“The universe is under no obligation to make any SPIRITUAL sense to anyone” Dr. Turi
“The universe is a DARK PLACE I’m trying to make it brighter before I die.” Neil DeGrasse
“The universe is a BRIGHT LIVING spiritual entity; I’m offering its secrets before I die.” Dr. Turi
The maximum concentrated cosmic energy of a window can last a few days centering the given date.
1 – 5/21/22 – The Keywords for the window are shocking news, surprises, sudden release of energy, earthquakes, explosions, nukes, cosmic news, and technology!
I am also expecting news from children / Teens –Deadly shooting at Texas elementary school 14 children 1 teacher dead – Some young adults consider moving back home with their parents amid rising rents –A 17-year-old boy died by suicide hours after being scammed. The FBI says it’s part of a troubling increase in ‘sextortion’ cases” – 2-year-old orders 31 cheeseburgers after mom leaves phone unlocked – and from Japan and /or France. “Are Japanese toddlers as independent as Netflix’s Old Enough portrays them?”
2 – 6/2/22 – The Keywords are the beginning and end of important phases of life, thousands of people forced to relocate, natural disasters, and a new life for many!
I mentioned in Frank’s show that those cosmic winds are universal and will touch every one of us, thus it is important to pay attention not only to the news but to what you and your friends are experiencing during any of my SOS windows…
3 – 6/10/22 – The Keywords are Russia, death, drama, secrets to light, wake-up calls, famous death, mass shooting, police dramatic deadly news, and wake-up call!
The reptilius effect will be very strong during those days! The same deadly cosmic winds produced the latest Buffalo market mass shooting, the Rodney King beating, the Chauvin murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, and endless negative news pertaining to police abuses and Ukraine war, etc.
6/10/22 SOS WINDOW #3
June 10 – // – // and (Starting on the given date, will last all the way to the next window)
Hidden secrets, sex, money come to light
Raw power challenges police deadly villains
Ugly face of death drama horror surface
Nature man’s religion bloody folly reign.
My windows depict the high probability of volcanic activity and earthquakes at or above 6.0
6/7/22 – 6.5 magnitude earthquake near Tarauacá, Acre, Brazil
Hidden secrets, sex, money come to light
6/10/22- Jan. 6 committee plays never-before-seen video footage
You must recall my warnings published in August 2021/2022 in my 2022 Nostradamus Forecast for all signs!
Memo: “To those of you who followed my predictions on my YouTube channel since the January 6 invasion of the US Capitol, I predicted that “All the people, directly or indirectly involved with the Trump “coup and lies” will not be able to escape the 2022 Scorpius Dragon and their karma!” This includes the President himself, all the people from all walks of life who worked hard to stop the truth I represent like my old good “friends” George and Tom who fired me from Coast to Coast am!” for accurately predicting Trump would not be reelected and Covid19 would kill thousands of people!”
A 10-year-old girl was arrested after police say she fatally shot a woman arguing with her mom
One dead, 30 injured after vehicle hits crowd near Berlin church
Memo from Nostradamus forecast for all signs: The reptilius are after Scorpio, Taurus, Government officials, and kids of all ages!
6/8/22 – Man arrested near Kavanaugh’s house charged with attempting to murder US judge
Former judge killed in a plot against government officials
Memo – “Avoid large gatherings especially at night during any of my 2022 deadly Plutonic windows!” The reptilius are after those born in November, May, the police, government officials, (Former judge killed in a plot against government officials – 6/8/22 – Man arrested near Kavanaugh’s house charged with attempting to murder US judge and children/teens! Policing will be so dangerous that many brave servants will quit and the number of cops getting killed or killing citizens will explode in the months to come. Infected criminals will get bolder and wilder committing crimes against the police and the public never experienced before!”
‘Mr. Reyes, what is going on?’ Uvalde teacher describes watching 11 of his students die in the classroom
Florida mother charged with manslaughter after her 2-year-old son fatally shot his father
Video shows a 12-year-old robbing a gas station, firing a gun
“The reptilius are after those born in November, May, the police, government officials, and children/teens! “
Government elites, the scientific, and religious communities, including all cosmic unconscious teachers and parents from all walks of life, are to blame for the epidemic of mass shootings, not the innocent children.
