“It is very easy to ridicule the art and science of Astrology when the gifted soul Doctor is muted or absent…” Dr. Turi
(CNN) Taylor Swift has donated $1 million dollars toward Louisiana flood relief efforts after torrential rains have displaced 20,000 residents and left at least 11 people dead. By Chloe Melas, CNN
“We began The 1989 World Tour in Louisiana, and the wonderful fans there made us feel completely at home,” Swift said in a statement to CNN. “The fact that so many people in Louisiana have been forced out of their own homes this week is heartbreaking. I encourage those who can to help out and send your love and prayers their way during this devastating time…” Related Link: How to help Louisiana flood victims
Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards has declared a state of emergency in the wake of the disaster that has damaged at least 40,000 residences. “We are going to need volunteers to get mud out of homes,” Edwards said Tuesday. “Not everyone can do this on their own.”
Dear readers;
While Taylor Swift has donated $1 million dollars toward Louisiana flood relief efforts after torrential rains have displaced 20,000 residents and left at least 11 people dead, her money could have been used in a more productive way!
Like millions of other good hearted, wealthy human beings, they may not be aware of my predictive cosmic work. Something the monopolizing abusive media matrix is keeping well away from the general population. They own you… Google, LinkedIn Satan’s Minions and Dr. Turi.
Because of this “technological conspiracy” only an extreme minority of curious people read the “visions” I posted to the public back in February 11, 2013 in 2016 Neptunius Draconis Predictions (public).
Neptunius Dios Spiritus Fatua Benigno Numine
Fear Water, Drowning Fire, Black Tainted Blood
Dreams Reality Rivalry Poison Mad Spiritus
All False Gods Lost Children Join To Kill
God nowhere to stop rain!
The results are impossible to deny!
Historic Louisiana flooding
Heaviest rain in 100 years swamps city
Record rain floods Miss. homes
Disastrous flooding continues to swamp Texas, Louisiana
A million dollars can go a long way to help people who experienced such a devastating “act of God” but her donation will not help prevent nor stop the next natural disaster. Little of her money will be able to help those in serious need or replace their loss but knowing my next SOS to the world deadly window ahead of time is an option to anticipate serious troubles and heed my warnings.
Let me give you this example posted for our VIP’s in the Cosmic Code website and this sample should offer you the option to make the difference between the wasteful ‘For Entertaining Purpose Only” astrological, horoscopes corporate websites plaguing Facebook, newspapers, countless magazines and Dr. Turi legitimate cosmic work!
Here is the VIP sample in question… Refer to AUGUST 12, when the floods started and August 21st then read my warnings for those days…
With this in mind, becoming a VIP or ordering your 2017 Personal Forecast will allow you to apply your will by heeding my predictions and avoid being part of the terrible Louisiana Floods statistics.Your life and those of your loved ones and your irreplaceable possessions should be worth $5.00.
We slashed our prices from $30 to only $5.00 to make my cosmic work affordable to all. Note, because it is a downloadable eBook you will not be charged an extra $5.00 for shipping and handling .
Enjoy and share please…
IMPORTANT NOTE! Facebook is stopping me posting pictures and links on my page, PLEASE share my work, help my me warn people and save lives…
Posted by Dr. Turi on July 30, 2016 at 5:23pm in Cosmic Coders Only
Dear VIP’s;
Remember, new VIP’s joined us and read the following for the first time! As always, I may sound redundant to our older VIP’s who have been with us for years. Some newcomers may also post questions in the chat room and we ask our cosmic family that if you land on it before we do, to provide them with the help they need to navigate this website. So please bear with us, the proper introduction any of our forecasts is very important.
If you ordered your 12 months “Cosmic Biorhythms,” do not expect those cosmic winds to be obvious in your life right away. Some people expect immediate gratification but, because of other cosmic code influences, some of those life changes are much more subtle while other will be very obvious.
One needs to practice patience and observations to make a good use of this service. If you do not see anything unusual during those windows, it is mostly because you are not yet trained to perceive the changes taking place during your 2016 given dates.
But for Terania and mines trained eyes, ALL our cosmic biorhythms, personal and universal never went unnoticed. One must be patient, it may takes weeks even months before you realize how crucial it is to be aware of those Universal/Personal cosmic timings and how to use this work properly.
All long lasting planets information and predictions for each personal sign only – such as Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, Pluto; are incorporated in the new and improved “2017 Nostradamus Personal and Universal Dragon forecast for all signs.”
Those eBooks are now available and we can not emphasize enough how important it is for you to get it. You may notice some deep psychological changes taking place in yourself or on your loved ones and knowing where those cosmic winds affect you at a personal level is the option to control the outcome.
