Category: The Cosmic Code Secrets

Astroforensic at work! Helping the FBI and the police to bypass their psychical limitations.

President Biden CNN SHOCKING Debate Explained!



“The universe is under no obligation to make any SPIRITUAL sense to anyone” Dr. Turi

“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior  wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth using his will is a magus and  magic is not sorcery but Supreme wisdom.” Paracelsus

“The universe is a BRIGHT LIVING spiritual entity… I’m offering its secrets before I die. The purpose of all my struggles  was to build cosmic wisdom and offer universal guidance and strengths to others” — Dr. Turi

Dear reader, 

To those of you who know me well and pay attention to my words, I always said there are NO accidents, only cosmic circumstances at work, that a religiously poisoned, indoctrinated society at large is not aware of!
President Biden’s catastrophic debate with former president Trump did not just happen because he is 81 years old and his mental cognitive faculties are not sharp anymore! Using the medical aspect of Divine Astrology Biden suffers serious pulmonary, brain and heart problems which are kept secret to “we the people!” 
Here is the real answer offered to those able and willing to delegate the cosmic truth I own! Biden was in one of his 2024 negative cosmic biorhythms , something only my students can recognize and appreciate!
Logical, rational, “educated” talking heads on CNN and FOX can only use their five logical human senses to judge President Biden’s deplorable debate including their own lives in general!
There is much more at play journalists and TV anchors have no clue at all! And this is what I will attempt to explain in this newsletter!
The question remains, but will they be curious enough and willing or even able to bypass their “traditional educated pride” or fearful religious convictions! Or better yet, invite me on their show, to explain God’s cosmic design?

‘Full nuclear meltdown explosion‘: Levine on Biden at CNN Presidential Debate
Biden can’t do it’: European politicians shocked by US president’s debate flop
Biden’s backfire: Top takeaways from a shocking first debate

Once again if you read SOS window June 23,24,25,26,27 the keywords used Earthquakes at or above 6.0, SHOCKING, NUKES and EXPLOSIVE news reflect the reality of my SOS windows!


My windows always depict SERIOUS natural disasters and earthquakes at or above 6.0


6/28/24 – 7.2 magnitude earthquake near Acarí, Arequipa, Peru
6/24/24 – 6.3 magnitude earthquake near Port-Olry, Sanma, Vanuatu
6/23/24 – 6.0 magnitude earthquake near Güiria, Sucre, Venezuela

For years I have tried to make society aware of my latest Astrological discovery but, in any field, ego and competition are against anyone trying to breach past any form of intellectual academic limitations! 
The fact is, next debate set for September 10 2024, former president Trump will suffer the same negative cosmic winds as President Biden did on 6/27/24 and, once again, Biden will SHOCK the world but positively then for his supporters and the world at large!
Expect a good surprise during this interview, as President Biden will be benefiting from one of his 2024 positive cosmic biorhythms. Expect another good even better surprise in September’s rematch between Trump and Biden, as the stars will be on his side again… Order your 2024 / 2025  positive/negative cosmic biorhythms and work in harmony with God’s universal design… Applied knowledge is power,  ignorance is evil.
Click the following link, to read the story:
Biden will not be replaced and will deliver a miracle debate on September 10, 2024, because the timing is an “act of God” imposed on the Scorpion rebirth into the Eagle and karma is inflicted by a higher order…
Former President Trump, on that day, will be on one of his own  2024 negative cosmic biorhythms and end up at the wrong time at the wrong place! His words and actions/performance will shock the world in a negative way!
Would it be for Trump or Biden, none of their rational oblivious religious or logica “advisors” developed cosmic consciousness and this lack of wisdom becomes the major contribution to lose an election. Instead of laughing at me and the old science of Divine Astrology they should pay attention and make notes! For anyone who does will in time realize the gift!
Congratulations! You said Matthew Perry died of a drug overdose a long time ago. 
Furthermore, former Trump will not recoup from this future debate as more legal problems will suffocate him.  While the MAGA supporters currently rejoice and do not want to hear about my visions, time will tell the full reality and critical values of my UFO predictive legacy!  And be sure I will be there to refresh your memory!
All I am asking is for them to control their powerful emotions and realize I am not delegating politics but astrological predictions! Do not kill the messenger my work is critical to prepare society for the future! 
Again this is where you must make notes of my visions because you will not get REAL predictions on Ancient Aliens or Coast to Coast am with George Noory anymore!  Yes, I was fired for saying on the air to 45 millions CTC listeners, “Trump will not be re-elected and COVID will kill millions! And I was right all along! 
I made the same prediction in my Astrology and UFO movies and the MAGA did not like it and complained to Amazon prime wich removed the free access! 
Next SOS windows dates and predictions.
July 1st and 2nd! Plutonic deadly window, I will elaborate and post the quatrain and keywords with the deadly news then…
July 4, 5, 6 Moonic window, expect NEW beginning and ending of important phases of life for many people and politicians! I will elaborate and post the quatrain and keywords with the deadly news then…
Join the cosmic code private website, read all in great details and be prepared for your future! 
Never separate yourself from God, we are all God’s and Godesses in training on this dense physical world learning this fact! Religion is pure evil and created by the nefarious reptilius…
Jesus was teaching Astrology…
12 Apostles, 12 months, 12 hours, 12 jury, 12 tribes of Israel, 12 sins, 12 jury… Jesus was teaching Astrology but the Church Inc took it away from you… Jesus cosmic ministry has nothing to do with the bible. time to wake up to the truth but only smart and curious people will get it….
In time the New Age of Aquarius will obliterate this mental cancer. With Pluto in Aquarius and the upcoming new 2025 Dragon in Pisces, expect lots of water from the skies and fierce battles to keep all suffocating religions alive! The Israel-Hamas war is just the beginning! Christians and others denominations will try very hard to convince you Facebook! Expect an explosion of religious stuff as the deceptive Age of Pisces is ending! 

Remember reader, next September 2024 those newsletters and warnings will stop completly while my prices for consultations will rise significantly! I can only and strongly recommend you to joi us and read the  special announcement below if you need any of my services! 

Sharing emails:
I’m sorry if I interrupted you too many times i was just excited .It was an eye opener for my husband after 30 years of me telling him he finally gets it . Thank you so much for reaching him he was so happy when we hung up he told me how much better he felt . Thank you for all the work you do the passion you have to reach everyone it’s truly amazing .☀️💫🌕

We are living in times where boneheads rise, intelligence fall, educated idiots reign supreme and thrive while genius and real get unrecognized.” Dr.Turi

No parents nowadays (outside of religion and science) are teaching their children who God truly is, spiritual matters, metaphysics and pay attention to the stars, their dreams, and master the art of divination using Divine astrology.

Since you were made at the image of God, love yourself with all the might of God because you were born to create.. Remember God <positive> would/could not be without the devil <negative> for without opposite life would be impossible. Yesterday in your past, your fears, your cosmic ignorance and your religion, you were EVIL..

The new smarter, curious, educated you is Godlike and in your positivity you reflect the light of God’s cosmic wisdom.

Indeed the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought, keep them positive since there is no future and no God in the past…

Share with smart people and never separate yourself from God. We are all God’s and Godesses in training on this dense physical world learning this fact! Religions are pure evil and 5000 plus were created by the nefarious reptilius…

In order to regenerate their spirit to survive, one day your children will ask and look for the answers they could never get from science or religion. The results are dreadful as thousands of lost young souls seek refuge in drugs or commit suicide… And this is the mission I was assigned as a UFO contactee to perform for all the children of the future.


At 74, time is running out for me since I want to spend the last few years, I have left running my “Lady of the Seas” charter and hopefully meet many of you in my boat in the Florida keys during the summer holiday season.

I am working two jobs full time, one as a OTR driver for FedEx and the other doing endless Astrological consultations during my days off.  Check all my trips and videos from my Facebook page.

The idea is to save enough to invest in a bigger and safer yatch. But as I am getting closer to my goal after September 2024, making videos, writting newsletters and taking care of my endless chain of clients doing readings on Zoom will become impossible as the new business and the new website dedicated for this new business venture will take all our time.

Thus as of September 2024 my price for a Full Life Reading (regularly $350) will change to $500 and a live session on Zoom (regularly $700) will rise to $1000. My great webmaster Tom will make those changes on my website before then.

Note also, future full newsletters will only be posted and available from the private Cosmic Code website and only new and older supporting VIP’s and new and older Patreon supporters will not be affected by the price changes.

Thus if I mean anything to you, it is in your best interest to become a VIP and still have access to all my services and enjoy our yearly forecasts and daily guidance and predictions.  Join today!

As always if you have any questions simply email and she will take good care of you.

You are getting so little with my newsletters my friend, Terania and I have so much more to offer you on the Cosmic Code private website!Become a VIP Membership is only $10 and you are showing your support for our cosmic work please. Thank you

The only good news I have for you, since I will never get any form of support from a religiously poisoned society is that! The New Age of Aquarius(UFO’s/technology/Astrology/the future of humanity/the stars) is slowly but surely taking over the deceptive Age of Pisces and will in time, make all religions absolete!

A much better understanding and use of God’s celestial creation await future generations and my mission is to insert the critical mental seeds to this upcoming wonderful cosmic enlightenment. 
Neptunian relies only on his intuition and his/her spirit to deal with the archetypal realm of supra-cosmic consciousness to translate his/her visions and predictions. Little do they know that there is only a very thin line between Divine Cosmic information, channeling and pure imagination! 
A true Neptunian is reluctant to engage in any form of rational studies and consequently is not cosmic conscious. He/she does not use nor understand the complexity of the super-conscious in time and space and the cosmic code jurisdictions,something that can only be revealed by mastering God’s cosmic design or Divine Astrology. 
The very idea of using critical thinking and mastering new tools explain all spiritual rules (outside of traditional religion) would also make them aware of their inherited celestial Divinity but it scares them. Going out of their Neptunian comfort zone and improving their physical vibrations is not an option!
Neptuniansstubbornly trust only themselves, God, the spirit, and their mystical nature not knowing that God does not speak his cosmic language to unconscious fools.
All established professions require a form of education and the use of very specific tools! Imagine a mechanic fixing your car with his hands alone or a baker making bread without a mixer! 
Imagine a boat Captain driving a boat or a pilot flying a plane without knowing all the rules of the land, water, and sea. A Neptunian is unable to recognize his or her intellectual gift and capacities and limits and trust only God and their spirit! 
This is why taking and using any of my courses will elevate their cosmic vibrations and spiritual perceptions.
I taught and offered my Divine Astrology course to those willing to put in the effort and by building cosmic awareness, they now own the golden keys to what it means to be human. 
I also thought of the born psychic and suggested taking the Atro-Tarot course because this ancient art is all about the use of cards, the superconscious, metaphors, and intuition. 
 A born psychic can flourish and grow in its spiritual element, and become much more efficient than taking on a more demanding astrological study. 
A true born psychic is loaded with objectivity and intuition yet, they also lack basic critical thinking, and regardless of my elaborate and logical explanations, many of my clients have missed the boat to cosmic awareness and spiritual enlightenment. 
Neptune rules the Middle East and the youngest and deadliest religions (Christianity/Judaism/Islam) were born there, cursing the entire population and the world at large since Neptune rules the oceans and 3/4 of the world.
The deceptiveness and poisoning of the planet Neptune (gas / drugs / alcohol / medications / cults / religions / jails) has dramatic worldwide repercussions.
The burgeoning Age of Aquarius (UFOs/technology/humanitarianism/Astrology)is already changing humanity’s psychical vibrations and awareness… In other words, humans are slowly but surely becoming more curious about the planets’s impact upon humans and the world “the true birth of all religions,” educated, and smarter!
On the other hand, a true born Saturnian (atheist, agnostic, skeptic)is forbidden by God himself access to anything spiritual, including religion. The unevolved “Young Soul” has not yet reached the level of spiritual perception needed to realize and refine his/her awareness of the world (s) he/she lives in. 

Pythagoras | Biography, Facts & Impact |

Every man has been made by God in order to acquire knowledge and contemplate but not all men where born with the same UCI/stars. Pythagoras was certainly born with a strong Saturn or CapricornSun, moon, rising or Dragon!

God made those souls delegate the physical manifesto alone as we need reliable engineering (bridges / gearboxes / cars / tools / mechanics, etc.) on earth.
They can only perceive the world they live in through their five limited, rational human senses. God made sure their natal karmic UCI “Unique Celestial Identity” is earthy and loaded with Saturn’s restrictive down-to-earth low vibrations. 
“A magnet will not attract a piece of wood”
Unless you vibrate at my highly spiritual and rational cosmic speed you will be naturally attracted to me and my cosmic teachings… And those “super Humans” are quite rare! 
With the current warlike, aggressive, brutal Martian dragon in charge of this world (see quatrain below) until January 2025 the current state of this world is quite scary and will get worse.


German/Vikings Skin Alike
Black and White Red Blood
Fire War Violence  Passions Rule
God Nowhere To Stop Fires
Hitler’s Evil spirit reborn

Posted to the world on June 12, 2013 

Insecurity reigns supreme while egocentric politicians tear themselves apart and high Court lawmakers impose their religious beliefs, change the laws on our backs, and abuse us all. 

My quatrain below speaks volume on my undeniable accurate visions about the abusive, deceptive retructuring legal system or what’s going on with judges and the DOJ! Yet only those who bought 2021/2022/2023/2024 Nostradamus dragon forecast were warned! Justice Thomas and Justice Alito karma is on the way!

Scale of justice trembles
Armed villains seek blood
Red dominates rainbow
Power tears judges fight dies

Posted to the world on September 3, 2022

The gravitational forces that move all galaxies is a scientific fact;   But the greatness of the spiritual cosmic manifesto is yet a mystery to humanity. God’s enslaved all his children to uncover his cosmic  Divinity and with it,  a life filled with health, love, respect, peace and harmony for all.

— Dr. Turi

Taking care of your family and your bills has never been so difficult and if you think electing another cosmic unconscious president will change your life for the better, you are in LALA land!  
In any ways shape and form, if you feel depressed, insecure and lack of directions, we are here for you! Talk to terrania if needed 
Clienty feedback,
Dear Terania,
Thank you, the session was very insightful and enjoyable and I learnt some more astrology in the process.
I can highly recommend reading with Dr Turi. If you want to understand how and why things happen to you, the way they do and how you can make the most of the changing planets and their energies, the reading is for you!
With all the things that are going on around us, why leave home without a map!
And get a progressive reading for the year!
Thank you and God bless!
The current Aries/Libra dragon axis (as of July 2023) is IMPOSING changes by houses and signs and Mercury is telling you, you are not going in the right direction! Seek the light while you can.
You may be religiously poisoned and fearful of Divine Astrology. Your UCI “Unique Celestial Identity ” may be too earthy and turned you into a radical skeptic or agnostic that ridicule the idea of dealing with the future a cosmic God has in store for you.
All the while missing the great opportunity given to you by Mercury retrograde to bypass your fear and skepticism…  As a rule, it is only when the student is ready that the gifted cosmic teacher will appear and it is only when you ask that you shall receive the rewards of your curiosity!
  • Knowing where your Jupiter (luck) is located by house and sign and what your natal and hidden dragons (past lives) are predisposing you for will become a major contribution for your success in this lifetime.
  • Knowing all about your true soul’s purpose, and the planets stimulating your second house of money and self-esteem is a must if you need to invest and build long lasting financial wealth.
  • Knowing all about the Universal Law of the moon is not only a MUST but critical to make steady progress in life, because the moon is much more than a dead rock hanging above your head for the sake of beauty!
  • If you are lonely and looking for love, knowing all about the seat of attraction between human beings and your Venus’s location by house and sign is a great thing! And the planet of love will lead you to your soul mate!
  • If you are into natural healing or concerned with your health, do not fear! Knowing and using all the planets accordingly blessing your six house of health and work is a sure ticket to live a long life and regenerate at work.
  • For good or for worse, you are set to attract certain signs of the Zodiac for specific karmic, often difficult purposes, and knowing all about your partner’s stars is the only way to make a relationship work harmoniously.
  • The planet’s blessing your eleven house of groups, wishes, and friends must be acknowledged and used so all your goals can be reached. Respecting the perfect timing for socializing can only add more luck on your way.
  • What is your mission in life? what God designed you for mentally and physically to achieve on earth? What is your best career choice that will bring you the respect and position you need? Let me tell you all about the specific universal laws ruling your chart and your life!  These are the questions you must ask to succeed in a fate written in light for you.
  • Most importantly, what planets are blessing your subconscious creative forces where magic becomes a reality? Do you know enough about your subconscious potential where God resides? Are you using those formidable forces accordingly and efficiently? Let me enlighten you on this amazing process!
  • Knowledge is power, ignorance is evil, did you watch my movie on the Super-conscious? Did you read my best seller “Beyond The Secret?” 

“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that we may lead a safer more productive life!” Paracelsus

If you are ready for me, I am ready for you and I can promess you I will change your life for the best! But before meeting with me on Zoom, please read the following! 


If you did not yet, you MUST read Dr. Turi FREE Astro-Tarot Daily Celestial Guidance And Predictions For All to benefit from my regular free guidance and prediction. 

 if you miss my full cosmic code newsletters become a VIP or a Patreon supporter! 

Show your support join my medias





SOS window June 23,24,25,26,27 – A serious warning for Taylor Swift!


“The universe is under no obligation to make any SPIRITUAL sense to anyone” Dr. Turi

“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior  wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth using his will is a magus and  magic is not sorcery but Supreme wisdom.” Paracelsus

“The universe is a BRIGHT LIVING spiritual entity… I’m offering its secrets before I die. The purpose of all my struggles  was to build cosmic wisdom and offer universal guidance and strengths to others” — Dr. Turi

Memo from “Justin Timberlake & Travis Scott’s Stars and Fate!”  “Are you ready for the next SOS window?  I will bring the quatrain and keywords on top of the page when my visions as usual unfold!”

June 2024, SOS to the world deadly windows – Posted by Dr. Turi on June 2, 2024 at 5:25pm



June 23,24,25,26,27

Entrails Upset Spit Above
Red Fire Wind Water to Dance
Stars Command Shock Science
Calm Deception to Strike

Japan / Asia / China / France / Italy / Gold / Cosmic – Space News / NASA / Nukes / Nuclear /  Freak / Bizarre / Unusual weird behavior / Space / Rocket / Missile / Explosions / Surprises / Unexpected /  Shocking news / Shocking videos / Stunning / Baffling / unprecedented / Suddenly / Incredible / Strange deadly Behavior / Awakening / Bombshell / Mind Boggling / Crazy / Jaw Dropping / Lightning / Electricity / Fire / Unusual / Unexpected / suddenly / Humanitarianism / Children / Teens / Unrest / Fascinating / Genius / Discovery / Very old – Very new / Discovery / Invention / Science / AI / UFO’s / Earthquakes (always at or above 6.0 / Tsunami / Typhoon / Hurricane / Volcanoes/ Tornadoes / Airports / Airline / Aeronautics / jets / Planes / Balloons / Helicopters / Drone / Technology / Hacking / Cyber-attack / Internet / Electricity / Electronics / Television / Cosmic Phenomenon   


My windows always depict SERIOUS natural disasters and earthquakes at or above 6.0


6/28/24 – 7.2 magnitude earthquake near Acarí, Arequipa, Peru
6/24/24 – 6.3 magnitude earthquake near Port-Olry, Sanma, Vanuatu
6/23/24 – 6.0 magnitude earthquake near Güiria, Sucre, Venezuela

My words in the video “Expect large earthquakes at or above 6.0” yet the scientific community is using millions of your tax dollars to build sofisticated electronic equipment yet, they could never give you a precise timing or a location! For years I did just that, yet their “educated pride” stops them investigating Divine Astrology, a much more reliable source of prediction! SHAME ON USGS!

We are living in times where boneheads rise, intelligence fall, educated idiots reign supreme and thrive while genius and real get unrecognized.” Dr.Turi

Shocking videos
Taylor Swift is currently under one of her 2024 negative cosmic biorhythms. Like many of you, the famous star is not cosmic conscious and knows nothing of God’s cosmic design. She shares the same negative Aquarius SHOCKING dragon’s tail as Princess Diana, and Steve Irwin and, like them in time, she will suffer a very unusual, explosive demise! Do not kill the messenger if you can’t handle my visions! Unless you are aware of your natal and hidden dragon’s positive/negative power, there is no chance to avoid the reptilius effect! 
Taylor Swift’s natal lucky Dragon’s head in Leo (king/royalties/fame/stage/children) worked in her favor, yet like 99.9% of society, without cosmic consciousness, she is an unconscious robot of her stars dictating all that is going through in her life! Knowing all about your natal or hidden dragon’s head and tail will become a major contribution to success or failure in one’s life! Lady Diana shares the same dragon’s head that attracted Prince Charles and she became a Princess! There are no accidents in life when you are cosmic conscious! Study Divine Astrology, and become a Super Human led by the benevolent sunlight of the Draconis!
Cosmic news
For the remaining forty-one years of his life Cassini served as astronomer/astrologer to Louis XIV (“The Sun King”); serving the expected dual role yet focusing the overwhelming majority of his time on astronomy rather than the astrology he had studied so much in his youth.
Dr. Turi’s rebuttal: Do not for a second believe what the deceptive politically oriented religious, and scientific matrixes who control all information tells you! Astronomy is a fairly new science and a by-product of Astrology, a much older science. Astronomy did not exist in the 17th and 18th centuries and Cassini passion was Astrology!  Your children are deprived of the truth and I made a mission to rekindle Divine Astrology!
August 25, 2006, Prague astronomers depraved of spiritual values, told the world that Pluto was not a planet! I battled with them for months telling the opposite, and years later technology proved my claim! None of them, to this day, have apologized or recognized their errors! Call it educated idiots intellectual pride!  Read the fact that survived on the Internet!

