Ronny; Cracking into the UFO speaking circuit, is like being invited to join the Illuminati… It seems like people would rather hear former government employees and scientists, leaking government propaganda, rather than listen to people like Dr. Turi; who had real UFOs experiences.
Victoria – Beautiful… Yet a deceptively, manipulative personality!
Since the current Plutonic window, is all about “secrets” to be divulged, I decided to publicize my despicable experience, with Victoria president of Contact in the Desert, and her right-hand Crystal!
This divulging newsletter also involves my good – old “friends” George Noory and Tom Danheiser and the way they treated me!
What you see above, is a picture of Victoria and me; at the dinner table… Smiling at George’s 69th birthday. I did not know back in 2019, how deceptive; this “Lady” was!
The way Victoria and Crystal treated me, is simply disgusting and since I am all about the undiluted truth, you may want to know a bit more; about the “wonderful” public image they project to the world and want to know.
Be sure their deceptive hearts and minds are tainted and caution is advised!
So next time you see them in public or talk business with them, be prepared for their true character which is all about greed, deception, and manipulation… DO NOT TRUST THEM!
For months while she was very depressed because of her husband’s sickness I helped her with my guidance and all was just fine. I also took care of her and her daughter at her event in LA by performing two FREE Astro-Tarot readings.
Well before Covid 19th hit, I told her then, to prepare for a FULL restructure of her home and career, yet we both did not know because of Covid 19, how critical this prediction who came to pass, was!
I can only imagine how Victoria, president of “Contact in the Desert” and her partners feels today knowing she was at the top of her game for years running one of the most popular UFOs conferences, in the US today. Looks like I was right once again!
When I asked her if I could do a well-documented slide show on my 4 UFO’s experiences and speak at her event she told me she would invite ONLY scientists and proposed for me to speak in a much smaller room without any form of advertisement…
I felt like she thought I was a “psychic” without any serious messages about UFOs. Without proper investigation, her limited judgment started and finished at my tarot table, period! I tried to explain that my “predictive gift” was the result of many abductions but she is not mentally curious or sharp enough and never got it!
Who are the nasty reptilius and how to avoid them!
I was erroneously classified as a “psychic” when I am a cosmic conscious Astrophile who makes well-documented, dated predictions using the stars! That is if you keep up with my YouTube channel. i.e Brian Laundrie and Gabby Petito!
I was quite perplexed after taking care of her degenerated spirit for such a long time she would rudely dump me without a second thought. I wonder how she feels right now knowing my prediction for a full re-structure of her career became undeniable! Does she still think I am only a deceptive “psychic?”
I tried to explain to her how significant my UFO’s experiences were with original ET’s pictures never seen before in public with the explanations of various groups of ET’s hijacking the body mind and souls of so many oblivious human beings.
But again Victoria simply assumed I was a psychic and not a UFO speaker with nothing out of the ordinary to offer her audience. How wrong she was!
Watch “Alien Contactee” on Amazon Prime
Watch “Alien Contactee” on Tubi
Dr. J and Dr. Turi latest radio show on UFO’s
At 31 mn 34 sec at the very end of this video “America again has a choice between the past and the future on Nov 3rd!” You will hear me say loud and clear “Trump has no chances of being re-elected, and the stars are against him!” I was right all along!
I made the same exact prediction in my UFO movie on Amazon Prime video and the conservative Christians complained and got me fired from this worldwide platform!
“This video is currently unavailable to watch in your location” is a nice way to make sure no one check the reality of my predictions but this TV show is available on Tubi TV and from my website!
Since she is part of my private mailing list, Gloria must have watched “Alien Contactee” on Amazon Prime and hopefully, and finally (hopefully) realized how critical my cosmic teachings are! The good news is that; millions of people who watched my movies did not have to travel to her event and spend a lot of money to get a true contactee revelation…
And all the wonderful endorsements speak of what her audience would have also enjoyed but did not because of her lack of curiosity and latent perception!
Since I am a very direct and honest person born to teach the truth, my reputation precedes me where ever I go… “Dr. Turi bashes everyone” is certainly what many UFO’s speakers are saying… But the fact is; I do not bash anyone I only say and write the undiluted vexing truth!
