Do You Have The Yen To Be a Billionaire?

For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary; for those who do not, none will ever suffice…

Dr. Turi

L’Oeil Du Droit A La  Force D’Airain 

Neil deGrasse Tyson Cosmos Versus Dr. Turi “The Soul of The Cosmos or “The Cosmic Code” Reality Show proposal 

What Does The World Say About Dr. Turi?

What is the difference between you and any of these people?

Bill Gates, Michael Milken, Warren Buffet, Jack Welch of GE, John Vogel of Vanguard Funds, Al Dunlap, Alan Greenspan, Frank Lloyd Wright, Ross Perot and J.P. Morgan

Do You Have The Yen To Be a Billionaire?
Can you relate to any of these questions or know someone who can?

I’m working hard but things don’t seem to go my way. I wonder why?

I see other people who are very successful and cannot believe that they are working 100 times more than I am -that’s physically impossible. What am I missing?

“Its a miracle for curiosity to survive education”
A Einstein

I used to be really confident, happy and everything I touched turned to gold. The last few years, regardless how much I try, nothing seems to be going right for me. I haven’t changed. But what did change? Am I on the wrong path?

I’ve known smart people who are successful and smart people who should be successful but are not. Does intelligence have nothing to do with success?

“There is a big difference between education and intelligence”
-Dr. Turi

I’ve raised all my three children exactly the same way and spent a lot of money to educate them equally. Two of them are successful and one is not. What’s going on here?

Both of my parents are very organized and clean. I’ve been raised this way and try to pass it on to my children. But my only daughter does not clean her room and is not organized. Why is she this way?

I remember a time when I was happy and business was booming. Is there a time, a hidden tide in life that goes for or against my business and personal life?

“A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

– Nostradamus

“If you’re ever asked yourself any of these, or similar questions, you are ready for my far fetched services. There is another factor to success in business -and every other aspect of life -that most people are not even aware of, let alone know how to exploit Astroforensics extraordinary potential.

The fact is that most people who are successful don’t even know why they are successful. They believe it’s all their doing and luck! It’s partly their doing and mostly subtle influence of the universe they are oblivious of… They took a chance and were at the right time at the right place. Simply explained, the cosmic code supported all their actions and decisions.”

yes there is such a thing as being at the right time at the right place and meet the right people! Its called Lucky Personal Astro Biorhythms.

“There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;

omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries.”
– Julius Caesar, Act IV, Scene iii

Those ethereal cosmic influences  are intrinsic, but the majority of cosmic unconscious people are skeptical of the forces involving  the divine. But these stellar stimulus are there and affects the way we think, feel and act – hence our success or failure – whether we like it or not.

Would you challenge Einstein’s theory? Can you name a single university or any accredited college that teaches how to become a genius?  Einstein wrote…

“The stars are the elixir of life – All great spirits have encountered opposition from mediocre minds”
– A. Einstein

To be aware of the cosmic code jurisdictions and wisely act upon it is to own the competitive edge so many are seeking. Would you take the advice of a financial wizard like J.P. Morgan or would you also challenge it?

“Millionaires don’t use astrology, billionaires do!”

J.P. Morgan

Do you think J.P. Morgan had a superior mystical knowledge and knew how to use it? Do you think you are missing something extraordinary the human eye can not yet decipher or will you hide behind the word ridicule?

Yes of course. What about learning  and using the futuristic science of Astroforensics to make the utmost important decisions such as hiring the perfect candidates then guiding the elites of your corporations? God gave me a wonderful gift that you could solemnly benefit from and I want to share it with you.

This is my expertise, entering the archetypal realm of supra- cosmic consciousness and translate the powerful will of the Cosmos for your ever growing success. These cosmic influences vary with people and can be correctly interpreted used to benefit your corporation.

“God placed the stars in the heavens for more than the sake of beauty. He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a more productive life”
– Paracelcus

Please, do not lump me with psychic or modern astrologers, I am a different type of scientists! I have spent over 35 years of my life correcting and reviving the ancient practice of astrology using a modified software, yes I am a legitimate “Soul Doctor.”

What Does The World Say About Dr. Turi?

Take a chance on me, let me demonstrate my legitimacy and accuracy personally as remove any doubt you may have about my hard to believe claims!

National television “Psychics” advertisements seriously hurt the integrity of my prowess and give society real reasons to doubt metaphysics. Unlike those charlatans, my work is NOT for entertainment purposes, but for solid and legitimate guidance only.

“if you are not happy or something is missing in your life, it is simply because you do not know, nor live a destiny imposed by God through the “Cosmic Code”

Ask and you shall receive!

If you are a the President of a  large corporation, a CEO/FCO call me at (602) 265-7667 to set up an introductory telephone consultation. You may also email Email

 All I will ask is; your month of your birth and I will tell you about all areas of your business and personal life.  You will be baffled, amazed even shocked and pleasantly surprised! You will enjoy the legitimate power of true cosmic wisdom in action. This unique foresight can be used for your corporation endless growth and assure you great success in the long run.

My confidence is unmatched because it is fuelled by genuine cosmic supra-consciousness you cannot yet imagine!

My business is based on honor, privacy and total secrecy, and people from all walks of life have tested and used my talent, my guidance and found relief and true happiness in the process. There is NO room for ignorance and no time to waste, true knowledge means the real option to build long lasting emotional, financial and spiritual stability.

I know I will tweak your interest,  and I am not egotist but how can you come to realize my effective psychical operations if you do not take a chance on me?

Once you do, you will realize that I am a very unique, gifted, trusting person and make the wise decision to work with me. Your vital first step towards your company’s safety, growth or full recovery will be taken.

Upon your request, I will then come to you personally and start to build your own cosmic consciousness. It may take a few days and lost of deep spiritual work, but I am confident in my teaching techniques and tools!

I will present you and your staff with all the secrets of the Universal Mind, something our infantile science is still oblivious of, and ridicule.

You will learn everything about the people that are working with you, loved you, hurt you, and challenged you on a level you can not even imagine just yet. I will teach you all the correct applications of Astroforensics  and see all your partners as they really are.

I will advise you on such matters as:

Purpose – Conducting Strategic Analysis of the CEO
Financial projection – Maximizing Financial performance
Advertisements – Executing a Winning Strategy
Headquarters/Location – Astro-Carto-Graphy Locality Chart
Speculations -Monitoring and Measuring Performances
Services -Evaluation of Framework
Public relations – Value and Structure of Partnerships
Corporate Investments – Increase Company Acquisition Value
International prospects – Merging Corporate Cultures
Public standing – Improving Operational Efficiency
High-tech – Exploring Market Trends and Developments
Losses – Exploring and Correcting Specific Areas of Losses


Your true celestial identity and your strongest advantages as a CEO
Your true relationship to your corporation.
Your true financial and growth potential.
What business you should be in.
What duties in your business people should perform.
What duties you should delegate or avoid.
To whom you should delegate important duties and responsibilities.
Who should you avoid having in your business in any capacity.
How and when to promote and expand your business.
How to manipulate to your advantage the powerful will of the cosmos.

And many other related matters necessary for a successful business -or life.

Be a smart Leader and take a chance on Dr. Turi!   (602) 265-7667

Allow me to prove to you that the incredible, and what others may consider a joke, a wasteful pseudo-science or impractical, really exist. You are a decision maker and your position demands for curiosity and no room for ignorance.

Incredible situations require exceptional people and hard to believe, even unconventional and extraordinary expertise. I am ALL of that and MORE but it is me to know and you to find out!

Your satisfaction is fully guaranteed

Waiting in anticipation

Respectfully Yours,

Louis Turi M.D.U.S.

The story of Frankel, Martin

American stock trader who may prove to have successfully operated one of the greatest financial scams in history, funneling as much as $915 million through a series of foreign banks accounts. Some $335 million remains unaccounted for, with Frankel still a missing man at the end of 1999.

Through the ’90s he created a bewildering web of insurance companies, bogus investment funds and phony charitable organizations, including an involvement with the Vatican that he pursued vigorously the summer of 1998.

Born to a middle-class family of lawyers and public servants, Frankel was the son of a social worker dad and a city government clerk mom. The youngest of four kids, he was a bright youngster but thin and awkward, with few friends. He grew to be a slender six-footer, bespectacled and inconspicuous.

After graduating from high school the top of his class, he attended college but never completed his degree. Instead, he fell in love with Wall Street, an interest that became all-consuming. He became a master of the stock market, commodities, securities, currencies. He entered a brokerage firm as a day-trader, but soon was dismissed over business conflicts.

By the later ’80s, Frankel set up a money management firm which he operated from his parent’s home. As his funds grew, he moved to a $3 million mansion in Greenwich, Connecticut, with an adjacent property for $2.6 million.

He equipped his home with 80 trading terminals, satellite dishes, a fleet of imported cars and a bevy of female retainers. The women with which he surrounded himself were those whom he’d met through personal ads and the internet, women whom he provided with residences and cash.

After the breakdown of his empire, the house was found to contain a cache of pornography and evidence of sexual fetishes, including a riding crop, ropes and sado-masochistic literature and videos.

In August 1997, neighbors reported hearing a woman screaming from Frankel’s house. When police investigated, they found that a heavy-set 22-year-old, Frances Burge, had hanged herself. The death was deemed a suicide, one of the many bizarre events which accompanied the Frankel house. Neighbors reported expensive cars and limo’s coming and going at all hours.

Police also found a number of astrological charts which testified to his interest, charts which included such horary questions as “Will I go to prison?”

In 1991, Frankel took on another of several aliases and invested in a troubled insurance company. He founded Thunor Trust, and using former assets, accumulated at least ten other insurance companies through the South and Midwest. He began transacting millions of dollars through various venues, siphoning money from a dozen small companies in five states.

As his expose grew near, Frankel fled. He set fire to the filing cabinets in his mansion – and vanished. On 5/05/1999, an automatic alarm called firefighters to his high security mansion. Along with at least $218 million, there was missing close to $2 billion from the St. Francis of Assisi Foundation which he had founded.

During the months prior to his disappearance, he had spent more than $1 million in shopping sprees and trips to Rome, Geneva and London.

