The FBI and the Dept of Homeland Security Failure

 ”For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice… If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

~ Dalai Lama and Dr. Turi


  Warning to The FBI – Dr. Turi and Christopher Dorner

A manhunt is underway for Christopher Jordan Dorner, 33, a former Los Angeles police.

L.A. police look for ex-cop suspected in shootings

Los Angeles (CNN) — A former Los Angeles cop who had allegedly warned he would target law enforcement in retribution for being fired is now suspected of shooting three officers early Thursday, killing one, authorities said.

Dear Readers:

This is where and why only a  few days ago I again  “harassed” and blasted all FBI websites with “Kill All FBI Agents Now” hoping they would take the time to read another of my provocative newsletters. I will reach for them all over again today, hoping for the executives to finally realize this deadly Scorpius Dragon is aiming for them directly! Sarai Sierra WAS the latest victim of a long series of cosmic unconscious souls who paid the ultimate price. All you have to do is to Google  ‘victims of the Scorpius Dragon Dr. Turi'”  or anything else you are looking for and  one of my articles dedicated to the FBI will pop up!

This deadly  Scorpius Dragon is plaguing this world since August 2nd 2012 and now Dorner, 33 is its new target! I warned you so many times in previous newsletters that this phenomenon would become much worse and to expect more dramatic news…I was right again!

Back in 2011, in my 2012/2014 predictions I wrote…


Prediction  # 4.  A new internal secret financial police will “merge” internationally to better control its citizens business credit cards activities. Expect a full restructure of the police force and a serious increase in civil servant deaths or suicides. Secrets disturbing endeavors from the CIA and the FBI in Russia will come to the light.

If you take the time to scroll down and read the 22 set of predictions I made last year,  I am offering the FBI and all the skeptics no chances for denying the truth as I update this page regularly! but how many cops did so and now that I am again offering yet another unarguable proof of my “UFO predictive legacy” will they? This Dragon is relentless readers and the more you know about it the less chances you are to become part of the statistics!

‘Tomorrow it could be our families’

This week’s tourist rape case in Mexico is a sharp reminder of the country’s struggles with violence, and what the government and residents are doing about it.

Without Cosmic Consciousness there is NOTHING that the government, the mind experts, the police or the public can do but READ MY WARNINGS! and pass it on to those involved in the police force… In fact in my last night “Cosmic Code radio show” I gave more predictions and explanation on the deadly impact of this Scorpius Dragon. If you want to know more and if you are a cop, for your safety you should, simply listen to the February 6 archives. And if you are a new cop coming to my work, read what your compatriots are saying about my work and I! ITS THERE FOR YOU!

Do not expect your superiors to worry about you coming back home safe and sound to your family after your shift, they are not curious enough to realize my gift and how I can save the lives of so many police officers. Thus join them all in the cosmic code website for FREE by emailing me at dr.

Regardless how skeptic you are, please do not behave like your superiors, be curious, we are talking about your life now! Take some of your precious time to read this newsletter all the way to the end, do not assume anything, I promise you will learn something very valuable if you do! Most of all pass it on to all the courageous public servants you know and give them a chance to be warned and comeback home safely!

What you are witnessing is the end result and the product of science, education and religions and its impact upon our degrading society! Omitting God’s celestial rules can only bring heavy penalty when the cosmic flux is removed from humanity’s spirit. In fact science and religions have lost the  essence of the spirit while a myriad of  dysfunctional entertainment television  shows traps and numbs humanity! Thus all you can do is building more churches and pray for God’s protection, build more scientific laboratories to find the responsible “genes” creating more obnoxiousness with reality shows and build more sport buildings…OMG! in what a young world did I land on?

What about helping me to produce The Cosmic Code reality show and start bringing some sense and the spirit of God back to this lost world? But who’s going to give me $100.000 I need to do so?  I guess God has a plan for me and all I can do is pray, wait and hope before its too late for humanity.

Meantime the “Death Wish Generation” kids or those born with Pluto (death/power/sex/passion) in in own sign in Scorpio (death/power/sex/passions/) will be allowed to grow without a chance to be cosmically educated and control the supreme emotions which usually express itself at or around puberty! Judge flips out after getting flipped off –

This born “unlawful” teen is one of the lucky ones, Adam Lanza and so many others killers did not have any chances at all.  Under the wrong cosmic circumstances or one of their  “Personal Unlucky Window Dates” the build up pressure became much to much to handle/control and simply exploded!

Your current society is turning your children into monsters readers, and your elites and educated experts are the sole responsible. They are all cosmic unconscious adults who can not enter the archetypal realm of consciousness and ridicule my lifetime work! “An Act Of God” Children Born Killer? – “The Universe IS a Giant Brain”  – ” In Memory of The Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting Victims

All I have is a few hundreds thousands of people reading and understanding my work while those who need it the most are the envious unconscious young souls, the religious poisoned, or its opposition made up of educated scientists born skeptics, agnostics, atheists  and always ready to hurt my integrity and silence the voice of wisdom…

Anonymous – “your problem is that you only THINK you are in a position to do so, when in reality, if anyone took you seriously, then that can only retard their growth in anything..”

This is your world readers, where the evil of ignorance, disrespect, and fear reign supreme and where your children are growing… If you are like me from the “Baby Boom Generation” you deeply understand my concerns for we lived such a different life! The fact is the “Baby Buster Generation” is already in power and soon in charge of this world. This generation is made up with kids born with Pluto (fanaticism) in Virgo ( the Virgin Mary.”


virgo star sign

Mercury Governs the Precise and Critical Constellation Of Virgo

Cleansing impurities large and small
Don”t think yourself immune, for I see all
Attending to every chore and task
Perfection being all that I ask
I am VIRGO, child of Mercury.


 KFYI Mike Broomhead and Abortion

 Scepter from  my book “The Power of the Dragon” wisdom on ALL generations.

Pluto’s Impact On Generations – Past ~ Present ~ Future

As long as man rejects, either by ignorance or fear of ridicule, the deep message of the Creator, no real progress will ever be made in the understanding of what it means to be human. Over 7,000 children are committing suicide in the U.S. every year, and this number is growing drastically with more and more tens of thousands committing serious crimes. Our society tries to fix the problem by building more prisons or hiring more policemen. This did not and will not work. This is also a sure indication of the miserably failing psychological and educational fields. Children and adults alike must regenerate their spirit or simply die trying.

Pluto, the planet of life and death (regeneration principle), is in charge of each generation. The awareness of its Universal jolt must be understood by all, especially the teachers. If we are to save many of our  “death wish generation” children and stop them killing themselves in schools, something must be done soon.




In Memory of The Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting Victims


Pluto in Virgo: “Baby Buster Generation” – Pluto, then moved into the puritanical sign of Virgo (health) from 1957 to 1971. This generation is the next to take governmental power. This age group is fanatic about nature, perfection, work, and health. Smokers have already suffered the impact of this “Baby Buster Generation”;  as this generation must upgrade health and perfection in our society. Unlike Leo (life), Virgo is dry and sterile thus, fewer babies were produced during this era. Since Pluto entered the sign of Virgo, facilities for health programs and exercises boomed to satisfy a crowd that craved fitness. The health businesses (body/mind/tools) have started and are still booming with Pluto in Virgo. They are banning smokers from restaurants and public places; and voted the .40 cent tobacco tax increase in California, twice.

On a more positive note, this age group will fight hard to preserve nature, animals and the remainder of the rain forest. Computers and microchips were developed by this generation and their “electronic war/Patriot Missiles” as seen in Operation Desert Storm, was deadly accurate. Their ideal is very pure in thought and action, but this generation must guard against Pluto’s (fanaticism) subtle power for “perfection.” If the power of Pluto in Virgo is exaggerated, it becomes as deadly as the poison, they try so hard to avoid.

Many of these souls will lose their lives by being too concerned with health (anorexia, hypochondria); turning rapidly to vegetarian diets thus, upsetting their naturally weak digestive tracts. They must understand that cats and dogs were born with strong claws and long sharp teeth to tear apart raw flesh and crush bones, as intended by nature. While cows, horses, lambs, etc. are herbivores and were designed by God with flat teeth and three stomachs to eat only “salad” as ruminants.  We are none of those, we are Omnivorous and must eat meat in moderation. A good friend of mine’s daughter, has turned her dog into a vegetarian. The poor animal is now forced into a vegetarian diet and shows the extreme power of Pluto (fanaticism) in Virgo (health).

We must eat meat as a vigilant balance for our sensitive metabolism. Some souls who are overwhelmed by Pluto are too crazy for carbohydrates; they are also protein paranoid. Some starve themselves after 6:00 p.m. Others take their heart rates much too seriously. Some have a penchant for pain, and more are victims of the fat-burning syndrome. Worst of all for women is the weight lifting dilemma. It is, genetically speaking, impossible for a woman to take on a man’s physical power, and no matter how hard they try, they will never look like Arnold Schwarzenegger. Because of the inborn critical attitude and a strong desire for health and perfection, those natural “puritans” won’t find someone good enough for them, and many will end up alone, in the game of love.

 Those of You Born  1930 – 1979

TO ALL THE KIDS WHO SURVIVED THE  1930’s, 40’s, 50’s, 60’s and 70’s!

We are the Pluto in Leo: “The Baby Boom Generation” – When Pluto moved from Cancer (security/home) to Leo (love/life/children) from 1938 to 1957, the world experienced WWII. As Leo rules children, thousands of young souls, between the age of 18 and 25 years of age were killing each other, in many places of the world. Then, just after the war, the world finally was at peace and experienced a re-birth of its population. Responding subconsciously to the power of the stars, the unaware US masses called the phenomenon “The Baby Boom Generation.” Leo (Sun) rules love, romance, children, the arts, and freedom. The 50’s and 60’s were good examples of the love and freedom-oriented attitudes; with hippie music and drugs (Wood stock) that plagued this generation. Pluto rules sex, and Leo children became a free, sexually oriented generation. Jimmy Hendrix’s fate (sex, drugs, and rock-and-roll) is a good example of his natal Pluto in Leo, that ultimately got the best of him.

First, we survived being born to mothers who smoked and/or drank while they were Pregnant. They took aspirin, ate blue cheese dressing, tuna from a can and didn’t get tested for diabetes.

Then after that trauma, we were put to sleep on our tummies in baby cribs covered with bright colored lead-base paints. We had no childproof lids on medicine bottles, locks on doors or cabinets and when we rode our bikes, we had baseball caps not helmets on our heads.

As infants & children, we would ride in cars with no car seats, no booster seats, no seat belts, no air bags, bald tires and sometimes no brakes.

Riding in the back of a pick-up truck on a warm day was always a special treat. We drank water from the garden hose and not from a bottle. We shared one soft drink with four friends, from one bottle and no one actually died from this.

We ate cupcakes, white bread, real butter and bacon, we drank Kool-Aid made with real white sugar. And, we weren’t overweight. WHY? Because we were always outside playing…that’s why!
We would leave home in the morning and play all day, as long as we were back when the streetlights came on.

No one was able to reach us all day. And, we were O.K. We would spend hours building our go-carts out of scraps and then ride them down the hill, only to find out we forgot the brakes. After running into the bushes a few times, we learned to solve the problem.

We did not have Playstations, Nintendo’s and X-boxes. There were no video games, no 150 channels on cable, No video movies or DVD’s, no surround-sound or CD’s, no cell phones, No personal computers, no Internet and no chat rooms. WE HAD FRIENDS and we went outside and found them!

We fell out of trees, got cut, broke bones and teeth and there were no lawsuits from these accidents. We ate worms and mud pies made from dirt, and the worms did not live in us forever.

We were given BB guns for our 10th birthdays, made up games with sticks and tennis balls and, although we were told it would happen, we did not put out very many eyes.

We rode bikes or walked to a friend’s house and knocked on the door or rang the bell, or just walked in and talked to them. Little League had tryouts and not everyone made the team. Those who didn’t had to learn to deal with disappointment. Imagine that!!

The idea of a parent bailing us out if we broke the law was unheard of.  They actually sided with the law!
These generations have produced some of the best risk-takers, problem solvers and inventors ever.

The past 50 years have been an explosion of innovation and new ideas. We had freedom, failure, success and responsibility, and we learned how to deal with it all.

If YOU are one of them? CONGRATULATIONS! You might want to share this with others who have had the luck to grow up as kids, before the lawyers and the government regulated so much of our lives for our own good .

While you are at it, forward it to your kids so they will know how brave and lucky their parents were. Kind of makes you want to run through the house with scissors, doesn’t it ?

The quote of the month is by Jay Leno: 

“With hurricanes, tornado  fires out of control, mud slides, flooding, severe thunderstorms tearing up the country from one end to another, and with the threat of swine flu and terrorist attacks. Are we sure this is a good time to take God out of the Pledge of Allegiance?’

For those that prefer to think that God is not watching over us.. ..go ahead and delete this. For the rest of us…pass this on. A Small Prayer!

God determines who walks into your life…’s up to you to decide who you let walk away, who you let stay, and who you refuse to let go. I need this back. If you’ll do this for me, I’ll do it for you.

When there is nothing left but God, that is when you find out that God is all you need. Take 60 seconds and give this a shot! All you do is simply say the following small prayer for the person who sent you this.

Father, God bless my friend in whatever it is that You know they may need this day!And may their life be full of your peace, prosperity, and power as he/she seeks to have a closer relationship with you.


 Even though that, like me this Scorpius Dragon is forcing you to also “die” you  MUST be ready for a painful rebirth and I want you with me when we emerge higher, wiser and stronger that’s all…Make your affordable payment choice or get a taste of my gift with a 90 mn taped Full Life Reading.

“For evil to flourish, all that is needed is for good people to do nothing.”

– Edmund Burke

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi

Undeniable UFO Legacy

 ”For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice… If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

~ Dalai Lama and Dr. Turi

Dear Readers;

To demonstrate the media the undeniable UFO legacy gift I own, last week in “February 2013 Daily Guidance and Predictions” newsletter, I posted a sample of the news before ending up on CNN page.  Note also the dates of February 2,3, 4 where broadcasted on Jeffery “Church of Mabus radio” at the very beginning where I asked the host and his audience to write them down!  If you are a skeptic or a scientist, all you have to do is to listen to this show for 1  minute to prove my claim. Those dates were also announced on my own radio show and tonight I will offer you more predictions and do mini readings.  Pick your reading if you want to know your future! and join us live tonight on the Cosmic Code radio show.

 I also wrote…

“Before going further here are the two  upcoming “SOS to the world windows” using Nostradamus methodology, quatrains and keywords. MAKE NOTE!”


  February 7/8/9

 Entrails Upset Spit Above
Red Fire Wind Water To Dance
Stars Command Shock Science
Calm Deception To Strike


Cosmos News / Nuke / Weird news / Surprises / Explosions / Shocking / lightning / Humanitarianism / Discovery / Earthquakes / Volcanoes / Tornadoes / NASA / Aeronautics / Technology / UFO.

Note they are 3 more days to go, thus I will update this newsletter so you can comeback and get more proofs of my claim. Also for the newcomers to my work, I understand earthquakes happen everyday! However  my SOS To The World Windows/quatrains/keywords are for earthquakes above 6.0  with the potential of creating tsunami. I mentioned BOTH in the on Jeffery “Church of Mabus radio” – I did exactly the same with ” Predictions for November & December 2012!” in the Roxy Lopez radio show and will do the same again soon in ” Dr. Turi on Air with Jonah Bolt of Starseed Energy Radio – February 9, 2013.” Go to my radio page for all my future radio show!

  • Thus skeptics, NO its not everyday that an upsurge of large earthquakes happen but on my windows!
  •  Thus skeptics, NO its not everyday that a Tsunami take place but during my SOS windows!
  • Thus skeptics, NO its not everyday that the news are about NUKES but during my SOS windows!
  • Thus skeptics, NO its not everyday that black out happen but during my Supernova SOS windows!

Furthermore there are NO accidents, only cosmic circumstances unknown to science and the world at large and this black out is yet another omen for the things to come to the US! Did you ever read  Ciber/Nuke Attack only a matter of time! yet?

 Electing a President dwelling endlessly on his unlucky Aquarius (NUKES) Dragon’s Tail can only “attract” the Uranic explosive energies cloaked in his UCI. In Roxy radio show  I fully explained the nuts and bolts of President Obama unusual fate and my nuke warning created a lot of fears, hate and debates! All I can do, IF you are able to handle the truth is to warn President Obama and America of their impending fate for ignoring the cosmic code jurisdictions.

Now this makes you wonder why with such predictions and accuracy the religious poisoned morons and “Dr. Turi’s Internet Enemies” managed to kill my voice? Like Nostradamus, I am probably the most honest and accurate predictor left on the planet but the mass is not ready for the truth! Thus my good friend George Noory decided to eliminate me from Coast to Coast am program! His endless chain of cosmic unconscious “predictors” guests have a lot to offer in their own expertise, but they are NO match for Dr. Turi true UFO predictive legacy and …“When a true genius appears in this world you may know him by this sign that the dunces are all in confederacy against him”


Flash Mob Mayhem: Violent Groups Of Teens Leave NYC Businesses In Ruins




No I am not gloating because if you really check my work it is undeniable and common sense dictate you should hold on to the only source because I am endlessly putting the green where my mouth is with my predictions, something ONLY Dr. Turi does and deliver because the future has and will always be my utmost faithful witness…

Cosmic unconscious celebrities such has John Edward and Theresa Caputo Neptunian Gifts have nothing to offer you and talk to the dead because there is no way for you to “check” on the facts!  Other Nostradamus “experts” predicted Obama’s reelection when I failed doing so? No I did not because the stars do not lie to me, they never did because the fact is  the 2012 Rigged Election is a reality that is slowly becoming a fact and in time, will come to light! Dr. Turi Versus John Hogue on Nostradamus – John Hogue versus Dr. Turi on Nostradamus part 2

The world you are living is so polluted, so tainted, so poisoned that it is a miracle the truth manage to survive but if you use common sense and the facts you will know and trust only those who speak the truth!  If it hurts you are close, if you are scared even closer but doing nothing to rekindle the flame of the truth will arm everyone at the end!

This is why I stand strong, dedicated, honest and expose the charlatans, Friends and Foes  from all walks of life because  as a  gifted “human detector” this is my real expertise…But it cost me dearly to stand for the truth, no one like to be exposed for what they really are, do you?

Not that I am perfect, far from it, but trust me my enemy worked overtime since 1991 to find out if I had a criminal record to expose or if I ever did anything unlawful they could gloat about by hurting my integrity! But they found NOTHING that would expose a liar, a con man or a cheater! I am as clean as a pure diamond and this is what it takes to be a real trustworthy light worker!

