The real reasons why Dr.Sanjay Gupta changed his mind on weed

August 12, 2013

*The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. We will not solve the problems of the world from the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. More than anything else, this new century demands new thinking: We must change our materially based analyses of the world around us to include broader, more multidimensional perspectives.” 

~Albert Einstein*

Read also – Dr. Sanjay Gupta First Legal US Drug Lord?

Dr.Sanjay Gupta I was born in October

The Stars and Fate of Dr. Sanjay Gupta

Deepak Chopra
Deepak Chopra I was born in October

Deepak Chopra Versus Dr. Turi Secrets to a Cosmic Conscious brain


Dear Readers;

Update 11/11/2014 – Pot can shrink part of your brain, study says – Looks like I knew better about weed than Dr.Sanjay Gupta then…

Gupta ‘I am doubling down DECEPTION’ on medical marijuana!

Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Dr. Deepak Chopra , NeildeGrasse – ARE YOU A TRUE GENIUS?

Do you think it is yet another “accident” or  “An Act of God” for both famous physicians to be born in October?

“Where Cosmic Consciousness is lacking; science, conspiracy and religious imagination have the wrong answers. There are no accidents, nor circumstances, only cosmic consequences the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive.”

Souls born in October under the sign of Libra  are born eternal professional students, they usually get notoriety because their traditional education is endorsed and financially supported by  “The Physical / Spiritual Universal Educational Controlling Matrix” 

libra star sign


In fact the codification of thoughts (traditional education/religions) rules all Libra’s karmic UCI these are the kids you won’t have to harass to do their homework or go to church! They are walking library of information dictating why Libra (the laws/the scales) produce also great often crooked attorneys!

Little do they know the difference between their “accredited/accepted/imposed” education and intelligence, mostly because repeating the vast content of any books doe not involve the essence of a true genius creative, original challenging often controversial  mind.  Yes God cursed me with a supreme gift of ADHD or a turbo-charged *mental/physical personality so I could not seat my little but for too long listening to the bunch of cosmic unconscious educated morons or the sad victims of the controlling educational matrix.

As I grew up and realized the moronic educated world I was born into, I became more and more aware of Einstein’s famous quote “Its a miracle that curiosity survives education!”  I can only hope those famous heads like many other scientists out there land on my work and benefit from a different type of “cosmic” information.

Thus, because of their Libra Sun Sign,  I hope they both will make note of this section… ” A word of caution to you: stay clear of all chemicals, such as pot, drugs, or alcohol, as these destructive habits could blur your spirit or worse lead you to a hospital or jail. You have an extremely low tolerance to chemicals that will hurt you physically and spiritually in the long run.


So readers do you understand why  Sanjay Gupta changed his mind on weed now? Being cosmic conscious means also becoming an infallible “ Human Detector” where it becomes impossible to lie to! The very fact is BOTH men are POT heads and enjoy the trip like billions of others born Neptunians and lead into medicine and the legal/illegal use of chemicals.  The current 2012/2014 Scorpius Draconis  is making sure any and all form of TRUTHS to become public and some celebrities came out of the closet admitting they were “born gay.”

However only my Astropsychology students can truly appreciate the facts because like me they OWN cosmic consciousness. And cosmic consciousness if  far from the “nirvana” deceptive poisonous effects pot HAS on your body, mind and soul!

But if your UCI is overloaded with Neptune, you are “karmically” trapped into this planet deceptive quick sands and will never ever agree with me and ignore the medical aspect of Astropsychology warnings.

So here are your educated doctors WORKING for  “The Physical / Spiritual Universal Educational Controlling Matrix”  and the sad reality is 99.09% of the world population will be dumb enough to trust their “accredited” education!

The controlling educational Matrix is RUN by your elites, by large unscrupulous corporations and people like Sanjay Gupta who gets international exposure and attention!  There is no wonder why people have difficulties seeing the truth because they are not exposed to real cosmic wisdom. Its all about money, its all about control, its all about the PIN HEADS of your educated doctors working for the Lobbyists!

Remember this golden rule readers “The elites who pretend to be the experts in their field are often the least knowledgeable on the subject!” 

 “The Physical / Spiritual Universal Educational Controlling Matrix”  is building a society of atheists, agnostics skeptics distancing themselves from God cosmic Divinity! This earthy attitude with replace emotions, sensitivity, respect, creativity with insensitive cold blooded evil that will, in time  produce the decimation of humanity. Your world will be ruled by robotic, logisticians MONSTERS depraved of any sensitivity.  Why can’t you see such an obvious result, especially when drugs and Neptune rules this world! The total depletion of the human spirit is lead by the lost elites, non cosmic conscious over educated scientists who can not even auto analyse themselves correctly!  OMG Have Mercy on your children for I am working overtime to bring them back to you!

Do you want to participate and learn about the cosmic code? Join us soon HERE! I am not sure if the controlling matrix will allow me to perform there yet but let others know- I will answer your questions there then… If you are a supporter talk to the Matrix! suggest me as a speaker! Please spare a few seconds of your life to reward me to spend hours for you.

Add  this link too my supporters words / voices are as important as yours! What Does The World Say About Dr. Turi?

If I get enough support from you, I may be able to reach the media and save / improve your children spiritual welfare! 

Sharing email;

Louis, Kevin DOB 10-23-54, must have been on an unlucky day yesterday . While preparing for his colonoscopy drinking all the stuff, he fainted & had a seizure. Very upsetting, scary even for me a nurse. Paramedics took him to the hospital, stayed overnight, home today. I am going to complain to the makers of miralax , because this is an adverse reaction. I thought he was going to die. Thank God I was home. Luv ya Cheryl

Sent from my iPhone

DT – Remember he is a Libra and ALL Libra have a negative reaction to any and all chemicals… Did you read my last newsletter about two Doctors born in October??? “The real reasons why Dr.Sanjay Gupta changed his mind on weed.”

I received this email from a friend realizing the incredible power produced by the 2012/2013 Scorpius Draconis. Those kids are lured into drugs / pot first then raped. Remember the Middle East is a Neptunain – Pisces region where drugs / hallucinogens have been used since for ever… And you wonder why those lost religiously poisoned souls become fanatics ready to kill anyone who do not embrace Islam. Sad reality of the birthing of the Monster society I keep warning you about daily!

WOW! Sweden might beat Norway and the UK for the largest number of …

SWEDEN’S SOARING CHILD RAPE WAVE: 1,000 rapes by Muslims were reported in Stockholm during just the first seven seven months of 2013. 300 of them involved girls under 15.

Islam vs Europe The number of police reports concerning rape in Stockholm has increased by 16 percent so far this year. A large part of the increase involves the rape of young girls. The National Crime Prevention Council published the statistics today. More than 1,000 rapes have been reported in the county during the first seven months. A large part of the increase of rapes concerns the rape of girls under 15. According to BRÅ police in the county received 300 such reports so far this year.”

Dr. Drew Versus Dr. Turi

Dr. Drew A Born Nerd!

Dr. Drew, Dr. Gupta PTSD Bullying and Suicide

Teaching Science What Makes A Bully a Bully!

Dementia, Schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s and Science

Obama waste $100M to unlock mysteries of the brain

Astrophysics,Quantum Physics and The Cosmic Code

The Universe IS a big Brain

Neuroscience Long For Answer On the Mind

A Generation of Born OCD

“Jared Lee Laughner “The Mind Of A Killer”

The Power of The Mind

A New Beginning For humanity

Iranian Scientist Versus Dr.Turi Time Machine

NO you do not need a BA, MA, MBA, JD and PhD

Panic Attack How To Beat It?

Deepak Chopra: Secrets to a better brain

 “God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them for interpretations so you may live a safer more productive life! Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth by means of his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom”




Supreme cosmic wisdom mean peace, respect, love and harmony for all!

Roxy Lopez and Dr. Turi on “The truth Denied Radio“ August 23rd 8 to 10 pm EST –  Divulging All About the Secrets of the Matrix – If you have any question please email Roxy at


Thank you


Is It Too Late For Mother Earth?

August 12, 2013


”For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice… If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!


Magnitude: 6.0

Magnitude: 6.2

Magnitude: 6.3

Magnitude: 6.7


Story Views on BIN (and counting fast)

Now: 6
Last Hour: 113
Last 24 Hours: 5,944
Total: 25,128

Dear Readers;

I wrote “A Generation of Born OCD” to explain to the older Baby Boom generation how the overpowering  health fanatic Virgo essence emanating from the “Universal Spiritual Matrix” seriously “constipated” today’s Baby Buster generation psyche!  Their karmic, inborn UCI speaks a Virginal/Puritanical universal language they were not  trained to understand  but worse, to ridicule!

But the advantage of being cosmic conscious is; at 63 years of age,  I understand both “The Baby Boom and the Baby Busters Generations.”

And this is where ALL children (and their parents/teachers) should own a copy of my book “The Power of the Dragon” explaining this phenomenon in great details. Doing so the new scientists will stop wasting time and money (your hard earned tax dollar) looking for the “gene” or the physical part of the brain responsible  for producing such an OCD responsiveness.  OMG! Have Mercy on your educated children…

 Its not through your science or your religions that you will uncover the golden keys to what it means to be human because “The Physical / Spiritual Universal Educational Controlling Matrix”  is far from owning supreme wisdom and much dedicated to keep my voice muted!

If you are a supporter talk to the Matrix! suggest me as a speaker! Please spare a few seconds of your life to reward me to spend hours for you –

Add them this link too my supporters words / voices are as important as yours! 

If I get enough support from you, I may be able to reach the media and save / improve your children spiritual welfare! 

Check the difference a generation can do and why many cosmic unconscious human beings must adapt to the changes. Indeed life is a constant process of changes and many young souls still refuse to grow psychophysically… Its much easier to assume than to perform the mental gymnastics needed to grow into a better, wiser smarter soul I may add…

Imagine that; yesterday a 76 years old man called the office and told Terania and I he has been following my work for years and finally made sense to life because of it! He read every single pieces I ever wrote since 1985 (what a big book that is!)  while my youngest student who took my Astropsychology course in Sedona was only 12 years old… By the way we are planning with “Back To Life Inc.” a 2 weeks live Astropsychology course/trip/tour to Thailand with top amenities this winter. Let the program Director know if you are interested and you will get all the information you need –

From a Dr. in Psychiatry “Dr. Turi I learned more in your week crash course/books  than 7 years in college…” Take the home course because “The Physical / Spiritual Universal Educational Controlling Matrix” does not have your children best interests of education at heart! The matrix abusive corporations are educating / fabricating cosmic unconscious agnostics, atheists skeptics scientists to develop more armful expensive drugs pay by your insurances to numb the spirit of an over medicated American society!



