Year: 2014

A water bubble can do THIS in space – SOS World Water Shortage


 The gravitational forces that move all galaxies is a scientific fact;   But the greatness of the spiritual cosmic manifesto is yet a mystery to science and humanity at large. God’s enslaved all his children to uncover his cosmic  Divinity and with it,  a life filled with health, love, safety, warnings,  respect, peace and harmony for all.

— Dr. Turi

A water bubble can do THIS in space

“November 6, 2014 NASA astronauts tested water surface tension on the ISS by submerging a GoPro camera in a water bubble.”

Dear Readers;

The camera lodged in the suspended water bulb is a VERY strong omen (and a serious warning to pay close attention to water on earth) offered to an unconscious scientific community. Water is the utmost precious commodity on the planet but I see water shortage, more poisoning of the oceans and the ozone layer forcing humanity to take serious actions within the next two years.

 NASA and Mars deceptiveness!

Check September 2014 SOS to the world predictions results too!

Check November 2014 SOS to the World predictions results too! 

The set of 33 predictions and natural healing tips to boost your immune system and avoid the poisoning effect of the  Neptunius Draconis or contracting infectious diseases such as Ebola should be read by everyone concerned with the future – 2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Draconis Universal Predictions

Young astronauts may not be fully trained cosmically and spiritually to bypass the five limited human rational senses to recognize the seriousness of an innocent game they played in space with water and shared to the world!

They are like kids in a cosmic garden  they know nothing about and while well read astrophysicists wonder about the infinite physically of the cosmos, they know nothing of the spiritual values of the local solar system they live in!  It is a disgrace for those highly “educated” mental snobs to reject God’s celestial Divinity! 

No one probably taught them to consider and explore the Soul of the Cosmos and to accept the fact that; this physical world could not be without its spiritual counterpart! Then again, it pays to keep quiet. This world is dangerously aiming towards a rigid dry atheism society where intuition, spirituality or faith has no room for investigative sciences. A fanatic religious person like “Duck Brain” Phil Robertson or a group like ISIS (religion) is as dangerous as another group of instructed atheist (dry science, ) for humanity psychical welfare, all cursed to uncover the reality of  God’s cosmic Divinity. 

A physician without a knowledge of Astrology has no right to call himself a physician – Hippocrates (ca. 400 BC).


Science has lost the spirit or at least ignores it and science became the top grantor for the world’s destruction, because all are infringing or refuting the reality of UFO’s and the cosmic code jurisdictions, something those rationally “polished” kids can never comprehend and laugh about; until they physically see my warnings unfolding on this dense physical world. 

Can We Stop Science Destroying The World? 

I started bringing life to my visions with the news I collected from CNN for my VIP’s, all posted at 2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Draconis Universal Predictions.  I am asking all my supporters to seriously consider helping me by suggesting all the people you know to join the Cosmic Code website and get the facts science is unaware of and only my Cyber Cosmic Code University can deliver.

I must remind you, we have only 50 years or so  to bring back God’s cosmic Divinity and the spirit to this rigid, senseless, dangerous religious and growing atheist world before its too late for your children.

If you are a supporter or adhere to my cosmic wisdom, you are not part of the average mass of cosmic unconscious people making up the majority of lost souls living on this world. You are “karmically” connected with me and other, rare and highly spiritually advanced souls and you must become more active and a stronger, dedicated participant with my mission.

Please copy and paste this little article and submit this link with it, and suggest why those you care should join and acknowledge what a Cosmic God as in store for them personally, and for the world at large.

In no way will I change this world on my own and I need you to help!

“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life.  Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom.

~ Paracelsus

Thank you

Dr. Turi

Dr. Turi on Aliens – UFO’s and Beyond with Host Christina George November 12, 2014 6-8PM PST

November 12th, 2014 from 6-8 PM PST…DT will be discussing the Neptunius Draconis Energy Predictions for 2015 along with that of discussing further on that is cosmic and magic including Aliens / UFO’s and Beyond

December 21st 2014, Dr. Turi will join host Janet Kira Lessin on Aquarian radio to discuss ISIS latest developments in relation to the current Arian Draconian energy and predictions for the world imposed by the upcoming  2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Draconis Universal Predictions

Teach me all about my cosmic relationship with God marvelous Univer…

The Magical Power of Talismans! 

Dr. Turi on Aquarian Radio December 21st from 8pm to 10pm DT will join host Janet Kira Lessin on Aquarian radio to discuss the latest developments in relation to the Arian Draconian energy, religions, Ebola, ISIS,  and what is to come in 2015.



“Show me a curious person or an avid reader and I will point out a winner!” Dr. Turi

 Now only $5 – Click image above to purchase the 2014 Moon Power Starguide – Now Available for Download!!  

This book will become a collective item for the children of the future…

$15:00  – Click image above to purchase the 2015 Dragon Forecast –  Now Available for Download!!

Show your support join my Cyber Cosmic University


The Explicable Universe Solved Mysteries Cosmic Code Reality Show

Forward this page to your friends and family


Neil deGrasse Tyson “Cosmos” Versus Dr. Turi Cosmic Code Reality Show


The Explicable Universe Solved Mysteries


Dr Turi on William Shatner’s “Weird of What” TV show




Discovery Channel – Dr. Turi’s Predictions

 Thank you for giving me the opportunity to present you with this show idea. I would like to introduce myself to you but first and foremost, please do not lump me with Mrs. Cleo or any “psychic” endeavor.

My name is Dr. Turi and I am a Clinical Hypnotherapist a practicing Astroforensic counseling a worldwide clientele and all our brave police officers. I am also mostly an Astropsychologist, an author and have been the personal counselor of many celebrities such as Ivana Trump, Peter Fonda, Gary Busey, John Gray, Dennis Haysbert and many others well-known personalities I must respect privacy.

 What makes me different from others in this “psychic” field is that; as incredible as it may sound, I was downloaded the secrets of the Cosmic Code back in August 2001 in one of my four solid UFO contacts and while this may sound far reached to many down to earth people, I am speaking the true.

 If you decide to investigate me further, you may also ask for my bio explaining my incredible experiences found in my best seller  book  “Beyond The Secret.”

 While many people investigate read and and talk about UFO, the spiritual legacy imparted by my own UFO experiences  is quite impressive and this “gift/curse” is indeed repetitive and can easily be confirmed scientifically.

You may also take the time to investigate my well documented, dated, published predictions.

It is time for the world to acknowledge the Soul of the Cosmos, the reality of extraterrestrials and make a good use of my spiritual cosmic “legacy” outside of conventional accepted astronomy disciplines. 

Countless astronomy shows have been produced over the years but none involves the Soul of the Cosmos and God cosmic Divinity. Note also, the word or the old science of astrology has never been mentioned mostly because it is erroneously sought and publicized as a wasteful pseudoscience only! The elite have co-opted the use of astrology for control.

I have been dedicated to bring back this rare wisdom and its undeniable integrity to a seriously misinformed society. The endless battle between the religious and scientific matrix-es to own “educational” supremacy is a real conspiracy detrimental to humanity psychical welfare endorsed by a growing  atheist movement combined with other silly belief systems. 

Because the vast majority of people do not know anything or refuse to accept Divine Astrology, the Mother of all Sciences, the reality of UFO or God’s Cosmic Divinity does not mean it is false or ridicule!  While critical thinking and conventional education is respectable curiosity it is a natural gift many well read people do not possess…

“It is a miracle for curiosity to survive education” – A Einstein.  

I use a powerful software I designed similar to the one used by NASA to send the shuttle in the stratosphere. My prognostications and my dated, printed, radio and television broadcasted “predictions” reaches 98% of accuracy and are totally unarguable if you take the time needed to verify my claims.

While I was looking for an opportunity to land on an intuitive producer, I am not economically able and also hope for those endorsing the mission to help financially. Millions are easily raised daily for too many wasteful causes benefiting the non profit” organization only!

My purpose and dedication is legitimate and will benefit all the children of the future…   I can only hope for your donations, but this depend on your own good heart and the realization of a crucial cosmic message the world will soon be ready for.  

By joining my “Cyber Cosmic Code University,” you and your donation become the vital participant of a global karmic cause designed  to acknowledge and understand God new Cosmic Divinity.

What I can do in “The Explicable Universe Solved Mysteries” Cosmic Code show is different and quite a lot, so please read the full article as I would hope for your support.

I am indeed able to “read” anyone, anytime anywhere at will in a very short time and tell you all about past lives as well as health condition and so much more. The endorsements received daily speak of the true values and veracity of my work.

What does the world say about Dr. Turi 

Incredible experiences breed incredible people that have incredible wisdom to offer others. Before exposing my expertise to the public you are certainly welcome to take a “test drive“as to judge for yourself my talents.  Please call us anytime at 602-265-7667.  All I will ask you is your DOB and for you to do the listening…

I am 65 years old, and gathering and translating the “Cosmic Code” jurisdictions (God’ signs) outside of conventional science or religion is a serious task that took my entire existence. Indeed deciphering the Universal hieroglyphs is a demanding task involving mental speed, true cosmic wisdom, a solid gift and a strong commitment to help others. 

The Explicable Universe Solved Mysteries

I strongly feel this unconventional, unique and educational real world presentation venture cannot fail, and my expertise is to “read” the future…The stars do not pick favorites and like anything else in the universal scheme of things, they simply do their jobs and there is no accident for you to read about my  show idea. 

As imposed by the Creator in its sublime celestial design, the Cosmic Code divine purpose is to affect us physically and spiritually and imposes grow often through pain and suffering and reflect an impeccable timing for  “things” to happen!

We are living incredible times where the human spirit needs real spiritual regeneration  a God fearing and a fast growing atheist society will gain drastically in the process. Indeed the  general public is ready to investigate the spiritual side of the Cosmos and build more cosmic consciousness. 

The time is now!

The stars are much more than dead rocks hanging above  just for the sake of beauty! There is a Divine order, a Cosmic Code the vast majority of people (including science) has been cursed to uncover!

Today’s wonderful technological accomplishments is offering humanity the option to get  so close to the physical wonders of the cosmos, but its spiritual mechanics are still unobserved, unheeded, omitted and often ridicule.

All at the expenses of humanity’s declining psychical welfare… What about bringing life to this rare cosmic wisdom practiced by all the wise men of antiquity and all disappeared civilizations while offering the option to build cosmic consciousness to the viewers?

All Is That And That Is All

A physician without a knowledge of Astrology has no right to call himself a physician – Hippocrates (ca. 400 BC).

What about a real show that is real and educational in nature? Offering the mass with the option to appreciate entertainment and benefit from a higher spiritual cosmic education?

My lifetime work on the Cosmic Code jurisdictions will change people’s perception of our local solar system spiritual conception outside of the scientific accepted disciplines performed on national television by famous astrophysicists like well read but cosmic unconscious Neil deGrasse Tyson  and astronomers alike!

This show will not make the audience think seriously but educate and offer the wieners with the golden keys of what it means to be human. Yes I can explain what makes people gays, why there is such a thing as bullies or dangerous criminals and offer endless answers involving the soul of the Cosmos, Astrology, the supra-conscious and make unarguable dated predictions that will astonish everyone.

Is the gift of prediction real? You bet it is… 

Breaking News: Macaulay Culkin Found Dead at Age 34 HOAX!

There is ALWAYS a “vision” involving any hoaxer’ imaginative story… I did not waste a prediction for sure, the future will speak for me about the famous future victims of Hollywood matrix.

I WILL USE ASTROFORENSICS IN THE STARS AND FATE OF “the famous future victims of Hollywood matrix!” VIP’S ONLY! Here is a sample on Michael Jackson. 

  • Memo Prediction #3 Hollywood and the movie industry will experience the “titanic” in real life. Expect a full restructure of the movie industry with new 3D technology. More people will get more depressed, many will spend time and money watching new and old  movies. Celebrities of all ages and genders are the target of this dragon where human will realize the glamorous life of the rich and famous is as fake as Neptune taking them away in endless suicides  and drug abuse in record numbers. Many new movies will never be finished.


 *STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — It was difficult enough for parishioners at four borough churches to absorb the news, communicated at Sunday masses Nov. 2, that their historic houses of worship will effectively close by next summer.  From 2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Religious Draconis Universal Predictions  – Prediction# 5 Neptune rules religions and this Dragon is aiming for the Church, President Obama and Pope Francis. Like his predecessor John Paul, he may pay the ultimate price with a mysterious death or assassination.  11/7/14 – Join the cosmic code!


Jesus Will Look Different in Highly Anticipated TV Series!  From 2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Draconis Universal Predictions… From 2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Religious Draconis Universal Predictions  – Prediction# 18 Religions of all nominations will explode with billions of new God fearing lost souls joining this universal Neptunius deception. I see a proliferation of cults and more dirty secrets to come to light with Mormonism and other denominations. The church will suffer a lack of interest due to the atheist growing movement. New controlling laws will be issued against the New Agers and psychics and more religious movies will “advertise” religions and Christianity. 11/7/14 – Join the cosmic code!

I can explain so much more on the spiritual conception of the universe than what our infantile science can perceive or accept just yet, as much as I can point out born terrorists and anyone’s blessings or shortcomings.

I can walk the street or visit any public places and shock people by cautiously, respectfully and intelligently “read” their fate with an incredible accuracy.

I have many ideas and attracting divine tools designed for a live audience but unless you talk to me personally or see me in action you may not truly appreciate my expertise and the shocking impact I create on people. But at this point, you, may erroneously lump me with Mrs. Cleo and miss a great opportunity to present the public with an incredible highly rewarding show!

I will amaze the audience with performances that will make Dr. Phil and Dr. Laura seriously wonder about the values of their traditional education. 

 The world is ready for something much more spiritual than the so many archaic religious programs such “Jesus Will Look Different in Highly Anticipated TV Series — and Here’s Why” where God’s Divinity can be explored  and exposed differently in a cosmic reality show safely and wisely.

The general public, including Christians and the growing atheist groups will demand more of this type of advanced cosmic programming as their new perception of God changes to a more practical, recognizable and undeniable celestial entity. 

 Life is a constant process of changes and so is the perception of younger, more curious liberal producers willing to take a chance on far fetched, challenging shows like mine and their new gifted performers.

I can take any couple and bring them on stage and respectfully, tactfully moderately “expose” their inner strengths, weaknesses and offer serious guidance to avoid future problematic marital situations. Indeed my cosmic reality show idea is Astroforensics of the future at work today… 

The possibility of achieving the best entertainments while advancing cosmic spiritual education, peace of mind, faith, and love is a certified chance I am offering your organization because I believe you are the perfect platform for me to operate on. 

Over the years, the spiritual essence of my work helped millions to prepare and control the outcome of their destiny both physically and mentally and my success speaks for itself.

I trust you to “test drive” my claims personally to better realize how we  structure this  show that has the solid potential to become number one beating all networks.

My talent, cosmic wisdom are real and unique and this is why this show will become a total success with time. While many US companies are using the ancient art via “CA psychic/horoscope/900 numbers etc.” using less than honorable marketing techniques on television, the real rare and gifted expert like I offering legitimate forecasting, guidance and counseling nowadays is on its way to give justice to Divine Astrology, the mother of all science.

The use and abuse of this ancient art became an incredible profitable business that tends to concentrate solely on its financial reward does not own any form of integrity.

Why not take a chance on me and astonish your very satisfied trusting viewers with my expertise? Imagine me giving a correct set of date for large earthquakes  or a natural disaster and as always it does happen? 

Imagine me talking about anyone’s celestial identity and know better about this person than his/her own mother would?  There are so many varieties for me to express my talent and the show makers imagination will be never run out of ideas once they see me taking part of a presentation.

Providing you could take some of your precious time to investigate my claims through my websites, my previous radio or television programs or my Cosmic Code website you would soon realize that I do possess a genuine gift that; would make this show one of the best, spiritually advanced, original and educational shows altogether.

As incredible as it may sound to you all major natural disasters have been fully predicted, as well as the current US restructure of the economy, the deplorable attacks on the Twin towers in NY, the devastating Asia Tsunami, the exact prediction of all hurricanes *Katrina on national radio “Coast To Coast AM” with George Noory who endorses me regularly.

Not to forget the “religious war” well before Osama Bin Laden came America enemy public #1 – I also predicted back in 1995 on Art Bell national radio show the implosion of the Middle East and the upcoming  universal religious war. 

 Thousands of people heard my warnings set for April 20th on TWO television shows days before the worst oil spill took place in the Gulf of Mexico following an explosion. Millions of other people have read and witnesses my accuracy in my books, my regular posts on all major websites and my “Cosmic Code” newsletter is loaded with incredible endorsements from all over the world.

The list of my “predictions” is much too long to elaborate with since I started my practice back in 1991 but all my work is well documented and this is why makes me stand apart from other “psychics.”

 All I am aiming for is to offer you (or the world) with a legitimate educational material explaining how the God’s Cosmic Divinity operates via the “signs.”

Mixing the spiritual wisdom of all disappeared civilizations (the Mayans, Sumerians, Incas, Atlantis etc.) the technological effects involving the production of this show would add tremendous visuals needed to assimilate my messages.

This show is the beginning of the extraordinary perception of a new God cosmic consciousness humanity has been waiting for for centuries…

 A chance to prove my gift and my claims to you and service the viewers accordingly would bring both great entertainments and Cosmic Consciousness to the audience breaching the door to the understanding of how God speaks to his children through his celestial creation. 

Waiting in anticipation

Sincerely and respectfully,

 Dr. Turi


Suggestion 1 – Dr. Turi’s  show idea is an informative and entertaining culmination and explanation of the working of our solar system  outside of traditional Astronomy. A full demonstration using celestial artwork and modern technology (my software) will be used to acknowledge how the “Universal Mind” is an intrinsic part of man’s psyche and how it interacts with humankind personal and universal fate.

Suggestion 2 – Dr. Turi’s Show is a shocking, informative and entertaining culmination where celebrity guests and guests from all walks of life exchange stories that will inspire YOU to do better understand the Universal Code and how you can apply this rare wisdom in your own life.  Speed, talent and assimilation are the key for such a television series success.  There are many famous people who are far less knowledgeable like .i.e. Patti Stanger Millionaires Club and use words, adaptability and intuition to deal with the complexity of the human psyche where the true educational values  are missing.

Learn God’s Divine Celestial Language

“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a more productive life.  Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom.
~ Paracelsus


Like The Great Prophet Nostradamus, Dr. Turi Was Born And Raised In Provence France and Spend Thirty-Five Years Rekindling The Seer’s Divine Wisdom.

“When suffering is on all sides and man hungers for the unmanifested mystery in all phenomena: He seeks the reflection of the divine.  God’s higher truths are cloaked in his creation and the message is in the stars.”
~ Nostradamus

Experience Dr. Turi’s fascinating expertise to raise your Cosmic Consciousness and rebuild your body mind and spirit using Nostradamus’ natural healing disciplines.


Title – The Cosmic Code With Dr. Turi


Do You Need Unarguable Proof of Dr. Turi dated, printed predictions?


Working title:

The Cosmic Code with Dr. Turi

Using powerful software designed by Dr. Turi vital information on the “Power Of The Dragon” will be divulged to the audience. The UCI (Unique Celestial Identity) of the guest can be seen enlarged by all viewers.

