The Reasons Why Paris Jackson Attempted Suicide



 ”For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice… If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future! 


Paris Jackson investigation ordered – My article has all the answers the judge needs to understand Paris, but a cosmic unconscious judge is as good as the doctors and the council she gets from all those “educated” experts who lost the spirit! Read also The Real Reasons Why Two N.Y Life-coach Radio Hosts Committed Suicide

Dr. Turi I just heard on TV that Paris Jackson (Michael Jackson’s daughter) attempted suicide. She cut her wrists with a meat cleaver and took an overdose of over the counter pain meds. Apparently this wasn’t her first attempt at suicide either. So sad. Her date of birth is 4/3/1998 in case Dr Turi would like to check her UCI.


Dr. Turi;

Dear readers; I have decided to offer the public yet another educational sample of my cosmic code newsletter because  a child’s life is in jeopardy…With millions of kids dealing with Paris on Facebook and Twitter I can only hope for one of them to reach her for me and bring some light into her desperate action and help me to help Paris Jackson before its too late!

Using the science of Astropsychology I will elaborate on the cosmic reasons why Paris Jackson responded to her very vulnerable UCI. As always those cosmic unconscious traditionally educated  souls who pretend to be the experts trying to teach our children what it means to be human are far from understanding and appreciating the therapeutic values found in my 63 years of independent research on the human mind and its application in today’s world.  While I can not divulge all the ramifications of Paris Unique Celestial Identity all I can assure you she is like 99.09% of unconscious human being walking the hearth neurotically, subconsciously responding to the pull of her stars…

Paris was born with gloomy depressive Saturn (solitude) and Mars (danger/sharp instruments)  in her first house located in the sign of Aries.

Her moon (emotions) are regulated by the moon (moody/crabby/lunatic) and when she hurt herself, as anticipated she was under one of her ” 2013 Negative Dragon Window Dates” seriously reducing her will to fight the depressive moods she regularly suffers.  Most of all her natal Dragon’s Tail in super emotional, illusive, artistic sign of Pisces and to make the situation worse the Dragon resides in her 12th subconscious house cursing her to an unworldly supremely fragile and emotional nature.  Paris, like your children readers is depraved of regenerative spiritual material in a world that has lost complete faith in politics, religions and science and your children voices are not heard…

But there is more readers, currently the Scorpius Draconis is right in her 8th house of death but what all this “cosmic garbage” will ever mean to those teaching your children when they are themselves totally oblivious of the divine and lost the spirit for the rational scientific books they oblige by?

Dr. Turi’s Proposition for Discussing Spirituality in Schools

Don’t invest on Mars but on Dr. Turi’s Astropsychology Schools

This was my simple diagnostic but our cosmic unconscious science will repeat the same HUGE error “performed” on her famous dad Michael Jackson and already prescribed Paris a regiment of anti depressants. In the name of ignorance the prognostic for Paris is not good, this poisonousness will assure a slow decaying spirit and when the starts again align as they did a few days ago, Paris will make international news for succeeding in committing suicide. But like all the lost souls out there, she is depraved of the healing cosmic fluid needed to combat the “monster” which is consuming her spirit.  Her UCI is of a gentile, wonderful loving nature but souls like Adam Lanza and so many other now dead or jailed “monsters” took others with them in their misery!

The spiritual greatness of the Universe is unknown, this Divine source of power can be used to guide and bring man a life filled with love, respects, peace and harmony.

 — Dr. Turi

She is desperately crying for help and its so sad for me (and my students) to be the only ones hearing her desperate calls for someone to regenerate her spirit. Paris is yet another victim of a rigid system run by science an deficient educational system and deceptive religions unwilling to give Dr. Turi a chance to save ALL the children from harming themselves or others by turning into monsters…

No problem can ever be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it. If we are to put an end to the insanity that has a death grip on our collective sensibilities, then we all need to move to a higher level of consciousness before it is too late.

If you are a concerned parent or a teacher please TRY to get my message by taking some of your precious time to watch this You tube video and if you agree with me become a Light Fighter. Something is obviously very wrong with this system and this system will never budge and by doing nothing you already signed up for the demise of your children spirit. My vision for this world does not have to apocalyptic, this is for those who have already given up or those unwilling to fight the evil force of religious fears and cosmic ignorance.

U.S. Select Committee on Intelligence ranking member Sen. Saxby Chambliss on November 16, 2012.


CNN) — Representatives from both political parties on Tuesday slammed U.S. Sen. Saxby Chambliss after he said that hormones may be partly responsible for sexual assaults in the military. His controversial comments came during a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on the subject. Addressing top military officials, Chambliss, R-Georgia, said: “The young folks that are coming into each of your services are anywhere from 17 to 22-23. Gee whiz — the hormone level created by nature sets in place the possibility for these types of things to occur.

Watch this video


Top brass grilled on sexual assaults


Prediction # 18.The Dragon’s Head in Scorpio, (corporations), will offer tremendous opportunities to the rich getting richer while secret terrorist groups gain more power aiming for nuclear technology. The urgency will come as a secret/surprise for many unaware people.  Sexual / technological / nuclear secrets coming from the Army and the Navy* 05/08/2013 ‘Unwanted’ sex for 26,000 troops (or caught spy) will come to the light. Serious possibility of restituting the draft due to foreign power nuclear threats will become a high probability. Nothing will be kept a secret for long and all will be exposed to the public.

There is only a very thin hair between Divine information and pure imagination, where Cosmic Consciousness is lacking; science, conspiracy and religious imagination have the wrong answers. There are no accidents, nor circumstances, only subtle cosmic consequences at work the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive.”

Dr. Turi

Yes readers, these are your political leaders, your educational and religious elites, a firm example of how far humanity has gone away from the spirit. NO there is no genes responsive for being an ADD, a ADHD, Gay or lesbian, no there are NO genes leading to sexual assaults NO gene responsible for breeding  criminals and lastly NO there is NO gene for MORONISM!  All there is a “UCI or Unique Celestial Identity” making all human ROBOTS of their karmic stars.

Keep ignoring God’s celestial rules, keep laughing at the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, keep ridicule the work of all erudite men, keep distancing yourself from the divine and Dr. Turi and witness my prediction of  suicides become a reality.

*The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. We will not solve the problems of the world from the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. More than anything else, this new century demands new thinking: We must change our materially based analyses of the world around us to include broader, more multidimensional perspectives.”

 ~Albert Einstein*

Ride Your Dragon Or Let Him Ride You To Suicide – Explaining why Army/Navy suicides hit record level

 Date of predictions – 01/01/2009

From Prediction page 3 – America, born July 4th 1776, will receive the Dragon’s Tail on her 12th house as of March 2011 forcing a total re-structure of the working force and its basic physical organizations. On a spiritual US / world meaning this dragon will induce a serious increase in mental problems (dementia / depressions / schizophrenia etc.) where medications will make the situation worse. Expect dramatic news and a serious increase involving suicides. 

Life-coach radio hosts commit suicide

New York (CNN) — Two life coaches who hosted a radio show called “The Pursuit of Happiness” apparently committed suicide together in their Brooklyn apartment, police said.

 If you are not happy its because you do not live your destiny!

The World Do Not Lie About Dr. Turi’ Services

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi

The World Do Not Lie About Dr. Turi’ Services


Or send me a direct email with your support I will add you to the long list

Celebrity Astrologer

Please send me a direct email with your support at

 Added: Sat, 8th June, 2013

Submitted by
Name: Austin
Dr Turi,
I want to thank you for giving me direction at a very important time in my life. God directed me to you and your Cosmic Consciousness. It feels like I finally came to the right place. I look forward to exploring more about the Cosmic Code and the Astropsychology that you are teaching. I have gained some wisdom.  Thank you so far, I look forward to learning more and hearing more…..

Added: Wed, 6th June, 2013

Submitted by

Name: Shirley Morales

Dr Turi, It is divine intervention to have heard from you and got the most amazing, eye opener reading and counselling. I am so happy to have learn and confirm many aspects of my life mission. I am becoming an student and spreading the word about Cosmic Consciousness.
Thank you very very much!!!!!….

Added: Wed, 5th June, 2013

Submitted by

Name: jaeson William Boyce
The pearls of wisdom from Dr.Turi are real. Many, many thanks to you for sharing them with those that have an open mind. The benefits are wonderful. Thank you very much…..

Added: Wed, 5th June, 2013
Submitted by

Name: E. T. Webber
I just had a live Skype reading with Dr. Turi today. He explained all of my planets clearly and what they really meant and represented with regards to my life. He explained their importance by position and house, which really helped me to appreciate my chart in way I couldn’t before. I understand now what to pay attention to with respect to the Moon and my personal astrology. He explained details and progressions about my life with amazing accuracy. He provided keen insight into my past lives that I was unaware of. The tarot reading at the end was astonishing. He allowed me to ask several questions of my own at the end which helped me immensely. Dr. Turi was as professional as he was insightful. I 
couldn’t be more thrilled! Thank you Dr. Turi! I look forward to receiving more of the Cosmic Code and your wisdom in the future! Outstanding!….

Added: Wed, 5th June, 2013

Submitted by

Name: Rose
Just finished a Sype reading with Dr. Turi. WOW! It was a little freaky. He was dead on though he read me to a tee. I can see how not being aware of the stars has impacted my life. I will not let that happen again. I look forward to becoming a student and taking control of my future by becoming cosmically conscious. Right on Dt. Turi and thank you for all you do!….

Added: Thu, 30th May, 2013
Submitted by
Name: Margaret Fargher
I look forward to your letters and am amazed at what you say ,,,What comes true,, But how strong you are.. You voice you knowledge out loud and to hell with others think of you.. I like that.. So keep going……

Added: Thu, 30th May, 2013
Submitted by
Name: Dr Brian Faul
From Gods lips to man’s ears.That’s Dr Turi in a nutshell.The words of wisdom that part from Dr Turi is a profound and unequal revelation from the heavens above.Come all he who seek to hear the undiluted truth.Drink from this never ending fountain of wisdom…..

Added: Wed, 29th May, 2013
Submitted by
Name: Liz Oertel-Connors
I want to thank Dr. Turi and Terania for the information, direction, light and love they bring to this world. Dr. Turi’s teachings have certainly changed my life for the better, and by sharing it with other people, I have been able to change their lives for the better too. His prediction record is unbeatable as well. EVERYONE should be aware of his work.

Added: Wed, 29th May, 2013
Submitted by
Name: Beverly
I just want to thank you Dr. Turi for all you do for all of us, your truly a Master of all you do.. your help, guidance and trying to help people understand.. all the answers are in the stars. I for one do appreciate your precious time in dealing with all walks of life, trying to help them see. I so look forward to getting another reading from you sometime soon. Please Dr.Turi don’t ever leave your loyal listeners. You are the Best ! ….

Added: Tue, 28th May, 2013
Submitted by
Name: Jaeson William Boyce
Bout The CosmicCode/DrTuri website;It is jewel of information and educationfor all of us.A true understanding of the stars and how they effect us.Divine Astrology should be taught in all schools. hank you, Jaeson…….

Added: Tue, 28th May, 2013
Submitted by
Name: Sandy Saccomanno
Thank you Dr. Turi for a transformative reading — love your passion and integrity. The info was super helpful. Hugs, Sandy….
Added: Sun, 17th March, 2013
Submitted by
Name: Maria
I had a mini reading with Dr Turi recently. I was
amazed at how accurate he was. I was told things that only I would know. I am truly thankful for the insights I received. It has made things clearer for me. Blessings…..

Added: Sun, 17th March, 2013 
Submitted by
Name: Michael Arnett
Dr Louis Turi is the real thing.
AUTHOR: Michael – Las Vegas (USA)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, March 16, 2013

I met Dr. Turi at a UFO conference in Las Vegas. I had a reading with him, more out of curiosity than anything else. He was very pleasant and polite and asked that I only give him my first name, which I did. He then started telling me about my life, my occupation, my problems with my business and problems with my marriage. Everything he told me was accurate about my life like he had lived it with me. I had a special feeling with him like he is very for real and a very unique individual. When he told me about my occupation, he was a little confused, not because he couldn’t see what I did for a living, he just didn’t know what to call it. He said he saw me with tools and electronic equipment, but he also saw me in a hospital with beds and monitors and stuff. When I explained to him I was a biomedical engineer and worked in hospitals on medical equipment , it all made sense. All this information came from me just giving him my first name and birth date. I was amazed and to this day I am very happy I made his aquaintance. I know of many other people who have had like experiences, some of them life changing. Dr. Turi is for real and anyone who says different, is basically not ready to hear the truth……

Added: Sun, 17th March, 2013
Submitted by
Name: Susan Swain
Would love to learn more about your process and how to read our stars. To attend your workshop in AZ how long is it? It looks like it begins in April and ends in May on your website do you already have to understand astrology. Because I don’t know much, just that you really resonate with me and I truly believe and have felt this way since I was a child, that our religions were a way to control the masses, and not all about our betterment as a human species. What you say about our source and the stars have our answers sounds like a logical step in our process to understanding were we come from. When you teach people the process, are they able to predict things coming in the future, as you are so incredible at doing? I hope that someday you can teach a course in a university, and I would love to learn more and share my knowledge with my kids and grandkids. Best wishes in light & love. ….

Added: Thu, 14th March, 2013
Submitted by
Name: Lorace Boydstun
Thanks for the wonderful presentation you gave with Santos Bonacci. I couldn’t get enough and it was over too quickly. I felt it within so it must already be within me from sometime past but I want to uncover more you have to offer. Thanks for your website and offers. I am in my eighties but finding truth never ceases. ….

Added: Sun, 10th March, 2013
Submitted by
Name: Yvonne
Mr Turi!
I have just listened to the download from your “How to Unleash Your Psychic Power”!
Now, I send you my deepest appreciation and thank you from deep within my soul. Thank you for sharing all the words you spoke, and the truly wonderful experience I got during the meditative trance. Thank you for being a part of my life experience! I am so grateful!
All the best wishes, light and love to both you and your wife !
Sincerely Yvonne….

Added: Tue, 26th February, 2013
Submitted by
Name: bonnie elizabeth
i heard your show with santos bonacci. i would also like to learn to become a cosmic coder. i am a near empty vessel – with much internal darkness ….

Added: Sat, 23rd February, 2013
Submitted by
Name: Frank Antonio Busby
My attitude is gratitude!….

Added: Wed, 20th February, 2013
Submitted by

Added: Mon, 11th February, 2013
Submitted by
I had full reading done in the 90′s. It was very fulfilling and complete. It is an eye-opening document, which leads to KNOWING, hence I can change the negative, as I’m aware.
Sincerely, Suz/Shadow….

Added: Wed, 6th February, 2013
Submitted by
Name: Kate Campbell
Hi Dr Turi,
I want to thank you for giving me direction at a very important time in my life. The Universe answered my call in directing me to you and your Cosmic Consciousness. It feels like I have found the truth that I have been seeking. I look forward to exploring more about the Cosmic Code and the Astropsychology that you are teaching. Prayers answered and wisdom gained. I feel like the winner!!!
Thanks to you and and your lovely life partner!

Added: Mon, 14th January, 2013
Submitted by
Name: Julie Bleicher
Dr Turi,
Happy new year!
You are absolutely fabulous. Anyone who doesn’t see or realize this are asleep. They can’t recognize a wake up call…and maybe in ‘this’ lifetime of theirs- its not their time?! You know?! Over and over you always prove yourself. You are it! I’ve followed you for years and won’t stop- EVER! Just sending you and Terania my thoughts of appreciation and a salute to you and the Cosmic Code!
All the best,
Julie Bleicher….

Added: Sun, 6th January, 2013
Submitted by
thank you.keep on doing your good work. ….

Added: Sun, 30th December, 2012
Submitted by
Name: Debra Sholly
Hi Dr. Turi and Terania!
First of all I want to thank you so much for the reading you did for me last year at this time! It had so much wonderful information in it and I have have been following the advice you gave me around my business and home life as this is where the dragon is residing for me now. The tail is in my career house and head in the home area. Since I work out of my home this is perfect for me. I hired a business coach this year as I am very creative, intuitive and in the healing field and didn’t know quite how to promote myself. The coach I work with is so awesome and helping me step by step to get my business up and running. I now have a website that is very functional and getting ready to do a free teleclass on Dec 22nd! I must say Louie that learning from you as been one of the true blessings in my life. Having the head of the dragon in Aquarius and stretching myself in that direction is bringing so many wonderful gifts to me. I have been asked to be on a local TV show this week and speak about astrology!! How exciting and timely this is with the launch of my website and also I will be promoting my free class(On the Mayan calendar and Astrology) so people will have a chance to connect and experience me and my work! I write this to you so you will know that you are making a difference in the world and that you and your work have had a huge positive impact on my life!! As one of your students I am proud to share this incredible knowledge with whoever I can!!
PS: I would love it if you would do an advanced class for those of us who can’t get enough of the awesome knowledge you have!!! Happy holidays and may this next year bring you and Terania much love, joy, prosperity!….

Added: Wed, 12th December, 2012
Submitted by
Name: Joy Ryan
Thanks for sharing your knowledge. Look forward to learning each week!

