Abusive Police Technology and Dr. Turi’s Predictions


“There are specific Universal Laws designed by God – Consciousness – is the awareness of a divine cosmic  power and use it wisely to build emotional, financial and spiritual stability!” Read the future –  Watch the future!

Watch this video

ACLU raises privacy concerns about police technology tracking drivers

Dear readers;

Before explaining why 22 children died, another 24 were hospitalized, because they ate a free school lunch in India, let’s talk about yet another of my predictions that came to pass.

Back in August 15th, 2012 well before today’s news on CNN, I wrote and posted to the an article titled “No More Privacy For Americans”  again it seem more and more of my predictions are coming a reality! I warned you first with the FBI, the IRS, the Senior State Department officials and even with my own experience with “Arizona Police State Shame.”

The sad reality is, it seems American act only when its too late or because they are forced to do so, and I am saying this because while millions of people are reading my cosmic code newsletters only 46 supporters signed my petition… Dr. Turi: Act now or let AZ and your State become a police State! and its because I invited them directly to sign up… How ridiculous this is but the fear of the police, the IRS, the government or any secret services freezes those people.  Its time to NUT UP America and heed my warnings because my predictions are very real!

You are witnessing the “2012/2014 Scorpius Draconis” in action and working overtime to UNCOVER anything, everything related to sex, cover ups, secrets, the FBI, the police etc. AND ALL WAS FULLY PREDICTED! (dated/printed/published/broadcasted) well before those news made it to CNN or Fox.  I also mentioned the impact of those cosmic orders in Gaiam TV show with George Noory  and made a very specific  prediction about the law that transpired 3 days later! It seems as soon as I make a prediction it appears on CNN, is my work really “pseudo-science” only?  Isn’t it time to pay attention to Dr. Turi to prepare you for the future?  Feds, IRS, FBI Secrets Divulged!

Update June 11, 2013 – Cover-up alleged at State Department–  Memo says workers may have hired prostitutes

Prediction #3. Many foreign Mobs organizations will “merge”, to promote sex/drug trafficking and gang violence. Expect more deadly news as the criminal will get bolder and deadlier. Many powerful police and government officials”s identities and wrong doings will be divulged.

To deter misconduct, the FBI sends its employees reports that detail sexting and other transgressions by FBI employees.

 Updated February 21, 2013 – FBI plagued by ‘rash of sexting’

Updated April 14, 2012 – A group of Secret Service agents face allegations of misconduct that involves prostitution

Watch this video

NSA leaker: ‘You’re being watched’

Prediction # 12. Anything and everything dealing with death, secrets, decomposition, reincarnation, sex, metaphysics  the police and re-birthing the spirit will be the focus of humanity’s attention. I also see an explosion of new security services using advanced technology to stop any forms of terrorism.  

UPDATED!  I also see an explosion of new security POLICE services using advanced technology to stop your freedom and use them as credit card machines because the police is becoming an abusive business and like the IRS and the FBI they will be EXPOSED and forced to re-structure for the sake of our freedom! 

Memo – Prediction page # 6.  A secret technology produced and sold to unaware consumers will make privacy totally impossible. –  Feds, IRS, FBI Secrets Divulged! – But I have good news for you if you dare to check the future with my ” Dr. Turi’s 2014 – 2016 Universal Predictions”  There is only one reliable source for predictions and it is with Dr. Turi. Join now!

Update – 8/15/2012 -Cameras watch your every move  Cameras watch your every move

Update – 6/11/2013 – Secret technology sold to consumers resulting in lack of privacy. 



Watch this video

Police can’t find Indian principal after school lunch deaths

If you are a VIP you probably recall my predictions about the current deadly 2012/2014 Scorpius Draconis aiming for the children. If you are not you will need to catch up. Of course it is much easier to assume anything about my work than to click and read all provided links explaining what the dragon is and what he did to so many kids already.  This Dragon brings anything and anyone’ secrets to life, including a long gone woman resurfacing to the world and three, then children that were abducted  ten years ago by Castro.

Again unless you click on the provided links and investigate my claims all you can do is to behave like an envious stubborn brainless donkey!  Is it an accident or yet another obvious omen that 20 kids were massacred in Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting (watch the video and listen to my message)

During the same deadly Draconis window a Chinese man attacked 22 children with a knife  dont you find it weird  that the same amount of kids were also victimized in India? “At least 22 children killed, another 24 hospitalized, because they ate a free school lunch.” 

But if you were born with a “slow” UCI or Unique Celestial Identity, chances are you will think like 99.09% of cosmic unconscious human beings trapped in this dense physical world where curiosity or intuition is latent or worse, missing.  Well I guess this is why you are reading and learning from my articles. While I gave two of my books for FREE to thousands of people do you know that only TWO decent human beings took the time to thanks me for the gift?

 All I can do is to keep giving with all my heart because I know it is by giving sincerely that you will receive and I also know from the bottom of my heart that the thousands of people who downloaded my book do not have to thank me, they already did in the depth of their heart…

Do you have any idea how long it took me to write those books and how much I had to pay to make it happen every years? Yes I gave my books away every year since 1985 when I started my career, now the question is how many “Talking Heads” you know gave you books so far?  I am not the only one to offer free goodies but I am sure I beat everyone else, do you agree?

  It seems the envious, evil “young Souls” will immediately dismiss my work and I but my goal is, by offering those books for them to realize my pearls of wisdom are real… Yes someone put up a video without my consent or any explanations of my methodology on You Tube ( Cosmic Warnings to the World for July 2013 by Dr.Turi” and while ALL my predictions actually took place on July 7/8/9 so far 55460 souls are having a blast crucifying me… 100 likes  – 185 dislike and 55460 other souls who decided to stay neutral…

Sorry people, only two BIG quakes took place in this window and  I am sorry again if nature did not KILL thousands of innocent people. The title is quite clear “Cosmic Warnings to the World for July 2013 by Dr.Turi” where I warned the readers of my windows of probabilities because a 7.3 earthquake CAN produce a catastrophic tsunami and during this window  Hundreds of thousands of people were evacuated Saturday along China’s southeastern coast as Typhoon Soulik struck, where the storm was expected to bring strong winds and heavy rain.



All I can do is to keep posting please Google “George Noory Dr. Turi & Gaiamtv Experience” then for proof of my predictions for July Google “Cosmic Warnings To The World July 2013 by Dr. Turi on YouTube EXPLAINED” Google “Get Dr. Turi TWO E books For FREE!” and read the facts that ALL my predictions came to pass!

While my Internet enemies behave like a wild pack of hyenas, the words of those, who before me, (including Jesus) experienced the lowest, destructive vile side of any sub-human help me drastically.  For all I have to do is to stick to my mission to free humanity from fears and cosmic ignorance and read their wise words.

“Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, or they will trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.”


“When a true genius appears in this world you may know him by this sign that the dunces are all in confederacy against him”


This is the price one must pay when the ego of those born with an  inferior UCI  refute and reputes the obvious facts. People love their idols because they WISH so hard to be like them, but there was only one Einstein,  one Michael Jackson, one Elvis and there is only ONE Dr. Turi.

When you make people think they love you, when you make people REALLY think by telling the truth as it is, then the same very people will hate you! The good news is the “young souls” are just the tip of the iceberg or the 185 morons who assumed and never investigate my work and I… The rest is the  55460 advanced souls (and counting) who decided to stay silent but went further in their research to  God cosmic manifestation and what it means to be human…





“There are specific Universal Laws designed by God – Cosmic Consciousness – is the awareness of a divine Universal  power and use it wisely to build emotional, financial and spiritual stability!”

Dr. Turi

Jonah Bolt and Dr. Turi on Starseed Radio August 17, 2013 11PM  – ET

Let’s talk about cosmic education and stop our children turning into monsters after puberty! We do not need our government to build more schools where the spirit of our children is jailed through controlled information,  archaic religious teachings and rigid sciences only.   Time to offer our children the vital regenerative cosmic fluid they need to live in peace and learn all about the signs and God’s cosmic face.  

Jonah Bolt – YouthNOW Campaign Speech at 2011 International Day

*The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. We will not solve the problems of the world from the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. More than anything else, this new century demands new thinking: We must change our materially based analyses of the world around us to include broader, more multidimensional perspectives.”

 ~Albert Einstein*

“Where Cosmic Consciousness is lacking; science, conspiracy and religious imagination have the wrong answers. There are no accidents, nor circumstances, only cosmic consequences the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive.”

Dr. Turi

“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth by means of his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom”


“A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order” Nostradamus


“All I have asked for is a fair scientific investigation of my work for the sole purpose of promoting man cosmic consciousness, saving time, money and the lives of many people”       – Dr. Turi

God And The Magic That is Us – The Declaration of Divine Cosmic Consciousness





George Noory Dr. Turi & Gaiamtv Experience



“There are specific Universal Laws designed by God – Consciousness – is the awareness of a divine cosmic  power and use it wisely to build emotional, financial and spiritual stability!” Read the future –  Watch the future!

Dear Readers:


This You Tube video version was uploaded without my consent and is incomplete the link above is the full version! Read “Cyber Terrorism” for more information.

The Next 50 years Dr. Turi’s Predictions For The World

Terania and I took the short flight between Phoenix and Denver Colorado. We walked out of the airport and took a limousine ride to the 1909 Victorian style, Boulderado Hotel, where I took some nice pictures the next day.

The last picture will explain why my wonderful wife wore my jacket in those pictures. 

The check-in was fast as everything was taken care of by Gaiam staff and on to our room on the 4th floor, we went. This hotel was nice but old and in some ways, I felt like watching the famous stairways of the Titanic. I asked Terania to go up to the first floor we took some more pictures. I am sure many past, current, and future guests will feel the same way as we did!

We refreshed ourselves, turned right back in the street and we had all day in front of us to enjoy downtown.  One block later we were in the action.

The weather was cooperative for the next few hours and all was just fine until I realized I had forgotten my camera. We thought for a second of going back to get it but we were already into all the formidable actions.

I also knew the Gaiam taping with George would be done by lunchtime the next day and we had plenty of time to take more pictures the next day to share them with you. While the day before, heavy rain spoiled the latest part of the day, July 14th day was hot, clear, and perfect for picture taking.  Terania and I did not have to share the umbrella she always carries in her handbag. Still, wondering why she was wearing my jacket on such a hot day?

We kept walking, watching, and listening to all the actions around us when Terania saw this little girl and asked me to snap a picture of them both.

As you can see in this picture, we both are still dressed up because only a few hours ago we were in the studio taping with George in front of its audience.


Don’t you dare tiger…I was born in the year of the Tiger, you have no chance against me!

I really wanted to get into more comfortable clothing because it was so hot and this is where I noticed the public noticing us too! Who are those two all dressed in black under such heat? But we did not care and kept walking. Kids were everywhere and their parents were having a blast watching them enjoy life!

Then, as usual, I asked Terania if she could “pick” the star energy of the area which was a mixture of artwork, artists and children…

She wondered for a second and mentioned Leo (as she owns a Dragon’s Head in Leo) and of course, she was right. Leo rules love, the stage, children, France, Italy, and all forms of art.

If some of you are teachers, this is how you could teach Astropsychology to the children using your camera as we do, because regardless of your age, you are all children of the spirit, and sharing our life with you is not only entertaining but educational. And yes this is how you build more cosmic consciousness by relating to the signs… It’s all over and they won’t tell you. Yet it’s all so obvious that 99.09% of human beings are not cosmic unconscious.


