highest celestial orders cloaked in the “Universal Code”.

Dr. Turi

At age 7, David read his first full-length adult paperback book about ESP, entitled How to Make ESP Work for You, by Harold Sherman. He conducted successful telepathic experiments with his friends, and demonstrated repeated psychic accuracy while still in second grade, culminating in a classroom demonstration of his abilities. Click here for the latest article that relates to this page David’s parents divorced when he was 11 years old, and he quickly began gaining weight through emotional eating, trying to stuff his pain with food. 

As he got larger he started wearing black T-shirts to try to hide the weight, and became increasingly socially isolated. He reached his heaviest and most depressed point at age 15. At age 16, David committed to a weight-loss plan, and soon had the first of an ongoing series of lucid dreams, consciously induced through a technique he learned in Dr. Stephen La Berge’s book, Lucid Dreaming. He lost 85 pounds by strict dieting during this year of his life, going from 225 down to 140. Perhaps 20 or so of those pounds were in his hair alone… you’ve gotta admit he cleans up good!

DT Rebuttal:  David should read my book “The Power Of The Dragon” and acknowledge he was born with a Cancer (food/family) Dragon’s Tail (negative.) This dragon enunciate lots of past lives experienced as a shy, sensitive, caring, insecure female.

This signify why karmically David had to suffer emotionally  in his upbringing with his parents’ separation and may seek refuge with food. ALL Cancer Dragon’s Tail do so and often feels like a balloon – i .e. Oprah Winfrey endless battle with weight and food because she retains WATER in her cells!

Edgar Cayce and David Wilcock Connections:

“The soul returns to earth in a body similar to its last one and has similar talents and inclinations.” – Plato

DT Rebuttal: If the soul pass all tests and burn enough karma there is NO need to comeback on this dense physical world and REDO the work. I believe Edgar Cayce did his job very well while on earth and has no more business here, agree? Let me give you a different quote from the man…


…perhaps there is a pattern set up in the heavens for one who desires to see it, and having seen it, to find one in himself

– Plato

And this is why humans are the cosmic legacy, the immaculate essence of those stars, all  living unconsciously under the Universal canopy in the unique reflection of each UCI regulating each and every human being…But what our dry scientific community and NASA people knows about the Cosmic Code jurisdictions or the complexity of the human UCI?

David later graduated from the State University of New York at New Paltz with a BA in Psychology and a Master’s equivalent in experience from his internship at a suicide hotline, completing his formal education at age 22. David’s “graduate studies” with Higher Intelligence had already begun at age 20, by fully reading and absorbing an average of three metaphysical books per week; he integrated over 300 metaphysical titles between 1993 and 1995.

David’s Internet research began in 1996, and soon replaced books as the predominant medium of study. Though Internet writing is often lower in quality than published books, it also contains much that cannot be found in libraries and bookstores, and the search functions are irreplaceable. We now have nine feet worth of books from printed website articles, which David organized with a binding machine. This massive archive has spawned all three CONVERGENCE books published freely on this site, with book III, Divine Cosmos, being the most sophisticated in content and in writing style – hence the new name of the website.

This archive also spawned Part III of “The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?” and the material for a trilogy of CONVERGENCE films – and we’re still only using a small portion of what we uncovered, though we do feel it is the BEST portion – the most inspiring and scientifically sound.

DT Rebuttal: BA in Psychology and a Master’s equivalent in experience from his internship at a suicide hotline? “Piling Higher and Deeper” will never offer the golden keys to what it means to be human period! In fact the opposite knowing a rational UCI can not deal with the spirit…

Any lengthy education does NOT make anyone more intelligent when the memory muscle is used to recall the codified information. Someone who thinks out of the box and force you out of your scientific or religious safe comfortable zone like me shows real ingeniousness.

“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth by means of his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom”


David was born with Saturn (the fear principle) in Gemini (books/curiosity) and enunciates why he is a natural *scientist”  and collects books as a “safety” procedure. David is another professional student reflecting a serious fear of not knowing enough. This mental “inferiority” made him shy and insecure with others while growing up and he changed  from hard food to spiritual food to build more self esteem through his accumulated wisdom. Thanks books don’t make anyone fat…Now remember my words earlier?

“A magnet will not attract a piece of wood?” In his own battle for suicide David “attracted” this “internship suicide hotline position, secondly Richard Hoagland inherited the same Dragon Head and Tail t*Capricorn/Cancer axis than David and you wonder why they are directly involved with each others and with NASA?

