Can We Stop Science Destroying The World?


Cosmic Code

In the absence of Cosmic Consciousness; science  conspiracy and religious imagination have the wrong answers. There are no accidents just cosmic circumstances the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive.”

Dr. Turi

Hello Cosmic Coders:

From Liz Oertel-Connors

Earth Day April 22nd

“Do you suppose we can do a group intention/meditation/prayer organized online for Earth Day?  Maybe set up a time and ask people to join in prayer what ever way they use, prayers for our Beautiful Mother Earth.  Maybe you could write some beautiful words to center people’s intention.  The Earth does want her children back!”

Blessings and Love,


Dear readers;

Like Liz I am also very much concerned about Mother Earth health knowing we are currently riding her back through the solar system and we have only ONE spaceship! Sad enough too many human beings were born with serious shortcomings such has greed, ego where wealth and power overrule humanitarianism and care for others.

The earth is like a big dog, well suited to take care of all her fleas so to speak because she was designed by God to offer the best of herself so we can all live a happy and secure life.

But her resources have a limit too if we keep taking endlessly and suffocating her at the same time! All she needs is good management and time and that is very cheap…In fact time is the essence so she is allowed to regenerate her forests and produce life giving oxygen we all need to survive. Like a tireless dedicated worker she does not have much rest to recuperate since the industrial boom and the endless wave of new mouths she must carry and to feed everyday. Mother Earth can support much more human beings that are currently living on earth, there is unlimited amount of water in our oceans that daily transform into rain but with the overwhelming amount of carbon produced by fossil fuel thew protective ozone layer is dissipating fast…

Like other uncaring civilizations before us, Mother Earth one day may decide to “check off” her abusive fleas and start all over again because we do not pay attention to the increase and abnormality of large earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes and other natural frequent disasters. She is showing serious signs of despair and lots of warnings but who’s to stop the capitalist machine and their privileged select supremely wealthy lifestyle?

Yes she did it countless time before where entire cities much more advanced that our current civilization lays a few hundreds miles melted down into her red hot lava entrails… Of course there is nothing to see nor touch down there thus our infantile cosmic unconscious science will never be able to conceive or accept this fact!

The only difference between human and Mother Earth is that she has millions years to work with before like all that was once born will die burned out by our Sun…But there is still plenty new “ET” experiments she must fulfill before the priceless human genes of the “chosen ones” are transported to yet another Mother Earth ready to offer her new virgin back.

Gee all the “educated” human are so smart yet they see and know nothing of God’s celestial divine cosmic mystery and the ET’s agenda to breed some of us as to save their accredited asses! yes, the eternal battle between the forces of evil (science)  against those of the light (spiritual human beings.)

Mother Earth depletion directly affects its precious human cargo just because science has forgotten  and laugh at the spirit… And you wonder why children kill their mothers, assassinate each others and commit suicide? Our physical connection to Mother Earth is directly connected to our spiritual welfare too but tell this to any scientist and hear them voice their spiritual ignorance through their loud physical laughs!

A society of Atheists, Agnostics, Skeptics and skeptics is the result and the core of any and all born scientists which are unable to realize the very scientific progress they made cost nature great sufferings too. Not that science is bad for those miracles serves us well but how many scientists knew of the real deadly effects of the first atomic bomb detonated in the White Sands of New Mexico?

While I aim to save Mother Earth like you do readers, prayers alone can not and will not save her but educating and controlling science madness will bring real results. You can pray and ask God to stop the next natural disaster or the next crime or the next suicide and you already know you wasted your time and prayers because it is already set to happen through the Cosmic Code eternal exact timing. And this is why when I wrote in my 2013 Moon Power  book of universal guidance and predictions to expect “EXPLOSIONS” many months ago, on the exact given dates CNN is reporting EXPLOSIONS all over…

Yet the envious young soul who only assume and never read my work is fast rejecting the obvious and my gift in predictive astrology! So how can we save Mother Earth you may ask! Is there any hopes at all to reverse the damage or are we doomed?

This dense physical world was created because of the progressive thoughts processes of millions of people working independently for specific or common goals. Science is part of the equation with the greedy wealthy corporations they sleep with as a mean of survival for their scientific researches… And they are very smart to get to your pockets..Let me explain, for year NASA has accomplished tremendous, admirable Discovery work and you paid for it all all along with a good chunk of your taxes. Now the spaceship is in display in CA and you still have to pay just to look at it when in fact you own all spaceships ever created by NASA –

I always teach my students that God did not put human on earth to end through a suffocating end mostly because the very cosmic spiritual forces at work our infantile scientific community is unable to rationalize with can and will work for us if you understand and agree with me that “the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thoughts.”

You can not and will not stop progress period, but in this day and age a new breed of highly spiritual scientists are cruising the Internet, subconsciously looking for the spirit they lost along the way… The sad reality is today’s  controlling media and educational system is not offering the cosmic fluid needed for those searching souls the option to rekindle their spirit where all  divine affairs start and finish with archaic, deceptive Neptunian poisoning religious teachings.

Again the Illuminati at work controlling the information stalling your curious spirit to find out what the Cosmic Code and God is all about… If enough people decide to pray a few times on a specific day the humongous amount of thought form will reach its target and the target is the mind of the new scientists who MUST reconnect with the spirit itself. Balancing the physical and spiritual earth vibrations starts in the minds of all its residents aiming for the answers of what it means to be human…

So when you pray, make sure to talk not only to your guides, your angels, to God, to Mother Earth but to the latent spirits of those souls who had no opportunity to learn about the divine, the cosmic code, God’s celestial manifestations so when they work hard in experimental researches, the conscience of doing the right things for humanity never leaves their conscience. Our combined thought process is an unseen but powerful psychic force to reckon with and the target is the mind of other non curious karmic UCI and with it the option to become more refined productive spiritual human beings.  Most of all never forget this is a dense physical world and if my words strike a cord in your being, it will do the same in someone who vibrates at your spiritual speed. Thus SHARE my work both physically and spiritually with those you feel need a good dose of spiritual logic instead of deceptive religions. You spiritual and physical involvement is all we need to make significant changes in helping others build more perception to the divinity of the unknown.

We are living some incredible time where humanity is finally given a chance to recognize and accept the spirit, the scientific community has distanced itself from the spirit but much of the answers they all have been enslaved to discover are within the spiritual realm and with your help we can and will bring the balance between the spiritual and physical manifestations because one can not exist without the other… And that is the current challenge for science…

So on April 22nd 2013, all day long, when ever possible, I am asking all my Cosmic Coders to join me to better Mother Earth by reaching the minds of all young souls and all the committed scientists working hard to better the human experience…

Remember the secret of life…

  • Make a commitment to be happy and do not feed evil
  • Make a commitment to create anything big or small everyday
  • Make a commitment to share it with others

Tell your friends to join ITS FREE!  send them this link we need their constructive thoughts!


Blessings to all

Dr. Turi

I am looking for a volunteer knowledgeable on the spiritual purpose and legacy of  any native willing to monitor, maintain and bring more life in the “Native American Wisdom” group. If you trust you have enough wisdom on the topic and willing to post, talk, answer those interested in Native Indians please let me know and you’ll be in charge of this group.

This group is public and for those interested in Native American Wisdom and their connection to Mother Earth…If you have experienced or know anything related to the Mayans, Sumerians, Atlantis or any of the disappeared civilizations and willing to save Mother Earth, animals etc. share it with other Cosmic Coders. I wrote “Explanation of the Mayan Calendar” as an example for you. Enjoy!

The same apply for “Help me Deal With Life” if you life has only been about struggles your experiences, battles wins and losses are priceless for so many people who are currently suffering. Do not be afraid to write and share your life’s experiences and help each others on how to cope with challenges.

The first step to heal anyone from anything is to talk about it… These groups are designed to bring this mental healing energy to all the readers while sharing your wisdom to others. Remember the secret of life..

Make a commitment to be happy and do not feed evil
Make a commitment to create anything big or small everyday
Make a commitment to share it with others

Those simple rules will assure you good karma, spiritual regeneration and a good use of the Supra-conscious creative forces because the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thoughts…



Dr. Turi Predicted the Boston Bombing (and more!)

Printed and published last year in my book 2013 Moon power

NEW MOON — April 10, 2013 in Aries: The New Moon will mature in the sign of Aries. Explosive and destructive news about fires, wars, and explosions is to be expected soon.


04/18/13 – Up to 15 people are feared dead after a massive explosion tore through a fertilizer plant in Texas. The blast, described as “like a nuclear bomb,” leveled dozens of homes. FULL STORY

Mother earth is alive and may stretch her self vigorously, producing powerful volcanic or earthquake activity. Souls born with this celestial identity will be competitive, aggressive and will use their inner leadership abilities to gain positions of power during their lifetimes. Discipline and patience must be induced at an early age to avoid serious head injury. Many endeavors will be launched successfully within the next two waxing weeks and you should be confident of the outcome.

Dr. Turi had an email today having to do with “Explosive and destructive news about fires, wars, and explosions is to be expected soon.” He named off the Boston Bombing and the Texas explosion. Just wanted to share a couple links of more destructive events this week.…

Lunation impact on all signs: Note only if you become a VIP Cosmic Coder will you read supplemental horoscope information/monthly transits. ITS FREE JOIN NOW!

