May 2014 Daily Guidance and Predictions


“Universal Laws are written in light through the signs – Cosmic Consciousness is… the awareness of God’s celestial divinity and use it wisely to read the future and help others build emotional, financial and spiritual stability!” Read the future –  Watch the future!

Dear Readers;

Here is a collection of the dramatic news currently posted on CNN and a section of my book “2014 Moon Power universal personal guidance and predictions” published last year, covering this period. The purpose of doing so is to offer my readers the option to realize why those who knows about my work call me CNN before CNN and why you should either become a VIP or own your copy of Moon Power, especially if you plan to travel this summer… Respect the Universal Laws or pay the ultimate price, indeed ignorance is evil, knowledge is power!

Pluto rules life and death, sex, wake up calls, the police and serial killers  See humanity “subconsciously”  responding and suffering the pull of the stars... Many claim to be child of Zodiac killer – Memorial Set for Fallen Mesa Police Officer  – PD: Phoenix Gentleman’s Club Busted for Prostitution – Trial to Begin in 2007 Death of Glendale Officer  –  Phoenix Police shoot and kill man who attacked them –  Phoenix Police shoot and kill man who attacked them – Top editor out at New York Times –  Can you be pro-life, pro-death penalty? –  Searchers recover more bodies from sunken South Korean ferry – UK teenage cancer sufferer dies after raising millions for charity.

Before reading the following ask yourself, how did last few days felt for you? What did you experience? were you touched by those nasty stars? Did you get into an argument? Did you learn about a secret? Did  you “die” and rebirth again somewhere, somehow? Now your challenge is to recognize in my 2014 Moon Power the cosmic energy at work during last few days and acknowledge how those stars affected you for good or for worse… Learn to develop your psychical power, your intuition and your awareness of a cosmic God regimenting the world from the heavens…

SUN., MON., TUE., WED. — MAY: 11, 12, 13, 14: RULERS — Venus (Passion/love) and Pluto (Death/Drama/Sex)

Work, Career and Business: With the waning Moon and Pluto in charge, be ready for dramatic repercussions in your life towards the weekend.  Let’s hope this trend will not touch you directly, but if it does you will need to be strong and realize the harshness of life.  You may also find out your real limits about your life’s situation.  Now is the time to review all your accomplishments and the reasons for your failures. Accept the upcoming changes with grace.  You will be forced out of a situation where you do not belong and you should be thankful for your intuition.  Meditate on improving your future.

Partnerships:  Finances will play an important part in your life now.  Be practical in all your expenses; you are advised not to overspend.  The lucky souls will receive very expensive presents; some good-hearted people will offer them.  As always with Pluto in charge promises made now could be dramatic.  Just wait patiently for the next New Moon to invest in your future.  Churches all over will be busy planning to accommodate many pious souls for fast approaching Xmas.  Answering to Pluto in Sagittarius, the Christmas spirit is now getting stronger and the world will feel compassionate and loving for all his victims.

 Family and Friends: Many will make plans to travel to visit friends and family members.  Expect news from all over, as new plans must be set to accommodate visitors.  Your family from afar will let you know how much they love and miss you.  The circle of friends will be extremely busy as we are making early plans to enjoy the past.  With Santa Claus in the mind, children get more excited and will be somehow be difficult to handle.  Pluto will make everyone passionate and restless.  Don’t expect much diplomacy around, as people will become susceptible to your comments.  Control emotions and watch the goings on in the house, especially if children are around.  A great time is ahead of you if you listen to your intuition.  As always, if a stranger is brought to your house, be aware of his motives.  Drama is bound to strike a family somewhere, don’t be one of Pluto’s victims.

Bounce house soars, boys tumble 

Surveillance video shows a family cat fend off a dog attack in a California driveway.

Note; Animals like human are under the jurisdictions of the stars and react in consequence.  Millions of viewers and science can never understand why this pet attacked the child and why the cat emotionally responded to fight  the dog away.  Indeed there is much more than the human eyes and mind can conceive! Thus be aware of all 2014 Plutonic windows and read my warnings carefully, read the Do’s and Dont’s.

May 2014 Moon Transits May 2014 SOS to the world windows May 2014 Daily Guidance and Predictions May 2014 Elaborated Horoscope For All Signs

Love Affairs: A mixture of Pluto and Venus will transform you into a walking magnet. The potential for secret affairs or sexual intercourse is high on the list of things during the weekend.  The planet of love could make you too friendly or trusting while mysterious Pluto and his sensual charisma will bring passion and danger to you.  Stay clear of alcohol and use your intuition at all times.  The Moon is still waning (negative); avoid trouble.  If you are a water or an earth sign, you may be experiencing some stress with love, be patient it will pass soon.

Travel and Communication: As you know, Pluto rules passion, the crooks and the police force.  News pertaining to the police will always appear during his ruling days.  It is my aspiration with my students and my books, to communicate this knowledge in the future to the police academies.  Pluto’s impact upon our courageous police officers is lethal; and in the name of ignorance from their superiors, many suffer early and wasteful deaths.  In the future, when “ridicule” is cast aside, Police Executives will be forewarning their officers to the influence of the Plutonic impact upon their dangerous careers. Locating the destructive power of Pluto transpiring in the natal profile of a potential murderer can be identified with Astropsychology.  Knowledge is power and there is no room for ignorance especially with the police force.