Nothing is tainted in my character, my aims, my goals and my mission and I have God full protection on my side leading me all the way against all odds, for freeing humanity from fears and ignorance is quite a tremendous challenge only a few can or are willing to undertake…

The more “clean” and honest you are are, the higher you will vibrate and this vibrational energy will make you repellent to the controlling  deceptive media and the majority of cosmic unconscious “New Agers” invited on Coast to Coast who have only imagination and fear to offer others… Divinity do not belong to the tainted but to the pure in body mind and soul who are dedicated with integrity to serve humanity with the truth!

Consider yourself lucky to be attracted to my cosmic energy because you have asked for direction, information and a beacon of light to help you travel through such a dark, dangerous putrefied world where dealing with the truth or hope for the future is so rare! Inside a $65,000 doomsday bunker  Inside a $65,000 doomsday bunker

 Look at your world readers do you see the Scorpius Dragon in action yet? There is no respect for human or animal lives anymore and I am here to raise your cosmic consciousness to the facts! Anything you want to know, simply write a few words, add Dr. Turi and Google!  There is so much you can learn on the cosmic code jurisdictions and all the cosmic unconscious victims becoming peons of the stars…

Judge flips out after getting flipped off

Pay up — or pet dies: Debt call horror tales

Growing anger over girl’s horrific death

Guard accused of sex with cop killer

Arias tells of sex with guy she’d kill  Arias tells of sex with guy she'd kill

 Worse my vision for 2014/2016 is gloom with wars while the Pentagon chief: Military faces ‘readiness crisis’ and being cosmic unconscious is a total disaster for an unprepared humanity lead by a cosmic unconscious President riding his dangerous fated Aquarius Dragon’s Tail. But what good are those warnings if those in power in charge of your destiny are left in cosmic darkness or when my voice is muted and can’t reach the media?

I can only hope for God to give me the strength I need and for your help and subscription/donations because building more religious or sports buildings  and jails or adding more guns and security to schools and universities will never offer a chance for humanity’s spirit to upgrade to God’s celestial divinity and make a good use of the signs…

“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretations so that you may live a safer more productive life!”

By reading, investigating the predictions, quatrains and  keywords  mentioned above, I hope my readers will realize the source is real and can be trusted and by becoming a VIP for the next 12 months you are becoming an active participant to my incredibly tasking mission. Make your affordable payment choice or get a taste of my gift by experiencing a mini reading with me tonight on my radio show.

Remember your gift is very precious and will give me the strength I need to fight for the children of tomorrow while serving you with the truth! Stop and think for a second reader, you are very precious to us and  joining all the current VIP’s, Terania and I in the Cosmic Code is much bigger than what you can conceive and ordered by God because it is NOT an accident for you to read me as you are being watched from the heavens above!

Anything you get from me, one of my books, a reading or your VIP membership makes you a contributing part of my mission to save humanity’ spirit and the future welfare of its children. Do not trust or rely on your cosmic unconscious religious and political leaders because they are all so far from God themselves and can not read or translate the signs written in light. In fact, like science they are all part of a growing problem that is dangerously going out of hand! You can do something about it by showing Terania and I you really trust and understand us fully so when its time for me to retire, I will still be there with you.

I am tired, I am exhausted readers, I have been at it since 1991 and on  February 26, 2013 I will be 63 years old and I have only ONE more year because on February 2015 I have to make a decision and retire… Do I really mean anything to you? Is our work for your children worth to show us you care?

I often wonder why God made my mission so difficult and put me through pure hell for years, forcing the incredible upon my life leading me away from my family back home in France. My gift can easily turn into a cursing nightmare when at the Autumn of my life I still feel so alone where only my wonderful wife and a few dedicated friends are realizing the humongous task…

Is the world doomed? is my lifetime of uncovering cosmic truths simply wasted? I am not so sure anymore and this is why when, as promised, all my public pages will soon close, only those advanced souls will travel the cosmic code with us.

Decision time readers, my webmaster is working on my request to shut down an unrewarding, selfish public who could not care less about the children or humanity at large. I don’t have a date yet, thus you are reading the very last of Dr. Turi’s rare pearl of wisdom and predictions as the Scorpius Dragon is forcing me to accept the reality of my own  worth. This is my own wake up call with your acceptance and support or rejection…

Since 1991, I have been giving it all, my very best and with the Scorpius Dragon in my 10th house of career and public standing I must “die.” The first obvious blow / omen came with my good friend George Noory “killed” my voice to Coast To Coast am millions of listeners who need me so bad.

I know too much to resent George or anyone as the Scorpion must die and rebirth into an Eagle and this is what I know to be God’s celestial will and my higher purpose will come very clear soon.

Phoenix-Eagle rising from the ashes of  ignorance to it Reborn into Christ Cosmic Consciousness 

I may be sad but I know there are NO accidents and all is set by a higher order I understand well and translate for my readers. Even though that, like me this Scorpius Dragon is forcing you to also “die” you  MUST be ready for a painful rebirth and I want you with me when we emerge higher, wiser and stronger that’s all…Make your affordable payment choice or get a taste of my gift by experiencing a mini reading with me tonight on my radio show.

“For evil to flourish, all that is needed is for good people to do nothing.”

– Edmund Burke


I am offering my regular 90 mn taped Astropsychology Full Life Reading for $250 instead of $310  and a VIP taped Skype session for  $500 instead of $700. You have 24 hours only to make a good use of this deal by calling Terania at 602-265-7667.  This deal is also good by mail copy/paste/fill up and mail this form to Dr. Turi 4411 N. 23rd St Phoenix, AZ 85016 – Use check or postal money order.  


NAME: ________________________________________________________________

ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________

CITY: ________________________________ STATE: _______ ZIP: __________

D.O.B (month, day, year): _________ / _______ / _________ (EX: FEB. 26, 1950)

TIME OF BIRTH: ______ : ______ AM__PM__

PLACE OF BIRTH (City, State, Country): _________________________________

Total amount __$_________

Our website service cart does not offer breaks, To ORDER with a CREDIT CARD call the office.

 Question? Help? Talk to Terania  602- 265-7667

The Heavy Price of Cosmic Ignorance


 ”For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice… If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

Police escort a van with twelve Spanish citizens and a Mexican woman in Acapulco on February 4, 2013.

 Police escort a van with twelve Spanish citizens and a Mexican woman in Acapulco on February 4, 2013 – (CNN) — A band of hooded gunmen broke into a building near Acapulco, Mexico, and raped six Spanish women after tying up a group of men with their own cell phone cables, officials said Tuesday. A Mexican woman was also raped in the Monday night attack near the beach resort city. The victims, who are on vacation, are now under the protection of Mexican authorities, and Spanish officials have been notified. Acapulco Mayor Luis Walton condemned the attack during a Tuesday news conference and vowed to apprehend those responsible.

Dear Reader;

First let me explain a few things about my latest newsletter titled “Kill All FBI Agents Now” because the title, as expected stirred a lot of frustrations. I received numerous emails from concerned people, some threatening me others concerned with my safety. Yes readers, these are the people who ASSUME instead of reading the content of my newsletters to realize the “reverse Psychology” I used. What can you gain by just looking at a title?

  Luckily for me, the Department Homeland Security  and the dozens of FBI offices who received this newsletter, did not assume and read the full content to make sure I was not another lunatic and a threat to them all. This is why the worse thing anyone can do is to  assume anything about anyone without the proper facts!  So rest assured, many FBI agents are not all born morons and some got something out of my work, because that was my intend in the first place!

Now, Sarai Sierra WAS the latest victim of the Scorpius Dragon plaguing this world since August 2nd 2012!  All I can do is to remind you of my warnings when I gave those dates to the public. Furthermore my latest “SOS To The World” warning for February 2, 3, 4 2013 speaks of the undeniable accuracy of my predictions and why becoming a VIP or owning a copy of my 2013 Moon Power can make the difference between being/traveling at the wrong time ending up at the wrong places and suffer the consequences of cosmic ignorance!  Had those people knew about the current “Scorpius Dragon”  or read “THE DO’S AND DONT’S” chances are the “accident” would / could have been avoided by planning their trips under protective stars!

The Hidden Snake To Die
Deep Shadow Skeletons To Light
Passion, Death, Drama In Vain
The Cosmic Code Reign No One is Safe

Famous Death / Dramatic News / Police / FBI / CIA / Mob / Secrets / Scandals / Wake Up Call / Terrorism / Wealth/ Finances / Sex / Serial Killers.

I can not help to think how many of those victims (before the experience)   would have ridicule my work or thought of me being impractical or deranged…Would they today, after all my warnings and the tragedy they suffered still think my work is pseudo-science only? Would they still think and behave like the millions of  unconvinced “educated” scientists reading my work?

Even with the facts of my “visions’ taking place  on the dated printed, published predictions, quatrains and OBVIOUS keywords mentioned above and the endless blasting of popular websites…they are still unable or worse unwilling to accept the facts! Note those dates and warnings were  also offered in Jeffery “Church of Mabus” and my own  01/13/12 radio show… 

Tomorrow night, 02/06/13,  in my upcoming “Cosmic Code” radio show  I will REFRESH the audience’s memory and RE-state my predictions for February 7, 8, 9 and ask you to share my visions with your skeptical friends and ask them to make notes! And if they don’t wait a bit then hit them again, and again, and again, and again…I did this since 1991 and it did not work for me, so go figure what it will take for them to finally accept they are idiots? Hoops they will not like this fact that you and I were right all along and dropping their “educated” ego hat is another story of course!

  February 7/8/9

 Entrails Upset Spit Above
Red Fire Wind Water To Dance
Stars Command Shock Science
Calm Deception To Strike


Cosmos News / Nuke / Weird news / Surprises / Explosions / Shocking / lightning / Humanitarianism / Discovery / Earthquakes / Volcanoes / Tornadoes / NASA / Aeronautics / Technology / UFO.



For the newcomers who just joined the Cosmic Code VIP website take the time to read your personal horoscope and moon transits for more “cosmic” safety and always PLAN in respect of the cosmic code jurisdictions to avoid being raped or killed on foreign grounds…The current Scorpius dragon is not only awful but relentless and waiting for you to make a simple mistake to teach you a lesson that will stay with you for the rest of your life! Real Prophets are extremely rare and their visionary gifts and teaching are priceless. Its up to you to offer this title to the people you trust, read and follow but for your own sake make sure you are not dealing with a deceptive Neptunian instead because, I am a rarity and my pearls of wisdom are very real!

In fact, since the dramatic experience,  all those people’s lives are now changed for ever, all those women stung by the  Scorpius Dragon will never be the same. Like many of you they have been trained to ridicule my work, the divine and fear God’s celestial manifestations forcing them to ignore all the signs… But as mentioned so many times in my newsletters, my work is not for the “feeble minded” religiously poisoned young souls, in fact only those born curious and intelligent will benefit from my work on the cosmic code rules. But one must never forget that; there is a BIG difference between education and intelligence and because you own a few PhD’s or a celebrity status does not mean you are smart! Let me give you some examples…


1. Chicago Cubs outfielder Andre Dawson on being a role model:
“I wan’ all dem kids to do what I do, to look up to me. I wan’ all the kids to copulate me.”
2. New Orleans Saint RB George Rogers when asked about the upcoming season:
“I want to rush for 1,000 or 1,500 yards, whichever comes first..”
3. And, upon hearing Joe Jacobi of the ‘Skin’s say:
“I’d run over my own mother to win the Super Bowl,”
Matt Millen of the Raiders said: “To win, I’d run over Joe’s Mom, too.”
4. Torrin Polk, University of Houston receiver, on his coach, John Jenkins:
“He treat us like mens. He let us wear earrings.”
5. Football commentator and former player Joe Theismann:
“Nobody in football should be called a genius. A genius is a guy like Norman Einstein.”
6. Senior basketball player at the University of Pittsburgh :
“I’m going to graduate on time, no matter how long it takes..”
(Now that is beautiful)
7. Bill Peterson, a Florida State football coach:
“You guys line up alphabetically by height..”
And, “You guys pair up in groups of three, and then line up in a circle.”
8. Boxing promoter Dan Duva on Mike Tyson going to prison:
“Why would anyone expect him to come out smarter? He went to prison for three years, not Princeton …”
9. Stu Grimson, Chicago Blackhawks left wing, explaining why he keeps a color photo of himself above his locker:
“That’s so when I forget how to spell my name, I can still find my clothes.”
10. Lou Duva, veteran boxing trainer, on the Spartan training regimen of heavyweight Andrew Gol ota:
“He’s a guy who gets up at six o’clock in the morning, regardless of what time it is.”
11. Chuck Nevitt , North Carolina State basketball player, explaining to Coach Jim Valvano why he appeared nervous at practice:
“My sister’s expecting a baby, and I don’t know if I’m going to be an uncle or an aunt. (I wonder if his IQ ever hit room temperature in January)
12. Frank Layden , Utah Jazz president, on a former player:
“I asked him, ‘Son, what is it with you? Is it ignorance or apathy?’
He said, ‘Coach, I don’t know and I don’t care.’”
13. Shelby Metcalf, basketball coach at Texas A&M, recounting what he told a player who received four F’s and one D:
“Son, looks to me like you’re spending too much time on one subject.”
14. In the words of NC State great Charles Shackelford:
“I can go to my left or right, I am amphibious.”
15. Former Houston Oilers coach Bum Phillips when asked by Bob Costas why he takes his wife on all the road trips,
Phillips responded: “Because she’s too ugly to kiss good-bye.”

Again, I mentioned earlier that my work will benefit souls born smart and curious and not all educated souls are spiritually numb.   Many of my Astropsychology  students own doctorates and PhD’s and many of them are able to think outside of the box…

While their traditional education still perceive the human brain (and hormones/genes) as the ultimate beginning/ending and responsible for proper functions and general health it is all part of the brain’s physical complexity. But before any brain becomes diseased its is an exact replica of the Universal mind simultaneously interacting / entrancing each others. However without cosmic consciousness all elements needed for science to acknowledged this fact are missing, thus impossible to accept!

In “The Universe is a BIG brain” is explained this phenomenon but again, without Cosmic Consciousness its feels like trying to teach a fish the reality of a different earthy world above its tiny brain… Somewhere, somehow all roads leads to Rome, thus it is with great pleasure and honor that I want to share Shavi’s work with you.

 Dr. Turi Here is an article that I hope you will find interesting. 

 Love, Schavi


By Dr. Schavi M. Ali, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., D.B.C.A., V.E.S.

Traditional Western science has always only believed in what it could taste, feel, see, touch or
smell as proof of importance in terms of reality. It scoffed at spiritual principles and thought that such ideas were the fanciful notions of deluded minds. Many scientists were (and some still are) atheists. However, the most advanced civilizations of the East such as ancient Kemet and Bharata always taught about science and spirituality as one construct, thus creating the first paths of “Spiritual Science”.

Now that one era of time has ended as of December 21, 2012 A.C.E. according to ancient knowledge from the Kemetu, the Dravidians and the Mayans, and another will soon begin, many Western-trained scientists have finally come to realize that there is indeed a Higher Power in not just a “universe” of planets, but also in a “multi-verse” of galaxies.

Many of them are reading ancient scriptures such as the VEDIC holy books and are now realizing that ancient cultures were far more sophisticated and advanced than in our current modern day. They are experimenting with prayer, meditation and the chanting of mantras and have discovered that these practices somehow cause a vibrational frequency of energy to be released into the surrounding atmosphere as well as into the very cellular structure of those who pray, meditate and recite mantras. Over time, profound healings, even from so-called “catastrophic” diseases, occurs.

For many decades, medical science has understood that emotions play a major part in health or
its opposite—disease. In fact, it has been estimated that 90 percent of mental and physical challenges are emotionally-oriented. Emotions have a frequency (vibrational oscillation of energy) and a bio- chemistry (physical result). How we “feel” about people and events, whether current or in the past, has a profound effect upon our health. Science has discovered that when we are peaceful, loving and forgiving, our pineal glands release a hormone which has been named “ANANDAMIDE”.

This hormone washes over the cells in our DNA and cleanses them. As this cleansing happens, our cells receive Light from the Photon Belt (which surrounds the Earth) and the center of our galaxy (“Milky Way”) which gives us new codes of awareness, heightens our intuition and connects us to our Higher Selves, our Souls. I find it interesting that this hormone has been named “ANANDAMIDE” because the word “Ananda” is Sanskrit and means “Bliss”.

The year 2013 and beyond will release more intense solar flares and other cosmic occurrences.
These will cause us various symptoms such as feeling powerful heat in our bodies, headaches, dizziness, nausea, loose bowels, fatigue, insomnia, falling asleep but awakening two or three times a night, heart palpitations, elevated blood pressure, anxiety, and other disturbances. However, the more we elevate in consciousness, the less we experience these symptoms.

Not everyone will have these symptoms at the same time, and for those who are not having them, the message is—just wait. People elevate at different times according to their belief systems. However, DNA must be cleansed if people expect to make the transformation from carbon-based energy to crystalline and thus to be attuned to the Divine and have health, peace and abundance. This DNA cleansing is not just of our own individual lives, but it is also of our ancestral line. Imagine having to clean a small one-bedroom apartment as opposed to a huge multi-room mansion! The effort would take a long while unless you hired some professional help.

Think of the multi-room mansion as you as well as your ancestral line and the professional helpers as the solar flares and other cosmic events. Get the picture? There are, of course, ways in which to make the cleansing process more comfortable: organic alkaline foods, fresh water, herbs, essential oils, gemstones, massage, Yoga, Tai Chi, prayer, meditation and mantra-chanting (which is called “Mantra Yoga”) as well as other spiritual and natural therapies. Allopathic or “westernized” medicine (chemical drugs, x-rays, surgery, inoculations, etc.) only harm the body and eventually stop the process of transformation of the DNA.

So, if you do not have one already, embrace a spiritual practice (notice I say “spiritual”, not “religious”), a natural lifestyle and study higher knowledge. Your Soul will then guide you in your daily affairs and bless you with healing and with the power to activate the ”ANANDAMIDE” hormone.

 While Dr. Schavi has her own perception of the divine, this being said, remember the facts!   Nostradamus Divine Astrology and his natural healing methodology saved Europe from the plague and made him immortal in his predictive work where modern and Vedic astrology  were non-existent nor used. Its the philosophical spirit behind all the ancient arts that is important to perceive while its practicality in my healing and predictions using the challenging Astropsychology methodology, the Dragons  and the Supra-conscious power are obvious… Watch 2012 Mayan Cosmic Code Activation to understand how humanity spirit is being uplifted since 12/21/2012.

February 13, 2013 – Join Dr. Turi FREE Global Tele-class
How To Unleash Your Psychic power

Video above cites numerous examples of the PC war against Christianity in America today and the promotion of Islam.