Chill Out in Chili

Dear Readers;

Because of the latest Peru devastating news some changes took place in Jane and Carol tour schedules. Read why the “accident” took place after this announcement. Safety is priority number one for all and with the current deadly Scorpius Draconis lurking above in the heavens the Peru & Bolivia has been reported for next year under much safer stars. I am still working with Mystic Martini management to secure the safest dates for this new tour. In respect to all spiritual rites and cosmic moon ceremonies, you are introduced to this new tour during a protective waxing moon. Please stand by for more information on yet another incredible voyage in time visiting some of the most fascinating locations in Chili with highly spiritual tour guides.Once the positive dates are secure the full details on this magical tour will be offered on the Mystic Martini website. Stand by for more information on this tour soon. Remember your safety is the management first concern,  and like a pilot checking his instruments and navigational maps you can only experience a safe journey with Dr. Turi checking the heavens ahead of time. If you have any questions please contact Jane or Carol anytime.


Chill Out In Chile

Events, Tours in Peru and Deaths 

I think it is important for me to mention that Jane and Carol, *promoter of the 15 Day Spiritual Journey to Peru & Bolivia are not only my friends, but wise clients VIP cosmic coders and before bringing people together on foreign grounds from June 10 to June 24, 2013 they wanted to make sure they had FULL protection of the stars. And in case you do not know June 10th is the first day of the waxing, protective moon. I am sure many of you recall the sad results involving *cosmic unconscious James Arthur Ray, self-help guru whose sweat lodge ceremony killed 3 in Sedona AZ.Read my feedback on this sad story!

The sad reality is that; there are millions of people traveling the world following cosmic unconscious Neptunian Gurus hoping to learn something about the meaning of life or what it means to be human! And as mentioned so many times before in my newsletters, those who are supposed to be the experts in their field as the least knowledgeable of the laws of the divine. But when the unarguable is more than obvious only those who own cosmic consciousness or an awareness of the Universal Laws of the Moon can appreciate my rare wisdom. I read of the deaths of so many people visiting remote areas, including a 10 year old little girl who fell to her death in the Grand Canyon when her cosmic unconscious parents decided to visit the area after the Full Moon.

Remember readers, there are NO accidents, only cosmic circumstances unknown to science and the world at large thus with wise hosts like Jane and Carol painful experiences and deadly “accidents” can be avoided! Thus if you have a trip to take, a tour to attend and the events promoters are as spiritual as James Arthur Ray you are playing Russian roulette… So for your own sake, at least invest in my 2013 Moon Power and follow my daily guidance and predictions and if I warn you about something PAY ATTENTION!

The fact is death is around the corner with every move you make and you MUST sign up after the New protective Moon to get total protection. If you want to join do it BEFORE the next Full Moon of Thursday  25th April 2013 or do it Friday May 10th  2013 right after the New Moon. In fact a day after the New Moon guarantee total safety as to avoid tragic news like in  Peru today!

The bus was carrying 43 seated passengers, but there were many others standing in the aisle, state media reported.

Bus plunges off hillside; at least 33 dead

Thus I can not be more REAL by telling you that; unlike Jane and Carol, the organizers of this trip did not take in consideration the crucial timing of the moon in their planning and the penalty is an “accident” that could have been avoided had they know or owned a copy of my 2013 Moon Power.   The same applies for your airplane or sea travels, millions of shipwrecks were blamed on the weather and man’s errors but it is well above their educated or cosmic unconscious heads!

NO ONE should play the Russian roulette and die in the name of ignorance and humanity is, in a few years from now, about to uncover and respect God’s cosmic signs. Let the skeptics, atheists, agnostics, scientists moron alike and God fearing religious lost souls assume my work is only pseudo-science lose their lives or accept the fact that Dr. Turi’s wisdom is legit and fly with us with God and the angels’ protection.

“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that you may live a safer more productive life.”

While no one want to think about death and tragedies they are part of the human experience and always in the back of your head, now not only you are very safe with us but let me tell you a little more of what to expect when you join…

The more people join after the protective New Moon light the more protection as a whole, there are also Mercurial (Mercury rules traveling) rituals to do before taking a trip and I will do my part for this trip. You are also strongly advised to invest in a Hermes or St Christophe medallion (order it during a New Moon) and wear it all along your trip.

I can not wait to meet our Shamanic guide, Amaru and learn from him, together we will explore mystical and spiritual places where the Incas and pre-Incan civilizations performed rituals and made offerings to their gods. Note also that the Incas did not build pyramids where they felt like, they chose powerful vortexes that can be used  to better your health and stimulate your body, mind and soul! Thus if you suffer any ailment, I will use my dowsing gift, ask you to remove your shoes and walk with me on the powerful cosmic current.

Dowsing is a type of divination employed in attempts to locate water, buried metals or ores, gemstones, oil, gravesites and many other objects and materials, as well as  healing vortexes coming from earth radiation (Ley lines), without the use of scientific apparatus. Now if you are interested in learning I will teach you how to dowse for yourself right there.

I dowsed this old pyramid foundations and was amazed by the power emanating from the earth and asked all the guests to join me to regenerate the body, mind and soul bare footed. Look at the white powerful aura around me, I am sure I will dowse more in Peru  and Bolivia magical sites and ask you to join me during those “unplanned” healing sessions.

Also I am offering a 60 mn taped full life readings for $400 and taped Astro-Tarot for $200 (30mn) to all the guests who will spend the 2 weeks with us. Terania will also provide psychic readings for anyone interested in her wisdom but this service will only be per request and on site. All consultations MUST be booked in advance so I can print and bring tapes and astrological charts. I will also answer any and all the questions you may have about anything from ET’s to the stars and psychic power.

Depending on your requests and environmental quietness I will also perform group hypnotherapy to stimulate your own Supra-conscious creative forces so emotional, financial and spiritual stability can become yours. If you have any question for me about this trip email me at and remember to BOOK NOW before the Full Moon of April 25th or after Friday May 10th. All I can guarantee you is our Shamanic guide, Amaru has so much to offer you in this trip and with both Carol and Joyce inner wisdom and safe planning, a trip that will not only change your entire life but your perception of reality.


Events, Tours in Peru and Deaths

Dear Cosmic Coders:

April 12, 2013:

After 2400 miles and 2 days straight driving we made it to Florida, we arrived at 4:30 am to our destination in FT Lauderdale rental totally exhausted, we took a relaxing shower and we both crashed into Neptune dream land… its currently 3:00 PM and I just got ready to informed all of you of what transpired so far!

Note: Because of the newcomers endlessly joining the cosmic code, both Terania and I will share and UPDATE ALL our experiences from this Florida trip daily, right here on this page, so make sure to comeback to read “the rest of the story” by clicking on the title.

Terania doing the show

We stopped in David Crockett County where I took a picture of Terania doing the radio show  using my cellphone in the car…Thus if you missed this show please listen to it from and most of all let Terania know what you think of it because, if you do not, this will be the only show she will produce reading Levi York’s channeling the ET spirit of “Anttarr.”

Sad enough we were so far into the desert that around 30 MN into the radio show we lost the signal and she was forced off the air. Thus once you listen to this rare show please email Terania at with your feedback so she can do it again in the future.This is quite a very unique and advanced spiritual material channeled from a very high cosmic entity and only a few of you may be interested in learning more or even able to grasp the deep meaning behind Anttarr’s worlds and words.

Now about David Crockett – As a child I had a total fascination for him, subconsciously I knew I would somehow share the same fate myself and my life with my heroe…



Little did I know one day, I would be looking at the “King of the Wild Frontier” statue in the US. as a child I recall those movies where my soul was uplifted each time I saw the wilderness of  deserts of America and how much I wanted one day to go there… I was so upset as a child when my destitute parents could not afford my requested gift of a David Crockett costume for Christmas, especially his beaver made hat. I recall waiting for my rich neighbor school mate, begging him to borrow the hat, even for a second…and I did. And with it a deep subconscious wish was made to know him or get closer to the legend when I was only 9 years old, a dream that would materialize 53 years later… So when I profess the future is the reincarnation of the thoughts and to never give up your most crazy dreams I am a perfect example of this creative supra-conscious “magic.”

Everything went great but my God…going through t the state of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama all hell broke loose with the weather… I could only see 5 ft in from of me as the rain pored over those states, it is only by following a 18 wheeler flashing emergency lights that through Alabama that I was able to drive through the “deluge.” I forced to stop a few times on the side of the road and I knew the protective waxing Aries Moon somehow would not stop us. This nasty weather followed us all the way to Miami but dissipated through the night creating a few tornadoes warnings all along the way.

I called my friends and we planned to catch up then we will have to connect with some real estate agents willing to help us finding our new house here. The weather is so nice and my allergies are all more sneezing nor watery eyes, what a relief!

April 13.2013

Romantic Night Bea ch Walk

The evening went real good too, first I took Terania to a romantic walk along the beach, we took our shoes off and walked for a while on the still warm sand…Indeed the best way to fast regenerate your body, mind and soul is through your feet at the water and sand junction. The ocean breeze was just perfect as we spoke on our dream to find a nice home right here in Florida. I then took Terania to her well deserved Birthday treat and she picked Tai food, I had no idea where to find one in FT Lauderdale but on the way back from shopping for toothpaste we forgot at home, we landed right on the best one in town…

Happy BD Girl

Yes this is the beauty of traveling after the New Moon,  not only you are under the protection of the white waxing moon but chances are, you will end up at the right time at the right place. Sad enough millions of people are cosmic unconscious and experience dramatic moments .i.e. Disney Cruise drama, and could easily have avoided all the troubles had they invested in my book 2013 Moon Power.  Incidentally many traveling corporations could easily avoid extraordinary expansive legal battles following accidental deaths, poisoning and a myriad of “unseen/ unpredictable” troubles in the name of cosmic ancient wisdom ignorance.

