3 people died and 22 have been hospitalized after eating packaged salad, prompting a recall in several states!
Is this a SHOCKING piece of news just before Xmas? Millions of people ate those “reptilius infested” packages, yet only a few died or got sick! I do not expect traditionally educated doctors to pay attention to “Soul Doctors” like Hippocrate and myself critical cosmic teachings!
In fact, I am sure the vast majority of all of those well-read physicians will ridicule the father of modern medicine printed words (below) and Dr. Turi for such a rare and critical lost wisdom!
The fact is; billions of souls were born with a negative “black moon” or unlucky Dragon’s Tail in the sign of Virgo (Virgin Marie/puritanical/virginal/green/plants/vegetarianism/health/details/critical etc.)
And, as incredible as it may sound, those souls are prone to either get sick or die eating some vegetables or salads! But unless you own cosmic consciousness and know all about your cosmic identity, your inherited sins, and virtues, your celestial ignorance could cost you greatly!
How much do you know about your 6th house or work and health? What is the meaning of any planet (s) the black moon or the dragon’s head or tail in this (or any houses?)
Knowledge is power, ignorance is evil, and being critical, skeptical, religious and fearing God or Astrology or being atheist, agnostic, or oblivious of your natal karmic UCI *Unique Celestial Identity is a sure recipe for disaster in all areas of your life during your existence on this dense physical world!
God’s cosmic design implies very specific rules you must know and oblige by, don’t and ridicule my cosmic wisdom and you may pay the ultimate price! OR GET THE BEST OF THE BEST OF YOUR NATAL STARS!
The super deal I am offering all deserving, curious souls will end on January 1st 2022! So read “2022 – Are You Ready To “Die and Rebirth?” Special Discount Offered! “ and make the most of it while you can!
My windows for December 23rd and 29th 2022 enunciate the very high probability of quakes at or above 6.0! And so far there is no denying the facts!
12/21/21: 6.2 magnitude earthquake near Ferndale, California, United States
12/20/21: 6.3 magnitude earthquake near Labasa, Northern, Fiji
Take the time to watch my YouTube video and pay attention to my warnings and visions for the next deadly Plutonic window of December 29th! Click here https://youtu.be/h2otbOnadAw
Share pls HELP ME SAVE PRECIOUS LIVES! Click on the linK be curious, be smart, be wise! – https://www.drturi.com/sos-to-the-world-deadly-windows-dec-23rd-dec-29th-you-have-been-warned/
You will not get real predictions, real warnings, or unique UFOs’ information on CTC am, Gaia, or Ancient Aliens my friends! The truth does not matter there!
There are much more dramatic visions for the world at large in 2022, not just Russia, North Korea, China, and the US! You may also wonder about Ex. President Trump and how the reptilius in need of chaos, fear, and death will affect the world of politics and each one of us at a personal level!
When I mentioned and wrote hundreds of times “BE READY FOR A DANCE OF EVIL” it does not start or finish only with the pandemic! All you have to do is to click on “2022 Nostradamus Draconis Forecast for All Signs Now Available” https://www.drturi.com/2022-nostradamus-draconis-forecast-for-all-signs-now-available/
Join Dr. Turi in Los Angeles CA, March 19-27, 2022
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT A NEW GROUP – “Astrology UFOs & World Predictions With Dr. Turi” I decided to create a new group!
I will slowly but surely stop posting on the many groups I currently belong to and, concentrate solely on posting my critical warnings and predictions on a regular basis there ONLY! Thus if you enjoy my cosmic wisdom this is where you belong and will find me! I also thank you all for sharing my wisdom with other groups.
Learn all about God’s cosmic design! It’s a mortal sin not to do so and total salvation to speak God’s cosmic language! https://youtu.be/Hx-83VhvsFg
Learn all about various groups of ET’s cursing and blessing your life and work with the benevolent Draconis! https://youtu.be/xfDxUE5nia0
Cynthia Brasch – Thank you for my reading! In-depth lots of detail and you get a copy to watch over and over which is helpful because there is so much info. Good positive words and also things you might not want to hear about yourself but things you NEED to hear about yourself. All the best to you DR. TURI
️ You are right I am having a blast reading your book “Beyond the Secret” What you’re going through now is a lot but compared to what you’ve been through?OMG