Environment: Pluto will induce drama and could disturb the earth’s belly, producing a bad earthquake.  As usual with Pluto in charge, be ready for many interesting secrets to surface and remember to keep quiet. CNN 03/29/05 -FORT LAUDERDALE, Florida The police always makes the news under Pluto’s power such as (AP) — A police officer who stopped a doctor for speeding on his way to deliver a baby, and then took him to the maternity ward in handcuffs, has agreed to an unpaid suspension for lack of judgment. CNN 03/29/05 – Indonesian officials report 330 people are dead on the islands of Nias and Simeulue off Sumatra from Monday’s quake.

Famous Personalities: A famous personality will be called to God and many will miss the soul. Oscar-winning director dies at 36  A powerful reminder of our own mortality is ahead, this is the signature of Pluto’s regular jurisdiction upon our lives.  More than 200 die in mine fire  Note when a soul is born with a Dragon’s Tail in Aries as was Mr. Kennedy, 39, son of the late U.S. Sen. Robert Kennedy. That soul is prone to experience a violent death.  He died New Year’s Eve (1997) in a skiing accident in Aspen, Colorado.  You may order my book, “Power of the Dragon,” from to find the location of your own natal dragon.

Events: Under Pluto’s explosive power, in 1988, at American Pacific’s plant near Henderson — Pacific Engineering & Production Co. of Nevada, or PEPCON — a series of colossal explosions left two dead, injured 300 and caused $75 million in damage. Clark County fire investigators blamed the blasts on welders, cramped storage, messy conditions and wind.  Company officials disputed those contentions.  Shortly after that, the company moved the operation to Iron County, Utah, and renamed it Western Electrochemical.  Pluto stirs man’s animal tendencies and causes the infinite forces of good and evil to constantly tease each other.  Protestors torch factories in Vietnam – Don’t trust anyone and be aware of the police.  Fact: Controlled by Pluto, the planet of death and drama, the highest suicide rate is to be found within the police force.  Expect this type of news soon:  BALTIMORE (AP) — Five women were found dead of multiple gunshot wounds in a home Sunday night, and police were searching for four suspects, officers said.  The shootings capped an unusually violent weekend in the city, where 10 people were killed since Friday.  FORT GIBSON, Oklahoma (CNN) — A 13-year-old boy firing a 9 mm semiautomatic handgun wounded four classmates at their rural Oklahoma middle school before being subdued and taken into custody, police said.  The victims were taken to hospitals; their injuries did not appear life threatening

Shopping: Only second-hand shopping or well advertised sales will give you the best deals in town.  Better wait for the New Moon for super deals.  Do not invest in dangerous toys for your children; with Pluto signature, they could get hurt.  Give old toys to unfortunate children.

THU., FRI., SAT., SUN. — MAY 15, 16, 17, 18: RULERS — Jupiter (Foreign Grounds) and Saturn (Government)

Sharing email: From public endorsements. 


I had a reading with Dr. Turi today May 14, 2014. It was a very interesting reading now “I know all about me” LOL I would recommend to people to meet with Dr.Turi we forgot to look at our life differently, we forgot to use our intuition, we forgot to lesson and learn.

Media, TV, news made us unaware what’s going out inside us, how can we develop our intuition and use it every day.  Dr. Turi help me to understand who I was in my past life and who I am now and how to use my ability to make a better life for me and my family. Every day life brings us new surprises and the question is “do we know how to use them” if you are cosmic aware I think you can (?) by having a reading with Dr.Turi he awaken me, he told me that something impossible can become possible it’s only in our minds, as he said before “the future is the reincarnation of your thoughts”  how simple it sounds and how difficult we make it to be.  I

have never experience Tarot Cards and again very interesting, very powerful. Dr. Turi is a good men with a big heart to help others to teach them the best he can to show world that we can make the best life but it depends only on us show many people say negative words, how many people think negatively but Dr. Turi helps people to think positive to put the negativity aside.  I am grateful that I could meet a men like Dr. Turi and had a reading with him.  I’ll follow him, I’ll read him and I want to be aware of changes that life can bring you as long as you are aware who you are and simply follow the stars. I wish all the best to him and his family.

Thank you so much Dr. Turi.


Let all young souls who ignore and ridicule the signs pay the price for their ignorance through the endless universal rites and cosmic ceremonies…

Dr. Turi

“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life.  Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom.

~ Paracelsus

Be safe and blessings to all my readers

Dr. Turi


About Dr. Turi

Dr. Turi is a proficient author and a captivating speaker, his profound Universal Wisdom astonishes everyone. He was recognized in the 2003 Marquis "Who's Who in America." Dr. Turi is the personal counselor of many celebrities, Ivana Trump, Peter Fonda, Gary Busey, Denis Haysbert, John Gray and many others. Dr. Turi is a favorite guest of George Noory on Coast-To-Coast AM radio and the BBC in London and appeared in numerous television programs worldwide.He speaks of the cosmic face and celestial tools of the creator and warn the world with undeniable well documented undeniable predictions. Clinical Hypnotherapist - Astropsychologist focused on providing individual and couples counseling services. Specializing in public speaking, teaching, metaphysics, natural healing, stress management, women’ issues and family mediation services. Interested in speaking engagements, radio, television, events and media outlets, academic work, advising corporations, the police force, colleges, universities and general public on mental health issues and spirituality outside of conventional beliefs and accepted disciplines.