Year: 2014

Did you ever see a UFO?

Video presents stunning and unassailable evidence on the UFO reality

Former Boston Globe Journalist offers critical evidence on the UFO reality – This video highlights many of the salient features in her book including exclusive summary testimony from some of the same officials who composed chapters in her book – chilling audio captured during The Rendlesham Forest – Bentwaters (UK) UFO incident as well as the Chicago O’Hare Airport UFO incident. Most revealing is the video’s presentation of thorough research that outlines the shocking description of the 1989 Belgian UFO flap.

Watch this provocative video at: SECRET ACCESS – UFOs on the record


Join Dr. Turi live!  A cosmic experience you will never forget if you are into metaphysics, UFO and natural Healing!

The Meetup Group you’re looking for doesn’t exist?????

Important note!

Sorry readers, while I was quite excited to meet many of you live in my home town in Phoenix, this morning, I checked the number of people interested in my cosmic teachings and there was quite a few signed up only after a day.

But my group was removed by someone at! I am not exactly sure why but it seems, Mercury retrograde and/or the force of evil are still at work against the cosmic light I own…

I guess we do not belong to the type of Neptunian teachings offered by so many Meetup groups and “God’s cosmic selection” has been done by a much higher order through the person who removed me and the many popular UFO organizations working hard to mute me.

I guess a Cosmic God wants me to teach only the extreme minority of supremely advanced souls who vibrate at the same lightspeed and joined us in my Cyber Cosmic University!  I take this as another sublime order from the above not to teach (for free) those who are not ready for our highly spiritual, advanced cosmic work.


Dr. Turi

As of today all, or nearly 8000 cosmic code subscribers have FULL access to the cosmic code website for the next 30 days. All the forecasts are at  Cosmic Coders Only –  I hope you will also enjoy all others articles I will produce from now on. Note the 2015 Nostradamus Universal Neptunius Riligious Draconis will only be available for my VIP’s by November 15, 2014.

Lastly, I hope you enjoyed my last public article titled “Did the Titanic Sink Because of an Optical Illusion? Absolutely not! 2015 Nostradamus Universal Predictions.”

I am much too busy with my clientele to offer more free articles to the general public.  If you like my work, after the trying period, please join before the month is over to learn more about the cosmic code secrets and benefit from my personal guidance and universal predictions.


Dr. Turi

Teach me all about my cosmic relationship with God marvelous Universe Dr. Turi



 L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

“Show me a curious person or an avid reader and I will point out a winner!” Dr. Turi

 Now only $5 – Click image above to purchase the 2014 Moon Power Starguide –  Now Available for Download!!  This book will become a collective item for the children of the future…

$15:00  – Click image above to purchase the 2015 Dragon Forecast – Now Available for Download!!

Show your support join my Cyber Cosmic University

The Magical Power of Talismans!

What makes a true Genius? The 2014 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine GPS? NONSENSE!


For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary; for those who do not, none will ever suffice… Dr. Turi

Where is the human CREATIVE spirit gone?

Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine GPS contains no SPIRITUAL values. 

A giant screen displays the winners of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2014 at a press conference in Stockholm, Sweden.  British-US scientist John O’Keefe and married couple May-Britt and Edvard Moser from Norway have won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for discovering the brain’s “inner GPS”.

Dear Readers;

Read also “Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Dr. Deepak Chopra , NeildeGrasse – ARE YOU A TRUE GENIUS?

Important note: As of today I will only offer older articles to the public, newest articles can only be read from my Cyber Cosmic University by my VIPs. 

Yes, these well read kids, are part of the rational OCD generation educated scientists and all their logical findings fit only the physical plane! Explaining the components of a computer (the human mind) does not offer its cosmic spiritual essence! When will our infantile science stop omitting the Universal mind’s interaction with the human mind and realize its subtle omnipresence?   

 I can assure you readers, they are light years away from the legitimate cosmic wisdom they need to acknowledge what the true human GPS or the karmic UCI is all about, then finally, own the golden keys to what it means to be human.

But with so much money invested in the Scientific matrix, true spiritual ingenuity will never be rewarded… At least not for many years to come. The true “GPS” is the human UCI or his cosmic identity  something all traditionally schooled scientists can never uncover and can only ridicule! 

Like human, the animal kingdom own a UCI, but it seems the scientists “educated” pea brain is less developed than all of those birds and mammals born with this inborn GPS! Would they accept the fact that an ant or a bat brain is superior as theirs because of their natural UCI perceptive abilities?

…perhaps there is a pattern set up in the heavens for one who desires to see it and having seen it, to find one in himself – Plato

Curiosity is what makes the difference between a common educated person and the potential to develop true Genius potential!


Its a miracle for curiosity to survive education… A. Einstein 

Neil DeGrasse Astronomy VS Dr. Turi’s Astrology 

  • A genius is someone that is unconventional; Einstein would indeed fit the bill and someone that accomplished something totally incredible regardless of unbelievable obstacles.
  • A genius is someone educated that uses traditional information and brings it to a much higher level.
  • A genius is someone not necessarily educated but blessed or cursed by god with a phenomenal artistic or intellectual gift.
  • A genius is someone that stands for his/her beliefs and do not seem to be able to stop working towards the results.
  • A genius is someone willing to take on the ridicule, setback, and stress never losing sight to his/her goal.
  • A genius is someone that regardless of the opposition continues to make progress in his/her field and astonish people.
  • A genius is someone that everyone else is jealous of because he/she naturally shines.
  • A genius is someone that you can only love or hate because he/she is so special and often misunderstood
  • A genius is someone that others either listen to and grow or cannot relate to.
  • A genius is someone like some of my close friends; that astonish people because of their dedication and mission.
  • A true genius comes without pride or ego and already knows he is a genius and always rewards even the smallest gesture done to him.
  • A true genius does not need anyone’s confirmation or approval and shares the light with anyone he considers special.
  • A true genius is complete emotionally, financially, and spiritually and will always have time for others outside of its own mission.
  • So if you know a *genius be prepared because this Aquarius type of energy will always surprise you at the end.
  • Lastly, a magnet will not attract a piece of wood a true genius can only attract above-average and smart people.

Spiritual Phenomena Exist in Other Dimensions Dr. Turi Says!

The Universe IS a big Brain

Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Dr. Deepak Chopra , NeildeGrasse – ARE YOU A TRUE GENIUS?

Neil deGrasse Tyson “Cosmos” Versus Dr. Turi Cosmic Code Reality Show

Dr. Drew, Dr. Gupta, PTSD, Bullying and Suicide Answers

While the scientific community and The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences offers a platform for recognition in physics to two deserving rational souls, my accomplishments in the conception and applications of a spiritual Universe is ridicule or sought as pseudoscience only! ‘God particle’ scientists win Nobel.

Today the infantile scientific community is not ready to give Nobel prizes to the deserving cosmic conscious souls! Or for something they natal rational UCI can not understand, conceive, nor see or touch!

Do you know what a Nobel prize entails readers?

“A parody of the Nobel Prizes, the Ig Nobel Prizes are given each year in early October—around the time the recipients of the genuine Nobel Prizes are announced—for ten achievements that “first make people laugh, and then make them think.” Commenting on the 2006 awards, Marc Abrahams, editor of Annals of Improbable Research, co-sponsor of the awards, said: The prizes are intended to celebrate the unusual, honor the imaginative – and spur people’s interest in science, medicine, and technology.All prizes are awarded for real achievements… 

And real achievements can only be measured, checked, investigated but WHY DON’T THEY DO THIS WITH MY WORK?  Because my cosmic work is well ahead of them all, that’s why!

Image result for YOU TUBE

“Cosmic Consciousness is the liberation of your soul and the start to its infinite journey back to God’s Cosmic Divinity.” Dr. Turi

I underlined what I consider would fit my independent research on the cosmic code manifesto and its subtle interaction with the human psyche but how can any of the judges realize the gift and values of my work when they are ALL cosmic unconscious or when I am immediately dismissed as a “psychic” and ridicule?

That is the PRIZE I have to pay for being the first Cosmic Cop and 50 years or so into the future…

All I can do is to keep forging forward and try to breach today’s science psychical limitation while re-introducing a factual God’s divinity and his celestial omnipresence. Time has changed and changing even faster each passing day readers and there are no accidents for you to read me today!

And while I will never get a Nobel Prize, I already own it in the hearts of those who truly know and understand my work and I. At least,  I can indeed associate with a great genius and this is the curse I have to endure to free humanity from fears and its cosmic ignorance.

So many times I warned of science reluctance to deal with God’s cosmic divinity or God particle objectively (macrocosm) instead of dealing with microscopic particle (microcosm.) But I also mentioned many times it seems to be a natural default for all scientists to miss the entire forest for the tree…”

Update –  Canada’s Alice Munro, ‘master’ of short stories, wins Nobel Prize in literature

I know, it is when I will be 6 ft under that the world will finally recognize Dr. Turi as the    ”master” of cosmic eternal rites and Universal ceremonies… So much for “short imaginative stories”  when all my work is non-fictional and crucial for human survival…

But the fact is;  only an extreme minority of smart human beings can appreciate or detect ingeniousness… And in order to be recognized by the “experts”, the cosmic unconscious elites of the educational controlling matrix must be smarter than the writer himself! In my case, this is not the case…


Dr. Turi

Video presents stunning and unassailable evidence on the UFO reality

Former Boston Globe Journalist offers critical evidence on the UFO reality – This video highlights many of the salient features in her book including exclusive summary testimony from some of the same officials who composed chapters in her book – chilling audio captured during The Rendlesham Forest – Bentwaters (UK) UFO incident as well as the Chicago O’Hare Airport UFO incident. Most revealing is the video’s presentation of thorough research that outlines the shocking description of the 1989 Belgian UFO flap.

Watch this provocative video at: SECRET ACCESS – UFOs on the record


Dr. Turi


Teach me all about my cosmic relationship with God marvelous Universe Dr. Turi



 L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

“Show me a curious person or an avid reader and I will point out a winner!” Dr. Turi

 Now only $5 – Click image above to purchase the 2014 Moon Power Starguide –  Now Available for Download!!  This book will become a collective item for the children of the future…

$15:00  – Click image above to purchase the 2015 Dragon Forecast – Now Available for Download!!

Show your support join my Cyber Cosmic University

The Magical Power of Talismans!

Did the Titanic Sink Because of an Optical Illusion? Absolutely not! 2015 Nostradamus Universal Predictions


Recovered / edited article published March 3rd 2010

Three things can not long be hidden, the Sun, the Moon and the Truth! Buddha 

Titanic Fateful Night 

From “2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Draconis Universal Predictions” (VIP’s)  free but limited PUBLIC!  version!

‘Titanic of the Golden Gate’ found‘ found  – Prediction 22 of 24The ocean will offer more of his secrets and a new “Titanic” will make the news. If you are a scientist, a skeptic, a atheist or agnostic do not assume, instead use your critical thinking accordingly! BE CURIOUS! Here is your chance to wake up to God cosmic divinity and check the reality of my predictive gift! 


Did the Titanic Sink Because of an Optical Illusion? Absolutely not! 

There is only a very thin hair between Divine information and pure imagination, where Cosmic Consciousness is lacking; science, conspiracy and religious imagination have the wrong answers. There are no accidents, nor circumstances, only subtle cosmic consequences at work the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive.”

Dr. Turi

If you ever wondered about the forecasts I post every months of the year for my VIP’s at the “Cosmic Coders Only” group, I am offering the general public a real chance to “test drive” the values of my work  from my  public new Facebook page

We have about 8000 subscribers on my Cosmic Code Cyber University signed up and you must investigate my work on my new Facebook page before joining! You may also read What Does The World Say About Dr. Turi?

But why should you do such a thing you may ask? Well there are a few reasons…. First its like buying a car, you must test drive the automobile, feel it, look at all the components, the interior, the motor, ask questions and if you like it, you’ll purchase it.

Second when Mercury, the planet of communication goes retrograde, it mean an opportunity offered by the Cosmic Code to realize what you missed and jump into Dr. Turi’s “cosmic” train.  Mercury retrograde is like a bullet train that goes very fast in one direction and never stops…

Then God decides its time for this train to slow down, then stop allowing all the people that were much too busy to get in for a while. Indeed Mercury retrograde, always offer this option to re-evaluate your past and the people you felt me be worth reading and following.

But this train was going much too fast and these were your excuses, I can’t afford it, I’ll do it tomorrow, I don’t believe this, it can’t be true, its against my religion, its a pseudo-science only etc.

All you were doing all along is; procrastinating by finding all the excuses in the world not to jump in the train! But now that you are getting a FREE ride, and you do not have to spend any money, why not give it a try?

This is your life, your career, your work, your family, your daily life where you do not have time to pay attention to Dr. Turi ingenuity and his predictions. Then God decides its time for you to do give it a try, because you, somehow formulated a wish to check on my claims.

By checking all my forecasts and observing the news, like all my trusting VIP’s, you will soon realize that my predictive work, my daily guidance and predictions are legitimate and worth checking everyday. Then after one month, you may decide to learn all about the secrets of the Cosmic Code and become a VIP by joining  my Cyber Cosmic University.

This is also my way to say thank you for taking the first step and for you, a while back, to take the time to sign up.


Dear Readers;

If we did not know about the cosmic code jurisdictions, I do not think Terania and I would have the strenght to carry on serving our readers everyday and keep faith in the future! Indeed the  devastating 2014 Arian Draconis on Terania first house (herself) and cursing my second house of money and self-esteem, is a tough one to deal with, and the constant challenges are becoming unbearable! But we are strong and with God’s help, we will use our will to beat the cosmic code…

Letting go of loving pets without tears!

Where is the American dream gone? Where are the days where money was flowing endlessly and where the government did not kill us with too much taxes and the IRS was less intrusive?

To be happy in the US nowadays, you must be a millionaire or very poor and we are still in between for now!  But for how long? Yes the middle class is being destroyed and I am another of the millions of examples.

While our business is doing very well, mostly because we both work our asses off every day of the week, and we do not drink, smoke and  socialize,  it seem all the revenues goes through our fingers and straight to the IRS!

At the end, like you,  we are working for the system and barely surviving…

Like everyone, because we own a house, and we must pay over two thousands in taxes very year for our local schools “owned by the Christian matrix” but we do not have kids, and we do not adhere to a bunch of fabricated false Gods sucking money and ready to send you to hell if you do not fear them! Our precious house has to go with a big loss too, I doubt very much I’ll get what it is worth and that is the only way for us to face the IRS!

What does not kill us makes us stronger yes? 

Indeed all diseases are coming from a physical, spiritual or a cosmic blockage, (Arian Draconis) or all of the above!  All this stress affect our health adding more medical expenses we do not need!

I was able to beat cancer, pneumonia, and Valley Fever… So little is known about this disease and if you reside in the West, you better read the facts!

This does not mean you will contract the disease, that is until the Tail of the Dragon moves on you, or make a hard aspect to your 6th house of health, finances and to your UCI, which is currently  happening with us!

Remember readers, there are no accidents, only cosmic circumstances producing those nasty “accidents and Acts of God” and it is by sharing our own experiences that you will benefit from them!

This does not mean the young souls will relate but my spiritual work is not designed to benefit them…

While the majority of people would rather live in secrecy and DEMAND total privacy, we never expose anyone real identity and use only fictional names. But we are public and the real purpose of dealing with us is for you to acknowledge ALL truths!  And truthfulness can not involve lies or ego!

“Three things cannot be long hidden; the Sun, the Moon and the truth!” – Buddha  

DT I have been battling Valley Fever since 09.    University Of California davis is the only true site that does the actual testing.   I just had a test run and it came back positive again..   It’s been a long road but not one that we together can not fight.    Never give up. Joanne.  

Now on to 2015 Nostradamus Universal Predictions and Titanic Fateful Night

Imagine for a second if all the atheists, the non spirituals or non cosmic conscious prophets were trusted  to decipher Nostradamus original work?  Being a scholar of any sorts, is very beneficial to recall history or religions (as it was written), but the question remain, is what you learned accurate or even real?

Because something is taught or universally accepted as traditionally true by the majority, does not make it legitimate or factual!

 It took centuries and countless UCI to make the world what it became today, but there is much more than the eyes can see and what the five limited “educated” human senses can perceive!

As of November 2015, the  Universal “Riligious Neptunius Draconis” will be in charge the world and the set of predictions presented at the bottom of this article is not for the fainted hearts!

While the young souls can only ridicule my predictive work, the more spiritual human beings who studied  both  the “2014 Arian Draconis Universal Predictions” and  the “Scorpius Draconis Universal Predictions”  will have no doubt of what the future has in store for humanity!

Nostradamus Prophecies and Dr. Turi


Neptune Lord of Religious Deception Rules
Fear Water, Drowning Fire Black Blood
Dreams Reality Conflicts Poison Mad Spirits
All False Gods Lost Children Join To Kill

11/2015-02/2017 the beginning of the End of All Religions …

Who will stop ISIS? The damage of religions upon humanity …

While my quatrain and keywords speaks of an obvious Neptunian cosmic energy, the ocean, water, tsunami, California, chemicals, oil, diseases, the movie industry, even pandemic and the sad fate of the Titanic came to my mind…

I have to keep the channeling in control but it is pouring with so much information and those predictions will be as obvious as the ones involving “Hitler’s invading, racial and deadly spirit” still cursing the world today!

But before elaborating on those predictions, I have decided to first, write more on the cosmic reasons for Titanic sinking and the loss of its precious human cargo.

The ocean mean also the US NAVY! 

The night of 15 April 1912, all was in place cosmically for the tragedy to take place, but even then, humanity did not heed God’ signs and thousand of people perished in the name of ignorance. Indeed the Titanic maiden voyage took place during the same exact “Confusing Cosmic Ceremonies” as the Concordia, and the two vessels colliding in the Suez Canal September 9, 2014.

When the Titanic sank, the moon was waning (negative) the moon was also in Pisces (ocean) and the ship was sailing during a Supernova window / Mercury retrograde (troubles/miscommunications).

This was a perfect cosmic recipe for a serious disaster and it happened, imposed by the Cosmic Code jurisdictions. Had Captain Smith, the sponsors and the unlucky travelers heed God’ signs or knew about God’s cosmic will, many would have avoided such a terrible fate and reschedule the Titanic “Maiden Voyage.”

Indeed, even in 1912 the world did not heed the stars and, in the name of religious convictions or fearing the ridicule, thousands of  people are experiencing “accidents” and a premature death everyday.

