Star Theme Publications LLC.
Phoenix, AZ.85016
Phone (602) 265-7667

Dr. Turi M.D.U.S.
You Tube introduction
INTRODUCING Dr. Louis Turi | | |
Dear Event Manager,
Thank you for taking the time to consider this letter. I am Terania, Dr. Louis Turi’s wife and the Promotional Director of Star Theme Publications LLC. Dr. Turi is a world-renowned Hypnotherapist, Shiatsu Master, and Natural Healer. With over three decades of practice, he specializes in delivering transformative experiences that blend ancient wisdom with modern insights to enlighten, heal, and entertain audiences. His expertise in hypnotherapy, motivational speaking, and Nostradamus’ 16th-century natural healing techniques provide a unique blend that captivates and uplifts. Through safe and engaging hypnotic trances, he works with the superconscious creative forces offering a powerful rejuvenating experience that stands out from conventional wellness programs.
Having engaged audiences in luxurious resorts, cruise ships, and prestigious conferences worldwide, Dr. Turi is adept at creating Shiatsu foot and hand natural healing sessions that are perfectly suited for distinguished settings such as yours. His presentations are designed not only to heal, entertain and relax but also to offer profound personal transformations, adding significant value to any event aiming to provide patrons a unique and memorable experience.
As a native of Provence, France, that same region that gave the world the visionary Nostradamus, he carries the rich French cultural heritage and deep appreciation for history, tradition, and insight that this area embodies. Dr. Turi’s upbringing in such a storied environment has instilled in him a unique perspective and a strong connection to the past, which I believe enhances his ability to approach challenges with both creativity and foresight.
I look forward to the opportunity to collaborate and to bring a transformative experience to your patrons. Please feel free to reach out to me at your earliest convenience to arrange a meeting with Dr. Turi or further discuss this opportunity.
Thank you once again for considering this unique addition to your event programming. I am enthusiastic about the prospect of a successful collaboration and the positive impact it will have on your patrons.
Warm regards,
Terania Turi
Office 602 265 7667
All diseases are from a Spiritual and/or a physical blockage due to a lack of mental regeneration.
Especially if you want to stop smoking, lose weight, feel more confident, get rid of depression and the list goes on and on!
$700 is quite a lot of money for a private astrological full life reading consultation on Zoom but paying only $250 to learn the basics of hypnotherapy is a great deal! Taking the live upcoming course under my guidance and coaching will also allow you to learn how to auto-hypnotize yourself and help others in the long run!
This is a great career idea and much in demand since people are going insane with the current state of this world and politics…
Terania and I are planning to do a ZOOM HYPNOTHERAPY TUTORING session in the very near future. The hurricanes messed up thousands of people’s lives and some of my students were touched directly, thus this course has been not only postponed until January 2025 but also REDUCED to $250 instead of $500 to help them all.
This type of tuition cost THOUSANDS reader, read why you do not want to miss this unique opportunity to learn with me! A hypnotherapy course can cost anywhere from a few thousand dollars for a shorter, basic training to upwards of $10,000 for a comprehensive, accredited program, depending on the length, curriculum, and institution providing the training; with some online options starting as low as a couple hundred dollars for introductory courses.
Do you wish for better health, more energy, more drive, more focus? Do you want to avoid or heal cancer faster as I did? Do you want to reverse the clock and look and feel younger like me? Do you want to attract and use the Divine? Do you want a better vision , a better job or start your own business but don’t know how? Do you want to stop smoking or drinking too much? Do you want more magnetism and attract or maintain love?
I want to personally thanks the many new students who signed up for this healing educational tuition for their understanding and patience and we still have room for more students…
There is much more involved in this course than what I can discuss just yet, but with time and patience realizing and accordingly using your inner subconscious power will come to the fore. Tapping on the superconscious creative forces is a sure ticket to better both, your inner and physical life! Yet if you are not curious enough and ask for the Divine, how can your life change?
