The Royal Baby is Princess Diana reincarnated!

All the omens are there to confirm my vision…
Royal baby town crier wasn’t invited

Legal action by the royals won’t change anything!

Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, has proved to be quite the fashionista since her relationship with Prince William catapulted her into the limelight.

Photographer investigated over topless photos of Catherine in France

Prince William Princess Catherine and the UK Fate

The Scorpius Draconis at work but this will not stop the impending fate of the high-ranking cosmic unconscious English Royalty, the UK, and the British population! All imposed by their karmic UCI!

Meet George Alexander Louis Check His Stars and Fate
Kate and William’s Royal Baby: Astrology Experts Are Wrong!


 “Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, or they will trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.”


“There are specific Universal Laws designed by God – Cosmic Consciousness – is the awareness of a divine Universal  power and use it wisely to build emotional, financial and spiritual stability!”

Dr. Turi

Jonah Bolt and Dr. Turi on Starseed Radio August 17, 2013 11PM  – ET

Let’s talk about cosmic education and stop our children turning into monsters after puberty! We do not need our government to build more schools where the spirit of our children is jailed through controlled information,  archaic religious teachings and rigid sciences only.   Time to offer our children the vital regenerative cosmic fluid they need to live in peace and learn all about the signs and God’s cosmic face.  

“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth by means of his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom”


“A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order” Nostradamus


“All I have asked for is a fair scientific investigation of my work for the sole purpose of promoting man cosmic consciousness, saving time, money and the lives of many people”       – Dr. Turi

God And The Magic That is Us – The Declaration of Divine Cosmic Consciousness

Blessings to all my readers worldwide.

Dr. Turi



Full moon may disrupt sleep? Dr. Turi says it does


“There are specific Universal Laws designed by God – Consciousness – is the awareness of a divine cosmic  power and use it wisely to build emotional, financial and spiritual stability!” Read the future –  Watch the future!

Dr. Turi

Dear readers:

This newsletter is not for the Joe Schmoes and Sally Sues or any of the envious young souls unwilling or unable to relate to my work. All I am doing is to clarify the facts that what our infantile science is uncovering today and that was offered to them many years ago through my independent work on the cosmic code jurisdictions and its impact upon the human psyche.  Now not all scientists were born skeptical incurious morons and many decided to honor the word science by investigating my obvious predictions.

Rest assured those traditionally educated scholars, (with your tax dollar) for years and in total secrecy, are those who benefited from my FREE work and did the study with Dr. Turi!

Why would I say that you may ask? Because their accredited  traditional colleges and Universities and their cosmic unconscious teachers never did!  Do like they did,  STEAL the information I give freely on the Internet and make sure to omit my name in the study! Simply Google “Dr. Turi and the Moon”  ET VOILA! This is how the world, and egocentric Einstein wanna be scientists learn today! Where is their integrity, where is the reward? IN YOUR HEART and mind readers…


‘There is a big difference between education and intelligence, its all about your karmic inborn UCI!

Full moon may disrupt sleep, study says

Back in 1962 I was awakened by my grand mother walking outside, I followed her and asked her what she was doing in the garden, she told me “I can’t sleep because of the full moon…”She taught me that the moon and the stars were much more than dead rocks hanging above and God placed them the heavens for a good reasons.

On July 2013, 51 years later, after watching my Discovery Channel TV show with William Shatner  Tom, George Noory Gaiam TV producer decided to incorporate the same very section of the movie involving the moon and my grandma.

But prior to this upcoming TV show I strongly advise to you to watch when released, I have been on countless newspapers, magazines, radio and television programs. In fact my first national exposure was March 26, 1995 on the Art Bell national radio show when I made predictions that, as usual came to pass.

This mean since 1995 millions of people heard those shows where I always warn people to pay attention and respect the Universal Law of the moon. Not to forget that I published since then my yearly edition of Moon Power found in Ingram and Amazon and I make those books available for FREE every year since then.

Get your two copies today from my website!

2013 Moon Power Dragon Forecast 2013

In my show with George Noory, I made the same announcement and my two books will be enjoyed by millions more people, something I also did on Coast to coast for years…  Thus, after offering my Moon Power books EVERY YEAR FOR FREE since 1995 to the world, do you think the new scientists had access to my work? The scientific community still hasn’t uncovered the moon cycles and the values involving the medical aspect of the cosmic code. My work is more than a pseudo-science remember and none of the millions of scientists who learned something from me, will ever come public with the facts!  Check my unarguable earthquakes predictions!


Moon’s Cycle Tied to Heart Surgery Outcomes: Study

Obama waste $100M to unlock mysteries of the brain (public)

The Universe IS a big Brain (public)

Neuroscience Long For Answer On the Mind (VIP’s only)

Deepak Chopra Versus Dr. Turi Secrets to a Cosmic Conscious brain (VIP’s only)

Dr. Drew Versus Dr. Turi (VIP’s only)

“Jared Lee Laughner “The Mind Of A Killer” (public)

The Power of The Mind  (VIP’s only)

A New Beginning For humanity  (VIP’s only)

Iranian Scientist Versus Dr.Turi Time Machine (public)

NO you do not need a BA, MA, MBA, JD and PhD (VIP’s only)

Note some of  those those cosmic code newsletters are only available when you become a VIP and read them from the Cosmic Code website.

“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them for interpretations so you may live a safer more productive life! Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth by means of his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom”


“A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order” Nostradamus

   Help humanity’s children

“All I have asked for is a fair scientific investigation of my work for the sole purpose of promoting man cosmic consciousness, saving time, money and the lives of many people”       – Dr. Turi

Blessings to all,

Dr. Turi



Cosmic Warnings to the World for July 2013 by Dr.Turi

July 25, 2013

Dear readers:

Cyber Terrorism Against Dr. Turi – Help me fight cyber attack please just because YOU could be next! Please read!

From cashan Mozambique South Africa


This video  is causing a lot of havoc in my teachers life. I have strong evidence of this person or agent Editing clips posted by my teacher to cause major concern worldwide resulting in 70 000 plus hits to particular videos that have been edited or shortened so that the final part of the message does not reflect on a particular you tube video resulting in considerable Negative feedback for my teacher as result of this.

 This is cyber terrorism at its worst and is highly unfair to me my teacher and his followers worldwide. Subsequent investigations show this particular ID no posting various other videos also adding and deleting content editing original videos using material from non related videos also by my teacher.

These videos are copyrighted by my teacher in being original authentic statements directly made verbally and using audio and visuals directly linked to my teachers work. How do we go about contacting this person and advise him he may have a million dollar legal claim coming his way?

Kindly advise on how to deal with this matter at the highest level in order to expose this user to the world and advise if after presenting our evidence a case can be made against this individual or agent to the relevant authorities in his or her country of residence

Kindly advise the way forward urgently


Dr Brian Faul
South Africa

Updated corrected version posted by Dr. Turi  –


Its either I let it ride and let hundreds of thousands more people be misinformed about my work or with your help remove this video.  As you know someone posted this incomplete video on You Tube “” trigging thousands of people to expect the end of the world while my message, quatrains and keywords are set fort large earthquakes with the possibilities of generating tsunamis. The fact is on July 7/8/9 2 very large quakes (a typhoon and more) took place as predicted but without the proper understanding of my methodology thousands of people are pissed off at me and calling me all sorts of names.

