Category: The Cosmic Code Secrets

Astroforensic at work! Helping the FBI and the police to bypass their psychical limitations.

SOS TO THE WORLD – April 8 total solar eclipse full predictions for 2024



“The universe is under no obligation to make any SPIRITUAL sense to anyone” Dr. Turi

“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior  wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth using his will is a magus and  magic is not sorcery but Supreme wisdom.” Paracelsus

“The universe is a BRIGHT LIVING spiritual entity… I’m offering its secrets before I die. The purpose of all my struggles  was to build cosmic wisdom and offer universal guidance and strengths to others”  ~ Dr. Turi


 The best way for me to describe what this solar eclipse will bring to the world in THE NEAR FUTURE can only be done with a few printed words and a quatrain I wrote years ago predicting the current state of our world, today’s deplorable political fiasco and both Russia and Israel wars…

In my desperate attempt over the years to reach and save our brave public servants’s lives, today I posted another warning! Read and share pls especially if you know or are a cop! 


Watch for terrorism, police dramatic death news, mass shooting!

There is only a very fine line between legitimate cosmic wisdom and pure imagination, here is your option to judge my work and I! Make notes and re-visit this article on the given dates.

  April 9,10, 11 – April 23, 24, 25

I will post the results of my prediction in my next newsletter and YouTube video with the appropriate quatrain and obvious keywords – Join today don’t miss anything!

I did reach the FBI with those dates since you will not get real predictions anymore on Coast to Coast am anymore!


May God bless the souls of all the victims of ISIS and cosmic unconscious French & US secret services

Neuroscience, psychology, psychiatry Divine Astrology and terrorism





German/Vikings Skin Alike
Black and White Red Blood
Fire War Violence  Passions Rule
God Nowhere To Stop Fires
Hitler’s Evil spirit reborn

Posted to the world on June 12, 2013 

Monday’s total solar ecplipse will take place under a mixture of Aquarius, UFO, NUKE, SHOCKING, SURPRISING SOS window Pisces (religion, drugs, jails escape) and Aries (Germany, wars) cosmic winds.

The collected news below (and those of the future, this is why you must comeback and read the updated version) once again confirms the quatrain and keywords used to depict various disturbing cosmic winds. Note also news ” from the cosmos” took place…

Elon Musk’s Mars ambitions for Mars branded ‘dangerous illusion’ by top astronomer

If you listened to my endless chain of YouTube videos and read my newsletters, for years I warned all my readers that NO MAN WILL EVER SET FOOT ON MARS!  Once again I was well ahead of the scientific community wich must read my predictions! 

Dr. Turi
You predicted that Musk would not get to Mars a long time ago .

My windows always depict SERIOUS natural disasters and earthquakes at or above 6.0



Rare magnitude 4.7 earthquake strikes New Jersey, felt across New York region
04/03/24 – 5.9 in Balleny Islands
04/04/246.1 magnitude earthquake near Namie, Fukushima, Japan
04/04/24 – 7.4 – 18 km SSW of Hualien City, Taiwan


Communication and electricity will be cut off, miscommunication and misunderstandings will become obvious. General loss of power is to be expected. Appliances, computers, telephones, televisions, planes, trains, trucks, cars, buses, all of these “tools” will be negatively affected by this cosmic energy. Expect lost of property, pets and computer hijacking (Republican lawmaker says Russian propaganda has ‘infected a good chunk’ of GOP base) and structural damages are expected!

Predictions no one can deny! Read more

If this is not shocking, I do not know what it is! Once again, my prediction of earthquakes above 6.0 is unarguable if you pay attention to my words in the video! A dog missing for almost a year found more than 2,000 miles from home seems also to fit SHOCKING news!  How many psychics or astrologers you know do what I do repetitively?
Yet few people can appreciate or recognize my UFO’s predictive legacy as real! If you think I am real, imagine what type of guidance and predictions I can do for you in a full life reading!  Email  for information.
A bus carrying Easter worshippers fellof cliff killing 45 people in the Mamatlakala mountain pass between Mokopane and Marken, South Africa.
Why would God kill his worshippers, is he trying to tell you something? Yes God does not speak his cosmic dialect to FOOLS! 

As always NASAmust intertain you with an endless discovery of new planets  and cosmic news! They are wasting immense wealth to convince you and your kids one day man will land on the red planet Mars!

But those oblivious “educated Idiots” and religious fools have no clue of God’s cosmic design speaking his will through the stars (Divine astrology).

My visions for the rest of the year are quite gloomy but I cannot be blamed for humanity’s total lack of cosmic awareness, corporate greed, stupidity, religious beliefs, and atheism! So expect more of this type of new below…

A boat motors by as the Bidwell Bar Bridge is surrounded by fire in Lake Oroville during the Bear fire in Oroville, California on September 9, 2020. - Dangerous dry winds whipped up California's record-breaking wildfires and ignited new blazes Tuesday, as hundreds were evacuated by helicopter and tens of thousands were plunged into darkness by power outages across the western United States. (Photo by JOSH EDELSON / AFP) (Photo by JOSH EDELSON/AFP via Getty Images)
The reality is that, as far as we know, and in the natural course of events, our world has never — in its entire history — heated up as rapidly as it is doing now. Nor have greenhouse gas levels in the atmosphere ever seen such a precipitous hike.
I can only prepare you for //////// UFO’s predictive legacy!And while it seems all is lost and there is no hope left, it is NOT! But if ////////////
Was Jesus a man of color, was he white or even real? 
Your perception and acceptance depends on your upbringing “religious indoctrination” induced by the country of your birth and your parents and grandparents’ stars and personal beliefs. We are all geographically “cursed” by a religion that has been imposed upon its people for centuries. 
But ultimately the questions of faith and if Jesus was a man of color, white or black and real depend on your natal inherited karmic UCI or Unique Celestial Identity.
This is your spiritual inherited karmic DNA!   But unlike Jesus, my cosmic controversial but veridical spiritual teachings are not widespread and quite misunderstood even refuted by feeble minded people! 
Remember my cosmic teachings can only benefit those who are curious, spiritually advanced, able and willing to make good use of it! And nowadays, those people are a rarity!
I was born to rebirth Jesus’s initial cosmic Ministry teaching the will of “Our Father in the Heaven,” speaking through the stars or Divine Astrology!
My reader needs to delegate the undiluted truth I own, something that has vexed many religious sensitive people in the past! I am not here to blast an oversized ego; I am not Trump! My stars are much more dignified, dedicated, honest, and honorable since, as a spiritual trusted leader, I must teach and tell only the truth.
The bible say, we have been made at the image of God!  Thus, Jesus was like you and I, a child of Our Father in the Heavens or God, with the difference he also had contact with extraterrestrials…

Jesus was imparted (downloaded) a rare cosmic wisdom he could not have built in his short thirty-three years of life on earth.

Unless “downloaded” supreme cosmic wisdom by ETs as I experienced vividly, what can such a young age with not much experience bring to anyone?
And what kind of education 2000 years ago Jesus’s followers could reach?  The fact is he was surrounded by a wild and smelly, dirty bunch of uneducated peasants that needed a spiritual leader to make sense of their pitiful hard life to survive!
And they were not exactly hard to convince of any miracle like Jesus’ cheating death and being born again “Easter.”
In reality hopes for the “sinners” to be saved, is the representation of the death of a day and the promise of another day with the sunrise (enlightenment.)
It’s all about Astrology but a bit too much to teach anyone else than his 12 disciples or the real representation of the 12 Apostles, the 12 sins, the 12 virtues, the 12 members of a jury, the 12 months of the years, the 12 sign of the Zodiac, and the 12 houses making up your natal chart!
In no way could critical thinking apply to any of those people during those dark days… 
Because of this universal lasting religious deception, it’s very much the same nowadays, and one of the reasons you chose me as your spiritual leader. The problem is that there are millions of us out there and it is up to you to realize there is only a thin hair between religious deception and Divine Cosmic Wisdom…
But in no way can a deeply religious-born Neptunian person accept any form of critical reasoning since all his/her stars and beliefs are based upon deep incrusted emotions, faith and years of deceptive visual indoctrination! 
The same apply for Jesus dying on the cross designed to create and build guilt!
In France we used “La Guillotine” to kill people, and in the name of God I wonder why religious people would wear a tool of death or a cross around their neck. I do not see many French people wearing la guillotine to glorify the death of countless of people…
As far as I am concerned, I never saw the Virgin Mary, God, or Jesus in flesh but I have had direct phsycial contact with ET’s that left me with an undeniable predictive gift and obvious cosmic wisdom…  And this alone could make insecure young souls envious! Why him and not me? 
I am 74 and it took me all those years, including those ncredible UFO experiences, to own the words “sage and cosmic consciousness!”  To me, a religious old man (including Pope Francis,) or woman is a kid, at least as far as spirituality, UFO’s and true cosmic wisdom is concerned!  
Indeed those who are supposed to be the elites and experts on the UFO’s and religion topics, are often the least knowledgeable people you trust, listen to, believe, follow and put on a pedestal! 
OMG! in what a young world did I land on!
Religiously poisoned people are taught that anything to do with Astrology is demonic, yet again they are not curious or smart enough to investigate the facts and exit the deceptive box of fear and ignorance…  
Larry DeSantis speaks during an interview.
This man was in one of his 2024 positive cosmic biorhythms and the last to make it off the Baltimore bridge before its collapse
I am a cuspy Aquarius Pisces, the last in the Zodiac, “a terminal/ karmic sign” born without fate! My future is nothing else than the reincarnation of my thoughts and my understanding and handling of the super-conscious creative forces play an important part of what’s next for me or another Pisces.
My spiritual mission is  to lead and guide others to swim upstream towards God cosmic design. Thus if you are a fish you may also realize you could also swim downstream into the codification of thoughts books/bible/Koran etc. and religion (Joel Osteen) away from God’s subtle, immaculate presence in its celestial design! 
God does not speak his cosmic langage to fools! Dr. Turi
Were you born a irrational Neptunian  or a skeptic, logical Saturnian?
The answer is quite simple but the truth has been deeply buried for centuries by the “Church Inc.” in the 75 miles of the Vatican’s secret library. This makes it a serious challenge and quite impossible for pious people to build cosmic consciousness and study the power of the stars upon their lives!
Then our infantile scientific community promoted their own rational education and created atheism which I consider a serious mental disease… Hippocrate, the Father of modern medicine has something “educated Idiots” can’t accept or rationalize with because of their own lack of cosmic education.  But not all were born blind! 
Dr. Turi, I have learned more about what it means to be human in your week-long crash course in Sedona than the 7 years I spent in an accredited college.” Dr. in Psychiatry student feedback. 
Show me a reader, I will point out a winner” Dr. Turi
This cosmic wisdom was stolen from spiritually advanced people like me (and you) through inimaginable, abominable means of torture!  Hundreds of thousands of “white witches medicine women” and SPIRITUAL men paid the ultimate price and suffered an horrific dreadful end.
But this dark, shameful chapter in the Christian’s history will not be taught to your children at the bible study meetings in your Sunday schools! 
Nor will the damage inflicted by the Christians to native people!
The Illuminati and a politically oriented Clergy are not about to divulge their metaphysical secrets to you because sharing cosmic wisdom is also losing power and control above a fearful, non-cosmic conscious moronic populace. 
The worldwide results are dreadful with over 5500 different religions and denominations, and belief systems that have, through religious wars, induced more deaths than all-natural disasters, diseases, and other wars combined. 
The irony is during Xmas holidays, children are still awaiting Santa Claus to squeeze through the chimney to reward them for their good behavior, while parents are still awaiting Jesus’s return!  
All the while enriching deceptive, reptilius infected born Neptunians like Joe Osteen and Company! While I believe in God and Jesus our Savior, I am also aware of the misplaced financial rewards indoctrinating the children you take with you at the “Church Inc.” 
They MUST be “mentally build” by the state, they MUST become supporters of the universal religious abuses, all for wealth. power and political control!
Like an unstoppable cancer, Churches and other denominations are proliferating in the wealthier areas of your cities and spiritual towns (Sedona.) There is nothing to gain in small villages yet it is still a good investment with paysants because this village and its only chuch will grow! 
A new church is nothing else than another bank where the indoctrination of your children must remain for the system to exist, grow, and control their destiny and, in time those of their own children! Its a dead well planned end… 
This diabolic pit of both ignorance and stupidity took over 2000 years to dig, yet more and more misinformed and scared people are jumping in! But they do not know better they truly believe they will be “saved” and own the truth!
And they will do all in their power to convince you to join their church to convince themselves it is the right thing to do!  Those “lost souls” are pure in heart and actions (your neighbors, friends, family members, Scientologists, Mormons, witnesses of Jehovah, etc.) yet unaware of the devil in disguise! 
Thanks to the billions generated using the state systems to avoid paying taxes anabling them to afford endless and very costly ($350 000 for 30 seconds) of advertisements on all media, TV, and radio stations.   
While, as a concerned parent you want only the best for your kids, you are not helping them to grow without guilt and fear and control of an abusive system!
Many of you have not yet realized the humongous mental manipulation and the power of Neptune and its political deceptive power! 
And given a chance, as incredible as it may sound, hard-core MAGA Christians would in 2024, enjoy watching me burning on the stake! 

“He Who Conquers the Stars Will Hold the Golden Keys to God’s Mysterious Universe And Change The World.” Dr. Turi

But how can I, in this newsletter battle 2000 years of mental manipulation and total deception about the truth of Christ’s cosmic mission?

A word of caution for those born in February: Many young religious or rational souls will not understand your genius and your advanced message to the world. Many will try hard to stop and hurt you. 

 Jesus said to his disciples “go to the town and find the man with the WATER PITCHER, the sign of Aquarius to follow the sign of Pisces” … Is it interesting to know, I was born February 26, 1950, in the constellation of Aquarius (The water bearer) with my Sun in the sign of Pisces.

The above biblical quote was emailed to me years ago by a devout Christian who raised his own cosmic consciousness through my cosmic work!

The symbol of Aquarius represents men born with a stellium or a Mercury (Critical Thinking) in the sign of Aquarius making it dignified (or allowed by God’s order to enter the realm of Cosmic Supra-consciousness.)

Against all odds, the older soul is blessed/cursed with supreme psychical power which he must use to learn and then transcribe the Universal hieroglyphs (or God’s cosmic will) rationally (Einstein) or spiritually (like I do) for the benefit of humanity.

How can I offer the answer of God’s cosmic design when people flock to churches with their kids and refuse to educate themselves or even read my long, educational newsletters? 
People are the victims of a smarter and more abusive religious and deceptive political system established centuries ago.
People are misinformed and scared and the majority of those MAGA supporters are not cosmic conscious or smart enough to apply critical thinking and will instead offer Trump 60 bucks instead of trying to free their spirit and their children for FREE! 
The only good news I have for you, since I will never get any form of support from a religiously poisoned society is that! The New Age of Aquarius (UFO’s/technology/Astrology/the future of humanity/the stars) is slowly but surely taking over the deceptive Age of Pisces and will in time, make all religions absolete!
A much better understanding and use of God’s celestial creation await future generations and my mission is to insert the critical mental seeds to this upcoming wonderful cosmic enlightenment. 
A Neptunian relies only on his intuition and his/her spirit to deal with the archetypal realm of supra-cosmic consciousness to translate his/her visions and predictions. Little do they know that there is only a very thin line between Divine Cosmic information, channeling and pure imagination! 
A true Neptunian is reluctant to engage in any form of rational studies and consequently is not cosmic conscious. He/she does not use nor understand the complexity of the super-conscious in time and space and the cosmic code jurisdictions, something that can only be revealed by mastering God’s cosmic design or Divine Astrology. 
The very idea of using critical thinking and mastering new tools explain all spiritual rules (outside of traditional religion) would also make them aware of their inherited celestial Divinity but it scares them. Going out of their Neptunian comfort zone and improving their physical vibrations is not an option!
Neptunians stubbornly trust only themselves, God, the spirit, and their mystical nature not knowing that God does not speak his cosmic language to unconscious fools.
All established professions require a form of education and the use of very specific tools! Imagine a mechanic fixing your car with his hands alone or a baker making bread without a mixer! 
Imagine a boat Captain driving a boat or a pilot flying a plane without knowing all the rules of the land, water, and sea. A Neptunian is unable to recognize his or her intellectual gift and capacities and limits and trust only God and their spirit! 
This is why taking and using any of my courses will elevate their cosmic vibrations and spiritual perceptions.
I taught and offered my Divine Astrology course to those willing to put in the effort and by building cosmic awareness, they now own the golden keys to what it means to be human. 
I also thought of the born psychic and suggested taking the Atro-Tarot course because this ancient art is all about the use of cards, the superconscious, metaphors, and intuition. 
 A born psychic can flourish and grow in its spiritual element, and become much more efficient than taking on a more demanding astrological study. 
A true born psychic is loaded with objectivity and intuition yet, they also lack basic critical thinking, and regardless of my elaborate and logical explanations, many of my clients have missed the boat to cosmic awareness and spiritual enlightenment. 
Neptune rules the Middle East and the youngest and deadliest religions (Christianity/Judaism/Islam) were born there, cursing the entire population and the world at large since Neptune rules the oceans and 3/4 of the world.
The deceptiveness and poisoning of the planet Neptune (gas / drugs / alcohol / medications / cults / religions / jails) has dramatic worldwide repercussions.
The burgeoning Age of Aquarius (UFOs/technology/humanitarianism/Astrology) is already changing humanity’s psychical vibrations and awareness… In other words, humans are slowly but surely becoming more curious about the planets’s impact upon humans and the world “the true birth of all religions,” educated, and smarter!
On the other hand, a true born Saturnian (atheist, agnostic, skeptic) is forbidden by God himself access to anything spiritual, including religion. The unevolved “Young Soul” has not yet reached the level of spiritual perception needed to realize and refine his/her awareness of the world (s) he/she lives in. 

Pythagoras | Biography, Facts & Impact |

Every man has been made by God in order to acquire knowledge and contemplate but not all men where born with the same UCI/stars. Pythagoras was certainly born with a strong Saturn or Capricorn Sun, moon, rising or Dragon!

God made those souls delegate the physical manifesto alone as we need reliable engineering (bridges / gearboxes / cars / tools / mechanics, etc.) on earth.
They can only perceive the world they live in through their five limited, rational human senses. God made sure their natal karmic UCI “Unique Celestial Identity” is earthy and loaded with Saturn’s restrictive down-to-earth low vibrations. 
“A magnet will not attract a piece of wood”
Unless you vibrate at my highly spiritual and rational cosmic speed you will be naturally attracted to me and my cosmic teachings… And those “super Humans” are quite rare! 
With the current warlike, aggressive, brutal Martian dragon in charge of this world (see quatrain below) until January 2025 the current state of this world is quite scary and will get worse.


