Category: Newsletters

You can read all about the stars, the future, UFO’s and predictions

Meghan, Harry, Charles and a very worried Queen’s dirty secrets revealed!



“The universe is under no obligation, to make any SPIRITUAL sense, to anyone… In the absence of Cosmic Consciousness; science, conspiracy, and religious imagination have the wrong answers. There are no accidents just stellar consequences the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive.” – Dr. Turi.

Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, said in a bombshell interview, with Oprah Winfrey – That her life as a British royal, was so isolating and lonely, at one point she “didn’t want to be alive anymore” — A stunning admission likely to rock the foundations of the centuries-old institution.

The Stars and Fate of the Royal Baby and the UK!

Prince William says royals ‘very much not a racist family’ REALLY? 

Note my windows always depict the very high probability of earthquakes at or above 6.0

3/14/21  6.0 in South Sandwich Islands

Dear readers;

If you read my newsletterSOS to the world SHOCKING window 03/09/21 You Have Been Warned!” 
and watched my YouTube video, there is no denying the values involving my quatrain and obvious keywords  CHILDREN, ASIA, CHINA, ROCKET, TEENS,  TECHNOLOGY, NASA, COSMIC NEWS, EXPLOSIONS, SPACE NEWS! 

201117-N-NH257-1244 NORTH ARABIAN SEA (Nov. 17, 2020) Ships from the Royal Australian Navy, Indian Navy, Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force, and the United States Navy participate in Malabar 2020. Malabar 2020 is the latest in a continuing series of exercises that has grown in scope and complexity over the years to address the variety of shared threats to maritime security in the Indo-Asia Pacific where the U.S. Navy has patrolled for more than 70 years promoting regional peace and security. Nimitz Carrier Strike Group is currently deployed to the 7th Fleet area of operations in support of a free and open Indo-Pacific. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Elliot Schaudt/Released)

2,000-pound World War II bomb detonated near university Explosion? 

Both the video and the newsletter warn my readers of the type of EXPLOSIVE news to expect and my visions are unfolding!

You won’t get this type of real predictions on CTC with their false prophets!

This is why, you read my cosmic work!

Vermont Meteor's Violent Explosion Causes Earth Tremors Detected by NASA

China and Russia agree to build joint lunar space station”  Space news?

'Absolutely spectacular': Meteor explodes over Vermont like 440 pounds of TNT

Here’s what happened when a meteor soared 42,000 mph across Vermont’s sky Cosmic news?

Michigan student, accidentally detonates homemade explosive device, in classroom Explosion? Children?

Equatorial Guinea explosions kill at least 31, injure hundreds more Explosions?

We are still and for a few more days under those “cosmic winds” and the latest news “China and Russia agree to build joint lunar space stationcan only offer those born smart enough to assimilate my work as I am offering those readers another solid proof of my visions!

Back in 2011 (9 years ago!), in a newsletter titledPrince William Princess Catherine and the UK Fate. I wrote… “What they really should do is to escape the limelight, enjoy the wealth they landed on and disappear from the face of the earth in a life of total secrecy.”

Nine years later my vision came to pass with both Prince Harry and Meghan’s decision to “escape” the Royals lifetime and its curse…

In a YouTube video published February 3, 2020 (over a year ago) titled “Prince Charles, Princess Diana, and the Royals Dirty Secrets” and long before the drama unfolding today in the UK, I made predictions for England and the Royals all the way back to 2011, 2016 and 2019. Click on the link and acknowledge my words…

Thus, if you paid attention to my visions the results of my predictions are undeniable and offer the readers a chance to check up on my UFO’s predictive legacy!

This old video and today’s newsletter may SHOCK or disturb some people who are unable or unwilling to accept the dirty facts about the Royals and the slow decay of this very old hierarchy! 

England is a Capricorn country (head of the goat/devil) and the video above will tell you more of what is to come for those privileged selected human beings!  

Look at those pictures do you see the Goat head and its tail?

Saturn rules this gloomy, loner unemotional, cold sign. From this little Island, the British mathematical geniuses build ships and sailed all over the world, and established their political rules and structures.

But on the negative side, Capricorn is also the symbol chosen by Christianity to represent the DEVIL of manipulation and abuses! 

They raped Africa of all its diamonds and joined the slave trade… The video above will tell you more!

Capricorn rules politics, structure, the rich, the Royals, the privileged select, old age, classical music, history, the 10th house of career, and karma!


YOU SOB YOU KILLED MY MOTHER!  Prince Charles, Princess Diana and the Royals Dirty Secrets

Posted and published 9/8/2014

Prince William Princess Catherine and the UK Fate – A very worried Queen!

Posted and published 8/19/13

Princess Diana - Death, Wedding & Funeral - Biography

Princess Diana

Without investigating its dynamics, how can our infantile scientific community and the average person possibly distinguish the marvel of Divine Astrology from pseudoscience?  By honoring the word science and being curious!  Dr. Turi.

Amazon Prime new documentary: Nostradamus’ Divine Astrology
TUBI – Nostradamus’ Divine Astrology 

If you are not happy it’s because you do not live your destiny, Nostradamus…

Related image

Nostradamus 2021 Universal and Personal Forecast 
Order your 2020 Personal & Universal Cosmic Biorhythms Dates
Join the Cosmic Code and become a VIP!

Dr. Turi penetrated the secret of this core and teach the entire world on radio and television

Sharing emails:

Dear Dr. Turi,
Thank you so much for the video and audio file.  It was a wonderful reading and it blew my mind… I really appreciate that you have made time for me during this week, I cannot thank you enough. Everything that you provide makes me stay positive and gives me hope – your readings, YouTube, universal talisman, positive cosmic biorhythms, astro-cartography, books, videos, newsletters….. Yes, one day I will work with you and Terania as an interpreter and translator in Japan!
Thank you so much, and I am really looking forward to your Universal Talisman.
Kind Regards,
Yuko Miura
Thank you so much Dr. Turi for sharing your knowledge, work, and light with the world. The Full Life Reading I had with you earlier on in the week completely changed my life and opened my eyes to things that I was completely blind to. I now have so much more clarity and I’m excited to learn more and more about how to gain further cosmic consciousness with your guidance. The reading was worth EVERY PENNY and if anyone cares about their life, the world, and humanity ….it is crucial that they book a reading with you! ✨ Sending much love & deep gratitude! 🙏 I will continue to watch your videos and support your work always.☀️
Hi Dr Turi,
Thank you! I was able to download the files.  It was awesome meeting you and having the reading. What an eye-opener!
Hello, I enjoyed this video. It amazed me that you happen to be speaking about the Capricorn, as I am one as well and the information you provided was dead on. I have been having dreams for about five years showing me there is more than just earth and what is thought through church and the Bible and finding your page was not an accident for me. I am trying to gather information to curve my life and my children’s so that we can become whole with God, and my question for you is what book should I start off reading? Also, how can I schedule a personal read from you? Thanks for your time.

I, Dimitri, present a living testimonial in supporting a higher truth in Light and the Cosmic Code from the higher wisdom of Dr.Turi’s cosmic consciousness with Love in Light. Don’t become SPIRITUAL DEAF & BLIND ! Heed his SPIRITUAL WARNING in preventing from taking your life for granted! We all should be grateful for Dr. Turi is a living proof in his ripe of young age at 71 years old on the 26th of February 2021. Believe In Oneness with Dr. Turi as if you can fake it until you make it. SO BE IT, LET IT BE WRITTEN!