Sad enough, cosmic unconscious people will run to traditional psychologists who will prescribe dangerous antidepressants making the situation much worse. A natural chemical imbalance could be the result of both the effect of the 2016 Neptunius Dragon which will always fade away naturally after a few months if you know about it.
And if you don’t, those depressions will turn into panic attacks and dementia. Thus my sad prediction of an upsurge of drugs, alcohol abuse, untimely deaths, and suicides. RIP Patty Duke another victim of medical prescriptions!
And in the years to come if humanity makes it, many of those new laws will be retracted. It’s all about lobbyists corporate money and making you the docile zombies they need to dominate and survive.
This Universal watery, nirvanic dragon is very deceptive and will lead to the legalization of weed all over the US because the greedy lawmakers can NOT think rationally! This dragon allows for many Americans, including women to be treated without respect publicly by an unruly, bully politician aiming for the white house. It doesn’t seem that the whole world will wake up before its too late.
Thank you again VIP’s.
The invasive, aggressive 2014 /2015 Arian Draconis devastating war like energy is now over but its legacy is still cursing the world each passing day with more wars, fires, more emigration disputes, more deaths, more racism and more human political stupidity suffering the power of the stars! Read more and share Pls.
“If you are not happy or something is missing in your life it is simply because you do not live your destiny as intended by God through the Cosmic Code” ask and you shall receive!
August at a glance – Note this colorful calendar is not part of my “Divine astrology” methodology work and used for rapid traditional dates/moon checking only. The red dates should not be used as a part my SOS to the world 3 days windows (universal) or as your negative (personal) cosmic biorhythms days.
The following is the current monthly modern astrology calendar complete with universal astrological information, including planetary aspects, void of course Moon data, and Moon signs. Note: Time is Eastern Time (Daylight Savings Time is observed).
Astropsychology is very different and use no time, only for rising readings or Astro-Carto-Graphy relocation charts involving precise longitude and latitude. We always use the time you provide us with but Divine Astrology methodology is much more objective and undeniably accurate forecasting natural disasters and personal events.
Welcome to Your Day – to – Day Guidance For August 2016
The greatness of the Universe is unknown, but the magnetic forces that direct and move all the planets in our galaxy are known; this Divine source of power can be used to guide and bring man a life filled with happiness, peace and harmony. — Dr. Turi
NEW MOON — August 2, 2016 in Leo: This sign is ruled by the Sun, thus affairs of love and romance will be on the rise. Expect some surprises this month. The stars are giving you the possibility to reach one of your important wishes if you try hard within the next two weeks. This lunation could play an important part in your love life, with your children, your wishes, and will surely improve your relationships. You may also be forced to let go of a deteriorating love involvement and experience a new one. This month promises to be very interesting for many of us. Make the most of this incredible time. Don’t waste it.
Lunation impact on all signs:
Aries – /////////////////////
Taurus – /////////////////////
Gemini – ////////////////////
Cancer – ////////////////
Leo – /////////////
Virgo – ///////////////
Libra – //////////////
Scorpio – /////////////////
Sagittarius – ////////////////
Capricorn – /////////////
Aquarius – //////////////
Pisces – /////////////
* * * **
August 1, 2016 — Mercury enters Virgo: A trend loaded with communication related to work, health and service to the world. Many thoughts will be geared toward finding a better job or working on improving health. Souls born now, will be gifted with a natural ability for details and the opportunity to learn everything they can about health.
Many of them will be born with an aptitude for investigation and literary powers. Some will be attracted to the professions offering mental work; rewards of fame and fortune will come to the writers.
The artistic talents of editing, dancing, writing, photography, painting and general health will lead these souls towards the body and mind security they seek. This position makes for one of the most critical signs of the Zodiac. Souls born with this Mercury position will have to learn to avoid criticism, as the soul is looking for a perfect mate, with a perfect attitude and a perfect job.
The problem is that no one is perfect and the soul may suffer long periods of time alone. However, an opportunity to experience mental fame is offered to the advanced soul. This is a great position of Mercury for writers and editors.
RULERS —The Sun (Hope/Children)
Work, Career and Business: The general mood should be uplifting. Be ready for upcoming progressive variations. Keep in mind that life is a constant process of change and even if you don’t realize it, the stars are working for your benefit.
Partnerships: Don’t let any negativity disturb the situation. You must take a chance on the new future with faith. Many will experience new beginning. Under these stars any new relationship can go well in the long run. Further the positive only and don’t fall for any negative left overs from the previous waning Moon.