I love my Hubby French frog because he is such a kid at heart!


Spirit of the black elk

 Killing for food when there are no other choices has been the way for long time but killing such wonderful animals for trophies is not…We love animals. Talking about food…My Sicilian/Italian blood started boiling when I saw this guy!

George Noory and DT at Trattoria

His mustache reminded us of George Noory asking me to join him for a good pizza!

Pizza – Pizza!

Yes, Terania is into health but likes to dig in when she sees something tasty. I have sausages * and beer  (for normal people lol) but hey I can’t blame her for wanting to be gorgeous forever! Then hot, happy and full we went on walking again.

Well Terania is trained to use a gun safely in case I am not there, she can aim and fire. When away from our “vicious” dogs Macho and Draco, she carries her gun ( pepper spray and laser gun too) in her handbag.


Boulder brands

We spent all day out watching a few acts, and listening to some artists and this July 14 th of July went so fast!


Cosmic Cosmo

Indeed Terania’s favorite drink is Cosmopolitan but she can only have one…LOL, she is not a drinker and she can get really tickled and sometimes a bit sick easily. As we went to our room I noticed a piano and I decided to play a little song for my wonderful wife.

DT playing piano for Mrs. TWhat a great spot to end the day with music I thought. A few hours earlier, around 9 am our ride took us a few miles away at the Gaiam studios.

Tom was there and as usual, we hugged each other under the security guard’s eye. Tom is a great producer on top of everything for George. He told me what I was supposed to do and we did a pre-introductory taping before the main show.

We first met with George in the control room with all the engineers/producers and director, after hugging us George’s first words were, “Gee Louis one of my guests missed her plane and this messed up the program planning”

I answered, “George Mercury is retrograde and messes up all your plans, I’ll tell you more in the show.” Tom decided to start the show with a short segment of William Shatner’s TV show where I caught my grandmother looking at the stars in the middle of the night.

As always George asked me questions about humanity’s future and when I mentioned we had only 50 years ahead of us due to people’s own self-destruction, it seemed I got his and the listener’s attention.

I have also all sorts of explanations on how to avoid such a dramatic fate using the cosmic code jurisdictions and how humanity and all leaders from all walks of life need to be cosmic conscious. George’s questions were perfectly designed for me to answer logically what the dragons were all about and how they would affect the world for the next few years.

Sad enough some people there HATE me for being real, honest, and direct and sharing the truth about some of their cosmic unconscious “teachers” Read the truth about Gaia and share, please.

I mentioned my predictions of the FED/IRS/FBI/  then the “Senior States Department Officials” secrets and restructures, what would the 2014 Arian Dragon would bring the world including the loss of 19 brave Arizona fire-fighters 18 days prior to the drama.  As usual I gave George and the audience the options to check on my UFO/ET’s predictive cosmic legacy with the following dates and prepared them all for shocking, explosive, unusual cosmic upcoming news. I also mentioned that on those dates President Obama will make the news.  Here is the July 12, 2013 article memo! 

Important note, those dates were first published to the world June 27, 2013 


“Stars Command Shock Science” 


 July 22/23/24 and August 20/21/22

Entrails Upset Spit Above
Red Fire Wind To Dance
Stars Command Shock Science
Calm Deception To Strike


Cosmos News / Nuke / Weird news / Surprises / Explosions / Shocking / Stunning /  lightning /  Unusual Humanitarianism / Discovery / Science / Earthquakes (always above 6.0) / Volcanoes / Tornadoes / NASA / Aeronautics / Technology / Television / UFO.

(Note the geographical latitude make this window operational in this part of the world!)


July 22 –   Prince Edward Island Region – 6.1
July 22 – Gansu Province 6.6

Watch this video

Quake hits northwest China; 89 dead

Gas rig explodes, burns in Gulf – Explosion?
Landing gear fails on Southwest jet – Aeronautics?
Bomb found near site of pope visit – Shocking?
East Cleverland Stunned by murders – Shocking? Stunning?
U.S. dumps bombs at Great Barrier Reef – Explosions? Shocking?
China: Disabled man set airport blast – Explosions? Aeronautics?


 George a Gemini  and a true “Messenger of the Gods” 

During the show I took some progressive questions from the audience and from the Internet then I mentioned to George that for him and Art Bell to be born in June and becoming well known radio hosts was not an accident but a cosmic order! I particularly enjoyed answering an MD question about the medical aspect of Astropsychology and why Astropsychology is the mother of all art and science.  I also informed the audience and George that I was not a psychic and I use a modified software. Then to my surprise the producer stopped the taping and asked for George to do another full re-introduction of the show.

“CNN Exclusive 07/17/13: Juror pushes for new laws following Zimmerman trial”

Most importantly I really got George attention when I told him  to be ready for a full restructure of the Judicial /legal system and THREE DAYS LATER CNN ANNOUNCED –  Juror: New laws needed my prediction made it to CNN! In fact George answer was  “This is really big Louis. “


Dr. Turi 2014 – 2016 Universal Predictions

 ”For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice…

I guess the producer realized the value of my information and decided to have part two of what he thought was an informative show. I was happy to be in a spiritual atmosphere as it was a blessing on its own. Now on to my wife’s “accident” and why she had to wear my jacket for the rest of the day.

Incidentally, Terania had to use the bathroom just after we met with George, Tom, and the Gaiam staff, and I was not there to help her zip her dress. She insisted ET VOILA!  While I was laughing my head off she did not think it was funny and hijacked my jacket for the rest of the day.  Meantime she was confined to stay in the back, in the control room with someone’s else jacket until the show was over.

But as you know there are no accidents, only cosmic circumstances unknown to the majority of humans walking Mother Earth. Thus at the end of the show, she asked one of the engineers to take a few shots of me with George and instead, we snapped this with the audience.

The crowd gathers around DTThank you to the spiritual people who drank at the cosmic code magical source that day!

Then as always, George was at the door thanking all those wonderful people who wanted a picture with him too.

 Our relationship with George and Tom has always been great, like another medi family, and will be so for many more years to come. I thank both of them for allowing me to pass on my message to the world. I recommend all my readers to watch the shows once they become available, “gaiamtv.com/george ”  The world is seriously in cosmic consciousness and the need to know the real face and tools of the creator.

I explained to George that you are a part of a cosmic matrix, you are stuck in the rational grid and all the governing elites are also part of the 99.09% of a cosmic unconscious world population totally unaware of the cosmic code jurisdiction and God’s universal will. Divine astrology offers many of you all the answers science and religions have been enslaved to answer but never did and never will…

Lastly, the next day our ride took us back to the airport and we boarded the plane… This plane was LOADED with young mothers and KIDS ALL OVER so is this another “accident” or an obvious omen that sealed the deal? This is where you the reader must use intuition… when is the last time you took a plane with dozens of babies (crying!0-**^&54890-987%43^#^784234)

Well, those cries did not bug me as much because they symbolized LIFE, the SUN, the sign of LEO, upcoming FAME, and supreme WISDOM  – Did you learn anything today? Did you create and share anything today? This is our gift to you hoping for you to raise to a higher. more sophisticated spiritual human being… Join the Cosmic Code website, become a “Cosmic Coder” get divine information, predictions, and solid guidance and show your support for the Turis family and all the children of the future.

Sad enough some people there HATE me for being real, honest, and direct and sharing the truth about some of their cosmic unconscious “teachers” Read the truth about Gaia and share please.

“Where Cosmic Consciousness is lacking; science, conspiracy and religious imagination have the wrong answers. There are no accidents, nor circumstances, only cosmic consequences the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive.”

“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth by means of his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom”


“A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order” Nostradamus


“All I have asked for is a fair scientific investigation of my work for the sole purpose of promoting man cosmic consciousness, saving time, money and the lives of many people”       – Dr. Turi

God And The Magic That is Us – The Declaration of Divine Cosmic Consciousness


Snowden – I Have The Potential To Destroy the USA!


“There are specific Universal Laws designed by God – Consciousness – is the awareness of a divine cosmic  power and use it wisely to build emotional, financial and spiritual stability!” Read the future –  Watch the future!


Dear Readers:

On June 30th, 2013 I emailed directly dozens of FBI offices with an article titled “Warning & Predictions To All US Government Officials” but it seems my “visions” are not yet accepted as a real possibility until Russia, today offered a wake up call and a serious warning to the US… All I can do is to re-affirm my visions hoping for the Department of homeland security and the media to pay attention to my warnings and acknowledge  the upcoming “Arian Draconis.


(note this is my comment not his!)

Snowden files for asylum in Russia – Putin: Snowden must not damage relations with US

Russian tanks move across Sakhalin Island on July 16.

Russia in massive war games –  North Korea ship search turns violent

It appear my  2nd SOS To The World is taking shape – Sceptre from my now FREE book Moon Power.

NEW MOON — July 8, 2013 in Cancer: With the moon so close to the earth, this specific lunation will have an important effect on many of us especially for the U.S. government and France’s festivities “La Bastille” day. Many political differences will come to the fore and the people may come to act against what they perceive as wrong. Expect the beginning or ending of important phases of your and other people’s lives (especially if you are active or were born on that day).

JULY 16/17/18


Hidden secrets sex, money come to light
Raw power challenges police deadly villains
Ugly face of death drama horror surface
Nature, man’s religion bloody folly reign


Famous Death / Dramatic News / Police / FBI / CIA / Mob / Secrets / Scandals / Wake Up Call / Terrorism / Finances / Sex / Serial Killers / Death News.

July 18


Watch this video

Cop angry over Rolling Stone cover – Police?

James "Whitey" Bulger, the reputed former head of Boston's Winter Hill Gang, evaded police for 16 years before being arrested with girlfriend Catherine Greig in Santa Monica, California, in 2011. Seen here in a 1984 FBI photo, he is facing trial for racketeering, extortion and 19 counts of murder.

Bulger ex-witness found dead – MOB – DEATH NEWS?

 City is largest in U.S. to go bankrupt – Finances?
Lawyer: IRS Targeting Went High Up – Secrets?
Tech giants call for transparency on NSA spying  – Secrets to light?
MOB TRIAL MYSTERY Bulger Witness Found  Dead at Side of Road MOB?
ACLU: If you drive, you’re being tracked – Police?
Indian cooks who served deadly school lunch say principal approved ingredients – Drama/death?
‘First thought was shock, disgust’ – Wake up call?
Top retailers turn back on Rolling Stone cover of Boston bomb suspect  – Wake up call?
Pregnant Olympian dies, baby saved  Pregnant Olympian dies, baby saved – Death News?
England, Wales set for same-sex marriages in 2014 – Sex news?
Drop in oil prices could spark turmoil – Finances?

July 17

 Putin: Snowden must not damage relations with US  Wake up call?
School lunch kills 22 kids | Photos
 – Death News?
‘King of the Hill’ actor dies at 67 – Famous Death?
Skechers pays big for butt-toning claims – Wake up call?
Rolling Stone blasted for giving rock star treatment to Boston bomb suspect  – Wake up call?
Al Qaeda branch says No. 2 leader killed in Yemen – Terrorism?
PayPal Gives Man Quadrillions – Finances?

 July 16

Mexico captures major drug lord | Who was Z-40?  Video   – Mob?
Counter-terror police arrest dozens in Istanbul raids – Terrorism?
Deadly clashes strike Egypt as new government takes shape  – Death News?
Woman dies during English Channel charity swim  – Death News?