I will take the time to explain this fact in great detail and I will also take the time to remove it and offer the answers to anyone interested in knowing their mental dilemma at a personal level…
It starts by being inquisitive and in a couple of days harness supreme wisdom instead of spending years suffering and wondering why you can’t reach your goals… God’s creative power is limitless and works on both the spiritual and physical planes, yet again, it is only if you ask that you shall receive!
Reading this article is not an accident, its you being at the right time at the right place and offering you the winning numbers of the lottery, thus let others’ skepticism and lack of curiosity “miss the boat!”
The first part of the course will take two to four hours of education involving the difference between the subconscious and the super-conscious creative force. Multiple examples will be used to assimilate the stimulating power and how to direct it correctly. This course will be entertaining and educational and greatly change your perception and concept of reality.
You were born with God’s power to create your reality and enjoy life to the fullest. It is YOUR choice and your decision alone to ask in order to receive! All you need is to plan for some time alone with me as your guide to the high magical forces you were born to seek and use.
Following the basic introductory training along with soft music, my voice will take you up to your subconscious then the super-conscious, and open the golden door to God’s divine power…
The positive inserted suggestions will be sealed within the depth of your subconscious and lead you to a much more positive attitude towards life in general and shape your future since the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought!
(Optional) During the second part of the course, under my supervision, once confident and if ready, each student will practice and perform a hypnotic session on all of us. You do not have to do it if you feel insecure.
This is an experience you will never forget for as long as you live and the creative rewards are endless! And it’s only when the student is ready that a rare teacher will appear! Using my technique will open the golden gate to a much more exciting, healthier, and productive life.
After this light hypnotic safe session, you will become much more aware of the principle involving the Superconscious creative forces and creating your fate with your thoughts is all about! Miracles do happen, I will teach and guide you to make your wishes become a reality!
You may go to the PRESENTATION DETAILS to read more. Sign up now, this course will fill up fast, email
KNOWLEDGE IS POWER, IGNORANCE IS EVIL! Find out how the new 2025 Pisces/Virgo dragon axis will bless or curse you (if you do not know its impact by house and sign!)
Dr. Turi on William Shatner’s TV Show
Discovery Channel – Dr. Turi’s Predictions
History, applications and success:
- Part one: bring couples on stage, and teach the amazing truth about the inner power to heal the body, mind and soul while building self confidence by rising to a full supra-cosmic consciousness.
- Part two: Introduce the Super-conscious powers with a few incredible personal stories based upon real experiences involving the Divine as to prepare and relax the audience for a very light and safe hypnotic trance.
- Part three: Dr. Turi use technology and/or perform his soothing New Age musical composition before starting the hypnotic healing session.
- Part four: Induce a very light and very safe trance and take the audience into a full relaxing, receptive healing mode.
- Part five: Shiatsu Physical interaction with the audience, bring a towel or a blanket to the event. Healing backaches, neckaches naturally with the feet and teach the secrets of “Natural Blood Transfusion” to improve the immune system, avoid chemotherapy and beat cancer.
Carnival Cruise Lines “Power of the Dragon”
The Power to Create your reality
Dr. Turi is a cancer survivor!
Your future is nothing else than the reincarnation of your thoughts – You were born at the image of God and with the power to create your own reality! And its only when the student is ready that a rare teacher will appear! Using your own super-conscious creative forces, the golden gate to a much more exciting, healthier and productive life will be offered to you. After this light hypnotic safe session, you will become much more aware of what the principle involving consciousness and what creating your own future with your thoughts is all about! Miracles do happen, make yours!
The inserted suggestion will undoubtedly bring about one of your most cherished wishes and open the gate to “Beyond The Secret”.
The event will be advertised on radio and read worldwide in our cosmic code newsletters.