Family and Friends: The Sun rules love, romance and children, and though some may be going through a difficult trend, don’t nurture the energy with bad thoughts. The Sun gives life to children, but watch over them especially when close to the water. On a more positive note he will put his undiscriminating light on many secrets. Friends will need spiritual support; give love and attention and build good karma for yourself.
Love Affairs: Be ready for new starts in love matters and provide a solid shoulder for the victims suffering a broken heart. Under the Sun’s command, the lucky ones will find great happiness with true love relationships. A new arrival is to be expected by a young couple. If you are a Scorpio, a Cancer or a Taurus, this lunation could help the stress in your life. A Virgo friend may have a good discernment for you; you must listen.
Travel and Communication: You may be asked to go home and see mom. Be aware on the road; we are coming close to a Supernova window trend at the end of the month! Do not trust any driver and be ready for sudden action. Surprises are on the way and some people from the past could be around again.
Environment: What was once built by man (cities/homes) or nature must be destroyed; what was once born must eventually die and this is the grand cycle of life. Recycling is the key word in nature and not anything is really wasted. There is nothing one can do other than accept the ultimate changes imposed by God, and usually the future offers better.
Famous Personalities: Expect interesting but not necessarily positive surprises with the rich and famous. Be ready for the unexpected in their words and actions. Don’t take chances unless you know what you’re in for and be prudent.
Events: Large quakes and nature forces may threaten thousands of victims to relocate to rebuild a new life. Terrible tragedies such the Kobe, Japanese earthquakes and many volcanic eruptions have happened under this configuration and thousands of people were forced out of their homes because of nature’s destructive forces.
Shopping: Buy anything for children as long as it is not new. This is a great time to get rid of the extra stuff clogging the house or the garage, and a garage sale would not be a bad idea. Do not invest in silver, gold or expensive items. Anything to clean the house will do you well.
* * * * *
August 1st – 5th, 2016 – Venus enter Leo: Perfect time to contemplate launching any artistic endeavor. Giving and receiving expensive items is on the agenda for some. You may also think of traveling or investing in a car or expensive items. Souls born now will be very magnetic and dramatic in matters related to love.
They will make good livings, and will attract money in artistic endeavors. Many of them will strive to find beautiful, rich and famous partners willing to experience the best of life.
This position makes for one of the most dramatic but lucky signs of the Zodiac. Usually a gift in acting or other great talents is present with this position. Those souls are born to experience a flamboyant and busy love life. This is a good position of Venus promoting popularity and fortune.
August 6th – 29th, 2016 – Venus enters Virgo: A perfect time to concentrate on your health and launch an exercise program or a diet. Giving and receiving plants or flowers are on the agenda for some. You may also decide to invest in some good deals with clothing.
Souls born now will be quite critical in matters related to love. They will concentrate and achieve perfection in many of their artistic endeavors. Many of them will strive to find a “perfect” and hard working partner willing to exchange a love/career relationship in their lives.
Some will have to learn to be less critical of the world around them in order to avoid loneliness. This position makes for one of the most practical and enjoyable business or emotional partners.
Usually a gift in dealing with details and an interest in health matters are present with this position. These souls are born to experience love on a practical level. This is a great Venus position producing success in the medical or clothing fields. Plants or gardens are needed around these souls.
FRI., SAT., SUN., MON., TUE.— AUGUST 5,6,7,8,9:
RULERS — Mercury (Travel) and Venus (Feelings)
Work, Career and Business: This New Moon will make your life much easier, embrace her upcoming blessings white light, and then take your opportunities. Do not try to push your business until she lights up. Advertisements, important calls, traveling, and meetings will pay off if you learn to wait for the green light. Use this forecast wisely and respect the Universal Law. Knowledge is power; have faith in your abilities.
Partnerships: Mercury rules the mail, telephone and communications in general; expect possible exciting news during the new moon to reach you. Deal with it now and clean up the situation before the New Moon. A get-together after work could also be a great idea; Mercury will have everyone “gossiping.”
Family and Friends: The very last days of the waning moon did sap your spiritual and physical energy. Help those in need to clean up their mess generated by karmic experiences. Let no one exhaust your spirit, and show no frustration to loved ones. Some of your friends need spiritual regeneration, even a helping hand; as usual do so but realize your limits. Use Venus’ generosity and show your love to everyone. Avoid spending too much time on the telephone with a depressing person and mention the good moon.