Remember I am not into religion, nor politics, while an intrinsic part of humanity both are dirty and deadly. In fact I grew up and have very close relationship with many Muslims friends. My work is not about race, religions, politics etc but all about predictions and the cosmic code rules. Yet this is another of my prediction slowly unfolding…

“School district replaces Veteran’s Day with Muslim Holiday, American school children taken to Muslim prayer services.”


Middle East/USA Religious War

They–the Islamists and a large % of Muslims hate America and Americans—so unless one is stupid or a Muslim why would you allow these haters in our govt? Mark Levin: Prove otherwise…..the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated our government – it’s called Barack Obama! 

World Wide Religious War Prediction

President Obama is riding his karmic Dragon’s Tail and the world will have to pay the price for his cosmic ignorance…  America and Obama’s Fated Stars


7 dead: Bomb hits religious procession


The sad reality is this disturbing prediction was made on Art Bell show in 1995 well before  the US invaded Iraq and well before top terrorist  Osama Bin  Laden became enerny number one of the US. –  I also explained the end of the Age of Pisces and  what the Neptunian energy controlling the entire Middle East is all about and mentioned a full implosion of the area on  Roxy radio show “The Truth Denied”

Remember I do have  very close Muslims friends and even family members, I am asking the reader NOT to assume I am a racist endorsing any movement against foreigners because I am myself a foreigner living in the US. I am just a Messenger translating the Cosmic Code for an unconscious humanity hoping, through my visions to warn the world and find a solution to such a complex situation. The legacy of President Obama riding his humanitarian, friendly Aquarius Dragon’s Tail will be bloody and the impact of his reelection must unfold by the law of the Divine. America and Obama’s Fated Stars  –  I can only offer my wisdom and my visions of the future – 2013 The Year Ahead and wonder like you do Is There Hope for Humanity?


While I have promised to be more selective in offering my pearls of wisdom to the public only those who can appreciate and reward my work and become VIP’s will benefit from my dedication to serve the children of the future. Thus I will soon shut down the FREE internet access to ALL my Cosmic Code and Dragon  newsletters.  You had plenty samples since 1991 to judge my work.  I will only post ONE full newsletter every Sunday until I decide to stop completely…

All you will get soon will be teasers because I have been battling with this decision for a while now but I kept posting for free. If my work make sense to you, pick one of the affordable option to join  because this cosmic educational, regenerative flux will soon stop. With the only difference that this time I mean it!

Blessings to all my readers

Dr. Turi

Super Bowl Deception

Dear Readers;

The endless vicious circle…the tremendous endless flow of money coming from the moronic masses feed the smarter machine of sports *NFL  which in turn feed the deceptive machine of scientific researches maintained by the poisonous pharmaceutical corporations fed by the moronic masses.

“When you make people think they love you *Joel Osteen when you make people REALLY think *Dr. Turi people hate you!” DT


Sports and religions or entertainment poison humanity jailed spirit while the pharmaceutical corporations poison the body mind and soul…


What should you think? Who should you believe? Could you be deceiving yourself? These are questions that all critical thinkers of any age must constantly ask themselves. There is no more important skill in today’s world than being able to think about, understand, and act on information in a way that is both effective and responsible. Critical thinking transforms you from a passive member of society into an active participant in the ideas and issues of the day. It empowers you to better understand your world!


Remember the Scorpius Dragon involve death, drama, sex and combined with a “Super Nova” window the situation will get much worse soon and it seems it is already in action! I wonder out of the millions of cosmic unconscious people watching the Super Bowl game knew about the Super Nova window? This tell you why you will never find Dr. Turi in a sport or religious gathering and how incredibly difficult my mission to free humanity from fears and ignorance truly is…

Watch this video

#Blackout Bowl

Call it the Super Bowl MVP — the most visible power outage. For 35 minutes, Super Bowl XLVII ground to a halt, but social media from Twitter to Tumblr was electrified.

Several killed in California tour bus wreck

Women sue revenge porn website  Women sue revenge porn website

Former Navy SEAL is shot dead at Texas gun range

February 7 through March 23, 2013 — First SUPERNOVA Window

There is a concentration of negative celestial energy approaching so be extremely prudent while driving and expect chain-reaction accidents. Be prepared for delays, strikes, black outs and nature producing awful weather, including hurricanes cyclone, earthquakes tornadoes etc. The same energy that produced the Titanic disaster, the Asia tsunami the Northridge Los Angeles and Kobe Japan earthquakes and major other calamities is approaching again. Remember the thwarted terrorist attack of August 2006 in the UK where the BA canceled thousands of flights just because all passengers did not check ALL handbags before boarding their planes. Those people did not have a copy of Moon Power Starguide and paid the price of ignorance and suffered serious delays and frustrations that could easily been avoided had they travel before or after those dates. Refer to Astro-Weather Service at the beginning of this book.

Past Observations
October 2012
Cyclone tears into south Indian coast

October 2012 Hurricane Sandy
Coastal town ‘devastated’
December 2009:

Eurostar is trying to figure out what caused an “unprecedented” six trains to break down, forcing the cancellation of all weekend services, a spokeswoman said. The cancellation of the England-to-France express train service stranded thousands of passengers on both sides of the English Channel on the weekend before Christmas. “We sincerely regret having to take this decision  and we understand how frustrated and disappointed travelers  will be,” Eurostar said on its Web site Sunday.

 November 05, 2011:

Seven people died when dozens of vehicles piled into each other on a motorway in south west England, triggering a fireball that hampered initial rescue attempt.

December 20, 2009

Calm Deception To Strike – Up to 100 people have been killed after a runaway truck ploughed into a crowded market in Nigeria. The incident occurred Friday night in northern Nigeria, said Austin Aipoh, Federal Road Safety Commander of Kogi state.


1. Chicago Cubs outfielder Andre Dawson on being a role model:
“I wan’ all dem kids to do what I do, to look up to me. I wan’ all the kids to copulate me.”
2. New Orleans Saint RB George Rogers when asked about the upcoming season:
“I want to rush for 1,000 or 1,500 yards, whichever comes first..”
3. And, upon hearing Joe Jacobi of the ‘Skin’s say:
“I’d run over my own mother to win the Super Bowl,”
Matt Millen of the Raiders said: “To win, I’d run over Joe’s Mom, too.”
4. Torrin Polk, University of Houston receiver, on his coach, John Jenkins:
“He treat us like mens. He let us wear earrings.”
5. Football commentator and former player Joe Theismann:
“Nobody in football should be called a genius. A genius is a guy like Norman Einstein.”
6. Senior basketball player at the University of Pittsburgh :
“I’m going to graduate on time, no matter how long it takes..”
(Now that is beautiful)
7. Bill Peterson, a Florida State football coach:
“You guys line up alphabetically by height..”
And, “You guys pair up in groups of three, and then line up in a circle.”
8. Boxing promoter Dan Duva on Mike Tyson going to prison:
“Why would anyone expect him to come out smarter? He went to prison for three years, not Princeton …”
9. Stu Grimson, Chicago Blackhawks left wing, explaining why he keeps a color photo of himself above his locker:
“That’s so when I forget how to spell my name, I can still find my clothes.”
10. Lou Duva, veteran boxing trainer, on the Spartan training regimen of heavyweight Andrew Gol ota:
“He’s a guy who gets up at six o’clock in the morning, regardless of what time it is.”
11. Chuck Nevitt , North Carolina State basketball player, explaining to Coach Jim Valvano why he appeared nervous at practice:
“My sister’s expecting a baby, and I don’t know if I’m going to be an uncle or an aunt. (I wonder if his IQ ever hit room temperature in January)
12. Frank Layden , Utah Jazz president, on a former player:
“I asked him, ‘Son, what is it with you? Is it ignorance or apathy?’
He said, ‘Coach, I don’t know and I don’t care.'”
13. Shelby Metcalf, basketball coach at Texas A&M, recounting what he told a player who received four F’s and one D:
“Son, looks to me like you’re spending too much time on one subject.”
14. In the words of NC State great Charles Shackelford:
“I can go to my left or right, I am amphibious.”
15. Former Houston Oilers coach Bum Phillips when asked by Bob Costas why he takes his wife on all the road trips,
Phillips responded: “Because she’s too ugly to kiss good-bye.”

Kill All FBI Agents Now


“The future is the reincarnation of the thought, where Cosmic Consciousness is lacking, science, religion, conspiracy and imagination have the wrong answers. There are no accidents just cosmic circumstances the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive.”

Body of missing NY mother found in Turkey

May God Bless Your Soul

Dear Readers:

No, Dr. Turi did not loose it readers, as in “Killing The President?” this is yet another desperate attempt for me to reach the The Department of Homeland Security and stimulate them to do a different type but real detective work by carefully investigating the content of my article!  Meantime rest assured the born morons will assume immediately instead of clicking on the provided link!  Gee my dedication, courage and guts should be appreciated because my message is real and worth taking chances if; my suppressed wisdom can save a life or bring closure to the victims of criminals. All I hope for is for the police not to lump me with Mrs. Cleo and realize I am not a psychic or a dangerous lunatic in quest for fame but a different “cop” born with a gift they all so desperately need to solve crimes!

A software I modified is always used in my work but the skeptical born cops depraved of basic curiosity will dismiss me right away while the smarter ones will keep reading and learn.. and that is guarantee…  Maybe some of those civil servants Executives should read what their peers are saying about my work first?

Sarai Sierra is the latest victim of the Scorpius Dragon plaguing this world since August 2nd 2012…While the majority of  newcomers to my work can only assume and wonder about this deadly cosmic flux, there is no wonders nor questions to the wiser more spiritual souls aware of the legitimacy of my work. Using the science of Astropsychology, and knowing the mother was 33-year-old, I was able to retrace and translate the “signs” from the heavens and offer real answers that elude all cosmic unconscious scientists and police detectives alike… All I hope is, for the family and friends to land on my work and get some closure because there are no accidents, only cosmic circumstances unknown to the cops, the scientific community and the world at large producing the endless dramatic chain of news…

While the born logical, rational young souls will miss my pearls of wisdom this “Astropsychology” detective work has so much to offer the Law Enforcement Agency, yet I am much too ahead of time for any form of acknowledgements and appreciation.

I hope one of my reader will help me finding Sarai Sierra full DOB so, with time this article can be upgraded correctly. Meantime looking at the dates of her birth for the year 1980 in my book “The Power of the Dragon” Sarai Sierra’s karmic / negative Dragon’s Tail is located in the shocking sign of Aquarius making her prone (like President Obama born with the same Dragon” to experience an abnormal, surprising demise.

In America and Obama’s Fated Stars I explained the President’s  UCI and this type of unusual Dragon predisposing its owners i.e. Steve Irwin and Princess Diana to end their lives so shockingly.

This Aquarius Dragon is very adventurous and depict the strong independence and need to travel but this sign rules also technology, aeronautics and AIRPORTS where, in her case “magnetized” all the events leading to her abrupt death!  read more about  this Aquarius Dragon Bombshell on Nukes and President Obama.

Sad enough, Sarai Sierra owned a cuspy Aquarius/ Pisces Dragon and Pisces rules the Middle East, religions, drugs, poisoning and deception making her very unlucky in the Middle East region. One thing sure she died on January 21st under a deadly Plutonic window. 

Memo from my 2012 Moon Power: 

SUN., MON., TUE., WED. — JANUARY 20, 21, 22, 23:
RULERS — Venus (Love) Mercury (Traveling)

Events: Let’s hope this trio and the new moon will stop any dramatic happenings but it could also mean that thousands of people may be fleeing nature, forced to relocate to start a new and better life. 3 hospitalized after college shooting

Furthermore, I ALWAYS strongly recommend my VIP’s to ALWAYS fly or start any endeavors,trips, contract signing  DURING the waxing protective moon but Sarai was non cosmic conscious and did not read Dr. Turi’s work. Thus she started her adventure under the most dangerous fatalistic stars possible and paid the price of her cosmic ignorance. This is why INVESTING in my 2013 Moon Power is a MUST because ” God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that you may live a safer more productive life! She left the US under waning, negative moon in Scorpio! 

“Sarai Sierra flew alone to Istanbul on January 7 after a friend at the last minute canceled plans to accompany her.” 

I will now ask the reader to PAY SERIOUS ATTENTION TO MY WORK  because my work is real and speak of the Glory of a cosmic God humanity is (with my help) finally uncovering…

RULERS — Pluto (Drama/secrets/sex) Venus (Hot love/lust):

Sat., SUN., MON., TUE.,  — JANUARY 5, 6, 7, 8:

Attention: Pluto will become very destructive in this waning Moon period; he is back with us — You can expect dramatic happenings with nature all over; control is a must. He has produced much sensational news including the California Rancho Santa Fe mass-suicide. Read more about this prediction – George Noory, David Icke, Maxwell & Rapporport 

Mass murderers are again on the lookout for innocent victims as Pluto always stimulates the criminal element, the insane and the police force fighting all ill purposes. Don’t be victims; be aware of Pluto’s destructive power. Secrets from the past will return to your life. The police will be touched directly and terrorists will be active planning destruction.


The Hidden Snake To Die
Deep Shadow Skeletons To Light
Passion, Death, Drama In Vain
The Cosmic Code Reign No One is Safe

Famous Death / Dramatic News / Police / FBI / CIA / Mob / Secrets / Scandals / Wake Up Call / Terrorism / Wealth/ Finances / Sex / Serial Killers.

HOW MORE PRECISE CAN I BE? All predicted in my 01/13/12 radio show

Phoenix police officer shot at least 5 times owes life to vest – Police?  Born with the Dragon head *luck  in Scorpio!

NO skeptics its not everyday y that a cop get  shot five times!

Northern Ireland protests have injured 52 police officers – Police?

NO skeptics its not everyday that 52 cops get injured!

Urooj Khan, 46, won $1 million before taxes on an Illinois lottery scratch ticket in June.

Illinois man killed by cyanide poisoning after striking it rich in lottery – Deep Shadow Skeletons To Light?

NO skeptics its not everyday that a lottery winner die poisoned

Rioting rocks Northern Ireland for 5th night | Photos

how funny it all started when I posted my Plutonic window and this is pseudo-science? 

7 killed in Peru helicopter crash, including Americans

NO skeptics its not everyday that a helicopter crash killing 7 – Death news?

Hall of Fame coach admits affair and resigns – Deep Shadow Skeletons To Light?

NO skeptics its not everyday that a Hall of Fame Coach resign!

Source: Defense, CIA nominations set – CIA?

NO skeptics its not everyday that the CIA nominate someone!

Al-Assad: Syria’s foes ‘will go to hell’ – The Hidden Snake To Die?

Syrian regime headed for messy end – Wake Up Call?

Tension flares between India, Pakistan – Dramatic news?

Town launches website amid rape case – Sex?


May God Bless Your Soul


Remember knowledge is power, ignorance is evil and if there an EVIL energy you must recognize and control it is indeed Pluto. Now do not fall for a bunch of moronic educated astronomers who; depraved of Cosmic Consciousness see Pluto, the moon and the stars as pretty rocks hanging above the earth for the sake of beauty only. First I would suggest the reader to read Pluto True Power and What The Bleep Do They Know?

Once you acknowledge the planet Pluto inner life and its karmic influence upon humankind you will be ready to assimilate the DO’s and DON’T’s – This long list of advises can make the difference between life and death or/and a very costly dramatic experience you and your loved ones certainly do not need.

The DO’s:

  • Time for you to dig into deep secrets, Pluto loves bringing back dirt so you will meet the people or get the information you need.
  • Time for you to dwell with magic and do some Cabalistic ritual to cleanse your home and spirit from low entities. My Cabalistic Cleansing ritual is a good start. Don’t ask for it unless your are a VIP.
  • Time for you to dig into your bank account and see any fraud activity.
  • Time for you to get rid of your current credit card and ask for another one
  • Stay clear from doing or saying anything wrong to the police, remember the Rodney King dilemma?
  • Stay clear from Sunday psychics, psychic accidents are very real.
  • Stay clear from haunted houses; bad entities could succeed stealing your mind, body and spirit.
  • Stay clear from prostitutes an STD or AIDS is lurking around.
  • Time for you to visit your departed ones and ask them for guidance and protection.
  • Time for you to take serious notice of all your dreams or learn all about a prophetic or imaginative dream.
  • Time for you to for you to dig into my long list of newsletter to find what you really need or the answer of a question you may have.
  • Time for you to think about your own mortality and write your will.
  • Time for you to investigate any form of legal or corporate endeavor.
  • Time for you to regenerate your spirit and learn more about witchcraft.
  • Time for you to look for ghost’s manifestation.
  • Time for you to enjoy a horror movie or sex movie, yes nothing wrong with porn if you are French or if you are normal. God made sex to feel good so we do it often.
  • Time for you to tell the truth to anyone but be cautious doing so.
  • Time for you to deal with the police if the moon is waxing.
  • Time for you to join the Law Enforcement Agency if you UCI endorse such a dangerous job.
  • Time for you to clarify your situation in court of a cop did you wrong.
  • Time for you to visit or deal with an attorney to sue anyone who deserve karma.
  • Time for you to look where your spirit is at in your life.
  • Time for you to wake up to religious poisoning.
  • Time for you to listen to your intuition about certain people.
  • Time for you to realize your strengths and your weaknesses or be reminded soon.
  • Time for you to do what you are the most scared and win.
  • Time for you to realize you are actually on hell and fighting for survival.
  • Time for you to tap on the Plutonic forces to stop smoking or drinking.
  • Time for you to apply your will to do the impossible.
  • Time for you to listen to your intuition.
  • Time for you to learn the hard way why you went to jail and learn from your errors.
  • Time for you to cry your eyes out and feel sorry for yourself.
  • Time for you to realize you cannot hide any longer from the undiluted truth.
  • Time for you to die and rebirth into a much better, wiser person.

