Florida building collapse a critical omens for Trump and the world to consider!



 “The universe is under no obligation to make any SPIRITUAL sense to educated dunces

“The universe is a DARK PLACE I’m trying to make it brighter before I die.” Neil DeGrasse

“The universe is a BRIGHT LIVING spiritual entity, I’m offering its secrets before I die.” Dr. Turi

Dr. Turi on Tracie Austin radio show Sunday, July 25th; from 10-12 AM EST… 7-9 PST (AZ time). All about predictions, Astrology, God, Jesus cosmic Ministry, UFO’s ET’s agenda, and the future of humanity! Don’t miss it 



Memo The reptilius are after the children…

*Firefighter’s 7-year-old daughter found dead in the rubble -*Missouri teen plunges to her death at the state park – *Girl among 2 killed in shootings; 8 hurt – *Infant among 9 people wounded in shootings*A 9-year-old girl was killed and 2 boys wounded in back-to-back shootings in NC.* 9-vehicle-pile-up (Check Mercury retrograde) leaves 10 injured, one child dead

Sharing email:

Breaking News: A grand jury is said to have indicted the Trump Organization and one of its top executives, Allen Weisselberg, in connection with a tax investigation.

Dr. Turi;

Your predictions about Trump are all coming true. You are showing everyone why you are the world’s greatest astrologer!


From Dimitri:

FYI: Dr. Turi is ABSOLUTELY RIGHT! Bingo! Time to wake up America! Education should be taught in Astropsychology all over the AMERICA include the WORLD! 


Dear reader;

There are much deeper karmic reasons why Natives Indians are burning churches and even deeper reasons why so many people died in the Florida Champlain Towers South building partial collapse etc. The question is; are you ready, willing, and able to learn more and benefit from my rare cosmic wisdom?

Florida Building Collapse prediction 

While there are plenty of logical and plausible explanations outlining problems with the Florida building collapse, the 4 Catholic churches burning on Indian lands there is NO accidents reader! Even for a balloon in New Mexico to fall from the sky! 

While I blame the reptilius “effect” during my “SOS to the world SHOCKING window for June 27, 2021,” there are other “mystical” reasons as to why so many people are going insane, and why so many people lost their lives during this specific “shocking” window. 

As mentioned in my YouTube video, since Trump resides in Florida, this “accident” is a serious omen for him, his family, his businesses, and his base. But all of those people are not cosmic conscious and certainly unable to read a multitude of critical omens like I do!

The message is very clear to me, It’s just a matter of time before Trump’s tower of power will collapse, and there are deeper reasons for the churches burning!

The rubbles and death are other serious omens I will translate in time if you care enough to know! The Superconscious will send personal and/or universal messages to those who are spiritually advanced enough to perceive and translate the Divine.   And those wise souls are very rare!

While I repetitively asked some of my readers, especially Trump’s supporters NOT to misjudge me and “Kill the messenger” unevolved, rational, or religious human beings will never be able to detach themselves from their powerful destructive, passionate political or religious emotions! 

But giving my Astrological and the Superconscious secrets away to modern Astrologers or psychics alike, including Vedic Astrologers from India is not fair, nor rewarding for my trusting VIPs and Patreons supporters who have invested in my cosmic wisdom. 

The sad reality is, while all those truth-seekers are learning from me, none will ever mention my name…

MEMO –Interesting email from my Webmaster Alan sent in 2010: “You know Dr. Turi I realized something super interesting looking at your Alexa stats. A third of all your traffic comes from India. What’s that about? Maybe you need to make a trip to India? I tell you why I think that’s super interesting as well — India (as OF COURSE, you know) invented Vedic Astrology so the fact that they are heavily interested in your European style is a huge testament to your work. It’s like they’re saying that YOUR astrology is better than their own. It’s like if I had a new Cuisine/US Chef site that was visited mostly by France and Italy. That’s a huge compliment, my friend. Unless of course they’re stealing your work and retrofitting it into their Vedic style! You never know!  Alan”

To those who are into politics and interested in knowing the stars and fate of presidents, back in June 2015, I generated a full report on President Trump, see below.  Trump’s UCI “Unique Celestial Identity” is public and available to everyone interested in his character and his fate as the leader of the free world, while Biden’s astrological report is only for my VIP’s eyes. 