Now back in March 26, 2012 I wrote ” God and the Fate of America!” and warned the nation of its impending fate.  President Obama’s Dragon’s Tail make this great country very vulnerable to NUKE attacks. In the Roxy Lopez radio show and Santos Bonacci radio show I gave all the information needed to understand our President’ stars and fate and this brought a lot of controversy and fears to the listening audiences.  You may also read “DR. TURI PREDICTIONS ON OBAMA’S FATE AND THE USA

All I am trying to do is to translate the cosmic code endless rites and ceremonies and the impending fate of the world by sharing my gift/curse with the world.

You elected a President unaware of God’s cosmic jurisdictions and YOU are a part of a cosmic unconscious US population; forced into President Obama’s fate for good or for worse!  There are no excuses for humanity cosmic ignorance and the penalty is real. The energetic of a sudden release of energy Aquarius Dragon’s Tail  translate into nuclear threats “North Korea issues new threat to U.S. bases” and is UNPREDICTABLE! This energy translate also into President Obama negative Aquarius Dragons’s Tail leading to the “FAA to Close 149 U.S. Airport Towers After Budget Cuts.”

President Obama Dragon’s Tail is extremely unlucky with anything and everything related to Aquarius, to technology to nuclear threats / secrets and the latest Russia development is another solid proof of my wisdom.

You are a part of the matrix, you are stuck in the grid and all the governing elites are part of the 99.09% of a cosmic unconscious world population totally unaware of the cosmic code jurisdiction. You will read and learn more in my next cosmic code newsletter where I will share the Bolder Colorado Gaiam TV studios taping experience with George Noory and insert amazing pictures of our trip! The responses from the audience following my presentation were absolutely phenomenal and surpassed all my expectations. Stand by for more.

Watch this video

Royal baby due any minute | Photos

It is my wish for this baby to come into the world without complications but the stars affecting the mother  5th house of love romance, creativity and children are  negative join me and pray for the soul’ safe entrance into this world. (the stars and fate of the Royal baby article won’t be public)

Join now


“All I have asked for is a fair scientific investigation of my work for the sole purpose of promoting man cosmic consciousness, saving time, money and the lives of many people”       – Dr. Turi

God And The Magic That is Us – The Declaration of Divine Cosmic Consciousness

If in any way, shape or form you feel there is something in my work, pass this crucial message to the world!

Why George Zimmerman Killed Trayvon Martin?


“Where Cosmic Consciousness is lacking; science, conspiracy and religious imagination have the wrong answers. There are no accidents, nor circumstances, only cosmic consequences the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive.”

Dr. Turi

Hello Readers:

Terania and I just flew back from Bolder Colorado where we had a smashing time, stand by for all the explanations and great pictures of our experience on the July 14, 2013 taping with George Noory in Gaiamtv studios. The response from the audience was much more than what we all expected and even beat all my own expectations. More details for you tomorrow…

Note this is an old “revamped” cosmic code newsletter that explain the UCI of both George Zimmerman and  Trayvon Martin, the original article was published March 24, 2012.


“Martin was fatally shot February 26 while walking to the house of his father’s fiancée in Sanford after a trip to a convenience store. George Zimmerman, a neighbourhood watch leader, said he shot the teen in self-defense.”

Note: My special email list is made up of many people working in the Law Enforcement, from simple cops to FBI agents including members of the US government, journalists, radio,TV announcers, reporters, writers, attorneys, teachers, organizers, scientists, psychologists, doctors from all walks of life, skeptics, atheists and regular friends of mine…

I made (then) a direct request to them all, offering my help to provide some  human behavioural reasons outside on conventional accepted disciplines and bring some light on this drama, but as expected NO one answered me! They are much too busy, to sceptical or my request is out of their normal jurisdiction and a good excuse to ignore my pleas… So much for those influential people’s heart and integrity in search of the truth and concerned with justice yes?

This case is now over (or it seems) and George Zimmerman  was found “not guilty.” I am so sad the cops, FBI agents, the attorneys and many others who could have helped me in my request to bring more light to the jurors did not budge.

Yes YOU are stuck in the matrix where supreme wisdom based upon cosmic consciousness is ridicule openly and sought as pseudo-science only… Did they really care about the memory of  Trayvon Martin, the victim of George Zimmerman’s UCI, his inner fears, fate, powerful emotions, the stars, the dragon, the moon etc?  But what about  Trayvon Marti’s own UCI, his cosmic biorhythms, his inner fears, his fate, powerful emotions, the dragon, the moon etc. making him another robot of the stars?   No George did not have to kill Trayvon but both, including their parents, their teachers, the legal, scientific and educational systems are all cosmic unconscious! And your elites answers is to build more churches, more courts and more jails. What about building Astropsychology schools instead and bring an end to this humongous cosmic insanity?

May be if the victim was their child or a closed loved one looking for answers and closure may be finding the real reasons behind any and all tragedies would become more pressing I am sure!  But even if the sky was to crash on their educated, skeptical heads your elites are all so cosmic unconscious they could never “connect” with me anyway. They are far too educated, far too logical far too skeptical,  far too religious and the irony is…so remote from the spirit and God’s celestial divinity that the accepting the possibilities of a higher  cosmic code jurisdictions is simply impossible and unreachable!  Yes this crowd of leaders are the least knowledgeable of what it means to be human and give  the jury or TWELVE cosmic unconscious human beings decision of life or death…

Meantime, with or without their help my goals is to offer valuable answers to future generations born spiritually advanced who one day they will  read and learn from the wisdom found in the science of  Astropsychology.

All I can tell you so far is last February 26th  the victim was on one of his personal negative window dates  (Negative cosmic biorhythms)  for 2012 and why it is crucial for anyone to make good use of my latest astrological discovery by being very cautious on those dates, indeed Martin was at the wrong place at the wrong time because there are NO accidents… Just hidden circumstances unknown to the Law enforcement Agency, the judicial system and the world at large…

Before going into the explication and exploration of  the stars at play let me remind you that currently  Mercury is still retrograde  (radio/communication/transportation) and the affairs and people of the past usually comes back into your life. Here is the memo – March 2012 Super Nova Window

A couple of days before Tom, (George Noory producer) called me, I told Terania my “Personal Lucky Window Dates” were just around the corner and with the Sun (then) in Aries (my natal Dragon’s Head) I could only expect good news. Thus using the stars it is not an accident for Tom and George to be back in my life and me reaching millions of people who were thinking about George having me on his TV show.

Note also the Tail of the Dragon has been in my 4th house (home) and somehow forced me to do some home improvement making the base of my operations quite noisy for me but this did not stop me generating my usual train of Cosmic Code newsletters… As a Cosmic Coder you get to share every move, every travel and everything taking place in Terania and I lives so you can learn how much the Cosmic Code (the stars ) dictating the human affairs. The more you read my work, the more I explain and teach the more you will build your own Cosmic Consciousness, thus if you are a newcomer join the world for the trip of your life because the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought.” Take a short trip in the Cosmic Code…


Soon after the killing President Obama said: the killing of Trayvon Martin should prompt the nation to do some “soul-searching to figure out how something like this happens.” ”I think every parent in America should be able to understand why it is absolutely imperative that we investigate every aspect of this and that everybody pulls together, federal state and local, to figure out exactly how this tragedy happened.”

And this is where you can play your crucial part readers by passing on this newsletter and make a good use of my offer to investigate the human psyche outside of the traditionally accepted box. I still doubt very much the Law Enforcement Agency will ask for my help in solving murders and depicting the working of the psyches of deadly born Plutonic soul like Jared Lee Laughner “The Mind Of A Killer” – Van Der Sloot ”Natural Born Killer”  – The FBI, Criminals and The Cosmic Code and so much more posted at on the public Dragon newsletters.

Remember also last time I was on Coast to Coast I mentioned to George Noory that the FBI was to be completely restructured and to expect more drama due to the next Dragon moving in the deadly sign of Scorpio next August 12, 2012. I also mentioned an upsurge in suicide, terrorism, death and more dramatic news and secrets to come to light…Looks like I was right again!  “First the FBI now Senior State Department officials?

 Let’s start with the UCI or “Unique Celestial Identity” of George Zimmerman.

George Zimmerman Libra born 10/05/1983

George’s UCI is typical with the Dragon’s Tail (negative) in the 3rd house regulating the mental process of the subject. Incidentally George Zimmerman  shares the same exact Dragon location as O.J. Simpson, Casey AnthonyVan Der Sloot, Harvey, George Carignan, and Robert Bundy to name a few. My book “The Power of The Dragon” has much more to offer on your and other natal Dragon. Yes and this is not an accident…

With the Sun in Libra (The scale of the Laws) Zimmerman soul’s purpose is to enforce and learn  all about man made laws making souls born in October prone to fall for the codification of thoughts and religious poisoning.

His natal Moon is in  the perfectionist cleansing sign of Virgo and the nasty Dragon in this sign breed supreme perfectionists such as Glenn Beck And Rush Limbaugh White Supremacists?

Zimmerman’s Moon (emotional response to life) is in his subconscious’ 12th house and motivated him to cleanse the entire neighbourhood of “ impurities” or anything he perceived as dirty. This Moon position enunciate living in confinement (jail/hospital) dealing, using drugs or forced into hiding in an island.

His Pluto (death/drama) is right on his 1st house (personality) and makes him part of the “Death Wish Generation” and again my book The Power of the Dragon can offer serious understanding to this born killer generation. The pull of dramatic Pluto is practically impossible to control unless the soul owns Cosmic Consciousness and was trained at an early age to apply the will. Meantime in the eternal battle between destructive emotions or fears (Pluto) and reason, such powerful deep encrusted emotions will always win.

Mars in Greek Mythology is called the Lord or war (danger/aggressiveness) for good reasons and rules his Aries 7th house (facing the public/dealing with others) making Libra very aggressive especially knowing this sign is seriously prone to any form of addictions.  Many Libra souls are born fighters and indulge in dangerous violent sports, bouncing while the young pious Libra soul will fight to the death for his particular religion.

A stellium (or many planet in one sign) is plaguing the sign of Sagittarius (foreigners/religions) afflicting  his 3rd house (the mind) his judgement and with the Tail of the Dragon also located in this sign there is a natural reluctance or animosity towards foreigners. This makes his thinking process very volatile, extremely dangerous and indeed unpredictable.

Uranus (sudden release of energy/shocking) is part of this stellium making the situation worse.

Neptune (drugs/dementia) is also in the 3rd house afflicting his mental process dictating the high possibility of using drugs which will probably surface in the future.

Jupiter (expansion) in his own sign right on the Dragon’s Tail makes him exaggerate his perception of justice and his deep fears. Lastly his Saturn (fear principle) is located in Scorpio (death) and this sign rules the Law Enforcement and the criminal world. This position stimulate the soul to fear power, gang members the government and all forms of authorities i.e David Icke conspiracy speaker. To avoid ending up controlled or victimized the soul takes on the job of becoming a local “cop” and fulfil his subconscious drive for power while enforcing the law. This could also be a perfect cover up for criminal activity.

