Year: 2014

SOS To The World Large Earthquakes Ahead. March 25/26/27 Predictions



”For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice… If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

Chileans worry over string of 300 quakes in north

Dear Readers:

SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) — More than 300 earthquakes have shaken Chile’s far-northern coast the past week, keeping people on edge as scientists say there is no way to tell if the unusual string of tremors is a harbinger of an impending disaster. The unnerving activity began with a strong magnitude-6.7 quake on March 16 that caused more than 100,000 people to briefly evacuate low-lying areas, although no tsunami materialized and there was little physical damage from the shaking. But the land has not settled down. More than a dozen perceptible quakes were felt in the city of Iquique just on Monday March 25!

It seem,  my past, present and future “SOS To The World” dated, published windows posted on February 28, 2014 for my VIP’s once again confirm the undeniable accuracy found in my natural and man made disasters predictions…

MEMO from my 2014 Moon Power book for  SAT., SUN., MON., TUE. — MARCH 15, 16, 17, 18:

Environment: As usual with the waning Moon expect dramatic news soon with Mother Nature. Let’s hope that with the gentle touch of Venus, nature will be quiet. Many environmentalist groups will be active; some may get out of hand while trying to get their message out.”

Not only my book warn you about nature and the possibility for large earthquakes but I also offered a more recent warning , all designed to silence the skeptics, atheists, agnostics or all the young souls unable to read the signs…

Memo from CNN – FOX news Flight 370 a Mass Suicide?

“Expect shocking developing news on March 25/26/27 and the following days, 27/28 will  speak of the possibility of  terrorism AND VERY DRAMATIC DEADLY NEWS IN UKRAINE.”

03/29/14 –  5.1-magnitude quake hits L.A. area  – Earthquake?
03/26/14  – Ukraine’s right sector leader killed – Shocking?
03/27/14 – 9 Air Force commanders fired – Aeronautics/Shocking?
03/27/14 – Outrage over airline’s baggage note  Outrage over airline's baggage note – Aeronautics


March 25/26/27

Entrails Upset Spit Above
Red Fire Wind  Water To Dance
Stars Command Shock Science
Calm Deception To Strike


Cosmos News / Nukes / Weird news / Freak / Space / Surprises / Explosions / Shocking / Stunning / Incredible / lightning / Unusual Humanitarianism / Discovery / Science / Earthquakes (always above 6.0) / Volcanoes / Tornadoes / NASA / Aeronautics / Technology / Television / UFO.

 03/26/14 – SOUTH OF THE FIJI ISLANDS – Magnitude: 6.5

New satellite images show ‘122 potential objects’ BINGO!

“03/25/14 – MEMO “Expect shocking developing news on March 25/26/2″
 03/26/14 – North Korea launches 2 ballistic missiles – Nukes?

03/25/14 – U.S.-Russian crew blasts into space –  Space? 
25/14 – 
Ukraine’s acting defense minister ousted – Incredible
03/25/14 – Flight 370 families wait for proof – Aeronautics?
03/25/14 – 2 shot dead on Navy destroyer – Stunning?
03/25/14 – Japan agrees to hand over nuclear material to US – Nukes?
03/25/14 Will Egypt carry out hundreds of death sentences handed down? – Shocking?


 Thus if you paid close attention to my SOS To The World windows of very high probability for quakes above 6.0, my quatrains and keywords and ultimately read the undeniable results of March 8/9/and 10, should you be  weary and pay attention to the above mentioned dates for March too?

Do you really think I am having fun policing you with the cosmic code readers and warn you about the possibility of one of my utmost terrible “EXODUS” prediction to unfold?

This is America readers, this is not Chile but the signs are quite obvious in CA too! Chileans worry over string of 300 quakes in north.”

Understandably the scientific news-media matrix is paying NO attention to the signs because trained and cosmic conscious  “Astrogeologists” of the future are not born yet and all you have is Dr. Turi for now!  The fact is, it is impossible for me to recall all my hits nor my emails exchanges with USGS and NASA but they are all well documented on many radio broadcasts and televisions shows… But even with televised undeniable dated facts requested by the producers, envious young souls will always deny what they can not understand…

Every single day we are adding Cosmic Coders in my second VIP website and many of them do not know anything about my work and I, thus repetition is the key and I am sure my older patient VIP’s do realize I have no other option.

All I can do is to warn you the best way I know how and then, when it is all said and done offer you the option  to check my claims. Doing so you will make you appreciate my gift in predictive astrology and also help me reach more curious souls looking for God cosmic consciousness…



March 8/9/10

Nature Men To Strike Hard
New Horizons Following Tragedy
Much to Fall Nothing Made To Last
Tears Pain Death A new Life For Many

Beginning / Ending of War / Beginning / Ending of Important Portion of Life / Forced Relocation / Forced Actions/ Destructive Actions/ Weather / A new Planned and / or Unplanned Life For Many.

2014-03-10 05:18:12; (M6.9) OFFSHORE NORTHERN CALIFORNIA 40.8 -125.1 (cfa3)
2014-03-10 05:18:12 (M6.1) OFFSHORE NORTHERN CALIFORNIA 40.8 -125.1 (cfa3)
2014-03-10 00:38:20 (M6.3) OFFSHORE OAXACA, MEXICO 16.1 -98.2 (cfa3)
2014-03-11 02:44:06 (M6.8) EAST OF THE SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS -60.8 -20.0 
2014-03-11 02:44:05 (M6.4) EAST OF THE SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS -60.8 -20.0 (cfa3)

From Sheryl;  Record breaking heat in CA Sunday followed by a 6.9 in Northern CA tonight, 50 miles off the coast. This is in alignment with dates you’ve posted. 

Some people ask me but Dr. Turi if you know so much why not sharing your predictions with USGS, (I DID SO MANY TIMES), but they do not understand that I am in direct competition with the scientific matrix which desperately need your tax dollar to conduct their researches. But regardless of their even growing expensive armada of electronic equipments paid by the readers, by the time the needles moves, it is already too late and you find yourself stuck in a natural disaster or in a very large earthquake and died!

At least you must remember readers, I am doing all this for FREE,  and even if I ask for your donations to promote Astrogeology, or Astropsychology I never got  a single penny from you! With over 7200 registered Cosmic Coder reading me everyday imagine how easy goal would become if each one of you was to make a $10 donation and reward me to be over-concerned with the children future… I would have more than enough to fulfil my mission and make enough noise in the media to challenge the supremely wealthy religious and scientific matrixes.

I do not have CNN, the pharmaceutical corporations and Dr. Sanjay Gupta, all whoring around, as close friends nor can I hire him to “sell” the truth about legal or illegal drugs!  All I can do is keep asking you to become a VIP because I do not have the million of gullible God fearing and/or rational souls on my side to give me money!

But they will not hesitate a second to give it to science and hope to land on Mars in a few years from today! I wonder how long it will take some human beings to grow up and realize the impact the Iluminati have upon their lives using all abusive matrixes through the corrupted news-media they own?

 As you know, over the years I built an Internet black list and collected various top names from all walks of life but those people are much too envious, rational or afraid of the ridicule to help me and keep asking me to remove them from my FREE cosmic code newsletters. Talk about giving my cosmic pearl to swine…

I am still wondering if at 64 year of age, I will have enough time or the strength to face the gargantuan task ahead of me and help humanity to recover their hijacked spirits. Unless you exit any of the well established, solid traditional  matrixes you signed your body, mind and soul there is no way for me to reach and offer you God cosmic divinity!

 Should I be burnt to the stake for being a ball of spiritual fire?

Having a mission and a solid purpose in life  is quite honorable for anyone, especially when fuelled by a total animation of burning passion.  The hardest it become the more mindful this unique purpose becomes to you! At least this is how it feels to me…

An unmatched valiant spirit is nothing else than a deep expression of one’s investigation of  the fingerprint of life — This is when the “awe” of cosmic self discovery  may occur to you. This new “cosmic awareness” may leads you toward a deep gratitude for the teacher you long for and his burning communicative enthusiasm.

When awakening to the recognition of your Unique Celestial Identity and your karmic inherited values it is recognised with awe, deep gratitude and true enthusiasm — this is when the Universal light, and the cosmic FIRE happen, enveloping and warming your soul.

The Sun fire elevate  your passion; a burning red-hot sensation for the simple gift of feeling and living. Supreme Cosmic consciousness elevate your soul and ignite the secret Universal sequences and consequences written  in light by God into your heart and your spiritual DNA / UCI. Those sequences produces your sins, your virtues and your destiny and reflect your own fire. A destructive egotistic fire that will burn others or a brilliant torch leading others through the darkness…

A true leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.

John C. Maxwell

When the student is finally ready, the rare and great teacher will appear and set your soul on fire. Your mind and heart will burn eternally with his appreciation of your own spiritual elevation… Your entire being galvanizes then melt into the oneness of its master-self expression. Through your divine Unique Celestial Identity expression you become the sole architect of your destiny by realizing your own very future is nothing else than the reincarnation of your own very thought…

The fervent passion generated in your own heart then burns so brightly that the love blaze is felt and seen by everyone who comes near you.  During the day all the planets shy away, only the Sun shine…Like the the brightest star of all and the countless stars above, you exert your own eternal fire endlessly feed by your own burning passion. All the while releasing of your very unique essence and your unique gifts to the world.

God granted all human beings with a cosmic destiny and the gift of life but it will take many lives for everyone to develop and releases their gift fully. Like the ever expanding universe, Cosmic Consciousness offer the same greatest sensation of exploring yourself through the fires of passion and with it, a total devotion to enjoy life to the fullest. Give something to the world, give everyday and you will receive each passing day, dedicate yourself to enjoy life totally by sharing your unique brilliance. You can only be appreciated because the forces of love and light are simply unbeatable.

All human are made of the essence of all the stars above and all of you own creative spiritual brilliance. One single cosmic conscious mind and one passionate heart can and will set the world on fire. From my heart to yours, feed  and feel the chain reaction burning through us. My goal is to free your spirit, set your heart to heart ablaze, and lighting the way to God cosmic divinity for us all!





L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain


 listen to my latest radio show with Ted

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 


Flight 370 Mystery Solved It Was Pilot Suicide!


“If you make people think they will love you but if you really make them think the way I do then they will hate you”  Take a chance on your spirit, claim the undiluted truth,  think outside of the controlling matrix in charge of the media! Join the battle to free your hijacked spirit!

May God Bless All Lost Souls

Jet crashed in ocean, families told 

A new analysis of satellite data shows the plane was lost in the southern Indian Ocean, Malaysia’s PM says. 

Dear Readers;

 Update 04/08/14 – Sceptre of Remote Viewing Flight 370 cockpit, the real story!

“As ‘Optimism is fading away’ as questions mount, the Malaysia authorities in charge knows it is a suicide but how many governments you know tells it all or  exposes the reality of UFO for example? There is too much corporate money involved and trust  at stake and all they are doing is; unlike the family survivors and the media, waiting and hoping for the batteries to die very soon and for this “accident” to dissipate into history! Even if they find the wreckage, the truth I exposed to you today in my remote viewings  sessions will never, nor can it ever be understood nor accepted as fact by science and 99.999% of the world!    And this is why you became a VIP… Join us today!

Original article: Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak  knew from day one that all lives were lost due to the pilot suicide. But as mentioned in “CNN – FOX news Flight 370 a Mass Suicide?”  and “Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Was a Terrorist Mass Suicide Act!” he could not and will NEVER publicize the truth because at the end, its all about money and saving the FAA good image. They were hoping to find the plane and offer you the fabricated reason involving a pilot error, an explosion or even a terrorist act and waited more than two weeks after the flight vanished to make the announcement.

Rest assured their wish to never find the plane came to pass but even at this point, I still believe with all the technology they have at their disposition, even if flight 370 is found, they will still keep it a secret. Remember readers, being cosmic conscious allows me to see well pass what the media and the FAA wants you to know while all conspiracy talking heads are going insane with all sorts of ridiculous assumptions.

Sharing email:

“DT, t

hat pilot had a lot of emotional pressure due to his wife and kids leaving and the imprisonment of his friend by the Malaysian government. 

Yet we didn’t hear anything in the press about what he may have been going through due to his family leaving him. When that happens emotions take over and everything is then possible.

 Good call.”


DT: Dough my friend, the stars do not lie… Thanks for getting it finally lolol! 

No its not a terrorist act, no its not a pilot error, no its not a mechanical failure its a MASS SUICIDE induced by the Chief pilot who suffered deep psychological cosmic changes… Do not laugh, do not assume, do not ridicule, instead take the time and read the most plausible reason for this “mystery!” Ask yourself, how many people commit suicide everyday readers?

Fact! Around 800,000 to a million people die by suicide every year and on average, almost 3000 people commit suicide every day.

When I first posted March 8/9/10 SOS To The World warning about a ENDING and the impact of a New Moon in Pisces (ocean) I knew something dramatic was to happen because the same cosmic order produced the predicted 911 terrorist attack in N.Y.

Now is it an accident for me to give the EXACT date of March 8 when flight 370 scheduled international passenger flight disappeared on 8 March 2014?

No I am not gloating readers, just trying to make you aware that the FAA and all elites running this world including the vast majority of human living on this world are cosmic unconscious and unaware of the cosmic forces above regimenting their psyches and all affairs on earth.

Little do the world know that regardless of their position and accomplishments, celebrity status man is nothing else than a peon of his stars.  Zaharie Ahmad Shah  like any other human beings can and will endure regular personal  negative cosmic biorhythms in 2014.

It is not a matter of IF but WHEN, anyone will  undergo those deep “cosmic” psychological changes and make them totally irrational and dangerous to themselves and others. Do you think it is an accident for a serial killer to go on rampage and kill innocent people?

Do you think it is an accident for a husband or a lover to lose it and kill a cop, a lover, a wife or a husband? Do you think it is an accident for a mother to, up a sudden decide to kill her children or for children to kill each others? Do you think it is an accident for anyone to contemplate killing himself when I warned the world for a serious upsurge in suicide?

  • Remote Viewing Flight 370 cockpit, the real story!  Middle section of the channeling when I see the pilot turning the auto pilot in the OFF position. Memo;

  • “He is waiting for his co-pilot to become totally impaired and requested not to be disturbed by the crew. it is now 01:20:16,  I see him tampering with the electronics and he seems to be satisfied with the results. I see him disabling the auto pilot “off position” and manually turned the plane left, towards the Indian ocean.”
  • *Update 04/06/2014 This CNN report confirm my vision that the auto pilot was off and the pilot flew the plane manually to avoid detection.

And when ‘accredited” doctors endorses weed on the national stage, I have all the reasons of the world to worry about you and your children readers… Dr. Sanjay Gupta First Legal US Drug Lord?

While a steady regiment of drugs and anti depressants are usually to blame, combined with those “Cosmic negative Windows”  human become destabilized, irrational and dangerous to other and themselves! But again in the case of  Zaharie Ahmad Shah’s case his moon in Pisces (ocean/dementia/religions) makes him much more vulnerable to aim for NEPTUNE’s deep watery graveyard and bring everyone with him!

But what makes him more vulnerable to act out his UCI is his natal Dragon’s Tail in the sign of Aquarius (aeronautics/groups) right in his Pisces (ocean/drugs) 8th house of death! But how can anyone remotely understand this cosmic language when only my Astropsychology students were trained to heed the signs?

“Because they are seeing, they see not; and hearing, they hear not; neither do they under*stand” the voice of heaven.”

– Matthew 13.13

Look around you readers, some cops will become bad cops, your innocent neighbour or his child can “magically” become a killer and the very normal people you deal with everyday can lose it at any moment and become killers. Do I exaggerate anything or do you agree with me, did you watch the news lately?

Here’s the other thing……..AFTER they made the turn, they had communication with the air traffic controllers and said “alright and goodnight”…………..This is what makes the suicide theory leery for some but there is many ways to interpret a rogue pilot. Indeed the stars do affect what were once trusted as docile wild animals and “by magic” kill their handlers? A rogue dog, a rogue elephant or other large wild animal are also under the stars jurisdictions, and their  afflicted UCI drive them away, force them to live apart from the herd and having savage or destructive tendencies.

But our infantile science has so much to learn and instead of wasting precious resources on NASA and Mars One deceptive masquerades, they should invest in my work!

To summarize readers, who’s to blame for all those accidents, those murders and suicides often classified as “acts of God?” Blame it all on the traditional educational religious and scientific matrixes unwilling to upgrade their perception on a cosmic God they know nothing about, ridicule in the name of science or fear in the name of religion.

