Will Earth to Collide with NIBIRU on July 21, 2013?

May 29, 2013

Will Earth to Collide with NIBIRU on July 21, 2013? Will you die on this day? 


Cosmic Warnings To The World July 2013 by Dr. Turi on YouTube EXPLAINED

June 1, 2013


 ”For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice… If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

Before elaborating on “NIBIRU” rest assured you will not die on this day! 

Were You Born Gay? Pass it on Please – http://www.drturi.com/were-you-born-gay-2/

Watch this video

Seven adults, two children killed

Dear Readers;

Here is your Sunday Cosmic Code FREE public sample, if you like my work don’t miss any of my articles, join the world in the Cosmic Code website!

June 2013 Elaborated Horoscope For All Signs
June 2013 Daily Guidance and Predictions
June 2013 Moon Transits

Since August 2012, the deadly Scorpius Draconus impact is unmistakable and produced a serious increase in natural disasters, suicides, sexual misconducts and endless dramatic news involving death, Three storm chasers died in Oklahoma, secrets, the IRS abuses  and the FBI predicted re-structures, the Benghazi  dilemma, and  children killing children. All the while my prediction for a new deadly disease threatening the world is becoming irrefutable – Deadly virus spreads to Italy,

  The news can only get worse especially after the Full Moon and my book seriously caution everyone not to take any chances or pay the price… But while this nasty cosmic soup kills more than usual, I can guarantee you that many of the lost souls where also operating under one of their “ 2013/ Lucky/unlucky Personal Window Dates” but without cosmic consciousness those “scientists” thrill seekers did check on their electronics equipment but never thought of checking on the Cosmic Code and how it would apply to them personally last few days…

But without any “cosmic” references, those left behind,  friends and family can only refer to their painful  loss as yet another  “an act of God!” when those latest victims of cosmic ignorance could be alive today had they check on the Universal clock on a personal level – Call it a humongous very costly price to pay because the world at large and  science still assume my work is only “pseudo-science” and there is nothing of value (but saving their lives) in it!

The fact is those death did not have to happen because those “accidents” could have been avoided in those “predicted” tornadoes and all those extreme weather thrill seekers should OWN their  ” 2013/ Lucky/unlucky Personal Window Dates.” But what the real irony is that; my work is read all over the world by so many of them but you can take the horse to the river, this does not mean he will drink at the source of wisdom… And my vision/prediction for them all is quite clear, its just a matter of time before they become the statistics and make the news themselves…

 There are no accidents, nor circumstances, only subtle cosmic consequences at work the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive.”

Dr. Turi

But it is so easy for the envious sceptical young soul to deny everything I represent or write and in God’s name to this day, I still wonder  why science does not honour the world science and investigate my claims and why they are unwilling or incapable to grow up spiritually to get the solid proof of my claims by reading my 2013 Moon Power yearly publication or learn the secrets of the Cosmic Code with me!

Remember this dragon will NOT keep anything secret for long and bring serious karma (and wake up calls)  to all human beings who needs it! With the tons of emails and telephone calls we received daily, Terania and I are in a solid position to tell you readers, this dragon is making your lives a true nightmare bringing more fears and more insecurity to this world than ever.


You have until February 2014 to realize its Universal impact and its Personal impact upon your life (if you read my book) then once removed by the cosmic rites and ceremonies (God’s will) the new 2014/2016 Martian Draconis will rule this world! And you better be prepared for what the future has in store for you and humanity!

I am asking you to keep your spirit high and not to feed evil   regardless how destructive he became since the Cosmic Code (God’s will)  is giving him more destructive power than usual. This world has a lot of karma to repay, too many large and abusive corporations have serious karma to repay and the reality is, you are in the front line and even children will become the  Scorpius Draconis’ victims.  The cosmic order is implacable and must unfold, in these advanced technological days an age, you are constantly reminded of the above Universal “gearbox” speaking God’s implacable will through the eternal movement of the planets, dragons and signs… Something you are slowly becoming aware of through my work and something our infantile science will have to accept with time…

Some cosmic unconscious souls will blame a busy “tornadoes seasons” the religiously poisoned lost souls will blame the wrath of God while science  will debate Global warming  and the rise in the average temperature of Earth’s atmosphere…In reality, all speaks of the incredibly destructive Plutonic cosmic energy at work currently plaguing the world until February 2014. Yes I saw it all coming and regularly refresh the memories of thousands of my world wide reading audience where the majority is still unable or unwilling to perceive God’s cosmic will or the Cosmic Code  in action…All along the daily guidance and predictions  I generate for my VIP’ speaks and translate the cosmic fluid accurately…

Sceptre of 2013 Moon Power – SAT., SUN., MON., TUE. — JUNE 1, 2, 3, 4:
RULERS — Neptune (Religion/drinking) and Mars (Disagreements/war)

Environment: The Titanic sank when Neptune, “Lord of the Seas,” got angry. Especially after the full moon, he likes creating huge waves and sinking ships. The weather will turn out really nasty and may stop you. You might have to reschedule some of your plans. Be patient. 

Famous Personalities: Prominent religious figures will make sad news, some involving drugs, sex and alcohol. Some water sport individuals are in serious danger now. Arkansas sheriff dies in flood rescue try Bad news for the Pope or religions in general. Did priest kill beauty queen? | Photos

Events: Towards the end of the week Mars is growing stronger and may decide to create serious trouble with nature’s forces. Expect devastating news of explosions, earthquakes, tornadoes and very uncooperative weather. Seven adults, two children killed – Better stay home these days or be extremely prudent in your words and actions. 4 firefighters among dead in Texas fire

Meantime the envious cosmic unconscious ”young souls” keep denying the true values of my pearls of wisdom and associate with the force of evil to trap your spirit in this dense physical world…  While the world keep endorsing and supporting my work I am glad to realize those who are curious and observed my work gain from my gift in predictive astrology.

“Dr. Turi; I wanted to take a moment to offer Congratulations to you for your extraordinary predictions ( Stolen 2012 election, restructuring IRS, US economy etc etc ). You are so accurate it is amazing. Keep up the good work.

Respectfully Yours

Egan Peter” 


DT – You said it first (Nov 7th 2012) and now it appears that the stars are aligning.


Now on to another prediction made by yet another  cosmic unconscious “Talking Head” will Earth to Collide with NIBIRU on July 21, 2013!

NO  it won’t and you won’t die either!

Before offering you my rebuttals remember the rules! BEFORE trusting ANY sources of information CHECK the claims of those who offer you with predictions. Unlike Dr. Turi  well documented work, chances are you will find NOTHING dated, printed, published or posted on their website that remotely prove you should trust their predictions. Like 99.09% of human beings walking the planet, those “Talking Heads” are NON cosmic conscious, thus they can not differentiate imagination from divination and all they do is to regurgitate their own fears on you!  Those deep fears could be religiously or “scientifically” oriented/motivated because their inborn karmic UCI dictate the way they perceive THEIR reality.

Remember reader… “There is only a very thin hair between Divine information and pure imagination, where Cosmic Consciousness is lacking; science, conspiracy and religious imagination have the wrong answers. There are no accidents, nor circumstances, only subtle cosmic consequences at work the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive.”

Dr. Turi


NASA scientists reportedly have confirmed that the planet Nibiru will collide with Earth in July of 2013. The Nibiru collision with Earth in 2013 had been predicted for a while, but astrophysicists, cosmologists and astronomers around the world have come to a consensus that Earth will collide with the planet, which lies just outside Pluto.

DT REBUTTAL:  As mentioned before, the “experts” are often the least knowledgeable mostly because the scientific community has lost the spirit a long time ago and if they can not use their sophisticated electronics equipment to predict earthquakes and tornadoes on earth “What the Bleep Do They Know” or what can they “predict” about far away Pluto?  All this nonsense about Nibiru seems to generate interest and sensationalism bull than the facts!

 Two Suns in the Sky – Planet-X NIBIRU – Follow the link to watch the video


Nibiru, in Babylonian Astronomy translates to “Planet of Crossing” or “Point of Transition”, especially of rivers, i.e. river crossings or ferry-boats, a term of the highest point of the ecliptic, i.e. the point of summer solstice, and its associated constellation.

DT Rebuttal; Stop right here, there was never a Babylonian Astronomy” because astronomy is a by-product of a much older science called Astrology and I would suggest anyone to read more about “ The Truth Behind The Dead Sea Scrolls.” Those disappeared civilizations HAD full Cosmic consciousness and did not deal with our solar system  like today’s educated morons fresh out of accredited colleges an universities… The Babylonian, like the Sumerian, the Atlantis and the Mayans knew all about the spiritual conception of the Cosmic Code and did not “see” the stars are rocks only… Gee those kids have so much to learn on their own cosmic identity and NONE of them has a single clue of what I am trying to project mentally because none of them has a basic spiritual understanding  of the intrinsic Universal cosmic brain. Today’ scientific perception of our local cosmos and its manifestations is FAR from those all gone erudite highly spiritual men where the essence of the spirit has no room nor reality!  Modern man thinks at a very different speed at the expense of his depleted spirit blinding away its cosmic spiritual reality!

Continued: The establishment of the Nibiru point is described in tablet 5 of the Enuma Elish. Its cuneiform sign was often a cross, or various winged disc. The Sumerian culture was located in the fertile lands between the Euphrates and Tigris rivers, at the southern part of today’s Iraq. As the highest point in the paths of the planets, Nibiru was considered the seat of the summus deus who pastures the stars like sheep, in Babylon identified with Marduk. This interpretation of Marduk as the ruler of the cosmos was identified as an early monotheist tendency in Babylonian religion by Alfred Jeremias. Natural disasters are accelerating exponentially and astronomers believe that they are being caused by Nibiru coming closer and closer to Earth.

DT Rebuttals: How can today’ cosmic unconscious scientific community truly perceive the cosmos’ subtle manifestation when no one taught them of its spiritual dynamics? Today’s religious elites doing those translations will not stray away from their own religious convictions and again those “experts” do not own cosmic consciousness. In fact my work is the closest manifesto to what those old astrologers where doing then as far as “translating” the cosmic fluid but it all ended up mixed up with the new scientific rational approach to life  and endless dogmatic religious teachings.

Translating the “cosmic code” for you today  is the very last relics reflecting the astrological spiritual work of  those high priests who were far from practising today’s astronomy. When I offer you my predictions I am handling the cosmos the way God intended human to do so you may live a safer more productive life with my warnings… And if you take the time to investigate my work, I am making a good use of supreme cosmic wisdom while you infantile science is still unable to give you any reliable warnings pertaining to natural disasters. All they understand of the cosmos is trough the rationale discipline of Astronomy and their electronics. Where is the logical applications, where is the value of such an enormous financial investment? Yes you paid for it all and what you get is a 10 minutes warning?  All I can tell you is those civilizations’s cosmic legacies are surviving through gifted and rare people like Dr. Turi the envious, evil sub-human spirit will try hard to mute and destroy…

The Cosmic Code, the Torah Code and the Bible Code

President Obama waste on the human brain

Continued: Beings from Nibiru are considered closer to human beings than any other beings in our galaxy. Many extraterrestrial experts believe that the gray beings from Nibiru have been on Earth many times before and have combined their DNA with humans to create a more evolved life form. 

The original prediction that Nibiru would collide with earth came from an unlikely source. A Wisconsin woman Nancy Lieder  said that as a young girl she was contacted by extraterrestrials called Zetas who had set up a communication device in her brain and sent out messages to her and they had told her about the Nibiru collision. Though she had predicted the year of doom as 2003, however it has been linked with the year 2013 after the interpretations with Sumerian and Mayan calendars.