Thus, I have decided to stop feeding the masses for FREE, since 99.9% of people reading my work are unconscious and some unable, or unwilling to drink at the source of all cosmic wisdom. Why waste my precious pearl of wisdom and, be ridiculed and rejected by the dunces in the process?  
If you truly like my work and need clarification on Divine Astrology or the working of the Superconscious, you must show your support by becoming a VIP! Once you do, the information I have for you are simply mind-boggling and, as of today,  not for the general public consumption. 
Put your hands on this book and read “Beyond The Secret” before or after joining the cosmic code, you will never regret it, it will change your conception of life, that is a promise, yet again it’s me to know and you to find out! 
I will still produce my YouTube video (join, my channel don’t miss anything) but mostly to confirm my predictions and offer only limited information to the public.  Becoming a VIP will give me a real reason to work harder for you while regenerating curious people’s spirits. 
As a rule, “normal” religious or atheist “educated” people regenerate their spirit by watching movies, attending church, sports, enjoying nature, with their family, or sign up for TikTok!  It’s a no-brainer but my cosmic work is much too valuable to be wasted with those who can not make good use of it. 
Becoming a VIP mean also a better way for you to understand God’s cosmic design, realize Jesus’ initial cosmic Ministry and, learn all about Nostradamus Divine Astrology. Joining the Cosmic Code private website is also a great opportunity to learn all about various omens, and make good use of the Superconscious creative forces allowing you to reach your own wishes.  
Note also our daily guidance and various monthly forecasts are priceless and will allow you to safely plan your life, your trips, and meetings in accordance with the cosmic code jurisdictions.  You do not need to end up at the wrong place at the wrong time and become a part of the terrible statistics…  Knowing all about the cosmic clock is a must if you want to live a safer and productive life! Period!
Remember knowledge is power, ignorance is evil!


Put your hands on this book and read “Beyond The Secret” before or after joining the cosmic code, you will never regret it, it will change your conception of life, that is a promise, yet again it’s me to know and you to find out! 

Free your spirit with a live Zoom consultation with Dr. Turi? Read all the details!

Please sign my petition

Dr. Turi was on Dr. J’s radio show Thursday, June 17 at 5:00 PM PT. If you can handle the undiluted truth, let’s talk about UFOs, the US, Russia, and the predicted “dance of Evil”  Enjoy the show!

Dr. Turi on Tracie Austin radio show – Sunday, July 25th; from 10-12 AM EST… 7-9 PST (AZ time). All about predictions, Astrology, God, Jesus cosmic Ministry, UFO’s ET’s agenda, and the future of humanity! Don’t miss it



I am asking all my supporters NOT TO QUIT now! If you really like my work and want more, your support is important! I really want to offer my supporters, a way to fight the reptilius; using the same psychical tools.

 “The Superconscious Secrets Revealed” Dr. Turi’s new planned movie will become a reality if you help me revert all the negative reviews on Amazon Prime and only YOU can do it! 

Please  Ask for Dr. Turi movie “Alien Contactee” to be reinstated!

Thank you for your support, my good friends.

We need many more of those emails of support, from you! 

The easiest way to contact Amazon is: HERE, please do so for the sake of humanity while we still have time and time is running OUT!

If you are one of those rare spiritual human beings in the ocean of life looking for my uplifting spiritual hook, and interested in learning more about the Cosmic Code, God Cosmic Divinity, Astropsychology or Astroforensics just ring the bell! 

I will open the door of a new world above for you to join our VIPs in our Cyber Cosmic Code University! All the answers to what it means to be human and so much more is awaiting you!


Dr. Turi

Since 1991, I’ve tried to reach the police administration and educate our brave police officers to no avail… in the process, countless precious lives were wasted! Read “Police Requiem 

Policing will because so very dangerous that many will quit and the number of cops getting killed or killing citizens will explode; in the months to come. Infected criminals will get bolder and wilder committing crimes against the police and the public, never experienced before! 

Sad enough, my endless warnings on my YouTube videos and my newsletters SOS to the world deadly window 06/20/27- 2021″ do not reach the media (and the police)  as they should and, in fear of the ridicule only a minority of my supporters share my cosmic work!  And no many people are paying attention to my warnings on a TV show with George Noory! 

We Have 50 Years Left! – Read the endorsements!

My Amazon movie was a perfect platform to reach millions of truth seekers, offering much of the critical answers to the general public’s need to understand why the “world is going insane”  and what UFOs and various groups of ET’s are all about!

But the reptilius infected the mind of my religious and political internet enemies and this movie was removed.