In 50 years or so in the future, if humanity makes it, and gather full cosmic consciousness, President will be elected not because of their parents previous political positions and accomplishments, or their big mouths or even the money accumulated/donated, but because of their natal UCI.

So people like Hitler and Putin are not allowed to access power and kill millions of innocent people. The same with cops, pilots etc.  Only those who own safe and productive stars will be trusted to handle and respect others people lives.

But again this is for the future and meantime, next time you face a corrupted cop, a deranged stranger let’s hope he will not be suffering some deep cosmic psychological changes he can not control!

And if you trust a pilot to fly you to your destination the same evil cosmic dance may lead him to land the plane in the Middle of the Indian ocean… This humongous cosmic ignorance did and will keep costing many precious lives and it is only when humanity raises its psychical vibrations and acknowledge the cosmic code jurisdictions that peace, safety and harmony will bless this world.

If the soul is trained to recognize those cosmic windows he/she can apply the will, or the part of God wich is much stronger than the stars and instead of ingesting anti depressants (or smoking weed) educate the soul at an early age about those dangerous cosmic biorythms… But who’s to prove my claim is what it is until it is investigated by science as being real and solid? Time to upgrade to a more spiritual side maybe?

*The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. We will not solve the problems of the world from the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. More than anything else, this new century demands new thinking: We must change our materially based analyses of the world around us to include broader, more multidimensional perspectives.”

~Albert Einstein*

 As long as the controlling traditional educational scientific and religious matrixes keep ignoring God cosmic consciousness, you can only expect a never ending heavy penalty to pay… All I need is a media platform to lead a cosmic unconscious mass towards the reality of a cosmic God in charge of humanity’s fate…

“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life.  Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom.

~ Paracelsus



March 8/9/10

Nature Men To Strike Hard
New Horizons Following Tragedy
Much to Fall Nothing Made To Last
Tears Pain Death A new Life For Many

 Beginning / Ending of War / Beginning / Ending of Important Portion of Life / Forced Relocation / Forced Actions/ Destructive Actions/ Weather / A new Planned and / or Unplanned Life For Many.

6.9 Northern California earthquake followed by aftershocks

2014-03-10 05:18:12; (M6.9) OFFSHORE NORTHERN CALIFORNIA 40.8 -125.1 (cfa3)
2014-03-10 05:18:12 (M6.1) OFFSHORE NORTHERN CALIFORNIA 40.8 -125.1 (cfa3)
2014-03-10 00:38:20 (M6.3) OFFSHORE OAXACA, MEXICO 16.1 -98.2 (cfa3)
2014-03-11 02:44:06 UPDATED: (M6.8) EAST OF THE SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS -60.8 -20.0
2014-03-11 02:44:05 UPDATED: (M6.4) EAST OF THE SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS -60.8 -20.0 (cfa3)


From Sheryl;  Record breaking heat in CA Sunday followed by a 6.9 in Northern CA tonight, 50 miles off the coast. This is in alignment with dates you’ve posted.

2014 Moon Power memo; Welcome to Your Day – to – Day Guidance for March 2014

NEW MOON — March 1, 2014 in Pisces:  Disturbing news about religious fanatics, abortion or oil is ahead while the weather will be nasty over land and the ocean. Many diplomats will be active on the political front, trying to avoid proliferation of religious wars in different parts of the world. While Mars is in Libra fuelling acts of destruction in transportation trouble and death is the aim of every terrorist but there will be much more of a strong desire to reach balance and harmony in all areas of the human experience.

Prominent politicians of the Middle East run the risk of assassination and some unlucky souls will not survive this dangerous trend. Expect progressive news involving science, chemical research. Meanwhile, it is a sure sign that drastic change is in store for parts of the Middle East and Asia. Nature and the weather could also turn out particularly difficult and may sink ships, produce devastating oil spills and flooding.




L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

 listen to my latest radio show with Ted

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 



A Powerful Message To The World

May 21st 201210009324_533209320129470_495420151_n(1)

Dear Readers:

“Incredible experiences breed incredible people that have incredible wisdom to share with the world…” Dr. Turi


I am Alien The Final Revelation  Facebook killed my  UFO’s pages,  there was too much of the truth discussed about Aliens and too much attention without advertising, thus I can not post nor edit any articles on I am Alien, UFO Reality.  Indeed my Internet enemies are much more active than all my supporters! This page is not operational any-longer join us here or here instead.


It is believed a picture speaks thousands of words readers. The spiritual essence captivated in those photos taken by my wonderful wife Terania, speaks of God’s Divinity and a karmic order for each one of us that can not be expressed in any human language.

 This is the day, Draco the benevolent Draconis re-entered my body, mind and soul through those immaculate orbs making me an MJ12! Those pictures taken May 21st 2012 are frozen in time and space offering you the light and rare cosmic wisdom we own and so share with the world.

It happened on this day! Watch the video!

The succession of live orbs is guided by the divine spirit for a karmic task the young souls will refute, deny or envy but dedication and goodness always prevail…


SOLAR ECLIPSE 5/2012 on the way to DT's heart

05/20/2012 – The genius cosmic spirit of Draco the ET embedded in the Solar Eclipse coming down from the heavens… It is getting closer to me… Do you see the face of my ET Spiritual guide (right) in the orb? The blue constellation of Draco and its cosmic healing essence is coming even closer to me... The magical ET blue sphere is rising up under my arm towards my 3rd eye…

God’s cosmic auric ET spirit steadily entering my brain, psychical transmutation completed  – The color represents Draco’s pure healthy green color and his dedication through me to serve humanity with rare cosmic information.

Insertion of the  Draconic cosmic ET light of love and light from our hearts to yours…

A cosmic God will only talk to those who have the eyes and the ears to listen and the courage to ask pertinent questions to what it means to be human!  This is why you MUST raise your spirit to God cosmic splendor for all the ET’s angels of light above are gathering in the heavens he created for us… Read all about the power of Draco and its phenomenal impact upon human!

The Island Where People Forget to Die 

“God created the stars and heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer, longer more productive life.  Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom.”  Paracelsus

Sharing Emails;

Valerie Townsend “Dr. Louis Turi, I just watched your public talk, this one ( you included the link above) the talk where the audience had you play the piano at the end. For the past year, I have been very selective in those that I listen to because I’ve been led away from many speakers that are so popular.

But I have noticed recently that the universe is showing me those that need to be heard. You are one. When I watched you speak and heard your very clear message, every sentence you spoke resonated with me. You speak clear truth. I confess I have read some of your articles but just now for the first time, I watched you speak. You mentioned in your talk how people hate you. It’s because you speak profound truth and the dark energies do not want people to hear you.

Thank you for never giving up on the unconscious humans, but I know you can’t give up either. I chose number ///, by the way when I watched you. You know what I mean by that. When you said that the people that are our leaders, our rulers are so unconscious, I know that but the way you said it, really hit home.

That is why I’m constantly going within my self for knowledge, truth and understanding….because those that have the most influence on the masses are SO UNCONSCIOUS.

Your message teaches us to go within us for truth. That has been what Source has been showing me. This one talk you gave has so many confirmations for me, I’m thrilled. By the way, when you played the piano, I cried. Music is the language of the Source.”


My answer; I can only appreciate meeting another wise soul in the journey Valerie… The world is not ready for us just yet… But it will in time!

The reptilius reign upon earth but no enough people are able or willing to accept the truth and all my famous friends can not handle the truth I represent and dropped me!

Read more I am Alien!)

My messages are much too deep for the too many young souls residing on planet earth. You are one of the rare soldiers of the light, a Messenger of the Gods who also vibrate at my cosmic speed… A powerful message to the world! –  Enjoy more of the Divine


Dr. Turi


Dr. Turi

Scepter sample from Terania’s e-book in progress with relation to the above photos and orb’s…(previously written on in September 2012)

Sharing e-mails…

Hi Terania:

I work with the author Wynn Free.  He and I do talks and workshops and often times unusual lights show up in pictures.  As you can see below the orb on Wynn’s elbow looks very much like the blue light in Dr. Turi’s pictures.  Because we’re channeling, we have the opportunity to ask questions about the blue orb. I  thought Dr. Turi might be interested in the answers.

By the way, Wynn and Dr. Turi are both alumni of giving talks at Vision Quest and Wynn used to do astrology charts.  We live in Se-dona.  We are intrigued by the manner in which Dr. Turi gets his information.

It looks so much like the pictures of the spiritual guide, Dr. Turi sent me.

Hello Cosmic Coders, it’s Terania…

Yes, this goes to show retrograde motion of some planets…I saw a “Bunny Face“ in the blue orb taken near Wynn’s elbow. Call it the “Venus Bunny.”

Well, I am sure you have heard that  as we are the “Material Dragon,” there are those like a Wolf dressed in bunny, sheep or  pig clothing who will try to pull the wool over your eyes.

Now you know about the Easter Bunny and Easter or Santa Clause on Christmas. Think for a minute about “Resurrection Sunday.” Hmm-mm…One of the “Greatest Stories Ever Told.” Ha – Ha. That’s why they call ’em one of the greatest stories ever told.

Did you read The Truth Behind Christmas Spirit –

 How can mixing truth with the untruth be satisfactory? It says in the book of man: How long halt you between two opinions? If the LORD be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him…” -1 Kings 18:21

 LORD = “DROL” pertaining to the nature of our “GOD” of our planet having thousands of heavenly bodies consisting of the material and metaphysical…”BAAL” (DEMON) one of the 7* princes of hell.

DT’s Reply: Based upon the law of opposites, there could not be good without evil and God cannot be without the Devil. Without opposites, there would be no room for life’s experience. Man was created in the image of God! What is the difference between the two images? None, you are God and your future is nothing else than the reincarnation of your thoughts.

 Ever notice how the particular day and time for Easter are always different?  One may wonder how is any of this in agreement with our Earth’s satellite circuit and that in honor of a day Jesus rose from the grave?

 EASTER (ASTARTE) – Well, the Greek goddess within the Eastern Mediterranean was linked to the readiness to bear, sexual drive, and some combat when needed.  Her signs of written communication were the feline cat, equine species, and the Egyptian figure creature having the head of a man or an animal and the body of a lion; The Mourning White Dove and the star within a circle “ORB” – indicating the planet VENUS.

At winter’s deadline, the time of year makes it transits because the earth leans at an angle as it goes around on its axis. The beginning of “spring” is finally here when the sun is over the horizon.

The first day of spring is known as the vernal equinox (which means “spring equals night”), both the day and night are an equal twelve hours long.

This meant that the long winter nights were over and that the sun again began to take control. This timing was marked by parties of glorification to thank the irreligious gods.

These age-old ceremonies were manhood/womanhood festivals, observed in the desire that the gods would bless them with fertile flocks and fields. Animal and child sacrifices were offered to the gods to receive this approval.

Middle Eastern, pagan, heathen Gentiles (who had originated and still celebrated Easter) kept time by counting their calendar days and dates from sunrise -to- sunrise (from dawn -to- dawn).

The Hebrews of Christ Jesus’ day kept time by counting their calendar days and dates from sunset -to- sunset (from dusk -to- dusk),

the Hebrews do not celebrate pagan Easter, and… Easter does not begin when a Hebrew’s Sunday begins, Since a Hebrew’s Sunday begins at a time that we (today) call 6pm -or- 7pm,
on what we call Saturday night, and…

Since Christ Jesus was said to be resurrected very early on a Hebrew Sunday, at a time-of-day the pagan, heathen Gentiles (of His day) referred-to as Saturday night, then…Christ Jesus was NOT resurrected on any Easter at all, no matter which year is the correct year for His Crucifixion and Resurrection.

Crescent Moon – Middle Eastern Culture… In the Ancient Near East, the sun god was the male deity and the moon the female. …Although in today’s society this rule has been over-corrupt since it’s such a man’s world.

To this, one can agree to the verse: Certainly, if Jesus can come back after cursing a fig tree, as it says (Matthew 21:18-19; 20-22 and Mark 11:12-14; 20-25) — Daniel 12:13 states, “now go your way to the end and rest and you shall arise to your destiny at the end of days.”

Maybe he taking out his frustration on an innocent tree when the rest of the mass barren of spiritual fruit…See, even he probably knew he was coming back again. This is where many past gods of our time have been taken for granted but the church won’t tell you about reincarnation because they figure that perhaps you will get it the next time around but for now, they want your money.

So, as that “posing bunny” hops across the face of the “Sun” (SELF), it could be that the subject at hand “could be” giving an unpredictable course, because perhaps they were not suitably trained to build such rare wisdom and apply it the way DT / our students and I do.

Because of the orb that was bouncing around Wynne’s elbows; it indicates that the sign that rules “elbows” is Cancer (Moon). Thus, his knowledge may be only based on the modern technique and again we also have many evil moon sorcerers around  whereas; DT is the only known astrophile.

EXAMPLE: “In Moonbase Alpha, you assume the exciting role of an astronaut working to further human expansion and research. Returning from a research expedition, you witness a meteorite impact that cripples the life support capability of the settlement. With precious minutes ticking away, you and your team must repair and replace equipment in order to restore the oxygen production to the settlement.”

DT REBUTTAL: To my knowledge, the Moon (EMOTIONS) is, just by herself, quite responsible for the daily fate of the world and directly affects the weather and nature”s forces at work. Obviously, the waxing and waning periods of our closest satellite will produce the daily process of the tides. The lunar cycle is 28 and a half days, which is the same as a woman”s cycle.

Thus, women will have a physical and spiritual response as we all will be responding subconsciously to the word, “LUNATIC”. The scientific community is only aware of tremendous activity in the time of a Full Moon, but they still have no clue as to the tremendous information behind it. The police force and the hospital emergency rooms are also unusually busy at these times.

The Moon”s subtle power is not yet understood by the scientific community but is wisely used by the aware farmer. However, many years of tedious observation have shown me that she is undeniably affecting the human psyche and our response to life. Without opposing forces at work (positive/negative), there would be no reaction, thus, no life possible on both the spiritual and physical planes.

Our so-called “dead” satellite is very much alive, and vigilantly observing her whereabouts will make man grow steadfastly into a genius in predictive astrology.

The bottom line is that the sun/moon/all celestial aspects and physical aspects (Earth) line up with the moon in the middle.

Now, I am not saying that what Wynne teaches isn’t a good thing but as the saying goes: “Many roads lead to Rome” this was only actually true in the days of the Roman empire but eventually the roads scattered away from the capital city, Rome.

Which of all processes are you going to take, when there isn’t enough time to measure the quantity, space, change, and structure of everything happening at once.

Please OPEN your EYES and RECOGNIZE.

“IE” – Venus conjuncts sex-tile / Mars -Its Trine Square Opposition (with regard to the Vernal Equinox solar years)… Or just call it an illuminated transit for that matter; acting in accordance with the tangible& uncovering the “IE” of it all – known as the asserted true colors of the person setting the test, and to what is perplexing to them.

But as a rule, DT says :

Quantum or Cosmic thinking is preset by your natal UCI considering logical action at every frequency set and induced by our local solar system and from the planetary conditions you karmic-ally inherited at birth.

Indeed why it is crucial to find out how you STAND under your stars to UNDERSTAND your fate and cosmic nature. Unless you become Cosmic Conscious you will be nothing else than a robot of your stars or one of the 99.09% of humans walking this planet.

 “Morning Star” is an implication to the celestial body “Venus”…An association to all of the “Sons of God,” involving Lucifer; the “Light Bearer.”

We can say that, while the blue signifies that of “Neptune” (DECEPTION / TRICKY) that this explains all the conflict surrounding an orb-like “Venus,” which is around someone which gives such beauty and love to the world – being that it is the 2nd planet closest to the sun (SELF) and that concerns the self-esteem of a soul.

Nevertheless, DT and I are no crazy rabbits. Nor are we “Gamma Bunnies”Or linked to “Gram Rabbit” either.

This is still; after all the “Dying Age of Pisces and as we are moving further into not the end of the world but the death of one era and into another…The “New Age of Aquarius” where hopefully more people will be able to wake up to the truth like our valuable message (PEARLS).

Still, though, those in charge of our world know; like knights of the old order are in the lead of the NWO.

The difference between us and hypocrites around, who are most the time; charged up with nothing  but an “arrogant” “3D” voice and unconsciously aware of the unsatisfactory “cosmic circumstances…” Which indeed stands for the common description of concept –  or what most think of as an “accident;” throughout this rocket experiment called life…

Though as children of the universe;  one has the mastery over our mental and physical energy along with the genius of over a thousand men/women/children/beast combined. The human will is stronger than the stars but the infinite spirit is still greater than anyone an can do with its kind as it wants.

One is able to perform with endless potential if they are able to under*stand that thought are omnipotent within the omnipresent.