DT Rebuttals: One must be very cautious trusting anyone dealings with UFO and ET’s. Again, this is another fact you must keep in mind, the majority of UFO “experts” you listen, watch, read and learn from NEVER dealt or saw a UFO!  Dr. Turi UFO Facts!  Many of those people are born deceptive Neptunian subconsciously “embracing” the wrath of God , the end of times. Note ET’s do not need to set up any form device in Nancy Lieder’s brain for her to communicate the dramatic fate of humanity. Any conscientious human beings would check on her previous “ documented/printed/published predictions” to find if she should be trusted or if there is any values in her work, but it seems more the results of a demented mind that should NOT be taken seriously.

Continued: According to the interpretation recorded by astronaut writer Zecharia Sitchin, it is said that a planet that crosses Earth once in 3600 years and is an opportunity for the Annunaki (the inhabitants of Nibiru) to interact with the humans. NASA is publicly denying anything about collision (and even deny the existence of Nibiru), but privately several sources in NASA have confirmed the projected collision date of July 21, 2013. The world has seen many such claims of doom come and go.  But many believe that with The Nibiru collision fits in well with the Mayan prophecy – the apocalypse in 2013. http://www.kenyan2013.com/2012/03/25/earth-to-collide-with-nibiru-on-july-21-2013/

DT Rebuttals: Many years ago, I had lunch with  Zecharia Sitchin and David Icke in one of our public conferences in Phoenix AZ and the discussion we had on Nibiru was quite interesting. But I did not agree with his theory that ET’s are in desperate need of large amount of gold. They do not need human to harvest gold on earth with their technology if they can transfer from one solar system to another I thought.  Born July 11, 1920 with his Mercury (the mind) Neptune (deception) and Jupiter (publishing) all in the sign of Leo (gold) I was not surprised for him to be interested in gold. Most of all his natal Dragon’s Tail  was in the sign of Taurus ($$$$) and his Dragon’s Head (regeneration) in Scorpio (investigations.) Thus I immediately  figured his karmic insecure/investigative UCI and got my own answer for his “gold” theory.

All I can tell you readers is as always CHECK on the  ”messenger” previous past predictions and if they are like mine solid, published and dated then common sense dictate you may want to trust the source.  But for a deceptive Neptunian named Nancy Lieder  who said that as a young girl she was contacted by extraterrestrials called Zetas who had set up a communication device in her brain and sent out messages to her and they had told her about the Nibiru collision, I would think twice…

ET’s have better things to do than to abduct people, stick devices in their head to announce the end of the world!  As a true human detector, I can use my real UFO spiritual legacy and expose  Nancy Lieder, the founder of the website ZetaTalk, like I do with “friends and Foes false prophets” from all walks of life… All you have to do is ask and you shall receive! All I need is her DOB and let the ET’s speak through me of her cosmic conception because with the current “Scorpius Draconis” at work, NOTHING can be kept secret or a lie any more…  May be the Zeta readers should watch this video about the Mayans Calendar and ask Nancy to stop promoting her nonsense?

Yes Nibiru is real, NO it will not collide with earth and why do I know this? Because when the ET’s downloaded me with the Cosmic Code jurisdictions they told me that Jupiter’s dramatic gravitational forces  would act as a “protector” against any and all cosmic bodies threatening our world. Back in 1991 when I was abducted above Los Angeles with my ex-wife Brigitte,  The ET’s told me, when they built our solar system they made sure to place BIG Jupiter in direct course to anything that would arm or destroy Mother Earth (their agenda and their human cargo.)

Now who would you trust with predictions and ET’s interactions? At the end the choice is yours because once July is over, I will be there still doing unarguable predictions for my trusting VIP…

Lastly “ There is only a very thin hair between Divine information and pure imagination, where Cosmic Consciousness is lacking; science, conspiracy and religious imagination have the wrong answers.”

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi


 Planet X is that of “Nibiru” (just another name) yes a planet crossing – or a bunny hopping for that matter. Since there are those like a Wolf dressed in bunny, sheep or pig clothing who will try to pull the wool over your eyes…Even while in front of your face.

Just call it an illuminated transit…As in the ”IE” rule ( (I is commonly used to designate electric current in these regimens) while ( E is calculated as the sum of the infinite series) meaning the way it is. To be truly enlightened, one has to illuminate themselves with the undeniable sophistication SUN (SON) Male opposite that being their offspring and/or female. Get the duality?

ITS LINK: Venus (goddess of spring associated with the arrival of spring)conjunction of its sex-tile / Mars – The Trine Square Opposition (with regard to the Vernal Equinox and Fertility).

As in Venus’ location in the female identity  depicts the type of love a woman is able to offer a man…While,  Mars dictates the type of man she is *subconsciously attracted and will respond to.

Where ever your Venus (love) is located in your chart as a man this is the type of love God has in store for you and how “your soul mate” will express her true love for you…Where ever Mars ( masculinity) is located in your chart as a man, you will exert and show your masculinity.

Man and Woman also made of the same components, but it is all about placement. (I am you – You are me)

We live on Planet X – Call it Hell On Earth. But the ”X” represents that of  ’Neptune’ the /\Water Triangle/\ <0>3rd<0> eye…In other words, the ”Blessed Trinity.” The 3 equal faces, a square … 4 sides with no angles with one set of parallel lines, which are the 2 on the sides.

Ascending from below, above, around and far-off were every element of life on this shrine of stone; blessed to us by our brother / sister asteroids among the earth personified…Not the Egyptian’s tools.

All of this was put in prospective affection that we would pay our ET family the respect of “The Cosmic Code” it deserves. In consequence of the fact that “The Cosmic Code,” is the ”3 * Cross – Path of Existence” aka “Blessed Trinity,” based on this ”Universal Tri*logy.”

We choose to swim upstream or downstream, to be deceived or not; but the human spirit is the place where its nature can’t be re-arranged by the hands of anyone…

It is by understanding how to keep your reflection of your personal head / tail in balance with the universal laws written in light, to avoid sinking or being led astray.  It is those who limit themselves to only their 5 senses and missing the “Spirit” – one of the most needed parts of the BLUE – print for this existence… This is what our natural world authorized us to have. And it is without doubt that this missing piece is what is leading this world towards it own ultimate demolition.

We carry our own cross. We choose how to walk our own path. No one can do it for you. You have to do it yourself. Most bring their own burdens on themselves but the universe has always been there to help you carry out through those. However, one has to have the know how and be trained to suitably use the tools the way we do; because it isn’t natural for us to think in quantum. None of this is man made. DT and I simply read the stars in full.

Call it your shock of provocation; arising from the earliest of creation, such as the full bloom of “spring” March 20th…Vernal Equinox – “Holy Arian (Aries) Water” (March – “Pisces”) or the first proof on the “Sun Wheel” physical / spirit revolution; as a rule.

Please check my last 2 pieces of work written primarily of this –



Peace, Love and Light,

*Mrs. T*

Sharing emails:

On Thu, May 30, 2013 at 1:56 AM, chris////.co.uk> wrote:

Hi Dr. Turi,

I am a regular follower of “http://www.drturi.com/” and I really take great interest in some of the interesting insights you provide. I myself am working with Creditplus and we have just published an infographic at http://www.creditplus.co.uk/car-signs/ that shows what cars different signs of the Zodiac buy. I thought it would be of interest to your readers and I would love to get some feedback from you about my findings.

Thank you for your time and any feedback would be truly welcomed.

All the best.
Kind Regards


 DT – Hello Chris; Your findings are entertaining at best my friend, the rational people involved in the infographics you presented me with are totally depraved of cosmic consciousness. They can not Astrologically speaking make any accurate statement of any potential buyer, regardless of the logical method used. I gather you used the DOB on your clients’ database in relationship to all the buyers’ preferred cars choice… there is nothing of any value in the logical method used. I can do a very different and much more accurate research and offer you findings that would probably be more accurate and much more appealing to your prospective automotive clients.  stay with the master if you really want to reach the media and make money! 



From my VIP friend Paul in the East Coast ;

To All Members of the Cosmic Code, todays date is May 31, 2013., a liitle before Midnight. Please adhere to all NOAA Weather Warnings, if you reside in the area of Oklahoma and Missouri.

   Please Be Aware of Your Surroundings like D.T. always says.  Civilians are so laxed when it comes to there Safety.   Please follow the Safety Measures during Severe Stroms.  I am an experienced Emergency Management Director, here in Northern New Jersey.   Back in the Year of April 30th, 1999, there were 52 Tornadoes, in the Nj & PA area.

Be Safe and Seek Shelter at the Lowest Point of a Ravine or Basement

 Paul H

Become a Light Fighter

FBI/CIA/IRS – Obama’s Impeachment

Feds, IRS, FBI Secrets Divulged!

2013 The Year Ahead



Become a cosmic coder to find out! 


Swiss government peels back bank secrecy rules PREDICTED by Dr. Turi

May 29, 2013drturiBanner

 ”For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice… If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

Swiss bank now can share secrets

How more precise can I be? This prediction is dated and was published November 15, 2011

Prediction #19. The Tail of the Dragon in Taurus will force many people to lose all their possessions and bring serious insecurity to the poor. The same very people will demand drastic financial decisions to be taken. Unable to survive many Aesthetic Industries involving top names will declare bankruptcy.  Switzerland and its secrets banks devious manoeuvre’s will be exposed and forced into a full restructure. The Swiss Guard *Vatican banks and security will also be forced into a full restructure.

May 29, 2013

Dear Readers:

First I want to thank you for the huge wave of orders coming from my “Memorial Day Super Deal” I am now asking all of you to be patient because I can only produce 2 or 3 readings/consultations a day. Many of you were out and about and missed the deal so after talking with Terania (602) 265-7667), she is still processing many more new orders and they keep coming… Once more be patient with me if you ordered a consultation, I can not rush anything and must deal with your psyche, your fate, health, love, career, money questions and predictions very carefully.

 Note also our LLC certificate is being renewed and my website order page/credit card cart  is still very safe even if you get a warning to get out of it!  Now your best shot if you can not afford my now regular $310 taped Full Life Reading or $700 Live Skype consultation become a VIP. Its affordable and worth my personal guidance for the next 12 months!

Many lucky souls will get my personal touch and attention and my work will change their life!

It amazes me that with the very wordsSwitzerland” written down, the envious young souls, your infantile  scientific community, your deceptive religious institutions and your defective educational system who have all lost the spirit will still refuse to accept the solid facts I endlessly offer them to ponder on!

The more I offer my pearls of wisdom the less I am appreciated because it is part of being a dysfunctional human being to be jealous of someone gifted/cursed like me. Incidentally it seems the undiluted truth I own is something to bright for too many souls to either see or accept where the so called prophet, famous psychics or astrologers you trust, read and listen to,  rips the benefit of a much too gullible mass unwilling or unable to reach Cosmic Consciousness.

While I am totally dedicated to help society to upgrade to higher spiritual spheres and perceive God’s cosmic divinity and the truth, much of the world HATES Dr. Turi for his honesty, his direct approach to life and his talent to perform endless accurate predictions…

The mental gymnastics needed for any of those lost envious souls to check on my claims is missing. It is by reading my dated published material and books but this is much to much mental work to perform when assuming or denying is so easy… While paying and rewarding me for my God given gift is out of the question, I endlessly give away more of my priceless teachings through my writings generating more unarguable predictions

I am forced to realize the facts that this world is far from ready for me and sadistically enjoying trashing the cosmic fruits of my 63 years of my unusual existence where even the incredible touched me! Yes UFO are real and you better “upgrade” if you want to deal or attract them…

The dark forces of evil are relentless and I suffer them daily  through the verbal manifestation of some unconscious sub-human beings which I’d rather call “young souls”  in the auto analysis their tainted spirits… All in vain I must say for my work is not for the feeble minded depraved of curiosity or spiritual values, all cursed by their inborn inferior  karmic UCI.