Following five Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind Dr. Turi was led by ET’s to uncover the secrets of the cosmic core. Commissioned by the Galactic Federation of Grand Cosmic Order to rekindle humanity Cosmic Consciousness, make astonishing predictions and heal earthlings body, mind and soul.
Dr. Louis Turi Top Presentations
Dr. Turi’s fifth kind UFO’s experiences
A Powerful Message To The World
“Incredible experiences breed in incredible people that have incredible wisdom to share.” Dr. Turi
I am Alien, the final Revelation
Finding Your True Soul Mate Using The Divine Cosmos
- Mars in a women chart depict the type of man she will always appreciate and need to be emotionally and physically fully satisfied with.
- Mars in a man’s chart represents his masculinity and how he will behave with the opposite sex.
- Venus in a woman’s chart depicts the type of lasting love she is able to offer a man.
- Venus in a man’s chart represents the type of love he truly need a from a woman to be loyal and committed to her in their relationship.
Terania, Star Theme Publications LLC. Promotional Director.
Introducing Dr. Turi President Star Theme Publications LLC world-known Hypnotherapist, audience hypnotist, Shiatsu Master, Natural Healing, Motivational Speaker, Author, Marriage Counselor.
“Your Future is Nothing Else Than the Reincarnation of Your Thoughts.”
Let me take this opportunity to thank you for allowing some of your valuable time to consider Dr. Turi as a guest speaker on your exquisite facility or ship. He is a cancer survivor, a charismatic, captivating speaker endowed with a profound wisdom that will astonish your audience.
Dr. Turi lectures on the Super-Conscious creative forces opening the golden door to a transforming regenerative, natural healing force only a gifted person can access and share with the attendance. He does perform safe and light “hypnotic trance” on the audience and his forte is teaching and performing Nostradamus 16th century “Natural Healing” and Shiatsu foot healing.
Dr. Turi has spent years motivating and inspiring audiences to bypass fears and their comfort zone while propelling people to conceive a new cosmic reality! Or the fact that; there is nothing they cannot be or do to heal themselves naturally! Since 1991 Dr. Turi traveled and taught the world on the Super-conscious secrets and offers the golden keys to what it means to be human adding more repertoire of spiritual wisdom to all.
His drive is to get people to improve their visions, inner power, morale, teamwork and ultimately achieve more results in life. With his background as a hypnotherapist, he combines his talent as a musician to reach and motivate skeptical people who are often emotionally hard to motivate. With his engaging wit, and fun personality, Dr. Turi connects with his audiences almost immediately and delivers crucial wisdom that will stay with the audience for the rest of their lives.
Dr. Turi is “Who is Who” in America, a graduate from the Audrey Wickens Royal School of Music of London and author of many books. He was contracted as a motivational speaker over the years in various conferences very fine hotels and spas on cruise lines and performed in top tele-classes conferences in the United States and Canada.
In addition he is a popular motivational keynote healer/speaker and Dr. Turi is also the author of a few metaphysical books including “Beyond the secret” “The Power of the Dragon” “I know All About You” And God Created the Stars”. When not delivering motivating programs for audiences or teaching the Cosmic Code secrets across the country, Dr. Turi produce YouTube videos and write to his very large world-wide reading audience.
We thoroughly advertise all events on all his websites & numerous radio programs:
Dr. Turi has been on countless TV and radio programs and is a frequent guest on Coast-To-Coast AM with George Noory and the BBC in London.
Students, clients, patients endorsements.
You may take some of your valuable time to check Dr. Turi websites at:
I can only guarantee you a phenomenal response from all your guests and an experience that will change their conception to what life is all about.
“Incredible experiences breed in incredible people that have incredible wisdom to share.” Dr. Turi
Since then I have continuously and accurately predicted large earthquakes above 6.0, deadly terrorist attacks/911 including the California fires, and Hitler’s racist legacy still cursing the world. Not to forget various deadly natural disasters/Katrina on both national radio and television shows. Sad enough I also attracted the attention of the FBI which visited TWICE…
“Healing The Body From All Diseases and Cancer”
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to present you with Dr. Turi’s unique talents to your entertaining UFO program. I guarantee your notable guests to gain much delight and a fascinating eye opening educational experience with Dr. Turi’s speech and well designed UFO slide show presentation.