And this is why UFO’s conference promoters would rather take George Noory and Tom Danheiser’s side and avoid me like the pest!
Terania working, at the booth
The same disgusting behavior, also applies also to George and Tom; who after many years working together, ended up treated me like a piece of S…T!
My heart is pure, honest, direct, and real, yet the truth and integrity are NOT part of those guys’ mental and spiritual makeup! In the video below my heart spoke my true feelings on George’s birthday… I never forget George actually kissed me on the cheek and I then could feel a very strong real friendship!
Tom is more of a deceptive cold businessman who, out of the thousands of guests invited on CTC decided to become my manager and promote my teachings… Yet he is like me a Pisces and I knew then the stars would not endorse his or my career and stop advertising a show that I knew would not go far!
Each time George was promoting those events, I felt like calling Tom and telling him: “Tom this won’t happen… Bro, the dragon is in George’s 7th house (the public) and in your 10th house (career) and will not allow public gathering!” The question remains, did they ever read my 2020/2021 or 2022 Nostradamus Dragon Forecast ebooks?
Indeed this current Saggitarius dragon is not only cursing nature, wildlife, the law, religions, our connection with foreigners but also schools, colleges, universities, and the minorities (Black/Indians/etc.) and sad enough drastically supports also white supremacy activity!
All I was hoping for was for him to invite me on the air as promised, so I could make those predictions and give a specific timing. But knowing I am one of the most trusted predictors on Coast to Coast, I was kind of surprised to have never been invited to talk about COVID 19 or Trump since the pandemic started!
I understood the situation I was in, call it a “conflict of interest” but I will not force my way in the show by harassing Tom, something I would never do!
I tried a few times to refresh my readers’ memory of the predictions I made about the Australian fires when I was on CTC last October 2019 and ask my supporters to email George and Tom, so I could speak and make predictions about Coronavirus but “this is what it is!”
In no way, would your support have worked in my favor, because Tom and George like the majority of people do not want to hear anything negative about their career or their public lives!
And both know I do not compromise and speak the undiluted truth in my visions on the air… Again who can blame them?
From Coast to Coast website: 10/16/19 – Turi also made predictions for this year and the next based on his study of astrology, saying that for the rest of 2019, political events and relationships will “go downhill,” and that there will be a “full restructure” of many groups *Antifa? and institutions in 2020. *POLICE? He also said that he is expecting “a lot of fire” and “a lot of wildlife to disappear.” He also said that he is expecting “a lot of fire” and “a lot of wildlife to disappear.”
But for Tom to invite me then retract the invitation because he did not want me to say Trump won’t be re-elected and Covid 19 is not a joke and will kill thousands of people is something I can’t forget or forgive! And the public must know what happened to me!
From “Coast to Coast am John Hogue Prophecy Deception.”
From: Terania Turi <>
Date: Fri, Oct 9, 2020, at 7:18 PM
To: Danheiser, Tom <TDanheiser@premierenetworks.c
Hi Tom…
1 Mercury is now retrograde in Louis. Can you tell the audience what this means for us all and the world?
2 Why do all the radio and the TV media talk 24/7 about President Trump, why does he captivate so much attention, how Mercury retrograde will affect him can you explain this through the stars? (NO POLITICAL VIEWS will be discussed!)
3 Louis I heard you have been driving for FedEx for the last few months. Are you still driving and why did you decide to do so? Also doing this job you have been abducted twice last June, can you elaborate on what happened to you?
4 The next night following these abductions you also mentioned two lost dogs you brought in your house and they disappeared? What’s going with that?
5 You channel the Solar entity, Draco to do your predictions… Can you tell us who and what it is?
4 What are your thoughts on Covid19 was it made in a lab in China?
5 Outside of social distancing, face-covering, and handwashing what would you suggest people avoid contracting COVID19?
6 2020 was a terrible year, what’s going on with America, the police, and the stars, is it going to get better?