Furthermore, do you think it was an accident for all those deadly shootings to take place in schools? Maybe the children are subconsciously and desperately trying to reach their teachers for something so critical missing in the curriculum vitae? Much more in my upcoming YouTube video, join and don’t miss the real answers and vital solutions only a Soul Doctor can provide!
Nigerian forces hunt for gunmen who killed 50 at church
Three people killed in Virginia city beset by rash of shootings
No one is safe, not even in the house of God when the reptilius reign supreme! New gun laws while badly needed will never stop mass shootings, it’s a PSYCHICAL problem “Reptilus Effect – Universal Infestation” governments and rational medical experts from all walks of life could never accept nor assimilate!
10 US mass shootings over the weekend leave at least a dozen dead and over 60 injured
We are officially entering the 3 SOS to the world deadly window!
6/2/22 SOS WINDOW #2
May 2022 SOS to the world; deadly windows Posted by Dr. Turi on May 2, 2022, at 10:03am
6/2/22 (Starting on the given date, will last all the way to the next window)
Nature Men to Strike Hard
New Horizons Following Tragedy
Much to Fall Nothing Made to Last
Tears Pain Death A New Life for Many
America / New Beginning / Ending of important phases of life / War / Real Estate / Families Tragedies / Cancelation / End of life / Forced Relocation / Forced Actions / Man Destructive Actions / Deadly Weather / Natural Disaster / Deadly Emotions / A new Planned and/or Unplanned life For Many.
Memo – My windows always depict a high probability of volcanic activity and earthquakes, at or above 6.0
‘I couldn’t care less.’ What some young Britons think of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee – ENDING!
2016 – UK Referendum Prediction
The Death of the UK!
England/Royals Doomed!
The Stars and Fate of the Royal Baby and the UK!
Prince William Princess Catherine and the UK Fate
The majority of British people are living in serious poverty and depression many of them seek refuge through drugs, alcohol, and music. Saturn the Great depressive Malefic rules this country (abuse/power/powerful the supremely wealthy privileged select or the Royals and elites snobs/government) and with Pluto, in Capricorn, ALL of those powerful people and institutions (including Russia Olearks/Putin) will crumble to death!
The evangelical church faces a ‘state of emergency,’
For years I foresaw the end of the Royal Hierarchy and the church as we slowly move into the Age of Aquarius (Humanitarianism/one-world government /UFO’s/Universal care and love.)
And ALL of my visions for YOU personally and the world at large have been published to the public for years in my dozens of Nostradamus Personal and Universal Forecasts for all signs! Get it today for $5.00 and see what the stars have in store for the end of 2022.
Shakira announces split from partner of 12 years Ending?
Abbott restarts production of specialty formulas at Michigan plant Beginning?
US unleashes new wave of sanctions targeting Russia’s elites
Coast Guard Commandant Linda Fagan makes history as first woman to lead U.S. military branch
America’s last Howard Johnson’s restaurant has closed
American’s new bus service gears up for its big launch
My words on Frank’s Morano show were very clear! “During this window expect a new beginning/ending directly involving Russia!” Unless you listen to the show again and pay attention to the given dates and my words you have the right to be skeptical about my UFO’s predictive legacy! Indeed it is June 2nd and the Ending of important phases of life for many of Russia’s elites and their families!
Teen arrested for recruiting others for mass shooting, bombing at high school
Memo: I am also expecting news from children / Teens – Indeed this is SHOCKING, mind-boggling news, and the keywords “children / Teens” are appropriate! The same disturbing cosmic winds were in place with the predicted Sandy School shooting!