Can you imagine me warning and screaming at all the passengers boarding the Titanic’ “You will all perish if you ignore the signs?”  What would have Captain Smith said, had I the chance to speak to him, asking him to reschedule Titanic maiden voyage?

I would have gotten the same exact deplorable responses I get today with the majority of “educated/religious” people  reading my work!

Yes, humanity did not improve psychically that much since 1912…  But crimes, suicides, corruptions, abuses of power, idiocy, injustice, exploitation, racism, desecration and religions have exploded! 

 Concordia disaster focuses attention on how cruise industry operates

Read the reasons our unconscious science could never explain. 

Costa Concordia’s secrets revealed

Accident between two vessels in suez canal COULD HAVE BEEN AVOIDED!…

Were You Born a Neptunian?

Mercury Retrograde Explanations

“Titanic, What Really Happened that Fateful Night?”

Astroforensics of the future at work today!


Sun 24Ari39 (1) Personality Born to be # 1 exalted -The Titanic name itself has a Martian/Arian intonation. The White Star Line choose the name Titanic due to it being the largest ship in the world at the time of its launching.  As Titanic’s sister ship was called ‘Olympic’, White Star named Titanic after the Titans who fought against the gods on Mount Olympia. In Greek Mythology, the Titans were powerful god’s called the “elder god’s” that ruled the earth. They were overthrown by the Olympians. A Titan was a symbol of mightiness and power.

Moon 24Pis33 (12) Deception Doomed at sea – The very fact is the Titanic went down on one of his negative cosmic biorhythms but the world is not yet aware of my latest incredible astrological discovery!
Mercury 25Ari32 (1) – Self:  Competitive Judgmental, impatient, speed,  prone to errors, especially under negative cosmic auspices (Supernova Window)

Venus 02Ari56 (1) – Self:  Pride, arts and mighty beauty, Venus brought the courageous musicians on board who played their instruments until death!

Mars 05Can12 (4) – Home or the warm, secure inside the ship –  No efforts and cost was spared to offer the passengers good food and a sense of security with the extraordinary wood classy furnitures and design of the ship. The great ship had 1,750 pounds of ice cream and had 4 tons of potatoes aboard. With Mars in Cancer, danger and accidents becomes a very high possibility on board of the ship

Jupiter 15Sag07 (9) Traveling Universal Publicity dignity. Sagittarius rules foreigners offering many people the option to start a new life by boarding the fated ship!

“Millionaires don’t use astrology, billionaires do!”

J.P. Morgan

Saturn 19Tau47 (2)  The Great Malefic Saturn is found in Taurus (banks) influencing and stimulating this colossal financial disaster. Indeed if you are a CEO a FCO or handling millions (or billions) you should read this article – Do You Have The Yen To Be a Billionaire? – Sad enough J.P. Morgan used modern astrology and not Dr. Turi Astroforensics and could not foresee the Titanic disaster!

Uranus 03Aqu14 (11) Shocking Surprise Dignity – Uranus rules shocking developments, the 11th house the entire doomed passenger group who suffered such a dramatic fate.

Neptune 21Can02 (4) Religious ceremony exalted – The religious matrix always infiltrate with mighty power. event the Titanic. In 2012 the God fearing gullible passengers  needed a priest and  a place of worship on the ship. But like Pope Francis, Neptunians do not own cosmic consciousness and do not adhere to a cosmic God, nor read the signs…

Pluto 27Gem10 (3) Death through traveling – Pluto rules drama and death while Gemini rules all form of transportations by water, air, rail and road. A set of very obvious “Confusing Cosmic Ceremonies” produced the “Act of God.” and not a ridiculous optical illusion! A cosmic unconscious science can only use the five limited rational human senses trying to understand what happened to Titanic! But there is much more they have to learn and all they need is Dr. Turi’s cosmic work!

Dragon’s Head: Aries – Titanic Personality and Fate: in 1912, the great liner was the biggest and most expansive build to date ship and was to be number one in the world. Aries is ruled by Mars (Lord of danger) and Mars rules engineering, steel, speed, competitiveness and fire. Had society acquired cosmic consciousness instead of wasting fortunes sucking deceptive religions, those people would have lived a long and happy life!

Dragon’s Tail: Libra – Titanic Karma: The sign of Libra is ruled by Venus (partners, wealth, the arts, the law and contracts). The great ship assembled powerful people. Many of those who perished on the ship came from prominent American, British, and European business families. The majority were very wealthy, traditionally educated pious and privileged select souls.  Sad enough, Libra (partnerships) also means hundreds of married couples died and were separated during the fateful night.

Among the dead were the noted British journalist William Thomas Stead and heirs to the Straus and Astor fortunes. The glamour associated with the ship, its maiden voyage, and its notable passengers magnified the tragedy of its sinking in the popular mind.

Serious legal actions were to follow the drama by the survivors of all the victims. And, as anticipated by the location of the Dragon’s Tail (negative) in Libra (the law) the responsible party never got punished and a meager some of money was paid to the relatives of the dead.

Libra also means partners in business, and because of the Dragon’s Tail in Libra’s location, none of the Titanic’s investors made money, instead they all took a serious loss. Call it a karmic trip imposed by a cosmic God no one saw coming…

Ruler of Chart that fateful night: Mars (danger/accident)

Planetary Hour Lord: Mars (danger/accident)

Mercury retrograde: Supernova Window – Total loss of communication! Confusing Cosmic Ceremonies

Memo – Starguide 1996: Loss of a large vessel at sea: A few hundred people will lose their lives at sea. A replica of the “Titanic”experience is to be expected during one of the four “Supernova” windows
see 1997 Starguide for exact dates of major calamities.

Sometimes I get frustrated, even confused in the way my channeled predictions unfold. For example, as you read above, I wrote the word “Titanic” well before the most expensive movie ever made in the history of Hollywood.

At that specific time in space, this great movie was only an idea in someone’s mind and a far away movie project, which did manifest publicly, two years later, in January 1998. Incidentally, my predictions for serious sea accidents also took place with both the Scandinavian and Haitian ferry accidents where hundreds of people lost precious lives at sea.

Using Astroforensics, I will try to shed some light on what really happened that fateful night of April 15th, 1912 when the unsinkable ship “Titanic” sank in the cold water of the Atlantic Ocean.

“Iceberg, dead ahead!” were the words screamed by the lookout. The iceberg loomed in front of the massive ship. The man at the wheel tried to turn the ship, but it was too late.

Had the sailor saw the iceberg, Titanic probably wouldn’t have sunk. But, instead they turned and the side of the ship, the weakest part, was faced towards the iceberg. It just scratched along the side of the ship, but it was enough to pop out its rivets.This is why the scientific community, using logic, concentrated on the possibility of an  Optical Illusion!

But if that was the case, was  “Optical Illusion” also responsible for the Concordia accident and the thousands of ships who sank? No all those ships (and many airplanes) went down because  because  of a more accurate “Confusing Cosmic Ceremonies

They sealed the watertight compartments, but the iceberg had struck 5 of the compartments, and the Titanic had only 4 watertight ones. It seemed unbelievable, but the Titanic, the ship that was supposed to be “Unsinkable”, was sinking.

Facts about the Titanic; Most of the people on board had slept through the crash. Some of the kids awoke and went to the deck. They played catch with the pieces of ice from the iceberg. The Titanic weighed more than 46,000 tons! It was 882 feet long! And could hold 3,000 people! The great ship had 1,750 pounds of ice cream and had 4 tons of potatoes aboard.

The British luxury passenger liner Titanic sank on April 14-15, 1912, en route to New York City from Southampton, England, during its maiden voyage. The vessel sank with a loss of about 1,500 lives at a point about 400 miles (640 km) south of Newfoundland. The great ship, at that time the largest and most luxurious afloat, was designed and built by William Pirrie’s Belfast firm Harland and Wolff to service the highly competitive Atlantic Ferry routes.

It had a double-bottomed hull that was divided into 16 presumably watertight compartments. Because four of these could be flooded without endangering the liner’s buoyancy, it was considered unsinkable. Shortly before midnight on April 14, the ship collided with an iceberg; five of its watertight compartments were ruptured, causing the ship to sink at 2:20 AM April 15.

Note: Mercury the planet of traveling and communication was in retrograde motion leading to serious “Confusing Cosmic Ceremonies.”  Inquiries held in the United States and Great Britain alleged that the Leyland liner Californian, which was less than 20 miles (32 km) away all night, could have aided the stricken vessel had its radio operator been on duty and thereby received the Titanic’s distress signals.

Only the arrival of the Cunard liner Carpathia 1 hour and 20 minutes after the Titanic went down prevented further loss of life in the icy waters.

Legends arose almost immediately around the night’s events, those who had died, and those who had survived. Heroes and heroines, such as American Molly Brown, were identified and celebrated by the press. The disaster and the mythology that has surrounded it have continued to fascinate all of us. As a result of the disaster, the first International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea was called in London in 1913.

The convention drew up rules requiring that every ship has lifeboat space for each person embarked (the Titanic had only 1,178 boat spaces for the 2,224 persons aboard); that lifeboat drills be held during each voyage. And, because the Californian had not heard the distress signals of the Titanic that, ships maintain a 24-hour radio watch.

The International Ice Patrol also was established to warn ships of icebergs in the North Atlantic shipping lanes. On Sept. 1, 1985, the wreck of the Titanic was found lying upright in two pieces on the ocean floor at a depth of about 4,000 m (about 13,000 feet). The ship, located at about 41° 46′ N 50° 14′ W, was subsequently explored several times by manned and unmanned submersibles under the direction of American and French scientists.

The expeditions found no sign of the long gash previously thought to have been ripped in the ship’s hull by the iceberg. The scientists posited instead that the collision’s impact had produced a series of thin gashes as well as brittle fracturing and separation of seams in the adjacent hull plates, thus allowing water to flood in and sink the ship. In subsequent years marine salvagers raised small artifacts from the wreckage and even attempted to lift a large piece of the hull.

The name RMS Titanic is synonymous with tragedy and her story is well known throughout the world. One night, in April 1912, this veritable ‘floating palace’, quoted as being unsinkable, hit an iceberg and sank on her maiden voyage, taking over 1500 unfortunate souls with her.

True, there have been worse maritime disasters, but the power of the Titanic story has an enduring quality that appears will never die. Why does this ghost still haunt us?

Here we are, at the dawn of a new century, still asking the same questions that were asked so many years ago in 1912. Questions such as why were the iceberg warnings ignored? What if the Titanic had hit the iceberg dead on?

What was the mystery ship seen by the Titanic lookouts? Will we ever know the true events that led up to the sinking of the Titanic?

Will she ever reveal her secrets to us? Will the ghost of the Titanic ever rest? Perhaps the only way we’ll ever find out is to travel back in time… And this is what I did for you readers, indeed I am offering the public something today’ science could never comprehend with my theory of “Confusing Cosmic Ceremonies.”

The questions are still there and the practical scientific answers will satisfy the common people, but behind all the rational research and explanations, lies the plain truth and the solid cosmic reasons  to why the great ship sank that night.In all my Moon Power books, I always insist on starting any and all projects, especially traveling, after or during the new moon whenever possible. And they did not!

Ignoring God cosmic divinity and the signs brought the awful result and a heavy loss of life!

Titanic sank two days before the New Moon. Most importantly, the planet of transportation (Mercury) was in its regular yearly retrograde motion inducing “Confusing Cosmic Ceremonies.” This celestial order was unknown and still ridicule today, but it stopped all forms of communication that night.

“The Leyland liner Californian, which was less than 20 miles (32 km) away all night, could have aided the stricken vessel had its radio operator been on duty and thereby received the Titanic’s distress signals”.

How come “this ships that usually maintain a 24-hour radio watch, did not get the message that particular night?” As a rule the tiny planet Mercury rules awareness, all moving parts, radio communication and traveling.

But when retrograde, as experienced with the NASA shuttle explosion, many chain reaction accidents, the latest September 2014 collected news,  and Accident between two vessels in suez canal COULD HAVE BEEN AVOIDED! Read How!  the worst can only transpire. Indeed the many unaware souls pays the heavy price of ignorance and dies.

When will the US Department of Education and those in power be willing to accept the reality of  a cosmic God
will and stop blaming men, nature, or its majestic sailing or flying machines?

Note: Mr. J.P. Morgan said ” Millionaires don’t use Astrology, billionaires do!”

Incidentally, Mr. Morgan purchased a ticket a few weeks earlier and was supposed to sail the Titanic on April 1912. Instead, he decided to go down to the south of France with his mistress and enjoy life.  Did the Confusing Cosmic Ceremonies saved his life or was he aware of the power of the stars and knew that Mercury, the planet of transportation was retrograde? He may have purposely postponed his trip to the US and saved his life in the process…

Thousands of great ships and airplanes shared the same fate as the Titanic:

The Andrea Doria had been master from the very first trial runs to her unfortunate fifty-first voyage by Captain Piero Calamai. Captain Calamai, although the youngest of the Italian Line’s ship master to command a first-class vessel, was very well respected with an unblemished career.

Even utilizing some of the most technologically advanced navigational methods of his time, loran and radar, an unfortunate chain of events was to make this the last voyage of the Andrea Doria.

While the Andrea Doria was making her way towards New York, the Swedish-American liner Stockholm had left New York on her way to Scandinavia, both vessels had plotted courses toward the Nantucket Lightship. The Stockholm was traveling in calm waters, with a slight overcast sky but good visibility.

The Doria was traveling in a dense, light dimming fog that had Captain Calamai and his crew taking fog precautions of closing watertight doors, notifying the engine room and repositioning the lookout from the crow’s nest forward to the bow.

Captain Calamai decided not to slow but to keep the engines running full speed ahead as the Doria was already behind schedule due to weather conditions, besides any vessels in the area would show on radar in plenty of time to alter course.

At 10:20 PM, the Andrea Doria passed within one mile of the Nantucket Lightship, which was invisible through the dense fog, and altered her course due West to complete the last leg of her journey. At approximately 10:40 PM the senior second officer of the Andrea Doria, Curzio Franchini, noticed a blip on the radarscope and notified the captain.

Calamai assuming the vessel to be a fishing trawler decided to forgo the Rules of the Sea, (which require a port-to-port passage) and decided to pass the vessel starboard to starboard.

At 10:50 PM a blip appeared on the radarscope of the Stockholm showing a vessel about 12 miles away. Johan-Ernst Carstens-Johannsen a young third officer on the Stockholm plotted the course of the oncoming vessel assuming the Rules of the Road and estimated the ship would pass one half to one mile to port.

Carsten also made the assumption he would be able to see the vessel, as the Stockholm had not yet encountered the fog bank. At 11:03 PM the Stockholm’s radarscope showed the oncoming vessel to be less then four miles away. Carsten could not see the vessels lights and made yet another assumption that either the vessel’s lights were malfunctioning or was a blacked out Navy vessel on maneuvers, he had no idea that less then a thousand feet away was an incredibly thick fog bank.

At 11:06 P.M. the lookout on the Stockholm sighted lights to the port and Carsten swung the Stockholm 20 degrees to starboard, the Doria sighted the Stockholm and Captain Calamai called “All left!”.

The maneuvering instigated by both sides was for naught, as at 11:09 PM the reinforced bow of the Stockholm pierced the starboard side of the Andrea Doria, inflicting her with a 30-foot gash. The gash proved fatal as it pierced five fuel tanks on the Doria’s starboard side filling them with 500 tons of seawater while air trapped in empty tanks on the port side caused a non-correctable list.

The sinking of the Andrea Doria was a tragedy that involved the loss of fifty-two people and was a long drawn out process. The Doria stayed afloat for nearly twelve hours, until 10:09 am, July 26, 1956 when she disappeared below the surface to take up her new position as a capsule back in time for generations of divers to explore.

The similarity of both accidents is unarguable, mostly because, just as in the Titanic drama. A  Confusing Cosmic Ceremonies or Mercury the planet of communication and transportation was on July 26th, 1956 in its yearly retrograde motion.

Thus, because of this little planet role in our solar system, miscommunication, misjudgment, wrong assumption, lack of rational thoughts and ignorance of the stars impact upon human lives, another disaster strike the unaware mortal below.

Incidentally, as with the Titanic, this accident happened also while the Moon was waning or 4 days after the Full Moon, while the Titanic accident took place two days before the New Moon. What’s even more incredible is that, in both days, the waning dramatic moon was crossing the sign of Pisces, ruled by Neptune, “The Lord of the Seas”.

MAY 29, 1914…01:20 RMS Empress of Ireland drops off her pilot and sails into disaster. Less than an hour later this proud ocean liner collides in fog with the Norwegian collier Storstad.

The Empress sinks in fourteen minutes in the St. Lawrence River, taking 1,014 passengers and crew with her in the worst maritime disaster in Canadian history.

Again this disaster took place while the Moon was in the watery sign of Cancer, and five days after the Full Moon. The date was May 7, 1915, one full week after the Full Moon (in Pisces again), just nine months into
World War I.

A German U-boat torpedoes the Lusitania – one of the largest and fastest luxury liners in the world. Of the 1,959 people aboard, including millionaire Alfred Vanderbilt, nearly two-thirds will die. Many are trapped inside the great ship as she sinks in just eighteen minutes.

Over the centuries, thousands of ships suffered Confusing Cosmic Ceremonies and men met with their fate and sank to the bottom of the oceans. All the while, cruising the seas, looking for new lands and treasures, they were looking down to the bible’s dogmatic teachings seeking divine protection.

But it was above their heads in the stars, which God spoke to them but without cosmic consciousness, they couldn’t see or hear him, and in the name of fear and ignorance all lost their precious lives. Did we learn
anything yet?

But the worse of it all is that NASA launched many shuttle missions during the same celestial “energy” and all those brave astronauts’ lives could have been saved if they could only look in the stars with a different more intuitive attitude.

“Though we often live unconsciously, ” on automatic pilot “, every one of us can learn to be awake. It just takes a good teacher, time and practice.”

Dr. Turi

This article is much too long for me to add the  extensive 2015 Nostradamus Universal Predictions. However those premonitions are for  my VIP’s only. Join us do not miss anything!

Show your support join my Cyber Cosmic University



Hello all:

As of today all, or nearly 8000 cosmic code subscribers and VIP’s have FULL access to the cosmic code website for the next 30 days. All the forecasts are at  Cosmic Coders Only –  I hope you will also enjoy all others articles I will produce from now on. Note the 2015 Nostradamus Universal Neptunius Riligious Draconis will only be available for my VIP’s by November 15, 2014.

Lastly, I hope you enjoyed my last public article titled “Did the Titanic Sink Because of an Optical Illusion? Absolutely not! 2015 Nostradamus Universal Predictions.”