Here is the evil at work – New SARS-like virus is a ‘threat to the entire world’ was FULLY predicted by Dr.Turi and other of my predictions posted at http://www.godlikeproductions.com/search.php?q=dr.turi were receiving too much attention and too many good stars trigging  “Anonymous Coward” to make false accusations resulting in ” SORRY – YOUR IP ADDRESS HAS BEEN BANNED

If you are a supporter email your own feedback in my favour! bans@godlikeproductions.com

Those evil souls’ purpose is to stop the cosmic light and wisdom I offer to reach other readers and confine  them into their own fears and ignorance. It seem the moderators/owner of www.Godlikeproductions.com are not exactly “vibrating” at my highly spiritual speed and are only able to discuss low level human trivial earthy matters.

Most of the posts there are so disgusting and reflect 99.09% of a cosmic unconscious mass of morons flying to Mars making up the majority of this world. A perfect stronghold for Evil to reside,  to meet and trash each others with ignoble vulgarities fuelled by endless ego battles.  What the hell was I doing posting my pearls on this website you may ask? maybe saving a soul like me who had no business there and needed to read about my work?

The problem is of course, anyone interested in my unarguable predictions about the economy or the Swiss Banks will miss another unarguable hit!


God thanks, the minuscule drop in the ocean or my VIP’s, clients, students and supporters making up the ridiculous 1% of highly spiritual advanced souls on this planet do not engage with evil and instead offer me their endless support!  In fact, if it wasn’t for their encouraging words of wisdom posted for the world to read at http://www.pvhi.info/cosmiccode2010.html I would have quitted a long time ago and let the evil of ignorance contaminate more human beings…

These are the courageous “Army of Avant Guardes”, my “Soldiers of Light” dedicated to fight the force of darkness *the spirit of Satan eternally trapping and enslaving lost souls like  “Anonymous Coward.”   The irony is; so far and so remote is the essence of light and love in  “God Like Productions” website but trash and vermin does attract and attack each others for sure…

Tomorrow May 30th I will offer my VIP’s more cosmic fluid by posting  “June 2013 Daily Guidance and Predictions” ” June 2013 Elaborated Horoscopes For All Signs” “June 2013 Moon Transits”  and most importantly ” June 2013 SOS To The World Windows” – It seem my latest SOS window or probabilities proved me right and sad enough many cosmic unconscious human beings will pay the ultimate price for their lack of curiosity or scepticism! Life must go on I guess  and only when the student is ready, will the right teacher appear!

If you are ready for me I’ll be there to take good care of you, if not you need more time and as an immortal spirit you have eternity to learn…


BECOME A COSMIC CODE VIP and be aware of the Scorpius Draconis plaguing humanity!

God created the stars and the heavens to be used as sign so you may lead a safer more productive life! Because they are seeing, they see not; and hearing, they hear not; neither do they under*stand” the voice of heaven.

– Matthew 13:13

Go UNDER your Stars, and realize how you STAND with God and UNDERSTAND the Cosmic Code! 

Become cosmic conscious! 

BECOME A VIP, become a cosmic coder to learn all about the celestial face of a God you know nothing about! A God you were lied about for centuries because a new conception of God and the Divine is taking place in the world right now and if you pay attention to my work you will realize how the Creator truly speaks to his children via the stars and signs.

“I will talk to you, you won’t hear me! I will present myself to you, you wont see me!”


Raise your spirit to God and ask and you shall receive… Remove your hijacked spirit from the power of deceptive Neptune, do not trust nor listen to the Neptunians, for “God’ experts” are the least to know about God himself! Do not be afraid of your creator, do not feed evil, fears belong to the evil of cosmic ignorance! Be ready “Become a Light Fighter“, own your salvation, free your spirit and rise to God universal splendour, I am here to guide you into the light!


Become a dedicated courageous human being willing to help me in my mission to free humanity from fears and cosmic ignorance!


Dr. Turi


New SARS-like virus is a ‘threat to the entire world’ Prediction


Dr. Turi; I wanted to take a moment to offer Congratulations to you for your extraordinary predictions ( Stolen 2012 election, restructuring IRS, US economy etc etc ). You are so accurate it is amazing. Keep up the good work.

 Respectfully Yours 

Egan Peter 

Note: Those dated predictions (quatrains and keywords) were printed and published last year in my 2013 Moon Power book and posted on all major websites DAYS prior to the news. Some were also broadcasted in my radio shows, again well before the news unfolded!  Get the book (or listen to the shows) to check my claims! I posted all the results for May 28/29/30  for you TO APPRECIATE THE COSMIC GIFT I OWN PLEASE AND HELP ME SHARE IT TO THE WORLD! YOU WILL SAVE LIVES! THANK YOU Dr. Turi.


Dr. Turi predicted Katrina, Rita… a month ago he NAILED Wilma to the DAY – “Oct 22/23/24: A return of a weather-related event such as Katrina/Rita which will force thousands to evacuate.” [link to www.coasttocoastam.com]

***BREAKING*** Dr. Turi´s First November Prediction Right on the Button!

“OMG!!! – 

I heard what happened when I was driving home from school on Fox News on XM Radio. My friend was sitting shotgun and I totally freaked out when I remembered Dr. Turi´s prediction! “

NEXT UP: Natural Disaster in the US/Russia on the 18/19/20

Re: ***BREAKING*** “Dr. Turi´s First November Prediction Right on the Button! Bump. This guy needs to be on the NEWS!!!”


 ”For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice… If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

Dear Readers;

This is why you should own a copy of my 2013 Moon Power (http://www.drturi.com/store/books/moon-power-starguide/) and PLAN ALL your trips after the protective New Moon ONLY! Do work in armony with the cosmic rites and ritual (God’s universal will/ the signs) or pay the price of your own cosmic ignorance!

 “The stars are the elixir of life” “All great spirits have encountered opposition from mediocre minds”

– A. Einstein

Memo from my 2013 Moon Power book –

Travel and Communication: Saturn rules old people and parts of your past. Take care of the old people you love. Make these days’ good ones, as those folks might not be around for the next cycle. Some will plan to travel far this weekend, and some just around town to meet their pasts. Be aware of early celebrations as people could drink too much and drive dangerously. Stay safe and watch the roads. Many will find themselves with car problems or stuck in airports. (Or in a big boat? Updated 05/27/13 – Cruise ship catches fire) – City workers may also decide to cut off traffic making you late for work.

Events: A political person may make surprising news. Be ready for startling news from a foreign land soon.The Middle East, Mexico or a Spanish-speaking country needs help. 0 5/27/2013 – U.S. Sen. John McCain has met with rebel leaders in Syria, his communications director says.


May 28/29/30

  Shock Surprise Nature Upset
Down Under Up Above Water Fire Kill
Heavens Deep Earth Wakes At Night
Ring In Fire Spit Science Wonder


Cosmos/Nuke/Weird/Unusual/Surprises/Explosions/Humanitarianism /Shocking/Quakes/Volcanoes/Tornadoes/ NASA/ Space/ Aeronautics/Electronics/Technology

May 28 / 29 / 30

She found shocking surprise in Bible SHOCKING?

Trailer comes unhitched, kills 7 –  Unusual? – SHOCKING?

Suspicious letter for Obama intercepted – Unusual? – SHOCKING?


How more real can I be?

The three-person crew lifted off early Wednesday and will stay on the International Space Station until mid-November.

Crew docks in space after 6-hour flight –  Space?

Explosion surprises cameraman  Explosion surprises cameraman Explosion?

The explosion caused the temporary evacuation of Mickey's Toontown in Disneyland.

Section of Disneyland evacuated after trash can explosion?

See explosion after train derails  See explosion after train derails EXPLOSION?

An explosion followed a train derailment Tuesday near Baltimore, fire officials say.

Freight train hits truck and derails in Maryland; it ‘felt like an earthquake’

More Tornadoes on the way Dr. Turi Predicts

 (Posted on BIN Tuesday, May 28, 2013 15:42 before the news hit CNN!)

Severe weather hits Plains, with forecasts calling for more to come

Dr. Turi must be right!

Updated – Kansas twister damages homes, farms

 Sad enough another of my shocking predictions came to pass…

Flu Virus – Scorpius Dragon kill 18 more children

New SARS-like virus is a ‘threat to the entire world’

 Memo from Prediction page 1 11. A sexual disease will kill many and be conquered and replaced by a new one. Sex will become more prominent on television where more dysfunctional programs will offer fame to criminals.  The entire porn industry will also be forced to restructure where murder, shame and abuse of children will become public. More and more concerned groups will expose the danger of promiscuous sex and the abuse of drugs. A new thirst for mystery, death, drama, the occult will plague humanity while many famous people will fall into sexual lure, disgrace and suicide.

Train, truck collide and trigger explosion  –  Explosion?
Marine goes on 2-hour shooting spree – Shocking?
EU opens door to arming Syrian rebels – 
‘Financial hub’ of cybercrime world shut
 – Technology?
Report: 2 Syrian rockets hit Lebanon – Explosion?

May 27

Chile, Argentina on red alert over volcano activity – Volcano?
American F-15 crashes in Pacific off coast of Japan – Aeronautic?
Passenger tries to open airplane door – Aeronautic?
Close call for jet, copter sounds alarms – Aeronautic?
Cougar attacks skateboarder – Weird/Unusual?
Teen carves graffiti on Egyptian tomb  – Weird/Unusual?
Sidewalk birth surprises mom  Sidewalk birth surprises mom  – Surprises? 


Cruise ship catches fire 

Does “Down Under Up Above Water Fire Kill” mean something?

Royal Caribbean’s Grandeur of the Seas cruise ship management, your government, political, educational and religious authorities are all cosmic unconscious read more… Concordia – Titanic disasters Explained 


“There are NO accidents, only cosmic circumstances unknown to our infantile science and 99.09% of a cosmic unconscious world!”  Dr. Turi



Find out more with Dr. Turi  or like thousands of wiser souls, JOIN the cosmic code website.  

 “God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to you for interpretations,  so you may live a safer more productive life! “Where Cosmic Consciousness is lacking; science, conspiracy and religious imagination have the wrong answers. There are no accidents, nor circumstances, only cosmic consequences the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive. – “Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth by means of his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom”


Scientists Lies – Tornadoes/volcanoes/quakes prediction is NOT advancing nor evolving!



 ”For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice… If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

My Photo

An incredible two hours of vital cosmic fluid where Dr. Turi predicted the London terrorist attack 

From the host Dave;

Hi Dr. Turi,

I hope you’re well. Thanks for sending along the links! And yes, indeed you had spoken of these things on the show. * TERRORISM/NATURAL DISASTERS – Which, by the way, is my most listened to show ever. Quite a following you have. I do look forward to speaking with you again on the show.

My regards to Mrs. T.

All the best,


I am proud to be a French American giving my spiritual best and my pearls of wisdom to this great country Dave! –  Thanks again for having me on your show my friend! LISTEN AND WONDER

Dr. Turi

Dear Readers:

As promised here is your Sunday free Cosmic Code newsletter sample – Happy Memorial Day readers, I may be a French citizen but I can still  feel the core of the USA running very deep through my own veins since April 1984, when I first arrived in this great country!  Millions of souls from all over the world have paid the ultimate price for the freedom we enjoy today and the opportunities for me to reach and enjoy the American dream…


Some of those warriors were only children when they flew over  and perished all over Europe, others where sent to Vietnam, Laos, Japan and so many unstable areas in the Middle East to never return. Those who did are for ever deeply marked by the horrors only wars can inflict and will never be the same… The words I am trying to use to comfort the families of the victims who died on foreign grounds could never suffice nor really explain the depth of the pain and suffering they experienced and today, for Memorial Day, all I can do is to remember those who gave their lives so I could experience the American Dream and cherish freedom…

In some mystical ways I am also a warrior myself, in fact I am not afraid to say I am more American than many lost, envious souls lucky enough to be born in this country!  I am doing my part to enrich, educate and even save “The American Spirit” because if I succeed in my mission to free humanity from fears and cosmic ignorance in the US, I know my work will automatically reach the rest of this big world.