Now let me explain how a the cosmic unconscious “Baby Boom” generation respond to “The Baby Buster” generation. All you have to do is to change the sentence “We didn’t have this green thing back in my earlier days.” by “The Baby Buster Generation” Now be smart, be curious and learn all about the “cosmic” difference/essence making up your and/or your children Universal idiosyncrasy by reading more on the subject.

Checking out at the store, the young cashier suggested to me the other day, that I should bring my own grocery bags because plastic bags weren’t good for the environment.

I apologized and explained, “We didn’t have this green thing back in my earlier days.” or “The Baby Buster Generation”

The clerk responded, “That’s our problem today. Your generation did not care enough to save our environment for future generations.”

She was right — our generation didn’t have the green thing in its day. “The Baby Buster Generation”

Back then, we returned milk bottles, soda bottles and beer bottles to the store. The store sent them back to the plant to be washed and sterilized and refilled, so it could use the same bottles over and over. So they really were recycled. But we didn’t have the green thing back in our day, or “The Baby Buster Generation”

Grocery stores bagged our groceries in brown paper bags, that we reused for numerous things, most memorable besides household garbage bags, was the use of brown paper bags as book covers for our school books. This was to ensure that public property, (the books provided for our use by the school) was not defaced by our scribbling. Then we were able to personalize our books. But too bad we didn’t do the green thing back then, or “The Baby Buster Generation”

We walked up stairs, because we didn’t have an escalator in every store and office building. We walked to the grocery store and didn’t climb into a 300-horsepower machine every time we had to go two blocks. But she was right. We didn’t have the green thing in our day or “The Baby Buster Generation”
Back then, we washed the baby’s diapers because we didn’t have the throw-away kind. We dried clothes on a line, not in an energy gobbling machine burning up 220 volts — wind and solar power really did dry our clothes back in our early days. Kids got hand-me-down clothes from their brothers or sisters, not always brand-new clothing. But that young lady is right; we didn’t have the green thing back in our day or “The Baby Buster Generation”

Back then, we had one TV, or radio, in the house — not a TV in every room. And the TV had a small screen the size of a handkerchief (remember them?), not a screen the size of the state of Montana . In the kitchen, we blended and stirred by hand because we didn’t have electric machines to do everything for us. When we packaged a fragile item to send in the mail, we used wadded up old newspapers to cushion it, not Styrofoam or plastic bubble wrap. Back then, we didn’t fire up an engine and burn gasoline just to cut the lawn. We used a push mower that ran on human power. We exercised by working so we didn’t need to go to a health club to run on treadmills that operate on electricity. But she’s right; we didn’t have the green thing back thenor “The Baby Buster Generation.”

I truly hope you will learn something “The Physical / Spiritual Universal Educational Controlling Matrix” does not want you to know!



Supreme cosmic wisdom mean peace, respect, love and harmony for all!

Do you want to participate and learn about the cosmic code? Join us soon HERE! I am not sure if the controling matrix will allow me to perform there yet but  let others know- I will answer your questions there …

Roxy Lopez and Dr. Turi on “The truth Denied Radio“ August 23rd 8 to 10 pm EST –  Divulging All About the Secrets of the Matrix – If you have any question please email Roxy at


Thank you



Panic Attack How To Beat It?

August 11. 2013


”For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice… If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!



Dear Readers;

I don’t know how you will feel after watching this teen’s desperate call for help but the sad reality is they are billions of them suffering the same slow and steady spiritual depletion. I do not know anyone who never suffered either serious depression or panic attacks and I surely know all about the horrible feeling! Any disruptive experience such as losing a pet or a person, being bullied or nurturing a lack of self esteem or “Rejection – How to Deal With It!” is all that is needed to start this destructive psychical process.

 In some case suicide become the only way out to stop the psychical pain endured, especially if you are in a very negative environment like our brave soldiers stationed all over unstable deadly places in the world.  Many of them are already gone because their traditionally trained counsellors or psychologists made the situation worse with antidepressants.

Sad enough our cosmic unconscious science is NO help to those children battling the demons eating them alive from the inside out. Some of those kids cursed with a heavy does of  Plutonic cosmic energy will turn into monsters .i.e Adam Lanza and so many others. Would the scientific community able/willing to acknowledge the cosmic code jurisdictions and the deadly power emanating from the 2012/2014 Scorpius Draconis  and how this cosmic fluid afflict a child independently they would make so much progress helping them.

But science tend to think not only rationally but also generally especially when their researches are done on specific age group no realizing that each human being is UNIQUE and respond to the Cosmic Code/dragon on a personal level only!  In “Dr. Turi’s Proposition for Discussing Spirituality in Schools” or What makes a Bully a Bully?” I offered real options to provide real help to our children but who’s listening or offering me the needed financial help to start the process? It seem I am cursed to give for the rest of my life…

 “For evil to flourish, all that is needed is for good people to do nothing.”

– Edmund Burke

This is why Astropsychology therapeutic values are so crucial for our children psychical welfare but convincing the elites of the US education run by “The Physical / Spiritual Universal Educational Controlling Matrix”  is out of question.

The idea is: Educating the entire world on God’s Cosmic Consciousness – There are unseen cosmic forces at work shaping our destiny unknown to science today.  You refer to natural disasters or man made dramatic news as accidents or as “Acts of God” not knowing there are no accidents, only cosmic circumstances unknown to 99.09% of the world’s population.

The scientific community is looking for  answers with advanced technology and/or for the responsible ” gay gene” not realizing this psychical problem can and will only be solved with a different spiritual cosmic regeneration. But the evil of ignorance in charge of the new scientists formal education (or the PSUECM) itself must be re-structure before the human physical  DNA and spiritual UCI/DNA becomes irreparable.

STOP The Epidemic of autism in the United States is as important  as stopping global warning to save the ecosystem but because I appear so controversial or sought as another deceptive Mrs. Cleo  to the uninformed morons, only my students and a few smart readers do realize the urgency to STOP and restructure the current educational system run and controlled by the PSUECM.

As much as I accurately predicted much of all major news, including the US economy, the re-structure of the FBI/CIA, NSA and the IRS humanity is on the Uranic verge to cosmically UPGRADE leaving the dogmatic archaic religious teachings of the Neptunian past in the dust of time.  I am just a bit ahead of time that’s all, thanks to my own advanced cosmic make up.

All I am trying to do is to make you aware there is a big difference between education and intelligence and as Einstein said “its a miracle  for curiosity to survive education…”

The 25 years ahead of us are crucial for humanity survival as to understand both the physical and spiritual dynamics of our solar system and how it apply/control all human being interdependently. You can not expect to live happily ever after on this dense physical world unaware of all its spiritual cosmic (non religious) Universal rules!

Allan Savory explained desertification and the importance to go back to natural laws, he explained it all in this video. There is another set of spiritual “cosmic” laws that would clarify what it means to be human outside of conventional scientific accepted disciplines and religious beliefs. The cosmic consciousness I propose offers an endless supply of spiritual regeneration and will stop the fast depleting of the human psyche producing the current tsunami of depressions, criminals acts and suicides. My 45 years of independent research need your attention. financial support and critical thinking mastering Astropsychology, but your first challenge will be not to lump me with psychics because I use the same type of software as NASA.

With the difference that I know the stars are much more than dead rocks hanging above and have a “cosmic” psychical purpose connected to humanity’s fate.  I recognise that “God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretations so you may lead a safer more productive life.” I wrote intensively on the direct relationship between the Universal mind and the human mind correlation and with your help I may be able to bring even more clarification. Growing psychophysically is a crucial step stop the imbalance between the physical/scientific  and spiritual/religious manifesto.

Science and religions are at war, keep your religions and your scientific views only and witness a slow steady decay of the human psyche through self destruction, global disorder and/or religious wars.  This vision is as clear as pure water to me and I have only you my readers to start the changes.

Endorsing, supporting apocalyptic or conspiracy “Talking Heads” radio shows or personal programs can only FUEL fears and FEED evil  by misusing the Supra-conscioussubtle creative/destructive forces at work!

Offering billions of dollars to religious or scientific institutions is feeding the abusive Matrix, the system, the grid you are stuck in restraining free thinkers like Dr. Turi battling endlessly for your children psychical welfare.

Please be curious, do not assume do not eliminate me just yet, I indeed own real light and sharing your wisdom will help us uncovering the golden keys to what it means to human. Please investigate Dr. Turi and all that I represent because like mother earth, the fragile human psyche need food and true spiritual regeneration, no scientific regimentation and your help is urgently needed.

Astropsychology offers the crucial regenerative cosmic fluid our children so desperately need. Mother earth associate naturally with animals to heal and replenish, ancient philosophers also associated with a mythological order with animals and all I want to do is bring back this rare wisdom to benefit humanity! Please Google Dr. Turi and read many of my articles to get to know me especially this article


Supreme cosmic wisdom mean peace, respect, love and harmony for all!

Do you want to participate and learn about the cosmic code? Join us soon HERE! I am not sure if the controling matrix will allow me to perform there yet but  let others know- I will answer your questions there …


Re: Your TED Conversation

Dear Louis Turi,Thank you for submitting your topic for discussion, but we don’t feel TED Conversations is the right venue for it. 

The TED Conversations Team

If you are a supporter talk to the Matrix! suggest me as a speaker! send them this link too! – If I get enough support I may be able to help the children… 

Thank you


Roxy Lopez and Dr. Turi on “The truth Denied Radio“ August 23rd 8 to 10 pm EST –  Divulging All About the Secrets of the Matrix – If you have any question please email Roxy at


Thank you


Nibiru News – Aliens and Japan Tsunami Prediction

August 10, 2013


”For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice… If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

Dear Readers;

A shocking new Japan tsunami video has turned up and was recently published by on YouTube. This video shows the size and enormity of this tragedy in a way that hasn’t yet been seen on Beforeitsnews and elsewhere before. For this video to resurface before my August SOS to the world is not an “accident” but a serious omen from the Cosmic Code. This will be my last warning for to expect a very strong release of cosmic energy August 20 to the 23. Please take my warnings very seriously and pass on this video to the world.

If you know Dr. Turi I know you will, if you do not there won’t be too much for you to do but wait and realize my gift/curse is very real! Once again, history is littered with the dead bones of prophecies and predictions that failed the test of time but since 1986 I blasted the Internet with my predictions and too many came to pass for you to ignore yet another warning from the eternal rites and cosmic ceremonies.

Since then millions of websites were created using religions or science to give you warnings but NONE of those “Talking Heads” own cosmic consciousness and only fears and imagination is fuelling their own blind reality.

“There is only a very thin hair between imagination and pure imagination when cosmic consciousness is missing!”

Thus unless the apocalyptic promoter or the conspiracy publisher has his own well documented dated record of predictions simply ignore this mental junk! i.e. Nibiru News – Aliens Are Warning Us!!! Nibiru Is  NOT Coming!!! (yes I changed the title and added NO!)