Back in September 2019, in this documentary, I predicted Trump would lose the election, and explained how his negative stars would hurt this great country! My accurate vision offended his large base who, with all the religious fanatics who firmly believe I am the devil for using “Divine Astrology,” complained directly to Amazon, and one of my movies was removed.” 


Confused to say the least: I’ve read on his webpage what he had to say about Donald J Trump in 2015 and it’s not matching up to what is happening and has happened over the past 4 years. Here is a little just to read & understand, he is promoting the same fear-mongering the left is doing at this very moment.

Memo published 6/22/2015 “You have been warned. Trump will bring troubles and wars to this country because his stars do not bring luck with religions, foreigners, foreign powers, religions pets, wildlife, general education, the law and karmically supports all America’s enemies.”
Trump’s stars are dangerous for America and the world and do not endorse safe foreign relationships – Trump’s tendency to act obnoxiously or egocentrically doesn’t show a wise understanding and use of diplomacy. For unconscious people electing such a person to become the next US President is a reflection of those people’s dangerous, inconsiderate, egocentric, capricious, bully racist like character! You have been warned! Troubles in the US and War is inevitable!”
So far the patriots are peacefully voting and gathering quietly to discuss ways to calm down the angry and violent left. Every single thing he’s said about DJT is completely wrong. Completely wrong.

31 people found this helpful

DT Rebuttal: Really? Yes, the deadly invasion of the US Capitol stimulated by Trump on January 6, 2020, a few months later proved me right and it was also fully predicted on my YouTube channel! 

Late 2019, I also predicted that  Trump would lose the elections and his stars were really bad for the USA on Coast to Coast, am and this is why George and Tom kicked my ass in October 2020 when I was supposed to be back on the air again! “Contact in the Desert – Truth about Victoria, George Noory, and Tom Danheiser,”


While the amount of incredible interest and fantastic support I received from Amazon Prime is quite obvious the reptilius won the battle, because my enemies are much more active than my great supporters!

If you watched “Alien Contactee” the information offered will give you a good idea of what’s really going and why people of all ages and all walks of life are going INSANELY CRAZY!…  Something popular UFOs researchers, who never saw nor delegated any ET’s won’t and can’t talk about! 

Ronny; Cracking into the UFO speaking circuit, is like being invited to join the Illuminati… It seems like people would rather hear former government employees and scientists, leaking government propaganda, rather than listening to people like Dr. Turi; who had real UFOs experiences.

Watch “Alien Contactee” on Amazon Prime
Watch “Alien Contactee” on Tubi
Dr. J and Dr. Turi latest radio show on UFO’s

This is why I am asking my supporters NOT TO QUIT now! If you really like my work and want more, your support is important!

I really want to offer my supporters, a way to fight the reptilius; using the same psychical tools.

 “The Superconscious Secrets Revealed” Dr. Turi’s new planned movie will become a reality but to do so I need to revert all the negative reviews on Amazon Prime and only YOU can do it! 

Please  Ask for Dr. Turi movie “Alien Contactee” to be reinstated! Thank you for your support, my good friends. We need many more of those emails of support from you! 

The easiest way to contact Amazon is: HERE, please do so for the sake of humanity while we still have time and time is running OUT!


Please pass on my newsletters to the world and help bring true cosmic wisdom, to this world.


Dr. Turi

Image result for YOU TUBE

Getting closer and closer to reach my dream at 71…

Become a Boat Captain who enjoys the ocean, exotic islands, and open spaces.

You can not get A TWIC card without a perfect record as a law-obedient citizen with no criminal record. Can’t wait to do the final stage in Key Wes,t with Captain Kimi in time.

Something is pushing me towards the Bermuda triangle; so expect very interesting UFO’s footage then… 


A full set of Universal (Russia/China/Iran etc.) and Personal predictions for 2021 is available to you for only $25. You get BULL from CTC or invest in a real Modern Prophet and judge for yourself.

Plan in accordance with God’s cosmic design, save precious time, money, and even your life!

You should know Universally and at a personal level how the current (2020) and next (2021) dragon change of guards will take place and how it will curse or bless your life by house and signs! 