7 Using Astrology which foreign powers should we be worried about in the future?
8 What do the stars say about the US economy in 2021, is it going to get better?
9 You speak about the Dragon’s head and tail, can you explain to the listeners what it is and how it will affect the US next year?
10 Why do all the radio and the TV media talk 24/7 about President Trump, why does he captivate so much attention, can you explain this through the stars?
11 I am a Gemini and so is President Trump, what the stars have in store for us in 2021?
12 I recall in my TV show back in 2013 you said “we have only 50 years on planet earth” 7 years later the situation got worse, did you change your mind about this prediction?
13 Can you explain the power of the moon upon humans and the world at large?
14 Astrologically speaking can you give us some information on the planet Mars and Venus?
15 Does astrology and the planets affect countries too? Can you give us some examples?
16 Does Astrology affect generations? I will elaborate on Pluto and the “Death Wish Generation”
17 What is the difference between Astronomy and Astrology and is Astrology a science?
18 Are we one day put a man on Mars or any planet?
19 I heard of the New Age of Aquarius when it started?
20 When do you think ET’s will connect with humanity?
21 Since you have been abducted 7 times now, what do you think they want from humans?
22 What’s the difference between your abductions and other famous cases like Travis Walton?
23 Do you have any predictions for the current months? (dates will be mailed to you once we know when Louis will be on the show for the CTC website)
24 Louis can you do a mini reading on the Dragon for the callers? All I need is their birthday…
The link for his new 2020 Nostradamus Personal and Universal predictions for all signs will also be emailed to you Tom, it will be ready soon. Also, Terania will send pic the orbs she took in June 2012 and the FREE link for my movie Alien Contactee on Amazon Prime to put on the CTC website.)
CONTINUED: As I did with President Trump a day before the “hijacked” 2016 election, today 11/7/20, I am offering all my trusting worldwide reading audience, the real option to read all about the stars and fate of the US and the entire world under the jurisdiction of President Joe Biden’s natal UCI!
Remember electing a President means also suffering his idiosyncrasies (Trump’s 4 years nightmare) and his fate through his karmic UCI *Unique Celestial Identity!
But before anything let me point out a few important facts… If just before the 2020 elections you watched my last few YouTube videos “November 3rd Presidential Election Prediction” and read the associated newsletters, you know, I picked the outcome of the three Presidential debates correctly (and some!)
Furthermore, at 31 mn 34 sec at the very end of this video “America again has a choice between the past and the future on Nov 3rd!” You will hear me say loud and clear “Trump has no chances of being re-elected, and the stars are against him!”
I made the same exact prediction in my UFO movie on Amazon Prime video and the conservative Christians complained and got me fired from this worldwide platform!
“This video is currently unavailable to watch in your location” is a nice way to make sure no one check the reality of my predictions but this TV show is available on Tubi TV and from my website!
I mentioned the sentence above countless times in many of my videos, including in “George Noory, Coast to Coast am radio predictions” when I was making specific predictions for my good friends about Trump!
I also explained the reasons why I was not invited on Coast to Coast am, to talk about Trump or Covid 19 since my last appearance on his show in October 2019, where I once again made undeniable predictions!
Yet it seems a lot of popular “prophets” wannabe and popular astrologers alike are watching and copying my predictions! It is important to mention that I am the only living Astrophile using quatrains and obvious keywords to offer my visions to the world! No one else does!
The video below exposed them for what they did to me!
The deplorable attack on The US Capitol was fully predicted on January 2nd, 2021
Google User – Wow, Dr. Turi you predicted rightly about 1/6/2021, Dr. Turi. Your astrological report was the only and most accurate of all the ones done by other professionals on Coast to Coast am!
Jennifer – Dr. Turi I just saw you on the Amazon Prime movie today & KNEW you were the REAL DEAL!! Used to listen & support Coast to Coast. They lost all my respect and they have no integrity!! What a scam they ran on you!! I will support you, Dr. Turi!! I know you speak wisdom & truth!! I see what happened to you & it’s disgusting! And I hear your SOS loud & clear! May God continue to bless you & may His light continue to shine on you & your divine astrology
Tell them how you feel and ask them why they treated me so badly!
