Year: 2014

Why Jesse Leroy Matthew killed Hannah Graham Astroforensics of the future at work!


“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life.   Dr. Turi

 Hannah Graham (born Hannah Elizabeth Graham on Feb. 25, 1996) is a University of Virginia student, who went missing on Sept. 13, 2014. She was last seen in videos during the early hours of September 13, throughout various parts of Charlottesville, Virginia. She was briefly followed by an unidentified man, but that man claims she walked away with another unidentified man. Police have been searching for her ever since.

Hannah Graham is best known as the University of Virginia student who went missing on Sept. 13, 2014. Hannah Graham is the daughter of John and Susan Graham. She attends the University of Michigan. She plays the alto saxophone, loves starburst candy, and enjoys skiing. She went missing on Sept. 13, 2014.

Dear readers;

While the police is trying very hard to find out what happened to Hannah, there are “signs” in her UCI  depicting a fate that could easily been avoided had  her, her parents, the teachers and the US Department of Education allows a non religious cosmic spiritual education in their curriculum.  There are no accidents, nor circumstances that can not be avoided if warned of the real possibilities. Again would you cross a red light and hope for the best?

Hannah Graham is; like all previous and future innocent souls, the victims of today dry and much too rational education. Indeed humanity has lost the spirit making all the children prone to become the preys of many unstable criminals. Young and adults alike MUST reconnect with God’s cosmic Divinity, stop depressions, suicides and live in a safer world.

 Topic ‘Joan Rivers Was Killed By Her Doctors!’

Topic ‘Robin Williams’ Suicide Fully Explained – Astroforensics of the future at work…’

This article will NOT be public! and the following will be translated in plain and simple English… “Its a miracle for curiosity to survive education…” Einstein Be aware of the cosmic code jurisdictions and God cosmic divinity or, soon or later, pay the penalty! GET YOU PERSONAL LUCKY DRAGON DATES and join my Cyber Cosmic University to learn more!

Why Jesse Leroy Matthew killed Hannah Graham Astroforensics of the future at work! is now ready for my VIP’s.  Learn all about Astroforensics and what make some human prone to attract fame and fortune  or  a life full of drama and ultimately death!

Did you pay attention to my predictions lately?

ON TO THE EXPLANATIONS NEXT!  Hannah first then I will expose her killer cosmic identity! 



What Happened to Hannah Graham? Astroforensics at work!


Sun 06Pis10 (2)
Moon 27Tau50 (4) exalted
Mercury 13Aqu21 (1) exalted
Venus 19Ari09 (3) detriment
Mars 07Pis54 (2)
Jupiter 10Cap58 (12) fall
Saturn 24Pis52 (2)
Uranus 02Aqu31 (1) dignity
Neptune 26Cap42 (12) fall
Pluto 03Sag05 (11)
MNNode 19Lib30 (9)
MSNode 19Ari30 (3)

IN MUTUAL RECEPTION: Saturn in Pisces Neptune in Capricorn

DISPOSITORS: Sun disposited by Neptune
Jupiter disposited by Saturn
Moon disposited by Venus
Saturn disposited by Neptune
Mercury disposited by Uranus
Uranus disposited by Uranus
Venus disposited by Mars
Neptune disposited by Saturn
Mars disposited by Neptune
Pluto disposited by Jupiter

ASPECT PATTERNS: Talent Triangle, tight Neptune
Saturn – focus

T-Square Pluto
Sun – focus
Mars – focus

SIGN MODALITIES: Planet Points Percent
Cardinal 3 25 %
Fixed 4 33 %
Mutable 5 42 %

SIGN ELEMENTS: Planet Points Percent
Fire 2 17 %
Earth 4 33 %
Air 2 17 %
Water 4 33 %

IN CRITICAL DEGREES: (Mansions of the Moon):

MOON PHASE: Crescent
MOON DISTANCE: 396588.6 km. Far Distance
MOON SPEED: 12.28523 deg/day Slow Speed


ODD LOWER-ORDER: 1 0.91867
9 0.97204

2 0.99564

ODD HIGHER-ORDER: 131 0.96533
63 0.96746

EVEN HIGHER-ORDER: 132 0.87856
18 0.90611



 L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

“Show me a curious person or an avid reader and I will point out a winner!” Dr. Turi

 Now only $5 – Click image above to purchase the 2014 Moon Power Starguide –  Now Available for Download!!

$15:00  – Click image above to purchase the 2015 Dragon Forecast – Now Available for Download!!

Show your support join my Cyber Cosmic University

The Magical Power of Talismans!

Maui Marathon – Car Plows Through Crowd! Fully Predicted By Dr. Turi


“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life.  

Dr. Turi

Dear readers, 

Memo from Big solar storm heading toward Earth posted 9/11/2014

The same energy that produced the Titanic disaster miscommunication, the Northridge, Los Angeles, and Kobe, Japan, earthquakes is approaching again. Double-check all your appointments, and if you can, postpone sports events, traveling and flying during this Supernova “window”. 

  Maui Marathon – Car Plows Through Crowd at Starting Line 


“This dragon is all about IDENTITY AND RACE (police to Daniele Watts; “show me your ID!” and will induce many reform with emigrations, build walls between the US and other countries, revamp and stimulate ALL that involve emigration and foreigners  moving to the US or away from their unstable countries.” – Survivors: 500 migrants died when people smugglers rammed boat.

Update 9/22/2014 – Tweet draws torrent of racial abuse

May the world should read my predictions and pass them on? 


Show your support join my Cyber Cosmic University

What does the world say about Dr. Turi

The Magical Power of Talismans!


L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

listen to my latest radio show, check the next one

Dr. Turi Cosmic Code reality show 

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 


Sprint car driver killed in wreck practicing for race – Sad Prediction Came To Pass!


Dear readers, 

My prediction of fires ravages and all other dramatic news plaguing CNN and FOX were induced by the 2014 ARIAN DRACONIS PREDICTIONS and those are very hard to ignore or even deny.

There are many more for you to acknowledge if you take the time to click on the link above…

Here is a little memo of prediction, 16, 10 and 15 to refresh the memory of all the skeptics and atheists alike who erroneously assume my work is only a worthless pseudo-science! 

There is no denying my cosmic gift because my work is well documented, dated, printed, published and offered regularly on all social media! And this is why the Atheists and skeptics alike hate me, because I am the only reliable, legitimate spiritualist on the planet to prove them wrong! 

I wonder why this crowd of dry, non spiritual, non evoluated human beings do not invite or challenge me in public in one of their many conferences? Rest assured, they will never invite Dr. Turi, because I am much too real for them! 


UFO”s Are Very Real  –  And So Is The Legacy! – What Did They Do To Me? – UFO Conspiracy Against Dr. Turi


Predictions #16 – Upsurge in car and racing accidents and cars could be used as weaponry!

Sprint car driver killed in wreck practicing for race

May God bless your soul

Update 9/21/14 –  Sprint car driver killed in wreck practicing for race

Update 04/10/14 – Motorsports star killed in race crash

 9 killed in California bus-truck crash 


 Prediction # 10 –  A year of endless HUGE fires and record high temperatures where many fire fighters will pay the ultimate price during my “SOS To The World Windows.”  Expect a full restructure of the International Association of Fire Fighters as the ministry of environment will impose many new rules affecting US National Parks.  The Same “dragon” produced  the highest air temperature on Earth” — 134 degrees on July 10, 1913, in Death Valley’s Greenland Ranch.

A wildfire approaches the shore of California's Bass Lake on Sunday, September 14.

Update 9/21/2014 –  Arson suspect pleads not guilty in 76,376-acre California fire


Predictions #15 –  Expect A full restructure of the NFL / UFC  / NHL and a lot of legal battles  because of an upsurge of violent deaths and misbehaviours – 


09/20/14 –  Head of NFL players’ union talks  Head of NFL players' union talks


How many psychics, prophets, astrologers and prophets wanna be offer the public endless and repetitive tangible proof of their work like I do? 

Without cosmic consciousness all “talking Heads” you read, listen and follow have is; science, religions and a fruitful imagination…

If you can handle the truth, you are ready for Dr. Turi and God’s cosmic Divinity, anything else is ultimate scientific rationale or Neptunian and deceptive  in nature! 

I will soon generate the 2015 Universal Predictions for my VIP’s in my Cyber Cosmic University! Join us, be prepared for the future!

Check my latest articles. learn more  and show your support for my work by becoming a VIP Please. 

SUPER DEAL FOR ALL MY VIP’SI am not  a psychic, nor a guru or a Neptunian born, I am a different type of scientist,  I am a soul Doctor and use a modified software I translate with my gift to make predictions and guide people to uncover their cosmic identity.The first weekend of New Moon on Friday and Saturday September 26th and 27th I will offer FREE short mini readings to all my VIP’s.

I may also offer Monday September 28th if I can not get all of you in during the week end.I strongly suggest you to tape our telephone conversation because my channeling has no limit and my guidance and predictions are worth saving!

Me to know, you to find out!I promised all my VIP’s to offer mini readings at each New Moon of each month of the year, but as you all know, I was pretty sick last month and could not work. I am now back to full health again and ready for all my VIP’s.Its  that time again for so many new VIP’s to find out personally how accurate I am dealing with the Supra-conscious in time and space…

Putting the green where the mouth is what ALL so-called psychics, astrologers and mediums alike should do by offering you a “test drive” of their talent.I am extremely confident to impress you, not because I am an egocentric, but because I have been doing consultations professionally since 1984 when I was in England, and for many more years before, helping all my friends!

In fact I know more about you than yourself or your own mother! There is no sparing, this would not help for me to hide anything from you, even about your health and fate, but the good new is; I always offer a way out or the solution you need to live a long and rewarding healthy life.Indeed I can only speak of the various cosmic laws in charge of your destiny and will not be able to teach you all you need to know nor perform the vital Astro-Tarot.

Because there is only one thin hair between divine information and pure imagination. Testing your spiritual leader or psychic is also protecting yourself from psychic accidents and deceptive Neptunians. Many people have been truly impressed by my work and a true gifted person should have tons of amazing references for you to investigate!

All I can assure you is, I will electrify your spirit and take good care of you when we meet!

The rule: First you MUST be or become a VIP, if you are not join today to qualify for the FREE mini reading!  If $25 is too much money for you, use this option instead! I trust anyone can afford a $10 donation to join my Cyber Cosmic University and get access to all my forecasts and reliable personal guidance!All you have to do, is to email to schedule the time of our telephone meeting for Friday 26th or Saturday 27th. DO NOT FORGET TO PROVIDE HER WITH YOUR DOB TOO!

I am expecting TONS of people, so the quicker you email her, the more chances to get your spot and, by judging of my last offer for free mini readings, they will go very fast!Please DO NOT CALL, Terania will email you back and let you know if your chosen time and day is open or not.

If not she will make some suggestions of my availability. ALL must and will be done via the Internet, again NO phone calls please.

Meantime she may ask you to call her at a specific time, if you need more information.See you then VIP’s

Cosmic Blessings
Dr. Turi
“Show me a curious person or an avid reader and I will point out a winner!” Dr. Turi

 Now only $5 – Click image above to purchase the 2014 Moon Power Starguide –  Now Available for Download!!

$15:00  – Click image above to purchase the 2015 Dragon Forecast – Now Available for Download!!

Show your support join my Cyber Cosmic University

The Magical Power of Talismans!

Could Austria Use the Koran Against ISIS? NO its a total waste of time!


