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PLutonic Deadly Window – THE DO’S AND DONT”S
Who is Sheriff Joe Arpaio?
What”s Next for Sheriff Joe Arpaio?
What happened to a man that decided to shoot motorists in plain daylight in a Hollywood California intersection in December 2011? Why such tragedy took place? Imagine if all the cops did anticipate this new tragedy and all were forewarned? These would be the lucky ones… only a few days ago and for the second time in four years, Virginia Tech has fallen victim to an unspeakable act of violence, as two men — one being Deriek W. Crouse of the Virginia Tech Police Department — were shot and killed.
In Tyler Brehm”s case all I had was his age and by subtracting 26 to 2011 I recognized his deadly natal Dragon”s Tail. If you are a student of Astropsychology by looking at this dramatic picture you should be able to know what fatalistic Dragon’s Tail Tyler inherited. Yes you got it right… SCORPIO! This sign rules not only the police, the criminal elements but also death and drama and it is indeed the most fixed of all the signs. Thus the “accident” can be fully explained logically to all my students who possess Cosmic Consciousness. Keep reading…
”I woke up to 14 texts and he was dead”: Former girlfriend of Hollywood gunman tells how her lover transformed into deranged man behind shooting rampage.
Tyler Brehm, 26, was filmed firing randomly at motorists before he was shot dead by police
”He wasn”t a bad guy, he just got fed up. He was like “Ah, I”m over it, I”m over it,” but I could tell he wasn”t over it” Friend Christina Mesropian.
Had Christina, Tyler, his family, ex girlfriend, the public, especially the police knew about his natal deadly dragon and the Plutonic “window” running the days everyone would have been prepared or anticipate the horrible consequences of becoming a victim of such nefarious stars. Luckily for the police, this time round only the lost soul expired and no cops died…
Most importantly as seen with similar deadly cases .i.e. Jared Lee Laughner, Tyler is also from “The Death Wish Generation” . This mean he was born with Pluto (death/drama/police) in Scorpio (death/drama/police) located directly on his Scorpio Dragon”s Tail. But what do you think “experts” such as Dr. Drew know about my unconventional wisdom?
This type of Plutonic energy concentration brings about a deadly fixity of purpose unmatched by any other celestial curses. Tyler was not a “normal” guy but without Cosmic Consciousness there is absolutely no way for anyone, including the cops to know the difference.
“In the battle between logic and powerful emotions, emotion will always win!”
Dr. Turi
And there are millions of supremely emotional Plutonic deadly souls walking the streets waiting for the “right” condition and evil star alignment to flip…Let’s hope you are not around when this happen because you will, in the name of ignorance become a victim.
Any Plutonic soul becomes infatuated with very deep uncontrollable feelings of love, jealousy or death that produce passionate serial killers, sexual predators nurturing suicidal tendencies where death becomes the only way out. This scenario can become totally out of control especially if other celestial afflictions and the use of drugs is present, this disturbing neurotic cocktail induces devastating psychological changes impossible to control.
The fated situation finally unfolded during the last “Deadly Plutonic Window” stimulating all the above and was posted on my websites. Imagine if ALL the police officers on duty knew about the “timing” I proposed and offered the Police Administration for years?
Yes this is the fact I sent certified mail to ex police Chief Daryl Gate preparing him for the tragic Rodney King dilemma and the terrible development following the failure of the legal system finding those bad cops not guilty. I gave plenty dated unarguable information telling him and his cops lives will be changed forever…I did the same with San Diego ex- police Chief Burgreen telling him and giving him the exact date of the capture of the Torrey Pines cop killer, did anyone of those two police Chiefs ever answer me? Nope and that is very painful because the entire tragedy could have been avoided, had they heed my warnings…
What really upset me is the Law Enforcement Agency could make such a good use to these information for investigation/cases purposes involving born killers and criminals alike. Too many cops died in the name of their superior’s lack of Cosmic Consciousness because they still erroneously perceive my work as a “pseudo science.” Since 1991 all I did was to offer my wisdom but all my pearls of wisdom were and still are wasted…
Last few days were not different and yet another example of the repetitiveness of a series of deadly events involving the police and criminals. I “predicted” these events over and over again and all was submitted to my email “black list” made up of so many unconscious FBI agents and police elites. As mentioned so many times, each time a cop dies THEIR superiors are fully responsible and THEIR ignorance or fear of the ridicule produced over the years the premature death of thousands of brave public servants. What did they do to save a single cop’s life so far NOTHING! Absolutely anything should be investigated, no matter how weird it may appear to their educated heads, if it can save a single police officer’s life. The very core of being a good cop or a real detective is ignored by the very police administration’s Elites, thus I am expecting many more premature police officers deaths before a real cop hear my desperate pleas to save them.
Spending time in the cemetery crying and showing compassion with the family”s victims or offering rewards to the dead heroes is honorable but not enough. This lack of curiosity cost tax payers billions that could be used not only to save future cops” lives but to bring the science of Astropsychology to the Police Academy. The software I designed is actually the best preventive weapon the Law Enforcement Agency and the secret service could ever have and ALL police officers should be trained to use it. My 62 years of independent study involving the human mind cannot be wasted but used wisely to save lives because of the police Administration lack perception or fear of the ridicule. The fact is many cops who have NO business in the Law Enforcement Industry will turn bad cops or will get killed only after a few days on the job. Those “accidents” cost precious lives, pain, legal battles and a serious waste of precious resources. If the UCI of anyone applying for a job with the police does not confirm as safe it should not be trained in this field.
