April 1st, 2019
There is no accidental death, only subtle cosmic circumstances at work science and an oblivious humanity have not yet uncovered! Dr. Turi
Dr. Turi Lenka Koloma – Unleash The Supernatural 3:15-5:00 PM April 2nd, 2019 – The reasons to why people die are endless and we all have to die one day! I will be on the air tomorrow offering more information on this topic.. Tune in and ask your questions…
Upcoming shows mark your calendar!
Madeline Rudy and Dr. Turi Wizard KCOR radio Thursday April 11th, 2019
Dr. Turi Aquarian radio Sacred Matrix 7 PM ET April 18th, 2019
Derek Grosskurth and Dr.Turi on TruthSeekah 7 PM CT Tuesday April 23rd, 2019 (Also on you tube)
Supernatural Substation on UPRN talk radio 9-11 PM CT May 3rd 2019
Forbidden Knowledge News 7PM CT May 14th, 2019
Do not miss tomorrow Cosmic Code newsletter “Alex Jones: Psychosis David Icke: Reptilius made mebelieve Sandy Hook staged”
Dear readers;
I lost my dad I was barely 11, I lost my 16 year old brother, I was 18, I lost my Grandma, then my Grandpa then my dear Mom last month! At 69 I had plenty time to lose very close friends too, through cancer and accidents… All I can say now is; who’s next and I can only hope its not you or me!
Life is an endless process of changes and while death is unavoidable for us all, in many cases, as incredible as it may sound, death is self inflicted via deep fears taken as a wish by the Super-conscious and the natal karmic UCI manipulated by the reptilius.
To the scientific community and the majority of my readers, this may sound quite difficult to accept or even comprehend but I explained the mystical often misunderstood process in my book “Beyond The Secret!”
All I can do is share my own collected experiences and one involves my younger brother who, subconsciously “saw his death” and keep saying to me, week before being killed by a drunk driver, “Louis one less day to live on earth!“
How can anyone in such a young age, so full of life wished for death?
What made him feel and think this way?
Was it the tremendous challenges imposed upon us, the lack of food, security, the hard work? I saw and recall very well my young brother sitting on the stairs holding his head in his hands and crying…
My younger brother’s UCI was very deep, dark, intense and extremely powerful! Later in life when I explored his stars, I realized he was born with the moon (emotions) in Scorpio (death/drama) and I gave a full explanation to what lead him to suffer “an accident” that induced his premature death when there are NO accidents!
Linda Moulton Howe The Moon is an Intelligent EMOTIONAL Machine That makes humans FEEL’S EVERYTHING!
Remember readers “the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought” and negative suicidal thoughts are be made of fears, confusion, insecurity, chaos, pain, lack of hopes for the future well able to disturb the atomic structure of your body, mind (depressions) and soul and curse your fate!
But what is dramatic is; a constant flux of negative current is often induced by the reptilius using your UCI and very negative cosmic winds so they can survive in Dark Matter and fulfill their own agenda…
In many cases endless depression lead to panic attacks, dementia where the desperate soul must seek help through legal, illegal drugs or alcohol! Doing so, the very fragile human psyche sink in a self made HELL impossible to escape.
The curse soul has barely enough strength to survive and no drive to work or become productive. Food and basic security is not a priority anymore, staying alive is! This dictate why PTSD is such a terrible condition that often lead to suicide…
A soul designed by God to love, to provide security to his loved ones, to care and feed others (domestic signs such as Cancer, Taurus, Pisces, Virgo are not designed to deal well with wars, experience traumatic events, witness deadly explosions and combats close friends guts and limbs all over the road!
But those souls also look for stability, security and aim for government’s jobs which often mean the Army and the NAVY positions. Stronger, colder, rational, less emotional signs such as Scorpio (death) are well able to handle such experiences because they were designed by the cosmic code to emotionally deal with it…
The “Death Wish Generation” or souls born with a very strong Pluto (the police, mob and the criminal element) are attracted to such dramatic endeavors because they regenerate with death and drama .i.e. ISIS evil soldiers. It is very easy for the reptilius to lead those cursed souls to commit horrible crimes, yet our infantile science is totally clueless of God Cosmic Design blessings or curing all his children!
AS explained on George Noory radio show if you missed it… Once you die, the “electric” very refined umbilical cord connecting you to the Divine, consciousness, your UCI is cut! You just died and you are in the process of join God or yourself.