I am much too busy with my clientele to offer more free articles to the general public.  If you like my work, after the trying period, please join before the month is over to learn more about the cosmic code secrets and benefit from my personal guidance and universal predictions.

Dr. Turi

Were You Born a Neptunian?

Teach me all about my cosmic relationship with God marvelous Universe Dr. Turi



 L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

“Show me a curious person or an avid reader and I will point out a winner!” Dr. Turi

 Now only $5 – Click image above to purchase the 2014 Moon Power Starguide –  Now Available for Download!!  This book will become a collective item for the children of the future…

$15:00  – Click image above to purchase the 2015 Dragon Forecast – Now Available for Download!!

The Magical Power of Talismans!

19 ways to trick yourself into becoming a morning person? Impossible if you’re a Born a Neptunian!


For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary; for those who do not, none will ever suffice…

Dr. Turi

19 ways to trick yourself into becoming a morning person

By Kelly Fitzpatrick, Life by DailyBurn

Watch this video

Get more sleep, get ahead at work


  • You can train yourself to be an early riser by planning ahead
  • Unplug before bed and create a routine to improve sleep
  • Experiment with the sound, timing and location of your alarm clock
  • Morning exercise and a healthy breakfast can help wake you up

Dear Readers:

This is another ridiculous research produced by the “educated” spiritless OCD Generation and as good as the one involving rats depression!  “Like Humans, Rats Experience Regret, Study Suggests?”

Obama waste $100M to unlock mysteries of the brain

I wonder if Kelly Fitzpatrick, or any CNN writers and scientists alike are aware of the  meaning of UCI or more precisely, the spiritual DNA of human? I wonder if the US Department of Education’s Elites will ever consider investigating the science of Astroforensics and allow all those young souls to understand their natal makeup and the inner connection all human have with the cosmic scheme of things…

 Indeed, all the logical suggestions found in this article will never change the doomed cosmic identity of a born Neptunian!

Its like asking a born pot head to stop smoking weed or demanding Phil Robertson to drop his bible! Human are nothing else than unconscious robots of their stars, and what is amazing, they are totally unaware of a transcendent incorporeal world. 

‘Duck Dynasty’ Star Phil Robertson and ISIS Alarming Ideology! God Have Mercy!

Phil Robertson DUAL Unconscious Codified Petrified Mind At Work!

Furthermore if the natal moon is badly afflicted chances are you will not be able to sleep at all when she is FULL! But did Kelly and other well read pin heads read this article?

Full moon may disrupt may Dr. Turi says it does

Here is your answer Kelly, hopefully this link ” What is a Deceptive Neptunian?” will make you aware of the cosmic reasons why some people can’t help to sleep! Souls who own a Mercury (the mind) in Pisces ( dream state)  a moon (emotions) a rising or a natal or hidden dragon in this sign; will NEVER EVER be able to get up and go like you suggest in your article!  

They were designed by a cosmic God to be creative, spiritual, artistic and use the spirit not the body! This is why human make Lamborghini and a Pinto! Gee explain that to an atheist!

Let’s try this..

Dr. Turi turbo charged ADHD cosmic mind

An atheist  or religious lemon mind!

The problem those “educated” kids have is that; they all think with their five rational senses and truly believe all human are created the same. They assume all feel, think, behave or could be trained to be more active when the cosmic juice is missing or very low! 

There are souls like me, born with a turbocharged Mercurial disposition, the scientific community classify those children as suffering ADD or ADHD! They give those children medications to slow them down and turn those nervous, mentally and physically overcharged and gifted kids into zombies…  Then famous doctors are paid by the medical matrix to endorse weed so the rest of society fall asleep instead of reading and educating themselves! 

Recovered article

For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary; for those who do not, none will ever suffice…

Dr. Turi

Dear Readers;

The new “Kids on the Block” or those unconscious educated doctors of medicine fresh out of colleges are often financially supported and involve in what I perceive as yet another deceptive masquerade.

All designed to help the big pharmaceutic corporations to sell more of their deadly drugs. As always for anything religious or scientific to end up on CNN and gain national awareness or free publicity is well planned.

But knowing nothing is free, those making it possible indeed own a position of power either in religion or science and the money will never be short. You will never have any CNN writer exploring Dr. Turi’s expertise or wondering why the scientific community calls  it a “pseudo science” when my predictive work is more than obvious.

In this essay I will once again use my famous DT Rebuttals to help my readers to read between the lines and offer answers that only Cosmic Conscious spiritually advanced souls own. Enjoy my critical thinking and feedback…

( — For years, many experts have maintained that the subtle changes in memory and mental function that occur naturally as we get older rarely begin before age 60. That may be optimistic: A new study, published Thursday in the British Medical Journal, suggests that age-related cognitive changes — which may in some cases heraldAlzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia — are under way as early as our mid-to-late 40s.

DT Rebuttal: Well readers I am 64 years old and intellectually I am literally “exploding” with health and extraordinarily mentally active. I wonder why and when my age-related cognitive changes will take place. So the age ceiling the British Medical Journal “Kids on the Block”picked is 60 and I passed it by 2 years and will continue write for many years to come. The fact is I already made my point at least in my case, and proved them all wrong yes?

Continued:Researchers in Europe tracked the mental function of more than 7,000 British civil servants for a decade, and they found that even the youngest participants, who were between the ages of 45 and 49 at the outset, generally displayed slight yet measurable declines in short-term memory, mental reasoning, and verbal facility over the course of the study. 25 signs and symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. The declines were too small to be noticeable in everyday life and were detected only through a battery of tests the researchers gave the participants every three to four years. But the findings may have implications for the prevention of dementia, and underscore the importance of caring for our bodies and minds early in life, the researchers say.

Study: Cancer treatments and memory – Dispelling myths about Alzheimer’s – Insulin may help treat Alzheimer’s 


DT Rebuttal: The declines in short-term memory, mental reasoning, and verbal facility over the course of studying  7,000 souls aged 45 and 49 reflects the UCI or “Unique Celestial Identity” of a very limited groups of human but without Cosmic Consciousness or educated on the dynamics of Astropsychology there is absolutely no comparative values  in yet another wasted scientific research…

It seem money is being thrown away at the speed of light with a bunch of young educated morons collecting PhD‘s.  Little do they know about the location of Mercury (the mind) by sign and house regulating critical thinking, imagination, memory, intuition, perception, communications or the obvious phenomenal power reflecting my verbal aptitude.

I always said to my critical readers, try to teach the secrets of what it means to be human in a foreign language, in a foreign country  the way I do, in fact I wonder how many of  those British “New Kids on the Block” can read or speak French. Forget about teaching them how the human psyche in an intrinsic part of the Universal Mind of course but I can only try because I do not think all were born morons!

But imagine me telling the scientists I was “fired” from school at 14 years old because I was suffering a serious case of ADHD? This fact would immediately classify me as less than human in urgent need of Ritalin And Prozac (methylphenidate) to help my concentration…

I own many PhD’s so I know better? 

Continued: “We, and others, have shown healthy lifestyles and good cardiovascular health to be important for cognitive outcomes,” says lead author Archana Singh-Manoux, Ph.D., research director at the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM), in Paris. “The fact that cognition declines early implies that midlife levels of these factors — health behaviors and cardiovascular risk factors and disease — might be important for cognitive outcomes later in life.”

Indeed, years of research suggest that heart-healthy habits are also good for the brain. Although the results haven’t always been consistent, previous studies have shown that obesity, unhealthy cholesterol levels, and a lack of exercise in midlife are all linked with an increased risk of dementia later on. 10 heart-healthy rules to live by

DT Rebuttal: I could ask the same question to French comrade lead author Archana Singh-Manoux, Ph.D. in Paris and ask him if any of my readers need to spend years in college to come with this silly conclusion?

Yes, chances are if you eat fatty food it will mess up the tiny vessels that distribute blood and oxygen in all parts of the body, not just the brain will be afflicted. But the main reason for any and all diseases is due to blockage produced by a lack of use. Muscular or brain atrophy is the real reason and a real problem and adding a dangerous cocktail of drugs can only turn a person into a zombie after a while.


Becoming numb with a regiment of “Neptunian” prescriptions, the brain suffocates and become lethargic, then open the door to dementia or invite early Alzheimer’s disease. In fact drugs produce the opposite “clear thinking” effect and the smartest of all your doctors knows about it but prescribing endlessly is their only means of making money.

Luckily for a few million smart people and concerned mothers  reading my work, they have now access to information that expose the both the doctors’ practice and the pharmaceutical uncaring corporations. And Doctors go broke!

Continued: Brain-imaging studies, meanwhile, have found that abnormalities associated with cognitive decline, Alzheimer’s, and other dementias can occur years — even decades — before any outward problems arise. Researchers haven’t conclusively proven that cognitive decline in middle age predicts Alzheimer’s or other dementias, but on balance the evidence suggests that small changes in midlife mental function can become magnified later in life, says Francine Grodstein, Sc.D., an epidemiologist and associate professor of medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, in Boston.

“There is a lot of evidence that [people] with cognitive decline are at highest risk of later developing dementia, so it is likely that preventing or delaying cognitive decline today will help reduce risk of dementia tomorrow,” says Grodstein, who was not involved in the research but wrote an editorial accompanying the study. Foods that may help save your memory

DT Rebuttal: May be Francine Grodstein, Sc.D. etc…should realize her direct relationship with the Moon (by sign and houses) regulating all women psyches and indeed accept that researchers haven’t conclusively proven that cognitive decline in middle age predicts any mental diseases.

Does she believe in UFO? of course not this is only Dr. Turi’s product of imagination… Why don’t you say like it is Francine ?  Stuff yourself daily with tons of Mc. Donald and watch an endless program of toxic television sitting on your sofa and you will become a 500 pounds physical flop but don’t expect your pea brain to grow or get better.

Thanks God I was born in 1950!

None of my readers need to become a Sc.D., or an epidemiologist associate professor of medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, in Boston to understand the facts if you expose them as they are the way I do.

Gee luckily for me in 1964 those PhD’s and nefarious drugs were not invented yet and my ADHD  problem lead me to teach “Who Is Who” in America today.

I often wonder if those modern accepted disciplines and drugs were available then what would have happen to Dr. Turi’s mind? Just look above and see the minds of millions of people today!

Thank you scientists, you really help humanity to progress, now will you prescribe those to your kids too?

The truth is the entire scientific “educated” crowd’s lack of Cosmic Consciousness reflects a monumental ignorance that became both disastrous and super toxic for humanity.

The “new Kids on the Block” are totally oblivious of how the Universal Mind gears generations’ intellect and asking them or the public to do real mental gymnastics to educate themselves outside of the religious or scientific “box” is their first challenge…

Incidentally I had moronic readers telling me my “essays” were much too long to read! imagine the possibility for those idiots to come up with such information when laziness rules their depleted minds?

“Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former.” 

(Albert Einstein)

  “The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits.” 

(Albert Einstein)

A single one of my books, especially “Beyond The Secret” would offer anyone the golden key to what it means to be human, but when asked to do any mental work 99.09% of the world remain mentally lethargic…And you wonder why humanity’s spirit is so depleted?

Outside of all this “scientific” erroneous mumbo jumbo,  I am a REAL case at 62 years old and a REAL example to follow. If you want your brain to work efficiently simply exercise it and if you want your body to avoid fast decay don’t eat shit (sorry my French, you’re in my world!) and exercise it often…  This is why I have two big dogs, trust me they keep me busy and force me to get my butt off my chair.

Continued: The researchers didn’t look specifically at whether early mental decline was linked to dementia. Too few study participants reached old age during the study to provide reliable data on that score, but the researchers plan to continue following the same people in an attempt to answer that question, says Singh-Manoux, who is also a professor of epidemiology at University College London, in the U.K. The new study — the first of its kind to assess people as young as 45 — is part of a larger, ongoing study known as Whitehall II. Beginning in the late 1990s, Singh-Manoux and her colleagues tested the mental function of 5,198 men and 2,192 women between the ages of 45 and 70 three times over a 10-year period. In the short-term memory test, for example, the participants were shown 20 words for two seconds each and then had two minutes to write down as many as they could remember. Tests for verbal fluency included writing down as many animal names or “S” words as possible in a one-minute period. 7 ways to protect your memory

DT Rebuttal: Again depraved of Cosmic Consciousness professor of epidemiology Singh-Manoux and her colleagues have absolutely no clue on how the human mind really work . Their “experiments” is a total waste of time and money because, regardless of the battery of tests like Francine and other researchers have performed so far haven’t conclusively proven that cognitive decline in middle age predicts any mental diseases.

Why don’t they, for a change check above the “box” of education they are all stuck in to realize that all affairs involving the human mind starts in the Universal Mind?  It scares me to see supreme stupidity in full action just because no one has ever taught them to explore any spiritual avenues…


Guess what reader a single crash course in Astropsychology will offer so much to these young doctors but first I must help them bypass the spiritual pride blocking their “educated” spirit. And that is the problem,  the title after their name stops them  looking above in the Cosmic Code to acknowledge their own UCI to understand the physical world and all other Human. Guess what in their own research all educationists are doing is “subconsciously” look for THEMSELVES, and their own UCI or “Unique Celestial Identity” 

Can they even accept or acknowledge this fact? Indeed they are on the right track if they read this essay…

Continued: After adjusting for education levels, the researchers found that scores in all areas except vocabulary dropped in all age groups during the study, with the declines accelerating as people got older. (They didn’t expect to find any changes in vocabulary, since it generally isn’t affected by age.) On a test designed to measure verbal and mathematical reasoning, for instance, men who were 65 to 70 years old at the beginning of the study saw their scores decline by 10%, on average. On the same test, men and women ages 45 to 49 saw their scores drop by 3.6%. They experienced similar declines in other categories.

 Human infantile science will never replace thousands of years of erudite men spiritual work !

DT Rebuttal: Someone like me for example, born with Mercury (the Mind) in Aquarius (the Universe) inherited a “dignified” position for the planet of curiosity and because Aquarius rules the Cosmic Code rules, my interests on the subject, my perception, awareness and eloquence on the matter is preset by the Cosmic Code.

But not all human beings UCI inherited a Mercury (the mind) in an air (curious) sign and, without the proper education, someone born with an inferior UCI, even if his/her name is followed by many PhD’s or “Piling Higher and Deeper” will not offer the answers.

As mentioned so many times the very people that are supposed to be the leaders and elites in their field often are the ones who know the least on the subject.


In the absence of Cosmic Consciousness; science, conspiracy and religious imagination have the wrong answers. There are no accidents just consequences the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive.”

Dr. Turi

The mental process of each human being is UNIQUE and extremely complex due to the celestial mechanics making up the karmic inherited mental  “program.”   Thus performing any study with any age groups will never work unless the subtle cosmic mental forces at work are understood and applied correctly for each individuals.

But how can anyone investigate anyone’s else mind functionality when the researcher himself is totally oblivious and unconscious of the inner working of the Universal mind and its direct relationship to the human psyche?

 None of those kids can be blamed, because teachers of my calibers are extremely rare! And no one was there to open a door to the spirit in their accredited schools. But I think common sense dictate that; if a 62 years old ADHD man like me can write endlessly and easily (with only two fingers and faster than you can read), speak wisely and fluently in a foreign language exposing the secrets of the  Cosmic Code to the world on a daily base I could be a good experiment for them yes?

But will they ever accept or reach me if  I see better than them all combined  and will they ever be smart enough to realize they could learn a thing or two from me?

As much as I have tried, since 1991 to reach the Law enforcement agency, the scientific community and NASA to name a few it seem more time is needed for them all to grow up to my spiritual level…

Their excuses are endless from fear of the ridicule to practicing a “pseudo science” but again, as mentioned earlier, not all educated scientists were born non-curious idiots!

Indeed my stats are currently reflecting more and more “educated” lost souls reading and learning from old Dr. Turi.  Yes my Universal class is operational and will never stop and I am expecting many more smart readers to appreciate real wisdom from my public newsletters page.

Continued:  More research will be needed to confirm the findings, and to identify the factors that may contribute to early mental decline, the authors note. And the results may not apply to the population as a whole, since the participants were all stably employed government workers who were overwhelmingly white and had relatively high incomes. Staying healthy from head to toe may help ward off dementia

Although it’s far from the final word on the topic, the study is stronger in many ways than much of the previous research on early mental decline, says Gary Kennedy, M.D., director of geriatric psychiatry at Montefiore Medical Center, in New York City.

Despite their lack of ethnic diversity, the men and women in the study represent a relatively broad cross-section of the population, Kennedy says. By contrast, he says, brain-imaging studies often look only at people who have reason to suspect they already have cognitive decline. And because the authors tracked the mental performance of individuals (rather than large groups) over time, the study results are less likely to be skewed by person-to-person differences in lifestyle or other risk factors. This makes the study “a little more worrisome and much more informative,” Kennedy says.

DT Rebuttal: The factors that may contribute to early mental decline are plain to see and I gave you my feedback. Regardless of your intellectual or physical occupation or the career the Cosmic Code lead you to enjoy, only good habits and exercise will keep your brain as healthy, fast and smart as mine.

This is pure common sense where your tax dollars or the pharmaceutical corporations’ financial support for those ridiculous mental researches should be invested not in robots to one day live on Mars but on Mother Earth and humanity living on it.

Indeed more researches are needed but hopefully in the right direction or above this time, in the Universal Mind where God enslaved all human and scientists alike to uncover the answers of life. Ultimately, scientists must stop thinking their accredited Universities and  education gave them the right to think they are better or know better than the Creator himself.

  The more I read about this type of researches the more I realize how crucial it is for me to make my Astropsychology schools available to those who were born with a curious brain and can see how dysfunctional medical education has become.

Do Schools Kill Creativity? – Changing Education Paradigms – Dr. Turi Versus James Randi

Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Dr. Deepak Chopra , NeildeGrasse – ARE YOU A TRUE GENIUS?

Dr. Drew, Dr. Gupta, PTSD, Bullying and Suicide Answers

And if science could / would acknowledge, use or predict behavior within the UCI or “Unique Celestial Identity” software system I developed, might they (our politicians/the police and humanity at large) not also find a way to control but heal their mental shortcoming?

The essence of education is stimulated by controversial, original, far fetched topics like mine, purposely challenging the establishment and all its accepted conventional disciplines.

Students from all walks of life are depraved of such spiritual, regenerative material, something they desperately need to survive and make sense to the world they live in.

How can a child swallow 2000 years of human evolution, master all rational topics without knowing anything of his spiritual cosmic identity? And you wonder why  parents and our children are going crazy, kill each others or commit suicide?