You can hear and experience the real words of our famous and infamous.

“The Cosmic Code With Dr. Turi” is a new universal breed of television series that comes with a warning label to all viewers:

“You’ve seen certain televsion shows before…but this is truly the real thing, a show that will bring forth your own Cosmic Consciousness and comes with Nostradamus’ rare 16th century metaphysical methodology. Dr. Turi is accomplished clinical Hypnotherapist and a gifted Astropsychologist he will guide you the viewer, using both Celestial Artwork and God’s Universal Rules to reach your soul’s purpose and establish emotional, financial and spiritual stability.”

About the show

The cosmic code with Dr. Turi is a powerful and fascinating journey into the workings of the Universe outside of the conventional science of  Astronomy. Dr. Turi is able to read anyone almost immediately and uncover all about a person, along with past lives information including predictions for a situation with uncanny accuracy. Dr. Turi’s genius perceives a highly complex Universal Code; and will translate the Cosmic Clock for callers who are in need of direction and assistance. Each week, Dr. Turi will offer his current forecast and unique perspective on events happening in the world, as he is unquestionably the foremost accurate prognosticator of international events living today.

Dr. Turi faithful worldwide following and clientele involves celebrities, politicians, including NASA students, doctors, investors, the FBI, the police and researchers from all walks of life. Furthermore Dr. Turi is also a Clinical Hypnotherapist and the only Astropsychologist using the inner but very real “Power Of The Dragon” in all his consultations. 

At the beginning of this millennium and approaching the year 2012, man’s cosmic consciousness is undergoing a major spiritual transformation as imposed by God through the eternal motion of the Universal Clock.  Using tools such as homeopathic medicine, physics, astronomy, astrology, psychology, hypnotherapy, philosophy, chiromancy and numerology, the Cosmic Code radio/TV show will search for the meeting of science and metaphysics by digging into ancient mystic roots of the Mayans, Incan, Chinese, Greek, and Egyptian cultures. By using Nostradamus rare Divine Astrology methodology Dr. Turi will unarguably prove our direct relationship to the Universal Mind, increasing our wisdom and preparing humankind for the new millennium. The Cosmic Code show with doctor Turi is the golden key to what it means to be human and a challenging inspiration to uncover how God speaks to humanity via the signs. 

Lucky for America and our International audience they have the incredibly gifted and talented Dr. Louis Turi to help guide them through these famous and not-so-famous back stories to understand what we can do as a society to truly understand God’s will through the Cosmic Code secrets and better realize ourselves.


To help the children of tomorrow is the imparted message while understanding your destiny, your strengths, your weaknesses, and your karma as written in the stars.

Dr. Turi is an incredible motivational lecturer and speaker and “Who Is Who in America”. He will host a television show that will bring you the viewer, the Golden Key to what it means to be human and many answers that God has enslaved every one of us to search for!  Dr. Turi has taught and entertained audiences on the power of the subconscious all over the world and now will enter your homes giving you legitimate Universal wisdom and the same empowerment over your own lives.

The printing process in his books, his television and radio appearances make the proof of his predictions totally unarguable.



This form of entertainment is highly spiritual; mind boggling and totally UNIQUE where people will want more of this man’s phenomenal gifts.



Meet Dr. Turi:

Like the great prophet, Nostradamus, Dr. Turi was born and raised in Provence, France. He was influenced by Nostradamus’ methods of Divine Astrology and spent many years reviving the Seer’s rare method. He grew up speaking the same now disappearing dialect. In 1976, he received the highest distinction Musicianship Award Cup and graduated from the Royal School of Music in London. He moved to the US in 1984 and has since established himself as a successful astrologer, author, and lecturer. In 1993 he received a metaphysical Doctorate from the Progressive Universal Life Church based in Sacramento, California. His notoriety skyrocketed after rekindling, practicing and teaching Nostradamus’ rare Divine Astrology method, which he calls Astropsychology. He has also appeared on numerous radio and television programs worldwide. Dr. Turi is known for the hundreds of accurate predictions he makes. He writes a yearly periodical with all these predictions, called Moon Power Starguide.”

Dr. Turi was recognized in the 2003 Marquis Who’s Who in America as an accomplished leading Hypnotherapist, Astropsychologist and incredible motivational lecturer and speaker. He has taught and entertained audiences on the power of the subconscious all over the world. He grew up in Provence France, Nostradamus’ birthplace, and spent last 30 years re-kindling the great Seer’s rare disciplines and its incredible spiritual therapeutic values. It is crucial to immediately make a distinction between Dr. Turi’s work and that of other leading “magicians”.

Dr. Turi’s perceptive and predictive powers are unmatched and well documented in his books and television appearances. Dr. Turi speaks at Borders and Barnes & Noble bookstores nationwide, and has performed at numerous well-known facilities worldwide including Las Ventana, a top resort in Mexico. Dr. Turi also leads healing tours to Thailand and France with Destination Tropics Inc. Dr. Turi’s predictions and articles are regularly featured in India and European top magazines, StarTeller.

His articles are also featured in Australia’s magazine, New Dawn Magazine, UFO Encounter Magazine. They have appeared in various other newspapers and publications such as Fate Magazine and Magazine 2000 in the Us and Europe. Recently Free Spirit Journal and Mystic Pop Magazine and UFO Enigma have picked up his articles on the Dragon and daily forecasts. He has been featured on many national television programs such as NBC’s “Ancient Mysteries” series, and TLC and the Discovery Channel “Journal of the Unknown-More Than Human” to name a few.





Raising The World’s Cosmic Consciousness!

   The Pitch:


For those of you who think that Astrology and any form of it is merely passing on messages from beyond the stars deriving from a past long gone, think again. Your eyes are about to be opened, as this show will cover predictions, meditation, hypnotism, psychology, our space program, guides and angels, healing, astrology, UFOs and more; the emphasis being on the innate ability in each and every one of us to develop awareness of our Dragon will be taught and explained. It is this ability that can help heal humanity and become oneness with all.

Dr Turi lectures on numerous incredible topics but his forte is “The Power of the Subconscious” used to uncover UCI (Unique Celestial Identity) to motivate people to be at their best using their natal gifts. Dr. Turi also lecture on the medical aspects of Astropsychology, Hypnotherapy and a multitude of rare Cabalistic Healing Therapies. You may choose any of the presentations or request a topic that would benefit or entertain your audience from the list of topics at

Our celebrity guest panel and guest from all walks of life will be introduced from a “studio setting with cosmic décor.”

Dr. Turi will be able to deliver “Amazing stories for the average person in America and around the world” as the show will delve into the “behind-the-scenes” of these real-life souls working in all types of fields.  Many topics can go from enlightenment to the teachings where statistics show that most people have experienced some type of occurrence or at least know of someone who has experienced some type of UFO, Karmic, psychic or unexplained activity during their lifetime. Many people travel great distances and pay a great deal of money to be read by someone as talented and honest as Dr. Turi .

To encourage viewers to participate, we will solicit all of America (TV, Radio, Internet and Print) to send in DVD’S of their own encounters. Considering a vast majority of the population either believes in the vast field of spirituality, UFO’s and the paranormal or were witnessed to an incredible change, we expect an overload of DVD submissions from around the world.

Why will our viewers want to tune-in and how will we be able to gain an audience? 

(1) There is a following in place (Dr. Louis Turi has an amazing record of predictions using astrology and other means. In interviews, he discusses these other means for his accuracy, and much of it involves ET contact beginning in his youth in France. During the interview, Dr. Turi discusses certain key dates that can change history this year, beginning with August 19 and 20 and ending on December 20th 2005. He fears for our astronauts safety and future terror attacks, plus he has some surprising thoughts about the world ending in 2012 ) to help us build our audience quickly; and (2) viewers selected by the Producers for their DVD submissions can join the studio audience and get up on stage to share their incredible tale or from their place of residence/business –  will convey “live,” their story in a video interview (b-roll) segment their own account so they’re talking to America – our viewers will say, hey “I can do that too and help others” and send in their DVD. All he needs is their birth date and year.

The Pilot Episode:

At the forefront, our main goal is to create a pilot episode that will be uplifting, educational, spiritually entertaining and different in mixing some episodes with all kinds of guests. It can be frightening at times because of the truth being revealed, hip and intriguing because of Dr. Turi and his special gifts. The viewers selected to participate, will allow us the flexibility to properly develop this series into a creative mix of providing viewers information through entertainment educating them on being better people.  It would be the only one of its kind in the many over played categories of Talk Shows. Its tone will be soothing and peaceful yet upbeat and funny at times. Other times maybe be disheartening but filled with a positive message for all to hear.

It may be as simple as skillfully blending the old and new to the viewers; especially considering this would be a perfect metaphor of how Dr. Turi agrees with certain philosophies from the past mixing with what he has developed and is currently teaching.

The show opens with a dramatic and intense music mix as Dr. Turi introduces from a studio setting our one hour show. He will announce sponsor information, upcoming information and get everyone excited about the show and its guests for that day. With his French accent no-one can resist his charm and energy that will surly fill the room within seconds.

Each show will be supported by Dr. Turi’s own experiences and past work, be it audio recordings, photos, testimony of witnesses, book references or if produced as a film or television production, radio, clips from the show would all be incorporated to produce a consistent format for every episode.

From famous people, from our current lives, and our past history, to those who have miraculous stories that will change your life forever, will be an exciting challenge. At the end of the show, a discussion group can be held and readings at random done for our audiences through picking some lucky winners.

Finally, Dr. Turi can personally assure his audience of a professional show delivered on time and of the highest quality and trust this is the start of many future projects to help heal humanity and help the children of tomorrow. Dr. Turi is highly respected and is an experienced professional who can be totally relied on and uplifting.  He is a real Cosmic Earth Angel.



Dear Oprah;
I am writing to let you know about an astonishing person, you may have heard of him.  His name is Dr. Louis Turi.  He is a regular guest of Coast To Coast AM, where I and countless thousands (if not millions) have witnessed the truth of his work and his incredible knowledge.  In a word, Dr. Turi is phenomenal!  The accuracy of his predictions are astounding.  However, it is not his abilities to predict that are so amazing, but it his soul rooted love and devotion to educate the world, to prevent disasters, and to help others to avoid needless and unnecessary harm that makes him truly one of a kind!

Dr. Turi is not some guru who has mindless followers.  On the contrary!  Dr.Turi is someone who INSISTS that you educate your Self,  and more importantly think for your self. Dr. Turi is LOVE  incarnate.  You can find Dr. Turi at Please, do the world a huge favor and have him on as a guest! Sincerely,


Dear Dr. Turi,
I read your plea for support and was moved to respond to that plea with a “message to Oprah”.  I have enclosed my message below.  I hope that mine and other voices will be heard and the result is your ability to “release to the world” your message and insight.  If this comes to fruition, I know that you will not let me down.  Please don’t give up on “giving the message” it’s too important at this time of our existence.  Here’s what I sent Oprah:

Dear Oprah,
I wanted to bring to your attention the prophetic work and drive of  Dr. Turi (website to bring to the world stage his aptitude in predictive astrology.  Using his 35 years experience in working on the secrets of the “Cosmic Code” and what can only be described as his “God Given” insight; he has a message, which needs to be allowed the opportunity of a national stage.  Your show could be the venue of that exposure and could help the world through these tough times of financial, emotional and moral bankruptcy.  I have listened to his guest appearances on late/over night radio and have been moved by his insights and fore sights.  The exposure of such avenues is limited at best; but a guest appearance on your show could put you and your production team in the fore front leading the way to a much needed lighted path to conscientiousness in these darkest days that our country has ever seen.  Time is of the essence as we face the perilous dangers and snares of our future of Biblical Proportions.  Someone needs to explore having such an insightful person as Dr. Turi on one or several shows or an exposure format similar to that of  Dr. Oz in your show formats.  The important message that Dr. Turi has within him needs your platform of exposure to the benefit of the world community.

DT – Thank you so much Daniel…


Dear Dr Turi: FINALLY I have been able to edit my Oprah Letter down to 2000 (or less) characters. I had to chop….and chop. It has taken hours. However – a good exercise for me in being brief – like revisiting Journalism 101!

Again, I hope I have done you justice.

Best Wishes!

Dear Oprah:
Thank you for years of devotion bringing love, education and support to “the people”. Please consider the Astropsychologist, Dr Luis Turi, as a guest. For 35 years, often overcoming great odds in his personal life, Dr Turi diligently developed his fine science, making accurate predictions on earth, weather, political & government events. Dr Turi’s information offers specific dates, alerting the population PRIOR to danger arising.

While he has been mis-interpreted as focusing on the negative, he is fully aware that our thoughts, beliefs and the energy we hold  can affect the severity of events or alter outcomes. With your talent and skills, Oprah, you can elicit ‘gold nuggets’ from Dr Turi. This man is a credible, deeply caring humanitarian, who bears a great gift. Much like Susan Boyle’s recent triumph, it is HIS time. Currently Dr Turi’s focus is the protection of children, and events requiring Police emergency response/support. He wishes to alert the Police, have them listen – protect us AND defend themselves from harm.  Please use Dr Turi’s wisdom and predictions to prepare the public to focus on and generate the positive in every regard. It really IS up to us, the Whole of Humanity, to bring forth the best. One great Rishi said, “Never be afraid to expect the best. …This is your heritage….It is not too much to demand.” (Maharishi Mahesh Yogi) Please contact Dr Luis Turi to help bring the best possibilities for earth and humankind. Write Sincere gratitude for your time & energy!

God Bless,

DT – Thank you so much Robin…

Dear Dr Turi:
Recently you read my request, as one who suffers from chronic illness and now utter financial demise (it would seem   yet I believe in miracles…). You answered promptly   was I surprised – by offering me a subscription to your valued VIP Newsletter. I accepted this graciously with tears in my eyes. Now I offer you the following support. I hope I have done you justice.
Heartfelt and God Bless,

Dr. Turi,
I recently heard you on coast to coast for the first time. I wrote down the dates you gave and signed up for the newsletter. I’m still in the process of reading over your site, but so far I am amazed at how accurate you’ve been. Like everyone else right now with the economy being what it is, I too face an unknown future. I work for one of the largest companies in the US, but even they claim to be feeling the pinch, so my hours have been cut to 15 hours a week, sometimes less. Jobs are scarce, but I feel blessed to have a job at all right now. I’m trying to stay positive. At the present I can’t afford to become a vip, but in today’s newsletter and I believe the one before you were asking people to write to Oprah. That takes time which I have right now. So I wrote and sent her an email about you. See copy below. I hope it helps. I hope to catch you again on coast to coast, as shortly the radio may be the only thing left, depending on the job situation. Email to Oprah:

Dear Oprah,
I recently heard of Dr. Turi on coast-to-coast am with George Noory. On the show he gave specific timelines that certain events would take place. I wrote down the dates to see how accurate he was. The first date has passed and the news was filled with events that fell in line with what he said would happen. I also have been checking out his web site to see what was there from the past. The man truly seems to know what he’s doing. You always seem to know the right people to get on your show that can help people gain knowledge in areas that reaches people worldwide. With everything that’s going on right now that is effecting so many people (jobs, health, families ) and so many tragic deaths of families and officers lately, I ask you to please go to Dr. Turi’s site, read for yourself, check him out, and have him as a guest on your show. If his predictions can reach and save lives, one, hundreds or possibly thousands from future events to come, then I think it would be worth your time to give him heartfelt consideration. I implore you to talk to him, check him out, test him, whatever you feel like you need to do, to see if he’s as real and accurate as I and many others find him to be.

 Love, Light and Blessings,

Hi Dr. Turi,
Just proof of my message to Oprah, but it is on delay for a couple of days for some weird reason. Maybe she is being flooded with emails!    Incidentally, my ex-husband has 5 brothers, 3 of whom are cops so I sent your information to him to send to them.    Believe it or not I never heard back from him about it so I don’t Even know if they received the information, but I suspect they did.  They are basically nice guys, but perhaps don’t have the wisdom to take it seriously – I don’t know for sure as I haven’t seen them for a long time.  But I did in fact give it to 2 other police departments.  I know from my own experience in dealing with police departments that they tend to take information at face value and not at the deeper levels of meaning, so that could be part of the problem.

Don’t get down about what you are doing.  As you full know God’s timing is His timing, not ours!
Love and Light

Hi Dr. Turi,
I sent an email to Oprah, it is attached.  I want to register for your next class whether it is in Hawaii or Arizona.  Please have someone send the information.  I also want to sign up for your VIP news.  You are very important to me and I believe your information should be disseminated worldwide.  Young readers certainly should view it, the teens in some of the desolate high schools in Chicago could use your advice because it would be a message of hope.  Teens today need direction.

Thanks again for all you do,

Dear Oprah,
I am writing to you today to endorse the appearance of Dr. Louis Turi on your show.  I have known Dr. Turi for twenty years now, and I can tell you first and foremost, that he is a man of great character who has dedicated his life to educating others about cosmic consciousness. His ability to analyze what is happening in the cosmos in relation to groups, individuals, natural forces, and predictable patterns of behavior has made him a leading prognosticator of future happenings. Dr. Turi is not here to entertain, but rather to enlighten us all about the possibilities as well as the pitfalls, which may be coming our way. Ultimately, Dr. Turi envisions a world for our children that are characterized by peace, enlightenment, and free thinking.   Oprah, I would highly encourage you to have Dr. Turi on your show so that others may begin to open themselves up to the truth of the cosmos, and take into account the factors i.e. the stars, the universe, and our own unique Cosmic identity. Dr. Turi is here to help us usher in a new era of enlightenment, cosmic consciousness, and openness that is part of the promise of the New Age of Aquarius. I’m sure you will find Dr. Turi fascinating, charming, sincere, and informative and that he will quickly become embraced as a welcomed new member of the Oprah family. I look forward to seeing Dr. Turi on your show in the near future, as well as continued success to you in all your endeavors.

Seattle, WA

Dr. Turi,
I am considered a gentle soul and do not normally take offense by the ramblings of those who may be irritated, angry and confrontational…however, your recent email upset and disrespected me. I do not believe that a man of your stature, a public figure and possibly a chosen messenger of God, should be calling his readers “selfish swine” just because you are not getting the response that you had hoped for. Badgering your public, insulting them and hurting the very people you say you are trying to save is NOT the correct way of going about it. I believe that you owe all of us an apology. I purchased your “Dragon Days” at a hefty price in the past, in order to protect myself. I appreciated the help at that time. I do not have the funds to pay for it this year. I do not have the money to become a VIP reader either. And after reading your email today, I have decided that I will not be giving money to a man who treats his readership in this manner. You cannot expect positive results when you attack with negativity. An attitude adjustment on your part is definitely needed here. P.S.  Even though you did insult me, I do find value in your Godly gift and sent an email to Oprah.

Shame on you.

DT – Sorry for being honest and using Jesus’ very words Holli…. You are much too sensitive and so am I lol

You are now a VIP.. enjoy

Hi Dr Turi,
Back in Oct. 2006, you were a guest on Laurie Kendrick’s Supernatural Saturday show in Houston, Texas. I was the assistant producer who contacted you and we spoke and I personally was amazed at your predictions. I want to say, that from that time, even till now, people are still talking to me about how accurate your foresight truly is…. It is amazing how you could know these things and yes, it is truly in the stars, but I am glad we have someone to make sense of it and someone who can truly help. Thank you again for being a guest and thank you for helping us all!

