What are ET’s and where do they come from?

Russia Orders Obama: Tell World About Aliens, Or We Will

Dr Turi on William Shatner’s “Weird of What” TV show

Dear Readers:

What really  gets me is that UFO and ET’s are an undeniable fact because they have been with me since childhood. Yes I spoke to them face to face and took a few trips in a flying saucer since then!  In fact I have been dealing with ET’s since 1956 when I first saw 3 of them at the bottom of my bed.  And the only proof I have is the obvious mental legacy they left me with when they “downloaded”  the cosmic code secrets back in August 1991. But UFO are never far away from me, here is the last picture I took above my house January 24, 2013 and  a video of another UFO I took on Labor Day 2012 right above our house again.

I elaborated on my extraordinary experiences with the incredible  in my latest radio show with Jeffery “Mabus Radio” and with this video of all my UFO experiences I posted on You Yube.

Yet, this reality is mine alone because dealing with Extraterrestrials is such a personal “adventure” designed for a very specific grandiose undertaken agenda the normal human being can not conceive or even accept and this very fact brings skepticism and jealousy because they are not part of  “The Chosen Ones.”


If science has a problem assimilating, understanding and accepting the solidity of my cosmic predictive work what about accepting the UFO phenomenon?  The scientific community making up the core of NASA, USGS, the NWS, the police and all the “experts” making up my Internet “Black List”,  have miserably failed to accept the reality of a Cosmic Code jurisdiction  Imagine telling any of them the reality of extraterrestrials but, to their “educated” minds this cosmic stuff and UFO are only for dreamers! How seriously wrong they all are because the reality of such incredible occurrences in my crazy life are factual and non fabricated!

After all I am not the only one facing this wall of skepticism but this skeptic born logical crowd  is cosmically/ psychically ill conceived to accept such “taboo” as reality but soon, when the facts comes to light,  they will have to realize how sub-human their preconceived, incurious “scientific” attitude truly is.

But because those souls nurture such a blinding spiritual pride they truly believe they are “special”  and if  they never saw a UFO the millions of “chosen ones” and their experiences with the incredible  should be trashed and only the product of a vivid imagination. Because in their well read  minds, there is a solid scientific explanation for them all…

  But why the “experts” never did and never will see a UFO? because,  “A MAGNET WILL NOT ATTRACT A PIECE OF WOOD! But can any scientist even comprehend such a basic law? I wonder…

Scientists’ mentality is like a turtle racing a rabbit, they are much too cautious and do not vibrate like the fast and furious spirit of the future depicting the fact that life is a constant process of fast changes unwilling to wait for the scientists cautious mind to catch up with reality..

Yes they are the same smart people that assured you during the “Dark Ages” that the world was flat and going against the Church or accepted beliefs  then, meant a sure death by fire.  Meantime with “The Chosen Ones” they are forced to catch up and adopt more curiosity, a new mind set and a new mental perception of any and all “incredible” possibilities.  But their “educated” intellectual aptitudes and deplorable egocentric “know better” type of attitude is a serious hindrance they can not even tolerate as fact!  And you wonder why science always comes after the future has spoken its reality?

When all think alike, no one is thinking very much…

-Walter Lippmann (1889-1974)

Many people hope to see or film a UFO and again the “Experts” on national TV spent their existence trying to do so… while they fly above my house regularly! But “Ancient Aliens – UFO Hunters –  UFO Sci-Fi Files” etc. producers are all cosmic UN-conscious and deprave of the vital cosmic wisdom they need to “attract” any UFO.

Little do they know that ET’s require a Uranic essence agreeing with their particular “atomic” speed structure and without it there are no chances for  a “Communion.” This is why it is important to be cosmic conscious  and make a good use to the “cosmic clock” and how the planets endless movements are understood, used and respected.

Yes there is such a thing as a cosmic clock but the fact is; 99.09 % of humanity (including ALL UFO experts)   can not read and use this particular universal watch. Like the farmer’s almanac, respecting the moon’s fluctuations when planting his crops, one must be familiar with the celestial family regimenting the  precisely timed seasonal humans and ET’s affairs…

Men in Black and UFO’s

At this point, without this “cosmic awareness” I can guarantee you the chances of dealing with extraterrestrials physically in a remote desert area are NONE! Unless you strike lucky with the cosmic code and simultaneously land on your own “Lucky / Unlucky Personal Dragon Dates” –  “Explanation of the Dragon

Pretty much like being at the right time at the right place but you know my philosophy reader, there is no accident, only cosmic transmittance/circumstances unknown to the norm just yet! Thus if you are into UFO and tried for years to connect with ET’s its like trying to communicate with God, you must speak the cosmic divinity and read the Cosmic hieroglyphs the way my students and I do! While you could master the  trade and use it for the rest of your life like I do, if you are unwilling to do so at least try something different to expect different results by ordering your own “Cosmic Biorhythms”

NASA would never send the shuttle when they feel like…instead the scientists are putting tremendous efforts  to precisely find the moon/Mars and earth or planets alignments before launching any mission or prototypes. The only problem of course is that NASA has not yet realized the spiritual values of the planets and emancipated themselves from a rare wisdom that took the lives of many courageous astronauts.

They have no yet realize the stars are much more than dead rocks above their heads and can not comprehend nor use the spiritual “cosmic fluid” emanating from it core in humanity spiritual conception and endless propulsion  in its  accomplishments…

Breaking any physical rules can only bring serious penalties to this physical world and lacking cosmic consciousness is breaking all the spiritual  rules. And you wonder why this world is so dangerously chaotic when God’s rules and signs are omitted daily?

I dealt with extraterrestrials since the age of 6-years old and they never left me since then. Their purpose is very clear since they downloaded the“Cosmic Code” secrets during one of my many abductions. The imparted legacy is obvious in terms of my unarguable ability to predict future events to those who have intelligently and patiently investigated my gift/curse and read the results of a set of 22 predictions I made last year from http://www.drturi.com/ (scroll all the way down!)

But when some of my readers are complaining saying my newsletters  are too long (too rich) offering priceless information, one must wonder about humankind’s mental laziness and rapidly decaying spirit and why I often use the phrase “don’t give pearl to swine.” “http://www.drturi.com/is-sports-a-sub-human-activity/

The downloaded information about the moon, Jupiter, mercury etc. are mind boggling and the full impact of my 4 UFO experiences (and counting) were posted years ago on many websites.


As to prove another point about David’s and its followers fearfulness of losing “control” audience, at the end of the page someone wrote:“Interesting read, real or not. “I don’t like the way they are so stereotypically conveyed, appearing touching you, taking from your wife. Just add’s to what could be a government agenda of fearmongering.”

Over the years, my work has “stimulated” science curiosity and spiritual growth , India astrologers ” Forbes Financial Astrology from “India”” and  David who read every one of my newsletters (and books),  to re-invent himself with my work  producing his own views on the  “Moon Matrix” he perceives as a UFO base. After all millions of people are slowly but surely gaining cosmic consciousness with my Universal Internet School and students are from all walks of life. David’s work on the “Moon Matrix” is simply phenomenal and while he respond to his own genius *UCIUnique Celestial Identity, his findings are primarily based upon my work on the moon, my UFO experiences, his education and personal experiences. Thus in some way, as much as I influenced you the reader over the years, anyone reading my work can only gain more and some will abuse it.

Explaining the subtle power of the stars is my expertise while UFO enforced the wisdom upon my destiny, David Icke and too many UFO “experts” have never seen or dealt with UFO closely and offer no proof what so ever of any form of legacy… At least I stand apart making dated, printed published predictions that if you take the time to note will speak of distinguishing fiction from reality!

 I have explained what the “Moon Matrix” theory is all about as the subtle effect of tour satellite affects humankind personal and collective emotional response and produces all the news.  In fact I have nothing to prove anymore, only to the endless chain of newcomers to my work who should investigate my past by reading my well documented predictions since 1991 posted a thttp://www.drturi.com/newsletter/

Remember I am not a psychic, I just know that everything, like the weather or the seasons repeats itself and I have a good handle on the timing with the Halloran software I  “upgraded.”

 My expertise comes from ET’s legacy and the downloading of the cosmic code translating the will of God and this is what I was “implanted/downloaded to do; I never intended to become the leader in this field with many of my  predictions announced on national radio, TV and posted on all major public websites – but the fact remain and not all the people reading my work are envious feeble minded born.

The top scientific minds of this world working at NASA or any spatial foreign Agencies have an incredible amount of scientific rational astronomical wisdom but NONE of them perceives the Cosmos as a living spiritual entity the way I do. In fact science is distancing itself from the spirit but through my endless work I am offering a chance for balance between the physical and spiritual realities…

No I am not offering above spiritual pretenses, I am simply informing the reader of the facts, a cosmic and UFO phenomenon reality science and its current elites may not be able to conceive just yet; because as “A Chosen One” like ET’s I am very much from the future in so many ways…

I wanted to be a recording artist following my graduation from the Royal School of Music in London back in 1976 but the force (God/ET’s) had already implanted me during the cold winter nights of the year 1956, 1957 and if you read my “My First UFO Experience” from David’s website you will feel the truth through my words. Yes there are millions of people out there talking about UFO, including famous “talking Heads” but again NONE of them had a single UFO experience remotely close to what happened to me so many times.

In  “Dr. Turi On UFO Facts”  I expose the truth which is infuriating so many people who feel, and for good reasons) the target because they are in this business made up lies and ego battles where notoriety and money is their real goal!

All they can do is regurgitate what they heard, read or saw on TV while the real thing is offering tangible, obvious proofs of an inconceivable legacy. All that legitimate UFO researchers from all walks of life have to offer is very valuable, don’t get me wrong,  but don’t you think it’s time to ask for proof?

But the problem is the same in the psychic filed where too many of them are unwilling (unable?) to post their premonitions and offer you true wisdom! I do so regularly to offer the reader a chance for legitimacy and own their trust…

By reading my work, you become a part of this human cleansing process where the truth must find its way through lies and deception so science can finally discern fiction from facts dealing only with the “Chosen Ones” who can prove their experiences as legit!

The ET’s agenda is well designed and the purpose is real, all UFO researchers, speakers, writers, abductees and contactees alike are aiming for one common goal and that is to expose the truth about our space brothers.

What are extraterrestrials? Where do they come from?

They are so many cosmic unconscious “Talking Heads” out there channeling Nostradamus or UFO  who never saw or dealt with a UFO in their life period and unless I step in you are given another chance for a vivid imagination to get you farther from the truth and the real ET’s agenda!


They have lost the spirit, they have lost intuition, they have lost creativity and somehow their BECAME enslaved by their advanced technology that over their will…I know its a scary fact many souls will not accept…And all I see in horror everyday is; the same very attitude, the same errors, the same lack of perception and curiosity plaguing the scientific community! All marching obnoxiously away from God’s divinity and its celestial design… Science is steadily and unconsciously  building a humanity made up in majority of  scientists,  agnostics, atheists and skeptics alike…

The universe is timeless supporting an endless multitude of incredibly advanced entities desperate to comprehend their loss along the evolutionary ways. Dealing, abducting and studying the “Chosen Ones” or the souls blessed at birth by the Cosmic Code with an advanced UCI, speak of the value and interest of those spiritually rich rare human beings cosmic legacy they need.

ET’s are TOP scientists breed by many disappeared Human generations lost in time and space who had no option but to “play” and modify the human genes to travel interplanetary through  incalculable distances…

They became the master of scientific matters and got stuck in anti matter in the process because they alleniated themselves from all spiritual researches. Thus they are like any of today’ scientists very “educated” but not very intelligent or totally uneducated in the spiritual conception of the universe.  They have lost sensitivity, and are still in search of emotions, intuition or the missing part of their constructive will in the process. Thus the  robotic “machine” they became enslaved them to “perform” as dictated by the Universal programmed  “matrix” their mentally superiors control. Very much like on earth where a group of smart people we call the Illuminati are in charge of the rest of the human race and pull the strings as they please.

The scientific road their deal with, explore and promote is a one way HWY going towards more incredible technological wonders where the spirit is non existent and somehow the ET’s realized their error! To remedy to their problem they must turn the clock back and visit developing worlds such as our and do like today’ scientists do… perform physical desiccation and concentrate particularly on the human brain. They are only repeating the same error than they did million years ago, something I am trying so hard to make my readers aware of…

They became true master of a technology you could never comprehend just yet and like any scientists they think they know better still missing the forest for the tree.  They are logical to the extreme, rational to the core, cold, calculated like a well-oiled solid gearbox and only scientifically oriented. This is where the dangerous route, in the name of science, the majority of humans are at currently, where no distinction between the true universal spirit cloaked in the cosmic code, man-made religions and rational science is jammed in and caught in the box.

They are interested in me because I own a special “UCI or Unique Celestial Identity” and purposely “downloading”the physical manifestation of our local Universe or the Cosmic Code would allow me to help humanity avoiding their “scientific” fate and may be offer them a chance to turn back from the HWY of  hell they are stuck in…

They need something they lost along the way because a few of “chosen ones” still have it! It is crucial for their survival or agenda to establish harmony between the physical and spiritual planes and enjoy the balance they are desperately looking for.

To make it easy for you to understand readers, if within the next 50 years from today the human spirit dies I will have failed in my mission.  Human will become exactly like them, on the way to become atomized precise cold rational robots with no much will to play with creativity.  Human will left overridden and largely controlled by the very sophisticated electronic machines science is building today. Their job is to plant, grow and collect the best of the human DNA/UCI  spiritual specimens missing in their own development  and “catch”  the omitted “spiritual” puzzle making us Unique and independent.  For the human spiritual immaculate conception its endless imagination and emotions breed controlled actions and controlled creativity.

It seem not all ET’s have lost the importance of the human evolutionary spirit and this is why some groups keep returning to visit some of us… For some other ET’s their agenda is more personal and involve controlling their survival. Their utmost aim is to bring back the values of losing the spiritual conception of the particular solar system they are currently in. And for the most advanced ones, to keep watching the best of their crops or the most physically and/or spiritually advanced souls to further the human race in far those away endless constellations…

The human/ET’s brains are “interconnected” with the Universal Mind and certain ET’s group are working on refining future solar systems to improve both the physical and spiritual aspects of a variety of life existence itself.

…perhaps there is a pattern set up in the heavens for one who desires to see it, and having seen it, to find one in himself

– Plato

They are mesmerized by our emotional responses in any and all situations, our destructive religious beliefs system and wonder how to better the human spirit to a ascend to a higher level of perception of the  worlds (physical and spiritual)  we live in.  The goal is to  “breed” a well-balanced, secure, respectful human race on on planet earth. Yes currently it is pure hell but this is the designed breeding ground where spiritual progress is taking place at an extraordinary slow rate. Peace, love, high spiritually, integrity, respect, true cosmic wisdom and the essence of a cosmic, universal God speaking his celestial will through the signs are foreign to this lost world. And one of the reasons why I work so hard everyday to make sense to God and ET’s reality for you.

Meantime do not expect the “President of the intergalactic society ” to meet with you physically soon. It’s entirely up to them to chose and pick the worthy and this will happen if you speak and understand the cosmic code timing… And again that is if you fit one of their peculiar agenda and /or rise to their expectations.

You may most certainly deal with their dignified robots or the Grey instead, those who do the dirty work from cutting cows checking on the chain food, in charge of abductions, collections of DNA to flying the saucers around etc. They are huge numbers of extraterrestrials from all corners of the infinite universes, and some  are much too far away from their own solar system to visit us, yes even for an ET, space and time can be challenging.

Thus those closer to us are harvesting/dealing with us for their own particular survival or progressive interstellar re-population agenda, much like humans trip to the moon and use it as a platform to reach the next nearer planer Mars.

This Interstellar society has its own regulations, limitations and purposes and learned billions years ago that religions leads to war and  kill human and the right balanced  (physical/spiritual) cosmic type of education is the key, thus to the  majority of non emotional, non feeling ET’s; wars are non-existent.

Thus do not expect such advanced entities to invade earth by force and impose their will on humans, for this is not part of their purposes and they are technologically speaking formidably equipped and could eliminate us at will.

Meantime they are also aware that in time and space all matter  is omnipresent and interconnected, thus helping us to grow is helping them too. But with such a self-destructive attitude, mankind does not need any outside force, or UFO’s to eradicate itself from this planet, agree? And this is where they must interfere, like a naturalist darting a dangerous bear, meantime much of their precious chosen ones rare subjects are oblivious of the crucial work ET’s are performing.

ET’s do not think, behave or perceive reality as you do, far from it, thus picking someone in position of power, such as the President or a renowned religious figure such as the Pope to communicate to human won’t do it. Terrestrial logical, rational, archaic and mundane education molds our leaders and our infantile non cosmic conscious science elite’s mental process and because this crowd is the first one to reject the incredible reality of UFO and ET’s presence in our skys; they would rather deal with you or me instead.


Some groups of ET are masters in handling the cosmic rules regimenting the infinite Universes, for if they did not they would not be able to enter our dense physical world to deal with their protégées or travel incalculable distances. Like human some groups are smart and others are still in spiritual progression. Those mastered all the physical and spiritual rules of the Cosmic Code jurisdictions and are fully aware of WHEN to use the specific Uranian energy allowing them to enter and manifest themselves physically and safely on this dense physical world.