Related image

Nostradamus 2021 Universal and Personal Forecast 
Don’t start the year without it! Be smart, be wise, be warned! 
Order your 2020 Personal & Universal Cosmic Biorhythms Dates

Sharing email:

Hi Terania…
 Happy New year to you both! 
No worries, it just happened to be one of those days and you know I felt God had a different plan in mind that day (for my mom); she was able to receive an important phone call that she was waiting for. She wouldn’t have been able to pick it up if she was with Dr. Turi… So, it was definitely a “God wink” per se. And it was so lovely speaking with you on the phone.
Sometimes I miss those days of just connecting on the phone with someone instead of emailing back and forth all the time. Thank you for calling me during the confusion.
I believe everything really did work out for the best and DT’s reading for my mom was amazing. Really answered a lot of questions for her.
Something has lifted and she is willing and able to move on to the next phase of her life. It has been amazing to witness, just how fast it all changed, after DT’s reading. We are both so grateful and feel so honored, to be here, with you both. 
As far as my reading went…
It blew me away.
I always subconsciously knew I was different and special. But once DT got hold of my chart- now I truly know that I was right. And him and Draco have led me on the right path now.
I kept questioning my path because I have so many interests and I haven’t lived the societal, normal way (of going to college and making a living, to make sure I make money)… I’ve been more on the spiritual path all my life and have been different because of this.
So, it made me question my future a lot.
Now I know I am home with both of you. And I can’t wait to spread the truth, light, and love for the next generation- for the children- for our future… Astro psychology was so meant for me. 
I am so grateful that this year ended with a bang for both my mom and I. I looked forward to 2021 with high hopes and excitement because now I am aware of how to live my life and learn and teach what DT and you know. And it’s all thanks to you both and Draco of course.
Once again, in so much gratitude for being here. And thank you for your support and for being here.
So much love to you both. 
P.S. I should be buying for the Astropsychology class soon! I will keep in touch for sure when I am ready. 
In gratitude,
Christy & Jenny 

Hi Dr. Turi and Terania,

Thank you for sharing your gifts and for sending the files, so promptly.

Terania, you’re simply wonderful, sweet, and kind. Thank you for getting me on the schedule, and communicating with me consistently… You’re a great representation for you both.

And Dr. Turi, your gift and accuracy were remarkable!.. I appreciate everything you’ve shared and I look forward to learning more. I plan to get the book here shortly, to start that process into the new year.

I wish you both a Happy New Year, filled with peace, joy, and blessings.


Amazon Prime new documentary: Nostradamus’ Divine Astrology
TUBI – Nostradamus’ Divine Astrology 

Dr Turi, Amazon Prime suggested your movie to me after I was bored with something similar!! I left a 5-star review for you because it takes A LOT for me to sit still and be engaged in a documentary. I was honest in the review. I did look for you RIGHT AFTER watching the film!!! I need to read your books. I don’t know if I’m any good at astrology personally, but I use it for sports betting with so so accuracy! 🙂 God bless!

Reviewed in the United States on January 2, 2021

Isaiah 47:13-15 NIV. “All the counsel you have received has only worn you out. Let your astrologers come forward, those stargazers who make predictions month by month, let them save you from what is coming upon you. Surely they are like stubble; the fire will burn them up. They cannot even save themselves from the flame… Each of them goes on in his error; there is not one that can save you.”

Astrologers, also known as ‘Chaldeans’, were part of the king’s circle of so-called ‘wise men’ who practiced divination. The actual word for astrology in the Hebrew language literally means, ‘divining the heavens’.
The practice of pagan divination is prohibited by God. It’s in the Bible, Leviticus 19:26 NIV, “Do not practice divination or sorcery.” This goes back to originate in the nation of Babylon, now called the country of Iraq. Believe what you will.
There is no fixing a religious poisoned dark and fearful mind regurgitating bible verses…” And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:” – Genesis 1:14 in King James Version of The Bible

Thank you so very much readers, please go to Amazon Prime to rate my latest Astrology movie and ask any question you may have, you will get an answer! Make sure also to keep offering me ratings and wonderful supporting comments (201 so far) on my UFO’s movie on Amazon Prime! Please do not hesitate to rate again and post your reviews to IMDb too!  Another documentary is in the works! 

Your endorsements and honest feedback work together and will make Amazon’s algorithm picks up the movie and promote it on various platforms, i.e Gaia, doing so the movie will be recommended to vast audiences.  It will show up more often and in the first Google results of searches as well and this is how you become a part of the solution and help my mission readers.  Click on the 5 ***** stars and give me your feedback! 

Born a leader… I am wearing a Zorro cape, 4th kid from the left, middle row!

To scared parents who refuse to trust science and vaccines…

Back in 1961, my dad passed away I was 11 years old he died from tuberculosis… I was at school when I heard the bad news… I cried my heart out in pain and never got to enjoy my dad and he was everything to me!

