A Powerful Message To The World
“Incredible experiences breed incredible people that have incredible wisdom to share with the world…” Dr. Turi
Disease quadruples in 3 decades Why is diabetes on the rise?
Dear readers;
When I was growing up in the sixties, I could never understand why my best friend became a victim of this infamous disease and, being so young, that experience made me fear it even more. But today, I’m not only a cancer survivor but also a healthy 66 year old. And the good news is; I know how to “Beat cancer, stop smoking, now enjoy a long healthy life.”
So, make sure that once you are done reading this article; go back and click on the link above. Doing so may save your life, even if you are healthy today!
CNN: Adults with diabetes increased from 4.7% of the global population to 8.5% (from 108 million to 422 million).The rise, it say; mirrors “the global increase in the number of people who are overweight or obese.” Among the WHO’s in key findings about exercise…
• In 2010, nearly a quarter of adults (18 and older) were classified as “insufficiently physically active.”
• Even more alarming were the figures on inactivity among adolescents, with 84% of female adolescents and 78% of males falling short.
More than any other generation, the Baby Buster or the Millennial health fanatics are prone to suffer all sorts of diseases. Mostly because they are “compulsive cerebral” victimized by their irrational over concerned attitude towards health matters. One must remember, that this group of young adults were raised with technology and truly believe science; their doctors and medications own all the answers to their psychotic problems.
The rational born generation is very concerned with education and has been totally indoctrinated by the US Department of Education. Their natural response to anything that can not be touched; examined or dealt with with logically, is below their traditionally “educated” standards and erroneously, classified as pseudoscience.
In fact, the majority of Millennials are forbidden access to the archetypal realm of supra-cosmic consciousness and were born natural atheists! “Millenials, a generation of born OCD”
Furthermore, they will fight with dedication against anything related to religion, spirituality, metaphysics, psychics, astrology or the divine. In fact I already proved my claim with two CNN writers Blake Ellis and Melanie Hicken; engaged in exposing a multinational “psychic” scam.
Unfortunately, differentiating crooks from real gifted souls like me, is not a topic worth their efforts to warn the public; especially when they are cosmic unconscious. Read Maria Duval CNN and French Psychic Astrologer Dr. Turi to learn more!
My first negative experience with an immature “Millennial” little brat took place following another successful prediction of an earthquake above 6.0 with Jeffrey/Allen on Paranormal Central radio show. In her rational mind, I was supposed to fail and she was 150% sure I would, until I proved her wrong each time on other radio/tv shows.
The mind (or UCI) of those young souls is ONLY wired to deal with this dense physical world and could never accept nor comprehend another alternative described in “The psychology and neuroscience of terrorism by Dr. Turi.”
While there are well read humans beings from all walks of life, not every one of them were born intelligent or will ever be able to grasp the Cosmic Code jurisdictions. And many would rather not perform the mental gymnastics to do so, instead they are watching sports or movies on TV all day long. Talk about serious mental or demanding endeavors to stay mentally and physically healthy!
Some will find every excuses in the world to not exercise. They are too busy, the kids are taking all their time or they are just too tired to do so after work.
Thus this lack of activity does not help in oxygenating the body knowing no cancer cells can survive in an over oxygenated body! I have a ritual that must be performed everyday to counteract this lack of activity and it works better than running for hours in the smoky city streets or on your treadmill. And I am willing to teach this simple technique as to avoid diseases and an early demise.
The brain can train the body to eat only once a day like we do! If you are not active enough, your body will not burn enough calories if you eat more food or burn extra sugar. All this food is stored in various part of your body at the expanse of your heart! Do not fall for the saying; breakfast is the most important meal of the day, if you just spend your day sitting! Unless it’s filled with lots of fruits or unloaded with the bad fats.
There are so many ways to stay healthy but too many insecure and depressed people seek refuge with food and medications. This is a bad mixture for your metabolism. Furthermore, you may be born with a slow metabolism (water/earth signs) or ADD or ADHD like me ( or a great dose of air and fire signs.)