Happy Birthday, Dr. Turi!

Blessings with Total Love,

Dimitri K.

What will you get if you order a live Zoom consultation with Dr. Turi? Read all the details!

Dr. Turi Amazon Prime UFO movie rebuttals

Thank you so very much readers, for your great 5 stars ratings and wonderful supporting comments on Amazon Prime surpassed my expectations! Please do not hesitate to rate again and post your reviews to IMDb too! 

We are all children of the universe, we are the very essence of those stars, and the more cosmic conscious you become the more of God’s cosmic language you will speak and understand! 

Amazon Prime new documentary: Nostradamus’ Divine Astrology
TUBI – Nostradamus’ Divine Astrology 

I see the future and the unevolved soul is not always able or willing to accept my visions or the cosmic facts I represent. Read, investigate and judge for yourself because abusive corporations will do all in their power, including deceiving a gullible, religious society to survive. 

I am well ahead of time, well into the future, and “the future HAS, and will always be my utmost faithful witness!”  Dr. Turi

I knew the extreme negativity of Trump’s stars and the “Hitler” quatrain, I wrote back in June 2013 is also a sure proof of my UFO’s predictive legacy before Trump got in power. 

The reptilius negative group of ET’s will put certain people like Trump in power, to maintain a serious dose of troubles, fear, insecurity, and chaos, something those nefarious entities need to survive in the dark matter!

For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary; For those who do not, none will ever suffice… Dr. Turi

Posted to the world on June 12, 2013  


German/Vikings Skin Alike
Black and White Red Blood
Fire War Violence  Passions Rule
God Nowhere To Stop Fires
Hitler’s Evil spirit reborn

Posted to the world on January 26, 2015

Prepare Month of Blooming June icy *December
White Moon Ninth Day Speak
Evil Spirit of Hitler Legacy Challenged
A Cosmic God May Grace Humanity

On January 26, 2015, I gave the month of December, for Trump to exit the White House, which also reflects the accuracy of a quatrain, I wrote 5 years ago! White Moon Ninth Day Speak? I was 3 days off! Does this speak of a real Modern Prophet you should and must trust?


Back in 2019 I first introduced the benevolent Draconis and the nefarious reptilius to the world in this TV show which like Coast to Coast am, will have to pay heavy karma for promoting and endorsing conspiratorial material and the reptilius agenda. 

Age Of Truth TV and infected Lucas is a firm promoter of the TOP conspiracy talking heads in the world and as a leader and promoter of the reptilius’ agenda, heavy karma awaits him too!

But without cosmic consciousness, the majority of humans on planet earth can only delegate life or politics through their 5 limited human rational senses.

This is why young souls, (religious or atheist) could never benefit from my cosmic work!

Their mental capacity is not advanced enough to investigate and assimilate the cosmic code jurisdictions and this crowd can only regenerate and assimilate conspiratorial, rational materials and not the critical warnings and teachings induced by my UFO’s predictive cosmic legacy! 

While I did the best I could, to introduce the world to various groups of ETs, in the TV show above… Much better explanations are offered in my Amazon Prime movie.

Dr. Turi Amazon Prime UFO movie rebuttals

Thank you, very much for your great 5 stars ratings and wonderful supporting comments on Amazon Prime which surpassed my expectations! Please do not hesitate to rate again and post your reviews to IMDb too! 

Amazon Prime new documentary: Nostradamus’ Divine Astrology rebuttals

Carola Hoyle
I just can’t continue watching. He starts with a very thin argument about people who were born in August, that will be better than others. I prefer to laugh.
DT Rebuttal; The fact is that; anyone has the power to reach fame through hard work, however, souls born in August are set by God himself to reach fame and fortune easily because they were all born when nature and the Sun are at their best. Madonna, President Clinton, President Obama, Schwarzenegger, Michael Jackson, Napoleon speak the real cosmic teachings I represent. Thus those insecure, immature, “astrologers wannabe” have a lot to learn from a 71-year-old Divine Astrologer! 
Oh no.. no… don’t do this to Astrology. This was not a good video or explanation. I never write reviews.. but as an Astrologer I had to write this. This is bad and egocentric.
DT Rebuttal; Again one of those insecure, immature, “astrologers wannabe” who truly believe they know better than a 71-year-old Divine Astrologer!  Those “young souls” have no much to offer but criticism and enviousness for me to have reached a top position in the world of Astrology. Those kids should put their own humongous ego and inferiority complex on the side! 
Robin E. Castro
He is so full of himself… this was a total waste of time… should be removed from amazon playlist…
DT Rebuttal; Amazing how those who have nothing to offer humanity seem to suffer an inferiority and insecurity complex! Why my supreme confidence in my teachings is perceived as an ego trip has been explained by my obvious success on Amazon Prime! God thanks to the majority of smart people do appreciate and learn from my cosmic teachings!
Robert W.
Astrology has been proven over and over again as a load of BS. Nothing but generalizations that people fit into their life looking for meaning where there is none. Sorry but if you buy this crap you need help. This video has no proofs and relies on I say so so its so BS. No evidence that its anything more than garbage.
DT Rebuttal; Typical idiotic response of a “young soul” who never explored the old science appropriately! My prediction of Trump losing the election back in September 2020 did not register his tiny brain also!  As always immature kids seem to know better than those who studied and used Astrology! “Millionaires do not use Astrology, billionaires do! J. P. Morgan
I’m sorry, a person this egotistical does not understand the greater mysteries of the universe.
DT Rebuttal; I can only wonder what such a young, insecure, immature soul has to offer the world? Inferiority complex and enviousness is a serious disease to the spirit! 


He opens with being an immediate praise for one sign and insulting a couple of others. Fine, I got past that. He’s drenched in sweat for the entire time I had it on. He says a few really ignorant things (like if you’re even remotely scientifically literate you’ll pick it up). Both of these things lead me to believe this was thrown together in a week. And it absolutely shows. Unless you want to take some guy’s word for it, great… He lost me when he referred to himself as a god.
DT Rebuttal;  All signs are equal in strengths and weaknesses I would never “insult” anyone’s sign in public, I am not Trump lol!  Wrong again I was not drenched in sweat but the light’s “maquillage” was too heavy/oily!  The show was produced in about 3 hours from start to end and not in a week! I never ever in this movie referred nor would I refer to myself as God. It is obvious this person’s rational UCI is not evolved enough to delegate Divine Astrology and seems also to suffer a “superiority/inferiority” complex to make good use of such advanced spiritual materials…  
Chris Sherrill 1.0 out of 5 stars Nope
Looks like another installment of “The Secret”, or how the cosmos has such good things set aside for you. All you have to do is believe. I could only last ten minutes. Can you say, hokum? Can you say, charlatan?
DT Rebuttal; It seems Chris Sherrill’s critical mental process is much too earthy to understand and benefit from the Superconscious creative forces and his words reflect a pitiful, unsuccessful, depressive life.  Chris your thoughts are the sad life you created my friend, do yourself a favor, read my book “Beyond the secret!”

Identical twins are born at the same time. and they are very different. what is the day of birth for astrology.? The day of conception, the day you survived being aborted, or the day you are popped out? And why why why?