Remember those “experts” who pretend to know better than you do are often those who knows the least on the subject. This kid who exposed his fears and ignorance in the video publicly is misusing the Supra-conscious creative forces in time and space! Furthermore he never dealt with any ET’s nor seen any ET’s and does not do justice for real predictors like me with real UFO experiences and real warnings! UFO”s Are Very Real  –  And So Is The Legacy!  if you want to know about Nibiru read more on the subject!

With so much junk available on You Tube its not surprising for anyone to lump Dr. Turi with the Neptunians or “Mr.Cleo.”  Now over 76000 cosmic unconscious people have more reasons to assume because one of my Internet enemy decided to put an incomplete video of my work! But soon the damage will be fixed with the real and complete version posted on You Tube for that purpose.

The Cosmic Code translate regularly into an upsurge of cosmic energy that scientists classify as “dark matter” because they only have information on the spiritual conception of the Universal matrix through my work! They will blame the Sun flares for everything from disturbing electronics and with it all the human affairs while they have no clue that all the dramatic deadly news are the direct results of a much more sophisticated cosmic order coming from the  2012/2014 Scorpius Draconis.

“CME’s or  Coronal Mass Ejections / Solar Flares have NOTHING to do with natural disasters, tornadoes, earthquakes, tsunami etc. Furthermore the Sun is much too far to affect humanity or the earth entrails physically apart from warming up its surface with its powerful rays. The sun is a “luminary” a star and not a planet with the sole purpose to bring life and light *eat to earth. Our closest satellite, the moon (moody/lunatic/tides) which is much closer to earth  is the sole responsible for all human and earth affairs. But depraved of Cosmic Consciousness, science, religion and conspiracy theories can only offer you erroneous answers…

“Where Cosmic Consciousness is lacking; science, conspiracy and religious imagination have the wrong answers. There are no accidents, nor circumstances, only cosmic consequences the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive.”

There are no highly spiritually advanced teachers yet assigned in our colleges and Universities by the   “The Physical / Spiritual Universal Educational Controlling Matrix”  . Once this is done  the students will be allowed to grow psychophysically into the cosmic code jurisdictions and finally perceive the true essence and the presence of a cosmic God. Then the real opportunity to understand warn and even prevent many “Acts of God” will become a reality for humanity!

Meantime the very controlling matrix takes no prisoners – Federal aid denied for Arizona fire and shows how much they care for those courageous men. All this drama could have been avoided had the media read my predictions about their horrible deaths!  What a way to show love and respect when another “act of God” could have been avoided!

There are no Astropsychology schools yet offering sensible explanations on both the physical and spiritual matrixes  incorporating all human and natural affairs. Science is just waking up  to the power of the moon affecting the human sleeping patterns, but none of them thanked Dr. Turi for publishing such mystical information since for ever on the Internet and offering his FREE books  to all the curious UCI born scientists!

Roxy Lopez and Dr. Turi on “The truth Denied Radio“ August 23rd 8 to 10 pm EST –  Divulging All About the Secrets of the Matrix – If you have any question please email Roxy at


This show will air AFTER my August 20 to the 23 predictions, it will be a perfect time for you to CHEW MY ASS on the air or accept the fact that I know much more than many non cosmic conscious talking heads speaking all over the country. The fact is my brutal honesty and direct approach to life, combined with my unsurpassed record of predictions make me a serious competition and a threat to them all and this is why Dr. Turi is “avoided” and missing in all major events.

 “When a true genius appears in this world you may know him by this sign that the dunces are all in confederacy against him”


Many of the speakers you follow knows me very well due to my many appearances over the years on Coast to Coast with George Noory. But in no way will they mention my name to any event, radio or TV producers, in fact their words would be more damaging to me and my reputation showing how insecure they all are when dealing with Dr. Turi.

Meantime many more like George Noory, Roxy Lopez Jeffery PritchettSantos BonacciIN5D writers  Jerry Bertrand Pippin are  truly honorable and confident enough with my work to invite me on their radio shows and endorse me as the real thing! But I can not help if some other young insecure souls feel the way they do with me because I exhume total confidence in my ability.

 This is your chance readers to see if I am legit of if I am full of it! But regardless how you feel about me remember not to take my legendary honesty and direct approach to life as an oversized ego because YOU, very soon will be judging me correctly, not them!

I have nothing to prove I already did it over and over again and I am about to do it again in a few days! With such a confidence in my gift/curse doing endless accurate predictions I am not surprised those born with a serious dose of inferiority/insecurity complex  taught to practice modesty to get places in life, feel bad about me! Some will even get further, invite me on their show then change their mind the next day because their producer do not like my secure essence! INSANITY AT BEST!

In my drive to warn people I also take enormous chances with the NSA, the FBI, the CIA and the Department of Homeland security. In fact I already had two FBI agents visit  in my home but this will not stop me emailing them all over again today and share my last warning for President Obama and high probability for terrorist activity (hopefully it will only be only a natural cosmic Sun display, accompanied with large earthquakes, tornadoes and erupting volcanoes  but I would certainly avoid flying these days!)  I will literally “harass” them all with direct emails to their offices warning them of my premonitions and by now I am sure they are all waiting to see if I am right.


SOS to the NSA, CIA and FBI Elites

The US MUST NOT reopen any diplomatic post closed due to al Qaeda threat

Washington (CNN) — All but one of the U.S. diplomatic posts closed this week in a sweeping response to fears of a possible al Qaeda attack will reopen on Sunday, the State Department said. The Obama administration closed 19 embassies and consulates throughout the Middle East and North Africa, and issued a worldwide travel alert due to the threat apparently linked to communications between leaders of the terror group.

You see readers, this is the difference between me and some conspiracy “Talking Heads” fearing power and the government, intelligently using your fears to survive and support their own endeavours FIRST!  I have NO fears, I do not fear power or God because I know too well the  human nature and its weaknesses, his sins and virtues and I also know how to listen and read God celestial warnings.

I am a different. smart and agile gazelle always keeping my “enemies” very close and being more than transparent with them assures me “alibi” security once my predictions unfold! I do not like the idea for them to think I must have connections with some terrorists groups and know the exact timing for SHOCKING NEWS AND EXPLOSIONS!  

The morons who never read anything of my work, will immediately assume I am predicting the end of the world or the assassination of President Obama, when ALL I am doing is to reach the NSA and the FBI agents and YOU, all my readers BEFORE with my windows of high probability for man made or natural disasters!

I belong to no group, I belong to no religions nor political agenda, I am like the wind cursed with a mission to help you recognise God’s new cosmic identity with my undeniable predictions. All is that and that is all!

Should I be “eliminated” because I am using my gift/curse to warn you and your families? Or would you rather keep listening and following the numerous “cosmic unconscious” talking heads telling you LOVE or Jesus will fix it all upon his return? I have news for you readers, many well known dedicated  souls alive and dead already tried and they all failed. See at the state of your world human and wonder NOT that you are already living on HELL! 

Respect and order can only be established not only with a great does of love but an even greater dose of cosmic consciousness….something 99.09% of human do not own because of the  “The Physical / Spiritual Universal Educational Controlling Matrix” 

There is much more than what science or their five limited human sense can perceive and …“All I have asked for is a fair scientific investigation of my work for the sole purpose of promoting man cosmic consciousness, saving time, money and the lives of many people”    

  – Dr. Turi


The future has and will always be my utmost trusted witness…
Dr. Turi

Learn more about the Cosmic Code secrets become a VIP, show your support to Dr. Turi

“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that you may lead a safer more productive life! and my work is not sorcery but you asking for God’ supreme wisdom…” 

   “A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order” Nostradamus


God And The Magic That is Us – The Declaration of Divine Cosmic Consciousness

Blessings to all my readers world wide.

Dr. Turi



HOT: NASA Expert Dr. Turi Warns Of Coming Event August 2013

August 9, 2013


”For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice… If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

Dear Readers:

Roxy Lopez and Dr. Turi on “The truth Denied Radi” August 23rd 8 to 10 EST –  Divulging All About the Secrets of the Matrix – If you have any question please email Roxy at



Acid attackers target Western teens volunteering at school on Zanzibar

Dear Readers:

Before getting into NASA and President Obama predictions for August, let me remind you of the ugly face of the 2012/2014 Scorpius Draconis and how its dramatic power caught two “cosmic unconscious” 18 years old good hearted teens by surprise! Both volunteers were born in 1995 and both own a Scorpio Dragon, sad enough no one was there to teach them of their natal KARMIC UCI and the high probability for them to experience such a dramatic experience,  in fact they are very lucky to be alive as they are natural magnets for Monsters.

Furthermore both girls owns a Saturn (career) in the benevolent sign of  Pisces making them very vulnerable to anything religious or chemical. And I trust acid is a form of chemical but the majority of human beings lack both true wisdom and intuition… A couple of days ago I wrote ” Could Britain see a baby boom? UK Predictions” where I mentioned the British like any other nations on the planet are stuck in  “The Physical / Spiritual Universal Educational Controlling Matrix”  and not allowed to grow psychophysically into the cosmic code jurisdictions.

The Scorpius Draconis is relentless and act out his power upon all human beings forcing the ugliness of death and drama to become publicized. Girl hanged herself

Watch this video

 Grisly Facebook confession

Watch this video

Authorities find car matching one used by Amber Alert suspect

In my endless drive to bring forth your own cosmic consciousness I keep reminding my reader of the Cosmic Code jurisdictions with my endless “wake up calls”  to recognize  an undeniable deadly cosmic force in action! While the skeptical born pin heads believe its everyday that lost souls throw acid on innocent children or post a picture of their dead wife on Facebook not everyone is that stupid! They all  tuned into MONSTERS because of  “The Physical / Spiritual Universal Educational Controlling Matrix.”  

The parents of the young victims did not know that children born in 1994/1995 – 2013/2014 own a Scorpius Draconis at birth and must NEVER travel or start any ventures after the Full Moon but did they download a FREE copy of my book 2013 Moon Power warning them for dramatic news about children? To 99.09% of a cosmic unconscious world, its all “Acts of God” and all pseudo-science junk!

History is littered with the dead bones of prophecies and predictions that failed the test of time but since 1986 I blasted the Internet with my predictions – Since then millions of websites were created using religions or science to give you the answers but NONE of those “Talking Heads” own cosmic consciousness or put the green where the mouth is! From

“In recent times it is likely you will have been aware of The Jupiter Effect, Michael Drosnin’s Bible Code, the Quatrains of Nostradamus, Y2K and more recently the December 21st 2012 predictions. So what makes the four blood moons prophecy different to all that we have seen before? Is this another prophecy tragedy or could this celestial event be the most incredible sign of the times?

