Charlie Sheen attacked by neighbor in assault with a deadly weapon – What’s next for Charlie?



“The universe is under no obligation to make any SPIRITUAL sense to anyone” Dr. Turi

“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth using his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but Supreme wisdom.” Paracelsus

“The universe is a BRIGHT LIVING spiritual entity… I’m offering its secrets before I die. The purpose of all my struggles was to build cosmic wisdom and offer universal guidance and strengths to others” Dr. Turi

Watch out astronomical SOS events in 2024 outside of traditional Astronomy

Dear reader,

Did you read  “SOS to the world Dec 22/23/24 – Trump’s undeniable prediction?” Once you do you will realize the true values of my UFOs predictive legacy!

The next upcoming SOS to the world deadly window will be for December 27/28/29/30  is all about the BEGINNING AND ENDING” of important phases of life! 

December 2023 SOS to the world deadly windows Posted by Dr. Turi on December 4, 2023 at 2:08am




December 13,14,15 – 26,27,28,29

Nature Men to Strike Hard
New Horizons Following Tragedy
Much to Fall Nothing Made to Last
Tears Pain Death Prayers A New Life for Many


America / New Beginning / Ending of important phases of life / War / Real Estate / Families Tragedies / Cancelation / End of life / Forced Relocation / Forced Actions / Man Destructive Actions / Deadly Weather / Natural Disaster / Deadly Emotions / A new Planned and/or Unplanned life For Many 

Memo: Expect the beginning or ending of important parts of life and forced relocation due to natural disasters. This window will affect all human affairs, would it be personal or political… So be cautious and listen to all the people around you, watch the news, and others’ personal lives forced into noticeable change! 

Our cosmic guidance  is the perfect gift for any friends or loved one, a present that will stay with them for the entire year and may save their lives! 


My windows always predisposes for natural disasters and earthquakes at or above 6.0

 12/28/23 – 6.5 magnitude earthquake near Kuril’sk, Hokkaido, Japan


Much to Fall Nothing Made to Last

Rich and famous but like 99.9% of humanity, she is not cosmic unconscious and does not know Scorpio’s life is all about endlessly dying and rebirthing. And like all Scorpio i.e Miley Cyrus she is very hard to understand and deal with, especially if legal and/or illegal drugs are used! And they are!
Do not assume anything about Scorpio being the mos powerful sign of the Zodiac since everyone of us HAS a Scorpio in Pluto ruled houses.
This means we are all Scorpio somewhere in our chart and wherever Scorpio is, you will have to experience extreme challenges, drama, rebirth and death i.e, The Kennedy’s!
Wherever Scorpio or Pluto is located by sign or house, death and rebirth will enter your life and this is the ONLY area where you will regenerate your spirit of fall for the reptilius and suffer self destruction/suicide! Have you noticed, when one Scorpio dies one Scorpio is born!
The worse position for the moon to be for this destructive sign is in Scorpio (fall). There is a subconscious need to endlessly kill and rebirth the base of operation/familly. Doing so destroy the lives of so many people dealing with the reptilius infected Lizard i.e Helizabeth Taylor who destroyed 8 husbands! And my ex wife who divorced 5 times… 
Where is your Scorpio and Pluto location? Since knowledge is power and ignorance is evil, only smart and curious people will ask for a consultation (email for information and make the most of this position! 

American Airlines jet battles violent crosswinds during terrifying landing
‘Freak’ turbulence lands 11 airplane passengers in hospital as they returned from a Christmas cruise

May be my reader should join the cosmic code private website and find out all Mercury retrograde dates for 2024 and avoid frustrations, wasting time, money and their precious lives?  Respect God’s cosmic design or pay the price of your ignorance! Read Mercury retrograde, the good, the bad and the ugly!

BEGINNING AND ENDING of important phases of life?

Maine is second state to bar Trump from its 2024 ballot
7,000 migrants arrested in a day: The latest on the US-Mexico border crisis
Spirit gate agent no longer working for airline after escorting child to wrong flight
California law that restricts police officers to ‘promote equity’ takes effect next week
Gypsy Rose Blanchard, who pleaded guilty to helping kill her abusive mother, is released from prison

OIF (9).jpg

His 15-year-old brother has also been charged with attempted murder after he allegedly shot the younger brother in retaliation for the shooting of their sister.

