Nostradamus, Jesus UFOs and Dr. Turi



“The universe is under no obligation to make any SPIRITUAL sense to anyone”  Dr. Turi

Dear readers;

Religious and atheists souls are engaged in a war of ignorance that will destroy them both! Dr. Turi

“God is an eternal, universal cosmic energy referred appropriately as “Dark Matter” by science and faith by Christians!” Dr. Turi

“Nostradamus tells us that in the Last Days all his prophecies will finally be proven true.  Unfortunately it will be too late for them to benefit anyone in a highly skeptical and doubting modern world.  The Seventh Millennium of mankind’s civilized existence on this planet witnesses an age of high technology and amazing scientific achievements.  God and His prophets are soon relegated to a rather insignificant position in a world more concerned with following its own path to perfection.“

But how rare is a real Prophet? 

Recovered re-edited article.  Published Oct 6, 2012

You can act and look like Elvis, you will never sing like him…

First and foremost one must realize that I am NOT bashing any of my colleagues, I am simply responding to a request and exposing the truth as I perceive it through Astropsychology. Like I did many times with famous and infamous people, including David Wilcock, George Noory, Oral Robert, Haggard, James, Ray, Sean Morton, David Icke, Richard Hoagland, Tiger Wood, Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders  and so many others.

I am only answering another request from one of my readers wondering about the legitimacy behind the work of John Hogue and other modern prophets.  DO NOT THROW THE WATER WITH THE BABY and please do not assume anything just yet!


I am not the “ONE ALL KNOWING” because all roads leads to Rome but some are misleading routes! Using Astrology and my 3rd eye through channeling, I am only exposing the human nature suffering the Cosmic Code jurisdictions.

However, to this day, I remain shy to expose publicly the truth about Draco the ET’s embedding my spirit to a mass of people not ready nor able to understand what a true Prophet or an MJ12 is all about.  

Indeed it takes a very special soul, and a deep curious mind to depict the incredible, mystical almost impossible truths I represent!  DA VINCI: WHO DID MEET NOSTRADAMUS

July 1987 – I am Alien The Final Revelation

For me, to be born like Nostradamus in Provence France  and my connection ET’s and the great Seer is not an accident.  But when I associate myself or expose my mission as similar as the one of Jesus I get fired from radio and create a vile animosity into those blinded by fears, ego and envious of my cosmic gifts…

 “Jesus say to his disciples “go to the town and find the man with the WATER PITCHER, the sign of Aquarius to follow the sign of Pisces…”

The above biblical quote was emailed to me years ago by a devout Christian Christianity who raised his cosmic consciousness by reading “Judaism Islam Astrology & The Dead Sea Scrolls”  I was born February 26, 1950 in the constellation of Aquarius (The water bearer) with my Sun in the sign in Pisces.

Read more Killing Jesus “Les Prophecies” and check also Art Bell and Jesus.

Things that are buried in the long forgotten past ALWAYS come to light and all I am doing today is to bring forth more cosmic awareness and some facts about John and some others to the reader. 

Now on to my old friend John Hogue “expose.” 

Cosmic Code Reply  by Wyatt

Dr. Turi:

John Hogue, a well-known Nostradamus scholar, keeps predicting that Obama will win the election. Is he trying to mislead us? An Obama 2nd term is clearly the wrong path for America and for individual freedom, and I cannot imagine another 4 years of lies, deception, and failed leadership.

I am confused and need your reassurance that Romney/Ryan will carry the day and deliver us from this tyrant in office now. The stars are the truth and, hopefully, John Hogue is a poor interpreter of Nostradamus’  quatrains.

You are my guru, but Hogue presents a strong case. Is he there to test our faith in the stars, as he is so adamant in his perceptions? Our leaders care nothing or know nothing about Cosmic Consciousness, so who is going to win…Obama or Romney?

Hello  Wyatt:

First realize that I am not into politics nor religions Wyatt, my expertise is to investigate the human UCI and post the news before they appear on CNN. Thus I am endorsing or supporting NO ONE because as a French citizen I can not even vote.

All I can do is to warn of the stars and fate of unconscious politicians, friends and Foes all prone to make us, suffer the worse of their fate.

My answers – John  Hogue like “David Icke, once upon a time were good friends of mine and knew each others for many years. Note also while David and I were fighting I made a prediction for David that came to pass… Read it!  John and I were very close he even printed my name in one of his biggest books on Nostradamus and David was a guest on my radio show. 

About  20 Years ago or so John ended up on a TV show with Dolores Cannon and I.  She is now gone, may God bless her soul… His hatred for Dolores was understandable, because the old Lady operate on a Neptunian deceptive base “imagination” and does not share his more well read, educated “scholar” wisdom.  

John and Dolores have been invited many times on the Nostradamus’ effect TV series over the years but they never ever mentioned my name nor asked for my participation.  While I do not appreciate the way I was treated then does not mean John or Dolores work is a total waste of time! Far from this, the same apply for anyone mentioned in this article! 

Its more “personal” if you know what I mean and the truth always comes to light with anyone, including myself if you can find it! Good luck to you, I am legit all the way and as clean as a whistle!

In fact John Hogue and Dolores Cannon first TV show with me nearly 20 years ago was because I mentioned their names and recommended  them highly to the producers… 

Thank you for returning the favor John and Dolores… More on other TV shows – Nostradamus’ Curse! 

However John, Dolores and so many “prophets” and New Age teachers are NOT cosmic cosmic conscious Astrophiles, and we are indeed worlds apart psychically! John is a phenomenal Nostradamus scholar rational professional student Sagittarius soul.

Dolores use intuition and imagination but one thing sure, while their fabulous work is judged by their followers, BOTH lack cosmic consciousness. While this does mean anything to the majority of my readers, it is the core of what makes a real Prophet! My expertise is similar than the one used by Nostradamus in the 16th century in deciphering people’s sins and virtues through the stars! 

Nostradamus Galleria  – Read about Nostradamus’ curse

Again, this does not mean these people are all necessarily idiots unless you just choose to be but their own respective repertoire of wisdom is “set” to magnetically attract only the people that vibrate at their low cosmic speed, especially the atheists scientists eternal students (John Hogue)  or the Neptunians born (Dolores Cannon!) Those who vibrate at Terania and I cosmic speed  or our ( students) are curious and not stuck into the codification of thought or religious or scientific books!  This makes people to hate me and stimulate the conspiracy against Dr. Turi

If you are too real and too good at what you do, the insecure opposition will eliminate all form of access to their websites, facebook pages and bash your good name all over! Spam is usually the favorite word used by those insecure, unconscious soul…

Much like David Icke scaring the hell out of anything representing any form of structural / governmental  power, his followers “vibrate” of suffer the same “fear of power.”  Indeed the fate I saw for him years ago happened, karma is very real!

But while well read, those people can not “cosmically” auto-analyze their idiosyncrasies and become the full reflection of their unconscious cosmic identities through their professional endeavors… And totally oblivious of this fact! 

John like David and Wilcock are like millions of other people who read and heard  my predictions, and my interpretations of  the Curse of Nostradamus  on George Noory Coast to Coast am radio show and may not like the undiluted truth I represent.  George Noory I must say is the only one who has and probably will always endorse my work and legitimacy but it seems has forgotten his good friend Dr. Turi!

Blame it on the secret services unwilling to hear or discuss anything about my predictions involving President Obama unusual, shocking death!

At this point all I can tell you is what was said on CTC,  and in all my radio and TV shows… the stars then did not support President Obama re-election for 2012 but the human will is stronger, something I knew but not totally convinced.

The stars do influence the human psyche to a certain degree,  but the human will (or the part of God in all of us) is much stronger than the stars! However the children are more susceptible to act out their UCI and this is why it is important to educate them all on their karmic sins and virtues! 

Thus this particular  election was obviously and totally rigged, especially only a few days after Hurricane Sandy messed up all electronics and the entire East Coast! Note also Mercury, the planet of communication was retrograde then, ADDING a serious dose of confusion and manipulation to the elections!