Imagine one second if all the CEO of all the well known traveling shipping corporations had the opportunity to avoid tragedies such as the Disney Cruise, Concordia and Titanic?

Read Titanic Fate explained

But the sad reality is the normal incurious, religiously poisoned human being will not ask for God real cosmic protection and will pay the ultimate price for feeding evil with fears and ignorance. Traveling using the stars both physically and spiritually is something science and the world at large as forgotten  and through my work, humanity is slowly gaining back this lost supreme cosmic wisdom.

If you want the full protection of God  or expect to make progress through your travelings and /or business endeavors owning a copy of my 2013 Moon Power is your first step. Furthermore knowing and USING your “2013 personal lucky window dates IS A MUST! Meantime, for what ever reasons an unperceptive human being will come up with to ridicule and ignore my work WILL bring penalty because its like laughing at God cosmic rules, and this is the main reasons for all the dramatic news plaguing CNN website.  Through our own shared experiences, all my smart VIP’s are giving a chances to make a good use of the cosmic code and God’s full protection.

Looking for a house

Today its raining and with the help of our first local real estate agent, Terania will be spending quite a lot of time looking for houses before getting on the road on Monday. So today will be a slow day for me as I relax watching TV…Meantime enjoy this picture of a flower I picked up for Terania…

Exotusteraniuslovus Flower

Exotusteraniuslovus Flower

I think it is important for me to mention that Jane and Carol, *promoter of the 15 Day Spiritual Journey to Peru & Bolivia are not only my friends, but wise clients VIP cosmic coders and before bringing people together on foreign grounds from June 10 to June 24, 2013 they wanted to make sure they had FULL protection of the stars. And in case you do not know June 10th is the first day of the waxing, protective moon. I am sure many of you recall the sad results involving *cosmic unconscious James Arthur Ray, self-help guru whose sweat lodge ceremony killed 3 in Sedona AZ.Read my feedback on this sad story!

The sad reality is that; there are millions of people traveling the world following cosmic unconscious Neptunian Gurus hoping to learn something about the meaning of life or what it means to be human! And as mentioned so many times before in my newsletters, those who are supposed to be the experts in their field as the least knowledgeable of the laws of the divine. But when the unarguable is more than obvious only those who own cosmic consciousness or an awareness of the Universal Laws of the Moon can appreciate my rare wisdom. I read of the deaths of so many people visiting remote areas, including a 10 year old little girl who fell to her death in the Grand Canyon when her cosmic unconscious parents decided to visit the area after the Full Moon.

Remember readers, there are NO accidents, only cosmic circumstances unknown to science and the world at large thus with wise hosts like Jane and Carol painful experiences and deadly “accidents” can be avoided! Thus if you have a trip to take, a tour to attend and the events promoters are as spiritual as James Arthur Ray you are playing Russian roulette… So for your own sake, at least invest in my 2013 Moon Power and follow my daily guidance and predictions and if I warn you about something PAY ATTENTION!

The fact is death is around the corner with every move you make and you MUST sign up after the New protective Moon to get total protection. If you want to join do it BEFORE the next Full Moon of Thursday  25th April 2013 or do it Friday May 10th  2013 right after the New Moon. In fact a day after the New Moon guarantee total safety as to avoid tragic news like in  Peru today!

The bus was carrying 43 seated passengers, but there were many others standing in the aisle, state media reported.

Bus plunges off hillside; at least 33 dead

Thus I can not be more REAL by telling you that; unlike Jane and Carol, the organizers of this trip did not take in consideration the crucial timing of the moon in their planning and the penalty is an “accident” that could have been avoided had they know or owned a copy of my 2013 Moon Power.   The same applies for your airplane or sea travels, millions of shipwrecks were blamed on the weather and man’s errors but it is well above their educated or cosmic unconscious heads!

NO ONE should play the Russian roulette and die in the name of ignorance and humanity is, in a few years from now, about to uncover and respect God’s cosmic signs. Let the skeptics, atheists, agnostics, scientists moron alike and God fearing religious lost souls assume my work is only pseudo-science lose their lives or accept the fact that Dr. Turi’s wisdom is legit and fly with us with God and the angels’ protection.

“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that you may live a safer more productive life.”

While no one want to think about death and tragedies they are part of the human experience and always in the back of your head, now not only you are very safe with us but let me tell you a little more of what to expect when you join…

The more people join after the protective New Moon light the more protection as a whole, there are also Mercurial (Mercury rules traveling) rituals to do before taking a trip and I will do my part for this trip. You are also strongly advised to invest in a Hermes or St Christophe medallion (order it during a New Moon) and wear it all along your trip.

I can not wait to meet our Shamanic guide, Amaru and learn from him, together we will explore mystical and spiritual places where the Incas and pre-Incan civilizations performed rituals and made offerings to their gods. Note also that the Incas did not build pyramids where they felt like, they chose powerful vortexes that can be used  to better your health and stimulate your body, mind and soul! Thus if you suffer any ailment, I will use my dowsing gift, ask you to remove your shoes and walk with me on the powerful cosmic current.

Dowsing is a type of divination employed in attempts to locate water, buried metals or ores, gemstones, oil, gravesites and many other objects and materials, as well as  healing vortexes coming from earth radiation (Ley lines), without the use of scientific apparatus. Now if you are interested in learning I will teach you how to dowse for yourself right there.

I dowsed this old pyramid foundations and was amazed by the power emanating from the earth and asked all the guests to join me to regenerate the body, mind and soul bare footed. Look at the white powerful aura around me, I am sure I will dowse more in Peru  and Bolivia magical sites and ask you to join me during those “unplanned” healing sessions.

Also I am offering a 60 mn taped full life readings for $400 and taped Astro-Tarot for $200 (30mn) to all the guests who will spend the 2 weeks with us. Terania will also provide psychic readings for anyone interested in her wisdom but this service will only be per request and on site. All consultations MUST be booked in advance so I can print and bring tapes and astrological charts. I will also answer any and all the questions you may have about anything from ET’s to the stars and psychic power.

Depending on your requests and environmental quietness I will also perform group hypnotherapy to stimulate your own Supra-conscious creative forces so emotional, financial and spiritual stability can become yours. If you have any question for me about this trip email me at and remember to BOOK NOW before the Full Moon of April 25th or after Friday May 10th. All I can guarantee you is our Shamanic guide, Amaru has so much to offer you in this trip and with both Carol and Joyce inner wisdom and safe planning, a trip that will not only change your entire life but your perception of reality.


See you all there…

stand by for more…

I will  UPDATE this page everyday, so comeback for more. Yes when you became a cosmic coder you also signed up to share our life with yours…So stand by for more soon…

Blessings to all my readers


Dear readers, unless you become a Cosmic Coders this is all you will read from our trip to Florida- Thus if you want to read more of what will happen for the next few days join us here ITS FREE  READ HERE

if you want to read more of what will happen for the next few days join us here

Yes when you became a cosmic coder you also signed up to share our life with yours…So stand by for more soon…

Blessings to all my readers


Why Matthew Warren Committed Suicide?

 Recovered Article published April 9, 2014


 ”For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice… If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

 ~ Dalai Lama and Dr. Turi

Son of Pastor Rick Warren commits suicide, family says

I am the victim of the Scorpius Draconis and my parents cosmic unconsciousness…

Rick Warren’s son lost in ‘wave of despair’

Son of Pastor Rick Warren commits suicide, family says

Matthew Warren, 27, died from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound on Friday, Stand by for “The stars and Fate of  Matthew Warren.” 

Dear Readers;

Matthew Warren, was the victim of induced religious poisoning from a very early age and this fact is much too obvious to ignore.  If the good, concerned God fearing parents of Matthew failed to save their own son from committing suicide why would anyone follow the teachings of his famous father?

Where is common sense? its like joining a group or a cult were the creator himself committed suicide… these are very obvious signs for you to stay clear from the deadly energy and the deceptive teachings…And if you are not spiritually “refine” enough to detect the omens, then you are not ready for a better, more productive vibration that’s all…but there is always a price to pay for any form of ignorance!

I wonder, how is it possible for anyone to be  unable to face the reality of those religious teachings being the result of such a tragic event?  With a biblical name such a Matthew the possibility for any child to regenerate the spirit adequately with the cosmic fluid is an impossibility especially if a regime of prescribed antidepressants are making the situation worse.

Matthew was born under the very emotional sign of Cancer and I doubt very much his cosmic unconscious parents knew about the extreme power emanating from our closest satellite the Moon. These people regurgitate the bible on a daily base and have no spirit nor critical thinking of their own.  Yes the words lunatic, moody, crabby reflects her steady impact upon Matthew’s deteriorating psyche for too long and he acted out his cursed mind.  Without a lunar cosmic consciousness  (get my 2013 Moon Power ebook) Matthew could not apply his will to fight the gloomy depressive lunar fluid and he lost it.

I also doubt very much his religious parents ever considered reading my 525 page book “The Power of the Dragon” as to understand what their son Matthew,  born under the “Death Wish Generation” and with Pluto (death/passion)  and Saturn (depressions/fears) all karmically located on his nefarious Scorpio Dragon’s Tail.

To make the situation much worse, this extraordinary stellium displayed its cosmic energies in the very powerful deadly sign of Scorpio right in Matthew’s 5th house of speculation, love and romance.

This enunciate a very private personality in need of an endless deep and committed love he could never get from his busy parents more concerned with fame and money and the world at large than their own kid.  And Matthew took his revenge the only way a True Scorpius soul know how, this is by killing others  (Adam Lanza) or committing suicide! But again I do not expect the educated experts or God’ servants to remotely understand the depth of my rare wisdom they perceive as the work of the devil or only pseudo-science.