“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life.  

Dr. Turi

Could Austria Use the Koran Against the Islamic State?

He is as smart as its US political counterpart who, a while ago, wasted time and taxpayers money to help ISIS’ cause.

U.S. Anti-ISIS video is BOOSTING and Inspiring ISIS’ Caliphate Recruiting

Those traditionally coached, civilized politicians can only use their arguments to what sanity dictate, not knowing ISIS future and doomed soldiers are unreachable and already sold their soul to the cause and the caliphate.

Knowing nothing of the human spirit outside of conventional reasoning, a cosmic unconscious Austrian Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz has never heard nor read anything about the human UCI.

Like the scientific community mind experts and researchers, his error is to assume ALL Muslims think and react the same dealing with life (or religions) in general!  And this is their first serious mistake!

The first step would be for him, and the general public, to fully acknowledge what UCI or Unique Celestial Identity mean and stand for!


(MPSI)  Matrix Personal Spiritual Identity

Much of the puritanical male and female souls lured into ISIS movement and the caliphate were born into both, the “Death Wish Generation”  (older fighters) and the OCD Generation(younger fighters.)

The OCD generation reflects the worst of the puritanical, CLEANSING sign of Virgo and all those kids are inbred with an over bearing drive for chastity and purity, where sex, drugs, alcohol, rap music and a non healthy, non religious living style is abhorring to them all.

That is what drive them to fight America or the “pot pourri” as they perceive all westerner nations. 

Those crucial information are available to the public through my books,  but the US Department of Education, the scientific, and religious “educational” supremely wealthy matrixes monopolize all information and have lost God’s cosmic divinity and the spirit all together!  

“Show me a curious person or an avid reader and I will point out a winner!” Dr. Turi

Sceptre from my book “The Power of the Dragon” 

Pluto in Virgo: “The Baby Buster Generation” Pluto moved into the puritanical sign of Virgo (health) from 1957 to 1976, and this generation is next to take governmental power. This generation is fanatic about nature, perfection, work and health. Smokers have already suffered the impact of this “Baby Buster Generation,” as this generation must upgrade health and perfection in our society.

Unlike Leo (life) Virgo is dry and sterile, thus fewer babies were produced during this era. Since Pluto entered the sign of Virgo, facilities for health programs and exercising boomed to satisfy a fanatic health generation that craves fitness and a very healthy lifestyle.

The health businesses (body/ mind/tools) were launched and are still booming with Pluto in Virgo. Note you can be born before or after this generation but if you inherited a strong natal, hidden draconis,  moon, rising  Virgo energy in your chart, you will share the same perfectionist, cleansing values…

This Mother Mary or the Virgo generation is banning smokers from restaurants and public places, in Phoenix AZ they voted the NON smoking law outside local colleges and universities, they also voted many tobacco tax increases and more rigid health oriented regulations are ahead of us.

The Virgo “Virgin Mary” cosmic fluid also stimulate many unconscious pious women to join ISIS’s cause and offer them children that will also be indoctrinated against the west.

Now, it took me years to compile this book and it was published in December 1999 and 15 years ago I knew, once in power, this generation, would stir such a world wide cleansing, puritanical, religious movement through ISIS caliphate. 

These are today,  the dreadful results of all traditional educational institutions unwilling to educate their children on the extreme pull of the stars upon their destiny. In the name of religious convictions, (Christians) or educated spiritual pride  ignorance, (Atheists) those generations will have to be eradicated from the face of the earth. 

Those children, once upon a time were reachable, had the adults brought back the mother of all science to schools and universities and reach all children before, during or just after puberty!

How can you today explain to ISIS fighters they are all doomed because no one taught them about the cosmic code jurisdictions and God cosmic will?  

How can you reach all those people and tell them they are subconsciously mauled to death by their stars when only an extreme minority of ISIS fighters can speak or read English and only a handful of human beings (my students) can teach them?

All those lost souls are the victims of a greedy controlling, religious, politically oriented system. And  since childhood all they had is their religious books and they are now all intoxicated and indoctrinated.  In the name of ignorance, all those souls are wasted…

Is it too late for all those people, I am afraid it is, and this is what MUST be done to save future generations! 


“ Without Cosmic Consciousness, human are nothing more than blind robots acting out their natal stars.” Dr. Turi  

Mercury Governs the Precise and Critical Constellation Of Virgo

Cleansing impurities large and small
Don”t think yourself immune, for I see all
Attending to every chore and task
Perfection being all that I ask
I am VIRGO, child of Mercury.

Now comes the billions dollar question readers, WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO TO HELP DR.TURI!

Are you still thinking my work is only a wasteful pseudoscience the majority of uneducated human still ridicule or will you  become an active positive cell? Because trust me readers, the force of evil and ISIS are already in place and VERY active and they have all the financial support they need to recruit more unconscious victims from all over the world.

This battle against cosmic ignorance MUST be won, and this rare cosmic wisdom MUST return to all US schools and Universities! America must show the way to the rest of the world because it is only through the right spiritual education that peace, love, respect can finally reign upon earth!

For if you do not participate and help me, this psychical religious cancer will never be eradicated and will one day, override the entire world!   The response to such a threat is the dangerously growing atheist movement who are as unconscious as the religious community! 

Atheists & Christians, A Cosmic God is Really Pissed Off At You!

How can you help me you may ask, do like I do, be relentless, dedicated, committed, confident you own the answer to this puzzle and pass on my spiritual work on the Internet. Join new groups and lead them to this article (or any you resonate with) email your politicians, your school masters  even the secret service!

More than anyone else they NEED this type of information to understand what it means to be human and efficient in the battle against ISIS!   You can not be independent or unconcerned anymore, time is the essence and you must act now!

– Another White House security incident – A serious warning and predictions for the NSA, FBI and CIA! 

Have NO FEAR, this is America where we must lead other nations into a safer, wiser, educated world, not only with our mighty war machine and wealth, but also with the power of education!

Indeed God lead you to my work for a good reason, that is to do your part for humanity and help the children of tomorrow to avoid today fatalistic errors!

Prophecy & the Cosmic Code with Dr. Louis Turi
Introducing the world to God New Cosmic Consciousness

Help me reach George Noory and his producer Tom, or any radio or TV hosts out there. Only if you ask and refer me will they invite me to talk about ISIS, talk about Atheism, religions the cosmic code, the Age of Pisces and the New Age of Aquarius, do some predictions and bring real light and deep understanding to the Middle East complex situation.  

Help me get the wider voice I need readers, this is a very serious situation that no many people truly understand! 

Let me bring the spirit and the cosmic code into the rational, logical discussions and let the audience challenge me in a cosmic world they know nothing about!

This will be a very interesting debate where you will learn much more in the process, but again you must write to George everyday, until you get the results you seek!

Yes I know George well, in fact he and Tom are good friend, but in the radio world, your voice and the ratings count, not mine! – 

The world is changing at a rapid pace, both physically and spiritually, don’t you think its time to bring God’s cosmic divinity to humanity? Remember life is a constant process of changes, where the old, willingly or not, must give room to the new! 

Old foundations and archaic beliefs  are crumbling, this is scary for so many people, but it is a direct order imposed by God upon all his children.  

 “11/2015-02/2017 End of All Religions.” – “Pope Francis – Can You Handle The Truth?”

And instead of fearing the unknown and the future, let’s build  a new secure world, because were are doomed and this is the challenges imposed by a cosmic God you must acknowledge, heed and promote! 

Hell is on earth, we can turn it into paradise with real cosmic spiritual  education… And it all start with YOU!

Cosmic Blessings to all my readers

SUPER DEAL FOR ALL MY VIP’SI am not  a psychic, nor a guru or a Neptunian born, I am a different type of scientist,  I am a soul Doctor and use a modified software I translate with my gift to make predictions and guide people to uncover their cosmic identity.The first weekend of New Moon on Friday and Saturday September 26th and 27th I will offer FREE short mini readings to all my VIP’s.

I may also offer Monday September 28th if I can not get all of you in during the week end.I strongly suggest you to tape our telephone conversation because my channeling has no limit and my guidance and predictions are worth saving!

Me to know, you to find out!I promised all my VIP’s to offer mini readings at each New Moon of each month of the year, but as you all know, I was pretty sick last month and could not work. I am now back to full health again and ready for all my VIP’s.Its  that time again for so many new VIP’s to find out personally how accurate I am dealing with the Supra-conscious in time and space…

Putting the green where the mouth is what ALL so-called psychics, astrologers and mediums alike should do by offering you a “test drive” of their talent.I am extremely confident to impress you, not because I am an egocentric, but because I have been doing consultations professionally since 1984 when I was in England, and for many more years before, helping all my friends!

In fact I know more about you than yourself or your own mother! There is no sparing, this would not help for me to hide anything from you, even about your health and fate, but the good new is; I always offer a way out or the solution you need to live a long and rewarding healthy life.Indeed I can only speak of the various cosmic laws in charge of your destiny and will not be able to teach you all you need to know nor perform the vital Astro-Tarot.

Because there is only one thin hair between divine information and pure imagination. Testing your spiritual leader or psychic is also protecting yourself from psychic accidents and deceptive Neptunians. Many people have been truly impressed by my work and a true gifted person should have tons of amazing references for you to investigate!

All I can assure you is, I will electrify your spirit and take good care of you when we meet!

The rule: First you MUST be or become a VIP, if you are not join today to qualify for the FREE mini reading!  If $25 is too much money for you, use this option instead! I trust anyone can afford a $10 donation to join my Cyber Cosmic University and get access to all my forecasts and reliable personal guidance!All you have to do, is to email to schedule the time of our telephone meeting for Friday 26th or Saturday 27th. DO NOT FORGET TO PROVIDE HER WITH YOUR DOB TOO!

I am expecting TONS of people, so the quicker you email her, the more chances to get your spot and, by judging of my last offer for free mini readings, they will go very fast!Please DO NOT CALL, Terania will email you back and let you know if your chosen time and day is open or not.

If not she will make some suggestions of my availability. ALL must and will be done via the Internet, again NO phone calls please.

Meantime she may ask you to call her at a specific time, if you need more information.See you then VIP’s

Cosmic Blessings
Dr. Turi
“Show me a curious person or an avid reader and I will point out a winner!” Dr. Turi

 Now only $5 – Click image above to purchase the 2014 Moon Power Starguide –  Now Available for Download!!

$15:00  – Click image above to purchase the 2015 Dragon Forecast – Now Available for Download!!

Show your support join my Cyber Cosmic University

The Magical Power of Talismans!

Another White House security incident – A serious warning and predictions for the NSA, FBI and CIA!


Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom.

~ Paracelsus

Another White House security incident
Driver fails to stop a day after man scales the fence

Washington (CNN) — In the second security incident at the White House in as many days, an individual failed to stop at the entrance to the White House complex while driving his vehicle, Secret Service spokesman Brian Leary said.

Dear readers;

Is this another obvious omen for the secret services and for them to take my work seriously? In no way will the unconscious “norm” bypass logic, the majority of people will only perceive such an obvious indication as another piece of news!  

But, if, early April 2014, when I wrote “August will be the utmost challenging month of President Obama Presidency” and advised the secret service to heed my warnings, did any  of them realize another of my “visions” came to pass again?

This being said, do you think the secret services in charge of our President safety will  pay more attention to my work or just ridicule it? Are those detectives paying attention when I bombard them regularly with my warnings on their websites personally?