But it is only if you are cosmic conscious that this “astro/jumbo” will make sense and how many of you took my home course to master the cosmic code? 

This is  a very sophisticated code that remove ALL possibilities for errors and all lies! And you wonder why the religious matrix is forbidden astrology and the realization of a real cosmic God? 

John’s “prediction” was totally rational and correct to say the least, and he did not consult NO stars  before or after the fact because, like Nostradamus and I,  he is not an Astrophile ! The elections took place during the same type of SHOCKING window as the one we experienced in August 2014 following a serious storms that messed up all electronics used to make the outcome of the election.  But George had John instead of me that night on his show because his “prophetic” work can be easily assimilated! Mine demand you to use your brain, compare facts, study, compare, while John is pure entertainment! 

I also warned George of  the high possibility for Obama’s assassination on his CTC show, thus my chances of being with George on the air again is quite remote. Unless you bug the hell out of him and his producers, maybe or not he will ignore Dr. Turi and his undeniable predictive skill! 

George Noory

Lisa Lyon Producer, Coast to Coast AM

Tom Danheiser Producer, Coast to Coast AM

I was also surprised to hear about John mentioning  Osama Bin Laden was the antiChrist  when I had his chart posted to the world for years on my old website making it obvious that he got that information from me.

THE SAD REALITY IS ONE OR a GROUP OF MY INTERNET ENEMIES POSTED MY BOOK ON THE INTERNET MAKING IT AVAILABLE FOR ALL TO READ AFTER I SPENT YEARS WRITING THIS BOOK AND GOT NO REWARD FOR MY WORK!  All I can tell you who ever this person is or people are is will have to deal with some serious induced karma and I can guarantee you there is no escape from a cosmic conscious master!  Astrology and Witchcraft, should skeptics laugh or not?

OSAMA BIN LADEN THE ANTICHRIST Please scroll down to page 117 to read all about his UCI.

And God Created the Stars – Page 116 – Google Books Result

“Someone famous people may also meet a sad fate in the water!”


The End of the Age of Pisces/religion/deception and mental abuses has arrived!


From 2011 Moon Power (Note the book was published 01/01/210 and the predictions made June  2009. More unarguable predictions for 2012/2014 are there for you. Who’s real Prophets offers printed predictions you can refer to if you do the mental work? 

All one has to do is to  investigate the date of John’s “prediction” because it was made prior to September of 1992  when Shawn Morton asked me to write the  stars and fate of Osama Bin Laden for his magazine. Don’t even bother to dig reader, trust my words, I know I am the originator and I am only clarifying a few more things that’s all… While I never disliked Shawn Morton he likes me regardless of what I wrote about him! He seem to understand me better than all others for sure!

Indeed its a “rat race” out there where legitimacy, integrity and friendship is replaced by  supreme competitiveness, and as always the penalty will be for me to yet, lose another insecure “friend” who forgot to mention Dr. Turi’s true connection with Nostradamus’ and used his work… 

Meantime one can only appreciate John for sticking his neck out and make the logical “prediction” for President Obama re-election. But in my case I have to stay and transcribe the stars faithfully because the stars do not lie!

I can honestly say this was my first “failed” public prediction, but with time, I will be proven right because the stars do not lie! I have learned more about the human will overriding the cosmic code and to this account, I can only thanks John for allowing me to realize, at nearly 65 years of age, I am still learning more about astrology and my cosmic God!

This failed prediction reinforce my awareness that humanity is not doomed and God did not place us all on earth to experience a suffocating end.    

You will notice if you Google anything, or “John Hogue Dr. Turi” much of your requests will take you nowhere. This could be very frustrating for some readers… However ALL that I ever wrote and will ever write in the future will be sealed in my Cyber Cosmic University for all brilliant minds to explore!

All you have to do is to become a VIP and show real support for my work, and for your smart move, I thank you in advance.‎ posted to the world June 12, 2013  



German/Vikings Skin Alike
Black and White Red Blood 
Fire War Violence  Passions Rule
God No where To Stop Fires

  Hitler’s Evil spirit reborn


KKK steps up its recruiting efforts  – From NY to Texas, KKK recruits with candies and fliers  – “Only fools will deny the reality of my predictions today!” Dr. Turi

“Show me a family of readers, and I will show you the people who move the world.”―  Napoleon  Share this link Pls

“This dragon is all about IDENTITY and RACE  and will induce many reform with emigrations, build walls between the US and other countries and revamp ALL that involve emigrations and foreigners moving to the US.”

Update 09/02/2014 – Asylum seekers, including children, are transported by immigration officials to a court in southern Thailand on March 15.

Asylum seekers, including children, are transported by immigration officials to a court in southern Thailand on March 15.

(CNN) — Thousands of migrant children, including newborn babies, are being locked up in squalid and cramped detention facilities each year in Thailand, enduring serious physical and emotional harm, according to a new report.

Does the story above remind you of our own US borders situation? With the only difference that American own a HUGE heart and will never let the children suffer needlessly!

70,000 Kids Will Show Up Alone at Our Border This Year. What Happens to Them?

Since I offered my visions and predictions involving the rebirth of “Hitler’ spirit” I mentioned so many times this current Arian Draconis is also aiming for the children, the Army, the Navy  and so far all my predictions came to pass. 

Remember readers, I am not bragging not tapping on human suffering, I am only offering you undeniable proofs of its worldwide impact and seeking your help.

Memo: “This dragon is ruthless and invasive and will directly affect souls born in October (Libra)  and April (Aries).   Mars “The Lord of War” will rule the world, imposing huge fires, danger, conflicts, large accidents  and will induce dramatic news of death and aggression. This dragon is also aiming for the soldiers, the Army and the Navy”

Once more, I am asking my world wide reading audience to share this link , to post  it everywhere and promote our work as to try to help humanity to understand how powerful God’s cosmic will truly is. 

But why God would be so punishing with children you may ask? And this is where the real problem is because; the adults, the parents, the rulers or 99.999% of the world is not aware or purposely ignore this cosmic fluid and subconsciously react to it…

“Human are nothing more than blind  spiritual robots of their natal stars.” Dr. Turi 

Both science and religions have lost the essence of God and this is a fact many people reading my work are wondering about… The religious matrixes aim is to control the masses, offer a form of “mental disciplines” to keep order so they do not kill their rulers.

The scientific matrixes lead by A Generation of Born OCD, can not grasp nor distinguish the divine because all they know about the spirit start and finish with the deceptiveness of religions. Then again, it pays to keep quiet.

Indeed the deep psychical Neptunius damage (religions) and inability to adhere (science) to a structural, well designed spiritual purposes lead to a formidable never ending misunderstanding from both parts. 

But if both the scientific and religious communities are unable or unwilling to exit their comfortable zones, the gap between the physical and spiritual manifesto will keep growing and with it, more misunderstanding and conflicts.  

This is why giving up on the parents (and the US Department of Education) is not an option because the current system is designed to breed more cosmic unconscious sub-human dedicated to tear themselves apart until the competition is exterminated.  

This is very much what’s going on currently with ISIS forced “education” upon the children compelling the world to take drastic actions. 

The world is on fire who can deny this fact?  The 2014 Arian Draconis fuelling the evil spirit of Hitler, racism, wars, disagreements, deaths, aggression, invasions and general discord reign supreme on earth! And all the lost children are acting upon his pull…

ISIS militants teach one of their children how to deal with infidels.


  • How can you replace two thousands years of misinformation about God?
  • How can you make humanity aware that God is a cosmic entity speaking his will through the signs and the stars? 
  • How can you re-educate the masses on ONE unconditional omnipresent cosmic God humanity as a whole will agree with?
  • How can you perform such a miracle when the evil of ignorance glorifying false Gods reign upon the world?

Yet the Neptunius Riligius Draconis is not allowed full power just yet!