There is NOTHING practical or reliable in the “Bible or Torah Code” because the book is based upon faith and man made fabricated religious folly! There are more cosmic/religious facts hidden in the Dead Sea Scrolls and rocks relics left by disappeared civilizations for sure!

Did, those who wrote about Nostradamus Prophecies read about the CURSE of Nostradamus or   offered you with any of their publicized documented dated predictive work you can rely and refer to? I do have those dated, published predictions for you to read and refer to! I warned of the 2012/2014 Scorpius Draconis and collected many pieces of news to check on my claim and predictive gift!

So what makes the four blood moons prophecy different to all that we have seen before or should you trust another NASA expert warning you of coming catastrophic event in August 2013 that came public today? His warning were posted 5 hours ago on YouTube mine were posted and reposted and even advertise heavily on all major networking websites on June 27th, 2013! 

I think it is also important for my readers to realize I also posted this warning video on many NASA websites directly a few days ago and now  this video appears only a few days before my August 20/21/22 SOS warnings?

 SHOW ME THE CARFAX! or the Predictions / Vehicle History Reports

At least you know where the original warning came from but why would NASA, up a sudden worry about the Sun? Well because the writer (like millions of others readers) READ and acknowledged my previous predictions and undeniable accuracy about  the SUN SOLAR FLARES right here!

Remember readers, this is a very competitive world where FREE information are at the tip of your finger, you may type anything you like to know and add Dr. Turi ET VOILA! thus do not think for a second that my competitors made mostly of cosmic unconscious souls, will not immediately go to the most trusted website for predictions then RE- INVENT themselves with my work. But this is why I blast the Internet, the FBI, NASA,USGS etc. with my undeniable predictions offering “windows of high probability” on radio and television for large earthquakes! (above 6.0) give my books for FREE and post You Tube Videos.

The truth is plain to see for anyone using critical thinking and check on the generated dated posted material  but my Internet enemies are always at work trying hard to stop me reaching you!  Thus if you are a trusted publicist become a part of DTteam. If you think you can help me, have the technological talents I need and the dedication and drive to get my work and I to the media, let’s talk,  please email me at  because all I want is to save lives and re-introduce God’s cosmic reality!

Watch this video

I am another cosmic unconscious President, all that transpired last two years was fully predicted but my close advisers think no much of Dr. Turi’s work on the 2012/2013 Scorpius Draconis!   He mentioned August would be a bad month for me too, should I and the NSA pay attention?

Snowden – I Have The Potential To Destroy the USA!


Sharing email:

Dr. Turi;

“Prediction Of A Crash In Next Two Weeks”

 I have friends who work on  Wall Street  and they tell me A lot of Wall Street people use Astrology and never admit it. It seems every time you make a prediction  within a short time some EXPERT on Wall Street says the same thing.


“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty  he gave them to us for interpretations so we may lead a safer more productive life!”

FROM THE COSMIC CODE WEBSITE – Help Me Deal With Life Discussions –  Join, become a Cosmic Coder  and find the help, the 2014/2016 Universal predictions and guidance you need!  

Diana ////

I want to share a bit of a testimony here with you Dr. Turi and All. My beautiful young friend Kaylan with dragon’s head in Cancer like me died on Aug 3. She fell into the Winooski river and as you all know the moon was in Cancer and waning. I am saying this to say we must not forget that while Dr. Turi speaks about it on the international level these horoscopes most of the time how much our dragons position , the moon and planets affect us. I

 am not morning because I know Goddess saw fit to take her back as if she is returning and will return soon. On Aug 3 Dr. Turi did say watch the young ones around water. She was 13

  • Yesterday
  • Liz ////// Diana, how sad. It’s not always easy to watch Dr. Turi’s warnings come true. Especially when they’re so close to home. You are probably right about the Goddess though.
  • Yesterday
  • Diana////// Thank you Liz.
  • 3:32 AM
  • Dr. TuriI am so sorry for your loss Diana; I wish all children of the world and their parents had cosmic consciousness and read my FREE Moon Power! May God bless her soul!

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi



Australian Original AstroLOGICAL Rock Engravings Rewrite World History

August 8, 2013


”For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice… If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

Dear Readers:

From the very old to the very new, before getting back in time and investigate the genius of those cosmic conscious departed souls and the values of their disappeared civilizations, let me refresh your memory! I teach my students that Aquarius energy, souls and and countries i.e. Japan are at the forefront of any and all discoveries that can make this world a better safer place to live.

Here is an example of how science can also be productive for us all in the long run, indeed this is one of the most amazing break-through in Technology I have ever seen! and why aren’t we doing this now?

Do you really think our own scientists could not come up with this idea before Japan or does “The Physical / Spiritual Universal Educational Controlling Matrix”  is still unwilling to change things about fuel?

I think we should all do what we can to save what we are destroying!  Not surprised at this at all, just a case of Japanese ingenuity and perseverance. What is more important would be the marketing and very low cost to make it mandatory to have one of these in every home. The sound is all in Japanese. Just read the subtitles and watch. What a great discovery! Man invents machine to convert plastic into oil

Now the main reason for the controlling matrix not to have it fully developed and used before  is because, if we do so how many supremely wealthy  oil corporations  would have to cut down their production? How many millions of rich bastards who could not care less about our children or the environment would have to get a normal job?

Guess what the people and wealthy corporations in power running the “The Physical / Spiritual Universal Educational Controlling Matrix” are not interested in furthering your and your children cosmic consciousness or endorse my Astropsychology schools because they make billions with the MONSTERS they create/educate everyday. The manipulating matrix needs constant oiling and its endless supply of “educated” children so they can make a fat living building churches, building jails and selling more legal poison to already  over medicated society!

The machine is here, Astropsychology is here too and as much as you can live and breeze clean air you can also start to think clearly by using the cosmic code for a much more healthier spiritual directional life!  But what would do with the Vatican’s corporation, its President and its religious masquerade  “blessings” without the millions of God fearing souls needed for their survival? 

But the sad reality is; I will have to win the lottery to beat today “Physical / Spiritual Universal Educational Controlling Matrix” because the world does not share the same intense passion and dedication for the children spiritual welfare…


Now on to another discovery… As you can see I changed the word Astronomical to astroLOGICAL because today’s kids were not taught that recent Astronomy and Astrophysics are the by-products/results of a much older science called Astrology. Amazingly Wikipedia (who fired me) has its own interpretation of “astronomy” where the word Astrology is rarely used and ridicule. Astronomy and Astrophysics became what they are today because of the modern invention of the telescope and the watch! Note only 500 years ago none existed!

From Wikipedia  which is part of the “Physical / Spiritual Universal Educational Controlling Matrix.”

“In early times, astronomy (Astrology) only comprised the observation and predictions of the motions of objects visible to the naked eye. In some locations, such as Stonehenge, early cultures assembled massive artifacts that possibly had some astronomical purpose. In addition to their ceremonial uses, these observatories could be employed to determine the seasons, an important factor in knowing when to plant crops, as well as in understanding the length of the year.


 Before tools such as the telescope were invented, (500 years ago!) early study of the stars had to be conducted from the only vantage points available, namely tall buildings and high ground using the naked eye. As civilizations developed, most notably in MesopotamiaChinaEgypt,GreeceIndia, and Central America, astronomical observatories were assembled, and ideas on the nature of the universe began to be explored.

Most of early astronomy  (ASTROLOGY to be accurate) actually consisted of mapping the positions of the stars and planets, a science now referred to as astrometry. (Another by product of Astrology!)  From these observations, early ideas about the motions of the planets were formed, and the nature of the Sun, Moon and the Earth in the universe were explored philosophically. The ( 500 years ago the CHURCH BELIEVED THAT) Earth was to be the center of the universe with the Sun, the Moon and the stars rotating around it.

Its amazing how a bunch of kids came up with their own plausible information on the essence of such a rare science called Astrology? Remember reader what I often wrote? “Those who pretend to be the experts in their endeavours are often the least informed or knowledgeable on the subject? Tell me WHAT the blip those kids know about Astrology?  What they read in the horoscope newspaper or by listening to Mrs. Cleo? OMG! have mercy on your cosmic unconscious educated children…

So let me give you some real facts and remember Wikipedia and its moronic educated writers “wisdom” is non existent… If you want answers ask someone who knows…


Australian Original AstroLOGICAL rock Engravings will Rewrite World History


 Grotte Cosquer

The Dordogne, France: Lascaux’s Prehistoric Cave Paintings

 Underwater Cave “Lascaux” Discovered near Marseille

January 1995, at the base of a cliff in the Ardeche region in southeastern France, just a few miles away from where I was born, Jean-Marie Chauvet discovered another complex of large caves. There, he found a “window of the Stone Age” that tells astonishing tales of prehistoric times. Interestingly enough, this discovery was very different from the one previously found near Marseille in 1991 by Mr. Cosquer and was immediately reported and broadcast all over the world including the United States. Jean-Marie Chauvet’s discovery is recognized by the markings as “characteristic of the Stone Age, “while the underwater cave discovered by Mr. Henri Cosquer involved a spiritual mythology and intriguing knowledge of cosmology!!”

This incredible news-breaking story below was reported throughout Europe in September 1991. News writers Scott Collins, Denise Koptcho, Ellen Murphy and their editor, Laurent Aublin, reported as follows:

A prehistoric underwater grotto ornamented with carvings, charcoal and manganese dioxide drawings depicting dozens of animals as well as stenciled hand prints on the walls and ceiling, was discovered in Cassis, a town near Marseille, France. The discovery dates back to 27,000 B.C. and predates by about 20,000 years all other discoveries of prehistoric art in the southeast of France. To the puzzled scientists, the significance of the representations in the grotto remains a mystery.

Leroi-Gourhan’s theory ascribes the Magdalene with refinement and claims that the cave paintings show that the animal depictions were placed on the wall in a determined order, their numbers and positions thereby revealing an established mythology and an evident cosmology.



In this view, the cave is regarded more as a sanctuary and place of worship. The entrance to the cave, currently situated approximately 120 feet below sea level, leads to a narrow passageway ascending 480 feet before opening into a vast space spanning 160 feet by 192 feet, and 9.6 to 12.8 feet in height from floor to ceiling. The center of the space is above the water level, although the sea touches the wall enough to hide the feet of some of the horse illustrations along the bottom. There are fissures in the walls, evident by the existence of modern-day bat cadavers that have allowed a steady stream of air from the outside to filter into the cave for roughly 14,000 years, permitting the art to remain intact. At the time of the Paleolithic Superior and the artistic activity in question, the sea level was about 35 feet lower, so that far from being submerged underwater, the grotto was actually elevated a good distance above sea level.

