Dear readers;
A few days ago, in “ALIEN CONTACTEE a passionate, educational and mind-boggling movie! I wrote; “I am expecting “young, envious souls” to make negative comments too!” and in my YouTube video, I also mentioned “some of them will go out of their way to tarnish my name and integrity” and also as mentioned in the video, there is no way to change an MS13 reptilius infected gang member or a born killer into a nice, decent, caring, smart, and intelligent person, period!
Unfortunately, infected lost souls left negative reviews on my movie but there is a way to have them removed.
Reviewed in the United States on June 4, 2020
Mellow – It’s basically a commercial; It might have been interesting if it had actually been done as a documentary, with background and other players. As it is it’s just one guy and his spiel. I cannot believe it was rated 5 stars which is why I watched it. Must be the majority are paid reviewers. Oh well.
Out of 35 – 5 stars and your incredible endorsements, Mellow obviously seems to suffer a serious insecurity and inferiority complex, and to assume I paid for the reviews is simply ridiculous! In fact, the producer himself responded to his nonsense!
His two stars “droppings” are can be eliminated if you locate “Mellow” in the Amazon customers review page and click on Report abuse – If you find this content inappropriate and think it should be removed from the Amazon.com site, let us know by clicking the button below.
You can help me keep a clean, real, and progressive record by reading any negative comments and do something about it, this will show your endless great support! In fact, a 1 star very disturbing comment has also been removed because one of you (thank you, stranger) did so!
The wonderful comments left by those sincere people who enjoyed and learned something new in the movie speak by themselves…

Mellow’s attitude indeed confirms the deep cosmic message of this UFO movie but some people can not be “saved” even if their pitiful life depended on single honest feedback left on Amazon Prime and Mellow is one of them! Infected souls are oblivious dangerous and everywhere and this movie offers the explanations and solutions.
Helping me with your positive comments and rating the movie is what will bring millions of people to acknowledge this terrible cosmic phenomenon and with your help, make this world a safer place for all the children of the future to reside.
Please be part of the solution or watch the world deteriorate right in front of your eyes! Your support is critical for the police and society at large! Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for helping me fight the reptilius who hijack the body mind and soul of millions of oblivious human beings!
Video shows tractor-trailer drive through protesters – Another infected lost soul!
The fact is “bad cops” like Derek Chauvin is obviously reptilius infected yet, since 1991 I’ve tried to reach the police administration but nothing has been done so far to save countless lives and billions of dollars of taxpayers’ wasted money! Read Police Requiem.
Derek Chauvin is 44 years old, he was born March 19, 1976, with a “Plutonic/Scorpius Dragon’s tail” in the sign of Taurus. In the medical aspect of Astrology, this sign rules the neck! Derek’s dragon’s Tail is located in his 3rd house (his hijacked infected racist mind) and with the TAIL in this sign, anything related to the neck is a BIG NO! NO!
Taurus rules money, the bank, Switzerland, the N.Y. financial district, and Derek Chauvin was also involved in dirty money-making schemes! He did not hear anyone desperate pleas around him and could not take his knee off Loyd’s neck! He was totally desensitized and was ordered “psychically” to kill Loyd! Note Chauvin is a French name that means HOT WINE! He may now “hang” himself or be killed in jail… Time will tell!
Update from my genius webmaster Tom;
Our VIPs and Patreon supporters read the quatrain and keywords below well before that dramatic news reached the media.
This specific Plutonic SOS to the world deadly window was followed by a “Beginning and ending of important phases of life” and what is also astonishing is that; Derek Chauvin was under one of his 2020 NEGATIVE cosmic biorhythms.
This makes my latest astrological discovery totally undeniable, reliable and the police administration should heed my warnings and teach all our brave police officers of those particular lives changing days! Doing so will not only save precious lives but save billions of US taxpayers dollars on legal disputes.
During those deadly cosmic winds I warned all my VIPs and Patreon supporters to expect death and drama and to be very careful! My previous plutonic windows have always been right but who’s paying attention?
“Be very careful because what you say or do during this specific deadly window will follow you for the rest of your life and will have very dramatic repercussions!”