“The gravitational forces that move all galaxies is a scientific fact;   But the greatness of the spiritual cosmic manifesto is yet a mystery to astronomers. God’s enslaved all his children to uncover his cosmic  Divinity and with it,  a life filled with health, love, respect, peace and harmony for all.” — Dr. Turi

Saudi Arabia says 1,301 died on Hajj this year

This absurdity of over 5000 man made religions indoctrination is mind boogling! When the new dragon enters Pisces in January 2025 a full restructure of all deceptive religions and the Vatican (death of the Pope)  will take place. Much more predictions for the future will be published on the Cosmic Code private website. Join now email

Water, sky, oceans, oil drench
Dark clouds cities man cry drown
Jesus’s cosmic spirit rebirth 
Religions, Pisces deception Age die 

Written by Dr. Turi /23/24

Priest and six law enforcement officers killed in attacks on synagogues and church in Russia


Dear reader,

As always if you read “Princess Kate’s Cancer divulged! SOS deadly window memo!” and watched my video, it is impossible to deny how deadly and dangerous my SOS windows are!  While crimes happen daily, much like an earthquake swarm, there will be times when crimes and death seem unusually high! 

I would like to refresh the memory of those who did not read nor acknowledge the following quote I published years ago! 

Memo – “Avoid large gatherings especially at night during any of my deadly Plutonic windows!”   The reptilius are after the police, government officials, and children/teens! Policing will be so dangerous that many brave servants will quit and the number of cops getting killed or killing citizens will explode in the months to come. Infected criminals will get bolder and wilder committing crimes against the police and the public never experienced before!”

Those disadvantaged teens are desperate and ready to kill anyone and do anything to “subconscioulsy” feed the reptilius. No one is there to warn and educate those infected vile souls to avoid the traps of quick rich schemes. They will all be caught in time because the ego can not stay silent. 
Born with Mercury (the mind/transportation) in Pisces (creativity/drugs/alchool) Justin is also addicted to potent and powerful drugs. His negative Dragon’s Tail predispose him to suffer a violent death while traveling or flying! There are ways to avoid a premature death but the critical information is only available if you ask! Make notes, in time, I will be there to prove my UFO’s predictive legacy as real!
Scott is one of the premiere rap artists of the last decade and is perhaps best known for his raucous live performances that have occasionally spun out of control, including a fatal Astroworld Festival
show in 2021 that left 10 people dead.
Travis Scott is like such rapper celebrities’ gang affiliated slaving unconsciously for the reptilius who owns his body, mind, and soul!  His Mercury (the mind) his moon (emotions) and Venus (creativity) all in Aries (war/aggressivity/violence)lead him to create a very Martian, dangerous style of music!  His Pluto (death) in Scorpio (power/sex) in his 7th house (open enemies) will lead him in time to get assassinated by gang members.
Sad enough vulnerable, immature fans are hypnotized by this evil and unable to fight the dark forces! Attention a big stage, financial support, and respect are not sought by immature souls or offered to wise men like me!
Furthermore, the words used in my YouTube video are very clear, expect mass death, dramatic police news, cops will be killed or kill innocent people! The results are plain to see and unarguable! 

Two NYPD officers were shot during a chase in Queens, police say
California sheriff’s deputy died on duty from the effects of methamphetamine in an accident
Three dead, 10 wounded, in Arkansas grocery store shooting


If you are a cop, know a cop, or are in police management, I would love to lecture and offer all remaining 2024 SOS to the world deadly windows to our brave police officers. Educating our officers outside of traditionally accepted disciplines will save countless lives. I do not know which police department (or precinct) I should contact and offer my expertise, if you can help, please do so and gain formidable karma for helping me save precious lives. Email me at thank you. 

Memo from SOS to the world june 8, 9 and 17, 18, 19 – You Have Been Warned!” Published
2024/06/08 at 8:36 am

“Pay attention to the given dates of June 17, 18, 19, *20 (bad news for Trump!”  because I will be posting the news and the appropriate quatrain and keywords once my visions come to pass right here! Most of all remember to gain good karma by sharing my work because your gesture is helping me fulfilling my mission on earth! Thank you for that!”

 June 18, 2024 – New York’s highest court has declined to hear Donald Trump’s appeal on the gag order in his hush money case, according to a decision list posted Tuesday. The gag order, issued by Judge Juan Merchan in the criminal case against Trump, remains in effect.

Famous death
Ryan’s was a Scorpio (like Miley Cyrus) and their 8th house of death is in the sign of Gemini, this sign rules the lungs… I am convinced, Ryan like, Miley, smoked lots of weed and paid the ultimate price for not knowing their stars…
Find out what the medical aspect of Divine Astrology has to offer you and what to do (or not) to live a long, healthier, succesful life!  Email for information.
Never separate yourself from God, we are all God’s and Godesses in training on this dense physical world learning this fact! Religion is pure evil and created by the nefarious reptilius…
Jesus was teaching Astrology…
12 Apostles, 12 months, 12 hours, 12 jury, 12 tribes of Israel, 12 sins, 12 jury… Jesus was teaching Astrology but the Church Inc took it away from you… Jesus cosmic ministry has nothing to do with the bible. time to wake up to the truth but only smart and curious people will get it….
In time the New Age of Aquarius will obliterate this mental cancer. With Pluto in Aquarius and the upcoming new 2025 Dragon in Pisces, expect lots of water from the skies and fierce battles to keep all suffocating religions alive! The Israel-Hamas war is just the beginning! Christians and others denominations will try very hard to convince you Facebook! Expect an explosion of religious stuff as the deceptive Age of Pisces is ending! 

Remember reader, next September 2024 those newsletters and warnings will stop completly while my prices for consultations will rise significantly! I can only and strongly recommend you to joi us and read the  special announcement below if you need any of my services! 

Sharing emails:
I’m sorry if I interrupted you too many times i was just excited .It was an eye opener for my husband after 30 years of me telling him he finally gets it . Thank you so much for reaching him he was so happy when we hung up he told me how much better he felt . Thank you for all the work you do the passion you have to reach everyone it’s truly amazing .☀️💫🌕

We are living in times where boneheads rise, intelligence fall, educated idiots reign supreme and thrive while genius and real get unrecognized.” Dr.Turi

No parents nowadays (outside of religion and science) are teaching their children who God truly is, spiritual matters, metaphysics and pay attention to the stars, their dreams, and master the art of divination using Divine astrology.

Since you were made at the image of God, love yourself with all the might of God because you were born to create.. Remember God <positive> would/could not be without the devil <negative> for without opposite life would be impossible. Yesterday in your past, your fears, your cosmic ignorance and your religion, you were EVIL..

The new smarter, curious, educated you is Godlike and in your positivity you reflect the light of God’s cosmic wisdom.

Indeed the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought, keep them positive since there is no future and no God in the past…

Share with smart people and never separate yourself from God. We are all God’s and Godesses in training on this dense physical world learning this fact! Religions are pure evil and 5000 plus were created by the nefarious reptilius…

In order to regenerate their spirit to survive, one day your children will ask and look for the answers they could never get from science or religion. The results are dreadful as thousands of lost young souls seek refuge in drugs or commit suicide… And this is the mission I was assigned as a UFO contactee to perform for all the children of the future.


At 74, time is running out for me since I want to spend the last few years, I have left running my “Lady of the Seas” charter and hopefully meet many of you in my boat in the Florida keys during the summer holiday season.

I am working two jobs full time, one as a OTR driver for FedEx and the other doing endless Astrological consultations during my days off.  Check all my trips and videos from my Facebook page.

The idea is to save enough to invest in a bigger and safer yatch. But as I am getting closer to my goal after September 2024, making videos, writting newsletters and taking care of my endless chain of clients doing readings on Zoom will become impossible as the new business and the new website dedicated for this new business venture will take all our time.

Thus as of September 2024 my price for a Full Life Reading (regularly $350) will change to $500 and a live session on Zoom (regularly $700) will rise to $1000. My great webmaster Tom will make those changes on my website before then.

Note also, future full newsletters will only be posted and available from the private Cosmic Code website and only new and older supporting VIP’s and new and older Patreon supporters will not be affected by the price changes.

Thus if I mean anything to you, it is in your best interest to become a VIP and still have access to all my services and enjoy our yearly forecasts and daily guidance and predictions.  Join today!

As always if you have any questions simply email and she will take good care of you.

You are getting so little with my newsletters my friend, Terania and I have so much more to offer you on the Cosmic Code private website!Become a VIP Membership is only $10 and you are showing your support for our cosmic work please. Thank you

The only good news I have for you, since I will never get any form of support from a religiously poisoned society is that! The New Age of Aquarius(UFO’s/technology/Astrology/the future of humanity/the stars) is slowly but surely taking over the deceptive Age of Pisces and will in time, make all religions absolete!

A much better understanding and use of God’s celestial creation await future generations and my mission is to insert the critical mental seeds to this upcoming wonderful cosmic enlightenment. 
Neptunian relies only on his intuition and his/her spirit to deal with the archetypal realm of supra-cosmic consciousness to translate his/her visions and predictions. Little do they know that there is only a very thin line between Divine Cosmic information, channeling and pure imagination! 
A true Neptunian is reluctant to engage in any form of rational studies and consequently is not cosmic conscious. He/she does not use nor understand the complexity of the super-conscious in time and space and the cosmic code jurisdictions,something that can only be revealed by mastering God’s cosmic design or Divine Astrology. 
The very idea of using critical thinking and mastering new tools explain all spiritual rules (outside of traditional religion) would also make them aware of their inherited celestial Divinity but it scares them. Going out of their Neptunian comfort zone and improving their physical vibrations is not an option!
Neptuniansstubbornly trust only themselves, God, the spirit, and their mystical nature not knowing that God does not speak his cosmic language to unconscious fools.
All established professions require a form of education and the use of very specific tools! Imagine a mechanic fixing your car with his hands alone or a baker making bread without a mixer! 
Imagine a boat Captain driving a boat or a pilot flying a plane without knowing all the rules of the land, water, and sea. A Neptunian is unable to recognize his or her intellectual gift and capacities and limits and trust only God and their spirit! 
This is why taking and using any of my courses will elevate their cosmic vibrations and spiritual perceptions.
I taught and offered my Divine Astrology course to those willing to put in the effort and by building cosmic awareness, they now own the golden keys to what it means to be human. 
I also thought of the born psychic and suggested taking the Atro-Tarot course because this ancient art is all about the use of cards, the superconscious, metaphors, and intuition. 
 A born psychic can flourish and grow in its spiritual element, and become much more efficient than taking on a more demanding astrological study. 
A true born psychic is loaded with objectivity and intuition yet, they also lack basic critical thinking, and regardless of my elaborate and logical explanations, many of my clients have missed the boat to cosmic awareness and spiritual enlightenment. 
Neptune rules the Middle East and the youngest and deadliest religions (Christianity/Judaism/Islam) were born there, cursing the entire population and the world at large since Neptune rules the oceans and 3/4 of the world.
The deceptiveness and poisoning of the planet Neptune (gas / drugs / alcohol / medications / cults / religions / jails) has dramatic worldwide repercussions.
The burgeoning Age of Aquarius (UFOs/technology/humanitarianism/Astrology)is already changing humanity’s psychical vibrations and awareness… In other words, humans are slowly but surely becoming more curious about the planets’s impact upon humans and the world “the true birth of all religions,” educated, and smarter!
On the other hand, a true born Saturnian (atheist, agnostic, skeptic)is forbidden by God himself access to anything spiritual, including religion. The unevolved “Young Soul” has not yet reached the level of spiritual perception needed to realize and refine his/her awareness of the world (s) he/she lives in. 

Pythagoras | Biography, Facts & Impact |

Every man has been made by God in order to acquire knowledge and contemplate but not all men where born with the same UCI/stars. Pythagoras was certainly born with a strong Saturn or CapricornSun, moon, rising or Dragon!

God made those souls delegate the physical manifesto alone as we need reliable engineering (bridges / gearboxes / cars / tools / mechanics, etc.) on earth.
They can only perceive the world they live in through their five limited, rational human senses. God made sure their natal karmic UCI “Unique Celestial Identity” is earthy and loaded with Saturn’s restrictive down-to-earth low vibrations. 
“A magnet will not attract a piece of wood”
Unless you vibrate at my highly spiritual and rational cosmic speed you will be naturally attracted to me and my cosmic teachings… And those “super Humans” are quite rare! 
With the current warlike, aggressive, brutal Martian dragon in charge of this world (see quatrain below) until January 2025 the current state of this world is quite scary and will get worse.


German/Vikings Skin Alike
Black and White Red Blood
Fire War Violence  Passions Rule
God Nowhere To Stop Fires
Hitler’s Evil spirit reborn

Posted to the world on June 12, 2013 

Insecurity reigns supreme while egocentric politicians tear themselves apart and high Court lawmakers impose their religious beliefs, change the laws on our backs, and abuse us all. 

My quatrain below speaks volume on my undeniable accurate visions about the abusive, deceptive retructuring legal system or what’s going on with judges and the DOJ! Yet only those who bought 2021/2022/2023/2024 Nostradamus dragon forecast were warned! Justice Thomas and Justice Alito karma is on the way!

Scale of justice trembles
Armed villains seek blood
Red dominates rainbow
Power tears judges fight dies

Posted to the world on September 3, 2022

The gravitational forces that move all galaxies is a scientific fact;   But the greatness of the spiritual cosmic manifesto is yet a mystery to humanity. God’s enslaved all his children to uncover his cosmic  Divinity and with it,  a life filled with health, love, respect, peace and harmony for all.

— Dr. Turi

Taking care of your family and your bills has never been so difficult and if you think electing another cosmic unconscious president will change your life for the better, you are in LALA land!  
In any ways shape and form, if you feel depressed, insecure and lack of directions, we are here for you! Talk to terrania if needed 
Clienty feedback,
Dear Terania,
Thank you, the session was very insightful and enjoyable and I learnt some more astrology in the process.
I can highly recommend reading with Dr Turi. If you want to understand how and why things happen to you, the way they do and how you can make the most of the changing planets and their energies, the reading is for you!
With all the things that are going on around us, why leave home without a map!
And get a progressive reading for the year!
Thank you and God bless!
The current Aries/Libra dragon axis (as of July 2023) is IMPOSING changes by houses and signs and Mercury is telling you, you are not going in the right direction! Seek the light while you can.
You may be religiously poisoned and fearful of Divine Astrology. Your UCI “Unique Celestial Identity ” may be too earthy and turned you into a radical skeptic or agnostic that ridicule the idea of dealing with the future a cosmic God has in store for you.
All the while missing the great opportunity given to you by Mercury retrograde to bypass your fear and skepticism…  As a rule, it is only when the student is ready that the gifted cosmic teacher will appear and it is only when you ask that you shall receive the rewards of your curiosity!
  • Knowing where your Jupiter (luck) is located by house and sign and what your natal and hidden dragons (past lives) are predisposing you for will become a major contribution for your success in this lifetime.
  • Knowing all about your true soul’s purpose, and the planets stimulating your second house of money and self-esteem is a must if you need to invest and build long lasting financial wealth.
  • Knowing all about the Universal Law of the moon is not only a MUST but critical to make steady progress in life, because the moon is much more than a dead rock hanging above your head for the sake of beauty!
  • If you are lonely and looking for love, knowing all about the seat of attraction between human beings and your Venus’s location by house and sign is a great thing! And the planet of love will lead you to your soul mate!
  • If you are into natural healing or concerned with your health, do not fear! Knowing and using all the planets accordingly blessing your six house of health and work is a sure ticket to live a long life and regenerate at work.
  • For good or for worse, you are set to attract certain signs of the Zodiac for specific karmic, often difficult purposes, and knowing all about your partner’s stars is the only way to make a relationship work harmoniously.
  • The planet’s blessing your eleven house of groups, wishes, and friends must be acknowledged and used so all your goals can be reached. Respecting the perfect timing for socializing can only add more luck on your way.
  • What is your mission in life? what God designed you for mentally and physically to achieve on earth? What is your best career choice that will bring you the respect and position you need? Let me tell you all about the specific universal laws ruling your chart and your life!  These are the questions you must ask to succeed in a fate written in light for you.
  • Most importantly, what planets are blessing your subconscious creative forces where magic becomes a reality? Do you know enough about your subconscious potential where God resides? Are you using those formidable forces accordingly and efficiently? Let me enlighten you on this amazing process!
  • Knowledge is power, ignorance is evil, did you watch my movie on the Super-conscious? Did you read my best seller “Beyond The Secret?” 

“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that we may lead a safer more productive life!” Paracelsus

If you are ready for me, I am ready for you and I can promess you I will change your life for the best! But before meeting with me on Zoom, please read the following! 


If you did not yet, you MUST read Dr. Turi FREE Astro-Tarot Daily Celestial Guidance And Predictions For All to benefit from my regular free guidance and prediction. 

 if you miss my full cosmic code newsletters become a VIP or a Patreon supporter! 

Show your support join my medias



Princess Kate’s Cancer divulged! SOS deadly window memo!



“The universe is under no obligation to make any SPIRITUAL sense to anyone” Dr. Turi

“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior  wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth using his will is a magus and  magic is not sorcery but Supreme wisdom.” Paracelsus

“The gravitational forces that move all galaxies is a scientific fact;   But the greatness of the spiritual cosmic manifesto is yet a mystery to humanity. God’s enslaved all his children to uncover his cosmic  Divinity and with it,  a life filled with health, love, respect, peace and harmony for all.” — Dr. Turi

“The universe is a BRIGHT LIVING spiritual entity… I’m offering its secrets before I die. The purpose of all my struggles  was to build cosmic wisdom and offer universal guidance and strengths to others” — Dr. Turi

Dear reader, 

Before elaborating on famous people’s like Princess Kate, Celine Dion,Oprah Windfrey and Miley Cyrus ‘s health let me mention the following…

In order for me to prove my UFOs predictive legacy, I have to offer my predictions well ahead of time, thus on June 8, 2024 I published SOS to the world june 17, 18, 19″ for all the skeptics who do not read (or make notes) to prove my claim! This window is now operational, watch the video above, read the quatrain, the obvious keywords and the collected news below!



June  17,18,19,20

Hidden secrets, sex, money come to light
Raw power challenges police deadly villains
Ugly face of death drama horror surface 
Nature man’s religion bloody folly reign 


*Russia / Famous Death / *Dramatic Death News / Mass death / Police news / Police brutality / FBI / CIA / Secret services / Secrets to light / Mob / Scandals / Terrorism / Assassination / Cyber-attacks / Abduction / Finances / *IRS / Super wealth / Sex / Porn / Prostitution / Life and death / Serial Killers / Undiluted truth /Dying/Rebirthing / Nature and Man-Made Wake up Call.  

Memo – “Avoid large gatherings especially at night during any of my 2022 deadly Plutonic windows!”   The reptilius are after the police, government officials, and children/teens! Policing will be so dangerous that many brave servants will quit and the number of cops getting killed or killing citizens will explode in the months to come. Infected criminals will get bolder and wilder committing crimes against the police and the public never experienced before!”


My windows always depict SERIOUS natural disasters and earthquakes at or above 6.0


6/16/24 – 6.0 magnitude earthquake near Acarí, Arequipa, Peru


the words used in my YouTube video are very clear, expect mass death, dramatic police news, cops will be killed or kill innocent people! The results are plain to see and unarguable! 
Nearly 500 confirmed deaths from Hajj heatwave as hundreds more reported dead

Two NYPD officers were shot during a chase in Queens, police say
California sheriff’s deputy died on duty from the effects of methamphetamine in an accident
Three dead, 10 wounded, in Arkansas grocery store shooting

UPDATE – 6/22/24 – Memo from SOS to the world june 8, 9 and 17, 18, 19 – You Have Been Warned!” Published 2024/06/08 at 8:36 am

“Pay attention to the given dates of June 17, 18, 19, *20 (bad news for Trump!”  because I will be posting the news and the appropriate quatrain and keywords once my visions come to pass right here! Most of all remember to gain good karma by sharing my work because your gesture is helping me fulfilling my mission on earth! Thank you for that!”

 June 18, 2024 – New York’s highest court has declined to hear Donald Trump’s appeal on the gag order in his hush money case, according to a decision list posted Tuesday. The gag order, issued by Judge Juan Merchan in the criminal case against Trump, remains in effect.

Famous death

Ugly face of death drama horror surface 

 15 shootings Leave 10 Dead, 73 Injured!

One SOS deadly window, one weekend in America where the reptilius reign supreme, yet with undeniable predicted factualities no many people are supporting my critical work while blind morons deny the values and reality of my warnings!

An indoctrinated poisoned society would rather invest in dogmatic religious teachings than God’s cosmic design and the golden pearls of true cosmic wisdom I own… 

Sex – Secrets to light

Texas megachurch pastor admits past inappropriate behavior with ‘young lady’ after accusation of molesting 12-year-old.

Reptilius-infected abusive souls are attracted to the Church Inc. professions to get closer to your kids and abuse them… If I had a penny for each unknown case of child sexual abuse, I would be able to build a dozens of Astro psychology schools in the US, be a billionaire like Joel Osteen, and own a fleet of yachts! Yet the religious matrix has no problem recruiting more money from scared idiots! God Have Mercy on your children… “Don’t give holy things to dogs, and don’t throw your pearls before swine, they will only trample on them, and turn to attack you.” Matthiew 7.6


You can not go in hollyday without being aware of my SOS deadly windows, pay attention or pay the ultimate price! Because you do not know or ridicule my cosmic work, does not mean its not real!
Ugly face of death drama horror surface 
“Avoid large gatherings”
Reptilius-infected lost souls become very active during my SOS deadly windows, pay attention or pay the price, deciphering and using God’s cosmic design is not for feeble-minded, uncurious people.
A large crowd was at the event at the time and “multiple victims were hit,” the chief said.
Seven people were shot, including some victims in their late teens, in northeastern Massachusetts early Sunday, during what law enforcement officials described as a spontaneous car meetup.
Sex/Secrets to light

My quatrain below speaks volume on my undeniable accurate visions about the abusive, deceptive retructuring legal system or what’s going on with judges and the DOJ! Yet only those who bought 2021/2022/2023/2024 Nostradamus dragon forecast were warned! Justice Thomas and Justice Alito karma is on the way!

