
Cosmic anomalies?
There is no “Cosmic anomalies” in the Universe, only a divine universal plan induced by God’s real cosmic divinity! The only obvious anomaly, is the unconscious scientists’ latent curiosity to investigate its spiritual purposes and accept the reality of UFO’s! Dr. Turi
Can Psychologists Learn More by Studying Fewer People? By Neuroskeptic |
“I have learned more about what it means to be human in your Astropsychology week long crash course in Sedona than the 7 years I spent in college” MD psychiatry student.
The psychology and neuroscience of terrorism by Dr. Turi
Dear readers;
Once you are done reading, the original article, by clicking on the link above… Then read my my rebuttals.
They are dedicated to all the psychologists, psychiatrists, neuroscientists and all the curious people willing to bypass the traditional, universal; educational indoctrination imposed upon the masses by a rigid scientific matrix!
While psychology, psychiatry and neuroscience brought certain results to the understanding of the physical aspects of the brain and the scientific, logical studies have also helped to diagnose and repair diseases through the use of various microscopic laser surgery…
Still yet, the true golden keys to what it means to be human has escaped all the so called experts.
First I must approach the delicate subject of the “soul and spirit” cautiously; because the millennials who grew up with technology were taught to ridicule and ignore all spiritual matters. Incidentally, doing so also means missing the crucial answers that God has enslaved everyone of them to search for!
Indeed looking at a tree through a microscope will obliterate the full picture of the green forest. And while a serious attention to detail is a must to produce successful, scientific end results; more objectivity and a very different “spiritual/original” approach, must also be considered! But this is where troubles start!
The controversial route I give should make all scientists want to start a different voyage, leading to a much clearer perception on the working of the human psyche. But so far, they have been unwilling or incapable of doing so. And over the years; I have accepted that, even the words of a recognized genius; can not alter the mental stubbornness of the scientists’ ” traditionally educated mental pride!“
“Insanity: Scientists doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” (Albert Einstein)
Challenging any established powerful matrix and all accepted scientific disciplines, is something I did when I was a young man!
And while my O.N.M.T. research attracted the attention of some well known UK medical organizations, once they found out I was a “soul doctor” and not a traditional doctor, I was immediately dismissed… And with it, my idea, was stolen.
Read more in “Vision Restoring Breakthrough Stolen From Dr. Turi by Dr. Benjamin Miller.”
The following article “Can Psychologists Learn More by Studying Fewer People?” reflects the mediocre results achieved by the scientific community. All agreeing to disagree with each other and as usual; missing the tree for the entire forest!
I wrote intensively over the years about the direct connection between the human mind and the universal mind but without cosmic consciousness, (or mastering Astropsychology) today’s scientists can only ridicule something they were brainwashed to consider as a wasteful “pseudoscience…” “The psychology and neuroscience of terrorism by Dr. Turi“
And while many of our astropsychology students own the advanced, intellectual and spiritual inborn UCI; many “rational born” students of the human mind, are not allowed into the archetypal realm of supra-cosmic consciousness and totally oblivious of this imposed, karmic limitation!
One has to also be very cautious with “young souls” fresh out of so called accredited colleges and universities, because the undiluted truth I represent does also stimulate a very strong, inferiority, insecurity complex. Or what I refer to as “spiritual pride” emotional reaction!
Thus; if you took my words above personally and already nurture a negative feeling towards my work and I, you may want to dig deeper into Astropsychology or Astroforensics as to understand your own idiosyncrasies.
I am not here to dismiss or downgrade anyone’s ability to perceive. I am here to make you THINK outside of your own mental limitation. I also hope you realize this and if you don’t, there is not much hope for you connecting with the divine any time soon.
If you make people think and talk about matters they can easily digest, they will love you, but if you make them REALLY THINK and challenge them out of their mentally comfortable, accepted book smart induced zones, they will hate you with s passion.
And you wonder why people hate my guts, fear my cosmic wisdom and still refuse to accept the devastating reptilius phenomenon?… Zika Virus Universal Reptilius Infestation | Dr. Turi M.D.U.S. – 5 Dallas Officers Killed – Art Bell Reptilius infestation – Are you next?
People can only relate to each others because of their intelligence, their experiences, their education and principally, what scientists do not know… the UCI or your “Unique Celestial Identity!”
This leads me to make sure the cerebral reading my work learns to never, ever assume! And just in case you already assumed I was a psychic, or related to Mrs Cleo, I am not! Yes my website uses the word psychic but your predisposed mental assertion to metaphysics needs an overhaul!
Time to wake up to the truth involving all the infected matrixes!
I use a modified software to expose “Friends and Foes” and make my earthquakes forecasts. Check my latest one in Woman livestreams moments after cop kills boyfriend Prediction!