Added: Tue, 11th December, 2012
Submitted by
Name: Olivia Soleil
I came across Dr. Turi via FaceBook and a posting of the Camelot youtube videos. I began to read Dr. Turi’s newsletters and joined the Cosmic Code with Dr. T. I knew in my heart of hearts he would tell me the TRUTH. I had my very first reading with Dr.T on December 5th 2012. Dr.T, your insight and wisdom unveiled the truth about who I AM. All of what you shared resonated deeply. My amnesia-like state of mind caused me to live, to BE, unconscious. Unaware of my metaphysical powers, I unknowingly employed them. Subsequently creating great suffering and insurmountable obstacles. Now that I KNOW better, I will unquestionably DO better.  Mrs. T, thank you for your insight. I am eternally grateful to you and your husband for telling it like it is.
Many, many thanks,

Added: Mon, 10th December, 2012
Submitted by
Name: Christopher Blair
12/28/1971@3:33PM. Helena, Arkansas Tell me something about myself Dr. Turi, and I will become a VIP. Thanks. C.B…..

Name: Shaurya
I had the privilege to have a session with Dr Turi and it was a life changing event for me. He not only tells you the potentials in your future and your strengths and weaknesses, he also provides you tools as to how to deal with that. In my case, he even told me the place where I have to move if i want to have optimum support for my efforts. He is rare gifted teacher who uses a lot of methods much finer than the usual traditional astrology. I advocate the sessions or books to anyone who want to have more Light and Guidance in their life. Thanks a lot Dr TuriShaurya from Mumbai, India….

Added: Tue, 5th June, 2012


Submitted by
Name: jody jenkins
Just had to tell you all about the wonderful life reading I had on Friday with Dr. Turi. He gave my soul the food it needed to badly. I felt as if I could breath again. I have been with him for almost 4 years and my dream was to have this life reading. He has given me the knowledge and direction I needed. He also opened my eyes and mind more than I thought possible. He is and always will be my connection to the stars. I could go on for hours but won’t. Just know this. If you haven’t had or thought about joining him and sweet Terania. Please do and expand your soul and life with all his work and books. I know I plan to do more with him so I can teach my grandson. Start early with the kids. The better our world will be. Life is learning and Dr. Turi will make you wanting more. It’s never to late to start. Join the VIP Cosmic Code today. It’s something I go to everyday. Love to all. Jody….

Added: Mon, 7th May, 2012


Submitted by
Name: George Hopkins
DR. Turi, Thank you, right on in many ways. Now with accurate information I will be more aware and will benefit in many ways.
Moving today. Thanks again. G

Added: Wed, 2nd May, 2012


Submitted by
Name: Damaris
Well it could take forever, I have so much to say.
I will keep it short and sweet. Coincidence is but the synchronize dance that the universe offers when we ask….and I was given. Dr. Turi thank-you for taking off the veil. for showing me, thru your knowledge all that I have deep,deep inside me, and already knew to be true. The confirmation, the turning on the lights, signaling the way almost poetic. You and Terania are such beautiful people. I know I have new friends and guide. To top it all up I’m at a site that’s bearing the name of my dream business and promotes the things that I want to offer. El Ave de Fenix Retreat and Spa. In the beautiful mountains of the Domincan Republic. How beautiful is that. You are definitely meant to be in my life for the better. Thank you again for the inspiration. And I know soon to be a student of yours.
With love and admiration
Damaris ….

Added: Wed, 2nd May, 2012


Submitted by
Name: Rita Canavan
Dr.Turi seems to be a good man, I called into a radio program and spoke with him, immediately upon hearing my name and voice he pulled from me my deepest struggle regarding my relationship with a family member and told me I needed to heal that. I’m still trying and consider what he said to me each day….Thank you Dr.Turi…..

Added: Sat, 21st April, 2012


Submitted by
Name: Neil Porter
A great teaching as to what really matters In life and how we can interact with space to make a better world for the world herself and every being living upon her. Read with great love and a strong passion to help others. Love and light to all. Thank you Dr Turi, We will keep In touch, thankyou my friend :) ….

Added: Sat, 14th April, 2012


Submitted by
Name: Wayne Dillard
Excellent insight, strong advice on challenges and issues. Very informative reading. Thank You! Wayne….

Added: Fri, 6th April, 2012


Submitted by
Name: Barb Bonaparte
Looking forward to an exciting adventure of new and enlightening knowledge…….

Added: Fri, 30th March, 2012


Submitted by

Added: Thu, 29th March, 2012


Submitted by
Name: Jeanne
I just listened to you on C2CAM and love your positivity…..

Added: Thu, 29th March, 2012


Submitted by
Name: Sharon Halstead
Dr. Turi rocks! He hit the nail on the head again — 2012 Moon Power (issued 12/2011) stated that large earthquakes near Mexico City would probably be felt during period March 16-20. March 20 – 12 noon – 7.4 quake near Mexico City…. how more accurate can one be?….

Added: Tue, 20th March, 2012


Submitted by
Name: Debra Sholly
Dr. Turi,
What and where would our world be without you? Thank you for the incredible knowledge you bring to all of us. I am a student since 2007 and this knowledge has helped me grow in untold ways. I now watch the stars in action all around me. Every reading you have done for me has been life changing! You bring to light so much information and generously share it to further the consciousness of the world. I so appreciate and respect who you are and the enormous task you are doing to help the people of this world. I send you a huge thank you for all that you do! You are an incredible loving being and an awesome teacher! Keep up the good work. Our world needs your wisdom!!
Debbie ….

Added: Mon, 12th March, 2012


Submitted by
Name: Thomas Loyd
Dr Turi is a phenomenal person and his reading for me was spot on in everything. I really didn’t have any questions to ask him after he finished because it was accurate and complete.My only caveat to you getting a reading/personal product done with him is to at least read some of his materials or information that he puts out so that you can understand why his readings are done the way they are. These aren’t like going in and sitting with your astrologer or psychic. He does a full astro-psychological profile on you that channels everything accurately.I fully endorse him and would encourage you to do so too AS LONG AS you go into it doing your homework and having a basic understanding of the Universal Code and his methods and how they mesh together to give you a full picture of you and your UCI.Oh yeah, Dr Turi is also an absolutely cool person too!Thanks for everything Dr Turi!

Added: Sat, 10th March, 2012


Submitted by
Name: Sharon Moreno Barnes
Dr Turi i want the world to know i did a life reading with you before i made my move to miami.Every thing you say will happned is happening for me.I am so happy with my life right now and i give the blessing all to you.I am a truly beleive in your work and wish more people will. Please continue to do gods work my blessings to you and your wife. You are so lucky to have her she is an insperation to us all.May peace and love be with you two always. ….

Added: Wed, 29th February, 2012


Submitted by
Name: Darrow
Anyone who can get through MY defenses must be pretty special. Mr Turi is like nothing else out there so please take time to stop by and don’t let preconceived ideas get in your way. True blessings on all reading this, see you in there!!….

Added: Fri, 17th February, 2012


Submitted by
Name: Chris
Thanks Dr. Turi you are Awesome! Love your work….

Added: Mon, 13th February, 2012


Submitted by
Name: sharon Moreno-Barnes
Iam a true belever in Dr Turi’S work.I do hope more and more people will trust him.By his guidance i was able to make the best decission of my life.He is the true one to follow.I am in the process of getting my children to do the same.Dr Turi you are truly a God sent am only in Miami one month and i got the best paying job ever.Thank you for everything and i will contiue to support your work always. Love and guidance to you and your wife. LOVE SHARON ….

Added: Wed, 1st February, 2012


Submitted by
Name: Marlena Lujan-Pomelow, D.D.S.
Thank you Dr. Turi for such a wonderful experience! I am still trying to digest all the information and I look forward to receiving my taped skype conversation with you! We need to educate our children about the stars so they can be molded to their true potential!! You are indeed an inspiration to the world!
Thanks again!….

Added: Wed, 11th January, 2012


Submitted by
Name: Don and Ingrid Hollis
We wanted to endorse Dr. Turi as having such a rare gift of divining predictions through his gift of Astropsychology, both personal and universal. He truly is CNN before CNN.
We had the pleasure of hearing him speak in person at a conference in Sedona the summer of 2001, and he predicted the religious war on the USA coming from the middle east and the start of a war where our soldiers would be coming back in body bags. Of course this was upsetting to hear, but imagine when the prediction came true shortly after hearing it in person. He had our attention after that for sure.
Through the years he has been spot on with his yearly predictions and warnings. He predicted the Asian tsunami, the economic collapse and restructure of the USA and world finances, just to name a few. Our lives have personally been affected by the same trends and his readings have helped us steer clear of dangers and helped our lives work in a positive manner. We are very grateful for his timely wisdom and guidance.
We have included his website so you can see first hand the kind of work he is doing.
Please consider him as the TOP seerer extraordinaire!

Added: Fri, 6th January, 2012


Submitted by
Name: Nancy
Thank you Dr. Turi for your time and sharing your gift with me. So much of the information of my life that you informed me of, via the stars, was a true yes from my most inner knowing when I heard it. I look forward to educating myself further in the stars, and having mentors like you to assist in my journey. Thank you and Many Blessings. ….

Added: Wed, 4th January, 2012


Submitted by
Name: Cheryl Noble
I have been studying with Dr. Turi since 2006 or 2007. My new move back to the states worked out smoothly because I followed his work. I have the answers to a lot of questions I have had since youth. Somethings I was already doing that he teaches, did not have a name for it then. I wish Dr. Turi all success as he has studied to show himself approved. He has shared his knowledge freely to educate us to a better way of living…..

Added: Fri, 23rd December, 2011


Submitted by
Name: Lizzy
I had the fortunate opportunity to meet Dr. Turi through his former wife. Even though they parted ways years ago, she still speaks highly of him and his abilities, as I soon discovered for myself. In 2010 he did a full life reading on me and told me that in March 2011 I would suffer the most physical and spiritual battle of my life. Unfortunately he was correct. In March 2011 I was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 34, and months before my husband left our family and I was still dealing or more appropriately, not dealing with the issue. I think rather logically and while there may be some merit to psychic ability, I can not find comfort in it as a tool to guide my life. However, Dr. Turi utilizes a scientific approach – the cosmic consciousness- which I find to be undeniably true and I can trust its predictions because they are based on applying logic and reason to universal laws. I look forward to learning more and am grateful that I met Dr. Turi. ……..

Added: Sun, 18th December, 2011


Submitted by
Name: Crystal
It’s been a long time away from reading your work. Been so busy! Nightmares have been happening, and I’m hoping that when I order your work, it comes as quickly as possible… Don’t know how much time I have left in the world with all the horrible things happening all around here lately…….

Added: Mon, 12th December, 2011


Submitted by
Name: Doletha
Looking forward for the learning….

Added: Sat, 10th December, 2011


Submitted by
Name: Gail Stevens
I love your analysis, on people. I have learned alot. Perhaps, you could publish, Christoper Everard and Michael Tsarion natal charts. Their videos, are really informative. What makes them tick?….

Added: Tue, 6th December, 2011


Submitted by
Name: Billy F
I’ve been working on swimming back upstream; I was completely insane at the time of the cleansing (9-30-11). All signs are definitely pointing towards you as a window of unparalleled opportunity. Please do not take my words lightly; you saved my ass. I want to keep this connection with you wide open. My next step is using your tools, as shown in my first house, to get down to business. I look forward to working with you closely and will stay in touch…..

Added: Mon, 31st October, 2011


Submitted by
Name: Diana Venus Perez
Dr. Turi,You make me laugh! I love your frankness!!! I am looking forward to being your student! In fact, I am your student now as you got me following the moon! For the record, I did know the moon phase, but I need to become quick and well versed like you. It is an honor to have you as a teacher. Love from me to you and your beautiful wife!….

Added: Fri, 28th October, 2011


Submitted by
Name: Catalina
I can´t still believe what you told me today, I would like to thank you for all your magical words, YOU ARE THE REAL THING. Now I feel that I am on my way, I am walking in the right direction . Woawwwwwww.
I met you at the right time and the right place. Things always happen for a reason, it is not casual. God bless you. ….

Added: Wed, 12th October, 2011


Submitted by
Name: Dr. David Knight
Extremely accurate,Dr. Turi.I am excited to begin my education with you…..

Added: Tue, 4th October, 2011


Submitted by
Name: L iz Oertel-Connors
Thank you, thank you, thank you, for bringing this knowledge back into the world!….

Added: Wed, 21st September, 2011


Submitted by
Name: Lisa
Thankful that God has put you in my life…..

Added: Mon, 12th September, 2011


Submitted by
Name: Elizabeth
I believe we are all born curious, and because of this curiosity we have come this far. Of the past we can only be certain of what we witnessed with our eyes, the rest is what we have been lead to believe; the future is just a giant ? and we don’t even know if we personally will even have one or whether we are living the last few seconds of the planet Earth. I listened to Mr.Turi on “Coast to Coast.” We all need to have an open mind, read,listen and then analize……accept what you feel is true and discard what is just someone’s imagination without no foundation. I believe God created the The Universe and He created every living creature in it, but what has happened between that first second of the creation and where we find ourselves today a lot of it is our own doing, most of it is in God’s time clock for this world and He will always be in full control of what He and only He has created. This is how I see it,I don’t expect everybody to agree with me, actually I expect most to disagree, that’s ok, everybody has a different opinion it mainly depends on your personal point of view. Looking forward to reading posting on the guest book aswell as comments made elsewhere on this site. I will read the books and other publications
. Live and let live………

Added: Fri, 2nd September, 2011


Submitted by
Name: Lewis Webb
I am just beginning my journey with an open mind and heart. I listened to you on C@C last night and am exited to join the community. Thanks!….

Added: Wed, 31st August, 2011


Submitted by
Name: Lizzie in NY
Continued success and many blessings to DT and Terania…love you both!….

Added: Sun, 21st August, 2011


Submitted by
Name: Fra t
Selamat Majon! I have been one of your earliest followers and I have learned to steer my life with the cosmic code and moon power.Thank you for your great service! Love and Light from Greece. ….

Added: Sat, 6th August, 2011


Submitted by
Name: Jan Moore
Bill and I would like to thank you for speaking at the Festival of Enlightenment 2011 and sharing your wisdom and insights on Cosmic Consciousness. You had a profound effect on our participants and we hope you’ll speak at the 2012 Festival as we would like to do as much as we can to spread the word about your powerful work.
Sending love and hugs,
Jan xx….

Added: Tue, 12th July, 2011


Submitted by
Name: Kathleen Murphy
I just signed up for your newsletter and tonight I am reading my first one. Your talent and insight are amazing. Thank you Dr. Turi. Please do not be discouraged by the people who stole money from you. Good things will come back to you three fold. My prayers are with you. Blessings to you and your family…..

Added: Sun, 10th July, 2011


Submitted by
Name: Charles O
Your information is helpful and incredible!….

Added: Fri, 8th July, 2011


Submitted by
Name: C Yestewa
Thank You for the invitation,
I am a graduate of the Sedona Astropsychology course several years ago, have been using all I learned with great results, for myself, career,and especially improved family relationships and understanding, Thank you!!!, Dr Turi…..

Added: Sun, 3rd July, 2011


Submitted by
Name: JudyJWV
Dr. Turi you are THE best!
Thank you for everything! We need you in our lives!
Much love,

Added: Sat, 2nd July, 2011


Submitted by
Name: Khin Khin Chaw-Giles
I have just resubmitted my subscription to your Cosmic Code..thank you so much for the invitation…I can never live without your newsletter…kk….

Added: Sat, 2nd July, 2011


Submitted by
Name: Steven Foster
Enjoy your work Dr Turi soon must. You help me and my family a lot and i thank you. Continue the great work you and Terania do together to help this World…..

Added: Sat, 2nd July, 2011


Submitted by
Name: Rebecca
Dr. Turi- so glad you came back into my life! You make it all so much simpler to understand. Thanks for all the insight…love and light to you and Terania….

Added: Fri, 1st July, 2011


Submitted by
Name: Ellen Blair

Added: Thu, 30th June, 2011


Submitted by
Name: Sue Sayers
It was a pleasure meeting you, thank you for sharing all that you do and for my reading. You are wonderful and i love your message to the world. Until we meet again……. ….

Added: Fri, 27th May, 2011


Submitted by
Name: bernard korn

Added: Thu, 26th May, 2011


Submitted by
Name: Cy Scheske
An inspiration and insight…..

Added: Sat, 14th May, 2011


Submitted by
Name: Fred Harlan Jr.
,I enjoy listening to you very,very much,I first heard you on coasttocoast am,cannot get that here either,kepp up your good work helping people all over the world…..

Added: Sat, 14th May, 2011


Submitted by
Name: alma acosta
Your work is inspiring. Thank you for sharing this valuable knowledge for all. I am still learning. Much respect to you and Terania…..

Added: Sat, 14th May, 2011


Submitted by
Name: Celia T. DeLia-Ross
Just so you know Dr. Duri, I am Paying Attention & I know what you are teaching is truth! I have my own gifts & blessings, that I am truly grateful for…& I Just GET IT! (D.O.B. 07/03/56 1:27am Cleveland Ohio) Thank-You for sharing your gift with others in Hopes of making people aware & in return others will walk the walk for a better world to live in!
Love to You, Celia (Phx, AZ)……..

Added: Sat, 14th May, 2011


Submitted by
Name: BWayne
Thank you for all that you have shared with us.I appreciate your work so much. Thank you for all you all do for us…..

Added: Sat, 14th May, 2011


Submitted by
Name: Tammy.B
Your work is appreciated more than you know. Thank you….