Scale of justice trembles
Armed villains seek blood
Red dominates rainbow
Power tears judges fight dies

Posted to the world on September 3, 2022

The gravitational forces that move all galaxies is a scientific fact;   But the greatness of the spiritual cosmic manifesto is yet a mystery to humanity. God’s enslaved all his children to uncover his cosmic  Divinity and with it,  a life filled with health, love, respect, peace and harmony for all.

— Dr. Turi

Putin to travel to North Korea in the latest sign of a deepening alignment that’s raised worldwide concern


Kate makes  will make first public appearance in months tomorrow 6/15/24

This window supports “secrets to light”  and unlike most of us, Princess Kate and Celine Dion can afford the most exquisite, expensive health program available to them. I pick both of them because Saturn’s heavy impact reflects both women’s prominent status and health troubles unknown to modern science. 

Yet their famous doctors are not cosmic conscious and can only rely on their five limited “educated” rational senses to offer their diagnosis! They are missing critical information that could bring so much to their repertoire of wisdom, consequently, fearing the ridicule, I do not expect them to rely on the wise and critical words of the Father of Medicine below!

Hippocrates II was a Greek physician of the Age of Pericles and is considered the most outstanding figure in the history of medicine.

“Dr. Turi, I have learned more about what it means to be human in your week-long crash course in Sedona than the 7 years I spent in an accredited college.” Dr. in Psychiatry student feedback. 

Checking the Princess’s UCI “Unique Celestial Identity”  she was born January 9, 1982, under the sign of Capricorn. This karmic, depressive quiet sign is ruled by Saturn (The Great Malefic) in opposition (negative) to her Moon (emotions) in Cancer right on her natal Dragon’s Head!

This is not a good aspect at all and induces depressions, fear of death and deep mental/psychical reptilius infestation. The Princess is rich and famous but has no access to the Divine or a Soul Doctor!

This means her karmic Dragon’s Tail is on her 1st house (the self) in Capricorn and from her Leo rising, right on her 6th house of health and work! Chemotherapy can only make her situation much worse!

Remember I am a cancer survivor and I know what she is going through! My Saturn is in Virgo (the digestive track) and contracted colon cancer years ago. 

Take the course to know more than all psychologists and psychiatrists combined

On the medical aspect of my work, Capricorn rules the knees, bones and joints while the moon regulates women’s menstruations (22 and a half days).

The cancer diagnostic that has been kept secret to the world for so long is, to a Soul Doctor like me (and my students) plain to see using Divine Astrology! She suffers bone/blood/cervical cancer and we can only pray for her health and survival! 

Céline Dion Talks Singing with Stiff Person Syndrome on TODAY: EXCLUSIVE

Miley Cyrus has a complicated relationship with Billy Ray Cyrus and ‘not very active’ friendships

Nothing is more complex than a Scorpio especially if you are dealing with a female or male “Lizard.” Miley Cyrus is obviously reptilius infected living a very unhealthy life style. Burning the candle by both ends could mean a shorter life… Read more The devil has got to her’ Miley Ray Cyrus Born A Porn Star?

Never separate yourself from God, we are all God’s and Godesses in training on this dense physical world learning this fact! Religion is pure evil and created by the nefarious reptilius…
Jesus was teaching Astrology…
12 Apostles, 12 months, 12 hours, 12 jury, 12 tribes of Israel, 12 sins, 12 jury… Jesus was teaching Astrology but the Church Inc took it away from you… Jesus cosmic ministry has nothing to do with the bible. time to wake up to the truth but only smart and curious people will get it….
In time the New Age of Aquarius will obliterate this mental cancer. With Pluto in Aquarius and the upcoming new 2025 Dragon in Pisces, expect lots of water from the skies and fierce battles to keep all suffocating religions alive! The Israel-Hamas war is just the beginning! Christians and others denominations will try very hard to convince you Facebook! Expect an explosion of religious stuff as the deceptive Age of Pisces is ending! 

Remember reader, next September 2024 those newsletters and warnings will stop completly while my prices for consultations will rise significantly! I can only and strongly recommend you to joi us and read the  special announcement below if you need any of my services! 

Sharing emails:
I’m sorry if I interrupted you too many times i was just excited .It was an eye opener for my husband after 30 years of me telling him he finally gets it . Thank you so much for reaching him he was so happy when we hung up he told me how much better he felt . Thank you for all the work you do the passion you have to reach everyone it’s truly amazing .☀️💫🌕

We are living in times where boneheads rise, intelligence fall, educated idiots reign supreme and thrive while genius and real get unrecognized.” Dr.Turi

No parents nowadays (outside of religion and science) are teaching their children who God truly is, spiritual matters, metaphysics and pay attention to the stars, their dreams, and master the art of divination using Divine astrology.

Since you were made at the image of God, love yourself with all the might of God because you were born to create.. Remember God <positive> would/could not be without the devil <negative> for without opposite life would be impossible. Yesterday in your past, your fears, your cosmic ignorance and your religion, you were EVIL..

The new smarter, curious, educated you is Godlike and in your positivity you reflect the light of God’s cosmic wisdom.

Indeed the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought, keep them positive since there is no future and no God in the past…

Share with smart people and never separate yourself from God. We are all God’s and Godesses in training on this dense physical world learning this fact! Religions are pure evil and 5000 plus were created by the nefarious reptilius…

In order to regenerate their spirit to survive, one day your children will ask and look for the answers they could never get from science or religion. The results are dreadful as thousands of lost young souls seek refuge in drugs or commit suicide… And this is the mission I was assigned as a UFO contactee to perform for all the children of the future.


At 74, time is running out for me since I want to spend the last few years, I have left running my “Lady of the Seas” charter and hopefully meet many of you in my boat in the Florida keys during the summer holiday season.

I am working two jobs full time, one as a OTR driver for FedEx and the other doing endless Astrological consultations during my days off.  Check all my trips and videos from my Facebook page.

The idea is to save enough to invest in a bigger and safer yatch. But as I am getting closer to my goal after September 2024, making videos, writting newsletters and taking care of my endless chain of clients doing readings on Zoom will become impossible as the new business and the new website dedicated for this new business venture will take all our time.

Thus as of September 2024 my price for a Full Life Reading (regularly $350) will change to $500 and a live session on Zoom (regularly $700) will rise to $1000. My great webmaster Tom will make those changes on my website before then.

Note also, future full newsletters will only be posted and available from the private Cosmic Code website and only new and older supporting VIP’s and new and older Patreon supporters will not be affected by the price changes.

Thus if I mean anything to you, it is in your best interest to become a VIP and still have access to all my services and enjoy our yearly forecasts and daily guidance and predictions.  Join today!

As always if you have any questions simply email and she will take good care of you.

You are getting so little with my newsletters my friend, Terania and I have so much more to offer you on the Cosmic Code private website!Become a VIP Membership is only $10 and you are showing your support for our cosmic work please. Thank you

The only good news I have for you, since I will never get any form of support from a religiously poisoned society is that! The New Age of Aquarius(UFO’s/technology/Astrology/the future of humanity/the stars) is slowly but surely taking over the deceptive Age of Pisces and will in time, make all religions absolete!


A much better understanding and use of God’s celestial creation await future generations and my mission is to insert the critical mental seeds to this upcoming wonderful cosmic enlightenment. 
Neptunian relies only on his intuition and his/her spirit to deal with the archetypal realm of supra-cosmic consciousness to translate his/her visions and predictions. Little do they know that there is only a very thin line between Divine Cosmic information, channeling and pure imagination! 
A true Neptunian is reluctant to engage in any form of rational studies and consequently is not cosmic conscious. He/she does not use nor understand the complexity of the super-conscious in time and space and the cosmic code jurisdictions,something that can only be revealed by mastering God’s cosmic design or Divine Astrology. 
The very idea of using critical thinking and mastering new tools explain all spiritual rules (outside of traditional religion) would also make them aware of their inherited celestial Divinity but it scares them. Going out of their Neptunian comfort zone and improving their physical vibrations is not an option!
Neptuniansstubbornly trust only themselves, God, the spirit, and their mystical nature not knowing that God does not speak his cosmic language to unconscious fools.
All established professions require a form of education and the use of very specific tools! Imagine a mechanic fixing your car with his hands alone or a baker making bread without a mixer! 
Imagine a boat Captain driving a boat or a pilot flying a plane without knowing all the rules of the land, water, and sea. A Neptunian is unable to recognize his or her intellectual gift and capacities and limits and trust only God and their spirit! 
This is why taking and using any of my courses will elevate their cosmic vibrations and spiritual perceptions.
I taught and offered my Divine Astrology course to those willing to put in the effort and by building cosmic awareness, they now own the golden keys to what it means to be human. 
I also thought of the born psychic and suggested taking the Atro-Tarot course because this ancient art is all about the use of cards, the superconscious, metaphors, and intuition. 
 A born psychic can flourish and grow in its spiritual element, and become much more efficient than taking on a more demanding astrological study. 
A true born psychic is loaded with objectivity and intuition yet, they also lack basic critical thinking, and regardless of my elaborate and logical explanations, many of my clients have missed the boat to cosmic awareness and spiritual enlightenment. 
Neptune rules the Middle East and the youngest and deadliest religions (Christianity/Judaism/Islam) were born there, cursing the entire population and the world at large since Neptune rules the oceans and 3/4 of the world.
The deceptiveness and poisoning of the planet Neptune (gas / drugs / alcohol / medications / cults / religions / jails) has dramatic worldwide repercussions.
The burgeoning Age of Aquarius (UFOs/technology/humanitarianism/Astrology)is already changing humanity’s psychical vibrations and awareness… In other words, humans are slowly but surely becoming more curious about the planets’s impact upon humans and the world “the true birth of all religions,” educated, and smarter!
On the other hand, a true born Saturnian (atheist, agnostic, skeptic)is forbidden by God himself access to anything spiritual, including religion. The unevolved “Young Soul” has not yet reached the level of spiritual perception needed to realize and refine his/her awareness of the world (s) he/she lives in. 

Pythagoras | Biography, Facts & Impact |

Every man has been made by God in order to acquire knowledge and contemplate but not all men where born with the same UCI/stars. Pythagoras was certainly born with a strong Saturn or CapricornSun, moon, rising or Dragon!

God made those souls delegate the physical manifesto alone as we need reliable engineering (bridges / gearboxes / cars / tools / mechanics, etc.) on earth.
They can only perceive the world they live in through their five limited, rational human senses. God made sure their natal karmic UCI “Unique Celestial Identity” is earthy and loaded with Saturn’s restrictive down-to-earth low vibrations. 
“A magnet will not attract a piece of wood”
Unless you vibrate at my highly spiritual and rational cosmic speed you will be naturally attracted to me and my cosmic teachings… And those “super Humans” are quite rare! 
With the current warlike, aggressive, brutal Martian dragon in charge of this world (see quatrain below) until January 2025 the current state of this world is quite scary and will get worse.


German/Vikings Skin Alike
Black and White Red Blood
Fire War Violence  Passions Rule
God Nowhere To Stop Fires
Hitler’s Evil spirit reborn

Posted to the world on June 12, 2013 

Insecurity reigns supreme while egocentric politicians tear themselves apart and high Court lawmakers impose their religious beliefs, change the laws on our backs, and abuse us all. 
Taking care of your family and your bills has never been so difficult and if you think electing another cosmic unconscious president will change your life for the better, you are in LALA land!  
In any ways shape and form, if you feel depressed, insecure and lack of directions, we are here for you! Talk to terrania if needed 
Clienty feedback,
Dear Terania,
Thank you, the session was very insightful and enjoyable and I learnt some more astrology in the process.
I can highly recommend reading with Dr Turi. If you want to understand how and why things happen to you, the way they do and how you can make the most of the changing planets and their energies, the reading is for you!
With all the things that are going on around us, why leave home without a map!
And get a progressive reading for the year!
Thank you and God bless!
The current Aries/Libra dragon axis (as of July 2023) is IMPOSING changes by houses and signs and Mercury is telling you, you are not going in the right direction! Seek the light while you can.
You may be religiously poisoned and fearful of Divine Astrology. Your UCI “Unique Celestial Identity ” may be too earthy and turned you into a radical skeptic or agnostic that ridicule the idea of dealing with the future a cosmic God has in store for you.
All the while missing the great opportunity given to you by Mercury retrograde to bypass your fear and skepticism…  As a rule, it is only when the student is ready that the gifted cosmic teacher will appear and it is only when you ask that you shall receive the rewards of your curiosity!
  • Knowing where your Jupiter (luck) is located by house and sign and what your natal and hidden dragons (past lives) are predisposing you for will become a major contribution for your success in this lifetime.
  • Knowing all about your true soul’s purpose, and the planets stimulating your second house of money and self-esteem is a must if you need to invest and build long lasting financial wealth.
  • Knowing all about the Universal Law of the moon is not only a MUST but critical to make steady progress in life, because the moon is much more than a dead rock hanging above your head for the sake of beauty!
  • If you are lonely and looking for love, knowing all about the seat of attraction between human beings and your Venus’s location by house and sign is a great thing! And the planet of love will lead you to your soul mate!
  • If you are into natural healing or concerned with your health, do not fear! Knowing and using all the planets accordingly blessing your six house of health and work is a sure ticket to live a long life and regenerate at work.
  • For good or for worse, you are set to attract certain signs of the Zodiac for specific karmic, often difficult purposes, and knowing all about your partner’s stars is the only way to make a relationship work harmoniously.
  • The planet’s blessing your eleven house of groups, wishes, and friends must be acknowledged and used so all your goals can be reached. Respecting the perfect timing for socializing can only add more luck on your way.
  • What is your mission in life? what God designed you for mentally and physically to achieve on earth? What is your best career choice that will bring you the respect and position you need? Let me tell you all about the specific universal laws ruling your chart and your life!  These are the questions you must ask to succeed in a fate written in light for you.
  • Most importantly, what planets are blessing your subconscious creative forces where magic becomes a reality? Do you know enough about your subconscious potential where God resides? Are you using those formidable forces accordingly and efficiently? Let me enlighten you on this amazing process!
  • Knowledge is power, ignorance is evil, did you watch my movie on the Super-conscious? Did you read my best seller “Beyond The Secret?” 

“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that we may lead a safer more productive life!” Paracelsus

If you are ready for me, I am ready for you and I can promess you I will change your life for the best! But before meeting with me on Zoom, please read the following! 


If you did not yet, you MUST read Dr. Turi FREE Astro-Tarot Daily Celestial Guidance And Predictions For All to benefit from my regular free guidance and prediction. 

 if you miss my full cosmic code newsletters become a VIP or a Patreon supporter! 

Show your support join my medias



SOS to the world june 8, 9 and 17, 18, 19 – You Have Been Warned!

June 8,2024


“The universe is under no obligation to make any SPIRITUAL sense to anyone” Dr. Turi

“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior  wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth using his will is a magus and  magic is not sorcery but Supreme wisdom.” Paracelsus

“The universe is a BRIGHT LIVING spiritual entity… I’m offering its secrets before I die. The purpose of all my struggles  was to build cosmic wisdom and offer universal guidance and strengths to others” Dr. Turi

Dear reader,

As always if you read “Trump’s predicted “bombshell” arrived! June SOS TO THE WORLD! and watch my video, my quatrain and keywords used forecasted all the dramatic events that took place during this period! 

We are currently under a “Moonic Window” so be ready for a “New Beginning  and/or Ending of important phases of life!  Did you get touched directly by the moon yet? Yes you did but you may not be conscious enough to appreciate my cosmic teachings!  In my case, yesterday I secured “Lady of the” for my upcoming charter business in Florida and more “New Beginning  and/or Ending of important phases of life” is expected for us and all our readers…

I collected some of the current news to help you assimilate the current quatrain and obvious keywords so you realize the difference between real and false psychics, astrologers and prophets invited to make predictions about President Biden and former President Trump, on Coast to coast am with George Noory!  All I can tell you is, I was fired by producer Tom Danheiser for making unarguable predictions on the show! Read more!

DON’T KILL THE MESSENGER! The reader must acknowledge that I do not offer my cosmic wisdom and predictions of various celebrities and politicians from all walks of life using the 5 limited human rational senses!




German/Vikings Skin Alike (Trump/racism)
Black and White Red Blood (Trump’s base/Allies)
Fire War Violence  Passions Rule
God Nowhere To Stop Fires
Hitler’s Evil spirit reborn
(Democracy/World karma/Normandie never forget)

Posted to the world on June 12, 2013 

I come from the archetypal realm of supra-cosmic consciousness and use Divine Astrology to offer what I perceive as the undiluted, often vexing truth under the form of quatrains!

Unless the reader builds solid cosmic consciousness by studying the stars, it is impossible to perceive the truth as I see it and understand what it means to be an honorable or cursed reptilius-infected human being blinded by revenge, ego and power! 

The idea of becoming a VIP to the private cosmic code website is to be prepared a full month ahead of time for all dangerous, often deadly upcoming cosmic winds and avoid those SOS windows. And since life does not stop, use extreme caution if you must travel, doing so will save you time and money and even save your life!

Following diligently our various forecasts and daily guidance will become a major contribution to your success and safety!  Email for more information.

June 2024, SOS to the world deadly windows Posted by Dr. Turi on June 2, 2024 at 5:25pm



June 7,8,9 – //,//,//

Nature Men to Strike Hard
New Horizons Following Tragedy
Much to Fall Nothing Made to Last
Tears Pain Death Prayers A New Life for Many


America / New Beginning / Ending of important phases of life / War / Real Estate / Families Tragedies / Cancelation / End of life /  Beginning of a new life / Forced Relocation / Forced Actions / Man Destructive Actions / Deadly Weather / Natural Disaster / Deadly Emotions / A new Planned and/or Unplanned life For Many 

Memo: Expect the beginning or ending of important parts of life and forced relocation due to natural disasters. This window will affect all human affairs, would it be personal or political… So be cautious and listen to all the people around you, watch the news, and others’ personal lives forced into noticeable change!  

My windows always depict SERIOUS natural disasters and earthquakes at or above 6.0


6/9/24 – 6.2 in Pacific Antarctic Ridge
New Beginning / Ending of important phases of life

Four Israeli hostages rescued in Gaza
 Pat Sajak sign off from ‘Wheel of Fortune’ for final time

Do you think its the end of a nightmare and a new chance on life with those people? Does “Tears Pain Death Prayers A New Life for Many” for those rescued hostages and does Pat Sajak signing off the Wheel of Fortune TV show point out the veracity of my UFO’s predictive legacy? Yet even with the obvious fact in their face, some “young, unevolved, envious souls” will deny the obvious!

Another conspiracy head who should be sued is David Icke, once again reader, with time karma is inescapable! Read our email exanges and read also  “Alex Jones: Psychosis David Icke: Reptilius made me believe Sandy Hook staged!”

End of life
Alabama carried out the first nitrogen gas execution
Apollo 8 astronaut who took iconic ‘Earthrise’ photo dies in plane crash

 Beginning of a new life
Elana and her brother Juliusz Gorzkos

Pay attention to the given dates of June 17, 18, 19, *20 (bad news for Trump!  because  will be posting the news and the appropriate quatrain and keywords once my visions come to pass right here! Most of all remember to gain good karma by sharing my work because your gesture is helping me fulfilling my mission on earth! Thank you for that! 
Stay in touch watch videos from UFOs Astrology & Dr. Turi Predictions




June  17,18,19,20

Hidden secrets, sex, money come to light
Raw power challenges police deadly villains
Ugly face of death drama horror surface 
Nature man’s religion bloody folly reign 


*Russia / Famous Death / *Dramatic Death News / Mass death / Police news / Police brutality / FBI / CIA / Secret services / Secrets to light / Mob / Scandals / Terrorism / Assassination / Cyber-attacks / Abduction / Finances / *IRS / Super wealth / Sex / Porn / Prostitution / Life and death / Serial Killers / Undiluted truth /Dying/Rebirthing / Nature and Man-Made Wake up Call.  

Memo – “Avoid large gatherings especially at night during any of my 2022 deadly Plutonic windows!”   The reptilius are after the police, government officials, and children/teens! Policing will be so dangerous that many brave servants will quit and the number of cops getting killed or killing citizens will explode in the months to come. Infected criminals will get bolder and wilder committing crimes against the police and the public never experienced before!”



My windows always depict SERIOUS natural disasters and earthquakes at or above 6.0


6/16/24 – 6.0 magnitude earthquake near Acarí, Arequipa, Peru



You can not go in hollyday without being aware of my SOS deadly windows, pay attention or pay the ultimate price! Because you do not know or ridicule my cosmic work, does not mean its not real!
Ugly face of death drama horror surface 
“Avoid large gatherings”
A large crowd was at the event at the time and “multiple victims were hit,” the chief said.
Seven people were shot, including some victims in their late teens, in northeastern Massachusetts early Sunday, during what law enforcement officials described as a spontaneous car meetup.
Secrets to light

My quatrain below speaks volume on my undeniable accurate visions about the abusive, deceptive retructuring legal system or what’s going on with judges and the DOJ! Yet only those who bought 2021/2022/2023/2024 Nostradamus dragon forecast were warned! Justice Thomas and Justice Alito karma is on the way!

Scale of justice trembles
Armed villains seek blood
Red dominates rainbow
Power tears judges fight dies

Posted to the world on September 3, 2022

The gravitational forces that move all galaxies is a scientific fact;   But the greatness of the spiritual cosmic manifesto is yet a mystery to humanity. God’s enslaved all his children to uncover his cosmic  Divinity and with it,  a life filled with health, love, respect, peace and harmony for all.

— Dr. Turi


Memo from Russia, Putin’s fate

“Putin’s tail of the dragon (negative) in Leo (life/love/children) will kill him and many children!”

Update 6/8/24 – According to UkraineRussia has suffered over 500,000 casualties during the war.

