Jordan Maxwell Versus Dr. Turi, David Icke the Truth Shall Set You Free!


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April 2020 SOS to the world, deadly windows Posted by Dr. Turi on March 30, 2020, at 8:30 pm in VIP universal – daily forecasts.

Dear readers;

As a man of integrity, I will always mention the names of those who have taught me in life and Jordan Maxwell is one of those wise souls… And I will also expose anyone’s errors using Nostradamus’ work to make a living i.e. “Coast to Coast am, Nostradamus, John Hogue, Uri Geller and Dr. Turi.”

And yes Jordan you are right, as you repeated a few times on all your radio shows, your “old” friend Dr. Turi, who’s is the only one who practices Nostradamus Divine Astrology,  predicted the Coronavirus pandemic last August 2019! And those who do not believe me get the deal! 


When you purchase the 2020 version get the 2019 version FOR FREE!  If you already purchased the 2020 version and want 2019 forecast you can have it for only $5:00 use PayPal pls. All you have to do after your order is to email and request your copy for 2019.

If you are a Patreon supporter make sure to read all the critical details “Do and DONT” so you can cruise through those deadly cosmic winds safely! 

Yes, my vision of a worldwide Universal infection and my prediction of the Coronavirus did not start in August 2019 when I made it official and published it in “2019/2020 Nostradamus Forecast for all signs!”  my friend… The question remains did you get your copy and read what’s ahead of you? The reptilius are saying NO don’t get there instead be in denial so we can survive in Dark Matter with your fears!

During the Dark Ages, the greatest astrologer of all times, Nostradamus– had to be cautious of the Inquisition which he narrowly escaped several times. Yet the church, behind the inquisition (and many other powerful organizations today), had knowledge of the stars and used astrology. You won’t be taught this in Sunday school! Those great pictures are from my good friend Astro-theologist Jordan Maxwell–Dr. Turi

Sad enough some of my students could not care less about decency, my intellectual property and stole every single advertising words I wrote to promote their own business! David Icke is one of those infected souls who used the books I generously gave him every year to re-invent himself but he never ever mentioned my name! Enjoy more facts readers…“David Icke, Godhead Reptilius Human Slave.”

“And I am convinced those learning from any of my students will never, EVER get full cosmic consciousness or a solid reflex without my legitimate cosmic teachings without my guidance! Even my artwork is used without asking for my permission! But since ultimately my goal is to promote cosmic consciousness and Divine Astrology to the world, I decided not to sue the many perpetrators…


On to the facts,  read those exchanges readers please, and be sure Emy is not the first person to ask me this question… 

Alice/////Dr.Turi – what happened? Did you talk to Jordan Maxwell today ?? Or its somebody else.

Nostradamus Method — Jordan Maxwell

Emil PinetoWikipedia Dr.TuriDear Dr, Turi  I noticed your post on Jordan Maxwell Show Jordan tried to promote Joe Dombrovski as an astrologer, even though Joe is using your methods without any deep personal knowledge as Joe is a charlatan compared to you.



Dear Jordan Maxwell customers and fans,

We are writing this to inform you, and respond to, an alarming number of email complaints we have received where individuals are upset because, and I quote from an email, ” . . . at the lack of authenticity, accuracy, and credibility of Joe Dombrovski (the astrologer)”.

Please note, and/or its affiliates are NOT associated, promote or agree with, and would never recommend anyone to, the above-mentioned individual, Joe Dombrovski.

Furthermore, we have never recommended anyone to the above-mentioned individual and would NOT seek their advice.

We understand that astrology can be a great asset and tool for self-discovery, so for those who are interested in a personal astrology reading and/or advisor, please contact the best in the business – and the ONE AND ONLY who discovered knows and practices the Nostradamus Method of astrology, Dr. Louis Turi –

For the safety and protection of you, and our customers & friends, please be proactive and forward this disclaimer to anyone you know who could potentially be affected.

I would like to offer a free gift (downloads below) to those who have sustained an injury, and I would personally like to offer my deepest apologies on behalf of everyone at

Thank you,

Team JM.