This could be classified as “discrimination” but it’s like offering a child molester a job as a school bus driver. Some of the hiring Laws have to be restructured and with the entrance of the Dragon’s Head in Scorpio the entire police force will be forced to a full upheaval. Yes you heard me I “foresee” a full restructure of the Law Enforcement Administration from top to bottom. I already proved my claim with the unarguable prediction of the secret service restructure a few years ago if you take the time to read it (top right side of the page.)
Time is soon for the Law Enforcement Administration, all Police executives and many cops to wake up and with the stars on my side the future has and will always be my outmost faithful witness…Yes I see so many of you becoming victims with a serious upsurge of cops killings as we move into 2012. All I can do now is to wait for you to realize Dr. Turi is real! Do not expect the police educational system to change easily, the gap between the scientific accepted methodology and spiritualism *Astropsychology is much too wide to be accepted as a solid discipline just yet. Thus WE the people, especially all the COPS have to act for their safety and build a powerful voice that will get the attention needed to make the badly needed changes.
~Where the heart is willing, it will find a thousand ways.
Where it is unwilling, it will find a thousand excuses.” ~
Jared Lee Loughner “The Mind Of A Killer”
Black Friday And The Cops
How many police “accidents” did I foresee, posted and emailed to my “black mailing list” is just insane but even with steady repetitiveness the police Administration still did not budge. How many more cops must die before a real “detective” take a chance on Astropsychology and realize the seriousness of hiring the wrong “cops” for the job?
Knowing traditionally educated psychologists and psychiatrists are depraved of Cosmic Consciousness, they keep hiring the wrong crowd where more cops, criminals and innocent people will met with an early death on the job. Not only the families of the victims but he tax payers will have to suffer and pay the consequences of the current Police Administration’s ignorance.
Over the years I dealt directly with so many cops from all over the world but even with their requests and endorsements the fact is; the police Administration could not care less about doing anything to improve a tuition that would save any cops’ life. While I should be more diplomatic with the police my obvious frustration is the result of years of endless worthless attempts to get their attention, thus creating a group reaction and bring more cops together is my only option to get their superiors’ attention. With this in mind, I am convinced to be much more concerned with any cops’ life than all police executives combined together. Thus if you are a worried police officer, please help me reach your superiors so that you do not become part of the next tragic increasing statistics. Too many public servants died in the name of ignorance and I want to make sure you comeback home safe and sound after your shift.
An endless river of mothers, wife, sisters and girlfriends tears has been wasted with the sacrifice of loved ones while the “executives” are safely behind their desks making up your schedules. They will all be back home because they do not have to face the crazy crooks out there, YOU are the one in the front line everyday, not them, thus help me to help you with a wisdom that I know is very real and crucial for your safety.
Have you tried absolutely everything to stop my tears and save our lives, Sirs?
This section is dedicated to all the past and future courageous police officers who gave their lives to protect us from criminals and have fallen victim of violent tragedies. The Law Enforcement executives” unwillingness to honor the word “INVESTIGATION” has and will cost the lives of many more public servants facing dangerous criminals in the future. It is my sincere hope that the Law Enforcement Agency will take my expertise and the Astropsychology software I created seriously so our public servants can be fully prepared to handle any criminals” and be forewarned about future “Deadly Plutonic windows.”
And if science could / would acknowledge, use or predict behavior within the UCI or “Unique Celestial Identity” software system I developed, might they (our politicians/the police Administration and humanity at large) not also find a way to control their mental shortcoming?
Dr. Turi
Attention, Law Enforcement administration please take some of your precious time to read the feedback of some of your own concerned police officers at the bottom of this page. I can only hope you will take their words at heart and, as any good police detectives, investigate my claims. If you are involved in the Law Enforcement professions please join other concerned police officers and express yourself freely. If a single cop”s life can be saved it is worth to try absolutely anything new, including the science of Astropsychology or what your superiors may classify as impractical, a pseudo-science or even “ridicule.” I answered some emails I consider important for all police officers to read. I am offering my speaking/teaching expertise to the police force free of charge, please call the office at (602) 265-7667 to set up a lecture at your next local police event. My teachings will amaze many of you while offering crucial information that could make the difference between life and death. Cops are dying endlessly and these “accidents” can and must be prevented.
In the absence of Cosmic Consciousness; science, conspiracy and religious imagination have the wrong answers. There are no accidents just consequences the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive.”
Dr. Turi
Your dangerous profession your life depends on making fast and accurate decisions and be accurately informed on all levels. If you are a police officer, I am offering my wisdom FREE of charge. Go to to SIGN in and become a VIP Cosmic Code subscriber level 3. I will give you those window dates because I want you to come back home to your loved ones safe and sound. Please email me at so I can COMP you in for the next 12 months and it will not take you very long to realize those “Plutonic days” are very different and could snap your life if left unprepared. Lastly the privacy of all the police officers who will or have emailed me their concerns and identities will always be kept concealed.”
“Four sheriff”s deputies were fatally shot today in what police described as an ambush in a coffee shop near Seattle, Washington.”
Back in November 29th 2009 four police officers died during another Plutonic window I posted to the world weeks ahead of time and this carnage could / SHOULD have been anticipated and avoided had the dead cops read my warnings. This MUST NOT happen to you too, you have the power to use your will and avoid any of those “unforeseeable accidents.” Please read “Police Requiem” and my emotional pledge to the Law Enforcement authorities soon after this carnage. Did they hear me? No!
Please DO NOT lump Dr. Turi with another Mrs. Cleo! Dr. Turi is NOT a psychic!
It is imperative to understand that Dr. Turi”s teachings are totally unique, revolutionary and well ahead of conventional psychology and Psychiatry accepted disciplines. Dr. Turi”s expertise is utterly scientifically oriented where similar software used by NASA is utilized to accurately profile the UCI of both criminals and Law Enforcement officers. Note the simple term “Dragon” Head and Tail is used to symbolize the North and South Node of the Moon reflecting a tiny proportion of the mystical dynamics involving the complexity of Astropsychology methodology.
