Release of California Inmates & Predictions For South Africa

August 08/2013


“There are specific Universal Laws designed by God – Consciousness – is the awareness of a divine cosmic  power and use it wisely to build emotional, financial and spiritual stability!” Read the future –  Watch the future!

Can you really deny the New Age of Aquarius or the Universal physical Matrix  in action?

Dear Readers:

But when it comes to the more subtle Spiritual Universal Matrix or the Cosmic Code manifestations,  only those who dare or allowed  through their advanced MPSI will fly into the archetypal realm of consciousness and enjoy the future spiritually! Yes my line of work is as advanced as the latest technology used by Yves Rossy, also known as “Fusion Man.”

Indeed my work is not for the young skeptical souls unaware of the Universal and personal matrixes in action or the minuscule part he unconsciously plays in the larger scheme of things!

Each human being on the planet sees HIS own personal reality through his five limited human senses or his/her own karmic (UCI/ MPSI.) All based upon their OWN experiences, education and intelligence it become real or not. They are the reflection of their own minuscule matrix incorporated into a much bigger Universal one. Macrocosm and microcosm is seeing the same patterns reproduced in all levels of the cosmos, from the largest scale (macrocosm or universe-level/Universal Matrix) all the way down to the smallest scale (microcosm or sub-sub-atomic or even metaphysical-level/MPSI).

In the system the midpoint is Man, who summarizes the cosmos but again my work is not for the religiously poisoned lost soul or the  ”educated/accredited” scientist young souls unable to enter the archetypal realm of consciousness and auto analyse themselves (and others) objectively!

Simply put to you, you can not escape the physical Universal Matrix because you are part of its PHYSICAL manifestation, thus what you see ONLY becomes your reality or the picture of the flying man above. Now what you do not see does not mean it does not exist but it takes intuitive curiosity over traditional education to build, open and use your “3rd eye” which will allow you “psychically”  to “fly into the future” without any man made machine. And because I am only 50 years or so ahead of 99.09% of human beings, a few of you may have a bit of problem following me. Its like asking you to follow the “Fusion Man” in the air without the technological winds and rockets he designed.

Psychically, spiritually speaking, in some way the B-17 bomber is where the world is at and allow  you to comprehend that I am the “Star Man” flying next to it. Or another representation of the physical and spiritual matrixes playing their distinctive parts in the human spiritual evolution.  Thus if humanity plans to visit the endless corners of the cosmos (or Mars, what a joke!)  it will never be accomplished through the limitations of the Physical Matrix, something the scientists know but keep deceiving you with, because they need your cash to survive!

It is only  with real spiritual progress and the understanding and use of the Spiritual matrix that Humanity will become liberated from this dense limited physical world, but again don’t tell this to a cosmic unconscious scientific community and all those still trapped in the physical matrix!   Let’s now move on to the future and see my 2014/2016 Arian Predictions already shaping up!




German/Vikings Skin Alike
Black and White Red Blood
Fire War Violence  Passions Rule
God No where To Stop Fire

This dragon is all about IDENTITY and RACE  and will induce many new reforms with emigration, build walls between the US and foreign grounds and forced to revamp ALL that involve emigrations/foreigners in or moving to the US. 

Update: 08/03/13 –  Germany ends UK, U.S. info sharing

(CNN) — Germany has canceled a decades-old agreement on information-sharing with Britain and the United States, in the wake of controversy sparked by American leaker Edward Snowden’s disclosures about mass surveillance programs. Germany’s Foreign Ministry announced the move Friday, saying it was effective immediately.

Update: 07/20/13 – Australia cracks down on immigrants
06/24/13 – Court rules on race and admissions
06/30/13 –



Washington (CNN) — The U.S. Supreme Court refused Friday to stop the pending release of thousands of California inmates to solve chronic, severe overcrowding in the state prisons.

Again readers, when I mentioned to George Noory on his Gaiam TV show that humanity has only 50 years before the non return point, I also mentioned that building more jails and more churches has never been the answer but who’s listening or helping Dr. Turi to turn things around? How many billions of dollars have been assigned in the last 6 months to do just that TO BUILD MORE JAILS AND MORE CHURCHES? 

More than half of those made into monsters criminals are career criminals that make a living like fleas upon the tax payers and a bankrupted California state can host them no more!  They are all the victims of the physical controlling educational system matrix!  Releasing these “man made monsters criminals ” will have devastating repercussions where many innocent people will become their victims because this is all they know and do! I am more concerned with freeing the man made monsters roaming and ganging our streets  than a natural cataclysm or being invaded by a gang of Martian!

The Universal matrix is on its way to implode if the balance between the physical and spiritual matrixes are not established and we have less than 50 years to do so!  Cosmic education is the only key, because it is now obvious that religions and jails rehabilitation programs are ruining all states and law obedient citizens!

This crowd of “man made Monsters” once upon a time were salvageable, they were all and without any exception  INNOCENT, GENTLE, FRAGILE TRUSTFUL CHILDREN  but all were victimized by the religious/traditional educational spiritual matrix. Exactly like Adam Lanza and all other monsters denied the option to drink at the cosmic matrix vital regenerative fluid.

Those “monsters” became the victims of all the elites in a position of power making the educated/accredited decisions! The results are PLAIN to see, something is very wrong, something is missing and, with time (50 years max) this EVIL cancer feeding on your cosmic ignorance will become unstoppable.



A society of  born constipated OCD, scientifically oriented, rational skeptics, logical atheists, down to earth agnostics is next in power and will trust and concentrate on scientifically finding the responsible “gene” making up criminals, gays and lesbians alike –  OMG! Have Mercy on your “educated” children!

While a more curious crowd of born scientists are gathering more cosmic facts  in my endless production of Cosmic Code newsletters will I ever see my first Astropsychology School in action?  But this drama does not stop in the US only, the cancer of cosmic ignorance already sprayed all over the world!

Robert  Gabriel Mugabe born February 21 1924


Sun 01Pis36 (2 Money)  The Sun resides on Robert  Gabriel Mugabe’ second house of money but sad enough the negative, unlucky, unproductive  Dragon’s Tail does not endorse poor people and signify control through manipulation.

Moon 12Vir05 (8 Death) His moon sign (emotions/people security/) is in the cold non emotional sign of Virgo.  Located on the Dragon’s Head signify a serious growth if farming was promoted bringing endless financial rewards to the country and its residents. Only the very rich will benefit from not using his progressive earthy Virgo Dragon’s Head and not using it allows him to keep the control of the mass of workers’ survival. There is very high chances of getting assassinated from the base of operations.

Mercury 10Aqu07 (1 Self) exalted – Robert  Gabriel Mugabe Mercury (communications) is located in the secretive 12th house, he is very smart and will use technology secretively at his advantage.

Venus 09Ari59 (3 Mind) detriment  – Venus rules love and care but she is very selfish in Aries making him devious and self interested with luxuries and possessions.

Mars 20Sag56 (11 Friends)  Mugabe Mars (war/Army) is located in his friends and wishes house and he will benefit and use the Army at his advantage. He is also somehow lucky with foreign affairs but unwilling to make a good use for growth.  I see a lot of “foreign” weaponry illegal dealings taking place in secrecy.

Jupiter 16Sag58 (11 Wishes) dignity – Due to his natal Pisces  dragon’s Tail located in his second house of money,  I see a lot of “foreign” drugs illegal dealings taking place  secretively.  His “spiritual matrix” make him prone to die poisoned with legal/illegal drugs as he own an addictive secret personality.

Saturn 02Sco15 (10 Career) – Saturn is producing a very strong drive for recognition in the structured political world while Scorpio is born to control. This is the perfect position for a born dictator endlessly aiming and thirty for more control and more power.  There is no feelings, no limit, nor rules but manipulated laws to maintain oppressions upon the working class sought as inferior and sub-human. The same nasty cosmic energy cursed Hitler to control the world and manipulate the German population to reach his goals.

Uranus 16Pis36 (2 Money) Uranus rules technology and in the 2nd house of money, especially on the negative Pisces (drugs) Dragons’ Tail,  I see aeronautics being used for drugs trafficking all over the county. There is no doubt in my mind  His personal  “spiritual matrix” make him suffer serious drug addictions.

Neptune 18Leo40 (7 Partnerships) – Neptune rules deception, drugs, oil and in the powerful sign of Leo, right in his house of contracts and partnerships, Mugabe attracts and owns a lot of very powerful criminal partners.

Pluto 10Can26 (6 Work) –  Mugabe is part of the “Baby Wasted Generation” who directly or indirectly suffered Hilter’s war and deprivation legacy. When Pluto (death/drama) was in Cancer (home/families) the death planet imposed death of many family members through their involvement with war where food was scarce and millions of homes/families were destroyed. Then Pluto (death) moved in Leo (life/love) and the world was replenished with the “Baby Boom Generation.” The endless cosmic rites and ceremonies at work, learn more about all generations psychical make up in “The Power of the Dragon.”  Mugabe own a very strong and negative “Scorpius/Plutonic” UCI and was “programmed to handle, use/abuse political power much like Hitler did!

Dragon’s Head 02Vir17 (8 Corporations/death) Indeed Mugabe owns one of the best dragon if he reach for its productive unselfish humanitarian potential. There incredible corporate financial affairs with foreign powers  involving Virgo natural “Green Thumb” farming, the lands, food, real estate, commodities, security, the infra structure of the county and all its producing people would bring an incredible reward to the country he rules. But reaching the productive Dragon’s Head is a challenge for all human beings who’s rather tap on the more “natural” pull of the nefarious Dragon’s Tail!  

Dragon’s Tail 02Pis17 (2 Money/Self Esteem)  – Again electing a cosmic unconscious President  endlessly using his Dragon’s Tail such as Hitler, President Obama, Mugabe and so many others will bring serious penalty to the people who gave that power  away. A President is like a father in charge a of a family; and if the father /the President falls for his karmic Dragon’s Tail, those he rules will suffer his stars and fate. 


The sad reality is Mugabe’s Tail of the Dragon in located in his second house of money and self esteem in deceptive Pisces. His hidden negative Taurus dragon also resides in this house, doubling its negative input dealing with productive honest banks. Mugabe self esteem depends on his accumulated wealth and will stop at nothing to build more power, more money and enjoy more control.  Mugabe will never turn back because he fell much too deeply into the quick sands of Neptune criminal activities. It is only by maintain a strong hold on his people that the secret of his deceptive financial affairs can survive. And with it, his own freedom and luxurious lifestyle.

IN MUTUAL RECEPTION: Sun in Pisces Neptune in Leo  – Shining in total deception!

