Year: 2014

Goodbye Draco, you will always be in our hearts

Dear Readers;

Exactly a year (9/16/2014) after being forced to let go of our dogs, our beloved Doberman Draco died… We received the call tonight from Roberta telling us that Draco died suddenly of a heart attack at the age of 10. Terania and I are still in tears trying  hard to support each other…

PuCkEr W-U -F-F-UP!

Terania and I are quite upset and our hearts are badly broken.  The wonderful memories of this majestic dog will stay with us for ever.

The Dr. Turi and Dr. Draco H20 Experiment

Dobermans are sought as “vicious” animals but Draco was a gentle loving giant and always ready to love and protect us! Macho lost his brother and at 3 years old he has many years to enjoy life with his new adoptive family.



When we were forced to let them go, we received many requests for those wonderful dogs, but we were very cautious and wanted to make sure those dogs did not end up in the wrong hands.

After weeks of searching and debating, Terania and I finally found the right family in Phoenix. We took Macho to the vet before giving him away and, like Draco was, he is now neutered!

I wanted our dogs to come with us in Florida and  I bought and worked on a this trailer for days. We wanted the best for our animals. I purchased expensive chrome wheels, a shell and new tires.  I even had it customized to look like our black Hummer.

While on the road, people were mesmerized and took pictures of both the dogs and the trailer.

It's a DoGgY - dOg World

How can you not feel sad looking at your past with your pets? At least we gave them the best while they were with us.

Run Babies Run

Letting go of any pet is extremely difficult emotionally because you associate the animals with wonderful memories you can not always let go.

Daddy & the Doggies

Letting Draco and Macho go was like dying myself inside.  It feels like  a new section of our life is over with Draco’s passing and holding tears is not always an option… Our dogs strength, beauty, love and dedication is a representation  who we  are… A special breed of  spiritual human beings you can only love or hate!

Swimming with daddy

One of the reason for giving our pets away was the size of the backyard. Those big dogs need room and while they had plenty love from us, they have no enough room to truly be happy. The nice, caring and trustworthy people had plenty room for them, so my dogs can live happy ever after with their new family! They love to swim, in the river or the pool!

They did not like too much to be left alone for long and made sure I knew about it…

Real Smart Doggies

They are very disciplined and will not eat until I tell them to do so! Pets are like kids, they are a reflection of the intelligence of their parents and those dogs are very well mannered. All I can say is while he was alive Draco was the King of the house. I felt very secure to go knowing those digs would take care of Terania…  We have replaced them with security camera but nothing really beats a dog warnings.

For now, little Lady is helping to deal with our loss and she feels something is wrong in the family.

Draco, lamp to the soul – This is Terania’s own creative way to say goodbye to our beloved dog Draco and teach what cosmic wisdom and true love is all about.

Draco is now looking after us from the above and protecting us from all evil forces. We were all born to live a life and die and I know, you and I will see all the departed souls we once knew and loved. I also know that Draco and all our other beloved pets  will also be there awaiting me when my turn will come along and God finally calls me back home.

Cats and dogs in time and space

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi


Teaching your children how to use a strap-on dildo?


“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life.  

Dr. Turi

Dear Readers;

So it’s OK to teach sex and how to use a strap-on dildo but not cosmic consciousness to our children? So it’s OK to teach religions on Sunday schools or watch ISIS teaching their children how to decapitate the “infidels” using a knife?

More  rapists, more sexual predators, more suicides, more madness and more Adam Lanza on the way for sure. When will the US Department of Education realize the vital therapeutic values found in my lifetime work on the human psyche?

And when will the American population realize the religious, scientific, financial and entertainment matrixes are all about making billions on your backs and could not care less about your children education? 

When I see how the forces of evil and ignorance lead by the OCD “educated” generation easily infiltrating our schools, it drives me insane.

I am not into politics, nor religions, I am not a conservative or a liberal, I do not endorse nor diminish anyone’s intelligence!  I am only a Frenchman trying to help America’s children and educate their parents so together, we can make the badly needed changes to stop evil consuming this world!

And cosmic education is not only a priority but the only way to de-monopolize an abusive, incomplete educational system.    

Isn’t’ it time for some of you to help me build my Astropsychology schools and stop this nightmare? 

Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Mike Broomhead, Sean Hannity, Joe Arpaio – Daddy’s Little Girl and Sexual Education

Shameful Waste Of US Children This is becoming the norm’ — but will anything change? NEVER Unless…

“For evil to flourish, all that is needed is for good people to do nothing.” – Edmund Burke

(Infowars)  Explicit: 11-12 year olds given sex toy lesson in Jacksonville

The teaching of so-called “alternative” sexual lifestyles is mandated in many states under Common Core.

Shocking images out of a classroom in Jacksonville, Florida illustrate how 11-12 year olds in 6th grade are being taught how to use strap-on dildos amidst a debate about Common Core sex education standards which have been attacked by some as pornographic.

The pictures were taken by a student with a cellphone camera. They show a teacher demonstrating how to use a strap-on sex toy in a number of different positions.

In one image, the teacher even shows how to insert the strap-on while her buttocks are in the air and her legs up over her head.

In another image, the woman shows the children how to wear a harness to which the strap-on is attached.

Clinton Middle School in Duval County hired 39-year-old Sharon Mercer to teach the sex education class but after the photos emerged she was suspended and the school refused further comment. Mercer claimed her suspension was an act of “bigotry” because she was a “proud member of the LGBTQ community.”

Newly implemented Common Core educational standards have been assailed for their attempt to create a lowest common denominator form of teaching which many assert only works to dumb down lessons and prevent smart students from excelling, but these images give a glimpse into an even darker side to the federally mandated rules.

The Secrets of the Fed website also points to a book being given to 4th graders under new Common Core standards entitled It’s Perfectly Normal, which teaches children as young as nine how to masturbate.

Common Core, which is being federally imposed on states across the nation, is a huge shift in teaching which opponents assert will eviscerate critical thinking and generally lower standards in the name of inclusiveness and political correctness. Numerous examples have emerged of Common Core style exam questions which only serve to cause more confusion and frustration.

Perhaps the most infamous example of how Common Core will manifest itself in America’s schooling system was illustrated by a bizarre video in which a Common Core curriculum director said that 3 x 4 = 11 could be considered a correct answer so long as students could explain how they reached that number.

Common Core’s sex education standards have also face fierce criticism, with one group even claiming that they represent “pornography” which serves to desensitize children to sexual contact and could lead to an increased chance of molestation within the schooling system.

“What is taught includes teaching inappropriate sexuality skills, that should not even be taught in college,”writes Joseph R. John. “According to child psychologists, the children are not mentally equipped to understand the detailed sexual indoctrination starting in kindergarten, they are indoctrinated in sexual practices that they should never be exposed to.”

As the backlash grows, more and more states are considering abolishing Common Core altogether, with Indiana’s decision earlier this year to ditch the program seen as a victory for conservatives…


Those short videos are what all responsible teachers, parents and children should watch and share instead of a non-cosmic conscious teacher tutoring your kids how to use a strap-on dildo!

God Cosmic Education 

Why did Adam Lanza killed so many children?

Introducing the world to God New Cosmic Consciousness

Dr. Louis Turi Interview: The Importance of Spiritual Education

In other news…

Watch this video

Update -9/16/2014 – Wildfires threaten thousands

Memo of my predictions  Posted to the world June 12, 2013

Germany “Heil Hitler” 2014 Arian Draconis World Predictions

 Memo:  – Prediction # 10 –  A year of endless HUGE fires and record high temperatures where many firefighters will pay the ultimate price during my “SOS To The World Windows.”   Expect a full restructure of the International Association of Fire Fighters as the ministry of environment will impose many new rules affecting US National Parks.  The Same “dragon” produced  the highest air temperature on Earth” — 134 degrees on July 10, 1913, in Death Valley’s Greenland Ranch.


Memo: “This dragon is ruthless and invasive and will directly affect souls born in October (Libra)  and April (Aries)  or those born with a moon, rising, natal or hidden dragons in those signs. “The Lord of War” will rule the world, imposing huge fires, danger, conflicts, large accidents  and will induce dramatic news of death and aggression. This dragon is also aiming for the children, – Mom, 6 children shot dead – Enterovirus D68 in 19 states, Canada  the soldiers, the Army and the Navy” 


Memo:  “This dragon is all about IDENTITY AND RACE (police to Daniele Watts; “show me your ID!” and will induce many reform with emigrations, build walls between the US and other countries, revamp and stimulate ALL that involve emigration and foreigners  moving to the US or away from their unstable countries.” 

500 Migrants drowned in the Mediterranean Sea when their boat was intentionally sunk while bound for Europe.

Survivors: 500 migrants died when people smugglers rammed boat

Lastly, take the time to re- visit Big solar storm heading toward Earth predicted by Dr. Turi a year earlier! and ALL unfolding predictions!  Indeed humanity MUST acknowledge and upgrade its perception to what  a practical, cosmic God is all about. It is through my dedicated work that many of you will rise to his celestial divinity and realize dr. Turi was right all along! 

I may sound redundant to many of my faithful readers but I can only hope to succeed reaching and upgrading the US Department of Education or build my first Astropsychology school with your help! 

Indeed repetition is a must for the new comers readers… The essence of education is stimulated by controversial, original, far fetched topics like mine, purposely challenging the establishment and all its accepted conventional disciplines.  

Students from all walks of life are depraved of such spiritual, regenerative material, something they desperately need to survive and make sense to the world they live in. 

How can a child swallow 2000 years of human evolution, master all rational topics without knowing anything of his spiritual cosmic identity? And you wonder why  parents and our children are going crazy, kill each others or commit suicide?

Six grandchildren, daughter killed in Florida murder-suicide

The educational system should  not decide, nor impose any form of restrictions with education, because the purpose of science is to disprove claims that can not be justified. All the better for science at the end, prove me wrong if you can, but let the students make that discovery. 

Nowadays kids are not stupid and more than ever concerned with Charles Darwin and his theory of human evolution and natural selection.  Why would science education resources on the  evolution of the “cosmic spirit” be contained or sought as ridicule? Its again the law to deprave them of my life work and just because they know nothing about it!  

I can guarantee you, if any college or university had me to talk about the cosmic code, ALL my classes will be FULL! But how can I reach those children and all School Boards Executives, when the majority are cowards, unwilling to take a chance and better our children education? Right here in Phoenix, “a  very pious friend of mine” own such a position and still ridicule my work! She even insisted to be removed from my list of educated moronic people like her! 

Should I give up because she is an non curious idiot in a position to constrain the children spirits or should I fight harder to prove her and the US Department of Education they are wrong? 

If you are a teacher, simply mention to your students exploring the cosmic code secrets or Astroforensics and see the response… Then invite me to talk and you’ll be amazed of the results, because I can guarantee you,  the kids will want much more… 

My work is read by thousands of people from all walks of life, if in any way, shape or form if you can help me with my quest, please let me know how to proceed and submit Astroforensics / astropsychology in all colleges and universities.

My teachings are well organized with artworks softwares and powerpoint presentations. When will the scientific community finally realize I am not a psychic, a guru or a Neptunian , but a different breed of rational, practical scientist? 

 I am impressed by the concerned, smart and curious people joining my Cyber Cosmic University every day, many are into education, mental researches and own a position that could make a significant difference in proposing my expertise. 

It take a very courageous soul to challenge the system but it is only through extreme challenges, originality, ingenuousness  and total dedication that my goal can become a reality.

The world will become a better place when my cosmic works is finally accepted as a solid discipline and taught to all the children of the world! 

Shameful Waste Of US Children This is becoming the norm’ — but will anything change? NEVER Unless…

I am into this battle since 1991 and while only a handful of people helped me all along, I wonder when God will finally offer me the break I need to upgrade humanity psychical welfare…

Billions of dollars are still wasted in erroneous scientific researches and endorsing the evil of religion, isn’t time for a change in the American spirit?

Indeed changing the world’s perception of the divine is a mission some of you can help me to achieve!  Please ponder on my request and join me in the battle against fear and ignorance! 

Obama waste $100M to unlock mysteries of the brain

What does the world say about Dr. Turi

“Show me a curious person or an avid reader and I will point out a winner!” Dr. Turi

 Now only $5 – Click image above to purchase the 2014 Moon Power Starguide –  Now Available for Download!!

$15:00  – Click image above to purchase the 2015 Dragon Forecast – Now Available for Download!!

Show your support join my Cyber Cosmic University

The Magical Power of Talismans!


L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

listen to my latest radio show, check the next one

Dr. Turi Cosmic Code reality show 

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 


Neck Tattoos on Women, UFO’s and Predictions


From  From Jodiet

 - Image courtesy Wayne Deglon

Neck Tattoos on Women

Hello Dr. Turi;

Thank you for taking the time to reply and for your interest in our interview. I believe your insight will prove invaluable to my tattoo and body piercing readers. Thank you so much for finding time to squeeze this in. I’m very interested in hearing your responses.