Love Affairs: Don’t be too picky or demanding with those for whom you care; no one is perfect. However, use your head not your heart with someone who drinks too much, and realize your limits if you are in a deceiving relationship. With Venus around, the opportunity to find love will be given to you after the New Moon. If you were born in September you may decide to work harder on your diet or your looks. A friend born in July has a few thoughts for you. You may also use Uranus in Aries to learn all about yourself and your partner with a comparison chart for the two of you.
Travel and Communication: You may feel like traveling either physically or spiritually, make the most of an upcoming opportunity. Get your wheels in action; prepare for traveling under the protection of the New Moon.
Environment: Recharge your batteries; a trip to the mountains is strongly recommended. Both Mercury and Venus will make you appreciate the beauty of Mother Nature. Many environmentalists will make serious progress and get the attention they deserve. Sad news from the ocean or the Middle East may reach the media soon.
Famous Personalities: A famous person will promote a new product pertaining to health. News of water management is also on the horizon. A notorious religious person could make depressing news soon.
Events: Mother Nature may decide to disturb us with bad weather. Negative news may come from the ocean or the water. Be aware of abductors; this type of energy has swiftly taken many children away and also a plane away from its initial course.
Shopping: Do not poison your mind with imagination and fears of the apocalyptic end of times. Use your own positive thinking to avoid negativity entering your life or your body. Some may decide to join spiritual groups or invest in far away trips. Anything to clean can only be a good thing to buy now.
Note: Pluto is back with us; be VERY careful of what you say, where you go and what you do! Unaware police officers and/or criminals will meet with their death. Many other unprepared souls will pay the ultimate price by losing their precious lives and this could be you too. Please DO take my heed VERY seriously! Plutonic windows dates depict EXTREME criminal activity and police VULNERABILITY. No one is safe when EVIL reigns on earth! The full year of SOS deadly Plutonic window dates are available to my VIP’s Cosmic Code subscribers only. Please read Plutonic Deadly Window –PLUTOS DO’s AND DON’Ts
* * * * *
Terror Secret Villains Plot For God
Evil Dance Killers Rise
Secret To Light Shame Reign
The Smell Of Death Disaster For Some
Famous Death/Dramatic/ News/Police/FBI/CIA/Secrets/Scandals/Terrorism/Finances/Sex/Serial Killers
* * * * *
WED., THU., FRI., SAT., SUN. — AUGUST 10, 11, 12, 13, 14:
RULERS — Pluto (Climax/Secrets) and Jupiter (Doctrines)
Work, Career and Business: You are walking on a fine razor blade and it’s very windy but the moon is still up. You’d better use all the “savoir faire” you know. A serious wake-up call will come to many unaware skeptics of predictive divine astrology’s powers. The chance to rebuild the finance will be the main matter for some karmic souls. You now know what was wrong in your business. The new Moon will help you make all the changes needed though. Have faith in yourself.
Partnerships: Many ugly secrets may surface now. You could learn something sexual or financial about a partner. Keep his trust; do not divulge the secret. Money will play an important part of this trend; listen to your intuition in all you do. But Venus will help tone down the stress induced by Pluto.
Family and Friends: Be patient with all. Do not expect anyone you care about to be diplomatic to you during this trend if Venus (diplomacy) is weak in his or her chart. Again, do not fall for Pluto’s destructive or sarcastic remarks; words of love will pay off in the long run. Be ready for some dramatic news from someone close to you. Whatever happens, be strong; life must go on. Pluto will work to your benefit.
Love Affairs: Passion is in the air. Secret affairs involving sex and passion may be publicly divulged, forcing people to take stands to destroy and rebuild relation-ships. This might happen to you too. In any case, use tons of diplomacy to save unwanted trouble in your love life. If you are a water sign such as Scorpio, Pisces or Cancer, this lunation will touch you directly. Leos must take it easy at home and avoid traumatic experiences involving the police force at home.
Travel and Communication: Expect news pertaining to the police force and crooks. Nature’s destructive forces will be obvious in some parts of the world. Be careful of what you do or say during this trend. Drive carefully, and stay clear of weird strangers and strange places. Again, if you learn about someone else’s secret, do not tell, you may be asking for trouble. Your intuition will be accurate; listen to the little voice within.