Paul  – Houston Texas

Dr. Turi;
Hello Oprah, Dr Turi is very intuitive and his predictions are very accurate.

Dear Oprah: just wanted to let you know that I have been following Dr. Turi and his moon power book for over 10yrs. now and I have done nothing but better my and my family’s lives. Not only financially ( we were broke and following his daily predictions and learning the laws of the universe from his teachings) I know when to do a good business transaction or not. I have tested his teachings and this Man has been right every TIME!!! But the most important thing is that I have been able to safe my children’s lives many times with Dr. Turi’s moon power book . My whole family has much respect for his teachings. His predictions of 911, Katrina , etc.. have all been right on. He also predicted the stock market crashes and I was able to inform some of my clients before and they safe their money in the stock market by either pulling it out or putting it on the side.  These are real things that have happened in our life and if the whole world could know about this teaching it could really help us in these days of so many crisis. What we have learned is that if we know something is coming our way we don’t have to be afraid but can prepare for it and handle it much better.  Please take time to have Dr. Turi on it would be a GREAT gift to the world.  Thank you so much for your time and all the great things you have done for this world.

Hello Dr.Turi,
I went to her website and used their from to ask them to have you on their show. I said you could explain best how you find the dates that Police Officers should watch out for. I said this knowledge should help the Officers but also their families and hope no officer would be killed again. This information is so important it should be taught at the academies.  I am a VIP renewal Subscriber, your technique and your predictions is why I came back, the knowledge you have never cease to amaze me.
Thank You
April 18, 2009

Dear Oprah or, To Those On Behalf of Oprah:
It is with profound respect that I offer my sincere and deep thanks to you, Oprah, for many years of elegant devotion in bringing love, education and support to “the people”. ***Please allow me to encourage you to give serious consideration in featuring the amazingly precise, credible Astropsychologist, Dr Luis Turi, during your upcoming season. *** For 35 years, overcoming great odds in his personal life, Dr Turi has diligently worked to develop his craft to a fine science enabling him to make incredibly accurate predictions regarding earth events, weather events, political and government events, and more. Dr Turi presents predictive information, often cryptic in nature, offering specific dates or windows of time, in effort to alert the population PRIOR to danger arising. *** My personal belief is that he is often interpreted as being “too negative” – yet he is fully aware that through our thought processes, our beliefs and the energy we hold, we as humans are fully capable of affecting the potential severity of events, and/or altering event outcomes entirely, through the power of our awareness.*** My only hesitation in recommending Dr Turi as a featured guest on Oprah, is that his flamboyant creativity and compassionate intensity coupled with the perceived focus on “negativity” may be misinterpreted. Yet I am certain that with your natural talents and skills, Oprah, you can elicit ‘gold nuggets’ from Dr Turi. This man is a credible, deeply caring humanitarian, who bears a great gift. And much like Susan Boyle’s recent triumph, it is HIS time. *** Of late, Dr Turi’s profound focus is on the greatly necessary protection of children, and events requiring emergency response and the support of the Police. His great wish is to alert the Police and get them listening – to protect us as well as defend themselves from harm. Of particular concern is Dr Turi’s foresight that our endeared President Obama’s life will be in grave danger in 2011. I’m asking that we – as a whole people – get word out to pray for the safety and protection of President Obama and his family. Please take Dr Turi’s wisdom, knowledge and predictions and prepare your public, Oprah, to unceasingly focus upon and generate, the positive in every regard. It really IS up to us, the Whole of Humanity, to bring forth the best. ***

As one great Rishi said, “Never be afraid to expect the best. …this is your heritage….It is not too much to demand.” (Maharishi Mahesh Yogi) *** Please listen for Dr Turi on George Noory’s ‘Coast to Coast AM’ radio show. Please do the research and contact Dr Louis Turi to help the world engender the most positive outcomes for human kind and our earth. You may initiate contact with Dr Turi at *** My sincere gratitude and thanks for your time and energy! May you live long and well, Oprah. God Bless,

Dear Oprah,
It is a great pleasure as well as a great privilege  to write you regarding the mission of one Doctor that is very important to my  friends and I as well as countless others.  I implore of you Oprah to ask  yourself, if you could help save the lives of police officers and children and  help end all of this unnecessary violence, would you? If you could help people  learn the way to live their lives more safely, productively, and happily, would  you? I would. Oprah, you can help do all of the above by inviting the Doctor  on your show and help share his knowledge with the world, his mission, his  reason for being. His name is Dr. Turi. His life is devoted to helping others  and spreading the word on his accurate and well-published predictions. He has  spent countless, endless hours, spreading his knowledge to everyone he can. This knowledge has saved lives. I know you, Oprah, will agree that the Stars were  created by God and our guide to our future. His techniques and ability to predict future events is unquestionable as he has mastered reading this “road map” and  has an innate ability to translate it to those of us who do not have this same  ability. He has honed skills to a degree that allowed him to predict the  terrorist attack on the WTC. He works feverishly to provide the police with  information to protect them He provides parents invaluable information on how to  protect their children as well as themselves. This has been his mission for 35  years and although he has been on numerous radio shows and cable TV, he needs  someone with your great following to allow him to speak freely on his  predictions and how these can better serve the world. If only others would learn  of his predictions, his knowledge and education, they too can avoid danger and  learn how to live their lives safely and flourish. I appreciate your time and anticipated cooperation in his mission. Learn more about Dr Turi at: _http://www.drturi.com_ You may also reach by  email:

Dear Oprah,
I’d really like you to have Dr. Turi on your show.  He is amazing with his forecasts and I am constantly amazed at how accurate his astrology is. I have bought his books and enjoy them very much, plus get a lot of knowledge from them.  He is like no other astrologer in the world and uses a procedure that is more accurate than any other I have known. Please, have him on your show.  I promise he will amaze you too! His web site is here………
Thank You,

Dear Dr. Turi,
I write to express my upmost respect and hope that you will continue to do what you can for humanity, without charge and without ill feelings. Now, more than ever, people need something to cling to…and someone that they can have to lead them.  There are many, many people out there offering readings of the future, for a price.  I think you are better than that.  I think you have a mission and it doesn’t involve money, but the saving of mankind. Yes, there are selfish people out there.  But there are also others who are barely holding on, with such high bills, they can hardly make ends meet.  I beg you to not allow these planet changes to affect your impressions and your good judgment, as the world needs you more than ever at this time. I am sorry to not have written you to tell you how I appreciate your being there and being so kind to send your letters of knowledge and wisdom to me.   I have made the mistake of taking you are granted, and I apologize for that.  I had intended to write and tell you how much I like your new look, as it makes you look much more handsome.  Your new hairdo is wonderful and you were wise to change it from your previous style.

Dear Oprah,
I understand you will be featuring Dr Turi on your show.  How lucky you  to meet him in person:  I have heard him on the radio several Times on coast to coast a.m. with George Noory.  Dr. Turi is a rare individual you will feel and sense the depth of his understanding of things in our world.  He is one of the few people today I would  really like to meet sometime.  Although you might say I know well of  him from his work on the radio.  I believe you will find him delightful and sincere as a person.  He will be a great guest. Best wishes to you and Dr. Turi!
Thanks and much obliged

Dear Oprah,
Your show comes on when I’m driving to work so it’s been a long time since I’ve watched you. I started the lesson that you supported by Tolken, but had to stop when it appeared to me his teaching was against God. If one cannot believe in a higher power then life is not worth living or dieing for. I totally understand your interpretation from the Pastor in your church. He was a human giving his own interpretation of an angry, judgmental, and unloving God. Organized religion can be using Gods messages to control people for their own greed. They are not all that way, but in the last couple of decades they have been selling the name it and claim it, (if you give enough money to them) We need our own relationship with God, that is loving, and inspiring. I can write a book on the miracles I have experienced from God.

This leads me to Dr. Turi who I have listened to, and read his predictions over the last 3-4 years. Though he’s is a little tuff on the mainstream Religions, probably due to some hurt he encountered, he appears to be a very spiritual person who God has blessed to bring messages to us. While being a little eccentric he has a deep passion to bring us the news of what will happen and is happening so that we can be prepared for the extreme changes in our world that will be taking place in the next three years. We have to get back in relationship with our creator to be able to handle what is coming at us. It’s not like the end of the world but it will be nothing like the world today. The earth is moving into a new cycle and our lives will be forever changed. I intend to watch a listen to what Dr. Turi has to say. I keep my mind open and listen to others also that appear valid, but Dr. Turi seems to hit it right on. Regards to you and all the caring things that you do for the people.
God Bless,

Dear Oprah,
Hello I wrote to you yesterday, about Dr. Turi.  I hope you hear our requests, this is only my second one.   Enclosed are two videos which  I would have never seen, but thanks to my friend Dr. Turi I have  learned something.  Let’s take Ray Charles, Helen Keller, and our young friend, Ben Underwood in the video.  I think if you look at  these people you will find a great deal of love in there lives, which  was shared by their primary teachers and parents.  When Dr. Turi gets  to meet you he could explain different types of love.  Perhaps just  simply, a true love which we do not contemplate enough about today. I sent the video of our young friend Ben Underwood, here and his  Mom to my brother and he says very interesting especially the Mom.   How did I miss that it was that I was so compelled with Ben I missed something very important the love of our parent(s).  Unless we are  born with the fortitude of the Saints, or special graces of and from  God we all pretty much learn about love firstly from our parents’ and  first teachers’.

Susan Boyle’s story’s although not a full analogy of  Ben Underwood’s,  demonstrates a truly loving person, bright successful, humble and  grateful of her parent’s.  My brother’s observation is interesting.   Even if you don’t read my letter please view these beauties of living and enjoying a true love in life.

Best wishes to you Oprah.  looking forward to seeing  Dr. Turi and you  enjoying discussing the better parts of life.

Thank You and much obliged

Dear Oprah,
I understand you will be featuring Dr Turi on your show.  How lucky you to meet him in person:  I have heard him on the radio several Times on coast-to-coast a.m. with George Noory.  Dr. Turi is a rare individual you will feel and sense the depth of his understanding of things in our world.  He is one of the few people today I would really like to meet sometime.  Although you might say I know well of him from his work on the radio.  I believe you will find him delightful and sincere as a person.  He will be a great guest. Best wishes to you and Dr. Turi
Thanks and much obliged

Dear Oprah,
Your show comes on when I’m driving to work so it’s been a long time since I’ve watched you. I started the lesson that you supported by Tolken, but had to stop when it appeared to me his teaching was against God. If one cannot believe in a higher power then life is not worth living or dying for. I totally understand your interpretation from the Pastor in your church. He was a human giving his own interpretation of an angry, judgmental, and unloving God. Organized religion can be using Gods messages to control people for their own greed. They are not all that way, but in the last couple of decades they have been selling the name it and claim it, (if you give enough money to them) We need our own relationship with God, that is loving, and inspiring. I can write a book on the miracles I have experienced from God.

This leads me to Dr. Turi who I have listened to, and read his predictions over the last 3-4 years. Though he’s is a little tuff on the mainstream Religions, probably due to some hurt he encountered, he appears to be a very spiritual person who God has blessed to bring messages to us. While being a little eccentric he has a deep passion to bring us the news of what will happen and is happening so that we can be prepared for the extreme changes in our world that will be taking place in the next three years. We have to get back in relationship with our creator to be able to handle what is coming at us. It’s not like the end of the world but it will be nothing like the world today. The earth is moving into a new cycle and our lives will be forever changed. I intend to watch a listen to what Dr. Turi has to say. I keep my mind open and listen to others also that appear valid, but Dr. Turi seems to hit it right on. Regards to you and all the caring things that you do for the people.
God Bless,

Dear Oprah …. I’m sure you receive thousands of email each day “telling” you who you should have as guests on your show, or who needs financial help, or who needs you to do something that would benefit the sender of the email/letter.  But, this is a request that you truly do consider one phenomenal man who appears to have one main purpose on this earth … to help OTHERS before himself. I am talking about Dr. Louis Turi (  I could write a full novel on the writings of this man. He travels more miles per year than imaginable just trying to educate the public.  He is not a “psychic”, he doesn’t read Tarot cards, he doesn’t look into a crystal ball … but he does make accurate predictions on items that affect all of us. Dr Turi’s information offers specific dates, alerting the public to upcoming dangers sometimes as much as 2 years prior to the unfortunate situation. Just read through his website and see for yourself.

Important Public Announcement


 The gravitational forces that move all galaxies is a scientific fact;   But the greatness of the spiritual cosmic manifesto is yet a mystery to science and humanity at large. God’s enslaved all his children to uncover his cosmic  Divinity and with it,  a life filled with health, love, safety, warnings,  respect, peace and harmony for all.

— Dr. Turi

DO NOT MISS November 2014 Daily Guidance and Predictions
November 2014 Elaborated Horoscope For All Signs
November 2014 SOS To The World Windows
November 2014 Moon Transits
2014 Arian Draconis World Predictions
2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Religious Draconis Universal Predictions


“Ebola” and Nostradamus Neptunius Religious Draconis Universal Predictions for  2015 (Limited Public Version)

2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Religious Draconis Universal Predictions (VIP’s only)



Nostradamus Prophecies and Dr. Turi


Neptunius Dios Spiritu Fatua Benign o Nu-mine
*Fear Water, Drowning Fire, Black Tainted Blood
Dreams Reality Rivalry Poison Mad Spirit’s
All False Gods Lost Children Join To Kill

You can not afford not to be warned about the 2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Religious Draconis Universal Predictions. All I want is to offer my readers a legitimate cosmic work that has proven its veracity on the Internet, on the George Noory Coast to Coast am national radio and television since 1991!


The prices are as follows! THRU THE WHOLE MONTH OF NOVEMBER…

1 – $700 (no limit on Skype)

2 – $350 ( 90 mn on Skype or on the phone)

3 – $250 ( 60 mn on Skype or on the phone)

4 – $150 (45 mn on Skype or on the phone)

5 – $100 ( ONLY the Astro-Tarot is performed, not astrological information  30 mn)

How to order:


How to order:

Please call Terania at 602-265-7667, to set up  a time for your “test drive.”

You may call Terania at 602-265-7667, to set up  a time for your “test drive.” You may also email with any questions you may have.

You may also order directly  from my website if you chose option #1 or the best of the best I can offer you with this sealed Plutonic energy! Lastly, this deal is for my VIP’s ONLY, thus you must join my cosmic code website first and become a VIP to qualify!


You can still use the current half price discount to join my Cyber Cosmic Code University, you have until November 7th.

Blessings to all our VIP’s!

Dr. Turi

Teach me all about my cosmic relationship with God marvelous Univer…

The Magical Power of Talismans! 

Dr. Turi on Aquarian Radio December 21st from 8pm to 10pm DT will join host Janet Kira Lessin on Aquarian radio to discuss the latest developments in relation to the Arian Draconian energy, religions, Ebola, ISIS,  and what is to come in 2015.



“Show me a curious person or an avid reader and I will point out a winner!” Dr. Turi

 Now only $5 – Click image above to purchase the 2014 Moon Power Starguide – Now Available for Download!!  

This book will become a collective item for the children of the future…

$15:00  – Click image above to purchase the 2015 Dragon Forecast –  Now Available for Download!!

Show your support join my Cyber Cosmic University

Join the cosmic code 

Christian false views on Astrology, the Mother of all sciences and the reality of UFO and ET’s


“Religion is excellent stuff for keeping common people quiet. Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich.”  ― Napoleon

Dear Readers;

Another educational sample of my cosmic code articles…

The article below is the work of the religious matrix made up of non cosmic conscious God fearing souls. Those  pious souls can only offer the nonsensical imperceptive-ness of God’s cosmic divinity they are all enslaved to uncover!

In the name of theological accepted monopolizing disciplines, the damage imposed upon the Mother of all sciences has greatly blurred the consecrated wisdom imparted by all the erudite men of antiquity.

Our lifetime mission has been part of bringing back the integrity and deserved justice to the celestial godliness and its celestial transcendental disciplines. But there is no national stage where the atheists and religious mobs don’t already own and they will keep battling each others to death for supremacy. i.e. ISIS.

The cosmos has a soul and the scientific and religious matrix-es will keep denying our work and my undeniable predictions even though we continue proving to them what a Cosmic God is all about.

I can only hope for someone as dedicated as me to work on a project…

Enjoy the damage done to God’ cosmic sublimity by the brainless sub-humans immature souls dedicated to eradicate the Godly truth I own to reach you and your children… Remember these are the same evil people that removed my work and I from Wikipedia…

If you are a supporter of my work, please like my page!

Medieval Jesus Zodiac

But why would Jesus say to his disciples “go to the town and find the man with the WATER PITCHER, the sign of Aquarius to follow the sign of Pisces”… Is it interesting to know that if this birth chart and date is correct for if Jesus was born February 28th and then I was born February 26, 1950 in the constellation of Aquarius (The water bearer) with my Sun in the sign of Pisces. The above biblical quote was emailed to me years ago by a devout Christian who raised his own cosmic consciousness through my work!

It is ridiculous for anyone to deny the essence of all religions, created by man’s folly last two thousands years irrefutably encompass the old science of Astrology! “Christianity Judaism Islam Astrology & The Dead Sea Scrolls.”

To deny God speaking his will through the 12 signs of Zodiac (12 apostles spirits) or deny the cosmos has a soul! does not help humanity!

I am a warrior of the spirit and my cosmic “ministry” is part of my dedication to bring back Jesus altered initial cosmic ministry and  the reality of “Our Father in the Heavens” imparting the rare wisdom depicting God’s cosmic divinity but not all believe this way nor care…

All Is That And That Is All

When men realize the church is the universe and the twelve Apostles are the twelve signs of the zodiac, God’s commandments written in Starlight will bring true love, respect peace and harmony to this world. Dr. Turi

Moses is always represented with “horns” which are depicting the crescent of the Moon.  Moses was the Leader of the Lunar cult battling “The Stellars” another religious group worshiping the Sun. Note modern religious matrix will not depict Moses with horns nor offer you real information about his connection with ET’s.

UFO”s Are Very Real  –  And So Is The Legacy! – What Did They Do To Me?

Yes religious wars, the aim for power and control over the moronic, uneducated mass started right from the get go. Much of what has been built about religious folklore’s is the representative end result of men imaginary Neptunius religious folly. It took two thousands years to build this universal deception and religious teachings do not offer real healing/cosmic/guidance, trustworthy forecasting values to humanity but creates endless wars, general confusion, animosity and separatism!

An astrological wheel located in the main stained glass window of a Presbyterian Christian church found in Canada. The church was finished in 1889. The wheel is not complete, it only contains 8 of the 12 signs.

Christianity has generally been in opposition to astrology, but its popularity led to it being woven the Christian beliefs at some periods and in some populations.

From the start the Christian Church strongly opposed astrology. The Fathers energetically demanded the expulsion of the Chaldeans who did so much harm to the State and the citizens by employing a fantastic mysticism to play upon the ineradicable impulses of the common people, keeping their heathen conceptions alive and fostering a soul-perplexing cult which, with its fatalistic tendencies created difficulties in the discernment of right and wrong and weakened the moral foundations of all human conduct.