(When signing up for Coast Insider, you have special access to George Noory via a private e-mail system. George often uses listener emails in presenting the show. With this system, you can communicate your thoughts, ideas and opinions to George as he makes each night’s broadcast.)
The following was taken from Coast to Coast am website
In this 2020 election night special, George Noory reported voting results as they unfolded along with various guests who shared their insights during the first half of the program. First up, author Jerome Corsi commented that he thought there could be a protracted court battle over the presidential race results, but that President Trump would eventually be declared the winner.
Analyst John M. Curtis pointed out that while some states hadn’t been called yet, many of them were going Trump’s way, and that Joe Biden had no path without winning such states as Florida, Ohio, or Pennsylvania. “If the trends hold right now…Trump will win this election,” with around 292 electoral votes, said Curtis.
Prophecy expert John Hogue (who had just appeared on last night’s show 01/01/21 revised his prediction of Trump’s electoral college victory of 320 votes to a smaller number. He foresees legal battles over the vote in Pennsylvania and possibly Wisconsin. Hogue hopes that after this (Trump!) election, polling will be discontinued since it has become so misleading. America is coming to the end of a cycle, he added, and while it will no longer be the “empire” it once was, the country will become more of a spiritual center, even as it traverses a difficult path over the next four years.
Astrologer William Stickevers predicted that Trump will win with 294-300 electoral college votes announced between now and Friday. He also foresees a high probability of Trump fully finishing his second term.
Here you go my friend, here are a few of all the “experts” invited on CTC who have failed their “predictions.” Yet while I gave the exact outcome of all 3 Presidential debates correctly, predicted Trump would lose the elections, real Prophets are told what to say (or not) by the producer, and not allowed on CTC when he is needed the most!
And this is why you are all coming back right here to her REAL predictions!
I simply realize that, unlike CTC, I am not for “ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY!” and must warn my supporters of the critical values of all my predictions!
Coast To Coast AM & Dr. Turi “Mishap” Explained. Can you handle the truth?
Looking at the stars, it seems my career as a UFO speaker is over just for being accurate, honest, and real but Divine Astrology is in my blood… Thus once I finally retire for good and enjoy my new career I will have to raise my price to ONLY one price or a $1000 per Zoom session.
Currently, I am undergoing treatment for my back and soon a shoulder surgery but once it is all done I’ll be moving to Key West Florida to finish my training as a boat Captain. Thus doing readings on a yacht can only be done during my time off and this is why I have to charge that much for my consultation.
You can still order the $350 Full Life Reading on Zoom do it while you can and be patient I am still very busy with clients from all over the world asking for readings…
What will you get if you order a live Zoom consultation with Dr. Turi? Read all the details!
Getting closer and closer to reach my dream at 71… become a Boat Captain enjoy the ocean, exotic islands and open spaces. You can not get A TWIC card without a perfect record as a law-obedient citizen with no criminal record. Can’t wait to do the final stage in Key West with Captain Kimi in time. Something is pushing me towards the Bermuda triangle so expect very interesting UFO’s footages then…
A full set of Universal (Russia/China/Iran etc.) and Personal predictions for 2021 is available to you for only $25. You get BULL from CTC or invest in a real Modern Prophet and judge for yourself.
Plan in accordance with God’s cosmic design, save precious time, money, and even your life!
You should know Universally and at a personal level how the current (2020) and next (2021) dragon change of guards will take place and how it will curse or bless your life by house and signs!
Nostradamus 2021/2022 Universal and Personal Forecast
Don’t start the year without it! Be smart, be wise, be warned!
Order your 2020 Personal & Universal Cosmic Biorhythms Dates
MEMO –“Interesting email from my Webmaster Alan sent in 2010: You know Dr. Turi I realized something super interesting looking at your Alexa stats. A third of all your traffic comes from India. What’s that about? Maybe you need to make a trip to India? I tell you why I think that’s super interesting as well — India (as OF COURSE, you know) invented Vedic Astrology so the fact that they are heavily interested in your European style is a huge testament to your work. It’s like they’re saying that YOUR astrology is better than their own. It’s like if I had a new Cuisine/US Chef site that was visited mostly by France and Italy. That’s a huge compliment, my friend. Unless of course they’re stealing your work and retrofitting it into their Vedic style! You never know! Alan
Sharing email:
Hi Dr. Turi and Terania,
Thank you for sharing your gifts and for sending the files, so promptly.