Six grandchildren, daughter killed in Florida murder-suicide

The educational system should  not decide, nor impose any form of restrictions with education, because the purpose of science is to disprove claims that can not be justified. All the better for science at the end, prove me wrong if you can, but let the students make that discovery. 

Nowadays kids are not stupid and more than ever concerned with Charles Darwin and his theory of human evolution and natural selection.  Why would science education resources on the  evolution of the “cosmic spirit” be contained or sought as ridicule? Its again the law to deprave them of my life work and just because they know nothing about it!  

I can guarantee you, if any college or university had me to talk about the cosmic code, ALL my classes will be FULL! But how can I reach those children and all School Boards Executives, when the majority are cowards, unwilling to take a chance and better our children education? Right here in Phoenix, “a  very pious friend of mine” own such a position and still ridicule my work! She even insisted to be removed from my list of educated moronic people like her! 

Should I give up because she is an non curious idiot in a position to constrain the children spirits or should I fight harder to prove her and the US Department of Education they are wrong? 

If you are a teacher, simply mention to your students exploring the cosmic code secrets or Astroforensics and see the response… Then invite me to talk and you’ll be amazed of the results, because I can guarantee you,  the kids will want much more… 

My work is read by thousands of people from all walks of life, if in any way, shape or form if you can help me with my quest, please let me know how to proceed and submit Astroforensics / astropsychology in all colleges and universities.

My teachings are well organized with artworks softwares and powerpoint presentations. When will the scientific community finally realize I am not a psychic, a guru or a Neptunian , but a different breed of rational, practical scientist? 

 I am impressed by the concerned, smart and curious people joining my Cyber Cosmic University every day, many are into education, mental researches and own a position that could make a significant difference in proposing my expertise. 

It take a very courageous soul to challenge the system but it is only through extreme challenges, originality, ingenuousness  and total dedication that my goal can become a reality.

The world will become a better place when my cosmic works is finally accepted as a solid discipline and taught to all the children of the world! 

Shameful Waste Of US Children This is becoming the norm’ — but will anything change? NEVER Unless…

I am into this battle since 1991 and while only a handful of people helped me all along, I wonder when God will finally offer me the break I need to upgrade humanity psychical welfare…

Billions of dollars are still wasted in erroneous scientific researches and endorsing the evil of religion, isn’t time for a change in the American spirit?

Indeed changing the world’s perception of the divine is a mission some of you can help me to achieve!  Please ponder on my request and join me in the battle against fear and ignorance! 

Dr. Turi 

Get your sanity back, free your spirit from ignorance and fears…

Teach me all about my cosmic relationship with God marvelous Universe Dr. Turi



 L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

“Show me a curious person or an avid reader and I will point out a winner!” Dr. Turi

 Now only $5 – Click image above to purchase the 2014 Moon Power Starguide –  Now Available for Download!!  This book will become a collective item for the children of the future…

$15:00  – Click image above to purchase the 2015 Dragon Forecast – Now Available for Download!!

Show your support join my Cyber Cosmic University

The Magical Power of Talismans!


Accident between two vessels in suez canal COULD HAVE BEEN AVOIDED! Read How!


“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life.   Dr. Turi


Two vessels collided in the Suez Canal Monday — and footage posted online captured it on camera. “Whoa!” bystanders an be heard yelling in the video as the two container ships make contact. According to the Wall Street Journal, officials said Monday that the collision caused traffic delays, but didn’t result in any casualties.

 Dear readers;

How much do you think this mishap will cost the insurance company and could this “accident” been avoided? Yes and this is how… May be all the party involved should get my 2014 Moon Power and/or read my predictions? Or better yet, acknowledge the current  “Cosmic Super Nova Window?”

What would the captains of those ships involved (or *Captain Smith) have done, had they been cosmic conscious and prepared  for “miscommunication?” Would they, after the facts and the costly bad resume, today willing to heed my warnings, and read WHY this “accident or this Act of God” took place?”  You bet they would but as always, it is a bit too late for them to spend the $5.00 and read my warnings

By the way, my 2014 Moon Power will not be published in a book form next year, the 2014 version  is the very last hard copy we produced.

Sad enough while this book is a true life saver and real, the wealthy corporate evil own and serve the public at large. If you do not have the means to advertise on radio or television, or if you are like us, a bit too controversial, (or much too ahead of society and science) there will be no enough demand nor appreciation for our ingeniousness – Even by offering my books for free for years no many people do realize its potential! So why wasting weeks producing it? 

This book should have his eternal place in the N.Y. Best sellers list, not because it is fictional but because it is real and its crucial cosmic values are not yet understood nor yet appreciated by a latent fast atheist growing world. 

Terania and I have decided to keep offering those precious cosmic pearls every months in 2015 onward, to our cosmic coders VIP’s only! 

Mean time, think again if you think my cosmic work is only a wasteful pseudo – science readers and remember, the religious and scientific matrixes are working overtime to keep you in total darkness and away from God’s legitimate, tangible, practical, usable, provable, repetitive cosmic  Divinity! 

SOS TO THE WORLD! October 2014 Daily Guidance and Predictions!  

The same type of cosmic energy took the Titanic to his watery grave and messed up the Concordia and so many other ships over the centuries – Titanic, Costa Concordia, the moon, David Icke and Dr. Turi (VIP’s only)  Public version.

Do you really think the stars affects only human, think again!  Mercury rules general transportation, wheels, legs, car, buses, planes, buses, anything and everything that move! Including animal paws.

Scary, damaging, costly but real predictions hit Dr. Turi’s home!


I am so sad, damn this hurt I can not run and must take pain killer and antibiotics now! 

Thus,  do you think it is an “accident” for my own dog Macho to hurt his paw and lose a nail during this nasty cosmic window?


Mercury retrograde and pawImagine losing a nail, this really hurt human and animals…

Could this have been prevented, yes if the door that confine the dogs was not a dog nail trap! and I had to fix it to avoid my other dog  Draco to suffer the same type of “accident.” The vet said the nail will grow back and in about two weeks Macho will be just fine! 

Thus watch your pets, this is where they will injure themselves or get lost! 

In the past, each time Mercury was retrograde something nasty happened to us at home last weekend and was not different! And if you are a Gemini like Mike Broomhead, Barry Young at KFYI and George Noory or Art Bell, or work in the broadcasting Industry, chances are, your will be DRASTICALLY affected because this sign rules RADIO!

Afternoon host MIKE BROOMHEAD will move to mornings to replace YOUNG. YOUNG has been with the station since APRIL 27th, 1987!

Not that those logical souls will ever be cosmic conscious enough to realize how crucial my cosmic work is for society and education at large!  May be Barry Young should investigate Dr. Turi’s work and use his notoriety for a good cause? It good to dream…

But are all those people idiots and refute my work or wise and  well warned? I hope they read my work, because I keep a close contact via email with them all…  Thus if you own a very strong air sign, a moon or natal/hidden Dragon in Gemini, this could be life changing for you! 

I recall also suffering many car accidents, even right on the post office parking lot. Mercury rules the post office and during his reign you can expect this type of news…

Clerk too lazy to deliver mail

Mercury rules also speed and racing

13 Fans & Race Car Driver Hurt At The Grand Prix Of Houston

Monster Truck Wreck In Mexico Kills 8 (RAW VIDEO)

Remember readers; there are NO accidents, only cosmic circumstances at work science and 99.09% of humanity has not yet assimilated and my mission to bring forth this rare wisdom is the difference between life and death when making decisions. Armed with such a wisdom you can enjoy life longer and avoid those “accidents.”

While the scientific community and the The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences offers a platform for recognition in physics to two deserving rational souls, my accomplishments in the conception and applications of a spiritual Universe is ridicule or sought as pseudoscience only! ‘God particle’ scientists win Nobel.

Today infantile scientific community is not ready to give Nobel prize for something they can not see or touch! Do you know what a Nobel prize entails readers?

“A parody of the Nobel Prizes, the Ig Nobel Prizes are given each year in early October—around the time the recipients of the genuine Nobel Prizes are announced—for ten achievements that “first make people laugh, and then make them think.” Commenting on the 2006 awards, Marc Abrahams, editor of Annals of Improbable Research, co-sponsor of the awards, said: “The prizes are intended to celebrate the unusual, honour the imaginative – and spur people’s interest in science, medicine and technology.All prizes are awarded for real achievements… 

And real achievements can only measured, checked, investigated but WHY DON’T THEY DO THIS WITH MY WORK?  

I underlined what I consider would fit my independent research on the cosmic code manifesto and its subtle interaction with the human psyche but how can any of the judges realize the gift and values of my work when they are ALL cosmic unconscious or when I am immediately dismissed as a “psychic” and ridicule? That is the PRIZE I have to pay for being the first Cosmic Cop and 50 years or so into the future…

All I can do is to keep forging forward and try to breach today’ science psychical limitation while re-introducing  a factual God’s divinity and his celestial omni presence. Time have changed and changing even faster each passing day readers and there is no accidents for you to read me today!

And while I will never get a Nobel Prize, I already own it in the hearts of those who truly know and understand my work and I. At least,  I can indeed associate with a great genius and this is the curse I have to endure to free humanity from fears and its cosmic ignorance.

So many times I warned of science reluctance to deal with God’s cosmic divinity or God particle objectively (macrocosm) instead of dealing with microscopic particle (microcosm.) But I also mentioned many times it seems to be a natural default for all scientists to miss the entire forest for the tree…”

Update –  Canada’s Alice Munro, ‘master’ of short stories, wins Nobel Prize in literature

I know, it is when I will be 6 ft under that the world will finally recognise Dr. Turi as the    ”master” of cosmic eternal rites and Universal ceremonies… So much for “short imaginative stories”  when all my work is non fictional and crucial for humanity survival..

But the fact is;  only an extreme minority of smart human beings can appreciate or detect ingeniousness… And in order to be recognized by the “experts” the cosmic unconscious elites of the educational controlling matrix must be smarter than the writer himself! In my case, this is not the case…

VIVA the Kardashian, politics, sports, religions and WARS!

My commitment to you is real and my work will refine your spirit into the acknowledgement of God’s cosmic divinity speaking his Universal will through the signs.

The true teacher is very rare and his pearl of wisdom are available to those who ask for the face and the tools of a new God  humanity is slowly uncovering…

Time are changing fast where the knowledge of the “Ancient Aliens” is coming back to those ready to accept the incredible reality of UFO

Those now gone civilizations knew those cosmic magnetic forces that direct and move all the planets in our galaxy are to be used wisely and with it,  a life filled with health, love, respect, peace and harmony for all.

But when science and astronomy refuted the spirit and ridicule astrology, man made religious folly took over  God cosmic identity Then, this rare cosmic wisdom and the spiritual essence of humanity got lost in time and space…

I am here to bring it all back and offer you solid proof of my claims with dated predictions, something, only the envious, non evolved, sub-human dry atheist can reject!


October 2014 Daily Guidance and Predictions

October 2014 Elaborated Horoscope For All Signs

October 2014 Moon Transits…

October 2014 SOS To The World Windows



Be safe

Dr. Turi

Teach me all about my cosmic relationship with God marvelous Universe Dr. Turi



 L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

“Show me a curious person or an avid reader and I will point out a winner!” Dr. Turi

 Now only $5 – Click image above to purchase the 2014 Moon Power Starguide –  Now Available for Download!!  This book will become a collective item for the children of the future…

$15:00  – Click image above to purchase the 2015 Dragon Forecast – Now Available for Download!!

Show your support join my Cyber Cosmic University

The Magical Power of Talismans!

SOS TO THE WORLD! October 2014 Daily Guidance and Predictions!

 NASA and Mars deceptiveness!

Check September 2014 SOS to the world predictions results too!

Check November 2014 SOS to the World predictions results too! 

Hello readers;

October will be a VERY bumpy month and you better be prepared for this forecast! This is a sample of  the many elaborated horoscopes Dr. Turi produce every months of the year for his VIP’s. See what you missed last month and acknowledge why his students and clients say, “Dr. Turi is CNN before CNN!” 


October 2014 Daily Guidance and Predictions

October 2014 Elaborated Horoscope For All Signs

October 2014 Moon Transits…

October 2014 SOS To The World Windows


September 1st 2014


Dear Readers;

This is Mrs. Turi. I am generating the Daily Guidance and Predictions for this month because as we usually do this together, I have to now take over until my husband gets well…

While many of you know that just yesterday he was diagnosed with a mixture of Valley Fever and pneumonia, so the main focus is to get him well.

Yes, like he said… Those born in April and October would be affected and I am an Aries born in April and my husband’s dragon head is in the sign of Aries.

In medical astrology, Aries rules the head and heat and – he contracted valley fever. I too had gotten sick first with some of the same symptoms, from July 5th and following our arrival from Thailand.  Though I think for the most part now, I have gotten back to myself naturally but for my husband, the situation is a bit more stubborn.

You also may know that Louis had cancer three years ago and he beat that so we can beat this.  However, I have to admit that this year has been throwing a plenty in our face left and right. It has been quite tough but while my husband is resting and on antibiotics, we still are doing our best to keep up with some basic essentials and amuse ourselves because like they say, laughter is the best medicine, right?

I always find time to create and escape the reality of the world by writing and/or writing in e-book and working in between all that as well doing the usual chores but hey, my mind wanders like the rest too. I just try to enjoy the moment and watch a lot because it helps me keep going.

On the other hand, I have had severe insomnia due to the worries of many issues… Like the IRS, the world at large and since we have been prepping for our move, there are still some things that need to be done, like giving up our big dogs…Then again, we may have hope where that is concerned; like to see them every now and then. Especially if the family in close proximity to where we are heading, is still up for grabs on them.

We love our animals but the bigger they are, that comes with a lot of work. The cool breezes of the exotic lifestyle which awaits us, will  be very therapeutic for us two and offer many more opportunities to spend more quality time together. Even though we hope the dogs will be in a different home surrounded by lots of love, kids around them and many acres to play.

Meantime, we have to take it day by day and continue with our plans slowly but surely to follow through. We still plan on serving our VIPS for many years to come but  can’t take life too seriously and let ourselves go either because eventually it takes a toll on the body.

For now, it is important and strongly suggested to follow up on your daily guidance and predictions / Moon Transits and Elaborated Horoscopes because it can help you to stay forewarned so you know most the time it is always just a phase that will pass and it will be easier to apply your will to get by…Because life goes by too fast to worry every minute.

Take some time to relax and unwind yourself and know that the Cosmic Code is and will always be in motion regardless.

Peace, Luv and Light,


The month of August brought quite a lot of dramatic and shocking news (CA 6.0 earthquake etc)  including death in the Middle East and the Ukraine territory disputes as the Arian Dragon show more and more deadly aggressiveness.

Putin: You better not come after a nuclear-armed Russia

This dragon rules the Army, Navy and all affairs directly related to the emigration laws and July brought more awareness to the public with the death of Michael Brown.

Indeed my 2014 Arian Draconis predictions are taking place each passing day with more fires, more emigration disputes, more deaths, more  racism and more human stupidity suffering the stars!

Only if, all the world were to become totally cosmic conscious; then possibly peace, happiness and general security would reign on earth and this is why I am dedicated to educate the masses and battle the controlling news-media, religious and scientific educational matrixes through my Cyber Cosmic University.


Read more about the Moon Universal Laws.  Doing so will assure you safety and promoting my work will always brings you good karma and good surprises… Indeed for any action (good or bad) you will collect a reaction, this is an unarguable karmic law and, in this case only if you try will you be able to test my claim.

May God bless all the lost souls unwilling or unable to heed God’s cosmic will and I really hope for your support to sign my petitions to educate the children of the world on the working of the Cosmic Code.

Make sure to check the Arian Scorpius Draconis omens because the stars do not care, nor judge; they simply do as they wish…

The world of religion is changing fast and I hope my prediction of  President Obama and Pope Francis’ assassination to never come to pass, but all we can do is pray and hope for their safety.

Reply by Betazoid – “Dr. Turi, ISIS has threatened to go after the POPE! I am not even Catholic but I do like this pope but I swear – these men are beyond evil! This is truly sick.”

The real option to have a true rewarding, exciting life is to be educated on the cosmic code jurisdictions and gain full cosmic consciousness.  If you are a newcomer please get to know about our work and  by watching some of my Youtube videos posted on this page.

The price for the new 2015 Nostradamus Personal Dragon Forecast is now $15.00 order now! 2014 Moon power has been reduced from $25 to $5 only!

Plan the year 2015 and activities in harmony with the Cosmic Code or God’s celestial will. And this what can make the difference between being at the right time and/or at the right place or even possibly being killed by yet another “Act of God!”

Yes knowledge is power, ignorance is evil and I am glad I can blow this vital cosmic fluid into your soul. Be smart, be wise,  you are a child of the Universe and you need to learn how to hear, read and heed God’ signs… 

“If you are not happy or something is missing in your life it is simply because you do not live your destiny as intended by God through the Cosmic Code”

ask and you shall receive!

This forecast will touch everyone, please pay also attention to the  Moon Transits as they unfold.

virgo star sign


Read  and make notes of 2015 Supernova Windows

Plan your trips away from those dates and if you must travel, be very careful. I traveled the world during those windows and while I suffered frustrations, nothing really bad happened to me.  

September 2014  at a glance – Note this colorful calendar is not part of my “Divine Astrology” methodology work and used for rapid traditional dates/moon checking only.



There is a celestial concentration of negative celestial energy bombarding the earth for a few weeks. Be extremely prudent in driving, and expect chain-reaction accidents. Be prepared for delays, strikes, and nature producing awful weather, including hurricanes and tornadoes. The same energy that produced the Titanic disaster, the Northridge, Los Angeles, and Kobe, Japan, earthquakes is approaching again. Double-check all your appointments, and if you can, postpone travelling and flying during this Supernova “window”.


Welcome to Your Day-To-Day Guidance For September 2014

September 2, 2014 — Mercury enters Libra: A trend loaded with communication related to peace, treaties, justice, partners, contracts, legal activity, marriage and divorce. Many thoughts will be geared towards finding a better working environment or a new business partner. Souls born now will be gifted with a natural ability for diplomacy and “savoir faire.” The opportunity to learn everything under the sun is offered to the soul. Many of them will be born with aptitudes for judicial investigation and psychology. Some will be attracted to the professions that offer artistic skills, such as interior designing. Fame and fortune will come to the writers and teachers. Artistic talents in harmony and mental health will lead these souls toward the balance they seek. This position makes for one of the most well balanced signs of the Zodiac. The soul must avoid being too diplomatic with others and may be suffering a lack of expression and direction. However, an opportunity to experience justice, real love and harmony is offered to the advanced souls. 