Update August 7, 2013  US charges 2 with lobbying for Mugabe

SIGN MODALITIES: Planet Points Percent
Cardinal 2 17 %  Wanting to become
Fixed 3 25 %  Fixity of purpose
Mutable 7 58 %  Adaptability

SIGN ELEMENTS: Planet Points Percent
Fire 4 33 %  Ego
Earth 2 17 % Practicality
Air 1 8 %  Adaptability
Water 5 42 % Emotions

IN CRITICAL DEGREES: (Mansions of the Moon):

MOON PHASE: Waning – Negative – I see poisoning (CIA) or suicide – April and October 2014/2015 will speak more of the cosmic code endless rites and ceremonies…

SOS to the NSA, CIA and FBI Elites Please share with the world!


 ‘HIDING IN PLAIN SIGHT’ – Felons, fake patients revealed in rehab clinics

  “A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order” Nostradamus


“All I have asked for is a fair scientific investigation of my work for the sole purpose of promoting man cosmic consciousness, saving time, money and the lives of many people”       – Dr. Turi

God And The Magic That is Us – The Declaration of Divine Cosmic Consciousness

Blessings to all my  world wide reading audience.

Dr. Turi




CIA was at Benghazi what’s next For Obama?



“There are specific Universal Laws designed by God – Consciousness – is the awareness of a divine cosmic  power and use it wisely to build emotional, financial and spiritual stability!” Read the future –  Watch the future!

CNN has learned the CIA is involved in what one source calls an unprecedented attempt to keep the spy agency’s Benghazi secrets from ever leaking out.

 Dear readers:


Indeed my utmost undeniable prediction for a full restructure of the CIA came to pass in accordance to the cosmic eternal rites and ceremonies induced by theUniversal Cosmic Matrix and today its is all over the media…  Please check my public dated, printed  published predictions for the fact! (scroll all the way down)

Now the consequences imposed by the 2012 Scorpius Draconis forcing a full restructure of the Feds, IRS, FBI Secrets Divulged!  including the NSA and  the police will be devastative because those in power, like 99.09% of a cosmic unconscious religious world do not know of the Cosmic Code jurisdictions and can not hear, read or see God’s signs I translated for you. All that is secrets has come to light offering the serious wake up call to many people in all high places deserves. This dragon works also in favour of deep sea gold/silver explorers where riches lost in  in the depth of 3 miles of water will be brought to the surface. 

Memo – Prediction page # 6.  A secret technology produced and sold to unaware consumers will make privacy totally impossible. –   – But I have good news for you if you dare to check the future with my “ Dr. Turi’s 2014 – 2016 Universal Predictions”  There is only one reliable source for predictions and it is with Dr. Turi. Join now!

I offered this warning to dozens of FBI/CIA /NSA/Homeland Security offices  via the Internet May 7, 2013!

With my VIP’s millions more readers world wide read the following… FBI/CIA – Obama’s Impeachment” More secrets will tarnish the President’s image, hopefully the Homeland security and the NSA will take my warnings seriously, especially August 18/19/20/ and 21st! which will be  the lowest days of his Presidency! 

Updated August 21, 2013  “NEW YORK – President Obama’s half-brother in Kenya could cause the White House more headaches over new evidence linking him to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and establishing that controversial IRS supervisor Lois Lerner signed his tax-exempt approval letter.” Read more

Lastly on my July 14th 2013 Gaiam George Noory TV show I offered the dates of  August 18/19/20/and 21st  preparing millions more viewers to expect a duplicate of the incredible shocking/surprising re-election development news and what the future has in store for President Obama’s administration. If you are a newcomer to my work please do not assume!

For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice…

Here is the full memo, quatrain and keywords used to translate the Universal Matrix impact upon humanity during those days.

July 22/23/24 and August 20/21/22

Entrails Upset Spit Above
Red Fire Wind To Dance
Stars Command Shock Science
Calm Deception To Strike


Cosmos News / Nuke / Weird news / Surprises / Explosions / Shocking / Stunning / lightning /  Unusual Humanitarianism / Discovery / Science / Earthquakes (always above 6.0) / Volcanoes / Tornadoes / NASA / Aeronautics / Technology / Television / UFO.

Watch this video

Massive Yellowstone geyser puts on a surprise show

This is an SERIOUS omen of things to come in AMERICA AND THE WORLD! BE PREPARED BE READY!

Can you really afford not to check the future? “ Dr. Turi’s 2014 – 2016 Universal Predictions”  There is only one reliable source for predictions in the world and it is with Dr. Turi. Join now!


Dr. Turi


Anthony Weiner & Gennette Cordova Fatal Attraction



“There are specific Universal Laws designed by God – Consciousness – is the awareness of a divine cosmic  power and use it wisely to build emotional, financial and spiritual stability!” Read the future –  Watch the future!

 The Stars and Fate of Anthony David Weiner


Born September 4, 1964 in N.Y.

Dear Readers:

Because of the importance of the upcoming N.Y. Mayor 2013 election I have decided to make this newsletter about David Weiner’s psychical make up public.  Armed with advanced and accurate information on Weiner’s  karmic UCI the voters can now get a better understanding of the cosmic forces at work, the life and fate of this candidate.

Before digging into his chart, I already knew that Weiner was born a DUAL with the negative dragon’s tail in the obnoxious sign of  Sagittarius right in his 3rd house of general communications. And you wonder why he got in trouble? In fact one of my closest friend own such a Dragon and at time, his mouth becomes really dirty in public.  Such a Dragon is a perfect representation of the expression  “A bull in the China shop! But his friendship and good heart override his unrefined brutally direct karmic UCI and (MPSI)  Matrix Personal Spiritual Identity weakness and we always forgive him each time he apologize for his ungracious verbal conduct.

I wrote about many DUALS individuals such as President Clinton, O.J. Simpson, Rodney King, Newt Gingrich, Roger Hedgecock, Casey AnthonyVan Der Sloot  Rush Limbaugh, Dr. LauraMike Huckabee but no one so far has beaten the worse traits of dual Gemini as “Patti Stanger Millionaires Club!”  And all those  cosmic unconscious souls did or will in time paid the price of their cosmic ignorance. Google “rich and famous dr.turi” for more articles on this subject!

But what worries me the most is Weiner’s young victim Gennette Cordova is now at risk because ruining a N.Y. politician’s career will bear its fruits in the long run.  The cosmic make up of Weiner also involves that of dangerous and powerful criminals connections and the the new “2014 Arian Draconis” will be  afflicting both their 8th house of death, where suicide or murder becomes a very high probability.  She is also a Virgo  and her negative Dragon’s Tail in Leo makes her prone to attract the wrong people in the affairs of love and this Dragon does not endorse a long life! Little does she knows about the 2012/2014 Scorpius Draconis forcing her to expose the truth of her misadventures with  Weiner…

 Romney’s near death experience in France

Little does she and Weiner knows they were karmically attracted and manipulated both their own dragons… Incidentally Mitt Romney was also born with a dangerous, unlucky Sagittarius Dragon’s Tail and this makes him VERY unlucky on foreign ground, with Latino or anyone non Caucasian. And you wonder why he lost the election?  But was it a good thing?

As a rule those born with a Dragon’s Tail in Sagittarius are NOT lucky with foreigners and with foreign affairs but my book and supreme cosmic wisdom on “The Power of the Dragon” is not on the N.Y. best seller list because nothing in my work is fictional or easy reading, instead   Harry PotterDon QuixoteThe Three MusketeersThe Adventures of Pinocchio,Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland books pin point the intellectual level and interest of 99.09% of human living on earth!

Gennette Cordova was born with a stellium including Saturn (career interest) in Capricorn in her 5th house of love and attarction between human beings, making her interested in high political older figures and why through the  “Universal Matrix” she was “magnetised/attracted/lead” to Weiner.  Sad enough her cluster of stars involves also deceptive Neptune and Uranus (the Internet.)

The reality is both the sexual perpetrator and its victims (including 99.09% of the world’s population) are  cosmic unconscious and played their part in the endless cosmic rites and ceremonies.  If you are a student of Astropsychology or an avid reader of my work I exposed many DUAL famous and infamous people since  I joined the Internet back in 1991.  Not to forget Mr. Pope also born a Dual! And all these high profile celebrities are your political, religious and educational leaders? OMG! have mercy on your children…

Ain’t you glad you know Dr. Turi now?

“Where Cosmic Consciousness is lacking; science, conspiracy and religious imagination have the wrong answers. There are no accidents, nor circumstances, only cosmic consequences the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive.”

“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth by means of his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom”


“A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order” Nostradamus


“All I have asked for is a fair scientific investigation of my work for the sole purpose of promoting man cosmic consciousness, saving time, money and the lives of many people”       – Dr. Turi

God And The Magic That is Us – The Declaration of Divine Cosmic Consciousness

Blessings to all my readers – Dr. Turi


UFO and ET’s – Angelic Beings Visit Space Station

 For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice…


Dear Readers:

In “Uncovering the secrets of the Matrix” I shared my experience with yet another cosmic unconscious lost soul who believes ET’s are negative and responsible for all tragedies, working against humanity on moon bases, penetrating the human mind turning them into monsters etc. But do they know that Neptune rules amphibious creatures, lizards and all REPTILIANS? 

This demented, amnesic evil feeding frenzy is the results of deep seated imaginative fears inserted by the deceptive planet Neptune upon the psyche of all its cursed victims. But knowing each human being is “stuck” in its own psychical matrix responding to the Universal cosmic matrix, all they can do is to; subconsciously respond  to the pull  of their own (MPSI)  Matrix Personal Spiritual Identity

When is the last time you went UNDER your stars to check how you STAND  and understand  the matrixes? 

Depraved of Cosmic Consciousness it is simply impossible for any of any human being to accurately auto-analyse its own idiosyncrasies. Neptune rules all mental deficiencies including chronic depressions, madness, dementia, schizophrenia where the use of medications makes the situation much worse and lead to suicidal tendencies.

I read too many threads involving suicide on those conspiracy websites and how many people did actually commit suicide or developed mental problems reading those negative articles? You would be amazed how such evil breed the terrorist monsters who finally act against power!

Yesterday I posted, “I may not agree with what you are saying but I will fight to the death for you to say it”  and today, as expected, I went to “Emergence” website to post the “Angelic ET’s” link but the forces of evil preceded me…


Sorry, dr. turi Turi, you can not access 2012 Emergence as you have been suspended. If you think you’ve been suspended in error, you can contact the administrator. 

My intend to offer real information and stop evil to spray its dark wings of fears upon others is and has always been strong and honorable! It pains me if all they see is me  bullying them but this is usually what an insecurity feeling brings… There is absolutely nothing what’s so ever for me to gain “harassing” anyone on their website, but  kicking my butt out speaks on how some people deal with real  intellectual challenges and the truth about ET’s presence in our solar system.