One of the greatest con games in history came quietly undone with Frankel’s capture on 9/04/1999 at the Hotel Prem in Hamburg, Germany. “You’ve got me,” he said as he was handcuffed and led away to await extradition to the U.S. On March 9, 2001, this fugitive businessman was extradited to the United States from Germany where he had spent a year and a half in a German jail on charges of using a false passport and smuggling diamonds.

On March 12, 2001, Frankel pleaded not guilty in U.S. federal court to fraud and racketeering charges. Facing 24 counts of stealing more than $200 million from 10 small insurance companies, he eventually pleaded guilty. On December 10, 2004 he was sentenced in New Haven, CT to 16 years and eight months for his crimes. Just prior to his sentencing, the US Treasury held a two-day auction of some 822 diamonds seized from Frankel’s cache. The auction raised $9 million to be used as victim restitution.


Indeed the stars do not think or care about anyone or anything, all they do is work! They can easily reward a con man or any criminals…those who get caught happens to be at the wrong place at the wrong time are victimized because of a very specific karmic timing imposed upon their fate. In the case of Scorpius  Frankel, Martin, while very much into the stars he did not possess a single drop of Cosmic Consciousness.

Born 21 November 1954 at 8:46 PM in Toledo OH, USA his Scorpio  UCI or “Unique Celestial Identity” simply depict a true, greedy, deadly Plutonic soul where money and sex ruled his life and meant real power.

His Mercury (the mind), Saturn (structure) Venus (women) and the Sun (soul’s purpose) all located in the passionate sign of Scorpio there is no much such a soul could not do to service the world appropriately.

Note Scorpio rules corporate endeavors (other people money/legacy) and with Mercury in this sign his natural interests (power/sex/money) are very predictable. Pluto rules supreme power, the criminals and the Law enforcement Agency, thus this egomaniac idiosyncrasy will often show with cops stopping you on the road or crooks stuck in jail demanding  “respect.”

Millions of crooks and cops alike were born Plutonic but are totally unconscious and act neurotically their stars for good or for worse… POLICE REQUIEM 

But the main reason for Frankel to turn out the wrong way was stimulated by his natal Dragon’s Head (luck) in Capricorn (the engineer) and could easily have lead him to reach a high political place and own the “correct” power and respect  he strives for.

Meantime his DUAL Gemini (Lord of Thieves) hidden Dragon came in to play and lead him to a life of deception and crime. Does all of this sound like other DUAL Dragon like O.J. Simpson or Clinton “Slicky Willy?, or Rev. Haggard, or The Stars and Fate of Casey Anthony  and Van Der Sloot “Natural Born Killer” ?

The only reason why Frankel was into Astrology was for the benefit of knowing other better and with the Dragon’s Head in the 3rd house (the genius) he “subconsciously” knew the incredible values and power the “pseudo-science” had to offer.

Born an a Scorpio or  a true Illuminati at heart he tried to confuse the cops by writing  “”Will I go to prison?” This seems more of a question for a psychic than an real Astrologer or someone trying to learn more about the Cosmic Code secrets.

By looking at his moon (emotions) in Libra (the law) in his 12th house (confinement)  that is the first thing I would have told him, had he requested a reading…

Especially knowing his Neptune (jail/deception) is also plaguing this secretive house. Indeed thousands of Scorpius financial crooks enjoying life on foreign ground today knew and used the stars because true knowledge mean leading to true power, and you wonder why this “pseudo-science” has been dragged underground by the Scorpius Illuminati in charge of your life and your finances?

Frankel’s Mars (going after women) in Aquarius (Astrology) depict the means of using the old science at his advantage and with his Venus (women/lure) in Scorpio (death), his devious sexual endeavors lead him to kill  heavy-set 22-year-old, Frances Burge. Of course she did not hang herself but inflicting pain,watching death taking place and killing is a turn on for any negative Scorpius.

Frankel’s Pluto (supreme power) is right in his 10th house (career) in the sign of Leo (Un-fame) and the drive to control others, financially and sexually lead him to behave like Prince Charles; another Scorpius, Scorpius Dragon’s Tail / secretive / jealous / vindictive / born a planner natural killer. )

I am still wondering how long it will take for the Law Enforcement Agency to wake up to reality and cast aside this humongous ignorance and fears of the ridicule…

Remember readers, the stars do not care they simply do what God intended them to do and humanity would gain tremendously by  learning and using the signs…

Remote Viewing – The Facts!



 ”For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice… If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

Dear  readers;

While I decided to stop giving my rare pearls of wisdom for free to the public, I am keeping my words, thus here is your promised Sunday FREE cosmic code newsletter sample… If you like what I divulge join thousands of Cosmic Coders  because I write endlessly! I offer personal and universal guidance and predictions and so much more if you are ready for the truth!

I received this email from a wondering VIP named Paul from Africa and I decided to share my rebuttals with you. I hope you will find some of the answers you may have if you have had such questions or experiences…

Sharing Emails;

My hero!!! Dr T

 Mozambique wrote:

Hi T and Dr T

I had a difficult choice this morning as money is running low. Petrol or a book.Well the book won and I purchased

The complete Prophecies for The Future
By Mario Reading

Fascinating stuff I can’t put it down.I am currently gearing myself for study with DT …….when that money eventually arrives. I find one aspect of Nostradamus lacking ie info regarding Africa?

 DT Rebuttal: I am not sure if you ever read ”Nostradamus Curse” Paul but the chances of having a correct translation of Nostradamus’ verses are minim to say the least! There are thousands of non cosmic conscious writers doing so and all use modern astrology methodology. Nostradamus primarily used Divine Astrology and specifically the Dragons, something only my students and I practice with Astropsychology. Thus  I trust investing in your  OWN “Lucky Dragon Dates” or my “2013 Nostradamus Personal Dragon Forecast For All Signs”  would have offered you much more in terms of personal  and universal predictions.

Note “I find one aspect of Nostradamus lacking ie info regarding Africa?” This is wrong my friend, the  “2013/2014 Scorpius Draconis” explanations covers the entire world including Africa, and if I read your email correctly it seem to be covered… You need more objectivity my friend but once you take the course you will understand Nostradamus’ Divine Astrology, my students and I much better when it comes to do predictions…

Memo –  DT

I wrote you the other day stating that many of your predictions etc have little to do with South Africa and requested more news on the African front regarding predictions etc.

Boy was I wrong. I am sitting here comparing notes from your postings recently and what’s in the weekly Sunday paper here in South Africa. As you may know my home language is Afrikaans.It’s derived from a Multitude of languages including dutch flemish Latin Spanish etc etc dating back to 1652 when Jan Van Riebeek a dutchman from the East Indian Holland shipping company sailed past the Cape of Goodhope and landed ashore.They opened a trading post and harbor for ships passing via the African shores to conduct trade in the East.

I am digressing more later. In any event your monthly predictions thus far are spot on!! What I am trying to understand at this point is the following In cases where you do not mention specifics in terms of countries dates names people etc I now find that your readings are so accurate in terms of specific general occurrences relating to any area that may include Africa etc etc.Your revelations in terms of political scandal political people falling well known personalities

People dying scandalous behavior in religious circles corruption in the government and police force murders rapes suicides its all here in black and white !!!

DT its all here its all happening in real time!!

I am sitting with a copy of the Rapport newspaper our Afrikaans Sunday paper comparing notes.I am humbled to be in your company.

Yours sincerely

Dr Brian Faul
South Africa

Continued: I also had a very weird experience this morning that scared the crap out of me around 2.30 am I was in a dreamlike state when I felt something heavy pressing down on my chest.I couldn’t move and whatever it was was chocking the daylights out of me.I shouted but had no voice I felt paralysing effect all over and then almost as if my soul wanted to leave my body. I mentioned this to Anthone this morning and she thinks it funny I don’t I used to have these experiences many times as a child but not for more than 30 years now.

I don’t dream this stuff up I am not into amusing people with tall stories. Anyways have a fantastic weekend and do comment please.

Love blessings and light to you and DT

Brian Faul
South Africa
1970 1111

Ps btw I just read something interesting about Nostradamus his Aniversary to Anne Ponsarde Gemelle is on my birthday 11 November the years are a bit off LOL 1547

DT Rebuttal:

As a Scorpio you become a Pisces in your 5th house of speculations, love and romance… Pisces is ruled by Neptune who regulates all affairs involving the subconscious *and remote viewing… Thus it is “normal” for any water sign (Pisces/Cancer/Scorpio) to own the gift of astral projection. In fact my *Scorpio born niece and I shared quite a lot as I educated her on the subject of regularly “flying above the house.”  The psyche of a child has not yet been *trained / formed/limited by scepticism and questioning the phenomenon always comes after the experience of “flying” away from the body.   In your case, because of my highly spiritual material,  you are experiencing a “reconnection” with the Divine   and your Scorpio powers!

Sometimes you may feel your entire body is made of steel, you can not more then you may also be brought back at the speed of light (a little noise will do it) right into your body and wake up scared to death.

You can not be born unless you die or vice versa… When the surgeon cut the umbilical chord  he “kills” you from the warm, safe watery womb of your mother, you become then an independent entity. There no independent life while being conceived, the spirit is “missing” per say. Only the physical shell is being build. Its like a bran new car in the factory without a driver, all parts are being placed to burn karma the soul need to re-pay God and/or others. Once the Doctor remove you, (after 9 months) the cold or the room or a tap on your but is all is needed for the spirit to enter the body.  I truly believe abortion is murder  after the body is removed from the foetus after birth and the connection is made between the physical and spiritual worlds.

Once you arrive on this dense physical world (hell) after 9 months, the doctor “kill” you from the physical uterine life of the mother and THEN only then the spirit enters the body and become independent.  I explained quite a lot on this disturbing controversial phenomenon  HERE!

The government conducted a lot of secrets experiments during the “Cold War” and erroneously thought scientists could investigate and teach “psychics” to become mental spies for the US Army/Navy by practising remote viewing or astral projections.  But today’s remote viewers teachers, like science and 99.09 % of psychics or Prophets wanna be are still cosmic unconscious unable to auto analyse themselves accurately cosmically.  This mean, without the proper inborn psychical traits, pure imagination override the divine.

This mean they do not know anything about the karmic inherited UCI that depict the “born psychic” or the gifted souls blessed with the natural tool to practice the remote viewing (astral projection) trade. Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce and Madame Vladasky were all born with the cosmic gift and were naturally, easily able to enter the archetypal real of consciousness. Edgar Cayce used it to “MRI” the human body while sleeping while Nostradamus and Madame Vladasky used it to move through time and space to visit/report the future.