Neptune Lord of Religious Deception Rules
Fear Water, Drowning Fire Black Blood
Dreams Reality Conflicts Poison Mad Spirits
All False Gods Lost Children Join To Kill

All the keys words and detailed predictions will be posted in my Cyber Cosmic University and offered to all my VIP’s soon

This is a great opportunity offering you the chance to convince even the most skeptical souls on the planet because, while we are currently a ridiculous minority, when presented with the facts, most human are forced to evolve psychically. 

Innocent children are paying a very heavy price and each time you help me convince another reader to join my Cyber Cosmic University, you crucial involvement play a very important part for the human race as a whole. 

The more people build cosmic consciousness, the more understanding of the forces above and with it the option to rebuild faith for the future.  Most importantly, the awareness of the power of God we all inherited must be acknowledged and used constructively.

You must never forget reader, YOU have been at the image of God, in fact you are a God in training on this dense physical world and in no way, will the religious matrix teach you the power you truly own to alter the course of humanity for good or evil!

This is a video that MUST also be acknowledged and shared because God is offering you the chance to apply this power to better your own life and service humanity at large. 

Even in great sickness and the incredible challenges I am facing daily, Terania and I are still totally  to the mission for all children of the world, including yours and your concern is important while I can still work. 

In no way, after reading so many of my well documented, dated, printed predictions would any intelligent human being refute the reality of my God given gift (or curse!)

While there are totally putrefied irrecoverable evil souls among us lashing at our work and I, those young souls need more time to exit the cancer who consume them…

But the same very lost souls, once upon a time was like any of my current VIP’s, aiming for the truth and the reality of a cosmic palpable God.

 But it is only through steady repetition and total dedication (Dr. Turi King of Spam) that real results can be achieved. 

Again I understand the less psychically evolved human being is naturally mentally lazy and easily distracted, still trapped into the entertainment, religious or scientific matrixes jailing his spirit. NO one has or will ever save the world with love and religions alone… There are and have been millions of brave Jesus’ soldiers sacrificing their lives for peace since man first walked the earth. 

America is worse today than yesterday. I wonder if humanity has or will ever make any progress and stop all wars one day. Not the way ISIS,  the US Department of Education, the religious, sports, entertaining and scientific matrixes are currently proceeding today my friends! 

 There is only one missing link, the vital connection to God cosmic Divinity! 

Human are not all stubborn donkeys, but in order for them to upgrade their natal UCI and constricted mind, they must  first free the spirit and be ready to seek the answers I own… But how can you do so if they do not read my articles?

“Show me a family of readers, and I will show you the people who move the world.”―  Napoleon

Remember readers, you are living in a system loaded with greedy, controlling corporated supremely wealthy and powerful matrixes and to them, you mean NOTHING. Keeping your spirit jailed is their only mean for survival and controlling the information through TELevision is their astute imposed education. 

When I look at the unconscious masses I am really scared and wonder; if humanity does not change its current deadly course we may not even have 50 years left!  I see thousands of “nirvanic” young souls amassing themselves in musical concerts, in huge religious congregations, in political and scientific (atheist) groups where the true essence of a salvaging cosmic God is missing…

I want to be positive but possible only when Astropsychology or Astroforensic is accepted as part of the educational system that I will renew my faith for the future of humanity. And even then many will try to manipulate its ethics. Though we have our Cosmic Code cyber university and my work will always be there for those with good intentions. Yet fortunes are still wasted and always return in the same deep monopolizing “educational” matrixes pockets.

“For evil to flourish, all that is needed is for good people to do nothing.” – Edmund Burke

People should not be so arrogant and while my articles are widely read many choose to mute my cosmic wisdom as they believe they are  above humanity but the cosmic code is my witness.

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi 

Sharing emails:

Dr. Turi This is true. So many newer people have no idea how influential you have been “behind the scenes” all these years. many people steal wisdom from your work and then promote themselves with it.

Truth needs to get out…………


Thank you my friend I wish they could remember who taught them and honor the word integrity…So many people told me what their heard on CTC was an exact replica of my dated work and this Scorpius Dragon is designed to clean a few things up within the next few months…Glad you and I know…



Hi Dr Turi;

 Do you remember the email I sent you  a few months back about Hogue?  I asked a few questions in a private email and I shared my experience with this person. I kept an email he sent to me as I was so blown away at his talking down to me and assuming I was some new “new ager” who had just fallen off the turnip truck.”,; I kept it. I typed some words wrong without spell check,he assumed I was drinking,  he asked if I was drunk. haha

In my opinion he is and his ego, deception and in my opinion “Out right ego thinks he has all the answers person”. He is insensitive to the thoughts of others and his actions and words are condescending.

When I was still listening nightly to C2C and always when you came on, I would check in to his site because he  “Claimed ” to be the know all of Nostradamus. BUT your words and your predictions were the ones happening as you said they would. I became more acclimated to you and your site. I learned the truth quite a long time back

You sir, no matter when I have emailed you, asked a question, approached you at a gathering ( talk show in Tucson) I repeat no matter when; you have never talked down to me. You have answered questions, offered assistance when you could and that is the other reason why I still listen to you, pay attention to dates, flights and endorse you when I can.Not everyone wants to hear truth. Some prefer to remain in dark places. I appreciate your work on the planet and also understand the pull it always has on you.

Your 2/26 friend


DT – Thank you for your support Nancy, while Terania and I are swamped with questions for thousands of people we do all we can to take care of everyone properly. Note also how many books has John Hogue offered for free to the public? I did so since 1991 and this year I gave away two “2012 Moon Power”  and  “2012 Nostradamus Dragon Forecast for all signs” witch can be downloaded from my website 




From Tom;

Maybe Dr. Turi should a do a reading on the Federal Reserve Bank. I’m sure we would all get a very eye-opening report of the entity itself.

Also, I get unhappy when someone like John Hogue gets up and is able to be labelled a “Nostradamus” expert while the true expert, Dr Turi, gets completely looked over because of whatever reason.  Dr Turi has proven himself innumerous times and yet he still has to fight with people because they are too damn lazy to do their own research, or, they do “do” research with a bias that keeps them from seeing the forest for the trees.  Sooner or later, the Age of Aquarius is going to come ripping through and Dr Turi will be right there surfing it like a Hawaiian Spirirual Soul Surfer leading others to Cosmic Conscious with AstroPsychology and the Cosmic Code.  Besides, he does have a huge corpus of work that supports him too.


DT – Thanks for the accurate vision Tom and your priceless help.. all I need is the date of incorporation or the CEO/FCO DOB!


Dr. Turi;


The dragon’s tail, well on monday an obama donor scandal is coming…. The dragon’s tail, well on monday an obama donor scandal is coming….you were right again! LOL God bless you and your wife doctor turi….

DT- Thank you for your support my friend. Albert Einstein once said, “No problem can ever be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” If we are to put an end to the insanity that has a death grip on our collective sensibilities, then we all need to move to a higher level of consciousness before it is too late.


Cosmic Consciousness for the people.

This long -disappeared Art belongs to all the human living on earth

My God given gift is from God’s Universal creation translated daily for  you

God’s Art is for everybody and not just art buffs, historians and so-called God’s experts.

‘My God given gift is for anybody, it’s for people who wouldn’t or could not go to church or  any college or University

God’s Universal will shouldn’t and  cannot be locked away in temples, churches, libraries and beliefs printed by the human hand

“There is a tide in the affairs of men, when taken at the cress lead to fame and fortune”

One must plan in accordance to God’s cosmic will and Moon Power. This book is an indispensable tool that will help you manage your personal and business life with much success by empowering you with knowledge of the Divine forces. Adapting to the gearbox of the Universe and using this publication as a daily guidance is a sure ticket to enlightenment and a safe road to success.


2015 Nostradamus Dragon Forecast For All Signs Now available for $15.00 only! 

Did you check the current 2014 Arian Draconis impact upon the world? Are you wondering why the world is going insane and why humanity is enduring so much pain and suffering? You must know what the new 2015 Neptunius Draconis will bring to you, your loved ones and the world at large? Do not be fooled my friend, there is much more in the stars that what our infantile rational science can perceive… The cosmos HAS a soul humanity has been enslaved to uncover, heed and use!  