This is the most logical, rational, calculated, book starving engineering sign of the zodiac, constantly lead by his lucky Capricornus dragon to climb the ladder of success. David is very conventional, very well read, very smart and a born scientist.

Saturn Governs the Power-Oriented, Structural Constellation of Capricorn

Builder of the greatest towers
Holding all the social powers
Striving to climb to the highest peak
For honor has no place for the weak
I am CAPRICORN, child of Saturn.

Characteristics For Those Born In January

Make you think of the mental similarity and obvious attraction  between those two rational souls yes? But what quite interesting in David’s UCI is the serious conflict between his Mercury (the mind) located in the psychic sign of Pisces (imagination) and its earthy rational Capricorn Head. And this is where the similarity with Edgar Cayce and David comes from because both were born with similar intellectual  “spiritual” predispositions.

To summarize,  David’s Dragon’s Head (growth) in Capricorn (the scientist/NASA) makes a hard square (challenging) aspect producing an interest in both science and the paranormal. No one is targeted, blamed nor  their intelligence diminished because both, Richard and David are destitute of true Cosmic Consciousness. This makes it difficult to auto analyze themselves, actions career and idiosyncrasy accurately… And this is why I am here to expose and educate everyone willingly or karmically landing on my work.

David is set to attract the right people because his protective Dragon’s Head in Capricorn (building recognition traditionally) is located right in his 11th house of wishes and friends… Thus he attracts the Capricornus “NASA” friends and business associates than can only promote his endless climbing to the top of the mountain of success. My best wishes is for David, another Pisces dedicated Universal teacher!


Comparison Pictures: Edgar Cayce on left and David Wilcock, right.

“Pictures of the average person taken at corresponding periods of two or even several lives would show little difference. The physical parents may or may not be the same, but the features furnished by heredity no matter from what parents, are the same for a string of lives, with the ordinary person.” – Thinking and Destiny, H.W. Percival.

DT Rebuttal: Again there is absolutely NO correlation/relationship between the parents’ spiritual features (UCI.s) and those of their progeny. I doubt very much any of David loved ones think, teach or write the formidable way he does. Once more DNA (the physics) and UCI (the spirit) are in total opposite polarity and can never be duplicated nor inherited twice. It is a very different story when dealing with physical similar opportunities, indeed there are million of Elvis out there who look like him.

Again Nostradamus’ son Cesar never made history as a doctor or a Prophet like his famous father did and I let you check your own connection with your own mom and dad and see how *spiritually similar you really are NOT!

Harold Waldwin Percival was born in Bridgetown, Barbados, British West Indies, on April 15, 1868. The soul’s purpose for anyone born in April is to find oneself and like Edgar Cayce, Nostradamus, Madame Vladasky H.W Percival was born with a Dragon’s Head and Tail Pisces/Virgo. Both signs are feminine, very shy, very modest much into natural healing and the spirit dictating why they all shared the same type of thinking and similar professional fate.

Sorry David your Dragon Head and Tail axis is NOT a generator of true “visionary/psychics and natural healers.” Just the opposite and you are using your down to earth, scientific Capricorn engineering gift to EXPLAIN it all rationally.

Nothing wrong with this my friend, I love to know how a car gear box works, but the Universal gears are spiritual in nature and only studying the cosmic code will offer you the cosmic consciousness you currently lack. For if you had it, you would offer unarguable, verifiable  predictions to your vast  audience. And you don’t because you do not own the cosmic code keys just yet! Imagine for a second if we were working as a team, instead of me educating you  via my articles on your cosmic nature?

The obvious signature of a true Prophet comes from my findings of the Dragon’s Head sharing/riding  the sign in of Pisces in mutual reception. And this is NOT a cosmic accident but a repetitive, provable scientific fact I offer any modern astrologers checking on the North Nodes position of each famous individuals.

I am cursed with my own Dragon’s Head blessing my critical thinking, leading me  to the exact similar fate as all prophets of the past. I have like you the Pisces passion for healing, the dedication  to help others while my fiery competitive, direct Aries Dragon fire spirit is misjudged as an ego trip!

