December 14, 2018
Like Nostradamus, Dr. Turi was born and raise in Provence France. World famous and celebrity Astrologer, Dr. Turi is a captivating UFO’s speaker, author of many books and his profound Universal Wisdom continues to astonish everyone. He was recognized in the 2003 Marquis “Who’s Who in America.” Dr. Turi counseled people from all walks of life including many celebrities such as Ivana Trump, Peter Fonda, Gary Busey, Denis Haysbert, John Gray and David Icke to name a few. He appeared on the BBC in London and has appeared in countless radio and television programs worldwide. He channels an ET entity named Draco and speaks of his five UFO’s incredible experiences. Dr. Turi spent the last 35 years teaching the great Seer’s cosmic and natural healing work, the mighty secrets of the Supra-conscious in time and space and its interaction with the “Universal Code.” He also warns the world with undeniable well documented undeniable predictions.
The FBI visited Dr. Turi Twice, following accurate Terrorists Attack Predictions
Dr. Louis Turi Top Presentations in
Like the great Prophet Nostradamus Dr. Turi was born and raised in Provence France. He spent the last 35 years rekindling the Seer’s rare natural Healing secrets , rare disciplines and it’s incredible spiritual therapeutic values. Dr. Turi is a cancer survivor!
Lecture title: Dr. Turi’s fifth kind UFO’s experiences
I am Alien, the final Revelation
A Powerful Message To The World
FBI visited Dr. Turi again, following Paris Terrorists Attack Prediction
Lecture title: Introducing the Divine Splendor of God Cosmic Design
Workshop title: The Power to Create your reality
“Super-Conscious – Healing The Body Mind and Soul”
Your future is nothing else than the reincarnation of your thoughts – You were born at the image of God and with the power to create your own reality! The positive inserted suggestions will be sealed within the depth of your subconscious and will open the golden door to a much more positive attitude towards life in general and your own future. An experience you will never forget for as long as you live! And its only when the student is ready that a rare teacher will appear! Using your own super-conscious creative forces, the golden gate to a much more exciting, healthier and productive life will be offered to you. After this light hypnotic safe session, you will become much more aware of what the principle involving consciousness and what creating your own future with your thoughts is all about! Miracles do happen, I will guide you to make yours become a reality!
The inserted suggestion will undoubtedly bring about one of your most cherished wishes and open the gate to “Beyond The Secret”.
The event is advertised on many radios. TV’s and read worldwide in cosmic code newsletters.

The good news is; Dr. Susan Shumsky is a powerful channel of the divine and when I checked the stars for this trip at sea, I was happy to acknowledge those future cosmic winds as protective, progressive and a rare blessing for the attendance. Indeed the dates she picked are nothing less than a divine cosmic Revelation. This confirms her psychic power is real and like mine, should be heeded.
Once arrived at the pyramids, I asked everyone to stand bare foot on the weathered stones to regenerate their chakras from the magnetic field of the earth. See the glowing result enveloping my body when I developed this picture… Explanation of the Mayan Calendar (only VIP’s can read this article – Join us. )
Also do not expect NASA and the scientific community to explain what the reptilius agenda is all about when they are clueless of the spiritual values involving our own solar system and the rest of the cosmos!
Bizarre ‘Dark Fluid’ with Negative Mass Could Dominate the Universe
It’s embarrassing, but astrophysicists are the first to admit it. Our best theoretical model can only explain 5 percent of the universe. The remaining 95 percent is famously made up almost entirely of invisible, unknown material dubbed dark energy and dark matter.
Once more readers, the reptilius travel in time and space through black holes into countless of dimensions. They resides in “Dark Matter” and can only survive with your negativity. If you have a radio to TV show contact me at and help me educate the masses of this incredible but real phenomenon.