One can only perform simply from the noble will to achieve. – The desire for success in all areas of the human experience and ready for the defense to all extent and purposes, and so on when called for. But most only spitfire and are filled with hatred.

It is easy to see that if people would unveil their ‘cloak of cowardice’ in a parallel pattern; they could gain the “divine automatic reflex” to go with their practical knowledge…Even though, the limit of volume held, couldn’t be lessened by any type of power; through time and space.

The indicated is being “Subconsciously Aware.”

This is our usual arrangement while at ease everyday or in a troublesome situation. It’s all good to be a freak of nature, but not a hellion. Rather be called “The Phoenix…” Independent as we chose.

 This all happening and what I channel, is nothing but pure proof that every “celestial” body; not just in the physical form but also in the spiritual form has never been a “theory.” Because “WE ARE ALL MADE OF STARS.”

The theory is just what the scientists call it because they are either unconscious or paid not to expose the real as the “Illuminat-I” keeps everything under their thumb. Remember that the spelling with I at the end is commonly used to designate electric current = “fire” in these regimens.

In other words, a ”FALSEHOOD” title given ending in letter *I used for the wrong application of the Draconian energy which comes from the farthest constellation of Draco – Latin for dragon”- When combining the math and symbols for the total set – preparation.



A massive, gigantic bunny rabbit infused by radiation during a gamma bomb test. Gamma Bunny has the strength of a thousand men, but the intelligence of a raging wild animal. He is incapable of any higher thought and acts merely from base impulses – hunger, thirst, fatigue, and so on. It is thought that if a human being were to be exposed in a similar fashion he would retain some semblance of intelligence (although to a greatly reduced capacity.) Gamma Bunny seems to revert to normal bunny form whenever he is not in danger of “getting caught”.

“GRAM“– A metric unit of mass or weight equal to 15.432 grains; one-thousandth of a kilogram. 1+5=6 & 4+3=7+2=9…6+9=15 & 1+5=”6” I explain further down, the meaning of this digit.


“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth by means of his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom”—Paracelsus-

 The photos taken of my husband are the real genuine existence; already a pre-set confirmation from the otherworldly, in regards to our “illuminated wisdom” offerings we give daily.

Showing that without a doubt; the actual discrepancy’s in our world today & since forever… For when it comes to dealing with a physical celestial body, who is putting out the “COMPLETE BUT NOT QUANTUM SPIRITUAL COSMIC CODE” to the world by using their own 3rd eye “orb” telescope… When a lot of our world is made up of swine anyway.

Well; this is what they have in their face on this “Pyramid of Life…”

Nothing but the “BIG BLUE PLANET X.”

This earth is the “big blue marble.“ Made up a lot of anything Neptunian/ Deceiving or any criticism is given out by those who are misled or being used, by other misused information that they are planning to follow or could be following, when not totally aware of everything in its entirety…That’s just being brainwashed.

As only 2.5% of the Earth’s water is freshwater, and 98.8% of that water is in ice and groundwater.

For when they say; “Jesus walked on water,” then an “UNHOLY WATER” it has been; as the mass deformed what was written and that has impaired human’s ability to perceive the facts of existence. So many are “cold and calculating -” devious, ruthless, cunning, and cunningly ruthless.

We hold appreciation to the fact that the development of entity came with the first of “spring…”

Vernal Equinox – “Holy Arian (Aries) Water” (March – “Pisces”) March 20th

Even then, and now of course; we have those “GODS” = “DOGS” who do know the facts but want to use the knowledge for Greed / Evil Only…Along with that, you have a lot of shocking surprises set forth by that of Uranus. And it sure was some amazement to have seen the order in which I took, myself those pictures of my husband.

Now, there is a difference still; towards knowing the whole and keeping it for use only for yourself and those you love because as I have mentioned before:

 “Do not give what is holy to the dogs, nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces” (Matthew 7:6)

That’s exactly what I mean. The more you give out, the more you get beat up because you can’t trust just anyone anymore despite teaching them the truth because many will take it; maybe not at their own fault sometimes but just because THE STARS DON’T CARE and they will find ways to use it wrongfully…That is nothing more than the “Big Game of Conspiracy.”

However, DT uses “Nostradamus” great Seer’s  rare disciplines and its incredible spiritual therapeutic values.

Please note back to the photo of the blue orbs, where is looked at close enough; the actual face of an older man or possibly that of “Nostradamus” can be seen.

It is crucial to immediately make a distinction between Dr. Turi’s work and that of other leading “magicians.”

No crystal ball, no instrument… Simply the natural repetitive patterns of everything in our history as a guide by the apparatus our Mother Nature so helpfully granted us with.

As the Great Mother says:  “ask and you shall receive.” But also “as you sow, so shall you reap.”

Unfortunately, most people like to “spitfire” for no reason at all, this is where the complication lays by choice for resolution…Remember (i is commonly used to designate electric current in these regimens.)

People of any class, demanding to be strangely enlightened, with regard to a “special” subject like ours… Don’t think for a second you fool me because you really don’t. I am the kind that takes a long hard look.

While we have many of our decision-makers in the background who set our administration guidelines; trying to secure themselves from the general eye and who have the drive to create a subservient society only within their ancestry…Sufficient-ally; a lot of typical everyday people do the same through their  pre-made “Unique Celestial Identity” and this becomes affected by others’ influence in time and space; otherwise known as the “Supra conscious.”

First, you have the natural reaction, and then, somewhere along those lines; you get an offset of that action, from another, and so on. Once more, please note what my husband said:

 DT: The lower physical frequency logic, rationale controls our body and is what we consider conscious but there is more to it! Human only experience the lower frequencies except in altered states like meditation, or when a lower frequency thought is promoted to the highest frequency stimulated by the Supra-conscious and finally becomes what we were thinking all along. In fact, all that you are, all you own including your fears and ailments are the results of your conscious or unconscious ability to reach it.

There is much communication out there that knows how to maneuver those unknowing masses; who can easily direct someone on a course, that they want them to go.

But all blood is the same and while everyone is open in certain areas – some are more so than others. This is why “both sides” of light/dark need to be arguable in order to be kept in control…To a degree, that one isn’t actually kept under another command unfairly.

At any rate, when we give someone their “Full Life Interpretation;” it will be up to that person to use the formula but that person can also change the recipe for success if they ever so chose to.

Maybe our “Cosmic Puppet Masters” would decide to get them back in line with some cosmic respect the first time around but if that didn’t’ help, then the person ends up like the other statistics out there.

Do you really want to become a victim?

Notwithstanding, though DT and I do support the “duality” of this life; it is indeed in like manner, a game.

However, we aren’t trying to amuse you or make you think seriously; because you know yourself better, right?


Because the majority hates closely refined examination about themselves… At least it is under*stand-able to us.

If you make people think they will love you, but if you REALLY make them think, they will hate you.

Moreover, if you win in life but cheat to score or someone else does for you, all in the name of injustice… Or just so happen to be one of the more opportune – rank and file; prevailing over another corruptly, enviously; unreasonably whatever is below the belt…Our universe switches to Plan B, which is very well composed and prepared beforehand, should this happen.

It is our galaxy that has total domination of us all.

Dr. Turi’s and my work is set up in business with “all types” of customer money which is also under*stand-able when you under*stand that it is all of our money together, that keeps every industry around operating as well… Yes?

Your money is our money, our money is our money…Some say, “Put your money where your mouth is; save me the trouble.”

Well, we aren’t asking you for an immediate decision, but we give you the opportunity to “play a role” in settling an issue, so you can have a bit of entertainment. Yet, I ask; “Is It Worth it?”…When a lot of people pretend to follow the “Cosmic Code…” When it does give us an illusion of discretion.”

On the other hand, it isn’t just us who is running this adventure. We aren’t the only ones calling the shots as we are also following the behavior of those we serve.

If  we are going to continue needing any type of support; in which that blessing is coming from the real partners of the USA and which is the “Secret Hand.“ Otherwise known as the help or better known as; often doubtful help…The valid Illuminat*E where this spelling of this group name ends in E is calculated as the sum of the infinite series – Or the other Component to the Formula.

See the ability isn’t only within us alone, but with the Illuminat*E whose best participants as far up in power as we can affirm.

See, we all light up like the dragon and any luminary in between regardless as we do need to use the power for self – defense when needed. Yet, there is still a time and place for everything.

Many are from elite background and many from nonreligious groups as well just as there are those who aren’t involved in any treason against our human race but we know The future is the reincarnation of the thought, where Cosmic Consciousness is lacking, science, religion, conspiracy and imagination have the wrong answers. There are no accidents just consequences the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive.”

DT: For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary; For those who do not, none will ever suffice…

 We do wonder at times, if sooner than what even the “Cosmic Code jurisdictions” manifest… And hopefully, you too will see that you don’t even have to be a part of any ethical group to become aware that some of the asserted holy book predictions who have been expecting the Angels of Darkness or “End of the World as we know it,” is truly real and expanding before our very eyes every day… Because despite all SELF = WHOLE.

Now, as you know DT and I are honest companies as Supremacy is equal to the Illuminat*E. Thus, there are many ties located amid.

As there are in the PHYSICAL: “6 disciplines of training for the first 6* disciples

we also have those of the

SPIRITUAL: *6 “ORBS” of discipline for this race regarding education…

This rule makes up for the 12 signs of the Zodiac.

For every number, there is another product in its opposite…

“With the process of uniting this valid principle, to the first 6* rules of the collaborated COSMIC CODE hierarchy and its kinship of our entire infinite establishment – not to be incomplete, then all of the fundamentals of your life; physical and spiritual will be attended to.”

 EX: Looking again at the number 6 based on the Western Gregorian – from the study of numbers having its influence on ones’ life and as the character <>3<> given for the “3rd” eye aka “second sight” or 3+3=”6…”



we have the 6th house from Aries (with respect to the vernal equinox – “Julian” calendar, being that of the detailed methodology) – This area becomes envisioned by one of your strong likings, such as the “Virgo for the month of September.”

So, you get  6 + 6 + 6 = 18 & 1 + 8 = “9” once again for the 9th month of “SEPTEMBER” ruled by“MERCURY” (reasoning mind); we have the self – denying “Virgo’s” gift of logic and intelligence, to clear up bad luck on this earth.

Combine this basis as it stands for each sign, as it controls a different area of human experience

Top Propriety of the “Material Dragon” Enterprise:

Any result that brings upon any type of catastrophe to a “player” in this lifeline intentionally, “raises” their period of being;  by the like quantity alternatively.  Throughout one of two “player’s” change, when a bad sleight of hand/trickery / the effect of both / or the backlash “Monster Ball” effect is stimulated – that would/could devastate another “Material Dragon (s)” on this terrain…You can “fire” one pass from your  “Hidden Hand” – to the next dimension of consciousness and reverse the activation completely to break the habit altogether.

The one thing we want to make clear is that anyone can join our VIP COSMIC CODE WEBSITE.

Go ahead, “…come one; come all” as you are accepted but as long as you play by the “Golden Rule”in all you do… Do unto others as you would have them do unto you or the cosmic tail will come back to bite you in the butt.

But c’mon, no one just joins this “DUAL” Illuminati*I (I is commonly used to designate electric current in these regimens.) Though many still are attracted to misleading groups and again this is where it becomes out of control…Call it Hell on Earth.

You are born into this matrix and have to have the right stars – Illuminat*E (calculated as the sum of the infinite series).

That is the “ie” law meaning “that is” the way it is. Everything is the way it is because of the way it once was.

In other words, to genuinely under*stand the aim of one’s purpose along with improving the mind towards controlling their differences intolerance of others; whether they agree or not.

This is the point in question: How do we make it past the real owners of America INC. and the dubious “players” we’re enclosed by?

Whose many “thoughts” consist of evil and greed and want to hold the people captive under their absolute rule; whether we know it just yet or not.

This principle of behavior is nonequivalent to the “Cosmic Code Method.”

With all of those competitors, sad enough; we just can’t have full faith, in the cosmic blueprint alone…

*I.E. =

Knowledgeable mother moon, every day of the year…

Always clear on the exterior, of what is overcast.

Exposing your sweet little fable of perfection…

No longer unseen.

The 6th sense unfolds all the piggishness right under your “carrot” nose.


*Mrs. T*


*Mrs. T*

War in the Horizon?



 ”For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice… If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

Dear Readers;

The link and full elaborated predictions from “Dr. Turi 2014 – 2016 Arian Draconis Universal Predictions is not public any longer and will not be reinstated. The set of 25 major predictions for 2014 is only available for our VIP’s. Be ready. Be informed. Be prepared as my predictions always come to pass! Join us today!

“Time has and will always be my utmost faithful witness” Dr. Turi 

5 lessons for a new Cold War

Vladimir Putin already declared war! 

Posted to the world September 10, 2013 – Obama Has Already Declared War on Syria, Russia and China  (VIP only – Those newsletters are not available to the public any-more)

Posted to the world September 14, 2013 – Russia, Iran reach deal on Syria for future war with the US (VIP only – Those newsletters are not available to the public any-more)

Posted to the world September 13, 2013 – Predictions – Vladimir Puttin A Plea for WAR From Russia  (VIP only – Those newsletters are not available to the public any-more)

Here is a little sample of things to come for the public! 

Looks like my predictions and the INVADING evil spirit of Hitler are coming true… 

MEMO FROM Updated! SOS To The World – March 25/26/27 – Flight 370 Predictions  

“Expect shocking developing news on March 25/26/27 and the following days, 27/28/29 will  speak of the possibility of  terrorism AND VERY DRAMATIC DEADLY NEWS IN UKRAINE.”

Ukraine fears Russia ‘ready to attack’  – Forces storm Ukrainian military bases


Hillary Clinton compares Vladimir Putin’s actions in Ukraine to Adolf Hitler’s in Nazi Germany

Dear Readers;


Dr. Turi’s Predictions and Why Hillary Clinton Won’t Run!
SOS to the world Prediction – When will the war start?

Isn’t it time for Hillary Clinton, President Obama, Vladimir Putin and the world at large to heed Dr. Turi’s 2014/2016 Arian Draconis Predictions? This is where you should warn the world with my predictions and of its impending fate! There’s a chance the course of humanity can be altered by praying for a positive diplomatic alternative… 

Key words for 2014/2016  

German/Vikings Skin Alike
Black and White Red Blood
Fire War Violence  Passions Rule
  Hitler’s Evil spirit reborn

03/07/14 (memo)


Dear Readers;

In “SOS to the world Prediction – When will the war start?” I offered my readers (and the skeptics) a set of dates starting today  accompanied by a quatrain and some obvious keywords preparing and exposing the beginning of a new era for Russia and the world at large.

Indeed the beginning of a new “Cold War” has started but rest assured there will be some young envious souls still unwilling to perceive and accept the obvious fact!

“Beginning / Ending of War / Beginning / Ending of Important Portion of Life”


March 8/9/10 – 19/20/21 – (April //// VIP only)

Nature Men To Strike Hard
New Horizons Following Tragedy
Much to Fall Nothing Made To Last
Tears Pain Death A new Life For Many

Beginning / Ending of War / Beginning / Ending of Important Portion of Life / Forced Relocation / Forced Actions/ Destructive Actions/ Weather / A new Planned and / or Unplanned Life For Many.

Military spy chief: Have to assume Russia knows U.S. secrets – the end?

The end of orca shows in California?  the end?

Malaysia Airlines loses contact with Boeing 777-200 –  the end?

Indeed my vision for the rebirth of the invading ruthless spirit of Hitler speaking his will through Putin  is taking place. “2014 Arian Draconis” The momentum subconsciously reflected by Hillary Clinton’s own words “Hillary, Putin’s no Hitler” also spoke of the reality of my predictive gift and now what’s next?

There is two more days to go but it is now up to the new readers to judge if; yet again, I can be trusted making any form of predictions… This is NOT good! U.S. warship crossing into Black Sea.

Is there anyone else in the world offering you not only the option to prepare for a fast changing world and do it precisely with undeniable dates for ever sealed on the Internet?  Should I be perceived as an egocentric for exposing the facts with my premonitions when profit, lies, imagination, speculations and nonsense replace cosmic consciousness?

Are you wondering why more and more people are joining the Cosmic Code website and become VIP’s? Where else and who else in the mass of New Age “Talking Heads” you know, read, follow, trust or learn from does what Dr. Turi does so perfectly?

And you wonder why sSo many people are afraid of me, my talent and the immaculate values of my work? And you wonder why so many insecure people, such as “gregg prescott Confronting Humility?” removed Dr. Turi from his website and keep muting me?