In fact ” I am Adam Lanza’s Doctor – Rima E. Laibow, MD” would learn much from my 45 years of  independent work on the working of the human psyche.

Matthew was born with Mars (danger/weapons) in Cancer on his 1st house (the self) and depict the strong probability for a violent death.

His Moon (emotional response to life) was in Leo (love/fame/children) conjuncting his Mercury (the mind) and this leonine qualities do not agree with anything involving a promise to end up in hell, guilt, modesty and was repressed drastically dealing and living in a religiously poisoned early environment.

Shocking/surprising Uranus resides in his 6th house of health meaning a tremendous amount of freedom, travelling and originality offer full psychical regeneration to the unfortunate victim. Anything else the worse of the shocking power of this planet will curse the body, mind and soul.

 Neptune (drugs/alcohol, religion, deception, rehab, jail, mental institutions  medications) is found on Matthew’s 7th house (his parents, facing the public and the world) making the “religious/drugs” situation impossible to escape.

Sad enough the moon was waning was he re-incarnated (and when he departed) from this dense physical world tripling the negative depressive impact of the waning moon upon his psyche.  At the end, this is the result of total cosmic/moon ignorance, the fear of the ridicule combined  with religious poisoning.

Your educational, religious and political system are NON cosmic conscious and Matthew, somewhere somehow suffered the same fate that Adam Lanza with the only difference that he decided to kill himself only. You are now readers,  hopefully  understanding and forced to accept the reality of all our messed institutions and why it is important to help Dr. Turi to build his Astropsychology schools so all the “monsters” created by science and religions  have an option to apply their will instead of becoming murdered or kill themselves.

The situation is grave knowing the current Scorpius Draconus is aiming for the children, SCORPIUS DRAGON HAS ARRIVED! one more reason for you to pass on this newsletter to all concerned parents having difficulty understanding  their children. I will offer you more wisdom, counselling  and guidance for your child than any and all traditionally educated non cosmic conscious psychologists combined!  Read the great endorsements from the people who trusted my work and I with their lives and the one of their children…

Adding, removing guns or medicating the children is NOT the way to go,  only the moronic religious God fearing mass or the “educated” scientific community think they have the right answers for you  when they don’t! This is a serious universal psychical problem, depicting the fast deterioration of our children mind body and spirit and none of them were trained/educated to deal with this phenomenon.

Reconnecting with God’s celestial divinity and using the signs will provide the answers science has been enslaved to uncover but never will…Unless they reconnect with the spirit and God’s marvellous universe.

God created the stars and the heavens to be used as sign so that you and your children may lead a safer more productive life! 


The smallest amount of this huge waste of tax dollars would have been more than enough for me to build my first Astropsychology schools and start working against the evil of fear and cosmic ignorance… Donate for my cosmic code radio show and my mission while we have time…

 “For evil to flourish, all that is needed is for good people to do nothing.”

– Edmund Burke

The True Facts Behind Joel Osteen’s Resignation

“I am God! I am just as much a God as our Lord is!”



“Houston, Texas – – April 2, 2013 – In a shocking and surprising development, megachurch pastor Joel Osteen has announced he is resigning from his post and leaving the Christian faith.”

Dear Readers:

I personally do not believe a “negative fish” swimming downstream for years would be able or willing to reject his religion, but before offering the reader a full cosmic explanation of Joel “Osteen’s resignation”,  I have an important announcement to make.

May 2013 I will be part of a speaking engagement  / tour in Machu Picchu, Peru where you are invited to travel with us. I will soon offer all the information needed for you to be part of one of the most exciting tour ever produced.

Please pass on this crucial newsletter to all the people you know…

Thank you

 “Astrology revealed to me His order and His beauty, and His place for me in the Divine balance that links God, man, and universe into One Balanced Process which never ends in this or on other planes of awareness of life.”                                                                                  

  (Rabbi Joel C. Dobin)

“I was a swimming down Pisces, I finally realized I was made at the image of God and I own the same powers?” Did my work and endless attempts to reach Joel Osteen finally paid off and did he watch and accept my video?

Introducing the world to God New Cosmic Consciousness

All I can tell you there is a God and he may have finally found himself in it. Was he also forced by his hidden dragon in the house regulating groups (his ministry) that he was pushing for lies for too long?

 For years, I have explained what a deceptive Neptunian swimming downstream Pisces young soul is all about and for Joel Osteen to start his way upstream towards his own salvation  is , if true, indeed a true revelation to me.  But I do have more answers for you to digest readers for sure…

I wrote about Joel Osteen’s UCI many times over the years and even doubted my own cosmic wisdom because Joel was born like me with his Mercury (the mind/critical thinking) in Aquarius (dignified/genius)  and I could not understand why he was unable with such an advanced chart not to wake up to the deceptiveness of Christianity.

 But for years I also bombarded his websites with my newsletters and lately with “The Truth Behind The Dead Sea Scrolls” because of its high Pisces concentration.

I even asked my thousands of supporters to email my cosmic code newsletters to him directly! Now did a positive Pisces helped him to find himself and start swimming upstream to the cosmic face and tools of God?

If  Osteen finally woke up, it reinforce my vision of the end of the Age of Pisces, first the Pope resigned then Joel Osteen? Do you see a pattern here readers with my visions of “11/2015-02/2017 the End of All Religions.” But with so much billions involved and many years of dedicated work for the Church Inc.  Osteen will have to battle the evil of fear greed and ignorance.

“The incident occurred in February and created a local uproar. Halfway through his morning Sunday service he dropped to his knees and began crying, and then announced, “I am God! I am just as much a God as our Lord is!” The 10,000 members in attendance appeared stunned. Osteen later released an apology, and blamed the outburst on a lack of sleep due to his busy travel schedule.”

I have serious doubt such a pious man could reject his religion or even be able to swim upstream. Its like asking a terrorist to refute ISIS and his own religious beliefs, but again anything can happen with people faith.

And if true, following his first announcement the Church Inc. legal  hyaenas will try all they can to  force him to keep making more money for the Illuminati or lose it all, even his life!  As a rule all Pisces suffer an addictive personality and to handle his extraordinary busy schedule medications will be blamed but the real truth is Joel Osteen was also  born with GAY tendencies  “Were You Born Gay?  More on Joel Osteen  UCI or secret personality.

Chances are this is a hoax and someone will email me soon if it is…

In fact 8 out of the 10 planets including his natal Dragon making up his natal UCI are feminine and battling his own demons in the name of religion forced him to accept his true nature. Did Joel Osteen realize he was lying to himself for too long? Did Joel Osteen  made a mistake with his sexual, hidden preferences and prepared himself for the truth due to a humongous amount of guilt or was it God’s will imparted by the current Scorpius Draconis impact?

While these are only assumptions that could in time come to the light, the reader must remember the  current Scorpius Draconis’ purpose is to bring everything sexual to the light! In fact NOTHING will be kept a secret for long and to those who did not yet, please read “Warning Scorpius Dragon Has Arrived!

Not too long ago I posted a newsletter for yet another lost Pisces named Ian Punnett  and his book titled “How to Pray When You’re Pissed at God.” This little Pisces section below from my book “2013 Nostradamus Dragon Forecast”  will clarify more of the fact of the Power of the Dragon upon Joel Osteen personal life… Enjoy!

 One thing I know is that, God lead Joel Osteen and million of other lost lambs to my work to gather some answers needed to upgrade to a very new perception of God’s manifestation.  Hopefully Joel will also land on this newsletter  as I can only use my expertise and offer another Pisces soul the option to swim upstream. Only because like all Pisces Joel Osteen was like me born to become a Universal Teacher.

The scepter of my book “2013 Nostradamus Dragon Forecast” clearly enunciate his fate and I hope the readers will appreciate my gift to them…

2013 — Dragon Forecast For Those Born In March

Personal: On August 30th, 2012, the Dragon moved from Sagittarius/Gemini into Scorpio/Taurus and will stay in these signs until February 19th, 2014. This new “Change of Guards” will stimulate all affairs regulating your 9th house of higher learning, religion, teaching, traveling, foreigners and your 3rd house of general communications and writing.

2013 Predictions: The new Dragon’s Head (luck/growth) will affect your 9th House of mental power where you will experience a new drive for learning, teaching, writing and traveling and if you work hard enough, many of your publishing wishes will come true. This impact may stimulate a new sense of perception and could bring a stronger drive for mental accomplishments. With it more work, more success, and more traveling and this could put some mental stress due to the mental challenges you will be forced in.

The new Dragon energy will stir a sense of well deserved intellectual success where the drive for new challenges will force you to travel far and fast. Souls born in March will be tested on how to keep mental harmony while educating others on spiritual matters. Indeed, 2013 could mark the beginning of a new thought process forcing you into hot debates with younger souls unwilling to move forward with you. The lucky Pisces will aim towards Cosmic Consciousness living behind archaic religious material, slowly being rewarded by climbing the ladder of mental recognition and publishing success.

The world is ready to listen to you if you are progressive with the New Age of Aquarius and promising future. Many souls born in March will be in intellectual demand, joining groups willing to listen and learn from them. Progressive associations and great opportunities will knock at your door. Pisces is a karmic sign totally dedicated to helping others, but it is by swimming upstream against the established deceptive teachings that real success and salvation will  comes about. Adapting to the Universal Law of the Moon (see 2013 Moon Power), will help you swim up stream and synchronize perfectly and accordingly with the Cosmic Code jurisdictions. Remember this work, while proven accurate is dedicated to serve the reader objectively only.