 My explanations are real, simple, to the point and would benefit anyone working in the Law enforcement and Astropsychology should be taught at the police academy. But before the elites of the secret services must stop assuming I am yet another psychic Can Theresa Caputo Do This? and start investigating my independent work on the human psyche. In no way, the armada of traditionally educated psychologists and cop psychiatrists can enter the complexity of the human psyche without Cosmic Consciousness and will ponder of the inner reasons of what trig a born killer to act so drastically.

Because the future is the reincarnation of the thoughts, George Zimmerman was a time bomb waiting for the right-ism of his afflicted mind  to explode and kill.  The big problem here is President Obama is like the rest of the world’s population or part of the 99.09% of  political, religious, scientific leaders and teachers from all walks of life unconscious of the Cosmic Code jurisdictions. There are millions of dangerous born killers in need of understanding and controlling their UCI which will never happen unless Astropsychology is reinstated in our schools and universities and accepted as a solid discipline.  Meantime millions of dollars are wasted daily in futile researches and invested in religions, sports instead of my mission to free humanity from fear and ignorance. So rest assured with the upcoming Scorpius Dragon many more kids will suffer the same fate as Trayvon and I can only hope your own loved ones will not become part of the statistics…

When will the world finally wake up and help me  to build my first Astropsychology school?

The Victim Trayvon Martin born February 5, 1995

May God Bless Your Soul


Indeed Trawyon is another victim of ignorance and constricted into archaic religious teachings that stops humanity to  expand into the real of Supra-consciousness.

Who’s to blame now? George Zimmerman for subconsciously acting out his fearful fated stars or all his teachers lack of cosmic consciousness from top to bottom? Its easier to blame the killer than to take responsibility and point the finger to the *matrix / grid / government, your educational system, your religious institutions and the deplorable entertainment industry offering you psychic reality shows with a bunch of Born Deceptive Neptunian Psychics amusing an uneducated God fearing mass wondering Is Psychic Theresa Caputo For Real?

Don’t you think its time to educate people on the Cosmic Code on national TV  and introduce the world to God’real signs instead?

Sad enough Trayvon Martin  was born with the head of the Dragon (luck/growth) in the deadly sign of Scorpio right in his 10th house of career. This translate by fame in death…

His Saturn (career/fear) is located in the loving, sensitive sign of Pisces  making him extraordinary sensitive, artistic and a born gentle soul. Indeed such UCI enunciate the impossibility for Trayvon to own any form of aggressiveness in his body mind and soul. Just the opposite as Saturn will have lead him to a life of service to others…

His Aquarius Sun sign enunciate a very friendly, original soul and with the tail of the Dragon in Taurus in his 4th house (home) his troublesome upbringing and environment was far from being safe and sound.  His moon in Aries (competitive) made him full of life with a strong need to communicate but the moon means also the base of operation enunciating the chance of attracting fight at home or outside of the home. In this case the faithful altercation with an hateful scared high on drugs George Zimmerman.

Mars the planet of danger is right on Trayvon’s 7th house (open enemy) of the public making him prone to attract danger…His own Pluto (death/drama) is right on his 11th house of wishes and friends attracting Plutonic souls or kids involved in gang activity.

While all these auspices are very clear to any of my students and I the fact is remain that Trayvon was at the wrong time at the wrong place and this confirmed my first feeling that on February 26th, 2012, he like millions of unfortunate unaware souls who suffered a premature “accidental” death  were under a Negative Window Date.”

But little do the world know that there are NO accidents, only solid cosmic circumstances that evades even the most traditionally educated souls in charge of teaching the mystery of the human mind…Again I can only offer proofs of my claim with my own experiences that reinforce my unarguable theories.  It is during one of my own 2012 Lucky Window Dates that such a good news for me to talk to the nation explaining the Cosmic Code with my great friend George Noory and offering some answers to the public was offered to me.  I did a MUCH better job yesterday in the TV show in Boulder Colorado and you will enjoy ALL the details tomorrow…

I am not sure how many of my readers heard of Astro Cartography relocation maps discovered by Jim Lewis, well I made my own indisputable astrological discovery that points out your highs and lows for each months of the year. I am fully convinced that had the Martin or any wise parents been aware and heed my warnings, at least someone could have applied the will against the stars and control the outcome of  Trayvon’s destiny.

There is absolutely no way for Terania and I to work outside of the Cosmic Code jurisdictions and many times for safety reasons we changed our schedule. Planning in accordance to God’s celestial manifestation and his Universal will is what humanity at large has been enslaved to uncover.  Because of the economy I am offering this service, including your next 12 months ” Lucky Cosmic Biorhythms”  for a fraction of the price. Be curious this will start a magnificent spiritual voyage with Dr. Turi.

“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth by means of his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom”


Indeed the utmost obvious reason for Trayvon’s early demise is because he was at the wrong time at the wrong place, the same timing that produces natural disasters, a timing  I recognize making me CNN before CNN reflecting God celestial divinity  and how he speaks to human…

“I will tallk to you, you won’t hear me, I will present myself to you, you wont see me”


Indeed the world is in the process of raising its spiritual vibration and humanity its own Cosmic Consciousness because the God you have been trained to love, respect and fear has a very different identity you will slowly uncover with my guidance, so that safety, emotional, financial and spiritual stability can become yours for you to enjoy…

Lastly here is couple of my predictions, the first  one I made in a television program in 2006 with George Noorywhere he asked me” Louis what is the most important warning/prediction you have for us” ”Nukes falling in the wrong hands” was my answer, well before Iran or North Korea aimed for nukes development.

Watch the show, be the judge! 

Obama heads to South Korea for nuclear summit

When Whitney Houston passed away my first words to my VIP readers were she died because of drugs and on February 18 I wrote “How and Why WHitney Houston Died” well before CNN posted the following today!

Coroner: Cocaine helped kill her

Whitney Houston drowned in a bathtub, but “atherosclerotic heart disease and cocaine use” were contributing factors, coroner says.

*The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. We will not solve the problems of the world from the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. More than anything else, this new century demands new thinking: We must change our materially based analyses of the world around us to include broader, more multidimensional perspectives.”

 ~Albert Einstein* 


“if you are not happy or something is missing in your life it is simply because you do not live your destiny as intended by God through the Cosmic Code”

Ask and you shall receive!

Astrophysics,Quantum Physics and The Cosmic Code


What is Astropsychology or the Cosmic Code? Described as an art as well as a science it reflects the subtle connection between the human mind and the Universal Mind. The human ability to accurately perceive and accurately describe any person neurological inborn positive or negative traits and reactions to other human beings, beliefs, situations or events.

  ”Healing The Body Mind and Soul”

(This event is over) Furthermore, during the workshop I will put the entire audience in a semi hypnotic trance state (read more, click on the banner) to help them reach their own Subconscious and trigger/stimulate the Supraconscious extraordinary forces and tap in this unlimited amount of power. Doing so will assure you the real possibility to  bring about most of your important wishes by leading you directly to the Supraconscious creative forces so emotional, financial, physical and spiritual stability may finally become your reality.. Humanity is on the verge of breaching the incredible endless possibilities of the shadow’s threshold into the New Age of Aquarius. We are living incredible times where humanity is forced by the Cosmic Code to rise to a higher level of cosmic and spiritual perceptions where archaic beliefs must give room to endless possibilities and the reality of extraterrestrials forces and beings.

Join me in May for the workshop of a lifetime and if you did not yet watch the mechanics involved!

Join the Cosmic Code, don’t miss anything!

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi

If you host an event, if you are a journalist, a radio or TV host, a blogger, own a magazine, write for a newspaper have a website I am open for interview and all my articles are available to each and every one of you to edit and use as needed.  Please refer my work and I to anyone that needs ratings and a great show! Also a special thanks to George Noory and ALL the media people that already have (and still) offer me the opportunity to reach more people furthering my message to the world!

My website is now getting over 2 million hits a month, thanks to all of you. Thus my predictions are slowly getting everywhere and this could never be without your participation from this “special list.”  Note; while this list is purposely made up of a variety of people from all walks of life many of you own a strong position of influence in the media. For many weeks now I gave you the opportunity to check on my work and if you trust I own a part of the mysterious puzzle we call life please consider having me as a guest or generate an article about my methodology. Times are changing fast and questions need answers outside of religious or scientific accepted ”box” mentality.  I am always in demand but ready to help those you are in a position of reaching and growing and help them to regenerate mentally and spiritually.

I want to take this opportunity to warmly thanks all the great people skeptical or not because we are all only human born to learn and grow. Once more thanks to ALL the  special people and those in the media to have me on their radio/TV shows as a regular guest and ask you to do all you can to become a silent or open element by promoting my work. You are ALL a GREAT and VITAL part of my fate and helping me in my mission to free humanity from fears and ignorance.

Dr. Turi

Astropsychology, Clinical Hypnotherapy

“Your Future Is:  The Reincarnation Of Your Thoughts”

Get Dr. Turi Ebooks For FREE!

2013-MoonPower-FCvr-web Dragon Forecast 2013


Nature To Strike Hard
New Horizons Following Tragedy
Much to Fall Nothing Made To Last
Tears Pain Death A new Life For Many

Beginning / Ending of Important Portion of Life / Forced Relocation / Destructive weather  A new Planned and / or Unplanned Life For Many

Hundreds of thousands flee typhoon

CNN) — Hundreds of thousands of people were evacuated Saturday along China’s southeastern coast as Typhoon Soulik struck, where the storm was expected to bring strong winds and heavy rain.

Get the free book http://www.drturi.com/get-dr-turi-ebooks-for-free/

MOON POWER MEMO : Environment: The weather will turn very nasty in some states, and many will lose their lives and possessions. Thousands may be forced to relocate due to dramatic experiences with nature.

During the SOS window of July The ruins of the collapsed Panjiang Bridge, also called Qinglian Bridge, lie in a flooded river in the city of Jiangyou on July 9.

The ruins of the collapsed Panjiang Bridge, also called Qinglian Bridge, lie in a flooded river in the city of Jiangyou on July 9.

Death tolls climbs to 43 in China landslide

Note Asia longitude/latitude and time zone makes my July dates window accurate!

 Not Guilty: George Zimmerman acquitted in the death of Trayvon Martin, jury finds.

Are you ready for my next July 16/17/18 SOS window? CHECK IT OUT and pass it on!

Remember someone without my permission put a YouTube video titled ” Cosmic Warnings to the World for July 2013 by Dr.Turi”  without offering the general public any form of information or explanations about my predictive methodology.  The author of this video made references to the bible when I use a modified software similar to that of NASA.  IF YOU ARE A SUPPORTER OF MY WORK PLEASE GO THERE TO GIVE ME THE THUMB UP!  Fight the evil of ignorance on my side…

Thus the cosmic unconscious mass expected the end of the world or a terrible disaster killing thousands on those dates. All I was warning about is the HIGH probability for large earthquakes above 6.0 and with it the PROBABILITY of a tsunami and as usual the large quakes happened…

My windows of probability for July 6/7/8 produced large earthquakes above 6.0 and with it the possibility of a tsunami. God thanks only the large earthquakes took place… and with it many of my predictions came to pass!



7.4 – 6.6 – 6.8 & 8.2 Earthquakes Predicted By Dr. Turi

Thus I am offering my two books for free so the curious readers can go back to July 6/7/8 and READ the exact words, quatrains and keywords used for this period.

My warnings are FREE my books are FREE but the sad reality is; the evil of ignorance will always show through the vicious vile envious young souls attacks born to extinguish the spirit of light, love, respect and true wisdom… Give and you shall receive

Cosmic Warnings To The World July 2013 by Dr. Turi on YouTube EXPLAINED

Learn how I do predictions!


thanks for the books! came in really handy as i ran out or sorbent today!