 Some of their sophisticated mind detectors precisely point out the rare human born with an unusual or advanced UCI *Unique Celestial Identity. Such as soul is blessed at birth to enter the archetypal realm of consciousness and such powerful objectivity promotes an unique perception of the divine. Exactly what some groups of ET needs to recall for their survival, progress or use for inter galactic re-population purposes. The rare gift of a “Chosen One” makes them a crucial missionary target for the extraterrestrials various agenda.

This type of well-earned karmic residue “born spiritually advanced or different” is key ingredient for ET’s particular choices and they know how “magnetically” where to look and find some of us.  It’s much like a human being using a fish finder to locate the fishes or a metal detector to find gold in the desert because its all about emanating a powerful “vibrations.” Remember readers, like attracts like and a magnet will not attract a piece of wood and the experiment keeps going with my somehow dramatic unusual ET/human connections forcing me to undergo regular upgrades.

Even sitting in my Jacuzzi at night, I see so many UFO, like this one reported in LA May 29, 2010  –  its only another reminded not only of the reality of ET’s but the mission some “”Chosen Ones” have to perform to free this world from fears and ignorance and in my case RE-introduce the Cosmic Code rules to the ET’s themselves and to all my fellow human beings.

I have the tools, I have the gift, I have the mission and I want to share it all with you. The question is now “Are You A Chosen One?”  or are my incredible UFO experiences a bit too much for you to accept? Well it is all written in light in your natal UCI and specifically the location of the planet Uranus who rules the UFO phenomenon and the technological future of mankind. Listen to your intuition and when you are ready for me, I will be there for you. Meantime the predictive legacy left by the ET’s is quite obvious when they abducted me back in 1991 above Los Angeles. They downloaded me with the secrets of the Cosmic Code and the reality of God himself, a God that as of yet is foreign to all the people walking this earth.

Lastly I am due soon and I’ll be there to tell you all about it! meantime incredible experiences breed incredible people that have incredible wisdom to share… How To Unleash Your Psychic power


Dr. Turi

Sharing emails;

DT – I enjoyed the latest newsletter on ET’s. I went to the site and read the article about Russia forcing Obama to spill the beans. The comments are interesting and offer up informative links…That’s kinda odd since since they wanted to tell us before but the ET’s wouldn’t let them. LOL

I guess I’m inert, as I haven’t seen them; that’s fine with me and I’m not jealous. But I do know plenty of intelligent people that have also seen them, along with your experiences, so I’m a believer with nothing to prove. LOL

DT – This show you trust my words about ET’s and cosmic wisdom because its all true…Thanks Laurie

Note my FREE global teleclass is set for February 13, 2013 


TeleClass Title: How to Unleash Your Psychic Power
Date: 02/13/2013
Time: 8:00 PM ET (New York Time)
TeleClass Leader: Dr. Louis Turi
Tuition: No Cost
Check to add this TeleClass to your selected TeleClasses
Description: Dr. Turi will introduce some of the techniques he developed training students to build the mental “reflex” needed to accurately assert anyone hidden motives, true personality, mental potential, inner fears, strengths, gifts and weaknesses. Indeed This TeleClass will lead you to a new perception of what it means to be human and the transformation experience will stay with you for the rest of your life.
Click to register for selected TeleClasses

Is Sports a Sub-Human Activity?


Will George Noory remember this prediction?

S&P 500 close is best since 2007

2013 US economy on the rise

Housing to drive economy (finally!)

The Dow Jones industrial averageS&P 500 and the Nasdaq closed up between 0.5% and 0.6%. The Dow finished at its highest level since October 2007, while the S&P 500 closed above the 1,500 mark for the first time since December 2007.

Dear Readers;

I may sound redundant to some but the Cosmic Code is getting new subscribers daily and many of those people never heard of my work and I – Thus confirming my predictions are not an ego trip but a sure way to prove my claims.

Back in June 2007 I was on Coast to Coast with George Noory  and said on the air with millions of listeners that “The Tail of the Dragon will be forcing a total restructure of the US economy  that will last all the way to December 2012.” I did the same in all my radio and TV shows since then, I also published the following in my yearly publication Moon Power books and in my numerous newsletters and websites – US Economy Prediction .

From my prediction page! “I see the real estate booming again, as the country infrastructure is changing . The old road / signal / bridges systems will be replaced by “round points”, the stock market will experience a slow but sure recovery especially in July / June and January / December 2011/2012.””

George Noory, David Icke, Maxwell & Rapporport

George Noory, Art Bell the Stars and Dr. Turi

Changing gears:


Egyptian fans of Al-Ahly football club rally outside the club's headquarters in Cairo on Saturday, January 26. An Egyptian judge sentenced 21 people to death Saturday for their roles in a football game riot last year, a ruling that sparked deadly clashes between security forces and relatives of the convicted.

30 dead after Egyptians angry about riot verdicts try to storm prison

That 2012 incident — during a game between Cairo’s prestigious Al-Ahly football club and the host Al-Masry team — ended with 73 dead.

Do you think Sport is “Sub-Human?”  But how could it be when the best “physical” athletes in the world compete with each other?

And you wonder why I can’t stand sports, religions and politics?  There is nothing whatsoever that can benefit a single cell of my body, to me dying in a religious stampede is as smart as dying in a sports gathering and how many souls so far perished this way?  Countless but still sports and religions attract millions…  To my mind, there is nothing more insane and wasteful than sport games yet 99.09% of human live just for it and will spend their entire week end watching TV!

Like religions, it stirs tons of emotions  that often turn violent and in this case deadly and the players are rewarded with fame and millions of dollars contracts? I wonder what the hell I did to God to land on such a low vibrational world where the spirit, education  and the genius  of man is so  rare and rarely if (in my case) ever rewarded…

Yes I wonder if you could see/measure the intellectual strength of a human being how would I score? Guess what the I.Q. of any soul is measured by the amount of memory and information /books he can  assimilate, collect and regurgitate…But does this memory aptitude make  someone smarter or intelligent? NO! it does not but our society is designed to reward, appreciate and judge Genius this way or by rewarding imagination (Harry Potter) over facts and non fictional life saving material like mine.  But when the world is made largely of cosmic unconscious morons consumed by mental entertainments such as books, sports and religions who’s to blame?

And this is why a refined poker player or an overly educated graduate will be sought as a genius when all he has is a good memory and operates at a rational logical level in a dense physical world… But what cannot be seen or dealt with rationally (including the spirit) by the norm goes unrewarded and what you do not see or comprehend in metaphysics is the tip of an enormous iceberg  emerging in this dense world.

Thus knowing, I was born ADHD and own absolutely no memory; if a parrot is able to recall and recite the full content of a big book he will graduate and be classified as a genius while Dr. Turi I.Q. will be less than average… The parrot cannot see nor recall the spirit but he is a master of mental recollection in his own world. This is the best way for me to explain what today’s blind science is all about…

The most expensive non-suite tickets offered today are a pair of club seats in Section 237 for $7,490 each, would someone offer those to me I would turn it down (or give them away) because a bunch of people running, kicking a ball or trying to score does NOTHING to my brain but induce a mental calcification nightmare.

This is where I realize how unique I am knowing you will never see Dr. Turi at any religious or sports gatherings because the world I deal with, while unseen by the majority, is so much bigger and so much more realistic!  I can’t help to wonder how many guys are like me or agree with me that any physical games that can bring such powerful emotions  and death should be avoided like any other disease.  Women which are a large part of my audience are born much more sensitive but this does not mean some women are women inside.

Currently there is another emotional debate going on with women in combat The role of women in combat   but again the “experts” judging and talking about women are cosmic unconscious and know nothing of their  natal UCI or “Unique Celestial Identity”  making any lady born with a very strong MARS in their chart attracted to danger, war and actions. IN fact some of those “Ladies” have more balls than men… But by judging of the humongous stupidity plaguing science and humanity today its going to take a while before my work finally makes sense to those cosmic unconscious young souls.


Only last night on the Mabus Radio show with Jeffery Pritchett I started and ended up the show by making a very specific predictions hours ahead of the latest tragedy now on CNN!  I spoke about Obama, Nukes, gave specific dates and if you missed it you actually missed a lot!


Watch this video

A night of horror

245 killed in Brazil nightclub fire

I wish those 245 lost souls knew about the dangerous Full Moon hanging above and had a copy of my book warning them to stay home as of last night, but it seems they paid the price of their ignorance where the “fire/accident” will be blamed.

But what will you give the moronic mass if you take entertainment, religion and sports away? Anything that demands “mental Gymnastics” intuition and curiosity is unsuitable for the majority of today’s human beings… This is so sad but its the fact! But this does not mean if you like sports you are a moron, in fact I have some very smart friends that love football, I am just making a statement on how different, I am  and my own sport preference that’s all…

But while I love boxing (blame it on my aggressive Aries Dragon’s Head) you will never see me in a live match in Vegas (go figure) and after a couple of fights I swiftly move on to the Discovery/science/nature channel and feed my brain with more educational material… Indeed human are very complex but some of us are non conform and particularly very unique! Here goes the tip of the “spiritual” iceberg 99.009 % can not see…

Some would say you have to be born American to appreciate football because it is the national favorite past time. But back home in France the national favorite pastime is with soccer and this does nothing to me either and it never did!

Fans from both sides bashed each other with rocks and chairs, yet prosecutors claimed the Port Said supporters were also armed with knives and other weapons. Many died after falling from bleachers inside the stadium, while others suffocated.

Should I be blamed for wanting NOTHING of this sub-human emotional deadly endeavor?  Should I be blamed if I refuse to go public in time of a full moon to avoid death? In fact my friend Owen and I should be part of the thousands of deaths victims of the Thailand tsunami where we both planned to be on the very day the disaster occurred  But I saved our butts because the same dangerous full moon was above forcing me to cancel the trip!  I guess I feel  much too different and know much more than the norm to MIX with the norm, knowing the cosmic unconscious mass can become as refined and as smart as a wild bull dedicated to run you over and kill you… I would rather be fishing or appreciate nature with my loving wife…

“tensions had grown throughout the game with Al-Masry fans throwing bottles and rocks at the opposing players.”

I wonder how many of those lost souls (and the organizers)  knew  about the impact of  the January 26 full moon in Cancer messing up their pin head cosmic unconscious minds?  The result is DEATH all over! But their brains are as full as the leather ball their favorite team has been kicking for hours and now its time for this emotional unconscious mass entity evil to self destruct by carrying out deadly acts upon each others – Do you really think I belong there?

Do they know about the word lunatic, moody, crabby and the full moon stirring the worst of their destructive emotions? Sure…my work is not for the feeble minded who have no idea how the moon affects their unconscious psyches!

THU., FRI., SAT., SUN., MON. — JANUARY 24, 25, 26, 27, 28:
RULERS — The Moon (Changing cycles/Growth of soul) and the Sun (Higher self)

Work, Career and Business: Some people will see the end and the beginning of a business situation. New people will move in to replace others. The Moon is still waxing (positive); make the most out of these days ahead and have faith in your ability to deal with any changes. Hope and faith will take you places.

Partnerships: This lunation means a great new start, relocation, and a promotion, even the start of a brand new life. Those changing stars do not care about your sadness, guilt or anything else; don’t turn back, move on to your future. Your situation or feelings do not match your wishes; changes must take place. You’ll be glad you did it. Remember life is a constant process of change, so go for it.

Family and Friends: Mom may get in touch with you, and your past is calling you back. The moon will make the children quite emotional; they will need your attention and will be demanding. With the Sun’s vitality invest some time with them and do something special; they will cherish these days in their heart forever. A surprising new involvement with a child or love is ahead of you. A friend surprises you with an invitation; restaurants will be busy, so you’d better make a reservation if you do not want to stand in line for a table.

Love Affairs: Control your feelings about the past and let them lead you towards your future. Some relationship might end with sorrow, but the stars are on your side. Promote your next section of life without delay. Expect some surprises too and go full speed after your desires; anything incredible can happen especially during the weekend and you shouldn’t stay home. These surprises should be positive and unexpected and there is much to gain if you interact with others. Visit friends, socialize or throw a party to celebrate this great solar and lunar energy. It’s time to do your cabalistic candles ritual, white for the purification of the spirit, green for the purification of the physical, and blue to pray and ask favors of your guardian Angel. Don’t forget to burn some sage and the use of the circle of salt. This lunation has the potential to bring about one of your greatest wishes. Again, don’t waste it, go out there now, push and have faith. If you were born in July, a younger or older person born in January, November or March won’t be able to resist your magnetism.

Travel and Communication: Expect news from brothers and sisters; be part of the action and communicate with those you love. Use plenty words of love and care for others; somehow you’ll be rewarded. Bring your camera; great things and great surprises are imminent.

Environment: Many people are forced to relocate during this celestial energy, sometimes due to nature’s destructive forces. Typhoons and other water disasters are to be expected. Let’s hope the new moon will alleviate drama and make the transition safe for many souls. Riot over soccer verdict leaves 30 dead in Egypt – A night of horror – Hurricane Sandy hit East Coast Coastal town ‘devastated’ and a Cyclone tears into south Indian coast – Bangladesh floods kill 45.

Famous Personalities: Famous and powerful personalities will be ending or starting a very important part of their love lives. Some will have finished their work on this physical plane, and will work as guides for whom they cared on earth.

Events: Foreign governments will have to make important decisions soon. “On Saturday in Suez — about 90 miles south of Port Said — the government deployed troops and armored military vehicles in response to the previous day’s clashes.”

Shopping: Only real estate endeavors from your past are protected; a new house bought now after the full moon could bring much trouble to the new owners. If you do so, make sure to do a candle ritual. Burn white, green and blue candles, and mix them with incense to clean up some psychic residues left behind by disturbed souls. Some of your local stores may also be affected and may rebuild or close down completely.

Lawyers for Catholic hospital argue that a fetus is not a person!

Read the answer in “KFYI Mike Broomhead and Abortion

Note: I am about to generate  February 2013 Daily Guidance and Predictions and  2013 February Universal Moon Transits for my VIP’s to enjoy – Join us now, you can not afford not to be warned by Dr. Turi legitimate work.

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi



Common Disorders and Astropsychology

For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice… Dr. Turi

Image result for a physician cannot call himself a doctor astrology hippocratesHippocrates II was a Greek physician of the Age of Pericles and is considered the most outstanding figure in the history of medicine.

“Dr. Turi, I have learned more about what it means to be human in your week-long crash course in Sedona than the 7 years I spent in an accredited college.” Dr. in Psychiatry student feedback. 

Dear Readers:

All of you know how I feel about taking dangerous drugs for any psychological problem (or phobias) you may suffer. If you did not read it yet, please take the time to assimilate that section of my website and be warned of the danger of cults/drugs/religions – “What is a Neptunian?”

All physical and spiritual health problems are from a form of “blockage” and can be fixed without the use of dangerous drugs. Sad enough poisonous thoughts (guilt/fears etc.) leads to depression and open the door to a multitude of serious mental problems. Millions of people also suffer “spiritual attacks” and/or induced vicious curses sent subconsciously by resentful enemies feeding an army of unseen but very real low entities from the astral planes. .i.e Reptilius effect.

We are all susceptible to such “psychic” accidents especially if you have been religiously poisoned at an early age or refute the spirit if your natal karmic UCI is too earthy (skeptics, agnostics, atheists.)

Order my book “Beyond The Secret” and/or become an Astropsychology student to gather cosmic consciousness. Incredible information pertaining to the Subconscious interacting with your UCI will also be explored and fully explained in my next live course. Take the home course, save time and money!  Email teraniapromodir@gmail.com for info.

Free your spirit with a live Zoom consultation with Dr. Turi? Read all the details!

Common Disorders and Astropsychology

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (A.D.H. D.):
This has nothing to do with MPD and should be considered a gift from God. The soul is loaded with a tremendous physical and mental energy that needs to dissipate. Curious by nature and intellectually challenging, an ADHD person is, by nature (and purposely) ill-equipped to accept all forms of codification of thoughts. Thus, unable to delegate traditional education, an A.D.H.D. subject, (Einstein/Clinton/myself) will sidestep the course of educational dogma and breach the barrier of what was previously thought of as impossible. Nevertheless, discipline and basic education should be encouraged to promote the inborn genius quality of the A.D.H.D. subject so that; he can accomplish miracles and be prosperous later in life. Read “Beyond the secret” to learn more! 

This mental disorder usually depicts a reclusive, socially awkward, indisposed character with poor or inappropriate feelings and an inability to perform or function well in our society. The inward world of hallucinations is too much for the subject, who falls victim to these make-believe, destructive and grandiose thought processes. This type of hallucinatory person, over a period of time, will need assistance, will become dependent on other family members, and will require supervision. Neptune (confusion), the planet of deception, plays an important part in all mental disorders, and when badly aspected by Pluto (destruction) or Mercury (mental processes), the worst is to be expected.

Hard aspects by disturbing planets like Uranus, Pluto, Neptune, or Mars to the Dragon’s Tail (past lives) are also a strong possibility to induce mental disorders. In many cases, the amount of past-life residue is much too strong to be controlled by the soul due to his speedy reincarnation to the earth. An obvious example is seen with the life and fate of Paul Jennings Hill (anti-abortion activist/murderer), falling victim to the residue of his past life as a woman (Dragon’s Tail in Cancer — protective mother), bringing children into this world.