Many cosmic unconscious false prophets or souls born Neptunian  do not have the inborn psychical tools needed to make accurate predictions or educate others on the divinity of the Cosmos or how God speaks to his children via the signs.  I explain it all in “UCI or Unique Celestial Identity” because human are much more than body, bones and flesh, sad enough there is no much real material involving the spirit and the cosmic code, especially when 99.09% of the world is totally religiously poisoned and fearful of God himself.  

“Consciousness – is the awareness of being awake and aware of a divine cosmic  power  and make a good use of it” anything else is deceptive enlightenment! Psychics, modern Prophets wanna be, Religious leaders, Monks, Gurus, televangelists, priests etc. are cosmic  unconscious  born Neptunians who can not read God’  signs…

Remember my expertise as a cosmic conscious human detector is to expose “Friends and Foes” of their sins and virtues and unarguable translate the news using the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, something impossible for you to  deny if you take the time to check my claims

Knowing currently the Scorpius Draconis rule the world all the way up to February 2014, there is NO room for lies or secrets and no chances to hide the truth for long…the question remain as always can you handle Dr. Turi’s undiluted truth?

The sad reality the “educated” non cosmic conscious rational born scientists did not have the mental aptitude nor the ability to “pick” the right candidates allowed to enter the intuitional domain of the Supra-conscious in time and space and this project was dropped and ridicule. Nowadays scientific technological advances assure a more precise and condensed bird view of what is happening all over the world. This scientific perception of reality brings more “separatism” and a much wider gap between the physical and spiritual manifestations. In my upcoming book Dr. Turi’s Prophecies – The Next Fifty Years”  I will elaborate on what this psychical imbalance will bring humanity… 


Dr. Turi on the radio tonight – don’t miss it!

DT and the Paranormal… UFO – Scorpius Dragon 2013.

Dear Cosmic Coders:

As of today, and to reward you for being a cosmic coder, anyone celebrating his/her birthday will get any of  my consultations for half price.  On a 90 mn tape or live on Skype the choice is yours… Remember knowing where your natal or hidden dragon are will help you direct the cosmic fluid in your direction.  Often changes are imposed to better your life but if you do not know you are taking the chances to suffer cosmic ignorance. Remember also my work is unique and if you ever dealt with a psychic or an astrologer before you are very far from getting the real essence of the cosmic code because chances are your spiritual guide while committed and dedicated to help you does not own cosmic consciousness. This Scorpius Dragon demand everyone of us to hypothetically speaking die and rebirth into a more sophisticated wiser human being and I am here to do just that! Guide you in accordance to the cosmic rites and ceremonies… This is your special day, it happen only once a year and you must do something different, something unique and the good news is; this birthday present you will offer YOURSELF will last a lifetime…

If you are looking for love, money, your mission, your soul mate, spiritual stability or if you have questions about health, someone you care, a child I WILL APPROACH IT ALL and so much more! read what those who dealt with me in the past wrote about my services

Get a spiritual present that will last for a lifetime because a night out, good food  or any present will never ever compare to offering real spiritual regeneration, priceless direction and predictions. I will take good care of you but remember it has to be your birthday and you MUST become a VIP.

A 12 months $25 subscription is now worth my $700  top of the line service and this is something you must consider because you could also spent $1.00 a minute in CA psychic. Then get what you paid for from a cosmic unconscious lost soul who probably need much more help than you do!  JOIN NOW, GET THE DEALS ALL THROUGHOUT THE YEAR AND SO MUCH MORE THAT YOU CAN ONLY APPRECIATE WHEN YOU JOIN!

Note as soon as you proceed and become a VIP call Terania at 602-265-7667 to schredule your BD special deal reading…





A thought or two from a relative newcomer to your world.

A few months ago I was in a very bad space.I wrote to many people
In desperation.I was virtually at my witts end.I was living in my car with my girlfriend and two dogs.I had no cash and was stuck in a foreign country no job no food no nothing.

You were the only one person in the world that came to my rescue.
You were the only person that said without expecting anything in return to hang in Brian.
You were the only person in the world that made any impact whatsoever in my life without asking upfront for a wad of cash like that moron Adain Powers and a few other who categorically stated they hold the keys to changing my existence if I paid over a huge number of dollars.

People in desperate situations do desperate things and having the be Jesus scared out of you by using subtle powers of suggestion they have perfected they are fooling the masses by using free numerology software free astrology software and good sales tactic by scaring the daylights out of people like a few other so called psychics I forget their names madam Zara madam Tara medium and so from Romania etc etc.Recently some of these people have been exposed one guy was acting as madam so and so and offering gypsy like readings and tarot readings etc etc turns out he was actually a guy posing as a psychic female!!

That’s the underbelly of the psychic underworld DT.One girl even claimed she works with the FBI in solving missing persons cases or assisting in solving cases of homicides etc etc.I wrote to her 2 years ago asking assistance in solving the mystery around my brothers death on the 4 th March 1994 oh ofcourse she could help at a price you know.Her name is psychic T or something like that.

The long and short of it is that when real people like you get lumped in the same basket as these people by default because of ignorance and lack of education into the field of the divine science things go bump in the night.

I am waiting for some money to begin my study with you.Not because I have no other choices in teachers etc etc but because I believe in you Dr Turi.I am a small man in a big world but I am Sharp as a knife regarding my intuition.

The sad fact as I see it with my current outside look into your universe of which I am by no means an expert and only met you and Terania a few months ago and therefore can only give my opinion based on my personal experience with you guys is that if you give in to the dark forces plaguing you at present by making you unsatisfied or unhappy and willing you to give up your God given duty and talent because of the excuse they planting in you ie lack of financial reward.Dear sir I can only urge

You to reconsider for the sake of humanity at large.Your talents have not even began to be recognized in Africa for eg simply because people don’t know of you!!
I for one in my own circle promote your divine intelect and talent at every opportunity possible.For God sake you my hero man!! You saved my life DT

I am awaiting cash to begin my study with you.This is taking longer than expected and my girlfriend is munching away at the little money I have at present so I need to wait there is nothing else I can do.In monetary terms your course offering is highly affordable even given it costs nine times more in my own currency

Kind regards and please let me know you get this letter

Dr Brian Faul
South Africa

Ps the crux of the matter DT is I want to put you on the map in Africa.I can only do this after studying under you.It’s my small way of thanking you for literally saving my life.Scorpio don’t forget ever

Become a Light Fighter


 ”For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice… If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

Dali Lama and Dr. Turi

Dear Readers;

I am about to write Dr. Turi Prophecies – The Next Fifty Years  for my VIP’s but I can’t help to ask myself how many of you are willing to deal with the truth?  As you all know we are talking about the end of the Age of Pisces and Neptune’s deceptive power being released by the Cosmic Code or the celestial will of God!  The “Universal Religious War” which I predicted back in 1995 on the Art Bell show is unstoppable so you better be ready!



Knowing I am not writing for the public no more, I have plenty time to produce it so please email me at or post a reply in the group if you want to read this book.   I removed “Dr. Turi 2012/2014 UNIVERSAL PREDICTIONS” from my website but you can always click on the provided link to read and acknowledge my gift in predictive astrology.  No there won’t be a 2014/2016 Universal Predictions available any-more for the public, my pearls are not free no more! After reading my previous predictive performances, you will be the sole judge to trust me for me to expose the future by joining my VIP’s.

Remember the Scorpius Draconis is impartial and forces all  truths to surface while this deadly cosmic fluid brings more and more incredible, shocking disgusting news and terrible deadly acts. Do not expect your government, science or your political and your religious leaders to be “enlightened”, they are all cosmic unconscious and can only wonder of what became of our world! Realize also the “non profit” organizations are in for money and do not care of the needy, invest in my mission for the children instead!.


Fifty charities collected $970.6 million. Only about $49.1 million in direct cash actually went to the needy. How is this possible? The 5 worst  The 5 worst The 50 worst

 Humanity is wondering why so much of the basic destructive, sexual animal  deadly human instincts are given free reign… Many of you who are not aware of this Dragon are wondering why the smell of death and sex debauchee is everywhere,  I am sure by now those who do, have noticed my predictions of an upsurge of “sex/rapes/death/suicides” produced by this vile dance of evil.

You can not hide any more from the truth readers, and living your life through rose coloured glasses and religious deception is no more! Be ready for a promised “wake up call” because your religions are in fact the downfall of a awakening humanity and you have much to learn about it and help me battle this evil peacefully  psychically using the supra-conscious forces wisely.  While “Dr. Turi Prophecies – The Next Fifty Years” will offer you the undiluted true of what to expect for your children, I will also offer you a chance to battle and win over the evil’s grasp upon our world!

Omens are poring from all over involving the dying Pisces age  – 11/2015-02/2017 End of All Religions and you CAN NOT be passive any-more. Do not give up, I wish I could let you down, I tried but I can’t either! But be sure, any and all cosmic unconscious light workers in the world can’t and won’t change anything! I can not force anyone to become a LIGHT FIGHTER  because this is a choice you must make from your heart alone!

YOU MUST COMBAT AGAINST THE FIGHTERS OF EVIL OR PERISH – I already have an army made up thousands all over the world, all you have to do is to be courageous, to make a commitment to help me reach more light workers and turn them into “Light Fighters” for the good of all.  I made my point, I proved the reality of my predictions and I am a true, concerned, dedicated spiritual Leader an true Light Fighter leading you into a battle you can not ignore any-more! ITS HERE IN THE US ALREADY! 

Humanity in the name of fear, cosmic ignorance and religious poisoning is self destructing, Neptune’s deceptive  hypnotic legacy work is done and poisoned  billions of unconscious human beings. Its only by bringing back God’s cosmic  identity and by offering cosmic consciousness “educating our children” that humanity will survive! 