May 2020, SOS to the world, deadly windows – Posted by Dr. Turi on April 29, 2020, at 9:37 pm in VIP universal – daily forecasts…
May 7/20 (Starting on the given date, will last all the way to the next window)
Hidden secrets, sex, money come to light
Raw power challenges police deadly villains
Ugly face of death drama horror surface
Nature man’s religion bloody folly reign
Russia / Famous Death / Dramatic Death News / Police news / Police brutality / FBI / CIA / Secret services / Secrets to light / Mob / Scandals / Terrorism / Cyber attacks / Abduction / Finances / Super wealth / Sex / Porn / Prostitution / Life and death / Serial Killers / Undiluted truth / Nature and Man-Made Wake up Call.
As always those windows produce earthquakes at or above 6.0!
06/04/20 6.4 magnitude earthquake near Tobelo, Maluku Utara, Indonesia
Today: 5.5 magnitude earthquake near Searles Valley, California, United States
06/03/20 6.8 magnitude earthquake near San Pedro de Atacama, Antofagasta, Chile
6.0 magnitude earthquake near Lampa, Puno, Peru
Shooting at Air Force base leaves two dead Terrorism?
Protester Who Surrounded FedEx Truck Struck and Killed
Beyoncé says people of all colors feel hopeless right now
Man is ‘shot dead by police’ in Louisville as they dispersed group
2 Atlanta officers fired for using ‘excessive force
Police officer attacked during protest in Los Angeles
Unarmed Palestinian man shot dead by police in Jerusalem
The FBI’s top lawyer is resigning
Thousands around the world protest Floyd’s death in global display of solidarity
New York police officers kneel with protesters
How cities along the US coast are preparing for a hurricane season like no other
Note the same Plutonic deadly window will curse the police and the world on June 3rd, 2020 you have been warned! There are very specific rules to oblige during those days and use those deadly cosmic winds at your advantage!
Once again readers, anything and everything that is ahead of you in terms of the upcoming news (and my warnings) is already written in light and has been offered under the form of quatrain and obvious keywords to our Patreon and precious VIPs well before you read all about that dramatic news…
The FULL reasons as to why Derek and no other cops killed George Floyd is explained in the video above and should dramatically raise your own cosmic awareness! Indeed it is all written in the stars but science ridicule the Divine and 99.9% of human beings do not speak God’s celestial language…
God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that you may live a safe and more productive life!
Only spiritually advanced souls who vibrate at my own cosmic speed will realize how critical it is for the police administration to acknowledge the critical facts and in the process save countless precious lives and billions in legal disputes! Read police requiem if you are a cop or if you know a cop!
But I can not force anyone to access those mind-boggling information, only those who ask shall receive! If you like psychology or Astrology Become a VIP and gain much more than what you could ever imagine as far as getting the golden keys to what it means to be human and all the secrets of the human mind outside of conventional, limited science!
In my 550 pages book “The Power of the Dragon” I gave all the tools needed for anyone who can read simple and plain English. All the famous and UN-famous people who made international news and history, like you, were born with a Dragon’s Head (positive/Draconis) and a Dragon’s Tail (negative/reptilius.) Knowing your own Dragon’s position by house and signs will become a major contribution to the successes or failures in your lifetime. And Derek Chauvin is a FULL and obvious example of the best of the best and most refined cosmic teachings I want to offer you with!
When you decide to proceed with a live, Skype / Zoom Full Life Reading, this is what I will answer for you, there won’t be anything I will not talk about, discuss or teach you!
- I will make you aware of your true soul’s purpose during this reincarnation.
- I will point out your best options to make money and stimulate your potential to become a multimillionaire.
- I will tell you the top gift God blessed you with at birth and how to assimilate it easily.
- I will tell you what type of energy is in your home and cleanse it for you and where you and your family can live and feel secure.
- I will explain your best shot at creativity and fame assuring success for your children.
- I will point out the type of man/woman and what type of love you will attract and if you are looking for love on how to build more magnetism to become more attractive to the opposite sex.
- I will make you aware of the type of ailments/diseases you are prone to endure and the correct natural healing methods to enjoy a healthier life.
- I will tell you what type of long-lasting partners you are fated to attract and when/where to go to find your soulmate.
- I will divulge your soul”s age and how much mystical power you were born with and if you are a white Witch and a medicine woman.