And when my own readers confronted them with the truth, it created the right response from my student Joe. And as a true Scorpio, the truth matter to him too! I did not want to bring this to the public since the truth is not only obvious but publicized (above) all over the Internet but now, the public must know what’s going on.

Hi Louis,

It’s Joey Domnbrovski –  Jordan Maxwell is not happy with you.  Jordan is publicly pitching me as doing the Nostradamus method of doing the stars. I’d like to publicly say I studied with you BUT, Jordan is not happy with you. That’s between you and Jordan. Portland, December 2001 Class;  I am the tall guy on the right side of the picture,
I always tell Jordan Louis is my friend, and anyone who asks me where I learned the stars, I tell them I studied with you, Dr. Turi. who resurrected the way Nostradamus did the stars.  Then I send them to you to study with: you.

So, Louis, if you hear anything publicly from Jordan about how unhappy he is with you, THAT IS NOT MY WISH. I hope you understand, Louis.  I’m grateful for what you taught me about the stars. 


 joey d.
The video below will tell you much more about this situation and also how much I love and respect Jordan!
Sharing emails… 
What happened to my student Joe “the Scorpio?” Speaking about the Moon? His words are totally outside of what I taught him – I teach all my students NOT to pay too much attention to degrees, and miss the forest for the trees! Joe did exactly that in this show… But when the students start challenging the teacher they are now ready to move on with their own “teachings.” 
 What stirred my friend Jordan Maxwell to promote a student of mine in his radio shows is something I may be forced to divulge publicly and Jordan will have a hell of a lot of hatred for me if I do so!  
He is is the FIRST one to say David Icke stole his work (mental property) when I know for sure  David actually did so over the years with mine too! Jordan and Joe are much too obvious with my work and got Alice, all my students, and clients that heard all of my teachings to take this too seriously.  But they are mad because Dr. Turi’s name has not been mentioned a single time in his many shows. 
How can I keep email private when greed and misinformation reign and when misleading their listeners on the basis of Astrology? Jordan is a very gifted man in astrotheology but all BOTH are saying is all I taught them over the years… Sad enough while there is a lot of truth in Jordan’s teachings but when it comes to Nostradamus,  this is ALL my work! 
Note about his comment on Hitler losing the war… Had Hitler had me as his personal astrologer I can guarantee you, all the world would speak German today! Then again, even Hitler thought he knew better in the misuse of his own UCI and all of his astrologers had to suffer a terrible demise.
Gee, all my quotes were used in this show…


I consider Jordan Maxwell to be someone of little consequence who has nothing much to say or teach. He claims to be from the line of Moses, which I find dubious at best and some of his tails I find fishy. I don’t trust him nor subscribe to his viewpoint. Dr.Turi, on the other hand, is the other end of the spectrum, I find him to be worthy of my time and subscription fees! ;-P With only cosmic knowledge to share. that is my personal ‘opinion’.

DT- Thanks for the support Rachel, but Jordan has taught me a few important things when we were friends but with the tail of the dragon in his subconscious he is going out of order… Regardless of how he treats me I still have respect for his Astrotheology wisdom… Rest assured he did learn a lot from me too, the shared knowledge was valuable for both of us…then…

 Hi Linda: I trust Joe is in a bad place with the tail of the dragon in his 7th house in Taurus ( the public/Jordan) and trying to make money. Jordan found in Joe a substitute or the closest thing he has to represent the stars and I. It all started when I had breakfast with George Noory in one of our public events…
He was mad at me for not inviting him to our table and I told him he did not need an invitation he only has to come closer and let George ask him to join us. This was NOT my table and I could not ask him to seat with us. His ego was hurting so bad and on that day, he simply terminated a 10 years relationship. Jordan was always using me to impress his wealthy friends who did not want him, but me as a close friend and counselor.
In fact, one of the wealthy people he introduced me, asked me to stay in the same suite and told me to gather THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS from his bedroom safe, put the cash in a brown envelope and to bring it down to the lobby and give it to Jordan. And I did so!