Never separate yourself from God, we are all God’s and Godesses in training on this dense physical world learning this fact! Religion is pure evil and created by the nefarious reptilius…
Jesus was teaching Astrology…
12 Apostles, 12 months, 12 hours, 12 jury, 12 tribes of Israel, 12 sins, 12 jury… Jesus was teaching Astrology but the Church Inc took it away from you… Jesus cosmic ministry has nothing to do with the bible. time to wake up to the truth but only smart and curious people will get it….
In time the New Age of Aquarius will obliterate this mental cancer. With Pluto in Aquarius and the upcoming new 2025 Dragon in Pisces, expect lots of water from the skies and fierce battles to keep all suffocating religions alive! The Israel-Hamas war is just the beginning! Christians and others denominations will try very hard to convince you Facebook! Expect an explosion of religious stuff as the deceptive Age of Pisces is ending! 

Remember reader, next September 2024 those newsletters and warnings will stop completly while my prices for consultations will rise significantly! I can only and strongly recommend you to joi us and read the  special announcement below if you need any of my services! 

Sharing emails:
I’m sorry if I interrupted you too many times i was just excited .It was an eye opener for my husband after 30 years of me telling him he finally gets it . Thank you so much for reaching him he was so happy when we hung up he told me how much better he felt . Thank you for all the work you do the passion you have to reach everyone it’s truly amazing .☀️💫🌕

We are living in times where boneheads rise, intelligence fall, educated idiots reign supreme and thrive while genius and real get unrecognized.” Dr.Turi

No parents nowadays (outside of religion and science) are teaching their children who God truly is, spiritual matters, metaphysics and pay attention to the stars, their dreams, and master the art of divination using Divine astrology.

Since you were made at the image of God, love yourself with all the might of God because you were born to create.. Remember God <positive> would/could not be without the devil <negative> for without opposite life would be impossible. Yesterday in your past, your fears, your cosmic ignorance and your religion, you were EVIL..

The new smarter, curious, educated you is Godlike and in your positivity you reflect the light of God’s cosmic wisdom.

Indeed the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought, keep them positive since there is no future and no God in the past…

Share with smart people and never separate yourself from God. We are all God’s and Godesses in training on this dense physical world learning this fact! Religions are pure evil and 5000 plus were created by the nefarious reptilius…

In order to regenerate their spirit to survive, one day your children will ask and look for the answers they could never get from science or religion. The results are dreadful as thousands of lost young souls seek refuge in drugs or commit suicide… And this is the mission I was assigned as a UFO contactee to perform for all the children of the future.


At 74, time is running out for me since I want to spend the last few years, I have left running my “Lady of the Seas” charter and hopefully meet many of you in my boat in the Florida keys during the summer holiday season.

I am working two jobs full time, one as a OTR driver for FedEx and the other doing endless Astrological consultations during my days off.  Check all my trips and videos from my Facebook page.

The idea is to save enough to invest in a bigger and safer yatch. But as I am getting closer to my goal after September 2024, making videos, writting newsletters and taking care of my endless chain of clients doing readings on Zoom will become impossible as the new business and the new website dedicated for this new business venture will take all our time.

Thus as of September 2024 my price for a Full Life Reading (regularly $350) will change to $500 and a live session on Zoom (regularly $700) will rise to $1000. My great webmaster Tom will make those changes on my website before then.

Note also, future full newsletters will only be posted and available from the private Cosmic Code website and only new and older supporting VIP’s and new and older Patreon supporters will not be affected by the price changes.

Thus if I mean anything to you, it is in your best interest to become a VIP and still have access to all my services and enjoy our yearly forecasts and daily guidance and predictions.  Join today!

As always if you have any questions simply email and she will take good care of you.

You are getting so little with my newsletters my friend, Terania and I have so much more to offer you on the Cosmic Code private website!Become a VIP Membership is only $10 and you are showing your support for our cosmic work please. Thank you

The only good news I have for you, since I will never get any form of support from a religiously poisoned society is that! The New Age of Aquarius(UFO’s/technology/Astrology/the future of humanity/the stars) is slowly but surely taking over the deceptive Age of Pisces and will in time, make all religions absolete!


A much better understanding and use of God’s celestial creation await future generations and my mission is to insert the critical mental seeds to this upcoming wonderful cosmic enlightenment. 
Neptunian relies only on his intuition and his/her spirit to deal with the archetypal realm of supra-cosmic consciousness to translate his/her visions and predictions. Little do they know that there is only a very thin line between Divine Cosmic information, channeling and pure imagination! 
A true Neptunian is reluctant to engage in any form of rational studies and consequently is not cosmic conscious. He/she does not use nor understand the complexity of the super-conscious in time and space and the cosmic code jurisdictions,something that can only be revealed by mastering God’s cosmic design or Divine Astrology. 
The very idea of using critical thinking and mastering new tools explain all spiritual rules (outside of traditional religion) would also make them aware of their inherited celestial Divinity but it scares them. Going out of their Neptunian comfort zone and improving their physical vibrations is not an option!
Neptuniansstubbornly trust only themselves, God, the spirit, and their mystical nature not knowing that God does not speak his cosmic language to unconscious fools.
All established professions require a form of education and the use of very specific tools! Imagine a mechanic fixing your car with his hands alone or a baker making bread without a mixer! 
Imagine a boat Captain driving a boat or a pilot flying a plane without knowing all the rules of the land, water, and sea. A Neptunian is unable to recognize his or her intellectual gift and capacities and limits and trust only God and their spirit! 
This is why taking and using any of my courses will elevate their cosmic vibrations and spiritual perceptions.
I taught and offered my Divine Astrology course to those willing to put in the effort and by building cosmic awareness, they now own the golden keys to what it means to be human. 
I also thought of the born psychic and suggested taking the Atro-Tarot course because this ancient art is all about the use of cards, the superconscious, metaphors, and intuition. 
 A born psychic can flourish and grow in its spiritual element, and become much more efficient than taking on a more demanding astrological study. 
A true born psychic is loaded with objectivity and intuition yet, they also lack basic critical thinking, and regardless of my elaborate and logical explanations, many of my clients have missed the boat to cosmic awareness and spiritual enlightenment. 
Neptune rules the Middle East and the youngest and deadliest religions (Christianity/Judaism/Islam) were born there, cursing the entire population and the world at large since Neptune rules the oceans and 3/4 of the world.
The deceptiveness and poisoning of the planet Neptune (gas / drugs / alcohol / medications / cults / religions / jails) has dramatic worldwide repercussions.
The burgeoning Age of Aquarius (UFOs/technology/humanitarianism/Astrology)is already changing humanity’s psychical vibrations and awareness… In other words, humans are slowly but surely becoming more curious about the planets’s impact upon humans and the world “the true birth of all religions,” educated, and smarter!
On the other hand, a true born Saturnian (atheist, agnostic, skeptic)is forbidden by God himself access to anything spiritual, including religion. The unevolved “Young Soul” has not yet reached the level of spiritual perception needed to realize and refine his/her awareness of the world (s) he/she lives in. 

Pythagoras | Biography, Facts & Impact |

Every man has been made by God in order to acquire knowledge and contemplate but not all men where born with the same UCI/stars. Pythagoras was certainly born with a strong Saturn or CapricornSun, moon, rising or Dragon!

God made those souls delegate the physical manifesto alone as we need reliable engineering (bridges / gearboxes / cars / tools / mechanics, etc.) on earth.
They can only perceive the world they live in through their five limited, rational human senses. God made sure their natal karmic UCI “Unique Celestial Identity” is earthy and loaded with Saturn’s restrictive down-to-earth low vibrations. 
“A magnet will not attract a piece of wood”
Unless you vibrate at my highly spiritual and rational cosmic speed you will be naturally attracted to me and my cosmic teachings… And those “super Humans” are quite rare! 
With the current warlike, aggressive, brutal Martian dragon in charge of this world (see quatrain below) until January 2025 the current state of this world is quite scary and will get worse.


German/Vikings Skin Alike
Black and White Red Blood
Fire War Violence  Passions Rule
God Nowhere To Stop Fires
Hitler’s Evil spirit reborn

Posted to the world on June 12, 2013 

Insecurity reigns supreme while egocentric politicians tear themselves apart and high Court lawmakers impose their religious beliefs, change the laws on our backs, and abuse us all. 
Taking care of your family and your bills has never been so difficult and if you think electing another cosmic unconscious president will change your life for the better, you are in LALA land!  
In any ways shape and form, if you feel depressed, insecure and lack of directions, we are here for you! Talk to terrania if needed 
Clienty feedback,
Dear Terania,
Thank you, the session was very insightful and enjoyable and I learnt some more astrology in the process.
I can highly recommend reading with Dr Turi. If you want to understand how and why things happen to you, the way they do and how you can make the most of the changing planets and their energies, the reading is for you!
With all the things that are going on around us, why leave home without a map!
And get a progressive reading for the year!
Thank you and God bless!
The current Aries/Libra dragon axis (as of July 2023) is IMPOSING changes by houses and signs and Mercury is telling you, you are not going in the right direction! Seek the light while you can.
You may be religiously poisoned and fearful of Divine Astrology. Your UCI “Unique Celestial Identity ” may be too earthy and turned you into a radical skeptic or agnostic that ridicule the idea of dealing with the future a cosmic God has in store for you.
All the while missing the great opportunity given to you by Mercury retrograde to bypass your fear and skepticism…  As a rule, it is only when the student is ready that the gifted cosmic teacher will appear and it is only when you ask that you shall receive the rewards of your curiosity!
  • Knowing where your Jupiter (luck) is located by house and sign and what your natal and hidden dragons (past lives) are predisposing you for will become a major contribution for your success in this lifetime.
  • Knowing all about your true soul’s purpose, and the planets stimulating your second house of money and self-esteem is a must if you need to invest and build long lasting financial wealth.
  • Knowing all about the Universal Law of the moon is not only a MUST but critical to make steady progress in life, because the moon is much more than a dead rock hanging above your head for the sake of beauty!
  • If you are lonely and looking for love, knowing all about the seat of attraction between human beings and your Venus’s location by house and sign is a great thing! And the planet of love will lead you to your soul mate!
  • If you are into natural healing or concerned with your health, do not fear! Knowing and using all the planets accordingly blessing your six house of health and work is a sure ticket to live a long life and regenerate at work.
  • For good or for worse, you are set to attract certain signs of the Zodiac for specific karmic, often difficult purposes, and knowing all about your partner’s stars is the only way to make a relationship work harmoniously.
  • The planet’s blessing your eleven house of groups, wishes, and friends must be acknowledged and used so all your goals can be reached. Respecting the perfect timing for socializing can only add more luck on your way.
  • What is your mission in life? what God designed you for mentally and physically to achieve on earth? What is your best career choice that will bring you the respect and position you need? Let me tell you all about the specific universal laws ruling your chart and your life!  These are the questions you must ask to succeed in a fate written in light for you.
  • Most importantly, what planets are blessing your subconscious creative forces where magic becomes a reality? Do you know enough about your subconscious potential where God resides? Are you using those formidable forces accordingly and efficiently? Let me enlighten you on this amazing process!
  • Knowledge is power, ignorance is evil, did you watch my movie on the Super-conscious? Did you read my best seller “Beyond The Secret?” 

“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that we may lead a safer more productive life!” Paracelsus

If you are ready for me, I am ready for you and I can promess you I will change your life for the best! But before meeting with me on Zoom, please read the following! 


If you did not yet, you MUST read Dr. Turi FREE Astro-Tarot Daily Celestial Guidance And Predictions For All to benefit from my regular free guidance and prediction. 

 if you miss my full cosmic code newsletters become a VIP or a Patreon supporter! 

Show your support join my medias












Trump predicted “bombshell” arrived! June SOS TO THE WORLD!



“The universe is under no obligation to make any SPIRITUAL sense to anyone” Dr. Turi

“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior  wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth using his will is a magus and  magic is not sorcery but Supreme wisdom.” Paracelsus

“The universe is a BRIGHT LIVING spiritual entity… I’m offering its secrets before I die. The purpose of all my struggles  was to build cosmic wisdom and offer universal guidance and strengths to others” Dr. Turi

Do you know that former President Trump, Marjorie Tailor Greene, Joe Arpaio and Mitt Rodney were born with a Gemini sun sign with the tail of the Dragon (negative) in Sagittarius in their 7th house (public/open enemies/partners) making them extraordinarily unlucky with anything related to the law, education, pets, religion, foreigners, foreign lands, and foreign affairs.  Donald Trump for President?
Dear reader,

As always if you read “Trump’s video referencing Nazi Germany prediction” and paid attention to my spoken words in my “YouTube video” the historical Trump’s dramatic conviction was fully predicted! This fact explains why you should pay more attention and share my work! 

Since there are millions of psychics, astrologers, and prophets to choose from, it may be wise for you to ask for solid proof of their talent. Unless a dated, printed, and published work (in my case quatrains and keywords) are offered to the reader, you should not trust the source! 

Keeping a solid record of my spiritual cosmic work for curious future generations is what makes the difference between pure imagination and Divine cosmic wisdom. 

Since you may also be a newcomer to my predictive work, I decided to bring back the beginning of my previous newsletter for you to read and acknowledge! You may refer to the full newsletter content to read all the collected anticipated news.


The next SOS window is all about SHOCKING news and will induce quakes at or above 6.0 and a sudden release of energy that will produce terrible weather and tornadoes.

May 2024, SOS to the world deadly windows… Posted by Dr. Turi on April 27, 2024 at 1:12pm



May 13, 14, 15 – 26, 27, 28

Entrails Upset Spit Above
Red Fire Wind Water to Dance
Stars Command Shock Science
Calm Deception to Strike

Japan / Asia / China / France / Italy / Gold / Cosmic – Space News / NASA / Nukes / Nuclear /  Freak / Bizarre / Unusual weird behavior / Space / Rocket / MissileExplosions / Surprises / Unexpected /  Shocking news / Shocking videos / Stunning / Baffling / unprecedented / Suddenly / Incredible / Strange deadly Behavior / Awakening / Bombshell / Mind Boggling / Crazy / Jaw Dropping / Lightning / Electricity / Fire / Unusual / Unexpected / suddenly / Humanitarianism / Children / Teens / Unrest / Fascinating / Genius / Discovery / Very old – Very new / Discovery / Invention / Science / AI / UFO’s / Earthquakes (always at or above 6.0 / Tsunami / Typhoon / Hurricane / Volcanoes/ Tornadoes / Airports / Airline / Aeronautics / jets / Planes / Balloons / Helicopters / Drone / Technology / Hacking / Cyber-attack / Internet / Electricity / Electronics / Television / Cosmic Phenomenon   

My windows always predisposes for natural disasters, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes at or above 6.0

Update6.6 magnitude earthquake near Pangai, Ha‘apai, Tonga
Update – 6.3magnitude earthquake near Port-Vila, Shefa, Vanuatu
Volcanic eruption puts on fiery spectacle near Iceland’s Grindavik

Calm Deception to Strike!

Trump and his allies braced for a guilty verdict. Then the bombshell arrived

For years my readers were reminded of my prediction below posted in countless newsletters and videos! My UFOs predictive legacy has spoken again and being fired from Coast to Coast am by Tom and George Noory for making accurate predictions about Trump and COVID, will never stop me from reminding you  why you can trust the only reliable source!

Stormy Daniels urges Melania Trump to leave husband Donald now – for two reasons

Dr. Turi
You predicted a Trump divorce years ago  !

Once again do not “Kill the Messenger” try concentrate on the astrological work and my predictions and not your own political choice! Doing so will make you quite emotional if you support Trump and miss the forest for the tree!



“No one, directly or indirectly involved with the US Capitol invasion will escape the 2022 Scorpius karma! This includes President Trump himself, his family, his supporting mignons, i.e. Stewart RhodesTucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Alex Jones, Joe Rogan, Lindsey Graham/ Taylor Greene/ Coast to Coast am guests and hosts and many other members of the former president’s reptilius infected aggressive base.”

Dr. Turi

One thing is sure, Trump is in a survival mode and about to lose it all! Thus he has nothing else to lose and can only save himself and his empire if he is re- elected and pardom himself! His stars are cursed by the reptilius and he is ready to double down on all he did (and some) to regain power.

So expect more lies, more attacks on the government, the judicial system, on his enemies and break the gag order, because, like Hitler did, Trump wants/needs to go to jail to win and start a revolution or a civil war! 

Without convincing you and his base he is a victim of Biden’s administration and end up in jail, he will not succeed or be re-elected! Hopefully Let’s hope New York County Supreme Court Justice Juan Manuel Merchan will see through it and avoid any jail sentence!




German/Vikings Skin Alike
Black and White Red Blood
Fire War Violence  Passions Rule
God Nowhere To Stop Fires
Hitler’s Evil spirit reborn

Posted to the world on June 12, 2013 

You may or may not accept or realize the gravity of my visions for the US and the world at large and this is why TAPING into religion is next because if it worked for the Church Inc for centuries it will work for him too!

Note also the majority of religiously poisoned people are not exactly related to Einstein… I see the end results of this “rebirthing of this authoritarian Hitler movement” more as an IQ test for the US than a regular election! And the consequences are DEADLY! 

Would it be for Trum or Biden your vote will count so think about it and do it! Evil or Light, the choice is yours alone and it is based upon your education, your intelligence, your experiences, your religious indoctrination, your personal beliefs or your STARS only! Or what I teach my students, your natal karmic UCIUnique Celestial Identity!” 

If you fear power and the government or signed up for conspiracies, nothing I or anyone else’ suggest will ever work, period! 

Furthermore, I see very negative news cursing the police during the next SOS plutonic window of June 4, 4, 5, 7 and  and for the former President more bad news will be coming June 18,19. 20 and 21st. All you have to do is to make notes and watch the news… As always I will be there to post the results of my visions once they unfold! 

The idea of becoming a VIP to the Cosmic Code private website is to plan your life around those dangerous cosmic winds or use EXTREME caution!  But if you do not know or refuse to learn all about God’s cosmic design you will in time have to pay the consequences of your lack of cosmic wisdom! 

Because religions have been accepted as the sole sources of the true manifestation of God and his son Jesus’ stories does not mean it is! God or Jesus never dictated the bible and be sure God created the stars and the heavens! “To be used a signs so you may live a safer more productive life!”
The politically oriented churches of the past did so to control your physical and spiritual actions! The rich ruling party created over 5000 religions worldwide to make sure the uneducated destitute envious poor masses do not kill them! 
Cosmic ignorance, fear of hell, guilt, misinformation, deception, and sexual abuses are at the core of all religions but critical thinking cannot be applied when early indoctrination rules! Those wealthy reptilius-infected corporations are rich and well-organized, they own all media and all sources of information. Each church is a bank, an investment for the ruling party to control you and your children’s future!
Fighting centuries of deception and bringing back UFOs reality, God’s cosmic design and Jesus initial cosmic ministry (Divine Astrology) is not an easy task  and that is my mission!
Since you were made at the image of God, love yourself with all the might of God because you were born to create… When you pray, you are praying by yourself, for yourself, remember God <positive> would not be without the devil <negative> for without opposite life would be impossible.
No day without night
No front without back
No man without a woman
No small (Earth) without big (Universe)
yin and yang
No positive (God/smart/educated) without Negative (Evil/idiocy/fear/lack of confidence)
Yesterday in your past, your fears, your cosmic ignorance, your refusal to grow outside of your religion, you were not smart but EVIL..
The new smarter, curious, educated. confident, cosmic conscious you is Godlike. Indeed the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought, keep them positive since there is no future and no God in the past…
Never separate yourself from God, we are all God’s and Godesses in training on this dense physical world learning this fact! Religion is pure evil and created by the nefarious reptilius…
Jesus was teaching Astrology..
12 Apostles, 12 months, 12 hours, 12 jury, 12 tribes of Israel, 12 sins, 12 jury… Jesus was teaching Astrology but the Church Inc took it away from you… Jesus cosmic ministry has nothing to do with the bible. time to wake up to the truth but only smart and curious people will get it….
In time the New Age of Aquarius will obliterate this mental cancer. With Pluto in Aquarius and the upcoming new 2025 Dragon in Pisces, expect lots of water from the skies and fierce battles to keep all suffocating religions alive! The Israel-Hamas war is just the beginning! Christians and others denominations will try very hard to convince you Facebook! Expect an explosion of religious stuff as the deceptive Age of Pisces is ending! 

Remember reader, next September 2024 those newsletters and warnings will stop completly while my prices for consultations will rise significantly! I can only and strongly recommend you to joi us and read the  special announcement below if you need any of my services! 



June 4, 5, 6, 7 – 18,19,20,21 

Hidden secrets, sex, money come to light
Raw power challenges police deadly villains
Ugly face of death drama horror surface 
 Nature man’s religion bloody folly reign 


*Russia / Famous Death / *Dramatic Death News / Mass death / Police news / Police brutality / FBI / CIA / Secret services / Secrets to light / Mob / Scandals / Terrorism / Assassination / Cyber-attacks / Abduction / Finances / *IRS / Super wealth / Sex / Porn / Prostitution / Life and death / Serial Killers / Undiluted truth /Dying/Rebirthing / Nature and Man-Made Wake up Call.  


Memo – “Avoid large gatherings especially at night during any of my 2022 deadly Plutonic windows!”   The reptilius are after the police, government officials, and children/teens! Policing will be so dangerous that many brave servants will quit and the number of cops getting killed or killing citizens will explode in the months to come. Infected criminals will get bolder and wilder committing crimes against the police and the public never experienced before!”



City officials are asking people to come forward with information about an early morning shooting that injured more than two dozen people in Akron, Ohio, Sunday.

Sharing emails:

I’m sorry if I interrupted you too many times i was just excited .It was an eye opener for my husband after 30 years of me telling him he finally gets it . Thank you so much for reaching him he was so happy when we hung up he told me how much better he felt . Thank you for all the work you do the passion you have to reach everyone it’s truly amazing .☀️💫🌕

We are living in times where boneheads rise, intelligence fall, educated idiots reign supreme and thrive while genius and real get unrecognized.” Dr.Turi

No parents nowadays (outside of religion and science) are teaching their children who God truly is, spiritual matters, metaphysics and pay attention to the stars, their dreams, and master the art of divination using Divine astrology.

