Feds, IRS, FBI Secrets Divulged!

Watch this video

AP: Feds secretly gathered our records


Is my work really “pseudo-science” only?   Feds, IRS, FBI Secrets Divulged!

Prediction # 12. Anything and everything dealing with death, secrets, decomposition, reincarnation, sex, metaphysics  the police and re-birthing the spirit will be the focus of humanity’s attention. I also see an explosion of new security services using advanced technology to stop any forms of terrorism.  

Make a note of  prediction #  9. Many large financial banking Corporations, including the IRS itself, will be forced to implode and suffer their own restructure. Expect much secrets and abuses to surface from the IRS. New laws will be written to protect the IRS auditing its own self.

Prediction #10.  Many large established religious Corporations and cults, (Mormonism, Scientology etc.), will be audited and forced into paying back taxes. Mass suicide / killing is expected from abusive leaders influencing  lost religiously poisoned  souls making up those groups during my upcoming “SOS To The World Windows.” 

Memo from prediction page 1:  4. A new internal secret financial police will “merge” internationally to better control its citizens business credit cards activities. Expect a full restructure of the police force/secret services the IRS and a serious increase in civil servant deaths or suicides. Secrets disturbing endeavours from the CIA and the FBI in Russia will come to the light.

Note: Predictions posted to the public November 15, 2011 on my website www.drturi.com 


Isn’t time to pay attention to Dr. Turi’s predictions? Pass it on  please


Gosnell a Killer Doc? – This is Your World!

Watch this video

Gosnell could be sentenced to death

A Philadelphia jury today found abortion provider Dr. Kermit Gosnell guilty of three first-degree murder charges and one count of involuntary manslaughter.


“Over sensitive souls who takes my direct approach to life and brutal honesty personally while missing the essence of my teachings suffers both inferiority and insecurity complexes.”

 Dr. Turi

This newsletter will not be public… join now!

Evil Was Above New Orleans On Mother’s Day!


 ”For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice…

19 injured in New Orleans parade shooting

Dear readers:

All I can do is to remind all my readers of the Scorpius Draconis  impact upon the mind of the “Death Wish Generation” and my 23 set of predictions posted November 15, 2011 to the public from my website. Meantime you should pay more attention to this phrase I wrote then, also posted there…


The police, the media, the victims and the criminals themselves have no clue of this phenomenon and your government and science have no answers to explain this dramatic upsurge in deadly acts… I have yet to remind you again of what I wrote in my free Sunday cosmic code newsletter before the New Orleans drama unfolded in ” Is Ariel Castro Born a Monster?


“There is so many more children slowly turning into monsters because science, religions and your incomplete educational system is not able yet to perceive the divine and lost the spirit a  long time ago!  Parents do you really think you are safe with God’s children you do not know?  The current  Scorpius Draconis is drastically steering the deadly Plutonic forces in all human beings, including children and yet, my work is perceive as “pseudo-science” only!   This Dragon is with us all the way to February 2014 and the dramatic news ahead of you involving children  and adults alike won’t be pretty!

Updated – Scorpius Draconis at work!  –19 injured in New Orleans parade shooting –  4 bodies found shot in Indiana home – PCSO: Four injured during shooting at motorcycle club

This Dragon’s purpose is to offer you and humanity at large a serious wake up call where nothing can or will be kept under or secret for long…‘Lost continent’ discovered underwater? Somehow, even YOU  my reader, will have to experience a metamorphosis, physically or spiritually you must * apathetically speaking, die and rebirth into a much more refined, smarter, curious spiritual human being. Ignore your or your children Dragon and pay the price of your cosmic ignorance because, for months now I warned you… this dragon is after your children!”

‘We don’t have monster in our blood’


Well readers, do you think again it is an “accident” (like Ariel Castro’s daughter said in an interview) for her uncles to mention the word MONSTER too?

Watch this video

Ariel Castro’s brothers say he’s “a monster” who should rot in jail and they “want the world to know” they had no idea their brother was holding women captive. 

Updated – May 15/2013 – The word MONSTER is being used again, and again, and again…will you get Dr. Turi’s deep message?

‘Depraved monster’

The horrific Cleveland case brought back dark memories for Alicia Kozakiewicz, kidnapped at age 13 .FULL STORY

If you read “Jodi Arias A born Killer Mind Exposed” or “Nancy Lanza, science and education killed Adam first!”  published December 27th, 2012 you will acknowledge that the word MONSTER was used well before Ariel Castro’s daughter (and now her uncles) used it subconsciously. But its not the word monster you should concentrate on, but the deep spiritual message I am conveying you with… You must realize that;  your unconscious scientific community, your educational system, your political and religious organizations and all the mind “experts”  are creating  MONSTERS in the name of cosmic ignorance, fears, ridicule and scepticism.

  Sad enough the majority of this cosmic unconscious world will never be able to appreciate or discern the deep values and the crucial messages I own for humanity, unless they decide to become more curious.  The young sceptical souls are fast to assume that; I always present the news after the facts and this dated, printed unarguable material will give me even more justice proving my claims, but rest assured it still will be rejected regardless! They are simply not ready for my work and I!

Maybe he wanted to get caught. Maybe time was up.

No readers, remember if you read previous newsletters, I mentioned the current Scorpius Draconis cosmic fluid above is bringing everything to the light and many more shocking secrets will come to the media before  this Dragon exit the world February 2014.  For now the  sceptics  including much of the media can not comprehend the depth and values involving my work because rare is the true gifted visionary. All  those young cosmic unconscious souls need is time to develop their psychical perception of the Divine. This Scorpius Draconis is working overtime in my favour forcing, through repetitions of undeniable facts/predictions  that you should pay attention to my warnings and my visions.

This world is growing fast in all technological aspects where science has lost the spirit a long time ago and the majority of you are still wondering about a celestial/cosmic God you are slowly uncovering with my teachings…

No one was there to teach you about the Cosmic Code and how God speaks to his children trough the signs as all the vital truths found in the dead sea scrolls were taken away from you and replaced by deceptive religious doctrines.

Will you join the Cosmic Code and let me guide you for the next 12 months or will you wait for next Sunday free newsletter to learn more? Time is the essence start your journey upstream to free your spirit and own your salvation right away, because no one will do it for you. Cast aside your fears, all you have to do is to read my work and listen to that little voice inside that will never lie to you because its easier to win the lottery than to find a real, true, gifted spiritual master willing to offer you the light through legitimate wisdom!

I could change my work and adopt  the “sugar coated rose coloured glass style” used by all the Neptunians souls you read, listen and follow but dealing with the undiluted truth demand you to be strong and willing to learn and master the truth.  The non ready over sensitive  souls will opt for the Ostrich style refusing to grow spiritually, like a capricious child unwilling to go to school and learn.

Remember there is only a very thin hair between Divine information and pure imagination, the more comfortable you are with a “teacher” the less you will learn! God designed this world as a place of HELL where you are stuck often locked in your fears and cosmic ignorance.  I have learned all that I know today and assimilated the truth not because I was safely listening to my momma, warm and safe at home readers… But because I took the world as it is, a karmic place where human can only learn the hard way and went on learning with pain and suffering!  Get out of your comfort zone, do not blame me for the endless chain of dramatic news, don’t shut me down because you can’t handle the truth, instead learn  the hows and whys and participate in the re-birthing of the human psyche.

Imagine if all the people in this world were to live with their heads in the sand, including me! Be special, be a fighter, remember the rules of happiness, there are so simple!


  • Make a commitment to be happy and do not feed evil
  • Make a commitment to create anything big or small everyday
  • Make a commitment to share my work with others

You are doing this for the children of the future and doing so, those kids will not wait for Mother Day to KILL others as we just experienced in New Orleans.  Remember readers…

If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

Dali Lama and Dr. Turi

The question now is are you going to read yet another of my newsletter and wait next Sunday for another one or are you going to participate to help me salvage the human spirit while we can? Do you still think like science and the media my work  and the Scorpius Draconis is only “pseudo-science” or are you going to show me your support?

“For evil to flourish, all that is needed is for good people to do nothing.”

– Edmund Burke

Join the Cosmic Code today take on the journey to the divine you’ll get much more than what you bargain for but you do not know yet! Take a chance  because you are not reading my by accident, in fact as incredible as  it may sound, you asked for real answers and you will find them all with me!

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi

Dear readers;

Evil Was Above New Orleans For Mother’s Day is public, enjoy it from the cosmic code website – Also help me find Leila Alyssa Fowler brother’s DOB and get a FREE VIP pass. Once you do email Terania with this note at teraniapromdir@gmail.com Thank you


Brother of 8-year-old California girl arrested in her stabbing death

Leila Alyssa Fowler

June 30, 2004 – April 27, 2013

I will write all about the mystical reasons leading to her demise and why her younger  Plutonic born brother killed her once I have his DOB!  Help me find it and get a free pass to the cosmic code website – This educational newsletter will not be public but for my VIP’s only.

After the stabbing, the 12-year-old brother said, “I’m not saying goodbye to Leila. I’m saying ‘See you later.’ There are no goodbyes.” 

Regardless of his young age, a born Plutonic soul is subconsciously  aware there is no death and is not afraid of death… Stand by for more about the psyche of a typical Plutonic born child – Help me to find his DOB Pls.


Visit The Cosmic Code With Dr. Turi at: http://www.cosmiccode.drturi.com/?xg_source=msg_mes_network

Title : OCD and How To Deal With It!

 Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) like ADD and ADHD are disorders produced by your natal inherited UCI *Unique Celestial Identity. Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) like ADD and ADHD are disorders produced by your natal inherited UCI *Unique Celestial Identity. All diseases physical or spiritual are due to a form of blockage based upon a lack of accurate spiritual auto analysis and a lack of cosmic consciousness.  I will explain to the attendees using the science of Astropsychology, what / where and how those disorders are coming from and offer remedies.

  JOIN US ITS FREE – http://www.globalteleclass.com/

The  ”2013 Moon Power, Universal Guidance and Predictions” and “ 2013 Nostradamus Personal Dragon Forecast” are available and still in demand and shows how smart and wiser my readers became over the years, reading the news a year ahead of time on CNN! Thus to make sure you are safe and well informed throughout the year before travelling for your safety check the stars!