German/Vikings Skin Alike
Black and White Red Blood
Fire War Violence  Passions Rule
God Nowhere To Stop Fires
Hitler’s Evil spirit reborn

Posted to the world on June 12, 2013 

Insecurity reigns supreme while egocentric politicians tear themselves apart and high Court lawmakers impose their religious beliefs, change the laws on our backs, and abuse us all. 
Taking care of your family and your bills has never been so difficult and if you think electing another cosmic unconscious president will change your life for the better, you are in LALA land!  
In any ways shape and form, if you feel depressed, insecure and lack of directions, we are here for you! Talk to terrania if needed 
Clienty feedback,
Dear Terania,
Thank you, the session was very insightful and enjoyable and I learnt some more astrology in the process.
I can highly recommend reading with Dr Turi. If you want to understand how and why things happen to you, the way they do and how you can make the most of the changing planets and their energies, the reading is for you!
With all the things that are going on around us, why leave home without a map!
And get a progressive reading for the year!
Thank you and God bless!
The current Aries/Libra dragon axis (as of July 2023) is IMPOSING changes by houses and signs and Mercury is telling you, you are not going in the right direction! Seek the light while you can.
You may be religiously poisoned and fearful of Divine Astrology. Your UCI “Unique Celestial Identity”may be too earthy and turned you into a radical skeptic or agnostic that ridicule the idea of dealing with the future a cosmic God has in store for you.
All the while missing the great opportunity given to you by Mercury retrograde to bypass your fear and skepticism…  As a rule, it is only when the student is ready that the gifted cosmic teacher will appear and it is only when you ask that you shall receive the rewards of your curiosity!
  • Knowing where your Jupiter (luck) is located by house and sign and what your natal and hidden dragons (past lives) are predisposing you for will become a major contribution for your success in this lifetime.
  • Knowing all about your true soul’s purpose, and the planets stimulating your second house of money and self-esteem is a must if you need to invest and build long lasting financial wealth.
  • Knowing all about the Universal Law of the moon is not only a MUST but critical to make steady progress in life, because the moon is much more than a dead rock hanging above your head for the sake of beauty!
  • If you are lonely and looking for love, knowing all about the seat of attraction between human beings and your Venus’s location by house and sign is a great thing! And the planet of love will lead you to your soul mate!
  • If you are into natural healing or concerned with your health, do not fear! Knowing and using all the planets accordingly blessing your six house of health and work is a sure ticket to live a long life and regenerate at work.
  • For good or for worse, you are set to attract certain signs of the Zodiac for specific karmic, often difficult purposes, and knowing all about your partner’s stars is the only way to make a relationship work harmoniously.
  • The planet’s blessing your eleven house of groups, wishes, and friends must be acknowledged and used so all your goals can be reached. Respecting the perfect timing for socializing can only add more luck on your way.
  • What is your mission in life? what God designed you for mentally and physically to achieve on earth? What is your best career choice that will bring you the respect and position you need? Let me tell you all about the specific universal laws ruling your chart and your life!  These are the questions you must ask to succeed in a fate written in light for you.
  • Most importantly, what planets are blessing your subconscious creative forces where magic becomes a reality? Do you know enough about your subconscious potential where God resides? Are you using those formidable forces accordingly and efficiently? Let me enlighten you on this amazing process!
  • Knowledge is power, ignorance is evil, did you watch my movie on the Super-conscious? Did you read my best seller “Beyond The Secret?” 

“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that we may lead a safer more productive life!” Paracelsus

If you are ready for me, I am ready for you and I can promess you I will change your life for the best! But before meeting with me on Zoom, please read the following! 


If you did not yet, you MUST read Dr. Turi FREE Astro-Tarot Daily Celestial Guidance And Predictions For All to benefit from my regular free guidance and prediction. 

 if you miss my full cosmic code newsletters become a VIP or a Patreon supporter! 

Show your support join my medias


The actual hidden truth about UFOs

I am not only offended but disgusted by such a monumental UFO cover-up, yet I do understand the government and I intend to give you real answers! That is if you are willing and able to deal with the truth I own! 
“You can only relate to someone else because of your own experiences, education, your critical thinking and your intelligence!” Dr. Turi

Kirkpatrick a retired Pentagon official, and his team investigated every US government UFO sighting going back to Roswell in the 1940s, putting the findings in a report that the Pentagon released publicly on Friday. That report debunks multiple claims of alien visitations to Earth and of any purported cover-up of those visits.

First, I saw a UFO 30ft above my head and spoke to the MIB face-to-face, following the weird, dramatic experience I lost hours and to this day I am unable to recall what happened to me.
I also suffered a headache I would never wish on my worst enemy but the predictive legacy left by those encounters is very real!  Again, that is if you followed me and investigated my claims which are dated and well-documented on You tube, on Coast to Coast am national radio and television shows.

The two visits from BFI agents following accurate predictions of terrorist attacks are not made up either! 
I have always said that the government does not know what UFOs and ET’s various agendas are all about! How can they when like popular UFO researchers and “talking heads” alike their never saw nor delegated ETs mentally and physically as I did?
While they recovered spaceships and ET’s bodies, they have NO clues and no rational explanations available to the public!
I also said many times that those interstellar entities are not interested nor will they ever try to reach government officials or popular scientists! ETs are masters of matter, supreme engineers, and after highly spiritual people like me who have something, they have lost and are interested in! 
My explanations may seem to be much too simple yet only time will prove me right when they decide purposely to “connect” with humans! 
It is a psychical, spiritual matter that I am referring to but knowing 99.9% of humans nowadays are not cosmic conscious, into sports and religions true spirituality is missing. 
Scientists know all about the composition of the stars and delegate the world they live in through their 5 limited human rational senses, yet they know nothing of our solar system and all its planet’s spiritual purposes.
Unless scientists, skeptics, agnostics, atheists, and religious fanatics alike master and understand God’s cosmic design, in no way will they remotely attract, as I did, the incredible and witness the reality of our space brothers! 
You may start by watching my UFO movie on and what happened to me a few times with an open mind. Because a magnet will never attract a piece of wood, a more positive attitude towards Ets and UFOs reality will make a big difference! 

UFO’s – Roswell new Mexico Mind Boggling Secret Divulged!

Continued – Yes, I was asked to fly today to Reno NV but if you checked the latest news United Airlines plane diverted to L.A. in air carrier’s 4th emergency in a week I chose to drive!  This window explains Nostradamus’s 16th-century Divine Astrology methodology. 

It is obvious to me that I have a special connection with UFOs and ETs, but not everyone can see it or accept it. Many people who are considered experts on the UFO phenomenon have never had any direct contact with ETs or their agenda. And those who claim to have had UFO contacts cannot provide any evidence or predictions based on their experiences.

I am very different from them because I have endless proof of my incredible encounters through my predictive legacy and today is not different!

The idea is for you to join the cosmic code private website and be aware of all 2024 SOS dangerous windows and plan your life in accordance to God’s cosmic design speaking his will through the stars…

If you do not you will experience frustrations, waste precious time and lots of money and even lose your life!  My cosmic work is designed to benefit only those who are smart, curious, able and willing to build cosmic consciousness through my teachings! 

March 2024 SOS to the world deadly windows Posted February 29, 2024 at 7:12pm



March 6, 7,  8, 9 – //,//,//

Entrails Upset Spit Above
Red Fire Wind Water to Dance
Stars Command Shock Science
Calm Deception to Strike

Japan / Asia / China / France / Italy / Gold / Cosmic – Space News / NASA / Nukes / Nuclear /  Freak / Bizarre / Unusual weird behavior / Space / Rocket / Missile / Explosions / Surprises / UnexpectedShocking newsShocking videos / Stunning / Baffling / unprecedented / Suddenly / Incredible / Strange deadly Behavior / Awakening / Bombshell / Mind Boggling / Crazy / Jaw Dropping / Lightning / Electricity / Fire / Unusual / Unexpected / suddenly / Humanitarianism / Genius / Children / Teens / Unrest / Fascinating / Genius / Discovery / Very old – Very new / Discovery / Invention / Science / AI / UFO’s / Earthquakes (always at or above 6.0 / Tsunami / Typhoon / Hurricane / Volcanoes/ Tornadoes / Airports / Airline / Aeronautics / jets / Planes / Balloons / Helicopters / Drone / Technology / Hacking / Cyber-attack / Internet / Electricity / Electronics / Television / Cosmic Phenomenon 

My windows always depict SERIOUS natural disasters and earthquakes at or above 6.0



3/8/24 –  6.0 magnitude earthquake near Pondaguitan, Davao, Philippines


Update 3/9/24 – US had prepared for potential Russian nuclear strike in Ukraine

I can only wonder with such impeccable timing, an unarguable vision, and such obvious repetitive, explained methodology I am not taken seriously by more people especially those in a position to help me warn the world!

Jesus legitimate cosmic ministry is not in the bible

Once again, I understand Jesus’s quote “do not give pearls of cosmic wisdom to swine!”  If you think my cosmic work is legit please share it, be part of the solution! 





President Biden takes his message on the road after fiery Union address speech!

The fact is the President’s performance was well above the expectations of the opposition and he shocked the entire world with his speech. The conservative MAGA expected an abysmal performance and were all in shock! Remember I translate the stars and not politics!

Update 3/9/24 –  The Democratic National Committee is launching a billboard campaign in northwest Georgia Saturday attacking former President Donald Trump and his allies in Congress, such as Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green, for blocking a bipartisan deal to secure the US-Mexico border. Note Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene like Trump is a Gemini and she was born with the same dragon head and tail! She carries the same traits and character as the former President. Indeed a magnet will not attract a piece of wood! 


This photo from the US Department of Defense shows an "unidentified aerial phenomena."
US military developing portable UFO detection kits as Pentagon says no evidence of alien tech found
A tech company is growing diamonds in the desert
Space news-volcanoe
OTD in Space – March 8: Volcanoes Spotted on Jupiter’s Moon Io

Shocking videos / Airports / Airline / Aeronautics / jets / Planes

Tire falls off plane immediately after takeoff. See the moment
United Airlines plane diverted to L.A. in air carrier’s 4th emergency in a week
How an airplane toilet works at 40,000 feet: The extraordinary science behind everyday flying
It’s been 10 years. Is the world closer to finding MH370?
Boeing is shifting its employee bonus formula from finances to safety and quality

13-year-old has eureka moment with science project that suggests Archimedes’ invention was plausible
She’s a ‘child raising a child’ after being raped on the street
At least 287 school children kidnapped by armed gunmen in northwest Nigeria

Very old
Scientists take step forward in quest to resurrect a creature that hasn’t roamed Earth in 4,000 years
‘World’s oldest bread,’ dating back 8,600 years, discovered in Turkey
Man arrested after DNA helps crack cold case killing nearly 40 years later

Shocking news
At least 5 killed after airdropped aid falls on them in Gaza
Surfside condo collapse investigators provide key insights into possible causes of the disaster

More than 500 dead seabirds wash up on French beaches
France’s favorite cheese is facing an ‘extinction’ crisis

Japan / Asia / China
Hong Kong unveils its second national security law, aligning city more closely with mainland China
The creator of one of the most popular Japanese manga and anime series has died

 EU joins US to launch maritime aid corridor to Gaza this weekend

70 million-year-old giant dinosaur skeleton found connected from skull to tail


Once again if you read “SOS to the world Feb 28, 29 – Jan 1, 2 You Have Been Warned!” all the collected news depict the reality of my quatrain and obvious keywords reflecting all the anticipated news!


SOS to the world Feb 28, 29 – Jan 1, 2 You Have Been Warned!


“The universe is under no obligation to make any SPIRITUAL sense to anyone” Dr. Turi

“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior  wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth using his will is a magus and  magic is not sorcery but Supreme wisdom.” Paracelsus

“The universe is a BRIGHT LIVING spiritual entity… I’m offering its secrets before I die. The purpose of all my struggles  was to build cosmic wisdom and offer universal guidance and strengths to others”  ~ Dr. Turi

February 2024, SOS to the world deadly windows Posted by  Dr. Turi  on January 30, 2024 at 9:40am



February 28, 29 – January 1, 2

Hidden secrets, sex, money come to light
Raw power challenges police deadly villains
Ugly face of death drama horror surface 
Nature man’s religion bloody folly reign  


*Russia / Famous Death / *Dramatic Death News / Mass death / Police news / Police brutality / FBI / CIA / Secret  services /  Secrets to light  / Mob / Scandals / Terrorism / Assassination / Cyber-attacks / Abduction /  Finances / *IRS / Super wealth / Sex / Porn / Prostitution / Life and death / Serial Killers / Undiluted truth /D ying/Rebirthing / Nature and Man-Made  Wake up Call.  


Memo  –  “Avoid large gatherings  especially at night during any of my 2022 deadly Plutonic windows!” The  reptilius  are after the  police, government officials , and  children / teens! Policing will be so dangerous that many brave servants will quit and the number of cops getting killed or killing citizens will explode in the months to come. Infected criminals will get bolder and wilder committing crimes against the police and the public  never experienced before!”


My windows always predisposes for serious natural disasters and earthquakes at or above 6.0

Mass death – God Nowhere To Stop Fires! Nature man’s religion bloody folly reign!
Winds and high temperatures fuel the biggest inferno in Texas history as it rages Sunday 3/3/24 more than 50 deaths so far!

6.7  in  Macquarie Island

Bad news for Trump January 1, 2

Please “Do not kill the messenger” my work has nothing to do with politics or presidential choice, but metaphysics, Astrology and predictions. Those predictions could be hard at times and the perception of my cosmic world depends mainly on your experiences, your education, religious indoctrination and basic critical thinking! Thank you.
It seems again obvious that my UFO’s predictive legacy should be trusted since I gave that warning “Bad news for Trump January 1, 2″ a few days ago! No one, regardless of his position, wealth and power can or will avoid karma.
With so much piled up behind Trump’s legal and financial affairs, let’s pray for the former President’s mental and physical safety!
Knowing “the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought” those intense cosmic vibrations of love and hate cursing” Trump do travel in time and space and will sooner or later, manifest dramatically!
Former President Trump is in perilous danger with metaphysical forces he and a cosmic unconscious society at large cannot understand. Dr. Turi has once again warned you and you will not hear such dramatic predictions on Coast to Coast am anymore!

​Supreme Court rules states can’t kick Trump off ballot

“There are NO accidents, only subtle cosmic circumstances at work that humanity has not yet assimilated!” Dr. Turi

Trump’s positive / negative cosmic biorhythms for March 2024!  

Make notes and watch the news!

January 1/2 – March 4/5/6/ Positive

 March 14/15/16 and March 28/29/30 Negative 

UPDATE – March 15, 2024 – Pence says he ‘cannot in good conscience’ endorse Trump

What about yours?

If you are or know a cop read and share pls 

“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that we can live a safer more productive life!” Paracelsus 

“the number of cops getting killed or killing citizens will explode in the months to come.”



The words used in my YouTube video posted a few days ago do not lie “COPS WILL BE KILLED COPS WILL KILL PEOPLE” and speak of my undeniable UFOs predictive legacy! Yet, over the years, CNN and FOX cowards anchors I’ve tried to reach will never invite me to warn and save the precious lives of civilian servants! Karma to them all is unavoidable!  

4 dead and 3 injured after California party shooting
Teen shot as unruly crowd escorted out of ‘Six Flags’ amusement park 

Russia / Famous Death

Deadly Dramatic news
43 dead, dozens injured from fire in Bangladesh’s capital

Dramatic video shows moment two boats collide in Miami

Non-cosmic-conscious people are playing Russian roulette with their lives taking holidays under very unsafe, deadly cosmic winds! This is why smart people joined the Cosmic Code private website because my windows speak of my undeniable UFO predictive legacy and the cosmic truth I own!

Be sure drugs and alcohol were involved and the good news is as a boat Captain myself, I do not drink, nor smoke pot and I read the stars! Thus, once I get my boat be sure you will be in good hands with me on the water!

Be smart, be curious, be safe, save time, money and your life JOIN Today!

Get to know ALL 2024 future SOS to the world deadly windows and act by God’s cosmic design or pay the price! Those dates and windows are already posted for our VIPs and Patreon supporters so they can plan safely under the stars…

March 2024 SOS to the world deadly windows Posted by  Dr. Turi  on February 29, 2024 at 7:12pm

Secrets to light
Dr. Turi
You predicted problems in Trump’ marriage and you were right, as usual. Trump’s trial with porn stars and hookers starts on March 24th! Secrets revealed during Plutonic window!

Ugly face of death drama horror surface 
Fire War Violence Passions Rule



Hello, my friend,

I thought I was to be “ born LIVE on Tik Tok” when actually I am DEAD to this project! I guess the current SOS deadly window did his job! 

New followers 0

Memo” Yesterday Feb 26, was my birthday and Terania and I had a great time, thank you all for your good wishes and I am starting this new solar return with another birthday that we will celebrate for a long time to come on TikTok! 

UPDATE! 2/29/24 – Or this is what I thought since we received a lot of emails from frustrated people!  Many of you will not and refuse to join TikTok! What you do not understand is that! You were not to join TikTok but join Dr.Turi on TikTok!

This clearly depicts I am not that important in your life and I must get and heed my own predicted wake up call!

Thus, there are only two things to do, one is, to continue posting my YouTube videos as I always did and, in the process, save myself tons of time and effort by not offering all the promised FREE goodies mentioned below! 

I was planning to do personal Astro -Tarot reading and cart of the day, offer my SOS to the world deadly windows with more critical information, offer more secrets on the working of the superconscious by engaging people live, offering Nostradamu’s natural healing tips, make Universal predictions for the future, offer super deals to my TikTok supporters, and most of all do personalize mini-readings LIVE!

This would have been an exceptional deal to help many of you are are in any difficult situation, get real guidance and in the process regenerate your spirit! I was about to do all this for you all for FREE  but selfish people who do not read, also lack vision and intuition! More time for Dr. Turi to go fishing instead! 

And since the vast majority of people not share my newsletters either, the second thing to do is to offer FULL educational newsletters to my VIPs and Patreon supporters only! 


When Jesus said, “Do not give pearls to swine” I now know the full meaning on how he felt with some people he could never reach with Sagesse and his precious cosmic wisdom!



Show your support join my medias

Free your spirit with a live Zoom consultation with Dr. Turi. Read all the details!