This mental disorder is characterized by a strong desire for excitement, drama, attention, and constant reassurance. The hysterical personality will do all that he can to attract attention and exaggerate the situation. This type of endeavor is seen within the melodramatic performance of an actor in a televised soap opera or on the big screen. A hard aspect to a Dragon’s Tail, the moon (emotions) or/and Mercury (communication) in Leo (love) combined with other nefarious planets such as Neptune (acting) Pluto (drama) can very well produce hysteria. The desire for attention, drama and respect from others is quite strong and produce exhibitionists, ready to shock others to gain the desperate attention their crave for.

Dissociative States:
Dissociate states occur when a person is under great stress from external influences, other people’s cruelty or deeply felt previous internal conflicts with a disturbing immediate situation. The moon (emotion) in Pisces (sensitivity) on the Dragon’s Tail (karma) is a major contribution to the dilemma. This affliction brings dissociation with others, especially to the family. The upbringing is usually very dramatic and the subject learns early in childhood to cope with traumatic sexual or emotional abuse. If the Dragon’s Tail (negative) affects the 4th house (home/family) in the sign of Scorpio (sex) or if there is any hard aspects to the Moon (home) and Pluto (death) drama will occur.

Often they are forced to learn to disconnect from their feelings to avoid emotional or physical pain. By adulthood, their emotions are locked behind protective walls and can be accessed as needed. A strong Pluto (power) aspect to Mercury (the mind), and the Moon (emotions) gives the subject a powerful will to dissociate himself from whatever is going on around him so that emotional or physical pain can be avoided. The strength of Pluto, aspects to Mercury and the Moon give this person a form of subconscious (protection) self-hypnotic trance.

In extreme cases, therefore, these individuals do experience periods of “missing time,” confusion and disorientation. Sad enough, “The Little Queen” Jon Benett, was murdered at home. The police suspect the parents for good reasons. She was a Leo (fame/stage) and at an early age displayed her gift as an entertainer. The 4th house (home/family members) happens to be in the dramatic sign of Scorpio (death/sex) and clearly indicates where death and drama did enter the life of the subject.

Sociopathic Personality:
This disorder commonly called Multiple Personality Disorder or MPD is usually found with people born with a strong negative affliction to Mercury (the mind) and hard aspects to the Dragon’s Tail in Gemini. They do learn at an early age to lie to avoid trouble, and they are also somehow superficial and have problems with established rules and authority. The past-life residue in Gemini (double personality) is not yet eliminated or understood by the subject and is used in the form of manipulation and deceit. Reluctant to obtain education due to a poor memory, or a lack of attention, many of them end up as a “Jack of all trades,” unable to focus and crystallize the thought processes.

Afflicted by negative Mercury (Lord of the Thieves), they appear to be charming and smooth in their dealings, but they can be manipulative and insensitive. In order to stay alive, in previous past lives, the soul mastered the art of stealing and lying to survive. Many of them were involved in metaphysical work and had to perform their second occupation at night. Their endeavors involved witchcraft, healing with herbs, plants, using the Cabala, and astrology. To avoid serious repercussions from the church authority of their time, they developed a gift of disguise, were lying, and adapting fast to any situation meant saving their precious life.

Paranoid Personality:
A strong negative aspect to the moon (feelings) Mercury (the mind) and the Dragon’s Tail (past lives) in Pisces (deception) is predisposing the soul for a network for distorted ideas, fears, and uncontrolled imagination. Self-analysis is very difficult, if not impossible, with this individual who has serious trouble accepting his own intensely emotional and destructive imagination. An attraction to chemicals, drugs, and alcohol is also very common and act as a shield against the harsh reality of the physical world. Lacking objectivity, this individual rejects the reality of his own feelings and directs them toward other people, believing that they are the ones with the offensive intent.

Although very attracted to the intangible, this soul is a terminal one and should not participate in hypnotic regression sessions or psychic seances. Due to his deceiving interstellar conception, this soul is a prime target for possession or invasion by low astral entities. The tremendous amount of dramatic subconscious memories from the past-life residue makes it very difficult to distinguish fiction from reality.

To protect society from all of the dangerous neurotics, all psychiatry, psychology and neuroscientists can do is, with the use of powerful drugs, control the expression of fear rather than erase it completely from the memory bank. However the use of chemicals can only further the degradation of the fragile psyche of the individual and should be avoided at all cost. Those souls have a natural negative reaction to all chemicals and could induce more stress, confusion and paralysis to the subject.

Scientists must do a very different type of research in order to evaluate the real subtle astrological forces producing the mental sickness of an individual. Accurately diagnosing a mentally sick patient is winning more than half of the battle. Only then, with the help of these drugs, a preventive therapeutic mental regeneration will take place, allowing the patient to avoid further mental deterioration. Nothing is to be found in the complexity of the brain’s (computer) physical, supratomic structure. The answer is not within, but outside of the human brain, well above our scientific heads, and in the stars.

Understanding and using the work of the ancients can only stop a waste of time in absurd speculation and our vital financial resources. This capital should be used to revive and further the much older, deeper and more reliable forfeited knowledge that resides within the stars. Doing so will re-establish the direct relationship with man’s psyche direct relationship with the universal mind.


EMF or Electro-Magnetic Field Frequency

Our bodies are vulnerable to EMFs (from AC wiring) because the AC frequencies (Harmonics of 60Hz) are so close to the frequency nerve cells use to communicate with each other. This frequency is also similar to the frequency (10Hz) that emanates from the earth herself. This frequency “celestial energy” changes in intensity from distant stars’ (sun) planets and our very close satellite, the moon (gravity/magnetism). The earth is a spinning magnetic field with a core of iron, and our bodies and earth herself have evolved in relationship to that “subtle but real” outside stimulus or harmonic.

We are synchronized in uncountable ways not only to the mother earth and all her movements and life forms but also to the undeniable EMFs coming from our solar system (and other body/stars). This “energy” is constantly bombarding our body and mind in ways appropriate for each cell to receive information, thus stimulating a specific timetable reaction from all minerals (earth/faults), plants and animals. The radiation emanating from our bodies (and the earth) picks up on this “universal EMF” on its wavelength information mostly from the moon (magnetic field/metaphysics) of gravity (science) and also from all those stars.

We are (the earth, too) in effect enclosed in a prison of electromagnetic forces that work in harmony with God’s Divine Scheme. Our minds (computers) are simply cyclonic resonance. One vector is the DC frequency coming from the earth and the other “AC vector” from our solar system (including the Moon). Thus, our bodies, brains, earth are literally electromagnetic fields that vibrate within these two vectors. The same principles apply for migrating birds, whales and fish. Their inner sense of direction is programmed at birth and their automated computerized brains react to the Moon for reproduction and Mercury for direction.

Every day that God has created sees the procession of stars across the vault of the sky; they have followed the same regular path through the heavens, tracing the immutability of the cosmos and its constellations, which have spoken to the wise since the beginning of time.

This work will explain in detail the subtle energy produced by the Moon’s passage through the 12 houses and signs of the Zodiac. These houses govern the 12 facets of our lives and the rhythms of our life’s cycle, our emotions, finances, consciousness, home, children, career, friends, wishes, fears, love, personality and all that goes to make up our sorrows and joys. Depending on the mystical rhythm of the Moon and her relationship — harmonious or discordant — to the constellations and houses of the sky over which they rule she will govern our human activity and give birth to our vices and virtues.

The infinite and concealed dance of the Moon through the Zodiac is far from affecting only you, but affects all of us. You are a “microcosm” or a child of the Universe and there is reason for you to be. You are a part of this incredible physical and spiritual structure called a “macrocosm.”

To Those Searching For the truth:

Not the Truth of Darkness but the Truth brought by reason, where search, reason, investigation, and discipline is required. For faith, as well intentioned as it may be must be built on facts, not fiction – Faith in fiction is a damnable false hope.
-Thomas A. Edison-

What Does The World Say About Dr. Turi?
Prophecy & the Cosmic Code with Dr. Louis Turi –  Feedback




Blessings to all!

Dr. Turi

Depression, Dementia, Suicide and the Reptilius Universal Infestation

I aM gOING crAZY!)*(76&7#@# the reptilius own my mind!


Do not think for a second you are immune to depressions, dementia because of your age, or what mental experts classify as old people suffering alzheimer’s disease.  The current Neptunius poisoning cosmic winds (and the reptilius using it)  does not rationalize nor will spare anyone! And money is still wasted in futile scientific researches on the working of the mind!

Indeed my prediction of a Universal reptilius mental infestation through the legalization of weed, use/abuse of legal/illegal drugs will result in an explosion of dementic people and suicides.

The world of religion is changing fast and, victimized by the deceptive, depressive Neptunius Dragon a cosmic unconscious Pope Francis is losing it!  WAIT… WHAT? POPE SAYS ‘THIS MAY BE THE LAST CHRISTMAS FOR HUMANITY’  –

He sees a world where the evil of greed and power rule and human have no chance for survival while Christianity is slowly disappearing.  His good heart and wise words can not be heard nor respected anymore and perceived as a waste of time by a growing atheist society! 

The mental stress Pope Francis is experiencing may lead him/you to suffer the same fate as Mother Theresa who finally was forced to give in to the reptilius…

Fact: The archbishop of calcutta, henry d’souza, revealed that mother teresa had an exorcism performed on her while she was hospitalized in 1997. because the roman catholic church performs exorcisms only when someone is believed to be possessed by the devil, the world was shocked by such a disclosure.

According to d’souza, shortly before her death at the age of 87, mother teresa was admitted to a hospital because of heart trouble. d’souza happened to be a patient in the same hospital during her stay, and he learned that the nun was having difficulty sleeping. when it was determined that there was no medical reason to account for such problems, it occurred to him that some evil spirit might be trying to disturb her during the night.

With the nun’s consent, d’souza arranged for a priest to perform an exorcism as a precautionary measure. mother theresa participated with the priest in a prayer for protection and slept peacefully after the ritual had been completed. Not wishing to tarnish mother teresa’s sanctity, immediately after he had made the disclosure of her exorcism, d’souza insisted that she had not been satanically possessed, and he was firm in his assertion that the exorcism should in no way affect her candidacy for sainthood.

But in reality what happened is that; While hospitalized Mother Teresa was forced to ingest a regiment of medications that messed her old heart and opened a wide door to reptilius mental infestation.

Both the religious and scientific matrixes could never ever accept the reality of nefarious invading cosmic entities messing up with the human mind. It is against the core of their indoctrinating “educated/religious” teaching a gullible, misinformed society has accepted as fact and will not challenge!

Yet the herd is not curious enough to learn more about this cosmic phenomenon in fear of ending in hell!  Only those who can use critical thinking can reach the proposed light!

Maintaining religious fear is exactly what the reptilius need in order to survive in the “Dark Matter” and infested the human mind by creating 875 different religions worldwide, and religions has been one of their best used tools so far. How many people fear going to hell? Here is your answer reader, billions…

The reptilius envenomed greedy controlling men of the past worked hard to create man religious folly which finally altered/killed Jesus’ initial cosmic ministry induced by the 3 wise men. Those entities were the benevolent Draconis Group of ET’s teaching the Savior all about God cosmic Divinity (astrology) or “Our Father in the Heaven” reality.

The result is seen with the Vatican corporation President (Pope Francis) losing the battle of a falsification of god through the renaissance of a true God cosmic Divinity taking place today through my spiritual work!


Introducing the world to God New Cosmic Consciousness


it  “Who was Jesus?” and with more people passing security and entering the White House I hope my predictions of President Obama (and Pope Francis’ assassination) to never come to pass, but all we can do is pray and hope for their safety. 

Science and religion are trying to find and offer you plausible answers they will never reach because both have lost the spirit!

Susannah Cahalan was living a normal life until one day she became psychotic and violent. HLN’s Dr. Drew talks with her.  Watch the video!

This is what happen when the natal or hidden Dragon suddenly hit the subconscious, this is one of the main reasons why people like Mother Teresa became reptilius infected and suffered dementia. The mental stress Pope Francis is currently experiencing may lead him to suffer the same fate as Mother Theresa who finally gave in to the reptilius…   The same apply for children like Adam Lanza and so many deadly  “Monsters”  and what a cosmic unconscious society call  “An Act Of God” Children Born Killer?

Telling the public nefarious cosmic entities are hijacking and envenoming humanity and the planet  is much too far fetched for the rational scientist or the God fearing souls! The 15 stories that had you talking in 2015!

But this fact will become accepted with time and hopefully; I will get the voice and national stage I need to gather your  positive thoughts by working with the Draconis at a spiritual level to beat the reptilius out of our solar system.

 but this fact will become accepted with time and hopefully; I will get the voice and national stage I need to gather your  positive thoughts by working with the Draconis at a spiritual level to beat the reptilius out of our solar system.

All Truths evolve through 3 Stages of Consciousness…

First, they are Ridiculed, 

Next, they are Violently Opposed,

and  Then, they are Accepted as Self-Evident!

I am planning to start my own radio show starting January 20th 2016 – 7 to 8 PM and I hope many of you will join us in this cosmic spiritual battle we can not afford to lose! 

Dragon Forecast 2015

2016 Nostradamus Dragon forecast for all signs.” 

This  ebook is a savior in itself and we can not emphasize enough how important it is for you to get it. You may notice some deep psychological changes taking place in yourself or on your loved ones and knowing where those cosmic winds affect you at a personal level become a major contribution to control the outcome.

Sad enough cosmic unconscious people will run to traditional psychologists who will prescribe dangerous antidepressants making the situation much worse. A natural chemical imbalance could be the result of both the effect of the 2016 Neptunius Dragon which will always fade away naturally after a few months if you know about it. And if you don’t those depressions will turn into panic attacks and dementia. Thus my sad prediction of an upsurge of drugs, alcohol abuse and suicides. 

This Universal watery, nirvanic dragon is very deceptive and will lead to the legalization of weed all over the US because the greedy lawmakers can NOT think rationally! And in the years to come if humanity makes it many of those  new laws will be retracted. It’s all about lobbyists corporate money and making you the docile zombies they need to dominate and survive.  

I treat these disorders my own safe way in my healing room and got fabulous results using both Hypnotherapy and Astropsychology or Cabalistic Natural Healing. But if you are too far away a live taped Skype session is your best option!

If you know someone or if yourself suffer heavy depressions let me help you regenerate your spirit before its becomes too late.  Call me personally at 602-265-7667 or Email Terania at teraniapromodir@gmail.com to set up a live Skype consultation VIP or a 90 mn taped Full Life reading, because my services are real!  I will eliminate the chances for you to become a victim of the reptilius or a statistics of any of the below mentioned diseases.


This mental disorder usually depicts a reclusive, socially awkward, indisposed character with poor or inappropriate feelings and an inability to perform or function well in our society. The inward world of hallucinations is too much for the subject who is victimized by these make-believe, destructive and grandiose thought processes. This type of hallucinatory person, over a period of time, will need assistance and become dependent on other family members that will demand constant supervision. Neptune (confusion), the planet of deception, plays an important part in all mental disorders, and when badly aspected by Pluto (destruction) or Mercury (mental processes), the worst is to be expected. My 525 page book “The Power of the Dragon”offers tremendous information on the UCI of famous and infamous people, serial killers, Presidents etc.

Hard aspects by disturbing planets like Uranus, Pluto, Neptune, or Mars to the Dragon’s Tail (past lives) are also a strong possibility to induce mental disorders. In some cases, the amount of past-lives residue is still much too strong to be controlled by the soul due to a speedy karmic reincarnation on earth. An obvious example is seen with the life and fate of Paul Jennings Hill (anti-abortion activist/murderer), falling victim to the residue of his past life as a woman (Dragon’s Tail in Cancer — protective of the womb/mother), bringing children into this world. There are countless of other aspects to take in consideration using Astropsychology disciplines.


This mental disorder is characterized by a strong desire for excitement, drama, attention, and constant reassurance. The hysterical personality will do all that he can to attract attention and exaggerate the situation. This type of endeavor is seen within the melodramatic performance of an actor in a televised soap opera or on the big screen. A hard aspect to a Dragon’s Tail, the moon (emotions) or/and Mercury (communication) in Leo (love) combined with other nefarious planets such as Neptune (acting) Pluto (drama) when exaggerated can very well produce hysteria.

The desire for attention, drama and respect from others is quite strong and produce also exhibitionists, ready to shock others to gain the desperate attention there are craving for. There are countless of other aspects to take in consideration using Astropsychology disciplines. My new book “Beyond The Secret” offers a unique understanding on how the creative/destructive forces of the subconscious could be harvested to reach emotional, financial and spiritual stability.

Dissociative States:

Dissociate states occur when a person is under great stress from external influences, other people’s cruelty or deeply felt previous internal conflicts with a disturbing immediate situation. The moon (emotion) in Pisces (sensitivity) on the Dragon’s Tail (karma) in this sign becomes a major contribution to the dilemma. This affliction brings dissociation with others, especially to the family. The upbringing is usually very dramatic and the subject learns early in childhood to cope with traumatic sexual or emotional abuse. If the Dragon’s Tail (negative) affects the 4th house (home/family) in the sign of Scorpio (sex) or if there is any hard aspects to the Moon (home) and Pluto (death) drama suicide will occur.