I brought down the price to $15 so you can plan all your 2013 trips and activities in harmony with the Cosmic Code or God’s celestial will. And this means the difference between being at the right time at the right place or being killed by yet another “Act of God!” Yes knowledge is power, ignorance is evil and I am glad I can blow this vital cosmic fluid into your soul… Get the books now, be smart, be wise you are a child of the Universe and you need to learn how to hear, read and heed God’ signs… 


 “If you are not happy or something is missing in your life it is simply because you do not live your destiny as intended by God through the Cosmic Code”

ask and you shall receive!

Was Ariel Castro Born a Monster?


 ”For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice… If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

‘We don’t have monster in our blood’


This undated combination photo released by the Cleveland Police Department shows from left, Onil Castro, Ariel Castro, and Pedro Casto.The three brothers were arrested Tuesday, May 7, 2013, after three women who disappeared in Cleveland a decade ago were found safe Monday. The brothers are accused of holding the victims against their will. (Cleveland Police Department/AP)

Jodi Arias was born July 9th
O.J. Simpson was born July 9th
Ariel Castro July 10th 

Casey Anthony and Jodi Arias both have the Dragon’s Tail in Scorpio!


“Where Cosmic Consciousness is lacking; science, conspiracy and religious imagination have the wrong answers. There are no accidents, nor circumstances, but cosmic consequences the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive.”

Dr. Turi

Dear Readers;

Here is your Sunday Cosmic Code newsletter sample, I generate them endlessly, if you find answers and like my work, show your support,  join now become a Cosmic Coder.  Thank you!

Note; Some links can only be used by my VIP’s, this if you want to read more articles you must become a Cosmic Coder.

If you read “Jodi Arias A born Killer Mind Exposed” or “Nancy Lanza, science and education killed Adam first!”  published December 27th, 2012 you will acknowledge that the word “MONSTER” was used well before Ariel Castro’s daughter used it subconsciously. Sad enough the majority of a cosmic unconscious world will never be able to appreciate or discern the deep values and the crucial messages I own for humanity.  The young sceptical souls are fast to assume that; I present the news after the facts and this dated, printed unarguable material will give me justice proving my claims, but rest assured it still will be rejected!

Updated – May 15/2013 – The word MONSTER is being used again, and again, and again…will you get Dr. Turi’s deep message?

The horrific Cleveland case brought back dark memories for Alicia Kozakiewicz, kidnapped at age 13

“Where Cosmic Consciousness is lacking; science, conspiracy and religious imagination have the wrong answers. There are no accidents, nor circumstances, only cosmic consequences the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive.”

Dr. Turi

The mass is so gullible and it will take another 50 years of so for the norm to start thinking and perceiving the truth as my VIP, students and I do! “One-Way Trip to Mars and the 78000 Signed Up Morons!”

Please do not be offended if I use the words morons or cosmic ignorance I am objectively referring to the mass  and not you personally. While sugar coated articles tend to be more acceptable for the over sensitive soul, I am not a deceptive Neptunian televangelist, so please do not let deep seated emotions or any insecurity or inferiority complexes blur your perception to my message and complex mission to free humanity from fears and cosmic ignorance… In fact I have much more for you that what you could ever bargain for if you are tough enough  to handle the undiluted truth!!

“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth by means of his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom”




Indeed the man is psychically really sick and like any other criminals, Ariel simply responded “neurotically” to the  pull of his karmic UCI. While the scientific community will miss the pearls of wisdom hidden in my expertise, the fact is; two other criminals *Jodi Arias and  O.J. Simpson were born like him in July.  This does not mean all Cancer born souls are or will turn criminals but they all become powerful Scorpio in the affairs regulating love, romance and children!  But while I am offering true pearls of wisdom how much of this information will make sense to the non cosmic conscious readers who does know nothing of the housing system, planets and signs? And this mean, without a proper understanding of the dynamics involving Astropsychology, to the non informed, this become a nonsensical astro mumbo-jumbo or “pseudo-science.”

Will the ill informed reader be able to realize the incredible values offered in my work, in all honesty I don’t think so but all I do is hope for curiosity to kick in and from there, with the right teachings, cosmic consciousness. Meantime the real reasons to what it means to be human, or the psychical explanations/information to what create/produce a killer or a genius is not allowed to the young souls… This is why the majority of my readers became curious and spiritual with age and are still looking for the truth, science and religions could never provide!

Now on to the explanation of the powerful cosmic fluid or UCI of Ariel Castro


Sun 18Can12 (1) –  House of self, soul’s purpose – Ariel was born to learn the lesson to feed and protect and certainly missed his soul’s purpose on earth.

Moon 12Aqu05 (8) House of death/drama/secrets – This house is traditionally ruled by Pluto, the Lord of Hades, power, secret, sex, control where Ariel becomes a controlling Scorpio.  The Moon represent the home, the base of operation while Aquarius is shocking, abnormal, eccentric in nature.  Knowing that the women were jailed against their will clearly enunciate the drama, sexual. physical abuses they suffered from Mr. Castro. This is a section of what I wrote about Pluto for my VIP in ” Cleveland’s Women From Hell” enjoy some Greek Mythology and this is far from being material you should ignore of ridicule…But what does science really think, know or care about Plato when they all think they know better than Einstein himself?

“Pluto /Hades is the drive for power, secrecy, sexual orientation and ultimate control while Virgo rules also chastity, purity and innocence, thus the strong attraction to children. This Plutonic drive led to a secret sexual pact the brothers “signed” with each others in order to regenerate.  Remember where ever Scorpio is located the soul MUST regenerate or die and this planet rules terrorism and all forms of abductions. In Greek mythology Jupiter the God of the Gods punished his son *Pluto/Hades because he abducted his sister and jailed her in the entrails of a mountain while trying to bend his father’s will.”

Pluto velificans, with a Cupid attending his abduction of Proserpina in a four-horse chariot (Roman cinerary altar, Antonine Era, 2nd century) “Pluto and Hades differ in character, but they are not distinct figures and share their two major myths. In Greek cosmogony, the god received the rule of the underworld in a three-way division of sovereignty over the world, with his brothers Zeus ruling Heaven and Poseidon the Sea. His central narrative is the abduction of Persephone to be his wife and the queen of his realm. Plouton as the name of the ruler of the underworld first appears in Greek literature of the Classical period, in the works of the Athenian playwrights and of the philosopher Plato, who is the major Greek source on its significance. Under the name Pluto, the god appears in other myths in a secondary role, mostly as the possessor of a quest-object, and especially in the descent of Orpheus or other heroes to the underworld.”


Hades is the brother of Zeus /Jupiter. After the overthow of their Father Cronus he drew lots with Zeus and Poseidon, another brother, for shares of the world. He had the worst draw and was made lord of the underworld, ruling over the dead. He is a greedy god who is greatly concerned with increasing his subjects. Those whose calling increase the number of dead are seen favorably. The Erinnyes are welcomed guests. He is exceedingly disinclined to allow any of his subjects leave.

He is also the god of wealth, due to the precious metals mined from the earth. He has a helmet that makes him invisable. He rarely leaves the underworld. He is unpitying and terrible, but not capricious. His wife is Persephone whom Hades abducted. He is the King of the dead but, death itself is another god,Thanatos.

Mercury 28Can26 (1)  – House of self – The mind is concerned for oneself needs first. The physical and spiritual food or all his sexual vices, control and secrecy are trigged by Pluto found in his 3rd house (Applying the mind).

Venus 23Can08 (1) – House of self – There is  a friendly deceptive magnetism with Venus (love) in Cancer ( influencing the family.)

Mars 14Tau27 (11) detriment (traditional) Wishes and friends – Aggressive Mars rules the 11th house of reach for wishes located in the earthy sign of Taurus (I OWN.) Mars also represent how a man will show his masculinity to the opposite sex and in the very possessive, stubborn sign of Taurus Ariel felt he HAD to own those ladies.  Sad enough Mars in in direct opposition (negative) to Neptune (deception/jail/drugs) in Scorpio right in his 5th house of love, romance and children.

Jupiter 26Sag15 (6) dignity –  Work, service to the world – The main reason why he did not kill his victims after abusing them is because Jupiter is very righteous / religious in its own Sagittarius sign and he probably lectured the women about the bible, sex and religions.

Saturn 14Cap54 (7) dignity -Partnerships/contracts – Saturn is very powerful in its own sign in Capricorn (the planner.) Saturn (the loner) is cold and calculated in the house of marriage and this planet rules the fear principle. Ariel had deep fears of never finding a suitable partner and end up alone.

Uranus 19Leo19 (2) detriment  – Money self esteem –  Uranus rules shocking endeavours while Leo rules love and children. Much of his resources could have been made/spent for the object of love or his young victims to keep them alive.

Neptune 06Sco23 (5)  House of love, romance and children – Neptune rules deception, drugs, confinements, jails, religions, drugs etc. and this planet is found influencing the 5th house of speculations. Combined with the rest of his nefarious chart he acted out his UCI and abducted the children.

Pluto 04Vir20 (3) The mind/critical thinking – Pluto rules supreme control, power, sex and the regeneration principle. This mean the soul is neurotically/subconsciously driven to act or die with an obsessive thinking.  Virgo (the Virgin Mary) rules purity, chastity that can only be found with children. This position breed white supremacists, atheists, agnostics, perfectionists, child molesters and paedophiles.   JOIN US ITS FREE – http://www.globalteleclass.com/ In my next “Global Teleclass” I will lecture on OCD and PLuto.

Title : OCD and How To Deal With It!

 Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) like ADD and ADHD are disorders produced by your natal inherited UCI *Unique Celestial Identity. Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) like ADD and ADHD are disorders produced by your natal inherited UCI *Unique Celestial Identity. All diseases physical or spiritual are due to a form of blockage based upon a lack of accurate spiritual auto analysis and a lack of cosmic consciousness.  I will explain to the attendees using the science of Astropsychology, what / where and how those disorders are coming from and offer remedies.