MON., TUE., WED — SEPTEMBER 1, 2, 3:

RULERS — Pluto (Death) and Jupiter (Luck)

Work, Career and Business: Even in this good Moon phase, Pluto’s deadly touch is upon us, so keep a low profile and be aware of all you do or say. Some won’t be able to stop the upcoming changes and drama. Your intuition about situations will be quite accurate. The future has much better to offer and you should be confident in your dealings. Jupiter, “the Lord of Luck,” will make the transition easy and may decide to throw you some luck; listen to your intuition. There will be a serious wake-up call for some people who did not respect others. Avoid dealing with money now.

Partnerships: Money will also be on your mind and serious decisions will have to be made soon. Wait for the upcoming New Moon to share new ideas with others. You may take calculated chances now, but you’d better know your limits. As always with Pluto around you can only expect to dig into other people’s financial or sexual secrets. Become involved with the world of investigation, metaphysics or astrology and promote your own cosmic consciousness. The Lord of mysteries may reward you with ultimate light if you take a chance to find answers in the “ forbidden” world. Use diplomacy in all your deals and stay on the right side of the law.

Family and Friends: Emotions and passion are running high these days and Pluto may induce sexual encounters with magnetic strangers. Keep an eye on strangers that may be brought into your home and watch over your children.

Love Affairs: Do not take chances and listen to your intuition wherever you happen to be. If you are in a relationship, this is a great trend to stimulate your spouse or lover for some good lovemaking. Good wine, candlelight, soft music and your imagination are all you need with sexual Pluto involved. Jupiter may decide to send you news from a faraway friend. Any new relationship started now will be full of sex and passion. Better take precautions if you are a single person and be ready for that “new” relationship to be full of drama. Spend some time in the wild; Jupiter will replenish you with fresh air, fresh spirits and a new approach to life. All the water signs will feel Pluto’s allure and will become walking magnets.

Travel and Communication: You may receive news from far away or give presents to a deserving family member or dear friend. You can also expect your telephone to be busy and interesting mail to come your way. Don’t try to be in too many places at the same time and if you have to drive, take a little take extra time to get there but don’t rush as the police could spoil your day. People from the past will try and get in touch with you. Be aware on the road with Pluto in charge these days absolutely anything nasty can happen to you now.

Environment: Pluto will surely trigger the earth’s entrails somewhere in the world and produce dramatic news with the weather. Many human and animal lives have been lost during his dramatic reign. As usual, be ready for negative news.

Famous Personalities: Pluto will reward those who will take chances but prudent too. Many lives will undergo metamorphosis and Jupiter will extend their minds and horizons. Many secrets will come to light. A very famous public person may go to the other side.

Events: If you are a police officer or a security guard beware of Pluto. The crooks will be active and deadly. Passion may ensnare a lost spirit, and Pluto will lead the unwise young spirit to kill innocent people. The worst of Pluto’s choleric thunders and lightning are about to strike the earth. Don’t take chances now.

Shopping: Invest in anything that can clean or kill pests. Do not invest in anything that could bring danger to those for whom you care.

* * * * *

September 6, 2014 – Venus enters Virgo: A perfect time to concentrate on your health and launch an exercise program or a diet. Giving and receiving plants or flowers are on the agenda for some. You may also decide to invest in some good deals with clothing.

Souls born now will be quite critical in matters related to love. They will concentrate and achieve perfection in many of their artistic endeavors. Many of them will strive to find a “perfect” and hard working partner willing to exchange a love/career relationship in their lives.

Some will have to learn to be less critical of the world around them in order to avoid loneliness. This position makes for one of the most practical and enjoyable business or emotional partners.

Usually a gift in dealing with details and an interest in health matters are present with this position. These souls are born to experience love on a practical level. This is a great Venus position producing success in the medical or clothing fields. Plants or gardens are needed around these souls.

* * * * *

THU., FRI., SAT. — SEPTEMBER 4, 5, 6:
RULERS — Saturn (Uncle Sam/Regulations) and Uranus (Explosions/Shocking)

Work, Career and Business: Following the last few days of destructive Pluto in our lives, Saturn’s restructuring power will be a blessing for some organizations and your own business. Expect a new beginning offered to you. Uranus might also throw great surprising developments your way. With the New Moon, get active and get what you need; the timing is now right. If the work that you are doing is inappropriate or stressful, with Uranus in charge you can only happily look for the needed changes. Resolve to find a new career soon and for the lucky ones expect a well-deserved promotion.

Partnerships: Be original and don’t let others pressure you into following them instead of your own heart. You will not build anything until you break new ground. Stressful situations stimulate you to become more independent. Meditate on where you are going in your life and don’t be afraid of tomorrow. There is no better time for new and progressive change. Be nice to others and get active on the social scenery.

Family and Friends: Expect interesting surprises during these days as many will be back with the people of their past. Uranus also makes the children very active and they will drive you a little crazy. Don’t be afraid of computers; a study in this area will open many new opportunities. Watch the children carefully this weekend, especially close to bodies of water.

Love Affairs: Friends will call you and with Uranus’ touch (surprises) try-doing things you would not usually do and go to unusual places on a whim. Visit your future and invest in astrology or the psychic phenomena. Time for catching UFOs on film, and see them materializing in this dense physical world. If you want to see something astonishing go for it now! Uranus may decide to grant one of your important wishes. Love can be found now; get active, do not turn down any invitations. If you are an Aries, a Libra or a Leo may fall for you. An Aquarius friend will surprise you.

Travel and Communication: You may be thinking to visit your past. Do not turn down an invitation, as a professional contact could bring people who will positively influence your career. For this occasion, you may feel like spending some money on your car. Some may get stuck in airports as Uranus may disturb electronic equipment. If some of your plans get canceled; don’t be mad, be patient.

Environment: On a sad note, keep in mind that Uranus rules earthquakes. Thus volcanoes, earthquakes, explosions, are high on the list. Let’s hope that he won’t do anything silly now, but he usually does. Flying is fine but the weather will make the trip bumpy. A blackout or trouble with electronics is high on the list too.

Famous Personalities: Many famous people will be really active in helping those less fortunate. Beautiful music, great movies and great actors of the past will come alive.

Events: Saturn rules politics, so expect surprising announcements from foreign governments.

Shopping: Electronic components will fail; you may be forced to invest in new equipment. You may want to pay a visit to your future and meet with your favorite “spiritual guide.” Any electronic tools bought now will bring you luck in your business.

* * * * *

FULL MOON — September 9, 2014 in the religious sign of Pisces: “Dr. Turi’s famous 2001 911 WTC destruction – and the 2012 911 Benghazi attacks prediction printed a year before.”

Important Memo: The same Neptunian energy produced the terrorists WTC destruction of September 11 in New York. Note also that on March 26, 1995, I made this prediction on Coast To Coast, with Art Bell. “The U.S. will undergo a religious war with the Middle East in a few years from today.” Two years prior to the attack this is what I wrote in Moon Power Starguide. This exact portion of Moon Power Starguide and its deadly message was posted on my site two weeks prior to the destruction of both towers.

Pisces rules the Middle East, religion, drugs, alcohol, deception, the difficult abortion dilemma, the Pope, the church, oil, etc. This could also mean bad news for denominations where religious figures will “pass over.”

Deception, illusion and secret affairs are on the agenda. This lunation marks a significant point involving the U.S. and the Middle East conflict and will negatively affect the young generation. Many souls will suffer this disturbing lunation. Just be ready to provide as much help as needed and do not lose faith in the future. More devastating forces producing destructive weather and floods will make themselves known in the very near future. Expect a general feeling of hopelessness to plague the media and church authorities.

Deceiving news will take place and affect many of us; some desperate souls will fall for Neptune’s suicidal tendencies, and some will end up in jail or mental institutions. This trend will be very difficult for some, but do not lose faith in yourself and trust the Universe; get all the help you can to fight Neptune’s depressing tendencies. Amuse yourself, keep busy and let go of the past. Life must go on.

Anticipate shocking news about volcanoes, earthquakes, tornadoes, etc. Expect anything surprising, even incredible to happen soon; see in action the real power of both Uranus ruling sudden releases of energy, and Saturn forcing the government to take drastic action.

Lunation impact on all signs: Note only if you become a VIP will you read supplemental horoscope information and monthly transits. Join us at

Aries – Forget the past and build new confidence. Many love you.

Taurus – A friend could become a problem, stay clear of deceiving people.

Gemini – More challenges involving your position in the world, be patient.

Cancer – Some foreigners could prove to be burdensome, learn their differences.

Leo – Don’t get sued, do the right thing, drama is ahead but you’ll do fine.

Virgo – Use your head, let go of your heart, wrong people are around you.

Libra – Don’t put stress on your health because of your work. Relax your feet.

Scorpio – Love, romance and children need serious attention, if not – you’re history.

Sagittarius – Stress coming from home, family or real estate is ahead.

Capricorn – Avoid depression and stay clear of Prozac, sad mail is ahead.

Aquarius – You’ll experience financial stress, be more practical with money.

Pisces – The stars are against you for a while, swim upstream, have faith. Don’t drink.

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September 11, 2013: The anniversary of 9/11 falls in a waning dangerous moon and the memory of what took place on these days will affect many people all over the world. All the memorable activities will take place at the lowest time of the month, thus many souls will suffer this depressive lunation. Just be ready to provide as much help as needed and do not lose faith in the future. Note the September 2012, Terrorist Attack on the US Consulate in Libya was also PREDICTED!

SUN., MON., TUE., WED., THU. — SEPTEMBER 7, 8, 9, 10, 11:
RULERS — Uranus (Explosions) Neptune (Middle East) and Mars (War)

Work, Career and Business: This trio’s long impact will make life quite interesting for the next few days. Neptune’s blurring nature may affect your judgment. Uranus will certainly bring some spice and surprise to your life soon. Be practical in all your expectations. If a business is not going well, you might be going in the wrong direction. Use all those above-mentioned planets to look for the right one. With the good Moon around, the opportunity might be in your local newspaper; take the time to cruise through it. Communicate your desires to whoever can help.

Partnerships: Come clear with what you mean. Some people could be deceiving; ask pertinent questions and watch their reaction. Be ready to support depressed partners, but don’t let their problems affect your judgment and feelings. A trip related to your business life could prove beneficial. A contract or a deal may be offered to you; sign it before the Full Moon.

Family and Friends: Expect tons of action around you, and with Mars cruising above use patience and diplomacy with others. Uranus will bring new friends and the elements of love and joy this weekend. Mercury will join in and make us very communicative. Much of your time will be spent organizing trips, or getting in touch with your past. This trend will be an interesting one where friends and family members will try to get in touch with you all at the same time. This trio may drive you crazy and you will have your hands full of projects and not enough time to deal with them.

Love Affairs: Affairs of the heart will progress these days and the weekend could prove to be very interesting. Some teenagers need your attention; if you don’t provide it, they could get themselves in trouble. Offer guidance and support to all in need, as they are not aware of the stars’ impact on their lives. Some will be caught in love affairs of their past and may be deceiving themselves. Neptune will make you feel low of both mental and physical energy. If you are an air sign, expect much with love now.

Travel and Communication: The strength of Mars combined with the speed of Mercury may bring trouble on the road. Be safe; take the time to go places and give yourself plenty time to deal with everybody you care for. Use precautions and take your time if you have to travel far; don’t let Mars or Neptune stop you. Most of all DON’T DRINK AND DRIVE! Neptune could get you into serious trouble. The past will become alive; deal with it and enjoy all the planning ahead.

Environment: Keep in mind that Mars is with us and many people will become aggressive, be patient with them. Uranus and Mars may decide to throw an earthquake or produce disturbing weather all around. Be patient with everyone.

Famous Personalities: This timing is ideal for meditation and renewing your faith in the universe. Pious rich and famous will prepare all sorts of activities to perform, and will give the checks to charitable organizations. Try your best to participate and provide for those in need.

Events: The last breath of the deceiving Pisces age is in full action. Religions, dogmas, fears, man-made hells, and imaginative stories of the Apocalypse will be soon replaced by more healthy approaches to the future. With Uranus in its own sign, the new Age of Aquarius will completely transform man’s cosmic consciousness within the next few years. Before this celestial transformation the worst of Pisces religious fanaticism must be experienced by the world at large by producing terrorist acts, wars and madness all over the world. Have faith in the future and the celestial order imposed by the stars’ eternal motions. Man can only grow and eliminate any form of spiritual poisoning through spiritual research.

Shopping: A great time to purchase anything related to metaphysics, your garden or look for a good spiritual healer. Anything related to checkups, investigations or cleansing is under good stars. Do not invest in dangerous tools or weapons just now and be cautious around water.

* * * * *

September 14, 2014 — Mars enters Sagittarius: With the war planet going through the sign of philosophy and religion we can only expect death and drama because of the “good books” and man’s folly archaic deceiving teachings. This trend will steer more religious fanatics to die for their beliefs and deity and take more innocent people with them.

Many religious buildings and/or religious figures will try hard to impose their own spiritual limitation and religious views through the judicial system.  If your natal Mars is in a good aspect to Jupiter you will travel far and learn from foreigners.  Souls born now will be given the opportunity to experience power in all its forms religious doctrines or the law and much drama will be imposed upon the soul forcing a more advanced perception of spirituality.

If Mars is badly afflicted in the chart the soul could suffer a violent death due to his involvement with religion (terrorists). Blessed with such a powerful location, Mars in Sagittarius will endow the advanced soul with incredible mental strengths to teach the true message of God via the universe.

This position makes for one of the most powerful self center spiritual religious leader (David Koresh) and its dangerous aims to control weaker god fearing souls. Due to the spiritual values involving Jupiter this is a top position for those involved with mankind’ spiritual advancement or on a negative note your local uneducated pious minister. Powerful governmental lawmakers also inherited this celestial position.

FRI., SAT., SUN., MON., TUE. — September 12, 13, 14, 15, 16:
RULERS — Venus (Good Times) Mercury (Trips)

Work, Career and Business: Your mind will wander about your position in this world and what to do to make it better. The deserving hard working may not benefit with well-earned bonuses or new opportunities and it might not be the time to promote their careers just now, be patient until the next lunation. Mercury will make you think fast, driving and running errands will have to be done. Be aware of the Full Moon’s tension and be ready to change your schedule. Wait for the next new Moon to face important deals.

Partnerships: Some of the people you know will have to move away, or you yourself may decide to relocate to a better place within the next few days. Expect the beginning or ending of important phases of your life and others’ too. Venus will endorse many gatherings with some colleagues you have not seen for a long time. Be ready to control your emotions during a waning difficult Moon.

Family and Friends: Expect a brother or a sister to surprise you. A friend might show up uninvited and thus affect some of your plans too. You may receive an invitation to socialize with some faraway friends or family members; use this opportunity to grow closer to them if you can. Against all odds, endure patiently this lunation and enjoy memories of the old days. Don’t forget that when the Moon becomes full and is waning, things may not go your way. A family member needs your advice. Be willing to consider the issue from his point of view; but avoid emotional involvement or forcing your opinion. Much time will be spent around the children. Prepare to enjoy the warmth of mother and the good food of your friends and your family.

Love Affairs: Do not expect much progress if you are looking for that special person just now. Some of the people from your past may also become weighty; stand for yourself without guilt. Friends will bring good memories; have fun but don’t get caught up in the nostalgia. If you are a fire or water sign many will try to steal your heart. Have fun, but don’t make any commitment if the person in question was met for the first time after the Full Moon.

Travel and Communication: You will have to run like mad to keep up with all the things you must accomplish. You will stay busy with all this activity and come in contact with interesting people. Combined with the Full Moon trend and a Supernova window expect all sorts of delays, forcing you to think twice as fast. Slow down; be cautious and prudent in your driving, too. Watch for crazy drivers around the city; they might not have read “Moon Power Starguide,” so don’t let them hurt you (or your car). Many will fly to faraway places early and will get caught in bad weather or find themselves stuck in congested airports. Keep in mind that Mercury may decide to confuse some electronics and bring chaos. Chain-reaction accidents, bad weather and black outs are very high on the list; be careful out there.

Environment: Expect surprises and explosions soon. Be aware of fire and keep an eye on the children. Chances are that nature will go berserk soon, so you don’t want to be a victim. She may demonstrate her power with shocking weather. Thousands of people may be forced to relocate, fleeing disasters, flooding or bad earthquakes.

Famous Personalities: A famous person (or his child) will make dramatic news. Expect news about famous or infamous people who have made history. The past will turn alive for a while.

Events: After the Full Moon, electronics may suffer or fail to function properly. This could produce another dramatic air crash. Not a time to take any risks in the air, unless you made reservations during a waxing trend. Expect the beginning or ending of an important portion of your (and other) lives.

Shopping: Think about spending money on wisdom and on those for whom you care. You can still find good deals on big-ticket items by comparison shopping. If you decide to visit Las Vegas’ casinos after the Full Moon, you may encounter stress but you could get lucky. Yes, someone will hit the jackpot in a waning Moon in Vegas, but the money will be spent on paying bills or tax and little will be left. Better make all your important plans after the next New Moon for your own sake.

* * * * *

Saturn still in Scorpio: Saturn is karmic fears; Scorpio is sex, power and secrets. Secret societies were built upon gaining, controlling and keeping power for the group or the gang where sex and violence become the initiation process. Souls born with this position will do all in their power to reach power and could attract low elements of our society and criminals. The soul may fall from power to disgrace because of abuses and sexual secrets coming to light. This is the thirst for conspiracy talks because of an inner fear of power and be controlled by others. On a more productive side the advanced soul will amass both wealth and power elevating society to strict rules. Saturn rules also karma while Scorpio is impartial. There is also danger of sexually transmitted disease leading to death due to the control exerted with many sexual partners. People involved in secret services and spying were also born with such an aspect.

* * * * *

September 28, 2014 — Mercury enters Scorpio: A trend loaded with communication related to finance, sex, legacy, death and metaphysics for the advanced souls. Much thought will be geared towards finding the meaning of life for some, and for others finding the weakest part and reviving an unproductive business. Children born now will be gifted with incredible staying power, and natural abilities for investigation. The opportunity to learn anything hidden is offered to the soul. Many will be born with an aptitude for deep medical investigations or financial endeavors. Some will be attracted to the professions of danger such as the police force, or emergency service where quick thinking and courage can make a difference between life and death. Fame and fortune will come to the ones involved in writing and teaching, or to those deeply involved in science, research, and the medical or metaphysical fields. This position makes for one of the most intense researchers of the Zodiac. The soul must learn to use diplomacy in times of confrontation and may suffer a lack of communication skills. However, an opportunity to experience cosmic consciousness and spiritual peace is offered to the advanced soul. This celestial position makes the thoughts deadly and attracted to drama and natural bred terrorists.