Often they are forced to learn to disconnect from their feelings to avoid emotional or physical pain. By adulthood, their emotions are locked behind protective walls and can be accessed as needed. A strong Pluto (power) aspect to Mercury (the mind), and the Moon (emotions) gives the subject a powerful will to dissociate himself from whatever is going on around him so that emotional or physical pain can be avoided. The strength of Pluto, aspects to Mercury and the

In extreme cases these individuals do experience periods of “missing time,” confusion and disorientation. Sad enough, “The Little Queen” Jon Benett, was murdered at home. The police suspect the parents for good reasons. She was a Leo (fame/stage) and at an early age displayed her gift as an entertainer. The 4th house (home/family members) happens to be in the dramatic sign of Scorpio (death/sex) and clearly indicates where death and drama did enter the life of the subject.

Sociopathic Personality:

This disorder commonly called Multiple Personality Disorder or MPD is usually found with people born with a strong negative affliction to Mercury (the mind) and hard aspects to the Dragon’s Tail in Gemini. They do learn at an early age to lie to avoid trouble, and they are also somehow superficial and have problems with established rules and authority. The past-life residue in Gemini (double personality) is not yet eliminated or understood by the subject and is used in the form of manipulation and deceit. Reluctant to obtain education due to a poor memory, or a lack of attention, many of them end up as a “Jack of all trades,” unable to focus and crystallize the thought processes.

Afflicted by negative Mercury (Lord of the Thieves), they appear to be charming and smooth in their dealings, but they can be manipulative and insensitive. In order to stay alive, in previous past lives, the soul mastered the art of stealing and lying to survive. Many of them were involved in metaphysical work and had to perform their second occupation at night. Their endeavors involved witchcraft, healing with herbs, plants, using the Cabala and astrology. To avoid serious repercussion from the church authority of their time, they developed a gift of disguise, were lying and adapting fast to any situation meant saving their precious life.

Attention Deficit Disorder (A.D.D.):

This has nothing to do with MPD and should be considered a serious gift from God. Curious by nature and intellectually challenging, an ADD ADHD person is, by nature (and purposely) ill equipped to accept all forms of codification of thoughts. Thus, avoiding traditional education, an A.D.D. (Einstein/Clinton/myself) will sidestep the barrier of traditional education and breach the barrier of what was previously thought of as impossible. Nevertheless, discipline and basic education should be encouraged to promote the inborn genius quality of the A.D.D. ADHD subject so that he can be prosperous later in life. Knowing how your child’ UCI was “programmed” at birth becomes a serious contribution for his/her greatness and a life of incredible achievements .

 Paranoid Personality:

A strong negative aspect to the moon (feelings) Mercury (the mind) and the Dragon’s Tail (past lives) in Pisces (deception) is predisposing the soul for a network for distorted ideas, fears, and uncontrolled imagination. Self-analysis is very difficult, if not impossible, with this individual who has serious trouble accepting his own intensely emotional and destructive imagination. An attraction to chemicals, drugs, and alcohol is also very common and act as a shield against the harsh reality of the physical world. Lacking objectivity, this individual rejects the reality of his own feelings and directs them toward other people, believing that they are the ones with the offensive intent.

Although very attracted to the intangible, this soul is a terminal one and should not participate in hypnotic regression sessions or psychic séances. Due to his deceiving Neptunial interstellar conception, this soul is a prime target for possession or invasion by low astral entities. The tremendous amount of dramatic subconscious memories from the past-life residue makes it very difficult to distinguish fiction from reality. Mother Teresa is a perfect example suffering daily paranoiac attacks where she had to receive regular “cleansing” from a Vatican “exorcist” following her every steps until she died.

To protect society from all of the dangerous neurotics, all psychiatry, psychology and neuroscience can do is, with the use of powerful drugs, control the expression of the fear rather than erase it completely from the memory bank. However the use of chemicals can only further the degradation of the fragile psyche of the individual opening the door to infestation and should be avoided at all cost . Those souls inherited a very fragile UCI and are prone to very negative reaction to all chemicals that could induce more stress, confusion and paralysis to the subject.

Scientists must do a very different type of spiritual research in order to evaluate the real subtle Cosmic Code interactive forces used by the reptilius producing the mental sickness of an individual. Accurately diagnosing a mentally sick patient is winning more than half of the battle. Only then, with the help of these drugs, a preventive therapeutic mental regeneration will take place, allowing the patient to avoid further mental deterioration. Nothing physical of any value, (unless diseased) is to be found in the complexity of the brain’s (computer) physical, subatomic structure. The answer is not within, but outside of the human brain, well above our scientists’ heads, in the Universal Mind or in the stars.

Understanding and using the work of the ancients can only stop a waste of time in absurd dangerous, costly speculations depleting our financial resources. This capital should be used to revive and further the much older, deeper and more reliable forfeited knowledge that resides within the Cosmic Code jurisdictions. Doing so will re-establish the direct relationship with man’s psyche direct relationship with the universal mind and God celestial creation. But who is to invest in my work at this stage when our political, religious and scientific leaders are not willing to upgrade their own spiritual limitation?

In any case be sure that following abuse, a shock such as loss of a dear one, a pet, a lover even a job could lead to chronic depressions and if left unchecked this continuous negative thoughts process feed the evil of sickness making you very vulnerable in the long run. I am here to help you before it becomes too late. You can count on me to take good care of you.

Some of the links below can only work for VIP’s sorry!


Dr. Drew Versus Dr. Turi

NO you do not need a BA, MA, MBA, JD and PhD!

KFYI Mike Broomhead and Abortion

Common Disorders and Astropsychology – Dr. Louis Turi

Dementia, Schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s and Science

Annie Murphy Paul: A Writer Explores Fetal Origins

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi

I Killed The Flu Virus In One Night!

Dear Readers;

This info is so important to know, please pass on the power of garlic! If you listened to my 01/23/13 Cosmic Code radio show I complained about catching cold and did all I could to cough in silence during the show. But in some instances it was impossible for me to hide it and you heard me. In fact I asked Terania to do the show alone or may be ask for Tom to do it with her but I decided to do it instead. I had fever, a huge headache, all my joints were hurting,  my nose was running and my chest was burning. We all know what the cold virus is all about and the symptoms started in the morning of 01/23/13.

Only 2 weeks earlier I went to buy some bones for my dogs and the cashier coughed in my face, I knew right away where the source was and I also knew, depending on your immune system it would take between 2 to 3 weeks for me to find out…And here it was!

The very morning of my radio show I felt terrible and I immediately pealed and ingested a full glove of garlic. After my show Terania made me a very hot tomato soup   loaded with more onions and garlic ET VOILA. Today 01/25/2013 I am totally free of both the symptoms and the virus is gone killed by the garlic.

Note: cut the garlic in small pieces and swallow / drink it, it will not burn or smell…

In my old website, I explained what the flu shot is made of and I hope to retrieve the information and add this one with it in the new one but I recall my Grandpa showing my mom how to make a chain of garlic gloves and forced me to ware it for a full day when we were sick!  Indeed it work, so pass it on you do not have to make the pharmaceutical corporations, the doctors and the scientists rich when garlic does the perfect job! Its real, its safe and it works. Never buy the grocery store garlic unless it is clearly marked from USA or Canada.


January 20, 2013 by JOHN SUMMERLY

Garlic Soup Made With 52 Cloves of Garlic Can Defeat Colds, Flu and Even Norovirus

Forget the flu shot. A soup based on more than 50 cloves of garlic, onions, thyme and lemon will destroy almost any virus that enters its path including colds, flu and even norovirus.

 As we sneeze and cough our way through these dark months of contagious nasties, garlic is being hailed for its powers to halt viruses in their tracks.

 It has gained its reputation as a virus buster thanks to one of its chemical constituents, allicin.

 A recent and significant finding from Washington State University shows that garlic is 100 times more effective than two popular antibiotics at fighting disease causing bacteria commonly responsible for foodborne illness.

 When the garlic is crushed, alliin becomes allicin. Research shows that allicin helps lower cholesterol and blood pressure and also helps prevents blood clots. Garlic can also reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). Compounds in this familiar bulb kill many organisms, including bacteria and viruses that cause earaches, flu and colds. Research indicates that garlic is also effective against digestive ailments and diarrhea. What’s more, further studies suggest that this common and familiar herb may help prevent the onset of cancers.

 ‘This chemical has been known for a long time for its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal powers,’ says Helen Bond, a Derbyshire-based consultant dietitian and spokeswoman for the British Dietetic Association.

 ‘Because of this, people assume it is going to boost their immune systems. Lots of people are simply mashing up garlic, mixing it with olive oil and spreading it on bread.

 ‘But how or whether it may actually work has still not been proven categorically.’

Indeed, scientists remain divided on garlic’s ability to combat colds and flu. Last March, a major investigation by the respected global research organisation, the Cochrane Database, found that increasing your garlic intake during winter can cut the duration of cold symptoms — from five-and-a-half days to four-and-a-half.

 But the report, which amalgamated all previous scientific studies on garlic, said it could not draw solid conclusions because there is a lack of large-scale, authoritative research.

 The problem is that pharmaceutical companies are not interested in running huge, expensive trials — as they would with promising new drug compounds — because there is nothing in garlic that they can patent, package and sell at a profit.

 Modified Garlic Soup Recipe

 Serves 4

26 garlic cloves (unpeeled)

2 tablespoons olive oil
2 tablespoons (1/4 stick) organic butter (grass fed)
1/2 teaspoon cayenne powder
1/2 cup fresh ginger
2 1/4 cups sliced onions
1 1/2 teaspoons chopped fresh thyme
26 garlic cloves, peeled
1/2 cup coconut milk
3 1/2 cups organic vegetable broth
4 lemon wedges

 Preheat oven to 350F. Place 26 garlic cloves in small glass baking dish. Add 2 tablespoons olive oil and sprinkle with sea salt and toss to coat. Cover baking dish tightly with foil and bake until garlic is golden brown and tender, about 45 minutes. Cool. Squeeze garlic between fingertips to release cloves. Transfer cloves to small bowl.

 Melt butter in heavy large saucepan over medium-high heat. Add onions, thyme, ginger and cayenne powder and cook until onions are translucent, about 6 minutes. Add roasted garlic and 26 raw garlic cloves and cook 3 minutes. Add vegetable broth; cover and simmer until garlic is very tender, about 20 minutes. Working in batches, puree soup in blender until smooth. Return soup to saucepan; add coconut milk and bring to simmer. Season with sea salt and pepper for flavour.

 Squeeze juice of 1 lemon wedge into each bowl and serve.

 Can be prepared 1 day ahead. Cover and refrigerate. Rewarm over medium heat, stirring occasionally.


 If garlic were found to be a wonder drug, consumers could simply buy it in the supermarket for 30p a bulb or grow their own in the garden.

 Nevertheless, garlic has a long and proud tradition as a medicine. The Ancient Egyptians recommended it for 22 ailments. In a papyrus dated 1500BC, the labourers who built the pyramids ate it to increase their stamina and keep them healthy.

 The Ancient Greeks advocated garlic for everything from curing infections, and lung and blood disorders to healing insect bites and even treating leprosy.

 The Romans fed it to soldiers and sailors to improve their endurance. Dioscorides, the personal physician to Emperor Nero, wrote a five-volume treatise extolling its virtues.

 One of the most interesting of the recent findings is that garlic increases the overall antioxidant levels of the body. Scientifically known as Allium sativa, garlic has been famous throughout history for its ability to fight off viruses and bacteria. Louis Pasteur noted in 1858 that bacteria died when they were doused with garlic. From the Middle Ages on, garlic has been used to treat wounds, being ground or sliced and applied directly to wounds to inhibit the spread of infection. The Russians refer to garlic as Russian penicillin.

 More recently, researchers have unearthed evidence to show garlic may help us to stay hale and hearty in a number of ways.

 Last June, nutrition scientists at the University of Florida found eating garlic can boost the number of T-cells in the bloodstream. These play a vital role in strengthening our immune systems and fighting viruses.

 And pharmacologists at the University of California found that allicin — the active ingredient in garlic that contributes to bad breath — is an infection-killer.

 Allicin also makes our blood vessels dilate, improving blood flow and helping to tackle cardiovascular problems such as high cholesterol.

 An Australian study of 80 patients published last week in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition reported that diets high in garlic may reduce high blood pressure.

 In 2007, dentists in Brazil found that gargling with garlic water (made by steeping crushed garlic cloves in warm, but not boiling, water) can kill the germs that cause tooth decay and gum disease.

 But they hit a snag: the volunteers refused to continue the experiment, complaining that the garlic gargle made them feel sick. Looking at the garlic soup recipe certainly made me feel queasy. Still, it gave me an excuse to use up my ample supply of garlic.

 Though last year’s awful weather caused crop failures on my allotment, I enjoyed a bumper harvest of garlic.

 Among its many other virtues, garlic kills slugs and snails. Researchers from the University of Newcastle believe it contains oils that may cripple the nervous systems of these slimy creatures.

 There are two schools of thought as to the best way of preparing garlic to make the most of its medicinal qualities.

 Argentinian investigators found it releases its allicin-type compounds when you bake the cloves, while scientists at South Carolina Medical University believe peeling garlic and letting it sit uncovered for 15 minutes produces the highest levels of compounds to fight infection.

 So you can simply peel half of the garlic cloves and roast the other half with the kitchen door tightly closed (to stop the pong permeating throughout the house).

 After an hour-and-a-quarter’s industrious soup-making, sprinkle lemon juice over a bowl of steaming, grey gloop and� tuck in.

 The heady aroma certainly revs up the appetite and the first spoonful does not disappoint. Delicious as it is, however, one large bowl of home-made soup is a more than ample meal.

 As for the soup’s cold-preventing powers, only time will tell. Regular bowlfuls may very well keep me free of winter ailments, thanks to the virus-killing compounds they contain.

 Or it could just be that my nuclear-strength garlic breath will keep everyone who is infectious far out of sneezing range for months to come.

 John Summerly is nutritionist, herbologist, and homeopathic practitioner. He is a leader in the natural health community and consults athletes, executives and most of all parents of children on the benefits of complementary therapies for health and prevention.


wikipedia.orgGarlic Proven 100 Times More Effective Than Antibiotics, Working In A Fraction of The Time

“An Act Of God” Children Born Killer?


”If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the video once you read this newsletter please. 

~ Dalai Lama and Dr. Turi

Dear Readers;

Read then watch!

“This is beyond any human reasoning or understanding at this time,” the sheriff said. But, family members say, Nehemiah Griego is no monster. They can’t fathom what could have gone so terribly wrong.

As anticipated another “monster” teen or the product of today’ science cosmic ignorance whoring around with the pharmaceutical corporations, religious poisoning and an inadequate educational system.

But this teen (like Adam Lanza and all man made monsters killers)  suffered not only the  current Scorpius Dragon impact but also an over emotional UCI…  If you are as newcomer you have a lot of catch up to do and unless you take the time to read more about my work the chances of understanding what going on with children killing children, their families and adults will never be possible… And the question remain how many readers will take some of their precious time to read my work when many of them are saying my articles are much too long to read?

OMG! and these are mentally lazy the people I am trying to help understanding their children and the world they live in? Only a minority of my readers will click on those provided links…Thus when I write my work is not for the feeble minded I made my point! Imagine if, instead of reading, they had to WRITE those newsletters the way I do everyday and in a foreign language? I am sure many of my more intelligent readers got my message and agrees with me that this world is overloaded with incurious, lazy morons and the perfect target for Joel Osteen deceptive, sugar coated Neptunian sermons….

Do you want the truth, can you handle the truth then do the requested mental gymnastics to become a smart, refined, spiritual human being.

Newton CT Here Is Your Answer…

Dr. Turi’s Proposition for Discussing Spirituality in Schools 

 New Mexico teen accused of gunning down family ‘lost sense of conscience’

By Holly Yan, CNN
updated 2:56 PM EST, Wed January 23, 2013
Watch this video

Police charge teen in deaths of five

  Family asks public not to use the incident in national debate on guns “To be clear, our family has differing views on gun rights and gun control,” they say –

“May be because they are smart enough to know adding or removing guns will never stop future carnage?”
  • Griego will face charges as an adult in the deaths of his parents and three siblings

Gee why the experts, the cops, the adults can not realize this is the end results and the product of drugs, religions and science?  Punishing a child or treating them as adults reflects the humongous stupidity of all the cosmic unconscious adults missing the forest for the tree!

  • “This is beyond any human reasoning or understanding at this time,” the sheriff says

Wait a minute here, let me correct your Sheriff, behind YOUR, the educated “experts”  and the world’s  logical  human reasoning or understanding, but if you would stop assuming that my work is only pseudo-science and become a REAL detective for a change, you and the rest of the scientific community would start to see the light on this phenomena. Did this Sheriff ever read  “Police Requiem?

(CNN) — The chilling acts the 15-year-old boy is accused of defy imagination:

Pumping his mother, brother and two younger sisters with bullets.

Gunning down his dad when he returned home.

Texting a picture of his lifeless mother to his 12-year-old girlfriend.

Plotting to kill strangers outside a supermarket.

But, family members say, Nehemiah Griego is no monster. They can’t fathom what could have gone so terribly wrong.

DT Rebuttal: Isn’t funny that “subconsciously” the family  members said “Nehemiah Griego is no monster? 