 If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

Dali Lama and Dr. Turi


Sharing Emails:

Dr, although extremely admirable and unselfish of yourself, your labor of love to reach the masses was a MAJOR Herculean effort to do this work by yourself with the expected results that you were looking to get. I would recommend that we leverage all of your VIP’s as your Apostles of the Cosmic Code to surgical and tactical spread your word and work collectively. You’ve planted sooooooo many seeds over the years and now it’s time for your Apostles to water those seeds and help spread it like wild fire, just like what Jesus did with his ministry. :)) I’m convinced and certain this grass roots effort WILL yield the results in time  if a coordinate effort is executed. I too share your dreams and visions of helping you build your schools to help educate the untainted children/young adults because they are going to be our only hope and future leaders of our New World in age of Aquarius. There are our truly best hope of achieving immediate success because they are the least poisoned souls by our unconscious current system. The reason I belief there’s still some hope is because of what’s happen in my own life.

My 14 yr old daughter after many years of listening to me talk about the universal cosmic code and what I perceived was failing effort to educate her, she announces to my surprise recently that in next years courses she has elected on her own to take an astrology course in high school as an elective. She has seen the light and many of her friends are just as curious and yearning for more knowledge/wisdom. I’ve personally chatted with so many who are very open minded to me talking about the cosmic code, stars and messages it has for ALL to read. Yet most of the rest of the population that you’ve targeted, myself included are so quick to brush aside this wisdom unless of course their own personal UCI permits them to be curious enough to learn about the wisdom of the universe. I hope you consider my suggestion and I look forward to your continued teachings and sharing more of your knowledge and wisdom with your loyal and beloved students. :)))

thank you for all of that you do…




I wrote you the other day stating that many of your predictions etc have little to do with South Africa and requested more news on the African front regarding predictions etc.

Boy was I wrong. I am sitting here comparing notes from your postings recently and what’s in the weekly Sunday paper here in South Africa. As you may know my home language is Afrikaans.It’s derived from a Multitude of languages including dutch flemish Latin Spanish etc etc dating back to 1652 when Jan Van Riebeek a dutchman from the East Indian Holland shipping company sailed past the Cape of Goodhope and landed ashore.They opened a trading post and harbor for ships passing via the African shores to conduct trade in the East.

I am digressing more later. In any event your monthly predictions thus far are spot on!! What I am trying to understand at this point is the following In cases where you do not mention specifics in terms of countries dates names people etc I now find that your readings are so accurate in terms of specific general occurrences relating to any area that may include Africa etc etc.Your revelations in terms of political scandal political people falling well known personalities

People dying scandalous behavior in religious circles corruption in the government and policeforce murders rapes suicides its all here in black and white !!!

DT its all here its all happening in real time!!

I am sitting with a copy of the Rapport newspaper our Afrikaans Sunday paper comparing notes.I am humbled to be in your company.

Yours sincerely

Dr Brian Faul
South Africa


Dear Dr. Turi:

Your students are well-informed.  Ergo, they expect the RAW  TRUTH from you.  This is because they trust you not to put coconut icing on the devil’s-food cake.  Stark truth is easier to acknowledge which enables your students to deal with it in the appropriate manner.

We need to prepare ourselves now  in order to confront  or sidestep whatever lies ahead in the future.  Even Army-trained, protocol-practicing,  remote viewers  have tuned into near future events,  (per Major Ed Dames, & his elite group of RV’ers, whom he trained, per the George Noory show.)

Doctor Turi, we are accustomed to learning the FACTS from you.  You have proved your accuracy beyond any doubt.  Other astrologers’  readings do not equate with your accuracy, as I have observed them for several decades.

So, yes; please write your Prophecies-The Next Fifty Years, as it shall positively impact the right  people, your students. 

Kindest regards,


 Remember this:  Paramhansaji Yogananda’s  preceding Master-Yogi teachers (Babaji, Lahiri Maha Sawya & Sri Yukteswarji) all taught a small cadre of students.  Their very presence on this planet has helped to elevate it spiritually, as does your presence & teachings.



Well readers Terania and I came to a decision to stop offering our pearls of wisdom for free to the public! May 15th was my last Cosmic Code radio show and there won’t be no more cosmic code newsletters samples coming your way for free. The fact is since 1991 all I did was to give you all I had mentally and physically  while offering you my rare wisdom and endless unarguable proofs of my dated, printed published predictions so you could ultimately judge my talent in predictive astrology. All I get most of the time is…nothing or obstruction from the envious non cosmic conscious sceptics “young souls” working for the dark force of evil.

I have made numerous requests for donations for my Astropsychology schools to salvage the children of future spirits, but the Cosmic Code secrets I own can only be  taught to those who can, or deserve to see and hear God’s cosmic identity. Yes pure cosmic Divinity is not for a gullible blind mass.  Yes 78.000 of morons would rather waste their money on Mars One’s deceptive “non-Profit” organization than to invest in my schools, the truth and my mission.  Yes the mass is much too blind and so non-ready for the light and this will force me soon to write ” Humanity – The Next Fifty Years” predictions. Indeed all human are living on borrowing time on  an abused mother earth  and are still, completely oblivious to accept not perceive their suffocating demise…

Unrest  wars,   police, gangs,  political abuses combined with the biggest natural disasters are ahead and your real dues, the drama, pain and suffering you already own and deserve for ignoring  and refusing to adhere to God’s celestial/cosmic rules. Your educational system is endlessly producing unruly deadly robots of the stars,  those non cosmic conscious victimized children are slowly becoming tomorrow hopeless, deadly monsters…

How can  you miss so many obvious signs when they are poring non stop and when I constantly remind you through my unarguable predictions? I warned you but no one is listening nor realizing the gravity of the situation which will soon get out of control!  I never thought I would lose hope for humanity and I truly thought I could save the world , how foolish was I to think I could help anyone? After all, prophets of the past and all religions point out in the same hopeless direction.  Especially when 99.09% of cosmic unconscious, religiously poisoned moronic human beings are investing and running to Mars in the name of an abusive/controlling science who has lost the spirit instead of investing in Dr. Turi cosmic wisdom…

I did all I could for the mass but again  the general laughing, sceptical public can not comprehend the urgency and gravity of the situation and my mission for I know inside of my soul the forces of evil are much too strong for me to battle alone any-more.

Terania and I gave you the extra best we had, on radio, with newsletters but this is an obvious losing battle I must accept and at 63 years old all I can do, in the name of greed, cosmic ignorance and your lack of motivation;  is to watch you and your children future going to waste!

Yes the media deserves the sugar coloured deceptive Neptunian sermons of all your religious non-cosmic conscious false prophets and in a few years from now,  realize Dr. Turi was right as God’s wrath unfold upon this world and its lost children…

I teach to never ever feed evil but I must accept the fact that this is what humanity is doing endlessly and before evil consumes Terania and I completely through a total lack of emotional and financial support from the media we must salvage our own selves… So the decision has been made to keep writing, make personal and Universal forecasts for my VIP’s alone… I know I made the same announcement so many times before because I was still unwilling to admit defeat against the evil of ignorance and fear but THIS IS IT!

Before retiring from feeding a selfish unrewarding public, keep in mind the legacy of my mental sacrifice and rare teachings are, and will be on the Internet for ever…  If you are looking for answers, all you have to do is to Google/type your question and ADD Dr. Turi behind it. With thousands of newsletters I am sure you will land on one of my thousands of articles and learn something new…

Here are a few samples on how to do it

End of religions Dr. Turi

Scorpius Draconis Dr. Turi

Dead Sea Scrolls Dr. Turi 

Science NASA Dr. Turi

Are you gay? Dr.Turi

Obama Dr. Turi

Predictions Dr. Turi

NASA Dr. Turi

Prophet Dr. Turi

Health Dr. Turi

FBI Dr. Turi etc. etc.

ADD Dr. Turi behind any and all requests on Google

Lastly if your little voice says to join the Cosmic Code website to own your salvation and become a VIP do so! Note also I am not immune to the Cosmic Code jurisdictions myself and I am experiencing a full re-structure of my 4th house (home/security) and 10th house  (career/public standing) – All others please move on to Mars, you are not yet ready for supreme wisdom and Dr. Turi rare pearls of wisdom!

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi and Terania.



January 7, 2012

Dear Readers:

With so many of my predictions that came to pass, I had to remove all the collected news/details/pictures/links etc. offering  the solid proofs from my website to save space.  While the young soul will keep denying the obvious, the opportunity to check my claims is offered to you if you decide to investigate my gift for yourself.

” Dr. Turi;    I wanted to take a moment to offer  Congratulations to you for your extraordinary predictions ( Stolen 2012  election, restructuring IRS ,US economy  etc etc ). You are so accurate it is amazing. Keep up the good work. 

     Respectfully Yours

Egan Peter”

Yes I saw tomorrow well before it unfolded, as much as  I predicted the beginning and ending of the US economy (US Economy Undeniable Prediction)  that is if you are a faithful client, patient or student of mine…  Please take the time to investigate my claims and read the offered predictions  and the results in this article. Indeed I am CNN before CNN thus you can trust the source for what is ahead for the US, the world and for yourself.  Join us on the Cosmic Code website so I can take care of you personally when you become a VIP!

2013 The Year Ahead

For years I offered my Cosmic Code newsletters, my predictions, SOS to the world and warnings to the public, including my books for free. This is no more and the “2014/2018 Universal Predictions including” including  my yearly Universal Predictions will NOT be posted on my website any-longer.

All my predictions, Personal and Universal guidance will only be accessible to my VIP’s eyes only.  Please join us, become a Cosmic Coder today,  be informed, be prepared, be warned, be safe.  Dr. Turi is the only living “Astrophile” making unarguable, well documented, dated and printed published  predictions since the great Prophet Nostradamus. I will soon generate  “The  Fate of the World In The Next 50 Years”  my yearly “2014 Moon Power” and “2014 Nostradamus Personal Dragon Forecast For All Signs.”  Those books will be available on E books only before 2013 is over!

Channelling The Greatest Prophet Of All Times “Notre Dame”

Nostradamus Reincarnated

“Sole Dios”


CHECK 2009/2010/2011 PREDICTIONS

 Universal Predictions from August 30th 2012 to February 19th 2014

 Scorpio Dragon’s Head Taurus Dragon’s Tail

Note: Those Predictions were posted November 15, 2011 to the public


Note: I will update this page regularly when my predictions come to pass

 KEY WORDS FOR 2012 / 2014



“THE DEATH WISH GENERATION WILL BECOME DEADLY AND TOTALLY OUT OF HAND” – Watch evil upon the world or the Scorpius Draconis at work!