Dr. Turi’s UFO’s predictive legacy is simply unarguable and has been endlessly proven to the world through his well documented, dated, published cosmic work! He wants to prove his claims on your program! His genuine spiritual gifts and unsurpassed cosmic wisdom will assure your patrons a wonderful time.
Please read more on one of his many UFO articles listen to one of his many UFO radio shows and check on a few other lecture topics mentioned below. If you have any questions about interviewing or hiring Dr. Turi here are some answers for you. If you have more questions do not hesitate to contact us anytime by email of by telephone.
Waiting in anticipation. Sincerely and respectfully
Terania Turi
Promotional Director Startheme Publications LLC
(602) 265-7667
Motivational speaker, UFO contactee, clinical hypnotherapist, cancer survivor, natural healer, Astro-psychologist.
More about Dr. Turi:
Like the great prophet Nostradamus, Dr. Turi was born and raised in Provence France. World-famous UFO’s contactee and Clinical Hypnotherapist, Dr. Turi is a captivating speaker, author of many books and his profound Cosmic Wisdom continues to astonish skeptics and believers alike. He is a regular guest on George Noory, Coast To Coast am popular program. He has been featured on national television programs such as NBC’s “Ancient Mysteries” series, TLC, the Discovery Channel, “Journal of the Unknown, Weird of what? with William Shatner and More Than Human” the BBC in London and in countless radio and televised programs worldwide. Dr. Turi graduated from the Royal School of Music in London and was recognized in the 2003 Marquis “Who’s Who in America.” Dr. Turi counseled people from all walks of life including many celebrities such as Ivana Trump, Peter Fonda, Gary Busey, Denis Haysbert, John Gray and David Icke to name a few. He channels an ET entity named Draco and speaks of his seven, incredible fifth kind UFO’s experiences all over the world. Those mind-boggling encounters lead Dr. Turi to rekindle the great Seer Nostradamus’ prophetic visions and natural healing work. Dr. Turi teaches the mighty secrets of the Supra-conscious in time and space and its interaction with the “Cosmic Code.” Dr. Turi regularly warns the world with his undeniable well documented undeniable predictions. The FBI visited Dr. Turi Twice, following accurate Terrorists Attack Predictions. Watch his highly supported UFOs movie on Amazon Prime
All diseases are from a Spiritual and/or a physical blockage due to a lack of regeneration.
Hippocrates II was a Greek physician of the Age of Pericles and is considered the most outstanding figure in the history of medicine.
Nostradamus Universal and Personal Forecast
Dr. Turi is a thirteen year cancer survivor who refused chemotherapy and instead used his own “Natural Blood Transfusion” creation to boost his immune system and save his life. This workshop will teach the attendance how to use Nostradamus’ homeopathic healing, it involves hands, neck, spine, and feet pressure techniques designed to reset your physical atomic structure calibrating regularity, build more magnetism, improve heart condition, beat or avoid cancer, increase magnetism and the seat of attraction with the opposite sex. Don’t miss this great opportunity to learn all about Nostradamus’ rare 16th century natural healing while enjoying a deep physical and spiritual cleansing therapy. The Seer’s rare methodology induces a strong regenerative power, eliminate depressions, rigidity, chronic headaches including back problems. A rare technique will be taught by Dr. Turi to even improve and restore your vision. Those simple and safe procedures will benefit everyone attending this lecture/workshop and your newfound healing wisdom will benefit you and your loved ones for the rest of your life. Bring a large towel or a blanket at the workshop for the foot healing session and be prepared to undergo a crystal cleansing before entering the room.