Many of the warriors who never returned home where under age and found a way to engage, while many others already served but keep going back to the death theatres… This speaks of a total courage and dedication  to serve others all in the name of freedom, something they all believed strongly! I do also believe in the freedom of your hijacked lost spirits, all in the name of greed, science, religions and educational corporatism suffocating your jailed spirits.

Tornado prediction is advancing and evolving, scientists say

A young girl stands among the rubble outside Briarwood Elementary School on May 21.Dr. Turi Help Future Astrogeologists to Uncover God’s Cosmic Will so WE Won’t Die…

“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to  you for interpretations so you may live a safer and more productive life!”

 (CNN) — The massive tornado that devastated communities in Oklahoma Monday touched down near the town of Newcastle just five minutes after the first warnings went out, according to the National Weather Service. But residents of Moore, which would be hardest hit by the killer storm, had about 30 minutes before the twister entered the western part of the city, CNN meteorologist Sean Morris said Tuesday. It sounds like enough time to act, but in the wake of tragedy, the question always persists: Could more have been done to warn residents of the monster tornado?

DT Rebuttal: The fact is readers, would the media, science and USGS incorporate my “predictive” work and stop assuming it is only “pseudo-science” they would finally realize that the warnings/timing for my “windows of high probabilities” were accurate  and also announced on radio days prior to the tornadoes touch down and the latest terrorist attack in London! But when my “good friend” George Noory removed me from Coast To Coast, the army of cosmic unconscious guests he uses have never offered solid proof of their work, before or after the events… I did it countless times  but I am too real and too dangerous for the established controlling Status Quo to enjoy a wider warning voice.

“When a true genius appears in this world you may know him by this sign that the dunces are all in confederacy against him”


Memo: The fact is my SOS Windows to The World and quatrains spoke the truth once again when I posted  ”The Moronic Mind At Work!” battling ignorance with a young lost soul.  I once again proved my claim to the world and posted the EXACT date, quatrains and obvious keywords BEFORE today’s horrific terrorist news in London! Note also these dates and predictions for terrorism were broadcasted on my latest radio show “The Bright Side“ making my predictive work real and undeniable. My Exact words on the show were ” Expect a crazy lunatic killing people on those dates.”

Continued: The science and technology behind severe weather prediction continues to improve, and many of the tools in place were deployed during Monday’s tornado.

DT Rebuttal: This is insanity at best and another more than obvious fact readers that today’ science is powerless and had these people read my 2013 Moon Power, or heard me on national radio giving my “windows of high probabilities” (or the exact dates and quatrains) they would have had a least a form of warning… Instead Dr. Turi’s voice is kept under ground because unlike science, my work is free and does not need millions of your tax dollars to be wasted in ridiculous experiments.  In “Mars 78000 Morons” I explained science’s real agenda but who’s getting it? 

Accept the obvious facts readers, that even with the the billions you gave science to develop their best technological tools, no warnings were available and over 100 people are now DEAD!

But the sad reality is you will never know how many of the 237 dead people, had they heard me on radio, TV or read my 2013 Moon Power would be alive today. But science say my work is ridiculous, religions taught you to stay away from astrology and the agnostics,  atheists, the envious young souls and the mass of educated morons alike have only scepticism to offer you.  Yes they are all working overtime to shut me down and direct your “donations” in numerous ridiculous* advertising articles promoted on CNN,  can you see and accept this fact? Meantime people are dying but my claims and cries for urgent financial help will only make sense to you if you lose someone close to you…

Who cares, natural disasters can’t be stopped and happen all the time, but if this is true why would science need your taxes  to warn you? No, deadly large earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, tsunami etc. DO NOT HAPPEN all the time but ALWAYS in my “windows of high probabilities.”

Yes I may have to get rid of “SOS To The World windows“, get rid of the word astrology, psychic, spirits even UFO to be considered a normal part of the clan because they are all cosmic unconscious and lost the spirit, the cosmic code secrets a long time ago and this is why today, they STILL can not give you any valuable, trustworthy, reliable, impeccable  warnings the way I do repetitively…

But the scientific community would rather be caught dead than to accept I know better than all of them combined just by using the supreme cosmic wisdom that escape them all.  But what will you do to help me warn and reach the future dead? Don’t count on science they never did and never will…

 “For evil to flourish, all that is needed is for good people to do nothing.”

– Edmund Burke

Continued: Once the tornado had touched down and meteorologists had determined that it was heading toward a populated area, the National Weather Service issued a “tornado emergency,” said Harold Brooks, a research meteorologist at the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration’s Severe Storms Laboratory in Norman, Oklahoma, which is near Moore. The rarely used distinction is designed to make it clear that there is a dangerous situation.

 Moore in bull’s-eye twice, science may know why

“When you hear that, the response is that you better get your act together, now,” Brooks said. For the citizens of Moore, the tornado emergency was declared at 3:01 p.m., about 14 minutes before the tornado reached the city. “I think it was a very well-warned and well-forecasted event,” Brooks said.

DT Rebuttal: Are you joking Mr. Harold Brooks? 15 minutes warning translate into  237 dead people because you could not reach them earlier, you should be ashamed to make such ridiculous comment but I understand you need all the morons’ tax donations for you and your fleas “educated” kind to survive… Your tornadoes predictions system is as good as your earthquake predictions methodology, by the time the needle moves it is much too late and all you can do is hope and dance with mother earth. But you will never ever accept this fact because you need money to survive and keep building an inaccurate technology!  I did, repetitively offered my “windows of high probabilities” and the exact dates for years and my warnings and predictions are still posted on my website for your eyes.

 Continued: EF5 tornadoes are terrifying perfect storms – The initial warning, which included the counties where Newcastle and Moore are located, would have been followed by alerts on television, radio, phone apps and sirens. Once forecasters recognized that the tornado was violent and that a “potentially extraordinary event was occurring,” the emergency declaration set off another round of warnings, Brooks said. Still, at least 24 people lost their lives as a result of the tornado.  (237 is the latest number to be exact) Considering the size of the tornado and the number of homes it affected, the death toll could have been worse, Brooks said. “A lot of people survived the path of the tornado,” he said. Basements scarce in tornado-prone area: Here’s why

DT Rebuttal: First not 24 people but hundreds lost their lives in these tornadoes and keeping the facts, factual is also a must because if Dr. Turi was allowed to reach the media regularly or if the media had access to my books the warnings would be offered MONTHS ahead of time. This would give people more and accurate warnings and with it the opportunity to act. THE GOOD NEWS IS, IT WILL NOT TAKE LONG AT ALL FOR ALL THE SCEPTICS TO REALIZE MY WARNINGS ARE REAL and many lives will be saved in the process!

Continued: The science behind predictions – Currently, the Severe Storms Laboratory can forecast weather conducive to tornadoes about seven or eight days out, Brooks said. This is a vast improvement over 15 years ago, when forecasts were available for just one day ahead. In the case of the tornado that hit Moore, forecasters predicted severe weather in the Oklahoma area as early as Wednesday. But these forecasts are for weather systems that are capable of producing tornadoes, not predictions of where a specific tornado may hit.

Advances in technology and science are continuously improving forecasts. “As computers have gotten more powerful, the models have gotten better,” said Adam Sobel, a professor of atmospheric science at Columbia University in New York. Computers use the laws of physics and mathematics to make predictions based on simulations of the atmosphere that are represented on a grid.

DT Rebuttal: Regardless of all the promises made by your computers using the laws of physics and mathematics to make predictions based on simulations of the atmosphere that are represented on a grid the fact is you never did nor will  offer ” 8 days” warnings because your methodology and technology is not only inaccurate but also unreliable.

 The fact is there to stay regardless of your excuses  237 people are dead and you offered very little warnings and no chances to plan ahead of time.  Following my work means the media would/will realize the true predictive values and reality of my warnings through my “windows of high probabilities” which have and will ALWAYS be reliable! All the scientific community has to do is to STOP assuming, honour the world science, dig into my work by checking on my well documented, dated and published “predictions.”  Because it is repetitive in nature it can be investigated, then accepted as a solid disciplines that will save lives but asking today’s scientific community to grasp Einstein’s genius seems to be an impossibility with this crowd of educated morons.

 Hello someone up here?

*The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. We will not solve the problems of the world from the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. More than anything else, this new century demands new thinking: We must change our materially based analyses of the world around us to include broader, more multidimensional perspectives.”  ~Albert Einstein*

Continued: Opinion: How can we be safe from tornadoes? Just like pixels on the digital cameras have become smaller and smaller, the grid that these computers use has gotten smaller, allowing for more precise forecasts, Sobel said. But tornadoes are so small, relatively, that they are still too small for the models to see. The increased power of these computers have made it easier to spot storms systems that could spawn tornadoes. New research may increase the window of prediction from the current seven or eight days to 10 to 12 days before the event, Sobel said.

DT Rebuttal: Mr. Sobel  trying to make natural disasters “predictions” using your technology has proven to be a failure you must acknowledge and accept!  I can’t wait to hear, see your TV, radio, 2 weeks announcement prior to any natural disaster forecast but I already know it is as good as convincing me to make a donation to get my one way ticket to Mars.

It is not part of the accepted disciplines for the scientific community to take such a risk doing “predictions” that could be used against you when proven unreliable and becoming the laughing stock is not part of your agenda to steal more taxes from a moronic trusting cosmic unconscious mass…  I challenged NASA, NOAA USGS establishments  since 1991 and the emails exchanged with Pasadena Seismology Institute are MUCH TO EMBARRASSING I may add and MUST be repressed, laugh at, ignored and kept away from the media!

There are so many unarguable predictions I made on national radio  but this is a Memo from prediction page 1: But what can I do or say I did not do or say (write) before? In order for science to take anything seriously first my “predictions” have to be well documented, dated, printed and in my case they are also published usually a year ahead of time. But most of all they have to be REPETITIVE and this is all I did since 1991. Are you ready for the best of the best in my efforts to reach the scientific community readers? here it is…


So the scientific community likes solid proofs? Here it is again and anything that has ever been posted on the Internet is there to stay forever and with a little search on “Deja New” anyone can trace these posts.

Sample of Proof:

WWW -INTERNET – USGS – Message -ID: ///4Hv@goodnet/// -sender news////com (News Administrator) -Dr. Turi drturi////com>

Newsgroups – sci.geo,sci.geo.geology,ca.earthquakes,hkbu,geog.maps – WEEKLY USGS Quake Report 9/28 – 10/4/95 CA. Seismology Institute – in rticleDG1t4H.v @////com>

DATE- Oct 6h, 1995 drturi@goodnet.com says…  ” POSTED (Oct, 6th. 1995)”

From Dr. Turi – “Dear Sirs: – On Oct. 8th and Oct. 9th a very unusual seismic activity will be noticeable and will produce many quakes above 6.1. More information is available pertaining to my method if requested. Respectfully- Dr. Turi”

Results – Full proofs of predictions:

1 – RE: Weekly USGS Quake Report Oct. 8th



2 – RE: Weekly USGS Quake Report Oct. 9th


More Proof from NASA STUDENT

Kudos to you Dr. Turi!

I surf the Internet periodically for predictions on forthcoming events, specifically all relating to earthquake activities. You hit the 11/22/95 Egypt/Israel/Saudi Arabia 7.2 quake smack dab on the head, per your earlier prediction. Congratulations again!