  JOIN US ITS FREE – http://www.globalteleclass.com/

Dragon’s Head 18Vir35 (3) – The Virgo/puritanical Dragon and Pluto (power/sex/secrets) are found influencing the mind of Castro making him compulsive with chastity, purity, sex and children. Castro owned also a DUAL dragon forcing him to use his dual nature in a dual life.  I wrote intensively in my book titled “The Power of the Dragon” about many serial killers and I have noticed that like Casey Antony a lot were born  Pisces. Unanimous Pisces killers Richard Ramirez, Aileen Wuornos and John Wayne Gacy.  But in my book I also expose the UCI of Gemini serial killers like Jeffrey Dahmer, Van Der Sloot and Scorpio evil souls like Charles Manson not to forget that Ted Bundy was born with the same Gemini (dual/liars) Dragon Tail as O.J. Simpson and Cayce. Incidentally, Casey Antony is ALL that in one…

Read more about criminals born duals

The Stars and Fate of Mindy McCready (VIP’s only)

The Stars and Fate of Casey Anthony (VIP’s only)

Dragon’s Tail 18Pis35 (9) House of Higher learning/religions – Castro shares the same Pisces (deceptive) dragon has Jeffrey Dahmer. Pisces is ruled by Neptune the Lord of the ocean. Facts! Jeffrey Dahmer was listening to the sound of the whales while endlessly reading the bible. He was killed in jail by an inmate who thought he was Jesus. Jeffrey Dahmer used drugs to lure his victims and his Pisces Dragon’s Tail lead him to schizophrenia and confinement where he sank in the deeper darkest waters of Neptune.

Left unattended this Neptunian dragon is sure ticket to lead its owners to madness, addictions and confinement found in the majority of criminals rotting in jail or those willingly living confined practising purity/ chastity (priests/monks etc.) Sad enough our infantile cosmic unconscious science and the FBI are losing a tremendousness amount of cosmic wisdom that would able them to recognise those born killers.

As always while Ariel Castro is a disgusting criminal who deserve (fated) to end up drugged/killed in jail one must never forget he, like all criminals of the present, past and future were once upon a time, innocent children. And none had the right teacher available before and after puberty to help them acknowledged, control and direct  their celestial identities. None of them had been given a chance to apply their will against their overwhelming stars, inst it time to help Dr. Turi to build his Astropsychology schools and bring back sanity to this lost world? Make a donation for my cause please, your politicians, science, religions and education failed you all and I have the answers…

Brother of 8-year-old California girl arrested in her stabbing death

After the stabbing, the 12-year-old brother said, “I’m not saying goodbye to Leila. I’m saying ‘See you later.’ There are no goodbyes.”

Those words are not from a normal child but from a born killer, a Plutonic child suffering an extreme “demonic/Plutonic” UCI. Subconsciously this child knows there is NO death  and has no fear of death! But the cosmic unconscious parents, friends and teachers alike are not trained to recognise a Plutonic child and this cosmic ignorance cost the life of his little sister…

There is so many more children slowly turning into monsters because science, religions and your incomplete educational system is not able yet to perceive the divine and lost the spirit a  long time ago!  Parents do you really think you are safe with God’s children you do not know?  The current  Scorpius Draconis is drastically steering the deadly Plutonic forces in all human beings, including children and yet, my work is perceive as “pseudo-science” only!   This Dragon is with us all the way to February 2014 and the dramatic news ahead of you involving children  and adults alike won’t be pretty!

Updated –19 injured in New Orleans parade shooting –  4 bodies found shot in Indiana home – PCSO: Four injured during shooting at motorcycle club

This Dragon’s purpose is to offer you and humanity at large a serious wake up call where nothing can or will be kept under or secret for long…‘Lost continent’ discovered underwater? Somehow, even YOU  my reader, will have to experience a metamorphosis, physically or spiritually you must * apathetically speaking, die and rebirth into a much more refined, smarter, curious spiritual human being. Ignore your or your children Dragon and pay the price of your cosmic ignorance because, for months now I warned you… this dragon is after your children!

I am here, I am ready but I am alone with my priceless wisdom and I need you. Please pass on my work because the more parents we reach the more understanding and control they will have  over the Cosmic Code jurisdictions.

There is only a very thin hair between Divine cosmic information and pure imagination! 

Dr. Turi

Yes its easy to anyone to point out the failures of anyone… But Silvia does not own Cosmic Consciousness, she was a true Neptunian

George Noory And Sylvia Browne – DrTuri.com

The Fate Of Sylvia Browne – Dr. Louis Turi

 HELP DR. TURI’S MISSION! BE A DIRECT PARTICIPANT TO CHANGE THE WORLD! Click on this link to offer donations for OUR cause and for the children of the future. Blessings and thank you from the heart. 


Question? Help? Talk to Terania  602-265-7667

One-Way Trip to Mars and the 78000 Signed Up Morons

The True $$$$$$$$$$pirit of NASA


The Mars Cult Society A Deadly Proposition

Dear Reader;

The mass is so gullible and it will take another 50 years of so for the norm to start thinking and perceiving the truth as my VIP, students and I do! “One-Way Trip to Mars and the 78000 Signed Up Morons!”

UPDATED! 05/15/2013 Read the facts and who was right! Life on Mars “impossible.” 


Those who are supposed to be the experts often are the least knowledgeable…


Please do not be offended if I use the words morons or cosmic ignorance I am objectively referring to the mass  and not you personally. While sugar coated articles tend to be more acceptable for the over sensitive soul, I am not a deceptive Neptunian televangelist, so please do not let deep seated emotions or any insecurity or inferiority complexes blur your perception to my message and complex mission to free humanity from fears and cosmic ignorance… In fact I have much more for you that what you could ever bargain for if you are tough enough  to handle the undiluted truth!

“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth by means of his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom”


And you really think man will ever fly all the way to Mars and live happily ever after? OMG! there is no wonder why this world is such a mess when science and religions have absolutely no problem to make the morons born believe such a thing! I know the majority of human are not directly  related to Einstein  but I can not help to realize how such a common mass of human beings can be so gullible and run with the greatest deception ever offered by Mars One. Now if you believe there is NO profit in a nonprofit organization then you deserve to waste your money because that is exactly how they make money… And if there is no money to make why there are millions of people involved in those scams?

In fact all nonprofit organizations keep a very large percentage of your donations to survive while the rest is used for the project. For instance, how much do you think, if you donate $100 to charity will go to the starving kids of Africa?  More than 85% will go to advertising on CNN, magazines, newspapers, national TV and radio to bring more morons to get nothing else than an impractical dream. And you wonder why there is a cancerous proliferation of religious buildings all over the world? Do you think the  Vatican, Mormonism or Scientology buildings came about without your “donations?” HELLO WAKE UP READER! Its all about spiritual pride, deception, money, politics and power! The “non profit” organizations are in for money and do not care of the needy, invest in my mission for the children instead!.


Tiny slice for needy

Fifty charities collected $970.6 million. Only about $49.1 million in direct cash actually went to the needy. How is this possible? The 5 worst  The 5 worst The 50 worst 

God made fishes to live and operate in their watery world, what if I started a nonprofit organization to build, like they will do for you dreamers, suits and complex technological machines designed for those fishes to live on earth? Isn’t time for you to wake up to reality and accept the facts that this is nothing else than another deceptive financial masquerade to get to your pockets?

The scientists feel they are better than you intellectually, they are the graduates from many accredited schools all over the US (like their retired parents who used to work/own/invest in NASA) and they do not want to hold a normal job! This is above their standards, YOU are the ants, the workers, the morons, all they want to do is to build very expansive robots all their lives but working a normal day job is below them…

Meantime they have to pay taxes, insurances, gas and take care of their children education and breed more mentally superior scientists who will follow their educated their footsteps (like they did with their own educated  folks!)  They must find any possible new ways to make you believe one day you will live on Mars. As long as they can keep the dream on, they will survive on your “donations.”

If you give Mars One one single penny they have proven to themselves that they are much better than you mentally because they are smarter than you to get your money and you will get only a dream at the end.

Facts – Mars lost its magnetosphere 4 billion years ago,so the solar wind interacts directly with the Martian ionosphere, lowering the atmospheric density by stripping away atoms from the outer layer. Both Mars Global Surveyor and Mars Express have detected ionised atmospheric particles trailing off into space behind Mars,[120][121] and this atmospheric loss will be studied by the upcoming MAVEN orbiter. Compared to Earth, the atmosphere of Mars is quite rarefied.

All you have to do is to use common sense and remember to concentrate on Mother Earth FIRST because that’s all you have and you reside on her back! But let’s pretend science manage with your money to make the dream to go and live on Mars because they know Mother Earth is dying really fast.. Do you think for a second they will make room for you (even if you paid a ridiculous low price) for your seat or will they take ALL the scientists or their kids first? What the hell an uneducated dreamy moron can bring them once arrived on Mars? They need their kind not yours but they all know this will never happen ever, Mars is dead and has nothing tangible to offer…  Its all about speculations, period!  These organizations are entities within entities or government privileged selected individuals building numerous  “nonprofit” organizations within a another bigger system!

To make it easy for you to grasp they are flies on a fat dog.. How do you think the IRS or the Vatican was build? Now that they became so powerful and infest everyone’s minds and wallets, so try to get rid of them… You never will!

 All you need to realize is Mother Earth is much more important to invest in than the deceptive dream of living on Mars… It will take YEARS and billions of dollars to keep this deceptive machine/masquerade in motion, all the while more cosmic unconscious rational logical scientists are breeding and duplicating because they MUST maintain their high standard of life… Someone must pay for this and this is you! Remember they truly believe they are better than you because they have a higher education and because they are much too intelligent to work like you and I, call it spiritual pride… Time to STOP being a moron and comeback to earth readers…

Now this does not mean I don’t believe in science, because I do and without the genius of discovery humanity would not enjoy such incredible technology today!  But going to Mars is far too fetched for anyone who has enough common sense and smell the rats, like I do!

So please take the time to read the collection of newsletters I wrote and wake up to reality! Never, ever will any human being be allowed by God to exist on Mars. Remember science know this as a fact, but robots can, did and will go there… Then like we did on the Moon finally realize its just a dead planet that has NOTHING to offer humanity.