I am sure my father would have killed anyone to protect me and my family. Then a nurse showed up at our door a week later with a TB vaccine and inoculated the entire family and doing so she saved us all. I hope this real story will override any scary conspiracy you may have for not trusting scientists dedicated to save lives and protect us all from Covid19.

But like Covid19 nowadays, no everyone got TB or got the virus and died from it…  I did not know that much then, but I know better as I turn 71 years old on February 26th, 2021! And all pulmonary diseases are coming from a very specific set of stars…

Fear is evil in itself and feeding fear is a bigger killer than any viruses combined! A true courageous loving father would consider anything to protect his family and being negative and fearful send the wrong message to his own family, his friends, and the world at large! Education is the only answer to bypass ignorance and fear!

Yet I can dance on my head, I know that; there are scared, indoctrinated, conspiracy heads people that will NEVER, ever be convinced otherwise… Dr. Turi


Dr. Turi Amazon Prime UFO movie rebuttals

Thank you so very much readers, for your great 5 stars ratings and wonderful supporting comments on Amazon Prime that surpassed my expectations! Please do not hesitate to rate again and post your reviews to IMDb too! 



By the way, how many of you watched the CNN special ” 7 creepy things we learned about cult leader and former UA teacher Marshall Applewhite”

Did you know that I fully predicted this “Mass suicide” and I was driving through Rancho Santa in CA with the police helicopters above my head on my way to a restaurant to meet with radio host Jon Rappoport and his wife? If I was able to predict the Rancho Santa Fe mass suicide accurately (to the day including 911 Katrina and some) on Jon Rappoport radio back in 1997, shouldn’t you trust me on any and all my future predictions too?

Back in 1997 when I was living in San Diego, California, the well-established Truth Seeker Company employed people such as David Icke, Jon Rappaport, Jordan Maxwell, and myself to name a few.

All of us somehow made our name and expertise are known to the entire world and every one of us was a guest to famous Coast-To-Coast radio hosts such as George Noory and Art Bell and we all appeared on numerous television networks.

The luckiest ones were David and  Rappoport benefiting from the hundreds of thousands of dollars from the company, propelling them to the fame they enjoy today!  

In fact, “Truth Seeker”  spend only a few hundred bucks on a single Moon Power book of mine but still sell all my titles without any rewards to me…

Young, honest, gifted, and stupid I was, you sign a contract and get screwed forever… But the ET’s in me had a plan and karma for us all… 
Sad enough the golden keys to what it means to be human are cloaked in our local solar system spiritual manifesto but both the well-organized, supremely wealthy reptilius infected religious and scientific matrixes have indoctrinated humanity and control all media and all sources of information.

Indeed Trump cursed UCI’s legacy is to divide people, old friends, and close family members!  And it was all predicted 4 years ago…

This also includes close friends, hundreds of radio and TV hosts from all walks of life who have had me as a guest over the years!

My friend Gary  Busey giving me top of the world endorsement…

Image result for star trek

Dr. Turi on William Shatner’s TV Show
 Discovery Channel – Dr. Turi’s Predictions


UFO’s Astrology & Predictions With Dr. Turi

When 2020 went off-script, you kept us inspired by uploading 2800 minutes of content. Your hard work’s worth celebrating—let’s take a moment to reflect! My Year In Review

 All-Time – Highlights

2020 by the Numbers

2020 didn’t stop you from making moves–you picked up 3,372 new subscribers and 269,210 new views.

Fans took 21,727 hours in 2020 to watch your YouTube channel.

Your fans can’t get enough–your videos received 7,826 likes in 2020 🤩


2020 Feel Good Moments

You kept in touch with your YouTube community by responding to 2,459 comments.

Fans returned the love by leaving 46 ♥️s and 3 s in your video comments! Talk about making your mark in the world!

So my good friends from all over the world, Terania, and I want to take this opportunity to thank you for following us and keep following us for many more years to come as we share our interesting life with you.

Ultimately my goals are to build my first Astropsychology school or eventually run my own radio or reality show program where I will be able to offer much more cosmic education, personal guidance, and predictions while helping the audiences to regenerate their spirit! And God will lead the right people in time with more opportunities to reach the world!