.”Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, or they will trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.”

“When a true genius appears in this world you may know him by this sign that the dunces are all in confederacy against him”


Make a commitment to be happy and do not feed evil
Make a commitment to create anything big or small everyday
Make a commitment to share it with others

Cosmic Warnings To The World July 2013 by Dr. Turi on YouTube EXPLAINED

July 12, 2013


“There are specific Universal Laws designed by God – Consciousness – is the awareness of a divine cosmic  power and use it wisely to build emotional, financial and spiritual stability!” Read the future –  Watch the future!

Dear readers;


CNN) — Hundreds of thousands of people were evacuated Saturday along China’s southeastern coast as Typhoon Soulik struck, where the storm was expected to bring strong winds and heavy rain.

Get the free book http://www.drturi.com/get-dr-turi-ebooks-for-free/

MEMO FOR: Environment: The weather will turn very nasty in some states, and many will lose their lives and possessions. Thousands may be forced to relocate due to dramatic experiences with nature.

During the given  SOS window – Death tolls climbs to 43 in China landslide

Your trust is well placed in me and the timezone difference in China makes my SOS window for July perfectly accurate… Did NOA or USGS and science provided you with better predictions for FREE! It there and my gift is real!

 Not Guilty: George Zimmerman acquitted in the death of Trayvon Martin, jury finds.

Aare you ready for my next July 16/17/18 SOS window? CHECK IT OUT and pass it on!

Someone put an incomplete sample of my work on a YouTube video titled “ Cosmic Warnings to the World for July 2013 by Dr.Turi”  crediting the bible, all without my consent. In this video, the Nostradamus’ 16th century Divine Astrology methodology, quatrains and keywords I use in predictive astrology was not explained. The bible was mentioned but in reality I  use a modified software to generate my SOS To The World.

Without the proper understanding of my methodology people can only assume I am another psychic and failed in my predictions. The fact is ALL my predictions for July 6/7/8 SOS To The World took place during the given window if you take the time to acknowledge my methodology and the dramatic news that transpired those 3 days.

Please watch this explanation on how I use the cosmic code to do predictions and be prepared for  the next “SOS To The World Prediction set for July 16/17/18 – 22/23/24.” Not knowing better the viewers expected another “end of the world” or a tsunami killing thousands of people. I do not think anyone of them ever read “Harold Camping Demented Spirit” or ” David Darling and Megacatastrophes! ‘ and did they WATCH THIS VIDEO where I condemn such apocalyptic predictions?

My windows of probability for July 6/7/8 produced enunciated large earthquakes above 6.0 and with it the possibility of a tsunami. God thanks only the large earthquakes took place… 



7.4 – 6.6 – 6.8 & 8.2 Earthquakes Predicted By Dr. Turi

You have the right to be sceptical readers but the fact is ALL major disasters took place during my “windows of probability or SOS To The World” and my predictions of large earthquakes is UNARGUABLE if you take the time to check my well documented record of predictions.  and the dated emails sent to USGS and CA Seismology Institute.

If you watched this video you can now re-evaluate my work and if you think I am wrong, in time the next windows will speak for me to trust my God given gift!  I will be on the George Noory GaiamTV show on Sunday and will offer those dates to the media. Here is the quatrain and the keywords explaining the endless cosmic rites and celestial ceremonies which will translate in the news on those dates. All you have to do is to make notes and see how the upcoming news will take the colours/energy/identity represented in both my quatrains and obvious keywords. 

JULY 16/17/18


Hidden secrets sex, money come to light
Raw power challenges police deadly villains
Ugly face of death drama horror surface
Nature, man’s religion bloody folly reign


Famous Death / Dramatic News / Police / FBI / CIA / Mob / Secrets / Scandals / Wake Up Call / Terrorism / Finances / Sex / Serial Killers / Death News. 



Important note, those dates where first published to the world June 27, 2013 


Note this video did not upload properly it will soon be complete.

 July 22/23/24 and August 20/21/22

Entrails Upset Spit Above
Red Fire Wind To Dance
Stars Command Shock Science
Calm Deception To Strike


Cosmos News / Nuke / Weird news / Surprises / Explosions / Shocking / lightning /  Unusual Humanitarianism / Discovery / Science / Earthquakes (always above 6.0) / Volcanoes / Tornadoes / NASA / Aeronautics / Technology / Television / UFO.



(Note the geographical latitude make this window operational in this part of the world!)

Quake hits northwest China; 89 dead – Earthquakes?
Landing gear fails on Southwest jet – Aeronautics?
Bomb found near site of pope visit – Shocking?
East Cleverland Stunned by murders – Shocking? Stunning?
U.S. dumps bombs at Great Barrier Reef – Explosions? Shocking?
China: Disabled man set airport blast – Explosions? Aeronautics?

Another fact! On June 12, 2013, (19 days prior to the event) I shared my visions of fires, deaths and posted it to the world all I was doing was to warn my fellow human beings of what the future would bring to those families.  MEMO from the Arian Draconis – (you may also Google “Hitler spirit return to Germany dr. turi” to check on June 12, 2013 dated article on the Internet.

Prediction # 9 – A year of endless HUGE fires and record high temperatures  where many fire fighters will pay the ultimate price during my SOS To The World Windows.”  Expect a full restructure of the International Association of Fire Fighters as the ministry of environment will impose many new rules affecting National Parks.  The Same “dragon” produced  the highest air temperature on Earth” — 134 degrees on July 10, 1913, in Death Valley’s Greenland Ranch. Become a VIP there are many more for you to acknowledge.

Watch this video

May God Bless Your Courageous Souls

18 firefighters die in blaze

Is this a serious omen that you should pay attention to my “visions?’

“Where Cosmic Consciousness is lacking; science, conspiracy and religious imagination have the wrong answers. There are no accidents, nor circumstances, only cosmic consequences the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive.”

“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth by means of his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom”


“If you are not happy its because you do not live your destiny”

George Noory and Dr. Turi on Gaiamtv


 Blessings to all

Dr. Turi

Now all you have to do readers, is to seat tight and wait for the future to prove my right…



Terania-Another world.

Dear Readers:

I really love when my wonderful wife Terania gets to channel her own spirits because the depth of her spiritual message reflects our crying Mother Earth in her agonizing days.

While Terania’s message should be heeded by all, her hours of research are condensed in what the lazy mind of so many young souls; living on her back, will never be able to appreciate.

I let you now read and enjoy my soul mate’s spiritual work, dedicated to the planet.

I will also specifically ask you to click on “The Story of Terania Creek” right at the bottom of her article.


From Terania Turi

Our creation has a very individual motive just as every condition we live among, fluctuates repeatedly.

Undesirable events are the outcome of judgment’ s which can already be seen and exposed; as our universe eternal intentions are spoken clearly within the symbols of the all-present.

The only problem is that our supreme’s cosmic order is feared and ignored.

Much of this mistrust (doubt) is caused once more, not at their own fault.

But not to forget that the date of the equinox, was reversed to fit the most widely accepted civil calendar; causing the masses to forget the Julian calendar “Natural” era.

These occurrences and what I channel, is nothing but pure proof; that every “celestial” body is not just in their physical but also in the spiritual form.

This has never been a “theory” because we are all made of stars.

Theory is just what the scientists call it because they are either unconscious or paid not to expose the real, as the “Illuminat-I” keeps everything under their thumb anyways.

(i is commonly used to designate electric current = “fire” in these regimens.)

A”FALSEHOOD” title given ending in letter *I and used for the wrong application of the Draconian energy which comes from the farthest constellation of Draco – Latin for dragon” and when combining the math and symbols for the total set – preparation.

As the Great Mother says:  “ask and you shall receive.” But also “as you sow, so shall you reap.”

Unfortunately most people like to “spit fire” for no reason at all and this is where the complication lays by choice for resolution…Remember (i is commonly used to designate electric current in these regimens.)

People of any class, demanding to be be strangely enlightened, with regard to a “special” subject like ours.

Don’t think for a second you fool me because you really don’t.

I am the kind that takes a long hard look.

If  we are going to continue needing any type of support; that blessing is coming from the real partners of the USA, which is the “Secret Hand.

The help or better known as; often doubtful help… The valid Illuminat*E (calculated as the sum of the infinite series – Other Component to the Formula).

The ability isn’t only within us alone, but with the Illuminat*E; whose best participants as far up in power as we can affirm.

We all light up like the dragon and any luminary in between regardless; whereas we do need to use the power for self – defense when needed.

There is a time and place for everything.

While we have many of our decision makers in the background, who set our administration guidelines; trying to secure themselves from the general eye and who have the drive to create a subservient society, only within their ancestry…Sufficient-ally; lot of typical – everyday people do the same through their  pre-made “Unique Celestial Identity” and this becomes affected by others influence in time and space; otherwise known as the “supra-conscious.”

First you have the natural reaction and then, somewhere along those lines; you get an offset of that action, from another and so on.

Once more, please note what my husband said:

 DT: The lower physical frequency logic, rationale controls our body and is what we consider conscious but there is more to it!

Human only experience the lower frequencies except in altered states like meditation, or when a lower frequency thought is promoted to the highest frequency stimulated by the Supra-conscious and finally becomes what we were thinking all along.

In fact all that you are, all you own including your fears and ailments are the results of your conscious or unconscious ability to reach it. 

Still there is much communication out there that knows how to maneuver those unknowing masses; who can easily direct someone on a course that they want them to go.

But all blood is the same, and while everyone is open in certain areas – some are more so than others.

This is why “both sides” of light / dark need to be arguable in order to be kept in control.

To a degree, that one isn’t actually kept under another command unfairly.

Concerning this here, we have many of our mass who can’t go beyond their 5 rational senses once again…They only go by what they are used to.

Call it the ability of “Neptune.”

We live on it…Call it “Planet X.”

In other words, better known as the “Cross; “Holy Trinity (3) – Course Path.”

There is only one thin hair between pure imagination and divine information – DT

Appreciating that the development of entity, came with the first of “spring” Vernal Equinox – “Holy Arian (Aries) Water” (March – “Pisces”) March 20th;  onto the autumnal equinox; while staying secure with the flow of the tarot.

(tar – Egyptian meaning “royal” and ro – meaning “road,” such as the waterway in the arctic of “Italy” or the “French Tarot de Marseilles,” wherewith our significance switches continuously.)


Or just call it an illuminated transit for that matter.

They happen every day 24/7 acting in accordance with the tangible & uncovering the “IE” of it all, better known as “The Way It Is Law.”

Let’s just say the asserted true colors of the person setting the test are brought out; to what is perplexing to them.

Well, I am sure you have heard me say many times that we are the “Material Dragon, (made in the reflection of the universe).

At the same time, there are those like a wolf dressed in bunny, sheep or pig clothing; who will try to pull the wool over your eyes.

We’re all Moon Bunnies / Dragons and Such…

But don’t let this happen…

“IE” (The Way It is) :

Venus (goddess of spring associated with the arrival of spring) conjuncts sex-tile / Mars -Its Trine Square Opposition (with regard to the Vernal Equinox and fertility)…

As in Venus’ location within the female identity,  depicts the type of love a woman is able to offer a man.

While, Mars dictates the type of man she is *subconsciously attracted and will respond to.