My synergetic quatrains depict all 2012 major “Deadly Plutonic Windows” but the reader must first understand the length, timing and the simple legends I use. During those windows expect dramatic news and be sure that not only our brave police officers will die but also innocent victims and the criminals themselves. Please observe these dates and remember only the future has and will always be my true witness. Timing is 48 hours centering a given date for maximum impact.
Plutonic window
Hidden secrets sex, money come to light
Raw power challenges police deadly villains
Ugly face of death drama horror surface
Nature, man”s religion bloody folly reign
Famous Death / Dramatic News / Police / FBI / CIA / Mob / Secrets / Scandals / Wake Up Call / Terrorism / Finances / Sex / Serial Killers / Death News.
Be VERY careful of what you say, where you go and what you do! Unaware police officers and/or criminals will meet with their death. Many other unprepared souls will pay the ultimate price by losing their precious lives too. Please DO take my warnings seriously! Please make a copy of those dangerous 2012 Plutonic windows dates depicting extreme criminal activity, terrorism and police VULNERABILITY. No one is safe when EVIL reign on earth!
Listening To Dead Cops!
Please be part of this movement, do not expect the police administration to remotely understand or accept my theories. You are the ones that must uncover the solid reality behind my research, please join other police officers, parents and submit your concern and support to
Dear Dr. Turi and Terania,
Thank you for sending the link to last nights radio show. A lot has happened the last few months good things and a big scare of Stage 4 Cancer as I told Terania last night in the Chat Room. I have been out of work since July, but had enough of time to get me to the end of 2011 of having a pay check and not disability. I hope to be back to work by mid February 2012. I plan on working maybe a few more months and then finally after a 31 year career in Law Enforcement retiring and enjoying a more Peaceful Life. All that I know that my career as a supervisor keeping my Police Officers safe and returning home to their families each day, means a lot to me.
Since I have been home for many months now, when I listen to my police radio here with all of the bad police responses to robbery calls and police pursuits, I pray that these officers do not get hurt and make it home to their families. The last year many NJ Police Officers have been shot and never made it home to their families. Due to budget restraints there have been many lay offs and retiree position”s haven”t even been filled, in this entire Metro Area.
WELL ANYWAY I had Stage 4 Colon Cancer and I had the best support and many Prayers were said for me. I had the best Doctor”s that anyone could ever want during that bad news time. When I was told the bad news my wife just about dropped to the floor and I stayed Positive to get this over with ASAP, lets get this operation over with!
I Can Not find the 2012 Moon Power Star Guide E-Book can you send me the link for it?
Have a Happy New Year and Also Your Great Dog’s
Thank You, Paul /// Lyndhurst,NJ
DT – Hello Paul:
Well I know how you feel my friend .. been there and you will be fine…Chances are the stress of your job or the inability to provide more help stimulated the cancer growth because all disease are coming from a “blockage.” Did you check my TV show on what happened to me? Check this page – also make sure to offer this link to all the cops you know, they can become VIP’s for free and get access to the 2012 Plutonic Dragon Dates by signing up from The 2012 Moon Power will be published any days now, standby I will let you know…Dogs are just fine Paul and I wish you many more New Years…
Blessings my friend
Dr. Turi,
Yes one of those officer”s from Jersey City Police, NJ are a cousin to one of my own brother officers, on the Lyndhurst Police Dept, NJ, who I have been the best of friends with him & his wife for years. His CAT scan as of today, his brain is dead. But he is breathing on his own. It”s so hard to get through on C2C, to do a worldwide prayer, for both of these Law Enforcement Officers, see below! Also another NJ Police Officer, from the Hasbrouck Heights Police Dept, is also in serious condition, after being run over, while doing a traffic detail, on NJ Route 17, since a new fast food place was opened, which is a Sonic Restaurant. Reports now, doctors are saying that this officer may not be able to walk again. PS – I know that you always look out for the law enforcement officers, on certain dates, and all of the dates that you give out, NJ seem to have casualties of police officers. NJ has been very hot with all of this negative energy, the last few months. I do spread your words to my officers, on a daily basis. I”m hoping for a promotion to Captain, sometime this summer
Good Bless,
Lt ///// Lyndhurst Police Dept. NJ
Dr. Turi,
Thank you for these dates, for COPS, I will review it later on. Also Thanks for Your Guidance! Since these 16 Promotions of the Lyndhurst PD, NJ, on 09-1-2009 we have been out in Full Force, on all of our main roadways, enforcing Traffic & Safety Laws, and School Zones. We Are Watching Out for Our Younger Generation here. On the day of my promotion, I had a lot of Emptiness in My Heart, because of My Best Friend, in Life died on 9-11-01, at the WTC. I Miss Those Days, because we both would Guide One Another, during bad working conditions.
Your Friend,
DT – Dear Paul: First my prayers are with you my friends and I can only admire your concern and bless your support. With your and other souls” help many more police officers in the future will benefit from knowing and respecting the Cosmic Code jurisdictions.
Blessings my friend…
Dr. Turi,
Police officer killed near Albuquerque while on a stake out at approx. 4 am while attempting to apprehend a man who for about 10 years had been terrorizing people in the area. Both the officer and the assailant were killed. The officer was a good solid police officer and family man who had been on the force a number of years. This story is quite big news here. I live in Santa Fe. Every time the Dragon”s Tail energy is in the air I feel it strongly. There is always an unusual tension. I feel “wired” and can see an intensified agitation in the people around me and in the situations they are in. I use quantum physics in my work and heal people around the world, so I am much more aware of the energies, even the most subtle ones as they change in the cosmos. The Dragon”s Tail is perhaps the most intense. Sincerely,
L//// Santa Fe, NM
DT – Sad my friend very sad…had this soul knew about the *Deadly Plutonic Window and be more cautious on the given dates he may have spare his life. Thank you for the support.