Report abuse

DT Rebuttal;  Correct as a rule twins as they age, will turn out to be different, that is because as they grow up both suffer different experiences that shape their characters. H is curious yet very confused and instead of giving me 1-star and calling my work BS he could have asked the questions to find out more or simply Google “Abortion dr.turi” I wrote about abortion many times in my newsletter and the subject has also been discussed in my YouTube videos!  

Isaiah 47:13-15 NIV. “All the counsel you have received has only worn you out. Let your astrologers come forward, those stargazers who make predictions month by month, let them save you from what is coming upon you. Surely they are like stubble; the fire will burn them up. They cannot even save themselves from the flame… Each of them goes on in his error; there is not one that can save you.” Astrologers, also known as ‘Chaldeans’, were part of the king’s circle of so-called ‘wise men’ who practiced divination. The actual word for astrology in the Hebrew language literally means, ‘divining the heavens’. The practice of pagan divination is prohibited by God. It’s in the Bible, Leviticus 19:26 NIV, “Do not practice divination or sorcery.” This goes back to originate in the nation of Babylon, now called the country of Iraq. Believe what you will.

DT Rebuttal; Rich Ma is obviously a scared, pious, reptilius religiously poisoned lost soul and no much can be done to “save”a born Neptunian!  In their pitiful ignorance and fear, all they do is endlessly endorsing the reptilius’s agenda designed to create more confusion, separatism, animosity, religious wars, and endless deaths! This article “Pope Francis Astrology UFO’S Centuries of Lies” would be a good read for souls more advanced!

I actually am very versed in astrology, also a molecular biologist, and have studied religions. I was not impressed in the least. Then he says Obama is great because he is a Leo and Trump is bad because he is a Gemini. Give me a break. Don’t waste your time on this one. I made it halfway through. Plus he has such a strong accent he is unpleasant to listen to.
DT Rebuttal; Astrology is a science because it has a structure and most of all an art that demand an advanced very objective, intuitive natal UCI to master and translate accurately! Being a “molecular biologist ”  muffyroberts is much too rational and lack the objectivity to delegate the archetypal realm of supra-cosmic consciousness. His attention to detail makes him more of an astronomer than an Astrologer!  This type of “scientists” tends to analyze every word I say and my speed, not my accent is what bothers him! Sad enough he’s taking his pitiful case as a generality and suggested “Don’t waste your time on this one.” OMG! some people are so unconscious it’s simply amazing!
storyink – 2.0 out of 5 starsInsufferable, though based on good information.
I could not make it past about 5 minutes in. And I was really trying. I’m an astrologer (reading since the mid-1970s); I also read Tarot cards … and am just plain psychic. For astrology, I use it as a grounding device. This guy is all over the place with himself (he’s a Leo) and, though he has good information, he goes too heavily in the rolling-eyes-to-the-ceiling, nutcase. I think it’s primarily because he is not open enough to leave himself aside to discover even more truths that the stars offer. Harsh, I know. But, knowing what he’s talking about when he touches on reality — this guy – I’d stay away from. He’s too esconsed in himself.
DT Rebuttal; storyink if the movie is “based on good information” you must have listened to me well past five minutes my friend! This person is not born to be an Astrologer “am just plain psychic” and seem to suffer an inferiority complex This guy is all over the place with himself (he’s a Leo)” being forced to accept the fact I have a great majority of support and 5 stars! Storying I am not an  “egocentric”  Leo I am a Pisces, which means he does not listen nor can he assimilate my cosmic work or delegate my speed!  I would say this person “is too esconsed (right spelling ensconced) in himself!” 
If you enjoy my rebuttals here is more! Dr. Turi Amazon Prime UFO movie rebuttals

Wait and see my visions unfolding or Become a VIP get to know the news before the news… 

SOS to the world Another Dance of Evil!

Plan in accordance with God’s cosmic design, save precious time, money, and your life! Know what type of destructive cosmic winds will be in place, become a VIP, and be prepared!

Dr. Turi on Beyond Belief –  With My Good “Friend” George Noory
The Next 50 years Dr. Turi Predictions For The World
The cosmic code may be a message hidden in ancient texts that anyone can learn. The Mayans knew of this code and the Illuminati struggles to keep it a secret. Louis Turi explains how this code may be the secret to prophesy with the power to transform the lives of everyone in the world in this interview with George Noory originally webcast, August 16, 2013. Dr. Turi is a personal counselor to many celebrities, a proficient author, and a captivating speaker. He speaks of the cosmic face and celestial tools of the creator. His notoriety skyrocketed after rekindling, practicing, and teaching Nostradamus’ rare Divine Astrology method, which he calls Astropsychology.

This video may be removed so watch it while you can and share it pls…

Sharing email: I subscribed to Coast to Coast and I have heard you on Coast to Coast in the past.  I recently found you on YouTube and I subscribed to your YouTube channel now.

I no longer will listen to coast-to-coast your information is more credible than coast to coast. I had a coast insider subscription which I am now canceling. I am so disappointed they didn’t bring you on more. I’m saving up money so I can get a reading from you. Keep the faith there are many people out there that need to hear what you have to say
Susan Stewart

areuth – I would love to see more of Dr. Turi on Gaiam TV. Very educational and necessary.

vitalinsky – I enjoy the accuracy of Dr. Turi’s work. It would be wonderful to have much broader coverage of his message in all types of media. This information has to reach as many people as possible. Please have him appear on GaiamTV regularly.

llhumme – WOW! This was a good one, George. Fascinating man. Wonderful explanations and descriptions of our astrology and how energy works. The last ten minutes were definitely highly charged. Absolutely loved the show. Please do more.

MaryStall – Great Program, Please have Dr. Turi Every Month

edwin.webber – This was a fascinating presentation on the Power of the Dragon (moon nodes) and an introduction to The Cosmic Code. The astrology he practices is amazing with its accuracy. I hope to see Dr. Turi on again soon for further explanation and astrological analysis! Well done Mr. Noory. Fantastic!

almaacosta – First-time listener on Beyond Belief and to hear Dr. Louis Turi share his gift and knowledge of the stars was enlightening. The show became positively charged watching Mr. Noory and Turi discussing predictions, cosmic consciousness which made it a very interesting show. Would welcome the opportunity to see Dr. Turi return to Beyond Belief with George Noory.
nenamorl – Dr. Turi is an amazing seer, teacher, healer, a gift for all of us with his knowledge. Thank you for your profound enlightenment and guidance. The world needs your wisdom.
cfarns –  I really enjoyed learning more about Dr. Turi’s philosophy and his talents that I think can benefit us all. Please do bring Dr. Turi back on Gaiam TV so we can all learn even more about this most important subject!!! Peace to all!
whitelotuss – A very dynamic and interesting interview. Predictions made by Dr. Turi are not only accurate but he is interesting to listen to…Needless to say, he and George, while enlightening us, have good chemistry and great information to impart. I hope they do another show soon!
jwb622 – Dr. Louis Turi is an excellent lecturer and teacher. Cosmic Consciousness should be an essential part of the education process. This is missing in the education process of today.

nicki – I am so interested in Dr. Turi’s philosophy it makes so much sense, I would love to watch him again on Gaiam TV

lizoertel – A very interesting perspective that Dr. Turi has, as well as an interestingly accurate track record of predictions. I would love to hear more of what he has to say, please have him on again! Great host too, my favorite.