Explain your first UFO sighting experience:  My first UFO experience was quite interesting and scary but nothing like the 3 others I went through.  I guess this Youtube Video  and other articles written on my UFO experiences will offer your readers all that happened to me since childhood. UFO”s Are Very Real  –   What Did They Do To Me?

What was your first tattoo?  I did my own first tattoo with 3 needles and black ink. It represent a long road ending up in the Sun set  subconsciously depicting my fate, traveling to the US and teaching the world God cosmic divinity. As I grew older, the tattoo faded and I had to resurface it in Thailand after my cancer surgery. I see this God saving my life and as my second shot at life…

As you can see the second design override the initial design and represents the autumn of my life where the endless spirit (the ocean)  reflect the light of the Sun and my cosmic wisdom!  My second tattoo is an eagle on my left arm depicting the all seeing eye of supreme wisdom. 

What’s your sun sign? Do you have any astrological design tattoos? I was born in February in the constellation of Aquarius with my Sun Sign in Pisces.  Astroforensics or Astropsychology is not modern astrology; it is a very precise science I practice with the help of modified software I designed.  I do not have any particular astrological tattoo because we are a reflection of the 12 signs of the zodiac! My teachings of Astroforensics are very advanced and indeed, quite unique.  

What would you suggest to someone wanting an accurate alien tattoo, such as prominent features, eyes, color, etc.? It all depends of the individual taste and experiences with this phenomenon.  The links and pictures offered above represents the type of drawings and tattoo I would do on my skin.  But my wife Terania would be more interested in a Dragon tattoo or something I designed representing the secrets and the divine such as this symbol. One of my students did her entire chart on her low back, with all the planets, dragon, and it was quite sensational.

You have a Doctorate in metaphysics from the Universal Life Church. What led you down this course of study and life path? I took the course so I could use the doctor title, but I am a born “Soul Doctor” and much of my cosmic wisdom was downloaded on August 11th, 1991 in one of my utmost incredible UFO abductions.

Then after the experience I could not help myself to read and master the astrological work of Nostradamus. The abduction changed my entire life And So Is The Legacy! But sad enough not everyone is accepting those facts, even with all my unarguable, well documented, dated and published predictions.

Do people ever call you a “freak” for your psychic abilities? Only the “young souls” or a crowd made up of atheists, scientists, agnostics and skeptics alike. But over the years the vitriolic have diminished drastically, because I always proved my case and made many of them look like uneducated idiots on social media!  The psychically underdeveloped sub-human tends to fear or ridicule what they know nothing about!  

Why do you believe aliens are interested in earth? Aliens are “The Gardeners” of many solar systems, not only ours and earth. They are looking for the supremely advanced human beings genes to populate far away galaxies for their own progressive agenda. Those who deny ET’s can never attract them because of their low psychical vibrations.

What is your role as World UFO Day Ambassador? It is to prepare humanity  to the acceptance and the reality of UFO and the ET’s various purposes. There is much more involved with the Magic Twelve mission and I can only divulge so much just now!

Do you believe in karma? How can someone fix theirs? Indeed karma is very real! And it takes a master to avoid its dramatic repercussions. Anyone can fix their karma by realizing and using correctly the supra-conscious forces involved in the human experience.   I am constantly and unselfishly serving my fellow human beings with an endless regenerative educational cosmic fluid. I was able to beat cancer and this good karma is like an investment for this life and future reincarnations.

If someone is trying to decide upon a tattoo, how would you suggest they tap their intuition and creative mind to choose the right symbol or verse? Its important to use both, but emotions, memories and inner drive play an important part of chosen a tattoo!  A tattoo has the same power as any talismans and should be carefully chosen before becoming a permanent part of the body!  The design inspire and attract subtle energies that must be compatible with the person’s fate and natal UCI.

Favorite quote? “The future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought!”

Favorite television shows or movies? I am an intellectual and I love the Smithsonian Channel because it brings original documentaries and videos exploring history, air and space, science, nature, and culture!

Just like Nostradamus, you are world-renowned for your accurate predictions. Which one has been the most unsettling and disturbing…to you?  The New York 911 attack on the twin towers was dramatic to the world, but I am yet very concerned on the upcoming 2015 Riligious Neptunius Draconis because it will force a total restructure upon all religions, gas, the oceans and the Middle East. All will be divulged to my VIP’s in my Cyber Cosmic University!  

Do French women get tattoos? French women are like any American women, and any other souls walking this earth when choosing a tattoo. While the culture is classier in France, their tattoos reflect much of what they like, feel and love about life and their personal experiences.  

You will always find tattooed people from all walks of life, rich and poor, in all classes and their reasons for doing so are endless… Celebrities are the same and will always help stimulating their fans and the younger generation to copy them.  I explained mine and I hope the readers will appreciate this article.


Dr. Turi

Django’ actress Daniele Watts versus the police! Racism tears and ego!


“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life.  

Dr. Turi

I am the latest victims of the  2014 Arian Draconis and I have no clue about it! 

‘Django Unchained’ actress defends not giving ID to cop –  IDENTITY and RACE? 


Dear readers;

Indeed the racist. aggressive, invasive, warlike spirit of Hitler is still cursing the world,  but did Danielle Watts, her boyfriend, the countless celebrities in Hollywood, the police and the world at large ever read my predictions and warnings issued June 12, 2013 on all major social media and my websites.

The same critical warnings were also published in my 2014 Moon Power personal and universal guidance and predictions for all signs, but again, did Danielle Watts, her boyfriend, the countless celebrities in Hollywood, the police and the world at large ordered and read any of my books?

“Show me a curious person or an avid reader and I will point out a winner!” Dr. Turi

And this is the problem readers, people are much too concerned with sports, religions, entertainments and having a good time and will not investigate the cosmic code jurisdictions. This is simply dangerously perilous for an humanity unwilling to investigate, recognize and heed God’s cosmic divinity speaking his will through the signs!  

While  the price for Danielle Watts had to pay for ignoring the “signs” is minim, many others souls ended up paying the ultimate price! People do things whenever they feel like and our infantile science if oblivious of a crucial timing for traveling, surgery and all we do everyday!

Joan Rivers Was Killed By Her Doctors!

As you know there are no accidents readers, only subtle cosmic circumstances at work unknown to the general public, often classified as “Acts of God.”  But what if Danielle Watts had a copy of my book and was warned of the cosmic fluid making up last few days?

Would she have behaved a different way or simply ignore the signs? I will let you read for yourself what I wrote a year ago and let you be the judge of how important it is to heed my printed warnings! Did you check my latest predictions endlessly unfolding? 

I am certain, as  seen in so many cases, either Danielle Watts or her boyfriend were under one of their 2014 negative personal cosmic biorhythms, adding more chances to experiences troubles on those specific days! Yes you may be having a blast, but if your partner is under negative auspices, you will be touched by his/her stars… 

But it seems, in most people, religious convictions or fear of the ridicule override their basic curiosity and you wonder why thousands of cosmic unconscious people will die today?  You can avoid a premature death or  a disastrous “acts of God” if you learn  and heed the signs, and speak his cosmic language!

Check your basic Zodiacal sign, but remember this section is generated for the general public, a professional  Skype, live  consultation has so much to offer you. Those who already tested my predictive, healing talents can confirm this fact!

“Show me a curious person or an avid reader and I will point out a winner!” Dr. Turi

 Now only $5 – Click image above to purchase the 2014 Moon Power Starguide –  Now Available for Download!!

$15:00  – Click image above to purchase the 2015 Dragon Forecast – Now Available for Download!! 

FRI., SAT., SUN., MON., TUE. — September 12, 13, 14, 15, 16:
RULERS — Venus (Good Times) Mercury (Trips)

Work, Career and Business: Your mind will wander about your position in this world and what to do to make it better. The deserving hard working may not benefit with well-earned bonuses or new opportunities and it might not be the time to promote their careers just now, be patient until the next lunation. Mercury will make you think fast, driving and running errands will have to be done. Be aware of the Full Moon’s tension and be ready to change your schedule. Wait for the next new Moon to face important deals.

Partnerships: Some of the people you know will have to move away, or you yourself may decide to relocate to a better place within the next few days. Expect the beginning or ending of important phases of your life and others’ too. Venus will endorse many gatherings with some colleagues you have not seen for a long time. Be ready to control your emotions during a waning difficult Moon.

Family and Friends: Expect a brother or a sister to surprise you. A friend might show up uninvited and thus affect some of your plans too. You may receive an invitation to socialize with some faraway friends or family members; use this opportunity to grow closer to them if you can. Against all odds, endure patiently this lunation and enjoy memories of the old days. Don’t forget that when the Moon becomes full and is waning, things may not go your way. A family member needs your advice.

Note: Danielle Watts was on the phone with her father (and her publicist) asking for her rights! IDENTITY and RACE?

Be willing to consider the issue from his point of view; but avoid emotional involvement or forcing your opinion. Much time will be spent around the children. Prepare to enjoy the warmth of mother and the good food of your friends and your family.

“ Without Cosmic Consciousness, human are nothing more than blind robots acting out their natal stars.” Dr. Turi  

Love Affairs: Do not expect much progress if you are looking for that special person just now. Some of the people from your past may also become weighty; stand for yourself without guilt. Friends will bring good memories; have fun but don’t get caught up in the nostalgia. If you are a fire or water sign many will try to steal your heart. Have fun, but don’t make any commitment if the person in question was met for the first time after the Full Moon.

Travel and Communication: You will have to run like mad to keep up with all the things you must accomplish. You will stay busy with all this activity and come in contact with interesting people. Combined with the Full Moon trend and a Supernova window expect all sorts of delays, forcing you to think twice as fast. Slow down; be cautious and prudent in your driving, too. Watch for crazy drivers around the city; they might not have read “Moon Power Starguide,” so don’t let them hurt you (or your car). Many will fly to faraway places early and will get caught in bad weather or find themselves stuck in congested airports. Keep in mind that Mercury may decide to confuse some electronics and bring chaos. Chain-reaction accidents, bad weather and black outs are very high on the list; be careful out there.

Environment: Expect surprises and explosions soon. Be aware of fire and keep an eye on the children. Chances are that nature will go berserk soon, so you don’t want to be a victim. She may demonstrate her power with shocking weather. Thousands of people may be forced to relocate, fleeing disasters, flooding or bad earthquakes.

Famous Personalities: A famous person (or his child) will make dramatic news. Expect news about famous or infamous people who have made history. The past will turn alive for a while.

Events: After the Full Moon, electronics may suffer or fail to function properly. This could produce another dramatic air crash. Not a time to take any risks in the air, unless you made reservations during a waxing trend. Expect the beginning or ending of an important portion of your (and other) lives.

Shopping: Think about spending money on wisdom and on those for whom you care. You can still find good deals on big-ticket items by comparison shopping. If you decide to visit Las Vegas’ casinos after the Full Moon, you may encounter stress but you could get lucky. Yes, someone will hit the jackpot in a waning Moon in Vegas, but the money will be spent on paying bills or tax and little will be left. Better make all your important plans after the next New Moon for your own sake.

Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom.

~ Paracelsus

Indeed there are too many false prophets, cults leaders and deceptive Neptunians all around you, and when presented with  well documented, dated and published predictions, it is only common sense to ask for more! 

It is very difficult for any celebrity who enjoy great respect and love by all, to be treated like a normal citizens and reminded of the law, because no one is above the law!  I  will soon expose the full cosmic identity, the ego, fears, idiosyncrazy, fate, health, career etc. of Danielle Watts UCI for my VIP’s on the Cosmic Code website.

But the futuristic science Astroforensics is designed to educate an extreme minority of curious superhuman who ask for it and can relate to my spiritually highly advanced cosmic work! 

Show your support join my Cyber Cosmic University

The Magical Power of Talismans!


L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

listen to my latest radio show, check the next one

Dr. Turi Cosmic Code reality show 

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 



44 dead in Nigeria church ruins – God must be really pissed off!


“Consciousness – is the awareness of God cosmic identity  and make a good use of it” anything else is deceptiveness! Pope Francis, Bible heads, Religious leaders, Monks, Gurus, cult leaders, televangelists and priests are cosmic  unconscious  born Neptunians unable to read the signs…

Dr. Turi

People search for survivors after a church building collapsed in Lagos, Nigeria.

44 dead in Nigeria church ruins

Dear Readers;

What an obvious and terrible omen for the things to come involving all religions of the world! May GOd bless the souls of all the victims but millions mores died in wars, stampedes and religious pelerinages!  Indeed those God “experts” and promoters alike know NOTHING of the cosmic essence of a manageable solid God!