Since you were made at the image of God, love yourself with all the might of God because you were born to create.. Remember God <positive> would/could not be without the devil <negative> for without opposite life would be impossible. Yesterday in your past, your fears, your cosmic ignorance and your religion, you were EVIL..

The new smarter, curious, educated you is Godlike and in your positivity you reflect the light of God’s cosmic wisdom.

Indeed the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought, keep them positive since there is no future and no God in the past…

Share with smart people and never separate yourself from God. We are all God’s and Godesses in training on this dense physical world learning this fact! Religions are pure evil and 5000 plus were created by the nefarious reptilius…

In order to regenerate their spirit to survive, one day your children will ask and look for the answers they could never get from science or religion. The results are dreadful as thousands of lost young souls seek refuge in drugs or commit suicide… And this is the mission I was assigned as a UFO contactee to perform for all the children of the future.


At 74, time is running out for me since I want to spend the last few years, I have left running my “Lady of the Seas” charter and hopefully meet many of you in my boat in the Florida keys during the summer holiday season.

I am working two jobs full time, one as a OTR driver for FedEx and the other doing endless Astrological consultations during my days off.  Check all my trips and videos from my Facebook page.

The idea is to save enough to invest in a bigger and safer yatch. But as I am getting closer to my goal after September 2024, making videos, writting newsletters and taking care of my endless chain of clients doing readings on Zoom will become impossible as the new business and the new website dedicated for this new business venture will take all our time.

Thus as of September 2024 my price for a Full Life Reading (regularly $350) will change to $500 and a live session on Zoom (regularly $700) will rise to $1000. My great webmaster Tom will make those changes on my website before then.

Note also, future full newsletters will only be posted and available from the private Cosmic Code website and only new and older supporting VIP’s and new and older Patreon supporters will not be affected by the price changes.

Thus if I mean anything to you, it is in your best interest to become a VIP and still have access to all my services and enjoy our yearly forecasts and daily guidance and predictions.  Join today!

As always if you have any questions simply email and she will take good care of you.

You are getting so little with my newsletters my friend, Terania and I have so much more to offer you on the Cosmic Code private website!Become a VIP Membership is only $10 and you are showing your support for our cosmic work please. Thank you

The only good news I have for you, since I will never get any form of support from a religiously poisoned society is that! The New Age of Aquarius(UFO’s/technology/Astrology/the future of humanity/the stars) is slowly but surely taking over the deceptive Age of Pisces and will in time, make all religions absolete!


A much better understanding and use of God’s celestial creation await future generations and my mission is to insert the critical mental seeds to this upcoming wonderful cosmic enlightenment. 
Neptunian relies only on his intuition and his/her spirit to deal with the archetypal realm of supra-cosmic consciousness to translate his/her visions and predictions. Little do they know that there is only a very thin line between Divine Cosmic information, channeling and pure imagination! 
A true Neptunian is reluctant to engage in any form of rational studies and consequently is not cosmic conscious. He/she does not use nor understand the complexity of the super-conscious in time and space and the cosmic code jurisdictions,something that can only be revealed by mastering God’s cosmic design or Divine Astrology. 
The very idea of using critical thinking and mastering new tools explain all spiritual rules (outside of traditional religion) would also make them aware of their inherited celestial Divinity but it scares them. Going out of their Neptunian comfort zone and improving their physical vibrations is not an option!
Neptuniansstubbornly trust only themselves, God, the spirit, and their mystical nature not knowing that God does not speak his cosmic language to unconscious fools.
All established professions require a form of education and the use of very specific tools! Imagine a mechanic fixing your car with his hands alone or a baker making bread without a mixer! 
Imagine a boat Captain driving a boat or a pilot flying a plane without knowing all the rules of the land, water, and sea. A Neptunian is unable to recognize his or her intellectual gift and capacities and limits and trust only God and their spirit! 
This is why taking and using any of my courses will elevate their cosmic vibrations and spiritual perceptions.
I taught and offered my Divine Astrology course to those willing to put in the effort and by building cosmic awareness, they now own the golden keys to what it means to be human. 
I also thought of the born psychic and suggested taking the Atro-Tarot course because this ancient art is all about the use of cards, the superconscious, metaphors, and intuition. 
 A born psychic can flourish and grow in its spiritual element, and become much more efficient than taking on a more demanding astrological study. 
A true born psychic is loaded with objectivity and intuition yet, they also lack basic critical thinking, and regardless of my elaborate and logical explanations, many of my clients have missed the boat to cosmic awareness and spiritual enlightenment. 
Neptune rules the Middle East and the youngest and deadliest religions (Christianity/Judaism/Islam) were born there, cursing the entire population and the world at large since Neptune rules the oceans and 3/4 of the world.
The deceptiveness and poisoning of the planet Neptune (gas / drugs / alcohol / medications / cults / religions / jails) has dramatic worldwide repercussions.
The burgeoning Age of Aquarius (UFOs/technology/humanitarianism/Astrology)is already changing humanity’s psychical vibrations and awareness… In other words, humans are slowly but surely becoming more curious about the planets’s impact upon humans and the world “the true birth of all religions,” educated, and smarter!
On the other hand, a true born Saturnian (atheist, agnostic, skeptic)is forbidden by God himself access to anything spiritual, including religion. The unevolved “Young Soul” has not yet reached the level of spiritual perception needed to realize and refine his/her awareness of the world (s) he/she lives in. 

Pythagoras | Biography, Facts & Impact |

Every man has been made by God in order to acquire knowledge and contemplate but not all men where born with the same UCI/stars. Pythagoras was certainly born with a strong Saturn or CapricornSun, moon, rising or Dragon!

God made those souls delegate the physical manifesto alone as we need reliable engineering (bridges / gearboxes / cars / tools / mechanics, etc.) on earth.
They can only perceive the world they live in through their five limited, rational human senses. God made sure their natal karmic UCI “Unique Celestial Identity” is earthy and loaded with Saturn’s restrictive down-to-earth low vibrations. 
“A magnet will not attract a piece of wood”
Unless you vibrate at my highly spiritual and rational cosmic speed you will be naturally attracted to me and my cosmic teachings… And those “super Humans” are quite rare! 
With the current warlike, aggressive, brutal Martian dragon in charge of this world (see quatrain below) until January 2025 the current state of this world is quite scary and will get worse.


German/Vikings Skin Alike
Black and White Red Blood
Fire War Violence  Passions Rule
God Nowhere To Stop Fires
Hitler’s Evil spirit reborn

Posted to the world on June 12, 2013 

Insecurity reigns supreme while egocentric politicians tear themselves apart and high Court lawmakers impose their religious beliefs, change the laws on our backs, and abuse us all. 
Taking care of your family and your bills has never been so difficult and if you think electing another cosmic unconscious president will change your life for the better, you are in LALA land!  
In any ways shape and form, if you feel depressed, insecure and lack of directions, we are here for you! Talk to terrania if needed 
Clienty feedback,
Dear Terania,
Thank you, the session was very insightful and enjoyable and I learnt some more astrology in the process.
I can highly recommend reading with Dr Turi. If you want to understand how and why things happen to you, the way they do and how you can make the most of the changing planets and their energies, the reading is for you!
With all the things that are going on around us, why leave home without a map!
And get a progressive reading for the year!
Thank you and God bless!
The current Aries/Libra dragon axis (as of July 2023) is IMPOSING changes by houses and signs and Mercury is telling you, you are not going in the right direction! Seek the light while you can.
You may be religiously poisoned and fearful of Divine Astrology. Your UCI “Unique Celestial Identity ” may be too earthy and turned you into a radical skeptic or agnostic that ridicule the idea of dealing with the future a cosmic God has in store for you.
All the while missing the great opportunity given to you by Mercury retrograde to bypass your fear and skepticism…  As a rule, it is only when the student is ready that the gifted cosmic teacher will appear and it is only when you ask that you shall receive the rewards of your curiosity!
  • Knowing where your Jupiter (luck) is located by house and sign and what your natal and hidden dragons (past lives) are predisposing you for will become a major contribution for your success in this lifetime.
  • Knowing all about your true soul’s purpose, and the planets stimulating your second house of money and self-esteem is a must if you need to invest and build long lasting financial wealth.
  • Knowing all about the Universal Law of the moon is not only a MUST but critical to make steady progress in life, because the moon is much more than a dead rock hanging above your head for the sake of beauty!
  • If you are lonely and looking for love, knowing all about the seat of attraction between human beings and your Venus’s location by house and sign is a great thing! And the planet of love will lead you to your soul mate!
  • If you are into natural healing or concerned with your health, do not fear! Knowing and using all the planets accordingly blessing your six house of health and work is a sure ticket to live a long life and regenerate at work.
  • For good or for worse, you are set to attract certain signs of the Zodiac for specific karmic, often difficult purposes, and knowing all about your partner’s stars is the only way to make a relationship work harmoniously.
  • The planet’s blessing your eleven house of groups, wishes, and friends must be acknowledged and used so all your goals can be reached. Respecting the perfect timing for socializing can only add more luck on your way.
  • What is your mission in life? what God designed you for mentally and physically to achieve on earth? What is your best career choice that will bring you the respect and position you need? Let me tell you all about the specific universal laws ruling your chart and your life!  These are the questions you must ask to succeed in a fate written in light for you.
  • Most importantly, what planets are blessing your subconscious creative forces where magic becomes a reality? Do you know enough about your subconscious potential where God resides? Are you using those formidable forces accordingly and efficiently? Let me enlighten you on this amazing process!
  • Knowledge is power, ignorance is evil, did you watch my movie on the Super-conscious? Did you read my best seller “Beyond The Secret?” 

“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that we may lead a safer more productive life!” Paracelsus

If you are ready for me, I am ready for you and I can promess you I will change your life for the best! But before meeting with me on Zoom, please read the following! 


If you did not yet, you MUST read Dr. Turi FREE Astro-Tarot Daily Celestial Guidance And Predictions For All to benefit from my regular free guidance and prediction. 

 if you miss my full cosmic code newsletters become a VIP or a Patreon supporter! 

Show your support join my medias







Trump’s video referencing Nazi Germany prediction



“The universe is under no obligation to make any SPIRITUAL sense to anyone” Dr. Turi

“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior  wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth using his will is a magus and  magic is not sorcery but Supreme wisdom.” Paracelsus

“The universe is a BRIGHT LIVING spiritual entity… I’m offering its secrets before I die. The purpose of all my struggles  was to build cosmic wisdom and offer universal guidance and strengths to others” Dr. Turi

Trump was a German SS dedicated to the Reich in his previous life!


German/Vikings Skin Alike
Black and White Red Blood
Fire War Violence  Passions Rule
God Nowhere To Stop Fires
Hitler’s Evil spirit reborn

Posted to the world on June 12, 2013 

Dear reader,

As always if you read SOS to the world deadly window May 20,21,22,23″ or watched my “YouTube video” the collected dramatic, deadly news speak of the reasons why you should pay more attention to my work! 

The last Plutonic window was all about intense and uncontrolled outbursts of destructive emotions, sex, secrets, and famous deaths. Government officials, judges, attorneys, and people from all walks of life are not cosmic conscious and behave like robots of their stars manipulated by the reptilius. I am not going to offer you more proof, all you have to do is to read or watch the news…

The next SOS window is all about SHOCKINGnews and will induce quakes at or above 6.0 and a sudden release of energy that will produce terrible weather and tornadoes.

May 2024, SOS to the world deadly windows… Posted by Dr. Turi on April 27, 2024 at 1:12pm



May 13, 14, 15 – 26, 27, 28

Entrails Upset Spit Above
Red Fire Wind Water to Dance
Stars Command Shock Science
Calm Deception to Strike

Japan / Asia / China / France / Italy / Gold / Cosmic – Space News / NASA / Nukes / Nuclear /  Freak / Bizarre / Unusual weird behavior / Space / Rocket / MissileExplosions / Surprises / Unexpected /  Shocking news / Shocking videos / Stunning / Baffling / unprecedented / Suddenly / Incredible / Strange deadly Behavior / Awakening / Bombshell / Mind Boggling / Crazy / Jaw Dropping / Lightning / Electricity / Fire / Unusual / Unexpected / suddenly / Humanitarianism / Children / Teens / Unrest / Fascinating / Genius / Discovery / Very old – Very new / Discovery / Invention / Science / AI / UFO’s / Earthquakes (always at or above 6.0 / Tsunami / Typhoon / Hurricane / Volcanoes/ Tornadoes / Airports / Airline / Aeronautics / jets / Planes / Balloons / Helicopters / Drone / Technology / Hacking / Cyber-attack / Internet / Electricity / Electronics / Television / Cosmic Phenomenon   

My windows always predisposes for earthquakes at or above 6.0

Update6.6 magnitude earthquake near Pangai, Ha‘apai, Tonga
Update – 6.3magnitude earthquake near Port-Vila, Shefa, Vanuatu
Volcanic eruption puts on fiery spectacle near Iceland’s Grindavik

Trump and his allies braced for a guilty verdict. Then the bombshell arrived

Once again, the timing in my SHOCKING window has proven to be unarguable and the keyword bombshell fit perfectly the historical Trump’s conviction moment! For years my readers were reminded of my prediction below posted in countless newsletters and videos! Being fired from Coast to Coast am by Tom and George Noory for making accurate predictions will never stop me from reminding you again of my visions and why you can trust the only source!



“No one, directly or indirectly involved with the US Capitol invasion will escape the 2022 Scorpius karma! This includes President Trump himself, his family, his supporting mignons, i.e. Stewart RhodesTucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Alex Jones, Joe Rogan, Lindsey Graham/ Taylor Greene/ Coast to Coast am guests and hosts and many other members of the former president’s reptilius infected aggressive base.”

Dr. Turi

Pope Francis accused of making homophobic slur in a closed-door meeting

By mutual reception, Pope Francis shares the same dragon axis (Sagittarius/blunt) and Gemini (adaptable/lies) as former President Trump. Both men are deeply religious and despise gay people, both dragon’s tail are in the 7th house (facing the public/partners!) Never forget Gemini “the Messenger of the Gods/positive” is also known as the Lord of the Thieves/negative”  in Greek Mythology.


Tyson is a cancer; this sign rules the stomach… Years of alcohol abuse ruined the lining of his stomach!  Note also Tyson’s Dragon’s Tail is Gemini (transportation) and his house of death is Aquarius and this sign rules aeronautics… He is prone to a shocking, unexpected violent death! He is also extremely vulnerable to his respiratory system and smoking weed for years did not help his lungs! 

Horse Riding Star Georgie Campbell Dead at 37 After Fall at Equestrian Event

Like Trump, she was born a Gemini this sign rules horses and transportation! With the moon (home) and Pluto (death) cursing her 6th house of work and service to the world she suffered the “accident!” She was on one of her 2024 negative cosmic biorhythms when the “accident” occurred! 


Update – Former ‘General Hospital’ actor Johnny Wactor fatally shot in Los Angeles

Rich and famous yet, like millions of oblivious people, Johnny was not cosmic conscious! He did not know anything about my cosmic work and I, he was targetted by the reptilius! No one told him he was born with the Dragon axis Aries/Libra and never read about my warnings for those signs! Unless you purchased and read “2024 Nostradamus Dragon forecast for all signs” you have the right to be remain skeptical  and may experience a similar fate! Note his kamic Aries dragon was located in his 8th house of death! There are ways to avoid an immature death if you heed my warnings and know about it!  God bless his soul

Infected criminals will get bolder and wilder committing crimes against the police and the public never experienced before!”


This is shocking news! Grayson Murray, 2-time PGA Tour-Winning Golfer, Dies at 30. OMG! he was a kid! Alcoholism and depression are what non-cosmic-conscious people say is the cause! I say Grayson was a Libra and this sign is prone to addiction (religion/drugs/alcoholism/suicide) and the reptilius effect! 

Dr. Turi
Your suicide prediction was correct !  He was a Libra born in  North Carolina  on October 1  1993 .   Dragon is on Libra – Aries .
Very sad  !

The US dept of education should allow my students and I to teach your children all about God’s cosmic design outside of deceptive religions! 

Rich and famous yet, no Soul Doctor was available to warn and educate him to save his life! Blame the religious and scientific domineering, abusive, deceptive matrixes who control all sources of information on all major media. If you own a moon, rising, natal, or hidden dragon in Libra you are prone to suffer the same fate!

My warnings for those born in October and April are not a joke, I can’t recall how many sould born in those months are gone so far! But how can you beat the reptilius if you do not make notes of my predictions or never read them?

If you are an Aries or a Libra ask for help while you can email or pay the price of your ignorance.

CONTINUED! Sad enough people do not see the incredible values of my cosmic work and travel when they feel like it! Many will pay the ultimate price for their ignorance and skepticism… 

Be smart, be curious be warned of those deadly windows a month before and plan outside of those dangerous cosmic winds or use EXTREME caution! A little investment to read our various forecats in the Cosmic Code wesbsite can save your life!

The right quatrain and keywords will be used once my visions unfold! Pay attention, make notes, and share my work, you own selfishness can only bring you bad karma!

While the world was SHOCKED, Trump’s referencing Nazi Germany and the reptilius effect” upon the US and the world at large is far from being a surprise to me and my followers…

I saw it all coming a long time ago! Once again do not kill the messenger my cosmic work is all about predictions, not politics and I am only pointing out the veracity of my visions induced by my UFO’s predictive legacy! 

Making the point and proving my claims is necessary in a world where lies, misinformation, disinformation, conspiracies, and abuses reign supreme! With millions of psychics, astrologers and Prophets who can you trust these days?

In my case, the quatrain above is obvious, to say the least, and reflects the deplorable current affairs of America’s political fiasco! Like everyone on earth, infected Trump is only responding to the pull of his natal stars (UCI Unique Celestial Identity,stimulating the fate of the US, all stirred the wrong ways by the “reptilius effect!”

Indeed, those nefarious ET entities have hijacked the former president’s body, mind, and soul and millions of his oblivious followers.

None of them have been taught to stop feeding the reptilius with a myriad of negative emotions like deep aggressive, destructive passions, revenge, and a domineering drive for wealth, fame, and power! Honor, decency and integrity does not exist with the majority of politicians, or judges like Justice Thomas and Justice Alito!

Much more is coming for them (you and the world) when I produce the new 2025 Nostradamus’s Personal and Universal predictions for all signs! 

Note also the quatrain below, like the one above speak on my undeniable accurate visions about the abusive retructuring legal system… Justice Thomas and Justice Alito karma is on the way!

Scale of justice trembles
Armed villains seek blood
Red dominates rainbow
Power tears judges fight dies

Posted to the world on September 3, 2022

Watching and sharing my UFO video is critical to understanding what’s going on outside of conventional critical, political thinking and answers are offered on how to beat the reptilius at their own psychical games.

No one is to judge or blame for what I perceive as terrible for the US’s future but religious poisoning, and a rational, skeptical science all because of the humongous cosmic ignorance cursing humanity.

Lat week, the reptilius lead Trump to the Bronks, N.Y. where the reptilius own much of the young, desperate, uneducated population and the IQ of those people is not exactly high… In fact many of those teens can not even read!

They are easy targets who truly believe a billionaire who never worked a day in his life, who never had to struggle to pay bills or food can save them from poverty and a miserable future where gangs, drugs, murder, and suicide are the norm.

Indeed a magnet will ot attract a piece of wood and many “hypnoptyzed” by Trump’s voice and false promises will sign up for the reborn spirit of Hitler.

NEW YORK (AP) — Former President Donald Trump, at his rally this week in the Bronx, invited two rappers on stage who have been charged in a sweeping gang case, with one of them facing attempted murder charges.

Those lost souls are infected at the core and in this nest of blood, crimes and horror, all strive for more chaos, more pain, more crimes and more drama to survive.

And like the majority of Trump’s obnoxious tainted soldiers, this is, as imposed by the reptilius, what they are signing up and hoping for.

While Trump’s supporters can never understand the depth of my critical warnings, the former president is unconscious and lead by his irresitable need for control, fame, power and revenge.

Like all billionaires, Trump hates the government, the laws, structures, order, and the IRS and he is unwilling to share his wealth. His greed and lack of respect for authority are legendary and what motivate him to avoid paying taxes, and his share, he strives to make more wealth and build more power. That is HIS stars at work!

He is ready to use his base again and again as he did in the past to survive his impending karmic fate! He has no more options, Trump’s life, career, and businesses are at serious risk. He must win the battle or die and he is ready to take millions of his followers with him…

And all I can do is warn you as best as I can , yet the people who really need my spiritual advices the most will never read because of the accurate predictions I made about Trump and COVID, I was removed from infected CTC am radio or my only national stage!

I am too real, too honest and a danger to the current political, religious and scientific  establishment! I am a dedicated rebel  wanting the best for all my supporters who like me can see through the dirt and work hard for a better future of our children!

Idiots do not read nor can their religious or atheist mind or electoral choices be changed!  While the quatrain and my visions speak volumes of my accurate visions, without your support and sharing my work, I am muted and can only worry about the future of the US!

At 74 I am tired of the manipulation, the religious poisoning, and the reluctance of the scientific community to bypass their five limited rational senses and accept Divine Astrology and UFOs as real and not the product of a vivid imagination…

The malign tumor of abuses, misinformation, control of information, and religious and scientific poisonous convictions took centuries to establish. Those who tried to reverse the evil of ignorance have paid the ultimate price and my cosmic wisdom is critically too precious to be wasted for futile expectations.

This is why at my age, I still work so hard to reach my dreams, invest in a safe yacht, and Captain my “Lady of the Seas” charter. This is why I am working now and will spend the last few years ahead of me with many of our new and old clients, students, and friends at sea.

I made it a priority for us to enjoy life and stop trying to save the world since God has a plan for us all, regardless! It’s the right choice, I made it because it fits me in the autumn of my life!