Evil Lead men’s Tainted Spirit READ MORE

6 die, 9 hurt in crash after police chase

Updated March 21, 2013 – STRIPPERS WAR

Updated February 21, 2013 – FBI plagued by ‘rash of sexting’ 

12 People Shot in Mothers Day Mass Shooting during New Orleans Parade.


Memo from prediction page 1:  4. A new internal secret financial police will “merge” internationally to better control its citizens business credit cards activities. Expect a full restructure of the police force, the secret service, the IRS and a serious increase in civil servant deaths or suicides. Secrets disturbing endeavours from the CIA and the FBI in Russia will come to the light.


Updated June 25, 2013 –  Ambush injures two LAPD officers
Police chief vows revenge after officer gunned down for no obvious reason
Updated May 16, 2016 – IRS Commissioner Steven Miller “fired”
Updated 05/13/2013 
(CBS) – Chicago Police Supt. Garry McCarthy says his department is taking seriously a purported directive from a Chicago street gang to kill members of law enforcement.
Updated 05/14/2013 – Russia orders expulsion of U.S. diplomat

Ruthless Aryan Brotherhood of Texas

Considered one of the most violent gangs, the Aryan Brotherhood of Texas is eyed in the murder of Texas prosecutors.

Image: Vegas Gun Battle

Two months of violence in Vegas

Flash Mob Mayhem: Violent Groups Of Teens Leave NYC Businesses In Ruins

Soccer official dies after attack by teenage players

UK children abused by ”grooming gangs”  

See protesters strip over nudity ban vote

11/09/12 – Washington voters approve same-sex marriage

Military wives go topless for PTSD

08/26/12 – ”Go-Topless Day” recognized in cities around the world



Candidate for Mexican congress appears topless on billboards

05/12/12 – Is Canada’s New $20 Bill ‘Pornographic’?

05/10/12 – Hot dog stripper


Occupy wall street?

Back in October – during our first week of shows – we noticed this strange trend: Naked and pregnant women occupy the cover of magazines a lot.


Order your Full Life Reading now, be prepared, be warned!


Memo from previous Moon Power: America, born July 4th 1776, received the Dragon’s Tail on her first house forcing a total re-structure of the real estate where the stock market did experience its highest and lowest levels ever. As always the manipulative corporate world will indeed become richer while poor families will be forced to re evaluate their choice for survival. It has been mortgage or food for some families and many people lost it all.

 But the situation will see serious improvements in the Real Estate market as we move forward into the year 2012/2013/2014. Not everyone lost in this bad economy and those who had savings made a serious bundle investing in the real estate. Large well established corporations bought and sale billions of dollars in the process and much of those real estate deals were kept secret from the struggling tax payers.

Last couple of years as predicted the situation got so bad that the Government had to offer super deals to jump-start the economy to help the working class. The new administration is and will do all in its power to control and interfere against abusive and unconcerned greedy capitalists and will keep trying to stop wealthy corporations to bleed the mass like a citrus.

Note: Predictions posted to the public November 15, 2011

12/01/2012 – Audit of the Federal Reserve Reveals $16 Trillion in Secret Bailouts

IRS Audit – Predicted!

Parts of the world did suffer serious food shortage due to mother earth restructuring her entrails.  Expect the worse during the Full and New Moon of January and July 2010 and January 2011 and sad enough many of my visions came to pass with a series of devastating earthquakes, the Gulf of Mexico oil spill and both Asia tsunamis. The Dragon’s Head in Capricorn then did “protect” the most powerful structured organizations *BP and large financial Institutions using the legal system at their advantage to battle the government and keep abusing the less fortunate.

  However Capricorn is a karmic sign and many of those abusive corporations will be forced to the ground and restructure with time. England is a Capricorn country and will see radical changes in power, where many of the members of Royal family will project their true human selves with dramatic experiences.  The Royal family may also suffer death. The man made King/Queen status and its entire snobby privilege selected children will see the beginning of a crumble induced by the humanitarian “all equals” energetic pull of the New Age of Aquarius.


 May and November 2012/2013/2014

 1. Many foreign financial institutions will be forced to “merge”, as to bring more security and peace to their neighboring countries.

 2. Many foreign Governments will “merge” with their secret services as to battle terrorism and piracy.

5/14/2012 – Yemen plot exposes new world of U.S. spying

1/7/12 Iran praises U.S. rescue of Iranians sailors

Updated 6/11/13 Is my work really “pseudo-science” only?  

 Feds, IRS, FBI Secrets Divulged!

Cover-up alleged at State Department–  Memo says workers may have hired prostitutes

3. Many foreign Mobs organizations will “merge”, to promote sex/drug trafficking and gang violence. Expect more deadly news as the criminal will get bolder and deadlier. Many powerful police and government officials”s identities and wrong doings will be divulged.

To deter misconduct, the FBI sends its employees reports that detail sexting and other transgressions by FBI employees.

Updated February 21, 2013 – FBI plagued by ‘rash of sexting’

Updated April 14, 2012 – A group of Secret Service agents face allegations of misconduct that involves prostitution

 4. A new internal secret financial police will “merge” internationally to better control its citizens business credit cards activities. Expect a full restructure of the police force and a serious increase in civil servant deaths or suicides. Secrets disturbing endeavours from the CIA and the FBI in Russia will come to the light.

Russia orders expulsion of U.S. diplomat

Updated 05/14/2013 – Russia orders expulsion of U.S. diplomat

A manhunt is underway for Christopher Jordan Dorner, 33, a former Los Angeles police.

L.A. police look for ex-cop suspected in shootings

Source: Saudi diplomat killed in Yemen

 Top Lebanese intelligence official killed in Beirut bombing

FBI official killed in Beirut bombing – Predicted!

 5. Many large established religious Corporations will be audited and forced to secretively “merge” to avoid bankruptcy. More sexual covered secrets will come to light in time and the responsible will be punished. The fact is with thousands of sexual abuse cases not one bishop, archbishop or cardinal has been fired or disciplined. This will change as Pluto offers serious wake up while bringing Vatican secrets to light.

 6. Many large financial Corporations will be forced to re-evaluate their deceptive maneuvers and methodology. Expect a merging of old and new banks to survive their own financial implosions. New banks, new names, new opportunities and new credit cards technology will flourish after the collapse. A new ID system and secret technology produced and sold to unaware consumers will make privacy totally impossible.

Updated 02/11/2012 – SCARY REALITY! 

 7. Many large financial established foreign financial Corporations will be forced to expose their accumulated wealth and will be audited. Many will end up in jail or flea on to new foreign ground trying to avoid justice.

8. The government and the public at large will be forced to acknowledge many secrets including the reality of the UFO phenomenon. Fear will increase to a higher level from the unaware mass.

9. Many large financial banking Corporations, including the IRS itself, will be forced to implode and suffer their own restructure. Expect much secrets and abuses to surface from the IRS. New laws will be written to protect the IRS auditing its own self.

Note: Predictions posted to the public November 15, 2011- 01/07/2012 –  IRS comes up $385 billion short

10. Many large established religious Corporations and cults, (Mormonism, Scientology etc.), will be audited and forced into paying back taxes. Mass suicide / killing is expected from abusive leaders influencing  lost religiously poisoned  souls making up those groups during my upcoming “SOS To The World Windows.”

Read The Truth Behind Christmas Spirit and Nostradamus” Vatican Predictions

11. A sexual disease will kill many and be conquered and replaced by a new one. Sex will become more preeminent on television where more dysfunctional programs will offer fame to criminals.  The entire porn industry will also be forced to restructure where murder, shame and abuse of children will become public. More and more concerned groups will expose the danger of promiscuous sex and the abuse of drugs. A new thirst for mystery, death, drama, the occult will plague humanity while many famous people will fall into sexual lure, disgrace and suicide.

Update: 3/26/13 – Another of DT prediction for 2013/14:

Check it out at:…


Update –  05/06/2013 ‘Worse than AIDS’ – sex ‘superbug’ discovered in Japan called disaster in waiting  “This might be a lot worse than AIDS in the short run because the bacteria is more aggressive and will affect more people quickly,” Alan Christianson, a doctor of naturopathic medicine, told CNBC.

 “11. A sexual disease will kill many and be conquered and replaced by a new one.” 


“11. A sexual disease will kill many and be conquered and replaced by a new one.” 

Update – 08/23/2012 – HIV-like illness affecting Asians  HIV-like illness affecting Asians

Update – 6/6/2012 – Gonorrhea is now a superbug

12. Anything and everything dealing with death, secrets, decomposition, reincarnation, sex, metaphysics  the police and re-birthing the spirit will be the focus of humanity’s attention. I also see an explosion of new security services using advanced technology to stop any forms of terrorism.  

Update – 8/15/2012 -Cameras watch your every move  Cameras watch your every move

Religious traditions will not be trusted or followed and on its way out due to many more sexual and financial disgraceful exposures right from the clergy top.  A new form of sexual energy will bring an upsurge of serial killers where those born in April and October will be targeted and become the victims or the perpetrators.

Note if your rising, moon, natal or hidden Dragon is in the axis Scorpio/Taurus you will also be directly afflicted by the new Dragon. My Book “2012 Nostradamus Personal Dragon Forecast For All Signs.”  will bring you all the predictions and crucial information you need.

13. All souls born in November and May will be forced into a painful / liberating restructure where emotional of business relationships will start or come to an abrupt end.

14. The Tail of Dragon, (negative) in Taurus (financial infrastructure), will drastically “subconsciously”affects the US population and many others penalized foreign countries residents. A financial war will precede a war where Iranian people and Leaders will be killed at home. All  Scorpius countries including Russia and India will be forced to “die” and experience a rebirth as to fit with an ever changing world and its new generation.

15. The Dragon’s Tail, (tough) in Taurus (general security), will keep bringing internalunrest in France, Italy, Russia, Japan, the UK, China and the US.  Russia is a target of the Dragon and its police will be forced into a full restructure. This prediction was made in June 2006 and re-printed each years including my 2011 Moon Power and reflects my vision of the current“US Internal Revolution” and many other countries that is spreading internationally. 