Only a  cruel false God would kill children!

(CNN) — A bus packed with children burst into flames in Colombia on Sunday, killing at least 32 people, officials said. The bus was picking up children from an event at a church in Fundacion, Colombia, when the blaze began, Col. Adan Leon told CNN affiliate Caracol TV.

Indeed who can today deny my vision of “the beginning of the End of All Religions?”

Thanks to the 2014 violent, invading, aggressive Arians Draconis, the world is now on fire, yet what is scary is; the world knows nothing of the upcoming Neptunius 2015 cosmic fluid!

May I strongly suggest you to invest in this ebook and be prepared for its personal wrath (or blessings) upon your life and the world at large?

My name is Pluto “Hades the Lord of Hell”

 Indeed you will never be so close to God with my books explaining Satan’s real identity because God, nor Jesus EVER wrote the bible, the koran or the Torah!  God Discussions

“Let who ignore my warnings be cursed by the eternal rites of the cosmic code ceremonies for a cosmic God does not speak to fools…” Dr. Turi


Neptune Lord of Religious Deception Rules
Fear Water, Drowning Fire Black Blood
Dreams Reality Conflicts Poison Mad Spirits
All False Gods Lost Children Join To Kill

Who will stop ISIS? The damage of religions upon humanity …

God, Jesus, Science, The Cosmic Code and your Children 

Remember readers, in my “cosmic” book,  there are no accidents! This “act of God” is yet another subtle message for all the gullible people traveling from around the world to witness and receive  DEATH from the mighty (abusive/deceptive) FALSE God cleverly used in the life of yet another deceptive Neptunian cult leader “Prophet” named, TB Joshua,”

“Joshua, dubbed “The Prophet” for his self-acclaimed healing powers and prophecies, has a large following among Nigerians and followers across the world. His church attracts thousands of followers who attend his church every week to listen to his sermons, which are also telecast live on the church’s television station.”

No offense to the Nigerian people but, looking at the state of affairs from this part of the world, the exorbitant crime and murder rate, the regular burning of witches by villagers seems to be the perfect ground for any cult leader to abuse all those gullible, non educated people.

As you all know my work is non-fictional and deals with the undiluted truth! This is why only the strong and curious readers can and will learn about some of the human experiences in all its horrors. While ISIS decapitate people for their religious purpose and caliphate, other parts of the world are also owned by the evil of ignorance and religious fears!  

The following video is EXTREMELY graphic and made me, Dr. Turi, a very strong man, sick to my stomach for hours! In fact, as I was watching it, I felt the flames burning my own body alive.

These tribal people are very religious and non educated, fears and a false God run their pitiful lives. This becomes the perfect recipe to create the same type of monsters as ISIS! There is no difference decapitating or burning people for God, this is the world you live in, and a world I struggle everyday to change with cosmic education. 

There is no doubt in my mind, in many of my past lives, I suffered such a terrible fate at the hands of religious fanatics who sought I was a witch too!  

After watching this horrific video, you may understand what is motivating me to introduce a legitimate cosmic God Divinity to the world and stop the evil of fear and ignorance spreading like a cancer. 


Just mention God or Jesus and you will get a free pass to easily attract the subhuman, the non-evoluated, the non educated God fearing mass! And with 99.99% of the world endorsing 875 different religions, there will never be a shortage of “Prophets” and cult leaders!

What is still unbelievable to me is, how easy it is for those cult leaders, not only to lure and attract thousands of followers but also their full financial support!

Since 1991, I countlessly and unarguably proved my worth and my predictive legitimacy to the world,  and yet I am still struggling to get any form of financial support to start a school! What’s going on? 

What if I was asking you for money to build another church or a cult in Sedona? Chances are I would succeed and lead the  same plentiful deceptive life as Joel Osteen!  

Indeed it seems very easy to attract the gullibles with religions, but my work has never been produced for the feeble minded! Instead the best and curious minds are attracted to the light and this is why  true geniuses  and “super human”  are a very rare breed on planet earth! 

You may think, at 65, I really should concentrate on my retirement and going fishing in the Gulf of Mexico  instead of worrying about the children of the future yes?

I wish I could be as uncaring as the many readers who never did anything to help me better this world! Again, when is the last time you posted one of my articles on your FB or twitter page? Still I wish for the same dedication and efforts so you can build serious positive karma for this life or the next one!

“For evil to flourish, all that is needed is for good people to do nothing.” – Edmund Burke

Be sure, if, instead of astrology or metaphysics I was into religions, chances are this humongous evil of dumbness would soon become my friend and grant ALL my wishes as he did with so many deceptive Neptunians of the past, the present and the future! 


 “miracle man john of god” 

 Bible Code Money Lie

 But you do not have to live in Africa or in Guam  to experience religious madness readers we, in the US have also our own fanatic, deceptive religious Neptunians and they own a national stage! Indeed the religious matrix at work! 

 ‘Duck Dynasty’ Star Phil Robertson and ISIS Alarming Ideology! God Have Mercy!

The “human animal” is unevolved spiritually and can never use any form of critical thinking because it is missing! The fear of going to hell is exactly what lead nearly one thousand pious people to experience hell and die poisoned physically and spiritually by Jim Jones!

I wonder if those lost souls had access to my cosmic work and learn about the poisonous Neptune deceptiveness? 

Do you think they would have changed their mind and join my Cyber Cosmic University instead? It all depend upon the natal UCI or the inherited cosmic identity, but once brainwashed by a pimpy cult leader, it becomes almost impossible to exit Neptune’s quick sands. 

02-jones-jim ji.jpgJim Jones – I was a deceptive plutonic Neptunian

To the logical, rational mind, the explanation for this “act of God”  is quite simple, it’s nothing else than a structural deficiency!  

NEMA’s Facebook page acknowledged the sabotage reports but also noted that two stories were being added to the building without fortifying the foundation of the initial structure. There is a “high probability” this is what caused the collapse, NEMA said, adding that an investigation will ultimately determine the cause.

But to the wise man, there is a deeper message forcing those gullible souls to grow up and yield! Why would the God they love, fear and trust so much would not hesitate to kill this congregation of nice people in his own very house?  Should they be protected instead? 

What type of God this is? A false God can only do terrible things to his non-cosmic conscious children and here is the reason!

Because the manipulative acts, the endless imposturous sermons, and misleading teachings of his evil corrupted representants is full scale darkness!

This does not mean God is bull and join an atheist group! This would be an even bigger mistake because you would become as blind as the gullible religious fanatic you despise so much! Because your perception of God is incomplete  and wrong does not eliminate the reality of a cosmic God!

Thus if you are an atheist, an agnostic or a skeptic you are at the same level and no better than any religious person! Meantime the challenge to bring forth your cosmic awareness and God’s interstellar divinity is not an easy task because YOU have also been brainwashed by  the scientific matrix!

Atheists & Christians, God is Really Pissed Off At You!

And anything negative can not survive for long, it has to implode because the pure light of wisdom is missing! But even after such a tragedy, people will still go right back to rebuild and get more religious treachery.

Maybe by reading “It’s HERE NOW! God/Luciferian Cabal’s Global Enslavement of Humanity: Have You Been Caught In Its Grip? “  you may understand more on the Supra-conscious forces at work and what evil is all about? 

Normal people from all walks of life  blame demonic manifestations ruining their hearts!  Those lost souls have been religiously “brain washed” since childhood and become food for evil themselves.  

NYPD Cop Believes Demon-Possession Is On The Rise – End of the World Silly Predictions 

In this case, this cop “subconsciously” joined the police force to “clean up” the world of the very evil he unconsciously endorse daily! Indeed they are mentally sick lost souls all around you! 

When will I get the help I need to finally make real changes and kick Satan’s butt out for good? I know thousands of people reading my articles are as concerned as I am, but what do I have to do to make them participate in creating a better world of education?

Indeed repetition is a must readers… The essence of education is stimulated by controversial, original, far fetched topics like mine, purposely challenging the establishment and all its accepted conventional disciplines.  

Students from all walks of life are depraved of such spiritual, regenerative material, something they desperately need to survive and make sense to the world they live in. 

How can a child swallow 2000 years of human evolution, master all rational topics without knowing anything of his spiritual cosmic identity? And you wonder why our children are going crazy, kill each others or commit suicide?

The educational system should  not decide, nor impose any form of restrictions with education, because the purpose of science is to disprove claims that can not be justified. All the better for science at the end, prove me wrong if you can, but let the students make that discovery. 

Nowadays kids are not stupid and more than ever concerned with Charles Darwin and his theory of human evolution and natural selection.  Why would science education resources on the  evolution of the “cosmic spirit” be contained or sought as ridicule? Its again the law to deprave them of my life work and just because they know nothing about it!  

I can guarantee you, if any college or university had me to talk about the cosmic code, ALL my classes will be FULL! But how can I reach those children and all School Boards Executives, when the majority are cowards, unwilling to take a chance and better our children education? Right here in Phoenix, “a  very pious friend of mine” own such a position and still ridicule my work! She even insisted to be removed from my list of educated moronic people like her! 

Should I give up because she is an non curious idiot in a position to constrain the children spirits or should I fight harder to prove her and the US Department of Education they are wrong? 

If you are a teacher, simply mention to your students exploring the cosmic code secrets or Astroforensics and see the response… Then invite me to talk and you’ll be amazed of the results, because I can guarantee you,  the kids will want much more… 

My work is read by thousands of people from all walks of life, if in any way, shape or form if you can help me with my quest, please let me know how to proceed and submit Astroforensics / astropsychology in all colleges and universities.

My teachings are well organized with artworks softwares and powerpoint presentations. When will the scientific community finally realize I am not a psychic, a guru or a Neptunian , but a different breed of rational, practical scientist? 

 I am impressed by the concerned, smart and curious people joining my Cyber Cosmic University every day, many are into education, mental researches and own a position that could make a significant difference in proposing my expertise. 

It take a very courageous soul to challenge the system but it is only through extreme challenges, originality, ingenuousness  and total dedication that my goal can become a reality.

The world will become a better place when my cosmic works is finally accepted as a solid discipline and taught to all the children of the world! 

Shameful Waste Of US Children This is becoming the norm’ — but will anything change? NEVER Unless…

I am into this battle since 1991 and while only a handful of people helped me all along, I wonder when God will finally offer me the break I need to upgrade humanity psychical welfare…

Billions of dollars are still wasted in erroneous scientific researches and endorsing the evil of religion, isn’t time for a change in the American spirit?

Indeed changing the world’s perception of the divine is a mission some of you can help me to achieve!  Please ponder on my request and join me in the battle against fear and ignorance! 

You can start supporting my work by joining my Cyber Cosmic University!

Obama waste $100M to unlock mysteries of the brain

Show your support join my Cyber Cosmic University

What does the world say about Dr. Turi

Recovered article published March 4, 2013

100 cosmic Unconscious Cardinals meet Monday; could set date to elect new “Fired” pope

Dear Readers:

 I can’t help wondering “IF” this crowd of deceived unconscious Neptunian were invited and able to read  my 2013 Moon Power scepter posted in the “Cosmic Coders Only” what would they say? And what would be their reaction after reading what I wrote well before the pope was “fired?”

 Little do they know that, every single of their Christian moves, action, uncovered secrets including the new Pope election is ALREADY written in light by God himself.  But again, the chances of being able to auto-analyze themselves as cursed “Neptunian”  by the Cosmic Code (or God’s will) is ZERO!

By looking at the electing aged crowd, it seems those lost souls have been around for a long time and some are quite old. They are all entrenched into the quicksands of  the power of  the planet Neptune that eludes them all…  But what motivate them to represent a God they know nothing about on earth?  Faith or power? An  clergy life offering an easy access to your children? Scottish cardinal apologizes for ‘my sexual conduct’ The fact is ALL those souls were born with Pluto (power) in Leo (love/life/children) and ALL are part of the “Baby Boom Generation!”  But unable to read the signs they hide their real intentions behind the word paganism where the essence of  Jesus’ cosmic teachings are non existent…

As mentioned so many times before, would any man made, prominent, well respected religious  books you know or use daily remotely speak of or decipher  God’s glory?  All my books do so!  We are in the month of Pisces… Pisces rules ALL religions, deception, illusion, confinement, churches, synagogues, asylums, hospitals,  jails, physical and spiritual poisoning, chemicals, drugs, oil, the Middle East and the “nirvana” state of “beatitude” a born Neptunian attracts and falls in…


2013 Moon Power Scepter –  NEW MOON — March 11, 2013 in Pisces: With the Head of the Dragon in Scorpio and Uranus in Aries expect surprising shocking news with the Government and terrorist activities on the U.S. and allied grounds. Expect also disturbing news about water damage, poisoning, religious fanatics, abortion, the Pope and the Middle East. *Biden on Iran: ‘Obama is not bluffing’

Many diplomats will be active on the political front, trying to avoid religious wars in different parts of the world. With Mars in Leo France, Japan and Italy are targeted by the Cosmic Code. Prominent politicians of the Middle East run the risk of assassination and some unlucky souls will not survive this dangerous trend.