It is not only about having a good time and good food, snorkeling, and enjoying the Sunset and the Keys’ night sky!   It is also about UFOs, I know the right timing when ETs manifest, and seeking the incredible is also an option with us!  I hope to see many of you in time and share memorable times and wonderful experiences! Join my FB page enjoy the videos…

Sharing emails:

I’m sorry if I interrupted you too many times i was just excited .It was an eye opener for my husband after 30 years of me telling him he finally gets it . Thank you so much for reaching him he was so happy when we hung up he told me how much better he felt . Thank you for all the work you do the passion you have to reach everyone it’s truly amazing .☀️💫🌕

We are living in times where boneheads rise, intelligence fall, educated idiots reign supreme and thrive while genius and real get unrecognized.” Dr.Turi

No parents nowadays (outside of religion and science) are teaching their children who God truly is, spiritual matters, metaphysics and pay attention to the stars, their dreams, and master the art of divination using Divine astrology.

Since you were made at the image of God, love yourself with all the might of God because you were born to create.. Remember God <positive> would/could not be without the devil <negative> for without opposite life would be impossible. Yesterday in your past, your fears, your cosmic ignorance and your religion, you were EVIL..

The new smarter, curious, educated you is Godlike and in your positivity you reflect the light of God’s cosmic wisdom.

Indeed the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought, keep them positive since there is no future and no God in the past…

Share with smart people and never separate yourself from God. We are all God’s and Godesses in training on this dense physical world learning this fact! Religions are pure evil and 5000 plus were created by the nefarious reptilius…

In order to regenerate their spirit to survive, one day your children will ask and look for the answers they could never get from science or religion. The results are dreadful as thousands of lost young souls seek refuge in drugs or commit suicide… And this is the mission I was assigned as a UFO contactee to perform for all the children of the future.


At 74, time is running out for me since I want to spend the last few years, I have left running my “Lady of the Seas”charter and hopefully meet many of you in the Florida keys during the summer holiday season.

I am working two jobs full time, one as a OTR driver for FedEx and the other doing endless Astrological consultations during my days off.  Check all my trips and videos from my Facebook page.

The idea is to save enough to invest in a bigger and safer yatch. But as I am getting closer to my goal after September 2024, taking care of my endless chain of clients doing readings on Zoom will become impossible as the new business and the new website dedicated for this new business venture will take all our time.

Thus as of September 2024 my price for a Full Life Reading (regularly $350) will change to $500 and a live session on Zoom (regularly $700) will rise to $1000. My great webmaster Tom will make those changes on my website before then.

Note also, future full newsletters will only be posted and available from the private Cosmic Code website and only new and older supporting VIP’s and new and older Patreon supporters will not be affected by the price changes.

Thus if I mean anything to you, it is in your best interest to become a VIP and still have access to all my services and enjoy our yearly forecasts and daily guidance and predictions.  Join today!

As always if you have any questions simply email and she will take good care of you.

You are getting so little with my newsletters my friend, Terania and I have so much more to offer you on the Cosmic Code private website!Become a VIP Membership is only $10 and you are showing your support for our cosmic work please. Thank you

The only good news I have for you, since I will never get any form of support from a religiously poisoned society is that! The New Age of Aquarius(UFO’s/technology/Astrology/the future of humanity/the stars) is slowly but surely taking over the deceptive Age of Pisces and will in time, make all religions absolete!


A much better understanding and use of God’s celestial creation await future generations and my mission is to insert the critical mental seeds to this upcoming wonderful cosmic enlightenment. 
Neptunian relies only on his intuition and his/her spirit to deal with the archetypal realm of supra-cosmic consciousness to translate his/her visions and predictions. Little do they know that there is only a very thin line between Divine Cosmic information, channeling and pure imagination! 
A true Neptunian is reluctant to engage in any form of rational studies and consequently is not cosmic conscious. He/she does not use nor understand the complexity of the super-conscious in time and space and the cosmic code jurisdictions,something that can only be revealed by mastering God’s cosmic design or Divine Astrology. 
The very idea of using critical thinking and mastering new tools explain all spiritual rules (outside of traditional religion) would also make them aware of their inherited celestial Divinity but it scares them. Going out of their Neptunian comfort zone and improving their physical vibrations is not an option!
Neptuniansstubbornly trust only themselves, God, the spirit, and their mystical nature not knowing that God does not speak his cosmic language to unconscious fools.
All established professions require a form of education and the use of very specific tools! Imagine a mechanic fixing your car with his hands alone or a baker making bread without a mixer! 
Imagine a boat Captain driving a boat or a pilot flying a plane without knowing all the rules of the land, water, and sea. A Neptunian is unable to recognize his or her intellectual gift and capacities and limits and trust only God and their spirit! 
This is why taking and using any of my courses will elevate their cosmic vibrations and spiritual perceptions.
I taught and offered my Divine Astrology course to those willing to put in the effort and by building cosmic awareness, they now own the golden keys to what it means to be human. 
I also thought of the born psychic and suggested taking the Atro-Tarot course because this ancient art is all about the use of cards, the superconscious, metaphors, and intuition. 
 A born psychic can flourish and grow in its spiritual element, and become much more efficient than taking on a more demanding astrological study. 
A true born psychic is loaded with objectivity and intuition yet, they also lack basic critical thinking, and regardless of my elaborate and logical explanations, many of my clients have missed the boat to cosmic awareness and spiritual enlightenment. 
Neptune rules the Middle East and the youngest and deadliest religions (Christianity/Judaism/Islam) were born there, cursing the entire population and the world at large since Neptune rules the oceans and 3/4 of the world.
The deceptiveness and poisoning of the planet Neptune (gas / drugs / alcohol / medications / cults / religions / jails) has dramatic worldwide repercussions.
The burgeoning Age of Aquarius (UFOs/technology/humanitarianism/Astrology)is already changing humanity’s psychical vibrations and awareness… In other words, humans are slowly but surely becoming more curious about the planets’s impact upon humans and the world “the true birth of all religions,” educated, and smarter!
On the other hand, a true born Saturnian (atheist, agnostic, skeptic)is forbidden by God himself access to anything spiritual, including religion. The unevolved “Young Soul” has not yet reached the level of spiritual perception needed to realize and refine his/her awareness of the world (s) he/she lives in. 

Pythagoras | Biography, Facts & Impact |

Every man has been made by God in order to acquire knowledge and contemplate but not all men where born with the same UCI/stars. Pythagoras was certainly born with a strong Saturn or CapricornSun, moon, rising or Dragon!

God made those souls delegate the physical manifesto alone as we need reliable engineering (bridges / gearboxes / cars / tools / mechanics, etc.) on earth.
They can only perceive the world they live in through their five limited, rational human senses. God made sure their natal karmic UCI “Unique Celestial Identity” is earthy and loaded with Saturn’s restrictive down-to-earth low vibrations. 
“A magnet will not attract a piece of wood”
Unless you vibrate at my highly spiritual and rational cosmic speed you will be naturally attracted to me and my cosmic teachings… And those “super Humans” are quite rare! 
With the current warlike, aggressive, brutal Martian dragon in charge of this world (see quatrain below) until January 2025 the current state of this world is quite scary and will get worse.


German/Vikings Skin Alike
Black and White Red Blood
Fire War Violence  Passions Rule
God Nowhere To Stop Fires
Hitler’s Evil spirit reborn

Posted to the world on June 12, 2013 

Insecurity reigns supreme while egocentric politicians tear themselves apart and high Court lawmakers impose their religious beliefs, change the laws on our backs, and abuse us all. 
Taking care of your family and your bills has never been so difficult and if you think electing another cosmic unconscious president will change your life for the better, you are in LALA land!  
In any ways shape and form, if you feel depressed, insecure and lack of directions, we are here for you! Talk to terrania if needed 
Clienty feedback,
Dear Terania,
Thank you, the session was very insightful and enjoyable and I learnt some more astrology in the process.
I can highly recommend reading with Dr Turi. If you want to understand how and why things happen to you, the way they do and how you can make the most of the changing planets and their energies, the reading is for you!
With all the things that are going on around us, why leave home without a map!
And get a progressive reading for the year!
Thank you and God bless!
The current Aries/Libra dragon axis (as of July 2023) is IMPOSING changes by houses and signs and Mercury is telling you, you are not going in the right direction! Seek the light while you can.
You may be religiously poisoned and fearful of Divine Astrology. Your UCI “Unique Celestial Identity ” may be too earthy and turned you into a radical skeptic or agnostic that ridicule the idea of dealing with the future a cosmic God has in store for you.
All the while missing the great opportunity given to you by Mercury retrograde to bypass your fear and skepticism…  As a rule, it is only when the student is ready that the gifted cosmic teacher will appear and it is only when you ask that you shall receive the rewards of your curiosity!
  • Knowing where your Jupiter (luck) is located by house and sign and what your natal and hidden dragons (past lives) are predisposing you for will become a major contribution for your success in this lifetime.
  • Knowing all about your true soul’s purpose, and the planets stimulating your second house of money and self-esteem is a must if you need to invest and build long lasting financial wealth.
  • Knowing all about the Universal Law of the moon is not only a MUST but critical to make steady progress in life, because the moon is much more than a dead rock hanging above your head for the sake of beauty!
  • If you are lonely and looking for love, knowing all about the seat of attraction between human beings and your Venus’s location by house and sign is a great thing! And the planet of love will lead you to your soul mate!
  • If you are into natural healing or concerned with your health, do not fear! Knowing and using all the planets accordingly blessing your six house of health and work is a sure ticket to live a long life and regenerate at work.
  • For good or for worse, you are set to attract certain signs of the Zodiac for specific karmic, often difficult purposes, and knowing all about your partner’s stars is the only way to make a relationship work harmoniously.
  • The planet’s blessing your eleven house of groups, wishes, and friends must be acknowledged and used so all your goals can be reached. Respecting the perfect timing for socializing can only add more luck on your way.
  • What is your mission in life? what God designed you for mentally and physically to achieve on earth? What is your best career choice that will bring you the respect and position you need? Let me tell you all about the specific universal laws ruling your chart and your life!  These are the questions you must ask to succeed in a fate written in light for you.
  • Most importantly, what planets are blessing your subconscious creative forces where magic becomes a reality? Do you know enough about your subconscious potential where God resides? Are you using those formidable forces accordingly and efficiently? Let me enlighten you on this amazing process!
  • Knowledge is power, ignorance is evil, did you watch my movie on the Super-conscious? Did you read my best seller “Beyond The Secret?” 

“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that we may lead a safer more productive life!” Paracelsus

If you are ready for me, I am ready for you and I can promess you I will change your life for the best! But before meeting with me on Zoom, please read the following! 


If you did not yet, you MUST read Dr. Turi FREE Astro-Tarot Daily Celestial Guidance And Predictions For All to benefit from my regular free guidance and prediction. 

 if you miss my full cosmic code newsletters become a VIP or a Patreon supporter! 

Show your support join my medias




SOS to the world deadly window May 20,21,22,23



“The universe is under no obligation to make any SPIRITUAL sense to anyone” Dr. Turi

“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior  wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth using his will is a magus and  magic is not sorcery but Supreme wisdom.” Paracelsus

“The universe is a BRIGHT LIVING spiritual entity… I’m offering its secrets before I die. The purpose of all my struggles  was to build cosmic wisdom and offer universal guidance and strengths to others” Dr. Turi

Helicopter carrying Iranian President Raisi crashes in hard landing

There are NO accidents, this is is a serious negative omen for the people of Iran and their future… The chances of  Iran’s president to be found alive is zero! The country’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian was among a number of officials also aboard the helicopter. May God Bless Their Souls!

Can you handle the truth I own? The Iranian population like America and the rest of the world are all religiously poisoned and know nothing of God’s cosmic design speaking his will through the signs… My UFO’s predictive legacy is real, you must pay attention to my warnings or pay the price!


 No survivors found after helicopter carrying Iran’s president crashes, state media says

Dr. Turi
You predicted this would happen and it did!

And that is the difference between deceptive psychics and prophets Wanna-Be invited on Coast to Coast am to make predictions and I! I am also convinced insecure, judgmental people will take my extreme confidence in my UFO’s predictive legacy gift as an ego trip!

This window is about wake-up calls and why you should share my work! Those who read and learn from me selfishly and do not help me save lives will also have to pay karma! You have been warned once again!

Dear reader,

A few days ago, on May 5, 2024, in “Massive solar storm predictions for May 20,21,22, 23” I offered another warning which is elaborated by the following quatrain and obvious keywords below…  The YouTube video and my spoken words in that newsletter can not be challenged if you paid attention!
This SOS Plutonic deadly window is operational so be very careful of what you say or do!  The purpose of doing so is to offer my readers ample time to prepare and check my claims since morons assume my predictive work is not legitimate!

Posted by Dr. Turi on March 31, 2024 at 11:33am




May 20, 21, 22, 23

Hidden secrets, sex, money come to light
Raw power challenges police deadly villains
Ugly face of death drama horror surface 
Nature man’s religion bloody folly reign 


Russia / Famous Death / Dramatic Death News / Mass death / Police deadly news / Police brutality / FBI / CIA / Secret services / Secrets to light / Mob / Scandals / Terrorism / Assassination / Suicide /  Cyber-attacks / Abduction / Finances / IRS / Super wealth / Sex / Porn / Prostitution / Life and death / Serial Killers / Undiluted truth /Dying/Rebirthing / Nature and Man-Made Wake up Call.

Memo – “Avoid large gatherings especially at night during any of my 2022 deadly Plutonic windows!”   The reptilius are after the police, government officials, and children/teens! Policing will be so dangerous that many brave servants will quit and the number of cops getting killed or killing citizens will explode in the months to come. Infected criminals will get bolder and wilder committing crimes against the police and the public never experienced before!”



My windows always predisposes for earthquakes at or above 6.0

 6.0 magnitude earthquake near Unalaska, Alaska, United States

Sad enough the US Dept of Education does not allow “Soul’s Doctors” to teach and share critical spiritual wisdom to your children!


CNN political commentator Alice Stewart dies

Over the years, to no avail, I tried to reach many CNN journalists including Alice Stewart (RIP.) Those well-read people are understandably, religiously poisoned, or hard-core skeptics who could never be curious or courageous enough to invite me on their show to prove my claims!  All they can do, not knowing better, is to lump me with other deceptive psychics! 

Hidden secrets, sex, money come to light 

Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs apologizes for assaulting Cassie Ventura
David Copperfield Accused of Sexual Misconduct by 16 Women in Guardian Investigation

A plutonic window is karmic and designed by God’s cosmic design to bring secrets to light and expose reptilius-infected souls. Drugs, alcohol, and a controlling ego speak of the emotional and financial damages imposed on all parties involved in the karmic relationship! Like 99.9% of society, Sean is rich and famous but cosmic unconscious and victmized by the reptilius who, on that night, hijacked his body, mind and soul!

Yet my critical informations on various groups of ET’s’ psychical control over humans are suffocated/muted by Ancien Aliens, Coast to Coast am and Contact in the Desert! Read the facts! 


Shame to all cosmic unconscious lawmakers… These elected officials are supposed to work for us and they are in charge of our lives and make new laws when they, themselves do not know anything of the Universal Laws or God cosmic design? 
They are ROBOTS of their own stars responding to the reptilius effect with absolutely no clue about it! How can they rule over us accordingly when they cannot control their own emotional selves? Blame it all on religion and science who control all sources of information!
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has not made clear if he repaid a friend’s loan to buy an RV, raising questions about potential tax violations.

The truth about infected judges, politicians, the police comes to light and the crooks and the mob are very active during those deadly cosmic winds.  I wish more people were as sharp and curious as Peter and start paying attention to my predictions!

UpdateAt least 11 injured in overnight shooting in Savannah,

Dr. Turi
Justice Thomas and Justice Alito are in scandals  again . You predicted a long time 
ago that  this Aries – Libra  Dragon  would be hard for both men  ,as always  you  were correct  !
And if you look at the legal fisco going on with all the attorneys involved in countless legal disputes Trump is facing, it seems I was quite right when I wrote this quatrain in 2022! I am also expecting really bad news for former President Trump on May 24, 25, 26!

Scale of justice trembles
Armed villains seek blood
Red dominates rainbow
Power tears judges fight dies 

Posted to the world on September 3, 2022

We are living in times where boneheads rise, intelligence fall, educated idiots reign supreme and thrive while genius and real get unrecognized.” Dr.Turi

No parents nowadays (outside of religion and science) are teaching their children spiritual matters, metaphysics and pay attention to the stars, their dreams, and master the art of divination using Divine astrology. 

In order to regenerate their spirit to survive, one day your children will ask and look for the answers they could never get from science or religion. The results are dreadful as thousands of lost young souls seek refuge in drugs or commit suicide… And this is the mission I was assigned as a UFO contactee to perform for all the children of the future.


But at 74, time is running out for me since I want to spend the last few years, I have left running my “Lady of the Seas”charter and hopefully meet many of you in the Florida keys during the summer holiday season.

I am working two jobs full time, one as a OTR driver for FedEx and the other doing endless Astrological consultations during my days off.  Check all my trips and videos from my Facebook page.

The idea is to save enough to invest in a bigger and safer yatch. But as I am getting closer to my goal after September 2024, taking care of my endless chain of clients doing readings on Zoom will become impossible as the new business and the new website dedicated for this new business venture will take all our time.

Thus as of September 2024 my price for a Full Life Reading (regularly $350) will change to $500 and a live session on Zoom (regularly $700) will rise to $1000. My great webmaster Tom will make those changes on my website before then.

Note also, future full newsletters will only be posted and available from the private Cosmic Code website and only new and older supporting VIP’s and new and older Patreon supporters will not be affected by the price changes.

Thus if I mean anything to you, it is in your best interest to become a VIP and still have access to all my services and enjoy our yearly forecasts and daily guidance and predictions.  Join today!

As always if you have any questions simply email and she will take good care of you.

You are getting so little with my newsletters my friend, Terania and I have so much more to offer you on the Cosmic Code private website!  Become a VIP Membership is only $10 and you are showing your support for our cosmic work please. Thank you 

The only good news I have for you, since I will never get any form of support from a religiously poisoned society is that! The New Age of Aquarius(UFO’s/technology/Astrology/the future of humanity/the stars) is slowly but surely taking over the deceptive Age of Pisces and will in time, make all religions absolete!

A much better understanding and use of God’s celestial creation await future generations and my mission is to insert the critical mental seeds to this upcoming wonderful cosmic enlightenment. 
Neptunian relies only on his intuition and his/her spirit to deal with the archetypal realm of supra-cosmic consciousness to translate his/her visions and predictions. Little do they know that there is only a very thin line between Divine Cosmic information, channeling and pure imagination! 
A true Neptunian is reluctant to engage in any form of rational studies and consequently is not cosmic conscious. He/she does not use nor understand the complexity of the super-conscious in time and space and the cosmic code jurisdictions,something that can only be revealed by mastering God’s cosmic design or Divine Astrology. 
The very idea of using critical thinking and mastering new tools explain all spiritual rules (outside of traditional religion) would also make them aware of their inherited celestial Divinity but it scares them. Going out of their Neptunian comfort zone and improving their physical vibrations is not an option!
Neptuniansstubbornly trust only themselves, God, the spirit, and their mystical nature not knowing that God does not speak his cosmic language to unconscious fools.
All established professions require a form of education and the use of very specific tools! Imagine a mechanic fixing your car with his hands alone or a baker making bread without a mixer! 
Imagine a boat Captain driving a boat or a pilot flying a plane without knowing all the rules of the land, water, and sea. A Neptunian is unable to recognize his or her intellectual gift and capacities and limits and trust only God and their spirit! 
This is why taking and using any of my courses will elevate their cosmic vibrations and spiritual perceptions.
I taught and offered my Divine Astrology course to those willing to put in the effort and by building cosmic awareness, they now own the golden keys to what it means to be human. 
I also thought of the born psychic and suggested taking the Atro-Tarot course because this ancient art is all about the use of cards, the superconscious, metaphors, and intuition. 
 A born psychic can flourish and grow in its spiritual element, and become much more efficient than taking on a more demanding astrological study. 
A true born psychic is loaded with objectivity and intuition yet, they also lack basic critical thinking, and regardless of my elaborate and logical explanations, many of my clients have missed the boat to cosmic awareness and spiritual enlightenment. 
Neptune rules the Middle East and the youngest and deadliest religions (Christianity/Judaism/Islam) were born there, cursing the entire population and the world at large since Neptune rules the oceans and 3/4 of the world.
The deceptiveness and poisoning of the planet Neptune (gas / drugs / alcohol / medications / cults / religions / jails) has dramatic worldwide repercussions.
The burgeoning Age of Aquarius (UFOs/technology/humanitarianism/Astrology)is already changing humanity’s psychical vibrations and awareness… In other words, humans are slowly but surely becoming more curious about the planets’s impact upon humans and the world “the true birth of all religions,” educated, and smarter!
On the other hand, a true born Saturnian (atheist, agnostic, skeptic)is forbidden by God himself access to anything spiritual, including religion. The unevolved “Young Soul” has not yet reached the level of spiritual perception needed to realize and refine his/her awareness of the world (s) he/she lives in. 

Pythagoras | Biography, Facts & Impact |

Every man has been made by God in order to acquire knowledge and contemplate but not all men where born with the same UCI/stars. Pythagoras was certainly born with a strong Saturn or Capricorn Sun, moon, rising or Dragon!

God made those souls delegate the physical manifesto alone as we need reliable engineering (bridges / gearboxes / cars / tools / mechanics, etc.) on earth.
They can only perceive the world they live in through their five limited, rational human senses. God made sure their natal karmic UCI “Unique Celestial Identity” is earthy and loaded with Saturn’s restrictive down-to-earth low vibrations. 
“A magnet will not attract a piece of wood”
Unless you vibrate at my highly spiritual and rational cosmic speed you will be naturally attracted to me and my cosmic teachings… And those “super Humans” are quite rare! 
With the current warlike, aggressive, brutal Martian dragon in charge of this world (see quatrain below) until January 2025 the current state of this world is quite scary and will get worse.