All the business people around wealthy Larry were BIG SUCKERS and even with his endless requests to give me a large sum of money I always turned him down. I was with him because I truly loved the man… I even predicted his double death when he committed suicide on Xmas day years ago!

I know …….I remember you sharing that story both on Cosmic Code and on the radio. Very sad but now that you have told me some of their stars I understand it now. I guess they are victims to their own stars neg/positive. You and Terania have a safe trip to Florida and HAPPY NEW YEAR! xoxo

DT – Yes cosmic consciousness makes you more forgiving lol  Thanks Hun, you and all the VIP’s will know it all, we are bringing the camera and laptop. You will be with us and share this experience day after day as we report every-night. Luv

I am very sorry to hear that your friendship with Jordan went awry.  It was through him that I learned about you a few years ago when I was a teenager.  He completely shook my world and everything I believed in.  The more I researched the more everything seemed to make sense and I would see a whole new world in front of my eyes.  I only know, however, that I know nothing, yet that is a more freeing feeling than being a Christian in fear of going to hell.  I am still trying to make sense of the world and I am utmost curious about your knowledge Dr. Turi.  It is only now as an adult that I have more confidence and the ability to explore even more!

Indeed Brenda, Jordan’s wisdom is real and he taught me a few things over the years… Regardless I will always love and respect the man… Yes, it takes years to grow up spiritually and each one of my newsletters does the job… I wish every one of my VIP’s dedicate themselves to post them everywhere… Soon I would have a much bigger voice for sure… 

Blessings  DT

 The Magic of God – Should You Fear Death or UFO? 

Not ALL were BIG SUCKERS, as some of those business people made & saved Larry alot of money over the years…but I have always regretted that I made the choice when we first met & was gravitated to sit at Jordans dinner table to discuss his research on religion & I missed the opportunity to spend any time with you that night. But Larry gave me your book & I ordered your course & have been following you ever since. Jordan is like a walking encyclopedia & didn’t acknowledge or thank me for a research favor, but you Dr Turi are lively-alive, challenging & relevant for daily living. There’s no competition, you win, hands-down! LOL

As always Laurie, thank you for your endless support Hun, indeed the drama of Larry got us much closer, I truly loved the man and still miss him..


In normal circumstances, only myPatreons supportersand our precious VIP’s would have access to April 2020 SOS to the world, deadly windows” below. But warning you of another upcoming “dance of evil” and a serious wake-up call pertaining to the reality and gravity of the situation is also an opportunity for you to help me save precious lives if you share my work!

Be sure many people will not make it through this window and many of you, including idiots who have no business in power “This Midwestern mayor is fighting to get her residents to take coronavirus seriously who refuse to accept the truth of this pandemic, will get a  very serious “wake up call!”

All I can do is to constantly remind you of what to do and not do when a deadly Plutonic window is about to curse the world and heeding my cosmic work will protect many of you from evil and even save your life!

Those cosmic winds ALWAYS involve secrets that somehow MUST become public and for years I kept what you will read later on “under the rag!” But since those cosmic winds demand the truth involving David Icke, Jordan, Joe (a student of mine) and I to be exposed I decided to do so in this newsletter! This is not going to make me too popular with all the people who support and endorse those great minds but you can only expect the undiluted truth to vex many! 

But if you are a reader of mine and one of my supporters you DESERVE nothing else than the truth, so here it is! 

One more time readers, I am the only living Astrophile since Nostradamus using his 16th century Divine Astrology methodology to make predictions.  I use obvious quatrains and obvious keywords since I do not have to fear the French Inquisition in 2020. Thanks to five solid UFO’s experiences leading me to spend the last 40 years of my life re-kindling the great Seer’s Astrological work!

Following five Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind Dr. Turi was led by ET’s to uncover the secrets of the cosmic core. Commissioned by the Galactic Federation of Grand Cosmic Order to rekindle humanity Cosmic Consciousness, make astonishing predictions and heal earthlings’ body, mind, and soul.