Mars “The Lord of War” ruler of Aries and all its extreme riches are spiritual  only, but science has lost the spirit and guess what…ITS FREE and this is why they will battle to the death to tell you there is nothing in my “pseudo-science” to gain… Thus keeping Astrology, my work and myself underground is their only way to survive and suck more on the morons…

”Great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly.”- Albert Einstein

Instead, give it to ANY OF THE FOLLOWING
The Salvation Army
Commissioner, Todd Bassett receives a small salary of only
$13,000 per year (plus housing) for managing this $2 billion dollar organization.
96 percent of donated dollars go to the cause.
The American Legion
National Commander receives a $0.00 zero salary.

Your donations go to help Veterans and their families and youth!

The Veterans of Foreign Wars
National Commander receives a$0.00 zero salary.
Your donations go to help Veterans and their families and youth!
The Disabled American Veterans
National Commander receives a $0.00 zero salary.Your donations go to help Veterans and their families and youth!
The Military Order of Purple Hearts
National Commander receives a $0.00 zero salary.Your donations go to help Veterans and their families and youth!
The Vietnam Veterans Association
National Commander receives a$0.00 zero salary.
Your donations go to help Veterans and their families and youth!
Make a Wish:
For children’s last wishes.
100% goes to funding trips or special wishes for a dying child.
St. Jude Research Hospital
100% goes towards funding and helping Children with Cancer who have no insurance and cannot afford to pay.
Ronald McDonald Houses
All monies go to running the houses for parents who have critical Children in the hospital.
100% goes to housing, and feeding the families.
Lions Club International

Please share this with everyone you can.




Some scientists think a brown dwarf or gas giant bigger than Jupiter could be at the outer reaches of the solar system. In this image showing relative size, the white object at the upper left edge represents the sun. You know how you sometimes can sense that something is present even though you can”t see it? Well, astronomers are getting that feeling about a giant, hidden object in space.

DT Rebuttal: Hoops… since when scientists behave like normal humans and use “feelings” in their researches?  This is laughable, only yesterday in my last newsletter “Ophiuchus Mystery Divulged” I mentioned that scientists tend to discover a new planet “or a new constellation” on a daily base, indeed it did not take too long for my educated guess to come to pass. Don’t they have something better to do than to waste precious tax dollar with their ridiculous findings?

Let me save you time and money people, YES they are trillions and billions of “new” planets and “new” constellations out there. As a matter of fact let me put it this way…if all the scientists, astrophysicists and astronomers combined together were to discover a new planet or constellation every second of their lives they will still have not even have made a microscopic mathematical impact of the numbers of hidden celestial bodies there are in the infinite conception of God’s creation. They are like little kids learning to count their five fingers, do I make sense? Meantime more serious spiritual answers pertaining to the impact produced by our neighboring planets on the human psyche making up our close solar system are left unanswered…These far away constellations and planets (unlike Pluto) are NOT affecting human lives and activities because of the absence of gravitational forces exerted on earth.

Imagine instead of spending/wasting millions, if the scientific community was “expanding” their research into the subtle impact of the Moon and how she regiment life on earth? Gee scientists have too much time and too much money in their hands, the type of resource I need to build my Astropsychology schools and bring back sanity to this messed up world.

Science and Astrology

Science and Astrology

NASA Criminals

NASA”s Mission to Bomb The Moon

NASA Costly Ignorance Part 1

NASA Costly Ignorance Part 2

NASA Costly Ignorance Part 3

What The Bleep Do They Know?


Dr. Turi;

California doctors have received $28.6 million from top pharmaceutical companies since 2009, with at least three physicians collecting more than $200,000 and 36 others making more than $100,000 for promoting drug firm products. That cash flowing from drug companies to doctors has raised ethical concerns from some observers. “If they”re getting as much money from pharmaceutical companies as they do for being a doctor, what are they really? Are they working for a pharmaceutical company, or are they being a doctor?”

Lisa Bero, PhD Pharmacy professor at UCSF who studies conflicts of interest in medicine and research.

DT Rebuttal: OK let me make some changes here that will bring you back to the topic of science and money and make you aware of what”s really going on with this type of endless new scientific  “discoveries.”

Dr. Turi;

The FY2010 NASA budget is $18.7 billion what about adding the full amount for each year since the beginning you may ask?  Well do the math and get scared…  California scientists and NASA have received billions from top companies directly or indirectly involved with them since for ever, with a few top scientists collecting more than $200,000 and 36 others making more than $100,000 for promoting NASA associated firm products. That cash flowing from these electronic companies to scientists has raised ethical concerns from some observers and tax payers. “If they”re getting as much money from so many “associated” companies as they do for being a scientist, what are they really? Are they working for a NASA and companies, or are they being a scientist?”

Dr.  Louis Turi,  M.D.U.S .

Cosmic Code professor at UCI who studies conflicts of interest in science and research.  And you wonder why America got bankrupted?

Continued – And when we say giant, we mean GIANT. Evidence is mounting that either a brown dwarf star or a gas giant planet is lurking at the outmost reaches of our solar systemis, far beyond Pluto. The theoretical object, dubbed Tyche, is estimated to be four times the size of Jupiter and 15,000 times farther from the sun than Earth, according to a story in the British paper The Independent.

DT Rebuttal: Well reader now that you acknowledged the fact that there are trillions of billions of dwarf star and gas giant planets behind this latest “discovery” what does it bring you? NOTHING, but this is not the same with those wasteful “scientific” organizations sucking money to tell you the obvious. Do you have to pay for more of these future “discoveries” or would you rather keep those taxes to feed and protect your family? The fact is the British paper The Independent can only sell his paper when those wasteful “scientific” organizations tell them they have a “breaking news” story.

The same “technique” is used when NASA sends extraordinary expansive electronic toys that explode just before or after taking off well before reaching Mars…

They know well no human can live outside of the atmosphere of Mother Earth and who the hell wants to live in such a desolated place anyway? But, once upon the time there was water on Mars and life can be jumpstarted there some “logical” souls would say…Well God made sure that none of his children can escape HELL or hearth ( the school) and made those planets inhabitable to start with. Humanity should be more concerned with Mother Earth and pollution than to waste time and money trying to live in a much worse place than our own blue planet heaven.

Where is common sense, where is justice when Mother Earth is giving those “scientists” serious warnings that she had enough of this universal imbecility! What and where will you go when; like a dog plagued with flees, she finally decides to get rid of all its human residents? Why not doing the sensible things before it’s too late, gee in what a young world did I land on?

Astrophysicists John Matese and Daniel Whitmire from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette think data from NASA”s infrared space telescope WISE will confirm Tyche”s existence and location within two years. The presence of such a massive object in the solar system”s far-flung Oort Cloud could explain a barrage of comets from an unexpected direction, according to a December article at Space.com. Its 27 million-year orbit could also explain a pattern of mass extinctions on earth, scientists say.

DT Rebuttal: Two years? That is what it will take to find out about the obvious? OMG! Two more years of supporting those leeches and wasting more tax dollars is more of the truth you need to hear behind this “new” discovery.Again, the same technique used by the Church Inc. is used by science reader; they instill fear in you, because the human instinct of conservation is very strong. Thus if you do not fear God or give to us, you will end up burning forever in hell or in this case, if we do not do the research “a barrage of comets from an unexpected direction could bring mass extinctions on earth, scientists say.

Hoops We”re cooked!

So what? The fact is an incalculable amount of human (and else) disappeared from Mother Earth’s back since she became a UFO orbiting around the Sun through the Universe with her numerous wasted cargos. So again what good does this research brings to you reader?NOTHING but a sure paycheck to them…The problem is humans have been told to fear death and hell and this religious mental poisoning still congests the spirit of 99.09% of  the people living on earth. The topic of death while frightening is a natural thing that is like astrology; sought as taboo where no many souls want or can explore naturally. The fact is there is NO death; it’s more of a liberation I may add and the completion of yet another test imposed by God to grow eternally.

Brown dwarfs are cold “failed” stars; their dimness and lack of heat radiation can make them hard to detect. Gas giants are huge planets  like Saturn, Jupiter and Neptune  that are made up of gases and may lack a solid surface like Earth”s. Whitmire told The Independent that Tyche willprobably be composed of hydrogen and helium and have colorful spots, bands and clouds like Jupiter.

DT Rebuttal: The ridiculous speculations offered by those “educated” heads is simply amazing reader…When is the last time a group of scientists went to Pluto to dig its core to find out if it is either a planet or a big cloud of gas hanging up there? You want to be practical, so let’s be more logical than they are… Knowing they know ZILT about the true spiritual essence of any of the celestial bodies making up our solar system I seriously doubt any of their findings.

The fact is when words such as may and probably are used it become quite obvious they canONLY speculate. Well, my wisdom of the Cosmic Code making up those stars is REAL and I do NOT speculate when I expose their inner spiritual essence to my spiritual reader…did I make my case yet? If you are still skeptical its because, like the scientists you did not honor the word science and did not do your home work investigating my unarguable, well documented dated and printed predictions properly that’s all.





The same apply to the police force of course who not only are poor “detectives” but are also  the first ones to infringe God” spiritual “LAWS.” What is the point for Terania and I to work our butts off when the cops themselves don”t care? See how many smart cops signed up to learn more about saving their lives or help their comrades since we created this site for them athttp://cosmiccode.ning.com/- Its a shame…

“You”d also expect it to have moons,” he said. “All the outer planets have them.”

DT Rebuttal: Gee finally some common sense applied by science here, but that’s because they can see the moons orbiting around our neighboring large planets.

The constellation of Virgo is sometimes identified as the heavenly figure of Tyche, as well as other goddesses such as Demeter and Astrea


Tyche was first hypothesized in 1984 as Nemesis, a dark companion star to the sun. It”s been the subject of astronomical research and debate ever since. In July, another Space.com article said the celestial evidence suggests Tyche could not possibly exist. To distinguish it from the Nemesis star theory, Matese and Whitmire are calling their object Tyche, after the good sister of the goddess Nemesis in Greek mythology.