Biden admin cancels $5.8 billion in student loan debt for former Corinthian students
Pelosi says House will consider assault weapons ban legislation
House Democrats look to pass gun control legislation by early June
Multiple people dead in a mass shooting on Tulsa hospital campus
5/22/22 SOS WINDOW #1
May 2022 SOS to the world; deadly windows Posted by Dr. Turi on May 2, 2022, at 10:03am
Entrails Upset Spit Above
Red Fire Wind Water to Dance
Stars Command Shock Science
Calm Deception to Strike
Japan / Asia / China / France / Italy / Gold / Cosmic – Space News / Stars / NASA / Nukes / Nuclear / Freak / Bizarre / Unusual weird behavior-news / Space / Rocket / Missile / Surprises / Unexpected / Explosions / Shocking video / Stunning / Baffling / Incredible / Strange deadly Behavior / Awakening / Bombshell / Mind Boggling / Crazy / Lightning / Electricity / Fire / Unusual / Unexpected / Humanitarianism / Children / Teens / Unrest / Fascinating / Genius / Discovery / Very old – Very new / Invention / Science / Discovery / *Earthquakes (always at or above 6.0 / Tsunami / Typhoon / Hurricane / Volcanoes/ Tornadoes / Airports / Airline / Aeronautics / Planes/ Balloons / Helicopters / Drone / Technology / Hacking / Cyber attack / Internet / Electricity / Electronics / Television / UFO’s / Cosmic phenomenon
My windows always depict a high probability of volcanic activity and earthquakes, at or above 6.0
Calm Deception to Strike
5/26/22 M 6.2 – 38 km NE of Lospalos, Timor Leste
5/26/22 M 7.2 earthquake near Azángaro, Puno, Peru
5/23/22 – M 6.0 magnitude earthquake near Katsuura, Chiba, Japan
5/22/22 – M 6.3 – south of the Fiji Islands
5/21/22 – M6.1 mag earthquake near Bungahan, Calabarzon, Philippines
5/19/22 – M 6.9 – mag earthquake Macquarie Island region
Salvador Ramos reptilius Infected Born Killer Stars and fate!
NASA confirms it is joining the search for UFOs
No one can deny my words on Frank’s radio show!
Calm Deception to Strike!
The reptilius are against the children! Memo – I am also expecting news from children / Teens – Indeed this is SHOCKING, mind-boggling news, and the keywords “children / Teens” are appropriate! The same disturbing cosmic winds were in place with the predicted Sandy School shooting!
Entrails Upset Spit Above
5/21/22 – Europe’s tallest active volcano erupts lava into the night sky
Red Fire Wind Water to Dance
Crazy videos? Shocking? Surprises? Earthquake? Tornado? Shocking? Children? Teens? Technology? Aeronautics? Space News? Stars wars?
Half-naked mom saves goose from bald eagle
A Wisconsin couple survived after a bear charged through their window and attacked them
Woman dies in a skydiving accident in Georgia
Designer of ‘Star Wars’ Death Star dies
Justin Thomas admits he surprised himself with PGA win
Mercedes just sold the world’s most expensive car for $142 million
A 15-year-old suspect has been arrested in the shooting death of an 11-year-old girl in the Bronx
550-pound alligator goes for a dip in Florida family’s swimming pool
Paralyzed man uses microchip implanted in brain to drive race car
Saturn (restrictions/challenges/the great malefic) in Aquarius (technology/aeronautics) More in the video above!
Hear CEO admit Boeing ‘probably shouldn’t have’ made Air Force One deal with Trump
Space News
Precautions to take on Arizona’s lakes after the fifth death in 5 weeks at Lake Pleasant
The Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office says 32-year-old Tehanah Smith was hit by a boat propeller over the weekend. Her leg was amputated in that accident, and she later died. Lake officials like Heather Austin with Scorpion Bay Marina are hoping to help people understand a few precautions they can take ahead of going out to any of the lakes this summer.
If you watched and listened to my words in my YouTube video the warning involving my SOS to the world deadly window is very clear! Memo – “Mars the planet of (danger/machinery/accidents) is currently in the sign of Pisces (water/boating/drugs/alcohol) this means if you go to the lake drink and take chances Mars will kill you and they will find your body at the bottom of the lake!”
I am so sad because you are warned regularly yet, because of the fear of the RIDICULE, or religious poisoning not enough of you are sharing my critical cosmic wisdom.
And the results are dreadful. As mentioned in my video if you help me save only ONE life, it’s worth sharing! Imagine that! You could have saved a life, but now a mother is dead and the lives of her children, family, and friends will never be the same!
Sad enough, I do not expect science, religions, or the majority of “normal” people to even try to benefit from my visions!
“Let who ignore my warnings be cursed by the eternal rites of the cosmic code universal eternal ceremonies because God does not speak to fools.” Dr. Turi
PLEASE share my video above and share my work! Help me save lives!