Environment: Pluto belongs to the Divine family and has specific regenerative work to accomplish, and his impact on earth and its people is needed. As Pluto destroys it all, he also gives the opportunity to rebuild stronger and better. Be ready for all sorts of dramatic news everywhere. Stay safe; don’t try the devil. Many people will lose their precious lives. 40,000 Homes Impacted by Deadly Flooding in Louisiana
Famous Personalities: Some famous people will be called back to God. A famous person’s secrets will be made available to the media. ‘Star Wars’: R2-D2 actor dies – ESPN’s John Saunders dies – ‘Grim Sleeper’ killer sentenced to death including Kenny Baker, Garry Marshall, Muhammad Ali, Prince, John Berry, Nancy Reagan, Alan Young and more recent notable deaths around the world. Secrets comes to light under Pluto. FBI sends heavily redacted Clinton interview documents to Congress – Brazil judge issues warrant for Ryan Lochte, James Feigen over robbery report
Events: Hopefully with the New Moon, lovely Venus and knowledgeable Jupiter, we can only hope they will stop Pluto from damaging us by way of dramatic happenings. With the Lord of Hades in Sagittarius (religion/foreigners) we can only expect drama in these areas. If you are a Police officer or a security guard, be very careful during this trend. The wildest crooks may be facing you soon. Don’t take any chance and stay alert. Rio Olympics pickpockets caught robbing tourists in broad daylight … – US swimmer Lochte says gun held to forehead in taxi hold-up
Often the police make dramatic news and hurt or kill people. Milwaukee shooting: Curfew imposed in hopes of calm– (If you know someone involved with the police or dealing with death on a daily basis, offer him/her a copy of my book. They may well avoid serious trouble and perhaps save their life.)
Shopping: As Jupiter is with us, a visit to your local church for God’s guidance or your favorite psychic/astrologer will do you well. Anything bought now that can be used for metaphysics will bring unusual power to you. Alarms bought now will stop the crooks.
* * * * *
FULL MOON — August 18, 2016 in the explosive sign of Aquarius: Expect some serious surprising or shocking developments to take place in the near future. NASA could make shocking news again soon, especially if they avoid using the value of the stars.
This is the same energy that produced many mishaps with expense electronic equipment and the death of many courageous astronauts. Also under Uranus power the Middle East suffered the “U.S. surprise bomb attacks” on Saddam Hussein’s forces in Iraq.
This energy can affect sophisticated electronic equipment and could produce bad aeronautic accidents. Unlucky children could suffer this disturbing dramatic lunation; keep an eye on all of them. They are accident-prone for a while. Just be ready to accept the upcoming changes with faith in God’s desire to restructure the earth’s crust.
Be ready for nature’s devastating forces, producing destructive weather, tornadoes, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Expect anything surprising, even incredible including out space manifestation to take place soon. Be ready to see the real power of Uranus, the planet of sudden releases of energy, in action. Explosions are also expected and the U.S., Japan or France may make disturbing news soon.
Lunation impact on all signs:
Aries – ///////////////
Taurus – /////////////
Gemini – /////////////
Cancer – ////////////
Leo – /////////////
Virgo – //////////////////
Libra – /////////////
Scorpio – ///////////////
Sagittarius – ///////////
Capricorn – /////////
Aquarius – ////////
Pisces – //////////
* * * * *
MON., TUE., WED., THURS., FRI., SAT., — AUGUST 15, 16,17, 18, 19, 20:
RULERS — Saturn (Politics) Uranus (Explosions) and Neptune (Deception)
Work, Career and Business: This busy trio will be with us for the next few days and a few surprises will bring about progressive changes. Expect a new beginnings or changes regarding your service to the world or your career. Work that you are doing may leave you unsatisfied and may be a source of stress ; you might be forced into another job. But many souls are late starters in life and no one should feel depressed about it. Resolve and the lucky ones can expect a well-deserved promotion. Use Neptune’s intuitive power to find your way through the clouds.
Partnerships: Stand strong against opposition; don’t let others pressure you into pursuing their opinion instead of your own. Meditate on the possibility of improving and understanding where your partnership is going. Did you make the right choices and can you live with them? If not, there won’t be a better time to deal with those questions; Uranus’ desire for change and freedom will help you to transform it all. With the waxing Moon upon the world, nothing can really go wrong if you act scrupulously.
Family and Friends: Make the most of this great trend. Some friends may invite you to a gathering soon. Be ready for nice surprises. Uranus also makes the children very active and accident-prone. They will lean heavy on you; so be patient with their young demanding spirits. No one but yourself can bring about joy in your life; just participate with an open heart. Let the children enjoy Uranus’ world of miracles, maybe by going to Disneyland or the zoo. Keep your eyes on everything they do and everywhere they go. Saturn will make it hard to forget your responsibilities. You should enjoy your life while you can tomorrow is another day.