E-mail < ////private @ccmail.jpl.nasa///> Keep up the good work.

Appreciatively, G//

Yes and I did all this without stealing hard working American citizens taxes but readers did it occur to you how many BILLIONS were wasted since 1991 when I offered my services to USGS? Its now 2013 and 22 years later and with all the scientific researches and sophisticated electronics equipments they developed they need more of your money to convince you they are about to offer you a 10 days warning?    ARE YOU JOKING? The fact remain ALL major disasters since 1991 transpired in one of the numerous  “SOS To The World” or my “windows of high probabilities!” 

All the scientific community has to do is to INVESTIGATE my claims and there are TONS available to them posted for ever on the Internet… But remember doing so mean accepting defeat and the fact that an “uneducated” French man who uses the divine has and will ever always be able to do and offer better “predictions” than them all combined!

Now this does not mean science is bull but their earthquakes predictions methodology is NULL, unreliable, non existing and shows a serious inefficiency against my unarguable “mystical” methodology!  Your tax dollars is going to those well-established governmental institutions but, never in a million years will they give you either the  location of right timing to when the next large quake will take place! While my valuable research and my obvious findings (and predictions) are not taken seriously?

Memo from  ”The Moronic Mind At Work!” debating with a young soul – “When I gave dates for earthquakes, those quakes will always be at or above 6.0 and those they DO NOT happen everyday.  Check the dated, printed published undeniable proof!

ASK USGS WHY 3 dozen quakes shake Arkansas – THERE ARE NO ANSWERS FROM THEM! But they all happened during my “Windows of high probability” posted to prepare the world! 

Updated – May 23/2013 –  Region:  SOUTH OF THE FIJI ISLANDS –  Magnitude:  7.4

Updated – May 23/2013 –  Region:  TONGA –  Magnitude:  6.6

Updated – May 24/2013 –  Region: SEA OF OKHOTSK – Magnitude:  6.8

Updated – May 24/2013 – Region:   SEA OF OKHOTSK – Magnitude:  8.2

Updated – May 25/2013 – Region:  EASTERN UZBEKISTAN  Magnitude: 6.0

 I gave 6 dates but actually what I am doing is to point out the MAXIMUM concentrated energy and add a day on each side which comes up to MAY 22/23/24  and May 28/29/30 2013 .

Thus, this is what you would read if I only offered you a single digit date- MAY 23  and May 29 2013″  But I have to add 2 more days on each side of the projected date, because there is such a thing as TIME ZONES and I am trying to cover all time zones at once (and I do) making my ”SOS To The World  Universal Dates” valid for Asia, Australia, Europe and not only the US and this clearly explain my cosmic timed methodology…

Then some people will demand me to offer them also precise locations, to them I say ask USGS or any other institution not Dr. Turi because I do not receive your tax dollar to do the researches. With the current Scorpius Draconis in charge of the world, forcing ALL that is kept secret, covered and underground MUST come to light and Dr. Turi’s voice and “predictions”  is getting the world’s attention it deserves.

If I could work in harmony with the scientific community mixing both the physical and spiritual  studies would allow us to make significant progress because I HAVE THE UNARGUABLE TIMING quite accurate…They have nothing at all STILL and by the time the little needle of their expansive technology start moving, its much too late, your roof crashes on your head and you die in the upcoming tornado, earthquake or tsunami wave.

Instead of ignoring and classify my outstanding methodology as a “pseudo-science” only,  the scientific community should nut up and face the endless facts that I know something they don’t! And it is the tax payers’ right to use this money where ever answers that can save lives are, especially when the proofs of my are “windows of high probabilities”  are steady and unarguable.

I can assure you readers, since 1991 millions of scientists, geologists, astronomers, students of astrophysics, cops and not only the  curious norm read my work trying to uncover my secrets…All they have to do is to take my home course, its that simple, but this mean also divulging their identities! Add the fear of the ridicule and they just missed the boat that could bring them with the answers they are all cursed to miss and so desperately looking for…

“Where Cosmic Consciousness is lacking; science, conspiracy and religious imagination have the wrong answers. There are no accidents, nor circumstances, only cosmic consequences the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive.”

“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth by means of his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom”


This deplorable attitude does not serve them and the tax payers well in terms of preparedness and this really makes me sad because my own wisdom saved me from being part of the statistics of the terrible Asia/Thailand  tsunami where I was supposed to travel to a couple of days for a fishing trip in Puckett – Yes I could easily became another statistic on that tragic day!  Both Asia tsunami were expected and predicted a year earlier in my yearly/daily guidance book Moon Power.

Well I am well ahead of those scientists and that is the fact and with the Scorpius Draconis on my side and in charge of humanity until February 2014 the scientific community will  be forced into an overdue wake up call on so many levels.

All I can do is to again offer you a solid proof of my claim and hope for your support to give me a broader voice on the air and start investing in the right direction  with Dr. Turi  and the cosmic code jurisdictions so I can really offer ample warnings to the media and save countless priceless lives.


May 28/29/30

  Shock Surprise Nature Upset

Down Under Up Above Water Fire Kill
Heavens Deep Earth Wakes At Night
Ring In Fire Spit Science Wonder

Cosmos/Nuke/Weird/Surprises/Explosions/Shocking/Quakes/Volcanoes/Tornadoes/ NASA/Aeronautics/Electronics

Cruise ship catches fire 

Does “Down Under Up Above Water Fire Kill” mean something?


Continued: NOAA is also working with several institutions to increase warning lead times for tornadoes and other severe weather. Known as “warn-on-forecasts,” the new methodology would issue warnings based on forecasts rather than observations, said Jeff Trapp, a professor of atmospheric science at Purdue University in Indiana.

DT Rebuttal: With so much of Dr. Turi stuff/forecast on the Internet I hope Jeff Trapp will consider my methodology and invite me to speak at one of his conferences. Indeed there are so many “several institutions” USING YOUR TAX DOLLAR to survive and there is also Dr. Turi! This will never happen of course, remember I am not part of the “educated’ clan and while I do a phenomenal predictive job, my “pseudo-science” can’t be seriously considered as valuable…

“Its a pure miracle than simple curiosity survive traditional education.” Einstein

Continued: The new method is promising, he said, but it is still at an experimental stage. It might allow forecasters to provide cones of uncertainty for a tornado, similar to those used to predict where hurricanes are headed. These warnings for tornadoes could come one to six hours before the tornado, as opposed to the current 15- to 30-minute warnings, Trapp said.

Another innovation with the new research could result in forecasters providing the strength of a tornado at the time it is formed, instead of after the fact, as is currently the case. Residents may react differently if they know the intensity of the tornado heading toward them. The challenge, Trapp said, is the same one that all forecasters face: A forecast depends on the data available.

DT Rebuttal: Well all I can tell you  Mr. Trapp  is; your non cosmic conscious spirit is trapped in the 5 logical limited human senses making up the core of today’s rationale of science. And I can assure you, regardless of the many more wasted billions of US citizens taxes you will never ever, using the utmost advanced technology alone find the answer God enslaved your sceptical “educated” crowd to uncover!  The human spirit is brilliant, its power and capacities are endless but distancing you from me, my cosmic wisdom, and the essence of the spirit itself  is your downfall. I have tried to reach you all since 1991 and 22 years later you made little to no progress at all offering the world accurate “predictions.”

Humility and curiosity will lead your rational born UCI kind upgrade to a more spiritually refined human being able to  recognize and use God’s mysterious cosmic will! And I am there for you, willing to teach you what your human eyes and “educated” minds are not yet able to perceive and appreciate …

Once more readers, if I make any sense at all, and if you are spiritually advanced enough to dwell with the unseen divine, help me to pass my predictions (or should I write “windows of high probabilities” ) to all the people you know and in the cosmic cyclic eternal ritual warn others of those dates –  May 28/29/30.

In the process, may the sceptical soul trusting our infantile science realize the truth and support my mission to salvage the human spirit and lead you to become a “Light Fighter.

If you are a Cosmic Code VIP  or if you perceive my spiritual mission, please offer my work to all the websites or groups you frequent. If you work for a radio station, on television magazine or a newspaper simply forward my work to the editor, all of you have my permission to use and reproduce this material. Please help me in my pledge to educate the world and bring hopes and real warnings leading to more security to mankind.



  Deadliest U.S. tornadoes on record

Sad enough the Scorpius Draconis is still lurking above and aiming for the children…

Memo! from an old newsletter published May 12, 2013 –  “The current  Scorpius Draconis is drastically steering the deadly Plutonic forces in all human beings, including children and yet, my work is perceive as “pseudo-science” only!   This Dragon is with us all the way to February 2014 and the dramatic news ahead of you involving children  and adults alike won’t be pretty!  24 dead including 9 kids! – Expect much more and worse dramatic news soon…

Updated May 24, 2013 – Two adopted Utah brothers, 4 and 10, found dead; oldest brother, 15, arrested 

Religious War is HERE!

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi

London Killing, What’s Next?


 ”For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice… If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

Dear Readers:

I am proud to be a French American giving my best to this great country! http://www.starspangledbannerchallenge.com/

I have many times before explained that animals are like human and respond also to the Cosmic Code jurisdictions or the stars above, especially during one of my Scorpius Draconis SOS Deadly Windows. Will a cosmic unconscious world ever learn how the stars affect their psyches and turn them into monsters? All I can do is to offer the deep reasons for what makes the daily news, and offer the readers undeniable predictions while the force of the evil of ignorance are relentlessly trying to shut me down…

  CNN) — A zoo worker has “tragically died” after being mauled by a tiger in northwest England, police said. 

The 24-year-old woman was attacked while in the tiger’s enclosure on Friday afternoon at the South Lakes Wild Animal Park in Dalton-in-Furness.

While the young souls, atheists, agnostics and sceptics alike could never comprehend, this “accident” is also a serious omen of the dramatic things to come in England where the dangerous Tiger (the UK mass) will smell the blood of revenge.

Updated May 26, 2013 – Britain forms extremism task force

Updated May 27, 2013 – UK mosque burns, anti-Islamists protest

“There are no accidents, only cosmic circumstances at work humanity and science can not yet decipher” 

In their cosmic ignorance human are so “robotic” and so predictable and more blood will taint the streets of London soon. In my “Dr. Turi’s Prophecies, the Next Fifty Years” and my upcoming 2014/2016 Universal Predictions I will elaborate on the dying Age of Pisces “11/2015-02/2017 End of All Religions and what await the world – My work is non public any-more become a VIP be warned of the things to come your way, personally and Universally  for the next 12 months…

Watch this video

Far-right marchers rally in England


Dear Readers;

OCD and How To Deal With It

This course will take place in my chat-room… Stand by for an introductory public newsletter soon titled “OCD and How To Deal With It!” where I will give the directives and the dates  for my VIP’s to join and participate in the full tuition. You MUST become a VIP to enjoy my teachings, Universal, Personal guidance and predictions, free mini readings, SOS to the world etc.



London Attack Fully Predicted by Dr. Turi


May 22st, 2013



 ”For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice… If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

Dear readers:

I am proud to be a French American giving my best to this great country! http://www.starspangledbannerchallenge.com/

Memo “2012 Rigged Elections”  Shame to Light?

Well the fact is my SOS Windows to The World and quatrains spoke the truth once again when I posted  ”The Moronic Mind At Work!” battling ignorance with a young lost soul.  I once again proved my claim to the world and posted the EXACT date, quatrains and obvious keywords BEFORE today’s horrific terrorist news in London! Note also these dates and predictions for terrorism were broadcasted on my latest radio show “The Bright Side“ making my predictive work real and undeniable. My Exact words on the show were ” Expect a crazy lunatic killing people on those dates.”