Important note: This material is generated for the mass only and does not imply the complexity of a lengthy private session with Dr. Turi. The Dragon Forecast for those born in March, while proven accurate, is dedicated to serve the reader minimally and objectively. A simplified personal reading: “Full Adult Personal Report,” is an inexpensive and good start for you if unable to afford a “Full Life Reading.” Go to for a full in-depth description of services provided.

JUPITER LUCKY TOUCH – In 2013 and all the way to February 2014, the great beneficial planet Jupiter (luck/expansion/protection/ traveling/foreigners/studying) will be cruising though a few signs starting with Gemini until June 26th, 2013. Then on this date, the planet of luck will move and stay into the sign of Cancer in your 5th house of love, romance and speculations until July 19th 2014. You will then become a magnet for foreign people and feel like studying with them. Jupiter’s luck will benefit you drastically by the house and signs for which the transit is taking place in. However, it is only through a professional, personal taped VIP consultation that the full impact of this great planet can be fully and accurately explained.

Being at the right place, at the right time, has a lot to do with your progress in terms of lucky breaks and opportunities … Jupiter will help provide those breaks. If you decide to move, the knowledge found in Astro-Carto- Graphy would become a serious help to your success (or your failure) in the new chosen location. Most of all, my latest discovery on “Your 12 months “Personal Lucky/Unlucky Dragon Window Dates” will become a major contribution for being at the right place at the right time. Keep this service in mind and give it a try — it works!


To make it simpler for the reader to understand currently the Dragon’s Head is right into the 9th house of Joel Osteen and forcing a REBIRTH or his psyche pertaining to the codification of thoughts or religions. He is forced by the dragon to RE-evaluate ALL that he was forced to accept as truth – This is why Christian undergo what you call  “Born again Christian” but this time Joel was forced out of the negative push of his Pisces Sun sign and started his journey upstream.

Like million of others cosmic unconscious souls on earth strongly advised to get a copy of my book “2013 Nostradamus Dragon Forecast” and be prepared for its powerful impact upon their lives and fate… Meantime Joel need to follow a true master of the Divine and with God will he will read and understand more on his Godly Divinity. Thus if you are one of the thousands of  Joel Osteen followers and feel my cosmic energy, learn from it and forward him my teachings please.

Watch this little video and do not be mad at the world either, instead help me with your positive thoughts because thoughts are things that changes the world…

Magi Ptolemaeus

If you are not happy its because you do not live your destiny! God gave human the stars and the heavens for interpretations so you may lead a safer more productive life!

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi

CNN report – In a statement released on his website (, which appeared stripped down and bare, he said he has been questioning the faith for a long time. “I believe now that the Bible is a fallible, flawed, highly inconsistent history book that has been altered hundreds of times. There is zero evidence the Bible is the holy word of God,” said Osteen.

The reaction across the Christian world ranged from shock to grief to anger. “I can’t believe it,” said Jolene McCormack, of Austin, Texas, “he’s the last person I would expect to defect to atheism.”

Some of his parishioners at his Lakewood, Texas area megachurch expressed anger. “We’ve given him so much, and now he’s leaving us?” said Jim Burger, 65, a ten-year member of the church. “We won’t stand for it.”

In recent months, Osteen had demonstrated a willingness to deviate from Christian doctrine, often peppering his sermons with “New Age” references and at one point calling himself “God”.

The incident occurred in February and created a local uproar. Halfway through his morning Sunday service he dropped to his knees and began crying, and then announced, “I am God! I am just as much a God as our Lord is!” The 10,000 members in attendance appeared stunned. Osteen later released an apology, and blamed the outburst on a lack of sleep due to his busy travel schedule.

With Osteen’s departure, the church is left with a gaping hole in its leadership. A press release prepared by the church claimed Osteen is experiencing a “mental breakdown” and seemed to suggest they are unwilling to accept his resignation. “We won’t put up with this,” a congregation leader said off the record. “This guy’s made millions off of us, we’re not going to let him just take our money. We know his net worth is in upwards of $50 million.”

In the church parking lot on Sunday, a crowd gathered to hold a prayer vigil. “We’ll pray for him. He’s come under the influence of the Devil,” said Margaret Samson, a twelve-year member of the church. “We will go on. But we need him. We can’t do this without him.”

Note that our main site, due to heavy traffic, is experiencing intermittent lapses in service. You may read Pastor Joel’s full statement here.

Please pass on this crucial newsletter to all the people you know…

Thank you


Dr. Turi

Levi York Channeling Cosmic Anttarr

 Dear Readers:

Yesterday I went fishing for a few hours and to my surprise this huge duck came very close to say hello to me. I feed him with some catfish food and took a few pictures of him.  Now remember there are NO accidents, anything unusual that happens to you is a “omen” sent directly by God/your subconscious and there is always a message in it.  So what is the message here with this friendly duck?

Birds are Mercurial in nature and this planet means communication, transportation, books, magazine, photography, passing on the news and rules the sign of Gemini. Yes George Noory, Art Bell, Mike Broomhead  at KFYI in Phoenix are all  the parrots ” Messengers of the Gods” and work on the radio.  Thus this is an obvious Mercurial omen which I will now translate for my readers…. Enjoy!

On April 10th 2013, Terania and I will be on the way to Hollywood Florida looking for a new house and get a feeling for this state. While we could easily fly there we decided to take the 2200 miles long road trip and take some pictures all along. Yes you are a VIP thus you will travel and share the full trip with us. I may not be able to write as much because I will mix work and pleasure in a break well deserved.

Macho and Draco will stay behind to guard the house, the security system will be on 24/7 and my good friend Manfred will check on everything and the dogs every couples of days.

I love fishing and boating and we are ready for a new life in Florida and I can already see my self walking the boardwalk with Terania and my big dogs… I can see myself swimming with my little family enjoying my semi retired life. Life is a constant process of changes  and your natal or hidden dragon will, every 10 years or so enforce those dramatic changes. In fact February 12, 2014 the Universal Dragon will take a trip through the sign of Aries which happens to be my own dragon head, producing a  “mutual reception” of my natal Dragon meeting with the Universal Dragon  after a full 12/24 year cycle.  As a rule this is a life changing experience and knowing Terania is also an Aries, her April 10th upcoming birthday will be also memorable.  I am sure she will get tons of emails of appreciation to thanks you in the process,  even if we have to share the laptop for 2 weeks or so.

I will try to do my regular radio show from my cellphone, if we get a signal and this should be close to Dallas TX where we may spend the night. Because I won’t be able to drive and talk, Terania will do the show and its going to be a very different one, let me tell you more…

Many years ago when I was living in San Diego, my good friend Owen (also a Gemini) introduced me to a gentlemen named Levi Longfellow and told me he was a very special man! Levi is now dead and the memories of his spirit and unfinished mission are still very close to my heart.  Owen wanted me to experience a “reading” from him and I told him that unless I did his stars and check on his UCI I would not proceed because there are too many cosmic unconscious charlatans out there who can not differentiate foolish imagination with divine information.

Levi was, like Terania born with a Dragon’s Tail (past lives) in Aquarius (the weird genius) and knowing this I felt comfortable enough to let him channel a ET entity named “Antarr.”  I did not have much expectations to tell you the truth but I decided to trust Owen’s judgement and we finally met in his house in San Diego, California.

The guy was very weird, in fact he was gay and a replica of Marilyn Monroe we spoke for a while and I was wondering what the hell I was doing with him/her… Then time came for my session, Levi took a few deep breathes and in a few second snapped into a very deep trance.  I thought he was making it all up and will soon realize all this is a total waste of time, but I was on for a very serious shock!

Not only his facial expression changed but his voice got much deeper as he channeled information from a far away entity… In no way would Levi know anything about me, my mission and  my deep connection the stars and UFO. I could not believe a weirdo gay guy like him would be able to pin point all about me and my fate in less than 20 minutes. I was in shock and it took me quite a while to get my senses back to normal!  Owen was smiling and his face was saying “I told you so, now do you believe me?”

I saw Levi a few more times on a few occasions over the years and only a few months before his death he spent a night in my house in Phoenix. He left the next day with Owen and he also left me with his Levis jacket… I did not know it was the last time I saw him alive and when I wanted to return his jacket after his death Owen said to me keep it, he left it there for you…

To me Levi was a true genius, directly connected from his Aquarius Dragon’s Tail to the cosmic divine and the ET’s who used him as a channel for humanity. But like all Aquarius Tail, reaching and using correctly the famous Leo Head is a serious challenge. During his short life on earth, Levi found every possible excuses not to aim for the stage of fame and light… The fact is Levi channeling would have make the top guest of George Noory, including myself look like a child… His messages, divinity and channeled words are indeed from another plane of consciousness.

The problem is Levi’s crucial messages and mission is left unfinished and after talking with Owen I felt Terania and her wonderful soothing voice would be the perfect new channel to introduce Anttarr’ spirit to the world. Because Terania owns also an Aquarius Dragon’s Tail I feel Anttarr is also in need of “relocation” so he, through Terania and Levi’s spiritual legacy can keep offering his cosmic divinity and crucial messages to the world.