Where ever your Venus (love) is located in your chart as a man this is the type of love God has in store for you and how “your soul mate” will express her true love for you.

Where ever Mars (masculinity) is located in your chart as a man, you will exert and show your masculinity.

Man and Woman also made of the same components, but it is all about placement. (I am you – You are me)

Remember the planet “Neptune” making up 2.5% of the Earth’s water being that of freshwater, and 98.8% of that water is in ice and groundwater.

For when they say; “Jesus walked on water,” then an “UNHOLY WATER” it has been; as the mass deformed what was written and that has impaired human’s ability to perceive the facts of existence.

So many are “cold and calculating -” devious, ruthless, cunning and cunningly ruthless.

For this reason, the “Big, blue Planet X – Pisces and energy of the fish” was subconsciously chosen by the Christians; to present the image of their restricted opinion.

Neptune rules imagination, deception, drugs, alcohol, all places of confinement i.e. churches, synagogues, temples, hospital, jails; making for the hell on earth.

Not to mention, that for much of it; the Middle East which also happens to be the beginning of the inexperienced and fatal communion of all.

But this is not an unambiguous strike to the Middle East or the Muslim belief only since the same Neptunian tricky influence dominates all of these countries, made up of Israel and innumerable additional ethnic groups and their specific credibility order.

In this manner, the rural areas themselves are “as a matter of usual practice,” collapsing inward and causing self – destruction as any compulsive, confused Neptunian psyche would act in the stretch of time.

At the same time, Neptune’s powerful omnipotent / misleading encounter is also understandable within the US and throughout the entire world.

Ones essential nature, having a substantial Neptune’s installation in their innate/karmic “UCI;” will behave towards their own devout subjective adversities (EX: Christian/Mormon), likewise that of a Muslims, a Buddhist or a Jew.

Once again, it’s all composed by the distinct orb* – Neptune, arranged by the all present; to cause a helpful or devastating power to create in one’s mind.

However, the sorry fact of existence; is that 99.09% of our human race is still unconscious of this “orthodox” reality and they continue to follow the current.

Luckily, DT and I have Jupiter (Lord of Luck and Wealth) in the futuristic sign of Aquarius (New Age / UFO / High Tech).

Right now, we are in the Scorpio dragon, thus in the “north node” position…One of the most powerful signs of the zodiac.

Our knowledge has it that the sun’s alignment with earth changes every 1-2 years anyway, putting forth a new type of action; affecting us all for better or worse according to the awareness about the shift.

This is the time all secrets come to light, so why not give you all something to talk about?

Note that there are “3” types of Scorpio power.

One, being the stinger Scorpion itself; the other is the lizard being in between or just as bad and then the Eagle being the most positive.

So, Scorpio rules a form of death and re-birth.

You could say we are all in some way dying (not all physically of course) but re-birthing in some way.

Like the royal “phoenix” bird, acquires new life by raising from the remains of its predecessor…The Phoenician Prince / Princesses faces its prominent opposite, Taurus the bull.

After all, the phoenix points to a potential origin of the phoenix in Ancient Egypt.

Just like DOG in SCRABBLE is “GOD.”

As they say, every word counts.

Now think of the Egyptian supreme beings who have been taken for granted, for their diverse characters; within the miscellaneous of our framework.

To being identified with the mummification and guardianship of those extinct, for their passage into the eternity.

From the capitol of everything in creation, past/present of which is moving towards the future – there have been many “gods” (whatever your beliefs may be and/or by any name); over time and as of the moment. Yet we are all earth gods “dogs” / goddesses “doges –s” in training so to speak and the cause of all affairs; when it comes to the structure, of all of our provisions for survival.

(tar – Egyptian meaning “royal” and ro – meaning “road,” such as the waterway in the arctic of “Italy” or the “French Tarot de Marseilles,” wherewith our significance switches continuously.)

Associated with the color “purple” and belonging to all the palaces surrounded and bounded by the highest Purple Forbidden Enclosures, of his/her purplish blue compass.

As its Cat’s Eye Nebula; pointing to the Eastern, Southern, Western, Northern habits; referring to our intuitive “Black Guardians, from its center sanctuary view.

Expressing their earth/air/water/fire essential features; composed upon the particular, of every seasonal – metaphysical and visible feature of the secret language system.

Yet conjoined throughout the categorization of existing and former living quarters; also extending away from the level of the galaxy and into the bareness of speed, while leading on to the way of added, coupled and diversified stellar systems.


It is from this great distance towards the top pole of the earth; that our sun goddess “Draco” (Latin for “Dragon”) and its bronze mark Alpha Draconic, aka Thuban (“Arabic for Snake” & as a name like any other, for land’s inhabitants; serving aim).

This Bayer Designation; given by uranographer, Johann Bayer (1572 – March 7, 1625); who is legendary for combining all of the trimmings of astronomy and the division of mapping the stars, galaxies, and other large – scale phenomenon on the enduring globe…As well as; kept his reason firm on this selection as the beginning, even though it may have effect on the senses; that there are larger star creatures within aka Gamma Draconian energy beings… Or we – the immortal beasts (as “Ophiucus”), aside from the planet host label.

Overall, our physique is a Compound of Everything…Supernatural, Classical Elements (Carnal / Sublunary).

It has forever been there.

The spiritual hidden dragon’s polarity representing man and the snake lost wisdom we are holding and teaching the world.

Planet X’s own X – ray image of “Draco’s Constellation;” which shows the Red animation of the brightest star spirit and its headlight, staring through the clouds; in our likeness.

Nevertheless, contrary to that of Neptune’s  (Pisces) spirit and vigor is that of Virgo.

Virgo’s symbol — the Virgin — is unique and not just one of the circle of animals, but a person.

Virgo is shown as a harvest maiden, holding an array of grain in her hand.

Virgo’s character is earthbound, attentive to beasts large and tiny from the start of life’s “waterway.”

This sign is gifted with a devious examining reflective means.

And this is where the wrong application can be applied.

Virgo is mutable with nature, thus very “green;” therefore as this vitality controls us all somewhere in our personality.

So, you don’t want to miss the forest for the trees.

That is to say, it is important not to get so focused on the details or intricacies of something that you miss the big picture or the main point.

You have to consider the details (the trees) but focus on the big picture (the forest).

Though in reverse; the age of Pisces is dying, and we are fast moving into the “New Age of Aquarius.”

Nevertheless, Pisces which rules the feet; will always remain the “sole basis” of what our planet was made upon.

We all have this illusive, but artistic stamina stemming somewhere from our “3” origins of cause and each born essential element will abide by its ability.

The bottom line is that we choose to swim upstream or downstream.

To be deceived or not; but the human spirit is the place, where its nature can’t be re-arranged by the hands of anyone.

As you know, the big picture has it that my husband and I do have direct contact with  ETs and we know that they don’t want us to make the same mistakes they might have made, when they were once on this plane.

But DT and I don’t lack much perception and/or curiosity.

While at the same time, the majority of the rest of our world is steadily unconscious of these facts; we can’t be held responsible nor take account for their actions and each must become independent (Aquarius) enough to not rely on we as the teacher or source of all information.


7. Behold, oh Lanoo! The radiant Child of the two, the unparalleled refulgent Glory, Bright Space, Son of Dark Space, who emerges from the depths of the great Dark Waters. . . . He shines forth as the Sun. He is the blazing Divine Dragon of Wisdom. . . . Behold him lifting the Veil, and unfurling it from East to West. He shuts out the above and leaves the below to be seen as the great Illusion. He marks the places for the shining ones (stars) and turns the upper (space) into a shore less Sea of Fire, and the One manifested (element) into the Great Waters.


Now, we do believe that the aliens are TOP researchers developed by many gone individual creations; absent within time and space and have no alternative really but to take the part of – maybe changing certain human DNA to make their journey from one planet to another, through intervals with no limit.

And so they chose us to deliver various messages until the Galactic federation of light orders us to stop.

They like the plurality of our world are still chasing their mental state – their own ESP or some missing part of their personal choice to gain the needed valuable knowledge in the process.

Thus, they too become like a robot.

Kept under thumb by their mental superior; to act as dictated by the universally designed “matrix.”

This is similar to today where the Illuminati are in charge of much of the population (their puppets) and they go along pulling the strings as they want.

We agree that some are going down a road of much more mechanical amazement but still allowing themselves to miss much of the soul.

They are very reasonable to the MAX.

Their essence is very realistic, though cool as a cucumber.

Many are computed  like a dimensional gearbox and only scientifically familiarized to much degree.

This is where it gets troubling.

All in the name of science, religion, conspiracy (though a lot of it is true to a certain extent)… Where there is no differentiation between the genuine authentic spirit – hidden in the cosmic code, man-made religion and your rational science is captured within the scraps.

We do have a special “UCI or Unique Celestial Identity”  to purposely “download” the tangible proof of our immediate nature or the cosmic code;  which does allow us to help humanity to a certain extent so as to avoid their “scientific” predetermined course and may be offer them some luck to turn back from the suffering they are in.

But face it, no one just joins this “DUAL” Illuminati*I (I is commonly used to designate electric current in these regimens.)

Though many still are attracted to misleading groups and the EGO becomes out of control.

Call it Hell on Earth.

It is what it is.

You are born into it and have to have the right stars – Illuminat*E (calculated as the sum of the infinite series). That is, again; the “IE” law meaning “that is” the way it is.

In other words, to genuinely under*stand the aim of purpose, along with improving the mind towards controlling its differences and being in tolerance of others.

To be truly enlightened, one has to illuminate themselves with the undeniable sophistication SUN (SON).

Who is speaking for the trees?

Who is speaking for all that is earthbound?

All is that and that is all.

An honest genie, will combine all elements; with the 12 “already made easy” liveliness in order for the real magic to happen – Fire/ water/ air/ spirit

On good terms.

You can’t have one without the other…Man/woman, front/back, up/downblack/white, yin/yang, positive/negative, the ultimate law of opposition.

That is the FOREST of it all.



Without cosmic consciousness or the complete understanding of the “signs” by their houses and signs, precisely revealing the “Power of the Dragon;” will forever be just an unreasonable job.

Thus the contemporary form of astrology approach or Oriental folklore by itself will never offer you the correct interpretation.

At the same time, connecting in the mind  and for the most part using the exceptional; yet celestial Astrology  + Astronomy + Psychology (Astropsychology), with the regimen  already advanced in age; the translation  should always relieve your doubt for the absolute explanation.


Prediction # 9 – A year of endless HUGE fires and record high temperatures  where many fire fighters will pay the ultimate price during my ”SOS To The World Windows.”  Expect a full restructure of the International Association of Fire Fighters as the ministry of environment will impose many new rules affecting National Parks.  The Same “dragon” produced  the highest air temperature on Earth” — 134 degrees on July 10, 1913, in Death Valley’s Greenland Ranch. Become a VIP there are many more for you to acknowledge.

18 firefighters die in blaze

Speaking of the FOREST, I can’t forget when my husband Dr. Turi consulted the heavens and did compatibility chart; which resulted in a winning number of many positives over any negatives.

He has never had a partner’s chart equal up to that before and I know I haven’t.

We are alike in every aspect and true soul mates.

The only resulting remark is that, there is no ending with the two of us.

My dragon’s Head in Leo sits on top of his 7th house of marriage and partnerships.

Who would want to argue with that?