“The senses… are registered in our physical bodies in such a way that they are stamped upon our very faces. These senses… [seek] expression of the inner self – of which our physical bodies are material representations. For not only do the impressions received through the senses show forth that which is magnified in a single appearance or experience, but the whole impressions that have been received through all of our experiences, the registering being in our souls.” — Edgar Cayce, A Search for God.

DT Rebuttal: One must realize that life is a constant process of changes and what was accepted as reality only a few years ago do not apply any-more. Edgar Cayce was suffering some ailments when he was introduced *by accident to his natal Dragon’s Head in Pisces (during one of his personal cosmic biorhythms.)

This lucky “break” took place when Edgar Cayce got hypnotized for the first time by another colleague. Pisces rules hypnotherapy and the subconscious, thus this *accident opened a bran new door a young Edgar needed to fulfil his own mission within the realm of supra-consciousness,  paving the way to make a good use of his God given gift!

Yes this new revolutionary astrological discovery is as valuable is not more beneficial at a personal level as Jim Lewis discovery of Astro-carto-graphy relocation chart. I am offering anyone, everyone the option to GAIN such a powerful information for $100 via the Internet, then a year or so from now you will be able to say Dr. Turi’s work is BULL or damn he is so right! Check it for yourself then email me I say!


 Nostradamus was wrong when he said he left all his work for his son Cesar hoping for him to carry on his spiritual  legacy. This never and could never have happened because his son had a different UCI.

Edgar Cayce was also mistaken when he wrongly mentioned that everyone COULD do the same thing he was doing naturally. The fact is plain to see because since his death NO ONE has been able to duplicated his remarkable psychical talents.

But when the majority of people reading my work do not possess Cosmic Consciousness how can they get a grasp to my claim or  handle the Cosmic Code rules? It’s like asking for directions lost in the middle of Beijing speaking Spanish to a blind Russian guy  that happens to be deaf and that is my dilemma.

For David to compare pictures of himself and Edgar Cayce sound like me saying I want to be Nostradamus…  I never pretended to be Nostradamus publicly because the only thing we have in common is the beautiful sunny South of France“La Provence” and all the same local stars shining above when we both arrived on this world.

There are NO reasons or need for anyone to try to impersonate anyone else. We are all majesties in our own right and loaded at birth with great gifts that demand expression. Like Edgar Cayce some people will stumble on them while others have to work a bit harder to uncover their God given cosmic divinity. And this is the difference between me and any other  Neptunian “spiritual anointed” human beings… Ridiculous at best!

View the amazing synchronicity between Edgar Cayce and David Wilcock’s natal charts – virtually all inner planets are in the same positions on the two charts, with neat aspects for the outer planets. When the outrageous similarity in facial appearance, soul purpose and psychic ability is factored in, “chance” or “coincidence” is eliminated.

DT Rebuttal: Trust me this is MY expertise there are neither synchronism nor any remote psychical resemblances *astrologically speaking between David Wilcock and Edgar Cayce. Meantime his Pisces Sun speaks of his obvious  intuitive nature and his drive to teach the mass is fuelled by his 10th house (career) in Sagittarius (the teacher.)

This sound very much like the “essay” I wrote on my now *ex friend Sean David Morton – American GreedSylvia Browne and Montel William (God bless her soul) or even Dr. Laura Schlessinger not to forget totally insane Patti Stanger Millionaires Club.

The only similarity between Edgar and David is that they share the same Pisces Sun (soul’s purpose) this means both must learn all about being a Pisces, to deal, swim towards the intangible subconscious and swim upstream towards God cosmic consciousness where he resides in the stars.

His Mercury (the mental critical process) is also in Pisces where his imagination could easily override his reality and Venus also in benevolent Pisces shows David natural kindness. The most important elements are the natal  inherited and Hidden dignified Dragons in Pisces that  he shared in common with Edgar Cayce, Nostradamus, Madame Vladasky and H.W. Percival to name a few.

But David’s natal Dragon in Capricorn (like Richard Hoagland) is much stronger and reflects more of a NASA scientist’s approach to life and concerned with status and notoriety as a N.Y best seller.

Meantime far from owning the real ability to tap on the archetypal realm of supra-consciousness and share true cosmic wisdom with others. But again unless you learn the trade yourself you may assume anything about my work and I  through your own UCI…

America’s most accurate and documented psychic was Edgar Cayce, the “sleeping prophet”. There are numerous indications that David Wilcock is connecting with the same source of information that supplied Edgar Cayce with his data and may well in fact be his reincarnation. This article introduces you to David Wilcock, the story of his work and the main philosophies of this site.