Update August 19, 2012 – Suicide bomber kills 7 at funeral in Russia

Watch this video

“”The outcome is very clear. The court works for the police; the tax bureau also works for the police; the police is becoming a superpower in China…

16. The Dragon’s Tail, (negative) in Taurus (banking industry), will bring about dramatic results to countries suffering unrest and wars where starvation and death will vex caring societies. Secret mass graves and atrocities will become public.

17. The Dragon’s Head in Scorpio, (police/local governments), will force the police itself to realize its own limits of power as to avoid its own collapse.  Serious internal/external police abuses / secrets will make the news and direct public challenges will kill many police officers. Many police Chiefs /FBI/CIA executives will be entangled in a secret deal that will bring disgrace and a serious wake up call for all. 2012/2014 could become a death record for the police and many new public Leaders will take on the challenges to bring justice and protection to the people. Many will be found assassinated.

Man dragged by cops dies in custody

Many will be found assassinated?

Third attempt kills former Mexican mayor – May God Bless Your Courageous Soul!

 Top Lebanese intelligence official killed in Beirut bombing

FBI official killed in Beirut bombing – Predicted!

Source: Saudi diplomat killed in Yemen

Boxer Hector Camacho dies after shooting

2 deputies shot in Alabama, 1 killed


Woman: Cops left me topless  Woman: Cops left me topless

Video: Cop beats up man in detox center

Cops brawl with man caught on tape  Cops brawl with man caught on tape

Secret Service member arrested in Fla.

15-year sentence for police chief at heart of Bo Xilai scandal

August 16, 2012 – 2 deputies fatally shot, 2 wounded in Louisiana

Wake Up Call Police?

Officer pistol-whips man, gun goes off

Cops body slam cuffed nurse ground

Sept 3rd, 2012 – CNN Newsroom| September 2, 2012Los Angeles officers were caught on camera tackling a handcuffed woman and then celebrating.

August 13, 2012 – Teen arrest video leads to outrage  Teen arrest video leads to outrage

June 15, 2012 – Kidnapping by Mexican police caught on video

April 2012 – Sex scandal shakes Secret Service

June 2012 – 31 victims ID”d in Air Force sex scandal

Updated April 13, 2012 – NH police chief killed days before retirement

APRIL 6  Sheriff takes convict caddie golfing  Sheriff takes convict caddie golfing – 

APRIL 6 Mthethwa calls for Auditor General investigation 

“Police Minister Nathi Mthethwa has requested the Auditor-General to investigate allegations that renovations at his private house were paid for, as well as a car purchased on his behalf, from a crime intelligence secret service account.”

18.The Dragon’s Head in Scorpio, (corporations), will offer tremendous opportunities to the rich getting richer while secret terrorist groups gain more power aiming for nuclear technology. The urgency will come as a secret/surprise for many unaware people.  Sexual / technological / nuclear secrets coming from the Army and the Navy * 05/08/2013 ‘Unwanted’ sex for 26,000 troops (or caught spy) will come to the light. Serious possibility of restituting the draft due to foreign power nuclear threats will become a high probability. Nothing will be kept a secret for long and all will be exposed to the public.

01/12/2012 – Russia: U.S. has secret Mars plot Time

19. The Tail of the Dragon in Taurus will force many people to lose all their possessions and bring serious insecurity to the poor. The same very people will demand drastic financial decisions to be taken. Unable to survive many Aesthetic Industries involving top names will declare bankruptcy.  Switzerland and its secrets banks devious maneuvers will be exposed and forced into a full restructure. The Swiss Guard *Vatican banks and security will also be forced into a full restructure.

Note: Predictions posted to the public November 15, 2011

01/04/2012 – Swiss Bank 1.2 billion Fraud 

20. Russia is Scorpio country, expect a full and painful restructure of Russia”s government.Death, fires, murders, secrets to the light and chaos will reign upon the younger generation aiming for freedom and a better way of life.  

Update: 12/9/2011 – Russians plan mass protest for Saturday

Update: 6/12/2012 – Russia protesters demand Putin”s resignation

Update 8/19/2012 – Russia: Pussy Riot found guilty of hooliganism | Why it matters

21. On a positive side, governmental waste and its special interest group of lobbyists and political abuses will seriously decrease watched by a new created internal financial police. On a negative note I see Mexico, Central America becoming a war zone because a total pollution of police power where drug Lords will order more police death. America will have to help and interfere as its borders will become more secure.

01/15/2012  –  CNN – If cartel violence is not contained in Mexico, the drug war could threaten U.S. national security and even survival of the Mexican state.

01/19/2012  –  CNN – Bloodshed in Central America is on the rise as the lucrative drug trade moves to Honduras and Guatemala. CNN goes inside the narco wars in Honduras, where police can”t keep up with the staggering body count.

22. On a positive side, wealthy abusive financial corporation manipulating the laws will be asked to participate in redistribution of wealth.

23. On a positive side, America”s image and security will return when the “Freedom Tower” will become operational in 2014.   If the entire restructure of the financial / legal / educational / religious and political system is not reached before 2015 I see a big war where the US military force will be deeply involved. Then diplomacy will stop the carnage and finally bring the badly needed justice to the world at large.


This Universal order demand abusive power and obvious greed to stop!

ALL corporations that drain countries and people’s resources will be forced to a total financial RESTRUCTURE and a deadly WAR may be the only way to bring sense and stop the abuse inflicted by a wealthy privileged select groups of politicians serving special interest financial groups.

This New Dragon in Capricorn is the beginning stage of the  ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT!

“Expect an explosion of new technological advances with electronic hardware because this will assure our survival. Be ready for witnessing an explosion of UFO activity on earth and outpace too. Many space programs will involve the world community where Japan, France, China and US will lead the way. The year 2012 can and will only bring an option for mankind to realize his spiritual limitation fueled by a new urge for mystical cosmic exploration.

The option to finally hear and see God, as he really is and at work upstairs in the stars, a God they never really knew, a God that was stolen from them and where his real identity will be offered to the world. Humankind will slowly witness the death and rebirth of God himself. A God that resides above in the endless cosmic eternity and not in a man made building. A god that allow everyone on the planet to finally realize his own Divinity and use the Heavenly Celestial power wisely to build a better, wiser, safer humanity.

That”s what this 2012 Golden door is about and everyone walking the planet will be *forced to enter to grow. The imbalance *gap, between the human physical achievements and its spiritual Cosmic awareness is coming to an end and with it the Age of Pisces and its endless religious wars and difference. Yes we are on for a fantastic time where the focus will be outside one”s view, value, religion, race, color and where the Age of Aquarius *brotherhood will begin its two thousands peaceful years reign.

The Cosmic Code chose President Obama, born with an Aquarius Dragon”s Tail *shocking death, and his mission and sacrifice for mankind has its own karmic purpose for the world at large.”

More than ever take a chance on me. And if you did not yet order your 90-mn Full Life Reading and learn about this crucial celestial Dragons move into your own chart because it WILL indeed change your life.  Your very mental or financial survival may well depend on your awareness of the Cosmic Code jurisdictions and how to work in Harmony with the Dragon. Trust me to bring this wisdom.

Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth by means of his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom
 –   Paracelsus

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi

Tornadoes/volcanoes all Predicted by Dr. Turi


 ”For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice…

2013 Moon Power sample! and why you should learn about the Cosmic Code!  

How More Precise Can I be? Tornadoes/Volcanoes/Pentagon

Sceptre of my 2013 Moon Power! Be smart get the book, Dr. Turi is CNN before CNN! 

SAT., SUN., MON., TUE., WED. — MAY 11, 12, 13, 14, 15:

RULERS — Mercury (Good News/travel) and the Moon (New beginning/Moving)

Work, Career and Business: Great news is to be expected soon in the work and career scenes, and progressive changes are on the way. Make the most of Mercury’s intellectual powers to review your business life and do some financial planning. Concentrate on everything important, and then go for it with faith. Lots of progress is ahead, make the most of this positive trend. As always drive with caution, don’t let speedy Mercury ruin your day with the police.

Partnerships: The Moon is up and happy for the next few days; do all you can to further your partnerships and if you have to, let go of your past and look for someone else. There are plenty of great souls walking this earth; just ask for your happiness and let go of the past. Use Mercury’s strength to take a trip with your partner.

Family and Friends: Your maternal instinct will show itself to your children. Share your knowledge with friends; help them to understand some of the secrets of life and make them understand their emotions, which are regulated by the Moon’s passage through each and every sign of the zodiac. The subconscious response to the moon’s fluctuations upon humans is referred as “lunatic behaviour or moodiness” and right now she will make you and others feeling happy. Expect the beginning or ending of important parts of your or others’ life. Expect some surprising news from the children. A close friend needs your attention to deal with an emotional situation. Give help.

Love Affairs: Realize your limits with the wrong people, be honest with your feelings and make the needed changes. Your own future, positive or negative, is mostly based upon your decisions, and is the reincarnation of your thoughts. An old friend who lives far away may need to communicate with you, use Mercury and write those letters. The mail could bring you great news and everyone will want to talk to you. If you are a Virgo a Capricorn or a Pisces will want you. Someone born in July needs to spend some time with you very soon.

Travel and Communication: If you have to travel for business purposes, do it now and always use the two weeks following a New Moon to do so. Don’t let insecurity stop your progress, and promote important business now. Expect the mail and your telephone to bring you interesting news. Many will be going back home while others will have to go away.

Environment: The Moon’s waxing energy could induce stress on the faults, so that many people will be forced to relocate soon following natural disasters. It’s time for her to stretch herself and restructure her inside. Mars is dangerous; be aware of fires and destructive emotional behaviours.

Yes Tornado was EF5 | Enough warning?


05/15/2013 13 tornadoes hit North Texas; 6 dead  Residents are clearing debris and crews are searching for seven people after multiple tornadoes in Texas.

05/15/2013 – 2 Alaska volcanoes spew lava

Famous Personalities: The rich and famous will be investing or planning reunions to feed the children of the world. Their artistic gifts will benefit many generous organizations. Some other crazy famous people may make surprising news trying to use Mercury’s (the press) power to gain free publicity. Update 05/16/2013 – Bernie Madoff: I can’t sleep

Events: Expect the military to make the news or perform deeds that will aid the general public and provide relief from disasters or war areas. Nature will begin to feel agitated under this celestial manifestation.