President Obama’s current ratings mire in the 40/60 percent range, this mean a lot of people do not like him! Doing something bad though will not help the situation. Those people don’t understand him that’s all nor his dragon head / tail…He is victimized by his humanitarian Aquarius tail and it’s not only him but there are others also behind it all, dealing with those who don’t have the best interest at heart for our country. But as you all know, I am not into politics (or religions) and those numbers are debatable!  My cosmic expertise is forewarning people, not political discussions, thus save my email box please.

But most of all, do the secret services get it or, like the scientific community, hide their cosmic ignorance behind the word ridicule?

I trust they read it all, first to make sure I am not a danger to our President or society, second because many cops I know are readers and students of Astroforensics and not all of them were born uncurious morons!

There are NO accidents, or imprevisible “acts of God” readers, only subtle cosmic circumstances at work all educated young souls and skeptics alike can not discern to just yet!

There has been too much unwanted activity around the White House lately and much too close to our President safety for comfort! At this rate, regardless of the guards and the secret services supreme vigilance, it is just a matter of time before my chilling vision transpire!

I may be forced to give my wonderful dogs away, but I can guarantee you that; Macho and Draco would do a much better job than all the secret services combined and dissuade anyone, sane or not, big or small to jump the White House walls!

Meantime prophesying President Obama shocking, explosive karmic demise, and even Pope Francis assassination, does not make me popular with anyone in the media!  But being truthful has a price to pay, and this makes the soft, sugar coated speakers more attractive to the weak and those unwilling to face reality!

But are my “visions” that far stretched when the world is loaded with unstable, drug addicted crazy people all over trying to get to them?   The reasons for those sick sub-human to kill a President or a Pope are endless, some are looking for a five minutes or for ever fame, some politically oriented, or in the case of ISIS aiming for the pope, religiously oriented!

I can only hope the NSA is checking all my past and future work, not only my September 2014 SOS To The World Windows because on September 26/27 and 28 news about terrorism and death will plague the media!

Yes, I will be there to remind you then readers, and may be, my unmatched accuracy will help you question religions and rise to a more usable, practical  divine cosmic Godly presence!

President Obama, like 99.99% of a cosmic unconscious society does not know, nor care about heeding his or the First Lady “Personal Cosmic Biorhythms” Thus it is not if, but when, or just a matter of time for them, to be at the wrong place at the wrong time! I wish I could do more but all doors are closed to ingeniousness and it will take a miracle for curiosity to escape the heavy pull of traditional education.

For me to be so insistent and so confident of any fated outcome should scare the hell out of any and all secret service personnel! But only a few wise souls know about my prophetic gifts well!  And this is where REAL detective work pays of for curious people! Check this video and a new supporter Pls.

I wrote quite a lot on our President cosmic nature and his fate, and about many celebrities too. While much of my articles are reserved for my VIP’s, if you Google “Obama Dr. Turi” or “Pope Francis Dr. Turi” or “Gay Dr. Turi, or anything that comes through your mind, you will find older articles worth reading on the Internet!

But joining my Cyber Cosmic University is your best choice and will show how much you trust and support Dr. Turi’s work!

Cosmic Blessings 
Dr. Turi
Is California Ready For The ‘Big One?’ This image shows a pulsar wind nebula known as the 'Hand of God.' Image credit: NASA / JPL-Caltech / McGill.‘Ask and you shall receive, let who ignore my warnings be cursed by the eternal rites of the cosmic code ceremonies, for a cosmogonic God does not speak to fools…” Dr. Turi

Neptune Lord of Religious Deception Rules
Fear Water, Drowning Fire Black Blood
Dreams Reality Conflicts Poison Mad Spirits
SUPER DEAL FOR ALL MY VIP’SI am not  a psychic, nor a guru or a Neptunian born, I am a different type of scientist,  I am a soul Doctor and use a modified software I translate with my gift to make predictions and guide people to uncover their cosmic identity.The first weekend of New Moon on Friday and Saturday September 26th and 27th I will offer FREE short mini readings to all my VIP’s.
I may also offer Monday September 28th if I can not get all of you in during the week end.I strongly suggest you to tape our telephone conversation because my channeling has no limit and my guidance and predictions are worth saving!
Me to know, you to find out!I promised all my VIP’s to offer mini readings at each New Moon of each month of the year, but as you all know, I was pretty sick last month and could not work. I am now back to full health again and ready for all my VIP’s.Its  that time again for so many new VIP’s to find out personally how accurate I am dealing with the Supra-conscious in time and space…
Putting the green where the mouth is what ALL so-called psychics, astrologers and mediums alike should do by offering you a “test drive” of their talent.I am extremely confident to impress you, not because I am an egocentric, but because I have been doing consultations professionally since 1984 when I was in England, and for many more years before, helping all my friends!  
In fact I know more about you than yourself or your own mother! There is no sparing, this would not help for me to hide anything from you, even about your health and fate, but the good new is; I always offer a way out or the solution you need to live a long and rewarding healthy life.Indeed I can only speak of the various cosmic laws in charge of your destiny and will not be able to teach you all you need to know nor perform the vital Astro-Tarot.  
Because there is only one thin hair between divine information and pure imagination. Testing your spiritual leader or psychic is also protecting yourself from psychic accidents and deceptive Neptunians. Many people have been truly impressed by my work and a true gifted person should have tons of amazing references for you to investigate! 
All I can assure you is, I will electrify your spirit and take good care of you when we meet!
The rule: First you MUST be or become a VIP, if you are not join today to qualify for the FREE mini reading!  If $25 is too much money for you, use this option instead! I trust anyone can afford a $10 donation to join my Cyber Cosmic University and get access to all my forecasts and reliable personal guidance!All you have to do, is to email to schedule the time of our telephone meeting for Friday 26th or Saturday 27th. DO NOT FORGET TO PROVIDE HER WITH YOUR DOB TOO!
I am expecting TONS of people, so the quicker you email her, the more chances to get your spot and, by judging of my last offer for free mini readings, they will go very fast!Please DO NOT CALL, Terania will email you back and let you know if your chosen time and day is open or not.
If not she will make some suggestions of my availability. ALL must and will be done via the Internet, again NO phone calls please. Meantime she may ask you to call her at a specific time, if you need more information.See you then VIP’sBlessingsDr. Turi
“Show me a curious person or an avid reader and I will point out a winner!” Dr. Turi
 Now only $5 – Click image above to purchase the 2014 Moon Power Starguide –  Now Available for Download!!

$15:00  – Click image above to purchase the 2015 Dragon Forecast – Now Available for Download!!

Show your support join my Cyber Cosmic UniversityThe Magical Power of Talismans!

Head of NFL players’ union talks – Cursed NFL Predictions Came To Pass!


“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life.  

Dr. Turi


Head of NFL players’ union talks  Head of NFL players' union talks

Dear readers:

Who would have imagined back in June 2013, when I posted my 2014 Arian Draconis predictions to the world, the  Head of NFL Players Union would be on national television today, fulfilling my prediction?  

So many journalists, reporters, famous radio hosts and television unconscious “talking heads” never read nor anticipated the following… But Dr. Turi knew better and shared it all well before CNN and FOX news. No I am not boasting readers, just offering the atheists and skeptics alike the undeniable, well documented, dated and published prediction!

Predictions #15 –  Expect A full restructure of the NFL / UFC  / NHL and a lot of legal battles  because of an upsurge of violent deaths and misbehaviours – 

09/20/14 –  should Roger Goodell go? 
09/18/14 –  Another NFL player arrested for abuse
04/12/14 – NHLer arrested on DUI, drug charges
04/12/14 – NFL player’s friends indicted in killing
11/08/13 – Bullying is just the latest of NFL’s constant problems 

What happened to the NFL and could all this drama tarnishing the sport’s image at all levels been avoided? Yes it could have easily been averted, had all the NFL executives and all the players read my work!

The NFL is worth BILLIONS and a ridiculous investment for my 2014 Dragon Personal Forecast For All Signs,  or a bit of curiosity acknowledging my predictions, could have made a significant difference!

In fact with so much invested, the NFL SHOULD make it mandatory for all its players not only to check on the cosmic code jurisdictions and avoid such a big mess, but to let me INVESTIGATE all players UCI  using the science of Astroforensics!  Doing so, they may have saved billions and avoid shame!

But like the police executives, the NFL would rather use famous traditionally educated doctors and the results are obviously quite dreadful…  Not all NFL players share the same fate or the same mental capacity! Some are cursed by the cosmic code jurisdictions to fail miserably or become criminals! Will the public or any NFL player learn anything today?

Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Dr. Deepak Chopra , NeildeGrasse – ARE YOU A TRUE GENIUS?

But would it be the NFL executives or the famous players, they are all, in the eyes of a cosmic God, part of the “norm” and probably under the religious or scientific “educational” matrix – es control.  And many of them may not be able to exit their comfortable accepted zones.

Because a player makes 100 millions or the NFL executives own and  handle billions of dollars regularly does not make them smarter than any other human being! This fact is plain to see with the NFL being forced into a predicted full restructure! 

Remember readers, sports, politics and religions were created to challenge and amuse human and delay its spiritual evolution and most of all, to control the masses. I would rather enjoy a good educational program watching the Smithsonian Channel than football.

When I look at the mass of people confined into a stadium like sardines, I can not help to wonder what the ET’s are thinking about the “human animal” and why there is only a very few spiritual leaders on earth! 

While I occasionally watch boxing and appreciate extreme sports, I would never ever mingle with a screaming, disorderly, drunk, pot head dangerous mass!   Competitiveness is the name of the game where the best win, and this is wonderful.

But isn’t it time for humanity to start developing more of its deplorable spiritual cosmic aptitude and do more mental gymnastics instead? 

There is no difference between the antiquity Roman arena and its wild gladiators! The NFL realized the human animal instinct and tapped on it by developing competitive sports like football and Hockey. While engaged in sports, modern man does not, purposely kill opponents anymore, be sure when fights broke, so are the ratings! 

Such aggressive sports glorify the animal killer instinct of the born bullies and there is no end to feed and gain from today’s dangerous, moronic mass… Don’t you think your children should be taught, love, respect, peace, understanding and God cosmic divinity instead?

Yes this is why, as a parent, you have a wide variety of sports to choose from such as swimming, golfing, skating, tennis or engage your child in artistic pursuits etc. All depend of his karmic cosmic identity and UCI of course…

But how much parents and teachers alike know about Astroforensics and the working of the human psyche outside of academical accepted conventionality? 

With what going on with ISIS on the Internet your children can see more blood and dirt than you think,  including a myriad of detrimental pictures, reality shows televisions programs and killer games. Your children are addicted to technology and the NFL need them to support their privileged lifestyle, thus must compete with more acceptable aggressiveness!  

If I had a child, I certainly would not lead him to behave like the norm and stuff himself with violent sports and deceptive religions…  But luckily, Terania and I don’t want any kids. Too smart for that.

“Religion (and sports – DT)  is excellent stuff for keeping common people quiet. Religion (and sports – DT)  is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich.”  – Napoleon

Instead, BILLIONS have been  and will be wasted in legal disputes while many players’ lives are drastically changed for ever.  NFL players are perceived as role models by their younger fans, but what the mass (and science) does not know, is the natal UCI of those sportsmen can be as dangerous as any killer, rapist or child abusers rotting in our overloaded prisons.

Who can ignore or deny this fact today involving so many cosmic unconscious NFL players paying the price for their ignorance and aggressive uncontrolled nature? 