Nostradamus’ Divine Astrology Course Now Available To The Public 
Nostradamus Astro- Tarot Tables Now Available To The Public
Watch Dr. Turi Doing a Reading And the Taro t


“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that we can live a safer more productive life!” Paracelsus 


Prévision d’échec d’atterrissage sur la Lune Odysseus de la NASA
« L’univers n’a aucune obligation de donner un sens SPIRITUEL à quiconque » Dr Turi
«L’homme est supérieur aux étoiles s’il vit dans la puissance de la sagesse supérieure. Une telle personne qui est le maître sur le ciel et la terre en utilisant sa volonté est un magus et la magie n’est pas la sorcellerie mais la sagesse suprême.» Paracelsus
« L’univers est une entité spirituelle VIVANTE BRILLANTE… J’offre ses secrets avant de mourir. Le but de toutes mes luttes était de construire la sagesse cosmique et d’offrir des conseils universels et des forces aux autres» ~ Dr Turi
Cher lecteur,
Avant toute chose, la pleine lune de ce weekend sera un ‘micromoon’. Voici ce que cela signifie pour les astronomes nés de scientifiques rationnels inconscients cosmiques
« Dieu a créé les étoiles et les cieux pour plus que pour la beauté, il nous les a donnés pour interprétation afin que nous puissions vivre une vie plus sûre et plus productive »
Mais ce type d’information scientifique logique n’a RIEN à vous offrir à un niveau personnel alors que le vrai sens de chaque nouvelle et pleine lune a un but spirituel très significatif pour chacun de nous !  
D’autre part, l’Astrologie Divine ou le ministère cosmique initial de Jésus a beaucoup plus à offrir au lecteur curieux ! 
Que vat’Il vous arriver sur le plan personnel et que signifie cette lunaison par maison et signe !  Tout ce que je peux divulguer est d’être prêt pour les nouvelles critiques du Moyen Orient,  le pétrole, les prisons /  prisonniers s’évadent, la drogue, les religions, la tromperie et la mer en dessous!
À bord du navire résidentiel privé le plus exclusif au monde
Si vous avez pris le temps de lire « AT&T a perturbé le service dans tout le pays  Ce n’est pas la Russie ! » mes mots prononcés et imprimés sont assez clairs et reflètent une fois de plus mon héritage prédictif d’OVNI !
« Entretemps, on s’attend à des surprises et à des problèmes imprévus avec le lancement ou l’alunissage ! »
Une chute géante pour l’humanité ! La NASA confirme que l’avion lunaire Odysseus, d’une valeur de 118 millions de dollars, s’est RENVERSÉ sur le côté après un atterrissage raté sur la Lune.
C’est loin d’être un atterrissage réussi mais l’intégrité (et les egos fragiles) de ces scientifiques doivent rester intacts et toutes les excuses doivent être trouvées !  Ils sont en marche pour de sérieuses déceptions et d’autres échecs dans les semaines et les mois à venir !
Mais quel est le prix que nous, les contribuables, avons gaspillé au fil des ans avec toutes ces missions lunaires inutiles?
Les ÉtatsUnis ont dépensé 25,8 milliards de dollars dans le projet Apollo entre 1960 et 1973, soit environ 257 milliards de dollars après ajustement en fonction de l’inflation aux dollars de 2020.
Si l’on y ajoute le projet Gemini et le programme lunaire robotisé, qui ont tous deux permis à Apollo de fonctionner, les ÉtatsUnis ont dépensé au total 28 milliards de dollars (280 milliards de dollars ajustés). 
Les dépenses ont culminé en 1966, trois ans avant le premier alunissage. Le montant total dépensé pour la NASA au cours de cette période était de 49,4 milliards de dollars (482 milliards de dollars ajustés).
Et les missions sur Mars ? 
Ses coûts ont monté en flèche et un comité d’examen indépendant  mis en place par l’agence spatiale  vient d’avertir que le prix initial de 4,4 milliards de dollars de la mission risque de grimper à 811 milliards de dollars.
Et qu’en estil des déchets laissés sur la Lune et l’orbite terrestre ? La NASA rapporte que les humains ont laissé environ 500 000 livres d’ordures sur la lune. À partir de crottes, de sacs d’urine, de nourriture et d’équipements électroniques mis au rebut, la lune devient aussi polluée que la Terre.
Si vous croyez que l’objectif véritable de l’initiative Objectifs de la Lune vers Mars de la NASA est de développer et de documenter une approche axée sur les objectifs pour ses efforts d’exploration de l’espace lointain humain, vous devez vous réveiller à la réalité ! Et c’est pourquoi vous revenez pour lire plus de la vérité que je possède 
La course vers la Lune et Mars a un côté très sombre que les scientifiques des ÉtatsUnis et de tous les pays ne vous diront jamais !  
Ils savent tous que la Terre Mère est en grande difficulté et que les humains vivent déjà à court de temps et qu’il n’y a pas de retour aux changements climatiques de plus en plus destructeurs !
C’est peut-être le dernier clou dans le cercueil d’un hiver sans pareil
La course est donc lancée pour préparer et sortir d’une planète déjà mourante, quel que soit le prix élevé qui nous est imposé à tous !
Ainsi, la matrice scientifique trompeuse infectée par des reptiles doit vous faire croire à la possibilité d’un voyage dans l’espace et d’une fuite vers Mars ou la Lune pour sauver la race humaine. Mais, à moins d’être un scientifique, ne vous attendez pas dans un million d’années à être invité et à éviter de cuire sur terre parce que vous n’avez aucune utilité à la science. 
Ils savent aussi que Mars est beaucoup trop loin (9208,23 millions de miles de la Terre) et ils supposent que le voyage prendrait environ sept mois !
Reste la question, si la NASA ne peut pas faire atterrir un avion lunaire avec succès sur la Lune qui n’est qu’à 238 900 milles de la terre, imaginez toutes les lourdes charges nécessaires pour survivre sur Mars. Je ne peux que me demander quand cette énorme quantité de stupidité et de gaspillage de fortunes cessera 
J’étais bien en avance sur la NASA et intuitivement, pleinement conscient de ce que la cupidité, la richesse et le pouvoir des entreprises pouvaient faire en 2014 quand j’ai fait cette prédiction dramatique dans une émission de télévision avec George Noory  « Il Ne Nous Reste Que Cinquante Ans. » 
Pour les scientifiques de la NASA, la lune est une meilleure option pour coloniser que Mars parce qu’elle est à côté de la Terre, a une géologie similaire à notre planète et peut contenir de l’eau. La Lune rend la Terre plus vivable en atténuant les oscillations de notre planète sur son axe, ce qui conduit à un climat relativement stable.
Il provoque également des marées, créant un rythme cosmique répétitif qui a guidé les humains spirituellement pendant des milliers d’années à travers l’utilisation de l’Astrologie ! C’est un fait bien connu que toutes les civilisations disparues ont utilisé la vieille science de tant de manières constructives.
Mais n’approchez pas et n’essayez pas de discuter de quoi que ce soit de spirituel avec des êtres humains inconscients, cosmiques et non évolués. Ces « Jeunes Âmes » sont karmiquement interdites par Dieu lui-même d’entrer dans le royaume archétype de la conscience supra-cosmique.
Mais nous avons besoin de ce type d’êtres humains sceptiques, agnostiques et athées pour construire des ponts solides, des boîtes de vitesses fiables et gérer les mathématiques et la technologie, pas l’esprit ! Seuls les plus doués sont admis !
Notez aussi que Dieu n’a pas créé la Lune ou Mars pour amuser les scientifiques nés avec une UCI * Identité Céleste Unique Rationnelle »  ou des idiots mieux éduqués comme Neil De Grasse qui ne peuvent percevoir la vie qu’à travers leurs cinq sens humains rationnels limités et ridiculisent à la fois la vieille science de l’Astrologie Divine et la réalité des OVNI !   
Ce n’est pas parce que quelqu’un a une place d’autorité dans la communauté scientifique qu’il parle ou qu’il connaît la vérité !
En règle générale, ce sont ces gens qui connaissent le moins les sujets dont ils discutent et qui ne savent rien ! Ni Dieu n’a créé la Lune pour Elon Musk ni pour les riches investisseurs pour gagner plus d’argent sur son dos !
La Lune régule la réponse émotionnelle à la vie et représente la domesticité (ou non) dans une courbe mâle ou femelle. C’est pourquoi certains des meilleurs chefs sont des hommes tandis que le Soleil ou une lune masculine dans un signe enflammé (Leo/Bélier/Sagittaire) conduira ses propriétaires à la compétition et à la scène de la célébrité (i.e.) Taylor Swift et Travis Kelce.
Taylor Swift est née avec la lune dans le Scorpion (mort/renaissance/drame) et sa réaction émotionnelle intense à la vie et aux scènes domestiques  est, (comme Elizabeth Taylor) de détruire les relations par des émotions extrêmes et incontrôlées, la jalousie, le sarcasme et le drame pur. « Taylor Swift et Travis Kelce ont condamné la relation karmique ! »
C’est pourquoi, si vous avez l’intention d’épouser quelqu’un ou de vous lancer dans une relation d’affaires, il est important de faire un tableau comparatif  et trouvez tout sur les péchés et les vertus de cette personne !
Sa Vénus (amour/richesse) Mars (compétition/conduite) Mercure (communication/pensée critique) Saturne (peur/karma) Pluton (pouvoir/sexe) Neptune (religion/addictions) Uranus (ingéniosité/liberté) Soleil (but/vie de l’âme) et le dragon natal et caché (résidu/défis de vies passées) deviendront une contribution majeure à votre succès ou vos échecs avec cette personne.
 Ce proverbe français en dit long et vaut la peine d’être traduit » Un foyer ou une femme  averti en vaux deux »
«Si nous abusons de l’astrologie uniquement à des fins de divertissement, peu importe l’utilité et l’inspiration de l’art ancien et de la science  sans communiquer ses méthodes critiques, comment la personne moyenne peut-elle distinguer l’astrologie de la pseudoscience ? » Dr Turi
Rebecca Grossman est reconnue coupable du meurtre de deux frères, 8 et 11  les renversant après avoir bu des margaritas au déjeuner avec son amant –
  Elle est née Gémeaux (deux/deux enfants morts) comme Trump (2 destitutions) avec sa lune (émotions) dans Poissons (drogues/alcool/addiction/prison) et Neptune (tromperie/produits chimiques)/religions dans sa 6ème maison de santé et de travail et la queue négative du dragon dans Capricorne (position publique/carrière) dans sa 8ème maison de mort !  
Une vie gâchée parce que personne n’était  pour expliquer son UCI natal et sa personnalité addictive ! Elle a succombé à « l’effet reptilius ! ». Dépressions, suicide et mort prématurée…
Feedback from Tim ; @timday2161  « Vous venez de regarder votre dévoilement des mystères de l’astrologie divine sur votre page d’accueil web. Vous êtes la personne la plus fascinante que j’aie jamais entendue parler. Bien que je n’aie pas encore réalisé mon don, j’ai toujours erré comment les signes d’étoiles sont apparus et comment ils comptent pour l’individu. Vous êtes un sur un milliard Dr Turi et vous devriez devenir l’homme le plus vieux et le plus sage qui ait jamais vécu dans l’histoire enregistrée. Amour, Tim, Capricorne. »
« Dieu a créé les étoiles et les cieux pour plus que pour la beauté, il nous les a donnés pour interprétation afin que nous puissions vivre une vie plus sûre et plus productive ! » Paracelsus 


As always if you have any questions, simply email and she will take good care of you. 




A New Dr. Turi is born LIVE on Tik Tok!



“The universe is under no obligation to make any SPIRITUAL sense to anyone” Dr. Turi

“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior  wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth using his will is a magus and  magic is not sorcery but Supreme wisdom.” Paracelsus

“The universe is a BRIGHT LIVING spiritual entity… I’m offering its secrets before I die. The purpose of all my struggles  was to build cosmic wisdom and offer universal guidance and strengths to others”  ~ Dr. Turi

February 2024, SOS to the world deadly windows Posted by Dr. Turi on January 30, 2024 at 9:40am



February  29 ,29 – January 1, 2

Hidden secrets, sex, money come to light
Raw power challenges police deadly villains
Ugly face of death drama horror surface 
 Nature man’s religion bloody folly reign 


*Russia / Famous Death / *Dramatic Death News / Mass death / Police news / Police brutality / FBI / CIA / Secret services / Secrets to light / Mob / Scandals / Terrorism / Assassination / Cyber-attacks / Abduction / Finances / *IRS / Super wealth / Sex / Porn / Prostitution / Life and death / Serial Killers / Undiluted truth /Dying/Rebirthing / Nature and Man-Made Wake up Call.  


Memo – “Avoid large gatherings especially at night during any of my 2022 deadly Plutonic windows!”   The reptilius are after the police, government officials, and children/teens! Policing will be so dangerous that many brave servants will quit and the number of cops getting killed or killing citizens will explode in the months to come. Infected criminals will get bolder and wilder committing crimes against the police and the public never experienced before!”


Bad news for Trump January 1, 2

“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that we can live a safer more productive life!” Paracelsus 


Hello, my friend,

Yesterday Feb 26, was my birthday and Terania and I had a great time, thank you all for your good wishes and I am starting this new solar return with another birthday that we will celebrate for a long time to come on TikTok!  Did you read “NASA Odysseus moon landing failure prediction?” If you did I hope you can handle the undiluted truth I own! 

Let’s face the facts, after many years trying to raise people’s cosmic consciousness, only a tiny minority of readers are willing and make good use of God’s cosmic design… I always said, if you do not “vibrate” at my cosmic speed go to TikTok!

Guess what, the fact is the majority of people are mentally lazy and do not share nor do they read my long educational newsletters, the excuses and reasons are endless!

But I also realized that TikTok has also great contents and great gifted people sharing their talents, so why not me?

So as of today, I will only post those full newsletters to our VIPs, students, and Patreon’s supporters on the Cosmic Code private website only. Yes, you heard this before, but this is it I mean it from the bottom of my soul!

Remember life is a constant process of endless inescapable changes and doing the same thing over and over again like I did for years, and expecting real changes is pure idiocy! 

 It seems not everyone is related to Einsten (sarcasm!) the attention span of normal people is extremely limited while only those born highly spiritual will take the time to build cosmic consciousness and regenerate spiritually by reading my cosmic work and understanding God’s cosmic design subtle purposes.

That’s not the case with the majority since thinking and reflecting on your existence, reincarnation, past lives, death, and the Divine seems too hard or irrelevant! This is why organized religions are so successful because faith is required and no critical thinking and why sports attract millions, because of excitement and entertainment!

TikTok my new home!

TikTok is getting a new head of global trust and safety

Thus, I will not write as much or as often as I did for so many years, instead, I am going to go LIVE on TikTok! But I cannot start doing so unless I have accumulated a minimum of a thousand subscribers and so far, I only have 151 subscribers!  I started putting long videos with no interaction and unless I go live, I won’t be able to reach more of you.

The new way of educating the masses must also be entertaining and communicative and I can do this anytime, anywhere with my cellphone, and I intend to do so to the best of my abilities!

So, the option to talk to me directly and ask any questions under the Sun, on Divine Astrology, UFOs, the superconscious, the future of humanity, or your own life will make this new endeavor on TikTok much more productive and accommodate us all.

While you have those my movies and the option to watch them on my website many people do not know and miss a lot in the process!

I am also planning to do personal Astro -Tarot card reading for the day, offer my SOS to the world deadly windows, talk about the superconscious, make more personal and Universal predictions and most of all do personalize mini-readings LIVE!

The ” new” Dr. Turi will be much more positive and offer great and healthy tips for the body, mind and soul! 

This will be my LAST public YouTube video thus if you want to see me LIVE and enjoy more of my guidance and predictions on TikTok, JOIN NOW!

I will when and if needed use my YouTube channel thus don’t miss anything – Join me there too!

I am only offering the dates for the next SOS to the World Deadly Windows February 28/29 and March 1st and 2nd with the appropriate quatrain and keywords below.

As usual, I will put it on the top of this newsletter as my visions unfold, so come back often to check why you should be part of Dr. Turi’s new TikTok endeavors.

SEE YOU ALL IN TIKTOK ONCE I GET the numbers needed!


Joyeux Anniversaire très cher Louis,

Merci d’être notre étoile brillante et notre boussole/compas… You have accomplished many amazing things over the course of your life, and one of them is reaching out to this great number!

My greatest wish for you is that you continue your passion, enjoying the gift called life with a Happy and Joyous Vibrant Health always… May you have an amazing birthday filled with special moments surrounded by loving Terania, Lady and friends…

Thank you for all your kindness and thoughtfulness… May your kindness return to you in the same beautiful way you offer it …

I appreciate all you do for all of us, all your dedicated work, special messages and guidance
Translating lately in French your newsletters when doing your videos was challenging but it was
so kind of you to offer this option… 

Wishing you all continued Abundance… In loving gratitude,


PS : Nous espérons vous voir un jour à SD avec Terania et Lady (juin ou septembre/octobre sont
des meilleurs mois pour visiter SD, la saison de pluie dure jusqu’à fin mars/début avril, puis
vient May Grey)…Cette année, la pluie cause énormément de dégâts partout à SD et tout le long
de la côte…Vous avez habité à SD, donc vous vous souvenez que juillet et août sont des mois
aussi très touristiques et encombrés…

Free your spirit with a live Zoom consultation with Dr. Turi. Read all the details!

