“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth by means of his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but Supreme wisdom.” Paracelsus
“The universe is a BRIGHT LIVING spiritual entity… I’m offering its secrets before I die. The purpose of all my struggles was to build cosmic wisdom and offer universal guidance and strengths to others” ~ Dr. Turi
Larry – I want to Thank Dr. Turi and Terania, for giving me the opportunity to understand what it means to be Human. If you only had one class to take in this lifetime, to understand why people do what they do, this is it. I will be forever Grateful and Blessed…
Call it a stellium right on my SOS deadly window, and with the entrance of Pluto (death/secrets/drama/wake-up calls) in Aquarius (sudden release of energy/quakes/nukes/technology/ UFOs/New Age) the next few days and upcoming SOS windows of March 24, March 29 and April 7th will be quite deadly!
‘City killer’ asteroid will swing between Earth and the moon this weekend
This is why it is critical for you to come back often to read this newsletter and pay attention to my warnings!
March 2023 SOS to the world deadly window Posted March 2, 2023
March 16 – 24 (Starting on the given date, will last all the way to the next window)
Hidden secrets, sex, money come to light
Raw power challenges police deadly villains
Ugly face of death drama horror surface
Nature man’s religion bloody folly reign
REPTILIUS EFFECT / *Russia / Famous Death / *Dramatic Death News / Mass death / Mass shooting / Police news / Police brutality / FBI / CIA / Secret services / Secrets to light / Mob / Scandals / Terrorism / Assassination / Cyber-attacks / Abduction / Finances / *IRS / Super wealth / Sex / Porn / Prostitution / Life and death / Serial Killers / Undiluted truth /Dying/Rebirthing / Nature and Man-Made Wake up Call.
Are you ready for the next SOS window of March 30th?
My windows always predisposes to quakes at or above 6.0
3/27/23 – 6.1 magnitude earthquake near Buala, Isabel, Solomon Islands
The shooter, who was only identified as a female who appeared to be “in her teens,” was killed during gunfire with police. Her identity and motive are yet to be confirmed. I am so desperate to reach parents, teachers, and society at large and educate them all on the “reptilius effect” cursing humans of all ages from all walks of life!
Until this is done mass shootings and the endless chain of teen suicides will never stop! This is why you MUST help me by sharing my work since my SOS TO THE WORLD DEADLY WINDOW MARCH 24/25/26 WARNING has once again spoken the reality of my UFO’s predictive legacy!
At least 26 dead after tornado-spawning storms roll through Mississippi
No skeptics, it’s not every day that a tornado destroys a town and kills 26 people and even though it happened right on my SOS deadly window given on Frank Morano’s radio show, some people will still deny the reality of my UFOs predictive legacy!
No more real Astrological predictions or facts about UFOsavailable on Coast to Coast am anymore since George and Tom fired mefor being real and accurate! Pay attention to my warnings or pay the price of ignoring God’s celestial design speaking his will through my quatrains and obvious keywords!
Hard Rock Lake Tahoe shooting leaves 1 dead
5 children among 6 killed in a car crash on an interstate in Tennessee
At least 28 migrants die as boats sink off Tunisia
Ex-officer makes explosive sexual allegations against co-workers
An explosion at a candy factory in Pennsylvania leaves at least 2 dead
Virginia POLICE officer fired after killing an unarmed man suspected of shoplifting
Florida teen sentenced to life in prison for fatally stabbing 13-year-old classmate (REPTILIUS EFFECT)
If Putin were arrested abroad after ICC warrant it would mean a ‘declaration of war- RUSSIA?
The world, Russia and Putin’s life will change drastically as we move closer to the Aries/Libra new dragon axis and the “reptilius effect” effective as of July 2023…
Humans and animals will “psychically” respond to the “reptilius effect” and become much more aggressive and deadly! And since I love nature, boating, and the Salt River be extra cautious during my SOS deadly windows… Those incidents happened during my SOS windows, and chances are the victims were under one of their 2023 negative cosmic biorhythms!
‘We all gasped’: Officer survives after being flipped into air by vehicle during chase POLICE?
Chances this lucky cop was under one of his 2023 positive cosmic biorhythms!
Mountain lion injures 1 as rafters fight off attack with paddles along Arizona river
Mountain lion attacks and injures camping man by the Salt River
Congressman to TikTok CEO: ‘Your technology is literally leading to death
Wakeup call? Again, it is only if you purchased my 2022/2023 Nostradamus dragon forecast that you will acknowledge my vision…
Memo – “To the newcomer, since Scorpio rules the FBI, the police, criminals, large corporations (Twitter/Google/Facebook/TikTok), and Russia, for months on my YouTube channel, I warned of a full restructuring of those governmental agencies and particularly, reptilius-infected Putin’s actions!
Greedy, controlling monopolizing corporations like Google, Amazon, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Linked In, etc. will in time, be forced into a full restructuring!
All those leaders CEOs/FCO are infected and have destroyed many people’s businesses by using technology unwisely and selling secret conversations! Instagram (TikTok) is killer #1 of immature teens who commit endless suicides.”
The fact is the reptilius in need of fear, chaos, and insecurity to survive in dark matter, are using sophisticated technology not only to kill immature kids but to spy on other nations!
For me to do a radio show with such powerful Plutonic winds means you really want to pay attention to my predictions and my warnings!
We are now into a PLUTONIC DEADLY window that produces dramatic news “2 additional deaths linked to bacteria in recalled eye drops, CDC says“ police/FBI activity, sex/predators news “Oklahoma man solicited sex with toddler after meeting mom“ shootings, “ 2 adult faculty members hospitalized after shooting at Denver high school” secrets to light, banking ” Some lawmakers want to raise FDIC insurance limits to help restore confidence in the banking system“ wake-up calls, and serious troubles are anticipated in congested places!
My windows always also creates quakes at or above 6.0! Today 03/22/23 on my SOS windows an M6.5 Earthquake hit Jujuy in Argentina.”

As always, the reptilius will use those deadly cosmic winds to lead infected sub-humans to do damage to people and innocent animals! “Man viciously beats puppy on video, leaves for dead in trash can!”
Who can deny my UFOs predictive legacy? That is if you read “LAST SOS to the world SHOCKING window 03/18/23 – You Have Been Warned!
It is only when the student (or the patient) is ready for a gifted Soul Doctor that I appear in your life and help you manifest your own power! I am here for you since those critical newsletters you depend on every day will stop coming your way on April 20th!
Unless I get your help and commitment to support my mission!
Free your spirit with a live Zoom consultation with Dr. Turi.

“He Who Conquers the Stars Will Hold the Golden Keys to God’s Mysterious Universe And Change The World.” Dr. Turi
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