I do not want to use the word “predictions” because scientists immediately associate it with Mrs. Cleo and deceptive psychics!… “Police warn of astrology and psychic fraud!“
But I use the same software NASA use to plot the stars to launch satellite on their long journey to faraway planets. And unlike them, I know the stars are much more than dead rocks hanging above just for the sake of beauty and astronomers’ studies. Read all about the spiritual purposes of the planet Pluto. Time to upgrade your cosmic consciousness scientist!… Who is Pluto?
It is a miracle for curiosity to survive education Einstein said and if you click on the provided links and take the time to read about “psychics” Maria Duval CNN and French Psychic Astrologer Dr. Turi, will the answers come much clearer!
But I do not expect the majority of people cruising Facebook to have the strength or the patience to read all my articles. As unbelievable as it may sound, some idiots have emailed me saying “Dr. Turi your articles are too complicated and much long to read!” Gee and those are the people we are trying to help?
And this speaks of the poor, mental aptitude cursing 99.9% of the human race! If I was asking any of those “lazy minds” to write everyday like I do, in a foreign language ( I am French) and teach all the cosmic code secrets; they could never do it. Case closed!
On the article and my rebuttals…
In a brief new Frontiers in Psychology paper, Matthew P. Normand argues that Less Is More: Psychologists Can Learn More by Studying Fewer People.
Normand writes that the conventional wisdom – that a bigger sample size is better – is wrong. Repeated measurements of a few subjects, or even just one individual, can be more informative than casting the net widely, he says.
DT rebuttal;Contrary to what religions or science affirm, no man/woman or child were born equal! Some are intelligent by birth and some will remain morons for the rest of their lives. There are no “accredited” schools that can produce another Einstein, a Nostradamus, a Michael Angelo or a Mozart! They did what they did because the stars dictated their inborn, natural gifts and all were able to tap on their God given blessings.
Yes, it is all written in the stars and if you are a skeptic; why not read the basic characteristics of your UCI?
Aries – Taurus – Gemini – Cancer – Leo – Virgo – Libra – Scorpio – Sagittarius – Capricorn – Aquarius Pisces
Some can sing and dance like Michael Jackson but not a single human being will ever sing and dance like him, Prince or Elvis Presley!
Some were born fighters, some peace makers, some will fight like Mohammad Ali but not a single human being will ever fight sign and dance in the ring like he did! Some were born with musical talents, some with extreme objectivity, some humans are predisposed to addictions, some to heal, some to kill! All sins and virtues of each human being is cloaked in the stars, period!
Continued: Psychologists tend to view the population of interest to be people, with the number of individuals studied taking precedent over the extent to which each individual is studied. Unfortunately, studying large groups of people makes repeated measurement of any one person difficult. The consequence is that we often end up knowing very little about very many…
When you have only one or a few measures of each individual’s performance, it is impossible to know how representative those measures are for the individual, never mind the population.
DT rebuttal; What Normand does not know is that; each and every individual is unique in their own way, at a spiritual level. Gathering a few of them will never work because none of them were born at the same time or at the same location! Thus each own a part of the universe that control their uniqueness and inborn psyche. Humans are not like ants, birds or animals regimented by a single “adyatma” but it seems scientist’s traditionally “educated” brains share more of a dis-junctured mental power.
Time to wake up to the truth involving all the infected matrixes!
Continued: He goes on to outline the advantages of single case designs
Single-case designs involve the intensive study of individual subjects using repeated measures of performance, with each subject exposed to the independent variable(s) and each subject serving as their own control… Comparisons of performance under baseline and experimental conditions are made for each subject, with any experimental effects replicated with the individual subject across time or across multiple subjects in the same experiment. Single-case experiments yield data that can be interpreted using non-inferential statistics and visual analysis of graphed data, a strategy characteristic of other natural sciences.
Normand argues that because individual psychological traits and performance on tasks are variable over time, we need to measure the same individuals repeatedly over time to capture the psychological reality that is within-subject variability.
DT rebuttal; This confirm Einstein theory, indeed you can not fix idiocy! “Insanity: Scientists doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” (Albert Einstein)
Normand should take my home course and save time and money. Or maybe use those wasted government funds towards adding Astropsychology into the educational system. Obama waste $100M to unlock mysteries of the brain. It seems there is no hope left for humanity and the children of the future if more people don’t wake up to to the reality of God’s cosmic divinity.
Prophecy & the Cosmic Code with Dr. Louis Turi – Feedback
The purpose is in the stars!
Continued: Variability is something to be understood, not ignored. To average it away is to assume that it is unimportant because it does not represent the real world. But variability does not obscure the real world, it is the real world. He acknowledges that the representatives of the subject(s) in a small-n study might be a concern, but he says that
Despite the advantages in terms of internal validity, some assume that findings from single-case designs have limited external validity because data obtained from a few subjects might not generalize to a population at large.