There was no room in the early Christian Church for followers of this pseudo-science. The noted mathematician Aguila Ponticus was expelled from the Christian communion about the year 120, on account of his astrological heresies. The early Christians of Rome, therefore, regarded the astrological as their bitterest and, unfortunately, their too powerful enemies; and the astrologers probably did their part in stirring up the cruel persecutions of the Christians. As Christianity spread, the astrologers lost their influence and reputation, and gradually sank to the position of mere quacks.

The conversion of Constantine the Great put an end to the importance of this so-called science, which for five hundred years had ruled the public life of Rome. In 321 Constantine issued an edict threatening all Chaldeans, Magi, and their followers with death. Astrology now disappeared for centuries from the Christian parts of Western Europe.

Only the Arabic schools of learning, especially those in Spain after the Moors had conquered the Iberian peninsula, accepted this dubious inheritance from the wisdom of classic times, and among Arabs it became incentive to pure Astronomical research. Arabian and Jewish scholars were the representatives of astrology in the Middle Ages, while both Church and State in Christian countries rejected and persecuted this false doctrine and its heathen tendencies. Unfortunately, at the same time the development of astronomy was checked, excepting so far as it was needed to establish certain necessary astronomic principles and to calculate the date of Easter.

Yet early Christian legend distinguished between astronomy and astrology by ascribing the introduction of the former to the good angels and to Abraham, while the latter was ascribed to Cham. In particular, St. Augustine (“De civitate Dei”, VIII, xix, and in other places) fought against astrology and sought to prevent its amalgamation with pure natural science. Once more the East prepared a second period of prosperity for astrology. The Jews, very soon after they were driven into Western Europe, busied themselves with astrological questions, being stimulated thereto by Talmud.

Jewish scholars had, moreover, a knowledge of the most important works of classic times on astrology and they became the teachers of the Arabs. These latter, after the rapid spread of Mohammedanism in Western Asia and North Africa, and their defeat in Western Europe by Charles Martel, began to develop a civilization of their own. The mystical books which appeared in Jewish literature after the time of the Talmud, that is, the books called the “Sefer Zohar” and the “Sefer Yezirah” (Book of Creation), are full of rules of divination dealing especially with astrological meanings and calculations.

The high reputation of the Talmud and Cabbala among the Jews in the Middle Ages explains their fondness for astrological speculations; but at a very early date, it should be noted, they distinguished between astronomy, “the science of reading the stars”, and astrology, “the science of divination”.

Up to the time of the Crusades, Christian countries in general were spared any trouble from a degenerate astrology. Only natural astrology, the correctness of which the peasant thought he had recognized by experience secured a firm footing in spite of the prohibition of Church and State. But the gradually increasing influence of Arabic learning upon the civilization of the West, which reached its highest point at the time of the Crusades was unavoidably followed by the spread of the false theories of astrology.

This was a natural result of the amalgamation of the teachings of pure astronomy with astrology at the Mohammedan seats of learning. The spread of astrology was also furthered by the Jewish scholars living in Christian lands, for they considered astrology as a necessary part of their cabalistic and Talmudic studies. The celebrated didactic poem “Imago Mundi”, written by Gauthier of Metz in 1245, has a whole chapter on astrology. Pierre d’Ailly, the noted French theologian and astronomer, wrote several treatises on the subject. The public importance of astrology grew as the internal disorders of the Church increased and the papal and imperial power declined.

Towards the close of the Middle Ages nearly every petty prince, as well as every ruler of importance, had his court astrologer upon whose ambiguous utterances the weal and the woe of the whole country often depended. Such a person was Angelo Catto, the astrologer of Louis XI of France.

The revival of classical learning brought with it a second period of prosperity for astrology. Among the civilized peoples of the Renaissance period, so profoundly stirred by the all-prevailing religious, social and political ferment, the astrological teaching which had come to light with other treasures of ancient Hellenic learning found many ardent disciples. The romantic trend of the age and its highly cultivated sensuality were conditions which contributed to place this art in a position far higher than any it had attained in its former period of prosperity.

The forerunners of Humanism busied themselves with astrology, and but few of them perceived the dangerous psychical effect of its teachings upon the masses. Towards the end of the thirteenth century the Florentines employed Guido Bonatti as their official astrologer, and, although Florence then stood alone in this respect, it was scarcely a hundred years later when astrology had entered in earnest upon its triumphant course, and a Cecco d’Ascoli was already its devoted adherent.

In Petrarch’s day the questionable activity of the astrologers at the Italian courts had made such progress that this clear-sighted Humanist (De remed. utr. fortm. I, iii, sqq; Epist. rer. famil., III; 8, etc.) again and again attacked astrology and its representatives with the keenest weapons of his wit, though without success, and even without any following except the weak objections of Villani and the still more ineffectual polemics of Salutato in his didactic poem “De fato et fortunâ”. Emperors and popes became votaries of astrology—the Emperors Charles IV and V, and Popes Sixtus IV, Julius II, Leo X, and Paul III. When these rulers lived astrology was, so to say, the regulator of official life; it is a fact characteristic of the age, that at the papal and imperial courts ambassadors were not received in audience until the court astrologer had been consulted.

Regiomontanus, the distinguished Bavarian mathematician, practised astrology, which from that time on assumed the character of the bread-winning profession, and as such was not beneath the dignity of so lofty an intellect as Kepler. Thus had astrology once more become the foster-mother of all astronomers. In the judgment of the men of the Renaissance—and this was the age of a Nicholas Copernicus—the most profound astronomical researches and theories were only profitable in so far as they aided in the development of astrology. Among the zealous patrons of the art were the Medici. Catharine de’ Medici made astrology popular in France.

She erected an astrological observatory for herself near Paris, and her court astrologer was the celebrated “magician” Michel de Notredame (Nostradamus) who in 1555 published his principal work on astrology—a work still regarded as authoritative among the followers of his art. Another well-known man was Lucas Gauricus, the court astrologer of’ Popes Leo X and Clement VII, who published a large number of astrological treatises.

ln Germany Johann Stöffler, professor of mathematics at Tübingen, Matthias Landenberg, and, above all, Philip Melanchthon were zealous and distinguished defenders of astrology. In Pico della Mirandola (Adversus Astrologos libri XII) and Paolo Toscanelli astrology encountered its first successful antagonists; later in the Renaissance Johann Fischart and the Franciscan Nas were among its opponents (Cf. Philognesius, Practicarum, Ingolstadt, 1571).

Gabotto’s charming essay, “L’astrologia nel quattrocento” in “Rivisto di filosofia scientica”, VIII, 378, sq., gives much information concerning astrology in the fifteenth century. A. Graf’s “La fatalita nelle credenze del medio evo” (in “Nuovo Antologia”, 3rd series, XXVIII, 201,sqq.) is also of value for astrology at the turning point of the Middle Ages. Some of the late Roman astrologers, among whom was probably Firmicus Maternus, thought to reform astrology by idealizing it and raising its moral tone.

The same purpose animated Paolo Toscanelli, called Maistro Pagollo, a physician greatly respected for the piety of his life, who belonged to the learned and artistic circle which gathered around Brother Ambrosius Camaldulensis in the Monastery of the Angels. There were special professors of astrology, besides those for astronomy, at the Universities of Pavia, Bologna, and even at the Sapienza during the pontificate of Leo X, while at times these astrologers outranked the astronomers.

The three intellectual centers of astrology in the most brilliant period of the Renaissance were Bologna, Milan, and Mantua. The work of J.A. Campanus, published at Rome in 1495, and often commented on, namely, “Oratio initio studii Perugiae habita” throws a clear light on the lack of comprehension shown by the Church Fathers in their attitude towards pagan fatalism. Among other things it is here said: “Quanquam Augustinus, sanctissimus ille vir quidem ac doctissimus, sed fortassis ad fidem religionemgue propensior, negat quicquam vel mali astrorum necessitate contingere”.

In the Renaissance, religion, also, was subordinated to the dictation of astrology. The hypothesis of an astrological epoch of the world for each religion was widely believed by Italian astrologers of the time, who obtained the theory from Arabo-Judaic sources. Thus it was said that the conjunction of Jupiter with Saturn permitted the rise of the Hebrew faith; that of Jupiter with Mars, the appearance of the Chaldaic religion; of Jupiter with the sun, the Egyptian religion; of Jupiter with Venus, Mohammedanism; and of Jupiter with Mercury, Christianity.

At some future day the religion of Antichrist was to appear upon the conjunction of Jupiter with the moon. Extraordinary examples of the glorification of astrology in Italy during the Renaissance are the frescoes painted by Miretto in the Sala della Ragione at Pavia, and the frescoes in Borso’s summer palace at Florence. Petrarch, as well, notwithstanding his public antagonism to astrology, was not, until his prime, entirely free from its taint. In this connection his relations with the famous astrologer, Mayno de Mayneri, are significant (Cf. Rajna, Giorn. stor., X, 101, sq.).

Even the victorious progress of the Copernican system could not at once destroy confidence in astrology. The greatest astronomers were still obliged to devote their time to making astrological predictions at princely courts for the sake of gain; Tycho Brahe made such calculations for the Emperor Rudolph II, and Kepler himself, the most distinguished astronomer of the age, was the imperial court astrologer. Kepler was also obliged to cast horoscopes for Wallenstein, who later came completely under the influence of the alchemist and astrologer Giambattista Zenno of Genoa, the Seni of Schiller’s “Wallenstein”.

The influence of the Copernican theory, the war of enlightened minds against pseudo-prophetic wisdom and the increasing perception of the moral and psychical damage wrought by astrological humbug at last brought about a decline in the fortunes of astrology, and that precisely in Wallenstein’s time. At the same period astrological tracts were stil being written by the most celebrated of English astrologers, William Lilly of Diseworth, Leicestershire, who received a pension of 100 pounds from Cromwell’s council of state, and who, in spite of some awkward incidents, had no little political influence with Charles II.

Among his works was a frequently republished “Christian Astrology”. Shakespeare (in King Lear) and Milton were acquainted with and advocated astrological theories, and Robert Fludd was a representative of the art at the royal court. Francis Bacon, it is true, sought to win adherents for a purified and reformed astrology in order to destroy the existing form of the art. It was Jonathan Swift who in his clever satire, “Prediction for the Year 1708 by Isaac Bickerstaff, Esq”, which deserves to be read even at the present day, gave the deathblow to the belief of English society in astrology.

The last astrologer of importance on the Continent was Jean-Baptiste Marin, who issued “Astrologia Gallica” (1661). The greatly misunderstood Swiss naturalist Theophrastus Paracelsus was an opponent of astrology, and not its advocate, as was formerly inferred from writings erroneously attributed to him. The rapid growth of experimental investigation in the natural sciences in those countries which had been almost ruined, socially and politically; by the Thirty Years’ War completely banished the astrological parasites from society.

Once more astrology fell to the level of a vulgar superstition, cutting a sorry figure among the classes that still had faith in the occult arts. The peasant held fast to his belief in natural astrologist and to this belief the progress of the art of printing and the spread of popular education contributed largely. For not only were there disseminated among the rural poor “farmer’s almanacs”, which contained information substantiated by the peasant’s own experience, but the printing-presses also supplied the peasant with a great mass of cheap and easily understood books containing much fantastic astrological nonsense.


Isn’t it time for humanity to accept the fact that God does not speak to the fools?

Ark of the Covenant Secret Power Divulged!

Shocking, unbelievable, astonishing, incredible and REAL!

The “Ark of the Covenant” has never been found and never will be because it never existed in the form portrayed by the deceptive, controlling religious matrix-es!  The facts are much too controversial and far from what the pious God fearing human beings can perceive or accept as reality!

The full undiluted truth and all explanations will be offered in Dr. Turi Cyber Cosmic Code University! Join now!


Nostradamus Prophecies and Dr. Turi


Neptunius Dios Spiritu Fatua Benign o Nu-mine
*Fear Water, Drowning Fire, Black Tainted Blood
Dreams Reality Rivalry Poison Mad Spirit’s
All False Gods Lost Children Join To Kill

All I can suggest my readers to do is to check my claims, read “2013/2014 Scorpius Draconis Predictions”, then go to and check the 23 set of predictions published in 2012 at the bottom of the page. Lastly go to Germany “Heil Hitler” 2014 Arian Draconis World Predictions” Posted to the world June 12, 2013 to check my claims.

Then if you judge I am truly gifted in predictive astrology, you can not afford not to be warned about the 2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Religious Draconis Universal Predictions. All I want is to offer my readers a legitimate cosmic work that has proven its veracity on the Internet, on the George Noory Coast to Coast am national radio and television since 1991!


The prices are as follows! THRU THE WHOLE MONTH OF NOVEMBER…

1 – $700 (no limit on Skype)

2 – $350 (no limit on Skype or on the phone)

3 – $250 ( 60 mn on Skype or on the phone)

4 – $150 (45 mn on Skype or on the phone)

5 – $100 ( ONLY the Astro-Tarot is performed, not astrological information  30 mn)

How to order:

You may call Terania with your message and telephone number at 602-265-7667, she will call you back to set up  a time for your “test drive.” You may email Terania at telling her what  price you are willing to pay and questions you may have and she will answer you and call you back to set us up.

You may also order directly  from my website if you chose option #1 or the best of the best I can offer you with this sealed Plutonic energy! Lastly, this deal is for my VIP’s ONLY, thus you must join my cosmic code website first and become a VIP to qualify!


You can still use the current half price discount to join my Cyber Cosmic Code University, you have until November 7th.

Blessings to all our VIP’s!

Dr. Turi

Teach me all about my cosmic relationship with God marvelous Univer…

The Magical Power of Talismans! 

Dr. Turi on Aquarian Radio December 21st from 8pm to 10pm DT will join host Janet Kira Lessin on Aquarian radio to discuss the latest developments in relation to the Arian Draconian energy, religions, Ebola, ISIS,  and what is to come in 2015.



“Show me a curious person or an avid reader and I will point out a winner!” Dr. Turi

 Now only $5 – Click image above to purchase the 2014 Moon Power Starguide – Now Available for Download!!  

This book will become a collective item for the children of the future…

$15:00  – Click image above to purchase the 2015 Dragon Forecast –  Now Available for Download!!

Show your support join my Cyber Cosmic University

The Stars and Fate of John McCain, Raul Hector Castro and the USA – Astroforensic of the Future at Work Today!


“Religion is excellent stuff for keeping common people quiet. Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich.”  ― Napoleon

Dear readers;

I was introduced to Raúl Héctor Castro Former Governor of Arizona and his wife by his daughter Beth, back in 1985 in San Diego California. Beth and I were very close friends and we spent many years in La Jolla California where she introduced me to its high class very wealthy and powerful residents.

When she first took me to the ex-Governor’s house to introduce me to her parents I was blown away by his residence’ size and beauty. And while Raul and his wife are very religious, they were also very much intrigued by who I was and curious about my astrological practice.

Prior to meeting them, I made the front pages of the La Jolla Light newspaper a few times and was granted money by the city of Carlsbad to produce “Carlsbad Stars” in an Astrology video.  I was also invited to do the same for Oceanside city in California and at the time those shows made me quite famous in San Diego.

 I was then asked to do a radio show with ex – San Diego Mayor Roger Hedgecock on Channel 10 TV.  He gave me only 10 mn warning me he did not do this type of programming, but I ended up doing the full hour and I made this man very aware of the power of the stars.

I became a regular on his show, but a religious fanatic named (Dr. Laura) complained that I was an unqualified pagan and “got me fired.” Her smart allelic producer used my idea to produce a show to guide people on the air and Dr. Laura took over the airwaves with her formal “religious” psychology show!

The Stars And Fate Of Lost Dr.Laura Schlessinger

Thus with all this local publicity,  the Castro family knew about me and I was quite  impressed to be in their company…  At the time, I was frequently invited for dinner and drinks and Raul’s Mexican legacy combined with his Gemini Sun sign made him much more curious than anyone in such a high governmental position and both did not mind talking stars and still enjoyed my readings.

Once I left California for Arizona, my relationship with Beth and her parents fade away but they all live very close in my heart! They are now much too old for me to reconnect but now and then I do receive an email from my old friend Beth Daley.

She was once married to Mr. Daley and had two children in this marriage. I was very close to her children offering them regular consultations when they were teens back then. She also introduced me to a very young actress of a TV show “Living or Growing Pain?” and she took some pictures as I was doing readings for her in her house.

Today, her son runs one of the utmost respectable and well know construction corporation in America.

My good old friend Raul and his wonderful wife!

Raúl Héctor Castro Former Governor of Arizona (1975–1977) – Raúl Héctor Castro is a Mexican-born American politician. He has served in both elected and non-elected public offices, including United States Ambassador and the 14th Governor of Arizona. Wikipedia Born: June 12, 1916 (age 98), Cananea, Mexico:

john mccain

The stars shine on McCain election but will his UCI bless or curse America?

May be Mr. McCain should follow the wise footstep of Raúl Héctor Castro Former Governor of Arizona to learn about the cosmic code and contact me? 

Like I did with “The Stars and Fate of Justin Bieber“- The stars and fate of Jaylen Fryberg Astroforensics of the future at work today” – “Darren Deon Vann serial killer born – Astroforensics of the future at work today!” – “Pennsylvania trooper killing: Who is Eric Frein? Astroforensics of the future at work today” –  “Why Jesse Leroy Matthew killed Hannah Graham Astroforensics of the future at work!” – “Blade Runner” Pistorius Scorpius Draconis Fate – Indeed a great actor!” and countless of other famous cases, you will enjoy 2025 more educational articles in the Cosmic Code website!

During this important election time, many people will be thrown in positions of power that will directly affect your life and those of your children. But is the new politician’s UCI compatible to the task of rebuilding America and will their karmic stars and fate help or hurt America and the world at large in the long run?

A physician without a knowledge of Astrology has no right to call himself a physician – Hippocrates (ca. 400 BC).

Today’s pious doctors and politicians alike are traditionally educated and lack total cosmic consciousness. Humanity did not learn much when the German people elected a dictator and gave power to someone like Hitler. Hitler’s Nazi Party became the largest elected party in the German Reichstag, leading to his appointment as chancellor in 1933.  

In a world where political leaders assign themselves to religious archaic convictions and trust its infantile scientific community only extreme stupidity can plague the rest of humanity.

 Dr. Turi

Much of humanity is totally unaware of the cosmic code jurisdictions and God cosmic divinity. They know nothing of its celestial ruler ship upon all his children and the people in power molding the fate of many nations.

Electing a President without the knowledge of his cosmic identity and his “programmed” fate is playing Russian roulette with the nation and all the people those politicians affect and rule.

Much of the crucial cosmic wisdom imparted by all erudite men of antiquity is today, ridicule and sought as a wasteful pseudo-science only.  And you wonder of the terrible mental and physical state of the inhabitants of this crazy world?

Back in January 2009, I first presented and explained to the public the stars and fate of President Obama and its Presidential legacy upon the world. And who’s to deny my impeccable visions of what would become to the USA today? But how many people read my warnings and acknowledge my visions? Only a few of my VIP’s seem to pay attention to my work when I should own a national stage! But God decides, not me!

New Article Reveals ‘Eye-Opening’ Dangers of Internet Porn

Scepter from “Pornography Pandemic prediction came to pass!