For years I warned all my readers of the extreme emotional response induced by the “reptilius effect” hijacking the body, mind, and soul of teens and people from all walks of life. 

Wars, crimes, murders, suicides, and school shootings will never stop because those in power, the US Dept of Education, religious and atheist parents and teachers alike ridicule my cosmic teachings and with it, the option to beat those nefarious entities. Watching and sharing my UFO video is the first step, and signing my petition will help!



Before talking about Charlie Sheen and other news, let’s mention how Mercury retrograde screwed up my plans on Christmas day! Just before going out, I decided to use the bathroom and God thanks I did! And instead, like millions of people having good time  that night we had to deal with an emergency. 

Only if you were born with a strong Mercury in your chart will you be directly touched by this tiny planet! It was much like a “deja vu” experienced a few years ago with a broken sewer line in bathroom one, but this time a water pipe busted in the wall in our second bathroom! 


Mercury has a purpose since nothing is made to last forever and without damages on your car, devices , your home or any of your possessions people making a living fixing things would have no jobs! Now on with the insurance!

Armed villains seek blood

FBI says it’s investigating after reports of violent threats to Colorado judges in Trump case

It seems the quatrain I wrote below over a year ago speaks of things to come, the true values of my UFOs predictive legacy and my far-fetched cosmic teachings! Are You A Chosen One?


Scale of justice trembles
Armed villains seek blood
Red dominates rainbow
Power tears judges fight dies 

Posted to the world on September 3, 2022 

Yet, with so much tangible and accurate visions and predictions, the envious, immature “Young Souls” will still deny the gift! I can only wonder what it will take for me to beat the reptilius stopping me reaching a vital national stage when only a minority of you share my newsletters  or will sign my petition and offer real financial support and to donate for my mission! 

Charlie Sheen attacked by neighbor in assault with a deadly weapon

Sheen previously compared his downward spiral in 2011 to a “demonic possession” during an interview on “Loose Women.” However, he now feels ready to return to the spotlight after spending the last six years sober with a “predictable routine.”

Over the last few years, Charlie Sheen (a Virgo) suffered the negative dragon’s tail located in the sign of Scorpio (self destruction) in his 3rd house of regulating his critical thinking and communication.

And born with Mars (aggression) and Neptune (drugs) in his 3rd house Charlie became an easy target of the “reptilius effect” and it was much too strong for the non-cosmic conscious famous actor to succeed battling the evil of depressions and addiction.

Thus Charlie did not hesitate to use Virgo legenday sarcasm to initiate the fight… And during any of my SOS to the world deadly window its a NO! NO!  Remember my friend “what ever you say or do during my windows will follow you (or kill you) for the rest of your life, that if you are lucky! 

What’s next for Charlie? The sad reality is Mr. Sheen will never be able to succeed in battling addictions (and the reptilius) without a gifted Soul Doctor to guide him and suicide is still a very high possibility. Not knowing better or because of his religious convictions, like millions of other infected souls, Sheen suffered a mental infestation he could only describe this destructive episode as a “demonic possession.”

Like all Virgo, (or anyone born with an Aries dragon’s tail, i.e. Nancy and Paul Pelosis) Sheene is prone to suffer a violent death induced on his head.

Memo from  Frank Morano’ SOS to the world deadly window report for 11/7/22 “Why would Paul Pelosi and his wife Nancy be prone to attacks, violent death, and “accident” on the head? Why Aaron Carter, a singer, died of an overdose (like Whitney Houston) and drowned in his bathtub, and why Kanye West is obsessed with Hitler? It’s all written in light, in the stars, my friend!  

There are billions of oblivious people from all walks of life on planet earth cursed by the reptilius and in serious cases some will seek mental help!  Sad enough traditionally educated doctors are non cosmic conscious and ridicule both the UFOs phenomenon and the old science of Astrology!