Isn’t hilarious that the very word “monsterwas used so many times came in to play in this case? But why? because the family members can only remember Nehemiah as an innocent, loving, smiling CHILD like all the other monsters killers, including Adam Lanza where all  produced by the “experts” cosmic ignorance!

Nancy Lanza, science and education killed Adam first! – Science & Education Failed Sandy Hook Children 

Continued: “Whether it was a mental breakdown or some deeper undiagnosed psychological issue, we can’t be sure yet,” his uncle, former New Mexico state Sen. Eric Griego, said.

“What we do know is that none of us, even in our wildest nightmare, could have imagined that he could do something like this.” The family statement describes the boy as a gifted athlete and musician who was active in youth services at church.

DT Rebuttal: How many times I wrote that this generation, unlike their parents,  is hill equipped to deal with religion? Does being active in youth services at church. speaks the facts of my claims that Nehemiah did not regenerate his spirit with this archaic deceptive religious material?  In  “Newtown Massacre – A Warning to All the Children of the world” I tried again to explain the need for our children to have access to this “Cosmic Fluid” before puberty because their most pressing questions “Who am I?”, “Where do I come From?” Where will I go?”  “What is my Destiny?” is much more important than mastering science, algebra, mathematics, history etc. Should You Raise Your Children Without God?  If you did not yet, please watch ‘ In Memory of The Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting Victims” to get a better understanding of the problem.

Continued: It said the teen accompanied his father on mission trips to Mexico and wanted to continue a long family history of military service by becoming a soldier.

The family disputed any media characterization that the teen was a loner and said he had many friends and was a wrestler in state tournaments. His father was a champion wrestler and coach.The family also said they did not want anyone to use the case in the nation’s unfolding debate about guns.

“To be clear, our family has differing views on gun rights and gun control. What we do agree on is that those who wish to score political points should not use a confused, misguided, 15-year-old boy to make their case,” the family statement said.

DT Rebuttal: Doesn’t it sound familiar? Let me refresh your memory readers… On December 15, 2012 I divulged Adan Lanza ARIES  UCI in  a newsletter titled “Why, Why Adam Killed children – Let Me Tell You Why!”  I mentioned his interest in the Army and on 12/23/2012 the news validated my work. Reporter: Military fascinated Lanza  Reporter: Military fascinated Lanza  The only problem here is; I do not have Nehemiah DOB thus I can  not expose his UCI! but I do not need it, I have enough experience to tell you he had a very strong Mars (gun/aggressive/danger) in his chart ET VOILA! my work is only pseudo-science!

 Nehemiah Griego has been charged in connection with the shooting deaths of his family.
Nehemiah Griego has been charged in connection with the shooting deaths of his family.

Continued: “We ask those in the media and those who would use the media to make their political case, to not use Nehemiah as a pawn for ratings or to score political points. He is a troubled young man who made a terrible decision that will haunt him and his family forever.”

But authorities painted a far different picture of the teen.

Sheriff: Teen planned shootings for at least a week

Bernalillo County Sheriff Dan Houston said Griego was “involved heavily” with violent video games and that he “was quite excited as he got the opportunity to discuss that with our investigators.”

He said that the boy planned the shootings for at least a week. That he told investigators he was frustrated with his mother. That he contemplated killing his girlfriend’s parents. That he hoped to continue his killing spree at a Walmart “with mass destruction” and die in a shootout with police.

The teen’s demeanor, as he shared all this, was “stern, very unemotional,” Houston said.

Now, Griego will stand trial as an adult in the weekend killings, prosecutors announced.

He was arrested Saturday night, after deputies found the bodies of his mother, father, brother and two of his sisters in their home on the outskirts of Albuquerque.

Opinion: How a boy becomes a killer

DT Rebuttal: It is so obvious to my Astropsychology students and I that Griego was not only inherited a violent Martian but also a deadly Scorpius UCI. Again had he been coached on this “Cosmic overwhelming Fluid” before puberty he would have been able to apply his will and direct the powerful destructive emotions constructively in the army or navy. But knowing the  egocentric “educated” attitude displayed by the scientific community all thyey can do is to wait until Griego dies to perform yet another ridiculous brain dissection looking for the faulty part! And if, like in the case of NFL Seau Concussion “Holly Grail” of Lies and Stupidity! they can prove Griego and Lanza suffered a concussion or an accident on the head, “CTE” or “TAU” will be blamed for their actions… OMG! in what a yound world did I land on?

The tragedy unfolds

Continued: The tragedy unfolded early Saturday morning, when Griego carried a .22-caliber rifle to where his mother and 9-year-old brother slept side by side, an arrest affidavit said. The teen fatally shot his mother, waking his younger brother Zephania in the process.

DT Rebuttal: This is very sad but also hilarious, do you see the repetitive pattern here? Who Was Nancy Lanza and Why Adam Killed Her First!

Continued: When Griego told Zephania that their mother was dead, the younger boy did not believe him, the document stated. “So Nehemiah picked up his mother’s head to show his brother her bloody face,” the affidavit said. “Nehemiah stated his brother became upset, so he shot his brother in the head with the same rifle used to kill his mother.”

After that, police said, “Nehemiah stated he lost his sense of conscience.”

The boy went on to kill his sisters, 5-year-old Jael and 2-year-old Angelina, before his father Greg came home from a volunteer graveyard shift at a homeless shelter. Authorities believe the father, a former pastor at an Albuquerque church and a chaplain to the city’s fire department, was the last to be gunned down in the home.

DT Rebuttal: Like in the case of Adam Lanza, I have noticed that; families with a very strong religious background are prone to “stir” the evil and turn those children into monsters much faster. God knows how more confused  and fearful a child can become with such unconscious, Neptunian born  parents promising a hell that, with time becomes a tragic reality!

KRQE: Security officer — Boy was a ‘great kid’

‘Beyond any human reasoning’

Continued: Most of the victims were shot with the .22, but a semiautomatic AR-15 rifle was also used in the killings, sheriff’s Lt. Sid Covington said. Authorities said the weapons appear to have been purchased legally.

The Griegos also had five grown children, none of whom lived at home, Covington said.

After the slayings, Griego “spent the majority of the day with his girlfriend,” Houston said.

He even sent his girlfriend a picture of his slain mother, Houston said.

Authorities arrested the teen after he attended his family’s church with his girlfriend, and a staff member called deputies.

Pastor Skip Heitzig said father Greg Griego was also a pastor for a number of years who did prison ministry at the Metropolitan Detention Center and helped to rehabilitate convicts. Greg Griego also helped them re-enter society.

DT Rebuttal: I will never be able to emphasize how deceptive and dangerous it is for one cosmic unconscious religious generation to impose a certain conduct, rules and induce fears on any child. It is obvious that; Nehemiah Martian/Scorpius character was rebellious and ready to inflict his deadly revenge for the mental calcification he did not agree, not accept or comprehend endured for years. In fact I believe , with such a given name, ” Nehemiah” was totally religiously poisoned and acted out (like Adam Lanza) his boiling frustration.

“Nehemiah (pron.: /ˌnəˈmə/ or /ˌnhəˈmə/; נְחֶמְיָה, “Comforted of/is the LORD (YHWH)“, Standard HebrewNəḥemyaTiberian Hebrew Nəḥemyāh) is the central figure of the Book of Nehemiah, which describes his work rebuilding Jerusalem and purifying the Jewish community. He was the son of Hachaliah, (Neh. 1:1) and probably of theTribe of Judah, and his career took place probably in the second half of the 5th century BC.”

Its all about a serious Neptunian energy regulating the body, mind and soul of all the unlucky participants slowly poisoning the psyche of Nehemiah and killing them all was its only way out because nothing made sense to him…  Of course I do not expect the “experts” or religious people to either understand or agree with me on the refined spiritual material I generate. In fact I will probably steer a lot of resentments by those unable to benefit or grow with my work.

“The news stunned us all,” Heitzig said of the shooting.

Continued: “We are doing what we can as a church body to minister to the remaining family members. Only the Lord Jesus Christ can heal this type of pain and heartache, and He is faithful to do so,” he added in a statement. His church, Calvary Albuquerque, is scheduled to hold a prayer vigil Wednesday at 7 p.m. for the Griego family.

DT Rebuttal: Without being cynical what the HELL do you think the prayers, lamentations, pain, tears and guild  will do when the bible clearly mention…

“I will talk to you, you won’t hear me, I will present myself to you, you wont see me!”


But who’s to blame anyone when God’ and Jesus’ representatives on earth are the least informed on his celestial divinity and can not read the “signs?” God will never hear anyone or answer anyone’s prayers, at least not this way! Unless humanities of course upgrade to understand, hear and see God in action through the Cosmic Code or his creation like my students and I do!   This is where I could never ever recommend enough to all those uneducated God fearing souls to read and share  The Truth Behind The Dead Sea Scrolls from http://www.drturi.com/dr-turis-posts/

Continued:  Griego was scheduled to appear in court Tuesday to face two counts of murder and three counts of child abuse resulting in death, but the hearing was waived, KOAT reported.

The affiliate said Griego’s case will go to a grand jury within 10 days.

“This is beyond any human reasoning or understanding at this time,” the sheriff said.

CNN’s Leslie Holland and Michael Martinez contributed to this report.

DT Rebuttal:  Did Griego used or had he access to drugs? was he ever prescribed anything? I wish I knew more…Yes the same old story we heard so many times in the endless crimes committed by children and a puzzling dilemma for the “experts”, the police, the parents and the media to reason with! I gave my best shot to give you the answer your infantile science could never breach but the question now is: WHAT WILL YOU DO TO HELP ME to build my Astropsychology schools?

Something I have asked since 1991 without any success so far! After all we are only talking about your children yes? I wish my readers would be as committed as I am to bring an end to this nightmare but I guess it is in God’s hands. But I have stopped praying because while he and Jesus can hear me loud and clear humanity did not!

 It’s a Little Easier to Understand Why Many Crimes Are committed When See it in a List……Rx Drugs, religions, science and your deplorable educational system, not to forget the medical mind “experts” unwillingness to help me making up my Internet  “black List.”

What Drug Date       Where Additional
School Shooting Prozac WITHDRAWAL 2008-02-15 Illinois ** 6 Dead: 15 Wounded: Perpetrator Was in Withdrawal from Med & Acting Erratically
School Shooting Prozac Antidepressant 2005-03-24 Minnesota **10 Dead: 7 Wounded: Dosage Increased One Week before Rampage
School Shooting Paxil [Seroxat] Antidepressant 2001-03-10 Pennsylvania **14 Year Old GIRL Shoots & Wounds Classmate at Catholic School
School Shooting Zoloft Antidepressant & ADHD Med 2011-07-11 Alabama **14 Year Old Kills Fellow Middle School Student
School Shooting Zoloft Antidepressant 1995-10-12 South Carolina **15 Year Old Shoots Two Teachers, Killing One: Then Kills Himself
School Shooting Med For Depression 2009-03-13 Germany **16 Dead Including Shooter: Antidepressant Use: Shooter in Treatment For Depression
School Hostage Situation Med For Depression 2010-12-15 France **17 Year Old with Sword Holds 20 Children & Teacher Hostage
School Shooting Plot Med For Depression WITHDRAWAL 2008-08-28 Texas **18 Year Old Plots a Columbine School Attack
School Shooting Anafranil Antidepressant 1988-05-20 Illinois **29 Year Old WOMAN Kills One Child: Wounds Five: Kills Self
School Shooting Luvox/Zoloft Antidepressants 1999-04-20 Colorado **COLUMBINE: 15 Dead: 24 Wounded
School Stabbings Antidepressants 2001-06-09 Japan **Eight Dead: 15 Wounded: Assailant Had Taken 10 Times his Normal Dose of Depression Med
School Shooting Prozac Antidepressant WITHDRAWAL 1998-05-21 Oregon **Four Dead: Twenty Injured
School Stabbing Med For Depression 2011-10-25 Washington **Girl, 15, Stabs Two Girls in School Restroom: 1 Is In Critical Condition
School Shooting Antidepressant 2006-09-30 Colorado **Man Assaults Girls: Kills One & Self
School Machete Attack Med for Depression 2001-09-26 Pennsylvania **Man Attacks 11 Children & 3 Teachers at Elementary School
School Shooting Related Luvox 1993-07-23 Florida **Man Commits Murder During Clinical Trial for Luvox: Same Drug as in COLUMBINE: Never Reported
School Hostage Situation Cymbalta Antidepressant WITHDRAWAL 2009-11-09 New York **Man With Gun Inside School Holds Principal Hostage
School Shooting Antidepressants 1992-09-20 Texas **Man, Angry Over Daughter’s Report Card, Shoots 14 Rounds inside Elementary School
School Shooting SSRI 2010-02-19 Finland **On Sept. 23, 2008 a Finnish Student Shot & Killed 9 Students Before Killing Himself
School Shooting Threat Med for Depression* 2004-10-19 New Jersey **Over-Medicated Teen Brings Loaded Handguns to School
School Shooting Antidepressant? 2007-04-18 Virginia **Possible SSRI Use: 33 Dead at Virginia Tech
School Shooting Antidepressant? 2002-01-17 Virginia **Possible SSRI Withdrawal Mania: 3 Dead at Law School
School Incident/Bizarre Zoloft* 2010-08-22 Australia **School Counselor Exhibits Bizarre Behavior: Became Manic On Zoloft
School/Assault Antidepressant 2009-11-04 California **School Custodian Assaults Student & Principal: Had Manic Reaction From Depression Med
School Shooting Prozac Antidepressant 1992-01-30 Michigan **School Teacher Shoots & Kills His Superintendent at School
School Shooting Threats Celexa Antidepressant 2010-01-25 Virginia **Senior in High School Theatens to Kill 4 Classmates: Facebook Involved: Bail Denied
School Violence/Murder Antidepressants* 1998-05-04 New York **Sheriff’s Deputy Shoots his Wife in an Elementary School
School Knifing/Murder Meds For Depression & ADHD 2010-04-28 Massachusetts **Sixteen Year Old Kills 15 Year Old in High School Bathroom in Sept. 2009
School Stabbing Wellbutrin 2006-12-04 Indiana **Stabbing by 17 Year Old At High School: Charged with Attempted Murder
School Threat Antidepressants 2007-04-23 Mississippi **Student Arrested for Making School Threat Over Internet
School Suspension Lexapro Antidepressant 2007-07-28 Arkansas **Student Has 11 Incidents with Police During his 16 Months on Lexapro
School Shooting Antidepressant WITHDRAWAL 2007-11-07 Finland **Student Kills 8: Wounds 10: Kills Self: High School in Finland
School Shooting Paxil [Seroxat] Antidepressant 2004-02-09 New York **Student Shoots Teacher in Leg at School
School Threat Prozac Antidepressant 2008-01-25 Washington **Student Takes Loaded Shotgun & 3 Rifles to School Parking Lot: Plans Suicide
School Shooting Plot Med For Depression 1998-12-01 Wisconsin **Teen Accused of Plotting to Gun Down Students at School
School/Assault Zoloft Antidepressant 2006-02-15 Tennessee **Teen Attacks Teacher at School
School Shooting Threat Antidepressant 1999-04-16 Idaho **Teen Fires Gun in School
School Hostage Situation Paxil & Effexor Antidepressants 2001-04-15 Washington **Teen Holds Classmates Hostage with a Gun
School Hostage Situation Antidepressant WITHDRAWAL 2006-11-28 North Carolina **Teen Holds Teacher & Student Hostage with Gun
School Knife Attack Med for Depression 2006-12-06 Indiana **Teen Knife Attacks Fellow Student
School Massacre Plot Prozac Withdrawal 2011-02-23 Virginia **Teen Sentenced to 12 Years in Prison For Columbine Style Plot
School Shooting Celexa & Effexor Antidepressants 2001-04-19 California **Teen Shoots at Classmates in School
School Shooting Celexa Antidepressant 2006-08-30 North Carolina **Teen Shoots at Two Students: Kills his Father: Celexa Found Among his Personal Effects
School Shooting Meds For Depression & ADHD 2011-03-18 South Carolina **Teen Shoots School Official: Pipe Bombs Found in Backpack
School Shooting Threat Antidepressant 2003-05-31 Michigan **Teen Threatens School Shooting: Charge is Terrorism
School Stand-Off Zoloft Antidepressant 1998-04-13 Idaho **Teen [14 Years Old] in School Holds Police At Bay: Fires Shots
School Shooting Antidepressant WITHDRAWAL 2007-10-12 Ohio **Teen [14 Years Old] School Shooter Possibly on Antidepressants or In Withdrawal
School Threat Antidepressants 2008-03-20 Indiana **Teen [16 Years Old] Brings Gun to School: There Is a Lockdown
School Suicide/Lockdown Med For Depression 2008-02-20 Idaho **Teen [16 Years Old] Kills Self at High School: Lockdown by Police
School Threats Prozac Antidepressant 1999-10-19 Florida **Teen [16 Years Old] Threatens Classmates With Knife & Fake Explosives
School Stabbing Med For Depression 2008-02-29 Texas **Teen [17 Year Old GIRL] Stabs Friend & Principal at High School
School Hostage Situation Prozac/ Paxil Antidepressants 2001-01-18 California **Teen [17 Years Old] Takes Girl Hostage at School: He is Killed by Police
School Knife Attack Treatment For Depression & Strattera 2009-03-10 Belgium **Three Dead in School Day Care: Two Children & a Caregiver: Happened Jan 23, 2009
School Shooting Plot Antidepressants 2009-09-22 England **Two English School Boys Plot to Blow Up High School
School Arson Incidents Paxil 2002-04-12 Michigan **Unusual Personality Change on Paxil Caused 15 Year Old to Set Fires inside High School
School Bomb Threat Med For Depression 2009-06-29 Australia **Vexed Father Makes Bomb Threat Against Elementary School
School Violence Antidepressant 2005-11-19 Arizona **Violent 8 Year Old GIRL Handcuffed by Police at School
School Violence Celexa Antidepressant 2002-01-23 Florida **Violent 8 Year-Old Boy Arrested At School
School Threat/Lockdown Lexapro* 2008-04-18 California **Violent High School Student Shot to Death on Campus by Police
School / Child Endangerment Antidepressants 2008-02-27 Canada **Wacky School Bus Driver Goes Berserk: Also Involved Painkillers
School Violence Paxil 2004-10-23 Washington DC **Young Boy, 10 Year Old, Has Violent Incidents at School
School Threat Wellbutrin Antidepressant 2007-04-24 Tennessee **Young Boy, 12, Threatens to Shoot Others at School
School Hostage Situation Med for Depression 2006-03-09 France **Young Ex-Teacher Holds 21 Students Hostage
School Shooting/Suicide Celexa 2002-10-07 Texas **Young Girl [13 Years Old] Kills Self at School With a Gun
School Hostage Situation Paxil 2001-10-12 North Carolina **Young Man Holds Three People Hostage in Duke University President’s Office
School Murder Attempt Med For Depression 1995-03-04 California **Young Woman Deliberately Hits 3 Kids with Her Car at Elementary School: Laughed During Attack 

It is the mental state of this country and the world that is the problem, not guns. Join me for more about the spirit – How To Unleash Your Psychic power

Blessings to all my readers

Dr. Turi

Christianity Judaism Islam Astrology & The Dead Sea Scrolls


Pope Francis Astrology UFO’S Centuries of lies!