Dr. Turi



The following is a sample of one of the forecasts delivered each months to my VIP’s. But before reading more, let me explain why some misinformed people (and for good reasons) do not believe in Astrology!

Be aware, while there are billions of horoscopes to read from on the Internet, they are generated for “entertainment and financial purposes only!”

Those works have no value or real predictive effectiveness and are produced by young cosmic unconscious writers, trained and paid by the corporate owners of those appealing, well designed websites.

Those popular websites are designed by the “intertainment matrixes”  and dedicated to bring a bad name to the science of Astrology while making money through sponsorships and advertising  in the process.

Thus if you go there regularly to read your horoscope, you are wasting your time and certainly not helping my cause, because you will get WHAT YOU PAY FOR, or nothing truly valuable!

First the horoscope is widely generic and will always somehow make sense or touch you personally!  To generate a personal or universal precise horoscope, one must be cosmic conscious, something that took me 65 years to accomplish and I am still learning everyday about the Cosmic Code jurisdictions.

Second unless unless you give your exact DOB to the writer and let him/her check on your moon position, ten other planets, your rising, including your natal and hidden dragons’ location by house and sign, you are being deceived!

And with millions of gullible visitors each day reading their horoscopes, this is simply impossible!  Indeed there is a BIG difference between a $700 personal Skype consultation with Dr. Turi and a $1 a minute California psychic reading or you visiting those popular free astrology websites.

Its like you going to Walmart to get your bread or get it the old fashion way, where the gifted baker know all his clients personally and does provide them with the best of his creation. The above also explains why the majority of my clients, students and patients are not gullible kids and own a well above normal intelligence.

What Does The World Say About Dr. Turi?

Only a dry atheist mind or God fearing souls will deny the true values and undeniable predictions I offer the world. Mostly because they are not curious enough or unwilling to acknowledge the presented facts!

Or worse, their underdeveloped inherited UCI stimulate the  “subhuman” egocentric, idiotic character to defame and reject anything, everything using vitriolics…  I tried many times to reach those lost souls and the results are always the same when dealing with both cowardice and extreme idiocy! Rest assured no atheist care about anything or anyone but their blinded views…

“Reasoning with a donkey is easier than to change a radical extremist atheist mind!”  Dr. Turi

The account with username drturi and email is blocked. You don’t seem to have access to this page. Sorry, it looks like you don’t have permission to access this page.

Knowing this egocentric crowd is also extremely sensitive, in no way, (unlike them all) did I use profanities that could lead to the usual firing…  Thus this article is another attempt to breach their thick skull and reach a tiny dysfunctional brain while amusing my readers with my own sarcasm.

 Indeed deciphering, entering and making a good use of cosmic supraconsciousness to reach emotional, financial and spiritual stability through my services or my cosmic teachings,  is not for everyone…  All is that and that is all!

April 2015 Daily Guidance and Predictions
April 2015 Elaborated Horoscope For All Signs
April 2015 SOS To The World Deadly Windows
2015 Mercury retrograde periods – Supernova windows
2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Draconis Universal Predictions


You can only attract what you deserve and get what you really want if you mean business and use common sense. Unlike me, those popular websites DO NOT OFFER any form of proofs or generate predictions you can check on radio or national television.

This is why the “prophet wanna be” behave the same way and would never put the green where his mouth is. There is NO taking chances, only calculated safe risks! Exposing the truth is what I do best remember?

I am not buying my place at the top of all social media with my family’ name or wealth, but  I can only own your trust and faith through my dedication, hard work, legitimacy, honesty, integrity and my UFO predictive legacy!  And this is the difference you must make between Dr. Turi and others , in a fierce competitive world where the richer, not the real genius gets it all!  At least until God and the cosmic code decides otherwise…

 Indeed the conspiracy is as real as Dr. Turi’s work and predictions. 

Update  A DAY LATER!

Massive 400-Person Gang Brawl Breaks Out In NY Casino At Opening Of New Daiquiri Bar

Memo “Do not go public this week end, avoid crowded places…” This an omen, a prelude of what is to come because human are unconscious robots responding to the eternal dance of the stars above.

Something a dry atheist or fearful religious mind is unwilling nor able not comprehend. Those universal or personal *cosmic biorhythms  will become fatal for some during the upcoming SOS To The World.

While the religious matrix bait the gullible lost souls with endless advertisements ( and their pockets) on CNN “Funding Jesus: Who bankrolled Christ’s ministry?” my own undeniable cosmic ministry presenting a palpable Cosmic God is ridicule. My warnings are ignored by the same mass of unconscious educated/atheist and religious lost souls making up the majority of the world ready to crucify the Messenger of the Gods

““Because they are seeing, they see not; and hearing, they hear not; neither do they understand the voice of heaven.” – Matthew 13.13 

God have Mercy on your children and give me the strenght to carry on my mission to free them all from fear and ignorance…  Share pls, dont miss anything…

March 1st, 2015


Dear VIP Readers;

Remember many more people join the cosmic code website each day of each passing months and I may sound redundant to some of my readers!

Note: If you ordered  your  “2015 Cosmic Biorhythms,” do not expect those cosmic winds to be obvious in your life right away. Some people expect solid and immediate life changes during those periods and because of the rest of the stars placement, some of those experiences are much more subtle while other will be very obvious.

In conjunction with your “window dates,” make sure to heed all my SOS to the world warnings, especially those taking place after the Full Moon during 2015 Mercury retrograde periods – Supernova windows and during your Personal Cosmic biorhythms!   If anything good or bad will happen to you, it will be during those days and when all cosmic auspices  are aligned for or against you.

One need to practice patience and observations to make a good use of this new service.  If you do not see anything unusual during those windows, it is mostly because you are not yet trained to perceive nor realize the future impact of  those “insignificant” changes taking place during those dates.

But for Terania and I trained eyes, ALL our cosmic biorhythms, personal and universal never went unnoticed.   One must be patient, as it may takes months before you realize how crucial it is to be aware of those cosmic timings and how to use my new Astrological discovery.

The 2014 Arian Draconis  devastative war like energy is still cursing each passing day with more fires, more emigration disputes, more deaths, more racism and more human stupidity suffering the stars!

Only if, the entire world were to become totally cosmic conscious; then possibly peace, happiness and general security would reign on earth and this is why I am dedicated to educate the masses and battle the controlling news-media, religious and scientific educational matrixes through my Cyber Cosmic University.

Read more about the Moon Universal Laws.  Doing so will assure you safety and promoting my work will always brings you good karma and good surprises… Indeed for any action (good or bad) you will collect a reaction, this is an unarguable karmic law and, in this case only if you try will you be able to test my claim.

If you did not do it yet, get more information on what the 2015 Dragon will impose  to you at a personal level and think of offering it to your loved ones. The Dragon is as real as can be and starting the New Year with it is highly recommended for real guidance.

The world of religion is changing fast and with more people passing security and entering the White House I hope my prediction of President Obama (and Pope Francis’ assassination) to never come to pass, but all we can do is pray and hope for their safety.

The real option to have a true rewarding, exciting life is to be educated on the cosmic code jurisdictions and gain full cosmic consciousness.  If you are a newcomer please get to know about our work and by watching some of my YouTube videos posted on this page.

The price for the 2015 Nostradamus Personal Dragon Forecast is now $15.00 order now! 

Tell your friends to join us in 2015 and work in harmony with the Cosmic Code and God’s celestial will. Because this is what will make the difference between being at the right time and/or at the right place or even possibly being killed by yet another “Act of God!”

Yes knowledge is power, ignorance is evil and I am glad I can blow this vital cosmic fluid into your soul. Be smart, be wise, you are a child of the Universe and you need to learn how to hear, read and heed God’ signs… 

 “If you are not happy or something is missing in your life it is simply because you do not live your destiny as intended by God through the Cosmic Code” ask and you shall receive!

This forecast will touch everyone, please pay also attention to the current Moon transits as they unfold.