Thus Terania will spend one full hour on  Wednesday  reading “The Forbidden Gift” on the Cosmic Code radio show  to introduce you all to Anttarr’s cosmic spirit. All you have to do is to listen carefully and if you like what you hear please email your feedback to

I feel that Terania will grow with Anttarr’ spirit in the long run and this could mean a new spiritual “channeling” direction for her. Remember there are NO accidents, only cosmic circumstances unknown to science and the world at large and these entrancing Aquariuses cosmic tunes may find a new home in Terania’s spirit. We still have decisions to make and directions to take with Owen who owns the right to Levi and Anttarr’s legacy and we only need to launch it, and it seems, after so many years of silence,  the time is now…

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi

Dr. Turi’s Police Predictions

Did drug dealers take out sheriff yes the SCORPIUS DRACONUS DID…


Mingo County Sheriff “Eugene” Crum, shot to death as he sat in his vehicle, had built a reputation for targeting drug dealersFULL STORY

‘Ambush’ killings: What officers fear

 Memo from prediction page 1:  4. A new internal secret financial police will “merge” internationally to better control its citizens business credit cards activities. Expect a full restructure of the police force and a serious increase in civil servant deaths or suicides. Secrets disturbing endeavors from the CIA and the FBI in Russia will come to the light.

Now the question remain readers,  how many cosmic unconscious cops and those in charge of their lives read the 23 set of predictions I generated  on November 15, 2011 for them and the public at large to acknowledge? But the Law Enforcement Administration’s elites are like the 99.09% of the rest of  world COSMIC UNCONSCIOUS and will immediately assume my work is only pseudo-science…  The populous endless facts of all my “visions” using a software are posted daily on CNN and confirm an undeniable gift they still refuse to accept!  Thus if you are a cop or have anyone involved in the Law Enforcement warn them by telling them to read  SCORPIUS DRAGON HAS ARRIVED! AND ALL MY PREDICTIONS POSTED FOR THIS PURPOSE.

 And if you are a cop you must read 

Police Requiem


Considered one of the most violent gangs, the Aryan Brotherhood of Texas is eyed in the murder of Texas prosecutors.

Image: Vegas Gun Battle

Two months of violence in Vegas

Flash Mob Mayhem: Violent Groups Of Teens Leave NYC Businesses In Ruins

Soccer official dies after attack by teenage players

UK children abused by ”grooming gangs”  

See protesters strip over nudity ban vote

11/09/12 – Washington voters approve same-sex marriage

Military wives go topless for PTSD

08/26/12 – ”Go-Topless Day” recognized in cities around the world



Candidate for Mexican congress appears topless on billboards

05/12/12 – Is Canada’s New $20 Bill ‘Pornographic’?

05/10/12 – Hot dog stripper


Occupy wall street?

Back in October – during our first week of shows – we noticed this strange trend: Naked and pregnant women occupy the cover of magazines a lot.


Order your Full Life Reading now, be prepared, be warned!


Memo from previous Moon Power: America, born July 4th 1776, received the Dragon’s Tail on her first house forcing a total re-structure of the real estate where the stock market did experience its highest and lowest levels ever. As always the manipulative corporate world will indeed become richer while poor families will be forced to re evaluate their choice for survival. It has been mortgage or food for some families and many people lost it all.

 But the situation will see serious improvements in the Real Estate market as we move forward into the year 2012/2013/2014. Not everyone lost in this bad economy and those who had savings made a serious bundle investing in the real estate. Large well established corporations bought and sale billions of dollars in the process and much of those real estate deals were kept secret from the struggling tax payers.

Last couple of years as predicted the situation got so bad that the Government had to offer super deals to jump-start the economy to help the working class. The new administration is and will do all in its power to control and interfere against abusive and unconcerned greedy capitalists and will keep trying to stop wealthy corporations to bleed the mass like a citrus.

Note: Predictions posted to the public November 15, 2011

12/01/2012 – Audit of the Federal Reserve Reveals $16 Trillion in Secret Bailouts

Parts of the world did suffer serious food shortage due to mother earth restructuring her entrails.  Expect the worse during the Full and New Moon of January and July 2010 and January 2011 and sad enough many of my visions came to pass with a series of devastating earthquakes, the Gulf of Mexico oil spill and both Asia tsunamis. The Dragon’s Head in Capricorn then did “protect” the most powerful structured organizations *BP and large financial Institutions using the legal system at their advantage to battle the government and keep abusing the less fortunate.

  However Capricorn is a karmic sign and many of those abusive corporations will be forced to the ground and restructure with time. England is a Capricorn country and will see radical changes in power, where many of the members of Royal family will project their true human selves with dramatic experiences.  The Royal family may also suffer death. The man made King/Queen status and its entire snobby privilege selected children will see the beginning of a crumble induced by the humanitarian “all equals” energetic pull of the New Age of Aquarius.


 May and November 2012/2013/2014

 1. Many foreign financial institutions will be forced to “merge”, as to bring more security and peace to their neighboring countries.

 2. Many foreign Governments will “merge” with their secret services as to battle terrorism and piracy.

5/14/2012 – Yemen plot exposes new world of U.S. spying

1/7/12 Iran praises U.S. rescue of Iranians sailors

3. Many foreign Mobs organizations will “merge”, to promote sex/drug trafficking and gang violence. Expect more deadly news as the criminal will get bolder and deadlier. Many powerful police and government officials”s identities and wrong doings will be divulged.

5/15/2012 – Who”s behind the 49 decapitated bodies found by roadside?

 4. A new internal secret financial police will “merge” internationally to better control its citizens business credit cards activities. Expect a full restructure of the police force and a serious increase in civil servant deaths or suicides. Secrets disturbing endeavors from the CIA and the FBI in Russia will come to the light.

A manhunt is underway for Christopher Jordan Dorner, 33, a former Los Angeles police.

L.A. police look for ex-cop suspected in shootings

Third attempt kills former Mexican mayor – May God Bless Your Courageous Soul!

Source: Saudi diplomat killed in Yemen

 Top Lebanese intelligence official killed in Beirut bombing

FBI official killed in Beirut bombing – Predicted!

 5. Many large established religious Corporations will be audited and forced to secretively “merge” to avoid bankruptcy. More sexual covered secrets will come to light in time and the responsible will be punished. The fact is with thousands of sexual abuse cases not one bishop, archbishop or cardinal has been fired or disciplined. This will change as Pluto offers serious wake up while bringing Vatican secrets to light.

 6. Many large financial Corporations will be forced to reevaluate their deceptive maneuvers and methodology. Expect a merging of old and new banks to survive their own financial implosions. New banks, new names, new opportunities and new credit cards technology will flourish after the collapse. A new ID system and secret technology produced and sold to unaware consumers will make privacy totally impossible.

Updated 02/11/2012 – SCARY REALITY! 

 7. Many large financial established foreign financial Corporations will be forced to expose their accumulated wealth and will be audited. Many will end up in jail or flea on to new foreign ground trying to avoid justice.

8. The government and the public at large will be forced to acknowledge many secrets including the reality of the UFO phenomenon. Fear will increase to a higher level from the unaware mass.

9. Many large financial banking Corporations, including the IRS itself, will be forced to implode and suffer their own restructure. Expect much secrets and abuses to surface from the IRS. New laws will be written to protect the IRS auditing its own self.

Note: Predictions posted to the public November 15, 2011

01/07/2012 –  IRS comes up $385 billion short

10. Many large established religious Corporations and cults, (Mormonism, Scientology etc.), will be audited and forced into paying back taxes. Mass suicide / killing is expected from abusive leaders influencing  lost religiously poisoned  souls making up those groups during my upcoming “SOS To The World Windows.”

Read The Truth Behind Christmas Spirit and Nostradamus” Vatican Predictions

11. A sexual disease will kill many and be conquered and replaced by a new one. Sex will become more preeminent on television where more dysfunctional programs will offer fame to criminals.  The entire porn industry will also be forced to restructure where murder, shame and abuse of children will become public. More and more concerned groups will expose the danger of promiscuous sex and the abuse of drugs. A new thirst for mystery, death, drama, the occult will plague humanity while many famous people will fall into sexual lure, disgrace and suicide.

Updated: 3/26/13 – Another of DT prediction for 2013/14:

Check it out at:…



“11. A sexual disease will kill many and be conquered and replaced by a new one.” Update – 08/23/2012 – HIV-like illness affecting Asians  HIV-like illness affecting Asians

Update – 6/6/2012 – Gonorrhea is now a superbug

12. Anything and everything dealing with death, secrets, decomposition, reincarnation, sex, metaphysics  the police and re-birthing the spirit will be the focus of humanity’s attention. I also see an explosion of new security services using advanced technology to stop any forms of terrorism.  

Update – 8/15/2012 -Cameras watch your every move  Cameras watch your every move

Religious traditions will not be trusted or followed and on its way out due to many more sexual and financial disgraceful exposures right from the clergy top.  A new form of sexual energy will bring an upsurge of serial killers where those born in April and October will be targeted and become the victims or the perpetrators.

Note if your rising, moon, natal or hidden Dragon is in the axis Scorpio/Taurus you will also be directly afflicted by the new Dragon. My Book “2012 Nostradamus Personal Dragon Forecast For All Signs.”  will bring you all the predictions and crucial information you need.

13. All souls born in November and May will be forced into a painful / liberating restructure where emotional of business relationships will start or come to an abrupt end.

14. The Tail of Dragon, (negative) in Taurus (financial infrastructure), will drastically “subconsciously”affects the US population and many others penalized foreign countries residents. A financial war will precede a war where Iranian people and Leaders will be killed at home. All  Scorpius countries including Russia and India will be forced to “die” and experience a rebirth as to fit with an ever changing world and its new generation.