Thus its time for my supporters to help me because answering these people takes away from my precious time to write more and be productive for you. So please go there and click on the flag on the right side to report it as abusive.

This is my complaint to You tube, please help me stop this wave of evil.

Thank you supporters.


Issue reported:

Spam or misleading > Misleading text

Timestamp selected:


Additional details:

This person never asked me to post an incomplete information on my predictions forcing me to explain myself to thousands of people – Here is the correct version I posted to defend my integrity.

 Thank you for your help readers.

Dr. Turi

Cosmic Warnings to the World for July 2013 by Dr.Turi 

Train Crash kills 80 people, God Has Spoken!


  July 22/23/24 and August 20/21/22

Entrails Upset Spit Above
Red Fire Wind To Dance
Stars Command Shock Science
Calm Deception To Strike


Cosmos News / Nuke / Weird news / Surprises / Explosions / Shocking / Stunning / lightning /  Unusual Humanitarianism / Discovery / Science / Earthquakes (always above 6.0) / Volcanoes / Tornadoes / NASA / Aeronautics / Technology / Television / UFO.

Important note, those dates where first published to the world June 27, 2013 


(Note the geographical latitude make this window operational in this part of the world!)


July 22 –   Prince Edward Island Region – 6.1
July 22 – Gansu Province 6.6

Watch this video

Quake hits northwest China; 89 dead – Earthquakes?

Gas rig explodes, burns in Gulf – Explosion?
Landing gear fails on Southwest jet – Aeronautics?
Bomb found near site of pope visit – Shocking?
East Cleverland Stunned by murders – Shocking? Stunning?
U.S. dumps bombs at Great Barrier Reef – Explosions? Shocking?
China: Disabled man set airport blast – Explosions? Aeronautics?

Train Crash kills 80 people, God Has Spoken!

July 24, 2013


“There are specific Universal Laws designed by God – Consciousness – is the awareness of a divine cosmic  power and use it wisely to build emotional, financial and spiritual stability!” Read the future –  Watch the future!

Dr. Turi

Dear readers;

Sad enough my (FREE) 2013 Moon Power  and my YouTube video “July SOS To The World Window” both confirm the exact timing for the Cosmic Code jurisdictions to plague the world with “accidents.” As always the skeptics will jump on my case and assure you those accidents or large quakes of 6.0 and above do happen everyday when they don’t.

We had already TWO train accidents, this is the 3rd one, we had also 3 planes accidents during this window and what all the envious young souls can do is deny the accuracy of my work?  Check again you may be surprised!  Meantime I reward ignorance and stupidity by offering anyone smart enough o investigate my work with the tool (FOR FREE) they need to check my claims. Refer to Astro-Weather Service at the beginning of this book. DOWNLOAD 2013 MOON POWER ITS FREE

What do the skeptics offer the world with? scepticism, endless denials, vile comments? Gee imagine if all the smart people who dared to dream and improve our lives today had the same negative traits? We would still be in the stone age where they are at refusing to grow or worse investigate my claims. Is this attitude going to help those looking for spiritual food the option to grow up spiritually and perceive God in action through his celestial creation? Is their negative attitude the right way to decode the signs and the cosmic code rules? The books are there for you but if you do not download them and read them how can you check my predictive gift?

You are part of a grid, you are into the matrix of accepted science, dogmatic religions and stubborn scepticism all fuelled by fears and ridicule, meantime my printed, dated published predictions speaks of the warnings endlessly unfolding upon a cosmic unconscious numb mass!  May be its time for you to stop your fascination  for celebrities, the Pope or the birth of a child born with dozens of gold spoons in his mouth you wish so much to be! Reality is here when you deal with me and your life, regardless, it is is still so much more interesting for you to live, to feel and enjoy!  Over 80 people are DEAD in this “accident” and you still alive, aren’t you lucky?

There are NO accidents, only cosmic circumstance unknown to science and 99.09% of the world… Once you manage to escape the grid, the matrix you are STUCK in, you can apply you will to avoid your fate… Let em explain! First read what a “supernova is all about and realize it will curse the world 3 times a year and you know nothing about it… This mean you could have been in this train and die in the “accident.”

Spain Dozens Killed As Train Derails In Santiago de Compostela

Spain Train Crash: Dozens Killed And Injured

May God bless all the victims

Wednesday June 19 until July 24

Read Supernova Windows explanations for 2013



2013 Moon Power sceptre: There is a concentration of negative celestial energy approaching so be extremely prudent while driving and expect chain-reaction accidents. Be prepared for delays, strikes, and nature producing awful weather, including hurricanes cyclone, earthquakes tornadoes etc. The same energy that produced the Titanic disaster, the Asia tsunami the Northridge Los Angeles and Kobe Japan earthquakes and major other calamities is approaching again. Remember the thwarted terrorist attack of August 2006 in the UK where the BA cancelled thousands of flights just because all passengers did not check ALL handbags before boarding their planes. Those people did not have a copy of Moon Power Starguide and paid the price of ignorance and suffered serious delays and frustrations that could easily been avoided had they travel before or after those dates. Refer to Astro-Weather Service at the beginning of this book.



If you are smart and curious you will jump in this offer, if you are not you are taking a chance. The grid or the matrix is the system you are in. Your scientific, educational, your chosen / induced religious systems, your jails, your churches, your job if you work for a corporation of Uncle Sam… You are STUCK in a box, like any of the victims in this Spanish train, and you can not escape, because the train is in motion…

The same apply if you fly, or if someone else drive you around in a taxi cab! YOU HAVE NO POWER, you are at the mercy of someone else’s and this person could be drunk, a pot head, a drug addict or suicidal!  You are in the MATRIX, you are in the GRID and you are STUCK.

Becoming cosmic conscious is your options to CONTROL the grid/the matrix at least to a certain extend! Your grid is your UCI, your celestial make up playing its part with billions of other UCI walking all around you and making all sorts of decisions. And one can be fatal….

A THOUSAND WAYS TO DIE for 99.09%of a cosmic unconscious society jailed into a system where God cosmic laws are non existent, ridicule or replaced by dogmatic religious teachings that enforce another “matrix” another box your jailed spirit has be hijacked for so long!

From all the elites who control your life, from your President *Obama to all the elected officials in your city , your schools, from those who suck your money (the IRS) or demand respect (the cops) or work hard to save your life (firemen/doctors) all the way down to your local waiter, your siblings and your close friends… You are ALL in the matrix, in the box, in the GRID  and you have no power, no control, no saying and at the mercy of someone else you knows better, or is richer, smarter, or more educated. You are nothing else than a SLAVE with the illusion of freedom where you may overpay for anything and everything and depend on to survive… Do you agree so far?