And their skepticism combined with potent medical prescriptions facilitate an endless chain of crimes, suicides and murders!  There is no much I can do but provide real spiritual regeneration and critical help to my own patients seeking natural healing instead of sure mental poisoning. 

‘Two and a Half Men’ Star Angus T. Jones Is Also Reptilius Infected! Learn How and Why!

But again religious convictions and fear of the ridicule stops many “reptilius infected” people seeking my rare cosmic teachings/healing!

I do not expect both the very wealthy, well organized religious and scientific deceptive corporates matrixes who own and control all forms of medias to soon adhere to my warnings on the reptilius cursing humanity. And I can not afford to reach the media!

Production costs for a typical national TV ad range from $100,000 to $8 million. On average, placement for a 30-second national TV ad costs about $350,000.

“When you control all forms of information you also control people’s actions and decisions through the TEL – E – VISION!” Dr. Turi

If you or a familly member, a friend or someone you know suffers depression or suicidal thoughts there are safe and efficient ways to deal with your mental “infestation.”

Be certain, legal or illegal drugs or alchool is not the solution but a sure ticket to an early grave! Remember I am a cancer survivor and with faith and true cosmic wisdom, miracles do happen!

I am here for you and you are in good hands and spirit with us… Read for more information or meet me on Zoom for your “Full Life Reading”

sSign my petition and offer real financial support and to donate for my mission! 

I will provide the curious truth seekers all the answers they need but again, it is only when the student is ready that the real gifted teacher will appear!  


Avoid the pit of ignorance, religious fear and scientific indoctrination 

Unless you become curious about your karmic cosmic legacy, explore your fate written in light in your stars and own your “badge/ right of passage” into a very special group of highly spiritual/advanced human beings (join The Cosmic Code with your questions,) your hashes and genes will never escape death, the reptilius in this dense physical world!

Its all up to you now to become part of the eternal positive light and love, sign up to slave for ever for the forces of evil and ignorance or comeback to earth again and again until you learn it the hard way!

“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that we may lead a safer more productive life!” Paracelsus

If you are ready for me, I am ready for you and I can promess you I will change your life for the best! But before meeting with me on Zoom, please read the following! 


“For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary; For those who do not, none will ever suffice…” Dr. Turi.

Let me know the reasons for signing my petition to raise cosmic consciousness!



If you have not yet, make sure to read Are you working with the force and the Draconis or slaving for the reptilius?


First deal, you will get my “2023 and new 2024 Nostradamus personal and universal predictions for all signs for FREE once you become a VIP to the private Cosmic Code website, (minimum 3 months subscription – JOIN NOW!) 

Once you join simply look for the section “Nostradamus Forecast for All Signs” and enjoy your personal forecast for 2023/2024! 

By becoming a VIP, you will get much more than what you bargain for with our various horoscopes and personal daily guidance and forecasts for all signs all throughout the year 2024… 

Second deal– $300 regularly $500) You may order any of my 3 Celestial Artwork designs to hang on your wall or, if you are a psychic, use any as an Astro-Tarot table. This artwork will also act as a very lucky talisman and will offer you and your family protection since they were created with the magic of Pluto in the sign of Aquarius. All you have to do is email and she will take good care of you.

“You are much more than bones, flesh, nerves, and blood, you are the miraculous, immaculate conception of God’s cosmic design” Dr. Turi

Image result for YOU TUBE

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Well, this type of endorsement from one of my students below should convince you to become a smart and curious “Super Human” and learn all about God’s cosmic design and Jesus’ initial cosmic Ministry! 

“He Who Conquers the Stars Will Hold the Golden Keys to God’s Mysterious Universe And Change The World.”

Dr. Turi

Sharing Emails:

I am sending lots of great wishes for success to you and Dr. Turi as you both step into your new beginning.  I am also stepping into my new beginning as for six months now after having my rebirth as Dr. Turi predicted I have stepped into a career as a writer. I will be launching my channeled book/ poem collection in November “A Timeless Tale of Existence” Please wish me all the best and tell Dr. Turi I am grateful for all the guidance. 
Sending lots of love and light. 