- I will tell you where is your best shot at higher education and what to expect with foreigners or in foreign lands. I will expose some of your past lives, where you were, what you were doing, and your inherited spiritual gifts.
- I will lead you to the best career God has set for you and the real possibility for you to become famous.
- I will point out the type of friends you will attract and those that will help you reach all your dreams.
- I will make you aware of your worse weaknesses, your hidden enemies, and clean off any form of possession by low entities. I will also tutor you on how to make the most of your super-conscious creative forces.
- Now to the utmost crucial information: The location of the black moon and acknowledgment of the current Dragon Head and Tail and how apathetically speaking it will force you to experience a total rebirth on some areas of your life. I will send you 4 years ahead so it’s important to record the session. There are no chances to escape the Dragon (and ET’s) power period. The question is; will you suffer ignorance and pay the price of ignorance or will you be prepared to make the most of those powerful cosmic winds?
- Then let’s get to the core of our meeting and do the Astro-Tarot and talk directly with Draco!
When you purchase the 2020 version get the 2019 version FOR FREE! If you already purchased the 2020 version and want 2019 forecast you can have it for only $5:00 use PayPal pls. All you have to do after your order is to email teraniapromodir@gmail.com and request your copy for 2019.
Nostradamus 2020 Universal and personal predictions for all signs.
Get your copy right away read what’s ahead of you! Enjoy this small sample of predictions
Prediction #12: New regulations imposed by the FAA and a lack of scared travelers will force the entire aeronautics industry to undergo a costly restructure and many airlines and cruise ships will not survive. 4/25/20 – Boeing terminates $4.2 billion deal with Embraer
Prediction #9: Americans are also taking serious risks traveling on foreign grounds and I strongly recommend those who must travel or reside in foreign countries, to invest in their 2020 Personal Cosmic Biorhythms.
In the process, because of fires the wildlife (and our pets) will also suffer drastically and perish. Those dramatic news stories reflect the endless battles taking place between the nefarious and benevolent groups of ETs fighting each other from far away galaxies cursing all humans’ affairs.
From Coast to Coast website: 10/16/19 – Turi also made predictions for this year and the next based on his study of astrology, saying that for the rest of 2019, political events and relationships will “go downhill,” He also said that he is expecting “a lot of fire” and “a lot of wildlife to disappear.”
Knowing all my windows and follow my advice and warnings has much more to offer than you may realize just now reader! Becoming a VIP has much more to offer you that you can ever hope for or even imagine and all I can do is to offer you the endless, often incredible possibilities of working in harmony with the cosmic code jurisdictions!

If you liked the movie, you will LOVE this book because I share many more incredible stories of my youth you may have a problem to believe! It is impossible for me to give you all I can or know in a one-hour movie!
Change your thoughts, let me free your spirit from the reptilius from fear and cosmic ignorance
Watch your thoughts; they become your words
Watch your words; they become your actions
Watch your actions; they become your habits
Watch your habits; they become your character
Watch your character for it will become your destiny
“Your Future Is: The Reincarnation Of Your Thoughts”.
If you trust my cosmic work and want to help my mission and the benevolent Draconis to free the world from the reptilius and beat them at their own subtle psychical games join the movement. Thank you all! Dr. Turi
Dr. Turi’s Books and Products:
Cosmic Code VIP Membership – Pick your price and duration! Thank you.
Become a Patreon, show your support for our cosmic work! Thank you.
2019 Nostradamus Personal and Universal Predictions For All Signs
2020 Nostradamus Personal and Universal Predictions For All Signs
Astro-Carto-Graphy Relocation Reading $210 or $150 for VIP’s
2020 Positive Cosmic Biorhythms Personal Reports $100 for VIP’s
The Magical Power of Talismans $350 for VIP’s – (E-mail: teraniapromodir@gmail.com for a SUPER DEAL!)
Astropsychology home course $1050 or ($525) for VIP’s
Dr. Turi TOP service – Personal live Skype consultation $700 or $300 for VIP’s
Taped full life reading $310 or $210 for VIP’s
Taped comparison chart $410 or $210 for VIP’s
Taped progressive reading $250 or $200 for VIP’s