German/Vikings Skin Alike
Black and White Red Blood
Fire War Violence  Passions Rule
God Nowhere To Stop Fires
Hitler’s Evil spirit reborn

Posted to the world on June 12, 2013 

Insecurity reigns supreme while egocentric politicians tear themselves apart and high Court lawmakers impose their religious beliefs, change the laws on our backs, and abuse us all. 
Taking care of your family and your bills has never been so difficult and if you think electing another cosmic unconscious president will change your life for the better, you are in LALA land!  
In any ways shape and form, if you feel depressed, insecure and lack of directions, we are here for you! Talk to terrania if needed 
Clienty feedback,
Dear Terania,
Thank you, the session was very insightful and enjoyable and I learnt some more astrology in the process.
I can highly recommend reading with Dr Turi. If you want to understand how and why things happen to you, the way they do and how you can make the most of the changing planets and their energies, the reading is for you!
With all the things that are going on around us, why leave home without a map!
And get a progressive reading for the year!
Thank you and God bless!
The current Aries/Libra dragon axis (as of July 2023) is IMPOSING changes by houses and signs and Mercury is telling you, you are not going in the right direction! Seek the light while you can.
You may be religiously poisoned and fearful of Divine Astrology. Your UCI “Unique Celestial Identity ” may be too earthy and turned you into a radical skeptic or agnostic that ridicule the idea of dealing with the future a cosmic God has in store for you.
All the while missing the great opportunity given to you by Mercury retrograde to bypass your fear and skepticism…  As a rule, it is only when the student is ready that the gifted cosmic teacher will appear and it is only when you ask that you shall receive the rewards of your curiosity!
  • Knowing where your Jupiter (luck) is located by house and sign and what your natal and hidden dragons (past lives) are predisposing you for will become a major contribution for your success in this lifetime.
  • Knowing all about your true soul’s purpose, and the planets stimulating your second house of money and self-esteem is a must if you need to invest and build long lasting financial wealth.
  • Knowing all about the Universal Law of the moon is not only a MUST but critical to make steady progress in life, because the moon is much more than a dead rock hanging above your head for the sake of beauty!
  • If you are lonely and looking for love, knowing all about the seat of attraction between human beings and your Venus’s location by house and sign is a great thing! And the planet of love will lead you to your soul mate!
  • If you are into natural healing or concerned with your health, do not fear! Knowing and using all the planets accordingly blessing your six house of health and work is a sure ticket to live a long life and regenerate at work.
  • For good or for worse, you are set to attract certain signs of the Zodiac for specific karmic, often difficult purposes, and knowing all about your partner’s stars is the only way to make a relationship work harmoniously.
  • The planet’s blessing your eleven house of groups, wishes, and friends must be acknowledged and used so all your goals can be reached. Respecting the perfect timing for socializing can only add more luck on your way.
  • What is your mission in life? what God designed you for mentally and physically to achieve on earth? What is your best career choice that will bring you the respect and position you need? Let me tell you all about the specific universal laws ruling your chart and your life!  These are the questions you must ask to succeed in a fate written in light for you.
  • Most importantly, what planets are blessing your subconscious creative forces where magic becomes a reality? Do you know enough about your subconscious potential where God resides? Are you using those formidable forces accordingly and efficiently? Let me enlighten you on this amazing process!
  • Knowledge is power, ignorance is evil, did you watch my movie on the Super-conscious? Did you read my best seller “Beyond The Secret?” 

“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that we may lead a safer more productive life!” Paracelsus

If you are ready for me, I am ready for you and I can promess you I will change your life for the best! But before meeting with me on Zoom, please read the following! 


If you did not yet, you MUST read Dr. Turi FREE Astro-Tarot Daily Celestial Guidance And Predictions For All to benefit from my regular free guidance and prediction. 

 if you miss my full cosmic code newsletters become a VIP or a Patreon supporter! 

Show your support join my medias



Massive solar storm predictions for May 21, 22, 23, 24, 25



“The universe is under no obligation to make any SPIRITUAL sense to anyone” Dr. Turi

“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior  wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth using his will is a magus and  magic is not sorcery but Supreme wisdom.” Paracelsus

“The universe is a BRIGHT LIVING spiritual entity… I’m offering its secrets before I die. The purpose of all my struggles  was to build cosmic wisdom and offer universal guidance and strengths to others”  Dr. Turi


Dear reader,

While science assumes they have all the answers to what going on in the universe, discussing God’s cosmic design and its spiritual purpose involving its children on planet Earth is taboo to them all!  God like UFO’s and Astrology are sensitive topics they know nothing about and could never discuss! 

Our non-cosmic conscious infantile scientific community made up of astrophysicists like Neil Degrasse could never understand the hidden, Godly spiritual message involving this rare celestial phenomenon… 
This image, captured by the Dark Energy Camera and released on Monday, May 6, shows “God’s Hand,” a cometary globule 1,300 light-years from Earth in the Puppis constellation. It’s a rarely seen cosmic phenomenon, according to astronomers.
The educated pride of those well-read academics is gargantuan and they can only use their five limited, rational human senses to explain various rare cosmic phenomenons to a blind society!
And if you read William Shatner’s producer demand for proof of my predictions weeks before taping the TV show, you will realize that I also predicted such even or January 24, 2012 the larger solar storm with uncanny accuracy! Yet you must READ to find out!
Scientists lack intuition, and supreme cosmic wisdom and rely only on AI technology, not the Divine or the spirit!  Mention God’s cosmic design, UFOs or astrology and see their reaction! 

“A series of powerful solar flares and eruptions from the sun are set to trigger a severe geomagnetic storm, potentially bringing breathtaking displays of auroras, the northern lights, to skies across the United States.”

But there is so much more behind their non-existent perception of God’s subtle cosmic manifesto. The Sun is all about LIGHT, LOVE, FAME, FAMOUS PEOPLE,THE STAGE, FRANCE and the sign of Leo!

There are no accidents, only subtle cosmic circumstances at work the non-initiated can only wonder about! To those spiritually advanced enough, those two words STORMy Daniels should clarify what will transpire within the next few days with Michael Cohen following  this stormy trial!

Remember reader God does not speak to fools and can only reveal his will through the “signs” I endlessly translate for you! Here is my non- scientific, spiritual translation… And time will tell who’s right!

At a universal level, this is my non-scientific, spiritual translation of things to come with this RARE SOLAR FLARES

Light from God’s source
rich and famous tremble
Mountain of fame karma
Falls from high in shame
Dr. Turi – 5/11/24

“This series of powerful solar flares and eruptions from the sun are set to trigger a severe storm of thruthfulness, potentially bringing breathtaking facts and displays of harsh crude reality across the United States. All of those in power (or seeking fame and power) around the world will be touched directly May 21, 22, 23, 24, 25

Update ‘Explosive’ secret list of abusers set to upstage women’s big week at Cannes film festival 

How more precise can I be and how more famous the Festival de Cannes in France is? Did you read the word FRANCE and FAMOUS PEOPLE? Are you getting my visions? And that is the difference between me and psychics, famous astrologers and prophets wanna be making predictions on CTC am! A real UFO contactee like me has proof of his imparted predictive gift! Yet no one is inviting me to talk about my incredible UFO experiences anymore! Thanks, George Noory and Tom Danheiser! 

Are you ready for the current SOS deadly windows of May 10,11,12,13 and what can you expect? Read more!


My windows always predisposes for earthquakes at or above 6.0

5/12/24 – 6.4 magnitude earthquake near Brisas Barra de Suchiate, Chiapas, Mexico
Yellowstone Official Gives Serious Warning After Hundreds Of Earthquakes

Steve Buscemi punched in the face while walking in NYC
The infected “MOB” is always active during my SOS window famous actor was under one of his 2024 Negative Cosmic Biorhythms

Dramatic death news
Mumbai billboard collapse: Eight dead and dozens injured 

Wake up call
South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem banned from visiting land of two additional Tribes

Secrets to light/Sex
‘Spacey Unmasked’: Accuser Says Actor Masturbated Watching ‘Saving Private Ryan’ War Scene
New Jersey senator is accused of taking bribes including gold bars, cash and a car

Ukraine finds itself in a grave situation. Russia appears to be advancing

Reptilius infected mob
In a city cut off from the world, guns and drugs keep flowing

Trump could owe more than $100 million in taxes as a result of IRS inquiry
Giuliani Is Suspended by WABC, and His Radio Show Is Canceled
Watch Gov. Noem’s ‘disastrous’ media tour after book controversy
Shock Miss USA resignations are just the tip of the iceberg
Kristi Noem pets killer!

And how this Massive solar storm will affect you personally by house and sign or where Leo or the Sun resides in your chart will also be quite significant! It is not about messing up technology or your GPS only, reader be sure of that! You will be spared or cursed only by karma! Ask and you shall receive!

Both Stormy Daniels and Michael Cohen were born with the moon (deep emotions) in Scorpio (death/drama/sex/secrets/passion/perception) and Trump’s non-cosmic conscious lawyers will never match the wit, perception, directness, and honesty involving this extremely powerful lunar sign position! 

The golden keys and the essence of what it means to be human was stolen by the Chuch Inc. and challenged by science, the penalty is plain to see in today’s society and all areas of the human experience! 

God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that we live a safer more productive life” Paracelsus

May be, like all traditionally educated physicians, Trump’s lawyers should also follow the advice of the father of modern medicine and get a hint of whom they are dealing with while mastering the judicial system involving all human rational laws. 

I gave a full explanation of the inner power of Stormy Daniels in “Donald Trump’s fatal karmic attraction to Stormy Daniels and the critical video is worth watching! Sadly, most people do not read nor can they make good use of my cosmic wisdom!  

“Show me a reader, I’ll point out a winner” Dr. Turi

Since powerful wealthy and well-organized corporations like the religious and scientific matrixes own the media and control all forms of information, much of humanity’s spiritual evolution is stalled and confined into the pit of ignorance, religious fear, indoctrination, deception, science control, and misinformation and became the norm!

We are living in times where boneheads rise, intelligence fall, educated idiots reign supreme and thrive while genius and real get unrecognized.” Dr.Turi

No parents nowadays (outside of religion and science) are teaching their children spiritual matters, metaphysics and pay attention to the stars, their dreams, and master the art of divination using Divine astrology. 

In order to regenerate their spirit to survive, one day your children will ask and look for the answers they could never get from science or religion. The results are dreadful as thousands of lost young souls seek refuge in drugs or commit suicide… And this is the mission I was assigned as a UFO contactee to perform for all the children of the future.


But at 74, time is running out for me since I want to spend the last few years, I have left running my “Lady of the Seas”charter and hopefully meet many of you in the Florida keys during the summer holiday season.

I am working two jobs full time, one as a OTR driver for FedEx and the other doing endless Astrological consultations during my days off.  Check all my trips and videos from my Facebook page.

The idea is to save enough to invest in a bigger and safer yatch. But as I am getting closer to my goal after September 2024, taking care of my endless chain of clients doing readings on Zoom will become impossible as the new business and the new website dedicated for this new business venture will take all our time.

Thus as of September 2024 my price for a Full Life Reading (regularly $350) will change to $500 and a live session on Zoom (regularly $700) will rise to $1000. My great webmaster Tom will make those changes on my website before then.

Note also, future full newsletters will only be posted and available from the private Cosmic Code website and only new and older supporting VIP’s and new and older Patreon supporters will not be affected by the price changes.

Thus if I mean anything to you, it is in your best interest to become a VIP and still have access to all my services and enjoy our yearly forecasts and daily guidance and predictions.  Join today!

As always if you have any questions simply email and she will take good care of you.

You are getting so little with my newsletters my friend, Terania and I have so much more to offer you on the Cosmic Code private website!  Become a VIP Membership is only $10 and you are showing your support for our cosmic work please. Thank you 

The only good news I have for you, since I will never get any form of support from a religiously poisoned society is that! The New Age of Aquarius(UFO’s/technology/Astrology/the future of humanity/the stars) is slowly but surely taking over the deceptive Age of Pisces and will in time, make all religions absolete!

A much better understanding and use of God’s celestial creation await future generations and my mission is to insert the critical mental seeds to this upcoming wonderful cosmic enlightenment. 
Neptunian relies only on his intuition and his/her spirit to deal with the archetypal realm of supra-cosmic consciousness to translate his/her visions and predictions. Little do they know that there is only a very thin line between Divine Cosmic information, channeling and pure imagination! 
A true Neptunian is reluctant to engage in any form of rational studies and consequently is not cosmic conscious. He/she does not use nor understand the complexity of the super-conscious in time and space and the cosmic code jurisdictions,something that can only be revealed by mastering God’s cosmic design or Divine Astrology. 
The very idea of using critical thinking and mastering new tools explain all spiritual rules (outside of traditional religion) would also make them aware of their inherited celestial Divinity but it scares them. Going out of their Neptunian comfort zone and improving their physical vibrations is not an option!
Neptuniansstubbornly trust only themselves, God, the spirit, and their mystical nature not knowing that God does not speak his cosmic language to unconscious fools.
All established professions require a form of education and the use of very specific tools! Imagine a mechanic fixing your car with his hands alone or a baker making bread without a mixer! 
Imagine a boat Captain driving a boat or a pilot flying a plane without knowing all the rules of the land, water, and sea. A Neptunian is unable to recognize his or her intellectual gift and capacities and limits and trust only God and their spirit! 
This is why taking and using any of my courses will elevate their cosmic vibrations and spiritual perceptions.
I taught and offered my Divine Astrology course to those willing to put in the effort and by building cosmic awareness, they now own the golden keys to what it means to be human. 
I also thought of the born psychic and suggested taking the Atro-Tarot course because this ancient art is all about the use of cards, the superconscious, metaphors, and intuition. 
 A born psychic can flourish and grow in its spiritual element, and become much more efficient than taking on a more demanding astrological study. 
A true born psychic is loaded with objectivity and intuition yet, they also lack basic critical thinking, and regardless of my elaborate and logical explanations, many of my clients have missed the boat to cosmic awareness and spiritual enlightenment. 
Neptune rules the Middle East and the youngest and deadliest religions (Christianity/Judaism/Islam) were born there, cursing the entire population and the world at large since Neptune rules the oceans and 3/4 of the world.
The deceptiveness and poisoning of the planet Neptune (gas / drugs / alcohol / medications / cults / religions / jails) has dramatic worldwide repercussions.
The burgeoning Age of Aquarius (UFOs/technology/humanitarianism/Astrology)is already changing humanity’s psychical vibrations and awareness… In other words, humans are slowly but surely becoming more curious about the planets’s impact upon humans and the world “the true birth of all religions,” educated, and smarter!
On the other hand, a true born Saturnian (atheist, agnostic, skeptic)is forbidden by God himself access to anything spiritual, including religion. The unevolved “Young Soul” has not yet reached the level of spiritual perception needed to realize and refine his/her awareness of the world (s) he/she lives in. 

Pythagoras | Biography, Facts & Impact |

Every man has been made by God in order to acquire knowledge and contemplate but not all men where born with the same UCI/stars. Pythagoras was certainly born with a strong Saturn or CapricornSun, moon, rising or Dragon!

God made those souls delegate the physical manifesto alone as we need reliable engineering (bridges / gearboxes / cars / tools / mechanics, etc.) on earth.
They can only perceive the world they live in through their five limited, rational human senses. God made sure their natal karmic UCI “Unique Celestial Identity” is earthy and loaded with Saturn’s restrictive down-to-earth low vibrations. 
“A magnet will not attract a piece of wood”
Unless you vibrate at my highly spiritual and rational cosmic speed you will be naturally attracted to me and my cosmic teachings… And those “super Humans” are quite rare! 
With the current warlike, aggressive, brutal Martian dragon in charge of this world (see quatrain below) until January 2025 the current state of this world is quite scary and will get worse.


German/Vikings Skin Alike
Black and White Red Blood
Fire War Violence  Passions Rule
God Nowhere To Stop Fires
Hitler’s Evil spirit reborn

Posted to the world on June 12, 2013 

Insecurity reigns supreme while egocentric politicians tear themselves apart and high Court lawmakers impose their religious beliefs, change the laws on our backs, and abuse us all. 
Taking care of your family and your bills has never been so difficult and if you think electing another cosmic unconscious president will change your life for the better, you are in LALA land!  
In any ways shape and form, if you feel depressed, insecure and lack of directions, we are here for you! Talk to terrania if needed 
Clienty feedback,
Dear Terania,
Thank you, the session was very insightful and enjoyable and I learnt some more astrology in the process.
I can highly recommend reading with Dr Turi. If you want to understand how and why things happen to you, the way they do and how you can make the most of the changing planets and their energies, the reading is for you!
With all the things that are going on around us, why leave home without a map!
And get a progressive reading for the year!
Thank you and God bless!
The current Aries/Libra dragon axis (as of July 2023) is IMPOSING changes by houses and signs and Mercury is telling you, you are not going in the right direction! Seek the light while you can.
You may be religiously poisoned and fearful of Divine Astrology. Your UCI “Unique Celestial Identity ” may be too earthy and turned you into a radical skeptic or agnostic that ridicule the idea of dealing with the future a cosmic God has in store for you.
All the while missing the great opportunity given to you by Mercury retrograde to bypass your fear and skepticism…  As a rule, it is only when the student is ready that the gifted cosmic teacher will appear and it is only when you ask that you shall receive the rewards of your curiosity!
  • Knowing where your Jupiter (luck) is located by house and sign and what your natal and hidden dragons (past lives) are predisposing you for will become a major contribution for your success in this lifetime.
  • Knowing all about your true soul’s purpose, and the planets stimulating your second house of money and self-esteem is a must if you need to invest and build long lasting financial wealth.
  • Knowing all about the Universal Law of the moon is not only a MUST but critical to make steady progress in life, because the moon is much more than a dead rock hanging above your head for the sake of beauty!
  • If you are lonely and looking for love, knowing all about the seat of attraction between human beings and your Venus’s location by house and sign is a great thing! And the planet of love will lead you to your soul mate!
  • If you are into natural healing or concerned with your health, do not fear! Knowing and using all the planets accordingly blessing your six house of health and work is a sure ticket to live a long life and regenerate at work.
  • For good or for worse, you are set to attract certain signs of the Zodiac for specific karmic, often difficult purposes, and knowing all about your partner’s stars is the only way to make a relationship work harmoniously.
  • The planet’s blessing your eleven house of groups, wishes, and friends must be acknowledged and used so all your goals can be reached. Respecting the perfect timing for socializing can only add more luck on your way.
  • What is your mission in life? what God designed you for mentally and physically to achieve on earth? What is your best career choice that will bring you the respect and position you need? Let me tell you all about the specific universal laws ruling your chart and your life!  These are the questions you must ask to succeed in a fate written in light for you.
  • Most importantly, what planets are blessing your subconscious creative forces where magic becomes a reality? Do you know enough about your subconscious potential where God resides? Are you using those formidable forces accordingly and efficiently? Let me enlighten you on this amazing process!
  • Knowledge is power, ignorance is evil, did you watch my movie on the Super-conscious? Did you read my best seller “Beyond The Secret?” 

“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that we may lead a safer more productive life!” Paracelsus

If you are ready for me, I am ready for you and I can promess you I will change your life for the best! But before meeting with me on Zoom, please read the following! 


If you did not yet, you MUST read Dr. Turi FREE Astro-Tarot Daily Celestial Guidance And Predictions For All to benefit from my regular free guidance and prediction. 

 if you miss my full cosmic code newsletters become a VIP or a Patreon supporter! 

Show your support join my medias


Kristi Noem pets killer!



“The universe is under no obligation to make any SPIRITUAL sense to anyone” Dr. Turi

“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior  wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth using his will is a magus and  magic is not sorcery but Supreme wisdom.” Paracelsus

“The universe is a BRIGHT LIVING spiritual entity… I’m offering its secrets before I die. The purpose of all my struggles  was to build cosmic wisdom and offer universal guidance and strengths to others”  Dr. Turi

‘She’s trying to be like Trump’: Ex-GOP lawmaker reacts to Noem defending killing her dog

Dear reader,

July 4, 2023 Mass Shootings & Marjorie Taylor Greene Prediction
It’s time for Marjorie Taylor Greene to go or suffer her troublemaker’s fate…

Kristi Noem shares the same karmic dragon’s tail (negative) in Leo (love/life/fame/heart/UN-famous) as Vladimir Putin, and both are blinded by the ego and this dragon brings death and shame to his owner.

Without cosmic consciousness, as the rule the soul could become unhealthy, age quite fast and does not enjoy a long life. Noem shares the same Leo dragon’s tail as my departed son (RIP) Remy who left this earth on November 2023.

Noem was born in the cusp (between two signs) in November in the constellation of Scorpio (death/drama/control/Lizard) making her a cold and calculated  natural-born killer.

If she cannot control animals, she will simply kill them, and she will do the same with humans to stay in power since this deadly combination offers no other way out. 

Note also her stellium (many planets) in the sign of Sagittariusin her first house (the self) is right on the negative Sagittarius Dragon’s Tail of former President Trump’s 7th house (partners/facing the world/the public.)

And this is why he cast her aside because she is tainting his image with the public. Note also that Sagittarius rules the pet world, the law, and religions and depicts why Trump never owned a pet and why he is extremely unlucky with the law! 

As you can see in the chart below, Kristi Noem’s negative Dragon’s Tail in Leo (Unfamous) is cursing her 10th house of career, (public standing) and Mars (danger/guns/violence) is from her Sun sign in Sagittarius 1st house, cursing her 4th house (home/family) where she committed the crime and killed her animals. 

Keep in mind this analogy does not reflect modern astrology but Nostradamus’s 16th-century Divine Astrology which has proven to be much more accurate in making predictions and analyzing characters! 

Read all about The Power of your Dragon

Do not forget that there is more power in the location of your natal (or hidden dragon) than the entire complexity of your astrological chart. I am the only living Astrophile who wrote a 600-page book on his obvious effects on the fate of humans. Read all about yours or the ones of famous and infamous people who made history because of their dragons’ location.  More explanations in the video above!