“It took nearly two years but my prediction about an upsurge in sex is definitely taking place. You’ll be the judge of my claim! Memo from 2012/2013 Scorpius Draconis Predictions go to scroll all the way down to read. Note the 2015 Universal Predictions are not public anymore but for our VIP’s. 

Prediction #11. A sexual disease will kill many and be conquered and replaced by a new one. (Ebola?)   Sex will become more preeminent on television where more dysfunctional programs will offer fame to criminals.  The entire porn industry will also be forced to restructure where murder, shame and abuse of children will become public. More and more concerned groups will expose the danger of promiscuous sex and the abuse of drugs. A new thirst for mystery, death, drama, the occult will plague humanity while many famous people will fall into sexual lure, disgrace and suicide.”

Reply by Paul H  “DR. TURI HAS PREDICTED THIS 4 YEARS AGO! – God Bless Us All & We Need It Now!”

Using the science of Astroforensics, I explained in great details how the mind (or the UCI) of President Obama works and why he think and does what he does! I also warned of his assassination and the very high possibility of his fated stars to attract the danger of nukes to this country. My concerns, conviction and dedication are real and brought the FBI in my house!

You can only read those articles when you become a VIP!

Obama’s Fate Dr. Turi Jan 19th 2009 1:39pm
Obama & Nuclear Prediction? Dr. Turi Apr 3rd 2009 5:28pm
President Obama’s Dragon’s Tail Dr. Turi Jan 23rd 2009 12:00pm
The CIA Cursed Bread Dr. Turi Mar 13th 2010 3:38pm


Dr. Turi; I wanted to take a moment to offer Congratulations to you for your extraordinary predictions ( Stolen 2012 election, restructuring IRS, US economy etc etc ). You are so accurate it is amazing. Keep up the good work.

 Respectfully Yours 

Egan Peter


2012 Rigged Election Update
2013 The Year Ahead
 CIA was at Benghazi what’s next For Obama?
Feds, IRS FBI Secrets Divulged!

Warnings to the FBI/CIA and the Dept. of Homeland Security!

However, since my visions are not for the fainted hear-ted,  those crucial  predictions are not for a God fearing cosmic unconscious public.  You can only read the five “Elaborated Forecast and Personal Horoscopes for November 2015” and the new “2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Religious Draconis Predictions” when you become a VIP and join my Cyber Cosmic Code University.

“Ebola” and Nostradamus Neptunius Religious Draconis Universal Predictions for  2015 (Limited Public Version)

2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Religious Draconis Universal Predictions (VIP’s only)


Nostradamus Prophecies and Dr. Turi


Neptunius Dios Spiritu Fatua Benign o Nu-mine
*Fear Water, Drowning Fire, Black Tainted Blood
Dreams Reality Rivalry Poison Mad Spirit’s
All False Gods Lost Children Join To Kill

All I can suggest my readers to do is to check my claims, read “2013/2014 Scorpius Draconis Predictions”, then go to and check the 23 set of predictions published in 2012 at the bottom of the page. Lastly go to Germany “Heil Hitler” 2014 Arian Draconis World Predictions” Posted to the world June 12, 2013 to check my claims.

Then if you judge I am truly gifted in predictive astrology, you can not afford not to be warned about the 2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Religious Draconis Universal Predictions. All I want is to offer my readers a legitimate cosmic work that has proven its veracity on the Internet, on the George Noory Coast to Coast am national radio and television since 1991!


The prices are as follows! THRU THE WHOLE MONTH OF NOVEMBER…

1 – $700 (no limit on Skype)

2 – $350 (no limit on Skype or on the phone)

3 – $250 ( 60 mn on Skype or on the phone)

4 – $150 (45 mn on Skype or on the phone)

5 – $100 ( ONLY the Astro-Tarot is performed, not astrological information  30 mn)

How to order:

You may call Terania with your message and telephone number at 602-265-7667, she will call you back to set up  a time for your “test drive.” You may email Terania at telling her what  price you are willing to pay and questions you may have and she will answer you and call you back to set us up.

You may also order directly  from my website if you chose option #1 or the best of the best I can offer you with this sealed Plutonic energy! Lastly, this deal is for my VIP’s ONLY, thus you must join my cosmic code website first and become a VIP to qualify!


You can still use the current half price discount to join my Cyber Cosmic Code University, you have until November 7th.

Blessings to all our VIP’s!

Dr. Turi

Teach me all about my cosmic relationship with God marvelous Univer…

The Magical Power of Talismans! 

Dr. Turi on Aquarian Radio December 21st from 8pm to 10pm DT will join host Janet Kira Lessin on Aquarian radio to discuss the latest developments in relation to the Arian Draconian energy, religions, Ebola, ISIS,  and what is to come in 2015.



“Show me a curious person or an avid reader and I will point out a winner!” Dr. Turi

 Now only $5 – Click image above to purchase the 2014 Moon Power Starguide – Now Available for Download!!  

This book will become a collective item for the children of the future…

$15:00  – Click image above to purchase the 2015 Dragon Forecast –  Now Available for Download!!

Show your support join my Cyber Cosmic University


‘Death with dignity advocate’ takes pills to die – My college degree is worthless – Why depression and failures replaced Happiness and Success in America?


“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life.   Dr. Turi 

Dear Readers;

Is there any valuable lesson, a warning or a serious omen to consider with 29 year old Brittany Maynard’s publicized suicide? When I mentioned in my latest article about the crazy state of this world creating countless of preventable “accidents” suicides and death due to humanity lack of cosmic consciousness, do you still think I exaggerated or would it be a good idea for you to read more of my predictions for 2015 and learn more in my educational articles?

So many questions about the purpose of our existence on earth where many answers came in a another trip that was well worth the time away from home for both of us!

We left Phoenix knowing we would have a blast in San Diego, the city where all started for me back in 1984… This time, going west, the rising sun was in our back and while I was warning Terania to expect the unusual, one hour into the trip, and for the second time, my cell phone rang!  Yes it was monitronics telling me my alarm went off again!

Knowing the Uranic surprising energy was in effect, I called Monitronics prior to the trip, asking them to test the alarm but the moon in Aquarius always involve technology and one of the main reason why, part of the plan was to visit the San Diego Science Center and watch a couple of movies in the IMax digital theater in Balboa Park!

I finally asked the Monitronic agent to write a ticket and send a person in my house upon our return to check once and for all what’s going on with the alarm equipment.

We enjoyed the rest of the trip and my GPS lead me straight to the San Diego Zoo. Knowing we could not take Lady with us, we walked together for a while, and gave her some food and water. I also carefully picked a parking place under a very large tree and opened the back windows slightly.

I would never consider leave a pet in a car in Phoenix but the San Diego cooler temperature make it safe to do so. We have a check list we always read before living for any trip but that day, I forgot to add Lady’s ball. She loves to run after toys and the surprising Aquarius moon worked in our favor!

As we walked around, we saw a ball weird green shaped ball on the floor, and with the waxing, protective moon, I realized the stars were on our side! Lady was a bit perplexed at first, but soon realized it was a new toy she would enjoy dearly! Remember anything you buy or find during specific celestial energy becomes a powerful talisman captivating the power of the stars that will follow you for as long as you own the item.

Aquarius Weird Ball

 When I offered my two last pieces of petrified forest to my VIP’s, you are getting not only Dr. Turi’s cosmic energy but with it,  much more ” subtle forces” you can not comprehend just yet! My readers are not truly realizing what they are getting  from me and no one made any request for those items so far! What’s $200 or more when priceless experiences and supreme wisdom is involved? But again, I am a bit too ahead of the norm and trusting my cosmic wisdom may be still a challenge even for my own VIP’s…

With the billions of normal balls lost everyday by people, what are the chances to find a green one shaped like this? Indeed the “ridicule” UFO Aquarius stuff only cosmic conscious people can accept and decipher!

We and hundreds of other people walked in the Zoo and we went first to the gorillas exhibit… By looking at the picture, you can easily see the depressive facial expression of this poor guy trapped for ever, like many doped human beings, stuck in a made up world so far away from freedom and a reality he will never appreciate nor enjoy…

This is a perfect picture representing so many depressive human beings molded and fabricated  by the religious and scientific matrixes where true cosmic reality and psychical freedom and regeneration is non existing… Their pitiful reality start and finish at a mad God ready to send them all to burn in hell for ever! Insanity at best…

San Diegotrip11/2014 WHAT A BEAUTIFUL DECEPTIVE WORLD I LANDED ON!San Diegotrip11/2014

Our children will suffer the same fate, all in the name of the corporate world and its controlled, financial “education”

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Science know so much about the physical aspects of human and primates but what about their decimated jailed spirits? Indeed my mission to free humanity from cosmic ignorance is a heavy task and only an extreme minority of smart human  beings will grasp the crucial values of my work while on earth…

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The San Diego Zoo is definitely a place to visit, at least for its valuable conservationism purposes programs. In case you wonder about it, I always carry my police badge with me but be sure its a real badge and saved us time and saved our butts in many occasions while traveling locally or internationally.

Indeed we do have very powerful cop friends in high places and when you own a concealed weapon licence, its a good idea for all the people around you to know about it and know how to use it!

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If you are a VIP, you can look at the thousands of collected pictures in the cosmic code website because I can only post a few I trust you will like.    

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Born in the year of  Metal Tiger

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According to the Chinese Zodiac, people who are born under the Chinese sign of the Tiger are very intense. These individuals are passionate and fiery, and live for conflict.  Feels and sound like Aquarius... A person like me born under the sign of the Tiger in the Chinese horoscope is likely to adopt lost causes and fight for them fiercely. Who can deny my dedication and courage against all oppositions? 

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A happy wife and her doggie looking at the Sun set

Time flew real fast at the Zoo but in no way would I miss the Sun set and while driving west to the coast line, I remembered an old  Italian friend and his Capri D’Italy famous restaurant.  The chances of finding him at the same location after more than ten years was very remote.

But as we drove on the HWY I recognised the landmark exit and I decided to give it a shot. I  knew the moon was in Aquarius (surprises/friends) I may get lucky in the process, and I did!

After introducing myself, the new owner was perplexed and told me my old friend  “Antonio” had his own Italian restaurant in Poway for years now, and he gave me the address…   why not “shocking” him with a visit I thought, and after a few minutes watching the Sun set our GPS took us right there, furthermore, his restaurant was only 25 minutes away from Encinitas.

His place was packed up and Antonio was at the door greeting people. As we walked in he did not recognize me. He asked if we were there for a drink or dinner… I said “Hey Antonio, “mio fratello” in Italian, “long time no see bro, how are you?”

He was in shock, and kissed and hugged me  really hard… I introduced Terania and we spoke for a while but he was much too busy to keep the discussion going for long. He then lead us to a comfortable booth and send us one of his waiter.

I ordered the most delicious fruity Italian red wine on the menu and the best Italian food we could ever hope for, but the camera was left in the car and the delicious dishes pictures are not available… Terania and I had a wonderful time and now and then our eyes landed on Antonio’s smiling at us… So many years, so many wonderful memories, time passes so far I thought!

The chances of experiencing such an incredible experience could only become a reality because  the moon in Aquarius rules friends and wishes, and with the waxing positive new moon trend and  the very last drop of a Mercury retrograde (people and affairs of the past)  I was truly appreciating the good use of my cosmic consciousness and the stars!

Aquarius rules also aeronautics and new inventions – right there and then in San Diego Uranus was doing his job for the NAVY! But who’s to notice when cosmic consciousness is missing?

2014  Third SUPERNOVA window –  From 09/28/2014 through 10/31/2014


As expected Antonio did not charge me for exquisite dessert, he never did since I can remember and upon leaving the restaurant,  we hugged and kissed probably for the last time because, its just a matter of time for us to soon move to Florida and I am not exactly sure when or if we’ll ever see him again…

We then drove to our hotel the Hilton Garden Inn only  a few miles away. Amazingly Terania had no idea of what would transpire that weekend and booked our hotel very close to the Zoo and my friend’s Antonio’s restaurant in Poway.

We dropped Lady and our stuff in the room and rushed to the hot tub for a wonderful resting time… We then came back to the room and slept like two tired but happy babies until the next day…

The next morning, after a nice breakfast we took on Hwy 15 South, to HWY 5 South and drove to a dog park I know. Knowing Lady was to be confined for hours in the car again, I wanted her to run, burn some energy and relieve herself… And she did make the most of her “Aquarius” green ball… This mean this doggy will also fly with us in the future with this Uranic green ball talisman, as  this sign rules aeronautics…

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A happy family, precious moments caught by Terania and shared with you all…

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After thirty minutes playing, a wet, hot happy and sandy Lady was brought back in her bed in the backseat of the car and we left the beach for Balboa Park.  I drove around for a while and realized in ten years how much the city changed things, particularly the parking areas. We set everything as always safe and sound for Lady in the car, in a shadowed trees area and walked away.

The good news about Lady is; she is an extremely smart Scorpio little dog! Whenever, where ever we leave her, in a hotel room or in the car, she seems to know we will always be back for her. She does not bark nor attract bad attention to herself or the car, especially when the car windows are left with a small opening for the fresh air to move inside.

She will only bark fiercely and warn you if you get too close to the car she is supposed to guard. We saw her in action many times as we stop at the emigration block road and hse is not scared of the armed officers or their drug sniffing big dogs! Like her big brother Draco, Lady is a fearless smart Scorpio little dog.

Watch the video of this fearless little devil protecting her bone!

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Here is the first pic of the biggest, meanest, loudest organ in the world! I wish I could play on it but either way, we enjoyed the artist music there for a while.

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For each picture taken we always give a couple of dollars to reward the artist.

Many mime do not know they are only reflecting one of their many past lives and the important messages they left humanity with…

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Others give the artistic impressions of the people and the world they find themselves in… All are cosmic unconscious and unaware of the inner pull of their creative stars…

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In this example the soul’s exert an  artistic reflection of the memory of an Aboriginal past life in Australia.

Watch the video 

Then got a couple of tickets  to visit the San Diego Science Center and watch the movies in the IMax digital theater… We selected first “Mystery of the Nile” then “Hidden Universe”  and while waiting for the movie to start, I took some pictures of Terania having fun investigating everything there…

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Sound area, quite interesting what you can hear there…

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I enjoyed the visual and many other scientific displays I can not show here.

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Terania wondering about visual effects…

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So much to try in the Museum, this place is huge…

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So much about the Human DNA and NOTHING about the UCI or the human cosmic spiritual DNA! Amazing how science is able to miss the forest for the tree and seems to be able to dig only into the smallest physical dense particles…

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Then came the time to enjoy the best of  today’ best scientific technology

In the second movie, I really acknowledged the dry state of mind of all our unconscious astronomers and scientists alike. I learned at lot while watching “Hidden Universe”  in the Imax movie narrated by Golden Globe winner Miranda Richardson, another “educated” proud non cosmic conscious astronomer kid .

Billions of dollars are spent to build more sophisticated telescopes in the highest, clearest areas of the world as to get the best  of the best pictures of all far away constellations. Imagine if I had access to those fortune to produce my cosmic code reality show or educate the world about the  reality of  Astrology and the Soul of the Cosmos? 

The narrations also involved NASA and Mars One ridiculous Mars projects where human beings would live in confinement like the unlucky gorillas in the San Diego Zoo mentioned above. The fascination to uncover the secrets of the timeless, endless universe and the lack of cosmic spiritual perception of those kids astronomers amazes me!

While they all do finally agrees and realize we are the product and the children of those far away stars, I wonder what is missing in the mind of all scientists to dissociate, ignore or ridicule the impact of our local solar spiritual conceptions upon humanity?

Is the work of all erudite men and all disappeared civilizations of the past something to ridicule too? Why would they investigate endless constellations and all those suns when they know nothing of the cosmic code jurisdictions and the spiritual gifts, sins and virtues afflicting and transcending the human experience on earth produced by their own local solar system?

But rest assured readers, all along the movie, not a single time did the Zodiac, or the word Astrology came up in the narration. But I do not think it was done purposely, it simply reflects how controlling, disgraceful and unethical it is for the scientific and religious matrixes to  monopolize and deny the “cosmic” education of your children.

A physician without a knowledge of Astrology has no right to call himself a physician – Hippocrates (ca. 400 BC).

The cosmic code, hidden in ancient texts, IS the secret to prophecy with the power to transform the world.

The educational system should  not decide, nor impose any form of restrictions with education, because the purpose of science is to disprove claims that can not be justified. All the better for science at the end, prove me wrong if you can, but try letting the students make that discovery.

Nowadays kids are not stupid and more than ever concerned with Charles Darwin and his theory of human evolution and natural selection.  Why would science education resources on the  evolution of the “cosmic spirit” be contained or sought as ridicule? Its again the law to deprave them of my life work and just because they know nothing about it!

I  guarantee you, if I spoke to some kids at school about the cosmic code, the classes would most likely be full. But reaching those children and all School Boards Executives with their strict enforcement codes and stubborn belief systems, when the majority are cowards, unwilling to take a chance and better our children education? There are over 875 different religions to break through and too many will never get it in this lifetime. Right here in Phoenix, “a  very pious hard headed friend of mine” own such a position and still ridicule my work! She even insisted to be removed from my list of educated moronic people like her!

I sometimes feel like stopping because she and countless others are snobby, non curious idiots in a position to constrain children’s spirits and fighting harder to prove her and the US Department of Education that they are wrong is not exactly good for my health either when I know that the system is well above and in complete control. I mean, even the ET’s wont show themselves to the entire world and still many would think it’s a joke from the government to scare us.

If you are a teacher,maybe you should mention to your students about exploring the cosmic code secrets or Astroforensics and see the response… Then have me to do an interpretation  and you’ll be amazed of the results, because I  guarantee you,  the kids would want more…

My work is read by thousands of people from all walks of life, if in any way, you know how to get those in charge to help make use of the quest, try to to proceed and submit Astroforensics / astropsychology in all schools.

My teachings have always been well organized with artworks software and power point presentations. When will the scientific community finally realize I am not a psychic, a guru or a Neptunian , but a different breed of rational, practical scientist?

I am impressed by the concerned, smart and curious people joining my Cyber Cosmic University every day, many are into education, mental researches and own a position that could make a significant difference in proposing my expertise.

It take a very courageous soul to challenge the system but it is only through extreme challenges, originality, ingenuousness  and total dedication that the goal might could become a reality.

The world just might could become a better place if our cosmic works were finally accepted as a solid discipline and taught to all the children of the world!

Shameful Waste Of US Children This is becoming the norm’ — but will…

I have been in his battle since 1991 and while only a handful of people helped me all along, I wonder if God will finally offer me a break away from the idiosyncrasy and maybe the rest of opposing could  upgrade humanity psychical welfare…

Billions of dollars are still wasted in erroneous scientific researches and endorsing the evil of religion, isn’t time for a change in the American spirit?

Indeed changing the world’s perception of the divine is a mission some of you can help  to achieve!  Please ponder on  joining us in the battle against fear and ignorance!