I feel strongly about this UFO topic because my direct involvement with them since my childhood, and even if some of my own UFO abductions were dramatic and painful I know from the bottom of my soul their agenda is much bigger than me and worth the trauma.

To those who knows and read me regularly, there is no surprise to, once again for me to make a prediction or a statement and a day or two later comes the facts on the Internet! Yes someone sent me this link making reference to my comment about ET’s being of a positive influence upon humanity.  There is no difference between the  cosmic unconscious apocalyptic / conspiracy “Talking Heads” demonic creative fears and Hollywood movies writers! Its all about sensationalism and your money and I should not be blamed,  with my rare  involvement with ET’s and UFO reality to make you aware of it!

But when I speak about UFO publicly or mention my own “extraordinary experiences” and expose my UFO psychical legacy under the form of predictions for 2012 all I get is jealousy?   Well I think its time for them all to accept the fact that; incredible experiences  breed incredible people that have incredible gifts and stories to share!

If you want to attract such experiences yourself you better change your attitude with me and start learning how to refine and upgrade your own psychical vibrations. Let me use this example; Once, when I was a single man, I stopped at my local bar and parked my new Corvette with the top off. When I returned some envious young souls spit on my windshield and throw lit cigarette butts on my leather seats! How in the hell can you attract something you want so bad by behaving in such a deplorable ways with me or my possessions?

Your first challenge is to realize you are feeding evil and STOP it!


Second learn who I am, what I do or did and accept the facts of my predictions when they are undeniable! Doing so is affirming to the Supra-conscious (God/ you) that ET’s are real and working through my human cosmic essence. My ET’s experiences were quite traumatic and some very painful, ask yourself if you are ready for those? Most of all what do you have to offer them? why should they be interested in you? And if you behave less than human chances are you will not be much of an interest to them!

Do not associate the greys *dignified robots doing the hard work, cutting cows to check on our food supply and how much chemicals we ingest before we can not reproduce any-more healthy children. “STOP The Epidemic of autism in the United States.”

We are very precious to ET’s because in the universal scheme of things everything is inter related and involve both the physical and spiritual matrixes. The “Gardeners of the world” have much more to lose if their human “experimentation” to populate remote areas of endless solar systems fail.

If you fear or negate the reality of ET’s you will never, ever deal or attract them like I did on a conscious level. If you have a UFO related website, telling your followers they are evil because you know nothing of  them does nothing to improve the truth and your own deceptive mental Neptunian condition.  So what you have to do is to escape the 99.09% of human cosmic unconscious fearful mental depletion and this is not an easy task, especially when the cosmic conscious teacher is as rare as Dr. Turi.

And this is where all human beings who inherited a weak UCI will stumble and assume I am nothing else than the biggest egocentric human being on the planet! And this is where you are wrong and distance yourself from the upgrade you need so desperately and chose to GO BACK  to what you assume and feel comfortable with! Indeed you just missed Dr. Turi’s cosmic boat trip!

Remember when you make people think they love you, when you really make them think out of their comfort zone the way I do, then they hate you, but I am not about to change for no one because its only when the student is ready that the real valuable teacher will finally appear!

My ET’s experiences, while being barely believable speak of a tangible cosmic legacy  I endlessly offer you with through my work and undeniable predictions.  I did put the green where my mouth is so many times, including on national TV and radio and lately on the George Noory’s Gaiam TV program. While many of you may still think I am only a redundant egocentric, repeating myself to build your curiosity and prove my claims is all I have.


 July 22/23/24 and August 20/21/22

Entrails Upset Spit Above
Red Fire Wind To Dance
Stars Command Shock Science
Calm Deception To Strike


Cosmos News / Nuke / Weird news / Surprises / Explosions / Shocking / Stunning / lightning /  Unusual Humanitarianism / Discovery / Science / Earthquakes (always above 6.0) / Volcanoes / Tornadoes / NASA / Aeronautics / Technology / Television / UFO.

When incurious, envious people start to remove and attack you its a signal that you are on the right track! Its either you belong to the 99.09% of a moronic mass and 78000 of them on their way to Mars, unwilling to make the effort to raise to higher vibrations to attract the divine and the incredible! The choice is yours…

Start your own spiritual  journey towards God’s celestial reality, acknowledge your personal Matrix and how it relate to the Universal Matrix or the Cosmic Code today, join my cosmic coders VIP’s because if you do so, like Dr. Turi ‘ students, you truly are a rarity.


Dr. Turi

“Where Cosmic Consciousness is lacking; science, conspiracy and religious imagination have the wrong answers. There are no accidents, nor circumstances, only cosmic consequences the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive.”

“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth by means of his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom”


“A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order” Nostradamus


“All I have asked for is a fair scientific investigation of my work for the sole purpose of promoting man cosmic consciousness, saving time, money and the lives of many people”       – Dr. Turi

God And The Magic That is Us – The Declaration of Divine Cosmic Consciousness

 Blessings to all my readers  – Dr. Turi


Kidd Kraddick Killed By The Matrix



“There are specific Universal Laws designed by God – Consciousness – is the awareness of a divine cosmic  power and use it wisely to build emotional, financial and spiritual stability!” Read the future –  Watch the future!

 If you are a VIP those files are now ready for your eyes – If you are not a VIP you are missing a lot, join now! Thank you for your trust in my work readers. 


Online bullying ends in suicide

 Ben Wedeman reports on the sad case of a young Italian girl who committed suicide after being bullied online.

Bullycide memorial page

Dear Readers;

Note: If you are a VIP I will soon generate  August 2013 Daily Guidance and Predictions –
August  2013 SOS To The World – August 2013 Elaborated Horoscope For All Signs and August 2013 Moon Transits very soon, please stand by – Become a VIP today, be smart, be warned, be guided by Dr. Turi.

The sad reality is the current Scorpius Draconis acting out from the  Cosmic Code (Universal spiritual matrix) has and will take more innocent lives. Kids are not fully aware of the damage they can inflict upon other children born with an over sensitive UCI (matrix personal identity) but what is worse is their teachers and the American educational system are totally unaware of the therapeutic values and crucial information involving the science of Astropsychology.

She died on a day where all the cosmic rites and ceremonies were against her and no one was there to prepare or help her. While she died to “punish” her persecutors, depraved of the the vital spiritual cosmic fluid other kids .i.e. Adam Lanza, had plenty time to turn into monsters (thanks science and the inefficient, incomplete educational system) and bring other innocent children with them. Watch the video please!

Since my work is not yet “accredited” and accepted as a valuable discipline in all our colleges and Universities there is no way for the children to “cosmically” auto analyse themselves, apply their will and stop the evil from within to consume their lives.

The cosmic unconscious parents and teachers alike are left puzzled and emotionally destroyed once the child finally succumb to the matrixes and commit suicide… I wrote intensively on the subject making the educational traditionally educated “accredited” elites the sole responsible for their cosmic ignorance leading to so many children suicides.  While children are vulnerable  adults celebrities find refuge in legal/illegal drugs  “The Reasons Why Paris Jackson Attempted Suicide” too many suffered an early demise. The question is; while science is gathering great information from my work on the Internet will they help “Dr. Turi’s Proposition for Discussing Spirituality in Schools?”  While thousands of morons are aiming for Mars all I can do is to bring some sense and tell them to spend on the children psychical welfare! Please “Don’t invest on Mars but on Dr. Turi’s Astropsychology Schools”  instead because they are the future!

The biggest enemy of humanity spiritual progress is not its egocentric attitude but his humongous cosmic ignorance. The fact is ALL human beings are jailed in their own (UCI/ MPSI) and unable to pin point themselves, their purposes, their fears, idiosyncrasies, sins and virtues in the Universal program imposed by the Matrix or the Cosmic Code.

Each human being on the planet sees HIS own personal reality through his five limited human senses or his/her own karmic (UCI/ MPSI.) All based upon their OWN experiences, education and intelligence. They are the reflection of their own minuscule matrix incorporated into a much bigger Universal one. Macrocosm and microcosm is seeing the same patterns reproduced in all levels of the cosmos, from the largest scale (macrocosm or universe-level/Universal Matrix) all the way down to the smallest scale (microcosm or sub-sub-atomic or even metaphysical-level/MPSI).

In the system the midpoint is Man, who summarizes the cosmos but again my work is not for the religiously poisoned lost soul or the  “educated/accredited” scientist young souls unable to enter the archetypal realm of consciousness and auto analyse themselves (and others) objectively! Thus the term ” human detector” I use to analyse and expose what it means to be human, friends and foes…

The EVIL WITHIN is very real and often produced by the location of the a specific cosmic fluid (natal / hidden / current Dragon” cursing the 6th house of health or worse the subconscious. Then the results are tremendous fears leading to mutilation of the body or the slow deterioration of the mind, body and spirit. ie. “Angelina Jolie and Breast Cancer Fears.

While a cosmic unconscious media exposes her “courage” she was scared to death to contract cancer and God knows what this feels like when I am myself a cancer survivor!  Luckily for me, I refused chemotherapy instead used my physical/spiritual “Universal Blood Transfusion.”

To own your own salvation and make sense to life so you do not become insane, one must become cosmic conscious and understand its personal position  (UCI/ MPSI.) within the Universal matrix/cosmic code. Trust me there are no accidents readers, and being at the wrong place at the wrong time is what produces the “accidents” and all is set by your own “cosmic rhythms.)

“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth by means of his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom”


While you are STUCK in the Universal Matrix (the cosmic code) you can control your OWN MATRIX lucky/unlucky timing!  This is what I said to George Noory on his Gaima TV show  July 14, 2013 in Colorado!

“George Imagine you are about to board the Titanic, I am cosmic conscious and I know it will be its first and last voyage and will never make it to New York! I am screaming my head off asking Captain Smith to reschedule the trip because Mercury is retrograde and will mess up or stop all forms of communications. Worse the moon is also waning in Pisces (ocean/water/ships) and the Titanic personal cosmic Biorhythms is totally against the Universal Matrix, what do you think he would have done?” I asked. “The cops would take you to jail” he said jokingly “and think you are crazy.”

“Where Cosmic Consciousness is lacking; science, conspiracy and religious imagination have the wrong answers. There are no accidents, nor circumstances, only cosmic consequences the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive.”

Without cosmic consciousness, this is where you are at readers, meantime I can hear the desperate screams of all the dead begin you to heed my warnings or pay the price when your own personal matrix becomes discordant to the Universal Matrix. Taking my home course is your best choice, while a consultation is highly recommended! And you can not afford those then at least give yourself a chance to let me prove my claim by investing and investigating your  own personal Matrix biorhythms.  While I will give your cosmic timing for the next 12 months, I guarantee you will realize how 99.09% of the world are playing Russian roulette because of induced religious fears, scepticism or a lack of curiosity!