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Quatrain Sample for a (*) Moonic window

Nature To Strike Hard
New Horizons Following Tragedy
Much to Fall Nothing Made To
Last Tears Pain Death A new Life For Many

* * * * *

WED., THU., FRI: — September 17, 18, 19:
RULERS — Mercury (Traveling) the Moon (New Starts/Endings)

Work, Career and Business: Your mind will wander about your position in this world and what to do to make it better. The deserving hard-working may not benefit with well-earned bonuses or new opportunities and it might not be the time to promote their careers just now, be patient until the next lunation. Mercury will make you think fast, driving and running errands will have to be done. Be aware of the Full Moon’s tension and be ready to change your schedule. Wait for the next new Moon to face important deals.

Partnerships: Some of the people you know will have to move away, or you yourself may decide to relocate to a better place within the next few days. Expect the beginning or ending of important phases of your life and others’ too. Venus will endorse many gatherings with colleagues you have not seen for a long time. Be ready to control your emotions during a waning difficult Moon.

Family and Friends: Expect a brother or a sister to surprise you. A friend might show up uninvited and thus affect some of your plans too. You may receive an invitation to socialize with some faraway friends or family members; use this opportunity to grow closer to them if you can. Against all odds, endure patiently this Supernova window, and enjoy these good old days. Don’t forget that when the Moon becomes full and is waning, things may not go your way. A family member needs your advice. Be willing to consider the issue from his point of view; but avoid emotional involvement or forcing your opinion. Much time will be spent around the children taking about the upcoming Christmas time. Prepare to enjoy the warmth of mother and the good food of your friends and your family.

Love Affairs: Do not expect much progress if you are looking for that special person just now. Some of the people from your past may also become weighty; stand for yourself without guilt. Friends will bring good memories; have fun but don’t get caught up in the nostalgia. If you are a fire or water sign many will try to steal your heart. Have fun, but don’t make any commitment if the person in question was met for the first time after the Full Moon.

Travel and Communication: You will have to run like mad to keep up with all the things you must accomplish. You will stay busy with all this activity and come in contact with interesting people. With the Full Moon trend expect all sorts of delays, forcing you to think twice as fast. Slow down; be cautious and prudent in your driving, too.

Watch for crazy drivers around the city; they might not have read “Moon Power Starguide,” so don’t let them hurt you (or your car). Many will fly to faraway places early and will get caught in bad weather or find themselves stuck in congested airports. Keep in mind that Mercury may decide to confuse some electronics and bring chaos. Chain-reaction accidents, bad weather and blackouts are very high on the list; be careful out there.

Environment: Expect surprises and explosions soon. Be aware of fire and keep an eye on the children. Chances are that nature will go berserk soon, so you don’t want to be a victim. She may demonstrate her power with shocking weather. Thousands of people may be forced to relocate fleeing disasters, flooding or bad earthquakes.

Famous Personalities: A famous person (or his child) will make dramatic news. Expect news about famous or infamous people who have made history. The past will turn alive for a while.

Events: After the Full Moon, electronics may suffer or fail to function properly. This could produce another dramatic air crash. Not a time to take any risks in the air, unless you made reservations during a waxing trend. Expect the beginning or ending of an important portion of your (and other) lives.

Shopping: Think about spending money on wisdom and on those for whom you care, offer a Full Life Reading or one of my books and make this person very happy. You can still find good deals on big-ticket items by comparison shopping. If you decide to visit Las Vegas’ casinos after the Full Moon, you may encounter stress but you could get lucky. Yes, someone will hit the jackpot in a waning Moon in Vegas, but the money will be spent on paying bills or tax and little will be left. Better make all your important plans after the next New Moon for your own sake.

* * * * *

WED., THU., FRI: — September 17, 18, 19:
RULERS — The Moon (Ending of Life) and the Sun (Love/Matters/Explosive News)

Work, Career and Business: You may find yourself discussing goals for the future with someone close to you. Some will even sell their homes or move to better locations. Life is a process of constant change and this lunation will touch you or someone close to you. Make the most out of this change and trust the upcoming future. Not exactly a time to promote any endeavors, sign contracts or travel; wait for the upcoming New Moon to move or deal with important matters.

Partnerships: Time to promote only faith and have confidence in all you do. This type of energy will be difficult for some as they might be forced in or out important situations. Accept those changes you may not be able to control. You might be going through a hard time now, but the Universe will pay you back in spades if you learn from your experiences and keep faith in yourself.

Family and Friends: Listen to your friends’ stories and be ready for the beginning or ending of an important part of their lives. Keep in mind that the Moon is waning (negative) and those unexpected changes must be faced with courage no matter what. Give special attention to the children these days and provide them guidance if needed. Their young and fragile spirits need constant reassurance and appreciation. Also, with the Sun in charge you might stimulate their creativity and enjoy their youth and boundless energy. This energy could also work against them, and some may be accident-prone, so watch them carefully.

Love Affairs: Some people might surprise you; however, don’t dream or hope for finding a lost love now. Be ready for the beginning or ending of an important part of your life. If you are stuck in the wrong relationship, this lunation will force you out of this stressful situation very soon. Accept the upcoming changes with grace and have faith in the future. Those changes will bring someone worthy of your feelings. Wait for the next upcoming New Moon to get active in your social circle again. Your friends possess all your wishes and you should spend more time with them, especially if you are single and looking for love. For those born in May, a Pisces or a Virgo will be strongly attracted to you. Enjoy a great show when possible; you need to forget a few things in your own life.

Travel and Communication: With the waning Moon affecting our psyches, tears and depression might be a problem. Keep busy, avoid negative thoughts of the past and look for positive endeavors. Free yourself from pessimistic people or stressful situations; use your will and surprise others with a formidable optimistic attitude. Be a defensive driver ever ready to give way to the crazies of the freeway. Plans to travel far may be imposed upon your life by Uncle Sam and go back to your past.

Environment: The weather will turn very nasty in some states, and many will lose their lives and possessions. Thousands may be forced to relocate due to dramatic experiences with nature. A loss of power is part of this trend; don’t take any chances, stay safe.

Famous Personalities: An important figure could suffer a heart attack or surgery! A naughty love affair may dramatically end. Some unlucky children could be involved in awful accidents.

Events: On a large scale, many governments may also make news that will affect all of us. Disturbing news may be coming from the U.S., France or Japan.

Shopping: It’s the perfect time to give old toys or clothes to unlucky children. Avoid spending money on expensive items for your own children. Now is not the time to find good deals in your local flea market. Spend time doing something creative; it doesn’t have to be a masterpiece, just something to ease your spirit. We are getting closer to the New Moon and all will be much better soon.

* * * * *

SAT., SUN., MON., TUE. — SEPTEMBER 20, 21, 22, 23:
RULERS — The Sun (Love/Surprises/Children) and Mercury (Mental Power/Siblings/Trips)

Work, Career and Business: Some surprising developments are on the way, but with the Full Moon upon us don’t expect them to make you happy. Progress will still be made in the few weeks ahead of you, but be ready for a bumpy ride. Take on new technical studies, or improve your knowledge of computers as this endeavor will give you better opportunities later.

Partnerships: Don’t take any chances these days, keep a low profile; use Mercury’s creative power to clean up a business situation. Important legal papers might come your way; sign them only if it is to get rid of an unhealthy situation. Whomever you come in contact with, don’t misbehave in public.

Family and Friends: Keep busy with close friends and family; watch the children, as they will be accident-prone. In the past, many of them got in trouble or had accidents during this type of lunation. It’s a great time to enjoy the people you know well, but because of the waning Moon, avoid overcrowded public places. Don’t expect new people met under this lunar cycle to bring many of your wishes. Some friends have surprising even disturbing news for you and could affect you emotionally. Again, watch the children. They are accident-prone, especially on the road with fire, weapons and explosives.

Love Affairs: Expect aggravating surprises coming your way and learn to let go of deceitful people. Do not invite interlopers into your home, and socialize only with the friends you know well. Make good use of the waning moon; learn to relax, enjoy nature and the sea, and look for inner peace.

If you’re single, a chance to find the “right one” will be given to you at a later date. What you may perceive as love, may enter your life but without much to expect. Use your head on Friday night, not your heart. If you were born under the sign of Leo, and Aries, and Aquarius or a foreigner born in December could be a source of trouble in your life. Wait for better auspices.

Travel and Communication: Not a time to take chances at flying unless your purchase your ticket in a good moon auspice; many karmic souls will pay the ultimate price. Expect all sorts of little problems arising, which could turn lethal for some unlearned souls. Anticipate disturbing telephone calls from friends in trouble; as usual, provide spiritual help but know your limits and stay clear of depression.

Environment: Earth activists will feel this puritanical lunation and will do all they can to protect nature and wildlife; some may fall victim to ill-advised conflicts with unscrupulous large organizations. Expect unusual oceanic or earth activity soon that could prove disastrous for the environment. Not a good time to play with fire, as explosions is very high on my list of trouble for this specific trend. The news may bring about startling explosive developments.

Famous Personalities: Certain famous people will find themselves in difficult situations. Some will try anything to get the attention they need. Eccentricity is in the air and could lead to the use of force or involvement with the law.

Events: Expect massive power outages without readily known causes. NASA could make some bad news soon due to poor weather conditions or electronic malfunctions. On the positive side, some high-tech scientific news as well as great medical breakthroughs are on the way.

Shopping: Do not invest on anything electronic; you will not get a good deal. Do not invest in toys for your children now; they could prove to be fatal at a later date. Some will plan to travel to Europe.

* * * * *

New Moon — September 24, 2014 in the diplomatic oriented sign of Libra: Venus rules this sign, thus affairs of love, money, the law and politics will be on the rise.  Expect an overwhelming feeling for peace and diplomacy instead of war to take over the world and your psyche.  Many famous politicians will work hard to avoid dangerous conflicts during this trend.  Stand firm on your decisions and do not let this lunation stress you, as balance and harmony must prevail.  This trend will play an important part in the equilibrium of your physical and spiritual lives.  This trend will affect some of your business and emotional relationships.  The upcoming changes must be accepted as the New Moon (positive) has a great plan that you may not understand just yet.  Some will be involved in the signing of very important documents, contracts or the legal system.  You may be forced to realize the importance of evaluating a serious situation and making painful decisions.  The emphasis is on balance and harmony in all, if we are to perform efficiently and live in peace with the rest of the world.  Diplomats will be requested and busy in many parts of this crazy world to prevent future wars.


Lunation impact on all signs:


Aries – The New Moon will fall in your partnerships area, as changes are needed.

Taurus – Important changes at work are eminent, and legal matters are on the way.

Gemini – Love and romance will improve; a new deal is ahead of you.

Cancer – Important decisions about home, real estate and the family soon.

Leo – A new trip or a study is ahead of you, good news soon.

Virgo – Great opportunities to improve your finances and your self-esteem is ahead.

Libra – Try anything and everything. The stars shine on you, a new start.

Scorpio – A secret relationship will start or finish, a secret will come to light.

Sagittarius – A friend will bring about a good wish, a marriage or a contract.

Capricorn – A great opportunity to further your career and make a new commitment.

Aquarius – A far away trip or a publishing promotion is a blessing for you.

Pisces – People in power will want to help you in your affairs, go out more.

Note: Pluto is back with us; be VERY careful of what you say, where you go and what you do! Unaware police officers and/or criminals will meet with their death. Many other unprepared souls will pay the ultimate price by losing their precious lives and this could be you too. Please DO take my heed VERY seriously! Plutonic windows dates depict EXTREME criminal activity and police VULNERABILITY. No one is safe when EVIL reigns on earth! The full year of SOS deadly Plutonic window dates are available to my VIP’s Cosmic Code subscribers only. Please read Plutonic Deadly Window – THE DO’s AND DON’Ts. Is your life worth this VIP subscription? Call us anytime for information at 602-265-7667. Join us ASAP. Sign up NOW!

* * * * *

WED., THU., FRI. SEPTEMBER 24, 25, 26,

RULERS — Venus (Love) Pluto (Death/Drama) and Jupiter (Credulity).


Work, Career and Business: This is a very long trend and even in this good Moon phase, Pluto’s deadly touch is upon us, so keep a low profile and be aware of all you do or say.  Some won’t be able to stop the upcoming changes and drama.  Your intuition about situations will be quite accurate.

The future has much better to offer and you should be confident in your dealings.  Jupiter, “the Lord of Luck,” will make the transition easy and may decide to throw you some luck; listen to your intuition. There will be a serious wake-up call for some people were limitations must be accepted.  Avoid dealing with money now.


Partnerships: Money will also be on your mind and serious decisions will have to be made soon. Wait for the upcoming New Moon to share new ideas with others. You may take calculated chances now, but you’d better know your limits.  As always with Pluto around you can only expect to dig into other people’s financial or sexual secrets.  Become involved with the world of investigation, metaphysics or astrology and promote your own cosmic consciousness.  The Lord of mysteries may reward you with ultimate light if you take a chance to find answers in the “forbidden” world.  Use diplomacy in all your deals and stay on the right side of the law.


Family and Friends: Emotions and passion are running high these days and Pluto may induce sexual encounters with magnetic strangers.  Keep an eye on strangers that may be brought into your home and watch over your children.


Love Affairs: Do not take chances and listen to your intuition wherever you happen to be.  If you are in a relationship, this is a great trend to stimulate your spouse or lover for some good lovemaking.   Good wine, candlelight, soft music and your imagination are all you need with sexual Pluto involved.  Jupiter may decide to send you news from a faraway friend.

Any new relationship started now will be full of sex and passion.  Better take precautions if you are a single person and be ready for that “new” relationship to be full of drama.  Spend some time in the wild; Jupiter will replenish you with fresh air, fresh spirits and a new approach to life.   All the water signs will feel Pluto’s allure and will become walking magnets.


Travel and Communication: The month will end of a good new note  – You may receive news from far away or give presents to a deserving family member or dear friend. You can also expect your telephone to be busy and interesting mail to come your way.  Don’t try to be in too many places at the same time and if you have to drive, take a little take extra time to get there; don’t rush as the police could spoil your day.

People from the past will get in touch with you.  Be aware if you travel with Pluto absolutely anything nasty can happen to you now. 08/14/05 – ATHENS, Greece (CNN) — A Cypriot plane with “no sign of life” in its cockpit while approaching Athens crashed into a mountain on Sunday, killing all 121 people on board, Greek officials said.

Environment: Pluto will surely trigger the earth’s entrails somewhere in the world and produce dramatic news with the weather.  Many human and animal lives have been lost during his dramatic reign.

As usual, be ready for negative news such as Air Botswana pilot crashes his plane in suicide mission at airport. 08/14/05: WRIGHT, Wyoming (AP) — A tornado struck a mobile home park with little warning, killing two people and injuring about a dozen others in Wright, Wyoming, authorities said.Famous Personalities: Pluto will reward those whose lives undergo a metamorphosis, and Jupiter will extend their minds and horizons.

Many secrets and hidden dramas will come to light.  A very famous public person may go to the other side. CNN 08/13/05 – Sri Lanka has declared a state of emergency after Foreign Minister Lakshman Kadirgamar was gunned down outside his home by sniper fire. Police have sealed off the capital Colombo and are searching house-to-house for the killers.

Events: If you are a police officer or a security guard, beware of Pluto.  The crooks will be active and deadly.  Passion may ensnare a lost spirit, and Pluto will lead the unwise young spirit to kill innocent people.  The worst of Pluto’s choleric thunders and lightning are about to strike the earth.

Under his power, April 30, 1998 in CARMEL, Indiana — – Two people died and four were wounded in three Indiana bank robberies, while a third bank robbery was reported in Richmond, Indiana, about 65 miles east of Indianapolis, an hour after the second.  Two men wearing ski masks, one armed with a pistol, escaped with an undetermined amount of money.  Also, in April 1998, Pluto took the lives of 28 people who died in a Peru plane crash.  Don’t take chances now.

 Shopping: Invest in anything that can clean or kill pests.  Do not invest in anything that could bring danger to those for whom you care.


SAT., SUN., MON., TUE. — SEPTEMBER 27, 28, 29, 30:

RULERS — Jupiter (Religion) and Saturn (Karma):

 Work, Career and Business: With Pluto’s dramatic experiences behind, many will keep low profiles and accept the intense transformation.  With benevolent Jupiter, the future has much more to offer, and now you should be more confident in all your dealings.  Jupiter, “the Lord of Luck,” will make this transition easy and may even decide to throw you some luck; listen to your intuition and keep a positive attitude.  A new career or a new beginning is on the horizon.  Have faith and pray.


Partnerships: With Saturn’s touch you can expect to work harder to organize or rebuild.  For the hard-working souls, a promotion of some sort is coming your way.  Your career will also be on your mind, and serious decisions will have to be made soon.  Nothing comes easily; one must strive and plan if he is to succeed.  With the New Moon upon us, you might have to rebuild with someone new.

Family and Friends: You may receive or give presents to the deserving family member or dear friend.  Take the time to enjoy the week and the good food offered to you and if you decide to socialize during the night look for powerful people.  A foreigner could make you happy and further an important wish.  An older person has something to share with you, listen to the advice.

Love Affairs: Someone you have known for a while, much older or much younger, could surprise you — Don’t be shy with life; take a chance with someone you care for; there is plenty to gain in the long run if this person came into your life in a waxing Moon.  This endeavor may lead to an opportunity to further your career.  If you were born under any of the earth signs, avoid the New Moon’s positive power should be use wisely.  If you are a Gemini, a Libra or an Aquarius will be getting closer to you.  Listen to a friend born in April.

Travel and Communication: Expect your telephone to be busy with surprising messages.  Don’t try to be in so many places at the same time. If you have to drive, take extra time to get there and enjoy it all.  A brother or a sister needs to talk to you.  Keep a positive attitude; positive people attract positive experiences. Remember a magnet won’t attract a piece of wood.

Environment: Mother Nature may decide to stretch herself and surprise some.  Environmental groups will become active and will receive support from the media to save the earth from uncaring corporations.

Famous Personalities: The surprising loss of an old and eminent political, religious or entertainment figure will trouble the media soon.  Life goes on.

Events: Under this energy 80 people were killed in a fire that gutted a shopping center in the West Java town of Bogor and in southcentral Alaska a fire engulfed 7,000 acres and destroyed as many as 100 homes.  Some terrorists groups could also get really ugly, and surprising destructive explosions soon.