April 8 -//-//  (Starting on the given date, will last all the way to the next window)

Hidden secrets, sex, money come to light
Raw power challenges police deadly villains
Ugly face of death drama horror surface
Nature man’s religion bloody folly reign


Russia / Famous Death / Dramatic Death News / Police news / Police brutality / FBI / CIA / Secret services / Secrets to light / Mob / Scandals /  Terrorism / Cyber attacks / Abduction / Finances / Super wealth / Sex / Porn / Prostitution / Life and death / Serial Killers / Undiluted truth / Nature and Man-Made Wake up Call.

Two knifed to death being investigated as possible terror attack Terrorism?

‘The Flash’ actor Logan Williams dead at 16 Famous death?
Bill Withers, ‘Lean On Me’ and ‘Lovely Day’ singer, has died Famous death?
‘Master’ Italian shoe designer dies of coronavirus complications at 84 Famous death?

Ecuador overwhelming death toll Death news?
Toll rises: US coronavirus deaths surpass 7,000 Death news?
She says she unknowingly infected others at her mom’s 90th birthday party, two died Death news?

At least 70 people infected with coronavirus linked to a single church in California Wake up call?
Singer tests positive for coronavirus, warns fans to take seriously Wake up call?
Pink reveals she and son, 3, tested positive: ‘This illness is serious and real’ Wake up call?
Instagram influencer apologizes for coronavirus controversy flees NYC Wake up call?


Dear readers;

Current subscribers 4,667 + 492 in the last 28 days, indeed my messages are getting out there. Join my YouTube channel and share my messages, please. 
Yesterday’s video was quite special and explains how, why and when Coronavirus will infect a certain group of people and not others! This is why it is crucial for all my readers not to judge the content of any of my newsletters by reading the title only! Chris Cuomo CNN Lion King’s Fight COVID-19 – This video divulges critical information you desperately need to avoid catching COVID-19.  

Also on Kerry Cassidy’s show taped March 5, 2020, (nearly a month ago)  below, I gave her the date of March 31st and warned the world to expect earthquakes at or above 6.0 – There is no denying the facts if you read Coronavirus, SOS to the world March 27, 2020, & Project Camelot Predictions, heard my words and made notes!

Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 23:52 PM  A 6.5 magnitude earthquake near Challis, Idaho, United States

It is only when I remind you of my well-documented predictions that you will realize I am a real Prophet and why you should heed my warnings!  To the skeptics, no my friends a 6.5 is not a regular occurrence and I wish the scientific community would recognize my first ever prediction of a 7.0 and 7.6 earthquakes offered to them in October 1995 and learn from me! Check USGS email and the facts!


The idea of keeping a well-documented and dated list of my cosmic work is to offer my followers consistency and the proof of my UFOs predictive legacy using Nostradamus 16th century Divine Astrology methodology through the various quatrains and obvious keywords I always use.

Coronavirus, SOS to the world March 31, 2020, & Project Camelot Predictions
Coronavirus, SOS to the world March 27, 2020, & Project Camelot Predictions
Coronavirus, SOS to the world March 20, 2020, & Project Camelot Predictions
Coronavirus, SOS to the world March 13, 2020, & Project Camelot Predictions

Listen to Dr. Turi on the air, with Mack Maloney talking UFO’sLink is direct and live enjoy!



Following two hours taping my 5 UFO’s experiences,  I am glad Jeremy Norrie and the Producer J. Horton, of Zapruder Film Pictures in LA, realized I was the real thing! It won’t be long now before the movie is released! I will give you all the info in time. Over 125 million people on Amazon Prime will watch it and I hope you will share it with all your friends then.
Dr. Turi;

“We are finishing up your TV project and we wanted to really thank you for your time and help with everything.  We decided to make your interview into its own project focusing on your unique direction and experience in the UFO world.  

All the best!
J//// “


Coronavirus (picture-alliance/AP)

The prediction for “A new Lung disease and a serious respiratory problem” was first issued in August 2019  in my published ebook and again on January 3rd, 2020 in “Axis of Evil – Winds of death upon America 2020 Coast to Coast am Predictions Recap.”

Nostradamus 2020 Universal and personal predictions for all signs.

Get your copy right away read what’s ahead of you!