If you are fidgety and can’t stay still, thanks goodness for your “nervous” Mercurial natal load. You will find hard to put on weight! But if your stars are slow and lymphatic, you are prone to collect fat!
In fact; if you natal karmic UCI is slow, you’ll be slow mentally and physically! This does not mean you are an idiot unable to assimilate anything, but it require a cosmic conscious teacher to locate your Mercury (mental process) location, its aspects to other planets and ADAPT to the teaching formula you need to learn at your own pace!
And you wonder why there are so many children who drop out with such so many unconscious teachers working under the rules a deplorable US Department of Education?
Obama waste $100M to unlock mysteries of the brain
Prophecy & the Cosmic Code with Dr. Louis Turi – Feedback
The purpose is in the stars!
Terania and I are planning one last Astroforensic / Astropsychology course either some time next year or next winter. And unless our students own a more refined, spiritual cosmic make up, the drive for any “millennial” to build more cosmic consciousness and learn all about natural healing safe methods will never be there. On the other hand, with the right cosmic conscious teacher, those curious enough to join will probably learn much faster than any other students!
In order to heal oneself, you must use the mind, the hands, the feet, the entire body, your weight and your soul to heal others!
It is in healing others and sharing your own physical and cosmic fluid, through the sense of touch and wise words that you will also heal yourself! Not by ingesting chemicals prescribed by traditional doctors against pain and diseases!
Remember; I am a proud Soul Doctor and the entire world of medicine does not understand what this means because science has lost the spirit. A Soul Doctor is a gifted human being allowed to use his/her past lives residue working as a medicine man/woman reborn in this current state of evolution.
The soul is granted and allowed to retrieve and use a natural medicinal wisdom that astonish the “young souls.” In my case, this rare wisdom is also cosmic in nature and allow me to make unarguable, well documented predictions and teach you all about God Cosmic Divinity. Thus when idiots tell me I am not a real doctor, trust me I am solid like the many “accredited” traditionally educated doctors I teach!
What Does The World Say About Dr. Turi?
I will give you a sample of what you can learn to better yourself physically or spiritually, if you decide to spend $25 buck for a brief phone conversation.
You may also fall for endless radio and television advertisements asking you to visit your local pharmacist to find out more about diabetes!
If you decide to check me instead, please be patient; we are still swamped with “the Jupiter omen” personal translations (Read more at the bottom of this article )
If you are more into natural health personal information instead, when you e-mail Terania; please make sure to give her your DOB so I can check your cosmic nature, your weakest areas prone to infection imposed by the location of Saturn “the Great Malefic.” More information about your proneness to diseases are also coming from your karmic dragons demanding some investigations from my part!
And while I can help you with your health, remember the current Jupiter effect/omen will bless you in dealing and learning from a foreigner.
Jupiter is the “Lord of Luck” or The Great Benefic, but this marvelous planet’s blessings will also escape you if you do not understand its specific requirements. You may be any sign of the Zodiac, yet you also have a “Jupiter” location by house and sign. Unlike nasty Saturn (the disease probability Great Malefic), Jupiter protects and heals; that is, if you are willing to deal with foreigners, be on foreign grounds or be challenged outside of conventionality.
Jupiter also expands all that is touches. Maybe you feel like you put on some weight lately? Maybe Jupiter is in your first house or on your rising? And if this is the case, what can you do to lose weight?
Sagittarius rules the part between the horse and the man. The lower back and if Saturn resides there; be sure you will have endless back problems. I can tell you how to deal with this pain free of medications, just by doing a specific exercise as soon as you get up in the morning! Meantime, do not expect your pain to miraculously disappear over night as your untrained body may need some natural coaching discipline.
While any of my tailored talismans can help you psychically and physically, your presence at our final future live Nostradamus Natural Healing class is unmatched to learn it all. But if you are not a student VIP, you MUST join before and having a reading as well as getting acquainted with the course ahead of time because this opportunity IS NOT for the general public.