And you wonder why my name has been erased from Wikipedia and why my articles have been  removed from so many  popular blogging websites? Indeed there are plenty Putins in this country trying to block my voice and acting out exactly as he does, especially when the truth is concerned! US and Putin Gestapo at work! 

Indeed the conspiracy is very real but the reader is fully capable to realize the type of competition I represent to their readers, because once you read or watch Dr. Turi once, he does make a lot of sense…


With Vladimir Putin’ actions, position and ego in place resulting in the re-birth of yet another cold war the world has serious reasons to be scared because the Russian dictator has a lot of friends in the Middle East aiming for nukes!

Currently the nasty Tail of the Dragon is totally against America and back September 12, 2013 when I wrote “World Predictions – Vladimir Puttin A Plea for WAR From Russia” I was once again well ahead of CNN.

The next couple of days are going to be critical but for any action there is ALWAYS an equal reaction and once again I am asking my readers to pray for peace in the world.  What will President Obama decide to do? Will he fulfil his mission to save or destroy America image to the world? Indeed when I wrote February will be his worse month as a President Dr. Turi was right again

Memo from “ President Obama please read!” 

“All I can assure you is the Cosmic Code will force President Obama to experience a terrible time next February! (Note – the Ukraine /Russia dilemma started in February!) This is not a wish, this is not my anticipation but me reading and translating the Cosmic Code.

Now is it decent for me to predict all HELL will broke lose soon between Russia and the US and all their allies? Or should I only share my visions with my trusting VIP’s? Will President Obama realize he was chosen by God himself to reinstate America Leo Head Identity as the supreme world leader for democracy or let it be destroyed by Putin and the forces of evil?

All I can tell you is following  March 8/9/10  Putin will be forced to make the most important decisions of his life, for his country and for the world at large…

This article is far from being completed with the predictions I MUST share with my VIP’s and because of its crucial content,  and both the US and Russian Internet secrets services,  in no way will I make it public…


Stand by for the elaborated dated predictions of what will come next for the world VIP’s 

Others join now!

CNN – FOX news Flight 370 a Mass Suicide?


Flight 370 Part 2 – Flight 370 Mystery Solved It Was Pilot Suicide!

“If you make people think they will love you but if you really make them think the way I do then they will hate you”  Take a chance on your spirit, claim the undiluted truth,  think outside of the controlling matrix in charge of the media! Join the battle to free your hijacked spirit!

Dear Readers;

Important Note to the public:

My Internet enemies hijacked all the articles, predictions, warnings, metaphysical, cosmic secrets and natural healing teachings I wrote from my website since August 2013. This forced me to change and now use the TOP server protection available but all the links  (and articles) are gone. This episode muted me since my last March 10, 2014 “SOS to the world” preparing my reading audience for a “new beginning ending” (Vladimir Putin / Ukraine – Flight 370? / CA 6.9 earthquake?) but luckily for  you, some of my latest articles are still available on BIN website. Thanks God I have those guys on my side!

Dr. Turi 6.9 earthquake prediction – Yes OIL Is Missing From Plane… March 2014 Predictions  Updated! The Truth About Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 

I am not sure why those people are interested in my work but it seem they will use my work for their personal agenda. This is roughly two hundreds cosmic code newsletters of crucial information.

I can only repost a few of  all those educational cosmic articles and they are ALL fully available from my Cosmic Code website. Show your support for my work by joining the cosmic code website because the real goodies are for for my VIP’s only and you will always get so much more once you decide to join than what I post here for the public.   In order for you to enjoy past, present and future cosmic code newsletters, you must become a VIP.

Thank you all – Dr. Turi

“Chinese satellite captured images of a large object.”

The world can not wait to find anything related to flight 370 and God has already spoken his will through the Cosmic Code jurisdictions.  Satellite view informs next step.

Expect shocking developing news on March 25/26/27 and the following days, 27/28/29 will  speak of the possibility of  terrorism AND VERY DRAMATIC DEADLY NEWS IN UKRAINE. – Forces storm Ukrainian military bases –

As usual I will now use my famous quatrains and obvious keywords to silence the skeptics, the atheists and the agnostics and ask them to wait for my “visions” to unfold before, and as usual  making an ASS of themselves. Yes you are now dealing with Dr. Turi and the undiluted truth and this mean many of my readers can only love or despise me!

God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them for interpretation, so you may live a safer more productive life!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order” 


March 25/26/27

Shock Surprise Nature Upset
Down Deep Under Up Above Water Fire Kill
Heavens Deep Earth Wakes At Night
Ring In Fire Spit Science Wonder


Cosmos/UFO/Nuke/Weird/Surprises/Explosions/Shocking/Quakes (Always above 6.0) /Volcanoes/Tornadoes/Humanitarianism/NASA/Aeronautics/Electronics/Laws/government)


First let me try to stop hate mail from the over sensitive souls who will blame me for the “accident” and will not hesitate to throw the messenger into the fire!  I have the  utmost respect for all the victims and their families and my heart goes to them too!

I lost two of my very close friends lately; Dr. Roger Leir and David Wilson and I know what it feels like to in pain and mourning. Roger and I know each others for more than 20 years and we travelled all over the world speaking and educating people about the reality of UFO! And yes for those who never seen nor dealt with a UFO, we are all delusional, gee there is so much more than those pin heads young souls can comprehend or accept.

UFO”s Are Very Real  –  And So Is The Legacy!

Dr. Turi reality show proposal 

Let’s educate the world on the cosmic code juridictions

  But trying to explain yet another “Act of God” outside of your comfort, educated or religious zone (s) demand the reader to use cold objectivity. But knowing deep emotions always overrule logic, please read and think twice before assuming anything about my work and I! All I am doing is sharing my “cosmic” legacy gift to those willing and able to relate to it, that’s all!

Conspiracy theories run wild

A rogue pilot? Or was it a hero pilot? Terrorists took over the plane. Or were they air pirates? Space aliens? Maybe the crew flew the plane into Pakistan. Or a black hole? Somebody shot it down. Aha! We can’t see the plane because it’s invisible! No, it’s a sign from God that the Rapture is coming! The Illuminati are behind this! And last but not, least here’s that old Internet standby so popular among conservative conspiracy theorists: It’s Obama’s fault.

With such a hot topic, have you noticed how far FOX, CNN and millions of other news-media matrixes have gone to NEVER ever mention the possibility of a  “mass suicide?”  The endless chain of radio and TV  “Talking Heads” spoke of every possibilities of what could have happened with flight 370 sudden disappearance but NO ONE dares to bring the words mass suicide on the table or even mention the Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Was a Terrorist Mass Suicide Act!

But rest assured readers with such a controlling news-media this fact will NEVER be exposed to the public because the FAA and all Airports security secret services, including the TSA are unable to track or recognise a dementic pilot before hand. To do this mean,  all would have to take my course in Astropsychology and for most of them, this miracle will happen in their next life!

Realize the devastative financial repercussions for all the airlines in the world, if  the FAA was to make such an announcement! “Yes the pilot lost it and killed everyone on board! He was depressed,  medicated and his last desperate call was to his wife asking her not to divorce him.” 

Updated 03/23/2014 – Report: Investigators Now Looking for ‘Mystery Woman’ who Called Malaysia Airlines Pilot Before Takeoff

Again this is highly hypothetical but a billion time more realistic than a 777 exploding at 35000 feet in the air because of highly flammable lithium-ion batteries! At this point all bets are open and all assumptions have been made publicly on all major TV networks apart from the very high possibility of a mass suicide.  Isn’t bizarre that NONE of the top “Talking Heads” made reference to this possibility or were they told NOT to talk about it and instead, hope for an “accident” or a terrorist attack?

Well readers being cosmic conscious allows me to see well pass the noses of all those traditionally educated aeronautical experts and present you with something that makes perfect sense. Again the chances of divulging the true to the media is ZERO especially when billions of your travelling dollars are at risk!

There are victimized souls, like Adam Lanza born to serve evil because of their karmic cosmic nature, these are the “monsters” of the future I am warning you about. And, on March 8th, 2014 on flight 370 to China Zaharie Ahmad Shah became one! No one, not even himself anticipated one of his 2014 negative Personal Cosmic Biorhythms to overtake his psyche and change the destiny of all the people, directly or indirectly involved in flight 370!

One of my students found this video on You Tube and sent me the link! And this person cosmic ignorance is very dangerous for humanity at large because it demonstrate what I often refer as being as an unconscious “Young Souls.” And those people are in all places of power, many own a position of influence in the political, educational scientific and religious matrixes and all have an  enormous impact on your children psychical development.

 Once you watch his video and read this article, ” gregg prescott Confronting Humility?” you will get a full blown explanation of what these envious idiots are all about.

First he only partially read one of my thousands of  newsletters and knows absolutely NOTHING of my work. At the very end he classify the picture of my wife feeding a bird as’ Girls” and does not like much of my TV shows. Typical disgusting and this humongous cosmic ignorance is what fuel all past, present and future monsters and why you must take my warnings seriously!

“Author Dr. Louis Turi explains the importance of spiritual education in our evolving world. How can children comprehend a world that has evolved years before them? Will spirituality play a role in the decline of the human race? Find out more by watching the full episode at and sign up for your free 10-day trial – “

It shows the animosity, the enviousness, and the supreme stupidity of a born logical young soul/moron who is totally depraved of any form of spiritual values. First he stumble on a few misspelled words not realizing I am French and never took a single English or typing lesson. These are the people judging my work?

I wonder how many grammatical errors he would make if he had to write as much as I do everyday and in French! But that never entered his nirvanic weed mind because he can not even read English nor pronounce “Astropsychology” properly! He actually loudly read “Astrophysiology” and this speaks so much of his intellectual potential.  Its pronounced Astro  then Psychology Mister!

This shows my opposition and what I am up against in this big world but in no way this young soul will ever make any form of spiritual progress if he only read my work partially, especially with this type of frame of mind. To actually take the time to expose his stupidity on You Tube deserves another graduation from a coward who would never use transparency or his real name!

How amazing… cowardice and secretiveness goes in pair! But again the way this “weed” brainless dude expressed himself on You Tube clearly speak of the main reasons for me work harder to educate my readers and protect / warn your children not to become a lethargic pot head like him.

MAJ-12/SM420 – Another Successful Monkey Graduation

All this young soul need is a few more lifetimes before bypassing his underdeveloped UCI (What ever that mean he said!) But do you think he will ever take the time to acknowledge the meaning?But are we asking too much already?

May be he could also read more about the people he consider himself so above intellectually and realize that Astronomy is a by product of a much older science called Astrology!  Lastly let’s not use Einstein quotes with him but something that may make more sense to his dry mind. If you are a supporter why not telling him how you feel and bring some badly needed traffic to his page? Be sure my enemies will…

“Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.” 

Matthew 7:6 

All you need is a positive thought

How can I not feel overwhelmed, try to relax and look for one positive thought when the world is loaded with cosmic unconscious young souls trying to hurt my integrity?  Every good thing begins with one positive thought though, thus I decided to give it a try! I have yet to realize that I don’t need to change anyone or everything in my  life instantly, after all, I know being cosmic conscious means, you and I have a long life ahead of us.

All you need is one positive thought and you must hold-on to that thought, and it will remind you that there is always hope for anyone in this world.  NO I should not be sarcastic or use my turbo charged super mind to deal with morons because these “young Souls” are the ones that need me the most… But do not tell them that!

One simple, positive thought is enough to make it work for me, for some of my readers and all worth it. Regardless all our troubles, struggles, pains and suffering  are worth many good things at the end! Those good things come to us just when we need them the most, like a guardian angel throwing us a life-saver before drowning into an ocean of despair. One positive thought will change it all, one positive thought can and will save your life and those you care. One positive thought is today’ small miracle for which you have been tested and waiting. One positive thought will shift your and the entire world under your feet. One positive thought is something you can train yourself to do every day and I accomplish it by sharing my rare Cosmic wisdom with those who do appreciate it. One positive thought, and /or one great creation is the only victory you need today!

Think of doing the same tomorrow because for every action there is an equal reaction and karma is very real… What did you give the world today?

Do you feel better. do you feel happy? Make it a positive habit!

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi

Beijing Hotel Staff Already Reportedly ‘Fed Up’

Yes this is where the problem is… President Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama, her mother, her two daughters, the Beijing Hotel Staff , the US and Chinese secret services and 99.999% of the rest of the world do not “check” the moon and being cosmic unconscious can be not only very costly but deadly!

No one was there to teach them the power of the stars and the moon and to them all, this is worthless “cosmic” garbage! Yes they have been trained for century by the scientific and religious matrixes to ignore, ridicule and fear a cosmic God they know nothing about…

But imagine one second if I was sharing the world’ stage and suggesting President Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama, her mother, her two daughters, the Beijing Hotel Staff , the US and Chinese secret services and 99.999% of the rest of the world to get a copy of my book and read my warnings before taking any trip?

And this is the problem, in their total idiocy they would all laugh and ridicule my work and this is why being at least 50 years into the future psychically becomes a curse with the world and a gift with my VIP’s…

NO ONE should go anywhere or move around when the moon is in deadly Scorpio because its stimulate aggressive emotions (while the first lady’s mother, Marian Robinson, has been “barking at the staff” since she arrived.!” and triple the power over all security services…

All those rich and famous people and powerful politicians are in charge of YOUR Life and know nothing of the stars? How is it possible for the world to turn peacefully when all leaders and all transportation matrixes are depraved of cosmic consciousness?  When your leaders show signs of humongous cosmic ignorance and human choleric stupidity should you trust them for a better life?  A simple little book would make the full difference but while being “special” those souls are not my VIP’s and this is what make you much more conscious, much more lucky and much more special to us.

Yes God has a plan, he removed the access to many of my previous educational cosmic articles may be for you to realize its time to become a VIP and join us in your quest to explore a new God Cosmic Consciousness…

Order 2014 Moon Power – Read more About The Universal Law!

“Because they are seeing, they see not; and hearing, they hear not; neither do they under*stand” the voice of heaven.”

– Matthew 13.13

First Lady Michelle Obama, her mother and two daughters have reportedly already outstayed their welcome with some of the staff at a $8,350-per-night presidential suite in Beijing. They arrived on Thursday.

A “well-placed” staffer at the Westin Beijing Chaoyang hotel told the Daily Mail that the Obama women have inconvenienced “pretty much everyone” while the first lady’s mother, Marian Robinson, has been “barking at the staff” since she arrived.


 In a world where political leaders assign themselves to religious archaic convictions and trust its infantile scientific community only extreme stupidity can plague the rest of humanity.

Dr. Turi

“We can’t wait for this to be over, to tell you the truth,” the staffer said. “We entertain many important people here, but this has been, I think, very different.” Now the hotel workers are about “fed up.”

The Daily Mail has more details: Government security forces from both China and the U.S. started Thursday to screen everyone who entered the building, including paying guests, setting up checkpoints that resemble those at airline concourse entrances. The Secret Service’s monopoly on the hotel’s highest floors has meant the Westin had to boot guests with previous reservations out of their executive-level rooms.

Secret Service agents are also monopolizing hotel elevators long before the Obamas need them, added the staffer, who identified himself as a member of the concierge staff and spoke English during a phone call on Friday.The Westin Beijing Chaoyang hotel’s website describes the 3,400-square-foot suite Michelle Obama and her family are staying in as an “oasis of comfort.” It includes a “private steam room, corner sofas with silk pillows” and in-room dining for six. They also reportedly have a 24-hour butler at their disposal.


“If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

~ Dalai Lama and Dr. Turi



L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

 listen to my latest radio show with Ted

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 


Dr. Sanjay Gupta First Legal US Drug Lord?

March 14, 2014drturiBanner

“If you make people think they will love you but if you really make them think the way I do then they will hate you”  Take a chance on your spirit, claim the undiluted truth,  think outside of the controlling matrix in charge of the media!

Important Note to the public:

My Internet enemies hijacked all the articles, predictions, warnings, metaphysical, cosmic secrets and natural healing teachings I wrote from my website since August 2013. This forced me to change and now use the TOP server protection available but all the links  (and articles) are gone. This episode muted me since my last March 10, 2014 “SOS to the world” preparing my reading audience for a “new beginning ending” (Vladimir Putin / Ukraine – Flight 370?) but some of my latest articles are still available from BIN website.

Dr. Turi 6.9 earthquake prediction – Yes OIL Is Missing From Plane… March 2014 Predictions  Updated! The Truth About Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 

I am not sure why those people are interested in my work but it seem they will use my work for their personal agenda. This is roughly two hundreds cosmic code newsletters of crucial information.