With Mercury in Pisces souls born now will further for good or for worse their respective country’s religious belief systems. Expect progressive news involving science, chemical research, religion and the abortion dilemma. Meanwhile, it is a sure sign that drastic change is still in store for parts of the Middle East and Asia. Nature and the weather could also turn out particularly difficult and may sink ships, produce devastating oil spills and flooding. However, with the waxing moon (positive) we can only hope for less damage than anticipated. Push now, be confident and like the fish swim with the upward tide.

Name one single religious book able to really speak and translate God’s will? Back June 10, 2010 I wrote “The Cosmic Code, the Torah Code and the Bible Code” witch clearly enunciate ALL dogmatic archaic man made religions are doing  or offering nothings of any spiritual values or prediction to humanity.

In response to my article titled “God and Jesus Speak To Me!” posted on website where I am a contributor.

Pix“…reclaim his spiritual freedom and recognizes Jesus…” Is an oxymoron. You wouldn’t be reclaiming your spiritual freedom if you take up someone else’s spirituality. Especially one based on pagan allegory that is at least 5’000 years older than Jesus. DER.”

Posted by drturi – “We are talking about the essence of Jesus’ cosmic wisdom here not recognizing the Savior! Too many unconscious souls are unable to appreciate the true pearls of wisdom I own – “Don’t give pearl to swine” may explain your prerogative in perceiving a much older original cosmic wisdom that created all the religions still perceived as the  work of Pagans… Try to read Dead Sea Scrolls yet?”

Have you noticed lately the upsurge of cosmic events with exploding meteorites? These are direct warnings from God to pay attention to the stars and to the signs I translate for you daily.  I spoke of my vision and warned of “Cosmic News” well ahead of time in “Dr. Turi and Santos Bonacci on the Secrets of the Universal Mind” radio show – READ THE ARTICLE – I do not think the new elected pope in his “spiritual” mission  to save the world, will offer you an accurate translation of the Cosmic Code. All he is trying to do is to save the deceptive supremely wealthy but fast decaying Church Inc. corporation.

Reality TV Goliath takes up Bible miniseries challenge, hopes for better outcome

Reality TV Goliath takes up Bible miniseries challenge, hopes for b…

Sad enough religiously poisoned young souls do not know better and keep producing movies reflecting  Jesus’, Moises lives induced by the planet Neptune (the art/movie industry) regimenting their unconscious lives.

This tremendous amount of wealth is wasted but sealed, endorsed and even promoted secretively by so many Neptunian souls.  Imagine if instead of regurgitating 2000 years of deceptive archaic teachings and separatism / endless wars, I was instead given a voice to really speak the truth about God’s celestial divinity.

Imagine if I was able to offer the news before the news and translate on national TV in my reality show the will of God and offer regularly section of my book 2013 Moon Power depicting ahead of time what will transpire with religions, the Pope, oil, the economy, the news and the fate of humanity?

Yes I did just that, in a television show back in January 2009 and prepared the world for what the next 3 years would bring us all…And it all happened as predicted!

As imposed by God himself, today’s children are, psychically ill equipped to deal with religions, while the Cosmic Code is offering its last Neptunian push the Age of Pisces and deception is on its way out!

The worst that can happen is for science to eliminate the spirit totally and create a society of  agnostics, atheists and skeptics because my teachings of  this vital cosmic fluid entrancing God’s celestial divinity is not allowed its balancing, healing expression.

And this is where I need  some creative, curious, spiritual non religious “Reality TV Goliath” to help me in my mission. “Dr. Turi Cosmic Code reality show” will have an extraordinary spiritual healing impact upon the youngest members of our generation in need for real answers… Giving me a voice will allow all this children to regenerate in the understanding and use of God’s creation as he intended them to benefit from.

Sad enough Hollywood is owned by the most powerful and wealthy Jews which are at the core totally impregnated with Neptune deceptive power. And because this planet rules the cinematographic industry they own the commanding seats, but again I do not expect, at least not just yet, for any of them to understand the values and rarity of my teachings…

Yes the oldest Jewish church found in Israel speak of a mosaic representing the early stages of the Age of Pisces and Jesus altered ministry…It may be God’s order for a Jew “Reality TV Goliath” to take me on to finally RE-introduce a long due cosmic God to humanity… All I can do is to light up this torche of wisdom and hope the world will follow this new light…

Religions are a thing of the past, the Pope is “excused” out as the empire is crumbling, if you feel the call is not with the Church Inc. but with God and his celestial creation, then watch this introduction to Astropsychology and join us for a free Psychic show and my April crash course in Sedona!

Note; while some links may be public, the majority will open for  my VIP’s only!

Join NOW! 

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi

The Magical Power of Talismans!

Oscar Pistorius convicted of negligent killing, GUILTY AS HELL!


“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life.  Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom.

~ Paracelsus


Oscar Pistorius convicted of negligent killing?

Dear Readers:

Oscar Pistorius was born  November 22, 1986 under the constellation of Scorpio!  The futuristic science of Astroforensic teaches that; there is no more cold and calculated sign than Scorpio, the sign of death and drama.

A few years ago, another famous Scorpio “Prince Charles” made the news ordering the killing of his wife Princess Diana while traveling through Paris, France. Do you think both of them are innocent or guilty? 

While not all Scorpio are born killers, their passionate, jealous, revengeful nature is well known to all modern astrologers.  Under Pluto jurisdictions, the soul can either chose to become the Eagle (save a life) or the Lizard (take a life) and this type of Scorpio is a master of lies, manipulations and make believe.

The power is usually channeled into engineering, finances, investigations, the law enforcement, the art (acting) sex, or a life of crime.

And this is all he did during the entire legal procedure, ACTING, crying river of tears and make believe he was sorry to shorten his sentence and save his self-accusing butt!

His acts were planned from the first he entered the courtroom and faced the judge, because unlike his attorneys and all the people around them, (including the judge and the jury) Scorpio’s are very clever and indeed real good actors!

So Pistorius got away with the worst possible punishment for killing his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp by making up stories the judge and the jury finally bought and lessen his sentence. 

There is no doubt in my mind, he killed his girlfriend in a jealous fight, rage which happen to be 99% of the reasons why all scorpio end up in jail!

But the judge and the jury were not trained nor cosmic unconscious and not yet allowed through the judicial system to use “their 3rd eye” or Astropsychology!

Furthermore, Pistorius was born with a stellium, including intense and deadly Pluto, the ruler of Scorpio in the first house (the self.)

In fact those four planets in Scorpio make up his erotic, violent deadly UCI

Venus (attractiveness/the art) is found in his first house (the self) in Scorpio giving him a sensual magnetic appeal to women. 

Mercury (critical thinking) is also there making him a shrewd, very deep often compulsive thinker.

Jupiter (luck/law) in his fifth house of love and speculation make him lucky with any legal battle as proven in this case.

Neptune (drugs/alcohol/medications) is found influencing his 3rd house (the mind) and I am convinced he was under some narcotic/alcohol influences when he killed Reeva Steenkamp.

Most of all, Mars (violence/guns) is found right into his 4th house (home/domesticity) but like 99.99% of the world’s population, he did not bother to check up his celestial identity and avoid the worst manifestation of his UCI.

But the utmost negative impact is coming from his natal Dragon’s Tail (negative) in Libra (partners/marriages/contracts) somehow sharing the same fate as other famous sportsmen –  NFL Star Ray Rice, What Really Happened That Fateful Day? – Mayweather: No pictures, no proof  Mayweather on abuse charges

These men lives were dramatically altered because of their partners…

Being a Scorpio means a life full of DRAMA, where the soul must REBIRTH from whatever impossible challenges are thrown at him!  Luckily for Pistorius, his Aries competitive dragon, always endorse sports and offered him fame and fortune.

And this is why in my article about NFL Star Ray Rice, I offered you the undeniable proof of so many extremely successful sportsman born with such a dragon.

I first designed this artwork when I was 12 years old in school and got punished for it!

I own such a Dragon too, but I am not into the physical manifestations, nor sports! I chose to race and battle for the human spirit instead. This dragon makes me a natural leader in this field something the experts do not know of course! Note in the medical aspect of my work, Aries rules the head/the mind making my own UCI well ahead of the top traditionally educated doctors mind “experts.”

Divulging the facts about my own celestial Arian nature will probably be perceived as an ego trip by those who feel inferior or insecure about my cosmic gift!

Pistorius was infatuated with Reeva and with his moon (emotions) in Leo (ego) he could not accept a break up. With Scorpio its kill or be killed and it is a simple as that, especially when cosmic consciousness is missing!

“ Without Cosmic Consciousness, human are nothing more than blind robots acting out their natal stars.” Dr. Turi  

Armed with such reliable wisdom, not only science and famous doctors, but also the police, the FBI, the CIA and the NSA would gain so much insights into the working of the human psyche in all their investigations.

A physician without a knowledge of Astrology has no right to call himself a physician – Hippocrates (ca. 400 BC).

But sad enough, my psychical work is much too advanced for the mind “experts” to realize its extreme potential just yet. Thus I can only use my lifetime cosmic work for my students, patients and clients looking for the answer to what it means to be human and the reason for their existence.

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

The more I write my articles, the more I realize the main reason for the human suffering. I am convinced, the greatest mistake of all, is the lack of curiosity and the drive to “cosmically” investigate one-self and the potential offered by the stars and signs regimenting their lives.

So many depressed people are at the verge of suicide, many have given up hopes, hopelessly looking for the way out of their misery.  Their depleting spirit can not regenerate anymore and seek relief with legal/illegal drugs alcohol or deceptive religions.

A cosmic God must be quite pissed off at the grandiose idiocy and lack of curiosity cursing the majority of his children who are blinded by fear and ignorance.

Had Pistorius been allowed to investigate and acknowledge his Plutonic identity as a child, he may have been able to apply his will and easily control his deadly Scorpius personality. But this did not happen and the results are dreadful! 

The same reasoning apply for all the past, current and future criminals (including Adam Lanza) which are all the victim of the US Department of Education reluctance to acknowledge God’s subtle cosmic design influencing all human beings.  

The essence of education is stimulated by controversial, original, far fetched topics like mine, purposely challenging the establishment and all its accepted conventional disciplines.  

Students from all walks of life are depraved of such spiritual, regenerative material, something they desperately need to survive and make sense to the world they live in. 

How can a child swallow 2000 years of human evolution, master all rational topics without knowing anything of his spiritual cosmic identity? And you wonder why our children are going crazy, kill each others or commit suicide?

The educational system should  not decide, nor impose any form of restrictions with education, because the purpose of science is to disprove claims that can not be justified. All the better for science at the end, prove me wrong if you can, but let the students make that discovery. 

Nowadays kids are not stupid and more than ever concerned with Charles Darwin and his theory of human evolution and natural selection.  Why would science education resources on the  evolution of the “cosmic spirit” be contained or sought as ridicule? Its again the law to deprave them of my life work and just because they know nothing about it!  

I can guarantee you, if any college or university had me to talk about the cosmic code, ALL my classes will be FULL! But how can I reach those children and all School Boards Executives, when the majority are cowards, unwilling to take a chance and better our children education? Right here in Phoenix, “a  very pious friend of mine” own such a position and still ridicule my work! She even insisted to be removed from my list of educated moronic people like her! 

Should I give up because she is an non curious idiot in a position to constrain the children spirits or should I fight harder to prove her and the US Department of Education they are wrong? 

If you are a teacher, simply mention to your students exploring the cosmic code secrets or Astroforensics and see the response… Then invite me to talk and you’ll be amazed of the results, because I can guarantee you,  the kids will want much more… 

My work is read by thousands of people from all walks of life, if in any way, shape or form if you can help me with my quest, please let me know how to proceed and submit Astroforensics / astropsychology in all colleges and universities.

My teachings are well organized with artworks softwares and powerpoint presentations. When will the scientific community finally realize I am not a psychic, a guru or a Neptunian , but a different breed of rational, practical scientist? 

 I am impressed by the concerned, smart and curious people joining my Cyber Cosmic University every day, many are into education, mental researches and own a position that could make a significant difference in proposing my expertise. 

It take a very courageous soul to challenge the system but it is only through extreme challenges, originality, ingenuousness  and total dedication that my goal can become a reality.

The world will become a better place when my cosmic works is finally accepted as a solid discipline and taught to all the children of the world! 