15. The Dragon’s Tail, (tough) in Taurus (general security), will keep bringing internalunrest in France, Italy, Russia, Japan, the UK, China and the US.  Russia is a target of the Dragon and its police will be forced into a full restructure. This prediction was made in June 2006 and re-printed each years including my 2011 Moon Power and reflects my vision of the current“US Internal Revolution” and many other countries that is spreading internationally. 

Update August 19, 2012 – Suicide bomber kills 7 at funeral in Russia

Watch this video

“”The outcome is very clear. The court works for the police; the tax bureau also works for thepolice; the police is becoming a superpower in China…

16. The Dragon’s Tail, (negative) in Taurus (banking industry), will bring about dramatic results to countries suffering unrest and wars where starvation and death will vex caring societies. Secret mass graves and atrocities will become public.

17. The Dragon’s Head in Scorpio, (police/local governments), will force the police itself to realize its own limits of power as to avoid its own collapse.  Serious internal/external police abuses / secrets will make the news and direct public challenges will kill many police officers. Many police Chiefs /FBI/CIA executives will be entangled in a secret deal that will bring disgrace and a serious wake up call for all. 2012/2014 could become a death record for the police and many new public Leaders will take on the challenges to bring justice and protection to the people. Many will be found assassinated.

Man dragged by cops dies in custody

Many will be found assassinated?

Third attempt kills former Mexican mayor – May God Bless Your Courageous Soul!

 Top Lebanese intelligence official killed in Beirut bombing

FBI official killed in Beirut bombing – Predicted!

Source: Saudi diplomat killed in Yemen

Boxer Hector Camacho dies after shooting

2 deputies shot in Alabama, 1 killed


Woman: Cops left me topless  Woman: Cops left me topless

Video: Cop beats up man in detox center

Cops brawl with man caught on tape  Cops brawl with man caught on tape

Secret Service member arrested in Fla.

15-year sentence for police chief at heart of Bo Xilai scandal

August 16, 2012 – 2 deputies fatally shot, 2 wounded in Louisiana

Wake Up Call Police?

Officer pistol-whips man, gun goes off

Cops body slam cuffed nurse ground

Sept 3rd, 2012 – CNN Newsroom| September 2, 2012Los Angeles officers were caught on camera tackling a handcuffed woman and then celebrating.

August 13, 2012 – Teen arrest video leads to outrage  Teen arrest video leads to outrage

June 15, 2012 – Kidnapping by Mexican police caught on video

April 2012 – Sex scandal shakes Secret Service

June 2012 – 31 victims ID”d in Air Force sex scandal

Updated April 13, 2012 – NH police chief killed days before retirement

APRIL 6  Sheriff takes convict caddie golfing  Sheriff takes convict caddie golfing – 

APRIL 6 Mthethwa calls for Auditor General investigation 

“Police Minister Nathi Mthethwa has requested the Auditor-General to investigate allegations that renovations at his private house were paid for, as well as a car purchased on his behalf, from a crime intelligence secret service account.”

18. The Dragon’s Head in Scorpio, (corporations), will offer tremendous opportunities to the rich getting richer while secret terrorist groups gain more power aiming for nuclear technology. The urgency will come as a secret/surprise for many unaware people.  Sexual / technological / nuclear secrets coming from the Army and the Navy (or caught spy) will come to the light. Serious possibility of restituting the draft due to foreign power nuclear threats will become a high probability. Nothing will be kept a secret for long and all will b exposed to the public.

01/12/2012 – Russia: U.S. has secret Mars plot Time

19. The Tail of the Dragon in Taurus will force many people to lose all their possessions and bring serious insecurity to the poor. The same very people will demand drastic financial decisions to be taken. Unable to survive many Aesthetic Industries involving top names will declare bankruptcy.  Switzerland and its secrets banks devious maneuvers will be exposed and forced into a full restructure. The Swiss Guard *Vatican banks and security will also be forced into a full restructure.

Note: Predictions posted to the public November 15, 2011

01/04/2012 – Swiss Bank 1.2 billion Fraud 

20. Russia is Scorpio country, expect a full and painful restructure of Russia”s government.Death, fires, murders, secrets to the light and chaos will reign upon the younger generation aiming for freedom and a better way of life.  

Update: 12/9/2011 – Russians plan mass protest for Saturday

Update: 6/12/2012 – Russia protesters demand Putin”s resignation

Update 8/19/2012 – Russia: Pussy Riot found guilty of hooliganism | Why it matters

21. On a positive side, governmental waste and its special interest group of lobbyists and political abuses will seriously decrease watched by a new created internal financial police. On a negative note I see Mexico, Central America becoming a war zone because a total pollution of police power where drug Lords will order more police death. America will have to help and interfere as its borders will become more secure.

01/15/2012  –  CNN – If cartel violence is not contained in Mexico, the drug war could threaten U.S. national security and even survival of the Mexican state.

01/19/2012  –  CNN – Bloodshed in Central America is on the rise as the lucrative drug trade moves to Honduras and Guatemala. CNN goes inside the narco wars in Honduras, where police can”t keep up with the staggering body count.

22. On a positive side, wealthy abusive financial corporation manipulating the laws will be asked to participate in redistribution of wealth.

23. On a positive side, America”s image and security will return when the “Freedom Tower” will become operational in 2014.   If the entire restructure of the financial / legal / educational / religious and political system is not reached before 2015 I see a big war where the US military force will be deeply involved. Then diplomacy will stop the carnage and finally bring the badly needed justice to the world at large.


This Universal order demand abusive power and obvious greed to stop!

ALL corporations that drain countries and people’s resources will be forced to a total financial RESTRUCTURE and a deadly WAR may be the only way to bring sense and stop the abuse inflicted by a wealthy privileged select groups of politicians serving special interest financial groups.

This New Dragon in Capricorn is the beginning stage of the  ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT!

“Expect an explosion of new technological advances with electronic hardware because this will assure our survival. Be ready for witnessing an explosion of UFO activity on earth and outpace too. Many space programs will involve the world community where Japan, France, China and US will lead the way. The year 2012 can and will only bring an option for mankind to realize his spiritual limitation fueled by a new urge for mystical cosmic exploration.

The option to finally hear and see God, as he really is and at work upstairs in the stars, a God they never really knew, a God that was stolen from them and where his real identity will be offered to the world. Humankind will slowly witness the death and rebirth of God himself. A God that resides above in the endless cosmic eternity and not in a man made building. A god that allow everyone on the planet to finally realize his own Divinity and use the Heavenly Celestial power wisely to build a better, wiser, safer humanity.

That”s what this 2012 Golden door is about and everyone walking the planet will be *forced to enter to grow. The imbalance *gap, between the human physical achievements and its spiritual Cosmic awareness is coming to an end and with it the Age of Pisces and its endless religious wars and difference. Yes we are on for a fantastic time where the focus will be outside one”s view, value, religion, race, color and where the Age of Aquarius *brotherhood will begin its two thousands peaceful years reign.

The Cosmic Code chose President Obama, born with an Aquarius Dragon”s Tail *shocking death, and his mission and sacrifice for mankind has its own karmic purpose for the world at large.”

More than ever take a chance on me. And if you did not yet order your 90-mn Full Life Reading and learn about this crucial celestial Dragons move into your own chart because it WILL indeed change your life.  Your very mental or financial survival may well depend on your awareness of the Cosmic Code jurisdictions and how to work in Harmony with the Dragon. Trust me to bring this wisdom.

Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth by means of his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom
 –   Paracelsus

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi


Trump slams N. Korea, China in tweets North Korea War, is it too late?

April 6, 2013


 ”For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice… If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

 ~ Dalai Lama and Dr. Turi

Dear readers;

As of the 1st of the year 2017, I stopped offering predictions and new articles to the public thus I am solely using old articles my new readers may have missed… Remember thousands of those articles  were removed by Google but some are still there if you look for them. All you have to do is to Google “anything and add drturi”  i.e. “Trump drturi” “Pope dr.turi” “nukes dr.turi” etc.

This article was published April 6, 2013 and looking at today’s news “Trump slams N. Korea, China in tweets” my scary visions are in the making! In fact it is not if  but when, with Trump as a President, a nuclear exchange will curse America!  Ciber/Nuke attack only a matter of time! January 2013.

Remember do not mingle my predictive work with politics, its is designed to read the stars and expose famous people, politicians and countries’ fate. Donald Trump President?

Continued to the original article:

 Have you yet noticed the Scorpius Draconis’ deadly power? Humanity is getting its own wake up call and the darkness hour yet to come…

As threats have grown louder, North Korea has told foreign envoys it cannot guarantee their safety if war breaks outFULL STORY

The Scorpius Draconis drama is being played on a personal and domestic level here in the US but the world has been trying to make sense of North Korea’s actions and what it says about its young leader, Kim Jong Un too.  Born with an Aries aggressive dragon’s Tail (negative) the non spiritual West is playing with serious fire.

All will hear my views and voice
Trial and error is my school of choice
Like a dragon, dashing and daring I appear
Fighting for those and all that I hold dear
I am ARIES, child of Mars.

Mars “the Lord of war” rule this sign red (blood) is its color. Note Hitler was also born in April…  American are religious and unwilling to read the signs, thus unable to understand the North Korea leader.

Both the religious and scientific matrixes monopolized all the information and can only breed a population of god fearing religious fanatics or dry “educated” atheists!  Atheists & Christians, A Cosmic God is Really Pissed!

Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac, it is totally immersed in itself and can only learn by making mistakes… The soul is NEW on this dense physical world and does not think too much of the consequences he create because of a lack of judgement fueled by fears or curiosity… 

Much like a child warned by his mother to stay clear from the red hot stove and learn the hard way about fire! 