Dear Dr. Turi,
I have been a full-time police officer for 25 years. I am now a sergeant in the patrol division. I have been involved in several incidents in those 25 years whereas divine intervention could be the only reason I wasn”t killed or seriously injured. I work different shifts and have had the fortune to hear you several times on coast to coast throughout the years. I am a strong Christian and at first was very cautious of your work. I now understand that your work and how it is performed does not contradict my Christian beliefs (quite the contrary). I believe that the knowledge (blue print) on interpreting the Cosmic Code had been given by God to man. However, I believe ancient religious leaders and others have concealed to this day or destroyed specific scriptures and writings that contain, if you will, the Cosmic Code.
You are a gift and have been chosen to educate the masses. Everyone loves the firefighter (me included) but few people really like the police outside of the police family. It is a blessing that someone with your knowledge & gift has chosen to devote the amount of energy you are devoting to ensure that police officers take all necessary precautions so that they return home to their loved ones. I constantly caution my officers, whereas complacency is their worst enemy and that violent events are going to increase dramatically as well as the level of violence that people are going to resort to. I am now 54 years of age. I stay as strong and as fit as someone my age can, but I”m still at a disadvantage when dealing with the younger criminal element. I missed your special police show on coast to coast and I”m not quite sure what is available to me in regard to the “Plutonic Window” dates. But any knowledge that is available to me would be greatly appreciated.
I work a second part-time police job and assistant coach a local football team along with trying to be the best husband, father and grandfather and tending to two elderly parents. I am not crying the blues, what I do is a labor of love. I”m just saying, I don”t have much time left to truly study your work and educate myself with the materials and classes you have made available. I can”t imagine how many police officers are asking for their Plutonic Window dates. So if by some chance you find time to respond to my email, I was born on /////.
Thank-you Dr. Turi, really,……Thank-you.
Sgt. G////
Poland Township Police Department
Poland, OH
DT – Dear G; First let me thank you for your support and trust in my work…The good news is that you are very perceptive and very details oriented and this add to the protective natal Node. Just be aware of any and all domestic calls, especially after the full moon where you become vulnerable with speeding. You are subconsciously running way from your own disturbing tough upbringing and my Book Moon power will do miracle to you, pass it on to your friends. You are a very emotional person and stress will get to your stomach and knees do not eat when upset. You do understand the importance of my mission and how it could change the lives of children and help the police and for this thank you my friend. Be safe,
Hello Dr. Turi~
My name is Ryan///. I am a Full Time Police Officer and I also host a paranormal based Radio Talk Show that airs on I was listening to you on Coast to Coast the other night while I was on duty. Part way through, I was called to a Domestic Incident in which a male subject was threatening his wife with a shotgun. It all ended fine, but it was amazing to me that this happened just as you were talking about the dangers currently facing Police Officers. I would love to feature you on my show sometime in the near future. You can get information about my show and me at Also, my birth date is August///. I would appreciate any personal information you could pass along to me. Thank You~
DT – Dear Ryan;
First let me thank you for the invite, it would be an honor for me to be able to reach more of your spiritual listeners through your radio show. Indeed submit some dates and I”ll be there with you. I will elaborate more on those Plutonic windows and the science of Astropsychology. Your Saturn (career) is located in Gemini (driving/general communication) while Uranus (New Age matters) is in your 3rd house (thinking/talking process) and denotes your natural interest and highly spiritual UCI. Meantime your powerful Dragon resides in the world of Aquarius reinforcing your mission as a Leo to run your show and bring the light to the world. Your karmic Tail is on yourself, thus be very cautious when responding to any calls relate to domestic violence, love, romance and children affairs. You belong to television…Your nodes will always be active in the month of February and August and your personal dates and my book Moon Power 2009 are on the way…
Blessings my friend
Dr. Turi
Dr. Turi,
I would like to thank you for your support of Law Enforcement. I am sending this e-mail in return from your phone call yesterday. You needed the following date, /////. I am requesting the information on the dragon dates that you listed on your web site. I first heard you on coast-to-coast am and am interested in this information. I am also interested in attending one of your training seminars. Could you send me information on this also? Thanks for your support and concern for all law enforcement.
DT – Dear Paul; like the two Police Chiefs investigating my claim you were also born with a protective Dragon Head in Scorpio and this sign rules the Law Enforcement Agency and all positive and negative criminal affairs. Intuitive and spiritual Cosmic Consciousness will come easy to you and my goal is to teach if for FREE at any Police Academy, thus if anyone of you can help me to lecture and accomplish this let me know. Danger is around banks or facing criminal stealing cash especially in one of your personal window, be very careful then. Thanks for your courage and protection.
Dear Dr. Turi;
I am not a VIP, but am saving my $$$ to become one. I am the Mother of a Deputy Sheriff born //// on a Sunday 12:34 p.m. Negative things are happening in his and my life. I read all your newsletters and think you are right on. So naturally, the law enforcement windows have me very upset. Can you help me. My birthday is////. I am terrified, can you help?