Prediction #12: New regulations imposed by the FAA and a lack of scared travelers will force the entire aeronautics industry to undergo a costly restructure and many airlines and cruise ships will not survive.

Prediction #1: Indeed, lung cancer or a new lung respiratory disease will plague the victims of an infected scientific community. In the process, the wildlife (and our pets) will also suffer drastically and perish. Those dramatic news stories reflect the endless battles taking place between the nefarious and benevolent groups of ETs fighting each other from far away galaxies cursing all humans’ affairs.

Prediction #9: Americans are also taking serious risks traveling on foreign grounds and I strongly recommend those who must travel or reside in foreign countries, to invest in their2020 Personal Cosmic Biorhythms.

From Coast to Coast website: 10/16/19 – Turi also made predictions for this year and the next based on his study of astrology, saying that for the rest of 2019, political events and relationships will “go downhill,” He also said that he is expecting “a lot of fire” and “a lot of wildlife to disappear.”

The reptilius created all religions which, in turn, have killed more humans beings than all wars, all diseases and all-natural disasters combined! Indeed you can not stop fear, ignorance and the worldwide reptilius religious infestation.

Pope Francis, Italy, Coronavirus and the reptilius – Dr. Louis Turi

Note, like the great Prophet Nostradamus used to do 500 years ago, I also write quatrain. In 2020 I do not have to fear the French inquisition and end up on the stake anymore, thus unlike the famous Seer, I also add very obvious keywords… Translating God’s cosmic will through his immaculate celestial manifesto is something anyone can do by building cosmic consciousness and mastering the Cosmic Code jurisdictions…

I am the only living Astrophile since Nostradamus to make predictions using his methodology. Thanks to five solid UFOs experiences that lead me to re-kindle Nostradamus’ cosmic work! Do not assume, do not let skepticism hinder your curiosity, simply read, assimilate and realize my gift (or a curse?)  

Once again, this type of highly spiritual, advanced cosmic information is only available to those willing and able to assimilate God’s cosmic language. 

The pieces of information received in this article are critical to all the people who feel lost, depressed, and nurture constant negativity. Legal and illegal drugs, as in the case of Truett and millions of other infested human beings, will not work!

For a ridiculous $5:00 my regenerative, educational cosmic work will offer you all the answers that God has enslaved all scientists and medical doctors to uncover!  Join us, click on the Patreon logo, show your support, get rare cosmic wisdom you can’t get anywhere else! 


Image result for a physician cannot call himself a doctor astrology hippocrates

“Dr. Turi I have learned more about what it means to be human in your week-long Sedona crash course then the seven years spent in an accredited medical school!” Dr. in Psychiatrist student! 



The secrets of the “Dragon”  will make an impact in your life and offer you the golden keys to what it means to be human… Build your cosmic consciousness, help and guide others, understand yourself and everyone around you!

There is more power in the dragon alone than the entire complexity of an astrological chart!

MEMO –Interesting email from my Webmaster Alan sent in 2010: You know Dr. Turi, I realized something super interesting looking at your Alexa stats. A third of all your traffic comes from India. What’s that about? Maybe you need to make a trip to India? I tell you why I think that’s super interesting as well — India (as OF COURSE, you know) invented Vedic Astrology so the fact that they are heavily interested in your European style is a huge testament to your work. It’s like they’re saying that YOUR astrology is better than their own. It’s like if I had a new Cuisine/US Chef site that was visited mostly by France and Italy. That’s a huge compliment, my friend. Unless of course they’re stealing your work and retrofitting it into their Vedic style! You never know! 

Lastly, my work is for highly spiritually advanced Super-humans and there are millions of them… 

“Spiritual Awakening Series”


Tom Danheiser, George Noory Coast to Coast am producer in his “Spiritual Awakening Series” and I will offer all Truth Seekers from all walks of life, the option to learn and master the Cosmic Code secrets in Los Angeles California!  Read all covered topics here. New information will come your way in time but you can start emailing Tom to reserve your seats right away because they will fill up fast! 