Terania, you’re simply wonderful, sweet and kind. Thank you for getting me on the schedule, and communicating with me consistently… You’re a great representation for you both.
And Dr. Turi, your gift and accuracy was remarkable!.. I appreciate everything you’ve shared and I look forward to learning more. I plan to get the book here shortly, to start that process into the new year.
I wish you both a Happy New Year, filled with peace, joy and blessings.
Now if you want a personal consultation with me, simply order ASAP and forget about it before I raise my prices from $350 to $700 for a Zoom live meeting!
Amazon Prime new documentary: Nostradamus’ Divine Astrology
TUBI – Nostradamus’ Divine Astrology
Reviewed in the United States on January 2, 2021
Astrologers, also known as ‘Chaldeans’, were part of the king’s circle of so-called ‘wise men’ who practiced divination. The actual word for astrology in the Hebrew language literally means, ‘divining the heavens’.
The practice of pagan divination is prohibited by God. It’s in the Bible, Leviticus 19:26 NIV, “Do not practice divination or sorcery.” This goes back to originate in the nation of Babylon, now called the country of Iraq. Believe what you will.
Thank you so very much readers, please go to Amazon Prime to rate my latest Astrology movie and ask any question you may have, you will get an answer! Make sure also to keep offering me ratings and wonderful supporting comments (201 so far) on my UFO’s movie on Amazon Prime! Please do not hesitate to rate again and post your reviews to IMDb too! Another documentary is in the works!
Your endorsements and honest feedback work together and will make Amazon’s algorithm picks up the movie and promote it on various platforms, i.e Gaia, doing so the movie will be recommended to vast audiences. It will show up more often and in the first Google results of searches as well and this is how you become a part of the solution and help my mission readers. Click on the 5 ***** stars and give me your feedback!
Born a leader… I am wearing a Zorro cape, 4th kid from the left, middle row!
To scared parents who refuse to trust science and vaccines…
Back in 1961, my dad passed away I was 11 years old he died from tuberculosis… I was at school when I heard the bad news… I cried my heart out in pain and never got to enjoy my dad and he was everything to me!
I am sure my father would have killed anyone to protect me and my family. Then a nurse showed up at our door a week later with a TB vaccine and inoculated the entire family and doing so she saved us all. I hope this real story will override any scary conspiracy you may have for not trusting scientists dedicated to save lives and protect us all from Covid19.
But like Covid19 nowadays, no everyone got TB or got the virus and died from it… I did not know that much then, but I know better as I turn 71 years old on February 26th, 2021! And all pulmonary diseases are coming from a very specific set of stars…
Fear is evil in itself and feeding fear is a bigger killer than any viruses combined! A true courageous loving father would consider anything to protect his family and being negative and fearful send the wrong message to his own family, his friends, and the world at large! Education is the only answer to bypass ignorance and fear!
Yet I can dance on my head, I know that; there are scared, indoctrinated, conspiracy heads people that will NEVER, ever be convinced otherwise… Dr. Turi
Dr. Turi Amazon Prime UFO movie rebuttals
Thank you so very much readers, for your great 5 stars ratings and wonderful supporting comments on Amazon Prime that surpassed my expectations! Please do not hesitate to rate again and post your reviews to IMDb too!
By the way, how many of you watched the CNN special ” 7 creepy things we learned about cult leader and former UA teacher Marshall Applewhite”
Did you know that I fully predicted this “Mass suicide” and I was driving through Rancho Santa in CA with the police helicopters above my head on my way to a restaurant to meet with radio host Jon Rappoport and his wife? If I was able to predict the Rancho Santa Fe mass suicide accurately (to the day including 911 Katrina and some) on Jon Rappoport radio back in 1997, shouldn’t you trust me on any and all my future predictions too?