This train, this plane, this car, this boat is doomed and you are IN and someone else drives, sail, fly it… Do you have any idea how the people who died September 9th 2001 felt now?  It was an act of God you may say…Hell yes it was but what about learning more about it? All I am doing is to offer you the option to get a bit more control over your destiny by acknowledging your own “Cosmic Rhythms” and following some cosmic rules because it is the ONLY WAY for you to control the matrix.  Is $125 bucks too much money to invest in your life? ask this to any of the 70 people of their families who suffered the train tragedy in Spain.

I will talk to you, you won’t hear me, I will present myself to you you wont see me!


Should I be crucified because I care for your safety, your life trying to expand your spiritual life and your awareness of the Cosmic Code? Don’t you think its time for you to grow up and cast aside your fear of a God you know nothing about stubbornly refusing to hear you or show himself to you? Guess what there is much more behind any and all “Acts of God” but you can only receive if you ask and you are so damned lucky you have that option too. Yes if you think Mr. Pope, your local priest or your favourite psychic owns the truth, see and hear God in action, you are on for yet, another serious Neptunian deception, for without cosmic consciousness fears and imagination replaces God’s divinity.


Do you really think for the Pope to wash a loser’ s feet in a detention centre  making the sign of the cross from a balcony blessing the moronic, non educated God fearing mass helps anyone? You are victims of the MATRIX OF DECEPTION in the box of illusion, in the grid of cosmic unconscious human beings manipulated by the Alumina and all I am trying to do is to WAKE YOU UP with the help of the “2012/2014 Scorpius Draconis!

Do you like to play Russian roulette? In your cosmic ignorance and your induced religious fears you are KILLING the very option I offer you to gain a bit of control and all you have to give me is scepticism?

But again if you never dogged into my work and laughed your ignorance and fears instead of watching my videos and check on my predictive claims who’s to blame if you die in an “accident?”   But its an act of God you may say, indeed it is but it can be avoided if you decided to upgrade your spiritual vibrations and speak the cosmic language of God.

 Do you know that the difference between life and death depend on a specific timing of purchase and when you decide to travel?  With billions of UCI walking the world the corporations can not accommodate with mass transportation and you can fly, sale and drive any-time YOU CHOSE!   Even if you are a millionaire and  own your private jet  you are still in the Matrix and if you do not raise to a higher level of cosmic consciousness, its just a matter of time before you pay the price.

The Matrix is rigid, uncompromising and made up laws created by men. The IRS, the DMV, all legal jurisdictions  all the signs you read, all the regulations you oblige by, all the rules you must follow, this is the physical  Matrix designed to offer “security” and rules to human.  There is another Matrix, this one is spiritual and encompass the laws regulating education, religions that jails your spirit even more. Those laws are set to control the physical and the spiritual manifestation in a Matrix generated by man!

But ask yourself did God really came down to this hard physical plane to write the Bible, the Cochran or the Torah?  No he did not and no human, not even cosmic unconscious Moses could read or see God on Mount Sinai!  Time have changed because life is a constant process of changes and I am offering you the secret of all the secrets, the answers that every single human being ever born will struggle with all his life for… The cosmic Code or the real face and tool of the Creator and with it the immaculate option to see and hear the creator in action…

So one more time let me give you the option to check on my gift with this short video, make notes then show me your support because on all my premonitions and predictions mentioned on the George Noory Gaiam TV show on July 14, 2013, a few already came to pass.

“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them for interpretations so you may live a safer more productive life! Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth by means of his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom”


“A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order” Nostradamus


“All I have asked for is a fair scientific investigation of my work for the sole purpose of promoting man cosmic consciousness, saving time, money and the lives of many people”       – Dr. Turi

God And The Magic That is Us – The Declaration of Divine Cosmic Consciousness

Blessings to all my readers world wide.

Dr. Turi





Meet George Alexander Louis Check His Stars and Fate



“There are specific Universal Laws designed by God – Consciousness – is the awareness of a divine cosmic  power and use it wisely to build emotional, financial and spiritual stability!” Read the future –  Watch the future!

Royal baby’s name: George Alexander Louis

Dear Readers;

Check  the names George, Alexander  and even your name power but Louis is a good name for a King because  it involves the Martian / Aries positive qualities of a born Leader on both the physical and spiritual planes.  Louis “Famous warrior, from the Old German ‘Chlodovech’. Eighteen kings of France have borne this name, and Louis was used by the French royal family for hundreds of years.”

Royal Baby UCI - Unique Celestial Identity


Prince William Princess Catherine and the UK Fate


Only if you are a VIP and have access to  the Cosmic Coders Only group will you be able to read all about the fate of the Royal baby, the Royal family and the United Kingdom. Join now you can not miss such crucial predictions.  All I can do is divulge house #5… Scroll down to it!

Sun 29Can59  – ( house 1 – Souls purpose) –  Like any Cancer, George Alexander Louis will be/////////////

Moon 28Cap17  – (house 7 –  Facing the world) detriment – The moon in Capricorn is located in the opposite sign of Cancer and in detriment or at its worse position. This ////////////////////////////

Mercury 13Can31  – (house 1 – Identity)  –  Mercury rules critical thinking but in Cancer the moon’s fluctuations will make George Alexander Louis moody. The mental process//////////////////////////////

Venus 00Vir08  – ( house 3 –  Critical Thinking) fall –  Venus is the goddess of love but in fall/////////////////

Mars 06Can08 –  (house 1 –  Identity) fall – In the emotional sign of Cancer, Mars will //////////////////////////////

Jupiter 05Can59  – ( house 1 –  Identity) exalted  –  His Jupiter (Luck) will/////////////////////////////////////////

Saturn 04Sco59  – (house 5 – Love) – Saturn “the great malefic planet” rules fears and in Scorpio (sex/power) its structural power may lead George, Alexander Louis to become infatuated or even the head of the UK secret services. He shares the same Scorpius dragon (in reverse) and karmic energy as his grandpa Prince Charles and in time he will uncover the truth to what happened to Princess Diana.  He will in the future ruin Prince Charles image by exposing the truth to the media.  The fact is;  George Alexander Louis is the reincarnation of Princess Diana on a mission to destroy the British  Royal family and save her grand children form the Monarchy controlling power.  I will elaborate more on this topic later in a cosmic code newsletter titled “The Royal Baby is Princess Diana reincarnated.”   Join now you can not miss such crucial predictions ESPECIALLY IF YOU ARE BRITISH!


Uranus 12Ari31  – (house 10 – Career) ////////////////////////////////////////////////
Neptune 04Pis52  – (house 9 -Religions) dignity ////////////////////////////////////////////
Pluto 09Cap47 ( house 7 – Partnerships) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Ascendant 27Sco12 (house 5 – Personality) //////////////////////////////////////////////
Midheaven 20Vir38 (house 3 – The mind) /////////////////////////////////////
Dragon’s Head 12Sco52 – (house 5 – Speculations) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Dragon’s Tail  12Tau52  – (house 11 –  Wishes and Friends) ///////////////////////////////////////////////

Legal action by the royals won’t change anything!

Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, has proved to be quite the fashionista since her relationship with Prince William catapulted her into the limelight.