Nostradamus’ Divine Astrology Course Now Available To The Public 
Nostradamus Astro- Tarot Tables Now Available To The Public
Watch Dr. Turi Doing a Reading And the Taro t


“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that we can live a safer more productive life!” Paracelsus 

Prévision d’échec d’atterrissage sur la Lune Odysseus de la NASA
« L’univers n’a aucune obligation de donner un sens SPIRITUEL à quiconque » Dr Turi
«L’homme est supérieur aux étoiles s’il vit dans la puissance de la sagesse supérieure. Une telle personne qui est le maître sur le ciel et la terre en utilisant sa volonté est un magus et la magie n’est pas la sorcellerie mais la sagesse suprême.» Paracelsus
« L’univers est une entité spirituelle VIVANTE BRILLANTE… J’offre ses secrets avant de mourir. Le but de toutes mes luttes était de construire la sagesse cosmique et d’offrir des conseils universels et des forces aux autres» ~ Dr Turi
Cher lecteur,
Avant toute chose, la pleine lune de ce weekend sera un ‘micromoon’. Voici ce que cela signifie pour les astronomes nés de scientifiques rationnels inconscients cosmiques
« Dieu a créé les étoiles et les cieux pour plus que pour la beauté, il nous les a donnés pour interprétation afin que nous puissions vivre une vie plus sûre et plus productive »
Mais ce type d’information scientifique logique n’a RIEN à vous offrir à un niveau personnel alors que le vrai sens de chaque nouvelle et pleine lune a un but spirituel très significatif pour chacun de nous !  
D’autre part, l’Astrologie Divine ou le ministère cosmique initial de Jésus a beaucoup plus à offrir au lecteur curieux ! 
Que vat’Il vous arriver sur le plan personnel et que signifie cette lunaison par maison et signe !  Tout ce que je peux divulguer est d’être prêt pour les nouvelles critiques du Moyen Orient,  le pétrole, les prisons /  prisonniers s’évadent, la drogue, les religions, la tromperie et la mer en dessous!
À bord du navire résidentiel privé le plus exclusif au monde
Si vous avez pris le temps de lire « AT&T a perturbé le service dans tout le pays  Ce n’est pas la Russie ! » mes mots prononcés et imprimés sont assez clairs et reflètent une fois de plus mon héritage prédictif d’OVNI !
« Entretemps, on s’attend à des surprises et à des problèmes imprévus avec le lancement ou l’alunissage ! »
Une chute géante pour l’humanité ! La NASA confirme que l’avion lunaire Odysseus, d’une valeur de 118 millions de dollars, s’est RENVERSÉ sur le côté après un atterrissage raté sur la Lune.
C’est loin d’être un atterrissage réussi mais l’intégrité (et les egos fragiles) de ces scientifiques doivent rester intacts et toutes les excuses doivent être trouvées !  Ils sont en marche pour de sérieuses déceptions et d’autres échecs dans les semaines et les mois à venir !
Mais quel est le prix que nous, les contribuables, avons gaspillé au fil des ans avec toutes ces missions lunaires inutiles?
Les ÉtatsUnis ont dépensé 25,8 milliards de dollars dans le projet Apollo entre 1960 et 1973, soit environ 257 milliards de dollars après ajustement en fonction de l’inflation aux dollars de 2020.
Si l’on y ajoute le projet Gemini et le programme lunaire robotisé, qui ont tous deux permis à Apollo de fonctionner, les ÉtatsUnis ont dépensé au total 28 milliards de dollars (280 milliards de dollars ajustés). 
Les dépenses ont culminé en 1966, trois ans avant le premier alunissage. Le montant total dépensé pour la NASA au cours de cette période était de 49,4 milliards de dollars (482 milliards de dollars ajustés).
Et les missions sur Mars ? 
Ses coûts ont monté en flèche et un comité d’examen indépendant  mis en place par l’agence spatiale  vient d’avertir que le prix initial de 4,4 milliards de dollars de la mission risque de grimper à 811 milliards de dollars.
Et qu’en estil des déchets laissés sur la Lune et l’orbite terrestre ? La NASA rapporte que les humains ont laissé environ 500 000 livres d’ordures sur la lune. À partir de crottes, de sacs d’urine, de nourriture et d’équipements électroniques mis au rebut, la lune devient aussi polluée que la Terre.
Si vous croyez que l’objectif véritable de l’initiative Objectifs de la Lune vers Mars de la NASA est de développer et de documenter une approche axée sur les objectifs pour ses efforts d’exploration de l’espace lointain humain, vous devez vous réveiller à la réalité ! Et c’est pourquoi vous revenez pour lire plus de la vérité que je possède 
La course vers la Lune et Mars a un côté très sombre que les scientifiques des ÉtatsUnis et de tous les pays ne vous diront jamais !  
Ils savent tous que la Terre Mère est en grande difficulté et que les humains vivent déjà à court de temps et qu’il n’y a pas de retour aux changements climatiques de plus en plus destructeurs !
C’est peut-être le dernier clou dans le cercueil d’un hiver sans pareil
La course est donc lancée pour préparer et sortir d’une planète déjà mourante, quel que soit le prix élevé qui nous est imposé à tous !
Ainsi, la matrice scientifique trompeuse infectée par des reptiles doit vous faire croire à la possibilité d’un voyage dans l’espace et d’une fuite vers Mars ou la Lune pour sauver la race humaine. Mais, à moins d’être un scientifique, ne vous attendez pas dans un million d’années à être invité et à éviter de cuire sur terre parce que vous n’avez aucune utilité à la science. 
Ils savent aussi que Mars est beaucoup trop loin (9208,23 millions de miles de la Terre) et ils supposent que le voyage prendrait environ sept mois !
Reste la question, si la NASA ne peut pas faire atterrir un avion lunaire avec succès sur la Lune qui n’est qu’à 238 900 milles de la terre, imaginez toutes les lourdes charges nécessaires pour survivre sur Mars. Je ne peux que me demander quand cette énorme quantité de stupidité et de gaspillage de fortunes cessera 
J’étais bien en avance sur la NASA et intuitivement, pleinement conscient de ce que la cupidité, la richesse et le pouvoir des entreprises pouvaient faire en 2014 quand j’ai fait cette prédiction dramatique dans une émission de télévision avec George Noory  « Il Ne Nous Reste Que Cinquante Ans. » 
Pour les scientifiques de la NASA, la lune est une meilleure option pour coloniser que Mars parce qu’elle est à côté de la Terre, a une géologie similaire à notre planète et peut contenir de l’eau. La Lune rend la Terre plus vivable en atténuant les oscillations de notre planète sur son axe, ce qui conduit à un climat relativement stable.
Il provoque également des marées, créant un rythme cosmique répétitif qui a guidé les humains spirituellement pendant des milliers d’années à travers l’utilisation de l’Astrologie ! C’est un fait bien connu que toutes les civilisations disparues ont utilisé la vieille science de tant de manières constructives.
Mais n’approchez pas et n’essayez pas de discuter de quoi que ce soit de spirituel avec des êtres humains inconscients, cosmiques et non évolués. Ces « Jeunes Âmes » sont karmiquement interdites par Dieu lui-même d’entrer dans le royaume archétype de la conscience supra-cosmique.
Mais nous avons besoin de ce type d’êtres humains sceptiques, agnostiques et athées pour construire des ponts solides, des boîtes de vitesses fiables et gérer les mathématiques et la technologie, pas l’esprit ! Seuls les plus doués sont admis !
Notez aussi que Dieu n’a pas créé la Lune ou Mars pour amuser les scientifiques nés avec une UCI * Identité Céleste Unique Rationnelle »  ou des idiots mieux éduqués comme Neil De Grasse qui ne peuvent percevoir la vie qu’à travers leurs cinq sens humains rationnels limités et ridiculisent à la fois la vieille science de l’Astrologie Divine et la réalité des OVNI !   
Ce n’est pas parce que quelqu’un a une place d’autorité dans la communauté scientifique qu’il parle ou qu’il connaît la vérité !
En règle générale, ce sont ces gens qui connaissent le moins les sujets dont ils discutent et qui ne savent rien ! Ni Dieu n’a créé la Lune pour Elon Musk ni pour les riches investisseurs pour gagner plus d’argent sur son dos !
La Lune régule la réponse émotionnelle à la vie et représente la domesticité (ou non) dans une courbe mâle ou femelle. C’est pourquoi certains des meilleurs chefs sont des hommes tandis que le Soleil ou une lune masculine dans un signe enflammé (Leo/Bélier/Sagittaire) conduira ses propriétaires à la compétition et à la scène de la célébrité (i.e.) Taylor Swift et Travis Kelce.
Taylor Swift est née avec la lune dans le Scorpion (mort/renaissance/drame) et sa réaction émotionnelle intense à la vie et aux scènes domestiques  est, (comme Elizabeth Taylor) de détruire les relations par des émotions extrêmes et incontrôlées, la jalousie, le sarcasme et le drame pur. « Taylor Swift et Travis Kelce ont condamné la relation karmique ! »
C’est pourquoi, si vous avez l’intention d’épouser quelqu’un ou de vous lancer dans une relation d’affaires, il est important de faire un tableau comparatif  et trouvez tout sur les péchés et les vertus de cette personne !
Sa Vénus (amour/richesse) Mars (compétition/conduite) Mercure (communication/pensée critique) Saturne (peur/karma) Pluton (pouvoir/sexe) Neptune (religion/addictions) Uranus (ingéniosité/liberté) Soleil (but/vie de l’âme) et le dragon natal et caché (résidu/défis de vies passées) deviendront une contribution majeure à votre succès ou vos échecs avec cette personne.
 Ce proverbe français en dit long et vaut la peine d’être traduit » Un foyer ou une femme  averti en vaux deux »
«Si nous abusons de l’astrologie uniquement à des fins de divertissement, peu importe l’utilité et l’inspiration de l’art ancien et de la science  sans communiquer ses méthodes critiques, comment la personne moyenne peut-elle distinguer l’astrologie de la pseudoscience ? » Dr Turi
Rebecca Grossman est reconnue coupable du meurtre de deux frères, 8 et 11  les renversant après avoir bu des margaritas au déjeuner avec son amant –
  Elle est née Gémeaux (deux/deux enfants morts) comme Trump (2 destitutions) avec sa lune (émotions) dans Poissons (drogues/alcool/addiction/prison) et Neptune (tromperie/produits chimiques)/religions dans sa 6ème maison de santé et de travail et la queue négative du dragon dans Capricorne (position publique/carrière) dans sa 8ème maison de mort !  
Une vie gâchée parce que personne n’était  pour expliquer son UCI natal et sa personnalité addictive ! Elle a succombé à « l’effet reptilius ! ». Dépressions, suicide et mort prématurée…
Feedback from Tim ; @timday2161  « Vous venez de regarder votre dévoilement des mystères de l’astrologie divine sur votre page d’accueil web. Vous êtes la personne la plus fascinante que j’aie jamais entendue parler. Bien que je n’aie pas encore réalisé mon don, j’ai toujours erré comment les signes d’étoiles sont apparus et comment ils comptent pour l’individu. Vous êtes un sur un milliard Dr Turi et vous devriez devenir l’homme le plus vieux et le plus sage qui ait jamais vécu dans l’histoire enregistrée. Amour, Tim, Capricorne. »
« Dieu a créé les étoiles et les cieux pour plus que pour la beauté, il nous les a donnés pour interprétation afin que nous puissions vivre une vie plus sûre et plus productive ! » Paracelsus 


As always if you have any questions, simply email and she will take good care of you. 






NASA Odysseus moon landing failure prediction




“The universe is under no obligation to make any SPIRITUAL sense to anyone” Dr. Turi

“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior  wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth using his will is a magus and  magic is not sorcery but Supreme wisdom.” Paracelsus

“The universe is a BRIGHT LIVING spiritual entity… I’m offering its secrets before I die. The purpose of all my struggles  was to build cosmic wisdom and offer universal guidance and strengths to others”  ~ Dr. Turi


Dear reader,

I received quite a lot of emails complaining about the changes, thus we are back normal! This newsletter and video are in English et laTRADUCTION FRANÇAISE TRADUCTION FRANÇAISE EST SOUS L’ARTICLE! DONC IL FAUT LIRE!

Before anything, t his weekend’s full moon will be a ‘micromoon.’ Here’s what that means from cosmic unconscious rational born scientists astronomers! 

But this type of logical scientific information has NOTHING whatsoever to offer you at a personal level while the true meaning of every New and Full moon has a very significant spiritual purpose for each one of us!  

“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that we can live a safer more productive life”

On the other hand, Divine Astrology or Jesus’ initial cosmic ministry has much more to offer the curious reader! What will happen to you at a personal level and what does this lunation mean by house and sign! All I can divulge is to be ready for critical news from the Middle East, oil, jails/prisoners escape, drugs, religions, deception and the sea below!


If you took the time to read AT&T disrupted national service – Its not Russia! my spoken and printed words are quite clear and reflects once again my UFOs predictive legacy!

“Meantime expects surprises and unexpected troubles with the launch or moon landing!”

One giant tumble for mankind! NASA confirms $118 million Odysseus lunar aircraft has TIPPED OVER onto its side after failed landing on the moon.

This is far from being a successful landing but the integrity (and fragile egos) of those scientists must remain intact and all excuses must be found! They are ON for some serious disappointments and more failures in the weeks and months to come!

But what is the price tag we, the taxpayers have wasted over the years so far with all those wasteful moon missions?

The United States spent $25.8 billion on Project Apollo between 1960 and 1973, or approximately $257 billion when adjusted for inflation to 2020 dollars.

Adding Project Gemini and the robotic lunar program, both of which enabled Apollo, the US spent a total of $28 billion ($280 billion adjusted). Spending peaked in 1966, three years before the first Moon landing. The total amount spent on NASA during this period was $49.4 billion ($482 billion adjusted).

And what about Mars missions? Its costs have spiraled dramatically and an independent review panel – set up by the space agency – has just warned that the mission’s original $4.4bn price tag is likely to soar to $8-11bn, 

And what about the trash left behind on the moon and the Earth orbit? NASA reports that humans have left about 500,000 pounds of garbage on the moon. From poop, bags of urine, food, and discarded electronic equipment the moon is becoming as polluted as Earth.

If you believe the true purpose of NASA’s Moon to Mars Objectives effort is to develop and document an objectives-based approach to its human deep space exploration efforts, you need to wake up to reality! And this is why you return to read more of the truth I own! 

The race to the Moon and Mars has a very dark side scientists from the US and all countries will never tell you!  

They all know Mother Earth is in serious trouble and humans are already living on borrowed time and there is no return to the obvious increasingly destructive climate changes!

So the race is on to prepare and exit an already dying planet regardless of the heavy price imposed upon us all!

Thus, the reptilius-infected deceptive scientific matrix must make you believe in the possibility of space travel and escape to Mars or the Moon to save the human race. But, unless you are a scientist, do not expect in a million years to be invited and avoid cooking on earth because you have no use to science. 

They also know that, Mars is much too far away (9208.23 million miles from Earth) and they assume the trip would take about seven months!

The question remains, if NASA cannot land a lunar aircraft successfully on the Moon wich is only 238,900 miles from earth, imagine all the heavy loads needed to survive on Mars. I can only wonder when this humongous amount of stupidity and waste of fortunes will stop! 

I was well ahead of NASA and intuitively, fully aware of what corporate greed, wealth and power could do back in 2014 when on a TV show with George Noory I made this dramatic prediction  “We Have Only Fifty Years Left.” 

To NASA scientists, the moon is a better option to colonize than Mars because it is next door to Earth, has a similar geology to our planet, and may contain water. The Moon makes Earth a more livable planet by moderating our home planet’s wobble on its axis, leading to a relatively stable climate.

It also causes tides, creating a repetitive cosmic rhythm that has guided humans spiritually for thousands of years through the use of Astrology! Its is a well know fact that, all disapeared civilizations used the old science in so many constructive ways.

But do not approach nor try to discuss anything spiritual with unevolved, cosmic unconscious human beings. Those “Young Souls” are karmically forbidden by God himself to enter the archetypal realm of supra-cosmic consciousness.

But we need this type of skeptical, agnostic, atheist human beings to build solid bridges, reliable gearboxes and handle mathematics and technology, not the spirit! Only the gifted ones are allowed in!

Note also, God did not create the Moon or Mars to amuse scientists born with a rational UCI * Unique Celestial Identity”   or better yet educated idiots like Neil De Grasse who can only perceive life through their five limited rational human senses and ridicule both the old science of Divine Astrology and the reality of UFOs!    Because someone owns a place of authority in the scientific community does not mean he speaks or knows the truth!

As a rule, those people are the least knowledgeable of the topics they discuss and know nothing about! Neither God created the Moon for Elon Musk or rich investors to make more money on her back!

The Moon regulates the emotional response to life and depicts domesticity (or not) in a male or a female chart. This is why some of the best chefs are male while the Sun or a masculine moon in a fiery sign (Leo/Aries/Sagittarius) will lead its owners to competition and the stage of fame (ie) Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce.

Taylor Swift was born with the moon in Scorpio (death/rebirth/drama) and her intense emotional response to life and domestic scenery is, (like Elizabeth Taylor) to destroy relationships through extreme, uncontrolled emotions, jealousy, sarcasm and pure drama. Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce doomed karmic relationship!

This is why, if you intend to marry someone or enter any form of business relationship it is important to make a comparison chart  and find all about the sins and virtues of this person!

His/her Venus (love/wealth) Mars (competition/drive) Mercury (communication/critical thinking) Saturn (fear/karma) Pluto (power/sex) Neptune (religion/addictions) Uranus (ingenuity/freedom) Sun (soul’s purpose) /life) and the natal and hidden dragon (past lives residue/challenges) will become a major contribution to your success or failures with this person. This French proverb speaks volumes and is worth translating’ “A man or a woman warned is worth two”

“If we abuse Astrology for entertainment purposes only, no matter how useful and inspiring ancient art and science may be – without communicating its critical methods, how can the average person possibly distinguish Astrology from pseudoscience? ” Dr. Turi



Rebecca Grossman is found GUILTY of killing two brothers, 8 and 11 – running them over after drinking margaritas at lunch with her lover 

She was born Gemini (dual/2 kids dead) like Trump (2 impeachments) with her moon (emotions) in Pisces (drugs/alcohol/addiction/jail) and Neptune (deception/chemicals)/religions in her 6th house of health and work and the negative dragon’s tail in Capricorn (public standing/career) in her 8th house of death! A wasted life because no one was there to explain her natal UCI and her addictive personality! She fell for the “reptilius effect!”. Depression, suicide in early death…

Feedback from Tim; @timday2161 – Just watched your unlocking the mysteries of divine astrology on your web home page. You are the most fascinating person I have ever heard talk. Although I have not realized my gift as yet, I’ve always wandered how the star signs came about and how they matter to the individual. You are one in a billion Dr Turi and should become the oldest, wisest man that ever lived in recorded history. Love, Tim, Capricorn.”

“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that we can live a safer more productive life!” Paracelsus 


Free your spirit with a live Zoom consultation with Dr. Turi. Read all the details!