DT Rebuttal: That is totally impossible because the main ingredient or a natal Pisces Dragon’s Head and other spiritual planetary aspects are missing in David’s karmic UCI.

The very source of intuitiveness is coming from the 12th house regulating the subconscious’ operations and in this house David has Jupiter *the teacher/the philosopher  in the sign of Aquarius. A sign that rules astrology, Astropsychology, UFO,  NASA, computers, the Internet all  in his 11th house of wishes and friends. Providing David decides to put the ego aside, build real cosmic consciousness and stop associating with Edgar Cayce ’s visionary gift and master the Cosmic Code, there is no limit to where he would go. But is he interested in growing up and swimming upstream with another older fish?

 David like me was born with Jupiter (the teacher/philosopher) in Aquarius (the Internet/UFO etc.) and it is not an accident for both to land on Gaiam TV.

Sad enough fate has it one of my Internet fierce enemy  is the producer there at the station and killed the opportunity George gave me to teach all the cosmic secrets to the world. God has a plan that is all and all is that!

Our own respective world wide reading learning audience is growing drastically day after day and I maintain my position when I assure the reader that, “you will never find the golden keys to the Universe with Cosmos or any non cosmic conscious teachers.

Being honest, real and direct and committed to  the truth,  forces me to expose people as they really are and not as they want to be or perceived as… I am myself NOT free of any human shortcomings, far from this trust me  but I am courageous and honest enough to let you appreciate my own weaknesses and I can laugh about it. Why? Because being truly knowledgeable makes me confident because I am REAL and also RIGHT! 

David was also tasked by Richard C. Hoagland to upgrade his interplanetary climate change research to a whole new level, and this necessitated a relieving end to the basement labor by the beginning of April. Up until the Hoagland initiative, David had relied heavily on the work of Russian Dr. Aleskey Dmitriev’s studies to argue that our entire solar system was rapidly becoming brighter, hotter and more energetic. Hoagland insisted that all Russian data needed to be thrown out for the purposes of skeptical Western scientists, and every point needed to be argued from a direct NASA study.

DT Rebuttal: Let’s use common sense now; has Edgar Cayce in any way, shapes of forms dealt with any scientists of his time for any type of answers? He did not have to, he already (like me) had the answers deeply rooted in his subconscious and knew how to use them to benefit others

This again proves that the main Capricorn *scientific dragons David and Richard both share lead them to their “NASA” scientific relationship. When the Sun and the stars are only perceived as lifeless cosmic bodies in our solar system, there is NO way for me to communicate the spiritual values of these luminaries.

Scientists are well known to tear each other apart for answer they all have been enslaved to uncover and will never have unless they rekindle the spirit of all those planets.

“If you make people think they”re thinking, they”ll love you; but if you really make them REALLY think, they”ll hate you. The two most common elements in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity. The stars are the elixir of life! All great spirits have encountered opposition from mediocre minds”
– A. Einstein

In my mind who cares about the Sun dying i a few millions years from now? TODAY is more of my concern because I know how to hear the spirit of those stars and read all the warning signs. Those stars are ageless, the universe endless and who cares who will win the debates of us cooking a few billions years from now?

None of those mental snobs will be here then to debate their educated spiritual pride!  Venus id too hot (400 degrees) and Mars much too far away and too cold to be habitable.

I have better things to do on earth between now and then and I’d rather concentrate on teaching humans how God speaks his divinity and make a good use of the spiritual essence of all those stars…

Stop wasting your tax dollar for the scientific and religious controlling educational matrix hyenas.  They are all psychotically inbreeding their “educated” kind  to live a selected scientific  privileged life at your expenses.


NASA Costly Ignorance

NASA Costly Ignorance Part 2

NASA Costly Ignorance Part 3 

The first complete volume of Convergence was posted on March 8, 1999, on Wilcock’s 26th birthday. The second volume was completed in late 2000, the first volume largely rewritten in 2001, and the third and most important volume, Divine Cosmos, in April 2002. In September of 1997, David was told in a consciously induced OBE to move to Virginia Beach, Virginia. As soon as David arrived in Virginia Beach, many A.R.E. people recognized him as the spitting image of a young Edgar Cayce.




David because you look like Elvis does not mean you will be able to sing or move like Elvis! 