Remember you have been made at the image of God, this mean there is no difference between two images, you are a god or a goddess in training on this dense physical world where you trained for years to control your thoughts and created your reality.
The same apply on the 4th dimension apart from that your thoughts reality becomes instantaneous. Thus let’s say you were raise Christian, you will end up in a cloud with an angel playing harp rising up to “paradise.”
This is absolutely marvelous you think you will soon see God and enjoy paradise for ever! But up a sudden you recall some bad deeds and you start wondering if you truly deserve paradise… Then your doubts become much stronger and the guardian angel stops playing harp and run off the could!
Remember you dictate and create your environment while in “transition” to a much higher vibration… Then you see the Satan in all hos horrific splendor, he smiles and tells you, you sinner, you belong to me and you are going to hell… Your imagination becomes your limit in creating your new reality almost instantly.
Then he rush to you and plunge his trident in your abdomen, you scream, you are terrorized as you find yourself in the DARK. You can discern your environment and the Devil because of the flames of hell you just created!
The pain is real, everything is terrifying and VERY real and monsters from the depth of hell, you saw in books on earth are now coming to harass you even more! Then Satan comes back because you are not dead (you can not die) and keep killing you again and again and again… Until you finally are forced to realize you are making it all happen, it is a repetitive movie you are slowly realizing and controlling…
Only then, when you start controlling your thoughts, help from those who endured the same process will become available… You will doubt everything you see, every words you hear until you come to the full conclusion of your new power and reality!
A just deceased earthy soul realized he/she made a wish to stop the nightmare and the pain he was stuck in, the departed soul wants to reach for true love, for true happiness where negativity does not exist. Only the people he knew and helped him will become parts of his/her new reality. The soul is still trapped on earth matters and with all the people he/she was strongly emotionally attached and CREATE a new life with their recent memories.
If the soul could not see or enjoy his children, they will be there with him and so will be his close helping friends and lovers! A new ephemera life has been created and enjoyed to the fullest, call it your own made up paradise…
Once conscious, the soul is given the choice to stay at this level of consciousness and enjoy other souls until total soul emergence or become ONE with it and in ALL… Or move on to gather more experiences and burn more karma above or below that station…
The more a devastated person on earth is holding on to the memories of the past , the more difficult it becomes for the departed one to FREE himself/herself from this dense physical world and move on… But mourning is part of the deep and strong loving packet emotional human experience an simply impossible to avoid! Only time will heal the living…
Some karmic souls are so deeply connected that; they choose to stay in this “nirvanic” peaceful, loving, safe stage for millions of years as time does not exist! Others may decide to “go back to work” and improve their future Godly Divine nature…
However, anyone who consciously or unconsciously suffered a suicide will have to, in time, to comeback to earth to finish his karma… There is no other option to “upgrade” offered to the soul by “the force!”
Then from there, souls are able to enter the Aquasic records, see all that they have ever been and accomplished in time and space since for ever and finally come to the conclusion that they came-back home, to God to yourself!
With such a tremendous, incalculable, inexplicable Divine consciousness, you are also able to accurately judge yourself, your accomplishments on earth and it is impossible to lie to such awareness. You may then decide to comeback on earth to finish your karma, to help others. You may have pass “the test” and do not need to comeback to earth as this low vibrational system does not have much to offer you anymore.
You may also upgrade to a much higher level of supreme cosmic consciousness and become a co-creator with other supremely advanced souls who endlessly create new forms of lives in the immensity of endless worlds eternal reality!
The reasons to why people die are endless and we all have to die one day! I will be on the air tomorrow offering more information on this topic with Madeline Rudy on Wizard KCOR radio Thursday April 11th, 2019. Tune in and ask your questions…
2019 PDD and UDD Personal & Universal Deadly Windows Dates
Anything and everything can and will happen under those Uranic cosmic winds, and if you are into UFO’s and own a protective UFO’s talisman as to keep the reptilius away, look for them during a protective waxing moon!
UFOs Health Wealth Love Talismans
Join us in Las Vegas April 19, 20, 21
Invitation to join us on amazing UFO Cruise in October 2019
Check out our new website! 2020 tickets available now!
If you are one of those rare spiritual human beings in the ocean of life looking for my uplifting spiritual hook, and interested in learning more about the Cosmic Code, God’s cosmic divinity, Astroforensics, or Astropsychology, just ring the bell! We will open the door of a new world above for you to join our VIP’s in our Cyber Cosmic Code University! All the answers to what it means to be human and so much more is awaiting you!
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