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“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that we can live a safer more productive life!” Paracelsus 

Prévision d’échec d’atterrissage sur la Lune Odysseus de la NASA
« L’univers n’a aucune obligation de donner un sens SPIRITUEL à quiconque » Dr Turi
«L’homme est supérieur aux étoiles s’il vit dans la puissance de la sagesse supérieure. Une telle personne qui est le maître sur le ciel et la terre en utilisant sa volonté est un magus et la magie n’est pas la sorcellerie mais la sagesse suprême.» Paracelsus
« L’univers est une entité spirituelle VIVANTE BRILLANTE… J’offre ses secrets avant de mourir. Le but de toutes mes luttes était de construire la sagesse cosmique et d’offrir des conseils universels et des forces aux autres» ~ Dr Turi
Cher lecteur,
Avant toute chose, la pleine lune de ce weekend sera un ‘micromoon’. Voici ce que cela signifie pour les astronomes nés de scientifiques rationnels inconscients cosmiques
« Dieu a créé les étoiles et les cieux pour plus que pour la beauté, il nous les a donnés pour interprétation afin que nous puissions vivre une vie plus sûre et plus productive »
Mais ce type d’information scientifique logique n’a RIEN à vous offrir à un niveau personnel alors que le vrai sens de chaque nouvelle et pleine lune a un but spirituel très significatif pour chacun de nous !  
D’autre part, l’Astrologie Divine ou le ministère cosmique initial de Jésus a beaucoup plus à offrir au lecteur curieux ! 
Que vat’Il vous arriver sur le plan personnel et que signifie cette lunaison par maison et signe !  Tout ce que je peux divulguer est d’être prêt pour les nouvelles critiques du Moyen Orient,  le pétrole, les prisons /  prisonniers s’évadent, la drogue, les religions, la tromperie et la mer en dessous!
À bord du navire résidentiel privé le plus exclusif au monde
Si vous avez pris le temps de lire « AT&T a perturbé le service dans tout le pays  Ce n’est pas la Russie ! » mes mots prononcés et imprimés sont assez clairs et reflètent une fois de plus mon héritage prédictif d’OVNI !
« Entretemps, on s’attend à des surprises et à des problèmes imprévus avec le lancement ou l’alunissage ! »
Une chute géante pour l’humanité ! La NASA confirme que l’avion lunaire Odysseus, d’une valeur de 118 millions de dollars, s’est RENVERSÉ sur le côté après un atterrissage raté sur la Lune.
C’est loin d’être un atterrissage réussi mais l’intégrité (et les egos fragiles) de ces scientifiques doivent rester intacts et toutes les excuses doivent être trouvées !  Ils sont en marche pour de sérieuses déceptions et d’autres échecs dans les semaines et les mois à venir !
Mais quel est le prix que nous, les contribuables, avons gaspillé au fil des ans avec toutes ces missions lunaires inutiles?
Les ÉtatsUnis ont dépensé 25,8 milliards de dollars dans le projet Apollo entre 1960 et 1973, soit environ 257 milliards de dollars après ajustement en fonction de l’inflation aux dollars de 2020.
Si l’on y ajoute le projet Gemini et le programme lunaire robotisé, qui ont tous deux permis à Apollo de fonctionner, les ÉtatsUnis ont dépensé au total 28 milliards de dollars (280 milliards de dollars ajustés). 
Les dépenses ont culminé en 1966, trois ans avant le premier alunissage. Le montant total dépensé pour la NASA au cours de cette période était de 49,4 milliards de dollars (482 milliards de dollars ajustés).
Et les missions sur Mars ? 
Ses coûts ont monté en flèche et un comité d’examen indépendant  mis en place par l’agence spatiale  vient d’avertir que le prix initial de 4,4 milliards de dollars de la mission risque de grimper à 811 milliards de dollars.
Et qu’en estil des déchets laissés sur la Lune et l’orbite terrestre ? La NASA rapporte que les humains ont laissé environ 500 000 livres d’ordures sur la lune. À partir de crottes, de sacs d’urine, de nourriture et d’équipements électroniques mis au rebut, la lune devient aussi polluée que la Terre.
Si vous croyez que l’objectif véritable de l’initiative Objectifs de la Lune vers Mars de la NASA est de développer et de documenter une approche axée sur les objectifs pour ses efforts d’exploration de l’espace lointain humain, vous devez vous réveiller à la réalité ! Et c’est pourquoi vous revenez pour lire plus de la vérité que je possède 
La course vers la Lune et Mars a un côté très sombre que les scientifiques des ÉtatsUnis et de tous les pays ne vous diront jamais !  
Ils savent tous que la Terre Mère est en grande difficulté et que les humains vivent déjà à court de temps et qu’il n’y a pas de retour aux changements climatiques de plus en plus destructeurs !
C’est peut-être le dernier clou dans le cercueil d’un hiver sans pareil
La course est donc lancée pour préparer et sortir d’une planète déjà mourante, quel que soit le prix élevé qui nous est imposé à tous !
Ainsi, la matrice scientifique trompeuse infectée par des reptiles doit vous faire croire à la possibilité d’un voyage dans l’espace et d’une fuite vers Mars ou la Lune pour sauver la race humaine. Mais, à moins d’être un scientifique, ne vous attendez pas dans un million d’années à être invité et à éviter de cuire sur terre parce que vous n’avez aucune utilité à la science. 
Ils savent aussi que Mars est beaucoup trop loin (9208,23 millions de miles de la Terre) et ils supposent que le voyage prendrait environ sept mois !
Reste la question, si la NASA ne peut pas faire atterrir un avion lunaire avec succès sur la Lune qui n’est qu’à 238 900 milles de la terre, imaginez toutes les lourdes charges nécessaires pour survivre sur Mars. Je ne peux que me demander quand cette énorme quantité de stupidité et de gaspillage de fortunes cessera 
J’étais bien en avance sur la NASA et intuitivement, pleinement conscient de ce que la cupidité, la richesse et le pouvoir des entreprises pouvaient faire en 2014 quand j’ai fait cette prédiction dramatique dans une émission de télévision avec George Noory  « Il Ne Nous Reste Que Cinquante Ans. » 
Pour les scientifiques de la NASA, la lune est une meilleure option pour coloniser que Mars parce qu’elle est à côté de la Terre, a une géologie similaire à notre planète et peut contenir de l’eau. La Lune rend la Terre plus vivable en atténuant les oscillations de notre planète sur son axe, ce qui conduit à un climat relativement stable.
Il provoque également des marées, créant un rythme cosmique répétitif qui a guidé les humains spirituellement pendant des milliers d’années à travers l’utilisation de l’Astrologie ! C’est un fait bien connu que toutes les civilisations disparues ont utilisé la vieille science de tant de manières constructives.
Mais n’approchez pas et n’essayez pas de discuter de quoi que ce soit de spirituel avec des êtres humains inconscients, cosmiques et non évolués. Ces « Jeunes Âmes » sont karmiquement interdites par Dieu lui-même d’entrer dans le royaume archétype de la conscience supra-cosmique.
Mais nous avons besoin de ce type d’êtres humains sceptiques, agnostiques et athées pour construire des ponts solides, des boîtes de vitesses fiables et gérer les mathématiques et la technologie, pas l’esprit ! Seuls les plus doués sont admis !
Notez aussi que Dieu n’a pas créé la Lune ou Mars pour amuser les scientifiques nés avec une UCI * Identité Céleste Unique Rationnelle »  ou des idiots mieux éduqués comme Neil De Grasse qui ne peuvent percevoir la vie qu’à travers leurs cinq sens humains rationnels limités et ridiculisent à la fois la vieille science de l’Astrologie Divine et la réalité des OVNI !   
Ce n’est pas parce que quelqu’un a une place d’autorité dans la communauté scientifique qu’il parle ou qu’il connaît la vérité !
En règle générale, ce sont ces gens qui connaissent le moins les sujets dont ils discutent et qui ne savent rien ! Ni Dieu n’a créé la Lune pour Elon Musk ni pour les riches investisseurs pour gagner plus d’argent sur son dos !
La Lune régule la réponse émotionnelle à la vie et représente la domesticité (ou non) dans une courbe mâle ou femelle. C’est pourquoi certains des meilleurs chefs sont des hommes tandis que le Soleil ou une lune masculine dans un signe enflammé (Leo/Bélier/Sagittaire) conduira ses propriétaires à la compétition et à la scène de la célébrité (i.e.) Taylor Swift et Travis Kelce.
Taylor Swift est née avec la lune dans le Scorpion (mort/renaissance/drame) et sa réaction émotionnelle intense à la vie et aux scènes domestiques  est, (comme Elizabeth Taylor) de détruire les relations par des émotions extrêmes et incontrôlées, la jalousie, le sarcasme et le drame pur. « Taylor Swift et Travis Kelce ont condamné la relation karmique ! »
C’est pourquoi, si vous avez l’intention d’épouser quelqu’un ou de vous lancer dans une relation d’affaires, il est important de faire un tableau comparatif  et trouvez tout sur les péchés et les vertus de cette personne !
Sa Vénus (amour/richesse) Mars (compétition/conduite) Mercure (communication/pensée critique) Saturne (peur/karma) Pluton (pouvoir/sexe) Neptune (religion/addictions) Uranus (ingéniosité/liberté) Soleil (but/vie de l’âme) et le dragon natal et caché (résidu/défis de vies passées) deviendront une contribution majeure à votre succès ou vos échecs avec cette personne.
 Ce proverbe français en dit long et vaut la peine d’être traduit » Un foyer ou une femme  averti en vaux deux »
«Si nous abusons de l’astrologie uniquement à des fins de divertissement, peu importe l’utilité et l’inspiration de l’art ancien et de la science  sans communiquer ses méthodes critiques, comment la personne moyenne peut-elle distinguer l’astrologie de la pseudoscience ? » Dr Turi
Rebecca Grossman est reconnue coupable du meurtre de deux frères, 8 et 11  les renversant après avoir bu des margaritas au déjeuner avec son amant –
  Elle est née Gémeaux (deux/deux enfants morts) comme Trump (2 destitutions) avec sa lune (émotions) dans Poissons (drogues/alcool/addiction/prison) et Neptune (tromperie/produits chimiques)/religions dans sa 6ème maison de santé et de travail et la queue négative du dragon dans Capricorne (position publique/carrière) dans sa 8ème maison de mort !  
Une vie gâchée parce que personne n’était  pour expliquer son UCI natal et sa personnalité addictive ! Elle a succombé à « l’effet reptilius ! ». Dépressions, suicide et mort prématurée…
Feedback from Tim ; @timday2161  « Vous venez de regarder votre dévoilement des mystères de l’astrologie divine sur votre page d’accueil web. Vous êtes la personne la plus fascinante que j’aie jamais entendue parler. Bien que je n’aie pas encore réalisé mon don, j’ai toujours erré comment les signes d’étoiles sont apparus et comment ils comptent pour l’individu. Vous êtes un sur un milliard Dr Turi et vous devriez devenir l’homme le plus vieux et le plus sage qui ait jamais vécu dans l’histoire enregistrée. Amour, Tim, Capricorne. »
« Dieu a créé les étoiles et les cieux pour plus que pour la beauté, il nous les a donnés pour interprétation afin que nous puissions vivre une vie plus sûre et plus productive ! » Paracelsus 


As always if you have any questions, simply email and she will take good care of you. 




AT&T disrupted service nationwide – Its not Russia!



“The universe is under no obligation to make any SPIRITUAL sense to anyone” Dr. Turi

“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth using his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but Supreme wisdom.” Paracelsus

“The universe is a BRIGHT LIVING spiritual entity… I’m offering its secrets before I die. The purpose of all my struggles was to build cosmic wisdom and offer universal guidance and strengths to others” ~ Dr. Turi

February 2024, SOS to the world deadly windows Posted on January 30, 2024 at 9:40am



February 1, 2, 3, 4, 5  and 21, 22, 23, 24

Entrails Upset Spit Above
Red Fire Wind Water to Dance
Stars Command Shock Science
Calm Deception to Strike

Japan / Asia / China / France / Italy / Gold / Cosmic – Space News / NASA / Nukes / Nuclear /  Freak / Bizarre / Unusual weird behavior / Space / Rocket / Missile / Explosions / Surprises / Unexpected /  Shocking news / Shocking videos / Stunning / Baffling / unprecedented / Suddenly / Incredible / Strange deadly Behavior / Awakening / Bombshell / Mind Boggling / Crazy / Jaw Dropping / Lightning / Electricity / Fire / Unusual / Unexpected / suddenly / Humanitarianism / Children / Teens / Unrest / Fascinating / Genius / Discovery / Very old – Very new / Discovery / Invention / Science / AI / UFO’s / Earthquakes (always at or above 6.0 / Tsunami / Typhoon / Hurricane / Volcanoes / Tornadoes / Airports / Airline / Aeronautics / jets / Planes / Balloons / Helicopters / Drone / Technology / Hacking / Cyber-attack / Internet / Electricity / Electronics / Television / Cosmic Phenomenon 

YOU MUST COMEBACK OFTEN TO READ MORE ABOUT upcoming shocking news and videos!

My windows always depict SERIOUS natural disasters volcanoes and earthquakes at or above 6.0

February 22/24 – 6.3 in Southern East Pacific Rise

February 21/24 Mexico’s Popocatépetl volcano ‘El Popo’ spews plume of gas and ash

The center said there is an increased risk of falling rocks, and an uptick in earthquakes has been reported around the mountain. Yet again my exact timing proves my UFO’s predictive legacy is more reliable than all geologists combined! Note the window was posted January 30, 2024 on the Cosmic code private website – Be smart, be safe be warned from the ONLY trustworthy source  JOIN! 

Are you ready for shocking unusual news and the current SOS window?
Thousands evacuated in English city before unexploded WWII bomb moved

Inside talk show queen’s shocking dementia diagnosis at 59

Gigantic new snake species discovered in Amazon rainforest

Cosmic – Space News / NASA

The Apollo Lunar Module known as the Eagle descends onto the surface of the moon during the Apollo 11 mission, 20th July 1969. This is a composite image comprised of two separate shots. (Photo by Space Frontiers/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
And NASA wants you to believe one day man will reach and live on Mars?  NASA is looking for people to live in its Mars simulator, the infected, deceptive scientific matrix needs your support, and your money (taxes) to survive, much like the religious matrix needs churches (banks) everywhere to get your donations. 
But those well-organized corporations and also very wealthy, they OWN and CONTROL all forms of information and the media and are spending billions ($350000 per a 30-second advertisement) on all TV channels every single day of the year. Do not be fooled, man wil never go pass the moon’s orbit and no man will ever set foot on Mars, AI does and in time will go much further!  Meantime expect surprises and unforeseen troubles with the launch or moon landing!
Don’t you think a fraction of this money should go to promote God’s cosmic design (Astrology) and the truth I own? 


@timday2161 – Just watched your unlocking the mysteries of divine astrology on your web home page. You are the most fascinating person I have ever heard talk. Although I have not realised my gift as yet, I’ve always wandered how the star signs came about and how they matter to the individual. You are one in a billion Dr Turi and should become the oldest, wisest man that ever lived in recorded history. Love, Tim, Capricorn.”

Dear reader,

IIMPORTANT NOTE: During the New Beginning/Ending window, I decided to translate my work into French.  You may be born audible, not visual, this means you may experience difficulties following me! Thus, if you do not want to hear the English French translation, simply get straight to read the full newsletter! If you speak French or English and you like or dislike this new idea, please let me know in the comments. Click HERE 
Once again is you readSOS to the world deadly window February 17, 18 19, 20 – You (MY VIPs) Have been warned! my quatrain and the keywords used do speak of my undeniable UFOs predictive legacy!
Yet not all humans are ready or can or are willing to learn all about Jesus’ true cosmic Ministry teaching the apostles Divine Astrology, the reality of UFOs and God’s cosmic design speaking his will through the stars…

The New Beginnings Ending window is now over and a SHOCKING NEWS window (21, 22, 23, 24) is now operational. But in order to understand and make a good use of Nostradamus’ 16th century methodology (Divine Astrology) let check the facts!


In unprecedented decision, Alabama’s Supreme Court ruled frozen embryos are children – New beginning
Nearly 153,000 people enrolled in student loan program will get an email their debt is canceled Ending
Trump reveals names on VP shortlist New beginning
Major investor will ‘immediately discontinue’ working in NYC over Trump verdict Ending
New wrinkle unveiled in saga of FBI informant accused of lying about Biden’s Ukraine ties Ending
Beyoncé just launched her highly-anticipated hair care brand New beginning
Ruby Franke Has Been Sentenced To Up To 60 Years In Prison For Felony Child Abuse New life in jail
Body of 11-year-old girl who disappeared on her way to school has been found End of life

A 5,000-pound satellite is expected to fall to Earth today End
Japan’s newest species is a tiny, panda-like sea creature New Life
After more than 140 years, the world’s oldest unchanged brand is changing its logo Ending
Apple launches its first sports app New beginning
US to impose new sanctions against Russia New beginning
Spanish police search for missing American woman End of life
Putin sends Kim Jong Un a new car New beginning

Notorious drug lord’s prison escape throws Ecuador into chaos New beginning
This new Starbucks drink in China is served with a side of pork New beginning
Supreme Court won’t review sanctions against pro-Trump lawyers 2020 election suits ending

AT&T acknowledged a widespread network outage across the United States Thursday morning, leaving customers unable to place calls, text or access the internet.

No its not Russia and its not a solar flare! Since 99.9% of people using ATT, including the management of this corpporation are not cosmic conscious imagination and conspiracies can only go wild!  The true reasons and the chart below is fully explained in both French and English the video above!

AT&T customers report massive outage, disrupting service nationwide



“Show me a reader, I will point out a winner! Dr. Turi

Neil deGrasse Tyson Warns Science Need Your Money To Survive!
Neil deGrasse Tyson: Don’t assume anything about UFOs
Do aliens exist? Hear Neil deGrasse Tyson and Dr. Turi’s response
Neil deGrasse Tyson “Cosmos” Versus Dr. Turi Cosmic Code Reality Show
Neil DeGrasse Astronomy VS Dr. Turi’s Astrology
Neil deGrasse and Dr. Turi “The Soul of Cosmos”
Neil deGrasse, Sir Isaac Newton, Carl Sagan and Astrology
Neil deGrasse Tyson’s evil atheist conspiracy to destroy humanity
Neil DisGrace Tyson, The moon is a planet!
Neil DeGrasse Astronomy VS Dr. Turi’s Astrology – YouTube

Feedback from Tim; @timday2161 – Just watched your unlocking the mysteries of divine astrology on your web home page. You are the most fascinating person I have ever heard talk. Although I have not realised my gift as yet, I’ve always wandered how the star signs came about and how they matter to the individual. You are one in a billion Dr Turi and should become the oldest, wisest man that ever lived in recorded history. Love, Tim, Capricorn.”

“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life!” Paracelsus 


Free your spirit with a live Zoom consultation with Dr. Turi. Read all the details!

Nostradamus’ Divine Astrology Course Now Available To The Public 
Nostradamus Astro- Tarot Tables Now Available To The Public
Watch Dr. Turi Doing a Reading And the Tarot


“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life!” Paracelsus 

As always if you have any questions, simply email and she will take good care of you. 



SOS to the world deadly window February 19, 20, 21, 22 – You Have been warned!



“The universe is under no obligation to make any SPIRITUAL sense to anyone” Dr. Turi

“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth using his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but Supreme wisdom.” Paracelsus

“The universe is a BRIGHT LIVING spiritual entity… I’m offering its secrets before I die. The purpose of all my struggles was to build cosmic wisdom and offer universal guidance and strengths to others” ~ Dr. Turi


“The universe is under no obligation to make any SPIRITUAL sense to anyone” Dr. Turi

“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth using his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but Supreme wisdom.” Paracelsus

“The universe is a BRIGHT LIVING spiritual entity… I’m offering its secrets before I die. The purpose of all my struggles was to build cosmic wisdom and offer universal guidance and strengths to others” ~ Dr. Turi


February 2024, SOS to the world deadly windows Posted January 30, 2024 



February 6, 7, 819, 20, 21, 22

Nature Men to Strike Hard
New Horizons Following Tragedy
Much to Fall Nothing Made to Last
Tears Pain Death Prayers A New Life for Many


America / New Beginning / Ending of important phases of life / War / Real Estate / Families Tragedies / Cancelation / End of life / Forced Relocation / Forced Actions / Man Destructive Actions /  Deadly Weather / Natural Disaster / Deadly Emotions / A new Planned and/or Unplanned life For Many 

Memo: Expect the beginning or ending of important parts of life and forced relocation due to natural disasters. This window will affect all human affairs, would it be personal or political… So be cautious and listen to all the people around you, watch the news, and others’ personal lives forced into noticeable change!  