Stevejl – I really enjoyed the show. The guest was very informative and made a lot of sense. I hope to see Dr Louis Turi again on Beyond Belief and other shows.

Join the Cosmic Code private website (BECOME A VIP) and read all my SOS to the world’s deadly windows…

If you did not learn anything, with my last one, Coast to Coast am “Election Special Waste!” SOS to the world 1/7/21″ I can never help you!

What will you get if you order a live Zoom consultation with Dr. Turi? Read all the details!

But what saddens me the most, is that: Instead of inviting a real prophet offering real predictions, my good “friends” Gorge and Tom on Coast to Coast am radio invited “prophet wanna be Hogue and, dozens of deceiving psychics or so-called astrologers” who never warned their large audience, of what I saw would transpire, in Washington! 

Their lack of integrity and real cosmic wisdom makes them all, DIRECTLY involved with the lies, the misinformation, and ridiculous conspiracies that stimulated Trump’s indoctrinated mass to act out a predicted act of TERRORISM… If you read the obvious keywords and my quatrain!  

The fact is back in October 2019 I made a few predictions about the degrading Trump administration which confirms today’s deplorable political situation and also made predictions about the deadliest utmost destructive fire season ever in Australia, the US, and the Amazon forest!

Care to read the facts on CTC website?

Coast to Coast AM | Talk 980 AM

From Coast to Coast website: 10/16/2019 – Turi also made predictions for this year and the next based on his study of astrology, saying that for the rest of 2019, political events and relationships will “go downhill,” and that there will be a “full restructure” of many groups *Antifa/ *QAnonand institutions in 2021.*POLICE? *Supreme Court of the United States? He also said that he is expecting “a lot of fire” and “a lot of wildlife to disappear.”

I made those predictions (and some) last October 2019 on Coast to Coast am with George Noory! 

Yet they expect real predictions with an army of cosmic unconscious invited guests? When will integrity and the truth mean something from the hosts, the producers  CTC management, and from their worldwide audience?

“Wow, Dr. Turi, you predicted rightly about the 1/6/2021 US Capitol invasion, your astrological report was the only and most accurate of all the ones done by other professionals invited on Coast to Coast am!”

Tracie Austin Hi DT! I replayed our show again tonight from the one we did in November, and we came #5 on all the media platforms!! That’s awesome!!! 👍

2020 Election Special “waste”

Jerome Corsi commented that he thought there could be a protracted court battle over the presidential race results, but that President Trump would eventually be declared the winner. 

Analyst John M. Curtis  Trump will win this election,” with around 292 electoral votes, said Curtis. 

Prophecy expert John Hogue (who had just appeared on last night’s show 01/01/21) revised his prediction of Trump’s electoral college victory of 320 votes to a smaller number.  Hogue hopes that after this (Trump!) election, polling will be discontinued since it has become so misleading. 

Astrologer William Stickevers predicted that Trump will win with 294-300 electoral college votes announced between now and Friday. He also foresees a high probability of Trump fully finishing his second term.

Here you go my friend, the undiluted truth you deserve! Here are a few of all the “experts” invited on CTC who have failed their “predictions.” Like all the villains in the media on national radio and television who participated in the propaganda and lies, CTC is not better and responsible for allowing misinformation, lies, conspiracies theories promoted by Trump’s Gemini dual “The Lord of the Thieves” to his base.

“Trump or war…Today. That simple. “If you don’t know how to shoot: You need to learn… NOW. We will storm the government buildings, kill cops, kill security guards, kill federal employees and agents, and demand a recount.”

Yet, while I gave the exact outcome of all 3 Presidential debates correctly in my YouTube videos, I predicted Trump would lose the elections and so much more since October 2019.

The fact is; they are all responsible for the damage done to our democracy, for the deaths, the drama, and for what transpired at the US States Capitol!

Something I would have warned George’s audience had I been invited and allowed to talk about Trump, the 2020 elections, and Covid 19 (as predicted) getting out of hand!

Yes on CTC real Prophets are told what to say (or not) by the producer, and not allowed on CTC when he is needed the most! And this is why you are all coming back, right here, to read and hear about REAL predictions!

What’s going on in the US today was fully predicted starting with the quatrain below written 8 years ago! The reason why I wrote this quatrain is that Trump was born with the same mental astrological configurations as Hitler. But unless you become a student of mine, I will make no sense whatsoever, to anyone! 

For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary; For those who do not, none will ever suffice… Dr. Turi

I simply have to accept that, unlike CTC,  I am not for “ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY!” and must warn my supporters of the critical values of all my predictions!


Coast To Coast AM & Dr. Turi “Mishap” Explained. Can you handle the truth?

Indeed my predictions for CTC, George, and Tom made 9 / 6 / 2020, (end of the video) will come to pass! 

Amazon Prime new documentary: Nostradamus’ Divine Astrology
TUBI – Nostradamus’ Divine Astrology 

Thank you so very much readers, please go to Amazon Prime to rate my latest Astrology movie and ask any question you may have, you will get an answer! Make sure also to keep offering me ratings and wonderful supporting comments (201 so far) on my UFO’s movie on Amazon Prime! 

Please do not hesitate to rate again and post your reviews to IMDb too! Another documentary is in the works! 

I encourage all our precious supporters to watch Nostradamus’ Divine Astrology all the way to the end, share it with others, and most importantly RATE &  REVIEW it on Amazon Prime and also on!
Your endorsements and honest feedback work together and will make Amazon’s algorithm picks up the movie and promote it on various platforms, i.e Gaia, doing so the movie will be recommended to vast audiences.  It will show up more often and in the first Google results of searches as well and this is how you become a part of the solution and help my mission readers.  Click on the 5 ***** stars and give me your feedback! 

Dr. Turi Amazon Prime UFO movie rebuttals

Thank you so very much readers, for your great 5 stars ratings and wonderful supporting comments on Amazon Prime that surpassed my expectations! Please do not hesitate to rate again and post your reviews to IMDb too! 


By the way, how many of you watched the CNN special ” 7 creepy things we learned about cult leader and former UA teacher Marshall Applewhite”

Did you know that I fully predicted this “Mass suicide” and I was driving through Rancho Santa in CA with the police helicopters above my head on my way to a restaurant to meet with radio host Jon Rappoport and his wife? If I was able to predict the Rancho Santa Fe mass suicide accurately (to the day including 911 Katrina and some) on Jon Rappoport radio back in 1997, shouldn’t you trust me on any and all my future predictions too?

Back in 1997 when I was living in San Diego, California, the well-established Truth Seeker Company employed people such as David Icke, Jon Rappaport, Jordan Maxwell, and myself to name a few.

All of us somehow made our name and expertise are known to the entire world and every one of us was a guest to famous Coast-To-Coast radio hosts such as George Noory and Art Bell and we all appeared on numerous television networks.

The luckiest ones were David and  Rappoport benefiting from the hundreds of thousands of dollars from the company, propelling them to the fame they enjoy today!  