Sports, religions, politics and entertainment are needed and an intrinsic part of the human experience, it benefit so many people at so many levels and this is wonderful!

But if the spirit is left aside, putrefied with archaic religious  dogmas or consumed and jailed into sports, politics and entertainments then all of the above become the enemy of its healthy development.

As long as humanity keep investing billions in sports, politics, entertainments and religions, I can assure you, society psychical welfare will keep deteriorating and total self destruction is assured within the next few years!

Cosmic education  for our children is the key to stop the evil of corporate greed and all its abusive matrix-es who could not care less about you or your children. The therapeutic  balance between sports (physical manifestation) and the spirit (cosmic awareness) is non existent, and  seriously asymmetrical  because all attention is given to the concrete world only! 

But how many readers are willing or able to digest the undiluted truth from me? There is no enough consideration nor real applications to develop the human spiritual / cosmic potential because of the extreme weight of all traditional religions, Hollywood entertainments  and various sports have replaced ingeniousness and curiosity! 

Life is a constant process of changes that will never stop! All that is born will one day die, including you and part of your conscious life too! Someone must challenge your mind, and help you out of the Neptunian traps where reality is avoided and discarded. 

My articles are designed to do just that, regardless of your education, beliefs and background. I can not help to think how and why an NFL moron is making 100 millions paycheck and will waste it all on one of the traditional matrix-es owning his spirit and his life!

Imagine how many Astropsychology schools could be built with 100’s of millions readers and  envision how many children and parents ‘ spirits would benefit from my students cosmic wisdom?  

But it’s risky business when evil run the world and offer those fortunes to ISIS, to the smart, and greedy, deceptive plutonic souls whoring around with politicians making up the NFL at the core of all those extraordinary wealthy corporations.

Reply by John Benevides 

“NFL Worth Billions” Dr. Turi, did you also know that the NFL pays no income taxes because it’s treated as non-for-profit organization (501-c-3)? How about those apples. How many schools could we open with those taxes dollars? :))

Update – 9/22/14 – Is the NFL skirting the tax man?

And there is Dr. Turi, working his butt off since 1991 trying to change the world and save humanity psychical welfare!

I do not know how more precise I can become when all the news pouring out of CNN today were anticipated,  and “predicted” on June 12, 2013. 

Predictions #15 –  Expect A full restructure of the NFL / UFC  / NHL and a lot of legal battles  because of an upsurge of violent deaths and misbehavior.

Thus if you take the time to acknowledge the set of 19 predictions now publicized, should you pay attention to my 2015 Universal Predictions? 

I can only give you an unfinished quatrain and let you be the judge of my UFO legacy! Only my rewarding VIP’s will get the next set of 25 predictions and I strongly suggest you to investigate them and be prepared…

Is California Ready For The ‘Big One?’ 

This image shows a pulsar wind nebula known as the 'Hand of God.' Image credit: NASA / JPL-Caltech / McGill.

‘Ask and you shall receive, let who ignore my warnings be cursed by the eternal rites of the cosmic code ceremonies, for a cosmogonic God does not speak to fools…” Dr. Turi


Neptune Lord of Religious Deception Rules
Fear Water, Drowning Fire Black Blood
Dreams Reality Conflicts Poison Mad Spirits
All False Gods Lost Children Join To Kill

11/2015-02/2017 the beginning of the End of All Religions …

Who will stop ISIS? The damage of religions upon humanity …


I am not  a psychic, nor a guru or a Neptunian born, I am a different type of scientist,  I am a soul Doctor and use a modified software I translate with my gift to make predictions and guide people to uncover their cosmic identity.

The first weekend of New Moon on Friday and Saturday September 26th and 27th I will offer FREE short mini readings to all my VIP’s. I may also offer Monday September 28th if I can not get all of you in during the week end.

I strongly suggest you to tape our telephone conversation because my channeling has no limit and my guidance and predictions are worth saving! Me to know, you to find out!

I promised all my VIP’s to offer mini readings at each New Moon of each month of the year, but as you all know, I was pretty sick last month and could not work. I am now back to full health again and ready for all my VIP’s.

Its  that time again for so many new VIP’s to find out personally how accurate I am dealing with the Supra-conscious in time and space…

Putting the green where the mouth is what ALL so-called psychics, astrologers and mediums alike should do by offering you a “test drive” of their talent.

I am extremely confident to impress you, not because I am an egocentric, but because I have been doing consultations professionally since 1984 when I was in England, and for many more years before, helping all my friends!  In fact I know more about you than yourself or your own mother! 

There is no sparing, this would not help for me to hide anything from you, even about your health and fate, but the good new is; I always offer a way out or the solution you need to live a long and rewarding healthy life.

Indeed I can only speak of the various cosmic laws in charge of your destiny and will not be able to teach you all you need to know nor perform the vital Astro-Tarot.  

Because there is only one thin hair between divine information and pure imagination. Testing your spiritual leader or psychic is also protecting yourself from psychic accidents and deceptive Neptunians. 

Many people have been truly impressed by my work and a true gifted person should have tons of amazing references for you to investigate! 

All I can assure you is, I will electrify your spirit and take good care of you when we meet!

The rule:

First you MUST be or become a VIP, if you are not join today to qualify for the FREE mini reading!  If $25 is too much money for you, use this option instead! I trust anyone can afford a $10 donation to join my Cyber Cosmic University and get access to all my forecasts and reliable personal guidance!

All you have to do, is to email to schedule the time of our telephone meeting for Friday 26th or Saturday 27th. DO NOT FORGET TO PROVIDE HER WITH YOUR DOB TOO!

I am expecting TONS of people, so the quicker you email her, the more chances to get your spot and, by judging of my last offer for free mini readings, they will go very fast!

Please DO NOT CALL, Terania will email you back and let you know if your chosen time and day is open or not. If not she will make some suggestions of my availability. ALL must and will be done via the Internet, again NO phone calls please. Meantime she may ask you to call her at a specific time, if you need more information.

See you then VIP’s


Dr. Turi

“Show me a curious person or an avid reader and I will point out a winner!” Dr. Turi

 Now only $5 – Click image above to purchase the 2014 Moon Power Starguide –  Now Available for Download!!

$15:00  – Click image above to purchase the 2015 Dragon Forecast – Now Available for Download!!

Show your support join my Cyber Cosmic University

The Magical Power of Talismans!


L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

listen to my latest radio show, check the next one

Dr. Turi Cosmic Code reality show 

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 


JetBlue’s engine ‘exploded’ PREDICTED by Dr. Turi! Will you die in a plane crash?


“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life.  

Dr. Turi

Passenger: ‘I thought this was it’

Dear readers;

VIP’s;  Do not miss the FREE mini readings offer mentioned at the bottom of this article! 

On September 11, 2014 in “Big solar storm heading toward Earth predicted by Dr. Turi a year earlier!I posted my warnings and my expectations of the news on all major social networks!  As usual the vitriolic from the atheists and skeptics alike began loading my mailbox.

While I always advise them to wait for my “visions” to unfold, (and avoid looking like frenzied idiots,) I can not help to wonder, how can any evolved human deny the obviousness of my predictive work! 

By the time this window is over, I will have covered all the news in RED well before CNN and the world is paying attention! BIN story views 7,948 and counting!  Over 4000 more from LinkedIn and many more from my FaceBook pages.

Memo:  September 2014 SOS To The World Windows

2014  Third SUPERNOVA window –  From 09/28/2014 through 10/31/2014

General loss of power is to be expected. Appliances, computers, telephones, planes, JetBlue’s engine ‘exploded’ –  Al Qaeda targets U.S. flights?  Al Qaeda targets U.S. flights?  2 Navy jets crash in Pacific, trains, cars,  buses, Freak accident kills hero bus driver  Freak accident kills hero bus driver – Driver crashes into mom, daughters  Video all of these “tools” will be negatively affected by this cosmic energy. They will be stopped in one way or another.  HELLO – HELLO – HELLO! Lights should’ve warned pilots   BUT THEY DID NOT! They were OUT OF COMMISSION! 

The people and their affairs of the past will make the news   Clinton in Iowa; Fresh start or deja vu? – Mayweather: No pictures, no proof  Mayweather on abuse charges and will reenter your life. Expect trouble with the post office, education, students, strikes, prisoners’ escape, Prison warned of breakout plan?newspapers, broadcasting industries and computer viruses may bother us again.

I am again, asking my world wide reading audience to, now and then, return to read “Big solar storm heading toward Earth predicted by Dr. Turi a year earlier!and read the collected proof of my claims because there is much more to come! Yes some people call me CNN before CNN for good reasons! 

What is scary is; a non cosmic conscious society is unaware of the cosmic code rules and RUN to invest on tools that will, in the future fail  or have unseen glitches Insane lines for the iPhone 6! (and I’ll be there to refresh your memory! 

Furthermore, more and more people fly when they feel like taking chances with their lives. While I flew in and out of those dangerous windows for years, knowing your celestial identity and the simple rules that apply for your safety is a MUST to avoid bad experiences or get stuck in airports!  

Rejection and how to deal with it

We all recall the Icelandic volcano eruption that grounded thousands of planes in Europe? This happened under the same cosmic auspices, and so was Titanic... Guess what, I personally warned and gave the dates for my family to travel to the US for my wedding…

They left Europe a couple of days before the eruption and returned safely when everything was safe to fly again! And this is how my work can save you troubles, money and  your life!

But in the name of religious convictions or skepticism , those crucial cosmic rules are omitted by our society, and breaking any of those regulations can and will cost you greatly. As mentioned so many times before, because the scientific community is not yet aware of my work does not make it ridicule or senseless…

This physical world could not be without its spiritual counterpart and solid, unforgivable rules apply for both side of the spectrum. Would you dare ignoring a stop sign or any of the red lights in the streets?

There is no difference with the Cosmic Code, and all I can do is to constantly remind you of the evidences such as the JetBlue engine explosion and so many others new collected for your spiritual awakening.

This celestial energy has a vital purpose imposed by a “down to earth” cosmic God upon all human beings.  That is to DEAL with your past, fix your past, reevaluate the past and all you think you know when you may not!

A chance has been given to you by a cosmic God to grow up spiritually, to realize your errors, your goals, your convictions, your beliefs and very often, it will bring the people of the past right back into your life!

This cosmic energy is like a train that goes for ever forward, (progress/evolution) but 3 times a year, a cosmic God decides to slow it down and stop it. This is your chance to auto-analyze yourself, your education and improve your spiritual wisdom, ask questions and attract people like me,  so you may jump in and realize what you have been missing from Dr. Turi!

Indeed the past will become alive, and this happened this morning when a good friend of mine from France emailed me Elvis Presley singing as never seen before video!  I am here to challenge you outside of your religious or scientific comfortable zones and offer you a light you can not yet perceive…  

All I can do is to upgrade your psychical perception of the “ridicule or the forbidden” and make you realize there is much more involving Divine Astrology and Astroforensics when practiced correctly by gifted professionals. 

There is so much more involved in the September 2014 SOS To The World Windows I generate every months in my Cyber Cosmic University for my VIP’s, and for you to ignore or refute the cosmic rules is recklessly rejecting God’s cosmic will!

The false biblical God you were trained to fear, honor and love since childhood is dying fast, constantly trashed by a dangerous growing atheists movement.

All the while, not realizing the option I am offering all parties to investigate a more practical, palpable, logical cosmic phenomenon instead!

