Boy gets trapped in hot car, dies? What’s Going On?



“If you make people think they”re thinking, they”ll love you; but if you really make them REALLY think, they”ll hate you. The two most common elements in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity. The stars are the elixir of life! All great spirits have encountered opposition from mediocre minds”
– A. Einstein


Forty-four children died of heat stroke in cars in 2013, and more than 500 have died in hot cars since 2000, according to the child advocacy

Dear Readers;

A physician without a knowledge of Astrology has no right to call himself a physician – Hippocrates (ca. 400 BC).

First; if you missed my radio show last nigh here it is for your enjoyment in the Ascension radio website. My section starts 23 minutes into the show… Simply click on the blog talk radio on the up right side of the screen to listen. From the formidable feedback I received from many listeners, you do not want to miss it!

In “Mike Broomhead, Why Parents Forget Their Children To Die in Hot Cars? ” I offered the real “subconscious” reasons why struggling parents do not pay full attention to their children.


While my claims may sound ruthless and ridicule to some, the fact is; another child perished in a hot car today!

I do not want to sound redundant but it is through steady repetition that any form of acknowledgement can be assimilated. How many times did you left something behind in your friend’s house or how many time did you have to run out to catch up with your friend who left his phone on your table?

This happens ALL THE TIME! In fact last night I took Terania to our local Chinese restaurant and the waitress ran outside as I was driving off with my FBI hat!  Over the year we developed a friendship relationship with all the staff, the chef and even the owner that came and spoke to us last night!

Again, there is a very deep “inner” subconscious relationship going on in with all the people you truly like or hate! But not all people own cosmic consciousness or are fully aware of the extraordinary power of the supra-conscious in time and space and not everyone is knowledgeable of hypnotherapy, astropsychology and astroforensics.

While a moronic, spiritless science created another syndrome investigating rats depressed brains “forgotten baby syndrome!”  has a much deeper meaning those well read kids could never comprehend! It is through my Cyber Cosmic University that the golden keys to what it means to be human, and the real facts are offered to all my readers!

But can you imagine Dr. Turi offering the undiluted truth to the masses on CNN or explaining  “The Soul of the Cosmos” with Neil Degrasse Tyson on National Geographic?

But those people do not know better, nor are they trying to deceive you, they are simply and totally oblivious of metaphysics, all due to their underdeveloped, dry karmic UCI!

But I can guarantee you, for any child to meet with an early accidental death, a myriad of people, not only the PARENTS are to blame. Here are the reasons…

First, because our society has been victimized by the monopolization of information endlessly performed by both the scientific and religious matrixes on national TV and radio programs.

“When you control the source and steady flux of all information, you mold the psyche and control the entire life and resources of the God fearing and/or Atheists born souls!” Dr. Turi 

Second the parents unwillingness to exist their religious or scientific comfort zones, thirdly their lack of curiosity to investigate God Universal Cosmic Divinity and accept the fact that ALL religions and Astrology have always been interconnected! Something the Illuminati will make sure you ridicule and will cover up at any cost!

All Popes were taught Astrology by the Vatican council! Good for us but not for the non educated God fearing peasants!  

Christianity Judaism Islam Astrology & The Dead Sea Scrolls

Thirdly exactly like the adults, children are under the jurisdictions of the Cosmic Code and MOST OF ALL , adults and children become extraordinary vulnerable during their “Personal Cosmic Biorhythms!

Parents are NOT educated on metaphysics, astrology, astroforensics, astropsychology and the penalty for cosmic unconsciousness is DEATH!  God does not feel nor rationalize or  think! He simply does! You better raise to his cosmic manifesto or pay the price!

Sometimes I can help to think what it is so difficult to grasp in my work? What words should I use to make people aware that “THERE ARE NO ACCIDENTS” only specific cosmic circumstances at work they know nothing about?

Again, how many times did you run outside with your friend handbag, telephone, car keys etc.? Your subconscious, the “thing” that get’s your heart beating, control your metabolism, stimulate your fears, sins and virtues, (or God) WANT’s you to STAY in a place where love, good time, support, good food, understanding,  and care comes freely!