Nature Men to Strike Hard

Molten lava erupts from Sakurajima, Kagoshima, Japan

Update 2/20/24 – Japan Volcano Eruption Sends Ash 3 Miles High forcing thousands to relocate!

In terms of predictions I do better than all geologists and our infantile scientific community combined! Do not forget those warnings were published January 30th, 2024!

New Beginnings Ending?

In unprecedented decision, Alabama’s Supreme Court ruled frozen embryos are children
Nearly 153,000 people enrolled in student loan program will get an email today that their debt is canceled
Trump reveals names on VP shortlist
Major investor will ‘immediately discontinue’ working in NYC over Trump verdict
New wrinkle unveiled in saga of FBI informant accused of lying about Biden’s Ukraine ties
Beyoncé just launched her highly-anticipated hair care brand
YouTuber Ruby Franke Has Been Sentenced To Up To 60 Years In Prison For Felony Child Abuse
Body of 11-year-old girl who disappeared on her way to school has been found

A 5,000-pound satellite is expected to fall to Earth today
Japan’s newest species is a tiny, panda-like sea creature
After more than 140 years, the world’s oldest unchanged brand is changing its logo
Apple launches its first sports app
US to impose new sanctions against Russia
Spanish police search for missing American woman
Putin sends Kim Jong Un a new car

Notorious drug lord’s prison escape throws Ecuador into chaos
This new Starbucks drink in China is served with a side of pork
Supreme Court won’t review sanctions against pro-Trump lawyers who filed frivolous 2020 election suits


Memo from George Noory Dr. Turi on nukes predictions “how long do we have on Earth?”  The next window February 19, 20, 21, and 22 is now operational, thus over the next three to four days, significant beginnings or endings in life will occur.

 I think it’s best to stay updated with the latest political news, Update – “High-profile Republicans head for the exits amid House GOP dysfunction” and pay attention to your friends and loved ones’ words. I am also expecting natural and man-made disasters and large earthquakes that could induce a tsunami forcing thousands to relocate. I may then write another newsletter to confirm my visions. 

New Beginnings

Walmart is buying Vizio for $2.3 billion
Elon Musk has ‘game plan’ to send one million people to Mars – starting in 2029

God did not create Mars or the Moon for Elon Musk or NASA to benefit from financially! But both MUST indoctrinate you by controlling all sources of media information! Why do you think Elon Musk bought Twitter/X?

Never forget people the religious and scientific deceptive and abusive matrixes i.e. Neil De Grasse never had your best at heart but seek your support and your  wallet!  Man will never fly bypass the moon’s orbit but for reptilius infected powerful men, keeping the lie is a TRUMP and MUSK’s WEALTH to survive and grow!

Your kids will never ever live on Mars!

Navalny’s widow accuses Putin of killing him and vows to continue his work

Mark Zuckerberg says tech sector layoffs aren’t due to AI

Dear reader,

To the eyes of the world, Putin seems to have made significant progress claiming “full control of Avdiivka after Ukrainian retreat” which emboldened the Russian dictator to assassinate Alexei Navalny! 

Yet, like 99,9% of a religious or atheist rational world’s population, dictators are not cosmic conscious.  Like Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce, Putin is under one of his 2024 positive cosmic biorhythms and foolishly felt emboldened by the reptilius!  But their luck and protection will fall short and change dramatically in August and September 2024/2025!

Furthermore, since I have been fired from Coast To Coast AM for my undeniable accuracy, induced by my UFO’s predictive legacy, do not expect such precise dated predictions from any of the guests invited on this popular radio show!
We are currently in a “beginning and ending window” and I was directly touched twice today! First, I received very important documentation that must be submitted to the Coast Guard to operate a vessel of 100 tons and secondly, today, the work in my house came to an end! But I am persuaded there will be more and I will let you know once this happens! 



If you are local and need some real pros, Ramon and Matthiew are the really gifted men you need (Call RCAD 480 825 9580 ) and like me you will be extremely happy once the job is done.  Check more videos on my Facebook page and join.

Feedback from Tim;

“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life!” Paracelsus 


Free your spirit with a live Zoom consultation with Dr. Turi. Read all the details!

Nostradamus’ Divine Astrology Course Now Available To The Public 
Nostradamus Astro- Tarot Tables Now Available To The Public
Watch Dr. Turi Doing a Reading And the Tarot


“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life!” Paracelsus 

As always if you have any questions, simply email and she will take good care of you. 






George Noory Dr. Turi on nukes predictions “how long do we have on Earth?”



“The universe is under no obligation to make any SPIRITUAL sense to anyone” Dr. Turi

“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth using his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but Supreme wisdom.” Paracelsus

“The universe is a BRIGHT LIVING spiritual entity… I’m offering its secrets before I die. The purpose of all my struggles was to build cosmic wisdom and offer universal guidance and strengths to others” ~ Dr. Turi

I penetrated and taught all about the core of the Cosmic Code. God’s cosmic design is not for the fools to translate!

Last night I watched UnXplained and some scientists were discussing the connection between the mind and the Universal mind! Incidentally, I started talking about this fact back in 1995 in the Art Bell show them dozens of times on Coast-to-Coast AM with George Noory.

I gave the full proof to William Shatner of the true power of the human mind’s connection with the Universal mind with UNDENIABLE predictions! Be my guest and check the facts!  

 It seems once again I was well ahead of all “Ancient Aliens’ guests.” Yet be sure the producers will never invite me to talk about cosmic consciousness in detail on their show because I would also give accurate predictions of large Earthquakes etc.

This means I also would “steal” the show and take all the attention. The management does fear me since my predictions would also confirm my UFO’s predictive legacy and take away from all the other guests! Let’s put the green where the mouth is!

 The next window February 19, 20, 21, and 22 is now operational, thus over the next three days, significant beginnings or endings in life will occur.

 I think it’s best to stay updated with the latest political news Update – “High-profile Republicans head for the exits amid House GOP dysfunction” and pay attention to your friends and loved ones’ words. I am also expecting natural and man-made disasters and large earthquakes that could induce a tsunami forcing thousands to relocate. I may then write another newsletter to confirm my visions. 

You Have Been Warned now share my work and help me save precious lives and bring good karma into your life.

I am also considering offering my pearls of cosmic wisdom only to those who ask since the majority of envious and skeptical readers do not share my newsletters or videos… Be smart, be curious and be safe join the Cosmic Code 

Remember God’s cosmic design and all his celestial secrets do not belong to fools and educated idiots who erroneously assume Divine Astrology is a pseudo-science and UFOs are the product of my imagination…



If you checked my last two SOS deadly windows for February 1, 2, 3, 4, 5  and 14, 15, 16, 17, I am not sure how difficult it would be for a normal person not to connect the dots and all of those dramatic news with the chosen quatrains and obvious keywords. 

Dramatic death news?Famous death? Russia news?



Navalny the outspoken Kremlin critic’s death was reported by Russia’s prison service.

He was a man of integrity, of true courage, real honesty totally dedicated to Make Russia Great Again, it all happened as anticipated during my SOS to the world deadly window of February 14/15/16/17



It all happened as anticipated during my SOS to the world deadly window of February 14/15/16/17
Memo: How many of you recall this video and my warnings about Trump’s karma made on my YouTube channel so many times, also published on June 2nd, 2021? 


2021/2022/2023/2024 Nostradamus Dragon Predictions“No one, directly or indirectly involved with the US Capitol invasion will escape the 2022 Scorpius karma! This includes President Trump himself, his family, his supporting mignons, i.e. Stewart RhodesTucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Alex Jones, Joe Rogan, Lindsey Graham/ Taylor Greene/ Coast to Coast am guests and hosts and many other members of the former president’s reptilius infected aggressive base.”

Dr. Turi


Travis Kelce shouts at head coach Andy Reid on the sideline during Super Bowl LVIII.
Relationship coach weighs in on Travis Kelce’s sideline outburst, should it worry Swift

It seriously should worry her since Astro psychology is much more accurate in depicting various characters than traditional psychology and psychiatry combined! Please wait for my vision to unfold (August/September 2024/2025!)  Become a Student email


Hippocrates II was a Greek physician of the Age of Pericles and is considered the most outstanding figure in the history of medicine.

“Dr. Turi, I have learned more about what it means to be human in your week-long crash course in Sedona than the 7 years I spent in an accredited college.” Dr. in Psychiatry student feedback. 

Russia news?

US launches missile-defense satellites into orbit as concerns about Russia in space grow

Yet, as incredible as it may sound, simple mental gymnastics such as delegating my SOS deadly windows and associate the news with the keywords offered is an impossible task to perform by people born with a very low IQ, obviously unable to deal with my intuitive cosmic work! 

Back in 2014 in a TV show I did with George Noory, we had a long discussion about the end of the world, and George asked me this question, “Louis how long do we have on planet Earth?” I thought of the gravity of such a prediction for a second, but the truth has been and will always be my first choice and time my utmost faithful witness…

“I replied we have only 50 years left on earth…”

While my vision is gloomy and on its way with obvious climate changes and the future use of nukes on Earth and space, there is something else I did not divulge! Then, he and his audience were not ready for such advanced cosmic revelations. Click on any of the two links below to watch the preview located on the top far right of Gaia page!

Read the endorsements!

 ” For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary; For those who do not, none will ever suffice…” Dr. Turi

My quote above means if you follow my cosmic work, my vision, and predictions always come to pass, and, understandably, this could be quite scary for many people.

In fact I was fired by Tom Danheiser (George producer) from Coast To Coast popular program because I predicted an upcoming religious war in the US ““New film dives into threats of Christian nationalism to democracy” and that President Trump would not be reelected for a second term (2017-2021) and Covid would kill millions of people all over the world.

Trump’s perceived uneven response to the COVID-19 pandemic was part of his failure to be reelected, meaning a little French Astrologer knew better than him and all Tom’s  guests invited to make predictions after firing me from on Coast to Coast am! 

Sad enough I made the same exact prediction on my UFO’s movies on Amazon Prime and the religious Christian MAGA managed to remove my movie from this huge popular platform

Skeptics, atheists, and “educated Idiots” can only ridicule my work while indoctrinated, religious people expect either the return of the Savior Jesus or the wrath of God as promised in the bible.

While nothing biblical will ever take place as predicted in the books, religious fear and expectations has and will always work to attract and maintain a large following audience.  

Yet the devil of ignorance also attract reptilius infected lost souls who have lost hopes and are looking for any way out/suicide! “Houston Megachurch Shooter Had an AR-15 and Brought Her 7-Year-Old Son.”

With the upcoming Pisces dragon (religions/water/oil/poison/viruses/marine life/Middle East/suicide) expect much more troubles all around the world!

Over the years thousands of people have witnessed my predictions unfold and you will too! Yet while it seems there is no hopes left for humanity and nature be sure my predictions always unfold, thus,  what’s the point of reading more depressing news from me you may ask!

In August 2024 I will generate the new 2025 Nostradamus Dragon (Universal and Personal) Forecast For all Signs” which will be available only on the Cosmic Code private website. 

Get my “2023/2024/2025 Nostradamus personal and universal predictions for all signs for FREE once you become a VIP to the private Cosmic Code website, (minimum 3 months subscription – JOIN NOW!) 

But do not despair, there are ways out of this promised horrific “Dance of Evil’ and it is only if you ask that you shall receive! Losing hope is the last thing to do in my world because you are much more than bones, nerves, and flesh, you are a Divine spirit and an intrinsic part of God’s cosmic design.

This critical information is much too far-fetched for the general public consumption to be discussed or even accepted by a religious or atheist public.
Only the curious and wise “Super Humans” will have access to what the benevolent ETs Draconis needs from you to escape this upcoming nightmare. And if you think the wise message in the above picture is unpractical, eccentric, and hard to swallow, wait until I divulge the rest of the story!
Indeed the horrific sentence, “we have only 50 years left on earthmay not apply to you and as of today, its me to know and you to find out!

“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life!” Paracelsus 

Free your spirit with a live Zoom consultation with Dr. Turi. Read all the details!

Nostradamus’ Divine Astrology Course Now Available To The Public 
Nostradamus Astro- Tarot Tables Now Available To The Public
Watch Dr. Turi Doing a Reading And the Tarot


“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life!” Paracelsus 

As always if you have any questions, simply email and she will take good care of you. 






Dr. Turi detail all about Brian Laundrie before son told parents Gabby Petito was ‘gone’



George Noory on nukes predictions  “Louis how long do we have on Earth?”

Join today


“The universe is under no obligation to make any SPIRITUAL sense to anyone” Dr. Turi

“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth using his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but Supreme wisdom.” Paracelsus

“The universe is a BRIGHT LIVING spiritual entity… I’m offering its secrets before I die. The purpose of all my struggles was to build cosmic wisdom and offer universal guidance and strengths to others” ~Dr. Turi

Divine Astrology at work!  Libra is also well known for its natural aggressiveness and addictive personality.

Update:  – Travis Kelce shouts at head coach Andy Reid on the sideline during Super Bowl LVIII. 
Relationship coach weighs in on Travis Kelce’s sideline outburst, should it worry Swift

It seriously should since Astro psychology is much more accurate in depicting various characters than traditional psychology and psychiatry combined! Please wait for my vision to unfold (August/September 2024/2025!)

2/8/2024 – SOS TO THE WORLD DEADLY WINDOW FEB 14, 15, 16, 17  you have been warned!

February 2024, SOS to the world deadly windows Posted January 30, 2024 at 9:40am



February 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 14, 15, 16, 17

Hidden secrets, sex, money come to light
Raw power challenges police deadly villains
Ugly face of death drama horror surface 
Nature man’s religion bloody folly reign 


Russia / Famous Death / Dramatic Death News / Mass death / Police news / Police brutality / FBI / CIA / Secret services / Secrets to light / Mob / Scandals / Terrorism / Assassination / Cyber-attacks / Abduction / Finances / *IRS / Super wealth / Sex / Porn / Prostitution / Life and death / Serial Killers / Undiluted truth /Dying/Rebirthing / Nature and Man-Made Wake up Call.  

If you checked my last two SOS deadly windows for February 1, 2, 3, 4, 5  and 14, 15, 16, 17, I am not sure how difficult it would be for a normal person not to connect the dots and all of those dramatic news with the chosen quatrains and obvious keywords. 



My windows always induce earthquakes at or above 6.0

2/14/24: 6.0 magnitude earthquake near Colonia, Yap, Micronesia
2/14/24: 6.0 magnitude earthquake near Vallenar, Atacama, Chile


If you checked my last two SOS deadly windows for February 1, 2, 3, 4, 5  and 14, 15, 16, 17, I am not sure how difficult it would be for a normal person not to connect the dots and all of those dramatic news with the chosen quatrains and obvious keywords. 

Famous death? Russia news?

Navalny the outspoken Kremlin critic’s death was reported by Russia’s prison service.

He was a man of integrity, of true courage, real honesty totally dedicated to Make Russia Great Again, it all happened as anticipated during my SOS to the world deadly window of February 14/15/16/17



It all happened as anticipated during my SOS to the world deadly window of February 14/15/16/17
Memo: How many of you recall this video and my warnings about Trump’s karma made on my YouTube channel so many times, also published on June 2nd, 2021? 


2021/2022/2023/2024 Nostradamus Dragon Predictions“No one, directly or indirectly involved with the US Capitol invasion will escape the 2022 Scorpius karma! This includes President Trump himself, his family, his supporting mignons, i.e. Stewart RhodesTucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Alex Jones, Joe Rogan, Lindsey Graham/ Taylor Greene/ Coast to Coast am guests and hosts and many other members of the former president’s reptilius infected aggressive base.”

Dr. Turi



Fans, players ejected after huge fight erupts at women's college basketball game


Navalny. the outspoken Kremlin critic’s death was reported by Russia’s prison service.

US launches missile-defense satellites into orbit as concerns about Russia in space grow


My SOS to the world deadly windows are real and so are my predictions! Pay attention or pay the price!

“Avoid large gatherings

Up to 10 People Shot Near Kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl Parade
Kansas City Regional Public Safety (


US Marshals director calls increase in threats to judges 

It seems I was well ahead of the US Marshal, the FBI and the police!

Undeniable UFOs predictive legacy

Dr. Turi
I  remember you saying this two years ago  after the Supreme Court abortion ruling .
As  always  you are ahead of  everyone else.

Scale of justice trembles
Armed villains seek blood
Red dominates rainbow
Power tears judges fight dies 

Posted to the world on September 3, 2022

There is a big difference between education and intelligence (or a gift) we are living in times where boneheads rise, intelligence falls, educated idiots reign supreme and thrive while geniuses and real get ridiculed and unrecognized. Indeed, God does not speak his cosmic language to fools! Dr. Turi

It is only if you read my “2023/2024 Nostradamus’s personal and universal dragon predictions” posted on the Cosmic Code private website that you will acknowledge the critical values of my warnings and undeniable predictions.

The question remains, since 1995 I’ve tried to reach a cosmic unconscious religious indoctrinated/atheist media, including Fox and CNN anchors who sad enough still lump me with “Mrs. Cleo” instead of investigating my cosmic work and offering me a chance on the national stage!

 Dr. Turi detail all about Brian Laundrie before son told parents Gabby Petito was ‘gone’
Sharing email:
 @DrTuriLouis  Dr Turi. I may never meet with you in person but who knows might find a way to contact. But let me tell you. You are the only one that accurately prophesized about the Brian Laundrie case sometime last year when this incident happened. Ever since I am a believer. Your gift is special. Will share this interesting news in October. for me. Thanks.

Support my mission



The facts of my UFO’s predictive legacy are undeniable, yet thanks to George and Tom at CTC am, no one is inviting me to speak at any UFO conferences anymore. 

Yet be sure NONE of the famous “talking heads” invited has had two 5th kind UFO close encounters as I did and have no solid proofs of the ET’s agendas! I proved my predictive legacy to the world since 1995! Read and share “Contact in the Desert”

Fight breaks out aboard flight as witness praises bystander's ‘conflict resolution'

Fight breaks out aboard flight 

Human are oblivious robots of the stars manipulated through “reptilius effect” hijacking their body, mind and soul. In the eternal battle between emotions and logic, strong destructive emotions will always win and you will always lose!

Police news
3 DC police officers wounded in shooting

Dramatic death news
Gang members arrested for machete attacks that left 8 dead in tourist hot spot
and at least 5 injured after vehicle crashed into emergency room
Driver is dead ,49 injured after car crashes into Austin emergency room mass casualty incident declared

Famous death/sex
Kenyan marathon world record-holder Kiptum killed in car crash 
Ex-Olympian pleads guilty to sexually assaulting boys

Wake up call
40,000 birds have been killed from flying into one building. 
Extreme earth/air/water polution mess up the natural navigational system (GPS) of the wild life.  Elect those who will support nature and the children of the future!