The DON’T’s: especially if the moon is waning or if you are under any of your personal native Dragon dates

  • Stay clear from large public gathering, may religious lunatics died in stampedes.
  • Stay clear from suspicious people, your intuition won’t let you down.
  • Stay clear from an offer than sound too good to be true.
  • Stay clear from fast money making schemes, jail is next.
  • Stay clear from the low life, you could get hurt or killed for a dollar.
  • Stay clear from gang’s activity or recruitment, your death is near.
  • Stay clear from doing or saying anything wrong to the police, remember the Rodney King dilemma?
  • Stay clear from Sunday psychics, psychic accidents are very real.
  • Stay clear from haunted houses; bad entities could succeed stealing your mind, body and spirit.
  • Stay clear from dark alleys and empty streets, chances are you have been followed and you are watched.
  • Stay clear from gambling with loud people Vegas or not, your sense of security is very wrong.
  • Stay clear from far away bathrooms and be very cautious of long dark corridors including elevators.
  • Stay clear from practicing witchcraft with uneducated people.
  • Stay clear from signing anything without a witness.
  • Stay clear from anything that is dark.
  • Stay clear from any and all animals, Pluto will turn them into killers.
  • Stay clear from trusting anyone asking for money.
  • Stay clear from using your heart it could cost your life.
  • Stay clear from the Full Moon light where ever you are.
  • Stay clear from ingesting anything you don’t trust
  • Stay clear from accepting a stranger’s drink, Pluto is inside.
  • Stay clear from wild lonely places.
  • Stay clear from trusting anyone during any 2010 Plutonic windows.
  • Stay clear from fighting with your loved ones.

Do not let your kids out without supervision.
 During one of my TV show in Tucson I mentioned the death of a kid by drowning trying to save his friend that fell into a canal in Phoenix. Had the mother read my Moon Power Book or read my VIP Cosmic Code newsletter forecast, she would have been aware of Pluto. Like millions of preventable deaths she did not and for the rest of her life she will cry her loss and never be the same mother ever again. The $24.95 super deal ends TONIGHT what a little price to pay for such a supreme wisdom. Don’t be left behind, knowledge is power ignorance is evil. Join my 2010 VIP list ASAP. Read Dr. Turi’s 12 Cosmic Code Newsletter – As soon as you become a Cosmic Coder you will be with me for the next 12 months and enjoy more of my educational material. A real spiritual Master is a very rare thingjoin the world before the price goes right back up!

Work, Career and Business: Don’t let Pluto tempt you to take any form of unlawful shortcut, consider the dramatic impact and the potential for disaster, even death. These days will bring about wake-up calls for many unaware people.  Do not expect anything to go your way, as people will show the worse traits of their personality. Be easy with your words, avoid meetings with strangers, and don’t take any phone calls or threats lightly. Don’t let Pluto and Mars sting everyone and everything to death.  Use your intuition in all you do and be ready for concealed financial or sexual business to surface. Early plans have to be suddenly abandoned and this means business and career momentum could be lost.   

Partnerships: Spend time reorganizing the home and the office, throw old things away and look busy at all times.  The boss or co-workers are also affected by those negative stars and could make your life misery.  Someone may try to show you the error of your ways on your dietary habits, perhaps a co-worker or a critical friend. The stars want you to consider, re-think and be cautious.  You may have to slow down now and put on your thinking and rational judgment caps concerning key partnerships. Be diplomatic, as your weakness or errors won’t go unnoticed. You may want to listen carefully to what is said for or against you; those comments deserve your attention. Pluto will damage your partnership if you do not consider, re-think or be cautious. You may have to use your rational judgment concerning key partnerships. Some changes are imminent.

Family and Friends: Some of your friends will experience dramatic endings to some portions of their lives and your supportive shoulder will be requested. At home or at work expect arguments, making these days miserable. Aggravations that could continue into the evening hours could have serious repercussions and may bring police into the neighborhood. Keep your head cool; stay calm and patient.

Love Affairs: Be ready for secrets to surface; however, bits and pieces of information may be wrong or missing. Do not make important decisions about a situation or a person just now. Concealed love trysts will be taking place all over, and will keep a bunch of insidious investigators active. Don’t trust strangers; Pluto always induces drugs, alcohol and rapes.  Protect yourself at all cost if you’re sexually active now; the signature of Pluto is death and AIDS!  If you were born under the sign of Pisces, those born in September, November or July will be strongly attracted to you. Use your head, not your heart!

Famous Personalities: Many financial or sexual secrets about a famous person will reach the media. Some unlucky souls will get wake-up calls from the dramatic planet. A public figure will make dramatic news or may be called to God. Secret comes to light during this type of plutonic window and the news media reported Tiger Wood’s extra marital affairs.


TV host Jimmy Savile exploited fame to abuse children on vast scale



Right again my friend. Our first dead celeb of 01/01/2013: Patti Page obituary

Multimillion-selling 50s vocalist dubbed ‘the Singing Rage’

 Keep up the good work



Travel and Communication: Avoid long trips by air, plane or ship, the stars and terrorists are not positive and do not care about anyone — they just do the work they were intended to do by God’s higher order.

Environment: Be ready for nasty surprises, especially the ones with nature’s forces at work. Large earthquake hits off Alaska  – Expect events such as – Memo from the past – A powerful 7.3 earthquake shook southwest Pakistan killing at least 40 people in an impoverished area dotted with flimsy homes made of sun-baked mud. During this Plutonic time another quake killed 100, injures 250 in northern Iran. See the power of Pluto by investigating my site and how this disruptive planet affects the world on the quatrains and results that will soon be posted on my site.

Events: Awful news involving tragic accidents, mass murderers, suicide and drama will plague the media. Everything you say or do now will have serious repercussions later on. Four dead after police standoff in Aurora

Shopping: Invest in anything that will help you to destroy any form of life. Insecticides and other things to get rid of household nuisances should be purchased now.  If you need to purchase a firearm, you are strongly advised to wait until after the New Moon, if not it could be used against you or kill a family member. And for the sexually active: Preservatives will stop any chance of sexually transmitted diseases.

While my work is UNDENIABLE, dated, printed and was published last year I still wonder why the Law Enforcement Agency are unwilling to accept the facts and do this type of detective “Astropsychology” work?

So what happened to a cosmic unconscious Sarai Sierra? she was under the most dangerous “Scorpius” stars possible and attracted/magnetized herself to some crooks who robed her…There is also a strong chance of “poisoning” or drugs involvement because this Aquarius Dragon  attracts the wrong friends or the criminal element too! She was lured by some “friends” to a secluded “beautiful” place, raped, robed and killed!

I have been harassing the Homeland Security and the FBI since 1991 and today again I will bombard dozens of FBI/CIA offices / websites offering my expertise knowing the Scorpius Dragon order is for the police to re-structure entirely. While my internet “Black list”  is made of cops, psychologists, media talking heads and tons of influential people I do not believe this crowd is made of incurious “educated” morons only and hopefully, someone smarter than them all will, finally reach out for my expertise.

Meantime its time for the reader who feel and perceive my work to invest in my 2013 Moon Power and my 2013 Personal Dragon Forecast of like Sarai Sierra ignore God’s celestial will and pay the ultimate price! I brought the price of those 2 precious books to $15.00 and I hope you will agree with me its a very cheap price to pay to avoid death!

Do not be fooled, battle your own evil of deeply encrusted religious fears because no religious book you read, study or teach speaks of the glory of the creator and translate his celestial will like mine does. You can pray, you can hope for God’s protection but you are not safe from the next “Act of God” unless you rise your spirit to the cosmic rules he wrote in the eternal starlight!

The current Scorpius Dragon will force you, the cops and the world at large to hypothetically DIE and rebirth your spirit to a higher level of perception so you can become a smarter, wiser, well prepared spiritually refined human being. I am here to guide you in your journey and you must heed the little voice that will never lie to you. If your intuition tells you to join the Cosmic Code and learn about the reality and divinity of a new God do so! Because it is not an accident for you to read me all the way through the end of this article.

You must make your own choice to stay with a cosmic unconscious mass and like so many cosmic unconscious victims of crimes end up at the wrong place at the wrong time…Or be prepared like any and all my current spiritually advanced VIP’s. You asked for God, you received  God and you were lead to my work and I for a very specific reason, just because you are now ready for the light, true wisdom and own your own salvation.

Become a VIP and get my books then help me reach the world because my work is much bigger than you and me, and I really hope you can acknowledge this fact in a world about to finally rejoin cosmically with its creator!


While I have promised to be more selective in offering my pearls of wisdom to the public only those who can appreciate and reward my work and become VIP’s will benefit from my dedication to serve the children of the future. Thus I will soon shut down the FREE internet access to ALL my Cosmic Code and Dragon  newsletters.  You had plenty samples since 1991 to judge my work.  I will only post ONE full newsletter every Sunday until I decide to stop completely…

All you will get soon will be teasers because I have been battling with this decision for a while now but I kept posting for free. If my work make sense to you, pick one of the affordable option to join  because this cosmic educational, regenerative flux will soon stop. With the only difference that this time I mean it!

Blessings to all my readers

Dr. Turi


 Former NFL player wants brain studied 

You do not want to miss this one! Become a VIP today!


Watch this video

Former NFL player wants brain studied

More ridiculous statements and studies

Still nimble, Jones doesn’t experience chronic headaches or have memory trouble. He even considers himself less irritable nowadays than when he was playing.

Although his daily life isn’t riddled with pain resulting from repeated pummeling, he is concerned about the long-term effects of the sport on his brain.

That concern grew after talking to doctors and players haunted by gnarly hits for a six-part documentary series, “The NFL: The Gift Or The Curse,” which he is producing.

NFL, Harvard planning $100 million player study

Explaining why Army/Navy suicides hit record level


The U.S. Army says the 325 suicides it had last year were the most ever.

Army suicides hit record level

Dear Readers:

Nothing pains me more than to watch my predictions about death, suicide and drama taking place while all the experts are unable to offer real answers to the families… Before anything read “Scorpius Dragon has arrived” then the  epidemic of suicides predictions!


NAVY/ARMY suicides Upsurge Predicted!

Upsurge Of Suicides

IMPORTANT NOTE: Date of predictions – 01/01/2009

From Prediction page 3 – America, born July 4th 1776, will receive the Dragon’s Tail on her 12th house as of March 2011 forcing a total re-structure of the working force and its basic physical organizations. On a spiritual US / world meaning this dragon will induce a serious increase in mental problems (dementia/depressions/schizophrenia etc.) where medications will make the situation worse. Expect dramatic news and a serious increase involving suicides.

In those years, the nasty dragon was cruising through  the 12th house of the US forcing deep psychological changes to million of people and I knew its impact was to produce the mentioned above “prediction” but since August 2012 and until February 2014 the new Dragon moved into the deadly sign of Scorpio right into the 5th house regulating children and speculations. And its in horror that I am once again watching the deadly Scorpius Dragon taking large numbers of our children lives remorsefully…

I warned the world again when I wrote ” Warning Scorpius Dragon Has Arrived!” but this phenomenon is not yet accepted as a fact by science and a very large portion of a cosmic unconscious population. And all the experts can do is to keep wasting time and precious resources when in the vast majority of all the cases they are responsible for medicating the victims. But that’s all the doctors kids fresh out of colleges were traditionally trained to do,  not realizing they are making the situation much worse making my claims quite obvious…

 (CNN) — “The U.S. Army reported Thursday that there were 325 confirmed or potential suicides last year among active and nonactive military personnel.”

“Our highest on record,” said Lt. Gen. Howard Bromberg, deputy chief of staff, manpower and personnel for the Army. The grim total exceeds the number of total U.S. Army deaths (219) and total military deaths (313) in Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan, according to figures published by the military’s Defense Casualty Analysis System.

For all of last year, 182 potential active-duty suicides were reported, 130 of which have been confirmed and 52 of which remain under investigation, it said. And 143 potential not-on-active-duty suicides were reported (96 Army National Guard and 47 Army Reserve), 117 of which have been confirmed and 26 remain under investigation.

The total for 2011 was 283 — 165 confirmed active-duty suicides and 118 confirmed not-on-active-duty suicides (82 Army National Guard and 36 Army Reserve). No cases were under investigation.

DT Rebuttal:  Investigation or not, there could be only few answers making sense to them all, depressions and /or post dramatic disorder requiring a regiment of medication that poisons the human psyche further leading to dementia then suicide…  What is so difficult to understand but when billions of dollars are changing hands between the pharmaceutical corporations and scientific researches for drugs development, do you really think your children psychical health matter? This Scorpius dragon  is not only making the situation worse but forces the truth about this “upsurge in suicides” to come to the light through the work of people like me who can not be fooled easily.

Continued: The toll comes despite what the military touts as extensive support and counseling programs. “The Army continues to take aggressive measures head-on to meet the challenge of suicides as every loss of life impacts our family,” said Bromberg. “In spite of the increased loss of life to suicide, with calendar year 2012 being our highest on record, the Army is confident that through our continued emphasis in the services, programs, policies and training that support our Army family, we will overcome this threat to our Force.”

DT Rebuttal:  This will never happen, and he knows it! there could be only two answers to Bromberg’s ridiculous comment! Its either is he in with the pharmaceutical corporations and could not don’t care less about the casualties or he is like 99.009% of the world, cosmic unconscious, thus unable to perceive this deadly Dragon in action. I think he is both! May be like the rest of the people who believe guns are responsible for  all those deaths may be Bromberg should petition with all the moronic politicians to remove all the assaults weapons from the Army and Navy?  You would be amazed to find out how many of those lost souls turned their guns against themselves readers… But again who’s to blame anyone when ALL are cosmic unconscious and would rather trust science and religion to fix this problem!

Continued: For years, the Pentagon has struggled with how to identify service members at risk for suicide and to provide counseling and other services. The Army and Navy have focused on teaching “resiliency” to troops in hopes of helping them cope with stress. Military experts have long said one of the enduring challenges is that there doesn’t appear to be a direct link between suicides and the stress of being in the combat zone.

“Nobody knows No. 1, why all the suicides. Nobody has a good theoretical model for explaining this vector, but these are some possible contributors,” said Dr. William Nash, an expert in combat stress injuries. “The whole system being strained, more temper, stigma is rampant, leaders who should be getting more education for mental health issues but are not.”

DT Rebuttal: This is where I get frustrated because my voice is non existent  and even if it was I would be ridicule because this mass of educated cosmic unconscious “experts” would immediately assume I am nonsensical. Meantime their failures is obvious and shows  regardless of years teaching the Army and Navy have focused on teaching “resiliency” to troops it did not work the suicide rates to explode! What is obvious to the Military experts is that there doesn’t appear to be a direct link between suicides and the stress of being in the combat zone. Thus the war and dangerous depressing bloody environment has NOTHING to do with the increase and once again prove my claim that the Scorpius Dragon impact is universal and non limited geographically!

Thus when the “experts” affirms “Nobody knows No. 1, why all the suicides. Nobody has a good theoretical model for explaining this vector” they are wrong just because I am not there to teach them about the cosmic code jurisdictions… and while the “stigma is rampant, leaders who should be getting more education for mental health issues but are not.” How more STUPID this comment can be readers, when they are all missing the forest for the tree looking through their microscope for the responsible “gene?”

Remember reader, ALL physical or spiritual diseases are the result of a blockage, as long as my wisdom is blocked, my voice muted all you can expect is my visions for more suicides to become a reality and as always the question remain, what will you do to help Dr. Turi? I have a question to you reader, how many of my educational newsletters did you read? now how many did you pass on? Did you post it somewhere, in a group, on a popular website or even share it with your friends?  I let you answer how concerned and dedicated you truly are helping me helping your fellow human beings…

Continued: Nash said the stigma discourages soldiers from reporting issues related to stress in the combat zone. “To the extent that a military service branch that is having basically an epidemic of post-traumatic stress disorder is not embracing it as an epidemic, but instead sees it as ‘they’re faking,'” he said. “Which has been part of the stigma problem.”

The Army’s statement said it had expanded the Strong Bonds Program to strengthen relationships and family bonds; certified more than 3,000 additional suicide prevention trainers in the Ask, Care, Escort suicide intervention program; revised the Comprehensive Soldier Fitness program to include family members; increased the volume and availability of behavioral health services; and conducted an Army-wide stand down during Suicide Prevention Month to promote increased leaders’ awareness and involvement.

The numbers did not surprise Paul Sullivan, a member of the board of Veterans for Common Sense, a nonprofit advocacy group.

DT Rebuttal: Changing the word “stigma” with the “Scorpius Dragon” and explaining its psychical impact upon the potential victims if the only way to battle this evil of ignorance and allow the soldiers to apply their will to refute any suicidal thoughts. But like our children being molded into future monsters, the tremendous amount of uncontrolled emotions can not find its way out without the FACTS. Those kids should know WHEN, WHERE and HOW this dragon will affect them on a personal level FIRST! Then encourage them to fight for the duration , but if they were PREPARED before the impact producing those deep psychological changes they would not use their own mind and weapons against themselves!

Furthermore, adding more than 3,000 additional certified suicide prevention trainers is another total WASTE of time and money unless my students and I re-train properly in Astropsychology. This is a vicious circle that will never end, until this deadly Scorpius dragon moves out Universally but this does not mean its impact on a personal level will be alleviated!

Continued “As the service members return home and as the wars wind down, the mental trauma of war remains and there is an urgent need to make sure every service member receives a psychological evaluation upon returning home, and whenever a service member reaches out for help, the service member needs to receive it immediately,” he said.

“In both of those areas, the military is trying to improve, yet it’s still falling short. For example, the military is now providing more psychological exams, but it’s not doing it for every soldier coming back. And the military still reports that it’s short-handed for mental health professionals and, because of the vacancies, that means either veterans don’t see a doctor at all, there’s delay seeing a doctor, the veteran is put in group therapy instead of individual or the veteran is given prescription drugs instead of receiving one-on-one counseling, which is the best standard.”

DT Rebuttal:  Do you remember readers, “Military experts have long said one of the enduring challenges is that there doesn’t appear to be a direct link between suicides and the stress of being in the combat zone.” How can the mental trauma of war remains when there is no link? While the dramatic experiences and  thought persist going back home after your tour of duty does not stop the Scorpius Dragon tormenting you! This “Power of the Dragon” over your psyche can be 50% over, at the very end or the very beginning but will last close to two year and unless you are fully prepared mentally there is only one sure way to end the mental crucifying pain and this is by killing yourself!

At 63 years of age, I suffered this terrible Dragon twice already and managed to escape its mental grip while leading the biggest internal battle against my own mental self for what seem to be an eternity!  There were times where I really lost it wondering if I was to make it! Luckily for me I could not afford drugs that would have weakened my will to survive. That is the secret that all the experts need to acknowledge because THEY WILL like all other human being endure the Dragon a few times in their lifetime. Being prepared is the key, anticipating the mental torment is the key but how many of those “educated” kids experienced first hand this mental nightmare like I did?   And this is why they do not know how it feels and why death is the only way to stop this psychical nightmare!

All I can suggest you is, if you are into psychology, counseling or a mind expert  is to be curious and read ” I aM gOING crAZY!)*(76&7#@#

 Continued: The suicide hotline is  800-273-8255.

A private-sector group, the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS), which provides military grief support programs, has reported it receives eight to 10 cases a week of people seeking help dealing with the suicide of a service member. Of the people contacting the organization for care and support, 18% were “grieving a death by suicide,” TAPS has said.