Trust me reader in no way will you ever leave anything behind if you do not like a person or his house. But I am here to help you PAY attention to these facts you would otherwise never notice!

The same apply leaving your wallet or your child in your your car because your subconscious does not want you to spend the money you do not have! Education is the key and cooperation at a subconscious level is a must to avoid more deaths…


Indeed if there is a book on the market that can offer you more than what you bargain for to understand this phenomenon and the Supra-conscious  its called “Beyond The Secret. ” While this non fictional book will never make the N.Y. Best Sellers list, (thanks to the Illuminati) its content is priceless.

But its me to know and you to find out readers and if my work can (and will ) save your life, I should not insist for you to own a copy!

Besides being a fantastic story, this book will teach you how to use the creative powers of you subconscious and begin to master the law of karma.

In brief: Dr. Turi uses specific instances of his life to explain how our higher powers can be accessed and how we can percieve the working of the divine. Ie we’re beings of white light trapped in a prism world and we’re supposed to learn to separate the colors in order to make a more beautiful synthesis of the substances of Gods image. Take your self apart and reassemble according to a will that has been purified by the process.

“The future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought” Dr. Turi

How ridiculous it is in 2014 to still live a modern very busy and dangerous life using archaic, religious, obsolete teachings designed for people 2000 years ago?

Their perception of God HAS to change or they will all perish in time, because this very punishing God expressing thought power is Satan very destructive, very negative evil energy trapping humanity.

In the Ascension radio show I did last night I gave my best shot to educate people on God cosmic identity and I am asking all of my supporters who can relate to me, to my mission to participate and share my work to those they care. People are so lost, so depressed, so abused by so many corporate greedy cold matrixes and those in power in all branches of education are clueless.

If people could upgrade psychically, build more cosmic consciousness and be more AWAKE, they would be able to realize how powerful their subconscious and the cosmic code (God cosmic will) truly is and how much regimentation is taking place from the heavens above!

It is only when both the Christians and the Atheists finally realize God is NOT what they think he is and RISE UP to his cosmic divinity rationally, spiritually and NON religiously with faith alone that the gap between hard logic and the true spirit will diminish then disappear!

It is only then that reunification of all the souls on earth will start to “ascend” outside of the deceptive Neptunian religious doctrines that enrages the born logic forced to give up on a God they know nothing about just yet!

But who’s to blame the unconscious parents for something no one taught them about? How can you blame a struggling family with children when those corporate matrixes are sucking the life blood with taxes and overloaded credit cards?  Do you really think this system favorite the poor, over worked, over medicated exhausted parents?  Indeed there is no wonder why they “forget” their kids in cars and left them to die!

But I have more bad news readers, if you think the “educated” and their “forgotten baby syndrome!” will stop kids dying, you are on for  another serious wake up call! No matter how much you try to remind someone of the reason for their pain,  nightmare, endless sacrifices or hard incredible difficult and outrageously expansive it is becoming to raise a child, today, it will not work!

More kids will be left to die in hot cars… Its like hoping there won’t be no more Adam Lanza killing innocent children…

Shameful Waste Of US Children This is becoming the norm’ — but will anything change? NEVER Unless…

Fifty years readers, that’s all humanity has to unify through God’s cosmic divinity or let the next 2105/2017 Neptunian dragon start the extermination of million of souls in the name of their religious convictions and chosen Gods.

Remember readers, billions of dollars are exchanging the same “matrix” hands everyday under the form of taxes, ridiculous scientific researches, NASA Mars missions and in the business of building more Schools, Universities, sports, religious and prisons buildings.

But nothing is being done in the right direction to salvage humanity psychical welfare and unify us all as a ONE specie. Its all about SEPARATISM, discord, misinformation, control of information, political and religious supremacy in a world run by Satan himself!

Sometimes, I can not help to think, while the world is made up a huge mass of envious, unspeakable, uneducated young souls! that; there are also thousands of advanced spiritual human beings who do perceive my work  that have the power (as a unit) to help me!