Added: Sat, 14th May, 2011


Submitted by
Name: Patti Rose
Name: Patti RoseHello! Dr.Turi. Wonderful work that you do and that you share. I amongst not enough enjoy and are bless to read it and apply it.
Sathu. Sathu. Sathu. xoxoxpatti……..

Added: Fri, 13th May, 2011


Submitted by
Name: Carolineo
Dr. Turi, I am so gratefil for all your predictions. You are always precise.I believe every single person is at some level of spirituality and human advancement. Furthermore, the majority of our population is curious about the divine astrology and astropsychology but are scared of the unknown. Dr. Turi, you are at the forefront to educate this universe one soul at a time. The universe is showing signs of many changes but very soon there will be many miracles occuring, through prayer and love for one another. These are the lessons I have learned through your teachings. Only love for our Lord, Spiritual helpers and for all humanity is going to bring spiritual awakening in the new age of aquarius. ……..

Added: Thu, 12th May, 2011


Submitted by
Name: Sharon H.
Love love LOVE Dr. Turi’s work. Have followed him for over 3 yrs and have found his system to be the most accurate I’ve ever dealt with. Wonderful stuff!……..

Added: Thu, 12th May, 2011


Submitted by
Name: Dr.George Dias
Dear Dr.Turi,
In my Book you are #1.Many thanks for your kind Reading.
As a Student of Astral Psychology ,it is a pleasure to understand,learn & apply what you have to say in your Lessons.I am getting there gradually.
Blessings to you & Terania for all your efforts.
Dr.George Dias,

Added: Sat, 7th May, 2011


Submitted by
Name: Cheryl Noble
My deepest gratitude to you Dr. Turi/Terania.
The questions I was asking myself, why I did this, why I did that were answered when I became your student. This knowledge has kept me sane and able to function even though my mind and body were being attacked over and over. I know that I can overcome anything if I do not give up. Knowledge is the key. May you both continue in good health and peace. ladynoble1….

Added: Tue, 26th April, 2011


Submitted by
Name: Dr. Turi
Hi Ranay – We are moving to Sarasota…Call us we need your feedback – Thanks for the support

Added: Wed, 20th April, 2011


Submitted by
Name: Ranay
Looking forward to your tour. I am hoping you will be in my area :) Sarasota Fl., or Siesta Key would be awesome! Siesta Key Beach is kind of a Magical Beach :) When will the places and dates be posted? I listened to you on the Michael Vara show, I will be calling or emailing soon, Thank you so much! Love to you and Teriana….

Added: Tue, 19th April, 2011


Submitted by
Name: Sandra Fernandez
Thanks Dr. Turi and Teriana, I feel blessed to have found you. I am enjoying the E-books, learning more each day…Very grateful!
Much love to you!

Added: Thu, 31st March, 2011


Submitted by
Name: Nicky Egglestone
I have only just discovered Dr Turi and felt immediate connection. Thank you for the help you have already sent me. Very best wishes……..

Added: Tue, 29th March, 2011


Submitted by
Name: Liz in NY
Dr Turi’s teachings are a wealth of knowledge for mankind. What is most notable is his passion and generosity to those in need. He’s a far cry from all the charlatans and fearmongers who are literally getting paid to harm people. It is knowledge that is archived on his site and all over the internet for skeptics to keep track. Donations should be pouring in to make his dream school a reality. Thank you for welcoming Dr Turi to your progressive site!……..

Added: Tue, 29th March, 2011


Submitted by
Name: Mrs. Gay McQuiston
I know I’m supposed to be here as I heard about Dr. Turi on a replay show w/Art Bell’s “somewhere in time” programs that play on my radio Saturday nights from 9p.m.-1a.m. I’m waiting for one more book, but thnk I will find this very interesting. Wonderful crew!……..

Added: Fri, 25th March, 2011


Submitted by
Name: Gail Stevens
I’m excited,that your teachings will add more wisdom and knowledge to what I already know. I also, hope to gain a better understanding of the whys, people seem so closed minded. I say seemed, becaused I stumpled upon some of the answers. I plan to spend a lot of time, learning from you. Thank you again, Gail….

Added: Fri, 25th March, 2011


Submitted by
Name: Vergina Felder
The search is a long journey ….

Added: Sat, 19th March, 2011


Submitted by
Name: Brenda Lovell
Looking forward to exploring your teachings….

Added: Fri, 18th March, 2011


Submitted by
Name: Chip (Melvin)
Thanks for the great deal Dr Turi, I am still trying to navigate around. Ive listened on Coast to coast and am impressed with your predictions…..

Added: Fri, 18th March, 2011


Submitted by
Name: Janis
Thanks for the Great deal Dr Turi. I couldn’t have signed up for the VIP this year if it wasn’t for this! You’re the GREATEST!!! I have been following you for years, you are ALWAYS right on! Thanks! Happy Birthday! Love to you and your Beautiful wife! Good Luck in Florida!….

Added: Tue, 15th March, 2011


Submitted by
Name: Donna
I would not of been able to subscribe if it weren’t for the great VIP offer, thank you and Happy Birthday! ….

Added: Thu, 3rd March, 2011


Submitted by
Name: SkyLord
Thanks for the great deal Dr. Turi, the Positive/Negative, Personal Dragon Dates, really do work, when a person works with them.
You are the best! Happy Valentin’s Day–Love to All the Cosmic Children!….

Added: Mon, 14th February, 2011


Submitted by
Name: Katie Thomas
The web site for KeyUp tools is:

Added: Sun, 13th February, 2011


Submitted by
Name: Katie Thomas

My testimony on KeyUp tools:
KeyUp tools have been invaluable for me during my current study of Dr.Turi’s Astropsychology course.It was the best decision I made when I purchased the complete package of KeyUp tools. The visual KeyUp tools made it easy for me to learn,practice and apply the unique accurate technique and Josephine was fantastic in explaining and answering any questions I have. I encourage anyone interested in what Dr.Turi teaches to investigate the Cosmic Code, called Astropsychology, with KeyUp tools. Reading the Cosmic Code Newsletter has taken on new light when I use KeyUp toolls to understand what Dr. Turi is saying. The technique is simple, powerful, amazing and incredible with KeyUp. You will be amazed. KeyUp works!


Added: Sun, 13th February, 2011


Submitted by
Name: Katie
Thanks, this is GREAT!….

Added: Sun, 13th February, 2011


Submitted by
Name: Rose F Sedita
I recently ordered your VIP package at the very reduced rate for me and the Taped Children Characterology for my grandson. I appreciate you sharing your wisdom with us very much. Thank you!….

Added: Sat, 12th February, 2011


Submitted by
Name: Leah Ruzek
Thanks, great stuff. I’m excited to tune in for more! ….

Added: Tue, 8th February, 2011


Submitted by
Name: Michael
Peace and love….

Added: Sun, 19th December, 2010


Submitted by
Name: John

Added: Sat, 18th December, 2010


Submitted by
Name: Evelin
May Your heart wishes be fulfilled that humanity wakes up with your beautiful knowledge!….

Added: Sat, 18th December, 2010


Submitted by
Name: Robert Kunsman Sr.
I listened to you on CtoCam last week. Therefore, I am a new reader of your work and guidance in Astrogly. ….

Added: Tue, 14th December, 2010


Submitted by
It has been a pleasure knowing you Dr. Louis Turi and hope to meet your lovely wife soon. Your work do wonders for people that needs guidance to keep them on tract, for that I thank you…..

Added: Tue, 14th December, 2010


Submitted by
Dr. TuriWe thank you,for allowing all of US to come to know you
of your exceptional gift of keen insight that you have,Most of all,that you are able and willing to share and help others
to learn as well,You are setting The Tends for “Others To Follow”
The Signs of the Times,in the Language, Supreme Creator God,
for those who can understand,We extand our heart of Deep Thanks and Gratitude of your Timeless effort
that you and your Wife Provide For Us All,Indeed….

Added: Tue, 14th December, 2010


Submitted by
Name: Dr. Turi

Added: Mon, 13th December, 2010


Submitted by
Name: Bonnie
You are AWESOME! Thank you for all the compassion and your lovely wife, you both are an inspiration!….

Added: Fri, 10th December, 2010


Submitted by
Name: Margie
Thank you Dr. Turi…for being there for us. Thank you for answering me. Blessings…..

Added: Fri, 10th December, 2010


Submitted by
Name: RAKSR06
I am a new reader to your site…..

Added: Fri, 10th December, 2010


Submitted by
Name: Bambi Martin
I am a second year member of the Cosmic Code! Good Luck with this, DR Turi!….

Added: Sun, 5th December, 2010


Submitted by
Name: Alise
Peace on earth begins in my heart! Merci, Dr.Turi, for your dedication and leadership; you are, indeed, a shining star. ….

Added: Mon, 22nd November, 2010


Submitted by
Name: aleafinthewind
Somthing pulls me in a thirsty search for what is comming – i dont know why! but I search for truths about the future that is comming upon us. It is nice to find this sight. It is most interesting and i feel it speaks truth…..

Added: Mon, 22nd November, 2010


Submitted by
Name: Lucille Bloodsworth
Thank you so much Dr. Turi for your wonderful words of encouragement. We have been so blasted with negative information that it’s like a bright star in the sky to read this message. I hope I wil never be removed from your list of readers. Your messages mean so very much to me…..

Added: Mon, 22nd November, 2010


Submitted by
Name: Nancy Wilson
You are truly one of a kind and with your open heart and willingness to teach others the work will go forward and lives will be changed for the better. Thank you Dr. Turi for all that your doing and may the wind be at your back! ….

Added: Fri, 19th November, 2010


Submitted by
Name: Peter Goddard
Did you know last night George cut you off because it was at the top on the hour.You didn’t complete your answer to the caller.
Keep up the great work…..

Added: Thu, 18th November, 2010


Submitted by
Name: Eddie WHWong
“And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:”
(Genesis 1:14 in King James Version of The Bible)..The Signs of the Times in the Language of God for those who can understand ..My fullest support & blessings ……

Added: Thu, 18th November, 2010


Submitted by


Name: Deborah
Hello Dr. Turi !….

Added: Sun, 14th November, 2010


Submitted by
Name: Irene Kuok
I came to know Dr. Turi three years ago by chance, surfing the net and came across his website. God must have brought us together. I support all his works as I strongly believe he is the real Messenger. Those who seek his knowledge and help will not go wrong as he is the true Healer. I also recommend everyone to read his books. Dr. Turi is very accurate in all his readings and predictions. I am truly blessed knowing him. Keep up your good works Dr. Turi and I am thankful for your guidance all these years. Still hoping to meet you. Blessing to you and Terania – Irene

Added: Sun, 7th November, 2010


Submitted by
Name: Howard Irizarry
wish you well….

Added: Sun, 7th November, 2010


Submitted by
Name: Shari Morningstar
In this age of unscrupulous psychic/new age people who love to take your money…and they usually think a lot of themselves – it is wonderful to see an honest and committed person as Dr. Turi to help us help ourselves. After listening to hours of YouTube and hearing him on George Nourys’ Coast to Coast I’ve ended my skepticism after much study of Dr. Turi…he is the “REAL DEAL”!! I’ve signed up for a reading and the new 2011 info. Blessings to you and Terania in your important message! Shari Morningstar ….

Added: Fri, 5th November, 2010


Submitted by

Name: Jane Haverfield(Mary)

I am so happy to be part of what you do-and anxious to have a reading–when you return I wil be in touch.I was especially impressed with the newsletter about Pres.Obama–I have refereed some on a blog that are so negative and mean spirited regarding him–it helped me understand them-and if thet will–it may help them to realize how they are being used…..

We Need Your Prayers For Christophe Turi

Dear Readers:

 UPDATE 06/12/13 from my sister in France – “Coucou Loulou, Kiki est dans un état stationnaire, il n’a plus de fièvre et les antibiotiques agissent sur son infection pulmonaire, donc ce ne sont que de bonnes nouvelles !  Il est jeune et il a un bon cœur ! Tout va bien aller, il faut être patient.   Bisous à vous deux.

Envoyé de mon iPhone”  Florence”

Dear VIPs’, yes it seems your prayers are working well…. thanks again and please keep sending them to us. “Loulou – Kiki” are nicknames for Louis and  Christophe and it seems my nephew is now stationary, no more fever and the antibiotics works good on his respiratory system.. He is young and his heart is solid.. we hope all will be fine we must be patient…

Memo:  Sad enough the nasty Dragon  hit home today in a waning moon… I received a call from my sister Florence in France telling my my nephew Christophe is in the ICU following his heart surgery yesterday. Due to complications he is now in a forced coma and we are all worried sick. I am asking all my supporters to pray for his life. Christophe was born in December and the nasty Dragons’ Tail is currently right in his 6th house of health, yes sad enough the stars don’t lie and I can only hope for God to keep him alive…

Here is a sample of my 2013 Nostradamus Dragon Forecast Book.

2013 — Dragon Forecast For Those Born In December

Personal: On August 30th, 2012, the Dragon moved from Sagittarius/Gemini into Scorpio/Taurus and will stay in these signs until February 19th, 2014. This new “Change of Guards” will stimulate all affairs regulating your 12th subconscious house of secrets enemies and your 6th house regulating your health and service to the world.

Dragon Forecast for Sagittarius

2013 Predictions: The new Dragon’s Head (luck/growth) will induce deep psychological changes where you are strongly advised to stay clear from negative situations and anti-depressants. This means also taking some time off work and enjoy nature, so as to reshape your subconscious appropriately. You are strongly advised to put your hand on my book “Beyond The Secret” and learn more about the constructive/destructive forces emanating from your subconscious. The dragon wants you to learn all about this house and it’s potential. Many Sagittarius souls will work hard rebuilding both their physical and spiritual selves and while expanding their consciousness they will also share their valuable experiences with others.

Many well deserving souls born in December will feel the urge to rebuild the way, to service the world and themselves in the process. These changes will help you find the best way to serve others and gain more in the long run. This impact may bring new partners and strike lucky with them. The need to learn more about the inner forces of life may also lead Sagittarius to travel far and fast. A feeling for a new deeper wisdom will be induced where Sagittarius or their partner(s) will initiate the changes. This karmic experience will force Sagittarius to accept their limits and lead many of them to invest deeper into the mysteries of life. Sagittarius must also guard against deep self-inflicted destructive mental thoughts and realize the Dragon in your subconscious induces those tough changes. In all, when it is said and done, your spirit will gain valuable wisdom, but you must stay clear of any form of drugs.

The new Dragon energy will stir a sense of perception where your dreams may become prophetic in nature. Souls born in December will be tested mentally and forced to accept the reality of astral entities trying to suck life out of them. 2013 could mark the beginning of a new perceptive power and a clear vision of your own future forcing you to control your thoughts for a better peaceful life. The lucky December soul will find the right way to deal with this new psychic force and enjoy the new path. Because of its natural need for talking and teaching Sagittarius is born to travel far and fast and deal with foreigners. The challenge is to control the destructive power of Pluto plaguing their subconscious. This year Sagittarius will be forced to die and rebirth in both the physical and spiritual worlds.

Adapting to the Universal Law of the Moon (see 2013 Moon Power) can only help you fight depressive thoughts in time of karmic stress and synchronizing perfectly and accordingly with the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, will protect you.

Important note: This material is generated for the mass only and does not imply the complexity of a lengthy private session with Dr. Turi. The Dragon Forecast for those born in December, while proven accurate, is dedicated to serve the reader minimally and objectively. A simplified personal reading: “Full Adult Personal Report,” is an inexpensive and good start for you if unable to afford a “Full Life Reading.” Go to for a full in-depth description of services provided.

JUPITER LUCKY TOUCH – In 2013 and all the way to February 2014, the great beneficial planet Jupiter (Luck/expansion/protection/travelling/foreigners/studying) will be cruising though a few signs starting with Gemini until June 26th, 2013. Then on this date, the planet of luck will move and stay into the sign of Cancer your 8th house of mystery, metaphysics, astrology and other peoples money, until July 19th 2014. The deep mystery of life will become yours if you only ask, read my book “Beyond The Secret.” Jupiter’s luck will benefit you drastically by the house and signs for which the transit is taking place in. However, it is only through a professional, personal taped VIP consultation that the full impact of this great planet can be fully and accurately explained.

Being at the right place, at the right time, has a lot to do with your progress in terms of lucky breaks and opportunities … Jupiter will help provide those breaks. If you decide to move, the knowledge found in Astro-Carto-Graphy would become a serious help to your success (or your failure) in the new chosen location. Most of all, my latest discovery on “Your 12 months “Personal Lucky/Unlucky Dragon Window Dates” will become a major contribution for being at the right place at the right time. Keep this service in mind and give it a try — it works! — Good luck to all of those born in December.


Dr. Turi

ARMY/NAVY Michael Douglas Oral sex and Cancer

The lesson from Michael Douglas

Yes, oral sex can lead to cancer


Watch this video


Top brass grilled on sexual assaults


Prediction # 18.The Dragon’s Head in Scorpio, (corporations), will offer tremendous opportunities to the rich getting richer while secret terrorist groups gain more power aiming for nuclear technology. The urgency will come as a secret/surprise for many unaware people.  Sexual / technological / nuclear secrets coming from the Army and the Navy * 05/08/2013 ‘Unwanted’ sex for 26,000 troops (or caught spy) will come to the light. Serious possibility of restituting the draft due to foreign power nuclear threats will become a high probability. Nothing will be kept a secret for long and all will be exposed to the public.