Obama waste $100M to unlock mysteries of the brain

What does the world say about Dr. Turi

“Show me a curious person or an avid reader and I will point out a winner!” Dr. Turi

And this is why it is worth for anyone to join my Cyber Cosmic Code University, learn about the soul of the cosmos and so many incredible things a traditional rational science does not know nor will ever approach!

worthless degree vantrell echols instory

Vantrell Echols like billions of other unconscious human does not know of a cosmic God divine plan for himself and trusted both science and religion for directions…

Vantrell Echols, a 36-year-old from Georgia, wishes he never received a phone call from for-profit Lincoln College of Technology back in 2008. He said the school spent six months convincing him to enroll — promising to provide all the training and help he needed to find a high-paying computer science job. He had been unemployed for more than a year and he was desperate, so he gave it a shot.

Students across the country are shelling out tens of thousands of dollars for degrees that end up being completely worthless.

The fact is your entire fate is already written in light by the Cosmic Code. However, you will be influenced by the scientific and religious “educational” matrixes to make certain decisions that are NOT suitable to your cosmic identity and regardless of the time, money and efforts, all will go to waste because Vantrell Echols like billions of other unconscious human do not know of a cosmic God divine plan and trusted both science and religion for directions. But this will change in time…

The most successful people on the planet did THEIR OWN THING! or like me, they were lucky enough to grow cosmically without any matrix outside interferences and enjoy real success and happiness fulfilling their particular mission on the planet…


Do I make enough sense for you to act independently in body, mind and soul and take a chance on yourself, in your natal stars, your real fate where God will endorse all your actions or will you still refuse to exit your religious, educated, skeptical zones?

My college degree is worthless Self-made female billionaire is 30 years old and a college dropout! – NO you do not need a BA, MA, MBA, JD and PhD! – Do You Have The Yen To Be a Billionaire?

Note – The full November 2014 forecast are only available on the cosmic code website for my VIP’s  – Join today, do not miss anything! 

The prices are as follows! THRU THE WHOLE MONTH OF NOVEMBER…

1 – $700 (no limit on Skype)

2 – $350 (no limit on Skype or on the phone)

3 – $250 ( 60 mn on Skype or on the phone)

4 – $150 (45 mn on Skype or on the phone)

5 – $100 ( ONLY the Astro-Tarot is performed, not astrological information  30 mn)

How to order:

You may call Terania with your message and telephone number at 602-265-7667, she will call you back to set up  a time for your “test drive.” Remember we will not be here to pick up the telephone on Saturday and Sunday… If you call on Halloween day, you’ll be placed on top of the long expected list and be served before others…

You may email Terania at telling her what  price you are willing to pay and questions you may have and she will answer you and call you back to set us up.

You may also order directly  from my website if you chose option #1 or the best of the best I can offer you with this sealed Plutonic energy!

Lastly, this deal is for my VIP’s ONLY, thus you must join my cosmic code website first and become a VIP to qualify!

You can still use the current half price discount to join my Cyber Cosmic Code University, you have until November 7th.

Blessings to all our VIP’s! 

Dr. Turi

Teach me all about my cosmic relationship with God marvelous Univer…

The Magical Power of Talismans! 

Dr. Turi on Aquarian Radio December 21st from 8pm to 10pm DT will join host Janet Kira Lessin on Aquarian radio to discuss the latest developments in relation to the Arian Draconian energy, religions, Ebola, ISIS,  and what is to come in 2015.




L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

“Show me a curious person or an avid reader and I will point out a winner!” Dr. Turi

 Now only $5 – Click image above to purchase the 2014 Moon Power Starguide – Now Available for Download!!  

This book will become a collective item for the children of the future…

$15:00  – Click image above to purchase the 2015 Dragon Forecast –  Now Available for Download!!

Show your support join my Cyber Cosmic University

Talismans, do they really work?

May 23, 2014

Dear readers;

To assure orders reception by customers, insurance should be included and we provide receipts custom number for tracking purposes.

The scientific and religious communities are totally OBLIVIOUS of the reptilius agenda, the cosmic code jurisdictions and the incredible power generated by a tailored talisman, something my clients and readers are uncovering with my cosmic teachings…

The question remain, will YOU be curious enough to check on your own 2016 cosmic load or learn about your Personal Cosmic Biorhythms? Unconscious humans can never escape the ever changing cosmic winds working for or against them imposed by the eternal universal rites and universal  cosmic ceremonies…

There are very productive years where, opportunities, money and luck seems to be blessing every one of your moves. While there are extremely difficult times, we must endure when those cosmic winds never seems to stop blowing against us.

We received quite a lot of requests to create various  “Talismans” to attract love, wealth, health, protection against evil forces and bring luck.  But forging, melting metals like copper, silver and gold is not an easy task but, more of a child game compared to the cosmic work I must perform to make sure the tailored talisman you ordered perform beyond your wildest dreams.

In fact casting talismans is time consuming and quite expensive depending on the size and spiritual work performed. This video will tell you more! WATCH!

WARNING! A talisman is an object created for the purpose of adding and using specific cosmic energies missing in your Unique Celestial Identity. The cosmic code eternal rules and universal ceremonies are  “trapped” in the melting process and contain magical cosmic sacramental properties providing good luck for the possessor, and offer protection from evil possession.

Some of those talismans can also be created to attract the benevolent Draconis group of ET’s looking for “Chosen Ones.” And be sure UFO’s and ET’s are very real!  

UFOs Health Wealth Love Talismans 
 Talismans, do they really work?

 A full awareness of the judicial divine, medical astrology must be acknowledged and respected by anyone making any health talismans.

 “A physician without a knowledge of Astrology has no right to call himself a physician” Hippocrates (ca. 400 BC). 

Any talisman created or purchased during any “Blood Moon” periods, after the Full Moon, or under any other negative astrological auspices will induce drastic repercussions on the owner. Consequently, purchasing or making talismans without proper cosmic awareness is not only a waste of time and money but will prompt negative consequences upon your life. 

Incidentally millions of unconscious people invest in tools, cars and products that are “talismans” loaded with cosmic forces inserted in them during the melting/casting process!  Those cosmic winds will work for or against the unconscious owner. Especially when the celestial universal auspices are against them. Read more!

People die everyday in car, plane, boat, bicycle accidents and some riding horses or walking their dogs! There are NO accidents readers, only subtle cosmic forces at work, science and humanity at large can not yet comprehend or even accept!

The good news is; I make my talismans in accordance to the cosmic jurisdictions, and they are not only very safe but extremely powerful!

A talisman’s power depends entirely on YOUR planet’s position during the melting/casting process and this does not happen randomly. I have FIRST to talk to you live on Skype, check on your cosmic nature, check on ALL your planets, find out what you need the talisman to attract, and then WAIT for the right cosmic auspices to proceed to make your lucky charm.

For example, if you are a woman looking for love, I have to check at your Venus’ strengths  (love) and Mars (the man) positions by sign and house.  Venus is the type of love a woman is able to offer to a man, while Mars in your chart depicts the type of man (and masculinity) you should attract to appreciate his strengths, security, sexual performance and drive to get things done.

If you are a man, then your Venus position (by house and sign) and strength show the type of woman you need to make you truly happy while your Mars depicts how you will display your masculinity.

Making a talisman is not an easy procedure and demands a deep and solid understanding of your UCI to improve your magnetism drastically. Some people are so negative that they became “repellent” and some can only attract deceptive Neptunians (potheads/cheaters/liars etc.)

It is only after an initial intense consultation on Skype that I can explain all your strengths and weaknesses and remedies with some powerful talismans. But there are also rules and very specific timing you must be aware of and if you decide to proceed, you must also assimilate and test your “Personal Cosmic Biorhythms” for better results.

Combining those cosmic lucky windows and the power of your personal talisman is a sure ticket to success but, like everything else, you must take the time to study my claims.

This “precise timing” can only add much more luck when you socialize to reach your goal following your 11th house of wishes and friends hidden rules.  There is so much to discuss (better record it all) and so much for you to learn to make those wishes a reality!

A talisman will always work its magic if its owner cleanse himself first, who would drive a dirty Ferrari or enjoy a wonderful sun set with a lover plagued with constipation? I have to teach you how to do the spiritual cleansing to upgrade your magnetism.

The particular physical talisman I will create for you HAS to have all that you are missing psychically or physically, thus your first step is to upgrade your own vibrations while I am waiting for the right cosmic energy to present themselves to proceed with the casting.  Talismans works best not only on the bases of your astrological chart, but also on the natal moon nodes positions.

I use copper for love matters because it is very conductive in nature and a Venusian metal.

Your talisman will be entirely made of copper, stones, crystals, gold, silver and whatever cosmic energy you are missing.

You must be ready not only to spend a lengthy time of Skype talking to me, but to wait as long as needed for the stars to smile on you when I produce the talisman…  The first talisman I ever made was for a desperate friend of mine when I was in England in 1976. Regardless how hard he tried,my repellent friend he could never get a date even if its life depended on it, and he was quite attractive himself.

He was always asking me how I was always seen with the top girl (s) around… I guess being a 26 year old, Frenchman, confident and smart worked for me, but a frustrated Phillip was also young and French.

I could feel a bit of jealousy in him and I decided to help him. He was a Taurus, ruled by Venus and I made him a copper talisman while his Venus was rising… I stamped the planet symbol of both Venus (love) and Jupiter (plenty)  ET VOILA!

I was amazed about his new found confidence and the power of my talisman was established as real and worthwhile… Then I got swamped with requests but for some reasons, refused to make more fearing bad karma.

 I am glad I stopped then because many years later I realized how powerful talismans truly are by inserting the correct cosmic energy!  I did not then fully understand the precise Astrological casting process and  I could also have brought  troubles to the owner.

Today at 66 I have a real good handling and the cosmic wisdom needed to create  and cast real safe and powerful talismans by timing the perfect cosmic energies needed for all desired results.

 I will built a room with all the tools and equipment I need to cast the best and most powerful talismans possible! And I guarantee you, in time, with my guidance,  those magical “charms” WILL change your life for the best.


Top talisman $1000  or $500: Include a Skype live consultation (read more)

Basic talisman $150 – $250: Include a 15 minute telephone conversation. You do not need an in depth VIP session, I only need your DOB and will locate the weakest area of your UCI (or Saturn the great malefic) and compensate with the revitalizing power of the talisman I will create for you. You do not need to send precious metal such as gold or silver or any precious stones, I will use the Zodiac gem associated with your sign.

You must be willing to wait up to 3 to 6 months or more, before I can produce the talisman and for its delivery. Again I have to wait for the right cosmic auspices to be in compliance to your natal chart and the casting of those cosmic energies.

Save money with the current deal!

Top talisman cost $1050 with a live VIP Skype session, but you can get it for half price or $500.00 if you become a VIP for 12 months minimum first.

Basic talisman cost $250 but you can get it for $100 if you become a VIP for 12 months minimum first.

Please e-mail Terania if interested at: and she will set you up.

They are MILLIONS of talismans you can purchase on the Internet, and while some products are made of pure gold, extremely expensive and very attractive, they are all totally EMPTY of your cosmic essence and personal vibrations.

Remember while I always do my best to produce an attractive product, its not about the beauty or the aesthetics, but all about the real power of your personal talisman made by the hands and cosmic mind of Dr. Turi!

Talismans can be produced in a heart shape for women with a hole at the top and can be used as pendant. But round or square design conduct more power, particularly the shape of a silver dollar and can be stored in your car, your pocket or your wallet.

The planetary hours have also been used in electing favorable times to initiate activities, and also to time prayers, spells, and magical rituals. The following table shows the sorts of activities traditionally favored by each planet:

Sun Hours: General success and recognition; spiritual illumination; decisiveness, vitality; activities requiring courage or a mood of self-certainty – making big decisions, scheduling meetings for reaching decisions, giving speeches, launching new projects; seeking favors from father, husband, boss, authorities.

Uranus Hours: UFO talisman – Perfect to attract benevolent group of ET’s in preparation to become a “Chosen One.” This talisman will seriously improve your psychical perceptions and attract incredible experiences, televisions, technological opportunities,  while offering total protection when traveling by air.  This one will birth the genius in you and attract many friends and wishes.

Venus Hours: Love; friendship; artistic and social success; enjoyable, sociable and aesthetic activities such as parties, social gatherings, recitals / exhibitions, weddings, visits, dating and seeking romance; planting ornamentals; buying gifts, clothing, luxuries; beauty treatments; seeking favors from women.

Mercury Hours: Success in studies / communications; children; making a good impression; routine activities and activities needing clear communications; teaching / learning; important business letters / phone calls; meetings to develop or communicate ideas; buying / selling; routine shopping, errands, travel; job applications / interviews; seeking favors from neighbors, co-workers.

Moon Hours: Health; home (buying home, moving); journeys / vacationing (time of leaving home or takeoff); activities remote in time or space – meditation, making reservations, finding lost objects or people; planting food crops; hiring employees; seeking favors from mother, wife, employees.

Saturn Hours: Discipline and patience; giving up bad habits; overcoming obstacles; success with difficult tasks or difficult people; projects of long duration – breaking ground, laying foundations; planting perennials; treating chronic illness; making repairs; seeking favors from older people (not relatives) or difficult people.

Jupiter Hours: Wisdom, optimism; money (borrowing / lending/ investing / earning / winning); activities necessitating enthusiasm; buying lottery tickets; seeking advice / consultation; settling disputes; seeking favors from grandparents, aunts and uncles, advisers (doctors, lawyers, accountants, astrologers).

Mars Hours: Courage, adventure; enforcing your will; success with drastic action (lawsuits, conflicts, going to war, surgery); sports, exercises; risk-taking; making complaints; firing employees; seeking favors of husband or boyfriend.

For example, A man should ask a woman out on a date during a Venus hour; a woman should ask a man out on a date during a Mars hour; one should ask one’s boss for a favor during a sun hour; money should be invested during a Jupiter hour; medical treatments should commence under a moon hour (except surgery should commence under a Mars hour); and so on.

The current world cosmic wind is Neptunian, its color is blue is element is water. Its poisonous power stimulate religious wars, diseases, depressions and suicide… And my talismans can help drastically…


Brittany Maynard is terminally ill and, according to her own schedule, may take a handful of pills that will end her life. Her age makes the case “extremely rare,” a health official says.


“Maynard was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor in January, barely a year after she and her husband were married. After several surgeries, doctors said in April that her brain tumor had returned and gave her about six months to live. She moved from California to Oregon to take advantage of that state’s law and says she plans to end her life soon after her husband’s October 26 birthday.”

Hi Terania & Dr T,
I wanted to chime in and give you some updates, about my beautiful Pendant, that was created from my stars –
That I received at the end of January 2020…Positive, positive and positive!!!
  1. I have made some great strides in balancing and maintaining that balance with my emotions/thoughts/goals.
  2. I can focus my mind better and stay on task .
  3. My Worker’s Comp case was settled for higher than normal + Paid – Going back to school and get certified in Quick books Pro.
  4. My visions are becoming clearer (even during my waking time) and I can recall them and journal this information.
  5. I can understand/accept the various beings that are out there in Cosmo’s without that fear most people get.
  6. I have been luckier in finding money and being sent money that I forgot about.
  7. I can “see” myself getting financially prosperous and owning my own home.
  8. I have been healthier in my body and of course being proactive in maintaining that.
  9. Forgiving people from my past and truly meaning it from the heart.
  10. Overall being positive no matter what happens. I’m not living in fear. (Especially with current global situation)

So I wanted to thank you for the extraordinary pendant, your support in delivering your crucial messages and website, your encouragement with your videos, and your genuine care for me and all the others that want this positive change global change.

Gigi (VIP)

Neptunius Draconis is   active…

Bobbi Kristina Brown and the Pisces dragon


As of April 2016 to assure orders reception by customers, we will also provide insurance  and also include receipts custom number for tracking purposes.


L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

listen to my latest radio show with Jerry – US/world
listen to my latest radio show with Ted – US/world
listen to my latest radio show with Rob – Canada/world

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 



The Real Plutonic Story of Halloween outside of Christianity Deceptiveness!


 The gravitational forces that move all galaxies is a scientific fact;   But the greatness of the spiritual cosmic manifesto is yet a mystery to science and humanity at large. God’s enslaved all his children to uncover his cosmic  Divinity and with it,  a life filled with health, love, safety, warnings,  respect, peace and harmony for all.

— Dr. Turi

Dear Readers;

Before offering you the facts about this true pagan  “Christian Holiday,” and the real dangers you and your children face walking the streets under his jurisdiction, let me first expose NASA’s costly cosmic ignorance…

While I do endorse and support NASA formidable technological accomplishments, the scientific community is still missing a valuable cosmic wisdom offering the real reasons for NASA latest costly failure. Likewise, while the US Department of Education the NSA, the FBI, the police should also pay attention, to my work but they have their own strict rules to follow.

 If my cosmic wisdom can save human lives and billions of dollars to NASA, it should be investigated and not ridicule but maybe they have but of course finders – keepers! If you are new to my work, do not lump me with Mrs Cleo because it will pay for you to be more curious than usual…

Memo from EXPLANATION OF A SUPERNOVA WINDOW posted on ALL public social media and many NASA websites prior to the rocket explosion. Note those  premonitions were also published in my yearly 2014 Moon Power edition. 

Memo: Regardless of Dr. Turi’s expectations posted on his website for the second time and his desperate attempts over the years to make NASA officials aware of dangerous Super Nova Windows, the Columbia was also launched during this window and re-entered the last night of it producing the death of all courageous astronauts. 

The True $$$$$$$$$$pirit of NASA

Many  failed mission and expensive electronic equipment (Mars probe etc.) and our tax dollars have been wasted because of the scientist’s lack of knowledge of the stars. As usual NASA, which is not aware of the science of astrology, will waste their time and our tax money with failed missions due to bad weather and electronic malfunctions. In the name of ignorance a few years ago, in the Challenger explosion seven astronauts lost their lives when NASA launched the shuttle under a “Supernova Window”. 

On what was to be a resupply mission to the International Space Station, an <a href='' target='_blank'>unmanned NASA-contracted rocket</a> exploded seconds after launch Tuesday, October 28, on the coast of Virginia. The launchpad was damaged, but no one was injured.

Antares operator used destruct system to blow up rocket


Witness: Space tourism rocket explodes in desert

Concentration of negative celestial energy approaching Be extremely prudent in driving, Celebs survive weekend car crash and expect chain-reaction accidents. Be prepared for delays, – strikes, miscommunications  nature destructive power  

Lava continues to flow into Hawaii town   and awful weather, including hurricanes and volcanic eruptionHurricane strands tourists in Mexico  – .

Volcano erupts in Japan



Read all the collected news to check my claims and predictions

Bats are flying for ever in the darkness of their own lost souls, all punished by Pluto 

“The True Secret of Halloween”

Wikipedia logical explanations of Halloween celebration but there is much more involved with this “dark” holiday and  “The Lord of Darkness” true identity unknown to the mass of human mortals.

“Halloween is a yearly celebration observed in a number of countries on 31 October, the eve of the Western Christian feast of All Hallows’ Day. It initiates the triduum of Allhallowtide, the time in the liturgical year dedicated to remembering the dead, including saints (hallows), martyrs, and all the faithful departed believers. Within Allhallowtide, the traditional focus of All Hallows’ Eve revolves around the theme of using “humor and ridicule to confront the power of death.”

Halloween is nothing else than a “pagan” celebration designed to recognise and SOLELY pay respect to Pluto, “The Lord of death and the Underworld.”