Shameful Waste Of US Children This is becoming the norm’ — but will anything change? NEVER Unless…

I am into this battle since 1991 and while only a handful of people helped me all along, I wonder when God will finally offer me the break I need to upgrade humanity psychical welfare…

Billions of dollars are still wasted in erroneous scientific researches, isn’t time for a change in the American spirit?

Indeed changing the world’s perception of the divine is a mission some of you can help me to achieve!  Please ponder on my request and join me in the battle against fear and ignorance! 

Sharing Emails; 


yes it is big big news in this country.Many feel the judge has now opened doors for thousands of would be killers to be convicted on lesser charges.

We have been following this trial very very closely every day. Sad thing is the outcome to this will probably be a 15 effective year sentence as max is currently 25 I believe for murder one.

They will take into account he doesn’t have legs and everything else sad to count in his favor and he will be out in five years or less…….if he ever ends up doing a single day in jail.

First time offenders also get lenient discounts on sentences and the saddest of everything is because he has money he will buy the best place in prison eat take away meals watch satellite tv and possibly have a cellphone smuggled in also.

Is he going to pay for his crimes? I very much doubt it also he has been offered a book deal already and a movie deal will probably see to it that he ends his days in comfort anyway.

Scorpio Brian from  South Africa

Blessings to all my readers

Dr. Turi

Obama waste $100M to unlock mysteries of the brain

Show your support join my Cyber Cosmic University

What does the world say about Dr. Turi

The Magical Power of Talismans!


Big solar storm heading toward Earth predicted by Dr. Turi a year earlier!


 The gravitational forces that move all galaxies is a scientific fact;   But the greatness of the spiritual cosmic manifesto is yet a mystery to science and humanity at large. God’s enslaved all his children to uncover his cosmic  Divinity and with it,  a life filled with health, love, safety, warnings,  respect, peace and harmony for all.

— Dr. Turi

Big solar storm heading toward Earth

 NASA and Mars deceptiveness!

Check October 2014 SOS to the world predictions results too!

Check November 2014 SOS to the World predictions results too! 

Dear readers;

Yes this is another unarguable fact, and it is not the first time that I announced space events well before NASA experts saw them through the Hubble telescope! “Blood moon returns and Dr. Turi’ SOS predictions.

But only if you bought a copy of my 2014 Moon Power, or if you are a VIP will my claim be justified and appreciated! 

“Experts say the combined energy from two recent solar events will arrive at Earth on September 13, prompting the Space Weather Prediction Center to issue a strong Geomagnetic Storm Watch.”

While science can logically explain what CME’s is all about, they still have NO clue of its spiritual and physical implications upon earth and its impact upon all its inhabitants!

 Indeed our solar system has a soul something Neil deGrasse, Chad Meyers and the entire scientific community seems oblivious of and slowly acknowledging through my steady flow of cosmic code newsletters. 

Full moon may disrupt may Dr. Turi says it does

“The energy from those two CMEs is heading toward Earth. Space weather experts aren’t sure yet what this solar storm will do. “This is a pretty strong solar storm and we just won’t know until it gets here” what it will do, said CNN Meteorologist Chad Meyers.”


2014  Third SUPERNOVA window –  From 09/28/2014 through 10/31/2014 results!

Not only did I give you the exact timing for this Supernova window but, at the bottom of this article, you can read all my expectations during the period mentioned above! 

It is important for the reader to realize those dates were published last year, making me well ahead of traditional science, especially with earthquakes predictions. 

Author says earthquakes are predictable, Dr. Turi did so since 1991!

Ridiculous science and correct prediction of big earthquakes and next volcano eruption!

California Deadliest Earthquake Exodus Prediction

Higher Education: Matrix Brainwashing 101

In fact, the date of one of the most powerful solar storm ever was offered in one of my TV shows, but my accomplishments never impressed the stubborn cosmic unconscious scientific “experts!”   I can not help wondering, faced with so many facts, what excuses the skeptics will come up with to deny the conspicuous?

Dr. Turi on William Shatner’s TV Show
Discovery Channel – Dr. Turi’s Predictions

Thus, in my endless drive to help and warn my fellow human being, you will find below, a sample of one of my 2014 forecasts generated from my “Cyber Cosmic University” to my VIP’s. 

How more self evident science can be? In no way will they take any chance at all, because, unlike me, they do not know anything about the spiritual conception of our local solar system! Sad enough, my cosmic wisdom and confidence is often mistaken for an ego trip by the envious young souls depraved of real wisdom…

“Space weather experts aren’t sure yet what this solar storm will do!” 

Telling you some solar flares are about to hit earth only a few days before without further explanations is a total WASTE OF TIME for society tax “investment.”  Its like telling you a big meteorite is about to hit the earth next week!  What good this announcement can offer us if there is no other explanations or expectations of its impact? But we already know that one for sure, we do not need NASA to explain further for sure!

To me,  the well read Space Weather Prediction Center experts are the 40 year old kids making up  the generation of Born OCD, where the essence of the spirit is non existent and must be automatically ridicule!

But be sure of one thing readers, the supremely wealthy scientific matrix will keep sucking your taxes offering you NO valid “cosmic” explanations you can use,  when I do a much more reliable job, and all for free!

But do you think science would ever consider sharing some of this huge financial pie with me to serve you better? Absolutely not, remember all my work is a wasteful ridiculous pseudo-science! Or is it? You’ll be the judge if you do your homework to realize I am real and worth reading… 

There are millions of cosmic unconscious Americans endlessly traveling the world, and many will perish in natural disasters, planes accidents and forecast-ed pile up accidents on many US roads.

Those taxpayers NEED real timely warnings, such as the detailed ones you are about to read from me later on. Millions will be stuck in airports, forced on the ground because of volcanoes eruptions, bad weather and “impressible Acts of God” they were not prepared for!

But like the scientific community, much of humanity is not aware that; there are NO accidents, only ethereal circumstances unknown to them all…  Who’s to blame anyone when the cosmic conscious teachers were never there to teach them and my cosmic work still rebuffed by the American Department of Education?  

Planning your life outside of the cosmic code jurisdictions is the same idiocy as playing Russian roulette readers! Its just a matter of time before you pay the price of your ignorance!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order” Nostradamus

But while I am offering you those warnings, WHO, when the supernova end on 10/31/2014, will bother to return to this article to read the compilations of news to get the final confirmation of my predictive work and legitimacy? 

But I know human own a very short span of attention, mostly because many are mentally lazy! And this is why, as all will transpire and end on CNN news, I will be there, all along to refresh your memory.  Then when all is said and done, as usual I will keep a solid well documented record for your eyes.

I know my lifetime work can only benefit the wiser older souls and the children of the future, but I am also aware that; my cosmic God will lead many inquisitive people to get real answers from me… 

The well established scientific matrix mindset is too far gone, deeply stuck into its concrete “educated” inclinations and this stubborn spiritual pride and deplorable attitude can never be changed. They simply and truly believe they know better than a 65 years old man, just because of their academical background,  that’s all!

How can Dr. Turi knows better about space science when he was not part, nor graduated from any accredited college or university?  If you really want to infuriate those mentally rigid, spiritually dry people  talk about UFO and watch them explode like a geomagnetic storm of stupidity! Them alone exist in the for ever space and them alone know better because they are “educated” and non gullible!

There is so much those young souls have to learn about the cosmos, space and endless   extraterrestrials colonies readers and all they need is time…

Even with the obvious presented to them with my work on earth, and a mean to honor the word science by investigating my claims, many will hide their ignorance through their silent grim and ditch behind the word ridicule…  

While born atheists, skeptics, agnostics and scientists alike reject religions and their impractical false Gods, the chances for them all to grasp the practicality of a real cosmic God is also being rejected.

There are times where I wonder how long it will take for today’s scientific community to stop throwing out the baby with the bath water!   

Indeed its a miracle for curiosity to survive education… Meantime I hope you will pay attention to my warnings. share my work with your loved ones and friends and acknowledge God cosmic divinity through my efforts to levitate your psychical vibrations to a higher level of cosmic perception.

“Let who ignore my warnings be cursed by the eternal rites of the cosmic code ceremonies for a cosmic God does not speak to fools…” Dr. Turi.



Mercury Retrograde Explanations

There will be three major negative SUPERNOVA windows in 2014. Each destructive “window” is operational for three to four weeks, thus caution is strongly advised during this period.   Chain reaction accidents, Heavy loss of lives due to nature’s devastating forces, aeronautical disasters and structural damage is to be expected. Once more realize that I do not use traditional dates found in popular ephemera. Years of practical observations lead me to extend the Mercury retrograde motion and period of time.

 2014 First SUPERNOVA window – From 01/30/2014 through 03/05/2014

2014  Second SUPERNOVA window – 06/01/2014 through 07/06/2014

2014  Third SUPERNOVA window –  From 09/28/2014 through 10/31/2014


Concentration of negative celestial energy approaching Be extremely prudent in driving, Celebs survive weekend car crash and expect chain-reaction accidents. Be prepared for delays, – strikes, miscommunications  nature destructive power  

Lava continues to flow into Hawaii town

and awful weather, including hurricanes , Hurricane strands tourists in Mexico  – volcano eruption .

Volcano erupts in Japan


 – ‘Volcanic unrest’ shakes California – Bardarbunga volcano eruption – ‘Critical’ alert issued for volcano zone – very large earthquakes  –  GUAM REGION Magnitude: 7.1 and 6.7,  and tornadoes. Tornado rips through neighborhood  Tornado rips through neighborhood –

The same energy that produced the Titanic disaster, miscommunication, the Northridge, Los Angeles, and Kobe, Japan, earthquakes is approaching again.


Scary, damaging, costly but real predictions hit Dr. Turi’s home!

Double-check all your appointments, and if you can, postpone sports events, traveling and flying during this Supernova “window”. 

  Maui Marathon – Car Plows Through Crowd at Starting Line 

May the world should read my predictions and pass them on? 

Communication and electricity will be cut off, miscommunications and misunderstandings will become obvious.  $680,000 home built on wrong lot  $680,000 home built on wrong lot– Ohio Walmart video reveals moments before officer killed man on cellphone – Kanye West Sydney wheelchair misunderstanding  Embarrassed: Rapper Stops Show Because These Fans Won’t Stand!

General loss of power is to be expected. Appliances, computers, telephones, televisions, planes  – 4 killed after plane hits building near Wichita airport  – 2 dead after midair collision  2 dead after midair collision  – 1,950 Chicago flights canceled – Propeller breaks 13,000 feet in air  Propeller breaks 13,000 feet in air – JetBlue’s engine ‘exploded’ *2 Navy jets crash in Pacific, trains, cars, $680,000 home built on wrong lot Toyota recalls 1.75M cars  buses, Semi hits college bus, kills 4 – Crash kills 3 on school bus  – Freak accident kills hero bus driver  Freak accident kills hero bus driver – Driver crashes into mom, daughters  Video all of these “tools” will be negatively affected by this cosmic energy. They will be stopped in one way or another.  Deadliest disasters in Himalayas  Deadliest disasters in Himalayas – Lights should’ve warned pilots   BUT THEY DID NOT! They were OUT OF COMMISSION!

The people and their affairs of the past will make the news –  

12 anchors, 12 inspiring journeys – Join CNN’s anchors as they embark on emotional journeys across the globe to discover never-before-known details of their family trees. Talk about visiting their past! All those famous talking heads are also cosmic unconscious…

More people and affairs if the past!

Dr. Sanjay Gupta: Pay the past a visit?

 Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps arrested AGAIN on DUI charge  – New jurors for Jodi Arias retrial  New jurors for Jodi Arias retrial – Miley Cyrus twerked  – Boko Haram willing to trade girls? – 30 years later, Cosby sweater still rules – Clinton in Iowa; Fresh start or deja vu? – Mayweather: No pictures, no proof  Mayweather on abuse charges and will reenter your life. Expect trouble with the post office, education, students, strikes, prisoners’ escape, Prison warned of breakout plan? newspapers, broadcasting industries and computer viruses may bother us again.

 Note: Regardless of Dr. Turi’s expectations posted on his website for the second time and his desperate attempts over the years to make NASA officials aware of dangerous Super Nova Windows, the Columbia was also launched during this window and re-entered the last night of it producing the death of all courageous astronauts.

Many  failed mission and expensive electronic equipment (Mars probe etc.) and our tax dollars have been wasted because of the scientist’s lack of knowledge of the stars. As usual NASA, which is not aware of the science of astrology, will waste their time and our tax money with failed missions due to bad weather and electronic malfunctions. In the name of ignorance a few years ago, in the Challenger explosion seven astronauts lost their lives when NASA launched the shuttle under a “Supernova Window”. 

On what was to be a resupply mission to the International Space Station, an <a href='' target='_blank'>unmanned NASA-contracted rocket</a> exploded seconds after launch Tuesday, October 28, on the coast of Virginia. The launchpad was damaged, but no one was injured.