Back in 1997 when I was living in San Diego, California, the well-established Truth Seeker Company employed people such as David Icke, Jon Rappaport, Jordan Maxwell, and myself to name a few.
All of us somehow made our name and expertise are known to the entire world and every one of us was a guest to famous Coast-To-Coast radio hosts such as George Noory and Art Bell and we all appeared on numerous television networks.
The luckiest ones were David and Rappoport benefiting from the hundreds of thousands of dollars from the company, propelling them to the fame they enjoy today!
In fact, “Truth Seeker” spend only a few hundred bucks on a single Moon Power book of mine but still sell all my titles without any rewards to me…
Indeed Trump cursed UCI’s legacy is to divide people, old friends, and close family members! And it was all predicted 4 years ago…
I am a Gemini, I’ll make your head spin!
Freethinking and intelligent
You will not find me under rigorous management
You may think you know me well
Then my other half over you casts a spell
I am GEMINI, child of Mercury.
Posted to the world on
, 2015Prepare Month of Blooming June icy *December
White Moon Ninth Day Speak
Evil Spirit of Hitler Legacy Challenged
A Cosmic God May Grace Humanity
On January 26, 2015, I gave the month of December, for Trump to exit the White House, which also reflects the accuracy of a quatrain, I wrote 5 years ago! White Moon Ninth Day Speak? I was 3 days off! Does this speak of a real Modern Prophet you should and must trust?
December 12, 2020 – The Supreme Court dismisses Trump’s bid to overturn the election
This also includes close friends, hundreds of radio and TV hosts from all walks of life who have had me as a guest over the years!
My friend Gary Busey giving me top of the world endorsement…
Dr. Turi on William Shatner’s TV Show
Discovery Channel – Dr. Turi’s Predictions

UFO’s Astrology & Predictions With Dr. Turi
When 2020 went off-script, you kept us inspired by uploading 2800 minutes of content. Your hard work’s worth celebrating—let’s take a moment to reflect! My Year In Review

2020 by the Numbers
2020 didn’t stop you from making moves–you picked up 3,372 new subscribers and 269,210 new views.
Fans took 21,727 hours in 2020 to watch your YouTube channel.
Your fans can’t get enough–your videos received 7,826 likes in 2020

2020 Feel Good Moments
You kept in touch with your YouTube community by responding to 2,459 comments.
Fans returned the love by leaving 46 ♥️s and 3 s in your video comments! Talk about making your mark in the world!
So my good friends from all over the world, Terania, and I want to take this opportunity to thank you for following us and keep following us for many more years to come as we share our interesting life with you.
Ultimately my goals are to build my first Astropsychology school or eventually run my own radio or reality show program where I will be able to offer much more cosmic education, personal guidance, and predictions while helping the audiences to regenerate their spirit! And God will lead the right people in time with more opportunities to reach the world!
Upgrade Humanity Psychical Welfare raise your Cosmic Consciousness, sign my petition!
Moderna’s coronavirus vaccine is 94.5% effective
To those who do not know… In many of my videos on YouTube, a while back I clearly said, “When you elect a President the people under his command are forced to suffer is stars, his fate and, endure his idiosyncrasies *conspiracies *Covid 19! Once removed from power WE the people will not have to suffer his stars (the wall/Virus) any longer!” But are you ready for the stars and fate imposed by President elected Joe Biden and Kamala Harris?
01/01/2021 – Dr. Fauci claims U.S. won’t start return to ‘normality’ until near end of 2021
I predicted for months on my YouTube channel that the reptilius Covid 19 curse will end in early 2022! I was a bit ahead of Dr. Fauci yet it shows another one of my visions endorsed by science!
From Coast to Coast website: 10/16/2019 – Turi also made predictions for this year and the next based on his study of astrology, saying that for the rest of 2019, political events and relationships will “go downhill,” and that there will be a “full restructure” of many groups*Antifa? and institutions in 2021.*POLICE?*Supreme Court of the United States? He also said that he is expecting “a lot of fire” and “a lot of wildlife to disappear.”