Then, in November of 1997, after considerable speculation from self and others, David confronted his Source directly about the possibility of having been Edgar Cayce in a past life. The source said that “in short, the answer is yes… and with this knowledge comes great responsibility”, and other than the start of the channeling itself, this was by far the greatest surprise of David’s entire life. It was extremely difficult for him to accept this, but the readings insisted that he talk about it with others and spread the word. They also insisted that he either begin doing readings professionally and publish books for free online, or he would completely lose his ability.

DT Rebuttal: This is a very noble thing to do offering books for free David, and I did so since 1991 when I first got published, after all wisdom must be shared. Well how can I remain gentle and decent with David vivid imagination?

It is so important for me to make sure by “exposing” David’s UCI, his stars, fate and  inner spirit I am rendering HIM a favor because,  as a Pisces he was born with the gift of divination. There are NO accidents for one of my reader to ASK me to expose his UCI but what is the purpose to so in public?

I do not CHOSE anyone but respond to people’s requests as to introduce my readers to Astropsychology.  I did this work with the sole purpose in mind  to explain how the cosmic code operates and how the stars rules David’s psyche.

I have no bitterness or hostility against Richard or David or anyone else (apart a few) because my own mission to free humankind from fears and cosmic ignorance is crucial to humanity.

I want to thanks all “my victims” and sincerely apologize if in some way (and I do)  I have hurt their feelings. All I can say is, my reading audience DESERVES the right to know all about David’s integrity because he is also a public person. And for so many people to enjoy his work speaks of his talent, convictions and the teaching powers only Pisces possess.

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi

Sharing Emails;

Dr. Turi:

Thank you for being a man of your word. The Stars and Fate of David Wilcock just recently posted is informative and helpful. Serves to clear the air regarding the Cayce/Wilcock reincarnation issue. Of all the person’s known in earth history which of them truly functioned from a developed UCI?? I know you have referred to some of them.  Are there any that we will know from history. Those who were true examples of developed UCI????

DT – Indeed Lorian…Plenty not only Einstein or Hitler but so many more. I wrote intensively about famous and IN-famous people that made history in The Power of the Dragon and there is so much to teach about it…I am glad I could fulfill your request about David. I proposed him all my books for free; while someone from divine cosmos emailed me for “abusiveness”.



Remote Viewing Flight 370 cockpit, the real story! Now ready for our VIP’s.



Subject: Re: Feedback on your Cabalistic Healing Gift

Dr. Turi,
You gave us a lot to think about and work on. The healing on myself has helped my prostate problem. Linda was very impressed with your reading. Best Wishes.


From: ////

Dear Dr. Turi,
I suffer from Occipital Neuralgia for years….. Whatever you did released all the pain!


Greetings of love, honor, respect, and immense heartfelt thanks and gratitude for a most profound and remarkable visit with you, Dr. Turi! It has been a whirlwind of activity since I saw you Tuesday. I have just arrived back at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston and wanted to send a brief email to convey my gratitude and thanks to you. What a privilege to meet you! What an awesome healing and learning experience with you! I am doing very well since my incredible session with you. A huge up leveling of energy is pulsating through my body. I hardly slept on Tuesday night, but all seems to be beginning to balance out at this time.

Many Blessings and Much Love,


I love you Dr. Turi, you’re the best! Thanks for all the advice I got 5 years ago when you were on with George Noory, re: developing writing skills according to the phases of the moon -when you’re at your best. Putting that theory into practice, still not perfect yet but I’m learning things within myself that I still didn’t know even existed. Thanks man. That was the best advice I ever got.


Dear Dr. Turi

I want to say that was the most comprehensive treatment I’ve ever had in one session. I have had reflexology, chiropractic, ortho bionomic, aura clearing, chakras balancing, energy work such as reiki, crystal healing, and many other things since I choose to not use Medical care (drugs or surgery) to treat health issues, or should I say to treat sickness issues, and your treatment, Cabalistic healing, was the most comprehensive and healing in one session I have ever experienced. I feel so much lighter and hopeful now. I do expect to see ongoing results from what you did. The astrology session was fantastic, I understand myself so much more now and why things go the way they do in my life. I thank Spirit for you and your work. This was the best birthday present I have ever given myself, what I got for the time and money I spent was way beyond my expectations. I shall recommend your Cabalistic Healing session to anyone on the path to knowing themselves and wanting to be healthier than they ever thought they could be. What people need to understand is that sickness comes from the inside out and all the drugs and surgery they do does not correct the issues that cause the symptoms they experience, what is done in your sessions gets to the root of the cause of the symptoms and works at that deep level really creating a healing. Thank you again.