Read  and make notes of 2015 Supernova Windows

Plan your trips away from those dates and if you must travel, be very careful. I traveled the world during those windows and while I suffered frustrations, nothing really bad happened to me.  We always fly during  a waxing moon and on our good cosmic biorhythms.  Avoid 2015 Mercury retrograde periods – Supernova windows or purchase your plane tickets during a waxing moon or one of your positive Personal 2015 cosmic biorhythms.

March 2015 at a glance – Note this colorful calendar is not part of my “Divine Astrology” methodology work and used for rapid traditional dates/moon checking only.   The red dates should not be used as a part my SOS to the world 3 days windows (universal) or as your negative (personal) cosmic biorhythms days.

The following is the current monthly modern astrology  calendar complete with universal astrological information, including planetary aspects, void of course Moon data, and Moon signs. Note: Time is Eastern Time (Daylight Savings Time is observed). Astropsychology is very different and use no time, only for rising readings or Astro-Carto-Graphy relocation charts involving precise longitude and latitude. We always use the time you provide us with but Divine Astrology methodology is much more objective and undeniably accurate forecasting natural disasters and personal events.

 Full Moon — March 5, 2015 in Virgo: Be ready for the ending of a portion of your working life. Disturbing news is ahead of you, be ready to accept these changes, as you might have to service this world in a different manner. Life is never stagnant so learning to embrace change is part of the whole lesson. Don’t be too critical with your or other people performances. Naturally health oriented Virgo, Taurus, and Capricorn: this Full Moon will affect your mental processes and could make you prone to worry about your health.  If you were born with a Moon in an earth sign, this applies to you too.  Instead of anxiety or hurting your self-esteem, use this lunation to join a club and rebuild your physical figure.  On a negative note you can expect oil spills and aeronautic accidents, so avoid flying if you can.  Not a time to take chances, forestall signing important contracts.  To travel or start new projects, wait until the next New Moon.

 Lunation impact on all signs:

Aries – Don’t worry too much about your health; expect some changes at work soon.

Taurus – Don’t be too critical about a lover and don’t worry about the children too much.

Gemini – Planning on a move?  Don’t let your family put too much stress on you.

Cancer – Keep your imagination in control, no one is perfect. Paper work must be done.

Leo – Be ready to positively spend money on your health or your image.  Look good.

Virgo – Love or business may bring stress, don’t be sarcastic and you’ll be fine.

Libra – Some affairs of your past my surface, don’t nurture guilt, move on.

Scorpio – A friend may deceive you; wait a while for one of your wishes to come true.

Sagittarius – Career and traveling plans must be changed; next New Moon will bring joy.

Capricorn – Difficult news from foreign lands, don’t stress in any of your studies.

Aquarius – Money spent against your will, difficult news if your stars are afflicted.

Pisces – A business or emotional partner makes your life misery, clean up time.

Venus still in Aries: Time to use your head not your heart in dealing with love.  Aries is much too impulsive and impatient to look thoughtfully into others people values or motives and some young people will get hurt in the process. On a more positive note, souls born with this celestial signature will be quite artistic and extremely magnetic. The aggressive and rough attitude of Mars will be toned down by his diplomatic sister Venus.  All fire signs (Leo/Sagittarius/ Aries) will see an improvement or changes in the love area.  For all other signs, wherever Venus is cruising through by sign or house, expect to find love or happiness. Souls born with this Venus position won’t wait for you to make a move to find love. Aries needs to be first in any area that he is to be found in your chart.

SUN., MON., TUE., WED., THU., FRI. — March 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6:

RULERS — The Moon (endings) Sun (love) and Mercury (words):

Work, Career and Business: With upcoming waning Moon, do not expect much luck these days. A new job or a better position may be what you need and could be attained in the near future. Renew your confidence and support to your worldly ambitions and don’t let the waning moon affect you negatively. Keep a low profile for now.

Partnerships: Come clean with what you mean with a partner; miscommunication does happen and usually leads to trouble. Go easy in expressing your feelings; don’t let the sad Moon blur your vision or your words. Re-schedule an important meeting.

Family and Friends: Don’t expect much with family members or friends either. Expect disturbing news from them and help them to get on with their lives. Avoid stressing about them, and let them know when they overuse your telephone. Children will also be a bit unmanageable and nervous. Use lots of patience with them and remember their sensitivity if they are teenagers. They could be hurt with your attitude and this could damage your close relationship later in life. Discipline them carefully, assist their young wills, and help build their self-esteem.

Love Affairs: With the waning moon above your head, a reliable love relationship won’t be available for a while. An unexpected invitation to a gathering could bring an interesting person into your life. Use your head, not your heart, and you’ll be fine. The Sun’s revitalizing power should be used to rekindle your feelings for some of the friends or lovers you really trust. A good romantic movie will help you release some feelings you may have for someone you care about. If you are single, and born in February, spend valuable time with those born under the sign of Leo, Gemini or Libra.

Travel and Communication: As always with Mercury in charge, take good care of your car and drive cautiously. You may be unexpectedly asked to drive somewhere soon; wherever you want to be drive slow and be aware of the waning moon and don’t take any chances with the cops. Avoid gossiping about someone close to you. Words travel fast; be aware as you may lose that person’s friendship.

Environment: Mother Nature might respond to our closest satellite’s disturbing magnetic field. Some lives may be swept away with floodings. Some surprising developments will make the news on CNN. Explosions and volcanic eruptions are on the way. Some naturalist groups will be concerned and active in making the rest of us aware of nature’s wonderful blessings.

Famous Personalities: A famous person will see the surprising end of his/her life and many will miss the great soul. Under the same type of energy on February 19 1997, Beijing China formally declared six days of mourning for Deng Xiaoping as the nation began to come to terms with the death of its leader of two decades.

Events: Expect this is the type of occurrence with these energies at play: Memo from the past. Note that I am using “old” news to make you aware that the news REPEATS because the Universal Code (like the weather) has a solid regular mathematical pattern. Building “Cosmic Consciousness” can only help you to USE the “Cosmic Code” at your advantage that leads to a very productive life in the process.

Memo from the past – 1/23/2005 – NEW YORK (CNN) — Howling winds and blinding snow blasted the Northeast on Sunday, closing Boston’s airport and forcing airlines to evaluate whether to cancel flights in other cities slammed for a second day by blizzard conditions.

Shopping: If you are an investor, hold on to your gold assets or you may be stuck in a bad transaction and lose. Presents will be offered to those deserving loving souls. Do not invest right now in a specific interest or creative study. A garage sale is where great bargains are available now.

Note: Attention Pluto is back with us — Just after the Full Moon, expect dramatic happenings all over; control is a must.  The Lord of Hades doesn’t forget and doesn’t forgive; don’t be a victim. Be aware of Pluto’s destructive power.

SAT., SUN., MON., TUE. WED. — March 7, 8, 9, 10, 11:

RULERS — Venus (hot love) Pluto (drama/secrets):

Work, Career and Business: Don’t let Pluto tempt you to take any form of unlawful shortcut, consider the dramatic impact and the potential for disaster, even death. These days will bring about wake-up calls for many unaware people.  Do not expect anything to go your way, as people will show the worse traits of their personality. Be easy with your words, avoid meetings with strangers, and don’t take any phone calls or threats lightly. Don’t let Pluto and Mars sting everyone and everything to death.  Use your intuition in all you do and be ready for concealed financial or sexual business to surface. Early plans have to be suddenly abandoned and this means business and career momentum could be lost.

Partnerships: Spend time reorganizing the home and the office, throw old things away and look busy at all times.  The boss or co-workers are also affected by those negative stars and could make your life misery.  Someone may try to show you the error of your ways on your dietary habits, perhaps a co-worker or a critical friend. The stars want you to consider, re-think and be cautious.  You may have to slow down now and put on your thinking and rational judgment caps concerning key partnerships. Be diplomatic, as your weakness or errors won’t go unnoticed. You may want to listen carefully to what is said for or against you; those comments deserve your attention. Pluto will damage your partnership if you do not consider, re-think or be cautious. You may have to use your rational judgment concerning key partnerships. Some changes are imminent.