I can only repost a few of  all those educational cosmic articles and they are ALL fully available from my Cosmic Code website. Show your support for my work by joining the cosmic code website because the real goodies are for for my VIP’s only and you will always get so much more once you decide to join than what I post here for the public.   In order for you to enjoy past, present and future cosmic code newsletters, you must become a VIP.

Thank you all – Dr. Turi


Is Colorado getting too high?

Colo. bags $2 million in marijuana taxes

Ridiculous! “A big chunk of the funds collected from marijuana taxes will be funnelled to programs aimed at keeping kids way from pot. The governor has requested funds for the prevention of youth marijuana, for treatment of substance use, regulatory oversight, and law enforcement and public safety.”

This is total nonsense and real disinformation at best, why advertising weed on national TV then get a small chunk of the huge revenues to warn the kids about its nefarious long lasting effects in their lives?

Weed: Dr. Sanjay Gupta Reports

1am ET / 10pm PTIs marijuana bad for you or, could it actually be good for you?

Dr. Sanjay Gupta is a born Neptunian practising neurosurgeon and CNN’s chief medical correspondent. (sorry the link and explanation about being a Neptunian is still not available.)  Meantime check Libra as Dr. Gupta was born in October!  His work is dedicated to misinform society, endorse medical science and the pharmaceutical industry in exchange for extraordinary financial deals.

Your brain on weed: Why marijuana works

Dear Readers:

In “The real reasons why Dr.Sanjay Gupta changed his mind on weed” you will find real answers HE himself is not even aware of… This is insanity at best! Why not seeing and accepting the truth as it is? Yes the fat US government is endlessly in need to suck your tax dollar so all elected officials can enjoy  and maintain their privileged selected high life style.

Why would they lose those billions to the mobs? But they must use science and the news-media through its front public runner Dr. Gupta’s and his “educated” findings to convince you weed is beneficial for your health.

Do you have any idea how much money was spent to produce the advertising video posted on CNN readers?  CBD? yes another term invented by the scientific community to add to other complicated words that make sense to them alone because “they have done the studies” needed to comprehend the complex mechanics that gets you high.

Rich or poor, educated or not, using weed or alcohol will produce the same end result, you will end up high, drunk or doped, period!  But if you listen carefully to the “HYPNOTIC” video produced and paid for by all those working against your mental and physical health, it becomes also a confirmation of my early warnings involving the planning for science to mix weed and other chemicals to produce new medications that will end up selling to the consumers.

What you just saw is another video/weed/advertisement produced by the scientific matrix designed to “visually” make you accept something toxic.  When very large fortunes are concerned, it is common practice for dignity, honesty and truth to fly out of the window…

Nothing has been greener and bloodier since the legalization of marijuana but instead of showing this type of “educational” video they would not dare to emphasise the real facts, the drama, the trauma and the incalculable deaths resulting from using legal and/or illegal drugs.

It’s only up towards God’s cosmic consciousness or down and sell your soul to one of the 875 different religious denominations plaguing the world!

$600k stolen from Joel Osteen’s church

Neptune rules thieves, liar, cheaters televangelists tapping on your fears and hopes endlessly sugar coating their sermons for one single purpose only! To deceive you and steal your money while keeping God cosmic consciousness away from you and nurturing the evil of ignorance and fears…

The symbol for Christianity is the fishes, indeed the sign reflecting the power of Neptune “The Lord of the Seas” and the master of deception and manipulation. Its either you make the conscious choice to swim upstream towards God cosmic consciousness and master God celestial tools, read and heed the signs or you swim downstream following in one of the many pipes (Joel Osteen church) coming from the same deceptive sewer straight into the depth of the dirtiest muggy waters.

Thus are you being lifted to God’s cosmic divinity or deceived by a Neptunian?

“Part of my … success is that I’ve stayed in my lane,” Osteen told CNN in 2012, “and my lane is lifting people’s spirits.”

DT Rebuttal: “Part of my … success is that I’ve stayed in the dirty current,” – “and this dirty current is drowning people’s spirits.” 


Remember Neptunians can not be trusted, many are predators joining the churches to get easy access to your children or the “donations.” I totally ashamed for humanity to fall for this religious masquerade and give 600 K per weekend  to cosmic unconscious suckers like Joel Osteen who have absolutely no connection nor awareness of God’s cosmic divinity. This money would make such a difference for all the children of the future and humanity at large, if those fortunes were invested in my Astropsychology schools

“Our task must be to free ourselves…by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty. He who is cruel to animals becomes hard also in his dealings with men. 
     –Albert Einstein 

Instead the evil of my Internet enemies judge my good heart, my priceless FREE cosmic wisdom and my “Lady” video as rants and SPAM? Yes this is the world you live in readers and the type of heartless nurse taking care of her patients….If you know a “nurse” named Ann Christine, may I suggest you to keep an eye on the way she treats her patients? To be so heartless, so dim and so unconcerned, she may use and prescribe pot too…

Ann Christine;

Thank you for reporting him. This is ridiculous. I am tired of his rants.

Stay healthy,

AnnChristine Warneka BSN, RN, CTM, COHN-S –  

Nurse Guardian, PLLC

My Travel Health Kit® 480-467-8897 – 

“By ethical conduct toward all creatures, we enter into a spiritual relationship with the universe.”
      –A. Schweitzer

The good news is my “black List” is made of thousands of decent people and only 4 envious cold morons “n5d Esoteric Metaphysical and Spiritual and the Lady of the night”  are complaining and it will take us time to locate and get rid of them in the few mailing lists I have.

Sharing Email:

From Paul; “At least we know that LADY NIGHT, was rescued by a Great Family and this video proves it already. This new family member is really going to enjoy herself and many road trips. I also read the full story and thanks for sending it DT & Terania.” 


Let’s use logic again readers… Can you stop after one drink if you were born a Neptunian? Can you tell yourself to stop smoking after your first morning cigarette?  Can you stop eating bad food? No you can not because human are machine of habits and the Neptunians born inherited an extraordinary addictive personality.

Now after watching the video above how many people you saw turning into zombies used weed before looking for a bigger stronger kick?  I can guarantee that they all started with weed or, given a chance, kept using weed all along. But no one was there to educated them of their natal UCI and their proneness to any form of physical or spiritual addiction. This explains also why the Church Inc. rules over all the religiously poisoned lost souls and why religions are an intrinsic part of Neptune’s poisoning psychical power.

But Dr. Sanjay Gupta will not approach all those facts and he will make sure to direct and maintain the weed “scientific beneficial” results on yet another of his many national meeting. Trust me readers, the calls are always screened and “unhealthy” questions will be avoided. The plan is set to poison America… More adults than ever on ADHD drugs – STOP the Epidemic of autism in the United States

And if Mars One trip to Mars deception keep receiving financial support from a huge mass of pot head morons I do not think Dr.Sanjay Gupta will have much difficulty convincing the gullible consumers of the new miracle weed priorities to stop children epilepsy.

Indeed a world gone totally mad and in 2 years from now this nebulous planet will rule the world? OMG! are you ready to see evil in the face people? The greed demonstrated by the legislators combined with the mass stupidity  and ignorance of Neptune’s “nirvana” power is something science and humanity will painfully uncover with time.

Outside of traditional astronomy, there is absolutely no researches, no awareness, nor education on how our local system planets family interact with the human psyche.  Worse, those who are supposed to be the experts on neuroscience have absolutely NO CLUE of the “cosmic” phenomenon and advertise their educated ignorance to a gullible society.

Behind all the differences between weed and its supposed to be great uncovered medical values, or its obvious detrimental lethargic effects, simple logic will offer anyone the real answer. But weed is also associated with memories of the past, with interpersonal experiences and those deep encrusted emotions will always override the logistics and the reality that pot is bad… period!

Souls born sexual predators, killer instinct as as real as those born with creative artistic gift and mental superiority will always have to deal with born idiots. This is the cosmic song that makes us human who we are, constructive, productive or destructive and negative. The power of those harmonious and/or discordant planets reflects people’s lives, people actions, passions, creativity or the very inborn evil killer instinct.

The stars speaks of all our sins and virtues and billions of human beings were born with an overwhelming Neptune addictive power that will with time override those unconscious souls lives and decisions. Dr.Sanjay Gupta is like any other traditionally educated medical doctor kids who sad enough have been trained to ridicule the divine, the spirit, the stars, the cosmic code and the rare wisdom of older wise guys like Dr. Turi.

The scientific and religious systems are part of the many controlling political educational matrixes that control the information and have already grasped the mind of the elders who passed it on to their children.

The situation with weed is nothing else than a reflection of a humongous cosmic ignorance that will cost the lives of millions of kids trusting Dr.Sanjay Gupta “educated” scientific speeches, all designed to support and endorse the pharmaceutical greedy corporations.

At 64 I am proud of two things, first I never smoke pot, second I never dealt with a prostitute but you know,  I must be a rarity and this is why, with a clear cosmic conscious mind I can see through humanity vices and virtues and expose the undiluted truth for my readers to enjoy…

All I can do is to keep fighting the evil of ignorance and wait for my website to become functional again so with your help, you can participate by bringing some light to the putrefied minds of those heartless people who think they know better. Weed is not good for your body, mind and soul it is a slow rampant Neptunian killer trapping your spirit under its ultimate deceptiveness..


Blessings to all

Dr. Turi

Part two



 ”For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice… 

Dr. Turi

Gupta Another Successful Monkey Graduation

Gupta: ‘I am doubling down’ on medical marijuana

Dear readers;

How can another concerned school principal make a difference battling dangerous gangs when, born pot heads doctors like Gupta, use the news-media with their medical “expertise” to further serve the scientific abusive matrix?   Gupta must keep it up but rest assured, the dramatic results will be plain to see in the next few years readers…

They are already scientists working in their  laboratories “mixing” up drugs and weed making new and very toxic potions to battle the illusive gene creating criminals,  bullies and gays!

Yes without any conception of the Universal Mind interacting with the human mind, scientists can only rely on their microscopes as to uncover the “nonsensical” genes because with science its all about logic and genes.  I have to be careful how I use sarcasm, the feeble minded reading my work may take all I write textually…  And these new drugs mixed with weed will bring more suicides, more madness and more billions in revenues to more pharmaceutical corporations. But again I am ahead of CNN and when the news about these new miracle weed scientific discoveries and new potent  medications will reach the media, I will be there to remind you about it!  Is there any end of stupidity in sight for humanity?

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

Albert Einstein

Born in October, why would Gupta give up a Libra bad habit he nurtured since he was a young medical student? But when you own full cosmic consciousness there is no secrets even Gupta can keep hidden, and this is why you have Dr. Turi exposing the undiluted truth to millions of readers on a daily base.

The real reasons why Dr.Sanjay Gupta changed his mind on weed
 Weed, the builder of future monsters 


Fenger High School Principal Liz Dozier confronts gang violence and shootings to save her school and her students.  ‘The parent of hundreds of kids’  'The parent of hundreds of kids'

What’s happening to your children America when The monsters of the future are build by those schools… The chances for Liz to be killed by gang members selling weed to your kids are very high but this dedicated woman is not aware of the psychical problem cursing all US schools and universities.

I explained the phenomena and what to do in  “Nancy Lanza, science and education killed Adam first!” but the educated and/or God fearing morons making up my black email list, keep asking me to remove them instead of using their influential positions to help me save their children…

To me those unconcerned, less than human beings should be ashamed for being mentally and physically motionless. Yes I blame them all for being toxic to humanity, cosmic unconscious and the peons of their own cursed undeveloped UCI!

After reading “Vladimir Putin Crime Scene in Crimea & Dr. Turi 2014 Arian Draconis Predictions a reader sent me this email and our exchange may explain more on their mental aptitude…

“Putin is not Hitler DT………I’m tired of all these people who use Hitler. Hitler was a mass murderer and maniac. As far as politics, Hitler was a socialist and the last I looked Hillary calling Putin Hitler is like the pot calling the kettle black.


DT Rebuttal: lolo! nothing to do with Hitler D…, you are right… its a metaphor I used a long time ago and it became an obvious one, but you have no knowledge of the cosmic code or how it works. Again you are using LOGIC (and politics) when I am dealing with the archetypal realm of consciousness (and the cosmic code…)

Be cool my friend

Indeed that is the problem of all High School Principals, parents, teachers and  99.999% of a non cosmic world, not only Liz Dozier… The rational mind has been trained and feed endlessly with solid information needed to lead a successful professional life on this big rock! But you can not do so at the expense of the spirit and ignore or avoid cosmic education!  And religion won’t work!


 Be part of God’s Divinity and further Cosmic Education for the children of the future.

This is the perfect illustration representing the human “educated” head/mind set, trapped in all its complex earthy, geopolitical  and religious affairs… But is is also the missing piece of a puzzle millions of people may not be able nor allowed to uncover just yet! Even with my help, dedication and perseverance, only a fraction of spiritually born human beings can and will assimilate a cosmic phenomenology!

But as the days passes, revisiting my work, my videos and my articles is helping some of you to slowly breach the gap, for the spirit you were yesterday is no more…  Time is the ultimate and  only friend,  you and I truly own… I will take this opportunity to thank the endless chain of new VIP’s joining the Cosmic Code website everyday, it seems my efforts and my messages are finally going through! Indeed my legitimacy, humility and integrity is perceived as such by those my readers…  And together we will become a force the world will have to reckon and deal with…

Those new generations are not  “cosmically” set  to become the religious children of the past, they are not Neptunian prone, and many of those kids simply despise religions. But their destitute spirit is drying fast opening the door to rationalism and atheism and with it separatism.

Without legitimate spiritual regeneration the option to uncover and control their cosmic identity is non existent… And all they have is escapism through gang affiliations, a life of crimes and the use and abuse of drugs. And an “educated” medical doctor Gupta is endorsing weed?  Where is is head gone, in his A..?  Remember readers, those who pretend to be the experts in their particular field are often the least knowledgeable because cosmic consciousness is missing…

In a world where political leaders assign themselves to religious archaic convictions and trust its infantile scientific community only extreme stupidity can plague the rest of humanity.

Dr. Turi

When the scientific community finally realize the direct connection between the human mind and the Universal mind they will also understand what the children need to survive and prosper psychically…  Until then there is no safe place on earth…

Indeed a traditional education is what allow society to perform and grow steadily, but the facts are UNDENIABLE, this world is becoming a much more dangerous unstable dementic place for all children and the adults alike! And 50 years goes by really fast!

Only when the elites of education allow all the children to drink at the source of  God’s eternal cosmic wisdom will this world stop producing the monsters of the future. All I can do is keep the motion alive, as more and more responsible mothers realize the urgency of bringing their children back  to the cosmic spirit of a God that was stolen from them two thousands years ago… China Monsters Today? Failing Education!

The problem is at the source of education and this is why Adam Lanza picked Sandy Hook Elementary School and all those children died in the name of an incomplete education, and those sacrifices can not be wasted! 

 I am not a monster, I am an innocent victim of today’s rational and incomplete education and I lost my spirit along the way! Help Dr. Turi to put and end to all those over educated adults stupidity please… A Generation of Born OCD?” 

Do not expect the experts, your government, pope Francis  and all abusive controlling educational religious/scientific matrixes  to care about your children welfare when they know nothing of a illusive cosmic God. I do and you know its not about money nor fame… I got it all already, true love, emotional financial and spiritual stability and at 64, at the autumn of my life all I want is to share this priceless wisdom with you and your children…


“If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

~ Dalai Lama and Dr. Turi



L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

 listen to my latest radio show with Ted

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 


Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Was a Terrorist Mass Suicide Act!


“If you make people think they will love you but if you really make them think the way I do then they will hate you”  Take a chance on your spirit, claim the undiluted truth,  think outside of the controlling matrix in charge of the media!


Important Note to the public:  Remote Viewing Flight 370 cockpit, the real story!

My Internet enemies hijacked all the articles, predictions, warnings, metaphysical, cosmic secrets and natural healing teachings I wrote from my website since August 2013. This forced me to change and now use the TOP server protection available but all the links  (and articles) are gone.

This episode muted me since my last March 10, 2014 “SOS to the world” preparing my reading audience for a “new beginning ending” (Vladimir Putin / Ukraine – Flight 370?) but luckily for you, a few of my latest articles are still available from BIN website.

Dr. Turi 6.9 earthquake prediction – Yes OIL Is Missing From Plane… March 2014 Predictions  Updated! The Truth About Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 

I am not sure why those people are interested in my work but it seem they will use my work for their personal agenda. This is roughly two hundreds cosmic code newsletters of crucial information.