Become cosmic conscious, realize how your own matrix interact with the Universal Matrix/cosmic code.

*The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. We will not solve the problems of the world from the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. More than anything else, this new century demands new thinking: We must change our materially based analyses of the world around us to include broader, more multidimensional perspectives.”

 ~Albert Einstein*

Now, what about: Remembering “Kidd”…

Before reading my wife let me do a quick analysis on his UCI… Kidd was born August 22, 1959, like all Leo he was born to build a stage and shine with/for the children. Sad enough he was born like Michaek Jackson and Bruce Lee with a Dragon’s Tail  (negative) in Aries (the head/mind/brain) and suffered aneurism.  Medical science teaches that; an aneurysm is an abnormal widening or ballooning of a portion of an artery due to weakness in the wall of the blood vessel.

In the medical aspect of my work I teach my Astropsychology students that the location of the natal or hidden dragon in Aries, while in the mother womb, weakens the building process of the tiny veins ramification in the brain that brings blood and oxygen supply. The fact is Kiid died during a waning moon and during one of his negative “cosmic rhythms.”   Chances are he was ingesting some medications to sleep (he was born a Dual) and the  side effects got to this heart and brain. Yes and my work is only pseudo-science readers…  May God bless his soul, the children will miss him…

By: Terania

I am also glad to have my good memories of those I loved so much who have left this life. I feel particularly blessed that every now and then those reflections rise to the TOP in a flash – which is a reaction to that something I might take notice to, give ears to or just take to heart.

They call to my mind…”Hey STOP for a just a minute and summon to mind those persons whom I love that are no longer here in the material form with me.” Even those whom I didn’t know within my general circle of friends but I just knew they were good people and of course you can’t help not to think about our law enforcement / military / teachers / kids / those elder…all the humanitarian force.

Do you ever have moment off the TOP of your head and specific things remembered of people you love who that have passed on? Do you ever take a brief time period to stop and remember them when you do have these thoughts from the past? Please remember that memories of loved ones who have stopped living on this plane are still life. They are those memories that live within us. They still do have a “spirit of being” as long as we know them by our heart.

I take the time to remember David Peter Cradick (August 22, 1959 – July 27, 2013) an American radio host and television personality, known as Kidd Kraddick.

His nationally-syndicated morning radio show, Kidd Kraddick in the Morning based near my hometown in Irving, Texas. I listened to him and the whole crew every single morning for years, as I felt close to the whole bunch because they were such an inspiration to my day in many ways.

Always full of great personal charm and spirit with vigor.

What are they going to do now? Who else will be as full of life to carry on that kinda show and get people up and going in the mornings? Other notoriety’s should try to be more like he was… At least we do.

I did once have the short honor of speaking with Kidd on the phone and saw the team live at a mall event a long time ago. The show, which survived through many cast transitions but the two other lasting-running great cast members were that of Kellie Rasberry and Big Al Mack.

 I just heard from my family he passed away two days ago during a charity golf event in his birth town of New Orleans, LA on this past Saturday, July 27th…Oddly enough, this was only a few days after he had just played out his role of his “deathbed confessions”… The coroners physical explanation was that  he died of an aneurysm and later changed it to cardiac disease.

But right now we do know for sure, that he did die doing what was most precious to him.

“Kidd devoted his life to making people smile every morning, and for 21 years his foundation has been dedicated to bringing joy to thousands of chronically and terminally ill children.”

“He died doing what he loved, and his final day was spent selflessly focused on those special children that meant the world to him.”

I cried and cried because now it feels that where I grew up seems like it won’t be quite the same without him along with a few others I knew too. But I thank god for the ability to hold in my mind the times of such enlightening importance.


May God Bless Your Soul “Kidd”…Gone but Not Forgotten

Click Here For a Better Idea of Kidd…


*Mrs. T*

  What Does Time Mean For You? 

Read quietly then send it back on its journey

  • To realize The value of a sister/brother: Ask someone Who doesn’t have one.
  • To realize The value of ten years: Ask a newly Divorced couple.
  • To realize The value of four years: Ask a graduate.
  • To realize The value of one year: Ask a student whoHas failed a final exam.
  • To realize The value of nine months: Ask a mother who gave birth to a stillborn.
  • To realize The value of one month: Ask a mother Who has given birth to A premature baby.
  • To realize The value of one week: Ask an editor of a weekly newspaper.
  • To realize The value of one minute: Ask a person Who has missed the train, bus or plane.
  • To realize The value of one second: Ask a person who has survived an accident.
  • To realize what cancer is all about and what it means to face your mortality ask  Dr. Turi 
  • To realize what my wisdom and cosmic teachings is all about and were to stop ask yourself  how important I really am in your life because at 63 I am tired of ignorance and stupidity! 
  • Time waits for no one. Treasure every moment you have. You will treasure it even more when you can share it with someone special.
  • To realize the value of a friend a mentor or a family member:


The origin of this letter is unknown but  it brings blessings to everyone who passes it on.


Hold on tight to the ones you love!

Do not keep this ,send it to friends & family to whom you wish good fortune. And don’t forget Dr. Turi who sent it to you!

 “A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order” Nostradamus


“All I have asked for is a fair scientific investigation of my work for the sole purpose of promoting man cosmic consciousness, saving time, money and the lives of many people”       – Dr. Turi

God And The Magic That is Us – The Declaration of Divine Cosmic Consciousness

Blessings to all my readers world wide.

Dr. Turi




Uncovering the secrets of the Matrix



“There are specific Universal Laws designed by God – Consciousness – is the awareness of a divine cosmic  power and use it wisely to build emotional, financial and spiritual stability!” Read the future –  Watch the future!

Dear Readers:

 If you are a VIP those files are now ready for your eyes – If you are not a VIP you are missing a lot, join now! Thank you for your trust in my work readers. 

First I apologize for not being able to reach many of you on July 10th on blog talk radio, the host cancelled the show forcing me to remove the advertisement from my newsletters and explain myself to you… But there are no accidents as you know, all this is good and badly needed to those who need plausible information about the “Matrix.”

 The sad reality  is people tend to assume I am a “psychic” focussing on doing predictions only, and won’t bother doing the proper research on what I have to offer. The change of mind could also coming from a form of insecurity, inferiority complex or because the misinterpretation of my confidence and supreme wisdom for an oversized ego? Go figure…

The irony  is, I spent my life on radio/television  and I have all the talent and more to offer any radio host and I can smell a new one from miles, in fact this is why I have this radio questions and answers section on my website for them to investigate.

In this article about the your perception of the Matrix and ET’s I hope to reach the people with the wisdom they so desperately need on such a complex topic. Your perception of the Matrix varies with people Universal signature*UCI  and mostly based upon what you read about it, my “cosmic” material is a bit more challenging for you if you do not know anything about my work and I, that’s all!

Exposing people’s own Evil and the Archontic forces working through them fuel their own evil with their deep seated fears, and this is not joyful for me to do I may add. Yes the beauty of being cosmic conscious also allows me to become a very precise  “Human Detector” in the understanding of a multitude of humanistic idiosyncratic behaviours.

And it is not my intend to hurt anyone’s integrity nor diminish their intelligence because… I am only a human and I am as moron as can be on topics I never bother to investigate thoughtfully!  But when it comes to the stars, the moon, the cosmic code ET’s and the SPIRITUAL MATRIX this is my domain where the reader has a lot to gain!

Cosmic unconscious souls tend to believe they are negative groups of  ETs on the planet, infiltrating religion, channelled information, mass media, governments and all of that conspiracy nonsense. Obviously the legacy of the  conspiratorial work and sad results of my old friend David Icke and me trying to stop this tsunami of cosmic ignorance with this video posted on You Tube asking you to STOP FEEDING EVIL! 

Now this does not eliminate the facts of conspiracies because they are very real but in the majority of conspiracy theories consumers, to my students and I,  its a direct confirmation that each and every human is stuck on his OWN spiritual Matrix or his/her natal UCI!

If their mishandling the Supra-conscious creative/destructive forces in time and space would affect them personally I would not care explaining the importance of acknowledging the Matrixes but sad enough, with time, their cosmic ignorance will reflect on all our lives too.

... ~ The Matrix of Illusion ~ Holographic Reality ...

In the absence of Cosmic Consciousness; science, conspiracy and religious imagination have the wrong answers. There are no accidents nor coincidences just cosmic consequences the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive.”

Dr. Turi

You may Google “David Icke Dr. Turi” and get tons of  old articles on a man consumed with his own fears of the power structure poisoning the psyches of thousands of his cosmic unconscious  followers.  These non cosmic conscious “Talking Heads” give people a false sense of hope, serious insecurities creating humongous fears, complacency and apathy for the good of all.

How does your poisoned spirit feels today?

If all this conspiratorial material makes you feel you want to die or you lost hopes its time for you to upgrade to Cosmic Consciousness and regenerate your spirit with Dr. Turi’s cosmic fluid!

I mentioned so many times, those who pretend to be the experts on numerous fields on the Matrix, the Moon, ET’s for example, are often the LEAST knowledgeable on their “expertise.” Now to believe certain groups of ET’s are negative or less evolved than others ET’s and responsible for behind the scenes tragedies, working against humanity on moon bases shows how totally ridiculous and uninformed those talking/writing heads really are. Keep reading you will learn something I promise you!

UFO”s Are Very Real  –  And So Is The Legacy!

The fact is all “time travellers” learned a long time ego that wars have nothing to offer and are well pass all human physical and spiritual limited deplorable conditions. ET’s are the protective gardeners of this world their agenda is well above humanity miserable political or religious affairs.


But who’s to blame them, they never seen, dealt with any ET’s and the majority feed like fleas on other people mental work! Indeed for years David Icke was a close friend of mine benefiting from my yearly guidance and was one of the first one to receive my Moon Power books. And if my books and cosmic wisdom is good for science it is also good for people who love to re-invent themselves with other’s intellectual properties.

If you swallow this type of nonsense exposed by “these experts” who will affirm they have had first-hand experience with Reptilian ETs, military that abduct people into underground bases, those that are casting these out as demons, etc. you are yourself trapped in the Neptunian Matrix and acting out neurotically, subconsciously your illusive over productive imagination.


“You are what you eat physically  and you become what you read spiritually! There is only one thin hair between divine cosmic information and pure imagination”

Dr. Turi

Those “experts” are the ones that keep you in this dark place and prison, called “The negative spiritual Matrix,” forcing you to believe humanity is used as a cattle, where those in power “eat” children for sacrificial occult purposes indeed  a very ugly and dark subject matter that they must keep alive so you can still exist and subsist in their delusional world with your FEARS! 