“Tim Horton” : All this, makes me realize the depth and study of astrology is more then just a topic… It is whole “subject of study”, that exceeds many of our current recognized or traditional academic disciplines. 

Larry –I want to Thank Dr. Turi and Terania, for giving me the opportunity to understand what it means to be Human. If you only had one class to take in this lifetime, to understand why people do what they do, this is it. I will be forever Grateful and Blessed…


 Hi Dr. Turi. It was so strange you popped up on something on Facebook to link to a YouTube and someone was laughing. I thought to myself how weird is this? I’m in Arizona and you pop up.

I just saw your wife can’t watch all your videos too much today but she’s exactly like I thought she would look very beautiful and OMG if that person who was laughing only knew how real you are. So, the man you predicted to be my husband and my forever husband finally I have him forever😊. If people only knew how real you are.

You even told my sisters Maggie and Margie about their future and it came true and I remember thinking why not me? When is my true love going to come why them first,😅 I’m guessing you have to suffer and go through hell before you get the best😊. I’m so blessed. We will be leaving to go back to North Carolina next year. Arizona is just not for us. I also own property that way. I mean just everything has come true from what you said in the past.

Blessings 😊

Terania and Dr. Turi,

Again, I am so grateful and appreciative of everything you and DT have taught me. My financial problems in my life are gone now that I know and understand what was holding me back. DT’s initial reading and the classes I took afterward allowed me to really dive deep into my own natal chart and begin to understand more about myself than all the years I spent in therapy. Dr. Turi is a legitimate Soul Doctor and I hope to one day become one like him.

I recently bought my first ever new vehicle and I was trying to figure out a way to share my feelings about DT and his treasure trove of knowledge. 

From my whole heart, thank you. For everything. I love both of you. 

~ J. Douglas Prendergast

One of the best students I have ever taught! Powerful Cosmic chemistry present! Thank you, Doug, it was an honor to teach you!

Nostradamus’ Divine Astrology Course Now Available To The Public 
Nostradamus Astro- Tarot Tables Now Available To The Public
Watch Dr. Turi Doing a Reading And the Tarot


“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life!” Paracelsus 

As always if you have any questions, simply email and she will take good care of you. 

The more you learn all about God’s celestial mechanics and Jesus initial cosmic Ministrythe more supreme wisdom, freedom, success, peace of mind and joy will come your way!
In the name of power, wealth, and control, religions opened the door to countless sexual abuses of children and created more wars and more death than all natural disasters and diseases combined. It is a duty to make the truth known and the truth will set you free.
God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life, but God does not speak to fools! 

Hippocrates II was a Greek physician of the Age of Pericles and is considered the most outstanding figure in the history of medicine.

“Dr. Turi, I have learned more about what it means to be human in your week-long crash course in Sedona than the 7 years I spent in an accredited college.” Dr. in Psychiatry student feedback. 

Every part of the human body is under the jurisdiction of the stars, something religious and/or atheist people know nothing about! And since humans are made of the essence of those stars, earthlings are oblivious, unconscious robots and respond physically and psychically to their karmic stars. 
And a century of deceptive religious indoctrination did not help society learn, understand, and use God’s cosmic design to their advantage… 
The medical aspect of Divine Astrology
God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer, more productive life!
Those born with a negative natal dragon (or Saturn) in Virgo (//////) are prone to //////////////////
Those born with a negative natal dragon (or Saturn) in Leo (//////) are seriously prone to suffer ////////////////////
Those born with a negative natal dragon (or Saturn) in Cancer (////////) are seriously prone to /////////////
Those born with a negative natal dragon (or Saturn) in Aries (/////////) are seriously prone to suffer //////////////
Those born with a negative natal dragon (or Saturn) in Pisces (///////////) are seriously prone to ////////////////
Those born with a negative natal dragon (or Saturn) in Capricorn (////) are seriously prone to /
LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - NOVEMBER 05: Bruce Springsteen speaks onstage during the 37th Annual Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony at Microsoft Theater on November 05, 2022 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Theo Wargo/Getty Images for The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame)
Springsteen was born a Libra with Saturn, “the great malefic” in////////////////////////////////////////////////Libra and Aries or those born with Sun, a moon, rising, natal or hidden dragon in either sign!”  For ////////////////////et checked, and avoid an early demise nowadays?  Some did and escaped death!
DT – You told me I had something wrong with my gut and I went and got insurance and then found out I had cancer. Thank you for saving my life. Every day I think of you and how you impeded my demise. I love you genuinely from the bottom of my heart and can’t wait to speak with you again. Thank you for your generosity and knowledge. I spread the love of you to all my friends and family. Happy Sunday my friend.
On the road to recovery. I had a very aggressive (prostate) cancer. I was diagnosed on July 26th (almost a year ago) and had to have it removed in September. They took everything out. Nerves and all – I had a 16% chance of it being “localized to just my prostate- and by God band the stars, it had not spread to any lymph nodes or bones. That’s how you saved my life. I never would have gone to the doctor if you hadn’t said anything. I’ve gone from every 6 weeks to every 3 months for checkups now. Thank you beyond words. Much love and respect.