Thus, the southeast of France, once thought of as a “human desert” during this period, did, in fact, participate in the immense “cultural empire” that stretched from the Atlantic Ocean to the steppes of Central Asia. Recently categorized as a “Grotto of Paleolithic Cave Art” among historic monuments by Jack Lang, Minister of Culture, the cave has been baptized with the name of its discoverer, the “Grotte Cosquer.” Its access has since been blocked to prevent all desecration to a discovery qualified by archaeologists as having “a unique and tremendous importance at the global level.”

The cave beneath the sea: Paleolithic Images at Cosquer

In 1991, a professional diver named Henri Cosquer discovered a wealth of prehistoric art in a cave near Marseille, France. The opening to the cave, once several miles inland from the Mediterranean, became submerged when the sea began to rise at the end of the last ice age, about 12,000 years ago. Since that time, no human had entered this deep cavern or had seen the paintings and engravings of animals, human hands, and signs that cover the walls and ceilings until Cosquer swam cautiously up the flooded entrance passage.

News of Cosquer’s extraordinary find flashed around the world. The French Ministry of Culture immediately sent two eminent archaeologists, Jean Clottes and Jean Courtin, to study the cave. Assisted by teams of specialists, they carried out two diving missions to the site, in 1991 and 1992. This book describes what they found and provides the first complete photographic documentation of this incredible site, one of the most decorated caves of Europe.

The explorers discovered not only the engravings and paintings in amazingly fresh earth colors, but also traces of the ancient humans who made the images. These included logs burned to illuminate the cave while the artists worked, flint blades — perhaps the very tools used to draw on the soft limestone walls — and, on nearly every surface, thousands of the grooves archaeologists call “finger tracings.” Among the earliest work done in the Cosquer cave, these doodle-like marks were probably intended to announce the presence of humans in the cave and establish their possession of it.

Because charcoal and charcoal pigments were found in such abundance at the site, and because the archaeological context was undisturbed, Cosquer is now one of the most thoroughly and firmly dated Paleolithic caves in the world. Thanks to a series of 12 radiocarbon dates, we know that the images at Cosquer were made during two different eras. The stenciled hands are extremely ancient, created about 27,000 years ago. The land animals — cold-loving plains horses, ibex, chamois, aurochs, and the huge ice-age deer called megaloceros — are some 18,500 years old. There are also marine animals, very unusual subjects in Paleolithic art: they include seals, great auks (penguin-like birds that are now extinct), and mysterious images that may represent fish and jellyfish.

Throughout this fascinating book, which includes notes, a full bibliography, and a glossary of 125 key terms, the Cosquer cave is discussed in relation to other prehistoric decorated caves in Europe. The authors judiciously speculate on the meaning of the ancient images and what they can tell us not only about the lost world of our remote ancestors but about the origins of myth making, symbolizing, and art making — in other words, of being truly human.

About the authors: Formerly in charge of prehistoric antiquities in the Midi-Pyrenees region of France, Jean Clottes is General Conservator of the National Heritage and Scientific Advisor on Prehistoric Art to the French Ministry of Culture and the French Community. He is the president of the International Committee on Monuments and Sites (ICOMAS). Currently the Director of Research for the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), Jean Courtin was previously in charge of antiquities in the Provence region of France and co-director of the Department of Underwater Archaeological Research (DRASM). Once more “ it was determined that the drawings were made over 15,000 and in some instances, 35000 years before the birth of Christ.

To this day this is the oldest chronological report available to mankind. The cave paintings show that the animal depictions were placed on the wall in a determined order, their numbers and positions thereby revealing an established mythology and an evident cosmology.” Again, with all facts in hand, there is nothing older than astrology (not astronomy) and the educated morons feeding Wikipedia are the cosmic unconscious writers who are trying hard to mute my cosmic wisdom.

I was usual cruising through my friend Jeff Rense’s website and this latest news from my country came to my attention.  Experts Rave Over French Prehistoric Cave Art Find By Crispian Balmer – 7-6-01 – PARIS (Reuters) – Stunning prehistoric engravings uncovered in a cave in western France could be just a foretaste of the treasures held in the dank interior, but the public will probably never get a glimpse, an archaeologist said on Thursday.

Art experts have hailed the find at Cussac in the Dordogne valley as a major discovery, with the grotto chamber covered in spectacular drawings of wild animals, hybrid beasts, birds and women and erotic imagery.
”This site is of world importance,” said Dany Barraud, the Culture Ministry’s head of archaeology in the Dordogne region.

Initial estimates have suggested the vivid engravings are between 22,000 and 28,000 years old — much earlier than famous wall paintings in the nearby Lascaux cave complex that are reputed to be more than 16,000 years old. ”We are talking about monumental engravings. We have found more than 100 engravings so far, but we think that there are many more. The trouble is that it is an extremely fragile site which is hindering our work,” Barraud told Reuters.

The cave floor consists of unstable clay, while the limestone walls are flaky and susceptible to temperature changes, preventing large groups from visiting the chamber. In addition, there is a high level of carbon gas in the underground passages, which means that archaeologists can only spend a maximum of three hours on site before having to return to the surface for fresh air.


”It will not be opened to the public, but the local authorities are considering creating a replica of the site in a nearby cave for tourists,” said Barraud. The Cussac cave was uncovered by speleologist Marc Delluc last September, but the importance of the finding was only made public this week.

The engravings are dotted along a chamber 900 meters (yards) long, some 15 meters wide and more than 10 meters high. Among the artwork is a picture of a bison some four meters long — one of the biggest single prehistoric engravings ever found — and one scene featuring up to 40 figures.

Among the line carvings are animals with deformed heads, a bison with a horse’s head, silhouettes of women and half a dozen representations of female erotica. ”There is undoubtedly a very special atmosphere at Cussac… There is an originality here,” said Jean Clottes, an adviser on Prehistoric Rock Art at the Culture Ministry.

Archaeologists have also found human remains in the cave, although they are not yet sure if the relatively well-preserved skeletons date from a later age than the artwork. The Cussac discovery is the second major prehistoric art site found in France in less than a decade.

In 1994, potholers stumbled across a complex of galleries full of paintings in the Ardeche gorge. Experts believe the animal pictures there are some 32,000 years old and, as with Cussac, the public has been barred access to safeguard the site.

What really bothers me most is that those scientists are totally uneducated as to recognize anything that could be remotely involving astrology, unless it become obvious. Even if they were evident drawings or astrological residues (as in the Cosquer cave denunciate) the government may not necessarily tell you all about it.

In the Cosquer grotto, they somehow mentioned it as the Leroi-Gourhan’s theory ascribes the Magdalene’s with refinement and claims that the cave paintings show that the animal depictions were placed on the wall in a determined order, their numbers and positions thereby revealing an established mythology and an evident cosmology.

I am sure this much older cave is loaded with certain astrological paintings too, but like in the “secret Vatican library” only certain people can access the site or read the fact about the secrets of the Dead Sea Scrolls also loaded with Astrological reliques. Meantime the huge and obvious astrological chart found at the entrance of the Vatican certainly tells more about the immensity of astrological work and astrological secrets available there but hidden away from the general population for centuries.

I wish I had access to such a marvel, I am sure the French authorities do not tell it all about some of the artwork foundings. Especially since the infamous law of “exception” or the About/Picard bill was passed in France, on May 30th by the French Chamber. Showing it all would be a sure proof of the use of astrology in the old days and a sure disaster to the latest law against our common freedom. This would be a deadly blow against Christianity and the established status Quo or the  “Physical / Spiritual Universal Educational Controlling Matrix.”

Thus, the scientists found archeological excuses to make sure no one can see or investigate further all the “disturbing” astrological findings.

The same applies for the “Dead Sea Scrolls” only those clear from astrological defines are available to the mass, the others are kept well away from all of us and perceived as “disturbing facts” by “Physical / Spiritual Universal Educational Controlling Matrix” in charge of our lives and wallets. You will find much of those jealously and dangerously guarded information under the Vatican’s seven miles of the secret library.

Much of the work displayed there was confiscated by the inquisitions during the dark ages and brought back to the Vatican. This incredible amount of true knowledge does not belong to the Christians (enemies of spiritual progress) but to the many people who paid with their lives the price of fear, ignorance and religious poisoning. The oblivious situation French and British people are now under is infringing general psychical freedom could also affect the US unless we do something about it.. This is where my cosmic independent work become crucial for the children of the future hoping for your understanding and your support.

Astrology is far from being dead, it continues to remain and flourish. It is growing and constantly gaining legions of new followers—mostly because it works! CHECK MY UPCOMING PREDICTIONS FOR AUGUST 2013 (posted July 22/2013)

The interest Astrology creates does not stop at the common man in the street or your neighbour  but also  famous people from all walks of life.  Presidents, kings and Queen (Lady Diana, both French Presidents Jacques Chirac and Francois Mitterant, Saddam Hussein including the first Lady Nancy and her husband, Ronald Reagan and the list goes on and on.)

(Note – Americans may laugh about Nancy Reagan’s use of an astrologer. It seems that it may be common practice at the highest levels of other government as well.) PARIS (AFP) – Astrologist Elizabeth Teissier has decided to publish transcripts of taped conversations she had with former French President Francois Mitterrand between 1990 and 1995.

“I want to respond to all kinds of insinuations which have cast doubt over the purely professional discussions between Mitterrand and me, and to demonstrate the importance of astrology in politics,” she told AFP.
Mitterrand’s daughter Mazarine Pingeot said Saturday that her father, who served as president from 1981 to 1995, did not seek Teissier’s advice to make important decisions. “It is all laughable and unimportant,” she said.

The tapes reveal Teissier advising Mitterrand on such subjects as the government of former Prime Minister Edith Cresson and the date of the French referendum on the Maastricht Treaty, according to extracts printed by pay-TV station Canal Plus in the written version of one of its programs. Teissier claimed Mitterrand had called upon her often during the Gulf War, she said, adding that the former president was keen to seek her advice despite his skeptical and rational nature.

In one extract, Mitterrand asks for advice about the timing of a speech at the beginning of the conflict in January 1991: “I am going to have to intervene. Which, according to you, is the best day?” Mitterrand asks. “In the coming days?” Teissier replies. “Sunday, Monday, Tuesday,” Mitterrand answers.

“I will have to look into that, because I can’t tell you point-blank like that,” she says. “Come and see me,” he finishes. Teissier said that she met Mitterrand in 1989 at his request, and that she recorded their conversations from 1990 onwards with his consent.

“The idea of recording came to me very quickly, but with his permission, of course. It was the only proof for me that it was all real,” she said. “After several meetings, I went to see him with my recorder. He was taken aback. I told him it was for my grandchildren, and eventually to write a book.” Teissier, who held her meetings with Mitterrand at the Elysee Palace except in 1995, when their conversations took place on the telephone, had already revealed the content of her interviews in a book published three years ago.

It was only after recent press speculation about their relationship that she decided to publish the transcripts, she said. The head of the Francois Mitterrand Institute, Jean-Louis Bianco, declined to comment on the revelations. Again, put your self in the position of the French President. What do you think other and powerful political leaders of the world would say about you consulting an astrologer?