Love and Light…L//// DC FIACA

From: John

WOW Dr. Turi! What an awesome service this is. I am very surprised by the depth and content of the first newsletter. Thank you so much! I can’t believe we are going to get this for a full year and at such a nominal price.


From: Nancy
Dear Dr. Turi,

Thank you very much for this newsletter. The detail within it is almost overwhelming. It will need intensive study. I’ve found those to be very helpful and they are always right on.


From: Rose
Dear Dr. Turi,

I enjoyed this very much. Loved the graphs and the more explicit information. You almost should charge double, hehehe

Good show last night Louis! You sure overdosed them! At least you gave them something to think about.



Dr. Turi;

Thank you for such a wonderful radio show last night.


“When men realize the church is the universe and the twelve Apostles are the twelve signs of the zodiac, God’s commandments written in Starlight will bring true love, respect peace and harmony to this world.”

Dr. Turi

Yellowstone Super Volcano Prediction SOS To The World


Pass on the link to this article please. Copy/paste/Twit! 

 Yellowstone Super Volcano Prediction SOS To The World

“God’s Universal Laws are written in light and expressed through the signs – Cosmic Consciousness is… the awareness of God’s celestial divinity and use it wisely to read the future and help others build emotional, financial and spiritual stability!” Read the future –  Watch the future!

 This quake is big, but it’s not the Big One

“Geologists say the deadly 8.2-magnitude quake that hit off of Chile isn’t the large temblor they were expecting. That one could strike tomorrow or in 50 years, they say” “We do not know when it’s going to occur, we expect another 8.8-8.9 earthquake here sometime in the future,” Simons said.

What do CALTECH, USGS and all traditionally educated geologists really know about earthquake predictions?  NOTHING!  When is the last time the scientific community gave you a reliable timing or trustworthy warning? NEVER DID, NEVER WILL! Meantime it seem Astrogeology has already proven its worth through my undeniable SOS to the world windows readers…Why USGS and CALTECH do not respond to my emails with unarguable dated quakes predictions offered to them?

Tremors started on 04/02/14 – Region: TARAPACA, CHILE Magnitude: 7.8 – 6.4 – 6.2 – 6.2 -60 – 61

 California Deadliest Earthquake Exodus Prediction
 8.2 quake near Chile triggers tsunami Is the ‘big one’ coming? 


But as you know, science has lost the spirit and ridicule any form of omens… I keep translating those omens and the stars offering you all sorts of warnings too, but will you ever listen? Trumpeting my well documented, dated, printed, published earthquakes, volcanoes, tornadoes and tsunamis predictions has done nothing to stimulate anyone in position of power to either investigate or help me reach an unwilling, stubborn scientific matrix.

To the new comers I am nothing else than a curious “psychic” oddity and to those who have experienced my expertise in predictive “Astrogeology”  first hand, I became the very rare person  that can be undeniably trusted! I will soon run out of room on the Internet with all my hits because they are so frequent, to the point where all my regular readers became desensitized!

To the envious young souls who never took the time to acknowledge my expertise and accuracy, I appear as the bigger egocentric ever, boosting my ego endlessly, while others educated idiots lump me with Mrs.Cleo and never heard of the modified software I use to make my “predictions.”

Where do I go from there?  What if I was offering the media with the exact date for the next cataclysm but what good would this do when I already did so many times and got nowhere with the scientific community and steer jealousy with  so many morons trying to mute and destroy my work and I?

My website and 6 months worth of educational article disappeared from the Internet pissing off so many people used to get all my pearl of wisdom for free by clicking on all dead links?  Who is responsible for stopping me again to reach you and share my cosmic wisdom with the public? How long and will this evil group be able to mute me again?

Sad enough too many readers have a short memory and all I can do is to keep reminding them of Dr. Turi being BIN or well before the news you will read on CNN!

For example; 

9/12/13 – Predictions – Vladimir Puttin A Plea for WAR From Russia and  nine month later 04/02/2014  NATO warns about Russia’s ‘massive’ buildup

Not to forget when I posted on  3/19/2014 Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Was a Terrorist Mass Suicide Act! all the way to today 04/02/2014 when I offered the full explanation of the conspiracy and what transpired in flight 370 cockpit!  Remote Viewing Flight 370 cockpit, the real story!