Thank you JO
DT – Dear Jo, as the mother of a police officer I can understand your fears, however right now the Tail of Dragon is right into your 3rd house (critical thinking) and mess up your thoughts. Note also your very sensitive natal Node in Pisces (imagination) does play havoc on your mind and makes you very vulnerable intellectually. First never forget the future is the reincarnation of the thoughts and learn to send your protective thoughts (thoughts are things) to your son while at work. Your dare devil must use patience and diplomacy dealing with others on the road. He is a great driver but danger is coming from speeding and coming from water and/or drunk drivers. Advise him, he will listen and thank you for his courage facing crimes on a daily base. Ask him to email me for the free book and the 2009 Plutonic dates.
Thank you Dr. Turi for your quick response. I will have him go to your site, as I am his mother I am so concerned. He is a helicopter pilot, and water could be so possible as we live in /////. Thank you so much.
Dear Dr. Turi;
I heard your radio show on Coast-to-Coast AM the other night. As a police officer, I appreciate you giving all of us brothers and sisters a heads up. This world seems to be changing by the minute and it is getting very dangerous for us out on the streets nowadays. I was on your web site and wanted to get personal dragon window dates for my birth date of ///.
Thanks and God Bless.
Baltimore Police Department
DT – Dear R; Indeed the world is changing rapidly but the Police Academy archaic teachings are not helping any brave trooper to rapidly detect the dangerous UCI of a criminal. You share the same natal positive Node in Scorpio than one of the local Police Chief I am working with and this is very lucky for your profession as a Police officer. Use those dates cautiously and be very aware close to banks or anything that involve crooks and cash, especially at night. I am also emailing you a free copy of my 2009 Moon Power to master the section “Universal Law”. Thank you for risking your precious life for society…Thank you for risking your precious life for society…
Dr. Turi;
How do I go about ordering my window dates? I am a police officer and was working the graveyard shift when I found myself intrigued after listening to you on Coast to Coast with George Noory on 4/7/2009. This year has been especially violent, lots of fights, car crashes, complaints, etc. It feels like someone is trying to kill me…but like I said, this show resonated with me. I”ve been a police officer with Payson City, Utah since 2003.
Thanks, R//.
DT – Hello M; We have a very similar UCI *Unique Celestial Identity, I was born Feb 26 and both our career is “Plutonic” this mean life and death, investigations, police work and healing type of energy. The risky node (dragon) is located on your 6th house of service to the world and you are strongly advised to be VERY careful when responding to any domestic disturbance calls, especially during a negative window dates and when the moon is waning or full. Your high critical observing nature is a plus but your emotional response to life for peace and harmony makes you too nice to some dangerous people you may come in contact with when you arrest them. Be aware when dealing with any gang members and make a good use of your 2009 Plutonic dates and my book 2009 Moon Power. By the end of the year you will understand how important it is to be aware of the *Cosmic Code. Thank you for your dedication to serve and protect all of us and good luck to you my friend.
Dr. Turi;
My husband is a police officer and I want to know how to get the free information you mentioned for police officers but I can”t figure out how to do so. His name is R/// and his birth date is ////.
DT – Dear Anne; Like any concerned wife advising your husband and reminding him, of those dangerous days is a MUST to make sure he returns home safely after his shift! Trust me my own police officers friends have recognized this dangerous *energy and today are still alive. Tell him to be particularly cautious with foreigners, animals and anything related to religion and politics to avoid the worse. Thank him for risking his life daily to protect us. Go to and click on the *Cosmic Hand in the sky and tell all your friends to do the same.
Dear Dr. Turi;
Although I have never heard of you, my mom is an avid listener of George Noory. Tonight she told me about your show last night.06 APR 09. Being a sheriff”s deputy with the Cook County Sheriff”s dept (Chicago),Il I am very concerned about the universal windows, especially for myself personally. I was born on /////. Please inform me on my personal dragon windows dates. I work in the warrant unit for the dept., and our job is very critical at times, not to mention Chicago leads the planet in murders. Please advise, any info would be greatly appreciated.
DT – Well S, Your Mother, like mine, is very concerned with all their children safety and welfare and I am glad you listened to her accurate intuition…While investigating your UCI *Unique Celestial Identity would require some time I will only point out the major aspects of your Divinity. Your Sun sign in Libra (Justice) becomes your soul”s purpose for you to enforce both the laws of men and those of God. Your perceptive, highly critical, perfectionist mental aptitude will always work for you, as any type of investigation becomes your spiritual regeneration principle. Your highly advanced UCI is set by birth to learn and teach all about the Cosmic Code too. You are indeed a very valuable element to further the Police Academy”s limited curriculum by thoughtfully investigating your own personal Plutonic window dates. FYI my top students were all born in September! Thank you for working hard bringing security to all of us.
Dr. Turi:
I am a police officer in the City of Batavia, Il. I work the midnight shift and heard your program on Coast-to-Coast last night. Thank you! Finally, someone who cares about us! How do I receive the forecast? Thanks in advance, Officer////
Batavia Police Dept, Il
DT – S, you were born within a Plutonic window right on yourself, subconsciously you feel you are in grave danger, please be VERY careful during your personal Plutonic dates. Armed with this rare wisdom you will be well prepared to avoid the worse by applying your will. Your most dangerous months are May and November during the full moon period. Thank you for your courage and dedication to protect us in your dangerous profession. I sincerely hope your Superiors will make it mandatory for all the courageous police officers out there to learn and use Astropsychology software to avoid fatalities. Blessings.
Dear Dr. Turi;
I am a Police Officer in New York and spoke to you on the phone about obtaining my personal dragon window. I was born on ///// 1968 in the city of Buffalo, NY. As a law enforcement professional I greatly appreciate all that you are doing to protect the men and women in law enforcement. Thank you, and I wish you and yours the very best.
R///- East Aurora Police Dept.