Where is the values of such demonic fearful endeavour? I know for a fact addressing real and undeniable predictions  especially those involving the US economy and furthering cosmic consciousness by explaining the spiritual Matrix and speaking of my ET’s cosmic legacy; has much more to offer this type of cosmic unconscious talk blog radio host!

Although Dr. Turi is an expert in his field,” the radio host said ” we are seeking those that have done their research and have first-hand experience with the subject matter we present which is: Archons, Reptilian ETs, MILAB, Djinn, Underground Military Installations, NWO, etc.

Indeed a magnet will not attract a piece of wood and the gap between our “cosmic energy” is much too wide to  for me to be “trapped” in such fears and illogical nonsense. Did she heard a show where I contest and reject the propagation of fears and conspiracy? Did one of my Internet enemy or the dark force reached her with lies?

I can only speculate but it seems the location of Saturn regulating her fear principle in her UCI has to be in control freak Scorpio or in Capricorn inducing a serious fear of power or the government. Indeed the perfect cosmic recipe to adhere to conspiratorial material! Had she read some of my clients feedback,, watch some of my videos, read more of my articles instead of assuming and had me on her show, I could help her exit the Neptunian trap and the spiritual fearful grip of evil feeding on her cosmic unconscious soul!

As mentioned on the Gaiam George Noory TV show, my aim is to bring out the truth to the media, to those  receptive to  it and as fast as I can, because there is only so much time left. In fact I told George humanity has only 50 years before the non return red zone and for sure, Ari  never took the time to read this newsletter where we both agree on one thing alone!  We either all “Wake Up” and gain cosmic consciousness to escape the physical and spiritual Matrixes and take care of this together, or we’re done! She is doing her part but is she another platform for evil and fears to persist? Gee wait until you see the  Gaiam TV program with George Noory and all the warnings I have for all those non cosmic conscious “Talking Heads!”

I wish so hard for all the people I come in contact with to STOP taking my words personally and expose their own insecurity in public! I speak to the media and when I use terms such as young souls or cosmic ignorance I am being extremely polite. I used the words morons, imbeciles and idiots too many times in the past and refined myself so much intellectually to save ill placed feelings and intellectual/spiritual shortcomings.

You are dealing with Dr. Turi, the facts and the truth and if you can not handle it then go-back to those who vibrate at your pseudo-intellectual over emotional speed, that’s all.

There are only two matrixes, one is regulating the physical plane, the other (the Cosmic Code) reign over the spiritual plane. There is no need for me to explain the physical Matrix where Ari Kopel, David Icke and millions of other non cosmic souls (mishandling the supra-conscious creative forces)  are trapped in.

But I can add this to it! You are STUCK in a plane, in a boat, in a car and someone else is doing the driving! This person MUST respect the laws of man, the red light, the stop sign in the street for safety. This are the laws of men designed to bring order, safety and control a society made of trillions of UCI!

Other laws coming from the DMV, the IRS, the FDA, the NWS, the  international law of air navigation etc. must be enforced and respected, this is the PHYSICAL MATRIX! 

Law is a term which does not have a universally accepted definition, but one definition is that law is a system of rules and guidelines which are enforced through social institutions to govern human behavior!

Now on to the SPIRITUAL MATRIX explanation; “Law is a term which HAS a UNIVERSAL NOT YET accepted definition, but one definition is that law is a system of cosmic rules and cosmic guidelines which are not enforced through social institutions to govern human behavior! 

this matrix is regimenting the spiritual realm of supra-consciousness is a very different story and very hard to reach unless you study Astropsychology. Mostly because the “God fearing human psyche” has been hijacked not by ET’s, but by greedy, Plutonic human souls who controlled the information for the last 2000 years through all man made religions.  I was not given a chance through “Shattering The Matrix Radio” to explain those two regimenting matrixes but this will not stop me reaching millions of people looking for real explanations…

Why millennials and smart people are leaving the church” article created as usual a lot of responses  I saved this lost soul’s response as an example of someone stuck  in the spiritual poisoning of the religious mental matrix. I also understand that people can only relate to me because of their education, experiences and intelligence, solely dictated by their natal karmic UCI!

The major reason this new generation is turning away from religion?

The Availability of Knowledge through the inter-net ! Such as the increase of knowledge during the end of this AGE as mentioned in the Bible . If Religious individuals take the time to study history , they will come across information that will enlighten them about the establishment of Religions , including the Christian Faith . Start with Roman Emperor Constantine and the Council of Nicaea , 325 A. D. 

Politics and the Grasp for Power played a major role in the establishment of the Roman Catholic Church . The Catholic ( Universal ) Church had been in existence 250 to 300 B. C. ? The original Catholic Church worshipped several pagan deities , including Mirthra the Sun God ! The objective of Constantine was to establish a new unified Church Structure and unite the Roman Society under it . Jesus was placed as the new Deity for the Church and the Sun God Story of Mirthra was used as the life story of Jesus . The story of Jesus dying on the Cross for three days and rising on the forth day , is an Astrotheology Event that happens every year from Dec. 21-24 You tube has several videos showing this !

But the Christian and Jewish religions who fought for supremacy since for ever have the funds to reach the media  –  But the real truth about the 3 wise men who were ET’s Astrophile missioners of Jesus’ cosmic consciousness has been “deleted” omitted, transformed, altered and now gone in the winds of time…

dr. turi


In  “Is God having fun?” I explained the futility of such an archaic material  offering nothing tangible not valuable to a questioning, wondering society! Once the UNIVERSAL SPIRITUAL MATRIX or Cosmic Consciousness is finally established upon the world the wise essence and healing beauty of all  religions combined will free humanity.

The fact of all religions being based on the zodiac  and all popes being taught astrology is to be found in this article on the “Dead Sea Scrolls.” The story of the Dead Sea Scrolls, as exposed to the public has only one goal in mind; this is to further the “Spiritual Matrix” jailing your spirit deeper into Neptunian illusive submission. 

In no way, will the Torah, parts of the  Dead Sea Scrolls available to the public and the bible code offer you real salvation, real predictions or the option to learn and free your spirit in God’s cosmic consciousness! In my case my ET’s experiences and their legacy speaks of the glory of a new God consciousness I am impassioned and cursed to pass on to you (if you are ready for me.)

Religions are the core of the  spiritual controlling matrix where 99.09% of the world’s population is stuck in and unless humanity FREE its spirit  FIRST from its Neptune’s deceptive grab there is no way to exit hell or the fearful acclimation of this dense dangerous physical world.

“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them for interpretations so you may live a safer more productive life! Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth by means of his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom”


The choice is now yours, to let your own fears or ego blur my message to you for my mission to free humanity from fears and cosmic ignorance demands me to be strong, dedicated, honorable and brutally honest! Sad enough those availing traits of my personality are often perceived as an oversized ego by those who will never know the real Dr. Turi.  My heart is bigger than yours I may add, because I am endlessly offering my wisdom unselfishly to you through my articles and my two FREE books! How many radio hosts or authored guests you know, read, listen to or  your conspiracy “Talking Heads” you  follow .i.e. David Icke extended their wisdom and books to you for free before Dr. Turi? Yes we are a rarity, I am not the only one doing so, but you should recognize this gift as a positive side of my personality instead of consuming yourself with negativity.

But you all know my philosophy, there are NO accidents, one must give in order to receive and one must be with the light, breeze the light, promote the light  to own or even attract the light! My little friction with “Shattering The Matrix Radio”  was imposed by a higher order so maybe the host, her guests and cosmic unconscious audience can now chew on my work and stop feeding evil and change their attitude with our protective inter-dimensional time travellers “gardeners of the world.”

 “A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order” Nostradamus


“All I have asked for is a fair scientific investigation of my work for the sole purpose of promoting man cosmic consciousness, saving time, money and the lives of many people”       – Dr. Turi

God And The Magic That is Us – The Declaration of Divine Cosmic Consciousness

Blessings to all my readers world wide.

Dr. Turi




Anthony Weiner, Jimmy Savile, the Pope and The Dragon



“There are specific Universal Laws designed by God – Consciousness – is the awareness of a divine cosmic  power and use it wisely to build emotional, financial and spiritual stability!” Read the future –  Watch the future!

Names and sexual details of hundreds of girls were scrawled across huge wall in a scene from a horror film. If the evidence on the wall is anything to go by, we could be talking in the region of 650 victims in all. It’s shocking.”

Dear readers;

If you recall some of the news that transpired in 2012 and 2013, it seems my prediction involving the Scorpius Draconis exposing all sorts of secrets, especially those involving sex is indeed again undeniable…

How more precise can I be? Today 07/29/13?

 150 child prostitution arrests

Posted / published November 15, 2011

Prediction #  5. Many large established religious Corporations will be audited and forced to secretively “merge” to avoid bankruptcy. More sexual covered secrets will come to light in time and the responsible will be punished. The fact is with thousands of sexual abuse cases not one bishop, archbishop or cardinal has been fired or disciplined. This will change as Pluto offers serious wake up while bringing Vatican secrets to light.

But what is the purpose of such a dragon, is God’s cosmic will dedicated only to uncover the latest intrusive police technology,  the abuses from the  Feds, IRS, FBI Secrets Divulged! including the State Department workers and the FBI hiring prostitutes, not to forget the potential for Snowden to destroy the USA, the deadly potential for this dragon to kill our courageous firemen, or the exposure of sexual monsters such Ariel Castro  and Pope Francis Vatican’s  financial masquerades or its legal system  to criminalize leaks of official information and formalizing laws against sex crimes?

But while the NAVY and the ARMY are wondering about the incontestable wave of suicides and embarrassing sexual problems it has to be by now something you can not ignore, acknowledge nor accept as a fact but again this is if you are a faithfuls reader of my incontestable predictions. One of them was for the Swiss government to peel back bank secrecy not to forget  my “New SARS-like virus is a ‘threat to the entire world’ Prediction.” But there were so many more “premonitions” that came to pass, I can only do so much to refresh your memory and knowing the human mind is lazy I wonder how many of you will be clicking on the provided links to check my claims?

Imagine if those lazy minds had to produce such prophetic material and maybe you will appreciate my gift/curse a bit more!  All I can do is to ask you to “Become a Light Fighter” and offer me your support because, as I am coming close to my retirement age, I am seriously thinking of stopping offering my pearls to the world and concentrate on my VIP’s only!

With this in mind would you be interested in knowing what my “2014/2016 Arian Draconis Predictions” would bring you and to CNN?  Well many of my VIP’s have requested me to expose the UCI of yet another of the Scorpius Draconis victim with Anthony Weiner! This educational article on his psyche, stars and fate will not be public!