I made those predictions (and some) last October 2019 on Coast to Coast am with George Noory!
10/13/20 – More than 1 million mink will be killed to help contain Covid-19 outbreaks on Danish farms
12/31/19 – Half a billion animals perish in bushfires
Kangaroos fleeing fires went to a golf course for sanctuary. It turned into a killing field
07/07/20 – 365 Elephants Died in Botswana. The Cause Is a Mystery
10/08/20 –At least 8,000 mink dead in Utah after contracting Covid-19
Yet dear readers, unless you read my 2020 Nostradamus Dragon forecast published in August 2019 there will always be doubts about all my claims!
The world’s largest wetlands are on fire. That’s a disaster for all of us
The world watched as California and the Amazon went up in flames this year, but the largest tropical wetland on earth has been ablaze for months, largely unnoticed by the outside world.
10/30/20 Philippines orders evacuation as world’s strongest typhoon of 2020 approaches
10/26/20 Irvine, California, issues evacuation order to about 60,000 people as Silverado Fire spreads
10/26/20 Louisiana must prepare for Zeta while still recovering from two hurricanes – Prediction
10/25/20 Irvine, California, issues evacuation order to about 60,000 people as Silverado Fire spreads
10/25/20 Colorado wildfires force closures of national forests’unprecedented and historic’ conditions
10/18/20 – Evacuations ordered in Colorado and Utah as crews battle new blazes
A rare ‘firenado‘ is spotted near a blaze in California
Bobcat Fire becomes one of largest in LA County history, whips up ‘smokenado‘
Dozens dead, thousands flee their homes, entire towns destroyed in wildfires across the West
Mamacrow –Thank you for this excellent report… Thank you again. Fantastic! I WAS a Hogue subscriber… WAS.
TV & KGRA Radio where I predicted another earthquake on the air!
Jim Karoll “Beating The Odds” Dr. Louis Turi.
On “Beating The Odds” radio show, and this YouTube video, including this newsletter, both the Lebanese and the Baltimore deadly EXPLOSIONS (and some) were fully predicted!
Attention readers: 6 MN 44 seconds into the radio show with Jim I warn about large earthquakes and mentioned to be ready for “Sudden release of energy and EXPLOSIONS!”
Calm Deception To Strike!
8/26/20 – 6.1 magnitude earthquake near Kokopo, Papua New Guinea
8/21/20 – 6.9 magnitude, Katabu, Sulawesi Tenggara, Indonesia
8/18/20 – 6.6 magnitude earthquake near San Pedro, Bicol, Philippines
The magical power of talismans
Get the new 2021 Nostradamus Dragon Forecast For All Signs from Paypal or ORDER from my website
How will the new 2021 cosmic winds affect your life and all the people you care about? Find out and have a winning edge on your future by using Nostradamus 16th century Divine Astrology! You may also put your hand on the 2020 version for only $5.00 and check how the rest of the 2020 cosmic winds will affect your life.
“If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!” Nostradamus
Since I hurt my back OTR for FedEx I can not drive long distances anymore and I am now open to take care of many of you. But if you want to avoid paying a fortune to meet me live on Zoom, show you real support for my cosmic work, and become a VIP or a Patreon first to save a lot of money! You may also email if you want to become a student or need more information!
MEMO –“Interesting email from my Webmaster Alan sent in 2010: You know Dr. Turi I realized something super interesting looking at your Alexa stats. A third of all your traffic comes from India. What’s that about? Maybe you need to make a trip to India? I tell you why I think that’s super interesting as well — India (as OF COURSE, you know) invented Vedic Astrology so the fact that they are heavily interested in your European style is a huge testament to your work. It’s like they’re saying that YOUR astrology is better than their own. It’s like if I had a new Cuisine/US Chef site that was visited mostly by France and Italy. That’s a huge compliment, my friend. Unless of course they’re stealing your work and retrofitting it into their Vedic style! You never know! Alan
Hitler was born with the same astrological configuration as Trump and feared power and wealth! He was able to “hypnotize” his base first then forced the entire German population to submit with his passionate hatred speeches.