Unmanned NASA rocket explodes

Witness: Space tourism rocket explodes in desert

The True $$$$$$$$$$pirit of NASA

Marine life sharks, whales etc may also beach themselves due to Mercury retrograde affecting their natural inborn navigational systems.  – Rare Shark Feeding Frenzy in North Carolina? Dangerous Universal Ignorance!  – Whale dead after beaching in Tampa Bay area – All these malevolent predictions and waste of lives and equipment do not have to occur. Those predictions do not have to affect you directly as they unfold. Instead, they are printed to prepare you for setbacks and frustrations, thus advising you to be patient and prudent during this trend.

There is no room for ignorance, and those who are not aware of the celestial order, including the NASA space-program management team, will continue to pay a heavy price. In all mankind’s affairs, ignorance is true evil. Why any scientists who are against my research do not honor the word science, which is based upon solid investigation, is solid proof of mental snobbery. By omitting any physical or spiritual laws can only bring penalty; for science’s purpose is to explore all possibilities, even those laws written in light via the stars. 

Check the full results of a Supernova window

Dr. Turi Predicted Tropical Cyclone Phailin on George Noory Nationa…


Mercury, the planet regulating general communications, transportation and all moving parts now in its retrograde motion. This mean, a chance for the people and affairs of the past to comeback into your life – Roma family in Ireland, daughter reunite – but to also experience all sorts of problems, on the road and in some cases death! I-10 closed for crash with multiple fatalities –  89 killed in India temple stampede  – Mercury will try all he can to stop you and all moving things!  and ALL you are trying to on earth in the water Craft capsizes off Miami; 4 dead or in the air – Spirit Air passengers delayed 12 hrs. – 2 killed in crash of vintage aircraft – Plane blows engine, lands on road – 3 killed in medical copter crash – Plane full of skydivers crashes – Parachutist dies at Florida air show –  Dozens reported killed in Laos plane crash – Wingsuit flier Victor Kovats dies after cliff crash horror  –  Passenger lands plane after pilot falls ill –  L.A. airport has ‘small evacuation’  –  Obamacare site is a disaster  – Glitches could kill Obamacare  – Computer Glitch Blamed For Nationwide EBT System Shutdown On Saturday – Two 747s nearly collide Two 747s nearly collide  NO skeptics this does not happen everyday! 

SHARING EMAILS FROM Beauty Mind & Spirit 

Hi Dr. Turi!It’s been a long time since we’ve spoken. This is Kari Tribble! We knew each other years back. I have always been a supporter of your work. I am currently making beauty videos on YouTube and I’ve started a zodiac makeup look series and within the videos and on my blog, I am recommending that people go and buy my favorite book from you (I Know All About You). I hope this helps bring more people to you and that it continues to do so over time.

You touched my life and many others. I want to do this as a gift and a showing of gratitude for your inspiration and impact you provided me those many moons ago.

I hope you are happy and doing well.

Feel free to pass along my YouTube videos if you’d like.

Here they are:

GRWM: Zodiac Makeup Look for Cancer:

GRWM: Zodiac Makeup Look for Virgo:

My Beauty Blog:

Sincerely with hugs and love,

Kari Tribble

Public notice

Hello readers;

I intend to do a live presentation soon for my VIP’s where I will divulge what is in store for the world for 2015 and do personal  birth sign predictions for the attendance . You must become a VIP to attend and get the exact date and time of the meeting –

Please visit – Do not miss this extremely important meeting, you will learn a lot!

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi

Show your support join my Cyber Cosmic University

What does the world say about Dr. Turi

The Magical Power of Talismans!


L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

listen to my latest radio show, check the next one

Dr. Turi Cosmic Code reality show 

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 


Dr. Turi Live 2015 Predictions For The World


Hello readers;


2015 Predictions – Racism, Ebola, ISIS, Nostradamus Neptunius Religious Draconis Universal Predictions


I intend to do a live presentation from  soon for my VIP’s where I will divulge what is in store for the world for 2015 and do personal  birth sign predictions for the attendance .

You must become a VIP to attend and get the exact date and time of the meeting – Please visit – Do not miss this extremely important meeting, you will learn a lot!


Dr Turi

NFL Star Ray Rice, What Really Happened That Fateful Day?


“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life.  Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom.

~ Paracelsus


Ray Rice elevator knockout video

This incident took place February 15th 2014 at the Revel Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City — after Ray and then-fiancee (now wife) Janay Palmer got into a heated argument on their way into the elevator. 

Dear Readers;

Like all other cosmic unconscious celebrities who suffered the same fate, had Jay Rice read my warnings for February 15, 2014, he may have been able to apply his will and save his career.  

We all know that; in the battle between emotions and reason, powerful emotions will always win and, as seen in this case, all parties will lose!

Before explaining more on what really happened on that fateful day, read the “cosmic” translation. 

Memo from 2014 Moon Power –

February 2014 Daily Guidance and Predictions

Famous Personalities: Some famous people will find themselves in difficult situations. Some will try anything to get the attention they need. Eccentricity is in the air and could lead to the use of force and involvement with the law.  Under this lunation Pop star George Michael was arrested for lewd conduct on April 8 1998, in Beverly Hills California:  On that day, the news reported that pop star George Michael, the British-born heartthrob whose hit songs include the too-hot-for-radio “I Want Your Sex,” was arrested on suspicion of committing a lewd act in a park restroom.

Like millions of unaware souls, Jay and Janay Rice were totally unaware of the cosmic influences regimenting their emotions and their destiny on that particular day.

Sad enough, non cosmic conscious human are oblivious of the celestial phenomenon above and many are still reluctant to heed the “signs.”  All human can do is to;  neurotically  and subconsciously act out the pull of the stars and pay a very heavy price for not knowing in the process!

“ Without Cosmic Consciousness, human are nothing more than blind robots acting out their natal stars.” Dr. Turi  

Again readers, for the sake of human intelligence, I do not know how it is possible for anyone to lead or expect a safe, productive life without knowing anything about the cosmic code jurisdictions! 

Its like asking a pilot (you) to fly a complex airplane (your life) without any form of aeronautical education. There are maps and rules that must be acknowledged and respected in both the physical and spiritual worlds! 

Without cosmic education, the plane may never take off or will surely crash and this is what happened to Ray Rice, his wife and countless of negligent, non curious human beings. 

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

On that day, Jay Rice broke not only man’s laws but also the laws of the Divine. The rational mind can only wonder of the reasons for him to do so, and they are are endless i.e.  ego, jealousy, Janay’s aggressivity or may be the use of drugs or alcohol steering powerful destructive emotions? One can only speculate! 

But ask yourself, if Jay and Janay could turn the clock back to remedy by reading the cosmic laws and my warnings for this day, do you think they would pay more attention to the signs?  You bet they would, but as usual it is a bit too late!

The chances for Jay or Janay or his friends and family to read this article depend on so many factors but God has a plan for all of us, and it is quite simple, learn to acknowledge and respect his cosmic will or pay the penalty! 

Indeed there are no accidents readers, only “acts of God” induced by so many subtle cosmic circumstances only wiser souls can perceive.  Something humanity is slowly learning through my dedicated spiritual work.

You may not be rich and famous readers, but you are indeed much more blessed than all those unaware celebrities who are trapped into a very demanding physical world jailing their overloaded spirits. 

You can ask me to explore your cosmic identity anytime and aim for what God will always endorse and protect you with. Jay and Janay did not have this option readers… They had to learn the hard way!

So what is cursing Jay’s UCI? Why after working so hard  for so many years to reach  the NFL and  notoriety, God crashed everything? What is it that Ray did not know that cost him so much?  And what Jay could have done to avoid his karma and such intense costly pain? 

Guess what readers, it is all written in the stars, but Jay did not know how to avoid such a dramatic fate because he was too busy kicking a ball entertaining millions of people also trapped in this physical world! 

They are a few cosmic elements at play here, but first acknowledge reader, back in February 15, 2014, the revealing Scorpius Draconis was in charge of the world, but Jay did not investigate how this dragon would affect him personally!

Jay never read my warnings and did not know this deadly dragon was cruising through his 10th house of career! He had no idea  of the cosmic code jurisdictions and on February 15, 2014, this dragon KILLED his career.

Of course the young souls can only understand the ball game, and to them this astro mumbo Jumbo make no sense because they can not relate to a higher spiritual vibration. But my work is more for the smarter curious members of  our society blessed with above normal intelligence.

If you need more facts about my claims, all you have to do, is to spend $5.00, get my 2014 Nostradamus Personal Dragon Forecast, for  all signs, then read your forecast and the one for souls born in February like Jay. 

A $15 buck investment would have saved Jay’s from shame, maintain his great life and the millions he now has lost! After so much trauma, I am so worry about Jay’s  psychical welfare and the suicidal thoughts that follow such a devastating experience…

He did not know then that; this particular dragon’s purpose was to EXPOSE anything, everything that should have been kept secret. I am sure you remember the news blasting CNN!  Feds, IRS, FBI Secrets Divulged! the  IRS unfairly targeting the tax-exempt status of conservative groups during the 2012 election, the Benghazi dilemma etc.  

The 23 set of predictions I generated for 2013/2014 is still posted on my website  at – All you have to do is to scroll down to read what Jay should have read then and pay attention to my warnings!

“Show me a curious person or an avid reader and I will point out a winner!” Dr. Turi

Ray Rice was born January 22, 1987 with his natal Dragon in Aries (like famous boxers Foreman, Mayweather Mayweather: No pictures, no proof  Mayweather on abuse charges and Laila Ali etc.  The UCI of many famous sportsmen, military figures and leaders are ruled by  the competitive, aggressive planet  Mars.


His combative UCI lead him to own a place and a name in the NFL.   Mars the ruler of Aries is dignified (very strong) and also placed on his Lucky Dragon’s Head furthering his life’s accomplishments. 

Scepter from the Power of the Dragon

Key words for a positive Aries Dragon’s Head 

You are a genius, an inventor, a leader and you spent time in the military

You have plenty of desire and you were born with an adventurous spirit

You have a lot of vitality, a good self -esteem and you are lucky in sports

You are true to yourself and with others

You are intelligent and competitive

You are a true diplomat and born a true ASTRO)-psychologist

You are magnetic and exciting

But what Ray did not know is the nefarious power of his Dragon’s Tail in Libra (partners/contracts/the law/marriage) made him extraordinary vulnerable to any domestic dispute if the cops get involved.

As a rules, this dragon is very unlucky with partners and contracts and any disrespect of any man made or cosmic laws can only bring a very heavy penalty to his owner! Who can deny this fact with Ray Rice?

His natal moon (emotions) is also located on his negative Dragon’s Tail making him very emotional and susceptible to any form of injustice.

Neptune, the poisoning planet is cursing his first house (self) making him prone to addictions even suicide. 

Sad enough I also warned my readers about the 2014 Arian Draconis aiming for specific signs and the children…

Memo from Heil Hitler Arian Draconis; “This dragon is ruthless and invasive and will directly affect souls born in October (Libra)  and April (Aries) or those born with a moon, rising, natal or hidden dragons in those signs.  

Consequently, Ray became the victim of both dragons and all started the day he lost control of his emotions and knocked out his wife to be…

While I do not know anything about Janay’s cosmic nature, it seems her  natal UCI is incompatible with his, but again Ray never asked for any of Astropsychology services, a   VIP session or  a comparison chart to find out how they would interact with each other… If you own such a Dragon, it is a must for you to do some intelligent investigation and avoid its nasty tail!

So many people are consulting traditionally educated psychologists, psychiatrists,  relationships experts  and marriage counselors. Others adhere to famous doctors reality or radio shows, but in many cases,  those young well read souls, while dedicated to help young couples, lack the true cosmic wisdom needed to provide real understanding and long lasting solutions to their clients. Very often, after a while,  the situation between two people get’s worse!

Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Dr. Deepak Chopra , NeildeGrasse – ARE YOU A TRUE GENIUS?

Anyone born with a Dragon’s Tail in Libra like Jay (and I) is set to attract only the best or the worse in any type of relationships and set to find a soulmate late in life after a few divorces.

Indeed knowledge is power, ignorance is evil! The less you know about you and your partner s’ cosmic identity, the more troubles is to be expected! 

Do not become the next victim of this powerful cosmic scheme reader, do not let your fears or religious convictions stop your spiritual ascension towards the consciousness of God’s cosmic divinity. 

A little investment can save you millions, even your life but I can only lead you towards Godhead if you ask for it and take a chance to gather more wisdom.

Anyone born like Jay with the Tail of the Dragon in the career house is DOOMED, unless you pay attention to God’s cosmic jurisdictions!