There are naturally very efficient ways to beat any disease, including cancer as I did use my “Natural Universal Blood Transfusion” but rejecting all that science has to offer is simply ridiculous and does not show much intelligence!  Without my two oncologists taking care of me, I would be dead today! My latest live Zoom Astro-Tarot and Divine Astrology courses are now available to the public!  I also taught all about Nostradamus’s medical aspect of Divine Astrology.  Email for information.

Nostradamus’s Live on Zoom Astro-Tarot Tuition 


I taught 30 new students Divine Astrology and how to use the Tarot cards’ symbols using the basics of the traditional housing system. It’s all about Nostradamus’ natural healing and elaborated on my Universal Blood Transfusion which allowed me to beat cancer.

Remember God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty. He gave them for interpretation so that we may live a safer, healthier, and more productive life.

And gathering cosmic consciousness is not Witcraft but Supreme wisdom! Once again, my cosmic teachings are available online – Email for information.

Sharing emails:
Baturedweller –Thank you, Dr. Turi! Your prediction is spot on! I remember a month ago you mentioned August 29 as one of the deadly windows. Today, the weather service gave that exact date Hurricane Idalia is expected to make landfall in Florida. I hope they get the path of the hurricane right this time. Last year Hurricane Ian was supposed to strike Tampa, but it struck 100 miles south of there. I hope this kind of forecasting doesn’t happen this year, but with Mercury retrograde again this year, miscommunication is possible.

@lisagonzalez7304 –Dr. Turi, I do remember when you predicted the hurricanes in Louisiana. What I did is when you were on Coast to Coast, I printed it out on a paper and put it on my board at work. I use to write the names of the hurricanes underneath them when they happen while there were on my board at work. My coworkers use to see them as I posted them and they were amazed when they saw the names of the hurricanes and the dates were spot on. Please keep us informed. I really to appreciate it. I wish you happiness and good health! :cool:

Al Lovinggood
DT – You told me I had something wrong with my gut and I went and got insurance and then found out I had cancer. Thank you for saving my life. Every day I think of you and how you impeded my demise. I love you genuinely from the bottom of my heart and can’t wait to speak with you again. Thank you for your generosity and knowledge. I spread the love of you to all my friends and family. Happy Sunday my friend.
On the road to recovery. I had a very aggressive (prostate) cancer. I was diagnosed on July 26th (almost a year ago) and had to have it removed in September. They took everything out. Nerves and all – I had a 16% chance of it being “localized to just my prostate- and by God band the stars, it had not spread to any lymph nodes or bones. That’s how you saved my life. I never would have gone to the doctor if you hadn’t said anything. I’ve gone from every 6 weeks to every 3 months for checkups now. Thank you beyond words. Much love and respect.
Since each part of the human body is under the jurisdiction of the stars/signs, there is a critical //////////////////////////////////////////
Astro-Tarot Course


German/Vikings Skin Alike
Black and White Red Blood
Fire War Violence  Passions Rule
God Nowhere To Stop Fires
Hitler’s Evil spirit reborn

Posted to the world on June 12, 2013 

Maui wildfire the deadliest in the US over a century – WHAT REALLY HAPPENED IN HAWAII!