ETS are not interested nor willing to explain their purposes on earth to the Army, the Navy, scientific elites, or government officials!
They are OBVIOUSLY much more interested in “normal” people like me who were born with a specific advanced spiritual set of stars! Indeed, ETs have lost the spirit, the soul, or something normal, rational, educated people cannot give them!
Meantime my UFO’s predictive legacy cannot be denied, that is if you paid attention to my well-documented, printed, published undeniable record of predictions.
Frank Morano N.Y. Radio Warning April 24 & 29 and May 15 SOS To The World DEADLY Windows
A month later the results of the May 15 warnings broadcasted on 4-19-22 are sadly quite obvious!
10 dead in a mass shooting at Buffalo supermarket
California churchgoers detained gunman in a deadly attack
3 shot outside Milwaukee Bucks game. Two hours later, 17 others are shot a few blocks away
Listen to the warnings and predictions on 4-19-22
Dear readers,
Yet with all the solid proof in hand, the “young souls” are unable or unwilling to accept my UFO’s predictive legacy! The problem with their denial is simple though, they do not read my newsletters and those critical, rational minds tend to spend more time on Tic Toc, watching sports, and listening to politics, instead of investigating my cosmic work!
So last night 5/20/22, I was once again on Frank Morano’s popular radio show with “an encore!” I also gave a SUPER DEAL for all Frank’s listeners interested in a Full Life Reading, a face-to-face live Zoom session, or any of my books and services on the air!
I gave Frank 3 new dates and offered my expectations… I will in time add the appropriate quatrain and keywords for each given window date! This is why it is important for the curious readers to come back often as I update this newsletter with my unfolding predictions. I also mentioned on the air to avoid large gatherings!
‘Personal conflict’ between groups preceded shooting that left 2 dead, 7 wounded in Chicago
1 – 5/21/22 – The Keywords for the window are shocking news, surprises, sudden release of energy, earthquakes, explosions, nukes, cosmic news, and technology!
Hubble identifies unusual wrinkle in the expansion rate of the universe
I am also expecting news from children / Teens –Deadly shooting at Texas elementary school 14 children 1 teacher dead – Some young adults consider moving back home with their parents amid rising rents –A 17-year-old boy died by suicide hours after being scammed. The FBI says it’s part of a troubling increase in ‘sextortion’ cases” – 2-year-old orders 31 cheeseburgers after mom leaves phone unlocked – and from Japan and /or France. “Are Japanese toddlers as independent as Netflix’s Old Enough portrays them?”
2 – 6/2/22 – The Keywords are the beginning and end of important phases of life, thousands of people forced to relocate, natural disasters, and a new life for many!
I mentioned in Frank’s show that those cosmic winds are universal and will touch every one of us, thus it is important to pay attention not only to the news but to what you and your friends are experiencing during any of my SOS windows…
3 – 6/10/22 – The Keywords are Russia, death, drama, secrets to light, wake-up calls, famous death, mass shooting, police dramatic deadly news, and wake-up call!
The reptilius effect will be very strong during those days! The same deadly cosmic winds produced the latest Buffalo market mass shooting, the Rodney King beating, the Chauvin murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, and endless negative news pertaining to police abuses and Ukraine war, etc.
Free your spirit with a live Zoom consultation with Dr. Turi? Read all the details!
Hidden Secrets Revealed UFO’s Astrology Cruise with Dr. Turi
Indeed, the rich will become poor and the poor will become richer in so many ways! The supremely wealthy Russian oligarchs who lost everything because of Putin’s karmic stars and horrific decisions/actions should ring a bell to the smart mind!
If you cannot afford my high prices for a live Zoom consultation, it may be a good idea for the smart and curious reader at least to invest in my 2022 Nostradamus Personal and Universal Predictions For All Signs and benefit from their natal dragons instead of suffering since knowledge is power and ignorance is evil!
Frank Morano N.Y. Radio Warning May 15 SOS To The World DEADLY Windows
in case you missed; DT’s radio show, from the other night; with Frank Moreno (77 WABC AM) Here’s the link:
Nostradamus 2022 Universal and Personal Forecast
Don’t start the year without it! Be smart, be wise, be warned!