DT Rebuttal: The fact is Tyche appears on many coins of the Hellenistic period in the three centuries before the Christian era, especially from cities in the Aegean. This fact enunciates how much Christian really knows about a much older wisdom Jesus was trying so hard to teach them. This happens to be God’s celestial manifestation and the truth that was also stolen from them. The reason why both science and religion “uses” Greek mythology” is because a glimpse of the truth persisted over the centuries but in no way will science or religion bring you answers they do not have. Mostly because, unlike the erudite men of the past their reasoning about the core of this dispread wisdom is loaded with inefficacy, a total lack of perception and a modernized scientific approach to the cosmos.

Their research is published in Icaru, the International Journal of Solar System Studies.

DT Rebuttal: Indeed the scientists’ writers of Icaru, the International Journal of Solar System Studies must realize that the study I proposed them to do is the one that will PASS their perception of our Solar System and penetrate a more spiritually inclined dimension where all the answers are as clear as the shining Sun above their head. Indeed science is perfectly designed by men to deal and comprehend even use the physical manifestation of life while God’s spiritual “hidden” energy making up the eternal endless space cannot be “boxed.”  While the rope of wisdom has been sent out to them all none have budged; only time has and will always be my utmost faithful witness…As Einstein said…

The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. We will not solve the problems of the world from the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. More than anything else, this new century demands new thinking: We must change our materially based analysis of the world around us to include broader, more multidimensional perspectives.”

~Albert Einstein*

The greatness of the Universe is unknown, but the magnetic forces that direct and move all the planets in our galaxy are known; this Divine source of power can be used to guide and bring man a life filled with love, respects, peace and harmony.

— Dr. Turi

2014 Scorpius Draconis Predictions

Dr. Turi on the reign of the Dragon in Scorpius Draconis APRIL 3, 2013 BY: 

Important note; Once you are done reading this article please go to my home page or www.drturi.com and scroll down to read the collected results produced by this Dragon. Then  realize why you MUST heed the current 2015 Arian Draconis  and the upcoming 2016 Neptunius Draconis  – Remember the public version has all you need to know  to protect yourself and your loved ones  for the future “Universal Poisoning” 


Dr. Turi on the reign of the Dragon in Scorpius Draconis
Astrology & Paranormal newsletter

A pleasure to have Dr. Turi with us at Examiner. I wanted to know more about the astrological phase of Scorpius Draconis so we delved into to bring this to you to learn more about it from the good doctor. After interviewing Dr. Turi at The Church of Mabus radio show about Mabus and the Anti-Christ and so much more. It is great to have him back to share information with us further. I hope you enjoy this informative interview. Thank you.

1 – What is the Scorpius Draconis? 

The dragon is a cosmic fluid or what our infantile science can only describe as “Dark Matter” coming from the constellation of Draco which is also reflected by the Lunar South and North nodes of the Moon by signs and houses.

2 – How does the Scorpius Draconis affect human?

Human are born/programmed by a natal and hidden karmic dragon, one affecting the physical plane of the human experience the other its subconscious motivations/perception of reality. I wrote a 525 page on the natal Dragon explaining the “Scorpius Draconis” fate of many famous and infamous people that made history and international news. But it is the HIDDEN dragon which has the most power.

Scorpius Draconis
Scorpius Draconis
Photo credit:  

Famous Dragons Charts Using Nostradamus16th century Divine Astrology Methodology

3 – How does the Scorpius Draconis affect the news? The Dragon is perceive as mythology by a cosmic unconscious humanity who has lost the spirit and God’s celestial manifestation, a rare ET’s wisdom legacy used daily by all disappeared civilizations .i.e. the Mayans and the Incas’ temples of the Sun and the Moon. Its world universal cycle last centuries down to a few months on a personal impact and affects generations psychically. “The Baby Boom Generation” and the current “Death Wish Generation” are good examples of its subtle power only my Astropsychology graduate students can assimilate. Hopefully one day, the cosmic code jurisdictions and the Dragons therapeutic values can be accepted by the entire world as solid disciplines that will benefit all the children of the future.

As of August 2012 until February 2014 the deadly Scorpius Draconus reflects the endless chain of dramatic news plaguing this world. This Dragon stimulate the mass to become more curious about metaphysics, the occult, secrets, sex and induce more than usual deaths, suicides and drama.

Read the initial prediction posted to the world August 2nd 2012 

“Warning Scorpius Dragon Has Arrived!

“The remains of more than six million people are buried in a vast network of tunnels below Paris, France. People who call themselves ‘cataphiles’ visit the catacombs illegally and occasionally hold underground parties.”

4 – How can someone control his own Scorpius Draconis? Well the part of God is much stronger than the stars and the dragons but without cosmic consciousness the soul, subconsciously, neurotically can only succumb to its extraordinary pull and can not apply the will. If this Draconus cosmic fluid is, for example affecting the 12th house, the person is forced into serious and deep psychological changes than can lead to heavy depressions and the regular use of anti depressants stimulates the evil of murder and suicidal thoughts. I tried to explain this phenomenon in a You Tube video in the Adam Lanza’s case, explaining the Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YguhmdgT7oc&list=UULc83izGjmTi1gQy6l1YEkA…) but the scientific community and its forensic experts are unable to comprehend such a mystical phenomenon.

5 – What can we expect from this Scorpius Draconis impact? If you look at the news they are quite obvious with children executing other children, Mothers becoming either the victims of the perpetrators with their own children not to forget the Dragon rules sex, sexual diseases, the secret services, supreme wealth etc. and the 23 set of predictions posted at the bottom of my websitewww.drturi.com speaks for itself. One of my predictions was for the full structure of the FBI/CIA and lots of dirty secrets to come to the light and this already came to pass. This nasty cosmic fluid is aiming for the children and in one day 20 were killed in the US and 22 in China and since then we’ve lost many in so many “accidents!’ But the fact is there are no accidents, only cosmic circumstances unknown to science…

6 – Can the Scorpius Draconis be positive? Sad enough no enough people will take the chance to uncover their karmic dragon and instead of using its power positively, they suffer its Tail. If for example its challenging tail resides for a few months on the 7th house regulating partnerships, contracts and marriage, you may be forced out of an unhealthy emotional or business relationship. Knowing about it allows for less emotional damage and preparation for a new future. Some people instead suffer its full impact and with it depressions, lack of self esteem and sometime suicide. Being prepared is the key to handle and use this draconis cosmic fluid at your advantage.

7 – What is the purpose of the Scorpius Draconis? Well life is a constant process of changes and it is induced by the passage of the dragon in one of the 12 house regulating the human experience. There are some years where everything you do turns out to gold, while some years are only pain, loss and suffering. The dragon is karmic in nature and offer a badly need rebirth by bringing balance and justice in the long run. I recall this dragon in my 7th house of marriage returning after 12 years and “killing” my relationship with my ex-wife. Being cosmic conscious, I was well prepared emotionally and mentally and I can tell you today, this was the best thing that could ever happen to me as the new cosmic fluid lead me to find my new wife and soul mate Terania.

8 – Can the Scorpius Draconis affect the world at large? Indeed mostly because any and all Presidents are also under the jurisdictions of the dragon. His political decisions, emotional feelings and understanding of situations are regulated by the inner pull of his karmic dragons. But the sad reality; to this day there is not a single cosmic conscious President in the entire world aware of its subtle power and this lack of awareness leads to more misunderstanding and creates wars.

9 – Can the Scorpius Draconis affect criminals? Indeed the dragon is the sole responsible for all crimes because the deadly actions are either premeditated or based upon an upsurge of destructive emotions. Human are nothing more than unconscious robots reacting the current Scorpius Draconis stimulis and this is why there is an obvious upsurge in unthinkable criminals acts and an unstoppable increase in suicides baffling science, the AFA and the Army/Navy authorities. Looking for a responsible “gene” performing wasteful medical researches is certainly not the way to go because ingesting more drugs take away whatever little will is left for the victim to battle his dragons. This is a psychical problem in nature, unknown to a non intuitive science where guns are not responsible. I have the real answers that could put an end to this phenomenon but my 63 years of independent psychical researches is still sough as “pseudo-science only!

10 – Scorpius Draconis affect finances? Indeed especially if the dragon resides in the 2nd house of money/self-esteem or the 8th house of corporate endeavors. “Millionaire do not use astrology, billionaires do” J.P. Morgan wrote! The fact is knowledge is power, ignorance and fears equal evil and knowing where all the dragons of all the participants of a new corporation resides will endorse and promote its future or kill it in the long run. Cosmic consciousness offers the President and his associates the wisdom/power needed to control and promote its growth. And this is why many corporations cosmic unconscious President are “excused” or forced into resignation…it’s all about the dragon, but they do not know…

Carl Sagan Birthday and NASA Masquerade – Can you handle the truth?
Astrology and Sir Isaac Newton Unique Celestial Identity
Neil deGrasse, Sir Isaac Newton, Carl Sagan and Astrology
Carl Sagan, Neil deGrasse unilluminated perception of the stars!

2013 The Year Ahead

Explanation of the Dragon

Dragon Forecast 2013


I made this book available to the public for only $15.00 read what your natal dragon has in store for you in 2013.These are the natal Dragons yours is there, somewhere! The hidden Dragon has even more power but can only be explained in one of my taped consultations.http://www.drturi.com/store/readings/

May you always find yourself at their heads, for the tail is not a place to ride. If you are finding life a very hard toil with no hope of moving into the space of your dreams, then you are riding backward, it seems. A Dragon is no easy thing to tame, which is why we have a lifetime to learn how. Use your time wisely lest you have to do it again! Sir Isaac Newton wrote “for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction” if you are not happy it’s because you do not live your destiny!

Key words for a positive Aries Dragon’s Head (this is Dr. Turi’s natal Dragon.)

