Cosmic consciousness is the awareness of a cosmic God speaking his divinity through the signs and use it wisely to serve humanity! ” Dr. Turi.
In this 2 hours-long radio-TV show I warned the audience about the high probability of a quake at or above 6.0 and as usual, my vision came to pass! On 11/22/2 a 6.1 magnitude earthquake hit Constitución, Maule in Chile. This show is also offering the readers a lot of explanations about ET’s, Astrology, and what the future holds for 2021.
Check my email exchanges with USGS!
Paranormal Central Atheist Little Brat intellectual battle with Dr. Turi “amusing!”
12/7/20 – Dr. Turi on Lorien Fenton Files
2/2/21 – Dr. Turi with Deborah Beauvais

11/10/20 – Dr. Turi on Jeff Mara Podcast – Another captivating, educational radio show!
The reptilius confine the human spirit into religions, entertainments, sports, porn, debauchery, gluttony imposing scientific and atheist convictions. All designed to further their agenda by nurturing endless fears, chaos, greed, discords, misinformation, conspiracies, and doubts. All they need is to steal your attention to stop your psychical awareness and limit your spiritual interaction against them!
Dear readers;
My latest SHOCKING SOS to the world’s deadly window has spoken it’s weird “How did Dr. Phil’s wife end up locked in the trunk of their car with him driving?“ ugly truth and the reptilius will take anyone as long as misinformation “Singer puzzles fans by appearing at awards show with bloodied, bandaged face,” confusion, chaos, drama, lies, abuses, greed, conspiracies, and death rule supreme in our society! “Young boy killed while answering knock at front door of home, police say”.
The GSA has informed the President-elect that the Trump administration is ready to begin the transition process – SHOCKING NEWS?
The entire world did not expect such shocking news to unfold that fast and it did during my window! There is no denying a real Modern Prophet! The world has been liberated from a President’s negative stars and America is about to regain its God imposed purpose to lead the world again!
Is this considered as SHOCKING? VIDEO: Woman knocks man to the ground, robs him of $7 dollars in the Bronx
Anything works as long as those nasty entities keep poisoning minds and maintain their scientific deceptive information “Jupiter and Saturn are about to do something not seen for nearly 800 years” and by killing or scaring people from all walks of life! ‘Death threats over a football game? Jesus you people need help,’
The bigger the lie the bigger the attraction and with this in mind, one can only wonder how far greedy, egocentric, deceptive, reptilius infected wealthy people will do to maintain control over a moronic unconscious mass of oblivious trusting people!
Please don’t fall for these types of lies, orchestrated by NASA and other elite/globalist groups, designed to take more of your donations and tax dollars. Their true purpose is to maintain people’s support (and their scientific, rich lifestyle) by luring gullible and suicidal souls to take a trip to Mars…
The Mars Cult Society A Deadly Proposition
One would have to pay me billions of dollars to be that stupid and believe in all that is posted on FB, Twitter, Instagram on popular on radio, TV, television, or the British tabloid paper the Sun! But the sad reality they are countless immature “young souls” who actually believe in conspiracies and this junk!
I support and admire science and can only hope the benevolent Draconis will stimulate the mind of our great scientists to build remarkable technology and use it to visit the marvel and immensity of the universe. Anything else like sending humans on Mars, Venus, or mining an asteroid for gold is total BOGUS!
The stars were created by God for the sole purpose of guiding humanity on earth something that has been transformed into HELL by the religious and scientific infected deceptive matrixes to control you!
Those corporations leaders are supremely wealthy, well organized, and own ALL news-media, they control ALL forms of information, and unless you share my cosmic work (and the undiluted truth) humanity is in for a tough ride and a sure course of self-destruction!
“Let those who ignore my warnings be cursed by the eternal rites of the cosmic code universal ceremonies for a cosmic God does not speak to fools.
I keep WARNING the world but who’s listening and helping us to build our first Astropsychology school? It is only when I see my first school operational that the blessings of the New Age of Aquarius will become a real possibility for humanity! In meantime, the reptilius are still stimulating the minds of our scientists to develop more deadly technology!
Pentagon develops self-guiding, ‘autonomous’ hypersonic weapons
The story below is the reason why God created the stars and the heavens and not for NASA scientists to keep wasting trillions in futile scientific endeavors when the rest of us are struggling to make a living!