DT – Dear R – Your natal lucky birth node in Aries protects you from violent death my friend if you use your personal Plutonic window dates carefully but be aware of the moths October and July (for ever) as the Plutonic energy intensify then. Don”t drive too fast and be very careful doing so, your tendency for speeding could be fatal. I want to take this opportunity to thank you for risking your life daily to protect all of us.
To all the brave men and women in Law Enforcement:
Let this letter serve as a letter of praise, endorsement, and recommendation of Dr. Louis Turi, whose unique talent can save your lives. Dr. Turi is a gifted Astropsychologist. This means that he can precisely, and with 100%accuracy “predict” things to come – that is, what events CAN and WILL take place (negative or positive). I placed the word “predict” in quotes because, as Dr. Turi himself will tell you, he does not predict anything, but, rather, can forecast events that WILL take place under the manifestation of certain planets” movements. This is a very rare and unique talent, and, as far as I know, very few people have this talent except for Dr. Turi and some of his most gifted students. I am not one yet, but I hope to be (we can all master this talent with a little time and more patience with ourselves and each other).I used to take martial arts and even earned my black belt in 1995. Many police officers joined our class as a supplement to their training and to hone their skills. I know that every day you go out and arm yourselves with guns, bullets, pepper spray, vests, K-9s, etc, but yet you fail to arm yourselves with the proper knowledge – knowledge that Dr. Turi can teach you. At first it is very easy to be dismissive of what Turi has to say.
It”s very easy to be dismissive of astrology, psychics, clairvoyants, etc, because we all have been taken advantage of at some point in our lives and so we are very cautious. We especially don”t want to admit to our friends and co-workers that we really believe in this kind of stuff (trust me, I”ve been laughed at more times than I care to admit, and accused of being drunk or on drugs – both of which I do not take), but if you just give Dr. Turi a chance and track what he says with what you see on the news days, weeks, months, years later – with 100% accuracy – then you will begin to understand. Dr. Turi gives exact “windows,” or dates when you can expect positive or negative energy to affect your lives. Time and time again I have seen for myself when Dr. Turi “predicts” a negative energy having to do with law enforcement, sure enough cops die. It”s the truth, and something that can easily be avoided by allowing Dr. Turi to teach you his unique gift. You won”t regret it. I was going to end this letter by saying you have nothing to lose and everything to gain, but the truth is that you have everything to lose; you have precious lives to lose. Despite what we see happening in Oakland, California (Killers being glorified), there are so many people out there (Dr. Turi and all of his students and so many more) who deeply respect and care for the many brave officers who risk their lives for us every day. Please give Dr. Turi a chance. I thank you for your time and your service to your community.
ATTN: Chief of Police; Lieutenants, Detectives, Sergeants:
Due to the massive amounts of officers killed in the line of duty lately, it is imperative that methods even unusual as they may seem be employed to protect officers. Back in 1992 I worked as a victim advocate for a large city police department and was married to a K9 officer. Around 1998-99 I worked at a radio station co hosting a program which the guest was Dr. Louis Turi. Being rather ignorant of astrology, I was startled and shocked at what the good doctor had seen in my astrology chart. Amazed by this information, I began to look into it a bit more only to find out that Dr. Turi”s method was far more accurate than the mainstream form. I wouldn”t say he ”predicts” rather, I see it as his ability to read a ”map” (so to speak) and thus he is able to see the ”bridge is out” sign and helping others detour from a deadly situation rather than ignore the sign and end up in the river. I would highly recommend him to lecture, teach and with his concern for helping others, to be a light in a dark world that is so full of ignorance. His talent to foresee ”something coming” is uncanny and very accurate! If those of you in Law Enforcement took time to examine Dr. Turi”s knowledge, many families of officers may not be shedding tears for their loved ones. Personally, I have found him to be informative and intelligent thus, I do believe those who need ”proof” much like myself, would be impressed by how Astropsychology works!
A Vision For the Police Of The Future:
Hey DT,
I just had a though as I really hope your work is finally being heard by Law Enforcement. Just imagine this fictional story some day in the future; A police car with two officers gets dispatched to a domestic dispute between a husband and wife. The persons involved in the domestic birth dates are entered into the police computer at the station. While the officers are en-route, an Astropsychology computer analysis is done and recommendations are made to the desk sergeant. Given the fact that the current date falls in a deadly Plutonic window and a waning full moon and the two persons involved are at a deadly intersection in their UCI”s , all officers responding to the call are required to wear heavy body armor bullet proof vests no matter how minor the argument seems.
Note that in this future story, all police officers UCI”s are stored in the Police database and the computer recommends that one of the officers in the patrol car is in a very bad personal window and ordered to stay in the car. A back-up car is sent and an officer with a much better UCI for today is assigned to go up to the door with the first officer. They ring the bell, the door opens, one officer takes a direct shot to the chest, but luckily his body armor saves him and they both retreat. A SWAT team is called in to subdue the man as SWAT is prepared to handle such situations and no-one dies as a direct result of an Astro-analysis computer at the station. End of Story….. Some day DT…..Some day….!!!!! I would love to see a movie based on this scenario.
Do well on C2C my friend.
Talk soon,
To The Police Chiefs,
I want you to know that I highly endorse Dr. Turi”s work. I started with Dr. Turi in 2008 as a vip following his newsletters. He is the real deal. His predictions from last year have been confirmed in the news. I am in awe of his amazing gift. I”ve learned to definitely take him serious. He can be of great service to you and your department. I”ve had a reading done by Dr. Turi about my career path and I want to tell you I have never had a reading about me from anyone that was even close to being this accurate. This report also included things about my personality that only I would know, strengths and weaknesses, things I would not go and tell just anybody. That”s how real his gift is. He truly does know all about me without even meeting or talking to me. I am planning on a full life reading and learning more about Astropsychology. This is definitely not the horoscope you read in the newspaper. He truly will make a difference. I am very appreciative of all that Dr. Turi does and encourage him to continue. You won”t regret it sir.