Much more is divulged in Britney Spears meltdown
Posted by Dr. Turi on May 6, 2024 at 4:26am


Read Donald Trump’s fatal karmic attraction to Stormy Daniels






Hello everyone…

In case you missed:

Welcome May! ❤️ | Beautiful gif, Background images, Most beautiful flowers

Click on the following links, for more information:

May 2024, universal SOS deadly window dates…

May 2024, daily guidance and predictions…

May 2024, elaborated horoscopes for all signs…

May 2024, moon transits…

Detailed vector illustration of night sky
Are you willing to master and make good use of God’s cosmic design? Are you willing to understand Jesus’ initial Cosmic Ministry and like the 12 Apostles he taught all the cosmic secrets of “Our Father in the Heaven” to reach the Golden Keys to what it means to be human?
Are you willing to decipher the cosmic hieroglyphs and how the creator speaks his celestial Divinity to his children through the stars?  Cosmic consciousness is not given, it must be studied and the formidable reward will last a lifetime… 
You can use your newfound cosmic wisdom with friends and loved ones to understand the core of their soul’s purpose and accurately guide them to succeed in life and fulfill their destiny. There is no limit to what true cosmic wisdom can bring, including making accurate predictions!
It is the greatest gift ever; it is the oldest science in the world offered by the Lord himself to humanity. It is in your face daily as you carefully plan your life by looking at your clock or watch! Are you ready to take on this awakening cosmic journey with us and realize your true potential as a curious human being? 
“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life!”
Remember there is nothing to believe in Divine Astrology, it’s not one of the 5000-plus deceptive religions designed by the reptilius to stop your self – realization that you were made in the image of God creating your reality daily!
We are offering our readers and supporters a SUPER DEAL, for half price or $500, as a limited-time offer (1 week only as of today 4/14/2024) and as an expression; of our gratitude and part of the post-solar eclipse in the sign of Aries(starting new projects, finding oneself and a new realization, direction in life.)

Taking the online course has its benefits since no one ever learns and assimilates information at the same speed due to the location of Mercury in your chart (critical thinking/learning/teachig/assimilating aptitude.)

This SUPER DEAL has been extended… So act NOW, e-mail for more information.

The course involves Dr. Turi’s Cabalistic Cleansing ritual, which is designed to remove excessive accumulated negative energy and produce a channel of light allowing guardian angels and high spirits to protect and reach/guide you.
Remember eclipses encompass the shift of the universal Aries/Libra dragon axis “Change of Guards” every one to two years and how it impacts each individual by house and sign and the world at large.

Your natal stars may be more spiritually advanced and less inclined to use the “Universal Clock” and a perfect fit to master Nostradamus natural healing section, use the supra-conscious in time and space or master the Astro Tarot serving others as a professional psychic instead…

At a personal level, the current universal axis in the Aries / Libra dragon’s main lesson, is to learn all about the physical and/or spiritual Universal laws/rules and develop the diplomatic and loving traits of the opposite Venus-ruled sign Libra.

While becoming more spiritually advanced, it can allow you to recognize both the physical *astronomy and spiritual cosmic rules *Divine astrology and give equal attention to both sides of the scales.

So that once you find yourself and confidence in the Aries dragon’s Head, the option to become a leader of the mind in any chosen field will be given to you by mastering the cosmic laws.

On the 23rd of July, 2023, we entered the new Aries / Libra dragon (universal axis)
This dragon axis, Aries/Libra, will last all the way to January 12, 2025, and its karmic work is all about establishing justice, balance, harmony for all by establishing/writing/mastering new laws and regulations.  Death, drama revolution, and war may be the only way for infected human beings from all positions and all walks of life to pay a universal unavoidable karma! Those in power must learn the hard way that life is based upon a constant process of cosmic changes and peace, respect, love, success, and happiness belongs to us all. But without cosmic consciousness humans are left with religions and no end of the carnage is in sight… 
Applying these celestial mechanics can only further add to your repertoire of wisdom and help you live a safer, more productive life and become a beacon of light and cosmic truth to others.
DT has taught students from all walks of life with great pleasure and a Doctor in psychiatry said he had learned more in seven days by mastering my Astro-Psychology course instead of seven years spent in an accredited medical college.
Now that says a lot about the Divine and God’s cosmic design.

There are 18 online MP 4 visual Zoom recorded files, within the main Astro-psychology class and which covers part one of the tuition, where previous students spent a week mastering the cosmic code secrets in Sedona.

But we also understand that; $1000 for this part of the course with all the materials included, is a lot of money to invest for some of you right now and this is why we are using this rare solar eclipse to help you with this rare super deal!

Terania will then email you the material you need, such as the e-Books / latest course printouts, planets / symbols and 150 questionnaire exam, which are important to read before digging into the Astro-psychology live course. I will also grant the prospective students access to the cosmic code website and drastically help new students to learn about all the healing avenues of divine astrology – rekindled from the rare seers method.

It is imperative that you understand that Dr. Turi’s cosmic teachings are UNIQUE:

This is NOT a course in Astrology, but Astro-psychology or Divine Astrology, and well ahead of all forms of ordinary Astrology even psychology since we have dozens of traditionally educated doctors and Ph.D.’s as students.

This course is FREE of mathematical jargon found in Modern astrology and loaded with powerful symbolisms.

This course is BASED on Nostradamus’ 16th century Divine Astrology methodology and the great Seer did not use a watch or a computer 500 years ago.

This course has NOTHING to do with all that you know, perceived, learned, or taught about any forms of Astrology. This is the MOTHER of ALL Astrology.

This course is HIGHLY spiritual and involves metaphors and Chinese Astrology signs. The more spiritually inclined you are the better it will be for you to bring forth your cosmic consciousness.
This course is your TICKET to a new life, a new career, and a brand-new perception of your own reality.
This course will GROUND you, lead you and open the magical doors to the Divine Celestial Mechanics.
This course will be USED for the rest of your life in ALL areas of your life. You can use the knowledge for your family; guide your children, investments, traveling, planning and even to save your own life.

The course involves a huge CELESTIAL artwork that will help you to “fly” through the Universal Mind easily and build a reflex to perceive the Universal Mechanics in action. Visual and printed material are designed and carefully designed to make sure you graduate at the end of the course.

This course involves a TREMENDOUS number of unique teachings and vital information on the working of your subconscious.

This course will also involve the teaching of the ASTRO-TAROT for those born natural psychics…Combining Astro-psychology and the Tarot is simply phenomenal and leaves nothing hidden about a person’s past or future.

Check my husband’s UNARGUABLE set of well-documented predictions and think, why would you learn from anyone else?

This is the advanced course; and we will also INTENSIVELY teach Nostradamus’ Cabalistic Healing and at the end of the course do a slide presentation, on the prophet and UFOs.

Note also you must read all books written by Dr. Turi for his students and they are part of the tuition.


If you decide to take the Astro-Tarot course instead, you MUST use the right tools! You can now order one of the four Astro-Tarot tables design for $300 and save $200…The deal is still going on, so hurry!


Read and see more designs

“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth by means of his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom” ~ Paracelsus
You will be taught the Medical aspect of Divine Astrology
Using modified software, my husband designed and like the one used by NASA; this approach can be appropriately applied for all types of navigation, as it is by its use – Of the “unique monthly housing system ,” which is how we plot the cosmic repetitive pattern of the stars and combine it with DT’s astrological wisdom and intuition, that has proven him to be unarguably accurate…

If you take the time to decipher the quatrains and keywords, located in the universal – monthly SOS deadly window dates in the cosmic code private website; which are taking the color of the endless news that has been plaguing humanity, the timing is there.

Indeed; before then he used to read charts or “ephemeris” to plot Mercury retrograde dates but knew something was not right and changed modern astrology to Astro-psychology.

This course is not a normal Astrology course you have taken with any other astrologers in the past or deal with astrology as you know, read or practice.

On another note- If you are interested in part two of the Astro – psychology teachings, we also offer the Astro – tarot course, in which combining the two, leaves nothing hidden about a person’s past, present or future.
If you are simply more spiritual and looking for something extraordinarily simple and very accurate, this is especially known to those intuitive people born psychics.
There are six training sessions for this class, all uploaded within the cosmic code, in which Terania will also grant you access to.
Click the following link, for more information:
There are no other materials needed for this portion, other than a deck of tarot cards, similar to the ones of Nostradamus… Better known as the Tarot de Marseilles.
The original fee is $500 and the SUPER DEAL for this, during the one week post solar eclipse special, is $250… Good for a week only!
Click the following link, for more Dr. Turi’s Astro – Tarot Tabletop Art Works

The worst thing that you can do for yourself is to do the very same thing every day and expect different results. Take a chance, as you have nothing to lose but everything positive to gain with my cosmic work!




Dove bird petals GIF on GIFER - by Garad

Applied knowledge is power… Ignorance is evil.
 Exposing the Truth and Uncovering Real Secrets 
“When the student is ready the true teacher will appear!”
  DT & Terania


Visit at:





Donald Trump’s fatal karmic attraction to Stormy Daniels



“The universe is under no obligation to make any SPIRITUAL sense to anyone” Dr. Turi

“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior  wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth using his will is a magus and  magic is not sorcery but Supreme wisdom.” Paracelsus

“The universe is a BRIGHT LIVING spiritual entity… I’m offering its secrets before I die. The purpose of all my struggles  was to build cosmic wisdom and offer universal guidance and strengths to others”  Dr. Turi

Britney Spears Is Spiraling: ‘This Is What We Feared’

She reportedly was acting “out of control” in the hotel hallway and screaming to the point that other guests allegedly thought she was having a mental episode. Like the majority of all famous people, she is infected and use/abuse legal and illegal drugs!  Read more about her fate By Samantha Star (RIP.) Sam was a real good student of mine.

Memo 9/22/23 Britney Spears’s latest knifes show depicts that, like society at large, she is suffering the “reptilius effect” and could be very dangerous if not fatal if she does not gather more cosmic consciousness on this terrible phenomenon.

Without a Soul Doctor, she will not survive the reptilius! Pray for her tainted soul!

SOS deadly window May 6,7,8,9 You Have Been Warned!

Check my pictures, videos as I share my crazy life and good and bad time with the public! Driving through Oklahoma during a stormy night is not fun and very dangerous! Join us UFOs Astrology & Dr. Turi Predictions”
You are getting so little with my newsletters and videos my friend, Terania and I have so much more to offer you on the Cosmic Code private website!  Become a VIP Membership is only $10, you are helping me getting my boat and you are showing your support for our cosmic work. Thank you all.

Posted by Dr. Turi on March 31, 2024 at 11:33am



May 6,7,8,9

Hidden secrets, sex, money come to light
Raw power challenges police deadly villains
Ugly face of death drama horror surface 
Nature man’s religion bloody folly reign 


Russia / Famous Death / Dramatic Death News / Mass death / Police deadly news / Police brutality / FBI / CIA / Secret services / Secrets to light / Mob / Scandals / Terrorism / Assassination / Suicide /  Cyber-attacks / Abduction / Finances / IRS / Super wealth / Sex / Porn / Prostitution / Life and death / Serial Killers / Undiluted truth /Dying/Rebirthing / Nature and Man-Made Wake up Call.

Memo – “Avoid large gatheringsespecially at night during any of my 2022 deadly Plutonic windows!”   The reptilius are after the police, government officials, and children/teens!Policing will be so dangerous that many brave servants will quit and the number of cops getting killed or killing citizens will explode in the months to come. Infected criminals will get bolder and wilder committing crimes against the police and the public never experienced before!”


My windows always predispose for earthquakes at or above 6.0

5/5/24 – 6.2 magnitude earthquake near Amahai, Maluku, Indonesia


Famous Death

‘Titanic’ and ‘Lord of the Rings’ actor Bernard Hill dies
Maryland bus crash on I-95 leaves 1 dead, 23 injured

The good news is you are very safe with me when you join me on my boat in the future in Florida! I am fully aware of all future SOS deadly windows and everyone onboard MUST wear or know where the life vests are! 

5/5/24 – Robbery Gone Wrong in Mexico Leaves Two Australian Brothers Dead

The criminals are subject to the “reptilius effect” and kill or get killed by infected lost souls! Callum and Jake Robinson were believed to be on a surfing vacation with an American friend when a group of people tried to steal their vehicle. Pay attention to my warnings or pay the price!

Dear reader,

Memo from “4/27/24 – SOS TO THE WORLD May 2024! You Have Been Warned!  Are you ready for the next SOS deadly windows of May 6,7,8,9 and May 10,11,12,13 and what can you expect?  If you read the latest news the keywords (dramatic police news) used in the previous YouTube video speak of my cosmic wisdom and depict that this very dangerous window is now operational.

Raw power challenges police deadly villains

Security tactics at campus protests reveal disparities

This window predispose also for facts and wake up calls thus, only if you take the time to read my newsletters and watch my videos, will you realize the quatrain I wrote speaks of my undeniable UFO predictive legacy and why old friends and the UFO community despises me!

Because I can offer solid proofs I became a liability to all popular and envious UFO’s talking heads who never saw nor delegate ET’s and UFOs the way I do!

Thus, do not expect to see me on the Ancient Aliens program because I would steal the show and, unlike their guests, I am not about entertaining the masses but offering real predictions and exposing the undiluted truth involving ET’s psychical agenda over humanity!

Mad dash from high to low
Dirty water oil tainted wealth
God drown towns tearing spirits
Mother earth cries not heard
Dr. Turi 4/21/24

224 people and 153 pets rescued in Texas floods 
Tornado streak could continue this week
“We are living in times where boneheads rise, intelligence fall, educated idiots like Neil DeGrasse Tyson reign supreme and thrive while genius and real get unrecognized.” Dr. Turi

Stormy Daniels former President Trump‘s  UCI exposed

Trump was born June 14, 1946 Gemini Jamaica Hospital Medical Center, New York, NY

Astropsychology home course  $1000 – 1 (Beginner) and 2 (Advanced)
Email  for information
You are getting so little with my newsletters my friend, Terania and I have so much more to offer you on the Cosmic Code private website!  Become a VIP Membership is only $10 and you are showing your support for our cosmic work please. Thank you 

The only good news I have for you, since I will never get any form of support from a religiously poisoned society is that! The New Age of Aquarius(UFO’s/technology/Astrology/the future of humanity/the stars) is slowly but surely taking over the deceptive Age of Pisces and will in time, make all religions absolete!

A much better understanding and use of God’s celestial creation await future generations and my mission is to insert the critical mental seeds to this upcoming wonderful cosmic enlightenment. 
Neptunian relies only on his intuition and his/her spirit to deal with the archetypal realm of supra-cosmic consciousness to translate his/her visions and predictions. Little do they know that there is only a very thin line between Divine Cosmic information, channeling and pure imagination! 
A true Neptunian is reluctant to engage in any form of rational studies and consequently is not cosmic conscious. He/she does not use nor understand the complexity of the super-conscious in time and space and the cosmic code jurisdictions,something that can only be revealed by mastering God’s cosmic design or Divine Astrology. 
The very idea of using critical thinking and mastering new tools explain all spiritual rules (outside of traditional religion) would also make them aware of their inherited celestial Divinity but it scares them. Going out of their Neptunian comfort zone and improving their physical vibrations is not an option!
Neptuniansstubbornly trust only themselves, God, the spirit, and their mystical nature not knowing that God does not speak his cosmic language to unconscious fools.
All established professions require a form of education and the use of very specific tools! Imagine a mechanic fixing your car with his hands alone or a baker making bread without a mixer! 
Imagine a boat Captain driving a boat or a pilot flying a plane without knowing all the rules of the land, water, and sea. A Neptunian is unable to recognize his or her intellectual gift and capacities and limits and trust only God and their spirit! 
This is why taking and using any of my courses will elevate their cosmic vibrations and spiritual perceptions.
I taught and offered my Divine Astrology course to those willing to put in the effort and by building cosmic awareness, they now own the golden keys to what it means to be human. 
I also thought of the born psychic and suggested taking the Atro-Tarot course because this ancient art is all about the use of cards, the superconscious, metaphors, and intuition. 
 A born psychic can flourish and grow in its spiritual element, and become much more efficient than taking on a more demanding astrological study. 
A true born psychic is loaded with objectivity and intuition yet, they also lack basic critical thinking, and regardless of my elaborate and logical explanations, many of my clients have missed the boat to cosmic awareness and spiritual enlightenment. 
Neptune rules the Middle East and the youngest and deadliest religions (Christianity/Judaism/Islam) were born there, cursing the entire population and the world at large since Neptune rules the oceans and 3/4 of the world.
The deceptiveness and poisoning of the planet Neptune (gas / drugs / alcohol / medications / cults / religions / jails) has dramatic worldwide repercussions.
The burgeoning Age of Aquarius (UFOs/technology/humanitarianism/Astrology)is already changing humanity’s psychical vibrations and awareness… In other words, humans are slowly but surely becoming more curious about the planets’s impact upon humans and the world “the true birth of all religions,” educated, and smarter!
On the other hand, a true born Saturnian (atheist, agnostic, skeptic)is forbidden by God himself access to anything spiritual, including religion. The unevolved “Young Soul” has not yet reached the level of spiritual perception needed to realize and refine his/her awareness of the world (s) he/she lives in. 

Pythagoras | Biography, Facts & Impact |

Every man has been made by God in order to acquire knowledge and contemplate but not all men where born with the same UCI/stars. Pythagoras was certainly born with a strong Saturn or CapricornSun, moon, rising or Dragon!

God made those souls delegate the physical manifesto alone as we need reliable engineering (bridges / gearboxes / cars / tools / mechanics, etc.) on earth.
They can only perceive the world they live in through their five limited, rational human senses. God made sure their natal karmic UCI “Unique Celestial Identity” is earthy and loaded with Saturn’s restrictive down-to-earth low vibrations. 
“A magnet will not attract a piece of wood”
Unless you vibrate at my highly spiritual and rational cosmic speed you will be naturally attracted to me and my cosmic teachings… And those “super Humans” are quite rare! 
With the current warlike, aggressive, brutal Martian dragon in charge of this world (see quatrain below) until January 2025 the current state of this world is quite scary and will get worse.


German/Vikings Skin Alike
Black and White Red Blood
Fire War Violence  Passions Rule
God Nowhere To Stop Fires
Hitler’s Evil spirit reborn

Posted to the world on June 12, 2013 

Insecurity reigns supreme while egocentric politicians tear themselves apart and high Court lawmakers impose their religious beliefs, change the laws on our backs, and abuse us all. 
Taking care of your family and your bills has never been so difficult and if you think electing another cosmic unconscious president will change your life for the better, you are in LALA land!  
In any ways shape and form, if you feel depressed, insecure and lack of directions, we are here for you! Talk to terrania if needed 
Clienty feedback,
Dear Terania,
Thank you, the session was very insightful and enjoyable and I learnt some more astrology in the process.
I can highly recommend reading with Dr Turi. If you want to understand how and why things happen to you, the way they do and how you can make the most of the changing planets and their energies, the reading is for you!
With all the things that are going on around us, why leave home without a map!
And get a progressive reading for the year!
Thank you and God bless!
The current Aries/Libra dragon axis (as of July 2023) is IMPOSING changes by houses and signs and Mercury is telling you, you are not going in the right direction! Seek the light while you can.
You may be religiously poisoned and fearful of Divine Astrology. Your UCI “Unique Celestial Identity ” may be too earthy and turned you into a radical skeptic or agnostic that ridicule the idea of dealing with the future a cosmic God has in store for you.
All the while missing the great opportunity given to you by Mercury retrograde to bypass your fear and skepticism…  As a rule, it is only when the student is ready that the gifted cosmic teacher will appear and it is only when you ask that you shall receive the rewards of your curiosity!
  • Knowing where your Jupiter (luck) is located by house and sign and what your natal and hidden dragons (past lives) are predisposing you for will become a major contribution for your success in this lifetime.
  • Knowing all about your true soul’s purpose, and the planets stimulating your second house of money and self-esteem is a must if you need to invest and build long lasting financial wealth.
  • Knowing all about the Universal Law of the moon is not only a MUST but critical to make steady progress in life, because the moon is much more than a dead rock hanging above your head for the sake of beauty!
  • If you are lonely and looking for love, knowing all about the seat of attraction between human beings and your Venus’s location by house and sign is a great thing! And the planet of love will lead you to your soul mate!
  • If you are into natural healing or concerned with your health, do not fear! Knowing and using all the planets accordingly blessing your six house of health and work is a sure ticket to live a long life and regenerate at work.
  • For good or for worse, you are set to attract certain signs of the Zodiac for specific karmic, often difficult purposes, and knowing all about your partner’s stars is the only way to make a relationship work harmoniously.
  • The planet’s blessing your eleven house of groups, wishes, and friends must be acknowledged and used so all your goals can be reached. Respecting the perfect timing for socializing can only add more luck on your way.
  • What is your mission in life? what God designed you for mentally and physically to achieve on earth? What is your best career choice that will bring you the respect and position you need? Let me tell you all about the specific universal laws ruling your chart and your life!  These are the questions you must ask to succeed in a fate written in light for you.
  • Most importantly, what planets are blessing your subconscious creative forces where magic becomes a reality? Do you know enough about your subconscious potential where God resides? Are you using those formidable forces accordingly and efficiently? Let me enlighten you on this amazing process!
  • Knowledge is power, ignorance is evil, did you watch my movie on the Super-conscious? Did you read my best seller “Beyond The Secret?” 

“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that we may lead a safer more productive life!” Paracelsus

If you are ready for me, I am ready for you and I can promess you I will change your life for the best! But before meeting with me on Zoom, please read the following! 


If you did not yet, you MUST read Dr. Turi FREE Astro-Tarot Daily Celestial Guidance And Predictions For All to benefit from my regular free guidance and prediction. 

 if you miss my full cosmic code newsletters become a VIP or a Patreon supporter! 

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