You are a genius, an inventor, a leader and you spent time in the military

You have plenty of desire and you were born with an adventurous spirit

You have a lot of vitality, a good self -esteem and you are lucky

You are true to yourself and with others

You are intelligent and competitive

You are a true diplomat and born a true ASTRO)-psychologist

You are magnetic and exciting

Key words for a negative Aries Dragon’s Tail

You are self centered with no valuable ideas involving others and a low self-esteem

You are afraid of new people, you are insecure and accident prone on the head

You are too impatient and demanding, you should forget the word me

You will take a chance only if there is something to gain for yourself

You run out of energy of stamina

You are jealous and unsafe

You are dictatorial

Key words for a positive Taurus Dragon’s Head

You have faith in your abilities to make million of dollars or launch any business

You are a genius with yours and other people’s money

You are willing to work harder than anyone to get there

You have plenty of great ideas to give away

You give with love and respect

You are creative and beautiful

You are financially secure

Key words for a negative Taurus Dragon’s Tail

You have a bad attitude with money, you would do anything against the law to get it

You loose all you possessions and credit cards a few times,

You are financially insecure and won’t do a thing about it

You do not want to work and expect others to provide

You want to marry an older wealthy person only

You can’t stop shopping no matter what

You will use sex for money

Key words for a positive Gemini Dragon’s Head

You know you are a “Messenger of the Gods” are a mental genius and a proficient writer

You have plenty of mental and physical energy to spare looking for the truth

You are joyful and you possess a gift of youth

You tell the truth and jokes at all the time

You like photography and music

You’re versatile and curious

You speak French

Key words for a negative Gemini Dragon’s Tail

You lie, you are continually confused and you don’t trust anyone

You avoid any and all direct and honest communication

You talk too much and don’t listen to others

You have no opinion of your own

You are a lost “Jack of all trades”

You steal all from anyone

You are indecisive

Key words for a positive Cancer Dragon’s Head

You are a great cook, caring, loving with a great family life

You are a genius in the real estate

You own a beautiful home (s)

You spend time with family

Children love you

You are a mystic

You are sensual

Key words for a negative Cancer Dragon’s Tail

You are smothering to all

You in trouble with your family.

Your over anxiety causes ulcers

You are too needy

You’re often depressed

You are afraid of a career and responsibility

You’re over emotional

Key words for a positive Leo Dragon’s Head

You have tons of physical and spiritual energy

You want to be world famous or a leader.

You are honorable and true to yourself

You have an incredible self -esteem

You’ll travel far to get opportunities

You are gifted and competitive

You’re shining and magnetic

Key words for a negative Leo Dragon’s Tail

You’ll not travel anywhere to get opportunities

You have dependency problems

You are lazy asking for heart trouble

You have a self destructive attitude

You refuse all responsibilities

You love shocking people

You are an egocentric

Key words for a positive Virgo Dragon’s Head

You are a genius with organization, a researcher

You are a real master in communication

You regenerate with plants and nature

You are a very valuable Public Relation person

You are health conscious

You are very spiritual

You are an artist

Key words for a negative Virgo Dragon’s Tail

You disclaim the values of the metaphysical

You are a traditionally educated mental snob

You know better than everyone around you

You are a fussy and picky perfectionist

You are extremely critical of others

Your working life is a mess

You are fanatical about diet

Key words for a positive Libra Dragon’s Head

You have “Savoir Faire” and are at ease with others

You attract an honorable and wealthy crowd

You are loving, refined and magnetic

You are a true diplomat born

You have a positive self image

You are lucky with the law

You are good with words

Key words for a negative Libra Dragon’s Tail

You feel you have no real strengths with groups

You provide too much aid to the wrong partner

You allow yourself to be manipulated

You attract ineffectual people

You have been married a few times

You can’t say no without guilt

You are have no regard for the law

Key words for a positive Scorpio Dragon’s Head

You work for the law or medicine and achieve a high position

You are deep, mystical, refined and magnetic

You have a wealth of residual inner power

You have a will of steel and artistic ability

You know you are the eagle of the Zodiac

You are lucky with corporate endeavors

You are an incredible investigator

Key words for a negative Scorpio Dragon’s Tail

You are often jealous, resentful and dangerous

You are a masochist with a lust for death and drama

You use your metaphysical power the wrong way

You can’t let go of people and you are secretive

You enjoy night and attract the wrong crowd

You hate the cops and you have gone to jail

You reject life

Key words for a positive Sagittarius Dragon’s Head

You are a great teacher and you travel the globe around

Your great works are published

You are lucky in gambling and with foreigners

You are a philosopher with a great love of animals

You use your inner knowledge of Indian philosophy

You know you are a real “Truth Seeker”

You are independent and courageous

Key words for a negative Sagittarius Dragon’s Tail

Your philosophy, religion or your guru is the only right one

You won’t change your mind, your views or your beliefs

You believe that animals are better than humans

You won’t challenge what has been written

You are afraid of pursuing real education

You have been religiously poisoned

You think you are above the law

Key words for a positive Capricorn Dragon’s Head

You run your own business or you are a great architect

You are practical, honest, down to earth and spiritually elevated

You have a position of power and respect in your career

You are wise, organized and your attract responsibilities

You have been working for Uncle Sam. all your life

You are gifted with politics in all it’s facets

You make time for your home life

Key words for a negative Capricorn Dragon’s Tail

You are a snob, cold and calculated

You have trouble with government

Your knees and stomach hurt

You use and abuse others

You’re often depressed

Your career is a mess

You’re self-serving

Key words for a positive Aquarius Dragon’s Head

You are an inventor, a computer genius,

You work for television , radio promoting the new age

You have a great interest in UFO as well as science and investigation

You are born an astrologer

You service the world with an important mission in your heart

You are a gifted communicator, speaker and you write unusual books

You travel the world with a considerable message

Key words for a negative Aquarius Dragon’s Tail

You are afraid of flying and enclosed places

You only dream about your wishes

You cant make a commitment with love

You attract wrong friends and weird people

You are too independent or pursue too many lost causes.

You are afraid of success and responsibilities

Key words for a positive Pisces Dragon’s Head

You are a successful actor or artist

You are gifted in astral projection (like Nostradamus)

You understand mankind’s experiences and their differences

You are compassionate, spiritual and active in charity work

You are a great care taker of the world (Edgar Cayce)

You are involved to protect the environment

You find yourself in your psychic power

Key words for a negative Pisces Dragon’s Tail

You are addicted to chemicals including Dr. prescriptions

You read too much negative material and fear the “end times” are near

You can’t stop complaining and you are afraid of everything

You are a religious fanatic or deceived by a “guru”

You spend life in your own dream world

You use sickness to avoid responsibility

You waste your precious talents and gifts

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi www.drturi.com

Jeffery Pritchett is the host of The Church Of Mabus Show bringing you high strange stories from professionals in the carousel of fields surrounding the paranormal.

Dr. Turi parsonage exemption prediction

 From www.drturi.com Prediction #10. Many large established religious Corporations and cults, (Mormonism, Scientology etc.), will be audited and forced into paying back taxes. Mass suicide / killing is expected from abusive leaders influencing  lost religiously poisoned  souls making up those groups during my upcoming 2013 “SOS To The World Windows.”

Dr. Turi on the air tonight he will be doing his UPDATES for the months ahead in relation to the Scorpius Draconis…And more topics as they come. http://www.starseedenergyradio.com

The parsonage exemption under §107 provides substantial benefits to ministers, who can  exclude virtually all the costs of home ownership from their taxable income.  This includes down payments, mortgageprincipal and interest payments, title and other fees, real estate taxes, personal property taxes, homeowners liability insurance, rental payments and so forth.  Additionally, they get to exclude costs associated with home maintenance and improvements from their taxable income — and that includes utilities, repairs, furniture, appliances (even things like pool tables and vacuum cleaners), home décor, telephones, television, light bulbs and cleaning supplies.  Megachurch pastors who live in multi-million dollar mansions receive the “parsonage exemption” as do church pastors who tend smaller, poorer flocks.

According to a report published at USA Today, costs states an estimated $26.2 billion per year when religious institutions are not required to pay property taxes.  Despite the fact that they pay no property taxes to local or state governments, police and fire protection are available to churches.  The article goes on to state that according to a University of Tampa professor, the federal government loses as much as $71 billion a year because of religious tax exemptions.

What do you think?  Does the parsonage exemption need to be revoked or amended?

Our poll will remain open until the morning of Sunday, May 19, 2013.

Although our polling software records IPs to void double voting, your vote is totally anonymous. So if you read your horoscope regularly, there’s no need to worry about hordes of people mocking you for doing so.

This is obviously not a scientific poll.

Thanks for voting!

Poll: Should religious institutions’ parsonage exemption be revoked?


View Results

JOIN THE WORLD http://www.cosmiccode.drturi.com/ be informed, be guided read the news before they appear on CNN!

Dr. Turi will be speaking on the Cosmic Code and UFO SATURDAY & SUNDAY JUNE 15-16, 2013 at the ALCHEMY EVENT 2013 QUANTUM LEAP. 



Day And Night By Terania

Dear Readers;

Today, I received an interesting point on “illuminated supply;” from a special VIP of ours. He is somewhere down at Solar Solutions Mozambique, Southern Africa and after a moment of thought, I was able to gather up so much poise from it all.

So, this is what I share with you…

From: Cashan Mozambique

To: teraniapromodir@gmail.com

Nothing spooks me anymore nothing It seems the more I shy away from controversy and drama the more it comes my way. Since the advent of the internet dynamics have changed  Before everything was a physical reality and everything was physical All the drama happened only in real time. Now with internet and cell phones it happens more spiritually and mentally with an added speed and things from way back still play catch up regardless It also does not matter where you are it happens anyway. A typical Example I moved to rural Mozambique far away from anything and everyone thinking life would chill. Wrong the drama and stuff just followed right along. This now lead me to the conclusion it is written in the stars beforehand. We cannot hide from anything and must face our demons or they remain in the shadows and jump out anyway. The stage can change the actors can change roles but the script remains the same




The metaphysics dispute and its excitement is all very real; because this is all DT and I see as “genuinely” going on in our existence everyday.

It doesn’t matter anymore about where you go so much, because though we are all worlds apart; all is that and that is all. And while there is no time in space, there is still  the absolute / precise  timing offered by our up to the minute Astro*Psychology discovery perception.

In the period of our consciousness,  it takes 2,000 years for a sign to set its karmic assertion of beliefs upon the world and as we die from the Age of Pisces (religion / deception / chemicals); and enter into the New World of Aquarius (freedom / new age / UFO / high tech). we see everything with technological advance happening non-stop…You can even notice that is all happening in a tedious pattern.