DT Rebuttal:  Remember reader, incredible experiences breed incredible people that have incredible wisdom to share!  God enslaved me to experience it all and offer you my life’s dramatic experiences as a valuable tool to find some of the most difficult answers science must uncover.

I made thousands of 90 mn taped “Full Life Readings” and if you or a loved one is suffering depressions it is a serious sign of the Scorpius Dragon aiming for your fragile  unprepared psyche. Why would you wait and pay a fortune to have your child or yourself poisoned when I can do all this safely? The more you wait the more grip the Scorpius Dragon will exert upon your psyche and the harder it will be to heal. Do not wait if you get the signs, do not let this dragon entrap you deeper into depressions, dementia and suicide. This is very real, regardless what the “experts” think they know because they don’t!

There are levels and each one requires a specific step and the more you wait, the more anti depressant you tale the hardest it becomes…Do not expect traditionally educated kids to understand or heal you because the entire article above speaks of failures, frustrations and wonders! Many of those lost souls are gone and there is nothing you and I can do for them but many more are struggling to stay alive and it is just a matter of time before they end up committing suicide. Many of them are non-salvageable, its too late they just wasted their life in the name of the “experts” cosmic ignorance. Do not let happen to you, to a family member or a friend! Read what other people who took a chance on my work and I wrote and follow their footpaths I am here for you and I will take good care of you!  But remember, the evil of ignorance is like a plague where young souls will try all they can to taint the light and they are every where showing how ridiculous, envious and nonproductive they are

From UFO’s to madness, from hell to heaven what is it I did not suffer or live? In fact I did not want to write about it last night UFO experience I had, but after all, at this point in my life, I don’t care what any young skeptical, cosmic unconscious young soul would say…

I was like every night seating in my hot tab listening to the radio, this is how I unwind…I was not looking for anything just listening enjoying the water on my old bones… Then a HUGE flash right right above my head caught my eyes in the dark night!  I looked in that direction looking for what I thought would be an airplane headlights about to land in Phoenix. I saw nothing but darkness, not flashing red, green or white light as I expected. Then it happened again, but this time even more powerful, a HUGE flash light that blinded me for a second. I kept looking in the dark sky looking for anything that would give me a plausible answer but nothing! I watched all over the sky for another ten minutes of so lost in my mind but the light never hit me again.

Was it yet another direct message that UFO are Real and to be prepared? As you know readers, there are no accidents, only obvious omens I can fitfully decipher  involving my impending fate…And, in time,  I will tell you all about it


While I have promised to be more selective in offering my pearls of wisdom to the public only those who can appreciate and reward my work and become VIP’s will benefit from my dedication to serve the children of the future. Thus I will soon shut down the FREE internet access to ALL my Cosmic Code and Dragon  newsletters.  You had plenty samples since 1991 to judge my work.  I will only post ONE full newsletter every Sunday until I decide to stop completely…

All you will get soon will be teasers because I have been battling with this decision for a while now but I kept posting for free. If my work make sense to you, pick one of the affordable option to join  because this cosmic educational, regenerative flux will soon stop. With the only difference that this time I mean it!

Blessings to all my readers

Dr. Turi

Christina Green and Hadiya Pendleton

“The future is the reincarnation of the thought, where Cosmic Consciousness is lacking, science, religion, conspiracy and imagination have the wrong answers. There are no accidents just cosmic circumstances the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive.”

May God Bless Your Soul

Inauguration performer shot dead Inauguration performer shot dead

 Dear readers;

All I can do is to refresh your memory and point out again my August 2, 2012 prediction for the current  deadly Scorpius dragon aiming for the children and the endless chain of dramatic news prove my claim. Another “vision” posted on prediction page #1 involves the police and the mob going out of “border!” Mexican drug cartels gain foothold in 1,286 US cities

Memo – 3. Many foreign Mobs organizations will “merge”, to promote sex/drug trafficking and gang violence. Expect more deadly news as the criminal will get bolder and deadlier. Many powerful police and government officials”s identities will be divulged. 

In Why new laws MISS ENTIRELY America’s bigger gun problem I gave my best shot to make the reader aware that drugs and the guns are the end results of our children being molded by science and education into monsters.

It is no mystery why, at least in my work that the number one killer in the United States is the treatment because science is whoring around with the giant pharmaceutical corporations who support their researches to medicate more young people. Add together all the doctor errors, legal/illegal drug-reaction fatalities, deadly infections picked up in hospitals or in the streets etc., and you find that doctors and treatment by mainstream sources is the leading cause of death ahead of heart disease and cancer. An investigation by the respected online Consumer Reports said:

Infections, surgical mistakes, and other medical harm contributes to the deaths of 180,000 hospital patients a year, according to projections based on a 2010 report from the Department of Health and Human Services. Another 1.4 million are seriously hurt by their hospital care. And those figures apply only to Medicare patients. What happens to other people is less clear because most hospital errors go unreported and hospitals report on only a fraction of things that can go wrong …

… ‘There is an epidemic of health-care harm,’ says Rosemary Gibson, a patient-safety advocate and author. More than 2.25 million Americans will probably die from medical harm in this decade, she says. ‘That’s like wiping out the entire populations of North Dakota, Rhode Island, and Vermont. It’s a man-made disaster’…

… ‘Hospitals haven’t given safety the attention it deserves,’ says Peter Pronovost, M.D., senior vice president for patient safety and quality at Johns Hopkins Medicine in Baltimore. Nor has the government, he says. ‘Medical harm is probably one of the three leading causes of death in the US, but the government doesn’t adequately track it as it does deaths from automobiles, plane crashes, and cancer. It’s appalling.’

The seemingly random killing of 15-year-old girl  Hadiya Pendleton, as she stood with friends reflects the deep evil encrusted in the psyche of her killer and as you know there are no accidents only cosmic circumstances unknown to science and the world at large.  Yet is it an “accident” for Gabrielle Gifford to be born also a Gemini with the same exact Dragon?   But what is the point for me to even mention this cosmic facts when 99.009% of the world is still cosmic unconscious? What good or what values is my 45 years of independent researches on the working of the human psyche and karmic values involving the cosmic code jurisdictions if it makes sense to my students  and I alone?

Little does the world know that where ever Scorpio or Pluto is located in your  in your  UCI, death will enter your life and subject certain signs to violent death. This does not mean all souls born in June will meet with their demise but when the nefarious Dragon is on the 6th house of health and work the deadly results are quite obvious.

Note also as in ALL the cases I have investigated so far, EACH TIME the victim happens to be at the wrong place, at the wrong time or RIGHT on one of her karmic Unlucky Dragon Dates but again what all this cosmic mambo jumbo mean to the rest of the world, the cops and the families members when my priceless latest Astropsychology discovery is not being investigated or put to the test?  May be when all the  educated experts from all walks of life reading my work stop assuming I am a psychic and my work is only pseudo-science…

Furthermore, Neptune the planet regulating addictions, drugs, jails and universal religious poisoning is currently located in the sign of Pisces stimulating and attracting a Neptunian mob into her life Et Voila! As much as there are no accident for Hadiya for being at the wrong place at the wrong time there are no “Act of God” that can not be explained if you own Cosmic Consciousness!

We all remember  Christina-Taylor Green the Tucson angel who like Hadiya was at the wrong place at the wrong time killed by Jared Lee Loughner Tucson Evil –  Before my Internet enemies managed to remove me from Aticlebases I wrote “A Little Angel Called Christina Green” where I explained the  “Power of the Dragon” magnetizing her  to anything related to politics (and Gabrielle Gifford.) She was there “by accident because her cosmic unconscious teachers and her school.

The same cosmic Dragon energy is active in Hadiya  chart making her very UNLUCKY with anything directly or indirectly related to politics and for her to die “randomly” is totally out of question.  The fact is she was a direct target of the mob because her “indirect” connection with Obama’s 2012 Rigged Election.

Note also President Obama’s 8th house of death is located in the sign of Pisces and receives/attarcts Hadiya karmic Dragon’s Tail (negative) also in Pisces. But all those cosmic “confirmations” can not be used in today’s police work because Astropsychology is not being used as the utmost precise tool available to understand unsolved murders. Instead this case like millions of others will be put under the rug by the skepticism and inefficiency of an army of traditionally educated detectives. Read more about the police!

Lastly Neptune, the ruler of Pisces  (deception/secrets) is found in Hadiya 8th house of death conjuncting Pluto (death/assassination) in the sign of Capricorn (politics.)

Thus like in the case of Christina-Taylor Green, Hadiya is the victim of all the cosmic unconscious teachers and the educational system “connecting” encouraging some fatalistic doomed children to deal directly or indirectly with politics or politicians. Its all about cosmic dust cosmic energy that attracts situations, experiences and finally death!

But being so far ahead of society and the educational system in my own expertise serves NO ONE unless all the parties involved, from top to bottom build cosmic consciousness and make a good use of the Cosmic Code jurisdictions. To the young religious poisoned soul, the atheist, the antagonistic  the skeptic and scientist alike my pearls of wisdom are to be wasted…

To the more sophisticated, curious spiritual soul and responsible parents, knowing about their children  Unique Celestial Identity and Unlucky Dragon Dates is the only way to protect them against a cosmic unconscious society  who has lost the essence of God’s celestial will…

It is in the darkness hour that those who are left mourning the loss of a child reflect the deepest need to understand why and how their loved one has gone…And in 50 years of so from today, when Dr. Turi will be gone in the great beyond, that my work will have served its purpose…


Thus while I have promised to be more selective in offering my pearls of wisdom to the public only those who can appreciate and reward my work and become VIP’s will benefit from my dedication to serve the children of the future. Thus I will soon shut down the FREE internet access to ALL my Cosmic Code and Dragon  newsletters.  You had plenty samples since 1991 to judge my work.  I will only post ONE full newsletter every Sunday until I decide to stop completely…

All you will get soon will be teasers because I have been battling with this decision for a while now but I kept posting for free. If my work make sense to you, pick one of the affordable option to join  because this cosmic educational, regenerative flux will soon stop. With the only difference that this time I mean it!

My energy MUST attract “The Chosen Ones” ONLY – What are ET’s and where do they come from?


February 13, 2013 – Join Dr. Turi FREE Global Tele-class
 How To Unleash Your Psychic power

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi

The Universe IS a big Brain


Cosmic Code

 For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice…

Dear readers;

Note: This article was produced 01/23/13 and has been updated in parts.

The universe is expanding and accelerating each passing day, thus human affairs and natural disasters will feel this upsurge of madness in politics, earthquakes, weather and abnormal natural disasters intensity.

But, without cosmic consciousness (the understanding of the cosmic code via Astrology)   it is impossible for today infantile dry science to connect the dots. While logic dictate that messing up with Mother Earth can only aggravate various locations such as Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas and Arkansas “Fracking fallout: 7.9 million at risk of man-made earthquakes” it is impossible for the scientific community to truly point out the real “cosmic” reasons for such acceleration.

It is only when science reconnect with God Cosmic Divinity and its creation (above and below) and raise its spiritual vibrations that; a clear understanding to what the SHOCKING, technological (UFOs/ sudden release of energy) Age of Aquarius is about to unleash upon earth.

Today’s Neptunius watery dragon speaks of the many predictions I made and already came to pass but humanity is slow to learn!

2016 Neptunius Draconis Predictions (public)
2014/2015 Arian Draconis Predictions  (public)
2012/2014 Scorpius Draconis Predictions (public).

For now all you have is Dr. Turi cosmic awareness ingeniousness, something none of the young “educated” or idiotic  souls could never assimilate!  Back to the original article…

Physicists Find Evidence That The Universe Is A ‘Giant Brain’

Posted Image

SOURCE CREDIT : Huffington Post UK | By Michael Rundle
Note if you are a VIP, copy paste the link in the search box of the cosmic code website to read those old articles. 

In my  January 23 Cosmic Code radio show I explained I great detail how the Universal Mind, interact with the human mind and I can only suggest the reader to listen to the program archives and learn more on the topic. Meantime I did certainly elaborate much more on January 26th on the Jeffery “Church of Mabus” radio show!

I guess blasting the Internet since 1991 and being a favorite guest on George Noory Coast To Coast am radio show  heard by millions of people has paid off  for science.

While I do not expect then to ever acknowledge where they first heard the idea of the human mind being directly “connected” with the Universal Mind or getting a ” Nobel Price” from the scientific community, the facts is my mission to introduce humanity to the Cosmic Code jurisdictions is making progress.  Yes back in 1991 I was well ahead of them all…

While they are on the right track, the scientists are still millions miles away from getting full Cosmic Consciousness, the question is will anyone of them contact me to teach them what took me a lifetime to acknowledge? Neuroscience Long For Answer On the Mind – Update – The psychology and neuroscience of terrorism by Dr. Turi

The idea of the universe as a ‘giant brain’ has been proposed by scientists – and science fiction writers – for decades. But now physicists say there may be some evidence that it’s actually true. In a sense. According to a study published in Nature’s Scientific Reports, the universe may be growing in the same way as a giant brain – with the electrical firing between brain cells ‘mirrored’ by the shape of expanding galaxies.

DT Rebuttal:  Human are a microcosm of a much larger macrocosm – Macrocosm and microcosm is an ancient GreekNeo-Platonic schema of seeing the same patterns reproduced in all levels of the cosmos, from the largest scale (macrocosm or universe-level) all the way down to the smallest scale (microcosm or sub-sub-atomic or even metaphysical-level). In the system the midpoint is Man, who summarizes the cosmos. Thus if this crowd of erudite men mentioned below knew and used the stars chances are our infantile science will humble themselves for a change and accept the difference between education and intelligence…

 Plato – Philosopher – Albert Einstein – Physicist – Ralph Waldo Emerson – Poet – JP Morgan – First Billionaire – Robert Heinlein – Best-selling Author – Hippocrates- Father of Medicine –  Paracelsus Mental genius-  DH Lawrence – Author – Louis Pasteur – Scientist – Pythagoras – Mathematician – Benjamin Franklin – A Founding Father of America – Donald Reagan – Formerly Ronald Reagan’s Chief of Staff – Raymond Domenech, French soccer coach –  Author Paul Kiritsis – Nostradamus Seer, and of course Dr. Turi and all his Astropsychology students use the stars!

And of course the educated idiots and the subhumans truly believe they know better than all of us…

Some of these  new scientists own a more advanced  UCI or Unique Celestial Identity than the ones of their classmate peers and are moving in the right direction.

Continued: The results of a computer simulation suggest that “natural growth dynamics” – the way that systems evolve – are the same for different kinds of networks – whether its the internet, the human brain or the universe as a whole. A co-author of the study, Dmitri Krioukov from the University of California San Diego, said that while such systems appear very different, they have evolved in very similar ways.

The result, they argue, is that the universe really does grow like a brain. The study raises profound questions about how the universe works, Krioukov said. “For a physicist it’s an immediate signal that there is some missing understanding of how nature works,” he told The team’s simulation modelled the very early life of the universe, shortly after the big bang, by looking at how quantum units of space-time smaller than subatomic particles ‘networked’ with each other as the universe grew.

DT Rebuttal: But what is amazing is I knew all about it at the tender age of 10 years old and luckily for me my Grandma was there to talk to me about the moon and the stars…

Dr Turi on William Shatner’s “Weird of What” TV show

As mentioned before unless science breach the gap between the physical and spiritual manifesto  and stop distancing themselves from the spirit with a cosmic conscious teacher all the secret of the Universe can become theirs… I have a few videos dedicated to introduce you to the old science and all you have to do is to click on the links. Hopefully the scientists will be lucky enough to land on my work and save a lifetime of questions and make a good use of my 45 years of independent researches.

Dr Turi Beyond 2012

2012 Mayan Cosmic Activation

Dr Turi: Journal of the Unknown

Cosmic Code Reality – Part 1

Cosmic Code Reality – Part 2

Cosmic Code Reality – Part 3: Astro Tarot

Continued:  They found that the simulation mirrored that of other networks. Some links between similar nodes resulted in limited growth, while others acted as junctions for many different connections. For instance, some connections are limited and similar – like a person who likes sports visiting many other sports websites – and some are major and connect to many other parts of the network, like Google and Yahoo. No, it doesn’t quite mean that the universe is ‘thinking’ – but as has been previously pointed out online, it might just mean there’s more similarity between the very small and the very large than first appearances suggest.

DT Rebuttal: No the universe is not thinking, its God’s celestial rules, its a universal matrix, a gear box, a universal mind  and like the creator like the universe does not think, rationalize, fear or feels, it simply does. This is why, following a tragedy such as the  CT massacre of 20 children and  7 adults all cosmic unconscious human beings are baffled and call an “Act of God!”

 Meantime this HUGE Universal Mind affects all human being at a very personal level through their inherited  karmic program or their “UCI or Unique Celestial Identity.” But science has yet to recognize the unseen cosmic forces at work are only felt and generated by our local solar system… All other solar systems supports a very different type of life far from the 5 limited human senses, its limited perception and understanding of what infinity, time and space is all about.   Or what I attribute to the effect of “Dark Matter” as to make sense to their   unsophisticated underdeveloped non spiritual natal/rational/skeptical/logical UCI.

 As we move forward into the Age of Aquarius (Google/Yahoo/technology/UFO) more and more scientists born with a more perceptive  UCI will be allowed into the archetypal real of consciousness and make a good use of the intuitional domain of my work. By looking at the article and the author explanations above, there is still a very long way before cosmic consciousness blesses all scientists of the future. And since 1991, my dedication and endless creative work will somehow reach those willing to learn how and what the Universal Mind is all about from a 63 years old man.

 More answers on the Universal Mind on the January 26th Jeffery “Church of Mabus” radio show where I explained more on UFO and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions and offered more predictions!

Sharing email:

The giant brain universe makes me think of aboriginal Australia myths of the dream time. They thought we were inside a dream. Looking at the simulated models of the universe it is easy to see why they think that. It looks like a massive set of neural points like in a brain cascade. Then I think of the old saying “as above, so below” It makes you wonder, the solar system seems like a single cell moving around its center in a collection of cells making up the Galaxy. Then the Galaxy’s are connected to each other with filaments of matter. It is really beautiful. Like this video

DT- Wonderful now you have to realize that nothing either start of finish within the mind but all start and finish in the Universal Mind.  Watch these videos to learn more… and


“if you are not happy or something is missing in your life it is simply because you do not live your destiny as intended by God through the Cosmic Code”

NOTE My “2013 Moon Power Universal Guidance and Predictions”  and my “2013 Nostradamus Personal Dragon Forecast” have been reduced to $15 a piece and now available to the public – Enjoy  the most reliable guidance and predictions in the Internet.

Updated – 01/26/13 – ‘Anonymous’ threatens Justice Department – It seems my vision is accurate!