Please understand that, ONLY those who took the initial Astropsychology home course can attend! Let me explain why!
While I always start the course by teaching the basic dynamics of Astropsychology, I would rather concentrate on offering all that have learned; since my previous 2009 live course in Sedona.
We already have 20 students ready to go and we have room for 10 more to complete the event. The price for this live course has been reduced to $525 for previous students, instead of $1050. The reduced price will help the prospective students with traveling and accommodation expenses.
At this time the geographical preference hasn’t been made but it could be Hawaii, Florida or another “secret place” that Terania may share with you in time. Indeed it is required that prior to taking the advanced live course, all students must understand all the required basics! This way, I will be able to concentrate on teaching you a much more advanced cosmic language; which you should be able to master in a few days with us.
Please note, for various reasons; if some of our students can not attend any live course, do not worry, the full course will be videotaped and recorded and will replace the old home course offered on our website www.drturi.com.
Please don’t call… email Teraniapromodir@gmail.com with your name, location and some information on possible times and location you could attend; as she is keeping record of all prospective students.
The opening ceremony will be conducted by Chief Sonne Reyna
2009 Sedona live course
The home course which includes the 16 CDS / three required e-books: “Power of the Dragon,” “And God Created the Stars,” “I Know All About You” / the printed material with the 150 questionnaire exam and a pack of tarot card (Swiss or French Tarot De Marseille) you must purchase before the live course. Email teraniapromodir@gmail if you need more information.
Software is also available once you graduate and is separate from the class fees. All students get a discount when ordering it.
You may order the software anytime to start generate money from your website. (Total 7 programs $400 + $10 S&H for VIP students only/Regularly $810.) Please note that either Virtual PC or Soft Windows must be installed on your Mac to run these. E-mail: teraniapromodir@gmail.com for more information.
The teachings will also involve, Divine Astrology, the Astro tarot, dreams and omens interpretations, and the formidable Nostradamus 16th century natural healing methodology!
This is an incredible Japanese electronic tool that is applied on various part of the face or body, the results are terrific.
Crystals are also used in various ways you will learn!
The massage table will be coming with us and you will be able to see the results of those teachings following the session. The students will be surprised when years of stress will be removed. You may look at you in the mirror and not recognize yourself! The most powerful natural tools God gave his children to heal are the mind, the feet and the hands and we will teach you the natural secrets to get those results!
Learn To Heal Others and Speak God Divine Cosmic Language
Sedona live course Astro -Tarot session
It is important for all my readers to realize I may not be able to reach you on my old Facebook pages! In fact, I CAN NOT REACH YOU ANYMORE! unless you become my friend. For some unknown reasons my main Facebook page is now gone! I also can not post nor edit anymore on these two pages either: https://www.facebook.com/AlienDr.Turi/ and https://www.facebook.com/PsychicNostradamus -Thus if you own a Facebook page; please join and like my only working page at Louis Drturi!
Meantime your best shot is to become a VIP and get entitled to the many super deals we offer, our forecasts, SOS windows, special articles or the best of our cosmic wisdom. Please join us and become a part of our rare spiritual breed of human making up our international cosmic family.
I am not making this up when I assure you some subhumans are reptilius infected. Dangerous psychiatric patient on the loose – Secular blogger murdered in street – Rare are the ones who will support the mission enough to make the future a better place. Many are possessed by this evil and rare are those like me who reflect the light and cosmic wisdom of the benevolent group of ET’s called the Draconis.
I am amazed at all the coward journalists reading my work to cover this story instead of covering my incredible journey and my undeniable predictions… ISIS Deadly explosions rock Brussels airport, subway PREDICTION!
A Powerful Message To The World
Read more from https://www.facebook.com/louis.drturi.1 – If you own a Facebook page, JOIN this only active page. Share my work please.
Blessings to all
Dr. Turi