Photographer investigated over topless photos of Catherine in France

Prince William Princess Catherine and the UK Fate

The Scorpius Draconis at work but this will not stop the impending fate of the high-ranking cosmic unconscious English Royalty, the UK and the British population! All  imposed by their karmic UCI!

Meet George Alexander Louis Check His Stars and Fate
Kate and William’s Royal Baby: Astrology Experts Are Wrong!


IN MUTUAL RECEPTION: Saturn in Scorpio Pluto in Capricorn //////////////////////////
DISPOSITORS: Sun disposited by Moon //////////////

Jupiter disposited by Moon //////////////////////
Moon disposited by Saturn /////////////////////
Saturn disposited by Pluto /////////////////
Mercury disposited by Moon //////////////
Uranus disposited by Mars //////////////
Venus disposited by Mercury //////////////////
Neptune disposited by Neptune ////////////
Mars disposited by Moon ////////////
Pluto disposited by Saturn ////////////

RULER OF CHART: Pluto ///////////
PLANETARY HOUR LORD: Saturn ////////////
ASPECT PATTERNS: Kite, tight Mars – focus /////////
Jupiter – focus ////////////
Saturn ////////
Pluto – reaction ///////////
Neptune ////////

Grand Water Trine, tight Mars ////////////
Jupiter ////////////
Saturn //////////
Neptune //////////

Mystic Rectangle Mars ///////////
Jupiter /////////////
Venus //////////////
Pluto ////////////
Neptune ////////////

Kite Neptune – focus //////////////
Mars ///////////////
Jupiter ////////////////
Venus – reaction ///////////////
Saturn ///////////

Cardinal T-Square Pluto /////////////////
Uranus – focus //////////////
Mercury //////////////
Mars ////////////
Jupiter /////////////

Talent Triangle Venus ///////////////
Saturn – focus ///////////////////
Pluto ///////////////

SIGN MODALITIES: Planet Points Percent /////////////
Cardinal 8 67 % //////////////
Fixed 2 17 % ////////////////////
Mutable 2 17 % ///////////////

SIGN ELEMENTS: Planet Points Percent ////////////////
Fire 2 17 % /////////////////
Earth 4 33 % ////////////
Air 0 0 % /////////////////
Water 6 50 % ////////////////

Ascendant: Fixed Water /////////////
Midheaven: Mutable Earth ////////////

HOUSE MODALITIES: Planet Points Percent
Angular 9 75 % /////////////
Succedent 1 8 % /////////////
Cadent 2 17 % //////////////////////

HOUSE ELEMENTS: Planet Points Percent
Life 7 58 % /////////////////
Substance 1 8 % //////////////
Relationships 4 33 % ////////////////////////
Endings 0 0 % ///////////////


IN CRITICAL DEGREES: (Mansions of the Moon):
Mercury /////////////
Uranus ////////////
Neptune ///////////

MOON PHASE: Gibbous ////////////
MOON LATITUDE: 04 N 51 ///////
MOON DISTANCE: 358982 km. Perigee ////////////////////
MOON SPEED: 15.17134 deg/day Fast Speed ///////////////


ODD LOWER-ORDER: 3 0.99263 ///////////
9 0.99481 //////////////

6 0.99452 //////////////
ODD HIGHER-ORDER: 139 0.93349 
87 0.96167 ///////////
EVEN HIGHER-ORDER: 178 0.94254 
94 0.97020///////////
EVEN HIGHER-ORDER: 178 0.94254
94 0.97020////////////


I am rich, famous and cosmic unconscious and I run your lives, use your tax dollars and make the laws!

New York mayoral candidate and former Rep. Anthony Weiner confirmed as authentic some newly emerged, sexually tinged online exchanges  he had with an unnamed woman. and  What’s causing crime in Cleveland?  What's causing crime in Cleveland? 

So what is causing all these deadly news and sexual secrets to come to light?


 “Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, or they will trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.


“There are specific Universal Laws designed by God – Cosmic Consciousness – is the awareness of a divine Universal  power and use it wisely to build emotional, financial and spiritual stability!”

Dr. Turi

Jonah Bolt and Dr. Turi on Starseed Radio August 17, 2013 11PM  – ET

Let’s talk about cosmic education and stop our children turning into monsters after puberty! We do not need our government to build more schools where the spirit of our children is jailed through controlled information,  archaic religious teachings and rigid sciences only.   Time to offer our children the vital regenerative cosmic fluid they need to live in peace and learn all about the signs and God’s cosmic face.  

“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth by means of his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom”


“A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order” Nostradamus


“All I have asked for is a fair scientific investigation of my work for the sole purpose of promoting man cosmic consciousness, saving time, money and the lives of many people”       – Dr. Turi

God And The Magic That is Us – The Declaration of Divine Cosmic Consciousness

Blessings to all my readers world wide.

Dr. Turi




Kate and William’s Royal Baby: Astrology Experts Are Wrong!



“There are specific Universal Laws designed by God – Consciousness – is the awareness of a divine cosmic  power and use it wisely to build emotional, financial and spiritual stability!” Read the future –  Watch the future!

 Dear readers:

Before getting into the Stars and Fate” of the Royal baby and his natal Dragons let me mention to you that a cosmic unconscious Pope Francis  is taking serious chances with his life on foreign grounds, trying to save the Church Inc. upcoming demise. Born with the Dragon’s Tail in his 7th house ( facing the wild public) is the last thing he should do, especially without any form of protection from bombs or bullets.  Rebuilding the corrupted image of  the Vatican will cost him his life but this is the price this Pope  (or any cosmic unconscious human being) will have to pay!

Thus it is just a matter of time before Pope Francis land on one of his negative “Cosmic Rhythms/ Dragon Dates)  and suffer the ultimate cost for ignoring God’s celestial signs. Remember readers, the reality is;  those who are supposed to be the elites in their particular expertise are often the least knowledgeable on the subject, and I know for a fact that 99.09% of the world population, including the Pope have no clue of what God  is all about and how he speaks his cosmic will  to his children.

“I will speak to you, you won’t hear me, I will present myself to you, you wont see me”


You can hear and see God in action but you must raise your cosmic consciousness to do so and that is humanity’s challenge. While I hate to make such terrible predictions the same moronic cosmic unconscious public will blame me for “wishing” such an upcoming tragedy when all I am doing is translate the stars. In fact if you ever took the time to check on my previous track record of predictions, the Pope, the President and the Department of Homeland Security services, including you my readers should take me very seriously.

Pope Francis arrives in Brazil

For Pope Francis to take such risks with a passionate, uneducated, wild  “mob” enunciate the facts of a seriously depleting business where drastic actions must be taken by the President  (the Pope) to save the corporation (the Vatican.)  But again the mass of God fearing Latino’ spirit is so hijacked and so trapped in religious dogma that it is impossible for them to perceive anything else than God through an “acting/elected” human being.

Amazing how people live in total deception envying the lives of famous people like the Kardashian, the Pope or the Royal family. Don’t hey have a life of their own? Little do they know they are victimized by the planets and react robotically, neurotically, subconsciously to the Cosmic Code and their personal natal UCI! “OMG! Have Mercy on your cosmic unconscious children.”