Family and Friends: Some of your friends will experience dramatic endings to some portions of their lives and your supportive shoulder will be requested. At home or at work expect arguments, making these days miserable. Aggravations that could continue into the evening hours could have serious repercussions and may bring police into the neighborhood. Keep your head cool; stay calm and patient.

 Love Affairs: Be ready for secrets to surface; however, bits and pieces of information may be wrong or missing. Do not make important decisions about a situation or a person just now. Concealed love trysts will be taking place all over, and will keep a bunch of insidious investigators active. Don’t trust strangers; Pluto always induces drugs, alcohol and rapes.  Protect yourself at all cost if you’re sexually active now; the signature of Pluto is death and AIDS!  If you were born under the sign of Pisces, those born in September, November or July will be strongly attracted to you. Use your head, not your heart!

Travel and Communication: Avoid long trips by air, plane or ship, the stars are not positive and do not care about anyone — they just do the work they were intended to do by God’s higher order. Purchase your plane ticket after the new moon ONLY if you need to fly far away this summer.

Environment: Be ready for nasty surprises, especially the ones with nature’s forces at work. Memo from the past – A powerful 7.3 earthquake shook southwest Pakistan early Friday, killing at least 40 people in an impoverished area dotted with flimsy homes made of sun-baked mud. During this Plutonic time another quake killed 100, injured 250 in northern Iran. Use the power of Pluto after a Full Moon to dig deeper into your own soul, remember all VIP’s get a $700 for $310 – Call me for a 5 mn mini reading to test my talent before ordering.

Famous Personalities: Pluto rules secrets, sex and likes to take away famous personalities when in charge. Expect a well-know figure to pass away soon.

Memo from the past: Note that I am using “old” news to make you aware that the news REPEATS because the Universal Code (like the weather) has a solid regular mathematical pattern. Building “Cosmic Consciousness” can only help you to USE the “Cosmic Code” at your advantage that leads to a very productive life in the process.

Events: Awful news involving tragic accidents, the police, mass murderers, suicide and drama will plague the media. Everything you say or do now will have serious repercussions later on. ST. PAUL, Minnesota (AP) — Police said they are investigating an incident in which an officer pepper-sprayed an 85-year-old man during a traffic stop. 6/19/05 -SELLERSVILLE, Pennsylvania (AP) — A man who had recently left a mental health facility killed his wife after an argument and was shot to death by the couple’s 15-year-old son, police said.

Shopping: Invest in anything that will help you to destroy any form of life this should be efficiently used. Insecticides and other things to get rid of insects and household nuisances should be high on your list now.  If you need to purchase a firearm, you are strongly advised to wait until after the New Moon, if not it could be used against you or kill a family member. And for the sexually active: Preservatives will stop any chance of sexually transmitted diseases.

March 13, 2015 — Mercury enters Pisces:

This information can only benefit and touch you personally if you know in wich house and sign this changing cosmic wind will bless your life. Order a progressive reading to know how ALL about the transiting planets will affect you personally. This forecast is generated for all my VIP’s and not personal. Call Terania 602-265-7667

March 14, 2015 — Saturn turn retrograde: 

This information can only benefit and touch you personally if you know in wich house and sign this changing cosmic wind will bless your life. Order a progressive reading to know how ALL about the transiting planets will affect you personally. This forecast is generated for all my VIP’s and not personal. Call Terania 602-265-7667

THU., FRI., SAT., SUN. — March 12, 13, 14, 15:

RULERS — Jupiter (Foreigners/Religions) and Saturn (Uncle Sam/Adjustments):

 Work, Career and Business: We are still on a waning Moon period; caution is advised in all you do. With the guardianship of Jupiter, the finances, resources and expertise of others could spell a profitable opportunity, especially after the upcoming New Moon. Real estate deals, trades, and credit approval will be among workable developments then. However, with the waning Moon still with us, better keep a low profile and avoid asking too many favors. Be ready for the beginning or ending of an important portion of your business life. Surprising even destructive news is ahead of you; be ready to welcome any changes. Life is a constant process of change and your existence on this dense physical world has specific purposes.  Be patient and promote your business life only after the next New Moon.

Partnerships: Saturn may make you feel depressed, especially during the very last days of the waning moon. Do not put any strain on your relationships, and don’t put stress on your significant other. Be ready to provide spiritual support to those close to you, and learn to say “NO” if needed. Work toward your heart’s desire and don’t let Saturn drag you down. Don’t make too many demands on your partner and don’t be too concerned with little details. No one will do things right just now. Errors are parts of your business life; don’t hate yourself if you make some. Get involved with computers or learn a different program to make your business life easier.

Family and Friends: As usual in a waning Moon period, assign your spiritual help but do not involve your personal feelings about a difficult situation with a family member or a trusted friend. Give practical directions and don’t be too pessimistic about the end. With freedom-oriented Jupiter above these days, an out-of-doors trip for the family will be rewarding. A trip to your local church on Sunday could also give you a sense of faith in the creator and in your future. Hope and believe and a wish will come true.

Love Affairs: That Waning Moon will induce stress in your psyche; caution in your speech is advised. Expect surprising news soon, related to a legal situation, a marriage or a divorce. If you happen to be the victim, be patient and sooner or later you will find peace of mind and true love with the right partner. If you were born in April, a Leo, A Sagittarius or a Libra will be strongly attracted to you. An Aquarius or Leo friend could make one of your wishes a reality soon.

Travel and Communication: Be careful on the road as the waning-moon brings bad tempers to some “lunatic” drivers.  No one attracts bees with vinegar; use honey instead! Avoid arguments at all costs and use diplomacy to save situations which could turn dangerous on the road. Be careful driving; don’t trust anyone and keep your eyes on your speed.   The Cops will be watching you with their electronic eye.

Environment: Gloomy news may come from Mexico, Japan and some faraway continents. Nature may decide to stretch herself and do harm to people in different places. She will produce a bad quake or a volcanic eruption within the next few days.

Famous Personalities: Some well-known entertainment figures may make dramatic news.

 Events: A prominent political person either from the US, France or Japan will make an important announcement. Important meetings will take place to bring calm to certain parts of the world. The government may come up with important news or decisions that could affect many families in the future.

Shopping: Use this trend to find great Indian or foreign bargains in a garage sale or enjoy shopping your local antique shop with a Capricorn, Taurus or Cancer friend. Do not invest in anything new or any plants now; the ones that you will pick won’t stay alive for long.

 MON., TUE., WED., THU., FRI. — March 16, 17, 18, 19, 20:

RULERS — Uranus (Surprises/explosions) Neptune (Religion/water):

Work, Career and Business: With the New Moon upon us you will encounter interesting people and incredible situations.  Neptune may induce a trip for business close to the water.  Many of us will be forced into new circumstances involving career moves or jobs. Get out now!  Many Saturnian people will be standing next to you and could further your wishes; don’t be afraid to start a conversation with an older person. Don’t take anything personally if some of their comments seem harsh; they might know better than you. Use this progressive trend and invest some thought into new business opportunities. A change in schedules or rules could affect you take chances now.  Keep busy and be courteous to the Boss and pleasant to everyone, you’re being noticed for your gentle nature. Be easy on yourself, don’t be too critical of anyone in the office; nobody is perfect.

Partnerships: Be ready for a wave of surprising news coming your way. Karmic Neptunian souls will not benefit from that unexpected news, and some will be forced to accept the realities of life. Listen to an older person, he may play an important part in helping your emotional life and will give you good advice. Uranus, “the Lord of surprises” and Neptune “Poseidon” could also bring about boating misadventures; be aware if you happen to get close to the river or the ocean this weekend.  Avoid drinking heavily and watch your possessions.

Family and Friends: Trust the waxing Moon and the upcoming changes; be confident in the new situation, as it will affect your security and your finances positively.  Keep an eye on the children; Uranus will make them behave irrationally, they will be overactive and you do not want anything bad to happen. An adolescent or a younger friend may need your support and may ask for direction.  Do not turn down invitations, and you may also invite a long-standing friend to spend valuable time in your company.  Some of those friends will bring your wishes home; be active on the social front.  Wishes can only take place if you participate with life fully.