Am I the only one that thinks this article is trash too?

I believe you’re suffering from delusions of grandeur. This condition is principally a subtype of delusional disorder that occurs in patients suffering from a wide range of mental illnesses, including two-thirds of patients in manic state of bipolar disorder, half of those with schizophrenia and a substantial portion of those with substance abuse disorders..

That was sure a waste of time.

Amazingly when I post an article there thousands of curious smart souls rush to read Dr. Turi’s latest BIN but only 23 people have endorsed me so far? What do you make of it readers? I surely create an huge interest there with my work! Note also the owner of this website is allowing me to get away with murder because “unlike Greg Scott at in5d” he is a very secure man, aware of my mission and my undeniable talent…

Thanks Chris and thanks George Noory, too,  if the Internet was run with people like all those brave guys who helped me in my mission, many more souls would become aware of the cosmic code jurisdictions and heed God cosmic divinity!

Let me tell you something readers, as much as I wrote back in June 12, 2013 “Dr. Turi 2014 – 2016 Arian Draconis Universal Predictions” and warned the world about the invading evil spirit of Hitler cursing all souls born in October .i.e. Vladimir Putin how can anyone refuses to accept the reality of my work reading today’s news?

If I was WELL ahead of the world and made sure to share publicly my “2014/2016 Arian Draconis Predictions” should you also pay attention to my upcoming “April 2014 SOS to the world windows?” Yes it feels like what rankingdread wrote for some, “it was like being offered a pie without any filling.” 

But the question is; in this article “Remote Viewing Flight 370 Cockpit, The Real Story!”  and by respect for Chris’ BIN popular website, I always give enough of the introductory  pie to educate the over 8000 readers (and counting) of the power of Neptune.  Yes, even if they do not recommend the story or Dr. Turi, the fact is, all those people want’s more of my cosmic pearls of wisdom and that becomes my personal reward… But the majority of those curious souls are missing so much of something “cosmic” they need so bad!

Many of the kids on BIN are not all idiots, there are plenty smart and curious people there but some are also scared and immature and have not yet learned to give anything in return for more from me… It is a karmic law to always give, even if its a simple click of recommendation and then the same very person will receive back something, sometimes, this is how it works with karma! If it works for me it has to work for everyone…

Some young souls have to learn that in life, you will get what you pay for or invest in and this why, while restricted, my pearls of wisdom are still flowing on BIN and all over the Internet!

Here is more of my warnings…

With God as our witness to the truthfulness of the following statement, we thus testify: Never in our sickest nightmares would we ever have believed that the President of Russia, not the POTUS would be the man of Christian faith and values.

Nothing is more dangerous for the world than this religiously poisoned Russian leader…”Predictions – Vladimir Puttin A Plea for WAR From Russia.” Vladimir Putin is a Libra and, much like like Capricorn are “codified” signs. This mean they are Neptunian born and seriously prone to religious poisoning and will do all in their power to steer the 1995 predicted world religious war. While Ukraine is a good  and solid acquisition for Russia strategy,  subconsciously Vladimir Putin is engaging his own personal religious war again Obama, America and all the RED warning signs are obvious to me!

Why do you think Russia is helping Syria to get the nukes they need to destroy Israel, the US  and its allies?

June 16, 2005 a year earlier still posted on Coast to Coast am website “Turi said he also foresees George Noory entering into a television project in March or April of 2006.” Undeniable facts! In this show I also warn of Iran aims for nukes!

 I can see clearly into the psyche/UCI of this demonic man lead by Hitler’ invasive spirit, but how many religious people you know are aware of the cosmic code or a cosmic God  stirring their fate?

The following article reflect the dangerous stupidity of yet another non – cosmic conscious UK “talking head”  unaware of Vladimir Putin’s UCI and nefarious Dragon’s Tail in Leo ruling all the children of Russia. Its still amazes me how those idiots get a media exposure when all the crucial material I have is still in darkness?

Indeed all I have is to rely on a very minority of my supporters to help me reach the media and repost my work! How many time did you repost my article reader, do you really think I have something real? If you do do your part and help me in my mission please.