Christianity Judaism Islam Astrology & The Dead Sea Scrolls

“If you make people think they will love you but if you really make them, think the way I do then they will hate you” Take a chance on your spirit, claim the undiluted truth, Claim God’s cosmic Divinity, think outside of the controlling religious, scientific and news-media matrixes in charge of the media!

“If I had to choose a religion, the sun as the universal giver of life would be my god. ― Religion is excellent stuff for keeping common people quiet. Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich.” ― Napoleon

Archaeologists find ancient ASTROLOGICAL floor mosaic! Time to expose the truth about a cosmic God!  

Watch this video

Vatican signals openness to gays



Australian Original AstroLOGICAL Rock Engravings Rewrite World History


Dear Readers:

Archaeologists find ancient ASTROLOGICAL floor mosaic!

Time to expose and accept the truth about a cosmic God!

During the last centuries of the Piscean Age, all religious authorities, including the Jewish and Christian authorities had trouble explaining why astrology was removed from their religious traditions.  The fact that astrology was previously an integral part of both Judaism and Christianity is simply irrefutable.

The Muslim flag represents the moon and the stars and this design speaks of a long-gone Universal cosmic God removed from the world.  There is no denying Astrology played a crucial role in ALL disappeared civilizations such as the Incas, the Sumerians, the Atlantis, etc.  The fact is; Astrology, since the beginning of time has preceded the Jewish, Muslim, and Christian religious young and deadly history …

I am sure many of you heard of the “Dead Sea Scrolls” and today, the Israeli Antiquities Authority has released images of the Dead Sea Scrolls.  But the religious and scientific controlling matrixes are not offering the public the crucial fragments proving UFO and the direct relationships between Astrology and religions because it would uncover the tampering of the cosmic work of Jesus and the 12 Apostles.

Note, 12 signs of the Zodiac, 12 hours of the day, 12 months of the year, 12 sins, 12 juries, etc. there is a cosmic order (God’s will) directly speaking through the zodiac and this was the legacy left by the “Three Wise Men/ET’s” bringing cosmic consciousness to a young Jesus and his spiritual ministry.

UFO”s Are Very Real  –  And So Is The Legacy! – What Did They Do To Me?

“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so you may lead a safer more productive life.” 

Do you know that all Popes of the past were taught Astrology by the Vatican council?

Remember the 2013 Scorpius Dragon is another of God’s direct celestial order and DEMAND all TRUTHS to be exposed! And if you were “born” into Christianity like me do not forget that Bible verse! Did you check the 2014 Arian Draconis yet? If you do, you will realize how much of the news I already predicted and what is yet to come to the world…

“I will talk to you, you won’t hear me! I will present myself to you, you won’t see me!

Because they are seeing, they see not; and hearing, they hear not; neither do they understand the voice of heaven.” – Matthew 13.13

Is God Really Asleep?


One must be curious learn and become cosmic conscious to hear and see God in action through his celestial designs to be permitted the Golden Keys of divine wisdom.

Deciphering the cosmic hieroglyphs accurately and offering unarguable predictions is as complex as practicing Egyptology but with me as your teacher, you can perform as well as I do!  “Four blood moons” April 15/16/17 and 23/24/25 2014 Cardinal Grand Cross Predictions.” 

And NO you are not going to hell, you are already in HELL in your fears and cosmic ignorance! God rewards me daily for reading/speaking and translating his celestial Divinity through my Cyber Cosmic University. Your hijacked spirit is trapped in Man’s religious folly doctrines and science who has lost the spirit does not speak of God’s cosmic Divinity.

Looking and explaining the pictures;

The Pope is being enthroned under the authority of the Zodiac. 

 The sign of Leo is directly above the Pope’s head. Leo rules Fame/France/Italy/Light/Love Kings and the throne.

The Vatican council explains the procession of the Zodiac to the Pope. 


Update 10/13/2014  Archeologists find ancient floor mosaic

Hermes is the God of communication or Mercury representing the sign of Gemini! 

“Indeed those who pretend to be the experts are the least informed on the topic they are all cursed to uncover!” Dr. Turi

Messenger of the gods, God of trade, thieves, travelers, sports, athletes, and border crossings, guide to the Underworld or Gemini!  My Cyber Cosmic University is dedicated to bring back the true identity of all cosmic Gods
Hermes Ingenui Pio-Clementino Inv544.jpg

Hermes Ingenui (Vatican Museums). Roman copy of the 2nd century BC after a Greek original of the 5th century BC. Hermes wears his usual attributes: kerykeion, kithara, petasus(round hat), traveller’s cloak and winged temples.

The oldest archaeological remains of this church were obviously BASED on Astrology principles and this is why you SEE the SIGN of PISCES and mosaics of gods of antiquity on the floor… but science lost the spirit a long time ago and has no clue of the meanings of the signs, the belt of the Zodiac and Astrology.

Note Pisces is ruled by Neptune, this planet rules drugs, alcohol, deception, illusion, gas, the Middle East, the poisoning of the body (drugs) and the mind (religious poisoning), all places of confinements, asylums hospital churches, synagogues, temples, and JAIL! 

Sedona, Arizona is a definite draw for non-cosmic-conscious cults leaders

 Yes, the jail was built upon the foundation of the older church of the world because it’s all about energies that attract each other… There are NO accidents only cosmic circumstances unknown to science and 99.09% of the world… Ain’t you glad you have Dr. Turi to get you closer to God and the truth?

Read more about Pisces and read about the WORSE manifestation of Neptune the ruler of this sign swimming downstream.


In 1939 some information was still available and published explaining the direct relationship between ancient art and the Bible.

 Why this Pope would choose the ARIES sign of his nativity to make coins?

They are great truths, which are taught from the position, symbols, and names of the heavenly bodies. When God created and set them in the firmament of heaven, he said, in Gen. i. 14, “Let them be for signs and for seasons.” The very same people or the  Illuminati “Church Inc.” now own power over humanity and will make sure you never find out the truth.  And this is why you made the right decision to join the Cosmic Code.

This Cosmic Code newsletter is loaded with information much too valuable to offer it for free to the general public, thus I hope my VIPs will find my work beneficial as I guide them into the reality of a despicable manipulating news media…

They are great truths, which are taught from the position, symbols, and names of the heavenly bodies. When God created and set them in the firmament of heaven, he said, in Gen. i. 14, “Let them be for signs and for seasons.” The very same people or the  Illuminati “Church Inc.” now own power over humanity and will make sure you never find out the truth.  And this is why you made the right decision to join the Cosmic Code.

This Cosmic Code newsletter is loaded with information much too valuable to offer for free to the general public, thus I hope my VIPs will find my work beneficial as I guide them into the reality of a despicable manipulating new media…

Gen. i. 14 is very clear and therefore, “They (heavenly bodies, Moon, sun, and the stars) were conceived by the Creator to be used as signs (that is things to come/predictions) and for specific cycles (periodicity).”

Nothing can be more articulated in reference to this biblical passage from God. The heavenly bodies contain not only a specific Revelation (predictions) involving “the things to come” to be learned in the “signs” of the Zodiac, but also in reference to the “appointed” times in his unyielding celestial will.

The bearing of the sun, moon, and distant stars are so organized that towards the end of a specific period in time they “divinely” proceed, almost exactly in the same position, in harmony with each other around the earth. Consequently, we have seasons and Eclipse Cycles on a regular base.

· Gen. xviii. 21: “At this set time in the next year…”
· Gen. xviii. 14: “At the time appointed I will return.”
· Gen. xvii. 2: “At the set time of which God has spoken.”

In the old days, Astronomy was commingled with Astrology. The Babylonian libraries refer to the following – Isaiah, xlvii. 13, “Thou art wearied in the multitude of thy counsels. Let now thy astrologers (wise men), the star-gazers, the monthly prognosticators, stand up.” The tremendous astrological work of the Babylonians accommodates seventy tablets and was gathered by the command of Sargon of Agade, thirty-eight hundred years BC. This is referred to as the “Illumination of Bel.”

This celestial memorandum was made daily in high towers called “Ziggurats.” Those cleverly, built lookouts were erected in all large cities, and their “celestial” narration was sent regularly to their Masters, for further explanations, before reaching the King. Well before we were able to do so, the “wise men” calculated eclipses and heavenly motion. They also knew about the sunspots and all known comets.

Incredibly, my now deceased friend Zacharia Sitchin, was one of the rare scholars able to do accurate Babylonian tablet translations, he reported a full scale of our solar system, including, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, well before the first telescope was invented. The Babylonians were the creators of the Zodiac, and in the British Museum, (Fifth Creation Tablets) there are clay tablet fragments of two planispheres, with incredible figures and astrological calculations impressed on them. Incidentally, the months were named after the signs of the Zodiac.

It reads as follow: 

“Anu (God), made excellent the mansion (i.e. the celestial houses) of the great gods (twelve Greek mythology gods) in number (i.e. the twelve signs or mansion of the sun).” “The stars he placed in them. The lumasi (i.e. groups of stars or figures) he fixed.”

Note: Babylonian Life and History – Fragments of these colored glazed bricks are to be seen in the British Museum.

“It must never be forgotten that the Babylonians were a nation of stargazers and that they kept a body of men to do nothing else but report eclipses, appearances of the moon, sunspots, etc., etc.”~ Dr. Budge

Australian Original Astronomical rock Engravings will Rewrite World History 

Aboriginal Rock Art - Astronomy


 Read another good article for you there!

Shameful Cover-up We Are Uncovering

Another friend, Dr. Alan Albert Snow, in his work entitled “The Horoscopes in the Dead Sea Scrolls Cover-up”, notify us that an outrageous mind control involving the Dead Sea Scrolls’ documentation is taking place. Dr. Snow is an authority on the scrolls; he is also a fighter for the truth and will expose it all to the world. This great scholar was asked to participate in my infomercial and I had his precious permission to print the following. I classify him as an “awakener,” a man of truth, who is willing to put a bitter fight for the cause and I personally believe that his message is quite important to every one of us.

Political schemes and cover-ups are insignificant as compared to what he will divulge in this book. People flinch when astrology is mentioned or remotely involved with the scrolls; others shake their heads in disbelief, that this vital historic revelation is being held back on the theory fit only for scholars and not for the masses. It is world-shaking news of spectacular importance. It is building up serious steam and will soon explode. It is a form of manipulation, a cover-up that we are discovering; it is offensive for these “educated scholars” to believe that we, the regular people, cannot deal with this well, kept, secret study.

The fact is, a few of the self-styled scholarly selected elite, dictate to the rest of us about Religion, Astrology and the Dead Sea Scrolls. Well, I have news for you, the new age of Aquarius (Astrology) has taken over your deceiving, secretive, religious agenda, reflecting your ignorance and in time true wisdom will be practiced by all and accepted as the true light. I am like Dr. Snow and many others smart soul concerned with the facts and willing to continue uncovering, this shameful religious and political cover-up. Let the mental-tottering, religious-oriented scholars wheeze, sneeze and mutter; as they will.

“Reason and free inquiry are the only effectual agents against error.”
~ Thomas Jefferson

They will be forced to give up their suppression of the role of Astrology in the Scrolls making up the essence of all religions. Special censors and mental snobs of the academic world; as you turn the page to all courageous men’s exposing the truth like I do, you may begin to shake your head and really worry as your own very security and deceiving foundations will scramble to ruin. Never forget that when you control someone’s source of information (including fears of hell) you can easily control that person’s life and this is what the church did for centuries.

Time is changing fast and combined with the current Scorpius Dragon, New Age Leaders (I am one of them  blessed with real prophetic/cosmic wisdom and may be one of the “The Majestic Twelve?” One thing is sure we are all dedicated to enlightening the world to a new cosmic light where our work will, in time bring love, education, respect, and peace to this world.

All erudite free thinkers like Sitchin, Dr. Snow myself, and truth seekers alike all over the world are working hard to open up a new way of thinking in order to further your spiritual freedom and I am proud to be one of them. Dr Turi Beyond 2012 


Here is another “Vatican Seal” with the Papal Dragon.


Church painting of ‘The Dragon’ which is consuming the life of man.

Church in Europe

Vatican Painting of a Dragon

Gregorian Calender at the Vatican.

Floor in Vatican

God Creates the Zodiac


Fear of Astrology

Christianity has a long-induced fear of Astrology. First, it is important to mention that in Persia, Zoroaster founded an idealist religion that strongly influenced Christianity and favored Astrology. The Magi, in the biblical sense of the term, were its priests. Around the 17th century, a rabbi named Bachai drew the condemnation of the Christian world for placing the Son of God under the influence of the stars.

Yes, this is why two thousand years later so many of you react the same way because of the induced fear of going to hell if you try to deal with God openly and use his power. A man was made in the image of God, he made man in HIS image, thus you own Divine powers  but one must “Ask and you shall receive!” All you need to realize now is that; knowledge is power ignorance is evil and why the Illuminati do NOT want you to know because SHARING POWER IS a LOSS OF POWER!  To this day, I can not believe people would crucify me for offering them the true face of God and power!

“Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and then turn and tear you to pieces.” Matthew 7:6 and this is exactly what the world has done to me since 1991 when I started my God-given mission to free humanity from fears and ignorance and reinstate God’s celestial Identity and legitimacy.

Like the wise Magi, he innocently worked out Jesus’ horoscope offending the Church bringing thousands of innocent erudite men and women to burn at the stake in the process. Since then, devoted Christians have developed an induced subconscious fear of “God” and are neutralizing their own intellectual potential needed to understand and realize the unyielding will of the Creator, throughout the subtle dynamics of the Universe or what I refer to as “The Cosmic Code.

If they could simply accept that God is the Ultimate Creator and they are the children of the universe, their inner fears and lack of cosmic consciousness would change into useful cosmic knowledge and pure wisdom. Man did not create the heavens instead in the name of power the “Church Inc.”  began controlling vital information and the spirit of God or Jesus’ initial Ministry to introduce humanity to “Our Father in the Heavens” was lost, translated, arranged, edited as a form of mental manipulation to steer you away from the truth.

This ultimately transformed into nowadays scientific community refusing God’s divinity. They truly believe it is only through rational, logical thinking, testing, and the desiccation of physical matters they will one day own the “scientific” answers for everything. The sad reality is there is no room for the spirit of God and its cosmic essence is now laughable, unreal, the product of imagination and deceptive archaic religious information… Exactly as planned by the Illuminati who still OWN this power for themselves…This is why a handful of very wealthy people who have access to such rare information use it daily and YOU are laughing at me promising me eternal hell?

“Millionaires do not use astrology, billionaires do!”

J.P Morgan

The Illuminati “Church Inc. holds not only your body mind and spirit but an unimaginable massive wealth,  allowing them for centuries in an army of religious men imaginative folly to write books creating/controlling and promoting over 875 different religions and all of today’s world’s  “accredited” Colleges and Universities. In fact, there is not a single financial endeavor the Vatican is not involved with and this is why  I wrote ******************

For centuries the dreadful imaginative fears fueled by cosmic ignorance, resulted in losing the celestial spirit of God, stimulating endless religious wars and today’s “academical” chaos plaguing this world where children are molded into monsters and decimate each other.

God created those stars as a Divine order, a Heavenly scheme, and a Unique program of blessings/cursing all his children, and these stars above are much more than heavy rocks made of fire, ice and gas.