I mean my dragon head is dignified in Leo who rules France and Italy.

There is no accident to be back together he said many times!

If you think that is something, the Astro-Carto-Graphy Map (Don’t Relocate Without It!) – points out, that my Venus line (love) good life, friends and hopes is right above Phoenix, AZ, where we currently reside.

In France right above the city in Provence where Nostradamus and Louis were born and get this, where my middle name “Loray” is actually a commune; within the Doubs department in the Franche – Comte region in eastern France.

Lastly, in New Caledonia, right above the city of Noumea, an exotic island; not far from Australia, where his sister is settled.

There is no accident he said again.


Terania St in New South Wales

THE SEA AND THE WORLD AROUND US…(God save the Queen / God save the fish jpg)

The most fascinating piece of the whole puzzle is that my name Terania, which my mom dreamed up, is the Terania Creek Australian Rain forest, in which I came about 1 year after the strive for its freedom was occurring.

Not only that but my middle name” Loray,” happens to be the ancient African “Mystical Thunder of the Gods” Voodoo Tribal group  of the forest; that played out on the drums all the sounds which was reflecting the cry of the people, striving for liberty during those very tragic times.

I am Terania Loray Turi and I can surely say that my inner “Tierra Nueva” has met with my water bearer for the elixir of life and together we continue to give all worldly creatures a chance…Giving off original rays of all unique rising suns.

“Go to the town and find the man with the WATER PITCHER, the sign of Aquarius to follow the sign of Pisces”…

Please click for the story of Terania Creek…



Terania Turi

SOS To The World Prediction for July 16/17/18 – 22/23/24


JULY 16/17/18


Hidden secrets sex, money come to light
Raw power challenges police deadly villains
Ugly face of death drama horror surface
Nature, man’s religion bloody folly reign


Famous Death / Dramatic News / Police / FBI / CIA / Mob / Secrets / Scandals / Wake Up Call / Terrorism / Finances / Sex / Serial Killers / Death News. 


JULY 22/23/24

Entrails Upset Spit Above
Red Fire Wind To Dance
Stars Command Shock Science
Calm Deception To Strike


Cosmos News / Nuke / Weird news / Surprises / Explosions / Shocking / lightning /  Unusual Humanitarianism / Discovery / Science / Earthquakes (always above 6.0) / Volcanoes / Tornadoes / NASA / Aeronautics / Technology / Television / UFO.

Updated July 22, 2013

TWO BIG QUAKES TOOK PLACE July 21st IN NEW ZEALAND Magnitude 6.5 and 6.9
(Note the geographical latitude make this window operational in this part of the world!)


July 22 –   Prince Edward Island Region – 6.1
July 22 – Gansu Province 6.6

Watch this video

Quake hits northwest China; 89 dead

Read Nibiru, planet changes, science and the next Hurricane! for more information on Nostradamus 16th century rare methodology! Remember I am not a psychic, I do not use a crystal ball nor sale snake oil, I use a modified software that has proven to be unarguably accurate in its repetitiveness with exact dates for earthquakes of 6.0 and above! Check the results of my previous  “July 7/8/9 SOS to the world ” and my previous earthquakes predictions.

“Where Cosmic Consciousness is lacking; science, conspiracy and religious imagination have the wrong answers. There are no accidents, nor circumstances, only cosmic consequences the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive.”

Dr. Turi

There are unseen subtle celestial laws that regulates the human experience… As mentioned so many times on George Noory show, I DO NOT predict anything, this type of “divination” is for the Neptunian born! Nature has a very specific pattern, and as much as the weather changes regularly so are the news created by nature endless devastative forces! Man made “accidents” are also part of this unseen manifesto humanity is slowly uncovering as it enunciate God’s ultimate celestial will hidden in the “signs.”

 I have so far depicted THREE obvious pattern I am trying so hard to point out to you logically using quatrains and obvious keywords… If you are new to my work, give yourself the option to upgrade psychically and a chance to build more cosmic consciousness because assuming anything about my work and I without the proper investigation is not not honoring the word science! It starts by by passing religious poisoning and its induced fears and/or challenge your traditional education and its accepted scientific disciplines! The young souls are ill fitted to upgrade their psychical vibrations and will naturally / immediately exert scepticism and critics… Just because my work is not for the feeble minded and one has to own an advanced UCI and be born smart to do so!

Life is a constant process of changes produced by an imposed, yet unseen cosmic regularity. The pattern is obvious to my Astropsychology students and I and all you need is to keep an open mind, make note and wait for the future to prove me right!

Indeed with time you will slowly gather Cosmic Consciousness and be part of this cosmic exploration depicting God’s new celestial face. We are living incredible times where humanity is ordered by the Cosmic Code (God’s will)  to speed up its spiritual process or perish within the next 50 years or so.

Just because the future has and will always be my utmost trusted witness I am asking you to make notes, to be warned and warn others of my SOS To The World Cosmic Windows.

Then comeback to read more of my explanations and cosmic teachings here and remember “Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth by means of his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom”


Please pass it on and help me warn the world of its impending fate and the endless cosmic code rites and celestial ceremonies… The same energy explained in this TV show (and predictions) is coming back to plague this world! Remember to watch the show “George Noory and Dr. Turi on Gaiamtv.com/george


Dr. Turi

Nibiru, planet changes, science and the next Hurricane!


“There are specific Universal Laws designed by God – Consciousness – is the awareness of a divine cosmic  power and use it wisely to build emotional, financial and spiritual stability!” Read the future –  Watch the future!




Climate Change Could Make Hurricanes Stronger—and More Frequent

Dear VIP Readers:


Will, Nibiru the mysterious evil planet lurking in the universe end all life on earth as we know it sometime in the future? Rest assured it won’t and I will tell you why! But first let’s talk about my latest “July 7/8/9 SOS to the world.”Someone put a Youtube video and  so far it received over 24000 hits, that is wonderful but I wish I had been contacted before and offer the cosmic unconscious public some information pertaining to my methodology so I would not be perceived as a psychic, a weirdo, a freak or a false prophet. My question to you is; did anything special happened to you those days or may be a friend of yours? Ask yourself if so many people has to undergo a “beginning or ending” or experienced an important phase in their lives the stars MUST have touched you too! Think hard, HARDER think of a UFC champion losing his title during this window is this a good example or not?


Chris Weidman Proves That the Great Anderson Silva Is Human
Beginning / Ending of Important Portion of Life

Watch this video

18 die in Moscow bus-truck crash

Deadly French train crash at Bretigny-sur-Orge

A derailed carriage at the site of a train accident in the railway station of Bretigny-sur-Orge on 12 July 2013 near Paris in France

Seven people have been killed in a train crash at Bretigny-sur-Orge, south of the French capital Paris, officials say.

Tears Pain Death A new Life For Many?

Watch this video

These examples makes sense to those who know Dr. Turi only... As a rule after watching the video and the given dates and predictions most of the people who never dealt with me expected another tsunami or a bad earthquake to take place and kill thousands… When it did not happen (thanks God) people can only assume I am a fake and give me the thumb down.

But while this window has yet again proven me to be very accurate, I am wondering how many people actually as suggested so many times right there on Youtube  took the time to; actually Google “July 7/8/9 SOS to the world dr. turi” to read about my methodology and check how many predictions took place on those dramatic days.  Those who did realized a bit more about my work and those who did not, moved on and missed the boat and with it the option to learn more about God’ cosmic signs…

Thus all I can do is to offer my regular readers, and the newcomers the options to do both.. to revisit the past and learn more about my methodology or check into the future with two new July SOS To The World.

Remember life is a constant process of changes and there are NO accidents!  Only cosmic circumstances unknown and unheeded by a cosmic unconscious world and its infantile science. Those July windows already took the lives of many unaware people, the same type energy that produced the worse of natural and/or man made disasters and the deadliest tsunamis has a regular pattern and will always comeback back to hunt human on this dense physical plane.

Using a modified software I plot the cosmic repetitive pattern that has proven me to be unarguably accurate if you take the time to decipher my quatrains and keywords which are taking the colour of the endless news plaguing a cosmic unconscious humanity.

Those “SOS To The World” windows are of a highest probability for both, man made and/or nature devastative forces being unleashed on earth.  If you are in a earthquake prone area stay clear from the water, these days will be dramatic and deadly and science will NEVER EVER give you enough time to warn you. Avoid traveling during those windows or be extremely prudent or better check your own “Personal Lucky/Unlucky Window Dates” for more protection. In “ Predictions, God, Saints, the Popes & 19 Firemen Dead” I explained why a plane crashed in SFO, the reason why a train exploded and killed so many people, why 29 firemen met with their premature deaths etc.

While our infantile science is unable to offer you reliable warnings I am offering you again those dates according to the cosmic code rites and universal repetitive ceremonies… Check previous earthquakes hits.

The next natural / man made disasters will take place on those dates!

“I do not agree with what you have to say, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it.” Thus do not shut YOURSELF to the divine, be patient, observe, learn and grow into a more spiritually refined human being! The young souls have only the right to remain silent as the future has and will always be my utmost trusting witness! 

July 16/17/18

Hidden secrets sex, money come to light
Raw power challenges police deadly villains
Ugly face of death drama horror surface
Nature, man’s religion bloody folly reign

Famous Death / Dramatic News / Police / FBI / CIA / Mob / Secrets / Scandals / Wake Up Call / Terrorism / Finances / Sex / Serial Killers / Death News.



JULY 22/23/24

Entrails Upset Spit Above
Red Fire Wind To Dance
Stars Command Shock Science
Calm Deception To Strike

Cosmos News / Nuke / Weird news / Surprises / Explosions / Shocking / lightning /  Unusual Humanitarianism / Discovery / Science / Earthquakes (always above 6.0) / Volcanoes / Tornadoes / NASA / Aeronautics / Technology / Television / UFO.

Do science know about the effect of a Mercury retrograde or will this crowd relying on formal education be curious enough to dig into the Cosmic Code jurisdictions?  Guess what, even with the full explanations and endless proofs of Mercury’s devastative effects on the weather,  those educated pin heads will never ever accept the values of the mother of all science…

All they can do is to assume or offer you this DUAL type of answer… Existing research suggests that hurricanes could become stronger but less frequent thanks to climate change. But a new study says both could happen. ” 

Not only will I give you the spiritual explanation of this formidable destructive weather  formation but an impeccable timing you will find in time in my two new upcoming SOS windows. In fact I did it with Katrina (and all others hurricanes) on George Noory,  Coast to Coast am national program but the latest one was with Sandy!  Psychic Terrorism Iran, Syria Haarp Behind Hurricane Sandy!

“Where Cosmic Consciousness is lacking; science, conspiracy and religious imagination have the wrong answers. There are no accidents, nor circumstances, only cosmic consequences the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive.”

Dr. Turi

NASA to search for life on Mars and the scientists need your”donations” to do so, guess what they get some   financial help from 78000 gullible  morons who actually believe they will one day go to Mars! Will this happen before Jesus comes back on earth to save humanity for stupidity is another question… In the eternal battle between logic/science/physics  and imagination/religions/deception /the spirit!    Indeed science ( the earth) and the spirit (religions) are constantly moving apart from each others and the separative gap is growing dramatically with each passing day.

