Levi York Channeling Cosmic Anttarr

 Dear Readers:

Yesterday I went fishing for a few hours and to my surprise this huge duck came very close to say hello to me. I feed him with some catfish food and took a few pictures of him.  Now remember there are NO accidents, anything unusual that happens to you is a “omen” sent directly by God/your subconscious and there is always a message in it.  So what is the message here with this friendly duck?

Birds are Mercurial in nature and this planet means communication, transportation, books, magazine, photography, passing on the news and rules the sign of Gemini. Yes George Noory, Art Bell, Mike Broomhead  at KFYI in Phoenix are all  the parrots ” Messengers of the Gods” and work on the radio.  Thus this is an obvious Mercurial omen which I will now translate for my readers…. Enjoy!

On April 10th 2013, Terania and I will be on the way to Hollywood Florida looking for a new house and get a feeling for this state. While we could easily fly there we decided to take the 2200 miles long road trip and take some pictures all along. Yes you are a VIP thus you will travel and share the full trip with us. I may not be able to write as much because I will mix work and pleasure in a break well deserved.

Macho and Draco will stay behind to guard the house, the security system will be on 24/7 and my good friend Manfred will check on everything and the dogs every couples of days.

I love fishing and boating and we are ready for a new life in Florida and I can already see my self walking the boardwalk with Terania and my big dogs… I can see myself swimming with my little family enjoying my semi retired life. Life is a constant process of changes  and your natal or hidden dragon will, every 10 years or so enforce those dramatic changes. In fact February 12, 2014 the Universal Dragon will take a trip through the sign of Aries which happens to be my own dragon head, producing a  “mutual reception” of my natal Dragon meeting with the Universal Dragon  after a full 12/24 year cycle.  As a rule this is a life changing experience and knowing Terania is also an Aries, her April 10th upcoming birthday will be also memorable.  I am sure she will get tons of emails of appreciation to thanks you in the process,  even if we have to share the laptop for 2 weeks or so.

I will try to do my regular radio show from my cellphone, if we get a signal and this should be close to Dallas TX where we may spend the night. Because I won’t be able to drive and talk, Terania will do the show and its going to be a very different one, let me tell you more…

Many years ago when I was living in San Diego, my good friend Owen (also a Gemini) introduced me to a gentlemen named Levi Longfellow and told me he was a very special man! Levi is now dead and the memories of his spirit and unfinished mission are still very close to my heart.  Owen wanted me to experience a “reading” from him and I told him that unless I did his stars and check on his UCI I would not proceed because there are too many cosmic unconscious charlatans out there who can not differentiate foolish imagination with divine information.

Levi was, like Terania born with a Dragon’s Tail (past lives) in Aquarius (the weird genius) and knowing this I felt comfortable enough to let him channel a ET entity named “Antarr.”  I did not have much expectations to tell you the truth but I decided to trust Owen’s judgement and we finally met in his house in San Diego, California.

The guy was very weird, in fact he was gay and a replica of Marilyn Monroe we spoke for a while and I was wondering what the hell I was doing with him/her… Then time came for my session, Levi took a few deep breathes and in a few second snapped into a very deep trance.  I thought he was making it all up and will soon realize all this is a total waste of time, but I was on for a very serious shock!

Not only his facial expression changed but his voice got much deeper as he channeled information from a far away entity… In no way would Levi know anything about me, my mission and  my deep connection the stars and UFO. I could not believe a weirdo gay guy like him would be able to pin point all about me and my fate in less than 20 minutes. I was in shock and it took me quite a while to get my senses back to normal!  Owen was smiling and his face was saying “I told you so, now do you believe me?”

I saw Levi a few more times on a few occasions over the years and only a few months before his death he spent a night in my house in Phoenix. He left the next day with Owen and he also left me with his Levis jacket… I did not know it was the last time I saw him alive and when I wanted to return his jacket after his death Owen said to me keep it, he left it there for you…

To me Levi was a true genius, directly connected from his Aquarius Dragon’s Tail to the cosmic divine and the ET’s who used him as a channel for humanity. But like all Aquarius Tail, reaching and using correctly the famous Leo Head is a serious challenge. During his short life on earth, Levi found every possible excuses not to aim for the stage of fame and light… The fact is Levi channeling would have make the top guest of George Noory, including myself look like a child… His messages, divinity and channeled words are indeed from another plane of consciousness.

The problem is Levi’s crucial messages and mission is left unfinished and after talking with Owen I felt Terania and her wonderful soothing voice would be the perfect new channel to introduce Anttarr’ spirit to the world. Because Terania owns also an Aquarius Dragon’s Tail I feel Anttarr is also in need of “relocation” so he, through Terania and Levi’s spiritual legacy can keep offering his cosmic divinity and crucial messages to the world.

Thus Terania will spend one full hour on  Wednesday  reading “The Forbidden Gift” on the Cosmic Code radio show http://www.bbsradio.com/cosmiccode/  to introduce you all to Anttarr’s cosmic spirit. All you have to do is to listen carefully and if you like what you hear please email your feedback to  teraniapromodir@gmail.com

I feel that Terania will grow with Anttarr’ spirit in the long run and this could mean a new spiritual “channeling” direction for her. Remember there are NO accidents, only cosmic circumstances unknown to science and the world at large and these entrancing Aquariuses cosmic tunes may find a new home in Terania’s spirit. We still have decisions to make and directions to take with Owen who owns the right to Levi and Anttarr’s legacy and we only need to launch it, and it seems, after so many years of silence,  the time is now…

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi

About Dr. Turi

Dr. Turi is a proficient author and a captivating speaker, his profound Universal Wisdom astonishes everyone. He was recognized in the 2003 Marquis "Who's Who in America." Dr. Turi is the personal counselor of many celebrities, Ivana Trump, Peter Fonda, Gary Busey, Denis Haysbert, John Gray and many others. Dr. Turi is a favorite guest of George Noory on Coast-To-Coast AM radio and the BBC in London and appeared in numerous television programs worldwide.He speaks of the cosmic face and celestial tools of the creator and warn the world with undeniable well documented undeniable predictions. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4BX3TzPUt08 Clinical Hypnotherapist - Astropsychologist focused on providing individual and couples counseling services. Specializing in public speaking, teaching, metaphysics, natural healing, stress management, women’ issues and family mediation services. Interested in speaking engagements, radio, television, events and media outlets, academic work, advising corporations, the police force, colleges, universities and general public on mental health issues and spirituality outside of conventional beliefs and accepted disciplines.