Love Affairs: Expect interesting surprises during these days, many friends will bring some of your dearest wishes. With Uranus’ touch (surprises) try doing things you would usually not do and go to places you have never been. Love is around the corner for some willing to go out and get it. If you are a Taurus, a Capricorn or a Virgo may enter your life. Leo, Sagittarius and Aries, your magnetism will be very high and you will also be in demand for love.
Travel and Communication: Some lucky souls will travel far and fast or make great plans to visit the past soon. Uranus rules electronics, the future, astrology, psychic phenomena, and UFOs. If you want to see something unusual, talk about it and do it now! Who knows, Uranus may decide to grant one of your important wishes. Keep an eye on your possessions and avoid drinking too much in public places.
Environment: On a sad note, keep in mind that Uranus rules earthquakes and volcanoes. He may also decide to disturb the weather or produce a violent explosion. Let’s hope the positive Moon will stop him from getting close to you and those you care about.
Famous Personalities: Be ready as usual for strange types of news coming from some extroverted celebrities. Much will be done for children during this trend but this type of energy can also be surprisingly dramatic. Uranus took the life of British singer Eric Clapton’s baby son in New York a few years ago. The unattended child felt to his death from a high building. Be aware, be prudent and watch the children closely.
Events: Under Uranus’ surprising power anything weird could happen. The news will be somehow original. Avoid playing in the rain; many people have lost their lives under Uranus’ lightning power. The government will make important decisions pertaining to the younger generation, computers, and education.
Shopping: For this occasion, you may feel like spending time and money on your appearance; it’s a great time to shop for new wardrobe items or consult a beautician. This is the time to pay a visit to your future and your favorite“spiritual guide.” A sense of freedom and brotherhood will be felt all over.
SUN.,MON.,TUE.,WED.— AUGUST 21,22,23,24:
RULERS — Mars (War/Aggression) Venus (Cherished)
Work, Career and Business: Mars is still active, so emotional reactions at home and the office should be avoided. Use patience and diplomacy with who ever is around, and good progress will be made. Make plans for the future and act upon them while the moon is new. Money and communication will play an important part of this trend.
Partnerships: Some interesting news may come your way. You have your own free will so don’t allow Mars to let anyone force his opinion on you. Do not fall for all you hear, and don’t be afraid to challenge people’s information. You need to use your intuition, and sensitive Venus can help you in doing so. Use words of love and be patient with everyone; the new moon will induce a new energy in them. Time to proceed forward, you are protected.
Family and Friends: Venus will bring an element of love and joy. Make the most of those beautiful stars and enjoy life. Listen to a young soul’s needs.
Love Affairs: If you use Venus’ “savoir faire” in any situation, you will win over Mars’ argumentative temperament. A great time to show love and affection to those you care for. Avoid depressing conversations of your past, stay in the future, and look to the bright side of life. If you were born under the fiery sign of Leo, keep a cool head with someone born in April or November. An Aquarius may fall in love with you. Get going and reach your wishes now.
Travel and Communication: Don’t let this trio drive you crazy, as you will have a million things to do at the same time. The strength of Mars combined with the speed of Mercury may bring trouble in your driving, so slow down. Use precautions and take your time if you have to travel far; don’t let accident-prone Mars create obstacles. Be alert and slow down and nothing wrong will happen. Make your future plans to travel now. Use my cosmic wisdom for safety! Expect this type of news to plague the world during this type of SOS to the world deadly window.
4/9/16 – Will Smith died April 9, 2016, Lower Garden District, New Orleans, LA
Environment: Keep in mind that impatient Mars is also with us and he doesn’t care for any of your plans; he may decide to create an earthquake or produce disturbing weather such as the Iowa twisters that killed two people and injured 14 others on- May …
Update 8/24/2016 Earthquake in Italy:
Update: EARTHQUAKE PREDICTION! Dr. Turi did it again! today: 6.0 in Miyako, Iwate, Japan – 7.4 in Grytviken, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands – Memo posted 8/16/2016 “ in Burkinis, religions France and the Middle East! “I am expecting earthquakes at or above 6.0 very soon and/or a volcanic eruption!” – News of war and the Middle East (terrorism) could be upon us again.
8/21/16 – 50 killed; bomber age 12-14
During the same deadly winds… 4/9/16 – ‘Man in the hat’: Brussels airport suspect in custody – B-52s joining fight against ISIS If he wins over Venus and Mercury, his destructive power will be felt with fires and explosions. At least 75 die in India temple fire
New from the past under the same stars – Feb 24th, 2016 window SURPRISES AND EXPLOSIONS!!! WATCH THIS DATE. “Mars, the Lord of War” will show is power, while none suspect, the surprise of lightning will strike”– Note: Feb. 24th, 2016 – Algeria train bombing kills 18- A bomb exploded Monday under a passing train, killing 18 people and injuring 25, state radio reported. It was the latest in a new wave of attacks the government blamed on Muslim militants.