Vladimir Putin was born to KILL a lot of children through the cosmic code endless rites and Universal ceremonies…It seems the new 2014 Arian Draconis has already speaking quite obviously about his next “Hitler” invasive move!

PUTIN’S TINY ARMY: Russian Kids Trained for Combat, USA’s Kids Trained to be Lazy, Fat and Stupid. Read more:

Some parents would gasp at the thought of their children playing with a toy gun, but these Russian children are actually encouraged to take up real arms. Military sports club, ‘Berkut’, (meaning golden eagle), trains up young Russian, who dream of joining the elite units of the Russian army and fighting under the command of President Vladimir Putin.

A young boy is pictured on their website brandishing a hand gun and dressed in military fatigues with his finger over the trigger. Children as young a five are sent on forced marches, given battlefield training, taught hand to hand combat, and how to use military equipment. 12 year olds are also taught how to fire Kalashnikov assault rifles and other small arms. During the clubs regular camps, some children are given the opportunity to parachute jump during their paratrooper training.




This person should be ashamed, for if it was not for the sacrifices of so many young fearless WW1 and  WW2 American kids dropped over Europe, he would today speak freaking German! Once think you do not do,is to piss off the incredible essence of any American born under a Leo cosmic fluid!

America JUly 4th 1776 own a Leo (the King) Dragon and a country, fated by God to rule all other countries and this is not something I write lightly. Be sure the non cosmic conscious young souls from all countries of the world will reject and challenge God’s cosmic signature. BUt who’s to balme them when they know nothing of the stars and lump me with Mrs. Cleo?

Russian children are under the jurisdiction (the stars/UCI) of their rulers and the spirit of Hitler, through Vladimir Putin will speak God’s divinity and waste many of them.  The bloody price to pay will also curse all other children of so many countries if Putin does not reach his Libra (justice/law) soul purpose and keep pushing his luck in Europe.

The USSR is DEAD and reviving the old abusive, secretive, destructive deadly KGB regime he once control is out of question for a peaceful world!

President Obama is a Leo, born with a Leo Dragon’s Head like  the great country he now rule (there are no accident for Obama to become the 44th US President. But my work is not for the feeble minded nor those born with an inferior, non spiritual UCI unable to gain from my teachings and warnings.

Time has and will always be my utmost faithful witness and spoke in my favour too many times for you to ignore or ridicule my gift!  Obama’s fate is to quite simple, destroy or save America and reinstate her righteous Leo “star” position. Note France is also a Leo country currently run by a Francois Holland a LEO President too (no accidents)  shares the same dragon’s tail (negative) as Hitler. Read more!


Location: Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation 


Lastly Putin is no Hitler, Americans say, knowing 99.999% of American are cosmic unconscious who would you trust now knowing I am the first human being to write and warn about Hitler since June 12, 2013 “Dr. Turi 2014 – 2016 Arian Draconis Universal Predictions?”

God have mercy on your non cosmic conscious children, let’s pray for peace because you did not hear me when I wrote” THE WORLD HAS NEVER BEEN SO CLOSE TO A DISASTER THAT WOULD MAKE THE SIXTIES CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS A JOKE!” 



Edgar Cayce Versus David Wilcock
Remote Viewing Flight 370 cockpit, the real story!

First and foremost one must realize that I am NOT bashing any of my colleagues, I am just answering another request! Like I did with George Noory, Oral Robert, Haggard, James, Ray, Sean Morton, David Icke, Richard Hoagland, Tiger Wood and so many others famous and infamous souls,  I am educating my readers about the legitimacy and the claims of Mr. David Wilcock being the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce.

While David is much concerned like any other person to do well in his own field of expertise, mine is to EXPOSE David’s  UCI or his “cosmic” nature as I perceive it through the science of Astropsychology. Doing so will help the reader to understand David’s claim and career and while is a very successful, smart soul and a master on his own turf,  I welcome anything positive or negative he or anyone else may have to say about my work and I publicly. But I have learned over the years that; non cosmic conscious people will never engage me with the undiluted truth…To be continued if I manage to retrieve this old article and resubmit the updated, edited version.

Lastly –  Remote Viewing Flight 370 cockpit, the real story! is now fully completed and the information I divulged in this article are just mind boggling. I started the astral projection/remote viewing just after 4 am and it lasted for over 45 minutes. This article can not and will never become public!



L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain


 listen to my latest radio show with Ted

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 