Christians and Atheists alike have lost the essence of God’s cosmic divinity!  

Atheists & Christians, A Cosmic God is Really Pissed Off At You!

The Satanic Temple

A Godless world is a very dangerous world – Satanists have announced that they will be joining a national atheist group in handing out controversial literature to public school students.


If we do not counteract this alarming cancerous grow dedicated to suffocate the human spirit, the monsters of the future will run the world with an iron fist, exactly like Hitler did. And once in power, find a way to destroy  not all religions but all spiritual people like Dr. Turi and their precious creative cosmic wisdom. 

Those cold and calculated puritanical souls will lose not only the spirit but the deep feelings associated with spiritual creative people. Left unchecked, like ISIS, this scientifically oriented “Atheists” generation is a serious  danger to humanity psychical welfare. 

You must take my warnings seriously or witness a slow but sure death of the human spirit readers, and we have only 50 years to turn around and re-educate our children on God’s cosmic glory while we can.

Prophecy & the Cosmic Code with Dr. Louis Turi

Introducing the world to God New Cosmic Consciousness 

But I can never battle not win this war by myself and I desperately need you to propagate my message! I am not a psychic, I am not a guru, I am not a self- proclaimed prophet, I am a “Soul Doctor” dedicated to help you and the children of tomorrow! 

“For evil to flourish, all that is needed is for good people to do nothing.” – Edmund Burke

A true leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way. John C. Maxwell

To: Secretary Arne Duncan Department of Education –

Hello Mr, Duncan;

I hope you will take some of your precious time to investigate my lifetime work on the human mind. This is what should be done for the children the US Dept of Education is oblivious of.

Please watch those short videos and take some of your precious time to read some of my articles.

Please read more from my website


Dr. Turi

If you own a strong Gemini or any air sign in your natal UCI, you will be directly affected by this energy!

Each time I had a noticeable accident, the same negative auspices were in place. In fact, even Terania’s mother had a fender bender with an absent minded truck driver last week in Dallas TX, and she was born in June! 

Thus the question remain, will you rise towards God’s cosmic Divinity and gather all the secrets of your existence or become the next statistic of yet another “Act of God?” 

Will You Die in a Plane Crash?

Is air travel becoming more dangerous? Yes, It is OBVIOUS!

“I also see the worse aeronautical disaster”

Cosmic Tip – Birds and planes do not mix well…

Explaining Why I was the sole survivor!

Dr. Turi Predicted Tropical Cyclone Phailin on George Noory National Radio

“Ignorance is evil, knowledge is power!”


I am not  a psychic, nor a guru or a Neptunian born, I am a different type of scientist,  I am a soul Doctor and use a modified software I translate with my gift to make predictions and guide people to uncover their cosmic identity.

The first weekend of New Moon on Friday and Saturday September 26th and 27th I will offer FREE short mini readings to all my VIP’s. I may also offer Monday September 28th if I can not get all of you in during the week end.

I strongly suggest you to tape our telephone conversation because my channeling has no limit and my guidance and predictions are worth saving! Me to know, you to find out!

I promised all my VIP’s to offer mini readings at each New Moon of each month of the year, but as you all know, I was pretty sick last month and could not work. I am now back to full health again and ready for all my VIP’s.

Its  that time again for so many new VIP’s to find out personally how accurate I am dealing with the Supra-conscious in time and space…

Putting the green where the mouth is what ALL so-called psychics, astrologers and mediums alike should do by offering you a “test drive” of their talent.

I am extremely confident to impress you, not because I am an egocentric, but because I have been doing consultations professionally since 1984 when I was in England, and for many more years before, helping all my friends!  In fact I know more about you than yourself or your own mother! 

There is no sparing, this would not help for me to hide anything from you, even about your health and fate, but the good new is; I always offer a way out or the solution you need to live a long and rewarding healthy life.

Indeed I can only speak of the various cosmic laws in charge of your destiny and will not be able to teach you all you need to know nor perform the vital Astro-Tarot.  

Because there is only one thin hair between divine information and pure imagination. Testing your spiritual leader or psychic is also protecting yourself from psychic accidents and deceptive Neptunians. 

Many people have been truly impressed by my work and a true gifted person should have tons of amazing references for you to investigate! 

All I can assure you is, I will electrify your spirit and take good care of you when we meet!

The rule:

First you MUST be or become a VIP, if you are not join today to qualify for the FREE mini reading!  If $25 is too much money for you, use this option instead! I trust anyone can afford a $10 donation to join my Cyber Cosmic University and get access to all my forecasts and reliable personal guidance!

All you have to do, is to email to schedule the time of our telephone meeting for Friday 26th or Saturday 27th.

I am expecting TONS of people, so the quicker you email her, the more chances to get your spot and, by judging of my last offer for free mini readings, they will go very fast!

Please DO NOT CALL, Terania will email you back and let you know if your chosen time and day is open or not. If not she will make some suggestions of my availability. ALL must and will be done via the Internet, again NO phone calls please. Meantime she may ask you to call her at a specific time, if you need more information.

See you then VIP’s


Dr. Turi

“Show me a curious person or an avid reader and I will point out a winner!” Dr. Turi

 Now only $5 – Click image above to purchase the 2014 Moon Power Starguide –  Now Available for Download!!

$15:00  – Click image above to purchase the 2015 Dragon Forecast – Now Available for Download!!

Show your support join my Cyber Cosmic University

The Magical Power of Talismans!


L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

listen to my latest radio show, check the next one

Dr. Turi Cosmic Code reality show 

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 


Teranialogy on heaven, Astrology, God, UFO, religions and humanity



Hello readers, this is Terania Turi and I have some thoughts to share with you too! As you know we receive lots of emails each day from people all over the world. Earlier today I received a write up from our fellow student and VIP client Britt in regards to a certain film and his outlook on the stories basis…Particularly the character and his unexpected undertaking. 

But as always and while the written discourse was well done from his perspective, I added my piece for more understanding and to finalize the circumstances at hand as a client may be interested in having a reading to get introduced to their solar wheel using the Nostradamus 16th century methodology or taking the ‘At Home Astropsychology Course’ as he did and hopefully be able to grasp the technique. 


TO: – FROM:b********


What do you think my cosmic work? Your feedback would be appreciating it. Thank you.

Heaven is for Real: A Little Boy’s Astounding Story of His Trip to Heaven and Back is a 2010 New York Times best-selling Christian book written by Todd Burpo and Lynn Vincent. It was published by Thomas Nelson Publishers. The book documents the report of a near-death experience by Burpo’s then-four-year-old son, Colton. The book recounts how Colton began saying he had visited heaven.

The film was released on April 16, 2014.

Last weekend, my girlfriend Carla and I rented a movie called “The Heaven is for Real”, based on a true story that tells the story of a 4-year-old boy’s near-death experience who visited heaven and back to Life. Carla loves this movie; especially she also had a brief quick near-death experience as a child.

She can relate to Colton’s NDE. The reason why I wrote this up because it got me to question go further and found his full DOB. I will be happy to share my explanation about how it happened in right time and right place and I had a cosmic solution with Colton’s stars and fate in his natal chart.

He was born on May 19, 1999- Colton was born with Dragon Head in Leo (fame/love/light) and Dragon Tail (karma) in Aquarius that brought him shocking news about near death experience and saw Jesus  in person. He’s now famous for near death experience in this new Christian movie and famous published book for New York Times best-selling Christian book.

This is no accident. Leo rules fame, love, light, and children. That’s wonderful for him, his family and anyone who wondered about heaven.  Of course, Christian families found it inspiring. Nothing wrong with that but….my question is how do you know if you have not chosen by God to have NDE?  Let’s me explain first….

Understanding, Near-Death Experience is not EVERY DAY subject. Many do not know about this. The story of NDE in media news and movies is rare. Near-death experience is very rare for people to come back to Life from near-death incidents; he got downloaded of spiritual knowledge within from Heaven. This is God’s chosen to give some celestial sampling to share with the world.

  ”There shall be signs in the sun, the moon, and the stars.” – Jesus Christ, Luke 21:25

Scorpio rules rebirth, death and NDE

Colton was born on May 19th. He’s Taurus (Bull) is the opposite direct to NDE or near death experience sign which is in Scorpio. Scorpio rules rebirth, death, depth, and drama. He’s facing the world/heaven as a Scorpio; fly as high as the Scorpio eagle witnessing the vision of the spiritual world.

Christ in Majesty is surrounded by the animal emblems representing the four evangelists in a German manuscript. According to astrological tradition, the Lion is Leo, a fire sign; the Bull or calf is Taurus, an earth sign; the Man is Aquarius, an air sign; and the Eagle is Scorpio, a water sign. These signs also represent the classical four elements.

Note, this manuscript is a true document written in Germany. Germany rules Aries as a country and controlled under the month of April. The “The Heaven is for Real” film was released on April 16, 2014. Now you understand why you see in him as Eagle as a Scorpio in manuscript, but there is more to tell you about him about how to relate to metaphysical rules, cosmic code and God’s cosmic divinity. Colton was born with Dragon Head in Leo (fame/love/light) and Dragon Tail (karma) in Aquarius that brought him shocking news to the world about near death experience and saw Jesus in person.

The World (Tarot card) – Wikipedia

Astrologically speaking, the human head represent Aquarius, the lion represents Leo, the Ox represents Taurus and the Eagle represents Scorpio. (These four signs are the fixed signs in terms of astrology – which can allude to the four corners of the earth, the four elements, etc.) The four figures in the corners of the card are also referenced in the Book of Revelation, 4:7, where the throne of God is described: “And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle.”

This is wheel for fortune for Colton’s NDE and got download from the heaven. He was born on May 19, 1999- Colton was born with Dragon Head (lucky) in Leo (fame/love/light) and Dragon Tail (karma) in Aquarius that brought him shocking news to the world about near death experience and saw Jesus in person.

The World represents an ending to a cycle of life, a pause in life before the next big cycle beginning with the fool. The figure is at once male and female, above and below, suspended between the heavens and the earth. It is completeness.

March 5th 2003- Colton was undergoing his first surgery, an appendectomy. He had both ruptured appendix & an abscess. This image above of a tarot card is perfect representing a Near-Death Experience as ending a cycle of life. This is a new cycle of his cosmic journey that affected his family and Christian community to change the views. Taurus (Bull) is the opposite direction to NDE or near death experience sign in Scorpio. Scorpio rules rebirth and death.

Astrologically, during March 5th 2003- Transiting part of the mutable air/fire happening in the universe, Dragon Head Tail Gemini/Sagittarius axis is right on his 12th house of unconscious, sleep, spirituality, secret…As the opposite of the 6th house of work, health and service. He’s Taurus (Bull) is the opposite direct to NDE or near death experience sign which is in Scorpio. Scorpio rules rebirth, death

Again, the World represents an ending to a cycle of life is the end of the age of Pisces (Disinformation/Religious). We now enter New Age of Aquarius (Freedom/Truth/Astrology). Jesus replied: “Behold, when ye are entered into the city, there shall a man meet you bearing a pitcher of water… follow him into the house where he entered in.”

This scripture is by far one of the most revealing of all the astrological references. The man bearing a pitcher of water is Aquarius, the water-bearer, who is always pictured as a man pouring out a pitcher of water. He represents the age after Pisces, and when the Sun (God’s Sun) leaves the Age of Pisces (Jesus), it will go into the House of Aquarius, as Aquarius follows Pisces in the precession of the equinoxes.