This is where I realize the tremendous work ahead of humanity  to free their spirit and recognize a cosmic God speaking through me and my predictions. Meantime the 2012/2013 Scorpius Draconis keeps revealing  more of  the Vatican sexual and financial secret masquerades and Pope Francis order on children sex affairs  is less than honorable to say the least. Meantime, the reality and acceptance of God’s celestial divinity I am exposing everyday through my work  is still rejected…

Indeed two thousands years of controlled information and mental manipulation lead to an obnoxious mass running after the Pope in the streets of Rio… It sound like the Spaniards running of the bulls willingly rejecting the danger of being gored to death! Or may be the Paparazzi   fleas, endlessly taking pictures to feed a moronic brainless bored mass?

While a minority of smart people protested against such a humongous waste of their taxes, the 99.09% of the proud  religiously poisoned moronic mass is swallowing the advertisement and the Vatican own investment to grab more of their “donations.”

While the world is on its way to upgrade spiritually and recognize God’s celestial identity like I do and  make a good use of his creations, it will take a few more years before my “vision” become again a reality.  The signs and omens are poring all over but depraved of Cosmic Consciousness only a few of us can read the signs and anticipated the end of the Age of Pisces.

God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so you may live a safer more productive life!” 


Watch this video

Royal baby slightly more likely to be female, scientist says

Again I repeat myself, “remember the reality is;  those who are supposed to be the elites in their particular expertise are often the least knowledgeable on the subject! Yes our infantile science still consider my work as pseudo-science only but it seems they were all wrong! And yet  on July 2nd, 2013 I wrote THE FATE OF A KING!”  in this article Royal Baby’s Astrology Sign: What Astropsychology Say?

Memo from July 2nd, 2013

Watch this video

Royal baby due any minute | Photos

Memo ” It is my wish for this baby to come into the world without complications but the stars affecting the mother’s  5th house of love romance, creativity and producing children are negative. Please  join me and pray for the new soul’ safe entrance into this world. (The stars and fate of the Royal baby article won’t be publiconly those born curious (all my VIPs’) and smart enough deserves my pearls of wisdom – Thus you may download two FREE books and learn more about the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, the signs and how God speaks to his children!” Read more.

Continued: Thus again my vision came to pass and the Duchess of Cambridge indeed had some difficulties birthing a soul that did not want to comeback to earth (on hell.) Meantime, born during a negative deadly “SOS To The World window won’t mean much to science, the British royalties and its people but there is an incredible karmic intonation behind this “Royal birth!”

According to Deike Begg, a “modern astrologer” with The Association of Professional Astrologers International, the birth timings are extremely crucial in defining a person’s personality traits. Nothing can be more inaccurate readers, especially when Neptunians cosmic unconscious “Astrologers” are doing the research. Once more “those who are supposed to be the elites in their particular expertise are often the least knowledgeable on the subject!”

Being on top of all search engines or having famous names does not mean accuracy in predictive astrology because in order to trust the sources, one must have proof of their predictions and most of all be born (like Nostradamus) with the right Dragons! My question is do you have access to their well documented, dated, printed and published predictions? Of course not, who’s willing to put the green where the mouth is? Only Dr. Turi!

 Mine are ALL OVER offering you exact dates for large earthquakes on You Tube  in emails sent to USGS , the seismology Institute of Pasadena CA, radio, television programs etc. and this is where critical thinking is a must to avoid being deceived.

God thanks my latest predictions was taped July 14th, 2013 on the George Noory Gaiam TV program in Bolder CO, offering the media the option to check my claims.  No I am not boasting readers, many more newcomers looking for the truth are poring and they have no clue of who I am and what I did so if I sound redundant please forgive me!

“There is only one thin hair between divine information and pure imagination.”  Unless the UCI chart has been erected by one of my Astropsychology graduate students, there won’t be any references at all to the natal or hidden Dragon which is the core of Astrological supreme wisdom found uniquely in Nostradamus’ 16th century Divine Astrology.  Indeed the world top French astrologer and great Prophet did not have the luxury of owning a watch or a computer 500 years ago but he had the right karmic Dragons (the gift) to give him “astrological” preciseness  and with it,  immortality.

In fact my interpretations are totally UNIQUE and if you realized and accepted that my predictions have been  accurate, then all is that and that is all with my findings. You may want to check on the endless feedback I get from the wise souls who ordered my services.  In fact hundreds more wonderful endorsements were lost in another page of the “Phoenix Voyage” popular website.

And the fate of this new Royal soul is nothing else than supremely karmic for the UK population’s fate and the Monarchy. Remember the wise German people elected an evil soul and Hitler  “cosmic energy” is coming back to hunt the world soon…

[Image: obama-state-of-the-union.jpg]

 For America to elect President Obama is an option to agree to his fate but the birth of a King is a very different karmic story.  Chances are, by the time my predictions transpire I will not be 6 feet under… There is much too much cosmic similarities with his parents and Princess Diana for me to be wrong sharing my “visions.”

The sad reality is the media is totally uneducated on the real science of Astrology and modern astrology is a very successful financially oriented business than ends up on your magazines or newspapers horoscope. And you wonder why such a deceptive, imaginative, worthless fiasco America is turning into a society  of skeptics, atheists, agnostics skeptics running away from God? I do not blame them for trashing this Astrological junk but throwing the baby with the water is wrong. And this is why I am endlessly offering them the option to realize the difference between “psychic” deception and my handling of the art found in such a rare dignify science.

Legal action by the royals won’t change anything!

Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, has proved to be quite the fashionista since her relationship with Prince William catapulted her into the limelight.

Photographer investigated over topless photos of Catherine in France

Prince William Princess Catherine and the UK Fate

The Scorpius Draconis at work but this will not stop the impending fate of the high-ranking cosmic unconscious English Royalty, the UK and the British population! All  imposed by their karmic UCI!

Meet George Alexander Louis Check His Stars and Fate

The Royal Baby is Princess Diana reincarnated!

All the omens are there to confirm my vision…
Royal baby town crier wasn’t invited



Its easier to deny and ridicule and say “I don’t believe in Astrology” Guess what, I don’t believe it either because Astropsychology is not modern Astrology, nor a religion but a science that demands you to become a curious, smart human being willing to honor the word science and INVESTIGATE it!  Again my work is not for the feeble minded but for a more refined, intelligent human being!

“The stars are the elixir of life” “All great spirits have encountered opposition from mediocre minds”
– A. Einstein

Millionaires do not use Astro/psychology, Billionaires do!

J.P Morgan

All I can do is to keep offering my true pearls of wisdom and with it the option to prove them wrong by making endless, repetitive unarguable predictions. God is on my side  and while the envious, incurious young souls reap me apart on You Tube the fact remain that my wisdom is very real! Thus once again, I am offering them the chance to upgrade to cosmic consciousness with the endless rites and cosmic ceremony of the future.

 July 6/7/8/ July 22/23/24  and August 20/21/22

Entrails Upset Spit Above
Red Fire Wind To Dance
Stars Command Shock Science
Calm Deception To Strike


Cosmos News / Nuke / Weird news / Surprises / Explosions / Shocking / lightning /  Unusual Humanitarianism / Discovery / Science / Earthquakes (always above 6.0) / Volcanoes / Tornadoes / NASA / Aeronautics / Technology / Television / UFO.