Order your 2022 Personal & Universal Cosmic Biorhythms Dates
Would you trust a boat Captain or an airline pilot not to check the weather before taking you on a long journey? This is what we do with our daily guidance and various forecasts, every single day of the year we prepare you for the future so you don’t get stuck in airports or die on the way!
But be patient, a new UFOs/ET movie is being produced as we speak and on its way, for the public to enjoy! Once it’s ready it will be posted on my YouTube channel.
Sharing emails:
Good morning /evening Terania. It has been a long time since we chatted. Dr. Turi correctly predicted that I would have some issue with the head area. I have been having terrible headaches and the hospital has done some scans and they found some blood cloths which they say they need to operate on. I just need to find out if it is fine to operate within the next couple of days? Unfortunately, I need to find out pretty quick as they need to put my name down for surgery.b Kind regards
Thank you very much, Dr. Turi, for guiding me and advising me during our session on my chart and relocation follow-up… Once again, thank you beyond words for your incredible predictions, warnings, time-consuming and precious wisdom you’re offering and teaching all of us… ” I have been a VIP for many, many years…I’m not a Facebook poster but I make sure that people know about Dr.Turi’s work and his products, including videos/movies that can be watched exposing the truth on UFOs, books that are divinely written with a wealth of information and showing us the way; to regain the right Christ consciousness…You and Terania are trying to make this world a better and safer place within our impermanent life, thanks to your most accurate predictions, your words of inspiration, and all the healing knowledge you have been providing us with … Your cosmic biorhythm report is life-saving and great guidance… Because of your constant guidance and persistence in saving us and our beautiful and abundant planet in the most genuine way, you offer some hope and I’m humbly grateful and blessed for all you and Terania do…
With my best wishes always
Google User – Wow, Dr. Turi you predicted rightly about 1/6/2021, Dr. Turi. Your astrological report was the only and most accurate of all the ones done by other professionals on Coast to Coast am!
Congratulations for predicting things before anyone else has. A new story just broke in the NY Times that Donald Trump and his son-in-law Jared Kushner were laundering money for the Russians.
It may not be so long before we see the Presidents tax returns! Trump’s kids are also in trouble as you have pointed out. When the Dragon changes signs into Scorpio, Ivanka Trump, a Scorpio, will face Karma!
You are a true prophet!
On July 9, on C2C they have a man who says he is an astrologer. William Stickevers predicted last September on Coast that Trump would be re-elected and Republicans would win the House and Senate! George never mentioned any of that! Stickevers could not hold a candle to the incredible Dr. TURI!
I cannot believe George has this FRAUD on his show! You always said the IRS would nail Trump. Now it is starting… Well Done!
I know people who know George and, like Trump, a two-faced Gemini… I listen once in a while to the podcast the day after a show on Coast. The astrologers and psychics that he has had on since January are a joke.
None of the predictions ever happen!
Without your knowledge and wisdom, the show is an absolute joke!
Another psychic said war was imminent. I no longer bother to listen to Coast, if I am up late at night; driving home from Connecticut (part-time truck driver).
Please continue to provide your loyal followers with your remarkable predictions and insights into world events. I am forever grateful to you for your advice over the years.
Your greatest witness will be history.
Live long and continue to prosper!
Be Safe and God Bless.
Susan – I subscribed to Coast to Coast and I have heard you on Coast to Coast in the past. I recently found you on YouTube and I subscribed to your YouTube channel now. I no longer will listen to coast-to-coast your information is more credible than coast-to-coast. I had a coast insider subscription which I am now canceling. I am so disappointed they didn’t bring you on more. I’m saving up money so I can get a reading from you. keep the faith there are many people out there that need to hear what you have to say.
Jennifer – Dr. Turi I just saw you on the Amazon Prime movie today & KNEW you were the REAL DEAL!! Used to listen & support Coast to Coast. They lost all my respect and they have no integrity!! What a scam they ran on you!! I will support you, Dr. Turi!! I know you speak wisdom & truth!! I see what happened to you & it’s disgusting! And I hear your SOS loud & clear! May God continue to bless you & may His light continue to shine on you & your divine astrology.
Hidden Secrets Revealed UFO’s Astrology Cruise with Dr. Turi
Make sure to let Teraniapromodir@gmail.com know right away you will join us to reserve your seat at the live class.
Lisa Ryder