Also Jesus is saying is that after the Age of Pisces will come the Age of Aquarius which its meaning that everyone will learn more about the metaphors for God’s cosmic divinity. That metaphors we use the the stars as signs to speak about God and Astrology. Aquarius rules Astrology and Future.



Hi Britt… 

Well, you are quite like me when it comes to writing and expressing your thought process…Good job.

However, I will add my input in regards to what is really going on here behind ‘Colton Burpo’s’ experience as well as the rest behind the scenes; because it is my job as a leader, to put it forward as one of my concerns.

As well as pause in my own mental preparedness  so that one become more independent towards doing more of their own homework, on that which is limitless and geared for improved comprehension later on…Without having to solely rely on we, the educator and crafts person.

Again, every action has an equal reaction… The actors, the set up and the financial backgrounds used to create certain shows on our regular television programming channels and big screen are so very large and can only be developed by very rich – independent business organizations or religious institutions.

These are nothing other than religious shows as well as those which are just plainly immoral. All put out to distract one from what is really going on of course. Everyone systematized, promoted and presented by the multitude of religious institutions and our worldwide corporations.

Yes, while bits and pieces of various doctrines are true and are established upon common sense, there is so much more; where the remainder has been altered.

It’s all about secret corruption as they have crept up on the bureaucracy making a pact with our organizations while most educational, the academic fields…For the most part, the world in general and will persist in the poisoning of people’s innermost self; with very old beliefs leading to the many religious opposing views and ultimately; what we have been repetitively witnessing, throughout the years of religious armed conflict.

Well, as you know, Neptune rules all motion picture business and the power to create in one’s mind. It is also the misleading principle or the very center of all religions or ordinarily secondhand to the standard for what acting is involved with.

Thus, the poor exterior of  Neptune’s world or (Poseidon in Greek mythology) is to cloud, fill with contamination, to mislead, basically erase all logic for belief,  activate the dream state based upon a story – many fiction and overall the most abominable; is just to poison everyone it can while under its authority because as this sign is in each of our identities it can be very difficult to fix a problem of such, when it comes to the fragile psyche.

Even the actor who is depicting the real individual, Colton Burpo;  for what apparently had  happened to him and while he probably did encounter some or all of the occurrences – judging from his solar wheel…This is where his family where his dad who is a pastor etc. etc. is like 99% of the rest of the world… Ignorant towards that of Colton’s inclination to think or do things in the way he has or experienced.

With regard to the actor who is portraying Colton Burpo… Connor Corum is most likely unaware of his natural or acquired power and predetermined course; commanded by that of Neptune as well.

So, it doesn’t even surprise us anymore really, whereas the powers of any planet; including Neptune’s deceitful powers are recklessly standing in and upon the fate and acts of Connor Corrum as  well as all of the people watching this movie or anything similar.

The complication lay in that; because of the worshiped being involved and the place where the almighty is said to live…It has been made as a Christian movie and is being viewed as a Christian movie.

But living in the power of supreme wisdom is where this heaven or wonderful feeling really exists in, by the means of applying one’s will in accordance to the nature of nature personified .

In such manner, the unfortunate facts of existence whereas this particular film is concerned and those like so; is far from that of some holy vision but very absolute and a blood bath for many people in many regions of the globe; where what we wish could be the last fight over anything  moral / immoral.

Everything preceding this age and in the forthright affecting one’s ability to perceive and with it,  their disregard. Crusades of light and darkness because while the forces of nature are at work, it is the splitting of the two; which has kept the violent battle going, as it has for ages.

Where money and power is, the message will always be perceived as such and will dictate the rest…And as America is very rich and extremely scrupulous with what goes out and what does not, the fight is taking place in so many directions; whether it is a crazed pilot of some sort or the one at the center of the stage, having their strings pulled  from behind the large – real world  secret hand.

Ultimately we can see the dance of disaster, manipulation, resources, belief systems, ignorance and death ruining the soul’s possibility for achievement in the metaphysical world but with good intentions; and strength of will, outside of the deceiving grasp of Neptune’s tricky powers; there may be potential.

In the reality behind the making of this film’s case, where the actors, the real individual Colton Burpo or anyone like him, facing similar developments…It is universally beyond the bounds of possibility; for anyone to to address or to try to make something clear and known through the senses such as seeing ghosts, having an out-of-body experience, or a near-death-experience, and even certain visions when they don’t have any cosmic apparatus from the beginning with their identity make up; or just  to independently have had been involved with any contact as such.

Remember this: Remote Viewing Flight 370 cockpit, the real story!

You have read this many times…That heaven and the stars were indeed created for more than the sake of beauty.

So, as it may be for Colton; he has been given a chance to uncover the laws of the spirit and be a master of the heavens; while in this present incarnation, granted the freedom of personal choice by Mother Nature…That’s part of everyone’s lesson here on earth but not everyone will get it in this life.

Thus, whatever has been instructed and generally agreed upon by the plurality; does not necessarily mean it’s valid or even ever happened. That’s why it’s all part of the greatest story ever told because each story over time has been so alike.

And this is where it all begins and ends as a tale because that is Neptune’s task.

In the intervening time,  the planet is just not prepared or willing to fully receive or handle the truth because the world needs to evolve and that what Uranus has been working on, where its obligation to amazingly stress the situation has been in its accelerated advancement upon the mind / body / soul of humanity.

Colton indeed has the four elements hinting to the corners of his world as we all do but again, the hidden dragon and its aspects are most important. Especially in our methodology which has it that life is eternal and just because you don’t see it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

Every sign follows the seasons order and as expected, all time is universal; whereas its factors act in accordance with the fluctuation of earth’s satellite and its celestial bodies orbiting those stars; govern a different area of our lives since forever…Particularly that of what is buried in one’s subconscious for that they may be more preoccupied with.

And for Colton, he is a hidden Capricorn (Tail in the 10th which is traditionally ruled by that of Capricorn -structure of organized religion) Promoting a specific religion and deity or religious war is what he has been doing unconsciously but would be better off in his realization of the real cosmic God and speaking through the stars and teachings, had he become cosmically conscious.

But instead, he has been raised on the old-fashioned teachings of man which could lead him down a contradictory path as he grows up. 

 He does happen to have Jupiter in Aquarius in his 12th house of the subconscious as well,  which is the cause for him to have likely undergone any tremendous / extraordinary experiences; making the rest of those around him think.

Then again, while some of his desires may be to meet the world of Aquarius, all he knows about the God of the sky; is what the last 2,000 years has brought him up on.

A man named Jesus who would have been a man like any of the rest of  man today and has risen over and over again because we are all sun Gods and moon Goddess but the power of those gods has been lost. If he even was a man is even beside the point still…

Yet for Jesus to have even been born of a virgin; is only what the Christian theologies translated it to when they came around after that of the Bronze age and classical times – new appreciation for the arts of classical antiquity (of spirit and nature or god and man) anyways.

And this is why the ET’s have chosen certain ones like us with the gift to translate the superiors true divine order and avoid scientific consequences but they are trapped in space too, just because they had once kept away from the spirit and now they are in search of something more to their helpful cause.

Moving along, especially for Colton’s sign aspect to be located right next to his dragon tail in Aquarius, this is where Uranus is supposed to bring about the great futuristic – s of art, but it seems already he is going about it the wrong way because while the soul may be liable to drawing attention to marvelous experiences, there is also the likelihood for any very surprising bad confrontations as well; be it that these determinants have been following him from the past.

Nevertheless, between one’s sensibility and what one creates in their mind, lies a huge sphere of forbidden mass and that is what it is…A battle between the ice giant and which can be described as Saturn; which is not entirely a gaseous planet but is also an aspect, for someone learning to grasp one’s own fears; opposite the other gas giants; slowly but surely executing the soul.

On the other hand, his Neptune position is in Aquarius as well too. And while this central theme may rule the future of high-tech and new age endeavors this location can bring into being that of a leader in a clan and perhaps even lead to some serious mental disorders if not careful or cautious when it comes to the laws – both spiritual and physical.

For Colton to be a Leo at home, it’s obvious he has been receiving and getting a lot of training in the areas where the light is concerned in reference to now holding the stage for what happened to him via some of  his personal dragon tail elements I explained above.

 But where is the love really; as Leo head are to be true and honorable to oneself and instead it shows that he is so much more into his tail, further leading him into his past life accomplishments – accompanied by that of fears and weakness to even take an adventure in advancing within the spiritual matrix. Unable to rise his awareness past all that is tangible.

Because as there are 7 days, there are with those days the 5 earthly elements;  that are standing for the one in the middle (‘aether’) and which follows the 12 signs that make for the 12 hrs of the day, each divisible by ‘4…’The original sign master since there are only two days each year when the sun rises directly to the east – This in regard to the vernal equinox aka Julius Ceasar minus the entire math.

Freedom in staying detached from the small potatoes of course…This makes for the 3rd eye awakening towards its duplicity or the 6 traditional signs followed by the other six. Each one standing in their face along with the remainder of its vital components,  within the all – present of the all – powerful.

With regard to staying secure with the ‘flow’ of the ‘tarot’ (tar-Egyptian meaning royal and ‘ro’ meaning road) such as the waterways in the arctic of Italy or the ‘French Tarot De Marseilles, wherewith our significance switches continually. 

In reference to “Jesus saying that after the Age of Pisces will come the Age of Aquarius which its meaning that everyone will hopefully learn more about the metaphors for God’s cosmic divinity” may I insert another biblical version that lead you to my husband Dr. Turi and to bring forth your own cosmic consciousness?

Jesus says “go to the town and find the man with the WATER PITCHER, the sign of Aquarius to follow the sign of Pisces“… And, Dr. Turi was born February 26, 1950 in the constellation of Aquarius with his Sun sign in Pisces…

It’s as easy as that and very much true faith when it comes to standing above… Just imagine the good that can happen. I mean miracles happen all the time but even I still look to the sun / moon and pray anyway.

ә*ʇɐu!ɯnႨႨ! ɐ!uɐɹәʇ

ә*ʇɐu!ɯnႨႨ! ɐ!uɐɹәʇ

“IE” (The Way It is) – Venus (goddess of spring associated with the arrival of spring) conjuncts sex-tile / Mars -Its Trine Square Opposition (with regard to the Vernal Equinox and fertility)…

(i is commonly used to designate electric current = “fire” in these regimens. A”FALSEHOOD” title given ending in letter *I used for the wrong application of the Draconian energy which comes from the farthest constellation of Draco – Latin for dragon”- When combining the math and symbols for the total set – preparation.)

(e stands for the sum of all series)…We’re all born into this i.e. matrix and Illuminat*E but it’s really about how one uses the information (*I) …I chose rightfully.

Last battle on the same grounds of New Age where our predecessors once fought. (Ben – Ben stone – exterior / Gaud or Gôd – pure and ornate interior / Son – Sun of the holy)

Most know they are rolling stones but it pays to keep your mouth shut sometimes doesn’t it?…

See, though Colton faces the world as a Scorpio where this sign rules re-birth and that of death, his chance to free himself of the physical matrix (lizard) and fly high like the eagle of the spiritual matrix are being killed daily by his Plutonic Sagittarius (half man / horse) taking over his 8th house of regeneration; which is traditionally ruled by that of Scorpio.