As a president I am supposed to make sensible judgments, as the commandant in Chief of a country I cannot afford to be thought of as incapable of making a calculated decision. This worry all for fear of derision and someone trustful like Mitterrand’s own daughter Mazarine Pingeot was “picked” to clean and clear up the “laughable” situation of her dear daddy. I wonder how many death threats Elizabeth Teissier had to endure and most of all how lucky she has been not end up victim of her rulers and another statistic like Marilynn Monroe.

But do not be fooled, like many French Presidents other powerful decision-makers (including Ronald Reagan, Hitler, Yeltsin, Princess Diana) and many others famous people used the stars.

 Their only mistake was they all used modern astrologers who have no idea of the power of the natal and hidden dragons. Astropsychology which is based upon “Divine Astrology” symbolic power works miracle and many of my clients are queen to express their gratitude in my guidance and predictions.

dr. turi

I am here to give the Mother of all sciences or Astrology the respect it deserves while fighting lies, oppressions imposed by “Physical / Spiritual Universal Educational Controlling Matrix.”  One day Astrology will find its righteous place in all our colleges and universities and will be accepted as a solid discipline. I am working everyday offering unarguable proof to its values until humanity  finally recognise God’s  celestial order imposed by the 12 signs of the Zodiac. Do not be fooled readers, you are a child of the Universe and there is a reason for you to be and this is where you can safely and wisely learn all about your fate and purpose by knocking my cosmic door.

Learn more about the Cosmic Code secrets become a VIP, show your support to Dr. Turi

God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that you may lead a safer more productive life! and my work is not sorcery but you asking for God’ supreme wisdom… 

   “A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order” Nostradamus


“All I have asked for is a fair scientific investigation of my work for the sole purpose of promoting man cosmic consciousness, saving time, money and the lives of many people”       – Dr. Turi

God And The Magic That is Us – The Declaration of Divine Cosmic Consciousness

Blessings to all my readers world wide.

Dr. Turi

Could Britain see a baby boom? UK Predictions

August 7, 2013


”For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice… If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

Could Britain see a baby boom?


Could Britain see a baby boom?

Dear Readers;

“Prince George, the first child of Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge,arrived last week, an event watched with king-sized anticipation across the globe. The royal birth comes at a time when fertility in Britain is increasing after decades of decline. Today, the U.K.’s total fertility rate, a proxy for the average number of children per women in a given year, is the third highest in Europe behind only France and Ireland. Is Britain on the cusp of a baby boom?”


I love all kids from all countries and it saddens me when the current controlling matrix system  of education stops me from reaching them with the cosmic fluid they all so desperately need! What Stijn Hoorens, Special to CNN and 99.09% of a cosmic unconscious world does not know is that; the current 2012/2013 Scorpius Draconis do stimulate all forms of secrets to come to the light, death and drama to colour much of the daily news and do stir human to an unusual strong  trend of SEXUAL SCORPIUS endeavours.

 Thus the naturally cold fish Capricornus British population become much more horny with such a sensual dragon flying the heavens above but they do not know… Sad enough a Scorpius Draconis impact means also those millions of new born babies owns an unfortunate Taurus karmic Dragon’s Tail  where death and drama will be their load in life!

None of all those newborn are the child of a royalty, there is only one fated Prince George and wanting their children to share the same birth year as the royal baby is the worse thing they could do for their child’s fate. But without cosmic consciousness the moronic mass can only fulfil a much higher cosmic order they are all unaware of…

“Prince George, the first child of Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge,arrived last week, an event watched with king-sized anticipation across the globe. The royal birth comes at a time when fertility in Britain is increasing after decades of decline. Today, the U.K.’s total fertility rate, a proxy for the average number of children per women in a given year, is the third highest in Europe behind only France and Ireland. Is Britain on the cusp of a baby boom?”

The British like any other nations on the planet are stuck in  “The Physical / Spiritual Universal Educational Controlling Matrix”  and not allowed to grow psychophysically into the cosmic code jurisdictions. A serious penalty is assured to come from ignoring or rejecting God’ celestial laws written in the signs. I am here to help you develop your own cosmic matrix so you can acknowledge the part you play in the biggest scheme of things and control your (and your child) destiny!

Born with a Scorpius Draconis means for all those “innocent” children to own an extremely destructive passionate nature and will not stop at nothing to beat their karma set to experience poverty and destitution! Indeed this dragon is one of the worse to own because insecurity is their karma where all their possessions will always go through their fingers regardless of what they do! Read more on the Power Of The Dragon, a book that should be available to all the teachers for all  children of the world.

Remember Bernie Madoff? the life style he was in, the supreme wealth he accumulated and where he is today rotting in jail after losing it all, including his child who committed suicide?  Do you really think I am having fun telling you this knowing my own brother in France had a child the same very day as Prince George?

Without proper spiritual education, those souls are to become the utmost destructive greedy MONSTERS and destabilize England, the US or the country they were born in! Keep laughing or   refusing to heed my cosmic warnings all you want but one day you will remember Dr. Turi’s premonition with this child!  25 years is all you have to wake up and help me turn things around with my Astropsychology schools  and help them to acknowledge and control their deadly Scorpius/Taurus natal dragon pull before puberty! Indeed the promised apocalypse based upon cosmic ignorance is already building with this particular generation…

 I am warning you of a society run by your cosmic unconscious political, religious and educational elites, endlessly breeding MONSTERS that are all stuck in “The Physical / Spiritual Universal Controlling matrix.  Humanity is distancing itself from God and its cosmic divinity really fast, all fuelled by a rational rigid skeptical science and a multitude of deceptive abusive religions.

What will it take for my readers to realize  my book  published last year undeniably speaks of today news? You should heed my warnings while we still have time! All you have to do is to download and read it as to prove my claims and my gift seeing the future… Are you waiting for my August 20/21/22  predictions to unfold? They will!

Did you download your free copy of 2013 Moon Power yet? If so it seems a lot of news are about children, thus there is no doubting Dr. Turi is indeed able to “see” the future and is CNN before CNN!

SAT., SUN., MON., TUE., WED. — AUGUST 3, 4, 5, 6, 7:
RULERS — The Moon (End of Life/Moving) and the Sun (Hope/Children)

Events: Mother Nature may decide to disturb us with bad weather. Negative news may come from the ocean or the water. Be aware of abductors; this type of energy has swiftly taken many children away and also take a plane away from its initial course.  

Father of missing children pleads for daughter’s release

Watch this video

Snake kills two boys during sleepover, Canadian police say

Looks like the Sun is making some news too!…

August 5, 2013:  Something big is about to happen on the sun.  According to measurements from NASA-supported observatories, the sun’s vast magnetic field is about to flip“It looks like we’re no more than 3 to 4 months away from a complete field reversal,” says solar physicist Todd Hoeksema of Stanford University. “This change will have ripple effects throughout the solar system.”  The sun’s magnetic field changes polarity approximately every 11 years.  It happens at the peak of each solar cycle as the sun’s inner magnetic dynamo re-organizes itself.  The coming reversal will mark the midpoint of Solar Cycle 24. Half of ‘Solar Max’ will be behind us, with half yet to come.

News may come from / about the ocean? 

CNN) — Japan on Tuesday unveiled its largest warship since World War II, an 820-foot-long, 19,500-ton flattop capable of carrying 14 helicopters, according to media reports.

Lawyers: Nidal Hasan wants death
Yemen foiled al Qaeda plot, official says

Terror Secret Villains Plot For God
Evil Dance Killers Rise
Secret To Light Shame Reign
The Smell Of Death Disaster For Some
Famous Death/Dramatic News/Police/FBI/CIA/Secrets/Scandals/Terrorism/Finances/Sex/Serial Killers

From sexting with Weiner … to porn  From sexting with Weiner ... to porn

Amanda Seyfried: ‘I’m not against porn’

Sex offenders freed

Watch this video

Missing teens found years later  Missing teens found years later

The Stars and Fate of Chelsea Clinton


Chelsea Clinton‘s family political legacy has paved her fate to become and lead her own public life. She was born February 27, 1980 and her karmic UCI  (MPSI)  Matrix Personal Spiritual Identity has a lot to offer the world. This will NOT be a public newsletter, in fact I am soon to stop writing for the public… Think of joining the cosmic code and my VIP’s… I gave enough with 2 books and tons of newsletters, time to show your appreciation for Dr. Turi readers.


These are very important information to pay attention to, especially when you leave your cars parked at the airport or other public places.  This could happen to anyone nowadays.


       1.  Some people left their car in the long-term parking at the San Jose Airport while away, and someone broke into the car. Using the information on the car’s registration in the glove compartment, they drove the car to the people’s home in Pebble Beach and robbed it. So I guess if we are going to leave the car in long-term parking, we should NOT leave the registration/insurance cards in it, nor your remote garage door opener.
This gives us something to think about with all our new electronic technology.

2.  GPS.
Someone had their car broken into while they were at a football game.  Their car was parked on the green which was adjacent to the football stadium and specially allotted to football fans.  Things stolen from the car included a garage door remote control, some money and a GPS which had been prominently mounted on the dashboard.  When the victims got home, they found that their house had been ransacked and just about everything worth anything had been stolen.  The thieves had used the GPS to guide them to the house.  They then used the garage remote control to open the garage door and gain entry to the house.  The thieves knew the owners were at the football game, they knew what time the game was scheduled to finish and so they knew how much time they had to clean out the house.  It would appear that they had brought a truck to empty the house of its contents.

Something to consider if you have a GPS – don’t put your home address in it… Put a nearby address (like a store or gas station) so you can still find your way home if you need to, but no one else would know where you live if your GPS were stolen.


I never thought of this…….

This lady has now changed her habit of how she lists her names on her cell phone after her handbag was stolen. Her handbag, which contained her cell phone, credit card, wallet, etc., was stolen.  20 minutes later when she called her hubby, from a pay phone telling him what had happened, hubby says ‘I received your text asking about our Pin number and I replied a little while ago.’  When they rushed down to the bank, the bank staff told them all the money was already withdrawn.  The thief had actually used the stolen cell phone to text ‘hubby’ in the contact list and got hold of the pin number.  Within 20 minutes he had withdrawn all the money from their bank account.

Moral of the lesson:

a.  Do not disclose the relationship between you and the people in your contact list.  Avoid using names like Home, Honey, Hubby, Sweetheart, Dad, Mom, etc….

b.  And very importantly, when sensitive info is being asked through texts, CONFIRM by calling back.

c.  Also, when you’re being text-ed by friends or family to meet them somewhere, be sure to call back to confirm that the message came from them.  If you don’t reach them, be very careful about going places to meet ‘family and friends’ who text you.