Anyone born like Jay with the Tail of the Dragon in the sign of Libra is DOOMED to attract the wrong people and capitulate legally with contracts unless you pay attention to God’s cosmic jurisdictions!

Astroforensics of the future is a legitimate science the majority of my clients attest and endorse, and those people are not my “victims” but accomplished very smart and educated!   

I can only hope one of Jay’s millions of fans will bring this article to his attention and offer them the peace of mind and understanding they so desperately need,  because my cosmic God has a plan for all his children… 

You are a child of the universe and you have a karmic reason to be, all that did or will happen to you is already written in the stars! That is if you let the worse of those stars take over your life! This is exactly what Ray, Janay and billions of people on earth have to learn, often the hard way!

Remember if you are a VIP, or if you decide to join my Cyber Cosmic University you can get an unlimited recorded Skype session for $275 instead of $700.

  my website does not offer any discount! Call Terania 602-265-7667 or read all the directions on how to proceed at the bottom of this article if interested! 

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi

Show your support join my Cyber Cosmic University

The Magical Power of Talismans!


L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

listen to my latest radio show, check the next one

Dr. Turi Cosmic Code reality show 

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 


Prince William Princess Catherine and the UK Fate – A very worried Queen!



From Helga Rossner Is another prediction from Dr. Turi  long ago coming to bear fruit, see the following article:… 

Recovered article published 09/15/2012 – let’s go back in time readers…

Dear Readers:

Yet again one of my prediction came to pass…but now what’s next for England or the young unconscious Royal couple the British royalty and the British people?  The pictures you are looking at are the pictures I saw with my 3rd eye November 25th 2010 when I wrote the predictions you are about to read AGAIN! Make the most of them, save them, pass them on to the world and be warned…

Irish newspaper publishes topless royal photos

Memo from prediction page 2: The century’s old man made King/Queen status and its entire snobby privilege selected children will see the beginning of a crumble induced by the humanitarian “all equals” energetic pull of the New Age of Aquarius.”  England is a Capricorn country and will undergo the same changes where many of the members of Royal family will experience dramatic experiences. The Royal family may also suffer a death by malady or accident.”                                 

                                            Britain’s Prince Philip Taken to Hospital 

November 18th 2010 – CNN – Royal engagement reveals less deferential, more meritocratic Britain.

But the fact is the British Royalties and celebrities  from all walks of life and from all corners of the world are a also a part of the 99.09% of an unconscious mass depraved of Cosmic Consciousness and I wonder how many of them read my warnings?  Things do not happen by accident and when the (predicted on Coast to Coast) biggest earthquake in the UK for nearly 25 years shook some homes across large parts of England  ENGLAND Unusual Earthquake Location I saw this a a really bad omen for the country! I saw another red flag when I read those news then…

“The fortune-tellers, at least, must have seen it coming. The biggest overhaul of consumer laws for 40 years takes effect on Monday, tightening controls on everything from door-to-door salesmen to children’s advertising.”


“there are no accidents, only cosmic circumstances unknown to science and the world at large” 

How do I challenge those people? by making specific predictions for their own country and have it posted on the Internet for ever giving them the option to do what the reader is doing today…Going back to read what I wrote before CNN posted on their website…

I sometimes wonder how people like Mister Millmore or James Randi would really react if they were to follow my and work and unarguable predictions like all my faithful readers do…Would they change their mind facing the obvious or what would they invent to deny the obvious? Like the majority of skeptics,atheists and agnostics born young souls they are only misinformed or to stupid to admit defeat…Are You An Atheist? – Religious Or Atheist?

 William, Catherine on high stakes mission for UK Inc.

“On the ground they also have backup from local diplomatic missions. The costs of (scheduled) flights and security alone will easily go into six figures, and most of this expense will be met by the British taxpayers.”


So here it is readers, and old newsletter I wrote for my VIP’s back April 29, 2011- Enjoy another obvious prediction and be prepared for the future…If you know anyone in England let them share this and hopeful my warnings will not be wasted…

Just Married! the Beginning of the End!

Wishing the British young souls the best of  “protection”

Prince William and Catherine Middleton, now the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, are leaving London’s Westminster Abbey after exchanging vows.

But the fact is they got married during a waning moon (negative) in Pisces (deception) Aries (war). Well now there is NO doubt in my mind that the Royal Family is as informed on the Cosmic Rules as the rest of the 99.09% of the British population.

Religions, power, greed, control took over God’ celestial essence and universal purpose, the karma I foresee for the British family is already in motion for ignoring, consciously or not the Cosmic Code regulations.

Most importantly, both kids were born with a Dragon’ Tail (karma) in Capricorn (politics) and the UK is a Capricorn country. What does this mean for their country,  themselves and the Royal family’s future?

It means a wave of dramatic events is ahead for them all and could have been avoided had anyone of them owned Cosmic Consciousness or read my book 2011 Moon Power. One of the most powerful and wealthy country in the world is about to undergo tremendous, tumultuous, karmic interior political changes and this is why God chose this young couple to put an end to the Royal family centuries of  “political” abuses  – Call it karma at work… 


Indeed human will “contract” themselves or elect their Presidents because of fame, physical beauty, super wealth or because they were born great “Talking heads.” Yes human, ignorance of Divine manifestation, stupidity and envy is deceptively contagious.

And as they did with Charles and Diana “love story”  the world will run to the next British masquerade, not knowing they have been done for centuries by the British privileged selects few powerful abusive hierarchy. And David Icke sees them all turning into lizards? OMG!

In the absence of Cosmic Consciousness; science, conspiracy and religious imagination have the wrong answers. There are no accidents just cosmic circumstances the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive.

– Dr.Turi

The fact is the “regular” human (status means nothing naked morons are everywhere) cannot make use of a latent perceptive gift and will be forced to pay the price of ignorance, all they can do is live and enjoy the “Royal” moment where Neptune the planet of deception rules.

Yes all those celebrities, Moguls, Kings and Queens rule your lives and NONE of them can see or hear God in action and this make them as important as the next door dude  in the eye of reality and God himself.


The ugly truth of how Princess Diana’s demise came about will never be divulged by her born Scorpio and Scorpio Dragon’s Tail killer husband. Note all those malicious/deadly energies are right into Diana’s 5th house of love, romance and children…

Indeed all the cosmic signs are screaming MURDER and revealing to me an extremely jealous, sarcastic killer husband instinct where POWER, EGO and GREED rule his deadly Plutonic world. If he could; his own Mother would be dead right now and she is punishing him for his previous deadly deeds by refusing to step down and offer him the throne.

But the world would rather forgive and forget the real ugliness of the “future King” representing the true face of the English Monarchy and hidden agenda. All I can tell you I spend much of my youth in the UK and all the British I know and love are truly incredible people…The best memories I have are from England while I can’t stand the web depressive Capricornus weather.

Doomed By The Stars! The Fate of the UK Prince William and Kate Middleton

If you think Charles is happy about his son’s wedding you must be again in a world of dream reader and if he was to successfully dispose of one family member, who and what can stop him doing the same with others?

Yes Scorpio mean POWER but born with the Tail of the Dragon in this sign Charles is CURSED to never really enjoy true power. Makes you think people; just because I can see pass the public unconscious dance of madness and ignorance I can assure you those two kids are in serious danger…

Sad enough both of them as predicted can only tarnish the Royal image and bring back luck to England in the long run. What they really should do is to escape the lime light, enjoy the wealth they landed on and disappear from the face of the earth in a life of total secrecy. Because both of those kids have no clue of their karmic destiny and how it will play out for the future of England and the Royal family legacy. It is indeed a curse to know so much readers but like them or any other human being I am doing my part…

Yes time will tell, just make note and save this newsletter (published April 29, 2011) because as much as I was right in predicting Diana death to the day, those two kids will NEVER be happy in the UK and will never ever bring anything good for the old secretive, powerful English Monarchy or Charles himself.   I can only hope William and Kate Dragon’s Tail (dangerous) in Capricorn (reflecting the Snobby British Monarchy) will be stronger than Plutonic Charles’ natal Dragon’s Tail (negative) in Scorpio (death/secret/drama) and will not “dispose” of them by yet another “accident.” Remember a Plutonic soul (Charles)  will stop at nothing for power and time will tell who’s right. 

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi




This newsletter was posted to the world 11/25/2010 the original is still here – The Fate of the UK Prince William and Kate Middleton but some pictures are missing and needed to be updated.

Dear reader:


Prince William and Kate Middleton set date and venue for wedding

 London, England (CNN) — Britain’s Prince William will marry Kate Middleton on Friday April 29, 2011 at Westminster Abbey in London, the royal family said Tuesday, ending a week of speculation about the date and venue.

Prince William and Kate Middleton’s union is quite an interesting karmic relationship designed to mark the end of the British Monarchy especially when the powerful couple wed during a waning *negative moon.

Again being royalties, rich and famous does not mean being knowledgeable or aware of the power of the stars upon the fate of this young couple and their country. I may sound redundant to some of my readers but I doubt very much the new Cosmic Code readers took the time to read all I wrote over the years about England’ stars.

Thus this repetition is a must to bring all the readers up to date to how the United Kingdom relates to the Cosmic Code and God’s higher order.

Now we could take for example both the Pope (representing God on earth) or the honorable Dali Lama but the fact is those supposedly wide men do not possess Cosmic Consciousness and I doubt very much their aptitude to see God in action via the stars or even “read” the signs the way I do to heed my readers.

Knowing the fact that ALL religions and their leaders have lost touch with the divine (the Cosmic code and God’s universal will) there is absolutely no chances for the young couple (or anyone) to be advised properly and respect the Universal rules as to work in harmony with God’s creation and be blessed with a wonderful long lasting marriage such as the one Terania and I are committed to.

The only difference between the royal couple and us is pure, real wisdom and the blessings of God himself for respecting the universal rules, especially the moon’s fluctuations.

Moon Matrix Lecture (PHENOMENAL)

Getting married, buying a house or starting an important business without knowledge of the stars and the moon is like a farmer planting his crops in the middle of the winter and expect a fruitfullest harvest. The farmer has learned, a long time ago to work in harmony with nature (the seasons) and the moon.

In fact the peasants under the tyranny of all previous British Kings knew better then their abusive rulers, at least as far as the moon is concerned. Note also that many rich and famous people have paid the price of their ignorance by behaving like robots of the stars and paid a heavy price for their lack of Cosmic Consciousness.

Only yesterday I was watching television where the French President Nicolas Sarkozy, born with a Virgo rising could not help himself to be extraordinary rude by calling some journalist “pedophiles.” Little does the French President know about the worse trait of a Virgo which is its legendary sarcasm and this lack of awareness means his ineptitude to apply his will to control his tongue, especially during a waning moon period. Indeed a very bad habit that lead many young Virgo to souls to pay the price by destroying their relationships but when it comes to politics diplomacy is golden and Sarkozy’s sarcasm could cost him drastically.

Thus how come the Leader of any nation, the Pope himself or the honorable Dali Lama and the royal family can control others and their country using supreme wisdom, when they can not even control themselves, know themselves or the Cosmic Code or God’s universal will? And you wonder why this world is such a chaotic, dangerous jungle?

The royal family says it will pay for the wedding Cameron: Government will meet any wider transportation, security-related costs Westminster Abbey has close ties to the monarchy

DT Rebuttal: The royal family says it will pay for the wedding: I think the British Hierarchy can afford it with the trillions of dollars stolen from many countries including countless African diamond mines using the local as slaves.

England is a Capricorn sign (the goat) chosen by Christianity to represent evil or the devil’s head) and this zodiacal sign rules engineering, building, politics, the snobs and all that related to structured power, high class of super achievers and indeed politics.

The English’s genius is its organizational, structured legacy left in all the countries they once ruled and controlled, i.e. India, China, etc. Note that France, the US and many other advanced countries did and imposed the same “political structure” thus I stand for no one when exposing the truth about both the strength (structure) and weakness (use/abuse) of this particular zodiac sign.

Again I am talking stars not politics because it is the greed and abuses of the Plutonic party in power then that are to blame to take in consideration the interests of their countries first at the expenses of their uneducated trusting victims.

Much like the naive native American trusting the white man that with time exterminated their cultures, livelihood stole their land and forced them into reservations in their own country. Thus anyone born with a very strong Capricorn will be politically oriented, an engineer of some sorts and a system “manipulator.” For your information French President Nicolas Sarkozy was born a Capricorn, with a Capricorn Dragon’s Head while Hitler shared the same Dragon axis.

I am not exactly sure how the current British population feel about the millions of their tax dollars wasted in previous failed royal “love stories.” I wonder when the Queen of England will realize that her respectable, snoby, stable generation is log gone and kids will always be kids suffering their often incompatible UCI – i.e Price Charles and Princess Diana.