Universal world and Personal Predictions
Even famous radio show host George Noory confirmed many times on Coast To Coast national radio show and in his public appearances, that Dr. Turi is the TOP guest predictor gifted with uncanny accuracy for world events and natural disasters. Just to mention a few, the 911 NY terrorists attack, both Asia Tsunamis, hurricane Katrina, the India terrorist attack including the US economy, the US internal revolution, implosion of the Middle East, and all major earthquakes were fully predicted. Join Dr. Turi for an interesting presentation on “2012 Personal and Universal Predictions.” Learn all about the implacable Cosmic Code jurisdictions and how the new Dragon’s Head and Tail will impact yourself and the world molding our destiny as a whole. Dr. Turi will also do personal predictions for each person” sign of the zodiac present in the ballroom and teach important Universal Laws. Your entire conception of life will change as you raise your own Cosmic Consciousness.
After entering my body, mind, and soul during an eclipse, the predictive legacy left by an ET entity named Draco is absolutely incredible! My 5 UFO’s close encounters left me with an incredible ability to read the future and heal myself and others from Cancer! Sad enough by offering the exact dates of terrorist attacks my gift also brought the FBI twice in my house.
FBI visited Dr. Turi again, following Paris Terrorists Attack Prediction
Listen to another radio show where I predicted large earthquake to the day!
The Power Of The Dragon
The Year of The Dragon – Nostradamus referred to the nodes of the moon as the Mighty Dragon. There is more power to be found on the Dragon alone than the entire mathematical complexity involving a person’s astrological chart. The accumulation of all the souls’ past life residue, sins and virtues are stored on the mighty Dragon’s Tail. While the real celestial identity involving the souls’ strengths, gifts, opportunities, and success lies on his fiery head. If you are interested in the human mind, psychology, parapsychology, psychotherapy, psychiatry Astropsychology and where the gold mine is located Dr. Turi wisdom will be illustrated in this presentation.
The Moon Goddess
There is a tide in the affairs of man, when taken at its crest, leads on to fortune.
Bygone civilizations such as the Mayans, Incas, Sumerians, Aztecs, Sumerians, and the Atlantians raised Temples in honor of the Moon and faithfully celebrated her phases. The farmers of the old days also knew and used her eternal cycles to further their crops. There is much more encompassing our closest satellite and Dr. Turi’s explanation of the power of the moon is the genuine interpretation of its daily touch and impact upon the world. In this lecture, Dr. Turi explains how the moon rules over women’s psyches and humanity at large. If you have a spiritual, loving, or unexplained “connection” to the Moon chances are, during one of your past lives you worked in a Moon Goddess Temple as a Medicine woman. Dr. Turi will bring some Ladies on stage and tell them all about their natal moon’s location and how to use the power constructively.
For more information about Dr. Turi please follow the provided links.
Please Note: As a new potential consumer and to thank you for your consideration, Dr. Turi offers his expertise for a starting fee of $1500.00 including the circumstances and travel expenses for two. Lecture topics may be altered, changed, or eliminated if we decide.
Kind regards,
Terania Turi Star – Startheme Publications Inc. (602) 265-7667
Previous Tentative Itinerary
Dr. Turi M.D.U.S.
“Japanese foot Natural Healing”
Important: All attendees must go through a physical/spiritual cleansing before entering the lecture room. Two big crystal balls (black and white) will be placed on a small table by the door between a huge crystal pyramid on a silver tray while incense and one white candle will be burning. You must touch the black ball first with both hands for about 10 seconds then repeat the process on the white crystal ball. The black crystal ball acts as a “black Hole” vacuum that store and sucks away negative thoughts. The white crystal ball spends days in the full hot sun of Arizona and acts as a “supercharger” and inserts life force into your body mind and soul This technique should balance your chakras and cleanse your spirit before the session.
Nostradamus demanded ALL his clients and patients to perform this simple but authentic cabalistic healing.