Shopping: You may spend money on your pet or invest in anything to be used in nature of for your pet.  It is surely a good time to spend with those you know well, as Jupiter will replenish you with fresh air and a new approach to life.



There will be three major negative SUPERNOVA windows in the year 2014. Each destructive “window” is operational for three to four weeks, thus caution is strongly advised during this period.   Heavy loss of lives due to nature’s devastating forces, aeronautical disasters and structural damage is to be expected. Once more realize that I do not use traditional dates found in popular ephemera. Years of practical observation lead me to extend the Mercury retrograde motion and period of time. 

September 28 thru October 31 2014 Third SUPERNOVA window –

From September 28 thru October 31st  2014. 


There is a celestial concentration of negative celestial energy bombarding the earth for a few weeks. Be extremely prudent in driving, and expect chain-reaction accidents. Be prepared for delays, strikes, and nature producing awful weather, including hurricanes and tornadoes. The same energy that produced the Titanic disaster, the Northridge, Los Angeles, and Kobe, Japan, earthquakes is approaching again. Double-check all your appointments, and if you can, postpone traveling and flying during this Supernova “window”.
Communication and electricity will be cut off, and a general loss of power is to be expected. Appliances, computers, telephones, planes, trains, cars, all of these “tools” will be affected by this energy. They will be stopped in one way or another. The people of the past will make the news and will reenter your life. Expect trouble with the post office, education, students, strikes, prisoners’ escape, newspapers, broadcasting industries and computer viruses may bother us again.
Many a failed mission and expensive electronic equipment (Mars probe etc.) and our tax dollars have been wasted because of the scientist’s lack of knowledge of the stars. As usual NASA, which is not aware of the science of astrology, will waste our tax money with failed missions due to bad weather and electronic malfunctions. In the name of ignorance a few years ago, in the Challenger explosion seven astronauts lost their lives when NASA launched the shuttle under a “Supernova Window”.

Note: Regardless of Dr. Turi’s expectations posted on his website for the second time and his desperate attempts over the years to make NASA officials aware of dangerous Super Nova Windows, the Columbia was also launched during this window and re-entered the last night of it producing the death of all courageous astronauts. 

Again in July 2005 NASA repeated the same error regardless of many failed attempts to launch the space vehicle. As expect foam from the fuel tanker damager the shuttle forcing astronauts to take an historic unplanned space walk costing millions of dollars for the tax payers once more and risking another disaster. When will NASA learn? 

Marine life sharks, whales etc may also beach themselves due to Mercury retrograde affecting their natural inborn navigational systems. All these malevolent predictions and waste of lives and equipment do not have to occur.

Those predictions do not have to affect you directly as they unfold. Instead, they are printed to prepare you for setbacks and frustrations, thus advising you to be patient and prudent during this trend. There is no room for ignorance, and those who are not aware of the celestial order, including the NASA space-program management team, will continue to pay a heavy price. In all mankind’s affairs, ignorance is true evil.

Why any scientists who are against my research do not honor the word science, which is based upon solid investigation, is solid proof of mental snobbery. By omitting any physical or spiritual laws can only bring penalty; for science’s purpose is to explore all possibilities, even those laws written in light via the stars.


“And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years.”
— Genesis 1:14 in King James Version of The Bible

Let me lead you back home in the stars above where, as a child of the universe you came from…

The greatness of the Universe is unknown, but the magnetic forces that direct and move all the planets in our galaxy are known; this Divine source of power can be used to guide and bring man a life filled with happiness, peace and harmony.
— Dr. Turi

Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth by means of his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom

–   Paracelsus

Be safe and watch the signs!

Dr. Turi is available for any and all teaching and astrological material.


Read “The Mayan Prophecies And The Cosmic Code” from

12/22/2012  Humanity Stars its Spiritual Journey

“The future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thoughts” humankind, as of yet does not understand its serious implications and its accumulated applications.  Thus I choose the “DAY AFTER” or December 22nd, 2012 as Dr. Turi’s Universal day of prayer marking the awakening of the power of enlightenment, common sense and the liberation of the human spirit from fear.

On this day NOTHING dramatic will take place, instead a very constructive celestial energy will bless humanity.

The Universal gates will open  offering humanity  a  push a rare chance to finally connect with the Divine marking the END of the Age of Pisces (religions/deception/misinformation) and the beginning of the Age of Aquarius (UFO/humanitarian/the truth/the Cosmic Code.) Then, slowly but surely, Jesus’ true spiritual celestial Ministry will be reinstated. Humankind’s cosmic awareness of “Our Father In The Heavens” and God’ signs will be taught and used by all his children of the world promising the long awaited Universal spiritual rebirth of Humanity.

When men realize the church is the universe and the twelve Apostles are the twelve signs of the zodiac, God’s commandments written in Starlight will bring true love, respect peace and harmony to this world. Only when science finally honor the word science itself and investigate the “Divine” a real chance will be offered to the rest of mankind to uplift its perception and working of the Universe. Love, respect peace and harmony depend in understanding and respecting God’s highest celestial orders cloaked in the “Universal Code”. The truth of life and the Universe cannot originate from ONE solitary foundation; it’s all about a complex range of integration of all things at once”.

Dr. Turi

The greatness of the Universe is unknown, but the magnetic forces that direct and move all the planets in our galaxy are known; this Divine source of power can be used to guide and bring humankind a life filled with happiness, peace and harmony.

Dr. Turi 

HELP DR. TURI’S MISSION! BE A DIRECT PARTICIPANT TO CHANGE THE WORLD! Click on this link to offer donations for OUR cause and for the children of the future.

Blessings and thank you from the heart.

Question? Help? Talk to Terania 602-265-7667

Scary, damaging, costly but real predictions hit Dr. Turi’s home!


Dear Readers;

Indeed the Turi’s family is not immune to the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, and the power of the stars directly hit home this weekend!

Do you really think the stars affects only human, think again!  Mercury rules general transportation, wheels, legs, car, buses, planes, buses, anything and everything that move! Including animal paws.


Damn this hurt I can not run and take pain killer and antibiotics now! 

Thus,  do you think it is an accident for my own dog Macho to hurt his paw and lose a nail last week? 

Mercury retrograde and paw

Could this have been prevented, yes if the door that confined the dogs was not a dog nail trap I had to fix to avoid my other dog to suffer the same type of “accident.” 

Thus watch your pets, this is where they will injure themselves or get lost! 

And there is more…



The wind was so strong that a huge branch of our neighbor’s tree snapped and landed on the electric, telephone and Internet lines cursing us and thousands of other SRP clients to endure two full days without power! 






As you all know readers, there are no accidents, so why would my precious cosmic God PICK us to suffer this nasty cosmic trend?

May be to elaborate more, to offer more proofs, on what a “Cosmic Super Nova Window” is all about and help the billions of young, unconscious young souls (religious and atheists alike)  to wake up to the divine?

While my expectation for them to grow up spiritually is at best minim, the more intelligent souls will always benefit from my personal experiences.  Indeed I lived in this house for nearly 10 years and ONLY during this predicted trend, did I experience a power loss!  

Yes I am aware, a hard core logical Saturnian (scientist/atheist) or deceptive Neptunian (Pious/Christian) cursed UCI can never “upgrade” that easily, regardless how hard you try to present them with unquestionable facts! It all can be easily explained by science and damage is to be expected with any storm…

The point is I wrote and warn about this “solar storm” on 9/11/2014 ( and countless others) and that is what makes the difference!  Do I have to refers your memory readers? 

Full moon may disrupt may Dr. Turi says it does

“The energy from those two CMEs is heading toward Earth. Space weather experts aren’t sure yet what this solar storm will do. “This is a pretty strong solar storm and we just won’t know until it gets here” what it will do, said CNN Meteorologist Chad Meyers.”



Concentration of negative celestial energy approaching Be extremely prudent in driving, and expect chain-reaction accidents. Be prepared for delays, – strikes, and nature producing awful weather, including hurricanes , Hurricane strands tourists in Mexico  – volcano eruption 

Volcano erupts in Japan


‘Volcanic unrest’ shakes California – Bardarbunga volcano eruption  ,  very large earthquakes  –  GUAM REGION Magnitude: 7.1 and 6.7,  and tornadoesTornado rips through neighborhood  Tornado rips through neighborhood 


2014  Third SUPERNOVA window –  From 09/28/2014 through 10/31/2014

Many crews are still at work all over the city, and I am glad I called 911 to report the dangerous lines on the ground making our situation more of an emergency.  If I did not do so, our area would be last on SRP list!

This experience is also a “wake up call” for preparedness, just in case it happens to you.   Luckily I have all we need in case of any emergency but, we lost much of the food we stored in both our refrigerators and the pool is a total mess that I need to attend.  

We spend the first night at home but it was impossible to for us to sleep because, even with so much cooling rain, the house feels like a hot heaven without a working AC.

I could not help myself to wonder what all the people I had scheduled for their mini reading “test drive” would think of me, when calling the house to speak to me! All without any answer. There was no way for me to reach anyone via the Internet either! 

This is where I had to remind myself about the article I wrote 9/11/2014 titled “Big solar storm heading toward Earth” were I mentioned!

“Those predictions do not have to affect you directly as they unfold. Instead, they are printed to prepare you for setbacks and frustrations, thus advising you to be patient and prudent during this trend.” 

Knowing a “Cosmic Super Nova Window”  is an option offered to human by a cosmic God to improve spirituality and check into the past, the next day, I decided to take Terania to Jerome AZ, a place we visited before and enjoy some well deserved fun! 

Sad enough, Terania deleted the beautiful pictures I took of her, just because of a hat. LOL So here’s one she took of me.

Terania was on my side but now gone :-(

But I am here in the beautiful romantic restaurant perched on the mountain!


I guess it is a woman thing to feel ugly when you are truly beautiful lolol  – I blamed it on  the current “Cosmic Super Nova Window” stopping anything, even those great pictures to get to you… 

In any case, we are endlessly serving our large clientele and this small trip was well appreciated! 

Sharing our own good or bad experiences can only help the young souls to realize how solid my work truly is. But as usual, my confidence must not be interpreted as an ego trip by those who feel inferior to me or anyone else!  

With such obviousness, there are only two reasons for anyone to deny my work! Its either total denial, or the individual is so unconscious that, he/she can not acknowledge, or relate nor accept how those stars, somehow affects their own life too!

The good news a “Cosmic Super Nova Window” is designed by a cosmic God to look INWARD, and learn to discover and appreciate the unknown! With a teacher like me, it is impossible not to grow psychically, unless you are a complete idiot trusting only science and the five limited human senses!  

All you have to do is to recall if you experienced a loss of power (thousands did in Phoenix) and many other US cities, if you got stuck in an airport (thousands did) if you experienced an accident, a mechanical or appliance failure, if you met with your past, if you plans got messed up and the list goes on and on.

You can check the undeniable facts I collected for you right here with all the explanations of a “Cosmic Super Nova Window”  the public and our infantile science is secretly learning from me!

As for all the VIP’s and those who “missed the boat,” all you have to do is to email to schedule your new “psychic” test drive with Dr. Turi.

Now remember there are NO accidents, if you thought getting a mini reading and, for whatever reason did not proceed yet, then, this “Cosmic Super Nova Window” will serve you as another chance to find out I am real!  And if you think I am real, please vote for me! 

This is another cosmic God sign for you to join my Cyber Cosmic University  and gather more than what you bargained for! 


I am not  a psychic, nor a guru or a Neptunian born, I am a different type of scientist,  I am a soul Doctor and use a modified software I translate with my gift to make predictions and guide people to uncover their cosmic identity.

 I strongly suggest you to tape our telephone conversation because my channeling has no limit and my guidance and predictions are worth saving!

Me to know, you to find out! I promised all my VIP’s to offer mini readings at each New Moon of each month of the year, but as you all know, I was pretty sick last month and could not work. I am now back to full health again and ready for all my VIP’s.Its  that time again for so many new VIP’s to find out personally how accurate I am dealing with the Supra-conscious in time and space…

Putting the green where the mouth is what ALL so-called psychics, astrologers and mediums alike should do by offering you a “test drive” of their talent.I am extremely confident to impress you, not because I am an egocentric, but because I have been doing consultations professionally since 1984 when I was in England, and for many more years before, helping all my friends!

In fact I know more about you than yourself or your own mother! There is no sparing, this would not help for me to hide anything from you, even about your health and fate, but the good new is; I always offer a way out or the solution you need to live a long and rewarding healthy life.Indeed I can only speak of the various cosmic laws in charge of your destiny and will not be able to teach you all you need to know nor perform the vital Astro-Tarot.

Because there is only one thin hair between divine information and pure imagination. Testing your spiritual leader or psychic is also protecting yourself from psychic accidents and deceptive Neptunians. Many people have been truly impressed by my work and a true gifted person should have tons of amazing references for you to investigate!

All I can assure you is, I will electrify your spirit and take good care of you when we meet on SKYPE!

The rule: First you MUST be or become a VIP, if you are not join today to qualify for the FREE mini reading!  If $25 is too much money for you, use this option instead! I trust anyone can afford a $10 donation to join my Cyber Cosmic University and get access to all my forecasts and reliable personal guidance!All you have to do, is to email to schedule the time of our telephone meeting for Friday 26th or Saturday 27th. DO NOT FORGET TO PROVIDE HER WITH YOUR DOB TOO!

I am expecting TONS of people, so the quicker you email her, the more chances to get your spot and, by judging of my last offer for free mini readings, they will go very fast!Please DO NOT CALL, Terania will email you back and let you know if your chosen time and day is open or not.

If not she will make some suggestions of my availability. ALL must and will be done via the Internet, again NO phone calls please.

Meantime she may ask you to call her at a specific time, if you need more information.See you then VIP’s

Cosmic Blessings
Dr. Turi

Teach me all about my cosmic relationship with God marvelous Universe Dr. Turi

Please vote for me, help me make my cosmic mission a reality!



 L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

“Show me a curious person or an avid reader and I will point out a winner!” Dr. Turi

 Now only $5 – Click image above to purchase the 2014 Moon Power Starguide –  Now Available for Download!!

$15:00  – Click image above to purchase the 2015 Dragon Forecast – Now Available for Download!!

Show your support join my Cyber Cosmic University

The Magical Power of Talismans!



What are the chances of being killed by a Cop? Prosecutor Stacey DeGraffenreid “tragedy”


God’s enslaved all his children to uncover his cosmic  Divinity and with it,  a life filled with security, health, love, respect, peace and harmony for all.

— Dr. Turi



More unarguable predictions for you to check!  

Stay safe!


Dear readers;

When will Prosecutor Stacey DeGraffenreid, Mr. Piepmeier, any unconscious police and the public ever realize the importance of heeding the cosmic signs?  Too many cops and too many innocent people died in the name of ignorance, their  religious convictions or educated pride!

But do not dismiss me just yet reader, I am not a psychic and what I have to offer the Police Agency Administration and Performance is, priceless!  That is if they bother to read my article!

The latest deadly results might could easily have been avoided if; all the people involved including the cops were aware of the cosmic code jurisdictions! “What the heck is that?” you may ask? Keep reading I promise you to learn something new today! 

Two innocent people are now dead and millions of dollars as usual will be wasted in judicial pursuits against the police! 

Who’s to blame? ALL the skeptics and atheists alike from all walks of life, still refuting the obviousness of a cosmic work I am enlightening the public to acknowledge regularly! 

What those people did not know (or read) that lead to this new dramatic development? And rest assured there will be more soon…

First, they knew nothing of my  “September 2014 SOS To The World Windows,” or a cosmic phenomenon our infantile science refer as a “Big solar storm heading toward Earth.” 

This “cosmic spectacle” has inner repercussions upon the mind of people and makes everyone prone to make serious mistakes of judgement due to the very high probability of miscommunications. Note I posted my warnings on all public media 9/11/2014 but who’s reading non fiction articles nowadays?

 “Show me a curious person or an avid reader and I will point out a winner!” Dr. Turi

Who can deny this one? But did you read it before today?

Small scepter from “September 2014 SOS To The World Windows

Communication and electricity will be cut off, miscommunications and misunderstandings will become obvious.  Ohio Walmart video reveals moments before officer killed man on cellphone – Kanye West Sydney wheelchair misunderstanding  Embarrassed: Rapper Stops Show Because These Fans Won’t Stand!

May the world should read my predictions and pass them on?

John Crawford with his mother, Tressa Sherrod.

May God Bless Your Soul

Ohio Walmart video reveals moments before officer killed man on cellphone

“All I can say about this case is that it’s a tragedy,” said Piepmeier on Wednesday. “It’s a tragedy for the Crawford family, it’s a tragedy for the family of Angela Williams, who died because of all the stress and commotion from this, and it’s also a tragedy for the police officers who have to live the rest of their lives knowing that even though they had a justified use of force, they took the life of someone that didn’t need to die.” 

The real tragedy is the humongous ignorance plaguing all the police experts who keep refusing to honor the word investigation and refute the essence of science!

“Its a miracle for curiosity to survive education” – Einstein

HOW TO AVOID TRAGEDY Prosecutor Stacey DeGraffenreid and Mr. Piepmeir!

This tragedy, like ALL past and future calamities depict the police executives reluctance and  failure to investigate and incorporate the science of Astroforensics in their curriculum. But there are more days to investigate and I will be there to refresh most people memories with all the upcoming dramas and terrorist acts!  Just make a note, save it and return right to this article to check the proof of my claims… Its a simple as that! 

Sample of my  September 2014 SOS To The World Windows

September 11/12/13 – 26/27/28

Hidden secrets sex, money come to light
Raw power challenges police deadly villains
Ugly face of death drama horror surface
Nature man’s religion bloody folly reign

Russia / Famous Death / Dramatic News /Police / FBI / CIA / Secrets / Scandals / Terrorism / Abduction / Finances / Super wealth / Sex / Serial Killers / wake up Call.

Volcano erupts in Japan –  Nature man’s religion bloody folly reign


Note – Links may only work for my VIP’s!

Please read Plutonic Deadly Window – THE DO’s AND DON’Ts. 

Update 9/26/14 –  Beheading suspect was recently fired, Oklahoma police say – Death/drama?

