March 21st, 2019
GRAPHIC PIC: Newborn has partially developed twin removed from abdomen
Dear readers;
There are hundreds of names created by humans’ fruitful imagination to “classify” those entities, and to avoid more confusion, I use only two versions, the “Fallen Angels” and the “Guardian Angels” and both can have wings if you chose to see them this way!
In reality both groups have their own agendas, one is to promote and protect humanity (the Draconis, the light, or positive, God) the others the reptilius, the darkness or negative, evil) to destroy the human race! Incidentally, all the people I ever met always associate the malicious “Draconian” with the benevolent group of ET’s named “the Draconis.” Its all about what they read, watched or heard before meeting me and today’s video below will explain a little more!
A Powerful Message To The World
The upcoming, October 2019 promises to be quite phenomenal and very unique as I intend to prove my direct connection with “Draco” by inducing the attendance in a light hypnotic trance to reach and feel the Draconis and finally prove my claim. When you join, please mention my name to get priority in the front row.
The Uranic and Neptunic cosmic winds of October 6th to 13th will be exceptionally strong and perfect for what I intend to do and SHOCK all attendees, including all popular UFO’s speakers. I am very strongly advising you to join us for this unique experience and share an incredible repertoire of wisdom and information shared from us all… I will, in time, elaborate on those October 2019 cosmic winds something you will find very educational…
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GRAPHIC PIC: Newborn has partially developed twin removed from abdomen
Indeed, in this case, the reptilius are infesting the womb of countless of young, oblivious mothers who use or abuse alcohol including legal or illegal drugs! Yet an innocent sick mother purchasing a behind the counter “safe” cold medicine has no clue that she has just opened a dark door to a reptilius abduction and her unborn child suffered genes ‘ mutilation!”
A multitude of diseases such has autism, down-syndrome etc. including Gender dysphoria are names created by our infantile “educated” scientific community unable and unwilling to assimilate such a far fetched, none less very real, cosmic phenomenon.
ET’s experiments does not stop inside of a space ship like it happened to my ex wife’s fetus above the Los Angeles sky! Watch the video hear the incredible story to what happened to us that day!
Who are the Draconis and the Reptilius?
Note also NO ONE has ever and will never turn into a “lizard” and this includes powerful people like the Queen of England or infamous politicians such a Donald Trump! Yet ALL human beings from all walks of life, rich or poor, smart or idiots of all races! Particularly our President is obviously infected!
The infestation start and finish within the realm of the spirit, its a PSYCHICAL THING only! It is stimulated by the endless human sins, gluttony, sex, power, greed, misinformation, religions, conspiracy, chaos, leading to the ingredient the reptilius need most to survive in dark matter, FEARS!
Yet, I saw a flying saucer hovering less than 30 feet above our car on earth, dealt with three ET’s/MIB physically in the French Alps, so how do they do it and avoid the complex problem of anti matter?
All ET’s, good and bad are cosmic conscious and know all about the Cosmic code jurisdictions, much like you MUST know the rules of the road to drive safely! The “surgery” can only be done in their ships when the cosmic winds are appropriately safe for them to do so or psychically from distance if at all possible.
Both, the nefarious reptilius and the benevolent Draconis endlessly “stimulate” the creativity of scientists and the results can be deadly (nukes/poison) Johor chemical pollution crisis worsens; 207 sickened by toxic fumes or very productive, especially in the world of technological advances and modern medicine.
Shocking ‘Terminator-like’ liquid metal developed by scientists
There are sure ways to protect yourself from the reptilius and your first critical action is to acknowledge their presence. Secondly refuse categorically any form of negativity and prolonged fears. Your will, or the part of God in you is stronger than the stars and those entities, but if you know nothing about them or refuse to deal with their reality and their agenda, you are an open target!
In extreme cases, the only way to fight the reptilius is by ordering a live Skype reading that MUST be taped for all teachings of the Universal Laws varies with people or by ordering one of my tailored protective talisman!

I am glad to be able to offer my cosmic wisdom in all events I will attend in the future when my hip and back are fixed!
The question remain, what did you offer the world today my friend. I am asking you to offer my benevolent cosmic wisdom and share all that you learned with all the people you talk to everyday, so events like Beyond The Matrix” in Sedona can keep growing for the sake of humanity!
The Age of Aquarius is now upon us, and this “electronic” Age of Truth” is accelerating drastically and you must become a part of the solution by sharing information. This is something the higher force is dictating you to perform for the wellness and progress of the human race and the well being of our planet!
Once again join my You tube channel videos and read the results of my SOS to the world deadly windows… And most of all, share my cosmic work widely!
George Noory and Dr. Turi on Coast To Coast AM March 28th 2019
Come and drink at the source of all wisdom
If you are one of those rare spiritual human beings in the ocean of life looking for my uplifting spiritual hook, and interested in learning more about the Cosmic Code, God’s cosmic divinity, Astroforensics, or Astropsychology, just ring the bell! We will open the door of a new world above for you to join our VIP’s in our Cyber Cosmic Code University! All the answers to what it means to be human and so much more is awaiting you!
Dr. Turi
Cosmic Code VIP Membership $10
2019 Nostradamus Personal and Universal Predictions For All Signs –$10
Astro-Carto-Graphy Relocation Reading $210 or $150 for VIP’s
2019 Positive Cosmic Biorhythms Personal Reports $100 for VIP’s
The Magical Power of Talismans $350 for VIP’s
Astropsychology home course $1050 or ($525) for VIP’s
Dr. Turi TOP service – Personal live Skype consultation $700 or $350 for VIP’s
Taped full life reading $310 or $210 for VIP’s
Taped comparison chart $410 or $210 for VIP’s
Regular psychic reading $150 by phone only – Same as Full Life Reading for VIP’s
Taped progressive reading $210 $150 for VIP’s
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