By in 2014, this rare pagan wisdom has been replaced by a multitude of religious fabricated doctrines and ridicule by all the immature (often over educated) pious God fearing young souls!

But the religious matrix, who altered Jesus initial cosmic ministry, also “infiltrated” the old pagan Plutonic respectful holiday adding “saints and the faithful departed believers” while religious scholars maintain Halloween originated independently of Samhain and has solely Christian roots!

Nothing can be more deceptive knowing at the core the Celtics and many other “Christianized” groups were cosmic conscious, used astrology, magic, potions, talismans  and rituals and all were pagans at the core!

But ignoring or laughing at the Gods of antiquity and altering any rituals is seriously infringing many karmic rules an unconscious humanity is cursed to pay.  Who can deny this fact by looking at the state of the affairs of a world gone mad?

 The monopolizing scientific matrix is teaching our children all about the solidity of our solar system, carefully avoiding anything related to the spirit or a divine order.

The scientific community teaches your children that Divine Astrology is a worthless pseudo-science emphasising only Astronomy, a by-product of the much older science of the stars practiced by all erudite men of the past!   Indeed humanity has lost the soul of the cosmos…

A physician without a knowledge of Astrology has no right to call himself a physician – Hippocrates (ca. 400 BC).

Unconscious pious parents are sending their children all mover to collect goodies on Halloween night. They know nothing of the serious offense committed against the Prince of Darkness. This is why, Terania and I  NEVER open our door to the children on Halloween night because we know better than to offend the most powerful and deadliest God of antiquity!

If you can not grasp the values of the spirit lets use more logic for the rationals… Knowing you are probably living close to a convicted child molester or a freed convicted rapist, why offer your innocent children on a silver plate to the worse of Pluto’s deadly characters?

3 trick-or-treaters killed by speeding car

IT IS THEIR DARK NIGHT where ALL vulnerable INNOCENT children come to THEM! 

The fact is, religion and paganism do not mix and never intended to be used by Christianity to honor their fabricated holidays or Saints now gone in the underworld. There is no reason for anyone to adhere or heed to my cosmic wisdom,  but Pluto will make sure to make your life on earth pure hell by ignoring or disrespecting his deep and mysterious deadly cosmic essence.

This world has lost so much spiritual food to the countless religious matrixes and the penalty cursing CNN news is far too real to ignore!

Bringing humanity back to the awareness of God’s cosmic Divinity,  or the values of mysticism, the reality and powers of all the Gods of antiquity, the power of talismans, magic, premonitions, natural healing and even witchcraft  is much more serious than what the atheists, the agnostics and “educated” alike could ever imagine…

and without knowledge of karma or the power of personal talismans to protect you, you are asking for troubles!

Should You Fear Witchcraft, Black Magic and Voodoo?

Meantime, acknowledging and celebrating Pluto mystical powers properly can offer you not only real protection but an extreme reward because Pluto’s purpose is to; apathetically speaking “kill you” and offer you the option to be born again, stronger wiser, smarter and much more conscious.

Instead, the unaware  pious mass can only follow centuries of false teachings  luring more God fearing “Born Again Christian” offering only temporarily and fictitious protection and this cosmic “pagan” ignorance does not good to the soul and seriously offend Pluto.

Again because you know nothing of metaphysics, Divine Astrology and the subtle power of the Planets (Gods of antiquity) and can not conceive my work just yet, does not make it ridiculous or untrue!

In fact if you decide to make good to my Halloween super deal, beat your fears and take a chance on Pluto’s energetic revitalizing/rebirthing power, the consultation I have for you will be the deepest and the utmost accurate life changing experience. But again, these are my words and the choice is yours to experience the reality of my claims.

I wonder how many of the Sunday California psychics are cosmic conscious and aware of the reality of voodoo and interstellar paganism wisdom? I also wonder how many of them are aware of the Supra-conscious creative forces and the human free will?

Now on to the deal!

Terania and I are going out of town early Saturday morning again and we will be back on Monday with tons of new pictures, videos and new experiences, as usual this trip will be shared with all our dear VIP’s. I do not want anyone to order a reading without talking to me FIRST as to check and appreciate how deep I can go using Pluto’s “Halloween” day!

The choices is yours to pay whatever you can afford or feel for your consultation. The idea is to SEAL the Plutonic energy which mean you MUST ACT NOW on Halloween day to get the best and most powerful Plutonic energy! While you can order today, you DO NOT have to do so today, but you must make your “spiritual” decision TODAY to grasp the intense Plutonic magnetism.

 This  Plutonic timing is much like a talisman where the channeled power is very intense and directed into the depth of  the subconscious for a really deep and accurate reading. I want everyone to experience my gift and  make myself affordable to everyone too! You are strongly advised to record the conversation on your cellphone or any device because my channeling, teachings, guidance and predictions  for the next four years is worth doing so!

The prices are as follows! THRU THE WHOLE MONTH OF NOVEMBER…

1 – $700 (no limit on Skype)

2 – $350 (no limit on Skype or on the phone)

3 – $250 ( 60 mn on Skype or on the phone)

4 – $150 (45 mn on Skype or on the phone)

5 – $100 ( ONLY the Astro-Tarot is performed, not astrological information  30 mn)

How to order:

You may call Terania with your message and telephone number at 602-265-7667, she will call you back to set up  a time for your “test drive.” Remember we will not be here to pick up the telephone on Saturday and Sunday!  If you call now or on Halloween day, you’ll be placed on top of the long expected list and be served before others…

You may email Terania at telling her what  price you are willing to pay and questions you may have and she will answer you and call you back to set us up.

You may also order directly  from my website if you chose option #1 or the best of the best I can offer you with this sealed Plutonic energy!

Lastly, this deal is for my VIP’s ONLY, thus you must join my cosmic code website first and become a VIP to qualify!

You can still use the current half price discount to join my Cyber Cosmic Code University, you have until November 7th.

If you never experienced my work, read the endorsements first!

Pluto and I will take good care of you, and that is a solid promise!


Dr. Turi

Teach me all about my cosmic relationship with God marvelous Univer…

The Magical Power of Talismans!

 Dr. Turi on Aquarian Radio December 21st from 8pm to 10pm 

DT will join host Janet Kira Lessin on Aquarian radio to discuss the latest developments in relation to the Arian Draconian energy, religions, Ebola, ISIS,  and what is to come in 2015.



L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

“Show me a curious person or an avid reader and I will point out a winner!” Dr. Turi

 Now only $5 – Click image above to purchase the 2014 Moon Power Starguide –  Now Available for Download!!  This book will become a collective item for the children of the future…

$15:00  – Click image above to purchase the 2015 Dragon Forecast – Now Available for Download!!

Show your support join my Cyber Cosmic University

The Magical Power of Talismans!

Scientists link 60 RIDICULOUS genes to autism


Genetic research has been used to treat all kinds of disorders and diseases.

Scientists link 60 genes to autism

Continued Rise in Autism Diagnoses Puzzles Researchers but not Dr. Turi!

Dear Readers:

Again the scientific matrix at work trying very hard to find the imaginary gene responsible for autism preparing the gullible unconscious mass to invest in  the experimental nefarious drug soon available on the market. The reality is; this “scientific cocktail” is over medicating and poisoning all mothers and their unborn children right in their wounds.

But is there any return from such a mass poisoning?  I could ask the same question about the religious matrix poisoning the spirit of all the gullible, cosmic unconscious trapped pious souls! No, sad enough I do not think so! In the name of all greedy corporate religious and scientific matrixes, both the physical human genes (and spiritual DNA (UCI) is deteriorating really fast.

Indeed we have much less than 50 years to turn things around or humanity will self destruct!

Can We Stop Science Destroying The World?

When will the world realize the abusive, deceptive corporate religious and scientific matrixes do not have your best interest at heart?

 STOP the Epidemic of autism in the United States

 Recovered Article published March 29, 2012

 For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice…

Dear Readers:

Epidemic of autism in the United States, really?

Do not expect your traditionally educated doctors fresh out of college to remotely understand the mystery behind the explosion of autism plaguing too many children. The next generation to come in power is the “Baby Busters Generation” or souls born with Pluto (fanaticism) in the health consumed sign of Virgo. This gave birth to the dry OCD Generation or the mass of new “educated” scientists, atheists, agnostics kids who have lost the connection with the spirit and reject God cosmic Divinity! 

 “A Generation of Born OCD | Dr. Turi M.D.U.S

Meantime many of my articles and the truth about all the matrixes are  purposely and “electronically” eliminated because the conspiracy to stop me reaching and educating you is real! I am a serious threat to the establishment and all the pot head born famous doctors whoring around with the news media and the pharmaceutical corporations.

In fact more and more of the links directing you to my educational, articles are dead and this is why now and then I “recover” those I need for your eyes. The good news is thousands of my articles are all available in my Cyber Cosmic Code University for all my VIP’s to enjoy and share privately!  But my work is intended for the smart and curious souls who can assimilate it and not for the pious God fearing feeble minded!

A Generation of OCD
Health – A Crucial Message to All Young Mothers!
Is it OK to poison my baby with antidepressants while breast-feeding?
Autism, Taxes and Turtles
Obama waste $100M to unlock mysteries of the brain
The Universe IS a big Brain
Neuroscience Long For Answer On the Mind
Deepak Chopra Versus Dr. Turi Secrets to a Cosmic Conscious brain
Dr. Drew Versus Dr. Turi
“Jared Lee Laughner “The Mind Of A Killer”
The Power of The Mind
A New Beginning For humanity
Iranian Scientist Versus Dr.Turi Time Machine
NO you do not need a BA, MA, MBA, JD and PhD

This generation is made of health fanatics, puritanical born scientists and skeptics alike who have a tendency to “miss the forest for the tree” being over-concerned with details. So before I explain the phenomenon behind the “disease” lets’ give a deeper look at the crowd of scientists conducting those researches, their aims and who they work for…While many of them are truly concerned with the children health many of them are much too focused on the microscope and miss the obvious… 

Scepter from my book “The Power of the Dragon. 

Pluto in Virgo: “The Baby Buster Generation” Pluto moved into the puritanical sign of Virgo (health) from 1957 to 1976, and this generation is next to take governmental power. This generation is fanatic about nature, perfection, work and health. Smokers have already suffered the impact of this “Baby Buster Generation,” as this generation must upgrade health and perfection in our society.

Unlike Leo (life) Virgo is dry and sterile, thus fewer babies were produced during this era. Since Pluto entered the sign of Virgo, facilities for health programs and exercising boomed to satisfy a generation that craves fitness. The health businesses (body/ mind/tools) were launched and are still booming with Pluto in Virgo.

This generation is banning smokers from restaurants and public places, only yesterday in Phoenix AZ they voted the NON smoking law outside local colleges and universities, they also voted many tobacco tax increase and more rigid health oriented regulations are ahead of us.

Note –This section and its predictions were written and published in the 1995 Moon Power edition.

On a more positive note, this age group will fight hard to preserve nature, animals and the remainder of the rain forest. Many powerful computers and microchips developed by this generation as experienced in Operation Desert Storm, are deadly accurate.

Their ideal is very pure in thought and action, but this generation must guard against Pluto’s (fanaticism) subtle power for “perfection.” If the power of Pluto in Virgo is exaggerated, it becomes as deadly as the poison they try so hard to avoid.

Many of these souls will lose their lives by being too concerned with health (anorexia, hypochondria), turning rapidly to vegetarian diets, thus upsetting their naturally weak digestive tracts. They must understand that cats and dogs were born with strong claws and long, sharp teeth to tear apart raw flesh as intended by nature, while cows, horses, lambs, etc. are herbivores and were designed by God with flat teeth and three stomachs to eat only “salad.”

They are none of those. They are omnivorous and must eat meat as a vigilant balance for their sensitive metabolism. Some souls who are overwhelmed by Pluto are overly crazy for carbohydrates. They are also protein paranoid. Some starve themselves after 6:00 p.m. Others take their heart rates much too seriously, some have a penchant for pain, and more are victims of the fat-burning syndrome.

Because of the inborn critical attitude and a strong desire for health and perfection, those natural “puritans” will not find someone good enough for them and many will end up alone in the game of love.

Note: Insurance Companies DO NOT have your best interest at heart! When Pluto (investigation/insurance) went thought the sign of Virgo (health) more of our private information went to powerful organizations. From Dr. Williams licensed practicing medical doctor.

In the practice of medicine today, insurance companies don’t pay your doctor to spend much time with you and give you all the information you need about your disease. As shocking as it sounds, your insurance company may even forbid your doctor from telling you all there is to know about your condition and all of the available treatment options.

Information about you health is priceless, and the less you know about the treatment of your child’s condition, the better the insurance companies like it, because it saves them money for treatments and newer, more expensive medications.

Note: Do you know that, for insurance purposes, if you apply for a credit card, not only your driving record, tax record but also your entire private health record is divulged to those organizations? Now that you have a better understanding of whom is doing the diagnostic and why they need your tax dollar for their researches (and survival) I hope you are ready to deal with the truth about autism. Furthermore depraved of Cosmic Consciousness none of those new educated kids on the block will ever own the golden keys of what it means to be human or fully understand the psyche of your child.

The numbers show there is an epidemic of autism in the United States.

“It’s not known whether these increases are due to better counting or should be blamed on something in the environment, or, most likely, a mixture of both Peter Bearman, a Columbia University sociologist, says…”

DT Rebuttal: The fact is; without Cosmic Consciousnesses  your infantile science elites do not know anything about the human psyche and can only assume of the reasons for autism. This is going to be a long very educational health oriented Cosmic Code newsletter readers and only if you become a VIP will you get the answers the Illuminati do not want you to know! I am about to spend hours writing about natural health and explain what autism is all about, where it comes from and what to do naturally.

Thus before your doctors decides to poison you if you suffer depressions or your child with dangerous chemicals get the facts!

Early diagnosis can mean a world of difference

STORY: Research: Autism treatments fall short

 “It’s not known whether these increases are due to better counting or should be blamed on something in the environment, or, most likely, a mixture of both better awareness has something to do with the increase but “I don’t believe the whole thing is diagnostic.” Bearman studies autism rates in California and says his data, up to 2008, is consistent with the CDC’s count.

Autism Speaks, an advocacy and research funding agency, says the figures mean that the U.S. needs to take fast and immediate action to help families and children on the spectrum, and invest in the kind of research that will help better explain why the numbers are rising so rapidly.

DT Rebuttal: Yes this is exactly what I mean readers, investing in a kind of research that does offer answers that can not be gathered otherwise. But as always the problem  is the science community is still unable to assimilate the very words of a genius who has proven his worth worldwide.


*The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. We will not solve the problems of the world from the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. More than anything else, this new century demands new thinking: We must change our materially based analyses of the world around us to include broader, more multidimensional perspectives.”

 ~Albert Einstein*

 The idiocy of science nowadays is to expect different results about autism (or anything else for that matter) using the same accepted methodology! How ridiculous is that? This is why regardless of their PhD’s not a single scientist know what the heck is going on!

All those well read people can do is to use their own limited logical UCI or “Unique Celestial Identity” and should be blamed on something in the environment! Gee they have so much to learn and understand about the environment…

Mind you to a certain extend they are right because all they can perceive is the physical environment they live in because the cosmic environment is something their natal limited UCI forbid them to consider. Meantime when I wrote about my “visions” back in 2010 of a form of  “dementia” afflicting the US population  due to the passage of the nefarious Dragon’s Tail (negative) in Gemini (general communication, critical thinking, the mental process) right in the 12th house of the US chart I can now see the full results of such dragon impact upon society “Doomsday Preppers Folly and now the Epidemic of autism in the United States,

And if science could / would acknowledge, use or predict behavior within the UCI or “Unique Celestial Identity” software system I developed, might they (our politicians/the police and humanity at large) not also find a way to control their mental shortcoming?

Dr. Turi

Continued“Clearly we have a national emergency and clearly, we need a national plan,” said Mark Roithmayr, the president of Autism Speaks. That plan, he said, should include:


Better, earlier diagnosis of autism, which can be helped more if interventions are started early.

Better insurance coverage to pay for those interventions.

More federal funding for research into autism.

Greater pharmaceutical company investment into drug development to treat symptoms.

And a stronger commitment from employers to enable parents to work while providing extra care for their child, and to hire people on the autism spectrum.

DT Rebuttal: Exactly what I expected, nothing NEW at all but the same type of endeavors where using your fears lead them to benefit from more taxes for more futile researches. In fact the “PhD’s researchers” can only continue the same doomed route and survive if the wealthy pharmaceutical corporations provide them with financial support to generate and sell more vitriolic new drugs all at the expense of your kids’ fragile psyches. If you can not see the hidden  devious manipulative ways performed by this self interest groups you really need to wake up to reality readers.

Continued: “It’s time for us as a nation to see these numbers for what they truly are, and for us as a nation to commit to doing much more than we’ve done for date,” Roithmayr said. Roy Richard Grinker, an anthropology professor at The George Washington University in Washington, said he’s not surprised — even relieved — that the CDC’s autism rate is rising, because it means more children who need help are getting it.

DT Rebuttal: What a shameful logic! who cares about your kids mental aptitude as long as we can sell and addict your children with more harmful drugs. Do you think Roithmayr, Roy Richard Grinker Eric SchoplerRobert J. Reichier, and Barbara Rochen Renner or any of  of the millions of “educated” people involved in this poisonous financially oriented pharmaceutical masquerade are concerned with your child’s mental welfare or  more interested in their own greedy financial endeavors?  Why can’t you see the facts like I do and refuse to have your kids treated as guinea pigs?

Continued: States like Alabama, for instance, have long lagged behind others in autism diagnoses, because it is a large, rural state without a lot of services for children on the spectrum. The CDC count is based on the number of 8-year-olds getting services in a state, so if rates are rising in Alabama, that means more children there are getting help, he said. “It doesn’t mean that there’s a true increase in cases,” said Grinker, whose 20-year-old daughter is on the spectrum. “Sometimes the numbers reflect an increase in cases, but sometimes the numbers reflect how much we’re identifying people and giving them the services that they need and deserve.”

DT Rebuttal: The problem with nowadays researches is that all children are sought as physically or mentally “equal” which is the first serious mistake. No human being born is born equal, physically or spiritually and this is where the UCI comes to play. But what the heck do science know about UCI?  I was myself diagnosed as a serious case of ADD  as a child and ADHD was not yet “invented” in 1955 when I first became a very handful child. Luckily for me this type of armful researches and medication such a Prozac, Ritalin etc. did not exist, instead (shock therapy) was the only mean of fixing a kid’s brain. Luckily for me my intuitive mother refused the electric shock treatment prescribed she saved my sanity.

Her and my Grandma knew better than any and all sceintists combined then and told them, “let Louis run till he comes back home angry and tired” then he will be more manageable.” In fact not a single member of my family would “baby seat” me for if you would try to stop me moving or screaming I would simply pass out. After so many scary episodes they realized soon they could not handle me and found many excuses not to deal with me.

The same “disorder” got me fired from school at the tender age of 14 years old because not a single teacher could handle me, regardless of how much incredible devastating physical and verbal abuses I suffered.