There is only a very thin hair between Divine information and pure imagination, where Cosmic Consciousness is lacking; science, conspiracy and religious imagination have the wrong answers. There are no accidents, nor circumstances, only subtle cosmic consequences at work the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive.”

Dr. Turi

This educational natural health oriented  cosmic code newsletter and my rebuttals will not be public but for my VIP’s only… Join now

Has Humanity Lost Hope?


”For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice… If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

Dear Readers;

A few months ago when I started writing my 2012/2014 Universal Predictions I knew the Scorpius Draconis was to unleash the evil on earth… I also knew the young envious souls, the atheists, the agnostics, the sceptics and scientists born alike would never be able to recognise the obvious I endlessly expose to them in the tsunami of extraordinary destructive predicted news plaguing the world.


Police search for a masked gunman in Oakland, California, after the suspect shoots a teenager in the streets.

Scorpius Draconis at work!

Anything from children killing children, terrorism, mass murders to nature going absolutely berserk (Mother Nature going to extremes) with the deadliest series of tornadoes ever, extreme earthquakes to today awful second public killing caught on camera following the UK terrorist attack and so many more dramatic news (How did 11 vanish from Mexico bar?) is now becoming somehow routine… Yes if you are one of my faithful readers, this explosion of evil was predicted to start in August 2012 while our infantile science is lying promising you serious progress in predictive weather  warnings…

Sad enough my voice, my wisdom and warnings are is still muted in a world where politics, money, power and  religions dominates (and advertise) in all media and for me to make too many accurate predictions such as a new deadly sexual disease or the FBI and the IRS the Swiss banks being forced into a full re-structure is threatening to the status quo!

Updated June 7, 2013  –  I made this prediction of the 2012 rigged election, I also wrote well ahead of time of the full restructure of the FBI and the IRS and posted/wrote intensively about it – A few months later the world can appreciate the reality of my gift and this is why George Noory did not invite me on his national radio show because the truth offend the status quo – Meantime I am on the air endlessly and my work is well documented with all my predictions on radio. Read more 2012 Rigged Election – Its time to help Dr. Turi to get to the media with a legitimate gift and stop being a coward!
“Man, once surrendering his reason, has no remaining guard against absurdities the most monstrous, and like a ship without rudder, is the sport of every wind.” –Thomas Jefferson

Editorial Exegesis

Shulman has no idea why Cutter was there.

“A clue as to whether the targeting by the IRS of Tea Party and other conservative groups was discussed at the 157 meetings that former IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman had at the White House may be found in remarks by Stephanie Cutter, deputy manager for President Obama’s 2012 reelection campaign, in a recent appearance on Jake Tapper’s show ‘The Lead’ on CNN. … Cutter attempted to dismiss charges they were political meetings but admitted she had attended meetings with Shulman at the White House. … Well, if they were not political meetings, why was she there at all? Was she there to offer her health care or tax code expertise? … When she appeared on CBS’ ‘Face the Nation’ to defend the president’s new campaign slogan ‘Romnesia,’ she went on to say that Republican nominee Mitt Romney was ‘severely conservative’ and had run as the ‘ideal’ Tea Party candidate. She said this as she was sitting in meetings with the head of an IRS that was charged with implementation of ObamaCare as it was targeting groups that were created to oppose ObamaCare. Though she denies it, Cutter was also deeply involved in the ads run by the pro-Obama super-PAC Priorities USA in which steelworker Joe Soptic recounted how his wife died of cancer after he lost his health insurance when his plant was shuttered after a takeover by Bain Capital and other companies working with Romney’s private equity firm. … Cutter should be called to testify under oath before the House Oversight Committee to explain why a key Obama campaign operative was in on meetings to discuss ObamaCare implementation with an IRS official whose agency was targeting groups opposed to it.” —Investor’s Business Daily

Post Your Opinion

I became a serious challenge for the status quo and removed from the George Noory Cost to Coast AM radio program because two of the utmost controversial predictions I ever made in public offended so many religious people and have yet to pass…

One is the 2012 Rigged Election and the other the end  of all religions and while all I am doing is to share my God given gift with the world trying to reach you with my warnings of what the future will be, only those who have been with me for a while now realize the authenticity, accuracy and critical values of my work.

Sharing Emails from the Cosmic Code website:

From Elga:

Is anyone watching the hearings on the IRS Scandal this morning on Fox News?  Looks like DT will be vindicated on his prediction about the rigged election again.


From LIz;

Haven’t seen the news today, but it did look like we’re getting closer to to truth on the rigged election, which really did happen (happens often too), and let’s not forget this one of DT’s predictions happening right before our eyes and ears:  9. Many large financial banking Corporations, including the IRS itself, will be forced to implode and suffer their own restructure. Expect much secrets and abuses to surface from the IRS. New laws will be written to protect the IRS auditing its own self.


“Dr. Turi; I wanted to take a moment to offer Congratulations to you for your extraordinary predictions ( Stolen 2012 election, restructuring IRS, US economy etc etc ). You are so accurate it is amazing. Keep up the good work.

 Respectfully Yours 

Egan Peter “

 Well I gave another hint with what the future holds for humanity in “2013 The Year Ahead” and all I have today working in my favour is the Internet, my Cosmic Code website  and more and more curious people are joining thousands of others smart people daily…

But even the Internet will change because people like Dr. Turi are much too real in a world made up of lies and running in a poll of lies…

Meantime “Dr. Turi Internet Enemies” are relentless but as a Frenchman, I reflect the Statue of Liberty, freedom, power, wisdom, ingeniousness and strength in numbers and the true essence of America.   My name is Dr. Turi America and slowly but surely my voice is getting the attention it needs for this great country to be born again stronger and better. America, like Dr. Turi has gone through a lot to preserve its freedom and trying to mute me in the HUGE conspiracy against me lead by the FBI/Homeland security  and the media. Yes the FBI visited me in Phoenix and the experience did not and will not stop me reaching you, at least for now!

My message has always been the same and my message NEEDS your IMMEDIATE attention readers! I warned you many times and I am asking you again to read “Become a Light Fighter” because all I can do now is to repeat myself over and over again until you get it and see it manifesting right in front of your eyes and before it becomes too late for a world gone mad…

The reality is: your political, religious, educational and scientific communities are ALL Cosmic Unconscious. Now read and acknowledge the meaning of my words please…

“Consciousness – is the awareness of being awake and aware of a divine cosmic  power  and make a good use of it” anything else is deceptive enlightenment! Psychics, modern Prophets, Religious leaders, Monks, Gurus, televangelists, priests etc. are cosmic  unconscious  born Neptunians who can not read God’ signs…

Knowing not only America but the world is totally religiously poisoned, “cleaning/cleansing” the world of 2000 years of Neptune’s deceptive legacy will not happen over night!  Within the next few months humanity will display an increasing interest in death, metaphysics, psychic power, metaphysics and life’s mysteries while slowly acknowledging a new perception of the signs and God celestial omnipresence. The Scorpius Dragon is offering humanity and science the chance to re-connect with the spirit and accept the fact of extraterrestrials reality travelling our solar system and the reality that; what cannot be seen or touched does not mean it does not exist.

The new age of Aquarius is here

Don’t invest on Mars but on Dr. Turi’s Astropsychology Schools

Once more readers, the masked gunman in Oakland who shoot a teenager in the streets is a reflection of the Cosmic Code on a drug deal that went bad! All criminals are like you, under the jurisdictions of the stars above and act out their own deadly Plutonic UCI and the situation will get much worse if the lost soul is under the influence of one of his monthly unlucky “Personal Dragon Dates!

2013 Moon Power sample for SAT., SUN., MON., TUE. — JUNE 1, 2, 3, 4:
RULERS — Neptune (Religion/drinking) and Mars (Disagreements/war)

Events: Towards the end of the week Mars is growing stronger and may decide to create serious trouble with nature’s forces. Expect devastating news of explosions, earthquakes, tornadoes and very uncooperative weather. Seven adults, two children killed – Better stay home these days or be extremely prudent in your words and actions. Teen’s execution caught on camera  Teen's execution caught on camera Ex-cop: Wife burned house, shot herself – California fire scorches 29,000 acres – At least 112 killed in plant fire – 4 firefighters among dead in Texas fire

Yesterday in  “God is Back! America is Losing Its Religion” I know I offended a lot of people but did I really exaggerate or not when I wrote… “Terania and I decided not to attend the Los Angeles June 15/16  Alchemy event. The reality is our advanced spiritual vibrations does not match with the Neptunian non cosmic conscious majority of speakers and the attendance. This does not mean all speakers or attendance are worthless but the cosmic wisdom I offer is structured and demands a certain level of intelligence, curiosity and critical thinking. Yes Light workers are wonderful but I need tougher “light fighters” to help me fulfil my mission to free humanity from fears and cosmic ignorance.”

So I am asking you reader, how do we fix the world? with prayers, false hopes, the spirit, religions and the illusive speeches of your conspiracy non cosmic conscious “Talking Heads?”  What practical solution, what sound system, what explanations will any cosmic unconscious dedicated speaker have for you to explain the following?

“Selma Police confirm two people were shot and killed by an off-duty officer before he turned the gun on himself.” Read more


Readers, you MUST help me to introduce Astropsychology in our Schools and Universities and help me feed this vital cosmic fluid to the children. Terania and I are willing to travel to any colleges and do what we do best bring back hopes and true wisdom to the children of the future. You have to help us STOP the  slow creation of MONSTERS which one day will become today’s killers because NO one was there top teach them what a UCI or  “Unique Celestial Identity” is all about. All criminals of the past HAD NO CHOICE but to act out their stars suffering the Cosmic Code jurisdictions with NO CHANCE of applying their will.  Once educated at an early age, those cosmic conscious children will have full control over their acts where their powerful destructive emotions overrule their logic!

Criminals and monsters alike are VICTIMS of your a rigid, ignorant, controlling system that hijacked their spirit  into believing science and religions are the only valuable answers… This dysfunctional system is slowly but surely producing more monsters than ever that must be taught in their churches, their “accredited” colleges and Universities or sent to an over populated jail system.

NO readers, realize that;  building more jails  or building more churches did not and will never work and NO there are no, science will never find a  genes responsible for ADD/ADHD or for producing criminals or gay people! Its either you RE-educate the teachers or start educating the children on how they STAND- UNDER their stars and God to UNDERSTAND their relationship with creation and their creator!

Since 1991 I have battled a system ruled by religions, science and the educated born sceptical morons and this is a disgrace because today’s terrible news are the vision I had for the things to come if you keep ignoring me or refuse to participate! Yes your own very children are at risk  and one day may turn against you…Do you see the sign already if you own a turbulent bully teen? Do you think your local psychologist, the Bible verses or jail will change your child? Then you dream because you only have a certain time just before puberty where your child psyche can be moulded in the right direction.

Would you rather another of his Plutonic/bully friends does it for you because their teachers are much to scared and cosmic unconscious to really help…Instead to look good the firing of good and concerned people who have their best at heart for your kids never ends…  TIME TO WAKE UP FOR GOD SAKE – HELP ME to help your children!

If you are smart enough to get the urgency of my mission, please become a Cosmic Coder, sugar coated sermons do not work, only the undiluted truth will set you free! The Scorpius Draconis spares no one and will force YOU to wake up to my visions of the future!


WAKE UP TO REALITY! Religions are the cancer of the world!


 in Poso, in Central Sulawasi, Indonesia, which for several years has seen sectarian violence against the Christian minority. Thugs have beheaded 3 Christian 16 year old girls walking back from school. World religious war in progress!

Think of your subscription as a donation and support for my cause and PARTICIPATE. Become an active element, promote my work, post it everywhere and add your feedback because I have only YOU and you have only ME to make those crucial changes. I wish one of my many wealthy readers would help us, invest in us, on a radio or reality show and reach more concerned parents and turn them into cosmic conscious teachers… I do not want to give up but I am so tired at 63 years old when so many of you out there could provide me with such badly needed help. I do not want to see my vision of total chaos in the streets take place where cops will be forced to kill your out of orders children, we still have time to reverse this kids feeding evil machine.

Terania and I are willing to TEACH for FREE, any-time, anywhere, in your city, just PLEASE help us start the process and, as imposed by God cosmic will, I know it will fly on its own… I only have you and we are a few thousands cosmic coders and  a force that will be acknowledged with time.

 “For evil to flourish, all that is needed is for good people to do nothing.”

– Edmund Burke

Please become a “Light Fighter” help me in my mission! You CAN’T save the world with love and prayers only – Cosmic education is IT!


“THE DEATH WISH GENERATION WILL BECOME DEADLY AND TOTALLY OUT OF HAND” – Watch evil upon the world or the Scorpius Draconis at work!



Evil Lead men’s Tainted Spirit READ MORE

Suspect shot after talking on camera

On Mon, Jun 3, 2013 at 6:40 AM, Lori //////////> wrote:

Another article that Dr, Turi said would happen- Dragon is after the cops and causing chaos until Feb 2014. – 

Selma Police confirm two people were shot and killed by an off-duty officer before he turned the gun on himself. 

Facebook comment: Even the cops are going crazy with the gun thing lately. I don’t understand what is happening to everyone. What happened to the days where people had a dispute & talked it out or better yet, went ahead & fought like men then solved the issue. Everyones taking the 2 second way out by shooting each other now!


Thank you Lori and I will pass this along to my husband.

Yes, this is very true. I don’t think I have ever seen it so bad myself and/or at least maybe back then I maybe thought I was too busy to take a closer look. Buy when you think about how many people are out there who are too over concerned with the “small stuff” and then BOOM! it all of a sudden hits them…It is like do we really have to wait for something like the worst to happen?

All we want is for people under*stand the energy so they can help defeat any negativity in their immediate environment to keep it all in control – At least tolerate the myriad of differences. Indeed it does take more than a hug or a hello. When someone is making a cry for help, sometimes they wont say anything but it can be noticeable and I am one who doesn’t stick my nose in anyone’s business but for this reason at least, it is important for the person to learn about their “UCI” and this way they will learn how to be prepared for any downfalls. And that is our peace.A soul finds peace within themselves when

Yes, it is up to the person. At the same time, how do you get some of these people to find the time or want to get interested in such. I guess is that it really is the timing of the “DRAGON SHIFT” and once the transition comes over their self to make them take notice  at something… But will that time be too late? This is why we are and have been pointing out the signs over and over. This is where the following phrase comes in: “I will talk to you, you won’t hear me, I will present myself to you, you wont see me.” And this is where one suitable learns to apply their will…The same way this off duty police officer learned to be a field training officer. This is what the power of building is all about. In other words, the power of creation.

Take Care and Stay In Tune.

Peace, Love and Light,

*Mrs. T*


2013 The Year Ahead


 ”For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice… If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

 Sharing Email:

Nov 18th 2012 wrote:

Dear Dr. Turi

Greetings from New Dawn magazine.

We would like to invite you to contribute to the forthcoming January-February issue of New Dawn. Our first issue for the new year 2013 will be on the theme: “2013 The Year Ahead”. The re-election of Obama, renewed stirrings of war in the Middle East, and the so-called “fiscal cliff” are all setting the stage for an interesting and eventful year.

As you have written extensively on current events and the future, we hope you can contribute a short opinion piece of 300-500 words (max) on this important theme. The deadline is November 25 (apologies for the short notice). We’d also include a bio for you that mentions your services and website as well as author photo. This would be a good opportunity to reconnect with our readers after your last article that appeared a few years ago in New Dawn.

Thank you for considering this invitation to write for New Dawn magazine. We look forward to hearing from you.

With all good wishes

David Jones

Editor – New Dawn magazine – Australia –

Thank you David for offering my voice and wisdom to Australia, New Zealand and the world at large…

 2013 The Year Ahead

Dr. Turi’s 2014 – 2016 Universal Predictions

We are living such incredible times but for an unconscious world population there are still more questions, more fears and dreadful apprehensions for the future.   Since August 2012 the new “Scorpius Draconis” is in charge of the world and all the way to February 19, 2014. This dragon promises anything and everything hidden to come to light, secrets to surface and offer serious wake up calls to its many victims. A few of my predictions posted last year on my website involving the power of this dragon, has cursed the IRS, the FBI, the CIA, produced Mega storms, mega earthquakes, tornadoes and the rigged 2012 Election.  Warning Scorpius Dragon Has Arrived! This Dragon is about to unleash its destructive forces upon an unconscious humanity, a few countries Leaders including President Obama due to daily misuse of the Cosmic Code and the Supra-conscious in time and space.

“Dr. Turi; I wanted to take a moment to offer Congratulations to you for your extraordinary predictions ( Stolen 2012 election, restructuring IRS, US economy etc etc ). You are so accurate it is amazing. Keep up the good work.

 Respectfully Yours 

Egan Peter “

Within the next few months humanity will display an increasing interest in death, metaphysics, psychic power, metaphysics and life’s mysteries while slowly acknowledging a new perception of the signs and God celestial omnipresence. The Scorpius Dragon is offering humanity and science the chance to re-connect with the spirit and accept the fact of extraterrestrials reality travelling our solar system and the reality that; what cannot be seen or touched does not mean it does not exist.