Love Affairs: Neptune may grasp the spirit of a person close to you and induce emotional stress and confusion.  Be considerate or you may lose that person in the future if you do nothing. Expect some people to fall for Uranus’ erratic personality and to surprise you in public places. Love is in the air for many while for others, Neptune may lead them into a secret love affair.  Be aware of weird souls hanging around, but you can still enjoy their original company. Again, don’t fall for Neptune’s deceiving powers, avoid drinking during the late hours, as your emotions will run unusually high and could alter your driving or behavior.  If you were born in July, Capricorn, and Scorpio will be strongly attracted to you.  A Pisces friend will provide a wish. 

Travel and Communication: With Uranus’ eccentricity, be aware of crazy drivers while driving to trips or work during this trend. Take plenty of time to reach your destinations and be ready for some driver’s unexpected behavior on the road.  Neptune may make you feel sleepy, rest or walk a bit along the way. Get in touch with Terania if you want us to lecture or teach in your city.  

Famous Personalities: Expect startling developments with some well-known people trying to get more publicity. This energy doesn’t stop with famous people; regular souls may act oddly too. News of love, marriage, and children will make many famous people happy and ready to throw expensive social gathering.

Events: New moon or not, Uranus will surprise many of us with nature’s destructive forces. Be ready for earthquakes, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions or incredible weather developments soon.  Uranus might also disturb sophisticated electronic equipment and produce aeronautic disasters. Under his power many U.S. military cargo planes and helicopters crashed under fire or trying to land. Many soldiers were killed under Uranus command. Expect news of explosions and earthquakes soon.

Shopping: This is a good time to visit your favorite spiritual for his divine guidance. Spend on anything electronic now; this will prove to be beneficial for your business life in the long run. Tell your loved ones to make a good use of my work and to go to to order the E-book version or 2015 Nostradamus Forecast for All Signs.


New Moon — March 20, 2015 in Pisces: With Uranus in Aries more violent news from the ocean, drugs, Hollywood, famous people and hospitals is to be expected. On a negative note this lunation will affect the religious sign of Pisces and could stir news from the Middle East, oil or worse surprising terrorist’s activities on the US and its allies.

Disturbing or restructuring news about the Pope, religious fanatics, abortion or oil is ahead of us. This New Moon should bring about the best but Uranus like to disturb anything that stops his Age of Aquarius to express itself. Many diplomats will be active on the political front, trying to avoid proliferation of religious wars in different parts of the world.  With Mars also in Aries and Uranus fueling acts of destruction/explosions in transportation trouble and death is the aim of every terrorists.

Prominent politicians run the risk of assassination and some unlucky souls will not survive this dangerous trend.  Expect progressive news involving science, chemical research.  Meanwhile, it is a sure sign that drastic change is in store for parts of the Middle East and Asia.  This lunation and Mars could stir nature and the weather could also turn out particularly difficult and may sink ships or produce devastating oil spills and flooding.  However, with the waxing moon (positive) we can only hope for less damage than anticipated.  Push now, be confident and like the fish swim with the upward tide.

Lunation impact on all signs:

Aries – A secret or a wish from your past will become true your intuition is accurate.

Taurus – A new friend will enter your life and further one of your important wishes.

Gemini – Be alert, an opportunity to further your career is ahead of you.

Cancer – A trip close to the water will be bring you joy and a foreigner will please you.

Leo – A great opportunity to make more money or a legacy is ahead of you.

Virgo – A new business or emotional partner will be close by don’t miss this option.

Libra – A new job opportunity or a promotion is around the corner, simply ask for it.

Scorpio – A new business offer, a new love or a child will make you happy.

Sagittarius –Thinking about buying a house or moving, the family needs you.

Capricorn – A new study and a trip is on the agenda. Make the most of it.

Aquarius – A deal will bring you money, but be practical in your spending.

Pisces – A new start in many areas of your life will further your position. Move on.

March 17, 2015 — Venus enters Taurus: This information can only benefit and touch you personally if you know in wich house and sign this changing cosmic wind will bless your life. Order a progressive reading to know how ALL about the transiting planets will affect you personally. This forecast is generated for all my VIP’s and not personal. Call Terania 602-265-7667.

SAT., SUN.,  MON., TUE. — March 21, 22, 23, 24:

RULERS — Mars (Hostility/War) and Venus (Love/Friends):

Work, Career and Business: The New Moon will exert a revitalizing pull that will be felt in your business affairs. You may use this lunation to perhaps resolve conflicts in a difficult situation with a person of authority or a co-worker.  Control Mars’ opposing tendencies; don’t let him affect your words, your attitude or your emotions. Practice patience during this Martian trend and use diplomacy; if you do so you’ll make serious progress. You may also use the tough energy of Mars to do some needed tasks around the office such as removing furniture; in any case, don’t get hurt.

Partnerships: Even with the Waxing Moon, learn to keep Mars’ impatience under control and use Venus’ diplomatic gifts to save difficult situations. Everyone is so intent on having their own way and there could be little cooperation around you. It’s time to practice tact with the same dedication as a diplomat.  Impatience could be detrimental to you and others, so use the knowledge found in this publication accordingly.

Family and Friends: With Venus’ blessings upon us, you should try your creativity at home. Your fruitful Venusian imagination will lead you to creations of perfect interior designs. Realize your limits with troubled friends, and don’t allow them to rely too heavily on you.  As always, give spiritual support but avoid getting emotionally involved with their personal problems. You and your mate or family member can gain through financial endeavors, but discuss all possibilities before making any commitments. You might have an idea yourself that could be used; talk about it.  Use what’s left of the waxing Moon, so plan and enjoy a gathering this weekend.

Love Affairs: Don’t let your relationship becoming shaky because you sense that the person in question may be deceiving in some way. Do not fall for your own insecurity, false information or a wild imagination. Avoid guilt in any of your decisions, and if you feel a change is unavoidable, trust your future. Expect much from a night out on Friday or Saturday if you take a chance on someone. Enjoy social life but don’t drink and drive. Mars (action) and Neptune (deception) are not great cohabitors. When alcohol and speed are mixed, it can produce serious accidents. If you are a Gemini, then Aquarius, Sagittarius and Libra will be strongly attracted to you. A friend born in April has a surprise for you.

Travel and Communication: Be vigilant if you must drive, and don’t take chances on the road, as Mars’ energy could make you careless. Don’t let his aggressive nature make you complain about a person, and use your words cautiously. Venus has much more to offer, and it’s your choice; so use your will and your knowledge. Someone from your past may call.

Environment: Some people will learn about fire the hard way. However, many thoughtful people will use Mars’ power to further environmental knowledge on preventing fires in nature.  As usual, Mars, the red and violent planet, doesn’t seem to care much for the waxing moon. He may decide to pull a nasty trick with nature’s devastating forces, where all the elements could be invited for a destructive dance. Explosions and fires are common during his reign, be aware.

Famous Personalities: The oblivious rich and famous may be Mar’s victims or make sad news involving accidents, drugs or alcohol. On a positive note, Venus will shine and induce love to those often-lonely famous souls.

Events: The Martian energy is tough and has in the past produced explosions and accidents of all sorts; be prudent. Venus will put up a serious fight against her destructive brother and may save many souls.  Violent and dangerous sports will attract many people challenging their respective sides.  Some unsuspecting souls may fall victim to Mars, and suffer head injuries.

Shopping: Invest in anything involving love, creativity or the arts. Show for whom you someone you care, the depth of your love. Under Mar’s power, dangerous tools and machinery bought now will bring financial opportunities.


(*) Beginning / Ending of Important Portion of Life / Forced Relocation / Destructive weather / A new Planned and/or Unplanned Life For Many.