MAY 22 – 23 – 24
Shame to Light
Life Death Reality Strike
Battle Of God Power Ugly
Evil Lead men’s Tainted Spirit


Famous Death / Dramatic News / Police / FBI / CIA / Mob / Secrets / Scandals / Wake Up Call / Terrorism / Finances / Sex / Serial Killer / Death news?

Evil Lead men’s Tainted Spirit

Cleaver attack in London – Suspect shot after talking on camera

Man dies after struggle with police  Man dies after struggle with police Police News?

Memo! from an old newsletter published May 12, 2013 –  ”The current  Scorpius Draconis is drastically steering the deadly Plutonic forces in all human beings, including children and yet, my work is perceive as “pseudo-science” only!   This Dragon is with us all the way to February 2014 and the dramatic news ahead of you involving children  and adults alike won’t be pretty!  24 dead including 9 kids! – Expect much more and worse dramatic news soon…

Updated May 24, 2013 – Two adopted Utah brothers, 4 and 10, found dead; oldest brother, 15, arrested – Death news?

Memo from ”The Moronic Mind At Work! Check and accept the the facts  that I saw tomorrow well before you and CNN my friend… The predicted religious war  is now obvious   ”Become a Light Fighter” and  reflect the truth in this line in my quatrain “Battle Of God Power Ugly”  and   the “Universal Religious War”  prediction I made in 1995 on Coast to Coast Art Bell Show. This is why you should join the Cosmic Code website to be prepared for the future  and help me fight the forces of evil while we can!  Here is a long sample of many more of my  predictions I made for the public and you can not erase nor ignore the truth!

Update May 23rd, 2013 – President Obama, in major policy speech, says, “America is at a crossroads” in fight against terror. Live on CNN-TV. Terrorism News?
Boy Scouts to allow gay youths – SEX News?

All I can do is keep offering my pearls of wisdom and more of my “windows of high probabilities” to those able and willing to accept the divine because  one thing is sure, unlike the 78000 born morons landing on Mars in the future , if you are like me, you will not miss them, instead expect the news to be quite extraordinary MAY 22/23/24  and May 28/29/30 2013  “SOS TO THE WORLD” and pass them on to the world because the sceptics  atheists, scientists alike will have to accept the facts that God gave me an obvious gift they all wish they had…

Memo from  ”The Moronic Mind At Work!” – “When I gave dates for earthquakes, those quakes will always be at or above 6.0 and those DO NOT happen everyday.”  Check undeniable proof of my earthquakes predictions.  

ASK USGS WHY 3 dozen quakes shake Arkansas – THERE ARE NO ANSWERS FROM THEM! But they all happened during my “Windows of high probability” posted to and prepare the world! 

Updated – May 23/2013 –  Region:  SOUTH OF THE FIJI ISLANDS –  Magnitude:  7.4

Updated – May 23/2013 –  Region:  TONGA –  Magnitude:  6.6

Updated – May 24/2013 –  Region: SEA OF OKHOTSK – Magnitude:  6.8

Updated – May 24/2013 – Region:   SEA OF OKHOTSK – Magnitude:  8.2


Where is the news-media, the  numerous radio and TV hosts who read my work posted all over Facebook and Twitter? Where are all the elites members making up my “Black Internet List” who regularly receive and read my “predictions?” Where are those courageous human beings in position of power and able to help me reach  the media, where is their integrity and the drive to REPORT any and all types of news?  Where are you TV and radio announcers, journalists, magazine bloggers, media heads,  I am all alone against a world unable or unwilling to grow spiritually fighting against fears and cosmic ignorance!  For humanity’s sake  ”Become a Light Fighter” with me, I am real, I have a priceless gift that can be used intelligently! Do not assume this world need REAL spiritual Leaders…

May 28/29/30

  Shock Surprise Nature Upset

Down Under Up Above Water Fire Kill
Heavens Deep Earth Wakes At Night
Ring In Fire Spit Science Wonder

Cosmos/Nuke/Weird/Surprises/Explosions/Shocking/Quakes/Volcanoes/Tornadoes/ NASA/Aeronautics/Electronics

Your infantile cosmic unconscious science is helpless and will never be able to warn you before its too late, you have a true valuable source with me! Your taxes and donations goes to them not to me, thus if you have questions address to them, not me, all I do for you is FREE!

I can only offer you a very accurate unarguable timing you must investigate and accept as trustworthy. Would science work with me we could offer society not only my impeccable timing but also locations. My work will benefit Astrogeologists of the future because today’ science has lost the spirit and perceive my “cosmic” work as “pseudo-science” only when I do provide MUCH more warnings than they could ever do.  Check my earthquakes record of predictions.

Check also this TV show and what to expect May 28/29/30!









The recent assault in Benghazi, which took place on the 11th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on New York and Washington by al Qaeda, is under investigation by U.S. officials, with no formal word yet on exactly who was behind it. IT WAS ALL PREDICTED!


Stand by for more proof of my work soon and all I can do is for you to become a dedicated courageous human being willing to help me in my mission to free humanity from fears and cosmic ignorance!



Planet X and the Children

While planet “X” has adjoined itself to all of the lying, which has been persuading our society; into an outlook towards a certain transition, we can say that while the blue signifies that of “Neptune” (DECEPTION / TRICKY) …This explains all the conflict -surrounding an orb like “Venus,” to be around someone as DT; which gives such beauty and love to the world, being that it is the 2nd planet closest to the sun (SELF) that concerns the self-esteem of a soul.

Remember last summer’s Venus Transit (2012)? I didn’t catch these pictures by accident.

Where Cosmic Consciousness is lacking; science, conspiracy and religious imagination have the wrong answers. There are no accidents, nor circumstances, but cosmic consequences the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive.”

Dr. Turi 

Now, think about the retrograde motion of some planets…Have you heard of the “Venus Bunny?”

Well, I am sure you have heard me say many times that we are the “Material Dragon,” (made in the reflection of the universe). At the same time, there are those like a Wolf dressed in bunny, sheep or pig clothing who will try to pull the wool over your eyes.

Now you know about the Easter Bunny and Easter or Santa Clause on Christmas. Think for a minute about “Resurrection Sunday.” Hmm-mm…One of the “Greatest Stories Ever Told.” Ha – Ha. That’s why they call ’em one of the greatest stories ever told. Hello! The SUN rises over and over every day.

As that “posing bunny “hops across the face of the “Sun” (SELF) – representing many in our world today…All I am saying is that it could be and more than likely; that they “could be” giving an unpredicted course. Because perhaps they were not suitably trained to build such rare wisdom and apply it the way DT / our students and I do. Because no one can take away your spiritual DNA but you can enhance it for the better.


Orbs bounce around many people daily; I am sure whether they notice it or not and depending on where it lands indicate something but if it lands on a part of the physical body…There is something more.  Thus, his/her knowledge may be only based on your modern, conventional technique and again we also have many evil sorcerers around whereas; DT is the only known honest astrophile, who keeps it all in balance.

Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth by means of his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom
 –   Paracelsus

Now, I am not saying that one some of those people teach or believe may not be a good thing as different paths can take you to the same goal but why get so focused on the details (trees) or intricacies of something that you miss the big picture (forest) or the main point.

What I am trying to say is that the ‘bunny hop’ motion of Venus (Spiritual) when in action is actually Planet X’s (Physical) gravity pushing on Venus. However, you can’t have the spiritual without the physical.  Bottom Line: The sun/moon/all celestial aspects and physical aspects (Earth) line up with the moon (emotions) in the middle.  Still yet, Venus is trying to go one way and Planet X was pushing it back.

“IE” (The Way It Is) – Venus conjuncts sex-tile / Mars -Its Trine Square Opposition (with regard to the Vernal Equinox) or just call it an illuminated transit for that matter; acting in accordance with the tangible & uncovering the “IE” of it all known as the asserted true colors of the person setting the test; to what is perplexing to them.

 EXAMPLE: “In Moon-base Alpha, you assume the exciting role of an astronaut working to further human expansion and research. Returning from a research expedition, you witness a meteorite impact that cripples the life support capability of the settlement. With precious minutes ticking away, you and your team must repair and replace equipment in order to restore the oxygen production to the settlement.”

DT REBUTTAL: To my knowledge, the Moon (EMOTIONS) is, just by herself, quite responsible for the daily fate of the world and directly affects the weather and nature’s forces at work. Obviously, the waxing and waning periods of our closest satellite will produce the daily process of the tides. The lunar cycle is 28 and half days, which is the same as a woman’s cycle. Thus, women will have a physical and spiritual response as we all will be responding subconsciously to the word, “LUNATIC”. The scientific community is only aware of tremendous activity in the time of a Full Moon, but they still have no clue as to the tremendous information behind it. The police force and the hospital emergency rooms are also unusually busy at these times. The Moon’s subtle power is not yet understood by the scientific community but is widely used by the aware farmer. However, many years of tedious observation have shown me that she is undeniably affecting the human psyche and our response to life. Without opposing forces at work (positive/negative), there would be no reaction, thus, no life possible on both the spiritual and physical planes. Our so-called “dead” satellite is very much alive, and vigilantly observing her whereabouts will make man grow steadfastly into a genius in predictive astrology.

Dr. Turi’s 2013 Moon Power Star Guide

I will say it again, no one just joins this “DUAL” Illuminati*I (I is commonly used to designate electric current in these regimens)… Though many still are attracted to misleading groups and the EGO becomes out of control. Call it Hell on Earth. It is what it is…You are born into it and have to have the right stars – Illuminat*E (calculated as the sum of the infinite series). That is the “ie” law meaning “that is” the way it is. In other words, to genuinely under*stand the aim of its purpose along with improving their mind towards controlling their differences in tolerance of others; whether they agree or not. That is the “Golden Rule.”

To be truly enlightened, one has to illuminate themselves with the undeniable sophistication SUN (SON).


May I Strongly Suggest You Click On This

Please Watch as there is more to the Formula than the “X” alone…Either way you swim in life, upstream or downstream – like a fish.

Then watch….


Peace, Love and Light,

*Mrs. Turi*

The Moronic Mind At Work!

May 21st, 2013


 ”For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice… If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

Dali Lama and Dr. Turi

Dear readers;

 Abnormal? Yes Tornado was EF5 | Enough warning?


Here is a sample of the moronic mind at work! Enjoy my rebuttals…

Mr A Hole – PHD, BSE, HN51, ADHD hons. DVT HIV

Lol, 6 days you’ve picked. On a planet inhabited by 7-12billion people, covered in a digital web whereabouts a fart can make a headline across 50 countries in 20 minutes.

On a rock hurtling through space, subject to both internal and external forces, many not yet understood.

A blue planet with an atmosphere, weather, oceans, deserts, mountains, rivers, glaciers, faultlines volcanoes.

That somewhere where humans dwell over a 6 day period. A natural disaster will occur…

My God Dr Turi, you’re good. I mean it must be like finding a needle in a haystack.

Make a prediction with the word disaster in it….
Pick 6 or so dates…
Keep doing this, in a rolling pattern…
Every day search internet news stories for matching generic words and dates…
Keep doing this in a rolling pattern…..
Post your matches as prophetic, compare them to your search results and previous ‘prophecies’ ….
Keep doing this, in a rolling pattern….
Pick more generic words…
Throw in the odd planet reference…
Celebrity name drop….
Keep doing this, in a rolling pattern….

That’s your ‘business’. And it stinks.

Dr. Turi Rebuttal:

Life is a constant process of changes my friend and so are the news and this  explain the “rolling pattern”  or the seasons  the news etc. So I will have to adapt to your level of expressive thinking and explain myself in a way you can comprehend…  On the dates I gave, those  news will be EXCEPTIONAL  and not “normal” or about a “fart” making international news via the Internet!  Which by the way happens everyday  because you “venting” your logic through your brainless ass,  is like Mother earth letting out numerous earthquakes.