4.  Purse in the grocery cart scam…

A lady went grocery-shopping at a local mall and left her purse sitting in the children’s seat of the cart while she reached something off a shelf…wait till you read the WHOLE story!  Her wallet was stolen, and she reported it to the store personnel.  After returning home, she received a phone call from the Mall Security to say that they had her wallet and that although there was no money in it, it did still hold her personal papers.  She immediately went to pick up her wallet, only to be told by Mall Security that they had not called her.  By the time she returned home again, her house had been broken into and burglarized.  The thieves knew that by calling and saying they were Mall Security, they could lure her out of her house long enough for them to burglarize it.

   “A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order” Nostradamus


“All I have asked for is a fair scientific investigation of my work for the sole purpose of promoting man cosmic consciousness, saving time, money and the lives of many people”       – Dr. Turi

God And The Magic That is Us – The Declaration of Divine Cosmic Consciousness

SOS to the NSA, CIA and FBI Elites

August 6, 2013


”For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice… If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

Dear Readers:

Before offering yet another open warnings to the authorities about terrorism let me once again explain the importance of cosmic education and how theThe Physical / Spiritual Universal Educational Controlling Matrix” build monsters. Yesterday in “God’s Creation of Children Monsters” I mentioned the importance of recognizing both matrixes impact in the lives of our children and how controlled information mould their personalities.

  We are the victims of the Matrix


Would it be Gabriel Cardona  or  Rosalio Reta both were under the full control of a vicious Mexican drug cartel leader nicknamed  Z$40.  Teens are especially easily influenced when fears is used and when money/power  is suggested. In this example two, once upon a time loving, caring, innocent children were moulded into monsters.  Hitler (and Middle Eastern terrorist groups) was particularly queen in taping in the youngest German generation  because of their psychical vulnerability or innocence.

The deceptive The Physical / Spiritual Universal Educational Controlling Matrix” has millions of faces and hide in religions, cults, formal and treacherous education. Remember when you control the source of information you end up controlling that person’s life and resources. Some key powerful figures take on the role as the “President/ Boss/CEO” i.e. Pope for religion, ZS40 as the Mexican drug cartels, Obama for America etc.

All organizations making up the human experience without exception encompass and fuel  “The Physical / Spiritual Universal Controlling matrix.” 

As you know there are no accidents, only cosmic circumstances unknown to 99.09% of humanity at large including our infantile science still looking for the “gene” that produces criminals or gays and all are completely oblivious of what UCI truly mean!

Thus ALL dead and alive criminals own a UCI, making up their Personal Matrix  and their cosmic make up is loaded with both Neptune (drugs/deception) and Pluto (criminals/death/drama/police)  influences and this is WHAT SEPARATES them from the rest of the crowd! But if no one teaches them about those heavy astral influences  how can they handle their fate? Gabriel Cardona,  Rosalio Reta even Adam Lanza and hundreds of thousands of criminals dead or rotting in our over crowded jails are the direct victims ofThe Physical / Spiritual Universal Educational Controlling Matrix.”

The problem is this evil matrix is run by the cosmic unconscious political, religious, educational and educational elites who have all been educated traditionally. Further more. the majority of those people in power, sad enough for our children, do not own a spiritually advanced curious UCI and their personal matrix  limit them to this dense physical world “accredited” education only! Thus they will never, in a million years be able to relate to my work and sees it as pseudo-science junk instead!

They have full power overThe Physical / Spiritual Universal Educational Controlling Matrix” and with it the news media,  entertainments, religions, scientific researches and general education which translate into billions of YOUR dollars they need to exist and operate. The chances for me to ask them to change the status quo is ZERO because building more jails, more churches and more sports buildings is worth the lives of your children.  Yes readers you are IN the matrix, in the grid, in a system where you are NOT allowed to check on your cosmic design and fate.

When and if I succeed with your help to build my first Astropsychology schools (not to be compared to the Scientology cult) I know from the bottom of my heart that, once upon a time innocent children like Gabriel Cardona, Rosalio Reta and may be your own loved one in jail today would have been given a choice to apply his or her will before turning into a monster… The question remain, if you feel I have something real and I can make the changes to stop the breeding of monsters, will you help me or better reward me by becoming a VIP?

After all we are only talking about your children welfare and it seems, I am the only one with something real!


 Now on to terrorism…

The same very newsletter you are reading will, once more end up in the FBI, the CIA the NSA personal emails. My “black list” largely made up uncaring cosmic unconscious “cowards” in power or in a position to help me will also be used.

Washington takes precautions

Acting on the intelligence information, the United States heightened its security stance, issuing a worldwide travel alert and closing a number of embassies and consulates over large areas of the Middle East and Africa this week.

 al Qaeda leader urged affiliate to ‘do something’

Do you have any idea readers how much money  America will have to pay for this “universal precautionary order?”  Well I gave a very specific set of dates for the Cosmic rites and endless ceremonies to manifest itself through an “explosive/shocking” manner on August 20/21/22 and warned the world on July 20th with ” Cosmic Warnings to the World for July 22/23/24 & August 20/21/22 by Dr.Turi.” I even posted a You Tube video warning the world (and the NSA) of what to expect!

Would it be the terrorists, the NSA, the FBI or CIA all those organizations and their elites are still cosmic unconscious and through my God given gift/curse I offer them and you all this warning.



July 22/23/24 and August 20/21/22

Entrails Upset Spit Above
Red Fire Wind To Dance
Stars Command Shock Science
Calm Deception To Strike


Cosmos News / Nuke / Weird news / Surprises / Explosions / Shocking / lightning /  Unusual Humanitarianism / Discovery / Science / Earthquakes (always above 6.0) / Volcanoes / Tornadoes / NASA / Aeronautics / Technology / Television / UFO.

  “A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order” Nostradamus


“All I have asked for is a fair scientific investigation of my work for the sole purpose of promoting man cosmic consciousness, saving time, money and the lives of many people”       – Dr. Turi

God And The Magic That is Us – The Declaration of Divine Cosmic Consciousness

Blessings to all my readers – Dr. Turi

God’s Creation of Children Monsters


”For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice… If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

Dear Readers:

Yesterday in “Meet Christian Cosmic Unconscious God Fearing Singles” I warned of a society run by your cosmic unconscious political, religious and educational elites, endlessly breeding MONSTERS that are all stuck in “The Physical / Spiritual Universal Controlling matrix (or the reptilius).

Memo: “You must help me reaching the children of tomorrow with the same passion and dedication I show you everyday knowing you are reading and enjoying my work! In my last TV show with George Noory I mentioned  that we have only 50 years left before the non return zone. None of your political, religious, educational elites in power will help us and you know it! The fear of the ridicule, religious poisoning override their will to act in favour of your children psychical welfare and the results are already in motion and DREADFUL!”



TEEN ATTACK IN CITY HALL? Can you see the obvious omen “teen/city hall maybe your the local or federal elites should pay attention to the kids depleting psyches when its captivated on the government ground?  Can you connection/omen with Adam Lanza killing his mother first, then the school master, then the psychologist before killing other innocent kids?

 I offered you the option to watch the dramatic video above and today I am doing it again with the endless rites of cosmic ceremonies… Will you ever get my message and will you ever help me by showing your gratitude  for learning all the secrets of the cosmic code /matrixes and what was never been accessible to you before?

School bus driver watches brutal beating of teen

 Is this a normal behavior for a kid?

NYPD: Officer fatally shoots teen who fired gun at fleeing person

But what sadden me is the Police administration keep ignoring my warnings and worse  is the tremendous  interest I command through my articles posted on BIN with 17541 readers so far, and counting, including 16681 more a week ago and still only 17 people have recommended my work!

This does not include the many more thousands readers from other leading social networks who impatiently wait for more of my FREE pearls for wisdom and my FREE books. What will it take for me to make those readers rewarding my endless intellectual efforts to become VIP’s and show me their support? This does not mean I do not get a steady flow of great endorsements but it is usually once a client, student or patient get to really connect with me and my services.

I understand the large majority of those readers are envious brainless skeptical pin heads kids but this can not be the same with the rest of smarter curious older wiser souls making up such a large number of readers all over the world!

 “Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, or they will trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.


What is it my readers do not get when my warnings are taking place almost daily knowing there is also a strong possibility for Dr. Turi to disappear from your life? How do you think I feel knowing that in the millions of people reading my premonitions and warnings only 17 have publicly endorsed me on BIN?

While my Internet enemies or the force of evil are rejoicing in their hopes to mute me, ask yourself what if Satan’s children were to succeed? What would happen to your daily cosmic regenerative fluid if I decided to stop writing, but you do not know yet because you are still drinking it!   You and your children would sink deeper  into “Physical / Spiritual Universal information controlling matrix. I may not offer you any warning, just stop wasting my energy for the undeserving ungrateful souls…

The 2012/2014 Scorpius Draconis‘ killer instinct is part of the Universal Matrix or the Cosmic Code jurisdictions imposing its passionate utmost destructive nature and killer instinct to manifest through the children. Do you read the news? do you actually click on the provided videos links and realize that my vision of a world run by cosmic unconscious MONSTERS is shaping up? These are your children, those innocent loving, caring kids of yours forced, moulded into monsters by the current educationalPhysical / Spiritual Universal information controlling matrix.

 Let me try to wake you up again concerned parents and realize why it is so important for you to HELP ME building my Astropsychology schools. Doing so will allow me bring back the creator universal purpose and stop the breeding of those monsters! Do not invest on your next trip to Mars, do not make donations to this controlling “matrix any more or watch the total depletion of the human spirit into the abyss  of HELL!  

My Astropsychology, run by and with the spiritual  blessings of my students supreme spiritual cosmic wisdom your children will acknowledge their “cosmic” relationship with their creator, their UCI, their Personal Matrix AND WHAT SEPARATES them from the rest of the crowd!  Knowing about their own cosmic vibrations and Universal Identity will clarify where they are at in the eternal reincarnation principle and their karmic program will allow them to regenerate their spirit and get the spiritual answers they need to survive in a world ruled by evil they can not understand!

Instead of acting out robotically, psychically their natal, hidden dragons through  their burgeoning passionate destructive “hormones/UCI” they will all be educated of the pull of the stars afflicting their young psyches and learn to apply their will at the crucial time of puberty.

 If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

 Dr. Turi  – Dali Lama

But how can you help your children if you, the parents, the teachers and all your educational elites know nothing of your personal corner of the Universe and how yourself you relate, react, behave in this world and other human beings WITHIN the cosmic code or the Physical / Spiritual Universal matrix?

This humongous ignorance is killing your children’ spirits and building a society of agnostics, atheists, skeptics and “educated” accredited cosmic unconscious scientists! 

HERE IS A GOOD EXAMPLE OF THE  “Physical / Spiritual Universal information controlling matrix.” I am here to offer you a more Universal Type of Cosmic Study and its FREE! (for now!)