The return of dogs to the White House feels magnificently American
Cats and dogs in time and space by Dr. Turi
It is only if I bring my cosmic wisdom back to you that you will slowly raise your own cosmic awareness… In many of my YouTube videos, newsletters, and this article about President Trump’s stars published 11/20/2019 I clearly explained both is Dragon’s Head and Tail…
Dragon’s Head 20Gem48 (1) (Self) I own the same talkative “hidden” dragon as Donald Trump, this is why I am an ADHD (gift of the genius!) write and, teach eternally. But my lucky Aries (mind leader) Dragon’s Head is a good aspect to Sagittarius and its ruler Jupiter. This means I can be as direct and obnoxious direct as Mr. Trump but I own cosmic consciousness, integrity, and know my limits.
This makes Donald Trump a talking machine unable to listen to others and, someone always active, physically, and intellectually. Those Mercurial winds he was born with are detrimental because of the location of his natal Dragon’s Tail. The problem is repetition and not being able to crystallize the thought process.
A perfect position for “adaptation” in any speaking engagements when needed where the truth doesn’t really matter. The moon represents the domestic scenery, the base of operation, family affairs and she is located on the Dragon’s Tail (negative) of Trump thus, there is no “connection” nor even a drive to own a pet!
Update – 10/22/2017 Trump family breaks with White House pets tradition
“A magnet will not attract a piece of wood reader, thus like Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani is also a DUAL Gemini, “Lord of the Thieves!”
Giuliani’s Moon (emotions) is located in the sign of Leo (ego) and his stellium (many planets in egocentric Leo) depict a constant drive for the limelight! His lucky head of the Dragon in Cancer (America July 4th, 1776) he was thrown by his stars to the stage of light and did very well as a leader during the predicted 911 crisis!
Sad enough Giuliani’s nasty Dragon’s Tail is located in the cold, calculated political sign of Capricorn (like Hitler) and depicts why he has been so unlucky trying to help President Trump’s political conspiracy masquerade! In fact, Rudy Giuliani’s stars are detrimental not only to Trump’s legal representation but also to his finances (IRS!) And this lack of cosmic awareness would cost both men a lot (jail!)
Remember when you elect a President you WILL experience his fate!
Dragon’s Tail 20Sag48 (7) (public life/others/partners) Sad enough Donald Trump’ Sagittarius unrefined Dragon’s Tail is spoiling, tarnishing his public image with emotional remarks about racism, “Angela Merkel on Germany shooting that killed 9: ‘Racism is poison” religions, “Protesters Dispersed With Tear Gas As Trump Visits Church” education, colleges, universities, schools, (your kids stuck at home) “U.S. colleges struggle to salvage fall semester amid COVID” foreign affairs, foreigners, minorities and he is very unlucky with the law. 11/14/20 – (Giuliani) Trump’s legal absurdities force more Republicans to speak out, “Trump had a very bad Friday in court with his election cases. They’re headed for more action next week.”
Again readers learn more about the stars and what I can do for you if you decide to meet me live on Zoom!
“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that; we may live a safer more productive life.” Paracelsus
Again I do not think the “educated Idiots” atheists or religious fanatics could ever grasp the incredible values of the old science of Nostradamus’ Divine Astrology but many of my readers are catching up with the truth! But not all scientists were born to stay morons…
“Dr. Turi, I have learned more about what it means to be human in your week-long crash course in Sedona than the 7 years I spent in an accredited college.” Dr. in Psychiatry student feedback.
Hippocrates II was a Greek physician of the Age of Pericles and is considered the most outstanding figures in the history of medicine.
While “ALIEN CONTACTEE” is still doing extraordinarily well, I foresee the ratings of the new movies will surpass the first one! Please click on “Divine Astrology” to watch the movie, then click on the 5 stars and give me your honest feedback reader! You may also rate the movie from IMDb
Amazon Prime new documentary: Nostradamus’ Divine Astrology
ANOTHER documentary is being produced where I perform a live Full Life Reading, for the Director and it is on its way! Both new documentaries will also be translated into many languages!
Dr. Turi Amazon Prime UFO movie rebuttals
Moderna’s coronavirus vaccine is 94.5% effective
To those who do not know… In many of my videos on YouTube, a while back I clearly said, “When you elect a President the people under his command are forced to suffer is stars, his fate and, endure his idiosyncrasies *conspiracies *Covid 19! Once removed from power WE the people will not have to suffer his stars (the wall/Virus) any longer!” But are you ready for the stars and fate imposed by President elected Joe Biden and Kamala Harris?