In fact, “Truth Seeker”  spend only a few hundred bucks on a single Moon Power book of mine but still sell all my titles without any rewards to me…

Young, honest, gifted, and stupid I was, you sign a contract and get screwed forever… But the ET’s in me had a plan and karma for us all… 
Sad enough the golden keys to what it means to be human are cloaked in our local solar system spiritual manifesto but both the well-organized, supremely wealthy reptilius infected religious and scientific matrixes have indoctrinated humanity and control all media and all sources of information. Indeed Trump cursed UCI’s legacy is to divide people, old friends, and close family members!  And it was all predicted 4 years ago…


In this Dec. 7, 2020 photo President Donald Trump in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington.

This also includes close friends, hundreds of radio and TV hosts from all walks of life who have had me as a guest over the years!

My friend Gary  Busey giving me top of the world endorsement…

Image result for star trek

Dr. Turi on William Shatner’s TV Show
Discovery Channel – Dr. Turi’s Predictions

One day eventually I will have my own radio or reality show program where I will be able to offer much more cosmic education, personal guidance, and predictions while helping the audiences to regenerate their spirit! And God will lead the right people in time with more opportunities to reach the world!

Be wise, join the cosmic code follow our daily guidance and various forecast! You’ll gain much more than what you bargained for! VIP Cosmic Code Membership – Dr. Turi M.D.U.S.
Read what is ahead for you in 2021 eBooks – Dr. Turi M.D.U.S.
There the option to read critical, non-public materials about Biden’s stars and the US/world fate, etc, including our daily guidance and forecasts will be offered to you. This is my way of saying thank you to those who support my work the most and introduce you to the Cosmic Code rules… 

Upgrade Humanity Psychical Welfare raise your Cosmic Consciousness, sign my petition! 

Moderna’s coronavirus vaccine is 94.5% effective

To those who do not know… In many of my videos on YouTube, a while back I clearly said, “When you elect a President the people under his command are forced to suffer is stars, his fate and, endure his idiosyncrasies *conspiracies *Covid 19! Once removed from power WE the people will not have to suffer his stars (the wall/Virus) any longer!” 

01/01/2021 – Dr. Fauci claims U.S. won’t start return to ‘normality’ until near end of 2021

 I predicted for months on my YouTube channel that the reptilius Covid 19 curse will end in early 2022! I was a bit ahead of Dr. Fauci yet it shows another one of my visions endorsed by science! 


Mamacrow –Thank you for this excellent report… Thank you again. Fantastic! I WAS a Hogue subscriber… WAS.

11/19/20 – Listen to Dr. Turi & Tracie AustinTV & KGRA Radio where I predicted another earthquake on the air!


Jim Karoll “Beating The Odds” Dr. Louis Turi.

On Beating The Odds” radio show, and this YouTube video, including this newsletter, both the Lebanese and the Baltimore deadly EXPLOSIONS (and some) were fully predicted!

Attention readers: 6 MN 44 seconds into the radio show with Jim I warn about large earthquakes and  mentioned to be ready for “Sudden release of energy and EXPLOSIONS!”

Calm Deception To Strike!

8/26/20 – 6.1 magnitude earthquake near Kokopo, Papua New Guinea
8/21/20 – 6.9 magnitudeKatabuSulawesi TenggaraIndonesia
8/18/20 –  6.6 magnitude earthquake near San Pedro, Bicol, Philippines

Check my email exchanges with USGS!

The magical power of talismans

Get the new 2021 Nostradamus Dragon Forecast For All Signs from Paypal or ORDER from my website

How will the new 2021 cosmic winds affect your life and all the people you care about? Find out and have a winning edge on your future by using Nostradamus 16th century Divine Astrology!  You may also put your hand on the 2020 version for only $5.00 and check how the rest of the 2020 cosmic winds will affect your life.

 “If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!” Nostradamus

Since I hurt my back OTR for FedEx I can not drive long distances anymore and I am now open to take care of many of you. But if you want to avoid paying a fortune to meet me live on Zoom, show you real support for my cosmic work, and become a VIP or a Patreon first to save a lot of money! You may also email if you want to become a student or need more information!

MEMO –Interesting email from my Webmaster Alan sent in 2010: You know Dr. Turi I realized something super interesting looking at your Alexa stats. A third of all your traffic comes from India. What’s that about? Maybe you need to make a trip to India? I tell you why I think that’s super interesting as well — India (as OF COURSE, you know) invented Vedic Astrology so the fact that they are heavily interested in your European style is a huge testament to your work. It’s like they’re saying that YOUR astrology is better than their own. It’s like if I had a new Cuisine/US Chef site that was visited mostly by France and Italy. That’s a huge compliment, my friend. Unless of course they’re stealing your work and retrofitting it into their Vedic style! You never know!  Alan

Hitler was born with the same astrological configuration as Trump and feared power and wealth! He was able to “hypnotize” his base first then forced the entire German population to submit with his passionate hatred speeches.

The new 2021 Nostradamus’ personal & universal predictions updated e-book version is now ready to purchase. The long series of predictions for 2021 is something you must be aware of and prepared for and use to your advantage. The exact date to when the world will finally be free from COVID19 and other critical visions is also offered to my trusting readers.  You may also put your hand on the 2020 version for only $5:00 and check how the rest of 2020 cosmic winds will affect your life. 



Prince Charles, Princess Diana and the Royals Dirty Secrets will Come to Light


My good friend Gary  Busey giving me top of the world endorsement on YouTube…

In the absence of Cosmic Consciousness; science, conspiracy, and religious imagination have the wrong answers. There are no accidents just cosmic circumstances the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive. – Dr.Turi

Prediction #17 – Famous radio host Rush Limbaugh will show signs of health/mental deterioration but will be kept secret for a while.  Read more and share pls 

Dear reader;

We are at the very end of the current SOS to the world deadly window where I prepared you for “Shocking” news, who can deny the veracity of my cosmic work?  Are you ready for the next window of February //, 2020?

Youlette Wedgeworth, 52, was charged with aggravated assault after police said she bit off a man's tongue while kissing.

A Detroit woman bit off a man’s tongue after she asked him not to use it while kissing Shocking?

how talk radio and rush limbaugh propelled trump 2016 win rosenwald intv smerconish vpx_00004116

Dr. Turi and Katina Kyle on Mysterious Radio& The X File Network

The link for this show will be available soon and has in the past, garnered more than 30 million downloads in the United States alone. This wide platform combined with my last TV show with Zapruder Film Pictures in LA  watched by 112 million “Amazon Prime” subscribers my cosmic message will be heard widely.  Katina was quite impressed by my cosmic wisdom so Terania, teraniapromodir@gmail is currently working with her, Kerry Cassidy Project Camelot(and others)  for “an encore!” 



Prince Charles and Prince Harry war!

Long before the drama unfolding today in the UK,  I made predictions for England and the Royals back in  2011, 2016, and 2019 including in this video on YouTube! The results are undeniable and offer you a chance to check up on my prophetic gift! The 2022 Scorpius Dragon (May/November) will bring the light where the Royal secrets darkness and shame can not be kept hidden any longer!

PUBLISHED 05/06/2019 – The Stars and Fate of the Royal Baby and the UK!
The UK, the Queen, Prince Harry, and Megan Stars and Fate

But the earliest article was written back in 2011 (9 years ago!), in a newsletter titled “Prince William Princess Catherine and the UK Fate.My accurate visions and predictions pertaining to the Royal family then can not be either ignored or denied!  That is if you take the time to read my well documented cosmic work! 