I can only repost a few of  all those educational cosmic articles and they are ALL fully available from my Cosmic Code website. Show your support for my work by joining the cosmic code website because the real goodies are for for my VIP’s only and you will always get so much more once you decide to join than what I post here for the public.   In order for you to enjoy past, present and future cosmic code newsletters, you must become a VIP.

Thank you all – Dr. Turi

Dear Readers;

It’s time to bring closure and the facts about what happened to Flight 370… Indeed some serious BIG fishes directly involved with the US or other countries do not want my UNARGUABLE predictions to reach you… Are my predictions much too real and much too sensitive for some groups (or people) to stop me divulging them to you? This is why I can only divulge most scary facts and predictions from the cosmic code website only…

Sharing email:

Lyndon Bishop

“What a pathetic irresponsible thing to suggest or even publish. I suggest you think very hard about what you publish in future and just maybe have some compassion for those who’s loved ones are missing and stop glorifying you so called abilities on predictions. You very sad, sad individual!”

DT’s Rebuttal: Please do not make me responsible for the accident, why don’t you blame ALL the people on CNN talking or writing about this dramatic event, all trying to find an answer to this “accident” while you are at it? I am bringing awareness and true cosmic wisdom and explained  what happened because feeling sorry only does not help anyone to finding closure or the reasons! Again my work is not for super emotional non cosmic conscious “young souls.”

May God bless the souls of all the lost victims

Using the science of Astropsychology I will attempt to shed some light on the psyches of both pilots and the March 8th, 2014 fated 370 flight to China. First and foremost, indeed as expected, Zaharie Ahmad Shah was under one of his 2014 negative Personal Cosmic Biorhythms when he decided to change the destiny of all the people, directly or indirectly involved in flight 370!  I also made reference to my anticipation on BIN in “Updated! The Truth About Malaysia Airlines Flight 370.”

Once more the born logical young souls are forbidden to enter the intuitional domain of my work and can only hide their cosmic ignorance by ridiculing all my articles. My highly spiritual work is not for the feeble minded but for the more psychically advanced curious human being…

“Because they are seeing, they see not; and hearing, they hear not; neither do they under*stand” the voice of heaven.”

– Matthew 13.13

Sad enough the world is not yet aware of my latest “cosmic” discovery which could serve the astrological community with the utmost accurate information ever disclosed by the old science.

This is only the result of my lifetime independent research on the cosmic code jurisdictions finding its undeniable accuracy in the old science of Astropsychology.  If the scientific community was to honor the word investigation, soon the indisputable results would astonish everyone of them.   Once more, all the explanations involving the dynamics of  a ” Personal Cosmic Biorhythms” are now available to the new reader and only those who ordered this service can attest its accuracy. 

All the dramatic news always involve a date and all participants own a DOB which allows me to investigate their Personal Unique Celestial Identities and from there, detect their Personal Cosmic Biorhythms.

In ALL cases, the perpetrators are undergoing deep psychological changes that make them behave in total irrational ways.  I am in a position to use my modified software for each dramatic news development and each time its a direct hit.

But what good my ingeniousness do to society when, my students and I are the only ones realizing the importance of these radical “mental” episodes and the  seriousness, often deadly impact it produces upon the human psyche?

Indeed human are only robots of their inherited stars and act upon their subtle pulls robotically, neurotically and subconsciously. Imagine the wealth of information neuroscience, police detectives and forensics would benefit from if, they could cast aside their fear of the ridicule and investigate the cosmic code jurisdictions instead of laughing at its obviousness? Simply priceless but not everyone is willing to let me expose all the Illuminati cosmic secrets and up a sudden all my work disappear?

Vast fortunes are invested daily to produce reality shows such a COSMOS A SPACETIME ODYSSEY, presented by FOX  and National Geographic, all dedicated to discover and explain the working of the cosmos. How ridiculous when the elites of astronomy knows nothing of their own solar system backyard and its psychical influences upon humanity!  Indeed all this could change with my reality show idea or  The Cosmic Code Secrets Divulged.”  Indeed the price I have to pay for being “cosmically” 50 years ahead of time  readers…

The worse scenario possible… Imagine for a second if the “stolen” plane landed in one of the many US enemy countries? Then loaded with an arsenal of nukes then flown back to the US to drop its deadly loads over a few of our largest cities?

With all the respect I have for all the victims of flight 370 and their families, I can only hope now this fatalistic plane crashed into the ocean because of a mechanical failure, an explosion, bad weather or else! This would explain why the FAA matrix working with all supremely rich airlines corporations would keep it a mystery because if this type of bad publicity reach the media  is not good for future business…

Now that I have the pilots full DOB’s I can for sure tell you what was going on in the older pilot Zaharie Ahmad Shah mind! First he own a dual dragon or a mixture of Pisces (oceans/drugs/religions) and Aquarius (aeronautics/technology/flying/nukes/explosions) Dragon’s Tail – Indeed a true born Neptunian and those souls will never hesitate to put their religion before any human life. Neptunian are also prone to lead a mass suicide due to legal/illegal drugs sale involvement, used or  abused secretively.

But to avoid confusion I will only concentrate on his natal Aquarius Dragon’s Tail in all my explanations… You may read more the cosmic dragon here. 

The last New Moon in Pisces reflects  not only the same cosmic auspices that produced the 911 terrorist attacks on the twin towers in N.Y. but enunciate also Zaharie Ahmad Shah’s worse negative cosmic biorhythms for 2014.

As you know life is a constant process of the same very changes and this is why I also predicted to the day the embassy attack in Benghazi!  Sad enough many links o and the unarguable proof of predictions are now gone but my oldest VIP’s can attest any of my claims.

Sad enough I also wrote and warn about electing a President that own a negative Aquarius Dragon’s Tail making the US extremely prone to nuke and cyber attacks and again those links leading to those articles are now gone. Only if you become a VIP will you be able to read ALL those articles from the very safe Ning cosmic code website.

UPDATED – 03/20/2014 – 

“VIENNA (TheBlaze/AP) — U.S.- Russian tensions over Ukraine spilled over into nuclear talks with Iran Wednesday, with Moscow’s chief envoy at the negotiations warning that his country may take “retaliatory measures” that could hurt attempts to persuade Tehran to cut back on programs that could make atomic arms. That comes as President Obama said the United States would not be “getting into a military excursion in Ukraine.”

The statement, by Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov, appeared to be the most serious threat of reprisal by Moscow for Western sanctions against Russia over its annexation of Ukraine’s Crimea region. Russia is key to attempts to coax Iran into significant long-term curbs of its nuclear program in exchange for relief from U.N. and other sanctions. Iran insists it does not want nuclear arms but is seeking a deal that will result in full sanctions relief. The Russian threat, hours after the latest negotiating round ended, appeared to catch Washington off guard.

Vladimir Putin already declared war!

First and foremost, all the traditionally educated elites of the FAA are responsible for demise of all the victims of flight 370 for allowing such a person to ever fly an airplane. The karmic tail of the Dragon in the shocking, unpredictable, explosive sign of Aquarius is right in Zaharie Ahmad Shah’s 8th house of death.

This fact becomes the supreme RED light only my cosmic conscious students can detect and appreciate in my cosmic teachings and baffle all immature rational born “young souls”. Offering the option to become a pilot with such a natal UCI is like giving a live grenade to a child to play with!  Is it not a matter of IF but WHEN the pilot will die in an air crash or misuse airline for drugs or terrorist deadly purposes. In this case a terrorist mass suicide!

Again there is NO way for the FAA and 99.99% of the world’s population to yet comprehend the supremely advanced thinking process of any human being 50 years from today! And a lot will change by then when humanity will finally acknowledge its direct relationship with a new God Cosmic Consciousness.

Science cosmic awareness will improve drastically and religious deception won’t be no more and all perceptions of the divine will change drastically. All I can do is to give you a glimpse of things to come and help you develop your spiritual conception of the working of our local solar system impact, the power of the Supra-Conscious and refine yourself into a more sophisticated, spiritual human being…

Indeed the spirit of Hitler is becoming more obvious since I wrote those predictions back June 12, 2013!  Hillary Clinton compares Vladimir Putin’s actions in Ukraine to Adolf Hitler’s in Nazi Germany.

But little does the Secretary of State knows of her own birth right and what the cosmic code has in store for her future.  Dr. Turi’s Predictions and Why Hillary Clinton Won’t Run!

Hilary Clinton; Rich, Powerful, Influential but Cosmic Unconscious – I was born Born: October 26, 1947 and can only see to the end of my educated political nose!

Whispers persist that Hillary won’t run: Health may be worse than disclosed

Looks like my predictions keep unfolding, from Dr. Turi 2014 – 2016 Arian Draconis Universal Predictions  published June 12, 2013. 

Check the FREE limited public version.

Famous People

Prediction #14 – Hilary Clinton/Bill Clinton; Hilary will suffer another health ailment (April/October/November/May) and this may cost her life. Remember she shares much of the same karmic UCI as actor Bruce Lee and we all know of his sudden death. This Dragon may also take her husband because of heart complications.

I hope for this dragon to be more forgiving with their health and fate but Dr. Turi’ stars do not lie! Time has and will always be my utmost faithful witness! Let’s pray for the Clinton’ safety and God’s protection… Remember I am not into politics nor religions, I simply translate the Cosmic Code or God Universal will…


Note also it is NOT an accident for the other younger pilot Fariq Abdul Hamid to be born in April , under the sign of Aries and as predicted, suffer the 2014 Arian Draconis. Who would now challenge me knowing the 2014 Arian Draconis killed him? He probably fought Zaharie Ahmad Shah but he was eliminated with sleeping pills put his is coffe and saw nothing of the unfolding tragedy…

Sad enough he had no warning nor awareness of the Arian Draconis impact upon his life nor the option to purchase my book 2014 Nostradamus Dragon Forecast. Indeed knowledge is power, ignorance is evil!

Fariq owns a Dragon’s Tail (negative) in Libra (partners) is currently cursing his 7th house of partnerships (his co-pilot). Born with a steady moon in Taurus (solidity/security/home) his natal UCI do not dictate any connection nor drive to participate with Zaharie Ahmad Shah’s aims or beliefs.

Zaharie Ahmad Shah Moon (emotions) in Pisces (religions) becomes extremely vulnerable in the 9th house of religions and long distance travels making him prone to religious poisoning or religious fanaticism and influences from foreign grounds. . . Meantime under a personal negative cosmic biorhythms dementia rules and the result is A MASS SUICIDE…

Many famous Leo souls often meet with their demises because of drugs *Michael Jackson while others died in  their bathtubs in the water *Whitney Houston. In  Zaharie Ahmad Shah’s case, with his Moon in Pisces right in his 8th house of death, a watery grave is a very high probability for him and everyone else in the airplane… Note, Osama Bin Laden was also born in March, a Pisces and ended up in a watery grave! And I even predicted and gave the exact day for his demise…

Memo of my 2014 Moon Power

NEW MOON — March 1, 2014 in Pisces: With the new Head of the Dragon in the sign of Libra, more people will be attracted to uncover the laws of the universe. And with Uranus in Aries more people will be interested in finding out more about themselves. Disturbing news about religious fanatics, abortion or oil is ahead while the weather will be nasty over land and the ocean. Many diplomats will be active on the political front, trying to avoid proliferation of religious wars in different parts of the world. While Mars is in Libra fuelling acts of destruction in transportation trouble and death is the aim of every terrorist but there will be much more of a strong desire to reach balance and harmony in all areas of the human experience. Prominent politicians of the Middle East run the risk of assassination and some unlucky souls will not survive this dangerous trend. Expect progressive news involving science, chemical research. Meanwhile, it is a sure sign that drastic change is in store for parts of the Middle East and Asia. Nature and the weather could also turn out particularly difficult and may sink ships, produce devastating oil spills and flooding.

Indeed I predicted the 911 and so much more in the past!  Could I be wrong in this one when the stars were doing the same dance of evil?  


My book “Beyond The Secret” should be read by all young French people, and with it the courage to face their new future would become stronger by following my footsteps! From Hell to Heaven and the American dream became a reality for Dr. Turi and I am so sorry for the young French generation! But where there is dreams there is hopes and God will always reward and protect those who take chances in life. Incredible experiences breed incredible people that have incredible wisdom to share!

Beyond the Secret is the fascinating autobiography of Dr. Louis Turi. It recounts his unusual life starting at birth in the Provence region of France, to his life in England and America. His experiences range from tragic to euphoric, mundane and miraculous, all of which have given him great compassion for his fellow humans. He explains metaphysical principles that apply to the different chapters of his life. There is much more in this life than the Law of Attraction. Other laws include metaphysical and cosmological aspects. It is an engaging read you will not be able to set down.

9 of 10 people found the following review helpful

learn to see power that you have been given

By A. Fleck on March 17, 2008

Format: Paperback Amazon Verified Purchase

Besides being a fantastic story, this book will teach you how to use the creative powers of you subconscious and begin to master the law of karma. In brief: Dr. Turi uses specific instances of his life to explain how our higher powers can be accessed and how we can perceive the working of the divine. Ie we’re beings of white light trapped in a prism world and we’re supposed to learn to separate the colors in order to make a more beautiful synthesis of the substances of Gods image. Take your self apart and reassemble according to a will that has been purified by the process.”The future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought” Dr. Turi

Format: Paperback Amazon Verified Purchase

A moving account of the hardships endured during post W.W. II, which helped the author develop a steel spine combined with compassion, while growing up in France. England, too, was a challenge, yet rewarding via humble employment and his graduation from the Royal School of Music. His success in America speaks for itself as he continues his goal of enlightening his readers with astrological information and the reasons behind the data.

gregg prescott Confronting Humility?



My name is Lady I weight 7 LBS, Macho is 152 LBS thus I need some time to “connect” with my big brother.


Draco is 116 LBS Macho 152 LBS but I have no fear because small dogs do not see size.

Dear Readers;

Before dealing with Mr. Prescott again please Google “gregg prescott Confronting Humility?” let me share first this great experience with all my readers animal lovers…

I mentioned countless time that the stars not only do not lie but they do affect EVERYTHING under their jurisdictions, including animals. Thus I profess again, there are NO accidents, only cosmic circumstances at work, unknown yet to science and the world at large! By reading about my translations of the Cosmic Code through my 2014 Moon Power how is it possible for any intelligent human being to deny such obvious “predictions?”

When on March 3th, 2014  I offered you  (and the world on BIN) my latest SOS to the world warning, my quatrain and keywords preparing you for the beginning and endings of important phases of life how is it possible for anyone to deny the obvious?

 “Lady” of the night was set by the stars to JOIN our lives and those of my 3 other pets on March 10th and this night became the very night she was forced to undergo an ending and a new beginning in her own animal life!

I was on the telephone with Tom my web-master trying to get my website live again when Terania heard a crying noise behind our door. She thought it was a distress call coming from our cat Blacko. She became quite alarmed and asked me to join her outside to double check while we were still talking to Tom.

I stayed by the door as the patio light came on and saw Terania walking towards the trash can in the alley. There she saw a tiny white dog wiggling his tail, she grabbed the animal and went back in the house.  She was infested with blood suckers and fleas all over and scratching non stop.

I thought she was lost or may have been dropped in the street by her uncaring cold owner.  My next door neighbour own 3 of those small doggies and I thought one of them may have escaped. Less than a minute later I was on his front porch asking him to check on his dogs and all were there!

Terania and I decided to knock all the doors around our house but it was a bit too late and some people were afraid to answer us. So we decided to make the dog more comfortable and gave him a deep warm wash. I removed countless pests from his black and white coat and the water coming out of her bath was as dirty as can be.

This little dog was certainly living outside in the dirt and caught all imaginable pests living in the grass in her short existence. I checked her mouth and she still had her puppy teethe next to her small growing fangs, this mean she was less than 6 months old.  I checked for her gender and found out she was a extremely loving, scared to death little female, we were so sad to realize how some subhuman beings treats their animals…

The very next day Terania and I made about 100 flyers, took our bikes, drove many blocks and pin the picture and my telephone number in the electric posts everywhere. We asked all the people we saw and drop more flyers in many doorsteps.

On the 3rd day no one called us and I decided to take “Lady” to the vet where she got her canine booster vaccination for DHP-Parvom  and Rabbies. We wanted to make sure if her owners came to pick her up she would be protected.  The vet told me she was a bit skinny, confirmed she was barely 5 months old and quite healthy.

By law we were supposed to call AZ small pet rescue and other groups but none of them accept pet any-more. Terania called the AZ county  but when she told her ” Lady’ was to be evaluated for adoption she got scared because most of the dogs found are exterminated after a certain time if no one claim them.