For sure before August 20/21/22 more drama will be imposed by the Cosmic Code and a few “SOS To The World” windows will take many lives and read by my VIP’s but it is only when the student is ready that the teacher will appear.  I can take you to the water with my newsletters, this does not mean you will be willing or able just yet to drink at this cosmic source of supreme wisdom. The choice is yours though, be smart, be warned, be prepared and you can only become  a VIP Cosmic Coder if you are intuitive and curious enough to own your own salvation and your own cosmic consciousness.

You are as precious as my pearls of wisdom and I will not waste them to feed an ungrateful God fearing blind media by exposing the fate of a King,  the fate of his subjects and the fate of a nation because it is much too important.

The message I own is Jesus’ altered cosmic ministry,  the essence of all religions, the legacy left by those 3 wise men who were ET’s and  cosmic conscious time travellers “Astrophiles.” They spent years educating Jesus on the cosmic reality of  the “Our Father in the Heavens” speaking through the 12 hours of the day, the 12 months of the years, the 12 Apostles, the 12 sins, the 12 jury and the 12 signs of the Zodiac. And to really benefit from such a rare, stolen wisdom you must be ready….




 “Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, or they will trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.


“There are specific Universal Laws designed by God – Cosmic Consciousness – is the awareness of a divine Universal  power and use it wisely to build emotional, financial and spiritual stability!”

Dr. Turi

Jonah Bolt and Dr. Turi on Starseed Radio August 17, 2013 11PM  – ET

Let’s talk about cosmic education and stop our children turning into monsters after puberty! We do not need our government to build more schools where the spirit of our children is jailed through controlled information,  archaic religious teachings and rigid sciences only.   Time to offer our children the vital regenerative cosmic fluid they need to live in peace and learn all about the signs and God’s cosmic face.  

Jonah Bolt – YouthNOW Campaign Speech at 2011 International Day

“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth by means of his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom”


“A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order” Nostradamus


“All I have asked for is a fair scientific investigation of my work for the sole purpose of promoting man cosmic consciousness, saving time, money and the lives of many people”       – Dr. Turi

God And The Magic That is Us – The Declaration of Divine Cosmic Consciousness

 Blessings to all my readers world wide.

Dr. Turi



Why Some People Hate Dr. Turi?


“There are specific Universal Laws designed by God – Consciousness – is the awareness of a divine cosmic  power and use it wisely to build emotional, financial and spiritual stability!” Read the future –  Watch the future!

Dear Readers:

Well this is the sad price anyone who is different, gifted, unique or famous has to pay… It seems the envious young souls would rather die than to accept the fact that; someone is better than themselves because as of yet,  they have not reached nor earned in their insignificant life, a level of dignified wisdom where respect, admiration, wonder and ingeniousness is shared with others in search of  spiritual light.

 After watching my latest You Tube video, please make sure to give me the thumb up if you like my work.

This is why I support Dr. Turi” 

(copy and paste the link help me reach the media)

In this 3 minutes video I offer the world the opportunity to check on my ability to handle the Cosmic Code and read God’ signs and explain how I do it. Some people are visual others much too lazy mentally to read long articles where I offer   previous numerous earthquakes predictions on radio and television shows.

I am not sure if that someone who uploaded an incomplete sample of my work is a friend or one of my Internet enemies but my methodology, quatrains and keywords were omitted!  As of today, after watching the video, 65,080  of cosmic unconscious people from all over the globe expected the end of the world. Instead luckily for us, FOUR very large earthquakes, a deadly typhoon and a landslide that killed so many people happened on those dates.  But these cosmic unconscious people are not to blame because they do not know who I am and how I operate… To them I am another psychic, a religious fanatic and they have all their own good reasons to trash me. I wish the same person who tarnished my image would have the decency to post  the complete video instead to clarify my claims and offer the media real information on my methodology. Because it seems no one is able to read my directions to get clarification there. But the good news is, on the  65,080 people (and counting) some will show intelligence and curiosity and will realize my God given gift/curse is very real!

I uploaded this first video  around 3.30 am on July 20th, 2013, two full days before the July 22 Gansu Province 6.6 and the Prince Edward Island Region 6.1 quakes but it did not upload completely. Two big quakes (Magnitude 6.5 and 6.9) in New Zealand and a deadly typhoon also transpired during my SOS windows and the geographical latitude made this window operational in this part of the world!

Knowing that I gave the same exact date to George Noory Gaiam TV show on July 14 and mentioned large earthquakes my integrity and values is very safe and once the show air it promises me more trust and tons of business.   There is no way for the forces of evil to mute the voice of wisdom and I am so glad I was invited to face the media with my undeniable gift!

Meantime my “SOS To The World Window” August 20/21/22 has yet to come and I will be right there with the future to refresh your memory about my gift!

 Once more enjoy the full explanatory show and learn more about Nostradamus’ methodology because ET’s  are very real and And So Is The Legacy!. Meantime, NEVER/EVER assume anything about my work and I until you fully investigate my claims… You will be be surprised!


Dr. Turi


“There are specific Universal Laws designed by God – Cosmic Consciousness – is the awareness of a divine Universal  power and use it wisely to build emotional, financial and spiritual stability!”

Dr. Turi

Jonah Bolt and Dr. Turi on Starseed Radio August 17, 2013 11PM  – ET

Let’s talk about cosmic education and stop our children turning into monsters after puberty! We do not need our government to build more schools where the spirit of our children is jailed through controlled information,  archaic religious teachings and rigid sciences only.   Time to offer our children the vital regenerative cosmic fluid they need to live in peace and learn all about the signs and God’s cosmic face.  

Jonah Bolt – YouthNOW Campaign Speech at 2011 International Day

“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth by means of his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom”


“A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order” Nostradamus


“All I have asked for is a fair scientific investigation of my work for the sole purpose of promoting man cosmic consciousness, saving time, money and the lives of many people”       – Dr. Turi

God And The Magic That is Us – The Declaration of Divine Cosmic Consciousness




Pope Bans Reporting Of Sex Abuse and the End of Religions


“There are specific Universal Laws designed by God – Consciousness – is the awareness of a divine cosmic  power and use it wisely to build emotional, financial and spiritual stability!” Read the future –  Watch the future!

VATICAN CITY — Few eyebrows were raised last week when Pope Francis brought the Vatican’s legal system up to date by criminalizing leaks of official information and formalizing laws against sex crimes. But now that the laws have been made public, a closer look revealed that the pope has made it illegal to report sex crimes against children.