Memo: “A wave of dramatic events is ahead for them all and could have been avoided had anyone of them owned Cosmic Consciousness or read my book 2011 Moon Power. One of the most powerful and wealthy countries in the world is about to undergo tremendous, tumultuous, karmic interior political changes (Brexit?)  and this is why God chose those young couples to put an end to the Royal family centuries of  “political” abuses  – Call it karma at work…” 

Again please, do not kill the messenger and remember my cosmic work is all about introducing you to Nostradamus’ 16th-century divine Astrology methodology and, to make undeniable predictions about people from all walks of life, famous or not!

The British population, like many other countries ruled by the Royals, is very respectful and loves and respects their rulers. 

I can not tell you what you want to hear readers, but offer you the undiluted, harsh truth and if you are a real truth seeker, you should not expect less from me! 


Rich, powerful, influential, educated, yet totally unaware of God’s cosmic design!  Prince William (6/21/82), Catherine Middleton, (1/9/82) and Prince Harry (9/15/84) have something incredible in common! 

All of them were born with a Dragon’s Tail (negative/karma) in the sign of Scorpio and Meghan Markle (8/4/81) was born with the exact same Leo (king/queen/fame/) dragon head as Princess Diana (RIP!)

Are those astrological “influences” and “draconian” Scorpionic effects an accident or pre-set by a Divine order easily manipulated by the reptilius? 

Those astrological facts, the sign of Scorpio and the Dragon itself, mean absolutely NOTHING not only to the Royals but also to 99.9% of a world’s population totally indoctrinated by the religious and scientific matrixes created to support the reptilius’ agendas.

Indeed deprived of cosmic consciousness humans are oblivious robots responding subconsciously to their inherited stars, all stimulated and manipulated by the reptilius… 

Because, none of those young, rational, “well-read” souls” ever read my book “The Power of the Dragon” the option for an accurate “auto analysis” is non-existent. All Prince Charles’ kids natal UCI’s conflict with his own cosmic nature because like them all, he was also born a Scorpio with his karmic Dragon’s Tail in the same sign!  

Much of what I am writing can only make sense to my wonderful curious and smart students who took the time to master the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, or God cosmic design speaking his will through the signs… 

“Dr. Turi I have learned more about what it means to be human in your week-long Sedona crash course then the seven years spent in an accredited medical school!” Student Dr, in Psychiatry. 

Yes, all those celebrities, Moguls, Kings and Queens who rule your lives are unconscious and NONE of them can see or hear God in action and this make them as important as the next door dude in the eyes of a more spiritually advanced group of humans like us. 


The ugly truth of how Princess Diana’s demise came about will never be divulged to the public. But it was all set up by her Scorpio born killer husband. Note all those malicious/deadly energies fall right into Diana’s 5th house of love, romance, and children… The 5th house is the house of love and the seat of attraction between humans beings and Charles (reptilius) and Diana (Draconis) were “set” to meet in a karmic, deadly relationship. 

Indeed all the cosmic signs are screaming MURDER and revealing the facts of a manipulating, cold, cruel extremely jealous, and controlling, sarcastic SCORPIONIC husband’s killer instinct where POWER, EGO, and GREED rule his deadly Plutonic, secretive world.

If he could kill his own Mother he would and a wise Queen is punishing him for his deadly deeds by refusing to step down and offer him the throne.

But the world would rather forgive and forget the real ugliness of the “future King” representing the reptilius infected true face of the English Monarchy and hidden agenda. Yet I spend much of my youth in the UK and all the British people I know and love are truly incredible people…The best memories I have are from England but I can’t stand the depressive Capricornus cold, wet, depressive weather.

Doomed By The Stars! The Fate of the UK Prince William and Kate Middleton

If you think Charles is happy about any of his son’s weddings (or partners’ choice) think again reader! Furthermore,  if he was able to successfully dispose of one family member (with the help of the French mafia), and got away with it (like O.J.) who and what can stop him doing the same with others? The fact is none of his children is safe, it’s a Scorpio thing! 

Yes, Scorpio means experiencing POWER, wealth and total control, but born with the Tail of the Dragon in this sign Charles is CURSED to never really enjoy or reach true power. Indeed, through forensic Astrology, I can see and expose this Royal dance of madness, and I can assure you again readers, those kids are in serious danger…

Over the years, as predicted they would tarnish the Royal image, I was right and they will bring more back luck to England in the long run.

Back in 2011 (9 years ago!), in a newsletter titled “Prince William Princess Catherine and the UK Fate. I wrote… “What they really should do is to escape the limelight, enjoy the wealth they landed on and disappear from the face of the earth in a life of total secrecy.”

Nine years later my vision came to pass with both Prince Harry and Meghan’s decision to “escape” the Royals! 

Continued: Those kids have no clue of their karmic destiny and how it will playout for the future of England and the Royal family legacy. My cosmic work can become a curse reader, but like them or any other human being, I am doing my part…

Yes time will tell, just make note and save this newsletter (published April 29, 2011) because as much as I was right in predicting Diana death to the day, those two kids will NEVER be happy in the UK and will never ever bring anything good for the old secretive, powerful English Monarchy or Charles himself.  

 I can only hope Harry, William and Kate Dragon’s Tail (dangerous) including Meghan’ Sun in Capricorn (reflecting the Snobby British Monarchy) will be stronger than Plutonic Charles’ natal Dragon’s Tail (negative) in Scorpio (death/secret/drama) and will not “dispose” of them by yet another “accident.” Remember a Plutonic soul (Charles)  will stop at nothing for power and time will tell who’s right. 


SOS to the world deadly window 01/06/20 – You have been warned!

Important announcement:
The only place you will have full access to read all my future 2020 SOS to the world deadly windows warnings or learn more about the Cosmic Code secrets are for our VIP’s or if you join Patreon.  
70th Birthday Card The Big 70 Milestone Birthday 1946 image 0

Note, like the great Prophet Nostradamus used to do 500 years ago, I also write quatrain. In 2020 I do not have to fear the French inquisition and end up on the stake anymore, thus unlike the famous Seer, I also add very obvious keywords… Translating God’s cosmic will through his immaculate celestial manifesto is something anyone can do by building cosmic consciousness and mastering the Cosmic Code jurisdictions…

I am the only living Astrophile since Nostradamus to make predictions using his methodology. Thanks to five solid UFOs experiences that lead me to re-kindle Nostradamus’ cosmic work! Do not assume, do not let skepticism hinder your curiosity, simply read, assimilate and realize my gift (or a curse?)  

Once again, this type of highly spiritual, advanced cosmic information is only available to those willing and able to assimilate God’s cosmic language. 

The pieces of information received in this article are critical to all the people who feel lost, depressed, and nurture constant negativity. Legal and illegal drugs, as in the case of Truett and millions of other infested human beings, will not work!

For a ridiculous $5:00 my regenerative, educational cosmic work will offer you all the answers that God has enslaved all scientists and medical doctors to uncover!  Join us, click on the Patreon logo, show your support, get rare cosmic wisdom you can’t get anywhere else! 

Image result for patreon

Image result for a physician cannot call himself a doctor astrology hippocrates

“Dr. Turi I have learned more about what it means to be human in your week-long Sedona crash course then the seven years spent in an accredited medical school!”  Dr. in Psychiatrist student! 