“The Stars are composing God’s Heavenly Eternal Melody and this Divine Order lies overhead, far from all religious books mandated by men.”~ Dr. Turi

From the mid-17th century when the mounting of scientific prevalence commenced, men began to think of themselves as being more important than the Creator himself.

With his new logical/rational/scientific perception of the Universe, we live in, the lost souls and their telescopes became today’s “new scientists’ critical minds,  rejecting God’s celestial will and his subtle cosmic manifestations.  Over the last century science began pouring out critical judgments against Astrology, through a politically oriented church, then finally astronomy and Astrology split from each other.  Since then the battle to destroy and ridicule the mother of all sciences intensified but the art survived with gifted people born with superior intelligence and higher intuition. Just because there is a big difference between education and intelligence!

It is important to mention that ancient astrological clay tablets were stolen and used by early scientists (astronomers) to accurately predict the time of an eclipse. Thus, astronomy is nothing more than a by-product of a much older science called Astrology used widely in all disappeared civilizations and used 4 centuries before the birth of Christ in the Middle East!

Yes and this is why the Magis were plotting the stars pointing out the birth of a spiritual Leader and the beginning  200 years ago of the Age of Pisces!  Again read*************
Back home in France, we had “La Guerre De Cent Ans” or three hundred years of religious wars all over Europe, where Charles Martel stopped the Muslim invasion a Poitiers!

In the process, millions of people lost their lives fighting their imposed religious differences while the Papal real motive with the “Conquistadors” was gaining more artifacts more gold, more power, and more real estate. Here in the United States, real “spiritual” progress has been very slow but steady with each passing generation, and with the explosion of technology, the Church is losing its monopoly and dictating what the Pope is working overtime a losing battle against the new Age of Aquarius on  Twitter!

 But the fact is, while I have been on the internet since 1991 and well before the Pope, the minuscule amount of smart curious people will never replace the billions of lost cosmic unconscious, spiritually abused souls to join him there…

If we are to avoid falling right back to the Dark Ages the reader must realize why bringing back God’s celestial divinity and replacing accepted religious doctrines is the only way out for humanity to stop the current wave of terrorism.

The tremendous impact of Pluto (re-birth) in Sagittarius (religions) played its part last few years and now in the sign of Capricorn (governments), it is reshaping politics and power.  And this includes science and man’s understanding of our relationship with the old scriptures, the Dead Sea Scrolls and its direct relationships with astrology.

Pluto moved from Scorpio to Sagittarius on November 11th, 1995. Constrained to face the horrible consequences of his own destructive behavior, instinctively man turns to religion for spiritual comfort.  But in Sagittarius, Pluto (fanaticism) did promote a disturbing wave of religious fanaticism. In the U.S., the slow start of Pluto’s impact (death) in Sagittarius (the books/religions/the bible) has shocked the world with some religious fanatics committing serious crimes against humanity, clinics, and abortion doctors.

Many of them are still in jail and must pay the ultimate price for their destructive behavior. Some Middle Eastern residents then began shocking the world, with an endless wave of suicidal bomb attacks on major European (London attack) and American cities (911) and many other places in this world (India). The “contract” they sign with their manipulators, before blowing themselves up (surrounded by the greatest number of innocent victims), promises “the martyrs” 20 or more virgins after an immediate entrance to paradise!

After the painful passage of Pluto (expiration) in Sagittarius (religions), a few years from today, the world will be ready for a more balanced universal religion based upon humanity reconnecting with God’s celestial Divinity. The well-adjusted, Uranian preachers, will teach a higher expression of God and the stars found in all the religions of the past. These advanced teachers of light will introduce a new and improved image of a God, free of fear and full of love and attention and I am one of them!

These futuristic, “religious leaders” will combine their unique cosmic wisdom with a more comprehensive, scientific understanding of the manifestation of the Creator, throughout the Universe and the stars. Then man will soon have to accept the reality of our interstellar brothers already inbreeding chosen souls like Dr. Turi. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2pz_fwus5o

Make sure to also read –  Is God Really Asleep?

Sharing Email:

I agree with you!!! David Icke should not take other people’s research and claim credit for it and etc.!!! I do believe WE ALL have to READ and RESEARCH ALL Information out there and etc.!!! I did notice in the video that he did not mention your work and etc.. Which he should of.
I saw a Documentary on A and E, Titled: “Astrology: Secrets in the Stars”. In this Documentary, they looked into what was known as the Star of Bethlehem. The Star that the 3 Wise men from the East followed to find Jesus.

They said that the Astrologer / Astronomer, Kepler theorized that in 7 B.C., that there was a Conjuction of Jupiter and Saturn which made it look like a New Star or something. The Astrologer on the Show said that from this Conjuction of Jupiter and Saturn in Pisces. That Astrologers at that time would of figured that Pices Ruled Judea. And Saturn signified the Jews. And Jupitar signifies Kingship.

THEREFORE, the King of the Jews is Being born in Judea. And this is why the 3 Wise Men went to Israel.

Astrologers did a Birth Chart for August 22, 7 B.C.. They said that Every Planet is in it’s own sign. The sign that they naturally rule. THEREFORE, a person born on this Date would have an Extraordinary Birth Chart. That this person would have a Major Impact on Humanity for Centuries to come!!!

Do you think that this is true, that Jesus was born on August 22, 7 B.C.???!!!

Thanks George

DT – David is a very competitive insecure soul born in April under the constellation of Aries with his Sun sign in Taurus (like Hitler and “Bernie” Madoff  and they behave that way because the stars do not lie! The key words for a negative Aries is MYSELF, ME and  I FIRST!  They are totally consumed with themselves and very greedy/selfish –  read Dr. Louis Turi | Aries when my website us up and running again.

Yes you are speaking the truth – Not sure knowing that paper and pen were not invented yet, your guess is as good as anyone else offering a different date…All I know for sure Jesus was the leader of the Age of Pisces an age made up of deception and illusion resulting in total chaos on earth and the loss of the spirit of God two thousands years later. I am here to introduce the year of Aquarius and its incredible potential…



About 3,990 results (0.55 seconds) 

“Life is not a game of chance: the Creator did not put us where we would be the sport of circumstances, to be tossed about a cruel fate, regardless of our efforts to save our world.”

~ George B. Emerson

Blessings to All

Dr. Turi


Cyber/Nuke attack on the US only a matter of time!


Cosmic Code

  For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice…

Image may contain: food

 Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea working on EMP weapons for devastating attack on US

12/18/14 –  North Korea has 1,800 cyberwarriors This IS The Beginning of End of America!

1/24/13 – Cyber/Nuke attack only a matter of time! – Dr. Turi M.D.U.S.

Read the prediction

Updated  01/26/13 – ‘Anonymous’ threatens Justice Department – It seems my visions are accurate!

(CNN) — In anger over the recent death of an Internet activist who faced federal charges, hackers claiming to be from the group Anonymous threatened early Saturday to release sensitive information about the U.S. Department of Justice.

Updated 06/06/2015  MASSIVE HACK induced by the reptilius group. Join to ask questions and get answers that are too sensitive for the public.

CNN – The massive hack that may have stolen the personal information of four million federal employees appears designed to build a vast database in what could be preparation for future attacks by China against the U.S., cybersecurity experts advising the government.

Note: This is an old newsletter published 01/23/13, before the “Induction.”

But the sad reality is both the group and the Homeland Security are cosmic unconscious and “Anonymous” blame the government for Aaron suicide and took his side against its legal battles. All induced by  his natal stars and nefarious ET’s.

 All human participants, would it be the FBI or the activists are simply neurotically, robotically, subconsciously acting out the part of their natal stars; without a remote understanding of the inner reasons as to why they are implicated, in a variety of emotional human affairs. Cosmic unconsciousness starts with the first teachers battling their closest family members UCI differences  within the nucleus of their own homes.

This humongous universal ignorance then follow the subjects all throughout education, their lives, aims, career, accomplishments and actions… Yet 99.0009% of the world’s population does not know why they do what they do or react for or against against each other, in the cosmic nonsensical voyage of their existence; on this dense physical world!  This evil dance of ignorance turns into the endless chain of dramatic news…

Read why Aaron Swartz committed suicide!


Dear readers:

In a newsletter titled North Korea Nukes Race – A wake up call to America! I wrote about the December 12, “North Korea carrying out a controversial rocket launch” In fact, not only did I give the day for dramatic news to come public on November 14 on the Roxy radio show  and created a huge panic and bad reaction from a bunch of scared people but I also made the same predictions with George Noory  seven years ago  (full TV special in 2006), warning of foreign power to develop nukes and this was well before the Iran ambitions became public. (24 minutes into the program.)

Furthermore, electing a President dwelling endlessly on his unlucky Aquarius (NUKES) Dragon’s Tail can only “attract” the Uranic explosive energies cloaked in his UCI. In Roxy radio show  I explained this nuts and bolts of President Obama unusual fate. Thus; if you are able to handle the truth; I can only warn America of its impending fate, for ignoring the cosmic code jurisdictions. Cyber/Nuke Attack on the US, only a matter of time!

Our infantile science and the world’s population are totally cosmic unconscious  and oblivious of the cosmic forces at work in charge of each and every human being living on planet earth. The more power you give a soul, the more his fate will be felt upon those he rules. History spoke the truth of my supreme wisdom with evil souls such as Hitler, Mussolini, Saddam Hussein, Qaddafi, Joseph Stalin etc.

Asia own a very strong “Aquarius” technology energy located right on the Dragon’s Tail of President Obama and those energy speaks a language he and his cosmic unconscious advisers are not trained and ill fitted to translate. This Uranic/Aquarius “sudden release of energy” produced the  December 7, 1941 “surprise attack on Pearl Harbor and will manifest again in the future.  2014/2015 will be crucial months for my vision to unfold unless the entire Obama administration become cosmic conscious and act appropriately and timely.

North Korea makes new threats against U.S.

North Korea says it plans to carry out a new nuclear test and more long-range rocket launches, all part of a new phase of confrontation with the U.S.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, was born January 8, 1983 and own the SAME Capricorn (the Goat/head of evil) Dragon’s Tail (negative) as Hitler and his moon (North Korea infrastructure/his people) is located  in the deadly sign of Scorpio! Exactly like Saddam Hussein who did not hesitate to kill his family members to own and stay in power… And we all know what happened to Iraq since then.

What is scary, is that Saturn (the great malefic) happens to be close to his deadly moon in Scorpio meaning the attack will be planned and conducted in secret then delivered while a lot of “secret talks” to act as a unit is taking place with Iran… President Obama’s fate and the one of America has to unfold in accordance to the Law and rituals of the divine…  Knowing the  Scorpius deadly Dragon is until February 2014 ridding North Korean leader Kim Jong Un’s Scorpius Moon I can only hope President Obama will stop dreaming and hope for a peaceful world and strike them before they strike us…

It seem diplomacy is out of question and time is running out! more in the Roxy radio show 

Physicists Find Evidence That The Universe Is A ‘Giant Brain’


SOURCE CREDIT : Huffington Post UK | By Michael Rundle

In the  January 23 Cosmic code radio show I explained how the universal mind, interacts with the human mind and I can only suggest the reader to listen to the program archives and learn more on the topic. Meantime, I will  elaborate more on January 26th on the Jeffery “Church of Mabus” radio show!

I guess blasting the Internet since 1991 and being a favorite guest on George Noory Coast To Coast am radio show , heard by millions of people has paid off  for science. While I do not expect  to ever acknowledge where they first heard the idea of the human mind being directly “connected” with the universal Mind or getting a ” Nobel Price” from the scientific community, the cosmic code jurisdictions is making its mark upon the world. Yes, back in 1991 I was well ahead of them all… Scientists are still millions miles away from cosmic consciousness. Seems they will never heed my warnings!

Neuroscience Long For Answer On the Mind


The idea of the universe as a ‘giant brain’ has been proposed by scientists – and science fiction writers – for decades. But now physicists say there may be some evidence that it’s actually true. In a sense. According to a study published in Nature’s Scientific Reports, the universe may be growing in the same way as a giant brain – with the electrical firing between brain cells ‘mirrored’ by the shape of expanding galaxies.


DT Rebuttal:  Human are a microcosm of a much larger macrocosm – Macrocosm and microcosm is an ancient Greek Neo-Platonic schema of seeing the same patterns reproduced in all levels of the cosmos, from the largest scale (macrocosm or universe-level) all the way down to the smallest scale (microcosm or sub-sub-atomic or even metaphysical-level). In the system, the midpoint is man; who summarizes the cosmos. Thus, if this crowd of erudite men mentioned below knew and used the stars; chances are our infantile science will humble themselves for a change and accept the difference between trdaditional education and intelligence.

Plato – Philosopher – Albert Einstein – Physicist – Ralph Waldo Emerson – Poet – JP Morgan – First Billionaire – Robert Heinlein – Best-selling Author – Hippocrates- Father of Medicine –  Paracelsus Mental genius-  DH Lawrence – Author – Louis Pasteur – Scientist – Pythagoras – Mathematician – Benjamin Franklin – A Founding Father of America – Donald Reagan – Formerly Ronald Reagan’s Chief of Staff – Raymond Domenech, French soccer coach –  Author Paul Kiritsis – Nostradamus Seer, and of course Dr. Turi and all his Astropsychology students use the stars!

It seem some of these  new scientists own a more advanced  UCI or Unique Celestial Identity than some of their classmate peers and are moving in the right direction.

ContinuedThe results of a computer simulation suggest that “natural growth dynamics” – the way that systems evolve – are the same for different kinds of networks – whether its the internet, the human brain or the universe as a whole. A co-author of the study, Dmitri Krioukov from the University of California San Diego, said that while such systems appear very different, they have evolved in very similar ways.
The result, they argue, is that the universe really does grow like a brain. The study raises profound questions about how the universe works, Krioukov said. “For a physicist it’s an immediate signal that there is some missing understanding of how nature works,” he told Space.com. The team’s simulation modelled the very early life of the universe, shortly after the big bang, by looking at how quantum units of space-time smaller than subatomic particles ‘networked’ with each other as the universe grew.

DT Rebuttal: But what is amazing is I knew all about it at the tender age of 10 years old and luckily for me my Grandma was there to talk to me about the moon and the stars…

Dr Turi on William Shatner’s “Weird of What” show

As mentioned before, unless science breach the gap between the physical and spiritual manifesto  and stop distancing themselves from the spirit; the secrets of the universe can be theirs. Here are a few videos that introduce you to the old art and science. Click the links. But doesn’t seem the scientists are wise enough to grasp use of my 45 years of independent researches.

Dr Turi Beyond 2012

2012 Mayan Cosmic Activation

Dr Turi: Journal of the Unknown

Cosmic Code Reality – Part 1

Cosmic Code Reality – Part 2

Cosmic Code Reality – Part 3: Astro Tarot

Continued:  They found that the simulation mirrored that of other networks. Some links between similar nodes resulted in limited growth, while others acted as junctions for many different connections. For instance, some connections are limited and similar – like a person who likes sports visiting many other sports websites – and some are major and connect to many other parts of the network, like Google and Yahoo. No, it doesn’t quite mean that the universe is ‘thinking’ – but as has been previously pointed out online, it might just mean there’s more similarity between the very small and the very large than first appearances suggest.

DT Rebuttal: No, the universe is not thinking. Its God’s celestial rules, its a universal matrix, a gear box, a universal mind  and like the creator like the universe does not think, rationalize, fear or feels, it simply does. This is why, following a tragedy such as the  CT massacre of 20 children and  seven adults all cosmic unconscious human beings are baffled and call an “Act of God!”

Meantime, this HUGE universal mind affects all human being at a very personal level through their inherited  karmic program or their “UCI or Unique Celestial Identity.” But science can’t recognize the unseen cosmic forces at work are only felt and generated by our local solar system… All other solar systems supports a very different type of life far from the five limited human senses, its limited perception and understanding of what infinity, time and space is all about.Or what I attribute to the effect of “Dark Matter” as to make sense to their   unsophisticated underdeveloped non spiritual natal/rational/skeptical/logical UCI.

As we move forward into the Age of Aquarius (Google/Yahoo/technology/UFO) scientists born with a more perceptive  UCI will be allowed into the archetypal real of consciousness to make a good use of the intuitional domain of the stars. By looking at the article and the author explanations above, there is still a very long way before cosmic consciousness blesses all scientists of the future.

Don’t miss the January 26th Jeffery “Church of Mabus” radio show where I will explain more on the Cosmic Code jurisdictions and do more predictions!

Sharing email:

 Cashan Mozambique///////////// wrote:

 Thanks for this – So Dr Turi how does a poor humble being like me get access to your cosmic code pages?

I have no bank account and don’t want one

I have no credit card and don’t need one

I believe cash or trading for goods is the only way to go

I live in Mozambique Africa far away from conflict or harmful energetic rays of society

Currently I am the happiest man alive

I am but a handful of white people living in a rural African village on the beach in a spectacular setting

We have no crime in our village.No keys to our homes/huts as we dont need any infact we dont have a front door!!!! and only open space with no windows
I work among the rural folk practicing alternative medicine and implementing home solar solutions
kind regards and please have a look see for me when you have a spare moment in your valuable time.I am not special though I do believe I am here on earth for a darn good reason
I was born on 11/11/1970 in Johannesburg South Africa time unknown
kind regards

Support the mission to free humanity from fears and ignorance…

“If you are not happy or something is missing in your life it is simply because you do not live your destiny as intended by God through the Cosmic Code”


 Dr. Turi

NFL Seau Concussion “Holy Grail” of Lies and Stupidity!