Read the incredible facts of my deplorable upbringing and get a different perspective of what ADD/ADHD or autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is all about. In fact these are NOT disorders but in some cases, priceless God given gifts. Read it all in my book “Beyond The Secret”

Dr. Drew Versus Dr. Turi
Common Disorders and Astropsychology – Dr. Louis Turi
Dementia, Schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s and Science
Annie Murphy Paul: A Writer Explores Fetal Origins

Continued: Alabama still has the lowest autism rate among the 14 states measured in the CDC numbers, with 1 in 210 considered on the spectrum, compared with Utah with 1 in 47 diagnosed. The largest reported increases over the last two years were among black and Hispanic children, who have lagged behind whites in previous counts. More children are also being diagnosed at younger ages, the CDC numbers show.

DT Rebuttal: Now let’s use logic so the scientific crowd can finally assimilate the obvious. The biggest billion dollar business is coming from the drug Lords in Mexico and Central America correct? Now how many people do you know that do NOT use drugs? This “Neptunian” illegal business plagues the entire world and a good chunk of the American population of all ages. This mean you like it or not, you know it or not, you accept it or not the fact is;  the Neptunian “legacy” is passed on to your progeny. I wonder how many young or older mothers uses legal or illegal drugs and worse how much of these nefarious drugs have been consumed before,  during or after pregnancy?

Souls reincarnating on this dense physical world (hell) are already contaminated through the mothers’ blood and how can you expect a newborn not to suffer the consequences of his unconscious, uneducated, unaware or worse, uncaring moronic parents? How can you not expect those poisonous chemicals affecting  the child’s own brain chemicals and produce a serious imbalance?

You are witnessing the results of extreme stupidity, ignorance and abuses of  a greedy scientific community on a rampage working overtime to poison your children even more! Indeed I saved you the tax payers billions of dollars of ridiculous, wasteful scientific researches solely designed to slowly destroy the human genes.

Think of a terrible oil spill and how it destroy the marine life that somehow will end up in your plate.

Think of the chemicals ingested by livestock  turning into the hamburger a pregnant young mother and her child will consume at your local MacDonald? Do you really think you need more poison into your life?

But this serious human decay is also taking place at a psychical level with the enormity of dysfunctional reality show television programs –  Children and Dysfunctional Television

With such a deadly mixture recipe there is no wonder why human are decaying at the speed of light and your children are the the obvious target you can not ignore.  My God, how can 99.09% of the world be so blind or what is going on? I can guarantee you that I was the worse case of ADHD and ASD combined, where to this day, it is still impossible for me to remember a simple name or a telephone number. But do you think it is an accident for God to have designed and cursed me this way?

In the absence of Cosmic Consciousness; science, conspiracy and religious imagination have the wrong answers. There are no accidents just consequences the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive.”

Dr. Turi

Continued:  “Unfortunately, 40 percent of the children in this study aren’t getting a diagnosis until after age 4. We are working hard to change that,” Coleen Boyle, director of the CDC’s National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities, said in a prepared statement.

DT Rebuttal:  And those children are the ones that will be saved as long as the system does not engulf them into this poisonous mass hysteria. These kids will in time burn their young endless battery and nature demand them to use time in their favor. Time means also the option for the human body and its brain to FREE itself from their parents legal or illegal chemical substances “inheritances.” All they have to do is to sign up for a healthy, natural lifestyle, nurture a positive attitude because God, the Universe and the power of life is much smarter than any living scientists.  All Coleen Boyle, director of the CDC’s National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities and comrades are working at is; to gain more money to endorse their ridiculous studies to survive and keep the fearful propaganda alive.

Continued: Autism-spectrum disorders include three major categories, autism, Asperger’s and Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified, or PDD-NOS. To be diagnosed with autism, a child must have deficits in three areas: communication, social skills and in the ability to shift focus — children tend to perform repetitive behaviors like hand flapping. Those diagnosed with Asperger’s learned to speak at the appropriate time but communicate awkwardly; those with PDD-NOS are considered to fall on the “higher functioning” end of the spectrum.

DT Rebuttal: Autism-spectrum disorders include three major categories etc…guess what I had them all and some! But my mother never drank, smoke or ingested legal or illegal drugs, thus my turbo charged mind got a really good start without nefarious “inherited” chemicals. The same chemicals that did not exist in the fifties when I grew up and stuffed myself with all sorts of wild natural fruits growing all over La Provence, in France.

Earlier I wrote “Gee they have so much to learn and understand about the environment…”  While growing up I did not know what a Nintendo was and I did not spent much of my life sitting down in front of a computer or texting nonsense to my friends. I was burning gas all day long…My friends were the wind, the Sun, the Moon, the river, the forest, my dogs and mother nature and fresh air were my blessings. I did not live in a gang polluted city playing cop killing other kids in my safe natural neighborhood.  Nowadays kids have lost this simple “luxury” and this is why they need much more spiritual regeneration than we “the Baby Boom” generation enjoyed. Do you really think the educated nerds’ assumption, diagnostics and prognostics making up “The Baby Buster Generation” scientific community can help you and your children? You dream…

Continued: A professional group is now considering changing the diagnosis of autism-spectrum disorders, eliminating some people on the milder end. If the formal definition is changed next year, the rate of autism will certainly fall, experts said. As that change is being considered, researchers across the country are busy trying to understand what in the environment might be causing so many cases of autism.

“While we’re not completely sure of what is driving the rise in autism cases, it is certainly striking enough to warrant exploring in detail the possibility that environmental exposures contribute to this,” said Marc Weisskopf, an epidemiologist and associate professor at the Harvard School of Public Health, who is studying a possible link between air pollution and autism. “There are plenty of other reasons to avoid chemical toxicants, but we can’t yet pinpoint whether one of these is a culprit in this rise.”

Continued:  Incidentally I write as I read the article and I think they finally realize that exterior poisoning play a significant part of the problem, now why in the name of God can’t they see the damage they inflict on the children from the mental interior by prescribing more poison?  But how can they make a living prescribing pure air, more exercises, decent diet, supplements and general positivism?

The parents who gave life to these victimized children will hate me and find many excuses not to auto analyze their past, present and future habits just because they are themselves the product of a global manipulative machine controlling the information. These interest groups have no responsibility nor integrity and are consumed with greed and power over you.

The supremely wealthy and powerful insurance and oil industry are working hand in hand with NASA political Lobbyists and the Vatican to maintain the suppression of supreme wisdom and the promotion of natural healing.

Its time to reconsider this alarming multitude of diseases aiming for your children, created by the ego, materialism, greed and inconsideration of the scientific community limited perception of reality. Human are very complex machines made of flesh, nerves and bones and while science has accomplished many miracles in technology and medicine the essence of what it means to be a human spirit is gone…All replaced by a crow of human who truly believe they are better than you because they are still “Piling Higher and Deeper” instead of dealing with God’s spiritual reflection of the divine and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions.

Man’ egotistic spirit has gone astray since science pretend to one day have all the answers…All they need is to simply get back to the source of humility and curiosity, because this is the only golden door that will open to all the mysteries they are all enslaved to uncover.

Someone today in AZ will win the 530 million dollars, I wish I landed on this money because ultimately I would build many of my Astropsychology schools that will reverse the damage inflicted on your children by science.

But the chance of me winning this money is ZERO but this does not mean I did not try because…

“For evil to flourish, all that is needed is for good people to do nothing.” – Edmund Burke

Your donations to beat the EVIL of IGNORANCE and  save this world from total spiritual collapse are welcome…

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Boys with autism continue to outnumber girls 5-to-1, according to the CDC report. It estimates that 1 in 54 boys in the United States have autism. Mark Roithmayr, president of the advocacy group Autism Speaks, says more children are being diagnosed with autism because of “better diagnosis, broader diagnosis, better awareness, and roughly 50% of ‘We don’t know.'”

He said the numbers show there is an epidemic of autism in the United States. 

Sharing Emails:

—–Original Message—–

From:  Heather

Just signed up to become a Cosmic Coder.  I’ve followed your work for several years, in fact, I used to purchase your Moon Power book every year.  I stopped because you were too accurate.  In 2003 you predicted, I don’t remember th exact prediction, but it was something ending, shocking.  Well, that year, March 21st, my beloved son committed suicide.  I couldn’t bear to read further predictions, as I really didn’t want to know!  However, now I am ready once again to participate with you. You are definitely the most accurate and sensible of all the predictors, using only science, and not descending into personal guesswork.  Thanks for your commitment and your work, and I’m looking forward to working with you once again.


Hello Heather;

 I am so sorry for your loss and I wish I had you son’s DOB and took care of his depleted spirit before succumbing to the stars…This is why it is so important to trust me if fears or depressions plagues your or your loved ones’ spirit… I am glad you decided to face your fears and with my help you will conquer the evil of ignorance and misinformation… The deal is for the next 12 months from the day you join. Please go to  to sign up. Please choose the $24.95 option and thank you for your trust in Dr. Turi’s gift. Tell all your friends.

Since the dawn of time, the Creator has shown his truth to the humble, a truth that is hidden from the vain blinded by worldly pleasures, but which is written in the skies, which nightly speaks of the glory of God.


Blessings to all

Dr. Turi

Teach me all about my cosmic relationship with God marvelous Univer…

The Magical Power of Talismans! 

Dr. Turi on Aquarian Radio December 21st from 8pm to 10pm DT will join host Janet Kira Lessin on Aquarian radio to discuss the latest developments in relation to the Arian Draconian energy, religions, Ebola, ISIS,  and what is to come in 2015.




L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

“Show me a curious person or an avid reader and I will point out a winner!” Dr. Turi

 Now only $5 – Click image above to purchase the 2014 Moon Power Starguide – Now Available for Download!!  

This book will become a collective item for the children of the future…

$15:00  – Click image above to purchase the 2015 Dragon Forecast –  Now Available for Download!!

Show your support join my Cyber Cosmic University


“New! 3yr Old Child Has a Frightening Prophetic Vision About the Future and You Won’t Believe His Earth-Shattering Vision…

I am a contributor for BIN website / and I landed on a religious poisoned soul’s  article that received over 39000 hits!  Each passing day I realize how gullible and fearful much of those God fearing souls reading those articles truly are!

But what it really amazing to me is the title itself can only attract those who have the same brain power of a kid who supposedly had a vision i.e. “The apocalyptic visions came from first an 11yr old, then a 7yr old child!” New! 11yr Old Child Has a Frightening Prophetic Vision About the Future and You Won’t Believe His Earth-Shattering Vision…

The to my amazement more gullible unconscious readers showed the same brain logic of a 7 yr! old” New! 7yr Old Child Has Frightening Prophetic Vision About Future You Won’t Believe His Tuesday Shattering Vision,King Stevian

Thus I decided to test the level of idiocy of those gullible, cosmic unconscious readers by using the same attractive nonsensical title and posted mine, but the imaginary child I created is only 3 years old!

Thus if you are remotely normal, you should not even click on such a ridiculous link and this is why I added more of my predictions about NASA “Unmanned NASA rocket explodes to make you aware of how God speak to me and not waste your time.

I am so curious to find out how many people can and will actually believe a 11, 7 and now a 3 yr old child would or could make any form of predictions and know better than a 65 yrs old erudite, cosmic conscious man like Dr. Turi?

This religious, fearful insanity is a bit too much for me to take but how many normal human beings are left on earth? Is it possible for any of them to conceive my cosmic work especially when none of them are aware of the false God they fear so much?

Atheists & Christians, A Cosmic God is Really Pissed Off At You!

Indeed ALL those lost souls felt for Satan himself and are completely unaware of it!  “It’s HERE NOW! God/Luciferian Cabal’s Global Enslavement of Humanity: Have You Been Caught In Its Grip? “ 

All I can do now is to check later on how many gullible, not so smart people will click on “New! 3yr Old Child Has a Frightening Prophetic Vision About the Future and You Won’t Believe His Earth-Shattering Vision,”  knowing no many of them have the mental power and/or the UCI critical thinking needed to read and assimilate my work offered in the link above!

OMG! Have Mercy for all your lost children! Satan is truly sucking the souls of those lost scared lambs.

Here they are, all running lead by so many religiously poisoned BIN writers, tainted by the evil of fear and ignorance straight to hell right here on earth! You are not going to go to hell, you already are on hell, right here, right now in your ignorance and paralyzing fears!

“It’s HERE NOW! God/Luciferian Cabal’s Global Enslavement of Humanity: Have You Been Caught In Its Grip? “ 

Do not feed the religious matrix and Satan with your fears!  Instead use the light of God!  to own your salvation.



“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life.   Dr. Turi


Unmanned NASA rocket explodes

Witness: Space tourism rocket explodes in desert

The True $$$$$$$$$$pirit of NASA

(CNN) – An unmanned NASA rocket exploded early Tuesday evening.

According to NASA, the Orbital Sciences Corp.’s Antares rocket and Cygnus cargo spacecraft were set to launch at 6:22 p.m. ET. It was set to carry some 5,000 pounds of supplies and experiments to the International Space Station.

“There was failure on launch,” NASA spokesman Jay Bolden said. “There was no indicated loss of life. Bolden added, “There was significant property and vehicle damage. Mission control is trying to assess what went wrong.”

This is what went wrong people!  NASA is not listening nor aware of  a cosmic timing that took the lives of so many astronauts in the past and cost the US taxpayers billions of dollars!  Can you imagine the amount of billions of dollars wasted because of the scientific community “educated” mental pride?

 Imagine how many astropsychology schools I could have build and what I could have done with only one of NASA’s wasted fortunes to further the humanity spirit? Will they ever learn anything, no they won’t!

October 2014 SOS To The World Windows

October 14/15/16/28/29

Nature Men To Strike Hard
New Horizons Following Tragedy
Much to Fall Nothing Made To Last
Tears Pain Death A new Life For Many

Beginning / Ending of War / Beginning / Ending of Important Portion of Life / Forced Relocation / Forced Actions/ Destructive Actions / Weather / A new Planned and / or Unplanned Life For Many.

  • 10/28/2014 Unmanned NASA rocket explodes
  • 10/14/14 – Region: OFFSHORE EL SALVADOR
  • Magnitude: 7.4
  • 10/14/14 – Region: SOUTH OF THE KERMADEC ISLANDS
  • Magnitude: 6.1



There will be three major negative SUPERNOVA windows in the current year. Each destructive “window” is operational for three to four weeks, thus caution is strongly advised during this period.   Heavy loss of lives due to nature’s devastating forces, aeronautical disasters and structural damage is to be expected. Once more realize that I do not use traditional dates found in popular ephemera. Years of practical observation lead me to extend the Mercury retrograde motion and period of time.

  •  2014 First SUPERNOVA window – From 01/30/2014 through 03/05/2014
  • 2014  Second SUPERNOVA window – 06/01/2014 through 07/06/2014
  • 2014  Third SUPERNOVA window –  From 09/28/2014 through 10/31/2014


Concentration of negative celestial energy approaching Be extremely prudent in driving, and expect chain-reaction accidents. Be prepared for delays, strikes, and nature producing awful weather, including hurricanes and tornadoes. The same energy that produced the Titanic disaster, the Northridge, Los Angeles, and Kobe, Japan, earthquakes is approaching again. Double-check all your appointments, and if you can, postpone traveling and flying during this Supernova “window”.

Communication and electricity will be cut off, and a general loss of power is to be expected. Appliances, computers, telephones, planes, trains, cars, all of these “tools” will be affected by this energy. They will be stopped in one way or another.  HELLO – HELLO – HELLO! Lights should’ve warned pilots   BUT THEY DID NOT! They were OUT OF COMMISSION! 

The people of the past will make the news and will reenter your life. Expect trouble with the post office, education, students, strikes, prisoners’ escape, newspapers, broadcasting industries and computer viruses may bother us again.

Many a failed mission and expensive electronic equipment (Mars probe etc.) and our tax dollars have been wasted because of the scientist’s lack of knowledge of the stars. As usual NASA, which is not aware of the science of astrology, will waste our tax money with failed missions due to bad weather and electronic malfunctions. In the name of ignorance a few years ago, in the Challenger explosion seven astronauts lost their lives when NASA launched the shuttle under a “Supernova Window”.

Note: Regardless of Dr. Turi’s expectations posted on his website for the second time and his desperate attempts over the years to make NASA officials aware of dangerous Super Nova Windows, the Columbia was also launched during this window and re-entered the last night of it producing the death of all courageous astronauts.

Marine life sharks, whales etc may also beach themselves due to Mercury retrograde affecting their natural inborn navigational systems. All these malevolent predictions and waste of lives and equipment do not have to occur. Those predictions do not have to affect you directly as they unfold. Instead, they are printed to prepare you for setbacks and frustrations, thus advising you to be patient and prudent during this trend. There is no room for ignorance, and those who are not aware of the celestial order, including the NASA space-program management team, will continue to pay a heavy price. In all mankind’s affairs, ignorance is true evil. Why any scientists who are against my research do not honor the word science, which is based upon solid investigation, is solid proof of mental snobbery. By omitting any physical or spiritual laws can only bring penalty; for science’s purpose is to explore all possibilities, even those laws written in light via the stars.  

Check the full results of the latest Supernova window

Big solar storm heading toward Earth predicted by Dr. Turi a year earlier!


Dr. Turi Predicted Tropical Cyclone Phailin on George Noory Nationa…


Mercury, the planet regulating general communications, transportation and all moving parts now in its retrograde motion. This mean, a chance for the people and affairs of the past to comeback into your life – Roma family in Ireland, daughter reunite – but to also experience all sorts of problems, on the road and in some cases death! I-10 closed for crash with multiple fatalities –  89 killed in India temple stampede  – Mercury will try all he can to stop you and all moving things!  and ALL you are trying to on earth in the water Craft capsizes off Miami; 4 dead or in the air – Spirit Air passengers delayed 12 hrs. – 2 killed in crash of vintage aircraft – Plane blows engine, lands on road – 3 killed in medical copter crash – Plane full of skydivers crashes – Parachutist dies at Florida air show –  Dozens reported killed in Laos plane crash – Wingsuit flier Victor Kovats dies after cliff crash horror  –  Passenger lands plane after pilot falls ill –  L.A. airport has ‘small evacuation’  –  Obamacare site is a disaster  – Glitches could kill Obamacare  – Computer Glitch Blamed For Nationwide EBT System Shutdown On Saturday – Two 747s nearly collide Two 747s nearly collide  NO skeptics this does not happen everyday!

Note Terania and I will be generating all the November forecasts before Friday October 31st.

 After reading yet another educational article you may decide to become a VIP and be part of the extreme minority of a rare breed of smart and curious human beings. You may also fall for Satan blind children who sold their souls to the evil of fear and ignorance.

Blessings to all our VIP’s!

Dr. Turi

Teach me all about my cosmic relationship with God marvelous Univer…

The Magical Power of Talismans! 

Dr. Turi on Aquarian Radio December 21st from 8pm to 10pm DT will join host Janet Kira Lessin on Aquarian radio to discuss the latest developments in relation to the Arian Draconian energy, religions, Ebola, ISIS,  and what is to come in 2015.




L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

“Show me a curious person or an avid reader and I will point out a winner!” Dr. Turi

 Now only $5 – Click image above to purchase the 2014 Moon Power Starguide – Now Available for Download!!  

This book will become a collective item for the children of the future…

$15:00  – Click image above to purchase the 2015 Dragon Forecast –  Now Available for Download!!

Show your support join my Cyber Cosmic University