Thank you for your time.
Attention to police Chief
Dear Sirs:
Far too many cops are losing their lives as of late. People in general are behaving very erratically for all kinds of reasons. Some are losing their jobs others their homes and many are emotionally unstable to start with, and a crisis of any kind is triggering irrational behavior. The police are called onto the scene and by so doing are putting their lives in danger. As a concerned citizen I am taking the liberty to inform you about a man by the name of Dr L.Turi, who lives in Phoenix Arizona. I got acquainted with his work about two years ago. He is an Astro psychologist who has spent over 35 years studying the planets and their transits and can tell with uncanny accuracy the times of the month when certain planetary energies are at their deadliest. I believe it would be very beneficial to invite him over for a lecture so he can advise the police department when these deadly forces are at their peak. I am certain it can save the lives of a great many in the police force who are called out during emergencies. His accuracy is remarkable. I have read all of his books and I must say they are all extremely informative. As a retired person who has worked as a professional in the medical field I must admit that Dr. Turi knows what he is talking about. So I hope that you will give him a chance to lecture to the department and also the chance to get to know him as a person. I can assure you that you will not regret it. Thanking you and the department for all your efforts in keeping us citizens safe.
Dear Dedicated Police Chiefs,
Thank you for being open minded and giving Dr. Louis Turi the opportunity to teach you and your valued police officers his incredible knowledge. I am a teacher, counselor and mother of two sons. My oldest is 18 and has friends who will be joining the police academy. It is my plea as a mother that urges the tremendous need for the safety of the officer”s precious lives. I”ve been a supporter of Dr. Turi for over 5 years after first listening to him on Coast-to-Coast AM radio show with George Noory. I did my own due diligence and read his work on his content filled website. I ordered a full reading and have read his life-saving Moon Power books. To my astonishment, I found him to be a true messenger of God. He”s by no means a Ms. Cleo type pseudo-clairvoyant. I am passionate about saving lives and tell as many people as I can to investigate his works to help themselves and their families. I”ve been successful with friends, acquaintances and members of my own family even though I met some resistance from a few skeptics who called it wackology until they realized that it is the truth that Dr Turi is all about! Now they don”t even book flights without conferring with him 🙂 I will continue to avidly advocate Dr. Turi”s work, which will spare all of our police officers, firefighters and children”s lives. There”s so much to gain and nothing to lose by giving him the opportunity to share with you his scientific software and true knowledge that will save your lives. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Liz //// NY 10704
To The Police
I have been following Dr. Turi since 2000 – I first heard him on Coast to Coast radio and would listen to every show he was on. He is amazing – I receive his emails giving warnings and advise – what is incredible about Dr. Turi is that not only is he correct in his predictions but more importantly he does REALLY CARE and alerts his email followers and on the radio/internet radio to warn EVERYONE. I have always had a high respect for police officers and firemen – not just because family members have been in both but because they put their life on the line every day – Nothing is too good for these dedicated individuals – Dr. Turi is a gift to us in these especially trying times and we all need his insight and his ending mission to help everyone – Please endorse him in teaching the Academy – it would be a very worthwhile project for you to enact. We need to pray for our officers and firemen every day – they are our Angels on Earth. Thank you.
To the police Dept.
Dear Sirs;
You need to read everything Dr. Turi has to say, this is a very important message to save the lives of innocent police officers and innocent people trying to live their lives everyday in this world. This man can help you save the lives of your police officers. Without a doubt he”s 100% accurate, everything Dr. Turi has predicted has come to pass when he speaks I listen and I spread the word to all of my friends and family. Please read his newsletters and join his VIP not only for your day at work to be safer but your family also, Doesn”t your family deserve to be safer, to be forewarned is to be prepared for those bad days when it pays to listen to him. He is not by any means a cult leader he”s an honest educated man that knows the planets and the UCI of everyone on earth and a very honest man too I might ad. His predictions in his book moon power will help you plan for the future with 100 % accuracy. You will not be disappointed at all please give him a try and read up on his newsletters. You”ll be happy you did! Thank you.
To the Police Chief;
Dear Sir: I am writing you about Dr. Turi. My life has changed for the better since I started listening and learning from Dr. Turi 2 years ago. I first heard him on Coast 2 Coast radio program. From the very first time I heard him something clicked in me. I knew he was sharing and educating us, the masses. He was telling us how it really is. In my soul I knew he was right. Ever since then I have been a VIP member and also read his books and receive Moon Power. I follow Moon Power every day and have educated my family about him. I believe so strongly in what he is doing. I don”t make an appointment, a doctors” visit, even my court dates without following him. I have not be let down once. He tells you how to get thru what is coming your way, be it good or bad. There is no flying without making reservations during the new moon or you could be in trouble. I promise you that if you give Dr. Turi a chance and you listen and follow his advice, you will not regret it. What do you have to loose? You have everything to gain. My thoughts and prayers are with you. You and your fellow officers will not regret that this great wise man is in your life. What a blessing and a gift he is to us all. My brother is a former police officer. I know what you go thru on a daily basis. Don”t let this gift of Dr. Turi slip by you and your men. You will be amazed how much better your lives will be all around, not just on the job. His educating you and your force will be a blessing to the rest of us also. For a better world and understanding.
Please forward this note to the Police Chief Dr. Turi.