In one of my newsletter I wrote that” Snowen had the potential to destroy America” and harassed the NSA and numerous US FBI offices  directly with my warnings. Millions more read “Warning & Predictions To All US Government Officials” but are they listening?

Switzerland Warning Against Obama Regime Stuns Russia

Back November 15, 2011, I warned them all including the general public of losing total privacy but who is listening to Dr. Turi “pseudo-science” work?

Your TV might be watching you

Prediction # 12. Anything and everything dealing with death, secrets, decomposition, reincarnation, sex, metaphysics  the police and re-birthing the spirit will be the focus of humanity’s attention. I also see an explosion of new security services using advanced technology to stop any forms of terrorism.  

ALL induced by the Universal Matrix,  the Scorpius Draconis or the Cosmic Code jurisdictions…

God And The Magic That is Us – The Declaration of Divine Cosmic Consciousness



Blessings to all my  world wide reading audience. Dr. Turi



Meet Christian Cosmic Unconscious God Fearing Singles

August 08/2013


“There are specific Universal Laws designed by God – Consciousness – is the awareness of a divine cosmic  power and use it wisely to build emotional, financial and spiritual stability!” Read the future –  Watch the future!

Dear Readers;

Not long ago I watched a TV program where a woman miraculously escaped death with someone she met through one of those online dating services and I truly feel the urgency to warn you.  She was rewarded millions by a court from the damage inflicted by the guilty monster criminal. Think of the banner above as a church and the vile “priest” operator sexual born Plutonic predator luring the children…

Those are very large Plutonic / Neptunian deceptive corporations loaded with enough financial resources to  advertise regularly their businesses  right on top of CNN website,  the world’s largest business  and online news and information delivery.

As mentioned before, because a corporation owns a place at the top of another powerful corporations page does not mean you will get the truth or the real rewards for what you are looking for…  Those wealthy corporations are all intermingled and benefit largely by monopolising the entire market (YOU.)

This will give you a better perspective, both advertisements while a world apart represents the “Physical / Spiritual Universal matrix” you are stuck in. If you are either a God fearing religiously poisoned soul or looking for a psychic for answers in your life you are still under Neptune’s deceptive power.

In any case, the trust you put in God’s or a psychic’s guidance simply display your imaginative FAITH which is based upon the education and/or experiences you were raised with. If your first teachers’ UCI were Saturnian instead of Neptunian, logic, science, scepticism and rationale would colour your upbringing.

Meantime if your own UCI is overloaded at birth with Neptune religious/faith cosmic energy, no amount of agnosticism or atheism will take away your “faith.” This does not mean you will be able to acknowledge this fact especially if you are non cosmic conscious and religious fears override your curiosity.

Neptune illusive powers is extraordinary strong and is represented by the fishes/Pisces, swimming in opposite directions. Indeed the most difficult cosmic energy to relate or control because there is no much grounding (or logic) when swimming in the deep dangerous ocean of deception. This enunciate why 875 different religions  and millions of other cults have hijacked  humanity last two thousands years, when Neptune’s karmic work first appeared in the endless cosmic rites and ceremonies.

One thing is assured readers, NONE of the good Samaritans or psychic involved in your life owns Cosmic Consciousness and have no clue of what Astropsychology is all about. In fact 99.09 % of human’s education was set by the Universal Matrix ruled by a rigid science and  a formal “accredited” often religious education.

But I do not want the new reader to be confused so let me explain further…

The Physical / Spiritual Universal matrix encompass all traditions religious and scientific in the macrocosm or what is accepted as a generality/reality through traditional education! Other laws coming from the DMV, the IRS, the FDA, the NWS, the  international law of air navigation etc. must be enforced and respected, this is the PHYSICAL / SPIRITUAL UNIVERSAL MATRIX! 

The Greeks were philosophically concerned with a rational explanation of everything and saw the repetition of the golden ratio throughout the world and all levels of reality as a step towards this unifying theory. In short, it is the recognition that the same traits appear in entities of many different sizes, from one man to the entire human population.

AND NOTHING CAN BE MORE BOTH RIGHT AND WRONG! because NO man is born equal physically or spiritually! But right because not a single human shares the same physical DNA or spiritual DNA (UCI.)  Indeed the new curious scientists reading my work are learning a lot on the cosmic code medical physical and spiritual values and their new perception of the Macrocosm and microcosm.  Now that you understand the Universal matrix let’s talk about the Personal Matrix. 

 The Personal Matrix IS WHAT SEPARATES you from the crowd! It  reflects your own vibrations, where you are at in the eternal reincarnation principle, it is YOUR personal program, your personal corner of the Universe and how you will relate, react, behave with the world and other human beings WITHIN the cosmic code or the Physical / Spiritual Universal matrix!

While all men are “born equal” this is perfectly right in you search for happiness only! I would hate to be compared to the mass of cosmic unconscious brainless envious morons dedicated to hurt my work and integrity! Not that they will succeed because the world is slowly awakening to God’s cosmic reality through my endless work and I keep going because of the people like Name: Keith Nelson.

“Dr. Turi I thank the creator for you being here on earth at this time to assist all humanity who have an ear to hear. Cosmic Consciousness is increasing in prime creator’s time…..”

As Nostradamus wrote –  “A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”  and you must help me reaching the children of tomorrow with the same passion and dedication I show you everyday knowing you are reading and enjoying my work! In my last TV show with George Noory I mentioned  that we have only 50 years left before the non return zone. None of your political, religious, educational elites in power will help us and you know it! The fear of the ridicule, religious poisoning override their will to act in favour of your children psychical welfare and the results are already in motion and DREADFUL!



No wild meteorite on a direct course to earth will end life on earth, No terrible natural “act of God” will end life on earth, No deluge no wars nor disease will end life on earth If God’s cosmic will is acknowledged

dr. turi 
Help me bring back the creator universal purpose and stop the breeding of monsters!

Your child’s psyche and his future is in serious jeopardy because of  The Physical / Spiritual Universal Matrix controlling all the information to the media, once more building more churches is building more jails trapping humanity’ spirit into saturated oblivions. Acting salesman dual born cosmic unconscious Pope Francis is only working overtime to save the Vatican deadliest corporation currently advertising on CNN while  The Physical / Spiritual Universal matrix (Plutonic corporations)  is competing for space “News for church business.

“Negotiations stalled after the church “unanimously rejected” the authority’s “best and final offer” of $6.2 million, according to the letter and other documents.”

Imagine how many Astropsychology schools I could launch with 6.2. millions readers and the tsunami of  your “donations” to fuel the evil of fear and cosmic ignorance seems unstoppable! Do we have 50 years to turn thing around or am I delusional? Are all the prophecies for the apocalypse already sealed and about to transpire?

The fact is yes they are if you do not help me! But I still believe my mission to free humanity from fear and cosmic ignorance while reinstating Jesus’ initial cosmic ministry is; with God’s help much stronger. My rare wisdom, total dedication and firing passion is unmatched and speak of the divinity of the creator acting through my work and I. I refuse to believe God put all his children here on earth to suffer and die surrendering to evil.  If you are with me, all you have to do is find a way to help me because together we are an expression of the light today’s world and all the children so desperately need.  

Sharing Email;

Mrs. Terania Turi,

I know I am not a member yet but I do read Dr. Turi’s web-site everyday. He is on target with everything. I wanted to write to him about my prayer meditations and where they are leading.  I know he has strong opinions about the Bible but I would like to share something with him.

DT Rebuttal: My only opinion of the bible is that;  God never wrote the bible Plutonic/Neptunian men did! But he for sure created the stars and the heavens to be used as sign so you may lead a safer more productive life.

I do prayer meditations on a web-site called Word Among Us. For the past week, the scriptures have been dedicated to the 1st commandment. “I am the Lord Your God, you shall have not other God besides me.” I read two Psalms this weekend that referred to the testament. One Psalm inferred that we should not believe in gods or alien gods but in Our one God. The other talked about the nations worshiping only one God–Psalm 67. Today’s gospel talked about the death of St. John the Baptist and how he preached against becoming devoted to vices and worldly thoughts. That we should become aligned with God. Mt.14:1-12

DT Rebuttal: I am asking no one to worship me but my God is Universal and I fear him NOT! God would never write or say such selfish intellectual nonsense but the Illuminati who wrote the bible also uses the natural instinct of preservation  with fears. No you are not going to hell reading me, you are already in your own hell of fears and cosmic ignorance, trapped in the The Physical / Spiritual Universal matrix

I’m writing this to Dr. Turi because I feel that these scriptures are warning mankind about some kind of Holy transformation (It’s not going to a fun one either). . It’s as if we have to redeem ourselves and find our spiritual selves before this occurs or find redemption while its occurring.

 DT Rebuttal: Indeed the “holly transformation” is taking place through my work helping humanity to perceive God cosmic will. Redeem yourself from what? what did you do so bad, did you kill anyone?  What should I redeem from helping you and the world to stop feeding evil with fears and help me salvage the children’ spirit so they do not become confused and trapped like you are?  Trust me Nyra investigate your UCI with me and you will find your real spiritual self!

Dr. Turi has talked about the spiritual world and its shifts. I think that the world has to listen more because if not, the changes that are going to occur are going to be quite frightening.  I hope I don’t sound to Neptunian here but I just wanted to share this with him. There is some importance in a message that keeps repeating itself.

DT Rebuttal: Listen to who? Pope Francis, the CA psychics or the cosmic unconscious Christian deceptive Neptunian matching business? May be you should listen to me a bit more to find peace and own your salvation at the end…

 I also wanted to talk to him about Obama too. I had a dream on Thursday that Obama was on line and typing in his information to catch a flight. I guess we’ll have to wait and see what happens.  Thank you for reading this.  I hope I wasn’t imposing  or disrespecting in anyway.

 God Bless,


DT Rebuttal:  Thank you for your note.  Catching a flight mean your subconscious desire to “upgrade” to the God’s cosmic reality Typing mean your subconscious desire to “book” your subscription to the Cosmic Code but also your fears as you associate * subconsciously my prediction for Obama’s demise. You are where you are at and only reflecting your UCI this means also your religious fear of God and your learning experiences through my work  discovering how he truly speaks through the cosmic code.

 Your dream reflect your discovery “flight” into the cosmic code above in the stars and your subconscious wanting you to do a reading with me someday. You have been taught humility and it reflects in your make up and the way you write too! You are a wonderful human being about to embark into a wonderful voyage where you will, finally hear and see God in action through his creation… Fly with me because the fact is God sent you to me for good reasons.. You asked so you will receive his light!


Dr. Turi


God And The Magic That is Us – The Declaration of Divine Cosmic Consciousness



Blessings to all my  world wide reading audience.


Dr. Turi