Update 08/17/23 –Maui wildfires areas include $1.3 billion in residential reconstruction values, according to a preliminary estimate

Prediction #13: The positive Aries dragon will ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;be the judge of my visions my friend!
The reptilius will ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Yet only those who purchased my 2023 Nostradamus personal and universal predictions,were warned months ahead of time!
Memo from 2022 NDF:Expect ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;never experienced before. (Hurricane Ian prediction- Video)
Update – I was right all along in 2022 with a series of deadly hurricanes (Ian Prediction – I knew those cosmic winds were bad and if you read “SOS to the world deadly window Sept. 28 You Have Been Warned!” or watched this YouTube video, it is impossible for anyone to deny my UFO predictive legacy!
So please pay attention to /////////////////////////////////////////////
Sharing emails:  Once you join the cosmic code you will be able to read this long educational newsletter!

By looking at our beautiful and abundant planet Earth, ///////////////////////////////

//////////////////////////////////////his very accurate readings (Zoom readings), and his very informative newsletters ( which provide facts, warnings of all kinds and very accurate predictions…
He’s /////////////////////////////

It’s more than ever time to really pay good attention to his warnings//////////////////////////////////

When Dr. Turi says:” “Time has and will always be my utmost precise witness”, he’s right! He has written and shared accurate predictions way before they happened…

He wrote:” //////////////////////////////// makes sense to us…

All the chaos happening in our world,///////////////////////////////////////////

Dr. Turi wrote: “we must UNIFY ////////////////////////////////////////

Without a/////////////////////////////////////////////

We need to help Dr. Turi fulfill his mission, especially ////////////////////////////////

Dr. Turi even offers a lifesaving study to //////////////////////

Dr. Turi quotes often: “God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that you may live a safe and more productive life! Paracelsus”.

As Dr. Turi mentioned so many times//////////////////////////////////////

“Do not/////////////////////////////

There are NO accidents! Knowledge is power, ignorance is evil! The future is nothing else than the reincarnation of thought!”  ///////////////////////////////////all animals, and all living things in existence…

Do not hesitate to call us at (602) 265 7667 or email for more information.


“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life!” Paracelsus 

Free your spirit with a live Zoom consultation with Dr. Turi.

Read all the details!

It is only when the student (or the patient) is ready for a gifted Soul Doctor that I appear in your life and help you manifest your own power! 
Dr. Turi TOP service Personal live Skype consultation $700 or $350 for VIPs
Taped full life reading $310 or $210 for VIPs
Progressive Reading $210 for VIPs 
Taped comparison chart $ $410 or $210 for VIPs
Emergency Astro Tarot / psychic reading – $250 Via Zoom 
Provide full DOB information – By appointment only (
Beyond the Secret
The Power of the Dragon 
Moon Power Starguides
I Know All About You
And God Created the Stars

E-mail: for information

602 265 7667




About Dr. Turi

Dr. Turi is a proficient author and a captivating speaker, his profound Universal Wisdom astonishes everyone. He was recognized in the 2003 Marquis "Who's Who in America." Dr. Turi is the personal counselor of many celebrities, Ivana Trump, Peter Fonda, Gary Busey, Denis Haysbert, John Gray and many others. Dr. Turi is a favorite guest of George Noory on Coast-To-Coast AM radio and the BBC in London and appeared in numerous television programs worldwide.He speaks of the cosmic face and celestial tools of the creator and warn the world with undeniable well documented undeniable predictions. Clinical Hypnotherapist - Astropsychologist focused on providing individual and couples counseling services. Specializing in public speaking, teaching, metaphysics, natural healing, stress management, women’ issues and family mediation services. Interested in speaking engagements, radio, television, events and media outlets, academic work, advising corporations, the police force, colleges, universities and general public on mental health issues and spirituality outside of conventional beliefs and accepted disciplines.