But I recall clearly telling Terania I wanted to give her a small dog, and emphasized a FEMALE because they are more loving and more protective. Not that Terania is an old “Lady” herself but she can not enjoy nor handle either Draco my 115 LBS Doberman or Macho my 145 LBS Rottweiler and Blaco is an outdoor cat that comes only when its too hot, too cold, raining or when he wants is tuna fish!

It feels like running with the “bulls”  better keep my distance from those two monsters…

After feeding her, the first night “Lady” fell asleep on my chest when I was watching TV then she joined us and slept between us. She did not move at all and in the morning she told me she had some business to do and after introducing her to Draco and Macho two big brothers, she went on running with them in the alley.

Cats and dogs in time and space | Dr. Turi M.D.U.S

Now on to a less glamorous story… Sad enough the same IN5D Administration envious moron is still working hard trying to stop my wisdom and unarguable predictions reaching you…  I already told this person that my website has been hijacked and I have no much control on some of my mailing lists!

This moron should appreciate the values of my predictions but each time I offer my readers (willingly or not) the obvious results, my gift INFURIATE them all and on the attack, they go again!

Here is his latest email! – What is this guy’s problem? How many spams do you or I get everyday readers? Has he ever heard of unsubscribing and if you can not delete or spam automatically? Gee, I wish I get only 11 spam a day… I get thousands of spam everyday now do I threat everyone with legal suits? Is this guy normal or he is crazy, but let me tell you why he wants me dead or find a way to mute me…

UNRELENTING SPAM cc: Federal Trade Commission 

From in5d gregg prescott (Gregg Prescott, M.S.)

Dear Federal Trade Commission,

“I have repeatedly asked this spammer to stop sending me emails and he continues to refuse to honor my request.  This is the 11th time I have asked him to do so.  I have copies of all of my requests and have documented them here:

In addition, I have contacted the State Attorney and will push for legal action.”

Quoting “Dr. Turi Louis” <<a href=”” target=”_blank”>>:

THIS IS WHAT INFURIATED HIM – THE UNARGUABLE PROOFS OF PREDICTIONS note also  the FTC has nothing to do with me and won’t be able to do anything since I am not FEDERALLY trading anything. But for sure I am trying hard  Saving Pathetic Abnormal Minds like his…


2014-03-10 05:18:12; (M6.9) OFFSHORE NORTHERN CALIFORNIA 40.8 -125.1 (cfa3)
2014-03-10 05:18:12 (M6.1) OFFSHORE NORTHERN CALIFORNIA 40.8 -125.1 (cfa3)
2014-03-10 00:38:20 (M6.3) OFFSHORE OAXACA, MEXICO 16.1 -98.2 (cfa3)
2014-03-11 02:44:06 (M6.8) EAST OF THE SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS -60.8 -20.0
2014-03-11 02:44:05 (M6.4) EAST OF THE SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS -60.8 -20.0


Vladimir Putin already declared war!


March 8/9/10 (April//// VIP only)

Nature Men To Strike Hard
New Horizons Following Tragedy
Much to Fall Nothing Made To Last
Tears Pain Death A new Life For Many

Beginning / Ending of War / Beginning / Ending of Important Portion of Life / Forced Relocation / Forced Actions/ Destructive Actions/ Weather / A new Planned and / or Unplanned Life For Many.

Russia’s Crimean Invasion Is the Beginning of War in Ukraine – Beginning? 
Radio Shack closing 1,100 stores  – Ending?
The end of orca shows in California?  the end?
Malaysia Airlines loses contact with Boeing 777-200 –  the end?

But in no way a envious young soul such as Mr.Prescott can nor will appreciate the humility and other valuable lessons he so desperately needs reading and sharing my work with his own people.

This public ass-clown whiny ass certainly barks louder than both my big dogs and make more noise than a jet engine and all I can hope is, in this newsletter,  for my supporters to learn more about my good heart and my undeniable wisdom.

I can not help to think HOW this idiot would behave if another “Lady” of the night ends up by his doorsteps but by judging the deplorable way he treats a gifted human being for warning and sharing God’s cosmic wisdom for FREE, undeniably speaks of his real selfish dark heart. And this is something I must share with the world, so YOU the reader can judge who is the better man!

The message here is quite clear today readers, some men were born insecure and unable to perceive or share my gift nor share great stories involving helpless animals.  Indeed the stars speak of the vice and virtues found in all the young souls when animals are naturally set to unconditionally love and be loved.

I perceive Gregg as yet another lonely angry heart in serious need for love and attention, something I get every day because I am not afraid of loving and taking care of any human being or rejected pet!

I can only hope my website will be up and running so you my supporters can share my work, my warnings and my cosmic wisdom to all the lost souls out there…

I am on the air soon, do not miss the show! and if you do it will be archived…

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi

Important Note to the public:

Today’s date is March 21, 2014. My Internet enemies hijacked all the articles, predictions, warnings, metaphysical, cosmic secrets and natural healing teachings I wrote from my website since August 2013. This forced me to change and now use the TOP server protection available.

This episode muted me since my last March 10, 2014 “SOS to the world” preparing my reading audience for a “new beginning ending” (Vladimir Putin / Ukraine – Flight 370?) but some of my latest articles are still available from BIN website.

Dr. Turi 6.9 earthquake prediction – Yes OIL Is Missing From Plane… March 2014 Predictions  Updated! The Truth About Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 

I am not sure why those people are interested in my work but it seem they will use my work for their personal agenda. This is roughly two hundreds cosmic code newsletters of crucial information.

Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, Satan’s Minions and Dr. Turi 

I can only re-post a few of all those educational cosmic articles who are still fully available from my second  Cosmic Code website. Show your support for my work by joining my “Cyber Cosmic University” because the real goodies are for my VIPs only and you will always get so much more once you decide to join than what I post here for the public.   In order for you to enjoy past, present, and future cosmic code newsletters, you must become a VIP.

Thank you all – Dr. Turi



”For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice… If every 8 years old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

Justin Elledge interview Dr. Turi March 12, 2014, from 7 pm to 8 pm – Enjoy the show! (Note the planet of communication (Mercury) was retrograde and messed up all forms of communication that night, and I had no idea we were on the air… Better “technological” in this one listen to my latest radio show with Ted.

Dear reader;


Gregg decided to go public with our little “dispute” thus I have no option but to offer you the explanations as to judge the unfortunate situation correctly.

From gregg prescott website

“Do NOT sign up for Dr Turi’s mailing list because it is nearly IMPOSSIBLE to unsubscribe from it. I never even asked to subscribe and he added me to his mailing list without my permission. After 9 requests to be removed from his mailing list, I am still receiving emails from him. At one point, I was given some lame excuse to click ther “unsubscribe” button that is non-existant on his website. Then I was told to talk to Dr. Turi directly about unsubscribing. This should not be necessary.”

To gregg prescott

“I received a note from Mike and per your request, you have been removed from private mailing list. You will not receive Dr. Turi Cosmic Code newsletters for free any longer.  We are sorry to see you go and wish you a prosperous business.  You were cordially added to this VIP list to thank you for the great article you wrote about Dr. Turi’s work found at

Sincerely and respectfully.”

Dr. Turi    

DT Rebuttal: Gregg is talking nonsense, first there is NO mailing list for anyone or Gregg to sign up to anywhere! Secondly, you MUST use your credit card to become a VIP and join the Cosmic Code website to read the real goodies I generate every month!

Gregg is NOT a VIP but part of my “blacklist” made mostly of inconsiderate media cowards, some close trusted friends and students.  Meantime thousands of visitors enjoy my free public posts daily from and there is no need to unsubscribe if you do not go there! OK, now more on this topic!

Since 1991, I can not recall how many magazines, newspapers and people from all walks of life wrote articles about my work and I.  A few months ago, following one of my hottest radio shows with Santos Bonacci,  Gregg’s wrote an article titled “6 dark days ahead”  and indeed, it was one the best written article ever!

To thank Gregg for his wonderful feedback and return the favor, I added him to my VIP list offering him an endless opportunity to enjoy my cosmic wisdom for FREE and even (still there) advertised his In5d website on

 But sad enough my good-hearted gesture was sought more as trash and not exactly appreciated by Gregg for its real spiritual values. What happened to him? Why would he have a change of heart with me and from the incredible constructive feedback he posted on his website to now trashing Dr. Turi?  To the best of my memory, the only thing I recall is a proposition to do a radio show but his female radio producer had nothing better to do than to bad mouth me. She told him I was in just for the money and I had a humongous “ego!”

I replied to Gregg the Dr. Turi harsh non-sugar coated way, explaining to him how financially insecure his radio partner was for her to mention money and suggested for her to investigate my work my offering of free books for years on Coast to Coast before assuming anything. But the damage was done, her evil bears its fruits and what could have developed as a wonderful relationship went down the drain! Indeed there are evil women out there… Gregg Pisces nature is obviously weak and it seems she wears the pants in his business…

 This episode became final today forcing me to become public with the facts on the story! After all, if the reader is learning anything valuable with my “Friends and Foes” victims, then I did not waste my time writing about it! And if all this amuses you then so be it, you are being entertained and educated on human nature at the same time!


Indeed I am King Louis  dedicated for  Servicing Pathetic Absolute Minds for free!

But I can not help to wonder if Gregg ever read any of my newsletters EVER, especially when humility is concerned and learned anything about himself in the process! In fact, I believe this newsletter could have easily be written for him personally or did the title only infuriated him just by reading my name? I strongly recommend him doing so and grow up a bit because it is all about humility!

This particular article speaks of his emotional insecure character and the serious need for him to “upgrade” to more humility! But it seems, he missed the boat on that one! Read it all.


Hopefully, you will share my work with those able and willing to refine themselves into productive, sensitive wiser human beings able to read the signs as I do!

Indeed I often wrote, there is no hell, this is it right here and life on earth is nothing else than God’s chosen school. It is through your own dramatic experiences that you will endure God’s imposed lessons and the birth of a better you! Most changes come from confrontations and disagreements where you must face yourself, your sins, your weaknesses or the best to what you are made of! The “enemies” are all God sent for someone has an important lesson to learn.

You can not confront yourself, only through and with the help of someone else will you face the real image! You have to be confronted to see yourself because, after the facts, honest and painful self-dialogue is essential for growth. The real undiluted truth is conducting real spirituality where getting the sugar-coated bullshit must exit your life and getting real can only be offered by those who are real.

Humility is  enemy of truth but knows how to shut a door closed and say no more bull. You can be humble and still own self-love because above all humility deeply cares.

God created each human spirit quite complex and was meant to blossom into their own unique signature of great cosmic greatness. Not being great is a form of extreme ignorance and laziness of the body mind and soul unwilling to make the changes. Being humble means also greatness, because humility would never take the miracle gift of life for granted.

Great men took humility and responsibility as a companion for a life of greatness dictated in their birthright to become the best. Humility can be graceful power and not a means to be victimized and abused by bullies. Being humble means an emotional self taking care of the self intelligently and avoiding unneeded painful confrontations.

The reality is those who truly need confrontations are ill-equipped to learn from them and some of those people are so addicted to their ignorance and fears that they will destroy anything or anyone getting in the way of their fix.  Indeed all they know is abusiveness, selfishness and an egocentric lack of self-love. These lost souls should learn to treat their own-selves with humility and let it overflow into others.

Humility means putting others first because a wise man will always put others “first” through his sharing of unselfish cosmic wisdom. This takes on new meaning through the practice of humility and good-heartedness. Learn to give daily so you shall receive endlessly… True wisdom is patient because it encompasses the past, present, and future — it is sublime.

Accept all opportunities seeking to perfect your cosmic self because wisdom and humility are mean to heal and end your pain and suffering. Turning the senseless into self meaning means divine direction, a gift that can only be offered through your own humility to accept it!

Or maybe Gregg’s mind has a problem assimilating the precarious omens I presented with the snake swallowing an alligator and the Eagles pictures representing the will battle of superpower and the dangerous current situation in Ukraine? Is there any appreciation or any aptitude or even HOPE for some souls to assimilate my work?

Well, my predictions have yet to unfold and the Greggs alike want to make sure their readers know nothing of Dr. Turi’s spiritual gift…  “SOS to the world Prediction – When will the war start?

Obama: Putin’s not fooling anybody Should I be blamed for offering my pearls of wisdom for free to yet another pig who can not appreciate them? But why such insecure souls would feel the urge to mute me when they should do the opposite and prepare their readers for the future?

But this is where and In5d differ seriously AND REPRESENT THE TRUE CHARACTER OF THE OWNERS! One has BALLS the other is a coward, so who is in for the money only now? 


Dr. Turi’s Website is VERY Very Real And NOT for Entertainment Purposes Only! Serious Critical Thinking Required…

Astrology is an Art, Dr. Turi is the Ultimate Master!


Introducing the world to God New Cosmic Consciousness

Prophecy & the Cosmic Code with Dr. Louis Turi

Dr. Turi Predicted Tropical Cyclone Phailin on George Noory National Radio


All content posted on this site is commentary or opinion and is protected under Free Speech. is not responsible for content written by contributing authors. The information on this site is provided for educational and entertainment purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for professional advice of any kind. assumes no responsibility for the use or misuse of this material.”

There should be MORE confident Chris Kitze BIN President out there offering me a platform to dismantle the cowards, the skeptics and the atheists alike with my SPAM  and my undeniable predictions…

 Indeed, Matthew 7:7 speaks VOLUMES about people like Gregg and there are too many of those envious, empty  “young souls” on the Internet!


“Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, or they will trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.”

 Matthew 7:7

Indeed the best of many wise souls often comes for FREE but not all human beings are ready to appreciate cosmic wisdom…  Thus if you are different, articulate, gifted and in my case unique and REAL, you will be ELIMINATED by those insecure “Greggs” out there,  because you become  a  serious “conflict of interests.”

But the good news is; not all the readers from those websites are stupid or gullible morons digesting conspiratorial junk, and these folks are the ones who can apply critical thinking, judge the writer’s gift, talent and wisdom and ultimately chose to join the Cosmic Code website!

Thus if you have been “excused” by those Internet websites pig owners, its because you are a bit too smart, too competitive or too real for them! So welcome to Dr. Turi’s world, you vibrate at my speed, you feel my equal just because you are and you can handle and appreciate the truth…

“When a true genius appears in this world you may know him by this sign that the dunces are all in confederacy against him”–Swift

What’s wrong with Gregg? What happened to him? After reading his formidable article I thought he truly and honestly liked my astrological work.  Why would he now trample me under his dirty Pisces feet, and turn and tear me to pieces?

All I wanted to do is to GIVE him more of what I thought he liked, for sure I was reading his printed words and God they were real enough to move me deeply…

I am not sure how many of you ever read his article,  but the words used were absolutely PHENOMENAL, or did he actually lie to his readers and secretively felt envious and insecure with me? Is Gregg a modern astrologer lost in his own darkness?  I know nothing of him really and he certainly had tons of chances to learn all about me!  What did he read or heard that made him flip?

In any case, all Gregg had to do was to call me personally and ask me to remove him, period! But cowards do not choose direct telephone interaction in fear of explaining their insecurity and inferiority complexes to me…

I am totally and completely transparent thus my telephone number 602-265-7667 is everywhere! At this point, I think Gregg was looking for an excuse to trash me and remove all the good words he said on his website because he never truly meant them anyway! 

In my case, I could not care less if  Gregg’s “publicity” because it is STILL publicity! And by reading the full content of CONFRONTING HUMILITY the readers can only appreciate the real Dr. Turi, my honest character, my good heart, my legit wisdom. But mostly once you read the article, my legendary truthfulness and wit can only shine even brighter…

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi




US Versus Russia What’s Next?



”For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice… If every 8 years old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

Dear  Readers;

First, the epic battle between a snake and crocodile and today a Fierce fight between bald eagles attracts attention in SE Portland battling each other for territory?  This type of news is not only very rare to catch on film but depicts a more subtle and dangerous cosmic message offered to mankind by God himself.

But you and your children have not yet been trained to recognize and pay attention to those dramatic omens taking place in nature! They are reflecting the current political differences and the battle taking place by two superpowers over Ukraine between Russia and the US!

Incidentally, I was invited to represent the US in a psychic TV show in the Ukraine but my cosmic wisdom spoke of the returning dangerous Hitler’ spiritual legacy and I decided to turn it down.

I can only hope for diplomacy to bring an end to the conflict and become as clear as those two eagles finally being freed by the third party concerned for their safety!