The new age of Aquarius is here

Don’t invest on Mars but on Dr. Turi’s Astropsychology Schools

The planet Pluto was downgraded to a dwarf mass by a small group of astronomers depraved of Cosmic Consciousness who have never been taught that the  farthest, smallest planets of all is also the most powerful and obvious “dark energy” afflicting all human affairs on earth.  Humanity is on a spiritual quest to reconnect with the Divine, on a direct course to meet with its creator speaking his divinity through the stars. As much as a larva from its watery world metamorphoses into a butterfly and rise through a refined air element, humanity is slowly raising its spiritual vibrations.  This is in preparation for the death of the Age of Pisces, the Middle East as we know it “Arab Spring” religions, deception and political abuses on December 21st, 2012 and the birthing of a the humanitarian New Age of Aquarius. A new breed of cosmic spiritual leaders made up of highly advanced spiritual human beings will be offered a voice and a national stage offering clarification and preparing the way for universal brotherhood unification.

The world is dying from a low level of perception and re-birthing into a more productive spiritual light where the impossible will be accepted as reality and where all the essence of all religions of the past will join universally to speak of the Glory of the Creator and its cosmic omnipresence. Lead by a few gifted human beings working in harmony with extraterrestrials and their agenda humanity’s psyche will be soon upgraded and breach from its physical, scientific limited boundaries.

The balance between the physical and spiritual laws will be re-established where the future will endorse the possibility for love, respect and universal harmony for all. This Scorpius Dragon’s purpose is for men to realize their own divinity and the produced results through the Supra-conscious creative forces at work. Men are about to uncover and accept they were created at the image of God sharing the same creative powers and with it the option to psychical alter destiny as a whole. Because the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thoughts….

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi

“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth by means of his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom”




God is Back! America is Losing Its Religion


 My name is Dr. Turi America

”For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice… If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

Poll: America losing its religion

Poll: America losing its religion

Hello readers:

“According to the Gallup survey released Wednesday, 77% of Americans say religion is losing its influence. Since 1957, when the question was first asked, Americans’ perception of religion’s power has never been lower.”

Yes the ultimate 2000 years cosmic order cycle is in progress, the Age of Pisces is on its way out, we are on the dawning of the New Age of Aquarius. The new age of Aquarius is here 

First humanity must experience a world wide religious war that was predicted in 1995 on the Art Bell Coast to Coast radio show then mankind will begin to perceive God’s cosmic divinity through his Universal manifestation.  The teachers of the past must give room to the new consciousness where the essence of all religions will transmute in one global cosmic awareness speaking of the cosmic will and glory of the creator. A new identity, a new perception and a new realization of God and Jesus’ altered cosmic ministry will come to light!  I am here to lead you to your own salvation and free your spirit from fears and cosmic ignorance… Don’t feed evil, you have much more power than what the controlling “Illuminated” wants you to know!

Terania and I decided not to attend the Los Angeles June 15/16  Alchemy event. The reality is our advanced spiritual vibrations does not match with the Neptunian non cosmic conscious majority of speakers and the attendance. This does not mean all speakers or attendance are worthless but the cosmic wisdom I offer is structured and demands a certain level of intelligence, curiosity and critical thinking. Yes Light workers are wonderful but I need tougher “light fighters” to help me fulfil my mission to free humanity from fears and cosmic ignorance.

The fact is, those people have no need, no interest and no request for my cosmic teachings and can not be reached intellectually through my work. Instead they request more of a spiritual and emotional support that will give them the strength they need to deal with their challenging existence in such a tough world…  I must emphasize again this does not make them stupid or less intelligent because, while cosmic unconscious,  both the speakers and the attendance are still masters in their own field…They are simply not ready for me that’s all!

Its all about cosmic vibrations, chemistry, personality traits, expression and energetics, simply put to you, a magnet will not attract a piece of wood… Your own personal vibrations, advanced or not will at the end lead you to where you are at in life and the “teacher” you are looking for can only appear once you rise your vibrations/aura colours to his/hers vibrations. Thus because you live on hell, chances are you will have to deal with a bunch of cosmic unconscious  “Talking Heads” before you attract someone worth your spiritual growth. Remember the golden rule, most of the time you will end up getting what you paid for! While nothing beat free I can only offer so much of my pearls of wisdom and this is why you are still here reading me today!

 And if you only take certain laws will not work in your favour… In fact ask yourself what did you give the world today? Did you give as much as I did? did you seat down for hours like I do most of my life to reach your spirit? Its only if you give that you will receive, its a law you must realize and oblige by if you hope to bring more luck into your life! I own a very large Internet audience because since 1991 all I did was to give and I am still giving today!

I enjoy emotional, financial and spiritual stability because I GIVE emotional support, I enjoy financial security today because I am not afraid to GIVE you regular super deals that saves you thousands on any of my services and I enjoy spiritual stability because I GIVE  you spiritual food daily!


Is free
Love is good if its real
Wisdom is also good but remember 
It never come for free but with a great dose of suffering 

Let me try this to help you with the law of attraction… if you own a strong Neptunian UCI, chances are you will become a pot head and develop a test for gurus and tele-evangelists. You may go out in the lobby and follow your Neptunian speaker outside to smoke a cigarette or talk further into the spirit and the clouds… You will not find me there, I don’t smoke and my time and teachings much too precious to be wasted on a one to one conversation with someone who will never get it anyway…

To deal with Dr. Turi one must be willing to handle the undiluted truth, let go of all archaic dogmatic religious teachings and challenge today’s infantile science. My work is not for the feeble minded and the “elimination” process start with over sensitive people who nurture an inborn inferiority or insecurity mental complex, those who take all my words personally or perceive me as an egocentric only.

They are two class of “psychical” dominated human beings responding neurotically / subconsciously to their karmic UCI.

Group one is made up “educated” Saturnine souls vibrating / responding to their highly logical / sceptical / scientific UCI level and are forbidden or  incapable of entering the archetypal realm of cosmic supra-consciousness.  What they do not see or touch does not exist and function through life using their five limited human senses to make sense to their immediate environment. These are the people more interested in your title and general education than the true values of your mental accomplishments. They are the  “educated” morons who have not yet realized the difference between education and intelligence…

Group two are the “believers”  the Neptunian type and are from the opposite spectrum where faith and imagination override logic or critical thinking.  The education they have is usually codified where the words in the books they swallow everyday can not be challenged. They are the professional righteous students of religions regurgitating the bible verses trying very hard to prove to themselves they are right by convincing you to their belief system. And you wonder why human have been exterminating each others since for ever with over 875 different religions to believe and follow?

These people sees life through rose coloured glasses only and can not handle the harsh reality of life, they seek refuge in the printed words.  These souls  respond to emotions and go through life with hopes and faith and expect a deity to comeback on earth and save them from this bad world!  This mental blockage make them highly prone to religious poisoning and millions will find the grounding they lack with tele-evangelists, priests gurus and deceptive, dangerous cults leaders. Yes over a thousands of them died poisoned by Rev Jones while many others burned to hell in the Waco Texas Davidian cult but this will not stop the humongous stupidity plaguing the hijacked psyche of all souls born Neptunian.

The same apply for souls born gay suffering both the scientific community and religious justice more than willing to lynch them any-time in the name of God!   Meantime those groups of human  are incapable of correct auto analysis due to a total lack of Cosmic Consciousness and the firm conviction that science or religion has all the answers they need to make sense to their lives and Dr. Turi is full of it…

I have thousands of smart, tough intellectual selective readers on the Internet learning all about the Cosmic Code through my repetitive writings and unarguable predictions, those souls found me because they asked for it and were ready for my cosmic wisdom. I already have my world wide audience and the endless wave of new Cosmic Coders joining us daily does not seem to slow down…

I was to lecture on the cosmic code on Saturday but I already spoke on this subject in November 2012 – Enjoy my presentation if you missed it and if you want real guidance, real predictions and real wisdom become a VIP Cosmic Coder.

Today’s world demand you to be both smart and strong, the cosmic unconscious “Talking Heads” are everywhere but through my work and if you learned anything today reading me, you will be able to detect if your lecturer is a born logistic Saturnian or a deceptive unworldly Neptunian... And if you are able to make the difference  guess what, you graduated to another level of Astropsychology Cosmic Consciousness…

The current Scorpius Draconis  does not endorse lies and secrets and will force many of you dear readers to apathetically “die” and rebirth into a wiser more refined human beings realizing God’s divinity speaking his eternal will through the Cosmic Code.

2013 The Year Ahead

Remember, if you are not happy its because you do not live your destiny!

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi


Were You Born Gay?

June 2, 2013


 ”For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice… If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

Watch this video

Baptists plan exodus from Boy Scouts

 Dear Readers;

For Southern Baptist pastor Tim Reed, it was Scripture versus the Scouts. “God’s word explicitly says homosexuality is a choice, a sin,” said Reed, pastor of First Baptist Church of Gravel Ridge in Jacksonville, Arkansas. So when the Boy Scouts of America voted to lift its ban on openly gay youths on May 24, Reed said the church had no choice but to cut its charter with Troop 542. “It’s not a hate thing here,” Reed told CNN affiliate Fox 16. “It’s a moral stance we must take as a Southern Baptist church.” Southern Baptist leaders say Reed is not alone.

Little does pastor Tim Reed knows he was directed/cursed by God himself through the immaculate Cosmic Code jurisdictions  to become a deceptive Neptunian unable to perceive God’s cosmic divinity and “crucify other human beings he does not agree or understand…

I will talk to you, you won’t hear me, I will present myself to you, you won’t see me!


Yes Southern Baptist pastor Tim Reed is part of the 99/09% of the moronic mass of religiously poisoned cosmic unconscious human beings unable to  “read” the zodiac signs who erroneously thinks homosexuality is a choice… Yes indeed another God “expert” who has absolutely no clue of God’s new reality, new face and his cosmic will is all about and my upcoming prediction starting 11/2015-02/2017 for the End of All Religions.

The current Scorpius Draconis is forcing the “sub-human” to act foolishly and drastically forcing a re-birth of its inborn latent psychical tools following nonsensical / abusive acts. Yes the predicted re-structure of the IRS/FBI and its abusive members thirty for control and power are finally and painfully  learning the same lesson but it took months for my predictions to come to pass… So what Baptist pastor Tim Reed need is; like the mass of cosmic unconscious God fearing lost souls is TIME! For the cosmic clock and God’s universal will  in unstoppable and his children MUST learn, right here (on hell!)

This is very sad for those human beings who were karmically “computerised”  by God himself to experience other human beings cosmic ignorance and humongous stupidity!  Please if you know someone gay forward them this newsletter and ask them to read more about themselves because there are people who do not discriminate nor judge others for being only human. Your mind “experts” your scientific community nor your religions will never offer you the golden keys to what it means to be human! Instead their induced fears is not match and their cosmic ignorance lead them all to become righteous and judgemental.

Please click on WHERE YOU BORN GAY? before assuming anything…63 years of my independent research demands you to read the full content of my newsletters to realize the question – WHERE YOU BORN GAY?

In a world where political leaders assign themselves to religious archaic convictions and trust our infantile scientific community only extreme stupidity can plague the rest of humanity.

Dr. Turi

2013 The Year Ahead


If you are not happy its because you do not live your destiny!


Dr. Turi

Nibiru and UFO! Will you Die Next July?

June 1, 2013


 ”For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice… If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

Before elaborating on “NIBIRU” rest assured you will not die on this day! 

Were You Born Gay? Pass it on Please –

Watch this video

Seven adults, two children killed

Dear Readers;

Here is your Sunday Cosmic Code FREE public sample, if you like my work don’t miss any of my articles, join the world in the Cosmic Code website!

June 2013 Elaborated Horoscope For All Signs
June 2013 Daily Guidance and Predictions
June 2013 Moon Transits

Since August 2012, the deadly Scorpius Draconus impact is unmistakable and produced a serious increase in natural disasters, suicides, sexual misconducts and endless dramatic news involving death, Three storm chasers died in Oklahoma, secrets, the IRS abuses  and the FBI predicted re-structures, the Benghazi  dilemma, and  children killing children. All the while my prediction for a new deadly disease threatening the world is becoming irrefutable – Deadly virus spreads to Italy,

  The news can only get worse especially after the Full Moon and my book seriously caution everyone not to take any chances or pay the price… But while this nasty cosmic soup kills more than usual, I can guarantee you that many of the lost souls where also operating under one of their ” 2013/ Lucky/unlucky Personal Window Dates” but without cosmic consciousness those “scientists” thrill seekers did check on their electronics equipment but never thought of checking on the Cosmic Code and how it would apply to them personally last few days…

But without any “cosmic” references, those left behind,  friends and family can only refer to their painful  loss as yet another  “an act of God!” when those latest victims of cosmic ignorance could be alive today had they check on the Universal clock on a personal level – Call it a humongous very costly price to pay because the world at large and  science still assume my work is only “pseudo-science” and there is nothing of value (but saving their lives) in it!

The fact is those death did not have to happen because those “accidents” could have been avoided in those “predicted” tornadoes and all those extreme weather thrill seekers should OWN their  ” 2013/ Lucky/unlucky Personal Window Dates.” But what the real irony is that; my work is read all over the world by so many of them but you can take the horse to the river, this does not mean he will drink at the source of wisdom… And my vision/prediction for them all is quite clear, its just a matter of time before they become the statistics and make the news themselves…

 There are no accidents, nor circumstances, only subtle cosmic consequences at work the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive.”

Dr. Turi

But it is so easy for the envious sceptical young soul to deny everything I represent or write and in God’s name to this day, I still wonder  why science does not honour the world science and investigate my claims and why they are unwilling or incapable to grow up spiritually to get the solid proof of my claims by reading my 2013 Moon Power yearly publication or learn the secrets of the Cosmic Code with me!

Remember this dragon will NOT keep anything secret for long and bring serious karma (and wake up calls)  to all human beings who needs it! With the tons of emails and telephone calls we received daily, Terania and I are in a solid position to tell you readers, this dragon is making your lives a true nightmare bringing more fears and more insecurity to this world than ever.


You have until February 2014 to realize its Universal impact and its Personal impact upon your life (if you read my book) then once removed by the cosmic rites and ceremonies (God’s will) the new 2014/2016 Martian Draconis will rule this world! And you better be prepared for what the future has in store for you and humanity!

I am asking you to keep your spirit high and not to feed evil   regardless how destructive he became since the Cosmic Code (God’s will)  is giving him more destructive power than usual. This world has a lot of karma to repay, too many large and abusive corporations have serious karma to repay and the reality is, you are in the front line and even children will become the  Scorpius Draconis’ victims.  The cosmic order is implacable and must unfold, in these advanced technological days an age, you are constantly reminded of the above Universal “gearbox” speaking God’s implacable will through the eternal movement of the planets, dragons and signs… Something you are slowly becoming aware of through my work and something our infantile science will have to accept with time…

Some cosmic unconscious souls will blame a busy “tornadoes seasons” the religiously poisoned lost souls will blame the wrath of God while science  will debate Global warming  and the rise in the average temperature of Earth’s atmosphere…In reality, all speaks of the incredibly destructive Plutonic cosmic energy at work currently plaguing the world until February 2014. Yes I saw it all coming and regularly refresh the memories of thousands of my world wide reading audience where the majority is still unable or unwilling to perceive God’s cosmic will or the Cosmic Code  in action…All along the daily guidance and predictions  I generate for my VIP’ speaks and translate the cosmic fluid accurately…

Sceptre of 2013 Moon Power – SAT., SUN., MON., TUE. — JUNE 1, 2, 3, 4:
RULERS — Neptune (Religion/drinking) and Mars (Disagreements/war)

Environment: The Titanic sank when Neptune, “Lord of the Seas,” got angry. Especially after the full moon, he likes creating huge waves and sinking ships. The weather will turn out really nasty and may stop you. You might have to reschedule some of your plans. Be patient. 

Famous Personalities: Prominent religious figures will make sad news, some involving drugs, sex and alcohol. Some water sport individuals are in serious danger now. Arkansas sheriff dies in flood rescue try Bad news for the Pope or religions in general. Did priest kill beauty queen? | Photos

Events: Towards the end of the week Mars is growing stronger and may decide to create serious trouble with nature’s forces. Expect devastating news of explosions, earthquakes, tornadoes and very uncooperative weather. Seven adults, two children killed – Better stay home these days or be extremely prudent in your words and actions. 4 firefighters among dead in Texas fire

Meantime the envious cosmic unconscious “young souls” keep denying the true values of my pearls of wisdom and associate with the force of evil to trap your spirit in this dense physical world…  While the world keep endorsing and supporting my work I am glad to realize those who are curious and observed my work gain from my gift in predictive astrology.

“Dr. Turi; I wanted to take a moment to offer Congratulations to you for your extraordinary predictions ( Stolen 2012 election, restructuring IRS, US economy etc etc ). You are so accurate it is amazing. Keep up the good work.

Respectfully Yours

Egan Peter” 


DT – You said it first (Nov 7th 2012) and now it appears that the stars are aligning.


Now on to another prediction made by yet another  cosmic unconscious “Talking Head” will Earth to Collide with NIBIRU on July 21, 2013!

NO  it won’t and you won’t die either!

Before offering you my rebuttals remember the rules! BEFORE trusting ANY sources of information CHECK the claims of those who offer you with predictions. Unlike Dr. Turi  well documented work, chances are you will find NOTHING dated, printed, published or posted on their website that remotely prove you should trust their predictions. Like 99.09% of human beings walking the planet, those “Talking Heads” are NON cosmic conscious, thus they can not differentiate imagination from divination and all they do is to regurgitate their own fears on you!  Those deep fears could be religiously or “scientifically” oriented/motivated because their inborn karmic UCI dictate the way they perceive THEIR reality.