Some of your farts are noticeable some are not! When I gave dates for earthquakes, those quakes will always be at or above 6.0 and those DO NOT happen everyday.   Check undeniable proof of my earthquakes predictions.  I am sorry readers but if I use his farts as metaphors is to help him to make sense to my highly spiritual messages and adapting to his own words and mental level may work!

ASK USGS WHY 3 dozen quakes shake Arkansas – THERE ARE NO ANSWERS FROM THEM! But they all happened during my “Windows of high probability” posted to and prepare the world! 

Updated – May 23/2013 –  Region:  SOUTH OF THE FIJI ISLANDS –  Magnitude:  7.4

Updated – May 23/2013 –  Region:  TONGA –  Magnitude:  6.6

Updated – May 24/2013 –  Region: SEA OF OKHOTSK – Magnitude:  6.8

Updated – May 24/2013 – Region:   SEA OF OKHOTSK – Magnitude:  8.2

Updated – May 25/2013 – Region:  EASTERN UZBEKISTAN – Magnitude: 6.0

 Note readers I gave 6 dates but actually what I am doing is to point out the MAXIMUM concentrated energy and add a day on each side which comes up to MAY 22/23/24  and May 28/29/30 2013 .

Thus, this is what you would read if I only offered you a single digit date- “MAY 23  and May 29 2013″ – But I have to add 2 more days on each side of the projected date, because there is such a thing as TIME ZONES and I am trying to cover all time zones at once (and I do) making my “SOS To The World  Universal Dates” valid for Asia, Australia, Europe and not only the US. But this morons needs more explanations and I hope talking “farts” with him will clearly explain my cosmic timed methodology…

Yes, this is the facts! I gave the exact dates for Hurricane Katrina to George Noory on Coast to Coast national radio show and millions heard me at work. I also gave/printed/published both the Asian tsunamis,  the Kobe earthquake, the series of deadly tornadoes and the list of my “Predictions” are endless but dated, printed and published for Astrogeologists of the future to build on my work.

If you are a sceptic, a scientist or a graduate geologist in need of understanding my predictive work, realize the weather man you see every night on TV is also using what Farthead calls a  predictable “rolling pattern” yes the dark clouds and winds above are rolling non-top and for ever…  Sorry readers, I have a problem with stupidity and being me, honest, direct,  real and truthful reflect my own advanced UCI.  If someone has got his head in the clouds or his ass,  its not me because I am much more logical, critical and sceptic than all of my Internet enemies combined…

Thus instead of stumbling on a word like PREDICTION you do not like used from a weatherman (or Dr. Turi) think of a “window of high probabilities” instead, because at the end the results will be the same anyway!

All those “windows of high probabilities” are are NOT the normal expected daily news my friend, they all stand apart because of the pain, suffering, destructions and loss of precious human lives. In my “window of high probabilities”  I gave the world more dates, more quatrains  more keywords now watch the news  unfold as did the deadly Oklahoma tornadoes (or the IRS / FBI restructures) are not happening every day and are far from “normal” news. Why don’t you make note of those “window of high probabilities” then challenge me instead of assuming because at the end Farthead, not Dr. Turi will look like an ass to the world!

I also predicted BOTH  9/11 terrorist attacks (those do not happen everyday)  leading to the “Bengazy” dilemma and the slow uncovering of the 2012 Rigged ElectionI made further predictions and offered you more “windows of high probabilities” next August for our President in “Obama impeachment” and emailed directly the Homeland Security and dozens of FBI offices all over the US to prepare them for what a born moron suffering a mediocre UCI classify as “normal rolling pattern news!”  OMG! and those are the lost souls I am trying to help perceiving the divine with my “windows of high probabilities?”  Attacking me, offering me their logic generated by their limited 5 human senses?

‘Great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly.’

“Where Cosmic Consciousness is lacking; science, conspiracy and religious imagination have the wrong answers. There are no accidents, nor circumstances, only cosmic consequences the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive.”

“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth by means of his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom”


All I can do is keep offering my pearls of wisdom and more of my “windows of high probabilities” to those able and willing to accept the divine because  one thing is sure, unlike the 78000 born morons landing on Mars in the future , if you are like me, you will not miss them, instead expect the news to be quite extraordinary MAY 22/23/24  and May 28/29/30 2013  “SOS TO THE WORLD” and pass them on to the world because the sceptics  atheists, scientists alike will have to accept the facts that God gave me an obvious gift they all wish they had…

IN FACT EXPECT COSMIC NEWS i.e. solar flares, explosions, UFO and shocking news  May 28/29/30 2013 then judge me… MY keywords will confirm my “visions” sorry my “windows of high probabilities

Memo! from an old newsletter published May 12, 2013 –  ”The current  Scorpius Draconis is drastically steering the deadly Plutonic forces in all human beings, including children and yet, my work is perceive as “pseudo-science” only!   This Dragon is with us all the way to February 2014 and the dramatic news ahead of you involving children  and adults alike won’t be pretty!  24 dead including 9 kids!

Check and accept the the facts  that I saw tomorrow well before you and CNN my friend… Here is a long sample for you at http://www.drturi.com/dr-turi-20122014-universal-predictions/ and you can not erase nor ignore the truth!

Lastly  WHERE AND WHO  you know, your so-called prophet, your famous psychic or astrologer, the ones you read, follow, trust, watch, listen to, learn from offer you“windows of high probabilities?”  ONLY DR. TURI DOES IT! and this tells you of my confidence in the art because Astrology is an art and I am the Master! Now this comment should not be interpreted as “an ego trip” by those who practice the trade in silence, in the dark, secretively for if they miss in their predictions, their integrity will go down to the drain of shame… In these days an age where lies and deception rule your world, you should at least recognise and respect my work and I for being a true and honest “Light Fighter.”

 I will post the results right here under my quatrains and obvious keywords for you to judge, so please comeback then…

Blessings to all my readers

Sharing Emails:

Andy Rodriguez

Hey, I didn’t like this comment. My page and my posts are not the place or time for you to self promote. Children have died that is tragic, it is not for you to climb on their bodies and promote yourself.

The comment:
Drturi DrTuri (May 21, 2013): SOS To The World! Oklahoma Tornadoes Predicted!http://www.drturi.com/sos-to-the-world-oklahoma-tornadoes

DT Rebuttal: And these are the people I am trying so hard to help? Making me responsible for the death of all those children is outrageous when I am working overtime to warn the parents with my predictions and be aware ahead of time!  She completely missed my message and threw the baby with the water! Morons are everywhere I guess…


MAY 22 – 23 – 24

Shame to Light
Life Death Reality Strike
Battle Of God Power Ugly
Evil Lead men’s Tainted Spirit

Famous Death / Dramatic News / Police / FBI / CIA / Mob / Secrets / Scandals / Wake Up Call / Terrorism / Finances / Sex / Serial Killer / Dearth news?

Man dies after struggle with police  Man dies after struggle with police Police News?


Remember knowledge is power, ignorance is evil and if there an EVIL energy you must recognize and control it is indeed Pluto. Now do not fall for a bunch of moronic educated astronomers who; depraved of Cosmic Consciousness see Pluto, the moon and the stars as pretty rocks hanging above the earth for the sake of beauty only. First I would suggest the reader to read Pluto True Power and What The Bleep Do They Know?

Once you acknowledge the planet Pluto inner life and its karmic influence upon humankind you will be ready to assimilate the DO and DON’T – This long list of advises can make the difference between life and death or/and a very costly dramatic experience you and your loved ones certainly do not need.

The DO’s:

· Time for you to dig into deep secrets, Pluto loves bringing back dirt so you will meet the people or get the information you need.
· Time for you to dwell with magic and do some Cabalistic ritual to cleanse your home and spirit from low entities. My Cabalistic Cleansing ritual is a good start. Don’t ask for it unless your are a VIP.
· Time for you to dig into your bank account and see any fraud activity.
· Time for you to get rid of your current credit card and ask for another one
· Stay clear from doing or saying anything wrong to the police, remember the Rodney King dilemma?
· Stay clear from Sunday psychics, psychic accidents are very real.
· Stay clear from haunted houses; bad entities could succeed stealing your mind, body and spirit.
· Stay clear from prostitutes an STD or AIDS is lurking around.
· Time for you to visit your departed ones and ask them for guidance and protection.
· Time for you to take serious notice of all your dreams or learn all about a prophetic or imaginative dream.
· Time for you to for you to dig into my long list of newsletter to find what you really need or the answer of a question you may have.
· Time for you to think about your own mortality and write your will.
· Time for you to investigate any form of legal or corporate endeavor.
· Time for you to regenerate your spirit and learn more about witchcraft.
· Time for you to look for ghost’s manifestation.
· Time for you to enjoy a horror movie or sex movie, yes nothing wrong with porn if you are French or if you are normal. God made sex to feel good so we do it often.
· Time for you to tell the truth to anyone but be cautious doing so.
· Time for you to deal with the police if the moon is waxing.
· Time for you to join the Law Enforcement Agency if you UCI endorse such a dangerous job.
· Time for you to clarify your situation in court of a cop did you wrong.
· Time for you to visit or deal with an attorney to sue anyone who deserve karma.
· Time for you to look where your spirit is at in your life.
· Time for you to wake up to religious poisoning.
· Time for you to listen to your intuition about certain people.
· Time for you to realize your strengths and your weaknesses or be reminded soon.
· Time for you to do what you are the most scared and win.
· Time for you to realize you are actually on hell and fighting for survival.
· Time for you to tap on the Plutonic forces to stop smoking or drinking.
· Time for you to apply your will to do the impossible.
· Time for you to listen to your intuition.
· Time for you to learn the hard way why you went to jail and learn from your errors.
· Time for you to cry your eyes out and feel sorry for yourself.
· Time for you to realize you cannot hide any longer from the undiluted truth.
· Time for you to die and rebirth into a much better, wiser person.

The DON’T: especially if the moon is waning or if you are under any of your personal native Dragon dates

· Stay clear from large public gathering, may religious lunatics died in stampedes.
· Stay clear from suspicious people, your intuition won’t let you down.
· Stay clear from an offer than sound too good to be true.
· Stay clear from fast money making schemes, jail is next.
· Stay clear from the low life, you could get hurt or killed for a dollar.
· Stay clear from gang’s activity or recruitment, your death is near.
· Stay clear from doing or saying anything wrong to the police, remember the Rodney King dilemma?
· Stay clear from Sunday psychics, psychic accidents are very real.
· Stay clear from haunted houses; bad entities could succeed stealing your mind, body and spirit.
· Stay clear from dark alleys and empty streets, chances are you have been followed and you are watched.
· Stay clear from gambling with loud people Vegas or not, your sense of security is very wrong.
· Stay clear from far away bathrooms and be very cautious of long dark corridors including elevators.
· Stay clear from practicing witchcraft with uneducated people.
· Stay clear from signing anything without a witness.
· Stay clear from anything that is dark.
· Stay clear from any and all animals, Pluto will turn them into killers.
· Stay clear from trusting anyone asking for money.
· Stay clear from using your heart it could cost your life.
· Stay clear from the Full Moon light where ever you are.
· Stay clear from ingesting anything you don’t trust
· Stay clear from accepting a stranger’s drink, Pluto is inside.
· Stay clear from wild lonely places.
· Stay clear from trusting anyone during any 2010 Plutonic windows.
· Stay clear from fighting with your loved ones.