The atheists have lost the spirit and trained to trust only science and ridicule the obviousness and repetitiveness of those “omens” while the God-fearing souls assumes its another natural act of God. All the while humanity is still unable to decipher “the signs” taking place,  and like the eagles, both will battle to the death to ridicule or proclaim a God they know nothing about…

And there is Dr. Turi offering both sides the option to check on their differences and upgrade their perception of a new Cosmic God that can only be heard and seen by those practicing a healthy humility!

Since the dawn of time, the Creator has shown his truth to the humble, a truth that is hidden from the vain blinded by worldly pleasures, but which is written in the skies, which nightly speaks of the glory of God.


Though usually pictured flying majestically against a mountain backdrop or embossed as the iconic image on the back of a U.S. quarter, a pair of bald eagles in Oregon showed off a side that’s rarely seen — at least in a suburban backyard tree.

Image source: KATU-TV

At one point, video of the eagles shows them holding onto each other talon to talon as one was upright and the other hung upside down. Other footage shows them struggling, flapping and pecking at each other.

After four hours, a crew in a cherry picker from the local Audubon Society broke up the fight. Lacy Campbell with the Audubon Society, who took footage from tree height with a helmet-mounted GoPro camera, said the focused eagles didn’t even notice the crew until they were close up in the tree.

Once the eagles saw they were being watched, it broke their concentration and resolve and they both took off “I didn’t think it would be that traumatic to me,” Kate Carder, a member of the group Oregon Birders who drove across the city to witness the event, told KATU. “I’m still shaken to the core.”



Putin swallowing Crimea?

March 3rd, 2014

Hello Readers;

Is this an omen for Putin swallowing Crimea and shock the world??? Remember no there are no accidents and anything, everything speaks if you have the spiritual tools to translate it!

A group of Australians was having breakfast near a lake in Mount Isa over the weekend when they witnessed an unexpected event: an epic battle between a snake and crocodile. Tiffany Corlis told ABC North West Queensland Radio the fight was already in progress her canoeing group stopped on the shore of Lake Moondarra Sunday.

‘‘[The crocodile] was fighting at the start, so it was trying to keep its head out of the water and survive,” Corlis said of the event, calling it “unbelievable.”

Witnesses said it took hours for the snake to take the crocodile down. (Image source: Fairfax Media)

Witnesses said it took hours for the snake to take the crocodile down. (Image source: Fairfax Media)

But as hours went by both animals tired.

‘‘… you could tell that both of them were getting a little weaker,” Corlis continued. ‘‘Finally, the croc sort of gave in and the snake had uncoiled for a little while and had a brief break and then actually started to consume the crocodile.”

Image source: Fairfax Media

Image source: Fairfax Media

“We were sort of thinking the snake had bitten off more than it could chew,” Corlis said.

Alyce Rosenthal, who also witnessed the battle, said the struggle took about five hours.

‘‘They were just pretty much laying there, waiting to die, I would assume,’’ Rosenthal told Fairfax Media.

Image source: Fairfax Media

According to the Brisbane Times, biologist Bryan Fry said while it’s not unheard of for a water python to take on a crocodile, it might not be its best choice of prey.

‘‘The problem is they are risking being injured or killed, so they have to be judicious,” the University of Queensland professor said, adding that the snake could be vulnerable with such a large amount of food in its stomach.

“You could see the crocodile in the snake’s belly, which I think was probably the more remarkable thing,” Corlis told the radio station. ”You could actually see its legs and see its scales and everything, it was just amazing.”

Image source: Fairfax Media

Check out more photos of the stunning event on ABC North West Queensland Radio’s website.


Police: 21-year veteran officer fatally shot in Phoenix

 Benefit cookout Thursday, March 6, 2014 at the PLEA GARAGE Grill 1102 West Adams Street 11:00am-2:00PM 4:00 pm-8:00 PM All donations will benefit the families of Phoenix Police Detective John Hobbs along with the other Phoenix Police Officer injured during the shooting incident on March 3, 2014 Event Host Committee PLEA, PPSLA, Mayor Greg Stanton, Phoenix Police Chief Daniel Garcia, and City Councilmen Danny Valenzuela and Michael Nowakowski We will be serving hot dogs and hamburgers. Carry-out boxes are available for personnel who are unable to make it to the Garage Grill.



L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain


 listen to my latest radio show with Ted

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 



Pope Francis – Can You Handle The Truth?

Important Note:

Today’s date is March 21, 2014. My Internet enemies hijacked all the articles, predictions, warnings, metaphysical, cosmic secrets and natural healing teachings I wrote from my website since August 2013. This forced me to change and now use the TOP server protection available. This episode muted me since my last March 10, 2014 “SOS to the world” preparing my reading audience for a “new beginning ending” (Vladimir Putin / Ukraine – Flight 370?) but some of my latest articles are still available from BIN website.

Dr. Turi 6.9 earthquake prediction – Yes OIL Is Missing From Plane… March 2014 Predictions  Updated! The Truth About Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 

 I am not sure why those people are interested in my work but it seem they will use my work for their personal agenda. This is roughly two hundreds cosmic code newsletters of crucial information.

 I can only repost a few of  all those educational cosmic articles fully available from my Cosmic Code website. Show your support for my work by joining the cosmic code website because the real goodies are for for my VIP’s only and you will always get so much more once you decide to join than what I post here for the public.   In order for you to enjoy past, present and future cosmic code newsletters, you must become a VIP.

Thank you all – Dr. Turi

11/26/2013 –  Pope Francis’ Prediction Of Assassination


“Consciousness – is the awareness of being awake and aware of a divine cosmic  power  and make a good use of it” anything else is deceptive enlightenment! Politicians, Psychics, modern Prophets, Religious leaders, Monks, Gurus, televangelists, priests, pot heads  etc. are cosmic  unconscious  born Neptunians who can not heed nor read God’ signs…

Pontiff worked in a nightclub

The exposing 2013 Scorpius Draconis at work:  “The popular pontiff was once a bouncer at a nightclub in his native Argentina, Francis told Catholics at a church outside Rome earlier this week. If St. Peter ever needs help at the Pearly Gates, his successor Pope Francis may be the perfect man for the job.”

Dear readers;

Before elaborating on the Pontiff latest gaffe, I must point out the fact that Mercury, the planet of (transportation/cars/speed/communication, satellite communications) is currently in the sign of Scorpio (death/drama/secrets to light/stolen information etc.)

May God Bless Your Soul

Thus as predicted, news of deaths are to be expected – NELSON MANDELA DIES, some secrets will come to light – Satellite images show N. Korea’s labor camps and  your privacy may be in jeopardy –  Change your password — 2 million stolen . The emphasis is on general crude communications and deaths. Meantime Scorpio may decide to physically or “verbally” kill someone you feel is a bit too much to handle.

In this current cosmic  process, be prepared because a peon of the stars may decides to CUT YOU OFF from all forms of communications, especially if you challenged with the undiluted truth forcing him/her to upgrade mentally/spiritually.

This attitude reflects an over emotional challenging intellectual nature and a total lack of perception just because the person may feel invaded, mentally insecure (or feels superior) and can not see eye to eye with  you.  Thus if you behaved as such lately and removed anyone who challenged you intellectually, you are simply behaving like the rest of the 99.009% of cosmic unconscious human beings. Simply acting out neurotically, robotically the power of Mercury (words) in Scorpio (kill) upon your psyche.


but what is worse is; some of those souls,  may not be able nor willing to correctly auto-analyse themselves and actions! Cutting anyone away and refusing a debate because you disagree with anyone, shows a serious mental weakness and the lack of information, answers or real solutions to the very topic you disagree with.

You would be amazed readers, how many insecure, envious “talking Heads” from all walks of life have cut me off from their websites, events, radio and TV shows lolol –  The good news is; Mercury (the  mind) in Scorpio wants you to “die and rebirth” intellectually and accept/deal with the undiluted truth or Dr. Turi.

“When a true genius appears in this world you may know him by this sign that the dunces are all in confederacy against him”


Did you know that; Pope Francis shares the same dual Dragons are O.J. Simpson, Casey Anthony Van Der Sloot and many other serial killers?  Makes you think yes, do you hate me now?

It amazes me how many  talking heads conference “experts” want to teach you Astrology, the spirit and the Divine when they are themselves part of the 99.000% unable to hear, see and translate God’s cosmic will…

Meantime I am sure many of my “Friends and Foes” will not appreciate my direct approach to life, my honesty, my priceless wisdom and my teachings. Indeed, only if you are pure, curious and smart enough (or own an advanced UCI) will you “vibrate” at my and my VIP’s, students, clients and patients cosmic speed!  And if you don’t, you will CUT OFF all communication with us because we are a bit too much for you just yet!

The sugar coloured words and sermons, well edited non offensive speeches and articles do not reflect the truth and the veracity of the messages I own.  This is why the mentally weak, the mental snobs, the “educated” the born “proper” and sensitive readers can only attract the lies found in the sugar coloured words and sermons, well edited non offensive speeches and articles that FITS ONLY what they want to hear and read!

Remember, make people think they will love you, make them REALLY think like I do, then they will hate you! Guess what readers, I am using Mercury (communication) in Scorpio (the undiluted truth) right now with you, and at your advantage because NOW, the cosmic auspices are designed to be LESS sensitive, smarter and more curious than usual! Thus instead of assuming I am an out of order egocentric , you may learn something valuable and TRUE about Dr. Turi’s work and character!

All you have is me, my Aries competitive, direct approach to life, sincerity, honesty or may be innocence! Blame it all on my natal Dragon’s Head in my 3rd house of communication, recognize it, deal with it and learn from it, because YOU are different, all is that and that is all!

Instead of playing proper and being offended by the true, NUT UP and LEARN our “cosmic” differences instead! Doing so, you will judge me accurately through your 3rd eye, through the cosmic code jurisdictions and be more forgiving in your understanding on how the human psyche works! God made me this way and I find it to be good for you and the profession I serve you with!

A true leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.

John C. Maxwell

Try this with your friends, your loved ones, all the people around you instead of seeing the world through your five limited human rational senses only! I guarantee you, if the world was more like me there would be no more lies, no more wars, no more confusions, no more “personal” judgement and no more Bull in your life!

All will hear my views and voice
Trial and error is my school of choice
Like a dragon, dashing and daring I appear
Fighting for those that I hold dear
I am ARIES, child of Mars.

I will use all in my power to give you a “cosmic wake up” today only the true born morons, envious and moronic atheists can deny…  The facts I have for you to read is REAL and you can only benefit from it, if you decide to come out of your comfort zone and finally be able to appreciate my pearls of wisdom. How do you remove dirt and dust? with perfume or acid? Think like I do, because all my acidic comments are designed to clean you off from your own fears and cosmic ignorance! And again, because you are cosmic unconscious, this does not mean you are a stupid moron, and if you feel this way or inferior to me that is YOUR problem, not mine!

This planet is cursing the news with  robotic human speaking their angry hearts on national TV .i.e.  Bashir resigns from MSNBC over Palin comments   (it also happened with Rush Limbaugh (slut) and many other cosmic unconscious celebrities and currently with politicians fighting fiercely  for their political preferences –  Tempers explode over Obamacare  Tempers explode over Obamacare   Indeed in Scorpio EMOTIONS rules and logic (and your job) is out of the window!

Mercury rules all moving part and induce also cars accidents, Paul Walker death,  HGTV host dies in crash, trains accidents, ‘Extreme speed’ eyed in fatal Bronx crash  , planes crashes Small plane crashes in Alaska, killing 4 – This planet affects also animals/mammals/sea creatures inborn mental computers  41 whales trapped 10 already died!

This planet, through my work is offering you, your own wake up call and the option to rise above the spiritual limitation imposed upon this dense physical world!

The first time I ever wrote about Pope Francis was March 14, 2013 after one of my regular BBS radio shows where I explained his stars to my VIP’s.  I first capitalized the section below, when I first published “The Secrets Pope Francis Don’t Want You To Know!

Soon afterwards I published “Dr. Turi Exposes The Stars and Fate of Pope Francis” explaining the new Pope’s UCI and future disturbing public behaviours to my VIP’s. I knew well ahead of the world his DUAL stars would bring a repetitiveness of negative publicity, detrimental to the Church Inc. pious image  The fact is all those God boys in the Vatican are non cosmic conscious and  do not know nothing of God cosmic divinity!

Do you want me on the air again, if so; do your part and I will give my cosmic wisdom on the air for free again. 
The pompous Neptunian born God experts and their President at work!

By electing the new God representant on earth, “the pompous blind God experts” simply fulfilled the creator  cosmic will not only to deface and ridicule the Vatican with their new Pope karmic “obnoxious” stars but to expose also its financial secret masquerades to the world. I kept writing the same paragraph over and over again so my readers (and the skeptics) could not deny my predictive gift any more!  This is where my faithful spiritual VIP’s can really appreciate the values of my teachings and supreme “psychic” predictive gift!



Pope Francis’ Sagittarius Sun Sign makes him so honest, so innocent and his over talkative Gemini chatterbox  Dragon’s Tail offers too much information. I am sure many puritanical souls think the Pope’s verbal garbage should not be mentioned and kept in check! Indeed they are learning more about the Pope they elected day after day!  Thus if you think this Pope will stop surprising you, think again because his out of control Dragon has much more in store and will shock you even more in the future.

Indeed Pope Francis is like any other human being, cosmic unconscious and neurotically acting out his honest UCI / stars.  Much like you,  he is no more than a peon of his own stars and has no clue of the subtle cosmic phenomenon taking place above his pious head.   Humanity’ subconscious response to this dragon translate into The Bull in the China Shop and he is totally and completely oblivious of his words and actions. And in no way and by respect for the Pontiff, the more conservative, secretive older “pompous blind God experts” will never dare to shut him up!

I have a friend who shares the same stars and Dragons as Pope Francis and all I can say readers, is… OMG! Have Mercy! This Pope should make the most of his stars and enjoy performing stand up comedy instead of trying to save the world and the Vatican’s corporation.

Is Pope Francis the last Pope?

Sharing Cosmic Coders Emails:


Dr. Turi;

I’ve read your moon guide too and can tell I saw some predictions being true in my own life, it’s quite great even though it was drama…thank you for your work. There are many “intuitive feelings/thought” I find confirmation in your work. And it’s good to feel I’m not abnormal…is it your Dragon head in Aries that makes you so honest? I’m impressed by the tone of your articles, there’s some kind of innocence. Being born April 19 I kind of recognised myself in the tone of your “voice” but I learned to shut my mouth most of the time because people are not comfortable with that kind of innocent honesty. Love

DT – Indeed, your words speaks the truth Choisy! I admire them because I am me, all is that and that is all…



 Reply by Helga Rossner 

 Watch out for the rise of a European Tea Party

Another interesting development in Europe,

DT you are right on again.

SWEDEN: Patriots take to the streets to protect Stockholm from Muslim rioters

Reply by John Benevides

In today’s Wall Street Journal front page article title ” Greece Struggles to Outlaw Its Fascists” I’m paraphrase the article but it mentions the rise of fascist movement called Golden Dawn a fringe group known for stiff-arm salutes and Holocaust denial who’s polarity rose to 15% support in polls. This a party known for neo-Nazi rhetoric and street violence whose surging support since last year symobilzes how Europe economic crisis has fuled Continents most radical extremists/separatists and anti-establishments  movement in recent months. Dr you are dead on with your earlier prediction coming to roost. AMAZING my friend!! Keeping feeding your students with your solid wisdom. I love it!!


Lastly, this is where I need you readers, all the wise, refined, spiritual souls, those who supports my work and I. Please take a few seconds of your life and leave a comment on George Noory’s You Tube page – Tell your friends to do the same, please help me fulfil my mission so I can give you even more of my cosmic wisdom. GIVE AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE! – A few seconds of your life to endorse my work will drastically and profoundly affect the perception, the behavior and the entire lives of all the children of the future…

Thanks you all

Dr. Turi

Breaking Free from David Icke


ON THE AIR – 12/27/2013 from 3pm to 4pm


Lastly, many of you may be interested in the Astropsychology Home Course you can have the 16 CD’s 4 DVD, all my E books, educational paper work AND THE ASTROPSYCHOLOGY MONTHLY HOUSING DRAGON/SYSTEM SOFTWARE for $1000. Regularly $1500 plus $800 = $2300 Save $1300 and start your new life running your business from home in 2014!


1 – Christmas and New Year day only from 9 am to 7 pm – Get your 12 months “Personal Cosmic biorhythms” for $75.00 instead of $125.  You may also use Paypal or call Terania (602) 265-7667 she will help you.

2 – Christmas and New Year day only from 9 am to 7 pm  Order your “Taped VIP Skype Reading” for $400 instead of $700. Call Terania (602) 265-7667 she will help you.