Dear VIP Readers;
Welcome to the March 2011 VIP Cosmic Code Newsletter, it is with great pleasure that Terania and I wish all our new and old subscribers much luck and protection from God and the Cosmic Code . Trusting us to serve you is an honor that we will fulfill with the best of our abilities. Terania and I will continue decoding and improving your understanding of God’s celestial message to each one of you. Once more, thank you for your trust in my work and May God protects each and every one of you and your cherished family.
Dr. Turi
Please take the time to investigate my predictions from http://www.drturi.com/predictions.php and pass them on to all the people you know. Most importantly if you are one of those unlucky souls feeling abnormally depressed, remember to read the so very important newsletter titled “A note From Terania published May 23rd from http://newsletter.drturi.com/
This forecast will touch everyone, please pay attention to the transits as they unfold.
Public Announcement: There are still people asking me to bring my prices down due to the current state of the economy. I have then once more decided to bring the VIP Cosmic Code subscription price down from $99.00 to $35.00 for the rest of the year. Thus if you received this “Cosmic Code newsletter” from a loved one or a good friend please consider JOINING US and reward Dr. Turi for his efforts to give you his best. Doing so will get you also the new 2011 Moon Power E-book for FREE and also your FREE personal 2011 Nostradamus Dragon Forecast. Seniors pay also $35. All the money goes towards the production of my reality show, “ The Cosmic Code” with Dr. Turi.” Thank you for your donations. http://www.drturi.com/orders3.html
Top of Form
The FREE “Dragon Newsletter” is NO MORE only my ‘round table” website http://cosmiccode7.ning.com/ offers now and then free goodies.
Thank you – DT
MARCH 2011 Universal Transits
The following pages describe the major transits that you will be experiencing for each months of the year 2011. This regular monthly report will give you insight into the challenges that you will encounter for the current month and the underlying lessons that they offer you. There are literally hundreds of positive and negative transits occurring for you each year, so my “Cosmic Code” newsletters report focuses on those for the current month of the current year. Note that I am using Nostradamus Divine Astrology and this methodology do not compare to the jargonized mathematical approach used by modern astrology. Astrology is an art and must be used as such with intuition and symbolism where objectivity plays a vital part in interpreting the heavens.
Please mention THIS DEAL with your order and mail your payment to Dr. Turi 4411 N. 23Rd St, Phoenix, AZ 85016.
For your birthday I am offering any of my VIP born in MARCH a 90-mn taped Full Life Reading for $210 (save $100) This deal comes with your FREE career report and another tape of your choice: Make sure to copy print and insert this deal when you order if you are a VIP.
Hypnotherapy – For the Body Mind And Soul
Astro-Therapy – For the Body Mind And Soul
Dr. Schuze Natural Wonderful Health Tips
Dr. Turi – George Noory Top UFO Show
Radio Shows Soup On The Dragon
Skype or telephone Taped VIP Celebrity Reading for $450 – Regularly $700 – Add $10 S&H to receive your tape and all the material you need to regenerate your body, mind and soul.
NEW – Skype or telephone Taped Astro-Tarot for $200 – Add $10 S&H to receive your tape and all the material you need to regenerate your body, mind and soul.
Taped Full Life Reading $275 – Regularly $310 – Add $10 S&H Add $10 S&H to receive your tape and all the material you need to regenerate your body, mind and soul.
Your Astro-Carto-Graphy for $150 – regularly $210 – S& H included – If you plan to move away under better stars to enjoy a more productive life you must have this service done.
12 Months Personal Lucky Dragon Dates for $75 – – regularly $100 – email service only. Indeed a very important service so you can be at the right place at the right time or avoid disasters.
Next LIVE course in Phoenix – Spend 7 days with Terania and Dr. Turi for $1000 (SAVE $500) *if you are a VIP ONLY.
Read it all here – http://www.drturi.com/astroclass.php
Astropsychology course by mail books/CD/DVD and materials for $810 – Regularly $1500
Remember the Dragon *as predicted back in December 2007 is about to move away from the US 2nd house of money and the karmic ending process will change by March 2011. Remember to REGULARLY visit my PLATFORM website http://cosmiccode7.ning.com/or www.drturi.com/newsletter/to read some of my Free Dragon newsletters you may have missed and to check on Special Announcements.
The “Exact” transit dates immediately prior to those dates are the times when the energies described will be felt most strongly and when actual events related to the transit are most likely to occur. Many transits will have three “Exact” dates listed. This is because the transiting planet goes retrograde (R) and then direct (D) again, causing three “hits.” When this is the case, the issues associated with the transit will surface on the first hit, there will be some progress toward resolving these issues on the second hit, and the third hit will bring final resolution.
Read this Universal transit report for the current month once now to get a general overview of the coming period. Then, as the issues described in this report begin to appear in your life, you can refer back to this report for suggestions on how to best handle the changes that you are experiencing. Even the worst transit can be a valuable experience if you are fortunate enough to “get” the lesson that it offers.