And the thing is that we have already entered the 8th step path of enlightenment since Neptune is the 8th planet from the sun and mankind is facing a huge wake-up call; considering we have just recently exited the Scorpio / Taurus axis on March 22nd, 2014 and have entered into the Arian Draconian energy, where the baby of the zodiac will now be in orbit of the ‘crossing’ during the exodus phase, where the baby of the zodiac will be in full bloom towards seeking justice and harmony in light or not; because there is no end of the world but rather the dying of one age and on to another.

The question is will we make it through? Because the authentic, sacred spring will always be born again or bloom again; by any means.

I at least have done my part and know I have got it down.

However, those in charge of this new order are like knights of the old order and still in charge… There are many lost principles within the so called promises being made… So, what lies in the contract?

It is up to each individual to do their homework.

Here is where the bad consumption with beliefs and desires including religion, development of knowledge, persons from other country even aliens and the physical and spiritual principles of behavior are all taking over.

This is where life and death rearranges itself into the religious and reflective worlds of ideology, which have been keyed up over time. And none of what is mirrored seems to be actually seen…“Because they are seeing, they see not; and hearing, they hear not; neither do they understand the voice of heaven.” – Matthew 13.13


*Mrs. T*

EMELI SANDE-Heaven(Freemasons Remix) from vjgary1 on Vimeo.

My ebook will be soon published, be ready for much more metaphysical deep truths!

Love and light

Mrs. Turi



“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life.  

Dr. Turi



Dear Readers;

To the rational skeptic born, this cosmic phenomenon can only be explained rationally and scientifically, anything else is bogus!

To the pious  religious born, this cosmic phenomenon can only be an “Act of God, and to them, anything else will lead them straight to hell!

Note: A young soul is a new reincarnated spirit in its early stage of realization on this dense physical world lacking curiosity, intuition and spirituality.  The soul can only use his 5 logical rational senses to make sense to the world he/she lives in. They are the prime target of both the religious and scientific matrixes monopolizing all the information and general education.

Indeed both the atheists and religious souls have yet to realize a cosmic God can never speak to fools and “educated” young souls alike!

When I profess there are no accidents, only cosmic circumstances at work, the effects will also be felt on this dense physical plane. But the psychically unevolved sub-human is unable to relate to the archetypal realm of supra-consciousness and will never exit their comfort zones. 

ISIS video threatens U.S. – Iran leader: ISIS out to kill humanity

September 2014 SOS To The World Windows

I am sure many of you remember this pictures taken above the sky of Baghdad and, this is the sad omen this meteorite is announcing the world!  The reaction to such “prophecy” can only be ridicule by the young souls because none of them realize there is also a “cosmogonic” war in the heavens ordering humanity to abolish ALL religions and rebirth into a new more practical God’s cosmic reality! 

Anything transpiring on earth is a direct reflection of the discords of all the Gods of antiquity above. But what does today’ society or scholars know about the intrinsic connection between all religions of the past and astrology?

 The same “biblical” misinformation dismiss the connection between earth and our local solar system, especially when Jesus’ initial cosmic ministry brought by the 3 wise men (ET’s astrologers) took a plunge 2000 years ago…

So many evil workers are engaged in this dance of evil, endlessly trashing the Internet, implementing the Evil of ignorance through their religious convictions, dry atheism and universal separatism!

All have lost the essence of God and its cosmic spirit!  

Atheists & Christians, A Cosmic God is Really Pissed Off At You!

The Satanic Temple

A Godless world is a very dangerous world – Satanists have announced that they will be joining a national atheist group in handing out controversial literature to public school students.


They unconsciously sold their spirit to Satan leading thousands of God fearing souls straight to a HELL they are creating each passing day, all seeking for the truth in the wrong directions, following the wrong missionaries!  

Little do they know, in their words and actions, a false god disguised as Satan, is slowly but surely creating and fulfilling their destructive wishes altering God wishes for the progressive course of humanity!

A Powerful Message To The World

The day I see more colors in the Aurora Borealis and more beautiful rainbows all over the world, I know God cosmic Divinity will bring peace, love, respect and harmony on earth!  


Memo of my 2014 Arian Draconis predictions (please share)

Prediction # 10 –  A year of endless HUGE fires and record high temperatures where many fire fighters will pay the ultimate price during my “SOS To The World Windows.”  Expect a full restructure of the International Association of Fire Fighters as the ministry of environment will impose many new rules affecting US National Parks.  The Same “dragon” produced  the highest air temperature on Earth” — 134 degrees on July 10, 1913, in Death Valley’s Greenland Ranch.

Watch this video

Update -9/18/2014 –  Calif. fire ‘just out of control’

How to reduce your risk of dementia naturally

Reduce your risk of dementia right now

“If we can all enter old age with better developed, healthier brains,” the report concludes, “we are likely to live longer, happier and more independent lives, with a much reduced chance of developing dementia.”

The bottom line is that it’s never too late to make some changes to improve your physical and mental well-being. Here are five things you can do right now to reduce your risk of dementia:

1. Look after your heart.  Bogus!

2. Be physically active.  Bogus!

3. Follow a healthy diet.  Bogus!

4. Challenge your brain.  Bogus!

5. Enjoy social activity.  Bogus!

Indeed your doctors are part of today OCD generation! How can those well read kids truly help anyone suffering a depletion, or a degeneration of the spirit when they know nothing of its cosmic vital parts?

Those PHD’s can only prescribe nefarious drugs that will, in time lead you to more depressions and finally suicide! All that is mentioned above by the “experts” can only apply for the human body physical envelop and does NOTHING for its drained spirit! 

If you are a victim of the system, suffering a collapsed, weakened, emptied spirit, stop wasting time and money with those kids who, like you and I,  never experienced depressions , let me help you on a live Skype session or investigate the completed article!

Join my Cyber Cosmic University to get real answers on what it means to be human and save your life! I will take good care of you!

Blessings to all my readers

What does the world say about Dr. Turi

“Show me a curious person or an avid reader and I will point out a winner!” Dr. Turi

 Now only $5 – Click image above to purchase the 2014 Moon Power Starguide –  Now Available for Download!!

$15:00  – Click image above to purchase the 2015 Dragon Forecast – Now Available for Download!!

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The Magical Power of Talismans!


L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

listen to my latest radio show, check the next one

Dr. Turi Cosmic Code reality show 

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 



Pope Francis’ Foreseen Assassination-Pray for his safety!


Pope Francis has told a group of teenagers in El Salvador to

Isil want to assassinate the Pope, says Iraq’s ambassador to Vatican

Recovered / edited Article – Pope Francis’ Foreseen Assassination published 11/26/2013

“There are specific Universal Laws written through the signs – Cosmic Consciousness – is the awareness of God’s celestial divinity and use it wisely to read the future and build emotional, financial and spiritual stability!” Read the future –  Watch the future! 

Pope: No more business as usual
Pope faces threat from the Mafia -The Stars and Fate of Pope Francis
Who will stop ISIS? The damage of religions upon humanity


YoutubeNovember 14, 2013. ( During his daily morning Mass at the Vatican Pope Francis talked about wisdom. He explained that the worldly spirit of curiosity, leads people  towards a state of confusion, adding that wanting physical proof can often be misleading. As an example the Pope referenced, people who say ‘I know a visionary, who receives daily letters from Our Lady.’ But the Pope explained that ‘Our Lady’ loves everyone and doesn’t work at a post office.   

Dear Readers;

Pope Francis is fearless and trust God to protect him against evil! His commitment to share his faith is unsurpassed and we must pray for his safety! Not only ISIS but also the Italian mafioso is trying to get rid of him!  

There are two very negative predictions I certainly hope will never transpire.. That is for both President Obama and Pope Francis to suffer a premature dramatic death! 

Indeed would it because of politics or/or religions (ISIS)  there are many people who wants them dead!

The Church Inc. is primarily a corporate business, currently engaged in millions of dollars of legal battles to split from each others because of  disagreements on the teachings or when  millions of dollars are at stake. Supremacy and full control of all gullible people is what fuels religions and politics and so many other abusive matrixes!

Today, there are thousands of TV evangelists visionaries i.e. Joel Osteen, who make millions of “donations” with regular mail advertisements, he also appear on national TV regularly to sell his  books “dictated” from a false God.

This mean you will find God all over the place, on radio, on television, on CNN and he is also a New York best seller.  

Do you see the irony readers, over the years, this financially oriented religious masquerade grew so much and became greedy and abusive, but like all the very successful drug lords making billions every years, as long as there is a demand for the spirit of their false God,  there will be a very productive religious business to run.

But the two thousands years of  deceptive Neptunian mass indoctrination  is part of the sign of Pisces illusive legacy suffering Neptune addictive trickery plunging the world into a deep deceiving quick  sands. 

Pope Francis’ Sagittarius Sun Sign and his karmic UCI is much too honorable,  much too honest and much too real (like mine) for his safety! His commitment to the truth is unmatched by many Popes of the past and its just a matter of time for him to pay the ultimate price.

This will change the world’s perception of the church Inc. the Vatican and the Christian faith. All I can do is to keep sharing my vision and prepare my readers for his sacrifice.. 11/2015-02/2017 End of the Middle East and All Religions.

Pope Francis has a plan to bring back purity to a putrefied corporation lead by dedicated Mafioso protecting their fat Swiss and foreign bank accounts.

Indeed  my prediction about the Swiss banks secrets  came to pass, sad enough my premonitions for Pope Francis will take also place  and only a tremendous amount of prayers can save him!    

The cosmic code plan (God’s will) is very different than what  the Pope Francis  know to be true and he is the last real elected Pope. The more I watch the news his enemies and his precarious actions, the more I realize his imposed fate and mission on earth. Killing a pope is not something new.. It happened many times in the past! Most of the time it is an inside job but with ISIS after him, its a different and dangerous story!

Its not only that of  man but a cosmic “act of God” forcing the evil of religions and such to dry up and be replaced by a more manageable, usable cosmic God.  What is very disturbing is the atheist movement is growing drastically because all those “educated” idiots can not differentiate the false God (or all religions) and the real solid Cosmic God speaking through the signs.  But with no one to teach them the difference, separatism is inevitable!  Watch and listen to what society do not know because of God’s misconception proliferated by both the religious and scientific matrixes.

Atheists & Christians, God is Really Pissed Off At You!

 Pope Francis is simply responding like any other human to his UCI stars, but most importantly his Saturn… This cold planet is also called the “Great Malefic” and  brings immortality to some karmic souls chosen by God. 

“Saturn 16Pis28 (4) – The structural, conventional power of Saturn (the career builder) is in the illusive,  religious sign of Pisces. Saturn brings discipline, hard work, sacrifice into the “Martyr” born unworldly artistic Pisces sign.”

In his mind and heart, Pope Francis is truly religious and a man of real faith but, like 99.0009% of the world’s population, he is also non cosmic conscious and, regardless of the risks involved, he is only acting out his very karmic stars.

“ Without Cosmic Consciousness, human are nothing more than blind robots acting out their natal stars.” Dr. Turi  

His assassination is already in the planning process and  planned while travelling so the Church Inc. corporation does not crumble with the changes he has in mind!  Any mafioso killer can pretend to be part of ISIS caliphate, wait for the Pope and do the job for them… All we can do is to pray for his safety because traveling after the full moon on foreign ground is extremely risky! 