The secrets of the “Dragon” I will divulge to my VIP’s and Patreons’ supporters will make an impact in your life and offer you the golden keys to what it means to be human… Build your cosmic consciousness, help and guide others, understand yourself and everyone around you!

There is more power in the dragon alone than the entire complexity of an astrological chart!

MEMO – Interesting email from my Webmaster Alan sent in 2010: You know Dr. Turi, I realized something super interesting looking at your Alexa stats. A third of all your traffic comes from India. What’s that about? Maybe you need to make a trip to India? I tell you why I think that’s super interesting as well — India (as OF COURSE, you know) invented Vedic Astrology so the fact that they are heavily interested in your European style is a huge testament to your work. It’s like they’re saying that YOUR astrology is better than their own. It’s like if I had a new Cuisine/US Chef site that was visited mostly by France and Italy. That’s a huge compliment, my friend. Unless of course they’re stealing your work and retrofitting it into their Vedic style! You never know! 


Image result for patreon

Lastly, my work is for highly spiritually advanced Super-humans and there are millions of them… 

 “Spiritual Awakening Series”


Tom Danheiser, George Noory Coast to Coast am producer in his “Spiritual Awakening Series” and I will offer all Truth Seekers from all walks of life, the option to learn and master the Cosmic Code secrets in Los Angeles California!  Read all covered topics here. New information will come your way in time but you can start emailing Tom to reserve your seats right away because they will fill up fast! 

Sat 6/27/20 Unity Series The secrets of the Cosmic Code
Sat 7/11/20 Unity Series The secrets of the Cosmic Code
Sat 8/22/20 Unity Series The secrets of the Cosmic Code
Sat 9/19/20 Unity Series The secrets of the Cosmic Code

Memo from  “Axis of Evil – Winds of death upon America 2020 Coast to Coast am Predictions Recap”

Note: Many years ago I also accurately predicted SARS! Join Patreon and I will tell you more about this epidemic and what to do to avoid it

Results! 01/12/20

Coronavirus (picture-alliance/AP)


Snakes  the Chinese krait and the Chinese cobra  could be the source of the coronavirus outbreak

Draco told me coronavirus is coming from birds/chicken no snakes. 


German/Vikings Skin Alike
Black and White Red Blood
Fire War Violence  Passions Rule
God Nowhere To Stop Fires
Hitler’s Evil spirit reborn

Quatrain Posted to the world on June 12, 2013 

From Coast to Coast website: 10/16/19 – Turi also made predictions for this year and the next based on his study of astrology, saying that for the rest of 2019, political events and relationships will “go downhill,” He also said that he is expecting “a lot of fire” and “a lot of wildlife to disappear.”

Record wildfires continue: “I think this is the single loudest alarm bell I’ve ever heard on global heating.“It’s official: 2019 was the second-hottest year on record. The wake-up call pertaining to climate change offered in my visions is quite obvious, yet in the name of greed and power, some politicians still refuse to accept the facts! 

12/31/19 – Half a billion animals perish in bushfires

Destructive bushfires in New South Wales force wildlife to flee their habitats, and thousands of people to evacuate, along the coast of Australia.

President Donald Trump

The second vision I had was about our President, the US internal and foreign affairs…

Using Nostradamus 16th century Divine Astrology methodology I wrote another quatrain to help people to assimilate my predictions visually.

Prepare Month of Blooming June icy *December
White Moon Ninth Day Speak
Evil Spirit of Hitler Legacy Challenged
Cosmic God May Grace Humanity

Posted to the world on January 26, 2015

Pay attention reader, if I was able, years ago to Predict Trump’s impeachment and give the exact month of Decemberyou may want to heed my next warnings about the economy and some serious unrest in our country! 


In 2020 souls born in June and December with a moon, rising, a natal or hidden dragon in those two signs are a target of the reptilius. You will also find more of personal predictions in my new 2020 Nostradamus Universal and Personal Forecasts below. (order now!Show your support by investing in your future, you are in good hands…


 Order your 2020 horoscope forecast today! 


If you are looking for a very original, advanced, controversial two hours radio show about UFOs, the creative forces of the Superconscious, God, Jesus’ initial cosmic Ministry and critical predictions for January 2020 you may want to watch this YouTube video with an open mind and make notes!
Will I get your help to help your children?

Image result for star children over the world

Check Dr. Turi’s Teens Cosmic Education Project


“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth by means of his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom” Paracelsus

Tailored UFO’s Talisman sample

This copper UFO’s talisman sample is as good and highly recommended for your protection against the reptilius. If you decide to order one from me, be patient because I MUST carve it when those Uranic cosmic winds bless the earth and they are coming down twice a month for a few hours only. If interested email

Invitation to join us at the UFO Mega-Conference in Laughing NV February 15 – 22 – 2020. I am part of the list of UFO’s speakers for 2021. We will still attend doing book (s) signing and personal consultations. Look for our booth there. 

Image result for cosmic code dr.turi








Staying strong no matter what!


 To  those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice… Dr. Turi

Dear VIP’s;

Sad enough my so anticipated trip to Ebeye with some native Marshalleses co-workers/friends did not take place and may never will!  In fact I will be in Hawaii Wednesday September 25th, in a hospital undergoing MRI instead! What is the damage on my hip and back and what will happen to me after the diagnostic is still a mystery!

But at least I got to enjoy a company party with them all around me last week end and the memory is forever sealed in my heart.  

Custom Marshallese cooking

One of my many Marshallese friends Gabriel


The picture above is my “secret” private beach where I spent hours meditating on my existence and the hidden/mystical reasons to why I suffered another fall. On August 31st I fell out of a grader and injured both my right hip and my low back and, following another fall 3 weeks later, someone called 911 and the firemen drove me to the Kwajalein hospital emergency room.

After spending the night at the hospital ingesting powerful pain killer and a shot of morphine, I was released the next day and finally put off duty on September 21st by another doctor. 

Sad enough I saw the first doctor a week after falling from my machine and kept working for another 2 weeks following my injury. One of these two weeks involve emptying a barge loaded with cement bags. All employees are required to work 12 hours a night/day for 6 or 7 straight nights/days shift. My superintendent saw me limping for days and sought I was a risk to others and refused to let me operate any piece of heavy equipment. 

His unwise decision cost me greatly because operating a loader or a trackhoe loading trucks require much less physical work from me. Only my right foot, arms and hands are at work, not my entire body. I was then forced to do heavy manual work with all others Marshallese labors. And doing so made my situation much worse! What’s amazing for days working under his supervision, he never bothered to ask me how or why I was limping! 

I do not blame anyone for the accidents but myself yet, I never received the adequate treatment early enough (or right after the fall but a full week later) to avoid falling again 2 weeks later. 

I was put on “light duty” by the first doctor but nothing is light in construction and if you missed all the crucial details involving this fall you may refer to the previous article titled “UFO’s in the Marshall islands.”

Then on September 20th in a SOS to the world deadly windows (see below) I fell again! Everyone, including myself were SHOCKED by yet, another accidental fall! 

I was on my way to the office to deliver the reports on some of the machines I was to expect and I was hesitant climbing the stairs and I asked someone  to do it for me. Then somehow  I must have lost my balance or my hip locked, I am not sure what happened but I felt on the ground. I recall a terrible pain and asking the guys not to help me up or touch me then nothing else!