I also predicted that this reptilius curse will end in early 2022! One of my visions has again spoken and proved me right with this great medical announcement so many of us were waiting for!
Learn more about your President UCI outside of conventional psychiatry!
I am a Gemini, I’ll make your head spin!
Posted to the world on
, 2015Prepare Month of Blooming June icy *December
White Moon Ninth Day Speak
Evil Spirit of Hitler Legacy Challenged
Cosmic God May (DID/MAY) Grace Humanity
I gave the month of December, for Trump to exit the White House, which also reflects the accuracy of a quatrain, I wrote 5 years ago!
The world’s largest wetlands are on fire. That’s a disaster for all of us
The world watched as California and the Amazon went up in flames this year, but the largest tropical wetland on earth has been ablaze for months, largely unnoticed by the outside world.
From Coast to Coast website: 10/16/2019 – Turi also made predictions for this year and the next based on his study of astrology, saying that for the rest of 2019, political events and relationships will “go downhill,” and that there will be a “full restructure” of many groups*Antifa? and institutions in 2021.*POLICE?*Supreme Court of the United States? He also said that he is expecting “a lot of fire” and “a lot of wildlife to disappear.”
I made those predictions (and some) last October 2019 on Coast to Coast am with George Noory!
Mamacrow – Thank you for this excellent report… Thank you again. Fantastic! I WAS a Hogue subscriber… WAS.
The magical power of talismans
Get the new 2021 Nostradamus Dragon Forecast For All Signs from Paypal or ORDER from my website
How will the new 2021 cosmic winds affect your life and all the people you care about? Find out and have a winning edge on your future by using Nostradamus 16th century Divine Astrology! You may also put your hand on the 2020 version for only $5.00 and check how the rest of the 2020 cosmic winds will affect your life.
“If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!” Nostradamus
Since I hurt my back OTR for FedEx I can not drive long distances anymore and I am now open to take care of many of you. But if you want to avoid paying a fortune to meet me live on Zoom, show you real support for my cosmic work and become a VIP or a Patreon first to save a lot of money! You may also email teraniapromodir@gmail.com if you want to become a student or need more information!
MEMO – “Interesting email from my Webmaster Alan sent in 2010: You know Dr. Turi I realized something super interesting looking at your Alexa stats. A third of all your traffic comes from India. What’s that about? Maybe you need to make a trip to India? I tell you why I think that’s super interesting as well — India (as OF COURSE, you know) invented Vedic Astrology so the fact that they are heavily interested in your European style is a huge testament to your work. It’s like they’re saying that YOUR astrology is better than their own. It’s like if I had a new Cuisine/US Chef site that was visited mostly by France and Italy. That’s a huge compliment, my friend. Unless of course they’re stealing your work and retrofitting it into their Vedic style! You never know! Alan
Hitler was born with the same astrological configuration as Trump and feared power and wealth! He was able to “hypnotize” his base first then forced the entire German population to submit with his passionate hatred speeches.
The new “2021 Nostradamus’ personal & universal predictions“ updated e-book version is now ready to purchase. The long series of predictions for 2021 is something you must be aware of and prepared for and use to your advantage. The exact date to when the world will finally be free from COVID19 and other critical visions is also offered to my trusting readers. You may also put your hand on the 2020 version for only $5:00 and check how the rest of 2020 cosmic winds will affect your life.
Please pass on my newsletters to the world and help bring true cosmic wisdom, to this world.
Blessings to all
Dr. Turi
A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”
You may be interested in mastering Nostradamus natural healing section, the supra-conscious, the Astro Tarot, or serve others as a professional psychic/divine astrologer!
Learn about the medical Aspect of Nostradamus divine astrology
The 16 online MP 3 files, covers a full week of tuition where previous students spent a full day mastering the cosmic code secrets in Sedona. But we also understand that; $1050 for the full course with all the books and materials included is a lot of money to invest for some of you.