Famous Personalities: This powerful threesome may take the life of an important political person. 8/21/16 – Legendary band’s singer says goodbye – Someone famous person may also meet a sad fate. Under the same deadly stars… (Will Smith – Ex-NFLer killed; charges filed – Reality star dies from rare cancer Be aware and be prudent.
Events: Pluto (ultimate power/ life and death) is in the sign of Capricorn (politics) He will keep stimulating fights and dirty secrets between politicians and someone may pay the ultimate price in the process. Legendary coach’s son resigns – Expect drama and death all over. 8/21/16 –Iraq executes 36 for Speicher massacre – 10 dead in Somalia suicide bombings – 5 killed in Alabama home
News from the past under the same deadly cosmic winds – 4/8/16 – 2 dead in Lackland air base shooting – Officer slams girl, 12, to the floor This celestial configuration will bring real spiritual leaders to the fore passing on their inborn gift of teaching the fundamental laws governing all life in the universe. I am doing my part everyday to teach the world, and I need your support! Expect news involving terrorism – 4/8/16 – Paris attacks suspect captured and sexual secret to come to light 4/9/16 – Feds: Ex-Speaker abused boys – Arrest made after viral attack video
Shopping: Try something new while the moon is in Aries, invest in tools or anything unique, great deals await you. Be confident in spending large amounts of money on clothes or jewelry now, they will bring you luck or the magnetism you’re looking for.
THURS., FRI.,SAT,SUN.,MON.,TUE.,WED. — AUGUST 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31:
RULERS — Mercury (Travel), The Moon (End of Important Parts of Life/Moving) and the Sun (Hope/Children)
Work, Career and Business: The general mood maybe depressing for some but with all progressive changes you have made in the new moon, it should help to be better. You can expect a serious beginning or ending of important parts of your (and others’) life. Be ready for those upcoming progressive variations. Keep in mind that life is a constant process of change and even if you don’t realize it, the stars are working for your benefit. Be patient with everyone around the office.
You may find yourself in an awkward or difficult situation with a co-worker, and something must be done soon. Don’t let this stressful situation in your working life become a major problem for you and others; handle your affairs with discretion and dignity. Meditate for insight; use your intuition and be patient; the right opportunity is on the way. Use the new Moon to push forward.
Partnerships: You will be forced to let go of negative people in your life and disturbing situations. You must take a chance on the new future with faith. Many will experience the closing of a destructive relationship and others may see the new beginning. Under these stars any new relationship is doomed to fail in the long run. Further the positive only and don’t fall for the waning Moon. With the new Moon upon you, much transformation will take place soon. However, avoid getting into a heated argument with a friend or an acquaintance that will challenge you about politics at work or your personal philosophy of life. Be patient and tolerant.
Family and Friends: The Sun rules love, romance and children, but we are still under a difficult trend, so this energy wont always bring good news but the key is to stay positive. The Sun gives life to children, but watch over them especially close to the water. On a more positive note he will put his undiscriminating light on many secrets. Friends will need spiritual support; give love and attention and build good karma for yourself. Expect interesting news from close friends or family members and provide them with some spiritual support. Avoid gossip, and make sure that what you say is actually what you mean, as others could interpret it the wrong way. Nothing really can happen to you now; have faith in the stars and your new future.
Love Affairs: Be ready for new starts in love matters and provide a solid shoulder for the victims suffering a broken heart. The right partner might not be the one you were with; use the newfound freedom to look (after the New Moon) for someone who really deserves your love. Under the Sun’s command, the lucky ones will find great happiness with true love relationships. A new arrival is to be expected by a young couple.
If you are a Scorpio, a Cancer or a Taurus, this lunation could induce serious stress in your life. A Virgo friend has a good discernment for you; you must listen.
Romance is also on your mind and therefore you may consider a trip with your special someone but wait for the next New Moon. An important person close to you may be a challenge to understand; just realize that none of us is perfect. You may find yourself focusing on personal relationships; you feel better with others’ approval. Don’t be tempted to let sadness or depression or the ending of a situation get the best of you. This emotional approach to decision-making can be the source of strife; use diplomacy and coordinate your efforts with your mate’s. If you were born in June, a Libra or an Aquarius could denote love to you.
Travel and Communication: You may be asked to go home to see the family. Be aware on the road; we are under a Supernova window trend! Do not trust any driver and be ready for sudden action.