Then, I woke up in an ambulance and on my way to the emergency room. Was it because I took opioid a few hours earlier to fight the pain,  was I dehydrated or was it the fall, I do not know for sure but tests on my heart and my head had no injury and proved to be just fine…

Indeed I am not immune to the stars and I am so tired after work and this is my excuse for not checking my own forecasts and I paid the price for ignoring the cosmic laws of those shocking days… 

Meantime, the news during this SOS to the world window can only confirm my cosmic predictive gift universally and personally. Thus ask yourself did anyone or anything surprised you last few days?

Posted by Dr. Turi on September 1st, 2018 at 2:17am in Cosmic Coders Only

September 20 (48 hours centering the dates)

Entrails Upset Spit Above
Red Fire Wind Water To Dance
Stars Command Shock Science
Calm Deception To Strike


Japan / Asia / France / Cosmic News / NASA / Space News / Nukes / Weird news / Freak / Space / Rocket / Surprises / Unexpected / Explosions / Shocking / Stunning / Baffling / Incredible / Lightning / Unusual / Humanitarianism / Children / Unrest / Discovery / Science / Earthquakes (always at or above 6.0)/ Volcanoes / Tornadoes / Airports / Aeronautics / Technology / Electricity /Television / UFO’s /Cosmic phenomenons.

September 21st- 5.9 in LevukaEasternFiji

Indonesian volcano spews enormous fireballs

Yellowstone volcano: ERUPTION of dormant Ear Spring geyser stuns ...

– YELLOWSTONE volcano’s Ear Spring geyser roared back into life in spectacular fashion this week, after 14 years of dormancy. … The thermal spring in Yellowstone volcano’s Geyser Hill area erupted for the fourth time in the last 60 years, park officials have confirmed. 

Now do you think the quatrain (and obvious keywords above) would stimulate the surprised scientific community with the option to find out more about earthquakes or volcanoes predictions ? Stars Command Shock Science? Calm Deception To Strike? How more rational and practical my quatrain and keywords can be readers?

Now do you also think those well read scientists would investigate my cosmic work and benefit from it? My work would seriously add to their own ” educated” rational repertoire of “wisdom” but even an endorsement from a NASA scientist won’t convince them I have something they could only dream of as far as natural disasters predictions are concerned!

From Earthquake prediction page

Kudos to you Dr. Turi!

I surf the Internet periodically for predictions on forthcoming events, specifically all relating to earthquake activities. You hit the 11/22/95 Egypt/Israel/Saudi Arabia 7.2 quake smack dab on the head, per your earlier prediction. Congratulations again!

E-mail < ////private @ccmail.jpl.nasa///> Keep up the good work.

Appreciatively, G//

I wish the scientific community and the FBI would cast aside their “educated pride” and INVESTIGATE my cosmic work FBI visited Dr. Turi again, following Paris Terrorists Attack Prediction … instead of assuming I am another Mrs Cleo deceptive psychic after your money! 

The fact is; the natal UCI of  those “educated” young souls is psychically so underdeveloped that they could not find their own noses in the middle of their faces if their lives depended on it.  

Sad enough today’ society has been indoctrinated (brainwashed) by both the religious and scientific matrixes engaged in an eternal war for supremacy! For without your financial support they could not survive and both MUST keep you in the dark by controlling all sources of “educational” information.  

“Because they are seeing, they see not; and hearing, they hear not; neither do they understand the voice of heaven.”– Matthew 13.13

Yet I have to be very cautious when I use the word “predictions” because the reality is; I do not predict anything, I only translate the “signs” or how God truly speak to humans. And a cosmic God does not speak to fools or idiots!

Teaching the Children God Cosmic Divinity

“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so you may lead a safer more productive life!”

I know the exact reasons to why I suffered another “accident” but my cosmic secrets can only be divulged and assimilated by those able and willing to seek the Divine. And I will in time offer all our VIP’s the hidden secrets to why I fell outside of this SOS window. Those vital information pertaining to the Supra-conscious in time and space (or God) will make you even more cautious about the type of thoughts you generate on a daily base… More on this topic in the cosmic code private website!  Be smart, be aware, be informed of forces you have been blessed with that can work for or against you! Join us!

There are thousands of great psychics and good astrologers to choose from and available to you, and I am one of them. But the undiluted truth can only be reached if you use both your critical thinking and your intuition carefully and most of all, if you ask for it. 

Like a baker, a taxi driver, a dedicated nurse or a teacher etc. as a Soul Doctor, I have to make a living too and must get remunerated for my 68 years of arduous researches into the Universal mechanics. All I can suggest any curious truth seekers is to INVESTIGATE the source of information presented to you. Then make your own choice picking up a real gifted psychic or astrologer to help you seek your future.

And if you are not willing to spend only $5:00 to check into your fate, your financial potential, your health, the type of career that will bring about all your wishes, you are not ready for my cosmic work! 

And if you are not willing to spend only $10:00 to check into your fate and investigate if my daily guidance forecast and various horoscopes are legit, you are not ready for my cosmic work and you should keep reading your free horoscope from Facebook countless astrology websites!   

But be sure, you can only attract souls and organizations that vibrate at your own cosmic speed, and this is why billions of misinformed, gullible people fell for a multitude of religions. While other “Young atheist Souls” will seek only science to reach the golden keys to what it mean to be human, something  a cosmic God has enslaved all of them to find out!

Before coming to the Marshall Islands to work, I made plans to stay on the US base for the entire year, but life is a constant process of endless changes for those who seek a better life. God has a plan for each one of us and if the creator decide to ruin your plans, be sure it is only because he has a much better plan for you. 

Thus once again my friend, do not be  mad, confused, irritable and miserable if “things” do not go your way!  Be patient, have faith in God, the stars and the Divine because, you know it or not, they all work in your favor!


Because of my cosmic wisdom and my “Universal Blood Transfusion” I was able to beat cancer and was given another shot at life and I am so ever thankful to be allowed still to teach and pass on my own priceless wisdom. And while the secret is available to all, it is only available to those who ask!d to List

Amazon review: Beyond the Secret is the fascinating autobiography of Dr. Louis Turi. It recounts his unusual life starting at birth in the Provence region of France, to his life in England and America. His experiences range from tragic to euphoric, mundane and miraculous, all of which have given him great compassion for his fellow humans. He explains metaphysical principles that apply to the different chapters of his life. There is much more in this life than the Law of Attraction. Other laws include metaphysical and cosmological aspects. It is an engaging read you will not be able to set down.

Lastly, my utmost sincere wish is to go back to what I do best, heal and guide people through my Skype personal consultations and also teach Nostradamus Natural Healing, the cosmic code secrets Astroforensic/Astropsychology) in all my future UFO’s conferences. 

Incredible experiences breed incredible people that have incredible wisdom to share! Dr. Turi

July 1987 – I am Alien The Final Revelation

If you are one of those rare spiritual human beings in the ocean of life looking for my uplifting spiritual hook, and interested in learning more about the Cosmic Code, God Cosmic Divinity, Astropsychology or Astroforensics just ring the bell! I will open the door of a new world above for you to join our VIP’s in our Cyber Cosmic Code University! All the answers to what it means to be human and so much more is awaiting you!

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