Nature To Strike Hard
New Horizons Following Tragedy
Much to Fall Nothing Made To Last
Tears Pain Death A new Life For Many

WED., THU., FRI., SAT., SUN. — March 25, 26, 27, 28:

RULERS — Mercury (News/Siblings) and the Moon (Mother/Changes): 

Work, Career and Business: The blessings of a waxing moon are on the way in a few more days; you should fight lethargy and depressions. Be confident, as much needed change is ahead for you and those you care. You may also consider using Mercury’s mental agility to pass on new ideas to improve your business or communicate with the family. You could use these waning days to re-write or plan new advertisements or publicity. The telephone will be particularly busy but the news could be depressive. Don’t leave the office upset you do not need to bring stress at home.  Stay active and be mentally alert.

Partnerships: Dealing with others has and will always be a challenge for us all. Some of you have learnt hard lessons and the scars takes time to heal; don’t re-open them again. Move on to better ground, the future has always better to offer.  Keep a positive attitude in your conversations and promote only the great times of your past. Some karmic souls will have to experience a rebirth of their relationships. Whatever unfolds, accept the changes with confidence; the truth is that, life is a constant process of change and it always seems to be for the better.

Family and Friends: Mercury is fast and rules communication, so expect family members to get in touch with you via mail or telephone.  Some will be invited to enjoy great cooking at their friend’s homes. “The messenger of the Gods” loves to talk and throw jokes all over.  Control Mercury’s desire to exaggerate and do not fall for the negative things you may hear now. Keep in mind that your friends have the potential to fulfill all your wishes; get active in the social arena after the new Moon. As always, you might have a karmic debt with a long-standing friend; if so, you may have to experience annoyance. Try to clear it all up and you’ll win the person back.

Love Affairs: Be ready for the beginning or ending of important love phases of your love life. Keep your eyes and ears open on the people you know as the Moon affects everybody.  If you were born in July, someone much older or younger than you born in March, November or January will be attracted to you.  A friend may bring you sad news soon.

Travel and Communication: Use Mercury’s mental powers accordingly. Time to write those letters, as Mercury improves your mental faculties.  He will reward you favorably if you decide to invest in your education or start a book after the upcoming new moon. Control his strong desire to be a “chatterbox,” and save money on your telephone bill.  Mercury rules transportation and general motion; he also makes people restless on the road. Under his command you should be a defensive driver. It’s time to plan for your future travels, or visit parts of the world via great books.  Wait for the next New Moon to launch the trip.  You’ll be glad to know and respect God’s Universal Laws.

Environment: We are coming into a Full Moon period and some will soon experience severe weather systems in some states. If you are into videotaping lightning, storms, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, etc., be ready for those soon. Some will see the beginning or ending of dramatic times. This may force thousands of people to relocate.   Be ready for disturbing news soon where thousands of people will be forced to flee nature’s destructive forces. 

Famous Personalities: Too close to the Full Moon for comfort, thus some famous artist or important political figure will experience shame with love, and their children will be directly affected.

Events: Prominent political personalities either from the Russia, US, France or Japan will make an important announcement. The government may come up with drastic news or decisions that could affect many families in the future. Let’s hope for the best.

Shopping: Invest faithfully in anything to clean the house or the office. Equipment purchased now will bring trouble to its owner. This is a perfect time to take care of your car. Mercury also rules literature and great deals on old books will be available under its influence.


SUN., MON., TUE — March 29, 30 31:

RULERS — Mercury (Health/Nature) The Sun (love/Children):

Work, Career and Business: Some surprising developments are on the way, but with the Full Moon upon us don’t expect them to make you happy. Progress will still be made in the few weeks ahead of you, but be ready for a bumpy ride. Take on new technical studies, or improve your knowledge of computers, as this endeavor will give you better opportunities later.

Partnerships: Don’t take any chances these days, keep a low profile; use Mercury’s creative power to clean up a business situation.  Important legal papers might come your way; sign them only if it is to get rid of an unhealthy situation.  Whomever you come in contact with, don’t misbehave in public.

Family and Friends: Keep busy with close friends and family; watch the children, as they will be accident-prone. In the past, many of them got in trouble or had accidents during this type of lunation.  It’s a great time to enjoy the people you know well, but because of the waning Moon, avoid overcrowded public places.  Don’t expect new people met under this lunar cycle to bring many of your wishes. Some friends have surprising even disturbing news for you and could affect you emotionally. Again, watch the children. They are accident-prone, especially on the road with fire, weapons and explosives.

 Love Affairs: Expect aggravating surprises coming your way and learn to let go of deceitful people.  Do not invite interlopers into your home, and socialize only with the friends you know well. Make good use of the waning moon; learn to relax, enjoy nature and the sea, and look for inner peace. If you’re single, a chance to find the “right one” will be given to you at a later date. What you may perceive as love, may enter your life but without much to expect. Use your head on Friday night, not your heart.  If you were born under the sign of Leo, an Aries, an Aquarius or a foreigner born in December could be a source of trouble in your life.  Wait for better auspices.

Travel and Communication: Not a time to take chances at flying; many karmic souls will pay the ultimate price. Expect all sorts of little problems arising, which could turn lethal for some unlearned souls. Anticipate disturbing telephone calls from friends in trouble; as usual, provide spiritual help but know your limits and stay clear of depression. Under the same energy in BROOKSVILLE, Florida (AP) — 15 hurt in school bus accidents. Two school buses flipped over Wednesday morning in Florida and West Virginia, injuring 13 children and both drivers. IGNORANCE HURT CHILDREN. Also under the same lunation on April 8, 1998 the news reported that in CHAPPELL HILL, Texas — A loaded school bus was hit from behind by a tractor-trailer truck on a Texas highway injuring at least 22 children, some of them seriously.

Environment: Earth activists will feel this puritanical lunation and will do all to protect nature and its wild life; some may fall victim to ill-advised conflicts with unscrupulous large organizations. Expect unusual oceanic or earth activity soon that could prove disastrous for the environment. Not good times to play with fire, as explosions are very high on my list of trouble for this specific trend.  The news may bring about startling explosive developments.

Famous Personalities: Certain famous people will find themselves in difficult situations. Some will try anything to get the attention they need. Eccentricity is in the air and could lead to the use of force or involvement with the law.  News from the past! Under this lunation Pop star George Michael was arrested for lewd conduct on April 8 1998, in Beverly Hills California:  On that day, the news reported that pop star George Michael, the British-born heartthrob whose hit songs include the too-hot-for-radio “I Want Your Sex,” was arrested on suspicion of committing a lewd act in a park restroom.

Events: Expect massive power outages without readily known causes. On the positive side, some high-tech scientific news as well as great medical breakthroughs is on the way.  Expect news from space too such as PHNOM PENH, Cambodia (Reuters) — A 4.5 kg (10 lb) meteorite that landed in a former Khmer Rouge zone of northwest Cambodia started fires across rice fields and prayers from villagers who saw it as a divine omen of peace.

 Shopping: Do not invest on anything electronic; you will not get a good deal. Do not invest in toys for your children now; they could prove to be fatal at a later date. Some will plan to travel but purchase your plane ticket after the new moon ONLY if you need to fly far away this summer.

Dr. Turi and Terania Turi

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About Dr. Turi

Dr. Turi is a proficient author and a captivating speaker, his profound Universal Wisdom astonishes everyone. He was recognized in the 2003 Marquis "Who's Who in America." Dr. Turi is the personal counselor of many celebrities, Ivana Trump, Peter Fonda, Gary Busey, Denis Haysbert, John Gray and many others. Dr. Turi is a favorite guest of George Noory on Coast-To-Coast AM radio and the BBC in London and appeared in numerous television programs worldwide.He speaks of the cosmic face and celestial tools of the creator and warn the world with undeniable well documented undeniable predictions. Clinical Hypnotherapist - Astropsychologist focused on providing individual and couples counseling services. Specializing in public speaking, teaching, metaphysics, natural healing, stress management, women’ issues and family mediation services. Interested in speaking engagements, radio, television, events and media outlets, academic work, advising corporations, the police force, colleges, universities and general public on mental health issues and spirituality outside of conventional beliefs and accepted disciplines.