Do you know that Joel Osteen shares the same dragon head and tail as Trump? He can only offer lies and archaic deceptive religious teachings to millions of gullible, lost souls! With this in mind some destitute people may get upset with him and try to hurt or kill him… No one is safe in this crazy reptilius infected world, especially celebrities… There is an endless religious war in the US too, not only in the Middle East!

Dear reader,

As you all know, I always update my newsletters, thus to those of you who did not return to read “Dr. Turi’s Year of the Dragon predictions: What’s in store for you and the world?” you may miss credible predictions!

We also need more your prayers to save one of my best friend’s daughter Autumn, a beautiful, innocent 4 -year-old, from cancer! 

Once again DO NOT KILL THE MESSENGER if you like or dislike Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce, including Trump, Biden, Bush, Clinton, Obama, or whomever famous figures I write about! 

My cosmic work is designed to benefit only smart and curious people able and willing to make good use of it! My work is designed to challenge you to the extreme and think out of the box! There is nothing to fear but gain if you keep an open mind and face your fears with courage and faith!

The sad reality is, the vast majority of highly spiritual people are a minority but if you did or will subscribe to my YouTube channel! Join and show the world you are well above the norm!

Before dealing with Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce doomed karmic relationship, lets talk about President  Biden and former President Trump!

Why Biden blanked on son Beau’s death in interview

Like my son Remy, (RIP) who left us back in November 2023, Biden’s son Beau died of a brain tumor in 2015, and his death was a major reason Biden cited for choosing not to run for president the following year. 

While undereducated on the power of the mind, idiots blamed him for this tragic memory loss, it is only natural for the subconscious to black out painful memories. It is an inner “protective reflex ” for the memory to shut down or forget such tragic experiences and save the victims from emotional turmoil!

Yet again the majority of reptilius-infected people will do all in their power to hurt or blame those they do not like and they are not exactly smart or related to Einstein if you know what I mean!

For example, if someone you loved hurt you in the past and drove a Jeep, each time you see a Jeep you will ASSOCIATE the emotional pain with the car! If you go to the dentist, you will never leave anything behind because of the pain experienced and your subconscious does not want you to go back! Meantime while visiting a friend (or a family member) you truly care and love; you will leave your wallet or your car keys behind.

This does not mean you are too old and you experienced memory loss, it simply means your subconscious wants you to return and enjoy your friends more!  Your subconscious will do the opposite to help you deal with or avoid tremendous emotional pain!

Again, the mass of humans living on Earth are unconscious robots victimized by the reptilius, their natal stars, and the superconscious, something they know nothing about!   To those empty heads morons blaming Biden, I say, educate yourself and watch my movie on the  power of the super-conscious instead of watching the Super Ball today!

Trump asks about whereabouts of Nikki Haley’s husband!

We all know Trump is a triple dual Gemini ruled by Mercury (called the Lord of the Thieves in Greek Mythology) and it is quite obvious that he talks much too much!  

The same questions could be asked about his wife Melania, where is she? Should he have investigated Nikki’s husband before, once again, putting his foot in his big mouth? 

Melania is a classy Taurus and so very different than her husband, so private and so much into her kids and family. But behind the scenes, the “MIA signs” speak of a dreadful, turbulent marriage that is meant to end dramatically and very badly! (one of the favorite words of Trump!)

And that is the fate of many unlucky Taurus’s partners since Scorpio (death) rules the 7th house of marriage/open enemies! 

“Motor mouthing”  is the weakest side of Gemini since those vile words “Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’ and ‘Trump says he would encourage Russia to ‘do whatever the hell they want’ to any NATO country that doesn’t pay enough” can and will be used against him!”

America cannot and should not be run like a business where ego, money, and power could cost the lives of millions of people all over the world!

The true mark of an honorable conservative politician like Ronald Reagan would never associate with dictators like  Putin and Kim Jun un and speaks of diplomacy, patience, control, intelligence, decency, and strength. Or all the honorable elements needed to be a safe President are missing in Trump’s character and his cursed stars!

A good politician should be able to control his ego, emotions, and anger, and Trump, Rudy Gullianni and Marjorie Greene (also Gemini) are far from being able to do so. I wish I could have been counseling him years ago when Trump’s wife asked me for help, but like an old tree, there is no hopes to alter Trump, Gulianni or Green’s stars positively at their age! At least there is hopes for all the children of the world if I win the lottery or if you invest in their future instead of religion!

A magnet will not attract a piece of wood, this being said, the MAGAs are a reflection of Trump’s myriad of destructive feelings led by a humongous ego! MAGAs are revengeful, unhappy, confused, depressed, scared, lied to, and suffer the “reptilius effect!”

Furthermore, when you elect a President, those who put him in power must share or suffer his fate i.e. Hitler and the German population!

 And since Gemini is a DUAL sign, it’s all about division, confusion, and extreme chaos but how many politicians are cosmic conscious or read my newsletters or joined the Cosmic Code private website?

Trump and all his supporters are where they are in their lives today because of his stars and karma and no one but himself and his MAGAs dangerous, fanatical base are to blame… 
But ultimately, we can only blame his overwhelming stars but how a commandant in Chief would react in a life-and-death situation (nukes) with our enemies with such mental shortcomings? 

Thats is the questions smart people are asking but delegating with Trump’s REPTILIUS INFECTED religious fanatic base or POISONED ISIS/Hammas is simply impossible! God Have Mercy on your oblivious children and America!

“If Astrology is used for entertainment purposes only, no matter how useful and inspiring they may be – without communicating its critical methods, how can the average person possibly distinguish Astrology from pseudoscience? ” Dr. Turi

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce doomed karmic relationship!

“For very specific positive or negative karmic reasons, the dragon ( as of July 2023) is after souls born in April and October or those born with a moon, rising, natal or hidden dragons in those signs.”

Memo: Libra is also well known for its natural aggressiveness and addictive personality.

Update: 2/11/24 – Travis Kelce shouts at head coach Andy Reid on the sideline during Super Bowl LVIII. 

As a rule, those born with a Leo (life/fame/children/love/France/Italy) dragon’s Tail must learn to control the ego or will end up BURNING the object of love.  August / September 2024 will speak the truth I own…

Souls born with a Leo dragon’s tail  could experience a short or violent/shocking/explosive death while traveling by air, road, or water as experienced by Lady Diana in Paris France, Stephen Robert Irwin (the crocodile hunter) in the ocean, and Elvis Presley (drugs/heart attack.)  My son Remy (RIP) was born in 1972 with a Leo dragon’s tail and left us much too early! 
Unless you know all about the head and tail of your natal dragon you can never expect it to work for you.

As a Sagittarius Taylor is cursed to experience at least two serious relationships. Traveling together could make the situation very risky, especially during any of my future SOS to the world Plutonic deadly windows.

Unless both gather cosmic consciousness and very carefully adhere to their positive/negative cosmic biorhythms and the universal law of the moon, surviving this double negative Leo dragon is impossible. 
If you are a fan, you may share this newsletter and fate will decide if I can guide and save them from suffering an early demise…   More in the video above!
Sharing email:
 @DrTuriLouis  Dr Turi. I may never meet with you in person but who knows might find a way to contact. But let me tell you. You are the only one that accurately prophesized about the Brian Laundrie case sometime last year when this incident happened. Ever since I am a believer. Your gift is special. Will share this interesting news in October. for me. Thanks.

“If Astrology is used for entertainment purposes only, no matter how useful and inspiring they may be – without communicating its critical methods, how can the average person possibly distinguish Astrology from pseudoscience? ” Dr. Turi

“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life!” Paracelsus 

Free your spirit with a live Zoom consultation with Dr. Turi.

Read all the details!

Nostradamus’ Divine Astrology Course Now Available To The Public 
Nostradamus Astro- Tarot Tables Now Available To The Public
Watch Dr. Turi Doing a Reading And the Tarot


“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life!” Paracelsus 

As always if you have any questions, simply email and she will take good care of you. 


Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce doomed karmic relationship!  



“The universe is under no obligation to make any SPIRITUAL sense to anyone” Dr. Turi

“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth using his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but Supreme wisdom.” Paracelsus

“The universe is a BRIGHT LIVING spiritual entity… I’m offering its secrets before I die. The purpose of all my struggles was to build cosmic wisdom and offer universal guidance and strengths to others” ~Dr. Turi

Divine Astrology at work!  Libra is also well known for its natural aggressiveness and addictive personality.

Update:  – Travis Kelce shouts at head coach Andy Reid on the sideline during Super Bowl LVIII. 
Relationship coach weighs in on Travis Kelce’s sideline outburst, should it worry Swift

It seriously should since Astro psychology is much more accurate in depicting various characters than traditional psychology and psychiatry combined! Please wait for my vision to unfold (August/September 2024/2025!)

2/8/2024 – SOS TO THE WORLD DEADLY WINDOW FEB 14, 15, 16, 17  you have been warned!

February 2024, SOS to the world deadly windows Posted January 30, 2024 at 9:40am



February 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 14, 15, 16, 17

Hidden secrets, sex, money come to light
Raw power challenges police deadly villains
Ugly face of death drama horror surface 
Nature man’s religion bloody folly reign 


Russia / Famous Death / Dramatic Death News / Mass death / Police news / Police brutality / FBI / CIA / Secret services / Secrets to light / Mob / Scandals / Terrorism / Assassination / Cyber-attacks / Abduction / Finances / *IRS / Super wealth / Sex / Porn / Prostitution / Life and death / Serial Killers / Undiluted truth /Dying/Rebirthing / Nature and Man-Made Wake up Call.  

Memo – “Avoid large gatherings especially at night during any of my 2022 deadly Plutonic windows!”   The reptilius are after the police, government officials, (Havana Syndrome) and children/teens! Policing will be so dangerous that many brave servants will quit and the number of cops getting killed or killing citizens will explode in the months to come. Infected criminals will get bolder and wilder committing crimes against the police and the public never experienced before!”



My windows always induce earthquakes at or above 6.0

2/14/24: 6.0 magnitude earthquake near Colonia, Yap, Micronesia
2/14/24: 6.0 magnitude earthquake near Vallenar, Atacama, Chile


MEMO: My words inj my video are very clear! Cops will be killed, cops will kill people! “Phoenix police kill man during shootout on Indian School Road”

Russia news?
Navalny the outspoken Kremlin critic’s death was reported by Russia’s prison service.

US launches missile-defense satellites into orbit as concerns about Russia in space grow


My SOS to the world deadly windows are real and so are my predictions! Pay attention or pay the price!

“Avoid large gatherings

Up to 10 People Shot Near Kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl Parade
Kansas City Regional Public Safety (


US Marshals director calls increase in threats to judges 

It seems I was well ahead of the US Marshal, the FBI and the police!

Undeniable UFOs predictive legacy

Dr. Turi
I  remember you saying this two years ago  after the Supreme Court abortion ruling .
As  always  you are ahead of  everyone else.

Scale of justice trembles
Armed villains seek blood
Red dominates rainbow
Power tears judges fight dies 

Posted to the world on September 3, 2022

There is a big difference between education and intelligence (or a gift) we are living in times where boneheads rise, intelligence falls, educated idiots reign supreme and thrive while geniuses and real get ridiculed and unrecognized. Indeed, God does not speak his cosmic language to fools! Dr. Turi

It is only if you read my “2023/2024 Nostradamus’s personal and universal dragon predictions” posted on the Cosmic Code private website that you will acknowledge the critical values of my warnings and undeniable predictions.

The question remains, since 1995 I’ve tried to reach a cosmic unconscious religious indoctrinated/atheist media, including Fox and CNN anchors who sad enough still lump me with “Mrs. Cleo” instead of investigating my cosmic work and offering me a chance on the national stage!

 Dr. Turi detail all about Brian Laundrie before son told  parents Gabby Petito was ‘gone’
Sharing email:
 @DrTuriLouis  Dr Turi. I may never meet with you in person but who knows might find a way to contact. But let me tell you. You are the only one that accurately prophesized about the Brian Laundrie case sometime last year when this incident happened. Ever since I am a believer. Your gift is special. Will share this interesting news in October. for me. Thanks.

Support my mission



The facts of my UFO’s predictive legacy are undeniable, yet thanks to George and Tom at CTC am, no one is inviting me to speak at any UFO conferences anymore. 

Yet be sure NONE of the famous “talking heads” invited has had two 5th kind UFO close encounters as I did and have no solid proofs of the ET’s agendas! I proved my predictive legacy to the world since 1995! Read and share “Contact in the Desert”

Fight breaks out aboard flight as witness praises bystander's ‘conflict resolution'

Fight breaks out aboard flight 

Human are oblivious robots of the stars manipulated through “reptilius effect” hijacking their body, mind and soul. In the eternal battle between emotions and logic, strong destructive emotions will always win and you will always lose!

Police news
3 DC police officers wounded in shooting

Dramatic death news

Up to 10 People Shot Near Kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl Parade
Gang members arrested for machete attacks that left 8 dead in tourist hot spot
and at least 5 injured after vehicle crashed into emergency room
Driver is dead ,49 injured after car crashes into Austin emergency room mass casualty incident declared

Famous death/sex
Kenyan marathon world record-holder Kiptum killed in car crash 
Ex-Olympian pleads guilty to sexually assaulting boys

Wake up call
40,000 birds have been killed from flying into one building. 
Extreme earth/air/water polution mess up the natural navigational system (GPS) of the wild life.  Elect those who will support nature and the children of the future!

Do you know that Joel Osteen shares the same dragon head and tail as Trump? He can only offer lies and archaic deceptive religious teachings to millions of gullible, lost souls! With this in mind some destitute people may get upset with him and try to hurt or kill him… No one is safe in this crazy reptilius infected world, especially celebrities… There is an endless religious war in the US too, not only in the Middle East!

Dear reader,

As you all know, I always update my newsletters, thus to those of you who did not return to read “Dr. Turi’s Year of the Dragon predictions: What’s in store for you and the world?” you may miss credible predictions!

We also need more your prayers to save one of my best friend’s daughter Autumn, a beautiful, innocent 4 -year-old, from cancer! 

Once again DO NOT KILL THE MESSENGER if you like or dislike Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce, including Trump, Biden, Bush, Clinton, Obama, or whomever famous figures I write about! 

My cosmic work is designed to benefit only smart and curious people able and willing to make good use of it! My work is designed to challenge you to the extreme and think out of the box! There is nothing to fear but gain if you keep an open mind and face your fears with courage and faith!

The sad reality is, the vast majority of highly spiritual people are a minority but if you did or will subscribe to my YouTube channel! Join and show the world you are well above the norm!

Before dealing with Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce doomed karmic relationship, lets talk about President  Biden and former President Trump!


Why Biden blanked on son Beau’s death in interview

Like my son Remy, (RIP) who left us back in November 2023, Biden’s son Beau died of a brain tumor in 2015, and his death was a major reason Biden cited for choosing not to run for president the following year. 

While undereducated on the power of the mind, idiots blamed him for this tragic memory loss, it is only natural for the subconscious to black out painful memories. It is an inner “protective reflex ” for the memory to shut down or forget such tragic experiences and save the victims from emotional turmoil!

Yet again the majority of reptilius-infected people will do all in their power to hurt or blame those they do not like and they are not exactly smart or related to Einstein if you know what I mean!

For example, if someone you loved hurt you in the past and drove a Jeep, each time you see a Jeep you will ASSOCIATE the emotional pain with the car! If you go to the dentist, you will never leave anything behind because of the pain experienced and your subconscious does not want you to go back! Meantime while visiting a friend (or a family member) you truly care and love; you will leave your wallet or your car keys behind.

This does not mean you are too old and you experienced memory loss, it simply means your subconscious wants you to return and enjoy your friends more!  Your subconscious will do the opposite to help you deal with or avoid tremendous emotional pain!

Again, the mass of humans living on Earth are unconscious robots victimized by the reptilius, their natal stars, and the superconscious, something they know nothing about!   To those empty heads morons blaming Biden, I say, educate yourself and watch my movie on the  power of the super-conscious instead of watching the Super Ball today!


Trump asks about whereabouts of Nikki Haley’s husband!

We all know Trump is a triple dual Gemini ruled by Mercury (called the Lord of the Thieves in Greek Mythology) and it is quite obvious that he talks much too much!  

The same questions could be asked about his wife Melania, where is she? Should he have investigated Nikki’s husband before, once again, putting his foot in his big mouth? 

Melania is a classy Taurus and so very different than her husband, so private and so much into her kids and family. But behind the scenes, the “MIA signs” speak of a dreadful, turbulent marriage that is meant to end dramatically and very badly! (one of the favorite words of Trump!)

And that is the fate of many unlucky Taurus’s partners since Scorpio (death) rules the 7th house of marriage/open enemies! 

“Motor mouthing”  is the weakest side of Gemini since those vile words “Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’ and ‘Trump says he would encourage Russia to ‘do whatever the hell they want’ to any NATO country that doesn’t pay enough” can and will be used against him!”

America cannot and should not be run like a business where ego, money, and power could cost the lives of millions of people all over the world!

The true mark of an honorable conservative politician like Ronald Reagan would never associate with dictators like  Putin and Kim Jun un and speaks of diplomacy, patience, control, intelligence, decency, and strength. Or all the honorable elements needed to be a safe President are missing in Trump’s character and his cursed stars!

A good politician should be able to control his ego, emotions, and anger, and Trump, Rudy Gullianni and Marjorie Greene (also Gemini) are far from being able to do so. I wish I could have been counseling him years ago when Trump’s wife asked me for help, but like an old tree, there is no hopes to alter Trump, Gulianni or Green’s stars positively at their age! At least there is hopes for all the children of the world if I win the lottery or if you invest in their future instead of religion!

A magnet will not attract a piece of wood, this being said, the MAGAs are a reflection of Trump’s myriad of destructive feelings led by a humongous ego! MAGAs are revengeful, unhappy, confused, depressed, scared, lied to, and suffer the “reptilius effect!”

Furthermore, when you elect a President, those who put him in power must share or suffer his fate i.e. Hitler and the German population!

 And since Gemini is a DUAL sign, it’s all about division, confusion, and extreme chaos but how many politicians are cosmic conscious or read my newsletters or joined the Cosmic Code private website?

Trump and all his supporters are where they are in their lives today because of his stars and karma and no one but himself and his MAGAs dangerous, fanatical base are to blame… 
But ultimately, we can only blame his overwhelming stars but how a commandant in Chief would react in a life-and-death situation (nukes) with our enemies with such mental shortcomings? 

Thats is the questions smart people are asking but delegating with Trump’s REPTILIUS INFECTED religious fanatic base or POISONED ISIS/Hammas is simply impossible! God Have Mercy on your oblivious children and America!