Greetings VIP’s and the general public,
Join us and many others top UFO’s researchers. Note also, I will do healing and 60 mn taped Full Life Readings on the ship and offer SERIOUS DISCOUNTS to those who joined me in this cruise. A top session cost $700 you will pay only $200.00 (save $500.00)
A homeopathic natural healing session coast $1000 you can get it for only $300.00 (save $800.00) and you are well advised to reserve your spot by emailing me at
If you decide to join us for another incredible experience, make sure to mention my name Dr. Turi to Dr. Shumsky (760-230-5624) and tell her why you want to be part of this phenomenal upcoming cruise. You can also email her directly if you prefer ~
You must also phone Adele at 760-230-5624 and let her know you learned about this event trough Dr. Turi to get your discount and benefit from the healing and the taped readings sessions I will perform on the ship after my UFO’s talk!
I am excited to invite you at attend an outstanding event where I will be a presenter. I would like for you to join me on an amazing “UFO Cruise” and Seminar-at-Sea, coming up October 6 to 13, 2019, sailing from San Diego CA to the awe-inspiring beauty of the Mexican Riviera: Cabo San Lucas, Mazatlan, and Puerto Vallarta.
Check out the website
Join with Like-Minded Souls in the Experience of a Lifetime
Explore “the truth that’s out there” on our amazing UFO Cruise and Seminar-at-Sea, which takes place right on board an extraordinary, cruise ship during a seven-day cruise, in conference rooms on the ship, and during port calls in the Mexican Riviera. Join us!
During this truth-telling, enriching, event, we will unearth the truth about the UFO cover up, and we will explore the possibility of disclosure with some of the most respected researchers, authors, teachers, speakers, intuitive counselors, healers, contactees, abductees, and spiritual teachers on the planet.
This cruise will not only uncover the lies. It will show you the truth. As we dispel the darkness, and shine the light of wisdom, we enter the true light of consciousness.
And we are set free.
ALL are welcome to discover the real truth, together.
On the UFO Cruise:
– Join us on an incredible cruise as we sail to beautiful fun-filled tropical ports.
– Be a part of a holistic conference at sea, with famous researchers, investigators, and whistle-blowers.
– Visit fascinating sites and enjoy amazing shore excursions unavailable elsewhere.
– Enjoy fun in the sun on pristine beaches and marvel at native wildlife and sea-life.
– Enjoy veg, non-veg, vegan, gluten-free, or raw food on a ship that boasts some of the best gourmet meals at sea.
– Practice yoga if you wish, and participate in awesome, mind-expanding workshops and activities.
– View the starlit sky with a nightly UFO Starwatch.
– Make new friends, gain greater knowledge and wisdom, and create memories that last a lifetime.
– Enjoy 7 days of bliss and awakening, as we sail into the truth that sets us free.
See you on the ship!
Love and light and blessings to all
Dr. Turi
November 11th, 1981 – 10-15 PM South of France
IMPORTANT NOTE: This seminar-at-sea does not promote any particular religious belief or creed. It is about developing your own inner knowing of truth.
NOTE: Please , if you decide to join us for another incredible experience, make sure to mention my name Dr. Turi to Dr. Shumsky (760-230-5624) and tell her why you want to be part of this phenomenal upcoming cruise. You can also email her directly if you prefer ~
Join thousands of VIP’s on the cosmic code ASAP ITS FREE. Get this type of newsletters directly in your mail box from mine, join us!
Be part of this cosmic movement and show your support for humans, nature, its wild life and our oceans. I have the ONLY solution to beat the reptilius’ agenda and if you did not yet, please listen to this you-tube radio show and share this newsletter.
You will become a VIP only when you are ready and read non publicized Cosmic Code Newsletters, our solid guidance and prediction for 2019 – As soon as you become a Cosmic Coder you will enjoy more of my educational material. A real spiritual Master is a very rare thing join the world, be warned!
Dr. Turi
Come and drink at the source of all wisdom
If you are one of those rare spiritual human beings in the ocean of life looking for my uplifting spiritual hook, and interested in learning more about the Cosmic Code, God’s cosmic divinity, Astroforensics, or Astropsychology, just ring the bell! We will open the door of a new world above for you to join our VIP’s in our Cyber Cosmic Code University! All the answers to what it means to be human and so much more is awaiting you!
The Magical Power of Talismans!
Feed the earthy matrix or free your spirit with Dr. Turi