05/15/2013 –  Sergeant faces sex assault allegations – ‘A growing problem’ for Pentagon  'A growing problem' for Pentagon


Shopping: Buy anything that your home or garden needs. You are under the protection of the New Moon, thus signing anything related to real estate, hotels or restaurants is okay. Share my valuable forecast on or offer my Moon Power Starguide and its accurate guidance for someone’s birthday, or offer a comparison chart for a newlywed couple.

Listen to the cosmic code radio show every Wednesday

 Sorry show has been cancelled by Dr. Turi no more free goodies for the world!)

Dr. Turi and the Paranormal – Explaining more of the impact of the Scorpius Draconis upon the world.

May 19, 2013 from 4pm to 6pm


Angelina Jolie and Breast Cancer Fears


Angelina Jolie Voight June 4, 1975

Angelina Jolie’s Double Mastectomy 

Dear Readers;

Before getting into Angelina Jolie double Mastectomy it seem my prediction of a “full restructure of the IRS” posted/published last year became another of my undeniable gift in predictive astrology. Who could have imagined or believed over a  year ago that I saw tomorrow and the news on CNN?

While thousands of people read prediction #4. “A new internal secret financial police will “merge” internationally to better control its citizens business credit cards activities. Expect a full restructure of the police force/secret services the IRS and a serious increase in civil servant deaths or suicides. Secrets disturbing endeavours from the CIA and the FBI in Russia will come to the light.” the fact is now many of my prediction became a reality!

(CNN) – In a letter to Internal Revenue Service employees, acting IRS Commissioner Steven Miller announced “with regret” that he’ll be leaving the agency in early June.

Yes they are so many cosmic unconscious psychics, mentalists, astrologers  prophets wannabe be  out there doing “predictions” and they are all Neptunians at heart but there is only ONE Dr. Turi giving solid printed proofs of its legitimacy. Remember Dr. Turi is a “Human Detector” dedicated to speak, write, deal and expose the undiluted truth, the question now is…can you and are you ready to handle the truth? If so you found Dr. Turi, if not join the 78000 morons who think they, one day will fly to Mars! You better invest on the human spirit and saving mother earth! Warmer oceans, fewer fish

The current Scorpius Draconis is relentless and demand all secrets to be exposed while offering endless “wake up calls” to souls in need to wake up to reality!  And the reality is if you can perceive my worth, dedication and legitimacy God sent you to me for more because there are no accidents, only cosmic circumstances humanity is slowly uncovering with my advanced spiritual/cosmic teachings…

Note, June 11th, 2013  I was supposed to do a FREE  Global Teleclass on “OCD and How To Deal With It!” but in  “THIS IS IT”  newsletter I gave you another piece of reality! thus I cancelled this free presentation and also cancelled my weekly Cosmic Code radio show, listen to my last show archives if you missed it!  I will write a long educational Cosmic Code newsletter instead for my VIP’s where I will explain it all in great details. Note also I will also privately reach and tell my VIP’s to join me  for a live presentation from my own “Cosmic Code website” chat-room to debate and answer all the questions they may have on OCD! Yes only those who belong to the “Cosmic Coders Only” group will be catered because they rewarded me for my teachings.

Now on to Angelina Jolie decision to mutilate herself  and why other women should NOT follow her desperate act which is based upon fears and cosmic ignorance.

Wikipedia – “Jolie suffered episodes of suicidal depression throughout her teens and early twenties.” My book “I know All About You” will give you all the details about what it means to be born a Gemini and much more on the medical aspect of my work and what the cosmic code/God has in store for your body, mind and soul!

Currently Angelina receives the Scorpius Draconis right on her 6th house of health thus if she had a copy of my “2013 Nostradamus Dragon Forecast for all signs” she would read…

2013 — Dragon Forecast For Those Born In June (note this is a VERY small sceptre of my book.)

Personal: On August 30th, 2012, the Dragon moved from Sagittarius/Gemini into Scorpio/Taurus and will stay in these signs until February 19th, 2014. This new “Change of Guards” will stimulate all affairs regulating your 6th house of work, health and service to the world and your 12th house regulating your subconscious affairs, secret enemies and general mental state. The imposed karmic changes may induce stress leading you to the investigation of the reasons of your own self destructive imagination. Souls born in June will be tested on how to deal with insecurity, uncontrolled imagination, and fear of the future coming from the Dragon’s Tail forcing deep psychological changes. Indeed, 2013 could mark the beginning of a new you on both the physical and spiritual planes forcing you into a better life. The lucky June born soul, will make a good use of the intuition and gain much from the dream state living behind all the restrictive past, possessions for more freedom of action, peace and even true love. The challenges ahead involve controlling an abnormal fruitful imagination and fears and avoid “feeding Evil” //////////////////////////////////////////

Note also the Scorpius Draconis does not allow anyone or  anything to be kept a secret for long and she HAD to come public with her actions produced by deep fears. I am a cancer survivor myself and my message to all the insecure women out there is; DO NOT MUTILATE YOURSELVES! 

There is much more you do not know about Cancer and natural healing, my Universal Natural Blood Transfusion and no cancer can survive in an over oxygenated body – Watch this TV show where I explained my experience with Cancer at the bottom of this page!   JOIN now to read my crucial information!


UPDATE 05/17/2013 – Yes as always I was ahead of CNN

99% don’t have gene

Gil Welch: No need to panic over Angelina Jolie’s mastectomies; 99% of women don’t carry the BRCA1 gene.  FULL STORY

UPDATE – The Stars and Fate of Agelina Jolie  is now finished VIP’s. I explained it all for you, science manipulation, her deep fears/phobias and even predicted her demise and it won’t be cancer!


The Mayans pyramids destroyed and world karma is also ready for my VIP’s and tell you the expected  karmic results for such an act… 



 Sharing Emails;

From Linda;

Dr.T and Terania, I am listening to last nights show and want you to know how much I have learned from you.I wish I was a millionaire.I have worked very hard myself trying to share your work with others.I took a break from radio myself because I was still getting negative feedback about myself of Craigslist.I had hoped your show would have done better but I’m so sick of people and their stupidity.I have shut down somewhat in what I share with people. All I have is the wisdom from what you have tough me and my mission is to keep my kids from being a statistic.I am in the process of getting a second job and hopefully a trip your way this summer sometime.My mother and I will always be your loyal VIPS forever and always.Stay strong and please don’t let those ungrateful jerks kill your spirit.Im worried about that cough you have.Luv you two xoxo

P.S Hal Ginsgerg of KRXA had to sell his radio station for half of what he bought it .I knew that station would be gone soon.Aries, tail in 2nd house wealth and possessions are going bye bye for Hal the jackass………………..LOL



From Pedro – Portugal;

Hello dr Turi, i hope this email will find you and all your beloved ones in good health.

 I have read today your email regarding stoping giving your knowledge pearls away, and I confess I understand how you feel quite well, well i mean, at least I think I understand you, I hope I’m not too pretentious.  This is not an attempt to make you change your mind, just to give you some feedback of your influence on people’s lives, and maybe argue he case of the destitute that unfortunately aren’t like beasts, and still have a brain to think…

Sometimes this can be a real curse. You know? Sometimes a person just cannot help your work because; the person is on the brink of collapse. Let me be more precise, I’m writing you from Portugal, well since you are from Provence I’m sure you know where I am.

I’m speaking to you from a small Portuguese village named Setubal, a place that had a huge bronze Poseidon statue, which was melted when napoleon’s army came to free us from the church, to make cannons.  Of course, destroy art and build weapons!!  How appropriate place for a Pisces to be born.

 Right now in this place most persons work 9 hours a day to receive at the end of the month between €350 and €500…a month…nope I’m not a liar just consult euro stat figures… A normal 1 room flat rent around here is €250 upwards, how do people survive in here? Well…do people think there’s a hell waiting for them on the other side? Just come and visit me, you will have a glimpse of such a place right here.

 You can ask me, why the heck do you live in that place? Why don’t you just leave??Mainly because I have a 78 year old mother, lying in a bed, with tubes coming out of her orifices…but her mind still works and she can feel, think, smile…knows if she is loved or just ignored. Being a Pisces I have already worked with elderly and disabled persons in hospital and asylums.

 And I know what will happen to her if I take her to one of those places, in here they are just a place to die, fast if you have luck, more slowly if you have no luck in this life…and I really want to be able to sleep a little bit at night, so I will not throw my mother into one of these places. Trough your work I have found for the first time in many years an explanation for things are the way they are and I’m trying not to be just another planet slave or robot.

I must thank you from the depths of my heart for your work, I have acquired a copy of all your books and I cherish them dearly but…right now…it’s impossible for me to do any more… I still have some medical bills from my mother to pay, if I don’t they will deny her assistance…welcome to the united fascist states of Western Europe.

 I still have a small gold ring my grandmother gave me long ago and I’m going to sell it today, in order to pay for the medical bills…I have no idea how I will pay the next ones. So please accept my apologies if this email seems quite ridiculous but, not everyone of us is spending money in stupidity relating to Mars, or living the good life…and your work really helped me.  So I thank you for everything you gave away, I really mean it.

 In here I can see the signs of the storm in the horizon, there’s definitely a war coming our way, I doubt anyone will survive this one. But besides working 10 hours a day and taking care of my last family member in this hearth. I’m doing my best to keep in shape; at least I intend to sell my life quite expensively. I wonder if what’s happening to you wasn’t exactly what happened to Nostradamus in the last years of his life.

 He gave advice to the Medici family and royalty of Europe, but it seems he looked at his fellow man in a very…how shall I say…heart breaking manner??? I wonder if this makes any sense…I have the Portuguese words under my tongue but…it’s difficult in English… I can only say thank you the Portuguese way, if you ever come to Setubal in Portugal, please let me know, you will have a very humble but clean bed available and  a nice view to the fishing harbour.

 I will be able to offer you some very fresh fish caught by my fisherman friends.  People will tell not to come, that this is a very hard place to be, people are rude and though.  And yes on the outside they are…but many have a big heart and will always receive a fellow traveller with open arms…well the catholic priests will not receive you well…they have much to loose if people learn what you know…

 I hope all the best to you and your beloved ones, and I understand why you must do what you must do and connect with the ones that have the karma to learn what you know. Thank you for everything Dr TuriJ and I hope all the happiness in this world to you and your beloved ones. And if you ever read many negative things regarding the persons of this country or the persons of my city, don’t take that account into consideration…the Neptune delusion can be so great in these days.