Cosmic Code

“Where Cosmic Consciousness is lacking; science, conspiracy and religious imagination have the wrong answers. There are no accidents just consequences the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive.”

Dr. Turi 

Dear Readers;

Yes as expected the “gene/protein”  found by science in the brain tissue of professional football players after death is responsible for depressions leading to a series of suicides. OMG! this is yet another fabricated lie  designed to save their educated faces and keep the donations poring… in NFL Star Junior Seau Huge Medical Cover Up I explained the real reasons behind those studies a gullible society accept now as facts. But may I remind you readers, as expected the abusive deceptive scientific community  is only assuming  and as always “More study is needed to confirm the findings!”

“Researchers find a protein called tau in the brains of living retired NFL players”

Even though the results of this research are unfounded the researchers did not waste time to fabricate another  scientific name or “TAU” that will require costly medications in the future that will only benefit the pharmaceutical corporations , the scientists and the NFL are all whoring around in the same dirty bed.

Shortly after this report was released, the NFL issued a statement on the findings, saying its teams have committed $30 million in grant money to the National Institutes of Health. The NFL, both directly and in partnership with the NIH, Centers for Disease Control and other leading organizations, is committed to supporting a wide range of independent medical and scientific research that will both address CTE and promote the long-term health and safety of athletes at all levels.  Thus if you think they care about the players or your children for that matter, you are dreaming! Its all about the MILLIONS of dollars changing hands but staying in the same purse!  So now let me give you some of my own facts about the new findings…

Watch this video

Concussion finding may be ‘holy grail’

“Its pattern is identical to that found in chronic traumatic encephalopathy cases”

DT Rebuttal: But the reader must remember they are currently doing the same type of researches on defrosted brains such as the one of Adam Lanza  and if they can prove he once fell on his head they will have found the key for  his criminal behavior, and if they don’t they will, in the secret of their laboratories “find”  TAU or   make up another gene.

CTE can only be diagnosed after death

This is the best one so far, CTE can only be diagnosed after the soul’s demise? Doing so guarantee the idiocy of those cosmic unconscious educated  heads who can only miss the forest for the tree… It is indeed a great cover up for their inability to present you with the real reasons behind all suicides.  But if any sportsman visit them they will undoubtedly start the same antidepressant  regiment prescribed to Seau!

 David Leon Moore and Erik Brady of USA Today reported that for several years before his suicide, Seau was unable to sleep and would take “powerful sleep aids.” 

It seems Michael Jackson suffered the same “Tau” problem as he was hooked to take more pills to dance and more pills to sleep and give $300.000 to his physician to inject him “legally.”

More study is needed to confirm the findings

Continued – Los Angeles (CNN) — An insidious, microscopic protein that has been found in the brain tissue of professional football players after death may now be detectable in living people by scanning their brains.

Researchers say they found tau protein in the brains of five living retired National Football League players with varying levels of cognitive and emotional problems. “It’s definite, we found it, it’s there,” said Dr. Julian Bailes, co-director of the NorthShore Neurological Institute in Evanston, Illinois, and co-author of a new study that identified the tau. “It was there consistently and in all the right places.”

Using a scan called positron emission tomography, or PET — typically used to measure nascent Alzheimer’s disease — researchers injected the players with a radioactive marker that travels through the body, crosses the blood-brain barrier and latches on to tau.

Then, the NFL retirees had their brains scanned.

“We found (the tau) in their brains, it lit up,” said Dr. Gary Small, professor of psychiatry at the Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior at UCLA and lead author of the study, published Tuesday in the American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry.

What was startling, said Small, was the specific pattern of the tau they found: “It was identical to what’s seen in a condition called chronic traumatic encephalopathy, CTE, that has only been diagnosed at autopsy.”

CTE is the disease that most likely played a role in the deaths of former NFL players like Dave DuersonRay EasterlingShane Dronett, and Junior Seau.

What has stymied researchers for years is that tau can only be uncovered after death. Finding it in living players is considered by many researchers to be the “holy grail” of concussion research, according to Bailes.

“After a while it gets old and not so fulfilling to take the brain out when (an athlete) is dead,” said Bailes, a neurosurgeon and director of the Brain Injury Research Institute, which focuses on the study of traumatic brain injuries and their prevention. “At that point there is no solution, no answer.”

DT Rebuttal; More study is needed to confirm the findings translate into more millions is needed to confirm the findings because  $30 million in grant money is not enough… Secondly if someone got his head beaten to death its Mohammad Ali and all the MMA full contact sports boxing  celebrities and those guys do not use protective HELMETS!  But is it because  the MMA is not yet whoring around with science and the pharmaceutical corporations? Come on readers this deceptive financial oriented politic has nothing to do with NFL players suffering fabricated brain diseases, but Dr. Turi is not allowed to reach the media with the truth remember?

They took the millions yet “at that point there is no solution, no answer” and there wont be, only lies…

Continued: More cases of brain disease found in football players

The research provides the beginnings of an answer, according to Bailes and Small. But the study is tiny, and poses looming questions. “This is a very exciting but preliminary study,” said Robert Stern, co-founder of the Center for the Study of Traumatic Encephalopathy at the Boston University School of Medicine. “The researchers did what so many of us have been wanting to do for the last couple of years.

“The problem is that the type of PET scan they used is really not specific to what we’re looking at with chronic traumatic encephalopathy.” The marker used in the PET scan — the one that binds to tau — is called FDDNP. The problem with using that marker, said Stern, is that it is not specific enough. It binds not just to tau, but also to another protein called beta amyloid, which is commonly seen in Alzheimer’s disease patients.

DT Rebuttal ; But how come Mohammad Ali born in January (or other famous boxers) never committed suicide and instead suffers Alzheimer for so many years?  First he is from a generation that did not ingest tons of nefarious drugs and his religious  faith kept him in line… But there is so much more involving Mohammad Ali Neptunian psyche and his natal UCI or Unique Celestial Identity

Mohammad Ali was born January 17, 1942 and  Junior Sean was born January 19, 1969 is this an accident? There is so much our infantile science could learn from Dr. Turi Astropsychology expertise but those cosmic unconscious educated kids could never benefit from my 45 years of Independent  researches, because their microscopic minds knows better than me… Its all above in the stars that God speaks his glory and offers the keys to what it means to be human to those wiling to ask in order to receive…

Muhammad Ali hospitalized –  Once this Dragon reach him in 2016, he will be a matter of time for him to suffer one of my “Famous Death” SOS to the world deadly window and be called back to God.

Let me offer a little Astroforensic tuition to all my readers and all the scientists reading my work…

 Laila Ali



Laila Ali (born December 30, 1977 in Miami Beach, Florida) is a professional boxer. She is the daughter of boxing legend Muhammad Ali and his third wife Veronica Porsche Ali. She was their second child and is the most famous of the nine children born to Muhammad Ali. Muhammad Ali is one of the world’s best-known sportsmen … instantly recognizable for his gift of the gab, as much as his fancy footwork and phantom punch.

His life story transcends boxing and his ongoing struggle with Parkinson’s disease raises troubling questions about boxing’s safety. But to my knowledge certain souls  are “programmed” to suffer certain diseases regardless of their professional endeavors.  I know a few old ladies  who like Mohammad Ali suffered Alzheimer  and never made it to the ring…How ridiculous!  When one of his daughters chose to box, she became a new reason for the media spotlight to focus on women and the sport.

First let me inform you that born with the Dragon’s Tail in Pisces *religion in his 3rd house, like ALL Capricorn Ali is prone to mental addictions, not only to religious poisoning. Once this Dragon reach him in 2015, he will be a matter of time for him to called back to God.  Like Rush Limbaugh, Mel Gibson and Joshua Aaron also born in January and prone to chemical poisoning.  In the case of Mohammad Ali  his negative Pisces Dragon’s Tail  position plaguing his mind induces or predispose his unlucky owner to Parkinson’s disease.

Thus the beating he received during his career is NOT the main reason for Ali’s ailment but what today’s traditionally educated cosmic unconscious doctors kids who knows nothing of The Cosmic Code’s jurisdictions and Astropsychology methodology. Furthermore his daughter Laila Ali (born December 30, 1977) is not into boxing because of her dad’s wishes but because her masculine UCI dictated her to follow and use her dad’s footsteps.

Foolhardy and daredevil Dragon’s Tail

Laila was born with a Dragon’s Tail in the competitive masculine, aggressive sign of Aries *the fighter. She is both Sagittarius and Capricorn and like her dad she did things bigger than life with lucky Jupiter as a ruler. Meantime like her Capricorn dad she has also the 6th house of work and health in the sign of Gemini *the hands, the speed, and the gift of the gab to sale anything from herself to nails. Remember Aries rules construction material and she once sold nails… Her Saturn *fear and career is located in the health fanatic sign of Virgo and her commitment to the children is from her hidden Dragon located in the sign of Leo *fame/children/ego.

Traditional Aries Dragon’s Head / Tail Traits

Adventurous and energetic
Pioneering and courageous
Enthusiastic and confident
Dynamic and quick-witted

On the red side…

Aggressive and dangerous
Selfish and quick-tempered
Impulsive and impatient
Foolhardy and daredevil

Note I was born with the Dragon’s Head *positive in Aries  in my 3rd house of communication/critical thinking –  thus I am a relentless mental warrior breaching the impossible on the human psyche secretively educating the scientific community!

Dr Turi is now connected to/////////////////, at Private Practice – Psychiatry and Psychoanalysis

Dr Turi is now connected to////////////////,  PsyDand Experienced Psychologist

Mars, the Lord of war/fight happens to be very close to her Mars, ruler of her Aries Dragon’s Tail in  and represents much of Laila past lives as a male warrior. Et voila how anyone can easily and accurately translate any celebrity UCI *or Unique Celestial Identity accurately and the reason why they do what they do.

My book  “The Power of the Dragon” has all the secrets revealed but armed with such a rare and real wisdom forces science to stop whoring around and be truthful to the fact they know nothing of spiritual conception  the human mind.   The wisdom I possess is REAL, unarguable and unchallenged and should be mandatory  in all our colleges and Universities and accepted as a solid real discipline. My Book “The Power of the Dragon” is indeed a supreme wealth of information for anyone’s interested in the discovery of their own natal Dragon and will divulge much more than what today infantile science could ever teach you. The only problem is I am only 50 years or so ahead of time of science not yet ready for my wisdom. Are you?

Continued: “In CTE, only tau is found in abundance,” said Stern, an Alzheimer’s expert. “What researchers saw was parts of the brain lighting up and showing abnormal findings. … But we don’t know if what is lighting up is tau alone, or beta amyloid, or both.”

It’s the location of the protein that is important, Small said. In Alzheimer’s disease, tau is typically found in the outer part of the brain, called the cortex.

“It’s different from Alzheimer’s,” said Small, director of the UCLA Longevity Center, adding that he found tau in deeper structures of the brain.

“The patterns of the scans are identical to what’s seen at autopsy in other people (with CTE),” like Seau, Duerson and Easterling, he said. “And we know at autopsy it’s primarily tau.”

Players\' brain scans
players brains scan

When tau lodges into those deep brain structures — for example, the amygdala, which is associated with rage and other emotions, or the hippocampus, a seat of memory — it causes major disruptions to those areas.

DT Rebuttal: Do you really believe amygdala are responsible for rage and emotions? I had my amygdala removed when I was 11 years old and since then, during my wild days, my fiery, aggressive Aries Dragon’s Head helped me kick a few asses… I wonder how many people who had this surgery became zombies and could never become choleric or emotional…This is totally insane and ridiculous, MARS ( the Lord of war) regulate aggression while the Moon regulates human emotions! OMG those kids needs me so bad to build cosmic consciousness and start looking into the Universal Mind away from their microscopes to find real answers … Its amazing how far the new scientists have removed themselves from the spirit and God’s celestial divinity!

  “No problem can ever be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” If we are to put an end to the insanity that has a death grip on our collective sensibilities, then we all need to move to a higher level of consciousness!

 Albert Einstein

But a good chunk of  this crowd of cosmic unconscious educated morons truly THINKS they know better than Einstein himself! 

Continued: Questions linger about long-term impact of subtle hits to the head

That disruption may be related to depression, memory problems and suicidal behavior common in cases of CTE studied thus far — not just in retired NFL players, but in athletes in other sports and members of the military.

DT Rebuttal: Remember MARS regulates the Army, Navy, dangerous sports, weaponry. Germany and if the soul own (like Mohammad Ali daughter) a strong Aries or Mars position, the attraction to violent sports, accidents even violent death is already written in their natal UCI or their karmic stars!

Continued: The hope among the study’s authors is that a diagnostic brain scan might one day detect burgeoning CTE in all sorts of people who suffer concussions. But the current study is drawing some skepticism, doubts that likely will not ebb until future research examines a larger study group.

DT Rebuttal: and they will make progress by becoming cosmic conscious and select the MARTIAN/NEPTUNIAN groups prone to those diseases and accidents….but as you know, there are NO accidents  only cosmic circumstances unknown to science…

Continued: “Sometimes I wish (study authors) would hang on and wait until they have a more meaningful sample size,” said Kevin Guskiewicz, a concussion expert and director of the Center for the Study of Retired Athletes at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. “I think that then people would be less skeptical of the findings.” Still, Guzkiewicz is encouraged by the study results.

DT Rebuttal: Still, Guzkiewicz is encouraged by the ample millions of dollar donations and yet another wasteful study results! Like all experts, those who are supposed to know the best in their field are the least knowledgeable and all you have is ridiculous scientific assumptions. Only time will prove me right and may be then I will get the Nobel Price for challenging the “experts” findings and exposing their humongous stupidity and cosmic ignorance!

Continued:  “Unfortunately we tend to identify these (CTE) cases when they’re already on the slippery slope toward dementia and it’s too late to do anything,” said Guskiewicz. “I’m all for trying to build on studies like this.”

DT Rebuttal: ” I am totally against trying to build on studies like this so we could finally stop wasting time and precious tax dollars to enrich and support all those morons’ lifestyle.  The fact is its never too late for the scientific community to dig into Astropsychology, specifically my “desiccation” work  on the human UCI or Unique Celestial Identity  and recognize the “signs”  predisposing all human beings to those ailments and specific careers endeavors. Those insignificant cosmic unconscious scientists are millions miles away from finding the answers of what it means to be human! But rest assured in their spiritual educated mental pride they already know better than all those erudite men who practiced the ancient art daily like Dr. Turi does!

Plato – Philosopher – Albert Einstein – Physicist – Ralph Waldo Emerson – Poet – JP Morgan – First Billionaire – Robert Heinlein – Best-selling Author – Hippocrates- Father of Medicine –  Paracelsus Mental genius-  DH Lawrence – Author – Louis Pasteur – Scientist – Pythagoras – Mathematician – Benjamin Franklin – A Founding Father of America – Donald Reagan – Formerly Ronald Reagan’s Chief of Staff – Raymond Domenech, French soccer coach –  Author Paul Kiritsis – and of course Dr. Turi and all his Astropsychology students used the stars!

Continued: Building on the research — expanding the study population — is what Small and Bailes are working on now. In the meantime, they are optimistic about their findings. “Right now, the (FDDNP) PET scan is the only method that we know of that can measure tau protein in living people,” said Small. “It’s not the perfect holy grail … but for now it seems to be showing us what we’re looking for.”

Football players more likely to develop neurodegenerative disease

DT Rebuttal: No readers, it is not the perfect “Holly Grail” far from it because it is not with a microscope that a “Holly” answer can be found! It is with the essence of the spirit itself only that those kids will get the answers God has enslaved everyone of them to come up with…And in the process realize their own mental/psychical limitation. The main reason for realizing “CTE or TAU” can only be diagnosed after death can easily be explained…Think of what the human mind is all about, a sophisticated computer made up blood and flesh reacting to an outside stimuli produced by the Universal Mind, I classified as “Dark Matter” for the cosmic unconscious scientists!

Now imagine an old computer that has been through a few “accidents”in your office,  chances are some of the components will be either broken or suffer the consequences of falling from your desk! I have to use very simple terms to educate not only my readers but also the scientific community of the obvious they can not yet perceive because of their own latent, non spiritual, underdeveloped inborn logical UCI!

And this being said honestly I don’t think stating the facts in this manner will bring me their stewardship but it is only when you make people really think HARD they will hate you.

With their silence and refusal to help me, my Internet  “Dark List” made up so many mental influential doctors experts reflects not only their spiritual pride but how really lost they all are… But I still refuse to believe all of them are born morons and will stay morons all their existence….But why don’t they connect with Dr. Turi?

 “When a true genius appears in this world you may know him by this sign that the dunces are all in confederacy against him”


 All Truths evolve through 3 Stages of Consciousness…

First, they are Ridiculed,
Next, they are Violently Opposed, and
Then, they are Accepted as Self-Evident!


*The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. We will not solve the problems of the world from the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. More than anything else, this new century demands new thinking: We must change our materially based analyses of the world around us to include broader, more multidimensional perspectives.”

 ~Albert Einstein*

“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth by means of his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom”





“if you are not happy or something is missing in your life it is simply because you do not live your destiny as intended by God through the Cosmic Code”