Had both been “blessed” with Cosmic Consciousness they would understand so much more about the working and purpose of the cosmos itself and what it means to be human! But offering science and religions, the option to build cosmic consciousness and master the secrets of the Cosmic Code seems to be more for the lucky curious readers like you! Just because you are willing to dig into the divine or the archetypal realm of consciousness where all the answers science and religions, since for ever, have been enslaved to uncover are locked up!  Do you feel lucky yet  reader or am I still, much too much for your spirit in its evolutionary stages?

Again if you are new to my work, give yourself a chance! I am not a psychic, I do not use a crystal ball or snake oil, but a modified software that allows me to plot and translate the cosmic energy and how they in time, transmute into the news… My quatrains and key words are quite simple and obvious and soon, like any of my students, you will be able to discern the hidden pattern of the Cosmic Code.

All you have to do is first is to STOP assuming, READ the quatrains/Keywords and wait for the future to prove me right as you read the news. But you must challenge yourself and watch the news or at least click on the link to realize the energy I previously pointed out intellectually through the quatrains and keywords BECAME the news…

Of course earthquakes happen every day but my “SOS windows” ALWAYS enunciate quakes above 6.0




About Nibiru… if you have to trust the “Talking Heads” or the cosmic unconscious people who write, speak about Nibiru, you should FIRST check on their previous predictions (if you find any!) If I make predictions about earthquakes and offer you the unarguable proof that I predicted them, then you should pay attention and heed my warnings.  Check my previous earthquakes predictions on radio and televisions. Check my 2012/2014 predictions and what 2013 has in store  for you! If you do not find anything dated and well documented from anyone doing predictions, your psychic, your prophet, your religious leaders and all those Talking Heads are deceptive NEPTUNIANS!  and you should not listen, nor trust or endorse their nonsense.

There is only a very fine hair between divine information and pure imagination

Dr. Turi


When the ET’s built this solar system they made sure that Jupiter’s extraordinary gravitational forces would attract all cosmic “debris” before hitting human on earth! This planet is called “The great benefic” in Greek Mythology and his divine purpose is more than what your infantile science can rationally conceive or endorse.  Rest assured NO comet will land on earth and kill you all, in fact the July 1994  “Shoemaker” comets is a sure example and the proof that Jupiter’s purpose is designed by the ET’s to protect earth and their human experiments… Do not give in to fear, DO NOT FEED EVIL!  be curious, you have much more to gain LEARNING THE SECRETS OF THE COSMIC CODE with me because ET’s are very real! and so is their cosmic legacy to me!

 being the master over heaven and earth by means of his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom”


“If you are not happy its because you do not live your destiny”

George Noory and Dr. Turi on Gaiamtv


 Blessings to all

Dr. Turi

Predictions, God, Saints, the Popes & 19 Firemen Dead


“There are specific Universal Laws designed by God – Consciousness – is the awareness of a divine cosmic  power and use it wisely to build emotional, financial and spiritual stability!” Read the future –  Watch the future!

Dear Readers:

Video from the scene posted on YouTube shows dark gray smoke rising from the aircraft.

In the news during my SOS window for July 6/7/8
 Plane crash in San Francisco 

Chris Weidman Proves That the Great Anderson Silva Is Human
Beginning / Ending of Important Portion of Life?


There are only 3 sorts of human beings… Those smart born leaders, the followers and those in transition! I teach my students that’ when you make people think they love you, but when you REALLY make them think then they hate you and this classify the 99.09% of cosmic unconscious human beings on this planet. Let me give you an obvious example that will upset the born followers… Stand by for my new Youtube video.

John Paul II to be a saint, Vatican says

Rome (CNN) — The Roman Catholic Church (The Illuminati)  will declare the late Pope John Paul II a saint, the Vatican announced Friday.

There are many reasons for the Vatican to “amuse” themselves in those regular theatrical endeavours but to the smart human being its yet another masquerade to bring more revenues to a dying state. New pope gives Vatican tourism boost.

But let me try your critical thinking further, what does being a Saint mean and does a Saint have power other human do not possess? Knowing that, when business is slow, like any other business, the Vatican MUST act and bring you (and your money) there through regular advertising, thus are you really surprised when the “Illuminati” voted to elect another Saint?

After all the latest news did not help the image of the Vatican and thank’s God the 99.09% of born followers own also a  VERY short memory!

Rent Boy Scandal Rocks the Vatican Convicted Priest Exposes Vatican Prostitution RingVatican Crimes

The fact the Vatican elites are made of a bunch of smart human beings leaders and while they all are the direct representativeness of God on earth, none of them own cosmic consciousness or any form of real divinity.  In fact none of them can read the signs because as mentioned so many times before, those who pretend to be the masters in their trade or expertise are often the least knowledgeable on the subject.

So the Vatican and all its conspiratorial elites know NOTHING of God and are only after your money to survive and maintain the wealth they have accumulated (stolen) last 2000 years.

Let me explain what a real Saint is all about because kissing hands, washing feet and making the sign of the cross to bless the moronic, god fearing mass is NOT what a Saint is all about.   A Saint is someone who has REAL power, someone who can speak, read and see God in action. A saint is like a genius and…

“When a true genius appears in this world you may know him by this sign that the dunces are all in confederacy against him”


No I am not in another of my “ego trip” and I do not want you to think I am a Saint or a genius because all I do can be learned if you put your mind to it, its that simple!  When young souls classify me as a weirdo, a freak, a psychic, a lunatic you know, FEARS and cosmic ignorance reign in their body mind and soul. And this is where I ask my students to realize how spiritually advanced they really are compared to them and those lost souls have eternity to refine themselves into highly spiritual human beings.

Now, while I spend my entire existence writing and educating those in transition about the Cosmic Code jurisdictions (or God celestial manifestations), it is somehow difficult for me to be accused of trying to benefit from all the deaths and drama human are forced to endure right here on earth, or on hell.

Yes those souls are often consumed with their banal lives, church goers, riding their bikes, watching sports and immersed into a multitude of entertainments. But this is where they are at…

Now had the current or dead pope, instead of reading section of the Bible offered you with REAL guidance and predictions by warning their “subjects” of  the 19 fire-fighters’ impending fate in Yarnell Arizona, I would be the first one to run to the Vatican. This would enunciate real Sainthood, supreme wisdom, supreme power and indeed a real representant of God’s divinity on earth!

On June 12, 2013, when I wrote 19 days prior to the event my visions of fires, deaths and posted it to the world all I was doing was to warn my fellow human beings of what the future would bring to those families.  MEMO from the Arian Draconis – 

Prediction # 9 – A year of endless HUGE fires and record high temperatures  where many fire fighters will pay the ultimate price during my ”SOS To The World Windows.”  Expect a full restructure of the International Association of Fire Fighters as the ministry of environment will impose many new rules affecting National Parks.  The Same “dragon” produced  the highest air temperature on Earth” — 134 degrees on July 10, 1913, in Death Valley’s Greenland Ranch. Become a VIP there are many more for you to acknowledge.

Watch this video

May God Bless Your Courageous Souls

18 firefighters die in blaze

Is this a serious omen that you should pay attention to my “visions?’

It is only through repetitions and by forcing the FACTS down to your throats that my articles may  make sense to you, make it to the victims and offer them closure because their pain and suffering is very real.  Please Help Me Reach Yarnell’s Firefighters Families . I explained the real reasons (or the Act of God) to why they lost their loved ones and while the world is working overtime to appease their pain with donations this is MY OWN WAY of helping them. The same “cosmic energy” or Mercury the planet of communication/transportation currently in RETROGRADE MOTION responsible for  the San Francisco plane crash! But do you have any idea of what a supernova window a Mercury retrograde is all about outside of your cosmic unconscious infantile science explanations?  Read more about a Supernova window.

   I am not a Saint, I am not a genius, I am just explaining what a real Saint or a genius should be while exposing religions and the Vatican who hijacked and trapped your spirits into deep seated fears for what they are. Neptunian born souls and this is not God…

A few days ago I gave you Predictions, July 6/7/8 SOS To The World and someone even posted my warnings on You tube and the “bible” was blamed for my visions… Not so, I use a software and I explained the best way I could how to “read the signs.” I even offered you with specific quatrains and obvious keywords that would allow a child to depict the cosmic energy translating into the news for July 6/7/ and 8 STILL, your admiration, your respect, your support is going to the Vatican to honors a dead Saint?

Where is your head? where is your logic, your critical thinking? inst it time for you to WAKE UP and reclaim your spirit and the truth?  Do you want more predictions from me to confirm that God truly speaks to me?

“The stars are the elixir of life” “All great spirits have encountered opposition from mediocre minds”

– A. Einstein

Indeed God created the stars and the heavens to be used as sign so that you may lead a safer more productive life and the Vatican will never EVER tell you the truth about Jesus initial cosmic ministry and the “Dead Sea Scrolls Secrets” divulging ALL religions direct connection with the Cosmic Code, the signs, astrology are NOT for you!  So next time you hear the word Saint or if you wonder about what it takes to be a genius, challenge yourself and kick your fears away!

One more time, remember the rules when someone makes you think, you love that person but when someone like Dr. Turi who really makes you think, chances are you will hate him because you are now forced to think outside of your comfort zone and asked to grow up mentally and spiritually.

I am as sad and as upset as you are with the loss of 19 courageous firemen, the fact IS I prophesied it and shared it to the world andit is for ever posted on the Internet to remind you it is NOT post-dated.

My supporters and I did all we could to warn ALL OTHER FIREMEN  and my emails reached so many politicians and people in position of power that could make a difference for me to reach the media. But they did not and will never budge because they are all true cowards at the core and will not take a chance with my predictive gift! No one will help you, especially no them, so please after acknowledging all the facts of yet another obvious premonition HELP me reach all firemen because the Arian Draconis is after them all. This is just the beginning, I am not a fear monger, I am here to warn you and I need you to help me save lives that’s all.

Meantime in all the rites and cosmic repetitive ceremonies I am offering you with the following predictions and I will be there to help you rise to a more sophisticated, spiritual caring human being. Life is a constant process of changes, its now time for humanity to wake up to God’ cosmic identity and Jesus’ initial cosmic message and I am here to lead you all the way back to the stars, where as a child of the Universe you came from.

“The future has and will always be my utmost reliable witness”

Dr. Turi

July 16/17/18

Hidden secrets sex, money come to light
Raw power challenges police deadly villains
Ugly face of death drama horror surface
Nature, man’s religion bloody folly reign

Famous Death / Dramatic News / Police / FBI / CIA / Mob / Secrets / Scandals / Wake Up Call / Terrorism / Finances / Sex / Serial Killers / Death News.



JUNE 22/23/24

Entrails Upset Spit Above
Red Fire Wind To Dance
Stars Command Shock Science
Calm Deception To Strike

Cosmos News / Nuke / Weird news / Surprises / Explosions / Shocking / lightning /  Unusual Humanitarianism / Discovery / Science / Earthquakes (always above 6.0) / Volcanoes / Tornadoes / NASA / Aeronautics / Technology / Television / UFO.


All Truths evolve through 3 Stages of Consciousness…
First, they are Ridiculed,
Next, they are Violently Opposed, and
Then, they are Accepted as Self-Evident!

 *The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. We will not solve the problems of the world from the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. More than anything else, this new century demands new thinking: We must change our materially based analyses of the world around us to include broader, more multidimensional perspectives.”

 ~Albert Einstein*

“If you are not happy its because you do not live your destiny”

George Noory and Dr. Turi on Gaiamtv


 Blessings to all

Dr. Turi