Even with cosmic coder Dr. Brian Faul and what he is doing to help the areas; within Southern rural Africa towards taking advantage of new cutting – edge resolutions, with bringing in the light with the use of solar energy.

Et Voila…As my husband always says.

Dr. Brian is in action with his head of the dragon in the future – artistic Aquarius sign and he just found out that he is a hidden Aquarius as well… A natural born Einstein.

So, we are all shedding some light in our own way that works for us whether we are aware of it or not.

But see, many are “robots” of their stars and wont stop waiting for Jesus or some other man made prophet to come walking back on water OR you have the ones who want to coexist with all but it still takes more than a hug!

This is still misuse of the subconscious within the supra-conscious (time and space) or psychic terrorism.

Wow, what an unholy water it has been over the ages.

This is why until the old generations die out (drain*o) for that matter… Or at least, if more try to be that of a wiser – reasonable change that they desire to see more of on the planet; then possibly the powwow won’t have to remain ditto*.


Marion Gordon “Pat” Robertson is an American media mogul, executive chairman, and a former Southern Baptist minister, who generally supports conservative Christian ideals.

Dear Soul Savin’,

How many times a day can I touch my p*nis (including going to the bathroom)?

-Asking For A Friend

Well, as we all know, if you touch your p*nis for longer than 5 seconds at a time you are officially m*masturbating and therefore sinning against God. You may as well just walk into a church and evacuate your bowels on a priest. Now, luckily, those five seconds are not cumulative; the good Lord has blessed some of us with much smaller bladders than others and he understands that sometimes you just got to go.

It’s not so much the number of times that you touch yourself; it’s how long each time lasts. A good rule of thumb is if you have time to say the Lord’s Prayer out loud, you’ve been touching your p*nis for too long. Best say it a few more times once you’ve zippered up just to make sure you stay in His good graces.

Now, you may be tempted to sit down on a toilet to urinate in order to avoid touching yourself, but this is just as bad if not a worse sin in the eyes of God. It is an inferior and feminine way to relieve your self and it is part of God’s never-ending punishment against women stemming from the actions of a certain resident of the Garden of Eden whom we shall not name for she was awful.

If you continue having problems with maneuvering yourself in a manner that does not blaspheme against our Savior, our good friend Pat Robertson has a set of 19 non-pornographic instructional video tapes in which he and his young male assistants guide you through every possible scenario in which your hands may have to come in contact with your p*nis, and give you helpful hints that will let you avoid a one way trip to damnation. So, order now for only $45.95 per tape.

There sure as heck shouldn’t be any pilgrim pride in that! I’ll say.

As water does make up 75% of our creation… Not to mention, the month of April (Aries) has its natural affinity with respect to “Julius Caesar” and  looking at it all from the sun -wheel or “Aries” which has always been the 1st sign, traditionally speaking…As it is the “Baby of the Zodiac” used to demonstrate growth.

 Think of the “VERNAL EQUINOX” which starts at the beginning of “Spring” (May 20 – April) and as it rains a lot or flowers bloom, consider it “the authentic “Holy Water…” with regards to staying secure with the flow of the tarot (tar – Egyptian meaning “royal” and ro – meaning “road…” Such as the waterway in the arctic of “Italy” or the “French Tarot de Marseilles,” wherewith our significance switches continuously.


I mean, even Adolf Hitler – German Nazi dictator, orator, & politician (1889  1945) started out as an innocent baby of the zodiac once. Born under the constellation of the “Aries Ram” ruled by the aggressively known Mars energy.

We all saw the clash in those years to come…With the *MISUSE or COUNTDOWN OF HITLER’S “ARIES” ENDOWMENTS*

4. The “JINX” that started it all… “What luck for rulers that men do not think?”

3. “Humanitarianism is the expression of stupidity and cowardice”

2. “As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice”

1. “Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: – by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord”…

 Is that why the German fascist turned on his blind eye in the scene? The once liaison, with Jewish inherent and diva Hedy Lamarr; by bringing pressure for her to bear upon…


*TO BOOT: “How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don’t think”

People, that’s because our “Dual” bureaucracies use remarks and characters to frustrate us to our dying; ON THE SCENES AND BEHIND.


     DT REBUTTAL: You are slowly being “desensitized” by rich corporations who do not care about you or your children and if I do not make you aware of it you will invest in EVIL instead of wisdom…


DT: Selling religion is the primary focus of any intelligent, controlling Plutonic soul and the obvious masquerade is only perceivable to human like all my readers, smart enough to use critical thinking… This Neptunian deceptive dance of information has kept the Illuminati in control of the working ants for centuries but it will take a while for people to wake up and finality think and act like advanced human beings. 

For this much; if you won’t give heed to any material related to metaphysics, then tune into Uncle Sam because he and his party…Not to mention; even our forefathers… Have ever since forever; wanted to stop you and the inclusive, from mocking – what was intended to expose the truth; because it is the truth.

Thinking back a minute; it is “WE THE CODED” that can deliver us…Not necessarily, “WE THE PEOPLE.”

And that is just it, too many want to keep everything alike but until they can under*stand the duality of it all; will they be able to tolerate all of the versatility.

After all, nothing can be without its opposite.

This is why the earth we live on is Hell itself.

But this isn’t any Western Astrological Approach we are talking about here… Seriously, we are dealing with times like that of the Wild West!

I mean, as it was said many times… For certain things to change, the person has to change.

Many who actually think they under*stand what they hear from others, will not always believe it; until they come to know it all and control it all, within its two-fold work of art.

Do any of you remember modern Astrologer / Astrophysicist and Astronomer Jeff Jawer debating the spiritual language of the stars with Astro*psychologist Dr. Turi?

You should check out CHILDREN OF THE FUTURE

Okay, then how can mix truth with the untruth be satisfactory?

Take on this…

It says in the bible: How long halt you between two opinions? If the LORD be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him…” -1 Kings 18:21

LORD spelled backwards = “DROL” pertaining to the nature of our “GOD” of our planet having thousands of heavenly bodies – consisting of the material and metaphysical…While BAAL,” (DEMON) one of the 7* princes of hell.

DT’s Reply: Based upon the law of opposites, there could not be good without evil and God cannot be without the Devil. Without opposites there would be no room for life’s experience. Man was created in the image of God! What is the difference between two images? None, you are God and your future is nothing else than the reincarnation of your thoughts.


As there have been many gods over time and as did when Jesus said to his disciples…“Go to the town and find the man with the WATER PITCHER, the sign of Aquarius to follow the sign of Pisces”… Is it an accident that my husband was born February 26th 1950 – “WATER PITCHER, the sign of Aquarius to follow the sign of Pisces when he teaches there are no accidents?”


1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13 and so on – making for the 12 physical worlds over the 12 spiritual worlds.

Terania “Ophiuchus is the spiritual hidden dragon’s polarity representing man and the snakes lost wisdom each one holds within and fights.” – Byproduct of astrology + astronomy + psychology = astropsychology (13 and so on or eternity – the Master combining all older discipline) Simply another name created for something much bigger, that the masses can’t nor may ever understand.


Confinement / Restriction and / or limitation of our powers are not the way. Those bounds and fixed defense are needed in certain situations, yes…But not to be a true law written in light that the world should be regulated on 24/7.


One of our most influential scientists: Sir Isaac Newton dropped his note once to say that “for each and all individual deed, there is a parallel yet conflicting response.” Each individual becomes what he / she believes, eventually evolving into what we once anticipated.

The above declaration can’t stress enough, that for each contemplation and / or happening; there will be some kind of conclusion. 

This is better known as the “worldwide rule of government”…The originator and result cause and effect of the two opposite principles in nature – acknowledged and generally agreed upon as CAUSE & EFFECT (LAW OF KARMA).

Present day Astrology categorizes the Dragon’s Head as the North Node of the Moon and the Dragon’s Tail as the South Node of the Moon. However, in oriental prophesy of the future by observation of stars and planets and / or divine astrology, the junctures of our earth’s satellite are known as the Dragon’s head and Dragon’s tail.

The Oriental race has wandered off tracks of insight, when it comes to the absolute POWER OF THE DRAGON throughout much of their old age.

The Dragon in Chinese Astrology exact copy is the symbol of Aries in the more popular version of Occidental Astrology.

From some of the greatest common sense – given care to, by many of our ancestors and to the more current astray of our bearings… Who are instead living little, in a diffuse or call it a distraction… Of  what is considered only myth in these revels.




 DT – The science of Astronomy is a by-product of Astrology; which is a much older discipline used by all disappeared civilizations such as the Incas, the Mayans, the Atlantis and the Sumerian to name a few.



Well, we all should know this verse:

“Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces” (Matthew 7:6)

That’s exactly what I mean.

The more you give out, the more you get beat up because you can’t trust just anyone any-more 

Despite teaching them the truth because they will take it; maybe not at their own fault sometimes, because THE STARS DON’T CARE and they will find ways to use it wrongfully.

That is nothing more than the “Big Game of Conspiracy.” So, it is vital to learn on how to get around those dubious players…

On the other hand, the valid Illuminat*E is (calculated as the sum of the infinite series) because we all light up like the dragon and any luminaries in between regardless and we are all “DUAL” Illuminati*I (I is commonly used to designate electric current in these regimens)…That is the “ie” law meaning “that is” the way it is”.

You don’t just associate yourself with some group, though many still do. However, to be part of our honest COSMIC CODE family, one has to be genuine at heart and  act by the “Golden Rule.” Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. But this is where the difficulty for dedication lay, as most just want to keep on spitting fire.

As the sun gives heat and light for life, the dragon is a form of life energy that can enlighten you with its power or spit fire at you.

We are the “Material Dragon’s” who can shed some light but yes, we know that we still need to defend ourselves at times with our flames.

Unfortunately, most only create a blaze and this is where the complication lays by choice for resolution.

On behalf of our pleading universe; people are desperately encouraged, to improve their mind; towards controlling their differences while in tolerance of others and before it’s too late, whether they agree or not – or simply just back away because so many can’t handle the TRUTH!

This makes for the king of gold in totality.


To our observation, the “Mother Moon” – is alone, completely sworn; to the common predetermined course of this planet and straightforwardly yet emotionally affects the atmospheric conditions and our earth’s physical energy at play.