(CNN) – Days after Anthony Weiner admitted to lewd chats with women online, his campaign manager quit, Weiner and his campaign said Sunday. 

I will soon generate The Stars and Fate of Anthony David Weiner for my VIP’s do not miss this educational newsletter join now, show your support for my work and learn what it means to be human! You will not be taught such rare wisdom anywhere else!

Anthony David Weiner

Update –  Did you read “Watch your possessions? in this newsletter?   Here is the result of my forecast found in Moon Power – Stolen Cannes jewelry worth close to $136M, official says… 

Watch this video

 Pope on gays: ‘Who am I to judge?’

ABOARD THE PAPAL AIRPLANE (CNN) –Pope Francis said Monday that he will not “judge” gays and lesbians – including gay priests – signaling a shift from his predecessor and offering another sign that the new pope is committed to changing the church’s approach to historically marginalized groups. 

Meantime this  sexual oriented dragon is forcing the Vatican President, Mr. Pope to stand in between and grasp / keep more religiously poisoned hijacked spirits into his deceptive “vocation.” While I gave further explanations on the “Milennia / Baby Buster Generation” Pope Francis DUAL UCI is playing his perfect sale pitch adapting to all and any situations. The Stars and Fate of Pope Francis educational article is for my VIP’s only! Time for you to become a VIP, join and learn more on how God cosmically “computerised” his children to become a Pope, a fireman, a cop, a lawyer, a scientist, an artist, a genius or a killer!

If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has good will, who am I to judge?”  Francis said in a wide-ranging news conference aboard the papal plane. The fact is a cosmic unconscious Pope has NO answer to what it means to be gay or lesbian but he certainly know how to act and sell you the “time share” or the wind of a deceived, cosmic unconscious spirit to save the Vatican! I am not the Pope, nor God representative on earth but the fact is I know God and the human nature (its sins and virtues) better than the Pontiff himself and all the scientists combined. Because I can hear and see the creator in action through his stellar divinity and because I had a very different life and was touched by the light…

people immediately assume that I am the most egocentric man on the planet; but who’s to blame this young soul in his journey to God and the light?  All I can suggest you is to get to know me before cursing or burning me to the stake.Soon I will expose the many matrix’s humanity is stuck in and what to do to escape the system and control your fate!


Sharing Email:

Subject: Louis Turi

I am wondering why you have turned down Dr. Louis Turi for being a guest on your show.   I do not even watch your show, in fact if it wasn’t for Dr. Turi, I would have never heard of your show.

I have been following Louis Turi for a few years now. I was skeptic about his work and his overconfident personality at first LOL However not long after he sends out his warnings, Ill be dammed if I do not start seeing the vary disasters he warned about happening before my eyes!   There is something  to his work. He is no fake and it would behoove you to have him as a regular guest on your show. He sees the future and this would be a plus for not only your show but also your viewers.

I have so much confidence in his predictions that I started telling my professional friends and family and close friends about him. I did not want them to laugh at me at first. But now they all see his predictions happening too. They ask me every time they see me…what has your astrology guy predicted this week. They like following too. I think your audience would as well. Please reconsider.

I will tune in to Dr. Turi if he is a guest on your show.

Thank you for your time,

Lori Otto Ed.S *******




Hello Ari and Serena……..on your show for August 10th…SHATTERING THE MATRIX….please do rethink your choices for guests….Dr. Turi is a fascinating and enlightening educator on such subjects……he surely would bring a most intelligent and refreshing conversation and information to your show.  I realize you may have many persons wishing to speak on your show……but Dr. Turi offers information, even though perhaps thought-provoking…..but that is just what brings a broader viewer audience to your programming …..PLEASE DO RECONSIDER BRINGING DR. TURI TO YOUR SHOW.

Thank you, and Blessings,
Marcia Bailey


Hello Ari  and Serena

On your show of Aug 10th..

I would think you would want someone of Dr. Turi’s knowledge and truthfulness.. Have you not read or seen the many predictions that he has let us all be aware of? I feel if you were to have him on your show, you would have many wanting to know more about him and what he has to say.  He is always right on..  no sugar coating of words.. He doesn’t have to, because he is very aware of what he express’s to anyone he comes in contact. Its to bad you don’t have room for him on your show.. Its your shows loss.. Its ok tho, Dr. Turi will keep right on moving forward as he always does.  Like he tells his members of Cosmic Conscience group, “my cosmic matrix energy is a bit too much for some rational people”   so be it..



I am still waiting for Tom’s announcement of George Noory and I interview on Gaiam TV and I will let you know as soon as I know when you can view this show. Indeed another program that will make you think out of the box, meantime remember… When you make people think, they love you, but when you REALLY make people think outside of their comfortable zone like I do, then they hate you…

But this is what the current Scorpius Draconis is all about, it forces you to spiritually die to where you are at and upgrade your psychical faculties, because what you do not know or decide to ignore is not an option any-more. Through my work, this Dragon is offering you the wake up call you need to upgrade to a better, wiser, more spiritual human being able to perceive God’s real cosmic identity outside of the lure of any and all religious Neptunian deceptions.


Dr. Turi

“Where Cosmic Consciousness is lacking; science, conspiracy and religious imagination have the wrong answers. There are no accidents, nor circumstances, only cosmic consequences the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive.”

“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth by means of his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom”


“A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order” Nostradamus


“All I have asked for is a fair scientific investigation of my work for the sole purpose of promoting man cosmic consciousness, saving time, money and the lives of many people”       – Dr. Turi

God And The Magic That is Us – The Declaration of Divine Cosmic Consciousness


Blessings to all my readers  – Dr. Turi

At least 36 killed in bus wreck is God is having fun?


“There are specific Universal Laws designed by God – Consciousness – is the awareness of a divine cosmic  power and use it wisely to build emotional, financial and spiritual stability!” Read the future –  Watch the future!

Dear Readers:

Well again and again God is sending you (through my predictions) more and more facts and obvious omens for you to start to listen, or at least question a few things! Only yesterday I posted this article but sad enough I had to update it with today dramatic news involving 36 souls premature deaths suffering yet another “Act of God!” How is this possible does God really care? what’s going on here?is he trying to tell us something or is God having fun killing pilgrims?

Are you missing something? Indeed you are and you should really start acknowledging the fact of a new cosmic God trying very hard to speak to you through me! Indeed the Scorpius Draconis at work aiming for the children, but if you are new to my work you probably never heard of my premonition or worse think its only “pseudo-science.”

But I have news for you educated skeptics, the same Dragon is offering also serious wake up calls to a lot of people, especially those who deny God’s divinity speaking trough the Cosmic Code jurisdictions… The fact is plain to see and if you are moving away from religion and God  may be you have a good reason, let me explain to you why and hopefully you will wake up to reality and realize there is much more in my cosmic work than the skeptics, the agnostics, the educated scientists want you to believe…

At least 36 killed in bus wreck

May God bless their religiously poisoned hijacked souls

Rome (CNN) — A bus returning pilgrims from a weekend visit to a Catholic shrine went off a bridge in southern Italy on Sunday, leaving at least 36 dead, including some children, officials said.  Eleven people were hospitalized in serious condition, Luca Cari, a fire spokesman, told CNN. 

Did you read your  2013 Moon Power gift today? Did you recognise and heed the signs as I wrote in plain English for you? Now the sad reality is; three kids are dead and families are changed for ever  and may God bless their cosmic unconscious souls. But did any of the Pope benedictions they may have planned to attend, the many priests endless religious sermons they heard in their local churches or even the “bible code” offered then any reliable warnings or protection?

Yet another act of God having fun “punishing” those who fear their creator the most? Something is very wrong here readers, because my book Moon Power (or the Cosmic Bible) has much more reality and values than all the religious books combined ever created by man’s folly! This is where if you did not yet, jump on the opportunity to learn how God really speaks to his children, what the Pope is all about and wake up to his cosmic calling for you to raise into a smarter, refined, wiser more spiritual human being. And NO you will not end up in hell reading my work because you are already in HELL in your own fears and cosmic ignorance!   download your FREE copy!


THU., FRI., SAT., SUN. — JULY 25, 26, 27, 28:
RULERS — Neptune (Oil/Middle East/religion/deception) and Mars (War/blood)

Travel and Communication: Use Neptune’s dreamy nature, and consider spending time by the water away from the city’s stressful activities. If you have to drive a long way, remember to take plenty of rest beforehand, because dreamy Neptune could make you sleepy. Some will have to take a trip to the hospital to visit a person. Others may hear deceiving news about a legal decision pertaining to arrest and imprisonment. Come clear with what you mean these days and control your imagination. Watch your possessions.  

Stolen Cannes jewelry worth close to $136M, official says

Updated July 29, 2013

Watch this video

Dozens injured in Swiss train collision, railway spokesman says

Watch this video

Church bus flips, killing 3

(CNN) — Three people were killed late Saturday afternoon after a passenger bus affiliated with a nearby church flipped over in Indianapolis, a city police spokesman said. Two seriously injured were helicoptered from the crash scene, Officer Michael Hewitt said, while eight others were driven to local hospitals.

Famous Personalities: The cinematography industry will prepare many great movies, and numerous actors and actresses will parade all over.  Got $32m? Jackie O’s ‘Love Boat’ for sale Some will be caught doing the wrong thing at the wrong time and others will pay a visit to an “alcoholics anonymous” organization. The unlucky ones will be caught doing something nasty and will pay a heavy price for itMissing Casino Royal Actor Paul Bhattacharjee Found Dead

Events: With this powerful duo, Neptune (oceans/water) and Mars (explosions) the worse that could happen is another devastating oil spill or chemical explosion. Mars is a warrior and favors accident on the road. Be extremely careful when driving. Boating is something you should forget about, especially after the Full Moon.

Flooding in N. Carolina kills 2

Towns under water after heavy rain 

Watch this video

Bride-to-be killed in boat accident

Environment: Mars is an aggressive planet. Like Pluto he could put stress on some of the earth’s faults, producing tremors and terrifying the inhabitants above. This negative trend of calamities will be with us for a while, and caution is advised in all you do. Let’s hope that Mars will be tolerant for the people living on this earth and play somewhere else in those worlds above and below us.

Watch this video

7 killed in Florida hostage standoff

“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them for interpretations so you may live a safer more productive life! Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth by means of his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom”


“A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order” Nostradamus


“All I have asked for is a fair scientific investigation of my work for the sole purpose of promoting man cosmic consciousness, saving time, money and the lives of many people”       – Dr. Turi

God And The Magic That is Us – The Declaration of Divine Cosmic Consciousness

Blessings to all my readers world wide.