 All the best my friend and my offer will always stand, a simple humble clean place to rest will always be offered to you.



A thought or two from a relative newcomer to your world.

A few months ago I was in a very bad space.I wrote to many people
In desperation.I was virtually at my witts end.I was living in my car with my girlfriend and two dogs.I had no cash and was stuck in a foreign country no job no food no nothing.

You were the only one person in the world that came to my rescue.
You were the only person that said without expecting anything in return to hang in Brian.
You were the only person in the world that made any impact whatsoever in my life without asking upfront for a wad of cash like that moron Adain Powers and a few other who categorically stated they hold the keys to changing my existence if I paid over a huge number of dollars.

People in desperate situations do desperate things and having the be Jesus scared out of you by using subtle powers of suggestion they have perfected they are fooling the masses by using free numerology software free astrology software and good sales tactic by scaring the daylights out of people like a few other so called psychics I forget their names madam Zara madam Tara medium and so from Romania etc etc.Recently some of these people have been exposed one guy was acting as madam so and so and offering gypsy like readings and tarot readings etc etc turns out he was actually a guy posing as a psychic female!!

That’s the underbelly of the psychic underworld DT.One girl even claimed she works with the FBI in solving missing persons cases or assisting in solving cases of homicides etc etc.I wrote to her 2 years ago asking assistance in solving the mystery around my brothers death on the 4 th March 1994 oh ofcourse she could help at a price you know.Her name is psychic T or something like that.

The long and short of it is that when real people like you get lumped in the same basket as these people by default because of ignorance and lack of education into the field of the divine science things go bump in the night.

I am waiting for some money to begin my study with you.Not because I have no other choices in teachers etc etc but because I believe in you Dr Turi.I am a small man in a big world but I am Sharp as a knife regarding my intuition.

The sad fact as I see it with my current outside look into your universe of which I am by no means an expert and only met you and Terania a few months ago and therefore can only give my opinion based on my personal experience with you guys is that if you give in to the dark forces plaguing you at present by making you unsatisfied or unhappy and willing you to give up your God given duty and talent because of the excuse they planting in you ie lack of financial reward.Dear sir I can only urge

You to reconsider for the sake of humanity at large.Your talents have not even began to be recognized in Africa for eg simply because people don’t know of you!!
I for one in my own circle promote your divine intelect and talent at every opportunity possible.For God sake you my hero man!! You saved my life DT

I am awaiting cash to begin my study with you.This is taking longer than expected and my girlfriend is munching away at the little money I have at present so I need to wait there is nothing else I can do.In monetary terms your course offering is highly affordable even given it costs nine times more in my own currency

Kind regards and please let me know you get this letter

Dr Brian Faul
South Africa

Ps the crux of the matter DT is I want to put you on the map in Africa.I can only do this after studying under you.It’s my small way of thanking you for literally saving my life.Scorpio don’t forget ever


Dear Dr. Turi,

Certainly, you have heard the quote, “When the student is ready, the teacher will come”. It is obvious that the students are not yet ready. That is not your fault Dr. Turi, and I empathize with your frustration. I constantly try to “open the eyes” of those who are self-destructive, relying on pharmaceutical toxic drugs to achieve some kind of cure for what ails them, to no avail.

But let me offer this to you…… like the ripple effect, throwing a pebble into the water…..if you can change the course of just ONE person’s thinking,….that ONE person’s destiny… the ripple effect, others will also be affected. Trust in that knowledge and know that your efforts are NOT lost and that you are making a difference, even though you feel you may not be. There are many who admire your cause.

Be Well,



Thanks for all the cosmic codes you gave me free. Sorry  You and you sweet wife have a wonderful life! I’ll miss you   Blessings Katherine and Criters

Katherine  Reno Nevada


If you are not happy its because you do not live your destiny!

How More Precise Can I be? Volcanoes/Pentagon


 ”For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice…

Sceptre of my 2013 Moon Power! Be smart get the book, Dr. Turi is CNN before CNN! 

SAT., SUN., MON., TUE., WED. — MAY 11, 12, 13, 14, 15:

RULERS — Mercury (Good News/travel) and the Moon (New beginning/Moving)

Work, Career and Business: Great news is to be expected soon in the work and career scenes, and progressive changes are on the way. Make the most of Mercury’s intellectual powers to review your business life and do some financial planning. Concentrate on everything important, and then go for it with faith. Lots of progress is ahead, make the most of this positive trend. As always drive with caution, don’t let speedy Mercury ruin your day with the police.

Partnerships: The Moon is up and happy for the next few days; do all you can to further your partnerships and if you have to, let go of your past and look for someone else. There are plenty of great souls walking this earth; just ask for your happiness and let go of the past. Use Mercury’s strength to take a trip with your partner.

Family and Friends: Your maternal instinct will show itself to your children. Share your knowledge with friends; help them to understand some of the secrets of life and make them understand their emotions, which are regulated by the Moon’s passage through each and every sign of the zodiac. The subconscious response to the moon’s fluctuations upon humans is referred as “lunatic behaviour or moodiness” and right now she will make you and others feeling happy. Expect the beginning or ending of important parts of your or others’ life. Expect some surprising news from the children. A close friend needs your attention to deal with an emotional situation. Give help.

Love Affairs: Realize your limits with the wrong people, be honest with your feelings and make the needed changes. Your own future, positive or negative, is mostly based upon your decisions, and is the reincarnation of your thoughts. An old friend who lives far away may need to communicate with you, use Mercury and write those letters. The mail could bring you great news and everyone will want to talk to you. If you are a Virgo a Capricorn or a Pisces will want you. Someone born in July needs to spend some time with you very soon.

Travel and Communication: If you have to travel for business purposes, do it now and always use the two weeks following a New Moon to do so. Don’t let insecurity stop your progress, and promote important business now. Expect the mail and your telephone to bring you interesting news. Many will be going back home while others will have to go away.

Environment: The Moon’s waxing energy could induce stress on the faults, so that many people will be forced to relocate soon following natural disasters. It’s time for her to stretch herself and restructure her inside. Mars is dangerous; be aware of fires and destructive emotional behaviours.

05/15/2013 – 2 Alaska volcanoes spew lava

Famous Personalities: The rich and famous will be investing or planning reunions to feed the children of the world. Their artistic gifts will benefit many generous organizations. Some other crazy famous people may make surprising news trying to use Mercury’s (the press) power to gain free publicity.

Events: Expect the military to make the news or perform deeds that will aid the general public and provide relief from disasters or war areas. Nature will begin to feel agitated under this celestial manifestation.

05/15/2013 –  Sergeant faces sex assault allegations – ‘A growing problem’ for Pentagon  'A growing problem' for Pentagon


Shopping: Buy anything that your home or garden needs. You are under the protection of the New Moon, thus signing anything related to real estate, hotels or restaurants is okay. Share my valuable forecast on or offer my Moon Power Starguide and its accurate guidance for someone’s birthday, or offer a comparison chart for a newlywed couple.

Listen to the cosmic code radio show every Wednesday

Dr. Turi and the Paranormal – Explaining more of the impact of the Scorpius Draconis upon the world.

May 19, 2013 from 4pm to 6pm



Warnings to the FBI/CIA and the Dept. of Homeland Security


 ”For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice…

TIME TO LISTEN, TO WAKE UP AND ACCEPT THE FACT THAT I AM REAL AND CNN BEFORE CNN!  Are you a secret Agent?  Are you a CIA Agent?  Are you a Cop? Are you involved in the Law Enforcement or the Dept. of Homeland Security?  ALL OF YOU PLEASE STOP ASSUMING MY WORK IS ONLY PSEUDO-SCIENCE, YOUR EXPERTS NEED  DR. TURI!

Memo from prediction page 1:  4. A new internal secret financial police will “merge” internationally to better control its citizens business credit cards activities. Expect a full restructure of the police force/secret services the IRS and a serious increase in civil servant deaths or suicides. Secrets disturbing endeavours from the CIA and the FBI in Russia will come to the light.

TODAY! (CBS) – Chicago Police Supt. Garry McCarthy says his department is taking seriously a purported directive from a Chicago street gang to kill members of law enforcement.

Russia orders expulsion of U.S. diplomat

Updated 05/14/2013 – Russia orders expulsion of U.S. diplomat

Note: Those predictions posted to the public November 15, 2011 on my website and printed in my book 2013 Moon Power! There is a big difference between education and intelligence (and a legitimate gift!)  

 Feds, IRS, FBI Secrets Divulged!

Republican won’t rule out impeachment



Mayans pyramids destroyed and world karma

Ancient Mayan pyramid destroyed for road fill

Dear Readers;

Yes I am sure many of you are repulsed by the greed and ignorance motivating those people to eradicate a Mayan pyramid, but for every actions, physical or spiritual there will be an equal reaction, this is called karma. While this word means nothing to the  rational born “young souls” the message I have been passing on to the masses through my writings for years may become clearer now!

Much of my cosmic code newsletters mention that humanity, in the name of science “has lost the spirit” and  your “radical” educational system is slowly building a mass of “educated” sceptics, atheists, agnostics who  are taught to ridicule anything they can not see or touch… This lamentable attitude of course neutralize curiosity and with it the real chance to build cosmic consciousness and appreciate the divine.

The very act to destroy a pyramid won’t mean much to them mostly because they are incapable of realizing the importance of omens / karma associated with the act! Again something they are ill fitted to comprehend… Let me explain, if you read the article much of the pyramid material was to be used for construction.

“(CNN) — A Mayan pyramid that has stood for 2,300 years in Belize has been reduced to rubble, apparently to make fill for roads.”

The young soul depraved of spiritual values can only read and take the information textually but let me explain further what this act is all about and what it will bring the world….

Mayan Legacy

SORRY THIS HIGHLY SPIRITUAL MATERIAL IS FOR MY VIP’S ONLY –  Join them in the Cosmic Coders Only group to read about the fate of the world / UFO or become a VIP by joining the cosmic code website!

Listen to the cosmic code radio show every Wednesday


Dr. Turi and the Paranormal – Explaining more of the impact of the Scorpius Draconis upon the world.

May 19, 2013 from 4pm to 6pm