Day One: Lecture – From 9:30 To 11:30 AM -Introduction to the Cosmic Code: Using his celestial artwork Dr. Turi will introduce the audience to the structure of our solar system and how the Cosmic Code and those planets affect the human psyche and shape our personal destiny.
Workshop: Opening Your Third Eye – 2:00 To 5:00 PM: Dr. Turi will bring some people on stage and amaze the audience with his remarkable wisdom and uncanny psychic perception while offering practical guidance to those in need. The Astro-Tarot Cards will be used to tap on the subconscious offering more directions from the depth of the subconscious. A very impressive reaction from the audience is assured.
Day Two: Lecture From 9:30 To 11:30 AM Men Are From Mars Women From Venus: This is entertaining and educational because Dr. Turi will then explain particular differences, inner fears, birth gifts, and how they react, love, or struggle with others in certain situations. Find out about your soul mate or how karma can build or spoil any relationships.
Workshop: The Moon And Women – 2:00 To 5:00 PM: The moon is much more than a dead rock hanging above our heads for the sake of beauty because she regulates all women on earth. Dr. Turi will find your natal moon sign and explain your emotional response to life, your domesticity, your predisposed home life and feelings with children. Most importantly you will be taught to understand, respect and use “The Universal Law of The Moon” so you can enjoy a safer and more productive life.
Day Three: Lecture From 9:30 To 11:30 AM The Power Of The Dragon: Dr. Turi will find your own celestial dragon and explain why it is important to ride the protective head and stay clear of its tail. The dragon nodes hold your gifts, your sins and virtues, and influence all health matters. Knowing your dragon makes the difference between a very flourishing or challenging life.
Workshop: All About Your Past Lives – 2:00 To 5:00 PM: Using the Dragon Dr. Turi will divulge some of your accomplished or dramatic past lives and the physical legacy produced by some of those traumatic lives. Dr. Turi will advise to aim in the right direction while offering natural physical and spiritual health tips.
Day Four: Lecture From 9:30 To 11:30 AM
Workshop: “Japanese foot Natural Healing” Balancing Your Chakras – 2:00 To 5:00 PM: Dr. Turi teaches how to heal using hands and feet to activate pressure points to improve the immune system and bring relief to rigidity, chronic headaches, back problems, even vision can be altered and ultimately restored to health.
Day Five: Lecture From 7:00 To 9:00 PM Healing The Spirit: Ample information is given on how the subconscious can be carved with positive suggestions and reverse years of trauma, pain, and suffering into healthy habits bringing back body mind, and spirit health, and harmony.
Workshop: The Power Of Your Subconscious 10:00 to 11:30 PM: While a soft soothing melody glides over in the background of the room, using hypnotherapy procedures Dr. Turi puts those in a light trance to open the door to the subconscious creative forces. The dynamic suggestions used will work positive miracles and unquestionably bring about your most cherished wishes for wealth, love even health. This spiritual healing session keeps the audience semi-conscious and offers a unique feeling of all-encompassing relaxation. There is no hypnotic trance induced thus no risks of insurance liability and the assembly is totally safe and sound. Dr. Turi’s hypnotherapy expertise enlightens, unify, comfort, and purifies the Astral body, mind, and soul. An experience none of your patrons will ever forget and enjoy to the fullest.
Day Six: Psychic Healing: From 9:00 to 12:00 and 2 :00 To 7:00 PM: Following any lecture or workshop presentation, people usually demand personal attention to themselves. Dr. Turi can give personal consultations. The taped session takes about 30 mn where Astropsychology and the Astro-Tarot combined offers session where specific forecast and counseling oblige.
The current year Personal and Universal World Predictions: From 9:00 to 12:00: Dr. Turi end his presentation about the reality of extraterrestrials and their participation as “The gardeners of the world” and what the next year predictions will bring and means to the world at large.
Day Seven: End of the show: From 2:00 to 4:00: Saying goodbye, Picture time.