“(CNN) — In anger over the recent death of an Internet activist who faced federal charges, hackers claiming to be from the group Anonymous threatened early Saturday to release sensitive information about the U.S. Department of Justice.”

But the sad reality is both the group and the Homeland Security are cosmic unconscious and “Anonymous” blame the government for Aaron suicide and took his side against its legal battles. All induced by  his natal Dragon’s Tail *negative in Libra (Laws.)  All human participants, would it be the FBI or the activists are simply neurotically, robotically, subconsciously acting out the part of their natal stars without a remote understanding of the inner reasons why they are implicated in a variety of emotional human affairs. Cosmic unconsciousness starts with the first teachers battling their closest family members UCI differences  in the nucleus of their own homes.

This humongous universal ignorance then follow the subjects all throughout education, their lives, aims, career, accomplishments and actions… YET 99.0009% of the world’s population does not know why they do what they do or react for or against against each others in the cosmic nonsensical voyage of their existence on this dense physical world!  This evil dance of ignorance turns into the endless chain of dramatic news…

Read why Aaron Swartz committed suicide!


In a newsletter titled North Korea Nukes Race – A wake up call to America! I wrote about the December 12, “North Korea carrying out a controversial rocket launch”, in fact not only did I give the exact day for dramatic news to come public on November 14 on the Roxy radio show  and created a huge panic and bad reaction from a bunch of scared people but I also made the same Predictions with George Noory  7 years ago  (full TV special in 2006) warning of foreign power to develop nukes and this was well before Iran ambitions became public. (24 minutes into the program.)

 Furthermore electing a President dwelling endlessly on his unlucky Aquarius (NUKES) Dragon’s Tail can only “attract” the Uranic explosive energies cloaked in his UCI. In Roxy radio show  I fully explained this nuts and bolts of President Obama unusual fate thus if you are able to handle the truth I can only warn America of its impending fate for ignoring the cosmic code jurisdictions. Cyber/Nuke Attack on the US, only a matter of time!Our infantile science and the world’s population are totally cosmic unconscious  and oblivious of the cosmic forces at work in charge of each and every human being living on planet earth.

The more power you give a soul, the more his fate will be felt upon those he rules. History spoke the truth of my supreme wisdom with evil souls such as Hitler, Mussolini, Saddam Hussein, Qaddafi, Joseph Stalin etc. Asia own a very strong “Aquarius” technology energy located right on the Dragon’s Tail of President Obama and those energy speaks a language he and his cosmic unconscious advisers are not trained and ill fitted to translate. This Uranic /Aquarius “sudden release of energy” produced the  December 7, 1941 “surprise attack on Pearl Harbor and will manifest again in the future.  2014/2015 will be crucial months for my vision to unfold unless the entire Obama administration become cosmic conscious and act appropriately and timely,  something simply impossible because I am not there to guide them!

North Korea says it plans to carry out a new nuclear test and more long-range rocket launches, all part of a new phase of confrontation with the U.S.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, was born January 8, 1983 and own the SAMECapricorn (the Goat/head of evil) Dragon’s Tail (negative)  as Hitler and his moon (North Korea infrastructure/his people) is located  in the deadly sign of Scorpio! Exactly like Saddam Hussein who did not hesitate to kill his family members to own and stay in power… And we all know what happened to Iraq since then… What is scary is that Saturn (the great malefic) happens to be close to his deadly moon in Scorpio meaning the attack will be planned and conducted in secret then delivered while a lot of “secret talks” to act as a unit is taking place with Iran…

President Obama’s fate and the one of America has to unfold in accordance to the Law and rituals of the divine…  Knowing the  Scorpius deadly Dragon is until February 2014 ridding North Korean leader Kim Jong Un’s Scorpius Moon I can only hope President Obama will stop dreaming and hope for a peaceful world and strike them before they strike us…It seem diplomacy is out of question and time is running out! more in the Roxy radio show 

Blessings to all my reader

Dr. Turi

Why new laws MISS ENTIRELY America’s bigger gun problem

”If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”

~ Dalai Lama and Dr. Turi 

Note the 2013 February personal/universal elaborated horoscopes,  moon transits etc. will be posted soon on the cosmic code website. Join today don’t miss my guidance, the Dragon has bad news for President Obama and only my VIP will know all the details…  BECOME A VIP TODAY

Why new laws MISS America’s bigger gun problem

Mom loses 4th child to gun violence  Mom loses 4th child to gun violence

Dear Readers;

I do not know anyone who, after watching this mother’s desperate pleas, who could not feel for her, with the only difference that it seems her river of tears and dried feelings are all gone, at least from the surface…

My own mother lost a child back in 1965 and to this day, she has never been the same when my younger brother Vincent died accidentally. Only a few months earlier our neighbor  lost her child also accidentally riding his new bike, he was my age, 17 years old and also my school mate. Both mothers spoke endlessly helping each others to deal with the lost of a child and both tried very hard to let go of the pain, then disaster stroked again.

A few months after losing her older son, her younger child, born in 1952 like my brother Vincent died accidentally crashed by a tractor… We were all so sad at the church gathering, wondering how God could do such a thing twice… But one thing I clearly remember is, unlike my mother, she was very vocal about the loss of her first child and I heard her many times saying ” Please God protect my other son, I do not want to go through this hell of pain again.”  In fact that all she was praying for, everyday of her life, for God to protect her remaining child…

I was much too young to realize how she was unconsciously misusing the Supra-conscious creative/destructive forces which ultimately took her fears as wishes… 55 years later, I became a Clinical Hypnotherapist, learned more about the subconscious and finally understood what the Supra-conscious was all about and with time, all the secrets involving the Universal Mind.   In my book “Beyond The Secret” I wrote about my crazy life, the many collected dramatic experiences, such as this one and explained the inner forces at work producing all “accidents” or the many so-called “Acts of God.”

While handguns are the obvious end reasons for this mother to lose 4 of her children, the elites and mental experts are obviously missing the forest for the tree and I will elaborate on other forces at work those cosmic unconscious people are totally unaware of… First if you did not yet watch this 4 minutes You Tube video where I offer an understanding  of this phenomenon.

The supra-conscious, like God is impartial and does not rationalize with anyone, regardless of your prayers. And “if you feed evil” long enough by nurturing powerful fears you will “magnetize” yourself to the unwanted experience your create in your mind! In my upcoming FREE “Global Teleclass” I will offer many more examples on how to control, direct and use this power in your life so emotional, financial and  spiritual stability can become your reality, like it became mine. I strongly advise the reader to join us that evening and avoid an unwanted “Act of God.”

The Supra-conscious can and will manifest especially if you were born a DUAL or own a strong Gemini UCI or Unique Celestial Identity. Born a dual mean having 2, 4, 6 kids, experienced more than 2 marriages, speaking a few languages, look younger than your age etc, in fact I am a dual myself! As always I do not expect the hard core logical infantile scientific community to make any sense of my spiritual work “yet” but as I wrote so many times I do not think all today’ scientists are born morons or cursed to stay morons for the rest of their lives!

More and more colleges graduates, PhD’s and doctors from all walks of life are joining the cosmic code and learn from me. I am proud and happy because I always said to my Astropsychology students“My work is not for the feeble minded envious young souls, but for the above normal intelligent, curious spiritual  human beings…” 

The sad reality is I do not have access to the very censoring, controlling media and my pearls of wisdom are only reaching a minuscule portion of the population. I wrote so many newsletters about the CT massacre, I also made a You Tube video but I am much too far ahead of science for them to comprehend my work and make a good use of it. Again the fact is your politicians, your experts scientists have no clue and can only use their five limited human senses to deal with a phenomenon well above their educated cosmic unconscious mind. Thus all they can do is to blame the guns when guns have nothing to do what’ so ever with the situation.

First the newcomers must acknowledge the current Scorpius cosmic fluid aiming for the children, plaguing this world since August 2nd, 2012 producing an endless chain of deadly dramatic news. Warning Scorpius Dragon Has Arrived!

Second in the newsletter titled “Newton CT Here Is Your Answer…” I offered a collection of links that demand you to do your own homework and catch up with other readers by reading all about the real reasons that produced all the killings. All I can tell you is to also take the time to watch yet another You Tube video titled  In Memory of The Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting Victims and from there let the world know that guns have only a fraction to do with those tragedies.

 The mother who has lost all four of her children to gun violence in Chicago, the mothers who lost their children in the CT massacre are like their leaders, cosmic unconscious and need answers they will never get, unless God lead them to my work. (and many will!)

Neuroscience Long For Answer On the Mind

Why, Why Adam Killed children – Let Me Tell You Why!

Scorpius Evil Visited CT School

Newtown CT Massacre – Kill All the Children Now!

Jacob Tyler Roberts Another Born Killer

 “The Death Wish Generation” and The Gang Generation” means NOTHING to the elites of this world because  the educational system, science and religions hijacked your mind and control all the vital  information. Man lost its spirit and true wisdom is missing, replaced with lies, deceptive archaic religious material and all created problems are fought with legal and illegal drugs turning America into a nation of medicated lost souls. Meantime this humongous maintained political ignorance turn your innocent children into monsters that kill their parents and decimate each others…

My book  “The Power of the Dragon” has the answers of what of means to be human and is the result of my soon to be 63 years of independent researches on the conception and working of human psyche  outside of conventional teachings. But to an abusive supremely wealthy and controlling system my pearls of wisdom are only pseudo-science and non suitable for the main media…just because I do not whore around with them all and teach safer natural laws that brings no financial revenues to the Illuminati…

 “Where Cosmic Consciousness is lacking; science, conspiracy and religious imagination have the answers. There are no accidents just consequences the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive.”

Since 1991 I worked my butt off to get my first Astropsychology school off the ground but since then millions of churches, colleges, Universities, jails and sports building ravaged your taxes and donations. And I can guarantee you this  problem will get much worse before it gets better. And it will never do, unless I get the help I need to bring back God’s celestial divinity as humanity start using the signs as he intended us to do.

“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that you may live a safer more productive life!”

“If you are not happy it is because you do not live the destiny written in light by your creator”

I have asked for your donations for years to save your children, all in vain…So don’t give me nothing, instead why not becoming a  Cosmic Code VIP  instead?  Think of what ever you can afford by picking the option you can afford as a DONATION for my school project…

My vision of the future is so gloomy and so scary where the children will turn monsters must faster and become more deadly, more shocking, all subconsciously tormented by the psychical evil growing in their spiritually depraved minds. Why would you wait until its too late? Don’t you trust Dr. Turi’s visions anymore? Do you have to read it in the news regularly before you realize how crucial it is to help me to help your children? When I wrote ““An Act Of God” Children Born Killer?” did you get anything at all?

I am as desperate as any of you readers, with the only difference that I am the only human being alive today that has the answer to stop this evil. Yes I am expecting the envious, logical, rational, educated, skeptics, scientists, atheists and envious moron born alike to assume I am on another of my ego trip because their karmic UCI enunciate a mental ineptitude to think at my level and appreciate my rare pearls of cosmic wisdom.

 “For evil to flourish, all that is needed is for good people to do nothing.”

– Edmund Burke

All I can do is to keep working and educating my readers hoping for my movement to become widely appreciated and accepted and my total dedication to liberate your children from this evil before its too late!

Why new laws MISS America’s bigger gun problem? I offered you the real reasons only a fraction of my readers can acknowledge, to the very large lethargic mass of you, I say;  can you now handle the truth about yourself? here it goes readers and with it, love me or hate me more…

Do not blame the guns, blame all your politicians, all your governmental institutions elites, all the teachers, all the experts that run and control education, all your scientists whoring around with pharmaceutical corporations, your religious leaders and finally yourselves for being cosmic unconscious, unwilling to grow spiritually and unwilling to help Dr. Turi…


“The stars are the elixir of life” “All great spirits have encountered opposition from mediocre minds”
– A. Einstein



Dr. Turi

Earthquakes predictions

For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice… Dr. Turi

In order for science to take anything seriously, my “predictions” (using software) have to be well documented, dated, printed and in my case, they are also published usually a year ahead of time. Sometimes I nurture a strong feeling and BLAST the Internet warning of an imminent terrorist attack a day prior to the devastation!

But most of all my “visions” must be REPETITIVE and this is all I did since 1991. Are you ready for the best of the best in my efforts to reach the scientific community readers? here it is, and I can only hope you will share my work with all the scientific organizations and all well-read skeptics alike …  Scientists Lies – Tornado prediction is NOT advancing nor evolving!


So the scientific community likes solid proofs? Here it is again and anything that has ever been posted on the Internet is there to stay forever and with a little search on “Deja New”, anyone can trace these posts.

Sample of Proof:

WWW -INTERNET – USGS – Message -ID: ///4Hv@goodnet/// -sender news////com (News Administrator) -Dr. Turi drturi////com>

Newsgroups – sci.geo,sci.geo.geology,ca.earthquakes,hkbu,geog.maps – WEEKLY USGS Quake Report 9/28 – 10/4/95 CA. Seismology Institute – in rticleDG1t4H.v @////com>

DATE- Oct 6h, 1995 says…  “ POSTED (Oct, 6th. 1995)”

From Dr. Turi – “Dear Sirs: – On Oct. 8th and Oct. 9th a very unusual seismic activity will be noticeable and will produce many quakes above 6.1. More information is available pertaining to my method if requested. Respectfully- Dr. Turi”

Results – Full proofs of predictions:

1 – RE: Weekly USGS Quake Report Oct. 8th


2 – RE: Weekly USGS Quake Report Oct. 9th


Feedback from NASA STUDENT

Kudos to you Dr. Turi!

I surf the Internet periodically for predictions on forthcoming events, specifically all relating to earthquake activities. You hit the 11/22/95 Egypt/Israel/Saudi Arabia 7.2 quake smack dab on the head, per your earlier prediction. Congratulations again!

E-mail < ////private @ccmail.jpl.nasa///> Keep up the good work.

Appreciatively, G//

8/18/2024 – My windows always depict SERIOUS natural disasters and earthquakes at or above 6.0

Volcano erupts in Russia after 7.0-magnitude earthquake, sending ash column 5 miles high





FBI visited Dr. Turi again, following Paris Terrorists Attack


I was invited twice on Rob McConnell, and give the exact date for TWO very large earthquakes! Dr. Turi with Rob McConnell on The ‘X’ Zone Radio & TV Show September 7th, 2011 Canada.

Endorsement Rob McConnell:

“I have had the pleasure and privilege of knowing Dr. Turi since the early years of The ‘X’ Zone Radio Show going back to the 90s. He has always been a true, dedicated, and professional wanting only to make positive changes in the world that we live in and to his fellow humans. On Wednesday, September 7 from 2 pm – 3 pm Eastern, Dr. Turi was a guest on The ‘X’ Zone Radio Show which I am the creator, host, and executive producer when he accurately predicted the earthquake that hit Vancouver and The Islands in British Columbia, Canada on Friday, September 9, 2011. You can listen to our interview and judge for yourself!

Update Like George Noory and Tom Danheiser on Coast to Coast am did, Rob McConnell removed the radio shows offering undeniable proofs of my predictions of large earthquakes! You can still go to my radio page and listen to countless radio shows where I did the same!

When Dr. Louis Turi speaks, people should pay attention! It is without hesitation and great pleasure that I fully endorse and recommend Dr. Louis Turi.” September 11, 2011, 1st Rob McConnell, Host & Executive Producer, The ‘X’ Zone Radio / TV Show worked directly with Dr at Star theme Co.

“Dr. Turi is a man of high integrity and an astrologer who means business and doesn’t BS around. He is detailed, accurate, and a wonderful keynote speaker to listen to. He is gifted beyond measure and understands the inner-weavings of the fabric of the Universe.” April 12, 2011 “Because they are seeing, they see not; and hearing, they hear not; neither do they understand the voice of heaven.” – Matthew 13.13


EARTHQUAKE! 6.1 in Ozernovskiy, Kamtsjatka, Russia Dr. Turi did it again!   Today’s date March 29th was given in Andy Ilias Radio Live 03/5/19 and Chris Everard TFRLive 3/17/19 – Check my claims! 

I challenged NASA, NOAA USGS the police establishment since 1991 and the emails exchanged with Pasadena Seismology Institute are  MUCH TO EMBARRASSING and MUST be repressed, laugh at, ignored, and kept away from the media! If you were one of them, would you promote my work or wish disappear on a remote island?

There are so many predictions I made on national radio but this is a Memo from prediction page 1: But what can I do or say I did not do or say (write) before to those organizations we support with our hard-earned tax dollar? Should they pay attention to a different more spiritual cosmic avenue if; in the end, our association could benefit humanity in the weather or natural disasters prediction?  How long will it take for this scientific stubborn donkey attitude to change?

And I keep offering the scientific community with undeniable proofs of my cosmic wisdom… 

And if you think the quote of genius like Einstein will serve or help my purpose, think again reader, fixing idiocy or fear of the ridicule seems an impossibility!

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. We will not solve the problems of the world from the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. More than anything else, this new century demands new thinking: We must change our materially based analyses of the world around us to include broader, more multidimensional perspectives.” Albert Einstein

In order for science to take anything seriously, my “predictions” (using software) have to be well documented, dated, printed and in my case, they are also published usually a year ahead of time. Sometimes I nurture a strong feeling and BLAST the Internet warning of an imminent terrorist attack a day prior to the devastation!

Yes, and I did all this without stealing hard-working American citizen’s taxes readers, did it occur to you how many billion were wasted by NASA to build a technology that STILL serves no real purpose to a human on earth or earthquakes prediction today when I first contacted them in 1995 offering my pearl of wisdom?

But I can hear them saying “What difference does it make, or what is the purpose if you do not provide a location?” 

My answer would be “First this is YOUR job, not mine, you are sucking billions of our tax dollars for years, yet you scientists provide NO exact location and NO perfect timing!

But I did (and WILL) offer the scientific community and the public more dates of upcoming large earthquakes above 6.0 and more of my SOS to the world deadly window dates so smart people can anticipate future terrorist attacks!  I will also offer Neurosciences and psychologists with a better understanding of the working of a terrorist mind.