Update 9/26/14 –  Britain, Denmark and Belgium are in – ISIS wake up call?
Update 9/2714 – “wake-up call,” El-Erian! column for Worth – Super wealth? Wake Up Call?
Update 9/26/14 – North Korea admits to Kim Jong-un’s ill-health for first time – secrets?
Update 9/27/14 – They secretly trade on Wall Street  They secretly trade on Wall Street Secrets? /Finances?
Update 9/26/14 – Cops: Trooper shot unarmed man – Police?
Update 9/26/14 – Lawyer: Cop hit pregnant woman  Lawyer: Cop hit pregnant woman  – Police

As always, we the hard working taxpayers, will end up paying the heavy price tag for the police administration‘s lack of curiosity!

Thousands of cops have been reading my articles for years, but my dedication to save their lives, those of innocent people and save exorbitant legal fortunes is simply trashed, because of the fear of ridicule or their religious convictions. 

Talk about real detective work and the cops are supposed to and serve and protect  society?  But lets go further readers, my warning are spilling for everywhere if you take the time to read!

Check what my $5.00 2014 Moon Power ebook says for those days… Be my guest, open and read WED., THU., FRI. SEPTEMBER 24, 25, 26, and prove me wrong. Realize also this book was published last year!

Note: Pluto is back with us; be VERY careful of what you say, where you go and what you do! Unaware police officers and/or criminals will meet with their death. Many other unprepared souls will pay the ultimate price by losing their precious lives and this could be you too.

Please DO take my heeding VERY seriously! Plutonic windows dates depict EXTREME criminal activity and police VULNERABILITY. No one is safe when EVIL reigns on earth! The full year of SOS deadly Plutonic window dates are available to my VIP’s Cosmic Code subscribers only. Please read Plutonic Deadly Window

 THE DO’s AND DON’Ts. Is your life worth this VIP subscription? Call us anytime for information at 602-265-7667. Join us ASAP. Sign up NOW!

I am not sure how possible it really is for anyone to refute the reality of my gift but again my work is not designed to entertain, but to warn and educate a more refined breed of smart and curious human beings!  

I am open to lecture for any police group and offer you the solid proof of the incredible perceptive power of Astroforensics… All you have to do is to email or or call me directly at 602-265-7667 so I can give you a little personal test on all the secrets of your private psyche. Once you do this, there won’t be no more doubt for you to ponder about and realize why educating the police is a must!

Knowing this fact and the veracity of my predictive work, and if you believe in Dr. Turi, why not helping  me making those crucial changes and avoid cosmic unconscious cops to kill the children of the future?

Teach me all about my cosmic relationship with God marvelous Universe Dr. Turi

Please vote for me, help me make my cosmic mission a reality!

WED., THU., FRI. SEPTEMBER 24, 25, 26,

RULERS — Venus (Love) Pluto (Death/Drama) and Jupiter (Credulity).

Work, Career and Business: This is a very long trend and even in this good Moon phase, Pluto’s deadly touch is upon us, so keep a low profile and be aware of all you do or say.  Some won’t be able to stop the upcoming changes and drama.  Your intuition about situations will be quite accurate. 

The future has much better to offer and you should be confident in your dealings.  Jupiter, “the Lord of Luck,” will make the transition easy and may decide to throw you some luck; listen to your intuition. There will be a serious wake-up call for some people were limitations must be accepted.  Avoid dealing with money now.

Partnerships: Money will also be on your mind and serious decisions will have to be made soon. Wait for the upcoming New Moon to share new ideas with others. You may take calculated chances now, but you’d better know your limits.  As always with Pluto around you can only expect to dig into other people’s financial or sexual secrets.  Become involved with the world of investigation, metaphysics or astrology and promote your own cosmic consciousness.  The Lord of mysteries may reward you with ultimate light if you take a chance to find answers in the “forbidden” world.  Use diplomacy in all your deals and stay on the right side of the law.

Family and Friends: Emotions and passion are running high these days and Pluto may induce sexual encounters with magnetic strangers.  Keep an eye on strangers that may be brought into your home and watch over your children.

Love Affairs: Do not take chances and listen to your intuition wherever you happen to be.  If you are in a relationship, this is a great trend to stimulate your spouse or lover for some good lovemaking.   Good wine, candlelight, soft music and your imagination are all you need with sexual Pluto involved.  Jupiter may decide to send you news from a faraway friend. 

Any new relationship started now will be full of sex and passion.  Better take precautions if you are a single person and be ready for that “new” relationship to be full of drama.  Spend some time in the wild; Jupiter will replenish you with fresh air, fresh spirits and a new approach to life.   All the water signs will feel Pluto’s allure and will become walking magnets. 

Travel and Communication: The month will end of a good new note  – You may receive news from far away or give presents to a deserving family member or dear friend. You can also expect your telephone to be busy and interesting mail to come your way.  Don’t try to be in too many places at the same time and if you have to drive, take a little take extra time to get there; don’t rush as the police could spoil your day. 

People from the past will get in touch with you.  Be aware if you travel with Pluto absolutely anything nasty can happen to you now. 08/14/05 – ATHENS, Greece (CNN) — A Cypriot plane with “no sign of life” in its cockpit while approaching Athens crashed into a mountain on Sunday, killing all 121 people on board, Greek officials said.

Environment: Pluto will surely trigger the earth’s entrails somewhere in the world and produce dramatic news with the weather.  Many human and animal lives have been lost during his dramatic reign. 

As usual, be ready for negative news such as Air Botswana pilot crashes his plane in suicide mission at airport. 08/14/05: WRIGHT, Wyoming (AP) — A tornado struck a mobile home park with little warning, killing two people and injuring about a dozen others in Wright, Wyoming, authorities said.

Famous Personalities: Pluto will reward those whose lives undergo a metamorphosis, and Jupiter will extend their minds and horizons. 

Many secrets and hidden dramas will come to light.  A very famous public person may go to the other side. CNN 08/13/05 – Sri Lanka has declared a state of emergency after Foreign Minister Lakshman Kadirgamar was gunned down outside his home by sniper fire. Police have sealed off the capital Colombo and are searching house-to-house for the killers.

 Events: If you are a police officer or a security guard, beware of Pluto.  The crooks will be active and deadly.  Passion may ensnare a lost spirit, and Pluto will lead the unwise young spirit to kill innocent people.  The worst of Pluto’s choleric thunders and lightning are about to strike the earth. 

Under his power, April 30, 1998 in CARMEL, Indiana — – Two people died and four were wounded in three Indiana bank robberies, while a third bank robbery was reported in Richmond, Indiana, about 65 miles east of Indianapolis, an hour after the second.  Two men wearing ski masks, one armed with a pistol, escaped with an undetermined amount of money.  Also, in April 1998, Pluto took the lives of 28 people who died in a Peru plane crash.  Don’t take chances now.

 Shopping: Invest in anything that can clean or kill pests.  Do not invest in anything that could bring danger to those for whom you care.

If all the cops, their leaders, and society would accept a cosmic divinity speaking his will through the signs, the world would become a much safer place to be!

Meantime I wonder with such OBVIOUSNESS found in my 2014 moon power why people would not RUN and get it. Unless $5.00 is too much to pay for you or your loved ones lives of course!

Teach me all about my cosmic relationship with God marvelous Universe Dr. Turi

Please vote for me, help me make my cosmic mission a reality!



 L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

“Show me a curious person or an avid reader and I will point out a winner!” Dr. Turi

 Now only $5 – Click image above to purchase the 2014 Moon Power Starguide –  Now Available for Download!!

$15:00  – Click image above to purchase the 2015 Dragon Forecast – Now Available for Download!!

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The Magical Power of Talismans!

India’s spacecraft reaches Mars orbit … SHAME OR HISTORY?


 The gravitational forces that move all galaxies is a scientific fact;   But the greatness of the spiritual cosmic manifesto is yet a mystery to humanity. God’s enslaved all his children to uncover his cosmic  Divinity and with it,  a life filled with health, love, respect, peace and harmony for all.

— Dr. Turi

India’s spacecraft reaches Mars orbit … and history

Dear readers;

Do you know India own the largest concentration of poor people in the world, particularly in the villages, where almost three out of four Indians and 77 percent of the Indian poor live?

Indeed the extraordinary wealthy scientific (and religious matrixes), like NASA scientists and “Mars One masquerades” in the US, they do not care much about the common people and their children welfare!   

Those scientists are imbedded with many powerful governmental and independent corporations sucking both your taxes and your donations.  Don’t you think the Indian (and US) authorities should make a priority to help those living in poverty on earth before spending exorbitant fortunes to reach Mars?  But logic disappear with science when its fat wallet is questioned! 

The legendary “educated” ego combined with the humongous spiritual pride of the scientific community seems to care more about their kind, than those who are struggling to support their privileged selected life building technology! 

While I am 100% for scientific researches and its marvelous developments, EARTH and HUMAN must become a priority!  

Greed, wealth and power rules all matrixes and the uneducated mass of religious people are the one asking to be screwed because of their induced fears and false hopes.

Are you ready for the truth readers?

All human beings living on Mother Earth’s back are already enjoying borrowed time!  Climate change is an unavoidable aspect of being a part of an ever changing, ever expanding modern world.

While I do agree that human behavior can hasten or retard its progress, it is happening. It happened in ancient times,  and it is happening now in modern times. Modern humans tend to think that their technology and science can arrest the inevitable? Hello time to wake up to reality! 

Science is clear: Human activity is causing our climate to change and the OCD born scientific community is working overtime to escape a doomed earth.

Furthermore, those schooled young fools truly believe science has all the answers they need and one day they will be able to live on Mars!

But hypothetically speaking, let’s say they manage to succeed in building a dome on the red planet, who do you think will be residing there? You, your kids or their kids and “educated” kind scientists alike?  Once the last ship is ready to live a burning hell, your kids name will never be called! Unless you are part of their matrix of course! 

Google “ANYTHING you think about then add dr.turi” to read more articles.

Could robots build a base on Mars and who benefit until then?

Maintaining a national spiritual pride by building unmanned spacecrafts is all they need to convince the taxpayers and the flow of private donations while endorsing their work! And this is the trap the moronic mass falls for and can not escape because they monopolize all information!  Do you think this type of crude and real article will ever end on CNN? Do you think my eye opening work would bypass the moderators working for those matrixes? 

What financial good do I have to offer any leading matrix,  when I am warning and educating an abused God fearing and science trusting gullible public?  The undiluted truth is gone readers, only in my Cosmic Cyber University will you get the facts of life!

Sad enough 99.09% of the population is not ready for the truth and would rather be abused and duped instead of facing reality,  isn’t it sad?


Those billions are cleverly and secretly exchanging the same hands, the same bank accounts and are ultimately wasted because NO HUMAN BEING EVER, will set foot or live on Mars!

Those suckers MUST keep their propaganda alive on CNN to enjoy an easy life wearing gloves and white coats in the extravagant buildings we all paid for! Their children are “educated”  and molded to use your donations and taxes and will follow their  advantaged parents and enjoy the same lifestyle.

While you must struggle 2 or 3 jobs (if you have one) and pay tons of taxes to those people and the expenses of the sweat of your children’s children who, they think, will be left behind suffocating on an run-down, scorching earth…

All matrixes, would it be the scientific, religious, political, sport, medical or Hollywood itself, are designed to ABUSE you, to entertain you, to deceive you, to make you believe in a false God or the impossible is reachable and SUCK you dry with taxes  and your donations.

Those greedy wealthy corporations  are imbedded with all news-media matrixes, endlessly advertising their deceptive aims, far reached goals and deadly products.  And only true information or a revolution can stop the abuses!

I am indeed for progress, for any and all scientific discoveries, for NASA, including Mars One projects, but those enterprises must put humanity and the children FIRST!

India, the US and many other developing countries should be ashamed for those corporations self centered, self serving propagandes and for the waste of such vast fortunes that should be used for education, battling climate changes and eliminate poverty. 

Sharing email;

Hi Terania,

   How are you?  I hope Dr.  Turi is feeling better.  Please tell him that he is quite wrong about the Indian mission to Mars.  It is actually there to monitor war!  Our world is in such a high warring state that it is necessary for that extremely spiritual country to monitor everything on that planet. With Love,


DT rebuttal; “There is only a very thin hair between Divine information and pure imagination, where Cosmic Consciousness is lacking; science, conspiracy and religious imagination have the wrong answers. There are no accidents, nor circumstances, only subtle cosmic consequences at work the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive.”

Thank you Miriam… Your UCI is set to deal with a more logical / philosophical/religious world, if you were a student of mine you would understand the archetypal realm of supra cosmic consciousness…



The fact is the system and their famous “respected” doctors are endorsing and allowing kids and Neptunian born adults alike to smoke weed freely. 

Gupta ‘I am doubling down DECEPTION’ on medical marijuana!

The real reasons why Dr.Sanjay Gupta changed his mind on weed


Reporter: ‘F*** it, I quit’  

Only a pothead – Neptunian born, ABUSING WEED would behave this way on national television! In fact, this morning Terania and I went fishing in our local park, and a few kids were there sitting at a table smoking weed!

This park has become  a weed selling/meeting place where all those born Neptunians are left to engage in wasteful, harmful behaviors instead of studying or working! I gather, the parents themselves must be pot users too!

“Show me a curious person or an avid reader and I will point out a winner!” Dr. Turi

Please vote for me, help me make my cosmic mission a reality!

Thank you!


Reply by Mrs. Turi: I’ll tell you why marijuana is on the same level as beer considering the long term health risks associated with both Charlo Greene…

While I do agree that the mind-body decoding system is down – grading systematically, from fluoride and other things of such in the water supplies all the way up to radiation pollution and various concentrates in foods…

These energies affect our reactions as well as both ones psychological / physiological behaviors in society along with blocking universal energies!

There are various anti-oxidants and other supplements that are aimed to help extend the useful life of body parts, such as ligaments, eyesight, skin, hair and so forth; that one can lose in their bodies normal ability to work, as one ages…

Therefore they need to be replaced by that daily nutrient supplementation; onward with a healthy diet and some exercise. And the scientific matrix “FDA” wants to negate natural means which virtually cause no damage nor deaths.

Talk about making the doctors richer, the sick sicker, and the mentally strange stranger and the Church inc. making so much money off of the drug heads…

All together with the odds and ends. There is just so much abuse of legal drugs being used illegally. That’s why Terania Turi,  for one, am all for “Naturopathy” more so; which accommodates the holistic avenue with non-invasive medical care by fortifying the littlest use of medical procedure and medication.

But as for some of the things people put in their bodies or just as far as letting oneself go, you can see the exterior results…All the same as far as the long term effects of marijuana and such, some of those are irreversible and will mess up your head as seen with the reporter above blowing a good career to serve evil! 

Marijuana, is classified by the Drug Enforcement Agency as a Schedule 1 substance — the same category as heroin, LSD and Ecstasy — and is illegal in almost all states even for recreational use.

As such, comprehensive data on the drug’s use and misuse in the United States is limited. And it hooks 20% of people who use it. I for one have seen personality changes, mood swings and such before meeting and marrying my genius healthy husband.

It stops people from being able to see clearly and act totally irrational messing up friendships and relationships. High doses of marijuana can also cause temporary psychotic reactions, such as hallucinations, paranoia and suicidal thoughts in some people born with a strong badly aspected Neptune, and worst, affects your reflexes, hindering your motor skills. So marijuana-related car fatalities are common and  not unheard of. 

Drinking reduces your inhibitions and can certainly make you feel more “nirvanic” relaxed in social situations. But those lower inhibitions can also lead you to engage in risky sexual behavior (STD / Unplanned Pregnancy) or lead you to connect with the criminal element! 

The body needs a certain level of hydration and blood flow and this can actually cause arousal issues. Over time, drinking can lead to liver disease, neurological problems, certain psychiatric issues and may increase your risk of several types of cancer and is more dangerous if not just as dangerous when it comes to smoking cigarettes. Stopping becomes a nightmare and rare are those who succeed.

About 88,000 Americans die each year because of excessive alcohol use, according to the CDC. Nearly half of those deaths are from chronic alcohol use — liver failure, for example — while the other half are attributable to acute situations, such as alcohol poisoning or a drunken driving accident.

So, while one study may have found it was safe for animals to consume about 30% of their body weight in cannabis without overdosing; that’s the equivalent of a 160-pound person eating 48 pounds of weed at one time…

Better watch out for that 4.8-fold increase in risk of a heart attack during the first hour after smoking because of the drug’s effect on your heart rate.

But asking a pothead to think or see clearly is impossible because all Neptunians are born to learn about addictions and the majority will end up paying a heavy price with mental and physical health including suicide.

Weed should be used for the sick, the half dead looking for pain relief outside of the use of conventional medications. Pot should never be used by the healthy, young generation for recreational purposes. 

Dr. Turi and I never ever smoked pot and our minds, bodies and spirits fly at the speed of light with creativity, clarity of thoughts, vitality and general health. I can’t help to imagine, god forbid, if my husband was a pothead?

Do you think you would get his remarkable cosmic wisdom regularly or correctly and precisely take care of his endless clientele? In order for a real spiritual master to heal, guide and teach the cosmic secrets that makes his work so unique, Dr. Turi has to be as clean as a whistle in body, mind and soul.

How can anyone pretend to heal or help anyone when the core of the soul is impure and poisoned with cannabis or medications?  Of course the Indians, and famous gurus smoke pot or opium all day long to achieve the sought Neptunian “nirvana” where the world of dreams and reality become total delusion!   

Abuse drugs and soon you will hallucinate, you may see angels or the face of satan and to escape the horrors of psychical distortions, suicide become the only way out to stop the live nightmare! 

Many human beings experience such traumatic phases and are much too scared or too ashamed to speak about their personal phrenic horrible experiences.  No one would believe them and the voices tell them to kill themselves! This is where weed will lead many unaware users and fry their brain with time… 

God created everything, sharks, lions, snakes, venomous spiders, infectious organisms including pot. Knowing all its priorities is what will make the difference between getting hooked or not!  

Would you step on a snake, sleep with spiders in your bed or mess with a lion? Would you willingly breeze deadly smallpox or swim with sharks? Its the choices you make, listening or not to your logic or intuition that makes the full difference at the end! 

A clear mind mean a clear judgement, and while we both, like any other human beings made countless mistakes and paid the price with our health, we chose to say no to any and all form of drugs! 

But we do not throw the baby with the water, there are times when drugs and science become the only way to save a life, and much, if not all could be avoided prior to any ailments,  if you chose to live a healthy life. 

With love and light

Mrs. Turi



 L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

“Show me a curious person or an avid reader and I will point out a winner!” Dr. Turi

 Now only $5 – Click image above to purchase the 2014 Moon Power Starguide –  Now Available for Download!!

$15:00  – Click image above to purchase the 2015 Dragon Forecast – Now Available for Download!!

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The Magical Power of Talismans!

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