Remember reader… “There is only a very thin hair between Divine information and pure imagination, where Cosmic Consciousness is lacking; science, conspiracy and religious imagination have the wrong answers. There are no accidents, nor circumstances, only subtle cosmic consequences at work the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive.”

Dr. Turi


NASA scientists reportedly have confirmed that the planet Nibiru will collide with Earth in July of 2013. The Nibiru collision with Earth in 2013 had been predicted for a while, but astrophysicists, cosmologists and astronomers around the world have come to a consensus that Earth will collide with the planet, which lies just outside Pluto.

DT REBUTTAL:  As mentioned before, the “experts” are often the least knowledgeable mostly because the scientific community has lost the spirit a long time ago and if they can not use their sophisticated electronics equipment to predict earthquakes and tornadoes on earth “What the Bleep Do They Know” or what can they “predict” about far away Pluto?  All this nonsense about Nibiru seems to generate interest and sensationalism bull than the facts!

 Two Suns in the Sky – Planet-X NIBIRU – Follow the link to watch the video

Nibiru, in Babylonian Astronomy translates to “Planet of Crossing” or “Point of Transition”, especially of rivers, i.e. river crossings or ferry-boats, a term of the highest point of the ecliptic, i.e. the point of summer solstice, and its associated constellation.

DT Rebuttal; Stop right here, there was never a Babylonian Astronomy” because astronomy is a by-product of a much older science called Astrology and I would suggest anyone to read more about ” The Truth Behind The Dead Sea Scrolls.” Those disappeared civilizations HAD full Cosmic consciousness and did not deal with our solar system  like today’s educated morons fresh out of accredited colleges an universities… The Babylonian, like the Sumerian, the Atlantis and the Mayans knew all about the spiritual conception of the Cosmic Code and did not “see” the stars are rocks only… Gee those kids have so much to learn on their own cosmic identity and NONE of them has a single clue of what I am trying to project mentally because none of them has a basic spiritual understanding  of the intrinsic Universal cosmic brain. Today’ scientific perception of our local cosmos and its manifestations is FAR from those all gone erudite highly spiritual men where the essence of the spirit has no room nor reality!  Modern man thinks at a very different speed at the expense of his depleted spirit blinding away its cosmic spiritual reality!

Continued: The establishment of the Nibiru point is described in tablet 5 of the Enuma Elish. Its cuneiform sign was often a cross, or various winged disc. The Sumerian culture was located in the fertile lands between the Euphrates and Tigris rivers, at the southern part of today’s Iraq. As the highest point in the paths of the planets, Nibiru was considered the seat of the summus deus who pastures the stars like sheep, in Babylon identified with Marduk. This interpretation of Marduk as the ruler of the cosmos was identified as an early monotheist tendency in Babylonian religion by Alfred Jeremias. Natural disasters are accelerating exponentially and astronomers believe that they are being caused by Nibiru coming closer and closer to Earth.

DT Rebuttals: How can today’ cosmic unconscious scientific community truly perceive the cosmos’ subtle manifestation when no one taught them of its spiritual dynamics? Today’s religious elites doing those translations will not stray away from their own religious convictions and again those “experts” do not own cosmic consciousness. In fact my work is the closest manifesto to what those old astrologers where doing then as far as “translating” the cosmic fluid but it all ended up mixed up with the new scientific rational approach to life  and endless dogmatic religious teachings.

Translating the “cosmic code” for you today  is the very last relics reflecting the astrological spiritual work of  those high priests who were far from practising today’s astronomy. When I offer you my predictions I am handling the cosmos the way God intended human to do so you may live a safer more productive life with my warnings… And if you take the time to investigate my work, I am making a good use of supreme cosmic wisdom while you infantile science is still unable to give you any reliable warnings pertaining to natural disasters. All they understand of the cosmos is trough the rationale discipline of Astronomy and their electronics. Where is the logical applications, where is the value of such an enormous financial investment? Yes you paid for it all and what you get is a 10 minutes warning?  All I can tell you is those civilizations’s cosmic legacies are surviving through gifted and rare people like Dr. Turi the envious, evil sub-human spirit will try hard to mute and destroy…

The Cosmic Code, the Torah Code and the Bible Code

President Obama waste on the human brain

Continued: Beings from Nibiru are considered closer to human beings than any other beings in our galaxy. Many extraterrestrial experts believe that the gray beings from Nibiru have been on Earth many times before and have combined their DNA with humans to create a more evolved life form. 

The original prediction that Nibiru would collide with earth came from an unlikely source. A Wisconsin woman Nancy Lieder  said that as a young girl she was contacted by extraterrestrials called Zetas who had set up a communication device in her brain and sent out messages to her and they had told her about the Nibiru collision. Though she had predicted the year of doom as 2003, however it has been linked with the year 2013 after the interpretations with Sumerian and Mayan calendars.

DT Rebuttals: One must be very cautious trusting anyone dealings with UFO and ET’s. Again, this is another fact you must keep in mind, the majority of UFO “experts” you listen, watch, read and learn from NEVER dealt or saw a UFO!  Dr. Turi UFO Facts!  Many of those people are born deceptive Neptunian subconsciously “embracing” the wrath of God , the end of times. Note ET’s do not need to set up any form device in Nancy Lieder’s brain for her to communicate the dramatic fate of humanity. Any conscientious human beings would check on her previous ” documented/printed/published predictions” to find if she should be trusted or if there is any values in her work, but it seems more the results of a demented mind that should NOT be taken seriously.

Continued: According to the interpretation recorded by astronaut writer Zecharia Sitchin, it is said that a planet that crosses Earth once in 3600 years and is an opportunity for the Annunaki (the inhabitants of Nibiru) to interact with the humans. NASA is publicly denying anything about collision (and even deny the existence of Nibiru), but privately several sources in NASA have confirmed the projected collision date of July 21, 2013. The world has seen many such claims of doom come and go.  But many believe that with The Nibiru collision fits in well with the Mayan prophecy – the apocalypse in 2013.

DT Rebuttals: Many years ago, I had lunch with  Zecharia Sitchin and David Icke in one of our public conferences in Phoenix AZ and the discussion we had on Nibiru was quite interesting. But I did not agree with his theory that ET’s are in desperate need of large amount of gold. They do not need human to harvest gold on earth with their technology if they can transfer from one solar system to another I thought.  Born July 11, 1920 with his Mercury (the mind) Neptune (deception) and Jupiter (publishing) all in the sign of Leo (gold) I was not surprised for him to be interested in gold. Most of all his natal Dragon’s Tail  was in the sign of Taurus ($$$$) and his Dragon’s Head (regeneration) in Scorpio (investigations.) Thus I immediately  figured his karmic insecure/investigative UCI and got my own answer for his “gold” theory.

All I can tell you readers is as always CHECK on the  “messenger” previous past predictions and if they are like mine solid, published and dated then common sense dictate you may want to trust the source.  But for a deceptive Neptunian named Nancy Lieder  who said that as a young girl she was contacted by extraterrestrials called Zetas who had set up a communication device in her brain and sent out messages to her and they had told her about the Nibiru collision, I would think twice…

ET’s have better things to do than to abduct people, stick devices in their head to announce the end of the world!  As a true human detector, I can use my real UFO spiritual legacy and expose  Nancy Lieder, the founder of the website ZetaTalk, like I do with “friends and Foes false prophets” from all walks of life… All you have to do is ask and you shall receive! All I need is her DOB and let the ET’s speak through me of her cosmic conception because with the current “Scorpius Draconis” at work, NOTHING can be kept secret or a lie any more…  May be the Zeta readers should watch this video about the Mayans Calendar and ask Nancy to stop promoting her nonsense?

Yes Nibiru is real, NO it will not collide with earth and why do I know this? Because when the ET’s downloaded me with the Cosmic Code jurisdictions they told me that Jupiter’s dramatic gravitational forces  would act as a “protector” against any and all cosmic bodies threatening our world. Back in 1991 when I was abducted above Los Angeles with my ex-wife Brigitte,  The ET’s told me, when they built our solar system they made sure to place BIG Jupiter in direct course to anything that would arm or destroy Mother Earth (their agenda and their human cargo.)

Now who would you trust with predictions and ET’s interactions? At the end the choice is yours because once July is over, I will be there still doing unarguable predictions for my trusting VIP…

Lastly ” There is only a very thin hair between Divine information and pure imagination, where Cosmic Consciousness is lacking; science, conspiracy and religious imagination have the wrong answers.”

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi


 Planet X is that of “Nibiru” (just another name) yes a planet crossing – or a bunny hopping for that matter. Since there are those like a Wolf dressed in bunny, sheep or pig clothing who will try to pull the wool over your eyes…Even while in front of your face.

Just call it an illuminated transit…As in the “IE” rule (I is commonly used to designate electric current in these regimens) while ( E is calculated as the sum of the infinite series) meaning the way it is.

To be truly enlightened, one has to illuminate themselves with the undeniable sophistication SUN (SON) Male opposite that being their offspring and/or female.

Get the duality?

ITS LINK: Venus (goddess of spring associated with the arrival of spring) conjunction of its sex-tile / Mars – The Trine Square Opposition (with regard to the Vernal Equinox and Fertility).

As in Venus’ location in the female identity  depicts the type of love a woman is able to offer a man…While,  Mars dictates the type of man she is *subconsciously attracted and will respond to.

Where ever your Venus (love) aspect is located in your chart as a man this is the type of love God has in store for you and how “your soul mate” will express her true love for you…Where ever Mars ( masculinity) is located in your chart as a man, you will exert and show your masculinity.

Man and Woman also made of the same celestial components, but it is all about placement. (I am you – You are me)

We live on Planet X – Call it Hell On Earth. But the “X” represents that of  ‘Neptune’ the /\ Water Triangle /\ <0>3rd<0> eye…In other words, the “Blessed Trinity.” The 3 equal faces, a square … 4 sides with no angles with one set of parallel lines, which are the 2 on the sides.

Ascending from below, above, around and far-off were every element of life on this shrine of stone; blessed to us by our brother / sister asteroids among the earth personified…Not the Egyptian’s tools and those stones and rocks were much too heavy for them to have transported by boat.

All of this was put in prospective affection, that we would pay our ET family the respect of “The Cosmic Code” it deserves. In consequence of the fact that “The Cosmic Code,” is the “3 – Cross – Path of Existence” also known as the “Blessed Trinity,” based on this “Universal Tri*logy.”

We choose to swim upstream or downstream, to be deceived or not; but the human spirit is the place where its nature can’t be re-arranged by the hands of anyone.

It is by understanding how to keep your reflection of your personal head / tail in balance with the universal laws written in light, to avoid sinking or being led astray.

It is those who limit themselves to only their 5 senses that have been all along missing the “Spirit” – one of the most needed parts of the BLUE – print for this existence… This is what our natural world authorized us to have. And it is without doubt, that this missing piece is what is leading this world towards it own ultimate demolition.

We carry our own cross. We choose how to walk our own path… No one can do it for you. You have to do it yourself. Most bring their own burdens on themselves but the universe has always been there to help you carry out through those.

However, one has to have the know how and be trained to suitably use the tools the way we do; because it isn’t natural for us to think in quantum. None of this is man made… DT and I simply read the stars in full.

Call it your shock of provocation; arising from the earliest of creation, such as the full bloom of “spring” March 20th…Vernal Equinox – “Holy Arian (Aries) Water” / (March – “Pisces”) or the first proof on the “Sun Wheel” physical / spirit revolution; as a rule.

Please check my last 2 pieces of work written primarily of this –…

Peace, Love and Light,

*Mrs. T*


Sharing emails:

On Thu, May 30, 2013 at 1:56 AM, chris////> wrote:

Hi Dr. Turi,

I am a regular follower of “” and I really take great interest in some of the interesting insights you provide. I myself am working with Creditplus and we have just published an infographic at that shows what cars different signs of the Zodiac buy. I thought it would be of interest to your readers and I would love to get some feedback from you about my findings.

Thank you for your time and any feedback would be truly welcomed.

All the best.
Kind Regards


 DT – Hello Chris; Your findings are entertaining at best my friend, the rational people involved in the infographics you presented me with are totally depraved of cosmic consciousness. They can not Astrologically speaking make any accurate statement of any potential buyer, regardless of the logical method used. I gather you used the DOB on your clients’ database in relationship to all the buyers’ preferred cars choice… there is nothing of any value in the logical method used. I can do a very different and much more accurate research and offer you findings that would probably be more accurate and much more appealing to your prospective automotive clients.  stay with the master if you really want to reach the media and make money! 



From my VIP friend Paul in the East Coast ;

To All Members of the Cosmic Code, todays date is May 31, 2013., a liitle before Midnight. Please adhere to all NOAA Weather Warnings, if you reside in the area of Oklahoma and Missouri.

   Please Be Aware of Your Surroundings like D.T. always says.  Civilians are so laxed when it comes to there Safety.   Please follow the Safety Measures during Severe Stroms.  I am an experienced Emergency Management Director, here in Northern New Jersey.   Back in the Year of April 30th, 1999, there were 52 Tornadoes, in the Nj & PA area.

Be Safe and Seek Shelter at the Lowest Point of a Ravine or Basement

 Paul H

Become a Light Fighter

FBI/CIA/IRS – Obama’s Impeachment
Feds, IRS, FBI Secrets Divulged!

2013 The Year Ahead



June 2013 Personal and Universal Predictions

May 30, 2013


 ”For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice… If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

 Dr. Turi;

   I wanted to take a moment to offer  congratulations to you for your great predictions ( Stolen 2012  election, restructuring IRS, US economy  etc etc ). Keep up the good work. 



Dear VIP’s this is why you joined the Cosmic Code for the next 12 months…This the day you have been waiting for to check on your future! Terania and I worked a few hours to generate those 4 detailed Cosmic Code newsletters, all to prepare you personally and Universally for all the news  you will soon read on CNN in June. 

June 2013 Elaborated Horoscope For All Signs

June 2013 Daily Guidance and Predictions

June 2013 Moon Transits

 Remember I am not offering my pearls of wisdom for FREE to the public any more but only to my spiritually advanced VIP Cosmic Coders! I will generate the “June 2013 SOS  to the World”  Plutonic/Uranic and Moonic Windows very soon to prepare you for what the Universal news will be about. Here is an example of my “SOS To The World” posted to the public for you to investigate. Remember there is only ONE serious source of reliable, dated, printed, published predictions on the Internet generated by Dr. Turi! See another sample of my “2012/2014 Universal Predictions” and judge for yourself. Hopefully you will join thousands of spiritually refined advanced human beings and become a “Light Fighter.”   I want to also warmly thank  you for your endless waves of support and great endorsements giving the strength I need to fight the relentless forces of the evil  of Cosmic ignorance trying to stop the Divine I own reaching you.

There is also a nasty “Supernova Window” taking place in June so be warned and be prepared when reading my personal and Universal guidance in the Cosmic Code (VIP Only Group.) Thank you for trusting me guiding you into the Cosmic Code Jurisdictions and teach you how to read the signs and how God speaks to his children.

Join us now –



Dear VIP Readers;

May is here already, last month we added 98 new Cosmic Coders, we are now hosting  6345 wise souls enjoying true pearls of wisdom.  Last months saw quite a lot of “shocking news” due to the Scorpius Draconus dancing with the world  and my biggest hit in April was the  Boston bombing. The sad reality is the reason’s why the brothers succeeded in their evil act and escape the FBI is because the evil action took place in a waxing moon. Sad enough the stars do not care, nor judge they simply do…

The  “2013 Moon Power, Universal Guidance and Predictions” and ” 2013 Nostradamus Personal Dragon Forecast” are available and still in demand and shows how smart and wiser my readers became over the years, reading the news a year ahead of time on CNN! Thus to make sure you are safe and well informed throughout the year before travelling for your safety check the stars!

I brought down the price to $15 so you can plan all your 2013 trips and activities in harmony with the Cosmic Code or God’s celestial will. And this means the difference between being at the right time at the right place or being killed by yet another “Act of God!” Yes knowledge is power, ignorance is evil and I am glad I can blow this vital cosmic fluid into your soul… Get the books now, be smart, be wise you are a child of the Universe and you need to learn how to hear, read and heed God’ signs… 


 “If you are not happy or something is missing in your life it is simply because you do not live your destiny as intended by God through the Cosmic Code”

ask and you shall receive!

This forecast will touch everyone, please pay attention to the  Moon transits as they unfold.

Welcome to  Your  May 2013 Daily Guidance and Predictions and  your  2013 May Personal Elaborated Horoscope

Remember the Supernova windows for 2013  and if you can  plan your trips around those dates or be very careful. Book your travel by planes/ships after the New Moon only for protection.