This does not mean atheists born can relate to my work and attacking me is a serious mistake this big mealymouthed kid needed to learn! “Paranormal Central Atheist Little Brat

Image result for star trek

Dr. Turi on William Shatner’s TV Show
 Discovery Channel – Dr. Turi’s Predictions

My friend Gary  Busey giving me top of the world endorsement…


This page will be updated regularly

My SOS windows always produce earthquakes at or above 6.0

Window of February 14, 15, 16, 17,

2/14/24: 6.0 magnitude earthquake near Colonia, Yap, Micronesia
2/14/24: 6.0 magnitude earthquake near Vallenar, Atacama, Chile
2/13/24 – 6.1 in Volcano Islands, Japan

Window of February 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Window of January 10, 11,12, 13

01/08/24 – 6.7 magnitude earthquake near Sarangani, Davao, Philippines
1/11/246.4 magnitude earthquake near Jurm, Badakhshan, AfghanistanX
1/13/24-  Indonesian volcano erupts for second time in just over a month

Window of December  27,28,29,30

1/1/24 – 6.2 magnitude earthquake near Nanao, Ishikawa, Japan
1/1/24 – 7.5 magnitude earthquake near Nanao, Ishikawa, Japan
12/30/23 – 6.3 magnitude earthquake near Abepura, Papua, Indonesia
 12/28/23 6.5 magnitude earthquake near Kuril’sk, Hokkaido, Japan


Window of October 7, 8,9,10 (Israel War prediction)

Today: 10/10/23 6.3 magnitude earthquake near Herāt, Herat, Afghanistan
Today: 10/10/23 6.0 magnitude earthquake near Abra Pampa, Jujuy, Argentina
Today: 10/7/236.3 magnitude earthquake near Zindah Jān, Herat, Afghanistan
Today: 10/7/236.9 magnitude earthquake near Madang, Papua New Guinea
Today: Today: 10/7/236.7 magnitude earthquake near Madang, Papua New Guinea

Window of September 2, 3, 4, 5 18, 19, 20, 21

8/21/23 – 6.1 magnitude earthquake near Sola, Torba, Vanuatu
8/21/23 – 6.0 magnitude earthquake  in Central East Pacific Rise 
8/18/23 – 6.3 magnitude earthquake near Hirara, Okinawa, Japan

Window of September 8
9/12/23 – 6.3 magnitude earthquake near Namuac, Cagayan Valley, Philippines
9/11/23 – 6.0 magnitude earthquake near Ternate, Maluku Utara, Indonesia
9/9/23 – 6.0 magnitude earthquake near Palu, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
9/8/23 – 6.8 magnitude earthquake near Marrakesh, Marrakech-Tensift-Al Haouz, Morocco
9/7/23 – 6.2 magnitude earthquake near Coquimbo, Chile.  

Window of August 7,8,9, – 16,17,18 – 20,21, 22,23 – 27,28,29,30
8/29/23 – 7.1 magnitude earthquake near Gili Air, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
 8/23/23 – 6.2 magnitude earthquake near El Hoyo, Santiago del Estero, Argentina
 8/20/23 – 5.1 magnitude earthquake near Ojai, California, United States
8/17/23 – 6.3 magnitude earthquake near Cumaral, Meta, Colombia
8/16/23 – 6.5 magnitude earthquake near Sola, Torba, Vanuatu 

The exact dates for all those calamities were August 7, 8, 9 (Maui deadly fire) August 16,17,18 (large quakes above 6.0) including August 21, 22, 23, 24 (Hurricane Hilary/Prigozhin assassination) August 27, 28, 29, 30 (Hurricane Idalia) were offered August 1st, 2023 to all our Cosmic Code VIPs our Patreon supporters and in my newsletters and YouTube videos to the general public. 

Window of September 2
9/2/23 – 6.1 magnitude earthquake near Severo-Kuril’sk, Sakhalin, Russia

Window of July 16,17,18
7/17/13 – 6.6 magnitude earthquake near Loncopué, Neuquen, Argentina
7/16/23 – 7.2 magnitude earthquake near Sand Point, Alaska, United States

Window of July 10, 11, 12
7/11/23 – 6.6 magn earthquake near Codrington, Barbuda, Antigua and Barbuda
Volcano erupts in Iceland after weeks of earthquakes

Window of June 28/29/30/July 1st
6.9 magnitude earthquake near Neiafu, Vava‘u, Tonga

Window of June 16, 17, 18, 19
6/17/23: 6.2 magnitude earthquake near ‘Ohonua, ʻEua, Tonga
6/16/23: 6.0 magnitude earthquake near ‘Ohonua, ʻEua, Tonga
6/16/23: 7.2 magnitude earthquake near Vaini, Tongatapu, Tonga

Window of May 23/24/25/26
5/25/23: 6.6 magnitude earthquake near Acandí, Chocó, Colombia
5/25/23: 6.2 magnitude earthquake near Lospalos, Lautém, East Timor
5/23/23: 6.1 magnitude earthquake, New Caledonia
5/21/23: 6.1 magnitude earthquake Makira, Solomon Islands
Typhoon Mawar ‘will be remembered for decades’, weather service says

Window of May 17/18/19
5/18/23 – 7.7 mag quake near Vao, New Caledonia
5/18/23 – 6.4 magquake near Zacualpa, Quiché, Guatemala

Window of April 22
4/22/23 – Mg 6.1, Maluku, Indonesia
4/18/23 – Mg 6.6 in South Of Fiji Islands

Window of April 14
4/15/23 – 7.0 mag earthquake near Tuban, East Java, Indonesia
4/15/23 – 6.0 mag earthquake near Tofino, British Columbia, Canada
 4/13/23 6.0 Earthquake – Vancouver Island, Canada region
 Smoke rises from the Indonesia volcano.

Window of April 7

4/10/23 – 6.0 magnitude earthquake near Kavieng, New Ireland, Papua New Guinea
 4/5/23 – 6.3 magnitude earthquake near Punta de Burica, Chiriquí, Panama
4/4/23 – 6.2 magnitude earthquake near Gigmoto, Bicol, Philippines
4/2/23 – 6.5 magnitude earthquake near Vilyuchinsk, Kamtsjatka, Russia
4/2/23 – 7.0 magnitude earthquake near Ambunti, East Sepik, Papua New Guinea

Window of March 30

3/30/23 – 6.3 magnitude earthquake near Constitución, Maule, Chile
3/28/23 – 6.0 magnitude earthquake near Misawa, Aomori, Japan
3/28/23 – 6.1 magnitude earthquake near Buala, Isabel, Solomon Islands
3/27/23 – 6.1 magnitude earthquake near Buala, Isabel, Solomon Islands

Window of March 18

3/21/23 – 6.5, Badakhshan, Afghanistan
3/18/23 – 6.8 Guayas, Ecuador
3/15/23 – 7.0 in Kermadec Islands
3/14/23- 6.3  Papua New Guinea

Window of March 10

3/7/23 – 6.0 magnitude earthquake , New Ireland, Papua New Guinea
3/7/23 –6.0 magnitude earthquake near San Mariano, Davao, Philippines

Window of Feb 25

2/28/23 – 6.5 magnitude earthquake near Kimbe, West New Britain, Papua New Guinea
2/26/23 – 6.2 magnitude earthquake near Kandrian, West New Britain, Papua New Guinea
2/25/23 – 6.0 magnitude earthquake near Kushiro, Hokkaido, Japan
2/24/236.3 magnitude earthquake near Tobelo, Maluku Utara, Indonesia

Window of Feb 13

2/15/23 – 6.1 magnitude earthquake near Miaga, Bicol, Philippines

Window of Feb 6

 02/06/23 – 6.0 magitude earthquake, Turkey
02/06/23 – 7.5 magnitude earthquake , Turkey
 02/06/23 – 6.7 magnitude earthquake , Turkey
 02/06/23 – 7.8 magnitude earthquake, Turkey

Window of Feb 1

02/01/23 – 6.0 magnitude earthquake near Monkayo, Davao, Philippines

Window of Dec 20 

 12/20/22 – 6.4 California quake – Two injured and thousands without power after

Window of Dec 11

12/11/22 –  6.0 magnitude earthquake near El Ticui, Guerrero, Mexico


Window of Oct 24

10/25/22 – 6.4 in DoloresCordilleraPhilippines
10/24/22 – 6.3 in South Sandwich Islands

Window of Oct 16

6.4 mag quake East New Britain, Papua New Guinea

Window of Oct 11

 Oct 10 – 6.2 in Central Mid Atlantic Ridge


IAN PREDICTION – Calm Deception to Strike

Window of Sep28

“While NASA is wasting millions, and the NWS and NOOA can only follow and report the deadly hurricane, on August 31, 2022, BEFORE IAN FORMED in the Atlantic Ocean, using my SOS to the world deadly window and the power of the moon, as intended by God himself. I gave the date of September 28, and warned my international reading audience through my quatrain of all the current anticipated deadly news!”

Those warnings were also repetitively offered to my followers on my Facebook, my LinkedIn pages, and also on Before its news website!

 9/28/22 – 6.0 in Reykjanes Ridge
9/29/22 – 6.5 in East Of South Sandwich Islands

Window of Sep24

9/24/22 – 6.1 magnitude earthquake near Ancud, Los Lagos, Chile
9/24/22 – 6.2 magnitude earthquake near Meulaboh, Aceh, Indonesia

Window of Sept 19

9/21/22 – 6.0 magnitude earthquake near Kamtsjatka, Russia
9/19/22 – 7.6 magnitude earthquake near Michoacán, Mexico
9/18/22 – 6.9 magnitude earthquake near Taitung City, Taiwan, Taiwan
9/17/22 – 6.5 magnitude earthquake near Taitung City, Taiwan, Taiwan

Window of sept 14


9/14/22 – 7.0 magnitude earthquake near Isangel, Tafea, Vanuatu
9/10/22 – 7.6 in KainantuEastern HighlandsPapua New Guinea
13/22 – 4.4 Santa Rose CA Earthquake Causes Minor Damage

Window of May 22, 2022

 5/26/22 M 6.2 – 38 km NE of Lospalos, Timor Leste
5/26/22  M 7.2 earthquake near Azángaro, Puno, Peru
5/23/22 – M 6.0 magnitude earthquake near Katsuura, Chiba, Japan
5/22/22 – M 6.3 – south of the Fiji Islands
5/21/22 – M6.1 near Bungahan, Calabarzon, Philippines
5/19/22 – M 6.9 – mag earthquake Macquarie Island region

Window of March 22, 2022

3/24/22: 6.0 magnitude earthquake near Port-Olry, Sanma, Vanuatu
3/22/22: 6.7 magnitude earthquake near Hualian, Taiwan, Taiwan

Window of January 16, 2022

1/16/22: 6.1 magnitude earthquake near Panguna, Bougainville, Papua New Guinea
 1/15/22: 6.6 magnitude earthquake near Labuan, Banten, Indonesia

Window of January 12, 2022

1/12/2022:6.6 magnitude earthquake near Unalaska, Alaska, United States
1/11/2022: 6.8 magnitude earthquake near Unalaska, Alaska, United States

Window of November 2021

11/14/21:6.3 magnitude earthquake near Bandar ‘Abbās, Hormozgan, Iran
11/14/21:6.0 magnitude earthquake near Bandar ‘Abbās, Hormozgan, Iran
11/11/21:6.0 magnitude earthquake near Nabire, Papua, Indonesia
11/11/21: 6.6 magnitude earthquake near Hirara, Okinawa, Japan
6.2 magnitude earthquake near Masachapa, Managua, Nicaragua

Window of September 11th, 2021!

9/8/21: 7.0 in GuerreroMexico
9/7/21: 6.0  Pangai, Ha‘apai, Tonga

Window of August 28th!


Window of August 13th!

 *8/15/21: 6.9 in the South Sandwich Islands
*8/14/21: 7.2 magnitude earthquake near Aquin, Sud, Haiti
*8/14/21: 6.9 magnitude earthquake, Alaska, United States
 *8/13/21: 8.1 magnitude earthquake in the South Sandwich Islands 
*8/13/21: 6.3 magnitude, South Sandwich Islands
*8/11/21: 7.1 magnitude earthquake Philippines 

The fact is; my July 13, SOS to the world deadly window produced a bunch of earthquakes well above 6.0, not a single Geologist could ever anticipate or predict! And my August 12, 2021, YouTube video and my newsletter can only confirm my predictions! Read the facts! 

Window of July 30th!

8/3/ 21: 6.1 magnitude earthquake near Port Blair, India Earthquakes?
7/30/21: 6.2 magnitude earthquake near Sullana, Piura, Peru
7/29/21: 6.1 magnitude earthquake near Sand Point, Alaska, United States
7/29/21:8.2 magnitude earthquake near Sand Point, Alaska, United States

Window of July 23rd!

 7/26/21: 6.2 magnitude earthquake near Luwuk, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
7/23/21: 6.7 magnitude earthquake near Hukay, Calabarzon, Philippines
7/22/21: 6.7 magnitude earthquake near Punta de Burica, Chiriquí, Panama
7/21/21: 6.0 magnitude earthquake near Lorengau, Manus, Papua New Guinea

Imagine where we would be today in 2023, or 28 years later if;  instead of mocking my work, USGS and the scientific community would have given themselves and science a chance to investigate and improve on my lifetime “cosmic” work?

This does not mean all scientists are idiots and the formidable technological advancement is not serving nor benefiting society! Gee am I glad I can go anywhere using my GPS instead of a bunch of maps like I did for years!

I am referring to the religious or scientific deplorable “attitude” assuming I am NOT one of them and I should be automatically ridiculed and my work classified as pseudo-science only!

It is so against logic, and intelligence and so detrimental for science itself to assume instead of proceeding with all sorts of practical, rational scientific investigations to prove me wrong! But how can I pass the front door of those institutions we maintain and offer some valuable solutions with such an attitude? And you wonder why I call them what they truly are a bunch of idiots subhumans?

I’ve tried it all, diplomacy and rudeness nothing has ever worked because…

‘Great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly.’- Albert Einstein

And because secretively all those rational souls hope one day to become the next Einstein and be sought as a genius but their attitude speaks of whom is a  real genius…

“When a true genius appears in this world you may know him by this sign that the dunces are all in confederacy against him” –Swift

In 2016, benefiting from endless costly scientific research and tons of sophisticated electronic equipment they need more of your money to convince you they are about to offer you a reliable warning.    ARE YOU JOKING?

The fact remains ALL major disasters “I predicted” since 1991 transpired in one of the numerous  ”SOS To The World Deadly Windows of high probabilities, some offered for FREE to the public and all others to my VIPs!”

Understand my frustration readers, 21 years is a long time trying to get a response from USGS, the police, and the FBI, and those “mentally” superior scientists need to look upward, in the cosmic code jurisdictions for real answers. After so many years teasing a donkey, I have the right to bypass diplomacy because I nurture a serious problem with their educated stupidity!

All the scientific community has to do is to INVESTIGATE my claims fairly and openly, because rest assured readers, many geologists reading my work are scratching their BIG heads wondering how the hell I can be so damn accurate!

But asking a Frenchman to share his “weird cosmic” methodology means also accepting the fact that; the US Educational System they trusted so much, has failed them! And that is a really big step for both science and religion to acknowledge and accept! The scientific community, the secret services, the police, and the medical field would much rather keep my work and I underground. And so far, with the help of my religious and atheist Internet enemies, they have succeeded! 

Remember this article is not about debunking the formidable values of science and the extraordinary achievements of so many brilliant minds.   I love science and respect the tremendous work they accomplished to serve humanity!  But reminding geologists of their nonexisting, pathetic earthquakes predictions methodology shows a serious inefficiency against my unarguable “mystical” methodology!

But think for a second… What is my “cosmic work” that offers the real possibility to use my independent research and finally offer the world the EXACT date and location of the next earthquakes repetitively?

It’s time for the scientific community, the secret services, the police, and even the traditional medical field to stop lumping me with Mrs. Cleo and erroneously assuming I am a psychic! I am a different type of scientist that’s all.

Unlike them all, I did not attend accredited schools, colleges, and Universities, mostly because I was born in Provence, a small village in the South Of France called Pont Saint-Esprit.   Over the years, the nuclear station upstream sucked all the river raging waters but I recall overflowing over the walls every rainy season…

In the fifties and the sixties, when I was a young man no opportunities were available to me and my ADHD personality did not help me to stay sitting for long at school. The institution finally fired me at the age of 15 after getting my GED.

I had to work at the local butcher shop, then the bakery next door to help my parents taking care of a very large family. A cosmic God wanted it this way so I could learn all that I did in my life outside of what a rigid educational system was to teach and impose me with.

I was like a little tree, lucky enough to have water, wind, the Sun, and the stars to mature and accomplish so much since then. I learned real fast the BIG difference between education and intelligence and those I grow up with, those I thought were nerds became today’s the respected doctors and local politicians in the little village I left behind so long ago!

An incredible life breed incredible people that have incredible wisdom to share” Dr. Turi


The dramatic memories of all that I had to endure my life and all that have learned so far outside of conventional education are what humanity has lost and the awful results in 2016 are dreadful! 

A cosmic God has a plan for every one of his children and each one of us as a planned route that may or may not lead you back to God’s Universal reality. I should not be criticized, laugh at, and ridicule for who I am, for what I know, and try so hard to share with you…

I should be given a chance to prove my claims and knowing what I know today, “the young souls” the un-evolved, the god-fearing, the atheists, or those I classified as “educated” idiots and subhumans are the ones who need me the most!

Indeed no one will attract bees with vinegar, but do you really think I care when I know you can not fix stupidity or remove religious fears?  Only those who can handle the undiluted truth are given an opportunity to assimilate my cosmic work and build cosmic consciousness… The rest of the “herd” will never budge!

Thus telling you as it is may offend some readers over sensitive persona cursed with an inferiority complex, and our conflicting “cosmic essence” currently, serve no real progressive karmic spiritual purpose to you.

It’s only when the student is ready that the teacher will appear, but regardless of where you are at in your spiritual evolution, I am convinced, “the force” or a Cosmic God lead you to me!  And, while you do not know,  this may be what you came to learn from me today my friend…


Introducing the world to God New Cosmic Consciousness

Lastly, think for a second reader; What would happen to this particular scientific branch of expertise? The endless waste and flow of your tax dollar would STOP! 

And this means the END of many careers and the lives of millions of privilege selected scientists and their organizations…  What if ET’s (I know they are very real) was to connect with humanity and offer science with the right fuel or procedures to reach and live on Mars? The same end would curse NASA corporations in need of your taxes and/or donations to survive…  CNN – 200,000 More Morons apply to live on Mars!


July 1987 – I am Alien The Final Revelation

Free yourself from this universal indoctrination and the media-heavy control of information.  If you want the truth you found it with me, join us in my Universal Cosmic Code University, ask any of your questions that need real answers because the system enslaving your body, mind, and soul will never, ever do so or free your spirit!

Feed the religious or scientific matrixes or free your spirit with Dr. Turi

Investigate one of my SOS to the world deadly window!