Dr. Turi



Why millennials and smart people are leaving the church


“There are specific Universal Laws designed by God – Consciousness – is the awareness of a divine cosmic  power and use it wisely to build emotional, financial and spiritual stability!” Read the future –  Watch the future!


By Rachel Held Evans, Special to CNN

(CNN)  At 32, I barely qualify as a millennial. 

DT Rebuttal: Lets see if I can bring some light into Rachel’s article and offer her and the media the real reasons why she is leaving the church!  Rachel at 32 you belong to a generation born with Saturn (structure) in Virgo (critical thinking) and you belong to the “Baby Buster Generation.”  In fact much of the reasons and questions you may have are in the article mentioned above  if you take the time to read it!

Continued – I wrote my first essay with a pen and paper, but by the time I graduated from college, I owned a cell phone and used Google as a verb. I still remember the home phone numbers of my old high school friends, but don’t ask me to recite my husband’s without checking my contacts first. I own mix tapes that include selections from Nirvana and Pearl Jam, but I’ve never planned a trip without Travelocity.

DT rebuttal: For your information Rachel your generation (I am 63) was born under the PLANNING jurisdictions of  the sign of Virgo,  ” the Virgin Marie” born great communicators, extraordinary logical, down to earth, practical, sarcastic blessed with an enormous dose of critical thinking. This Mercurial energy makes those kids much too intellectual for their own good where entering the archetypal realm of consciousness or dealing with intuition is not always possible… This is why the majority making up this generation will turn into atheists, scientists  agnostics and scientists! Note – The worse energy of Virgo cleansing  perfectionist attitude is found in ALL white supremacists attitude!  While Rachel or you were born under a specific zodiac sign (check your at the top of my website if you are in the same age group you will own the Virgo critical, puritanical  OCD “universal “psyche.”

Continued – Despite having one foot in Generation X, I tend to identify most strongly with the attitudes and the ethos of the millennial generation, and because of this, I’m often asked to speak to my fellow evangelical leaders about why millennials are leaving the church. Armed with the latest surveys, along with personal testimonies from friends and readers, I explain how young adults perceive evangelical Christianity to be too political, too exclusive, old-fashioned, unconcerned with social justice and hostile to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. I point to research that shows young evangelicals often feel they have to choose between their intellectual integrity and their faith, between science and Christianity, between compassion and holiness.

DT rebuttal: Its amazing how this “mental” generation sees reality through their five limited human often educated mind. While souls born in October and January are set by the Cosmic Code to glue into science and religions, the Virgo energy makes Rachel’s age group cold, calculated, non spiritual where only the codification of the scientific thought is accepted a reality.

Thus, to them digging into metaphysics is considered a total waste of time and only “pseudo-science”  just because they never were approached correctly spiritually or never bother to honor science and investigate my work deeper.  Little do they know of the meaning behind the word UCI  or what it means to be a lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (Were You Born Gay?) but, incidentally,  their curious nature makes this Virgo generation  my top students, because some of these kids are far from being stupid!

Continued – I talk about how the evangelical obsession with sex can make Christian living seem like little more than sticking to a list of rules, and how millennials long for faith communities in which they are safe asking tough questions and wrestling with doubt. Invariably, after I’ve finished my presentation and opened the floor to questions, a pastor raises his hand and says, “So what you’re saying is we need hipper worship bands. …”

And I proceed to bang my head against the podium.

Time and again, the assumption among Christian leaders, and evangelical leaders in particular, is that the key to drawing twenty-somethings back to church is simply to make a few style updates  edgier music, more casual services, a coffee shop in the fellowship hall, a pastor who wears skinny jeans, an updated Web site that includes online giving.

But here’s the thing: Having been advertised to our whole lives, we millennials have highly sensitive BS meters, and we’re not easily impressed with consumerism or performances.  In fact, I would argue that church-as-performance is just one more thing driving us away from the church, and evangelicalism in particular.

DT’s rebuttal: This is where it pains me because my “Astropsychology” expertise, and all the crucial answers those kids need to regenerate their spirit, is not yet accepted as a solid discipline! The system is set for 99.09% of human beings to be trapped in the Matrix, in the grid carving your “controlled” education, but through my work curious kids like Rachel in need of real answers are allowed to reach the teachers and their advanced spiritual teachings…

Continued – Many of us, myself included, are finding ourselves increasingly drawn to high church traditions  Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, the Episcopal Church, etc. precisely because the ancient forms of liturgy seem so unpretentious, so unconcerned with being “cool,” and we find that refreshingly authentic. What millennials really want from the church is not a change in style but a change in substance.

We want an end to the culture wars. We want a truce between science and faith. We want to be known for what we stand for, not what we are against.

DT Rebuttal: “ If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

We want to ask questions that don’t have predetermined answers.

DT Rebuttal: Its a miracle that curiosity survive education… *The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. We will not solve the problems of the world from the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. More than anything else, this new century demands new thinking: We must change our materially based analyses of the world around us to include broader, more multidimensional perspectives.”  ~Albert Einstein*

We want churches that emphasize an allegiance to the kingdom of God over an allegiance to a single political party or a single nation.

DT Rebuttal: dr. turi

We want our LGBT friends to feel truly welcome in our faith communities.

DT Rebutal: This will only happen when Astropsychology explain to all church goers what the human UCI and offer real answers (Were You Born Gay?) science and religions can not provide.

Continued: We want to be challenged to live lives of holiness, not only when it comes to sex, but also when it comes to living simply, caring for the poor and oppressed, pursuing reconciliation, engaging in creation care and becoming peacemakers.

DT’s rebuttal: This is where Rachel makes total sense but she is still off a bit and why my petition is so important ‘ Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit” For all her above mentioned requests to transpire she would have like 99.09% of the world’s population raise into cosmic consciousness because the system, the matrix speaks his controlling will through the media ” when the reality of Pope Francis new laws are non publicized and his connection with God celestial divinity ignored.

What we’ve learned about Francis

Continued – You can’t hand us a latte and then go about business as usual and expect us to stick around. We’re not leaving the church because we don’t find the cool factor there; we’re leaving the church because we don’t find Jesus there. Like every generation before ours and every generation after, deep down, we long for Jesus.

DT’s Rebuttal:  Indeed Jesus is there and so is his altered non cosmic ministry designed to hide the highest truths by controlling the information and trap you in the deceptive Neptunian matrix lead by the leader of the smallest but yet, the most powerful corporation in the world from Vatican city.

Where is Jesus gone, where is his spirit and the cosmic teachings left by the three wise men?  I do trust Jesus will never comeback because his cosmic spirit never left humanity and this is what I am offering you through my work readers…

Continued – Now these trends are obviously true not only for millennials but also for many folks from other generations. Whenever I write about this topic, I hear from forty-somethings and grandmothers, Generation Xers and retirees, who send me messages in all caps that read “ME TOO!” So I don’t want to portray the divide as wider than it is.

DT’s Rebuttal: The “trend” Rachel speak of is the end of the Age of Pisces, the end of the age of deception, illusion, lies, mental manipulation and she is already witnessing the changes through the next two thousand years rulership of the electronic, technological Age of Aquarius. But Rachel and the billions of  the children of the future, in need to drink at the cosmic wind of truth have this opportunity with the vast platform offered through the Internet. The chance for Rachel and  her generation of  millennials to read my pearls of wisdom is very real but will she let her induced religious fears take over and stop her curiosity?

We are all working so hard independently, outside of the controlling media matrix to bring back God’s celestial will to his children and we are making serious progress because the need for real answers will always dominate! When she mentioned “divide wider” this becomes her own challenge because she is part of a generation made largely of critical, rational logisticians breeding a society of atheists and agnostics running away from a God they have no clue of. Rachel is like 99.09% of the world’s population a victim that can adhere (through the codification of thoughts)  to the only spiritual food she was allowed and/or poisoned with!  I am here to breach this gap and reintroduce Jesus; initial ministry to re-introduce humanity to “Our Father in the Heavens” but without the dogmatic, religious deceptive doctrines and  its associative fears…

Continued – But I would encourage church leaders eager to win millennials back to sit down and really talk with them about what they’re looking for and what they would like to contribute to a faith community.

Their answers might surprise you.

Rachel Held Evans is the author of “Evolving in Monkey Town” and “A Year of Biblical Womanhood.” She blogs at The views expressed in this column belong to Rachel Held Evans.

DT Rebuttal – There is no future in the past Rachel, and the world is moving forward and with it more and more people reading the work of real truth Seekers. Holding to a dying Age show the signs of a desperate Pope risking his life to save the “Vatican” corporation. Your generation is much too smart, much too curious born much too intellectual for your own good and it is through my cosmic teachings that you will finally get the answers that God has enslaved you to uncover…

I have some videos posted on You tube that will pave the way to the stars, to God’s glory and Jesus immaculate cosmic ministry. It seems you asked for the answers  to what it means to be human… and with God’s will you will acknowledge!

“A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order” Nostradamus


“All I have asked for is a fair scientific investigation of my work for the sole purpose of promoting man cosmic consciousness, saving time, money and the lives of many people”       – Dr. Turi

God And The Magic That is Us – The Declaration of Divine Cosmic Consciousness


Millennials A Generation of Born OCD

July 27, 2013

Cosmic Code

 For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice…

Dr. Turi

Dear Readers;

Update  9/21/16 – Why are almost half of Japan’s millennials still virgins?


Avoid sex until you marry…

Unlike Leo (life) Virgo is dry and sterile, thus fewer babies will be produced during this era. The virginal, puritanical Virgo’s chastity nature perceives sex as dirty and unholy. A religious upbringing can only emphasize the idiosyncrasies induced by the “Virgin Mary.”

Since Pluto entered the sign of Virgo, facilities for health programs and exercising boomed to satisfy a generation that craves fitness. The health businesses (body/ mind/tools) were launched and are still booming with Pluto in Virgo. Note you can be born before or after this generation but if you inherited a strong Virgo energy in your chart, you will share the same values…


Another Cosmic Code spiritually advanced educational newsletter dedicated to uncovering the millennials cosmic identity for what they truly are, or very hard workers, health fanatics… this work is for the smart readers looking for the answers to what it means to be human and not for the Joe Schmoes and Sally Sue’s unwilling or unable to relate to my work.

“Indeed those who are sought as the “experts” in a particular field are often the least knowledgeable on the subject!” Dr. Turi

Radical Extremist Atheism the world new deadly mental …

Maria Duval CNN and French Psychic Astrologer Dr. Turi

While WE ARE ALL BORN OCD! video is quite funny it also represents the worse traits of a Virgo cosmic unconscious generation born scientists… Those “educated”  kids do suffer daily through their over health concerned Mercurial karmic UCI and the reality is; their inborn fears is being used by large, greedy pharmaceutical corporations who finances their ridiculous researches to produce more Neptunian goodies for an addictive over-medicated society.