The new “2021 Nostradamus’ personal & universal predictions“ updated e-book version is now ready to purchase. The long series of predictions for 2021 is something you must be aware of and prepared for and use to your advantage. The exact date to when the world will finally be free from COVID19 and other critical visions is also offered to my trusting readers. You may also put your hand on the 2020 version for only $5:00 and check how the rest of 2020 cosmic winds will affect your life.
Please pass on my newsletters to the world and help bring true cosmic wisdom, to this world.
Blessings to all
Dr. Turi
A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”
You may be interested in mastering Nostradamus natural healing section, the supra-conscious, the Astro Tarot, or serve others as a professional psychic/divine astrologer!
Learn about the medical Aspect of Nostradamus divine astrology
The 16 online MP 3 files, covers a full week of tuition where previous students spent a full day mastering the cosmic code secrets in Sedona. But we also understand that; $1050 for the full course with all the books and materials included is a lot of money to invest for some of you.
So, if you decide to proceed at your own pace and at your own time to learn about God’s cosmic design, the signs accurately and make accurate predictions the way we do… As well as prepare, for any future, live class –
We can offer you a SUPER DEAL, for half price, as a limited time offer and as an expression – Of our gratitude...E-mail:
Terania will then e-mail you the material you need… Such as the e-Books, which are important to read before listening to your MP 3’s and should help one to learn about the basics of divine astrology… She will also e-mail you the latest course printouts, planets/symbols, and 150 questionnaire exams.
The second half is that of the Astropsychology software (7 Programs and compatible with MAC and WINDOWS)
Using modified software I designed and like the one used by NASA, this approach can be appropriately applied for all types of navigation, as it is by its use of the unique monthly housing system- Which is how we plot the cosmic repetitive pattern of the stars and combine it with my astrological wisdom and intuition, that has proven him to be unarguably accurate…
If you take the time to decipher the quatrains and keywords, which are taking the color of the endless news that has been plaguing humanity; the timing is there. Indeed, before then, I used to read charts or “ephemeris” but knew something was not right and changed modern astrology to Astropsychology.
There is more power in the dragon alone than the entire complexity of an astrological chart!
The prediction for “A new Lung disease and a serious respiratory problem” was first issued in August 2019 in my published ebook and again on January 3rd, 2020 in “Axis of Evil – Winds of death upon America 2020 Coast to Coast am Predictions Recap.”
Nostradamus 2020 Universal and personal predictions for all signs.
Get your copy right away read what’s ahead of you!
Prediction #12: New regulations imposed by the FAA and a lack of scared travelers will force the entire aeronautics industry to undergo a costly restructure and many airlines “Aviation outlook deteriorating due to virus, travel restrictions: Airbus exec.” and cruise ships will not survive. “Cruise ships were torn apart after coronavirus sell off“
Prediction #1: Indeed, lung cancer or a new lung respiratory disease will plague the victims of an infected scientific community. In the process, the wildlife (and our pets) will also suffer drastically and perish. Those dramatic news stories reflect the endless battles taking place between the nefarious and benevolent groups of ETs fighting each other from far away galaxies cursing all humans’ affairs.
Prediction #9: Americans are also taking serious risks traveling on foreign grounds and I strongly recommend those who must travel or reside in foreign countries, to invest in their2020 Personal Cosmic Biorhythms.
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2019 Nostradamus Personal and Universal Predictions For All Signs
2020 Nostradamus Personal and Universal Predictions For All Signs
Astro-Carto-Graphy Relocation Reading $210 or $150 for VIP’s
2020 Positive Cosmic Biorhythms Personal Reports $100 for VIP’s
The Magical Power of Talismans $350 for VIP’s – (E-mail: for a SUPER DEAL!)
Astropsychology home course $1050 or ($525) for VIP’s
Dr. Turi TOP service – Personal live Skype consultation $700 or $300 for VIP’s
Taped full life reading $310 or $210 for VIP’s
Taped comparison chart $410 or $210 for VIP’s
Taped progressive reading $250 or $200 for VIP’s