10/26/2015 7.5 Afghanistan quake

A memo posted October 23 at 11:32 am in Bill Nye Science Guy Versus Dr. Turi Earthquakes Predictions and also in


A memo posted 10/1/2015 from the private cosmic code website to all my VIPs; “I hope this forecast will find every one of you safe, healthy, and happy! I am sure many of you keep a steady eye on Draco’s Facebook page where keeps the public informed with short bulletins. But be aware and prepared about this very special October 27th, Aries (war/aggression) Full Moon!” Read the exchange with a geologist learning about himself!



 2012/2014 Universal Predictions 

Dear Readers,

“CME’s or  “Coronal Mass Ejections / Solar Flares have NOTHING to do with natural disasters, tornadoes, earthquakes, tsunami, etc. Furthermore, the Sun is much too far to affect humans or the earth entrails physically apart from warming up its surface with its powerful rays. The sun is a “luminary” a star and not a planet. Our closest satellite, the moon (moody/lunatic/tides) which is much closer to earth and the sole responsible for all-natural disasters, including large earthquakes and all human affairs. But deprived of Cosmic Consciousness, science, religion, and conspiracy theories can only offer you erroneous answers…”

Earthquakes tend to occur when diurnal tidal forces are able to release the accumulated strain on a fault. Hard planetary aspects appear able to increase the strain on a fault. Perhaps the computer-aided Astrogeologists of the future will be able to do the kind of micro-mapping and analysis needed to predict which faults are most susceptible to increased strain. As for the timing, my technique to predict earthquakes seems to be more accurate than all the latest computerized electronic equipment combined together!



“I knew it was just a matter of time before my Internet god-fearing enemies, (the cyber ISIS) who hate my guts and the predictive gift would find a way to remove me from Google and so many other popular websites.”

Update: 10/11/2017 – Even my show on “Paranormal Central” was removed… Like offering undeniably dated predictions of my earthquakes above 6.0 predictions which is something science can’t do! Check other publicized earthquake predictions!

“Director Travis Hamilton and the movie “Legends from the Sky”, and also Dr. Turi returns with with MORE predictions after his prediction of a 6.0 or better earthquake happened on the date predicted!!! “

A lot of people requested this show TO BE REINSTATED but it’s gone!  NOW: “ Comments are disabled for this video?” 

But the conspiracy against us trying to reach and teach you all about the signs and God Cosmic Divinity is very real! 

The uncomfortable truth about Gaia

 Cosmic Consciousness and all unconscious famous UFO’s “Talking Heads  

I knew this day would come anyway! Indeed the conspiracy against me is very real and you can help fight this injustice by emailing the host in support of my work… 

Luckily for me, the Internet is used against us but can also be a blessing and we found the ONLY link to this show…  LISTEN to it then and once you do read  Paranormal Central Atheist Little Brat .

Yes this immature, cosmic unconscious atheist little brat assumed I did not like science and mingled my cosmic work with religion leaving me no option but to defend and explain myself in public!  



Dr. Turi with Christina George July 6, 2015  (Listen!)


Christina George, You never cease to amaze me, Dr. Louis Turi….I wish the world would just listen to you…but it is coming xoxo 

Dannion Brinkley Keep rocking Louis!!!!!!


 July 10 –14 – 18 – 23 – 30 – Be ready for “earthquakes above 6.0“ that were the words I used in this radio show!  


July 18 – 6.9 quake strikes near the Solomon Islands, tsunami warning lifted

“Expect earthquakes above 6.0!”

Results: July 10 –   6.7 155km SSW of Dadali, Solomon Islands 2015-07-10 04:12:41 

“Expect thousands of people to relocate due to natural disasters” 

Results: July 10 – Typhoon Chan-Hom in Wenling in eastern China’s Zhejiang province 

Something is Affecting the Entire Solar System

 July 10 –14 – 18 – 23 – 30 – Be ready for “Cosmic News” which were the words I used in this radio show!  

Does this prediction count also for July 14 Pluto’s discovery? 

July 10 –14 – 18 – 23 – 30 – “A crazy person will kill innocent people, expect dramatic deadly shocking news.” Does this prediction count also for Chattanooga shooter Mohammad Youssuf Abdulazeez terrorist act?

Indian devotees after a stampede at a religious festival in Godavari in the Rajahmundry district on July 14.

 Results: July 14 –  27 killed in stampede 


Results: July 10 –  Gunman arrested after killing 2 people in Germany!

Results: July 10 – Typhoon Chan-Hom in Wenling in eastern China’s Zhejiang provinceFriday July 10, 2015. 

Listen to Dr. Turi on air with Svetlana Kim – July 1, 2015 

Result of predictions China hit by 6.4 earthquake

Memo of prediction shared with the public

Memo: July 3/4/5

Entrails Upset Spit Above
Red Fire Wind Water To Dance
Stars Command Shock Science
Calm Deception To Strike


Cosmos News / Nukes / Weird news / Freak / Space / Surprises / Explosions / Shocking / Stunning/ Incredible / lightning / Unusual / Humanitarianism / Unrest / Discovery / Science /Earthquakes (always above 6.0) / Volcanoes / Tornadoes / NASA /Aeronautics / Technology / Television /UFO.

 4 killed in factory explosion

China hit by 6.4 earthquake “Earthquakes above 6.0!”

 Huge Farside Eruption, Unusual Event in India | S0 News July 2, 2015

‘Large Earth Facing Southern Coronal Hole Seismic Uptick With Above Average Tremors In Southern AUSTRALIA And Above Average South Of NEW ZEALAND And A Unusual Event In INDIA.’ ‘Eyes Also On South Eastern Of Solar Limb On Incoming Spot.’

A “severe” earthquake has been reported in Fiordland on Friday morning.


Previous radio shows and undeniable results

June 2015 SOS To The World Deadly Windows

MemoLate Night in the Midlands 06-08-15 Dr Louis Turi Dr Louis Turi joins Late Night in the Midlands to discuss the latest universal Arian draconian energy results leading into the next universal shift of Virgo / Pisces

  • He also gave out dates relating to future events.  These dates include:

    June 13, 2015  –  Police or other similar type major event occurring

    June 19, 2015  –  Earthquake of major proportions to hit.

    Listen to the archive for the full list.

        July 4, 2015   “Shocking News, large quakes”

Website –



Refer to my latest video for more explanations on my methodology  (short video)

Late Night in the Midlands 06-08-15 Dr Louis Turi 


  • June 19, 2015  –  Earthquake of major proportions to hit.
  • Result 7.0 Southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge 2015-06-17 12:51:33 UTC10.0 km deep
  • June 21, 2015 6.5 Fiji region
  • June 20, 2015 6.4 in Talcahuano, Bio, Chile
  • Results: June 19, 2015 –   MT Sinabung Volcano eruption – DEAD ON MY SOS TO THE WORLD WINDOW!

James Reynolds @EarthUncutTV This was remarkable, ash cloud resembled super cell thunderstorm.”

   Results:   July 3, 2015   “Shocking News, large quakes”  China hit by 6.4 earthquake

Author says earthquakes are predictable, Dr. Turi did so …
Ridiculous science and correct prediction of big earthquakes and next volcano eruption! 




March 8/9/10 – 27/28/29

Nature Men To Strike Hard
New Horizons Following Tragedy
Much to Fall Nothing Made To Last
Tears Pain Death A new Life For Many

Beginning / Ending of War / Beginning / Ending of Important Portion of Life / Forced Relocation / Forced Actions/ Destructive Actions/ Weather / A new Planned and / or Unplanned Life For Many.

03/29/14 –  5.1-magnitude quake hits L.A. area  – Earthquake?

2014-03-10 05:18:12; (M6.9) OFFSHORE NORTHERN CALIFORNIA 40.8 -125.1 (cfa3)
2014-03-10 05:18:12 (M6.1) OFFSHORE NORTHERN CALIFORNIA 40.8 -125.1 (cfa3)
2014-03-10 00:38:20 (M6.3) OFFSHORE OAXACA, MEXICO 16.1 -98.2 (cfa3)
2014-03-11 02:44:06 (M6.8) EAST OF THE SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS -60.8 20.0
2014-03-11 02:44:05 (M6.4) EAST OF THE SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS -60.8 -20.0 (cfa3)

“Four blood moons” April 15/16/17 and 23/24/25 2014 Cardinal Grand Cross Predictions

From Sheryl;  “Record breaking heat in CA Sunday followed by a 6.9 in Northern CA tonight, 50 miles off the coast. This is in alignment with dates you’ve posted.”


You can also check my latest predictions of the Philippines deadly typhoon! 

Listen to Dr. Turi on Coast to Coast and Rob McConnell X Zone radio shows giving the prediction of tropical Cyclone Phailin in India, both Philippines Nari typhoon, the 7.2 Earthquake, the Indonesia Volcano eruption etc. It seems ALL my predictions came to pass if you check my claims and the undeniable facts!  


From: C///////////

Sent: Tuesday, December 27, 2011 9:01 AM
Subject: As YOU Dr.Turi predicted 😀 !

  6.6 quake hit Russsia

The three hours radio show on “Ground Zero” with Clyde Lewis last night was quite intense where I divulged what the future has in store for the US and the world at large. I repetitively warned the audience to expect large quakes within a day or two and as always my prediction came to pass…

My beautiful wife Terania was also in the chat room battling a bunch of young souls asking them to be patient before cutting her husband in pieces with their ignorance and vile comments…On The host was absolutely great to work with, as an Aquarius/ Pisces like me, we indeed “vibrate” at the same speed and we both feel the same way on so many topics.

But as you all know I also have a “black List” made of top scientists, cops, FBI?CIA agents,radio and TV announcers and some are directly involved with the government, ALL in position to help me. For months now I keep sending them my “visions” ahead of time and on December 22nd I sent the following email to them all…

The reason why I do this is to also keep my good friend Gorge Noory and Tom his producers posted on all my moves and predictions while assuring George of my appreciation for his many public endorsements. I do not expect much from all others “Big Educated Heads” but that’s how I teach people…By stuffing the obvious truth down to their tiny brains…

Dear Sir, Madam; “I am expecting a quake / explosion a day or 2 after the broadcast from “Ground Zero” radio. I have 22 very specific major predictions for 2012 to discuss with Klyde Lewis , they are currently posted at for my paying VIP readers only. You may sign up and I will comp you in free if you are interested to read them before hand -The world needs to be prepared for what is next to come! ”  

Some of those well read skeptics are also top scientists, teachers, professors at very well respected Universities and some are top government officials and when I wrote for you NOT to count on them for help or to better education, I must be right yes?

Again in “Do Something Original For The World in 2012” when I wrote A year of extreme weather is what CNN posted today, something I saw over a year ago making the NWS, NOOA, NASA  the AMS  and the entire science community aware of what they perceive as a “pseudo-science” is actually much more efficacious and reliable than their sophisticated electronic equipment and conventional education. If they could only open their minds, my wisdom would add so much more to their own repertoire of educated wisdom and offer them the option to be much more accurate doing their weather development researches. I wish they were not afraid of the “ridicule” and for once stand strong with me…” I did indeed once more made my case…

Now chances are they are still skeptical so if you (and them) missed the show the unarguable proof of ma latest “prediction” of a large earthquake within 2 days is there for you – simply click on the banner to listen.

Note also this is not the first time I did this, the same thing happened on Coast To Coast with millions of listeners when I said to George Noory “Be ready for a BIG earthquake to take place WITHIN TWO DAYS!”

Note TWO DAYS after the show a 7.1 Powerful quake rattled Indonesia.



 “I have had the pleasure and privilege of knowing Dr Turi since the early years of The ‘X’ Zone Radio Show going back to the 90s. He has always been a true, dedicated and professional wanting only to make positive changes in the world that we live in and to his fellow humans. On Wednesday, September 7 from 2 pm – 3 pm Eastern, Dr. Turi was a guest on The ‘X’ Zone Radio Show which I am the creator, host and executive producerwhen he accurately predicted the earthquake that hit Vancouver and The Islands in British Columbia, Canada on Friday, September 9, 2011.  You can listen to our interview at The link to the show is up and working – it is

When Dr Louis Turi speaks, people should pay attention! It is without hesitation and great pleasure that I fully endorse and recommend Dr. Louis Turi.” September 11, 2011 – 1st Rob McConnell, Host & Executive Producer, The ‘X’ Zone Radio / TV Show


From: Jeff Rense – 

To: Louis a Turi
Date: Fri, 24 Sept 1999 22:31:10 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Show

I gave you full credit on the show just after the massive Taiwan earthquake and the Turkey aftershock on Sept 20…. I got a lot of email from people who were watching the date prediction as well. This is marvellous my friend. The nice thing about it is how you understate these things and never gloat about them when you hit. 
Jeff Rense

Again those who do not know me will assume I am on an ego trip but how can I reach them or the world if I stay silent? Offering the proof of my work is the only way to make my point!


Hi Dr. Turi;

  We heard it first here on your show “COSMIC HEART”! You predicted the major China earthquake on live radio. absolutely amazing!! (I knew about your previous predictions from Coast to Coast with George Noory, but now I can attest to your accuracy myself.)

 Kevin President GTR


Dear Dr. Turi:
Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to appear on KLAS-TV’s Morning Show. The interview was both entertaining and fascinating. We especially appreciated you taking the time to prepare the astrological chart of the city of Las Vegas for us. You predicted problems with water and our police force during your appearance. Interestingly enough, a week after you left, the city faced a sudden, potentially serious water crisis and more embarrassments came to light involving our local police department. Some viewers have called the station to say they found what you had to say extremely interesting. It was a pleasure having you in KLAS-TV and I look forward to speaking with you again. Next time you’re in Las Vegas please call us here at the station. 


 Charlotte Evans
Morning/Noon Co-Anchor KLAS-TV, Las Vegas


“Alternative Future” Radio from Ireland!


In those shows below, I explained my methodology and offered more predictions for the future to all the skeptics! All they have to do is to listen and make notes ET VOILA!

 “All I have asked for is a fair scientific investigation of my work for the sole purpose of promoting man’s cosmic consciousness, saving time, money and the lives of many people.”

Dr. Turi


“Dr. Turi is a man of high integrity and an astrologer who means business and doesn’t BS around. He is detailed, accurate, and a wonderful keynote speaker to listen to. He is gifted beyond measure and understands the inner-weavings of the fabric of the Universe.” April 12, 2011

William Constantine, Celebrity Psychic Medium, William Constantine

Memo from  ”The Moronic Mind At Work! debating with a young soul;

“When I gave dates for earthquakes, those quakes will always be at or above 6.0 and those they DO NOT happen everyday.“  Check the dated, printed published undeniable proof!  Ask USGS why 3 dozen quakes shake Arkansas – There won’t be no answers from them, but they all happened during my “Windows of high probability” posted to prepare the world! 

  • Updated – May 23/2013 –  Region:  SOUTH OF THE FIJI ISLANDS –  Magnitude:  7.4
  • Updated – May 23/2013 –  Region:  TONGA –  Magnitude:  6.6
  • Updated – May 24/2013 –  Region: SEA OF OKHOTSK – Magnitude:  6.8
  • Updated – May 24/2013 – Region:   SEA OF OKHOTSK – Magnitude:  8.2
  • Updated – May 25/2013 – Region:  EASTERN UZBEKISTAN – Magnitude: 6.0

I gave 6 dates but actually what I am doing is to point out the MAXIMUM concentrated energy and add a day on each side which comes up to MAY 22/23/24  and May 28/29/30 2013 .

Thus, this is what you would read if I only offered you a single digit date- “MAY 23  and May 29 2013″ – But I have to add 2 more days on each side of the projected date, because there is such a thing as TIME ZONES and I am trying to cover all time zones at once (and I do) making my ”SOS To The World  Universal Dates” valid for Asia, Australia, Europe and not only the US and this clearly explain my cosmic timed methodology…

Then some people will demand me to offer them also precise locations, to them I say ask USGS  or NASA or any other institution not Dr. Turi because I do not receive nor use your tax dollar to do the researches. With the current Scorpius Draconis in charge of the world, forcing ALL that is kept secret, covered and underground MUST come to light and Dr. Turi’s voice and “predictions”  is getting the world’s attention it deserves.

If I could work in harmony with the scientific community investigating both the physical and spiritual studies, we would soon make significant progress because I have the right timing to work with…They have nothing at all and by the time the little needle the very expansive technology tools you paid for start moving, its much too late! Your roof collapse on your head and you and your loved ones die in the tornado, earthquake or tsunami wave.

Instead of ignoring and classify my outstanding methodology as a “pseudo-science” only, the scientific community should nut up and face the facts that I know something they don’t! And it is the tax payers’ right to use this money where ever answers that can save lives are, especially when the proofs of my are “windows of high probabilities”  are steady and unarguable.

I can assure you readers, since 1991 millions of scientists, geologists, astronomers, students of astrophysics, cops and the  curious norm read my work trying to uncover my secrets…All they have to do is to take my home course, its that simple, but this mean also divulging their identities! Add the fear of the ridicule and they just missed the boat that could bring them the answers God has enslaved them all to uncover!

“Where Cosmic Consciousness is lacking; science, conspiracy and religious imagination have the wrong answers. There are no accidents, nor circumstances, only cosmic consequences the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive.”

“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth by means of his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom”


This deplorable attitude does not serve anyone, especially the taxpayers in terms of preparedness and this really makes me sad. My own cosmic wisdom saved me from being part of the statistics of the terrible Asia/Thailand  tsunami where I was supposed to travel to a couple of days for a fishing trip in Phuket with my friend Owen.

Yes I could have easily be part of the statistics on that tragic day!  Both Asia tsunami were expected and predicted a year earlier in my yearly/daily guidance book Moon Power.

All I can do is to again offer you a solid proof of my claims and hope for your support to give me a broader voice  and start investing in the right direction  with Dr. Turi  and the cosmic code jurisdictions so I can really offer ample warnings to the media and save countless priceless lives.

So far I can thanks George Noory, Betsey Lewis  my friends Allen and Jeffrey at Paranormal Central,  Pete Santilli radio show  and countless of other radio and TV hosts for helping me warning you.

“Its a pure miracle than simple curiosity survive traditional education.” Einstein

Humility and curiosity will lead the rational born UCI kind upgrade to a more spiritually refined human being able to  recognize and use God’s mysterious cosmic will! And I am there for you, willing to teach you what your human eyes and “educated” minds are not yet able to perceive and appreciate …

In the process, may the skeptical soul trusting our infantile science realize the truth and support my mission to salvage the human spirit and lead you to become a “Light Fighter.

If you are a Cosmic Code VIP  or if you perceive my spiritual mission, please offer my work to all the websites or groups you frequent. If you work for a radio station, on television magazine or a newspaper simply forward my work to the editor, all of you have my permission to use and reproduce this material. Please help me in my pledge to educate the world and bring hopes and real warnings leading to more security to mankind.