Do not let your kids out without supervision. During one of my TV show in Tucson I mentioned the death of a kid by drowning trying to save his friend that fell into a canal in Phoenix. Had the mother read my Moon Power Book or read my VIP Cosmic Code newsletter forecast, she would have been aware of Pluto. Like millions of preventable deaths she did not and for the rest of her life she will cry her loss and never be the same mother ever again. Don’t be left behind, knowledge is power ignorance is evil. As soon as you become a Cosmic Coder you will be with me for the next 12 months and enjoy more of my educational material. A real spiritual Master is a very rare thing join the world.


May 28/29/30

  Shock Surprise Nature Upset

Down Under Up Above Water Fire Kill

Heavens Deep Earth Wakes At Night

Ring In Fire Spit Science Wonder


Cosmos/Nuke/Weird/Surprises/Explosions/Shocking/Quakes/Volcanoes/Tornadoes/ NASA/Aeronautics/Electronics


SOS To The World! Oklahoma Tornadoes Predicted!

May 21st, 2013


 ”For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice… If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

Dear Readers:

Memo! from an old newsletter published May 12, 2013 –  “The current  Scorpius Draconis is drastically steering the deadly Plutonic forces in all human beings, including children and yet, my work is perceive as “pseudo-science” only!   This Dragon is with us all the way to February 2014 and the dramatic news ahead of you involving children  and adults alike won’t be pretty!  24 dead including 9 kids! – Expect much more and worse dramatic news soon…

Updated May 24, 2013 – Two adopted Utah brothers, 4 and 10, found dead; oldest brother, 15, arrested

Watch this video

Washington (CNN) –  Describing the tornado that swept across Oklahoma plains as “one of the most destructive storms in history,” President Barack Obama said Tuesday the state “needs to get everything it needs right away” to recover from the devastating twister..” 

Tornado was EF5 | Enough warning?


Scorpius Draconis at work! 

Man kills himself at Notre Dame Cathedral

Top U.S. Marine faces extraordinary allegation

Teen charged after sex with girl, 14  Teen charged after sex with girl, 14

Please make a note of my next MAY 22/23/24  and May 28/29/30 2013  “SOS TO THE WORLD” predictions and pass them on to the world.

Updated – May 23/2013 –  Region:  SOUTH OF THE FIJI ISLANDS –  Magnitude:  7.4

Updated – May 23/2013 –  Region:  TONGA –  Magnitude:  6.6

Science can only offer warnings when it is much too late  while those warnings were printed/offered in my 2013 Moon Power book last year. Once more, science has no real clues and by the time you are warned, its too LATE! 16 minutes from warning to touch down    Be smart, Get your copy you still have a few more months ahead of you and you must be warned and plan in accordance to the cosmic code rules (God’s cosmic will) and learn about the signs.

Thousands of God fearing souls all prayed God for safety in their churches all over the world,  but today, they are ALL DEAD!  None of those man made books you trust, read and oblige by speaks of the Glory of God or translate his celestial will, did you realize this yet? Those archaic deceptive  teachings have nothing to do with God himself or offer humanity only religious discordances and endless wars.  Do not become the next victim, use the stars as God intended you to do when he created them! Read the truth about the Secrets of the Dead Sea Scrolls! 

God created the stars and the heavens to be used as sign so you may lead a safer more productive life! Because they are seeing, they see not; and hearing, they hear not; neither do they under*stand” the voice of heaven.

– Matthew 13:13

Go UNDER your Stars, and realize how you STAND with God and the Cosmic Code! Become cosmic conscious! 

BECOME A VIP, become a cosmic coder to learn all about the celestial face of a God you know nothing about! A God you were lied about for centuries because a new conception of God and the Divine is taking place in the world right now and if you pay attention to my work you will realize how the Creator truly speaks to his children via the stars and signs.

“I will talk to you, you won’t hear me! I will present myself to you, you wont see me!”


Raise your spirit to God and ask and you shall receive… Remove your hijacked spirit from the power of deceptive Neptune, do not trust nor listen to the Neptunians, for “God’ experts” are the least to know about God himself! Do not be afraid of your creator, do not feed evil, fears belong to the evil of cosmic ignorance! Be ready “Become a Light Fighter“, own your salvation, free your spirit and rise to God universal splendour, I am here to guide you into the light!

Listen to my latest radio show and predictions

French People and Artists are Weird

Sharing email:

“Dr. Turi you said Oklahoma would have tornadoes? What a shocker!   lol…..they have them every year….lol lol lol.” What about the Obama impeachment – will Benghazi, IRS, AP scandel do it?

DT No you got it wrong Doug I only give EXACT timing for natural disasters and the Scorpius draconis brings incredible ABNORMAL intensity…“one of the most destructive storms in history,”

May be you should read  2013 Moon Power for  all the details, assuming is not the right way to deal with my work, smart investigation is! Meantime wait for the next dates and learn not to assume because I will be there to put it right in your face when it all happen…

About Obama read “FBI/CIA – Obama’s Impeachment

The future has and will always be my utmost faithful witness….


Dr. Turi


May 2013 Predictions From Dr. Turi

On May 24 th 2013 I will make another important announcement in a newsletter titled ” Dr. Turi needs your help” to the thousands of Cosmic Coders reading my work all over the world!  I hope to get it from you or lose my two beloved dogs Draco and Macho… Yes the Scorpius Draconis got to my home and career areas BIG time AND ABOUT TO UNLEASH more of its deadly power upon a cosmic  unconscious world! Please pass on my May 2013 SOS To The World because your infantile science has NO clue of the Divine and lost the spirit a long time ago and read why men and nature are going crazy suffering the 2012/2013 Scorpius Draconis! 

   – Please listen to my latest radio show if you missed it, you will learn a lot!  Be patient bear with the host and I, this is REAL time radio! We have had quite a lot of technological problems due to Mercury retrograde and this reinforce the values of my teachings and predictions… This two hours show will change your conception of life especially when the predictions I made are quite dramatic.


I gave some dated predictions in this show, please make notes, I will be there to prove to you my accuracy and post the results from CNN page on those dates!

MAY 22 – 23 – 24

Shame to Light
Life Death Reality Strike
Battle Of God Power Ugly
Evil Lead men’s Tainted Spirit

Famous Death / Dramatic News / Police / FBI / CIA / Mob / Secrets / Scandals / Wake Up Call / Terrorism / Finances / Sex / Serial Killer / Dearth news?


Remember knowledge is power, ignorance is evil and if there an EVIL energy you must recognize and control it is indeed Pluto. Now do not fall for a bunch of moronic educated astronomers who; depraved of Cosmic Consciousness see Pluto, the moon and the stars as pretty rocks hanging above the earth for the sake of beauty only. First I would suggest the reader to read Pluto True Power and What The Bleep Do They Know?

Once you acknowledge the planet Pluto inner life and its karmic influence upon humankind you will be ready to assimilate the DO and DON’T – This long list of advises can make the difference between life and death or/and a very costly dramatic experience you and your loved ones certainly do not need.

The DO’s:

· Time for you to dig into deep secrets, Pluto loves bringing back dirt so you will meet the people or get the information you need.
· Time for you to dwell with magic and do some Cabalistic ritual to cleanse your home and spirit from low entities. My Cabalistic Cleansing ritual is a good start. Don’t ask for it unless your are a VIP.
· Time for you to dig into your bank account and see any fraud activity.
· Time for you to get rid of your current credit card and ask for another one
· Stay clear from doing or saying anything wrong to the police, remember the Rodney King dilemma?
· Stay clear from Sunday psychics, psychic accidents are very real.
· Stay clear from haunted houses; bad entities could succeed stealing your mind, body and spirit.
· Stay clear from prostitutes an STD or AIDS is lurking around.
· Time for you to visit your departed ones and ask them for guidance and protection.
· Time for you to take serious notice of all your dreams or learn all about a prophetic or imaginative dream.
· Time for you to for you to dig into my long list of newsletter to find what you really need or the answer of a question you may have.
· Time for you to think about your own mortality and write your will.
· Time for you to investigate any form of legal or corporate endeavor.
· Time for you to regenerate your spirit and learn more about witchcraft.
· Time for you to look for ghost’s manifestation.
· Time for you to enjoy a horror movie or sex movie, yes nothing wrong with porn if you are French or if you are normal. God made sex to feel good so we do it often.
· Time for you to tell the truth to anyone but be cautious doing so.
· Time for you to deal with the police if the moon is waxing.
· Time for you to join the Law Enforcement Agency if you UCI endorse such a dangerous job.
· Time for you to clarify your situation in court of a cop did you wrong.
· Time for you to visit or deal with an attorney to sue anyone who deserve karma.
· Time for you to look where your spirit is at in your life.
· Time for you to wake up to religious poisoning.
· Time for you to listen to your intuition about certain people.
· Time for you to realize your strengths and your weaknesses or be reminded soon.
· Time for you to do what you are the most scared and win.
· Time for you to realize you are actually on hell and fighting for survival.
· Time for you to tap on the Plutonic forces to stop smoking or drinking.
· Time for you to apply your will to do the impossible.
· Time for you to listen to your intuition.
· Time for you to learn the hard way why you went to jail and learn from your errors.
· Time for you to cry your eyes out and feel sorry for yourself.
· Time for you to realize you cannot hide any longer from the undiluted truth.
· Time for you to die and rebirth into a much better, wiser person.

The DON’T: especially if the moon is waning or if you are under any of your personal native Dragon dates

· Stay clear from large public gathering, may religious lunatics died in stampedes.
· Stay clear from suspicious people, your intuition won’t let you down.
· Stay clear from an offer than sound too good to be true.
· Stay clear from fast money making schemes, jail is next.
· Stay clear from the low life, you could get hurt or killed for a dollar.
· Stay clear from gang’s activity or recruitment, your death is near.
· Stay clear from doing or saying anything wrong to the police, remember the Rodney King dilemma?
· Stay clear from Sunday psychics, psychic accidents are very real.
· Stay clear from haunted houses; bad entities could succeed stealing your mind, body and spirit.
· Stay clear from dark alleys and empty streets, chances are you have been followed and you are watched.
· Stay clear from gambling with loud people Vegas or not, your sense of security is very wrong.
· Stay clear from far away bathrooms and be very cautious of long dark corridors including elevators.
· Stay clear from practicing witchcraft with uneducated people.
· Stay clear from signing anything without a witness.
· Stay clear from anything that is dark.
· Stay clear from any and all animals, Pluto will turn them into killers.
· Stay clear from trusting anyone asking for money.
· Stay clear from using your heart it could cost your life.
· Stay clear from the Full Moon light where ever you are.
· Stay clear from ingesting anything you don’t trust
· Stay clear from accepting a stranger’s drink, Pluto is inside.
· Stay clear from wild lonely places.
· Stay clear from trusting anyone during any 2010 Plutonic windows.
· Stay clear from fighting with your loved ones.

Do not let your kids out without supervision. During one of my TV show in Tucson I mentioned the death of a kid by drowning trying to save his friend that fell into a canal in Phoenix. Had the mother read my Moon Power Book or read my VIP Cosmic Code newsletter forecast, she would have been aware of Pluto. Like millions of preventable deaths she did not and for the rest of her life she will cry her loss and never be the same mother ever again. Don’t be left behind, knowledge is power ignorance is evil. As soon as you become a Cosmic Coder you will be with me for the next 12 months and enjoy more of my educational material. A real spiritual Master is a very rare thing join the world.

May 28/29/30 

 Shock Surprise Nature Upset

Down Under Up Above Water Fire Kill

Heavens Deep Earth Wakes At Night

Ring In Fire Spit Science Wonder


Cosmos/Nuke/Weird/Surprises/Explosions/Shocking/Quakes/Volcanoes/Tornadoes/ NASA/Aeronautics/Electronics 

 Blessings to all

Dr. Turi

 “For evil to flourish, all that is needed is for good people to do nothing.”

– Edmund Burke



Please give me your feedback once you listened to it at dr.turi@cox.net

Thank you