Yes to those readers who never read this newsletter, Prince Charles nasty Dragon’s Tail (karma/pain/suffering) and Sun in Scorpio (jealousy) was located in Princess Diana ( a cancer) 5th house of love and fatal attraction. Scorpio rules also total power, extreme jealousy, control over others, sex, death and the mafia resulting in the well planned murder of Princess Diana.

Where ever Scorpio or resides in your chart death and drama can enter your life and Diana died in the name of her children and a jealous lover. Like O.J. Simpson (a cancer) Charles’ famous status and money saved his butt but there is no difference between Princess Diana and O.J Simpson fate really.

One killed the lovers because of jealousy and for the children, *Prince Charle, the others were killed because of jealousy and for the children, O.J. Simpson. While this Astropsychology “essay” makes total and unargable sense to any of my students, other readers may lack the basic understanding of the old science to fully grasp what happened in those cases.

Thus my students realization of removing such a powerful detecting tool from the mass by the Iluminati to keep the human spirit jailed into deceiving religions and endless televised entertainment.

DT Rebuttal: Cameron: Government will meet any wider transportation, security-related costs: Again how much tax money will have to be wasted before the British national pride and respect for the Queen (and all her privileged select) fades out?

When another public costly divorce circus takes place with Prince William and Kate Middleton the very disillusioned British population will finally realize that those souls are only humans with the same shortcomings than any other English citizen, with the only difference that their precious tax dollars has once more been wasted with out of this world extravagances.

Little do the English people and the British hierarchy know that both Prince William and Kate Middleton were born with their natal Dragon’s Tail in the karmic sign of Capricorn and what terrible impact this celestial affliction will bring to the ” English Royaume.”

Furthermore Kate Middleton was born with the Sun (soul’s purpose) and the Dragon’s Tail (negative) in the snoby sign of Capricorn and she will (behind close doors) influence greatly the Prince’s decisions. The Prince receives the nasty Tail of the Dragon in his 7th house of marriage/contracts and the public’s perception while his wife to be receive the protective Head and moon on her marriage house.

As a rule Capricorn marry people either much older or much younger than themselves and born the same year this union is not only calculated but very karmic in nature. But what is worse is both Dragon’s Tails of the young couple are in serious conflict with Prince Charles which will never agree in anything and everything his children with say\think, or do in any of their political or family views, indeed this union is totally against Prince Charles wish and will.

But unless you become an astropsychologist and build cosmic consciousness you will never be able to face and see the truth as it is. Incidentally both royalties were also born with the moon (home) in Cancer (the US/France) and will probably either spend most of their lives in those countries or even forced to live there.


DT Rebuttal:Westminster Abbey has close ties to the monarchy: Actually the Westminster Abbey would never exist or better was “created” by the Monarchy, the oldest, biggest most impressive structure (Capricorn) is a perfect place chosen by those born into wealth and influence to seal their fate.

Knowing the tremendous world wide publicity of yet another royal popular wedding can only bring more attention to the dramatic failing numbers of Church attendance in the UK and this is also well planned of course.

According to a tradition first reported by Sulcard in about 1080, the Abbey was first founded in the time of Mellitus (d. 624), Bishop of London, on the present site, then known as Thorn Ey (Thorn Island); based on a late tradition that a fisherman called Aldrich on the River Thames saw a vision of Saint Peter near the site.

This seems to be quoted to justify the gifts of salmon from Thames fishermen that the Abbey received in later years. In the present era, the Fishmongers’ Guild still gives a salmon every year. The proven origins are that in the 960s or early 970s, Saint Dunstan, assisted by King Edgar, installed a community of Benedictine monks here.

When I first investigated the charts and UCI of both Prince William and Kate Middleton I immediately stumbled on the location of their natal dragon’s tail in the sign of Capricorn and a very strong uneasy feeling came all over me for the UK. Knowing that Hitler’s was born with the same Capricorn Dragon’s Tail and knowing his main concern was to eradicate England from the map I became much more aware of the damage BOTH Prince William and Kate Middleton’s Dragon’s Tail would, in time do to the country itself.

Relationship with Prince William – Middleton’s unsubstantiated status as the girlfriend of Prince William brought her widespread media coverage in the UK and abroad, and she was often photographed on her daily outings. On 17 October 2005, she complained through her lawyer about harassment from the media, stating that she had done nothing significant to warrant such publicity.



DT Rebuttal:Indeed a true Capricorn STRIVE for notoriety and her excuses about “embarrassment” from the media” is nothing else than a CAPRICORN well planned move to gain MORE publicity and fame to further her own future agenda. After all dating a Prince is a sure ticket for attention and just in case the young fool wakes up to her manipulative, cold, calculated ways she already made her move towards fame.

The proof is quite obvious for if she did not LOVE fame she would have put miles between her and the Prince’s love or chose a less glamorous modeling career? Often the obvious is too much for normal people to see the fact even right on their faces… I teach my students that where ever Capricorn is in your chart one become extraordinary astute, cold, calculated and will not hesitate to use or abuse others to climb the egotistic ladder of status.

Do you know anyone born in January that never tried to get anything for free or manipulated anyone for personal gain or position? With the Dragon’s Tail and the Sun in Capricorn, Middleton is a master manipulator in disguise set by her own fated karmic stars to attract wealth and power. Remember “the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought and a magnet will not attract a piece of wood” thus the “accident” or the circumstances took place and set perfectly by the law of attraction. After a while near the Prince, using her beauty in accordance with a protective waxing moon, and/or a perfect lucky dragon date the job was done!


Builder of the greatest towers

Holding all the social powers

Striving to climb to the highest peak

For honor has no place for the weak

I am CAPRICORN, child of Saturn

Like Princess Diana stole the light from Prince Charles, she will do the same with her husband all to satisfy an enormous Saturnian ego believing she is above all others humans, exactly like Hitler thought of himself; superior to all his entourage.

Again all I can do is to point out how the stars operate on people’s psyche and actions and expose the plain truth as it is, passing the thick wall of deception. But Prince Charles’ phenomenal scorpionic perception saw the entire game unfolding (an encore) and secretively tried to discourage his own son against such union.

But little does he know that Kate’s Dragon’s Tail terrific karmic attraction is simply much too much for Prince William to ignore or fight against and her endless tricks to get pregnant ASAP may already have brought its fruits. A reminder of how cleverly deceiving Capricorn can be to reach the top of the mountain and gain both power and recognition.

Meantime Prince Charles saw in his son his own karmic unavoidable attraction to departed Princess Diana. Again the beauty of Astropsychology is that I can see and hear what God is saying about his children best and worse traits through the Cosmic Code rules and the creator does not lie to me. Once more my gift is to expose anyone, everyone through the Cosmic Code rules from celebrities to close friends.

I have nothing against Kate or any of my friend for that matter I am just translating God’s celestial rules and exposing the future of people and nations.


As much as Hitler’ stars were extremely dangerous to England, so is Kate and Prince Williams combined fated Dragon Tails and not a single member of the Royal family including 99.09% of the world’s population is aware of such drastic celestial forces at work.

Translating honestly such karmic astrological influences may bring quite a lot of resentments against me from souls depraved of Cosmic Consciousness or Neptunian people living/wishing/dreaming the lives of such celebrities.

If the past has proven me right with the Royal family’s predictions so will the future and no one wants to digest or even accept an horrible future. I do not know anyone who would be pleased to be compared to Hitler don’t get me wrong, but please remember the references I useMUST not be taken textually but as STARS/ dragon references only.

And the fact is many people will not be able to do so and assume the worse about me when all I am doing is translating the fate and stars of UK royalties. In no way this “essay” means a total lack of respect or sensitivity to the British people but the truth (as I perceive it through my own UCI ) never intended to please anyone, period!

After all my god friend David Icke has his own feeling and rough words for his own country men and so do I with sarcastic French President Sarcozy.

The wedding date is set for April 29th, 2011 during a waning (short lived) moon when the future Dragon will be cruising the dual sign of Gemini. My vision is quite clear and enunciate a split or at least serious problems for the young unaware couple that will come public in May / November 2012 / 2013.

The future Royal break up is unavoidable and could be the result of Prince William’s natal Dragon’s Tail (negative) located unfortunately in his 8th house of death in the sign of Capricorn. Furthermore, Kate Middleton’s own fatalistic Dragon’s Tail in the same house of death predispose the unavoidable demise (and hidden political reasons) of her husband to be future demise.


The same circumstances that plagued Princess Diana are at work but I am a bit too much ahead in time for my vision to be accepted, MEANTILE MY BOOK MOON POWER GAVE THE EXACT DAY of her “accident.”

With so much power, fame and wealth involved, the cold calculated winter Capricorn latent feelings become frozen and are easily replaced by greed, ego and political manipulation to climb even higher the ladder of shame.

Hitler’s cold and calculated ascension and abuse of power is a perfect example of a soul born with the same Dragon’s Tail than Kate in the sign of Capricorn. But as much as the soul is timely allowed to manipulate others to build its highest selfish pyramid, karmic Saturn always sees to it at the end and like the German Reich, crumble everything right down to the ground…

Prince William and Kate Middleton’s fated union has a much bigger and deeper purpose for Britain and the world at large than many souls can presently comprehend but this unfortunate union marks the beginning of the end of a very deceived English Higher hierarchy where the altruistic Aquarian pull will begin to bring down the Leo egocentric self absorbed golden tower.

The future has always been my most trusted witness and all I can wish is to be wrong and all my readers have to do is to wait and see the fated future of the Royal family unfolding per God’s ultimate celestial will order… Lastly the rich and famous ignorance of the Moon and awareness of their lucky/unlucky dragon dates and lack of Cosmic Consciousness does not stop there…There is only a fatalistic price to pay for ignoring God’s signs….


Melbourne (ANI): Twitter went berserk following an appearance by Harrison Ford on a US talk show with claims he was drunk. Fans speculated that the actor was ‘drunk’ or ‘on a high’ during the show, reports Ford looked blankly at host Conan O’Brien during the interview, slurred his words and contributed no more than one word or one-line answers.

First the great actor was born with a heavy karmic Pisces (drugs/alcohol/movie) Dragon’s Tail and this mean being eating alive in such an glamorous deceiving acting environment. I often mentioned that while the head or the Tail of the dragon can be both positive or negative, working on the Tail of the dragon can and will take your life away…

Pisces is a water sign but the most significant point in Harrisson UCI is his Sun in and natal moon in Cancer becoming under the full power of the moon.Gee Mr. Harrison and 99.09 % of the world are not as lucky as you reader because they never will get the real answers of what transpired that evening and worse never got the option to download my FREE 2010 Moon Power. Did you get your copy yet to check on my claims?


Thus doing an interview on his hidden dragon’s tail drunk is the worse thing the famous actor could have done for his career and popularity. But as mentioned before being rich and famous does not mean true happiness or enjoying true wisdom and this is where my reader must realize that those very powerful, wealthy celebrities are NOT as lucky as any of my readers for the rare wisdom I am offering them for FREE is actually priceless.

Furthermore if you take the time to watch the show, note the phrase Harrison Ford used “its meant to be there IN YOUR FACE” and watch the FULL MOON behind him in the studio decor, indeed there are NO accident even on a TV set but one must be as perceptive as I am to SEE THE SIGNS!


“Knowledge is power ignorance is evil”

Are you dating when you feel like? Are you traveling when you feel like? Are you gambling when you feel like? Are you signing contracts when you feel like? Are you buying or selling when you feel like? Are you signing contracts when you feel like? Are you looking for a job when you feel like? Are you crossing an intersection when you feel like? Are you ignoring a red light or a stop sign when you feel like? ARE YOU INSANE?

  • What about knowing and using the EXACT dates of each months in 2011 where the beneficial Dragon’s Head will endorse all your moves?
  • What about knowing and planning alL your endeavors in harmony with the protective Dragon’s Head and succeed in all you do?

This new system I discovered has been tested over and over again and is fully guaranteed and this service is available to you right away via email attachment.



TO ORDER any of my service click here 


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You are absolutely forbidden to talk or ask any question at all during the INTRODUCTION. Doing so would break down my channeling for your become a receiving recipient where an avalanche of information and predictions will come your way. Put it this way I have more answers for you than you have questions and that is a fact!

There will not be a single area I will not talk about from your past lives to three or four years ahead of you. I also give very precise month and explain your natal and hidden dragon impact by house and sign.

This means for a long period of time and without any interruption (only to breeze) I will pore ALL that you need to know into a tape. Material, books or other 90 mn audio tapes I judge necessary during the channeling for your well being and cleansing will be shipped the very next day to you. There is no time limit due to some cabalistic and subconscious teachings/cleansing and the ever so accurate amazing Astro-Tarot work performed.

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Question? Help?  (602)265-7667