Wednesday June 19 until July 24

October 13 until November 16

Read Supernova Windows explanations for 2013

As a VIP Cosmic Coder You will also be tutored all the secrets of the Supraconscious, the Cosmic Code jurisdictions and Nostradamus’ natural healing. You will enjoy everything that I write in the Cosmic Code website as the news or events unfold. You will be able to read ALL that I post daily, cosmic tips, general news explanations, super nova windows and travel with us, see the pictures and gather an incredible amount of priceless information on the working of the Cosmic Code. You will also get regular life saver warnings posted in my SOS TO THE WORLD


Welcome to Your Day-To-Day Guidance For May 2013

 May 2, 2013 — Mercury enters Taurus:  It’s a perfect time to review a new financial endeavour or investigate the possibility of future investments.  Empower yourself to structure your financial security and sign the legal forms after the new moon only.  Souls born now will inherit a natural gift to handle corporate money and will slowly and surely secure themselves financially. These souls are born financial planners, and much of their patience will pay in the long run.  A top position offered to the soul to lead corporation involving the communication the arts and beauty. They must learn to let go of the wrong people without resentments. Taurus rules the throat and Venus will endow those lucky souls with musical talent, some great singer will be born today.


WED., THU., FRI., SAT., SUN. — MAY 1, 2, 3, 4, 5:
RULERS — Uranus (Explosions/surprises) and Neptune (Oil/Middle East)

Syria: Attack on military facility was a ‘declaration of war’ by Israel

Work, Career and Business: Combined with the Full Moon, Uranus may make you feel erratic and Neptune may make you feel depressed and overemotional at work; this could lead you to think about a new job. Keep your eyes and ears open; with Neptune’s “dreamy” nature, you are prone to making serious errors or forgetting something important. Do not sign any contracts now; in the long run, you will be sorry if you do. Be patient and wait until the next New Moon.

Partnerships: Crazy things may happen now; do not make a fool of yourself in public. Things done or words said without forethought might bring trouble later. Use your will; be positive in all you say. Expect disturbing news by mail or telephone but avoid fears, as insecurity could take over your common sense; all will be fine, there is a Divine plan for you. This timing is ideal for meditation and renewing your faith in each other and the universe. You must control negative thoughts, even if many things around you do not seem positive. Have faith in yourself and those you care for during these days.

Family and Friends: Spend some valuable time with your family. Do not expect the affairs of the heart to progress or get better for a while, and teenagers may get themselves in trouble. Watch for the use of drugs, as Neptune will lead them towards wrong friends. Give them solid direction and be ready for some friction. Depressed friends may call you asking for spiritual support or direction. With Neptune, confusion and deception is in the air. If you socialize during the night hours, keep your eyes on your possessions as they may disappear. Don’t misplace your keys. Avoid complaining about life’s problems to those who care about you.

Love Affairs: Love and romance may suffer as during a waning Moon, Uranus’ erratic emotions may preside and disturb your relationship. Be patient with the partner and use diplomacy to save trouble. However don’t let someone else’s problem get to you and affect your feelings. If you were born in August expect a Gemini friend to give you disturbing news soon. A friend from a foreign land may bring better but surprising news soon. All fire signs will suffer this lunation emotionally, so try not to let it happen to you, use you will. If you are a Leo, Sagittarius or Aries remember the waning Moon and be patient.


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Travel and Communication: If you can, avoid flying during this trend unless you made your reservations before the waning Moon. Protect yourself against aeronautic accidents; (use “Moon Power Starguide” and your knowledge, take no chances. This is the perfect time to pass on the light and talk about Moon Power Starguide’s guidance.) Avoid drinking and driving at all costs; many accidents happen under Neptune and Uranus’ iniquitous energy. If you have to play or travel be aware of the ocean or the river these days.

Environment: Expect bad news about quakes and the possibilities of sea/air accidents. Many naturalists will be upset and some groups will make dramatic decisions followed by dangerous actions. Nature will start to go berserk and may throw a cluster of negative weather patterns such as tornadoes or earthquakes in the near future. Remember the series of tornadoes outside of the regular season and in Florida in 1998? Uranus was in charge then.

Famous Personalities: Under Uranus power the British Artist John Michael made weird news in Los Angeles in a public bathroom, again surprising Uranus (weird) and Neptune (kinky sex) was in charge. Remember another British singer O’Connor? She cut up a picture Pope’s face on national TV in one of her performances, right in front of the entire audience. Again Uranus (freedom) and Neptune (religion) were in charge. Many unaware famous daredevils will lose their lives because they have no knowledge of the stars’ impact on human affairs. Do not take chances after the Full Moon, ever, and all will be fine.

Events: Under Uranus’ powers expect anything weird and explosive to take place. New from Japan or earthquakes are high on he list. Stay clear of strangers and any suspicious packages, especially in airports or dams. Let’s hope for the best!

Shopping: Provide spiritual guidance and support to all in need. Many will fall victim to Neptune’s deceiving and Uranus’ eccentric wills. Do not start any medical prescription now; you would further a disaster on your health later on. Some people out there are not aware of the stars’ impact on their lives and may decide to jump from a bridge or a plane and take chances; good luck to them. You may invest in my work for them, mention or offer them Moon Power Starguide this can and will save them trouble. Avoid investing in any form of electronics; a nasty virus may get to your computer.

How more precise can I be! CNN today  May 1st 2013- Med examiner: Chris Kelly, half of 1990s Kris Kross rap duo, dead at 34

NEW MOON — May 10, 2013, in Taurus: The peaceful planet Venus rules this sign. However, combined with the magnetic pull of Mars for the next few days, we may experience explosions, accidents and damaging earthquakes. Hopefully, gracious Venus will stop her turbulent brother Mars from disturbing the earth’s entrails or produce serious drama and wars. Use this lunation to further your finances and utilize Venus’ diplomatic power to deal with others. If you play your cards right she might also reward you with love. Money will play an important part of this lunation.

Aries • An opportunity to improve your finances is ahead, don’t miss it.

Taurus • This lunation is right on top of you, you cannot miss the new start.

Gemini • A secret will be revealed and a close person needs you.

Cancer • An important wish will be granted by a friend, be active.

Leo • Positive changes in your career will make you happy, stay on top.

Virgo • A new study or a far away trip is in store for you, be confident.

Libra • A legacy or a legal affair will turn in your favor travel soon.

Scorpio • A new relationship or a new business venture is ahead for you.

Sagittarius • Your health and work will improve and you’ll be lucky these days.

Capricorn • Good news from love, business ventures or children, invest now.

Aquarius • Buy or do something important for your home or family these days.

Pisces • Interesting surprises by mail or telephone be ready, a trip is ahead.

 May 102013 — Venus enters Gemini: The planet of love in the sign of flirtiest Gemini. Souls born with this celestial gift will need mental stimulation and express themselves with love at all times. Unless the partner is animated, boredom will bring about a swift break. Great ability is often found in poetry, writing, photography and drawing. A natural zest for diplomacy and learning foreign languages is often found with this position. The soul could also marry a foreigner and reside in a foreign land during the course of this reincarnation. Expect lots of great news, and to spend money on anything that writes, reads, rolls and speaks. Horses, cars, bikes or anything with wheels are offered.

MON., TUE., WED., THU., FRI. — MAY 6, 7, 8, 9, 10:
RULERS — Mars (Danger/men) and Venus (Docile/women)

Work, Career and Business: The Moon is still waning (negative) so think twice before committing to an investment program. A powerful hunch might save you trouble if you are unsure about a person or a business scheme. Don’t let Mars affect your judgment; be patient with everyone around. Expect upsetting financial news; don’t let it get to you, you can only do so much. The future will offer better opportunities. Wait patiently for the next New Moon; right now just clean up and reorganize.

Partnerships: As usual with Mars’ aggressive personality, expect all sorts of trouble with partnerships. As always with the Lord of war around these days, you are seriously advised to use discretion in all you do or mention to avoid serious complications. Keep in mind that the Moon is waning (negative) so don’t expect progress in any of your endeavors for now. Finish up a project or re-evaluate a situation, but most of all be patient.

Family and Friends: A difficult trend is taking place; do not let it get to you. Use your will and look for happy people. Moon Power Starguide is preparing you for this type of celestial affliction; take a passive attitude and all will go your way. Use Venus’ loving touches with practical advice to provide spiritual help to those you care for, but realize your limits. You need your own spiritual strength to face those tough stars and you can do it.

Love Affairs: Expect some secrets to be divulged, especially the ones related to sex or financial scandals. Venus’ gentle nature will reward you if you use her diplomatic, loving powers to smooth things out. Better stay home and enjoy good food during the late hours. A great movie with the one you care about this weekend is your best shot. Many will fall prey to con artists and weird sexual endeavors. If you are a Virgo someone born in March, a Taurus or a Capricorn could be looking for you. A Cancer friend will give you good advice, but do not complain too much if you want to save your friendship. Stay clear of alcohol consumption.

Travel and Communication: The people of your past will soon show up. After the Full Moon always stay clear of suspicious deals. Deal with the people you know and avoid dangerous dark alleys. Keep your eyes open and your personal alarm (intuition) on all the time. Mars rules man’s animal instincts and he could stimulate one of his aggressive children (Mars in bad aspect) to hurt you, given the occasion. With any trouble on the highway, stay inside your car with the doors secured. Many violent crimes have been reported during this type of energy, especially when drugs or alcohol are involved; take no chances.

Environment: Soft Venus will try to stop her violent brother Mars and his friend Pluto from stirring the earth’s entrails and producing earthquakes, explosions, volcanoes and disasters. In time of a waning Moon and with a Supernova window in action she might not have much influence. Be ready for destruction from both Pluto and the red planet, Mars, “The Lord of War.”

Famous Personalities: This same type of energy has taken the lives of many famous people, sometimes dramatically. Drama, sex, and scandals of all sorts will go public and may induce suicidal tendencies in some prominent people. Stay clear of any chemicals and be aware around the water.

Events: Mars is like Pluto in some ways and will stimulate the villains; expect them to be nasty and active during this trend. Again, do not trust strangers and do not put yourself in any situation that could make you a potential victim. The police will make disturbing news and many officers will be dispatched to cool off situations, especially those of domestic violence. If you are in law enforcement, beware; Mars or Pluto could hurt you; don’t take any chances.

Shopping: Do not deal with finances these days. Avoid investing in tools or sharp instruments. Some will get bad news from their creditors and bank accounts or credit cards will be a source of trouble. Do not open a bank account now; the negative energy will induce unneeded financial stress in your life.

 SAT., SUN., MON., TUE., WED. — MAY 11, 12, 13, 14, 15:

RULERS — Mercury (Good News/travel) and the Moon (New beginning/Moving)

Work, Career and Business: Great news is to be expected soon in the work and career scenes, and progressive changes are on the way. Make the most of Mercury’s intellectual powers to review your business life and do some financial planning. Concentrate on everything important, and then go for it with faith. Lots of progress is ahead, make the most of this positive trend. As always drive with caution, don’t let speedy Mercury ruin your day with the police.

Partnerships: The Moon is up and happy for the next few days; do all you can to further your partnerships and if you have to, let go of your past and look for someone else. There are plenty of great souls walking this earth; just ask for your happiness and let go of the past. Use Mercury’s strength to take a trip with your partner.

Family and Friends: Your maternal instinct will show itself to your children. Share your knowledge with friends; help them to understand some of the secrets of life and make them understand their emotions, which are regulated by the Moon’s passage through each and every sign of the zodiac. The subconscious response to the moon’s fluctuations upon humans is referred as “lunatic behavior or moodiness” and right now she will make you and others feeling happy. Expect the beginning or ending of important parts of your or others’ life. Expect some surprising news from the children. A close friend needs your attention to deal with an emotional situation. Give help.

Love Affairs: Realize your limits with the wrong people, be honest with your feelings and make the needed changes. Your own future, positive or negative, is mostly based upon your decisions, and is the reincarnation of your thoughts. An old friend who lives far away may need to communicate with you, use Mercury and write those letters. The mail could bring you great news and everyone will want to talk to you. If you are a Virgo a Capricorn or a Pisces will want you. Someone born in July needs to spend some time with you very soon.

Travel and Communication: If you have to travel for business purposes, do it now and always use the two weeks following a New Moon to do so. Don’t let insecurity stop your progress, and promote important business now. Expect the mail and your telephone to bring you interesting news. Many will be going back home while others will have to go away.

Environment: The Moon’s waxing energy could induce stress on the faults, so that many people will be forced to relocate soon following natural disasters. It’s time for her to stretch herself and restructure her inside. Mars is dangerous; be aware of fires and destructive emotional behaviours.

05/15/2013 – 2 Alaska volcanoes spew lava

05/15/2013 13 tornadoes hit North Texas; 6 dead  Residents are clearing debris and crews are searching for seven people after multiple tornadoes in Texas.

Famous Personalities: The rich and famous will be investing or planning reunions to feed the children of the world. Their artistic gifts will benefit many generous organizations. Some other crazy famous people may make surprising news trying to use Mercury’s (the press) power to gain free publicity.

Events: Expect the military to make the news or perform deeds that will aid the general public and provide relief from disasters or war areas. Nature will begin to feel agitated under this celestial manifestation.

05/15/2013 –  Sergeant faces sex assault allegations – ‘A growing problem’ for Pentagon  'A growing problem' for Pentagon

Shopping: Buy anything that your home or garden needs. You are under the protection of the New Moon, thus signing anything related to real estate, hotels or restaurants is okay. Share my valuable forecast on or offer my Moon Power Starguide and its accurate guidance for someone’s birthday, or offer a comparison chart for a newlywed couple.

May 16, 2013 — Mercury enters Gemini: Speedy Mercury enters his own sign of Gemini. You will feel like talking about traveling or furthering your business and emotional relationships. Be prudent on the road as Mercury rules cars and speed. Many people driving with you are not aware of this celestial activity and could pay the price of their cosmic ignorance. Make good use of “Moon Power Starguide” and keep reminding yourself of this fact and your real knowledge. Your telephone will be red hot and action will be everywhere. Mercury rules all the motion parts, your arms, fingers, shoulders, etc. Don’t let him crack some of your bones because of impatience. Be prudent and be patient in all you do and you will be protected.Investing in a car after the New Moon may protect you from violent death.

THU., FRI., SAT., SUN., MON. — MAY 16, 17, 18, 19, 20:

RULERS — The Sun (Love and Light/Children) and Mercury (Trip/ Siblings)

Work, Career and Business: Don’t let the egotistic power of the Sun take over your management skills. Keep in mind that we are still human and have egos that sometimes get out of hand. Make the most of the Sun and Mercury’s revitalizing energy to further your business life. Interesting progress and surprises are on the way. You’ve been waiting for this New Moon long enough; push now.

Partnerships: We are under the white power of the Moon and you can also feel the valiant Sun’s strength light up your life and your relationships. This is the time to offer presents or flowers to those for whom you care. You should nurture happiness and feel rejuvenated; your spirit is free and happy. Use this long-awaited New Moon to your advantage; get active with life. You may hear about a birth soon.

Family and Friends: Remembrance of the he past will activate for many, and great time is ahead. Let the golden protective Sun’s rays further everything related to children, love and creativity these days. A trip to the wild or the zoo would be rejuvenating for the entire family; get your camera as those laughs and sincere smiles are priceless. With Mercury’s speed affecting the kids, and dangerous Mars in Scorpio watch over them carefully around the water. If you feel confused about a situation, Mercury will help you find the perfect words to fix the situation. Expect interesting surprises coming your way via telephone, mail or social activities. Use this powerful lunation to your advantage; get yourself in shape and do something different this weekend.

Love Affairs: Time to get active as love can be found practically anywhere, especially if you set your mind to it and participate in all events. Throwing a party will pay off for some people and love may just enter your own home. Again don’t stay home if you are invited to a gathering; the Sun may reward your heart’s desire. One of your important wishes is in the hands of a friend; don’t miss the party. If you were born in May, a Scorpio or a Virgo will be strongly attracted to you. A friend born in March or January may need your help.

Travel and Communication: Use all the beautiful words you can come up with. Everyone will sparkle with the Sun’s power. Make plans now for a trip close to the water. Let your loved ones know that you miss them and that you’ll be there soon. Travel is under the protection of the Sun but please remember the Supernova window and dangerous Mars is around… Updated May 18/2013 – Planes lands without landing gear in N.J.

Environment: The Moon will make hard aspect to other planets these days and this will remind us of our vulnerability to the shocking destructive forces of nature. Updated May 18/2013 – Bright explosion on moon visible from Earth, NASA says – With the new Moon upon us, let’s hope no earthquakes will come to remind us that the earth is still very much alive. Trouble may be coming from an accident involving children. Again, keep your eyes open, especially close to the water.

Famous Personalities: Many new figures will show up on the entertainment field and much work will be done to produce the finest in the arts. Great movies are being made and expected to appear in the fall. Some famous actors will get in or out of business and love relationships. A famous personality will make weird news!

Update 05/16/2013 – Bernie Madoff: I can’t sleep

Update 05/17/2013 – Cannes Chaos: Man fires blanks, sends actors, onlookers running for cover.

Events: Are you into the extraordinary? If so, go to the desert now; bring your camera, as this energy activates UFOs sightings. The Sun’s light brings the undiluted truth to whoever wants to see or experience the incredible power of the divine. Nature may do things of her own and disturb power and electronics in some areas. Be aware of Mars and children producing accidents including explosions, earthquakes, tornadoes and volcanic eruptions are high on the list. Updated – 05/17/2013 – Commuter train collision injures dozens

Shopping: Buy anything expensive: gold, cars, and electronics for the children. Presents bought now will bring luck to both of you. Invest in all that shows true love and you will win the heart of that person later. Now is the perfect time to invest in the light and my Astropsychology course and learn all about the stars.