Actually… Generality is best established inductively, moving from the single case to ever-larger collections of single cases experiments with high internal validity. To have external validity you must first have internal validity.
DT rebuttal; Generality is what constrict Normand and all psychologists latent perception of an outside power regimenting a person’s behaviors and his entire fate! It is all written in the stars but considering the wise words of any erudite men is outside of the equation. Even if this person is considered one of the most outstanding figures in the history of medicine or one of the top modern scientists in the world!
Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Dr. Deepak Chopra , NeildeGrasse .
Continued: Hmm. Normand makes a good case that small, intensive studies are a legitimate research strategy in psychology. He doesn’t showcase any examples where this strategy has led to new insights, however, which leaves Normand’s paper open to the charge of being “hand-wavey”.
In neuroscience, single-case studies are quite common when it comes to individuals with rare brain lesions, such as the famous case Patient H.M. But these single patient studies are something of an exception. In the rest of neuroscience, there’s generally a desire to maximize the sample size, although there has been at least one single subject repeated neuroimaging study.
Dr. Turi rebuttal: Unless Normand and all his compatriots realize the direct connection with the human mind and the universal mind acting as a unit, there will be no real progress or understanding to the working of the psyche.
Dissociating the universal mind (or astrology) from the equation and denying its direct synchronicity, all imposed by God Cosmic Divinity is the new proposed route to finally gather real answers. But it doesn’t seem the scientific community can ever bypass their own egocentric psychical limitation and will keep deceiving themselves and the general public.
“A human being is part of a whole, called by us the ‘Universe,’ a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest–a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness”. -Albert Einstein
Offering such deep and accurate answers may not serve the billions of scientists’ and corporations’ financial agenda involved in this wasteful, ridiculous mental drunkenness! But when challenging and exposing a corrupted system, there is no wonder whey my findings of a rare cosmic work are muted! “Google, Satan’s Minions and Dr. Turi.”
“When a true genius appears in this world you may know him by this sign that the dunces are all in confederacy against him” –Swift
Normand, M. (2016). Less Is More: Psychologists Can Learn More by Studying Fewer People Frontiers in Psychology, 7 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00934
Dr. Turi M.D.U.S – Psychic reading, street – level palm reader? For entertainment purpose only??? Be real, you will always get what you pay for! Divine Astrology is an art, stay with the master. Experience Dr. Turi’s Nostradamus 16 th century rare methodology. Try Draco the ET’s mind-boggling universal and personal channeled predictions and be amazed. Check www.drturi.com. Test Dr. Turi’s cosmic gifts with your FREE mini reading, E-mail teraniapromodir@gmail.com for more information.
Join the cosmic code its free! Get my articles right into your mailbox, then become a VIP when ever you feel like! “Hubble spots dramatic auroras on Jupiter omen translation.”
If you need to develop or refine your cosmic vibrations, attract love and light, UFO’s, luck, health, wealth, or repel bad luck, the reptilius infestation and curses I can only strongly recommend you to read all about “The Power of my Talismans.“
New deal
- Regularly a Universal talisman cost $1500, with a live VIP Skype session, but you can get it for half price or $750 if you become a VIP for 12 months minimum first.
- Regularly a UFOs (or health, work, love and career ) talisman cost $500 but you can get it for half price or $250 if you become a VIP for 12 months minimum first.
Please e-mail Terania if interested at: teraniapromodir@gmail.com and she will set you up.
Dr. Turi back on air with Pat Fringe (K-Talk) Fringe Radio, Saturday July 23, 2016 from 7-9 PM PST. Louis will speak on the current universal dragon in Virgo / Pisces and it’s impact on the world, as well as how it will affect the upcoming 2017 axis in Leo / Aquarius. He will also speak further about E.T.’s both benevolent and reptilius as well as UFO’s and other metaphysical secrets. Email Pat or call during the show if you want to experience a mini reading on the air.
Dr. Turi on air with Chris Kehler September 22, 2016 from 6 pm to 7 pm
have questions about a dream, a wish, fears, a job, a decision to make etc. But again, this work is not for normal people but for those who vibrate at a very high spiritual cosmic speed. Join us, we are there for you in the Cosmic Code website.
If you are one of those rare spiritual human beings in the ocean of life looking for my uplifting spiritual hook, and interested in learning more about the Cosmic Code, God Cosmic Divinity, Astropsychology or Astroforensics just ring the bell! I will open the door of a new world above for you to join our VIP’s in our Cyber Cosmic Code University! All the answers to what it means to be human and so much more is awaiting you!