Please take the time to check out Dr. Turi and what he is about. I have been reading his books, VIP newsletter, and personal requests for a number of years now. This man is phenomenal. All you have to do is follow his newsletter for a while and you will understand that he knows what he is talking about. Allow him to lecture and you will gain so much and save lives at the same time. What is there to lose? FYI I am a 70-year-old woman, married, has children, and grandchildren and worked in the Real Estate industry until I retired. I am a very down to earth person, and have had a successful life.
Thank you for your consideration.
Cheryl in New York
Please forward this note to the Police Chief Dr. Turi.
Dear Sir (s), I have a nephew that is a Sheriff and another nephew that is a Firefighter. I have sent them information from Dr. Turi to make them aware of how intense/dangerous their jobs are during the Full Moon and especially when Pluto is around. Yes, it all sounds Greek, it did to me too, but I take the risk of them laughing at me for listening to the stars, if it will spare their lives. We have found no other way to combat the extreme amount of violence and deaths, have we? Dr. Turi has taught us what can happen during these times and how to possibly avoid it or be extra careful. The knowledge will not hurt any of you and will save lives. Please give Dr. Turi a try before you say that his knowledge will not help.
Sincerely, a student of Dr. Turi,
Dear Police personnel,
I’ve spoken to many police officers regarding the moon and its trends. And not a one officer will controvert that your crime goes way up in degree of severity and frequency in concurrence to the full moons and the immediate wax thereof. I”m not kidding, start watching the trends for yourself of waxing, waning and full moon, be mindful of when you do your transactions and chart just like a scientist the date results of all your major transactions to this moon trend. YOU will see and you will eventually start retooling your major transactions initiations, once you effect your own proof of how hellish it is when you don”t go by/plan by /transact by major lunar trending cycles as Dr. Turi teaches.
Hi Dr Turi regarding the Police;
Just wanted to acknowledge what a shame it is that more officers hadn”t heard your plea. Have a friend whose son is on LA PD and I told him weeks ago to tell his son to watch his back and every move etc. I even sent him a copy of my free newsletter that was your first “warning” newsletter. He was remarking tonight show “weird” it is that all these officers are being killed right now. I said,” Not weird REAL”.. Next time he won”t laugh at my weirdness. His son is safe so far….Be Well
Update 07-21/09 – Jennifer Morrill said Officer Marc DiNardo, who was wounded last Thursday *July 16th in a shootout, passed away Tuesday morning. This is the exact DAY or July 16th given for the Deadly Plutonic Window…
Dr. Turi,
Yes one of those officer”s from Jersey City Police, NJ are a cousin to one of my own brother officers, on the Lyndhurst Police Dept, NJ, who I have been the best of friends with him & his wife for years. His CAT scan as of today, his brain is dead. But he is breathing on his own. It”s so hard to get through on C2C, to do a worldwide prayer, for both of these Law Enforcement Officers, see below! Also another NJ Police Officer, from the Hasbrouck Heights Police Dept, is also in serious condition, after being run over, while doing a traffic detail, on NJ Route 17, since a new fast food place was opened, which is a Sonic Restraunt. Reports now, doctors are saying that this officer may not be able to walk again. PS – I know that you always look out for the law enforcement officers, on certain dates, and all of the dates that you give out, NJ seems to have casualties of police officers. NJ has been very hot with all of this negative energy, the last few months. I do spread your words to my officers, on a daily basis. I”m hoping for a promotion to Captain, sometime this summer.
Good Bless,
Lt ///// Lyndhurst Police Dept. NJ
Dr. Turi,
Thank you for these dates, for COPS, I will review it later on. Also Thanks for Your Guidance! Since these 16 Promotions of the Lyndhurst PD, NJ, on 09-1-2009 we have been out in Full Force, on all of our main roadways, enforcing Traffic & Safety Laws, and School Zones. We Are Watching Out for Our Younger Generation here. On the day of my promotion, I had a lot of Emptiness in My Heart, because of My Best Friend, in Life died on 9-11-01, at the WTC. I Miss Those Days, because we both would Guide One Another, during bad working conditions.
Your Friend,
Dear Paul: First my prayers are with you my friends and I can only admire your concern and bless your support. With your and other souls” help many more police officers in the future will benefit from knowing and respecting the Cosmic Code jurisdictions.
Blessings my friend…
Dr. Turi,
Police officer killed near Albuquerque while on a stake out at approx. 4 am while attempting to apprehend a man who for about 10 years had been terrorizing people in the area. Both the officer and the assailant were killed. The officer was a good solid police officer and family man who had been on the force a number of years. This story is quite big news here. I live in Santa Fe. Every time the Dragon”s Tail energy is in the air I feel it strongly. There is always an unusual tension. I feel “wired” and can see an intensified agitation in the people around me and in the situations they are in. I use quantum physics in my work and heal people around the world, so I am much more aware of the energies, even the most subtle ones as they change in the cosmos. The Dragon”s Tail is perhaps the most intense. Sincerely,
L//// Santa Fe, NM
Sad my friend very sad…had this soul knew about the *Deadly Plutonic Window and be more cautious on the given dates he may have spare his life. Thank you for the support.
MEMO – Deadly ”Plutonic Windows”
First hour guest, seer Dr. Louis Turi outlined four “deadly Plutonic windows,” upcoming dates where police officers and law enforcement (Coast To Coast Police Message #4) will be particularly vulnerable to violent activity from crazed individuals: April 10th, April 25th, May 8th and May 23rd, 2009.
“Knowledge is Power Ignorance is Evil. Ask And You Shall Receive”
Dr. Drew Versus Dr. Turi
Black Friday And The Cops
The FBI, Criminals and The Cosmic Code
Gary Andrew” suicide and the Cosmic Code
Jared Lee Laughner “The Mind Of A Killer”
Email me at or call 602-265-7667 for more information