“If Astrology is used for entertainment purposes only, no matter how useful and inspiring they may be – without communicating its critical methods, how can the average person possibly distinguish Astrology from pseudoscience? ” Dr. Turi

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce doomed karmic relationship!


“For very specific positive or negative karmic reasons, the dragon ( as of July 2023) is after souls born in April and October or those born with a moon, rising, natal or hidden dragons in those signs.”

Memo: Libra is also well known for its natural aggressiveness and addictive personality.


Update: 2/11/24 – Travis Kelce shouts at head coach Andy Reid on the sideline during Super Bowl LVIII. 

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce doomed karmic relationship

As a rule, those born with a Leo (life/fame/children/love/France/Italy) dragon’s Tail must learn to control the ego or will end up BURNING the object of love.  August / September 2024 will speak the truth I own…

Souls born with a Leo dragon’s tail  could experience a short or violent/shocking/explosive death while traveling by air, road, or water as experienced by Lady Diana in Paris France, Stephen Robert Irwin (the crocodile hunter) in the ocean, and Elvis Presley (drugs/heart attack.)  My son Remy (RIP) was born in 1972 with a Leo dragon’s tail and left us much too early! 
Unless you know all about the head and tail of your natal dragon you can never expect it to work for you.

As a Sagittarius Taylor is cursed to experience at least two serious relationships. Traveling together could make the situation very risky, especially during any of my future SOS to the world Plutonic deadly windows.

Unless both gather cosmic consciousness and very carefully adhere to their positive/negative cosmic biorhythms and the universal law of the moon, surviving this double negative Leo dragon is impossible. 
If you are a fan, you may share this newsletter and fate will decide if I can guide and save them from suffering an early demise…   More in the video above!
Sharing email:
 @DrTuriLouis  Dr Turi. I may never meet with you in person but who knows might find a way to contact. But let me tell you. You are the only one that accurately prophesized about the Brian Laundrie case sometime last year when this incident happened. Ever since I am a believer. Your gift is special. Will share this interesting news in October. for me. Thanks.

“If Astrology is used for entertainment purposes only, no matter how useful and inspiring they may be – without communicating its critical methods, how can the average person possibly distinguish Astrology from pseudoscience? ” Dr. Turi

“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life!” Paracelsus 

Free your spirit with a live Zoom consultation with Dr. Turi.

Read all the details!

Nostradamus’ Divine Astrology Course Now Available To The Public 
Nostradamus Astro- Tarot Tables Now Available To The Public
Watch Dr. Turi Doing a Reading And the Tarot


“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life!” Paracelsus 

As always if you have any questions, simply email and she will take good care of you. 


SOS TO THE WORLD DEADLY WINDOW FEB 14, 15, 16, 17  you have been warned!



“The universe is under no obligation to make any SPIRITUAL sense to anyone” Dr. Turi

“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth using his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but Supreme wisdom.” Paracelsus

“The universe is a BRIGHT LIVING spiritual entity… I’m offering its secrets before I die. The purpose of all my struggles was to build cosmic wisdom and offer universal guidance and strengths to others” ~Dr. Turi

February 2024, SOS to the world deadly windows Posted January 30, 2024 at 9:40am



February 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 14, 15, 16, 17

Hidden secrets, sex, money come to light
Raw power challenges police deadly villains
Ugly face of death drama horror surface 
Nature man’s religion bloody folly reign 


Russia / Famous Death / Dramatic Death News / Mass death / Police news / Police brutality / FBI / CIA / Secret services / Secrets to light / Mob / Scandals / Terrorism / Assassination / Cyber-attacks / Abduction / Finances / *IRS / Super wealth / Sex / Porn / Prostitution / Life and death / Serial Killers / Undiluted truth /Dying/Rebirthing / Nature and Man-Made Wake up Call.  

Memo – “Avoid large gatherings especially at night during any of my 2022 deadly Plutonic windows!”   The reptilius are after the police, government officials, (Havana Syndrome) and children/teens! Policing will be so dangerous that many brave servants will quit and the number of cops getting killed or killing citizens will explode in the months to come. Infected criminals will get bolder and wilder committing crimes against the police and the public never experienced before!”



My windows always induce earthquakes at or above 6.0

2/14/24: 6.0 magnitude earthquake near Colonia, Yap, Micronesia
2/14/24: 6.0 magnitude earthquake near Vallenar, Atacama, Chile
2/13/24 – 6.1 in Volcano Islands, Japan

If you checked my last two SOS deadly windows for February 1, 2, 3, 4, 5  and 14, 15, 16, 17, I am not sure how difficult it would be for a normal person not to connect the dots and all of those dramatic news with the chosen quatrains and obvious keywords. 

Famous death? Russia news?

Navalny the outspoken Kremlin critic’s death was reported by Russia’s prison service.

He was a man of integrity, of true courage, real honesty totally dedicated to Make Russia Great Again, it all happened as anticipated during my SOS to the world deadly window of February 14/15/16/17



It all happened as anticipated during my SOS to the world deadly window of February 14/15/16/17
Memo: How many of you recall this video and my warnings about Trump’s karma made on my YouTube channel so many times, also published on June 2nd, 2021? 

2021/2022/2023/2024 Nostradamus Dragon Predictions“No one, directly or indirectly involved with the US Capitol invasion will escape the 2022 Scorpius karma! This includes President Trump himself, his family, his supporting mignons, i.e. Stewart RhodesTucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Alex Jones, Joe Rogan, Lindsey Graham/ Taylor Greene/ Coast to Coast am guests and hosts and many other members of the former president’s reptilius infected aggressive base.”

Dr. Turi


US launches missile-defense satellites into orbit as concerns about Russia in space grow


My SOS to the world deadly windows are real and so are my predictions! Pay attention or pay the price!

“Avoid large gatherings

Up to 10 People Shot Near Kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl Parade
Kansas City Regional Public Safety (


US Marshals director calls increase in threats to judges 

It seems I was well ahead of the US Marshal, the FBI and the police!

Undeniable UFOs predictive legacy

Dr. Turi
I  remember you saying this two years ago  after the Supreme Court abortion ruling .
As  always  you are ahead of  everyone else.

Scale of justice trembles
Armed villains seek blood
Red dominates rainbow
Power tears judges fight dies 

Posted to the world on September 3, 2022

There is a big difference between education and intelligence (or a gift) we are living in times where boneheads rise, intelligence falls, educated idiots reign supreme and thrive while geniuses and real get ridiculed and unrecognized. Indeed, God does not speak his cosmic language to fools! Dr. Turi




The facts of my UFO’s predictive legacy are undeniable, yet thanks to George and Tom at CTC am, no one is inviting me to speak at any UFO conferences anymore. 

Yet be sure NONE of the famous “talking heads” invited has had two 5th kind UFO close encounters as I did and have no solid proofs of the ET’s agendas! I proved my predictive legacy to the world since 1995! Read and share“Contact in the Desert”

Fight breaks out aboard flight as witness praises bystander's ‘conflict resolution'

Fight breaks out aboard flight 

Human are oblivious robots of the stars manipulated through “reptilius effect” hijacking their body, mind and soul. In the eternal battle between emotions and logic, strong destructive emotions will always win and you will always lose!

Police news
3 DC police officers wounded in shooting

Dramatic death news
Gang members arrested for machete attacks that left 8 dead in tourist hot spot
and at least 5 injured after vehicle crashed into emergency room
Driver is dead ,49 injured after car crashes into Austin emergency room mass casualty incident declared

Famous death/sex
Kenyan marathon world record-holder Kiptum killed in car crash 
Ex-Olympian pleads guilty to sexually assaulting boys

Wake up call
40,000 birds have been killed from flying into one building. 
Extreme earth/air/water polution mess up the natural navigational system (GPS) of the wild life.  Elect those who will support nature and the children of the future!

Do you know that Joel Osteen shares the same dragon head and tail as Trump? He can only offer lies and archaic deceptive religious teachings to millions of gullible, lost souls! With this in mind some destitute people may get upset with him and try to hurt or kill him… No one is safe in this crazy reptilius infected world, especially celebrities… There is an endless religious war in the US too, not only in the Middle East!
As much as all other religions curse this planet, the Chinese culture has also lost the true meaning of “Power of ther Dragon”  which translated over the centuries as a simple family food and dancing folklore!
In addition to eating auspicious food and giving/receiving blessings, Lunar New Year – which falls on February 10 this year – is also a time for many to consult the stars and find out what’s in store for the months to come.
Yet those who are the least knowledgeable and non-cosmic conscious could never offer you the real translation and predictions involving the Chinese dragon “change of guards.”
While the dragon is about the bless and curse humanity as of today (2/10/24), this war and fire dragon like in the Occident (using Divine Astrology) has been operational since last July 2023. 
Yet only those who joined the Cosmic Code private website acknowledged this fact by reading my 2023/2024 Dragon forecast!
We just came out of the Rabbit dragon, (Pisces) and the dreadful results, as far as religions and the Middle East is concerned, and its deadly impact are plain to see… So be ready for more of this dance of evil on February 14, 15, 16, 17!


German/Vikings Skin Alike
Black and White Red Blood
Fire War Violence  Passions Rule
God Nowhere To Stop Fires
Hitler’s Evil spirit reborn

Most people know the basics: The 12-year Chinese zodiac calendar cycle is represented by 12 different animals, in this order: Rat, (Sagittarius) Ox, (Capricorn) Tiger/Dr. Turi, (Aquarius) Rabbit, (Pisces) Dragon, (Aries) Snake, (Scorpio) Horse, (Gemini) Goat, (Cancer) Monkey, (Leo) Rooster, (Virgo) Dog (Libra) and Pig (Taurus.)

This is a Martian/Aries/Germany dragon full of aggression, wars, blood, suffering and death!

Yet most people do not know that Oriental and Occidental astrology are exactly the same and based upon 12 celestial energies, representing the 12 months of the years, the 12 hours of the days, the 12 sins, the 12 virtues, the 12 juries, the 12 Apostles, the 12 signs of the Zodiac and the 12 houses making up your housing system.

Meantime in their teachings, the religious elites/Illuminati authorities keep Divine Astrology cosmic wisdom for themselves and promise you death in eternity in hell if you look into Astrology or outside of the box of deception. And be certain God does not speak to fools or lost immature young souls born Neptunian who felt for the “reptilius effect” and countless of deceptive cults and religions…


Before the Edict of Milan, Christianity was forbidden by the Roman law, and the practice of Christianity could result in execution or other severe punishments. However, as the Christian religion began to gain popularity.
And with the reptilius’s mental influence cursing both in society and government, the Roman Empire allowed the religion to be practiced freely.  This was the context for Rome’s conflict with Christianity, which Romans variously regarded as a form of atheism and novel superstition, while Christians considered Roman religion to be paganism. Ultimately, Roman polytheism (or Divine Astrology) was brought to an end with the adoption of Christianity as the official religion of the empire.

The endless pit of fear, ignorance and religious wars!

Born Neptunians were perfect innocent candidates for the reptilius

In the name of wealth, power and control all politically oriented churches of the past, religious “reptilius infected/Neptunian born) founders were under the psychical control of those nefarious ETs who dictated them to write their personal views of what THEIR religions should be and implicate!

And by infinging God’s cosmic deasign the world then fell in the endless pit of ignorance, fear and indoctrination creating over 24000 different denominations and cults world wide…

Buddhism, Islam, Judaism,Catholicism, Christianity (also Protestantism), Mormonism (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints), and countless of other cults like Scientology etc.

The plan was top remove the “initial cosmic teachings of Jesus” and lead humanity away from “God’s cosmic design” and doing so bring eternal chaos, pain, suffering and death through endless religious wars i.e Israel/Hammas endless conflict.  


We are currently into a SHOCKING, EXPLOSIVE, MIND BOGGLING, UNUSUAL NEWS, NUKES, AERONAUTIC, VOLCANO window Iceland volcano erupts again, pumping lava up to 260 feet into the air until the next window SOS TO THE WORLD FEB 14, 15, 16, 17!

Scientists just set a nuclear fusion record in a step toward unleashing the limitless, clean energy source
5 Marines confirmed dead after their helicopter crashed in Southern California
Airline starts weighing passengers at the gate
This window is still operational (TRUMP news soon) comeback for more SHOCKING NEWS!
Update 2/10/24 – Trump mocks Aleys’ husband absence and says he would encourage Russia to ‘do whatever the hell they want’ to any NATO country that doesn’t pay enough!  Shocking?

February 2024, SOS to the world deadly windows Posted January 30, 2024 at 9:40am



February 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 14, 15, 16, 17

Hidden secrets, sex, money come to light
Raw power challenges police deadly villains
Ugly face of death drama horror surface 
Nature man’s religion bloody folly reign 


Russia / Famous Death / Dramatic Death News / Mass death / Police news / Police brutality / FBI / CIA / Secret services / Secrets to light / Mob / Scandals / Terrorism / Assassination / Cyber-attacks / Abduction / Finances / *IRS / Super wealth / Sex / Porn / Prostitution / Life and death / Serial Killers / Undiluted truth /Dying/Rebirthing / Nature and Man-Made Wake up Call.  

Memo – “Avoid large gatherings especially at night during any of my 2022 deadly Plutonic windows!”   The reptilius are after the police, government officials, and children/teens! Policing will be so dangerous that many brave servants will quit and the number of cops getting killed or killing citizens will explode in the months to come. Infected criminals will get bolder and wilder committing crimes against the police and the public never experienced before!”



Dear reader,
Before discussing Harvard’s class on Taylor Swift, Country singer Toby Keith death, and King Charles’ cancer diagnosis wich took place during my last “SOS Deadly WindowI also received terrible news from Emmy, one of my best friends wich was also posted on his Facebook page.
“We are deeply saddened by the diagnosis of our beautiful daughter, Autumn, with stage 4 alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma cancer. We are steadfast in our belief that God can heal her and we will do everything within our power to support her recovery. Please keep us in your prayers 🙏😢.”
Upon receiving the bad news, I was quite devastated for him and his family since, only two months ago, I lost my son Remy to cancer and the endless emotional wound will never heal!
I know exactly the horrific feeling my friends are going through and there is NOTHING more disastrous than the thought of losing a child!
One thing is sure for now, we need TONS of prayers and a miracle to save Autumn’s life, and since the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thoughts, I do believe magic does exist through the power of God!
I am a cancer survivor myself and I know how it feels to be a direct victim of this disease and lose a child because of it! But in all, those incredibly difficult experiences made me a much stronger and compassionate man!
This is where my UFO’s predictive legacy becomes a curse because my newsletter and my YouTube video prepared my readers and friends for dramatic and deadly news!
But not all my friends read my warnings, watch my videos or are ready to understand God’s cosmic design speaking his will through the stars outside of conventional religious teachings and their churches. 
Stage 4 is very advanced and I wish I had been there and tell them to check on her daughter much earlier!  I would have seen the high possibility since Autumn was born with the dragon in Cancer in her six house of health right on her stomach… 
I asked Emmy to visit him, his wife and his daughters each time we spoke over the years but he and I were too busy to make it happen!  
Did she had problem digesting food, did she eat like her sisters? So many questions I would have asked them in the discussions and as a Soul Doctor I would have told tem to check on her much earlier. And now, I can’t help to feel guilty!
The medical aspect of Divine Astrology
God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer, more productive life!
DT – You told me I had something wrong with my gut and I went and got insurance and then found out I had cancer. Thank you for saving my life. Every day I think of you and how you impeded my demise. I love you genuinely from the bottom of my heart and can’t wait to speak with you again. Thank you for your generosity and knowledge. I spread the love of you to all my friends and family. Happy Sunday my friend.
On the road to recovery. I had a very aggressive (prostate) cancer. I was diagnosed on July 26th (almost a year ago) and had to have it removed in September. They took everything out. Nerves and all – I had a 16% chance of it being “localized to just my prostate- and by God band the stars, it had not spread to any lymph nodes or bones. That’s how you saved my life. I never would have gone to the doctor if you hadn’t said anything. I’ve gone from every 6 weeks to every 3 months for checkups now. Thank you beyond words. Much love and respect.
A date of birth and a name speaks volume to a “Soul Doctor” like me because it encompass the fate and karma of the soul. And building cosmic consciousness is not for everyone, especially scared or uncurious “Young souls!” 
 Emmy, Autumn’s dad is a very spiritual man, in many of our discussions, he often asked me to teach him about the stars and only a few days ago, I proposed him to read all my books and to join the cosmic code and acknowledge his forecast.
But like all my friends, he is a very busy man, working very hard to take care of his familly. 
The questions and answers on karma are endless but the general public is not ready or willing to hear about my cosmic wisdom on this topic and neither are all my close friends.
I wrote about Autumn’s case for my VIPs on the Cosmic Code private website because my VIPs are curious able and willing to hear the undiluted truth from me.  
What are the hidden purposes, the lessons to be learned, the karma to suffer and repay, and the tremendous pain associated with being a human being living life on earth?
So many questions are often left without answers because of the fear of expanding into a new realm of consciousness and facing reality.  Humans are comfortable where they are spiritually, and sometimes dramatic news and experiences are needed to gain the wisdom needed to deal with life and get closure.
I know this to be a fact because at 74, this is what happened to me so many times… There is no hell awaiting you upon your passing because you are already in hell on earth, that is in your fears, your lack of curiosity, your lack of cosmic wisdom, and your unpreparedness.
Do not dream, realize that life is very hard, life a bitch period, yet the majority of humans would rather stay in the dark than be prepared for an inescapable fate! And all is written in light in the stars by God himself!
But how can you be prepared to deal with cancer, to fight for your life or the one of your child? How can you prepare for losing a child and still love God?  Well, I did it my way like you will have to do it your own way!

Toby was a cancer and did not know about the Universal law of the moon and this contributed for a reptilius infestation and getting cancer! This song is my life I’ll be 74 on Feb 26th and the real secret of a long life is to “amuse” oneself, challenge yourself, create, write, read, walk, swim, fish, love live an healtheir life to the fullest and be happy. Doing so the old man can’t catch up with you that easily!
 My book explains it all and can offer you many of the answers you are looking for, but I cannot force you to read it because…
“Knowledge is power, ignorance is evil!”

Let me expose her Divinity and Prince Charles cancer in the video above
King Charles’ cancer diagnosis divulged
Born November 14, 1948 9:14 PM London UK

“If Astrology is used for entertainment purposes only, no matter how useful and inspiring they may be – without communicating its critical methods, how can the average person possibly distinguish Astrology from pseudoscience? ” Dr. Turi

“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life!” Paracelsus 

Free your spirit with a live Zoom consultation with Dr. Turi.

Read all the details!

Nostradamus’ Divine Astrology Course Now Available To The Public 
Nostradamus Astro- Tarot Tables Now Available To The Public
Watch Dr. Turi Doing a Reading And the Tarot


“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life!” Paracelsus 

As always if you have any questions, simply email and she will take good care of you. 



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