And as the suns alignment with earth goes backwards every 1 -2 years, the stars that the shift lines up with; touches us all universally and personally.

The plurality of the globe as we know and see it is ignorant towards its impact on our existence.

If you are reading this, you know this already too I hope.



Until too many stop trying to be one-sided and narrow minded, this is where most are not adequate enough towards learning and / or building rare wisdom…So, those are the ones who take on teaching what is actually unnatural.

Together their lower pulsation of expectations are then advanced to the topmost frequency, thus keyed up by the Supra – conscious (their immediate environment) and finally becomes what they were meditating on all along…All of their apprehensions and complaints become the aftermath of their awake or unmindful potentiality; towards reaching their true dreams in this life.

Please do yourself and the world a favour… STOP making YOU constipated.

Try to live colorfully and appreciate the luminosity in everything. Don’t let go of your feathers in the wind. Make it a goal to free your mind DAY AND NIGHT. (PLEASE CLICK AND LET GO OF SOME STRESS FOR A CHANGE)


*MRS. T*

Happy Mother Day Super Deal

New Moon omen?

Dear Readers:

As you know I always paid attention to any form of omens and as a rule, like the stars one must be trained to understand the inner messages… I thought I was done writing for the day and around 5 PM or so I finally get to relax as I always do in my hot tub in my backyard listening to the radio, enjoying the Sun set and my two dogs. For days the clock you see above was dead and I thought I need to change the batteries because anything dead does not bring much luck! I never did… Then tonight, in the corner f my eyes, to my amazement I noticed the clock was working and was set to 8 PM… Note the New Moon/solar eclipse tonight is set to start at 8:28 PM and the blessings of a waxing moon will last until the next Full Moon of  May 25th.

As you know I was quite sick last few days following our Tucson abduction where Terania and I were brought back 38 miles East in the desert and tonight finally I truly feel a relief.  Well it looks like a new positive protective, productive energy is upon us  and I am so glad I can read “the signs.”

Note also Mother’s Day is May 12th and chances are your Mother who has seen a lot in her life may be more interested to regenerate her spirit than to get the usual normal present you always gave her.  Do something special this year she will love you for it! Well I tell you what, why not giving your Mom a present that will last her lifetime? A priceless spiritual present that will connect her with herself and get some answers to what life is all about? Thus I have decided to extend the Super Deal for ALL the deserving Mothers out there, VIP or not! The question is are you willing to ask her if a consultation with Dr. Turi is something she would love or is your mother like you in fear of going to hell dealing with me? Is your Mother and you ready for the divine and connect with God cosmic divinity through me?  Well ask her the question and tell her to visit and read what other mothers who dealt with me in the past have said about my work!

Remember I am offering your mother a $700 VIP consultation or a 90 mn Full Life reading for $310 and this mean tremendous savings and a very accurate reading where I will tell her how to use the cosmic code at her advantage, do some predictions, talk about her life, money, health love and of course her children.

So we are now (or very soon) under the white protective New Moon light and here is your chance to offer your Mother a lifetime present that she will cherish for ever… Trust me to take good care of your mother, as much as she was mine and she will be happily surprised with my healing gifts… No I will not tell her anything bad about you or anything that could arm her spirit, in fact just the opposite and once I am done with her, she will add her endorsement to the many wise people who dared to trust me!

Note my website will note give you any break, this you must call Terania at 602-265-7667 to set it up before Mother Day because after this date the deal will be off…

I am there to take good care of you and your wonderful mother, be ready for a very happy, totally recharged mama..

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi


Jodi Arias A born Killer Mind Exposed


 ”For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice… If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

Dear Cosmic Coders:

DID YOU MISS MY MAY 08, 2013 RADIO SHOW?  More about Jodi Arias there…


‘We don’t have monster in our blood’

Stand by for more on Ariel Castro VIP’s

(CNN) — A day after a jury found her guilty of first-degree murder in the slaying of her ex-boyfriend, Jodi Arias will return to court Thursday to begin a phase that will move her closer to learning whether she will live or die.

Dear VIP’s;

After 5 longs years feeding on our tax dollar, the legal hyenas are finally full, yesterday the jury found her guilty of first-degree murder for killing Travis Alexander back in June 2008 but what is exceptional in this case is Alexander was “over killed” stabbed repeatedly, shot and nearly decapitated. How any human, male or female could behave in such a way? Not even animals behave that bad…

So using the science of Astropsychology I will offer some light on the working of her psyche outside of conventional disciplines used in psychiatry or forensics. *Forensic science is the application of a broad spectrum of a cosmic unconscious science using modern technology to investigate and establish facts of interest in relation to criminal or civil law.

As mentioned so many times in previous newsletters, no man (or woman) is born physically or  psychically equal and human can only judge others through their 5 limited human senses and what they perceive only as facts! The awareness, wisdom and rules imparting  the Cosmic laws making up the complex natal UCI of any and all human beings is not yet in place allowing many born criminals to have escaped justice. With the help of the legal hyenas and a corrupted abusive legal system, many more born killers are paroled and released back  into our streets. The results are dreadful with the endless killing of our courageous public servants or innocent victims falling at the hands of repeating offenders.

Being psychically superior and presenting the facts does not appeal to our conventional science whoring around with the pharmaceutical industry who are used by private jail owners to control the dangerous animals/criminals they hosts with trucks of drugs.  Yes everybody is making money while the worse our our society is rotting in jail and this make you much safer!  But if, like me you live into the future, creating monsters and drugging them for control is not the way to go because,  there will be a day where the  criminal population will override the law obedient citizens.

Jailing and numbing human beings is the end result of a non cosmic society who rely on science and religions to establish and maintain order but in these days and Age, it became an obvious failure if you look at the state of our world. It will get much worse before it gets better readers, especially if the voices of wise people like me who own cosmic spiritual truths are ridicule, muted and shut!

It is very easy and a normal instinct for anyone to immediately point out the finger to the perpetrators, the abusers, the killers and demand justice, especially when powerful emotions are involved!  But what you are missing is all those dead or alive monsters where once upon a time, innocent, beautiful trusting children, exactly like the one you proudly love and protect! With the difference that all the killers, including Jodi Arias and Adam Lanza are/were the end products of a society gone completely mad.

A society that indulge totally in the practice of  deceptive religions, ridiculous entertainments and sports. While those accepted endeavours are part of  what it means to be human the crucial spiritual cosmic education  is non existing, refuted or sought as pseudo-science. Worse, it is perceived by the religiously poisoned blind young souls as paganism and witchcraft leading to the eternal burning in hell…

While traditional teachers of religions, science, technology, arts, history are boundless, the true cosmic conscious teachers are very hard to find… And this is the beginning of all your problems human and this lack of regenerative therapeutic spiritual cosmic teachings is what is creating an endless chain of monsters…

 Following the Connecticut tragedy I posted “In Memory of The Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting Victims”  offering real answers but the million of hits are missing because the majority of human being can not enter the subtle realm of  supra- cosmic consciousness and would rather watch a more entertaining video something requiring little or no deep thought at all… All I can do is to keep offering you answers and solutions a modern world is ill equipped to accept or even recognise, all the while breeding more “monsters” through their incomplete educational system.

It pains me to realize cults such as Scientology, Mormonism, Witness of Jehovah  and a myriad of others have no difficulties finding the financial support they need to proliferate ignorance and fears while the essence of God’s celestial manifestation is not allowed to manifest and grow… But it seem to be a higher order I must oblige by, for God’s true pearls of cosmic wisdom are very rare and not for everyone…

Remember in the eternal battle between emotions and logic, emotions will always win, and if you have been abused or victimised by a criminal do not follow the same conventional “legal” belief that this human being should be destroyed.  Find in your heart the same reasons I am today, at 63 years old able to assimilate and accept the fact that everyone of them were innocent children. All those monsters, present, past and future are the end results of a social and educational system still refusing to offer our children the option to cosmically auto analyse their vices and virtues and apply their will before and after puberty.

Remember readers, I am well ahead of time and my work is dedicated to bring back the spirit of supreme wisdom and help a sceptical, rational infantile science to decipher God’s signs making up the karmic UCI of all the children of the world.


This could be anyone child, this could be your child, look at her face did Jodi then nurtured killer thoughts? Obviously NO and the sad reality is; today thousands of people are reading my work and in a few years from now their child will look like a lost monster facing a cold jury!


Again I am asking the reader to think outside of the deep hateful emotions portraying her as evil, especially if you are connected to the family or the victim. I no way will I ask you to ignore the facts that you are dealing with a convicted killer or ask for your forgiveness, no this is not my message to you readers. The law is the law and breaking it brings serious penalty and the monster deserve to rot in jail or die, period! There is nothing that can be done for Jodi, its much too late, the rigid system you live in did not give her a chance when she was a salvageable child turning into a beautiful teen then a young adult full of promises for a wonderful chance a life itself!

I am asking you to THINK and think hard not for Jodi, but for your and all the children of the world!///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Reply by Robin about comparing O.J. and Jodi! 

“DT  0 .J. and Jodi are both born on July 9th. Casey Anthony and Jodi Arias both have the Dragon’s Tail in Scorpio. Jodi has the hidden dragon. Thank you, Dr. Turi. Looking forward reading Travis UCI. “

Your student Robin


While my work is not generated for the envious feeble minded young souls this crowd of sceptics needs me the most and the irony is; they don’t event know about it!

I have the DOB of Travis Alexander and I will expose his UCI the same way I did for Jodi Arias so the curious, smart reader can appreciate more of my expertise in Astropsychology and see the man as God designed him to be and not only another victim of yet another man made monster… I WILL DO THE SAME WITH Ariel Castro, 52  (born in 1960) soon AND EXPLAIN WHY HE DID WHAT HE DID OUTSIDE OF CONVENTIONAL SCIENTIFIC BELIEFS. 

Remember if you want to be happy and successful you must  live your destiny as intended by God cosmic rules!

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi

HELP DR. TURI’S MISSION! BE A DIRECT PARTICIPANT TO CHANGE THE WORLD! Click on this link to offer donations for OUR cause and for the children of the future.

Blessings and thank you from the heart. 


Question? Help? Talk to Terania  602-265-7667