The readings stress that you are the ultimate decider of your fate. Astrology can give you a “weather report” on the energies influencing you, but it is up to you to decide how you will react. Some people can benefit greatly under normally difficult transits because they eagerly meet the challenge head on. Others will not benefit from the most positive transits because they did not pursue opportunities presented to them. To learn more about your UCI and your fate you may request a personal reading http://www.drturi.com/readings.php or personal Dragon Window dates for the next 12 months if you would like to examine your upcoming changes more thoroughly and more personally. Remember knowledge is power ignorance is evil. Lastly I want to personally thank the so many old (and new) VIP subscribers that have decided to stay with us in 2011. I will make sure to offer you more “star food” by finding new ways to serve you.
Blessing to all
Now on to the transits report for the month of March 2011
March 2011 – Universal Transit For All
Mars (war) is in Pisces (Middle East) : 2/28/2011 12:00 AM, Moving Forwards at Degree 4 in a 30 Degree House
Remember Mars rules wars and Pisces rules the Middle East and the results are pretty obvious…
A Libyan military jet bombed a base in eastern Libya today, as embattled leader Moammar Gadhafi fought to hold onto his regime.
Tunisia prime minister resigns
Sultan of Oman: Hire 50,000 citizens
Indeed the Age of Pisces and the predicted implosion of the Middle East is taking place. Read more in my prediction page http://www.drturi.com/predictions.php
Jupiter in Aries: 2/28/2011 12:00 AM, Moving Forwards at Degree 7 in a 30 Degree House
Jupiter increases luck in any area he is now in your chart. This mean if you have this planet in the 2nd house of money now, increasing opportunities to expand income and material possessions will come about. Career or investment interests may pay off handsomely, but overspending is a pitfall. A reading can help drastically to make a good use of this Jupiter lucky touch because I cannot translate the 12 areas and signs Jupiter occupy right now. This mean I would have to write a book about it or writing all day long just to translate this section only. In the next section “Horoscope for February” you will find more personal information but personal transits demand you to order the service via email. One must understand my limitation when I do Universal transits. Mean time if you soon strike lucky in one of the 12 departments of your life you will know that great Jupiter is for something…
Saturn in Libra: 2/28/2011 12:00 AM, Moving Backwards at Degree 16 in a 30 Degree House
Saturn means hard work, pain, karma and Libra rules the law. Incidentally I am suing those two evil spirit that stole your donation and got confirmation that my case is pending court decision to appear. Shared resources, taxes and transitions will require adjustment and attention. Dependency on others is not recommended. Rely on yourself and good luck if you have bad karma to pay off..
Uranus in Pisces: 2/28/2011 12:00 AM, Moving Forwards at Degree 29 in a 30 Degree House
Uranus rules explosion, aeronautics, bombing and fully explain what is again happening in the Middle East. Rebellious tendencies emerge. Read for more information in my 2011 Moon Power about the exactitude of what is happening with the current news. Events may be upsetting. The status quo must change… More surprising and unexpected news/events involving religious figures or the Pope are ahead. With the dying Age of Pisces numerous religious front will try to adapt or make a good use of technology to attract lost souls or keep their followers at bay. Yes indeed expect more weird news from this religious crowd. On a more productive note listen to your intuition and learn to recognize how God speaks through the stars, with my help you are on the right track.
(CNN) — A plane crashed Sunday night shortly after takeoff from the United Arab Emirates, killing the four people — all of them Americans — who were aboard, officials said Monday. MARS/URANUS IN PISCES?
Neptune is in Aquarius: Uranus (Aquarius) in Pisces or Neptune (Pisces) in Aquarius inhabits the same sign and will produce more of the above mentioned type of news. Neptune rules imagination and the art, Aquarius technology thus expect more interesting movies and the use of technology for medical use as Pisces (Neptune) rules also hospitals. One will feel or understand such powerful transits drastically when ordering a personal transit report or ordering a reading of course.
Neptune is in the subconscious house: 2/28/2011 12:00 AM, Moving Forwards at Degree 28 in a 30 Degree House
The art, water, exotic places and religion is in your mind, spirituality deepens. Compassion grows and solitude beckons. But it can be a time of self-undoing, delusions and secrets. Remain realistic.
Pluto (power) In Capricorn (Uncle Sam): 2/28/2011 12:00 AM, Moving Forwards at Degree 7 in a 30 Degree House –
Pluto *death/rebirth In Capricorn *politics/corporations/police read more in my prediction page http://www.drturi.com/predictions.php
Modern astrology says that; this transit will not occur during a person”s normal life span but on the Universal scheme of things we are all in the same bag. Thus anything involving power, sex, money, metaphysics, secret services, finances, and investment including witchcraft will undergo a full overhaul. But the area most affected will be governmental and financial changes. Wherever this transit takes place on your rising expect a form of life and death energy that can only serve you better in the long run
Be sure the “death” planet will force many of you to “die” in the house Pluto transit and all the affairs of this particular house. Thus if Pluto transits your 7th house of marriage be ready for a divorce, if Pluto transit your 2nd house of money be ready to rebirth yourself in this house etc. In the 10th house of career all matter related to the police, metaphysics, the medical field, investments, finances, life and death including your career will be on the fore. Unless you are educated in the housing system regulations or an Astropsychologist chances are you will not know what just hit you so dramatically. If you are mentally and emotionally prepared the “transformation” can and will only be beneficial. Your best shot is to let me do your 90 mn taped Full Life reading (or progressive reading) and make a good use of the FREE 90mn of Hypnotherapy tape I will join with your order because you will need it badly. Group activities will have a profoundly dangerous transforming effect. Hope, wishes and goals undergo transitions. Avoid manipulators and be aware.