Read what is ahead for you in 2021 eBooks – Dr. Turi M.D.U.S.
There the option to read critical, non-public materials about Biden’s stars and the US/world fate, etc, including our daily guidance and forecasts will be offered to you. This is my way of saying thank you to those who support my work the most and introduce you to the Cosmic Code rules… 

Upgrade Humanity Psychical Welfare raise your Cosmic Consciousness, sign my petition! 

Moderna’s coronavirus vaccine is 94.5% effective

01/01/2021 – Dr. Fauci claims U.S. won’t start return to ‘normality’ until near end of 2021

 I predicted for months on my YouTube channel that the reptilius Covid 19 curse will end in early 2022!  I was a bit ahead of Dr. Fauci yet it shows another one of my visions endorsed by science! 

Coast to Coast AM | Talk 980 AM

From Coast to Coast website: 10/16/2019 – Turi also made predictions for this year and the next based on his study of astrology, saying that for the rest of 2019, political events and relationships will “go downhill,” and that there will be a “full restructure” of many groups*Antifa? and institutions in 2021.*POLICE?*Supreme Court of the United States? He also said that he is expecting “a lot of fire” and “a lot of wildlife to disappear.”

I made those predictions (and some) last October 2019 on Coast to Coast am with George Noory! 


Mamacrow –Thank you for this excellent report… Thank you again. Fantastic! I WAS a Hogue subscriber… WAS.

11/19/20 – Listen to Dr. Turi & Tracie AustinTV & KGRA Radio where I predicted another earthquake on the air!


Jim Karoll “Beating The Odds” Dr. Louis Turi.

On Beating The Odds” radio show, and this YouTube video, including this newsletter, both the Lebanese and the Baltimore deadly EXPLOSIONS (and some) were fully predicted!

Attention readers: 6 MN 44 seconds into the radio show with Jim I warn about large earthquakes and  mentioned to be ready for “Sudden release of energy and EXPLOSIONS!”

Calm Deception To Strike!

8/26/20 – 6.1 magnitude earthquake near Kokopo, Papua New Guinea
8/21/20 – 6.9 magnitudeKatabuSulawesi TenggaraIndonesia
8/18/20 –  6.6 magnitude earthquake near San Pedro, Bicol, Philippines

Check my email exchanges with USGS!

The magical power of talismans

Get the new 2021 Nostradamus Dragon Forecast For All Signs from Paypal or ORDER from my website

How will the new 2021 cosmic winds affect your life and all the people you care about? Find out and have a winning edge on your future by using Nostradamus 16th century Divine Astrology!  You may also put your hand on the 2020 version for only $5.00 and check how the rest of the 2020 cosmic winds will affect your life.

 “If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!” Nostradamus

Since I hurt my back OTR for FedEx I can not drive long distances anymore and I am now open to take care of many of you. But if you want to avoid paying a fortune to meet me live on Zoom, show you real support for my cosmic work, and become a VIP or a Patreon first to save a lot of money! You may also email teraniapromodir@gmail.com if you want to become a student or need more information!

Hitler was born with the same astrological configuration as Trump and feared power and wealth! He was able to “hypnotize” his base first then forced the entire German population to submit with his passionate hatred speeches.

The new 2021 Nostradamus’ personal & universal predictions updated e-book version is now ready to purchase. The long series of predictions for 2021 is something you must be aware of and prepared for and use to your advantage. The exact date to when the world will finally be free from COVID19 and other critical visions is also offered to my trusting readers.  You may also put your hand on the 2020 version for only $5:00 and check how the rest of 2020 cosmic winds will affect your life. 






About Dr. Turi

Dr. Turi is a proficient author and a captivating speaker, his profound Universal Wisdom astonishes everyone. He was recognized in the 2003 Marquis "Who's Who in America." Dr. Turi is the personal counselor of many celebrities, Ivana Trump, Peter Fonda, Gary Busey, Denis Haysbert, John Gray and many others. Dr. Turi is a favorite guest of George Noory on Coast-To-Coast AM radio and the BBC in London and appeared in numerous television programs worldwide.He speaks of the cosmic face and celestial tools of the creator and warn the world with undeniable well documented undeniable predictions. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4BX3TzPUt08 Clinical Hypnotherapist - Astropsychologist focused on providing individual and couples counseling services. Specializing in public speaking, teaching, metaphysics, natural healing, stress management, women’ issues and family mediation services. Interested in speaking engagements, radio, television, events and media outlets, academic work, advising corporations, the police force, colleges, universities and general public on mental health issues and spirituality outside of conventional beliefs and accepted disciplines.