Aries was born to learn what diplomacy and patience is all about, something  Kim Jong Un’s underdeveloped egocentric nature is oblivious of. And  to make the situation worse, Trump reflect the same fiery dragons shared by Putin and Kim Jong Un! 

None of those powerful Leaders are cosmic conscious and like 99.9% of all the human they lead, wars are inevitable! 

But depraved of Cosmic Consciousness world leaders are NOT reading the signs I see and will soon get a wake up call…  Did you read my warnings and what you are dealing with with Kim Jong Un Plutonic born young soul?

Did you really get my messages about its impact upon NK infrastructures and his people?  Google “Kim Jong Un dr. turi”  if you are not a VIP you may find something worth reading because I do not think the general public is ready for my predictions just yet!

FEARS is what Kim Jong Un FEELS everyday and he nurtured this fear for years and his people are feeding the reptilius evil stage. This is now to a non return point and will get worse as we move into the future!

Of course no one want a nuke war but who’s listening to a Prophet nowadays? There are ways to avoid such tragedy but unless humanity STOPS feeding the reptilius by misusing the Super-conscious right away, in time, my visions will be fulfilled! 

For years on all my radio and TV shows I kept warning millions of people about those nefarious entities agenda and explained how they operate from the heavens above. Yet regardless of my endless requests to share my work, none of those crucial videos became viral and it seems all my famous friends disregard my requests to share my cosmic teachings, my  predictive gift and visions to their audiences… 

Worse, over the years, my Internet enemies’s droppings managed to remove me from all popular medias… It seems nothing can alter the anticipated nuclear war I foresee because no enough people are hearing and helping me to avoid it! 

“For evil to flourish, all that is needed is for good people to do nothing.” – Edmund Burke 

Something has to give around the next New Moon (April 10th)  making the next two following weeks significant for the fate of millions of people around the world…

Updated April 7, 2013 – 

This situation must be diffused before May 2013 or humanity will be forced to acknowledge the full impact of the Scorpius Draconis madness

Pray like you never did before readers and God have mercy on your cosmic unconscious children…

Life is a constant process of changes no one can stop, not even the Pope… A man made god can never be heard especially when no one read or pay attention to the signs…

Update 1/3/17  ‘THE POWER OF LOVE’ Pope Francis, God and terror!

Los Angeles Archbishop Jose Gomez celebrates the midday Mass at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels in recognition of the new pope.

Pope to Vatican: ‘Act decisively’ on sex abuse cases

It seems Pope Francis drive to “clean up” the house was something expected by the Pontiff and the Illuminati who control  and legally protected the many Vatican’s rapists. While a few are in jail a very large number of child molesters are still operational and much more cautious on handling their bestial Plutonic sexual urges and preferences.

 There is no difference between any financial corporations like the Vatican, its the same type of business dedicated to make money from gullible people and those people are mostly made up of cosmic unconscious demented, religiously poisoned bunch of dirty old men.

This is not to say, all men of the robe are dirty but knowing they have easy access to power and children, the majority are perverted and enunciate WHY they decided to become priests and work for the evil of secrets, lies and children sexual abuses.

A Plutonic soul is lead at a very early age anywhere where his hidden, unhealthy sexual urges and exorbitant drive for power, secrecy and privacy can find easy victims. While you will find sexual predictors in any business, the “Church Inc.” dictate it is the perfect place and why most of the cases are from this Neptunian, deceptive institution.

Neptune is the supreme ruler of all religions and the essence of imagination including faith. Knowing Neptune rules ALL religious establishments, anything and everything confined, such as churches, temples, synagogues  asylum, hospitals, jails where  secrecy, drugs, lies, deception, madness and alcohol reign there is no wonder why so many lost souls looking for God through Neptunian born priests found pure evil instead.

The dark life of serial killer and sex offender Jeffrey Dahmer reflects what a true born Neptunian is all about, sad enough the police elites and our cosmic unconscious science are far from developing a healthy spiritual curiosity and make a good use of Astropsychology wonders.

 Jeffrey Dahmer was born in Milwaukee on May 21, 1960 with a natal Dragon’s Tail (negative) in Pisces (Neptunian.)  He killed his first murder victim, Steven Hicks, with a blow to the head in 1978. Dahmer killed 17 men, molesting some of them, between 1978 to 1991. Once caught, he was sentenced to 15 consecutive life terms in 1992. On November 28, 1994, Dahmer was murdered by fellow prisoner Christopher Scarver.

I gathered a lot of famous and infamous people’s lives and fate and explained their natal dragons in “The Power Of The Dragon” and this book should be mandatory in all our colleges and universities. Doing so science would finally be able to re-kindle with the spirit instead of assuming my work is only pseudo-science.

 But there is still a long way to go with so many assuming born morons out there and will not hesitate to display their latent UCI to the world!  Its easy to write a few nonsensical words on FB than to work 45 years to uncover the working of the human mind and publish a 525 page book loaded with divine information those lazy pin heads born need to read!

 Dean Hovey commented on your link.
Dean wrote: “It seems the Know-Nothings are everywhere.”

As long as Neptune is allowed its deceptive cosmic fluid to enrich the billions of religiously poisoned empty heads making up the vast majority of the moronic mass , the born smart can only watch in dismay the depletion of the human spirit into numbness oblivion…

There is no difference between a screaming supremely emotional teen watching his idol or a brainless adult adoring another cosmic unconscious human being who was elected to represent God on earth. Especially when none of the Popes ever could make a good use of the signs or see God’s celestial divinity in action!  But has any of the elected Popes so far been able to make sense to what the Bible said with this sentence?

“I will speak to you, you won’t hear me, I will present myself to you, you won’t see me?” 

“And God created the stars and the heavens to be used as signs?”

“There are specific Universal Laws designed by God – Consciousness – is the awareness of a divine cosmic  power and use it wisely to build emotional, financial and spiritual stability!”

Dr. Turi

The new Age of Aquarius is slowly taking over 200 years of Neptunian madness  because the horrible picture below is a reflection of the tragedy plaguing humanity and its innocent children. How can you NOT react looking at those pictures knowing they are currently BILLIONS of innocent children under the full Plutonic control of their cosmic unconscious parents?

Can you for a second imagine how any of those mentally abused children feels? What type of sub-human soul would inflict such pain to a family member? And you think you are safe here in the US readers?

No you are not as long as the worse manifestation of the planets Neptune (religions/deception) and Pluto (drama/death)  are allowed to reign, deceive and abuse the adults!

“In a world where leaders assign themselves to religious archaic convictions and trust its infantile scientific community only extreme stupidity can plague the rest of humanity.”

Dr. Turi


A 17-year-old girl from Pakistan who shouldn’t be alive!

Honor killing?

 But as much as the human body needs physical food the spirit also need its daily dose of spiritual food, and humanity MUST acknowledge that its spirit has been hijacked and poisoned for too long! A new spiritual “cosmic” healthy food  is now poring from the heavens as humanity is raising its psychical perception to the divine and God celestial manifestation.

But erasing 2000 years of mental manipulation and replacing it with true cosmic fluid is a gargantuan task consuming my entire life… But I am making progress because an endless chain of new cosmic coders who have asked for the truth were lead to the Cosmic Code website to drink at the source of cosmic wisdom.  

My website is now public and free (JOIN THE THOUSANDS OF SMART PEOPLE)   finally able to perceive the light…

Those people were like you, once upon a time scared but they took a chance to uncover the truth and asked God for divine directions. Their curiosity paid off as and he led so many of you to the Cosmic Code website were I prepare you for a future we can mold using the Supra-conscious creative forces properly.

No we are not doomed because humanity has yet to uncover the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thoughts…  “Dr Turi Beyond 2012.”

This world has fallen to the deepest quick sands of deception where chaos and murders reign, a world where children kill their own mothers and execute other innocent children! And you are afraid of going to HELL?

No you already are in hell, in your own fears, your own spiritual ignorance your mishandling of those cosmic forces making human so deadly  by behaving worse than wild animals who have to kill to survive.

See the world you are in? see the world you created with your religions? see the hell you are so afraid of?  What are you waiting for now, for your government, educational, scientific or religious organizations to free your spirit and offer you salvation?

YOU ARE DREAMING if you think this mass of cosmic unconscious elites in position of power will be able to make real changes… Remember they are the ones who RAPED your children in the first place! Taking your guns away, over medicating yourselves and sending you to over populated jails is all you can expect from them if you do not commit suicide before…

Son of Pastor Rick Warren commits suicide, family says

  Someone must be right! –  Son of Pastor Rick Warren commits suicide, family says

dr. turi

“Because they are seeing, they see not; and hearing, they hear not; neither do they understand the voice of heaven.” – Matthew 13.13



This is how we can stop the reptilius and give our children the crucial cosmic wisdom they need to understand themselves and all other human beings and avoid future wars!

Prophecy & the Cosmic Code with Dr. Louis Turi –  Feedback
The purpose is in the stars!

“You have reached a golden door between the past and the future. Keep seeking, you are not lost but what you are looking for has not yet been found by science.”  Dr. Turi

Join us and blessings to all our readers.

Dr. Turi

Check how those 2017 SHOCKING stars will affect you and those you care personally in this upcoming crazy cosmic dance? Knowing all about those celestial winds will allow you to be ready and prepare for the changes a cosmic God has imposed upon the world, America and all its children…

2017 Nostradamus Personal and Universal Forecast
The Most Accurate Psychic Since Nostradamus
Dr. Turi on William Shatner’s Show
 Discovery Channel – Dr. Turi’s Predictions

Dr. Turi’s readings:
