Category: The Cosmic Code Secrets

Astroforensic at work! Helping the FBI and the police to bypass their psychical limitations.

The end of Trump?


DSC106[1]“The universe is under no obligation to make any SPIRITUAL sense to anyone” Dr. Turi

“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior  wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth using his will is a magus and  magic is not sorcery but Supreme wisdom.” Paracelsus


Dear reader,

Because this election is so critical for the future of the US and the world at large, I’ve decided to offer the next SOS to the world SHOCKING window to the public and prepare all of you for what is to come! In return I am asking the reader to share my visions and this newsletter widely!

If you read this newsletter to the end, you must have also read the following… Trump appears to be laying the groundwork to challenge voting results if he loses by claiming voter fraud – “TRUMP WILL DO IT AGAIN! HE CAN’T HELP HIS STARS!

Countless talking heads from all walks of life, political analysts, radio and TV host shows from popular network have something in common! They are not cosmic conscious and can only use their five limited rational, logical human senses to anticipate what is to come next with the 2024 November elections!

The same applies for 99.9% of the world’s population, parents, teachers, promoters, counselors, political advisers, and BOTH candidates nominees including their senior advisers! And, in the name of religious conviction, skepticism, lack of curiosity this humongous cosmic ignorance will make the difference between winning or losing the election!

Luck does exist and since the stars do not care they do work for anyone and everyone, good or bad, including criminals! Had any of the presidential candidates hired me, I would have chosen the ELECTRIFYING cosmic winds lucky Kamala Harris landed on “accidentally!”

Trump and his advisers do not know anything about God’s cosmic design speaking his will through the stars and will have to pay the price of ignorance!  Indeed the winner takes it all and I am glad criminals and certain reptilius infected political leaders, terrorist organizations and foreign dictators know nothing of this INCREDIBLE power

While everyone believe this will be a close election, be ready for the INCREDIBLE, the AMAZING, the SURPRISING and quite SHOCKING to take place following the upcoming November 4th election day! Instead pay attention to those dates and share them with your friends… The reptilius dividing forces are working hard for a repeat of January 6, but will not succeed, instead pay special attention to  Novembe 6/7/8/9! 

The same type of ELECTRIFYING cosmic winds that propelled Kamala Harris to win the heart of millions of American during her speech during the Democratic National Convention is coming  back! And this is GREAT news for her supporters! If you take the time to read the full newsletter below, I explained how those FUTURISTIC Uranic cosmic winds induced so much FREEDOM and ELECTRICITY in the air that day!

Memo fromKamala Harris ELECTRIFYING SPEECH!  If you watched the event on national TV and felt the “electricity” generated in the room it is not only due to the physical work put into it.  This event was so successful because it transpired during a full moon (emotions are usually very high) in the sign of Aquarius (electricity/unification!) This sign rules FREEDOM, humanitarianism, the future, and all that Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are about and what America and the world are ready for! A desperately needed change which UNIFIED all Americans.”

I can not be more obvious with both the quatrain and obvious keywords offered below while translating God’s cosmic will! Yet billions of dollars are wasted in futile endeavors (and religion) instead of investing in the Divine and my work!

Imagine for a second if my cosmic work was readily and widely available in all colleges and universities in America and the world at large? Imagine if the US Dept. of Education could/would realize the critical values of my cosmic work and accept it as a solid discipline blessing your children? But the evil of fear, religion and atheism is cursing this planet!

But in time, that is the wonderful promise of the new Age of Aquarius and the benevolent Draconis guiding humanity! If wealthy people were investing  in God cosmic design instead of religion and Mars, peace would reign supreme in this world!

The gravitational forces that move all galaxies is a scientific fact;   But the greatness of the spiritual cosmic manifesto is yet a mystery to humanity. God’s enslaved all his children to uncover his cosmic  Divinity and with it,  a life filled with health, love, respect, peace and harmony for all. — Dr. Turi

 If every 8-year-old in the world is taught divine astrology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation” Dr. Turi

November 2024 SOS deadly windows Posted by Dr. Turi on October 31, 2024 at 3:29pm



November  6,7, 8. 9  – //-//-//-//

Entrails Upset Spit Above
Red Fire Wind Water to Dance
Stars Command Shock Science
Calm Deception to Strike

Japan / Asia / China / France / Italy / Gold / Cosmic – Space News / NASA / Nukes / Nuclear /  Freak / Bizarre / Unusual weird behavior / Space / Rocket / Missile / Explosions / Surprises / Unexpected /  Shocking news / Shocking videos / Stunning / Baffling / unprecedented / Suddenly / Incredible / Strange deadly Behavior / Awakening / Bombshell / Mind Boggling / Crazy / Jaw Dropping / Lightning / Electricity / Fire / Unusual / Unexpected / suddenly / Humanitarianism / Children / Teens / Unrest / Fascinating / Genius / Discovery / Very old – Very new / Discovery / Invention / Science / AI / UFO’s / Earthquakes (always at or above 6.0 / Tsunami / Typhoon / Hurricane / Volcanoes/ Tornadoes / Airports / Airline / Aeronautics / jets / Planes / Balloons / Helicopters / Drone / Technology / Outage / Hacking / Cyber-attack / Internet / Electricity / Electronics / Television / Cosmic Phenomenon

My windows always induce natural disasters earthquakes at or above 6.0 

As usual, I will be there to refresh your memory once my vision unfold, so come back often to check the added news…



SOS deadly windows – Is it the end of Trump?


Dr. Turi on air, with Michael Kopf – The Energy That Surrounds Us and Riding Through the Unknown)

Nov 11, 2024 from 5:00pm to 7:00pm


If you read Elon Musk, Trump and Putin’s evil connection A SERIOUS WARNING TO THE WORLD!” you also read the following… “ARE YOU READY FOR THE NEXT SOS DEADLY WINDOW OF //////////////////////” “In time, Terania and I, as we always do, will post the dramatic news as they unfold in the Cosmic code and I will also bring this quatrain, keywords and all the future news up in this newsletter and post it to the public!” And I did just that today 10/31/24! 

The idea is for smart people to join the cosmic code and get those SOS deadly windows at the 1st of EACH months throughout the entire year and plan all endeavors and all trips in accordance to God’s cosmic design. My deadly windows prepare you for deadly consequences, natural disasters, shootings, terrorism, mass death, unrest and when the “reptilius infestation” will become much more obvious as they hijack the body, mind and souls of countless of oblivious humans!

Doing so will save you time, money and even your life! Do not wait like all unlucky Spaniars or the thousands of people in the US who lost it all during all predicted natural disasters that transpired during those deadly windows. Those warnings were offered over a month ago to our Patreon supporters and our VIP’s on the Cosmic Code private website! 


Be smart, be wise, be warned, be prepared to deal with those extreme cosmic winds and the reptilius effect! Sharing my newsletters and videos will also bring you good karma since you become part of the New Age of  Aquarius’ solution!

October SOS to the world deadly windows Posted by Dr. Turi on September 27, 2024 at 9:03pm



October 31, November 1, 2 – //-//-//

Hidden secrets, sex, money come to light
Raw power challenges police deadly villains
Ugly face of death drama horror surface 
 Nature man’s religion bloody folly reign 


*Russia / Famous Death / *Dramatic Death News / Mass death / Police news / Police brutality / FBI / CIA / Secret services / Secrets to light / Mob / Scandals / Terrorism / Assassination / Cyber-attacks / Abduction / Finances / *IRS / Super wealth / Sex / Porn / Prostitution / Life and death / Serial Killers / Undiluted truth /Dying/Rebirthing / Nature and Man-Made Wake up Call.   

Memo – “Avoid large gatherings especially at night during any of my deadly Plutonic windows!”   The reptilius are after the police, government officials, and children/teens! Policing will be so dangerous that many brave servants will quit and the number of cops getting killed or killing citizens will explode in the months to come. Infected criminals will get bolder and wilder committing crimes against the police and the public never experienced before!”  



Is it the end of Trump? Is his comment the last nasty drop that will turn everything around in the US elections?

Liz Cheney hits back at Trump's violent rhetoric: 'This is how dictators destroy free nations' - ABC News

Trump uses violent rhetoric against Liz Cheney during interview with Tucker Carlson
Harris says Trump’s violent rhetoric ‘must be disqualifying’

He said she should face “nine barrels!”

My windows always induce natural disasters earthquakes at or above 6.0 

6 were injured after tornado-spawning thunderstorms left a trail of destruction in Oklahoma

 Deadly news
“Avoid large gatherings”
Soldier charged with murder after Fort Leonard Wood sergeant found dead in dumpster
A woman died after being told it would be a ‘crime’ to intervene in her miscarriage

Town’s entire police force resigns on the same day, leaving locals confused
Man charged with terrorism, hate crime in shooting of Jewish man walking to synagogue
Viral ‘subway surfing’ trend has led to deaths of six youths in New York
“The reptilius are after the police, government officials, and children/teens!”

Ugly face of death drama horror surface / Mass deaths
The Spanish people blamed the government for the deaths and complained since the warning came much too late for people to move on higher grounds. Sad enough, unlike you, those people did not have the opportunity to take a chance on my gift and use my warnings offered over a month ago to our Patreon supporters and our VIP’s on the Cosmic Code private website! 
I can only wonder how long it will take for the smart an curious people to realize they are great forces at work science and religion could never learn, assimilate, accept or even realize! Science denies and ridicule the creator while deceptive religions know nothing of God’s cosmic design and Jesus’s initial cosmic Ministry!  Indeed knowledge is power, ignorance is evil and be sure God does not divulge nor speak his divine cosmic langage to fools!


Water, sky, oceans, oil drench
Dark clouds cities man cry drown
Jesus’s cosmic spirit rebirth 
Religions, Pisces deception Age die 

Written by Dr. Turi 6/23/24

Hidden secrets, sex, money come to light
Hidden secrets, sex, money come to light


My work is about astrological predictions and the undiluted, vexing truth not politics! 

Trump appears to be laying the groundwork to challenge voting results if he loses by claiming voter fraud – TRUMP WILL DO IT AGAIN! HE CAN’T HELP HIS STARS One must remember Trump was born a DUAL Gemini (the talking head/The Lord of the Thieves) this means everything in his life will happen by 2/4/6/8 etc. times. Including his fully predicted 2nd assassination attempt!

This also reflects his two impeachments, his two marriages, his countless legal battles, the many attorneys working for him, his drive to be RE-elected, and the high possibility, if he loses, of claiming voter fraud and stirring up even more unrest and troubles!

Since Gemini rules general communications, the world is CURSED to listen to his racist rambles and his endless lies through all media, radio, and television… America and the world have yet to realize when you elect a Gemini President, WE, the people will have to experience and share his fate, idiosyncrasies, wishes, divide and fears!

Bypass your cosmic ignorance, your religious convictions, your educated pride, your fears and accept the facts science and idiots alike cannot accept or assimilate just yet!

Trump was born a racist and if you do some reseach the majority of his supporters i.e. Marjorie Greene, Laura Loomer, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, and Judy Rudy Giuliani are also racist born Gemini!

This does not mean ALL Gemini are racist!

This fact can only be acknowledged if you read about Trump’s stars and fate instead of assuming Divine Astrology is a pseudo-science!

“Show me a reader, I’ll point out a winner!” Dr. Turi

 Be warned, as of July 28, 2026 the upcoming Pisces (religion) Virgo (Virgin Marie) dragon axis is about to unleash a tremendous avalanche of news involving oil, the Middle East restructure (israel/Iran/Gaza) the bible and cosmic unconscious pious indoctrinated Christian people fearing hell will follow the wrong leaders.

Christian nationalists in the United States advocate “a fusion of identitarian Christian identity and cultural conservatism with American civic belonging.” It has been noted to bear overlap with Christian fundamentalism, white supremacy, the Seven Mountain Mandate movement, and dominionism.

Expect a full restructuring of the Middle East as the latest Israeli strike on a mosque and school in Gaza killed scores, sparking international outrage! My quatrain offers visions for the Middle East, religions and the future of humanity that can easily be perceived by smart and curious people…

The reptilius targeted Trump, Elon Musk, Putin, Kim Jung Un, and other infected leaders to bring about tremendous pain, suffering, fear confusion, and mass death through a nuclear exchange those villains are unconsciously aiming for…

All media will explode with religious posts as the Age of Pisces (deception/abuse) is dying. Church Inc. must fight to survive as the Age of Aquarius (freedom, understanding, humanities, technology, future, UFOs) slowly takes over. They will spend BILLIONS in advertisements to grasp scared, insecure people, especially souls born Neptunian and confused teens who are psychically vulnerable and seek hopes  and direction.”

“Five minutes after you are born they will decide your name, nationality, religion and tribe and you will spend the rest of your life smilingly defending things you did not choose” – Arthur Schopenhauer

In the name of fear, ignorance and control, politically oriented churches of the past are responsible for the Dark Ages movement that killed millions of people all around the world, especially women!

Religions have and can only bring more troubles and death to humanity, since what we are witnessing currently with Israel and Hamass in the Middle East (a Pisces area) is nothing else than an endless political religious war!

Knowing America was born with the negative dragon’s tail in Aquarius (Japan/nukes/Asia) and those terrible cosmic winds will be upon America starting on July 28, 2026, the worst is to come.

I will elabore for our VIP’s and Patreon supporters only because my visions are much too sensitive for public consumption but rest assured because of those egocentric, greedy tyrants, millions of innocent people, especially young men will perish but not the “Super Humans” if they get the benevolent Draconis’s attention…  VIP’s only!

For years, I offered an impeccable, repetitive and accurate timing of all past and future hurricanes and quakes above 6.0  a full month ahead of time in the private Cosmic Code website yet, it is ONLY if you become a VIP that you will acknowledge those facts and get to learn more about God’s cosmic design!

The question remain is a very affordable subscription worth my reliable warnings, our daily guidance and forecasts and all your possessions and even your life? Had they a choice, ask this question to all the living and dead people who suffered those catastrophes!

Note also with 4 different horoscopes and my SOS deadly windows, the 2024 and the newly released 2025 personal and universal predictions for all signs is awaiting you there too! Email for information if needed or call the office at 602 265 7667!

Its going to get much worse before it get better!

Reader, make sure to join and share my FB pages UFOs Astrology & Dr. Turi Predictions
Check also my videos from DrStarsSun on the road, join and share my crazy life!

Call it the “reptilius Draconis effect” every human being on this planet is subject to!
As mentioned a few months ago, this is my LAST educational full newsletter and LAST SOS to the world deadly window warning! Be very aware of ALL the upcoming SOS plutonic deadly window or pay the price of your ignorance!
As of today and once a week, as usual, I will only offer the public the appropriate quatrains and the news with my visions as they have unfolded. No more warning ahead of time and no more FULL newsletters will come your way. Time for you to make a commitment and be rewarded learning all about God’s cosmic design and Jesus initial cosmic ministry!  
Note also a video will be offered to the readers on a regular base, (very limited) on YouTube telling you what I will offer the public and our VIP’s. Warnings, cosmic teachings, SOS deadly windows, UFOs news etc. are on the Cosmic Code private website for our VIP’s! The full newsletters will also be posted regularly on our Patreon page for our supporters.
A few subscribers were in the path of the two latest hurricanes and can not attend the 11/11/2024 hypnotherapy course. Thus this class is ponsponed until further notice and  will keep you posted.
Note also to help the victims start a new life using the superconscious power, we have decided to offer a new DEAL to all prospective students. The price for the two days course on Zoom was $500 we are now offering it for half price of $250 only. This is our way to help and support all of you during those challenging times.

Super-conscious Power to Heal the Body, Mind and Soul 

Terania and I are planning to do a ZOOM HYPNOTHERAPY TUTORING session in the future. 11/11/2024 was the date but the hurricanes messed up thousands of people’s lives and some of my students were touched directly, thus this course has been  not only postponed until January 2025 but also REDUCED to $250 instead of $500 to help them all. 

I want to personally thanks the many new students who signed up for this healing educational tuition for their understanding and patience and we still have room for more students…

There is much more involved in this course than what I can discuss just yet, but with time and patience realizing and accordingly using your inner subconscious power will come to the fore. Tapping on the superconscious creative forces is a sure ticket to better both, your inner and physical life! Yet if you are not curious enough and ask for the Divine, how can your life change?


I will take the time to explain this fact in great detail and I will also take the time to remove it and offer the answers to anyone interested in knowing their mental dilemma at a personal level…

It starts by being inquisitive and in a couple of days harness supreme wisdom instead of spending years  suffering and wondering why you can’t reach your goals… God’s creative power is limitless and works on both the spiritual and physical planes, yet again, it is only if you ask that you shall receive!

Reading this article is not an accident, its you being at the right time at the right place and offering you the winning numbers of the lottery, thus let others’ skepticism and lack of curiosity “miss the boat!”

The first part of the course will take two to four hours of education involving the difference between the subconscious and the super-conscious creative force. Multiple examples will be used to assimilate the stimulating power and how to direct it correctly. This course will be entertaining and educational and greatly change your perception and concept of reality.

Do you wish for better health, more energy, more drive, more focus? Do you want to reverse the clock and look and feel younger like me? Do you want to attract and use the Divine? Do you want a better vision , a better job or start your own business but don’t know how? Do you want more magnetism and attract or maintain love?

You were born with God’s power to create your reality and enjoy life to the fullest. It is YOUR choice and your decision alone to ask in order to receive! All you need is to plan for some time alone with me as your guide to the high magical forces you were born to seek and use.

Following the basic introductory training along with soft music, my voice will take you up to your subconscious then the super-conscious, and open the golden door to God’s divine power…

The positive inserted suggestions will be sealed within the depth of your subconscious and lead you to a much more positive attitude towards life in general and shape your future since the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought!

(Optional) During the second part of the course, under my supervision, once confident and if ready, each student will practice and perform a hypnotic session on all of us.  You do not have to do it if you feel insecure.

This is an experience you will never forget for as long as you live and the creative rewards are endless! And it’s only when the student is ready that a rare teacher will appear! Using my technique will open the golden gate to a much more exciting, healthier, and productive life.

After this light hypnotic safe session, you will become much more aware of the principle involving the Superconscious creative forces and creating your fate with your thoughts is all about! Miracles do happen, I will teach and guide you to make your wishes become a reality!

You may go to the   PRESENTATION DETAILS  to read more. Sign up now, this course will fill up fast, email


Reader, make sure to join and share my FB pages UFOs Astrology & Dr. Turi Predictions especially if you have questions about the Divine, UFO’s or anything under the stars!  Check also my videos from DrStarsSun on the road, join and share my crazy life!

Continued: So you will have to comeback often to check how real and knowledgeable I am and maybe realize my work deserves not only respect but sharing!

But if you do not take the time to read and check my claims, how can I help you build more cosmic consciousness? So many psychics and prophets want to be everywhere, thus if you land something tangible, dated, well documented, and factual as mine, as a responsible human, it is your duty to share it widely! Another prediction I made…

MEMO from “Melania Trump -Predictions for the First Lady!” published October 19, 2020.

“But once the negative tail of the Dragon in Scorpio enters her 7th house (partnerships) from her Sun sign of Taurus around January 2022, she will be forced to “exit” her marriage with Trump or become much less active in public with him. The future is not good for their marriage, it could also be because of an imposed divorce, marriage dissolution, heart attack sudden death or assassination“

One of my students copied and sent me this paragraph published in one of my Nostradamus dragon forecast many years ago.

“This Dragon is against President Trump’s health and service to the world but most importantly his children and close family. Trump’s minions and his children are a target of the reptilius and many are been fined and already rotting in prison. Trump or one of his children may become sick, mentally unstable/suicidal, or become the target of the CIA, or be assassinated by a lost infected soul.”

I can only hope to be wrong in another sad prediction I made about former President Trump published 7/21/24 in Biden drops out of the race prediction & Kamala Harris Stars and Fate!” 

In my newsletter I mentioned Trump being a DUAL is prone to suffer another assassination attempton his life! Read more about this vision in Thomas Crooks’ Suicide – A born killer mind exposed!
And the FBI should read and take my warnings very seriously! 

The predictions for the future and UFO’s I have for humanity are not for the fainted heart and are only available for our VIP’s of the Cosmic Code private website!

“Show ne a reader, I’ll point out a winner!” Dr. Turi


A message from Terania Turi:
I do not do live consultation just yet, but I am very active my own way! If you have an interest in digging into the celestial mechanics of divine astrology or may not be familiar with the basics of the methodology, perhaps you would be interested in having a natal chart / an astro – mapping report / a basic compatibility report / biorhythms / cabalistic cleansing ritual report from Terania, all for only $50.
This would also be a perfect way for me to introduce you to our work and open the door to discover more potential information, leading to the truth about yourself and your life…
In which case, you can then set up a more in depth live Zoom consultation with the “master,” Dr. Turi and attain a new perception of reality and your goals in this lifetime.
Thank you all
Terania Turi
E-mail : for more information


Dr. Louis Turi in Phoenix, AZ // Thervo

I intend to do more lectures on the Superconscious creative forces and educate and heal people in many fine resorts in Florida. In the past, I lectured on this topic and hypnotized the attendance on countless cruise ships, in Casinos in Las Vegas, and in many hotels and spas around the world, if you can help or need my expertise email for more information. Indeed knowledge is power, ignorance is evil! 

Memo from Coast to Coast am October 16 2019 – In the second half, Dr. Louis Turi revealed how to harness the power of the subconscious mind, and explained how it shapes everything from world events to everyday personal motives and decisions. Turi believes that the subconscious is so powerful that it “gets your heart beating and stops an infection” and can even “alter the atomic structure of your body.” He said that the disciplines of psychology and psychiatry have yet to accept these concepts. Turi also described extraterrestrial races he’s been in contact with. He’s concluded that they affect human behavior both toward the positive and negative, depending on the source. The benevolent race, he continued, is known as the “Draconis,” and the evil or negative ones are the “Reptilians.” Turi stated that he’s been “contacted by the divine and it is speaking through me.”

He gave examples from his own life he’s made about the power of the subconscious. He recalled that when he was a child, he had a virulent infection in his ears, which only subsided after he left his parents’ home, where they raised their voices and fought constantly. He realized that his subconscious was telling him he didn’t want to hear them fighting, and he was only able to heal after he went to live with his grandmother “who never raised her voice. Turi also made predictions for this year and the next based on his study of astrology, saying that for the rest of 2019, political events and relationships will “go downhill,” and that there will be a “full restructure” of many groups and institutions in 2020. He also said that he is expecting “a lot of fire” and “a lot of wildlife to disappear.”  This was weeks before the terrible Australian and California fires who killed millions of animals!

I was fired from this popular radio program for mentioning that Trump could be assassinated, he would not be re-elected and COVID would kill millions! Read more!

Another of my prediction came to pass…

Biden calls for major Supreme Court reforms, including term limits, at Civil Rights Act event

Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito Are “Subject to Corruption”: AOC
Clarence Thomas fails to disclose 3 more Harlan Crow trips, Senate records show
Justice Thomas raked in $4M in gifts, new report
Can Samuel Alito Survive Flag Controversy? 

Dr. Turi;
You predicted trouble for Supreme Court justices a long time ago . Now it is 
Insecurity reigns supreme while egocentric politicians tear themselves apart and high Court lawmakers impose their religious beliefs, change the laws on our backs, and abuse us all. 

My quatrain below speaks volume on my undeniable accurate visions about the abusive, deceptive retructuring legal system or what’s going on with judges and the DOJ! Yet only those who bought 2021/2022/2023/2024 Nostradamus dragon forecast were warned! Justice Thomas and Justice Alito karma is on the way!

Scale of justice trembles
Armed villains seek blood
Red dominates rainbow
Power tears judges fight dies

Posted to the world on September 3, 2022

The gravitational forces that move all galaxies is a scientific fact;   But the greatness of the spiritual cosmic manifesto is yet a mystery to humanity. God’s enslaved all his children to uncover his cosmic  Divinity and with it,  a life filled with health, love, respect, peace and harmony for all.

— Dr. Turi

“The universe is a BRIGHT LIVING spiritual entity… I’m offering its secrets before I die. The purpose of all my struggles  was to build cosmic wisdom and offer universal guidance and strengths to others” — Dr. Turi

Saudi Arabia says 1,301 died on Hajj this year

This absurdity of over 5000 man made religions indoctrination is mind boggling! When the new dragon enters Pisces in January 2025 a full restructure of all deceptive religions and the Vatican (death of the Pope)  will take place. Much more predictions for the future will be published on the Cosmic Code private website. Join now email

Water, sky, oceans, oil drench
Dark clouds cities man cry drown
Jesus’s cosmic spirit rebirth 
Religions, Pisces deception Age die 

Written by Dr. Turi /23/24

Join the cosmic code private website, read all in great details and be prepared for your future! Never separate yourself from God, we are all God’s and Goddesses in training on this dense physical world learning this fact! Religion is pure evil and created by the nefarious reptilius…

Jesus was teaching Astrology…
12 Apostles, 12 months, 12 hours, 12 jury, 12 tribes of Israel, 12 sins, 12 jury… Jesus was teaching Astrology but the Church Inc took it away from you… Jesus cosmic ministry has nothing to do with the bible. time to wake up to the truth but only smart and curious people will get it….
In time the New Age of Aquarius will obliterate this mental cancer. With Pluto in Aquarius and the upcoming new 2025 Dragon in Pisces, expect lots of water from the skies and fierce battles to keep all suffocating religions alive! The Israel-Hamas war is just the beginning! Christians and others denominations will try very hard to convince you Facebook! Expect an explosion of religious stuff as the deceptive Age of Pisces is ending!

Remember reader, next September 2024 those newsletters and warnings will stop completely while my prices for consultations will rise significantly! I can only and strongly recommend you to join us and read the  special announcement below if you need any of my services!

Sharing emails:
Harrietta ///<harrietta./////>
Date: Mon, Oct 21, 2024, 4:00 PM
Subject: Re: Harrietta Consultation with Dr. Turi
To: Dr. Turi
Thank you Dr Turi with all my Hear💓 Such a great in-depth  Phenomenal, Powerful Reading also thank you for your time and energy Love and Light 💙🙏🩵 and thank you for  all you do🥰


I did receive the Zoom recording, Dr. Turi thank you!

I do believe whole heartedly in your work and I am thankful to have had this once in a lifetime opportunity to meet with you! 

Thank you Dr. Turi for who you are as a person and for what you so selflessly give back to the world with all your wisdom and cosmic teachings! I do appreciate your dedication and sacrifices that you make daily for the greater good of mankind! 
It was a true honor, monsieur! God bless you and Terania and thank God for our divine timing, even if it was during a hurricane.. lol!
I’m sorry if I interrupted you too many times i was just excited .It was an eye opener for my husband after 30 years of me telling him he finally gets it . Thank you so much for reaching him he was so happy when we hung up he told me how much better he felt . Thank you for all the work you do the passion you have to reach everyone it’s truly amazing .☀️💫🌕

We are living in times where boneheads rise, intelligence fall, educated idiots reign supreme and thrive while genius and real get unrecognized.” Dr.Turi

No parents nowadays (outside of religion and science) are teaching their children who God truly is, spiritual matters, metaphysics and pay attention to the stars, their dreams, and master the art of divination using Divine astrology.

Since you were made at the image of God, love yourself with all the might of God because you were born to create.. Remember God <positive> would/could not be without the devil <negative> for without opposite life would be impossible. Yesterday in your past, your fears, your cosmic ignorance and your religion, you were EVIL..

The new smarter, curious, educated you is Godlike and in your positivity you reflect the light of God’s cosmic wisdom.

Indeed the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought, keep them positive since there is no future and no God in the past…

Share with smart people and never separate yourself from God. We are all God’s and Goddesses in training on this dense physical world learning this fact! Religions are pure evil and 5000 plus were created by the nefarious reptilius…

In order to regenerate their spirit to survive, one day your children will ask and look for the answers they could never get from science or religion. The results are dreadful as thousands of lost young souls seek refuge in drugs or commit suicide… And this is the mission I was assigned as a UFO contactee to perform for all the children of the future.


At 74, time is running out for me since I want to spend the last few years, I have left running my “Lady of the Seas” charter and hopefully meet many of you in my boat in the Florida keys during the summer holiday season.

I am working two jobs full time, one as a OTR driver for FedEx and the other doing endless Astrological consultations during my days off.  Check all my trips and videos from my Facebook page.

The idea is to save enough to invest in a bigger and safer yacht. But as I am getting closer to my goal after September 2024, making videos, writing newsletters and taking care of my endless chain of clients doing readings on Zoom will become impossible as the new business and the new website dedicated for this new business venture will take all our time.

Thus as of September 2024 my price for a Full Life Reading (regularly $350) will change to $500 and a live session on Zoom (regularly $700) will rise to $1000. My great webmaster Tom will make those changes on my website before then.

Note also, future full newsletters will only be posted and available from the private Cosmic Code website and only new and older supporting VIP’s and new and older Patreon supporters will not be affected by the price changes.

Thus if I mean anything to you, it is in your best interest to become a VIP and still have access to all my services and enjoy our yearly forecasts and daily guidance and predictions.  Join today!

As always if you have any questions simply email and she will take good care of you.

You are getting so little with my newsletters my friend, Terania and I have so much more to offer you on the Cosmic Code private website!Become a VIP Membership is only $10 and you are showing your support for our cosmic work please. Thank you

The only good news I have for you, since I will never get any form of support from a religiously poisoned society is that! The New Age of Aquarius(UFO’s/technology/Astrology/the future of humanity/the stars) is slowly but surely taking over the deceptive Age of Pisces and will in time, make all religions obsolete!

A much better understanding and use of God’s celestial creation await future generations and my mission is to insert the critical mental seeds to this upcoming wonderful cosmic enlightenment.
Neptunian relies only on his intuition and his/her spirit to deal with the archetypal realm of supra-cosmic consciousness to translate his/her visions and predictions. Little do they know that there is only a very thin line between Divine Cosmic information, channeling and pure imagination!
A true Neptunian is reluctant to engage in any form of rational studies and consequently is not cosmic conscious. He/she does not use nor understand the complexity of the super-conscious in time and space and the cosmic code jurisdictions, something that can only be revealed by mastering God’s cosmic design or Divine Astrology. 
The very idea of using critical thinking and mastering new tools explain all spiritual rules (outside of traditional religion) would also make them aware of their inherited celestial Divinity but it scares them. Going out of their Neptunian comfort zone and improving their physical vibrations is not an option!
Neptunians stubbornly trust only themselves, God, the spirit, and their mystical nature not knowing that God does not speak his cosmic language to unconscious fools.
All established professions require a form of education and the use of very specific tools! Imagine a mechanic fixing your car with his hands alone or a baker making bread without a mixer!
Imagine a boat Captain driving a boat or a pilot flying a plane without knowing all the rules of the land, water, and sea. A Neptunian is unable to recognize his or her intellectual gift and capacities and limits and trust only God and their spirit!
This is why taking and using any of my courses will elevate their cosmic vibrations and spiritual perceptions.
I taught and offered my Divine Astrology course to those willing to put in the effort and by building cosmic awareness, they now own the golden keys to what it means to be human.
I also thought of the born psychic and suggested taking the Atro-Tarot course because this ancient art is all about the use of cards, the superconscious, metaphors, and intuition.
 A born psychic can flourish and grow in its spiritual element, and become much more efficient than taking on a more demanding astrological study.
A true born psychic is loaded with objectivity and intuition yet, they also lack basic critical thinking, and regardless of my elaborate and logical explanations, many of my clients have missed the boat to cosmic awareness and spiritual enlightenment.
Neptune rules the Middle East and the youngest and deadliest religions (Christianity/Judaism/Islam) were born there, cursing the entire population and the world at large since Neptune rules the oceans and 3/4 of the world.
The deceptiveness and poisoning of the planet Neptune (gas / drugs / alcohol / medications / cults / religions / jails) has dramatic worldwide repercussions.
The burgeoning Age of Aquarius (UFOs/technology/humanitarianism/Astrology)is already changing humanity’s psychical vibrations and awareness… In other words, humans are slowly but surely becoming more curious about the planets’s impact upon humans and the world “the true birth of all religions,” educated, and smarter!
On the other hand, a true born Saturnian (atheist, agnostic, skeptic)is forbidden by God himself access to anything spiritual, including religion. The unevolved “Young Soul” has not yet reached the level of spiritual perception needed to realize and refine his/her awareness of the world (s) he/she lives in.

Pythagoras | Biography, Facts & Impact |

Every man has been made by God in order to acquire knowledge and contemplate but not all men where born with the same UCI/stars. Pythagoras was certainly born with a strong Saturn or CapricornSun, moon, rising or Dragon!

God made those souls delegate the physical manifesto alone as we need reliable engineering (bridges / gearboxes / cars / tools / mechanics, etc.) on earth.
They can only perceive the world they live in through their five limited, rational human senses. God made sure their natal karmic UCI “Unique Celestial Identity” is earthy and loaded with Saturn’s restrictive down-to-earth low vibrations.
“A magnet will not attract a piece of wood”
Unless you vibrate at my highly spiritual and rational cosmic speed you will be naturally attracted to me and my cosmic teachings… And those “super Humans” are quite rare!
With the current warlike, aggressive, brutal Martian dragon in charge of this world (see quatrain below) until January 2025 the current state of this world is quite scary and will get worse.


German/Vikings Skin Alike
Black and White Red Blood
Fire War Violence  Passions Rule
God Nowhere To Stop Fires
Hitler’s Evil spirit reborn

Posted to the world on June 12, 2013 

Insecurity reigns supreme while egocentric politicians tear themselves apart and high Court lawmakers impose their religious beliefs, change the laws on our backs, and abuse us all.

My quatrain below speaks volume on my undeniable accurate visions about the abusive, deceptive retructuring legal system or what’s going on with judges and the DOJ! Yet only those who bought 2021/2022/2023/2024 Nostradamus dragon forecast were warned! Justice Thomas and Justice Alito karma is on the way!

Scale of justice trembles
Armed villains seek blood
Red dominates rainbow
Power tears judges fight dies

Posted to the world on September 3, 2022

The gravitational forces that move all galaxies is a scientific fact;   But the greatness of the spiritual cosmic manifesto is yet a mystery to humanity. God’s enslaved all his children to uncover his cosmic  Divinity and with it,  a life filled with health, love, respect, peace and harmony for all.

— Dr. Turi

Taking care of your family and your bills has never been so difficult and if you think electing another cosmic unconscious president will change your life for the better, you are in LALA land!
In any ways shape and form, if you feel depressed, insecure and lack of directions, we are here for you! Talk to terrania if needed 
Clienty feedback,
Dear Terania,
Thank you, the session was very insightful and enjoyable and I learnt some more astrology in the process.
I can highly recommend reading with Dr Turi. If you want to understand how and why things happen to you, the way they do and how you can make the most of the changing planets and their energies, the reading is for you!
With all the things that are going on around us, why leave home without a map!
And get a progressive reading for the year!
Thank you and God bless!

The current Aries/Libra dragon axis (as of July 2023) is IMPOSING changes by houses and signs and Mercury is telling you, you are not going in the right direction! Seek the light while you can.

You may be religiously poisoned and fearful of Divine Astrology. Your UCI “Unique Celestial Identity ” may be too earthy and turned you into a radical skeptic or agnostic that ridicule the idea of dealing with the future a cosmic God has in store for you.

All the while missing the great opportunity given to you by Mercury retrograde to bypass your fear and skepticism…  As a rule, it is only when the student is ready that the gifted cosmic teacher will appear and it is only when you ask that you shall receive the rewards of your curiosity!

  • Knowing where your Jupiter (luck) is located by house and sign and what your natal and hidden dragons (past lives) are predisposing you for will become a major contribution for your success in this lifetime.
  • Knowing all about your true soul’s purpose, and the planets stimulating your second house of money and self-esteem is a must if you need to invest and build long lasting financial wealth.
  • Knowing all about the Universal Law of the moon is not only a MUST but critical to make steady progress in life, because the moon is much more than a dead rock hanging above your head for the sake of beauty!
  • If you are lonely and looking for love, knowing all about the seat of attraction between human beings and your Venus’s location by house and sign is a great thing! And the planet of love will lead you to your soul mate!
  • If you are into natural healing or concerned with your health, do not fear! Knowing and using all the planets accordingly blessing your six house of health and work is a sure ticket to live a long life and regenerate at work.
  • For good or for worse, you are set to attract certain signs of the Zodiac for specific karmic, often difficult purposes, and knowing all about your partner’s stars is the only way to make a relationship work harmoniously.
  • The planet’s blessing your eleven house of groups, wishes, and friends must be acknowledged and used so all your goals can be reached. Respecting the perfect timing for socializing can only add more luck on your way.
  • What is your mission in life? what God designed you for mentally and physically to achieve on earth? What is your best career choice that will bring you the respect and position you need? Let me tell you all about the specific universal laws ruling your chart and your life!  These are the questions you must ask to succeed in a fate written in light for you.
  • Most importantly, what planets are blessing your subconscious creative forces where magic becomes a reality? Do you know enough about your subconscious potential where God resides? Are you using those formidable forces accordingly and efficiently? Let me enlighten you on this amazing process!
  • Knowledge is power, ignorance is evil, did you watch my movie on the Super-conscious? Did you read my best seller “Beyond The Secret?” 

“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that we may lead a safer more productive life!” Paracelsus

If you are ready for me, I am ready for you and I can promess you I will change your life for the best! But before meeting with me on Zoom, please read the following! 

If you did not yet, you MUST read Dr. Turi FREE Astro-Tarot Daily Celestial Guidance And Predictions For All to benefit from my regular free guidance and prediction.

 if you miss my full cosmic code newsletters become a VIP or a Patreon supporter! 

Show your support join my medias



Elon Musk, Trump and Putin’s evil connection A SERIOUS WARNING TO THE WORLD!


DSC106[1]“The universe is under no obligation to make any SPIRITUAL sense to anyone” Dr. Turi

“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior  wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth using his will is a magus and  magic is not sorcery but Supreme wisdom.” Paracelsus


Dr. Turi on air, with Michael Kopf – The Energy That Surrounds Us and Riding Through the Unknown)

Nov 11, 2024 from 5:00pm to 7:00pm

McDonald’s has a plan to win back customers after visits plunge. 

E. coli is to blame yet there is much more than the eyes can read or see in my world!  Not everyone is gifted enough to translate omens or even accept their power in our lives, especially following the visit of the former President to the establishment! The rational, radical MAGA and the non-spiritual “normal” human being will laugh and refuse any form of omen! Please don’t kill the messenger, my work is about refined cosmic vibrations, astrological predictions, and the spirit in general NOT politics! As a Divine Astrologer and spiritualist, my job is to offer those able and willing a different version of what politicians want you to hear and see…  The real question to ask yourself with this omen now is, who’s poisoning the blood of America? There are unknown good and reptilius evil forces at work transcending down to this physical plane, they both speak loudly to me and many of us who can perceive the vexing truth!  

Dear reader,

Once again if you readLiam Payne did not fall, he committed suicide!” the memo below will make sense to you. And if you did not, none of my explanations, quatrain, and keywords will make sense! This means you are not ready for my advanced spiritual cosmic work and you need to become more curious about the reality of God outside of conventional deceptive religions and the Divine!


In time, Terania and I, as we always do, will post the dramatic news as they unfold in the Cosmic code and I will bring this quatrain, keywords and all the future news up this newsletter and post it to the public! And we did just that today! 

Sharing my newsletters and videos will bring you good karma since you become part of the New Age of  Aquarius’ solution!

October SOS to the world deadly windows Posted by Dr. Turi on September 27, 2024 at 9:03pm

October ///// here are the dates you missed! 21/22/23/24



October  21, 22, 23,24

Nature Men to Strike Hard
New Horizons Following Tragedy
Much to Fall Nothing Made to Last
Tears Pain Death Prayers A New Life for Many


America / New Beginning / Ending of important phases of life / War / Real Estate / Families Tragedies / Cancelation / End of life / Forced Relocation / Forced Actions / Man Destructive Actions / Deadly Weather / Natural Disaster / Deadly Emotions / A new Planned and/or Unplanned life For Many

Memo: Expect the beginning or ending of important parts of life and forced relocation due to natural disasters. This window will affect all human affairs, would it be personal or political… So be cautious and listen to all the people around you, watch the news, and others’ personal lives forced into noticeable change!

My windows always depict SERIOUS natural disasters and earthquakes at or above 6.0


10/23/24 6.2 in Severo-Kuril’skSakhalinRussia

Would you consider this window and the collected news below as a “new beginning /ending” of important phases of life as accurate?  Indeed, it is a very BIG new beginning for me since I received a letter during this window telling me I have to attend a meeting with the USCI for my American citizenship!

Also, after many years of good service, the motor of my pool pump died, my SUV windshiel needs to be replacedand we noticed much more roadkills during a road trip! Did you notice something like this happening to you or others? Are you about to start something new or forced into the future? It may sound disturbing and scaring for some but it is often a blessing in disguise…

Remember life is a constant process of changes and my work will prepare you as to when to expect those changes… It may also be time for many of you to realize there are millions of psychics and astrologers out there yet, a real prophet is very rare and you finally found the right person to guide you.

The question remains reader, would you be able to auto-analyze your life affairs and realize both my windows and predictions are unarguable if you paid attention?

That is why thousands of smart people subscribed to the Cosmic Code private website or our Patreon page to prepare a full month ahead of time, all year round for any and all-natural disasters and plan your activities, hollydays, etc. following God’s cosmic design, speaking his will through the stars! And this means saving time, money, and even your life and your loved ones!

Families Tragedies?

2 boys, both 12, killed on Halloween hayrides in warning to families!

But if the parents or teachers are unable to move forward, religious poisoned and not cosmic conscious how can they be warned and be prepared since they know NOTHING of those personal and universal deadly windows?

I can take the donkeys to the pure water of supreme cosmic wisdom but this does not mean they will be willing to drink at the source of light!

There is NO physical Holy Grail, the biblical story is part of the universal religious deception imposed by the Church Inc./Vatican. The Holy Grail is symbolic, it simply means the aptitude for highly spiritually advanced souls to be able to drink at the source of all wisdom by understanding and mastering God’s cosmic design and Jesus’ initial cosmic Ministry or Divine Astrology.
I do not expect a religiously non-cosmic-conscious US society and the world at large to grasp the depth and reality of my claims just yet. However, since life is a constant process of endless changes the future and the Age of Aquarius (AI/UFOs/Astrology/the future of humanity will prove me right.
“new beginning /ending” of important phases of life
As North Korea, Iran and China support Russia’s war, is a ‘new axis’ emerging?
One of the most competitive states in high-stakes election begins early voting
Israel says its retaliation against Iran has ended
Four astronauts return to Earth
Grateful Dead bassist Phil Lesh has died at 84
Grammy-winning rapper Lil Durk charged with orchestrating 2022 Los Angeles killing
FBI assesses Russian operatives behind fake video showing Pennsylvania ballots being destroyed
Video Judge to decide if Menendez brothers will be resentenced
Kentucky lawmaker dies weeks after plunging into an empty swimming pool on a mower
FOX Corporation launches donation drive for Hurricanes Helene, Milton relief efforts
Very Old
Scientists say skeletal remains found in castle well belong to figure from 800-year-old saga
Mother says AI chatbot led her son to kill himself
11-year-old girl played dead before escaping after 5 family members were killed at their WA home
How organizations and campaigns are trying to break through on TikTok to reach young voters
Once this window expire and my visions unfold I will once again post the results and the appropriate quatrain and keywords for november // – // – // 2024  
The idea is to PREPARE you for the future and act (or not) before its too late! Life does not stop but never forget knowledge is power, ignorance is evil!
Elon Musk, Trump and Putin’s evil connection

I keep warning you but who’s listening? Both Elon Musk and Putin own the same dragon’s Tail (bad luck/negative) in Leo (UN-fame/short life/heart attack/children) right on the 3rd house of  (secret communications) of former president Trump! This vision, good or bad will touch all souls born with this dragon, including Oprah Winfrey,Taylor Swift, boyfriend Travis Kelce and millions of other people.

Just recall the EXPLOSIVE, unusual death and fate of the “crocodile Hunter” Steve Irvin and Princess Diana in France (A leo country) born with this very special dragon!
This dragon will have considerable and very negative effects on the US and WE and all the people under the jurisdiction of those wealthy, powerful and dangerous reptilius infected people. Once the dragon move directly on their lives a karmic dramatic, deadly explosive, sudden fate will take place and assassination/poisoning/heart attack/plane crash for them will run VERY high. 
There are ways to avoid the worse of this Lei/Aquarius upcoming dragon’s negative power but first you must know all about its location by house in your chart!
This excentric, unpredictable, weird / genius dragon does not support life for the good and the future of humanity! This is why Elon Musk is wasting billions on Mars’s project instead of investing on a suffocating, burning Mother Earth!  None of your kids will ever reach or walk on Mars, this is NOT God’s plan with this planet! 

Knowing America was born with the negative dragon’s tail in Aquarius (Japan/nukes/Asia) and those terrible cosmic winds will be upon America starting on July 28, 2026, the worst is to come.

I will elabore for our VIP’s and Patreon supporters only because my visions are much too sensitive for public consumption but rest assured because of those egocentric, greedy tyrants, millions of innocent people, especially young men will perish but not the “Super Humans” if they get the benevolent Draconis’s attention…  VIP’s only!

For years, I offered an impeccable, repetitive and accurate timing of all past and future hurricanes and quakes above 6.0  a full month ahead of time in the private Cosmic Code website yet, it is ONLY if you become a VIP that you will acknowledge those facts and get to learn more about God’s cosmic design!

The question remain is a very affordable subscription worth my reliable warnings, our daily guidance and forecasts and all your possessions and even your life? Had they a choice, ask this question to all the living and dead people who suffered those catastrophes!

Note also with 4 different horoscopes and my SOS deadly windows, the 2024 and the newly released 2025 personal and universal predictions for all signs is awaiting you there too! Email for information if needed or call the office at 602 265 7667!


Water, sky, oceans, oil drench
Dark clouds cities man cry drown
Jesus’s cosmic spirit rebirth 
Religions, Pisces deception Age die 

Written by Dr. Turi 6/23/24


 “Be warned! the upcoming Pisces (religion) is about to unleash a tremendous avalanche of news involving oil, the Middle East restructure (israel/Iran/Gaza) the bible and cosmic unconscious pious indoctrinated Christian people fearing hell.

All media will explode with religious posts as the Age of Pisces (deception/abuse) is dying. Church Inc. must fight to survive as the Age of Aquarius (freedom, understanding, humanities, technology, future, UFOs) slowly takes over. They will spend BILLIONS in advertisements to grasp scared, insecure people, especially souls born Neptunian and confused teens who are psychically vulnerable and seek hopes  and direction.”

“Five minutes after you are born they will decide your name, nationality, religion and tribe and you will spend the rest of your life smilingly defending things you did not choose” – Arthur Schopenhauer

In the name of fear, ignorance and control, politically oriented churches of the past are responsible for the Dark Ages movement that killed millions of people all around the world, especially women!

Religions have and can only bring more troubles and death to humanity, since what we are witnessing currently with Israel and Hamass in the Middle East (a Pisces area) is nothing else than an endless political religious war!

Its going to get much worse before it get better!

Christian nationalists in the United States advocate “a fusion of identitarian Christian identity and cultural conservatism with American civic belonging.” It has been noted to bear overlap with Christian fundamentalism, white supremacy, the Seven Mountain Mandate movement, and dominionism.

Expect a full restructuring of the Middle East as the latest Israeli strike on a mosque and school in Gaza killed scores, sparking international outrage! If you read the quatrain below, it seems my visions for the Middle East, religions and the future of humanity can easily be perceived by smart and curious people…

The reptilius targeted Trump, Elon Musk, Putin, Kim Jung Un, and other infected leaders to bring about tremendous pain, suffering, fear confusion, and mass death through a nuclear exchange those villains are unconsciously aiming for…

Call it the “reptilius Draconis effect” every human being on this planet is subject to!
As mentioned a few months ago, this is my LAST educational full newsletter and LAST SOS to the world deadly window warning! Be very aware of ALL the upcoming SOS plutonic deadly window or pay the price of your ignorance!
As of today and once a week, as uual, I will only offer the public the appropriate quatrains and the news with my visions as they have unfolded. No more warning ahead of time and no more FULL newsletters will come your way. Time for you to make a commitment and be rewarded learning all about God’s cosmic design and Jesus initial cosmic ministry!  
Note also a video will be offered to the readers on a regular base, (very limited) on YouTube telling you what I will offer the public and our VIP’s. Warnings, cosmic teachings, SOS deadly windows, UFOs news etc. are on the Cosmic Code private website for our VIP’s! The full newsletters will also be posted regularly on our Patreon page for our supporters.
A few subscribers were in the path of the two latest hurricanes and can not attend the 11/11/2024 hypnotherapy course. Thus this class is ponsponed until further notice and  will keep you posted.
Note also to help the victims start a new life using the superconscious power, we have decided to offer a new DEAL to all prospective students. The price for the two days course on Zoom was $500 we are now offering it for half price of $250 only. This is our way to help and support all of you during those challenging times.

Super-conscious Power to Heal the Body, Mind and Soul 

Terania and I are planning to do a ZOOM HYPNOTHERAPY TUTORING session in the future. 11/11/2024 was the date but the hurricanes messed up thousands of people’s lives and some of my students were touched directly, thus this course has been  not only postponed until January 2025 but also REDUCED to $250 instead of $500 to help them all. 

I want to personally thanks the many new students who signed up for this healing educational tuition for their understanding and patience and we still have room for more students…

There is much more involved in this course than what I can discuss just yet, but with time and patience realizing and accordingly using your inner subconscious power will come to the fore. Tapping on the superconscious creative forces is a sure ticket to better both, your inner and physical life! Yet if you are not curious enough and ask for the Divine, how can your life change?


I will take the time to explain this fact in great detail and I will also take the time to remove it and offer the answers to anyone interested in knowing their mental dilemma at a personal level…

It starts by being inquisitive and in a couple of days harness supreme wisdom instead of spending years  suffering and wondering why you can’t reach your goals… God’s creative power is limitless and works on both the spiritual and physical planes, yet again, it is only if you ask that you shall receive!

Reading this article is not an accident, its you being at the right time at the right place and offering you the winning numbers of the lottery, thus let others’ skepticism and lack of curiosity “miss the boat!”

The first part of the course will take two to four hours of education involving the difference between the subconscious and the super-conscious creative force. Multiple examples will be used to assimilate the stimulating power and how to direct it correctly. This course will be entertaining and educational and greatly change your perception and concept of reality.

Do you wish for better health, more energy, more drive, more focus? Do you want to reverse the clock and look and feel younger like me? Do you want to attract and use the Divine? Do you want a better vision , a better job or start your own business but don’t know how? Do you want more magnetism and attract or maintain love?

You were born with God’s power to create your reality and enjoy life to the fullest. It is YOUR choice and your decision alone to ask in order to receive! All you need is to plan for some time alone with me as your guide to the high magical forces you were born to seek and use.

Following the basic introductory training along with soft music, my voice will take you up to your subconscious then the super-conscious, and open the golden door to God’s divine power…

The positive inserted suggestions will be sealed within the depth of your subconscious and lead you to a much more positive attitude towards life in general and shape your future since the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought!

(Optional) During the second part of the course, under my supervision, once confident and if ready, each student will practice and perform a hypnotic session on all of us.  You do not have to do it if you feel insecure.

This is an experience you will never forget for as long as you live and the creative rewards are endless! And it’s only when the student is ready that a rare teacher will appear! Using my technique will open the golden gate to a much more exciting, healthier, and productive life.

After this light hypnotic safe session, you will become much more aware of the principle involving the Superconscious creative forces and creating your fate with your thoughts is all about! Miracles do happen, I will teach and guide you to make your wishes become a reality!

You may go to the   PRESENTATION DETAILS  to read more. Sign up now, this course will fill up fast, email


Reader, make sure to join and share my FB pages UFOs Astrology & Dr. Turi Predictions especially if you have questions about the Divine, UFO’s or anything under the stars!  Check also my videos from DrStarsSun on the road, join and share my crazy life!

Continued: So you will have to comeback often to check how real and knowledgeable I am and maybe realize my work deserves not only respect but sharing!

But if you do not take the time to read and check my claims, how can I help you build more cosmic consciousness? So many psychics and prophets want to be everywhere, thus if you land something tangible, dated, well documented, and factual as mine, as a responsible human, it is your duty to share it widely! Another prediction I made…

MEMO from “Melania Trump -Predictions for the First Lady!” published October 19, 2020.

“But once the negative tail of the Dragon in Scorpio enters her 7th house (partnerships) from her Sun sign of Taurus around January 2022, she will be forced to “exit” her marriage with Trump or become much less active in public with him. The future is not good for their marriage, it could also be because of an imposed divorce, marriage dissolution, heart attack sudden death or assassination“

One of my students copied and sent me this paragraph published in one of my Nostradamus dragon forecast many years ago.

“This Dragon is against President Trump’s health and service to the world but most importantly his children and close family. Trump’s minions and his children are a target of the reptilius and many are been fined and already rotting in prison. Trump or one of his children may become sick, mentally unstable/suicidal, or become the target of the CIA, or be assassinated by a lost infected soul.”

I can only hope to be wrong in another sad prediction I made about former President Trump published 7/21/24 in Biden drops out of the race prediction & Kamala Harris Stars and Fate!” 

In my newsletter I mentioned Trump being a DUAL is prone to suffer another assassination attempton his life! Read more about this vision in Thomas Crooks’ Suicide – A born killer mind exposed!
And the FBI should read and take my warnings very seriously! 

The predictions for the future and UFO’s I have for humanity are not for the fainted heart and are only available for our VIP’s of the Cosmic Code private website!

“Show ne a reader, I’ll point out a winner!” Dr. Turi


A message from Terania Turi:
I do not do live consultation just yet, but I am very active my own way! If you have an interest in digging into the celestial mechanics of divine astrology or may not be familiar with the basics of the methodology, perhaps you would be interested in having a natal chart / an astro – mapping report / a basic compatibility report / biorhythms / cabalistic cleansing ritual report from Terania, all for only $50.
This would also be a perfect way for me to introduce you to our work and open the door to discover more potential information, leading to the truth about yourself and your life…
In which case, you can then set up a more in depth live Zoom consultation with the “master,” Dr. Turi and attain a new perception of reality and your goals in this lifetime.
Thank you all
Terania Turi
E-mail : for more information


Dr. Louis Turi in Phoenix, AZ // Thervo

I intend to do more lectures on the Superconscious creative forces and educate and heal people in many fine resorts in Florida. In the past, I lectured on this topic and hypnotized the attendance on countless cruise ships, in Casinos in Las Vegas, and in many hotels and spas around the world, if you can help or need my expertise email for more information. Indeed knowledge is power, ignorance is evil! 

Memo from Coast to Coast am October 16 2019 – In the second half, Dr. Louis Turi revealed how to harness the power of the subconscious mind, and explained how it shapes everything from world events to everyday personal motives and decisions. Turi believes that the subconscious is so powerful that it “gets your heart beating and stops an infection” and can even “alter the atomic structure of your body.” He said that the disciplines of psychology and psychiatry have yet to accept these concepts. Turi also described extraterrestrial races he’s been in contact with. He’s concluded that they affect human behavior both toward the positive and negative, depending on the source. The benevolent race, he continued, is known as the “Draconis,” and the evil or negative ones are the “Reptilians.” Turi stated that he’s been “contacted by the divine and it is speaking through me.”

He gave examples from his own life he’s made about the power of the subconscious. He recalled that when he was a child, he had a virulent infection in his ears, which only subsided after he left his parents’ home, where they raised their voices and fought constantly. He realized that his subconscious was telling him he didn’t want to hear them fighting, and he was only able to heal after he went to live with his grandmother “who never raised her voice. Turi also made predictions for this year and the next based on his study of astrology, saying that for the rest of 2019, political events and relationships will “go downhill,” and that there will be a “full restructure” of many groups and institutions in 2020. He also said that he is expecting “a lot of fire” and “a lot of wildlife to disappear.”  This was weeks before the terrible Australian and California fires who killed millions of animals!

I was fired from this popular radio program for mentioning that Trump could be assassinated, he would not be re-elected and COVID would kill millions! Read more!

Another of my prediction came to pass…

Biden calls for major Supreme Court reforms, including term limits, at Civil Rights Act event

Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito Are “Subject to Corruption”: AOC
Clarence Thomas fails to disclose 3 more Harlan Crow trips, Senate records show
Justice Thomas raked in $4M in gifts, new report
Can Samuel Alito Survive Flag Controversy? 

Dr. Turi;
You predicted trouble for Supreme Court justices a long time ago . Now it is 
Insecurity reigns supreme while egocentric politicians tear themselves apart and high Court lawmakers impose their religious beliefs, change the laws on our backs, and abuse us all. 

My quatrain below speaks volume on my undeniable accurate visions about the abusive, deceptive retructuring legal system or what’s going on with judges and the DOJ! Yet only those who bought 2021/2022/2023/2024 Nostradamus dragon forecast were warned! Justice Thomas and Justice Alito karma is on the way!

Scale of justice trembles
Armed villains seek blood
Red dominates rainbow
Power tears judges fight dies

Posted to the world on September 3, 2022

The gravitational forces that move all galaxies is a scientific fact;   But the greatness of the spiritual cosmic manifesto is yet a mystery to humanity. God’s enslaved all his children to uncover his cosmic  Divinity and with it,  a life filled with health, love, respect, peace and harmony for all.

— Dr. Turi

“The universe is a BRIGHT LIVING spiritual entity… I’m offering its secrets before I die. The purpose of all my struggles  was to build cosmic wisdom and offer universal guidance and strengths to others” — Dr. Turi

Saudi Arabia says 1,301 died on Hajj this year

This absurdity of over 5000 man made religions indoctrination is mind boggling! When the new dragon enters Pisces in January 2025 a full restructure of all deceptive religions and the Vatican (death of the Pope)  will take place. Much more predictions for the future will be published on the Cosmic Code private website. Join now email

Water, sky, oceans, oil drench
Dark clouds cities man cry drown
Jesus’s cosmic spirit rebirth 
Religions, Pisces deception Age die 

Written by Dr. Turi /23/24

Join the cosmic code private website, read all in great details and be prepared for your future! Never separate yourself from God, we are all God’s and Goddesses in training on this dense physical world learning this fact! Religion is pure evil and created by the nefarious reptilius…

Jesus was teaching Astrology…
12 Apostles, 12 months, 12 hours, 12 jury, 12 tribes of Israel, 12 sins, 12 jury… Jesus was teaching Astrology but the Church Inc took it away from you… Jesus cosmic ministry has nothing to do with the bible. time to wake up to the truth but only smart and curious people will get it….
In time the New Age of Aquarius will obliterate this mental cancer. With Pluto in Aquarius and the upcoming new 2025 Dragon in Pisces, expect lots of water from the skies and fierce battles to keep all suffocating religions alive! The Israel-Hamas war is just the beginning! Christians and others denominations will try very hard to convince you Facebook! Expect an explosion of religious stuff as the deceptive Age of Pisces is ending!

Remember reader, next September 2024 those newsletters and warnings will stop completely while my prices for consultations will rise significantly! I can only and strongly recommend you to join us and read the  special announcement below if you need any of my services!

Sharing emails:
Harrietta ///<harrietta./////>
Date: Mon, Oct 21, 2024, 4:00 PM
Subject: Re: Harrietta Consultation with Dr. Turi
To: Dr. Turi
Thank you Dr Turi with all my Hear💓 Such a great in-depth  Phenomenal, Powerful Reading also thank you for your time and energy Love and Light 💙🙏🩵 and thank you for  all you do🥰


I did receive the Zoom recording, Dr. Turi thank you!

I do believe whole heartedly in your work and I am thankful to have had this once in a lifetime opportunity to meet with you! 

Thank you Dr. Turi for who you are as a person and for what you so selflessly give back to the world with all your wisdom and cosmic teachings! I do appreciate your dedication and sacrifices that you make daily for the greater good of mankind! 
It was a true honor, monsieur! God bless you and Terania and thank God for our divine timing, even if it was during a hurricane.. lol!
I’m sorry if I interrupted you too many times i was just excited .It was an eye opener for my husband after 30 years of me telling him he finally gets it . Thank you so much for reaching him he was so happy when we hung up he told me how much better he felt . Thank you for all the work you do the passion you have to reach everyone it’s truly amazing .☀️💫🌕

We are living in times where boneheads rise, intelligence fall, educated idiots reign supreme and thrive while genius and real get unrecognized.” Dr.Turi

No parents nowadays (outside of religion and science) are teaching their children who God truly is, spiritual matters, metaphysics and pay attention to the stars, their dreams, and master the art of divination using Divine astrology.

Since you were made at the image of God, love yourself with all the might of God because you were born to create.. Remember God <positive> would/could not be without the devil <negative> for without opposite life would be impossible. Yesterday in your past, your fears, your cosmic ignorance and your religion, you were EVIL..

The new smarter, curious, educated you is Godlike and in your positivity you reflect the light of God’s cosmic wisdom.

Indeed the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought, keep them positive since there is no future and no God in the past…

Share with smart people and never separate yourself from God. We are all God’s and Goddesses in training on this dense physical world learning this fact! Religions are pure evil and 5000 plus were created by the nefarious reptilius…

In order to regenerate their spirit to survive, one day your children will ask and look for the answers they could never get from science or religion. The results are dreadful as thousands of lost young souls seek refuge in drugs or commit suicide… And this is the mission I was assigned as a UFO contactee to perform for all the children of the future.


At 74, time is running out for me since I want to spend the last few years, I have left running my “Lady of the Seas” charter and hopefully meet many of you in my boat in the Florida keys during the summer holiday season.

I am working two jobs full time, one as a OTR driver for FedEx and the other doing endless Astrological consultations during my days off.  Check all my trips and videos from my Facebook page.

The idea is to save enough to invest in a bigger and safer yacht. But as I am getting closer to my goal after September 2024, making videos, writing newsletters and taking care of my endless chain of clients doing readings on Zoom will become impossible as the new business and the new website dedicated for this new business venture will take all our time.

Thus as of September 2024 my price for a Full Life Reading (regularly $350) will change to $500 and a live session on Zoom (regularly $700) will rise to $1000. My great webmaster Tom will make those changes on my website before then.

Note also, future full newsletters will only be posted and available from the private Cosmic Code website and only new and older supporting VIP’s and new and older Patreon supporters will not be affected by the price changes.

Thus if I mean anything to you, it is in your best interest to become a VIP and still have access to all my services and enjoy our yearly forecasts and daily guidance and predictions.  Join today!

As always if you have any questions simply email and she will take good care of you.

You are getting so little with my newsletters my friend, Terania and I have so much more to offer you on the Cosmic Code private website!Become a VIP Membership is only $10 and you are showing your support for our cosmic work please. Thank you

The only good news I have for you, since I will never get any form of support from a religiously poisoned society is that! The New Age of Aquarius(UFO’s/technology/Astrology/the future of humanity/the stars) is slowly but surely taking over the deceptive Age of Pisces and will in time, make all religions obsolete!

A much better understanding and use of God’s celestial creation await future generations and my mission is to insert the critical mental seeds to this upcoming wonderful cosmic enlightenment.
Neptunian relies only on his intuition and his/her spirit to deal with the archetypal realm of supra-cosmic consciousness to translate his/her visions and predictions. Little do they know that there is only a very thin line between Divine Cosmic information, channeling and pure imagination!
A true Neptunian is reluctant to engage in any form of rational studies and consequently is not cosmic conscious. He/she does not use nor understand the complexity of the super-conscious in time and space and the cosmic code jurisdictions, something that can only be revealed by mastering God’s cosmic design or Divine Astrology. 
The very idea of using critical thinking and mastering new tools explain all spiritual rules (outside of traditional religion) would also make them aware of their inherited celestial Divinity but it scares them. Going out of their Neptunian comfort zone and improving their physical vibrations is not an option!
Neptunians stubbornly trust only themselves, God, the spirit, and their mystical nature not knowing that God does not speak his cosmic language to unconscious fools.
All established professions require a form of education and the use of very specific tools! Imagine a mechanic fixing your car with his hands alone or a baker making bread without a mixer!
Imagine a boat Captain driving a boat or a pilot flying a plane without knowing all the rules of the land, water, and sea. A Neptunian is unable to recognize his or her intellectual gift and capacities and limits and trust only God and their spirit!
This is why taking and using any of my courses will elevate their cosmic vibrations and spiritual perceptions.
I taught and offered my Divine Astrology course to those willing to put in the effort and by building cosmic awareness, they now own the golden keys to what it means to be human.
I also thought of the born psychic and suggested taking the Atro-Tarot course because this ancient art is all about the use of cards, the superconscious, metaphors, and intuition.
 A born psychic can flourish and grow in its spiritual element, and become much more efficient than taking on a more demanding astrological study.
A true born psychic is loaded with objectivity and intuition yet, they also lack basic critical thinking, and regardless of my elaborate and logical explanations, many of my clients have missed the boat to cosmic awareness and spiritual enlightenment.
Neptune rules the Middle East and the youngest and deadliest religions (Christianity/Judaism/Islam) were born there, cursing the entire population and the world at large since Neptune rules the oceans and 3/4 of the world.
The deceptiveness and poisoning of the planet Neptune (gas / drugs / alcohol / medications / cults / religions / jails) has dramatic worldwide repercussions.
The burgeoning Age of Aquarius (UFOs/technology/humanitarianism/Astrology)is already changing humanity’s psychical vibrations and awareness… In other words, humans are slowly but surely becoming more curious about the planets’s impact upon humans and the world “the true birth of all religions,” educated, and smarter!
On the other hand, a true born Saturnian (atheist, agnostic, skeptic)is forbidden by God himself access to anything spiritual, including religion. The unevolved “Young Soul” has not yet reached the level of spiritual perception needed to realize and refine his/her awareness of the world (s) he/she lives in.

Pythagoras | Biography, Facts & Impact |

Every man has been made by God in order to acquire knowledge and contemplate but not all men where born with the same UCI/stars. Pythagoras was certainly born with a strong Saturn or CapricornSun, moon, rising or Dragon!

God made those souls delegate the physical manifesto alone as we need reliable engineering (bridges / gearboxes / cars / tools / mechanics, etc.) on earth.
They can only perceive the world they live in through their five limited, rational human senses. God made sure their natal karmic UCI “Unique Celestial Identity” is earthy and loaded with Saturn’s restrictive down-to-earth low vibrations.
“A magnet will not attract a piece of wood”
Unless you vibrate at my highly spiritual and rational cosmic speed you will be naturally attracted to me and my cosmic teachings… And those “super Humans” are quite rare!
With the current warlike, aggressive, brutal Martian dragon in charge of this world (see quatrain below) until January 2025 the current state of this world is quite scary and will get worse.


German/Vikings Skin Alike
Black and White Red Blood
Fire War Violence  Passions Rule
God Nowhere To Stop Fires
Hitler’s Evil spirit reborn

Posted to the world on June 12, 2013 

Insecurity reigns supreme while egocentric politicians tear themselves apart and high Court lawmakers impose their religious beliefs, change the laws on our backs, and abuse us all.

My quatrain below speaks volume on my undeniable accurate visions about the abusive, deceptive retructuring legal system or what’s going on with judges and the DOJ! Yet only those who bought 2021/2022/2023/2024 Nostradamus dragon forecast were warned! Justice Thomas and Justice Alito karma is on the way!

Scale of justice trembles
Armed villains seek blood
Red dominates rainbow
Power tears judges fight dies

Posted to the world on September 3, 2022

The gravitational forces that move all galaxies is a scientific fact;   But the greatness of the spiritual cosmic manifesto is yet a mystery to humanity. God’s enslaved all his children to uncover his cosmic  Divinity and with it,  a life filled with health, love, respect, peace and harmony for all.

— Dr. Turi

Taking care of your family and your bills has never been so difficult and if you think electing another cosmic unconscious president will change your life for the better, you are in LALA land!
In any ways shape and form, if you feel depressed, insecure and lack of directions, we are here for you! Talk to terrania if needed 
Clienty feedback,
Dear Terania,
Thank you, the session was very insightful and enjoyable and I learnt some more astrology in the process.
I can highly recommend reading with Dr Turi. If you want to understand how and why things happen to you, the way they do and how you can make the most of the changing planets and their energies, the reading is for you!
With all the things that are going on around us, why leave home without a map!
And get a progressive reading for the year!
Thank you and God bless!

The current Aries/Libra dragon axis (as of July 2023) is IMPOSING changes by houses and signs and Mercury is telling you, you are not going in the right direction! Seek the light while you can.

You may be religiously poisoned and fearful of Divine Astrology. Your UCI “Unique Celestial Identity ” may be too earthy and turned you into a radical skeptic or agnostic that ridicule the idea of dealing with the future a cosmic God has in store for you.

All the while missing the great opportunity given to you by Mercury retrograde to bypass your fear and skepticism…  As a rule, it is only when the student is ready that the gifted cosmic teacher will appear and it is only when you ask that you shall receive the rewards of your curiosity!

  • Knowing where your Jupiter (luck) is located by house and sign and what your natal and hidden dragons (past lives) are predisposing you for will become a major contribution for your success in this lifetime.
  • Knowing all about your true soul’s purpose, and the planets stimulating your second house of money and self-esteem is a must if you need to invest and build long lasting financial wealth.
  • Knowing all about the Universal Law of the moon is not only a MUST but critical to make steady progress in life, because the moon is much more than a dead rock hanging above your head for the sake of beauty!
  • If you are lonely and looking for love, knowing all about the seat of attraction between human beings and your Venus’s location by house and sign is a great thing! And the planet of love will lead you to your soul mate!
  • If you are into natural healing or concerned with your health, do not fear! Knowing and using all the planets accordingly blessing your six house of health and work is a sure ticket to live a long life and regenerate at work.
  • For good or for worse, you are set to attract certain signs of the Zodiac for specific karmic, often difficult purposes, and knowing all about your partner’s stars is the only way to make a relationship work harmoniously.
  • The planet’s blessing your eleven house of groups, wishes, and friends must be acknowledged and used so all your goals can be reached. Respecting the perfect timing for socializing can only add more luck on your way.
  • What is your mission in life? what God designed you for mentally and physically to achieve on earth? What is your best career choice that will bring you the respect and position you need? Let me tell you all about the specific universal laws ruling your chart and your life!  These are the questions you must ask to succeed in a fate written in light for you.
  • Most importantly, what planets are blessing your subconscious creative forces where magic becomes a reality? Do you know enough about your subconscious potential where God resides? Are you using those formidable forces accordingly and efficiently? Let me enlighten you on this amazing process!
  • Knowledge is power, ignorance is evil, did you watch my movie on the Super-conscious? Did you read my best seller “Beyond The Secret?” 

“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that we may lead a safer more productive life!” Paracelsus

If you are ready for me, I am ready for you and I can promess you I will change your life for the best! But before meeting with me on Zoom, please read the following! 

If you did not yet, you MUST read Dr. Turi FREE Astro-Tarot Daily Celestial Guidance And Predictions For All to benefit from my regular free guidance and prediction.

 if you miss my full cosmic code newsletters become a VIP or a Patreon supporter! 

Show your support join my medias


Liam Payne did not fall, he committed suicide! Public only.


DSC106[1]“The universe is under no obligation to make any SPIRITUAL sense to anyone” Dr. Turi

“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior  wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth using his will is a magus and  magic is not sorcery but Supreme wisdom.” Paracelsus


Liam Payne did not fall, he committed suicide!


Liam Payne fans gather in great crowds to pay tribute in London’s Hyde Park

Memo from Anunnaki Revelation October surprise predictions – “Be ready for the upcoming “October surprises” on those dates… I will be right here next week once my visions and the SHOCKING/EXPLOSIVE news unfold!”

As a Cancer survivor myself I’ve learned a few critical things about this disease that could save your life! Yet, if you were born like Chris Hoy with a Leo (life) Sun, moon, or rising your first challenge will be to beat your fear of decay or death and seek my cosmic wisdom!
Are you prone to get bone cancer? 
Why do some people get it and others don’t?
Why do some people survive it when the majority of cancer patients die? 
Is being smart and curious or a subscription to the cosmic code worth your life? 
Chris Hoy was born March 23, 1976, 2:00 PM In Edinburgh (United Kingdom) and like all Aries and Libra, he was in 2024 targeted by the reptilius… But did you acknowledge my predictions for all signs and invest in my 2025 current or previous Nostradamus’ Dragon forecast for all signs?
What could Chris Hoy have done to either avoid or beat cancer had he known me? Had I followed my two oncologists’ recommendation to do chemotherapy I would certainly be dead today, so what is left for the scared non-seekers?
Don’t expect prayers to save any lives, while true cosmic wisdom and my predictions will! Show trust, courage, curiosity, and hope because God does not speak to fools! Become a wise, well-informed VIP to the Cosmic Code private website and read THE REST OF THE STORY there!
Harrietta ///<harrietta./////>
Date: Mon, Oct 21, 2024, 4:00 PM
Subject: Re: Harrietta Consultation with Dr. Turi
To: Dr. Turi

Thank you Dr Turi with all my Hear💓 Such a great in-depth  Phenomenal, Powerful Reading also thank you for your time and energy Love and Light 💙🙏🩵 and thank you for  all you do🥰

Dear reader,

Before offering you the next set of dates for the upcoming SOS to the world deadly window and prepare you for the future making specific predictions below, let’s deal first with the current news… Also sorry for the title glitch “SOS to the world SHOCKING window Feb 1st”


Liam Payne did not fall, he committed suicide!
He was ////////! 

Would you consider the violent, EXPLOSIVE, brutal death of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar and Liam Payne as the results of a Full Moon in Aries? Memo from the Cosmic Code private website, JOIN today! October 2024, elaborated horoscopes for all signs. Posted by Dr. Turi on October 5, 2024 at 12:32am

Full Moon in Aries — October 17, 2024: Ruled by Mars, this trend may be tough for many as Mars is very strong these days and will bring about serious confrontations, explosions, fires and the possibility of war. Be ready for serious, even fatalistic news in the near future no one is safe during this lunation and violent death will mark the news. (Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar / Liam Payne.)

With Neptune’s ////////////////////////


Liam Payne  was born August 29, 1993 at 1 am under the sign of Virgo in the UK!

Liam Payne, an English singer who rose to fame as a member of boy band One Direction, died after “falling” no he did not fall! from the balcony of his hotel room in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and suffering multiple traumas and hemorrhages, according to the National Criminal and Correctional Prosecutor’s Office.

Do you think the National Criminal and Correctional Prosecutor’s Office staff and countless of physicians are cosmic conscious and acknowledged the wise words of the father of Medicine?

It is widely accepted for famous people’s survivors to //////////////////////

But there is much more behind Liam’s untimely death that will astonish you outside of a very destructive extraordinary stressing lifestyle… Let’s ///////////////////e facts enunicating a short life!

My good friend ///////////////////////////////// Liam was a Scorpio rising (death/power/sex/magnetism) and Pluto was///////////////////////////////////////

My cosmic findings will only make sense to students of Divine Astrology or Astropsychology, others can only /////////////////////////////

Liam’s moon (emotional response to life, home/hotel/base of operations) in /////////////////to die a violent death.

Saturn the great depressive malefic also in ////////////////// And without ///////////// he was doomed mentally!

Note also his ///////////////brutal death! Sadly enough no one near him was /////////////////////////////cosmic truth and the spirit…

All he had was his famous /////////////////////lead him to jump from the balcony of his hotel room in Buenos Aires!  He died October 16 when //////////////////////////////////////



October SOS to the world deadly windows Posted by Dr. Turi on September 27, 2024 at 9:03pm

October ///////////////




Memo: Expect ///////////// due to natural disasters. This window will ///////////////… So be cautious and ////////////////////

My windows always depict SERIOUS natural disasters and earthquakes at or above 6.0

In time, Terania and I, as we always do, will post the dramatic news as they unfold in the Cosmic code and I will bring this quatrain, keywords and all the future news up this newsletter and post it to the public!

Please do not share my predictions instead suggest others to join the cosmic code website or Patreon. Thank you DT

Will it be possible? Elon Musk says he will ensure over a million people live on Mars in 30 years 

NASA Aims for Human Exploration in the 2030s


Why would Musk keep pushing insanity when////////////////////////and when/////////////////in human history’ Destructive land use, mismanagement and climate change are fueling a water disaster set to wreak havoc on economies and lives, a new report warns!

Elon Must is a billionaire who needs the government contracts (your taxes) to survive and maintain his super wealth. He also aquired X platform to /////////////////////// He like Putin was born with //////////////////////// countless of teens and children.


Once the dragon move in his natal Aquarius/Leo in July 28, 2026 Elon Musk, Taylor Swift and Boyfriend Travis Kelce’s life will ////////////////////// and all are prone to ////////////////////// then! Note also knowing America was born with the negative dragon’s tail in Aquarius (Japan/ nukes/Asia) with those terrible cosmic winds upon America the worst involving NUKES is ///////////////////////////////. Because ////////////////////but not the “Super Humans” if…  UFO’s VIP’s only!


Jesus (positive/growth/spirituality) and the devil (religions/fear/reptilius) are the same person. Let me explain, ///////////////////once you ///////////////// through painful life experiences, you became /////////////////////// involving deceptive religion and indoctrination, or more like //////////////////

Every single day you are challenged by //////////////////////////////////Only yesterday ////////////////// you were //////////// If you learned //////////////////// //////////////////////more pain, more experiences and more ///////////////////// from today.

Yet some of you are born “Neptunian” and prone to ///////// //////////////// because of your ////////////////

If your UCI is loaded with Earth signs you’ll be a born a /////////////// you’ll be more /////////////////////the LGBTQ group and demand freedom for all! Religion won’t appeal to you due to many pastlives where you were destroyed/burned in the name of a false God.

But how can the world experience ///////////////////////////// when YOU and ALL your political and religious leaders are NOT cosmic conscious?

And this is why, if you are a more advanced responsibe “Super Human” you will naturally share my work widely! And if you do not, you are obliviously and subconsciously slaving for the reptilius! And it could be serious challenge for you to realize this fact even in one full lifetime!





Trump’ secret plan to move to Russia! NUKES, Hurricanes Helene & Milton undeniable prediction


DSC106[1]“The universe is under no obligation to make any SPIRITUAL sense to anyone” Dr. Turi

“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior  wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth using his will is a magus and  magic is not sorcery but Supreme wisdom.” Paracelsus

They were not all about COVID!

Alien Event, an Expo Conference OCT 17-20, 2024.

I hope you will join us in Las Vegas and enjoy all speaker’s wisdom including my presentation on Sunday October 20th. I will do 2025 Universal and personal predictions for all signs there… No hypnotherapy session! Read more below!

Order the new 2025 horoscope for all signs from this link.
The 2024 version is available for only $5:00

Memo from Anunnaki Revelation October surprise predictions – “Be ready for the upcoming “October surprises” on those dates… October 11/12/13, I will be right here next week once my visions and the SHOCKING/EXPLOSIVE news unfold!”


Would you consider the violent, EXPLOSIVE, brutal death of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar and Liam Payne as the results of a Full Moon in Aries? Memo from the Cosmic Code private website, JOIN today! October 2024, elaborated horoscopes for all signs. Posted by Dr. Turi on October 5, 2024 at 12:32am

Full Moon in Aries — October 17, 2024: Ruled by Mars, this trend may be tough for many as Mars is very strong these days and will bring about serious confrontations, explosions, fires and the possibility of war. Be ready for serious, even fatalistic news in the near future no one is safe during this lunation and violent death will mark the news. (Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar / Liam Payne.)

With Neptune’s religious and deceiving tendency accompanying him in his dance, expect more disturbing developments with the Middle East. These will be negative, pertaining to oil spills, explosions and more terrorist activities in the near future. Be ready for devastating forces producing destructive weather and flooding in different parts of the world. Do not lose faith in the future, as we all must go on. The stars are a reflection of God and its divine plan for all of us…We must go through it.

Dear reader,

And, as promised,  I am here with the results of my visions but before anything, make sure to read “IMPORTANT NEWS” at the bottom of this article! If you never read my newsletters to the end, this one is a MUST read and you will understand why if you are a “Chosen One!” BIG CHANGES AHEAD for my international reading audience and my YouTube channel!

While Milton, was in so many ways very destructive and killed 17 people, once again the  weather experts’s expectations did not come to pass! The fact is our infantile scientific community and the entire world experienced another of my accurate visions in the October SURPRISE predictions with more than 130 tornado warnings associated with Milton issued in Florida!

No one expected those deadly tornadoes, but me through my cosmic work and no one can deny the printed, dated, published keywords! This is not an ego trip from Dr. Turi but another desperate attempt to make you aware of the reality of my UFOs predictive legacy and why you need to support me and share my work!

Doing so can only bring you good karma and being selfish a price to pay in time! I do not write universal laws, I only translate them for you!

While Milton was the biggest hurricane ever, it was not as destructive as Helene who killed 227 people and cost 344 millions, and like Katrina, Ian and so many others I can’t recall, BOTH were fully predicted well before their formation in the oceans!

Against all odds, there are OBVIOUS reasons as to why a much smaller hurricane like Helene did so much damages in North Carolina and so many other areas in the US. If you are a weather student or a geologist, you may want to investigate my cosmic work because do not expect your accredited schools to offer you real predictive answers or reliable solutions!

Again there is a BIG difference between education, intelligence or a gift and I proved once again that those non-cosmic conscious “educated idiots” while dedicated to help you, can not be trusted and can only warn you as the hurricanes intensity unfold on your TV screen! And this newsletter does not cover my large earthquakes undisputable predictions! 

For years, I offered an impeccable, repetitive and accurate timing of all past and future hurricanes and quakes above 6.0  a full month ahead of time in the private Cosmic Code website yet, it is ONLY if you become a VIP that you will acknowledge those facts and get to learn more about God’s cosmic design!

The question remain is a very affordable subscription worth my reliable warnings, our daily guidance and forecasts and all your possessions and even your life? Had they a choice, ask this question to all the living and dead people who suffered those catastrophes!

Note also with 4 different horoscopes and my SOS deadly windows, the 2024 and the newly released 2025 personal and universal predictions for all signs is awaiting you there too! Email for information if needed or call the office at 602 265 7667!


Water, sky, oceans, oil drench
Dark clouds cities man cry drown
Jesus’s cosmic spirit rebirth 
Religions, Pisces deception Age die 

Written by Dr. Turi 6/23/24

Knowledge is power, ignorance is evil!

Dr. Turi
Hurricane Milton is now category 5 . It will  hit on October  10 & 11  during the SOS  window 
you warned about !
memo from October SURPRISE predictions – If you read the quatrain and OBVIOUS keywords they do speak for themselves… Yet the unevolved, envious reptilius infected “young soul” mind will refuse the facts!

The largest storm in our solar system is moving unexpectedly, scientists say

Boeing strike has already cost the company and workers $5 billion
SpaceX’s Starship hits landing mark after historic booster catch

Body parts found in Colorado freezer identified as 16-year-old girl, missing since 2005
Fugitive father is on the run with 3 children in one of the world’s wildest regions evaded police for years

College football roundup: No. 3 Oregon stuns No. 2 Ohio State
‘Bizarre’: Vance reacts to women who don’t have children due to climate change in new interviewFamily finds bizarre 84-year-old item in dead grandmother’s freezer
Actress blasts Hollywood for failing Jews as antisemitism soars: ‘I was stunned’

Secret tomb found under ‘Indiana Jones’ filming location in Petra

Lawmakers press agencies, telecoms for more details on Salt Typhoon hacks 

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce’s Relationship ‘At Breaking Point’ After One-Year Anniversary 

Published 02/2024  “Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce doomed karmic relationship!”


in “Mar-a-Lago FBI raid – Is Former President Trump a Russian Spy? “ I wrote, “Trump feels like a Lion surrender by deadly hyenas, he may be forced to “fly to Russia” since he has invested billions in Putin’s country!” 

His plane is always fueled up, ready to go, and loaded with all that is important to start his new life in Russia, this includes US nuke secrets! As incredible this vision may sound, that is the only way the former president will avoid losing it all and jail!
 Trump owns the fate of this country in his hands and I can only hope my visions for the future will NOT transpire! A tyrant in power is still better than nukes killing millions of innocent people.
Note also that the government learned quite a lot with Trump’s January 6 invasion of the Capitol and is fully ready for anything following the elections and a peaceful transfer of power! And with Trump, we learned that anything good or bad is possible!
What worries me the most is Trump’s UCI (Unique Celestial Identity)  is extremely revengeful, totally reptilius infected and his oblivious MAGA conspiracies head supporters are also victimized through his poisonous leadership, his constant lies, and fear-mongering!
Remember, don’t kill the messenger, I read Trump’s stars like any of the thousands of clients who asked for my services during my entire life and I’ve learned a lot in the process! Its NOT political, its the stars at work,  cursing or blessings humans as imposed by karma and God’s will!
The reptilius targeted Trump, Putin, Kim Jung Un, and other infected leaders to bring about tremendous pain, suffering, fear confusion, and mass death through a nuclear exchange those villains are unconsciously aiming for…

Call it the “reptilius Draconis effect” every human being on this planet is subject to!
Knowing America was born with the negative dragon’s tail in Aquarius (Japan/ nukes/Asia) and those terrible cosmic winds will be upon America starting on July 28, 2026, the worst is to come. Because of those tyrants, millions of innocent people will perish but not the “Super Humans” if…  VIP’s only! 
As mentioned a few months ago, this is my LAST educational full newsletter and LAST SOS to the world deadly window warning! Be very aware of the upcoming SOS plutonic deadly window of October 17/18/19.
As of today and once a week, as uual, I will only offer the public the appropriate quatrains and the news with my visions as they have unfolded. No more warning ahead of time and no more FULL newsletters will come your way. Time for you to make a commitment and be rewarded learning all about God’s cosmic design and Jesus initial cosmic ministry!  
Note also TWO videos will be offered to the readers on a regular base, one (very limited) on YouTube telling you what I will offer the public and our VIP’s and the other will be fully loaded with warnings, cosmic teachings, SOS deadly windows, UFOs news etc. on the Cosmic Code private website for our VIP’s!
The full newsletters will also be posted regularly on our Patreon page for our supporters.
A few subscribers were in the path of the two latest hurricanes and can not attend the 11/11/2024 hypnotherapy course. Thus this class is ponsponed until further notice and  will keep you posted.
Note also to help the victims start a new life using the superconscious power, we have decided to offer a new DEAL to all prospective students. The price for the two days course on Zoom was $500 we are now offering it for half price of $250 only. This is our way to help and support all of you during those challenging times.

Super-conscious Power to Heal the Body, Mind and Soul 

Terania and I are planning to do a ZOOM HYPNOTHERAPY TUTORING session in the future. Before the hurricanes messed up thousands of people’s lives, I picked 11-11 2024 because it has always been a magic number and I will fully explain why many of you have experienced this recurring “superconscious” phenomenon…

I want to personally thanks the many new students who signed up for this healing educational tuition and we still have room for more students…

There is much more involved in this course than what I can discuss just yet, but with time and patience realizing and accordingly using your inner subconscious power will come to the fore. Tapping on the superconscious creative forces is a sure ticket to better both, your inner and physical life! Yet if you are not curious enough and ask for the Divine, how can your life change?


I will take the time to explain this fact in great detail and I will also take the time to remove it and offer the answers to anyone interested in knowing their mental dilemma at a personal level…

It starts by being inquisitive and in a couple of days harness supreme wisdom instead of spending years  suffering and wondering why you can’t reach your goals… God’s creative power is limitless and works on both the spiritual and physical planes, yet again, it is only if you ask that you shall receive!

Reading this article is not an accident, its you being at the right time at the right place and offering you the winning numbers of the lottery, thus let others’ skepticism and lack of curiosity “miss the boat!”

The first part of the course will take two to four hours of education involving the difference between the subconscious and the super-conscious creative force. Multiple examples will be used to assimilate the stimulating power and how to direct it correctly. This course will be entertaining and educational and greatly change your perception and concept of reality.

Do you wish for better health, more energy, more drive, more focus? Do you want to reverse the clock and look and feel younger like me? Do you want to attract and use the Divine? Do you want a better vision , a better job or start your own business but don’t know how? Do you want more magnetism and attract or maintain love?

You were born with God’s power to create your reality and enjoy life to the fullest. It is YOUR choice and your decision alone to ask in order to receive! All you need is to plan for some time alone with me as your guide to the high magical forces you were born to seek and use.

Following the basic introductory training along with soft music, my voice will take you up to your subconscious then the super-conscious, and open the golden door to God’s divine power…

The positive inserted suggestions will be sealed within the depth of your subconscious and lead you to a much more positive attitude towards life in general and shape your future since the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought!

(Optional) During the second part of the course, under my supervision, once confident and if ready, each student will practice and perform a hypnotic session on all of us.  You do not have to do it if you feel insecure.

This is an experience you will never forget for as long as you live and the creative rewards are endless! And it’s only when the student is ready that a rare teacher will appear! Using my technique will open the golden gate to a much more exciting, healthier, and productive life.

After this light hypnotic safe session, you will become much more aware of the principle involving the Superconscious creative forces and creating your fate with your thoughts is all about! Miracles do happen, I will teach and guide you to make your wishes become a reality!

You may go to the   PRESENTATION DETAILS  to read more. Sign up now, this course will fill up fast, email


Reader, make sure to join and share my FB pages UFOs Astrology & Dr. Turi Predictions especially if you have questions about the Divine, UFO’s or anything under the stars!  Check also my videos from DrStarsSun on the road, join and share my crazy life!

There is NO physical Holy Grail, the biblical story is part of the universal religious deception imposed by the Church Inc./Vatican. The Holy Grail is symbolic, it simply means the aptitude for highly spiritually advanced souls to be able to drink at the source of all wisdom by understanding and mastering God’s cosmic design and Jesus’ initial cosmic Ministry or Divine Astrology. I do not expect a religiously poisoned, non-cosmic-conscious US society and the world at large to grasp the depth and reality of my claims just yet. However, since life is a constant process of endless changes the future and the Age of Aquarius (AI/UFOs/Astrology/the future of humanity will prove me right.

 “Be warned! the upcoming Pisces (religion) is about to unleash a tremendous avalanche of news involving the bible and cosmic unconscious pious indoctrinated Christian people fearing hell. All media will explode with religious posts as the Age of Pisces (deception/abuse) is dying. Church Inc. must fight to survive as the Age of Aquarius (freedom, understanding, humanities, technology, future, UFOs) slowly takes over. They will spend BILLIONS in advertisements to grasp scared, insecure people, especially souls born Neptunian and confused teens who are psychically vulnerable and seek hopes  and direction.”

“Five minutes after you are born they will decide your name, nationality, religion and tribe and you will spend the rest of your life smilingly defending things you did not choose” – Arthur Schopenhauer

In the name of fear, ignorance and control, politically oriented churches of the past are responsible for the Dark Ages movement that killed millions of people all around the world, especially women!

Religions have and can only bring more troubles and death to humanity, since what we are witnessing currently with Israel and Hamass in the Middle East (a Pisces area) is nothing else than an endless political religious war!

Its going to get much worse before it get better!

Christian nationalists in the United States advocate “a fusion of identitarian Christian identity and cultural conservatism with American civic belonging.” It has been noted to bear overlap with Christian fundamentalism, white supremacy, the Seven Mountain Mandate movement, and dominionism.

Expect a full restructuring of the Middle East as the latest Israeli strike on a mosque and school in Gaza killed scores, sparking international outrage! If you read the quatrain below, it seems my visions for the Middle East, religions and the future of humanity can easily be perceived by smart and curious people…

Water, sky, oceans, oil drench
Dark clouds cities man cry drown
Jesus’s cosmic spirit rebirth 
Religions, Pisces deception Age die 

Written by Dr. Turi 6/23/24

Continued: So you will have to comeback often to check how real and knowledgeable I am and maybe realize my work deserves not only respect but sharing!

But if you do not take the time to read and check my claims, how can I help you build more cosmic consciousness? So many psychics and prophets want to be everywhere, thus if you land something tangible, dated, well documented, and factual as mine, as a responsible human, it is your duty to share it widely! Another prediction I made…

MEMO from “Melania Trump -Predictions for the First Lady!” published October 19, 2020.

“But once the negative tail of the Dragon in Scorpio enters her 7th house (partnerships) from her Sun sign of Taurus around January 2022, she will be forced to “exit” her marriage with Trump or become much less active in public with him. The future is not good for their marriage, it could also be because of an imposed divorce, marriage dissolution, heart attack sudden death or assassination“

One of my students copied and sent me this paragraph published in one of my Nostradamus dragon forecast many years ago.

“This Dragon is against President Trump’s health and service to the world but most importantly his children and close family. Trump’s minions and his children are a target of the reptilius and many are been fined and already rotting in prison. Trump or one of his children may become sick, mentally unstable/suicidal, or become the target of the CIA, or be assassinated by a lost infected soul.”

I can only hope to be wrong in another sad prediction I made about former President Trump published 7/21/24 in Biden drops out of the race prediction & Kamala Harris Stars and Fate!” 

In my newsletter I mentioned Trump being a DUAL is prone to suffer another assassination attempton his life! Read more about this vision in Thomas Crooks’ Suicide – A born killer mind exposed!
And the FBI should read and take my warnings very seriously! 

The predictions for the future and UFO’s I have for humanity are not for the fainted heart and are only available for our VIP’s of the Cosmic Code private website!

“Show ne a reader, I’ll point out a winner!” Dr. Turi


A message from Terania Turi:
I do not do live consultation just yet, but I am very active my own way! If you have an interest in digging into the celestial mechanics of divine astrology or may not be familiar with the basics of the methodology, perhaps you would be interested in having a natal chart / an astro – mapping report / a basic compatibility report / biorhythms / cabalistic cleansing ritual report from Terania, all for only $50.
This would also be a perfect way for me to introduce you to our work and open the door to discover more potential information, leading to the truth about yourself and your life…
In which case, you can then set up a more in depth live Zoom consultation with the “master,” Dr. Turi and attain a new perception of reality and your goals in this lifetime.
Thank you all
Terania Turi
E-mail : for more information


Dr. Louis Turi in Phoenix, AZ // Thervo

I intend to do more lectures on the Superconscious creative forces and educate and heal people in many fine resorts in Florida. In the past, I lectured on this topic and hypnotized the attendance on countless cruise ships, in Casinos in Las Vegas, and in many hotels and spas around the world, if you can help or need my expertise email for more information. Indeed knowledge is power, ignorance is evil! 

Memo from Coast to Coast am October 16 2019 – In the second half, Dr. Louis Turi revealed how to harness the power of the subconscious mind, and explained how it shapes everything from world events to everyday personal motives and decisions. Turi believes that the subconscious is so powerful that it “gets your heart beating and stops an infection” and can even “alter the atomic structure of your body.” He said that the disciplines of psychology and psychiatry have yet to accept these concepts. Turi also described extraterrestrial races he’s been in contact with. He’s concluded that they affect human behavior both toward the positive and negative, depending on the source. The benevolent race, he continued, is known as the “Draconis,” and the evil or negative ones are the “Reptilians.” Turi stated that he’s been “contacted by the divine and it is speaking through me.”

He gave examples from his own life he’s made about the power of the subconscious. He recalled that when he was a child, he had a virulent infection in his ears, which only subsided after he left his parents’ home, where they raised their voices and fought constantly. He realized that his subconscious was telling him he didn’t want to hear them fighting, and he was only able to heal after he went to live with his grandmother “who never raised her voice. Turi also made predictions for this year and the next based on his study of astrology, saying that for the rest of 2019, political events and relationships will “go downhill,” and that there will be a “full restructure” of many groups and institutions in 2020. He also said that he is expecting “a lot of fire” and “a lot of wildlife to disappear.”  This was weeks before the terrible Australian and California fires who killed millions of animals!

I was fired from this popular radio program for mentioning that Trump could be assassinated, he would not be re-elected and COVID would kill millions! Read more!

Another of my prediction came to pass…

Biden calls for major Supreme Court reforms, including term limits, at Civil Rights Act event

Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito Are “Subject to Corruption”: AOC
Clarence Thomas fails to disclose 3 more Harlan Crow trips, Senate records show
Justice Thomas raked in $4M in gifts, new report
Can Samuel Alito Survive Flag Controversy? 

Dr. Turi;
You predicted trouble for Supreme Court justices a long time ago . Now it is 
Insecurity reigns supreme while egocentric politicians tear themselves apart and high Court lawmakers impose their religious beliefs, change the laws on our backs, and abuse us all. 

My quatrain below speaks volume on my undeniable accurate visions about the abusive, deceptive retructuring legal system or what’s going on with judges and the DOJ! Yet only those who bought 2021/2022/2023/2024 Nostradamus dragon forecast were warned! Justice Thomas and Justice Alito karma is on the way!

Scale of justice trembles
Armed villains seek blood
Red dominates rainbow
Power tears judges fight dies

Posted to the world on September 3, 2022

The gravitational forces that move all galaxies is a scientific fact;   But the greatness of the spiritual cosmic manifesto is yet a mystery to humanity. God’s enslaved all his children to uncover his cosmic  Divinity and with it,  a life filled with health, love, respect, peace and harmony for all.

— Dr. Turi

“The universe is a BRIGHT LIVING spiritual entity… I’m offering its secrets before I die. The purpose of all my struggles  was to build cosmic wisdom and offer universal guidance and strengths to others” — Dr. Turi

Saudi Arabia says 1,301 died on Hajj this year

This absurdity of over 5000 man made religions indoctrination is mind boggling! When the new dragon enters Pisces in January 2025 a full restructure of all deceptive religions and the Vatican (death of the Pope)  will take place. Much more predictions for the future will be published on the Cosmic Code private website. Join now email

Water, sky, oceans, oil drench
Dark clouds cities man cry drown
Jesus’s cosmic spirit rebirth 
Religions, Pisces deception Age die 

Written by Dr. Turi /23/24

Join the cosmic code private website, read all in great details and be prepared for your future! Never separate yourself from God, we are all God’s and Goddesses in training on this dense physical world learning this fact! Religion is pure evil and created by the nefarious reptilius…

Jesus was teaching Astrology…
12 Apostles, 12 months, 12 hours, 12 jury, 12 tribes of Israel, 12 sins, 12 jury… Jesus was teaching Astrology but the Church Inc took it away from you… Jesus cosmic ministry has nothing to do with the bible. time to wake up to the truth but only smart and curious people will get it….
In time the New Age of Aquarius will obliterate this mental cancer. With Pluto in Aquarius and the upcoming new 2025 Dragon in Pisces, expect lots of water from the skies and fierce battles to keep all suffocating religions alive! The Israel-Hamas war is just the beginning! Christians and others denominations will try very hard to convince you Facebook! Expect an explosion of religious stuff as the deceptive Age of Pisces is ending!

Remember reader, next September 2024 those newsletters and warnings will stop completely while my prices for consultations will rise significantly! I can only and strongly recommend you to join us and read the  special announcement below if you need any of my services!

Sharing emails:
Harrietta ///<harrietta./////>
Date: Mon, Oct 21, 2024, 4:00 PM
Subject: Re: Harrietta Consultation with Dr. Turi
To: Dr. Turi
Thank you Dr Turi with all my Hear💓 Such a great in-depth  Phenomenal, Powerful Reading also thank you for your time and energy Love and Light 💙🙏🩵 and thank you for  all you do🥰


I did receive the Zoom recording, Dr. Turi thank you!

I do believe whole heartedly in your work and I am thankful to have had this once in a lifetime opportunity to meet with you! 

Thank you Dr. Turi for who you are as a person and for what you so selflessly give back to the world with all your wisdom and cosmic teachings! I do appreciate your dedication and sacrifices that you make daily for the greater good of mankind! 
It was a true honor, monsieur! God bless you and Terania and thank God for our divine timing, even if it was during a hurricane.. lol!
I’m sorry if I interrupted you too many times i was just excited .It was an eye opener for my husband after 30 years of me telling him he finally gets it . Thank you so much for reaching him he was so happy when we hung up he told me how much better he felt . Thank you for all the work you do the passion you have to reach everyone it’s truly amazing .☀️💫🌕

We are living in times where boneheads rise, intelligence fall, educated idiots reign supreme and thrive while genius and real get unrecognized.” Dr.Turi

No parents nowadays (outside of religion and science) are teaching their children who God truly is, spiritual matters, metaphysics and pay attention to the stars, their dreams, and master the art of divination using Divine astrology.

Since you were made at the image of God, love yourself with all the might of God because you were born to create.. Remember God <positive> would/could not be without the devil <negative> for without opposite life would be impossible. Yesterday in your past, your fears, your cosmic ignorance and your religion, you were EVIL..

The new smarter, curious, educated you is Godlike and in your positivity you reflect the light of God’s cosmic wisdom.

Indeed the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought, keep them positive since there is no future and no God in the past…

Share with smart people and never separate yourself from God. We are all God’s and Goddesses in training on this dense physical world learning this fact! Religions are pure evil and 5000 plus were created by the nefarious reptilius…

In order to regenerate their spirit to survive, one day your children will ask and look for the answers they could never get from science or religion. The results are dreadful as thousands of lost young souls seek refuge in drugs or commit suicide… And this is the mission I was assigned as a UFO contactee to perform for all the children of the future.


At 74, time is running out for me since I want to spend the last few years, I have left running my “Lady of the Seas” charter and hopefully meet many of you in my boat in the Florida keys during the summer holiday season.

I am working two jobs full time, one as a OTR driver for FedEx and the other doing endless Astrological consultations during my days off.  Check all my trips and videos from my Facebook page.

The idea is to save enough to invest in a bigger and safer yacht. But as I am getting closer to my goal after September 2024, making videos, writing newsletters and taking care of my endless chain of clients doing readings on Zoom will become impossible as the new business and the new website dedicated for this new business venture will take all our time.

Thus as of September 2024 my price for a Full Life Reading (regularly $350) will change to $500 and a live session on Zoom (regularly $700) will rise to $1000. My great webmaster Tom will make those changes on my website before then.

Note also, future full newsletters will only be posted and available from the private Cosmic Code website and only new and older supporting VIP’s and new and older Patreon supporters will not be affected by the price changes.

Thus if I mean anything to you, it is in your best interest to become a VIP and still have access to all my services and enjoy our yearly forecasts and daily guidance and predictions.  Join today!

As always if you have any questions simply email and she will take good care of you.

You are getting so little with my newsletters my friend, Terania and I have so much more to offer you on the Cosmic Code private website!Become a VIP Membership is only $10 and you are showing your support for our cosmic work please. Thank you

The only good news I have for you, since I will never get any form of support from a religiously poisoned society is that! The New Age of Aquarius(UFO’s/technology/Astrology/the future of humanity/the stars) is slowly but surely taking over the deceptive Age of Pisces and will in time, make all religions obsolete!

A much better understanding and use of God’s celestial creation await future generations and my mission is to insert the critical mental seeds to this upcoming wonderful cosmic enlightenment.
Neptunian relies only on his intuition and his/her spirit to deal with the archetypal realm of supra-cosmic consciousness to translate his/her visions and predictions. Little do they know that there is only a very thin line between Divine Cosmic information, channeling and pure imagination!
A true Neptunian is reluctant to engage in any form of rational studies and consequently is not cosmic conscious. He/she does not use nor understand the complexity of the super-conscious in time and space and the cosmic code jurisdictions, something that can only be revealed by mastering God’s cosmic design or Divine Astrology. 
The very idea of using critical thinking and mastering new tools explain all spiritual rules (outside of traditional religion) would also make them aware of their inherited celestial Divinity but it scares them. Going out of their Neptunian comfort zone and improving their physical vibrations is not an option!
Neptunians stubbornly trust only themselves, God, the spirit, and their mystical nature not knowing that God does not speak his cosmic language to unconscious fools.
All established professions require a form of education and the use of very specific tools! Imagine a mechanic fixing your car with his hands alone or a baker making bread without a mixer!
Imagine a boat Captain driving a boat or a pilot flying a plane without knowing all the rules of the land, water, and sea. A Neptunian is unable to recognize his or her intellectual gift and capacities and limits and trust only God and their spirit!
This is why taking and using any of my courses will elevate their cosmic vibrations and spiritual perceptions.
I taught and offered my Divine Astrology course to those willing to put in the effort and by building cosmic awareness, they now own the golden keys to what it means to be human.
I also thought of the born psychic and suggested taking the Atro-Tarot course because this ancient art is all about the use of cards, the superconscious, metaphors, and intuition.
 A born psychic can flourish and grow in its spiritual element, and become much more efficient than taking on a more demanding astrological study.
A true born psychic is loaded with objectivity and intuition yet, they also lack basic critical thinking, and regardless of my elaborate and logical explanations, many of my clients have missed the boat to cosmic awareness and spiritual enlightenment.
Neptune rules the Middle East and the youngest and deadliest religions (Christianity/Judaism/Islam) were born there, cursing the entire population and the world at large since Neptune rules the oceans and 3/4 of the world.
The deceptiveness and poisoning of the planet Neptune (gas / drugs / alcohol / medications / cults / religions / jails) has dramatic worldwide repercussions.
The burgeoning Age of Aquarius (UFOs/technology/humanitarianism/Astrology)is already changing humanity’s psychical vibrations and awareness… In other words, humans are slowly but surely becoming more curious about the planets’s impact upon humans and the world “the true birth of all religions,” educated, and smarter!
On the other hand, a true born Saturnian (atheist, agnostic, skeptic)is forbidden by God himself access to anything spiritual, including religion. The unevolved “Young Soul” has not yet reached the level of spiritual perception needed to realize and refine his/her awareness of the world (s) he/she lives in.

Pythagoras | Biography, Facts & Impact |

Every man has been made by God in order to acquire knowledge and contemplate but not all men where born with the same UCI/stars. Pythagoras was certainly born with a strong Saturn or CapricornSun, moon, rising or Dragon!

God made those souls delegate the physical manifesto alone as we need reliable engineering (bridges / gearboxes / cars / tools / mechanics, etc.) on earth.
They can only perceive the world they live in through their five limited, rational human senses. God made sure their natal karmic UCI “Unique Celestial Identity” is earthy and loaded with Saturn’s restrictive down-to-earth low vibrations.
“A magnet will not attract a piece of wood”
Unless you vibrate at my highly spiritual and rational cosmic speed you will be naturally attracted to me and my cosmic teachings… And those “super Humans” are quite rare!
With the current warlike, aggressive, brutal Martian dragon in charge of this world (see quatrain below) until January 2025 the current state of this world is quite scary and will get worse.


German/Vikings Skin Alike
Black and White Red Blood
Fire War Violence  Passions Rule
God Nowhere To Stop Fires
Hitler’s Evil spirit reborn

Posted to the world on June 12, 2013 

Insecurity reigns supreme while egocentric politicians tear themselves apart and high Court lawmakers impose their religious beliefs, change the laws on our backs, and abuse us all.

My quatrain below speaks volume on my undeniable accurate visions about the abusive, deceptive retructuring legal system or what’s going on with judges and the DOJ! Yet only those who bought 2021/2022/2023/2024 Nostradamus dragon forecast were warned! Justice Thomas and Justice Alito karma is on the way!

Scale of justice trembles
Armed villains seek blood
Red dominates rainbow
Power tears judges fight dies

Posted to the world on September 3, 2022

The gravitational forces that move all galaxies is a scientific fact;   But the greatness of the spiritual cosmic manifesto is yet a mystery to humanity. God’s enslaved all his children to uncover his cosmic  Divinity and with it,  a life filled with health, love, respect, peace and harmony for all.

— Dr. Turi

Taking care of your family and your bills has never been so difficult and if you think electing another cosmic unconscious president will change your life for the better, you are in LALA land!
In any ways shape and form, if you feel depressed, insecure and lack of directions, we are here for you! Talk to terrania if needed 
Clienty feedback,
Dear Terania,
Thank you, the session was very insightful and enjoyable and I learnt some more astrology in the process.
I can highly recommend reading with Dr Turi. If you want to understand how and why things happen to you, the way they do and how you can make the most of the changing planets and their energies, the reading is for you!
With all the things that are going on around us, why leave home without a map!
And get a progressive reading for the year!
Thank you and God bless!

The current Aries/Libra dragon axis (as of July 2023) is IMPOSING changes by houses and signs and Mercury is telling you, you are not going in the right direction! Seek the light while you can.

You may be religiously poisoned and fearful of Divine Astrology. Your UCI “Unique Celestial Identity ” may be too earthy and turned you into a radical skeptic or agnostic that ridicule the idea of dealing with the future a cosmic God has in store for you.

All the while missing the great opportunity given to you by Mercury retrograde to bypass your fear and skepticism…  As a rule, it is only when the student is ready that the gifted cosmic teacher will appear and it is only when you ask that you shall receive the rewards of your curiosity!

  • Knowing where your Jupiter (luck) is located by house and sign and what your natal and hidden dragons (past lives) are predisposing you for will become a major contribution for your success in this lifetime.
  • Knowing all about your true soul’s purpose, and the planets stimulating your second house of money and self-esteem is a must if you need to invest and build long lasting financial wealth.
  • Knowing all about the Universal Law of the moon is not only a MUST but critical to make steady progress in life, because the moon is much more than a dead rock hanging above your head for the sake of beauty!
  • If you are lonely and looking for love, knowing all about the seat of attraction between human beings and your Venus’s location by house and sign is a great thing! And the planet of love will lead you to your soul mate!
  • If you are into natural healing or concerned with your health, do not fear! Knowing and using all the planets accordingly blessing your six house of health and work is a sure ticket to live a long life and regenerate at work.
  • For good or for worse, you are set to attract certain signs of the Zodiac for specific karmic, often difficult purposes, and knowing all about your partner’s stars is the only way to make a relationship work harmoniously.
  • The planet’s blessing your eleven house of groups, wishes, and friends must be acknowledged and used so all your goals can be reached. Respecting the perfect timing for socializing can only add more luck on your way.
  • What is your mission in life? what God designed you for mentally and physically to achieve on earth? What is your best career choice that will bring you the respect and position you need? Let me tell you all about the specific universal laws ruling your chart and your life!  These are the questions you must ask to succeed in a fate written in light for you.
  • Most importantly, what planets are blessing your subconscious creative forces where magic becomes a reality? Do you know enough about your subconscious potential where God resides? Are you using those formidable forces accordingly and efficiently? Let me enlighten you on this amazing process!
  • Knowledge is power, ignorance is evil, did you watch my movie on the Super-conscious? Did you read my best seller “Beyond The Secret?” 

“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that we may lead a safer more productive life!” Paracelsus

If you are ready for me, I am ready for you and I can promess you I will change your life for the best! But before meeting with me on Zoom, please read the following! 

If you did not yet, you MUST read Dr. Turi FREE Astro-Tarot Daily Celestial Guidance And Predictions For All to benefit from my regular free guidance and prediction.

 if you miss my full cosmic code newsletters become a VIP or a Patreon supporter! 

Show your support join my medias



Anunnaki Revelation October surprise predictions


DSC106[1]“The universe is under no obligation to make any SPIRITUAL sense to anyone” Dr. Turi

“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior  wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth using his will is a magus and  magic is not sorcery but Supreme wisdom.” Paracelsus

 In the earliest Sumerian writings about them, which come from the Post-Akkadian period, the Anunnaki are deities in the pantheon, descendants of An and Ki, the god of the heavens and the goddess of earth, and their primary function was to decree the fates of humanity.

Alien Event, an Expo Conference OCT 17-20, 2024.

I hope you will join us in Las Vegas and enjoy all speaker’s wisdom including my presentation titled “Hypnotherapy  with Dr. Turi” and it will take place on Sunday October 20th.

In this world of troubles, wars and nuclear fear taping in the collective superconscious for hopes and personal success becomes also a major contribution to wish for peace on earth.  At a personal level, do you want a better health, do you want to attract love, more money or a great career? With smooth, relaxing soft  music Dr. Turi will put the audience in a light and safe trance to reach the power you were born to use. An experience you will enjoy and never forget…

Order the new 2025 horoscope for all signs from this link.
The 2024 version is available for only $5:00

October SOS to the world deadly windows Posted by Dr. Turi on September 27, 2024 at 9:03pm



October 11, 12, 13 – //-//-//

Entrails Upset Spit Above
Red Fire Wind Water to Dance
Stars Command Shock Science
Calm Deception to Strike

Japan / Asia / China / France / Italy / Gold / Cosmic – Space News / NASA / Nukes / Nuclear /  Freak / Bizarre / Unusual weird behavior / Space / Rocket / Missile / Explosions / Surprises / Unexpected /  Shocking news / Shocking videos / Stunning / Baffling / unprecedented / Suddenly / Incredible / Strange deadly Behavior / Awakening / Bombshell / Mind Boggling / Crazy / Jaw Dropping / Lightning / Electricity / Fire / Unusual / Unexpected / suddenly / Humanitarianism / Children / Teens / Unrest / Fascinating / Genius / Discovery / Very old – Very new / Discovery / Invention / Science / AI / UFO’s / Earthquakes (always at or above 6.0 / Tsunami / Typhoon / Hurricane / Volcanoes/ Tornadoes / Airports / Airline / Aeronautics / jets / Planes / Balloons / Helicopters / Drone / Technology / Outage / Hacking / Cyber-attack / Internet / Electricity / Electronics / Television / Cosmic Phenomenon  


Dr. Turi
Hurricane Milton is now category 5 . It will  hit on October  10 & 11  during the SOS  window 
you warned about !



The largest storm in our solar system is moving unexpectedly, scientists say

Fugitive father is on the run with 3 children in one of the world’s wildest regions evaded police for years

‘Bizarre’: Vance reacts to women who don’t have children due to climate change in new interviewFamily finds bizarre 84-year-old item in dead grandmother’s freezer
Actress blasts Hollywood for failing Jews as antisemitism soars: ‘I was stunned’

Secret tomb found under ‘Indiana Jones’ filming location in Petra

Lawmakers press agencies, telecoms for more details on Salt Typhoon hacks 

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce’s Relationship ‘At Breaking Point’ After One-Year Anniversary 

Published 02/2024  “Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce doomed karmic relationship!”


in “Mar-a-Lago FBI raid – Is Former President Trump a Russian Spy? “ I wrote, “Trump feels like a Lion surrender by deadly hyenas, he may be forced to “fly to Russia” since he has invested billions in Putin’s country!” 

His plane is always fueled up, ready to go, and loaded with all that is important to start his new life in Russia, this includes US nuke secrets! As incredible this vision may sound, that is the only way the former president will avoid losing it all and jail! 
 Trump owns the fate of this country in his hands and I can only hope my visions for the future will NOT transpire! A tyrant in power is still better than nukes killing millions of innocent people.



Dear reader,

Be ready for the upcoming October surprises” on those dates… October 11/12/13, I will be right here next week once my visions and the SHOCKING/EXPLOSIVE news unfold!  Before offering you more information on the Anunnaki let’s talk about some obvious facts!

In the aftermath of hurricane Helene, entire families were obliterated by nature while stupid videos go viral and morons from all walks of life own a stage and shine on TikTok!

The sad reality is, over the years, the major disasters I predicted helped no one because I do not own a large public stage and only a minority of my readers share my warnings. And be sure, this is bad karma coming for all selfish, unconcerned readers sucking and using my wisdom for themselves only! 

Furthermore, the majority of indoctrinated religiously poisoned people do not read and assume I am another “Mrs. Cleo”. At the same time, the FBI, the police, and science ignore the facts and will not honor word science or investigate my work!

Once again one of the most important predictions I made about the deadliest hurricane to hit North Carolina went largely unnoticed! 

Had my warnings been shared on national TV and taken seriously, as I did with 911, hurricanes Helene, Katrina, Ian, and countless others’ predictions, those people as my VIPs to the Cosmic Code private website would have had a chance of deciding to move away weeks ahead of time.

Many would be alive today had they read and heed my warnings “Diddy’s Mansion & Hurricane Helene Undeniable Prediction”!

While I gave plenty of information on what to expect in the months and years to come with the single quatrain below…

Being warned with my “SOS deadly windows” a full month before any disasters is the way to go! Those dates incorporate upcoming earthquakes above 6.0 and hurricanes well before their ocean formations!

Sad enough sometimes I feel my gift is wasted since a pious and/or atheist society is unable and unwilling to investigate and make good use of my cosmic work! 
“Don’t give pearls of wisdom to swines” Jesus
We are living in times where boneheads rise, intelligence fall, educated idiots reign supreme and thrive while genius and real get unrecognized.” Dr.Turi

Water, sky, oceans, oil drench
Dark clouds cities man cry drown
Jesus’s cosmic spirit rebirth 
Religions, Pisces deception Age die 

Written by Dr. Turi 6/23/24

Pope Francis Astrology UFO’S Centuries of Lies, deception and Manipulations

Had my warnings be shared on national TV and taken seriously, as I did with 911, Katrina, Ian and countless of others predicted natural disasters, those people may be alive today! 

Put your hands on the upcoming release of my “2025 Nostradamus Personal and Universal Predictions for All Signs,” and be warned of what’s coming! Once again, the majority of people do not realize my cosmic work can and will save their lives.

The question remain, how many of the victims would have take a chance on me and read my warnings in Diddy’s Mansion & Hurricane Helene Undeniable Prediction?” Those people are now dead and it is MUCH too late for them all to be curious and explore my work!

You are still alive and it is your decision alone to become more curious and learn all about God’s cosmic design speaking his will through the stars I translate for FREE for you in my newsletters and videos!

Morons and envious idiots alike not only do not read but only assume I am using the death of the victims to “promote my business” not realizing that, all my newsletters and videos are FREE! I can only wonder what they have given humanity for free lately!

This world is made up of too many oblivious, unconcerned, easily distracted people consumed with religion, politics, entertainment, and conspiracies unknowingly suffering karma!

What pain me the most is the gargantuan amount of money spent to fix the enormous damages and wasted lives, while only a few Superhumans are investing in my work and wisely joined the Cosmic Code!

While I gave plenty information on what to expect in the months and years to come with the quatrain below, the upcoming relase of my “2025 Nostradamus Personal and Universal Predictions for All Signs,”  is a powerful realistic look into the future!

Sad enough the majority of people do not realize prayers alone don’t work or save people from disasters, only cosmic consciousness does save lives! The option to be warned ahead of time and investing in God’s cosmic design is the ONLY practical way to live a safer and more productive life! 

God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life!

All the 267 victims of hurricane Helene (and counting) trusted science, NWS, NOA and their local officials who can now only offer those families prayers… But prayers never did and never will work because God does not speak to cosmic unconscious fools!

Investing and building churches is a total waste of time but how can I alone, fight 2000 years of the Church Inc. abuses and disinformation? Invest in my cosmic wisdom, and help me build Astro/psychology schools instead and watch the world changes in a few short years! 

If every 8-year-old in the world is taught Astro psychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.” 

Interview with Dr. Turi on predictions, UFO and AStropsychology

Indeed you can take donkeys to the water, this does not mean their will drink at the “Holy Grail” source of all cosmic wisdom as preached by Jesus teaching Divine Astrology to the 12 Apostles! 

AnunnaAnanaki means “ancestors” in Arabic. Like all dieties they were also prone to be influenced by the nefarious reptilius and the benevolent Draconis group of ET’s.

There are thousands of UFO “talking heads” who own a national stage and you should be aware of those “experts” who never experienced any physical contact or, as I did and proved endlessly over the years, inherited a spiritual predictive legacy from those incredible entities…

 The vast majority of those writers and speakers own a vivid imagination and cannot defer facts from fiction! All they can and will do is make up stories (hollow moon, flat Earth, travel in time and space with ETs in the heart of planets, Queen and famous people turn into lizards, etc.) and the list of ridiculous stories based upon an uncontrollable imagination goes on and on…

 The more stupefying the stories are, the more gullible, not-so-smart people will accept and swallow!  All they want is your interest and newsletter subscriptions!

Like everything on planet Earth, there could be NO life without opposites and I’d rather stay objective in my explanation, simply stated, there are thousands of ET races in billions of galaxies led by the Federation of Grand Cosmic Order. This means, like on Earth there are boundaries and laws to respect but lawlessness also exists in those endless galaxies. 

The good ETs are the Draconis with their agenda and the bad ETs, the reptilius, like on planet Earth, gang leaders, criminals, and killers alike are also part of the universal galactic equation.
Those entities can only exist and survive in Dark Matter with your fears, insecurity, lies, conspiracy, confusion, fight, drama, death, and wars dividing us through politics (Trump), entertainment, sports and religious convictions, (Israel/Hamass war) and humans from all walks of life on this planet are, to a certain degree psychically INFECTED!
I do not use my five limited human rational senses to judge people, including former President Trump! I use Divine Astrology and the stars do not lie! At least to me!
If you are unable to realize Trump is unconscioulsy slaving for the reptilius and mentally reptilius infected you have no business reading my warnings! Consequently you can not be helped because you become the conspiracy and are also infected by those entities and unable to perceive more than obvious facts!  
A magnet will not attract a piece of wood thus, Trump like anyone of us, can only attract more bad karma, more infected killers and he may pay the ultimate price in the process! Let’s pray for his safety and the reptilius evil poisening his words and spirit.

Politicizing such terrible disasters for his own selfish political purposes is disgusting when entire families were killed and thousands of people are missing and still suffering! If you can not feel for all the victims and realize Trump state of mind there is no much I can do for you but let you be consumed by those nefarious entities…

And the end results will be simply deadly and terrible to those unable or unwilling to heed my warnings!
The battles are real on both physical and spiritual planes and this explains the current political fisco, the lies, the manipulations and the terrible state of this world! Not to forget the endless chain of suicide from degenarated, depressed young and immature infected lost souls unable to fight this evil. And infected doctors do not really care about teens, they want prescriptions, insurance money!
I explained this phenomenon in my UFO movie and the choice given to humans to work either for evil or light and love!
Since life is a constant process of endless changes, God (you) would not be a reality without the devil (you) it is only when you raise your cosmic vibrations that realization and the positive thoughts will elevate you into the light (God/you) since you were made at the image of God and inherited the power of creation for good or evil!  
No one will judge you at the end of yor ife and do not fear hell, you are on it right now in your cosmic ignorance your religious fears and unwillingness to grow spiritually into the Divine I am proposing…
You made that choice to deal with this world and those entities/good and bad ETs before reincarnation on this dense phsyical plane. Don’t blame no one, karma is unavoidable you must grow into your own glory and Godly realization or perish. And you have eternity to do so so don’t worry about the good or bad results of this lifetime!
There is much more involving the good and bad Anunaki and I will approach this subject and answer your questions when you join us on November 10 and 11 2024!


Super-conscious Power to Heal the Body, Mind and Soul 

Terania and I are planning to do a ZOOM HYPNOTHERAPY TUTORING session on Sunday, November 10th and Monday, November 11th. I picked 11-11because it has always been a magic number and I will fully explain why many of you have experienced this recurring “superconscious” phenomenon…

I want to personally thanks the many new students who signed up for this healing educational tuition and we still have room for you for more students…

There is much more involved in this course than what I can discuss just yet, but with time and patience realizing and accordingly using your inner subconscious power will come to the fore. Tapping on the superconscious creative forces is a sure ticket to better both, your inner and physical life! Yet if you are not curious enough and ask for the Divine, how can your life change?


I will take the time to explain this fact in great detail and I will also take the time to remove it and offer the answers to anyone interested in knowing their mental dilemma at a personal level… 

It starts by being inquisitive and in a couple of days harness supreme wisdom instead of spending years  suffering and wondering why you can’t reach your goals… God’s creative power is limitless and works on both the spiritual and physical planes, yet again, it is only if you ask that you shall receive!

Reading this article is not an accident, its you being at the right time at the right place and offering you the winning numbers of the lottery, thus let others’ skepticism and lack of curiosity “miss the boat!”

The first part of the course will take two to four hours of education involving the difference between the subconscious and the super-conscious creative force. Multiple examples will be used to assimilate the stimulating power and how to direct it correctly. This course will be entertaining and educational and greatly change your perception and concept of reality.

Do you wish for better health, more energy, more drive, more focus? Do you want to reverse the clock and look and feel younger like me? Do you want to attract and use the Divine? Do you want a better vision , a better job or start your own business but don’t know how? Do you want more magnetism and attract or maintain love?

You were born with God’s power to create your reality and enjoy life to the fullest. It is YOUR choice and your decision alone to ask in order to receive! All you need is to plan for some time alone with me as your guide to the high magical forces you were born to seek and use.

Following the basic introductory training along with soft music, my voice will take you up to your subconscious then the super-conscious, and open the golden door to God’s divine power…

The positive inserted suggestions will be sealed within the depth of your subconscious and lead you to a much more positive attitude towards life in general and shape your future since the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought!

During the second part of the course, under my supervision, once confident and ready, each student will practice and perform a hypnotic session on all of us.  

This is an experience you will never forget for as long as you live and the creative rewards are endless! And it’s only when the student is ready that a rare teacher will appear! Using my technique will open the golden gate to a much more exciting, healthier, and productive life.

After this light hypnotic safe session, you will become much more aware of the principle involving the Superconscious creative forces and creating your fate with your thoughts is all about! Miracles do happen, I will teach and guide you to make your wishes become a reality!

You may go to the   PRESENTATION DETAILS  to read more. Sign up now, this course will fill up fast, email 



Reader, make sure to join and share my FB pages UFOs Astrology & Dr. Turi Predictions especially if you have questions about the Divine, UFO’s or anything under the stars!  Check also my videos from DrStarsSun on the road, join and share my crazy life!

There is NO physical Holy Grail, the biblical story is part of the universal religious deception imposed by the Church Inc./Vatican. The Holy Grail is symbolic, it simply means the aptitude for highly spiritually advanced souls to be able to drink at the source of all wisdom by understanding and mastering God’s cosmic design and Jesus’ initial cosmic Ministry or Divine Astrology. I do not expect a religiously poisoned, non-cosmic-conscious US society and the world at large to grasp the depth and reality of my claims just yet. However, since life is a constant process of endless changes the future and the Age of Aquarius (AI/UFOs/Astrology/the future of humanity will prove me right.

 “Be warned! the upcoming Pisces (religion) is about to unleash a tremendous avalanche of news involving the bible and cosmic unconscious pious indoctrinated Christian people fearing hell. All media will explode with religious posts as the Age of Pisces (deception/abuse) is dying. Church Inc. must fight to survive as the Age of Aquarius (freedom, understanding, humanities, technology, future, UFOs) slowly takes over. They will spend BILLIONS in advertisements to grasp scared, insecure people, especially souls born Neptunian and confused teens who are psychically vulnerable and seek hopes  and direction.”

“Five minutes after you are born they will decide your name, nationality, religion and tribe and you will spend the rest of your life smilingly defending things you did not choose” – Arthur Schopenhauer

In the name of fear, ignorance and control, politically oriented churches of the past are responsible for the Dark Ages movement that killed millions of people all around the world, especially women!

Religions have and can only bring more troubles and death to humanity, since what we are witnessing currently with Israel and Hamass in the Middle East (a Pisces area) is nothing else than an endless political religious war! 

Its going to get much worse before it get better!

Christian nationalists in the United States advocate “a fusion of identitarian Christian identity and cultural conservatism with American civic belonging.” It has been noted to bear overlap with Christian fundamentalism, white supremacy, the Seven Mountain Mandate movement, and dominionism.

Expect a full restructuring of the Middle East as the latest Israeli strike on a mosque and school in Gaza killed scores, sparking international outrage! If you read the quatrain below, it seems my visions for the Middle East, religions and the future of humanity can easily be perceived by smart and curious people…

Water, sky, oceans, oil drench
Dark clouds cities man cry drown
Jesus’s cosmic spirit rebirth 
Religions, Pisces deception Age die 

Written by Dr. Turi 6/23/24

Continued: So you will have to comeback often to check how real and knowledgeable I am and maybe realize my work deserves not only respect but sharing! 

But if you do not take the time to read and check my claims, how can I help you build more cosmic consciousness? So many psychics and prophets want to be everywhere, thus if you land something tangible, dated, well documented, and factual as mine, as a responsible human, it is your duty to share it widely! Another prediction I made…

MEMO from “Melania Trump -Predictions for the First Lady!” published October 19, 2020.

“But once the negative tail of the Dragon in Scorpio enters her 7th house (partnerships) from her Sun sign of Taurus around January 2022, she will be forced to “exit” her marriage with Trump or become much less active in public with him. The future is not good for their marriage, it could also be because of an imposed divorce, marriage dissolution, heart attack sudden death or assassination“

One of my students copied and sent me this paragraph published in one of my Nostradamus dragon forecast many years ago.

“This Dragon is against President Trump’s health and service to the world but most importantly his children and close family. Trump’s minions and his children are a target of the reptilius and many are been fined and already rotting in prison. Trump or one of his children may become sick, mentally unstable/suicidal, or become the target of the CIA, or be assassinated by a lost infected soul.”

I can only hope to be wrong in another sad prediction I made about former President Trump published 7/21/24 in Biden drops out of the race prediction & Kamala Harris Stars and Fate!” 

In my newsletter I mentioned Trump being a DUAL is prone to suffer another assassination attempton his life! Read more about this vision in Thomas Crooks’ Suicide – A born killer mind exposed!
And the FBI should read and take my warnings very seriously! 

The predictions for the future and UFO’s I have for humanity are not for the fainted heart and are only available for our VIP’s of the Cosmic Code private website!

“Show ne a reader, I’ll point out a winner!” Dr. Turi


A message from Terania Turi:
I do not do live consultation just yet, but I am very active my own way! If you have an interest in digging into the celestial mechanics of divine astrology or may not be familiar with the basics of the methodology, perhaps you would be interested in having a natal chart / an astro – mapping report / a basic compatibility report / biorhythms / cabalistic cleansing ritual report from Terania, all for only $50.
This would also be a perfect way for me to introduce you to our work and open the door to discover more potential information, leading to the truth about yourself and your life…
In which case, you can then set up a more in depth live Zoom consultation with the “master,” Dr. Turi and attain a new perception of reality and your goals in this lifetime.
Thank you all
Terania Turi
E-mail : for more information


Dr. Louis Turi in Phoenix, AZ // Thervo

I intend to do more lectures on the Superconscious creative forces and educate and heal people in many fine resorts in Florida. In the past, I lectured on this topic and hypnotized the attendance on countless cruise ships, in Casinos in Las Vegas, and in many hotels and spas around the world, if you can help or need my expertise email for more information. Indeed knowledge is power, ignorance is evil! 

Memo from Coast to Coast am October 16 2019 – In the second half, Dr. Louis Turi revealed how to harness the power of the subconscious mind, and explained how it shapes everything from world events to everyday personal motives and decisions. Turi believes that the subconscious is so powerful that it “gets your heart beating and stops an infection” and can even “alter the atomic structure of your body.” He said that the disciplines of psychology and psychiatry have yet to accept these concepts. Turi also described extraterrestrial races he’s been in contact with. He’s concluded that they affect human behavior both toward the positive and negative, depending on the source. The benevolent race, he continued, is known as the “Draconis,” and the evil or negative ones are the “Reptilians.” Turi stated that he’s been “contacted by the divine and it is speaking through me.”

He gave examples from his own life he’s made about the power of the subconscious. He recalled that when he was a child, he had a virulent infection in his ears, which only subsided after he left his parents’ home, where they raised their voices and fought constantly. He realized that his subconscious was telling him he didn’t want to hear them fighting, and he was only able to heal after he went to live with his grandmother “who never raised her voice. Turi also made predictions for this year and the next based on his study of astrology, saying that for the rest of 2019, political events and relationships will “go downhill,” and that there will be a “full restructure” of many groups and institutions in 2020. He also said that he is expecting “a lot of fire” and “a lot of wildlife to disappear.”  This was weeks before the terrible Australian and California fires who killed millions of animals!

I was fired from this popular radio program for mentioning that Trump could be assassinated, he would not be re-elected and COVID would kill millions! Read more!

 Another of my prediction came to pass…

Biden calls for major Supreme Court reforms, including term limits, at Civil Rights Act event

Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito Are “Subject to Corruption”: AOC
Clarence Thomas fails to disclose 3 more Harlan Crow trips, Senate records show
Justice Thomas raked in $4M in gifts, new report
Can Samuel Alito Survive Flag Controversy? 

Dr. Turi;
You predicted trouble for Supreme Court justices a long time ago . Now it is 
Insecurity reigns supreme while egocentric politicians tear themselves apart and high Court lawmakers impose their religious beliefs, change the laws on our backs, and abuse us all. 

My quatrain below speaks volume on my undeniable accurate visions about the abusive, deceptive retructuring legal system or what’s going on with judges and the DOJ! Yet only those who bought 2021/2022/2023/2024 Nostradamus dragon forecast were warned! Justice Thomas and Justice Alito karma is on the way!

Scale of justice trembles
Armed villains seek blood
Red dominates rainbow
Power tears judges fight dies

Posted to the world on September 3, 2022

The gravitational forces that move all galaxies is a scientific fact;   But the greatness of the spiritual cosmic manifesto is yet a mystery to humanity. God’s enslaved all his children to uncover his cosmic  Divinity and with it,  a life filled with health, love, respect, peace and harmony for all.

— Dr. Turi

“The universe is a BRIGHT LIVING spiritual entity… I’m offering its secrets before I die. The purpose of all my struggles  was to build cosmic wisdom and offer universal guidance and strengths to others” — Dr. Turi

Saudi Arabia says 1,301 died on Hajj this year

This absurdity of over 5000 man made religions indoctrination is mind boggling! When the new dragon enters Pisces in January 2025 a full restructure of all deceptive religions and the Vatican (death of the Pope)  will take place. Much more predictions for the future will be published on the Cosmic Code private website. Join now email

Water, sky, oceans, oil drench
Dark clouds cities man cry drown
Jesus’s cosmic spirit rebirth 
Religions, Pisces deception Age die 

Written by Dr. Turi /23/24

Join the cosmic code private website, read all in great details and be prepared for your future! Never separate yourself from God, we are all God’s and Goddesses in training on this dense physical world learning this fact! Religion is pure evil and created by the nefarious reptilius…

Jesus was teaching Astrology…
12 Apostles, 12 months, 12 hours, 12 jury, 12 tribes of Israel, 12 sins, 12 jury… Jesus was teaching Astrology but the Church Inc took it away from you… Jesus cosmic ministry has nothing to do with the bible. time to wake up to the truth but only smart and curious people will get it….
In time the New Age of Aquarius will obliterate this mental cancer. With Pluto in Aquarius and the upcoming new 2025 Dragon in Pisces, expect lots of water from the skies and fierce battles to keep all suffocating religions alive! The Israel-Hamas war is just the beginning! Christians and others denominations will try very hard to convince you Facebook! Expect an explosion of religious stuff as the deceptive Age of Pisces is ending! 

Remember reader, next September 2024 those newsletters and warnings will stop completely while my prices for consultations will rise significantly! I can only and strongly recommend you to join us and read the  special announcement below if you need any of my services! 

Sharing emails:

I did receive the Zoom recording, Dr. Turi thank you!


I do believe whole heartedly in your work and I am thankful to have had this once in a lifetime opportunity to meet with you! 

Thank you Dr. Turi for who you are as a person and for what you so selflessly give back to the world with all your wisdom and cosmic teachings! I do appreciate your dedication and sacrifices that you make daily for the greater good of mankind! 
It was a true honor, monsieur! God bless you and Terania and thank God for our divine timing, even if it was during a hurricane.. lol!
I’m sorry if I interrupted you too many times i was just excited .It was an eye opener for my husband after 30 years of me telling him he finally gets it . Thank you so much for reaching him he was so happy when we hung up he told me how much better he felt . Thank you for all the work you do the passion you have to reach everyone it’s truly amazing .☀️💫🌕

We are living in times where boneheads rise, intelligence fall, educated idiots reign supreme and thrive while genius and real get unrecognized.” Dr.Turi

No parents nowadays (outside of religion and science) are teaching their children who God truly is, spiritual matters, metaphysics and pay attention to the stars, their dreams, and master the art of divination using Divine astrology.

Since you were made at the image of God, love yourself with all the might of God because you were born to create.. Remember God <positive> would/could not be without the devil <negative> for without opposite life would be impossible. Yesterday in your past, your fears, your cosmic ignorance and your religion, you were EVIL..

The new smarter, curious, educated you is Godlike and in your positivity you reflect the light of God’s cosmic wisdom.

Indeed the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought, keep them positive since there is no future and no God in the past…

Share with smart people and never separate yourself from God. We are all God’s and Goddesses in training on this dense physical world learning this fact! Religions are pure evil and 5000 plus were created by the nefarious reptilius…

In order to regenerate their spirit to survive, one day your children will ask and look for the answers they could never get from science or religion. The results are dreadful as thousands of lost young souls seek refuge in drugs or commit suicide… And this is the mission I was assigned as a UFO contactee to perform for all the children of the future.


At 74, time is running out for me since I want to spend the last few years, I have left running my “Lady of the Seas” charter and hopefully meet many of you in my boat in the Florida keys during the summer holiday season.

I am working two jobs full time, one as a OTR driver for FedEx and the other doing endless Astrological consultations during my days off.  Check all my trips and videos from my Facebook page.

The idea is to save enough to invest in a bigger and safer yacht. But as I am getting closer to my goal after September 2024, making videos, writing newsletters and taking care of my endless chain of clients doing readings on Zoom will become impossible as the new business and the new website dedicated for this new business venture will take all our time.

Thus as of September 2024 my price for a Full Life Reading (regularly $350) will change to $500 and a live session on Zoom (regularly $700) will rise to $1000. My great webmaster Tom will make those changes on my website before then.

Note also, future full newsletters will only be posted and available from the private Cosmic Code website and only new and older supporting VIP’s and new and older Patreon supporters will not be affected by the price changes.

Thus if I mean anything to you, it is in your best interest to become a VIP and still have access to all my services and enjoy our yearly forecasts and daily guidance and predictions.  Join today!

As always if you have any questions simply email and she will take good care of you.

You are getting so little with my newsletters my friend, Terania and I have so much more to offer you on the Cosmic Code private website!Become a VIP Membership is only $10 and you are showing your support for our cosmic work please. Thank you

The only good news I have for you, since I will never get any form of support from a religiously poisoned society is that! The New Age of Aquarius(UFO’s/technology/Astrology/the future of humanity/the stars) is slowly but surely taking over the deceptive Age of Pisces and will in time, make all religions obsolete!

A much better understanding and use of God’s celestial creation await future generations and my mission is to insert the critical mental seeds to this upcoming wonderful cosmic enlightenment. 
Neptunian relies only on his intuition and his/her spirit to deal with the archetypal realm of supra-cosmic consciousness to translate his/her visions and predictions. Little do they know that there is only a very thin line between Divine Cosmic information, channeling and pure imagination! 
A true Neptunian is reluctant to engage in any form of rational studies and consequently is not cosmic conscious. He/she does not use nor understand the complexity of the super-conscious in time and space and the cosmic code jurisdictions, something that can only be revealed by mastering God’s cosmic design or Divine Astrology. 
The very idea of using critical thinking and mastering new tools explain all spiritual rules (outside of traditional religion) would also make them aware of their inherited celestial Divinity but it scares them. Going out of their Neptunian comfort zone and improving their physical vibrations is not an option!
Neptunians stubbornly trust only themselves, God, the spirit, and their mystical nature not knowing that God does not speak his cosmic language to unconscious fools.
All established professions require a form of education and the use of very specific tools! Imagine a mechanic fixing your car with his hands alone or a baker making bread without a mixer! 
Imagine a boat Captain driving a boat or a pilot flying a plane without knowing all the rules of the land, water, and sea. A Neptunian is unable to recognize his or her intellectual gift and capacities and limits and trust only God and their spirit! 
This is why taking and using any of my courses will elevate their cosmic vibrations and spiritual perceptions.
I taught and offered my Divine Astrology course to those willing to put in the effort and by building cosmic awareness, they now own the golden keys to what it means to be human. 
I also thought of the born psychic and suggested taking the Atro-Tarot course because this ancient art is all about the use of cards, the superconscious, metaphors, and intuition. 
 A born psychic can flourish and grow in its spiritual element, and become much more efficient than taking on a more demanding astrological study. 
A true born psychic is loaded with objectivity and intuition yet, they also lack basic critical thinking, and regardless of my elaborate and logical explanations, many of my clients have missed the boat to cosmic awareness and spiritual enlightenment. 
Neptune rules the Middle East and the youngest and deadliest religions (Christianity/Judaism/Islam) were born there, cursing the entire population and the world at large since Neptune rules the oceans and 3/4 of the world.
The deceptiveness and poisoning of the planet Neptune (gas / drugs / alcohol / medications / cults / religions / jails) has dramatic worldwide repercussions.
The burgeoning Age of Aquarius (UFOs/technology/humanitarianism/Astrology)is already changing humanity’s psychical vibrations and awareness… In other words, humans are slowly but surely becoming more curious about the planets’s impact upon humans and the world “the true birth of all religions,” educated, and smarter!
On the other hand, a true born Saturnian (atheist, agnostic, skeptic)is forbidden by God himself access to anything spiritual, including religion. The unevolved “Young Soul” has not yet reached the level of spiritual perception needed to realize and refine his/her awareness of the world (s) he/she lives in. 

Pythagoras | Biography, Facts & Impact |

Every man has been made by God in order to acquire knowledge and contemplate but not all men where born with the same UCI/stars. Pythagoras was certainly born with a strong Saturn or CapricornSun, moon, rising or Dragon!

God made those souls delegate the physical manifesto alone as we need reliable engineering (bridges / gearboxes / cars / tools / mechanics, etc.) on earth.
They can only perceive the world they live in through their five limited, rational human senses. God made sure their natal karmic UCI “Unique Celestial Identity” is earthy and loaded with Saturn’s restrictive down-to-earth low vibrations. 
“A magnet will not attract a piece of wood”
Unless you vibrate at my highly spiritual and rational cosmic speed you will be naturally attracted to me and my cosmic teachings… And those “super Humans” are quite rare! 
With the current warlike, aggressive, brutal Martian dragon in charge of this world (see quatrain below) until January 2025 the current state of this world is quite scary and will get worse.


German/Vikings Skin Alike
Black and White Red Blood
Fire War Violence  Passions Rule
God Nowhere To Stop Fires
Hitler’s Evil spirit reborn

Posted to the world on June 12, 2013 

Insecurity reigns supreme while egocentric politicians tear themselves apart and high Court lawmakers impose their religious beliefs, change the laws on our backs, and abuse us all. 

My quatrain below speaks volume on my undeniable accurate visions about the abusive, deceptive retructuring legal system or what’s going on with judges and the DOJ! Yet only those who bought 2021/2022/2023/2024 Nostradamus dragon forecast were warned! Justice Thomas and Justice Alito karma is on the way!

Scale of justice trembles
Armed villains seek blood
Red dominates rainbow
Power tears judges fight dies

Posted to the world on September 3, 2022

The gravitational forces that move all galaxies is a scientific fact;   But the greatness of the spiritual cosmic manifesto is yet a mystery to humanity. God’s enslaved all his children to uncover his cosmic  Divinity and with it,  a life filled with health, love, respect, peace and harmony for all.

— Dr. Turi

Taking care of your family and your bills has never been so difficult and if you think electing another cosmic unconscious president will change your life for the better, you are in LALA land!  
In any ways shape and form, if you feel depressed, insecure and lack of directions, we are here for you! Talk to terrania if needed 
Clienty feedback,
Dear Terania,
Thank you, the session was very insightful and enjoyable and I learnt some more astrology in the process.
I can highly recommend reading with Dr Turi. If you want to understand how and why things happen to you, the way they do and how you can make the most of the changing planets and their energies, the reading is for you!
With all the things that are going on around us, why leave home without a map!
And get a progressive reading for the year!
Thank you and God bless!
The current Aries/Libra dragon axis (as of July 2023) is IMPOSING changes by houses and signs and Mercury is telling you, you are not going in the right direction! Seek the light while you can.
You may be religiously poisoned and fearful of Divine Astrology. Your UCI “Unique Celestial Identity ” may be too earthy and turned you into a radical skeptic or agnostic that ridicule the idea of dealing with the future a cosmic God has in store for you.
All the while missing the great opportunity given to you by Mercury retrograde to bypass your fear and skepticism…  As a rule, it is only when the student is ready that the gifted cosmic teacher will appear and it is only when you ask that you shall receive the rewards of your curiosity!
  • Knowing where your Jupiter (luck) is located by house and sign and what your natal and hidden dragons (past lives) are predisposing you for will become a major contribution for your success in this lifetime.
  • Knowing all about your true soul’s purpose, and the planets stimulating your second house of money and self-esteem is a must if you need to invest and build long lasting financial wealth.
  • Knowing all about the Universal Law of the moon is not only a MUST but critical to make steady progress in life, because the moon is much more than a dead rock hanging above your head for the sake of beauty!
  • If you are lonely and looking for love, knowing all about the seat of attraction between human beings and your Venus’s location by house and sign is a great thing! And the planet of love will lead you to your soul mate!
  • If you are into natural healing or concerned with your health, do not fear! Knowing and using all the planets accordingly blessing your six house of health and work is a sure ticket to live a long life and regenerate at work.
  • For good or for worse, you are set to attract certain signs of the Zodiac for specific karmic, often difficult purposes, and knowing all about your partner’s stars is the only way to make a relationship work harmoniously.
  • The planet’s blessing your eleven house of groups, wishes, and friends must be acknowledged and used so all your goals can be reached. Respecting the perfect timing for socializing can only add more luck on your way.
  • What is your mission in life? what God designed you for mentally and physically to achieve on earth? What is your best career choice that will bring you the respect and position you need? Let me tell you all about the specific universal laws ruling your chart and your life!  These are the questions you must ask to succeed in a fate written in light for you.
  • Most importantly, what planets are blessing your subconscious creative forces where magic becomes a reality? Do you know enough about your subconscious potential where God resides? Are you using those formidable forces accordingly and efficiently? Let me enlighten you on this amazing process!
  • Knowledge is power, ignorance is evil, did you watch my movie on the Super-conscious? Did you read my best seller “Beyond The Secret?” 

“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that we may lead a safer more productive life!” Paracelsus

If you are ready for me, I am ready for you and I can promess you I will change your life for the best! But before meeting with me on Zoom, please read the following! 


If you did not yet, you MUST read Dr. Turi FREE Astro-Tarot Daily Celestial Guidance And Predictions For All to benefit from my regular free guidance and prediction. 

 if you miss my full cosmic code newsletters become a VIP or a Patreon supporter! 

Show your support join my medias









Diddy’s Mansion & Hurricane Helene Undeniable Prediction


DSC106[1]“The universe is under no obligation to make any SPIRITUAL sense to anyone” Dr. Turi

“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior  wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth using his will is a magus and  magic is not sorcery but Supreme wisdom.” Paracelsus


Super-conscious Power to Heal the Body, Mind and Soul 

Terania and I are planning to do a ZOOM HYPNOTHERAPY TUTORING session on Sunday, November 10th and Monday, November 11th. I picked 11-11 because it has always been a magic number and I will fully explain why many of you have experienced this recurring “superconscious” phenomenon…

I want to personally thanks the many new students who signed up for this healing educational tuition and we still have room for you for more students…

There is much more involved in this course than what I can discuss just yet, but with time and patience realizing and accordingly using your inner subconscious power will come to the fore. Tapping on the superconscious creative forces is a sure ticket to better both, your inner and physical life! Yet if you are not curious enough and ask for the Divine, how can your life change?


I will take the time to explain this fact in great detail and I will also take the time to remove it and offer the answers to anyone interested in knowing their mental dilemma at a personal level… 

It starts by being inquisitive and in a couple of days harness supreme wisdom instead of spending years  suffering and wondering why you can’t reach your goals… God’s creative power is limitless and works on both the spiritual and physical planes, yet again, it is only if you ask that you shall receive!

Reading this article is not an accident, its you being at the right time at the right place and offering you the winning numbers of the lottery, thus let others’ skepticism and lack of curiosity “miss the boat!”

The first part of the course will take two to four hours of education involving the difference between the subconscious and the super-conscious creative force. Multiple examples will be used to assimilate the stimulating power and how to direct it correctly. This course will be entertaining and educational and greatly change your perception and concept of reality.

Do you wish for better health, more energy, more drive, more focus? Do you want to reverse the clock and look and feel younger like me? Do you want to attract and use the Divine? Do you want a better vision , a better job or start your own business but don’t know how? Do you want more magnetism and attract or maintain love?

You were born with God’s power to create your reality and enjoy life to the fullest. It is YOUR choice and your decision alone to ask in order to receive! All you need is to plan for some time alone with me as your guide to the high magical forces you were born to seek and use.

Following the basic introductory training along with soft music, my voice will take you up to your subconscious then the super-conscious, and open the golden door to God’s divine power…

The positive inserted suggestions will be sealed within the depth of your subconscious and lead you to a much more positive attitude towards life in general and shape your future since the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought!

During the second part of the course, under my supervision, once confident and ready, each student will practice and perform a hypnotic session on all of us.  

This is an experience you will never forget for as long as you live and the creative rewards are endless! And it’s only when the student is ready that a rare teacher will appear! Using my technique will open the golden gate to a much more exciting, healthier, and productive life.

After this light hypnotic safe session, you will become much more aware of the principle involving the Superconscious creative forces and creating your fate with your thoughts is all about! Miracles do happen, I will teach and guide you to make your wishes become a reality!

You may go to the   PRESENTATION DETAILS  to read more. Sign up now, this course will fill up fast, email 


Dear reader,

A few of you asked me to do the stars and fate of Sean “Diddy” Combs, enjoy the power of Divine Astrology/Astro-psychology…

Sean “dirty” Combs was born  November 4, 1969 under the horny sign of Scorpio. On the negative side, this sign rules sex, crooked cops, FBI, the police, the mob, criminals, control and abuses, it seems Combs is a true Lizard not an Eagle!
His lucky Dragon’s Head is in the creative sign of Pisces (the arts/music) but Combs is not cosmic conscious and like all crooks, he succumbed to the powerful pull of his tail…
FBI Seize ‘Incriminating’ Kim Kardashian Tapes From Diddy’s Mansion
With his moon (home) and Pluto (sexual obsession) on his negative Dragon’s Tail in Virgo (the voyeur), those planets made “Diddy” “Virginal” with an attraction to young, white, pure, innocent vulnerable kids, thus the reptilius evil was at home! 

UPDATE 3/27/24 – Creepy’ footage of P Diddy with Justin Bieber at 15 resurfaces as fans share concerns 

Bieber is a Pisces and Diddy’s 5th house of “fatal attraction and love” as a Scorpio is Pisces! Pluto (supreme sexual drive, control and power/rapists/killers/prostitutes/porn) the ruler of Scorpio in the sign of Virgo enunciates a very strong drive to watch, abuse other sexually and gain from his immature victims.

Saturn the great malefic/karma, powerful people is in Diddy’s 7th house (the public) and he attracted a lot of famous and wealthy people looking for sex who did not mind paying him tons of money to feed his wallet and his humongous sickness and his reptilius infected ego. 
No one can or will escape karma, it is just a matter of time before the iron wrist of the law (and God’s will) punish the perpetrator!
Sex / Secrets to light

Before discussing the next SOS to the world deadly window, let me clarify a few things that may bring more trust in my UFOs predictive legacy.

September SOS to the world deadly windows Posted by Dr. Turi on August 31, 2024 at 7:02am



September 24, 25, 26

Nature Men to Strike Hard
New Horizons Following Tragedy
Much to Fall Nothing Made to Last
Tears Pain Death Prayers A New Life for Many


America / New Beginning / Ending of important phases of life / War / Real Estate / Families Tragedies / Cancelation / End of life / Forced Relocation / Forced Actions / Man Destructive Actions / Deadly Weather / Natural Disaster / Deadly Emotions / A new Planned and/or Unplanned life For Many 

Memo: Expect the beginning or ending of important parts of life and forced relocation due to natural disasters or man made endless wars. This window will affect all human affairs, would it be personal or political… So be cautious and listen to all the people around you, watch the news, and others’ personal lives forced into noticeable change!   

My window always predisposes for earthquakes at or above 6.0

6.0 – magnitude earthquake near Villa General Roca, San Luis, Argentina
9/26/24 – 6.3 magnitude earthquakein Mauritius Reunion


New Horizons Following Tragedy – Tears Pain Death Prayers A New Life for Many

 Does the keywords New Horizons Following Tragedy – Tears Pain Death Prayers – Deadly Weather / Natural Disaster and A New Life for Many speak of the reality of my predictions?

Do you think thousands of people experienced the beguinning and/or ending of a portion of their lives last few days? Do you think many of Floridian will move away knowling Helene was the strongest hurricane on record to slam into Florida’s Big Bend region? I am convince thousands will!

Note also, as with Helene, I predicted Hurricane Idalia, Hurricane Katrina on Coast top Coast am radio and hurricane Ian well before their formation in the Atlantic ocean!
“All the while NASA is wasting millions, and the NWS and NOOA can only follow and report the deadly hurricane a sit unfols! On August 31, 2022, BEFORE IAN FORMED in the Atlantic Ocean, using my SOS to the world deadly window and the power of the moon, as intended by God himself, I gave the date of September 28, and as I always do, warned my international reading audience through my quatrain of all the current anticipated deadly news!”
And that is what makes the difference between real predictions and fiction, yet as with my well documented, dated and published earthquakes predictions above 6.0, the scientific community, USGS, and NASA are, like the FBI and the police, “POLICE REQUIEM” ignoring me and refuse to invest in my gift!
Fear of the ridicule, lack of curiosity, educated pride, religion and cosmic ignorance are to blame. Lastly do you think you should promote my work since is it real? Do so and gain good karma for being part of the solution…
Sad enough sometimes I feel my gift is wasted since a pious and/or atheist society is unable and unwilling to investigate and make good use of my cosmic work! 
“Don’t give pearls of wisdom to swines” Jesus
We are living in times where boneheads rise, intelligence fall, educated idiots reign supreme and thrive while genius and real get unrecognized.” Dr.Turi
And if the above is not clear enough to prepare you for future floodings, hurricanes and natural disasters does the quatrain I wrote back in June 2024 below mean anything at all? 

Water, sky, oceans, oil drench
Dark clouds cities man cry drown
Jesus’s cosmic spirit rebirth 
Religions, Pisces deception Age die 

Written by Dr. Turi 6/23/24

Very small sample/scepters taken from my upcoming 2025 Nostradamus universal and personal forecast for all signs. Order your copy today, be the first one to get my predictions, be warned, be smart and be prepared! Email 

Prediction #1 of 25: “The very HOT and WINDY weather climate pattern will help evil souls/terrorists to light more fires all over the US! Expect more natural disasters (fires/quakes/hurricanes/volcanic eruptions (death by fires/explosions/wars and chemicals) never experienced before!.

This year 2025 expect another deadly hurricane season, devastating flooding, and earthquakes of extreme magnitudes putting dams, 9/27/24 (Helene put two dams in jeopardy of collapsing, Lake Lure Dam in North Carolina and Tennessee’s Nolichucky Dam. Officials said Friday the failure of the Lake Lure Dam was “imminent,”)

Continued:  bridges, roads, and coastal cities in jeopardy. Many people will be forced by Mother Nature to move due to more deadly and regular natural disasters.  As usual, those natural disasters will take place during my SOS to the world’s deadly windows! 

Mother Earth will show her utmost disruptive powers and cause the world to wonder if the apocalypse is upon us reinforcing deceptive religious archaic teachings…  More and more religiously poisoned lost souls will make their fearful indoctrinated voices known and harrass us to “repent and seek Jesus” on social medias. Do not support the reptilus negative agenda the benevolent Draconis are working overtime to keep the earth and its precious human cargo safe in the long run!

Prediction #3: With all those calamities induced by the Neptunius Pisces Dragon (manipulated by the reptilius) pious people will continue to “unconsciously” feed the reptilius with the fear they desperately need to survive in Dark Matter!

Do you think the killing of Hassan Nasrallah marks a new beguining of the war in the Middle East? And yes, everythingyou read on the news today was fully predicted in my 2023, 2024 and now 2025 Nostradamus universal and personal forecast for all signs!

Read more below and share this newsletter please! Do you think the killing of Hassan Nasrallah marks a new beguinning of the war in the Middle East? And yes, everything you read on the news today was fully predicted years ago!

Hezbollah confirms death of leader Hassan Nasrallah

Prediction #16 – The Aries Martian dragon will induce all sorts of traumatic news killing innocent people and will increase the possibility of MASS deaths. (Israel/Hamas war.)The new Pisces dragon right on the Middle East is demanding for a full restructure of the oil industry and the entire region! The oceans and seas will suffer more pollution affecting sealife/water and food supply.

Do you consider this piece of news an ending of life? Thai farmer forced to kill more than 100 endangered crocodiles after a typhoon damaged their enclosure?”

Do you consider this piece of news another beguinning designed to end the nightmare experienced by those astronauts? SpaceX set to launch mission to return long-delayed Starliner astronauts, and those NASA educated and rich idiots (Elon Musk) want you to believe one day man will reach and live on Mars? OMG, Have Mercy on your children’ stupidity! 

The second part of the quatrain refer to religion “Pope vows to root out ‘scourge’ of sexual abuse after unusually frank plea from Belgian PM”  Pope Francis’s current European tour is designed to bring more deceived people to the Church Inc. trap of fear and ignorance.  Little do they know that Jesus was teaching Astrology!


October SOS to the world deadly windows Posted by Dr. Turi on September 27, 2024 at 9:03pm



October 3, 4, 5, 6 – //-//-//-//

Hidden secrets, sex, money come to light
Raw power challenges police deadly villains
Ugly face of death drama horror surface 
 Nature man’s religion bloody folly reign 


*Russia / Famous Death / *Dramatic Death News / Mass death / Police news / Police brutality / FBI / CIA / Secret services / Secrets to light / Mob / Scandals / Terrorism / Assassination / Cyber-attacks / Abduction / Finances / *IRS / Super wealth / Sex / Porn / Prostitution / Life and death / Serial Killers / Undiluted truth /Dying/Rebirthing / Nature and Man-Made Wake up Call.  

Memo – “Avoid large gatherings especially at night during any of my 2022 deadly Plutonic windows!”   The reptilius are after the police, government officials, and children/teens! Policing will be so dangerous that many brave servants will quit and the number of cops getting killed or killing citizens will explode in the months to come. Infected criminals will get bolder and wilder committing crimes against the police and the public never experienced before!”




Alien Event, an Expo Conference OCT 17-20, 2024.

I hope you will join us in Las Vegas and enjoy all speaker’s wisdom including my presentation titled “Hypnotherapy  with Dr. Turi” and it will take place on Sunday October 20th.

In this world of troubles, wars and nuclear fear taping in the collective superconscious for hopes and personal success becomes also a major contribution to wish for peace on earth.  At a personal level, do you want a better health, do you want to attract love, more money or a great career? With smooth, relaxing soft  music Dr. Turi will put the audience in a light and safe trance to reach the power you were born to use. An experience you will enjoy and never forget…

Travis is a Libra; on the negative side, this sign has a very addictive, aggressive personality. She could get hurt physically in the process and Travis end up in jail! Drugs, alcohol, and religion are the downfall of Libra!Both Taylor and Travis are rich and famous but not cosmic conscious and do not know anything about the dragon’s power in the sign of Leo cursing their love lives, health, and through fame!
US embassy urging Americans to leave Lebanon as soon as possible
The staggering fall of Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs – from music mogul to criminal charges 
Phased reopening of Apalachee High School scheduled to begin this week.
US soldier who fled to North Korea receives sentence
A cat who got lost in Yellowstone National Park traveled nearly 1,000 miles back home after 2 months

Dear reader, 

Before anything, let me apologize for some mishap involving my latest radio show “Dr. Turi on air, with Rob Kalil, of Typical Skeptic Podcast”

The host did not want me to talk about politics and I respected his wish and, in my mind, I did not! Yet he has to edit the show and remove all the proof of undeniable previous predictions involving former President Trump and Kamala Harris!

The talk was not about debating politics but offering proof of the validity of ASTROLOGY and the reality of UFO’s!  I did not batch, blame, or support any presidential candidate and wrote the following to him…

My cosmic work is all about astrological predictions and no politics… I use people from all walks of life, presidents, famous people, killers, and anything under the stars…  You may go to his Facebook page and scroll down a few day to listen to it!
Sad enough MAGA cannot detach themselves from their emotions and managed to remove my movies and get me fired from Amazon Prime because of my accuracy predicting Trump would not be elected and COVID would kill millions. 
Coast to Coast AM radio also fired me for my accuracy. My work is not designed to benefit pinheads but those able and willing to make good use of it… Lesson learned, “don’t give pearls of wisdom to swine” Jesus 

The last SHOCKING window involves the possibility of incredible videos to surface and it is not every day that a python is found strangling a woman! Only if you keep up with my dated warnings and read “Trump’s Assassination Prediction 2 & Taylor Swift’s Relationship’ With Travis Kelce” will you realize the critical values of my cosmic work and begin to decipher those various cosmic winds!


 “Be cautious of the September 20, 21, 22 SOS window expect the same type of dramactic deadly police news as the ones found in SOS to the world September 6,7, 8, 9 You Have Been Warned!Check “Russia/Putin will make the news…” 

UPDATE 9/22/24


At least 558 killed in Lebanon and thousands flee as IDF ramps up airstrikes against the militant group
More than 1,600 people have been injured, 35 children and 58 women were among the dead

Deadliest day of Israeli strikes in Lebanon since 2006
4 killed and 17 injured in Alabama mass shooting. Victims were on the sidewalk or street, police say
At least 22 killed in Israeli strike on Gaza school compound
Kentucky judge had lunch with the sheriff now arrested in his killing
At least 51 dead in Iran coal mine blast
California sues ExxonMobil for alleged decades of deception around plastic recycling
Boeing is raising its offer to end the strike


Only our VIPs were prepared for this “new beginning/ending of important phases of life” and unless you join us and plan your life  around those windows (ALL YEAR ROUND, OR BE EXTREMELY CAREFUL THEN) you may experience stress, financial loss, and even lose your life! There is no room for ignorance on how God speaks to his children through the signs/stars!

When I say “be ready for big changes” its both on a personal and universal way! All you have to do is pay attention to what’s going on in your life or others! Various examples of what’s going on with mine our new Nostradamus 2025 dragon forecast for all signs, etc.  is explained in the video!


Reader, make sure to join and share my FB pages UFOs Astrology & Dr. Turi Predictions especially if you have questions about the Divine, UFO’s or anything under the stars!  Check also my videos from DrStarsSun on the road, join and share my crazy life!

There is NO physical Holy Grail, the biblical story is part of the universal religious deception imposed by the Church Inc./Vatican. The Holy Grail is symbolic, it simply means the aptitude for highly spiritually advanced souls to be able to drink at the source of all wisdom by understanding and mastering God’s cosmic design and Jesus’ initial cosmic Ministry or Divine Astrology. I do not expect a religiously poisoned, non-cosmic-conscious US society and the world at large to grasp the depth and reality of my claims just yet. However, since life is a constant process of endless changes the future and the Age of Aquarius (AI/UFOs/Astrology/the future of humanity will prove me right.

 “Be warned! the upcoming Pisces (religion) is about to unleash a tremendous avalanche of news involving the bible and cosmic unconscious pious indoctrinated Christian people fearing hell. All media will explode with religious posts as the Age of Pisces (deception/abuse) is dying. Church Inc. must fight to survive as the Age of Aquarius (freedom, understanding, humanities, technology, future, UFOs) slowly takes over. They will spend BILLIONS in advertisements to grasp scared, insecure people, especially souls born Neptunian and confused teens who are psychically vulnerable and seek hopes  and direction.”

“Five minutes after you are born they will decide your name, nationality, religion and tribe and you will spend the rest of your life smilingly defending things you did not choose” – Arthur Schopenhauer

In the name of fear, ignorance and control, politically oriented churches of the past are responsible for the Dark Ages movement that killed millions of people all around the world, especially women!

Religions have and can only bring more troubles and death to humanity, since what we are witnessing currently with Israel and Hamass in the Middle East (a Pisces area) is nothing else than an endless political religious war! 

Its going to get much worse before it get better!

Christian nationalists in the United States advocate “a fusion of identitarian Christian identity and cultural conservatism with American civic belonging.” It has been noted to bear overlap with Christian fundamentalism, white supremacy, the Seven Mountain Mandate movement, and dominionism.

Expect a full restructuring of the Middle East as the latest Israeli strike on a mosque and school in Gaza killed scores, sparking international outrage! If you read the quatrain below, it seems my visions for the Middle East, religions and the future of humanity can easily be perceived by smart and curious people…

Water, sky, oceans, oil drench
Dark clouds cities man cry drown
Jesus’s cosmic spirit rebirth 
Religions, Pisces deception Age die 

Written by Dr. Turi 6/23/24

Continued: So you will have to comeback often to check how real and knowledgeable I am and maybe realize my work deserves not only respect but sharing! 

But if you do not take the time to read and check my claims, how can I help you build more cosmic consciousness? So many psychics and prophets want to be everywhere, thus if you land something tangible, dated, well documented, and factual as mine, as a responsible human, it is your duty to share it widely! Another prediction I made…

MEMO from “Melania Trump -Predictions for the First Lady!” published October 19, 2020.

“But once the negative tail of the Dragon in Scorpio enters her 7th house (partnerships) from her Sun sign of Taurus around January 2022, she will be forced to “exit” her marriage with Trump or become much less active in public with him. The future is not good for their marriage, it could also be because of an imposed divorce, marriage dissolution, heart attack sudden death or assassination“

One of my students copied and sent me this paragraph published in one of my Nostradamus dragon forecast many years ago.

“This Dragon is against President Trump’s health and service to the world but most importantly his children and close family. Trump’s minions and his children are a target of the reptilius and many are been fined and already rotting in prison. Trump or one of his children may become sick, mentally unstable/suicidal, or become the target of the CIA, or be assassinated by a lost infected soul.”

I can only hope to be wrong in another sad prediction I made about former President Trump published 7/21/24 in Biden drops out of the race prediction & Kamala Harris Stars and Fate!” 

In my newsletter I mentioned Trump being a DUAL is prone to suffer another assassination attempton his life! Read more about this vision in Thomas Crooks’ Suicide – A born killer mind exposed!
And the FBI should read and take my warnings very seriously! 

The predictions for the future and UFO’s I have for humanity are not for the fainted heart and are only available for our VIP’s of the Cosmic Code private website!

“Show ne a reader, I’ll point out a winner!” Dr. Turi


A message from Terania Turi:
I do not do live consultation just yet, but I am very active my own way! If you have an interest in digging into the celestial mechanics of divine astrology or may not be familiar with the basics of the methodology, perhaps you would be interested in having a natal chart / an astro – mapping report / a basic compatibility report / biorhythms / cabalistic cleansing ritual report from Terania, all for only $50.
This would also be a perfect way for me to introduce you to our work and open the door to discover more potential information, leading to the truth about yourself and your life…
In which case, you can then set up a more in depth live Zoom consultation with the “master,” Dr. Turi and attain a new perception of reality and your goals in this lifetime.
Thank you all
Terania Turi
E-mail : for more information


Dr. Louis Turi in Phoenix, AZ // Thervo

I intend to do more lectures on the Superconscious creative forces and educate and heal people in many fine resorts in Florida. In the past, I lectured on this topic and hypnotized the attendance on countless cruise ships, in Casinos in Las Vegas, and in many hotels and spas around the world, if you can help or need my expertise email for more information. Indeed knowledge is power, ignorance is evil! 

Memo from Coast to Coast am October 16 2019 – In the second half, Dr. Louis Turi revealed how to harness the power of the subconscious mind, and explained how it shapes everything from world events to everyday personal motives and decisions. Turi believes that the subconscious is so powerful that it “gets your heart beating and stops an infection” and can even “alter the atomic structure of your body.” He said that the disciplines of psychology and psychiatry have yet to accept these concepts. Turi also described extraterrestrial races he’s been in contact with. He’s concluded that they affect human behavior both toward the positive and negative, depending on the source. The benevolent race, he continued, is known as the “Draconis,” and the evil or negative ones are the “Reptilians.” Turi stated that he’s been “contacted by the divine and it is speaking through me.”

He gave examples from his own life he’s made about the power of the subconscious. He recalled that when he was a child, he had a virulent infection in his ears, which only subsided after he left his parents’ home, where they raised their voices and fought constantly. He realized that his subconscious was telling him he didn’t want to hear them fighting, and he was only able to heal after he went to live with his grandmother “who never raised her voice. Turi also made predictions for this year and the next based on his study of astrology, saying that for the rest of 2019, political events and relationships will “go downhill,” and that there will be a “full restructure” of many groups and institutions in 2020. He also said that he is expecting “a lot of fire” and “a lot of wildlife to disappear.”  This was weeks before the terrible Australian and California fires who killed millions of animals!

I was fired from this popular radio program for mentioning that Trump could be assassinated, he would not be re-elected and COVID would kill millions! Read more!

 Another of my prediction came to pass…

Biden calls for major Supreme Court reforms, including term limits, at Civil Rights Act event

Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito Are “Subject to Corruption”: AOC
Clarence Thomas fails to disclose 3 more Harlan Crow trips, Senate records show
Justice Thomas raked in $4M in gifts, new report
Can Samuel Alito Survive Flag Controversy? 

Dr. Turi;
You predicted trouble for Supreme Court justices a long time ago . Now it is 
Insecurity reigns supreme while egocentric politicians tear themselves apart and high Court lawmakers impose their religious beliefs, change the laws on our backs, and abuse us all. 

My quatrain below speaks volume on my undeniable accurate visions about the abusive, deceptive retructuring legal system or what’s going on with judges and the DOJ! Yet only those who bought 2021/2022/2023/2024 Nostradamus dragon forecast were warned! Justice Thomas and Justice Alito karma is on the way!

Scale of justice trembles
Armed villains seek blood
Red dominates rainbow
Power tears judges fight dies

Posted to the world on September 3, 2022

The gravitational forces that move all galaxies is a scientific fact;   But the greatness of the spiritual cosmic manifesto is yet a mystery to humanity. God’s enslaved all his children to uncover his cosmic  Divinity and with it,  a life filled with health, love, respect, peace and harmony for all.

— Dr. Turi

“The universe is a BRIGHT LIVING spiritual entity… I’m offering its secrets before I die. The purpose of all my struggles  was to build cosmic wisdom and offer universal guidance and strengths to others” — Dr. Turi

Saudi Arabia says 1,301 died on Hajj this year

This absurdity of over 5000 man made religions indoctrination is mind boggling! When the new dragon enters Pisces in January 2025 a full restructure of all deceptive religions and the Vatican (death of the Pope)  will take place. Much more predictions for the future will be published on the Cosmic Code private website. Join now email

Water, sky, oceans, oil drench
Dark clouds cities man cry drown
Jesus’s cosmic spirit rebirth 
Religions, Pisces deception Age die 

Written by Dr. Turi /23/24

Join the cosmic code private website, read all in great details and be prepared for your future! Never separate yourself from God, we are all God’s and Goddesses in training on this dense physical world learning this fact! Religion is pure evil and created by the nefarious reptilius…

Jesus was teaching Astrology…
12 Apostles, 12 months, 12 hours, 12 jury, 12 tribes of Israel, 12 sins, 12 jury… Jesus was teaching Astrology but the Church Inc took it away from you… Jesus cosmic ministry has nothing to do with the bible. time to wake up to the truth but only smart and curious people will get it….
In time the New Age of Aquarius will obliterate this mental cancer. With Pluto in Aquarius and the upcoming new 2025 Dragon in Pisces, expect lots of water from the skies and fierce battles to keep all suffocating religions alive! The Israel-Hamas war is just the beginning! Christians and others denominations will try very hard to convince you Facebook! Expect an explosion of religious stuff as the deceptive Age of Pisces is ending! 

Remember reader, next September 2024 those newsletters and warnings will stop completely while my prices for consultations will rise significantly! I can only and strongly recommend you to join us and read the  special announcement below if you need any of my services! 

Sharing emails:

I did receive the Zoom recording, Dr. Turi thank you!


I do believe whole heartedly in your work and I am thankful to have had this once in a lifetime opportunity to meet with you! 

Thank you Dr. Turi for who you are as a person and for what you so selflessly give back to the world with all your wisdom and cosmic teachings! I do appreciate your dedication and sacrifices that you make daily for the greater good of mankind! 
It was a true honor, monsieur! God bless you and Terania and thank God for our divine timing, even if it was during a hurricane.. lol!
I’m sorry if I interrupted you too many times i was just excited .It was an eye opener for my husband after 30 years of me telling him he finally gets it . Thank you so much for reaching him he was so happy when we hung up he told me how much better he felt . Thank you for all the work you do the passion you have to reach everyone it’s truly amazing .☀️💫🌕

We are living in times where boneheads rise, intelligence fall, educated idiots reign supreme and thrive while genius and real get unrecognized.” Dr.Turi

No parents nowadays (outside of religion and science) are teaching their children who God truly is, spiritual matters, metaphysics and pay attention to the stars, their dreams, and master the art of divination using Divine astrology.

Since you were made at the image of God, love yourself with all the might of God because you were born to create.. Remember God <positive> would/could not be without the devil <negative> for without opposite life would be impossible. Yesterday in your past, your fears, your cosmic ignorance and your religion, you were EVIL..

The new smarter, curious, educated you is Godlike and in your positivity you reflect the light of God’s cosmic wisdom.

Indeed the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought, keep them positive since there is no future and no God in the past…

Share with smart people and never separate yourself from God. We are all God’s and Goddesses in training on this dense physical world learning this fact! Religions are pure evil and 5000 plus were created by the nefarious reptilius…

In order to regenerate their spirit to survive, one day your children will ask and look for the answers they could never get from science or religion. The results are dreadful as thousands of lost young souls seek refuge in drugs or commit suicide… And this is the mission I was assigned as a UFO contactee to perform for all the children of the future.


At 74, time is running out for me since I want to spend the last few years, I have left running my “Lady of the Seas” charter and hopefully meet many of you in my boat in the Florida keys during the summer holiday season.

I am working two jobs full time, one as a OTR driver for FedEx and the other doing endless Astrological consultations during my days off.  Check all my trips and videos from my Facebook page.

The idea is to save enough to invest in a bigger and safer yacht. But as I am getting closer to my goal after September 2024, making videos, writing newsletters and taking care of my endless chain of clients doing readings on Zoom will become impossible as the new business and the new website dedicated for this new business venture will take all our time.

Thus as of September 2024 my price for a Full Life Reading (regularly $350) will change to $500 and a live session on Zoom (regularly $700) will rise to $1000. My great webmaster Tom will make those changes on my website before then.

Note also, future full newsletters will only be posted and available from the private Cosmic Code website and only new and older supporting VIP’s and new and older Patreon supporters will not be affected by the price changes.

Thus if I mean anything to you, it is in your best interest to become a VIP and still have access to all my services and enjoy our yearly forecasts and daily guidance and predictions.  Join today!

As always if you have any questions simply email and she will take good care of you.

You are getting so little with my newsletters my friend, Terania and I have so much more to offer you on the Cosmic Code private website!Become a VIP Membership is only $10 and you are showing your support for our cosmic work please. Thank you

The only good news I have for you, since I will never get any form of support from a religiously poisoned society is that! The New Age of Aquarius(UFO’s/technology/Astrology/the future of humanity/the stars) is slowly but surely taking over the deceptive Age of Pisces and will in time, make all religions obsolete!

A much better understanding and use of God’s celestial creation await future generations and my mission is to insert the critical mental seeds to this upcoming wonderful cosmic enlightenment. 
Neptunian relies only on his intuition and his/her spirit to deal with the archetypal realm of supra-cosmic consciousness to translate his/her visions and predictions. Little do they know that there is only a very thin line between Divine Cosmic information, channeling and pure imagination! 
A true Neptunian is reluctant to engage in any form of rational studies and consequently is not cosmic conscious. He/she does not use nor understand the complexity of the super-conscious in time and space and the cosmic code jurisdictions, something that can only be revealed by mastering God’s cosmic design or Divine Astrology. 
The very idea of using critical thinking and mastering new tools explain all spiritual rules (outside of traditional religion) would also make them aware of their inherited celestial Divinity but it scares them. Going out of their Neptunian comfort zone and improving their physical vibrations is not an option!
Neptunians stubbornly trust only themselves, God, the spirit, and their mystical nature not knowing that God does not speak his cosmic language to unconscious fools.
All established professions require a form of education and the use of very specific tools! Imagine a mechanic fixing your car with his hands alone or a baker making bread without a mixer! 
Imagine a boat Captain driving a boat or a pilot flying a plane without knowing all the rules of the land, water, and sea. A Neptunian is unable to recognize his or her intellectual gift and capacities and limits and trust only God and their spirit! 
This is why taking and using any of my courses will elevate their cosmic vibrations and spiritual perceptions.
I taught and offered my Divine Astrology course to those willing to put in the effort and by building cosmic awareness, they now own the golden keys to what it means to be human. 
I also thought of the born psychic and suggested taking the Atro-Tarot course because this ancient art is all about the use of cards, the superconscious, metaphors, and intuition. 
 A born psychic can flourish and grow in its spiritual element, and become much more efficient than taking on a more demanding astrological study. 
A true born psychic is loaded with objectivity and intuition yet, they also lack basic critical thinking, and regardless of my elaborate and logical explanations, many of my clients have missed the boat to cosmic awareness and spiritual enlightenment. 
Neptune rules the Middle East and the youngest and deadliest religions (Christianity/Judaism/Islam) were born there, cursing the entire population and the world at large since Neptune rules the oceans and 3/4 of the world.
The deceptiveness and poisoning of the planet Neptune (gas / drugs / alcohol / medications / cults / religions / jails) has dramatic worldwide repercussions.
The burgeoning Age of Aquarius (UFOs/technology/humanitarianism/Astrology)is already changing humanity’s psychical vibrations and awareness… In other words, humans are slowly but surely becoming more curious about the planets’s impact upon humans and the world “the true birth of all religions,” educated, and smarter!
On the other hand, a true born Saturnian (atheist, agnostic, skeptic)is forbidden by God himself access to anything spiritual, including religion. The unevolved “Young Soul” has not yet reached the level of spiritual perception needed to realize and refine his/her awareness of the world (s) he/she lives in. 

Pythagoras | Biography, Facts & Impact |

Every man has been made by God in order to acquire knowledge and contemplate but not all men where born with the same UCI/stars. Pythagoras was certainly born with a strong Saturn or CapricornSun, moon, rising or Dragon!

God made those souls delegate the physical manifesto alone as we need reliable engineering (bridges / gearboxes / cars / tools / mechanics, etc.) on earth.
They can only perceive the world they live in through their five limited, rational human senses. God made sure their natal karmic UCI “Unique Celestial Identity” is earthy and loaded with Saturn’s restrictive down-to-earth low vibrations. 
“A magnet will not attract a piece of wood”
Unless you vibrate at my highly spiritual and rational cosmic speed you will be naturally attracted to me and my cosmic teachings… And those “super Humans” are quite rare! 
With the current warlike, aggressive, brutal Martian dragon in charge of this world (see quatrain below) until January 2025 the current state of this world is quite scary and will get worse.


German/Vikings Skin Alike
Black and White Red Blood
Fire War Violence  Passions Rule
God Nowhere To Stop Fires
Hitler’s Evil spirit reborn

Posted to the world on June 12, 2013 

Insecurity reigns supreme while egocentric politicians tear themselves apart and high Court lawmakers impose their religious beliefs, change the laws on our backs, and abuse us all. 

My quatrain below speaks volume on my undeniable accurate visions about the abusive, deceptive retructuring legal system or what’s going on with judges and the DOJ! Yet only those who bought 2021/2022/2023/2024 Nostradamus dragon forecast were warned! Justice Thomas and Justice Alito karma is on the way!

Scale of justice trembles
Armed villains seek blood
Red dominates rainbow
Power tears judges fight dies

Posted to the world on September 3, 2022

The gravitational forces that move all galaxies is a scientific fact;   But the greatness of the spiritual cosmic manifesto is yet a mystery to humanity. God’s enslaved all his children to uncover his cosmic  Divinity and with it,  a life filled with health, love, respect, peace and harmony for all.

— Dr. Turi

Taking care of your family and your bills has never been so difficult and if you think electing another cosmic unconscious president will change your life for the better, you are in LALA land!  
In any ways shape and form, if you feel depressed, insecure and lack of directions, we are here for you! Talk to terrania if needed 
Clienty feedback,
Dear Terania,
Thank you, the session was very insightful and enjoyable and I learnt some more astrology in the process.
I can highly recommend reading with Dr Turi. If you want to understand how and why things happen to you, the way they do and how you can make the most of the changing planets and their energies, the reading is for you!
With all the things that are going on around us, why leave home without a map!
And get a progressive reading for the year!
Thank you and God bless!
The current Aries/Libra dragon axis (as of July 2023) is IMPOSING changes by houses and signs and Mercury is telling you, you are not going in the right direction! Seek the light while you can.
You may be religiously poisoned and fearful of Divine Astrology. Your UCI “Unique Celestial Identity ” may be too earthy and turned you into a radical skeptic or agnostic that ridicule the idea of dealing with the future a cosmic God has in store for you.
All the while missing the great opportunity given to you by Mercury retrograde to bypass your fear and skepticism…  As a rule, it is only when the student is ready that the gifted cosmic teacher will appear and it is only when you ask that you shall receive the rewards of your curiosity!
  • Knowing where your Jupiter (luck) is located by house and sign and what your natal and hidden dragons (past lives) are predisposing you for will become a major contribution for your success in this lifetime.
  • Knowing all about your true soul’s purpose, and the planets stimulating your second house of money and self-esteem is a must if you need to invest and build long lasting financial wealth.
  • Knowing all about the Universal Law of the moon is not only a MUST but critical to make steady progress in life, because the moon is much more than a dead rock hanging above your head for the sake of beauty!
  • If you are lonely and looking for love, knowing all about the seat of attraction between human beings and your Venus’s location by house and sign is a great thing! And the planet of love will lead you to your soul mate!
  • If you are into natural healing or concerned with your health, do not fear! Knowing and using all the planets accordingly blessing your six house of health and work is a sure ticket to live a long life and regenerate at work.
  • For good or for worse, you are set to attract certain signs of the Zodiac for specific karmic, often difficult purposes, and knowing all about your partner’s stars is the only way to make a relationship work harmoniously.
  • The planet’s blessing your eleven house of groups, wishes, and friends must be acknowledged and used so all your goals can be reached. Respecting the perfect timing for socializing can only add more luck on your way.
  • What is your mission in life? what God designed you for mentally and physically to achieve on earth? What is your best career choice that will bring you the respect and position you need? Let me tell you all about the specific universal laws ruling your chart and your life!  These are the questions you must ask to succeed in a fate written in light for you.
  • Most importantly, what planets are blessing your subconscious creative forces where magic becomes a reality? Do you know enough about your subconscious potential where God resides? Are you using those formidable forces accordingly and efficiently? Let me enlighten you on this amazing process!
  • Knowledge is power, ignorance is evil, did you watch my movie on the Super-conscious? Did you read my best seller “Beyond The Secret?” 

“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that we may lead a safer more productive life!” Paracelsus

If you are ready for me, I am ready for you and I can promess you I will change your life for the best! But before meeting with me on Zoom, please read the following! 


If you did not yet, you MUST read Dr. Turi FREE Astro-Tarot Daily Celestial Guidance And Predictions For All to benefit from my regular free guidance and prediction. 

 if you miss my full cosmic code newsletters become a VIP or a Patreon supporter! 

Show your support join my medias





Trump’s Assassination Prediction 2 & Taylor Swift’s Relationship’ With Travis Kelce



“The universe is under no obligation to make any SPIRITUAL sense to anyone” Dr. Turi

“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior  wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth using his will is a magus and  magic is not sorcery but Supreme wisdom.” Paracelsus



Dr. Turi on air, with Rob Kalil, of Typical Skeptic Podcast

Monday, Sep 16, 2024 from 9:00pm to 10:30pm EDT


Time: 9-10:30 PM EST / 6 PM Phoenix time

Dr. Turi will talk about everything under the sun, related to the divine and metaphysics… And dive into 2025 universal predictions, etc. Don’t miss it.

Alien Event, an Expo Conference OCT 17-20, 2024.

I hope you will join us in Las Vegas and enjoy all speaker’s wisdom including my presentation titled “Hypnotherapy  with Dr. Turi” and it will take place on Sunday October 20th.

In this world of troubles, wars and nuclear fear taping in the collective superconscious for hopes and personal success becomes also a major contribution to wish for peace on earth.  At a personal level, do you want a better health, do you want to attract love, more money or a great career? With smooth, relaxing soft  music Dr. Turi will put the audience in a light and safe trance to reach the power you were born to use. An experience you will enjoy and never forget…


Super-conscious Power to Heal the Body, Mind and Soul 

Terania and I are planning to do a ZOOM HYPNOTHERAPY TURORING session in the weeks to come during the weekend. We are at the early stage of this new endeavor and will schedule the meeting to work with all of you.

The first part of the course will take two to four hours of education involving the difference between the subconscious and the super-conscious creative force. Multiple examples will be used to assimilate the stimulating power and how to direct it correctly. This course will be entertaining and educational and greatly change your perception and concept of reality.

There is much more involved in this tuition than what I can discuss just yet, but with time and patience realizing and accordingly using your inner subconscious power will come to the fore.

Do you wish for better health, more energy, more drive, more focus? Do you want to reverse the clock and look and feel younger like me? Do you want to attract and use the Divine? Do you want a better job or start your own business but don’t know how? Do you want more magnetism and attract or maintain love?

You were born with God’s power to create your reality and enjoy life to the fullest. It is YOUR choice and your decision alone to ask to receive! All you need is to plan for some time alone with me as your guide to the high magical forces you were born to seek and use.

Following the basic introductory training along with soft music, my voice will take you up to your subconscious then the super-conscious, and open the golden door to God’s divine power…

The positive inserted suggestions will be sealed within the depth of your subconscious and lead you to a much more positive attitude towards life in general and shape your future since the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought!

During the second part of the course, under my supervision, once confident and ready, each student will practice and perform a hypnotic session on all of us.  

This is an experience you will never forget for as long as you live and the creative rewards are endless! And it’s only when the student is ready that a rare teacher will appear! Using my technique will open the golden gate to a much more exciting, healthier, and productive life.

After this light hypnotic safe session, you will become much more aware of the principle involving the Superconscious creative forces and creating your fate with your thoughts is all about! Miracles do happen, I will teach and guide you to make your wishes become a reality!

You may go to the   PRESENTATION DETAILS  to read more. Sign up now, this course will fill up fast, email 

Dear reader,

If you did not read 911 – SOS TO THE WORLD – Secrets of longevity and great health revealed by Dr. Turi you certainly missed a lot of great information you will not find anywhere else but here!  And since any and all my newsletters have something unique to offer, my cosmic work can change your life! You must also realize that, being curious and reading is the spark of success and the link you may need to upgrade your psychical vibrations and reach your wishes! 

As mentioned countless times, it is important for me to “refresh your memory” with my predictions since a real Prophet is a rarity! Yet again if you did not read “Trump’s assassination attempt prediction” how would you know I predicted the second assassination attempt on Trump’s life and how can you make the difference between my predictions and those of others?

FBI investigating apparent assassination attempt on Trump in Florida

MEMO published 7/14/24: The former President is prone to be  SHOT AGAIN and I can only hope, like July 13, 2024 the stars will be on his side again because reptilius infected lost souls are dedicated, smart and ruthless!

It took years for this terrible prediction (below) to unfold and I hope to be wrong with this new vision! While this dramatic day will tight security around Presidents in the future, the mass of infected people subconsciously slaving for the reptilius (Ryan Wesley Routh) will keep generating hatred and bad thoughts against their enemies! and thoughts are powerful things!

Note reptilius infected Ryan Wesley Routh is 58 years old, this mean he was born with a negative intense, fixed, suicidal dragon’s tail in the sign of Scorpio (the Lizard born killer.) His nasty tail is right in the 6th house of work and health of the former president. And this is where modern Pyschology, the police and the FBI need to grow and learn from a cosmic conscious Soul Doctor.

Hippocrates II was a Greek physician of the Age of Pericles and is considered the most outstanding figure in the history of medicine.

“Dr. Turi, I have learned more about what it means to be human in your week-long crash course in Sedona than the 7 years I spent in an accredited college.” Dr. in Psychiatry student feedback. 

But if you are still skeptical of my first prediction of Trump’s assassination attempts and need more proofs of my UFO’s predictive legacy, let me bring you four years ago when I published the following…

MEMO from “Melania Trump -Predictions for the First Lady!” published October 19, 2020.

“But once the negative tail of the Dragon in Scorpio enters her 7th house (partnerships) from her Sun sign of Taurus around January 2022, she will be forced to “exit” her marriage with Trump or become much less active in public with him. The future is not good for their marriage, it could also be because of an imposed divorce, marriage dissolution, heart attack sudden death or assassination

One of my students copied and sent me this paragraph published in one of my Nostradamus dragon forecast many years ago.

“This Dragon is against President Trump’s health and service to the world but most importantly his children and close family. Trump’s minions and his children are a target of the reptilius and many are been fined and already rotting in prison. Trump or one of his children may become sick, mentally unstable/suicidal, or become the target of the CIA, or be assassinated by a lost infected soul.”

Is it over or will it be more attempts against him? Former President Trump is a DUAL Gemini, all about his life is DUALITY and DIVIDING thus be ready for more attempts due to the numbers 2/4/6/8 karmic effects in his life! (2 MONTHS FOLLOWING THE 2ND ATTACK ON HIS LIFE!)   When you elect a President you MUST share his idiosyncrasies and experience his fate imposed by his natal stars!

Being real and making accurate predictions about Trump’s assassination, his failed re-election and COVID cost me to lose years of friendship with George Noory! Instead of promoting the truth and I on Coast to Coast aM , I was fired!

From CTC am radio website October 16 2019

In the second half, Dr. Luis Turi revealed how to harness the power of the subconscious mind, and explained how it shapes everything from world events to everyday personal motives and decisions. Turi believes that the subconscious is so powerful that it “gets your heart beating and stops an infection” and can even “alter the atomic structure of your body.” He said that the disciplines of psychology and psychiatry have yet to accept these concepts. Turi also described extraterrestrial races he’s been in contact with. He’s concluded that they affect human behavior both toward the positive and negative, depending on the source. The benevolent race, he continued, is known as the “Draconis,” and the evil or negative ones are the “Reptilians.” Turi stated that he’s been “contacted by the divine and it is speaking through me.”

He gave examples from his own life he’s made about the power of the subconscious. He recalled that when he was a child, he had a virulent infection in his ears, which only subsided after he left his parents’ home, where they raised their voices and fought constantly. He realized that his subconscious was telling him he didn’t want to hear them fighting, and he was only able to heal after he went to live with his grandmother “who never raised her voice.” Turi also made predictions for this year and the next based on his study of astrology, saying that for the rest of 2019, political events and relationships will “go downhill,” and that there will be a “full restructure” of many groups and institutions in 2020. He also said that he is expecting “a lot of fire” and “a lot of wildlife to disappear.” – Australia/California fires killing millions of animals?

I made another prediction I am sure many of you either did not read or forgot! Imagine for a second what I could do for your future with my guidance and critical wisdom on your natal karmic dragon? Email if you have any questions she will take good care of you.

And as always only our smart and curious VIP’s to the private Cosmic Code website were warned of those disturbing winds ahead of time and expected the unexpected on the given dates below!

September SOS to the world deadly windows Posted August 31, 2024 at 7:02am



September 14, 15, 16 – 26, 27, 28

Entrails Upset Spit Above
Red Fire Wind Water to Dance
Stars Command Shock Science
Calm Deception to Strike

Japan / Asia / China / France / Italy / Gold / Cosmic – Space News / NASA / Nukes / Nuclear /  Freak / Bizarre / Unusual weird behavior / Space / Rocket / Missile / Explosions / Surprises / Unexpected /  Shocking news / Shocking videos / Stunning / Baffling / unprecedented / Suddenly / Incredible / Strange deadly Behavior / Awakening / Bombshell / Mind Boggling / Crazy / Jaw Dropping / Lightning / Electricity / Fire / Unusual / Unexpected / suddenly / Humanitarianism / Children / Teens / Unrest / Fascinating / Genius / Discovery / Very old – Very new / Discovery / Invention / Science / AI / UFO’s / Earthquakes (always at or above 6.0 / Tsunami / Typhoon / Hurricane / Volcanoes/ Tornadoes / Airports / Airline / Aeronautics / jets / Planes / Balloons / Helicopters / Drone / Technology / Outage / Hacking / Cyber-attack / Internet / Electricity / Electronics / Television / Cosmic Phenomenon  

My windows always predispose to serious natural disasters and earthquake at or above 6.0

9/16/24 – At least 10 killed in floods as a month’s worth of rain pounds central Europe
9/16/24 – 6.5 magnitude earthquake near Prince Rupert, British Columbia, Canada
9/16/24 – 6.3 magnitude earthquake near Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands
9/16/24 – 6.5 magnitude earthquake near Prince Rupert, British Columbia, Canada


Taylor Swift Accused of Looking Like ‘She’s on Duty’ and Not in an ‘Authentic Relationship’ With Travis Kelce Anymore Source: Showbiz Cheat Sheet

Memo from 2/11/24 – Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce doomed karmic relationship!

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce doomed karmic relationship! Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce doomed karmic relationship As a rule, those born with a Leo (life/fame/children/love/France/Italy) dragon’s Tail must learn to control the ego or will end up BURNING the object of love.  August / September 2024 will speak the truth I own…

If what I wrote above on 2/11/24 does not convince you of the legitimacy of my UFOs predictive legacy, nothing else will! Keep in mind I am the only living Astrophile since Nostradamus and while many so-called prophets on Coast to Coast am radio use his name none of those popular “talking heads” practice his 16th century Divine Astrology methodology! Do they know about the Great Prophet curse?

Laura Loomer conspiracy head!

Indeed a magnet will not attract a piece of wood! Loomer shares the same karmic dragon axis Sagittarius (Bull in the China Shop) and Gemini (Lord of the Thieves) as Trump and Marjorie Greene Taylor!

Marjorie Greene’s huge ego conflict with Laura Loomer since Trump is lately paying more attention to her!  I am amazed this type of idiots end up in power and are in charge of our destiny when they know nothings of God’s cosmic design and themselves!  I never thought at 75 I would realize how powerful the stars are and how those robotic, non-cosmic conscious “flat conspiracy heads” behave!

Depending of karma, this dragon can be extremely lucky and/or unlucky with foreigners, foreign affairs, the law, education and religion .i.e Kamala Harris. On a negative side this is the born RACIST dragon! God Have Mercy on your children! 

Be cautious of the September 20, 21, 22 SOS window expect the same type of dramactic deadly police news as the ones found in SOS to the world September 6,7, 8, 9 You Have Been Warned!Russia/Putin will make the news…

UPDATE 9/22/24

4 killed and 17 injured in Alabama mass shooting. Victims were on the sidewalk or street, police say
At least 22 killed in Israeli strike on Gaza school compound
Kentucky judge had lunch with the sheriff now arrested in his killing
At least 51 dead in Iran coal mine blast

My window always predisposes for earthquakes at or above 6.0
6.0 magnitude earthquake near Villa General Roca, San Luis, Argentina


Reader, make sure to join and share my FB pages UFOs Astrology & Dr. Turi Predictions especially if you have questions about the Divine, UFO’s or anything under the stars!  Check also my videos from DrStarsSun on the road, join and share my crazy life!

There is NO physical Holy Grail, the biblical story is part of the universal religious deception imposed by the Church Inc./Vatican. The Holy Grail is symbolic, it simply means the aptitude for highly spiritually advanced souls to be able to drink at the source of all wisdom by understanding and mastering God’s cosmic design and Jesus’ initial cosmic Ministry or Divine Astrology. I do not expect a religiously poisoned, non-cosmic-conscious US society and the world at large to grasp the depth and reality of my claims just yet. However, since life is a constant process of endless changes the future and the Age of Aquarius (AI/UFOs/Astrology/the future of humanity will prove me right.

 “Be warned! the upcoming Pisces (religion) is about to unleash a tremendous avalanche of news involving the bible and cosmic unconscious pious indoctrinated Christian people fearing hell. All media will explode with religious posts as the Age of Pisces (deception/abuse) is dying. Church Inc. must fight to survive as the Age of Aquarius (freedom, understanding, humanities, technology, future, UFOs) slowly takes over. They will spend BILLIONS in advertisements to grasp scared, insecure people, especially souls born Neptunian and confused teens who are psychically vulnerable and seek hopes  and direction.”

“Five minutes after you are born they will decide your name, nationality, religion and tribe and you will spend the rest of your life smilingly defending things you did not choose” – Arthur Schopenhauer

In the name of fear, ignorance and control, politically oriented churches of the past are responsible for the Dark Ages movement that killed millions of people all around the world, especially women!

Religions have and can only bring more troubles and death to humanity, since what we are witnessing currently with Israel and Hamass in the Middle East (a Pisces area) is nothing else than an endless political religious war! 

Its going to get much worse before it get better!

Christian nationalists in the United States advocate “a fusion of identitarian Christian identity and cultural conservatism with American civic belonging.” It has been noted to bear overlap with Christian fundamentalism, white supremacy, the Seven Mountain Mandate movement, and dominionism.

Expect a full restructuring of the Middle East as the latest Israeli strike on a mosque and school in Gaza killed scores, sparking international outrage! If you read the quatrain below, it seems my visions for the Middle East, religions and the future of humanity can easily be perceived by smart and curious people…

Water, sky, oceans, oil drench
Dark clouds cities man cry drown
Jesus’s cosmic spirit rebirth 
Religions, Pisces deception Age die 

Written by Dr. Turi 6/23/24

Continued: So you will have to comeback often to check how real and knowledgeable I am and maybe realize my work deserves not only respect but sharing! 

But if you do not take the time to read and check my claims, how can I help you build more cosmic consciousness? So many psychics and prophets want to be everywhere, thus if you land something tangible, dated, well documented, and factual as mine, as a responsible human, it is your duty to share it widely! Another prediction I made…

MEMO from “Melania Trump -Predictions for the First Lady!” published October 19, 2020.

“But once the negative tail of the Dragon in Scorpio enters her 7th house (partnerships) from her Sun sign of Taurus around January 2022, she will be forced to “exit” her marriage with Trump or become much less active in public with him. The future is not good for their marriage, it could also be because of an imposed divorce, marriage dissolution, heart attack sudden death or assassination“

One of my students copied and sent me this paragraph published in one of my Nostradamus dragon forecast many years ago.

“This Dragon is against President Trump’s health and service to the world but most importantly his children and close family. Trump’s minions and his children are a target of the reptilius and many are been fined and already rotting in prison. Trump or one of his children may become sick, mentally unstable/suicidal, or become the target of the CIA, or be assassinated by a lost infected soul.”

I can only hope to be wrong in another sad prediction I made about former President Trump published 7/21/24 in Biden drops out of the race prediction & Kamala Harris Stars and Fate!” 

In my newsletter I mentioned Trump being a DUAL is prone to suffer another assassination attempt on his life! Read more about this vision in Thomas Crooks’ Suicide – A born killer mind exposed!
And the FBI should read and take my warnings very seriously! 

The predictions for the future and UFO’s I have for humanity are not for the fainted heart and are only available for our VIP’s of the Cosmic Code private website!

“Show ne a reader, I’ll point out a winner!” Dr. Turi


A message from Terania Turi:
I do not do live consultation just yet, but I am very active my own way! If you have an interest in digging into the celestial mechanics of divine astrology or may not be familiar with the basics of the methodology, perhaps you would be interested in having a natal chart / an astro – mapping report / a basic compatibility report / biorhythms / cabalistic cleansing ritual report from Terania, all for only $50.
This would also be a perfect way for me to introduce you to our work and open the door to discover more potential information, leading to the truth about yourself and your life…
In which case, you can then set up a more in depth live Zoom consultation with the “master,” Dr. Turi and attain a new perception of reality and your goals in this lifetime.
Thank you all
Terania Turi
E-mail : for more information


Dr. Louis Turi in Phoenix, AZ // Thervo

I intend to do more lectures on the Superconscious creative forces and educate and heal people in many fine resorts in Florida. In the past, I lectured on this topic and hypnotized the attendance on countless cruise ships, in Casinos in Las Vegas, and in many hotels and spas around the world, if you can help or need my expertise email for more information. Indeed knowledge is power, ignorance is evil! 

Memo from Coast to Coast am October 16 2019 – In the second half, Dr. Louis Turi revealed how to harness the power of the subconscious mind, and explained how it shapes everything from world events to everyday personal motives and decisions. Turi believes that the subconscious is so powerful that it “gets your heart beating and stops an infection” and can even “alter the atomic structure of your body.” He said that the disciplines of psychology and psychiatry have yet to accept these concepts. Turi also described extraterrestrial races he’s been in contact with. He’s concluded that they affect human behavior both toward the positive and negative, depending on the source. The benevolent race, he continued, is known as the “Draconis,” and the evil or negative ones are the “Reptilians.” Turi stated that he’s been “contacted by the divine and it is speaking through me.”

He gave examples from his own life he’s made about the power of the subconscious. He recalled that when he was a child, he had a virulent infection in his ears, which only subsided after he left his parents’ home, where they raised their voices and fought constantly. He realized that his subconscious was telling him he didn’t want to hear them fighting, and he was only able to heal after he went to live with his grandmother “who never raised her voice. Turi also made predictions for this year and the next based on his study of astrology, saying that for the rest of 2019, political events and relationships will “go downhill,” and that there will be a “full restructure” of many groups and institutions in 2020. He also said that he is expecting “a lot of fire” and “a lot of wildlife to disappear.”  This was weeks before the terrible Australian and California fires who killed millions of animals! 

I was fired from this popular radio program for mentioning that Trump could be assassinated, he would not be re-elected and COVID would kill millions! Read more!

 Another of my prediction came to pass…

Biden calls for major Supreme Court reforms, including term limits, at Civil Rights Act event

Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito Are “Subject to Corruption”: AOC
Clarence Thomas fails to disclose 3 more Harlan Crow trips, Senate records show
Justice Thomas raked in $4M in gifts, new report
Can Samuel Alito Survive Flag Controversy? 

Dr. Turi;
You predicted trouble for Supreme Court justices a long time ago . Now it is 
Insecurity reigns supreme while egocentric politicians tear themselves apart and high Court lawmakers impose their religious beliefs, change the laws on our backs, and abuse us all. 

My quatrain below speaks volume on my undeniable accurate visions about the abusive, deceptive retructuring legal system or what’s going on with judges and the DOJ! Yet only those who bought 2021/2022/2023/2024 Nostradamus dragon forecast were warned! Justice Thomas and Justice Alito karma is on the way!

Scale of justice trembles
Armed villains seek blood
Red dominates rainbow
Power tears judges fight dies

Posted to the world on September 3, 2022

The gravitational forces that move all galaxies is a scientific fact;   But the greatness of the spiritual cosmic manifesto is yet a mystery to humanity. God’s enslaved all his children to uncover his cosmic  Divinity and with it,  a life filled with health, love, respect, peace and harmony for all.

— Dr. Turi

“The universe is a BRIGHT LIVING spiritual entity… I’m offering its secrets before I die. The purpose of all my struggles  was to build cosmic wisdom and offer universal guidance and strengths to others” — Dr. Turi

Saudi Arabia says 1,301 died on Hajj this year

This absurdity of over 5000 man made religions indoctrination is mind boggling! When the new dragon enters Pisces in January 2025 a full restructure of all deceptive religions and the Vatican (death of the Pope)  will take place. Much more predictions for the future will be published on the Cosmic Code private website. Join now email

Water, sky, oceans, oil drench
Dark clouds cities man cry drown
Jesus’s cosmic spirit rebirth 
Religions, Pisces deception Age die 

Written by Dr. Turi /23/24

Join the cosmic code private website, read all in great details and be prepared for your future! Never separate yourself from God, we are all God’s and Goddesses in training on this dense physical world learning this fact! Religion is pure evil and created by the nefarious reptilius…

Jesus was teaching Astrology…
12 Apostles, 12 months, 12 hours, 12 jury, 12 tribes of Israel, 12 sins, 12 jury… Jesus was teaching Astrology but the Church Inc took it away from you… Jesus cosmic ministry has nothing to do with the bible. time to wake up to the truth but only smart and curious people will get it….
In time the New Age of Aquarius will obliterate this mental cancer. With Pluto in Aquarius and the upcoming new 2025 Dragon in Pisces, expect lots of water from the skies and fierce battles to keep all suffocating religions alive! The Israel-Hamas war is just the beginning! Christians and others denominations will try very hard to convince you Facebook! Expect an explosion of religious stuff as the deceptive Age of Pisces is ending! 

Remember reader, next September 2024 those newsletters and warnings will stop completely while my prices for consultations will rise significantly! I can only and strongly recommend you to join us and read the  special announcement below if you need any of my services! 

Sharing emails:

I did receive the Zoom recording, Dr. Turi thank you!


I do believe whole heartedly in your work and I am thankful to have had this once in a lifetime opportunity to meet with you! 

Thank you Dr. Turi for who you are as a person and for what you so selflessly give back to the world with all your wisdom and cosmic teachings! I do appreciate your dedication and sacrifices that you make daily for the greater good of mankind! 
It was a true honor, monsieur! God bless you and Terania and thank God for our divine timing, even if it was during a hurricane.. lol!
I’m sorry if I interrupted you too many times i was just excited .It was an eye opener for my husband after 30 years of me telling him he finally gets it . Thank you so much for reaching him he was so happy when we hung up he told me how much better he felt . Thank you for all the work you do the passion you have to reach everyone it’s truly amazing .☀️💫🌕

We are living in times where boneheads rise, intelligence fall, educated idiots reign supreme and thrive while genius and real get unrecognized.” Dr.Turi

No parents nowadays (outside of religion and science) are teaching their children who God truly is, spiritual matters, metaphysics and pay attention to the stars, their dreams, and master the art of divination using Divine astrology.

Since you were made at the image of God, love yourself with all the might of God because you were born to create.. Remember God <positive> would/could not be without the devil <negative> for without opposite life would be impossible. Yesterday in your past, your fears, your cosmic ignorance and your religion, you were EVIL..

The new smarter, curious, educated you is Godlike and in your positivity you reflect the light of God’s cosmic wisdom.

Indeed the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought, keep them positive since there is no future and no God in the past…

Share with smart people and never separate yourself from God. We are all God’s and Goddesses in training on this dense physical world learning this fact! Religions are pure evil and 5000 plus were created by the nefarious reptilius…

In order to regenerate their spirit to survive, one day your children will ask and look for the answers they could never get from science or religion. The results are dreadful as thousands of lost young souls seek refuge in drugs or commit suicide… And this is the mission I was assigned as a UFO contactee to perform for all the children of the future.


At 74, time is running out for me since I want to spend the last few years, I have left running my “Lady of the Seas” charter and hopefully meet many of you in my boat in the Florida keys during the summer holiday season.

I am working two jobs full time, one as a OTR driver for FedEx and the other doing endless Astrological consultations during my days off.  Check all my trips and videos from my Facebook page.

The idea is to save enough to invest in a bigger and safer yacht. But as I am getting closer to my goal after September 2024, making videos, writing newsletters and taking care of my endless chain of clients doing readings on Zoom will become impossible as the new business and the new website dedicated for this new business venture will take all our time.

Thus as of September 2024 my price for a Full Life Reading (regularly $350) will change to $500 and a live session on Zoom (regularly $700) will rise to $1000. My great webmaster Tom will make those changes on my website before then.

Note also, future full newsletters will only be posted and available from the private Cosmic Code website and only new and older supporting VIP’s and new and older Patreon supporters will not be affected by the price changes.

Thus if I mean anything to you, it is in your best interest to become a VIP and still have access to all my services and enjoy our yearly forecasts and daily guidance and predictions.  Join today!

As always if you have any questions simply email and she will take good care of you.

You are getting so little with my newsletters my friend, Terania and I have so much more to offer you on the Cosmic Code private website!Become a VIP Membership is only $10 and you are showing your support for our cosmic work please. Thank you

The only good news I have for you, since I will never get any form of support from a religiously poisoned society is that! The New Age of Aquarius(UFO’s/technology/Astrology/the future of humanity/the stars) is slowly but surely taking over the deceptive Age of Pisces and will in time, make all religions obsolete!

A much better understanding and use of God’s celestial creation await future generations and my mission is to insert the critical mental seeds to this upcoming wonderful cosmic enlightenment. 
Neptunian relies only on his intuition and his/her spirit to deal with the archetypal realm of supra-cosmic consciousness to translate his/her visions and predictions. Little do they know that there is only a very thin line between Divine Cosmic information, channeling and pure imagination! 
A true Neptunian is reluctant to engage in any form of rational studies and consequently is not cosmic conscious. He/she does not use nor understand the complexity of the super-conscious in time and space and the cosmic code jurisdictions, something that can only be revealed by mastering God’s cosmic design or Divine Astrology. 
The very idea of using critical thinking and mastering new tools explain all spiritual rules (outside of traditional religion) would also make them aware of their inherited celestial Divinity but it scares them. Going out of their Neptunian comfort zone and improving their physical vibrations is not an option!
Neptunians stubbornly trust only themselves, God, the spirit, and their mystical nature not knowing that God does not speak his cosmic language to unconscious fools.
All established professions require a form of education and the use of very specific tools! Imagine a mechanic fixing your car with his hands alone or a baker making bread without a mixer! 
Imagine a boat Captain driving a boat or a pilot flying a plane without knowing all the rules of the land, water, and sea. A Neptunian is unable to recognize his or her intellectual gift and capacities and limits and trust only God and their spirit! 
This is why taking and using any of my courses will elevate their cosmic vibrations and spiritual perceptions.
I taught and offered my Divine Astrology course to those willing to put in the effort and by building cosmic awareness, they now own the golden keys to what it means to be human. 
I also thought of the born psychic and suggested taking the Atro-Tarot course because this ancient art is all about the use of cards, the superconscious, metaphors, and intuition. 
 A born psychic can flourish and grow in its spiritual element, and become much more efficient than taking on a more demanding astrological study. 
A true born psychic is loaded with objectivity and intuition yet, they also lack basic critical thinking, and regardless of my elaborate and logical explanations, many of my clients have missed the boat to cosmic awareness and spiritual enlightenment. 
Neptune rules the Middle East and the youngest and deadliest religions (Christianity/Judaism/Islam) were born there, cursing the entire population and the world at large since Neptune rules the oceans and 3/4 of the world.
The deceptiveness and poisoning of the planet Neptune (gas / drugs / alcohol / medications / cults / religions / jails) has dramatic worldwide repercussions.
The burgeoning Age of Aquarius (UFOs/technology/humanitarianism/Astrology)is already changing humanity’s psychical vibrations and awareness… In other words, humans are slowly but surely becoming more curious about the planets’s impact upon humans and the world “the true birth of all religions,” educated, and smarter!
On the other hand, a true born Saturnian (atheist, agnostic, skeptic)is forbidden by God himself access to anything spiritual, including religion. The unevolved “Young Soul” has not yet reached the level of spiritual perception needed to realize and refine his/her awareness of the world (s) he/she lives in. 

Pythagoras | Biography, Facts & Impact |

Every man has been made by God in order to acquire knowledge and contemplate but not all men where born with the same UCI/stars. Pythagoras was certainly born with a strong Saturn or CapricornSun, moon, rising or Dragon!

God made those souls delegate the physical manifesto alone as we need reliable engineering (bridges / gearboxes / cars / tools / mechanics, etc.) on earth.
They can only perceive the world they live in through their five limited, rational human senses. God made sure their natal karmic UCI “Unique Celestial Identity” is earthy and loaded with Saturn’s restrictive down-to-earth low vibrations. 
“A magnet will not attract a piece of wood”
Unless you vibrate at my highly spiritual and rational cosmic speed you will be naturally attracted to me and my cosmic teachings… And those “super Humans” are quite rare! 
With the current warlike, aggressive, brutal Martian dragon in charge of this world (see quatrain below) until January 2025 the current state of this world is quite scary and will get worse.


German/Vikings Skin Alike
Black and White Red Blood
Fire War Violence  Passions Rule
God Nowhere To Stop Fires
Hitler’s Evil spirit reborn

Posted to the world on June 12, 2013 

Insecurity reigns supreme while egocentric politicians tear themselves apart and high Court lawmakers impose their religious beliefs, change the laws on our backs, and abuse us all. 

My quatrain below speaks volume on my undeniable accurate visions about the abusive, deceptive retructuring legal system or what’s going on with judges and the DOJ! Yet only those who bought 2021/2022/2023/2024 Nostradamus dragon forecast were warned! Justice Thomas and Justice Alito karma is on the way!

Scale of justice trembles
Armed villains seek blood
Red dominates rainbow
Power tears judges fight dies

Posted to the world on September 3, 2022

The gravitational forces that move all galaxies is a scientific fact;   But the greatness of the spiritual cosmic manifesto is yet a mystery to humanity. God’s enslaved all his children to uncover his cosmic  Divinity and with it,  a life filled with health, love, respect, peace and harmony for all.

— Dr. Turi

Taking care of your family and your bills has never been so difficult and if you think electing another cosmic unconscious president will change your life for the better, you are in LALA land!  
In any ways shape and form, if you feel depressed, insecure and lack of directions, we are here for you! Talk to terrania if needed 
Clienty feedback,
Dear Terania,
Thank you, the session was very insightful and enjoyable and I learnt some more astrology in the process.
I can highly recommend reading with Dr Turi. If you want to understand how and why things happen to you, the way they do and how you can make the most of the changing planets and their energies, the reading is for you!
With all the things that are going on around us, why leave home without a map!
And get a progressive reading for the year!
Thank you and God bless!
The current Aries/Libra dragon axis (as of July 2023) is IMPOSING changes by houses and signs and Mercury is telling you, you are not going in the right direction! Seek the light while you can.
You may be religiously poisoned and fearful of Divine Astrology. Your UCI “Unique Celestial Identity ” may be too earthy and turned you into a radical skeptic or agnostic that ridicule the idea of dealing with the future a cosmic God has in store for you.
All the while missing the great opportunity given to you by Mercury retrograde to bypass your fear and skepticism…  As a rule, it is only when the student is ready that the gifted cosmic teacher will appear and it is only when you ask that you shall receive the rewards of your curiosity!
  • Knowing where your Jupiter (luck) is located by house and sign and what your natal and hidden dragons (past lives) are predisposing you for will become a major contribution for your success in this lifetime.
  • Knowing all about your true soul’s purpose, and the planets stimulating your second house of money and self-esteem is a must if you need to invest and build long lasting financial wealth.
  • Knowing all about the Universal Law of the moon is not only a MUST but critical to make steady progress in life, because the moon is much more than a dead rock hanging above your head for the sake of beauty!
  • If you are lonely and looking for love, knowing all about the seat of attraction between human beings and your Venus’s location by house and sign is a great thing! And the planet of love will lead you to your soul mate!
  • If you are into natural healing or concerned with your health, do not fear! Knowing and using all the planets accordingly blessing your six house of health and work is a sure ticket to live a long life and regenerate at work.
  • For good or for worse, you are set to attract certain signs of the Zodiac for specific karmic, often difficult purposes, and knowing all about your partner’s stars is the only way to make a relationship work harmoniously.
  • The planet’s blessing your eleven house of groups, wishes, and friends must be acknowledged and used so all your goals can be reached. Respecting the perfect timing for socializing can only add more luck on your way.
  • What is your mission in life? what God designed you for mentally and physically to achieve on earth? What is your best career choice that will bring you the respect and position you need? Let me tell you all about the specific universal laws ruling your chart and your life!  These are the questions you must ask to succeed in a fate written in light for you.
  • Most importantly, what planets are blessing your subconscious creative forces where magic becomes a reality? Do you know enough about your subconscious potential where God resides? Are you using those formidable forces accordingly and efficiently? Let me enlighten you on this amazing process!
  • Knowledge is power, ignorance is evil, did you watch my movie on the Super-conscious? Did you read my best seller “Beyond The Secret?” 

“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that we may lead a safer more productive life!” Paracelsus

If you are ready for me, I am ready for you and I can promess you I will change your life for the best! But before meeting with me on Zoom, please read the following! 


If you did not yet, you MUST read Dr. Turi FREE Astro-Tarot Daily Celestial Guidance And Predictions For All to benefit from my regular free guidance and prediction. 

 if you miss my full cosmic code newsletters become a VIP or a Patreon supporter! 

Show your support join my medias




911 – SOS TO THE WORLD – Secrets of longevity and great health revealed by Dr. Turi



“The universe is under no obligation to make any SPIRITUAL sense to anyone” Dr. Turi

“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior  wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth using his will is a magus and  magic is not sorcery but Supreme wisdom.” Paracelsus

Reader, make sure to join and share my FB pages UFOs Astrology & Dr. Turi Predictions especially if you have questions about the Divine, UFO’s or anything under the stars!  Check also my videos from DrStarsSun on the road, join and share my crazy life!



Dr. Turi on air, with Rob Kalil, of Typical Skeptic Podcast

Monday, Sep 15, 2024 from 9:00pm to 10:30pm EDT


Time: 9-10:30 PM EST / 6 PM Phoenix time

Dr. Turi will talk about everything under the sun, related to the divine and metaphysics… And dive into 2025 universal predictions, etc. Don’t miss it.

Alien Event, an Expo Conference OCT 17-20, 2024.

I hope you will join us in Las Vegas and enjoy all speaker’s wisdom including my presentation titled “Hypnotherapy  with Dr. Turi” and it will take place on Sunday October 20th.

In this world of troubles, wars and nuclear fear taping in the collective superconscious for hopes and personal success becomes also a major contribution to wish for peace on earth.  At a personal level, do you want a better health, do you want to attract love, more money or a great career? With smooth, relaxing soft  music Dr. Turi will put the audience in a light and safe trance to reach the power you were born to use. An experience you will enjoy and never forget…

Dear reader,

Before anything, May God bless the souls of all the victims who perished in the 9/11 terrorist attack on the twin towers in N.Y. To those of you who joined us, you may not know but 911 attacks were fully predicted… If you do a search on Google “911 dr.turi” this is what will come up!

Dr. Turi’s Famous 9-11 Prediction.

“Dr. Turi is a well-known astrologer and author who has written several books on the subject. He has also made predictions and provided astrological insights on various topics, including natural disasters and global events.”
Regarding “911”, I assume you’re referring to the September 11 attacks that occurred in 2001. Dr. Turi had reportedly made predictions about a major event occurring on September 11, 2001, before it happened. He claimed that his astrological calculations and readings indicated a significant and tragic event would take place on that date.
Dr. Turi’s famous 9/11 prediction is a well-known example of his claimed prophetic abilities. On July 19, 2001, he published a prediction on his website, stating:
“July 19, 2001 – A Calamity of Unprecedented Proportions!
‘…a calamity of unprecedented proportions will soon strike the United States, and the world, and will affect the lives of all of us…’
…’a terrible event will occur in the month of September, close to the 11th, and will be felt all over the world…’
…’the Middle East will be involved, and the world will be in shock…’
…’the US will be the target, and the aftermath will be devastating…’
…’a terrible act of terrorism will occur, and the world will never be the same…’
This prediction was made over a month before the 9/11 attacks, which occurred on September 11, 2001. Dr. Turi claims that this prediction was made using his knowledge of astrology and his ability to interpret celestial bodies’ movements. While some people find his predictions intriguing, others (stupid or jealous) remain skeptical. 

Never forget a true prophet will always offer solid proofs of his work and mine is dated and well documented in my newsletters, my books, on radio, television and my YouTube channel! realize reader, being popular and famous because of expansive PR work does not mean REAL! 

There are so many prophets wanna be who pretend to be Nostradamus reincarnated, yet they have nothing directly related to the great prophet and do not use Astrology to make their “predictions!”  It is a bit different with me I think! 

Like the great prophet Nostradamus, Dr. Turi was born and raised in Provence France.  World-famous UFO’s contactee and Clinical Hypnotherapist, Dr. Turi is a captivating speaker, author of many books and his profound Cosmic Wisdom continues to astonish skeptics and believers alike.  He is a regular guest on George Noory, Coast To Coast am popular program.

He has been featured on national television programs such as NBC’s “Ancient Mysteries” series, TLC, the Discovery Channel, “Journal of the Unknown, Weird of what? with William Shatner and More Than Human”  the BBC in London and in countless radio and televised programs worldwide. Dr. Turi graduated from the Royal School of Music in London and was recognized in the 2003 Marquis “Who’s Who in America.” Dr. Turi counseled people from all walks of life including many celebrities such as Ivana Trump, Peter Fonda, Gary Busey, Denis Haysbert, John Gray and David Icke to name a few.

He channels an ET entity named Draco and speaks of his seven, incredible fifth kind UFO’s experiences all over the world. Those mind-boggling encounters lead Dr. Turi to rekindle the great Seer Nostradamus’ prophetic visions and natural healing work. Dr. Turi teaches the mighty secrets of the Supra-conscious in time and space and its interaction with the “Cosmic Code.”

Dr. Turi regularly warns the world with his undeniable well documented undeniable predictions. The FBI visited Dr. Turi Twice, following accurate Terrorists Attack Predictions. Watch his highly supported UFOs movie on Amazon Prime

UPDATE – This video is not available anylonger because the host asked me about Trump’s re-election and COVID! As I also said to George Noory on Coast to Coast am popular radio program “Trump will not be reelected, he may suffer assassination and COVID will kill millions! The religious MAGA fear Astrology and did not like my visions and complained to Amazon Prime wich removed the video “in your area!” Sad reality… 

Please contact Amazon Prime  directly and request them to re-instate the films titled “Alien Contactee” and “Divine Astrology.” in your area. Thank you 

Click on I need more help

The only way for you to check on my UFOs predictive legacy and my claims is to read the deadly dramatic news collected in SOS to the world September 6,7, 8, 9 You Have Been Warned! In this world of troubles cosmic ignorance combined with the “reptilius effect” politics, religions, conspiracies and lies will keep killing more innocent people.

As of today, I will focus on helping you deal with life in general and offering you tips to lead a successful life rather than endlessly offering proof of my predictions that have never helped anyone, including myself! Religion and politics are very productive because you are told what you want to hear instead of facing and dealing with the harsh reality of life on Earth.

This does not mean I won’t offer my SOS deadly windows any longer, but they will be short, to the point, and at the end of the article. Then as I did in SOS to the world September 6,7, 8, 9 You Have Been Warned! I will bring the quatrain and key words to the top of the newsletter and you will have to go back and read the predictions once they unfold…

Religious and political endeavors attract and produce tremendous wealth/donations and support while, since 1991, when I first started my career as a spiritual leader, I never received any donation for my critical spiritual work!  Never underestimate the forces of evil and misinformation my friend, especially when all those “non profit” corporations are well organized and own all sources of information!

Not everyone is spiritually equipped to deal with the vexing truth I own thus only those who are curious enough, willing, and able to handle it will read it on the cosmic code private website.

And Terania’s latest newsletter titled “The sexual choking game…” speak of a very high cosmic wisdom not everyone is ready or willing to assimilate and access! Its up to you to realize knowledge is power and ignorance is evil!

This is the only reason ministers from all walks of life i.e. Joel Osteen and countless politicians are successful because ultimately, you will not attract bees with vinegar (or facts!)

The human UCI “Unique Celestial Identity” is extremely complex and dictates who you are, your beliefs, your political preferences, your likes and dislikes and your Neptunian religious disposition and your fate!

With this in mind only the “superhumans/chosen ones” will take the time to read, investigate, study and build cosmic consciousness to promote the human race on different planets imposed by the ET’s and the Galactic Federation of Grand Cosmic Order!

Yes some people you know are born depressive, suicidal, some have leadership abilities and other are followers, some are funny, smart, idiots, some are vegetarian and some with physical (sports) or genius spiritual gifts or even worse, born sexual KILLERS and it’s all written in YOUR stars!



SOS to the world September 6,7, 8, 9 You Have Been Warned!



“The universe is under no obligation to make any SPIRITUAL sense to anyone” Dr. Turi

“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior  wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth using his will is a magus and  magic is not sorcery but Supreme wisdom.” Paracelsus

As promised here is the results of my visions for the last Plutonic deadly window…

September SOS to the world deadly windows Posted by Dr. Turi on August 31, 2024 at 7:02am



September 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 – //-//-//

Hidden secrets, sex, money come to light
Raw power challenges police deadly villains
Ugly face of death drama horror surface 
 Nature man’s religion bloody folly reign 


*Russia / Famous Death / *Dramatic Death News / Mass death / Dramatic Police news / Police brutality / FBI / CIA / Secret services / Secrets to light / Mob / Scandals / Terrorism / Assassination / Cyber-attacks / Abduction / Finances / *IRS / Super wealth / Sex / Porn / Prostitution / Life and death / Serial Killers / Undiluted truth /Dying/Rebirthing / Nature and Man-Made Wake up Call.  

Memo – “Avoid large gatherings especially at night during any of my 2022 deadly Plutonic windows!”   The reptilius are after the police, government officials, and children/teens! Policing will be so dangerous that many brave servants will quit and the number of cops getting killed or killing citizens will explode in the months to come. Infected criminals will get bolder and wilder committing crimes against the police and the public never experienced before!”



My windows always predispose to serious natural disasters and earthquake at or above 6.0

6.3 in LorengauManusPapua New Guinea
Typhoon Yagi kills dozens in Vietnam, China, Philippines

Death news/Dramatic news/Police news
Dallas police officer who was fatally shot remembered as ‘hero’ during funeral service
Utah sheriff’s deputy stalked and killed by her father, prosecutors say
Kentucky community manhunt for ‘armed and dangerous’ person of interest in interstate shooting
Man charged with killing 81 animals, including miniature horses, goats, ducks
Babysitter beats 6-year-old to death days after he starts 1st grade, CA officials say

Secrets to light
Minnesota Man Killed Wife, Buried Her Under Home, Then Faked Her Disappearance 

Dramatic Mass death/Shooting
Georgia school shooting news

Famous death/Sex
Adult film star Jay Hefner dies at 24 after ‘being shot dead while trying to protect his cousin’

Client/Student feedback:


Reader, make sure to join and share my FB pages UFOs Astrology & Dr. Turi Predictions
Check also my videos from DrStarsSun on the road, join and share my crazy life!


September 2024 I will be a guest on Robert Kalil podcast – Sep 15, 2024 from 7:00pm to 8:00pm EDT

Alien Event, an Expo Conference OCT 17-20, 2024.

I hope you will join us in Las Vegas and enjoy all speaker’s wisdom including my presentation titled “Hypnotherapy  with Dr. Turi” and it will take place on Sunday October 20th.

In this world of troubles, wars and nuclear fear taping in the collective superconscious for hopes and personal success becomes also a major contribution to wish for peace on earth.  At a personal level, do you want a better health, do you want to attract love, more money or a great career? With smooth, relaxing soft  music Dr. Turi will put the audience in a light and safe trance to reach the power you were born to use. An experience you will enjoy and never forget…

Dear reader,

Do you recall the following posted in  “Kamala Harris “The good, the bad and the ugly! ? But if you did not read it how can I prove my claims? 



Pay attention, make notes of those dates August 28, 29, 30 – Expect a new beguinning/ending of important part of your life! Watch the politicians…
My windows always predispose earthquakes at or above 6.0
The sad reality is the upcoming Pisces dragon (religions/Middle East/Oil/Drugs) will force a full restructure of the region, yet the endless religious war which is at the core of the dispute will END the lives of many more people. What is even more scary to me is, in 2024 the majority of religious people will not seek God’s cosmic order upon their own stars and lives. Indeed God does not speak to fools!
This is absolutely horrific news and bring back sad memories of my own younger brother Vincent killed at 16-years old by a reptilius infected drunk driver! God bless their souls and welcome them in heaven following the end of their experience on Earth!
FatmanScoop was a Leo and in the medical aspect of Divine Astrology this sign rules the heart! He died of a heart attack due to his unhealthy busy/party lifestyle and the abuse of legal and illegal drugs. This deadly window took him. Furthermore he was born with an Aries dragon and you may remember my words printed in my 2024 Dragon forecast for all signs “If you were born with the Sun, the moon, natal or hidden dragon in Libra or Aries the 2024 Aries/Libra dragon will, depending on your karma take or change your life!  Note VP Kamala Harris is a Libra and Tim Walz is an Aries. How more precise can I be? 
I can not divulge it just yet my friend, but it is for me, right now also a serious beginning or/and ending of an important part of my life and next week in my YouTube video you will find out more! Note also two of my close friends lost their beloved dogs, and I am sure many of you, or some of your friends also experienced tragedies in this ending / new life window…
All you have to do is to meditate on what transpired lately or watch the news… Update – 8/31/24 – 1 officer shot and killed in ‘execution,’ 2 others injured in targeted attack –  I also wish the police, the FBI and all security people pay more attention to the upcoming SOS Plutonic window (below) and read, share this critical article! Their lives depend on it!

Cannabis and hallucinogen use remain at ‘historically high levels’ among young and middle-age adults

Dear reader,

Here’s why! The upcoming Pisces dragon (drugs/deception/religions/depressions/poisoning/suicide) is “void of course” or already in action and not knowing better, non-cosmic conscious people’s psyche is becoming more vulnerable and cannot apply the will to fight the reptilius! 50,000 people in the U.S. took their own lives in 2022, up 3% from the previous year, that’s one death every 11 minutes and nothing to what is to come…

Both science and religion are unable to help “infected” people and the number of suicides in 2025 will increase dramatically. Both abusive corporated matrixes contribute to the deplorable statistics and if you recall my warnings about infected priests joining the Church Inc., my warnings are real! Texas megachurch faces exodus of worshippers after a sex abuse scandal set off a summer of turmoil.

“In a world where political leaders assign themselves to religious archaic convictions and trust its infantile scientific community only extreme stupidity can plague the rest of humanity.” Dr. Turi

Seeking the truth or critical spiritual regeneration through religion or science-accepted medical disciplines (medications) will never work since those corporations own all sources of information and monopolize education! You do not have to fall in the pit of fear and stupidity and become part of the heavy suicidal statistics, instead ask a Soul Doctor to help and you shall receive healing!

  Please reader, never judge the content of any of my newsletters by the title only! My latest article titled Kamala Harris “The good, the bad and the ugly!” is one of the most educational works ever produced to help the smart and curious reader to build more cosmic consciousness and understand why planning in accordance to God’s cosmic design is a must to succeed in life.  But drinking at the source of all wisdom ” the Holy Grail” is not for everyone but only to those who ask! 
The new 2025 Universal and personal Nostradamus forecast for all signs will be published soon! Order you Ebook today or email for more info on any of my services while you can!
Yet the number of people seeking cosmic wisdom or checking future SOS windows and learning more about the stars is detrimental! And I am not the only one frustrated!
At this point honestly I love all but disappointed in the effort that we as a collective meaning students of the cosmic code have failed to grasp just how crucial it is for us to strive for change. If we as a collective and am saying here, are not wise enough to use this turi method I should say , we are a lazy collective and at this point am thinking let’s get together hide this information after learning all and see how we could make money off of it cause we ain’t doing shit and it’s sad because turi and terania are using more effort than needed when we should support. I was thinking the other day what about an app that has weather forecast warnings and consists of all information and just by the tap of the button we can calculate you cosmic identity and teach the artificial intelligence to speak the cosmic code lingo and explain one’s cosmic identity. This will and can happen but we as a collective do not take enough action. Only this who really understand the teaching will understand my message as trust me I have looked and there is no one like turi and terania so cmon let’s do something man. Are we just going to wait knowing 40 years from now we perish. Nah man I ain’t going down like that so anyone who read please help let’s help each other.
  DT Rebuttal;  The superhumans are rare and while fortunes are wasted to support and promote the past and archaic religious teachings no one has ever invested in my work for humanity! I can only hope for a decent, concerned person to act! God has a plan for us all and karma for each one of us and humanity at large is unavoidable!



From Luz

Good morning Dr. Turi,
Wow, I wasn’t expecting the answers so quickly. 
And, yes you’re right. Lately, I tend to seek answers from people instead of going within and use those answers as guidance. 
Before I suffered anorexia due to not eating much, I used to be so strong minded, independent, very active and so forth, my family and relatives saw me as a smart person. I was the first on in my whole entire family that learn English, understood about the internet when it first came in, etc. And when an American came into my life, one of my cousins asked me: “Hey how do you do all these things?” I asked her: “What do you mean by that?” She said: “You’re always the first one to know everything is new out in the world.” I laugh hahaha because I never saw myself like that. I didn’t know people notice me or view me as a smart person. I never view myself so much as a smart person. All I knew back then was that I love the cosmos, science, philosophy, and so forth, including magic, I always view the world as a magical place.
When I was about 6th grade, or earlier I said to myself: “What Am I doing in this planet?” I never felt the same as anyone else, I didn’t think I was an alien, I just knew I was very different than most people in the world. However, I never told anyone about it, until very recently when I saw the world in a higher frequency awakening. That’s why I believe my awakening started since then, but it was hidden and dormant until I found more and more information about it. It all started to unfold around 1995 when I found about the Ascended Masters, the Ascended Master St. Germain show me a different way to see Jesus. I said to myself: I knew it, my inner knowing was telling me that the story of the Catholic Church was not the right story of God. I knew that all religions only served as a division and separation among humans, which is wrong. People became fanatic of their religion beliefs and developed spiritual pride thinking their religion is the best and only them will be saved to go to Heaven. lol.
Anyway, again thank you for any word of advice and teaching you gave me and will give me. You are a precious jewel!
I’ll try my best to become a good student as soon as possible, when I can get a hold of some money lol. 
You have given me another opportunity to overcome my fears, doubts and negative issues I hold onto from the past. You have open my eyes to believe in myself again.
Thank you, thank you and thousand times thank you, Emoji

Dear reader,

You know my philosophy my friend, there are NO accidents for anything that transpires in anyone’s life, including Kamala Harris! There are only subtle cosmic forces at work, a religious and rational society at large can not determine just yet!

While I am not a CNN or Fox anchor, I am well ahead of time and spiritually advanced enough to explain to those well-read journalists something they could never realize. Their cosmic wisdom starts and finishes with the Aries medallion worn around the neck of one of the most astute anchors named Kaitlan Collins born with the moon (emotions) in Gemini (the Messsenger, the reporter!) Little does Kaitlan know that the 2024 Aries dragon, last 12 months propelled her to the ladder of success on CNN!

If you watched the event on national TV and felt the “electricity” generated in the room it is not only due to the physical work put into it.  This event was so successful because it transpired during a full moon (emotions are usually very high) in the sign of Aquarius (electricity/unification!) This sign rules FREEDOM, humanitarianism, the future, and all that Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are about and what America and the world are ready for! A desperately needed change which UNIFIED all Americans.

Tim Walz also never gave such an important speech in his career, but he was under one of his positive 2024 cosmic biorhythms and did exceptionally well! That’s because he was born with the moon in Aquarius and his powerful speech was supported by the positive universal trend!   Note also Oprah Winfrey is an Aquarius  and she was born like Biden and Obama with an Aquarius Dragon”s Head… This sign rues television are you still wondering of the power of the stars upon one’s destiny!  Read about you sign 

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz got very lucky with such progressive cosmic winds on their side while Trump’s RNC felt more like a boring dentist appointment because of his young, immature, religious, non-cosmic conscious advisors! Had Trump or Harris hired me I would have strongly suggested those days because “knowledge is power and ignorance is evil!” 

In some weird ways, I am happy that my supreme cosmic wisdom is not yet assimilated, understood, and used widely because bad politicians and crooks alike could use it to promote their criminal endeavors!  Drinking supreme wisdom from the “Holy Grail” is not for everyone but is offered to those able and willing to use the power!

Dr. Turi
All the wealthy people on this yacht died in sudden storm that happened during the Uranic  shocking window “SOS to the wold August 17, 18, 19, and 20th.
The storm that sank the superyacht was sudden, violent and deadly. It may be a warning of what’s to come as global warming fuels more extreme weather during my future 2025 SOS deadly windows. Countless of future victims will pay the ultimate price of their cosmic ignorance by elevating and maintening religions instead of learning all about God’s cosmic design and its critical karmic purposes!  Become a VIP, be smart, be curious save your life!
Are you ready for the next sos windows?


Pay attention, make notes of those dates August 28, 29, 30 – Expect a new beguinning/ending of important part of your life! Watch the politicians…
Pay attention, make notes of those dates September 7, 8, 9Upcoming Deadly Plutonic window – Police/ Mass shooting/mass death!) 
As always I will in time add the appropriate quatrains and keywords… Comeback often to check my visions unfold.
There is NO physical Holy Grail, the biblical story is part of the universal religious deception imposed by the Church Inc./Vatican. The Holy Grail is symbolic, it simply means the aptitude for highly spiritually advanced souls to be able to drink at the source of all wisdom by understanding and mastering God’s cosmic design and Jesus’ initial cosmic Ministry or Divine Astrology. I do not expect a religiously poisoned, non-cosmic-conscious US society and the world at large to grasp the depth and reality of my claims just yet. However, since life is a constant process of endless changes the future and the Age of Aquarius (AI/UFOs/Astrology/the future of humanity will prove me right.

 “Be warned! the upcoming Pisces (religion) is about to unleash a tremendous avalanche of news involving the bible and cosmic unconscious pious indoctrinated Christian people fearing hell. All media will explode with religious posts as the Age of Pisces (deception/abuse) is dying. Church Inc. must fight to survive as the Age of Aquarius (freedom, understanding, humanities, technology, future, UFOs) slowly takes over. They will spend BILLIONS in advertisements to grasp scared, insecure people, especially souls born Neptunian and confused teens who are psychically vulnerable and seek hopes  and direction.”

“Five minutes after you are born they will decide your name, nationality, religion and tribe and you will spend the rest of your life smilingly defending things you did not choose” – Arthur Schopenhauer

In the name of fear, ignorance and control, politically oriented churches of the past are responsible for the Dark Ages movement that killed millions of people all around the world, especially women!

Religions have and can only bring more troubles and death to humanity, since what we are witnessing currently with Israel and Hamass in the Middle East (a Pisces area) is nothing else than an endless political religious war! 

Its going to get much worse before it get better!

Christian nationalists in the United States advocate “a fusion of identitarian Christian identity and cultural conservatism with American civic belonging.” It has been noted to bear overlap with Christian fundamentalism, white supremacy, the Seven Mountain Mandate movement, and dominionism.

Expect a full restructuring of the Middle East as the latest Israeli strike on a mosque and school in Gaza killed scores, sparking international outrage! If you read the quatrain below, it seems my visions for the Middle East, religions and the future of humanity can easily be perceived by smart and curious people…

Water, sky, oceans, oil drench
Dark clouds cities man cry drown
Jesus’s cosmic spirit rebirth 
Religions, Pisces deception Age die 

Written by Dr. Turi 6/23/24

Continued: So you will have to comeback often to check how real and knowledgeable I am and maybe realize my work deserves not only respect but sharing! 

But if you do not take the time to read and check my claims, how can I help you build more cosmic consciousness? So many psychics and prophets want to be everywhere, thus if you land something tangible, dated, well documented, and factual as mine, as a responsible human, it is your duty to share it widely! Another prediction I made…

MEMO from “Melania Trump -Predictions for the First Lady!” published October 19, 2020.

“But once the negative tail of the Dragon in Scorpio enters her 7th house (partnerships) from her Sun sign of Taurus around January 2022, she will be forced to “exit” her marriage with Trump or become much less active in public with him. The future is not good for their marriage, it could also be because of an imposed divorce, marriage dissolution, heart attack sudden death or assassination“

One of my students copied and sent me this paragraph published in one of my Nostradamus dragon forecast many years ago.

“This Dragon is against President Trump’s health and service to the world but most importantly his children and close family. Trump’s minions and his children are a target of the reptilius and many are been fined and already rotting in prison. Trump or one of his children may become sick, mentally unstable/suicidal, or become the target of the CIA,or be assassinated by a lost infected soul.”

I can only hope to be wrong in another sad prediction I made about former President Trump published 7/21/24 in Biden drops out of the race prediction & Kamala Harris Stars and Fate!” 

In my newsletter I mentioned Trump being a DUAL is prone to suffer another assassination attempt on his life! Read more about this vision in Thomas Crooks’ Suicide – A born killer mind exposed!
And the FBI should read and take my warnings very seriously! 

The predictions for the future and UFO’s I have for humanity are not for the fainted heart and are only available for our VIP’s of the Cosmic Code private website!

“Show ne a reader, I’ll point out a winner!” Dr. Turi


A message from Terania Turi:
I do not do live consultation just yet, but I am very active my own way! If you have an interest in digging into the celestial mechanics of divine astrology or may not be familiar with the basics of the methodology, perhaps you would be interested in having a natal chart / an astro – mapping report / a basic compatibility report / biorhythms / cabalistic cleansing ritual report from Terania, all for only $50.
This would also be a perfect way for me to introduce you to our work and open the door to discover more potential information, leading to the truth about yourself and your life…
In which case, you can then set up a more in depth live Zoom consultation with the “master,” Dr. Turi and attain a new perception of reality and your goals in this lifetime.
Thank you all
Terania Turi
E-mail : for more information


Dr. Louis Turi in Phoenix, AZ // Thervo

I intend to do more lectures on the Superconscious creative forces and educate and heal people in many fine resorts in Florida. In the past, I lectured on this topic and hypnotized the attendance on countless cruise ships, in Casinos in Las Vegas, and in many hotels and spas around the world, if you can help or need my expertise email for more information. Indeed knowledge is power, ignorance is evil! 

Memo from Coast to Coast am October 16 2019 – In the second half, Dr. Louis Turi revealed how to harness the power of the subconscious mind, and explained how it shapes everything from world events to everyday personal motives and decisions. Turi believes that the subconscious is so powerful that it “gets your heart beating and stops an infection” and can even “alter the atomic structure of your body.” He said that the disciplines of psychology and psychiatry have yet to accept these concepts. Turi also described extraterrestrial races he’s been in contact with. He’s concluded that they affect human behavior both toward the positive and negative, depending on the source. The benevolent race, he continued, is known as the “Draconis,” and the evil or negative ones are the “Reptilians.” Turi stated that he’s been “contacted by the divine and it is speaking through me.”

He gave examples from his own life he’s made about the power of the subconscious. He recalled that when he was a child, he had a virulent infection in his ears, which only subsided after he left his parents’ home, where they raised their voices and fought constantly. He realized that his subconscious was telling him he didn’t want to hear them fighting, and he was only able to heal after he went to live with his grandmother “who never raised her voice. Turi also made predictions for this year and the next based on his study of astrology, saying that for the rest of 2019, political events and relationships will “go downhill,” and that there will be a “full restructure” of many groups and institutions in 2020. He also said that he is expecting “a lot of fire” and “a lot of wildlife to disappear.”  This was weeks before the terrible Australian and California fires who killed millions of animals! 

I was fired from this popular radio program for mentioning that Trump could be assassinated, he would not be re-elected and COVID would kill millions! Read more!

 Another of my prediction came to pass…

Biden calls for major Supreme Court reforms, including term limits, at Civil Rights Act event

Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito Are “Subject to Corruption”: AOC
Clarence Thomas fails to disclose 3 more Harlan Crow trips, Senate records show
Justice Thomas raked in $4M in gifts, new report
Can Samuel Alito Survive Flag Controversy? 

Dr. Turi;
You predicted trouble for Supreme Court justices a long time ago . Now it is 
Insecurity reigns supreme while egocentric politicians tear themselves apart and high Court lawmakers impose their religious beliefs, change the laws on our backs, and abuse us all. 

My quatrain below speaks volume on my undeniable accurate visions about the abusive, deceptive retructuring legal system or what’s going on with judges and the DOJ! Yet only those who bought 2021/2022/2023/2024 Nostradamus dragon forecast were warned! Justice Thomas and Justice Alito karma is on the way!

Scale of justice trembles
Armed villains seek blood
Red dominates rainbow
Power tears judges fight dies

Posted to the world on September 3, 2022

The gravitational forces that move all galaxies is a scientific fact;   But the greatness of the spiritual cosmic manifesto is yet a mystery to humanity. God’s enslaved all his children to uncover his cosmic  Divinity and with it,  a life filled with health, love, respect, peace and harmony for all.

— Dr. Turi

“The universe is a BRIGHT LIVING spiritual entity… I’m offering its secrets before I die. The purpose of all my struggles  was to build cosmic wisdom and offer universal guidance and strengths to others” — Dr. Turi

Saudi Arabia says 1,301 died on Hajj this year

This absurdity of over 5000 man made religions indoctrination is mind boggling! When the new dragon enters Pisces in January 2025 a full restructure of all deceptive religions and the Vatican (death of the Pope)  will take place. Much more predictions for the future will be published on the Cosmic Code private website. Join now email

Water, sky, oceans, oil drench
Dark clouds cities man cry drown
Jesus’s cosmic spirit rebirth 
Religions, Pisces deception Age die 

Written by Dr. Turi /23/24

Join the cosmic code private website, read all in great details and be prepared for your future! Never separate yourself from God, we are all God’s and Goddesses in training on this dense physical world learning this fact! Religion is pure evil and created by the nefarious reptilius…

Jesus was teaching Astrology…
12 Apostles, 12 months, 12 hours, 12 jury, 12 tribes of Israel, 12 sins, 12 jury… Jesus was teaching Astrology but the Church Inc took it away from you… Jesus cosmic ministry has nothing to do with the bible. time to wake up to the truth but only smart and curious people will get it….
In time the New Age of Aquarius will obliterate this mental cancer. With Pluto in Aquarius and the upcoming new 2025 Dragon in Pisces, expect lots of water from the skies and fierce battles to keep all suffocating religions alive! The Israel-Hamas war is just the beginning! Christians and others denominations will try very hard to convince you Facebook! Expect an explosion of religious stuff as the deceptive Age of Pisces is ending! 

Remember reader, next September 2024 those newsletters and warnings will stop completely while my prices for consultations will rise significantly! I can only and strongly recommend you to join us and read the  special announcement below if you need any of my services! 

Sharing emails:

I did receive the Zoom recording, Dr. Turi thank you!


I do believe whole heartedly in your work and I am thankful to have had this once in a lifetime opportunity to meet with you! 

Thank you Dr. Turi for who you are as a person and for what you so selflessly give back to the world with all your wisdom and cosmic teachings! I do appreciate your dedication and sacrifices that you make daily for the greater good of mankind! 
It was a true honor, monsieur! God bless you and Terania and thank God for our divine timing, even if it was during a hurricane.. lol!
I’m sorry if I interrupted you too many times i was just excited .It was an eye opener for my husband after 30 years of me telling him he finally gets it . Thank you so much for reaching him he was so happy when we hung up he told me how much better he felt . Thank you for all the work you do the passion you have to reach everyone it’s truly amazing .☀️💫🌕

We are living in times where boneheads rise, intelligence fall, educated idiots reign supreme and thrive while genius and real get unrecognized.” Dr.Turi

No parents nowadays (outside of religion and science) are teaching their children who God truly is, spiritual matters, metaphysics and pay attention to the stars, their dreams, and master the art of divination using Divine astrology.