Imagine if everyone of you were to give me only $5.00 bucks I would have more than enough to build a few Cosmic schools and start the process of eliminating the evil of fear and ignorance.

Have you ever thought of making a “donation” for my cause? Terania and I could reach so many more parents on radio and educate them on the supra-conscious, on the cosmic code and what to do to avoid “subconsciously” killing your child!

 In exchange for your donation, your precious support and trust in my teachings, I will comp you in my Cyber Cosmic University  so you can gain EVEN more spiritual guidance such as….

August  2014 Elaborated Horoscope For All Signs

August 2014 SOS To The World Windows

August 2014 Daily Guidance and Predictions

August 2014 Moon Transits

 I know you are struggling but all you can do today for my mission will help me reaching more people and your children to lead a safer more productive safe, healthy and rich life…In my endless drive to educate you on both the physical and spiritual planes let me share this with you now!

A credit card request / issued in a waxing moon will always bring protection, growth and rewards! When did you get your last credit card? Do you have problem paying your bills using that credit card? Use the cosmic code at your advantage!

Do you travel a lot or do you want to travel and save tons of money like we do?  I use this card for EVERYTHING I purchase, gas, groceries, bills, traveling etc. and today I own thousands of points. I call the “concierge” and SAVE tons of money on everything I need, from flying to rent a car, hotels etc.

I used to have a normal credit card like yours which gave me NO reward at all and I wasted thousands over the years. It may be a little time consuming to get rid of an old credit card but when you reap so much benefit from FlexPerks why would you keep wasting money? And the APR is so very attractive…

In my drive to educate you while traveling and book your plane after the new moon for total safety, why not saving money and get serious rewards in the process? Be smart on both the spiritual and physical worlds and gain all the way! Follow the directions and start using the credit company for a change!

  Let your friends in on your secret to travel rewards without blackout dates. You’ll earn 5,000 bonus FlexPoints for each friend who acquires a FlexPerks Visa credit card.¹ Your friends will receive 20,000 bonus FlexPoints for the FlexPerks Travel Rewards Visa Signature® card,² or 10,000 bonus FlexPoints for the FlexPerks Select Rewards Visa card.²

It’s simple to earn your bonus:

1. Share card benefits with your friends.
2. Invite them to apply online at
3. They must include your 12-digit FlexPoints number on their application for you to get the 5,000 bonus FlexPoints: 400005021755.

You earn 5,000 bonus FlexPoints after each friend is approved and starts using the card.

Refer friends and family by December 31, 2014.

Dr. Turi on Aquarian radio 8-10 PM EST the air August 17, 2014 

 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

The Magical Power of Talismans!



L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

Listen to my latest radio show with Todd – US/world

 listen to my latest radio show with Jerry – US/world

 listen to my latest radio show with Ted – US/world

 listen to my latest radio show with Rob – Canada/world Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!JOIN US SHOW YOUR SUPPORT! BECOME A VIPA life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order” Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 602-265-7667


Dr. Turi

About Dr. Turi

Dr. Turi is a proficient author and a captivating speaker, his profound Universal Wisdom astonishes everyone. He was recognized in the 2003 Marquis "Who's Who in America." Dr. Turi is the personal counselor of many celebrities, Ivana Trump, Peter Fonda, Gary Busey, Denis Haysbert, John Gray and many others. Dr. Turi is a favorite guest of George Noory on Coast-To-Coast AM radio and the BBC in London and appeared in numerous television programs worldwide.He speaks of the cosmic face and celestial tools of the creator and warn the world with undeniable well documented undeniable predictions. Clinical Hypnotherapist - Astropsychologist focused on providing individual and couples counseling services. Specializing in public speaking, teaching, metaphysics, natural healing, stress management, women’ issues and family mediation services. Interested in speaking engagements, radio, television, events and media outlets, academic work, advising corporations, the police force, colleges, universities and general public on mental health issues and spirituality outside of conventional beliefs and accepted disciplines.