TUE., WED., THU., FRI. — MAY 21, 22, 23, 24:

RULERS — Venus (Passion/love) and Pluto (Death/drama/sex)

Work, Career and Business: The Moon is waxing (positive) and much can happen as long as you understand how to use Pluto and Venus’ energies positively. Promote your business life now: advertise and reach the people, travel. Do that and soon your telephone will be busy and the mail will bring awakening news. You will be soon being forced to realize what is wrong in your career, and the needed changes are on the way.

Partnerships: A new plan is needed to succeed in your endeavor; use this trend to get rid of whatever or whoever is bothering you. Expect some secret to resurface soon. Nothing can really go wrong if you use Venus’ diplomatic gifts to deal with others and aim high. Diplomacy with others will pay off.

Family and Friends: Expect shocking news from people around you; you might get in touch with some of your friends for a good chat. Do not fall for gossip; you may end up sandwiched between two friends. Use the positive Moon and Venus kind-hearted natures to promote your life. Surely a good time to appreciate your loved ones or plan a dinner at home, or maybe just see a great movie. Avoid Pluto’s sarcastic remarks or you might be sorry later. Many will experience drama in their own homes, keep the police away.

Love Affairs: Combined with Venus’ sensuality, Pluto will give you the power to “stimulate” your partner in many ways. Candlelight, soft music and words of love will pay off considerably if you are in a solid relationship. This is a trend loaded with powerful emotions and good energy, where nothing can go wrong if you play your cards right. A foreigner could play an important part in this trend and later in your future. If you were born under a water sign you are advised to keep your emotions in control. If you are a Gemini, a person born under the sign of Libra or Sagittarius will be strongly attracted to you.

Travel and Communication: The call of nature will be strong for many. Enjoy the wild and water and make plans for fishing trips. The river and the sea have lots of fish to give away and for some magical reason they will all bite the bait. Drive slowly; don’t spoil your day with a speeding ticket. Watch over Pluto’s destructive communication and use Venus’ diplomatic manner instead.

Environment: Many mother earth supporters will march to be heard by government officials and they will succeed in their requests to save the environment. Pluto is about to show mankind the awful power of destruction. Dramatic news for some unlucky souls is to be expected.

Famous Personalities: Legal action in the news from a famous entertainer. Another famous figure may have to leave this world.

Events: This energy will touch the police force so don’t take any chances now. The police will make disturbing news, as Pluto will induce drama and death. Expect nature to get out of hand, and accidents to plague the media. Updated May 23rd, 2013 – Cleaver attack in London – Suspect shot after talking on camera

London Attack Fully Predicted by Dr. Turi

Shopping: Cameras bought now will take dramatic pictures or will be used against criminals. Invest in anything that will be used to clean up your environment. Good metaphysical books can also be bought and used for your own mental progression. Spruce yourself up by brightening your wardrobe. Purchase or wear black or red garments; they will bring magic to you. Your favorite astrologer or psychic will have great insights for you, visit them now.

Note: Pluto is back with us; be VERY careful of what you say, where you go and what you do! Unaware police officers and/or criminals will meet with their death. Many other unprepared souls will pay the ultimate price by losing their precious lives and this could be you too. Please DO take my heed VERY seriously! Plutonic windows dates depict EXTREME criminal activity and police VULNERABILITY. No one is safe when EVIL reign on earth! The full year of SOS deadly Plutonic window dates are available to my VIP’s Cosmic Code subscribers only. Please read PLutonic Deadly Window – THE DO’S AND DONT’S Is your life worth this VIP subscription? Call us any time for information at 602-265-7667 Join us ASAP. Sign up NOW!

FULL MOON — May 25, 2013 in Sagittarius: Disturbing news from foreign lands is to be expected. Jupiter, the Lord of law and religion, will impose his righteous, dogmatic views on some lost souls. Dramatic transformations in the world of faith and the church are ahead. The previous wake-up call provided by Pluto’s impact will induce a form of financial death for the Vatican and a rebirth for some people psyche where exploitation fear, religious poisoning and ignorance won’t prevail for long. Pluto will bring to light the shameful manipulation, sexual and financial secrets deals of organized religions and some of their religious leaders. Pluto is still interacting with Uranus to further the truth and the new Age of Aquarius against the dying Piscean age. There is still a war in heaven while the Middle East and Asia are re-birthing through death, diseases and wars.

 Aries • Difficult news from a foreign land, a study or a trip gets you worried.

Taurus • Trouble with a contract or corporation don’t sign anything now.

Gemini • Stress coming from a business or emotional partner is heavy.

Cancer • Don’t worry about your health, stress at work is expected soon.

Leo • Love, romance and children or a new endeavor will start you worrying.

Virgo • A change of residency or a problem with the family is ahead, be patient.

Libra • The mail or telephone may bring you sad news soon, be strong.

Scorpio • Expect a restructure of your self-esteem and finances soon.

Sagittarius • Don’t take any chances within the next two weeks, be patient.

Capricorn • Let go of your past, eliminate all guilt to be happy, and no drinking.

Aquarius • Some of your wishes won’t be granted for a while, just be cool.

Pisces • Your career may not go as expected, wait for the next new Moon.

 Hidden Secrets Sex, Money Come To Light
Raw Power Challenges Police Deadly Villains
Ugly Face Of Death Drama Horror Surface
Nature Man’s Religion Bloody Folly Reign

Famous Death/Dramatic News/Police/FBI/CIA/Secrets/
Scandals/Terrorism/Finances/Sex/Serial Killers


SAT., SUN., MON., TUE. — MAY 25, 26, 27, 28:
RULERS — Pluto (/Drama/Rehabilitation) Jupiter (Foreign grounds) and Saturn (Government)

Work, Career and Business: Jupiter’s positive energy will help restore faith and new opportunities in your life. You could use this trend to gather your thoughts and get close to God in your local church or in nature and enjoy the wildness. Keep your notion of life clean; avoid poisoning your future with negative attitudes. Pray for the world, for the children of the future. Many of those restorative thoughts are needed, then slowly but surely a healing process will take place. With the New Moon upon us you may begin to see the light. Signing important documents is okay while the moon is still waxing, and valuable opportunities are on the way. Be ready for the beginning or ending of important parts of your life.

Partnerships: A new business partner wants to share a great plan with you; it probably is! Don’t rush. Listen to your intuition before and add your own creative force in the process. A foreigner could also enter the scenery and the meeting could positively affect your future. Avoid tensions this weekend about a specific project or trip. Nothing can really stop you if you mean business. Keep a positive attitude.

Family and Friends: Friends will be active and many will be requesting your presence. Do not refuse invitations. The waxing Moon through your great friends can still grant many of your wishes. You may plan to throw your own party with some good friends this weekend. Keep your eyes open for an older person with good deals or kind words to offer. Kids sense that they are the center of attention, be patient with their demands. If Mom is far away, she may call you; don’t dwell on the past and avoid gossip. Be happy. Don’t let other people’s trouble upset you, and all will be fine.

Love Affairs: Socialize with friends and have faith in the stars. You will feel positive away from home with the people around you. They will enjoy your company and one of your wishes may come true. Avoid impulsive actions where romance is concerned and drive carefully on your way back home during the late hours. Do not fall victim to Saturn’s gloomy power; forget about your responsibility, go out, meet new people and expect a lot. If you’re born in January or September, your magnetism will be high and you could find love. The future has better to offer, so put a big smile on your face and be confident. Progressive changes are ahead; be patient and participate in life. If you were born in August, someone born in April, or an Aquarius or Gemini could be strongly attracted to you.

Travel and Communication: Saturn rules old people and parts of your past. Take care of the old people you love. Make these days’ good ones, as those folks might not be around for the next cycle. Some will plan to travel far this weekend, and some just around town to meet their pasts. Be aware of early celebrations as people could drink too much and drive dangerously. Stay safe and watch the roads. Many will find themselves with car problems or stuck in airports. (Or in a big boat? Updated 05/27/13 – Cruise ship catches fire) – City workers may also decide to cut off traffic making you late for work.

Events: Jupiter may decide to entertain us with some new from foreign powers. Under Saturn’s power, people challenge governmental structure. For instance a few years ago the news reported that many Taliban fighters asserted authority in northern Afghanistan. Warlord Dostum flees to Turkey. Taliban fighters moved swiftly Sunday to assert their authority over this northern stronghold, whose capture nearly completed a three-year campaign to unite Afghanistan under the white flag of the radical Islamic army.

Famous Personalities: The rich and famous will busy themselves to alleviate pain in the world.

Events: A political person may make surprising news. Be ready for startling news from a foreign land soon.The Middle East, Mexico or a Spanish-speaking country needs help. 0 5/27/2013 – U.S. Sen. John McCain has met with rebel leaders in Syria, his communications director says. 

Shopping: Invest in traveling or learning a foreign language, and you will have a rewarding time ahead of you. Use Jupiter’s philosophical values to improve your consciousness, or plan to start an important study. Invest in anything for your pet.

May 31, 2013 — Mercury enters Cancer: The Lord of communication in the sign of home and family will instigate worries about home, food and general security. Be aware of children sensitivity and hopeful at all times. On a more productive note, use this powerful planet to find a way to communicate and provide security to your loved one or use your mental power for any real estate task. Souls born with this celestial gift will be geared into general security and will own a powerful intuition. This Mercury position breed real estate icons and the moon fluctuations seriously afflict their judgments and feelings. They are all strongly suggested to watch the moon whereabouts in the Zodiac Moon Power Starguide as the perfect tool to do so. They also need to check on their personal Dragon dates for any and all endeavors.


Cosmos/Nuke/Weird/Surprises/Explosions/Shocking/Quakes/Volcanoes/Tornadoes/ NASA/Aeronautics/Electronics
Shock Surprise Nature Upset
Down Under Up Above Water Fire Kill
Heavens Deep Earth Wakes At Night
Ring In Fire Spit Science Wonder


WED., THU., FRI. — MAY 29, 30, 31:

RULERS — Uranus (explosions) Neptune (deception) and Saturn (Government)

Work, Career and Business: — Do not expect to make much progress for a while; many of your plans will fall apart. Listen to other people’s stories; the stars affect everybody and they may come up with interesting, even surprising news. Be ready to invest in some appliances or equipment. Saturn will help you make some great adjustments after careful planning. Wait for the next New Moon for more progress.

Partnerships: With Uranus in charge, anything and everything unusual can happen and with a waning Moon (negative) upon us, do not expect great news. Restaurants will be busy; better make reservations if you don’t want to be turned down. However, any changes should be accepted with faith in yourself and the new future. Be patient with everyone, as Uranus may make them eccentric and Saturn depressed. Avoid drinking at night.

Family and Friends: An opportunity to meet with some family members you have not seen for a while will be given to you by this lunation. The past will come alive again and an old friend will reappear soon. A person who owes you money sincerely wants to repay, but may be in such a difficult set of circumstances that he can’t. Be patient as he may repay you in a different way. A friend who has invited himself and who has been a house guest for a while may need a little push to get him out of your domicile. Providing help is great, but let people know your limits.

Love Affairs: Be ready for the incredible to happen; if you are in a karmic relation-ship, changes are needed. Friends may fall in love with other friends or mistake love for friendship. An old love or an old friend long gone will reappear in your life soon. If you were born under any of the water signs expect needed changes. If you are a Libra, a Leo friend needs to talk to you and someone born in April or February needs to understand you. A friend born in June might fall for you.

Travel and Communication: A business trip or an invitation may lead you to many good contacts from the past. However, you might have problems getting to the given address and may get lost a few times. Be patient, as you will still have plenty of time to play and enjoy yourself with various unusual people. For paranormal investigators, now is the time to look for UFOs in secluded places. Don’t forget your video camera; you may be sorry if you are not ready when Uranus is willing to display the secret of extraterrestrial intelligence. Stay clear from tall trees and posts to avoid lightning; many people met with their deaths in stormy Uranus trends.

Environment: General electronic failures or viruses could produce aeronautic disasters soon.[5]

Famous Personalities: Very surprising behavior or news will come from the rich and famous. Disturbing and sad news about a famous child could reach the media. Fire and electrocution are also high on the list; be aware.

Events: — Uranus loves accidents and explosions; under his power expect surprising and original pieces of news such as: Four people died when a Marine Corps electronic warfare plane went down in the desert. It was the third military plane crash in two days. Two teenagers were killed when a butane pipeline broke and

exploded in northeast Texas Saturday. Lastly I gave the date of August 18th on my newsgroup and asked the readers to be prepared for “electronic failures.” On the exact date (posted months earlier) NASA shuttle lost his main computer in space and made international news. The costly loss of the Mars probe took place under this disturbing Uranian energy. Watch the children at all time.

Shopping: This is not a time to purchase new electronic equipment or plan a long voyage by air to a foreign land. As always, Uranus rules the future, and his psychic powers can be used through your trusted local psychic or astrologer. Second-hand shopping of Hi-tech will pay off for some.

“And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years.”
— Genesis 1:14 in King James Version of The Bible

Let me lead you back home in the stars above where, as a child of the universe you came from…

The greatness of the Universe is unknown, but the magnetic forces that direct and move all the planets in our galaxy are known; this Divine source of power can be used to guide and bring man a life filled with happiness, peace and harmony.
— Dr. Turi

Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth by means of his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom

–   Paracelsus

Be safe and watch the signs!

Dr. Turi is available for any and all teaching and astrological material.


Read “The Mayan Prophecies And The Cosmic Code” from

12/22/2012  Humanity Stars its Spiritual Journey

“The future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thoughts” humankind, as of yet does not understand its serious implications and its accumulated applications.  Thus I choose the “DAY AFTER” or December 22nd, 2012 as Dr. Turi’s Universal day of prayer marking the awakening of the power of enlightenment, common sense and the liberation of the human spirit from fear.

On this day NOTHING dramatic will take place, instead a very constructive celestial energy will bless humanity.

The Universal gates will open  offering humanity  a  push a rare chance to finally connect with the Divine marking the END of the Age of Pisces (religions/deception/misinformation) and the beginning of the Age of Aquarius (UFO/humanitarian/the truth/the Cosmic Code.) Then, slowly but surely, Jesus’ true spiritual celestial Ministry will be reinstated. Humankind’s cosmic awareness of “Our Father In The Heavens” and God’ signs will be taught and used by all his children of the world promising the long awaited Universal spiritual rebirth of Humanity.

When men realize the church is the universe and the twelve Apostles are the twelve signs of the zodiac, God’s commandments written in Starlight will bring true love, respect peace and harmony to this world. Only when science finally honor the word science itself and investigate the “Divine” a real chance will be offered to the rest of mankind to uplift its perception and working of the Universe. Love, respect peace and harmony depend in understanding and respecting God’s highest celestial orders cloaked in the “Universal Code”. The truth of life and the Universe cannot originate from ONE solitary foundation; it’s all about a complex range of integration of all things at once”.

Dr. Turi

The greatness of the Universe is unknown, but the magnetic forces that direct and move all the planets in our galaxy are known; this Divine source of power can be used to guide and bring humankind a life filled with happiness, peace and harmony.

Dr. Turi

 HELP DR. TURI’S MISSION! BE A DIRECT PARTICIPANT TO CHANGE THE WORLD! Click on this link to offer donations for OUR cause and for the children of the future.

Blessings and thank you from the heart.

Question? Help? Talk to Terania 602-265-7667


Dear Cosmic Coders:

To reward you for being a cosmic coder, anyone celebrating his/her birthday will get any of  my consultations for half price.  On a 90 MN tape or live on Skype the choice is yours… Remember knowing where your natal or hidden dragons are will help you direct the cosmic fluid in your direction.  Often changes are imposed to better your life but if you do not know you are taking the chances to suffer cosmic ignorance. Remember also my work is unique and if you ever dealt with a psychic or an astrologer before you are very far from getting the real essence of the cosmic code because chances are your spiritual guide while committed and dedicated to help you does not own cosmic consciousness. This Scorpius Dragon demand everyone of us to hypothetically speaking die and rebirth into a more sophisticated wiser human being and I am here to do just that! Guide you in accordance to the cosmic rites and ceremonies… This is your special day, it happen only once a year and you must do something different, something unique and the good news is; this birthday present you will offer YOURSELF will last a lifetime…

If you are looking for love, money, your mission, your soul mate, spiritual stability or if you have questions about health, someone you care, a child I WILL APPROACH IT ALL and so much more! read what those who dealt with me in the past wrote about my services

Get a spiritual present that will last for a lifetime because a night out, good food  or any present will never ever compare to offering real spiritual regeneration, priceless direction and predictions. I will take good care of you but remember it has to be your birthday and you MUST become a VIP.

A 12 months $25 subscription is now worth my $700  top of the line service and this is something you must consider because you could have also and/or already have spent $1.00 a minute on a CA psychic. Then get what you paid for from a cosmic unconscious lost soul who probably need much more help than you do!


Note as soon as you proceed and become a VIP call Terania at 602-265-7667 to schedule your Birthday special deal reading…



 “And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years.”

— Genesis 1:14 in King James Version of The Bible

Let me lead you back home in the stars above where, as a child of the universe you came from…

The greatness of the Universe is unknown, but the magnetic forces that direct and move all the planets in our galaxy are known; this Divine source of power can be used to guide and bring man a life filled with happiness, peace and harmony.
— Dr. Turi

Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth by means of his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom

–   Paracelsus

Be safe and watch the signs!