Dear Readers:

Memo from March 13, 2013 –


How disgusting  this is and how obvious this “religion business” has become?  Pope Francis is our current “God representative” on earth but he is obviously not interested in promoting the truth and the end of children sexual abuses. But the current “2012/1013 Scorpius Draconis” is still having a blast  bringing all that is making up the Vatican sexual and its financial secret masquerades to the light… No one will be spared and no one is safe with this explicit Dragon in charge,  the government, the FBI, the IRS and the Vatican  and so many more “skeletons” will be dug and exposed! Instead of reading the bible, they should all download the free copies of my books, acknowledge, learn and accept how God speaks his divinity to his children via the signs…

God is back America is losing its religion…

The fact is, many of those “God servants” were born Plutonic sexual predators (read about the UCI) and found the “sainthood” profession very attractive because of the easy access to innocence. I wrote intensively about the church and the pope   all you have to do is to Google Pope or church  or religion and add my name dr.turi behind your request  to find and read more articles on religions.

But why would Pope Francis would do such a thing? Because, within the last 2000 years of Christianity controlling jurisdictions, millions of children were abused mentally  physically and sexually, and those were the lucky ones.  Millions orphaned children died in horrible ways at the hands of many evil born Neptunian deceiving priests in the darkness of their churches and cold convents.. The fact is with so many more cases piling up everyday,  it would take the next 1000 years to investigate them all and the Pope knows those accusations and legality will in time  bankrupt the rat nest of what Vatican City truly is.

So making illegal to report sex crimes against children and/or report new cases is a clever way to stop the endless flow of complaints and this will save thousands of years of stolen goodies .i.e. artefacts, gold, silver, precious stones, real estates and endless business / investments  operated by the many banks the Vatican own in Switzerland. With the passing of the years and real information easily available today via the Internet the moronic mass is becoming less gullible and the Church business is suffering drastically. But this will not stop obvious schizophrenic, Neptunian born liar and cheaters deceiving souls like Jimmy Swagger and still allowed to operate on television to grasp more of your donations… Do not feed evil! you won’t go to hell, you are already on hell, in your fears and cosmic ignorance…

Meantime, because of the Scorpius Draconis endless “Revelations” the world is  slowly awakening to the reality that their God has a serious business oriented mind and is always angry for more money!  All of this “God representativeness” is far from holly, far from saintliness and worse, depraved of real divine powers.

All the while my endless drive to re-introduce the real “cosmic face” of our creator is very strong, and my unarguable endless chain of unarguable predictions works in my favour.  Yes the Age of deceptive Pisces and its multitude of deadly religions is transiting to the more clever, futuristic technological *UFO oriented Age of Aquarius.   Soon the human hijacked spirit will be freed and ready to speed up to cosmic consciousness that will then become a Universal priority but, in the process, humanity must not lose the essence of God’ spirit for science rational gratification only.

 2015/2017 will see the beginning of the end of all religions as a “changing” atheist portion of a cosmic unconscious society will voice their rigid mental process against any and all form of spiritual endeavours.   With my solid, repetitive scientific proven “cosmic” work,  even the most skeptical, rational scientific minds can only be left wondering of my real God given predictive powers because I can even anticipate their own reaction…“Stars Command Shock Science” 


  July 22/23/24 and August 20/21/22

Entrails Upset Spit Above
Red Fire Wind To Dance
Stars Command Shock Science
Calm Deception To Strike


Cosmos News / Nuke / Weird news / Surprises / Explosions / Shocking / Stunning / lightning /  Unusual Humanitarianism / Discovery / Science / Earthquakes (always above 6.0) / Volcanoes / Tornadoes / NASA / Aeronautics / Technology / Television / UFO.

Important note, those dates where first published to the world June 27, 2013 


(Note the geographical latitude make this window operational in this part of the world!)


July 22 –   Prince Edward Island Region – 6.1
July 22 – Gansu Province 6.6

Watch this video

Quake hits northwest China; 89 dead – Earthquakes?

Gas rig explodes, burns in Gulf – Explosion?
Landing gear fails on Southwest jet – Aeronautics? 
Bomb found near site of pope visit – Shocking?
East Cleverland Stunned by murders – Shocking? Stunning?
U.S. dumps bombs at Great Barrier Reef – Explosions? Shocking?
China: Disabled man set airport blast – Explosions? Aeronautics?


 62130 viewers and still, I am still amazed at the negative response this incomplete video posted on You Tube generated knowing my predictions for natural disasters and large earthquakes actually transpired accurately. I keep directing the readers to Check July 7/8/9 SOS window! warning for large earthquakes with the high probability for generating tsunamis. But it seem they are all disappointed in their expectation for more deaths and drama. My quatrain and keywords clearly read and warn about thousands of people forced to relocate because of natural disasters on those days…

But when CNN announced  Hundreds of thousands of people were evacuated Saturday along China’s southeastern coast as Typhoon Soulik struck, where the storm was expected to bring strong winds and heavy rain, making my prediction / timing for July irrefutable, I generated even more animosity, jealousy and envy instead of a thank you from over 200 people… SHAME SHAME I SAY, do I really deserve such evil when all I do is share my gift to warn you ?




So what I did is to offer those young souls yet another chance to build more cosmic consciousness by posting ” Cosmic Warnings to the World for July 22/23/24 & August 20/21/22 by Dr.Turi” and generated this short You Tube video offering bothy explanations and the facts of my predictions – And I am glad to get the support I deserve with 4 votes in my favour after 589 hits so far. This is why, with so little support from the media I stopped offering my pearls of wisdom to so many undeserving souls. The good news is I gave hose windows on the “George Noory Gaiam TV show” and the millions of anticipated highly spiritually advanced souls will be for sure much more appreciative of my talent in predictive astrology.

I gave the dates of July 22/23/24 and August 20/21/22 in this show and when those predictions come to pass, I am expecting to become extraordinary busy soon after the broadcast! Thus, if you need a consultation do it before then or be prepared to wait for weeks before getting any of my services live on Skype.

I give regular discounts on any of my consultations but since I did this show with George I am sure to become in serious demand and  no break will be offered for many more months to come. In fact I may have to rise my prices to prioritize some of my impatient clients unwilling to wait too long for their consultation.


“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth by means of his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom”


“A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order” Nostradamus


“All I have asked for is a fair scientific investigation of my work for the sole purpose of promoting man cosmic consciousness, saving time, money and the lives of many people”       – Dr. Turi

God And The Magic That is Us – The Declaration of Divine Cosmic Consciousness




Cosmic Warnings to the World for July 22/23/24 & August 20/21/22 by Dr.Turi

July 20, 2013

Important note, those dates where first published to the world June 27, 2013 

Check July 7/8/9 SOS window!

powers because I can even anticipate their own reaction…“Stars Command Shock Science” 


  July 22/23/24 and August 20/21/22

Entrails Upset Spit Above
Red Fire Wind To Dance
Stars Command Shock Science
Calm Deception To Strike


Cosmos News / Nuke / Weird news / Surprises / Explosions / Shocking / lightning /  Unusual Humanitarianism / Discovery / Science / Earthquakes (always above 6.0) / Volcanoes / Tornadoes / NASA / Aeronautics / Technology / Television / UFO.


(Note the geographical latitude make this window operational in this part of the world!)

Important note, those dates where first published to the world June 27, 2013 



July 22 –   Prince Edward Island Region – 6.1
July 22 – Gansu Province 6.6

Watch this video

Quake hits northwest China; 89 dead – Earthquakes?