Sat 6/27/20 -General Introduction to Nostradamus 16th century Divine Astrology and all signs of the Zodiac. People from the attendance will be brought on stage and learn all about their inherited Sun signs and how to stimulate and fulfill a positive fate. All about the Super-conscious will be explained. Unity Series The secrets of the Cosmic Code
Sat 7/11/20 – Focusing on the natal Dragon’s Head and Tail by house and signs. Exploring the natal Dragon of famous and infamous people who made history. People from the attendance will be brought on stage and learn all about their inherited karmic Dragons.  Unity Series The secrets of the Cosmic Code
Sat 8/22/20 – Moon Power. The focus will be on how the moon regulates the emotional response to life, how our closest satellite affects men and women’s psyche and all affairs on planet earth.  People from the attendance will be brought on stage and learn all about their natal moon by sign and house.  Unity Series The secrets of the Cosmic Code
Sat 9/19/20 – Learning all about Nostradamus Homeopathic Healing. People from attendance will be learning how to safely use hands and feet to heal each other.   Bring a blanket or a towel at the event, the wonderful experience will stay with you for the rest of your life!   Unity Series The secrets of the Cosmic Code

Note: Many years ago I also accurately predicted SARS! Join Patreon and I will tell you more about this epidemic and what to do to avoid it…


German/Vikings Skin Alike
Black and White Red Blood
Fire War Violence  Passions Rule
God Nowhere To Stop Fires
Hitler’s Evil spirit reborn

Quatrain Posted to the world on June 12, 2013 

From Coast to Coast website: 10/16/19 – Turi also made predictions for this year and the next based on his study of astrology, saying that for the rest of 2019, political events and relationships will “go downhill,” He also said that he is expecting “a lot of fire” and “a lot of wildlife to disappear.”

12/31/19 – Half a billion animals perish in bushfires
Kangaroos fleeing fires went to a golf course for sanctuary. It turned into a killing field

President Donald Trump

The second vision I had was about our President, the US internal and foreign affairs…

Using Nostradamus 16th century Divine Astrology methodology I wrote another quatrain to help people to assimilate my predictions visually.

Prepare Month of Blooming June icy *December
White Moon Ninth Day Speak
Evil Spirit of Hitler Legacy Challenged
Cosmic God May Grace Humanity

Posted to the world on January 26, 2015

Pay attention reader, if I was able, years ago to Predict Trump’s impeachment and give the exact month of December, you may want to heed my next warnings about the economy and some serious unrest in our country! 


In 2020 souls born in June and December with a moon, rising, a natal or hidden dragon in those two signs is a target of the reptilius. You will also find more of personal predictions in my new 2020 Nostradamus Universal and Personal Forecasts below. (order now!Show your support by investing in your future, you are in good hands…


Order your 2020 horoscope forecast today! 


Will I get your help to help your children?

Image result for star children over the world

Check Dr. Turi’s Teens Cosmic Education Project


“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth by means of his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom!  Paracelsus

Tailored UFO’s Talisman sample

This copper UFO’s talisman sample is as good and highly recommended for your protection against the reptilius. If you decide to order one from me, be patient because I MUST carve it when those Uranic cosmic winds bless the earth and they are coming down twice a month for a few hours only. If interested email

Image result for cosmic code dr.turi






About Dr. Turi

Dr. Turi is a proficient author and a captivating speaker, his profound Universal Wisdom astonishes everyone. He was recognized in the 2003 Marquis "Who's Who in America." Dr. Turi is the personal counselor of many celebrities, Ivana Trump, Peter Fonda, Gary Busey, Denis Haysbert, John Gray and many others. Dr. Turi is a favorite guest of George Noory on Coast-To-Coast AM radio and the BBC in London and appeared in numerous television programs worldwide.He speaks of the cosmic face and celestial tools of the creator and warn the world with undeniable well documented undeniable predictions. Clinical Hypnotherapist - Astropsychologist focused on providing individual and couples counseling services. Specializing in public speaking, teaching, metaphysics, natural healing, stress management, women’ issues and family mediation services. Interested in speaking engagements, radio, television, events and media outlets, academic work, advising corporations, the police force, colleges, universities and general public on mental health issues and spirituality outside of conventional beliefs and accepted disciplines.

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