Logic disappears,  deception, drugs, and religions reign where the essence of God, love, life, respect cosmic perception, and hope diminishes by the day… They are building a society of atheists agnostics, skeptics, and future monsters who are not allowed to regenerate from the cosmic fluid. Then VOILA! horrible murders are never seen before explode, suicides in all areas of the human experience increase, and the same very born moronic scientists are looking for the responsible gene (s) through their microscopes missing the entire forest for the tree!


STOP The Epidemic of autism in the United States

YOU SHOULD BE CONCERNED readers, this is the result of the “Baby Buster Virgo Generation” moving into power and some are already in politics and in control of your life! And they would rather die than put anything non-natural in their bodies! My wife is of that “puritanical” green energy generation and those are the millions of oblivious Americans who denying masking, covid 19, and all vaccines!  

 “It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education.”

– Albert Einstein

If you are a medical student ,interested in psychology or the human mind secrets these books are NOT allowed nor available in your local library. My work on the human mind will will change your entire consciousness while offering you the true golden keys of what it means to be human…

Read also  Millennials leaving the fold! – Dr Louis Turi – Radical Extremist Atheism the world new deadly mental plague!  –  Smarter folks tend to use iPhones  Indeed the millennials kids at work!


Sceptre from my book “The Power of the Dragon” 

Pluto in Virgo: “The Baby Buster Millennials Generation” Pluto (sex) moved into the puritanical sign of Virgo (The Virgin Mary, health) from 1957 to 1976, and this generation is next to take governmental power. This generation is fanatic about nature, perfection, work and health. Smokers have already suffered the impact of this “Baby Buster Generation,” as this generation must upgrade health and perfection in our society.

“Indeed those who are sought as the “experts” in a particular field are often the least knowledgeable on the subject!” Dr. Turi

This generation is banning smokers from restaurants and public places, in Phoenix AZ they voted the NON smoking law outside local colleges and universities, they also voted many tobacco tax increase and more rigid health oriented regulations are ahead of us.

On a more positive note, this age group will fight hard to preserve nature, animals and the remainder of the rain forest. Many powerful computers and microchips developed by this generation as experienced in Operation Desert Storm, are deadly accurate.

Their ideal is very pure in thought and action, but this generation must guard against Pluto’s (fanaticism) subtle power for “perfection.” If the power of Pluto (sex) in Virgo (abstinence)  is exaggerated, reproduction will suffer drastically and their fears for sexual diseases and contamination will become as deadly as the poison they try so hard to avoid.

Many of these souls will lose their lives by being too concerned with health (anorexia, hypochondria), turning rapidly to vegetarian diets, thus upsetting their naturally weak digestive tracts.

They must understand that cats and dogs were born with strong claws and long, sharp teeth to tear apart raw flesh as intended by nature, while cows, horses, lambs, etc. are herbivores and were designed by God with flat teeth and three stomachs to eat only “salad.”

They are none of those. They are omnivorous and must eat meat as a vigilant balance for their sensitive metabolism. Some souls who are overwhelmed by Pluto are overly crazy for carbohydrates. They are also protein paranoid. Some starve themselves after 6:00 p.m. Others take their heart rates much too seriously, some have a penchant for pain, and more are victims of the fat-burning syndrome. Sex is not important to them and many are “repellent.”

Because of the inborn critical attitude and a strong desire for purity, health and perfection, those natural “puritanical” will not find someone good enough for them and many will end up alone in the game of love.

This makes the sit of attraction between humans very weak and sex appeal very low. There are remedies I can offer those who suffer a lack of sexual drive or magnetism. Watch the video if you feel inadequate in the dating game or with sex. The magical power of a talisman.

A physician without a knowledge of Astrology has no right to call himself a physician – Hippocrates 

“Hippocrates of Cos or Hippokrates of Kos, was an ancient Greek physician of the Age of Pericles, philosopher, naturalist, astrophile and is considered one of the most outstanding figures in the history of medicine.” Did Hippocrate got a Nobel Prize?

This generation grew up with technology and was brain washed to trust only science. This makes them prone to ridicule God, Millennials leaving the fold! The OCD Atheist Godless … join detrimental atheists groups and refuse to accept and respect the spiritual work of all erudite men of the past.  Radical Extremist Atheism.

This generation is now in charge of the US Department of Education and all major Governmental and news-media organizations. They are your Law makers, your doctors, your psychologists, your  neuroscientists, your researchers, your Pharmacists, your school masters, your teachers and many have lost the spirit of God Cosmic Divinity.

Their influential positions makes it incredibly difficult for my cosmic teachings to reach your children and teach them the reality of ETs,  UFO’s and the power of metaphysics.

Prophecy & the Cosmic Code with Dr. Louis Turi –  Feedback
The purpose is in the stars!

The cosmic code (or God cosmic will)  is making sure this generation of intellectual dry, virginal and critical souls does not reproduce like other, more fertile generations because the heart, emotions, imagination, sensitivity, curiosity and creativity is largely missing.  They are more robotic and ruled by critical thinking, making them less sensitive, less emotional, less sensual and less driven to reproduce.

This does not mean ALL Millennials should be categorized as such, indeed some Millennials are extraordinary creative, emotional and sensitive, but I must remain objective because there is much more at play in anyone’s celestial make up, and I can not approach, nor teach you the complex dynamics involved in this article.

 In fact my TOP students were all born VIRGO making them great natural curious students if the right teacher is available to them.  If you want to know more about your own spiritual make up, only a VIP live taped Skype consultation will do, period!

But, be sure 99.9% of true Millennials will miss the boat and never ask nor learn anything about their relationship with the God and the Divine during this incarnation…

This makes the Millennials generation prone to suffer confusion, depressions and a myriad of induced psychosis producing various health problems. All induced by the reptilius infestation, and sad enough, they were “computerized” by the cosmic scheme of things to reject or ridicule all the above.  Opinion: Why millennials struggle? The Hard facts by Dr. Turi

A physician without a knowledge of Astrology has no right to call himself a physician – Hippocrates 



By the way did you read your  2013 Moon Power gift today? Did you recognise and heed the signs as I wrote in plain English for you? Now the sad reality is; three kids are dead and families are changed for ever  and may God bless their cosmic unconscious souls. But did any of the Pope benedictions they may have planned to attend, the many priests endless religious sermons they heard in their local churches or even the “bible code” offered then any reliable warnings or protection?

Yet another act of God “punished” those who feared their creator the most? Something is very wrong here readers, because my book Moon Power (or the Cosmic Bible) has much more reality and values than all the religious books combined ever created by man’s folly! This is where if you did not yet, jump on the opportunity to learn how God really speaks to his children, what the Pope is all about and wake up to his cosmic calling for you to raise into a smarter, refined, wiser more spiritual human being. And NO you will not end up in hell reading my work because you are already in HELL in your own fears and cosmic ignorance!   download your FREE copy!


THU., FRI., SAT., SUN. — JULY 25, 26, 27, 28:
RULERS — Neptune (Ocean/Oil/Middle East/religion/deception) and Mars (War/blood)

Travel and Communication: Use Neptune’s dreamy nature, and consider spending time by the water away from the city’s stressful activities. If you have to drive a long way, remember to take plenty of rest beforehand, because dreamy Neptune could make you sleepy.Some will have to take a trip to the hospital to visit a person. Others may hear deceiving news about a legal decision pertaining to arrest and imprisonment. Come clear with what you mean these days and control your imagination. Watch your possessions.

Watch this video

Church bus flips, killing 3

(CNN) — Three people were killed late Saturday afternoon after a passenger bus affiliated with a nearby church flipped over in Indianapolis, a city police spokesman said. Two seriously injured were helicoptered from the crash scene, Officer Michael Hewitt said,while eight others were driven to local hospitals.

Famous Personalities: The cinematography industry will prepare many great movies, and numerous actors and actresses will parade all over.  Got $32m? Jackie O’s ‘Love Boat’ for sale Some will be caught doing the wrong thing at the wrong time and others will pay a visit to an “alcoholics anonymous” organization. The unlucky ones will be caught doing something nasty and will pay a heavy price for itMissing Casino Royal Actor Paul Bhattacharjee Found Dead

Events: With this powerful duo, Neptune (oceans) and Mars (explosions) the worse that could happen is another devastating oil spill or chemical explosion. Mars is a warrior and favors accident on the road. Be extremely careful when driving. Boating is something you should forget about, especially after the Full Moon. 

Watch this video

Bride-to-be killed in boat accident

Environment: Mars is an aggressive planet. Like Pluto he could put stress on some of the earth’s faults, producing tremors and terrifying the inhabitants above. This negative trend of calamities will be with us for a while, and caution is advised in all you do. Let’s hope that Mars will be tolerant for the people living on this earth and play somewhere else in those worlds above and below us.


Moon’s Cycle Tied to Heart Surgery Outcomes: Study

Obama waste $100M to unlock mysteries of the brain (public)

The Universe IS a big Brain (public)

Neuroscience long for answers on the human mind! (VIP only)

Deepak Chopra Versus Dr. Turi Secrets to a Cosmic Conscious brain (VIP only)

Dr. Drew Versus Dr. Turi (VIP only)

“Jared Lee Laughner “The Mind Of A Killer” (public)

The Power of The Mind (VIP only)

A New Beginning For humanity (VIP only)

Iranian Scientist Versus Dr.Turi Time Machine (public)

NO you do not need a BA, MA, MBA, JD and PhD  (VIP only)


“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them for interpretations so you may live a safer more productive life! Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth by means of his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom”


“There are specific Universal Laws designed by God – Cosmic Consciousness – is the awareness of a divine Universal  power and use it wisely to build emotional, financial and spiritual stability!”

Dr. Turi

Jonah Bolt and Dr. Turi on Starseed Radio August 17, 2013 11PM  – ET

Let’s talk about cosmic education and stop our children turning into monsters after puberty! We do not need our government to build more schools where the spirit of our children is jailed through controlled information,  archaic religious teachings and rigid sciences only.   Time to offer our children the vital regenerative cosmic fluid they need to live in peace and learn all about the signs and God’s cosmic face.  

“A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order” Nostradamus


“All I have asked for is a fair scientific investigation of my work for the sole purpose of promoting man cosmic consciousness, saving time, money and the lives of many people”       – Dr. Turi

God And The Magic That is Us – The Declaration of Divine Cosmic Consciousness

Blessings to all my readers world wide.

Dr. Turi