Since you were made at the image of God, love yourself with all the might of God because you were born to create.. Remember God <positive> would/could not be without the devil <negative> for without opposite life would be impossible. Yesterday in your past, your fears, your cosmic ignorance and your religion, you were EVIL..

The new smarter, curious, educated you is Godlike and in your positivity you reflect the light of God’s cosmic wisdom.

Indeed the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought, keep them positive since there is no future and no God in the past…

Share with smart people and never separate yourself from God. We are all God’s and Goddesses in training on this dense physical world learning this fact! Religions are pure evil and 5000 plus were created by the nefarious reptilius…

In order to regenerate their spirit to survive, one day your children will ask and look for the answers they could never get from science or religion. The results are dreadful as thousands of lost young souls seek refuge in drugs or commit suicide… And this is the mission I was assigned as a UFO contactee to perform for all the children of the future.


At 74, time is running out for me since I want to spend the last few years, I have left running my “Lady of the Seas” charter and hopefully meet many of you in my boat in the Florida keys during the summer holiday season.

I am working two jobs full time, one as a OTR driver for FedEx and the other doing endless Astrological consultations during my days off.  Check all my trips and videos from my Facebook page.

The idea is to save enough to invest in a bigger and safer yacht. But as I am getting closer to my goal after September 2024, making videos, writing newsletters and taking care of my endless chain of clients doing readings on Zoom will become impossible as the new business and the new website dedicated for this new business venture will take all our time.

Thus as of September 2024 my price for a Full Life Reading (regularly $350) will change to $500 and a live session on Zoom (regularly $700) will rise to $1000. My great webmaster Tom will make those changes on my website before then.

Note also, future full newsletters will only be posted and available from the private Cosmic Code website and only new and older supporting VIP’s and new and older Patreon supporters will not be affected by the price changes.

Thus if I mean anything to you, it is in your best interest to become a VIP and still have access to all my services and enjoy our yearly forecasts and daily guidance and predictions.  Join today!

As always if you have any questions simply email and she will take good care of you.

You are getting so little with my newsletters my friend, Terania and I have so much more to offer you on the Cosmic Code private website!Become a VIP Membership is only $10 and you are showing your support for our cosmic work please. Thank you

The only good news I have for you, since I will never get any form of support from a religiously poisoned society is that! The New Age of Aquarius(UFO’s/technology/Astrology/the future of humanity/the stars) is slowly but surely taking over the deceptive Age of Pisces and will in time, make all religions obsolete!

A much better understanding and use of God’s celestial creation await future generations and my mission is to insert the critical mental seeds to this upcoming wonderful cosmic enlightenment. 
Neptunian relies only on his intuition and his/her spirit to deal with the archetypal realm of supra-cosmic consciousness to translate his/her visions and predictions. Little do they know that there is only a very thin line between Divine Cosmic information, channeling and pure imagination! 
A true Neptunian is reluctant to engage in any form of rational studies and consequently is not cosmic conscious. He/she does not use nor understand the complexity of the super-conscious in time and space and the cosmic code jurisdictions, something that can only be revealed by mastering God’s cosmic design or Divine Astrology. 
The very idea of using critical thinking and mastering new tools explain all spiritual rules (outside of traditional religion) would also make them aware of their inherited celestial Divinity but it scares them. Going out of their Neptunian comfort zone and improving their physical vibrations is not an option!
Neptunians stubbornly trust only themselves, God, the spirit, and their mystical nature not knowing that God does not speak his cosmic language to unconscious fools.
All established professions require a form of education and the use of very specific tools! Imagine a mechanic fixing your car with his hands alone or a baker making bread without a mixer! 
Imagine a boat Captain driving a boat or a pilot flying a plane without knowing all the rules of the land, water, and sea. A Neptunian is unable to recognize his or her intellectual gift and capacities and limits and trust only God and their spirit! 
This is why taking and using any of my courses will elevate their cosmic vibrations and spiritual perceptions.
I taught and offered my Divine Astrology course to those willing to put in the effort and by building cosmic awareness, they now own the golden keys to what it means to be human. 
I also thought of the born psychic and suggested taking the Atro-Tarot course because this ancient art is all about the use of cards, the superconscious, metaphors, and intuition. 
 A born psychic can flourish and grow in its spiritual element, and become much more efficient than taking on a more demanding astrological study. 
A true born psychic is loaded with objectivity and intuition yet, they also lack basic critical thinking, and regardless of my elaborate and logical explanations, many of my clients have missed the boat to cosmic awareness and spiritual enlightenment. 
Neptune rules the Middle East and the youngest and deadliest religions (Christianity/Judaism/Islam) were born there, cursing the entire population and the world at large since Neptune rules the oceans and 3/4 of the world.
The deceptiveness and poisoning of the planet Neptune (gas / drugs / alcohol / medications / cults / religions / jails) has dramatic worldwide repercussions.
The burgeoning Age of Aquarius (UFOs/technology/humanitarianism/Astrology)is already changing humanity’s psychical vibrations and awareness… In other words, humans are slowly but surely becoming more curious about the planets’s impact upon humans and the world “the true birth of all religions,” educated, and smarter!
On the other hand, a true born Saturnian (atheist, agnostic, skeptic)is forbidden by God himself access to anything spiritual, including religion. The unevolved “Young Soul” has not yet reached the level of spiritual perception needed to realize and refine his/her awareness of the world (s) he/she lives in. 

Pythagoras | Biography, Facts & Impact |

Every man has been made by God in order to acquire knowledge and contemplate but not all men where born with the same UCI/stars. Pythagoras was certainly born with a strong Saturn or CapricornSun, moon, rising or Dragon!

God made those souls delegate the physical manifesto alone as we need reliable engineering (bridges / gearboxes / cars / tools / mechanics, etc.) on earth.
They can only perceive the world they live in through their five limited, rational human senses. God made sure their natal karmic UCI “Unique Celestial Identity” is earthy and loaded with Saturn’s restrictive down-to-earth low vibrations. 
“A magnet will not attract a piece of wood”
Unless you vibrate at my highly spiritual and rational cosmic speed you will be naturally attracted to me and my cosmic teachings… And those “super Humans” are quite rare! 
With the current warlike, aggressive, brutal Martian dragon in charge of this world (see quatrain below) until January 2025 the current state of this world is quite scary and will get worse.


German/Vikings Skin Alike
Black and White Red Blood
Fire War Violence  Passions Rule
God Nowhere To Stop Fires
Hitler’s Evil spirit reborn

Posted to the world on June 12, 2013 

Insecurity reigns supreme while egocentric politicians tear themselves apart and high Court lawmakers impose their religious beliefs, change the laws on our backs, and abuse us all. 

My quatrain below speaks volume on my undeniable accurate visions about the abusive, deceptive retructuring legal system or what’s going on with judges and the DOJ! Yet only those who bought 2021/2022/2023/2024 Nostradamus dragon forecast were warned! Justice Thomas and Justice Alito karma is on the way!

Scale of justice trembles
Armed villains seek blood
Red dominates rainbow
Power tears judges fight dies

Posted to the world on September 3, 2022

The gravitational forces that move all galaxies is a scientific fact;   But the greatness of the spiritual cosmic manifesto is yet a mystery to humanity. God’s enslaved all his children to uncover his cosmic  Divinity and with it,  a life filled with health, love, respect, peace and harmony for all.

— Dr. Turi

Taking care of your family and your bills has never been so difficult and if you think electing another cosmic unconscious president will change your life for the better, you are in LALA land!  
In any ways shape and form, if you feel depressed, insecure and lack of directions, we are here for you! Talk to terrania if needed 
Clienty feedback,
Dear Terania,
Thank you, the session was very insightful and enjoyable and I learnt some more astrology in the process.
I can highly recommend reading with Dr Turi. If you want to understand how and why things happen to you, the way they do and how you can make the most of the changing planets and their energies, the reading is for you!
With all the things that are going on around us, why leave home without a map!
And get a progressive reading for the year!
Thank you and God bless!
The current Aries/Libra dragon axis (as of July 2023) is IMPOSING changes by houses and signs and Mercury is telling you, you are not going in the right direction! Seek the light while you can.
You may be religiously poisoned and fearful of Divine Astrology. Your UCI “Unique Celestial Identity ” may be too earthy and turned you into a radical skeptic or agnostic that ridicule the idea of dealing with the future a cosmic God has in store for you.
All the while missing the great opportunity given to you by Mercury retrograde to bypass your fear and skepticism…  As a rule, it is only when the student is ready that the gifted cosmic teacher will appear and it is only when you ask that you shall receive the rewards of your curiosity!
  • Knowing where your Jupiter (luck) is located by house and sign and what your natal and hidden dragons (past lives) are predisposing you for will become a major contribution for your success in this lifetime.
  • Knowing all about your true soul’s purpose, and the planets stimulating your second house of money and self-esteem is a must if you need to invest and build long lasting financial wealth.
  • Knowing all about the Universal Law of the moon is not only a MUST but critical to make steady progress in life, because the moon is much more than a dead rock hanging above your head for the sake of beauty!
  • If you are lonely and looking for love, knowing all about the seat of attraction between human beings and your Venus’s location by house and sign is a great thing! And the planet of love will lead you to your soul mate!
  • If you are into natural healing or concerned with your health, do not fear! Knowing and using all the planets accordingly blessing your six house of health and work is a sure ticket to live a long life and regenerate at work.
  • For good or for worse, you are set to attract certain signs of the Zodiac for specific karmic, often difficult purposes, and knowing all about your partner’s stars is the only way to make a relationship work harmoniously.
  • The planet’s blessing your eleven house of groups, wishes, and friends must be acknowledged and used so all your goals can be reached. Respecting the perfect timing for socializing can only add more luck on your way.
  • What is your mission in life? what God designed you for mentally and physically to achieve on earth? What is your best career choice that will bring you the respect and position you need? Let me tell you all about the specific universal laws ruling your chart and your life!  These are the questions you must ask to succeed in a fate written in light for you.
  • Most importantly, what planets are blessing your subconscious creative forces where magic becomes a reality? Do you know enough about your subconscious potential where God resides? Are you using those formidable forces accordingly and efficiently? Let me enlighten you on this amazing process!
  • Knowledge is power, ignorance is evil, did you watch my movie on the Super-conscious? Did you read my best seller “Beyond The Secret?” 

“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that we may lead a safer more productive life!” Paracelsus

If you are ready for me, I am ready for you and I can promess you I will change your life for the best! But before meeting with me on Zoom, please read the following! 


If you did not yet, you MUST read Dr. Turi FREE Astro-Tarot Daily Celestial Guidance And Predictions For All to benefit from my regular free guidance and prediction. 

 if you miss my full cosmic code newsletters become a VIP or a Patreon supporter! 

Show your support join my medias




Kamala Harris “The good, the bad and the ugly!”



“The universe is under no obligation to make any SPIRITUAL sense to anyone” Dr. Turi

“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior  wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth using his will is a magus and  magic is not sorcery but Supreme wisdom.” Paracelsus

Reader, make sure to join and share my FB pages UFOs Astrology & Dr. Turi Predictions
Check also my videos from DrStarsSun on the road, join and share my crazy life!


September 2024 I will be a guest on Robert Kalil podcast – Sep 15, 2024 from 7:00pm to 8:00pm EDT

Alien Event, an Expo Conference OCT 17-20, 2024.

I hope you will join us in Las Vegas and enjoy all speaker’s wisdom including my presentation titled “Hypnotherapy  with Dr. Turi” and it will take place on Sunday October 20th in the evening hours.

In this world of troubles, wars and nuclear fear taping in the collective superconscious for hopes and personal success becomes also a major contribution to wish for peace on earth.  At a personal level, do you want a better health, do you want to attract love, more money or a great career? With smooth, relaxing soft  music Dr. Turi will put the audience in a light and safe trance to reach the power you were born to use. An experience you will enjoy and never forget…

Dear reader,

You know my philosophy my friend, there are NO accidents for anything that transpires in anyone’s life, including Kamala Harris! There are only subtle cosmic forces at work, a religious and rational society at large can not determine just yet!

While I am not a CNN or Fox anchor, I am well ahead of time and spiritually advanced enough to explain to those well-read journalists something they could never realize. Their cosmic wisdom starts and finishes with the Aries medallion worn around the neck of one of the most astute anchors named Kaitlan Collins born with the moon (emotions) in Gemini (the Messsenger, the reporter!) Little does Kaitlan know that the 2024 Aries dragon, last 12 months propelled her to the ladder of success on CNN!

If you watched the event on national TV and felt the “electricity” generated in the room it is not only due to the physical work put into it.  This event was so successful because it transpired during a full moon (emotions are usually very high) in the sign of Aquarius (electricity/unification!) This sign rules FREEDOM, humanitarianism, the future, and all that Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are about and what America and the world are ready for! A desperately needed change which UNIFIED all Americans.

Tim Walz also never gave such an important speech in his career, but he was under one of his positive 2024 cosmic biorhythms and did exceptionally well! That’s because he was born with the moon in Aquarius and his powerful speech was supported by the positive universal trend!   Note also Oprah Winfrey is an Aquarius  and she was born like Biden and Obama with an Aquarius Dragon”s Head… This sign rues television are you still wondering of the power of the stars upon one’s destiny!  Read about you sign 

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz got very lucky with such progressive cosmic winds on their side while Trump’s RNC felt more like a boring dentist appointment because of his young, immature, religious, non-cosmic conscious advisors! Had Trump or Harris hired me I would have strongly suggested those days because “knowledge is power and ignorance is evil!” 

In some weird ways, I am happy that my supreme cosmic wisdom is not yet assimilated, understood, and used widely because bad politicians and crooks alike could use it to promote their criminal endeavors!  Drinking supreme wisdom from the “Holy Grail” is not for everyone but is offered to those able and willing to use the power!

Dr. Turi
All the wealthy people on this yacht died in sudden storm that happened during the Uranic  shocking window “SOS to the wold August 17, 18, 19, and 20th.
The storm that sank the superyacht was sudden, violent and deadly. It may be a warning of what’s to come as global warming fuels more extreme weather during my future 2025 SOS deadly windows. Countless of future victims will pay the ultimate price of their cosmic ignorance by elevating and maintening religions instead of learning all about God’s cosmic design and its critical karmic purposes!  Become a VIP, be smart, be curious save your life!
Are you ready for the next sos windows?


Pay attention, make notes of those dates August 28, 29, 30 – Expect a new beguinning/ending of important part of your life! Watch the politicians…
Pay attention, make notes of those dates September 7, 8, 9Upcoming Deadly Plutonic window – Police/ Mass shooting/mass death!) 
As always I will in time add the appropriate quatrains and keywords… Comeback often to check my visions unfold.
There is NO physical Holy Grail, the biblical story is part of the universal religious deception imposed by the Church Inc./Vatican. The Holy Grail is symbolic, it simply means the aptitude for highly spiritually advanced souls to be able to drink at the source of all wisdom by understanding and mastering God’s cosmic design and Jesus’ initial cosmic Ministry or Divine Astrology. I do not expect a religiously poisoned, non-cosmic-conscious US society and the world at large to grasp the depth and reality of my claims just yet. However, since life is a constant process of endless changes the future and the Age of Aquarius (AI/UFOs/Astrology/the future of humanity will prove me right.

 “Be warned! the upcoming Pisces (religion) is about to unleash a tremendous avalanche of news involving the bible and cosmic unconscious pious indoctrinated Christian people fearing hell. All media will explode with religious posts as the Age of Pisces (deception/abuse) is dying. Church Inc. must fight to survive as the Age of Aquarius (freedom, understanding, humanities, technology, future, UFOs) slowly takes over. They will spend BILLIONS in advertisements to grasp scared, insecure people, especially souls born Neptunian and confused teens who are psychically vulnerable and seek hopes  and direction.”

“Five minutes after you are born they will decide your name, nationality, religion and tribe and you will spend the rest of your life smilingly defending things you did not choose” – Arthur Schopenhauer

In the name of fear, ignorance and control, politically oriented churches of the past are responsible for the Dark Ages movement that killed millions of people all around the world, especially women!

Religions have and can only bring more troubles and death to humanity, since what we are witnessing currently with Israel and Hamass in the Middle East (a Pisces area) is nothing else than an endless political religious war!

Its going to get much worse before it get better!

Christian nationalists in the United States advocate “a fusion of identitarian Christian identity and cultural conservatism with American civic belonging.” It has been noted to bear overlap with Christian fundamentalism, white supremacy, the Seven Mountain Mandate movement, and dominionism.

Expect a full restructuring of the Middle East as the latest Israeli strike on a mosque and school in Gaza killed scores, sparking international outrage! If you read the quatrain below, it seems my visions for the Middle East, religions and the future of humanity can easily be perceived by smart and curious people…

Water, sky, oceans, oil drench
Dark clouds cities man cry drown
Jesus’s cosmic spirit rebirth 
Religions, Pisces deception Age die 

Written by Dr. Turi 6/23/24

Continued: So you will have to comeback often to check how real and knowledgeable I am and maybe realize my work deserves not only respect but sharing!

But if you do not take the time to read and check my claims, how can I help you build more cosmic consciousness? So many psychics and prophets want to be everywhere, thus if you land something tangible, dated, well documented, and factual as mine, as a responsible human, it is your duty to share it widely! Another prediction I made…

MEMO from “Melania Trump -Predictions for the First Lady!” published October 19, 2020.

“But once the negative tail of the Dragon in Scorpio enters her 7th house (partnerships) from her Sun sign of Taurus around January 2022, she will be forced to “exit” her marriage with Trump or become much less active in public with him. The future is not good for their marriage, it could also be because of an imposed divorce, marriage dissolution, heart attack sudden death or assassination“

One of my students copied and sent me this paragraph published in one of my Nostradamus dragon forecast many years ago.

“This Dragon is against President Trump’s health and service to the world but most importantly his children and close family. Trump’s minions and his children are a target of the reptilius and many are been fined and already rotting in prison. Trump or one of his children may become sick, mentally unstable/suicidal, or become the target of the CIA,or be assassinated by a lost infected soul.”

I can only hope to be wrong in another sad prediction I made about former President Trump published 7/21/24 in Biden drops out of the race prediction & Kamala Harris Stars and Fate!” 

In my newsletter I mentioned Trump being a DUAL is prone to suffer another assassination attempt on his life! Read more about this vision in Thomas Crooks’ Suicide – A born killer mind exposed!
And the FBI should read and take my warnings very seriously! 

The predictions for the future and UFO’s I have for humanity are not for the fainted heart and are only available for our VIP’s of the Cosmic Code private website!

“Show ne a reader, I’ll point out a winner!” Dr. Turi


A message from Terania Turi:
I do not do live consultation just yet, but I am very active my own way! If you have an interest in digging into the celestial mechanics of divine astrology or may not be familiar with the basics of the methodology, perhaps you would be interested in having a natal chart / an astro – mapping report / a basic compatibility report / biorhythms / cabalistic cleansing ritual report from Terania, all for only $50.
This would also be a perfect way for me to introduce you to our work and open the door to discover more potential information, leading to the truth about yourself and your life…
In which case, you can then set up a more in depth live Zoom consultation with the “master,” Dr. Turi and attain a new perception of reality and your goals in this lifetime.
Thank you all
Terania Turi
E-mail : for more information


Dr. Louis Turi in Phoenix, AZ // Thervo

I intend to do more lectures on the Superconscious creative forces and educate and heal people in many fine resorts in Florida. In the past, I lectured on this topic and hypnotized the attendance on countless cruise ships, in Casinos in Las Vegas, and in many hotels and spas around the world, if you can help or need my expertise email for more information. Indeed knowledge is power, ignorance is evil! 

Memo from Coast to Coast am October 16 2019 – In the second half, Dr. Louis Turi revealed how to harness the power of the subconscious mind, and explained how it shapes everything from world events to everyday personal motives and decisions. Turi believes that the subconscious is so powerful that it “gets your heart beating and stops an infection” and can even “alter the atomic structure of your body.” He said that the disciplines of psychology and psychiatry have yet to accept these concepts. Turi also described extraterrestrial races he’s been in contact with. He’s concluded that they affect human behavior both toward the positive and negative, depending on the source. The benevolent race, he continued, is known as the “Draconis,” and the evil or negative ones are the “Reptilians.” Turi stated that he’s been “contacted by the divine and it is speaking through me.”

He gave examples from his own life he’s made about the power of the subconscious. He recalled that when he was a child, he had a virulent infection in his ears, which only subsided after he left his parents’ home, where they raised their voices and fought constantly. He realized that his subconscious was telling him he didn’t want to hear them fighting, and he was only able to heal after he went to live with his grandmother “who never raised her voice. Turi also made predictions for this year and the next based on his study of astrology, saying that for the rest of 2019, political events and relationships will “go downhill,” and that there will be a “full restructure” of many groups and institutions in 2020. He also said that he is expecting “a lot of fire” and “a lot of wildlife to disappear.”  This was weeks before the terrible Australian and California fires who killed millions of animals! 

I was fired from this popular radio program for mentioning that Trump could be assassinated, he would not be re-elected and COVID would kill millions! Read more!

Another of my prediction came to pass…

Biden calls for major Supreme Court reforms, including term limits, at Civil Rights Act event

Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito Are “Subject to Corruption”: AOC
Clarence Thomas fails to disclose 3 more Harlan Crow trips, Senate records show
Justice Thomas raked in $4M in gifts, new report
Can Samuel Alito Survive Flag Controversy? 

Dr. Turi;
You predicted trouble for Supreme Court justices a long time ago . Now it is 
Insecurity reigns supreme while egocentric politicians tear themselves apart and high Court lawmakers impose their religious beliefs, change the laws on our backs, and abuse us all. 

My quatrain below speaks volume on my undeniable accurate visions about the abusive, deceptive retructuring legal system or what’s going on with judges and the DOJ! Yet only those who bought 2021/2022/2023/2024 Nostradamus dragon forecast were warned! Justice Thomas and Justice Alito karma is on the way!

Scale of justice trembles
Armed villains seek blood
Red dominates rainbow
Power tears judges fight dies

Posted to the world on September 3, 2022

The gravitational forces that move all galaxies is a scientific fact;   But the greatness of the spiritual cosmic manifesto is yet a mystery to humanity. God’s enslaved all his children to uncover his cosmic  Divinity and with it,  a life filled with health, love, respect, peace and harmony for all.

— Dr. Turi

“The universe is a BRIGHT LIVING spiritual entity… I’m offering its secrets before I die. The purpose of all my struggles  was to build cosmic wisdom and offer universal guidance and strengths to others” — Dr. Turi

Saudi Arabia says 1,301 died on Hajj this year

This absurdity of over 5000 man made religions indoctrination is mind boggling! When the new dragon enters Pisces in January 2025 a full restructure of all deceptive religions and the Vatican (death of the Pope)  will take place. Much more predictions for the future will be published on the Cosmic Code private website. Join now email

Water, sky, oceans, oil drench
Dark clouds cities man cry drown
Jesus’s cosmic spirit rebirth 
Religions, Pisces deception Age die 

Written by Dr. Turi /23/24

Join the cosmic code private website, read all in great details and be prepared for your future! Never separate yourself from God, we are all God’s and Goddesses in training on this dense physical world learning this fact! Religion is pure evil and created by the nefarious reptilius…

Jesus was teaching Astrology…
12 Apostles, 12 months, 12 hours, 12 jury, 12 tribes of Israel, 12 sins, 12 jury… Jesus was teaching Astrology but the Church Inc took it away from you… Jesus cosmic ministry has nothing to do with the bible. time to wake up to the truth but only smart and curious people will get it….
In time the New Age of Aquarius will obliterate this mental cancer. With Pluto in Aquarius and the upcoming new 2025 Dragon in Pisces, expect lots of water from the skies and fierce battles to keep all suffocating religions alive! The Israel-Hamas war is just the beginning! Christians and others denominations will try very hard to convince you Facebook! Expect an explosion of religious stuff as the deceptive Age of Pisces is ending!

Remember reader, next September 2024 those newsletters and warnings will stop completely while my prices for consultations will rise significantly! I can only and strongly recommend you to join us and read the  special announcement below if you need any of my services!

Sharing emails:

I did receive the Zoom recording, Dr. Turi thank you!

I do believe whole heartedly in your work and I am thankful to have had this once in a lifetime opportunity to meet with you! 

Thank you Dr. Turi for who you are as a person and for what you so selflessly give back to the world with all your wisdom and cosmic teachings! I do appreciate your dedication and sacrifices that you make daily for the greater good of mankind! 
It was a true honor, monsieur! God bless you and Terania and thank God for our divine timing, even if it was during a hurricane.. lol!
I’m sorry if I interrupted you too many times i was just excited .It was an eye opener for my husband after 30 years of me telling him he finally gets it . Thank you so much for reaching him he was so happy when we hung up he told me how much better he felt . Thank you for all the work you do the passion you have to reach everyone it’s truly amazing .☀️💫🌕

We are living in times where boneheads rise, intelligence fall, educated idiots reign supreme and thrive while genius and real get unrecognized.” Dr.Turi

No parents nowadays (outside of religion and science) are teaching their children who God truly is, spiritual matters, metaphysics and pay attention to the stars, their dreams, and master the art of divination using Divine astrology.

Since you were made at the image of God, love yourself with all the might of God because you were born to create.. Remember God <positive> would/could not be without the devil <negative> for without opposite life would be impossible. Yesterday in your past, your fears, your cosmic ignorance and your religion, you were EVIL..

The new smarter, curious, educated you is Godlike and in your positivity you reflect the light of God’s cosmic wisdom.

Indeed the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought, keep them positive since there is no future and no God in the past…

Share with smart people and never separate yourself from God. We are all God’s and Goddesses in training on this dense physical world learning this fact! Religions are pure evil and 5000 plus were created by the nefarious reptilius…

In order to regenerate their spirit to survive, one day your children will ask and look for the answers they could never get from science or religion. The results are dreadful as thousands of lost young souls seek refuge in drugs or commit suicide… And this is the mission I was assigned as a UFO contactee to perform for all the children of the future.


At 74, time is running out for me since I want to spend the last few years, I have left running my “Lady of the Seas” charter and hopefully meet many of you in my boat in the Florida keys during the summer holiday season.

I am working two jobs full time, one as a OTR driver for FedEx and the other doing endless Astrological consultations during my days off.  Check all my trips and videos from my Facebook page.

The idea is to save enough to invest in a bigger and safer yacht. But as I am getting closer to my goal after September 2024, making videos, writing newsletters and taking care of my endless chain of clients doing readings on Zoom will become impossible as the new business and the new website dedicated for this new business venture will take all our time.

Thus as of September 2024 my price for a Full Life Reading (regularly $350) will change to $500 and a live session on Zoom (regularly $700) will rise to $1000. My great webmaster Tom will make those changes on my website before then.

Note also, future full newsletters will only be posted and available from the private Cosmic Code website and only new and older supporting VIP’s and new and older Patreon supporters will not be affected by the price changes.

Thus if I mean anything to you, it is in your best interest to become a VIP and still have access to all my services and enjoy our yearly forecasts and daily guidance and predictions.  Join today!

As always if you have any questions simply email and she will take good care of you.

You are getting so little with my newsletters my friend, Terania and I have so much more to offer you on the Cosmic Code private website!Become a VIP Membership is only $10 and you are showing your support for our cosmic work please. Thank you

The only good news I have for you, since I will never get any form of support from a religiously poisoned society is that! The New Age of Aquarius(UFO’s/technology/Astrology/the future of humanity/the stars) is slowly but surely taking over the deceptive Age of Pisces and will in time, make all religions obsolete!

A much better understanding and use of God’s celestial creation await future generations and my mission is to insert the critical mental seeds to this upcoming wonderful cosmic enlightenment.
Neptunian relies only on his intuition and his/her spirit to deal with the archetypal realm of supra-cosmic consciousness to translate his/her visions and predictions. Little do they know that there is only a very thin line between Divine Cosmic information, channeling and pure imagination!
A true Neptunian is reluctant to engage in any form of rational studies and consequently is not cosmic conscious. He/she does not use nor understand the complexity of the super-conscious in time and space and the cosmic code jurisdictions, something that can only be revealed by mastering God’s cosmic design or Divine Astrology. 
The very idea of using critical thinking and mastering new tools explain all spiritual rules (outside of traditional religion) would also make them aware of their inherited celestial Divinity but it scares them. Going out of their Neptunian comfort zone and improving their physical vibrations is not an option!
Neptunians stubbornly trust only themselves, God, the spirit, and their mystical nature not knowing that God does not speak his cosmic language to unconscious fools.
All established professions require a form of education and the use of very specific tools! Imagine a mechanic fixing your car with his hands alone or a baker making bread without a mixer!
Imagine a boat Captain driving a boat or a pilot flying a plane without knowing all the rules of the land, water, and sea. A Neptunian is unable to recognize his or her intellectual gift and capacities and limits and trust only God and their spirit!
This is why taking and using any of my courses will elevate their cosmic vibrations and spiritual perceptions.
I taught and offered my Divine Astrology course to those willing to put in the effort and by building cosmic awareness, they now own the golden keys to what it means to be human.
I also thought of the born psychic and suggested taking the Atro-Tarot course because this ancient art is all about the use of cards, the superconscious, metaphors, and intuition.
 A born psychic can flourish and grow in its spiritual element, and become much more efficient than taking on a more demanding astrological study.
A true born psychic is loaded with objectivity and intuition yet, they also lack basic critical thinking, and regardless of my elaborate and logical explanations, many of my clients have missed the boat to cosmic awareness and spiritual enlightenment.
Neptune rules the Middle East and the youngest and deadliest religions (Christianity/Judaism/Islam) were born there, cursing the entire population and the world at large since Neptune rules the oceans and 3/4 of the world.
The deceptiveness and poisoning of the planet Neptune (gas / drugs / alcohol / medications / cults / religions / jails) has dramatic worldwide repercussions.
The burgeoning Age of Aquarius (UFOs/technology/humanitarianism/Astrology)is already changing humanity’s psychical vibrations and awareness… In other words, humans are slowly but surely becoming more curious about the planets’s impact upon humans and the world “the true birth of all religions,” educated, and smarter!
On the other hand, a true born Saturnian (atheist, agnostic, skeptic)is forbidden by God himself access to anything spiritual, including religion. The unevolved “Young Soul” has not yet reached the level of spiritual perception needed to realize and refine his/her awareness of the world (s) he/she lives in.

Pythagoras | Biography, Facts & Impact |

Every man has been made by God in order to acquire knowledge and contemplate but not all men where born with the same UCI/stars. Pythagoras was certainly born with a strong Saturn or CapricornSun, moon, rising or Dragon!

God made those souls delegate the physical manifesto alone as we need reliable engineering (bridges / gearboxes / cars / tools / mechanics, etc.) on earth.
They can only perceive the world they live in through their five limited, rational human senses. God made sure their natal karmic UCI “Unique Celestial Identity” is earthy and loaded with Saturn’s restrictive down-to-earth low vibrations.
“A magnet will not attract a piece of wood”
Unless you vibrate at my highly spiritual and rational cosmic speed you will be naturally attracted to me and my cosmic teachings… And those “super Humans” are quite rare!
With the current warlike, aggressive, brutal Martian dragon in charge of this world (see quatrain below) until January 2025 the current state of this world is quite scary and will get worse.


German/Vikings Skin Alike
Black and White Red Blood
Fire War Violence  Passions Rule
God Nowhere To Stop Fires
Hitler’s Evil spirit reborn

Posted to the world on June 12, 2013 

Insecurity reigns supreme while egocentric politicians tear themselves apart and high Court lawmakers impose their religious beliefs, change the laws on our backs, and abuse us all.

My quatrain below speaks volume on my undeniable accurate visions about the abusive, deceptive retructuring legal system or what’s going on with judges and the DOJ! Yet only those who bought 2021/2022/2023/2024 Nostradamus dragon forecast were warned! Justice Thomas and Justice Alito karma is on the way!

Scale of justice trembles
Armed villains seek blood
Red dominates rainbow
Power tears judges fight dies

Posted to the world on September 3, 2022

The gravitational forces that move all galaxies is a scientific fact;   But the greatness of the spiritual cosmic manifesto is yet a mystery to humanity. God’s enslaved all his children to uncover his cosmic  Divinity and with it,  a life filled with health, love, respect, peace and harmony for all.

— Dr. Turi

Taking care of your family and your bills has never been so difficult and if you think electing another cosmic unconscious president will change your life for the better, you are in LALA land!
In any ways shape and form, if you feel depressed, insecure and lack of directions, we are here for you! Talk to terrania if needed 
Clienty feedback,
Dear Terania,
Thank you, the session was very insightful and enjoyable and I learnt some more astrology in the process.
I can highly recommend reading with Dr Turi. If you want to understand how and why things happen to you, the way they do and how you can make the most of the changing planets and their energies, the reading is for you!
With all the things that are going on around us, why leave home without a map!
And get a progressive reading for the year!
Thank you and God bless!

The current Aries/Libra dragon axis (as of July 2023) is IMPOSING changes by houses and signs and Mercury is telling you, you are not going in the right direction! Seek the light while you can.

You may be religiously poisoned and fearful of Divine Astrology. Your UCI “Unique Celestial Identity ” may be too earthy and turned you into a radical skeptic or agnostic that ridicule the idea of dealing with the future a cosmic God has in store for you.

All the while missing the great opportunity given to you by Mercury retrograde to bypass your fear and skepticism…  As a rule, it is only when the student is ready that the gifted cosmic teacher will appear and it is only when you ask that you shall receive the rewards of your curiosity!

  • Knowing where your Jupiter (luck) is located by house and sign and what your natal and hidden dragons (past lives) are predisposing you for will become a major contribution for your success in this lifetime.
  • Knowing all about your true soul’s purpose, and the planets stimulating your second house of money and self-esteem is a must if you need to invest and build long lasting financial wealth.
  • Knowing all about the Universal Law of the moon is not only a MUST but critical to make steady progress in life, because the moon is much more than a dead rock hanging above your head for the sake of beauty!
  • If you are lonely and looking for love, knowing all about the seat of attraction between human beings and your Venus’s location by house and sign is a great thing! And the planet of love will lead you to your soul mate!
  • If you are into natural healing or concerned with your health, do not fear! Knowing and using all the planets accordingly blessing your six house of health and work is a sure ticket to live a long life and regenerate at work.
  • For good or for worse, you are set to attract certain signs of the Zodiac for specific karmic, often difficult purposes, and knowing all about your partner’s stars is the only way to make a relationship work harmoniously.
  • The planet’s blessing your eleven house of groups, wishes, and friends must be acknowledged and used so all your goals can be reached. Respecting the perfect timing for socializing can only add more luck on your way.
  • What is your mission in life? what God designed you for mentally and physically to achieve on earth? What is your best career choice that will bring you the respect and position you need? Let me tell you all about the specific universal laws ruling your chart and your life!  These are the questions you must ask to succeed in a fate written in light for you.
  • Most importantly, what planets are blessing your subconscious creative forces where magic becomes a reality? Do you know enough about your subconscious potential where God resides? Are you using those formidable forces accordingly and efficiently? Let me enlighten you on this amazing process!
  • Knowledge is power, ignorance is evil, did you watch my movie on the Super-conscious? Did you read my best seller “Beyond The Secret?” 

“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that we may lead a safer more productive life!” Paracelsus

If you are ready for me, I am ready for you and I can promess you I will change your life for the best! But before meeting with me on Zoom, please read the following! 

If you did not yet, you MUST read Dr. Turi FREE Astro-Tarot Daily Celestial Guidance And Predictions For All to benefit from my regular free guidance and prediction.

 if you miss my full cosmic code newsletters become a VIP or a Patreon supporter! 

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