Saturn in Libra: 3/1/2011 9:02 AM, Exact
This transit is dramatic as it involves serious karma where justice for all must be established and reflect what is taking place with some Middle Easter political abusers. The people feel as though they have lost time to make up for and must make every minute count to build a better future for themselves and their country. On a personal level you will eliminate many circumstances, things and people from your life now which are not contributing to your growth. The truth is that you are no longer willing to put up with unsatisfactory conditions in your life you”ve tolerated but will make changes to achieve your own goals in life. Marriages will endure this transit if you are being honest about your needs and if the relationship is a strong one. Otherwise, you may examine your domestic life and find that you have been putting up with it more than enjoying it.
Don”t hold on to outdated people and things which will pass from your life now. Their passing will only make room for others who will be more in line with your new goals in life. Cutting ties to circumstances or people who are holding you back will only facilitate your own growth. Changes may seem scary now, but they are needed more than ever. If you have held onto circumstances in your life which are not good for you, you will experience this transit as a time of crisis. The things you hold onto the tightest will be ripped from your grasp in order that something new and more appropriate can take their place.
Uranus sextile Venus: 3/3/2011 7:44 AM, Exact
This transit occurs only twice in each 84-year cycle of Uranus. You will attract new relationships during this transit–lovers as well as friends–and will benefit greatly from them. These new acquaintances carry a new air of acceptance with them that answers your need for freedom at this time. Your new friends will be an unusual departure from your friends of the past. They may be quite different from you in terms of their social background, age, race or culture. You are using better judgment in forming friendships at this time and can choose your friends more wisely. If you begin a love relationship under the effects of this transit, it will surely allow you a great deal more personal freedom. In order to last, any such partnership must maintain its original excitement and spontaneity. If it were to become dull, boring or too routine, it would never work. At the very least, your social life will be quite active now. You are trying to break away from any boring situations in your life, especially in your relationships. You will want to experience new depths of friendship and will seek partners who are more spontaneous and exciting.
Unexpected business opportunities may also arise now. This is a good time to explore those original (yet zany) ideas you have for making money, especially if they involve areas ruled by Venus (such as entertainment, the arts, music, luxury items) or Uranus (science, electronics, metaphysics). Your heightened intuition will help you find the best way to market your ideas.
Mars sextile Pluto: 3/3/2011 5:59 PM, Exact
Tremendous energy can be applied to group activities. Remodeling and renovation projects activate. Personal renewal is possible. Be very aware of the next SOS to the world, plutonic days…read moon power.
Mars conjunct Sun: 3/8/2011 9:10 AM, Exact
The energy is especially high and dangerous for many people depraved of Cosmic Consciousness. Much can be accomplished if ego energies don”t get out of hand. Do something physical but be aware of the danger.
Mars conjunct Mercury: 3/13/2011 5:39 AM, Exact
A tendency to speak with conviction could develop into a sharp tongue if challenged and this is a promise of many troubles ahead. There is a risk and danger of explosions in travel. Slow down and be cautious if you have to take a long trip..
Neptune is in Aquarius: Neptune (the sea/oil) in Aquarius (explosions/shocking news) or Uranus (explosions/shocking news) in Pisces (the sea/oil) display the same power. Thus through the Cosmic Code there is no accident by misunderstanding and misuse of the stars. Spiritual and intellectual growth and expansion are possible if one is willing to build Cosmic Consciousness as this transit supports intuition. Young souls may suffer confusion and religious misunderstanding. Travel by sea may bring about food poisoning (unless planned and experienced during a waxing (protective new moon). Stay clear of Neptunian gurus or deceiving religious groups and their Leaders, you may end up deceived you in the long run. Be practical in your spiritual research, try using your subconscious at your advantage “Beyond The Secret” is a great start and be amazed by the results- www.drturi.com/books.php
IMPORTANT NOTE: This Cosmic Code newsletter Transits are UNIVERSAL, if you need your Personal Transits please order from www.drturi.com/orders3.html or call Terania at 602-265-7667 – This service is performed the same day you order it and come to your mailbox via email.
12 months Personal Yearly Transit Forecast 30/35 pages email
(What the stars have in store PERSONALLY for you every day of the year)
Price: $25.95
The greatness of the Universe is unknown, but the magnetic forces that direct and move all the planets in our galaxy are known; this Divine source of power can be used to guide and bring humankind a life filled with happiness, peace and harmony.
Dr. Turi
You may send your blessings to help humanity and build our first Astropsychology school to Dr. Turi 4411 N. 23Rd ST Phoenix, AZ 85016. Please go to http://www.drturi.com/orders3.html and donate for OUR cause and for the children of the future.
Blessings and thank you for your donations.
(602) 265-7667
Blessings to all
Dr. Turi