Gas rig explodes, burns in Gulf – Explosion?
Landing gear fails on Southwest jet – Aeronautics?
Bomb found near site of pope visit – Shocking?
East Cleverland Stunned by murders – Shocking? Stunning?
U.S. dumps bombs at Great Barrier Reef – Explosions? Shocking?
China: Disabled man set airport blast – Explosions? Aeronautics?


Thus what do you have to do to reclaim your own divinity, rebuild your own powers and own your salvation while saving the world is…


Stop listening to evil
Stop feeding your fears
Stop listening to negativity
Stop listening to conspiracies promoters
Stop listening to anyone blocking the light of truth
Stop listening to evil feeding religious poisoned souls
Stop listening to anyone building your fears and ask for the light
Stop listening to anyone remotely sucking your spiritual life away 


Start building faith
Start asking for the light
Start believing in yourself
Start something new to change yourself
Start promoting the light on a daily base to everyone
Start talking and offering the light on a daily base to the people you care
Start using faith and offer my work to everyone who needs healing spiritual food
Start promoting and continue promoting God’s new face and offer my work to everyone

 All Is That And That Is All

When men realize the church is the universe and the twelve Apostles are the twelve signs of the zodiac, God’s commandments written in Starlight will bring true love, respect peace and harmony to this world.

Dr. Turi

July 14, 2013 I gave those dates to George Noory on July 22/23/24 & August 20/21/22 and also predicted a full restructure of the legal system and explained what the 2014/2016 Arian Draconis will bring the world!

Patti Cake Patti Cake...LOL

 George Noory Dr. Turi & Gaiamtv Experience

The Declaration of Divine Cosmic Consciousness

Sharing Email;

Remedios left a comment for Dr. Turi

“It’s truly fascinating & believing how Dr. Turi give his predictions to the world. It’s so interesting.”

Dr. Turi left a comment for Remedios
“Thanks for the support my friend!

This Dragon is all about IDENTITY and RACE – Update: 07/20/13 – Australia cracks down on immigrants -“







Dr. Turi’s Prediction For the US Economy on Target


Cosmic Code

 For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice…

Dr. Turi

US Economy Undeniable Prediction

This newsletter was published May 6, 2011 and those predictions were broadcasted on the  George Noory Coast to Coast am program June 2007.

My words to George Noory June 2007 on Coast to Coast am:  “The economy and the real estate will pick up after 2012 and will get even better for many more years to come.” 

The S&P/Case-Shiller home price index was up 12.2% compared to a year ago, slightly better than the 12.1% rise in April. It was the biggest year-over-year jump in prices since March 2006, near the peak of the housing bubble. “Moody’s has raised its outlook on U.S. debt to stable, shedding the negative outlook that it has maintained for nearly two years.”

Updated 07/30/2013 – Home prices keep soaring

home prices 073013
Updated 07/19/2013 – U.S. economy looking better
Updated 06/24/2013 – See apartments’ $100,000,000 view
Updated May 28, 2013 –

Updated May 17, 2013 – Fourth week of gains for stocks

Dow one week

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) The stock market continued its march higher for a fourth week as investors focused on signs of improvement in the U.S. economy. The Dow Jones industrial averageS&P 500 and Nasdaq all ended higher Friday, with the Dow and S&P 500 finishing at record levels. For the week, the S&P 500 added 2%, the Dow rose 1.5% and the Nasdaq advanced 1.7%.

UPDATED 02/07/2013 – Dow continues its record run
UPDATED 02/08/2013 –  U.S. construction jobs soar
UPDATED 02/08/2013 – U.S. jobless rate falls again

Stocks end week at multi-year highs

“The Dow Jones industrial averageS&P 500, and Nasdaq all posted gains between 1.5% and 2.3% for the week. The Dow and S&P 500 are at their highest point since the end of 2007 while the Nasdaq hasn’t been at this level since late 2000. All three indexes moved up between 0.4% and 0.9% Friday.”

Remember June 2007 I was on Coast to Coast am on the George Noory Show warning the world about a FULL re-structure of the US economy and told George the beginning of the end will be in 2011/2012 and all will be over when the “Freedom Towers” in New York will become operational…Millions of people heard that show and my predictions did you?

MEMO FROM –prediction page 2  “The US financial situation will see serious improvement as we move on into the year 2011/2012. Back in June 2007 on Coast To Coast National radio show  I prepared (20 millions listeners) and the world for what would become the current crisis with US economy and gave the date of March 2011 for the beginning of the end. It seems I was yet, once again right – It will take a few years to go back normal but ultimately America will be back on track financially and lead the world again.  I see the real estate booming again, as the country infrastructure is changing . The old road / signal / bridges systems will be replaced by “round points”, the stock market will experience a slow but sure recovery especially in December 2011/2012.“

I also repetitively gave this date and month to George Noory on Coast To Coast and in many other radio and other TV appearances. With millions of many people listening to Coast to Coast who heard my prediction, no one so far had the gut to remind George Noory of my prediction…


Job market may be improving

Private companies added 201,000 jobs last month, up from 173,000 in July, a new report says. The number is much better than economists expected. FULL STORY


Dow closes at a 4-year high

April jobs report: Hiring picks up steam

Please check the progression of previous hits

“Your future is the reincarnation of your thoughts”

Dr. Turi

“Your imagination is your preview of life’s coming attractions.”

– Albert Einstein

Choose hope, love, faith, happiness and  the truth Work with me use the super conscious in time and space positively  for the well being of humanity


Organized religion ‘will be driven toward extinction’ in 9 countries, experts predict  

“And so Will the Evil of Unfounded Ridiculous Conspiracy Theories”

 “Where Cosmic Consciousness is lacking; science, conspiracy and religious imagination have the answers. There are no accidents just consequences the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive.”

Dr. Turi

I predict a new Universal religion based upon the Cosmic Code “revelations” I am making everyday through my writings will bless this world! The Age of Aquarius is taking over and all the “SIGNS” point to the claim I have made all my life.  Jesus’ original Celestial Ministry can not be ignored any longer! Read The Evil of Religions 


Thus what do you have to do to reclaim your own divinity, rebuild your own powers and own your salvation while saving the world is…


Stop listening to evil
Stop feeding your fears
Stop listening to negativity
Stop listening to conspiracies promoters
Stop listening to anyone blocking the light of truth
Stop listening to evil feeding religious poisoned souls
Stop listening to anyone building your fears and ask for the light
Stop listening to anyone remotely sucking your spiritual life away 


Start building faith
Start asking for the light
Start believing in yourself
Start something new to change yourself
Start promoting the light on a daily base to everyone
Start talking and offering the light on a daily base to the people you care
Start using faith and offer my work to everyone who needs healing spiritual food
Start promoting and continue promoting God’s new face and offer my work to everyone

 All Is That And That Is All

When men realize the church is the universe and the twelve Apostles are the twelve signs of the zodiac, God’s commandments written in Starlight will bring true love, respect peace and harmony to this world.

Dr. Turi

ENJOY THIS video listen with your heart even if you do not see, read or understand the words!