2 die in crash on way to help flood victims
Surprises are on the way and the people from your past will come into the picture soon. The waning moon will take many cosmic unconscious souls away! Check your personal cosmic biorhythms don’t travel while Mercury is retrograde or be at the wrong place at the wrong time and pay the price. Student fatally stabbed on Cornell campus – Cops pepper-spray 84-year-old woman – NBA star’s cousin killed walking baby – 737 engine explodes during flight – Bombs fall on wake for children; 16 die
Environment: What was once built by man (cities/homes) or nature must be destroyed; what was once born must eventually die, and this is the grand cycle of life. Recycling is the key word in nature and not anything is really wasted. There is nothing one can do other than accept the ultimate changes imposed by God, and usually the future offers better.
Take extra time in explaining yourself, as the possibility of miscommunication may be a bit high and ill will could ensue. But Venus will see to it that there is harmony these days. Also, emotions may run high and could affect your words; make sure they are well thought out and supportive. Remember, Mercury rules transportation, and impatient drivers could promote accidents. Time to take care of your car’s brakes, oil or anything else it may need, as you might have to take a journey soon.
Famous Personalities: Expect interesting but not necessarily positive surprises with the rich and famous. Be ready for the unexpected in their words and actions. Colin Kaepernick’s national anthem protest – Don’t take chances unless you know what you’re in for and be prudent. Also expect difficult news about the ocean or a chemical accident. News of medicine and hospitals may also come your way. The weather will not be too cooperative and many thousands of people might have to relocate due to nature’s devastating forces.
Events: Large quakes and nature forces may threaten thousands of victims to relocate to rebuild a new life. Terrible tragedies such the Kobe, Japanese earthquakes and many volcanic eruptions have happened under this configuration and thousands of people were forced out of their homes because of nature’s destructive forces.
Magnitude 7.1 earthquake off East Coast shakes North Island – Hawkes Bay Today
Photos: Earthquake strikes central Italy
Leaders of the Middle East may also decide to surprise some of their neighbors. Religion and many difficult topics such as abortion or chemical warfare will trouble the world.
Shopping: Buy anything for children as long as it is not new. This is a great time to get rid of the extra stuff clogging the house or the garage, and a garage sale would not be a bad idea. Do not invest in silver, gold or expensive items. Anything to clean the house will do you well.
This is surely a great time to work around your home to make your home a better or safer place to live. But wait for the new moon to invest money in shopping for clothes, plants, food and little surprises for your loved ones.
Dr. Turi and Terania
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* * * * *
There should be no reason for you to feel or be alone in this wonderful world. Soul mates do exist. I found mine, regardless how hard and deceptively; sophisticated the forces of evil are.
I survived cancer, valley fever, pneumonia, deadly accidents and violent enemies in both the open and hidden worlds. Those forces are real and can only be explained and removed by a gifted soul doctor. There is no denying the existence of both the physical and spiritual realms nor reality and experts on both worlds are rare!
The benevolent Draconis can hear your prayers and somehow, will stimulate you to land on me because the depth of your questions or situations can be attended and remedied through my cosmic expertise.
Indeed you are in real good hands with us but your biggest challenge is your fears, or exactly what those nefarious reptilius need to keep you trapped in darkness.
We are the light we speak and teach all about in cosmic light. We are the beacon you saw from far away, in the world of darkness you sank in. Let me help you rejoice, find the reasons for you to be a child of the universe, explore your karma, your past lives, your gifts and even your sins.
Let me do the crucial cleansing and tape our conversation; offering you those vital cosmic teachings and my predictions for your future. Let me turn you into the captain of your life and sail your ship safely away from typhoons and to the islands of paradise.
Once you are done with me, you will join thousands of other seeking souls who have only the beautiful truth to say about the regenerative, exceptional values of my cosmic work!… What Does The World Say About Dr. Turi?
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Dr. Turi on air with Chris Kehler September 22, 2016 from 6 pm to 7 pm
Do you have questions about a dream, a wish, fears, a job, a decision to make etc. But again, this work is not for normal people but for those who vibrate at a very high spiritual cosmic speed. Join us, we are there for you in the Cosmic Code website.
If you are one of those rare spiritual human beings in the ocean of life looking for my uplifting spiritual hook, and interested in learning more about the Cosmic Code, God Cosmic Divinity, Astropsychology or Astroforensics just ring the bell! I will open the door of a new world above for you to join our VIP’s in our Cyber Cosmic Code University! All the answers to what it means to be human and so much more is awaiting you!
Dr. Turi