So, if you decide to proceed at your own pace and at your own time to learn about God’s cosmic design, the signs accurately and make accurate predictions the way we do… As well as prepare, for any future, live class –
We can offer you a SUPER DEAL, for half price, as a limited time offer and as an expression – Of our gratitude...E-mail: teraniapromodir@gmail.com
Terania will then e-mail you the material you need… Such as the e-Books, which are important to read before listening to your MP 3’s and should help one to learn about the basics of divine astrology… She will also e-mail you the latest course printouts, planets/symbols, and 150 questionnaire exams.
The second half is that of the Astropsychology software (7 Programs and compatible with MAC and WINDOWS)
Using modified software I designed and like the one used by NASA, this approach can be appropriately applied for all types of navigation, as it is by its use of the unique monthly housing system- Which is how we plot the cosmic repetitive pattern of the stars and combine it with my astrological wisdom and intuition, that has proven him to be unarguably accurate…
If you take the time to decipher the quatrains and keywords, which are taking the color of the endless news that has been plaguing humanity; the timing is there. Indeed, before then, I used to read charts or “ephemeris” but knew something was not right and changed modern astrology to Astropsychology.
There is more power in the dragon alone than the entire complexity of an astrological chart!
The prediction for “A new Lung disease and a serious respiratory problem” was first issued in August 2019 in my published ebook and again on January 3rd, 2020 in “Axis of Evil – Winds of death upon America 2020 Coast to Coast am Predictions Recap.”
Nostradamus 2020 Universal and personal predictions for all signs.
Get your copy right away read what’s ahead of you!
Prediction #12: New regulations imposed by the FAA and a lack of scared travelers will force the entire aeronautics industry to undergo a costly restructure and many airlines “Aviation outlook deteriorating due to virus, travel restrictions: Airbus exec.” and cruise ships will not survive. “Cruise ships were torn apart after coronavirus sell off“
Prediction #1: Indeed, lung cancer or a new lung respiratory disease will plague the victims of an infected scientific community. In the process, the wildlife (and our pets) will also suffer drastically and perish. Those dramatic news stories reflect the endless battles taking place between the nefarious and benevolent groups of ETs fighting each other from far away galaxies cursing all humans’ affairs.
Prediction #9: Americans are also taking serious risks traveling on foreign grounds and I strongly recommend those who must travel or reside in foreign countries, to invest in their2020 Personal Cosmic Biorhythms.
Dr. Turi’s Books and Products:
Cosmic Code VIP Membership – Pick your price and duration! Thank you.
Become a Patreon, show your support for our cosmic work! Thank you.
2019 Nostradamus Personal and Universal Predictions For All Signs
2020 Nostradamus Personal and Universal Predictions For All Signs
Astro-Carto-Graphy Relocation Reading $210 or $150 for VIP’s
2020 Positive Cosmic Biorhythms Personal Reports $100 for VIP’s
The Magical Power of Talismans $350 for VIP’s – (E-mail: teraniapromodir@gmail.com for a SUPER DEAL!)
Astropsychology home course $1050 or ($525) for VIP’s
Dr. Turi TOP service – Personal live Skype consultation $700 or $300 for VIP’s
Taped full life reading $310 or $210 for VIP’s
Taped comparison chart $410 or $210 for VIP’s
Taped progressive reading $250 or $200 for VIP’s
12/31/19 – Half a billion animals perish in bushfires
Kangaroos fleeing fires went to a golf course for sanctuary. It turned into a killing field
07/07/20 – 365 Elephants Died in Botswana. The Cause Is a Mystery
10/08/20 –At least 8,000 mink dead in Utah after contracting Covid-19
Yet dear readers, unless you read my 2020 Nostradamus Dragon forecast published in August 2019 there will always be doubts about all my claims!
10/30/20 Philippines orders evacuation as world’s strongest typhoon of 2020 approaches
10/26/20 Irvine, California, issues evacuation order to about 60,000 people as Silverado Fire spreads
10/26/20 Louisiana must prepare for Zeta while still recovering from two hurricanes – Prediction
10/25/20 Irvine, California, issues evacuation order to about 60,000 people as Silverado Fire spreads
10/25/20 Colorado wildfires force closures of national forests’unprecedented and historic’ conditions
10/18/20 – Evacuations ordered in Colorado and Utah as crews battle new blazes
A rare ‘firenado‘ is spotted near a blaze in California
Bobcat Fire becomes one of largest in LA County history, whips up ‘smokenado‘
Dozens dead, thousands flee their homes, entire towns destroyed in wildfires across the West