 But it is a cosmic order for the deceptive “Age of Pisces” to be removed and replaced by the liberal, intellectual, humanistic, technological  genius like New Age of Aquarius and accept also the reality of UFO flown around by our space brothers…

Indeed the young souls, the skeptics, the atheists and agnostics latent spiritual “gifts” can not accept the impossible just yet, but time has always been my utmost faithful witness and will, as usual prove me right…

The “end of time” promised by  all the non cosmic conscious so called- prophets, men of God, apocalyptic and conspiracy “Talking heads” is far from being what I see transpiring.  Christianity and all religions are targeted because all codified material generated by men religious folly was created under Neptune’s jurisdiction and endorsed by a Roman ruler.

The transformation will take many years and has started with its rivers of blood induced by the 2014/2016 Arian Draconis resurrecting temporarily the deadly spirit and legacy of Hitler.

But what is to come may be much worse! “Let who ignore my warnings be cursed by the eternal rites of the cosmic code ceremonies for a cosmic God does not speak to fools…” Dr. Turi


Neptune Lord of Religious Deception Rules
Fear Water, Drowning Fire Black Blood
Dreams Reality Conflicts Poison Mad Spirits
All False Gods Lost Children Join To Kill

Who will stop ISIS? The damage of religions upon humanity …

God, Jesus, Science, The Cosmic Code and your Children 

Bye CrescentImagine one morning you wake up and all the mosques had been broken down. If you are Muslim, you are not a happy camper. If you are a Christian who has been prosecuted, you probably don’t go outside until the you are certain trouble won’t start-up.

But the creation of the next generation of atheists, agnostics, skeptics and scientists alike ( or the future  monsters I am constantly warning you about) will act as such with Christians churches. “We have only 50 years!” 

I warned my readers of the educational religious and scientific matrixes battling for supremacy slowly engulfing a large portion of humanity in their particular beliefs. The human psyche is currently undergoing deep psychological changes imposed by the cosmic code upon and, apart from my Astropsychology students, much of the world is still  unaware of this “cosmic” phenomenon…  

On October 3, the Angolan government decided that mosques would not longer be allowed to operate in the urban district of Viana 17 km. Luanda Bento, the governor, announced on the radio that radical Muslims were not welcome in Angola, and that the state was not ready to legalize mosques.

One Tuesday, November 19, the Minister of Culture, Rosa Cruz e Silva said,  “Regarding Islam, the legalization process has not been approved by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights. Therefore all mosques would be closed until further notice. “

Cruze Silva also noted that the government would be giving other religious look over to see if others appear to be cults. The Angolan government has taken pre-emptive action, rather than to wait for the inevitable Jihad that seems to emerge when a Muslim population reaches a critical mass.

Angola does not recognize Islam as a religion, they regard it as a cult. They do not see anything particularly religious about the behavior of Muslims in the region and thus do not regard it as a religion. According to the International Religious Freedom report, Muslims are about 3% of Angola’s population, most of them are Christian. It is one of the larger concentrations of Christians on the continent.

Now, if you are new to my work, remember, do not blame the messenger or throw the water with the baby! I am NOT into religions, nor politics, I do not adhere to those human psychical endeavours and any belief system because I am  at least 50 years into the future and by then, if humanity makes it, politics will be totally revamped and religions a story of the past!

All pyramids on planet earth were built following Astrological rules! Remember Astronomy is a by-product of Astrology and started when the first telescope was invented by modern science. Those telescopes were invented well before our infantile science could ever design them by highly spiritual cosmic conscious astrologers! Since then Astronomy (science) has fiercely battled the cosmic spirit of God.

If one Italian scientist is correct then the telescope was not invented sometime in the 16th century by Dutch spectacle makers, but by ancient Assyrian astronomers (Astrologers)  nearly three thousand years earlier. Be sure the scientists will find every possible excuses to deny anything that would expose the truth. 

And for the critics, Astropsychology is NOT a belief system nor a religion but the mother of all the sciences combined.  Let me give you a solid example of science and humanity lack of cosmic consciousness…

  Mercury Monument Dedication November 10, 1964

The 13-foot-high astronomical symbol for the planet Mercury lies atop a cross symbolizing the sign of valor while the number “7” in the center signifies the nations seven original astronauts – Carpenter, Cooper, Glenn, Grissom, Schirra, Shepard and Slayton.

Do you notice the difference? NO really this is the ASTROLOGICAL symbol for Mercury,” regulating the sign of Gemini “The Messenger of the Gods”  and all forms of transportation and communications.

Now why would NASA “subconsciously” pick this symbol knowing they know NOTHING of the spiritual values emanating from all the planets in our local solar system?  But it seems humanity was much more spiritual back in 1931 when the Hoover Damn construction started under good astrological auspices and the sensitive artists designed and incorporated the belt of the Zodiac!

But right from the very beginning  the world has so much to recall from what was stolen from humanity and offered to Jesus’ and his ministry by those 3 wise men/ET’s Astrologers. The irony is, the  non perceptive populace of God fearing gullible “norm” does not even realize that on Christmas night, kids are waiting for Santa Claus to reward them all with goodies.

Indeed their parents, the same very night Santa Claus fly’s  above their houses, they are also waiting for Jesus to comeback and save their butts!

This tells you how uneducated, unaware, sacred and how cosmic unconscious humanity truly is… Nothing of what Jesus was supposed to teach humanity survived the test of time when Plutonic, greedy souls altered his crucial celestial ministry at their advantage! 

“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life.  Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom.

~ Paracelsus

Every religious and born scientist soul should be able to hear, see and make a good use of God Universal Identity and this is why the bible said..

“I will talk to you, you won’t see me, I will present myself to you, you will not see me” this is the challenge humanity faces today as a new global God consciousness is taking place with my teachings.

 My mission is to make sure you stop feeding evil with the fears he needs to survive in your soul.

My goal is to make sure the sceptics, the agnostics, the atheists and the scientific community does not take away whatever is left of the human spirit because the masquerades and deadly legacy of all organized religions.

Depraving humanity from imagination, intuition, creativity or the essence of the spirit itself is very dangerous. Instead the scientific community and the mass of human trusting science must realize Astrology is also a vital science offering you the option to realize your celestial identity and the crucial part you play in the physical and spiritual scheme of things. 

I again agree with the born logical and ask them to realize the possibility of subtle cosmic forces at work  (God particles/Dark matter) and what can not be seen nor touched does not mean it does not exist!  

Losing faith and/or the spirit can only accelerate human instinction. But if the right spiritual cosmic education (non religious) becomes adjacent to the formidable physical creativity involving science and today amazing technological accomplishments, IMAGINE the INCREDIBLE potential of a cosmic conscious humanity? 

And that is the challenge I am facing, managing  a true “cosmic” Universal wisdom within the essence and beauty of all religions and incorporate it all with the true potential of science, all  without its accompanying separatism.

 And this is why I firmly believe when my first Astropsychology school or when the old science becomes a part of the educational curriculum humanity will never cease to flourish.  When God’s divinity is finally accepted in all our schools and Universities the chances for peace, love, respect and harmony will become a solid reality. 

The separation of church and state is another serious wall I have to remove, because religions and science (the physics and the spirit) have been at war for too long…  Offering a real “cosmic” spiritual and non religious platform will bring confidence and the desperately needed balance  between the spirit (cosmic code/God’s divinity) and the physics (the scientific community.)  

Imagine my surprise when an older Christian soul emailed me and brought to my attention this quote! I then realized both the Christians and the sceptic scientists themselves were not my enemies but scared and much misinformed. And this changed my attitude trying to reach and offer them both with spiritual salvation /or cosmic consciousness. 

Jesus says “go to the town and find the man with the WATER PITCHER, the sign of Aquarius to follow the sign of Pisces“… And, Dr. Turi was born February 26, 1950 in the constellation of Aquarius with his Sun sign in Pisces…


Report: Lanza ‘had no feelings’

Nothing can be more far from the truth,  ADAM LANZA WAS MUCH TOO EMOTIONAL FOR HIS OWN GOOD! But again what the new  traditionally “educated” psychologists neurosurgeons  medical kids on the block knows about their own UCI and relationship with the cosmic code? One thing is sure they are all whoring around with the pharmaceutical corporations supporting their ridiculous researches on the human psyche. I can assure you there is no gene creating gays, monsters or killers…  Why, Why Adam Killed children – Let Me Tell You Why!

Within 5 years, it should be possible to monitor and control tens of thousands of neurons, scientists say.

Human are much more than Blood, Bones and Flesh!

Obama waste $100M to unlock mysteries of the brain

The fact is you may be waiting for “Black Holiday” and if you are black American you are already born with a serious dose of Neptune artistic talents and you must be aware of his traps!  

What ever you will invest in for the holidays has a temporary physical life attached to it. Anything created by the hands and mind of men is doomed and set to break in time.  Even if you decide to offer a car to your child and if you do, he/she MUST respect the same always changing DMV laws…

One single mistake can cost anyone’s life with “a thousands ways to die!”  especially during your or your child’s negative ” personal cosmic biorhythms.” But this evil of ignorance does not have to translate into a premature death, pain and suffering and rest assured thousands of people will not see the end of 2014 readers. I

Instead why not let me generate your, your friends, loved ones next 12 months “Personal LUCKY cosmic biorhythms?” This long lasting spiritual gift is good all the way to 2015 and the cosmic wisdom I own is much more rewarding than the sugar coated sermons planned by Joel Osteen churches… 

A few minutes listening to the pope “blessings” from the Vatican balcony did not spare the millions of wasted lives in 2014, why would it change in 2015? Those archaic Neptunian religious sermons have nothing tangible to offer you, but non-realistic hopes.  

Your trip to your local church is so ingrained, the custom so deep but the pope and your local priests will not offer the non-cosmic lost souls the full protection of a cosmic God, he himself does not know, hear or see speaking through the signs… 

Your faith must be kept alive and strong, but its your “connection/perception” of a false punishing God that is dysfunctional, that all! 

I also know many God fearing souls will see me as evil not knowing they just missed real salvation… Remember dealing with Dr. Turi means also forced into the undiluted truth and OUT of your comfort zones. The choice is yours to swim upstream towards God cosmic divinity or keep swimming downstream feeding evil with your deep seated induced fears…

If you feel you are on hell, still lonely, depressed, unloved, fighting with your loved ones, without a rewarding job or working for someone else. If 2014 was the same  as last year do you think the God you fear will answer you soon?

Don’t you think its time to look for a more rewarding, forgiving, productive cosmic God while you are on earth. Don’t you think to upgrade your perception of a manageable, useful helping God who speak of no evil nor hell? 

Will you go right back to your safe hole and pray for my sinner soul or will you FREE your own hijacked spirit? Are you ready for Dr. Turi or do you need another deplorable year before accepting and using  God cosmic divinity?  All you have is your intuition, but this little voice can only be heard if you cast your fears aside… If you really hope for real changes in you life, I AM YOUR CHANGES!

Indeed life is a constant process of physical and spiritual changes, and unless YOU CHANGE nothing will change in your life!  

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” (Albert Einstein)

Do you really think all the people I served over the years were  all deceived? Not so, instead they want much more of my rare  cosmic guidance and legitimate wisdom. Yes I will take real good care of you too when we meet on a live Skype presentation.

I am offering a Skype VIP, live, unlimited, taped session for $310 instead of $700… But you must act fast, this deal start today 9/16/2014 and will end 9/17/2014 at 7 PM PT! 

This offer is for all God’s children, race and colours who bleed red. 


Taped VIP Skype Reading” for $350 instead of $700. Call Terania (602) 265-7667

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L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

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 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 


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